, . . , • , -1 1 . . ~ -..... . -__..._ . . „, I_ _ N........., . - , . 1 4, , . . • .- . . • --' , 1 "•.; I . ... . , - ...,- `... , ..r. f',.., -,.. ..4 1 ,4 , r,tir'5 . ed.rft1ei4p , : • 04.4.4 4•1 • WOR • r . • • „ ~ • •.,, •.` • ~. - Z . --' --'l-.- 7, • ',7!- , .. •• •• • "•.. .., ' :.161 -, 4 1. i . • i , • „ . c•• - ~ . • • .- • 41,1,-. ' ;. . . N i • N • j . • , ... • • . . . - i .••.• . II ' ,; • - . 3;:r - t . ? ~ '. . • • • ..... 5 - 4 r ... • • --- 411111(,,. i 1- - -1 ~ if, • k l „ , II - . . . ! • . • - i AIL. ` ti • ' - ! . - - \,_-,..._-_......_ --- , . . ... -- - ,:-...- ---- •-. 0 . - . . r ••.! - • % - ~, . .. , . ~ . . `Ali% '• . -, - . , , F • , . .. ~ ~ . i . . .. , f. • ....., . . - • :....__ . 1 . • . • • - - - . • •:, , . .• • . . .. , • •.• .in o era od • _______,____ ; . 4 ....,,:......... . . - ~ • . , . . •---- 1. . . -20.: . . . ~ . ~. . • -• • . . . - -,-- . _ FORTY - SIXTH YEAR. INo. . • • '0 I IL. DA (. , • .- • .-. . . . . . • 1., . • • , ... . . - , • , - • • . ,--- .. • 2 - .. .... —. -....—. i • , _ . J - COAL TRADE A_DVERTISEMEN ' Ts. • 1 . 1 ["!1 . Pilitattlyljiit Ativertistsinti. •• ,• ~ , • •• • • • , _, .._.... , ____ , , n DEILADSILPILIABUBGEONW BANDAGE • , . -. • 1 fl;itabelpliiii - Lc i. '.l • 1 INSTITUTE, N 0.14 Ncirth Ninth sc. . . -- 1 port Niclimonb. . ' ' rod Eiclinumb. . • #. • . • _ • i•• . above Market. -. C. EVERETTS Trans i. .7: - - _==, ___.--- - I, --- •----. =rey cures Ruptures. , - Pler litio. 4, Port Itiehswisst. • •-• ' ' ' Pier h` - o. 11.1„ Port Inchin - catit Sellinailall NAVIEGATIO; I I..- eßeltaStockt Ein l ; ll ==derßrseets. ' I '' Suspensories , Pile • Ladies 'attended to by , WELD ,•NAG LE & CO " AUDENRIED. . e, NORTON I#?L CO. Shipp* riarnallir ASTIMAiTTS COAL all Orseawiehi m ee ,, . Deblois , ' Weer, fidlaisipids. ,i 1 . . May M;'6B7-21-ly • 4 , XERIOANWA.LTHAM.M7ATCICIIMI. ,•'• i . Inners 'find Shippers of th Best Qualities • , : LEWISAUDENREED 'it Oct' AT TIM COMPANY'S PRICES, and warrant, A LOCUsT MOUNTAIN AND S ,BCK HEATH ,'t • Miners and Shippers of , • a . I - 'AGENTS son ins sai.s. or Tat I - , ed by the Company sent With every watch - - . : • !'rice list and descriptive Catalogue: • sail 1 C OALS' - . RP! ST CLASS COAL -w e' rg r#!''''' s ' u liZilw=c..l l6 : l6 ". ' # • • • any address. Orders filled by egproet C. O. D.• *mak i • privilege of examihtton before paying the Money' - ; ,- . .-: • ..., , For ManufactUring and Domestic use, and 1. - k - .1 - e - : - .. '• • : I LOCUST MOUNTAIN. .:.- 1 p l ii {2os Walnut Street, .Philadelp Address , ALEXANDER R. HARPER, ,' ' 0 ChM 110 BroadwaY. ew York. . .• Aprlll6, 70.16-5 t 308 Muni:int 124., PhiladelphM. ' Agents In all markets- _ Street, Boston.. . ' . , FOR THE CELEBRATED . . . From our tw o large and celebrated Collierig ti, ' .. Iv •• 11 Kilby .., . , . ,---• . Of,)F., THE FOLSOM IMPROVED Twenty- ' ' 11 ...RIM DEIL," , - C. F: NORTON & . 0, 4 v0s px,Assote, pRILA... lERABCIL. Bear. Lawn, e1e1t4.40. Five Dollar Family Sewing Machine. The ... 1.4 NEKNOTWIL I T E A El li, AND , ,t,,kminyFia,„., 000.DICIIXtE & A3I,)ENIIIED. ! • rails PEATtsoN at ix .. , i. ehetipest First ClassiMachine in the Market. .Agents '"JACK. S01 1 :•1 LORREARY" COALS. • , wonted tarrery Men. Liberal oommisslon allowed. wirirais AND Bil/FFElla OF 'nix. • I • • For terms ander - cuter. address A: 8.; HAMILTON, LORBEItRY. 44. '''' , . - • i 205'3,4 Walnut StAPldiadelphia, „t-, ceLEBSITIM LOCUST NOMAIS WRITE Jill min ' Gen. Agent, No. 700 Chestnut St,l'htladelphls Pa. Offices :• , 11.0 Broadway, New lark, ~ , Free Burning Red Ash, and,..‘plendid P:reparation. 1 snits imut ~ 1 _A rll '7O l-3m .(„ 11, Doane Street, Boston. • ~ • ', , COLKETT COLLIERY, ' -,. - ..owen, Long tic' Co, 1 • . ill DAS H. .COAL ..: W. Z EVERETT'S ' ia...m..wia.n. 11.r...vity W. NAGLE. to. suenwlN.. MIDDLE CREEK -COLLIERY, -- . C. Colkett, Prest., . .. 1 .No. 1% Walnut Street. Phlledel,glita- . • l HENRY A. RICE, Ja. • • Jet i t.l:7o r - 1 - • ' Akmolin,,‘ . No 111 BrOadway. Roots N 0.9 city . New Patent Scapular Mumme r Breen- a nd Chest . - a S . •r • . • , OFFICE S : - ''' * Building. Ne w York; ' Supporter. _ ,EtiTERPRISE COLLIERY, T. Beumgardner, Prest. - NO. 11 Doane Street Boston: ':•• Pier No. 5, Pert Richmond. No Straps under the arms, Perfect pomeart and ' • _ ;- I,oeust Mountain and Lorberryfalso vit‘Schuylkill GREENWICH, DELAWARE AVENUE W ARP. benefit teed. 50 North Seventh St; below arch. -, , I 'HAAS' & BIIEN•IZER, canal. to all points eiecessible by beats. Jan. 1, '6O-1- 1 -' I ' PhiladeWs. - TrUsses. Supposters. Elastic Stock- p, Crutchek ale- Lady attendant, . ' „ . ,1 _ . { . 3211 Walnut' Street, Philadelphia. ' I THOIVI ' AS - C PARIIISFI II jolts AL 18111 • 26-. , - 11 ' . • Onion: 1 - 11 Broadway, New York. I i . . : • Miners and Shippers of - 27 Doane Street, Boston. i• , . i I, ,/ 53_ myna in Du= IA r i , , MINSTEB, CHALFANT & COX, .7. T. AL DENRIED. C. F. NORTON, '''''''' ' • .. 2 -THE SUPERIOR . CHAS. D. NORTON, It GORRF-LL, 'Lehigh filiiy!kill ,and- Bitutititious lmpartfrs Of , . -; , - 1 l• i- i - i • Hosiery, Noti4=B, ~ • . .. I COAL -. _ 1 . _ TURKEY RUN COAL, , Pier Pia. 11, Pt. Richmond. ',' . , White tmbroideries,• SNYDER & SHOEMAKEER, t - Consign nts on Commission Solicited and taken : Gents Furfilshing .Cloods, &c. • . - . _ r A..,,D fibILL . AGENTS Fon . , ; . . on favorabi Terme. . * 1 ' • •No. 504 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Lee,;,.Grant & Co.'s Celebrated • •.7 • . . , ,om 3411gainut s t, Philadelphia! : ' - Jg l lls. '7O • -ete st, , . • I lii-17, A Wit STREET CIABPNT 'WAREHOUSE. .• PLIA - NK RI DG Esk O,A I,: r. -' , C O.A_E ' ' ° 3fily I, 'O3. , , ..1 - 1 gr; Arch street, below : Ninth street,' Phtladel- ' - ' , . 9 i • • •, _ phis. The old established stand. Receiving for the , SOLE AGENTS FOE G. W. l‘YDE'll.'S WELL KNOWN .• ) 218 Walnut St. Pliihade:lphla, , • gorbemi (reek.. • • . ...Veiny Trade a larger tock of the Nese A7y/eit 9f . - iiificim: ,'. Si Trinity Building. New York, . - • • - . • . *1 11 I DORDO St., lisostoa. PINE FOREST COAL ~' -- . , .—__.. cA.I-tvic-riN o • k i , c ~ • purchased at the Lamest GOLD BATES, and will be Feb 19, '7O 1. • - . I G 3 Tumrrr lit - xt.lnea, EAST ritiANKLIN LORBERRY " VEIN 9: L. epics at agreat reduction ! rote last season's prices. ' , - —; - . •.. 13--- •• •., 226 WAtstur Sr., ' PIIILADA. I ' NEW YORK. - , , •A it YEA - SIT illAtTirld:N LOHBERRY ENGLISH BRUSSELS at 81 50,and all other rods . r I.,ASTNER STICKNEY & WELLINGTON. 11,0 F/ 13-B NYDEH• ' C. B. SHOEMAKER.' 111.11 s now ..Idelclusively by Mews. REPPLI t , lu proportion. JOSEPH .BLACKWOO . . I.ly. GORDON & CO., who an. my sole Agents; • P es April 18, '70.16-10t• 822, Arch St., Philadelphia. 1 Jan 1,.'70 •,c • - IATM. M'CREAMY. • . Mine and Shippers of Coal. -------- Pier .No. 13 Port Richmond . ; • tins a Runt rnele, sl g. . I li , , . . $ lillit.N.Sf DE, Item their Burnside-Col. at Shamokin., GF.OI:GE R. REPPLIER, N r P..GORDCSN, 11. P. - REPPLIER. • Om n 0 Wninnt - eit..,Phliedel.2 ~ I.EW IS VEIN' (Red Ash.) • . , • OFFICES No. ill Broadway, Room 8, Ne Yo k. . , . 31 ANUFACTURF.11, or . ' ' •,. Loc i-7ga , NtorINTAIN (White ash.) . ~ j - aii 1, . , , , 1 -.(No. Si Doane street, HENRY Hr t . .43 . ' , , (30 Trinity Building, New - York. '' 1 REPPLIER' GORDON (±l.' CO .; . 1- ••, .. , ..., . Offices: 1203 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 1 - , . Water-Proof Marietta Blasting Papers.' . - 1 20 p.m. Street, Boston . MINERS AND SIIIIIPERS OF ~. . . -, —,• . - witirtp No. 6, PORT RIVIIISIOND..PITILV. f - '.. o.:..clittqlkill (!ronntu : [ I, 521 atrion ST., PIILLADELIMIA 1. Jun. I; •70. 1 . - ' _ I - Locust Motintain, Mammoth Vein, l.Red Ash, - • . i• . . • • - ---- - 'rice 7, I;;Wltl4 . lmikitat ' Lorberry, and ,i• - • - : .•• L April 9 ,'70 . ' 15.3m • J.A.NIES J . CONN.V,R. . i f F 17B11FITTIRE. . • • ' - , ELAMMPT, T, NEILL' & CO.; , TOWER CITY, LYKENS VALLEV COALS, • • •Olin r and Shipper of the Celebmted JOSEPH WALTON, & CO.; ' .• .-• 029 Walnut Street Philadelphia. . a a ank r •-• CABINET BAZER,B, No. 413 Walnut 63t,'Philadel hie. ' .pra:raeritad from unit p , Shippers tor Allthrtleitet7 .l ittlllllllol.lS . ,...., ‘ , ...e 011 . , .in Broad way, 111: -, om No. S) New York. LOCUS . IVIOUNTAIN t.A? . 