-_--c ---- V--SIXTH VEAI FOR . CO . _ I_J—..T. Vortaticip o , tt6.- `,. ~• Pier No. 4, Portll eirgosoi J . §,-NAG , - E & C . 6 lin,' Stili)per:; of the Be a t Qu:}lities ll rinVisi,TAl-X AND.TiI.BCK". HEATII WEt l'iners WUST C OILS , wt w ring and - . llort twe, mitt Sell ts _Agen In all In . Butt THE CELE4'..AI,ru r .."Nt./"T WnITP4SII. N .- IrZrzON )11.11111, 11)At.,S. I (_,lValntit St., Ptt lattelphia,. Ltrrneiway, New' - ork, , , Duane Street, ittoten. 111 a IR' SC. NAGLF -11)-.NRIc Met, JR, Fur Manvi i E 30./ : 0111ces 1 11% ME 0. 3r. WELD 1911MMI rr \u... Pert Itle:unclad .13RtNIZE11 1 ' . •ars arty Shippers of , • TILE ttupEttion f . 7 ' ' 7- EY RUN COAL, Axn Kotie. Arie.srri vnit Co.', ICriehrsteil • 111 RIDIC4E I "418 Walnut St.; Chilnielphia; Trinity ;Nen: Yinric. 'lit Doane t., Jirstou; HAA Ttjm. • >' i:ri MEI ilaiccw: ~) ~. i STICKNEY & I and Shippe CASTNEP,' Miner BI:ItN:-;i0F.,. Nrlio I uh I front thosir $ }t(' Ash.) UNT.AIS White . 1 .1 Trinity Ititiktiu• 4 v...entit St root, nount• Street. It, t;, '1101:T Mei CM= V. ll.\ .1..11 I. l'i•••• 7, furl tact ETT ; NE ,rA..thracire. HAYTI 4 ,liippei C) A_ +%1,. of 1110 o•L ; A 3`; a. TR SAI:wI/11;111 A.;p:NTs 113 pr 11 - 1f(? . ..\01 !IN :d3Z1 1 .1'.1..:!..(1 . 1 C TEC )).1 I • • CET.E- "I I , . 1..0 :11 .1 s , 't • 14 , t G 1: ‘14,1) , 2,,•m. lit !1.1• 1.::‘ , 1 •rii tijarket for tlit' Cilee% CI.I. , Cei" rated -BIT t' , . .. --- , . :fileipllia, 917 - IV:i nit itreet, I,;m.k, tt,..mi 6. T iiiil thinning, , hienet., 97 l'n,tos i 1101104 P Street on, 25 Ihiane str t. ' ' Li ;And', M Jt' 1110 1 Net- ' i . r ,„ l • (IBes. Zrat..\- N.D. +t • Port. I JOHN ft; it - ihlppers of No-316 ALNUT P - - Stoyftgi , toii! :No. 513 We I Tltirle-etith St re N..p. Stn . Tla -d Aaetille, New :SI N0.:.99. lorlin. Sir Wls 31.1. 3.4llistgi 1 0.1'4,81 141ris,e .itosion .J?ANKLI 1. COAL OF LY ARE i'AVTIt)NE' •ries s.vhieh; Milli •r• the tuangszt•lneti :tr I. , ,7tistlNNicK,„ the ImiyAtzentS l ll Nr.ork, I'S'ew JerseY.l LI, DROS.,.k 14 I. lur Agents will ill II h•i w kiting t Ms 1! II of ;t hein. The OP tittle those 1111(41.. 1 etnitradi 'ns,isiat - 1;11,,ws: SI:SNICK) Initt street, .Phihn t itootit CrS, Trinity t; .11.,,b,1V11 by El nee street, I lost,. M. [1 lEICS A: (.:,t 1., Gen hilt itnon% .7t1.1,; rf, v 30:41.;1 . 11 G. ST toe,it nor oi the ni W 1.11.1 , 0WL I tranelt n. ti.,..., k v a, valley coat .1.: LEIIS r.;:i fi,nr ('oil bdt all' and For be y. b 11. ukimr !mints. \vttateriT,:uul He must prorif is simply to,. -tarnlttluly, The .kgelits p..tii .area. t I , o'k OttiVt• 111 ; , ‘llOl . , Agell \ IV/.1,11/011 11.11ra. ) , 1 1 L:-1.,114 1 ic• g to no one .11 li s le Stlllllllit Anti - Nor : 10 Port..lo(l OKSON SINN for I* Hale auaS, Coal of,Lyk i 1, Nets York, New of Cppo "Franklin Nov. Eng;:t Walnut Street ? Trinity nu'Mile-% Sumiker Street. JOSEPII r. 0. I . .DONALDS MEM W AILT •75 , AN NV.I I T.; A.7\711) -• OAT_ . 10, snLE V;E:sZTS f•a• the..o " TH .1...1.9/7 =tittle Pointe IlltreirA wiLkity pler 11 Pori . cltl - 11 • IMMO =I I'fei I 3 wprth Port 1. -;• S,OHN sconti . Miners and Shipp* 401 - .3:IsFOIL 1415 P 5, k I . 1it0r744 KLIN- IMME nThrMiniltir YKI-;; , :zi VALLE\ SHAAIOK I h.tij t ‹rlllll . tilt:Z[l FR I.NK i , PIIII nOs %I.l'lll —No. ON—No. 19 Loci VORIC —ll 1 Itroq Agents. till t Ir?nc1I. • I,la I. '7tV' ' Pier 14, South ELLER .4 pra:ES:woonJ M t./ 1 . A "HAFT, • I: . :I.T.EITT LonnERRYj N r ruAN.KLIN BORDA, Miners - (SLACK FtEATIi t • • BRA. RUN LOCI) GAILRIasOI• , • 44- ; RlllgB6.Bomtoo.- I gI IT : •• linthri - 434 Trinity I fen' 'aftmt Strevt, •• : ; • , • Pier 17. • IS01:11 1 1, Jr. NI: 1 rri Lt t\ VI ; is 21. IN. : t) ! A Y t . H Miger UDDEL i & Shippers Walnut St_. ro (Tritalty 'no Sirvr4, Boston. .11e's:cle, of Alio fall 205 t.: 111 MESE 7 Do . for • I , AMI 1.t.:1114M *g.ORI tho SU:S.7k! •• " (110.1. KINP. I • I t V : N„. \`: H_ yit i r Ittr l in JOHN, ROMMEL I . JR - ) & . ~...11.E .I4:I:NTS 1 , 1,11.. ,! -. ' . 11•• f'e r 'rite and nrll Viisstk. lIILL .1: II 1111104,, While A.b. 'I!..- ..i.n.r•rlor 1112illif CI lT.4oullky f • :*roles 110; AO.. /1 . ,„..c,..,.),,,t 0k y YANIF..I.. ViikAps'l 2,ll.lhsep 111.41 Ash 111114.1 b TOP 81111-111T1'1111i0US414, 'i ; - • . . ; .. /....1171114 . 3 W G LEHIGH nt Elizr.lbothport. f.N)S I ; iiralisot: Kt., rldla In. 00.1 i- r, : --..',.' '21.1 name , iitrert,-liowton. i'llitoolt 53, Trinity Itulld ng. N..n• York. .1'..•:1'.1t' 5 1..1..:. NT--5S A :1117 ELI . % II UGGi assistk.si by '• - - .,•1111/ /WN aid 11.1'. rt'llA.ll.. March 6, 'thl , --iti VAN DUSEN BROTH R & CO., 'I _ ..... . cnigirro owl 141.ipperif ( o..f i .. . e-1 I ' . (fil . . ik . 1 4 . n . - - \t. • , 11.1 ( /;:upsSy's ...1.12h. Lorns3 inunr. Uvula. Gap, r -- 11:111L ..113rne, Lehil,qq.end -Uteri . WHITE- A D RED' !ASH GOALS. (pt. iti0,,,,,,0.1, • .: , I , ;.....,-. v,-H.,,ivf...-;,• , : E.ll7,,twthvo r t,- . l.lc.f/key City.' •, . • ' C2Ol W;illailt. Atrect,l9ll.ltulelplnn. "•, :.-;-..: -In Fir,o-.n1way,.,1;( -1 v Vol' • : ' :.- ( 511 auto :it., linstoil. - Jan 1. '7l)--1- . - . 1 ,, , , . - } , :y.i - . ! Ws. KEI:DRICIC. -. DOVE r& • Kg, AICK, • tmi:irr. sit,' ship w n, or the - c Stiaft -. or. 1 Ra i n bow and ' . . , . • (.1. ;',. 0 -I-X.-L:1 ll'halt No. il Port MA's I I I'llillu eltilsia--2ts Thnek I l'olvnille--Crntre Sired.' Wt. ,-,-.:. , lino7 , io I 7 DLIJUIP I l' Ak e r . an tlkk hert, . ' t iOh n 4/ ' VLbru.a.ry Z. 4 ,' . ' ' .... . . , . . . . . , . . , . f . - • .... .1 `. .- • .. . . - .. , . , . - . ' , - ' ' ' „ -., ' • , , • . ~ . ..•- _ ' , . . - . • ~ - ' . - - . . ..,• . . . . . _ - • 411110111111111•••=1011111111111111111111111•111: ' , .. . . - -1:,..; •- _• i -- , • •. _ . _ .. , I . " . .• .. ' . ' . • , . . . . . . • , - ....... - ---:-_ - ;,-:—:--,st: - ...---- , -. -,-, _;-_----- - .--- , ... .I .° 9 1 ' i , , r •' - ' - --' -. -*••• - '-- --' -. 7 ,- . -,-- -, , , . „ . ~ , . . , • . , ~, . .. . . . . , . . . . . . • •''..' I ' . C • ... 4 . • . -• • • I 4.. .k .--I -=-• -'- -=•• - •=tn --- .4. - -.1 - E -1 ..4 --.* ' 4 -94 :, r c i . - 6 --- 'i - •'" - . , . . • . • . - . • • • • ‘ k .• , , - • I ••• • . . , : . . •-• 6 ; '• . ' Nib .. -.. :--'‘...• ' . 7r: •'- i . ** . a ' ..3: •- l 's -' ' - f.. 4.. :17•71 -- ll'' :' ''' •.• I. '• P ' • • • ' • . • .- . . • . . . . • . 411, . . . • . . • Pah • • *. 4 ; . - . • .. .. ... . . . .- ...- • g . . • . . . • . • . • i • _ ! -,:.:, .- .., 1 . . . 1 ~ - - • . • - . - . . . . 1 • t..- • . : • - i -1.., ty *•-•* . ' '‘‘- - •- - t • ltt : - ..--rz- , -- a , - . - •. - . . • . . . , . - • . . . - * l .-i • - • : -A., - __ . • . ....,, . . , . ' • . . . . . ta1... 1 c - 1 .`,. `41 504111,. " 1 •46,..,....................... - -..._ "- i Z., : ' :3 .. .. • , . '•-• ~ ' 7 •a • -..— ~..---,5........ - —'. 1 - .-- T AA ;) 'ft! ,:fi so - ..... 4 --An - -„ • -ft'. 4 AL l4 . l fit . ',.. . ' . "4:......: 1 ;;:-: . '.-- 1 , .--' "- -.., .. . . . . il . . . , • • ..° ki ~. .1. , . ~ . _, xr 4 • Niti:....,.' - " - c v - i'- b - • 1 Itlil . •., , - . ..-- ..? • , - . ,4, - 14 „, • , • . • . ~ . . , • ~ . • .-. i'l . or -- . J!.6' 1 " -. :IA . . ! I ge,.- .A . : • . ...... '''' '- • .1 it ; li t o -.,- '.--• '- • , . z.... . ..:, iii f-A .. . . . . 1 .. • 1 - - i .. •-•,. . . . t*-1 . 1 ,-„,,7•1; • -• ' •"- ' , ".--•., le . • ' , " ` ..-4 ' 41W-4.5... '• '.' ' . . /..... ~ . i . • ....,-. .:.•..1:--re'.4`..'1,44111V'dk\ a • ~.......I,k .. . . 4. 1.- •• i ji .J . iii i i iip ."--., • : A f A . . .. . , • . ;4- ~... ... . -•-• . .. . . . . ... . . • -" • J . N...." ^ ! • • • , . „ . . . . . • . .. . ''* • . . . , -- - , Ci . .• . . •-- • . . . . ~ • • • - . . . . - • •2 . e- I • • ..• -• • - • .. ' ''l . -, - PP . r ..' I''''. ..:-.''' : :flal'' 7 - ;:j - ..." • -4. .-, , . ' . •• I . •, , , • • ) ...1 .. ' * • ' ''''- . . ' • : 4 . I / - , ~ I N... , -„,, _ . . . ' .. ... • •. . , . .. • . , . . . I . ...e...: .....,..,-. • - .• • . ...- . • -•- ~ „.. .., .-- - .. -•••P ' t-P. ' " ' ' -•-:. - ' .._..• .. ; 7 .- P ' ''.,-.. -•:. -.' . 1 4 -' 11 "F/-* ' "• • -4 . • . , ' / - 1 • ' i . .4' : • • , ' • I . . • . . • . . . .. . .. -, • , • _ 1 . . . . . . u • .. • I •• • - . ! . . ' . . • • . , 1 ! -. •. • ••. ....-=:-.•.: ",_ . _._ _ --.....,,,•••,-.._. :. • , . - _ .-- --ec41!... ‘ "..1,, .dtper ... 4lß/M , . , --."!- - ! , . . •. . . ••... • • - . I . ! 1 " r• - ‘ ' . • , . , . . . . , • • . . - . I !• , • . - . ~. :-•i • . . - . • - . " . . ..,.. .. - • • , • - • • , . • ... • , I ' ' (gate[ acoordlni to Act of Cottgram,lo the you 111:0, by .buituZailtaloary • lbobtie‘ Cake orthe- ' taltri- of the Coifed Stotettibe the iliac= -Dblerlet of ItnnitArasilt, • ... - . - , -., .• - , , .. . -, • , i .. HIE No. .22. ' !En. sirr.nwt OS WELLINGTON S of Coal. e ut Sisamok In New Melt., eiton; 0111. A zmis u '..: & ~CO., - Bitnin . Juni,. ;,rati4l )4111.:NNN EL'S1,,x,,Ist OE :+ll.)itsTA CMS I lla Mill & SON, ILADELPHIA. e of eonl: I • , t, Neer Yor k . e)rk. ' • et, Provitlettei. pit .I„veutte, near Jan. 1, '70 7 ,-,-1—" 'ENS VALLEY. 'that there air' thki (tom, all of of the ulidersign )Ndz NO, of l'h flaL hr ifs sale In, New (awl South o (*ape )f Baltimore for all In:Jiro other 1.41111 ,lkuregennitte. art l ufthfiteantion { `tett ti, buy under- .is Pir the ithove ON Oenoral ,lplita; their New Buildings,.l4 (;, ral Agino , 4, v 4Nxii. preNoisled stl Har p:Ulu:TT. Orders dve niunea xuttes, 31tulager It 6 short Ml. Coal San. I. :79--! MEE "§5 : pn2,2nt of tlp. :r l s Vatier,"- EtOt ! lli I New Vert N j& CO I) 1.1,4 n 1,1 niited • . ;Qe sa4vidt6R: 1.!!.?1, • • 11. 941 .....,, COs, -•otOal; - . Atii :White ith, Effigy o aII re.;xcts to Coat IChtl'l.h.s' r tIG St.- St. .Iway: elsatinher UTTING of Coat, OEM ' 111,T tRAIb)V I LT.k. V-• • riots.: ITE 4SIIN OE - f Coal. , clphla landing) :N. It w I it;Li rdebrated ANL; DTlAftit OK IN ei ),A. Fr: . 'L Richmond. It.t.alkt hp' t, N. J . i . I-, BROTHER, lebrated Keyst9ne .1 !ME =l3 ..Tali. M. Rood, 010 es. A t. WU IE2! DE .ADV_ERTISEMENTS. Piort• ilichatonb._; Ph No : : :17; Port Richman* AUDENRIED. NORTON : A CO., Miners and Shippers of ,FIRST CLASS COAL, ; LOCUST MOVNTA.LN. . • From ()Lir two large - guid oelebrated 00111erh% ''HAITI. C. F. NORTON .& CO UOOLRIDOE & AUDEN-111ED ' , „LOVSERRY. . Free Buril rng Red Asti. „attlSplendlil *repa;ntl?it. COLICE74 VOLLIEU._ ...... ....-Ov.i?n,r!Long 4 Co. 311DIDLE CItEER , OALIERY, ...... C . , 49prett,..Piitst. . . • .rinAmox.m. - - • ENTERPRISE CD'LLIEItY, T. Ilnumgarpner, Prem. Loewe 3.lnnittain anal Lcnberry, else v'inSehnyttall Canal, In all paints accessible by beats. ,k (222 Walnut Street, Phltadel . DMees : • -',lll - Beandway, New. York. j• .' • • ' f 27 Deane Street, Boaton.',.l ..1. T. AITDENRIED, • C. P. :NORTON, •. 'H AR. D. NORTON, , It, DORREI , L, • Jun.l, '7O. - 1— Pier No. 11,,Pt. Richmond. I . sTYMER, & - SHOENLOKKR: . Skippers and DealerS . in COAL, • . LE AGENTS FOIL 0. W. SSIDEr.'S Vi14.1.' 1.734 . WN $ . P I NE .. .. FOREST COAL zy • . . ,WALN, D rT HT[, .. . I G 3 TIC, INITY .13rILD1NG, ' I PHILAA. l'Af3.l, YORK. I,otllli SNYl)tit, ~ - C: D.'SHOEirkla* . -Jan 1. '7O I'ler No. 13 Port Richmond. ir i iconalc S. rcEPrunit, N: CORDON, 11.1*,R.EPPLIElt REPPLIER, GORDON & CO., ILINF:RA AND SIIIIWERS OF „ r Lmuit Mountain; Mammoth Vein, Red Ash, korberry, and _ TOWER CITY, 'LYKENS VALLEY 'COALS, _ 13. - V,71 .Widnut Strict. Philadelphia. OM( 1 1 1 - BroadwaY. (Room Su. B)_Biew 'fork. 27 Deane Street, (Itocite ,march ,' .TIIOSITAS .MOURIS .11.*CKER.. JEASK M. COOK. CAIN, HACKER & COOK. tut 17 , TP: r a4- oF L9CUST GAP. LOCUST MOUNT-A 1 , BLACK HEATH. - .1.1-SO, DY\ LLlillt OTNKR rings" QC A LI TI F 2 ,1 DV NN - hitcy And lied Ash coals, . .Na. 214 'Walnut Street.'Philkdelptda. and 'Wood- Whorveis, Schuylkill Rarer.. itlitti B. 15TRYKER., • . SHIPPER AND AGENT, • Jan. . • Schuylli.lll Haven, l'a. • Pier 19,_ Port Richmond. LOVE -BOYER &..00 -r, SIIIPPERS OF Anthracite and Bituminous Coals. SOLE AGENTS FOR CbIBERIAAD VEIN BITUMINOUS COAt, (334 Walnut nt., Philadelphia. Onicea; 13 Doane St., I,4okten. • 37 Custom -Howe St., Providence March 5,70 " - 104)- lrem ljetk • iIIas6ENJWITEL. JOB:: rraisknintreti: WM. .HEISSENBUTTEL 'AEI CO., • 811Ippe 216 and Whole*ale Dealers la - Schuylkill, :Lehigh , . and. Cumberland C. 0A: , TIIINITY7BUII.DING, 111 BROADWAY, Room SI, P. 0. Ilos 5019, NAVir YO RX. sole Agents for New York and %lethal - for the sale of LEE; GRANT & CO.'S PLANK RI fKIE, and HAAS & BRENIZER'S TURKEY RUN COAL. 4. march 13-ly • DAVIDSON, YOUNG & CO. - WIIOLIFISALE I)SALERS LOCUST MOUNTAIN, SHAMORIN, LEHIGH, h(III..NTON COA_LS.• ROOM N 0.16, TRINITY - BUILDING; NEW YORK. . • WM. M. DAVIDSON. formerly of Tyler A: Co. SA3I'I.B. yousa, formerlyofeald,well,G‘irdon&Co ROBERT K; BUCKMAN. Jan 13.':6 pT. JOHNSON & .HOpOICEN COAL,. VAN W7.GIZTR, & STOUT, MINERS AND SITIPPERS OP TUE Celebrated" Fulton" ii - "Stourr (Lehigh) • From the Ebervale and the Ntoitt colllerles,-near liarleton,. Pa. Delivered "direct Iron/ int nem ,m board Vessels at 1 .- r; , ..rOIESSOIC, Honoxxx, and NEW IliwNswicx. N. J. . . • • f 44 .k... , 40 Trlnliy Unlidlnir, , iDiticeisi -11 l Broadway; New 'fork. - • I t Temporary at 1111 Broadway.) May 16, .* . ,:,1 - 31-- VER PLANCK. & ATWOOD, =I I El I ti.ll, SCHUrLKILL, •. WILK.ESBARRP., _ scam.. - ToNt, and • SHA.MoKIN COA L , No. 77 Trinity Building, 111 . Itrondw.say t Nrvr York. P. W. VERPI-4,NK, Jan $. '7U CALDIYELL.• CONANT • & •WESTON ; NO. 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. • • 7 (Humus 35 and 36 Trinity-Building.) -- . . . ... - WITOLFIqILE DEALEI2I3 111 , • . , .. . . LEHIGH. WILK.F.RBARUE. ..... PITTSTON. RED ASH„... - - MAHANOY, SCRANToN ' LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND,.CUMBER BROAD TOP. ETC.. • C 0 - A_ S' COLE ...WENTS for ':••iew York and the 24orth the eelebiiated COITNCIIAUDGE FREE BURN ING 'LEHIGH_ COAL.. _ILLIE PRIM/BAK -THE owELTos tielit-bitumitto - us and other l'lnn-rate. ollterl s. . • .JAMESW.CALDWELL. CON.IO.NZT. WALTER WESTON. - • April 3, • , —l4 • EEICE Or THE igIAGAR,A. ELEVAT O CO,„ M o)3l3llmeg iirFFAI.O. N. Y COAL: COAL • NIAGARA ELEVATING Co_ baying a large ,urplus id Lot And Dockage, will be prepared at the opening of flavigation to treelvedrout the Erie. Bail way, Canal, or Lake', any <mutt My of •CX)AL for .41...nage or thumb I ptnen t to anylpktee East by Canal. : or west by the Lakes, upon soklavorattle "a 3I Y parties in Buffalo. Their, lot is well located fora general city blisiness„ • • CYRVS MART: E, ier-Presi(kr. • Mbrelt 2', 'el 13 tf iuining Utul inerj. fit. TO 0 COAL OPERATORS; AND I VURNAPRA--- GRIeF. a LONG, Locomotive 13n SRACit fiTultr:T. Pit l i..t DE1.1.11 lA. I'-t ., -AV la call your attenihm to- their Colliery and Foriirter horamolityci deihrood for ioAide or oulAiile w o r k . an d 1•44. any ?win irrd gimge of road-and ,haru est eurr,e, tvlth eipmettyito,draw from 5:,1 tO:71. gm , . Jowl: !laving delieloped, In I,oth the Anthracite and t utninotuf r7glons of.PenOsylvania, the ouor autre.s. figrm Turmoil - Axmailltine IZI the '-rountry, they -I,4er with con:Mien co Irwin vari on .Nl3 . I e"4 , rsf Looornot Ive Eagineavy4); isvery guarantee 0( their 'workman ship autttiisdornionee, Arid ruler SO the,rriarly bowdn operexpee tatheesveral - -diStrleto, funiaeva and forgeripthestato anti orintit rp. - -• • And :cost, west .pawer -developed, to gether, eitla:leeir_duratillitn- rest ermia I tglit eve animal power or locomotive tisie (as POiven by their experience of st-veriityriktelittelierielpertoraving in expenses riff- Jleienitts etketrihrslionti in son/ short fires- • • Feb „_ . 7-0111 . _ W lRrh- 4"lr titi; rein . ggi - nY :L'• • TUCKER 'CARTER , -4 1 41; ifeir . T r ork4 AU sizes Hemp co Wire Centres, bright or painted. Tito Hope nuirmractureit by this arm eansiderva bY parties using them, the hest. endhandsomest Rope made in the world., made invariably from wire drawn from the best Norway Iron. The largest ships In tire U. S.'liory are rigged with Wire Hopes made by this nrm. tramples of these Rope eon be aeon with, and onlerslalten, said all Information given, and - orders promptly n lied at reasonable rates and circa-. tan? in rundina. by - A. HENDERSON, oo.poitte Miners' National Rank, rottarille. Jas Lar7iii • , ROOT'S EINCT/ONAL WHOUG. SAVETY 11411LERS. Ours IMPROVED .TRUNK ENGINES, . iitzuoury. retake sad Narise. Double Piston Square Hoisting Engines, Hoh4 7 tug maebinery for Coal Shafts, Sloping, - • - • Grist Mills, Stores,4r,c-, &c. ; One qf tl36ite Bolsters can be seen running aally at pru: d HAIUIIS' Colliery, Idaltanoy City, pa; —• PARTICULAR ATTENTpIS I'N'irITED TO the 'Holster. which has no .• No dead points —havind two pistons in-o cylinder, either end of _which is taking full steam when t ote other is passing centre. It reqotres no friction stramclutches or hmkes of any kind. Started, reveraed-or Stopped Instantly, and at any point of revolution.' by the simple movement of a single lever. Having no keys, gibs, set screws, or other adjustable parts, which in other holsters require -the knowledge and constant care of an . experienced engineer. trut -he put - In the lishds of the Most inexperienced persons.i All its working parts are enclosed in the ease or cylinder, and are thui protected from breakage, the of of dust, dirt, and rust or weather. its extreme light nes, compactness and rapids highly commend tun; It tor this Orders receiv edfor the manufacturer htOlte undersigned, who will alien furnish descrtptire catalogues, price 'bits, drawings.astinsates, and other information. • • • . - NATHANIEL GARRET. Illithastoy, ty, Pa. A. B. CHURCH. DanYlibr, Pa. Mar: 911, . . • ----- , 's 'POTTSVILLE SATU NM SCHIATIEILL radpsai Ina r m ,for Ammer's' COAL at Greg rich, Delimit* River, Pldlagielphla. _ LEWIS AUDIINREID & CCP., :- •, • AGENTA FORTH! SALZ Or TUT. !or Creek Dianmad Coal lleempaies Illaraoad . Red and 1111ek Welk 11,14 e Ash Coals. • (31/6 Walnut Street; Philadelphia. OFFICV3:: , ;I Druadway, New York, r . . 1141iAlby Street, Borden. . DB VIA PEARSON'. PHILA. ww.aanin. BAST, ANWIJAND. DAVIS PE.AiiBON.4 , CO., ji• XILB/Me AND SHIPPINS OV THE , cEurzsina I.OCLIIT MOVITAIII WRITE' Lail kip SPOILN TUN 11' , ;AS1-1. COAL. No. 12i Walnut f4treet, orn 6.. A: No.lll Broadway, Bporo No. P, Tr' t i ny Building, New York; No.ll Doane Street, Boston. GREENWICH . , ;DELAWARE AVENUE WHARF. Jan. 1019- 7 1- ' THOMAS C. PARRISH; Dann 111 'Lehigh, Schuylkill and Bituwingus s 0 € . Consignments on Commission Solicited and taken on Luyoruble Terrine. Olftce--341 Walunt S. Philimlelptda. May I,'ooo. • . _ , . . . forbernr Treck_. • • • , . EAST, F RANK LIN .LORBERRY VEIN COAL. it / Y EAST FRANKLIN LORBERBY COAL . 1 la ttow t o exclusively bk . Alestars. REPPLIrtI, (101t1102.4 ac '03., who are my sole Agents. Parties 'ordering from them may always depend upon get ling a pure article. . , . {N4. 329 Walnut fitt.,_intiltuielOta. ' .. " . IN: No, 11:1 B OFFlCmadway - , Room 8, New York. , No. ';'.l3 Doane street, !loom 3, Boston. Jan 1, 10-1- : HENRY" Rm.' OFFICE OP I ,TICE MOCANAGUE COAL COMPANY NO. 51.10 and W 2 W Front *t., WILII4;COTI rti, DELAI4'.4.II.E. We ate now' preparedlo furnish - the trade, I).!al erg lint ifAinsumera with - our Celebrated, coal, the !' Shiehatanny, - ... - And thoie Interested will find it to their advantage and economy to consult thlavompany lx•fore: making their yearly Coat to or engaging cargoes. Shipping point fo the Western - Market, Erie. : ' • •1 " Kuutitern do Havre de Grace. " - •• " - •' Esatern do Wiltniugton. N. 1:3.--,Also, the Clover Hill Rail Road and Illtu ntinuout Coal Co. a Coals, fol. the manufacture of gal. 417 candle"' 471 , c. f. ylept ; coke rod quality and percentage of gat' 'mall. :May 21, '7O-21- :5 , , DAME •Miner am Locur POTTSVII, Jan I, N:ARE NO Bulky Free DANIEL IiAN . DSO3II. Ali May 7, 74.1 ORIGMAL ally, tlat.•l have THE SOLE AN! ORIGINAL, Tlu• rharnetei ati It will be ; 4 11/I'l', rlpervixlmi. JOHN W. ATWOM) . • 9r-t! 43iiamob: nv, May ( ()Frzet:S k • 21 • ' 53:i Ilav 14, 111 HENRYI VOEIEG TO COAL. Which gave atii!h year, wilfeentititie PURE and FR stud cad - cooly be hat all tide-ruler .1 . 1t0134 Wait °Mies, 53 Tha , THiS" WAIL IS. And w•e pledge..oo liiiiiiN RT. IRON BEST FR E E BURN Itarrb ID 071.01:.•-Mann 111 Pus, are h fartore,-s m ele p , or use Ipf rringemet on All es the st y will be 1 the law. 1 have already ties, and . - Port Carbub7Apki _ Parties is want or ble prices by the nu.'' . • - Fresdaln KANUFAMOB. - - AND 1781LE5 0 gee:a Ilimpigeb de. la beheylklU coontr TAKE NOTICE. sold to ALLISON HANNAN.__odPott • •• • salaterestln awl% :4 • STEAK P/STON. _ • halm given them the eattte control of lb moot • ty, with power to coned. Mt mcaperi goalie . gab thereat lee the awn beggre and see of • Ott DAVID 'll3-1 ~ui~minq o [i \ Bch gthilt - t'onittik qo NNE Shipper on he Celebrited OUNTAIN COAL E, SCHITyLEILL'CO.; FA. IN DAILY. RECEIPT 01 T VICRI NUPERIOI I I arcing DeOp. Red Ash BSTER COAL; WE SQUARE 7 FRACTI 7 RED. 13EinUEM31 MMI MEL, Jp.,,S: IWO. JOHN HO Walnut St.. Philadelphia. Duane St., Itontnn. Trinity Building, New•Yortt ( 2O onuwil: 21 ( 53 • ENBY CLAY COAL. I 14. g : to notify n r4ity frlendx and thy public geni.r. . ISEMEM MEL, JR. & 11110„, JOHN RO II) EXCLUSIVE Ai; ENTS E SALE OF MY FOR T ENRY CLAY COAL reputation of-which Is so well the market, as to neviLl known In lul comment QM' D AS USUAL under my Mrn JOHN 'B. DOTTY. ill. , *stout AL rhibuls. . Doane. Rt.• Boston- , Trinity Ma!tiling, Neu York' CLAY COAL. MS FORT[ THE PUBLIC I , • 1 i t 3:101111 WELL -1::4;OWS TIiAT TUE sui, CLAY CQAL, HENR • • 11km:idea nti.fWtL.ti t jeutt tx :41/lived i • E' Lanni our exulu.lveAg(uth far 3131E1 t , JR. k BRO. ', JOHN nt Street. P 1 ilI lta. it.T/IttildittitrNew , 1 1 Strekt,,•floston. • !! . • item' tihOilid 1* Iltillieg!'0,1: To "Imo' I=l LIGHT, ItEE 111. 7 1iN IN'ti RTICLE, 11ve444 t•t)tilltute Its lON SI.:CON . I)';XO \n hi„ .PfigPARA mmend It A. 4 the COAL tar MARKET. 'SON, CUITERMAN & CO._ ROBER wren and users of Steam' ! cautioned against the man- ' I of any PO= *Abet am an 'ln-: .'a Patent; dated september 21 t , • - tell to the Sal extent of. enoni milt against several par- te 511 other Infriasere. 18. 'WA ROM ALLTSON.!. fops can he supplied at reason lArl4lB-0X 11A.kNALN.* ran Worba, Port Unbar'. Pa. ' Abyttiistitycnts: R X. ROBINSON a 'co, 1 ' . iSnecessor to W. ti. Mpitierj DIPOILTLILI,X.A.NerAcrciuums (It F 4 FUNLiIit.LIL'i OY ' Min-tarn Church. tiaelety. Theatrical Coops. Flais, - Balmer*, Budge... Le r ..• ..... No. Mt Shrth Third Street, Phaludelphir ••• DereMber 4, Ice/. : • • 1 '- ___ THE FOLEMBEIaPR 'WED Tweh c. 1 ;740‘..r. Five Dollar Family bewing Machine. TIAP, cheapeat First Cliumddirwhjue in the Market. Agents scam,.! in curt! ' ra Liberal eornimmlori allowed. For term.' abd circular, aildpesis AJ S. HAMILTON, Gret.,Agent, ;Cu. 700 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, -April 10,,6 I 10-3 m W . . J. EVE#ETVii IMMMIMISI ,No Strap': under tile arras.. Perfect comfort. und henent guarateiNL 592oeth Seventh below arrh,l Threav, Supparderr, riastlc stock-, to Crundies, Sc.. Lady attendant, ' ' Jan© 2d. 114,11. • 'at --1y MINEITEB I CHALFANT & Importers of • r Hosiery m , Notions, , _ 'White Goods, EbrOideries, Vents F,urnishiniiQoods; No. rot MARKET STREET. PIHEA.DELPHIA. Jan 15, '71.1 1. 84.tna' ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. 2 Arch tdrect, below Ninth %levet, Philadel phia. The old eettablitilied stand. IleceiVing for the Npritig Trade a large stock of the 2%..•trZlTyles of . CsIItI,>ET,_INQE3 . . purelinxed at the Lowest GOLD RA and will Le said al a urea/ redurtioa Awn last :lulu's prices. .- E.NtiI,IBI.I , BICUSSEILS at #1 50,an ' all biller Orods In proporldon. ' . JosEPII IlLACKW001), April 16, 70-16-10 t . 832 Arch ML, Plilladellildn. - 'cV/11. --- ii ; dit — E — Alak:: . .-. - 7 —.- t - .7 ' ------ • • • • Watter-Proof llariettzt April 9, '7O F URNI T URE. : ;, 7 LTols: CABINET MAKERS, No. 413 watu9l.. S ~ptinadelphu. ' Our establishment bi'one q the ohlest IMPlilludel phia, and trout long experience andlAperiorfacill ties we are prepared to furnish good [work at reason-. wide prier's ~ We manufacture tine furniture, priced furniture of suiterior gitality.i . A large stock of furniture alsvays oil baud. - Gockl4l made to order: Counters, 'Desk Work atul . :011li c o Furniture for Banks, Others and StOres, made to order. ' JOS. WA 1:11 IN, ; I: V. LIPPINCOTT,! JOS. 1,. scorn Feb 12. ''M . ' ' WISHER ALL ; 13 CEDAR. VAT and TINE: 1 NIA Nl' FA CTI +ICY , Nos. 11t5 and 11 f 1 'Non b Front street, helmet ilrard Avenue, Philadelphia, Penna. Mre world respectfully Inforin_ the' public that we Hie manufacturinit WOODEN TANKS, RESER- Vt 11115...te., of eyvry deseript ion and capacity, suit able for Brewers, Distillers, Collie les, Railroads, Hotels, Private Du'ellings, ..Tre„ 'Seco id hand Tanks all size on hand. Our work Is made of White Cedar and other woods, aceorillng ni orde , thud we will guarantee It to give entire sathifactlim, and furnish it On the 1110eq reasonable ternis. Tabs Matto of any de , dred shape, whether Round Oval or Square. i ~ ‘,„ HENRY] W. FINHEIt. :Windt 12, '7O-11-3m,1 .. AMOK H. HALL. t. AVIIiE BAILING, WIRE GUARDS. for Storo 1 V Fronts, Factories; ,te., 'HeavylOrtmped. Wire Cloth for cleaning ores. .anal; file.i heavysqeen Clutha and Oat screens. Wire We dang for sneep and poultry yards. Paper Makers' Wires, Beam am! Iron %Vire Cloth Sieves, Painted Screens, Ornamen:- till Wire Work. Every information by addressing the manufacturers, ' •M. W.il-ELF,It .t. SONS No. 11. North 6th street, Philadelphia. 1 - 7 7/Y . Feb 12, 70- REM.OVA.L. J()SIII:A COWPt.AND's stiNs : . . . HAVE ItENIOVF*1111:11( . I, • . I.O6KING•GLAS AND PICTURE-FRAME STORE.. . ~. To So. iS \uria Slt.th St.. Plißads., . Whe,re they otTer nt re4tterd prieextigetietal tt.qsort..; toent of I.l.ykinsz-Glamesi, Picture Illmtnex, Largo , . Frew.lt Pl:4te Mirrors, l'lnin and/ 4 l ittinmented . Picture Frame., eorojci, 'Mouldings, ke. , .1( iS11,11:.1.. C.OWI'LAN.WS SONS; Feb 19, - 7o.tint No 14 North Sixth St.. Phllndst PILES Mt HEMORRHOIDAL.p7MORS .ternal and External:Mind, Bleedl g and Itching. positively, perfetily and permanently cured, with• oat palm danger, n'strtintents hr entisties," by WM. A. MeV.% N1M.1.14, M. 11.. No. RIX Spring Phila., Pa..who can refer you tonverEleven Hundred oft he ifie..t el t 'tens. nf Philadelphia. Who have been eu red. A lintel lee oteleveu.sears •as sp.sdal ty In this disease withotq a failure, Warrants a cure all .J'yt;l9,:7o T°PaIDEIIIISPAT :00CE.RS : • I • . • ell Alt INA lit It II A - (.111e14lical ••• .• • 1 • STIIrET; I'1111,A0•11,1.111A. ilikporter 111,(1 11)caler,111 Finoi Fx4ntinl ()IN. Es la•riel-s, Ethers, Flav , ,rinv. and•Ct , oklnc Extrltets. ' The only place tosbuy-Pure thla and superior Con-, eent rated Extract.; l'inizs, 'Labels. Tln Fall and Cops of all colors and hizes,'lAll colors of Seallne Wax. thil.l Bronze. Ile., AgentX (orl)eVer..ta Malt Extract and Compound 1:6.1y and A 4.' Preparation- Call and exandm..May 7, '70,-1.9-7m . . CiAS .FIXTURLS.. AKE.SOSENP.:". LAMPS • 1 . .. Ma . ERIDIA ,NI I;LTI.,Di Elt . . . , .' • ' sAFI:st :%,411 RESTTqF7 MAIM:En% IT GIVF-S THE LARGE.sr LIGHT OP, BVILNI: I E UAW:. Ci/OLTFIIt. JtISES- fi CO.. ifailutiactsireni aid Wholpanle Dealeri[, Arch' Si., Phila. . I June 5, ISM - • Z-ly • - T TN lON HAMS. ! • , In offering the above; brand to tile attention of consumers the preseneteasint; begileavero state, that`' we have made very - great improvements in their curing during the past Winter, arid have no hesitancy in saying, they are the,•bert Ham, errant. They - are selected from st Het ly corn fed Hogs; med very nicely so as to make as little waste-fin cut ting as possible, atpl tho ingredients used in curing, are the very tincsflo bodol. .The Hams are all as sorted before pickling and each size cured by Itself so as-to enable ire to keel in pick lejnet long enough to mire and not be too salt a great, fault With most Hamm. We also cure in lee Houses IFII summer and can- furnish the Hams at all times: cut. from Hogs that were alive within trWeeksutthetimetae Hams arcdelivered which is it- great eavantage and ,nne possessed by very few dealers: .We feel, fedistied a trial - will iiistiresrit I:auction. riite`gentilne unless branded. Skold - unlit by ,• • . , A. P. CHEESEBIT.OUGH & CO., r - Pork Packers, No: la N. Delaware Avenue April S, PHILADELPHIA, , .CEO. J. BURKHrt r aT "VAT and TANK FA. c,r On'Y, No: 1341:13.UTToNWOOD STREET , L A-DELHI T A.- 3.)- ' ME EMI INIMMI We are prepar&l to make WOODEN TANKS, yarytTiglll Capacity from ~. 150 to 150,000 - (or !ir..p.er.o. histiffrre ; ibinit6retterrr.e, ' , II 1,;, 4 4 VOIIIS for COLLIEItiIIS..:- _ Refer to 1). (1. Yt - ENt:i.p.'c), 1 ) 1,1.1Nrille; .Ashland. SEVEN , PER CENT: t . , ' 4 " FIRST MORTGAGE . BONDS• TIit.:)ANVILLE: IiAZLEToN, & WILKKs. AtAMIE-ILMI.ROAD.C.6MPA!kY,: air Ss AND ACCRCED (To 1111-1111(4:111Q Stay F,ith. • ' - IN'TERE4T PAYADLE AND u"FUREI; rersi,us.wi:Shlng tit t{l:lke•invebtlOtnt , . are Ito : i,ter V. oxatitine the turd ts or these firkNlTs., . . - . Firinnclal .lttentl4, 1 . 10 I;:oit'llt.Thlrd Sttreet, . .. _, • , _.: PILILADELI'iII.A.. Da ii oven imen t. itontls told °tiler See.urttles taken In etettantte for the aboi'v ut best inarftet rates. _ April Zt, Id , . . $lO,O 0 off lIAlt A*ITE E. BCCIi IliAl eicels all biller listed! .., -.. . • ... lat. }'o'r It9. 7 nrivaled Whitenr:srL , , • ~. ' •SA. :For tits Unequal l ed ‘Tharsbility. : , .. - • 3d. For its Clisvarpas:iesi Covering I'r.)iierty, I, EN .• Lastly for Its •Esoeenty.. • • ' It costs I .css, to palnt:-?Sfith Ituck \Lek thatrany Pi2ier White Lead exfank. - The- sae wiiiithecovets MornSerfacs, Is more Dittible,drel rutak`es , Whiter 'Work, • , 1117CIZ. LEAD Is the ,Cheaoeit and Best, 1 • \lest. ; ll' AR ANTEE. . . • ZF: 4 :C Exec:hit:di yther • .. Ist: F,sitits tnegnilea .Id. For Jo. Unrivahid-Whitenese. Sd. For-its Unsnrintsite4l Covering Fropeily.• Ltuttik,- for ite {',rest r.conoiny, -being the. Ch enpog t handsomest, and 'Hiatt Daiable White Fttint, lu the World. " • 1 Etta' ONLY 4tticg, LEAD' AND, MICK. • ZINC; ' - 1 TRY IT ANI.;:11£ CONVINCED.N.,:' SalinfacfionVuarantertJ bythe Munnfacturcrs , : ii4ist MANI:I'M - CURER sti'mts . or; rittEAt) ==isl3E! r,E.IU OE ALL TA 7.; ES' gi v.11.113' STI:.1111J1“ . WI.I',DMAN, . , • BUCK COTi4SGE C0L948, rrpnret , cpressly for 11:atilt/rig.' , Cottages. OUVlluildlitigii of eve ~rftlemption,failees„ ate. Thirty-fire diffarent co ins% Mrable, -Cheap, Uniform, and Beautiful shades. Rumple cards sent day mall if demilred. _ • ealers' Coders will be, promptly executed•by Abe Alltnupsetatera. FREN4W., 411. N. W. Cor. Tent/land Market Moneta, Pti y lladelphimi, 4arr 2.10 • .• FTAy • • .A.tia I zwlr MACK : on hand •' which Will be Lath Ci• recelied. lh add GOODS. GOODRote Choice Japan Itamburg • Sddurl ' 11 ;ox, Also otTer -In a Ittall llnd l , of t SILK rims I4dles! !lbw; Bepteml)fr 1, `kTEW 000' • ANNIE NO nirSp6c4filTly.:l; A NEW' 11,( Flto.N.V nt `^ I Fr N9tirtusok9,. Ladies af fi l M N Ew•(to no . • • 106 CEN ---- • ' '1.11111.1. , fl-3m MI 111 kir.cma !ILK. ST:B B EST SI 'W. HONETCO3I WHITE XA TABLE LINT N - orriNgu.- WHITE PLA) STRIPE:O l'l ' CASSINIERE- Lan eyer..li 4 - In tuttlitlon Itle ', , • NEW ,T2l. edeittml al • da mint pi arc. or popular prires, OLD TOWN • SPRINGS FO gimi • • • Desire , to *rt. ll inert of 1 1 Consisting‘of t • I:3I ; ACK AND 1",`I. • I I I , Ai • , SIIANI'I. We alsd call at t Grio(7Ell is ver?'r in 'care for tiUs Vµar pis ,10 . to eilumprn • a nrst-clasu lifg c: at our fttal?ll,..h 1.1 ARIUS p.ll. Mine Enginfed Other, Railrgitd II ir,ratilitent Murvt'Sl t•xecuted'proilaigL . Oftlee—Ceittiv S, HENRY FL al r• cly.i' , . surNTYR and . rxj tat Lands. I OFFit,%,l-11,1i DILI Eplscoplq, t.:llcrell • 1 13 W. SIEVA. f . Petutsylvlttlid km,l4. T. A T III, LI TEL` 17 , 4 eitleations , of lialldingst 4 t. tittilitiftl to. I ITILLI.A.MI V Norwe*inti rind tiftF.Y pion. l'art tc4tar caror (*go. !1_ OEOIZG F: it. frriAv ST`"*RAITCH 'lt • C 1 1 ,11.1 , 179 CENT!: Sr January L 71) S:AMUVLIC PEACE Ci I t N. t. brat:lolm fir6 - kn , awl prompt n g .011 01. 4 1 and r PRI. D OEM= , . Ilavlnd twei In ailelphla gin ]m . lilykutiditis fr aq littera on. pahr,t , i I f" E QRGE ICA CY N. tr.:l., IA ' Inventor of he Weaken.; half 'the great' tunonntf twit -damping . d of-without - dohr - t nrAiehed to dlspetn oritwo- aturles; an tli_ . kune tine% . 6.. he adverts: _._ "tscr tp , bulld colliery 111 March 5, - 10 L. F., WHIO,I B, visirrED 310:4"irr r R oiv6d ns. per STOCK'S and York - And Phl tonal Comtn*ln Jan 1„ lit, I , flCl Bo) TbilWer t . , 'per, Joan ... D 3413.-44.11 .1 ff 0)...113141811 ING,. l'-:NIAY.'..,-:!8'7.-. • oo9,;•.Clottiiitg, &c. - • OLAND,I22 CENTRE ST.. inflCArt Horsy., Porrerest3.4 a new Stock. of SpritiSt& Sunstner pts for the present season, each as ~ , - FirmvEft.. CLOTH consers, , TItINIUNGS, NOTIO;;;$,.:&a new lot pf . AND .st - atatEn . Id ebeanfor ctudi. ; It made to; Order. New Patterns inst tlet. Wer2-14-r• D.& 110YE.11. E St, POT,TSVILLE. their u.knal ret r orttnent •ni . DRESS, JIDERIES,'NOTIONS, have.) wit openeil a Ittliamortatent of' Silk Robes, rr Ones snit Inse'rtings, ' . r • r._ and Jugla Kid 13 vy illark'Silka. r '' • . 1-3 English Shlrilngs, • Itarrnlnit In Linen Flnnilkeeehlets unit White gods generally. (litho] to the well ptown • . BUFFALO ALPACA; Fc celebtatell TIF,VVER BRAND; r.LArK rcitE MOHAIR& In hitt , nuultir ta order. . . I—tf-w. 8 LOW PRICES! 'SEI.I4NG (COST! MEM 1 Nt.VitiZgr ;.7kTICEET,, Torrsv ILT.E, PENNA., • 1 , 11 I IlC`f,4 t f the Ladles . Of 1 4 ,ottsv llle iipelled a • ' 1 T ()F SICK B,ICQ, t.TE, IT.A(.1;.:!•411,K I.lecs, J:ottv4ix Kid gloves, Corsets so, cloplyS In rarirty. !. sets Cloakci mode to order. , . übt receiVO. Junel9,T6-,—lyff D 9 ,AT 1 IC I ECOLS' RE STREET, P&FTSVILLE. t h r newi.st rA Gra;n .12. colors ; ;12-1. at 51 75. • 4ErLI.ES 9„LTILTS--clieap. INS 'AND NAPE: INS.! • [ll CIrE.TA IN LACES. • L its rot : stuict,..i. 171 7 .N.:'--A tine a.ssortaient. apd boys' wear —,cheaper It he al). ,ve •OH'Cl!ZitleS, we 0111 . .r rt full .YLE DRESS' GOODS;; , ,riust makes of ir • 1111 'll.—The - :phlee So • find tivic of:the is of NEW . ,tlouilsotet”l at. Ihe Most r at the • , • • ~. I'ALL STORE, 306 Centre Striet. IL "EICIfOLS. DRY` (}ODDS.! & BROTHOr E STREET, -POTTSVIItiIf'E. i . 'tertian to !their extensive asiort- NU AND SUSIME.II , DR GO L ODSk B . l.ltest Sfylea of tho 1-).0 - m6seiC:Alarltet:4 OEM 6;•a l t4H ThE COLLit TIO/ t • t:ccLuDi% LOItED .911.1t...*‘4; EiEBROIDERI S. 1. 1-ITII 000444 and DO*E.t.., 16 1 / 4 110.41EIRY, .0L00.3 OF ALL 'RINI'S CLOAK'S, t s OF ALL KINDS 'tt ion to otir:itocA of I i . • • i" L ES, ' QUEF::NSWA RE; am! s..lerted: with the utmost Wed, net - consider it neeen. wiintWe have, but everything in xis itntl prpcery Stgre,ean be had t rtneos 1 VTEutRs, .cuvlLikNenr.fiEElns, Collleryr 31aps for ,Inspoetor,s I 'catkin' and Construction, Topal. dud all other proftWdonal work. , and on retwonable terms. met, Pottgrllle. P SANTI3,,' • AND.Y AND ENGINEER; I Cts . ,oollerteii,and - eiamlneis.34inf: • • • 's .1 - Wilding; Centre St., ()nix:mite I • Jan. It, POT TS, late of tile' , :tatetittologletit :survey, exploTee Jan , I. 'ttl--1.-= .E.Z.WINEER and tre street, pottsvin. rigout, Spe mates' ntaile of. every tifmeription: veylug In ',lts Various , brahehes . , • man It, "70-6-13 , . LLOCK, COAL AGrENT.—Orlice, 'treet, Pottsville. RED..WHITE )AL bought and sold on Com tnbt tewloti pada to HO tradehy the July • ! R. 4 A. p. COCHRAN. A.ampAr . Nu , NuNtriiouNaNkitsi. DiLkuoirrsmEN, LET, roTTSVILLL, tup maim) RI'S 20CAN, JUSTICY. OF THE ' l l4 EI4T-21,T1.,: A.t;ENT 'A NO I,V , , , NEER, ~ oNtm tit., rcyrrsysta.r, PA. ' • 1 gi yen to all bumf neva ta the above a largp, experience, kathsfaction )4ninteccl. ;tkalectlorai especially lutisiediate attention. •. luatiaraad Gas ro er, 'TON 11 1 :0 !TULIET, POTTSVILp: VEZEU . . he laisiness over le_vears In Phil } unusual facilities for 'deriving i nit - Class hpu.ses.. fro- Particular' 'atntry_woric. nutreh'3l, ; TZ, • AILORITECT. eiTitiaIT;TOTTSVILLII:' polf-dutuping atges, and of etnil usual height, having: thereby a bubo' in a. endrea The are for slopes a shrifts. with r?' car, and with water apparatus with ptinipst It se,lf4dunips one I hoists one, ttcu 111 plan. superintend or,eontraet praveinents of nil kinds. • _ 10-ly 132 I K Street. PottxrUte, PS. 14;0 (lent 11 tot:ALT:Ie IN 0 AND ;81.I.A71)11... ON EixoAript,l - . AL 4 tD 0111E2, BONDS, ,` • trAr .Dr.rosrr-ImrsinEsT nareopent. ' - twmght and sold atthe New of -itrok-ets at the 721 FAMILY *OAR]) r Alnico. • . • , dDr.ANiDi:BOYB, down ' • eteenth Aun:nAl Bataan SEEMAN, the doW et ,Ils , recielved et any Atm& A,i3t., ...... tialartner; , abinia. •Itraitb, Ner Hatter ' fliciart,‘ ;_teneta a l vi r imph. kulbars,V. airem_ witeluel , 4 14 e 0 P P. Yost, idifitter. Mr'. . ie. - • &Wien, .E;livi tiseiiihernX iik ligrveyltai ,erti 'Moder. rp 4 L. 1... lloupt,S.o Fry, IfMeir isFsmoliclutr James Kept, Sautes tJa13731:14-"VAI I IA 'i THE fINEIDA • MASSACRE., o• • f a cryi Ira* befall., as the good slily went down." :—Teitimotay nl (teptain!s Clerk, Mr.' 11,.,• L'entritin sit fed. . . ito'f.rf a erywaStitiartl;aa the. ship wen t . ,doWn ! .1.1 There they stood—es - ery man at hie .post What to them was the pltllessfrown _ • LA...lf the derdon of darkness, that Wrings us most, Asite think of a death in the gloom of - night, With the shuddering stars for our only light. And know thntnnmarked by human eye, • We-shall wrestle alone with agony! There"they stood—every man atids peat! OVer the waters securely Tale -, : the bloodless monster, whose flippant boost: 'Was a tilsembemous outrage to mart and GM.. "I've sunk a 4-41 l'arikee—ruid serve her right!" Ruch was 150 burden of the. song. Which the British sailor in cruel 4 , 4ing as he howled on his way along. , , There they stdod—every man at his poet ! Veteran CispLairi and beardleas youth— Each, to that hour, hlixiself a host; •. Clad 4n the armor of Duty and Truth. - There they stocidc.as the ship went down, ° Reeling and plunging to meet her doom, Gilding our enrolls with fresh-rdnoirn, Plucked from the Jaws of the yawnifig tomb There they stood—every man al his post! • Brothers and countrymen, pause and mark! Is It enough that, with speech and toast, We pledge to their memory 1. Cold and stark They are Boating nor, ff the ravenous maw - OP the grim sea-tiger hasjell - Mein, a chance To tie washed to the bounds' of a distant shore, By the heaving billoweNlow advanm: - There they stood—every Man at his post ! Here wo and at overr;tide Talk now and then of the ship that was lost, . dud the ',poor, faithful fellows" who san I; a midied •Is it enough f: Do - we lack for a stone; • • Whose sculptured record might tell their:jai.; To future ages, whet' we are gone, . And the star of the Present Is dim MO pale? Let dot, the brand of a selfish rare:— Of a people anstirbed to the.lust of aold. Tell to the world, as rt. foul disgnice, That the heart at oar nation is dead and cold Here is a lesson, wideh we who teach. The darling children that climb our ltnet ,',' IHay4uhl to-the list of the texts that preach The ndblest and purest of ho - rui lea !. BAY;Apri I It; 1570, [EIO3I:3IIARK ‘ TWAVS.,I - OUR PREC/01 7 $ U.N./ 47(i E • ' Xi m - Mac 10. Theltiehardson-McFartand jury hiid been out one hour and tifty ininutes. A, hicath-: less silence brooded over court and auditory. .;--11 . silence and .stilknms so absolute, not-; withstanding the i - a 4 Multitude of human beings packed. together . : there, that when some one :faraWity among the throng under the north-east haleony cleared his throat with a ennithertNi little tough= it' startled everybody unComfortably, so distinctly-did it grate upon the pulSOessair.••• At that im posing • Moment the bang of .a door was heard ; then the shuttle of approaching feet,. and then, asort of surging'itifd Swaying dis order among the ile:Os near the entrance 'from the jury -room told that the - Twelve were coming. Presently all Was'still again, -and the foreman of, the jury -rose and said: i'`Youn. Hoxon AND the jury charged with tlieduty of determin ing NV - bother the.prLsolicr at the• bar;lDaniel :McFarland, has been of murder,' in taking by -surprise • an' unarmed inan and shooting him,to death, or whether the 'said prisoner is simply afflicted with a sad. but trrt...‘sponSible insanity which, at times can be cheered. uly by violent entertainment- With firearms, do Mid as follows, namely : `That the prisoner Daniel MeFarlipil is in sane, aS above described. Because : 1: Fis great-grandfather's step-father was tainted with insanity, and. frequently killed. people who were distasteful to him. 'Hence . insanity is hereditary in the family. For nine years the prisoner at ihe bar did not adequately' support his - family. Strong circumstantial evidence of insanity. ;"3., For nine years he made of his home, as general. thin& a poorhouse . ; sometimeS (but very rarely) a cheery, happy, habitation; frequently the den of a beery,"driveling;.stu- Tefted animal; but never ? as. far as aSeertain ed, the abiding' place of a gentleman. These be eyidenees of insanity. i. He oncetook his young. unmarried fqp ter?in-law to the museum; while there his hereditary insanity clime ntxm him, and to .such a degree that he hiccupped and stag gered ; and afterward, on the way home, even made love to •the young girl he was protecting.. 'These are the acts of a person not right in.his mind. ' - • : . 5. Fora good while his suffering's were so great. that lie .had to submit to the 'motive, =I nience-of having his wife give. publie read ings-for the family support;- and it:times, when 11c handed- theSe . shameful earnings to tlg , barkeeper,r his haughty Soul was so torawith anguish that he could hardly stand withotit leaning up against somethin At such times be hasheen.known lashedhed g. tears into : his subsistence until it was diluted `to utter inefficiency. Inattention - of this act-. tute is not the act of a I.)emocrat nit:if:Meted' in mind. • • 6. "He never spared_ expense in making ids wife comfortable during her occasional cett ilfiements. - -Her father is..able tO• testify to this. There was- always an clement ,of tin soundnev,abOut 'the prisoner's., generosities that is very suggekive at this thue and be fore this court.. . 7. Two .yeani ago the pruner came fear lesslyup behind Richardson in the dark, and shot him in theleg. The prisoner's braveatid protracted detlanee.of an adversity that for years had left him little to depend' upon for his support, but a wife who 'sometimes earned scarcely anything for weeks at a time, isevi deuce that he Would have appeared in front of Richardson and shot .him hi the stomach. if he had not been insane At the. time of the , shooting. -S. Fourteen months-ago the,. prisoner told. Archibald Smith that hews, going to kilt :Richardson. This . 9. Twelve months ago he. told. Marshal P: Jones.that-he was going to kill Richardson. ; 10. Nine months ago he was lurkingabout Richardaon's honie. in New Jersey, and said he was going to kill the said •Itichardsop.', Insan,ity: • . 'eveti. months ago he-Showed it - pistol .to Seth -BroWit and said that tbat, was for 1 22-tt Riebardion. _He .sald BroWn testified that at that timelt seemed plain that there was soMetlfing the matter with McFarland, fin. he crossed. the streetdiagOnally nine times ;in fifty wards, - apparently without. any settled reason. for tionig - s9, and,finally fell in the gutter and went to sleep. Ile remarked at the time thatlgeFarland "acted strange" believed he .. was Insane. Upon' hearing Brown's evidence, John W. Galeil; M. D., affirmed atoriee that McFarland umi insane. 12.-,Vive months •ago, McFarland. showed his.ctistomitry pistol, in his customary stay; to his bed-fellow, Charies'A. Dana, and- told hin he Was going to kill Richardson the first time an opportunity offered. •Evidence of insanity. . -• 13 - . 7- Five month s- and .tivo'W'eeks- ago Mc- Farland asked John Morgan the time of (Iv mid turned awl walked - rapidly away nil* Out waiting for an felyarf T. Almost indubit-' able ecidenee of insanity. ,!' • 14; It Is reniarkable that exactly one week after this circumstance the priShner, Daniel '3leFirland, confronted Albert D. RiChard son suddenjy and - without warning shot him dead. This;* mitnifc)it insanity. -Overy :thing'ive khow of the prisonorgo . .es-to shOw that if he had been 'nano at the tithe, he would have shot his vietint from Mutt 15. Therils'an -absolutely overwhellning nntsslof f.stinfony,tci show. 'that fin hour" be .l(omila-shooting, McFarland. was ; A'N - Xxottli AND vNEASV t . and that fire -Minutei after Al tar trita EXCITED. :This the accumulating Conjectink% and eaddenew of insanity culmi . nate lb this sublithe and, unimpeachable - proof . .of It. Thereforti=: , • "Your Honor add .Cientlenktre- tiff, jury prononhCe .the said Daniel 3 Worland INNOCENT .14 ; 111)E11, MITA LA_ rivirstx INsAsE.." „. • • • YThe seen° that .-ensued almost ileitis de sertritlon. • Hats; handkerchiefs and bonnets were frantically. waved above the Massed heads in the courtrdom, and three tremen dou.s cheers and a tiger told Where the sym pathies of court and people were. Then-a inmdreil pursed. lips were' advanced •to kiss the liberted prisoner,. - end many a 'band thrust tto give him the congratulatory Eihake- - prestol - Witit a -maniac's , own • quiekness and. a maniac's 'own filry, the lunatic asasesittof. Richardson- fell upon his friends with, teeth and nails, boots and office furniture,: and *the amazing' rapidity, with which he broke heads and limbs, and rent and sundered bodies, till near, a hiindred citizens ,were reduced to mere quiVering • heaps of ileShy odds and ends and crimson rags, was like nothing in, this World but the exultant frer4 of a pannging, tearing, roar in : devil of steata mach when it. snatches a hiatnau ; being and, spina and whirls hint till he shreds away to nothing ness like a 'lbut o'clock! before the breath ota • • •. • The destriletten was awful.: It 18 said that within:the; space of eight minutes - Maar land--killed and crippled some sizi score. I • persons and tore down it large..portion:of the. L'ity.Hall banding, carding away aniteast-. ing into Brotulway. at or ;i)even marble Colutnns fifty-four feet. long and weighing , nearly two toturetiCh.--;-11nt-• he. vaalittally eaptured sent in chains' to - lhe - lunatic• - asylum for life,..•• {By /Ate _telegrandus it aft : peats that this. le•a . rnistalte.."-E.Drrett Ex , • • ' _ - . . _ . lfutthe really etirlotis part of this vrhqle matter is yet•to be - told: And 'that is, that. McFarland's most intimate . friends believe that the very first tine 'it .ever _occurred tct hint that the insanity'plea was.-no - t• a mere. politic pretense, was.when thativercliot mate' They think that the startling 'thought burst upon, then; that if twelve good and tine_rnett, able to eetnprehend . . all the' fl Ne ess st: o ks f: a 7 ..tu ury n.,, ; : i i i; : 7 , o .._l ( h 7 re ipue tr d a . candor; such, flit:knee, an d uNtii*F...ATtoisrAr...LY wAs If Possibly that ivae real ethe way of ft.- It Is dreadful to think that maybe the most awi jut calamity that can befall a man, • namelyi lava of- reason; ivas preeiPitabid upon this poor pilsoni4 bya jury that couht have hut* himAnstead, kind so donellim . a mercy and his country a service. ;:: • • • r • . ._. . . • •• • , • i MAttig. Tw.ttN•:;-- • __, t ~. ' posTs(lltir• - r—t..3,:run.: ~ May 11.-4 do nog expect 'anybody o be lieve-so astounding thing, Enid yet. it IS the solemn truth ktia“u,s - te;ud of instantly send ing this datigerpus lunatic to the insane as,y 7 luni,. (which ' I naturally supposed . they would do and as l•-•preniatnrely stiki they had,) the court' has, actually' sir 111.31 . . At 1.1.11ERT1',.. Comment is I.llllllevemary.. 4 M. T. • . DISHONEST :MEECH-LINTS ACATIL y ; rjhe itew york.c6Fres 7 poitilent of the Roehekor - DEMO CRAT; .makes very . serious 'ettes.agaittst some of the New York -merchants. .'Ma cm/Iy," for thirty, yearr(and more,- was'en 7 gaged in:the• mercantile business in that „ . . . city; . „ tit I FiV!Nfi- 40S(1 MERCIAA NTS .i> . The .business. Men .. of this city are Very disl. honest, • This I kitoty' &mil Closn experience.. They have certain "tricks of trade," as they. are ealled, which• are nothilfg - less than absolute stealing. Boxes of Castile soap and Similar goads are sold to country customers, who little think that they-pay for.b.ox and 'all at full; price. The cheating on- tare ls • ontrageims.. Tea in chests is - i”stiniated at : . !lt.-pounds tare, which Is. alWays . fillowed.by the importer. but the eountry dealer seltionOtets -more •than IS pounds. On half i chestsl2 ponmls is allowed,. while at the Same time, the -- Bettler, mark-S - 41M. chests up a pound or t N . io: '-This A - narking uP of weight eo F.; reSpends to the mark ing down of tares. Casks of ;:ugarovhieh few emintry merchants can weigh. are often marked.up':!O pounds, soltietinies al pounds. They tell- a ygood . story. of old 11--, a well knewir_ grocer on ilk' S'ortli side, who Vas notorious for his.hohines;4 in this line. The -old -Man pileamb .soutewluiti pions% Amid when in such acfrand:ie was aske ..nv 'ti,! clerk who'had sold a cask „of sui:Tar, if hi- `P;4lMuld,go it go poupilii." - No,:JOhnny," was the-reply "don't go it over .ten,-for I'm tinder con&ern of mind." Molasses, Spirits„turpentine; and oth er liquids gauged up, which iii yry'easily done. An original marked say . .3l gallons, can he.oa-s- . ily altered into 34, by using a ganger's t:senbc".' in a - neat manner.. • ff. that is not "enough, 'a turn of,the actibe can i':hange the al into. t. - i.. As dgeneral rule witlimany dealers, from one - to. three gallons are made inlcai'll ca.sk„' Provision' dealers steallri a different manner.. Barrels of Mackerel are. opened lit.thti" bottom'head, and from' twenty. to thirty peinals arc re ni aveo„ and. the space filled with-salt.: When' tho retailer opens The barrel he always takes top'lu and hertkall_looks'right,hut - when he- gets to the bottom leintintia a' half bushel more salt than he expiNted: Pork and beef are also thus sto len, and- hence :our t:overnmerit., sumilles, are often short; and men% thus Sutler severely in . consequence: I have referred to but , .a {OW of the branches of robbers. 'perpetrated- ainong what. are' called hohorabte - men, 'for a complet'e stam teet t WOuld till ti-• Volunie. fine further. Instanee may be eited,.. and this .is the Mind ill ' essential oils. It -is next to impossible for any country druggist to buy .a pure article of-oil lemon, oil. berg:inlet, oil orguntan, or any simi lar oils:. The reason of this is that ;piths Of - turpentine mixesnaturally,w i 414M:se art i l elths that detection -is almost impossible: • In o these oils our Wholesale druggists-make coor niotts profits. ' t'ar'rying Out .thiS Atka, a bold i druggist contrived. not only , to cheat country customers, but alai to:lleece ths triule at large. To. th; this he iMplOyeda iliac - Midst to: imitate 'the Acals which thenumnflultirecrs put upon the . caul,. These elms. lio would unsolder, and then Btearaboud one-tenth Oldie Oil; arid tilt it up with spirit:l of luipentine,-andihetopply the coun terfeit seat; These cans wonhtthemgo into the hands of 4 drug broker, and 'would j be sold to the trade a51414%.3.,fr0th the distiller s hands.-- , . This operator I kiow.well. %If ejs nothing but a thief, andyet in.stecietv he is a "gentleman.' , ' Ile has a tine house aural in style, -but r . O.' • ribution stay yetreach' him, and though ;low ; it may -be sere. . - .„ . • 1 : . . P. R. s TIV.E,Y4I, TILE UNITED • STATES 1•110814;t71 VF. 1,1 (int:AT EX PEI - trATioNS—Nt'll AT' NA g • tIOSIS OULIS. .• . 7131111 , ,1ESENTATIVE: . (.1_,AltKIE,,in ad"• dressing. c:(ingrk.* 4.ll.lor introdue,ed.tle; follownig elos hex . t, two dryades. - •_ • • , . In twenty years float th,e. Pi. - .-sent tithe it will be seen by the folkiw.litg -est imate;. for which . .I :tin In debted to lion. Joseph 8: Wilson ; the able coiniols. sionetuf the General Land idllee,Wherethe popula , Ma of this coutdry.'will be located and -what it . • will be - ' - „ Tel; 41.1 THit ik:10: ...; - • • :-"1\ • Per ..4trare „Sza.cs: , I. Alatmant .......... ' Arkansas • 3. California 4. Connecticut 5. Delaware • 6. Florida ' 7. Georgia ! ' S.: Illinois _ 9,clndlalla ........ :..i.;.......;,.....-..!". 30011/000 • •: , • 110 'S 10, Tows.' • • • 3,000,41181 , 5.1' ',ll-4. Kangru; ... . : ...... . ... ...... .....".„...., 1,875,000 12 Kentacky......:..- .... . . ............ '1,.500,1810 . ~ T 91 13. I,oolBlBop. - ' •1',250,0110 • • .41 •14. Maine , ' • • , .1.000,000 • • '.:10 . . . . .. . 15.. M aryl and'a , • 4100,000 • , 107 16. MinoiactiusettS • - 1,600,000 200 17. Stichifran._ ' -'— - 2,060.11011. - .' -1.5 LS. Minnesota - —4 , ........ . 1,210,000 • - 15 • • • y 114%1100 19. 3itimissippi ' 11 ISSOCI ..............:...... . ......... 3,00,010 4a);01. • '2l: Nebraska' • • • 2 I^:evatta, - In. New Itaniptilike , • , . .• -400,000 - 40 21. NpwJerney . .........; • '-' • 4 ' 1,320,t00 • V la+ 25, New York - ' ' vt6;500,000 . - ' .140 *l. North Carolina ' ^ .Y2;1)00,000 - . -40 7. Ohio • - .4,0U0 WO ,• • , lou , _ . . ZS. Onfton --•-. • --.-• 500,000- . . . 2. ,• 0 Pennsylvania -,' - 1 5,500,000 ,'''' -nu 31. Rhode Island , ',. . , 409,000 al. Solith Carolina.'..,. .............. ... 1;40000 • - -40 :12: Tennessee " -' 1,500,000 ;II Sa. Texas ' ' r .-'---;-1 1 , 5 4 9 , 00, 1 •-- 5 ... .. . , 31. Vetmont • t'• 400,0Csi W 3.3. .......... ...... olio,llolE west ' • .800.000 - 37. W LscOlayi ' .; 000 . 00 • . 'Total of•Stati!s• ... Alaska' • ' ' ,• '310_,990 :AtrZ012171... Colorada • , iiiiii3t7 •• ' • • : • ''.i60.011.. -: l• Indian • •' • - - • ' 15%000 •-• , 1 . ••..:"..4.... 2.10,000 -• •,_•• ' :I ', Montano ~..‘ 4:,5) 000 . New - Itexico . 1. " f 7. '''' '"'" 'OO 11441 *VA° ' . :/ Washington '• • :-. .330,000 - . 5 Wyoming - —..._..... ...,.......... ..; I00;000 ~ • 1 •Itintrict of C01timbia...:,...;..: 310,000 : . _ - Grand G VE,TIN,OItS r FOB 1.470- . . . TH.E.followlag ig the,lh4f of T;(weracrs the thirt t --,veil.States.of 1870. The who.4evain are print-coin italic are thimoeratm.;..all others are Iteikabli: cans The tigattlildteate - the expiratiim f4' A lemma" . . W . ° in.. II Smith ' MO Arkansas ''•• -`:l'.. illayt'on ... . . , .... i, ... .........4.....1873 Call fornia ..... ....... --Jr, H. Ifnifint • ° . 1871 Conneetteati..:-.::-. IT', I.;anLfsh - 2 1870 , belaware_........ ..... ........G. - Squtshory:.,..- 1871 F1iaek1a......r..,:.1 ' H.GleeiL., ' - 4.. ... . . ....1873 Ge0rgia.:........11 .. X. Ilulloek...t.;_ : . • .1372 Illinois "' • '•' J.' X. Palriler...i. ' ' • 1871 Indiana: .... ......- ... . ........... Baker -'."." ' ' 41372 isnva , •••=• , -----,; , -..:•t B anauel Merril'. ' " . i 'qt. • Kansas ' • '' lames IL Ilarrey.• ' - - 1..72- 'K. entuelly ....;.: ........0. W. allevesson • ' . 1371 Louisiana ' X. I'.. Warmouth - ': - • ...,. I ` 7 2J Maine - ......1; X Llisiniberlaln ..... -,...../..... IS:1 Slary• Lana ... ' .'• (artlizt. Itorcle - . 4- ..1.872 'Massachusetts ...!......I.V.m. C1aran..A......,.._ ' 1572, AI Lanigan --- '= . 11,;.P., 8a1die1n.r..4...... • .. ~.....1371 Illunesdta • •' - f10r21..e. Amstln • • • •••••• . ' 1872 Id i5ain510 n 1........4...•:. ../.4.4. A1c0n5.......................- 1872 Missouri, - a: W . :McClurg.... 1872 Nebraska I • 4.Dacid Patter -. .• -: , ,Alat Nevada .a.... ' H. G. Blalsciell.:;.,.. .. .. .. ......... 4.:.1871. New Itanapshl re Onslow Steaens.:.-- -..:-...„„lere New Jersey --,..........r. F. Jrnathalpia.-,....... - ..... .. . . 4.4872 New York - • - - ..r. T. /toff inan......:. • -.WI N ortb. Carolina.' •• W. W Li 0b1ett...1.;:....... .. „,..41873 0b10.................,;....14 tlitia*es.. . :..-....,-..-„11172 0reg0n........- ... ... ... „:..(3eorge: - L.Wcic;l7... .. .. . .... : . __anti Penney IS attia.....,......../Ohn'W. C1eary.,....•.,. ...... ...7. - ..141:1 Rhoda Island - . ....13,'FaVrd . ...i.. ' 2-.1872 Smith Carolina 1t K. tt - '• - • 1,871. T Tn as nessee. .....-.:.. .L.EW.. L D D C. S ia e . n l.t-r .' .. • ' 2-.188 1 1 Verna:jut.. .. . .....:.......',4P.T:Waalitaira.-....... .... - -1870 Virginia-- .-' - . ii. V. • Walkar.....-..-- .. ....... --MI West V fig1ia1a . ....:....:W.-E. Storensl . •'• ' :-. --11371 Wi5ip0n51U.......4..........4..V14170114- .... :-.-. . .... ...... .•,....i..1572 -. . • ' . We have 'received Ifeer.cat. Le.Ayan kir May. It conalstiOalzteen Idle ;ages devQod l P- Cltolece Lllerallare. and Molnence. Among, the literary content* Ire note; "Haupt In London; ' "Lore in Marne," "To an - st - haent. Wlfe,'"*"moirvie Own Moak," etc. Them: are-alai'fair - Pieces Of Music: 'Tbe" *ngeltta;': Maggie . May," "Beautiful Nell." and "Blitilllidte/to - Pollta." AID they. ask for a autacdpilcen;laono dollar arse.- The mown 4uing the 3;ear thuld not , be bought for lose maxi tt7a. Pulatithed)iy R B, Ktisc . . •,; SLIstGLE Ctmrs! irorutation: . 1,600,000.• - 1,300,000 , • 2.i EtC27ll mama 210,tion ' • liw) (0)1)A%) • • • lIP 2.,001),(101. 4,500,11011 - fr.,0,w0 •- r so oou ; - Elll`Z't~lt'3'T IBT.E. !ARCH<EOLOGY. IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES DERMA 1 ' GREECE-ANCIENT Lill ALNAO • . , Colin Senor Paulus, .oe - Wurteniberg, whojl ' ; • t ext labors concerning the Roritan antic' es of :. •-- his country are well. known, has au • " ed. , in • retracing the . whole line a wha ifraS '... . called the linos fraiis Rhenantict.. f I - eo*'., , sisted in'nt earthwork With a deep m ton - the Oerinan sidef,in Ihese- Owes ere It "still exists, the ramptht..measurea. a feet in altitude„withtin upper -based troM •-: - wi rteia - four_ to six feet, and a lower oneotorty. e,. The ditch is not -more thin from five lax i feet deep, about !W einWilda' at the lio tom, ,- .i t ie, and , about twenty tit the top; bbt it is highly , *probable. that at the tintkof the Rthinins the earthwork' Wll-4, sixteen feet high :and the - '.":V dyke. twelVe; feet - in depth, Small square ' turrets, about-nine feetin elevation, a*.to be - ,-, • found. at intervals' of SO4), paces .from eailit., other. The wall's are two feet in thiek4sit,'' with stone copings at the corners. iiiiime et: . ~ :these. .; situated .at important. Strategical', points, were prebably, much t:stronger ; and -,., larger.: Along ' this uninterrupted. 'rampart - the Romans, had established-.. colonies,[ but at distances of from three'-to four leagues from. ;' : Won the Chilli° sideothulconnected by 0 1 14 11 :• - • . Now, what etitild be the objeceof :this *lgen - tie Work, all in a straightline? . It was what -- we might call a !•xocal telegraph." yilien- ' • ever anything alartuing - was observed the . sentinel placvd in tine of the 'turrets, jive a signal; -which Witalfeard. at 500 paces hy his *neighbor, and thus in a few minutes the news was propagated to headquarters Whence- . F ,tiee'or might then be*..despatched to the menaced .point . 