U II En II U 1 FO 111 C'ES asn it f&st'ssi Alphlstssisslly ander VA, , ais=le insettlos ; rests gs list far ere, [rEqui, !co mow per huh A lAA oAkert MAI, At stlimqvas C•i Slatlenem, ntre stretn, tottsvillf , ,' Pa_ • Prin & RAMS • 1 I Binders l . SMI ISANNA ters and 0' ?ourttat. P ES lAY, MAY 14, 1870. S I ATIJ - RDI =I T ar, Jo, morning. and Ittrinsb wicanm. nrl6l if not p • CLLIS MIMS iWn coviet..ll nl!6. add " . . N - Lws Dca To 'Wasters and..: Jocallo.,t, byntall. at. wise at full.rntte THE DAIVir MI 'weelt_4tay , nnrOnt inc. lin TEttm Ten cents agent by ;abom It Is s BY MA11....-Payabl. months. '9 ; throe u ; *RNA.L is issued every Sattiniap . to eubserlbers at f'.l ;s per alumni, In •. - ,1 in advance. • 1q8. , -M - V6.II.IABLY fl; ADVANCE: fr do 113 Copies to one achlrepi,3:• o 0.1 . 13.7 . ris 44 CO per 100 .12001' Teactrem we will throVlr rhe :1 50 per annum, la' advance; other .. S' JOUR. 3,1'. i 3 puhlbh , -.l . erk , ry oritay's-excepted. per week% to the carrier or - to ealiante, ont‘, year, 35 00;. °milts, 5U.= : . • .1k1,113,11.1F-It4' SOVILNAL V 5(.4>e 3, Auta &ix 140ut.-3.' lANNAN . 4:RA4SEY. Publichers: , It!fA T. don't ¢ .toifire what tardlottle regnarkirf the.PßEsk of Miners axed the effect it will aurt s said that P tioffirr el r4 the workingmen' far t rnal„the-ettal operators may we had het:entry a little free tt eouldi not Jitstunch worse for - mines Until the "Chinatunn*s earl operatorit." inclined to retract any part of teratent.• the employe:4 are we dott'Veare what kind of ri ass, the workingmen will have unless they can protect them -1,1,•e are in •fat,-or of pt mall-. itr, one that will be just' and at large_ but we do' ot believe he rich a fyw fron master, and expense of the country at large. in the advocates of tariff , en -.,sartlitett - a great deal -see' the most ultra. tar tinf.f. what ;Ilie.y ; plec-a r 0 intifiAlry, while at the eated filling the country lull Of Chinamen Will work.for , y tells us that these :tame par t taritrytiely "for the t of ere not why urge so veheinclit , the CtAint ry of Chili:4l , n ( chc , apeilittz, la.L it for ; find cunt,'illeVto-day. lift up. t'hinatacn,at it ty egnts agday • tariff nit m a nif — eoal, miners and • lal,orers that pht.d re:y.01101e, wage , . In just prolyo ion lb: the hen -10,1 ,Jare...o;- thee. wi• lia.ye 0 , 7 papyrg wli c li ndvoe:uc high laml tree trtyly.for cheap fit a. 'soon have eheap good , : ap lal,ur, LS from China, aryl f,.r , one or .thy other, .1 , 1• ip goods in ;en-lee.-nye fo en that woul.l eont.mt.n.a.,y abor,.whaii the eoine - tvith. The t teh codhl keep t it .tittitild the ltaddo • toil side by lelng.polutYd with their tiitli_y.- Oil protye.tion to Amera;an wOrltin4mea of the workjL,rlr or ilfly per ey p t the ` , lllll , g:1:171::171 ,, i1 in the rhyu Ave :e.2.a!n l'4•10 rot **, let us • UR , - weitalio g:if in set about the ituiperasle helve in Coiretm - i ".ff we can haven will gatinlit to wor.x _ c l ic k.° to give r DU*: tradefor a ehetrgy• t h e men ref I.oe c ^ ,' l, ussue o ffered bY' l'f4' Now, .we don't feel thou, but rut hento re Il i gnarg t r " e e ss w = . l , to • accept lOw wage' selves ocralde of tart sled- or rereginahle t right rorthe count* I in Anita - labial' will to eat operator v at rim • Moreovertour felt) measures Chas b , ilf late. When ryi: papers' advoe., I .9•11 protecti on t0,..4, same time lieradt•( , Chia:Mien, becawle •wages! Cotanon set ties areadvioente' of ' capitalists. 'lf they wt ly the ',olio* of Milt' • -for the laurprse that is their Miter! : our coal Mines with • and. get, ti. high . 'they would let th are now onisuApensi , etarre. We have (Mir .•tit of leibor but we i faith at alli in men f d titles on I n ported • ' labor. ' 'Wel would J front p:i.tro w, as of if we nnust, deeld .us have Ithe : the the dez.rade•l heatl fliZ. - srierety! .Chia of most directly in cot apart from them, I stocking chooses lira the in; to ke4 , p'from 1 dlrty tiahlht, We w • low, but tr,t4t gout It kill erratAill•hr are I. low the Men follow! Luzerne c• al nelds. ti have .trlai of free II Tile. 111.»Ve is fi . ; Mosimit kri..lll. When Finelier, t 1 1 • l'AVElt:tte - alienl r• 1 4 . tliseardetptint on pipet', - r , Fint4her Free Trntleinten wtut in,Alte 6E1.11 When ,M'l'll'ark I l iac wi., : knew tint i 4 prOteetion to . , . thistry, and