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'. • • ' , . -..„. , 'l, . . - ..... * . , • • . • . . , . . •.• 1 i - - __,.. - : - ......;.,fri.X, ~ . - ....,..... r- , ..._-- ' ..., f ._ A.. _ ~ , r-- - -....--- _... -,e--.: . . . - . ..- • - • - , - . " . 1 . i - ,---,- --- __ _ •...,- , _, - ---'..„._... ----.1,......,,,;,,,, , , ,- -,..;,,,..., 40 V,,,-,,, ..- -..,--.... :,-. -.-' ' ---- . , •• • - .. . . - - •:, - ~ ..•.,s- • -- -.. .. • , - : : , • , j ..:., - r Enteral aera7lbse to Act of to arra., ft; the yaw ii*,t,.. - • •la tba dials 'olsce of the Do. - " - • • EE OEM MIEN II 1 11 U 1 1 1. i ~ M - 1 I 1 1 i , i [ [-SIXTH., YEAR.' FORT. V EWE COAL TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS. IMRE ort is inona. Put ittellsakeaL WE L' Do• ab AG LE Sr 'OO . , *, Ifixjers tindliihlppera of the Beat Qualities LOGI JiiT NO • , AIN AND BLACK HEATH I 1 ' 0 A.l4S9' . • • . 1 ' R:'or difahulhetu l ting and Domestic use, and Sale . . , , , Amite tri all punkahs •:•.- ell" l a ray• cztrisiarin . ' . ' • PINT. NIN TWIELITE Agit, AND. ' . . - "f AC - N LOItI3EttItY ",I:IIDALt3. , F 909 i 'salient St.. Philadelphia, Zinn ...{l, to way. New York, .....• itt ne IStregt, Boston. G. 11„ WELD. H , , 'W.; NAGLE. r.D. Surnwts. altar it, Melt, ia.. ''f' • , Jan. 1, 70. 1 , --t 1- pier ''o. 5, POrt Blebtaisnd. s 1 . HA.A.S & - BRENZER . I i t 1 , Miner and Shippers of , , . '-' ' • .. 1 ' TilE SUP FRIOR ' •- - ' - -4 . • 1 '. ii , 1.0 fI , I‹.EY ...,P.T_IN COAL, ' , . AN,' SOLE :;,.QICNTS TOIL 14e; G t & Co.'s Celebrated 'SI . PLA - 4 IRiIjOECOAL.. •1 1 • 2 Walnut; St.. Pidindolphin, Oakes :. l lit "Trinity Building. New York, 1":1 Deane-St., Boston. 5. EEMEIEE . .. i N. LASTNE ! S, CKNEY 4 WELLINGTON Minrs. r id .6hippeOs of told.' BURNS! D „ fro 'their Burnside Col, at Shamokin LEWIS 111 ) N (_ Ash.) • LOCFST 31 11 1 , ..."...% 7 74. 1 14 (White ASW ) .. Tort,.. Offices: 1203 lA 4 olunt Street z ,slol:S i eLpla. - -i '4'o Dosine Street, Boston. WHARF No. Cq PORT ItICLIM9ND, PtilLA. • Jan. I,':U. , A . ,Port liketuttiftd. PI ELANDSZ • Shippers qt • / P 1.,/ firth I)()All CITY; WI I tato and Buensid NEILL & CO:, thracite & Bituminous 0 A_ la , , Rale of the 'mitt! nsted SItENAN QCIAN4 TIII,BELISLoetat Monn e Shamokin , r ~ t t r ita, Ash '' Coal.? . s -1 - r. find PEACH Ifi3TJNl' AIN - WI . Ask- Goal. .• I FROM I.IOIIOKEN, ' .. - lies ht Lehigh at Boiliii's .CELE [IX iCOAL. ' '''/ , its t t In the. Eas — te ll rri‘ - market:fur -the ) gn'n Creek Co.'a eelebratiki SITU , Iphia, 247 Ntalnut Street ~ l e, rl2, Buena Cr'TiLolty Building. r once; 2'7 Cuatoin Meuse Street) ), 25 Bsoinie Street. . . 1 . _ --...-. OE Also,SrOH' /may The best vatiet hItATEO F.A.MI .also ; Sole yske A t Wale. and (Geo If INOLTS COAL. iVs: (.11..ce5 7 . jproo nuhitot' 'February 2.4 Per JOHN a Sh 'O.lO. Pori Itichmond. • • • W~ ~ r s & SON, .ppers s of,9o;' NyT- ST:, PHILADEL PHIA. SOrage and Salo at Coal: - Id l4 :teenth Street,' New York. • venue, New York. . 99, India Street, Providence. 4 Mt. Washington Avenue, near oltUn. Jan. 1, 707-1-, No. 316 WA • Depijstt No. 514 West No. 802 Third jars' Wharf, 'X Conk*** Wharf 1/Seral fitreeit, OF LYS:ENS VALLEY p DEALF.RS AI E CAUTIONED 'that there arma hot four; Coll cries which mine this Coal all of . which are uni et lhe inanaement of the undersign 1 d- For they arIIB7I:O3I&S_ICKSON & CO., of Philik. plita, will the only-Agents for Its sale in fist 1.- gland, Ne York: New Jersey, and South of Cape.,, , 1 60 Li,lenry, had Ii L., 8E05.,& CO., of Baltimore fora otlieepoints, On Agents will deal in no other al . whatever, and pa lea wishingthehuregenutne ti -1 cle museprocu e 1 of, them. The object of this7ltlor .1s simply toi l e al le-those Interested to buy :- odor-'' standingly. . ' • ; 1 .r The Agents an their assistants fot C points, are as 11 ws; SINNICKSION &-CC Agents, l!r2W In t street, Philadelphid- York o.llce Is I M ni, Trinity* But MOODY, Agedt; assisted•hy ELLSIJ . Agent, 3'2 Seunme street, Boston.' j • TI,1:1,1,BItalIH Relkt CO., Gener ()Slice artAlte, Bat .imore, Mil.; - re - , .c. Pa.. by OSEPIai O. ST . .. _ itshurg, should be iveu tc and to no eelit. of the Suniml t and the Ly 4 ti either of the !W M.. 13. FO A ncti rt.,,,w 10 P .rt Itiehniond. N. 0.NI&• C 0 • :y4 Sale rin - d Stu meat o f the I I "I P " • al 1,.0f. Lykens Valleyr! • ,-ew R ork 2Cew Jersey and South Vredpe Henry. • I . r K SINNI • sole Agental l so "Franklin In `Eew Engl4 1^32: • Offiecis 32 • • 'in .1,'70-1- . t . 1 • nuh...Street, Philadelphia ,InltAlltallding. hew Pork. - `intrat Street, l3Oston., - J.q4EPH-Cit MOODY. Agent. P. O. 80a1026. New York FALTER, .1)0!4 ALDSON .&. :CO., xriEMS A 2112) suirpsealor" •14-m• RED I .1 ASH • • COA_Li - f uLEAEk.NITS, tor the Celebrated "-THOPILIS COAL.. (205 'Walnut Street. Philadelphia.' : Yrlnity Building, 'New York. i.p o lDoehe Street, Boston. • plehmoild. Vet, '7O • .e.tt . - P. S North Port Itiehinona. • Ic t l3N c l . l 'SCOTT Si , SOI4S • Minors and Shippers o f BOLE,ArINTS FOR THE PLAL OF l' ~..,.. LAYLE DALE, f.OOiIST NiOUNTAD I 'i Whit* Aali. .•.. , • • ..nEN Deep Rea Ash. , . . . . , ' .. . • snit • l'ru:n the earns veins nt similar In all respects to - the L'Ii'KI.:S4S I LVALI..EY .00:11. • ' 1 FRANK GO ELI 411A31.0111X 1114:4 Ash. 1P ELTITIAI-140. 224 italnnt St. offices: r HOST ( 14—N0.; 10 Doane St. ) NEW ORK-4111.nroadwily. Cll.4nber, . , . titin & French. )(rental . I . • Jra 1, '7O I I I.ly • '. . 'Pier 14, South. BORDA, KELLER fit. NI ..-Miners arid Oippcirti oi 11' EST LEIIIGII CiTtEE.ITWOOD, ". TAIIAQUA SH AFT, - , ItEEVE7ADA..I.,_ ,E • ! , . . ECK ERT)EIIOII.I3EV.Ri:, .. . . 7 - - .:`,10.R.711. FRA.NKLIN EEO ASH; • RI .E.T. • io RUN LOCUIIT I ?ki"f i ,- , • GAttIIET 4 4OII4 GIE.A. VILLE. ' ) 4214 Kg. y St... ;Balton. 7 - , 9tikes : ~;,. Itbdru VA Trinity Bullding, N. Y. '..1 32.7 Walnut Street, PtilladelphLe. . . ; ;,,,,.„,e. . . Plitt 17.. (-... ItORD.4, ACELLER SC.-.I4aTICTING. NORTH FHIANICI;AN wgivr. ASH. . . .5.pet1.2i,11.0. . 1 :D_-AY, H I DDELL 4 CO.;' Miners e t , Shippers of coal. ^ • -.1.2 • . • 010.,Nildnnt Philadelphia. 111 Dron d_cray,l(Trinity Duildine) N. Y. l ,t 1,7 Doane Intiset,;, Itestart.' i•at Avitts fur the{ sale or the following eciehritad • Coals: I TIARLEIGH LIEFIIGII COAL. HICKORY COAL qicKon.y AND 17R - A'pER • - (10A7 S, and the, EXCELFROR CIOI.I. CO.'S fiII.AUOEIN. COAL f • 5 Pier No. IA Pt, Richi At. r: in Prix W AltV ( Pier :So. 3 Elizabeth , .1. 194 1, '7O Pier . p. 19 l'Srt Richmond. JOIN 'ROMM EL I & BROTHER , - . . SOLE AGIiNTB FOR. T Firoilti and wrilluporrs MILL a 115R14.5, - lilits the Komi-ler WIRY - CLAT, 'balky treabaraiaa Ptak Ask. The ce.cbrated DASIEL yrEns - emHz Deep Dad Ash • - • - 11110.1 D TOP SEUVRIMIIL:WER. : 4,3VES'S 4 ?tirDZO' • LEHIGH at' EL.abattport. , 20:1Wodncso, ht., Philaidsoe . °mots : 21 -Doane Strek. Bolton- Ito,tr 53, Virility Ballidlsw, New York. , ERA L'Acsincr , ;--SAM-61:4 F. auGo, assisted ty r HitowNlaud 4. P. ITMANI. March 6,15-10 V AN OUSE BROTHER& CO - 1- • ••• • . , - • .1 . • llliner' and *hipper, of • ~. , 0 0 A. IJ ~ ,_ • Oil felepeate, Lelt. Leellst /fisratida, Llielull GIP. 'Rakes e, leddidt,nad other (, ' WHITE AND RED - - ASH COALS: ( • (Pt. Richmond . : • - !i11:1•MINQ WnAttiteiir.lizebethport,' '1 Jersey City. _ • (201 Waltittt Street, Philadelidtia. ( .4'.'u . e:4: Jll.ll.lroadraY. NOR York. 1 ~,* • . . I 5 ponne,St.. Holston. - , an ...'7O-1.- J. /.14 E y.l xxxiniscr DOVEY ItENDRICK., JII r 3 aad Skippers Of the Catibilited . ' • Shaft or °Rat boiai and Keystone c s • . I • • Wiutrf rer•t siek *. Tb3b%dal Pot. OUk. AUDENRIED. TiORTOP . I & Locort . 3totucrAri. • , b From'our two large and celebrated Collieries "HAlilt DZLI.." —C. F. 1'..10117015 & CO "COMirinift"......OOODRIDGE ec' AtTYP.:SItIED Free Darning Rid Ash, and Splendid Prepezetton. COLRETT - COLLIERY, • —Owen; Long a Co. MIDDLE CREEK toLutts.r,.;....c:l4oucett; Prest. FL.R - - , SRA3tORD:. EN PRISE COLLIERY, T. Baumgardner, Prest. Locust Mountain and r,orberry, also via Schuylkill Canal, to all points aooeialble by boats. -. • • . • {3llll Wshaat Street , Philadelphia, Mere: 171 Broadway. New York. 27 Desna Street. Boehm. Pler No. 11. Pi Richmond. ' - SNYDER & SEEOFIMAICFIR ' . Shippers and Dealers In .' ' •-• COAL.; ' • . ... .. . BOLE AGENT'S FOR 0.. W. B:Cl'Derl WELL EN : CSIr.'S PINE FOREST . COAL' sz IlrilM i NIIT BE., . G 3 T I ITY BEILDEVO ' I , ' MAMA. P IS N Ew Yonx. LOUIS SNYDER. • C: 11, SHOEMAKER. Jan 1, 704 • /4Y m° Pier No. 13 Pop" nil. 3 Gamma a. asreiraz, w, v. nonwo.k, Si. P. napPman. ~ REPPLIER, GORDON & CO., MINUS Aim ant 'wawa Or ..: Locust .Mountain, Mammoth Vein; Red . Ash, t. Lorberry, and ~ TOWER 'CITY, - LYKENS VALLEY ) COALS, 320 Walnut Strict. rhlladriphia. - . • 1 Onkel: Hw I Broadway, (Room No, R) Near York. - -17 Doane Street, (Room No. 8), Borten. mareh ,'7O • • 13- • suoliAs cax., mounts it/km.lM, -MSSI7 X. COO}. CAIN, 'EL .01§-,ER '& 000 K. .-61IIIPP&P-9 OF 1 7 .0CrST GAP, 'LOCUST MOUNTAIg, SLAG'S': . •• HEATH. •" ALDO, DEALER], IX OTHER FIRST Qui WTI ito OF ' White and Red Ash Coals zio. 314 Wahint Street, Philadelphia. and W• • I land Wharvea, Schuylkill River. .TIRIN-R. STILTS:EI< ' 1 SHIPPER AND AOWS , • ..lan.l. 10,-1 Schuylkill Huy , Pa, . ' ° Pivr 4 9 11), P rt _Richmond. . • LOVE,: BAYER & • - . 1 '0 ' . 7 • ' SHIPPERS OF s - • ___ , Anthracite and . Bit, ous • Coals. SOLE AGENT/ OIL - yTI, etafttERLAND vEns - 13 T MI NOr.S COAL` . - . (334 Walnut St. Philailelphia. ' ''', Offiefu. 1 13 Doann St. liosioti. • • .i , (27 Custom ouse St., Providence. March 4, 70 - isi- 1 y • JA M "sS J. CONNE R,' tun . and ghtpper of the Celebrated 2 - LOCT MOUNTAIN COAL ILLS serrunclLL Jai) 1. 73. - ' r o s►boye „Gendral `their New gs LSSJOS. 0; ELEY, _ Agents,s Poet resented at Har, atRETL Orders -b4e named pestles, LE,Oeheral Manager Co{ the Short Mt. Coed Co; Pan. -all tide-writ/el-markets. TTING, f Coll, ME .11111 Dock Streit. - tri Street. Opens St., Jae. X. Sao& 11011 Pier No. 11. r9rt nleinnowL (Mini% and Shippers of ' FIRST CLASS COAL,, LORBERRY J. T. ArDENRIED: cHAIL'D. NORTON; Jan. 1, IllgrttiU - - - HENRY CLAY COAL. `, V S BZG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC . • MAT TIM Ser*lOß .A.2.CD {TELL ii:;.cimyx -T • , HENRY CLAY 60A Li. C 27: . . Which gmje such uiibouaded itatlshiedh,n the paio yeir; will conithiie to be shipped PURE and FREE FROM MIXTURE, , • • And can dikly be had, prom brit eiclusivt. , .kgent , , for . . • JOHN HAMMEL, .JR. de.IIHO: (205% *Vaunt Street, PhMeas. ' • ; Ottteee.-1, SS Trinity Hatiding, New Verk.:C; . ( AIL Dash* Street, Heston. ... To whom all orders should be addressed THIS COAL. IS.A HANDBOIIE,. : BULRY, Llcarr, FREE -BURNT-NC; • ARTICL, • Ana:we pledge onn4lveii to continue ifs • PREPARATION-B,ECONV To NONE, And confidently reeiinantenit as the' • . • * - •• . - 11Ek FIi,E.E.VCRNING COAL IN rim Sl.vtic},-r. ROBERTSON, GUTERMAN & CO March 14, HILL & HARRIS. Best and Purest Coal in the Market el= . . '-•. • • , WE hairs made extensive improvements• dining the past season, which will largely Increase the pro doetlon hereafter. Ever?errortlvill be iased to KEEP UP THE STANDARD OF PREPARATION rapeelal sitentlon will be given Utilises for mania l'aeturers` 'purposes. • ' THIS COAL .15 always shipped by Itself and not curled or adtilteriitekt. SOLE AGENTS, (To atom all:orders should be addressed) JOH s ti ROMMEL, Jr., &, !MU . Walnut 11 .. t., Otrzeisq M IS si ane v - • - - •r• SCINYLIfLLL NAVIGATION. Shipping latzs al f r bi A , sozi p euz cOAL se fi w it i dek. iphia. I I=l LEWIS ALTDMMELD & PO' • • AG=47lS'lrep. TUE SALE Of THE 1 ; Kett 'Creek Diawaad. Coal Carapany's Dlawai,4 isd Black Reath Mato lab teal& ; ;•, • [MI 'Walnut Street, Plilladelikla. • OFFIMS: I , 114 Broadway, Neat Turk. L 11 Kilby Street, Boston. 1„, PgAnso:e. NULL XxAsrsz Bari, AlittiLAND.. DAVIS I'EARSON & CO.; 1111',VER15 41CD SEIPPEE OP TILE t CILLEBILTIED LOCTSI' NOVITALN ',runt 4.5); AND SPORN TEM ItEij ASH COAt). f t:yzo. Iy, wirtnut street, Plilladrithia. OFFICES: No.lll Broadway, Room N 0.9, Trinity Building, New York; • r . tNo. 1111.30ane Street, Boston. - GREENWICH., DELtAWARE AVENUE .NBARg. Jan. I, 119-1- 'THOMAS C. 'PARRISH .• - 11,1111 WEE AIDDEALERA • , 7 . Lehigh, fichnylkilt and Bituniinons C 0 A. Consignments on Commbolon'Sollelied a d taken on favorable Terms. • a • i Oißce--1411 *Lanni Si., Phlindelphln., May I.'oo{ ,• • C. F. NORTON, - R. GORRELL, 1- , • _ , , n EAST i FRANKLIN LORBERRY - Ilf L, OAL. 1% g• Y EAST FRANKLIN. LORE $R SOAL /VI Is now sold exclusively by M REPPLI Fitt, GOSIQN & CO., Who are my sot Agents.: Ptultes ordering trout, them may airway depend upop get ting a pure ameba. ~ 1, / ( No. ES Walnut , Philadelplilc OFFIeES: ,'No. 111 Broadw y, Room 8, NeW ',Cork. - - .i . No. al Doane re ef, Room 3 . , Roston. Jun 1,.'65-1- .. . - 'HENRY iREIr.... li Mork. wm. iiElssEmpir.r .r..; JOHN:: D. lIVISSEISII77TEL WM. - HE' SENBUTTEL €4 . 1 CO., i • " Shlptyii.andit - holeSaie Dealers in. i 1 .., Schuyl . 1,. , Lehigh . and..Cumbarland . •• ) 41 - • ,CO ~ ,I, !: .•:. H A 14, , .', l jrr /7 :f . Till T.Y IIrJEDING. 11l BROADWAY, Roont"81, ! i••• , ~ P. O. fox Cs . n9, NEW YORK. .. 1 : /Mole A gen ts jOr'Neiv York and Vtelnitlfor the ale Of .LEE:, LE, GR dt ANT IN.).'S PLANK Rill IE.Ialnl: DAAS d: LIRENULER'S TURKEY. RUN COALS, ntareli Vt. '7O '•' 13.4 • 13' AVIE;tS . ON, YOUNG-Szii p. • WITOLEsALR DEALERS IX LOCUST 'SSOCNTAINt T gIiAItORINt:LEROI.I, CCNIMRLAND; sCRANO.N '4t , A.LIS •• VAN WIC= - & "STOP , 5 . • MI XLIt. 4 .CAND. 'STD Pri:ES OF THE ' s - t• . Celebrated "Fulton" &."Slout" (Lehigh) goals, 1 : . Front the Lbek:al:6 4nd the Stout Cottlerle4neur • Ilazlelon, • I'u. Bell vOred direct from- inln4s. .on board Vet,sels at PT. JOILXSON, 110B01:67, Elli:4W 1Lt:5'. 1 . - I . tX, N.J.t ' ' ) - . Oakes:l44 it •to Trinity Building, i 111 row:lliray. New Tur ' k. • ' 4Temp(ieary at, 119 Broadway.) • ' !,• : May 16,'63 . •, , . ---4---i-.. -, . • tILDIV,EtL, I . CONANT ik. WESTON, - - 1 NO. li' NEW YORK.; _BROADWAY, , , •(Roams 35 l i ao 30 irlllß3: Itulldlath.) * i. 07 i 14 - 1101.1,3ALD DEALEILS L'S ,^' , . , LEIIIGII„ WILKEShARTIE, ' . ' .' 1 '' PITTSTON', REA) ASH, - . ' MA.IIANOY, SCILANTON-,, i , ! ,'• . I ' TOE, MOCNTAIN, .C.1.731 - ,13F.E.1.A15.:11, BROAD TOE, ETC., } ' OLE -AG . FlN'N`foi,•Ne.sr 'Parks, and the North' of. s the celebrated - rilUNCII:IIIIIC4E FR - F.E•BVIIN-. .ING - LERIGII COAL. _,111.11 PRIMROSE, THE PoWELTON...tiemi-,liltardizaUbs and other first-inte. -.. 1 I • 'Collieries. _ ~. • . EOM ..( \, 1!!!IMI RO. , EME2I ; . I ijitakdphia, Vic. o rberril Trtek. No. 1.6; TRINFIY 131.11..D1NP, NEW ). - cr,K. :W)I. Sr. DAVIDSON,' fOrmerly of Tyler & Cq. 1 • SAN-11,YOUNO,formerly of Caldw ell, Gord pi) 4t CO ROIINKT K. BUCKMAN., • " Jan 15. ' . 1 3'IYI WHITE, ,FOWLER & SNOW , (Successors tO.frohn Wl4jte L.C0.,) Infinr.i..'u.4 or* '• MEE 11,0CUST MT., • , IiCRANTO2 , ; anti , • erMI3 . EP.i..., D e!o , A.' II • „ : Offlce-eNo. 73 Trl4lly Ruildlnr, 11 Di•ow)lwai.7ii T. . April - • i • ri pT. JOHNSON' & ' • " CO 1,._ . VE.R PLANCK & WIIOLEAALE 'PrALERS IN . , ..1..-E1IIGII,•• .., I . • -. ' '. SeIItYLIC ILL - . i I . WII.kr.STIAIiIIP.: ' - : ,;.- liclt.4.lCTON. aticl 1 1. • . ~'• 811A3101f11i ' C , 'O .- A_- L .1. -' , . ;.•_7 , (No. 77- Tri nI t y Iluildink; 111 Iroailii, l :Seri "Isir4.. . !I , I'. W..VERPLA.I.;:ar , .10 - 11. W: ATW(.9,1)., Jan R, '7O . '"... 2—tf ; , '; • . . J:\M S W.CAI,IY‘V F.I.L. C. B. CONANT. 'WALTER W.E.:iTON pril CO Oispicß OF THE iTIAQATIA ELEV - AT . - INu eo.,tt colomccAt. BLOCK, BUITALO, Nis Y. COAL. ,• •COM.,• - = COAL. '.l 'THE NI:kGARA. '',ELEVATINO CO., haviniti a large surplus of • Lottuad Dockage, will he prepared at the °Taming of navigation to reeeiVe from the Erie, ' Railway, Canal, or Lake, any - quantity of COAL Tor storage ortiansiii pmnt to any place Eaatby Ca.nal 'or west twilit! Lakes, upon as favorable terms as any parties 'Su Ruffin°. rheir Jot is :well located for.a general city ' • .CYitts CLARKE, Vide•Presidein. • ledkrch 7.7, '69 . . 1.1-7-tft lliniiig ladotterili itc. 'OVER 20 EEARE EXPERIENCE IN THE BUslNais., • 7. • . • . I'ETEU RE:sDRICH , S • .7 -1 ti n - - ' • AMERICAN 'CRAIN CABLE WORKS, rammnis, NEW Ji:P.St Y. . The undersigned, vt•liM is a practical Chain Manu facturer, informs Goal Operators and others that he is prepared to make •Flat or Crane Chains of every . size at' short notice. ; Particular attention given to Flat ChM nlor slopes.;. For former information send for circular., • , -- ~ . Feb. 15, '6B-7—W 'ROD AIM WIDE SCREENS. !' .. 4 _, SQUARE • J. • I.A.t.Tar.NSTEI.N. , - 1 . . , :r MANFFArTCRAIL OF' S:QUARY.itop - .41s D. WI#Y, SCREEN' S , 1 ' , - .P,tfENTED:FEBRictAIeIC 4,18 V.... . i MINER-WILLI:. 'licgc„„ti.KLt. co., PA. TIM RCLIT.A.II,F. ROD SCRE ; ENfI. ON AC(OUN of their , superior sti - entith., durability, am preferred to till-others ultereVer tried. ticreersliolbs; all sizes, tdwayson haml. Orders promptly filled al moderate pricea„ • . . May 4 4 .4. 4 .-22- !' MANLIACTIIRERS 0 - 3" COAL SCREEN*: •r i , L. LACI3ENSTEtIC, ; i : E. Morrie. 1 1 IL LA.UBENSTEIINT - & CO i',':, •• • kiece..,,,,,, to John R. Diehtn. • 1 , Manufacturer: . of Coal Screens,./ 1 ~. h "Of the Latest find. Most Approved Styles:c . . , The undersigned'who are practical geribell.Mantr facturers,- informs 'Cod Operators and others, the} ' they are manufacturing a new COAL satfaiN; pat:o, 'tented June 21, 1.5C,4. and another patented August ff,l '1865; they guarantee that the stun wl}l always retain: its 9rigtaal sire until entirely worn out/ , I .• : Second-hand Screen 4 and Segments always on W • • - .'" - ; i -- I 'We respectfully saki% a continuance ofth e pat ron ..age Ireretafaieso liberally beaumed. b. , 1.,. LA.UHENATEIN ct CO.,' PAU road 84, rear orEsterly's liartl F lr o ar tto eg ue Stare p , a :, Jau 1; 70-1- '.. ' , ' TO COAL OPEIItATONSI , 2dINEElic AND: FURNACES, • , • . tiltiCS S: LONG, yoeont;tive Builders, • ! MP BEACII arttrirr, PITILADELPULA. Pa 7 Would call your- attentlen to tlieir Chttiery rind Pomace ,Locoraotiree / deslgned for (aside, or outside wort, and for any aired gunge of road and sharp-, t au. sharp est curves, with -Ity to dmw front 50 to 300 tone I Having clot* . meid in iicitii the Anthracite and 111 1 . tuminous vas of reoneytvente, the nilost.sumess- Jut Tiaavi orrofire ill the country,' they offer] with con ence th eir various styles of Locomotive' Engines Ith every guarantee of their workman-1 ship ma performance, and refer to the many now in 41 ope vain the se.verat, mining districta, furnaces and es ID the Stale and • Country. • - first ocut,.creet power developed, to-; t :r t irthelY durability, great coottomy and hi dolly expenses over animaspower or ordinal!: oeornotivease. (as proven "bytheir experience of , several' yews) make o vast saving to expenses esti jlefeat toper the i rdfra east Mitt very short thstr. February 12, ' i . 7-dm • WXRE ROM , "xeiveirAcrotten BY TUCKER CARTER CO., New' York. AU SW'S hemp or Wire Centres, bright or painted: The Rope mann 'by this arni are eonsideted by ail parties wing tbens,the best. and baraisonusr Rope made in the world, made Invariably from wire drawn from the hest R a w Iron. The tamestahins in the U. S. Naveare ri with Wire, Ropes made by ibis arm Samples ele liOPe qui iteren With, and orders paten, Auld - 'in given, and ord .% and *cu. EMI F'OTTSVILLE, .§A 'AuffOsartg. 'DHILADELPHIA , LTROZONW DA WA t IL .I. INSTITUTE, O. H Korth Ninth-lit, above Market. B. C. ElfEßErrs Truss positively cures Busgq ii lressez dar • )st.lefteits,Storki up Sh Suspensories. Pile Ban es attended to by. Mrs. E. ' .""t- 4111-11.17 A. MEXICAN WAL : Alit 11/11.TglIZIEV 1 -- 1. AT TUE r' AT and Warrant ed by the Company se • with every watch. Price list and descriptive Catalogue a • any address. Onlers filled by express C. O. 13.. with privilege of mutilation before _payinvre, money. Address, _ ALEXANDER R. EWER, April la. '70.10-lit ' pi .estriut, St.; Nara:lool3la. $:);-1 THE FOLSOM I - MOVED - Tirclu7-. Av. Five Dollar reality:Sewing_ _Machine., The cheapest First Class Machine la the Market. Agotts wanted in erg Poem Liberal commission allayed. For terms and circular, address A. S. HAMILTON. Gen. Agent, N 0 ,.. 700, Chestnut St., Philadelphlt; Pa. April 16, "70 • •1 • 1.3 m.; W . . J. L'VEIEETT7I New Patent Scapular %milder trace and Meet! -' • „ Sup rum. No Straps under the arum Perfect' comfort l and , benefit guarateed. 60 North Seventh St., below Arch. Phlladelphia:' Trusses, SapPeatere, Elute Stock ings, Crutches, 4c. Lady attendant, Jnnela, ISat. , M LNST.E.II, CIELAILIP/LN' Imps liosierT, Notions, Mite GoWs, Embroideries, - Gents Fuknishini Goods, tie., j0..504 IVIARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Jan 3-8 m A ECU STREET OAItPET WAREHOUSE. 1?;r2 Arch street, . beta* Ninth - ,street, Philadel phia. The old established stand. Receiving, for the t'prfng Trade a large stoelt• of the I'etroca'ples of 1 C A. 12 E 1.,J,G1- S 4. purchased at the Lowest GOLD RATF*, Jald wilt_ be sold at a preat reduetion from last season's priets,, , , ENGLISH BRUSSELS at $1 fifkand all other In proportion: ' JOSEPH BLACRWQOIr IB , April 16 , ',70-1640t S.tt Arch rit.; Philadelptra... W3l. WC..1124.RY, . Water-Proof 3tarietta #4tsiting Papers. TIT i 1 April 9, F URN I TII : I4E. I • e JOSEPHALTO:i '& C 0.., . • "Z`Ant.sm - r MAnzas, :No. 413 W aln u tn 8 . . Our establishment is ono of the of eat in Philadel, phia, andirom long experience. and superior ties we are prepared to furulsh good' ork at reason. able prices. We tnanu fact ure fine furniture !mil also medium" priced furniture of superior quality. A large stock of furniture always on hand. Goods made to order. Counters, Desk Work and 'Oftlect Furniture -for L Itankit,_Oftlecli and Htores, made to order. JOS. WALTON, J. W. LIFPLikiCOTT;iIOS....., SCOTT: Feb 12. , . !. 'LIBBER RALL'S CEDAR VAT and TANK I. MAN UFACTORY, Nek5.114.5 and 1147 North Front Street, below Girard Avenue, philadcipdlia,•Penne., We would' reSpectfUlly inform the public that We; are manufacturing WOODEN , TANKS, ;RESEIt-; VOIBS, Sc;; of every des,criptiOn and' ca'paCity, able for Brewers, Distillers, Collieries, Rattroads,! Hotels, Private Dwellings, .te„ second hand TantOt• all size on hand. Our wort is made of White Cedar, and other woods, according to .order , and we will, guarantee it to give entire suthtfaction, and furnish , it on the most reasonable tepnri. Tubs made of any desired shape, whether Round Oval or Souare. lIENItY W. FISHF.B, , AMOS 11. '• March 12, 70-11-3nrsi DZA AtARKET STREET, EHlLATlA.iiiifie cheapest and best place to,buy Choice Tobne. co and Cigars by the box. Monitor Navy, and June* &RAMC; Tobacco always on hand at low rate*. •• Meerschaum Pipes, Briar, French, add 'other styles 'can be had here to Ault cdstorner* either wholesale br retutl. ' IOIIN LEEK. 11 - I;niesale and Retail :lobbing J - lonse, and Mann. nut urer of Cigars,: 91: .31,14i1i ET Philadelphia. Feb IP, '7O AEZ r E ont l ia L elo N ri C kTe l lest " ?n3 B.l° ,. .. . r: Klr re e • Cloth for Cleaning .ores, gnal, ike.; Hear t y zyveen Cloths and Coal Screens,. Wire . Webbing for *sheep and poultry yards'. l'aper,Makers' Wires, areas and lronWire Cloth Sieves, ?stinted Screens, Ornamen. tai Wire Work: • Every ihforinatlort,.hy liddrFbmstng the toonufacturern, M. •WALIi.EIV.t iIONEi No. 11 North.irth street,. p,hufibitelph4: • Feb V,';o, REMOVAL. , • JOSItUATONVPLAND'S SONS JIAVS REitOVith. tpTite COOKING,GLAS3 AND PIO:I . .ME-FRAME 'STORE, Where they offet at' reduced yiliees h genaral 1%41011• ment of - Looking-Gtsiasan, Pleture , Frames, Large French Plate Mir,rurs, Plain sad Ornamented , Picture Fraintss;;C;rgieai, Mouldings, dce. - • JOSH.V COWMAN D' 13 S - 01413 , 'Feb 19, 70-Bm ] N .18 litrorth Sixth ! S t.. PaUada ELEMOItItHOIDAL TUMOIIS In. ternatand,Exterrial. Illeedirig and Itchittg.' positively- peafeetly ; end permanently eared, ,with-- out Paln, (longer. Instrument* 4n. caustics. hY A. IdcCANDLEB, 13.,-No. }o3lipling Garden 43t. Palita;Pa.,wito can refer you to over Eleven Handfed * of the best-citizens of Philadelphia. who have been cured. Apractice of eleven years its - 3,•l4)eclalty, In thiedisease Withotit a failutelWarrantra cure in all ca_ses, Feb ID, '7O G AS FIXTUSEB* & ICE/T3ENE LA.1128.; . %Arlin AND 12101 VIN TBB ..11/1,11: rr knvzs LAW:MT LIOUT Or. ANY BIIBIfZ& 31.41cDE. •c" • • COCLTEB.,-:JONES CO., Manithicturers- fad V.lialesale,Deafers,"lo2 Arch St„, ?Wit." ' 'Junes, 136 D UNION HANES. • • , In offering the above. brand to the attention of cousuiners the presentSeastin k 'see.beg leaven:. state; that we have made very great Improvements in ;heir eating during the past e Winter. and %ave no. hest/alley in saying; they,irre theerrant. They are selected from strictly corn'fed I 1 git trim med-very nicely so as to make ns little waste In cut- ting as postible, and the Ingredients used' In curing are the - very finest to be had. The hams are all as sorted before - pickling,and each size cured by itself so as to tumble us to keep In pickle Just Wag enough locure and not be sa t. a_great fault with most llama. We also cure lb lee Houses all summer and . can furritsif the Rams at all times cut. from hogs that were alive within a VOeeks of the ilmejhe Hams are delivered Which is - a great adratitageand one possersed by 'Very few dealers,: We feel satisfied a trial will Insure satisfaction. None genuine unless branded. Sold only by ' A. F. CLIEESEHROII6II dr CO., Pork Packers, No. lei N.Jjelavrare Avenue April 9, '7O-1. - eam •. PHILADELPHIA, PA. EN GEO. J.,BURICHAE.T & co.. , . • . VAT and TA.N.lC''.AaTis.lsi - 17, No. 1341 BUTTONWOOD 'STREET ) PH IL APE We are prepared to make at the airrteat notice WOODEN TANKS, raving In eapfcity frina 150 t0350,000-CiALLONS, pultotiie ', for 114 'merit, Div' tit Ors, 'Dyers, I 2fanaidetarefv, ItESERVOIRS for COLLIERIES. • - Refer to -1). 17. Ti•Exclx.rsp;'Poitailiie;,./K: AB4land t • Fe* . 2l4, '11)49-3m SEVEN TSB CENT. •, / FIRST lORTGAG BONDS . • • OF TILE DANVILLE, 11A2i,EV0N,..4t - i DA lIEE R.A.n..ITAD COMPANY.: • AT ''B2. AN ACCRUED INTEREST. • • CLEAR OF ,ALL TAXES. i.• ' INTERFAT FA.Y.ADLE'. A PAIL AND OCTOBER. Fersouaivishing to Make investmenth arelnvited, to examine the merits of tliexe 801N . D4.. . rapiphiets supplied and full Information given by I / • . • / •~3TERLIXG & Financial Agents, 110 South tliird Street, PLIILADELPITIA. air Government Bond* and other Securities take= la exchange for the above,at beat market rates. April Z, 'TO 1773 m $lO,OOO . " • BUCK. DEAD excels all other Lead!. lat , For Its UnrivaltXl Whitesiass. 2d. For . Its Unequaled Durability. \ ad: For its Unsurpassed CoVering Pfoperty. LaaUy for Its Economy, • ' . It costs less to paint with Buck -Lead than any other White Lead extant; The manse weight cowers wore Surface, Is more Dunible, and makes Whiter 'Work. BUCIC LEAII) is the Cheapest and, wit. $10,060 CM ARANTEE BUCK Irsq Ext . *lit all other Zack Ist. For Its Unequaled Daisbillty. " 2d. For us Unrivaled Whltehess.- • 1 ad. For its Unsuryinese Covering Prtrperty.: Lastly, for its Great protmeny, - being the Cheapest handsomest; and ins.% Derstes White Pair& in the world.; 1 ' • BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUM ,) ZINC; -TAY rr AND BE CONIeiNCED. ..3alisfaciionGw3ranteedbythe*2 7 4ofurter . , ,e• BUCK cort4GE COLORS , Prepared expreetkr for rair4lnd ' .; • Cottapet-Italldllids or *moor ar ge r i r di r t a.= kr. •=rm-rive diribreat volora. larpgs. irellbreawed fleautibrl shades. _ • illeraple cards *ear by m it deuced. eum& Dealere Orders will Ile prerePAT ezorot , oll 1r7. 11 4. •nufrwinrera __ • b, mamma . • . - • TURDAY '.SAY MEM 3:C01, 0f M..kI . :CFACTULES OF 521 311NOn ST.,- PiIItADELPIEII.4. To No. IS North Sixth St.,lado.. A GREAT VAItIrrV OY ITEWISTEL;ICS: IirERIDIAN BURNER-. Viii Wiiobi i , tiothirig; Ac. Il,s f„ i est vlit l ll 9 r 4 .?„ Pn,eNallYeT,Rasa.tegollllll9 . . , IF, 411 ' . 'sto 'll or ,E. , , • . .... tax um . ; MiDT-NADE _9I4TEMI EIGHT Ofthe'STYLE 001Egivis - ADE UP , , • REAOT TO .PVT luoirr ON. The object of esestuat Street Chiththe .ffetala.' . lishment is toforitith a class of3teediquadeClahlat eePelior to "Pythias that haeheretofore been offered ,to the Public.' Opt? the Styr bbries are need, arid; . the best trliatelnia, and these are eat by the -"Pet I and artistic tatter" and made iv In eleborate and teatefal styles: .4t fulf flock of enth chithiti it aim la kere t end 'belly sold at moderato prim: '..4e,''.,‘i.,.'i - c4 . . Comaactsd wltb lb. istollatinoist, "MTh rain adraatigss. • ' , - ~lbufarita 001. Stets, 3 z i trt in inking . lir IS•Sm • Mo Baer week ti dome In any Merchant TMlotinz Bowe la the Ito bettor mks, no Heber vale, no more renowned cutters, no More perfect Ate can et:verbs:a be obtained. 4 , 11017,11)Kr ;• • . . .N; ivuniciENTi „taws:. Seirfccatle Go' mite:lts La Zlspat i=talat d GENT'S rviNISEING GOODS, AT SIGS EN T 11 • '4D t-'' ) • - s 818 2 k 120' 012TNIIT.STBEET, ' • ' • 430 Hfi)/y)c)P‘'EA C4ll . . • . lirecui. Nota—Bi : ratSyrtam of Betmeasurement, . teeftlessea' at: a: &ma ace,can order with Cer*lnty at, • _having a good Et. Bilis tor lelfgaeiunfrids eat yid . assaples seat by aiste,wi:4ll re:rifested.\' : • Octoberys, 'lx) . • •;• • - • ! , - . . . . .r AS . AGHIF., HOLAIsTH.I2'2 cratTNE ST.. /VA. • • - BELAW AntiEttcAN Hotaa, Porravadas. Hais now opened a new. Stock. of Fall and Winter - Goods tnaltahle for the,present season, such as , ,MLACK SILK, SUMMER 01/411, ('ORSETS • .FFILVGaa, TRIMMINGS, NOTIO'NfI, Sc. r , ; • Rita unhand a pew lot of .: ' ' 1 i. - • . SPRING _ANT!: SUM MER s.‘&l‘...}-_s, . ..• _. which Will besold cheap for cash,. - . , : '," La(llea Cloaks wade Patterns Jnal. received.' - Oct. 30 . '69 MI Azi341r,013 -, MAillit;rBTßEhT.. licttpectlY lip announces to the Ladle" of ,Pottsville and tleinity, that she halt opened a< r• : NEW CLOAK k TRIIIMING. STORE i • . f at theabove place: The following articieet,, with a variety of Notions, &e,, will be kept for sale, and are offered at onisalwr REDUCED PRZUES; • I . BEAVER MOTH,. VRLVET BEAVER, FRO-STEP Beaver,Chinetill la, Gtdd-tril led and Black Water- • proof, - Opera Cloth,: Fringes alt shades, Rib- 21.1 y. TIZE ATIP.VE WILL ALI. BE BOLD AT Opt i Ladles and Blask:s Ociaks made Ro order. / ;Nrerr•Pattern;ijileft recOivpd. ' 5uhe19,1*7.C25-IYil, Ef..l77lELii & 1306YEli AV '207 C 4 ENTRE 9T., PorTsvxrzE. _ ' In ddilitlnn to their sniunt '' assortmente;f DRELQ-4 000 - I*l. .EMBROIDERIFN, NOTION:4,3IILLINE:. RYGOODS, 4 te.,haveJustopeneda'fun assortment of Choice Jahamese Slik BbheS. ; , llamburgy.dglnas aid Inaertings., ' • .• . „ .• J,oprin and Jugla ;Kid tilovis, t Black. tißks, • . . • ' "- 4-4 EnglishiShirtings,' • - • Il.srgaina In Linen llandkerchfefs , . and WtiltsCloods generally. Also„,offer to addltionlq the well known _ • • ' • BUFFALO ALPACA', ; fall line' of the celebrited 3 r , BEAVBR BRAND; Sll‘k :FiNzetteri, BLACK PURE 3IORAIRB.- . latest styles. made to order. • iteptemher)t, '69 l—tt-w • ArNvE 7 * B . pat Gopna. / . FOX 4 • BROTHER, - 274, mvritiK sTugET, rorravu.i.E, • Desire 'to 041 eittgattoriflx) 'their. ezteastve assort tutnt of - i DRY G,',O.QDS'a. 4 Cotighitlog of the Letes93tylcit of the Foreign & Donieqic Markets ise,x,iznpda AjeriVil;Tlin COLLWITOFS MATE, A:titi coLontri aneKs. 14638 AND FaiI3MIIDEB.I 8, T•4" 73145, • • WIEUTE‘OOi)I:6 and DOILEBTICB.-7 , =1 SHAWL OF A%:P „ . IFei SLD eat stite;i tion ,Storc , EHU:a=?:f!, Q,ITICLNSVrAIIE; &c., Which Is very linTs'i and seiecta3 with the Vaned ,cars for this InsskoS-; We dO:not consider It: ziecos nary tollnutnerito what wro have ; bat everything In w Snit-elan Dry Hoods and Oratory Store, can be hitb at oar establiihnient. • • - Apell IL 'di •I c q~i.. • TriXW m- IiELICCT .11%.31.31.7 HOARD 11411 0014; - ,• 11144tists. tissaleal, Selentille Aze i tio 1 0 013.'1'011Ni* IKE* . AND - , :At 1944ibnni. lbstaimcify ft . ; • The rinitTerti illteleneteenth Annuil Realism comsnioneco :co ~DN=z DAY. the - eth fty of 13EPTSMBER. ilext. , •Topilit!recelved at.any Arno: Far Circelsts address • GIWRGE MILLFI3, Prin elpaL. • nor, trtil44 Eitstatibttlis Esstaria District of Prisosylistris. nr Laricisst‘ *Taimyr: . .PcmisylirE; FAIL h,Np VMTE)I HORIIOIIr, • • .• 940r:4 OF ALL KENII4;, tILOAIW•tc., - tantatiotiaL Minn. Krauth; Stotit.l3o4ll4' IT4 KNEW: , 11 knew ! th e woe and heartache .1_ • . Wa tin/ for .us down the road, • • - tfrour Ilps could taara th e wormwood. 7 If our baeka could feel the load, Would we waste the do/ In wishing i ' For a time that ne'er eau be • Would we watt In such Impatience _ - For onr•shlps to come from sea? • Strange we never prize the masts Till the sweet-voiced bird has down; .- Strange that we should slight the.vielets Till the lovely Usurers are gone ; Strange that Summer skies and sunshine Nevereeem one-half so fair • As when Winter's snowy, platens Shake their white down In the air Lips troru:sehiCh the seal of idleueo ' • lone but tied can roll away, Never blossomed In such beauty - :As adorns the mouth to-day; And sweet words that freight our me; With theirbeauttfol perfazie, Come tp us Ins weeteraecenta. Throtrgh the portals of the tomb. Let us gather up the srinbestas That around our Pathway.Jaugh Let its keep the wheat and roses, Casting out the thornsand chaff; Let us find our sweetest comfort' In the blessings of to-day, With a patient hand removing i 2 All the briers from our way., GALAXY SsT. HT a If. HATICB. , • "TNSIDE thy hand lleth mine, /An my cheek Is touching t On thy shoulder Is my head., And no syllable.ts said. i • Then relit Ales into my heart, , Stir thou not lest shoehould start; Let me laeirthe lulling song Of gentle bird sway so long. Keep me folded thug to thee, Let thy breath a language be, Yet nor speak nor stir,' pray, Lest white-bird Beat ahead tly'awart LINCOLN OX .OLA'VERY. Jonitztin of the 16th Contains the following contribUtion fnana Mri Carpenter, theartist: " • - '.`Mr. Cheis told me Init.' at the Cabinet meeting Immediately after the battle of An tietam, and just prior to the issue of.. the September Pmelairuttion. k the President enf tered'unon the business before thetn.by say inethat the time ter the annunciation pf the emancipation policy Topid beno longer delayed. 'Public sentiment', be , :thought, !would - sustain it—many or his., warmest friends and supporters deMappled •it---and he had promised his'God that it* would do it.' The last part of this was uttered, in a low .tone, and appeared to be heard' by no one but Secretary Mese, who was - sitting near him.' He asked the. President If he correctly under stood him.' Mr. Lincoln reptiea : made a solemn vow,, before God that.ifGetieral Lee Wst:s driven ack.from Pennsplyanitt I would' crown the result by, the declaration'of free doni to the slaves.' . Info '44 that certain ',like: ten - infornma . naln.,..ers in Springfield would not vote for himi; he drew forth a pocket New Testainent and said:' 'These mea will know that I am for freedom in the -territories, freedom everywhere, as free as the Constitution and laws will permit, and that my opponents ,are for slavery. They =own. this ; and yet with, this book in their hands, in the light of Which human bondage. cannot live a moment, they are going to 'vote against me; I do not under stand it at all.'. -- ', "Here Mr. Lincoln paused---paused for long Minutes—his features - suitharge, d with emotion: Then he rose and walked up and' down the reeettion room in..the effort to re tain'or regain - is Seff-ix)ssession. I Stopping at lust, he said, With b. trembling voice ' and his cheek wet with tears: 'I know there is a GOll,,and that Hehates injustice and sla very. I l see the , stoma coming, and I know - that His hand. is:in it. If He has apiece and work forme—and I think He has--tI believe I am ready. I am. nothing; 'bubtruth is everything. I know that I am right, _be- cause I kniikv that Liberty is right ; for _Christ teachesit, and Christ Is God. I have., told them that a house divided against itself i cannot stand ;. and Christ and reason say the same ; 'and ;they will find. R; se.' Douglass don't env whether slavery ,iii voted up or clowtsvbutGod cares, and humanity cares, and I ear , and with God's: help I shall not fail. •I y not see the' end ; bid it will a i m came, nd I shall be vindicated; and these nie • • ll find that they,have not used their Bible right.' . ;, . -- "Much of this was, uttered as if lie was speaking 'to himielf, :and with a sad, earnest solemnity of manner, inipiissible, to be de ; scribed. After - a pause, ho resumed: Does it not appear strange thatman- can ignore the I moral aspect of this- ,contest ? A revelation could not make it plainer to me than that_ slavery or the Governnient must be destroyed. The future would be something awful, as I loolcat it, Mit for this, rock on, which I stand .(alludin'g to the New Testament which he still held in his;-hand,) especially with a knoWledge of how these Ministers are going totote. It seems as, if God had borne with this thing (slavery) - Until the very [teachers: ,of 'religion had come, to: defend it from the Bible, and to'claiin for iba divine character and sanction, and.now the cup o? iniquity IA ftill and the' vials ,of wrath will; be poured out.".. , . 1 TUX:VOL.—Our readers have had their at :tention. called repeatedly to the uses of car bolic acid in many branches of medical prac tice, and in domestic economy 'generally. A very serious difficulty, "however, in the way,' of its use for many purposes lies 'in Its disaL reeable odor, which is ptrfectly. Insupporta ble to some persons. This has induced several chemists to experiment upon noethodi either of deodorizing the substance or bf find ing a more agreeable substitute. The former method `was successfully , Socompliihed - at the expense, to .a great degree, c the virtues of - the acid; and attention 'ha( lately been• more earnestly directed to the latter. A Fren'th pharmaceutist has ascertained that thyme contains a 'substance which he 1' calisithymol, or thymic acid; very, similar in leits,cheraical and practical qualities 'to the carbolic acid and with an agreeable weak odor ‘, resemb ling that of thyme.: It is but slightly soluble' in water, awry much so in" alcohol v ind dissolves' also in fatty- bodies, and Combines readily with alkalies, such: as hotash and soda, forming actable ;Mts. It as the Same properties as carbolic acid or combining with shins and animal tissues, and tbus entirely preventing them frorir de caying.: 'When presented in a weak solution nothing is ..distinguishable beyond' a flavor of thyme and a sensation of cold, such as is produced by the essence of peppermint. The thyrnol is.obtained by treating the oil of thYme with an aquetis solution of potash or soda, the thymic acid is dissolved and a soluble thyrnol is formed. The solution is decomposed ' by an acid, and the separated thymic is' then purified by washing, drying, and finally by distillation. It can also be obtained by 'submitting' oil of thyme to ex treme Fold, pl which case it is separated a; , Crystalline substance. . :- , , • The eiperiments that have been made upon this substance so far tend to show • that for i many medical purposes If may displace car bong acid to very great advantage.: Although for the ordinary applicatiOns of that' sub ! stance,4ts necessarily greater expense will always! prevent its becoming a formidable 1 rival for the, .public fiivor.—Ph .delphics L,cdger. ' 4 . Tm HEAT OP TUE Srans.—At last, after enormous labor, the heat received from two' well known stars has been measured t Aral turns, the leading brilliant of the Herdsman, and Vega, the chief. star of the Lyra are the two orbs dealt with by Mr. Stone. - From- a careful tneasurementof their light, Sir John He long since dete rm ined that these ist,a of equal splendor,- but Arcturus ,Ishin with a ruddyyellow light, while Vega 'exhibits a color which has been compared to ;the gleain of highly polished steel. I • ..I 'I The eitimates of theirheat correspond with I 'the aspect of . these orbs. The fiery Arcturus - ponds us about twice as much hest'as the. hlnish Vega. 'Minute Indeed is the quantity .of heat received from either star,even Arctu rus having a direetheatingeffect correspond ing toabouttheBoo,oooth part ofadegreeFah ren.heit. ,- Or as Mr. Stone remarks, the result May be dtherise stated as follows : , The heat received from returns id sensibly the'same as that fro m e face of a three inch holy Cube full'of boiling water at a distance of 381 t , arcs To . the l worlds Which circle around these rilliant stars, our sun doubtless supplies no larger a degree of heat; iuty,,we have good reason to ;believe that he la reirdlyely an in- . Significant orb. 'Around Arcturus are Well warmed worlds, nourished by the rays which belong to the red end of the spectrum. Those Which circle around Vega, ifemuillYdlstatit, are less plentifully supplied- with heat. On the other hand, if one k tuay'spedulate so con fidently, este . the stattof worklit as to regArd Aotogra se an sit insethisil among their Mhabitants, y then mst the_ people wartned by Arcturussit tenger forth eir portraits than those on-whonithe brilliant Vegps4 floras his t• owerfttrsetinio rays.'.z. -, .. , ,' the re• searches o t e have been dealing iri h suggest Strange engirt. tor *Ur oW , , tion. . • , . • • . MI 11=1 MAT. I. EM to.tompel shlle ischools, Andatre. fd to abol- ~ls~~, BILK-CULTURE .E.V. CALLFO-O,lflA. .. ~ . . MO O. CO.N.loXet t the. culture of`kilk in . . . <,.. '..1.. California is now eornparatiVelyiin easy matter. 'Eight or, ters.yeard 'ago lahrir and Underlain were c'tly' wyde. eggs find cut- : ' az*e vere , difficultio•be tfibtained,and:bvery.. - - thing had tobe learned by.experi ment. 3 • -.NoNY such labor'as will serve for this business can be had tit low rateS.•;,,,materlal for Wilding' and fencing iseheap, while eggs for , hatching can, be • procured conveniently and little cost, cuttings fQII" planting :being elifitinable at mere nominal 'fig - ares,•• and eveni.w.lthOnt chtillW in maps places. Not much - 11indlias, needed, thnnighlt 'sbonitl• be - of a good; quill-.' ity, - and is the better for having a southerly 1 or easterly exposure.' Deep_ ploughing and .thOrelugh cultivation- are necessary at. first, though-the trees, lifter 'attaining a feW:years oc• age, and being set, out in. plantatiiiii i s, re quire.but little care.: I Tite tree can begrowu froin ttfe root.i'frcini-the seed, or- from cut tings-z-the'latter being-e - most.•'eilibmon mode of propagati 111 On in California; Itrgrows , in this. State so -readily' and vigorourtly that no manuring is tieeded,,,the shifiiats Sevont in the winter _yielding i. ,, edit,Aderable .qtantity cif. leaves suitable for feeding the :young ,Worms -the folloWing summer. In - tvelve monthatroni planting, the trees have rkached a height of ten or fifteen, feet, witha ehrres- - pcinding growth of think., and are ready for regular cropping at theend of three-;years; being often cut back R year earlier. Neither .in ,Japan; China, nor any •If,iropean cd}tntry,l do the trees ;grow so rapidly or yield sa l large an \amount - of -leafage 'as in :Californifil nor will they else Where b4ar - such clOse and fre quent stripping.of their-leaves and britches. The rnulberrpitree =in California - gendr_ally attains as largeNia growth,- and is as prolific of food for the 'worm at three years, Os in France at tive'.years., Owing. to the vitality and recuperative-power of the tree herc4 . the plan of. - cutting of: the - branches 'with the leaves on, Instead of:plucking,. the latter and feeding them: to the worms, .- is' generally practiced after - The-Insects are a weak or ten days 'Old. :. In bid fbw countries. would; the trees be able to, recover themselves, and at CPO pbt forth - new shoots,' 'after such Octet'. sii-e -nautilatrous.• By this metheit of glither- - . 'ing the fooditnichlabor is :'saved; - while the worm, crawlingupOn-the branches, - attacks,, the leaf in a natural , way, insuring dein:III:- nem •• itself and econoiny of ifood: .In soft plyin the shoots after this 7 opanner, font are first - aid . down in the feral' of a'square,. ,crossing each• Other at the endi. As' fast as 'the leavesare deVoured, font. ,new branehes are 'added ;-'a rectangular ' , pen being thus!, built up, with freshleaves, arid the - Terms •feeding - upon...them• &instantly -at the: top. - The' litter,. exaviTy . and droppings' now fall 'below, •and • Bin ••••worms are. easily removed. ty.this plan,ventilatien IA also•seeured 7 fthis, ,as well as cleanliness, beitig,essent id lin - every tocoOpery.. In .coubtries Iniving ; - -a 'lluinid - atmosphere' it : is impOrtant that no debris of 'any hind be•sulleredhiaceuniulate, aa.the gases generated- by their decomposi tion,-and even the-bad odors caused by their -presence, 'endanger the life of• the worms. In - Califcgnia, - -liowever, such extreme earti is notpeeessinry, the-dryness of tlic•atrhosphere eounte.racting decomposition:to .sueh an ex: - tent that no remoyaliof these. Waste matters' *is - called for during -the latter 'half of. the worms'i -existence.—Frotn• `,` Sit k- - Cul t fire n Catifornia, ll • • ia - OVERLAxti lloyrtiLY ~Arap, A- RE3tattitA:nLE NEl3ll4:— . • - Thon - htiavillo; has ..a notable darkey. The. sE gives a short . sketch of bis.life 'and ad vete. tures: He *as born at keithii, the capitalof BornOu,...E_astern Soudan, Afric.* and bis father was commander-in-chief of - the-glist•7 ening and greasy army of thOeotintry, He was stolen and :made a slave , of at - An early age- by,anotlier tribe; finally passi ug . into the hands of. Prince..)lentehlkod;, Minister Ple-; : - -nipotentrary of Russia. tit ,:ponstantinople.' Pnnee Mentehikoff.carrietrithn -to St. Pe. , tersburg, where he was not t only• liberated,. buteducated,,•residing - two:yoan4 iu the fain; ily of the', Print'e:,. Nicholas now Attached: .himself to•,the•lamily of 'Prince Nichobn I P roubetzkoy,'Wha taught - him the French language; and with *hoin he traveled` - over Europe in the capacity of . valet - de . dtaintii.c. .Their tour, which lasted seven ye,ars, brought, there finally to England,:w here Said coneitt-t,. ded to return to his own country ; but being \ persuiided - by Connt - RochusSeA .of Flop:in& to visit Amerien„he.aceornpanied the Conift . l , 'to Ainsterdani, - froni Whence'lhey.obarked, Air the United States and la,ndedAt Porthind,', Maine, 1111.804, Remaining at Portland but , every few days Count Itochussenhad.occat. *slow .to 'xisit-.the West India • Islands, and taking Said with hint they set sail, visiting. the Pahatnas, Jamaica, Thotuas, And'other , Ulands, and:were absent-about one year When they „ returned to's . ..the United States,llanding in New•Yo . r};' Ili 1865. They now visited7s-iagani'Fills'erossed into Cana ' du and , ,after visiting several of the' principal toNvn parted 'company - ,apAylmer, in 'Canada West. Our Africo-European and ArneriCan traveler.no* Inade.his way into the Soutli-• ern - Stites. and : took :tip his .residence in Charleston, : S. C., ; where 'he -engaged in school teaching for about two tears: Verna ving front that .city- he - passed. thniugh.Sii vannah and located several months continueding:occupation. Reeently,•, however,- lie coneeiyedlhe idea of, delivering a -course. of lectur,- or rather a series of addres.ses.to the COlorfd.people; anti •for'that pixrpose wilt ,iihortl7,,, start out on a tour through the States. - -- • . Nicholas Said ,is ;only' about, thirty-two ye4rs , of 'age, was tattooed' in his early youth as was the custom of his tribe,and still hears the broad : Marks .-cif the ruling. class 'in his. nation. "He has been:well educated, and • speaks aud ;writes fluently the; English, French, and Italian languages; lie also still delights In his mother tongue. - • • DELICIOVS,READINO FOR 0940RE150- - • • ILTERE is wEint the Mulch Chant; Ti, MES I I no_Stiiim netnocra:fic:ktys,. of the enfranchisement of onroolnred citizens : (481EiPE.R.." The' Coeb mns and Campbells, *who at tempted Undere auspices of the concern dignifiri by the 'tie or "DennieratiOAsso le clatiOn —headq re,. Ninth / and 'Arch atreets„Philadelp —to .run. the Democratic par - ty or Pennsylvania I nto the slough or ne gro equality, haye, westre happy to say;sub sided. ,Like the yellow' fever, measeles, and sway:Kix .4hey had their day and disappear- . ,li _ ed. hey : ',have not , even a 'place or refuge left. them since the closing up of-the'"lfead-: quarters":suld sale of its - furniture, and like defunct Trojans or the heroic age, they flit around the scene's of former glory ' ' "pale; melancholly ghoste," ;Let.thajailurcot this attempt' to place-the Demeersitio:partY:of Pennsylvania upon the platforni-of enforce& nqtro equality; stand a guide post, an warn ing to future generationsrand to the breed of 'de es while Such dist. The,Democa• racy Of . Pena: have :not teen; are Mit now • and never wilibe the adyocates or 'defenders Of universal enfranchisement as proclaimed _by the so-Called - 15th amendment..- They re pudiate tile.. whole 'unclean :mess, and the Demoeracy ' of . Philadelphia' have placed -themselves square on the record, and, in re organizing, have spoken out entpliatic Con demnation of the lime-serving, aptl-Demo cratie. course which resulted in the , political •and pecuniary bankruptcy of ' the.' : ' Club House, it ;Ninth and 4.reh. • "The , white above the black," will hereafter 'be the ral lying cry of; the, Democratic legions; and in thazioriouisign of .a white man's govern ment, •the Democracy of Pennsylysinia ' will -fight out the battle. ; "• c . AN. .6X-REtigL ON. TEM .VIFTFENTIL AMENDMENT.—In the course of a letter to.e committee of - freedmen's. celebration at, Richmond,' Mr. Robert W. Hughes says : Incolored race hasaiready bee,n-rworded In the Southern Statee by the act of Retort- , struction, that equalitywith the , white race, j In all things before the-law," - which the Fif teenth amendment . guarantees ;- • and this particular Measure-extends the same rights to them in all parts of the Union which bad been secured in the .South. Timis it is a measure no hes of justice to the,-South tion of justice - to the colored men erthe North. And vet, strangely:enough; the opponents of . the Republican,party, South ithd North, op. , ' nosed this measure. - Every Democratic Northern State andevery Democratic South em State, except these which- noted upon; compulsion, refused- to ratify the Areendi meht. therefore, exclusivelx and pei culiarly a Republican measure; deSigned the Republicart - -party for the benefit of dim : South and of the colored race yip the istorth; - - and constituting a branch- of its benignant policy-of peace between the sections *Add* Having been myself a , re bel" until_ e cl , ;of the war, it was'nattiral d have arrived at t he ' conclusion , slowly raioetintly, '(brit r entertain it profnUndfy,) that the policy of the • Republican • thirty is the'only policy that can se*' ales the late war, and,. substantial peace 'betweei races. "In thia . wilicy of more than any other Stet therefore, in the interest-:o and in the face of sectional irilement, I fight, as a SO MI E=M=l _ iii fit. As'ro /I'S land °Meals InPrirnie St., - ~ ...i..l.lnear Ifroadway, abolde quarter ON mile r - ! front his residence. As he - don : ft. advertise, -. one might pass the little brick office.w,ithout .. noticing.t he stk inch by ten sigh---'!Entrant cei ,neststicr," - withCout realizing that. the spot • Uhereirt-kie stood was the Centre eta kingdom.'- • - • "Next doer" is a plain brick:building, being . .. - .• - the tifeproof depository of tiect.S. , tuid. other Valuable papers.. Here three. or .cour clerks * ... are' bitsily employed, and a smaller Office .• ' is occupied by the real, estate king. • The.' • • plan of letting houses which preValls laere is - _, this : The buildings are ‘ reg tare in it tiook „ • , and are.carefully dt,eri sot ..:.:- at a glance „ one can seellie size of e - of Lunt:that of lie, house and all its' imp overnentS„' lb this'., att-• tached the rent and • length . of lease:le hi ' ' book hi diligently studied, especially- about --, the first of February, which is The. time for ... . 'tusking new leases._ When the rout is deter= -_ mined for the' Coating year s :it - is a settled:: • • thing-, and no one need, ry to beat down.. . It. was a fortunate thing for. the Astor es tate e that it was located on the west instead ':. of the east side of the city, since the one has' ' improved tired. times as fast as the other.. This, in 0 . .1 li p t Imrovement _requirt. a fre quent ifit'"". !...4e in the magic figureof the • rent roll: , For, instance, :the eight. stores in • -.. • tjao basement of _the. Astor House when first: opened *were - dear at $l5OO apiece, but then , eatbe the gradual "sticking 'em. up" until': , - thtAY now bring :1 4 6000. - . Mr. - 'Astor fiXes a. • fate which he knoWs be eau get,,and. then, • . as I- stateil,.he Makes no abatement.' If you •„ • iiittirerat biS office for the lent of any.:..of.his buildings, the clerks will refer to the book • - nd at °nee. give yeti a conclusive 'ftwirer. iThe next ,question is the amount of reptSirs• 'lto - which it may be entitled; which is getter '- 'ally •a fruitful source of diSputes betWeeti.', lauilord and-tenant. Mr. • Aster couthies this to a luau who has been.-maliy.yearkiti ' • . his Ren'ice, N'reeltind by. name and career by trade:" Mr. Vreeland Is.A.ator'S house. In- • Spector, and his report is Ansi. , If yottlam - ...-; perSuade him that •any - specitied. repairi are. :: neceessary,' youl point is Won, if not,.'Yeu, need. go no further. Mr. 'Vreeland hits . fitt., 'force of workmencwho are thus kept - busy. . , : Astor has tone advantage, dyer ()thee' land'.* lorqs— He pays no Anstirance. He is his own underwriter and saves' all the;prOiltiof . that expensive.busi.ness. .We're he to patron- ' ..ize insurance companies,- and appraising his houses at :- - .4.11N0 apiece-be would have to pay about .$2.5,!.}00-annuallyffer piainiutits; where, • his actual fire risk wilNicit ti.e.rage"one-third: that amount.; Indeed; lie lifts ieeu - very for tunate in this point,-and Ediritibt:if.his loss -by fire.during the last tw'en'ty years - equals $-s'ooo per year. • • _ CCIITERIZAN 4 EXN. - PYROTECHNICS. • ki The -pulling of a beH-Wire cOmmtinicat ing With the outside worldabove,ftused thd L cable• to start again ; aud - the water-bucket:- holding se'veral bogslreads - r when fled;ebut now a= flaccid, dripping maSs-Lascended , the surface, and disappeared; _Another sig.! . toil; and with a -wild, hissiing milse, - enlarged"" by I:he:echoes - into a great surge of sound; a burning rocket,ratne tearing down the tiro, lighting it.up for an, instant as it passed, and, 'rushing into the lower depthai..exploded with a'terriflcerash hundreds of feet beneath ils. , Another and . , another folrowed, and then there .was a False:. Our attendants told.tts that something really grand was-coming.. We doubted; the•yossiblllty (51' anything more,: grand than what we hail already witnessed being in store for us, but looked and-listened.. 4 We could see that a ball of Some &ilk sub-: stance—our idtendants said it was a ball of: mai/now. fibre; four' feet in diameter, saturated With liquid resin , --was being swung out on: Iron hooks over the Mouth of the tiro. This ball was ignited with & torch, and after it"' become eompletely_enwrapPed in. paxae, the cry of ".1.-o(2k, outl4'llook ,out - !" (in Spanish) echoed fit rougii tile:chamber, and we sawthe" great, blazinr, rushinglike a d - • •sttoying, conitlt toward us.. Down, down it • came, add, with a roar like the loudest thun- - '- . der that -ever !ttart led 'mortal ear, thq; flame trailing belifiid-ii_twenty or thirty Met, dap. - zling and blindibg us with its litrlif.glare; it shot past us, and -went bounding and ertush ing into the black, cavernous deptWi. low: Startled, Stunned, deafened blindest, several of_the party retreated from tberink, and refused to witness a repetition of this stupendous sulderrankan'pyroteehnte .-TWo other lire-balls were lighted,. and sent roaring down tile. tiro, each apearing to waken the echoes with added force; as they . past us like the li noblet-belt r atid a more blinding glare. • I dattht - if one could behold thceqtial of this scene, above or below groithd; in a life-time of travel._ • I• never wit nessed anything to be eerupared with -it for , a moment, among •la he works of men.---=l. From and Unikr Ouonajtcato;" , fa 1 10v#Au.Am) MosTito7 for May. • WA WIEETIV:I3 ITT STAi ; :i - A .11).:Viii:WRA.1" bg :I.ENTA piker3tsTANcks.—During the : days. of;lavery,l.3fr:l4.li Bartlett df owned a slave- T isane by name. • The Tnaster bring a temporary resititzt of . ...Item..- . phis in went into the rebellion:. Isaac remained in body within the-federal , dines. In fact he never left Covington 7 -hut„ like 'many whito.neighbors, his heart anti sympathies were - with the South. Hence, Isaac was, ' flu ring the war, called - a rebel, and . Mince the ,war a Den : mend. For six. years 4 - pagt he has been quite a.well-know,n . chaxaell -- -' • . .1 ter ott our, streets.. Ills face is as black as thel P ace of, spades, and. his mouth suggests his great Capacity for pets and beans . , Ike reads the papers; and has'bi. , en AWaiiing: for some r. time the coming of udetifteent!rnendnient." Thursday morninghis eyes'were gladdened With the sight ofilresident Grant's pro . clainti- • tion, annolincing - 'the adoptkin 'Di' , the 'neck , feature.; Ike is generally.temperate, 'but we are pained to say he was net Arictly - so en Itursda:V. I aTact. he was a little "how come You so."' Pitislug down :Nfadisere Street; he 'met nu: old white .acquilntanee, who like himself,-had been separated, from his prihei! pies dtiring-the.late.unpleaSantriess. He -ac costed-Ike with "How are you, to day?" , Ike'—" You ask me how I is. tell you. For fiftY-tive years dose old legs been carryint sa nigger 'iound, but tank - tied th day ries it rninn." . Dtlnecnit—'llut you r tue still a DeMocrat,' , hope"."_ , was a nigger-I ullsa Dent ocrat. ntfir I am 'a• mah. Whether .stays 'a Derhocrat 'pen& very "much, on dr,: Cumstances:. Imust ifteet,ohdat." • Democrat moving am afraid we shall havetteme troulile breaking in thesafel -lows. expect the. Died. Scott matter of eonrsi will' stick in their. craws for tt . long lIR TILE LOVE OP THE BEAI.7,TIFut.-7-Place a ~ young lady under the care of a klnd-hearted;, grateful Woman, and she, uncoriscietisly . to. " . herself,-grows•to g,raceful lady. Place's boy in the eseablishmeut of a thorough-going, • straight-forward business man, and the boy.. . becomes a self-reliant, practical businessman., Qhildienare susceptible creablres, and sirt•• cunistances, ;scenes and. actions, always- lm- ' '''prey them. As you influence them, not by arbitrary rules; not by stern efFampie • !. but In the thousand other ways 'that speak throligh bright, scenes,- soft utteranee and pretty pictures, so Will they:grolv . .-• , Teach your eldldren T -to. love the beautiful.' .Pive ' • , them a corner in, the garden for IloWers, courage them to put in , shape the hanging-, .. baskets, allow them to have ',the4; favprlte. '. trees, lead them-to Wander in the prettiest. -Worsilots, - sliovi them :where they can best' see the sunset, rouse thefn in the morning,. not With the Stern "time to work,".btft with the enthusialitic"see the beautiful sunrise," buy for them pretty pictures and -encourage • them to decorate their rooms, each in his, or . -her'Own childiSh way. The instinct Is In: theni.'- Give them an inch and they-'will go •• • a mils. Allow themthe privilege and,,lhey will inake your homes beaiitiful. • ;.• • Wiirrrluat's HYMN.—The following e;„. quitlite hyttin,•written for • the OCCOMIOII by John ,Cu t Wh ittier,was Sung by the choir nt• , Arlin'gron Mureh, Boston, daring the Attie- • ml servites over the remains of tho, Hon. Anson Burlingame: ' With silence only as theirhertelltert°4 - _ God's angel tome,, • _. • • • • .• whore jn the shadow pf a groat' nigOlittlon • . The seta sits ilurnh. _ , Yet Would tregay what every heart iipproVeth. , Onr Father's will, SlOalling to lila the dear ones whom be loveth, Inlnerc7 - • Not upon us or once the solemn. angel . Rath , evil wrought. The funeral antheat is a glad evangel, The good die not. , dud oats-OUT ioved ones, but , e love not.whelli • 'Whit he htuo given : ASTOX'S 110 W IT IS ,lIALNAGVD. they'llco on esirth tbsugh4anil deeds tnitr • As Ur „ - Two linwAnt,. - En chaps on a dnnik ir MEI 11l E MI ME 9. r ESIEII =EI I -- t-} t'i , 4 'Y E I .. , .1 - 1 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers