The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, May 14, 1870, Image 3

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SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1870
"AC-E; ' U.I Lul lm. am. 1 55a.
Barre itutre (%.Ine1) or lemt,'l 04 '3 00 350 SCD 960
Squares, (one lach,) Mr WI IS (11
-A„3 Squarm ' ;i3 a) sop 900 11' 03 'll 00
75 'Squares, ii4SX , 00 11 . 00 1600 aOO
L? - 11 A IttirrlCA L NOTICE:4.—st nate insertion
40 CO. t"..k line; each subsequent inaertiott2) cents line.-
LOVA L'.13U51NE.' , ...3 NOTIVE. 4 .--Second Page, 2.5 cents a
line tint insertion each subsequent insertion atc. per.llne.
4:F.N116.1L NO - Pleak—thiril'Page, sJI emu; a line
I n -ennui each subsequent insertion 15 cents per line. I MI E cents each.
NOTICE:I. —Accompanying' Deaths—Fur,
tines :5 dents; each additional line 10 cents .•
elyetitin in Frauct on •unilay: in
1 - . 4 .ini.mlar by 'an tinui6l ‘ -e ina7
;4nNi_Eitqnt - wanted. to know yesterday
VOlere Andy 'Johnson,: ix. Well, he was in
ox vi Ile on 'Wed nesday ; eommen led :4e
verely upOn tlje present Cbugress, and stated
his belief that Tenn see would be recoil
meted.: :
SENATot:-Moitittm. ON . rtrE 'TARIFF.—In
ti,-day , sor liN ,% I. winn hk! found an itu i por 7
hint spevel of Mr. Morrill,` of Vermont,- chi
.t .,
the subject of the Tariff. -We consider that
the subject of protecting mrnatAnal Indus-
try i* the mOstimportant riuestion 'how • be-,
fore the country, and we pit blish:t he speech:
of Mr. Morrill with more satisfactiou,and h6l
has Made the subject a matter of long and
earefill stMly, and this, speech- bears ample'
evidente that he: has investigated" the tkvo
great policies of protection and free trade in
all their immediate and more ; remote bear
ings upim the indus i try and. "general pros
it:rity . of the country. In fact, he 'is fate . of
the 'few very able men of • thee nition who
th,o - oughly understand the Subject..-3 We
believe that if the tariff bill sulunittebY
Mr.. Morrill four Years since had, ) been
adopted., :its operations would have 'saved.
three hundred millions of dollars of wealth
to the nation. We comniend this speech: to
careful perusid. : It is a masterly -argument
for - protection MO a,complete expose of the
sophistical thetirit.s trade
and purchased journals. :.
I o ,
THE efrevt •-'of the suspension of work in
this Itegion;ts tq impoverish those who will
ii , Aorli.-whe i i fair wages, considering „the,
~t:l t c of:,thefpaket, hi offenslthiqn, aml . the
. 144' Ill!, that the eommunity may be
looked Jo to aid theni. But the feeling k
.'growing with tfianS- pemons, that they,Vl
not emit Montt tO relieve mett NVIIO Sufrer by
their`, own foidish i acts. We heard a physi
cian, who resides fta a neighboring bOrough,
, -- =say that itn!esv in 'the most extreme ease in
which charity should be exereised, he would
not, without being first paid, attend the fam
ilies of the, men 'who impo . C7erisli themselves
thus. a question :lot,importitnet:-.
\'i bete thonsands of niten'eut OfTtheir means
A & silbsistence in a manner not warranted by
Ih e direr of w o rk and wagesloffered• them,
they' alone areto blame and they must ex
pect to take the eansequeneo4. There is no
l o p e for iniprovetnentin the trade this year.
I t i 4 not
,it4probable. that priees AtutY. . go" to
tArIOW that at Port. Carbon .
S 4, it with thiS;ltegiOn
What reaSOtt then in eon:ending for "
Is it l i4it folly: 1; It not ealett
rlF:tted,Wilitinatt! thy sympathy oyery :Ant
the eommutrlty?
r ---..,. .
tats' -I losorr,y...—OU our First
be found a. certilietr-copy of the
piing the Minas' Hospital of this
Och we hiaprePared for passage
lses.sion -of the Legislature, and',
Hissedil without olipitsition. In !
üblishing.:it On .tltis• form we
led a couple of .11Undred copies
p pamphlet form). •I'lle bill will
i - iperation until the first of Janita-
p the Mitantime the different bo :
'tiyneil an the Act (except Girard-
' it not rincoiporitted„ but which
rated. Will be at the .next session
j-lature,i . can go on and selectltrus 7
itii,enS NZ - 1)o . act in this capacity
..through charitable motives, no
ilinuneration whatever, attaching
:10. Of course the boroughs will
lit kind of persons to act, in the.
ll'he adjoining coal counties will
pht,itake steps at the next session!
OliturelJto have similar hospitals
in :tlieir localities.' ...Gir people!
Ile every preparation- to have the
matter fairly under . way
I Year, so that no time. may be.lost
OS muchnceift'Attustitution into
• erat imi. -
Art establi
County, wl
At the last
cif tilt. -Act i
nut go Into
n.l,lglis !net '
.villa whiell
it,h4 aotiei
of the Levi.
tfies. 7:11)t •
will tier' .4i) . .
to th:6 imsit,
siltrt il l i rf
clipavily.- '.
Niallitqi dogr : -
,rllliirli i
;.,..ilrlil ~
t.? 1;
r•littitt,4 la r
iitiporliiq '
t he c•olpilig'
in getting t
•praetitul o 1
. 111Ij0 , Ipled)neeting of the i 'Over
ahn:, 'held in Alit! Anthracite:Board of Trade.
roolits . on Thursday, was one of the largest,
witlitpdttstieaand determine d ; rueetinwAi
ever held .hv the "trade. The pfoceenings
'Will he fonnd in another column. The re;s
nc reference to • the defection ?if
• "the Philadielphia Coal Company, is severe,
loft ti.e loiv!‘.. the first Poi-son to meet aoluain- .
titcd with th!e. full circumstances, and say it is
•• not dcsorveld. We regret flint lien—Cake al
•l,w l himAor t,i Lc planed ill tKh an onfor
-funato loi4tion, 'Wit he %Vas warned by his
lid, in time lol.iretrieve the steptaken:and
I', - •fort any lictiOnas expressed in the •risulu
t h,ri had I,..een tak‘n by- the Operators. 'l% - lien
.111,•11 -ign a i con) fiact such as that pledge made
! <
“u the 15thlOygarch, they cannot break it
Irolyratly-'4 iftwill - the permission of'their
c•nidiumrs. It is
,lugh_ 'time i l hat when I lie
.124;i0n with its 540,000,090 of
Ative,u null [is, are t titled with-liy a 'few igno-r
-not I,a,lki•rsi - destitute yf etunnion sense and
ea l pacity oto - 11:le one hatul,,Und by
and rosi
n • .n f.: nin .ithe trade on the other
the responiibility cit.their acts.
holds coliiiiinnity - fifere is but a single
lin !this - subject, :pining businessinen
'will that that the l'inth Association has itc-
Th•ti right theinatter, I
TIIE It 1.:..N:1 4 ; an :ttnusing . episiali• in the ce
ci•ns toectilatt of the ,American Institute of
s,•icm4• - :11. Wa.shingibin: 47..0n the lastday but
4 1
.m.:, Profeisor Pierce, o Hareard,Was call
c•I Ain for a paper. l • arose - with perfect
.-. .
_gravity an informed ate learned aSsenibic
- .play , he hid a mathematical essay in his. -
p.'a•ket. but,l'S there were only three metaber4
o';':4 he I ustiltute who coulil understand itand .
neither ;or Ithem was tif the ,hall, he must
het to be excused Imm reading it: . The
, Isresident,Pr. Henry, Wittily congratulated
the i fr o's.:,)'ll Jo t•tse...ape.
! . .05entral !latices.:
11;10 Lira Inx•ttion';. each Mulx•eque'nt in5...444p
Fot - N - I , ATIItA,T! A remedy that tint only relives;
but rt•-. t 110 010.111). - of nittult lull, t'onsuinptio i, leg
well in , the Tip nair.roas matelites which revolve tend
• It of i gli
iins, Cohts; s, 1.71.0 re
"Tiiroat, I 'file remedy we alit de to iv
I INTA 10,S ISA MOl WILD ( tlanv, irypisred
by glue, W. rowle Ito , •
;1" " • •
14.:•••1 V. , AVIIAT MU,: ADM Arai this
I tit.l.‘.thiqg i ‘s Beam'. what d.. sou ,. lowatitiful ,,
A tratv.pari-fat. eoniplezlon and a lusitilnitt - head'of
hair. Whit: will prodtiee Ilagan's Magni - 41a.
'Halm au%'' 4 appear hurt
twenty: Lyon's Katliarlon.wlll keep every hair
In Its plac,,,lanil niake It grow like the April • gra,si:,
It.prevents late Indr frlna litrning gray, eradicates
Dandruff, Alta Is, the thiest !lair Dressing In, the
alfint only Bait erdivary coat If you Want
. to get rid sallowne.. Pimples Ring-marks,
• Spoilt-patchk, etc., don't forg'll the Magnolia Ituliii,
. . • i Writ.
•Tart:lt: Is!'iraptltlng wonderful In the way In
whiell tutt . tHall ha.-velliroNli all caller clothin g
hou-lts. WWI 110 Apeetal .aulvantagAs at first. and
many dlsottirageinentS to contend with, It gradually
erept up tolig houses wit (eh aff ected to tlesphw lt,
and 1 hen su .cessfully co:ill:sled with them; and then
letssed then .and finally has left them f M
ar In the s-
tancr. In c tent of huslness,Tellablatv. low prlFes
and :Wl4 ot'orkmanship, there t s rthadfig la the
. ....
, lot: I ill;4 Mee to (suing - ire with Oak 1/1111.
. .
`Zh4 (Soat crane.
• POTNVILLE. Ety 14, IS7O.
a . The qua9tity sent 'hy Railroad this week. is
!;2,T,"9 tii;nsi:' 7 lty-t`anal, '2,s r! tons—for the Week,
,:i.t:i tottp 4 against 53,155 for the eitrres
pon.litac witlek last year: . • • . . ..
‘• - - •
The .letniand for coal is slielci except for : Limn.,
:iiid sonleAlnye. Atll7 , lton prices of Anthracite,
have d6ellited from 2. to 50 cats a ton. within a
r,v,- 41 13 ; a ,irici coal for shipping at Port lti s chr
IT'n't I" 25 tfP 50 cerlts a ton 1e.4.... than-it -sold for
"it las 4 lfontlaY.• On the line and for- city trade
I.riees act maintained. Ilitutniamas Coal :hall
: f lso der : lido - 24 to 59, cents a ton at Raltirtriro
"Mt Alit.4itlvitt. •
. 1 1.5alii.latialphia ootr-c.sliondent writes •na
, 1
tollowa c 1 . 1
"There is nOtliinOiete to report iatbe trade. The
Mitall iiiianttty 91'eoal arriving at Richmond Is suf.
' . H , c't • .1 -
• •
del ent for present Inquirlea. It la hoped that min
ing may soon be reatimad at Allah a basis That will (
enable the trade to epter the market, soies to com
pete in price, with' the other/V/00CM
corrodpoodent at New • Yoik finder data.
of•I'llay 12, Ina, a - ritiss 21.4 follow's : • - • '
Trade continues quiet. Lehigh CoaL s Working off.
promptly at fuU circular prices in consoluence of
tbetcual suspensions of revelpts_of Schuylkill. In
the sgreer caritates of Aiillitaeite. however, prices.
are not fully maintained, and It would seem that
purchasers at last auction sale must suffer some loss
on coal not yetpLieed. -
I.N.suotwise freights area little lower atill - Veasels
quite plenty.'
The trade sums up this week as fulkiws • '
11.3 00
25 00
V: 00
41 00
, •• , w/lEK' TOTAL.
'...d.n.rri. - ii,
P 4 It L It.. =341 V . ,.47,741
se h l'attai .; II;x7:1; INII.I.t)
L Vul It Itl - 41 C.,I;C:. LW4L.
L. v It, it .Nth',
L. =1,013- Rabb°
L Nay R '22.1.41 '7-16.1:42
Seetlt'u Stll I X 4.31: ".14+,7144
-do N'tli I 9,314
Penn II IL.. 12ui -'ll,,Gar,
do. Canal, :SC dr.,:re.
D CAL. Zr. 07.2
D'dt it ) • 6,41 VD=
Wyoming , lib' 77)] 124.1.0
Wyoming .Nb : .
SlAtooklo.:—: • 9,57‘, '1Z,1144
Shorn MttAl.2 271,011
Lvkeug V CSOL: 1,110 .
Ml'Hammon_ 5,4111 ,
114; Lick C 4,1-.
thiLIM iilolllt.
Broad 41.131a' 107.40 ,
P.! .t R. 51,650;
Chem S °Cad.: 16,1171 , auta
. .
247,trit ,
• .1,,441,1h:1 . 3.17 A-41
•It will be seen that the shipments. this week
exceed those for the corresponding week la.4t
year 5,159 tons, with eight). tenthq of.the Col•
li'erlos in Schuylkill County, tlusee-fourths , in
the Shamokin. 'legion, and all the Collieries of
the Lehigh Coal and Navigation
. Company in
the Lehigh Ilegi(:in z _intspendetl.,
We have prepared the following otlia ial state
ment of the Coal !Trade at the present' tinn;,
compared with former years;'and its prospects
for the"ensuing six weeks, during writch : *tillle,
for the corresponding weeks last year, more
than three-fourths of - was suspended:
1 . Tons:
May tLr suj4ply In market. wits__ 4,C:IXX
:4 4, " 3,710,61+5
Exeess Ia 1541 71'2,741
The suspension eontititiellast year ab , mit, ix
, wei;ks, and business was generally resu tiled the
first weld: in July. -At that peiiiod the e.7,ieess
of 712,731 tons had been All 1041, with the sup-,
ply reduced to 401,771 - thus, below ,the year
jtitis . at that period, thusin , iinishing the' quail-.
tity 1,117,5" tons during the . hlx wr, , eks`suspen:-
t4joll. But how stands the trade now? It in+Gol
ms. our table:4 will show :
Supply to May 15 in PoZ); .... ........... ..... 1.9.410..1
Supply : to May 15 iu 1670,
- 4 '4,1;1M
I 25,512
Djieney nnlY 1725,51:2 tons onftera suspension
of about six ‘veeks,in the St•lrtrYikill and
.rutokitt Region.--
The weekly -supply furnished during•the last
year's six weeks suspension. frot May 15 to
dune 211fh, Was as fOllows ; . .
. .
TIM,. • Mill..
. •
May 1:2, 171.527 - Junt',l2, ' ' 87 ,M.1
111.194 " 1,0 . • 11X';
Jiitief-: - 1 • : 7! 1 ,6:111 - " 'i 144,411
. . . . _
Vital In ~,Px weeks - ' .........72.,117,i1
Nyt., are noV. , :ending to market
.) , 17 . 01,710 tons
weekly wit h Seltuylk ill! nice-`tent Its sUspended,
the Shamokin Region three-11.urths, and all the owu r ed and worked by the Lehigh Nav
igation Com t pany - ,which, if, in 4;peralion, could
send in addition ti. what they are note sending;
at Jhe.luWes figure, nut. less than 110,0001Iuns .
weekly. .With the other re . .41,0ni in o:Jeratbin
that qtrtulilY will riot I.a ditoinkhea, litit-AN'e
learn 110. the , eompanies are nit'largc'.y in't..
eyeasim; their quAti l tltie 4. Now let us see • lemf
the market is likely to stoic] Aly' I. 1 4, 711. -
A t
.. stipp!y of :',:el:7:10 tun i - weekly for - Si; we.da
would' plava in tineparkeL by Juy 1, I,S;;l r the•
fullowimr quAnf .V : . • . - . ri k
• • To" , .
It would give. for slx. - ",111,20
Deduct the supply r.t• .ix week. la,t year.,...: 72'073
Now deduct tlai-I,.ss,su far 'this year
. _ .
li- - -.l,eavint - excess in the nvirket over:last
'ear,. to-July I, dsi*O, of 1... 1V,:17.1 t:1114, ir.t.tiust
it deficiency of 401,77 I huts 4 litit year, to same
.period, tlisirbl• a differefus. of 1,701,10 tint !! I
on tine Ilr,d'of4Jl.l ly", which isd9tlileN he increase
that wilt be'..r s Oquited 111 k yeai. It tnust al.,' J o ,
ris-ollectlld tat with a deficiency lu tin-market
on the tirstAif July, lAil:k r 0ff404,794 top:, tlyi
fnarket was' Mk. supplied fur the balance of the
season, atid prices fell at the close of the season,
with two - s einjoinies in the Lackawanna, and a
'number offe2llieries on the' rehi g h, standing
Idle for a considenkble portion of the tiuto. '
. .
l et every miner, who. ha, 'More brains attic
'common SPliS0111:111 their principal leaders,,
der.these figureS well, and contemplate the prtis
peels of - higher Wages than the operators, on'. r.
This is a painful exhibit fir us t make •inid
these circtimstanees but let the :prineipal
be'rries, whO • stein to glory in b 'Ol writba.
down a; asses, •disprove it if flay can. They
know no inure about the coal trade than a Fejee
Island savage..
We repeat our advice td the men to accept the
operators' basis as p :sib:e, and enabie
them to go to work, and give a little' employ
ment to those who are suffering. We doubt
whether they can resume under any` eireum-,
stances for two or three weeks, even, if the men
were to offer , to go to work on M9nday. put it
would en'able' the operators to go into the,coal
market, and' secure, if . prossilde, a portion-of
.thetriule, which will have to lie down at lower
rates' for coal to obtain ap, ir.i mi. of the:r '
ness back again. • ,
The eonsuPters can learn from these
Figure...4lW there is ito dagger of the price of
coal going up, init it must lie t.hsapt,;i• when the
collieries start, and there Will 'be ran difficulty
bl•procuring - a full supply of coat td-cheap rates
this year. -We have positive information that the
*coMpanits in the -Lackawanna R•sgion will not
reduce tha priCe of wages now paid to their glen
, thiS•Year, even iCeoal goes down to $1 a ton at
inizabethp4o, and all winapoltestre. obtaining.
,employment from th'.•se.e.itn patties. They are
not only determined to break up the IV. It. A.,.
but-also to break down individual enter Prise,
and drive all the Anthracite Regions into cot
porotions, in order to protect themselves front lg.;
tiorant'Dogberry leaders,'S4o will Listen Milo
reason. Whether leade who,
ing direetly into the hand soilliccompanies', - and
paid for doing so, is for others to judge front their
acts; but if not 'paid,-it ean only h i invited to
,stolid ignorance', which is aluilst'lerineigsl 'in
.111e0 wlio assume to be leaders:
'So far, the lossto labor at the eollieriCs
pended, willYreach nearly a million and a half of
dollars, independent of. the los-s to swages in
other branches of business, such as loutidon,
engaged!. in the carrying business, And
other kinds onbusifiess directly co:Merited Nvith
the coal trade, 'which will amount te- an equal
snan, if not. inure., This can never be recovered,
aunt if the Men boll ont , twim weeks:long'cr, we .
are extremely doubtful Whether the coal opera-.
-tors will be able to pay the wages on :the. liaSis
they now offer„ bat will have . 1 4. g0 lower to en
able:Min kart. WEV,ve the figures—
examine and judge thn situatiMm forTourselves.
You may abuse us as much as you 'please—we ,
don't earcva fig alvfilt that when we knoW; we
are right—and we wilt (odium, in give You cor
rect amlvico, &wee without the crinsent 4,f :spur
leaders, whether you like it or not. t
Harmony, Firmheis and' Enthusiasm :The Resolu
tions.Adgpted—Tha. P,le4ge and •igna
tures of the Trade. .
Yesterday afternoaii a very litrk.3 rialiii
siastie Adjourned meeting . of the t'oal Tr.nic U'11.4
held at the Anthracite 114.•Ard of Ti-ade Rooms
Seitesi •
The olliivrs of the pieetifig of March 15; pre
sided. :•
A committee Gn resointiOnS - was appointed;
pending the absence of which addresses were
delivertst by Mr. iesSe . M. *OA, Mr. •
(lsaeff, l'ol. Conner, Mr. t:riScont Mr.. Thomas,
Mr... Neill; and Other gentlemen..
{ Mr. rook said that he was delighted to see tio
largea. inc:eting the ‘ Trade.. The Philadelphia,
coal men are firm, and Glib- two that ho could
name who were weak and wavering, but who are
note - strong. :Although we may feel aggrieved at
the tu:tion of mirtain parties, lct us still • evince
more energy anddetermination than ever. This
has to be fought Gut. Like .(;en. Grant,. let us
• resolve !.!totightit out on this line if it takes all
sitintner." : Let us' resolve net. to go to werk
til l leiat of us, is honcsratit releawec, from. in our
plighted faith. • .
Tlfe.Other speeches Were to 'the - same effeet,
and elicited great enthusiasm.- ' .
The committee on resolutions reported the
following whfeh : :were token'up seriatim, and.
ittliwpted unanimously - and atnid much: maim:
, Wirgar.Ls, Ai a mettinz of the Thal Trade repre
senting four to eve frtillions'of tons perannum.tiehl
In POttsville, on the 15th day- of Mandl last, it was
unanimously resolved; In a spirit of liberality to t he
workingturn, to offer , thOra ebasts or £2 50 per ton
for coal at Port Carbon, notwithstanding they Were
nonvlneed that such of not warranted by the
eoltd I tion of themarket, and wh e rens, we have every
remon'tobeildve that the Majority of the working
menme, and have been re .My to &deep'. our' offer,
btit for the influence Or a few'ruting spirits Who for
thgir own seltlsh ends, are 111111 ting 'Toth the em-
Ploreniand employeeti,aud•whobythetr Mullah and
slArtslghted ettnnf g ard drrg all veldt* and en
terprise from tills 1%1,1 lore -
ltesolred, That a though he pmentstato of the
market is more depresrual.than at the date of said
meeting, yet we Will Adhere to our offer to the men:
.;CV ' d 114A71
77,133. 1711.g7i
11,561; • 101,41171 141.137-
I,4ui ; 1±1,0)
:melt :17-919
4114. :0,177
i 0.424. 114,10, =,lll
157'; tizo'4l 715
:AL: I97 ! 23).915
s.eas ~ `1.49.3fr MAK.
9,571 I7lCi 4454
.111, 1410547 =O7.
197,-1.4 11a 51
M 4,117
'"317,31Vii t 1,30;7,51:
L,Ln: M,131
.74i z.f ,9PC: d 13,9=
.34,; GM' al - .1..^,971
1 ili,fl :d 11.713_
ft.fiFil .- , M1M1!*2,034,
1..57'.. ' 5A161 5,R1115 I
11,7k0i . .
1 t
1a,1.431 d 11 1)6
21,491 ^ 2:1.16':) 4 4 , ),:ev4
= 4 1.1:1LION)
4,47.,h79 • 4.2;6: - . 7 21 - 297413 '
. ~.t
. . • y'
and will hot start o collieries .hutil the men /ac
cept our temts.* • • •
Rereteed, That an ' operator having' pledged hilm!
set rto ab ide y thek, on of said meeting and hav
ing slirksl his mil l rr; and ellen continue to wcirk''
regardless of said ledge has.thereby forfeited; his
claim to the rex t and confidence of the whok ,
com Mun ay, • •
WitiiLleAli. The Iladelphia C'eal COnspani hare
violated their., writ' e pkowp starting their nal
'nitric:. upon tenaceoptrati to the ac tla said
meeting,theretone 1 • . -
Resotreil, That w do hereby pronounce the (add
Priiindelphia ktael =Vompany„ their officer" .anftsn
perintendent void Of alktionor, and unworthy of ttieN
confidence - Of flits community, awl we deluSlYius
them as noel. •
Re-seked. That theilmost unanitnons suspenalon•
of the Shanulkiultegion, last.night grrea us renew
asaurance of success in our movement. and!. we.
'heartily commend them for theiraction in
.Reroired,-That the thanks of the whole trade -Ars
slue; and arelierchvtendered tothe Executive Corn-' ,
hi Wee oJthe Beata o Trade, and those who have
assisted pt:eflll In'their balsam for their ceaseless Vig
ilance and nut irktigexertlons to make the stamen
sloe effectual.
Res./red, That wej fully endorse the actions of said"
Committee slace.our last meeting and are Amity of
the belief that we owe the summit that hag So far at
tended our movement to their
. exertions and
, '
-Ou motion it Was resolved that the proceed
ings of this 'fleeting be publiihed,higether with
the pledge and signatures - thereto, adopted ;at
the uteeting'of March 15. -
The following is the pledge:
We, the undersigned, Miners and Slrippens tit Coal,
present at a general meeting of Coal Trade, held
itt,the Bikini of Trade hoots, PottsvlHe. March .35,
1/170, do hereby bind and - pledge 'ourselveli to. faith
fully maintain and al4lde by pse.resobitions awl ac
tions of said meeting, until such ilethint 'or ra. , 61tt
t ions be voided or repealed at a futtireiterieral meet
itig of nut less thant a majority of the 'persons ,now
present. •
Geo. W. Snyder, by Rrlf,l Snyder. ,_
Owen. i,ona & CO. , . • '
Satnl E„ 1 irisoota •
Geo. W. ISarnmy & Co.
T. & W. 1". Ryon & Co.
31.1'. Vowler. Knlekerbocker . jAnt. Chid t
E. A. Nettilriek hy, Wm. Kendrick. I •
- Morgan Williams.
Wm. Kean for gear lime. & CO.
John \V, Bedford, fur Bedfo - rd Jt Cos,
Geo; S, Reppller.
.1,11. lioruis. •
& Lewis. • :
E. A. 1/enniefini. Stip,. St. Nicholas Coal Co.
Moss & Ilaibl'ers, by Thos. Moss
Thonint, Coal to., by 11. R. Thrinias,•l"re.d.
• . Theo. larretson.
Emanuel !last &
Geo. I'. Wiggan, for Wiiman & Triebles,
I.ucas, Urnnbctri Cu.
s.Tohri Lucas & 10.. • •
lloytr & broth er. wain, Hacker & Cook,by J. 3f. rook
1). IS. !Inas & Co.
Itepplier. Gordon & t 'o..
Percy llellner. ,
liammett, Neill & Co:
John Kommell, J r.,'& tiro,
.1. K. sigfrosi..•
Focht, Whi Luker r•Co.
Wm. 1 1.11 - .liltake" & Co.
• .101112
C : NV. Kingsley, . gent.
May. I'm It.rmou.s.l
'Weld, Nagle .
John Beach,
J. M. Freek.
S. I'. I farrls. aget
. Van Winkle,.
& Ilarrie.
Mh C., Scott &
Get,. lirturod &
& Musty.
Win G. Thonuui,
.1.. R.-Cleaver.'
Hobert KO() CM%
F. lioadej?& Co. •
J'. F. Ueatu. r
Jae. S. Lawrence, for I.awretiee,
S. licaton .
lienity :Saylor.
Miller, Gruen . ' & Co.
Nutting, - Le wIS :L' CO. 1 . ..
.t ' • i
John Donallif,o6, Pie, , t. 4 nr:ird .t. Coal Co. • •
i.entz..llowtnan• A: co. . •
Pat terAon, Eltrlnalootiit Co. ' -
t'. 1.. Wlll te, Supt. New I:4lston Coal Co? • •
'T. II: schollentk• - " • • - .
tinltarnutn ...St Gottnall, .
Wm. MoiltelltlA. ~
1; raelT, Itothermel .1; 1 . .. . .
snoi.maker & Nlelntyre.- . . . . • • 4
. tl'ni. F. l'atterson. . .r ' . •
. .
Lee, t :bait I: Co, -. . ; I :.
Walter Donaldson & Co. _
tneo, W. Poniroy, Supt. • . .
- Aaard, N1,...1i0 & Co.
Auft.•nri,,l, Norton.( 4'n. • .
Phil. C ,•
oal I •o.t i... 0 W
. W. llont:Anger, Tre.i:nrasr. .
- Vandosen, fro., ~t. Co;
11. W. Fitli‘r,Trea.:. Pine Knot coil! Co, -'
The altave name , . repreAentover 4,0,0,000 . 1.0w4..
'•ln the l'i m rse of tlie , provetpitingstlic; rollovVing•
v,•,v.a reanl by . the St•eretary awl elieitt•d muel,
upplatete : --" - . •
,-• . ,
s l.:Xtrtlet frlelli 'Willie,. ,U;,/ing . /../,/ rd Shamokin.
0 , . .111 y 10, Ko; Fry (Nkal Operator, 0 . / . the Shanadeeo.'
. .
../tcx,/,...,/. That' alf of ns who signified our.
Willingui•.s.s to stop Our N:4,r1;;:, nscre.. I,
Ow s., . • . ..ii to-likorrmr, I ttl . l lust., out that wo f,'rrot
fatrolve , :. futon Committee of the - V:1144h. to tohk‘•
etrorttl to stop's.t.s maul' otor.. Coltleri...!" as p.),:ili:O.
1.i1t.zi0..1 by • - ..
11.-Ito k (iissiwill. •
• l:,,hertsott. tiotti•rolatt .t. Co.. '. .
• '1-
:\ l l.t'. Patterson ..::. I:c.. . ...
I:uit.!rinan & I hlm.
Exeetslon CI MI Cki• - . .
I...oterpLi , o 1',,,!C1 , ...• . ~... :
S. John J.: Soft:; i
, .
Itelitowe Coal co.. • I
V. Rhoads L - 1',...
. i
Win. Montelitis. '
. I
IL. Saylor. .
Shamokin Coal Co. ---3 ' 1
ft. KA. ANINERM.6:, See'y.
Colfili.i. Cfrabor, 11.trtloplono.w. It.-LI. 10 , Juty, john
"it. 1/ ,, stop oti Nth lost. ' •
h ),37
Vlie meeting then adjourned to reas..iqublit at
the call -of the ExtAniNes of the Boartl of
'Frade. . -
The oiler. referred to in this CVNI/111i1411 was made
in a resolution adrloted at the nte'eting ladd Nandi
1.1. as follows 'Dal lit S2.:A at Port ['Arbon, out
side wages, s:t ; Inside wages, ; I tifners
'll2 Per week, anal w roduction of :in per }.vent. on the
present rates of Ountract work. All ach.•ances to be
made UM beretartyre, viz : ^t per cent. 'Also In the
following resolut ion :—Reacarcd, That site I , ..xeenti rem
of the Anthracite Iti..ard of Trade be Instructed to
•notlfy the W. It. A. Of 7.sorthumberlaml.
and I ',duns Ida counties, that If the basis-of wages
:tied he the general meeting of emtt operators . con-
Vi'lls d this I:Alt slay of March, be nbt accepted, thata
gtmeral Sip:p..ll3ton of shipments will take place
from and after'April 241,1.
. , .
' TRADE B 11111.1 LOAD AND (ANAL 1470.
• 7'
• Tttoaltutntity wrnt lly 11:14ruad land Canal for tool
In4;oor.olay 1:1,4 i
• •
~ .11.,11.11.0AD. • CANAL ''
._—_ - __-I___ •
• .
St. riAlr
Pctrt Uzirb., , ,ii . - 1,714 U 3 . ..- 1,141 m
1 , 611, , 4111.1' 1'.n..14; . ' 11.5 MI
S441111) - lkill Imam " • ' 2;‘17 l' -r
1,176 09
A tOurn
Purl. • I ti
Total paying . freigt
Ortil for ComputtrA
Total for Wevk
Pre partly this year
ni.o. 1
hs,a yesr
I r
• Tip. follnwing 19 lhP quantity tran+ported 1:4.4 week:
•Isfil,lllll ,t• S. If. ft. P. • •..14.7[11 01 . 2:10.1'...2 II
7. , lina•lictil Valle • 1;1 , 12 arc, 41,234 11,1
,31111 t'r,ol: • ,- 14t.1 PO •roo9 01
, .
.: , i 1'; I:4tr• on ' 29,1 lh . 11.7e0 rx)
1,.r.4,.•rr i • , sti•ti. 14:.1I (41
ii. : iiol. S V/g........; - • 5,7-15 12 . 2 . ..,12 , 3 ~,
4”..ntity , a•nt seat ll{ - 1.01i1411 Valley Railroad for tliewerk
eroloei on sattir.l4s - laNi arid 1.. r the year: .
. '
. . - WEE).
, • 1... - --
Wynnainiz ; 13,91 N
Of azlO.oti • • ' I'l.. : 43,2. 6 4
U. 1..t.t8R11. ..
B. 14, , laticitv '. • " ' .1:..i1.;
MAhattov ' -. • . 2,87
Diwieli ellunk—.
. .
Sony , Linn•
Tlae. Path.* fl ;lite quantity or cml trate:partedha
l'a.taul 1111,1 ILtalreall•el the I.olaigltt'4a3l anal ,Stte. CU., fUr
week viaat,lll4 fill et 0111f14 hivt• .
The Cou/ was 41.riVe.1 us (~lbws iw E I.: K. 11.1• A L.
• •
From W:p nll Alegion 1 31.1!i.1 • 3:11.r0r2
•• 1. 1 , 1wr , J;g1,019
: • " Iteci,,n. • - 3.174 '
....... ..... • • 9,911
" Mallarotc
1.. 113111114 .n 0.2111
t./ LL S.•Notell
, .
'l9;el - 41110W01X IN /I sixtOrtient or C..:11 traw+portiA 'by iho
1 tltlttware and II it,l-oo t'o , for I Ito it et.i.: gentling Sat
itratty 11L-4. 1 °
Ity Arf. A: Mut. 14:05 - .11 ..... "
V;r. }'car
ny IwAaw r...t Autl.
By 1:.1!fr...1
Suitt tt
. ,
! _
1 G. • PRICES OF COAL 161' 111 E CARGO. ' •
1...—r - '
1 ~vip .00.!..1.}: ,111..N1L ...r.,!: 1 , I::.\.:T "1 2 "SV.W ititj•N•oirVi. I:
... to ,', ILItin , TI,D Wriz141:1:" Y..:3 TUN WIN M' JoritINAL/
„ , • , • PH ILADF.LPILIA., Is r
—4. t, , l.X.lll'n•pareil t .ku 125' CM...Lint . 4 owit
I - 0,1 411,44. M.... I Leirux.4 Mt 4Mum_ I 2 - d4 4 74)
.1 W. All, Lump ' -4 '15.. 45M II
du Sttntlewr I 1.'.."A 4 al
' 4 :::.o4 4 441, - du Itrokeit. 4 :on ,
. 1 . 4 4
1 1;j ., ,A6r
' 4 7..5 el• I . :u - do 1.:4g - 4 ..0,.
F 4444 •- 4 2. - 0,,i I zu: - ilo Stove._ 4 Soil.
- i :-.44,,, -, • ~ 4 :iro, 4 7.1 ito l'hestilut4 71..4 •
• I NEW YORK, RaY 11. Is:t/..
Selluvl..RAYtt-Ash r ._t It.t.tll
I..ohigh Lump r lankki-
S W Arh 1;ump...... sttinmer..' i 75.0
humnui - Broker' - 5 Win.
- Broken .......... I ECR ...... ...... 5 71, 4
"17.fs, I Mtove ... ... 6 tklie:
Move co - 6 1.....
Chfrannt....4..., 4 fez , itlunsic - nee paws 'th_rcharghti:
11.3L113101tE, MO - 13, WO
,To the trade by cargo or ettr,load: •
. .
Wllkestairre and littatoo • • $1 304:4
Dykelet 'Valley Roil Ath .. . aa 6 nO
Shrtmultl/1 Whit., or Itrvi .113 - 1,1 —..- 5 .:{yo.l
Zerhey Rtql
... ~ .. ... 5 80,
Vrool yard or wharf:lid to 75CAPIal
.Ity retail to eohaarnera._ .. ..... _ ...... ca l * 7 60'
lieorcs' CIMPIL Corisherfand Opal; f. o. b. at
• Lot-Ittl. Polnt , for *hipping ' 4 754 500
. ,
Geonre. .1' Creel: eft cumherland. carp, L , A;Ka...: i 7,6
_ _
PRICE OF (1311.PAN11•724' COAI- • • •
•L. litr. Or. I:4r. Stn., Chat
Ifit9l[99ranrrn. • Wt.:liktm-$4 n") N l3 . 1 .).1 0) 45 9.1 $.5, In ei 75
winonak9v, 110n01cen..... 475 475 4 9.1 6 ..r, rt 75* A 75
do; Nen. York*. 495 491 .5 05 S4l 4035 493
Sy-ant M. Elizabethpors 46t 4C9 410 4 9,1 :4:..-. , .4 60
Pits on, Nt:whurith 4 1.0 4 414 190 500 :4 45 470
, Lehigh, Pt; Johnsera..... r 530 525 350 5 .2.1
....3 rit. 473
• Lehigh. Elizatalttport 350 555 4 7.5 r. z 5 a 75. 4 3
Ellzabethiprt and Pt. Solinannto New Ylirk 50"c•tatt, Itputni.
00 106 i,nt,, , , : N44huritt, - V3 cents. . . -. •
• Via Canal. ritt,ittztre pay 9 distil:lra:rig. . I •,. .
rItICT- . 9 OF (.1.1-S COAL. • I
Panvt 9 o7l94. • 4 1).44)% $1 .S . Amnitu)3si
At'Sitipaing p al l fr.. (101.1.1 . ),Ilwrett at N. Y. tt'arrenev.
moo; Thyl-:,.- r ' 4 1 75 !1),*•-)Irnorelantl....;._..t....,..14.) . 4 h
... ._
1i,.c.411.....- .. ;.. ...---..:-..-1 . 5‘l , ...;.. 1 SO
Linlatri, .l 25 'Newhorttil Orrel' , 4 tin
.... —.......
Kvtisiey......-...-. -.--1 2.13 N: West Fiirtnuttnt t4184.:...'... 8 in
P.auu.......:.........._- 2 18`,,• ' PIIILALTYPIL4I..
Little l'intee 11.1 - 188 ' ['awe!ton (18,8 4 __:_... '_7 AO
Clll.lBBlB • ~._. 1,50 1 . Fur slack (rum 2,1 Si
t cents
IllAck 21 eenea n St 18 tiesx.
c i . .. to
i'nZlii;& ' [.:ti I: York #3 V.- 8.,.t0n r. '.7.4.2 1. _
0 - ---
- AL FRE Idil(T§ 17 -
I. EUTAL! Pt.t . ,Elitn,
'trued blbp't
In'tt.' lithpt
1.0.102 a) .1 70 Nantock .-- .. t , • •
tko t W New LI.. _ i 174 : IZ
01 I gh,,Neof London.- r•
250 . I 7,lNonortch & tots 172 ; ISI
1.1f7 2 al. New 1aden...... 1 71) ';' Ico
t uo' iea 11ridgp0rt.......... - 1 on ,-1 ao
170 Norwiat.....— 17e - I 1 (11
1'75 t • 17i 11ikr_tbrd......... r . 140 .. 1 21
~D itaaletoirs./..- L • ; ; .11 27.;
1 ':," I W Albar .r AS ,
2 -. 0!) - -1 ZS Itew Y ork-7.:/,1.20; 5 .1 4 :
1 .t ) . :" imer Cit.T.,;.,•; •,, ' - 4;i
I .., 122 .nwitmork......;..L, • t 1 •..
111 lio Washlngton......ll.lo -; • z.' .• ~
r2Ok,Rkdunond.-;- - :..
•2,25, • . Ta0;00 .• . '2,10. :i •
'3 W - Hudson:. . ;lit .
w !. .
2 .
2 . Norfbik .. .. -1 Id ''
10 ~
Galireitaa ..; .
tat' ' i
Lymi, ---
Rockport .
Hi qr .
I ► led
I • Us
hip n
rosy Co
lolcuctd3ie Cila3l
tilat. Keystone Colliery
!rzitiui tir. Co.
I .k 4.1 iXt
31 ...Tit i
- 510 11,1
fr2,:1711 01 , '2.1•14 IN)
K. 1,17,1 17, =,i l l l vt
11 - :(1.35; 17 +:t 11
1n0,311 "3
2:1,157 01/ I:1,1 , 70 12
77 'al
61 1 is
L.3.P.11 1;4:2 VI
. . • • - - - ••.
, ' •_ .- . "tin of. tllOSPOriliniX . f 7 TIM- '., • ' 2 7,'.
. ~ .. ':: •.. ...-• ini.riakennkinnet,. .'' .3 ~:. . ' '..„. ,:
To Stet Riel;m oed_ cort• 22 - 0 Ir./wo 0
ID 2 1 1 SD 2 111 - , l l{, 210
The rates Com Sebeyikill Heves are 11 petite Dertoo km; •
hod aria Tigulltm7:ll* Flot noel* portal babel..
A drairomat Of OS . -livliest tastuotrts2 en . A3l told eltfpp
Aed Mouth of Cape Read and Ewa of Neh t arostetriek. Oti
coal Wooed to other potato it diairback II Ohtani per ion .
will be stedeutall Witter notice} . • ... • . 1
-." Tr* worm hrincirryres - te - tierueieo..• ' •
...Meech Ctroht to PhltedelPhle.---/,
unman VALLEY, it. t., rz_vriar. AND OORIZIO el items
Remeneret. : .
_ To Eitehleetbsport. i ' To Hoboken.
L. V. IL 11„--..:...:_..,...•....4 AL L. V. R. it ....: .... _._4 91
1L; .1. Centro.:-.........__.. 1 MIT Orris &., Eakex "-- .......... 119 .
• . - • ---• . .
. ,
. ,
. el 93, , : , OO
Shipplui.4 iiharsing...- .T, Shipping & * rtvl4irving...:, .Xr
• ..
V 1, - -
x.i - .'•i :- . .
__lm =
. ,
To Port Johnuon- -........---......--:_+.....—.,..-93 ZA
. TO youth Amboy
.tC 1S
From Penti Raven to Iti ll uan ech - poCiiPiiloiCilleon..-:-.# 19
,nv LLITIoII ii.tVl4T/ON cwariNoir! ItalLlttiAt?. , •
• ' 1
Rion Raven to PhillrecUltrg' -.i . ' -. • _.....\1 96
i" - ant Chunk to Phillirwhorg.„ ~ .•....._....... ..1.L.....:,_.--A . fa
Mauch taiunk to Hoboken auil - Port JoUnieni"----- -Of
,Slkippluir mod wharfage .. ........ -....i..........•..-..:i - :.- 3r l
I.ili C t AN. I .I.S. •i ,- ~ .
. : . 13111 :TLICILL . -NAVOIATION CI-OIiTi!TT. • '
,• -The following are the rates of toil tad height on the.
• lichnylkill canal for the.prew. rit. . . i - -' :
a - TO YEW T4ltl:.' , I •
Prom Pt-carbon. Mt. Corbin:L. `ch. Haien. . Pl. CU ken.
Toll el 10 et ro , '
I , i l tf7 • 4l M. '
Freight, 173 171 t, /.7p - ! I 6.3 - -
- ,
IC at •$2 77 I 93 Ci • "
Draw:awl: ors coal for fi2
New Turk and !vicinity -lp cents
per ton.
Pi-om Pt. Carbon. Mt. !Lhirbon.. bob. liafen. Pt, I`iinton
Toll #1 10 •#1 • #1 07 111 03S
Freight • - . se " j.. • ,
mi • civ.. • . tso
By kg11..1014.(14041 . ... ,
:ttant.l) Chula: to' ... . . . .... .... ..1,- MI
" " New ilope and Ilrkatol..-, 70
Through to Now-York. — . ;.. • . '2,74 to Philadelpll4. . . 177
To Now• York
To ,frr:t.y City,..._.
-+lift mr[ZJ-.
rflew .dncr#isetnc~tfs.
NVTAETTED :t xingle genarimirt, Room
Bourn ih st I rivute t'untity. Atldtt..2m. T. 1;.. ruat
°Mee Box. Ni) May H, '73-31-It.
A 'MEETING of the eltisens of t..tta' Borough vi
2 - 1. Porroir,ttle faviintl)l4• to th Opening of 'Ewa NlFlT
ket,strer,t,/from George to litillmait Mreetr., will he
held at the house of 11N. CURRY. on Atoll mart street,
thlk evetring,-at $ tiejOek. . . • • 44TIZENS:
NI 5t: , ...' 14, '7u '
_ .. l, 13)-10
. 1
eI'AT4 IF-S.—Five Or SIX flushes or the , e
and geoulue Seed Potatoes, rent:lln for. sale
at Groenwood NarserA Fit $1 per totsitelz, The Von).-
toes are very pr odtr4ttve and ent I relyrfree front rot,
and we advise all vett I vatOn4 to obtain the gorOlkne
seed. • • ' • , May 11, '70.4-11‘)-1-twaltd
. . , ,
EIWILRD.—S2OO reword wi l l be paid by theliii .
dermigneil ronnnbc,loners of Seliuy'lltill rouint.Y ,
h* the arresto/nd eolirtethiri of the Li:arty or part IrA
who intirdil.nortislyi:ntktekt.4l:lll. Levi, at or near Si ive'r
(reek, on - llie , atli Inst. PATIL II 'K : TO )It IE 1; .
.. • TIENJ. IiVIJ , JIT, • . , ..
Attest: O. J. Alit:tarot). elk. ,
~. Votnrillsistmier,o
• Mixylb, • - i'tY---ir - 2.:lt—•t} • •,' I - i -
•.• — l --
A ITENTIoN !—Ali 14:11.1aers;mallor f : and Citi
zens are rrapcctfully.invittl to at lead a Inn- frog of
the Port, at. their. Hail, on .1110 - NlVey. , 3Lay lath, al
f,r the puriose of making arrango..
Ineuta for the decoration of the .trrav!es of devease4
vont rade* at Portearlton, oa Nthv
Jolt.N A. DE:VEILS, Adjt, G. A. IL
.May VS.
I ERDENAS. VERBENAS. !Wetytll•hat e
V either nil , . afternootrorl,MondayorgiO tladee rer
-14.c0r, of rill 11.01,1r5, for sale lit Groetilvood Nur,:ery.
Apply early or flow will all lei it0t1(1.1011(y are very
',carve, and oe only oldalne.l the , in :14. a favor.
ItYrold'llttlCE Itce4l-:sundalllkiudsufrled.o
i t edliPlilit o u t Plants:la ill remain for Attle, WholC.N4dV
and jtct tireenit6MXi Nit rsery, Pot tsv We.
May•II; "1-I,tttritd
• . . .
O,NEY .:131100'Ic COAL 01-*
/L. 1 ? ICI Vo. 2t A 1.:4 FT MT.. PIMA
A SPECI.U. MEET'S( OOP 4.:Tf.l(7lillill.llrit4
to accept 'or • reject 'a , sirpplenient Co! the l`huftrr,
1.11:11q1A by . the Legi4llll a re apProt'-'
ed by the Goternor April 14, 1 , 79, nthd for the trims
action of other w I ll,be °nice;
on Thom lay; 2 , 4 II I at 12 6:clock M. , By order
I:le Board of DI re( , ba•:,
May 1, ZI • • . ; • I
selnivik 111 llaven, ten letteliei.4 W3llltYl-10111,
Mali • Principal, one Joule t.,kriiiiiniar Selokil,•and
chtlit Supt.,
an examination, Jit 11114 leave,: Ztluy Jinul
h , 7o,couttnencinv; A. All leachers
who intend U. be :4),I)I tea lltSt tor ,i• 11 0 ,01, at. rug i r••• 1
'by re.ol ut ion of the Board to al tend the exainina.
't ion. Tenn not l.• than halite and I
I beral. For nuttier f,,rtifirt loaa, - Diress the
1 .% 1;Ir-I.Dt v , •
~ehuclkill Ila% en, May 1 k-::t
1 • 1 •
INM.iN. LI NE•iir M. 11. ti:ri:Am:Ells.
'• ' •
sailing trait Nilw York, t• • '4 ,4
-r .
EVLIt'l - SATUIZI).II.! -• • -
AN:) A I.TERNATF: ll'EspAirs.
And t,tvice raeh xv,cli Enna , 1. .',..ri.0al 1 alid f.znet ii , .. i ,
town. , j
. :
4 t t'erage tv , sago :tenni Li% - erpont, 1 , ttnei-iisl ow n,
Glasgow or lierry,'•l3l, by 11!ly .year!! •r of the Lint:.
JOIE , : ti. DALE, .%,:zemt. LI I tronthi'liy, Nov Ywrk,
or to Art:. NN EVIIT, Agetit ler l'ollsvillv, l'a:
May II '74.)—'..0-2ip - . -. ' I ! _ _
• 1 the latest hl,' les, Lania anti Ilea) Lhee ? Parasols,
P.mgeos, Plain, Se:ilia...4 Lunt Itin!lad,' /911:,.'
tlinaliatn, 2014 .C lnnea.Viithrellas: with a full
; hue or Real Whitbylital F rend' Jet 4kiwelry, ' - .
i Fine ' Gilt French Jewelryi Vatiey ilieatiter
Goodri, F-ine ' , att.+, Vases, Toilet Slet.,De.l.cs; iftessine;
CaPe., Work, jewel and Hankerehier lioxev, Bru,it-
I e,,, Combs and Toilet at ieles4ti "treat variety, will, a
I r o ll Tine o f Flue Fancy Goo/Is . , supqrlor iii quality
lan tootletate In wive. . ; I . H. DI XUN,
1 • No:1•2I South Eiatll :tree: East mi‘l. lovtween M
ket anti Chestnut, Phiintlefultia. May 11, 70-211-
. _
AI7DITOR'S NOTICEI--In quertnatter or the
,'Aeeount of le eseplr Coovet, Assignee her
the, henetit-of (Thilteirs eke.; of lielorderZel ter, lake or,
Jackson towneetlip, Lebanon County,lTa.: The lon:.
etersigned Atoll tor,llppointisl the Court - of Com
mon ,Piea. .of Lebanon County,ll' ithttribute the
balance in the liandsp OO
f Jos, CT,
etc., or George:leiter, do metel airmen:-'Creditors,'Wilt
attend In the deft les.qf his appoint mi et,att the Pro—
thonotary's °Mee in the Borough lef .I,ehanon,, the 11th elay.for J he, A. le.le 70, at I O'clock
P.. warn and where alt )?erseen, Interested In 'Alit
dist rl'hut ion may attend if tlity think prqper.
Ei r ititt, , Auelitor. l
Isienion May 12, Iv;
HAILING AND bURNING.--Iti not neees-_
ry to Journey' from the tropics to ;Alaska lie
order to experience the extremes of iheat, need Cold.
Thousands undergo all the. leony. niences of this,
thermonwtrical I . lllillgt. every' day. ;or every other
day, as the case may lee, witheent rieejtdroubleof nmv
over the threshold. A word wit It these
antary 'shakers. What are they tiding to f!XPINIit,O
their return to a Medium tettiperal titre f —to break
11. e chills and banish the fever t Sr.! they, dosing. '
themselves with uninine, therel,y iletwritthig the
e‘elthie! , se of their - 11;413es and impairing the vigor of
their brains and nervous - system 11,Soine of tl?eill
are, ten doubt, lent not dlee'enajority of thein, It ill he_
'tiered. The valuedef Ilimatetter's StOinach Bitters US
a harmless and certain speeltie for tifver amel
understofxl and appreciated In all pars or the ereern
try whet,. intermittents .The Osielentee ief
such localities begin to take It iearlJ•iide the sprint; its
a protection against the miasma leyelvleielli they ate
surrounded ; not all or theta, perhaps, ler.a
nelheremsedo enser is the speciality lot seanie . people,:
hut_ the greater huhther, ,r[
. ,
~ .
If tiler, is any fixed fart J.II I herapeut lei, it. iS tlibi;
that the linters are it far bettersafegnard against all
the varietit% of periodic maladies prodi4c,qt by tang
wholesome exhalations I him any drug on impound
in the materia niedleit of the profession. This assor
t II in Ls tiuule.w ith all doe respe'et to the (actin v, but
- being an important troth, and - one tNit,
eerns the healthof large settlemOts in, v: dims
parts`of the country, anti .ittileo Of the; pith :iv at
large, It Is made feariessly.!. You hdo , l. on ample and
unimpeachable testi ~,,, tiv,•l I Mlles ilisproval. ,
To-break a p 'Otitis and fevers, /,o4 *ell as . to pre-
Yent t twin, there Is to dliin so reliable: as. this
wholesome veketalile restorative- • l .-, ',i ..-
Jan 1 . , 70 '. -
. .
• ' '
• . -••- r'i 1
. ..
. • j I. .. •
I beg to not I fyiny friend, att‘l,ll ; o. W I
the genei
ally, that I have appolnteit• • i . .
• . . , .i 1.
, .
i : ' I
- . .1(111N-1101131E141 Alt: 4, 8110...-
4,91 415
The character and reptitialoit of ltSrh is KO well
liflowil In the market, as it'.11...4:1 •
. 11Q s)cela 1 CMIIIIIPII .1,
It will 1.• - slIIPOED A2S' USI•AI-111'11,1er my °wit
• `i - -;1 •
stapervklmi. •
tin.i.mok Mny '7O. • • ,
••• ' !
Walnut - St.. Plaitashi..
21, Domino St.;' , llo4sin.
53:: Trinity listilsline, Now York:
, . s
/-1. COAL atilt FARIII NU L'AN DS. lying oh
the .1 A MIN 111 V ER, and JAME , : MAIM and 'KAN- '
A WHA i'ANAI., TWELVE •Mildifi , abOve RICH- •
MOS ik—We will sett at Auction, ttttthe premises;
t.a . WED.VESIL :nt
IY. h ft, „I/A Y,lrq 12 i'el,.le M
k ~.
the highly vnluable estate."ly lug cis`. hove, tadong..
lug to -Mr. J(ili N WICK II A M, coital ;dnt.
800 Acres and Upwards,
of which about lidneres hre in. tinilwr mid w00.1,=
the remainder 131gItIvAblproi•ed open land-Includ
ing about 200 acros of 11r:4-tate rlvei• Pun; creek tail
tom land. under hill cultivation, upot the improve
meat of which. altirge stun has 'been expended of
late,years. ,The Lulldin;a¢ temsist of ; I plain dwel
ling house, excellent (planers, tobacco barn, larke
hay houses, one 16xiO; anntheritsixa 1; large brio;
horn and mill house, Sox:ld, three stones; Including
bateruent wltlicentent thaw and grant e girder pasts,
with two ran of stones, pLISIIT ernahe „eireol nr ma p.
Wheat thresher, with grdi it elevators:4 d screens'. all
la eoinplete order;:and driven thy ph eteelleut '...D.
horse eggine. The net Tel piatt corn produce
1110104M4,000 bllghek wheat. trillion Mum°, well;
b l ind so mp,ond show Its value SIX 111.. f arming . pro
perty. Labor here Is abundant. •, I i• -
This estate is also highly valuable t r its velum of
• • RITIITSSINO,I3B - 0 t.,
. ,_ 1
lying, as it does, directly on the eastern ptlgp oft the
coal-twin, trio out-crop tpi'llhe,ccsti warn.
running clear through the length of the tract for,the.
distance of•upwrirdi of a mile and albeit'. Directly
on the river, forming tho South Isintuttity line, and
immediately opposite the Burton'. Mines, now in
successful operat ion" a .lx-tarot seam arena' we:mut:NM
into nt 40 feet dept h, and mast 14 - another vein of ex,
cellent coal has been mined to considerable extent
in former years. Also, about half way 1 the line. of ,
out-crop, on the cidisl..six feet of beautiful coal has
been sunk into.'and tained, hut ticf , a
great extent for want of capital and *kill. , On the
northern boundary "line, atom, imniediateiy adjoin: -
M the mines formerly extensively Worked cm the
adjoining tract, a six foot seam of egeelle.rit quality
was rained to a considerable extent, taottga greater
depth than 310 feet, with Uwe:home Kinn*. Thew.
were mostly sgtalLatw.ratiorw tinder leases twilit
horse-power, befofethe clays of stristn englnea. this'
proprietors being then tdatenteetii and the mines
have been long dormant tor want ofeapitat said en
terprise. They may be put In operation at once,and
It Is believed large bodies Ofeuei ha_oPened inseam'.
. paratlvely virgin field at swat ektent, there • helngt
aboutataaeresof ascertained eoribtleld lying between i
the east line of out-etand the ttlytier West , line of.
the tract. the coal dip pin g from elati tal west. "Yids
coal property being n earer to 81st tl2 mile* by,
the canal running through It} thamany Other in this
Coal-Basin, has advantages of waters transportation
superior to every Other point in ilt, without excell
tion. Purchasers ; au', at their option, either mine
the coal and sell'or testae the land,Or cnltivate the
land and sell brie:MO thf4' Mines, parties have
recently been Offering to lease a *tow of tile Coil'
on favorable terns . POsaession ashiing given , at
once, and full Powiession . In ..ti 1 et September..
reserving the right of removing rate crops. I.
Inspection Is Invited, said referee railed° to. the
following gentlerden, Well sequaltdedigh the pro-
perty% Oen.
_William IL Riehardop l mbaloner
of Itamiguittal,Suol2.C.lleateir. I , Rich:l34dd.
and Jerre Jones, and J. W. Cottrell Tover.lllineri.P:
et.; - arid Fob AtYllik, Illidicithiatt PA/ • litialltg.Agetate
,anti;Colllerre. i - - • .i . I • • • - „1 ,
Trios-Liberal,,and made knowlann day oft stile.
Atop*. cte,.. can be' fusee at ofteeof Attettatieets.sti
. , 011,1,11113 a W1L14417 At,netkineer
114,714,10 1 ;-'- f I i i . .)}4t ,
. .. . ~. , .1 I! ,' ,
44 ?
rvit. CIPREILTOBA,ii.n4 all taws Interested
V nx $t ew rumps. arei n spectrun,r 'invited to 'be
**mat at ittni ad an entirely new style of Pomp,
+which wig = I :I SitttnittyafterSormi May nth,
at, Port Car ear Z.. P. Boyer& Machine Shop,
"kV-W .. .V. -4 ; MI CI L. & JNO. r..,antBcoat.
• R
HE UMS !limit. or 'BEAL ESTA.TE.-
....13y.yirtue of . . dry welts Of fieri 'Flircins; Lerort
Flortar arid Venitttliasti fhtfrositr„ 'sapid Out of the
Cbdrint Critru e lti n leria'.o; Sell ss inyikilleounty. and
a. writ of 4 - • •. Et Issued lued. ;out. of-the
• Otpharrs , Court f Schuylkill CoUnty and to - I'4o'dt=
meted, th ere will be exposed to publ is Sato or out-:
•cry, onl 1 - ' • • d - 1
1 RA Y'821.4 Y. -7,ETNE Irk; Toi.
At 10 O'clock In e forenoon, at the Court Rouse In
the Borough of tsvilLe.;SehtlYiklll COilltiY;'Yqe
following desert 1, tcr wit •' - %
:NO. 1.-Ati th 1 Certain 10t or piece of 'ground., sit
uate in ,the Eft rotogh .pf itilinersvllle,', Schuylk:lll
e ls 1
County, bound northwardly. by Llewellyn Steeet,
eastwardly . hy n alley, Suuthwardly by an alley
and westwardly+, by a lot of the tilt:mum ' lieformEad
' Church, "eontaitting in whit'., el feet,, and in depth
PO feet, more ell less, with : the appurtenances .
.a,lattag; a 21..; stiary f rune [lvrea ling house, With
tangl e 1). mea t .. el a frame shed. ' •
1N0.2.-,--All that certain lot or pieve of ground, sit
sate in the Borough of Ashland, Schuyikiti•Connly.
Wooded northwardly by' an alley. ea.-Awardly by a
lot of Theophilns .Lew is, • sot/ thwardly by. Centre'
Strea, and west artily by lot of Patrick Gallagher,
crintalnitig In. '.rldth :II !rod ourl Ifi depth 1.2,7 feet , .
with the ,uppu tenances consisting•of a IN story
[rattle dwelling ,:house, with !store- tarn, ohm's 1,. story frame bac* building at taehed,aand a fnune'sta
-Wei as the FII Lida:RICK 5101.1.1% de.
teased. in the hands elf ids administratrix; \\II,-
' iii:Lairs . ..
k • "t ANDEL, late - wiLur.t.mrsA.
MOLLY.; 2 I • • ~ ';: •
„ALSO: 7 WS ALI certain lot or p taxa:, of ground:sit 1.1- -
ale on the northwardly side of It:info:Jul street. In
,the Itormigh of Irottsville„l Schuylkill County, Pa r „
and marked with number if on the general plan of
lots laid out by ohn It. Voirdcs, Ell K. Prlce.l„ barters
Thompson Joni ,by their attorney, Samuel Lewis,
and the,M liters' link, of P/p.tsville, in the County of -
Sehttylklll . , an. cul,lett NOrwygian Addition to the'
town of Pottsville, Isaiteled and described as follows.
V/Z I iiilittgililllll4 at a.past Orl the uortitWardly site
Of- Raitrolai str.•et, 1 hence along -the saute north tga-..'
'degrees west Oh sd to 14100 in the cornerpf lot in
ou said plan. t 1 enee by the said lot oath 22 1 1, de.
grees east f=t' set. and 3 inches - to a post t.ttt the
sentiterlY side 4 the l'ent reTta rn pike lband, thence
'along said roadsouth G-11.; - das; recs. east 1.4. feet - and :t
It:relies - O a pos L ,
a corner of lot No. 1.67.' thene4 t.y •
the Kam!. Foutti ~..L.f, degree., west 2'...*3 feel 6 Inches .1 0
the place rt beginning, with t heoppnrutnarecs eon
sist int: ilf a '2.-sotry (none alivelling ionise with stone
basement, with a PA-story frame kitelten attached..
and a•• [nitrite stable; as Ph': property cif - N.ITIIAN,
C,LE..V,N ~1.11'... I
~ALStb-a•kil ti le r 1 _ht. tithe-alai of Willman;
11,W...fiber of, rat and to all that certain tot ..r Mer,
of - grouhil, situate .fit the Ikarongli of Auburn,
Schuylkill (linty, lanneled and described as MI- ,
laws: Deg' un ng at formerly a; white oak tree, now
an iron :holt; 'wilco by. land 'formerly of .I"ewahl ''
Foust north 4 !.. 3.1
degrees east ti-ill perehes• to alt.
1 .
pOst at Life 54.1 ii - 411:11. 1 Canal, thence up. the Canal
north filt ) ide, et". tx4-st -s-tio o! a perch,- ` thence by
'hind of I p. Ilodmeister south r! degrees m est 1 and.
f!tr-tentlis percric-, to a spike, tha•ms: portly,by the
"Slane obi' Kart ly 1.. y land of the 1 . ...autil .3.:onipany
north IS .Ilegrees.west 15 unit' :di-tenths I, a
spike:lip:nye 1;y land formerly of (hang,' Ludwig
and VrOssite_: the Philtulidpitla and Reading ltallr
road south 'rat' , deer -es west Li perelies to a spike,
a nd (Mince alrig the Schuylkill and linsonehtituta
ltallnaattsout a It! i del.trocs east 15.1 and three-tenths
perelem Id tMt i r u in bolt tatO plaeeof lalti ailing. Cell
litillltig,l acco ey rding to a stiry, made by Senses
I.rwis in . Jan tlar , lira;, one acre sixty undo quarter
pyretic.; all 114 . property of,WiLLIA.APII. W Ettillrdt.
AT•st)-i-.ill t(bat certatibtfact or pleco of ecial. land;
s'imate In '.N: balmy 'Poll reldp.sehuytkill County. '
laanni. 11. it Otwantly liy bind iif .1.,1ffl pry.'ktoorti
~ 0 . - t he l'it - -wl 'r"1" . t•ract.'/ . ;.51 I, Y land, of lilt
Jpresma Betivt. compaity, sontr,N.,traly why land
kYitiwn lis tlir Nathan Bear', t met, 1111. a Wi , t/varallY
by I iiiv'el Shappelt; tin. City of Phlltlidelploia
and others, colt tail 'Ong I:Vistetesiandti.ol4(.ll.llVA, mitre
;or less, ;With tile appurtenakee,,ertns!sting , of a f ratite
'OM brotker, with sereentcschul es',, a It.t. horse .
power Onglne v . a . frame blacksmith Mid carpenter '
shop, a IP :-stnry' log dwellings, lion,e; a P.:stou
t:rank (IWa•fling b.,u 5 ..., a :;-;.ititry hi;• (IWplll la . !..1104111(4, •
a 1-aitbr,r frame dwelling !Muse, and ii f• ii me , rtiiithrf:
as ihe prop , ' ty .1 ItA Vita Stl.tPPI..l, - .1... .I.esEl'lt
U. tON I - 1 - . sAit,k 1 , 1 - Itl: l 'it's- "I+ i l'ETIlt
E NEG BT.; ' . -'
'.'5.1.+.4.)---All that dertain sat or 1.1. - ...• of•grotool, s it
nate In tilt: Borough. of 't attp,pla, set; tly ;hull t ',lon ly, ,
hounded, nor Iw.anll:z by 11,1 ail l ith,•e,•....., i , iiiblf :ail ly
by part ;0(.10 the
aintr . ; ,..!ownod by Mary Itatchtf,
sienna-Ml.lly ay • lot nunitaer c)! mid west'w:kraty hy
Matter Street; a:ordaining flit V lath ta 6 ...1, find it
depth MI feet ,I inore - or !es.; and lii 111 , ,t parren bit Nut.
39, ilmitr'.r strect, on the limp Or 1.1.01 410,41111 It.•-•
rough, with ti:.• a mai t t; tail;. e., 1,...0,;.i..1"1,, , , Of; it . ..V. 0-
OF) . ITiCk I i o,:jillr. Ili itisi., v. lilt; Miiiiii layivlii( (It ;
t IO, D
a$ t . IPP , ' 1 r 4 ,1 .11111 N 11 AW.OtTil anal ILA N
N. 1.11 ..1.11.% id,TIL,
.., M
... '
.A.LSO-ratt. had eel lot .o ee.: of L:14..
C.llt, sit
uate In the P. 1: oath ot selinyl aI II 11.1/ va, +-...1,11y1ki1l
kill c ot oy
d. sal tirb-d. -- nottillsardiy by Mar,a-etta •
Street, ciastwitot . l4 1, 1,;:. of .b.coh A. ai .. ;,.....•r, ...iit it
%vanity by it I . .fliii, •tr.s. t dud Av. 4.1W.tri11:.• I.y 1..; of
James Saylor; 000lnitilugdi wiilth 23 ;eel, More 'or
less, and 10 (bitilh 1-" iii (Vet s With fly. apps ri ilia (;‘,,.•
ebnsistlint ofm. 2-story frame 11111•1 lin:: liipti-4 , , will;
afl-StOCV (rat le kitchen ' :Itt:le111•41.- and. :I I ral. : .- sir.-
ble •as lire p opet ty id' pr.; 1•1:11'. htliN E 1•:1,a ~ ..s . .
ALSO-All I halcerto la !it Or I,it•,-, of !trot; ftd, ,i!;- '
nat.- fa' the I orot . mli 'of Moant C,:r"... ti, , acht. a 11, ill
comity, dale bled north wardly !be I,t, of William
Carter, east ar.trd ly I. 1.. t 'of Mrs: LI re'n '..;:illitgiter,
s;'iitliwardiy lby Malta Strek alai West tvaritiv hy „tie
of M r.r. Anil yucli, i. Matt: 1g In width -101 e , s ons
in depth at., 1 .0. aliirli , b' li:ss ~ a it.; ;:ii- a,iipziroltoin
ces 'consistin, of a' 2.-shiry ~...,.. d wt .th,,.., -,,,,,,,,,,,
wit 11 a ".-•11ry . frant.. 1: : j ten tiz. ba•;;;..1 . ,-. a. tr..,
-moperty of .I.N I/A V h.... - • 1 ', •••• ,- . .'• .'
At -sll cert.. til 1.. i, 1;: iJl . l . ollt -- . 4 1..,- I nd , i-11-
..ii3t.• in ill!- !Ito: .'”:adi bt ial" .t.n , c',l4,set. sebn a skill
Cien..t2., lit irk , d to rtlivemdly 1.:. 7.. 1 id ~t W;:li, i i i i
Cali:l% viva ela'rilly Irv' bif.i.f :it 1 .--'.. IA izot wrii I i•lt.,-
'lll , l, Milli tv .itil'y I.y .Maurst re. t,...:..1 a t , s r.vai,!o, 1,:,-
1,W,,f Mi... 1pli.: 1 i i.tEliplii r, viltita!lilli/t in. V. lath
ta, Sect. bliVre ri ass; a ail all (alit II I‘9 r.,t, 01(.ri• or,
,1e,..... v. ath 11l am. titertanc.•:„...n.;.lP,g I If it .: - ,11.iy
',4:1,1ir 1141•11/ii 4 11.4i/ , ..,-Wlill a-1-slur: 'frame I; fteiiirrii
altai•iiib; tool.. pi . r . iiwriy or 1t1ic;i,i,....iii.:1:11 ).k .. N. .
. '..klS+l.-.-Alllthat eer;l.iti lot or pi. c., of ground, sd
uine li t I 111.1 Toroth:li ' of,-Shetinitatoialt, sehttyik ill
gait aty„ i 1.... r
10.1 itortbwar,ll,.. by. (''l ye- th,ric,.„,
lles east .. a .:. rec.' Wiiii. aili‘y;,.sii lull( Ily a 10,t , pr
A. Colljta, at 'al we:-.1 by• Al.iiii stry.•4 eontalning :ti
‘eitltla :to wet and in depth Flo fvel, 11101 t, 4ir 1, , , 1 .,
I with the'api4 Hit vliallein4l;6lPlibting . liflr2-i.birV. fralaii
. ifWvlllll,it' lag s4i, Will/ stone basement ;„„1.4 ,-,i4.„:y
ow. ,hyelii if.: lionse on the tear iriiit of bit ;.as I 11,
-Ai i Lof . N Nl'lNl'll4l\l . N liEvrrr. , .,
I ,
,ALSO;-;ilac undiviitea eq one-half onhalf of ail
that (Ctrti/111. luare orground. situate in Putt ,C.: Pat
terson's Midi lon to the 11Qrotigitiif l'ot.b...yllle, in the
County Of Schuylkill, hot.rn.led In front by .Market
Street, lit thq rear by Norwegian .tre,et, eastward ty
by DrunOnt It reet'and we'st e - ardly by spring street,.
eontalni gln front on Market street 2111 feet, nod in •
depth 21 feet at Melia's, cm ii mist im the boar ii..ij..ipAing
lOts mar - ed lu tbe plaza of saill addition num li4 .'l-1 ;1
' :i.l„ - iii all, reidallit beilla th(i same prim-Lb:es wl.ikit;ii,
were et.itaYeyed.l.s the t. intrimissioners of St' ittylkill,
County, to Francis \\*.litagite , and Sant net sill i Inall, 'i'l
by di-V(.l slater' the 12th day id' March, P.M; as the' prj.- I
Pe , tY ofl_SAliIC EL SILLIM.‘N. aleeettsed, inlr the
hands of hi. ladminisi rotor, JAMES IL FISTEIt. '
.51.50-e' All that certainlot or piece of ground:: sit-
Mite in the Iterough of POttsv it le, Sell ity Ilii It Conn
' tY; looundedl northwardly by lOt of Terrence, .31r- .
t;lone; Vast Wprilly by Centre street, soul law•ard ly by
lot of,Thomas Toolley.ll.lllllVC4,twarilly, by s. •,.1!. I
• st wet, vi int a 'al I lat its I% lath :ii,l fetit, tit4re Or le s soont
.ileptArl...l etet, mere ,.r:o - ..,., with the appurteitan.
yes, iron , sa I ti! r of ii P , story fir:ll.l4r ii w . ill lira_ horse: as
lite Prop 'll Y of T.11 41 31-kS C. )1.1.EN and ,C,ATII . -
t 4 ', ..N, lie, w 11e... .. . .
i.A.l.ait - i-NO' 1.--All•the ei'Llit, title and of
septitint , ThMita.. of , in atol to ail slat eertaht lOt
or paiiiii ! if 14 iiniiit situate in t hi. liiieoriiiiii of. I'oi i,,-.
,Ii t....
ripe, - Ili clto ni.:a... containing ,-I
-Inch, More d• ,ic...„tantb In alsti I. feet, mon% or
.• less, houndi•drt
nohwardly be a alley. east \vanity
• by arnattSer bit of 'Sept nuns Thttinas,seutliwardl - lie
7.afalm lit.. itgOst reel , ..aut w y by - m.:I.
ardl Williar it c hF
street, with the appurtenances. eoHi s t mg - 14 a .)ii -
htkir7,- stoned a . elling 'lona:yawl a frame Stable-, . .
NO. 2-4.‘11 tie right,..l Itle and interest of Sept Mill ,
Thalll4o4 A if, la and to all that vermin' lot or /dee.. Of ti: to in the lioiviii,ili of Piitf,yiii, - .s.ri•in,yi..,
kill County, .011i:titling in ay illth 2, feet, more or
less, • and in depth 1:1.: (4,1, more or 1,---; , 1i6l111 , 1(41
nortlOwler‘ll v by an alley eastwardlyi by lo of .I.lci
. antharst,'Mo:tritead..south` r
Wardly by.. St..
and west 44 ii rficy try another lot of Belli 'ruts Tlfointis.
with dl/' ill artenanees,consisting of a .e , ..-stora. -
stone (IN vit Inu. houso; astlio property of sEi"N m. vs
• 7110 , 31,1,-.. I . . . •, i
..A.L.,..._..,11.1. tz,,„...., '2 certain lot s or pew,, of gr. sons,
situate flit th ...Mt/Manny Side; of H'eat'ed: if. iri , i.r ,
In the lierou la of Pottsville,Schbvlloll cottney, Po.;
k i
bein g t o p. i ,i ii kelt 3.sandas on the mhp or plan ~,,;.,:,
swath-Won lade le: , George W. Stat,l'r and An tin i.b.
his Ic iiri, j„/ , 11r/el an. described i wiry or.igi a fi s al lots numbered 5.,5 aml Si;,
1400 follows: on th.• north ba
' Peac.sdr!.t i e I, viist•by lilt N0..;t7, weSt to hat N., gl, ,
south la s i oth 'r land owiaral by said 'Anna S. Storer,
ottitahiniat it flout Sr !milts, on saidrene'aekrtr, et, '
00 fret, 0 1 ,1, .(yil i llfz lia!ek 01* that width h...111....11.11 ,
parallel I lite,la at right angles ,Witli salt .'O., i. In
length Or I/11i . ..h . ...00 keel; as 3.10. proP,lrty of Till , ;11.t-i'
MA H.),N. I ' .• 1- , ." 1
A I,SOI-Alltillatt certain .lot or ideet• of talid, a ot o .
ate on the .);Lner of . .Market mot Cional St fi,fii„iii
the Ilid.dogliof sehuylkill Hut en, in the 4 'minty if
selluylk ill and Stab' of ponti.ylvania, bound.„o .an
the north 1..,i, Na! ket,Street.on the F 4411111 by land of,
Dr. If. ta;er, . l in thy east; by the Philadelphia and
- iteaditili Itai road and,en the west by the I....atimi of
the schayi ill Navigation CoMpany. ,..,,0 t ap,i i .,,,
two iteris., more Or 11,4, with the, rt
e onsi s t o.g ~q a I ram,. Pomace, wtth 11i:will/wry, ill
lti tat% met tlxt arc.. a'2.Story Fr:told - dwelling house:
a frallle 41,11. y ant a frame Is .iler It. ;use. +,!.,„; :et Ito.
' ' ' 'II 1' ' , l . itrvi K I 1.1 . 11 \NY's; Dr-PFCT
1 properp , ,d ,
.... „ . . • . . , . , .
1 ,
.o,st 1.--A 1 1,1 le• rightilitle and in ,'r. 4.t of •Itta-id
1 Iteteridge, , ,,r, in omitt( ! oll that-eirt: in lift or . pie r
of ground. sttailly "it I I ''' " " "I "'" UwardlY. " ' lt' ' ' r
Market n -, in the Borough of Pottsville, Selltiyl
- c oii i,t y . frill:: pare of i"! mar.zedN.i. 5. in fait.(
Patterson x iiiblition t(4 "a hl Poll:4VHlV,coatainlylLl In
front on 'Marlret st reet.aforesti id, '.!•0 feet, and in depth
lila feet. bounded by' b.t No. 7 in *said• add Won. :Ind.
liy.other part of !-.aid 1... t 15ci1..74; in front liy Market
, street, and la the, roar fiv grouch' Of Willintii and
Chri-il Ilia .5,f Fox ; V itli the ;appurtenances, consi..l- -
frig erasto'ry frame bark lin ibling at tailied • est l'.. •
firinti•rti.l '4. oil: IiAV II) 111:V lilll lb it;. n .
seiz.ll l . an, 1.0,, ~ in eiecuttonMid will hd sold by
l ' I . a - tlEfillt a.: C. WVNKt tOP, *heft if,
siieri"ir , since, Poi 1 , :villirOlaN:1 i *in-ill-It ' .
,• •
- 4 T -
*. .
'ROAD , ',G`O - ,-11ititmwyt), ); IMuy I` , 7V,
•WAN'tEISH;O 4 )I) tlit Clover
4114SWriAttill CklUllty, VA. Npply at - .the
Office tlaki e.immtany. to Itlelinnmil, ut
mines. F — ; T. U. Lt Pl. AN','PreSl , l4'lll..
May 7, -7cl-11t431.'
• • r.;
•tassniiri Ancit ler):
ANOrto* LINE or TEXN'sAtLaiiiTTO
STEAXSaIrs.,,, i'
ltrtwcetl N r s, y lz, uptizow, Ima
werpopit ( I tievitsto4u and Itantlatrg,
lt.unkicF,D ['LUTA uvi I . A.N.tinic.—Vor pacoutge or
drafts b t ltf pnimiar
line of s hot We 1.71" tilt' • trillijft 'Str q ,74 WWI
Europil, or fir fulf information in r..l4artl of
eteapply Iu person mail. to r
. „ capt. C. F.,
Nn. 2701i:entre
April F . •-.- t -14-Bn, 7 ' [. • '
- t—
..-1, •I ' •
c ,.o4Treti.,l • '
cOPARTIF e EASII,TV . :—IIe mitieralatied have
ntere'l "leo q a iparinerahi p for the
I aim!: and; ti ,elehrated Calabria!'
;he firm name !! Lawls..t Of:
—l'N %V !nap stree!,
ri4 . gfil F'.
• V' "10
• Mat r iguare4
,• ,
_ trrBEL,
41 MYER! & Str.lo.
Cr° 4,1'4. 71..A.N . 71 ,: . C:EiritlGiii... H ViIDR.' .1 1 .
Best .14 . t
. f. *mitt: . At 'Allit*, & S_3lpltt4 , ,
Agettitil.Str. 41 Centre titre t: -.. .1 .. -.,.. i . •°-
Cr , 1-• •
MYER at- t63G110.1•5.i New flniut*lwts f.:63,4 'Nck.
2>t Centre St., la taty.ttlicap Garder4.ll.stkao, Spade's
Shavel Cup and Garden floe: orilll.ldrats. ri - ;
s i
~.elE1 " . BCALE** SCAlige: • . 11
, I -'•',. •
: , • •-, l': .
ott all lic iX nd *nil the be. 4. in the.inutiket.nt .11KYkii.
& 'BCH ' t q ..
Agents. ::, ! In t 251 t'enlty stre4, fiats
.,.. :- 1- I?. •. . . 11 ;
5T4.34 11 . 'l* •i • •
livAtinent in *jock nisi'
Lt : tosti. eyes ntaScreira.
- • • ',-k‘
with •
. r
New Pottsville Accoinrzodation Passenger ,Train.
. ,
On and ate . / MON DAY. 3 L AY IGth, MO. an' addl.
tidnal numenger Train will be run between Resoling
and Pottsville, at following home: -
Leave. Reading at 7,30 A. M,. connecting thersi with
Lebanon. Valley — Past .I,lne from Harrisburg; and
arriving at Pottsville at 0.15 A, M., stopping at all•
intermediate points.
Returning, leave Pottsville at 1.9) P. M.. arriflis .
at Reading at
.6 P. M., and there making emmeetions
for Lebanon, Harrisburg. Lancaster. t:olunibia,
Philadelphia and all latermedlata points,
• 0, A. NICOLLA, tlen.SUpt.
Readily, Pa.,.May 5, 70 , 11)-Ini . •Siu•lrtril
No. 48 8.. TIMM Sty VIILLADELP.I44I6
GLENN -UM. Di & 411102,Y. No. 12 Wall M., Now Tut.
We allow' interist. on temporary or • standing de
posits, and efeeut. (Sttlers promptly for the purchase
and sale of rlitiCKS, D GOLD srrusit
Dlrecf telegraphic communication from the I'hila•
tielphia bottNe to New York., [inn 31 '70721.1.64k11
sT.:Tif ''Ks, BON DS And GOVERN-11F2N.'t it.ECUItI
TIES ltought and Kold strictly on conuntsition.. ~.
Ima'i.Etts-tti t.t0..0. SILVER A.ND FoatztoN COINS.
thing of the Philadelphia Stock' Ex
change, all.orders entrusted.tu our care shall re
celKe prompt attention. ' '
March ti. - .1).-1:-TuArtt Gm-AI-Ant .' -'
.., . •
. ,
• • •G. 0 1 - ,..1)*!;1-3 0 N. 14 .S - • -
• ' 0 TIT - . „
, At.os. Free:
After Is full examlnittlen, we have aeeepted an
Ageney for the Sale of.the above First Mortgage
lionds„autl de,..lre to reenramend theta to our cus
tomers. as a thorrjhlg safr, as well as 4 projilablv
We believe tie no more favorable time
to sell the itiovernments, and buy reallyi Flrst-'t.laSK
Rai Ircod P , A , eurit as thesredlian the present.
JAY COOKE it 'CO., New York.
SiilLscrit;ticins will he receiveillit POTTSVILLE, - by
7 • F; ErN.,
of ~elw~ut p.unphlels ittinrmat lon may Ito
had.-• Treamiree.
:Slay 7, -;*--19-nin • •
• •
• -
. .
. .
• .' 4 "
Pori.' l 7 matt PeaVr ur Five EN. , ential 011:,
• ,ii•nr-ets, Ethers; Flavin - Ina and Cooking Extracts.
The only place . ip.inty Pure Wig and Su perior.Con
eentrated Ext 'orks4, Ltil ads, Tin Foil :m8 yaps
nf eolOr' tlit`h ...AN. r colors of Sealing Wax,
(hold Agentx for Ik•Vertog Malt Elctrr4
and Conti,ounildtoily anti .kge rroparat ton. Pall end
Thh,i•egelatlie t,r,aroy utr prescript top of the
:41"ie eta inent and• Professor;
JosEett P, Fen4m, M. 4%, who has devoted '37 N-eaEs
to Rheumatism and Neuralgia specially,-and is by
the medical.Prores;lon pabliely andou t , ed ss.tlte
highest mitlthrity la Rheumatic coin plaint s. htee
test 'monk.) It Is plezukaht and agreeable to the ta4te
and waeranted , tree (rota minerals and, injurious
drugs: It Is a selentltle preparation, a medljal mon
a ndwarranted under solemn oath a perma
nent,harmless,posltived.Mre for Intlamatory I:hew
:Mat Chronlejthetunatism," Rheumatism, Ithet-•
mat ism, if Kidneys; Neuralgia in the ilead,Neural
ghein, the Body; Nervous Headache, *road Nervous.
•;Oill . 1 3 7 DrUggistA at $1 50' per bottle; II
.bottles„ $.7 50. Me dical advice, without charge, sent
I,:e letter. All orders sent by Expri , ss collected 1111
delivery. Dept, - No. ti South Forirrx street;
: • •• • April 111,
. t
SHAWLS—AII the iieweld styles: _
-11I21:. SILKS—A 111.400,•iro. Grain at .14'1. - . .
HEST SILK POPLltis—Only} 52. .%11 colors.
'. LIONEYCOMI: 111311*.TS; 12-.1 at $1 75. • . .
TAMA: 'LINENS AN.I) ',.si.t.PICI NS. .- _, .
Narri Nial AM CAliTi'l :.-: LACES. . •
• WHITE CLOT liWad• Sa t o net .
.•. • ,
writ' L'lllY—A tine wisort meta'. .
CAKSIM ERES, for menit!id boys' wear—elienper
than ever. • ...
" In addition. to thebore , tpeel:Llt ies, 'we a
offer foil
line . of . • • .
• ThO most popolarnialT.em of '
illeneheil and :,Brown Muslin, Hosiery,
lotions, &e • •
N . 0.4 • innurnitEß—The . I ,taei• lily] . one 'of the
finest assortments or NEW Goisls; :mil at- the moqt .
popular prices, Is at the
OLD TOWN 'HALL STORE, 306 Cehtre iSitreet. •
U. It. Nicuo,s.
6. .
1:1: - FtvErv,A .NENV TAIT tor :
German and . reach Worsted - EMbroideries,-
. -• 1
1, t for sal, at .t1ic..1 . 101v,,t 'prick'.:
contantly rcetivinu„..
And idlnrileles belong iiiC; to ft-regulajWormtail Store ).
. -
kinds.of'Wo4STED, SILK and BEAT! EM-
ItitOIDEItIES dour to order t.t
lot of EMI . IIIOfUEI - 111:::: Bt. half price; f.r salttt.t alove, . • . May 7,770-19-2 m
A R S.. L. HA LE,
OfferstOr the firing Trade a splendid assortment of
• AND SI-1 A DES, • •
Window:Corulres in Olit.Wahiut and Rasew‘xid and
(aft. Furniture slips or rovers
' eta and In
I AN• k - 11A 1 It M . ATT} . :I-; SES
•- • mAn,r• To CiftDVR. '
Agent for tln , :kletatle Spring Bed. and. for
the "'Meta Spriul fixture tor R indowShades.: ;
,April '7l)
For Planes, Mining, Standing ship
S.u.vension Bridges, Ferries, Stays and Guys
. on .perrlekm, Cntnes and Shetirs,
. Elevators, Tillers, &c.
• • ON HAND. s • • ,
\: • i
• •
- .
'Arr-For strength. alto and cost,tsee circulars, which
will De scut on application. Aug. In-31-ly
ORGANS! Always get the licst„ It is.-a
known fart that the , ,ESTEY OROANS-are not' sur-
Passed as to sweetness and power of tone by any
other in thLs country. All who hlive tried thlmt ren
der this AM their verdict. 'They need no purling - to
sell them: H. E.' SUTHERLAND, of Hazleton, Pa.,
4a.the•authorized Agent for the sale of the above
...runned.Ormans. He refers with pleasure to the tot
towing well known - clenzynien: Rev. Thomus H.
Itcn e . NV I tkt4lbarre Rev. KB. t'rever, Illoonasharg:
Ilev.A. fit, Crel,..„ , ritton; -Danville; who.wlll vouch for
him ;w to his fulalling contracts with purchasers.
_. Illustrated price lists furnished on application by
Mall: Organs delivenst free.df eharge receipt .of
the Ilst pricw: Churches and clergymen liberally
dealt with." Parties desiring a first-class instruntent .
wilt do Well to writefor a price llst. D l reet •
E. SUTHERLAND, Hazleton, Pa. •19-111
respectfully begs leave .to inform' the citizens of
'Pottsville mar vicinity-. that she wilt give instrue.
tidos on the PIANO and In SINGING, ort'reasona-
We terms, or address Box 40i Post Once Pottartllc
POTTSVILL.F., May 7; la—lit , ,pri-90-3unl* ',•
CLKANIN, G WASTE prepared for 111 Iners;.bho-.
cbini4t.~s, and for Itodircati use: All orders received
by mall will be promptly attended to. .• • .
. : • - E.:S; 11=1n' 4k CO.,
tat A 150 - North !Front 'Street, 'Philadelphia",
Nor 1Y,:&!-fitly .• • • .•
den:hi' the Coittity Prison has a large assortment
aupoiAr antic, taut Seangleois ZINKSI On hand. Also
uniEw.r 1330 Th AND SHIM% which he offers for.
sale; at therrison, at tow pleec'ior,aush. Highest
cash prices paid for Cafpet,Catts.
, June 20. . ISAAC WARD.
C RAB _H IC Litarei . ktreet.l,etween id and 3d.
TURNER In VII kinds of Wood-work.. Bmckets.
and all kinds of Fancy Scroll work promptly made .
to order at moderate rates. (live men •
NIAY 7;111 • • 19-31 4 •
r sole at P
littkitroeb Abutrtisantide...—
Danktre nub Tholttri.
= lcbicinnL
Ing tke MUM of the complaint.
bETII. W. FOWLE SON. Propiletors. Boston 7
' . Sold by % drugglsta and dealers generany.
Vane panicle unless signed 1. DI:Tn. '
7.%latcli 19, '1) 12-iy-ecnr
Ooobs, '
NEW Pj‘TTKILN ),1;011.$:TFA),
nt r_kNDER, Jics,
l;i2 (hest hut street, Philadelphia, and 7 -
71;0.110ton Avenue, Proonlyn, New Turk.;
JO a.: SONS,.
'TREN - roN..N. 3., ' "
, l
. . . .
.. .
- . ••-• • -- - Slfttirs talcs'. ; ' •
- -,: 1
QIIEEXPE93 BALI OF itZA.I. Xiii.P.h.Tll.-413ri
...)virtne of sundry w rits of /Nall ikw4cur, -Uteri „o # .•
agar and Vendif4ni &now, Wiled out of the Court
Of Common, Pleas, Of SchtiyikinVounty, and a Writ
-Of testators I,„"cnd..n•pattar, Issued: out of the Court
of Common Press of Union Count, and to .the, dr
rected, there will. beeiposed to .public sate oKout
.SA TPRD.I r 1.1.4 l'^,lal. - ISM, '. 9 ‘4 , . • .
, •
l g. pi o,'elrx , k in the-foretroun, at the' Court Iloae, tit
the Borough - . ot Pottsville, Schuftk t, ',County, the
follbwing described real estate, to wit: .. '
ALL the Chi , su Mk , Of that lot or .piece .3f amend,
sittiatein the Borough of AshlarulXnurity of SChuyt
kill and State olPentikyisiinia, oo the north rade of
Centre street. west - of Fifteenth street, being the lot
marked on the map or "plan of said Borough with
tbe number 279, f.cetion l9t, with the appurtenances,
consisting of la 2-story frame dwelling house, with
alono basement, and a. t-stetw, frernekitehiSti attack
ed; ax thepropertv of SAIILT EL 13E01)&4,, , ,-.
ALSO, ALSO, NO. I-All that certain ,idt pt.' M c ! o:
grotind, satiate _in llorrse• Township, 'kill
'' t-' ollll idstl„loininglantis of rninelSlX+ngier, St etatel
Snyder, nitwit. Otto amilothers, comtalining.+s acres,
more or ices, Wlttidho - ripportenancre. contistlng of
a tmtitevrater:priwer "rm.-milt - • . ' '. ' - ,
' NO. 2--All that.cerMin farm or tract okland,'sltti-,
ate In North Idanhelna,,Townstilf,„ Schuylkill Cdun
try tite.seOrWissburg.) adjoining the Centre- Tata
pi ke, lands of Benjamin Pott, deceased; Ditvid,Gar-
Ler; Edward Kerns Rid others,' containing at acres,
More or less, with the Apsarteruttrea, consisting of
a 2.-stoty log dwilli ng house, wi t h a i-storc log-hitch
en attached, a log barn ,_and
••• log - shiblea;-as• the ,
Property of 'd
OfIN X. cliAiti,LN— - • •
A t,.'40-All that certain lot or piece of ground, sit
uate in the. Borough o OrwirAburg, Schuylkill
.rounty, bounded northwradly be, a 213 feet wide al
ley, eastwardlv:•by 'lot 'number Vir,
.11arlict street,Tmd 'westwardly by Franklin streeti.,
and being - Mr:No.:4+3.on the map++.u... nI. ii of said- Ito- .
rough, containing in width 66 fect,piiree or less, and -
In dCpth nt? feet, nioreurims,iwttli the a ppurtenan
ecs, nonsisting of a wisstory frame dwelling house,
With a one-story f .k I teben attached, a 1 , 4-story
carpenter sho it*acid a frame . stable; an-time plop.
erty of .k DOLl'ir I.) 011 11:NIAN N. • .
A1...5++.0.-All. that ecitairr farm or tractor laml, sitj •
tulle In North Union Township, Schturlkill County;
• 11 .40Ininielands'of Geo. Miller, Stunt. tinned: James'
Vattblargen and cithers,:c6ll tr.'.....tit fig 47 tker,.s, more or
loss, with thp atinurtenalices, Is - insist Ingot - a 2-story
frame dwelling house; a' ..t he , propt•rty of•I_SEN.I.I,
.• .• • ..
.•• - o N •on A 1.54).-.%1 I that c•‘rtai tit ntet or nie I,,sit
'k ot nife In Butler Towindi I ii, Seh ti ylkt II t.' , 41
.y,, ad-
Joining lands -14 - !‘t tettaci.LeiNer, Jac. d, Vislier, Nti:
chziel Le'*, ',t illiant'll, did), Itrigin..c I iobson, Wet li
erlif and Set [zinger and 'other,. containtag,t 15 acres,
more or less; ay t he.,property i of. °WEN
. . . .
AL...:0-_%.11 that 2er.tain Int, or pieve ..f ground, sit-.
- nate In the Boroughof Ashland,Selinylkillcount,v,
.bihm.l4_4llnOrthWardly . by Cent re. Street, east*ardlv ,
*by dot of John It. Priee, 'southwardly IT. ~,thutt;:,-.
'Street, and Westwardly" by lot - of C. - 4rnelins Kane,
eontainipli i n Width 25 feet, and in ligpi it in root, with
the appurtenuni . e ,, , .r.urndA , ing• of a '2,st44ry frame
rdcrellina house, with a'l-story fratiti kitelien-at- •
Melted, and a fratUe . litAble; ILS the prdl, 4 4,t, of. 4 ,m',
EN (701.71,A11AN and' MO:Iir:VAL COCI..AItAIN,I,Ls ,
wife, in righf of The •,:ii4l wife. '... . .
. .Al,StAll that vertalif.inte-story 'l'lafik f'hureli
Ito ildlAg, sltitate in the earn of Shenandoah , t "itS - ,,
in 7.‘taliatiOyTinvitsitip,• . . 4 eltuy114:111 County', .oil lots
or pieves of ground marked with the numbers nine
IN and fen (IN in - blo.'k nuirnber ;:1.% II) - on the Map or
plan of said towtrof tiftetamthilth t 'lty as laid out by -
P. W. sh,afer ; eontaiti nix itt front - t wenty- nye ,2,4?
feet:and in depth thirty-live - 4Co-teet,;Andithe,iot or
'1,44.4.0f ground.aud 'it W ae. appurnga
lnt ftr,- said
building , . its the prop, ty of IIEXII , Y .1. ,1101 . 1:11,
JONAS ItEl4'llA HT, a of HENRI' t.iEl',l.:, 4:ov ners
4.r reputed owner's and an'ractors..: : ..
A 1.5t..1.-.111 tic.....rlglit,‘ title and interest of Jaeolli
s4•l4itek, of, in and to all _t hal'esertant lot or piece" of
gromul,'situate. in the thlrottgli of St. Gin ir..Selittyl
kill l'ount-, bounded notthwardly I.y lot if .14'irg,an
Iliaeliey, eastwanity "by.' Lot 'yr:Sarah.' _t,'.Thorne,
° ,l3ll . l rdiro."
i - rot hofoiigtagy9 the est:Ovid . ..Char:4;s
Itrunno,"d . evea;ed, and westwardly by Third street,
,containing in n'idth :10 feet, and. In deptlr PO feet,
more Or less, with the appgr 44
tentenees ,41.. kt in, of a
two-story, (num , ' d.we'lling berm , - Wit 11, sbito. base::
went'as the property of JAC011$ 1 1.111;41, - . . , . '
ALSO-Ail th:ll:eertaifia-stOry frame I.aziblity6iiid
" distillery, and the - l! story fratrie building I la i relf. , ,
.attached by :t-.covered frafne pn.ssagejwity. nit nate in
, the ikninigie ot , talutriny, elty, t , ,idnlylkill enmity,
on the northeast ttortfer of Itallroa.l street iintil'itta
-1 wittsa Rest,4.
e , ontaining tog:tither' in width on Italt
' road st reel A 7 feet, and In dotitli 4....m0 tot to c:ttavvi,, , ,a.
'street :1.2 feet 'oh I hose vert :tin lots or lifiales of ground,
Marked on tile map-or plan tit 31ahanOy I 'lly'as lots -
Ittnnlteri, I and 2in . idoek. Nut. I„ tynte.ther . hounded,
:dui de,,erilied as. follow, to wit: south by ('cute . ..
street, writ by l'atittelssif st rjet, north by Unit road ,
tt.t rent, a lid east by lot Ni.. :1, bloek .1, Cant iiihisid T O
. feet in front on Centre and oxtentlite¢ tiflltat width
at right:int:it's .therewith. and parallel to ratawissa;
street 1'..15 feet lit;l:tnitiattel 'street, :hot the its or
,piceeS of gnitital awl eurtilage, :Ippurnlumt„ to said
hoti t ting,;‘ , ..(l,ll o oo 4 lll4 l 4 .. and lot or. ninon ..i ground,
are sittiatil in the Ilorialoli of Maliatory t'ity'Selittyl..
kill County, ha.'; Its the - property or Jolts 114 1 1.'-...
Nt;. - V.N, owner Or repot44l4wner :mil contractor. ~,
.\.I:SO-All ilie lig-ht. title Una jiltr . r,st - Of ligrUtP . l'
r, r.4 . 0.:01 - , in Mini . 1: iat that certain Ibt or pi 11.... 'ht..
grolind sltnate in •.ttie ' lloromth of; Port ,t'arboir, ,
selniylkill„County,„l,4 'tattled nortkwarilly by. Second
Street, east warilly and Si tot It ward ly by, lot 'ite .;Clatt;•
'lni.ret Wilkins, ilia Avest,wardly by Market Street,
'4,..att.nining 114 ,w'filth
. '.ll feet, and
,in depth 110 feet
More ar.less . , xefth 1 Ite: uptitat len:MVOs, r.oftsiSiing of,
, a 2-striry•fratrierdWeliing.hitaise,t_ as t hi. itropi:rty-of •
tit:l./10:E r'.l...Effic. ',, . •• ...... -, . • .- . ,
. .
orpiece of groinid, sit-:
ante in the Itoroagit.of, P.intCAro*e,
,Selluyiki I Coun
ty, hounded northWardly by lot, trow or late. of I
east Wlrdtv )t.V.T2OPellte'a*ll 4l lt Street, ` , nit h. of
,Fra nr;es Hglihisorr, an 4 west warily
by a 29 fel..t. Wide Vont:tilting' In Wiiitb :, frier,
:tad li t ~1,1 , t11. 2 0:1 VI, mate or
s uit h the ;Allan-%
tenaneett tatteast tn.; of-tt d.tnlattg-st.,ry'fratiteldtt , 'el-,
• ling h.asse, paint: and a frarne.
110, -t - `tY':/It' ProlWrt.t. - c•l7,y.tft.
A I,SIY—A II those certain sii - r traers ra,?entei.
land; situate In , tinnierty I.Ower Mallantongo T. 'wit
ships now partly' kivgil.ti: and trartly, Porter-Town
ships, Schttylkfllrountys,Va., , ttrycyied int WatTants
in,ths• names of tieorge Eckert, Sarrili Bower; Mt- •
Mialitra," John St roec k - er, • Philip :Stiller and
l'.,hta t Face., liearitra 4 date Illeitt4ll day pf - Ntl . vetn- .
her, 1793, a.toinfrig . each either 'and /ands of - I hill'.
Ku nselman and'othe'rs; witlilt said ,sox. tracts were
all patented to Jarttes Esquire, one of Iltemi
containing' • 110 Acres, ill perches stud alloty4
alive, by Parent .earolli.ll in Patent' lhadt
I', Volatile ilnne flail • other 'of t Item
also'-, cult - tattling aW airs 1;4
lowance, by Patent ettrolledlit Patent Look l';
.27 page '2l; One-other of theiti.eoutitinlng 41'2 acres
56 - perches and allowanee, by.,Pateur carolled in Pat
ent,Book ,P, Col. 'Ai, page 41..• late other of thetn,con-
Witt lug 4:44 acres :12 percht's and allowance, by , Latent
enrolled lit •Pstient• 110(514 :s! ! Titli;.. page One
(it her rif theta oontitinntg 436 acres :la pen:dies- too
allowance :by Ittit*, , ltt enrolled In l'aten,t Pool: I'
psige'_:; , and 'the other of tin'ut etintaltdog
413 acres lift perefies and it Ilowattee, •by pat cut en
rolled In l'ats;nt BoOICP, Col. page -11, had are ettett
one oft heat partlettlarly described Ili a venal n..Detsl•
ItqOil the 22thl 41a,y:pte Fellrltary. - --.S. it. 1h:74, recorded I
it, Schuylkill County, iu Heed hook No.
.frowt:Jedlit Sport ly. to, (.ivitt •Johasorl, Geni•rit I
A.dam Diller, and l't!ter Vrity::..Trte.,teest with lite
appurtenances, consisting of iil l 4-sulry Inane Tay'-.,
ern andrdwelliug a,.1 , ,, , 5t0 - ry frame dwelling'
Noose,3 one-story fniatte dwelling lltaine;., a 2,st ory •
stOne dwelling house, , tuul 2. frame stables; :is the.!
property - of .PE'rElt I' ItITZ, 'frtfstee, sole survivor.
of F..lOl{NSt DM
VRITZ,i Trustees for thetunelves itud Parke ,17. John- -1
son, Henry fttfeliler,Gederal Adam Hiller;
Willard, ChurlesChatitiler. Phristlan ,
ThomasP: Franklin, t.lOllll. K.- Findley, -Samuel
Iluntes,'Jbhn IV. Nosh' t,;.1 AtUald well, Samuel •
;i5. Carpenter, NV i T., Peter z. Samuel
L. and
• William. 2. Leitier, T. M. 34i4 - e, Francis
Nichols. Rieltard-a-tul ltorsoli :•41tietlihrst, John A.
thimble, Joseph .B. Anthony, and their associates
anti sulistitutes,' known bx . {,lie style ami name o f
the (n.,3OI),SPItIZcfi rItELk rolls COV,M,S V.
ALso, NO. :i=lll I hat .certaln,tracKor pieee of
land, situate in Ithsh township, , SchtlY.l4:lll County, l i i
bounded and - Alescr.thed as; follows: B...ginitlng•at it
dead Spruce'. stu top,),t hence north thirty-six and
three-fourths degree.: west 1414 feet. to a spruce ; Hump,
north 21'„; degrees west feet:l4la rocknearly opp,t-1 .
site the dit4; thence north - la Ilvgre,l4 eaSt 1114 feet to'
tone heap . ;. thence north degrees east 2414 feet
to a sturnp ;dlienee north: :ri - degree,; west (114 feet,.
erossing,t he river to•a dead pine; thence to.rtli 49
des rees vest tit feet to a maple; thence south 60
gnu's west X.; feet lost piiint hi a rostd,; throne lout h
tipt,i' degrees lit feet to- anotner,oint in said
road; thence sloth p fet , t, cross
ing Spring rim, V> amitler,tadtit in - saitl - road',.thenee
soutli,ro., degrees Avest , l67 feet to itiallhef point in
said M:1117; therfel; south - 36 , -. tlegri-e.; west feet In
another. point in ,said rota; thetas, south 17 , de
grees west 74 feet to life initersection . or , hht...ioad •
with the highway - leading .-fo l'atami*sst; thence
' , south degrees ett4t -133 feet to •31 polar in said
highway theltet% south, dt , ..trves east =""l feet to
mod her
highway - :-
said .liighway;!therrce Stains 12
degrceS 80. initiates" east feet to another
point n'said..high.way ; thence south :17 1 .; 'degrees
east S 6 feettoanother pointinssiid higliw4S; ; thence
nor tl i B-,-4, 14 , 0 , east 30111 . 00 . , crossing therlYer,i6Oli.
pluses dr beginning contathlin!, according, to a sur
vey made the all day -6r Septenther,
r! ,1567,,by
11: 1 . - wh-y aria perelies. wit Is the
appurtvanees, cOnsistlng of a frame i.vs.ter.power
powder - I toll, us• 1-story .; trut s. refinery, a .1-,tory
frame coining !nose, a ',story franca dry / 1,,,,, ',Und
t-story stint,' )tntl
titres, fie„ eonneetell '
I that eertilin Int or piece t
'nate hi the 114ongli (Atm
ty.,bounat-Anart liwnripy' by
Wardly by lot belonghig to the estate ofA nio,AVal
bridgf, (lei:eased, - s..outtr.yar , ll2. - by lot • lie:miging to
flie,e,tate of Ilollies A. •fialin, aria •••,i-st
warelly:liy Third Street:rontsi,lnitig toes,
anti in depth - 4;4pm, with. the' opuritlianees, ,yet
i:ktlng of a - ! , tory fra ine d.welllng-Aiouse,'with ono'
... . . . , • . ,
.NO, 3,....-.141. therlght,.tiile'runtinferest'of Day lil
Beveridge ; of, i 'Lad li, all that eeytal n hot or piece
of g.round situate . in: the 'itot 4 otmh of• Pottsville,
SelNyta;lll't':iuuit y, non -oiled. n; - Irthwardly by - 'AI I--
nersville mreet,'east ward ly nn , .{. ..oill lllV ' it nth' by lot
of_ Mary Johnson, An,l•Wesn Va 1W :-. by lot be:lodging
to the estate of Cieor , ,„ir 'IV: tialber.ttutt, deceased,
centhilning In width' 3!) ft:M'. and in depth. SO feet,
inure or less,7with the fipfairtadtance?, , consisting of
a brick Church, withtotit:,, buseutent4 now 11 , :ed•as
a 7 , :ch00l house. ' ..• ' . , '.... . -, ,-
. NO. those 6 certnin4otF,gropieces of grnuml,-
slttiate in the Borough - Po; Sellnylk
County, boundell,northwardly 10.: Arch street, east
-wa'relly by tot ur Emily Pollock, southwardly by •
East Market street, and weinwardly by Wolf stmet,
c;;ntai n trig: tOget her . In .Whitir,lso feet, and in depth'
- - 2011. feet, with
- the am:urfenzinces, consisting of a
story In-Mk-dwelling house,h '2- story brbqz aryl (mac
bake-house, and a ftnimo stable; to. he ~property
11A.V11) - LEV El UDC. E.- -
the right, titli- - aml interestiof John C.
Nort hall, of. in and oto all 'that certalnt hit or Mete
of ground; situate tithe thin meth of Mithanoy city,
Schuylkill ,l 'minty, beginning, at.a -point on the
north si;le of I:entre-street': at a; distance of 64.4 feet
west of the middiil of I) street thence north 10 de
greeos PO flutes-west-1.50 feet to a past h; the litiebf
-the East Malidnoy llatlFdad,release ; thence from,'
.the sante point alontrCentre oidreet south 79 degrees
3nmitude:e wentpa feet- to a ised; thenceMordi 10
degrees :10 Minutios - :nrest to a post on -the aforesaid
railroad line. eastwardly: ill feet to: the, plOceof be
ginning, .witli the lippartenauces tooffiststlng of
::,story - stone machine and. pattern'shop with a
stone foUndry attache-do,: a ,1-story. frathe
-blacksmith slm; a I,story frame office and a
story-frame dwelling house, together know n 'as the'
Omit Joan Works, being. the same- pre/ib-4S_ which-
Thomas Wron and wife by deed granted, and con
voyed unto John C. ,Norttuall, :Ralph It. Lee and
'George IL-Wren, iff.fecots tenants lit common; as
•the,propertA., - of 11) UN- S 011:11171 L
.4;LSO-,--All that certain let or - piece; of grOunif, sit
uate in the' Itoriaigh of. Miner:vide, ischni - lkill
County., h. - Matted east wrtrilly by lot or Theodore -A
Ilelwig, northwardly -by land of .Joseph Jennes,-
west ward! yhy lots late the estatenll,Ettoeli - Morgan,
deceased, foal sinitli'wardly by Sunbury street, con
taining in width 2.; feet, mid In depth 2ao:fecto‘ylth
the appnrteinanceS, consisting Of a. donble- .-story
frame dwelling house -00. - Sunbury St regt , Z.:story
frame dwelihkg house in the middle - 41 sald-14, and
2-steiry frame dwelling; house on the. rear ,end of
said lot; - lw the , property 'of:. THOMAS • WM , -
-'Seized, and taken in icecntioff-anil'w be sold by
~•tii-1011.C.E.C.::- W NKOOP, Sheriff
' Sheriff's Otlic ;
e, Pottsville, April 3a,
ANA4 - LACE miArP.inas,
LAM B:ttr.QUl-.l : 4S_
- or
SAT !N 4).1 .N1,1.f...; hr, - £4.1 L3l. 4 ,ti.N ii" 8.1 i.K. 1 •4.: NV 4;kOL .
~ . .
..': .•• ' ~ F 4;0 1 C - .4 ,- . •
, . •
Of 4ilOihac . l;:.t . , fif ..q.i,!r- Oit Latest 'Siml-A(1)1.4,
WINDOW :31 . 0 DES; .
IN. A L ' l . 4 1 . 111:,:N kWI:ST TINTS,
PLU§HES, tqr Railroad Simp
.. ,
• .
' ' • -I. E. WAT - RAV
, - •' . 1 181'1:;..7/9-7(3/1-14 STREET, s. .
AO' 7:-"ie. 'F/41,.31iiir
-- ,- •• A. '...
rcotriv y.riouT TROUT'S
' Now Is the season for nnort:.Calt and Anake your
Selection of.YACICLEInint our full assortinent,-Just
received. from New York, Including fourjolnt .ash
Rods With hickory : tips, Walking (7ane Rods; extra
Itaskete„ heir orel4 . lllc. huts,. eat, - leaders, Ma.%
4.4Arlisle and Limerick Seelig,' reeis, hooka r pocket
- pistols'. and evetything„neers‘stry. t nil'and.;rnake
your selection at ' ' C.YIIOMMONS.
lti..firilFACT DIMES ANA, USERS op .
Steam Engfues,. Ac.,. in= Schuylkill County—
TAKE NOTICE that I have sold to ;ALLISON dr
SANNANorPort Carbokau interest In my PATENT
STEAM PISTON, and have given them the 'entire
control of It in said county., with power to collect all
moneys dueor to become aue 4hereos fee tbe,manu-
tactufikand met)! the same. IDA CLARK:
nar4ctOil,Pit.;.4in. 70?!.,i;7/tr,'
$' ~'~.
- -
R EA D INo, `. IIIay /ntlrderet,- Deal
Was hump at 1.44.7 P. L.
It, has wine to" the knoivieds tai l or the au=
name.thorities that the name of J o hn
amutned by him since the committal of the
crime which he has - expiated on the gallows
to-day, ; in, fart ; he has . admitted it himself.
He Bari always. Prior to that• event- been
known'he 'ZiachatJah E. Snyder, and under
that name, 'he waS sent twiee to the Eastern
Penitentiary and ^ enlisted, in the fumy. He •
yesterila-v admitted that he 1.14 d mobbed the .
name,ofbeal kn order.that fateltirmfght
not recognize one of their number as a mur-• •
The .9netila Suttee's Ilill—The liseses
-'" • . The Irome The. • •,- . •
WAsniNoTos; hfai. TheHouieto-day
pai4seil the Senate bill for the *relief of, the
widows and orphans of thectileeretntd Men
of ; the - Gueida. • 7•
The- Commiftee on Claims Hai- decided - to
report favorably on' fit *MO.
..; 000
brought by parties who sufferecthy Me wiper
ruffian raid - in. Kansas in 1856. The Claim is
based oil, the fact that the , Government -is,
bnintd to atibrd protection to its Cltifte**
at,tinst la*lessfiess.
4- Ttio committee on Ways and Means had
a' disCuion. t 041 4, ha the income fax section
uf tire Internal Revenue bill. No action was
'taken, but from the opinions of members of
the committee iL is probable that they will
report in favor of czemptiag ;3250Q, and leyy-,
ing a tax .otthree per ecutt, on all Incomes
over that sum. •
Thy:A:reit flail o ut Illmisier—Fire at tisekneatt.
Sr. Louts,„Mayll—The whole number of - •
• killed . by tliti disaster OA the Missouri Paeithi• •
Railroad, is: now reported at 19 and•the' K.
wounded at: w•hont,Li are seriously and
'S dangerously injured: • ' •
•J. I'. ..lacksru - G,• the - engineer of the pitmen:.
-ger train, says that liis train . was, over. half -
an' hour kite at - Eureka. The next regular
freight train at that plae6, upon flagging' an .
extra train, was told that it ,was twenty
minute. , ahead of the express • train's tirue,
When Conductorpjhais, who WIAS !NI the ,
-gine said, ``•All right, go ahead" r•-
The train left Eureka slowly, and had pro . - •
,cetided only - about, half a mile wheu,tilie extra
freight- train Was seen dashing'. around a . •
'Nutt' Under full headway, and only four or
tiye hundred yards ott. .Jackson. whistled
doWn brake, and gave her Sand : —that is,: •
sprinkled said on the track froth on
the engine nt•preventslipping of the leconno.; ,
tiye'whecl4,-, and t.trld the conductor and fire
- titan° to junll) ott - The- trains enure together
almost- instantly withjrightful forte, and . •
with the appalling result already described.
j Jackson, in :jauiping, was .ttutubled over a
woodpile, and ['wind hipiself thirty feet-on .
the:other side -id* the fence. He did not lose,.
eons:ciaisnuss, rind was not seriously hurt., ' •
The collision oepuitred oti , a fill or artificial
einbatikinent;•atiout fifteen feet thick.
, CI NCI NN 13.- , -Mr, Kuikhtiw'resi
denee, on Cottage Hilt, which was burned
yvsteillay, was 'insured in the seeurity;•
ironic, and ContinitAtal offices of• New York
for slo,oito in each °thee: : -•
$l2 . siln• Andrusay,
Itts, 7.14 y, 13. The 7kJAnsium..Aist:-nowt
papvi• NyaN , ,zir4iti Buz it by thu unthorjties.last
. .
PESTJI, :!lily :—Louis Kosstith hes protested
against. the eentrqtist tentate!es of.the Andrassy
administration. .
Ft.ortENcE, :slay: 13.--Furfher and more seri- .
()um outhreaiis have, neenrred in Calabria, and .
„troops are nun•ing thither in force.
Mr. Tritmintir.presented the rescilutibla of tho •
Illinois Constitutional COnvention fora removar:" .
of the capital to the Mississippi call y, 'and re
• questing their representatives to exert them
selVes to that - end. Iletid-i - and laid on the"
' Mr. Silinne'r introdneeda bilUsupplementary
to the rights act. Ile stated in explanation, '-
of the bill, that it proposed toseedre equal riglits.,l
in railroads, steamboats, and public coriveyan.-
'IPA, hotels. licensed theatres,and :houses of pub- .
lie entertainment, 'conunon schools,;_and insti=
'onions of 'learning, authorized by law, and
I.lturch institutions and .trinitery associations
incorporated by national . -or State authorities
also, oil juries in iiourbr.itiational and State.
:When the bill became a law, as.ho.hoped it sopn
of nothing further to 1.4 i. done,
waysof legislation .ffir, security. 'of equal
rights in this republic. '
:'('he bill was referreirtti the COMmittee on the-- ;
:fudi(tili..y; and ordered to be printed:.
it declares all citizens .of the. ilinited 'States;
, withoirt distinction. of - race,-ceilor, etc.; entitled .
to leis equarand impartial enjnyment <Zany ac- •
comModation, advantage, facility Of 'privilege
tittered by common earrierl, public institutions,
etc., subjects any violatior inciting to viola- ,
tion of the first section to payment of 0)500 to the
person aggrieved, and imprisonment and a fur
ther tine 0ffrmu...14 . 10 to $lOOO. .4.ny corporatioii,
So guilty shall forfeit its charter. _ • --••
Scofield, from the confinitteccon Naval
reparted the bill for the relief of:the !.
widows, and orphans of Oilacers, sailors, •
ink' marines of the United States steadier
uncida, allowing tivelve- incintlis' 'pay accord-:
in; to rants, froni the date of the loss of the Ves- •
' • ' '
THE [6:OIIEANT Ella 4 coNG,Eals , :.
.7 : in.-Washi ng ton correspondent of the - .1,X.:
nu writes as 'follows; . ' _
"In the ll9 : ltse, to lay, Mr. Lynch's bill, frept •
the committee .on the lle.eline of Amer - lean.;
!•ailuierre,' oecitpikl the: morning hour, two • ,
nteinipyrs• Making speeches on ,
subject. Tariff bill was after Ward taken
uli in Cenunittec of-the Whole, - and nearly two
pav,ca were'- disposed 9f before - a recess was
effected, lind this, too, • notwithstanding llr be
came necessary to twice call the roll to secure
a quorum. ',The aingularpartr-of thi business.
Was the fact that the second roll-edli wainlo(l(l'i'
not More titan fifteen or twenty minutes4after
the .first. • There are a large.nutuber of.mena
•bers-rafitong them many 'whose names stand
-prominently before the eountrywhe give little
rtid attention to the discussion •erf -the Tariff;_,-
hitt,. but take advantage - of the rule -that pre-' ,-
Venta the Yeas and Nays being taken in Com- -
Fr.inittee of the Whole, and spend'Abefr time itt• '
the committees rooms on Oenr priVate bitkiness,„
',Tiotir absence embarrasses the Hoitse,-! • as
seen:every day, when it becomes necessary to-•;°'
waste much valuable time in bailing the r 01.1 4-
-They, however, escape -
, having their, .namesi‘;:
placed on the .record absentees;through vig,Y ---
ilatice • of the doorkeepers and pages, who notifK• •
t hel when a roll-call is, ordered, inwhich °Vent
they go into the lloase, answer tar theirnaMea- -
and then return :to their committee rooms. , •
,TIMi is one of the chief causes of the - delay in •
the lnollness of the. nouse: TO -day; brass, 7 ,
peter, nickel, German :silver, zinc,
tin, lead, old ..type, 'goat and sheep skin ,mats, .
grain-;. vegetables, -herbs, tropical - fruits, and
liVe animals, were disposed of. The proposi- •
Lion fixing a duty of two cents -a pound on old
• type was struck out. 'l'ot•utorrowl lumber will •
be reached, and it promises to give-as much -trouble-trouble as did pig irbn and steetrails....llnring '
the debate to-dav,flemSchetteremade the state
that the bill ' - would be disposed of,- he •
thought; in about font' days, : if the debate was
- fairly comiute.d. - :- :• ; .
Notwiths:anding' the fact 'that den. Sehen - ek.. - •
has been aPPealeti, to tolav aside the Tariff bill;
anti report the Intel-liar .lievenue
presses- his „determination tb Nall the Tariff:,
bill, and 'pass it if possible. A-fe has been re- •,%
peatedlY told by Senators that they viroulOot •
- consider it thiY session, but if
,they decline to :
resNinsibility will rest with them." ,
, abOve euniirttisz what We'state , n an
oilier -article in •another - part of the paper •
to-day. •
: i, • . •
MAY, 11370...
Execution of John-INAL
A4l rin Ile I.t :at 10 n— More I isAbrelilu.
szvv . 4 rz,
'W A kit I N 0T0 . N," May • 13
• •• • poiTsyiti-g, MARKETS.: .
Correetect - usiiy Tof tat mineis! /aerial tit GLENN &SON.
*befit: Flour, extri, fainify, bbl-....
Wheat. prime white. bush...]
1 " ' red. ..... bash.-1
Rye......„ • . 'f+ 1 )1
Onts-.................0.:.._/4 !Mill:
'Vt. Choi) ........... __ i bush -
Corn .Nteal . It bush...
31 ithil.lngs
Shorta....- - ..4 - - II bush._
8ran . .............,. ............ .......----*bUsh.-
Potatoes ..... -.-..... Ik-broth-
. 4
Hay • - _" • • top.-- I
Straw. • • gt ton:3-.1
.1 - lutter.f..,,. •
llopf, hied quari.ey....- • --IP lb••••,--..'
•". tbra- • !La_
Iluildeni and 2.lihellan At IlYtlt*.fleflUll'S„
enn .Ix. bought cheap u. Hardware hinds.
vie Points, 011 s Glass, Cement, Plaster. Chimney, and Flues. Also, Terra Gotta ?Wept all Sizes. -
- March 12, '7O r .. . t 1171 y
With day' at titehetl, serew dilver, rule chid hitteiiea
dent claw, alt toiteth er. the be . .s: tartlet(' la the market,
Just the thing r tor Um"' C /1/1 ;
get hue at I, 1 . . . THOWSO Irrl •
. , .
1' with Tobaccd Kiln, Knives, ltexai, Press and all' •
Utensils. Woagiug:to . a ,Tobaco, Cutting Machine, -
and bongo-power, ready. fbr rutting arnOklat Tobac
co, will be sold 'cheap, by the nadersigflect. Three ,
men are dble to eat and finish a half ton Ofintokfm •
Tobacco in one day. CAM be worked by band • t)r
borse-power. Apply; td WILLIAM NALS.ACIt-
Aprt110,"7118-44 Hammitt : Barka cotuktY:rai.
$ 6 50j . '4OO
:;11 2 0 .1 1. t
5 Tar 1100 •
.3.15; • 50 ,'
3.25' 5'50
~..1 50 ' x l4o.
, . BO
110 110 .
. .12S '
• 70- 75. --
150 1.1 ,
SV 10-
' 115 -
- 110-,
,27 121 /1000
- 50 .1 65
22 " 00
-21 27
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