we st , those views; :dirt duct6ry by relied On a and,lndustry, an interest= up to knew rota hi, had "but ; little' and the -r .,bu ne4:4 haqii;lipriosed 11;rii his fifteen y~ try. he is terribly del not a reliablemia. -deN . u wlyt are at t a powerful ,intlne hay secured did Finciier'S, : an moralizing sonn: 'Lo have pennea -when the ttrr,iiire terests on the one American la - bOr uninisiakalAYarr 'foreign intere,q4 to coverup.l64h. may delude the deadly licistile to eountrv . THE CATES OH_ EN Tit A DE, '91;:: E TARIFF Tilt WIST lil LABOINiNfi• .not who he I. I LeLnit Park et' t niritr. that '•rna ma coal .iipt.rati ( , untry at largo.' tlilp i llty6.l.P *rotA l cait:4q;:t-titttch we erinsurde to gives -4•1np14 yfl- .wheti they are and the laboripg t 5, ;: o..nitai ui . t1 -taming a veel; loaf Would cow rates they. 'ileum goal the operator theirlllieries_t labor, tlye,Tarlir the .market. an, that fix the rate It u monied inonopHi ,and nut in tile pr TM' whilethe lab rni*euga . geil, in the country/Yet% when .0 tier flee plete' mon6poly all ui~ll Cominitl oiyn pri'eos for poi the pion to :•ic:trFely keep sta:-Yve,.or go to 11 cy can he earr trade - , rat never It is falsC. , that .advocate forced for the purpose° 'ot know a singl Lion t41. 1 -.advoe Principally the. prbeljvities that : lion papers we ha any opinimi, dee • , • cy, awl the frien, have introduced igration:. The right to i•olne to t, - '(they' could hone iter; lAirrey \ after they arc H4A . *ng the .alllO, tut , ontempti. we. do of set u • l anatt•er, Jul . . o ‘Wari,is. these lie: but whom we . "Os drunken wit !Chinese will in sir Jtidgment. Nvere set free tli ' !and retluce the: helievedthat:—: i Chinese ?r, they can help lelieved that ch4 4 l,pen `labor. theentiTAtran wliCtheT o dot i - . . . , Now, eitlicr 11.... Puller is sapreinelyttgao • , 17 , ant. of. husiues. niat'ter i i caul the.NWS WhiCil 0 • : . vent - tradt, -o r he ' has been be., tra3ted into a position 6y some ateails Ultielt: makes him tin, tleaTily enetny of {he work.: . - ittigr, cLisses I ti. :professes to- esi)ous:e. - If it --; ;arises from 10 . , ,' „lb ere Was tiev ; er a • worse apt illug,tratioof that paSsiti. , , - e. of the ,Goad Book Of {ho "blind }ending the blind" . 3 , • =,------ IntOthe ditch nf destructh a on . the lia'r of :all those who permit:A -.. ' v ed by ;such a leader:; If it I's not= iglie• mice, but. 3 . ‘'bamyki of trugt•for any consideration what: . eVer, we have Fno language to . characterize • - suck an infambus betrayal of those who eon ' Adedin-him.._... - .:. , . - : . It ma,Y be, hOwevei . , from the dis.•: - :atiSfac: .... , " . 'Bon. that is causing quite a. rumbling noise IXTH ;YEAR AND TILE ONITO„X - to :t-tr article jot the .Taritr. Wonk ING:4 A N's e-iiioti, , e,lFreeTra‘le. They] d changed' the natne.of the afterwat,l•4 leetured',ja thel Nthieh- :•:110W, that he 10 . 3" of 'the. Fri:e ! r t!)01: - . charge •of the ,7".litNl - Ilb profe,-ed to !lic in favor .Anterieita .4,11.!0r aut-11 . 4 . 1 , lipo4fd: 1w h0ni•. , 611 frontdLt t: nor';;: hi!,•: . into•• e i-uppo-AI atilt ilie r iiend of Alai•rie:la I,al;ipr 1 - wouldoalk. - - tubro ., (tito the abili;y Co do":-.4.). • Vie foratt-cr , that he I:l , ow;ed.r.s . ;, 0: 1 t,4-;in?.,-;s . ntere 7 -t- l pf tl u e et >a titty, but that he hall leartiOlt's•ohw erivjakr, lad 'Tirm't:•vor, ' l i i dent' . iii 1:11.9w10,1:ze, i—or:pt•r11:111 ,, 1);,1-19,11 in a grcat many \vitys, : tia_. • 1 . 1:4 they , I u c ri'-grL:t to: • iwoihers of also. :;rtioltZ , pod. of on. tyi: Avritor IlLfi t-1(ft• of . I'lo It!,ortott to -tility to AoLoi nor:int:lint it of lAN WII(t . NO I)11); EN z7.4 - J - E\:"l'..4 VEN A I.:. It I.:VE- I N IDLY A SSE- . 11.1V1:- - at' nt! , -- "I . wAg ' l, - . 1f we 14, the ,htinitii-• kinantity of 'Ling:, aniptinii . iiglit 14e,•ei . it,! II of douir6 a \V !It, NN : liiril lea t .t fro . fji'ilit":l4:lll to 71000 'tt - Veil: to Vorli it up. dip coal -mines •thar arc noW! 0 that i:ontliiiod, and tla‘ ietwet.M. the- einOoyol and • 1 liut pride" of cu r d lunl .I.vage:= l'entainl tt.: tft.e miners A and fair V.. :: ; without beeitiew the dilliand for' l, t he ,p .. , • et 9perators iv? gi ve tile' iple . ll.' With. a. (i1.151.t0r Or, -Woad not dare ti.!.s4l:- . Pet`til fore,: (I. t wit wttgez.- ati4 way, .o:trii. itlikl4 . o. 'll)tett , cottifiry, ha'lt - totpmait(t of . it .i= the lat,oryiti tla , -cs . oi wage: , :, :Ad iit.t t .e cut i.tier FA 1.. e raile:llia. a few . . ' who trot.l ' l.Wl,lll litolle:%" , ttit , l\ttritalw,try . ithttt grow .. .0 ,rs irri. pv iinoro f lied. The tI productive iiidustry,of -- seldom grow rich, exeept rule thy..• can obt: in IC t &teak down lors an;d fix Ilwir icir j . irodindipn,:, tinil vtnii work; d., Ivages plat:15111 dy and r!.ic, - ,11 to , 4nlivr, sir e.poor Stiett Led oat only -under free wider a nip le. iri - oteetiori.. ill tlfe 1 fri:end4f Proteetion ' migrit' lion of tli Chinese f eheal,enim :. i'labo Wed o c. , paper in favor . of Prqtee- , des such a ,p..lit•y"; it is airiliern planter pr reM re doing it. All th;:,... Prolee ve seen Plat live expressed dedly:contlenni 4telt.a polb: l'srofProteetilm iii t'oncfres, a bill to prohibit iforeed em 'Mese have itt,t las : goad a hi= country : if Off think llt thern,elves a , _John : Par •evitey Or t 'orbett, had';'aZld' tore to 40191111ce fothers' for . is not only seltislii but" meita de. A, to . therlll?atlietisni, ) oirn- , ...lve: r .as juries in fills ring of the - conduct of many roft ss to be Chilstians. to thens, whom Wei l dtfa - Wiiitee, i c! not bi.dhve 'tire.halt:l3 filtiLY' ity 'men -are, we; _iliiiik the. ve the best eha,tteki at the day i t was .=aid that if the negroes ley would.work at ;la' Wages price of labor. Note but fouls ;rid :those wIo y now h"elieVe that !Irk at low wages It n• than ~ • , are on a par with those who freeing , the iii.g rc j i )L-s would - These are the arguments of 1 'ignorance of the eountry, , estie or foreign origi=n.' • EME mong those who do not desire4sN•hase any more of their meiits:which they have ilea , ;estly, earned and saved, to be appropriated 4 1 ny,kinger support the idle and improvi dent, and pay high salaries to, ignoramtises ita deceive them, caused the leaders- to leNamine the position a-little, and'are prepar ling for ii ramose from the, wrath of the 1 .41 e-: jeeived.. ...1 7 1ie interests In other counties can latibrd to - pay pretty heavy sums do keep 'the 1l! mines idle in Schuylkill County,, and . all 1. human nature preveS that When leaders find 1 that they cannot hold their . - position • Much' llonger, in revenge betray those who.refused Ito sustain them any: lonivr in' their post-, tions: • and this is nodoubt one Of the reasons !why they are so Issuing orders to Ant' Any rnelitet - tir the Union $lO-who wkin : ead the 1 3 - UNs:As' JotANAL, to obtain. additicinal 1 tau II I ; to comti3rtthe,ixt on their.winding war. 1 1 1 T-ItcY inak -delude 'the Ignorant, but they [Cannot :steptty and block the Immortal I•htitut.ln this age of • progress and public evv i lf it is cursed with such miser able charlatans and ignoramuies as thdse ;leaders have proved themselvetr - to be by !their acts. If any one doubts it . , : read Ihe 11gures in another column on the state of the Tnide at Present. • REJOICING IN ENGLAND. English, Iron Masters Jubilant over the -downfall of American Iron" Industry. The Treasont .of,t'ongOssto Amerkan lutere:sis. The Iron Masters of England, Scotland and Walestongratulated over THIRR suc cess in our American Congress. 1.61Up11. MINING JOITIp:::iI ! of jUct received, r&joiees a. follOws (A* the dets - ef-the„meinhers of ottr ('ou- OE AL`IERIc.I.N' 1.11(II. 4 ,1,AT10N ON 'BRITISH IRON AND STEEL. - I. • . 'We have gorWneWS from time United States. The llouse-of . Reprentatives, in their dI4- eu;sion of the new Tariff' . Bill, have got be yond the debate on the general principles, ! and are how cbtitesting the measure in its de tails. It has feaelted the item of iron, and •bas dispi psis' of the duty on pigs' in a fashion most satisfahory to the British ironma.ster. Mo l -t or bur readers know. that the existing duties an pig -iron imported into M the - ates is 'i-ti a ton. As a sop to Cerberus, hopingthere by the more effectually, to secure 'higher du ties upon finished iron and steel than those at i present levied, the Committee of Ways 'and Means.: through whom the Pennsylvania dronniasters were operating, proposed to re 'd nee t lie ‘l.l ittY'to S 7- La:A - Mondak, hpwever, they found that they were taken in their own net. To thOproposition,that s.?' should hence forth be the 'duty upon - pig-iron generally, - General Butler moVed an.amendment, bring ing down the duty yet another 1t.2; and fixing - it at Si a ton. , It was,a thin House for out of the whole !number pf representalLveS yd members were absent, nlntif ‘‘• arc thankful thiy weeo. There absence left • the free, tra ders with joist' 'a majority. After several hours' debate General Butler carried his amendment by two votes, the numbers being for it. at3, l land against it 134. - As an augury of the-futu e• it is, most gratifyingthat so many Fei,resentative.swere out .or the House.' As relating to the future of the' measure, the de bate nfion the pig-irond ty was, undoubtedly of great im le portange, • d•if there,had , been a largo amptim of heart.' less in the protection ists rank otay !night ,have looked. for a lame muster N4lull time quel . dion of pig-lion came on. It ii clear Irowever,That the absence Of, heart inessc.kf eoinbination itePessary to endu ring smeess is-becoming in4e and more: ap parent throughout then, force attic American ironinasters, lo'grrollinand lobbying to the contrary notwithstat ding.. In the - United _States there are niw 445 blast -fnrwes. _Whilst the filajor: of the proprietors , of these do not ohjev_No the reduction of St!, ex peeting to recoup themselves any by in crea'sed'rates upon the finished article, still tlre - was'a'' minority who nbjeeted to the re _duet i4/11 . 1`Veh fl? $7. By a, fall to S.i- all are alike idarined, and it Itint Matted that Penn- . svlviinia masters rather•than that Should - be .the 4 . : 1!•(.• would abandon the whole Bill. They si not seem prepared to do this at pres ent, b et they respond to theifdefeat, Bins:far, Iy t e customary threatOf having determined to -everse Cell. %Butte' 's resolution when the rill r ITorted in-theAlouse from the Com- The result of such a threat, if the tinesi ion ‘vert one under debate in the' Brit- hit nail:6lloM, we could easily apprehend hut the issue of suelrstep in Washington can not be forecast with soinuch certainty. Still • we think. that the step which the House ila•4 taken will be irrevocable; and we warmly. Tvoighplate the proprietors utiblast-funnace ; propel-4V in Wales; in Scotland,,in the North or Engl . :to-el. and, Lancashire, upon the im provvd of . their trade .with the I "nited stat6s which Gen. Sueces, n.r(—haiirms. We w 01. 4 11 suppo,e t h at the elteelis of •eyi.T3 tiic,til'oer of Congres4 4. „wbo by his votes and nugleet of othiTs;of the interests of Ow people, who have. epatributed to hying about r,uch a' rc ult, , tcould -he covered with -statue and confusion when 'they 1. • I• read the abtive.: When Congress adjourn- ed at, the lit" Session, emninittejs:were -:: • tip j'ointed to colleet".inforinatjim and report a i Bili senibling of It:otigress for itt 'adoption. The' wasqot reß4ted for three ir four months ailerwards. ItxcQuld have been reported .in` (Me month, and could have been passt.d into a I:ti'v in one mouth' afterwqrds and . a bette'r .I:iltohtai tied thaii, it appears; can now be obi tainvd, after they hay.!_, been in:scSskin nearly , . tmonths. We fearlessfy a.sert before the vc4,ple, that it .is not •ue that iheyeannOt pal-- a .Tariff Lill with ample prtoetion, at , this si , --don of 6nrkress. They had a.elear majority - when Cougr4 Met,:.apd if :they cannot do it now, meiubt•rs have kdd.,, them: el . yt's to the opposition:: Even the Treastkity Jkpartinent is it ctl by enemies and traitors tol merkan interests, as a meeti Ilk! place for the enemies Of our inthiskry, headed by -an ornetnr ut. the (toveritment, whom Congress litid it 'in their. power to tiisthisst loot; ago, but have refused 'to.tio so, andiby thcir.nets art, thin eneoiiraginir this treasok,to our II • - t 113,4 r\Ve its,jrt it fearlely that if the friends of • Prlteetion w,t,re really in earnest, thy could crier to;zetherand put a PROTE. 'TIVE TkEIFF thrciugh both airttnehes id Con g4' ess ht, leK•z• than a month,—but a majority want to ilojt ; many think that it will be a good earl to go before the Ipeople•oti to (fetirc: a re-electiott—and the' . Philadelphia Pur.4s already has given, out `that they are - ready to go before the people on that "(Ines t ton next fall.. If, by their nets, it should • . e mir necessary to go hefore the people again •I on:that , Inestio'n, sincerely hope that the • i peopß , will discard ever representative in'. the Present Congies,s, who cannot show by lii acts and his 'Vote.; that his skirt are. • c l tmr on • this point, `once 0 - e of the greatest. cite: Liles to P rOteelion in •Congress are among Rs professed its friend, Who struck-down the• duties, on Pjg and Scrap lion from,: Selfish MO personal 'motives. - They nre known and will be exposed before the ~nc,t election, if these figures are not changed. :. We are aware OW no Tarlfrfor Protection can ,be obtained froth rin!,'. but the,RePublielin party,—and therefore we do not l thia election of Detnoentts-that w mid hope of. Protection—but put in notuina-. tion good substantial Republicans who have s'ome business capacity, and who. will mrry out the desires of the people and not use dearly, all their time in working for them selves. Tint great:troll - hie' is that members of Con , 4•re.,=. When' :at' Washington a few' months interested in their own Sehemes and lose sight of everything else. Thek.helieye WashingtoarCitY is. the United States—that they are the Government, , - . -and the people elsewhere, and all their intefests k flay go to the devil.. • • . . They .have plenty of time to leginlate c for fill schenics of plunder concocted by specula torA and the. bloated monied interests Of the Country—but there is'no time to :puss a Pro- • t THE MI N ERS' a teethe • Tariff to foster .and - protect our domestic industri,„ which is 'almost . - in •II etignant state foritie want their action) on :the bill lieltiri thean,l!at must want to 'ittee, him maniiiiembees can bp.demoriliFellb 4 thelnfluenaes now preyitilitig iat.'Wait ''''- ,- • ton.' , ' • : • ~/. '1 • .-_,.• •:- The people demand, aud:_the - SaurelarT of the Treasury-Is- beggliteior the passage • of the Fundiiig Bilii - Whielt has already pugged the Senate.-Alit the bt,t,tiks 'are in the field In opposition to it, and 'Congretis wait to see - ~ , hw much , nfluence these banks can brlq on congress before they attempt to: w 4 if. In the mean ,time, the ..*oelated Pres is used to _scatter- telegrams throughout the country, that-"the Funding Bill. is dead for this se-Asioh)r as a feeler, tcriseertain how much the people will„otand,,lla ' liewlong they'lwill be tolerated in - their:itegcgatioes withithebankinterts, . ' - • 'The country has last. not legs than tOrty milliOns of dollais in !wealth fotir inoutps ,by the non passage niNt • properly adju'.4eerariff Bill; which the Committee of \V ads and Meafig 'bad in' their possession in Deeffither last, and-Which waii n• better bill fortiie protectioW.the labor and:domalic indu,:itry of the e -c ountry than the one they reported . . ~. - 0 ROPOSEI) 'NEW COy.,ItSE ,OF`; I- - .3:. ENTITIC •LECTURES.,-,-Wefare Stlie that it will afford the Community. zis . ,l:4l;fell. pleasure . as it does us, to learn-that the'i'resi dent of the 'Schuylkill County*. B.Associa tion, Mr. John Siney pliaB SweenY, has his able Secretary at work onaseriel . oflectures On. .scientific subjects, which he:proposes deth'- ering for the edification of our people. The subject .of his. first lecture will .Iss a. complete and ekliaustime disquisition on the subject of the manufacture in England pf bricks; with ,some, thoughts on the most ef fective manner of -41(4itroying' them ber s fo pps they are devoted to their legitimate .. pur of for Ming walls for buildings, P6ements, etc.. - We are not aware whether Mr. Siney; 'or, Sweeny ; or s 'WhateVer .. his name. may be,' c proposes introdueinnny personal rdiaAnis cenees in. •connection' .Nrit.h. this interesting subject; butif he should, of course the lec , ture Would be all the more tiitractive and absorbing. _., • Mr. Siney or Sweeny's second lecture will be We helir oti the.theory and practice of.ear ryingt on the coal: busines. in • Schuylkill COunty, i as it should !be in a Sineyian or SWeenyian point of vieW; ho* the operators : should cuss to be fact, owners of their. collieries; how: to prevent' a. good miner: making more than a ..bad. one; how to pre vent a workingman .tieing industrious and saving money ; also, how money can be ex-, -traded from the pockets of the woikingunen to stippttrt a'set of idlers, some= of whom are ineottipetent-as well as lazy, and who cannot earn a' decent . day's . Wages when they have the npportunity , ,, 31.14zSiney or Sweeny dam 'no doubt give n Very Drunk.—A wan with bat one liana who has. been 'begging around to''n far several days, lay in front of the Depot yesterday after noon In a beastly' state of Intoxication. "A . Crord, to the yris,e,' - ',4sre. ~ • .Rev. D. Warshburn - will officiate' in St. John's Church, ';-t.shland, to-morrow (unday) morn ing, at 10 o'eloek; iri ousiteartnel at3ireloek, and at Holy Trinity, 'Wentz:Alia, in the evening. . • Information is wanted at th6..Post Offite; in this Ilorotigh, of Mrs. Everly, wife of Saintlei Everly, or their daughter, Julia Ann, whi),re sided in Pottsville or MOunt-earbon a few years ago. MEI • Chaplain C. C. McCabe ai announced to lec ture on -"Prison Life in Llbby,7 In the Miners ;tile' M. E: Church, on Wediii.sdav evening next,•Map 19th, at 74 o'clock. Lie will also sing in his inimitable style t•Tho Trundle Bed'? arid other Choice selections. The Chaplain's - lecture and singing are excellent. • What They.thilt..—Thevensuit bikers get two cenra for every, name talien, teri mints:4lor' every *farm; litiken cents for, •every iirOductiva estab ' lislitnentefinflustry, two cents' for every de ceased Ption7and two per rent. of tile whole:' autorint figir names enUmeratedlor social statis tic's, and ten cents per mile for Thl!ap -pehittnents of Assistant Marshals - have not yet been made. . . Th, ofd Ler, 1 by L 3 th curxi pro • • way' alon of,M very A_. _ .-„T:_-f:-.-.....-, :..t."`' .. : '• ~ .-'' . = 1. V . 7 , • t 20416 ja" AMT. Wr;trlfT Y • • \ • firl‘ i CRASIGLICS. MAY. " arms srls • 1 - riorept Payment ,— By the recent destructive ifre of Stiubury, on - the :nth of April; Messrs. \Wlk Van Dyke, and Wm. , 11. Hauso, lust 3bnnt .. .ta t Ooti . worth -of property whith was, in, snred in the Pottsville Mutual Insurance Com pany The Treasurer of the Company will pay the lOss on next Tuesday. This is meeting their obligatioos very promptly, anii 'Pottsvil well be proud of this manner in illicit her In sUranee Ckimpauy does it-s business. . e Girard College Student .—The students eard - Colleav, - about cur 'hundred in num fttl utr;:3oye4terday Morning, 'whit train kindly _placed at their; disposal ,t. Reading,,Railroad CdtnPany, for an ex tinet Schuylkill Coat Region. They 4ded diredtly to Ashland, returning by )f Mt. Carbon, and ylsited many points the route on theft trip. They had a Bind sie with them and enjoyed their exeuriou nuch, - -iweerding to allaeismnts. , nor Blitz is Coriaing.-N l l7e, learn that the !volent A,s.sdeiatibn ef rottsville ,liaA ar -4 1 for three entertainsents s for their bene• um this popular nr leian arid ventrilo , whieli will take 0 lam atithe Union 11311, itlay evening, May ZOl.ll, anti Saturday af .On and evenina, MaV-Zi. Here is a' rare •e for all who desire the iiIICCOSS of the..,tis tioii, to obtain a full shale of enjoyment, I t the 'sal time a.s.iist in ..eplenishing their , i •tc_l tmi , mry. • , . Ben q uit l' "vhan aria dela . !!!:. Literdry Society 'of. MI. ersviile pi•oini• ]•cuss:on next Monday evening, in Moor s Hall; the question ••Onglit : there be lin mitionill ' qtlalitiOatioll to The right or suf • `this'questioti isiooniinz, up a- one., - of the political questions of theile!,*, its discw,sion kludout,tedly,give greet seifsfaction to' those Itos of-Mitiersvitle who . attend, We advise ill° wish to siretni a profitable evenlag,,to Id.thismeetingorthhiNo(iiety, Exerci , q , s to '1 at procigely ti;o!cloelc. I, ,:" be . Ri . Sod Ora Presbyterian!;Church,.Market re.—Thi;-,Rer. Dr. Sniqy, 'Pastor (Vet.. reach in this Church, .(0-tuiirrim, 10 T. Squ A. ~ and i±•l', M. Topic for xliseusgil,ll :it ;I P. Departure of ...Noah out- of the Ark All are cordially invited, Seat.: free. Thx. Dr. will also preaeh in, the afternoon at. 31 b l eloek in - the Presbeteaati (' hutch, Port Caln. . . . IV _hare recolvil a eounilitnieation on the Ffnbjeet of the eMirse .:ofsermons., whieh 14 eroN l ' deil out for want of sp , aee,.. . 1-• ' . . - - ET.Lclairned letters rentaini lig in the P0n...A . 1110 I'o4lol - lice, May it, 1S70: ' „' Prqithan E.l . t . V.e,vn Thoi ' Miller M Rancid Fre,ll. MAlit O'Neal John 114ollellelotts. The doctors and nuithers f•ny they Itrethe ?ttilOtuat remedy for 1111 'pests of, WORMS_ The gcnutueJlsivie tlte Nigpattn.. - - of the iroprletor ; sl ofi. the . wr111,1,41. tot th,N. Twenty-Ilea rents iler box. - Jolins.ttl, 1 - 1b11,1..0 ttY Cm , 4' 116 : 102 Aelli SP...llllin.* Juno:, ..7.1 -'2:1.1y - ti I'HE CONFESSIONS, .-01 1 AN INVALID • ' Publishea fur!the nonvin of :TKUTNsi utl;i f ollters Who suffer front Nervong Cle.,„Sllp." n.lS'lng theltu:nus.otself-eure. „NtrAtten by one w/ en red Itihi..ett; Mt: Will free on receiving a post-leant .ifirvcte4,envelope, • - • • i .N.ITII A NIEL ;)1A Y _' Dee. iSrookl.'y Y; • ; • -•- • : jr:ti;r7o ell ERRY PECTORAL. TT:nein...4, - ~.. . . FOr 1)11.1m. Coligh;.• Noir. Throat. 'soil Itrourhilis: 'Non', go tioioi,..Nont. so Ileasant, Nom, eti et• as gulch . 10.7:i1iTON•.t. CO., O Astor Rouse, New iorli. 7 ), es , eato 'more of f,hi . horriblp lusted - nnnseat in 4 111{0W N 11711 ER TIII.Itis.", ; ..N.e./.0, 'la- -. - oi--1;111 piCOUGH, .COLD. OR SOR) T.lllioA'..T r Afi:. quiri.g., llilliiediate titjention, n..; negkoc,t aftsal rvsulto in-an. inettr4lllo . c.... 0W 4fj..` Lung Disea.. , e, BR( i'W.N . : St into.:s:.en.r- ti , -- - , :. Al. Titoc'iit:.4 NtillAniist Jiivitrinhb ORONG BI4I C...: I..tive Instanttab. r. 1 For linoNctitirt, , s, 1 . 2., <...-• AsTILM A, CATA It Ell .o.Nst - mrrivEnlitl - qVC\ l ‘ v , Trinoar,:'ln_sgAsals,.t.hey have a 'soothing P . • . t, = - i S 1 Ni i MIS- ma- 11.7 0 LAIC SPEAK FALti Atm.. fil'uni :i .• t* Iteit.ling . , li`a.,'tir :%11....s 'I.:I.1 - 1.1hETIt ANN FitEtio, of - . ;.,•1,-tryllt..llt Hoven: . ; . . I.4I.7.9I)fiRLIICG—TNIT E'Llti— . (4p the Otli in:•1. 1,. the Itev.;Noble Fintoe,stfilloreAdenec of the Ini:le', :parentsj WM; IL SIIINIA:RLING M D., of It. Cnt I.uti. to MI Frt.LA TEMPLIN,• of SlutillEit Level, Berk , Cotulty, Pa. : -i ' . ~ • ' . -.. , . -.. .. . . . - • ..,.. •.. , Pratlis.- .'. .- ... .... 1: ANA lIY—On lite 7111 Itld., l'n 1 lib. liorntig . lff.lon , icAtiA DV, aged 7:fyears. . , . - . 1...k . 1L1:1.7.::-011 :Nionday, :%tay 0111. rttA h 1.1... i .MAT TIVI•:W. -on, of Jaijii%. , and Hannali_Laruiy, qgtd 1.. montli;. ,' .' - ..1 ' . • . ~ . . . . . ' . - _ • . - ..:Rt401110 - tices: • STATE OF. onARLEs 'BARiI,ET, CEASED.— Letters test antentarxi upon tthe estate: 01 Chartese ,teeeasea, having bi , en Itran tett" tog lie lathserther,iiis trxeent ital' person , . intli , hte.l to the sold, estate aro., requesW.l to make payment MO those havingclalnts stgainiii the estate :Nviit-prsetit them to. DANIEL 1.. EST ER EIT • ' Nho",7„'at-19.3t ItSC rimitre Petisyll.l.•. -"I'RE•UNDERSIGNED AUDlTOR.appetnt. ,, l I. by the(rplianni' Court. or t , eltuyik nty:, make distribution of the bnlane6, in the hart Is .0 ('banesantl .Ihtu lel Reed,• Atha Ittisitors oti the• estate of Jnhn Iteik-aleeenfied,herell. gives 111_11 ico• t hi' NV in meet the intrites Int...tested hw limit r k~ose;a[ lilt •hi the lierough'of Potts.vitl,, 411 l'het , ultiy, the lath shay Stay,T. - li. t. ' at- -e - cleek - lit the forenoon; when and. Where they Ina t t they 'See. priiper, '7O-1.v.2t I W. V. 1111-.1'111.:R11,..knd I r. IN. THE: Dispurbp (101.7.itT of tit: 1 States fu. the Eastern District .of I 'eltns3• ll ' o,ll, • : ;fa. the utatter. of the estate of Michael Homo: Bankrupt. - To the nrettltorn of , said Banittnpf: - You are heret.y untitled that a meeting. of the ( . 1 . 1 . 1i I- I Ors 01 said Bankrupt , , wilt he holden at ,t be ottlee . 61 /OM P Hobart,. flsoi: , „ Regl tern In Bankruptcy of • said- Dist reel, in Po(orv,,ille; on Tuesday, The 1;11. Oa, Al - Star; A:1)%, 1 , 60; before said Register, for. t po - pOse darned 141' the trent y-setelstit seethatt h.• Bankrupt Aet of Jlarcil Yud, ISsT, when and A he'rc you: eau .attend if ,yud Ser proper. . • 11. .. -4. " Ashland,'Aptil.lls,'fp t . LSTATF O,F RENSY S. DAVISO3.IIOEA ED.‘ , l,etters of adrolulstration es• late of irenr.,,' S. Davis, Ipte of tilt, B:w:styli or "Clair, deceased,. have - been granted tto "She - o-igned, ,all pet's:ins .having; ' claims or dein:old against the - est:W.of said decedent are rentiesti4l make known the sidne to. her Without, delity ate: .those indebted to. - the estate - to niftke iirtfriediat,• ,payment.' MATTIIAW tratrix. • Sf. Aprll2,l, ' - ' ' • NT, OTXCE.—whezvas letters. -testamentary to t ie• 7:111 -.estate lit 1 ieltitel Murphy, late of thi• rot -ou4h 'ut Pottsville,: deeeusetl, , have 110 , 11.'grante•i t•o trip sithwriber, all persons I nclebtoil to 'the ,:o.d estate..itru rt..xittostcsito make int inisliate itaynti•ti , .' ;and those had lug tilattus or deniaticils against the 1.---' , tate' of-the sahl dedeilent, will .inake limown ..111. same without delay to, LEWISIC, 1)01'i:11E1:V, . Execittor,Minersville, • April 4),^s-t;t _....__ -:,... _.. _ NO:TICE. letters of uttntinhdration,l to W illia r,G. •Moore,. late of the tiorongVt.f , tlethisod, bk..eit,: granted to pie striewrib.;r, nerwout Indebted ).41.1,1 ,estittn ,itze . requemed t.. ininti•diate pttylnent,:neltho , e looring lali".. . mud mit the .t.onte to tutike diem Jinoivn without lay to ) - -- •_ SANTI - El.-MoOltE, . . London t:rio - e: ichet.tort:ottoty, Or. to tits Attorui-y, TILOS. IL 13.k.NN AN, Pottsvi%lf.• _Sprll-3,),:70 . • : le-nt, I',STATE BALL, ECE.A.gED. testamentary upon the •tate „Hall. late of Vottsvitte, (leeezuced,'"havi tr,,p(4 , 11)41 at.; - IA to t he'mnbscelhers, dt is eiceeutors, all pernoli, -In debted to the saki estate are reque3teti to make 1.4* - 'men% and those having elaitas will prestit'ffiloni to - SAMUEL t'o'a ~ • , DAVI El A..lO,:siE.S. Attorney at• I.aw, .". .• °Mee, ...No; 179 Ventre street,‘l'ottsyille• j`;‘, - . STATE OF JONATHAN ISCULINE. .I...CE4SE.D.' , :stenters an Adininist rat 1lt.• estate OCJonathain *4ll:ittt, lute or the Biwough.;l roitselife„deeeaSetl, having been granted to 9....ti1•- - ttersign.ed, all persona lirwitig claims orAiello - t0...- I - mains:4lle estate onsait'l jieMittlitc•it re relines:ill 1.• mak s , kno wn th..' su a l , tritheat•Wit hotiktl..,ta); anti ttaiise Italebtell to the estate to - make ilaittrilhi! payntetit. • MILTON )N , - No. 1.:4 411ti•itt Stretst. • L.\ ST . : •11 um, N.•,,..!.11,t 4.111-re St re.-t , PoliSville, April 15.'111 .' LtheA.D.k 1.15115TRA.1 . 1.0i4- eatatetkt Mtelutert.'untti,ll. late of tit,' s trirt.tog:, otrort rarbit, civiiett, , e,l, havin g. , beset gratitv‘t untimsigned, .I. , erVotts 11:1% vst.ate nre.rteittestc,l 144 :pest -11l he sante t:r. underp:igni[A, 411.1 Inct.L•httil 'to binge . 1.1:1; ‘trithout delay In ANN CONNELL Adnix.. r 4 ,11 vatigoi• . • ik, lhd . 0•'• Ap•ril '7I • .. lvlit elor .Sate attb'e set. L' OR pIA.LE.7-A clew and firs ;Ow:A TO P:411 1:1 - .,‘ ; Ter reaAonalile. 'A - pply to - 4' :It:ty[7..s7l/49-tT Nt. H:ttrt kl, 1.14 tetitre 1.0 . FOR RALX•OII about to Engage lei titliwr liwilliet.s,utfersi hi. ,t.• kliown Tavern stand for It ENT.,..It i, Nil tutu:- TotOlor Taacarora, coutity, 014 111 , road lc:tiling front' l'ottsylile to Taunaqua, n;lartgi , stgble and n welt-of good wilti4 the kitchen door; Terois will be reati.t/11111,11.. A to ' PATRICK Col.EM.l.\ - .. • Tus.citiorrt, April ' von - B.A.LiEt.--itreitker and Engine, II and . Eng ine, Hollers, Orticv, lately occupied by the Pilmrtwe nod Pencil irci c6at Cu . atat. ('lair. 'Will be wild luw. ApplY 7att.l.l,,SENitY.C. .‘ litho FO. _H3 14ALE...--'rltabei leave lier , :- Pi'w , ;•" • Nth]. in• Lebanon Cotinty..•..x • - nric , Pinegrov', tbe line of tlieli•latnan Qtoceitailmnd., Thi;•tira4er prlueipally oal: ,MASON Or to W..31011111:3 Uniuu July.3l, 7 09-431—tf y Lebanon Ow_ i'”• D _ ESI/ZABL-REBIDENCE FOR SALE.— Thlo subscriber. offers for sale IN Ls clot 11•1••• • brickAwellinw, corni4* of Oil' Itiml:Schuyikeit i lN• .l, .. ,. . tlot'grourids uttnched (I!..ineresYare. taider 411- thridlou =at wcllskx•kcd with fruit Ire( • &c.. Pot: terni.s anti fuithor LtUunn,, nattog. :31.1,4 - !,, • lll' ItY.C. RUSSEL, 14 ~..lahNollo:w•• t• Fi1) . 12:.70 - • ' • . 401 i. SALE.-1- , V.tiouse and bat • , infliidtthl ,. 4 itloo tclott; ille; Tertits eis,y AlIi•: TTOSIAS - 11..WkLIFit ‘' No.32 3itliattongo :t llttmlle. . . - I April 9. ';il7-15--"F.1.4•:_, - . thlr tio"r sy 4, '" lug. Cent rest, Pottlivillet. . t.l Apply tor Tait 72; ' .J 5 :§1.1.:)1..A, • VTALUABLE BUILDING L • TS IPit. SALT V *lleven - fret Ints, • trout on it o , e; Oeorge street, are offered . l'iom Ea))-meals in $ . lO A pH/ SA MUEL*I3.II - . 1., edit r•Preetl th'-ar lt, 1 . Z.,•,0 , -;••.! • , l'oltsellll , , April 11, '74*-'73&11.1 : 1:e. • . nl PutrAilft rlt srE A kt T i engtne., - ..rum, pump filutarplgenting ;, origins,; bollena, feel rind stuck; uPe• 4. - } ,*" polo ppmp, mid'4oo ; yards wucti culunin vilw; ,k;irt louil*rx, 3y feet by 34 ; tog of < Apply to• - 14:•110R(.1AN BM. New A 1,41 2. '7 1 :1:7-1441T by , lotvit to Port , (.'abo.t.l..