The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, May 07, 1870, Image 2

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41, &Pt 1411Clit, NOTICISS -In be tweeted itipteolokepi leseler this
boa, 61.0 atm pee Iteie, eta& IJ:seethes; 2 0 OK . • "•• eml
indmiegPint isaertiasi.
. -
11A1 4 Z.NAN & fiA.MREY.- 1100 WI lersAnd on
Pri n
tars /ind Ittntlern,l6l3 Centro Tottsvlllo,
Piioio!" - outitat
. . - , •
TIIF. MINIMS, JOURNAL.% h atte d ~,,,e ry mu i rdo ,
pan t ing; and Tarnished to sabsteriber4 at
_V 75 per. annum, in
...adcance. nr al if not in talmatice. • , 1.
' I Copies to one adVis, v cc 1 is copies to one addn...vs 1. 3 u 00
01 ": " 4 ‘ . ..‘_ _ll 001 Zi .• .. .. . " 45 OD
TO News pealers_lN On. per IN) Cordes, cash. •
' "To Minlstem and School TenCiert , We Will -lUlll{sh the
Jannsat,by mail, at 61 to per annum, in advance; other
wise at =/ rate*, .. , .
i - —,. •
Tag. DAILY MINVIR 301:IINAL Is published evril
vreesy Morning, liaturday's excepted.
TRILMS—Ten Tents per week, payable_ to the carrier or
i IV: by whom
:t ol l :l ig:1We In advance, eert ed.
e Year , I: , v-`;..."' .
L 'l'C'Eltb.S.
V -75"Iree; erntlViji 50. one
0 . . •
... •
c RAJ;VD. WEEKLY. m 1 N EllS' JO ,-- ''''' lL t 7 :4 per
.1121VO, advance; ft OU for six mont.'• ,
; OANNAIL a itAMSE'V. Publishers.
• . •____. -
RED ,F,v.i:DE T 171• :: IVA
. .
2 .
_ _ititAi.irk: MoSft - rott, the organ
• . .of the trorkttiginen,in an artiele on the
su4nsiori and the tariirquestion, says : •
- ' if we can have no tariff unless the
workingenwiti submit to work for - what the
„" opera t o rA choose to give, maybe •-we had
better try' a Hula free trade fo_r.: a-- (-flange, as it
isalid not he Mueli Worse-for theloon of the coal
mints titan the "c hinamen's Itasis" ()tiered 1):,-
)(aid coal operators. -
; The editor •thinks-- , that the Workingmen
could not•bli much worsi. Under Free Trade
than the coal' operators' under "Chinamen's . '
Basig" as he terms it. : Nies thi,editor - knoW
the full ineurfinwrof iiis la , l i gunge ? We tiiink : 4 -
4 1
nat. Therefore*, Aye Will hreet . his attention'
tali few facts in ct 1n1;i1ion therewith. . : 1
In 1857,
.1859;, 1800 and 1861,, under
Fret Trude, .the wages-
. in this ltegion for
miners and laborers, were as follows, taken
from the pay rolls• of some of the principal
•collieries in the Region:
i.als - qers,in.skie, per week,..,
- outside " "
Miners, ' .. " - "
Miners, working by contract, per, vo:elr
- - -i :. I • 18.19. . iers, csitside, per week. -i
4: illgilif.,
; ~. ••
Miner*, " "
. 18C0.
LatAir(!rs, ciutNicle, pei w,...k
. s ?' inside ; ."
4 Mlnt•rs,
'. . 18G 1. ..
- .
~ .Lalxirers, inFlde:- liegun at 0 2.5 and r 0,40 t•'. t 4 50
;". Znitrlde, ", "-5 DJ t• " " 525
Miners, - I , . " - " 600 " t" " 0 M
: • - ;Neil'', the '!Chinathen's Basis," as the edi
- for terms it, which he . asserts is not any more
• (*irable . than the wages which the Miners
and laborers' would:realize under Free Trade,
is as folk4s : . . .
Orasidelabor,rs pet Derek,
Mtncti.; . ' '
With thirty per eent.•reduction oil contract
i • i
work. .; c• • .. 1
.'under the contract priciis prOpose,, by the
operators' basis this year, common .miners
could make $.l per ; day, anti good, competent .
Men, $5 tvday, of 7hours" work. ShOuld they
Work eight hours a day, they could make as
gOOd wages laS under the haSis of last
On what Mr. Porker terms a "Chinaman's
Basis" of Wages ; the wages are about double
what they 'were under the Free Trade tariff
of 1857. And if a similar tariff ni . erely for,;
s.revenue should be re-established, wages'
would full undouhtedly, again to as inis'era-!
i~ly low figures for wages as those
us f0r1557459;',60.atul '6l. - . .
.It is stated, and We think with . truth, that! the basis now caeretl-by the operators,
sdderi 11g . the reduetioniu the • prices of,Arti 7 l
eli•A since last, Spring is equal to that
_911;: kst
year which the. mett..:•Propom. , a theinilves:
anti the operators 'accepted. The liasis'Ail4i
year Was $3, and the wages paid on
• :Were;
as follows : •
-Lalx.frers,:'out4.l,lo. 4•4:
41i nen: ;
To illtistrate his natter uHirr ekarly and
• fully we \via give •the fol 14 IV ing compar.istvri
/cif prices Of _thq principal
f- into fanaily:ecosnlliptitiii, .:pd
'twit :11ay, obtained ftoni inn. of ollj - ino,:•=43:v-.'
• liable ineiellants :
t at' pcl:kit--4.
... . , . ..May; 1%i_19. ~I‘l9- , 5.- . 1+79;
l'otrete 1•2
towii,l.,• nit,, . - 01,t; i k•l. lb:, ::.,p, .1. - ,
'Sugar - • 1.0 19 1• - " .• 10 A., 11
'Teen, t ; c' , l op 1.,t 1.79 ' " . 196.);..1:,4
Nfottisifes, •'- .' f) To •,.1 ...11 prr •,4:11 - :' rip, ~-, 11M)
Ittee, . I•2'elp, 1.,r 11,. - ,1 ICI
in Gorey grneerit9: rr.iii lulu IT, 1 .,-,...1it.i.,,, I h n d
Flitfie; . • z - "... 1 isr
Potatoes. • ;1 :Li
I lam (Smoked, L'.s I,r 11,
Dry Salt Shoultlen-, ' if ," •
tottokts.l ''" . : 17 -
II lievne, • t. .
. . . , ...
i oiler, „ ' :1:2 . 1 - -. 1 111
rBB".' - ...t2 tier .I , , Z. • . ' 11
'... • j illy 111 ii il I. , . i
Y Prints, to"tislins. cheek, alai • c,'.l le•r - eol totl,lc.o4slr ,
—au avi,rag, .
o f
~:;; ' - Ter e.'lit. 1...... Plinit 1!...:i.
Orem (1i . .0.1...., - '21 , 1025
51 ens• wear, stult)
as 1. 16111 s. Cas=l.. I o '.;:,
sinters', Vie., i
slant ler - itetus. I
'Knelt as stork-'
lugs. Illie mun- '
lips ez. notions.)
• 1
If Oln prrilioAtion -of :t e4.lnpronit,,e 1 alit
Feen entertained favorable hy the Nvorkitig
men, and illev 'had shoWll kt tii,positioti il., •
:accept Niiiat
'been granted; with these minced prices for
- articles entering -into •efutstiniptioh.
they Would have:been heitt;f oTr.tlban thv
were hist Spring.' -- Nye might remark! in pas
. sing, that in this:Region:the confrai.t price
• rhal,:e;been too high, while • the laborksLaic
been receiving too low wages in comparison.
. In some of the. other regions the labiirers re
ceive higher wages than in thfs, hile OA..
cont:ntetiariees are lower. Here tll 4l l inint
get te‘O large a slim which Ints,a
tb depress , ' the price of latiorers' A s hciges to tpq
low point in comparison. This J in. tie
future ought to lie imire equalized-. I '
lwconeludingthis artiete, rte haV 4 i
• to say.that! protection 1p his industry is tile
-• MO:it important thing the workingman con
advOcate.' Its enactment means plenty of
. .
Niork•at god wag'es, comfort and happinpss
for himself and familY. - ;.. He should not
w crate in a paper- Ostensibly devoted to jiis
• intercstA, the slightest alltision to, the possi
bility of Free Trade I . wing desirable under
circumstances whatever. Wheir,the
• i'•-ott. Was. started its editor'was• an out-aild
6ut Free Trader. Very, properly he . Was
:"shipped,". and the river Oacedunder :the.
• teditorial management of Mr. Parker, NO.IO
wa.s 'thougbGlo tie a in•oteetionit, °- -kut ho
will jeopikrdiie tlf:tt reputation: if be
-lishe i s many more thoughtless articles, inch
'us We have quoted above. . • . .
h ! EVER in the historY . vf the Republic!
, has there everbeenuch . a detsrni;iiied
etiort-maTe . by the Fri. Traders to break
down the productive indystry , oT•1 he .cfr;un
try, as at the present thne:: .141 Oinkres.F,
lwe:find them - fighting the, protectiVe•ifeat-,
urel, of theVaritY bill inch by inch, acid it
requires constant effort on the part ofiSuch
faithful representative:: as t-ielnenck,,,
Cal i :e, Maynard and others, ta Anertini a
complete and successful onsLuclit on three
features:in the interest of foreigit mautile
• Lturers. 'While we '; ,- ire all credit rep
. r
...resentatires in tigress who are stapding.
. "'firmly at their poqts•and lighting dui Free
Traders, we hare not words of condemna
.l. tiowstrang enough•to` express our disippro
' hation of the course an ibis subject, 01'101(14
':great eneniles, within the Republican Tanks ;
Rrotect iPLI—t; ell. Thaler of Mastachu 7 .i
setts, Gen. - Logan. of and .Mr.
son of losra. • these%representatives'ar
pUblictis it is true`, but it must be. rianem
hered 'that they. are from the Demoeratie
rathks, and joined the'Rliluiffican park dur
ing the Rebellion with the Free
,Tratte leav
en "Odell is inculcated bY modern Vemoc
racy into its followers." From this Ilresy it
• seems thaOhese latter-day- Republica is can
not he eofkLerted.• the question of ifroteel
big its industry is the 'greatest befrire the
country. It s . involves all. - Interests :Ind es
• pectally the material welfare of the -l aeople.:
subject ivllich is liccoming under l,eiterand FART every
" i year." South' and West whietk Iu
.heretofore been indill'erent and to stirrie
A . tent hostile on. the gubjert, are exifressing
_evert now increased interest on thetimbjetit.
-In a very few years the sections of the coUn:
try most warmly favorable ta'jirotecOng, tihe
. industry of the muntry will be those
• And
we •tlelleyo,_ that the fate :1.4_
- .Than of: he representative Who now tiltef, a
• pir i roffivilly public part against th,..tProtce
tiorrof American iidustry- is sealed for the
A-111 realize s 4 ;. we now thht those
men who oppose . this • great iimt
principle of political -economy, fire
'•the enemies of the courttry but of
um race., And it will' be well for
these men . to ponder and retrace their steps
before it Is too late to retrieve themselves.
.LAST. .
. .
1 Opposition .Factious and Unlawful.
. ,
. ifardi
' i
1)y a; telegm niust receiVai from
burg we have the pleasure of informingogrreallens that the Sdpreme Court have at
la4t decided the case of the Comduinwealth
C 34 relatione timAttorneyClenenilvS;Chas-re
Ripple. , .The decision .was maile,weterdaY,
p o
dipCoas in favor of the C' ) wotiwealth and
against the District APiiiiey, l againit whom
nipereMptory.....vaiidamus was directed. to
,i4ue.. Twstase was argued in Philadelphia
- i 4 t 5.... - - -- Ge'ginning of March last, and the prin
cipsl question Involved wait as tOtheiight4
the'Distriet Attorney to trander cA.SeAwhfch .
bid been returned to the Criminal Court for
trfal over into.the Court of Oyer, and .Ter
miner And Quarter scions, and ilispose .
Ott theta in the . latter - Courti, thus : de-.
piltving,the Court, of its business, - 'The Su
pieme Court decides that ho .has no such'
riht, and a mandamus is directed .to issue,
et trimanding, him to try all stieh casts in the
C' 'urinal Court. This clecision, - in; : connec
ti A with the amendment to the aeVereating
tie Criminal COUrt; passed by thelaSt Legis
ture,.we presm
ue disposes of all 'disputed
q iestions, and Will enable the new Cot:at to
titans:Let the business for which it was. estah
llslied.l We hope that there will now be an
end of strife. •The decision shows that iill
lie olitrnetions. thrown in opposition ' tolt,
ei-e factions and unlawful, andthat - its op
it,osers are responsibre for. the delay in the .
ti:ourtdiusins . of the County during:the last
1 -
Viree years. . ', •
. .
1 WeWill publi,h the opinion of the Court
its soon a. 5 we receive it; .
~ i ,
N to-daY's JounNA!, Will be found a copy,
of a secret circular-issued to the members
;oftlie W It A. on theith of Marchty 111 r.;
`John Siney, (alias. Sweiiey,) County I c resi-•
:dent. ; It will be seen upon, reading it that
on the date mentioned he reeornmendio the .
!Miners and laborers of this. County to lese .
no time in arranging With t el employers
st:euring the operators basis 's2 50 per
ton.. !Now fltis islower:than the 1 reposition
..for at ) onipmmise millet we made in the in
tere4 of the. men and the trade. f -e re
ceiven measure of abuse.on that score. from
the Workingmen, pray what does Siney or
Sweeny merit . ',' Now, , at the time we pro . -
jx - )fzed a compromise, some of the coal opera
tors.rated us soundly for doing -so, stating
thatwe did it entirely on onr'own responsi
bility and
.witiniut authority from Ihero.
Which is trite. We did not consult d'single
operator on the subject. Our object was to
have what we considered a fie rate estab
[ fished, aid we believe . that if .Vae W. B. A:
at that time had shown a disposition to com
prornh,e, the members could haVegot better
ter131,.3;1el there is a probability of their
1 How ining.
: 5 Igt
:7 to 4.'4
.<< 00
hi .J
;4 50
6 51)
( 1
. Iu 111)
. 1200
Now, we take it, that )under the Circum
stances, Sin'ey . alias SWeetly merits more
censure Abe liainis of the workingmen than
offers: of compromise were not So
liberal as those we propOsed. Probably Some
flurry grew out of it, stud at Monday's Meet
ing to divert attention'Trom himself in con
nection': with the matter, . he. became the,
.mov,ing•spirit in having a re.4olution passed
abuSiug us. ,
. . . .
) - Among workingmen and, operators -there
SCIITA to he misapprehension in refeiene6,
Tt-if, the Pos..4ition 'of the JOURNAL. - , • '
The Workingmen charge us with : beirig
the organ a the olicrators, and the oper'ator
often .say-that -we are the organ ., of the work
inguit:n. With are mistaken. This paper iss
the orgawot neithd. • We advoehte what we
cow,hler right forithe trade. We commend:.
what is correct in theaction of either work
ingineki or orieratoni, and condemn - just as,
minpity what we 'cOnsider wrong. We-are
tli organ of the best interests of the:trade4
notof any paitieular branch of it, ignoring
all others.' the position of the MIN JOUJZ
NA 1.,. 6.11 this question, w MO . it Will continue
to iteetipy while we have control of its eol-
`II !pi
12. 00
111 k
i 61'
' Coin ty now rtitfiiing ; over some -.forty
two year,, w(Lhave noted three ; experiment ,
beside thepresent. one on the•part, of men to
Icatior rather mislead the, wiykingthen,_ iii
thelinater of sc:euring their tights, which
I , v the wa : V we have :away, de fired to see
kingmen: seetire in a "prope'r, reaspnable
and just way.
.We remember that Parker
es.4ayed the matter ()nee, failed and :then
subsided for a'humber of teary. Bates "tried_
the same thing with similar results. Price
IlouiPlied for about a year at the" head cif a
workingman's paper,:in Alinen : iville; in a
nukement,"and'then . fic subsided,—
hasisAM the experience of labor dipt
cultic4 fomented by idlers ..and demigtogues,
and suidi wilt lie the fate of all movements
of ,eharacter started wrong and con
In every instance before, the leaders re
sorrd to the sank. mode : of ctontroling the
men that they &filmy.. , Instead of:adoPti4
a conciliatory policy,< and endeavoring to
. produce a feeling of harmony' for (he malts
al benefit Of employers and employees, their
course has been to alienhte and distract;
abuse and bully. And when that course .
culminated as - it always will, .in evil, the
FOod meR among the workingmen -WhO.•re
• alize the necessity and advirstage' , of being
on good terms with their employers, took.
affairs into their :own hands, and - -the
trhii~`ouslemicrs., coMpelled to give up
their short-lived =,.f:way:
We do,not desire to : see the organization of
the wiirkingmenl)roken up: We hope that
it will lie kept up - , But to. exist successfully
Fitt do good, it must rid itself of the leaders,
who in their "buneombe speeches talk stieh .
trash as that the ,workingmen should put
their "heels upon the tteekg tof the-tyrants,
the Roal operators;" they "": should
shoull.r their - rifles," etc. The true policy oi
the organization is cone s iliation, harmony,
'not thai of the igoorant, scheming leaders
whose motto seems to be "rule 6r ruin ;"• who
know very little about the business of the
country, and who if left to their. own :re-;
sources would bd nimble to make „good
: wages even if they bad the . opportunity.—
And yet such -Men want
.to4,et themselves.
up,as competent directors of the business in
terests of the country. The sooner the
workiniinetes organization is Titl, of sife
'selh'silt, • worthless demagogues the better it
will be for its prospects of effecting good for
its Menibers.
-- Dro'rEcTiox TO
DUSTIN.—There -has. been nothing;
that has damaged the cause of protection at •
Washington, so much as the stupid ignoratiet
of the leaders of tlie,.W.ll:,A: in ordering a
suspension of the trade in March, and also
stopping the coal trade inStehuylkillCounty
for the last live weeks, by refusing to eon.,
Cede ;otte . .:iota to the state of the coal marker:
it has been used -by all the Free. Traders in
, , •
anti ,/ 1011 , , of k'opgress as an nun: le nt i n , favor
ofitl36 reduction of the duties on Foreign
frhricsywhich,of coitrse reditees the wages of
labor - to. that.' extent in this country: We
. appealed to Some of the leaders to pass even
resolution iii favor of protection and- send
it to Congrtsg While the great eonflit was
'going on with the enemies of Anierican labor
and industry, at their meeting op Monday
last, hoping that such a resolution would be
very - effective,. coining, from the, working
dosses; but they refused to do any tit ing Of the
kink Gen. Cake also sent them st letter,
which we understand, among other'things,
;also urged, them to do something to aid in se
curing protection; .hut it wa.s not even read to
.t.hii:* present; yet these leaders profess to be
the only friends and adVoeates 'of the 4n
tensits of the Witrking classes., Out upon such
miserable humbugs. . -
THE OVEIZIAND have before
the May , number of the Overland Monthly, pub
lished by Al Ronian 4: Co., 417 and '419 Montgomery,
street. an Francisco. ,The magazine contains one
hundro 'pages of the Choicest literature, front the
isms Of some of the Most eminent 'writers of the
country, tre‘ating; upon ' , almost eyery current topic,
together with tales, skeiches, rommiees, etc.;which .
cannot fall to Interest and amuse, eery lOver of
common, sense literature. It, is a rnagaslne
pen Sable in'the Subseriptions will be re
ceived at the Book store of, Barinan.4 . Ramsey.
Arras, $1 per annum, payable In.advanee..
.6 , •
2 24.011421--**---
- 3 •
4 weir--"—'
* SUNDAY...-..
11 VarovENDA3 .
31 FRIDAY. _._.
The saw mill of Mi. Charl
Manor, was detitroyed' by fi
night. : _ •
. .
• A large aturgeoniittractetl Much attention, at
the' corner of Mahaatongtr .and Centro iareets
yemterddy. *. -• .
pii-rsfOrrciw.—iNineteenth'Stinday of the ynar
and third after N t apter: Day's length, 1-t hunt%
and 12 niinutesd.'
• • • •
B. F. Blume, l X. T. K., will give two of his ,
entertainments 'at TtimaeLua; on Monday ,and
Tuesday evenings net Mr.:Duane delighted
his audiences here . few weeki ago, and.we have
no doubt he will be equally successful in ' our
neighboring borough. •
' •
The Second Presbyterian Church, Market
Square.,---The Rev. Doctor Smiley, Pastor, will
preach to-morrow, Sabbath morning at-101 and
at 7} The' series of di-seourse on "The
peluge" will be continued in the evening,sub
ject. "The ark and embircation of Noah."
Sca' free. Go early. •
We learn that some of our bathers think
seriously of closing their *hops on Sunday. Wo
hope they' will conclude' to do so, as there is no
reasonable excuse for them to keep °iron on
that day. 'The man that cannot tind•time to get
shaved on Saturday evening is unWortlw:the
attention of the barber on the Sabbath.
', Course of Sermons 'the Dtiluge.—On 'last
Sunday cyeniqg we had the Pleasure of listen
ing to the second of a-series of , ser,mops otiAhe
Deluge, 'how being deliyered in the Second
Prbsbyterian Church, by Rev. Mr. Smiley. Mr.
Smiley handles the subject with ability and elo
guence, his theory of the hatural causes produc
ing; the Deluge being quite, interesting, To
morrow evening he will dwell on the Ark.
These sernions are well Worth hearing. .
New Aceoinmodation Passenger Train.—
On and after 'Monday, May 16, an additional
passenger train. will "be run between Reading
and Poltsvnle,"iit - .the following hoursk—Leave
Reading ar7.30, A. 31.,*.eonneeting there with
the Lebanon Valley fist line friim liatrisliutg
and arriving at Pottsville at 9.15 A. M., - stOp9i,ng
at• all intermediate points. Returning, Jeaye
Potts• Ville at 4.20, P. M., arriving at Readibg at
6, P. M. and there nutking•connections for !Leb-
anon, Harrisburg,' Col um Dia, Philadelphia • and
all itermediate points. . • •
Pennsylvania Lodge, No. 719, L G. T.,
l'Ashanoy City,. have elected the.. following
oilleern for the , ensuing term : W. C.. T. John
C. ilensingei;TW. V. T., Tillie Dreher ; S.,
J. Harvey Smith ; W. F. S., John S. De Silva
W. T., Charles Bensinger; W.; M.,' Edward
Latham; W. C., Geo. IL Laurey ;.:W.3.Ci.,
Emily ileusingec; IV. 0. G., Thomas Joncii„,
This Lodge was histitnted but n year ago and
has about 80 members, and is in it -very flour
ishing condition. •
. ...
Route ,of Pardde of the Improyed Ortler of
Red Men, on Tammany's Day, May 12th: -
Form on Centre street; riglit`restatig on. Mar
ket; up Centre to Mlnersvilletdreet, up Miners
ville-to Third, down Third to Market, up Mar
ket to Ninth, np Ninth to Mahantongo," down
Mahantongo to Centre, up Centre to Callonhili,
down Callowhill to Coal: down (bat to
Chunk, up Mauch "Chun Centre, up ; Ceutre
to Hail and dismiss fort inner... The line will
be formed again at 121,0't lock - sharp, and march
to the pie-nie grounds: .
. ..
, 'U in
'Unclaimed letters remaining .ilm P4Lsyille
PoAt 011iee May Gi 1:470;
1 . .. .
<B c
owe Agneu •Tfurley John RaineyMr
' Brown Eliza .. 'Hastings lielen Roberts Ruben 0
.Itrannen Stiehl .IKelly-A Co • Mambo William
BrousaJOKVpil 'Kell John , i Russell Sirs Jane
,Thirns Frank K.Ainer .I...ewls' - -Itobinson Edith
Cowan' Michael Kelly- Mary - Snyder C ... _,
Cresivell , Sainuel Lawrence i 1 II Saylor GM, 11
Stay isSinuirack • RLav ler licUrint' Stevenson John
'I hivli: wi Main • Lynch Anna M Shay Kate
llnhist , Kate - - SleCaheSnbn--' Smith CIF
Eeher B. P ' ; Murray Pit Vandfalipos Mr •
Farrell : John ':Mee Mrs Vearn M
French B Mulls Lizzie: , Weber.]
' Felix M C J Weiser MoseX
(Wigan \Vm Raab'.. Wintlop Mary
iritren Mary . nimbi:lH A Wagner 'Mary •
rosen Catlin ri an James NV rorriek•Lizzie
Early Potatoes. , ---Frmil Mr. A. debentillate,
Of hlillsideEarM, we hnve received seine speci
mens of Early Rose potato grown,hys him this
season. Of this potato two crops can be raised
in a seasmi.: The Mohawk -potato is a f w days
earlier, is a larger potato and more pro luctive.
We',haVe introduced int o thisßegion - di . Garnet
('hill, flie.rea,eh 111o*,ithe Early f lGood ieli, the
Early Ito4e,' -and this year tile Moha lc. : All
Of these potatoot• are productive and free i from
rot. We. consider thp introduction of these'
potatoes into this Region a great benefit in this
line, as our farMers have IKTiI too mueh inelihed
in tho past to stick to the .old varieties which '
!degenerate and run Out; But they are now taking !
.hold of the now varietic,ito their great advan
'. I G. A. B.—At *stated meeting of .16 --- -e• Ile,
Post, No. 2.11, O. A. H., held - at Schuylkill Hal
on the sth inst., it waa 'decided to decorate,
graves of deceased soldiers hn the :101.11 - inst!
obedience to orders from . Headquarters. 0
!Maces were appointed as follows; who wil I
once meet' and organize; reporting their
gYamine tci the Post fOr confirmation :
c ; `oa.unittcc of Arrangements-LComriuleSßob
iiison,Maitz,- S. A. tiT4O), Koons and Sn:Oler.
Al•ommittee on lloriations—Comrades Burkert,
Fiehafer and Garrett.' -
. Committee on Graves--Comrades Sharpe],
Marshall aud Heevener.
Due notice will he given of the entire
e' ,ipro
gramm, and it can be presumed that this eca
sion will by far surpass the others on'priniuus
oecasions. The citizens of .Schuylkill Haven
have heretofore interested themselves inrthis
matter en masse, and present appearances bull
c:ate that they will again cheerfullyimerate j‘vith
the Post on this solemn occasion. tien-dfklina
T. Owen, late S. VieeCommander-in-Chic
be invited as the orator for the Post en thi. day.
Local Jottings,—Mr. Jacob Br ittain has !been
elected President (f, the American ilose-Com--
pany, Vice 11.. W, Harkey' resigned. ! •
. Jet Jewelry is much worn in • fashionable,
society. thii spring. .
Haying parties are nowin season,: and our
young people are -enjoying '
The funerals of Mi. Charles Bariet and Mrs.
Michael Welsh took plaCe last Stutilay, and were
largely attended.
harry- Ring, - contractor, while riding in his
sulky, was runaway' with near Shamokin, on
last triday. ~The'srAlky w as a, wreck. I
J The Pennsvlvania.Siate Sunday . 'School Con
vention will 'be held at Harrisburg on the 14th,
15th, and lath of Jane. - -
On Tuesday. the ult.; Jamey Puller, - a
contractor at Rainer it•Goodwiler'ivslope; near
Shamokin, was waylaid and - brutally assaulted
• by a party of men who called him a "hlack4eg."
A nian named Thornas Booth was arresttsi and
'held in $5OO bail to answer the charge. ,
Samitel Myers, tho oldest printet_andleilitor'
in Iltading, died lam . t week, aged 70 yearia
May flowers are, now abundant and very
chew- - ! • .
Docoration will our on the 30th inst. Aro
the Posts of the county . arranging for itt
Theodore P. Trayer, of this Borough, has
,been appointed / by the Governor and commis
sioned by the Mate Department, notary pub.;
lie for the ter of three years. : •
.Areet improvements aro very brisk Port
Theodore Johns,:a lad aged - %14 years, tvas
sandy killed by the explosion of a eannou et
St. Clair, on last I Monday '.morning, While a
. salute was being fired in honor of the W. It. A,
Jp6ratle:. Another boy .nauted Willi:this, -was
also injured by -the sante explOsion. Esquire
Connurheld an ,inquest on thia:bodv of Johns.
Lodge, 'No. 20; I. 0. of.O. V. 'are
making arrangements to have..their be. ntiful
cemetery consecrated to the Inirial of th . dead
oil Stfuday, 22d, lust.-
A pig committed (suicide at Minersv ,
day last Week, bYlanging.j, • . ' • ' :j-
The parade of the W. IL.A. on last lontlaY,
was a decided aucgess. There were over 4,000
- men in the procession.
. Rhubarb pica are a aeaAoi
I A, K.
. 41
. '5O
. 50
MAT, WO 1 111721
Ruins I nigs
4 52 7 2
4 51 ,7 3
4'49 7 4
447 7 -S 5
4 48 7 7
4 4,1 7 11
_UXUT:ir JU.I4
now. . I
. I
Croquet is tuore' ! fashiorable thiS season thati
heretofore. .: , / • ' I •
The „weather continues favoral le for fishin g.
• The'Pic - Nit sm.:son is here, and from -indica-.
lions it will be as lively as ever. •
The Hope Bose, of St. Clair,. gave- o , grand
ball °alba Monday evening.
The road leading from Pottsville, to IS Clair.
is undergoing thorough repairs.
Pretty light walking suits are , Warn by the
lael'ion our streets and are very Tashi aable.
Many eyes were dressed in mourning on last
Aliracivratbere atogrowla about tnitit itos in
damp pieces: - " • I
Many of the miners missed their trains at. St.
Clair on last Monday' night. I -
:The Trustees Of the l'ottsville Irienranee
CoMpany_ . held a'rntoting. in thin Ilatoigh pn
last' Mesday afternoon. , • '
Several new_ buildings : are in process
lion at St. Clair,. and the town presents*
Eggs are selling for 18 and thf) cents pe
on our streets. • - .;
Thestreet hands are doing some geoil work
at present, and lthe indications !are that, our
tartlets will-be made passible. ' •:!
Die e :l im tntintierer of ilarian,! will be hung
at Read on nest Friday. .
,in arakesmsn on one of the
Valley trains,. had his hand geriously mashed
while coupling care on Tuesday. L Id •
_The sheet, pipia rind rolling mills of seyferi,
McMaritis tt CO.,:lteadint, have strapended;
Operations for the present. ,
On Tueiday,the government !National Bank
declared a seuil-annualdividtblid nf 4 Per cent.;
the Pennsylvania and Miners' • Banka, each de
clared a 5 per cent: seta-annual 'dividend.
Some scoundrel threw s stone _through the
window of the residence of Valentine IL Leib.
at. Fishbach,:'ort -Tuesday morning *bout 2
o'clock. - ,
• Lilly Of the Valley Lodge, L of 0.,F.; pre,
seated Henry; Miller; their representatlye to the
grand Lodge, with a haritlsontalradgir On Mon-,
day evening. H _
• Enoch Eck of Qtrantal/14;. •r,,,t,„;,,.
in this . borough on Mopday fbt i• •
He Witallead in 000 tiannover at. • .
Doriahgh crinneit tree reorgan •
day evening , . ' :PPR' slaYar niemberiHr lo k
sent& • 4:4.-
I.OhnD. Seville., colored. his ".Iseeit.elecica
e°°l4britineg'/nesither of 11w I:3lo4Pitent.!"
Company. - , ' •''
Awls:don Day paws an Sundayi May 28116.
- To know who it making. money—read :oar
Oysters are out of season, because thareiino
ue, .
Council supper, according to 0014111intatana'
ecatjnet . 1
TluS:farmers think - the prow* for a late
grain - prop were never better than at present.
Tretitont policemen have nevi stars, anti
empowered to make arrests:.: . -
tilowenPost took stem op ThUrsday evening
for the proper °loom:toed of decoration day,
May. 30th.
The, }fi rst ICrttional Dank' ;al .Minersville„ has.
declaied a semi-annual diidentl of per rent:.
A Military company. will be iforml at Tre
mont •this evening. • •
The AVashington Artillery
9 impiany! . le to be
reorganized, -
A CountyWonventiou of thol, P. 0. 8..0f A.
will, be held at St. Clair, on neat Thitruday.
The State Mar will be , held?; at - *Scranton on
the' fib "..9th, and 30th of : September.-
The,Enterprise and. Clipper Rae Ball clubs
Played a match - game at Agriciultoral Park on
Thursday; which resulted "in in favor., of the for
mer Club by a score of 47 to 15 -
1, • ,
sow. 1 Ir. It.!
— Tro 66 0
4/6 , • W •
le 64
rig bA
11. It. X. _
First Q.,8 10 41 ma.
Fun 31..;15. 1 I .10(i.
IdureQ. —. O 1 13 m 9.
'Near X. 30 5 1 Ina
es Tate sii Girarkl
re on Wednesday
•.S . • ,
- Thh Senate *as noVin session on Saturd,ay
lii the Hints% it was aareettle take a recess.
from. Thursday until Montike, ~ The Senate
bills; relating to returns of evident:e'er honora
ble discharge to °encore, and, authorizing the
Postmaster General - to prescribe an earlier time
for execution of contracts. &c.; were concurred
M. Mr. Schenck offered a resolution; which
was patised,,,providing that all persons elected
to office in Texas shall. have thirtv days, from
April 30th, in which to .11.1 n the oath of office.—
Mr. es' (henek rose to move to go intotonimittee
on the Tariff, when Mr. Judd offered 'a resolu=
tion.postponing all s,pecialorder*untibafter the
courilderation of the genefal esdondar. Ile.
evolved that hie purpose wriattoteach his oval
bill In three sections, reducing the tariff on in
ternal taxes. After sharp debatethii resolution
was rejected, and. the Rouge adjourned. 'ls
In the Senate on Monday, iii" motion of Mr.
:Morrill, of VL,..the Vatent Co*liiittee were 'di
riled to eertsider the expedieney of Providing
tha the United Statea .tiovernment shall have
free use of every patent hereinafter issued. Mr.
Peril hitrodured a.bill tesenefiree the Fourteenth
Auiendment; - which was refeirsid. ' Tiro rail
road.landrant bills were paSsed. The House
bill exten 'ng the time of qualifying. persitns
. eleciel to office in Texas, war passed, amended
so as to require•proof of loyalty,' The bill giy
ingieredit,for good behaviour, to-prisoners was•
pastEed. The bill Increasing' the Supreme and
Virruit Judges, etc., was indefinitely postpon
cd.;' The bill to' relieve the '-tridows mud or
phans of the Oneida sufferer(f was - passed. Ad
journed. • . .
In the House, bills were iritredneed -by Mr.
Co* to relieve all Political,:idatiabllitiea ; Mr.
(''Neill, to authorize the appainttnent by U. S,
Judges of eouuniasionera .te superintend the
shipping and discharge of . ntrchant Seamen.—+l
lar, Stephenson, authorizing American citizens'
to accept foreign diplomatic u rrYiee ; Mr. Van , ,
Trump; directing the Seere 6- of the Interior
to retain money that may bt. dile the Govern
meet by - the Pacific Itailroa4',Cotnpunies, as in- I
density for interest paid i nn railroad bonds; '
and by Mr. Morgan, repealing the proviso lim
iting applications for: perishing to the period 'of
rive years. Mr. Dickey introdueel a bilt-•Tor
paYment of a pension of ({,3400 to Mrs. Lintsdn,
which Arai passed—yeas. 72 nays 51. on mo
dein of Mr. Bird, the •Preeillent was reluested
to intercede for John Gallasiher",of New.lersey,
captured, during the Fenian raid on Camel:Ks
and iientioved to twenty years' imprisonment.'
Mt. Calkin offered ares4ition direction the
Preshlent tt) press the Alabama claims loan itn
titediate settlement, Whiehl Was referred to the
F"sreign' Committee, Mr.: Schenck - of a
:resolution, declaring May tisitit, the, (ki r fur de
:wcoratiug Union graces ' ;w
athollday, which as
: pcd.: On motion of
Mr.! fSchenek ? the { 'Om
; mittee CT the Whole werti ; authorized to step
debate ob. liny. punkin •of t he• Tariff -bill. The
Tariff Was then 'considered in iconithittee. lin
iusulated cables anti teles4aph wire, the (they,
Was made 40 per cent:' .0 ist - st b.:tiepins, etc.,
51/ per cent . tin iron of any - descendant tent
otherwise provided for, 1 ek. , ,nt per pound. The
paragraph refcrfing to (quints ;was struck mit .
I in wrought iron washersTiolts, rivets, etc.. ::1
cents per pound. tin w .light iron hinges, -
weighing not more than tW i in
the dozen
pair,. 2.3 per ceTit. ad valotai in addit•ion to the
peesent duty. The paragraph relating to tame'
trim and galvanized plates,i 00.4 was struck intl . ;
also, the paragraphingOrse and mule shoes,
2 cents per pound, also, thin relating to screwss
'Pile k'onniuttee then rose end the; House ad
jeurned. I ' . •
:In the Senate on Teesdal the House res,(lll
- making May 30th, iii retch year a piddle
: was referred. The House bill, grant
' bag apension to Mrs. Linceln; was laid aside,-
Mr. Edmunds saving thatithereasion commit-.
tee would report on. thti 'subject. during tlie
present week. The bill-for Sortfrinent of ac'
counts of army and navYitsiticorii was reported:
favorably. The. bills prdst.rihing . rules of evi
dence in certain cases, and amending the Bank
rppt laws, were, reported adversely. Bills w..ri ,
, introduced by Mr. Catner'en to furnish medals
'te Pennsylvania arid MaSsaehusetts soldiers,
•1111)(1 by •tar..Dritke •to pre note. the eilleioney of
the nave. A bill, griudingi land's to . the Omaha
ctial N or thwestern. Itailtstad. •wal4•passed; an
amentfinent olli , reti by Mr; Saulsbury, to grant
'...1/0,0(X) acres to-the 3 itirtip T i : and isf:,.*kw:it.r
Railroad, in . Delaware; !haying 'been rejecost
A contemns( report oil! the :Census
„bill was •
agree' to„. The bill linaing the number of
speciall'reasury agents ilififty-thretswas passed,
with an :intendment 'restricting their allowance
to per dicin and achtal expenses. Adjeurned, ',
•: In the House, Mr. Paine i introdueed a bill for
the admission of Georgirioirepresentation in
Congress, which Was refclr 'l. Mr.StilesotThred
s joint, resolution for clip adjtiornment of Cen
trists on July Mit, whiclii WILM adopted—yeaS ss,
io is's, •-M r; Jenekes, f r ont the Cemuntsee 4.11
Civil Service, reportedf'alhill to regulate the
rivil service of the Ur tcd States, which was
eonsinered nntil the ex iration of the morning
hour. The thanie then , ventinto Committer on
the Tariff bill. 1 The paragraphs 'referring to
i - essels of iron loticsheraiise, provided for; to
glazed, tinned ( r enamad, led wrought iron led,
low-ware; taxing East-lion pipes It cents per
pound: and taxing all iroh castings not_other
wise Provided for as perieent., were stricken
out, disposing of all thei Wen portion of the bill.
The Opts - on all -.,
east . or other steel in ingots,
blooms or billets, and on Wrought steel inbar,,,
rods, sheets, eta, was relined front 31 to 21
rents per pound. On steel of circular Shapes,
'and all not otherwise proirided for, a reduction
'of 1 • cent was„, made,. 'fife paragraph taxing .
Steel railway bars, ineludillithose made by the
itessemesprocess, 2 cents i per pound. was
aufended vs aS to . :lnake the duty Pi; per nos
.but,without finally dietposing.of the tatter, the
!Coiiimittee rose and the Ifouse adjoorned. - •
1 . In the Senate on Wednesday the House resa-
Elutien for adjournment On July 4th was taken
ruip. A. Motion by Mr. tinnuter • to, table it • Was
lost—yeas 15, • nays o—and it was laid over.
Bills -were glassed' allowing the settlement of
accounts of army and nay* disbursing °dicers,
enabling the Secretary of c ilmi Tresury to collect
dereliebelaims, etc., Irelating to pity-of 'deputy,
colleetors, and in referent* to the operation of .
the Bankrupt act inithe Territories. After an'
Executive session, the Se late-adjourned.
i In the House, Mr.;Wel s,'frotn the Coluntit
tee on Beeline of American 'Commerce, report-
el a hill for Mail steamship 7, service from New!
orleans to Vera ('rug and ' Havana, which was
recommitted. Mr. Beck asked leave to intro
duce a resolution requesting the - President •t(.•
state by what authority General Terry is trying'
citizens of Georgia lis; cond. martial. The Civil
service billlwas disen.srd. The Tariff bill was
resumed in,Commitike f on steel railway liars
the duty was nettle - .1, cc i is per pound, on barS
partly - made of steel s / e nts, and un metal pre
pared by the Beasenser rprecess tit; perton.-s-.
On steel wire less than 1 "
inch diameter. and not
.. i i
less than No. 13 gangs, cents suid 20 per cent.
ad valorem, RIO finer t. an No. 13, 3 cents and •
"Arian cent. ; providisl t iat-wire for Musical in
struments, Or cov4red with silk, cotton,lete.',
shall pay '25 m
5 per id. in &talon. Steel in coils
1 i
riot snore than 3.16! of tut inch in diarnetsr, to
; pay the same as wire. TIM duty out steel rail
way frogs, ete. WaSi , redt ced from 31, to 21 cents.
' On steel ear witeelsithe utv was made 3 cents.
the Committee theis is se,•, and the 7ltouse ad
-1 journed. V " .:,.. (
in the Senate on ,Tht rsday, Mr. • Edmunds,
from the• Pension Cont Mike, reported the bill
giving a pension to Mrs Lincoln, with a, recom
mend:thou-that it be 'i definitely postponed,-
Mr. Drake from the Na al; Committee, reported
a bill to promote the e leiency of the Navy.—
Mr. Vickers, froinithe Commerce Committee,
reported adverselythe ii/1 to prohibit imports
. Lion of inttnigrantstund r labor contracts. The
Franking bill was passed fover—yeas,2(3, naya,
21, anti the Legislative Appropriation bill taken
up; 'sending which he Senate adjourned.
In the House thei I Civil lien - leo billwas re
committed., Mr. Orth, 'from the Foreign Cian
mate°, madea it ( n the Paraguay inve relst i
gation. The ten menthnent to 'the bill.
limiting the aPpoietmin' of special Treasury ,
agents {relating to tl eir - compensatien) was
coneurret in. The- Mate bill authorizing
the Northern Paeille Railway Com any to,
f t,
iskte bonds, way}' d se tiM amed. Mr. - Hawley
peeposed an' amenent, requiring" all the
land,grants to I be gold. only •to actual
settlers - t a price not exceeding "2 50
per acre,. and f ,Ullllt4 . not greater than
one hundred ant . sixty -acres to. each per
son. The ' amer dm nt • was opposed by
friends of the bill, Mr. Garfield, of Washington
Territory, saying it w uld "throttle the Corn tva:
piedny." Mr. Wood the bill, saying the,
Company had al , y ireeeived 45,000,000 acres
of the public lan arid ;this bill proposed to 4 l
give2,lt.'s,ooo mortis ili.jElandenouneed it at'
"a - plunder measure, roposing to mortgage to,
the money lenderik>f haropelnerit land than
would make half at do ti of their little king,
dams, and to bring lu millions of the pagans of
Asia to compete W i th the farmers and laborers
of the West, etc.' r.0 . ,,1ie11i defended the
bill. Finally, the pros:lons question was second
ed—yeas, 711, nays , 'l, excluding all amend
but the oplionsitiol - to the scheme "till
bustereti" so as toSpreyent a yote being taken,
and the House trofned until Monry next,
without having editplin •
the nill. , .
- It . • .
I ,
f eree
CO'NOR 5. ,
To ?HE EMMA 0' Tit El 24.11.1 Elle 4 . 01.7. RNAL:
-I observe that Su •, ," • wry severe' on Since
or Sweeny, and servo ef the leaders of the W.
B. A., but not mote vire than yOu ought to
b e . Of course yoL e 4 not expect anything
else from Siney, ' to Lta rabid Democrat, and
of course goes for trade, with his party, and
lew wages, and y u o ght t o know that his prin
eiPal adviser and- , is Decatur Nice who
draws up his papers and lirites.his letters. Now
it you can find a moret t t le rincipled demagcspre
and a greater in the whole Cottoty;il
would like to lime* he '-is to be found.•'--
Ni e e wants ( •to go to o' Senate, and. Siney er.
Sireenrwanta toile p 'lds - office l / 2 1 . deb'sults
him better Alum wbr 'or, pe be also
girds to go to Lisa: Wore, an tltereAtre,.
i l
they are
,hob -no t ogether to 'delude tbe
workingmen into;v " far and keeping the:it
selves in oft*. They Ara a. prechnis: pair of
deretagegues and wel
A. .Imatth, W. •. . ~ ~ ,
WouirtionAn fir .t Eitertt nit Eris Prig.
af'-;t:ititors OF rag
:%'-` -, A.,.14,rf , ii..... , • :,
. . . ,
tertial„ revenue retelptg Ihr . the _fiscal .
sun &11110011* • t i,,a- •-- , ! ' -
:.: -- evict . pi:triton' Altegt.tornie , aleart
._ 7ritt,,,,,,,,,,.....7.,.....:itte,,
...of swift sold„ and ptuntnisofsf tikllik , . 12 -'
bombs May. .. •I.
_. . .--,
IT Canby on saitrdsintlinorilahed 'cora,.
Firisant'af ' ./Syratussa4 , yitsbabkittitlle# fur'
lireshisTetritory, - --.. • '
• ailwils City, . a.. im Momisy nisht,itoht.
nerfasemarse mOrdmi-edby Dennis IteGroU.Y. ; . - .
fir tibo WWII and Mewls Committee expea.ur re- '
inarttbelintiding bill about the kith or 12itt irunsaL - ,
o Sir lb* iintrirs of the Wleconsinlinate Prlloll
,Mere on illrandaA dentouritt by Iftre. Lass SIAM. .
Sir WM. IL ilancy,, a pmminent Virginia:law
, Ter, died soddenly at AhysamUltt, on MW:Hlar FVea"
l l
- Tr +ill Ihriti uiconititartist. lit'etiises, and. Pro
-1 shut isunderstood te 401,5tibeir coalietatd„ tint re
' commanded to riterem ,r' ' 1 ,;••„ ; .
Ii sir Cookie it ?seed's fibmitut - mill min fl ee ilwel.
inms, In, Evansville, Ind., were Iturned on Saturday
'night. )Loan SWAM • , • • . . .' : . . -
abir The term of Um United States Supreme Court,
jnat close& disposed of 2.. 4 5 cosmic:Living about. 2:k!
on the docket: i . • -• 1 ; - -
i.e-Speaker Blaine.' of the House of itepresentn
tiverthai Joe: I i iued to be, aenniiiitate for IL n. 7 itenntOr
it.. - At Prov Menet., It. 1.,.0n Sittnrilay, Thos. DrLi.
edit died tau few hilitute's after taking ea grains or
Saratoga:freight , ileput, anti • ilinedhd.'s steam sate
mid were destreyettby Ara The less bulbous s4o,Ohtt.
ai' The Georgia Senate on Saturday a resii.
Intion fisr aces res tintil , JulyPth. :The House recoll-,
sidered its action gelding metre hers ells:tied under the
old arganicatinn. 1 , : . ' .. , '
#a- The Senate of 3fatteactinsetts, by a vote nf'2l to
9, tin Saturday; conettrred in; t be Tenstloor bill . fur
factariea as passed -hy t he Iloasc.• - .• ';- . • , • •
4e - The Senate
Cenntitltted on Claims will bePort
favorably.upon the rrsolutiori paying Southern Thy. ,
allsts for PrOPerlY;Latin for military- purposes' by
the l'initm army. i ' `' ' ' ' .- - . ' •. -
Si' At Boston, on Saturday afternoon, a fire Origis'-
nating In' Doty's batalore,'eurner of Canal and Tot,-
versj.dreet, destroyed about thirty buildings.
Siaw,l.lo„ . , . ,
StauT.henunitier of ea unity oaths taksn under the
varitara proclamations of Presidents 'Lincoirr had.
Johnson, as reecmictl In the. State lkile.rtmcnt, was
not lest than 30ti,000. 1 - , ..-' . . . I
11:0 . 1 Sri the Thirika'SCAStill P . ircliSt. Court at -Rich
tnoneltill Alonday Judge Chase presid ing.the injunc
tion granted Its - Judge Undertrood against Etilsema
was dismiss.ed.- H .• 'I ' • , - ' ; I .
SR' In View' Of the threitettitit'nititude or the.
Sioux Indians; the Government s nending'all the
available troop: to the Nurtliwes4. to 'protect. settlers
and the..Pacific' Itailmad. , '' ' . 1.
a.d• 'Vie Georgia I louse of Itepresentativek on Sion.-
day Concurred iu the Senate resolution, continuing ,
the A epntpriation, Tax and llelicf.acts. of ;last ;N'ear.'
ais/'' Ine , publ lc debt statOttent, ju,q Issued, shows
a totali less rash in- - the 'TieaSury, of 92,129,f.41;33 I, It
decrease store:April tat; o 911,11.17,M. • • ' ;
a lit • ' Pile related peopir f W ilmingtien, N. 41,, cot- ,
ehrsted theirenfranehltwmtent on Monday. Every
thing passed Off quielig. I. •
a-li At I,Oulst lira f,tim Nltmda-y. John it. Ittorton,,
aged itt yeas(, - tie; son oPia banker, 4filettragsni
. bier named I'itwens, In a Wiese of lii repute..
as- At Inditthatfolision Monday miontreis Of +Die
City ("mined Pestle elected, illietatbittatot anti; Dein
ocrats being chosen. , This ruakestunpalitical elutnge.
SS. Virginia. Nevada, held Its Inertia pal election
on Monday. ErivCS;l4lllll/11e:111,aftS rIl•C11` . 11 Stayetr,
b,y •-:l2:inajority fiver liirdlteoloretli,the, i , ppositiOP
earlidate. - • , . r
Ilia - A'frarne building, In rfklIPW of ereettori Mild
cage), fell TuittalaY afternoon. Four, men at Alrbkit on
it were arvixely, if tout fatattly injured,. ..". ..
Sit •At' Belfast, Zfe., Tuesday, Joseph 11. Ifirfiees re
covered averting for s.lo,oooagaltist Dr. N. P. Minroe,
for inalleractlee to the treatment stf tgaintitrit eyea.
tii,- The Supreulo Cesare of the' l'alited States on
Saturday, rendered a decisiou, atflrming the; right
of the State , of Kansas to tax the Union Paettic
Railway. The Court adjourned until s)etober Mid.
I4r) - A fire destreyed",No. St Centre street. Nese'YOrk.
Sunday sinernoon;.oecuplgil by the New *fork Print.-
I ing Company an W. Alexander, booklitnaler.—
The total loss is Slatihrt:, . , .
SS-The rallilmtion . of the , Fifte enth' .Snerndnient,
was celebrated by the conned. people at New Or
tis on Saturday, the chief feature of the day.lteing
°cession, Whirl% took an hour and a half to pies.
als-Ex-Govurnor I.V . ells . 11;:11$, 1511 . ..f1"11 ' the,/ appoitit
ment of V. ri: District .t.ttert.MY for , Virgittia, on:the,
day on which he was injured tie the Richmond till:-
aster. It Is thought be will accept:
- azi-The' ideltinstitp-tity. of tjticher trait sunk by
en alislmt with the steamship tkrinalty, atT'Oreen
Island, in the St. l.'avereint., ou Sunday, '.The third
engineer and a passenger were.lo34 : ', (/' •
aa-Tile Vres Men t, Tuesday, notitlna 1 cslilie follow
ing Consuls: Stamm.' tlitypt Florida; at Winnepeg;
tiscar Maltnrooti,. of Minnesota, lit l'ictou 1. and
Thomas 11. l'earn', of Teti tu...:.icc, at Kingston, ',la- '
ei - S.A.Washitieton deem:Welt stip; that I*er:it. bed-' •
bans, prominent- in the Intairrectiatt ItaNe made '
`overtures to the'Spattish Mloisher for a recon
t ion arlth the Spanish Govervithent. ' 1 •
AleAt salt, Lake City; ent Monday, ('apt. W. IL';.
Story, 1/eptity . ii.. S .: •,:tfarslisl,', Was sluttle:ad hy In ,
man unme•il Hawes, 'whom tie was t arrest.'
An armed pOsse Merit in pursuit of the manterer.
ad- The• New Vorit - ("anal Roast, 'at Albany, on.
Tuidlilar, ;Wade the following reductiont;t in canal
tollS,:--6.11 salt, :ta,ili per cent.; cotsl;'& 4 " geaill, -, i3,!ii,:
flout, in; idoo,ll e pig nut :serail tron,7:t. ~ ' -
4 d• ',trait, Collatrn died at,the City Ilesteltal ill:,
Boston, iln al urelity, front the eirocts of litudatiinti,.
taken to commit Suicide :while temporarily insane.%
Coulee 'tits a. 'tidbit:nil:lied 'English euglueeri and
mechante; and , ac one time estitor of the I..eiseissit
EN'elaNidat, ' . ; . 1
Oat-lion William clam, a ' nempiltient, Il.''entlont
politician. tiled at'st.. , Alhaus on tinned:kyr ' aged '-'II
Ite was a nientber of the,-Vermoirt D.g.islinture and
Coniptroller for t ie., Verinont 'iliii.trit.). trader Presl4 .
dent Lincoln. I s' ', - : •• I ' i
, 1.4).- A despal ch; fru 1 Oiy ,o
leii,l'inii, says that a eft',
eular was-strest 1 'at Is' ki ... , .akn Prielity-,I directing:
the Mormon Ilrethren It meet in the will stl houses'
for drill. A ruling and drilling arc said tette:get:tend ,
throughout the Territtiryt. •.. , , • 1 -
~ • ; •
its - At the aninial itteeliattOr tile (.attributors of '
the l'etinsylvaidit ltostpinii. Monday, a resolution,
1/111/111sti hy Mr. Wllll3lll 'Welsh. was adaptist, direct
'nig the managers, if prtnittica.ble, to arrange for.ali- '
•-proprlate clinical instriletioli for woqiitn , students. '
Tile old otliee•rs We re reeli•el ed. ' • !,
Its - Itts reporti4l4 bat In: SfiillX, 111/113.itiM recently
atipestrcil at the ; Ilitetsetie Hoy, company's 'Fort at
white lions! plains, el threatened to t'ill all the
. &tangle:ins in the :fall
sett lenient'. Ittlne: given supplies
their retired, saving they •• - oillil ref urn 1 and Milli
' their titre:l3,4.P There IS great , :iirtrin aiming the
American lettle;its inn the border. ;
- tee:-At Itlelnininit, on Sitinatit::;l/ 7 / 4 11Petr
Phillips-, a colored murderer, :Wiese execution NT
Sl z 4 ,011 he nu eml Mn o isf :fudge ;Underwood agai n $t
the validity id: the. (Wart Willett tried him, Chl •f '
.InStice Chits.. (nettled lit favar of, I he competettcY-br ,
' the (*.dirt.' 1 - ,llitiss pardoned by tlit).4.:t.-etrtor, NlP
lips, who hat,ll,lt.s.ti nice' thewrespitt-d, "will there
fore be hanged tat „Nils-, 'ilex t.. 0 - , " ; I'
rt, - , • Antietig the bills pitssetiltY file r. S.,g_, mate. On
Monday, was nine an n nil iiig' lilt. laws of JWyorair),l .
TerritOry,llfl/11/1 / Wllieli r'h ler Jost lee ()owe may ap.
Joint a receiver., for, tilel Union Pacific .Itellronil. IA ,
Witlshitignin dispatch says the Ralirdad Company I
renew to make ' the deposit for Ilavis'i elatin, itild
-hake ordered the running of trains to lie stopped; if.
a receiver he aprPoi Well. , ,
/Iv- A Convention tinelinling many -of the motet •
prominent men of South Caroltart, mot tit Cha ries
toil on Tuesilay, . The otty‘el'is to seeure the, I mill i
gralltm of foreign talutress. t'otinnittees. in Introit,
gration; agriculture, edneat ital.:and other subjects,
were upPoilited, ..Witoreit the Convention I adjourned'.
until N't ednistilay. i , '
as"- At I telima .)tontana.'on Monday, .k. Leconip-•
tort and Thine, Wilson, charged .wit It rohber)"iial ,
nttempteNt nit/Tarr, were tried by it comml Dee,. of
hti•nty• four lei ti7.llS, found guilty - , and ;harmed; In
the-pre-sence of about :11'0 .Petl.fttlts.. TrIP • IY itch init .
. was brought alartit, net by 3 vigilance coun
.s nitiee,
litit be a tin I di e!iiteet I rut of elt 'zeal. ' ..
. nt,At litittirelitt, Ritilsas, a feue,Mys,sinee, Col.
A.l'at-ne: and ltl. I '..,staplebitt ; "Mallet - it ial citizens, - •
quarrelled while drinking together; mid agreed to
light Ili a dark room; Pay riettad a knife awl Staple
ton a pudol, and the result was that t-he former was'
shot t Its titgli Clitt lungs a nun he hotel-hail his throat
ea. At hist acqoants both art• alive, but not espeet
eil to steover. I, • • f
ie.- 'lll.i contetcd Disorict Alt:roues-, case wdsr.ter-:
initiated In fine *Nail-v . :of Commtut I'lerts; Phil:and-I
plant, nn Tuesday, by a mond MOW. deelsion. setting
:ISMe foe- jialglnen I lit I letober darts, nil declaring
Furman Sheppard el, e,ltedllis• a nisiority- - of IS. .'Tine
decision was real, y Judge A Insult, and M r.,Siii.p.
laird tife,ll took tint'oath tali., as. District .'t to ir
ney, . I. I : ••I , * ,
rtirWiret. C. IhAillain, ngt-iit of the SCW York 'and
:Virginia Ste: mslitp Otuiliny, tiled' at, lticitstral,
V a....0n Sa e's turday. of injuri received at:, the rt :eat"
disaster. SA-st,ati. Treasurer I 'advert' is Wit exiitet-.
..• ed to liver. The
. Semite of V16,12)141. on Saturday
.isiiipted 41 re-4'l(lmi In memory :of Mr.' Bland; the.
'colored sionithr ' Irtni) l'iloce ,+:.lward ivlto 'Was
killed. ; - I. - ' ..,_
Ai..•ln the Cittaatilaii.llatise of Commons. Sir 4olin
A. stein - Mold ;13:4,4 11/Indliii:e d a bill /11111::/1/1; , .1110 .
Northwest Territory in . . preemie of the , Dons shin
"under the name of N fil!ltiliel , l'rovision is Made
for a Lieutenant Gicct noir; Exe". e Gunnell;"entiv antu:ll; and
Legislature;. it' Kalish y tit' Sitto;li'..Sl is 'gratittsii,lazati.
lands are reserved for the Indians-and' halfdireeds:
The expense of the ntilitary lone • to !re-
Serve order tato' tie divided between the Cattai p dlinn i
attiLlintiCrlal , t 'overflow:its. , . i ' . I
: 4 - 6 - A Toned(' despatch tmatalgtees Ilan, on Tina
day the steamer Algoina lea (.11//illgWoo.l, for',Fort
William, with stores' for the Red Itiver,'. est:sedition:
The flrst.detachni,cnCilf time exteeslit ion ;is expecits I
hits. ready, to ietart • i tliout the 1.1111 inst.:• Ansirding
to advines lis - Way tif 1:1111/1/440, itiel has arranitisi
with the Iliso
aln Baylrompatty for it loan of csme,
'and an advance of Lea worth. of gosals to his sol
diers, his% govern merit - being recognized a legally
existing. The company Is to retteeupy end garrison:,
MichsMichOf the fort as, is Ind - 11444.1.41 ht., • the proels.
natal I...,overnment, and resume its t rad....
''.. 41 . - A Carlisle despatch rep4rts i rouble at Dirk in- ,
sent College, front It refusal-id Iti•.l n it nor and Si mho-
More - classes to obel'y an order tiet he'tneti its - , 11 air
pm that I lie classeS were' absent front. rev - Rations
on April:9:lla w It head leave. a 1111. 1 .4.41 bei n g.assessed
with minus marks ,' oloected to the- punishment
as excessive,-and refeised to per:orm ally duty until
the , 'iliffereares• sltutthl be settled. .dfonilay the
Facility gave notice that absentees would tic sus
. wended until :septentlier„and ally remaining in the
town after ;Tuesday 'hest, 'would. Ire expelled..
The classes still „ refused
toatitglii recitations, and
were. stispittitieti. 'rh.;
. revolt include": about . one
lialfilin students,
it if - The argument; in the case.of ittvis against the
union Fitt.lile Ititilroad, Is'fore t ltief Justitte Ilowe,
of the \i'yotiling supreme Court, was concluded on
Friday. The complainants:Alleged that the dtrectors
and trustees of the road by tihe eli;vteelof malting a
contract with Oakes ,Ames for emistruetlng, mid the
sante day having It assigned tistleemsi•lrea.cleareil
, slajso,tio, which they divided among themselves in
fraud t at the rights id the Stoekholtlers', and that the
"Citimir '..11/11111..F.11 i? ails 11S0111ar011Cral the trans:-
action. Inner infairtous trantatetiotes Were also' al
leged.. The tier. ..Luce atlinit tett great irregularities in
~the ennktruetion of'tite road; but dented the jurls. ,
dletlon tof the Court; and (lanais! that the corpora
tion was medvent. The Judge rendered' a partial de
; elslan Saturday mitrning. it,'' held that the Court
,)&trisdiellon. t hat t he defendant was reSponsil de,
and that -the attliirei of the Company.:have. Iteen so
managed asi to render it doubtful if it will to able to
satisfy any judgment for claimant.-t)ing tii the
, vast Interests aftected,the appointment nil a recent or -
I was delayed, 11l giv4; defendant an opportunity to
I fortlish sati.ftwonry sectirßy in lien therf.p.f.tin Sat
unsay nßernottn, , It' was ag co'r — C - 111iitt the defence'
tle,posit 1W law fut iiione,t - the amount C-Rtittesi
by plaintiff withla thirty days, as sectiritV for any'
Judgment the latter fitly obtain. ThciCourt, t hen,-
fore; deferre9 judgment in tl t rase.,,,rase.,,, ; .. - , ,
al-..'lced .
al-..'lced: ei t^ S. Senate." on ednesday coinirtned
Salt - Mei ItaY to be binsul at 1U itinepe:/, ' • I sear Shelia- .
rise, Consul :at !loot), anti. Th.-O:3N .I.llizerlsoitt , 1".
S. Mariehal ; for Middle Tennessee. - • I I • ,
de - , A mom; the - I'resnlentlai 1 titaninations, 11)1
Vicsines,lay, was William Mel.ennati, to bc-11. S. At-.
tortteyi fur Nebraska • . • , . ; ,
:ire` ::'s delegation of New York shipowners are in
'Washington, seeking relief for the narigat int/ In tcr
eat: They ask that the registry of large vessels from
abroad be allitweil. anti ally this wilt revive; our few
*Uri ieommer_ee, Without Interfering
,R illy the rtlaSl.=
lag trade. • I; . • ; ' - ' 1: I !
147 . •• Tile 't*torgla 'Legisla t tire on Wedriesd.ay, ad.'
jesurned until th&tlrst Wednesday. in „July.' . '
air. In 11/I..AgriCultUral and Iminilgration 17011-
ver thin at Charleston, S. C.., mi•-IVedinseday, It was
Statal.l,,lll/11. llatS//Uill Carolina It:dim:id (lifers land'
' tree to Immigrants. and eeentributetilialtOldtawarda
building four xteamersi to bring trtintigrants front
EueoPe'.. Northern and Weatern fartnersare invited
to nettle In South Carolina, it generous policy heing
pnanised. , • " , . ' , I ,
414-Wedricytitity- was observed in Virginia. inne
eordance with Governor Walker's presdinnation, as
ts day cif humiliation •and pr.tyer, f
in eznory or Ille
recent disaster, At Richmond:nil fh chqii , beN were
filled and rinsincaa watestrenentled. n the United'
States Circuit Court, Citiefittst ice Cierse - nnoic some
e ft er i gt ° e It i l al ell ' rn re o m nelli k a g r, in an r d " tr u ntili o l i rn ie esi iile it t• t o l t p ir l r
At 'gait intore, on Wednesday, the. city a:l)&4.s were
closed anti The flags half-nit:sated; In aynipathy with'
the Richinand mourners. i _ t i. •; ' ;; . -
/a- The Methodist Conic - e'en - next South, met; at Mafll,
PULS, Teniiessee, oti.Weetnisdav; '. I; • .
SS- A 1/111 haa been repoed in,. thaMassachuseMassachusetts ft
Leythilatum.,lncorporatin the Grand Ltalge of the
Knights of St. Crispin. I . ;
4S'At the American .MedleaD. Convention, in.
Walthlngton..ein,Wedneattny, Prof. Alfred Sidle, of ,
Philadelphia; wait chosen Preendentj and Prof. W.
IL '.eitlt_intwin, or Philadelphia, Seeretark . of ' the
, American .Metlicat Association. Iti„,tras agreed b)
hold the next nteeting In San PranelAce.
,' -
- air St. teluis Owlet" a .City Tresistircr• tin succeed
: the defaulter:. SuldskY, on Tuesday; I rindT
1 Iletisocrat. was chosen by 817mujoriti-.' - At the same
; election, =lltriaprity wasgivep Mt. 'an'appropries
lion of tr- 4 0A 0 0.- - ,to' widen the" appiroaches to the
bridge. ; 1 ; • • • • , . -
. , .
• Ja• In.WasliingtenTerritory the I disatrectest Ite
publlcaret have nondnated Marshall BIUTIS for dele
gate to ,Congretts; to defeat :Garfield, the , regular
Isonalnee. • . • ' , : . •• . : :' ' "1 , .. • •'''
, Irir The 'cola:ilia people of . Chartestbn, A. .C., on
Wednenlay, eele the ratification of th e, SU
teenth.Amendsnesit by a parade and tiring n !a dnie.
' No- Red Cktud and twelve other - twinelpal Sioux
Chief% are abort to visit Waahingion,,, to consult
vit h, in t.t r , "rruititkii4. In relation. to their present con--
. /rir o i l takreivartdinits In itanicia frir iti t e
enwditi are prearnntsingViscurowitic - quail. -
tlt- of ilitarytitorealtrepdashartgir to,
on tile, way , :to Coltintarestai' and Part 141111aina,
yotunteemarritianorttyrthg. .r. , " t ,
• '.- , ,-; ~
' . .i ' l . -q , , , --.. . - . / I , '. ' ' '
oii u:lvr, the itelisselaci nuii
lir At Baton; '•st roller of atarnmi.atil the Custard
Hoube has been detained selthweatetilled stampa,,;.
and Ms abseonded. He was -not employed by t i& •
• . Weis- bank at ' ockland; Maine, was 'robbedon
Tucaday of gaOAlOO. of which /IRO belonged to the
lank and the rest to depositors.
tiritt .New Orleans on Tuesday night aithooting -
a glow •
,d pet:wet:M.lam .11arrerleporter of
the PiPlcaynne,' i and ex4spental. poli ceman Smith.
•Thenalter was dangcrotudy wounded.
° and another
;tr.-9(110er minted Beipert was alsos i y ; Wtmantlecti.
.rialsanble arose from ;,••
, . ,Olf. The - Jackson Railroad Otinipany have brought
' gulf against Henry S. McComb and fathers, at 'New
..o r l an i,.rorgLoop,oootiaranste,gtawing out of *recent
Seat for the Control of the New Orleans,,lselutott' '
Great Northern Railroad. 7 ';
Al. Chester, IM., on Tuesday niarnitig,Hto cot ,
- tart mill of Brewster. Mcente &„ Co., win; destroyed
by rite. Loss about $60;e00. The fire is suppmed to
I hate been incendiary. ,
Ali, Two hundred and fifty Chinese :Valorem have
betAn engaged-at lieng Kong by an agent of the Mht
ffeatri Valley Immigration Company; attti are now•
on ;Mei r way toithis country.
• la - The hack repatrerson,the Union Pactließail
,rond, bet Ween Potter ardbAmtelopt) Stations; were
attacked bY ' ITP-tins. oll'WedheadaY.! One of theca
was killed, anti the others were driNen into Antelope
Station. • i. •
• fah - A Sonthi Pass, Wyoming, despatch says Maier
thirtion on Thursday made a cavalry excursion in
pursuit of Italians rind had a ektrinhlh with' theie.
killing four. Two of Gonion'S ointmand, Lieut.
Stinnbach and a sergeant were killed. The country
swarms with Indians.
- Lai - The Senate 'Pension Cornmittee,' in recent....
mending the postponement of the [till' pensioning
lira. Lincoln, argue that her,earfe is , not that of the.
widow of useddier. but of one in civil life: thatit
hatt not been deemed advisable in" a free Country , to
provide pe_rrnanententalunients•for facilites of high
officers of state', as in Burope•Sind that Mrs. Ltneoto
IX not destitute, a recapitulat ion other assets show
ing her to lx• wprth about terli,ooo:lrt addition to some
ltripmduptlve neat estate, not to mention dona Cons
etc. The report is aigued by Senators
Tipton, Pratt, Spencer. Howell and McCreary.
g:-The U. S. pharmaceutical Asseeiation in session
In Washington; ou Thursday. accepted
ltertr'an Thonfics, as delegate from the Philadelphia
Women's Colltare.• The association - Iwatt occupied on
Thursday, in regulating the standurd of thedichlat
preparations for the next dectkle..
dad -Tho last X.kgitrlature . of Louisiana, repealed the j
Ohl venal statutes , enacting new ones, but omitted
to provide fqr prosecution ore-rime* committed pet-.
or to the drat
q r April:PM:and thus left a etiariee
for the esetil:s7 Of atiout one - hundred, and twenty-tite
persons indicted for Various crimes:
tit-The Republican' (try Convention of WS:thing-
tbn met on Thursday, and -split into two parties.
Witleit held Separate couVentious.. thescre
nominated for Mayor the present incumbent, Bow-
; the other Munn:fated Richards, now Chief of
pot ICI , . . ' "
p* .The-South Carpiltissiinnfigration Convention
• eutjournetl, after taking measures to cstablish a Bu
rowan Immigrant stcaindilp line; and terming a
clety for the Mtn - Auction of Chinese labor.
4 -At the General Methodist episcopal Confer
ence South, on Thymetey, the addressor the RiAhcips
Was'read, counselling , inesl••rst in the. deriberu
ctions, declaring that- the ('buret l has-steadily ad
:enticed; tan:that the number tif young men °geeing
for the intlxiSt ry - is inadequate to ;the dernand;
commending `the improveineid of, the literature or:
the and everts to .itriprnTe the religions
~ condition of the colored people. A. epeeist cenunit--;
was appointed to prepare a pastoral letter en the
, spiritual Interests tif the Church.l
a. ••Thepoked States Baggage - Masters hod
It ra ken me it's Mut iiTtl Insurance Association began
Second Annual lionventlon lit •Vtilatgo, pa'
, b - It is a futon nctkd that Vie inerrwill soon be dim ,
(4111 rgrit f rorn the .- United Sta
-* tes ' r
' Army at Spring ,
Nr,acw., • •
. Whierkind, n merchant ; of Ashley, Ohio,
; coin milted suicide on Wednesday;by hanging 'din+.
1 self I n a barn.' • " . •
P-The` arrest Is reported of Morris, military Sher-
Hint Warren Counts, Georgia; for receiving bribes
from eitizens , for military arrests.! .
fits.. Two of the men engaged In the robbery of the
Lime Rock Bank. at Rockland, Me., have been or
rested, and Mon inisouls and currency recovered •
which is believed to beall,'or nearly nit of-the money
stolen, ' • • r'- ; ,
U; 'Jones, Treasurer of; the New 'llama
ire .11eforia School, has disapPitaxed mysteriously.
necounta are stated to be correct.
Oneratelli&e.o., extensiVe COtree aßlergo of
San Prfuicisco, have failed for SZIA',OOO. '
• a block or reehieneeti, tit Leavenworth,
Kan...lg, were burned on Thursday. lots, $.10,000;
ty„Tenney's bamboo paper mills, at riloonittled,
I lad.; were burned on NI etinesdaY night, causing a
During the[Sm.:tint - in was- seyerely
injured by the expiation of a boiler and revolving
cylinder in the Mills. , . • • . • . •
lc? :flat latest intelligence frottr different sectitnci
of Canto:lint . confirms the reports of st a rt grain
erops, owing to the drought. - .
THE N,o,:ritt.NAL ..V.11;7/111.: FE:;!:1)-
,ING NA•rio.,; make4•the foltpw
in e4mqrnetits' On the pwiition the..Nation
til Iralik towards the Fut - 1(141g :
„ .
. .'"The section relating to the ',national lianks,is •
interesting, in a Variety of ways. The national
-batiks have on . deposit in the 'l7:`.nited- States
Treasury, as security forthe redeniption of their
viriailatiem, alymt :PI millions of bonds. 'As
_WC Wive , repeattstly pointed out in the Nation,
II& natiOnat hanks get'. : their full. interest- on
these bonds from the Government, and then get
-i : eond fOll rate of interes: front the people on
ii. , eurrency which they iwOuf against the boinl:4.
I.l,tilere is:intl:Jule interest in ithe country which'
emdal liti,justik, legally, and, equitably mailed on;
t iyMitribilte a ',.lar.Ter. shaft', of its - gains than
heectoforii to the support of the Government,.it
is'alie I, , aiiki MI; interest. I I . the Funding Bill, or'
anY alter' hilt, had provided that the'llational
I wanks shOuld hereafter be hoied a stuit.etpatit to
one, per el nt. of the.intercsFiin all theirdionds
deposited in the Tret itryouid that the said tat”'
should n detitioteill mu theinterest at the time ,
, ol its pityment,• intt.a word Could have been.
said against it. I tut, in order .to ensure a Seem-,
tng . sil . vrk!Ss to Mr. Boutwell'S scheme; the I.ank's
hveie to is Aiiiil
i OW, .tO give Itli their o'al bonds, •
and buy new antics, lbws: ensuring' to Vie Triiis
, ury thee.xpense of printiig. and issuing the
inn - botills,:0141 to. Stant' -OHO -e1,4.: triO•i.olOtlliS
slpll-.11. ow per cent. ‘in the -exchange., In this
man.M.rolie only gi i ;ssl suggestion of the Fitful
ing ,Belt i, was rerWred obnoxious lirt the sits
ph ions method of carrying it Out. This whole
s(letiou dias. however, it is reported, been
stricken liiit in eonnuietee,. until it is •openly' de- ,
'`elared that it is 'stricken out at.the holding of
`the national bank 'men," who Wouia not other
wise allow the bill to pasS., .4 Should be inter
esting :Oho people of the .United States—and
for the; reason, solely do the refer to this section'
of.thc hill—to notice• what sort Of, a tOree they
havii ealled into existence by the National Bank
nit, TAlli,t what they 'have to, expect from this
firer in future., ,It aeonstii he:are:ink areepted
in 'Washington 'ILS. , a political 'axiom that no
measurikcan pass - against, the opposition of the
-national. , I Kink - interest. If un this ois.-asiow they. tar optaiiied a bad Measure, they will be
all t h e mitre likely 'MI the Mixt °evasion to de
feat a good one." . I • ,
-.A:I:NIA:AL RAI Lno.% o or lowA.—Western
railroad I militing is going tin rapidly.. Thn Cen
tral Railroad of lowa ix one of the most prian V
not anit promising, br these. enterprises, and
many of inr leading hankers and linanciers are
associansl in t•be,Avork. such as .1 iv Cis ike ,v•
L CO.: E. W. t lark X: Co., .' r ,. I.:agar - 'Phonipson,
Col..P.:A...Scott, 'etc. A arge It has now .
been tart at work, upon the line; coigraehl for,
eight ilisinsand tops of extra • ti tiality, , iron have 4
been Made,' and tive trundrist tops are 'being
l'ons4trOOliwr *eel:. 'With 'fitvOrable ‘veather,
the whole boo is ofcpeensi Jo, lie eompleted this
seat•ion. - : AS; this: road islinilt in the interest of it...-
great system of Norlberu•and Northwest railway
now centreing; at St. rauffak.) het:mite (lit outlet
of -their entire Southern !traffic, and as it rims,
throtigh the finest'mai n of towit, its . First
M. "7,14 . 4 . ` Itota(b. - Inay b •W ell reeommended
wi 1 edzifidence.`Many li ;liters 6rf ;overnments'
are 'alsing'iolvantage of the' reecnt advance to
sill s ihifir securities and reinvest in the lowa
Centrld 1101'4 . •.",
g o cicat usiuc 5 [otices.
S. cents a line Ann insertion; 0 cenbi a lincreaeli anise
wirul insertion.
tiI`F . X . M paymentsTestutipst stt (tstllatist'st.
etstsstss at.ttite—war.prisq.s:nt-11:And's
SA Li:, ot.llll,ts tissoststtt t h1114111.1.A.,
iA isLAND tt. Veikt re 'street.' •
Flu Nfs, Bto 15 yards, for one &Mar, at ;alland's
taill . 4 , lllre streot, silver In Outage, A prii g, -7(1.r
NEW rrATTEItNti jn,t fenely,4 tit the Chink an,
Trimining*Store, 1::2 I 'en e )4ret. below Anierlew
llome„Pottgvllle. 114( AO(4IE HULAS!). -
0'.<14 3.) cents for a superior eyeter Stetent Pritta'
Ltellea and Grants Ili , staurilia, No. 191 Centre . streol;
Pricea '..reducaal to Null the, time. Call ands.en
.A- •
FRENCII, English mid American Cloths, 41 styles*
And' o[ t.helluest tomtit tits; titp.A.Smitit:.,.C'efitre St
FEEncit PADDED LI ! , :EN, 1)10 - lA:4, a beraitiful art I
elei. D. gratin's, Celktre. Street.. •
GCCUEII . .:, Is of 'double. strength, and the only
purr,'Essettee Samitieiii liinger,in the market,
therefOre.t be only art 1(.14 , to "be n•lied on In. case% of
Cliolvta Morhus. Diarrtima, Dysentery, Indl
gf%tiorr, the ettiVik of Change of Water, cold's,
• ..‘st; for Holloway's and take nit other. A tialtten-
Spoinnful of It Is more than equal toff, whole spoonful
of any; other. ,Sold. by druggists andlistorelCeepers.
Ficty . cents per bottle. 'Johnson, Coct:-
don, tikr:. Arch Street,:ylilladt,, , iphlsk.
CititnrtFif : Cul" Fon. Ilot:LOWA "5. VtinittttOg
They are so delicious. Thenloctoni nil mothers my
they are t hn most safe and effectual remedy for those
posts of WORMS. The gcnutrni have the signatures
of Lle proprietor?: on the:wrapper of each lxtx.
Twenty.llve cents per boi. Johnson, Holloway &
.Cowclen, ell Arch St.. Phila. June itifP,-23-IFtf
tFIE. CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. Pulished rot' the henistlt or votr.vo r MEN and
other's who sinrjie from Nervous II( hility, etc., sup
plying t he TII.IIChS of self-cure. \Written by- one who
eu instlf ; and sent (recoil receiving a post-paid
'directed envelope.. Address •
3L, 4 %.1 - ?AI '.
Dec; 113,:ak-1-52-6m.
() G liFr l L P h A vTt i aillfh AL g elixir. '..W4 li ore . r ."- ts • Se h t6 P r i r ' e, re l
by frumSb from unrestricted vests to this
invisible bilt powerftil stimulant;....yds a tiled',
eltiallivelgorant of some kind. Thtr
gr t object
should be to choose the b6g. Popular yls a pretty
good guarantee of merit in 'this seratinizing and
intelligent age, and tried by this criterion liostet
ter's }stomach Bitters'lgands hest among the invig
orating and Vet:hi:it ing Medicines of the pp..ent, day.
To the wants of pertiuttsAnitatrist In Indoor employ
-Meats, especially in etpftLed buguries • Where even
withglie best possible vigi - ittion the atmosphere
IS' always in some degree lilted, this artlutplous
M 2 p
vegetable ule is. peculi y adapted. %The nature
of the Ingredients is not yidery. It consists of an
alasettilely pure diffusive stimulant, Um:tarot-9f
rather surcharged—with the Mild extracts of ,sana
tom iroots and: barks and herbs. The phannacc ,
*Oahu Its tinctures, but what are they t The j like
of only a single root or bark or plant is present In
each, Not one of them combines the three - proper
ties cita tonic, an alterative, and an aperient. All
tbt4 elements are blended it, the -Bitters.' nor are
the.'e the sum of Itamodicinal rigwimmencitithiris.—e
.4 is abut a blood depurent and an anthquodnodle. •
The baleful effect which air. that has been parti.
:thy exhausted of its oxygen by frequent breathing
Picsruces on the Vital organization, IstiotOrious,.and
whento this devitalized atmosphere is superiulded
the mephitic vapor of hot air furriaes , s, It heugines
deleterious and depressing in the extreme. To erns:
Me thesoitem to bear up, even for a few hours earl)
dap against the debilitating Intluence,of a vitiated
lidtllOsPiterv, a Wholeflome tonic and alterative is
urgently required. This grand disiderattlra is sup
plied In. Hostetter's' bitters, which as a stri.‘ngth.
sustaining, health-protecting agent hag un rive"
either amonghincinal or tuirertistsl medicines,
dap I, '7O - ••• • i. 1-lx
UST 013 T 1
roe . 6Dida, Coeek, Sore Threat, aad Brearlitia, I
None*" Goad, None so Pleaintint; Nono Cure as Quick.
• '
RUST TON t CO., IQ Antorifouse, New York.
tr y te. no more of those .horrible• tasted nauseating
" B owN CUBES THINGS." Nov. 8;139.-46—Gni
iv:area immediate• attention,' as.. ,
neglect often results in an incurable'
Lank Dlsease. BROWN'S BRONCHI- "' r , A ,
'AL !.TRIXTIEEI win most Invariably QRONu ,
siva Instant /'or Rnedielirrls, I‘,o
Anima. CATARALt. Ogg sumprtv and Uu -
Tnno4T Mamma, they have a soothing ellen
iiiINGE:RS and PUBLIC'SPE.,OCERS use•them aft
Fleai and strengthen the voice. . ,
Owing to the goal r9putaisiniPisti4l4l4ritY of thi,
Troches,_ many blorthless mitt eiNeop faitinlieni are
tire goad for ARtAtND. -00,1 0 1 0._ t °lo ,rrm*
soLD Rytunittnatis: - , • ..
NO. g
The great 'external remedy for Itheumatisul,
'Neuralgia, Sprains,. Praises, Chilblains, Swellings, !
Stiffness of the Joints, .te. Poasersting unsurpassed .
qualities as a Liniment it will prove -itself a friend
inevery Gamily In -eases.of Rheumatism and Neu
rtel la, either Alight or serious, it is always ready to
evl This Ltnimenthes beep.ta uati fi Z i t .
!linen yensi imps given On•Wir sails
srherever it tuut ri Ailed
-- Fertilized And nyiiiint, co h irLort, :
Centre Ht.,Cent Pottsville. Agent at. eurville, Ai. BROWN, bruggistAlr. - . Ashland, 11 .
MAIZE, Orputigt. —1
, ...
Ago . i 1 1 , 4k r i mra .....ti t
szi llne r tk . f7,
10 1111
eg oint mi g :. ltle#nass„ and. Alt ;
o r ...,..4,;.. ilts= the
lati Gums. and Anders' Teething
6 ___ • easy. Price.lig au iw.r D0ttt......
25cents.tanata"• 'EMALOtta.
'NEST ter Cabt I • • 2.Bareir Erlirtiots , te,
lOU weer be revelp..4l. Feld Al' Dr+t
Sept. . r • t 37'4-
Z/014.ri r
flow To CUBS
- TUC rat - 1.0601'11Y Ca - 4,31,.. SCltw,.. X .- 6.GiIt.Y.AT Si m. 13
CU:M.—Will people neverlkulkettl 'l,7lfete that a dis
eased liver and fittintach-neressurtly dtsertse the en-
tire system? The plainest :V•inttlltest Of et piton
sense 'teach .Shlit,:-SwAd yet -Pore altelfutalreibo who
• ridicule the idea, - solliventinue, in•threourse which
"tiniest inevitably "Pings them: - iMaturely to the
grave. Living . as Om. Majority. u • the. people du.'at
complete variance lidtit the...laws f nature, it must'
be apparent MAU thal., - sooner or t i ter; milieseemill
revenge herself. -liaise wound that . penman!. who
-indulge to excess- in the use of Very rich or indi
gestible food or intoislatting drinks, Invariably pay
a-heavy pendlfy in the end. Thrstomach becomes
disordered and refuses to nett the liver falls toper.- .
"form its functions, dySpeisidoOnd Ltsattandant /tells
'follow, and still the suffering IntridahlS pens:Lit in'.
elinging_to tke thoroughly esti oiled:ldeas' of the
peat. - lw. ISCllENCK:4„ifiltslictutt are rtitionimentled
to all such. , They bring sere FILM certain relief
wherever they are used. as directed. and all that is.
necessary to establish thelt reputation with, every"
tilling man or woman In the land Ws' fat' and Im
partial trial of them. ,Let thoso - aithib'orerskepticial
on - this point and winthave perm,itted
peMon.s to n1.4[111,11(.0 them agamit thee now cele
bratedm an es for Consptlom, id:want their
/ prejudices; and * '
governed-by tim
'reason and common sense. If Lbe-systein is disor
dered depend upon It, in nine closes DOI, of ten;',t he
seat of 'the disorder will be found In the stomach
and liver. To cleanse and invigorate the stomach
and to stintulate theit*Or to healthy
„falloff', us,e
. fiCituzieles SlAtiblaasta,Prt;t L. 4
'he 1 tretrils -
Mg demand for these pills Is'evidenee of•
their . value. '.Thousands upon litoessiests of boxes
are sold' daily.' Why 7 I;timply, beennite; thes 7 act
promptly and efficieutly. Invalltist who May. not
Lind it convenient to call on- Dr; WHENCE. in per-
. are Informed that full and eoniplete, dlireetems
for use ackainpanylencli packegp of the • • . -
StANnitslite PILLS, - Pt tnteele SWltt:t* .I.:in Sat.t•
weep:fa - stn.—These medicines Wilt •cdre.conatimp-•
. lion unfelt the lungs are sofat'ltime thittl he patient'
Is entirely beyond the reach of medieui l vellef., •
It may he naked by-these who are
ate -
with' the virtues of these great tentedlear 'flew do'
• Dr. tiCILENCK.I3 medicines etibet their wonderful
cures of Onsumpt ion tr 7• .1 ... ~...- L:, „,, .
The answer Is a simple •one. They begin -their
:work tlf efistoratiort-by totngingi thrstiertach, liver
and bowels Into an active" healthy condition. - --. 16 is
food that cures this.forriiiilable disease. Scitt:Nex's
.MANnits.F.E PLI:l. y net on the 11st-rid:d Motnaeh,
promoting healthy .seenittion,istifl 'mutter ins! the'bile
and slime which have resulted flout the I nactivb or
torpid condition of these Organs; rind of the system
generally. This sluggish state or.the body, and the
-conmcquent tkVntlinffith 3l3 - of t-40 unhealthy sub- .
I.stanees..narned prevent the .prOper digest Wolof food,
and its a nattfral consequence creates di•Wrtae,WL telt
'rend - Isle prostration-anti-Arian:s , in' death. , - "-.-
13 . enaNtai'SIPtrtato1ete.avuurtuni3r.twitatrTnNic,•.
when taken regularly, ullugle:alith laid food, aid the
dir:estive organs, make good tiek blood, and its a
' natural consequence, give, flesh and iirength to the
patient. Let the faculty say what It may, this Ls the
'only true cure for eonsumptiOn: Experience hiiii
proved.' t beyond the shadow of doubt, awl thous- ,
ands are to-day alive and well Whoa, few veri'es Aldo
,were regarded as hopelrits east*, hut who weft/ in
duced to.try 'ltr. ACHM.4-elt'airietriediek - und we're
restored to permaneut 'health by their, use. ._
One of the tirst steps tilt pitsielan.ShoUld take
With a consumptive patient ' 3 to inVigoriate - the
system. s ow. how Ls this to 'tloue,t• Certainly
not by giving edicines that eSbaust anderawynte—
medicines that impair Intl endof improve the tene
t-ions of the digestiveerrs. • Inoidoe 4ICHENt7KI-1•
tn edleines_ cleanse the tinneieb ;nett 'jewels of all
's • tt list nnees which are catmint oil to irritate - or weaken
them: .They ereate an appetite—promote healthful'
digefition—make gond lilisst, mid, as n cOnsisjitcnee,
they inv hp trate told .st rump %nth the yid ire system";
and atm., especially those parts. which arc disetuaul:
If this minnot be dome, ttien•itlie - ertsrienst
ganied us a hopeless one. ,1...., '.:. I .- '? •.., -.-.
If, the physic-lan lima it liationsilTo to snake a pa.,
tient reel hungry, If-the disertseid •: n• cannot par
, take of good nourishing Itsid an properly-tligcst It:,
s rtaalm possible that he elm gaini hi flesh and strength ,
and it is Mundy impossibleto tieing a patient to 11114
condition so long its the liver Is burdened svith ills,'
cased bile, and the, stomach laden with: unhealthy
aline..• , ". ' ••• .:I :" .-
Almost thettlrstrMues itie to the physielmi by •
• consumptive pi " 1 the w 111 - pivserl be it nal
leines that will remove or inlay the cough, night -
sWeats end chills, which Ara thostire attentiantalin
consumption: '
this shouted mitts , done, as the
`cough Is only an effort of. nature, to relieve 'itself,
and the night sweats quel chilli; are caused. by the
lIISCaNetI 1;5111,4. The remedies lirdinarity pri ,, cri bed
do iniire hitrie than 'good. They impair. the lane-
I buts of the stomitieli, iin Pia ic healthy digest teal, and,
.aggravette rat Ilert him cure the disease. - • - '
There is, :Alia' all, „ not/ling4lke •taets,willi whieh
to substantialoa lailltion, an it is up ul latcts aktit
Or. SCHEN 4 'li reflex. • Nearl all Wllll-111i1W 40 kit 1 ,
1111 ntNliehies in , areardaner ;.• with . lib!' directi: s
have ilot'Only been f•ured of Vi'lltilllal.iloll, but, inn i
the tact that these medieinci' net with wondern !-
power titan) the, digestive tirgans, patients -tin a
cured speedily gain !testi. - Cleatislng the'syment if
altiriiptirit les, they lay the fie' ndation for a soil ti'
substantial structure: liestipi f I
tie "...lei-e ittgall3 -4) .
health, they crentenn tappet Ito. The food , is pri iper y
. assimilated; the quantity of 'blood 14 not only , I 1-
. creased, but is made rich; tidifitroug'eald ittiliii fa e
- of such a•condition of the system - all disease met
be banished. . • 1 .
•MI direction accompany eackof 1 t he Illedieltlft3,
Pa) that it Is. not absolutely neeessary that outletts
aimplif see Dr.SCll_ENt'ii: plo'saiiiiirY, wi l es. tit -y
destre to have their longs examined. - Far tills pi r. ,
. posA lie isat his principal ether; So. 1:i Noeth Suit It
st„orneelif Commerce, Philadelphia, 4.. very sat ilr
dayi front - 4 .1 .... „NC until i l'. :Ft; • .
.. , i L kly lee Is given Without eltarge. tint for a- ilewou he
examination with the Resplreinieti•rthe el large It 1.
Price' of the Pultnonle Sy run and. Seaweed Ton ie
encli,sl , .Vl jwr , I satle, or $l7 .1. a half dozen. ": Ma 1.-
drake tills tticelltSll box. F. r sale hy allidniggis s.
April IS, '7o' , . . • :
, .
, •
, . .
_ •
.I...cit VIS--
,W I 1,I):kt AN—At fSt . Clair, .riri Mend ty
eyeiling,-A!pril'ilth. by Rev!. S. litirweil, Mr, W A . ;
Janet% te Ml,ss litxza limn A. Wi1.1351AN,, all of I.
r - ,
Clalr.• ' ' • ••
. . .. .
'fiTEILNP:R.—K.ANTN'ER—Cin April. MM. iii.. i le
residence:oi the , tirlde's maihrr. 1,7 Reel W. 1..1 e..
ltowei. iLITEICT STiALNER. of Port Carbon, to M !,I ,
4 1,1 " , " 2 ,A " KANTNER. Qf Cressona, I. i 2 : -
. -
A ItNri-a;TII.ONt3--4 - iii the 22,1 id' Apill. In Selitlyl il.
IL - wen, SI.SA:N.N.A 11 A - 1134.5T100.:1i, •agexi•..S2 yeti . ,-, 7 ' Aof ACUINERY VCYII.I3AIR..—i me GO horst. on -
month:4unit 14 days, ' ' iy ' -
,•.14.1. gine, partip shaft, Anti 'reaittig : one 50 114/r..•
, , . • ' engineolidi in,ipputp Rhin. aiid ig(aring ; - inie - ..0 1i0r.,..•
' lil.r.kiltik - 4..---On tint ilOilh - ofl i .Aptil,. I n NI tyiPtsvi 'lra - engitir, 2 bollem - ltt feet fiat rind sleek : ' one "1p; In.-rt
Et.l7..tnicrit.ilaught..r of Engelhart. llummel, u. k poi 4 , 'Wirt p, , n411.1 - 10t) yards 14 Inch colinun.pipe; 3•lght
N years, 3 months and.2l days'. - ; ,•. • . isitters,3o feet by 31 Inelles:; bolo( millet! platen;.
1,EVYV.4....4 A 1.017 ISA, chi 1.. of ;Itlliiri and AI l'As.
na' • '.- APPIY,- 10 14...M.011.4.4AN'et 1.'0...,New 1 hiladeltdria,
LevY, on Weilnestta,y evenin ,May all, ' • . - April 4, -;0,--1 F- - t fI-. - or by 'letter to Port t;arbon„
~.. ,
LA RIZ 17. , ZSOri Wednesdii.,•, May :, 1570,' Thom As. , IVELITg A/Eig..qol,i:l4ZßX POR Jit . NT: -.
*Km of Innii,..oo(l liminali Lfirkins, agett 1 yetms, 7 . .
1 ..
~ .., ..
.. . , TtI.F.,AKLAN,II.4 ("4)1I,IE-lt - at Witiiity llarlsa - ,,
montliS.and kl-tlayu. .
~ Iselitssikill cournty, will be rented on favoml,ie Lenny,
• 1411.1,F:it —On the ',ad of At rII, In llubley Tin 'll-j Tim 410111cre „embrace", the lit i m im mb , $k m ) ,,,,,,,
ship, very, ,stubletily, eItAttLEA C. Mtl.l.sit, age 1 -11 - 'and 131tiek:.11tatli Veins. A.' gooil slope :litis bee!,
years and It months. - I : -,. ' !milk utkiri the Skidmore Vein and a toit3q. Viii vk•;)
• . • to the Mammoth. Ti'' a tenant With sallicienlaneM:.
Sl'liol,ll-41n time 19th or April, ill Fayette eon ty; . to'ptitchaSe the machinery and erect - a nettbreahe:,
Itoliana, - .lAeon,genot..l,. forinerly a,resident oft his ' a t . ii9at Illit,:ral kase Will be given. APply o
.Chanty, tige4oe years and 3 in - nails. . . • ' :,., .- • ' ' '..,FRANKLEvi -11. GoVI - EN. ."
, . .
STEP:I:It—On thell of ;St. ,y,' In Pottsville, Ciri.ta .
.* " =tillUth Fourth skillet, Phi . der - 141b , ,
-, •
Ti A X STk:IGI:p.,, aged 40 yea rsy 4 inbut lls and 14 tityrg. Or !-!•:' ''
-.lll.lNitV - i'I,I6AKANTs.
_. . 4 - ' • ;AIWA* .Eriglitorr, - I'vkliNv Atli..
Anr.ll 19, '7O-74.1•17-tf...„ . . • .
~. . . •
, ...
- ' ••• '-, Itotics. -.- . ,
I- -
COPARTNE.KSHIP.—The • undersigned . 1 IN
1 ..... this day entered Into d eopartnetshin forth
Mining And 'shipping of thi.,eetehrated tVirth la!
Coal, finder the firm Awane of Lewis dr. Alkins,- 4t
tlee.:—lns Walnut * St met:Philadelphia. , •
' •' • I . Jorty: F. I.EWI.'•. .
Apr I, 'To- I•l4ttj t - GEO. E. ALKI..s,
TAKE NOTICE,, . ' , - ~ .. •
. ..
Binh - let's and Meq:liatileslAt 31.YEP."..t:Setilt 1:::
ran Ix• bought rheapliull(ki g Itartiwart• of nal:: n 4.
viz: Paints, 01.1:4,5113.45, Ce nent, l'inster, Chin ne
Teo. anti Flues. Atau;'Teirla Calla Pipe of all ap.A.
Mforh 12, '7Ol i 11-1,7 r
--.- ,
130TTBVILLE. APRIL 13TH, 1870.—Ttu km
.i deft.igued hereby glye : r,St lee that nu the:l2th day
of .April, A: I). Inb, I purkthesee of Frank ii4olin„
one sorrel horse, one sprlng.Wagon, and one' tor
i ,
harness, end here loaned the same to . him di ring
MY . pleasure , and all peri.oits are warned not t In
terfere whit thil same. '.NIIKS MARY tionx 16:..
Witnesses: 11E,SJ. :VlEC*'', DAVID ItARPSTEIt....
April 23, 'To , I •• . 17-3 t.• .
OTlOR—Manurartoiiirs and user t ,P4;tain
.1.11 Pumpu, are hereby mntloned agalugt therot.:
facture, sale, or use of ;tnyPumpsps that are a '
fangement on AllLtion'a Patent, dated t•teptembur ‘2,1;
lea, as they will be preset:titan to . the-full eztent of
the late. • •
Phave alreadc.cojnmene~,d cult U;zalnet cev ernl par
ties, and •vrapkt..ecute till Itulte.r Infringers.
Port Carbon7Aprit HORT.- - A MASI
Parties In want. of Pamplona besupplled at re awl
blu primp by the undersigned. • •-•
-• Franklin Iron... Works, Pert Carbon, PI
Jan. I, 1 7:0 • I
NOTICE is $E11.11137
ion will be road° to
(iICARY. Governor or• Pei
for Kossuth Ilickeinrutri,
the jail of the County or s
plkstlim will be made bp(
tot lowing'. persons :
L. - Pinkerton,
T. Bailey,'
S. W. Hell, • •• .
W. Victor Lehman,
• •Anthony Fisher,
• Johannes Umnitri'
=Joseph Enzensperger,
Mot. L. Kirk, •
John E. Lehman, .
'W. B. Maybery,
Inutchweiler, •
Boutin ick Moyer,
l i
Charles W. Moye"r,
Michael Feely, ,
John Marks, sem,.
' John Fegley,
. Stalii;t•
Michael Focht, .
John 0. Kopp.
Francis Minyek. ,
Lewis Kopp,
itut - '
' Daniel Kopp,
John Kreber,L
Peter Ii rels,
John Fisher, - •
Jr. E. liechsatt,
John Keener,
John Markii, Jr.;
' John W. - Nllnnig,
stamucl.Freernan, I
Levi iipanke,
, James
' Ch. Imschweller,
Andrew Wens,
George M. Beadle, •1:
P. 1 4 , Leh°
lien ry Heil,' -
J. I'. Bechtel,
Jwt. Brower, •
. P. Unsholta,
W. H. Long ' 7.
P. J. lifurphx i
James Lawler,
. Daniel DinOr
rkEitid Lomison,
Edward"Lawler,„ .. •
John House,-
.1 .
William Bolton,
' Elias Kisslnger„,'
• John J.Tohlas, .
H Fe ot therl
ly ailll,
aales = •
" John Farrell,.
J_citeph _
PitUlek Johnson,.
B. E. Reedy; • 1 ,
FAlleard 11(1 41lig,
ISOO6 Morl?ti•
James Ft. L errs,
H. Z. Koehler, •
David ltiink,.
April 30,.10
GIVEN thot ppl. 41e1
ila Expellenej , , Jot s'\'
psyltetnin, p. rdo
prisoner now eon e 4,1
liuylkill. . That sa, .1 ni
n a petit lop it
Frederiek . Wol f,
John Stilton,
Christian 'Kopp;
J. C. Iloiwig,
Joseph II an nger,
ki. B. Brower, : -
S. Zimmerman . .
Lew . ; it. Van Mr- , .
Peter Lanz,
Charles liensingel,
Jacob R. Ilaemter
Christian Fern.,
A . . Umholtz, •. f
C. W. Umholts, -
Joseph Stonier, •
C. V.• Brower, '
George Krell, Jr., .
Robert B. Angus.,
Harmon Kopp, .
Rhodes Wolff, •
Wm. J, Sebtdcert, ,
James M. Wolfe,
Fred. Keelman,
Joseph S , pitznar,
I MV • -
•• I). B. P Althou P.
H. J. 4.)sternisin, •
William Koff,
Frank Pinkerton,
William Minnig
Esolas Brown,
JAY. Brandt,..M. 1.,
Geo. A. Pinkert() a,
IL W. Pinkerton
J. E. Marks,
Charles Ilarml,'
Henry W. Faust
Aaron Eckel, •
William. J. Film .;.
John It, Smith
Jeremiah Savitlg ;
1..4. Wright,
• Peter Imschtrell * r.
John Mack,.
John tOyie, ."
. Joel/Moder; • :•:.:
Charles Heise,
Thomas Jones ; .
George's;. Mau r,
John Letrkin, • . '
Patrick Fortirty - - .
Jienj. Chlirieswo th, • •• •
Jacob Lehman,
Michael Johnst
John Johnston,
Daniel Ziegel, - •Z• • •
T. J, Tobias,' T
"` - '••
John Wheary,SeuV,"
Heft* Rais e ',l! . ••
johitnnea Mai ringer, .
Ainni Bigler,. .
. . r
Nervy Miller, :'• f - .__...
William Miller, ' William Wehry,
,John Henninger, ' •
I 1 MS
MAY, 1870.
. OF WAlt OF 18124. an MEXICAN WAR-.
or A
MENT and of BONIki BOUGHT and ROM). •
VO TIONS Mptly made on allyteints. DE
. • -I • _ ffd- HECEIVED.•
N - Ins al! IS. 'spared to serve the Inte - rmts el
h' tio Lava' its_alth their business.
4' erasalleokers, No. Eld Bonttl 3d St., Philada.
- J • - i• 70 M':".• ' ' • - • - 1-1 y:.: ,
*Oat gOttCt9.
IN THE-DISTRICT COUJEr. :of the United
1 States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
In tire 'matter -or 'the • estate .of Michael itord4 , ,S
Bankrupt, To the creditors of data Bankrupt:T'
You are hereby nottlied that a meeting Of the ered
'tors of said flankriffdds-ill he hidden at the Office ..,40
John P. Hobart., Esq., a Register In Bankruptcy
aid District, ltr.Dot
_tsv Mc, on T uesday , the 17th dak
gLabky..s.„ll.l6ll4,lefacar.44,4l.lteglater, for-tho
- poew,e; panned tne 'twenty-se - vent - sect ion of the
Bankrupt Act-of March 204, 12167, .when and where .
you can *Bend lI you ace proper. - , .
• TOOPM Assianue.,
. - ;A:ablaltd.APTlt.Z. l ?.. - • -. 1
ED.—Lettcnc of tulministratient upon the es
-4ateNsflienry- tt: itactir, - late or the itorone.h _of - sr.
Clalr,deceased; htyve• been granted ta the tinder
:dried, all • ;Ansa" Itaving..olaims• or tienuttols
.agai&t the eAcutoorAsilil decedent - are requerited to
make• known' the same to her withoto .delay and
' those indebted to the estate to mak,e
•payment. DAVI.S 4dintnitt,..tratrix.
• 'St. Clair,.etlrrtl 1t - • -• :. •
OTlCEeresi letters teatasnentary to th e
4Nuate 'of 'Michael Murphy, late of the Ih.r.
Met% .Sens: granted
to thel sutkeribe*Oati-peorsonwincletrtee - toithe %aid
es-tot-care requested lo make immediate payinent;
and than. 'having claims or &month twatuat the
Tate- ofthe- - said, decedent, ,will make_ -known the
. sate e. Without :delay. , IiOVOI I k:ItT ,
Exrecutor, SI ravllt rii 30, 70--Dt-6t
A . DmzotnprsA. p when.,
LeAter. -of admitilatraUnnl to- the "Palate ..1
a. Moore, late thedlosonir,h of of Potte. - I ie,
deceased, have been /granted to the • tinbserliwr,
persons- indebted to' said , estate are requested h
snake im mediate payment„and thine having Oaf le,
against the'aame to tu • ake;tltern, known Arithou t de
lay to _ - • • SA.3itIEI. Mllilt-Itk.:, • •
• • • - .1 4 oelorrtIrovewgi
_slither COunty, •
01 , XatVey, T1.D3*.R.334., '
April- 30:.'70 , 1f4410 , •
. .
. . ,
• • •
L iiiii,
• 'EIiATIEI . OB fiLirlaliPßA LIN' DEljrA„ .--
'r Lettera. testamentary upon the estate - al „si in:.
Ilan: late c•CPatlairillle, deceased, bavlnwbeeligrn II I --,
ed. tti the Kutner 'bars. Ma executora; . all peraens'im r - 1 ,
delited to 110 saldealale tire-tequestetleto make* pay -
rneat?Alarthofte :having . chains; agalmit the e 11411,.
*I II7III* , :pt llNOttlizr: RAM TIM t r ita.ll,o:oal htre,t,'
w I z •,.... -I.7Aaill) A: .11)14EA,-Altctraaylit Law, • ' ,
' ' •• : filllee s No: - 179Fenlre atreel;roltavllle, l'n.
Ala/123, VO - .. • . • ; 17-6 t s .
I.7STA'rg. • .3 - 01STATRAN SCRUM, DE;;"
LCFASED . Athututst ntt lon upon tit. ,
estate ofJonathaa, Senna; late of the Borough ot
natal/111e, tleeea.sed,:laavlng been granted the oii
tlerslgned; allAttOnmm . havinwiriai net ar tientapd-..
agairtni,the estititeetiaiii.deradqat are retiars;,ll to
make known the intake to them hod
those indebted. to the eatata. to make Itinnetliab
. No. Ifit Centre Street.
p o to w ili e •NAp r ii 1 - 1331 * . Xo. 25 . 1 Centre Stre..t
,164 it
the 'eatate of. tehael.eannell,late of tile lior.o l ..tit
et, Port thrho.u. deeetutert. 'having bren ;mute/ 1,,
I he untie rgtitned, all' pen one-hauing'Oatuis figaiiast
the estate are my ureted - to. present the ammo. to, t iw
and those Intletited to • tnwite paytooil t
'without ttelay,to • '• • r .
ANN CONNELL,Adasr., Port Carbon.
• • 'of to -0„ , P. flEallrlf..l;, tier Attorney, Pottac
TY- .; 1343 t
Tor Sole anb, tioSd.
tt'ith Tohaeeo Kau. Knives, Bogen, t'i`var atia
Wen/4 la' ,belortging- to n Tohamo cutting Ntaeht
arid horsr-power,,rently for eu tt tug nmoStng Ttibso , -
eo. tin' he 7 , 01t1 the tititlersigofti'. .
nten - nre.ahleln ettVand tlntlitt n-half ton of i 14:
iottnqt;o hi - 4..hedad': ea ho whficett , by- Itetud •or
horrib-power::.. V !LW 411.
April a1..10.1.-ikit: • lis n ,tlrg, 1 terks coo n , I 'a.
- -
von ErAlgEi—:,k) barrel!. nine 1 arty glSiptir telt
and liqrrl,44,u;seed..i'ottitycs, atl4 . twr barred.--
. 3 oldrJsm 11,11.7.1 ir.Talmu t tla.
Ap - riP.I. I, 50-,73A1t1-Itrl . ' •
—Eleven `.r feet iota, fronting on near
Oetirge s t.reeLare.otrered. from 'SIS.) and japwards. _
Pavnienta in $lO monthly, instalinentg, Ajaily. In-
ASi I lEL IiA_LL, Coat at reef, near IL it. Depot.
14, ..70=7Itdettl*Iy '
T'R.S/A..14E OR BENT.—The undemigtnid
about to engage in other busineem,ofety bin weii
-known Thvern-StantiTor "RENT.. It, t% Itufv.,
Town of Tunestrotn, Schuylkill County.. Int he Hal,t
Tana lending front - Polit:111e tOTanulon. ,
n large hintlle attaehed Unit a well of go, nt water near
the kitehen .door. Jenne will he'retmtnalne. pid
to ' PAIItICK C 4.1 I A
'l4l:yearorn. April
jroll. FINE LA NI), Rh WO ,
hi 111e.ehttnliwi1lte, on the troper''rond I,et icecq
d'Ott.: , d'illr- and l'ort Otr_bon, the property of Mr.;, I '.
()I - tenon. - If not soon SOK tbehoui ill inZ i i. 1,1
into but hilt* byte; 2.3br• 1914 ret 4 t, and unid - ut ..S-00 r
tn•ntontilly •Instairoentl.. of $l4.
further purtieuldre-npply to- J. M..' 'WIN
• - • •-• • • or - DAN lEfirritEAli.t
Norwegiturer }tail Tir-ia,
. .
EALE,—A house and 1. ,t in rjelnlol - +'
Trrms eaSy. Apply to
TIVISt AS 'it 3y 5. 4 LICE:ft, Nci.,:tl - Atalnintnn
:Partt‘v . l - 11e. • -•-; April .i„-'7.1-1,1-ht,
FOE itEISIT.--A-itfklia, hi rd. floor
-114:,..,4 Ifni? ro st., Pot tr,v• — APptS , to • .
4101/21; 104 i-f f _ '
A. J. lEl.).LAlt..Nlert.i.u.ant'A 1100
E'OR "BALE;--47 . Five - Tim I..Oemootive;• s udoblo
for l-fOot.guage . beetsond. Has bee used for 6 -
v e:y lug coat and mot dirt at-the ttiiner,pu.l 1;lin
urder.. Apply to UEU. W. S..NYILEtt, Vol t%Vido. .
"UOR itP.I 4 IT.--Two . Offices, I n put
• - corner Sectind - ittid Ht 1,04.4,
VnggeSki 01 / April lid: Apply, tn, Er; - US
tEL ; Item I , :stitte Agerit,.lB ilinlinntoiign Street,.
Mgr 13-if , • x•
J atary.ltriek, Mahatitongo, Street.
.2 1 4 itory , •". • .. • -
• . 2 tbreteatury. brick dwellings, iialt atreet.
apply, tio Real .I.2.4tate Ageitt.
Naltantoggt! Street. Jan. 1, 't9--1-tt
1 - 7 SALE.—A live !ran
for 44001. gauge road. - 11a8134,en used for eottvey
lug coal and eual dirt at the inlneti and Is to or
'Aer. APPIS !co • ;GEO. W. SNYIT.II, Pottsville..
Jantiltry.t, 70. • • • 1—
TTOR varoillato traet. Coal Land
I known its;_ttotib elt Winebretter Tract. late - 141f
ford, situated in Ltlyttia and Sehtlylkilt-Townablps,
and containing about Irio a - Urea, Is offered for lease
-upon tea:minable: te.rnot Apply to ' -
•-• •' . ' • R. BANNAN, Agent:.
. Feb 'Z7, '60.• - 9-tir • . " • Pottsville Or Port rat;hon.
k •
tOR T EASE = A Valuable Lease ontne MA . M;
with h'ltun of one nine Ih the Maltanoy Valley, fid-
Jolaittp.e)!.. Kieftolaseattlery.- Apple to •
- • ..F,ItASE: CARTIeIIt,
Real Estate Agent. Sliver Terrace. ruin:lllle...
:Ott; 3D.:'60--44t1 .
A.' AND. .11 - 0"1"r"IN. - I'lle undersigned. Aileen: of
44 the zAehuy l ALJ County Park -Asiwelatipn u•nlreoerve
propcs....-ils for a 'l.'lve' tears' Lease of the ,IWIO and
ltr.nts payable quarterly In. advance:
glvott untie ist clay of A-prib
" .L WOAIELSDOIt F, "'rest.
. • F. Th
Fen 5.'70 - 7 • • •
(") ,
• The folloWing still on hand at theim nrrin't 'oil lein
One putiiplng engine, slaty. horse power, tticio.;•
e)lng_all,the maciiinery ronneEitail with the 'Hob,
ctusivtt. . •
r -*One",ltetsilog. engine:sixty horse-, with di! We nee
chinery connected with hoisting. •
. • 'Six boilers - used:ter pu toying-mat:bolsi! 't 11,1 rt v
feet by thirty:four 111C111118 lit 41talllett,r, with all th, ir
Otte itt.eanr Pump. 7-inCh'(Allison R Bannon foal: e)
—a t&ittisfactory article.. • " ' • -
;(.• Tire above machinery is coVilltIon; and
s; will be sold reasonably. • •
y Also. ~Att water pomp' and 'Wagons 'ot 40
and •3a-1 `etch gauge ; Trussiing, Sheds, Fire wo, .1
Store Wagon, and all the, bulhiings in Whielinnteh-•
dnery'were in.. • • •q.
-IFor further . ..l otarmati o n, inOuire - ai the office, Ite
East litarket st..ot at,tha Duncan Colliery.
- AM?, 1111.-54a.rtf .• , JotaNliAvEß, Supt.
VE3I, TEIiIi.AC . E.—TII4.; underslgtnal having had I
years' experlenee firirve,ying, Estim n
-...ploratil)ll and ManagenWnt of Coati - Ands hi nyl
and ' Cotintley,.respentfully oilers owneti,of Lraidit, C6lllvrles, and. Deal
Ude ()revery desertptlon. lie Is prepared to attend t‘.
'Puiehase and Fiale.of ltegitEstate.
.• kraut-loath/it and Development of C'eil Lands.:
• - Rxtnitntition - and Iteport on Condition of ri ,
r.' C.olleet ton of Rent, Partnent of -
liurve'yrintAtines;lAndtc Lots; Jte.
- '- • ' . FItANFC - CAI:TF:11 •
RErinnsetreorgo -.ld. Troutman, s.n.. PI -
denit) . entrul National flank; \.
ti - .. Riddle
Phitadelphlat Adolph E. llorie,. , .E.v . rt.,Phltadelpikoil
Septetnbet hi,
. ,
Itc t;
Flndeclassithtte Ash C 4411 ry 30
F; the Idahrinid*:Cmil leitNe .I . ears-t4 to%
U ay. ticrO., lift the Ehsciutt% 1111:.1
°li r - • A twciity. feet Mt In fteenntl - .Street;siattilde fai
private _rraidennit. V- •
Town lotsin Alabanoy City. •
Lesse.—Milinmoth Skldwoed „aunt Prlti
NOM; near ..Ittahanoy dlty.. •
For.' Ilent—An omee In hilvar Terence, •
„ •
Apply to ' Ftli.'sK4!ititTEtt,
lteai E... , itata4Ageat, Terrnee, rottsvllle,
• • •.
V.A7411,M3L11 . ..PROPERTY , AT - . .:e.tuvAT i;
SALE,' --70no-twentleth ItdereAt 1W the travi
Cata Tatl,-18 New •Custle • Townttlitp, tieJwiyitclll
rtnown as the 'NAL traeto • cot:tail rk
iitxnat 43) aerer. • •
. ..
. .
A' tenet of ...)ttereAsat.t.. l oAL and T1.:4 ItY. It t.• , \ N;'•
iti..ll.l,lWTowtethlp„ f.,
• Valaatga. tatiht ins 'obi .
onf,!. A
Icpilinitid lot on • Wfitiytk rn • A renn.., itt feet h , , n 1 , "
the Avenue, 'anti ,57 feet SNAIL on Chun' Al ley.
' 0 / 26 -fOUrth Interest. to the , *(.: 0;i1 UM - Tnivi . ;
Intiet In Schuylkill Tawnitaiii, 'to . elus'e the est: ,,-
the tate Mrs, ftizah Mut.
• 1 AePij to.':: - • . -•• lISNItY. C. Itt*SsF.i.„, •
S ' .l4tl,2,,atate.itaci Itiguratum Agent, \o. t$ Nh,f,,,;
Longo St., l'ottavi Ile. Pa. • , Jan. 1.71.---i- t , .
.. . ...
. .
• 1
r ) 0 . .4 .
' I 00*..4 r ' • •
- • •
. . . . •
-A XR CIE; 1 4 OT 0
• . . • •
Liln.bnnentiirke engin,.
thir tifty,b6h4ty" ' 2leng4o . o,- . ., •
• .1' twenty ."
1-ten: ".nnrtal6e
' Boilers :10 in, x 21ft:
" In. x:6111.
1: . - flu ih, z :10 ft.:
x la
2 24,1 n, x 1211,
2 • 24 in, x Sft.
1- - 12,finnte;tilbular.
1 npriglit flue holler.
, wit h 'bolts and rings.
24yd5.12. int gni. pipe.
... •••
rieof of 4 in..pipes. •
4 - In,. po . leptittlPm• „_. •
12 " • • - .
• 2 B." ' " H.
L. a."'
AntiAtbont 7b tini9 ww),l
tint table 'fur at..o"
Depot. tin Duni fitreet., . •
"Noy, 19.11P7-441
. .
FrAIAC II I-N - A . •N,
. ....
- io,Amrhilfft and P>ro‘' '
• ..
3/ ttihnsnf elialn, v•kriol , .
'sages. -
.1 lOtret linNtlng> liani.,
with I,OltF. and 1.4,4•
• ainAl4 eonildele. -..
' I ft fret holtdderg , lrma..
, 2 xtaek3:3l In..x 4 F r.. !•
/•" 30,111.xc) •:_
I " a) 11/..:10 :,
A boutin tuns ,pII. phln:-.
10 ft., : lta:V...t . , ItLo., ~
, A. large lot of pump
Li small Not lathy v 1:h ...;
the -1(.11,; ‘111f:11,1, t.O,
ntpkirrg and I,•pan:-:r4.
lafriy bum.. - .
3 0 InifinE la-rap rail. .
IP - '••
" .. w Ire 1.1 ,. .. i
0 a 0 a fda , ..t. I ,olh.
• Adsio alwayti ua1u0...1 IN.
)It: find ill.) ff'ffillS for !I•
atltsy(ut 1 ite ,
meciind harp \,..,414,4 , von.
133Ci11 11, TY