1... ties we are prepared to - furnish good work atresson , • , °•• s :\ IT, SCHUYLKILL-CO, T.X. - ' 0 A_ • , cnirch .l , F 7 7 0. 1301/230 Street, 1, , 11.0 , 0111 . No. i , n, i llos 3. ton.. e l l ° pe tw rieto t e he aftpe ill ii Ph or i llac isci l il ll - - . . , • .•'' I TDOMAS CAIN. MORRIS HACKER. JE S SE Y . COOK. _ , an I 'TO. • . , ' i 1 •.,., - 1,.•4 .t.-..sible prices. . - A (I...NTS for th e sale of the , celebrated I.IIIEN AN- , • „, - 4 -- •,• We manufacture II furniture' and, also imedium- . • Me - 1 .. IA 11 cIT Y, W ,90 A N & TRI LBEL S Locust Idoun- , attag Fr A CIKER & 0,00 K.. E R ,lik, A NOW IN DAILY HECEI.P ', ', • .prieed furniture ofituperior quality. A leaF stock •, •• tan, and Burtilide Sinunokin ~,, • , . - . } ' of furniture always on hand. Goods made order. Nl to or r s m isn rnad d. e Ofti to ce ora F e u r ni j i ure for , , _ r . BLUFFERS OF 5 ~ - 'Banks te Okett Del and Nyhite .Ash Coal:. Locusr :GAP,. LOCUST Iti3OUNTAIN, . BLACK , . . - HEATH. . OF THE VERY BEPERIOR 40S. WALTON, J. W. LIPPINCOTT, JOH. L.SCOTT. •• ; _, . • -,, 1 Feb 12. 70 ALSO, DEALERS IN OTHER I , IMT ' QUALTnE4 a or • • '-• . ' * ' • • : - 7-17 • • I _ , Also, SP }i\, and R EACH 11°1-TNT - AIN 1 -,Whit.e and Red .AF-;11. Coals - „ , - Red Ash ' Coal. • r ,0. 214 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, pad WoiXl- i .1 - F ISHER A HALL'S CEDAR VAT and TANK , . land Wharves: Schuylkill Elver. , Bitiky Frec Hurting Deep Red ' .8 MANUFACTORY, Nos. 1145 and.1147-North Front .I, 1 -1 : Street, below Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, a t . ' • JUR N B. sTRYKEit i . , _ 4‘,., are o 1 it m s tm a u e fir o t i p e iV y 1 We_ would respectfully Inform the public: that we • " FROM HOBOKEN, , ', SHIPPER.AND AGENT, • . , I ' ' , The besitarleties Of Lehigh and Boylan's CELIII- Jan. I. '70.-1 '' . .. Schuylkill. Haven, Pa. • I . d lk esc .49° n D pti ll on T an A d N ca KS pac' I l it tr, surt - •. 031tATED AMILY COAL. - . . __ 'DANIEL WEBSTER C 1 1 able for Brewers, Distillers, Collieries, Railroads, . • • . Pier 19, Port Richmond. i , , Hotels, Private Dwellings. de., second hand Tanks :, 1 . . . , . ~ 1 • , all size on hand- • Our work la made of White Cedar Also, Sole Agents ,),;, the Eastern market fur the 1 LOVE BOYER & -CO • , • . ' and other woods, according to order; arl , we will 'Atlantic and George's Creek Co.'s celebrated SITU- ' . I , - irtt:ra t s h lt e ee m i os t, t; „ 2, give entire satisfaction, and furnish SHIPPERS OP 7.' , -1 \ • II INDS'ONIF M INOUS .COAL. • reasonable terms. Tubs made of any • (Ph eladelphla, 247 Walnut Street, Anthracito and Bituminotts-- Coals. ~ I ! • , dest i redahape, whether Round Oval or Square , - • , . - HENRY W. FISHER, r' . •• • Nie4 Work, Roout 6, Trinity Building, °Oleos- " SOLE AGENTS FOR 'e. , _..i ' . BITIGHTO ~ . March 12, '7O-11-3inel 1 'AMOS li, HALL • ' . , 1 Prosidence , 27 Custom 1101119 Street, . „............- 0 , • Barton, 25 Doahe, Street. ' •• . itzuMI3ERLND •VE,17.`.; lIITUMiN 112• S COAL . - •-,-.:. . 932 ct, ti . tx ttp. T nd S Zl ElET. tn r u iL y 4334ce150 the • • ace • February . .L' , ,i'o9 ' ' . 9,-ly r (334 Walnut SL, Philadelphia. " • . . 'Pier No. 9, Port Richmond. - Offices. .. 1 1 3 Doane SL, Roston. 7 ' ' ' 1- ' SiVTARE- I' TEII. co and Cigars by the box. ' -(' ' ~b ae. . , Monitor Navy, and Jones & Sons' Tobacco always , - , (27 Custom Rouse St., Proildence. . - . JOHN -R. 'WHITE & SON I. March 5,.:w • io-iy• . - ` i , , on hand at low rate*. • I Dieersohautn Pipes, Briar, French, and other styles • 2 , . • Shippers of Coal, ,_ . - SOLE AGENTS: Cala tie hiulltere to suit customers either wholesale or ,retail. • JOHN LEE , i, . lICIU ljorli., . • . - • _c_ • . - Wholesale and Retail Jobbing. House, and Mann. No. 316 WALNUT ST PHILADELPHIA. . . . SRO. ••• faeturer of Cigars, gel MAItK ET St., Philadelphia. I . ° P, '• JOHN B4OHHEL, JR., 8- HBO - ' Feb 19, '7O . ' . &gm • " Depots for Storage and Sale of Coal ; . Wlt. HEISSENBUTTEL.= JOHN D. HEIS4:NBUTTEL, • .)Ic. lA/ Iry 113 , Fro E n R.A.I ts. Fu LlN tori G es ..WLlS &c., E Hesb iall y3 Alt eri D ni fi ved . for S, w to ir re e: , , No. 514 We4t. Thirteenth Street. New York. \A IM. 1 - IEISSENBUTTEL . l& ...„ , , . . Na. , 802 Third Avenue, lie* York. . C0., , ', . ,( ' 205!.y' Walnut St., Philadelph a. , Cloth for cleaning oies, men, &c. Heavy Screen -. lees' Where No. 99, India Street,.Providence. ' Shippers and Wholesale DeAlerS in, i Offices: , • • 21 - Doane St., Boston. . ~ : -1./Otts and Coal Screens. Wire Webbing tor,siteep ' .4:4lby's Wharf. Mt. Washington Avenue, near , , . . 1. • 53 Trinity Building. New Tor . _ and poultry yards. Paper Makers' Wires, Brass and _ t:ederal Street, Boston. - Schuylkill, Lehigh and I Cun•iberfaAd '- , , • ,FRAtiriLlif COAL OF LYKENS VALLEY. .. _ a '' ' • .., May 7; 70 •• . __ - ' 19- f ' cal Wife Work. Every information by addreasin* r .. the mattufacturers • -M. WALKER & SON , ,-Ei DEALERS -- CAUTIONED that there are , ARE ---r'-------•- C 0 A S _ 7 1__ i • •- - . . - . . No. 11 North (ith atreet,Phlladelphia-- - - . . Feb 11, 70 - . . but four - Collieries which mine this Coal, all of . , i _ • .1- .- , !. is _ which are under the management of the undersign. ' TRINITY BUILDING, 'ill -BROADWAY, Sown Si, , • 1 . . . _ . ed. • For the year OM SIE,NICKSON & CO., of Philo, • P. 0. Box. -- :;0111, - NEW YORK. ' • • - ••• . - , ,REMOVAL. L., - , ' - •' , - •,... . JOSHUA COWPLAND'S SONS delphia, will be th e only Agents for its sale In New Sole Agents -for New 'York and V leinitv. for the ~.• ' ' ' . • ' ' . . ,I...ngland, New 'York. NOW Jersey, and South of Cape Sale of LEE. GRANT & co.'s PLANK RI lal,E, and I RAVE REBOYED TREIR, ' : ! - Henry, and .H ALL illt08.; & CO., of Baltimore for all HAAS & BRENIZEIVS TU - RKF.I RUN COALS. . HEN " Y CLAY CO - _ . LpoluNG-GLASS AND FICTWIE-FSAME' *TORE, other points. par Agents will deal in no Other coal marc h 1 .1), '7O- . • •,, 13-ly •- - ''' , r To No. 18 Sorth•SlaUSSt, inlaid.... 7, whatever, and parties wishing the pure Remit:le art'. ) . ...1 , , . . . c:e must proeuto it of them. The object of tinseautton - DAVIDSON, YOUNG '& CO. .. . . . , i t Where they offer at reducexi prices a general assort. _ 1 ' meat of Looking-Glasses,,,Pleture Frames, Lame is simply to enable those interested to bey under- , standingly. : , 'WE . BEG 0 INFORM THE PUBLI`J ,1 - French Plate Mirrors, Plain and Ornamented ~.. WHOLESALE DEALEILS IN . -The Agents end their assistants for the above ' Picture Frames, Cornices, Mouldings, &e. . ' JOSHUA COWPLAND'S SO ,NS ' .Doints, are pa follows: SINN ICKSQN & CO, General Locust - mot NTAIN, -SHA4IOKIN," LEHIGH, . • • . Agents, in Walnut street, Philadeiphia; their New CUMBERLAN t. SCRANTON. &W I LKENBARRE ' - ' 1 Feb 19 ,' 70-6m] , No. 18 North Sixth St..,Philsida. York. ()nice Is It. Roome Trinity Buildings, JOB. G. rltAr ?II SUPERIOR AND WELL ,KNO.VN! PILES on.,IETEDLORITHOLDAL TUMORS In MOODV Age t; assisted by ELISHA MOSELRX. . • , . • : • C 0 A L S• i - • • ,-- _.. ,!• . 1 ternal and External. Blind. Bleeding and itching.: :„. positively, perfectl y , and' permanently cured, with- Agen t. n sum ner street,rlloston. , ' 11A LL BROTHERS &•eo., General Agent's, 5 Post ~ • i ••.', ' , : out pain. danger, tustmmenta or caustics. by WM' . Ilffiee avenue, Raltimote, lei.; represented at liar- ROOM No. 16, TRINITY BUILDING, NEWYORK'. rot:are, I's., by .108k.1.11 (I.STERRETT. Orders ‘V . .*„. M t.. DAVIDSON, formerly of Ty.jer &Co ENRY CLAY COAL . ' .1 1 A. McCANDLM M. D. , No , 192/i Spring ('larder St... , Phila., Pa..who am refer you to over Eleven Hundred - ahould be given to either of the above named parties, . I of the best citizens of Philadelphia who have been awl to no one els:, WM. B. FOW LE, General bianfiger - A , A L— . I"- 13, /----'°U- t- . ' l G - fi g in - er /j • u e,Culdwil I. ( -,l'irdt . 'll 't Cu -' - ° '' it , titE . &1:T....K. 13UCKM A N. • , .. • • 1 cured.' Apractice of eleven years. as a specialty In of the Summit Branch 11. R. Co., the Short'lnt. Coal -1. 3-13,• • . . 1 t. cam. thls disease 'without a failure, warrants a cure In all '•Co., and the Lykens Valley Coal Co., [Jan. 1, '76---1 __"_____."." "" ___ ______-_,_ _- __,, ,_, _ ',._ Which gay ~ such unbounded satiefactitM the pat' - ___!______________—_,....._____ ~.1 Feb 19, '7O ' - "WY '- .' Pier No. 10 Port Richmond. ' . WHITE, FOWLER & SNOW, year, will co . inue to be shipped * ; , _ SINNIC - KSON . ..-& CO. • , , (Successo r , toJohn White & Coi,-,) , ,• ,- " GAS FIXTURES. & KEROSENE LAMPS. • .. • •• • • I . • srprrgas or , • _ • ' Sole Agentli for th,e Sale and ' Shipment of the LEHIGH, ' i- • . • • , ' , '' . A GREAT VARLETY OF NZNIT'6I 7 4; L ' .ll. "Franklin 1 i b1321 of ' Lykens Valley, „ , - LOCUST MT., , R E, , .i " . PURE an. FREE FROM MIXT , . ,_.. ' • . • . - 'WILKy.SBARRE, .. ' , , - , . - „ . MERIDIAN' BURNER'. - • .- ii.: 1 .7 w .; Englanil, New York, Nett' Jersey and south, - .''''Y SCRANTON' and • , . . - 1. ' ' ' ' cc mpERLANri of Cape Henry. 1 . , . , • . - , 132 ' Walnut Street.lThlbellelPhla- . - , And can wily be bad trim our exclusive Age ta'for sarsarr AND BEST IN rnz liiiitXtrr. rr dirks rtts •,• , - ) 4 . ei: '64 Trinity Building,'New York. C 0 A_ L . 1 .. LARGEST Lled? OF ANY lICREItIi X. , ,klar. all tide-water Markets. -• ' ' 1 , 3'2 Summer street, Dolton- JOSEPH G. MOODY. Agent, I .1. 1,7 Q-- i _. . P. 0 , Box Sea, New York, i 4 • . 0_ 111 Ap cz N n o , „ :64 7!Tritity Bunding, 1 1 Brosuiray.)Y... , 15-1 v ' .--- ---- L,_____-_ . - • . • ... 1- • COULTER, JDNiiii - & . Llii if.anittattizers and " ( WALTER, DONALDSON &.,3 C 0.,. pr. JOHNSON & HOBOKEN - . 1 . - ItiElfi • 1 . -JOH - RO JR. & B O. , It- L - Jun Wholesales, Ii Dealer.' 702 "eh 44; liblia. gl-1y '.. , . i . . . COAL. -. ; 1 ~ . .. • • , IiIIaIERS AND SHIPPOI.B . O7 . - • 1 , - • 1 ._. . •, 1 UNION HAMM - 'WIT I'FIIIL* ANTS 13.P_IT) A.Slii f VAN WICKT NI & \ -STOUT, ( Yob ! , Walnut Atreet. Philacla. 1 1I 1 • ' • , In ntrerfng the ab o ve brand to the attention of ' naumentthe present season; we beg leave tO Wits. • ! t - ~. :0111ces,1 2 53 1 T D. rinity 2 l.l tree ulldl i.. a ßo x, i te n w . York. - .1 - ''''-'•' (3 0 A. S 1-i• ' . ' . sti Npus AND •-•-., BOLE I ,A „NTS for the Celebrated' - Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Coals, . . ..,, . 1 their curing during the ,paci Winter„and have no 1 4; • -- - - . - " THOMAS EHIGI-1 " COAL, 0k ,....L. From the Ebervale and the Stout Collieries, near . , -••: , • 1 To whoa,' all orders : should be add:l:med. 1 , hesitancy in saying, they are the - bes t Hams extant. are Selected from strictly, eons fed Hogs, trim- Hazleton, very nicely so as to make as little waste In Hazleton, ra. Delivered dint from /mines on . .., (20 Walnut Street. Philadelphia . . :'' ' board Vessels at PT. JOHNSON, lionoemt, and New ,' 1 ' I tin -as possible, and the Inge' •Wlents used In - curing ' Offices: '-' t:) Trinity BuDding, New lurk. •• liatNswltlC„ N. Ji . ~ , , are the very finest to be had. The Hams are all as.. 4. :, sorted before plcklinig and each size cured. by Itself I. ' - -- tip Doane Street, Bolton. 1 ' . - - Wll.l, [[F-Pier 11 Port Richmond. • ' • 544 &40 Trinity Building., '. • . 1 1 so sato enable us to keep in pickle just king enough • to cure and not be too salt areat fault with most; • o.lr ', Onions: , Ili Broadway-, New York. .; rel, '...1, '7O THIS (' O A .TS A HANDSGME, BULKY, -- -- ((Temporary al 119 Broadway.) •, ~ , . . _ . Hams.. We also Cure in tee °uses all summer mid' ~. Pier 13 North Port Richmond. • May 18 , ' 9l ••• 25- . -can furnish the Hama it an times 'cut from Hogs - JOHN •Q. SCOTT & SONS , - D, - ,9 .V E R PLANCK & ATWOOD • • _ ~ nre delivered which is a great advantage and one; possepted by very-fewdealers: We feel satisfied a MinerS -and Shippers .of Coal : n • _c" • WHOLESALE - DEALERS IN . ' , „ ; .. . : ARTIULE, . • , trial will insure satisfaction: None genuine unless I . , branded. Sold only by • • • SOLEI AGENTS TOR THE SALE Of Li : fif ICILI, ' ', i . . , . . A. F.CHEFAEBROUGH & CO, . SCI IVY LK I LI„ _ ' ' - ~ •-• . ./...nd we plvtlg ourselves,to continue its ; _ •.: • ' Pork Packers, No: 10 N.' Delaware Avenue' .. ' WILK.E.ABARRF., ; ' , -April 9,70-15.6 m . ,PHILADELPHIA., PA, NIA PLE DAL , LOCUST MOUNTAIN White Asti. - scuANT(*. and . • ' - . - ~ , .., AIN RAIMLIN" Deep Red Ash. . • SIIASIOK IN. • , . • . , . • „ \ PREP ITATION-SECOND TO NoN Prom thesam veins ant 'similar In all respects 111 .: 1 0 0 A IA ,1 . . . E, - - - , - I the ILY KENS VALLEY Coal. _ ... - .- .. - _ ..... FRAtiK OkillvEN SHAMOR.p.: Red Ash f).'PHILADEI.PIIIA-7ia. 226 'Walnut St.. ()Mee": ".110STON—No. 19 Ihia.no . St. , ) NEW VOItK-1.11 Broadway. chamber & French . ; Agents. Jan I, '7O ' ' • 'l-17 • Pier 14, South BORDA,.KELLER & NUTTING, Minors l'and S4ippers of - Coal; WF,'ST LEHIGH GREENWOOD • • „ TAMAQUAI SHAFT, :,.. REEVESDALE„ ' .. EtIKTIT LORBEVRY . e__ :_._ . • N , RTH FRANKLIN RED ASH, ' ' BLACK HEATIL__ . . - • BIG RUN lA - KM - T*3T HT.,• - • ' .'• ' u L 'GAII.RETSON, GIRARDVILLE. •.) 42 'W t.. hy S. lawiton. O ffices : 'I 64 Trinity Building. N. Y. • . j 34471 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. • . - • !, • ' Pier 17; • • SARA. KELLERA NUTTLYG. • NAIRTIUFE.kNKLIN WHITE ASH. April 21, i n , 17— DAY, HUDDELL & CO., _ . . . . . _ . Miners & Shippers of Coal. , • • • • (2054 WalnuirSt.;Phtladelphla. --,,,., (Micas : J 111 aftwatTrinlty Building} N.Y. ( 7 Dane Street, Boston. 30 / , Agents ff.t the sale of the following celebrated Coals: ° 11A.6.1:6311..1.E11i1ni COAT,. ' • lI,Ii‘KDItY (MAL CO.'S 11 . 1DROItY.A.N1) DRAPER (N IA IS, and,the ••.. EX . CEISIOTI. COAL CO.'S 11 . 11Alk1OKIN COAL. , rinzertisc: wit!A t neE.si f t r, w e i t N N :: 3 lB E r l izei l t e le u h ip th . t 7 N 4 : 3. • Jan 1, 'TO e , --,-' 1 tier Mo laVort tHaultoiiii. • - JOHN ROIVI - IVIEL I 1R & BROTHER .I• I $. • ', t •,„ SOLE ..DENTS FOR . ' ~ • The Emelt*asit . twelt knows HILL I.HARSL4, - Wkiti Ask. The Superio r 0 'OIT CLAT, bulky free-binaist Ptak Ask. The Ce.efurttrDANlEL WEBSTER Deep Red Ash BROAD TOP I SJILDITCRINOCIA: • - • RAVEN'S WING LEHIGH at Eltaabethport.: - 1 20/LIA Walnut St., Philada, . . , Billoas ;or 24 Doane Street,. Bostan.. , , ) Roam 53, Trinity Building , . No w Turk. GENERA L iSGENT-81: 4 11 7 E1 , F. RUGG, assisted by T. rt. BROWN and •E. X.'. UPHAM. March 6,'611—t0 VAN D SEN BROTH R & CO., • .... Lt.-. , liners. and Shippers . ~ ~;--, . • :: ---.'"" •A: I-1 , • 011 (as . a l iti Lehi"; Utast lealitaia, Laud, Gap, ,- ,ffirtabarre, Leklah. Ind ether WHITEf i ND RED ASH. COALS. -- - r 1 ,,,, PL Richmond, , . .. , i'lti iTiNg NV attvits: Elizabethpart, . - ' 'Jamey City, (3131. Walnut treat. Philadelphia. 111 Broadway, New York. - Dcatie St., Rnaton. i - Jan 470-1- (11eFteus INIVET.) f • [WY. irmirinticir. DOVEY KENDRICK, Matra andllblepers of ties celebrated • Si aft .- 01 .Rainbow .and Keystone ci 0 S llR L lta c rt Ns. Si Port Elekstesd. 1 Philadelpftlo--2211 Dock Streel... ..• .! - 1 ., PoDovillo—Cenctre fitreoL . Dolton—No.?' Doane ;HA Jan JIL Hoed, t. - Agen W9a ohlogto i i,P. C.—Ham JJones./Lriat. —. . . Offices rytetui .1 , :7,:::_, ~ .;47,;,7,,_ ~, 1 ..T4 ir..„ .„. ~. .. -., - ".. :.--"........... -. .....,...,..-- .....,..."...": '......'.....'..-...„7.. . . . • • • . ..,, . 7 ' • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . ! ~• , . . . . . . • ' ° ''' • ' I. • .. ... , . 7.. , . 7 . 7 . .. - ~ • . ~ ' . ...• .. ,- . • , .-..--:_. - .. - ..... - .....=,:=.- ,, --- - 7,--,- : 7 -4- 7 . - . . . . -.7::,. 4 t 7. 4 , 4 F a ' .. . . . a . . • . • I . . . . ^.l \ , ^ .. ,. • VESOkageol laregate r r h r... ^ - • .-,. , . .4,.. ..; . ..... • •-• „,a ' .... . '• .•^ ; . . • . • ' . . . • • • - ; / . -•,i'' ; ' . • • . ' .4, . ;• ) • . • •-•- • • ' 1' ; • ''. ' • ' ^'.' • - - . •. . ' • • ' , t a .... ilk ''' -1 . " z ' _ .. . . _ .: . . • . •. • -- . . . . , N . - . .. -•. .. • .. . . . . r...... . . 7... ' . . , .• . . , . • 7 ~ . . . , .... . . . .. . • • . . . . . •I. . . . . ' ... . . , ~ ..., . , . . -. ~.. , _, .- . . . . . ' - --:.,.. - -_- • __ • • . . . . _ . -....- . .. ... . . ---''-' '- " . ' i!, :_. ..-2,t . .. Co m 7- ` 1 ' , f - •_,qii•- ....... ' 4 * ..".- . 4 . . . ....- -. .- ! . ... .'.: 711r, " 7 . - • • ' . 1 , - In c IA -. - -f. :4 Inllli,, • ~ - - ' . '7 , • • . . . • . . • . • ? il . . . . 1 . • • r. . . • • • • IF IK I :•••-.77; J gt , ' . • ••' ' .- ~ .. _ . .! . . . , . ... , . . - . • , az -- 1. • 1 Nr:, s '.' ‘......;....---- ..,. . ~. .. , r . .. , . r • ~ . . - .....- . I I ( .......,: : :. 7 , :.• . ._ ~.. \it s -.: -;;,..-...- -.';'' :...../. -; ''. '•' . . . . . .. , . - - • ....., . •. . . I . !,..' • . . . . , ' ae .'...... ..44 . ....... t ]-,•.......5 11° 110".'..... :-:. ti ' , c.....---. 11. •- • y 1 . ... k7l . • ; i'l., :,, ... .., .' .S . ~ . .. ~.,_ . `'•,.- ','. ..• ' ;... ~..!-•.. •,.!„,. ~,,.' . . _ , . . •.: . i ' ' 1 i ~ .. - . • . . - - , gj 4 O't V- ,a''' . - • ..- _ 'i-::-:.:.., :- .. ,i, . . II ....___ . . . . . . . . _ , . "...Ng. .1 .. , ..„,.. ..YlAhlion • 1 ...L._ _ . • . •• .. . . . ______ _ • - \.„..______ , 1411 C ....... _,.. . _ . .. k. .. , • • _ •• • _ .• • .• ... . . • ..• . . ... . • . . .r . ,. . - ..... . . .. a . ••,--,--. ..- • • • -• . ... . • •.. . - ." . ..11 , . •-•.• • . . . a • •• .. • . i . ... .. . • • • . .- . " .• . . . • - ~....V. . [... ........-- _ . . , . . . .. . ii T --- - --'—' . - -.- . ...,_ ..„ .. .. r - .I.- .....-",- ....,,-„--.....--- - ' . . . • . , . : . „ . , . .. . ~ • _ ..----=:------- '--- ---,... -.----' - -Nsi:-:....1...k -0 - • .... - - • k.' ' . . .. , . . .1---- - ... .._. • P .‘ • • . . • • . . fikaerad acredl l ise po Act or camas In the rear mow as aima 4 .. 6 k 1 2, 6 , 1 05., Mks eif,the Diiteld Gmr, or the rnitid stat e s heasibianawbusigA um m ea m, ?,...:.. . . :, ~• .„ : ..,. e. ;.- : -,-:-.. , . .7-..• •'.-:\.Z.: 1% ' ' . ';--- - '- ' ' ' ' . • . . . ... . .. ' om • SN'O. 77 Trinity Building, 11l Broadway, • t New York. P. W. VERPIaiNK. Jan 04,• 'TO CALDWELL, CONANT & WINTON, NO. 111 BROADWAY, 'NEW ypinc: •(Itocrins 35 and 36 Trinity RuUdinc•) PEALEFL.I IN LEHIGH,-‘ I .ILICESRARVE, • PITTSTON. 11E11 - AS11 ; • .MAIIANOY, SCRANTON. - 114METST lii(I47NTAIN, CIiiIBERLA NO, BROAD ToP7ETC., C O A." • COLE AGENTS for New York and Gni North of the celebrated COUNCIL FREE•III7ItN ING LEHIGH 00AL. - ..TILE-;-PRINIROSE. T HE POWELTON Senn-bituminous and othet.ratt... JAMES W. C.,LDWELI - .. C. 8.-CONANT: - . 7 . ' WALTER WESTON.- • ' • - April 3, :69 —l4 OFFICE OF THE NIAGARA ELEVAT ING C0.,8 COMMERCIAL if LoCK, 131.7i7A1.0 - , N. Y. COAL. COAL THE .NIAGARA ELEVATING haCirig large surpinsrof Lot and Doekage, will he. 'prepared nt the opening of navigation to revrive fritnt the Erie Railway, CU:tat or Lake, any quantity of COAL for stomittor transhlpm.ent . to any place East by Curial or went, by the takes, upon nalavorable birtns as any partiesu Iluffalo,. Their lot \ Is well I(tateil 'fur a general 'city businem. CYRUS CLARICE, Vice•lite's. 'dent. Mitreh 27, '69 11—ti j `dining illachtutrll,.l4. OER .20 YEARS ' EXPERIENCE IN. 'THE iT BUSINESS. PETER KENDRICK'S • ~.... , , . at- ..........ma, Si --- - ---- .. f - i- - 4:104D : _, - AMERICAN C11A414 CABLE .WQRKS, ' TUENTOI%.,NEW JERSEY. The under-1101 *A whci is a practical (lain Manu facturer, inform', ( l ad f,iperatora and others that he is prepared to (make - Flat - or Crane Chains of every. lOze at abort notice, TirtieuLar attention given to Flat (loan fdr slo • For (vizier in fornitatton send for circular. - Ffir. 'O3-7--tf Tek . COAL OF A.TORS, I LINE R S AND ' FURNACES. • " ORICE. & LONG. Locomo - Use . Builders: , ; / 30 BEACI7 truErr..PntiAnst.tiutkaA., Would_ call , your attention to their (pitied/ 'and Furnaet•Lecomogrei designed for_ tisidel or 'outside work, and for any recinired 'gunge of road!and stuirp7 est curves, with,capacity to draw from 54 to 305 tom • Having developed in both the Minim Cite 'and Bi tuminous re dons of Pennsylvania, the shoat sureete pit Tunnel Mcomotire in the countr.s,•;',tthely o ff er withroonfidence their 'Various styles of tocomotive Engines with every , guarahtee of their worirman shlp and performance:arid referro the many now In operation in the several - mining -districts: furnaces and_forges in the State maul country. Their small, first east, great power de*Oloped,to gather with -their, ditrability, great economy and light daily expense* over animal power it ordinary' locomotive use. (as maven- by 'their experience of several years) make a vast saving• in expenses sal jletesit to pay their first cost in a very shqrlttisse. February,l2,, IS7O, • • izem • , \TIRE ..sopE; • 2 ' MAIIIINFACTVILED BY TUCKER 'CARTER 00., New Vora. ' All sites Heron or Wire Centres. bright or "stinted. The Rope nuumtaeWred by lirm are, considered by,all parties tudng them, the best and handsomest Rope madaln: the world, made invpiably from wire drawn front the best NoFr erne. Iron. TheWt shi in the U. S. Navy are r Wire py this firm. Samples esti Rope can begeen with; 'and orders taken, and allrhtformationlglven, and orders promptly reasonahte Taint and area lars fttrnished by • A. HEND Ito Miners" Nationa l. Bank, rottav EßSON ille. •r. • k 341 / 1 • " • And confiden JOHN NV...ATWOOD, lIMil REST FREE: March 12.'70 Best an! WE hare ni thelinsi seimon, duclloti hermit KEEPUP`TH bipedal 'at.? facturrne pu trits'aiAL 1 == . JOH Ovricas, Jan 2t, recommend it fts the -.; ,URNING.COAL IN.Tur Ji`A ;ERTSON, GUITIRMAN, & & HARRIS. urest Coal in the Ma .! extensive imilrovemeritsi whleitWill largely increase-t . r . Every.Retrortwill be ttsesi STANDARD OF PREPARA on *lll be•gtv,en to Ora! for ; always Ahipped by Us ell app • I EZZ:3 E AGENTS, SO MN !!!!!El fro whoa[ IMMO ROMMEL, Jr, & B , :g a ll s : l4 4Z XL, IP Wok& ,-, "Thaity OsWU& Now 'Titi o 1 - 1 7 iOTTSVILLE' ' SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 48743. - . GEO. J. BURKHART & CO., VAT and TANK: FACTORY, No. 1341 BUTTONWOOD. STREET,. PHILADELPHIA. .4 • We are prepared to makeat the skortest notice VOOD'EN TANKS, var7ing In capacity from . 150: to /130,000 GALLONS, snltaide for Brewer*, Distglers, Dzo:rit, • Manujoefuriri, , , RESERVOIRS . for CVLlAllitlk3;* Refer to D. G. Yuaritai.x., i'ottirC4ile; E. Basr, Ashland. - • P! SZyEN PEN CENT. . , . , . FIRST lIIORTIJAGE BONDS OF THE DANVILLE,- HAZLETON, & 'VOLKER. MARILE RAILROAD COMPANY, • - - • AT 82 AND ACCRUED iNTERES I I . ;•• '4l'o be advanced to 0.5 May -CLEAR OF ALL . •.: INTEREST PAYABLE APRIL AND OCTOBER.. . : Persons wishing to make Investments are Invited) tb examine the merits of these BONDS. . . • Pamphletssapplied and falyntormatlongiven by - STERLING & WILDMAN,. • - Financlal Agents, III) South Third fitreet, , • ; PHILADELPHIA. ?Or bitverfintent Ronda and other Rectirittes taken in exchange for the above at beat market rates. .Aprill XI, I7-3m " ring pro- slo f ooo AkAumr..r.. "BUtIC LT.AD ezerls ari other 1+44!- • iet:For Us Unilealed N6nteuees. - W.- For Us Uckqualed • ad.•Forfts Unsurpassed COvering'Prapert.y. !MI .' Lastly for ItrEetnistay. • - It costs leas to pant -with Buck Lead than any;; other White Lead extant, The same erelittit.eovezi More Stirface, is more Therable„ and unites Whiter Work. • Bum LEAD is the ,ChliSpeld sM Best. 7. il = BEM $lO,OOO GUM tANIT.E. • nucs =bre E:eels &nigher Mies.; =1 lot. For Its trniqoaled M. For Ms Unrivaled Whlteneas; SiFor Ur trrucurpolood OrreOng.FTWieft:T. Laity. for Us Great EronOroy. being ttriChootoot Ilindoomort ! and :MOOS parable White Paint In the world.' BUY ONLY- BUCK. LEAP AND: BOCK Sltiffaction no _ < ' BUCK . ,eOTTAGt COLORS t ift:eparad 'airtireaWbelo#: 6 ll! tigs ctivery jimobadoe.,. ft,. -Ave Marna embus. IJoillonn, sad licagiUtal abeam Sample cards Out by son u , Deabffs'OrdeniwUl bb . pirpilty arm*, typo maanaliftren* , s nu4Lrog..: N. . Cbt. Toallsaad spawn Illtriela.l /ad U. "A ; 1 i I= TRY IT AND DNDIFENVINCED. bighlratliPae ME Pn) , ,Siobi, (nothitig . , & c. ta t ty Rade otkiii9 41,1 7 sfont Math BEADY-MADE C=MCF .)3/EIGHT of theSTYL. t.' , MADE UP r l SupzikrlLY • aiutzir TO PIT RIGHT th!.. , . . rho 01,1 sot of tb. Chestnut Streei Chabillig o F a Diplomat is to tarnish a deem of Reedy-wide Cfp ' ( superior to anythlag that has heretofore basin to, the] public. Ooly the flour fabrici are used uid the bait trlrointuts, sad them ara,cut by the itet 1 11 00 sid kftlitic cutters , and made up In e r it. and ui • fia .414. • fall stock of each dialog Is aiala kore and being sold at modsiate pricer: ,I 1 . '. , ,i, ; ~ f E__ , . ~,• I t , i l .. Estoq e i eattra c it, . " : i Cor.nette4 sitli the fintablishroent, all!ndifarii . edsintaisa .- r , • - , . . . • , 4 1 1 1 F ct .11 4126 ' • tightst iFt ism r Na Work 'is dose in . ! asy I Merchant Ta il oring, noose the lend, No batter styles, no richer goods, do .: rehowned cattars,'no more p perfect l lift oils enyw ; be chased. - . ' ' •,• . , . . . , • ..• O.''''T: l . ' e v yN ' r',... , ` - ' 4 ' 4-/ D " - .!..- . ,fkittwg., , • :.; ....,,7 , , •;;1.... )...,,,:. ; ~o. c.: !_,,.: • - :—• ' 1 Y43tTinit- : . sErrs ai Las: Bea , tiful and Serviceable Garments. ETTENISHING SOOD3, . Rl l 4 EN T B'l • r re.„, , h 820 ,MESTIM S=l, (1 ° YWM4k(4k lER NOiS.--Aty our syiteto of Self utiasurement, • at a atitlines can order with eirtaluty of good fit. Ruleifor Selfmeasuientent and at by mall whiu requested. • =1 (ampler — bctobr I . - z MAGREE. BOLA'HH, 122 CENTRE ST.. ' Has now o pe ned a new Stock of Falland Winter •• . Goods s Mille Yoe the present season, Stich M •' ; . BLACK FKIN $ LK, „tir .- .SISIER CLOTIT, CORSK:TS: ' EN ,TBL'id.MtNGS, NOTIONS, &c. - . Mx' on d a netolot of - • Nq AN.bST;')IMETt. SACQUE. 4 4, e • ~ . , mold rireiplor rash. - n ., - ' • . melele3'to order. New P n atte c rnist , Oct,DO. ' • SP wbdch 1011 C) . revekved; LD & ROYER: MI I CENTRE ST., POITSVILLE. In'adtLitlo GOODS 'E3 RYGOODs, Choice Japa • ' liambuf Jo to theft usual agiortnient of DRESS BIWIDERIES, NOTIONS.' 3IILLINL . - haveiust opened a full assort rnentof lege Silk Robes, Edgings and Insertings, • . sin and Jugla Kid .Gloves, • Heavy Black Silks; 4-4 English Skirtings,. Bargains In Linen 11andkerehlefs and White GOOlts generally. • addlt loft to the well. known . , BUFFALO ALPACA,. ' the celebrated Al4o ofT#l A hill line o BEAVER BRAND RED, BLACK...PCRRMORAIRS. SILK FINI Ladles' a u Septembe s, In latest styles, made to order. I, '0 • I• • I,—tf-w• 'NEW .GO ' :ANNLE By ODS ! 'LOW PRICES , . Sk.:LLING OFF AT '..cosT! LAND, ' Porrsv LER, PENNA.,. • .nnonnees to the Ladlesi .of -Pottsvill'e that she bas opened a = OT OF'.STLK SACQUES,.. • BL~~GK SILK FOR upvarcL • es,Aiees, Jouvin la Gloves, Corsets, Also, \VIIITE GOODS In:variety. •dlsses Cleeks msiale to"orde.r . . , !quit. reeelved. -Zi—ly it .Reetpectithly and vicinity, A NEW I FROM SI 2.1 Frh . Notions, &A'. teuliet ant ,New Prate) SPRING SUMMER DRY GOODS ` I OX. &' BROTHER, N 1176 C RE STREET, rOTTSVILLE„. ' . l'',• . , Desire to , 1 attention to, their , ! extensive assort 'merit of , ~ . INIM MEM (kmilstitte ti Fc~re~ig THEFICA ~yncn . CHLLF.CTIONE DM = 1 1D £.3II3II.OIDERL LACES UN WIIITE, GOODS and ; p OSIDSTICS. ; HCAIER.Y, • 1 HH`AW ILS',OF ALL KINDS. M MMIEI Weil ia call G : :Which Is y core for this oily to inwn slirstmeloss of our oast. Apet! '4lil ME '''":T LNG ! rues As/ Er L4.ItOZEIT VARIVItY: *stiAt Lartztirst, et 31AREET STREET, Nl:\ lElt ODS. EdUl the Latest Styles of the & D.dmstic.'MA,rkets COLORED SILKS, GLOVES 90 A.T..0 king; CLOAKS,Atc., &c., lEa 9,,U} ENBWAEtk huge and selected with the - fit - most arket. We do not consider It noes • to whit we have, bnt everything In Goods and Grocery Store, can be had • •• ent. t~Du'tatit nnL " ELECT PA.MIL4 BOAR D 001. • &thx-fkt Clestiore; Theodore G.. %MU* Fame Ting PrmntrjuniGAmeirL TENDERNESS. • • . •• 031Eand f it iu be t a b l i d: e. -me. darirmr, let me feet my... 1 ll And that rapture of my spirit, when year. heart bea Ltirlten the lore- el lighnrotri min Arr mutual eyes is thril ling radiance sllpa, And our souls ecstatic Mingle at the meeting of our lips. • • Let thy heMt be kindittila evening. if my levegolll • ever prize. .• • Or My beauty ever made me like a glory to roue I Let Your . lrecirt he mine, once .m ore as warm, as tender and complete. y• ; As flowage when once you swore gtif th -your 1 lips upon my feet. ' \ For r must implore one Favor fretnyour tenderness "., • • As compared to which all others I have ever "asked • are light; I tinplore it by the future joys at which our hoped • , -are aimed,— , And by memory of those moments past, too sacred to be named. • • ; . . . , t . Band your face,lny darling, closecloser 'down Up ; orbmy breast - - ' • All my 'lips their pray' r have whispered—there up .on thy llps will rest— • .- "Take me to the MrIKT FAIR to-night an d give me all your Votes, . ~ Fora love I y—l forget what now--onwhieli my spirit , . dotes!' . • , L. Az:rim, Pittsburgh ,Ifaitth, 1870 ; - ' To Incotporate the Miners' Hospital and Asyldin of Schuylkill County. • - I,XTHE.IIIIAS, The risks said danger NYid:tending the ruining, preparing and tram:pitting of coal are so great that acci dents and casualties are of constant occur rence, rind many perilous so engaged are injured and maimed, in body and litab,,who from want of means or other causes are not properly cared -for and supplied with the necessary medical and surgical assistance ; ' AND WHEREAS, Humanity 'and" public duty demnd that proper prwilsion be made for the cat*, cure and relierof those who are , trips injured, and maimed, and of these who" become permanently and entirely disabled by reason of such injuries; therefore; fixerrort 1. Be it. enacted by . the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Penn Sylvania in General 218-•• sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of. the same, That the trustees to be elected as is hereinafter, provided, together with the successors in office, shall be t ' and they are hereby made and constituted a body. politic and ~corporate in laW and fabt, under the name,- style and title of the Mi ners' Hospital and Asylum of Schuylkill county. Shmos 2. That the said corporation by the same name, style, and title, shall have perpetual succession and be able to sue and bia sued,lo' plead and be impleaded in all courts of law and, elsewhere, to have and; make a-corporate seal, and shall be able.artif capable in lei , and equity to take, purchase, hold and receive to them and their successors, anylands, tenements, goods and chattels or Other property, which shall or may at any time hereafter become the property of the said corporation or bady,Politic, by purchase, gift; grant, bargain, iale, conveyance, devise, bequest or otherwise from any person or pert sons shomsoever capable of making the ni sae, ,v and , the spore to grant,' bargain, sell, improve or dispose of for the use and benefit ,of the' said corporation; 'Provided, That the net. yearly income from the real estate of the said corporation shall not exceed ten thous-' •and dollars. . II Svugs 3. That no misnomer of said cor ning:4lOn or -their successors, shall defeat or annul any gift, grant, 'devise or bequest. to (he said corporation; Provided; That the in tention orthe .party or parties shall 5wi11..., ciently ap'pearupon the face of the gift, grant, 'will or other writing - whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to the said cor-' potation. ~, - , . - SECTION 4. That the object. of said corpo nitlen'shall be td erect, establish, and Main tain in the County of Schuylkill, at a plate "to be fixed by the said corporation, within quick andeasy access from all parts of the mining regions of said County, a hospital and asylum for the care, treatment, cure and relief; free of charge, pf all those who by reason of accidents and casualtie& in and about the mines, railroads, and canals of did County, or about 'railroads and canals else where, but are residents of said County, and'' employed in the transportation of coal from the same, are or may be, permanently and entirely disabled' by reason of said injuries," and who may apply for and require medical, or surgied treatment' and attention; Provi ded, That the grounds connected with th - d said' hoapital and asylum shall not at any time exeeed.fifty acres.- ' '' , SECTION 5. The trustees'of the said corpo l ' • ration shall constitute the hoard of managers, and shall be fifteen in number, Id be elected, as follows : • three by the borough council of the borough of Pottsville, and one each• -by the respective borough councils of St. Clair, Ashland,'Port Carbon, Maharioy City,, Tamaqiia, • Tremont, Schuylkill Haven, Shenandoah City, Millersville, Gimrdeille, New Philadelphia, and Pinegrove, in all fif teen,to• be elected at a regulat meeting of said councils, after ten days! notice to the members of the Same, on or before the first day of •May next; and who shall aerie fora period of three years, except those elected at' the firstelectitin,' who shall be dividisi into threeclasses of five each, and whichlolasses' shall serve respeetivelylor the' periodiof one, two-, and three years from the date of their ;election, and until their ; successors shall have been duly eletted, to tit' determined, by bit at the first regular ineetingef the said board of, managers, which shall be held upon the sit teenth day. of May, in the borough of 'Potts- Ville. Any vacancy occurring in the said board by. death, ',resignation, removal from the county, Or disability, shallbe filled - by election for the unexpired term.by the bor ough council of the borough entitled to .1111 the plate, at its first regular meeting after notice received of. said vacancy from- the said board of managers-Upon the eXpiratlon of the kerm of service of any of the said trustees the respective borough councils, shall at' the first regular meeting theretofore or thereafter elect a successor to serve for a `period 4f three years, and the former trustees shall te eligible to re-election; It is hereby : enjoined that said - corporation shall be eom petent and benevolent persons who iwill.per- - form the duties of the office. from pure and , charitable' motives : without any salary, and who are hereby prohibited - from furnishing for pay, or emolument 'any thing,either jal ,rectiy er indirectly in - the• erection of the necessary buildings for said hciapital, or ,for the support and maintenance of the same thereafter.. . SECTIoN 6. The board of -managers shall have'pewer to Make by-laws and regulations for the :government of the corporation and . the nuinagement of the hospital and other prolerty, -.the safe keeping ,of the funds and securities and 'other property, and their, appropriation' • and use • for the • proper. purposes of the earporation, requir ing good and ',sufficient- security 'from•the ' treasurer, for svhateVer moneys, securities 'or other' property May come into. his' custody ; _ shall have power to:make contracts for the erection, furnishing and' maintaining the,, neeess. a'y buildings, and generallylo do all, acts needful for the carrying out' of the pur poses of, this act ; five members shall consti 7 - tute a quorum for all ordinary business, in cluding,, the payment of current expenses; -but for makingor altering hy-laws, purclu& ing, selling, mortgaging or leasing real estate or ether capital-stock of the corporation, or Contracting. any debt beyond 'two hundred dollars except for , curreat expemes, eit meinters - m shall be required tote ma quorum. Meetings shall be held monthly it such time and place as shall be fixed by the by-laws;_ the board of man da agers nchoose such phy siclans and surg. eons as they !shall deem still).- Cient,..*roishall form the Medical board, and the entire medical care of‘the..patlents shall. devolveon the said medical board; the admis; , sion and discharge of patients Shall be subject to Such by-lawfr and regulations as the board of managers may adopt. . s , , - . SECTION 7. The officers of the Said eorPo ration shall be a President,a Vice President,' a Treasurer, who shall be' elected by - the ' board of, managers from theirosen body,and shall receive no compensation' for their ser vices as pincers, and a Secretary who shall be paid such yearly' salary am • the board .may 'deem proper, and who- is "not .required to be t one of the trustees of said I;idspltal: •. • • SE.orrpN 8.- F,or the purpose of providing the Means necessary, for tire purchase of the ground& for said hospital:Yand .asylum, the erection maintenance, and endowment of the same, :" a' tax -- of one cent is hereby im posed upon each and eve_ry•gut ofeoal mined in the county' of Set:m*lMß, from and after the day of ,-- 7 - 7 A nno Domini one thoussin, - , eight' hundred and, seventy, and transportedover any of -the' railroads of said • county . nd,_ the collectors .of the different --:ra , in said' County, lateral and other wise, hereby authorised and required to collect t &said tax. monthly on all coal pawl lag e erier the weigh-scales otthe said rail roads snit connection with. and in the same manner; the kills upon said, lected. d _ roads are col d with poiver ,to enforce the. a ts paymen thereof, to the mine extentOls neat! . to t enforee the payment' 11 • eha , ' ' - said eolleetota - shall % ma c to the treasurer of the eat ft of' mamma the tax so eolleeted. , "Their Ma receive :- ouch Maderate . . , Compensation 'for _ - , . . , . ilo °sl 'n -• ~ s . ' " ' - 92,-tf UM Seldom dtrm °l G Ilmit. Vonrad, aksoilte. ' t ?""ti ia7 casoLzsr.:. A.N. ACT . - - . _ . . their' ser.vices'it m, ay. 'be `& ' emirted and agreed 'upon, and,shalite. • ble to: criminal proaer-ition. for any fret/du l l use oi-apprO priaticitt of Said tax Oefor -neglect tir.re•-. fowl 6 4 P 6,7 otte theisame t 'the mid treasu rer;:Provided,' Thitthe said board of managers shall shave antittoritY-- if they shall see proper t<i:iSinte • err warra nt - for the. - collection of .. Said Mi . nee the'end of. each and eve y• &• *nth for - e coartnined and. - trans •• . • • •• -during . ,the • preceding ti ti month or mo • th.s.''-nnd the Mite to place in: the hands of ' , eblieetor. or !collectors to be aPpoititedby the - • id iscetrd;a . d with like au-. thettty lo the said - co • • & • collectors to enforce the payment of said & x,ns is given to erifereg the.payment of •S •to and . county taxes;.And'provided further, [That the own ets of the , coal .0 n• whichithe Said tax is collected are liereby authorireirto charge the ,same upon: . t d; Said 'coal, .to wit i one per centum per t wt 9 the purchasers thereof, in• addition to th - contract price, for:which the same May hai t e!been soh The Said ta. t-shall be levied and: collected untill in the'opinion of the said ,• ••& . • of Managers, sufficient-has been co ll et& • • :-;:to • purchase! the nee scary grounds creel' the buildings, end furnish the ssme, ay thejcurrent expens wand from the the surplus - remaining over and .abo'Ne the said expenses and Original ou lay to. create a permanent fund which.. shall he'investOd in ,the securitiesot the United States; of the ;State of Pennsylvania, or in rst Mortgages on .improied real estate, the in crest or - which 'permanent fund will. be suffic eut.to provide for the .yearly expenses' .of the said hospital and asylum and thenec Improvement and enlargement of th e- san &from time to time ; Provided, - liowever, - hat the total amountnt tax so collected.shall. riot exceed the sum, of •fiveAcuindred -thonsand dollars. .Ssernig, 9."; An annual-I report .. shall be made to the Degislature bytheboard of num-. tigers, giVintra detailed account of the opera tions' of the hospital 'during the; preceding year, Its dondititimf the number of- patients,. improvements niade,:the rebel ' said. ho pital, and tts amtexpen ditures, and on whataceount;.7 he-amount of futids,ou hand, hilw invested,: nd other mat ters-pertaining to the, he 1) treasurer shall niake r eports to the said board .as to:the Condition and amount of funds and securitles-in. his hands whenever and as often as maybe required by:the:same: . : - , , iSpecker of thofouof • :jl:rf.-t atici» ,clt z i:as z so ; ~ • • -. . igi.xciker of the: &late. ,•- • • Approved, the fifth day of April; .A.. D. one thousand eight hundred: and seventy. • : • JOHN. W. GE.ARV. ... , . , . . . . .. • . • , • • , . , ~., . • _ - ''.LTTER.FIZOM CALIFORNIA.- --- .. T , 11 E - - following letter has, been received ". . here from a piling inan . jvell knhivii to the, peOple of i'httsville„tr. J tnesti l ltoads. It will be - mail • With, Interest 'tis .afinef de- Seription of a' trip tO•califdritt . .Ei . X..:ii• _ FRANCISC Apr I 20th we arrived Oi 1870. , it i Here weare In:San Franc-ago ;we arrived here last night, after .many rdelays. As I promised to give you a full 4escription of my, route when I- Wrote from; Sherm9n, I will now give yhu - as•gckld - a dilscription as I can. : . - • •,-t : W ,- led . ie startt., up the.Missisippilin the''''Adain Jacoby," and'hall a, very- ;pleasant trip to St‘ Louis, where, we stopped at Etirn . gees Hotel Until .we visited Carotidolet. .I...kitiSt; Louis' ire holight our tickets.anti.started f,,lttalta, ni -via; North ,Missouri - and I-,la ibal. and St. Joseph . Railroad. . After . a ong Journey. through a - not very interestin . country, we 'at,length , ttrrived.• ssafely. at Omaha; but not until we "had ridden twenty-four hours. Thewind was very high When we crossed.. the MiSsmiri River at' Omaha Indeed,.we were nearly half an hour in'crossing.. • After half' an hour ,for.. - dinner, (a luNitry which we.did not indulge-in, tis welirefered ' taking that time to .t'SpY :out therhiiid" in,). we agairitOok, our seats- in.the ,retirs bound for "Across, the Continent," When all the luggage - was . ,', stowed on , board, • the • bell sounded and ,off we: started, I with .two. "Rodger". engines. in. the Jeadi • whicli soon le pulled us to . Pnpelion, the - _sit mit, of the,_ grade, and therecommenced oily loWn - grade for' two miles,.. and by-night We speeding it:across the .ficairre, th.e.,:engi es ,sending .showers of .sParks tillinkthe darkness of the' i night ':with . fiery streamers, - akening the. antelopes and prairie dogs, w to,' 46, doubt, wondered.. what fiery ..monste 1t ivas that , • alwayi disturbed their rest. • ' -,, I. . :. ;• When we , reached Sidney, `the passengers Were,thiewn into'an .excitement, by the in formation that the Indians had e ,Ihrtrein the westward' bou n d freight train F the: track, by .knoCkitg out'' the stringeri,ota small bridge about :twelve_ miles front ii'ere.l Of - course, we waited until the wreckwascleared aWaYbefore starting;, .In. the nwattime the wind was Vowing a.hurricane, and to Make matters worse; . it commenced to snow. When we Had waited about !ail hour, the 1 .,,,, conductor came in calling out; 'tpassengers can get` supper . here. We inay nbt,- get through to Cheyenne for twenty-four hoti ...-." i -Of course :everybody and eve Ybodor's"' wife .took` his . adVice.s. .At last :oar rain. received the telegram unusually' laconi , i t 'all right;" and with.four. engines, • the first ,one armed witliAlarge'snow,plow, we sloWly "pulled i f out" of Sidney; keeping- a sha' Plookout for Italians. When' we • got tw . e ve stiles Out, we passed :the place where t ellreight wasstopped. Stopped,. ; The*. "noble Savage,'„ 'Mr. Lo, had thrown twelve:cars off the, , tracki and chased all the Crew of the train towards Antelope `Station. • One; liowever,.. who I happened to .,be in the cahoose,•could hot escape. s • ~ So he cloSed 'the 'doors' .and fastened Mein securely, then •teok down one !of7,.the Henry . : rifles, - with :Which each' .car ig revided, and stood his - ground,- While: the . tidians were ' cutting at the 'door with their i hatchets and knives. When he -thodght tlieyt,had eier- cised ; themselves :enough, -he k Shat through 1 the door mid wounded' one, - when they took, flight.:' The•:"gallant"- hero - 141 d us, he - was deterrnined ."to fighellit eut . ..oM that line if it takes all sunirner."' ' - - -s, :I i. ' .. • •• 4 i . '.We_reaehed Cheyenne tit 'lO 'lr. l‘f.Aeing only •leVgn hourS. behind tin e i -f, Here we . , : were advised-6y some of 'our fr ends that *e .had better "lay oyer":and."ge Slime- sleep:.`" 'All, bdt - we enjoyed.that-;nigtit's,ret; fOr we had to . snatch "cat naps" sin l edwe left St, Louis. 'Next morning we took= the train, but had not gone thirty miles letore otir en gine got banked up, - and run off the track.' - The other three' were taen;to 041 the first one on, but only suceeeded'in running two of them off, and 4rmly ii - nbeddlng the fou.rth :and last, in the'snow. -.: - -1 -- i- . •, We weie detained .at Fthernian.n day, anal -then at five in the evening woistarted down the grade for Laramie, at which place wear rived at eight- the same day. ' - liN'hile at Lar amie we took 'a good sopper,l fdr. it had to last US tilLnext . day at supper, again. The .next morning as the. sun rose, -We came to the flreLplace ofisny• note, yit : Point of Rocks: ) Here the . tock is .aft= sandstone, and it wears by time\iind • natu l' decoin•po inWon, into all ecinc*ltable shapes, castles, dnumente, pyramids, mosque, acrd Chinese temples, all seemed cut from solid rock, and . placed there-by the hand of some mighty giant. .- - . ; .. , ,i • • After painting Greed Riven a '' tty large town built 'of adobe brick, whic t i e was- en-. tirely deserted, we came to Bry an,the next eating station. . -•-. :1- • - When we, woke up from What little sleep wel could ,' snatch in our. seats — we found a beautiful Sunday Morning awal Inglis. The day was calm and clear, the siun shining down and tinting, the snow.clad peaks of the Rocky Montitains withn beautiful crimson.- ; •At Wasatch, we changed conductors, and a very jevial old gent took. the 'train from here to' Ogden.-- He insiSted-•ttat he and I - would go into; the Pultnan car a idliave some singing; and of 'course' I hid? nothing to do but go. After enjoying. ourselves-tfius for a few hours,' we all retired to the platform,, . to locik at the grand scenery which we'were . ,abont to libels through: :After running through a.ernall valley, the tibia suddenly plunged ,into Echo Canon; here tall' thills,, almost perpendicular, rise oh I bisth sides of the track, reminding me forciblY of the gap at Morrist:AdditWo nilles further we entered: Weber.at n, which{ 'scald to be the most niaguiliBent rock and mountain scenery in the world. The solff tuck on our :'right rises perpendicularly six or seven hula- Bred ,feet, making a huge .stoite; mountain.' In going through Webereation we Cross the mime stream 'one hundred and; eighty-severe 'times in thirty-elx - miles.. -After passing the Devil's Gate, we, entered thetown of Ogden, • Whersvie cluutged cars for the ICentialiPaci • fl'e Railroad. At Ogden theixixinectionjwlth" tialt Lake City is formed ; also..i . I By daylight we were on the .up grade or the S.terra, Nevada, shooting - through clouds th f s Cif yellow dust at. the rate of ;fo y . miles per ,nr. •The air on the mountai is veryrad fled, and aspens:lh after. brea ng it awhile, 41 11 wonders that he ever could in ale such air as•exists in the... Mississippi Vit ley - . At two - o'clock we pulled Into ko t e great. 'white. pine centre. • This town - is billit'up of wooden 1 ,houses-with,canvasrisoN call tent-horses. Next morning we pars throe h the Sierra Nevada,- The general . aspect o the country ehaitgea veryinueh, andlocate 4 e the moun tains of Schuylkill County.. , Leaving these Mountain sum 'its ire dive. Into the snow-ehed, for shalt •ferty , miles, when we Toxin:auntie& to sly 'down the mouritalrfgOrms, and broug.ht . ti at the lit tle village pf Claisi.l Akrear . he is- the most twantiful textum.en. the route .1 the tatfrota .: ~ • - - ti • - , , . =I L . ' .S.Tilic,;;E::i'COPg§.'-nc'c*t.::.:, - Suddenly . wines- olit„et . .w.cUtihrquieh- - ,th e - . _rock, and skims along the aide - of i(preelpi -one thousand - feethighl . .it : the bow, th • stream, which is as hsrgetut-thel3chuylkillat 'PCOgville; buka , :to . theAwldth. of, a' thread.' - They call it roumling. g TaptTorn.!•'... misile.,most beauttfuralghCX'oloM-flaW • and yet ther&were many in". roar*, fast asleep, as We pists&thrOgligieVand Awe, ,• to see which was nay over this part of the -- - We , .ocitt= down - the monntitinii We astir ifignoOf Nery.fair at tirst—htulikjitstdartifig- - ,;,t par--. •.down the leavei comnicisiced - ,tcratunt Selves, and wheu• we steached:.eulacir; grain, is • up, and • `eyelytblirg.... its . summer eery, : including lir - linen, and ladies ;in white .• dreamt The air 'Cis worse than utseless•to attempt to deserib.e .it. The • country . seems.-.- to ,be- a - new one altogether ; 'flowers of all colors, blooming.aleing,the side - Of the truck, .while the rich green - grass and grain make Alp the rest 'of the picture._•At liwnteleek"! we enteredSacramento City, • pulling seven - tech *:passenger 'cars. This is - a Andy loeged ear, And in time will Compare,:favor _ . ably. with ;; 4 4in_Franeisc,o. l Onetundrecriuut . • thirty-eight Ekteramelito 'City we . came to•Oaklarki, lying acrckwthe bay from Sari-Francisco. We were very grattnleava -- the - 4.,%rs and take - the - few-boat - for' San -- Francisco, and as Vsaki'befere,'ltere we are .: • This, is the laud of gold and silver, (no green- - . backs,) and we got our, money changed into gold, and then sailed into the Oakland Hotel:- . I like Sat Francisco. better than any other - city that I every visiteil.;:excepting Philadei- phla ‘ and J. 0. , THE NEW . A.EPORT O:Y Rd LL .CNALS ...4*,11 GR ITIIS Iv' Pki ti.d. , • ......=-. ~, : , ~ , ~7: • . A.'VE'R'n,,,ui7ll, obliged-tAudito*Gen 7 -:;: , - erill ifartran ft for ti . 'cop'y : bf his i "An- ..-* nual Report - of the Auditer General Of the :- State of Pennsylvania ; and of the -Tabula- -- tions and Deductions from. the Reports of the, - Railroad, Canal and Telegraph paides . -4 4 for the year 1869," just from the.press-of B. gingerly, the gtate. 'Printer: This work, Is :- gotten, up yearly,. and IS•ol . immense import-j ,• ance, not - only.; f- to railroad men but to husi- ', ness mehgenerally, as'exhiblting the mine,: rid wealth and improvements of the state.— - -By thiS report we see that there are noW one., hifndred'alui eight railiroa A s in 'Pennsylvania - . obliged to make a -. 'yearly `report tolhe Au-: ditorf , leneral; twenty. ninq street' passenger„ - rallWays ; 'fourteen . etknals, and six telegraph lines.. Railroad companies were required to reporrby act of April 4, 1859 ; - canal compa nies by act of April 15;.16.38z , and telegraph . companies ,by act of April - -M 1668. By . this - - publication it appears that the whole railroad --. capinit of the. State authorized hy the Legis- . ' lature is $174,337,370:00 i amount ef.'stock subscribed, $278,173,816 07; - amount Paid iri, •• - $239,616,5046,504 97; total amountof . capital stock pai d , Vi. 39,972,450 47; funded_ debt by.list re-: p0rt,•5136,337,165 78: funded debt by present report ; '5192,802,56,8 66; floating debt by last report; $13 4 034,807 •59;, floating debt by pres. ent re,p0rt,513,576,637 3.5; total amountinow; " of funded and floating debt, $206,379,3:16,01. Thenite per-cent; per annum of interest paid by these companies onlheir debts runs six,. seven, seven and three-tetith9; eightand ten. • Tlie,total cost of our roads has been $3 9 7,883.- 4 ' ' 892 00 ;• total length- Of main lines, 5,330 05 miles; , total length of :main lines •in the ,State; 3,654.85 miles; length of double.track ;. 1,067.94. ,miles; length of - sidings, "1,475.30'' miles ;-: guag,es. (if reads; - . 4 . feet 9 inches; 4' feet BA. inches, 6 feet,. 4 feet* 10 inc2l e5,..4 feet 91 incie;.(, 4 'feet .3 inches, 4 feet inches ; ' 4 --.. feet7l-104.1 of an inch: TOtal number -of en- : gine' houses and, shops 397; engines,,2,6s4 : first class . passenger :cars, - -1 ,6 ; baggage;.' , mail and express cars ~560;, freight cars. or • • - trucks 25,599;. coal, ore'iid stone cars 46,428; . -; 'iron bridge's 306; Wooden bridges 1,426; stoneAhridges 378; depots or- stations 1,437 ; , xerfod'and water,stationa '6BO ; real - estate -., owned by all the coipanies $6,835,9Z: ' Ntim- - ber of throughpea'sengers"for the last year 4,6;.:6,987; nunibbrA•Mpa:s.4engers Call classes) • .2.5,69,‘567,,. - numberlof tons (2,000 pounds) of " throufrit 'freight fqr , 1869; 8,687,571; gross 'amount of tonnage i for'the year, 47,819,722; anrount of - ant nra - ci te .. coal transported- 16,- 012,583 tons; hifuntinous..B,o34,3l6;`petro:- Jeino 1,162,183 ; pig iron „956,390; railroad iron 531,_63; other. i ron for castings 706,960;.: irpti and other ores 1,937,013; lime, limestone , • mill S late 799,455 ; agricultunil prod uftS2,6l9,- 778;. fnerchandize 2;276,692; Manufactures' -., 1,859,878 ; live stock 1,659,457 ; lumber 1,911,- , ' 088'; other 'articles 4,710t47—t0ta1, 45,218,800 ". • tons. ..„- The total expealses•pf Our ilroads tot - 18419 .were $66,468,021 27 ; receiA $99,614,318 22. : The total number ofilisseorprs killed were --,, 19,1njured.55; employe& killed 159, injured .320;. others killed - 195 - ,. itijured. 187—total , killed 384, injured 583. • ,: - . he dividends declared run,7, 3,8, 6, 61,.16, ' 100, 5, 3:80-100:A 18, li, 12;11} ; 14, 5, 20. The total capital :deck - of telegraph aim- • - panics,, as - authorized; by the Legislature is , $56 - ,821,710 OW, amount paid• in as by last 're-: -I - felt - $:2,774,381 25; by presetitreport,-$44,309,- : - .166 - 25,, t 7 Total amount of funded and floating debt, b 4,659,140 00. .Their.cost has been $2,- • 253 , ; 20V81. Length :of telegraph lines, '6,- sSiAl,'.miles ; length in Pennsylvania,' 3,266 k ' miles ; shineroy 413; employees in this State, -r -ile& .::,Gress expenses, $426,305 ...°2. • Gross . re- • 'eel pts $505,758 - 0 5. - . 14 4 . .. , .1 _ . CAN;rO(7 - ,-KEEP . A SECRET? 44 DOROTFIT," said.lchabect, pale and - . treinbling,' to his. wife, "'Dorothy, I h ave a.secret, and if T r thought you would' keep.it invicilablej would not hesitate to re veal it tb Yoe-, blit, 0, Dorothy, woman!" "Why, Ichahod, 'must certainly :be a secret of great importance, for you: are in a' woful agitation. You knoW, 'husband ! you Can place implicit confidence in your HaVe I ever giVen you Occasion toslotibt hy. fidelity:?." "sever, never, Dorothy, but the seeret-I hii V e cominunicate is one that requires more than ordinary faithful tiOs and prudence -toprevent you frouf divulging it. 0 dear! 1 shudder-when I thipk ofit !" "Why husband,- do you know how- your lipsremblei and your eyes,' nil'? What Is the matter? Ichitb, surey you -.cannot mistrust the confidence of one who vowed at the altar. to be faithful to yeiti.• Come, .Yourself." ; - "Niiiy - 1 rely, on your fidelity?" :Ji‘lchilboct, you-knew you may." ' 'MWell,lhen--,-we are both:- ruined!" - un- . ileif&-11,have committed murder!" • • "MUrder!" - - r "Yesrmuiderr 7 ,-;and I have. buried him at' thej foot of a tree in tit r e orchard!" - --" 7 : "oi, awful! Ichabod,:conunittedi murder! Then indeed we are nnued,, and our children ;with Us.". lelialiodleft the room, and Dorothy hurried . off T h -ii neighbor's. • • . Mrs. Peattle observed a great ,change In Dorothy's countenance, and in her general appea, runce,;.So great asto cause her. to In quire Into the Cause of it.-' • . 1:), Mrs. Prattle," said Ddrothy," "1.. am • the imost.Mlserable of wonien.! i ani_rulned, fOrever!" , . ",NlerCy!-DOrothy; hosigloofny you'look! :What has turned up to make Am look So_de. - jeeted ? :Why, you sigh„ Wm:Mtn.. Tell me' -• the[cause.” . - - • • • "I wish I might, Mrs. Prattle, but the oe-• . caSip.n My; unhappiness Is a secret which.' I am not now permitted. to divulge.". "0; you. - Inay tell me„Dertithy, '1 shall never speAktof It again." • • "Will promise .never to . reveal ik to. any person.living'?" . • "N.,ou know, Dorothy, tnevertellseeretS." • "Well, Mrs. Prattle---I. scarcely dare say • it—mY husband has committed murder, and : buried him at the foot 'of the tree in . the orchard:! He told me of it hiniself! For heaven's sake don't naine it fanny ime.". "Murder! Indeed, indeed, Dorothy, yon have-reason to think yourself ruined;' Poor thing! •. pity .you from the . bbttom of my '.heart! „ . Dorothy went home weeping and wring ing .her hands ; and Mrs. 1 4 4'sttle,, leaving? her dough Waif kneaded and her infant cry-- ing In the cradle, haAtened to hold a teteA r tete with a Mm. Teliall. Soon after this confab ended, the report of Ichabod's having' . coinrhitted murder becanfe general, and the disclosure of the fact was traced tohis wifo' Dorothy. .Process was immediately issued.. against iim by a magistrate, 'before.wheth, qind'in the presence of am _ ultitude of anxious ipectators; he gave-the following explana tion : • . . • • ; - "My.object," said Ichabod, "In the course . I have pursued, was"to test my wife's capi bilityoCkeeping speret. I.haveoommitted murder,. inasmuch` as - I killed a...toad, and burled it at the foot of a tree in- my orchard. How far my wife is .capable :of keeping a Keret, luta • been sufficiently -proved; add with .respect to the Murder, those that feel an interest, in it are at liber t y to inspect the body."-, • • - - . . MERV irlIS a Amend at ItnivillA La., in the pariah of Lafayette, of a man. game r - whodiefi Um darbefore suddaninafter d = a -fair Minutes at the corpse of the. wife inl . § daughter of tbe man above named, who bad died of the yellow fever in the epidemic of 188. 1. The exhumed :corpses hail •undergene Wider no change, and• w 8144 taken up to bb buried 10 another place. „e- EME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers