=ES 811.*Y;g1)(TH YEAR. t giammovist. A Nolan CATtOLIICA , FrIIAIGHT Dito.nc. mule veara,slnce. when they were buildin' the locks on . Ccal•River, I was dyer thar at PaytOna,.and I stopped in at Dr. Kellum's, who phrsicked people in that quarter at that tinie. ,Jhritr Was faminejust then, and•great sufil ire n'..apioung, Men, weaken, and: child-, 'Men,: for 144'4 of the necessarieis of life, • Leastwise, was., ithOut - the same thing. Thar -was plenty_ of meaty an abundance of torn; and no scarcity of' - eldeken; . - but the firers were - Ary, whiskey ran entirely short: Some-prudent people laid in a sufti. cleat stick, but the meatiliad' not. How to bring up a 'family 'thout red-eyelvas a puz 7 zler., anti' tbe .Flatrering Aras-enornrus. • Dr: Was-lit - troubletoo; . he sympathized. witlidtis neighbors, bid he had a half-barrel of ninety-five per cent. alcohol in his office, and; miler as lie .was concerned, ite.,rnatia,r -4_41 talix up, with sugar stu'lWater, an' gurn,. an' ether, an' such thick, until he .Made ~:purty fair drink. Seely)! IT was a friend of his, he 'invited me to sample• R. Well it: kinder filed the 'room with smell, on' just then a ntan from the- Mud - River Country .eame in, on his .WitV to Raleigh Cote. HOuse; Ile smelt the:sine - 11, - an' say: • 't - I've been, 1 0 1 two days (rpm home.-an' altnost stamin'.". "'Oh, . says Kellum, potnituK e . to • tile 'l ,- ! - ask,""tintre-,it- . 1 1 ae y ,dou rsel f. M • oltairlilgatencd up, au' e rawc. a level 4 - Mader Lull of the/ alcohol, an' *fore • you say? you bt*st!P down_ it went, Kellum lie 'turned -pale. • Says the matt, "I'm macfrobliged toy,oth • That's searchin!" an, i re turn ed:an' walked Out. • ,Kellum sat as if 11`e'd been shot, an' then juniped up: `"That •A).l.c.rillf,'.' sail' he. ";That's enough to pi - :th.waertitytt. I'll call Min back and give ham an emetic.", We both went to the door. Ho wasn't insight. •I run up to the creek. and Kellum run down to the road; but. it wasn't tai Use.- "I •shouldn't, wonder," said Kel - • him, "ef that chap l_thsn't. gone and died • skancwintr by himself. Ther'll be a corpse directly and al krawner's inkwhich, an' lots of trouble." . \Veil we set about thar for about an • hour, talking abitut the potir ltts.ss melancholy fate, when all at wolist in waiked the titap.hiruself, as peirt as a wild eat.. Doctor;" says - he, "PM „wine a" , Mug . way.Up the river, an' Helier's siteerce, au' if it's all the 'same to vett, eoultiyou spar! Inc a nether ionttilerfuli . - 1 t's•the' most, satisfy td nekt-r I Lever drank ." • • a dentist in ,1-rarris . burg who has a dna:4liter who 'is loved by a young man -but he is •-.o bashful And don7t like to go to .the house tb see her.unless he has an excuse. z'o*-7every •I'licsdav and Friday calls awl, - 21-.-ts the old man to pull a tooth for hint, anck iqln he gois. into the ldek parlor and sparks! .lime girl. unileo.lti pretenee . oftrying, to tintl ..li/s.hat. He' has only six teeth -left now;: anti what 'worries him is, to:knoW what he; ist. , ..o.ntig to do when the}; are all out and hise„ 11,-W set is made and -put in.. lle is all thei, tuore,anxionsabout it beettuSe tfie fair, maitt seem as-if slit.• 'vas going to respond to Ids heartfelt slghs, and -Ilrere is room • for- haspieion that:she has been playing the coitgett,l''so ati.tii rope in a good customer for her:fond parent. -Tice Young tuan!s court cdoutiar friends state that he has intimated `This intention either to'havf that girl or to Hie - whole skeleton out of her father. • . T.tp:rtzds.a young man in Pittsburgh who is studying to be a reporter ; and this is the way he describes the hair of a - lady he saw at a ball; in the paper. on Which lie practices prgfusion and color of het-hair would lead one to look- Upon it, as though it was , pll,ll by the nit - Hit - lel llngers of the easy hours as -they . glided, thinugh bright June days; }1 hose sunny rays ()flight had bete caught in the trulthes and were content go uo fur , t her." , • . . , °win this part of the country' we -would it4Ply.pall.,.that person a 'rNi,-lieadi:l girl :hut th6Ti4tsburgli mind is superio to URI'S . ; and wiietilhe people pay three colts fur a itcwspitper, they get mad if its not full of poetry" and ioljectiVc.s and sentiment and ex pressions you have to:read over three or four tittles to get the sense. . •, • 4 - r ts` • very sad : about - Brigham -Y011112:. He hiS only .orre hundred and lifteen wives, and, after spetiding two weeks courting another '..voirotet whom he hoped ,to ?make _his hun dred awl sixteOrith, she refused him:- - And. now he iso rly . broken-hcarted: lie. has nobody to . : q - MsOle him and weep with hint '•in lilk niis •trtune but Eliza, and 'Fbirriet, and i u_a Emeline, . nd Amelia, and Mary — :lane, 4nd Lucy, and Maggie; and tinsan, and Clara, and , k • • • ,, likeiill. and one hundred and five other it k rtillAll . on,the lonely old -num— iNq nTie to Mee; dune to rafesv Ot-r in Indiana a,boy made br. 3tary Walker as mad as any Thing by sticking pins in her while she was lecturing. But you anitoy :Lydia Thonipson in . that man ner—Thu prompter at the theatre tellS• us tliathe has tried it. ife says he inserted a pin in her calf, clear- up to the head, one night while'slw wa , , standing in the wings, and she never4linehed. This story is not all 'stuff; but the chive's were. for sntc, nub (to get. T i NT_--A I toont. h Lrti oiir In it z' Bull t oAvnly io .A. J.i.NlE.ll.l,A.B.,:Nlereliant . 14 /106:1 leayez - or aBr,' oC ..v - riod Lord, IL 1.41,:w0n l'onnty,e;ix 111:t4'S Mmth ol the line or t I ktt Lehanon and !Inc Th. , titill..er h prtnelptilly Ap 1..1y to : MASI)N WI.:1101.‘ -to W. Mi OM Is V. El I.).MAN; Union Forge - .1.44-4;1-11 . T;O.I.t..RENT.—Two thee, in -lug, corner S;1,011,1" : t l3a .‘I)IAY to EN Itl" I*. lI.UssEI., 11,11 I.S.,:tat -, ..‘gent I 7,.'''.‘l;kla:intongo , 13-tif ' . . • FOltr•SA.tiE.-,-A - YIN . o Ton L 0 00m0t.1.,-,, .for 4-1,t.61 gang,' road., liar been u•ed for dig cull 4:lj coal dirt at the mines - and I,'ln ) lipiz. Apply to ' tiEu. \V: SN IIII:11; Poll, J y, 1, anltar„ . 7 8 • A A 1 ACIIIINIRRY FOR SALE.,-( int• ik) t, `I gi11,.. NI nip shalt ;old I.L4,,ring :'stir 111 i'll:dpe, drum, pump , liaft and cea: inn ; nit. , I1_ , .:11V,:: I..irt . r.',. 1' feet tan and start:; oil. "1. 1 ,10 1 ,11 .1 1 P. tart I ,lo rirtis I I lath colunin pip, ',oilers; :11i,fr:et by ;...i in. 1114,; lot of ',pile.. pl. .A1.,10,K,te, s.. 31011( ;AN- ..t.l 'O., New PII‘la;,„ - ' .kprjl2, 770-11-tri 'or. by letter to Port c'trit, Thr t A R LEAS.—* - vut;ti'e tract of C. 1 In F. ° l(ll( L ,wit as Ito ,12. k With;br ' ener Trait, I s ite Mil, MiA; sYttiateA In , Blythe and Sebuylkll . l T. kwnships; ard , oontactiing about :kW acres, Is otfcred for lease: worm , - ..::,....4,ttah10 fcrtn,. Apply to , . . F. It. &ANNAN, .I.g.ent. : .. Potts% file or Port (..• Irhon. . . . 1',4 ! ...;', r, !AI I ;On LEASE.-A ,Valtiable Lease on 014. MAM L All. 114. 4.rumit4 1,4:- and SKIDND P.RE VEINS, 1. it 1. a Han at one mile itr.'ttte. Matianoy Valley, ad. -1-fritl , ,; sl. Ntelydas t 'oil iery. Apply to FRANI: CARTER, 'Real Estate Agent, silk ex Terthee. Potts.vil le: • 0et.3,,1',.,-.31t1,. .. • - 4 1.:OR SALE.-1 . live ,- TUTI: hocomoti‘,-, 1: 1. 4.7 -C-1"ot guage niad. lia. hero ii ,, ,,1 yeyiiii..7 . eWlt:,(l,coal dirt :it the mine: and I ordfr; Appl. 't , ) pLO. \V. r-N I MIL, I.' , A. 4.t13; .t; it( 4,-,-, LE. - "-- -i--, v * . OR A ii:Acr, i '1"171 . 1 Ni IM A ( . 111 N .F 8A With Ifitili:h....o hilt[; /int re,,, lt,.,:ce,z, Pre, , .. and at Lttensits tkeloilging to a Tohrieeo Putt int: Itachine ni and.lturst-power, ready for eats lag.srnokin.. Toliaci e4lll_ I.lsl sold cheap: by the undersigned'. Threli -, I are able to gilt and finish a half ton of inok ill To Acco :in ontt day ; call 14 , worked by band d tiorsi , -1 - soirer. Apply to WILLIAM KAI, UCH, . April Ila, " 7, .!-11,- , it llambit rg, Berks Count y, Pa; 1 . riESIRABL_E PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1& " The mdernild residence. lately ocenpled 1,3 4 111C)4, It. II:IN - CROFT. in Ashland, Pa., Dwelling, ~ pale., 13 re,r, and Ice llotises, Stable, Ilot Ueda,, Sc.'; ho. 'The thriAling ir; comp:int t ivelyne w, and has. all: the nvldern .con yenl - ence.s. Price I.n)r and terms ~ : , y . Appiy.to •• 11 F.N RN' ('. Itt*StsEL, . ' - Real Estat'e _lstlit, Is Maliant&tgo SI - ---iir ~.J__.° A . 4 zi..LEoATl. . f,- . 1 11 1 1 4 2 3 „ itiCnde rs 'l l ' a ti n n ed .A. - L o a i 1" ,, A .. r s R 5 .h..,......h.,:i1ki1l county Park Assoelat ion will reeeive oropo3.als for a FiVe gears' Lease of the Flotel and l'aris:.' liii.nig f,vahle quarterly In falynneo. Va ,, ess Niini givon un the Ist day Of „April, IN7).- - .- , 1.. N% 4.01 . 1.1.5.D0RF, I'rest. F.ll. I:At:cc - 11E14 Sec'; - . - . . Ft.)/ 5,'7,t _ : . • - . _ B 1 11 Ricßß: .OBPORTIIXITY TO 0 TAIN • A OOP COAL. LEASE Tar: 1.0i7175T DALE COAL COMPANY - -" I aer to lea to a.portlon of their Locust-I/ale Estate rt 4 et„uirtottelltNi..ln tliell...shland Basin oTthe Stakra. toy p.r,1.:16n, rut itai tang the 31 XII 510T11, with the under -4!..?ta-r, and overlying vtdna, In very tine condition. \i-kl•PlicidlOn to he made to C.rEo. U. POTTS, Esc., • l'reAdvid, \o. Ito Broadway, IceW York, or to S. 114ItRIZI, their Agent at Dotul:ille. _ - . r rO3Et SALE.—A First-class White Ash.contery y in i in the Mahatm,y Coal Field, lea.te 13 yestrs to runt A RplereMl Farm, tlkX) acres, on the rmSrlneltanna .11iver. • A s twentl." T. et lot! in ft ec-onl Street . sttittible ftm qivate restAkmee:• Tmen_lots Ittahrthoy cur. • • l A , al.c r —Ntaztoroth skid tore and. Primrose Veins, near Mai Marty • For 11 Nnt—Ammliee Isaver Terrace., '• - App N Apply to • , FIIAK c RTER, Itcal tstate Ageut,..Siitcr Terr4w,.l F , ept. Ist ------ i. - AtarAnvg PROPERTY AT RIVATE BALE.--One-tweult,2ll interest in t e tract .of coal land. in New Castle Township, Schuylkill. Co„ (known as the l'ott S Patin= tenet,) containing 'about 0) acres. ,- A tract of 2:0 acres of COAL{ and TIAIEIF,'R.I..Y.t,ND ,'in Riley Township. , Valuable building lota on NlalgultonCO i••"tr.g.- A N41141114' lot an Schuvlkill Avenue. It feet Croat on. tin'Atimue, and 57 feet front on Chnreh hile*.T , ', • Ono-fourth Interest in the "Coat 11111" Trwt. of land in Sehuylklll Township, to .close the estate of the late liirs,..sarult Hart. Apply to ' HENRY C. RU'Si.IEL,; • -ra , al }lmmo and luauTanen Agent, No. 1d Mahan Igancu su.„ l'otnrcllle,.ra, - - Jan. 1,70.---1-1 y 1.?43.11. SALE.—A Vann of tbdoeres with Improve -1 aoe Ida and atoek, sit tiate on the line of he,Schuyl - kill emi Sto 4 inetaaana Itallroiul, 14 Innen Imlll.l2llttfi ' A}lle. 10 aeres of the larnlare under tultivatloa, • :Wier, are covered wittatestunt sprouts of 10„,years growth, which would make excellent _prop tfitTer. • :15 &MIME(' COtlirCli with heaV"Vtirnber. The Itopcbve.. meats con. Oat id antattantlal house a /tea - Stejss Baru. out heuses,end a neresawrtdll withwater pow er. sloeg. - . consuls of horaea,- - eowi, grain, hay, and' farming implements. The - prtee:asked.eau be real ized from the timber alone. Terms eaST. Apply to , JuliN m.SHEA:VEII,I,AterIy's Itullding, Ptittsvlne, or to FERGU3 t r ....IIt.QUITAR No, laoCentre atreet, Potbnille. August 7, 'os—.32-tf :.r;051 SAVE, .rur FnLC(~R7C/i MINING MACHINERY. • Otte high . pressure Cornish Bull puraptni engtn e., cylinder .7 feet stroke, lumens und all parts comPlae. - and 2 lifts of pumps 80 , yds eacii, one is ;lnch Ulu other 13-inch plunger, each seven feetstroge. A Lso,—One N%lnaing Engine 12 , incheylinder •et . strolot, wlthi.lrum.greuring and hollers complete. • • A 1.40,,—P0ur setaldreater Machinery, , • ALSO,-100, three-tan 81bpa Wagons, Itcar ily ironed fur feet trick. ' . . A 1,80 . ,..-Ono 10 feet Fan and Thaginecu MI tubular eomplee. - • • Horizontal Pum ping Engl ne IS-it/ph eybuderlfm4stroke,.*ith gearing unit bola, and WO. 'f.4lftlii Of pumps 10/ yanit eaeb, With 14:incli plungers,. 10 feet ktroke : The above nuichinery.has been In wirriee, is in good working order. . , • GEORGE W. SNYDER,. Jan.o.l*--2-11W.Rept.1,Vt—l-lyd Pottevate, Pa, Ifflii rE813 4 SAL'S OP REAL ESTATE. By virtue of writs of-r . IseVari . Poeta, and Veridist ID:pasta, Issued out of, the aturt of Common : Pleas of Schuylkill County. and twit. of Vssidifiost -issued out of the. Orphan's Court of Bennylka Ocentnund to rue dt.' Meted. there will be Itzpored to pnate sole or o ut. . on • SAWILDA 777 XE , 15713. • . • t 10-o'clock i o n f th rousvi efore u n e or sc . ra hu t y la ik eCo lu ti om rt Ei n o ty nae o. . tte in ••thellowing reel estate, to wit; fo - . tNO. L—All that certain lot or Mete of grounkalt toHe in wi the nded ßCßOUgh uorthwanu Or M y lneravi bi ileir ile, fie euyu lin s y we lkill . Cotuaty, eastwardly by en alley, soutittrardly by an alley and westwardly by slot of the Gertasul-Re.formesi Mardi, containing In width 00 feet,' and In depth ltalfeet, more or less, wi th the appurtenances sistitig of a. 234 stor y frame. dwelling • hoop; w ith stone Wee: ment; ands frame shed. END- 2.—A1l that certain latOr_Oleee of ground, sit - Mite Snit:to liorough'of-Aehhind,Se.tattylk,lllCounty, Wended northwardly byesea', eaatwardly by , a lot of Theophilte.Le*lii, wardly by Centre *rect, and westwardly by lot of Patrick Hallagher, enudnlnglh• width 25 feet and In depth 12 feet, With the af 44=We:tutees consisting ors 2% stOry tra . e . dwelling house, With 5t0 . 2 1.... r00mi and a 1 1 ,4 story flume back buildingattach d a frme sta. We, f FREDERY72 . MOLLY, de 12jii13.inbettre9IFs o ce' bis achninistraUlx,. WlL c.r..mrs-A, Q ANDEL ? late . WILII&LMMA. eiLLY. '! "-' • , All that certain Itivorplece of gronntheitto, Moon t northwardir side, of Railroad street in the Borough of Pottsville , Bchuylkill County, l'a., II marked.wlth numbered ! on the general plan of 1 ts laid out by Johnit:Vesidea;Ell K. Mee, Charles °mimic's/Jades., by their attorney, 131=01 Lewis, arid the Miners^Bank of Pottsville. in the County of Sthuyikill.-andled Norwegian Addition to the ~. eV rpltia town of Pottaville; tided and desert bed a.s follows, 4 NIX: Beginning at ' an the northwardly' side, of Railroad street, thence along th e same north CO•X digrees west 66 feet to tapost in the corner of loth.° op said plan. thence by he said lot north 22,,i' da- _ grees east 224 feet and .11 itches - to a poet on the southerly side of the Centr urnpikel. thence 'along said road south 64V easFiti feet and 3 Itches to a post , Ilhi ato er of o . 167, thence by tto same south'.29% egrees wes 226 feet 6 inches to , : t i,\ltu t e place of beginning , with thee urtenarcei con sisting of a ....story frame dwelling use with stone bhsement, with a Iy4-letory frame Id en attached, ITLd a. frame stable; as the property f NATHAN • EAVER. . • • , . ALSO--All the right, title and interest William. IL Webber of. in and to all that .certain loiNaL piece of ground, situate in. the Borough of A buru, Schuylkill County, buunded and described ..:6: fol lOWs : Beginning at formerly a white oak tree, O rt w ‘, tat iron bo, thence by land formerly ofltewa 1 Roust north 43!,•:. degrees east ei 6-Iu perches to post at the Schuylkill Canal, thence up the Canal rt noh 3316 degrees west...-10 of a perch;/thence by. lend of D. Hotiraelster south 42 degrees ve st a awl fpur-Vet r perches tom spike, thence partly oy the u t,me a partly by land of the Canal Company north 4S ees west 13 and six-tenths perches to a .Splke.Athenee by land formerly of (tome Ludwig and crossing the Philadelphia and ltradlng .Itall read south 6311 degrees west 12 perches to a spike, and thence along the Schuylkill and. Susquehanidi itallroad south 444 degrees exact° and three-tenths perches to the Iron bolt and place of beginning, eon, aiming, according to a survey made by Samuel ol,ewls in Januury,•l%.3, one acre sixty-and a quarter relies .`as'the property of WILLIAM 11. WEL:BEM. ALSO—AII that certain tract or piece of coal land,. ituate In Mullanov Township, Scheylkill County, ounded northwardly by land of Julia Fry., known • the Isrie.l Cope tract, eastwardly by land of The 're ltetreat Company, snutbwardly by laud worn as the Nathan Beach tract, add westwardly . y• land of David Shappell, the City of Platiwielphia t ,.. elothers, containing lie acres and ho perehes,:inore 0r less, with the appurtenances consist' ngof a frame foal breaker, with careens, schutes. d:c..ra 12 horse - sower engine, a frame blacksmith cud carpenter 'shop, 'a 1 l ; ," -story log dwelling house, a lip story Come dwelling house, a 2-story log dwelling noun', a 1-story frame dwelling house, arid a Pume stable.; six .110? property • pf.DAVID SHAPPELL, JuSEPLI U. slit:3lAN, SARAH BRUSH 'S, and PET NEWIT, - ALSO—AII that certain lot or piece of ground, sit cite lathe Borough of Tamaqua, Schuyi ill County. iouniled northwardly by lot number at, •astwardiy iy part - of lot number 30, owned by AI ' Ratellir, othwurdly by lot ninnber 4u, and westwardly by Hunter street, containing In width 40 feet, and in depth 100 feet, more or less, and being part of lot No. I') Hunter street; on the map or plan of said Bo rough, with theappurtenancea,eonsistlng of u two ftory • brick dwelling house, with atone basement ; as the property of JOHN HAWORTH and 11AN r,.:All J. HA WORTH. . t ALSO—AII that certain lot or piece of ground, sit ;late in the Borough of Schuylkill Haven, Schuyl kill County, la:landed northwardly by Margaretta Street, eastwardly by lot of Jacob A. 'Geiger, south twardly hy - ,a Public street and westwardly by lot of ;Tames Saylor, containing to width in feet, mire or les.s, and in depth la) feet, with the appurtenances. 'consisting of a 2-story frame dwelling house, with 0 1-story frame kitchen attaehed, and a triune sta. hie ; as the property orPE'TER DHABI:LOW. - ALSO I :-All that certain lot or piece of grOund, sit ante in the Borough of Mount Carbon, 'Schuylkill. County, hounded northwardly by lot, of William !Carter, eastwardly by lot of Mrs. Ellen Gallagher isouthwardly by-Main Street and westwardly by lot. , tof Mrs. Ann Lynch, containing in width 40 feet, snit lin depth 2.50-feet, more or leas, with the appurtenati fees consisting ofa 2-story frame dwelling houo, 't with a 1-story frame kitchen attached: us the property of ANN DAVIS. " I,i A I,So—All thatcertalti lot or, piece of ground, sit , nate in' the Borough of 310eint Carbon, Schuylkill :.County, bounded northwardly by land of William . Carter, eastwardly by lot of .lilrs:. Elizabeth Olkin nel, southwardly by /Slain street,and westwardly by hit of Mrs.:Ellen Gallagher, containing in width a) feet, more or lees, and. in depth 2.14 feet, more or less; with the appurtenances, consisting of a 2-story :stone dwellinghouse, with a 1-story frame kitchen attached; as the property of 11.150.11 SHERID.A.N, • ALSO-All that certainlot or piece of group sit. ante in ' the Borough of Shenandoah, Schuy kill County;, hounded northwardly by lot of *Chi rtes Regius, east by a 20 feet wide alley, south by a iht of A'. tiallen,and west by Main street, containing in width er i feet, and to depth 130 fret, more or-less, :with theappurtetiancestsmslsting of a 2-story frame dwelling house, with atomic basement and a 1.t.-story plank dwelling house on the rear end of lot; in the ~ , p rOperte of ANTHONY DEVITT.-_, ALSO--"Att that undivided equal one-half of all that certain square of ground. situate in Pott & Pat terson's addition to the Borough of Pottsville, in the County of Schuylkill, boutided in front by Market street, in the rear by Neirweglawstreet, eastwardly by Dumont street and westwardly by Spring street, containing in front on Market street 240 feet, and In 'depth 211 feet 6 inches:comprising the four adjoining , lots marked in the plan of said addition number 52, - -51, rsti and IS, and being the same, premll,es which. ; were conveyed by the Commissioners of Schuylkill County, to Francis W. Hughes and Samuel Stillman, by deed dated the 12th day of 51=011.1i51; as the pro pert!: of SAMUEL SILLIMAN". , deceased, In the hands of his administrator. JASII. It: FISTER: : ALSO—AII thnt'certaln lot or piece of ground, sit uate in the Borough of Pottsville, tichnylkilleouu- Iv,' bounded . northwardly by lot pf Terrence ;Mc-. (Hone, eastwardly by Centre street, southwardly by lot of Thodias Toohey. and 'westwardly by Second , street, containing in width 3D feet, more or lass, and In depth i.. 110 feet, more or less , with the appurtenan dies, consist ing of a 1 11 .4 story frame dwelling houSe.; as. the property of THOMAS COLLEN and CA'f tjA BIN I: CoLLE-N, his wife. • . , . . ALSO : -NO. 1 , --All the right, title and Interest 'of' Sept/nig:l Thomas, of, In and to all that 'certain lot or piece 6f ground, situate in the Borough' of Potts-• y the, Schuylkill County. containing In w - idiJt 21 feet. I _inch, inure or less:and in depth 132 f , More tier ; lessrbountled northwardly by an alley- eastWardly by another lot of Sept Imus Tllonois,sont et:easily by .Nlahantongo street, westwardly by Willimos or Fifth street, with the appurtenances, consisting of -.a 2, 1 , story stone dwelling house end a frame stable. -.. • ..•• NU. 2-All the right, title and Interest of Septimpii Tignnas, of. in and to all that certain lot or piece of grilund, situate in thellorougirof Pottsville,Schuyl. kilt County. containing in width .M feet, more or less, and in depth 131 feet, more or less, bounded northwardly by an alley, eastward y by lot of,A.lex anderS. Moorhead; southwardly by Mahantorago St-, and, westwardly by another lot of SeptinnisTliottuts, with the appurtenances, consisting of s 214-story share dwelling house; as the property of SEPT.DIUS TIIONIAS. - • . a . . ALSO—AII tliose 2 certain lots or pieces of ground, situate on the sonthwardly side of PeitcOrk street, In the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa., tieing lots 'marked 35 and 36 on the map or plan of a kilintiv i.lon made by George . W. Slater and Anna S.. his wit,-, of sundry original lots numbered Ss' and 51, bounded and described as follows:: on the north by Peacock street, eaq by lot No. 37, west by lot No. 31, south by other lataipwned he said , Anna S. Slater, eontaining in front tir breadtlion said Peacock:street, .01 feet, and'exterehig,,,back or that width between parallel - lines 'at Xight angles with said street in tenet h or depth: feet; as the property.of TIIiz.NIAS MAHAN, •-• • ..7' -, ALSO—AII that certain lot , or piece of -land, situ ate on the .corner of Market' and Canal streets, irr the Borough of Schuylkill Haven, in the Counts- of Schuylkill and State of 'Pennsylvania bounded onr the north by Market street, on the south by land of lir. itoYer, on the.-east by the„Philodelpillis and Reading Railroad and on the we...A by . the Canal of the Schuylkill Navigation CornPan:v, tsitutilning two acres ; more or less ; 'with the appurtenances, consisting of a frame Furnace, with machinery, en gfnes.and fixtures, a 2-story frame dwelling house, a frame stable and a frame boiler hoose, ae.; as the property of THE scriVyLKILL HAVEN DIRECT litoN eOMPANY. ' ALSO—AII the right, title 'and interest of ildaNid 'Beveridge, of, In and to all that certain lot ofpieee of ground, situate on the northwestwartly side 'of Slarket street, in the Borough of Pottsville, Sehnyl ',kill C'otinty, being part of lot marked No. s,in Pott a: l'attersolf's addition to said Pottsvillercontaining In front on Market street aforesaid, 20 feet, and In depth 10,1 fart, bounded by lot No, 7 in said whittion, and by other part of said lot N 0.5; in front by Murk--1 street, and in the rear by ground Of Elizabeth Fox ; , with the appurtenances, consisting of a 2-story frame dwelling house, 'with a 3=atoty frame haek I atililln Er attached; es the property oil/AVID BEV ERIDGE - _ • , ... SOzed, and taken in execution and will he sold by GEORGE C. WYNICOOP, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office; Pottsville, May It, '7IS-11 -V-R. Lit. 111. 'MIN IN , lor .1.311 e. 1.1. ' ttr , t ht tn.( lit 'ltch eight dtl•.: 'ttull bin trl fo rt. *tutabLt ilf u,.1 ; slie. SHERIFF'S' SALE- OF BEAL ESTATE.By virtue of sundry Writs of Leeuei /Weitz/Land Erponas, ts_sued - out' of 'the, Court of Common Pleas of idehuylkill County, and tome di. reeted, , lhere' wilt be exposed 'to public sale or out- SA TURD-4 1", .11-XEIIII,IS7O at half-past 1 o'clock in the anernacm. at the Omit I in the Borough of Pottsville ' Schuylkill 'County, the following described real relate, to wit: - All that certain 2-story steno bnildtnq , situate at Hillside, in North Manh.elni Township,. near the Borough of Pottsville/Ind Mount Carban, Schuylkill County, Pa., the main building being 31 feet by :17.i feet, with a back building 5 feet by 10 feet, and a side 7 wing building IS feet by 21 feet, and the lot or piece -, i of ground and cartilage appurtenant to said build -Big, and against one stone basenaent and frame nr bor, 12 feet by 12 feet, with the piece of ground and cartilage thereto and against . nue stone basement and-framearbor No. 2, ten feet , by 12 feet, with the niter of ground and cartilage: appurtenant thereto, and against one stone basement, .and frame arbor No. 3, thirteen feet square, with the piece orground andeurtlinge uppurtenant thereto, and against one stone basement and frame arbor No. font, 17 feet by It feet, With the piece of ground and cartilage appnr tenant thereto, and against one stone basement and frame arbor No. nve,l6 feet by 24 feet, with the piece of ground and cartilage appurtenant ' thereto, and, one stone basement arbor o, 6, 10 by 17 feet, with the piece of ground and curtildge appurtenant there"' to, and against one stone basement and name arbor No. seven, 10 feet by 12 feet., with the piece of grrsund and cartilage appurtenant thereto, and against one stone basement and frame arbor No. eight, 8 feet by 9 feet, with the piece of and and cartilage rippur- ' tenant thereto, and agathst one stone spring hone! 21 feet by 21 feet, with the piece of ground and eurt l age appurtenant thereto, soul againstnne stone-foun dation and frame dancing - floor:18 feet try 88 feet, with the piece of ground and curtilppurtenant there : to, and against ono stone foundation and triune mu sician's stand ;20 feet by St feet, with the pleec of ground and enrtilage_appurtenant thereto, will elf said erections, structures and buildings are near by and adjacent to mid main building, and together are 'commonly known as the "Park' at Hillside; as the proper contractorand builde r. O 'WALTER LAWTN, owner or repedut owner . 'ALSO—AII that certain lot oriece of ground, sit uate In the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill Conn- ' ty, bounded northward! ' - by lianderson street, eit4r wardly by Third street, southwardly by Minersvilie street, and westwardly by lot of William H. Davis, containing Jr! width on Millersville street GO feet inches.in width on Sanderson street `GO feet, in depth along Third street rici feet 1 inch, and in depth along tot of William it. Davis 221 feet ; with the appirte nances, consisting of a 2-story frame store and dwel ling house, with brick and stone basement; and a story frame kitchen attached, and a 2-story frame dwelling house with stone bastonent and 'a bstory: frame kitchen attached; as the property of JA.911 , ..s H. FITZSIMMONS, decease:L.ln the bands of ISA BELLA FITISIMMONS. lite Adminlstratriz. ' ALSOr—AII that tenpin farm or tract of land, situ- . ate in West Penn township, Schuylkill Comity, ad joining lands of Joseph 1-cheerer, Alfred Vriclirict, Solomon Schaefer, David Manta and others; con taining 57 acres, more or less, with the appurtenan ars trona - Ist-Mg of a 1%-story frame dwelling house, and a frame ; as the property of - DAVID D. SCHAE ' ,ALI 4 O-;-AII that certain lot or pleas' of ground; !sit uate in the Borough of Pottsville_, Schuylkill enmi ty, bounded northwardly by Mahantongo street, eastwardlybylot of MichaelOamey.southwarsilY by Church alley. and westwardly by Mt of George Alt stadt, containing in width 15 feet, more or :less, and In depth 2tl feet, 111009 or lean, with the appurtenau-. ces. consisting of a 21-story frame dwelling house with ditone basement, and. a 2-story frame. back. building attaelted, and a frame stable; as the prop-, erty of I'HrElt lIELLENTHAL. ' ALs(s-L.No. L—All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the enstwardly side. of Centre, street, in 'the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, be 4 composed 'of the lota, narked Nos.' 32), &L ass, 826 and f2f. en tba mapor plan of tbe , Norwegian Addition to Pottsville. -and which, are bounded and described as follow*: Beginning it a post on t,he eestwardlp tide of Centre street, thence along lt, north 22 degrees, west 9116 feet, inches to it post, north lltd 21 minutes, west 240 leet te a pm :t t, north 697 st {lathes to apart, and north 1654 . Mimes. west 96 Iset4 hackies to a post, theme by lot marked No. • 321 on mid map or plan, conveyed to Jahn MeßarrOn, north 7934 degrees, mitt 72:feet 5 ittiNEßs' inches to alxist set' 14 feet, westwardly front the middle of the west branch of the Mount lialtalft Railroad, thence along at that distan c e ~r=e middle pf said road and DT on l4 l eahli . a Vosedtit i orth 11 deems 56 minutes west In teak theatre Briftet grotind north 13 WWII/ . minu west 79-fed 8 ;inches tea post the southeasterly. aide of the said "Centre street, thence along it north-21 degrees /0 minutes mat 47 feet 7. inches toastone planted at the. southeast corpora, Centre and Coal street/4 thencesiongthe sonthWellt ern and treater* sides-of the latter ' south A/ degrees dereast ICS feet 6 th inches to a post.' *:. easfr. 31.1 feet 6 cheivto a post; south '67 degrees west 73 feet 3 inches to a post, and south" degrees east 509 feet 7 inches to a post; thence by land of John Farman "and others south 49 dear/telt 54 -minutes west 3Rd feet 10 inches to the place-of be ginning, containing 9 acres and SI perches, Masser less, with the appurtenances f 2 consisting o tires story frame dwelilug houses. With 2istory Dime tack buildings attached, subject 'nevertheless,. to any right which. the Mount Carbon Railroad Cam patty may hare to occupy any portion of said lot of ground with its Railroad, and excepting the int piece of ground sold to the Pottsville Ges - Cbmpeny. • 310: 2—AU that certain lot or piece of ground, situ ate in the liorough of Fothorille, Schuylkill County, bounded northwardly another lot of the Schuyi kill County Lumber, Car and Locomotive 'Engine Manufacturing Company, eastwardly by Coal street., southwardly by lot of Edward Morrison, and twist wardiy by the Mount Carbon Railroad, containing in width on Coal street, Cit feet 4 inches, More or • less, width on the. Mount Carbon Itailtroaden rest 5 inches, more or less, in depth alonglot of Edward Morrison 150 feet, and in depth along the other lot of The Schuylkill County Lumber, Car and Locomo tive Engine 3lanufactunng Coinpany,l63 feetti inch es, more or less, with the, appurtenanoes, amaisting of a 2-story brick-and stone planing mill; with brick. engine and boiler house attached, a A. horse-power steam engine With it boilers, 1 flooring planer, 2 stir facing` planers, 1 mortising machine, tenoning tuts chine, i sticking machine. 'jig saw, 3 circular saws and benches, 2 turning lather„ and all other machine ry, shafting. heltingiac., connected with said m 111,3 frame lumber sheds and 1 frame stable_ • 'NO. 3—All that certain lot or piece of ground, 'sit uate In the. Borough of MineravUle, Schuylkill °aunty, commencing at a point on the eastwardly side of Front strcet,to feet memo? less, north warily • from Sunbury street, thence eastwardly along-land of Roland K ltne,lss feet to a Sifeet wide alley thence eforihwardly and parallel with. Front street, I.,Ta feet, more or less, Sunbury reek, thence westwardly aud Parallel with street, ill feet to Front street, thence sou titwardly aloug Front street 135 feet, more or 1e.., to the plac e a beginning, with the apparte , ha pees. e4M,6tifig a 2-story frame dwelling house; kith s P :,,story mule kitchen attached, a 2-story frame store-house, a frame_stable, a (ratite wagon shed, and 2 large lumber sheds: as. the' property of THE SiIIUYLKILL • COUNTY Lranstat, AND IA Hy )310TIrk: ENcil N 1131 AN CFACTCRI4 0 cOSiPANY. \ ized, In execution nut will be sold by N . EliltG.L: it; °flee. Pottsville, May :N. gegat ------- ---- 17 STATE a F HENRY. B. DAVIS. DEUDAS /.....Z.o:—Let -la of administration upon the mi nim of Henry S. liavLs, late of the riorough of Bs- Clair, dCetlased, have been granted to the \under signed, all person Laving claims or derhambi against the estate of Oil deeeilent are requested td make -known tlie atia e to iter without delay and tiaise indebted to ttle\tate to make Immediate m pavent, ' MATT lIA W iA V IS, A dminis tnit rig. t;t. Clair, April 2s, IS7u. . • OTlCE.—Whereas let tcr,s, testtunentailt to the. IN estate 4,1 31 lelatel _Murphy; late- of the Dot- . 011611 of Pottsville, deeeaseti, hare been granted to the sailseriber, all persons lnItTEL MOORE,. ' London Grove. (heftier Count} Or tribis Attorney, THOS. IL BANNAN, Pottßcille. A pal 31, '7O • . uDiTows NOTICE.—In the nuttier Of the Aceount of Joseph couver Eq., Assignee fur the benefit Creditors, ofGeorge Zeiler, late of Jackson township, II lamon County, Pa. The um'. dersigned Auditor, appolntell l,y theCourt ot Com mon Pleas of Lebanon. County,• to distribute the ,halanee in the hands ofJos. Coover, Assignee, of ti,Svrge Zeller, to and among ereditorS, attend to the duties of his appointment, at the Pro thonotary's ()thee in the atorungh of Lebanim, on Tuesday, the I it h day of June, A. IL ISM, at 1 o'clock P. when, and where all persons interested In said dist Ghat lonmay attend if they think. proper: • • . J.\ \I \V.; Ellrit, Auditor "51ity 12,':0 , 1.1)—.!t„ . NOTICE.—In th, , etiurt (,f Coin:torn I'llep;•(.. I i Schuylkill County.. NIA ttG.tßETtivorr. by her next friend, -Ifirward Sliaile, 1 111 March Ternt,lKAl • .; A ling Subpoena W11.1.1.%M SCOTT, ' - I 'fora Divorce. 1 ' till L'ke. Terin, 150,.• - I • , To the respondent ahoy, named: Ton are hereby' required to appear at a Court of Common Pleaft,lW tle held at Poi tsville', for the- 'aunty of sehuyILAIIJ on the fourth Friday of June hurt, to answer the complaint of the libellant in the above stated easy ti1:011611.: C. WYNKOOP, Sheriff. pherllrs Office, Pottsville. May 2.413, TECE TN THR DISTRICT COIIRT or the ittAted 1. States for the..Ent.!ern• Dlstrist of Pennsylconfn. In the matter of Thomas Bull trading a Thom-. as Hull & C 0,., Bankrupt. , In Bankruptcy. , Tout will hereby take notice that a third general meet - log of the - Creditora of said Bankrupt, -wilt he held. at the office of Edwin I. Chase, .E quire, one of t he': Register!. In Bankruptcy, tor said District, Gli Witt-! nut Mart; in the City of Philadelphia, on Tuts-tlay. June 7th. A. Is7that 11 o'clock, A M., for the.pur- , natned In the L'sl.ll section : of the Ltiutkrupt Act of -March 2, PVT. By order of the (*.art, .11E101 AN }LAMM - IC(1E1d, Abstgripe. To the crislitorb of hull S CO. ay '7O rrISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED .I../ STATES. Eastern District of Pennaylvanliki tteorge Keilman of Tamaqua,' in. the County Schuy ik I 11,, in said Eastern District of Pennsydranlaj Bankrupt, having Witithied "for discharge, meeting, .if creditors will lie Ladd; on Tuesday, tit Eith day of June, -at la o'clock", A. M. lbefor itegkter John 1'..1106 , 111. at NO. Ist Centre litreet in the'llorough of Pottsville, that the examitiatlot of thellankrupt may he finished and any bUsineSS of meetings required by'sect ion 27 or 2S of the Ac . f of ',lngress transacted. , ' The Register 'On certify whether the liankrup hat: conformed to 1114 duty. A lwaiing will `also b, had on Weduestlay,,June 29. th;lh7o,llefore the Cour at Phyadelphia at la,o'clock, A. M. when'partle es lutvrted may allow CUI I 3e , . ainet the discharge, Wittws..4ltononible•John Cadwalader, Judge, ant Fcal of the Court al Philadelphia. May 'A KO. -il. B. Fos, Clerk, • Attest :—JOITN P. 110 BA RT, Register, May (Garbs. LT Arial C.IDORNAN-,ATTORN EY AT, L.l R_ / 1. No. 1Z Centre Wit., a few dimal, Elilseolut t2ltnrett, Pottsyllle. April "7tt-Ll7-ly • Emma, ArroltNET AT LAW b Malt CrstrerL. shenatalo.th •• - Jan to, j HENRY C. SHEAVER, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. 011 Ire, Ceofre tit., Pottsville May 'LI, '6O JI A. M. PASSISIORE,_ . ATTOItiEY-Ai-LAW . Pottsville, Pa.. Miler, No. 9 - ...lialiaittongo Street opposite Post (Tire.. . . April li, '4l.+-14-13 - . ER , A l 7 CIE — oRGE R. RACRER, 0/ ..!,.1. . .. 11 - AT LAW. Pottsville. Vn. tutice, N 0.1.9 (*titre lit: nearly opposite Allners Bank. April ti, '69-11-11' JT AMES H. cmaptfEL L. ATTORTI F. 1%; AT-LAIN WX)111g 15 and 9a Penp lsutlding, No: 411) 'kVA' Ei Streo, Ptalindelphia.' Ju n. WILLIAM.SMITH, AtikiltS AT-LA 1 41;,1 V V \No. ISI Centre St., l'ot Lsvi • • ' January 1, 70 7 - A A - NIEL D. DiLLISI AN., Arrt tI;NEy-AT-1 `IJ I.AIV, rot 011iee, No. 9 Matiantonzti Street. Jagiuncv • . ALBERT kfroILNEY-AT-LAW.I Oalee, Nu. 1C?... Ccutre street. Puttsville,i'a. AIC claims promptly Oct°lorr ! E RGE CHAMBERS,(Lateof CliamberN-; kj I. g Bar.) ATTORN FY-AT-LAW, trcWit., tluor,) rot Lsllie, Pa.` 1 *N9V. LAW 'ND COLLECT/ON OFFICE. " 1 , C RISTOPH ER L.ITTLE, ATTOUNI Y AT 1..1W AND N!)TARY,II.7DEIe. Po SWLI.LE, LL :+nsuarancc. F. .0- - KAERCIIER, . CENEIIA.L• ,izisuj • U.,A....C 4 - 1 . : ..% i; EN r. I ()Mee. lrennicyl..ani3.ll:lll, Pott.Aille. Pa:, '1 1.111.11,P001. t ,I.ONIIIIN .I. .1 . 4.9111 , . INNKI:ViI'i: Cp. 1 Cash (.‘alilt.lll and . 01 0,tartg;" .. . ' ' ,- . sio,Kfkonal I n...,:i4.1 in the li4;lted Stateg", over - 1,590.1100' • , ROME INSURANCE COMPANY. 1 Vt* i'LI,VEN, CONNI:A.I'ICM. ('ash Capital,B3oo.llHlo Surplus Jan. 1.1, v,.4-,, - . . tt 159.670 51.1 Insurance ..ti,eied lta the nest romp:lnk,. on rasnr4 able terms. h0r....,.. praillid IS - 10i llNteli awl pall withi mit. den:ty. [Jan 1, - 417- 7 -1- . 1 ' OLD AND TRIED. lATCORI'OR4.TED 1854 r[-u1•:1.y at~'src.~i: BERKSIILAE,-LIFE iNSURANCE COIIIPAI4YL PITTSFIELD, 31Assi . . • •TIII I'M:V.; F. PLUNKETT, l'reat l deut., • 1. • - i .1 J .k3t IN,F Ft S' ANC', \lee 'president.. ; ' , , • IL t'IIICKFAINEI , geeretary an'd Treaauter. J. L. GitEENC, Asshannt Seeretary, • ' ' ,Non-Forfeit,,., • ure of all Pollees'Law. Guaranteed by .. ,' . - i • In case nay 'premium Is not 'pall when dee, ibi. polley ii not fortelted'; but the bolder- rentains In,- anted fir the mit amount, until the Tiremlnnt area .d.V.Pald and unearned Is exhausted 'by the t:hot •tit I nrtraitrt. at the net rate.. . Example at the Ago of 43. One Annual Cash Premium on ani ordinary Lilo Policy will 'continue the insaratiee foil TWO YEARS .and DANS from the time the potter was - Lamed, or ONE YE'Ait and 611 DAYS afteri the SEPONO ANNUAL PREMIUM .11E00111 , 11 OCE: Should the second prernintn not be paid._and they manned die wI: in one year and 60days afer }such non-par meld, the full amount of the policy Would be paid, 14,N oa Iy the premium due and unpaid. The tanker the number of premiutini paid, the ibnger!will the itesurancii continue, In case of non-payment of pre mium. -The 11.--* - e Berkshire Life :lirointnce Company' has paid tinder this law 'l.:taints, which IN Companies of of tier states would have been worth toss; and is no* tho insurance on over 400 policies Oh whieh the holders have been unabie to pay -pre .. . . The Itudoelaim paid under this non-forfeltnre plats wns that tdtt ateniher nips Insured a tear years slime tor SLA\ • 111,1 , •ai he tatted to pay hth annual pre mtnms; in January last; ono year and fats months afterwards, he Med.' The Company has pad to the AvidiTe.o the Mil amount', 53.",..tu, less only the-orerdtie payments and Interest, .. • . , Prery 3E,5-2;ther'ltereires erci'll .11;ktix liOural* • - . pctici /w. - j- , . ALL PROFITS fill - 11)ED AIMONG TIII:::-PpLICT 110LDE31.4. , I ... I ' ,ANNFAI. ('.t 1W 1/TVIDENTici. 1 , Et2i.t.NONIICA:I 4 11 ANA GESIV.g. oir,ful selcctiOn of lives. -Sato in"respuents.. I (:..0.1 -n is anti Solicitors irstated.l - - i'or information, apply at the Iconic office, or la ' - • W. 11. tift.A.X.EA, tiCnenil Agetit.i • I. WI mi.. ET.,EVF:STII and CIint:PNIIT R 14 .• ...rinLAnr.t.ririA..•!..9., • i o,t. 11,00 • I ' /3-'5 C LEATHER AVE YOICIR HONEY BY SAVING YO LiB . BUY 'WY BUY BUY ." FOST ER'S - C. KfYOSTER'S 1 . C. S. FUSTEWS • C. S.; - .FI;)STER'S Waier.ProorGrbase Leatheri • inferior frailties at lAtalliet made Impersiona nto 'slam Old - Leather fatale soft and vitablr. with color • renewed: more twain,: limn tow eta.? of its Mad In market; and applicable toall kinds of loazhen ?dinars will Had It the: best article they ever used' to pmteet their Boots or - Shoes front anlEtp s itr *AUL nor sale, wholesale-or bY CLENIK-NT L_PCIS• TER; Ashland, Pa.; and ItrPottrattle by Bright wtxl4 . Fox it Bro.. Jew. Foster, Thorns. Posteroussi V. )order. - - • !gay S. AND SEL EA3ILIAIMBA(III.-72 C og deo of the County thison has la Large a orsonerior Check and Mehra Mee gest An hand. Also brut tm• BOOTS AND gliOtI; which be w ~tlehtlqe sae, at %bi - / I ' ll ' 43ll ,Pa / O Vr- Viol. for dash. i • glldit tank prteo_puil_ for Calvet amp. June A ' , - eV ti ..ISAAC lITAII.D4 .... ~ , i-tilitia-Lit,Flawit,,, Illnil. - ' - ' : . - ‘ '' 110 Wei ' j . i I would , hnite 11 .0 t 2462161 V " C... te P tin. • 1 ', , "• • TABLE ' .811.E El' ING •iiiiid iiiHiltittiGHlliti3LlN4, - CALICOS' an d ! 1 1 4 A- 1 , ... 'f• ' --': - • :,. 1,-, LItEN,•I4PIOI4I3, TOWELS, CRASHES, fc. • -. ' - P', Orin :GoOd ut m all lio oliegi:s;. White .Goodfn . taco Handkerchiefs and P n- liars '. '' 1 Ult . ,' CollaoJmd Cuffs,' Notions,' Tfinninbli," ,Rck,' . .A.t LOWER PRICES than can' be sold ekes THOMAS BULL, , . , , .. ' . 1. . , ' .. '' ' 2 ,- a Centre Street, Potts le.. 1 .1-.... si, :70--4-1v ' ••:` fr - ' i.) • ' _. i 1 7 1;*;:, PAHL.YLAN 'CaI,ANITE,, the heist, stoneware In the market, solcI" •at . the, 'prices of ordinarygOods. _ vritiiitrunlcs CHINA., In aHtbe best shapes rani style. DECr11hi..£1.4.D1.14.17.4.:E.1ts TEA. and , . . • 1 TOILETBM In riihi itTariety.. Glass engravedOn the kretras* Old Chin a ' -' " ..reetii : Sted 'elthei in till sets or matching's, in the! beat nninnet'. . Fitt-St.CW.4 G 0011.4 O,NLY, and I.ON't'Fi4T, . --- I : •-. . ' • .' . ' 1 ' car.ii rr.lczi. - '. • :! totters of inquliy IM regard to prices, &c. - .. of goods, promptly Onmrerekl. 31 eh 5;70 EMI CM ECM NM I BUY WY POTTSVITf*; C . , IVIITCHELL &WO CHINA S GLASS AND EARTHENWARE. 'o. 707 Ches6iut: Street, t4. c . r• • :ritst - Strtsl _ - I', ' " • .. , . • r, it, 4 a ' t o e,, r 1. 1 -1 • • , By our syttem measurement, -mealcirement, easily : understood, we enable: customers to send 'their orders in such a way as to BP.OVRE 'AS GOOD PIT as though they came themselves to our Establishment. . Our Improved •RUles for Self-Measnaremeit, Bamplecand Prices \ sent when requCitiml, .and PROMPT ATTENTION given to all • 'orders, with GUARANTEE of entire satisfiction. JOHN iIaN'AMAKER.. !ober IG, NO\ • GOLD AND SII,V ER BASIS: WALKER & PRICE, ' NFW UNION t-TALL, MAEANTONGO STREET. ANY GOODS I:ltdA ' Tli ';4171'Elt101:::;-'400 LO . GREAT, ; REDUCTION - 1N PRICES.. NTS, 8 cents and GM BLACK AND COLD ALPACCAS. ' SILKS ) DRESS - '.GOODS, .of all kinds. • • 'NOTIONS, dic; &c. • Ur' Come and see for yourselij lELP itrpitE , I RE IS THE PLACE FOR, BARGAINS. . PRICES THAT CANNOT L HE NEW UNION DRY GOODS STO inn 4---! =SIM inmlcial. ITED STATES BOARS t7;oLD ANI):.EX:CIIAN(;ED, Elm )S MOST IiEASONABLE T÷:ItNIS GOLD 1101701 IT ANI) . SOLD MA RE ET RATES ColTPoNs ACIFIC-RAILRoAp: BONDS BOU(.ILT AND ;i:01-1) N'l'O('l:4 PAUGHT ' tiN M M 9 .4 1. - ; . l;N 1,1 nulls and 1n t• 1 1 ,1 lialanct-s t Itittllo,l:', at i n ‘s . 1 •N'o. 43 8. 1111110,5 T., 1;111114.U.11114tHIA. • urch 'lll • : • r ~. , ‘ ...::: ~ •- - ..•-•,. MMil MEM ,i; ----, - - •- eilf'Sjil!t•:.ll: 11.' -L• .•'.......- c rid% Ltithge:s'aCa - rit Lructiuns gf ilns 1.41.%N., ru ,441011 purp,ws. art:ninny Gild important: It Is I:ased npou one of the, Gry t TLIROUCIII FM ntilrrus - 7711: SE A ISOARDAs r. TICE WEST. !Tuts SECURITY IS ALltlipl* eI:FATED...the tex_partpf tile line beinir In ,run !ling ration. The Local Trafite, trout tlm Unriva; lea A gyieta- I regions toil Iran and Coati dep.e.lts a.klacent, t.t be large alia.proiltable. . ' tf The entOprlso r.aelvti • / .IFPCEIiTAItur CONCF-s- AIqNS A I ND frolti r .: sta4. 1'113:4111: anti We'd Virginia. • in it under roe inanlig..*ifit of eflicianit and .1,41.L0•1i NOW N CAPLIT.% wit4,e rouneA are ulfa:- and~rs' for its {:ATZ opt ration 1 Tlie,r.nutt4 ran lie hrelLtlylierin , • t COUPON - OR REGISTERED form; they have thirty iean4.i..; . .reLn, t. $l pri tn.; p a 942 interestbeing payable in aO4l. the nen& are of tleneminailm - n,. of $1000; $5OO. and'.sloo . i .;: • 'hearing intered at the rate of st :c pee xeut. 3 n'eo: ti pityable Slay IA and NoTenitser W.' . . 'Frog:tour Intimate acripaintanco 'with the affairs' and condition of 11w rompank, we knots' these securities to be peculiarly dfosiralde, and suitable for rare employment of surplus Capps!, and funding of Gercrament Mad* fir investee.s, 'trustees of .1 F huh*, and others. trbo' prefer a thsulute security kth ieesonable ineovi. . - ' i.. . . .• . • , laid rs of United tg‘ ter Pire- I. wT eth -ics are ens hito Tatum these lionds..bearing the same rate I LI l i. - ; nri Interest and having a burger ior Tiod to ran, and to,realize a large increase of capita` In addll len, 11,.. kinds and Stocks dealt In at. trip Sind: Exchange. '-elved in exchange for this I,4in, at the fall mar value, and the ;Ronda retnrSed free of expre.s lava. - • Price 90 and Acce:sed.ln'teres t in Currency. Painpbleta, littpr l .aart. inU int4cnir Lion tornis hid application. J Niniv Yosx, r* , 1 THOATAS r; BIT ILbEli First Class Carriages ancj Buggies OF 771 E LAll*I" ANDkO9T AFF4LOVIp3 • • - Slit C FAcrr..my--c ND Niiiitirx r Oita filatAißs sic): OF M OUT' 31 Elf. 1 . 1.0r6.14 A'IIe , TTSVILLE; rA, - • i•• •. Gotratautly on liana a good ait.:94 - 3 rtsactit of now and LecoutlAand ;Carriages and Itai=ies. ' Special tdtentiou paid to repidring, . - WILL OFTEit.,'FItOM THIS DATEi THAN .I*ASfS. ER NA :old) r ' - • _ WM ;.• FISIt I maul, , 9.5 m AT PM( r*: Mil stoutt, .ttr, MHE NEW GALVANIZED LEON CLOTHEA I LI N i.:B end be IRO ht • H , • i 1 ' - I soLonOw< rroo v"tn , s, , tcri,vl.:, TIN and Ititl - SE ITIVNISIIING 'it:T(7llF. Nu. tiss Ceittre Street. rett'ATllle; A non, TOVE.s..,.4lces. ta abo lmsasidendblassortmeurofTin t ltrtueg,Brinitil :I.; palled, Giass, WOOll and Willow re. IlalloWttad 11;tot wa re ' Also, Bras m hes, Broos, Oil Table clot ha, Zot,C.Mats, Chitties \l:ringers, Trays, Carving and .1111telieh Knives, Coal 'lOll Latnps, finivcs anal told all kinds of Glassware. AIN°, G1'1(111'07)9 1:0:O.:ink Pails, Chilarenio Sletglts and skates; Table fia and Butter Sprains, Mice and Itat Traps. Fatebt :,.s;utta:ar trotters, S'pittdottk, Lemon Squeezers azid 1; raters, Itlrd r'axes,TableMats,TableSaws,ClerreerS' 1101ilner Fibs, Potato Mashers ,: I hea BOards; Wooden Boxes, Flat slid Vint Irons, Sausage C,utters'and'Stuffers, Clothes uq' itcd-Cordx, CMehes Corn• Poppers, Cake Clatter's( Candlesticks, Dredge Boxes, Savings Banks, 31atrlt. It..x es, school Com paiilons.Slat es and Pent.' Ls, Toilet seucltath Titles, Ilatctuts, Ilatnmers, Axes, Deed arid !Mud Boxes, Flour Sieves. Meat Saws, Cedtoe Mil* t. , :neetitmteti I. Glass Drainers. Faure ToysiLaCel cans, Wash,Tuiss, Wash Bsi an* Sheet. floe, 31arket and Valley llaskets„.Castors, Unite Boxes, Slieveti - Put:ter , . Tongs, Coal Buckets, Tea Kettlea, Stove and .slip" ltbod:lng. l'ulttbi, Varnishes, Wilt-, w t;1ie...., Putty, I.a ut erns, and t natty art ielew toe natne:rons tri meat Itm. AlsO. ri.oflng SPouttulz•uro nll kind< of Jobbin u ... - butk, to order, and at the shot* eNt not Persomtwhditng any of the above Stop=s t ioned art toles wonkt do well by ettilkuz and extainl ing before puml.asikig . eloiewher , L. butom ON TIOOVER, . ND. evntre Street. :2—tra! Iti.•.ti • ijarbroare. . IMII li i • il I l ,f M 12333 BON. Zile/N. ~ IRON.. •AND' STEEL,- I 3111 7 41 criore G . 0' AND SEE ` - ' ~ . 'IIIE DAVIS ItEFIT.I(iEItATOIL. ', 1 . i • • 1 . 1,e31. lu tile WO A. - At lIYEIt .t. Sellt.7il2B Agent., No, :fa 4 'elan, 4(11,1. . • ' ..•, . . CALL AT ' , .-. : . . • , I arS7ER. dt'. SCIIGArztI Near liardirare Store, No; 2740 min! St.; to buy cheap .Garden Rakes, Spades, shoveht, Cora ando6o(.llll.es of all kinds. , II- , B:U=2MVEI _ tit all 34.' nglie. and the best in the timrket,, tit Mir k.l; .17 • / Sill U.1178,' Agenn4 No. rd.-Centre street. Pet Is - I It! ' yille. • ; . . , • i FAKE NOTICE; !11l lsnilders and Met:tanks. ACMYI I 3I,,,i SCRUM'S, can he.betight H vtanlware all lands, vla: Paints, 011 s, 'Cement, Plaster, Chbnaey Topaz and Mee. Also, errs Cott* Ylpe.af aII Slat „March 124 , 1 V . 11-1 y 1,1 0015, CHAS. W. DENGLEB, I 7 BOOT, STIOE,',HATAND CAP STOB:r.; eingriniT Stumm, CitiesonA. • . Banta, Shoe% Thais runt Caps. fnva.- t; varie= statit..l3. ou band. Particular anenlion paid to TI.EXAIRMG done neatly. on short notleo. Feb..ll, "n/-.30.t7,1y • • IMPOETAII slit ....mu- Toitr ' ,_, i!: BOOT'S: SI.IOR EMPORItrAt Is now In folloperat km, and the attention ladk a t:w of Peline is eviLelnittl ed n•qt to the i 1 al lie stock' now; In store andarrivitm daily of an the ft • 1 dart of enhibi, froth:Ole for Mines' wear, anded ' to this market. Mt: aloe. r hea made a special , of this branch of Mtihse,w, , and nines his mrtietda at troiks tostecurina the best itaa otiaines! . !yew ifor, aerial bru E u ee Z ry " a ga d i e b erti k4 dm i- wi -.- 11 berld to enstOubees: . :ii' ' il l . ik: cordial 113'dt:titan. is est ed to ad; -i • • • l ir , • ON-tuber M. !ick Tiklolll.l.llMlll GARDXISIB,—/Kaiw to .L.l lELIStit KRT. , Weald • annonnerr Wirer and the pebile;_tlisit she iff naltig=ed In * in tame or tai i ilia:la:dines leg .a.-• TER WES at all allrOrt at short mottos meats tor ;pardee and ansalterrtertabunesilk vatli 11 4,0 1 auldennen theetable terms. , 'I,, - , yams_l, • MEM CFLARILITTE KLEINE -le.. s, Mar T1,M41-3t l h • . • 1! I ! • i ' ME ~:.. ~~:~- I' l 'l B 'l 1 ::, 'iStiii.4:llticOitif':!...'r‘ ,•::,,.:.i, .: 'biotin:cm tAictos. , T. :1 ..•, - Mgr rnsintrit gLASTic Sutra • FAMILY .1 I WING:. - M. --- ;,-.3SE*ArOnACHINES —l7) . I T s-IinAIDELPIIII..C,I.- . - 1 . , • Points of Emcerlance: iant s still Elasticity. of Stitch, Perfection and .le r and er°l3ritY n °t oTras ."ll4lllsP°° ter li titiread.. Slllslls44'4 7 l3 ld b"l e zig ran -r ge leamill of spipa-' - S imball" . . without - ehtinge Of adjuktinent. The- sedm re ins heanty and ilrmlve* after ariuthing and lro Besides doing all. ninds'of *work done try nth g Idaeldnea, theige 3dUchlnes execute the "'"l tca t teirin as beautiful and 'permanent Imbrol4ery and Or nartal Work: kor male PY ' • • 1 - 1 ' • 31. .E. CH AlillEnii, Pottsville. J .ii, , In' • . • ---. , - 31---ly • . BM „Wtzuttrii. . . . • . 18 C 71.!STAITEIPE:8, :!, - - -,..... WATCHES. AND,..JEWELP.X. - I .1.? ' 118 Xoirrn BEco!.ck.Sntmc:r. colgr+ 01 ' lir RUT, PIIILADIMPRIA. , . .• .. .. A o.suoitoarnt, of Watches t k. jewelry. Silver and • B.la ' .Warty - lcon.qtantly ott 1 :trid. ILepsdring of Wa elms and ilewelry, promptly, attecolod to. - - . IA , 'la' . -4 . .T - M- 710 m _.:___4- • ED S f e D ol every description l i l tnd isf h tell; derTgns, But hle forlfthlal 9tlfts, Testiattmlnds t liolldayiNsras. en* Prices lower Mtn the rigulas..rrusrket rages. .yriordlnei , r3r trultmetnents topurehliwqw. .1. • GLX).I - 1... BtitalTEl.. , i f ' r . i .. • - 011 - }ll' itlahlisbdt Strid, llt t..21,7tn•1y . .1 , 16.716 Ares street, Plificutel pln. 10.3 in . ~ .. ' i 3. - .r' , FLSHER iiiioS. ' . .. . 1 9 3. ... les. flocks; Jewelry, , Wedding; and F'n gls . enient Mugs Ilsdi: 'solid.) Silver ailld- P Ware,.:La . dl'esr Work .130Xes. 041111% ete. t - ' '• ' ' - est tiatort meat of Masora Handln's and thU. W & Co. s Parlor mntrChdrell Oryginis, Manua, .I'u:4 litpaleal3l feretusudlae generally'. ; ; W'ateh-retsilring by compeleht work - file - n. i (*II and exatalne before pnrehaeing el‘wwhere„ &Nil Kit BlliirrlTEttm, - .. , iv; centrel, , :t.r,:tc, Poit.iN 'ix. I--iy,o A p: €1 le, 'CA.-- 5. ; 1 . r • ~ ltavitiglak rettant-dfrom tbe•Eas:ein ninrkets, I hill opca tal .the Ist (.1* Ikeetither, Gis• finest as.arj. , logic of tiotioNy Giods ever larerett In Oil:: market, OtabratAugtNtlt'Fctretuitl aml oo:lu...site Fmiey Goods, 6/ i .OVI: A ti't . ll.ANDlZE ' itt - 'll ' ir.l.' noxr.s..• I wiiitic:tlOxy.s, . . . . , • 1 , ' • -JAitiIF.NF,LI.F.S,' . . 1' : ' , 1 - 7 ' . 1.41(,c1. - ET VASI-IS, ; ' - 3- :-. -FIGIirr:S 81Z4)5%.1.1t4„te: , . . *rind gtelline; Silver We,r, la try t- variety: rine A tell Ware or I,..^utirti . l f:..+,(1.... VII and make . o r geleet fun. ;' . P. :' . . CIIZ.F.P.N, 7s (.3.:NT I tl: ST : , TiVar !% lille its' 1:.:!11:, I'I.TTTS V.I L1.F... rattsv life, .V...{,ze?,!. '..N. TA. ' ' ; • 1 . ...5—i yil xy.. r t o • bALOWEI ' • a .-Le, "L - : . „ II persqiiN desiring tenlly tine arti,i,s, reliable In r.p.as (i nifty and nvider:tte In prim., am certain to be pl eel by our exceodinglylarg ,, rind varied eullee -1.1, n. tiur stock k kept alw4l - .N (u- I 1 by athlitleits i brat uourees: ' - ur ethre 13 - protiounetl one ot the • must elegnut Mt the , world ; ;Ind. :MY parties visiting the eityzre co hilly invithti th.r.itrand Inspect It 0.t.11,1r leisure. 'eh ti, '714 : lily i . face 116 m; 0p.•11,.41:t elt , t iec mod: of NEW (:., , U. fo ran trade and 11o 1 Utlay t.;;:tt.,iitt:coutprisitig: AMERICAN. & SV4SS. WATCHES, I •WEElly.,, grEntrsa St TA'ETI. WARE, l'Es:l , . ' El,Etrfltp-P LATE() WARE, 1.11;1.1: ; •;• , - ' : •"- CUTLERY, St', - : , Al , .. . so, a flue angdytment of •r• 1 . , ' . Era:nett Mantl, Clo,loi, Itrottzes i - .1 i . ' ; ', Engll4l, Fteltelt anti % Icalta l, r I.: • Istittlter and Fancy, (04 - .15,1 , • 0 our Oltill M.10(41011 ttie pas. I, Sutpiaer lirEurOpe; al of which ItrC arc olfc•ring at v,ery-toodecatt:lwitxri, Mil OM tic. BO "ifSI4I4SYLVAistrA: ; pt.', %to) - P Ora DAY ÜbLID 1Y CrCiODS, • JEWELLERS. MEI IMPORTERS, 109 cht..st.nut, Ktre(.4,. r•hilp,(teipma, • ' Ittsirr •c L A ( 00D S. V,11:11:TY yi;D NV'S'.ll.l .- iE.s.z, AMON It-;, ENVEI ! ItY, !!8.11..1 . )41: W-14E,‘.. - 1!...01)IN'V! ., ;11:%e:1:, c4,(1e155. • .• • IntoNzEs, FoREKLi • •••kNCY 01)1.1 ' • INNS, A( LARK & 13:IDDLE, , , JEWELLERS AjiD SI.LVERSMITHS, (1 doors boow tAESTNUT P111.1.A1D.E1.1911.1 .."'i, r g t , 1 .KW t-ef.: , , I /10 !' • HERRING'S PATEST COLIIPION FARE .& BURGLAR , PROOF'SAFES DRY:rILLINGS,) • • A artled`the Prize Nedals nt World's ffffff Nyorl4's York', Lz Ive %BIle; t • i I_' FARREL, IIEROINO & CO., 1. ir.N cI3F-41•1 -7 ;1 . sT4FKr, • LARVEY GILLAMO ' • . .. HAS. MATTHEWS, I'HILATH,IPHIA. REO.. Ny. 31 VEILS, ~i ; ilErtßiNG,'F.titurt. 1 sninpLo, M,' iort. . HERRING, & CO.; (Mown. . MkIERESII; FARREL' Z: CO- Now tort. fore than i0,(91) riA.PI.".B hare been and are now In use; and oVc.r SIXu men Itavg prxed tl)rouglk neiltientaVir‘lc pre,orvingthl.freoui Le Ills In gone.lush:Miss %V tiro many others failed. • `' t rEcosn iistin SA. FE.4 i if our own anti oiljer make h been tweet ved In part .ay -for the Improve. 13erring's Patent (7lminpion, fur sale at low rates. tine 21.1* ; • • ZTH W. FOWLS k SCOT, Proprietors, Boston -e" i cad by drtlngtsta snit dealers generally. • : Jig= Van* vats signed I. Burrs. `larch 19,`70 - `NEI - 11E13'Sff . ,) HEUMATIC:-, VEGETABLE J.EMEDY. 'WARRANTED AFFIDAVIT : • A PERMANENT CURE FOR: RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA:. This Vegetable Iteraedy is't he prescription rft the :he eminent Philadelphia Physician and Profes'ori losrrteP. Fn I. M. D.. arlio has devoted .vears to Itheturiatistu • awl :Veunsight speeially, and k the medical l'rotessiob publicly announced as th bigtsest authority tritlthen matte...complaints. 'lestiniortyo Itis.plet 3ntlinda.re~e..abletothetast; and - warranted tree Rota • Inincrals - and inJuriets drugs. It Is aficientific pretairatlmi,A medic.altnion lopoly, and wars under soleniu oath a perm*. !rent,hartnlessf, Ire cute for Inhlamatory !then watts/it, Chronic ieuraatisni, Itheurnatbort..ithert-. matism of Kidnevs,,Neurahts in the head, Neural- Oa In the Itody,..Mervolls ITeadaelie, and Nervous diseases. 4-told by Drug ‘ ,%).'ift at 3 , 4 .per bottle ;!6 bottles. 37:A. Medical' ad ce, without charge, segt by letter. • All oniers sent by Mxpress rolleeted on 'deliver*. .D epot, NO. 'South FOLlitTit street, r biltx !! elphitt.April .18, cuptir Pliospl)atts., lop ovr!nrs coIa:ELI stiortriar . v . ; r:- .11. . . MADE 711031. -' • ' • _, r u PER . PHOSPHATE 'OP IcAIME, - AMMO- ,•• ' NIA A Nil POTASH.. .. - • i - For Sale- be all Tx:tiling! , Denlerg. . • P • • , lAi ERFECtr PERTltre:Eltioii,..m.r. c`nOl'ti. ~ • I i On derount - of the rislneeti cast of Raw Motorials,,lT ?tm - , enabled' to sell •"onzijitele Monure" nt a lawrr 3 .riee, arkd by- the Mal of new InnebtOery.ll, us linproy-• cd in ilotulltlon, 'also in ijaality.i A iliteratitcti Jae !(mitttieltarration - .) , •• • -• • 1 . .. • • • • • 1 HENRY IIOWETt, .MantitcictiiringrAp l ay.l - "s•- ' . ..rsou,. , . • - Grey's Ferry Itoad, l'hlltukipiiiii. This manure contains all the. (dements of &int food in a Sot.ruut pottit,,cotataining as well, food (Or giving lasting fertility to the soll.l. ' • . - , 1 1 . Experience In the use of ”Cbstp...te .I.bittura - br.kbe best Tat'rmers of Yennsylrlintn, - Xcu• Jersey; beln.' ware, MarYintuL arid 'of ake New Vcrzinjui.stat ez .- ruunin,g through apt - T1.4 of three years trial, hes resulted iti confirming ft falba the: brat .Plrrtilizer tiKar, tti r cte - ii ' rot : s ' ale. .lo ' - 440 . u P t i l 3 t De °l l;tl• ll nr A e i A tl v% l. n l.:46.S ne, 1 4* '11 (11i llain. - : WILLIAM 1110YNOLIN, • ' •. , _.• • 105 South Street; ilnitlzuore,":llo,) Tit Avrar s ILA* DpNV. . 7 . 1 . . . . 1 . , . . fi •11 PE It - P 1,1 o s 'l l IliA irii; o i.' , L'l 31 f.,.- impE#RKI SPRIN 0, • - .FAR-31 E S!, biereatil your crop of . C 941 4 ., OATS, POTATOES, - WHEAT AND Ga . WKIA. AS • • ADD TO THE } : TRTIL;rrY:PF YCen IV a judfeleux aria ittint } teat mode'qf 1 Id A N - G e t, the mane ist youtoutlar the flustaeaione•Oli. lain better filled can ant lieuries , grain.: Keep your soil tree from noalocavvreals. alake your land per, , mauently prate,., . , • fovea sixTßEZiryetirs - rit eibliAta'nt use; on lilt ream. has pecmenthat Bangles RAW Ttoue Plarrpriarie allay be depended : upon. by Farmer". • ' .1 ifiakly•heloored mull/ Standard Orrruded,, • For sale by AirriealturalD (*era generally: BAII(311 &ARON% ;TM aufaelurerif. 0FF.1431-2)1o. 48. Pe;awarte .&\•rinue, .1111141 a: 31rireh rt. .• • - 1141 u • i • Vilitt.rninsrn— so is - • Mai •• • .11 PROMPHATEOPLINF.,nuenttnetnind .11 a Bon, EXeter• Worrauted unadnnenneel t ne. Uwe and tell et„ • For GILMIN di Br, :Aosta, SS =waled etreett"A • Ilibren amuse to :design from ensmilkettueig 70,,,Ausoir Panning. Mel 9.1045' " . L`,-- gtrI,OI74DESTER IRON - WORKS,' GLOUCE)3; ' VAII , CIITX,,, 111. J.—Orrtcs. No. 8 North Sof ' h Sr, Wet_ ltuuei PlttrAtsturnArmarratseturer WART IRON GAS and WATER PIPES, Coat Irish thumb Pumplog; Heating and Steam Pipes, Stop awes for Water or Ciao, au Mom: Fire (Pugs) ItY•t • rants* Laill•P restiCiaSHoldem'reltsusc.ple, or SW , iff• alining , " and W rought Iron Work, of ; It kinds, . r .Gas Workk All Pipes proved hy Hydrostatic ' • • ; • April.lo:7o-16-1Y NIS NSW Kfl Tuusuus, Prod. Tlict , C,PEXOsit,4l.4Tuntagius.. Manufacturers of Spring Steel. Tlres, lelgh shoes, Flaw and CaltiVator Steel., Steel lh t , uignotuand moulds Made to pattern'_. Flat, Bar, Round and Square tion ant "feet% Shafting, Crovrinars, Wedges. Narrow ; Teeth. and aIAO Octagon Ilars, Iron and Steel, espe dialiyadaiptra L..S for MINERS' DRIL. ae. I " 11} - • • - /5-4/13 DIONE.M1118:0.11.8 . W0R1L5,..,!.% . , - 1 . '.ItEP.II DELANr e Y, 'Pkorafrrost, . . . . , • , : 14shiand, Schuylkill . Ctrunty, in. ' - : ' . /laving lent sized his Car Shop, know iirepared to build all kinds clears for mining purposes., Being a pructicat mechanic and having for years derotott himself entirely to this 17,1 11 ; .branch of the hushiess, and building o , Plimß COAL BREAKERS.. Also, fttel'atentee ':' ^ • . ,„,...._ 'ATI: , of tWo cedelksted tiolf-Puteddli (...Vs, ' , which can be seen working at the works of Messrs. Bancroft, Lewis &-Co., and Patterson, ER ringhatn & do,, Ashlar, and at Messrs. n. A. M oo di e & C o .. Preston ton Co Herten), Gintrdville. coil Breakers built at the shor test notice. Orders solicited. • - ;Aprli ", '74-I,t-ly . JOSEPH. DE.L.II4:F:Y. Tirm ith..,-"bcOs now prepat - ed. to build Steam P. toes, Pumps, Coal Breakers, amt ; Drift Care. Alt-kinds of 'castings and '?t . ; for& rig* made to order. Especial-atten-1, 10 -- *ion wild to the manufacture of Car 4 . .....;•,„„„ r • wheel 4,. JOHIST CATUEIt. • Shenandoah City, • . 'CODNDR 3 3" AND &LACHINE SHOP. STEAH. /' CAR FACTORY, &C. . . , . . _ . . . - The inNietdher 'would gall attention • to thei odiperior facilities iwssessed by •., Mtn for the VII tionki branehe of Steam, = .. ' - 7 nultil s building. IronFnunding, and ,-,_4",` , "'',, the ntanufaetaring.ot all 'kinds of ma- '-' '''''''''''...•• eltineey for Rolling .7dills-13la-Nt runt:as-A, Railroad (N,r.s.; . &e:, &e. .. 'lle will also continue the boldness of 'mining stud selling We celebrated Yids Forest White Ash Coal, being the SOle proprietor of thi..eollierv.- . .....le;; I; '6d 4 -1-13 - tt „land. - Car t.il. , :fk 'W. igNYDF.P... • I)OTTSVILLE ROLLING - MILL, ..vrE.ls: - : lirtteT.ll.EllS, Pnorr.ittorts, ~ 1 . . Pelt :Ale, Sclairsill Crudity. Pal . •- ' e- . 3111tmfactOters of Italitoad Iron (both . i tr. T And Street Ita11s) tire prepared To re- „., . 10 cut v e imd exiseu te Ordersat short notice, ''' ; .. — ;1;7 - rot any avid all the ordinary Faze% itt„tpu.....-yrres, - 114' Slaking our own pig Metal, we tire ' - '..''''.7.r5...'% - - einefol to telect suitable ores; buYeri , 1:413 thertiMee rely upon receiving !n all el/SCS 1114 t elass rails. Ihe. sniallersizes of 1' italls,"° 25, ".. id, and 40 pounds ta. the yard, :Brays on hand, and supplied in snatithits , as wanted, ' - Jan. I, 0-=ly: 't . o coAt ogra.h.Tons AND MINERS. - -' T • . 1 't..' PIONEER noiLER. AVOIitKS. , ' Ti' solisi , ritiers respectfully itivite. -..... .., 444 the attention of the tussie.ess contutu- - l'iit... 4 * . iats. nity to their Boiler Work's. ott itillir()..;ed,th i L st. lielow the 'Passengs-r Depot. Potta- sit itt vtlle, where they are preperod Co matt- --#:.....g ufacturc T . . 1 BO I LEUS OF EVEIII - I)EiteRIPTIO7S. i ..claulst. :smelts, Alr Stitch__, Mist Pipes, thtscomyra Lent I 'ars, fie.. &r. - Woiluns on hand. • . - Wog prattle:A 111Ceillt111114, illill having, for Years devoted themselves entirely -to thisdiraneit of the .biptlitess, flatter themselves that work done ut their eatatilii,lmielif will give satisfaetb at to alt.vrtiotnay 1 favor.t hem withal call. ; Individuals and Centputt les will Ilral It greatly to thele advantage to ego/nine their work before I.llguglr.g else lIN T re. ' •-' 1 ', ' JO. NeW1..1.,' . • NI.V.TIII:W I ill idi.‘.. - IV . L.. I:111 10-1- 6 RC. A)1 p NV. OIL KS. POTTSVILLE. PE7C-N.V,. The stt;iseclbers are r .vreiutna! to fur= ntsh STEAM ENGINI.--; and all ktntls soft' of MACIIINIIICA" and CASTINGS fiwt o. 11.Vist Furnaces and Honing misty, win have :t full assartnient of the -!.„" - nit,st!uppuired patterns for vcr.rricAL II,OLIANG NI I ENIIINIIS t •StIyEEZEItS, FIIE:AILS; I• 17 N ING iM.tCIIINFS, and all other Maelthaery requfred In the manufacture tl Itallroaid Iron and Marv.' ' . . • Tlit• following Atetun I•'t:gines nre . now on hand and randy foi dent - cry • .. 1 Eng'r 1$ In cll. 11 1 - 11 tit'lr.e.2 Eng . .121.11'.ry1. 1.!•: tnJ , •l'ke I I ", 113 '• 2 ' -2 • . 1 " - " 193-' ": " 15 " "- t "; 11 " . ••• 21 " '• ' - 1 , ''' - -. 12 l ' ." 1 ••' 121" .. 24 •• -" 2 '" 6 ••• , i • 6•• •• The above Entfincs are iii! new. antibm ill upon the must approvc4-princlpies, and eon* be secu at the works of the subseribrs. :.kiso, a hilt assor t merit- of Pickerlinz St . Davis' Steam Engine (iovernors oai hand. which have Oven universal satisfaction - • SeW.:1010-1-ly PUTT YASTIN.ZE, WASHI..t9TON IRONAVO4IE§. • NOTICE..-irhe'works of the late thin Of :Wren & I:rattier, ,to.,es - n as the "WARRINGTON' IRON WOR.E.'S,7 Ic.'ated t on Eonistreet, in the ough tixvllle, will be .contin subscriber in sluts various : ' ' " brauc les vizi' Steam Engine building, and all kinds of machinery for milling _ el ther coal or ore; blast furnaces of hot or cold blast;. all kinds, of rallmad castings and raltrOad car fixtures' of ia - roUght and cast Iron; all kinds of brass casttngst alt kicsts of smlthwork. and pit sizes of the latest im proved pumps. single and double acting. Repairing' .proin pt ly attended to and neatly executed.; • , Ily careful attention' to business the subscriber trusts.he will receiver/ share of the public patronage xo liberally bestowed on the late firm. - Jan I, . ' 1 . 8313.4. ND III.OIC 'WORKS. , Tlie SubAerthers aro now folly Pros' pftrist to furnish, at the Ashland Iron wiles Works, Steam m, and 7 ., • of um, - power -and capacity, •for min- si 1. mici -log and other purpisigs, Lailltreak ers. of every - size and pattent now In _use. getimr with castings and forging% of every deis•rir,- Ctial and Delft ; Cars otall sizes and pattertis„ huge Truck and thirst. Cars, all furnished tit, tile shortest 3101 lee. The subserils•rs flatter them:selves 'that. Intimation as even - meruityr of.the firm Is a practical. moon: Info, tlit..)•q, will be ably to furnish machintry that will compare favorably witkanytu the Region. Ail .orderto directed 'to J tt. GARN Ashland, Schuylkill Count y, Pa., wil I recetve prompt at tontlon. _ J. & M. GARNER. Ashland, Jan 1 . ,' r. 4 AGLE /ICON TVOBBB. • WALTEItS, Proprietor. T ALUM:at - A, 3(2IITYL.K.ILL liucdng etlqrgcsi-las foundry and ma chine shop, at the ntgle Iron Works, Tarnaitta ' and thus very materially Increased r enpaelty for t urntng out , r rrT,A; work th his line of loudness, he is WOW prepared to make Steam F,liidnes and Pumps of any power and capacity, for mines; Ainchinery for streakers, Rolling, and other mills, and for Fur naces; all kinds of ca.stings and forgings, vxts,rience of mnyyears'in the busillesS, With the facilities width the..: now 4.3 able. the proprietor to turn ou c.t he very best and the most hat nfacuns work. 4 - All orders addressed to ITEIRT WIkETERS, Eagle 'lron Work., Tamaqua, Schuylkill County, l'a., will receive prompt attention. June "bt., EM TPC.P. PALO ALTO MON. COMP. Are prepared!to.fornish'T RAILROAD IRON` weighing from "Jo to It pounds. per yard—STREET RAILS-4mm 18 to 4113 pounds per yard, to suit either for horse 'ears or loco- 1 . 1. 1 ass,' mottres. All 'these rails are of the •• .•••••• OATES'''. AND .:111Xi'U ' • Lige'll= r.vrr,Eitss.. •Also, a general assort- 11• —4 • - meta of MERCHANT - BAR IRON,! Rounds, Flats;' squares, oval, Milt Round and ("moved, HOOP' AND BAND IRON, GAR AXL E S R.VII.ROAD onAllbs, FISH PLATES AND lAloll:BBIK.F.t4; for rails. j:i ILLS made of the best; ,uals• of mid, blast ehareoni • Iron, ready' for use, either for T 'rails, street ralli•C. or bar iron. Also, all kinds of eAsTINUai FOR ROLLING MILLS. We also in vite attention to our DlFFEvaryr PATTERNS OF Sit EARS, for cutting (dirndls, paddled Iron;J:e.,-,:te. BENJ. HAYWOOlV.Pmslitent, . 'Omen ear. Seenttd and Market Sts., Pottsville, Pa. . Fiarmßßreac. :• EINIE EIEI -3ren Wor4s T:t:trit: "mouNT Outteti State tt Government Standard, Manufac tured exelostvety by the CON;;OLT.DATED , (11A 1. COMPANX,, of Marvltuttl for Illtealug, Smelt lint, and Glbas.Purntieet, and all other purptues, the 1 1,ra. unulldte'rgree.l7! A lgo. - GEOUGE'ri CREEK cv:tunatiLtswitoAr.• Tty the Cargo, from the, ComTinny'S Ocean • Mine.... 1%.11. BALTON, PreAltlenit, • 4'Pembert on Square. Boston., JAS. S. ;iIA.CIi IE, \lee r Itngol way, New York•.l J 1 , 4 .. :1111.1101.LAND,11 1 lee,t about Savage, ,M 41.! GlMtloll..lll-Iat.E.DITH, ••Lti i•:outluttay Street, Ball t ore tte-oln . Dee, 11, 'di BALDWIN' LOCOMOTIVE •I . . •• M. 'BAIRD CO.3IPANT.,. ..11r....a.1 and Hamilton t.trerts, Philadelphia, Penns...! - would call the .attention of Itailroad 311titricers, and those 'lnterested ;in CM um; 1 . itatirteal Vroperty, do their system. of lAwontutive Env:my, In which. they • • j are adapted to the particular bust- A 44.. ness for which they may. .r a , requtred; by the use , of one; two, three or . four. 1r of driving wheels t and the use of the whole, or so ,muth of the weight, as may be desirable for adheiton;• and in wenn-, modating 'them to • the grades curves; • strength of Lsnperstruction.. and tall work to be done., these means the maximum 'useful,. effect of the power's secured with Omits:kat expense for attend.: ant*, cost of fuel, and repairs to 'Wad and Engine. With' these objects In view, and:tattle result of twemi Iy-three years practleaLegyerience in the business' byi our senior partneri we manufacture ilve . difrerent kinds of Kngines; and several classes of sizesof each kite!. Particular attention paid to the strength of the machine in the phut and workmanship ofull the details. .Our long experience and opportunities of obtaining Information, enables ns to offer these en., glues with the emu rant* that in effielency, Ceonolny.. and durability, they will.compara favorably with' those of any oases In use. We also famish td order, whoa:, nxtea, bowling or low moor tire t(o fit, centres .wit lame bortng...contlaixillon castings 'for bearkimpt of every descriptiOa',4 slitik. Iron. and Licalt-r IVarits; every article itep,rialtiltra Alit , repair or riinewal of :Loconi , dlve }.macs. 31. CHAS. T.' r:t Jail f, TIIJ/5... 1....A2t1/1,41.1N. ' • 414. A Nt:IS WA lirtE.ll; TO COAL DEA,LEILS, OAS COMPANIES TIRf li:iv reo Io lhe lesaitufacteit; ti I'aterkt SELF-DIfHPING, 11 N 1N!, i orA, Atin • IRON IfORCrINO for urtlonallwatX;;;l, 'the' rasinurA F tctrCi 4 '• .ICON AND IROvIItIC WI FEI.IIA BROWS: • Are prely.kred to 1111 d 1 ul in x IdII h pnanptrretut runt dispatch .. . , 11.0TICIE. sh --Iletuk the Ile . iValtit its of the. Patent for.the Self Dotal"' ag,. Ifoistnut.Scoon Bueket atO Dock Mock, We rout hat all pers.-a:A against mart ufactirrinu.or purch.t:..lng the liable, froufauy axes t'. ouraelvell or our agents, as we will proseente . to the titmce4 Malt any Infringement on the Letterti Patent. ltespechttallr.• - , • , • , ,ADDISON ;WARREN. Re:l4lmPa. Febtuark 8, , Lts - . 6—ly 10) EAL ESTATE. AGENCY.--OFFICE, IN _ix vita drraltAra:—The undersigried having bad 14.• years' experience. In tiurveying Examination. E. Morahan and Management of-Coal LittutAu Sellue kill and lIKUOiIIIIM Counttes.`respeeifully otters' ids services to owners of lautds,-Unilierite; and Reid E 4. tate of every description. - He t 4 prepared to end to - Purchase and Sale Or 'teal Edr.te. . • k • Examhsation and Inwelopment of Coat lands.' Examination and iteport ors Condit inn of I 1,111. /let, MitectiOn of Rent; Payment of 'nixes: • .• - , tdarreywot Mince. Lands. Lotsote. • FRANK (lAA-r:IL Thendstire M. "Troutman. Es." Presi dent Central National - Rauh, Ph Iladelphia: Biddle dr C 0..., Philadelphia; Joshua Lipplacot4q; Plilladelphia: Adolph V. Boric. E russet . sq.. Vleptenther la, • ... • • , • - CHAS. IlirA i llJELWl.l%_ .-' ' ' . Sd ' • • Laurel striret.'britweria 2d ward 341. l'UllrEtt In alii,llf Wood-work. Bracke t , and all- Wads or I work promptly made warder at' moderate ra Alive meit ealL,4 Hay 2,10 • ••, . • 111—Stiff : . sw"avetretnerrAz api r i on band' Moot. win a t i m:p urAtten til t Vz 1 1 9 D.Putre Ma r 21 k ' v. 4 .. . , It is notbveryone that-knowS how to Make. good bread, - but • altmAl every -house-keeper can wet up flour - and .bake it , .but •by .no means does it ftiIIONV„ that she knows Low to make bread ; -she can, no doubt; make some-- thing-In-the shape of bread. This, however,- May tint be the right sort of management; be causetoo•muchdepends-in every :,:family regard-go .health and: economy, :upon •the • proper;rotnaufactuti-ot thiS most important - article °flood,. /We' may safety ;.assert. that two-thirdkof the bread baked in this country cannot be pronouneed good. This should not .- • be the.cage,inastntich as. breia. ! making Is a plain, Simple . process, and can be well - - per- - formedlry every lady housekeeper, with care arid - proper attention...'. But we must premise .that shentust• have good yeast and hour; otherwise good bread cannOt• be, Made. Tire lit:St great reqUisite is yeast,. to -take take one,galloti .of -Water and in !IC pm - six large :pottitees; • and two hands fall of hops enclosed in' a bag; .bOil 01- the "potatots, are _ done, then - inli-aud press the whole through a colander into a vessel; containing one tea enp-full of molasses, one of sugar, and one - of kititl'idirallJogether "and boil live 'O.l- to e mitintes,;"then let itcOol t ilfmilk-warM, after .which, put in a-pint :Of yeast made in •, satue way and pourina jugand shake it well.' and and. stand-in- a Warm placea day or two till .it ferinents, then - Cork the je t .... tight and k • 1,1 It in a tool place for.use. This ycak will keep good two nienth_s if well -made, and e - 1 precursory to making good bread: Now • for thejrcliellt .Of :those, who tjo not know hOw to Make good' bread, 'we give the fiat ? lowipg•J('‘iipc,,•whieh is a, plain and simple process, :and. rcquiresbut one vesset,and eon sequently., little' tronble. : , Take an earthen • -veNsei, larPer at - thelop than at the bottom; in hicat.lan one p o int - of milk -wurin water, ow? '. • and a hal pounds of tiour,-. and ~half :a. pint of yeasc rin:x.. them Well togetheri and 'set in a warm 'place. Mail it rises- ;and which in from three. to. live honk - Then. put Live.largef .spoiifulls of salt into two qtlaxtsof water; - and . mix it well with the above rising; then put in nine pounds of flour; and - kite:id the dough well, and set it by, tili.tt.hrthen Make into loives, and. bake: rratit- . -teit.:liour to an hour and a nalf,ori until - no dough - -adberes to the broom cOrti'probe. Bread- must not he hut' into the - oven,wheii it is too hot, or a crust \CIII iir formed, and prevent ,its rising. The health " !of evert- lieremda ranch on-the .bread / used, and the gr.cateat care Lsheuhl be eii to.lravc-ve; it sWeit'and.of:itood quality, and it should. never liejn Mt the table tilt twenty- -- -four htitin after "it. is bakM, if health: and afro 'eon4ulti'd.—Prp,:fientlll7rutr: .• NA KA . ..VI:E.—The yolks of five egg!, anti nie cop - of sugar mixed a little; add one anti half eu . pii_of,stigar, one_ cup - of loi4e,t oilant, , ,orle•eup of, rifllk r two tea_spoiniS yeast Rt?w , klei. lieu the whites at-the egg , to still froth.anil put in Itv , t, Iluvor lviuun; flour Us ilihuk as pound El J'lll' , s-1. s'irg;::-• • rt.. , 411t1 • e t t:z•=. tell4.up full oi"fltktvr. lialte the s:olit..,:tn • . • -A,. t'ottut;synxl44:.NT or tbe \V: :mkt; •ifsk - 3 !that . .-pltper whiect her salt will hit proee hen Immure its-nll4 - tilizer for yegetailleia and IT So tow It should:tie and. •applied- :—Thb: is the The afreet 6( salt as - a manure i'G cc:i. e t z , t hle s &ponds on the kind of Alin t;: to whit h' it is applied, Sumo requiring :C 171r,',' lirttPortioti 01 satt and others needing ly :any -o( it. Celery, lettuce, initl-pahhi4%,i,' runt:iin-a 4 iarge nj:t he ec.nstittem of conntiotti , alt.-Y - Asparagns and sf-a-I:nrc :matitihm;;,..plants - W Welt minim) salt in wit. o M : 'ature: 'Turnips have, s:eifreely. :f trace Of it in th it f;ompositt,o4. apply ;isalt wpm evenly by it . by mixing- it with tiurehut it- will the (fertilizing pofvdr , the :manure; if . tnixefl With it:. . A pe , l;. stilts will be - suilleicut. in' 10. 411 4 -, nuts. ;- - WOLF TEotn.—.llttelt diversity of opinipn, 'prevails .on the subject a blind 1...:11,„ . -Jairgesihnt a*tnajority c ! f farniviN zo•e_d,f i”; irptnion They are 114 w -io n .. i ..cati4 , blindnets;: SonienWners of Ii. ,, ;;;.s:11::VQ ;Mont the propriet4c.i" .the puneli hannner, and coi.tool that siieb 10.111 do not oecasion any litho": to tlo• eyes,"arol that it i:•!arliai•ous to puneli theni out. But - as there aro hitt' few instance,' kiniwn.Of, tip bang hurtful to "the horse :4, 'havti theAvOlf .or blind teeth knoel:ed, the cli . . , ntal.exereFeenve had belter : IfeilliiVut to railke of, no had, (4)11N, 4Jirr itce.; - ih SqUAIiE ROD ll iD 1. 1 71 . 11 E SoBEEN'S • E I-N. • - r • • • •17ANA9 , ACT1 , 10. 4 { 4/I.' . . . SQUAR}; HOD AND - Win E I•43NS: • Stir 5C,117.116: 1:011-lif1.11-4•CNS, IIN At vol - NT of .superior st dtivoldllty.f preferred lo ull of tiers colielfer 1t... nil hiZeg.filwayson Ofders promptly filled : 1 / 4 nuxlentiM prices.' • May 29, • M.ANTsPACTURF.II.B. Or COAL SOU:LENS. • L. LAI:tiMq3TELN. • LAUBENSTEIIT &- CO Of tIle• t.siest and Most . Approved Styles, . . The'lltnien4l2nert who.are prnel teal, S:ereen 'At/pin faettironti tnTortivi t:pal . :Opitators and 4,1 hers, ro. I .ftg.y are mann taut tu Ito: a new ('ll_l 7. St 7tl'.liN, it:',l . tehtpdiJune 21. Ittiii; and another patented A tatina -1;411; they guarantee that .. the, aft.:.-zit will 1 . 1111:...VS ri,' alt. Its orh;inltlPiZl,llntil entirety 4.“.. worn out. ~ 'Secotar• hand_ Sereims and .;! LW:ILA :a: Wl.Or' , . .1 I - hand, , . . . , • We rits etfull.,ollelt a ~ n tit innance of tho.t r.a I:nat.. \. agr lierrtl . , fore 5.,,.. PA...rally 1:.:::ti.,wc,.1'. - , . :. - L. 1:.1 ritElit , .T.E ,t; rN Cit..' 4 S. ) rear of listerly's .11,10w:1re:4;0re. - • 'Pot tsv 111 e, 111. MAI o Jan 1,7 A BS9LI.ITt DI.VOI>.C ; E3 1. , g;t11;. obluinvd s Neet - Yeyk. 111111. iii .111(i (blllr for persons froni any state or roinfiry legnl eVvry wliere: f1:11;11:0:In-sA, non- •upvirt, et r. Slink:lent eat/ 4P; nn of:. me until di vpreg.t.tibtaitkeil. 4 egtlll/ItSIA. • 31..1101:•*, • sT., Ni: • York t 1 rY. '73..-;:zu • DAFLTNER WITH 41 TO 1200.000 . WANTED IN RA ILIWAI) ezr, A'l , oreign Muse e , itublisiteti here mint , : i...‘tti•:•qttt. tlestruits. of-meetiut with. n Intrt "wilt tlu , 4lstr \ amount orcaiiltal. tTlp , ordeet is to .extend a it!,ll - Iron and •Itond Ku:linos:4. already inanuaral,.. "aintin 'they rios..geAt. the rolvtintag.,..4 Lint -and valpubie ontueellons in Englatid anti 4 1 ; the Continent. .. A party- withsottni•etions hi the Roll I rig• NIB I;tr, i . - nes* preferred.-;. -•- - ' - ' . , ..k,ddretut "It.ttlirnad I r.ku and Boti.b.;, - Box It.ll 1., ~..1 011 tee, New Ytirk City. ' '.111a.z.- - 41, T0..21-i1 • - T_lowrort, ABLE & CO-, ' - - • ' .Stieettssors to 11. It. ci:(t.5. , 71 , ..n . . • , . • -. .N . 4?:; 1: - F I ft,T; • 13 It Ili •I*,. For Furnaces, Bolling Mills, Forims, Steel Work. ' :bline klins, Cupola Furnaces., Isl.ot.'liS and • .', TILES,.for Blast Fuianiees. tiaaWorks.. Mal . _. leatile Iron 'Works, Baker's Ovens, ("teen it 01.1SeS, Ite. Stove Seater and liango , ' • • : • • Lltatias.- Clyilniters.,ite,, of evet? . • . ~ ••• , description - to tinier., . ~. . Fs e Cloy ,- ,Kaolin, Fire Sand, Flrt• Cement - , In Linn; r i or, s ore(. • ' . , FAcionits . : - . •ll.f. tith of .Wasultirlilito Creek, , N. J„' n till l'eek.sk ill N. Y. I'. O. Adttrth+a, Perth Ainbor, NI J. onl'eek'• kill. Ni Y.. -- - April z5,.•7417-ty . lELIST IdORTGACIE StVEN CEN (10 El) S CENTRAL . - RAILROAD - f . 10INA At.' • Lion i% Slier a full exam nation, we have- Alener fur the-Sale of the abov.i Firs? • - Bonds, and desire to reeutainend theme -to .it kr. et is .touters nen fliorouphly au/r, «a tr'rtt as, in remtnient. . . • We In.lieve,there will he tui's nun e favorable 1 ,, u , iu t•ell thellovernments; and troy.tip 1-'1 r:.; ltallrotut Securllles—lwieh as these --tha ,t • • -: JAY COOKE it CO., Now Yoi - k.: Subscript:lona will.be receirr.l In 1,1 L. F. WIII`rNEY. of whoni painkhletirand full Inforrantiel4l. leo:, 1 , • W. 7; ' . . . $.11:111T I TROUT ! 'TROUT r . . - Sqw It the s eason for sport, Call :Ina - selection of TACKLE front our full attK.,rt tt, ;:6 rOerlvedlrotn New . York - Ii fon r 1, : •?'"' hurls With -hickory. tlo, tlpx;_haiditta, hair and silk lhicv . r.rotN. CarllNte -and- Limerick; Snells: lo platola, and everything nelC arv. t alt and • ypiir selection,_ t I P.111•ro • _ . NEdit 13XCOTT.tD,PRO-LE • ;,, gs, persons*lth other deLletettelex of the eyes,ahoold remember that their Mil be suit,. with, the 'pnovo. glasses by JOS.EPIt 1411:1:1:. tictan • No. M.Celitrietteet, Pottsville. slim ol T:i Ills Spectacle. • 7 • March :A 'to-12-- RINDS of R Bart u , Tools eon be hn ••tt r• • dUtterl_prkets,al. SOLO ti SOLOMON- 114)0'1'1.A: 4 V Stove Witt H ouse Fornlshlog 'Depot, .No, 2-5 et ill street-, Pottsville, ' ':Apri.llB, WEIR 'BOOKS AS BOON AB ISSUED. 1.11 NEW ETATUBTlT.B.—ltocre'ft_Ow .-- Just. received et /AMMAN BAKKE - 1"s. Pottsville • JUNE, 1870. I l• • farmer. BUS CULIXAKL 'r. ri AXING J3l ALI foal *rents, .Sc: \• t6,l.thn Manufacturer- of Coal Screens; Er 431.11 BM JC:iNVIYACTUREII.:S OP 41:1, 811APFN DOOLEY S The gandaird reputation attained by 01nm:a ed and infante least Powder &Wag tWerre.Yetin , past: Is duer to its perfect purity. healthfulnera and teonomy.,Put OP in 'tins, actual weight, re presented, ma will keep for ycarr. • . The quantity required for are is from one-fourth toone-halfleas than other 'Baking PowderKi • Sold toy : Om:era throughout the United States. DOOLEY &BROTHER; Manufsetarers and Proprietors. 69 'New ar rye ,`.Y4w York. ;1-11t, Jfnj 'SI; •To MEE 11 II U II ~IL. IGI MI