The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, May 07, 1870, Image 3

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gIeN 3 C - ifil l arb; DV/ kJ. ad
L 233
Square (N4rkeS) airlooll 0012 1:0 t sob ;oo oahs 00
luan,4 4 (oyeluch.) 001 00 1.100 SID COI 2S OD
3 4,4 1 , utre 1 4, . %in OD SOO MOO 24 40 21 00
4 SLOSILINI, 44 . 00 800 12 00 111 CO 22 00 42 00
A BE:TWA Li41 , 14:1 A t:I 4 :OTICKA.--Blngle
a;i t••• 1113 a Ingi; *orb aubsequent Inter/lon 21 - 6eata a line.
LA reATFUNIIOI4g ; , :iliTlClPX—Neconxt Plyte, Zs tents •
I tint / sertLuu: earl/ aubsequeantisertlon Zr.. per Hoe.
'4:IZ - IP. AL NirklCFM—ThlralPage,2ll cents aline Bait
I. /onion ;leach autoxquent inaeriPon 45 ceaUt per, line.
MA itnimlE SOTICI•IS.—tS e;:nts each.
FILNEAAL Nancirs-Acrn nylaz Deatha—For`tre
(Wei 25cnita; each addlilonaltl.elOcenta.
(;nonnE Count.-rr lin. , alb- written us - a
•letter. Corhett is inad too; and is disposed
to he . :eurrilonS nisi). . Were -a sorry for
( Veorge t and hope he wil cool down soon and
lieeonie a little more dee nt, and lie,ean send
it wheielte pleases. I\e:rather like . to' be
aliesed liy•such -------; as it generally reflects
their eliaraeter anddoes not I ilk; re ui. That's .
pi, ( - 11..(n?!ge.; • . •.-
VI • •
STATE. I --Roberl (1. Harper, Esq., one of th 4(
eilitorn 4r the Ciettyshurg.SrAft :AND SENTI
NEL; 14(1att his residencv on the 18th ulti!,
me, agy'd 72 3-ears. •
.Mr: Harper was the
4,l(lest qitor - in the State—liaviniz the
SENT; Nl4. fer period of fifty-three years.
fly the Of Mr. Harper, the senior edi
ir 41r tilt; ,N 1 J Ofißli AL iMi,,heeoine the
oldest etliior in 'the State, he having been
ei)nneetild uninterruptedly with .this paper,
for a period of forty-two years;
Erroters to belittle the iron interest Of the
17nited A,tutt4, begun by Itesienue Cniiir, ---
sionen.yl'ella in his annual report haveteen
sysh naiically eontinued bY\ all the free
trail c wi;itera.and sioeakers. It lUR one wri
., ..
ler -I;ealcs of the value of the ,ir and steel
niadelnjtheyOuntry, , and the:manufactures
thereof, ka only.: $119,950,00( , whereas the
true value, as Carefully eats nated by the
A merielin Iren- and : Steel Aasociatiou A ' i is
scrett hutalrefl onfl
. fiffll' mlllimift of dollar i: a
year! . • e lliis is.six tittles the -, amount stated •
by the 11,rit:a; TitAnEit.
'l'Axts„—'l'Le antoutilt. of reduction 4-
of taxes
a; prop - tea by lite bill infredtiegd in the
Senate by' Mr. Sherman, is a 8 1 . 0110:3•:•
irn ineYours, 614, - 000,(1O0 ; sales„ f. 5,7.53,000 ;
r (4 4 1 14 8 . $6.632,(0);, articles to sclibdide
A. S' , 9s,oir ;• salaries c. r United States `officers,
~•li.43.l)(lo4,l p assports, `5274109; legacies aml sue,
$2,84:4,e00 ; miscellaneous, -
soceial taxes, exeept'spitits and,
includes iee'lise taxes aml till taxes on employ
ment, $9,314,000. ''rotal, $43,6f17.000:• This will
leave the' taxes •en 'the following articles in
.(nt: 41,istillisl spirits, fermenting'liquyrx,
tobaeco, g:ts„..aiitlinehtne at the rate of three per
ecrit. All the st'aiiip taxes ur taxes collectable
are to he 4. , ollected by stamps, ..
4/Nsi the most bitter opponents or Pro
to.;Cion tile West, isthe
which is controlled by :fhtl:lgn influence:
which is lin ente4tant cerrespondenee with
'European , interests, and_ which has grown
rich. It is iu the Pay midotibtedly,' of hit.-
chrii inteielt s. denounces every one:in
rlic count S .king protection, i4y inonopo
li,:ltsl, ant yet its conductors were, among
those whi?rceently, 'lilted Washinglon• in
the h.tiCteL4t :of a monopolY of non-proilm , tive
cale't keep. up,ilie rate. of inten.-st and
!lcie.l.lieprghicers of the country.
Tif EnE,IiS VVVry i•easonable prospect that
the Stati'J'which has been disgraced in: the
United St des Senate by the inebriate Saids
bury, and which during the war and since
has been tn. all progress—little wra
.'redeemed next November.
'the. Itendblicans are active and confident of
victory with the aid of the colored vote. In
7w: e Cast le Countyatone, the-'colored vote
is ::,•hon, NO 441 With that , In.Xent and Hu:sex,
will enAble the iteprddicarls in November
=nest, to ilect every officer in,the State., from
governor :to C4)roner. The most hill - wort:lnt
result wotild be the election an Republican
LegOwittnic,lllC ditty of which will be to 'se
lect 4 suce‘ssfwr to Saulsbury.
.1 1:Ne1;1'
1;16)1,110 1
hy. this on "the table failed as it
Covode wt obserVe, opposes it.
it surprised. A representative who
himself from Washington when
give intoof his ~till. are in
t the, hands of Free Tiaders, is
•opposing any measure - 1o! the
We qe.tiii
will absei l
he pradtt
vapalrict. 0
111111ih.! gooi
upt aevept
it i, time
1:44. the p 1
'l. Mr. Covode saym tluttlike will
M areimmination. He shouldn't: : - 7
or him to -retire .to private life.
mark every, representative
ftmAiniat Orb.; Lill, ter- It will not be
oral; it will liefignint-eutting
eras tii be,derived by emitinuing
of wAking app oiiitmenbi,. to a
Int, in lgte Munk - of 'tneinbers of
who yotes
for the pul
uU the bet
I 14. pOWl•
( .011,411,S
re. , --A bill has been rePOrted to
ifroni the proper Committee to or
' territory of Oklahoma; and: tcr
i as many as possible of . the Indi
to a territorial government. The
has been suggested by the more
boetawS, of the; south-west,
it upon Congress in a formal pe
t their tribal authorities,, It ia.
ry the soundest considerations of
v in the interests. both 'of
OK 1::11111
the Senate
iti trues it
,_11:k ye urge
molt and of those traws.
. .
ittee have deeitretl-vAsely in
:I pprovi lig (Ike plan, mid we 1146 . tbat ftwill
li. , enilin*isy by the two branclicti of Cohgress.p
I t would li difficult to estimate the full scope 4
o,'' iiie lieniticTit influence~ erthis adjust
leen iof a 1110f41 troublesome 1 . 1110410 p. 11 b
4'111;114h II') . -alize, tei we may, that it prestints
but only tl r c most expeclient. but What will
prove lilt inat ely to be thi:!iiieyitalil,e solution.
4 - ,f.11W. I out r un problem. . V..
l ON is TIT P. \Vr_sr.—The (ionduil.,
the; .Western nterithers in Con
kosing Protection, has stirrcii uli
hvg In that section of the coun
i6f Protection 'to our labor and
riniger. than we, sitippo?wi it to
gs, were held in various str
jong protective resolut ions adoW 7
lOw him is a '
I , Roi . ECT
91 1 nome.of
try. ip favo'
- !tiotis awl st
'i':i fn
in); of the friends of Home In
. at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on the
~.- l udge Washburn presidisd, and
. Norton acte(l as Secretary.
resolutions- adopted; we find the
At a: 'nee
.111. , try, 1104.
t 4th in.tau
in.v. • F., I
le Special. Commtnnioaer of the Itei•e-
It to fitsi °chum Upon 'the mono foe
ton, nod platy them at the mercy of
Om:. nod nitro to prose that..the
to not (gloat to the demaotl; there-
That,Taatimuelt as they Are famish
tt ter. anti cheaper Iron than Etiglantl
Ile, antyare yearly lowering pflees, are
117wrefir, TI
nlu• 4ivig
of pig
Brit iOl 1.30.4
1 , 01, /:rrah•i-d•
~11t1,.r frn. • Ira
ran atriad to dnisi. them for the fittnre; J .- U;(1 thai ae
i , •rider . our thanks tn. those en terpriMilg
• whose rrisae.N sire :0y %mitt and projected;
eaery 1114'0(40d hf pig- Iron in Wieeonsin from
tops in Pi/k), no leas than 75 Crat tons per
I ' • P.
We have' Nillwatikee best 11;/-
T.. 1111441 rxhlinlz min Ili the I.ltelle#.Rtaliiii, affording
. ti , r iinit eliiiiiperrails than England:4°ld rt.* under
rrt, ILAW: and whereas., eapitallatx. if nnili,ottrtied.
te:tily . to intr0..164., the higher. ranches of iron
iiiitartu re among Ant: Iherefore; Rosolved, That
ir " art},' reanetintt'itt thii . pmteetion
:,,ir,,njeft in iron and sleet, and reepninietail t lint. our
t,l tow thei example of England and
the.e'dinies: firmly tlirthey have (Taxed lo lie
"I'liellLegihlature of 'lowa, State,
has eliTtett [two United States Senators • iti:
-- favor it l rPr4teetion.. wholelor the pre-.
t tk1 egathon in Cong.retis, we belleve;tlte
, I ,
i'ur.lllt!ceEits' HOSPITAL BT I.I..—FrOM
I nrrisl,airg ve have pcocureti a Certified cops
•:f this iveWere instripnental in
having , passi4P'at the last session of the Leg
' \V i e will 'publish it in the joun:i
next 'cyeek;i and afterwards in pittliph.let
form,. IThe ibin will blot' take - .effect untli
.blimary, is::1, which fa well, ti„ , ' the present
-late •of the traile in jlils_lidg' ion would
liaally be'fayorable 16 7 :active movement in
.. , biblishitlithe hospital. It meantime, .
1 1 59 * . ever, 1 - 14.41itrerent boroaritaiof the Coon
ly 11:1144:41 ia i the hill, can 'seleet trustees and
•get reailyfq4 active operations in the man We believe that wlien the matter
. .
s folly' tatile l rstood abmatii the uceessitY lb!
' l 4 llOl ;111 d'iistutioti. in this Counly where so
a'!arly . zi L evide its take place in the miae4, auw!
, 1 il • - hiet„ thatithere is no public!, place whet*.
~..-.11,11 sidrere .: (..11,11 I taken 4xcept to - the
, 7- .\ I itisd louse Willi- hi meirgre - and • tittsatit;
7:Joi.;ry ,aeco iiodationii. for such casoi, We
bor;ve that consumers wilbri,leerftilly eon
, to pay cent a ton IA !ttutliorized in the
l'ill, ward •• e stablishing 'Fiutill 2 ail - .1.115titu. , .!
ti!! tbis .3, egion. We also believe that at
Hie next Seson of the Legislature' aPpllea
. thai will be Maas~l4 the adjojaitigrAdeolltl-.
ties for theeitalAishment of hOspitalsWithin
their poutidaries. As far Mg our, Countriii
concerned,, foryj We.have seen the iit',6es
shy o', and . have ,endeaviitill. to have tt -
Miners' Aospital tstabiiFiwd i . t . et:e 4 ,-atiti)noW
that the laitttutilioriees erection,. we hope
that the friends of litunanity assist iih
many iti the matter of its erection -afid en
20ceraa a lime Mat Inaeitiou; euctr ationiameut lanertinn
16 cams $ Mae. •
. -
el Vier of body 'or ailattl, produeeS
4(4)44.ty and disease. The usual remedy .iii to take
soineTstimulant, the 41Tect qt whicivf a .the same as
giving a tired horse the whip instead of oats. The
t nie way is to Witty, the system with a perman.ent
Mir like the Perttvian Syrup, la y)rfoloxido; rota,
which gives strength mot vigor to the whote.ysteto.
Llamas' timing wita - r ;kits" Ansting. • And this
little thing Is Beauty. What do we fay taheauttful?
A trans arent complexion and a luxuriant bead Of
hair. What will produce these? Ilagati'S Magnolia
Balm. will., make any lady of thirly • appear out.-
twenty: and Lyon's h alharion will loan, every hair:
In Its place, and make It grow like the April W . / I, M •
It prevents the hair from turning. gray, Pludienten.
InindrutT, and in She finest Flair •Bressi'ng in the
world, and at only half ordinary coot. , If you want
to get rid of ittalownms, Pltnples, Ring-ntarics.
.eth-ronthhen, etc., don't forget the ; agnntl a Balm,.
,15-4 t
THERE is iownething wonderful. .M..-the way in
which. Oak" Half has eclipsed tilt Other eh/thing
laMum. With no .erllcelal itilvantag'es at first, and
many discouragefients to contend with, it gradually
crept up to the houses which ufferled • to detrpto. I t,,
and then successfully cozitpticil Ith , thern, and then
MlTlthem, and finally has fai In I hp ci
, In extent of bustnefis, reliability, low
and good wiarkimanithip, there Is nothing in the
clothing line to csiniparc with
the Coat 7e:i'citi-e:
• The quantity sent .by Railroad 'this 'week is
23,361 tong ; by Canal, 1,500 tons—for the Week,
744,861' tons, against 1i2,503
pending week last week; I.oss for the woek;
89,142 tono-40f this loss the other regions Made
it all up, except 38,096 tons. The.loss 1.1:1!or
alone for the week, is not less "than $173,000. The
loss for tbelsist' five weeks will exeeed - ONE
'MILLION DOLLARS, and all the kw,
pidity of a .few reskiegs lefulers, who have -be
erotue greally elated at their suceess. When the
- lotrrent was all in their faviw, and Wheileslie td
live offilie industrious -portion of Ole Working,-
men, by exciting them Ugaitist tho4c II.) ga.V(`
.them employment. ,
• We are 'aware thafthe trat y wOuld have Lein
dull, but Schuylkill County -would have, he'd
.her own, Mid that amount of money - would have
bden disliursed regyin - . • -
TOlidw : the duplicity of Siney or Sweeny,
wO=Wertf informed yesterday that - the St. 'Clair
Council wiled to accept the Compromise which
we proposed ilk the Jri
urtAt. several weeks
ago, and that Siney withheld this Vote from the,
other Councils. Finding that there was it de:ul;
lock in the trade
.we pro - Posed this' t!omprontise.
on oar own responsibility. It was nut at the
tinggesacttrbfarry coal pperata,) r, for none knew
atiyildug of it Until it appeared it; the paper,
and several censured its for r;ffering it, hemp*.
'they said they would be neetisc:d - of suggesting,
IL And we here take. occasion to remark, that
not one single artitqo has . been Published bY us
on the coal trade at:,the suggestion of any mem
ber of the Anthracite Iloard of Trade for : the
last three mouths, c,6•ept official itiniTtaiing-i or
ttommunicationafurnislincli us AVill'!th we put),
limited the ma . me as we did those furnished a , : by
the workmen. Vhisi. paper is enittridled by no
,single interest or branch of the trade, or by any
faction i l nor never will be, while we have any
control over it. It is4levoled to What b 0... be the inteiestLs of the re•
riarclietta of titre:dm:from any i.itiarit;rs. IV., :ire:
aiSi:ays open to iv :vit?, and if ‘it.t:.alii.r,rre or
tntrit ad vitte.‘vit accept it, anti rtjett. it if wo . rio
pot apprt,ye of it, ehpui,lisit as a emniwin;,-i
-tion, for Ho* , entine,fit4 kve
Tiin irado siinnt wed..
Wv.ric 'l'rrr, l.
T R ISif
. 1,12 , 1.3nt
Rob j 24.= , 2.:::(1911 14),11,
al It
V itSt h t .Azi 1 , 019 + ,71 ' 1,4, -tet ,
LVIL It Nth , . tr. , ,11 - .1, I/11,01i
...... = , , - .4)". 4 Ir.
L Nal"; It 17,10.1'
Ficent'n St hi 5 , 11,1 , W 411,4 P
do , Nth . ,
Permit R...
An 4 'anal i-, 37... i, 1.1 t.“ • - i,a , r2, , r,i
1) ,t... .11 (:01.. 1 i 51.=4. 1P.4.:17 15.421 ' tot.rgni :il.ll ,
Il& .11 It It.. ! 2,,rei N7,ii.:,! 0i,17J 1,0;7( '0 , ,.
Wyotriltig Sit , •%.7J.1 ' • 1 1::....kki, 7.12' 7, , i'.11, ~, .
Wy..uriliut Nit', • ' . 3 :
fill ~
taniokln ....... '1... , 16 119.975; . 6,5:.:.:.
. • .
•‘ • I v010.2, - . 1... i2b.".1277' tt.”,ots - '3,1z,-; - .2 - . ' , •
111 ; ' 22.92,..m.• . , :1,913.74.-.1 • i .
4 .----- I
K' I 241:23fi' . 71 . 1.12 r - I ' • . '. • .
.. I , ..,
Tmvertzn 1 . 0 4 ;4, „„1t..9'21; . I , )_.••ota '4 1-, , 1 - 9
Ethort Mt .. ... .:I ?, 0 21. - .'. '21.1413 - , '2.2..G '2 - e;',l *2.1,:p.t .
rrkyns V CO,l 1.41. :' ' I 1.1,%;' . . I vov,l.o t ,t.. ;:,
Killittrnston, .1, , E11t 41,•.!.'i1 7071, 71.!ra1 1 ;v,71(1
itig . .Ltelt COL . . . 1,7'.a . 3.91-11 ", :1.1.:1 .
1 :77- 9 - ;;, t.l -1 , - , P17.•;7 - 4,! ---- 10.. r ri ' i l , -----' 7; , , : "` ", ;,.' 7--'1 -
/titototootoc... .
Broad Top .. .... . . 7 7,547 101,1.".: , 7.."t4.1 1 -
'.1,111.7. dt •1 4 .f,:3
11, 4. 0. It. it., 1N,91.7.. - 214.4.11' '.:41.*:." 0 , ..: , [l, , Ai'4l '7.3,t0g,
Clit-1 .t.• Ot'ou .1 17,954' ill,:tO 1 . 4.01.+1 4V,•!..:1 gt, C.Lot
41,94, 4irt,nts-: rll9 =7 ; 611;
ToLul,nll kind 413. , ..r;
• •
,(ntr Tf.flAi-r4 Will (110041 - I.flikti , hfeteehsu d
our tabnlar statement 'a little. We 'now •neko
rate the Anthracite from tife ntlira,ll....
and 13AM:duo - Os, and. !lave WM" PplbraM.:l
in tlio same table, exeept. the • of Itim
rnizions moved towards tlio posalNrard
msstes'over Ilit.'PenvAki..yania. Central and
Itailrostds—a. tepOrt of yvliielt iyTW
reeeive,ilmeNall endeavor if ii'osA
It will be see'n that the 14e,sor‘...mttliraeite thi4
Nrei!k, eontliared with the 7eurresC4 . 4tiditik. v t •eekt
last year. is 411,490 toliq, and inelthking the
anthracitc and bitutnincnis, Th,o
whole supply this year i-4 ',hurt 116,ste: 1.4r1.4, in..
eluding the 4inpidy.of hitittilineac rout tl1 , •i•(..1
towar4l4 the 'Neithnard.
. Of the quantity. sent this week, lw,re fla;in
one-third eame from die Shamokin !NI:lot% - ..N;)
ilew'cotlieries have started in this Region, (lir
ing the week, and we dmibt whether air.v will
start. The demand for. coal is slaek ilii the Woe,.
but there is somedetinind for Stove coal at
adelphia for .dotnetie' purposes. •Sh tar the
wholesale priceof onil have not beena4vaneed
at Richmond over 23 scuts a ton for the' little'
that is selling, and if sil or trPO,OOO tons tt Week
inerea: , :e were thrown into the market 4 by The
Malty' kill Operators starting., the yriei: mw-t
fall - down to P.: or ;IQ 23 a tot iii les;; than ten
days, if this inereased product mold all 1,4 , sold
'even at tlit lewest frg arc.+. nail the Tariff iind
Eittiding: , bills are of . ' rongreßs,
manttiliettireri %Olt not laY in mityplivs hvyonil
their itnnusliale wants at arty pries nit prc . ..,:ent.
\Ve Law •not. re•t•ivril oiir quotations of
sehuyikill Coal at New Yerk or I.lfilatlelphia
this, wedk, but tee learn front
.twi.vate sonr,,p's
!hal prices have advan.a.4l.ut
New Yi.rk iwr" t m this month
ttiih run to pru.tait (Itahan.l , (‘N
.e!•pt that Stove 06811 is, a lit t.!(. St.:ll*C.P.
LEA 10: front the Shamokin that
several have to.go to w. ,rh ,
each patty making:lii.s'o wit tern's with 11101in:1i.
At u.nue of the eollierics the men
at $lO a. week outside ; inoil $lO and $ll int,ide.
with a reilnetion eo'ntraet work, ranging ft-it'll
10 to 20 per stmt. .The irages in the :Sharookin
Region has nev, r er been . so high as in lkill.
.and at screrakollieries the laborerW are work
nex at thei waks fixed in . the-operators'
without the lia , •is principle.
At Toyer ('ity , , in this County, laborers
'are workiv il-'74 . and. $1) a %visa, na.l
$lO and $.1.1 with a reilti:•6•4l 1.0111 rid;
‘ti-,ork. of3s.pUr 11.111.. Thiy - do:}dl , r,•to tle
basis. . '
in no other e , ,lttra , l
frig,' as is civiriatiried th`ree'-foorte4forAiw
lieries in County. In L;lxriv•
ileginn netsk;Te lab.)r is likglwr,
(.311540 a great many-laborer: with a
leiner. in rutting
,coal in a brea, , ,t, and
eekves from *2.50 to $5'2.75 a day, wlt;wkr
die miner, with whole he works, after acingthr
laborer, to realize from $4 to ts;
-• Aco innEsrozr DENT froth Wasit i r( n re q (. 7 1,
to ((ttote . t.he prir , t; of coal for tht!iWashingt
ton market; All he has ti) 410 is 1 0) add the
amount of the drawback to the Ith•htimmlnuo
ted prices, and he can 411114 obtain the imeta
Tor; Toehight Valley Railroad tranaporied to
market last :week ;tit 91,764 ttais. Tin . : Lehigh
Navigation Conitiany's mines are !tile. the
men will not aceetit the terms offere.l their!, and
the elAripany prefers Ie tvi}l,their (irial in tiw
gp. ) , w1 d . 1,4 Ariirkiiig tinder knell eireitinstaneert:
'Mint) trout I, each Havel, to ILl:tyre-do
-7Graea Ity4tnal are C.PTI44, tutti -freights Si
ortnsigitet's-tutkuuiing httattt, making rtly4ll. itt;
per ton—tn wltiat add 20 eents per tin towage
to Italtimore,, utak itnt the tells :Intl • freights
fr 4 1 . 1 per. ten - to Itatrintere lty vounntt.;.
nleation. • ' • ' a - • •
. . . . :.
. . ..
' - • • • ;HAZLETON, miay 5.1570. .
F.DITORS At decay Je rUN A I.—SIMI—The ceinnant'l
nleation wlitch appeared frwn'tne kiatiedlt. 'II. r„.
did not appear to convey that our veins it this re - -
glen or County, had nily Inellnatlon. .. ow, for nip.
benefit otyour many readers, and the- inforniat lon .
Or yourself, IMa ppy tot nform you that all our
veins pitch mono less, and we hay - e that pttelasst
as Much as any in ' ylkill County. or elsewhere.
They are workedy much on the samp plan, ex
,tsmt the payment. bleb Is by the ton. As I staVed
all has tube I out, slate, bony, die.. and to fut . y .
because a vein pi hes rapid it cannot : be Worked by
the ton lea littlel much thesaclays. Npw, to give.
an idea about a big vein seat tueb.or hoWlt pl team,
we have num) , minersthat When they haVeworked
np their breasts:to the boundary. have (min: tine tO
I.VJOcant of coal lying In,theantne, ad , it-will 'Minim
a good inclination to hotel that nu tuba' orears—end
they holding up an average: tons clear: coat, 'The
brotsts are usually worked up anent an to Myatt's.
is that the {rue reason that • yelps ' , tithing -cannel
7.; ..a7 •
&Herat Whets. • „
,I Ssl9
MA76 11=
-- mmtrirks
worged ty the ton Nowt think the
many peop e win laugh at such nomtens
;o it has, atways betligauf
iinli in (.`wr_li 'OA rt CouritY. - ifut - I think , tl it h seere t Itivit,
hereherethat mitters'llde they nrc Idol' run-
Ing 111, 41011:s little. *Lilo vt - orking thr4 places sttp.
and are willing. to sacerflex two-thlrdat-otwlipti is
tine theta fur such. Ott the operators' side tray hair
the big didkrence at once, and wemerillingto adopt
, the plan, .aid are now unwilling to pay, for-dining
17 the thtts.4l l ki n sisaylft'i•Ohielint4 "their- liana pitch
. A.110..11100/I.V? kYttw; sits. I vecO!rtillak.that
I wish to diem*, these matters wltitinin; far from it •
hull dr/think we haven right teams+ as sreae.l ope
ntors, many of our operarori : In thl* ton, would
• like their veins pitch more - Mad tilt* d , berituse s tit
pitching vein is worked with a .greet -hen ;ix:
petite to them thanl a flat one, and the Chariot Ito.
nekbies to fan, - which. when at doosi go lota
down the Vribtiv and is s very expesis ve . 1 out
attain.' Tli, - -re .are many operakws in 4 kiim3"lklLl.
'County,. who work wadi veins. anti pity - about'
s : Ilftt cents' a tom car price. no i they our
[lna - a ends meet, what must those make
Mc big vein '
and PM" sabotti elute per
ton. h l al t . l e ilti - k It would be - much bete kir the 'Mg
1 Vein minerif he was paid like the sr ial . vain men,
r $O in %I eh lAN. 'mtr Instead of so much per y rd, but by ,
..ttityto tt ts4hes rights way to .Itg eottlais tls all sold
1 , 3" that standard, and the day is not Cur bitank, no
ritalterwitrit twiny Ives:Ml to the cotitrary.'-vbeu it
will lA, dukby weight, 4111(1 reales will tiaVe .to be
placed when: ears_ean go on them ine weighed.—
- ;;;;Jow sir, as this siopin Schuylkill legior tax ilas gene
'solar; It hart createxi numb talk and (11v-evasion. at
„smoky. rimy tall yon had name* for tutting: what you
donbout the W. B. .1.: I think that ft iv tllsettsslon
Mat is needed at the prelent time. I}ut hot all on
'sone side, both Parties ought, to be heard. so as a de
'erving public inayjudge who 14 in t lie St rung. • But
out opponents have tine best of •us lii this •re•Nheet,
that the Most of ]heat are well educated.; and if not,
atm wt. ti-3le.' nalll2ln.n . , to do It-for thero. 'Thereht one
.thing whieh you make a big mistake tn,,sayt tig;t Ind
the that Wats was the miners. ' •t• I .
• . Respectfully you've;
•' ; • I • -
. .
When We stated that deep Veill.4 4 . 0 ill . not be
hg the ton, we,meant off' , .eurse that
they could !tint be worked to advauta;
front tl that in one vein, probabliclue-half
of "the inn" ,take out is Mcri.Se, bpnt.), sl a te ,
while i probably fully one-thlrt. or one
fourth Ai',OUl4 . be refuse, in others, enlsnoently
.these eelliciries are worked by did aid. The
writer "Waii• also greatly mistaken lit his last
ts mi
amtri(mtion as . to the quantityetial pro
do.,„a.iuthe he gave, bitt, we have
tin Utile to sbow ineorreetnev,. , The ;charge
That the ., :oPenttors hew induetst nx to take:
the eoursT we cid, is false; nor is it the that
the disetts'sion all on one Shbii:
have opened bur • columns to 11nblish
all . that bas : been o ff ered either
party, even n:)usiVe letters add Z.
us we have published. We appealed
and privatekv to several of the leaders'
one disposition 'to yield sometbit
present t.tate of the veal market and ti
vrieesthat prevail; Lot they turned
t4], all °air entreaties, and we determita
'port tht,ie loaders ho longer and appe:,
:workingmen themselvt,S, in order tha
may be Eesiitned. 'Many of the leader.
Neve th4t if the aninerki go to _work ?
will lose' their olliet - .s and positions, pe
deterininath;tl to widen t h e breaeh, tf
and denotmee nil those who will not!
their aetion.
. -i SECRET cif:cc - L.l*s.
MiNsus. I , :nrriits:-Itr, John Sin,
t-tweettey, makes a graat tiltAv in the
!kr wt,eltdtbota. disenr;vering a :recr,
issued by us, nit the-fourth day of :tliiri I
tries to eonvev - Illti impression that.
. tTawlessil - yigifitaavo•eoitlil have broil
Hizill, A:l4 .1.1:... - Tlii, is ryluai F!,,,,,,,i,
1 have issi t=tl tvoe-Itly CliViliariltlitirolli
!ii1)1 . 1 . 111e ~11SpeItir410. 1%6), "": 1 " /Iltilired
' !..a. , 11 wttr t Ntritt l W' and I,:ent-to vaioll'
' kript , rinUituih)f;. or'any oilier! inter!".
I ive, have not f 4, yet il , kll ,, Wlyagr4 slr.
a vo-partner in our -11n, i w! ,- tfitl !
.lei.nuate illicitt our list..
.Itavi s i had in our pi kssessioci a' 4t , ..e:
lar ist.liv,l li.i'. this /00r,,, , ,/,/, tetra, u-leo
6,! ,,, , ,,,,, . •, oihn ;tar/ ,tbor,' ti,toya, ,•.(. ,
tity• - it Na. , I,,illcti. , Vl - o
nun' send -yin
„for, putilh-stion fur two reasons, t iv.:
sliON: that th‘y• exit play :a avert I.'y whet
them. 5r , T.,111.1 to shoit to the Lublin '4l
1 of like doulile , leatina with whieli ''.l
,trilPs'hk slits i•, I:cep his po,:tion as
! I . !ir a eon.7l!kratiost.)
. of threw. 11. A .
ilitarxt.i , r...k4,..ted by tlin men, and inn!
we behold Air. Sialoy . sinitu lin,: ironies ,
_I the eld 1,1-1 , ,,...i.z1it or WroiT.
.410 Is %.,
..;:11 : Ifit•.•;-01oli:11i , !II,f)1;0 , , 1\ It t<, 10.011
.W ...
itillo . 'I
. I; rv.' A 4. IN , IVA:L•r-, , ,,k,. 1
1,1, - ,,,,t , wilvro h lisleth, :Lod. he it
. . ,
.trotitn noth' lo ~title, 14 ! ,,1
Nv• ,, ts, :pt turn s!,:ite pretty •,11,, , ,',, . :al
WWI 3 r....t.:1.....7 tim . f•-•wril:1!..! :13:10 likl
1 LIU` , 'kola , ratiall'S, iS il Ally ‘voll,frr
1- It'. 1:, A, eal k pot do 53 hat -i.. , Tight ? I i
I 't\ s i.,,, eo•lik!:l !Ind go!,,l'ails ire they hat's
1 . .zraipii: , -1 - nent and supronnisi•lfisinies . s,
it Ikkii , ~ nlt .1h esi , ient for fa ~,),,- , /,,:t r /
^„ 14,1 will,i piatag,v alio - wila!if - r,zion
Ll,<listrt.,,,raZiaa.:' Limn raw tlia• ri-k.
I.ii,ill - 1 - qa. . .---
' NV.i. hay! , .hilt on ~ ..)itio ty,.111.1r to tr
i Tyama' , ..t,h,tory ill Ealt.Olavl atill anav at
fairi• 3;1110 11ailik it wpilia Nviailo tAi let th
.1: not' ifs ;m , tit , illg4 MI "1 • ' , )i...: r ri i ,,
1411101,, , i,d11,00 , 1 , 1101 . Maciat-.4+:r.
1•;,•11 . 1",r, wt
...t•ot to ;It si•
Exl,; rTivr; 01'1
may 6, KO
lii` 'Me :4;,, rd' .„111 1,0,,),•,-,, I,f .V.Joi,.,!,t;i.
- Pf I, IVIR et didi11 ,, ..10, , !
As l're,idolit 'of the'V. 1:. A. of li , iotylkill'
I.l o ot It to ta• illy itapf•rnilVC, ilitly to 11.1,1 r. 1
hew words nu lib, "pissition of atfairli as t
;4,t.irt, It I:- , It II I lit• giTitte,t I , lnel:toroth
lip tar; pen to writ, on this suidri•t. I havi,
-if, :t olfasor , to conanititficato milt yell la,t It
..r 1,,,..1ith :rind .with the 1...11 in lino, 140 tie 1,.
the stiles w,r,t,hrig,lit Autilprospeefs ,c10t.4,
.1 17 , 11;,.. 1 hen'how I feel now alien the dart
.11.,,1er Ilan: PI ..7nlnotts'ltlivaa ,01. Pr ,a 1 -
:and fain wolf 1.1 I 10 sec the ..1.,....1.. ltisr. ,
I ile :stn ..I 1,1'...110:i1y Areal: fori litnit••iill to i
tilt c 1 , 11111:11Yss spill ' , IAA- 141111, into - ,air 11,311.
r, 4 ,1 in.,' ever y 1 3 . mr _1. , ..,,,,i In la,l lat hat Is mt .
';1 Ilse. that Mins. wit leis is so deor to my II
fns which rather tihisi Fi...1 It I'4'l I . would L...,...,..
:toy thirt7, hut !my. honor, :171.1 thrieforol altjoon- '! st ruined Mt, w h
i e 1., yon :is 1 • %hall. Tiottrintor-.1
oue, dere,tiots of liple,P:iik !own ling ligaiti
,liii• unkoti chip tato I to• !weaken. of ilis , oliltiot).-and
ilitlyss Nye ifrlng to the n•sene the 1.. - .ost ions{ iii alai,
;tad eooiost .11./•totion,kool.wlAdont {VP aro it diftwer •
of 1,1-011:wz a. wreck. Whitt Hien .slut( { I • done?
1 1 .1 , 1 ilto trait•.riot the ityde Vark it , ..zionoe -61 a it 11
ua in union:out, unanionly N 1 0 . %%"..111ti one' lino", us
• , .1.•".1/.1 111.1 ,liiic *
lo,r, 1,:r... iiii..l so:other •16 - ridti:
.eii•fory swer capital and celitslito , s s, whit Wia4l,l
-4 , nalerrtn tn , to toll be ti
ttentfl the srfnee of .t re .f.:o"th
for a Oar, ilitt:ie.. lint MI our's are.frnst . ralid
he no• souls:llv,, awl Lit . ..r.d of there `.tinyvorthr
Ineni / ' , 1 ., .4 utir'o . rizruol7ni!on. \Veil •Yro t.. , ...t how,
thing.; ar,f the' next thing - toll. is f o i , foilicre!as to ,
wh a t is 0,.:a hist to he dons, ..klways yv,:ttelking - i
nialit no,I• day over your Intere , ts, I hurt' i•eutt thy
way elewr in eliae if hot ure of...inr plans sitil'enno•
frcqir the 1ki. , nt1.;1) , 1rt14 , , Epe....t pill.q. rnlirt, li, have
had lan little faltli in I tarot, and 1 now otfortyou toy
,opinion as to 11,1' hest i!iairse to pursue. 1 t has', been
1 toy endeavor 111 ilia.; out 'What. IS en. the intentions
1 of our eniployehi rt-xtrilint: ns, lout I hrie titee'reded
~f,r an to itthcw to kunie ea lent whiit ilt , '.:y v.lll do.
' Thor ored ..tts in 4atioary atyli
proposif to 1 ki,
the editor of our i,t,liiriiiiis oraati, S ery jtrileiollsly
•ea1111(41.11to ellitialliail'S 1 Woithl ton tisk -, 1•11
, that proposition, nor do I helleiej if, tau;
dont, Si.' neo.l tterept it; but then! 111 dinial.r. if,,,.
_,, , t to.hle prudence I hat We ho l y h,-, re,w,td t o 11,
jilt,' iive,,sit3 - of ritinnittina 1.11. that nt.last,l tan we
eall yet ai.•ia it ; 1 low ? say sonleof yon.• By Crying to
, Ltet is eoniprsintiso. I ktiowl t, is hard, anti ii y /wart
I ‘ t•teo4s 111 the thowzlit of it, to tako let,: titan hair Old.
;Loci:' bill 1111. )1. e .scitS - Ware s 11,01 . 11 ~. t la , 1;14i% , il-is-
I ..,!:' only alter - tiaTive.,T helleve!- that xvo.eBlllyft itYL
j I liotiolillirornino of a 1,14,1i4 Hard , 111 ~ 2 :ol,viti 11 li a cor-
1 ri , spoodling. re - slot-1 4 to .w
n 111 rila,lloll pri1....1,111 kl'ltell
i vont Is lip to t , :: 101) • e wiitilit t hell Mtn' hay.. our old
I wageg; but if NY, r..fits , ., the next kupositi , m will
! he II ;,lode( ton ~f emit ,net work lIIIV lint ill." w a ze ,
114 ?hey arr. 3:ow. an Men of .01154', coil .'tit 't' , ‘ flu'
efret alleh a prottosil ion woulitliztve. It w had e..,-
', tulitie•ii :MO ,ll.' 11, I IVI. sip:ll - Mt. :Lll.l .11 , 1 ri. i qlll.l'.
I r""t".--ll,ii of labour mat 11l inr.r. The latinri...woutd
! ~..33.. !hal I. fair; oar' trie s , .. al-.-11.1 ri , lati-I, ~ that
le e.11..r tin hi; strike or mie•pend, and 11:• lint tie
! atoll Mai he , shined from the operator Ind the
1 hie. U."1111..40.1 1., I II." 11111101," :post labor. M, :Ills!
wunid ell,,titall% ,ii ill then( hall sit la , t, ('if trafttizit
the lah.brer titigl'it Jo "ill at the brlilnolti...t. as soon
as lo:el feelitis: %tn., ci,ated ; ind poittliet ins; -1 tterests
1 laid destroyed till 001111/101“... b.iw,.,. 1 . 1 m l ii . r ..i an d
laborers, ati;lottr "lotions milt(;,( y sifeh;l i ke mean! ,
, 1,.,.1. 1 .,....a thin,: ,/.I Ike past. filen a ould capital
`,Tatzaltt 17stirii Its. volitrol both and llip rate of
1. a.afzes an•tild oho '1•01111• down :Ind , 1,111 I I refal to
i eont,nlpkito ii. - :..r. - .. it "old h.• (Me/. 111.01. aii (hl' l
111.-iVy of otir task Wasters.
I .1 het - el - on , n...onitaan.l that Sokol-kill
1 1.,...,11., !Ante iII l'IrIllIZI . IIL: 'With ..air. ent1.1. , Y , ,
~..-..A1111:.! I II.• 0 .1111. - ..11111..... (11 . '-'2 , - - .'l }...r 11.1., 3
ll a 21..... il!114 pi iee, otrered with that, nod MI : D
•joy s . ., i t , .. .1 1 ~ l'.' trt,, il- , • . • . 11l '1.4 a
.1 or ow
ot Ow roe•to . l.iftle.will ..11..? 1 ..•otil . eolpl-oyecs .
polo, wit It IIII• ....1iir0.,."1.1/1 - 4...1':.1it,11, o f ill.. 11
v,v.iluti. Thi•ro, l, no other r...drooettort.— ., I
Izon l •rat slisportsion .1r a r. !LI. I,no, ,41. j till.
iti , Jtii•,t. A, ~, . wrist ,0.p.p.,w-loti uo catithd ..
, p_ll,ll tilvt iv; then:to: sort, °Uri:, tsi 5, flet,pl i
re,34.,011,!.. ali1•11/..11',1. :.11.1 net ail • ...II: .11
........1.1.1V111M it, y."...21.. ....1...i ,11., NV :lit' ...1,4 0 .... t '.
l'orleitail sllliitaigli ti,.;: j.iisst.n. a naore....t ha,
tt:iry sitarii of eatio 1114 nod Iliiplietty. we har)
.lieoia..• enotlxii in.Sehno. II: ill to tit wart Oaf]
If we Ito not 116 e:tnno,i
wit till, nay, oqt rain work tt
priisis. nod ri•st trill I.r slat, .41 ifll ,
our not ili Iv :via,- II 1.,.. " •(. ..: 1.1 " b . C . 41 '
tt e , tl3/1 I.W.SITVO It.
this 1,, ts•i ,
•iri 4,
• No,. vol.. :it it, t
tor , ' italio•sji
for thii iit till, unit tis:l cot .
• „ y,iir•••• 7 iits•ovi•r, 1,
.• Pre ., )
••- - - •
141:11: :71Y 11.41i . 1,111! l!I
qttar.l ity'nr 2 -, .y :u• , : C. tlti I nrOm r•:
i t "; Twoo,ln'r .
:.0. rtltr . .. • .
l'otO'lartioti.. ... ... .:.... . .. • . " '
~.,` tol 11.' ~
1",; - ,a1:1‘.• Mr ' 7, 1: -%.
" 4 .' r • I .-.,
-' , ...hirt.11.. , !t yr 11
11.,, ........, 1.:.r IS tr . , - 1 ~111)
Ajnoril ', . .
..• , . • 1 - , I.:tio •e•t
T, ,i 1 rt 3 -1774 fri-47;L: ..... , ....i --- - - : -:; 717, t: l'• •
Coal Dv., Vnikl:krifl . f . W. 1:17•19! •
Tolit (Tr %V ..k i , ?-1.141 MI ' . t 1...01 co
Pit o lotrOk Ulll .yryar - ~ 4 70,--o1 R 1; , L'i.:kr... o.:
at.....,..........-... ....... . • •t- , 07.5 17, ' P. 2 . -11 9. 02
To xante tho. imt yin5r......,-....i . I.ita;kr, Li , • - 11:14•7 at
' t)r - •rproto,. t. ' ' - 7, ' Tr: - 111 18' . 1!11,11A 01
. .
, . ~. . .
- • seutruziii cor.vrr .g.tit:intm POlt 1S:; '
. ..:_'...___
... .. .
Th 'i , 11,11onixt.7 La U' qua:May - IraTported last wet.% :
... Wrol:. t4tl. •
mint. TIM & S. 17.. p... r............ L....... ......1.-1,0 13:110,3:_•• 111
!4-I,nvli.:lll.Vralry.:., -). ..... ;233119 • 4i,(4.113
161,11 ii!moir . . - • I,ntt 11 . 44.11jr , in
NIL. carbon . i..'.. ......... ~ . . _
1.rin , 71 VALSZY. P-411
. .- •
Qn..inAty aenOiy 1.-11nOlVitItey
ending ,n sstlirinllnet.aini‘for the
tVymr,lng: •
Hatlrron •
I'. 1..h!x11 '
Sonle tiILICI)Vt rest
.. .. -
' l i .
~ . —...
The r OIIt.TV I 114 . ii• thf• quqntity a oval I* - an•Tortryt., ,r I,lNt`
(' avid Itaiirn.lvf th.1.,911g1i (bat wird 'Nut'. (T 4 rfue the
Week ending on? wan/Ay espeiusix last : ' -
Tlottual eras deli vest rs*fopaws,
Frogix Wyanltur
•••• Haslet.n
Mithalsor.4.-4. '
" & :NAV.
tNt :So L. r.. its
- . 1
....—' 17. vet, 70.11r2
.....', .*2.72.51 !?0,1 ell
' DELAWARE a ma= %army COAL MUM
TSB &Moth* is a iiaternent of e* p tnawrieted bi tie'
Detiviar• kW mem Caw , rover silidiskaw, dad _Ls t-,_ ~. ~. , - I .:- 0 , 0- 0-1. . -...... 1
nortity. Taw_
.... -- -,--......
1 - A el
-- ritir lOW
IvPlii4 0.4
-r--- --
1 46312 1 1.874 14
-. cut 3._..
.re's a•oreat
tbr what's
tioth . tterA
By Del. @ Ms!!I.
pottheYame,pertod_lY6i jtat
• ny Ifelaware eelltnl.6l;nal
To.. .
- 0# COAL Br* Com. • -
sorra Os car% 1710:11* It A.M.. ZAP? NictrliatSsWlLlE:
1 007 . 48 =711111 . WEE[LY TeX 111157./157 ;OM:CALI
„R" 1,44 hPi 1 1 11 411411 4# 4 - . triad
: 1 21:foitortr... f LocurtmerWiZ. 421:441-_. 1 :4
W. A.,sh 7.4trip...._Zi..1 4 :/). 4n ,• iSteiusier 4 31.1'3 1 '
4 •Zgit, 4 .11:1 . , • Molted-:1 Mk&
Bodten.-__ 4 3Go 4 do : 12;44..—.. 1 SOiN,. '
4 TAO 1 50' ,ItO I Stote--: 4 44 9'
Mort -- -.4.—z. 4 014.1 7:4 do :Chentillt# 7519,
11 I.cES - YORK. XV. 6 ; l '
Schoyl.llM Aith,4 Miat; r, - , yt.rt.ail,p ... -. o
• SA
et,,,,t unt..__ 0, 0(104 Lehigh .I.• --- , le Onal
ii SA: Ash I.4.qnp nn Stitner... —...-_-15 no# '
Steam. r......_. ed .Itraketi.i.—•_:.....:....'S Xhhea 76
itrolcen ' .tin Erg.
.f....!.-:—......./.7546 OD'
...t... .......... .......... Wit i5t0ve.',....,.... ....._'6 MR.' 6 .1....
. • 'BALTIMORE, Way 6, 1670 •
To the trade bfeargo arc a , load: '
yr - •
Wilkmbarre and Pitt/dad W 004 6 75
Lylcens Valley Bed ' IS la
Shamokin White or lied ODC4 6 "A
Zerbey Valley; Red Ash , ISISI:14 6•25
From yard or 'wharf. 36 to racqlts '''''''''''''''
By retail to , consuniera.- ' ' ' L
. .
Georges' Creek_ and ConliTerl s iiid Coall,
. ..
Locust Point 3 60_
Georges' trek d. earnberlaad ' cargo. E —..
R. P. 11.
L. Str. ar.. Egg. R4a Curt
14 53 .5 a $.5 V. $5 00 14 5
47¢ 500 sl' 5 551 5 475
60 175 433 5'50 , 4.60
4 70, •1 ID • 413 t!0 5 3.1 '4:70
50 s:3 L5O ¢SO 3':5
550 sri fi L to 5.3 ,50 473
1 1030040 New' Vett 50 con ta: Itouitd
-70 cons., •
'T.lckawsultus.. :11fetike
S.-rant/In. Ellzubetliporjr
Lelllgh, Pt. Johnson
1~1. PAEnthethpart
Eittuht-thport Auld Pt. Jot
out tu eplas; Sex burgh,
. .
I . ltlek>l OF CiAB COAL. .' ' ' : 1
l'ptovvcriAr. . Duty; 81. Z . • Alm,. ttrior. . • ,
At ShiPPIIIK {Mats., thstd.'ttelivertc! at N.V. eurrency.
Illock 110 w.(.....''"s. 4Westmoreland....;._.,..--.18 75
4.iftwrie - _.. 175 - Fflespard.l ... ...„......' ..........._. A5O
. L.iogad ...... '' —. 1_75 i Newbir 0rree . .....4..—... BSO
5ydr1fT...4.:...--................ 2 1.71 i; Wit rutoonc. dlit-........ BCO
Pietoit..,_ ..... -._.....' . :-.'.:.......:_ 2 la,(. to.Aor.Leitht.
Little (true., itay.--- .1 SO Poare'llen.tina.:_......,._.,_ 7 80.
t'aledmila ..,—, ... _ . „....„ I 60 . . Per attek from Z t. 4 50 Fe'utx
sta,ic 7:i t*llt• ito 11 IS
Freighlw,t9 New York' vs 2 r -to Ilixtpli r .Titg7:l Z.
ess > 4.4l to
t.g slum
*to tho
he lowei•
tic , lf car
E 1.1 millo"
al 'to the
none be
'tl 'lat. they
ieti their
PC Mir.o-1 ''' ~ Pt. 'Eliza
' ,
.. ' 111`m;1. Ir:hal '_.' " ' Pallid tillip3
...........t0 asa ft 200 , • 2 rllo o irrd.."
' ea1eni..,.•..........- 110 i 175 New liedtord..;.l Z i4O
Lynn .».,- 2Ol • 1.73. New i•ondon-'... - 1 VI
ogmnridrt.pori, 241! ... I -- ,..Norwirdr dr tow 170 IVI
Newboryport ... I 117 2 IXI New 11overs-.... 1 70. • 1 oo
Purtomouth 2(0 V. 2 74, nr l dlCllort..--.... 11:; . 1 0 0
eOOO 2 2.1 N on. Alk 1 ..._ 1 n ,I Oa
Molinari .4 1
75 - 175 ITartford • 150 I -N1
Itangor• . iltliddietown 1 Y.
Providence 173 1 3.1 Altnuir....' I :3-' • • ,
.iblvtol... 2di ,- 13; Ni•w t 0ricy......:.1 Mit 30 ra
raauckot, A. to. I %) t 33 Jerry City
:' , iewtnytt
i , •11 Nivel. 171 •t 3; Iluttiaiorn.
I 140 AVanh i nal on -.-
Tannum........_.- 2: ' 5:l •. 2 WI, Itiehmtnd.,
lakekpert . . ' 247 • ;Statical ~
t'llei,eo. . . 22 0 , , --` 4.11.udn0n,„
31d .
vinanc . . 200 _ INorfolk..-
31,••10rhend ...2 41 - . , ..14/Iyagoll
y .
I tiftlitat
tic It to
\\ • t
0( yr, , t•
4.4 t
,Jl/rat4 ,r,
' (A. ks
I.ot. ha% t•
. • ry nr..iioNa nAti.ll44n. - • • .- . ,
. _ ..
1... St. fl.. ECZ,, .S. Cl.
To Port Li 1 0 .% imiodl. .......... ......t.: 00 4,2 °lir...) c to rtrar, c 01:
PliinololplAla.., - ' 2 10 ' , '2, 10. 2 10. 210 2 In 2 to,
Thu rate+ frontit , hoyikil I llitren are 3 - Tent}‘ per ni 1.•:•••y!,'"
oprl from Tatnnintit',; and Pinecrovf• 12 tuintA per tall • lili.Oer. I
A Alrawtoti•lt of St emrot n Um la apowiejil on alt vont oililpp
tat S.oilt h of I 'api••• Henry and tilt/ of 1:$14•N‘• Bruo.wlek. II n
•. I •01iPpe11 to of hrr in•in:, tt 41mA - 11.14:i:of ''.lo fent:l fwr ton
will no maile until forttlartibiler, 'ii • .
- •- •
•Vl4 7:: , /{llll, PENST4rf.VANLII i.R-tfLittl.ill. .
3fauch Cann.): tol . :4ll.3oleirthla •' , 1 , - • t 2 10
tEltiqu, V ILLY)", N. J. i r.N•rn., I. ~‘reli' ,t• 10 n't. S. F:•.%.7.1.::c
.To Elizalrptlii)ort: .' : To , ..Holiolrrti..
1.. V. -a. n • I , 0/ , 1,. V. 11..! It ' -, t 1
N. J.' irmar:41..,...... ...... ~. 1 12 3lorrL•m 1 . ....ter.....• 1 13
--.— .
• ' fl Iti 1 • .• $2 Rel
Sliito!Lng• A.. what . % ing• :1O Shippitif....,t ‘Cltarrlng..:- 35
- ...:—._ -' • t 1 ••. • . __,..._
,_ • s2. 35. . • - ' t 2 XS
o Port .lOhn‘ . ,tt r— i
'I •• Irottli A mlmy ' t 2 17
I Prom loan Ilaven to IS'lrahot tiport .C.. 1 Pt.,Jolin , ion r 12 49 ' ,
1 '..
-11 Y 116111G/I NAVI.: IT 1 ,, N ...,‘A 1. AN: T . !a It 4T1.110 AIL . '1
lpj.. hi."
in thy
1. - r,t to
lir visit:.
1 . • Sill, •'1
a It
if nll t (halt
lIItSC to
Poilit Ilovrn
C•:mr0;,1. . 1
• M0,),1, hi 11,01,4.rn A:1,1 Port. Jl.lmum
. • . .
• , ,
.•• 11, '1,3;ii...1. !,... X It: t r 1,, , ,, I . ;•iteAsiy. - ..
• ,
...TL, 1..n..,,,..,..1 :tie the, r.. 0.% of t AI f 1.1 1 ,1 irt•i4lll.•!i 0.1.
~. 4•*.1uv1i.:1114 1 .'a.::.,: 1 , •1 - 114 , k't....eult
1.4 to
, t .
It ti Ute•
lid, 111 , 1
un ruin.
I 110,11,!...
'r.'', PI. I . 1.1.0i11. ! Mt 1 4 ',r1.,,. 5..-11. 11.,v,ir. Pc. i.'l..ltoil s .'
TOll ei 10 L. 16100 .oi t 4 CO • ..'
'Fr..l....iit I:5 175 Vi:) I c,::
4:3 44
N 1 _
1 1 77 '
Ontwl.pir.',,ll 61,11 ft ,r t.w % , rl. lr 140 ylvinity C.:
io in
cf. 111 %,
rg.f ''H.
'F'rotil . M: Carhop. ''' 31t I'./ri.11.. S,•11.11;yron. FL (li Itto;11
Toil .t 1 to •, I_ 41 0 , 1 el 07 -et., ,
Frvigl.t , Ni • •
.. *0
--- • ~, —. '.
iz yo - . Si 99 it Fr. - 7 it =A) •
, c
. 11111 1 .11111.411 ,1 4N.0H il '. . ' ..
t .
* pp.,. 4 : •i. (1111,4 10 •1•1 • 0 01 1 11 .
. 1
...• 11 •11 1 /11/1 4 ! 41101i11114101 • "" . " V .4 A
Titroutzt, to N'••,... York ..:; • • ' ,• - + ,A
'l'!,rot:7h to 1 . 1 . .1t1.100,4C 177
- , It Y lit! , ttnin vAtr...i....; -,
• 1.1i14'1.•
. .
Orm libuertistmcnts... .
170 R SALE. tvt• and aryl-114.5.C701':i1" U(:-
11 Ter• is relicamrthle. Apply, tor: , •
I May 7. '7O-1 , ,i-tt, It. to,tllll,,.ptts•euttest„
X I ANTED...A CO, IF% tnnict h t good baker,
t and With the, wa,di tog And Ironing. A 130
a :44 . 01 id Riri, init.- , I, n oo 1 wrydier and Ironer.
,'31 11 .1% , Appfr, I'fil3tahantongo tit.
'el 114,W
11 I 1.11.
•sf•r felt
'l , ll', of
1.1 , 111
4, 1 0 find
( -11ILD NURSE WANTED.-iTn oae who fall
coma I.VCII 21 er9IIIIII4.II‘PNI. .gr..i: W.ll .t
.... Will he
•11:0 , 1. Adllire:+4. . - .4..' 11.. at Oils °M, -,
April '2';l),_? , - _- 1
A.S.‘Milit RLIM, ,
• I.auret street, hetireen lit and rid,
TURNER In' nil kinds or Wno4.o.yOrk, Bra,dEldX..
and id 11:int Is of Firmly Scroll. work prtimptly
to order at moderate rates, (;!ve int a end.
Max . "; 70. 19-3nt •
1 - ' L'lshion.l.—Alitiut two-thlnets of an acre of
groMfd, adjoi tom: the, tows' Cemetery.:—
T., any one who will enclose-I be iti4 omit, a lease for
1 1`." , * .'ar.-Avlll lee Oxen._ F4ll. patitieulars, enquire
of .1, LEVI, 1112 t'ente,ir.street :
.Nlay 5, '7O-4ti-24-19+19
rLo begs leave to Inform .the ettlzens or
l'Ottsville'and vicinity, that she trot give instrite
t Inns on the I'IANO and In SIN(.IINri, on reasona
ble tering, or address tirr l'ost Office. Potttivllle.•
r'orrs r t. rt. Al ay 7; "70-14.:1nt-r9O-3lnd.' •
17 STATE OE' crtAnLps• BARLET. DE-
I, CEASED.— Letters testamentary upon the
estate of Charles Itirlet, deceased; rhavlng heeri
granted to the dubserlher, Ids executor, all persons
inglrlaell to the sald estate are requested to Make
payment and those httA'l mtchilms against the estate
will present them to DANIEL, L, ESTERLY
, may r, '74:19-at , IgS llentrel St.. Pottsville.
very jll,li received nod' fors A, at. (iREEN•
WQ01) Ni7ILSEILY. Now Is the time to plant this
botkotifol evergreen. j ;Also five hundred smaller
size for beilgas. cvmetorie4, wfth NOR;
WAY SPRUCE; by tili,loo.
i" , ."OI3PQNS u,t Firitt Mortglige Seven per tent,'
Cowls Of the Frtslerieksbuirg. and Gordonsville'
itallroad Con patty, of Virginia, flue *May Int, lava-.
ble in gold, will be paid by the Farmers', Loan and
Trust cum PAIY. New York, Tiustees. , The Coupons
will he eashed at the aifllee of the Miners' Life In-.
minims , and Trust C.ormany, in Pottsville.
97'11E lINDF.I3.SIGD/ED A.IIDITOR appoinjed
hy , t he orphans' Court of tiehoYlUilt Contity,
distributionof Atte .brilatiee .la' 'the hands - of
(bark, and Daniel ft, 01, Administrators of the
- estate of John heed, lleeeased, hereby gives not Me
that he will meet the Part Ms interested for that pur-.
pi•..e at Itho OW, In the lorotnat,oVl'ottsellle. on-
Thor•rlay, the Pith day of May; A. I). Int), at II)
o'im s .k, in li t e forenoon, Wheat and Where they may
:Mena If they
. propM. ' - ' ••
May 7, ';n-i9-_t W. F. SIIFIPITEILD,'AttiIItor.
Ne l w•Pottsviile Acconiiiiodation P.l.senger 7 Train:
:no mid tate; MONDAY. MAY Mtly, IS7O,- an toldb..
I ',Mat P:...encer *Plain will be r run lictween tug
and f.dlowlng hours:
.e:lve Pleading - at '7.30 A, M., connecting their; with
Lebanon Valley Fast', Line from
aCriviitc at Pottsville at 9./5 A. M., stopping at all
inte•rtuediate FOlnts..i •
itet timing, leave Pottsville at 4.. a) M., arriving
.at, it.,ding P. M., Mid there Malting connections
I,eintiom„ istnitrit.• J.aticaster, coltuntda,
Philadelphia and all Internitstlate"poltits.
• , G. A. NICI Gen - . Runt,
Iteadlng, I'rt...3lriy 5,1'70-19-1m . 911-2hrd
tli •
llr %la a
2!•'t•t' a
,14..1 Ill
' 11• ditv
11 11 in
.I. , MERCHANTS. 1 -
,• , ,
.. .
~ n ow.
w,,, , 1tt
1 Vit.
lihc]nicnl \York
so. tr 22 Altrit
ltnpnrtrt'nfi.l Dealer Fine P..skeni Lai (AN. K. 4;
11"Ill`es, Vtlie,rg,l 7 l:tiVOrittg watt COOktag Eztraetx.
Tin' only place to bay Pure Mg and SN4''eJtot
real rated EXt rails: et wkr, Lahela, Tin Foil ami ('arts
,4 all 4,101, WO , in`., All eolor, of Ritalttig Wax.
I i.tifi Bronze, etc. ,14eats for PrVerr , s,3talt Extraet
;mod 1; , ..1!. - and Age Prepatat lon.
11 tql(i.t.lNS! , A I wnyx eel the , hest. It Is a well
TIONVII tot teat thwE.TEY illtGANs 'are mot a llT
ras.ied as to wireetne....4 nub power :qf tone by arty
other la till. raiutry, All who have4ried theat reit
derthls 11.4theirventlet. They need:l4lo prlttlag to
M'l! them. If. J; et.HA,zietoet. Pa.,
144 illi.`.:11:1110rIZell AttClit for the snle of the above
named argon..,lle refers with pleasure to the cel
l/3%011.g well krown elerwyrrien: Rev. Thomas! M.
tt'it kesbarre ; Rev. ICll.t.trletter:fliotnitibenr:
Rev, .A.lll. Creighton, Ininvllle,,yetto`will vouch f or
hint to Ills eont taeli with ilurehr4ers.
.'tlinetritted price. lista In rale.h on appllentica h -
tn:iii. trganafilellvereil tree of. charge on reeetpt of
thf' list. pr eO. ellltrela.4 and'fiergs,mten
dealt with. Pattie.; de-41ring a i rs instittinent
will do to write for price tint.. Direct
BUT] I Itf.,A ND, If azleton, ' • /11-2 t, • •
it‘l nl
it 0.11.1
hot Ilict•
i~~l hi
iV Es Li • Uk t CO V! AT
' • - No. it STREET, '
• POrrEvtLim, l Pr.NrA:;
ReepectiollyAnnortneee to the Ladl4 -POitsrip.o
and vleltilty; that she has opened a , '
. i k:cro BLACK SILK 'lDit ;SUITS,
2.1 and upward. . .
Frhigre: Lacer, 1011ilti11 Kid 410Cel, Co met; ,
Notons,. ALS°. WILITE GOODS variety.; •
Ladles and Misses Cloaks Intik io -• A
New N.tternsi reoftlTed. Jutir
FirCEIT 7•lolt b lha CM it4ilEl CENT.
- :orYDE.
Free ..3'x:
!((tern fall. examination,' 4te . babe i t i c ip
Agency . for the tiole' of the abate 31ortgace
U.,n4', and dr,Art , to- teeommetnt them ; to our Cu*
turners at a tharatdohlspfe, zeriliava irfjltaUe
Owes:aunt . • ; • '
We believe theta will bent ' wore tit h e
to Nell the Governments, nett btu' really Ftrxt=etass -
Raltrusul 6ecurl ties—such as Obe preiqnt.
• JAY..00013:2•41r , •
• • ,
Soloed pliotai bclrelOved In - vdrnErnia.F...ll
WIIITN/iY, , zEsCri,:'
of vilstkiii prouptilcia aid - hilt lisftwtkatiost liar 4
tout; : 11;811A.7TITOFivrego .
mai 7, '7)-49-3,n• • •
t =SAM
2:182. 8 30
2 :n
1 LS
115 I
I.A'l'k:l. 1•IIIA
•ti. ]; • 1 -. - 1 -,:• ••-
.I .
!I .. I : ..,,r..,.
111 i 3
1415 - PpertUlantabi
Sirmu cmcnnatzuz, : .
w • AD co—R -amiro Y*., Ility ;two.
• Wit2lTED—til4olt. at the.aovar HU
• iln Chestetteld County, Va. • Apply' at t
I • Of th e 1 00114 any la Itichatind4., at M.
• ' ••• ' T L0.040f.; .ftidettt..;
Iftf74lo-19-11t, • ' •
i. CE
LACE ;DRAl'Eit'ff:S t
• ANI Ei 1:1 Q-U.141.S •
• or • , .
bA.MAS .
Of :an' ;Wide., nj '-(l9lars -lite Latest Iported. -.
PLErstcgc;, aATR, .14c., ter Railroa4 Supptles.
k t I F.
.5r14./44..N1C HALE. 719 C.IIF.STNVT STREET,
• ." • ru ILAIDELPIII A. ;";.
rv _4
".',11.1 • ; •
• SILVY.I..szr-All tie'nevret4slzr•lL ' •
BLS% t1 , 5.-CopGrain at S 2.
. III:ST SILK WWI • INS. , --041442. , All voior:s.
HONKYetmli. 441 I LTS, 1.2-4. ft Cl 75.
' MA ItSEI ILES QU'll...TW—elleap.'
NOMNOIIAIf ()DETAIN .1..A.1.31,4: ,
' WIGTE Mit Ilkl-for Swim*:
' STRIPED.PIQIJES , A, tine Aomori pieut.
',thCASE3ISIEILP-Nt, for nun and 'bop.' wcir-rclionper
an Peer. • ' •
Tri uilditlorf to the above ispei. , l2ltics, wn (arra. toll
afino of
The roost popular CA of
Jted and 'grown 31 . nsfin, Hosiery,
Neitions, Ace.
lIF:MEMBER—The War/. to iiniL ono Or 'the
tutortitiontetirttiini; 0,04.1", and at the timid
a' prices, Ls at, qua
- -
) TOWN HAILSTONE, 306 Cenfe' St r e et.
t 1914
' • '
ASE *OW 33:11g PAIL 1216E/PT - •
4.Y . Free 11kui,tilig . Peep neid A.slt
' .
.1, '°
`, ..- t..i(li'.t I: E-Fll.lT .: l' 1 . 7 11.f.:1i.
, 'ol.,l;:,_.:vcilNrllS:
. •
JQIL\ ,ROMMEL, 11110:
1 1, I
Walnut St..
'Doane St..
Trinity Hui NeIV York
)1:13 - 1 1 7il
LAbir4, - ATTEN:'TION!
I . it A N(1, I:14J %yT k.,er
Germaso and Freoch Worsted Embroideries.,
,f • ..rk.r :LI th. , prii•es
',: ' •
A .1. 1. 1 , 00 ) 1,1 : 111 NY
ii NEW IATTEnN AVtill'iT El ), 41.1:
A naall :irt Wor,t4 . , ,lStore,
1•1:2,r2 Cht,lntit strevt, , and
;.[ ;
)10 Yll . l[oll VCll'44`, L'rouklyn: New -Yuri:
'All or W 4 11;iTI:11, SILK I;I:.1.10
'at • •
. 2
A lot b r at half .r ,F,410
ti utibv~~
'Business flubs.
• -
1870. r, 11:••C`i EA.1117.E.a. • • • 187.0.
'GENERAL SA.l4:.` , ..iiA N. with JA(YM
00 : , R hoimale Dry t 300,1%, No.= Ikiri.r.ket St..
;3.; R.—All orders Gic tiothl4, he., intended far me,
please addrefr IT. t', if tinter, cure of .1 aeob-Itiegel
Co.. No. :Vp Murkel Pit Jan 22, 70--Mt I
C A M . 1:( EL CH Sid A N,..1 rATICR OF
CESSEDI A UtTioNEER, •., • •
- tio. MARA:4'7o'oo_
Special iat t t•nt ion given toall hnsinegs in Iheaboyo
hranehc. H ;Wing . experience; aatlS.f.uihln
and prompta,is - gttrant,el.l. 'Colloetion't enpecially
tutltc tell 4liti will reci , t , ..,tiislegliatc , atte.nlion.
January I. • -
BOOT, 010 E, 1V AT AN!) ()At'' . STOB.E;
• 'Boots, Slira.s, Rats mid Caps, in great v ‘ ariely, con
stantly oii liana. iiiM-upir rtitention paidler I Nistrail
Work. 11.F.:PAIRI,Nki (ioneueatly ow short not 1 ete.
'Feb: 11, { Fu -39.1.7 -ly • ,.3 .
wM. L . DAVIS,,'
Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter,
No. 2 ItIA II A NTi :STU r: POTTSV JT. r,
In,t Iniitnelts over 10 yeran in Pllil-.
w'Lleipllo, 1 Ives 4 him unusual facilitlem for deiriving
fronitirst:ci:uts Lnnses. *YI part fen hir
aitektion 411',1 to country wort:. march:M.l "70-ty
. ,
SAMUEL LEWIB:,& SON * .. • ' .
,1 . • , iIjItYEY9D , S, voNvEyAlicung, . .-
lid Ex teal
of Tiller , and latorforbit Claims to Lando
.• ,
, • Ti-. . .
Tieing • in oniooomion Of% bOrge collection of nompo
I:if !antis in'r , ellftytticirtananajobiiiwoountieg. is. well
!Lk eetilowi :notes reopeet In g• the title; lii terfere . o (To.
tax salon, 4c., we aro.ablo to Moe valuable i n f,,r,run
t Inn to, owner% clainnaiitOnd threw fiPS4 rot I A ef pun ,
chaolog. 't! '' • , ; • . • ( Feb. 3 70-1 7 -1 .! '
'1 . .
At :NlyEtt.' & kcti No.l t' . titri. met..
rlp. *rp-ss - E '
tFIIE - i3AVfrt llEFittfirliATttß.
Best iir 'the world.i At, '3IYEIt • & 'f4tat.7,Nt's
Agents, N'o. 2::,lt.cmtre'o4trlt,L.
. .
5C1117 , 4' 24 NeW Hardware Store, Nri
l'entrorg.,to buy eboap -14torien italteN,
Corn arid (;arile•ii all kib.l4,
,z.„) tl , •
"Of all k!m1....nwl thol+p,i, tr .'in the rant•ltr•C, rtt
J: Self, Agents,. \u. 2.11 Pit ire t, rotiti-
A full avvOrt meat hi 'Mork of tor ,:lies'itnal
with hat Lairs, vyra auklberoWa. For rstio atOwes!
T.. C.-Trill 011'S4).N.
With Cilaw,nt tartiett, sOrew,driv:l‘r, rule ;Ind indepen,
dent claw ; all twettulr,t, Its bast:in./Ho in tite market
Just ttity qng, !or bous , c,cluttnat t.l Inks:, 4'4141 ant
zet • • • . L. I',..TI.I9.V.I'SQN'S
_ _____~
• ; ti
14-A-NUFJICTDD,FD- 11Y „. ,
. - •
JOltS S eal; •
. . •
For Pnellor4l Flantnl4lrting.StnnalliirFtliftenfincing.
• Su lr n r n UrV kler irgin a gittsg, g ' ' Vs •
.' .k .13evidcio, •T . ;
' • ; 041111248! .. .1q1411to VITA DlSPATent
itiength, Adze 'And cOst,,ltor etriiilAnt,whirb
Aug. '6l?-41.1.4
Graf - F.4z FT ,*: '' . . 1 '
•-•• - tuAnlts 7 L:":11 - A LE •
, 9
930` Alleff ST tt,EFX, ouisAmpanuit, '
One illefghitit!, s4lPri nit tra4le a splestindamort ingot of
'' - AND ,81IADES, '• - I -...
'Lzitrug.;Tip.wEs - r COLORS AND Doetc_igs.
Window Othilivs In Gllt..Walnnt and lioniawaid and
Dut..7 rarlittarrenlips 9$ covers Cited,
x cat stral-made. ' -"-- ,',
.SPRING.AND HAIR MATTEBI;;E:32, roilhellt i gt: r at i MPiniriel:aiiii' tor
the tent. prinvilzture for 1. Indow tlitaiden: .
Amtllo. 7i' 1
(Eri c
C NITADII%--.41.1 grades. kd:cottil - N
• GNAtlont. pripared for Mines* As.
1olban„. Mr Italtrand use. :AU ordnni rennivad.
'brpA ll lll4 prton.sitaysittetnted to. - : :
..,_. .
j ao i ld..'i si . , 4L I / 4 443.1IFINaTAAco _
. rr• . .7r m, twits phizadroodal
1. J. 1.V.51),E13,
.. .
. ..
- ,
1111111111111MIIMIN -
. .
--'' . — V . : —: • r
. . . .
ANCIWIZ r rNZ Ow itAirs4tar-no
Between New Yea tr,thasito Liandonderry, •
LireTP o o l . Queenstown liarribtirg.;
Ma me= liar= •Or j ON.,—For pamaite or
drafts b • hid commodious, ~ nifortable abd Popular
Ilne Ors its between - o United tota, and
lk iirope: or few full information In remudj to 'rakst of
apply in person or by mail to their
._,=7 • • • Capt. C.F. - {MOVED,
`! - No.=Centre,street;POttirellle.
Apri/ 41, , • _ •
G s2 flE l " l ' 4 """APEla ( !T•i
• STEAM lih - rIVERN
. • • : .
BIM 11/11,-1.131I: .; . • • •
Triql.l.oo .
co L i A r r ,l, l3l u 7 K. AlT .. . If.L itt .lt t l o N .
. 4 EUMLIIIr st., .. '
• : • HAM= LIIIMIC.IIIIticur co.
!situ Ulm. r •
From i4verpool "au,d. Queenstown,...... A• SS( SO
• t. 7 tc . oe's 31.Azz. Luc.' ,
From ilve 4 rpool and. Queenstown,..::. .... . $ . 4 S OO
To \ • !.
• "te IYNA/4D MAM:
From Llvin>ook and QtleellbtOWll;
To • . ' "
A rrenoß
Froinllilgow and Loidonderry,.
Ilwrnraa LINE. -
From,llaNloirg provisionaturnished.GOld,s4o Oil
To .. Li (Jo
Children under ;2 rind ever 1 year old;balf-pflee.
„Infante under I year. Vito'New York. .from . 'New
Yorke: • -
• • By. funbunridne. child.rn over; yearend ender,
10 Tee" balt-priCe.
Stemlttarteen for Pratte or Pascage Tirkete can be
nutde by Express or Poet Mice Money Order, which'
will be returned by_flrist malt,
For or drafts brelther: of the above lines,
or flirt r inforatatlori. apply In penton or , by mall,
to their agent, . It S MI 11. ItartiAlltlXii,
larch 4. Pit.;
Nvici , xstrq STORE. • • . 1
• No. 2911.pENTRESTREE.T;
LIABLE lIETIGINIA abirsys on hand.
I would reipectfully call attention to nn prepara
tions of Iron,' CAtlasaya Bark; &a., In which I
have• endeivOred to overcome' ' the bittainetni . and
nietallle taste common tothodieyaluablntoniciy and
b(ond into •- . .
Try my Color, Verbena andylolat, Waters. Al
rn,mi loth owder, 11-eotailder
- .. . • i a yery
Mal artlele.. .. t,,• , -- -• 4:47 t
• , _-, • • - •,_ ,
thi.....v ---
, Apo
' Grailttte',,f the, College a Pliarinsay,lPlallatra.
Sept. 11,, '69-417.—i0r -. ' . Sept. 26, 119i-11—trd
• Thi
Mold v.
NATIIrtr,9 OwN Vtringto icargr—lßON.
Cawaew:—Be ore you get Pcmvian S t yriep.
Pamphlets free. L .p.:DINSMORE. rroptivse ,
No. a Dey St., New York.
Bold by ihmackstszr.zienar. •
T , j EMERY.
This vtigetablittemedy is ilia proscription of the
I lie em i nen t Philadelphia Physician and rfestror, •
todit P. Firtrn, M. D..,•who has devtoted 37 years
NI Rbl.ll inntisnV and Neuralglatipecially, ti. is by
the medical Profession publiclv'annOunceid. as the
aighest • anthorityidn. Rheumatic complatnts. -Pee
test ininnx.) It is pleAtswit and agreeable tat the taitte
and wai - &ntert free from minerals and injurious.
drugs. It it4y scientific preparatiou,a medical mon
opoly, and warranted under .solemn oath a.pernta
nent, harmless, pasitive.cure for intiamatuty ithett-'
mat eon, Chronic Rheumatism, Rheumatintn, ithen
inatism of Kidneys, Neuralgia ln the. Mead, Neurai
gin in the liodt - , Nervous ,Headache, .and I Norvoui
diseases. Sold' by Druggists. at 8.1. .50 per (bottle; &
b ottles, f•:7- :W. Medical advice, without eh rge, sent
hy.lettcr.. All orders rent by •Expreat col ected on•
delivery. ' helot, No, 20 Bouth FOURT street,
i'lliladelplila. Api4 yl, .71)-16-.
Vaulters nub Walters.)
G LENDINNING, DAVIS 4'•.' 0.. • ' '
No. 48 FL-TIMM St., Pll ELPI A,
GLEN SINN LNG, DAVIS A /TORT, No.ll Will St.jNett York
• - . BANN:EU:3 AND 1311.0KgRS.
' We angle Interest on. temporary or staridlng tle
pte:its, and execute orders promptly for the . purenztte
and kale of STptICS, .110.NL6- AND GILD tv it race
Direct telegraphic communication from the Philo,'
delplkia house to New York. [Jan 31. '7O-21,t3-6m
SAILF,R & STEVENSON,' ' .•- 1. ‘/'
_ ...
li. •
SiTil(.l•ZiA, ISON lir; And oOVERNMENT Sit-XI:It:I
-ll Ks bought and sold strictly on COTlll46oii , :p. ' .
Iteiog ofestibers of the Philadelphia StOck Ex
change, All orders - entruAteal to our care ehall re
coive promptattention. '• ,
illreil 21. id,-17-TuSefli 6141,-.-117Ciri • • •
416. A
Peakeind Ohio Raimad
.. • • 4 ,
The rulvantages aria httrnetion - A. of this I
Ilvestmentllttrposts,.[O•oinstOy and iti port)
1. It 18 . .1).1 - Neit upon catc! . ,of thr.Gretst.-Tll'
. .
1,1 N Er4V ERN 2 : l'‘'lt SP A 110 Alt I) D
greater part of the - 11'p, being: fu s . uccess . fu 1
The Local Truffle, !Mtn the unrlTal)ed
taral regtias and 'rani and Coal depo§its
must he large and pro4ltable.
.1. The cater.prlse
,receives TM PORTNT
)41 . 41:CS .t7iD Ptttvll.P.of from the States of .
5. It Isuifdor tho iitattagetnetat of etilet
wri.L.K.NlblrstlArrrAtasrs, v9lose
antees for its *:ALLY, Count:Ty:3,N% nun tl
operatpii, , . -
G. tlac Bonds can bn ba,l either in -__
torus; they Lind thirly yearn to rall; - Path '
and intenest,l3oiii . liniable In gold. •
' The 'floods are of d'aziocalnatlous or.
81000.0000. a $lOO
bearing interest nt tile - rate of , six Der cent,
Tayabla Mny Ist and Ncivinaber Ist. • -11
Fioni air ititimatn'alepnalatancio with tli
and eaptlitlon of, Company, wo. kao,
seenrltles'to.lx. peculiarly 'des, rable, and sni ff
safe employment of surples. Capital, and fu
Govorninent .11Mrds, by Inirestors,- - ;Tru
i.steites, and others wbo prefer absolute
ith rerutionable income. .
lioldera of Tin ittxl States Five-Twenties
bled to procure these Rands, bearing the
:of Interisland .having a longer period to
to real izia large Increase of capital In addl.
flotiilsand Stocks dealt In at the Stock E
rec In exchange for this 'Loan, atthe
164. value, nn,l the , 'Bonds returned free. o
. Price 90 and A.cdrued Interest in Cu
PimphietA, Mitro,,an4 full Infonpatlon
nn npiii ion
N 0..; NAstuil Suunts. 'Twit Wax
Feb 36,'70
erperscuts ;with other defteleneiteiErffit
of tlufeyea„shotattrerneutber tlnt.tbby (so . suited
with the proper flames br 1 0§Erri. D c
tides:, No. Zfrt.tantre 'street, Potowille. z oet e r
Ettetweteetg. ; Moth
A2.Bl.cultrial to e =.. 'at
door& pises. - sit SOLOMON' '7 1100 ' ' .7114,
Stoss sad Home- Deficit -No, 2115 Centre
street,. Pottacllle, • . --- •-' 4 1. •
pri118„-.1 . 20 t
Ostlers least iblk 4 1
Asia*. • •
~.~ i M~_~
• i•l4 00
se oo
S.N 00
• /
C - a ,
ED,, the
. gricuj-
nt and
re guar-
r affairs
, w • these
table, tor
tiding of
ea of
ro 01.6-
ri rata
.11, and
111 mar-
FISK do 11.11Y,U,
. bandy
Oa d7a
Sheriff's Sales.
c - 111 - AIM . OF REAL ESTATE.-13y
..7ytrtue. of sundry; wefts of Merl .Alaqtro, Let,lrt
elm and rendilioniArponiu, hanto,d but of the Court
Of Common:l44loQU' Sehttylkill County, rind a writ
of Tette:twat reod..E.monas; Issued out , of the ('ours
Of Pima 6f tFuton County; and to roe - (ft
-meted. theta Will. beelpoiied tkpublic sato or out
cry', an, • • -. .
• - 841170;1 .114 Y 211. t. LTA - • „•_.
• t• . ,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, arthe Court - not:Se, .in
the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County; the
following described real estate, to nit: X- = - - ---, •
- ALL the the surface o f that lot or pleee if viand;
el tuate in the,Borough f Ashland, County of bchhyl
kill and State of Penns,y I van la; on-the tiortitle of
Centre street, west of -fifteenth street, being trio tot
- marked on the map or plan of said Borough 'with
the number im !e
, t:lion:3s, lvith the appurtenances,
,coasts - ' - 'welling house, - with
stow' me kitchen attach
ed; "17101 FA- • - - ,
Al ' , it or piece. o
ri :,;14:' ‘4. Schuylk 11l
-ler, Michael.
MOT g of
bOr, i,:dWard lifenaittotr ; oilieia:ckOiltaliiing96 acres,
more or less, with theap-purtetiances, consisting of
a 2- stery log dwelling honse,Wit h a 104 tori.. log kliel6.,
en attachetka- loistrarn,and 2 kg stabliA; as the .
peoperty . of .10/11s . K.. CHARLF,.. . , '.- • •
ALSO - - ,- ..-1,11 - that certainlot Or piece :if groinid, sit
unto hi the Borough of Orschrtlidz, Schuylkill
Comity, bounded north oily by a.* ,fee,Lwtde al
ley, eaStwardly by lot. umber 4.l,.soutlewaraty by
e s:
Market street, and' w.. vanity by Franklin street."
and being lot No. - 4G oh the ins p or.. plait of said Bo
rough, containing In .ivitlth 66 feet more or less, and
In depth 19.2. feet, more or less, with the appurtenan-•
oossootrtialftklit Of liatwo-S e- tory fram dweliiiig house:.
with a one-stort.• trams-kitchen attached, a I'--story
hog carpenter shall., and a frame stable; us Do: prop
' ALSO-All that . certalit farm .or tract of land, sit-.
sate In N6rt h Dition Township, Schuylkill t Von ty,
adjoining lands of tie°. Stiller Sant!. Rupert, James
Vanblargen and others, contain in g'l7 acres, more or'
less, with the appurtenances., 'consisting of a 2 - -story
finale dwelling house; as the property of itENJA
AIM BITLER.:-• ~- ~. • • . .
.ft LSO.—Aitt hat certain - tract or piece of land, sit
uate- in Butler Township, Schoylkill County, ad
joining lands of , Sticisa..ll.„-idser; Jacob Fisher, Mi
chael Derr. Will hull DOI Leh, Bright..l, I mbso it.; Wet h
.erill and Seitzinger.and others, conta i til o pi, Ili Iti'DOS,
more. or lessi, as the profterty of-OWE, • COPIA
tIAH..... •
ALSO-All that certain Int Or piece of.groml, sit
uate in the- Bcirough of Ashland, Schuy I itil I county,
bantitled northwarilly,hy Centre istr.s.t;eastkvardly
by lot of John Ii: Price, stnithwantly - by •NI laid 1.. .
Street, and -ivestWardly- by lid of Cornelius Nam.,
containing in yt t ldth2:efect, anti intlepth I.2.ifeet.:witti.
the appurtenances, ctinsistinir_of a '2
-story frame
dwelling house.; with a I-story frainekitchen at-%
taehol, and a tranie stable •, as the property of OW
wife, In rlght'ol. the: said wife.,. - ' '. ' . k
' ALSO-411 thae certain . one,story Plonk Chnreli
Building, situateiii . the .tom-n of suiennlnto: t h City,
in Maingioy Township, Schuylkill 'County, on Tots
or pieces of ground marked with,-the nutnisim nine
(9) and ten (101-In block nintiber ss: (6) on the Inati or
plan of said town 4 Sliorgindoalr City as laid out, by
I'. W. Sheafer, containing in• front twenty-tiVe .2.0.
fjet, and fn depth- tiiirty-dru (ilif feet, and the blur
piece of ground and .curtilage 'appurtenant to said
building; as - the property of.IIENItY J. SIOTEII,
or reputed owners andeontractors.
M id' J
ALSO—AII the -right, title and , erest 'id' ,
*quack, ad that certain l or Mikee of
ground, !..ituatein the Borough 'of . 0 Clair,..Schuyl
killCimuty, bounded northwardlyiby lot of Morgan,
Ilinchey, eastwardly by lot of 'Sarah A. Thorne,
sou t h v;ard I y by lot belonging to .th 0 estate
'Brant deceased, and ;west wart] lyi by Third street,
containing in 'width.'O pet, • tind
.tit dept h • MO feet,
More or less'scith tholippurtenlon ks consisting ofa
two-story fratue.dwetling honsc dill stone base
men tl. as the propcpy of.J'ACOBS 'II t 71- : K. „i..
'ALSO—AII that' certala3-story fr: me building soul
distilleryottut th.e. 14story' frame building thereto
attached by a eovert, frame passag -way, situate In
the Borough of Stabanoy CRS% Sid tiyikill C. at tli ."-,
on the northeitateorner of RailroV 5.t.r.....t. ands 'alas
Whist street.,:eontal ning together ' width on It:ill=
'road street 47 fect,.'and in depih nail% Ilel to .•titay - .1-sa
Si rept. :r2. fe'et,'..):: t I lose kcrta I n lots 1:r ii,'‘,l.-21 I , f gyi to n (1,,
"lit:irked on, theoutp or fiiall Of Malt 1141 V City ; n 8 lots
numbers; A and 2 in block" Nd,.1,.t "ether buttiviett
:and 4e6eribott as •ibliows.. tit-I-wit: . u tit by' Ceittrt‘
street,..west by.tataw ssa ISt !Yet, It tit by Railroad
Street, and-caat 1,1- Its, No:.ii,:bloci: 1, containing:o
feet hi fronton. centre and'extendim g of that width,
.at.rigtit anglei therewith anti punt
litteet: 12.1' feet to ...Itannuttir
...treet; •
pieces of ground amt . Kart IlagoLapra
boilaing; said buildings and.lot Sri
aro sit mated in.thettorougtrof Malin
roUnty; Pa.; ag-t he property
. .
I.I.'LN. owner 'or reputed owner and • ontractor. -,
ALSO,-Ali the tight, title and int 'Test of tlenrem
C. Lee,of, In and to ail that certah lot or, piece of
ground Rattan, in _the Borough .1 p„ art L'aib s ai
ISelmylkilt County, hounded !inn irwiir,V. by ANNITut '
Street, •-east warilly-ntid:sontini ardl. by ,It of .34:0•,,
garet Wilkins, . and ' wes..twardly lo: )..h . o.n• I surlier; ,
containing in Width 2", feet,---and-X, ile - ! th Ili, fee
•M t
ore °ries., with t lie ; appurten.inci ..
.„, en .sl, Mg of
a2-story frame dwelling 'l,,,,use;. us I. p •of.,•rtv of
tlEi /It t4KC. I. M., . ' -:- --, , •
- .11...`40-2LII that certnln 10t,,,r,p1e.,e
fief Lt
i 'otiml, sit--
l un e in the norougi vidatti negro. c,: Stdin-y Will ( 'oil it
ty, bl - outtled nurtliWardly by lot - nf,WV late of I .e.. 1
1,1 III.• r, east Wardiy by Tui pen lit ti,j; enolitreet , ~otit it
wardlyrny lot Of Vrances lit'JnEnetti, and west waft lly
:by a 2, Pet widi 4 alley, 'containing in wld la .. act
and In depth ad feet,anore or blot, wlth the oppuf-/
tenamn-s 0,11.1i:011g of a &Mb*. 2-stol'y frame li we:-
li nr.„liouse, 2 1-story frame kitchens, and a tram._
hog-sty ; as-the pri,perty of 11 Eli EC, S. in 1 YE:l4i -
A LSI ,---All thosh certain PdX • tracts .4 pattMtetl
;and, nittitife In 11l olo,erly Lo w er Mahan toned Town--
ship) 1101 v partly Regins and•partlO Po:let-Town
-ships. SehtlYlkill Could-Y. Pa.,,sar;ey'Oil on Warrants
In the names of tleorgecEekert, Jais,i, Dower : .MI-•
chael Illadara r John Stroocker, Phtlii))1111)1er and
Conrad Fairer- bearing date the 18th (thy or:Cox-ern
libr, I.7n4idjoihi rig each other •anil lands of Philip
Kiinselmiut and , others; which Asaid,sbc tract,' wet,. ,
all patesitsf to Jame::: Wilson„..F.sigui re, one of them
contain tag s ,410, acres,' 4J perches .. and allow
ance, -by ~
Patent 'enrolled '.in • Patent ' ltnok
P' - Volum . ° '-7. pa g e 'tit. Shy of - theta
nisi, containing ila ;acres >fit .‘peiclics and . al
bm• Patent enrolled in Patent Ikw,k I', Vol.
27, page 21. One other of them .eontatuing 442 neves
a; perches and allowance; by Patent yarolledni Pat- .
lint Bonk 1, Vol. 21; page 11. One otbeigottheta eon
taln I n g 47.4 acres 32 perches and allowanee,.hy Tit t ent
enrolled Lt Patent &kat: - P, Vol::,i, tante. 27. One.
other of thefil containing 4:10 acres :14 perches and
allowance •by • Patent ynroll,nl in Patent Pool: It
Vol.' 213, Page-2•6:4:t01 the other of thene.cOntaining
44:) neres 121 perches .and allowance, - by Patent en
rolleirin Patent Book P, Vol. lal,:page 41, ;Old lire cacti
one of tlfereparticidurly cles-ribed in a certain Di - 4-•,I
dated the 22nd - day, of February, A.:D. Ma, - recordts I
in'SchuyiktliTountv, in Deed 800k...N0.17, page .512.
from John Slier F. Johlisnn; General
Adam inner; hurt Peter, Fritz, Trustees; with tIo•
dpportehaneen, eonBistifig of'all<rntt,ry frame Tay
. ern and dwelling a 1t' -story frone dwelling
house,.3 one-story frame dwelling itottos, a 2-story
stone dwelling hduse, at I frame stables; as- 1111.
prfpe,rty' of PETER FRITz. Trustee • sole , stir , : Ivor
; FltlTZAru4tees for then:L.:elves:and Parke „tt. John
' son; henry Buehler,,General Atlain iliner, Wilita in.
Willard,' Charles chandler, Christian Bailimart,
•Thomas E., Franklin, John- K. Findley - ,- S ditinel
Ithroe‹dolin W. 1%4.141)4,Jan - les A. Val d well, Samuel
S. I 'itrnenter,.Wllllarn T. Rogers, Peter Fritz, karate-I
L. and Will lam- lf. liJel p. , 'r,* r...M. Moore', Francis-11.
Nichols, - Richard and•Mbert !Smethurst, 'John .t.
. finninle..Joherdt H. Anthony, and tlildr assoeint,, , ,.
and sttbstiltifes,- kmiwn' 1w t lie . Btyie and nano , of
:. _ . ... .
ALSOI,.NO. I—All tifat certain -Inlet or .Ttiere. of
land,`sltiitile•in Rush tovnsttip, ;4010-MAll'o,n idy, .
hounded and described ns l'ollows..:: -, Beginning at. a
field Spntce. stump, thencertOrtti ' lilitty-!l}X 4Allti
t hree-fourt hi, degrees w es t ;rif feet. tog ~s Pro ee ; t hs t i l t , ce
2 • :
north L'l! St-2lf;
' degrees we feet to at•ock nearly of to
'site the d 2 am; thencenorth 19 degrees east Itiff fee •iti
a tone ht: ap; - theney-horth riaPi: .degreciieast :CA f&ti
td theft north 11 3— tiegrat4 West ltd feet;
ertisaing th e
riverto a dead pine; thence north 19N
degrees West Ilitis4 to a maple; thenee south CO tits,
gives west 315 feittto a point in-a - roail ;.thencelioutli
6t- degrees -west 4111 feet It) another point in said
road; th,eneeifouth :19 , 2 ' degrees west iii feet, cross-.
fug Spring , run, tolinother point in sahlyoadi thence
'south :L2O, degrees wept .167 feet to 'another point In
said road; thence soutli:rii degrees - west 1.10 feel to
another- point in .tia•U ,road;, thence south 17 1 .::1e-.
grecs west 7.4 ftet to the- Intersertlon of said rowel
with. the highway - leading; to - estairtssa; . thenve•
south 4.111_• degrees east ift'i feet •to a -point .In ,:fild
highway;'lfeee south 28 1 .; deg-Tees east 219-feet.,b,
another •pO n int in 'said -highway ; thence south 12
\ l,
'degrees,. 50 nilinin.s. east 300.1,, feet to another
'point in knit ighway; • thenee South 7;7+; degrees
east--$8 feet to notheruoint in said highway ; thence
, n ortits7 degrees' east 300 feet, -crossing, tit 0 rive r, tot h.
"place of Invinning contain lag accord I rig to a tifir
- rey nunte thiVi Hay of September, A. A tsc7; by
Hawley Lew ~, '9. acres andlll perches, with tile.
. appurtenances, entisistiug of a 'frame Water-pOiver
Powder mill, a I-Infirm' frame' refinery. a 1-. for
frame coining house, in 4tory frame dry litat.s., and
I-story stong-!inagazinti and alt machinery, fix
tures, dc., comieenst with sa id•fm 111 tit gs. . s „
' • NO. 2,:—A1l ticat - eertalitiot or piece -of - ground, sit
'nate In the Borough of .Pottsville; .:••.eli nylki II Coun
ty, bounded northwaray bY Cathie:bill street; east
worthy by lot the estate of .linos \Val- .
bridge, deceased, soufifierinily brflot belonging° to
• the estate of Charles A. , l(ahn,stlecmseid.; and we
by.Third.S4trcset, containing lit width 20 feet,
'and Irt.depth tnieet; With the appurtenances, con
- sispng of a'2- story frame dwelling house, with stone'
basement. — ' : .• ., ' .1 - . • .:
NO- 3,—A1l , the tight, tale and inforest of David
Beverldge;•of, in and to all that certain lot or piece
of ground sittod'e -In the Boning:lt of Pottsville,
Schuylkill ,Prattity„ houndwl northwartlly - by Mi t t
nersoille street, (:tistwartlly and , southwardly by lot
of , Mary Johnson, and westwardly by tot.ltelongimt .
to the - estate- of Geoute 11.. linlberstatlt, detteasett,
containing In width' 33. feet; -and In depth so feet,
mOre'or with.t be appurtenanCes, consist Ina of
a brick 'Church; Ittlth stone basement, now used as
a schoolhouse. , •
' "NO; those 6-certain lots or pieces of grotnid, -
situate in- the torough - of Pottsville Schuylkill.
county,_boufaksl norttliwnraly '
by Arch' street, c 0,4-::
a - artily; by of Eteiiy ' Pollock *soritha , ardiy IT •
East Market street, and westward ly by Wolf street,
containing together fr. , width-150 feet, and in* depth
2ao feet, with the aprelrter,rin era. consisting of 1.0.21‘-
story bripk dwelling, I .;.z!,,ase .Ip2-sfory brick and frame
braze-house, and a frz , fue ,sabre;
ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of John C:
Nbrthall, of; ',in and loan that. Certain lot or piece .
of gronndeSituate In the Borough of Mfthanoy City,
'Schuylkill, County, 'beginning ut a point on the
north side of Centre street- at a distance of 644 feet
west otrthe middle of It street :* thence north la de
grees 30 minutes west 17.0 feet to a post in the line of
the East Mahnnoy, Jhalrorel release; thence from
.thusanne. point along ()entre street Smith 711 degrees
30 minutes west 400 feet to apost; thence north Id
degrees3o minutes wet toa post on the aforesahf
railroad line, eastwardly. 411 if( et to she fast* of be.,
ginning. with 'the appurtenances consiw.-,ng, of-1,
-story, stone trfaehine and pattern - , llOp with - a
1-story . stone , foundry attachei ; a ,l-story frame
blacksmith shop; a l-storyilratite (Mice . and a
story fra.the dwelling house, together known as the
(Irani Iron-Works; being the same premises which
Thomas Wren and wife by deed' grant-c.v.% and con
veyed 'unto" John C. "..sTorthall, Ralph' It. Lee . and
George IL Wren, to fee, tenants In colunion
the property of JOHN iI,.NORTIIALL., •
• . A1 , 84.—A11• that cmitillit loPor pieeeofgronod,
bate in Ilia llorongt of Nllhersvlile, Schuylkill
County, hounded eftrawardly by lot of Theodore A.
northwardly,iby htnip.inf Jeanes;.
westwardly by lots latelthe estate of Enoch. 3tcrrgan.-
deceased, and southwOdly - b.'s' Sunbury, street, con -
tal W width _ 2s
og in width _ feet; and depth MO feet, with
the appurtenances, ` consisting of double . 2-story
'frame dwelling house on- Sunbury street, a 2-story
. frame dwelling beuse ln.themiddie of said lot, - and
a 2 -storY frame dWellingdzonge on • the - rear • cod of
said ; property of T.llO3liS WIL-
Seized, andlaken in eseent ion and will be sold by.
• GE011.44E C.' WYNKOOP, Sherizr.
• 14heriff's:0.1110e, 1170-0-4 t
, . •
denot,the•Ceunty n has a large.a..isorttuent
at superior, Cheek and miens Banc on hand: Also
..LINE1111? BOOTS AND 8110E4, which he otters for
sale, at the Prison; at low pried, for eash. - • liighiFst
cash prices paid tot Carpet,Dags. . • . .
. • Juno 20,',..Ty—• ..• , 143
.' z . •• , AAO WARD.,,
TO IiTAMM.A.CTUREItfI-AND 178 3 /1118
steam . Engines, tit Behuylkall."4..'otinty
TAWS NOTICE, that I have sold to ATA,ISOIi do
ofPort Carbon, an interest lo my PATENT
STEAM PISTON and have 'oven them t*ttlre
control of It to said County, with power to all
moneys or to tworune due themes' for the
nitistre. and use.of the mune. DAVID CLAIRE.
"aslikan.Pl‘ ,. ;•Jezi. 4 . 'O3-Itr ' L. • - •
- - •
T win! T ROITT Titowr. •
:, Nos is the season.for sport: Call and' ;eke „your
'selection of TACKLE from our full assortment, Just
reeelyed ,from. Now York, including four joint Ash
Rods with hickory Walking CAM. nods. PX trsh
Ups, taskets, hair and silk lines gut, leaders, tiles,
Carlisle and • Limerick Smells, ieels„ hooka, pocket
pistols, and 'everything ticc:essary„ 4.1111 and make.
your fielectk!nj at Til0)11'80N7S.:
. • -
SILIT*Ft LIGHT /111ENEil. . • 1
• • - •
• The i'enir biat.'bUTMER ItAhe ItAIIKST. Isms •
an Intense pure white tight: Is theonlY burner tb4t4,
produces a flame tree ft ,m smell and amok*. "lethal
a round bums It does not break. the -cni ru neg. and - I
lavitut a doublodranght it tornaperfoct combustion.'.
t - bag a safety tube, !marina security froza-trdxed
oils, "The .chlmnays are - Imported and warranted
Fire Front; haying a hinge for Alib b g . ,,tberdo , not
requit& to tie unsltrered . For sale a- - boletude and,
:stall - 2 . THOM/130N'; •
IN NEW 43TATIIE'FT2+24.—Fteess's Onottrititt.
.11114 received 8t".: . 11 1 1 2WAIsT_Ik8A2d8ra,' . 8.",
, ,
%:•• benStitadelseJdelo4NN&N & wasErs Seed
Wt - .1 - .o.tiii,tlL
Disantrtnea film at °mat tire; in
• the WHICe* *barns Regkla
Wit.t4. - snititri,' May 6.+A
broke out between l - and, 1 - o'cloek • 'this
!horning, destroying soina`balfa dozeitbarns
and: . out-buildings: The extensive lieery
stable of P. Coiniff,• in Which were 31 boism
ourws, and ; a lot of pigs was 'entirely de
-stroyedi None of 'the stock - was saved.
One pair of liorses were • valued 'at $l5OO
- cannot now be, anertalned. • Partially
. •
• WthaEkfallnk,:- Aunt :,. - Pa.,
May e• —A terrible
conflagration is now raging - along the line of
the Wilkesharre'Mountains,,Catending front
this place to Clark's i.tireen.' It on
.frotn some unknown cause at' White Raved
on' the line of the Lehigh Valley and Lehigh.
and Suiquchauna Railroads, -Mid • its fearful
progress has prnved Theetttir'e
population are out 'fighting, the flames, but
thus far their efforts have proved futile. •
- • :foss alon'g the route must be ,'very
heavy: _ Accounts : already • received .refxtrt
the destruCtion of millions of feetpf lumber
and, cordwood, and miles „id_ fence.; nine:
• attelling-houses,-seven barns, a large steam:
and considerable other valuable
rpropert2,-. Nothing! short-of s',heavy. fain.
will extinguish, this immense fire, which
threatens devastatiort; to everythleg. in 'its
. cour,e. ,
1 1 41M4 ,111t11-
ratre Turn,
David Gar-
su rinm,-May announeemeht
that the counsel for the defense 'would: stun
up to-dayhttracted an' immense throng to
tlfe court room. It transpired at an early
hour that, for reasons unknown•to the pub
would not sum • up iror• the
proSeention, and that. • his -Connection' with
the case was thus virtlisdly ended.
:This rumor caused / Much sensation among•
the friends of Richardson, and lt - Wini unhes
itatingly. asserted. that outside intluenoe- had
een brought to-bear to tiieciutleJwige Tapas
trout suniming up, as was his -intention..*---
When the Re. , corder.had2taken• Ida seat; the
musel-for the defense commenced his.-eles,
g speech amid breathiCss silence. • •
Explosion— Cincinnati.
. .
. . . ~ • . .. .
ZA susyil, nu, Ohio, -May 6.- I The- boilers .of
thb new mill . house O. the water =works oxl
la.„ . edeti at . I() ' o'eloek this tuorntnfi ut, ith 11 ;i:
G9TriNlt i'...ra.l. The' engineer • Alla', fifellialtl!:
i l,
were the Duly persou . in the bill! liktit..the ,
tiMe: 'Nile lireinan was blown, t i ugh tiro
roof and. landed fifty feet froniih. • 'building• . :' , .
1k wilV \ prohality tile frOui the 'i / juries. feu:
eoit - tA. \ The engineer was not Mu .11 Ilurt.-7-
The Wilding is 'a complete wreak . TheAtx.i.s
NI .T' he abOut $109,Q0.0. .-I.
.‘ iNt t q.NNATI, i. Ncity 6.—Ssvett
lionses'sferi? bathed this,.fiterninj
how' land Vine "streets. Jos, .1411 ,t,
ry NVelsli, a meirther of/the Hook
der 1 'ortittini y, Was :?erlimily Injure;
fa s, lling-of a-wall. 7 ' /
let to Cataw
rterouit to said
0(44\ -oi.!.4rotiliti
Tb.c . : Writ Aptly Corf.....latother Kevin
flos:rox, May 11.-1 he. rhird A
"Asstkiatimi ttuitle eltbiee of the. fo
Oisning Year
kr E. Sickles, New York.
: Vie
;I:tenertil Atattox„ of Maine.
'Major Eilworti 1.. Willing_ or.,N(
])hectors, Major A. Judson Clarl
Jersey ;1 Colonel Charles Motri
I‘tyk ;. Captain 3. liarelay, Fa-4...411
York; Colonel Clayton: MeMiehae
, • -
sylvan is ,•,peneral George IC Shay
York-;- Major William 0. • Shries
saAusetts", ainhcharles-7 V. Bowe
"BOSTON, May ProdOrli!
rovell,.pastor,of UnlytirKii i list
reilortedi to hawe left hi§ tiariolt
itiider tl.e..qt-I.cif a coat of tat' add f
-1 •
. •
The. Ito4l River Insurrection lie
.C.lfester Cup—Revokeln. AI rrl,
• LoN6I,N, May . I;.—lt is state(
peilit ion 'Went i11i41104611 to Ol t
the fled Meer insurgents II La
ott, awing to the receipt- of, fa ,
from that region.. :
The held',
be, _.. ag on the clickter Cnp .
Midnight . yil,tertlity - ltbout foltdwo Four
to_one :iguitoit_SabinCs; live to lone_ against
:eight. against'
thlezity.Orie ti).one against Palniershm. •
general t)ewilpf4n reportM to the War 1)e-.
part ulent from Orom, that. the tribes of•Abte-'
ria which reechtlS , ' revolted i -hityo submitted ".".
to French rule again.- itt",wo sharp engage
ments were had. with the rebelS on Sunday;
April 3(l,„in wh[eli the Freneh -Were .
successful, .
. NCB.'
••. - i
P i ty ts ; May.n. s —Th (~moss, . Independl ,
ent Qrl,,ran says that. ti ii . opposition party hash;
sent CommnAmieri to London and BrusseK,
to aseertai`n the reallstith of the al!eged't..on
spirttey. `_.,
-P. - ;..nrs,.May: U.—There was' a conferenCe
yesterday; at the,TuilleriN,:at which M., 3L
Olivier, Canrphert; Pieteri, Lehoehtand the.
minister of the anterior' pre4nt. Tito_
.oPtha. Couliiri.nee was .toagree upon -
the prvcantious necessary to be takeirto lire-
St rye public order-on Sundarnezet,. the - day ;
of vothig. iu tie meantilne the police . and
10(.:a1 authorities are making all prepamtimni
possible- in furtherance of the stime end. -• •
. The •.IQ, riscr HMO 'flochefoit's
journal, wits sei4eri by the authorities to-day
on amount of the violence of its artieleis on
pol it iCal Nrrests continue to' be inn&
of persons susiiceted of hnillicatiou in the
regicide;.7s o.
Mr. Suniner, from the Committee on the Dis
trict of Columbia, repotted, with amendment,.
a bill to establish* uniform and impartial stirs
tent.of public sehool,s in thaDisfriet, and to ao
enre equirrrights in said schools. -
The bills for the: increase of fees of United
States,Marshals4nd others of th&liiresteni
t;•ir-r of Arkansas, and to provide for special
rrls of the, I.'irtiitit COrts in the Southern
were reported adverirely—
House: resolution for a final afijourn.
mei:: c?ti July 4 -corning np, motions to post..
.one extend the time to. Augastlivera-
/Mr. Sumer, aril few minutes. before 1 O'clock,
proceeded to speak upon-the subject, when .
d Mr. Conkling expressed hIS regret that the
minority hail reiterted to filibustering to; crelay
action. -
Mr. Sumner diselainicsl any Such purpose.—
Tie: thought, however, it was evident the subject
(tonic!. not be acted mien 'to-day.(Lactltliteki
lie therefore inevea telable the resolution, and,
called for the yeas and naysi
. The veto resulted--yea.:4, - . 17.; nape, 28, when
he morning bolo e*pired,rnuf thtiApprelniar,
i6ll. bill came up. -
;Mr. Il uiilin moved to suspend the present
orders to dispose of . thb adjournment qUestion.
Agreed to—yeas, 24;., nays, Z.
eerrreteci tnuTtne tne.en s re' Joa;i4l
Wheat Flour, ex tra,tatully tag...-. I
.• eittsr.
Itye Flour -
Buckwheat cwt.--
Wheat, prime white ---ip
IP bush.. 2
" red bash -
Corn -
Oats *bash,.
tys CbOp.... bash...
Corn' Ai bush:-
• 44 bush-
Shorts ......... . :„ ... ...
Bran 14 bush-.
Potatoes. • • 9P bush-.
.. ...... .. ton..—
;;f . ewt--
Struspc ........ ... . -••••••*t° 11 1: ...'
...... .....
Welt, bind . lb
•"„ fore . " :
purrADEr t rgati PRODM2III 211L11.1211321% .• •
MAT o,—The demand for FlOnris moderately ae3 . -
tire at 263731;t4 -C2 1 4. estras at 2472=;, Pe naY,
extra family at r351.kie.50; and fanny et $6 75a , .
8 25. arconong togqnaltty, Bye Flour trattaityat2s 23.
Feed. is dull. We 'mote Bran' otitis:lsW; amp
stuffs rst IVV:t and St 1114111ngit 112130a*rtott•
'w tit:dry-Is steady ; barren Western tron.bound
sold at 4334. - :•_•• •• - - 3 •
• .
. ,
, 1
term YORK 'WONKY AleltertiTOClL *AMC= ,
NEW VORli, MAY: sl.-44tocks limey. idatteYks? , , • ,
'per cont. Gold, 114%. • 6-204. 1902, coupon, ILI t NT , -,,
1,411", do.. 1104: do. 18co, do.. 1103 Itto - ;do. new. Int ....;.•'?-
./5 67 4433 1 Ac . • 'do. IN14111( 1 ,-., 10-408: 107 %4V?rte u - ,
new,, 701- ettssourt ta. ,- St pg canttnutict.,•4 ?i. m4m..-
. - oricoontralk,
. 1 41 11 1;efittred. nt`l4;• Consolidated Zfe,W i ,.... unae.4, ., 1
and udeon,rdcen 1:ITS.: Erte.-3C;- '''''''`i37.7'Nuchlz4.
,Adattat:xxprea t . 64. amnion Centent i k—, A
JAI • coveland.4 I
°u 15.31314 t111 4"P " ' "1""1 1 11 11tar Island, 1W a , ;•
and rittabafi. 1004. Chiengo„,.. ll l.,., tern .u ni t aa wet. j , ..,
PI buraand. , WaYne,..; ^ -
lee . 4.1-.A•c; . • • ''.' • - • ': '•
. .
' Loiroov, flay 31'„—re;ntois."N (Of Itsthirir.
and OS IA for account . • IllinotiCtutral.l3l,X'. „
Lavtnroor.; - May..a--2' P. 3l.—Stock ofCog4.* . • itairkf!i l .
30000 bales, of, nble*.l,llo,ooo are Amerlcan . h:CINT
£l‘.. 4,
nla wheat, 96:8‘,.4 ; red Westerrn.; litc - 34; 7 7,
eelida of wheat. for three days„ WOO quarter*, S .
Arnerkah. Corn tirmet btu, not platter. Pork;
Lard dull. .f
rli.ii 7 3rsirivA2'
11'w-, YORK.
tloAlng of the McFarland Trial
f E_Sra LA.II7D,
1:11 - 117..L.VD
E2i 7 ".4ITE.
VAsii. May 1870.
on Cal
and Tind:
1 1 : by thL'
;end Benna7
ik• Corr: -
ow a lig pc :
eat, 1)1,m
• Aerxey,
Of -New
; of. New
of I'eriu
,of No*
of: Ma+.
; of Wb
Fre uninl,
uI town
them. '
HE ' S.
ngs .- on.
berate aginnst.
!en , Itib &dou r : ,
.01.sit)Le neip+,
• •
. k r- 10. ed.
11 X 25 ' '
$ 6 76
• 3 as
. 6 25.
- " , 11:60
• 11 , 60
• I+o'
1 60...1
/ 40
75 1
a 2 51
2 25
1 30