The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, May 28, 1870, Image 2

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A re. Abeit SpECIAL VATIC - CS will be tweerbed Alpbseteally , o 4 e r
Ppirl at 4n 444014 'pa. atagle leuerstas; ai mete a
BANN A N. , & It:3,..M.sEY.Lßoolo9ellers and Stationer', Prin
ters and Itint4ra.l66(X9lZetAteet.
osio -- 0 . ,
- -
, ._ .
, ri i i . :
~d is rm.s. set - ro.:A.L. Is homed " every fiaturds
. , o.wris:ntr, and fUrnohel to subscribers at $l. 75 per annum. In .
selvar-e. or V If not paid In advance.
ci.1.73§1-43scBs.PTIoNs —INVARIABLY nt artvANct:
, • : c,,,i5i. to one address, r.ix.)l 15 I.lopiew to one atbireki,s.4o 01
\ - 6 '' .""1. %. 13 00 1 :15 '' .•.. .. - - 100
To Yews4alere ti Alper IM Ouplea.,ash.-, 4
' W'
. ~, 'lditricters ' and .-hool Toactsert we will turnt,ll the
, ..171,714 ' N 41.. by mall, ss.4l 50 per -
11.1.11nUM, In sulvarsor they
. .J wit.; W., full nisi. r i : u l _ .
TligltAli.l.'" •111Ny e r-tt* .101;1:N.A.T. Is publishtd every
se,-eltr.klay morning, Saturday's excente4. ~-
TT.2l...lS—Tin colits .per wOelt,r;:sl - ‘ 0,1, * to t' te .c- ' 2 " 4 ' r "
,; azent by whom It LI served,
Y NINIL--Payable in advanc , , true year, pi 00; eiw
- J , v....tahs, tt 75; three .
I': DAILY AND V'ES7.,;:LT 31 INEr.s• lOt EtNAI. t: Z../ per .
. ;.; DLL TIUCIL b advancv: 44 t. YOT ''' l X th"t"'"
.4, : P.AMSCY. Publisher':.
'• 9 - 11-11: foilowing Jim . - the rates of . - Wag os
_L paid Tinder coinparative' free , tradein
1 Ise)) and - 1; ,, tt1, and viltich the 319sqoa,
,organ of the workingmen,
- • t !dolt:4 the ininersjhad liftter: j try a while in
aecei)tine . f,lie . operator's 1.514.1 s
1-',l%.r.'rq utt.elz • • •,„
do; .......
• A • . do • ...- ...
ract work. ran t re+l 'trout 1- 1 7 to pet'
• In 1 , ,0, lyagec. !tilt!
••' . •
twgau :it _Ad run op to t 4
do itts'Ar,
.iln .5 0 • do Lt;
t:1 men., . 5 . :lo •,' it 0)do • '6 5-)
- ,,ittra,:t work u tront,i7 to F..;,.5 • ) •
. wage:, NOtwith,ittintliug, the:4 , low'ages, there
. .
were thollsapds of perens Who could get no
-„regitlar employment, an ntarti could only
et 1 1 - -orii front two to three clays a week.-
- \Vti have examined our prices . current for
1 , -,.;')„ . antl,we find the folloWiiig Were the pri
of the. article. , , , by retail,'COmpaied with
our present titiolatiitu= for the same articles:
.Nt AV, 1,:0 1 J. >3.1 A I',
iytutoPs r. 444. s.",
• l'.4tter '
liams ; 1L 1'2,4 I
• 13,
u t ton and Veal• \ t),l'!
1:0-.1 • 'Awl:ca.-Le in price of these arti
cli whiCh enter intO l the coßsuniption of
chiSses, over 'IWO of-S1 jre cent.,and this 1 . 01
fte al,out the average= difftirenec in- the price
of idher artiele,4 ! - 4knipared with IS6O.
Now if-we add the ,41 per hnit..incrclg4ell
ex:peites in living to the . . above!lvages„And
undefinirker's free traile,' which he recoil - 1-
)11cm); a trial of in preteromi to accepting
,basis,, and the foil Owing, would
))e the result
PARKER'S: 0VERAT02'..3.4
11AbIS. ISANI/s.
, titatsitie labort , rs, per week... St: 3 , 1 $9 00
10 001
t‘t Inert+, 11.1 ... 4 9 10 -; 12 op
.miners by ctrapact, average • 11 2.2 00'
' But it is doubtful whether wages would rise] .
(-Veit if provisions rose, bes:aute free tradel
Egl nund when breadstuflg; rose about 75 per'
cent several years ago, the rates of wages did
not rise one cent, but iri4yeral instances ! ,
were alsolutOy reduced'. 'l•3trdi in proltal
billy would the ctie-liere t 11.4), if we had
frest, trade, which profeiiscif friend of 11a1
working classes reijotinnends.As the editojt i
of the Miimmit, «IK-11 running for the Leg
i-,latuye last-year, failed to secure any of 1.141
Itsntoet:atie members of the "Union" to vot
nit. him, he i‘iiniw preN, wheel multi
, niid udvo . eate Dernoeriitie' friAt'traile, in 61 - .4!
to necur!: it 110111ination from thepenuoeratii
- leirty tilis_fall. We ratliit think that, lig
c:tre: , more about ,elf iiggrandi, , ement
l ihi:i l . of ihe workingmen, (or he N5'01.111
'ili',j (lir lii.L.lnlit. to deceiveand'!
I.y run ling frniii one : eXtrrhie to the other,
or . .t u r i to itreN;etil the working TIIMI alte(iptin
I.:V-1, faCit.4l'hy ( . 11 - ;l7:at Or", Nviiiel
they can po--iitlt . - pay in the "pictsten
,--I . att• `of thi• t ta! le. :tie I 44111%•11,1;11Si‘kriligilir
of to:up:ire:l 41 - 111 1101 y%:'1411: -
' re:nu - Iterative tlik year a- thebiu4s •
aged Lc the Joiner then,-elves la-t year to
L-uit their I
• A we have ,t,tl,;(ll,cfore, the snlinuri•t,eoft
nut-A . 15' are out of all
r propOrtion to tillu
pl-icet ipaitt to miner- anti *laborers lty the
day, vita,t-equefttly the `basis fixed by
..topern,('duct.-, the contl'act work -of the
tinter, :gin. pt•r while the reduction O;il
1%: .4 :1g,1.4 for out,de hands per euntt,
itit-ide hands 1 . 7 pert.tent. :Ifni On ininets
4% a:2! ,
.pe,t making the average r
d 1 . -tittifl'ioti.tia-t year's basis 20 pet' cent,
1 he following yompari-on of prices shovits
. i hat it, hat a- , !-irt : • .
pr ~,x in I ^,- :.; eltal f.bhiiiv.d . hold
rit,, r tri•-incr,ll4 , l
< •
. .
, ~ 1:.•1'1:1:1 P.S. !" 4' , '. • I
. • ..;. ' MA I', I,rli, ;NI A I', Islll,
1 . ,-,,fr,. 11,r,,wn , t ! ,. :. - ..1..1 ' ..!.) , :t , .. P4•l' lb. : 1 . 1 ". ,rt:i
I -t.r• 1 .....1... 1-2 1,. . l, " '•• PI (4, ll5
.I ' l' .. !• '- ‘.. . --,.."..." .. , .•4 -.1 c+ , l”" 1:1 " - )411. - iliro
.1 • s io l,;.,: m q . _ ,
... :,.., I ~,-,91 ',...11 per val. 41 if, *litho
1.:1.1s. rf.r lb. t j i lb
. n . 411117 y 14r , ,,,,th4 , .., fr4mi 1P to 13 wr vent. It- 4 s I 1 4.n
:, I , IN.
. ...;
"Flour.. .......
l.ry salt slmuldi•rn
•!-quolted ••
' 1
, ' • r Loin" of:000 . 4. •
-I' , -.. l l . lfittk, at claPck, and other tot ton 1-! ,,, ) , tt r--.
1 ,!1 tk% trace ./of tat iwr ve11 . t., 4 4,,,,
.l h :in itip.
; • lii7- ,, iieiiiis„ ..-17 t 0..;, - •• .
; 4. ;Ilon's.Wi'-o,r, sueh ! ,
1 •:, elot hi.% cus , i- - 2.0 0) Ti
. n.cro , ! &P". , , ' I
- - Sluttller ;I tt• rat s, - 1
•ticti ' tt. , , stt.t . 6.- ]
. ing•ti (inf . Ittll.-
situ: & lit.ti.ifi.,•! •
• ,•_ , /
. . In. Luzern, "eounty,, mining is earned Vin
.lilferently.. There nhp-1 , 111. is perinitted to
bike, a brea-f unless" he has ex perienve iti , - a
' 'diner; ing;ther words, learned the business.,
by \rOrking in a breast with a miner front
I woto fohr years,as a laborer. There a miker,
'. takes a breast, :ant hires one or two laborers .7.
7 • to work w itli him._ The miner works with
7. •
anti directs - these men. He pays them from .
' • - 5.'2 50 fo, $1: 75 a da.N. ' There- a- miner pad
• - : laborer does really as -much work as tiro
:. •
millers do byre, and while the laborer- icts
' - ‘ 7 his .!-$2 50 and S 2 75 a day, the miner'can
I legi from $1 ni St; a day, according to ; eapa
. ' - oily. The satue a i in tho Lehigh' region,
nil in both 'of these regions the ; laborer; re--
oeives more Wages, and the miners lesOn
7 - propbiti. , ll, than they do in •Sxhuylkill Clun
' ty, 7ln this,County there is nojestriction to
the giving of breasts to menvho have not
':- • ' probably had six Months exper vuT in wOrk
~.'• . .i t ; Under instructions." They are permitted
f•to take. breasts here without the necessary:
. - skill, aad theiieten claith high pricE:s• in
, . order 'to =Ake lull miners,•wages for Each
• . - ,one, and thus in 'effec i forces down thew - l
'• of the other laborers in order that tAeY can
...,Inake more.,
NNre are aware that the e(litorf 'the
profi.:-;:syss• to advocate the - :77-11'1):Nsis of last
If lie knows anything, he must know
tqt in the prtrsent state •of the con l .l rade
tli it -ba , Ls ,eannot be paid, 'arid wont but
i‘ilNits yr knave. , ailvoeate i,
men - take tlifitg's , :tsthey!are, When
it i= iiill)(l,irulc to
tr l iglit ;111(1 erniforin to eirettrils.tatices
s r • TH
E A Ili ()N Titi; strvri:,TßEA;Tlti•
.• •
A 1,1, art , cognizant of the fact that at the
lay session of the I.egislaturey 4
. bold
:and well coneoctell plan to take the $1),(01,-
f:).cif bonds of the; Pennsylvania Rallroad
CinipanY, deposited in the Sinking :fund,
from that depository, was almost succeful,
.and was only checked by the firntneS..sde
,te.f.ininatien and honesty of Governor,
The principai - and Interest paid .-anuti
ally by the Pennsylvattia Railroad Cranpa,,
on these bonds, amount to ..:4 . 50,009,
g'o to liluidating the State debt. it
i , ;eortai lily, not desirable that, these, lkituls
should be retulved from the Sinking Fund,
on wrist: that prop osed , in the great
railroad of last winter,
_ . unel..whileAlte
people at large applauded Governor Gear
for his action ; there- were partie4 svlin
charged him with Veing bribed by a j;rot111-
• nent "tiew York railroad comp:mi. . Rut they
. :were not heeded, their charge being rightly.
aiVibuted' to the natural ravings of.Abiap
peint6tl seherners for personal'intereA.
maaa-, believes it, for if Governor
lGeafy was-a man open •to bribery he need,
.tnit have gone out or the State to receive it
. oti this . question. The Penns2rivania Rail
:road Company iTould!without_questioin have
teen glad to have Eletu:riA him in favor of
tliia'scheme by the tuo t.liberal douccur.
fio much for that. We have .it no*' from
the most 'undoubted authority, thati unde-
z 4 sr)
i'r 00
It -5
...11 17
8 76
It! per iinz
to red by the fail • Ire I ri; tt e.
114 winter, the schen
e are, again sign usly at work to secure the .
o ject in ,whiehthey Iwere then defeated.--
T Aey,are determ dif they can secure the
tuiiiite stien_ I in tike next Legislature, so
t 1
a . 0 pass the bill over the Goyernor's veto,
- rob the State tiry-,Of those $9;000,000
o bonds. of this fact we call upon '
i e people thee = out the State to be exceed
gly careful in • null to selecting men to
present them it the ;next Legiidature. - In
much as tIK pe =pie are interested in k.vp- i
itg those bonds in the Sinking Fund, let '
tem strictly techise the candidates 41
te Legislature. .n this subject. Let- il4
• . pie remembe that', often candidates pr+
'lse certain things and apparently act in
ionsistence therOtvitii, while . quietly gfter
klection they thrftw their intluene‘ in an en
trely oppogte diteetion. 1 Let each candidate
ior the' next Leg slatttre be pledged to act,
rote and thro -the entire weight ; of his
/ntluence aphis any r efsehltme- looking"to the
. iemoval of . these, bonds from the State Trea
ury for any-railroad Or any,other purpose.—
m -•
I. elect en to represeut:eyou upon whom
-on' can depend. in ilriS matter, and none
titer. , . ,
The scheme is large and thp amount of
'under prombed if it should prove success-,
ul, tempting,. We hope that the. peess. of'
he State will join - us. in' sounding the alarm
in this subject. amang the petiple, ro that
lien the time for nominating candidate for
he Legislature' comes, the people wilt `be,
re:pared - Jo eXact the! pledges suggcsted,- 7 -4
'• nd no mart to the Legrslature who can l,e
, -
purchase:!, or wh 'ose; itelegtity is not above
.suspicion. -4 ituniber the principal then
at. the head of his seh ewe • for a raid on the
Treasury are,* unScrupuh'ms • St. 4 they are
bold and reekless,and,Oter effecting their ob-1
ject would turn rotindcand laugh at`
people and th l e taxpayers.
To be forewarned list to be. forearmed, and
we sound thei alarm dni time if assiste4by the
honest, fearless journals of the State, to de
' feat the probability the 'proposed.:scheme
Before closing this article, we would sug-I
hest that there is another, Matter the people'
i4';otilgl do Well to catqliise their candidates
for the Legi:'4lature the - coming Fall,
and that is ,
reference to calling a. Conven-
I tion to revio and amend the Coastitution of
the State,' tither States.are engaged in this!
wOrk of reform, and there are evils in this State
which should be reintldied by a change in
the Constitution. Let, your candidates also,:
be pledged - 0 advotate and vote for the call
'ing of a (7onStitutional Convention. -
THE leaders are nslug all their efforts t 4
.•create the impre+ion_ that we arc liostil(. , ]
to labor and the lalsaring, classes. There is
not a sensible man 'who has -read the Jon+
NAL that' believes) One word of it. And
some of these , leade who aredenouncinr
us: know better. person has labored
harder than we hive 'to h:iti the dead lock
broken rptetion settledon fair.
principles than we' did. We• - also addressed
•to John Parker several private letter,•suy'r
gesting a policy that would .extricate thein
from. the difilcultiesMiat wdre surroundi
them, and Urged thent to make * sonite com.-
sion to the . present] state of the trade. •Tln+e
letters \VIII tsliow Whether - weare hostile to
interests oflaborand we now absolve
- from all secrecy Oti his part,' AND (4.N.
UPON H.llf TO l'lt BUSH' TH0:517, !LET-
. ~ i
TElti4. They 01:iprOwe whether -we are
hostile to'l4bor or th 4 W. 1 1 .1„ A WE DARE
AND LARORER.:4, - • k. - ;
, ( ,
-After we! found itlbow advice unheedel
- our compromise scOlitcd with the FORTY
IN COLLIER [F 4 ;. fro ii i -.10,01) to IL' 1 00(
People of i.finploymihtt, nud busbiess at.,
stand still,we deterniined to use ouir intiuekik
to `induce i the *men ito accept the opera 'or`
basis, zitni 'at th.eiizit c tie time tellit the n•• • •
{ . ~
was all they coup l ; pay, and if not `,:teee. It l / 4
in the course of I , short time,,it 'I as 41 lik)1
ful whether they ; Would- be able to pay tin
tha 4 :Os on th , , -r'llit)g 'prices of coal l
we„ t the same tho believed that if th -c(
lieri.:s were starteibo',i that their Oldeusto ne
cowl l' be retained; • that Ric , operatOrs \ oil
- - •
pay the „:, ias s en if the price o en
C '' ' '' ' ' 0
1 • / ( I I •
ItotiO go down as IoW as-s'.&i -a ton, soon
than :itoptheircollieiies agatn.- We are : wa
-that the ti l / 4 i,de wouitl have been dull, ti l t
our adviecj had _lipen r ,,heeded upwardsier '
iliilli4ol of dollars wkild have been 11:
labor at the coal Mbies in this region,
is n0W.104. for civet!. and nn•n,who W( re de
sirous to work. lint mere prevented by th . ose
who s
- , u 1 ,
stapt their.lea 'lets front doln:_;.sofanti
. a large,ntiniber "are •lio.w supported -by col
lections made fr(ifn those who are we Acing..
Were-we not right ? Was Rib ! ' hostility - to
the working Clasi , Cs, and in favor of tle oper
ators?, None but a ninny. wmild ma e•such
a eltarge. _ , .
The.whole public sentiment of tile C
and even the working classes enit
t, - •
ether branches' iats,inOis at ho
`t I : I
1 10,
abroad, 'where this question :is full
stop l; is against:the conduct of the
. pVi lig d few - ,itietions
V to the leaders, offhe \V. E. A., which .
we requestthen; to answer in tindr next put)-
answer licatiOn. L :,, . . 1 .
Is ii right to demamtwages.on. alB bdsis,
when!, theiproduet on which it is b:sed will
not c,6uurfM Id More thaU zi'2 .10 id he mar
ket, OR will k. inmand flat rate •'% - hen the
colliertes tart? , : • '' • . . .
- . Why th?t not these I,k. , aders exhibit - to the
Miners mid laborer the true stay}' of the coal
trade; h,v'giving the figures and the fatal,.
. 'the Mtleial returns:and ltave the mem
' •laers judge for themselves whether tire, static
4,the trade will. warrant the wages detnami
ed on th 4 .:.• , :l basis thisyear?' c : _
Is iit not . base d.eception—aye,• is ft nof`
criminal to withhold . this information from.
tire Bien; and,then attempt to Prev"ent their
'dupes reading papers that will ,give them
eorreet information? . ,
WtlY do not the, leaders, \Olen they speak
of the operatOrs . basis as "
13asbi,'' Five the wages a miner "an make by
contract by workitig eight hours a day—not
by the 'week . , bee&use they know that there
are riot-over titeontof every hundred - miners
employed that work by,the Week?
Will these lead,ers dare publish the iatutige
wages - made in this.Rteion
contract lAt , year on the , S 3 basis, ; for the in ,
formation of th&u : orking.elassei abroad, and •
the hoUrs the ,miners worled each days to
make these wages?
If anie4posure of the wages received by
the ininers in this Region has to he made,
they , must thank their leaders for proclaim
, inglhat the cUal•operators.refuse to pay fair
to the Miner. •
TnE plitot': of the.MoNirOn states that we
said last year that he wai " honest and. up
right.•', We plead guilty in having endorsed
him—Which we did from information deriv
ed from some of his ,neighbors, who spoke
•iYell of him, others denounced hitnas
eStUbborn demagogue.. We preferred to he-
lieve those Al;'ho spoke in his Ifavor. We liad
butr little personnl.aequaintance with him,
and , the last! time we met, in, the course of 1
cot4Versation we told him' that some of his
neighliors had ttef:us.Nl him ',[3f demagoglsin,
and that we had deniedit—hut that his eon-.
yersation then seemed to confirm what had
, been reptored about- him, and we:so - told
hini. But we still believed that he was "holt
estnnd npright," but very contracted In' his
views, We favored his nomination'and sup-;
ported, him. i So We did Andy Johnson, who
wa.s.belleved;to be "honest and up i right" alsO,'
even by Abraham: LincOln, who suggested
his nomination. But we all' know.. how
Cruelty the People, were betrayed. ..We tried
believe Mr. Parker "honest and upright;"
even after his defent,and the reftisal.of tloAe
wIlOACICallge he had esppsed,tO vote for him,'.
but .- 3yr_. subSequently fOund that he reall
was the "sttlbborn demagogue" which si le
of his ineighhors ;rortounced him to and
we,..i.oreominott great:Tum others
'ate voted fOr hitn,.w - ould nevaf. . so again.
This i war explanittion, and we ye it Akin
prove tisfttotory ItolJ c editorf the' Itlci,Nr
• .
TOR. S• 1 •
...kerilnlawe to -a Isi)ec" .41
•Yorti paper,' from L C
fifty lites were losti,
place.- It is • said fe
steamer were edv
- .
that two persons Rho proikssed to be
Republicans,' now loaders of the W. 8.,A.,
nie;l'apidly gravitating . to ;the' free trade
Dettiocratie partyr which they think will be
.likely to give them office, as.they are ,
in the majority at precept in this,coainty,'
and Under, the guise of professing friendship
for the laboring classes, .expect to carry Some
Republicans by playingnpon their prejudi•
u ey v. - find the nambci very small,
becatevery sensible man in the County
knows that free trade me a ns low wrigm, With
eternal. hostility to Ameriean*Litx;r and tn
dustry. We think it is very natural; that
some of these leaders who have exhibltOsuch
lamentable deficiency tog:tilde others, should
affiliate with the Democratic party, which
Don Platt," the talentedl - Vashington cor
respondent of the CINCI . I!INATI CO3tILERC
. AAL,
declares is fast becoming nothing but the.
COUNTRY." Ofcourse'seme of these dema
goinC would be - in their right place , there.
! ..t.%.1 1 ". ; 1 1 .t. 31. :coos . :' aP. X
F ;
1 Sa\P, 1
.. . .
. r. .
= t•-;atttritay --- ,------ .
I I • - I° 1 I ir .
,-.‘" SU MI5:: . 'l,•r. - , 70 66 . Cl/
23 MOIIIIAS ~ t ' i 51 1 e 4 1 66 M
rT . I a! 1 :76 1 ' ES ' th
-...4 Ttic,,taF-............... .............. t 1
sti i.
:73 I
es .
25 w.fdlic-.42,r........... ." te
.'..Y. 'lllurlay 1 52 / 1 71 1 60
I ''' 1_..... ;Ai fl-!. s=l_ N T I:,
. . , ,
SOS ; Si ( !. 'N's cIIANGSS. n.
I:''X' 1.57') . ltlSt. : - SSTS . 11°°- ..; . Q:
'2.? .1/ 4 A.TCRDAY... 4 173 •1. 7 '—''' , D. lA. X. r
Lt SI:NDAY. 4 32: ' ..7;,24^, .. ~ •
:Si) MONDAY__ 4 32 - 7 .23 Flrst`,Q. 44 10 41 - MO.
:U TrOiDAY..... 4, 31 7?A 'Full M. 15 1 7 mo.
1 WI.:1):(1.1-1DAY 4 ;:l 7:24 • LaSt. Q. 113 ino.
2 Tiwns...o.ty... 4 : 00 '.' , •7:Z. New , 11.• 3.1 s 1 mo.
3 ric:DAY. • 430 Ti 7. X ! ,
... • .
• - .
• To-morrow.—Twent:psecond Sunday of the
year and first after AseenAon. Day's length,
14 hours and 51.miptnei," •
Capt. Womelsclorff riqurned yesterday front
his lishltv. anti_ gunning. , excursion in I!otter
count - v. He will neeept'our acknowledgmenta
fur a number of tine, , fat pigeons, part of the
result of his :Niturodian exploits in that section.
.. . . .
Passed Through. --A, ! band Or (i i psies „passed.
through this 1; )rough yesterday. .They seemed
to be well supplied,.loit that is. no , alp) that
thAy will not supply themselves-better where
epportunky eth.-rs them a ghanee to do ao by
' -
stealing. .
The , Rev. Dr.`Stniley will pieaeh in the Second
Presbyterian Church, Mancet Square on to
morrow,at A. M., and 7i P. , SuLjeet for
discourse at I'. M., Aborigines of this
Country as unfolded in prophecy. All are cor
dially invited. Seats frle. ' - •
• The. e-ourades of. Goiven Post, 'lso. '13,, Dept.
of Pa., G. A. R., will to{•et at the Post room, to-.
morrow (Sunday) evening at 7 o'clock', sharp,
to proceed to the Baptist, Church 'for the purpose
of hearing a sermon appropriate to the Decora
tion ceremonies of the ;kith instant, to he deliv
ered Mr. Seintibwer..
Returned enm Etiratie.—Richard Lee, Esq.,
wife and daughter, of this Borough, reached
house Thursday evening,after a - ear's al."%enee in
Europe, nnt of the U
tile spent in England. Mr.
Lee went abroad f,,r the Itenetit of bin health.
.antl.we. are happy to sa,c - that he returns ntueh
benefited in that respeet.
The family of Mr. Sutton, the unfortunate
t tau AVIIO loaf his life qn ThUrAay at: the Wil
liam P . enn Colliery, are in - destitute cireum
stances—in a' strange land, thousands of miles
from friends and 'kindred. Their condition
-t l hould excite the sympathy of every. Christian
heart. Contributions for iheir_ relief may be
.left at .theJoraliAt..otriee or with Willtatu E.
(iriscom, at the Penn Colliery.
Hbse Carriage for !Mahanoy.--Sotne time.
since the Good Intent Fire Ciimixitiy;% of •this
3 Borugh, sold their hmre earriage_to the Citi
zens Fire Companv, Of .Mahanny City, .itiee
whieli tune it- has I,3een undergoing thorough
0 3 renovation at the earriage inanufakory of Mr.
S. Matthews. It has been' put put n.l3p-top repair
a and will he taketi'to Mahatioy City this morn
hex. .A delegation of the tiood Intent boys will
iiec.o4ipait}^ it to. its neic field of action aiid all
u iii lie received iii isiootning the'
it j hint -I:(Aligiits of the Machine" at that place.
ed 1 -
Exaraination.—An ec amination 'for the Per
i. ni.tnent Certifieato held in Pottsville last
Saturday'. by the County Superintendent, 6 Bor
ough ,Superintendent; of. Pottsville, and the
ol- t;ertitivate 'Committee Of the County... Five ap
,pikants presented themselves for exatnination,
il • tl I N - Li'i.rriJ,'"iszt-'if raen(st 1 , . 1'1 •14 4- 1 ;*- 1 41 11,.
);t1 and were recommended to'the Statei Superin
'nt for the higher: grade of Teachers' Cer
titivate issued in th(i State. The. Committee
tre adi..urned to meetagain at same place, on
if - the tast*Siaturibty of Ciytolier„to -examine any
tree"ht/ desire sneh - eertiheate
Lid to
. •
The Itindefpest.—The' Iteadina . sapi •
- SQuie of thufarniersdn t;rcenwieb township,
ounty, are ciniitlerably excited over the
appv4a3we of a strange disease among their
cattle, which. they leak is the :rinderpest. The
vault, sutler for. two or thrceweeks, and finally
die. Cow dortors in that vici.N;itv. are unahleao
onliat the disease. which theAtio not appear'to
understand, it being!: something; new in the
county. One farmer has' lost three' cows; and
others have lost one or two cavil. We hope Im
mediate steps will be .taken by the .‘"ri , nlt.ural,
society to dis,:over tice true naiure'of the dis
ease. and if it is the einderpest, to • have it
checked at once, bellsre it spreads - lbrotighout
the county." -
Fed' in
ne and
Unclaimed letters ient iniit~ in the Pottsville
Post )11ive; May . ;
Andrews D 1144 E • ' Beady' John
Andrews Wm • flardy Pat rick Ryan Marc
Brennan Ilubcrt Killirauer Mary •
13 or Annie la
Annie (11 Raymond Grace
Clay Dr lynch James ' St muse P •
Cole Daniel . Mather Urumqi; Sliele Itock
.Cavanagli Jc. MeCurri; Fred 'well
I 'oiler I,aladla McCue 'Stewart Tim.; Jr
lionien Ellen rle J Senior Thomas
Druinniond ElI nMilei4 , Aiin Selman fer Ainc'a
Ebbh,on Palmer Mr Treas l'elsley Michael
Foust-E Pine 'I, •• - s"ei,dey Fred -
t;rosen cath Pf,rkths 7dary I", , ust Jennie
Gonsen EoillOolin 2 Zenith John.
A;rven ,Wtil . •
Grocery Itobtied 4 S. Clair.—tm TlitirsdaY„l
night last, some 'tiliqf or thieves entered the;
groeerY of Mr. datpes M, Townsend; of 5t.,.!
Clair, and robbed it Of everything they eauld
carry away. eonsisthig blstmill groyerie . ., butter,
etc.- The thieves enti:tred through the alley ,way
and got into the groeery.through a side door.—
Mr: Townsend b e d adiand about l ; ,9,,3
while working at Snyder's shaft, at %Odell place
he has since been engaged as -;yraictinian—his
wages of course, being low. Ibivit4a, family,
consisting tif a wifeund four children- on ins
hands, he was e:mil - silted to devise some means
'beside his own sinall'ineduie,. by which td sti.p
port his family, and 4o thailind sold:. tine of ,his
hoitses in St. Clair:, arid started a small grocery
store, Anmetime shine, and Thum:l2y night's op
eration ibis robbed him of all he hail. A thor
ough seareli idioultdbe made by the ofileers to
errit outtho guiltyl)arties. - • -
..: • '
.. .1 - , - . •
The Potter Counts 'fislun7,. party, whose - re .
turn We, noticed in.alie "daily': yeSterday. nu
whose story we list e4l to With interest, ltillitit '
ed over two thousand trout ;mkt , thirty dozenil
pigeons. • . 1 .
From Daniel Glasjrnire, - E , q., of Condersportj •
an 01(1 citizen of P(tttsville.-they received uni.
ceasing attention, and the ktiowletlgo of tho
haunts of the spf:ckled beauties—the good
streams ruld holem.--44,•r,mae available thrmigh,
out the excursion. ~ "Dan" stands as the chann
pion trout fisher 90 : that region. On ille Sinne.
malmning they met."ltilly". Smith, also fortnerr
i:C . of Pottsville, who very opportunely repleur
`shed the connniss4,riat of the party, which was
in an ex hansted'conilition, and izinaly furnished
them with the Katt! and , fast craft A neliance,7
imilt specially for
,the occa , :ion, to float the
party down the Sktlitettnalvining to the railroad
station. , . . .
'despatch to
:Wisdonsin. over
the recent' fire at that
of the Cinigmnts on the
Reed Matters.
Presbyterian,—,lt the tics.4o6 the ttenera,
.V-senally 44' the Unite Proshytcrian Chafe
on Tue.stlay after:Oen, at PlAtatlelpitht, the, r,
lure of the Iteeramthietion -
s.iderably Changed:, • The Pennsylvapta
were linallv,tixed a 4 follows
Synod of, Pfilladelfinia, teecomprlse - the mantles cif
kluelt4-;2iortintrupton, liontgoinerr;
Dclaware, Chester, I,ancisitee. york, l e -yhan g n,Berk . N
'Bradford, Surquelnintai.; Wayne, Pike, lifontoe
I,ehtgli, Carbon, Selno - lkiif, ItizernP, Wyoming wa t t
sultirun count!cl, undAlie Pre-ibyter,). of Weste.
The synod of liard...tetrg-to entnprise the cogAtl
of 4 , lcl:can, l'o:ter and Thrga, and the rental der ice
thr• State orl'ennsyAvanta Cast of the ell i st r line 4 -
E 11: counts - and east, of the west lino of lc,irriel
Muir a n d 'Bedford enunties.
The Itynod df rittlhitrg to ecimprliir
of catunria, tionutrset, - Westni7
Fa-:.crte; Washlrizttin. so lunch of - r
lies saufh of BLrek Llelt Cree
.11teetteny connty iisst of the
wuth tt the Ohio. h -
Thu SyfiLsrl of time to
State of P.tin6ylvanta.
Interesting ,to 'P esbyteriana7----We noti
t he follinving he; in the proceedings of tt
PreAbvterien Ge.noral Assembly:
,i i ... i tui ..
. 1
Dr. At. W. jecisafrast• Chairman of e Itts.l
_Committee. r parted ' • -, '
Judicial t me AI , . ' 3—Being the complaint c f
the Third r4bylery of Philadelphia,agabH . tat
the J. , r rtery ot Aanterne for an alleged ui r
vasio or kresbyterial jurisdiction. The ease as
brow t before tlie Cioneral Assembly beeantie
the e Presbyterians have hti4 no eazmmon sync) ,
d' 21?elatious. The committee , recommend—
, I. That the;be remitted to the no* Synod
of Philadelphia, .phieli Includes both Presby
teries,• . - •
i 2. That withoutl la airy way prejudidAig 4
erse, cladsitiuemblyr6oinitinemis to the-Presb -
.tory of Lucerne,, to abstain from the Installati
of a Pastor In the /3eeond' Chun:l473f Pottsville,
andlnon any other rtetion in the case WWI efi#
the meotin t .,•• of thq Synod.- _ ' - I( '
, Rev. IL W.. Welles offered the followhig ph
stitute : - ' P. •-' ' -
• Rtl!p ol tert_ Jrkst the com plaint of the Thini Pres -
tery of l'hilwiphta.realest the Presbytery of -
rune with referenee - Wits actjou in the case of e
Second Chmech Of Pottsville'. be teterni to a eo •
artesion or nine member", norme ofletriom shall
tortg to the Synod Of Ptilladelphhi, who , shall- r
And issue the case 4urlng our. pi cent session/it. ";
Dr. Musgrave iiiioveli to lay the substitute •ti
the table. Carried'. ;
The report of the committee was adopted.
nuurti ;britelttets• The of Leedee VI
of Anelet tin Ar"
g far Deoorsting the 13ravie Sol
diers. This Committee ofladies from the dif
ferent *tads of th e Borough, held a prelitnina
r . ng in the hall of Gowen Prost, en Wed
heads 0 ening, for the of organising
for , • work of p g bouquets, wreaths,
etc., , the ceremony of decorating the graves
of tool. ere on Monday next. The attendance
irsus . l and the interest manifested such that
We , • cipate en unusually fine floral prepare-
WO republish the names of the committee,
with . . which- have been added since the
Wet . . blication :
[ & ', Ward—Missed' Mary Sparks. Emma
Kop , • Linde . Huber, Amanda Si limas,
M • • > 'ili ynkoop, Mary L. Gressang.
So di Ward—Misses Ella ...McCool, Jessie
Whi . ey Mary Evans, Annie f ..anigan, Aman
wi xe
il. Liz
zie l , isho p.
Mi dle Ward—Misses P hen ie
M i ll-
r, Lizzie
IlCianiVolrriaeeler i Sallie
Rees::TmaFox, Ellall:ne,Earown.
: Vard.3ltssesannthikrtranAlnie
Seger, Sue Mtriiner, Clara Focht, Lizzie
V. .Ward._mi s sesE , mmspollock, Fanny
Glen Emma Forbey, Nellie Roads; :Mary
Wheeler, Rachel Cochran, Emmildadison. -
- , r: : citizens who desire to furnish flowers
for deco ration ptirposes will have the kindness
to a d them befor,e 7 o'clock onliondav morn.
ur next to the -residences of the following
mi l s
sliotirdeieetri.• mlss
rids( Silliman, Centre street, adjoining
ii.;-.ER.. Jotiesst. office; Miss Roehnier, See
rid treot; Miss Roads, Coal street. at which
lac the Members of the Committee iif Ladies
ill also m e et, to arrange the flowers into
4. u i u : et M s, el s e:, fo il :The use Ma o r f k th et e ;
Brnbtirgtt & Co.'s Idertaierie:—Ori Mon
tiV next this celebrated zoological exhibition
ill be in Pottsville, for one clay Only, when
he lilac may depend upon seeing a reall3 , t'iti-,
E*.r . ting . - and meritorious collection of living
7il animals. Van Aniburgh Et Co.'s Menage-...
ie; been before the public for nearly half a
en ur - S - , but in the whole Exourse of its long and
cu •easful - career it has never, presented so ma
iv; °Vet attractions as it ofters this season. , ---
/ - tea number of the animals Comprised in
he collection have never before been - exhibited,
n is country, and there' aro many other gp
i ' included in the- cataloge
ne that are but sel
lot seen. There is no eireuEroonnected' With
hi menagerie, which is- condticted in' such a
t n
na 'tier as to secure the support of the best class
if i(he community. The procession -formed by
.hol company on entering town is said to be MO
[nest brilliant pageant ofethe kind ever produc-'.
od ; n America .- The press speaks in the high
est terms of the .exhibitionliereVer it has
beim. The folloUing notice isiicopied front the
Nelw Brunswick FREEDQ:4IAIi -
Vi 'e have never seen a finer cblhiction of animals
,hats that in Van Ainburgli k co. - -s (Jolden .li-tiag
isle, which has Just pasted through our city, nor
witnessed an exhibition of skilledand framed dogs.
nt4les and horses that was so entirely free from all
" tls objectionable. Not Otingle rude jest was ut
tered and not a wnd was said that would mantle
:ha cheek of the - most modest with a blush. 'The
whole establishment, so-far as we have haAopport U
nity to observe the Performances,fts free from those
features which have rendered similar exhibitions a
nuitance.. The exercises in which the elephants
we drilled were admirably spent, tine feature of
tilestablishment was especialli commendable.—
Th half hour spent by the " orator ' of the inst itu-
Ala In describing the different animals and their
habits was well performed: Ills Speech was th' good
taste; and he spoke like an intelligent man.- Arne ins
the anitualstvere several never before seen in this
cocntrv. Readers of adventures in . :Vries, such as
Cuininlngs', Gerard's, Anderson'si &c., will remem
ber the frequent mention of the hartelieste and the
eland. •Thls latter is truly a magnificent animal.—
The black rhinoceros was In fine - condition: A new
feature In this entertainment LS' the exhibition of
trained dogs. They are the mot popular of all ca
nines and wonderfully Intelligent. •We are impress
ed with the 7i/orate of-the large crowd assembled to
scathe animals. The people were all quiet and or
derly, and the opportunity.of seeirg a )rarz a collec
tion Was evidently felt not to be au every day occur
rence. We regard the exhibition - as not only kiniii
.ing, but instructive also, and *hall be g:ad tit have
vp, Amburgli's • Menagerie repeat its vislts. 'rite
appoin tneen ts are all' elegant anti the equipments
the ecertliest ey'er seen in this city." -.,
I . .
r -I
census •Taker's Questions..—Autong other
4 . o estions which will I.e asked•of all the citizens
of the United States next month we have- care
fully c.mtpiled the f ,lowing fr. _ ii_ the. Marshal's'
blanks, whkh, it given a little attentb.m, will
greatly expedite frni s ytirk cf taking the census.
Ileitis:li to answer any of the. , following ques
tions will subject the pers6n so refusing to a
tine of thirty dollars:
inh,,..4mnts—The name of e , i - ery person r:•--
dent in the family On Jtine tir4; sex, color :old
age Of every member at last iiirthday: l!rtfess
sjon, oceupation or trade of eArcli persql. male
Or female. Value of real estate. Value. - of per
spnal estate. l'ittee of birth; naming iZ;tate or
Territory of U. S., or the country, if, of for
eign, birth. Father or mother of foreign birth.
If married within the lyear,, state the month.—
Isiumber attendettptchool within the year. Can
or can nut read. - Whether any
. are deaf and
dumb, blind Or idiotic. - Male — citizens of the U.
.:i., of it years of age and • upwards.• Male eitt
zkns of the U.. S. of _l years ot ago and upwards
i right to vote is denii.9' or abridged on
tither grounds than ri±diellion'br. other crime.
! heaths —Name of every peri.on who died
dining the year. ending .Tune il, "1570.0‘ hose
Place of abode at `the time Of 'death Was, , in the
family. Age of spelt deceased, whether inarrii , l
or widowed, place of birth, parentage, immth in
' which such person died, profession. acoupati•'m
or trade,disease or valise of-death.
Prodactions of .1 grieult u re.-- Name of agent.
owner, or manager, acres of land, improvisl or
unimproved, ~ , soodiand, 'other unimproved;
iiresent cash value of farth awl. iinpitments;
amount of ivages paid during the year includ
ing • value of hoard; live stock,. June 1,1570,
ti lic
I' uses, mules 4nul asses, mild' this, working
, n, other cattle, 'i4heep, sivine, value of all'
li . e stock ; a eorreet-stateinent of all pro‘fnee of
whatever kind daring the year,ending.inslP 1 , 1.
r. Prod u cts of I ad , tst ry duroi.4 Iti: ‘ ur,r,.—Naluoc
rotrperation, eoinpany. or indiviVitial produein.t.,-i,
vaine . of $504), annUally ; eapital' freal :::ol -
personal). invested in
,the inisiness ; motive
p*wer—kind and panther of horse power.: nante'•:'
andn umber of maChines; ay.erage Outliber of i
hands employed ; average age; total .anionnt of
wages paid during the year; number ofituoMlis 1
'in active operation, reaucing- part 'time ti roll
. 1
time:Mt:aerial—kinds, quantities,- and values ; I
Productions—kinds, quantities, value , . . .
' Srheditif 5, is devoted to ven.u . .il statistie. of
which the 1)111)1k - has nothing to .1.4- , —;11 . 1 ,{...,_ I
1 dons Ipeing of a character that must be 1u5t..,.: •..! ;' i
by ptibii , loilleitils. ' - i . .' ‘l:.. o .
It i- I le - iirabie that thi 11;1 . ; f faiiillic.
the matter> above 'tleferred c) • little atfvntio ,
ibehrre the CCSUR 4aker call , ac it will reli(•v , .
!them of much etrilijOrassmoit awl avoid nimi• -, -
i. .sar
lly .
y . do. ''.11. , 1e 'he ".work wit: •!t
1 int.t. :ill he d.e ,f.litily.u.'N:
Schuylkill District Con - yin:ion, I. 0 of Good
Templars.--The pquarterly ses,ion Of I. or G.
T. of 'the Schuylkill convened at Ike
.hall of ('old Water ' Port, May J. '• The W.' C. 'l'. ; , ,, being
.absent, W. T. Illfhards,l 11.. G. W. C. T...
;called the convention to oilier. and ,00n,a--totn
porary organiZat wa4 elle( tot.' Variou
committees were appnintilil on linsittes., on .
Permtment .Organir.ation; and - Resoltklibn,
The Committoe on Perinanimt ; wunnization re
,ported the following. qtlicer , NOW 0161
elevica ; .
W. C. T., W. T. Ithlaards;;P. c; ('ha,. lie.nsinger•, W. Chap., - Ite;: - .• P.t. Mater: W-.
Mr; C. G. Friek ; ; V.. 1%.
Mary J.' Hutton ; W. Secy.', - Bctiningett:
W. A-Setty.,-,Annie E. Gritfith ; W. 1).
A. Rogers.: W. J. B. Bailey.
The following lodges were repre.ented,:
'Reading, NO: S.i of Reading; Shady Bill, No.
'706 of Gilberton : Bright Star, No. .."2:11 of Taina
qua; Cold Water. No. tit:A of ;Port Carbon; Good
('heer Lodge of Tressonit; Broad .Menntain.
Lodge of-Gordon ; entralia Lodge, 'No. -corof
Centralia;' Ct An• Lodge, 3:i:+-of I;eigers
triwn; Pamphylia. .oilge No. 71-9 of Mahano
' Cites ; 31+7 - of Birdsboro;
light bridge, N0:1.6W of Shenanrioali ; Aqtia
Lodge,-10. Al ofAshland, White *fir, No. '22.
'of St. Clair, - . 3 4
There was ' a good "attendance of delegate.
from the various lelb - tva bleb delegation con-
..tributing its part to inakO the meeting:Will
pleasant and profitable.. CM the eVening of the
first day' ;Tuesday, puhlic ses; 7 .ion. W 11,4 held
in the beautiful and commodious 'hall 'at Port
Carbon,, at which - there .Was ngood.turn. out,
and the hall was well hided. It was a kind o f
an experience meeting:and/10e remarks were
made by -Messrs.' W. T. Richardg, Rev. J. I'.
ltev. Mr. reckert, S. Chillson, W.
B. Parking, Jac. Wentz,.l - 1; F. Crawsllaw and
Rev. Nbble :Frame. The ieXereises were inter-'
gpersed with beautiful Temperance, Melodies,
mid the gathering pt-oveit! to pe a dechled';:ue/
eess,_ The public nreeting In the M.'„E: Chttreli
-on Wed nes,d ay evening., waa. very ably addressed
by Bev. J. l'. Miller, of -Birdsboro. • /
The' next convention is tb be held at ,Weigers ,
town, Becks County; in t August; Woe to he
definitely fixed by the l';_xectitivoAommittee.
After the next convention the ntectintzs are tb
i be held semi-annually. IThe *allowing were
I recommended 114 • Dist vet Deputy - subject
; however to:appointment ,f .l: NV. C. T. of P.
1 - Northern District: of Sel ylkill-11,. C. Frecic,*.
Centralia i,Sootliern-V 1 1 , Itichartls, , St. Clair;
ilerks.i.Nmtity-:-,Dex. .P. 'Meredith, Reading.
. The following arell o exi•cutivcollik:ers eje !tt.d
•'' to serve at the nex . nvehtit'm:
District W. C. .-11. F....trawsliaw, St.. flair;
District W. V. .—Elirnbeth Dawson. St.. Clair ;
• District W ' ' cy:—J. 111.. ltredlar, Port t'arbon . .-
". to Whom al hostiles"; and anything Pertaining
to these c;onventions should be sent. :Essayists=
Were 'appointetl 'to .prepare essays for the next,
..converftion. '. - . - .l.4,trns RENNl.;ciiin, .
. _ . ~..! • ly. Secretary.
.. x i
•• te committee appointed for the pUrpOse,
' esented the follinving , Preatn No anti •resolti
/tion which were adopted by ihe'l 'otivqit ion :
'W' ragas, il - e have been pncombre permitted to
'assemble tokether to deliberate in the interest of the
great cause of Total Abstinence; therefore,
Resolved, That, We acknowledge with devout
thankfulness ,the superintending care Of Divine
Providence to watching over us dinfing the interim
since last Convention, and that we are enc,iuraged
tolabor With renewed etiertry: - , . - •
Resolved,%Tha):weliall with &night the onward
course of the Tafnperance iteform, that our cans. ,
belkig right is mighty and Mind prevail, and that as
"coming events cast their:shadows before them,"
we thinly believe the• Temperance Star Is on the
ascendancy, anti destified to achieve , unparalleltd
success in.the future. .. - . .
Resolved, That see cannot hope to attain ultimate
pnd complete success until the church' will take be
neath Its fostering cafe anl- protect No Inane:ice, a
causewhic.h Is twin-sister hi that-of our,holy Chris
tlanitV, and we therefore call upon all members anti
friends of the church to "Carrie over to Macedonia
and help us" dispel the citords'.that have so long
darkened our skies, fully ategred that none other
would reap a [treater barreat than the church uni
versal, and the cause of morttlitv.
Resolved, That we reconntwintench Lodge to.linve
undoa its auspices aAptdditi Meeting at : least once
In 'often on : aster. and commend the "Temperance
Bleatingritteet4tnently adapted to the fintherance
of the pentle,__ , .
flesoftedc•That in onier teliaveat each convention
a full and complete report of. the standin and con-
Milian of eac h Lodge within- - the District.
g that the
Executive Comnalttee• be Instructed to prepare a
bhthisfitirm for report, whichmust be cc:tided to by
-the W. C.'l'..itud W. 8., Of such Lodge JO the District.
Resolved, nisi titaraezt. Convention 1* held- at
Gelgerstown, August, ligO. , ' '. - •
Resolved, That:legislation trill tied I,* strarcvnta-•
tiresome:ling to Amnrienaideas an#l Republican
teachings and- doctrines, Unlit the people elan be
allowed to determine hy ballot whether they will
tolerate in their midst an ggelacy whoseWde mission
hi to deetroY the WeiteSe, en4OorfliPi• tbe UMMIA.and
tb o=men. . ;
Two, we are pletuted to abroniete tits ad , .
vent and. suotesildul Working of the eAmgrftsiona
TemnersnCe flociety, that we Minot hope to have
e ff ec ti ve laws enacted, until-Our legislative balls
are freefrosn the contarriltusting influence engen;,
dered by the ttse of ardent *Wits.
aesateed, That. we commend the Width:it:Olen of
remotion* Literature, nad to this end we. suggest
the •gejleraj circulation of the "Kfliwrottit Goon
Taxes,,,LX"' thh Metal organ Of the order, the cheap-.
est paper inthc lipti. and within the reach of every
MenibPr- - •• ' - : ~.
Alor eounti+fi
unol s Greenc,
eoun y
and so Touch "11
AL;gl7 river cm
;;rlse the fest of I
• ira shoxild confine our labor Of
illis - colredibill;
lotowithin lhe Vanier that while
we itronitt have "wry lod ge exe rt - to
hare exercises of a social instructive ! character
while thafe,' - .‘re 'rabid n , helms, ini*ess upon
etefT member. tlud,"earn t labor brings success,'
and that tests effor t fluid be directed whet
eves' there is hope of redid the' *pep; or say
=1. 1"111 711111 " %the ectetive Commltiee be • in- ,
anode& SO, peo=re a pledge-book for the use ef4:
tale eccve:C"• is/ !any of. fte meatingsor public.
t ;
Ruoteed, t the hearty thanks of this: convert
lion are due and the was are hereby tendered to ,
Cold Water. lodge, No. al, for their ,uniform kind
mess. extended courtesy, and stannous haspitality; •
shown the member s of tads 'convention.. and we will
ever remember, the reception here, and :trust this
convention may have tient instrumental in doing
some good. "WI bread cast y. , ae on the water*, that will
return after man days.' 9 •
I:tacked; - That the thanits , of the convent ion are
tendered to Reliance DiiftdoU, No: 121. Sons of Tem
perance. for the weer their Rail, end" to,grother le.'
Miller. for the use of his onzan during the 'concen
it. F. endrstrsk, - W. H., Mouuss,
(*UAL D.tuittr as, :D.- W., nowt-Aram,
I 'IPTILIA ~i :. DRICHEU. -F-lma L. STU:aims.
)tARY M. Cl/MI.-SON -'
Attest :.TANrx.4l.l.E.ts;2ttit'diet,l4-...1.1.
. , .
. • . D
The Patriotic ead- 7 The Cereniotir On tion
day next , of Strewing with Flowers the Graves
of our Dead Heroos.—G.iwen Post. Nit; :a. bept.
jot' Pa,. O.:\. R., has 4iumpleted. ite ariang e
moth.: foe the solemn , übtfervance oh Monday
next, of the duty of striving with' dowers the
graves 0 rjLio,t, 'reitlirl-ti our 'comokories who
died thatWle country ndgrit live, '• - • ,
The progranuneis w ;follows: . . ! . •
- - -
• THE I'itGCESSION. , • ,
. ,
The elite will form On. Centre street,' right
resting, (in Market street, facing •west, 'at ail A.
M., in thefollowing order,: - I . '• -• ,
Chief Marsha - CIIAS,. E: II El 14%
'Aids(. •
• . Jones's Cornet Band. , • 1 , --. ',
(lowelt Pdst, NO: 2.1,`,G. A.. IL :',
' Honorably Discharged Soldiers and Sailors.
Carriages containing ;wounded _soldiers and
• sail Ors. ' •',
Lodges and Civic Societies. ' • '
. Fire De ixartm cut. - , ,
• - :. - Citizens. , sSim will move '9 S. M.:, and Will
. •
visit the different. Cemeteriesby the following
. , . • ItOUTE. . . • • -
- •Up Ceittre to Odd Fellows and Jekvs' burial
grounds, down Cjialre•to Mineravillp street, up ,
.Minersxille street to Second street, up Secondl
Street tqu'Welsh Baptist Cemetery, down Second
street .111 Minersville stteet." up Minersyille I
street htWelt I) (..' , ,ngregational Cemeteryand
A fricatiburial 'ground; across to Market street,
Up Market I..,!.M.L.Laniel Cemetery over W(xxll
street to Howard Avenu'e, on - which are the'
Presbyterian and Friends' burial grounds, down;
Schuvlkirt :tie:meet' , which arc , the liernianl
and Irish burial grounds, downSclihylkill Av-,
elute to. Second street.: down Second street to
Chur,•ll,Alley. down Church Alley to Episcopal;
Churen', burial ground, up Centre Street . to'
• ;
Market.;street, and dismiss. . - • 1
The. child nal of,the slitforent Sunday Schools;
will 1.,. , _• prep lit in the ivierious cenieteric:s to I, I H
sist in the ileCoration ceremonies. The schools'
I have be 4.41 assigne , l'as tolli,ws: ; • .
, To Mt. Latirel and Trinity• Church CemeterieS
" —the EPiscopttl,Sec , Md .Presbyteriaii and Eng
lish and•Geruntwlteformed Sabbath Sarno's.
. - To this lid,l•Fello' Vemetery—the Engliill
' and German Methodist Episcopal. Evangelical
Associatiim and 4 :etznan -Lutheran ..Sabbath;
Schools, • i . .. ,
To the l'ro.,byterian CeineterYthe . FirA
Presbyterian;English Ltitheran 'rind, BaptiSt
SlibbatltSelniols. . ' .'t .'
To the Wels - burying-gronixds—tho children
of the• Welsh Congregational and We!sli liapti,t
Sabbath Schools. ! ', ' • -,' •
. .
To the African lburying,grotind .the children
. of the African Sabbath School.
The'Veremony far - the:l Hit-Fellows'. Episdo-pal and Preshyterian!Cetactries will lie=. -.-.
• Prayer. • . , ;
1 . . slinging Jr.s„. Sunday School-children. j •
I lecD:a`jon of the graves, (luring. which the Band
w ill perform a a Dirge. , ' .•. , 1 '
Other details its far the schmils are concerned;
diaye been !t-ft optional with Mil koperinteld
etas ;• . : .<,..
At 4,,P. M. an pr Lion will be delivered at the
Court , 110u5e)., , .• Chaplain C. C. .MeCalic. • i'
The(- •,itirades of l'o-t`_:ll will meet at the P ist
ro,n ,p 1 Monday mornin . g, at S o'clock . . Dr(l4:`
(lark clothes ond list and White gloves. :-
To-ntOrrow I:lunday:, evening. the comrades
will a4s.unble. at Cant') tar; o'elOhk . , to. attend
divine.; servi..e. at thi.'„lliptist ' ( 'ati reit.. A fuil
attendance of the c-intradJ I ce
Ps on the otsion is
, •,-, -
earnestly desireo. . ••• • - , • .
. ,
A IllieSed. is : a ii4,of tlonannis •of sOI(ICA:r,S
buried in the differein cemeteries of the Bor . ;
ough. .'hey numbei. 143. divided, among the
' various (4;m:en:Ties as f!dloWs':-.Presli.vterlan,
:t , l; Frknds', '2.; NO. '..'. ;St. Patrick's, 14 ; .1 , ;14...
•„ 1 ,,t I_•i l ixren, , :;;'Jewish, I :.Seli,e,l House; 1;
Welsh Baptist 4; NVehdi l'ongregationaq 4;
1 African,_; Mt. Lturel, :4'l'; ()kid Fellows - . 47 •
I'llE•4llYTEitl.kN CEMETERY: -
1 I.:lni•Jerinings.Co: 11, , ith Pa. lie ,, . ' ' •
1 . Jamos Nagle, ltrii.r 4 'ioi Oral. U. S. Y.
.1...cp1i A. Gilmour . . MiCop.4 . sth I'. V..
J. Martin. •Nlator Isith p. ir. ' ~
, • Lewis'
A-Wort It. Mover, !nil s ,y. s.2M.
1 ..Philip, L. Diehl, CO. It, sill I' V. ' 1.
i • Chas. K. Esf,.. , rley,,,'-'7th P. M. - -
*Tamil.) W c , .
igner, .:11, 4 ; th P. V; ' ' • 1-
j • Philip ('. Iteckinan, CO. 11. -Atli P. V. !• -
1 George Nagle, Co. :B, tlll Ix P. V. .
t , Theodore It. Sander; Co. K. i1701.1'.' V. •
\Vial. It. W 1.111.100; K. l'• th P. ' V.'(', •- ' "
1 ()avid it. Brown: Lieut. (',. Il i Nth I. V. •
Nieli , ,las A. \Vvnlcroop,.Licat. TI.Xx 'l l , V. (1, -
I Ileitry•Gracti, Licht. Co r?, 1-:11 V.. V. ,
i James :-:.illinian,:t!':`4ll.P: V. • r
, 1
John- Madison, Co:: A, 94 th I'. V. 1.-
1 - Tle:inits Ilia;; -k, Co. A, i all P. V. - i
. Theo: P. , ,:k, 1:,:h P. V: ( . • - ... '•
• Thomas Sinith. .• ~ 1 , ! ~ : , -
Thuilit,on B. lianle:. = . Clo A. !Nisi; P.IV. ' 1
I lenry I Linley. Cr. '
.. I', 9111 I'. V. ! ' '
Alex. Fox, Lient.:.‘• ,, .
.1), 45r1i,,,P,. V.!: . :
`" scrgt. Ncl , on W. „M•kior,•co. it. dsdi I'. V'
-•-• cap!. lsaao E. Severn, (.'6. C; trill' P. V.
Moses 5 ,- .amin.
J,diii .Ifir,t.,Co. It. 1!•itli P. V. ' ••
-..., .
• John 4.
Ilinil . ,soldi,-r War P- 1 1•2. -
.L.,c14, Mertvine, title Pa. Bog. • 1 : ,
' I '111..1'..1xv. 1.. Hartz. C•,..1. 27th V.iiS. l: 1 '
-.1,, , •41,11 Morgan% slldier Vx'ar Isl 2. 1,,
(', 4. Vdin'Si, l yi•r, , '• :.. '• - ~,.L: •
DaVid M iller, (... 4
:V, , 00'. V; 4. : -.
Vliink Woolistoit,4'o; 11, (.11.11 1'a;1... , . . ! •
-\ ullreYv Me( 1t..,1 1 . d.,,,,,,,,,.., t 4
5.,,,1. ~'loosens. (-,..--1.:,,1 , •th Pa. Beg%
..- F ...--
~ .
• Wth.•( iiilingliani,••l co'. G. , is'th' It V. .
s;iall. E. Evani , , 00, I', 7th P.-V, tr . .'
Nl'.._ CEM I.:IA:BY ' lii-'' ~ ...t'l', - irol , ,,lci;
. CHI - BCH.' 1 ~•
Cor) , . James Brady, c0...F.99i1i I'. V. ,'•
Edw. Mc t :i
Donoui, 7.... , , p
,I , \-. :. '
'lames Porter, :all V. S. Artillery. .
Calif. John Dougherty. Co. l':,.1 1 1;111 P. V:
Scrgt. B. 1'arr'01, ; (,:0....F,-O 'di P. V. - - •
Tieonas i'inihnings• • ' L - ,
Jainc4 NVlielan, Phi, I'. V. - • . '
. Prank liolaii,.io'rk ,N. v . v .
.I , ,ll4 . Sulllvau, C,•,. Is , 4 , Pa.- 1i,,:.
Frank Belli% ~' ,
N O il-IM Carroll,l•o'. l A, tHth l', V. ' . . .
thigh I,v mill, C.,i C. 91;th P. V. .., ,
tii.orge .s,ll•Neele . Co-•E. 45th !J'. V. -
John li '1
nty. ..!...itli Pi': , No. Ce
:',,in,.ter,k- -
, cintETErn . it t
it.:.‘in or . Erilsuor.O.
klirteli. ' • 1 -
rrimi.;:i 11. Ni , •1v0. , , Ni.w.ti Ittil , ,ir of War. ,
1 4, 12. '
. .
I• . riank eatupl).2ll:,, Ir.. S.-,',.c. , ,
1 .I,iiin N. ISltillian,ll' , . A. '2Vtli I'. V.
'..‘ ..- ,
I,i . -' JEWISTI CEMETERY.....t. 1 - 1 1.
, nirk 'Friroo., 9 , 1111 P. y.
' - - ..u.,11( 14 !I, Ill)t%.3l.: . rEM!'.:Yrt:llY. - I/
111 t': Pot!, 12th .1,'.1. Artillory;•, - , : ! .
' \\'l.'l . `4ll II ILPTIST! r r,151::TI:ItN" , 'I !
4 :oritier Jone... (.`+r..\, 9 , 1t.11 I'. V. ' /- •1 11
i • 1:11w. Edwards., Co. 11, •I'4th Pi V./,.- '. , I!
L, • charge.. I'erry. ',' • —• /
1 i' l ,4l.•‘\'. p a t-i,..,! Co. A„-7th Po. Kay. ',!. II
ik :-- - WEI.SLI. t!ON(.IItEi 1 Afll iNA 1,. .1I! .
i Tlkaintst Coniphilll, Co. 1).);111P. V. • .l,
I A firaleini Al.numr.. 4St h ,P. V. • ' • ! II
N!' ni. .1... mt . ,. C‘).ll, : - ..2.‘1,p; V.l .-
Wm. ii. .liloyd,ku. It. 451.1, p„ V.- •• ' ,•-• ' i
. 2 , 1
• . . ..
A FltICA> CE - METEit.V. . . 1 '
, - 0 -
i • Ciiarlo: Jaek,:co -13(11... S. C,:„/ ,
i - :I.le . nry litielllefi ::1.1-17. S. (.."..;T. • , .!. .
1 .
',-,:- ' MI a'N'',/"" I; CIIE I, CENIETKIIY..! .- '
. . • •! - I!
Janie , : Slllitieni ) ,l Captain'2` 4 oll'. V.-, ,t.
1 chrtis Yolloelli,'ldeut. C:). i 1; •Itith P: V. ..,. 1:.
i .1 ohm./ 1..111 ple, c;.y... A, Illitlill'..V. • °l i r, -I,
1 . .16nt'es Ilitzley. ?. . .
Jillin T.' Noble ,t P. V. ~ .l"
i r Wynkol , , , p, Majo i .
r. .
I htlii..l I t lui...r Co. II: -lsth I',i V.
• L'liits. 'F.ll , ,Etve4, •.:.7tli I'. M. I , • :
.1, 11
• 1 enry Burnish , 01.41, •Isln P. V. ' . II •11
I,ronit Pott - , Cutkain Co. B, :.7th P. V. .:11 . , 11
' Itolit. MI Polito 1., Jr... Co. Ili ;:7th P. V. 11. l!
, Alonzo Martz, Co. I. 7th Pa: Cavalry.. -11 Il
'rhos. Jan d. • . ' ' 1
liavid L1ei , 15.1.:i. t
1.1(1w..1. Slid'""
4,aeob NVertley.,
'.lleni. Pittt, Aotiy,
Cu!. F. M. Wytt
1.. (7 , :tl—loitit 114.na1:
Christopher I.;i
'flutiiiiis •:.'illiiit'.}
1 ' 31,1111 1.1"..- , Sil.
I ( ieprgo 1)111.4::LS.
I. 'lien r. - Spiett'el,.
I 7 ltubt. M. 1:t..114
1 :Javeb 1. Brighl
1 -1 - :nzene . Nlari,t!i
Pew.. • 1 :4- 1 ' ' • ~ • • 1 ', .
' 'Proue:, N. I.alt:t.,it:.• - I • • !'
, Capt. Baird, - 1": S. 4. and Nyar ar D.._
01)1) Fi.•:t.Low;•;• cF.;:k.tETErti - .'!.
• Jame: short; Ittiorepelpient (.'..). Cavalry;',' - .„,
Benj. Ir. Shuck, Captain I'.1:1, 4.•;tii I',. - 1,7, • •,
_ NVill. 11. I tulle; I.leut. - Cd.', It ' 4.4 th 1'..! V. 1,
.I,iitiree Dufer; C K
o. K. D.iill P. V. --r 1 .
Thonins Johnson, Ijk , nt. I 'n: 1!, 4401.1' 4 ,! V i . , i .
Win. a. mantik.L.::, ikatativii . ..,/rdito, , -.
-./. A. Dunstoni Lieut:' . oo.. 0; 105 I'. V. I . l ,„.:
Behr. - Stubbelbein, Co. i*.llli4ll If, V., - 1 ' • p -
I ; eo. llracey, (0...11.,'12..9 P. V. .
AVin. Ilaker,,lro.°D;ptitli - Pi .).".
Michael SandA, Cp. -D i ; 9131.1.4 P. .
lianiel .I".arnetl4("7. E, 4'lldt P. •V
charies t'llydy.
'Phos, J,: ilryah
Hugh Arin,q,
Stranger. ' 1
•NV: Henry Fu
'Jaeohl l'inefra
1101.. Cooper
Wm. Philliff.
John Ilohler.
I:tnannel Say
J. 11.. 111vipci
(3eorge Gratri
.lohn Casey. • tt 0 -: t •
Louis 'Leber' . rxxl, (_'..), 1ci,•45,:.11 P-.'V. ,t -- 1
'..Elirts Trifool ('0..1 , , t'ltth t •l'. N"..; ... X' . I:
•11oht. NVI - lgh , ('o. If. , tuthll P. V; :-• :'' " .!
..:•.1•I'. Pieklev. ''' ' 11 1 1
(r'llArlesl , l'llt'Artnatt, Co. A.,'9.;;1ii".". - V.'' ,
'• Win. V 11e , ... '. -1 " .. ' .. - -. :I,
•NVnt. C:aribt., l Sorgt.' C..). 11, 4,(91.P.:V., ' - -. 1. t
' \V; 1.1 II; :Brown. - ' I - ~,, '. , r
Janwa .T.enit'us, • '1 '• ' -'• - • - • - :• , ,1 41
• Chas. •A uran 1;10): if, •1;41t r. N.'' • . ''il 1;
• Itobt. llnn Hiker. ' ' ' t• '' • ' '-• - 'f' ." ti
t. ;
Win. Prcde i 0.,.... ' . '• . :'''-'- - ] ,I!
i Patti Vev, - I , q4th lc y. , - • '.- , - f • ?:
N. J. Ihihr, i T 'Ptli,P. V, ' ,
',iota: Ilenev E....44'1'01:er, 'Po. P. 4..1111 1 1 ) '.
i Isaac 'pule:4llth Maine. ' '',', ' ''.-:IF • _ ,
_! , wm, hu.son,,, (k) (1, Vith
P.•.V.: -- i: . ' !
Jas...a. 11ea416-, ('o, ir.
f, 17tii ~
ci*,. li -
John - Priee,"Gitiv It e.'• • 1 '
Jos. Bittle, 7th Pa. C,Av. ; - • , , 1
Jacob Feltrigle, Soldier 1 1 / 4 le.xlcqii .I . Vr., I
Fred; Iladetiv.-4,5th P.-ir.; ~, • I ' 1
- • It is hoped Biiit in complinnee with tie
laraation of • t;e,Chlef 'Burgellifl, places- Of .
tress will be loseii; and , that ; the ; dsgs - o
. ..
, '
1 - -'• . If
4+411 I'2 V.
U Co. 11,,_. t)1 \
Ac: War .Igl`-'1
ian, ",idler War 151.2,
• "
is . I • t •
(%); :271:1 P;C. • .• •
it, ,491(fi , :..r.NV1.e luzr2:
Washburn ,I:•ljuiant 17341 P4r•
iitimn, 4.41 i P.-V
!k,':tlith N. 7, V.
&might will be either placedat half mast or 1 OLLOWAY'S ESSENCID OP a u dit/LICA.
viral d. • .. .
, Ills also stlggeAte.l that during.the r passage of -
114 as ottZsToelett:lTyt.,l.l3.stirrintlitbbt.:,, u Nsence -of Jamaica GI ge rice , .
HINIGIER, is of double stre n ngt r
. h in , ap h d e the ma only
r crilgore the'on yl ankle to be relied on In coma spf
0 'I I raltohus, tarrhcra. Dysentery'. 'nul
-1 g i te t,r l Ti e ern is
V r "la
andrk take r n
no o ther. . e improitsli•eness of the ceremonies. . .-'-! ''-''''. I spoo . nallor it is mcire ther . 9414 bthanequ t og - , ....,
useni who desire to'eontribilie flaw* fot
t 1
wucueSpO oll oo
l ai Stand storekeekpers.
tesi ksarertt enees Ony f 'sre .mi req m u . es ti t i ed ni t? l sendllpha than, ,tolt 41.. vi n y , tw A is pe s r tr bOltl eet. e r . -Johnson, Holloway & LOW'
. 9 A. t a I AU ' .13 ~ 0 an ren Wind a. ,
W ;!tiles Lizzie Ilartz Mid* Ward; l)dis. , f. . .i 1 ; ' .----- -.' ' ' ' • .
Bo i d
met'. 'N. W. Wurd:! or Mils Roads, S.F.; j CillialtEN - Cur' roe' Irra-LorAT's "vre eni r Gl
.2... . - covrzzioNs.
Ward, before - 7 ' n'el°* on 3/°l/dS"'. sinning- !They ariactAbbelous.. The doctors and mothers Say
P so that; they - ran :le Lunde into.
- .lbeihse of the soldiers. ! . be ( tort`.` ' for . ij.they are the moat safe and effectual remedy for th ose
' *. !I pests of WORMS. The gcnuine have the signatures
of the proprietors on the wrapper of each box.
Twenty-live cents per box.. Jelanwin t Holloway 6:
'Cowden, Sti,kreli St.; PhMi. . Juno. ,. •up--zwytr
• -- _____ ___-_ _ ___ _
- .
Jottings.—lidd Fellows' Ce.pietery was
dlestetl on last Sunday afternoon.% ith appro.
Ipri e ceremonies. ,A !large t , ineourt..!;,e of etti
lze were. :nth il raete
re i i3ent li
o i heart } of Treble held a- Meet
li n.:
nlt Shamokin on Thnrsday evening. -
- • . hail storm passed over .-',Alahanoy • City,
Tit earora and Tanniquh, on last Saturday. '
i ottsville, has been titilistially
r healthy • thus
far ihi~,t thiS season, i 1
, ew t - eotirrterfeit fifty , tient notes;.iii. large
ma illerS, lire tieing circulated: - Thtt.,tise hard
'to detect: -.,_ ' . 1 - - • ' --.
1 1 - m. E.: Stcle, Isit;.,l(ing a-resident •of St. l
! Clair...died; on Saturday last, after a lingering 11
Blnesa.of several vearS, , . . t__:J
'..lie[ dead body'of Peter '.lfulcloyatey, a petf.T .
. dlitir, iv:is found on, theitillroad between I.daha- i
I. nett: City'. and Malituniy Piano on last Saturday !
[ nilrning. :Ho had; it [J- supposed, 1 ,. .e1, himself 1 .
, flo i lvn on the trek to rest and fell asleep, and,a
train tame along and ran over him. • . .;
The,dectiraticizt of thb siddifrs* graves ht :Port i
Clint, I n,..wi1l take plak4e'to-nitirrti)v.-<
.- Three brothers named. 3foritebeek, were sei.i-,,
oilsly injOred.last weelitatarslllabarniy City, by ;
' thh explosiod , of a blast •.. - - - . 1 •
• • ;
• !the signal box neaeithe Auburn station,
.was , .
struck i . by lightning; on. last , Frislay night.l
Nhbod_v lturt. . • 1
kle...foSepli -K..llloyer's Mill team ran . away; ;
a:Mentl tit on last Fridityevetuing,:anil narrow 1 yl
e'pl'edliridng down over a steep embankmen t,, iiTlWhich case they would 'certainly , have been
k iled. 1
The reniains of IhinitTc. Iloyer,..lat4AY killed!
on a Kansas.railroad, ,was:brought: ,to his f borne''
hi' Port Clinton for interment the'present week.
- r ri,i. Chief Ilairgessits of the different "tor
onghs •of this county,. have issued prochuna
dons for the observance of decoration day. . :
House ;flies are becoming .iininerous Sue t
[The Reading raticx einnine.nce .4,n next Ties.
clay, to COntinge three.slays., . . • . - • !
. TT he corner stone of the. Cressona r,:yate2, , ....1ie1t
Crirch Will bo laid on-Sunday, June , th, ; . ivitb
1% asonic ',ceremonies.,
ilAn aged lady, residing ifi . simtlerson sireet,
• s as seriously injured by _falling, ": down a flight
o stairs on last Saturday. , , -‘ '
1, ,
Jlie i.upolsof:\ lessrs. tlartley A: Fox's fon yulr'y
t-ok fire on- last Saturday , ... (Sainte :ling it 'to ticl
lnount Of about t,•"..:iiii, _ I . - 1
Nlajor'it. l'. tteinopli ?.. )ent last 'Sabbath iii .1
Itottsvillei lie was one of the few honest Inch •
in thelaSt I,egislatnie. ~ - .. . .. 7
i.:11.r . 5.. Eliza Chewy died suddenly at..l.r resi.... l ,
~•etico in :Railroad street, la`: Stuulay evening.!•l
The Suspension of 'flair,' and the Prestor4t
, f oirardville, played:! match ganii• of brio-1
tall at St. Clair on :11onclay, iii 'AVliioti the SO- -
Pensioit i,ivas, victorious by a score, o c G - 2 to 2.C,,.': 1 ..:
~ . .Patrick :Lee, Jr.,and John Brown who were
f , . .
-arrested last week on die eharov of having fired
.i, - .....5: Sillinian's breaker at .M:chatiOy - City-, wore
before the Court onn writ of habeas cor i orui last
jaondavi hail a ile.u - ing,„ and were'rematided to
il-in aefa Mt of ,111.koOtt and ..51,000 bail. . ' i 1.1.
.1 . 'Mrs. Delaney, orlate.O'Brion, wius sent up
to the hill on
.•Nloilday•for sixty days, islcatase
,glee would persist-in getting drunk and bOttior
trill!) pfticers Of ju,tic& 'every . two or ' three
s, : .
Mr. Alfred Smith. of Nialian4Y l.'itY',„ was
itabbed on last. Sunday evening by a- rutilan
Win> was elideavoyingto enter the house of Mr.
, 'ister fOr the purp,)Se, it issupposed, of -
iig. Nir;Fistor.— ~- . ' •• ' ' ! .
I •
, 1 The menagerie, will be here on 'Monday. 1
...' . Guinea pill, belle-go. to' jail for a - stiranier
resort. 1 ... • '' .
, . 4' ; . Elegantly executed twenty-.dollar notes are in
reulatiutt. -Hard to detect. - - I
- The Reading, }Mitre:hi t'oinnany are taking
u p : ,,n, the 1 .,, , ,5,,,-,s of lice itieniben ! t of the I;eg,is
a ..„_latatre, Wlif ti . found in posscssii,h •of anybody
~..1 •
. else. 1 • „:
' 1: I'. i;. M.0Z...v. Datiiol WaShbiliii,'of Ashland,
lias been appointed I i rand Chaplain of the'
itaiel 'Lodge of Pennsylvania, I. I. of 0. P.,
:by the itraint .7%l!ater. . ,
Tbe Itortiugh Cottheil ,4 l'ottsville liar' ho
:do:nit:de of it...ow•M . . 5. .
, l'lle. foundation or the noir Bank is• progress;
ling rapidly.. :- • ... '- - -.- :
Satun lay-Alight retlits are becoming 'common
. .
in ,iiiiersville. • ' . .•
The •jOOl4 ;Men,' I liristian As_soci: . ition l is
inereasbut in nutotters.
!• A fat:i.e alarin' of Iti Cc Av:ks given on Tues,ll,2,-
till 'AlOndav et ttti ng last, Mr.. John D. S.-Nil ie
- wa. ino.4te4i lute, the •Wa.,llington comp, 1'.,1).
' S. of A'..' ' :,. - - '
. -.. ' Y
A „man attempted to mama suicide .iy hang
ing, because. his wifc wduldn't 74.) walltiwt with
hint. i, , , .
Martin Coal, of 11,•:ili.:1(•}1. t%av befOrt` EZllltre
'l{ll Tuesday, on tilt chargt ni, havin4colu
iiiitieth, itssanit on Nrai Soi , rv:or. Ile Wttm
bail to UIISNVer VilaP.Te.. •
The Itchnocrats lidt,l hold their rounty'i
'hog lit the Hotisc, on Nfoliday s .laue 4411.
• 1;re4,1it...: 1 furniture' wag , in [vain ran
away sthashing•lip a loail
I,Turniturc. •
1 1 The Zion Ey:nit:clic:ll Litilieran 'hurpli,, at
Ashland, will he'dedieut4 . 4.l to-ntorrow.
'Atitlpi!ny Haldeman, of Tatihiquai a brakcs
luau on the 'Little' Schuylkill itailrhad. Intl :i
!i hand niaSlicil,v , ocoapling ?ars - On 1V( ilnesilay.
l j • A hor,:e. henry Fidler;.l! ,was stolen' from the'
,stahle at laity, add, on
. .
I! I.awreueetihook', cutinmate of the ;insane dg= ; i
ii partniiint, at-the Ahns. Hore4i4, escapist 'from •
there Oil Monday. lie , was 'recaptaired in this
Itorotigh and taken back to his old quarters.
I, , l.iiic Burkhart, an old and respected citizen
4: f Aidilaiiil, died ine,Frida . ;:e of last week.; • ;
The; Sunday. Schools of, the Baptist.; Presbyte
i I .riaii aiot Dattio:ran : ditirelies; will meet at, the
i LailliOran l'hureli thk.afterno eh
Cin at 4 olick;,to
j i make, arrangement, ftir attending - um
-1; tion on Nloinlay, ..
O Tin' Pot t 4 'arn. s .n cricket 4 'lob was et: - --tnized
I ; lit-st W,eck. . : - --.
:- I • Wm. llele•r, otr.Mt., licasant„ . was Waylaiit,
1 i \01 . 11C : ‘ on 'the rort?l' home trout :litinersville on
.f. l last Saturday • evening,: by a-ruin:in milt noWn.
I- . t Relict 1r44...:41 tool much Mr his; assailant, and
pi tnadc,44 id hi*'4 , ..eape.
: Strawlierries a‘re primly in the POttsvilic nvir-/-"
A ; Let..; ' - -el /'
;; i! The penally for i reflishig to answer the:4,pii.;s-
; aim's-of a .`llsll4 taker i4 l thirty thillars:v ,
'! ' Judite 11:4 - on dPlivered iin (14Mb - in ~iiTlitirf .
I. day; that a uomaiil lilliaillno'rigilt to Y:OI-I :1-1.(•:I , V
I . of,- a ica.seleildt'r. ; I
t per llearter, of Ticknont. - Nyjfh lfis
,tarted for the "%Vest M.enday.'
Th' party •of fishermen whio 1. kited Rutter
coimty retnritefl'homo on Thursday
with ipinber o.l';flm.skekle:d
A t9:1.(1 inititel., l'iltt,Xlllo . in a mail 1ia...%„; the
fore part of the week/ , •`
• l'hn spring' i%.1..6.7 / 7,(1 ll. , Adill-r Will voilt111(.110e
nit Tivistlay next mid end on Titrsday.'
• - ( ltirhard Sitttylt,,an einrignieri,af tin, a
!! P(iiitt l'iillierY, ytaq killed (til :fhilis lay 1t,:i,..
( 4...l7.zo;, , goitigi(fowii the; sr.`ntit ni , titi - hint. i fli,i
1 Wifi , ; :,iirl , _iveit 'eltilitreff.lnL.;*. rr'ia Entrian'd,
i • strrivci a Iti lit,ti,• iti. sOr'en.ii..(tir , after the
sad 4t..airrtilleit. .
li . / • . . _ _
1: ./
Vocal Pitsiita‘.s .110nCr5.
tirytii pay Millis rohtlinol :Li ~utl '
SA LL: DrL . .4 • tiLy"...”. af.1:11111‘11:1....
pji , ,tc...;3.s„s to 1.1. yard. 4, for imv dollar, 111
rf.fvt, •01*,e.r In diange.,
. ~
Nin* l'.vtil..dri-i ju't rroeiyed at th, ('Lank and
TrinintlngStpre, I= t.', strect i b.dow -.1.tu01 , .an
limp... PoLt-dilik• dl-t f • NI At .f ;I E Ipil.,V.Sl).
• _. _ ;
ONLY 21) emit. I r u sttpt‘itor ilyster Stt!v: at :INwtt',.'
Lrullt-c hitt! Rt..sitattrant, ;CO: 191 . . 1 %at ru st:.•et.
rrims rs,lncol to suit tIo tistt&. - k.'l4il :n.l sve tot
• - -.-- • • - - -.
FituNvii, Englis . ll :coil .I.lin•ri.i.n L'li.,th:• - ., a1i...4.,y1i...,
and,of the Borst qualltit , D. A. Mutt h.'s. C't•n't re St.
•Fruz."su p P.1.D1 , 1:n 'LINEN Dnii.l.47;, 3
. I)caut 1011 nrti.
de I). .‘,..Sukttli',.., in•ntre"Stru..t; •
special Potters:
... .
rr . HE co,AripEssiotis op AN: INVALID'.
...11: i l'ohlhOted tor the hehetil of yorNo MEW and
o thi. r , who...tiller front IsZervute4 l'whiltty, etc,', sop
plyina•the means of self-care. \V rittlen by one who
tanrtl , hino , 4; and sent free on reet'tivlng a punk-paid
iliraeli-d 4.11 , it':01. Address • ; , t i
1 - , ' 1 . ;NATHANIEL MA XF.A.111,,
lase. •:,.'l, 'i11i:45:2-.fliti.• • . '• " , rtrookryn "C. T;
J> :
#ST GH9III. - .. ' -•.'
• • CH/ialltY PEI,TGIL.t. TIIOCIlhzt• :I .. i ~.
• i • •
;For Colds.) cough+. Sore 'Throat. and 'Bronetitle.
N Ole so (:oral, None so Pleasant. None Cure en 9 II Irk.
i 11,C511T0N , ...t. CO. ; 10 Astor House, .s: eW )li,i'K.
. Use no more of thrice horrible, tasted nausentim•
"IIIIOWN CUBEII THINGS." i `Nov. 6, '6W--4.s6—tiii.
t I- , I ,
quires iininediate
, attentlon, est
beFloct oftep ,re,4lllA in 'tin incurable R..
AL ..T1t44.111.A will most urIONcHIAI
gli - e Umlaut. relief. For LitioSzOiirrrN,
AtiTilmA,C.iii-Anitil,d-oNsOtprivEnnn OCkk
fuitoAr 1)i5r4.4K4, they lia ea oothin otie k L.
• §l.NtsllitS an 4 PrIILICSPEAKEES u.e Olen) to
clear and stengthen the voice.
trig to the good copulation and 'repaid:l:y ot the
rnany worthies& and cheap int ito i0 , z7,1 arc of
for'eto.o!q.-71 Rn yood for nation'. ne SUM to bISTAIN
• 7 .:' , .7cir. 1
. •
• ' ..'
n1f..:1:--:•4)11 the Mill, ittst.:rit Mc:lei . % P.2..c11j', N.
;,(AN.A. , -_,Su 11171:Er, of l'hicgrove Tow,zl.lill.). age I
1 7 1 - eztrs,.3 niontlis and 1 day..
. . .. ,
la 'Uwe& :Sow " lar„ 1101.1 by Drnriti..4l,„
----- , t . . ~ ..r.
' 'A Priv. cure:tor Dysentery;
p or iM RIS REIM Diarrhea . 'Colic, nis,l Gripinj
Prim,. 'it reguiatrithe Bpi* - -
. . . oh, as.liatfßostlessness,2llB7, • .. •
Infizatmation. land' Promotes /
itig t iEr Heinity real: Ittoftears thia
.Guini„ : aid renders' Teethfag ..
' erst. .yrter tO eta, per Dretiri. _ ,
....254xtas inve*4 11 , 0; , .x..., , 111 1 ‘1YEH1AL (Ma cr
VENT far Chet Drtrni,msores rtrpt imik.
Wai Dover ! M . r e F ttt l .. eolpt Dr , ,4:51m4 . - •
Kept. p: : : •Si, jy
, .
. t . - 1 XNll — il3 AY,Lo.ll'B , rl l .7l ' D 017.; LTNIMENi.
.. .• .1. :The great _ external will- tbroltnemnat ism
... viiira4gin. Stunt 9 01 , Brulsel, ChilblainA, Sae:l'l4bn%,
livaijim 4 rue Joirgs, ito.'.; i Posapssfilg_ukstiip
Au us a'l4,inner4. it - *ill prcrSe nsftr 171 1•0 1 1
in vs - arY War 11S-Nes Of Alionlo llll / 1 111. II d iiP ll .7
ais, either s Igbr or soloasot is ntways trait y. to
• tey° pair,' • his Linljnent has be , , Wass for the
;Pe last fifteen ,fetius, and has, given entirelstdbasetlOn
ozherever It has been used .: .: '' ' , '
Prepared and sold by - Mrs. ,C. 14. 1 1.1fL0TV4100. 501
," Centre W.: Pottsv il le. Agent at Mtnennalle, LAW;
1- TRENCE , A BROWN, :f. agtsts; Ashland, S.=-D:
. 0 , MAIZE, Druggist. • .
-24 4,4.11 1 , mtit).4-
. I
.3 Nary to journey front the tropics- to Alaska In
order to experience the ettrentes of beat :and cold.
Thousands undergo all the - inconveniences of thli
therntOmetrical change every. day, or. every, other.
day, as the case may be., without the troablepf mot . -
ing over the threshold. A word with these invol
tintarye'shrikers;,.•What are they doing tp espedite
their return toe medium tempernturer—to. break
tie chills and - Ira - cash the fever! Are they 'dosing
themselves with' cpilnine. thereby imperilling the
soundness of their bones and Impairing the vigor of
fiCelftbraina and nervous system? tome of them
:are, no thatbt,tott not the =Writ)* of them,'.lt is be-
Veered; -The Value of licatetterit t totnach Bitters as '-
' -a
qt harmic , mt and certain specitle,fer fever and ague Is
understood and appreciated in all parts of the coun
try where . Intermitterits prevaiL. The residents of
• suet' localities begin to take it early in the spring as
a protection against the miasma by which they are
surrounded -,'not all of them, Perhaps, for a blind
.•adherenee to.e.rror is the speciality of some people,
but. the greater number, .
• If there Is any liked tacit to therapenties, it is this;
that the Bitters are a far bettersafeguard against all
the varieties of periodic maladies produced by un
winSlesonie exhaUtious than any drug or compound
In (lie materia medics of the profession. ~ This sumer-
Lion is made with ail. thus respect to the 'faculty, but
cP lug an.importarit truth, and one that nearly eon- •
erns the health of large. settlements In 'various
parts of the country, and indeed of the public At
large, it Is made fearlessly. Founded - on szaple and
unimpeachable testimony , it defies disproval:
. To breatc , up chills and fevers, as well as to pre,
vent tlaetn, ' , there Is nothing so reliable as his
w holesomevegetahle restorative; .
1 '
Jan J. 70
I ,
! IA
eIs E .4.--Witi people never learn to know that a tits
eased liver and stomach necessarily. disease the en- .
tire system!! • The plainest l'rinelples' of common
sense teach this, mid yet there are 'hundreds who,
'ridicule the idea, andcontinue itt the course:which
almost inevitably brings* then prenuttuirely to the'
grave. 'laving as the majority of the peopled°, at'
Complete variance with the laws of nature, jt, must
be apparent to all that, sooner or later," natarewill
revenge herself. Hence we find that persons whit
tnthil.tte - to excess to the use of very rich or Audi.'
gesdible food or Intoxicating drinks, invariably pay
a heavy penalty ID the end. The stomach heeentes
disordered and rentse.s to act ; Melts - et. falls to per=
form its functions, dyspepsia• anti itsattendarrt evils t
follow, and still the *coffering individnalti persist in
clinging to the thoroughly .exploded ideas of the
past. Dr. SCHENCK'S medicines are recomMended
to all such. - They bring sure- and certain' relief
wherever they are used as directed, and. all that ix
necessary to establish their"reputation with every,
ailing man or "woman - in the land Is a fair anti int
• partial trial of them. bet those who are:skeptical
on this 'point, antrwho have permitted interested
persons to prejutilee, them against these now cs.le
ttratl*d -tetue,ties for t'ortsumption, 'Gist:ant their
prejtallees; and be governed by the principles - of.
reason and commoif sense. If the s y stem is disor-.
itered depend upon IX, in nine casvi; out ..of ten, the.
seat Ofr.the disorder-will be found tit tite\stotuach
and liver. To elenuse. and invigorate 'the stomach
and to siiinuitife•theilVer to healthy action, use '
. Sett 14Na 'ICS MAN DRA KE. Ili Ll.S...—The daily Meccas- '
,tug deniatid for -these pills is the best evidence of
:their value. Thousands upon 'thousands of 'boxes
are sold dally. Why'? Simply because. they act•
'pronfrtiy, nini eplcientiv. Invalids who'inity not .
. find It cotiVen lent to call on Dr. SCHENCK in per-
140 ii are itifornitsl that full and complete directions
.for use. tosionipatiy each package of the
• - MA Nit Usk E . I'llt.l-4,' Put:int:4lc SYRI:p AlliD •SA
WELD To:4 itt.-These inedieitest"will cure , conautup-.
Don .unless the lungs are so far - gone that the patient
is ent I rely. beyond the reach. of medical relief. ...
It may he asked by those who are are not familiar
with the 'Virtues of these great remedies, - "flow do
Dr. SCIIENCK'si medicines effect their wonderful . ;
cures of consuutption?" .
The answer Is a Atonic one. They begin their
work-of restoration by bringing the stotnach,dive?
and bowelit into affective healthy condition. It is
foodlhat cures this formidable disease. " ticitet:caqi -
MANI:MARC Fitts act on the liver anti stomach',"
promoting healthy secretion; and removing the bile •
and stimesehich hasty...resulted from the - inactive Or:
torpid vouili Ural of these organs, antrof th t system
geneially; Tills sluggish state of the NAY and.lhe
consequent accumulation of the unhealt fy sub-.
stances named prevent-the proper digestlo of food,-
and as a natural cousequende creates diSease, which
results In prostration and'ilnallY in death. •• '. -,
Scite.Ncli.'4l.'ut.stosicSYßlTE:tintiSEll,W.LEti TogIC.
when taken regularly, mingle With the food, aid the
digestive 'organs,. make good rich blood, audits a
natural consequence, give flesh and stretigth to the
patient. Let the faculty say what it may, the
only true sere for consuniption. Experience has
proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt, and Llano:-
ands are be e -slay alive and well whcia few years since .
• were regardedas hopeless case*:, but who were in
.duced to try Itr.SCIIENCK'S remedies, and were
„restored to permanent health-by their use.
41 - te of the' tirst steps the physician should - take
wi. li a consinaptive patient is to Invlgtirate the
sy.,4tein.. Now how is I thii to be 'done! Certainly
hot by giving utedicluesthat exhaust and enervate-•=s
toed lei nes that impair Inittesid of improve thelunc
. DOM, of the digestive organs.. Doctor ISCLIENCK's
niediclueti cleanse the stomach and bowels of all
substances which are calculated to irritate or weaken'
them. They create an appetite—promote healthful
digestion—make good blood, and, .as a consequence,
Dies! Invigorate anti strengthen the entire system,
atalmore especially those parts Which are diseased,
If this cannot be done, f hen...the ease must he te
garded as a hopeless - ohe.
If the physician finds it impossible to mike a vs. •
tlent.feel hungry. if the diseased person,ca not intr.
take of good nourishing food and proPerlyidigest it,
it..islinpossiitte that he can gain i u flesh and strength;
and It 1. 'equally luiptrodhle to bring a pal fent to this
condition so long int thit liver Is burdened With ilk-.
eased Idle, said the stomach laden with unhealthy
• Aliiott the tirgt request made to the pliyi.lcfait by.
a colistilteptivepat 'vitt is that lie will presefilbented
icini,s that will reinove or-allay the eituttli,lnight
sweats and chills; which are the:sure attend[[ts Op,
consumption. ° liut I hls should not be' done,-as the
cough is yule' 'an efrort of:nature to relleye itself,-
and the night sweats and eh i ils are caused - by - the
'diseased langs. Tlte4entedieS ordinarily prescribed
do more. harm than - good.; They impair the func
tions of ' the stoniacli,dinpede healthy 111 . p-talon, and .
aggravate rather than Fuse the disease. • .
'lltere is, after all,. nothing like theta with which
to substantiale a position, rind •'h Is upon facts that
Dr. Sell.EN CH: relics. i Nearly all who have takeit
his Medicines in accordance with hisAirections
have uot'only been cured fif eoustimption; Itut,frOm
• the fact flint these medicines act with wonderful
Power upon the iligdstlye organs, patients -thus '
cured speedily gain llisli. • Cleansing the'sygtemot
all impurities, they' lay ti - W , foundation fork} solid,
substantial structure, t ,ROstoring t hesejorgaris to
health they creel e an appetite: - 'I la• foodis prope.tly
assimilated; the quantity of not only in
-I.l`eaNl,4l, but Iti illfUlti rich and strong and in the face
•of such a condition of the systetn till disease lutist'.
be hal i kilea./ . t •
i• . .
Full *I ircet tons aecompatireueli of the medicines;
so that it is,iiiit absolutely necessary litat' patients
'should 5.." Dr. 511iFlSCh.. perstilially, 'unless they.
desire to have - their lungs examined. For this pur
pose he is at his principal office, No, 15 North Sixth'
' corner of Coninterce, Philadelphia, every Static-.
- day OA. :tr. unfli 1 P. 11.. - • . ' 7
'Advice-IS given wit tuAtt charge. but. for it thorough
4xfuninitt ion with tint itesplrometer Vie charge in 15...
Price of the l'illinotile Syrup and Seaweedhe
each, SI rot per bottle,! or trr.lia a half dozen. Marf
drag c l'il is 2.5 cents a pox . . Fur sale by all druggists:
April la, '7O . . .
- . ,
• • • .
• . IN CI:E.I. —I:IN,UK-tin the 21.4 of Niiiy/hy the
Rev. J. NI. Lieht.aiivalner. fir. 11A Rittsi , s Ulric rA., -
Of - l'ot t••:vi Ile Yu.. to Nit , P. KATE It.i.s9• 6 , of I'ra:eeril
y ale, Sett wyna ll Co., Pa. , • . ' •..;, 1.
• - • _
OVEItiIECK—SifF..RMA'S-Ori tile 45th ingt., by
the if"lllwirvA, W. FRANK OVItitIIECK; to
SIIEttNIAt;iI both of Ikkt.V.vilie, £a. •
• peat 49.,
.. , . . .
I,IIENEN,--Iti this 114e:cmAl , /ti .Survltty I:Veiling,'
.:\ 1a5• ...1,-% m rs:I:LIZA (!li I.:NJ , : Y, :Aged 131 yedrs:7 months
:rirl 11 +. 1 ...4. , ... :
SD M.- 7 ( M fling . .
MAY 21 t. , . In Fish
nil., of ;11tonitiN itgo.li7o years : '
sToN Sat unlay, Ntny'2l, In St . (!1:t1r. :liter an
ne.:so . .
veral Wm. STnsn, , F;sq., agort
.Tinte Table I,lll,Wliair ; connections 'of the
It. ce. w'ith those Of She !•Plilia..!.& Reading lt: R. Co:
le :ma (room PlAtsvilie : ! and Intermediate pointaiDe-'
green .It,enclit; and iNttaviltu.
. ' • • .1 M.A.. M. P. M.
Leave Pottsville.,; ' 5.40; 9.00; 2,45
' • • 7.23! 10.25 4.35
East l'entva.Jiniietkon....:...... s, 5 11.55! 0,50
Arrive at -Easton :
New York:. ... ' 3.401: UM"
Ip. 11.1 P. M.!P.
• s,
-- !A. M.! -M.
. 5.451 '323
7.:X1!- 4.33
10.40 • CUD
• .12.11 7.35
Foi` IRAUCT - 1 land IntenuedLate. potnla
leave I'ottatille,s.lotual 9.1.00 A. 11, and 2.45
at' Ilnneh Chunk 12.00 -.11. 5.45 and 9.3tYP. M. •
'lt ET leave moult Chunk, 4.45 and -10 X,
P, arrive at Pottle:ll.le, 12:25 and 7.3., P. IL'
For, all *Ant. ht--tdtelLehlgh Coal Regions and fur
lowa s tida, Waverly ;and Buffalo.. leave - Paltav (Re,
5.10 A. M. ..! - I. - ROST. EL SAYRE,
' Superintendent and Engineer.
Ilet)tlehtitn, Dee. 24, '17.1 ' 15-/Y
I • '
Laave Ne* York ........ ........- .. .....
• r P.aaton
.• •
East Penna. 4unetton
.Iteticling J•
Airive at Pottsville d '
DE '47IV iv. cf OAT,. :
- 1
operation, hence the large number'Jid, and the per
fect: satisfaction glyph. rc , n Um, I klutit nit el mialogue
coirttil fling sixes, pig ces nti:Mks I mon la's tfmi partial
using them; .alko coulaliting price Hsi of oul• Wood'
and iron 'Cars; Joni Tubs and Itarkivs, Dock' 'and'
Hook Blocks; Ac. tilso contillning naugh
ttun useful to Coat Merchants, . . .
Albany Aigriimiltural & Machine Works. Albany,
Jan 1..4*- 2 1t7Z`ftni . :1}' ' New lark.'
• 'lOkT ksss , 4611`14 OFFICiIriNTERNAL
• 1: I.lti I. 7 I.•:,PUTTS V MI. E,l'A.
:The Toxpayersof the.liah Coltertiou Marla are
hereby ttotlaitthat!emthe •
.. 10th nd 314 daps o 31A Y. Ik o .
Appeals will redivect and determlapd relative to)
any erroor exbessave Valilallopatiliseasnatinta
(o. Enumerations, by the Assesor or Cgatslarit•AL:
aesaors.of fSehuylkiU County at the Oillye ip Pena
vine . • .
- That the Omee ofthe Asgessor will he op:m for , the.
hearing of Appeals hy-parth‘s shah v‘itorirarily
aPPear, during which ttaturthe prooeiSlirwi t5l the
Assessor and the A.sS:Nuint Assr-ssor,'And the Annual
Lists taken arid reternel wlit be submitted' to - the ,
inspection of any and all - Parsalta ITIV apply
for the purpoSe. •• ..•
Ali Appeals ere re<pal red tote made to the Assessor
.:and shall spectty the particular 'cause,.
matter, or thing. tespealiet which Ai decision is re
quested' anCahtill,. moreover, - stat el the gratutil -nr
pritte'pfe ol+ror • • - "' • •
Notice hi I r - C11: . C h F;l•7lpersop CO
panr or' eor rattan. ett • n Curti'
trade, tnisineas, protiess on,•on'whlch
TAX Is Imposed bylaw, Ld stitkiett Id a fine or . penal
tv for icarrying on the tatneVithtint having Ps,4dthe
Vas. • D.ld:lgAllitANY, Assessor,
l ,Pdttscille r llaY 21.,"Xit2i-at • lath liisfrlet„ Penna..
. .
N iittiti . '
- , -
We have Privat&the 'New Fee Bill tor Justices and
Constables, se revised and adopted by the Lei/isle
tare, A pril 2 , 1,, ISIB . ;Liberal discount to - the aside_
BAN hiAti RAMSEY. Book & Stationery Store. •
BOAD - 00._—ItienxoNo - , VA.. Niuy 3,1.570. •
WANTED-GOOD MIXERS , . ftt he_ Cli,i•er. 11•411
rut, fu cuesterfied.county, Va., Apply. at the.. •
Oftlee' of thit Cowpony In itlehnfouti, or at
M. I , OOA N; President.
/lay 1,94 k • ' •
. •
.rzacainas - WANTED.-For the .
J. Sehttylkip Hairen, ten feathers wanted.— ot,e —
Male Pritielpdfona ntale-fth• (tranitaar tichool, - atal
eight. Female & Jose, Neal' h. c”: Supt. - , will
hold an examination -In th la 'place.. May ..:tlat atal'
11.tive.lsit. 1870, camtmenetng at..814.A.•M. All teacher.. •
ikholAtend 'to bk. la for t,choola, are reti i rya •
by reitaltltlon.ofillit. Board to ,Atteial the-k•xamlita
tion.• Tettri-not less than atontbs,and tia:art.:4
:•Fok llkrt her Inrorznatioaruhlress the utalq . ..
• , X. 'FIELD, See'y.•
tichaylk.lllllaven, May 11, '7o' • •
• OF , . WAR OF '181:2 'ASD MEXICAN. W
Y0u.E.167.4 COINS, • GOLD, WERN
colAxcr.tos.s. promptly mach on till points. eDF,-
• -• 7 l'alTs RECEIVED.
No pains trill be - 00re..1 to serve the . irttereSts in
I:IC4e 'who favor us with their business.
• , 2 ,
_JOHN' S. ItCSILTON et:. CO., •
• Bankers nxtd . B.roiters, - N0..50 South, 3d tit„ WO*.
nob go Rel.
t - 013-gl.&,Lt.Titritber leave of acres of
land, in Lebanon County, RI . 11.1:/e -v•ofith of
VlijezroVC,'aionOtiaiine of the Lebanon nod Pi 111.-
groyejlatid. !The timber is principally oak. Ai,. f
ply to • .I.IAso.N . WEIDMAN, Pottsville, Pa.,
.or, 0011Rais WEID.M.A.N, Union Forge P. O.
Jply.3l.lS-41-7-tf. Lebanon Co., Pa,
t'OBft.X.NT.—A nocitii, third Boorin kia-
Apptyto •
Jan IS, 10-:). - tt ISterchurd's 1tc41.1.
' .
.lel gine, panip 6haft and gearing ;. one E hoc.,
engine, druris,,punVe.linft and gearing; one '2O ho;,-
engine, 2 boilers. 10 feet fan andstack; onb 16
pole.punip.ansllooYasils.ll InctrcOlumn pipe:. c:,.;1,1 , .
boilers, 30 feet by 31 inches; lot of splice ptatesa
Apply to S. IdOIIGAN A CO., Nese Phtlatcl phis.
April 2.:70-71i-01. or by letter to Port - C rbon.
'COR,REN,T.:- T itirciOrneeilln-Rnasel'is Office Ihi
. Tax,: corner Second and Mahantangxstielf,:.
App?y; ,to 11E„NRY. 41 RUSSEL, Real Eatlkte .tget.a,
1S Malian tone Street:-
-Mar MU'
'COE SALE.—A Vlve Ton- Locomotive,' sutia
,/' for 4 7 ,f00t. gauge road'. lias been used for Con% .v•
trig coal . and :coat dirt at the 'mines, and 1:4 in goal
der. Apply to W. SNYDER, Pottsyllte.
..lanuary - 1„":11.- •
r.-oR LVA.SE.,-The valuable tract of Coat I.:iit;l
known ati Robb S Wiuebrener Tract, late Mil,
ford, situated tn. Lil,Ythe and Schuylkill Toirnslops,
and - contantrig about 110 acres, tr otfercd,for • lease
upon reasonable, terlus:- ApplY to
13. 1 14
F.ANNAN, Agent,
Feb 427, 1;44: -. SMf
OM Valnable Leage on the MA {I- •
with a Run of one nitre .1n ;the Mahanoy'Valley, ad
joining St.• Nicholas qolitery. Apply to
• _ . • N CARTER,-s
-".• Real , E;fate Agent..S 'er Terrace. PottsvDlo: •
• Oct. 30',10-4-ttl • - - • • ••
OR 8A1,21.—A... Vivo:Ton '.Locotuottve, sultald”
for 4-root gunge road. Has been used. (or con
% ying cool and coal dirtat the.rnlnes, and is In good
o. ler. : Apply to •. W:0. NV: SNYDER, Vottsville.
.1 - aw]; '7O. •-• .... , • -
~ ,
, . . .. , _i_
—YI .25.. feet lota, •frontlng on Itace. near
Georgestreet; are offered from Illalaral npaltralK.
I:aymenn; la Sltl monthly Instalments.- Apply to
SA N1l74:1, BALL. Coal areal,: near It. Bt,De;pQt.
Pulttrille,.April 14,'70-73&X6 -1y ' ,
WHITi -.4113H. d'OLLIEitY FOB A TtENT. -
. VIE OA K LANDS: COLLIERY at Wit:lilyitarb , o,n,
Sehuyl kill coital : , will tir rented on-ftivoable term,.
The Colliery Allibritees the Mammoth Sit hi mot e
andßieck liettin 4 ,,
Veins. iA goad slop . 11 1•.•,..,i
shnk twat& t.he SRithaore yein and a Ku inel drivel.
to the .Mtrnitinith. 'roatentint with stlilif milt,
to purtiliase.the inachntery aml erect a lone In ealo.: ,
a Inoil, liberal:lease wiii•bel • i yen, Appke to
. . .. . , . FRAN:" LIN 13...ti1.V.71.:N. .•
Avril 16.-:10,-7ikh17-tf
or to
The ?ollo(ring . stIll on hal d at Owl/tune/In Colliery:
' One imiroping engine, si 'horse power, 11/011417
lng all the machinery con et;tell wilt the Bob, in-'
elusive.: • . "
One liolsting enelno, sks y horse, with all the
chintfry siittneetetl with ht
Atx. ()oilers used for pun pine and hohttlng thirty
feet hy,thirty t ftiur.ineleo I I diameter, with all
eOnneetioqls., - •
. .
One .tenipump.7-141cli (Allison liannan niske;
satisfactory article. '
The &hove : machinery: - Is In grind tI. i
*lll besolrl reasonably.
, Also, Wagons cif 4u - and 34-Inch gauge
Belts, of various 'sizes; store Fixtures, and \Vag,. :
Cross-e 4-iirws. -.Fi re w
For further information; inquire at , :the "Mee, les
East Market the Da nilin
Jan 7 '7ii;siik.:2-11 Ji_lllS-
A L'A R,G.E T. 0 T `l9
1 flay .liorsu engine. I
2 tifirtyr -
Ttwentyi. " "•
1 twglve "
four . •
1 ten. '• portable Pli.
B.l.lrillerS, 30 in. x 2.2 ft,
•. 4 "
In in. i :31 ft;
1 3) in. x-3011:
2 • -" — 3O in. x ft.
2 ." 24 in. xl2 ft.
" " 21 6 ft. •
1 • " tubujar.
1-upright. nue boiler. •
• 3411jitls 14 in.eolunin pipe
„with, brats and.
240 rill. 12 in. et4e '
4.50 "
1 Lot of 4 in. pipes. •
4 14 in, pOle •pninps.
1 12 ". • • ' • 4
• •
2 6,
1 S
4.. And gona
Knit:ll,le Tor naillng f‘,
' Dcpor real
' :Noy. 13, V.1:—.16-ilr
i -.
I' `l4
The PEHUYr ~ V STRUT' makes thewent roinr,
disease by supplying the tilciod with 5
0 - 'OieN - S'ITLISZLNCI AGEN T -r1R0.N. 1 ..
. ,
Casan.—ale sure you get Peruvian Syrop.
, Painphietii free. LP. DUCS.IIOIIE,,. Froprietl •
No. 36 Dey SL, Seiv York.
Sold by Druggists generally , . •/ p
• This vegetable ilteinedy toe' picicript irtn t!, •
the eminent Philadelphia Physicitua and l'rote••••••:
JEAE . I.II. P.X,ITLER, M.D.; who liar; devote:l-S: y..:-
to Itlieumatisna-and Neuralgia st.ciali.y,•-•and !e.
the medical Protcasion n
unnou eed 1:•••
'highest authority in ithedmatic t
testimony.)' It Is pleasant andragreeadte to the !apt.
and Warranted - ree front inlnerals. and injuri..e.
drugs, it . a scientific. preparation, a mettle:it. lie,::
. rrPOIY, and watranted tinder solemn oath a Terme
Dent. harmleas, poalt Ice eureVir !rata rnatory-ithett
=Bath, Chronic IthetunatimnGillictunatttiii.
matism of Kidneys, Neuraitzia in the 11,411, Nen:
gia in the Body, Nervous, Ileaditche, Nest-Attu
diseases. Sold by Drumrimts at hottje
•bottlesi,•St •3ledleal, advice; Without charge, sett
by letter; All orders sent 0-4_ll'eCt tt
. Depot, No. d Sutith --1.)1StzT : 11 re.:
Philadelphia.' . • April th;.,-.7 . 4.• I
QQ t~ I
• - MA.NUF ken:ll.ED Di"
4rOitti A. ROEBONG'S liONS;•
• , TRENTON. tg. J., • •
. . _ . .
For Inclineil Flames, 'Mining, Standing Ship itiggin
ttuspension Itridger,Ferriits;Stays i {_hip(
onDerrickm.• Craufis and shears, •
EJeratorKTlllera, • • ,
..*!....4.RGE STOCK. OF 'WI ttr;:il:l.oPl7. et.)NATANT I
• . • .
, r • • 011DT2Y.4P11 1 1.£.1) WriTi 14531..t.TC1f.
arir:Cii.etreinitii. size and enkt, see id
GAL /bH sent,nn application. • Anz.' , .' 41 9.---3!-Iy
IS4O - SPRING. AND . tr Ai fla;t: •
• - ...
1:70 . NV I I_.• & O PO
..S.Orth:SEt,sr.4 its 1 . 1111, y}•!:1.1'111 A.
Incite the attiirdlem 91i oct v14 , 1t111
. (WWI ta, their ittrge artd•Teleg.lnt snag; or,
• • ' 7 t f . "1) I -;.l' fix o •o. s
r'Aistx or
Iliad and stripe :Si:
Yialn Japanese• .•
Fignre*, titrns,, tind . pla • .
• ?lain 8111 r,. Poplins, :select • ,
Corded 14111.. .
• /311 k Serges and , Wtr.)l roji)
. • ; - • . 404 'Sfakes ‘,4'...llprtens ai.4l
•' • - 311xet1Nlolinirstincl
.Oreriadlhes. and Organdies, 'Awns; '
-, 'Chintzes; • L'alledtli and. L`N.v.-.1-riZ•6l
•._ _ ,
Goo :Dress (locals or the if de , -,! ••1•• It,
•DitES.S . d ODDS i s RE.VP VA It i 161 f`
linlcheind Paisleyy Shawls,
Shawls, ttprlng Flutatu_ ,„'eC Stiaw ,fat t+,iclt,
Lave stioques, Cloth" and 13.11a84' Imercs, Table I.i!:.• , •
and Naliklits,Sitoe-tlngs and rt M u u
terpancs,,Blankett, Spreads, .ctc. lid 1: c
Coven', White Goods, Laces, l+-r,••••,
de. - •
• N..B.—We dial In good:GotAS and
at-snch prices that will give grit t -
air - The CheNtlldt end Market St -t ran. v..
vey-'7O to vripag a fetv dont* of
Ei)W IN;,t t..
.21i South Second Ktre.•, Phi th.l,
Apilll6, 19
wiNp9w pF.con,s.Tx9Ne. • .
-•• •
I.AcE pilArEo-7
ANT BR.p I:1"U .1
• • . 'f or .
1,.k 4 I, (: ,
1•)e. (!th-.T.r t
- AY/NE.4OW §I All
11r9,1d SlmPitt
Pottsville or Port Carbon
10 ilit seal lor,e
pumps. •
1.20 tons of,elialtt, varlou,
i 10feet hoisting drum,.
With bolts and lag
. gings complete.
1 G feCt hoisting tirnm.
2 stacks :11 in.xtufree..
" in.x.ta
About 10 tons-sp . li. plates,
10 ft. long, 4 111 X*•e‘k , 1 ift: (
A large lot of In:nip shit...
1 small foot. lathe with
the tools. suitathW for
making and toepairitg-
I safety lamps. , .
:10 tons of Yernp . rail. • •
10 " " " wire toCe -7
20 " "• ," shket non.
Also al Ways 0,4
In. and :Win. fans to yea,
Waring at- mini,.
sevoml hand I
At the Machinery
i Ic,~icinnL
Ir it
- • J. E. W ., A.LE'AyEN ,
ar.ts oN , k, 719 sri:Erf
19 • iy
]ice 7. '7O