4: Thts line is joined. at ;Phu- , lorofin and at mght , angles by the Him? ram? - . ./hipubicincis . the alibi , extreme border tthe empire. Behind this there were tWOD eiiiif • defenee•—the Danube and the Alps; behind the other . three, the ISsreckar, along riV.hlch the 'lonians had constructed nuWerekus -,works.of Protection ; ,then.the Black .I.' rest, • "and, lastly; the Rhine. The lime 'tram ~. Mirnailrt.l extends• froth fro. the. Hohensta fen, 1 - - wh ich:was fortified, to the main, near! 'ren- , .. denberg, by Weltzlieint, ,Mainhardti sad ri, Ocliringen, 'which - 'Was , the ,anejent. 'lens . . . ...-tovaiail A.. An important town, once Hie - capital of-one of the Homan provinces of Thrace -- (Trojan= opolisl,,the site of..whielixas unknownj i has '• just been discovered by' M..' Albert Dumont, • - a uttmilier of the French school,at Athens., At :then t't hree miles from Dymes,-.lnear Enos, at the tikuutltpf Hbbron, may beer- - eeived a• vast. extent of ruins in the midst of pestilential niarsheS which have render, ed - the country uninhabitable that- this cir eutostance sufficiently eXplains why.all.re- • collection of thefie'vestigts hail been loitt.--. There stilt exists - an inscription on the: 'spot; showing that this city I,wan Trajanopolis4„ - Moreover, its distance from Adrianople coin cities with that given by . the ancient itinera*..:' rks; as for its importance ' what remains of , it is am Plc evffienco in its, favor.' A fortified city wall, tlyil kilometres. in circuit, had been' brought to light, together witlrtne mutants of vast suburbs.extending over two !Square leagues. The acropolis k•ontains ruins of ed- • iflees of the third centuty, architravei, bro... - ken columns, pedestals' with some inscrip dons.: During the middle.ages, the antique city was gradually replaced by, a Byzantine one; acid very probably part of the ruins ,= .served as a quarry for the stones'w-ith'which. the two fine fortresses of DYntes.and Enos were built. ,' As it is highly improbable the itconans'shotild have pitched on suchan un- Malt hystibot fora large town, the grOUnd has .° • been explored to iee i'vhether any drainage had been attempted, and these researches . haveied to the discovery of h -hingniticent sysient. of dykes'and sewers. it' Semis , this city did.not. disappear crimpletely .until the fifteenth century, when the Myra:Mtn° em pi r!, was at its'.4iisC gasp. - $ • .11 - riti)Mt FIFTY RAMS years., ago a man W-3S - murdered in I t aWrence cowl-' ty, and body- robbed - of nine 'thousand dollars.' The . 41uttrqr Was not certainly dig, covered .Ibr seine- thirty . years, , and would ant then have been known - had not the ruurr• deter, on his death• bed, acknoWledgeli the: , crime and told where he had buried the bOdy. The Bedford NE . WS says ortlie matter;- - • • • Illaby of - our older readers willremember 'the finding of a skeleton ill the rocks that abound in the'vicinity orthe janction.ot siilecreek and- White riv'er, in the spring of the year 1849. „Ait ;: the U1116'41111) discovery it created great e'en,- meld, and .the whole country, for miles around visited and inspected thejeinains of-what was once to:Judge trent the evidenms left, a 'Maw, thletic runt, Tilne t the. great obliterator, In hie onward. sweeping, had: almost covered the matter, and but for the apikarance of a gentle:- man in ,onr. ti?Wn on: last TueSday, the -thing would, perhaps' nclyr again 'have beep men, Honed.] . . . The story ran' be told. .The gettlemari allud- . r -ed' to. Nile(' on us and gave its the following' partieulars : Fitly. one years agog -his brother - twesuppresk the name at thti-requcstof otirin- ; , formantt a wealthy planter in :1 7 irginia„ near the city of Rielintond,left his home, taking with him mne.thousand dollars, to investin weetertv • lands. Weeks' and - Months' passed after his de- parture beriire his anxious relatives heard from. ,hint. Finally a letter was i received, dated' Pal- ' • asiine.' Ind, zitay. '27, IS:20, Informing theirt.that he was highly pleased with the country; and .;.- thought ho would invest his capitol lathe" !aria lying intmetliately below the. mount of i Salt' u-reek. The balaneti Of tile narrative is alrepc& known.. The brother, of the murdered,ratan q for there eah4sl) doubt but that he was Murder- , I .• edl will exlnime the remains and Lakiithem to I • Virginia.• , , ,The perpetrator - or the murder lias king since paid the debt of nature. IVe are in full liotietta-• - 'jun of the names • but eohsider that it . would de • ~. tiro good now to tbakean expose' in consennenee,: ~r the rvsjwctai aiity or thOr descendants. This is no - tiet ton; , bat the pliiinsquare ttutts.=-- - Nee.. • ~ A-1,../mg (Mtn) .t.edger: ~ . 11INT FOn t7N3iAlliqßn MEN.—A Judi clods Wiferji4 always 'clipping off frimi her •- litisban,d's!moral nature little; twigs ' that are groWing in the wrong direction. She keeps him in eontlnitial pruning. If you .say any, • - thing silly, she will affeetionately telliYou so If you! deelafe that yollwilidosomettb stird.thing,..i.slie will tlnd meau4 tO.preVeut you doing. It. And by far theahlef partof ; common sense there I this-soh:mid :belcing*' unquestionably.. to women. !lite wisest things anuus usually does•nre. those which his wife 'counsels 'him to do. A alfe ,crawl wielder of the moral pruning knife: - if Jelnison's wife had 'lived there "would. have beefi no-lnierding tip of orange peel, no tonehing . sall the,posts in walking along the • streets, taeafifig and drinking with a dis gusting voracity. lf .C.iold:stnith; had. been . married he would never have worn that id idiculous.2.and memorable .coat- !Whenever. ti you.nd.h man Whom you,know little about, oddly dressed, or talking absurdly, or lung any eecentricity !of manner,_you may be sure, , he is not a married Man ,• for the corners - aro rOumhxl o ft ; theilittle shoots are : pruned" way in, married men. Wives gene rally .. haTe more sense than, their husbands, especially - :when their husbands .arealever men.,The-wife'udvices are like theltaLiaSt • . that keeps the Ship ste.ady4 Theyarewhole! 'sonic 'though painful - shears, elfpplug. off . the growths of self-cotiCeit: • . . • • .11 If Ent: TIM .51:7N DOTS - NOT St7r.-- . -Tile f9l- lowing graphic passage is from the deserip ! ', titm of a scene witnessed by a Mr. Campbell and his party, in the north of Norway, front a elifrone thousand feet aboye.the sea : "The. pilean.stietelied away in silence and v astness, our feet ; the sound' of its wave 3. tiesieely • reached our airy loOkout; away in the north. ,tite 'thee old sun swung-low along the hori 1, zoo, like the slow beat or the pendulum 'the tall. elopk• of our grandfather's.eornei. We all stood silent, .looking at our ,watehes. :Whetighotithands came together at twelve;- )ruldilight, :the full' round orb hung trium .phantlyabeve thewave--a bridge ofgold nin .ning due north spanned the water bet Ween. , us anti hint. There he remained 'in_ sileht ,mitiestY.,..whieh„knew no setting. Wa involr untbilly:took off our likts l ; no word wainiabj.' •Vornbine, if - yeu ran, the most brilliant' sub's rise and sunset you ever Saw,,', and its beau-, ties wqll 4 „. pale, islere the ,gorgeons. coloring:, -which,- now lit, up deesii, heaven, and moun tain. li - half an hou the sun luulsiitmg up. perceptibly on his the, colors Changed 't.those of mo rn ing, a',-frf.,,4/i breeze' rip l ed: uver. the - flood, ne senestee after another- - piped - up in the grov' behind .tis—we , tuid slid into another day."- • . I..tTgl.V s o soon forgotten. 'Tim . the nay of the world, • _Men take us by the hand, and are arixions about the health or Our bodies, and langh at our -jokes,' sad We really think like the fry on the wheel * . that welave something to do with . the turning of: the earth. Someday we , die and are buried. 'The intedoeS not stop for our fune ral ;>.everything goes as• usual.; we , are not missed on the street; one or. two hearts feel the wounde of affliction ; one or two minds still hold our names :and -forms; but the &mid incri'lai in the dally_eirele, and in three days the' great , Ware of time .sweops - toner. our steps and w*.bes Out the last viltago of our lives. - - ii - THE last back which most peog t e x =t have turned against tbera is—the 0 BM RI V k.'!ill El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers