El N y }. FORTY-SIXTH YEAR.. No. 18., COAL ,r,r 13prt iticimonb. Pied No. 4, Port BleknouL WEL' & 00 ., _ , Mtnprs and Shippers of tlaellest Quslttlas . LOCUST.,...IIOUNTALN AND BLACK BSA= • • • C. O AT-48, For ;Slunpfucturing and Domestic nee, and Sole . I. Agents in all markets • • Fon Viz 611,1111!-ATCD 1 ' 0 VINg.NNOT WHITE: •. -Aftli, AND • • • -• ,1 f c. C KSON WILBERIVE" WALS. • onosX_Wainnt St. Pl:Madelphls, ffi • , Oces : 111 P Broadway, Now York. I.'ll Duane Street, Doston..- G. 11. Wzikr. '.llllzinv W. NAG.LIL SusiwzN. 'Iwo( A. Rim, JR, Jan. I,'i " • ' t iPier No. 5, Port IlielisnowiL - HAAS . St . B . RENIZER-, . Miners and Shipaers of . • •,- TV SUPERIOR ' • 4 _ 1 U RKEY RUN' COAL, ~. ~; AliD SOLE AoasTit Ma." .7. . •• L. Graut & C0..1 Celebrated . .1. ) /-• A !iZ . K . R I'D . -:Gt . C P A L,. . . . i, . • 1 ,•. 215 Wannt St.; Philadelphia, 0:11rea: I. St Trinity Building, New York, . • 1 11 Deane 5t.., - . Boston. ,•' 1'.4.12, '7O . 5- 2-1.• .., . . . . 1 . . CASTNER t , STICKNEV & : WELLINGTON. ... Miners - .and Shippers of Coal.. I(IIIiNS,IDE from their Burnsido Col. at Shainoktn: 1.!-;-W1s VEIN (BO Ash.) LoCUST 510ITNTAIN (White ash.) - -- i 3.39 Trintty.Ballalinp,New York. others: -1, go 3 'Walnut Street, .Plilladelphia. - - - I . l . „':20 Doane Street; Boston. _, ' WiIAID , No. a; poirr..nicHatoxH, PHILA. • 1 .• - Pier.'l7; - 'royi nichusartd. JEL9MM:E TT, I%TEILL & CO., r - Shippc4s,of Anthracite & Bituminous C 01A_E'.. ME tl,NTs l 4or. the rile of the celebrated fiIiENAN-• O.A If CI lit W 1 (3, GAN Qf TiIIEBEL% Loctust Mona .l,daliatt It9rashle. , Sharapkla U"` Cite Ash Coal. • , • Alsrt, F.POHI': and, PEACH MOUNTAIN Red Ash Coal. - FROM 110BOKEN`,' d ..Tho iarietk's of. Lehigh and Iloylau'a CELE- I'EI) MI LY COAL. , 'Al.o, Sole Agents in tHe Ilastern market for. the s'N t !antic ninl c,,orges Creek. Co.'s celebrated BITC . . r )11 No Us -1: L. . :0A • ... ( riktladelphia: 247 Walnut Street, ;pew Bork, Room 0, Trinity Building, rrovidunest, 27 Custom House Street, t Boston, 25 Boum) Street. . February , .'"IPJ • .*" o.'Port f lUchanond.. - JOHN .R. WEEETE. & SON; Skippers . of Coal, No. 3!6 WALNUT ST., PHJILAOLPHIA: • oepotn for Storige and Sore: * of Coal : • '1 Ni,. 511 Went Thirteitilth Street, Now York. ' No. BU2 Third Arenoe...New York. lye.' WlLitrt i No: 09, 1nd1.4 Street, Pro*ldenee. 1. ColbrA IVhart Mt. • Wa.hinuton Avenue. noar redernr.::titeet, Ito Moo. " Jan.'l,lo-.l— Fakimprbir COAL 'Or LYEZNIEI VALLEY: DF:ALEfts-tARE CAUTIONED that. there . are but four - Hnilieries which mine this Coal,. all „of- NV 1 I tett are ander the mrmagement , of the undersign-. For the year IWO SISIvICKSON & CO., of Phila delphia, will be tifeonly Agents for Its sale In New ymtilted,'New York, New Jersey, and. South of Cape I ry, mid HALL BROS., & CO., of lis s itimore for all oilier points. Our Agents will deal in no other coal whatever, and4partles wishingt beipure genuine artl c'e must plieure itof therm The object of this caution As simply. o enable those Interested to buy under standinglyl. The Agents; and their assistants for the 'above points, areas follows: SINNYCKSON &CO., °ended Agents,. Iv Walnut. street, l'hiladelphla; their New Ydrk oMct7 is at Iteiom OS, Trinity BuildingsrJOS. Ci.' \ItIOISY, Agent; assisted by ELISHA MOSELEY, Agent, :r2 Slimmer street, Boston. . HALL BROTHERS & CO., Generid Agents; riloloat' avenue, Baltimore, Md.-• resented at Han; rishurg, Pit., by JOSEPH 0.13 T :BRETT. Orders should bb given to either of the abtive named parties, owl to no one els:, WM. B. FON , : LE;General Mimager of the Summit Brandt It. B. Co., tba Short Mt. Coal Co.,:aud Ui Lykeus Valley Coal Cu,- [Jan. 1, '7O-1 rler NO. 10 Fort Rtshntond. ~ .. SINNIOKSON & GAO., . ? . sole Agruts for the Sale and ihipnient of the 4renklio Coal of Lykens Valley, " . - 1 . . I o :.%; ew, England, New York, New-Jersey and South - • i , of ettpe Henry. . • .132 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.. • Offices : 63 Trinity Unilding, iirew Tart. 39 Suitimer Street, Boston. • . JOSEPH G. MOODY: Agent, Jan. 1, 70.1- , P. o.llos. 003% New York. WALTER, DONALDSON - A CO., MINERS AND , r "VVIAITEC. AND - BED ASH COAL. SOLE AGENTS for the Celebrated "THOMAS LEHIGH " COAL • , / 205 'Walnut Street , Phlladvlpldis. Offices: 19 Trinity Building. .tiaw York. • 19 Doane Street, Horton. WITS tF—Plet 11 Port Richmond. .• , • • WO' Pier 13 North . Port Itsrhrnoitd. JOHN 'C. SCOTT S ONS , Miners and Shippers ofCoal SOLE - AGENTS POE THE BALeO7 MAPLE DALE; LOCUST MOUNTAIN Whit. Asl i•BR - N Deep Red Ash: • 4 i velimand.Almllar 111 . 1111 respects to .the ISKF.NE4 VALLEY 1T,4,741t. SHAMORTS Red Ash.. 1111LADELPTIV1--140. 220 Wii . lttpt St. otrites: 110STON—No. 10 Doane St. ,1141:1V -143 , 1111111 Itrondway. Chamber- , !'reitch, Agents. , .14p 1„ 71 3"ler 14. South, BORD 4 , KELLER-&'NUTTINt 1 . Miners and Shippers of , 4Ceal, WE:cT LEHIGH. GREFNWOOD, TA. Ni AQ CA s H AFT, . - HELViESDA.LE, ° . . , • EfWEItT LORBERHY, '• - . iottr e ul FRANELIN-RED • ASH, ' . • '''• Nr • BLACK IfEATH, _ ~,„. _ .. , •. i , BIO RUN LOCUST -MT. • • . !, ' ' •GARRETSON, GIHAII , IWILI,,E. , 1. 4 - .ll;Kiihy St.. Beaten. • - • nr.l:,-; :, ', ittnnn GS Trinity Unilding. N.Y. ) :t27•Walstitt Street, Philadelphia. ' . - - Merit. • • • BottpA. ICELLE'R N'CITE4G. • I N' )Itll. F kyANK NV I lITk ASH. A 1,111 21, 1'1:0.4 y• . • DAY HUDDELL St , CO . C 0 ..; Coal. Miners: &Shippers of' , w..maiint. St.. Philadelphia, (niirey:: 4 I Broadway, (Trinity Building) N., T. (1 . i)oatie‘Streit, Boston. Ag.nta f:iJint sale of thd fullotslpg oeletwatoti Coals: . AB LEIGH. LEHIGH 111('KuV.Y"f:OAL CO.'S HICKORY AND DRAPER COALS, and the.. ' EXCELS Olt CUM. CU.'S SHAMOKIN. CoAL., Ner No. IS,Pt. (Pier N 0.3 Elizabegip' t, Jut'. '7.11 - . . . ' ~ - 1 , Pier e. IV fart Sleitisesi. -JOHN ROMII4f.L.; JR,, & BROTHER, - Stkl.E AGENTS rov. : - - ' . Le raterite' sal welllospeje HILL VOLUM, Witte Ash. e - S•yerler HENS* CLAY, iridty frit...borate( Pink AA.' he Ce.ebrlttrd DAISIIID.. WEIMER Deep Red Ash '.. BROAD TI?P SEII.UITLRISOCti.. . R..IVEN'A WING -taniOn at 1114abottrport. ' • • i V 0744 Walnut St.,' rltileoli. Diners : ~• ;i2l - Miser street. Itoeteet.- • . .. - • ) Rome 53, Malty ItlaDdloic, Nett Tor*: . ilt;..x . r.u.ALA (7 lorlc-5.4./4 DEL V: DUGG, ituolsregl by T:I,ItItOWN end E. I'. UPHAM. Stereb 6; 410--10. V - A - ttUSEN BROTHER & CO., '. 1. 11rwirot n 4 tp!ilppi!rit#l'. 0,. . S 2 • • A 1.4 ~. 01.1 Compdiosen 1.1.10. leeist lleenials, Load. Cap, 1 Yrll.kesbarre., Leldetli,:ialtatbst WHITE AND -RED ASH COALS. ' A ,-: irk nichntood. ,SIIIPPINO WIiAAVMS: Elhutbethpget, ' . Jenmoy City., ' • .: . . #1 ‘%eiP ut. tract, PhllwlelOds. ' y • orricvzs: ,311 BTOO4llWay, New York... ' t‘ ti 5 Whine Kt.. Medan.. - Itall,noa-la. Jr J. IMVEYO • ( wx. itionnitut DO EY & KENDRICK; Xliieri sat! billson et tbe 4tialt,ralag Sli36 or Rainbow. arid 14y1Stoni 00,A.LS. • ' Wharf 3e. ML Port tlelusisii.' . - - ••. 1 riallaiphlis—ita limit street. Puturettle-.Cestre tlitriest : Ouie4l4: Illestos—No. la ammo. ilk, Jogai. Nook Wa sidna . D. ' 4 Avila. tao ' • C.—tri i AVIIII. Februnryl29, 'eli ' ... . S4l .., ~. , • - , ~ - „ • • . • • • ...‘ - -.....••••.....1 . - ~ .. . . • ' " r - : •-, , , {•, - , r. ' . . . . • . . (-.:! 1"', , 1 • " . • • , . . , • • , '• Ai KA 1.... i NT VI 1:•-•"1 .7 2hra •• ° • * - - -= -- =: - - -2 - 7 ..;•11#4 - . -i “ ' -, Is_-- _ - - --; irt -, -- - - : -. 4;•.. - ' 3,•__ ..•,7 ' ..._-••••_,::,... ".- 4, 7 ....• ...,.• ' . ,-• .7,11 ~.. ~.-•• : 7, ~ -: --„, 7 : ••-- ~ - . -, ,• .. r" • . , • • .• • : .- .- • - . ' ‘ .l\ -: I .. .. - • .. .. ,-`-- .... _. . ; ...- - -:.•":;" .... -..t. ".....;C:i'..i.. i • .. , r :....- , „,. , . •• ' ...-.•-.,,--- - • -.` i.; ... • . • - - - -- '. 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A . . , . _ 4•' ....'' f,• - ,, - 7 • . _ , . 0-4\4 ,- r ~.., , . ---..,_ „.., 7 ,-_-, ,‘• --. , 5 .-.. ......, •:: . ,/ .: -- -'• . . . ... . . .- , t..... „. , ~ ..- 4 " 4 A- ~.- 4 . -1 ' l4- :: 44l e *- ..,,,...-_,..... _ ~....„--- ' '....r . ‘ , . ,e . -- , ;'. .7 ......,‘ ~.--: . ..-... -- .. ,-- , i'l l t ~ . .... - . . .• . , ' , , t:. • . . . . , . i - .7.--111p, .:- ?' • • . 7.. " , i., ..,.. - rt110. 4 .5f . -- - . ' . k . {' ' .t t ' .1 _,,, , • . 4=e4 tol: 7r ...' - - , fr, •.1. , , , ..,. . ... „ • , - - ' 4 . ...... -:,-. 4 . : ,: ......;'t t. -4.4 Ai • - . . —IL-. ; . , - --- " 4-51:1 "`" - " --434 _ .. --- 4 -...-- \ ,•-• . . . • • -.) - .••••.:, .; : .r - '... 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'' • Illblend agoolilet So - Aft ( K bminsfly hi alirsiltitiVltikpiaa in!s!pilig *t *etaut* 4:141in:4* the Didlict ,_ 44f Oar/lied Ettatealte thiEssters Marie' of Penorpilaki. , ---,-.' - • - , ' • - " ' • -"• • • ' •- ' ' . . . - . . • =I IMO •-- 1-ly DE ADVERTISEMENTS. Port lidjutonb. Pier xe. 17, Pcirt AUDENRIED. NORTON VCO.i, Minters and Shippers of FIRST CLASS COAL, I Loctrar NovirrAnc..._ . Prom oar two large aadcolebratod Collterles ULUL NORTON h co "COIfTIIENT>b,"......OOODRIDOE A AUDENRIED LOILUERET. • Irtea Burning Rid Ash, and. Splendid Preparation. p3LICETT COLLIERY,.„-:.. --Owen, Long & Co. MIDDLE CBE= COLLIEBY,...-.C..Colkett, Print. 111WILOIMG ENTERPRISE COLLIERY, T. Thaingardner, Prost. Locust Mountain and Lorberry, aka its Seituylkill Canal, to ill points accessible by boats. • 13111 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. Odle's: 111 Broadway, New York. ~ 17 Damao Strsrat, Boston.' • .7. T. ADDENRIE C. P. NORTON..' , CHAS. D. NORTO N , , B. CIORRRLL, . ' 1. '7l). .10 ..... A Ps_. Na. 11. rt. liSehmosiiL SNYDHII 8 SHOEMAKER, Shippers and Deniers c o4;L, 601.1 .sa=ris Volt 0. W. fibiTITMIS WILLL KNOWN PINE FOREST COAL ZS WALNUT ST.. LOUIS SNYDER. Jan 1,'70 . B 3 Tanirry Biisiamto, . Rtw Yoax. C. B. SHOEMAKER. . 1-11 • new No. 11 Port Rlehinond. 1 i iseozos I. itiPPLDIS, W. P. GORDON, IL r. RIPPLINR. REPPLIER, GORDON . & CO., iiINZRS AND 15111DPIREI OP' ` . • LoCust Mountain, Mammoth . Vein, Red ' Ash, Lorberry, and TOWER. CITY, „LYKENS VALLEY. COALS, 229 WaLont Street, PldladelphDi. • 13Meee:111 Broadway, (Room No. 8) Now York. i 27 Doane Street, (Room - No:3), Boston. mereli '7O IS.: • TIIONAX CAIN.. .NOILNIS HACI:Na. JICISE K.-COON. CAIN; ': }TACKER & COOK. SHIPPERS OT LOCUST GAP, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, BLACIC HEATH. ALIO, DZALT.BB IN OTLIEU TIRE! QL'ALITII2I OT White and Red Ash Coals, 2141 Walnut itreet, Philadelphia, and Wood : land Wharvk il l i e t hnyll B. STRYKER., • , • SHIPPED AND AGENT, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Jan. 1. '70.-1 - • '.Pier 19,' port Richmond. LOVE,..I3OYER & - CO:, - SHIPPERS OF Anthracite • and- Bituininous • SOLE AGENTS FOR - • ' CUMBERLAND VEIN BITUSIINOUS,COAL {334 Walnut, Si., .philadelphia. • Offices, 13 Doane St., -Boston. ' . 51 - arch 5.70 *7 Custom Howse St., Provillotyee. Scljuqtkill gonntu. J. 41%11 4 . S J C NN - E , /Crier and Shipper of the Celebrated LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL. Jan 1,70. AIfrPSVILLE, SCIIUYLKILL ' CO., PA. HENRY - CLAY COAL. WE BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT TUE SUPERIOR AND WELL EZ:OWN HENRY CLAY COAL, Which give such unbounded antiataetion the past year, will ecitithiue'to be shipped • c - PORE and FREE FROM MIXTURE, - • An 4 can only be had troni our eieldslite Agents for all tide-grater nursketa. JOHN 11031iEL, JR. Sc f2o3 l ,4.,Wahnit Street, Plated& °Sloes, 33 — Trinity itaildiat, New York. . Si Doane"Street, Naito's. .. . :.,., . .. . MU To Idiom all orders should= be addressed. THIS COAL IS A HANDSOME, BULKY, LIORT, FREE BURNING ARTICLE, And we pled ourselves to`cootlnue 14 . . \ LS* • • -.1 r. • - PREPARATION SECOND TO NOM . - 4nd confidently recommend It ea the , e SST FitEE BURNING COAL IN Tnr., 3tAitkET ROBERTSbN, GUITERMAN'& CO Mare,h 12, "M HELL & HARRIS. -•- Best aid 'Purest Coal In the biarket. • • WE have made est ve troproVements (luring thepsit ietutoit: wttlett alt larriy ttie pro. duetion here Oft :tart will be used to f. . • • * ••1 • KEETUP , E STANDARD OF PREPARATION. . - - ropeetil attention will be given to Owe foe 'anima hietureni. puHrpomm. . . . , IXIAL Is grays shipped by !Welt slid Inized or adultwatak SOLE AGENTS, MI - (To 'foam all onieri shoubl be addreised) , ',.. :, 10101 ROMMEL"; Jr., & BR ~t e e Pllll242. 21 Ilgabsa.._ • Trfs l / 2 New Tae} sr .440 Jan 22,70. IMO li=sll BEM =I flAtabttpliia, &C. SCHUYLIMIX NAVIGATION. shipph w Mums for, ArruLan alit It'ilnemeieb. Deism!, ilser, PhtlitielAbh • ' LEWIS AVDPIREID • ' • • • •aaarts sou ins SAL" or . ma Wolf ('reek Slaaest Caillemayan ; 's Dimond Bad mad • ; Mask Sea* Wilts Mk Coabh. 1335 Walnut Street, PldladelphlO. . OFFIOES: Ile Broadway, New York. • 14 xubp Street, Boston. •:~ 1 -! Y• DAVIS PEARSON & CO., xixEss AND SHIPPINS or Me mamma Loan mourner minx vat AND ` RED ASH CDAIL . • . ;• • . No. Lt/ W r /L n it Staeel , Phlladerta: . OFFICEEt: ho 111 , Y. Ream 4ick, 9, ri t aty u in New York; 1 No. 11 Denbo Street, BoeAd OREMMICH, DELAWARE AVENRE WHARF. Jan. 1 . 'ap-1. i . . , • THOMAS C. PARRISH, saiirs IND DZILLIS Lehigh, gehpilkill aTkil A. • •• - Consignments on Commission Solicited and taken on favorable Terms. -; ,Clean-34i Walnut SL, Ildiadelpida. ' gay 'B9. . • gorbtm ) gretk. I= FRANKLIN , -EAST LORBERRY VEIN VIAL. MY 11ABT PBANKLIN LOBBERTLY COAL Is now sold exclusively by Messrs. REIPPLJEIt, GORDON & CO., wit° are my sole Agents. 'parties ordering front them may alwitys depend upon get ting a pure article. • . . {No. 329 Walnut Rt., rn Philadelria. OFFICER: No. 111 Broadway, Hoo 8, . ew. York. - ! No. 'X Doane street, Room 3. Boston., ' .an 1.'69-1- s - HENRY HEIL; gnu Ijork. WY. 1011133;NBVITEL. , . J 01.124 D. WEIIOIXICBrIYEL. WM.. ; HEISSENBUTTEL. - 0. CO., i . • -! . 3hipperii and Wholesale:Dcaleis In Schuylkill, Lehigh . anci , Cumberland . : .0 'O . A ii, ... TRINITY BUILDING„111 BROADWAY. Room 81, i . P.O. Bo* :Snit, NEW YORK.. ' Sole !Agents for New. York and '‘7,lclnity for the Sale of LE GRANT LeO.44`PLANK RIDGE, and 11AAS & BRENIZSR'S TURKEY RUN COALY. : ; march tli, 70: . - ' .-. :;,-,, -13"1y . . . DAVIDSON, YOUNG & CO. - . . WROLESALE DEALERS V. I LOCUST MOUNTAIN _SHAMOKIN, LEHIGH', CUMBERLAND. SCRANTON Ac WILKEI3I.III.IO4E • i . 1 C OAES. , ' - ROOMI No. 16, TRINITY BUILDING, NEW YORE. W 1 44. M. DAVIDSON, formerly of Tyler it Co: . SAM'L.B. YOUNG:formerly of Cialdwell;Oordoridc Co ROBERT R. SUCK3IAN. r lan 15.'70' . r : 3-ly _ • . - : 'WHITE, FOWLER & SNOW, (Successor, to John Wilts & C 0.,) SUIPPERS Or I LE111011,! • • LOIX:ST MT., • , • . ' • WI LKESRARIIP, SCRANTON and _ CUMBERLAND C 0 lA_ L - ! ..- 0111eo=-No :3 !Trinity Building, II BroadttaY,N. Aprllll, • . pT JOHNSON & HOBOK:EN. COAL. . , . . , . . . ~ . VAN WICIrT.P. & STOUT, , . ILINISRE 'AND 'BBIPPRIOI OF THE Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" (kohigh) Coals, Froni the Ebervale and the StotdC,ollierica, near Hazleton, l's. Delivered direct from mines on hoard iVeseela at PT. Jon3sol, HOBOKEN, and NEW. BiLUNSWICE.,N.J., ~ , .. , ' 1 44 ,k 40 ,TrinitY Bailding, 0 Offices: 11l Broadway„'New York. ''; . i • (Temporary at liii Broadway.) • ; i . HaY36. 88 .. „ ; . '; . :20, yER PLANCK & ATWOOD, WLIOLESALK DEALERS IS tEniqn, • . , • BCIIUI:LKILL, .., WILKESBARIIF . SCRANTON, `and •• • , . . • ~ ' tillAllplil..N . . 0 - 9 ' • ..- C A. .1,. - I - No. 77 Zlialt7Bulldlai, 111 Bedindway, now York. P. W. it'aßPl:4-NK, Zan Q '7o CALDW/ELL, CONA.NT & wwro. , NO. 1111371021.DWAY, NEW 1"0111k. • (litixono.33 and 36 Trinliir Building.) : - w noLasais DE. 9•ats km , LF.III9II,pIMILKEITTI3TOVA-RWASH. :; MAHANOY, SCRANTON, - LOCUST MOUNTAIN, CUUBPRLAND, Bria&D TOP, WPC., • 0 A 1.4* S . • COLE .A GENTS for New York and the• North of the .celebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FREE BURN. INO LEI - 11011 COAL E PRIMROSE, THE POWELTON:SemI-bltulnino - ds and ,other . first-rate Collieries. ' • JAMES W. CALDWELL, C. B. CONANT, WALTER W.F..W07.N.1. • April , —l4 rIPPXCE OF THE NIAGARA ELEVAT- N.., INO (.10,.. COXXIMCIAL BLOCK, BOMA LO, 1.1%. Y. • •-•- COAL. COAL. ::' . COAL. . THE NIAGARA ELEVATING -CO., .luMing large surplus of Lot and Dockage, v:111 be prepared at the opening of naylotiou to receive from the Erie Otvial, or, Lake, any quantity of COAL - for storage or trmashluient to any place East-by Canal or west by aietakes, - npon as favorable terms as any 'parties In Duiralo. Their lot Is well , located for a general city business. rch ZiO9 CYRUS CLARKE, Viee-Presitlent. Ma • 13—tf Pining Podium), tic Ovan 20 It E.A.31.8 EXPEILLENCEni TEE BtitipTESS. PETER K .11OffnuelVS g eic.. , - - _,Q,-.;i4h. -- , • • , 2 • .=_ ....„.„,....., ,__. co 41) Illi6 3 ne-EV/airie . , AM RTC AN CHAIN CABLE IVORKR; ' ERMITONe NEW JERSEY. The undersigned, "' who Is a practical Chain 'Manu facturer, informs Coal Operators and others that he is pre at shdo r pare. to make Flat or Crane Chains oflevery. size t notice. Particular attention Wen to Flat Chatn for slopes. For nuttier information send for circular. . Fete- 10, •68-71--tf SQ,IILRE ROD AND WIRE SCREENS J. LAUBENSTEIN. MANUFACTURER OF 89114. RE ROD AND WIRE SCREENS. PATENTED FEBRUARY 4, 1882. liiisEramixt, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA. THE. SQUARE ItOD SCREENS, ON ACCOUNT of their superior strength and durability, are watered to all others wherever tried . Screen Bolts, all slzsa,slwayson hand. Orders promptiT fl lied at moderate prices. • May S, M A.NRFACTUREES OF COAL . SCREENS. ii.rim•Gyrzug, E. Illonit.a. L. LAIOIENSTEIN & CO Sumessori to ;ohn R. Dlkhii2. MannfaOturer of Coil Screens, Of. the Lateit • and Most Approved Styles, The Undersigned who are practical llereen Mann.. lisetuyeirs, informs Q Operators and oth that they are niandiketuring a new 130 AL SCBE PM , tented June 22; ISK and another patented August. mg: they guarantee that the man will alwaysFetalp Its mutual sire until entirely worn out. • - •Beeond•hand Screens.. and llegusents alwaysi on 'hand: • • we ily solid tu oontlnuaties ot the patfon ---1 so Übe' T LALTIIMMTEIN & nafirood BLrear of EataTira Hardware 8 Jan I, . • Pattaattr,%. age beret O , COAL •OPERATOR 3. MINZEta AND • kinsop - 4 .13:14); Locomotive Balldevai , Dia BEA= gnaw. Piettspat.estra,'Pa., Would call Your , attention to thtlr *Mot/ 'Cott Alerseee Locomotives designed for Wide or vo w& work and for any required gunge of mad end santle• est curves, with capacity to draw from Sl' tod/O tons Htoad. _ • I - Having developed in both the Anthraeite and Bi tuminous regions of Pennsylvania, the wad soeresi. /US nousel InftisatiVe In the country, they offer . with confidence their, various styles of Losecaanotive Engines with Ovary gnaratetoe of their Werfonsus ship add performance, sad refer to the many pow In operation in the several mining districts, Welfare's and forges in the State and oountry. _ _ , .I.Theiggeoen. Bat wit. great ; power developed. to- Rather: with their .durability. power eetinosny soul light daily eapeassas over mai power or ordinary IMOlllOthetle.“.. Wirral by their exPerienneif atcretal ywars)wwsken vest saving in extolls"' fr•lf ..leftnrit lieselriest oat Piro rams/Ore Woo Yeltsuary Aga , g.ssin • swerreeirsze MOO= CASTER OD, New York.; ' else , Hemp oe el des: taisletee peinte4. The Reps mealuesaelW Welds arm saw easederiel try 111 sorties Was theek us beet sled bandeomet Rayon's's in the iroXie timers/day lboaette, drawn tram th e beet 11 Ins nitwit abipt, in esuar. 8. Navy Sr. ' , Mk Win Rarer made irr *diem alunikko Rime ina lelo, .amail orders tat =,_eled . telbeeeeskee eau weirs to +OW lege farideleee ' ' • At moon. ' leatioral 1581 IF. reaming. •ak PIM • • PoenoILLE, SATURDAY MORNIIG, APRIL 30, i. 870., PIIRAIMPIELIL istratutoxr BAXIMADZI D MITCTE,_.No. 14 Notth Ninth above Market. -m.. C. EVERMMVTruse poalUvely etuve u lla i M:bestoTro= w Westlake/18,8 . Bapporteelt, ittwag. Buspenaorlea. rile ‘, JlotUsa attlesded to by Mr*. E. • • ; OJAI hitliti --214 / • AMERICAN WALWEAX WAIVERS AT lens conPanY'll nuns% and warrant- , ed by the Company sent with ever,' watch. Price list and descriptive Catalogue sent to ~ any address. Orders tilled by express C. C. D .. with privilege of einntiation before _paying_ the money: Address, .ALEXANDER ft-HARPER; - April 16.'70-1641 SIB Chestnut Bt., rhass44l3lllaL . Iga c THE FOLSOM. ThIPHOIi - ED Tweri ,lol-re 'Flue Dollar Family Mewing Machine. The 'cheapest First Clan Nladilne In the Market. Agent: wanted in crease Town. Liberal torrunlaalon allowed. , For terms and circular., address A. 9.AAMILTOI4. Gen. Agent. \o. 700 Chestnut St., 1%1110.110* Pa. la„ I 0 f If3M M. 115. EiTZZL, • -; . . MANtricrrate- AND iIIPDICIND: or F R C lc) it:`,,v S:,E TS, NO. 1313 Crlqll2llliTar., PiNTLADEirDZA. Diarth 1 . 1, •Q 9 j .'l9-17 MEBIBTIOB, CELAZZANT & pox, • Importers ot Hosiery, Notions, - White GoWs, -Instirolderies, Gents Furnisiduzg Goods, &e., No. 504 MARKET STREE T. PHILADKLPRIA. Jan 15. '7O 34rn :• • : :4. • .1k: • .1:1•5-1: 6• - 83:I - Arch st • below 'Ninth street. Philadel; Opting The old eldsidlshed stand. Ilseelvinefor tbe Opting rrade s large stock of the Nes' Slides or •c-Artplid.rirria*#l . parehaaed at the Lowe& GOLD DATE% and *ill . be sold at a great redueikoifrom tail 1/168071 . 8 prices. ENGLISJI DRUSSEIX4 at $1 Skand all other proportion. JO_EPILBLArKWOOrds,r, April IC, '7O-16-lot ' ItreltSt., Phlladelphla. T - Wnter-PrOof Marietta Blasting Papen; April 9, '7O FURNI T URE._ , • , , W, - • .. JOSEP/1 ALTON, 4 . CO., . 414 • GARRET 111 9 LASZ.II4, No. 113 Wainiat St.,rhiladelPtile. •-, Our establishment is one of the oldest in Philadel phia, and from long experience and superier.facill ties we are preparedto furnish good work at reasonA . ableces. - . • :-. I . W m anufacture fine furniture , and :also also medium prioed furniture of superior quality. A large.stock of furniture always on hand. Goods made t o Order; Counters, Desk Work, and Oftlee Furniture for' 4a.nkit, Offices dnd titoreit, made to order. • _ .littS. WALTON; f. . W. LIPPINCOTT,, JOS. L,13C017 Febt 12. 'M 'L'ISHEIL & HALL'S CEDAR VAT andITANE 3IAN FACTORY, Nos. 11415 and 1147 North Frbnt Street, below Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Penna. We would respectfully. inform the public that !we are manufacturing WOODEN TANKS, HINER; VOIRs, .2.c., of every description and capaCitysuit able for Brewers, .Distillers, Rail roads,. Hotels, s, second- hand Tanks all size on hand. OurPrivateDwelliti w g ork.l.B made of White Cedar and other woods; acconlidg to order; , and .wili guaran mo s t give, entire satisfaction, and furnish it on threasonable terms.' Tubs made Ofsay desired shape, whether Round Oval or care. .. HENRY W. FlSHER; . sfarch '7O-11-3ms), AMOS H.HALL. . a 932 3s ; KE t s ll 3 aefeN2A-111c , 0i.,ab2, ill co and Cigars by.the•i•ox. . . Monitor. Navy,- and..;,.mea &Sons' TObacco afways • on hand at low rates., • Ilettmehairin Pipes,itit - • ‘noli, and other style* mix beliad herd; to suit either whcileault3 on retail. JOHN LEVY s: ' Wholesale and ItetUil Jobbing Houta , and liana. facturer of CigurS, U 31.AIIKk7i: St., Philadelphia. keb 10. '7O ' - : . • • V - (AIM g E RAILIN ‘ WIRE GUARDS, ,for Store V V Fronts, Factories, dm., Heaiy Crimped • Wire Cloth for cleaning ores coal,, ditc. Heavy Sereen Cloths and Coal Screens. Wire Webbing (pr and poultry yards - Makers ' Pape Makers ' Wires, and Iron Wire Cloth Sieves, Painted Screens, rnamen tal WlreWork. Every Information by addressing the manufacturers, • M. WALKER & SONS,. Nu. 11 North 6th street Philadelphia. •Fe1312,,79 : REMOVALi r. . . .lOSHUA COWPIAND'S SONS' lIZMOVED Turin ' LOOKING-GLASS PICTURE,FRAME STORE, To No. IS Nimbi Sixth St., Matadi., , . Where they offer nt reduced gerieral assort . • meat of Looking-Manses, etnre Frames, Lingo French Plate Mirront, P nig and Ornrimented ' Picture Frames, Cornices,--Mouldings, • JC*4III,7A COWPLAND'S SONS, Feb 19, IV-61n1 ' No. IS. North Sixth St.. Phileda DILES OR HEMORRHOIDAL Tuicorts ternal and External, Blind, BLredintand Itching, positively, perfectly and .permanently cured, th out pain, danger, instrinnents Or eausties, by W.M, A. 3IcCANDLEB, M. D., No. 1926 Sprllng Garden St., Phila., Pa.,who Can refer you to over Eleven Hundred of the twist citizens of Philadelphia,who have been cured,' Apractice of eleven years as a specialt in this disease without a failure, warrants a cure I nall cases - - • '1; • • Feb 19, '7O G AB I'LI.TITEEki & KE.IIOBENEt'LAISPB. A GREAT VAILIETY Or NEW EITTEEL MERIDIAN BURNIE:U.I:- SAFI= AND TIERT IN TILE MARKET. I IT. OTTER irut zaaioEsrtatairr or ANT nusatica ltp.or.. COULTER, JONES, ilLardhe mete d Wholesale Dealers, '702 Arch St., Phila. June 501E9. . ' ZS- UNION lIA-101 JOEIN W. ATWOOD, 2-t1 In offering the above brand. to the titterdion-of consumers the present season, we beg leave Co state, that we have Made very great. improvements' in thelreuring during the past Wintercand bete no hesitancy in saying, they are the Hest Hann extant.' They are selected from strictly corn fed Hogs; trim med very nicely' so as to wakens little waste in tin ting as possible; and the ingredients used In Curing are the very finest to be had. The Hams are all as sorted before spieltilrar lunteach airs etred by itself so as to enable us to keep in:pickle just long enough to eure and not be too salt a: great' fault' With most, Hams. We also cure in Ice Houses all summer and can furnish the Hams at all' times cat from Hogs that were alive within d weeks of the t lime the llama are delivered which Is a great advantage and one, possessed by very few dealers.= We, feel satisfied a trial will insure satisfaction. None genuine unless branded. Sold only by A- F. CHF,E.SEBROUGii Pork Packers, No. 10 N. Delaware Avenue April e, '7O-15-11m 'PHILADELPHIA, p,,y. GEO. J. /ID.RE.IIA.RT 1t CO.; . 'VAT and TANK FA&i'0:11Y;. N0.:1341 BUTTONWOOD: STREET, PHITAIDELPHIA.H, .• -We are prepared to make at the at3rtest notice -WOO4 3 EN TANKS, varying In tliPae/ty from:. • • 10 150,000 0A1,E0247844 imitable" • , for firmer', re:tillers,' niterr,. • ManuActurcra, dre. ' L • • • RESERVOIRS 'for COWERIIO,3: , Refer to D. G. Ymezi.ol.nra, POttev E 111 p; E. DUI", Aishland. Feb 28, 70.-Sit4Ml SEVEN PER CENT. ,! . • FIRST - ,31011T0416E BONDS OF THE DANiTILLE„ . 'HAZLETON, wimeEs..' BARHE R,AILROAD COMPANY, • ' • • AT 82 AND 7A CRUED - CLEAR OF ALL TAXES., INTEREST PAYABLE ApRIL AND OCTOBER. , Persons wishing to make Investments are invited to examine / the merits these BONDS. Pamphlets supplied ' `4II inflrutnitnngtiren by • STERLIC-i; &WILDSII, - • Financial Agents, 1101Sonth Third Street, • 1 PHILADELPHIA. Government Bonds and'other ilecurities taken In April_24, exchange for the ebotfo at best Inert , ,cl7ratea. 44 , 1„. , 00 LEAH excels an other Leven =For Its Unrlvided WMteam, ' ' • . • Fes Its •Unequited Darahtliti. • ' • pa. For Ha tins •',•iand Covering Pittimuty. 'Lastlytor kis kr.tny. • • • • It costs leis to pant with Hoek 'Lend.*** any other White Lead extent, The. sante weight invent More Satfacejs.moreDurible. and makes Wldtpt Wor_k. . $lO,OOO GUARAITEE. BUCK Zlie,Exodikail other Tams:. Ist For Its Unequaled Detnarlitti g 2st, Per its 'Uninvited 'Whitenesa. y 1 . Ed. Pnr iht rnsumweert emitting Protierty• Lastly. for lie artist Economy. belwg the ChenirestAlandsornast, and mint Durable White Paint in the world. , • BUY ONLY BUCK JAIAI) AND,BUCK • TRY IT .435i4 - &stiqfacticusevaranbied - bythe,/hassalfcm*irs BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared ezpraedy tar Pala th!S caelsoe f k . . Out-iandtpastithoelo. . 41ti de.,Tairtyritre , sad Beau Harapte eardit sentDs null ft daetteet. • Dagen' 0rdep , 7 1 4,7m ;1?1,1 4 4t ,ge514097 fya mo md miti lmf• " "pc.w. istaLtiolitauda. coi. Timuispd Meet% , laa U. 10 " • •' • 617 Phit*Pliiii* : :::,. : :.= it,virrAcruara OF ' 521 MINOR St, 'PIUi.A.DELPHIA. .11i4C}C LEAD Cilesiesl.4*Biat Pal •Goobs,- pitotijing, &c. r. "‘6l6feiti ell*T9 22 m . ea S d . Rn a e 0 mg , , c • ; • b ut rij oth Y ft., • fam zanD mmitEtzm =En J o , • 31tEIGHT of l the 'aTYL.E. • EGANTLY , 'PAADEtII), - , BEADY. PUT Thi &diet of the portant litte l et Clotidig Utah. Lliguaaut in to furiash a clan of Ready : cud, Clothing tspieffir to asythloP that has ba 'coaodua Men offered 1 to dui public,. OuiP Aka 4ao - 7p i t r i ca ire inect, and the bast lilmadolicAud tbA aza cut by the most aklittal and artladc eute/a:id made up ilitboiata land tasted utilea! - • tta atockOf ouch clothlupfa I sow atom and balmaolitut inc4eratspoces., ES(0 . 111 :ef4fitiAkcit: • Connected with the. establlshinent, alionla rare . ' ilminniqui I • • ••• . ••,• , • ‘, . ere 21 , - ltgiFst m Alkarta No finer work hi done In my Merchant .71iNoring , , -Norge to the land: Neibeiter styles, no tiehertoods, •• no mare renowned: cntters, no morn.perfeet fits can' anywhre 'be. obtained, .i I. . . 16.4 m _.,..... •;, , - G•••t.r• - •, -:-/-, -- u .\.\ .1 1 • 7.2 , -- , , ,, ,K- , --,5 , \...11. ) . roe,. . '. i4', TOTING i GENTS ,AND'Las. .'., Beautiful. en 4 Seriiriittle Gartrpate i - • ' ' AZ Zlignt da:ll2llLt GENT'S 1 1 1YRE113HING (309 DP, I t3,LA/Plepitr ---- 0 , - 1AY:) El 818 it 820 tE=TIII7T MEET. joHit`Wg . (J y tA c 4)i z Etraczat Nors—By oursystem atSaltmeasurament. Iratlatan at a diatance can order with cartaico of hoolot • gooli lie }tales for Ecif-naaurnrehtent and samples sent by nnatl'whan requested. October 1C; 'CO , TREASUHER'S SALE. WE conclude thig week•the publication of the Treasurer's l Salo of. Unseated. Lands. Those interested would do well to preserve • ;the papers containing it, for:referenc'e. The sale will commence on the ' • - SECOND ".‘lO - NISAY 01 ,; *.JPNIF. NEXT, and hecontinued by. adjournment from, day 1:q .4 , 4114-• foratrearsges or taxes 'due galtl County, and the .cOst scented on each respectively : • SC#U Y LKILL Tl'.• 11110 " 'llantzinaerA Ludwig S to . " Geo Pattersna. ' - • 05 f:936 acres, Eipayd,- Luthe r and „Brook 11:34. acres, J G Coleman ................ 6 51 " Shippen Wetherill • - 17600 - 40" En& it Pile 354'1 Arra. Swain, If. 17. A bell P.lll. Gotten, Agent. 118 acres 145 ps pt or Abraham ...... 92 40 4 " Mary Men* • 47 S, 20 , " Yost Mertz.. - • ;:5 50 - 441=" Stilltrantraet • - --462 r. 191 ", 127 ps, Pattersentmct 31900• 9 " • 11Tps, Mary Garber RAsT crkro.v. -y, I , •Cite, of Philadelphia. ; =acres, pt of 4 3 411 e, John Lockhart—L.- '9 do pt 461 ac, Nathan . 4521 do Alexander' 499 do ..... 108 do' Peter Swartz ..... . • 10 do John Mecanleas 1271 319 . dc , 15 • 5 15 I* , 1) DrohBl, Jan: 25; 1830; henry • ' Siantrur 52'40 JOhn IL Brown 200 :do it of 400 14e;'J 'Klinger, July 1, 179: .100• 'do • Chrtst , Troxell . ' • . Chartelnagne Tourer.' 400 do Paul Baal;y, Junell3,l7lrt. 136 00 Tilla for the heirs 'of 7'. Cbre..doc'd. . 400 sores, • .1 Davison' 136 00 200 40, Joa Beatty 08 Oa ylOO !do " Rob" Rope 102 Car - 7.:Titrzothyl-,C Aaron Bowen. ' •.; • 1014 do Pt of 461' at. 60_ps. and allowance, Wt. ' datad Aprll 12, 1708 ' 714 200 do more or leas, John K Smith • ' 40 00 75 ,du Mark ltupert , • 14 00 • ; • -• T1: 4 .702V. . : ' • • . pap ,of Philadelphia. , 12.1. acres pt of 400 op; E Lynch 41 do do 400 no Janes MowelL. ..... _ _... ..... _,, 4' do , 80 400 ite; James McNeil/ • 2 t.l 01 do do 624 ad, Josiah llaintz ' • ' '• 20 92 lati do. . Amos Wickersham .. i ... .L.- • /SO :111 85 do . ' .'Wm Shannon '- ' - , . 20 00 945 do • Geo Beekman' - ' 1 ', 1:RO 44 408, .do ' Isaac Norris I. ' ' • 228 70 8/8 do • •:' Thos P Cope.2.-::-,...i ..... _ 197 ati 63 do , ~ Robert White. .'s• Zjtki - Writ. Ilroch ; Nr.., ..ifoser;'ol(l3aniire d : Weston'. • • aof 372 acres, D X WeBtori ' ' - 87 89 .s_, _ma& 8. CO7( , in Trust for Heirs of Tench . Cbxe, decd '2OO '2OO ace% John Dunlap • '• ~ 73 00 NO . do Sairiesseji Rope .. it. ......... .......,..... 2920 XS do Jacob lindemuth'.......... • 74 48 .9 1 .3 do 1 .,%, Peter Yohe , • , • '33 81 . 116 1 ,00 ' l, Geo Raver, Jr - ' . , , :3;1 04 • IVA SILLYG TON. 500 do . , Joseph Achey. " ' - 1250. 14 do. Nathan Butz .4 :do , L Berger & W Kershner .... " 91. • 4 do , Wm Berger' . . 40 47 ' do . John Delbert.-- , ft 50 .24 do . . Delbert t Berger , • 250 ,60. do . • .141 m Fritz , • 976 sdo Phlllpdiummel , -.•• 150 7 do .. llongert &. Maier_ .... : . -.... ..... -. . 50 92 do . Henry Hell e 11 82 xi -do . 1 John Mullen • , - 566 130 do , Samuel Moyer ' ' , ' • ./1 H. 138 dd , Wln H0yer_.......... .. , .... '. .... -......... • 992 17 do John Muth , ' , ' 375 7 do Prvierick:•Parren . berger....... -..,-... .'- 4 • , 7 .. • 5 do . .l .-- 183 2 do • • Daniel R. !teed... .„' • • 163 • 170 do Hilton tract, W &.1 Rhoads...... 20 74 50 do . ' Furnace* do do : ._... 9 15_ 42 do , sprout, Abraham Bader ._ ; ...._.. 4.99 16 do - Henry. Stein' 3co .19 do sprout Henry Trnmbe 349 'lO do - 1 'do' . ....._.......,u. 1 ..... 349 27 do . ' : do - 330 :21 'do . John Troutman &others . . .... .... • 518. 20 . do ' ' NVM Zimmerruan ,____ 241 • Xew York & ,fkhalaki.l/ Chat O. 316 'do- .. P Nagle.,... ... .• ~. . . _ ............ ~..1....1...- . 7711 335 do P Kemmerer ...... - . .... .. .....:-:.---,,, 80 ft. lib do, late Abe Louie. Joseph ................ ...1.5 - MO . do rate Feltert & Gilford__._ - 12 30 . , '4,rohn, „IL Gorgler. 1' . . -. •‘ 300 do . late . Shoener • - , - 1830 . 50 do do Trumbo...- ........ -.. ............ .......,'.... • 1 71 do do Meier- . .. ' • ---. ..... ••-• ' 7, NI. do J BarAri;Elt:eni;iin''Leugel-.-.. - a ni . .13 ' do . • Jamb DWixmzer ...... ....._--..z.--' ,3 05 15 do - sprout Samuel Heim--:-. , . , .121 .on• do late Moyer, Clar & G6e51er...,......._._ .. 350 , • • , • ' wA r_vE. / ..... 'Ai ieltes Wil. Berkbeiser...... ..... -...4- .--. 70 01) Ilil ". • ' ...•Ablaham 8art01et......---.-;_,..... ' 70 00. 20 • " Wm. Berger deed.....--.4:---..., -4 80' . " Christ Barrensteln_-_ - • MOO 11.5 " late Little, Henry Trnmbo . '.. . .. , 15 77 172. . Rebecca Bowers, tenan - t ..... 1 ....--,... -..; 17 38 John Brendel..-.- ..... ' ' ...... 151 ' .22 5: '4 ... late 'Pettit John had Jac. Wrill;;;ti..." ..a Fl . 3 " • • Wm ittle--- ....-;...:.--- - . 173 241. " .. Elizabeth Eekirt..,.. -....,......- 34 56 gig . 0 . . Forest Improverne.nt - Co.-...........- 8184 3 * , John Rremer....----4,..........-- .74 In" 1 John' Fenstennacher--- -. -L.-.1 451 =.,5 " ~ HenryHeberi- ....-...-.....,...J.,... •„. , 83 3", . John.Kenamelihae.....l.- • ;.J.. ~6 3, I' " 1 John Llce._.. -.4...4.-..,-- ' • ' 27 CO ;80 t A.brattarnitresut 4.___., 2400 8 " -John 240 7 :Andrew 21 1 910..4_5fei.. ' tifY# 30 pg. Evans - Seed : • 11 . n3 " 73 pa. Ludwig tract . 262 275 " Joseph :Schaefer 4 ' 17 49 Henry Lock•Mbltl_.., • 121 Daniel, 5 00 3 " Isaao " 77 30 « Daniel Kremer:- 1 23 . (lottlleb-Schanber4 ' ' 18 57 290 " " " :.. • 80 18 " Jonathan 14111er_.1.... ._ _ 292 5 - John H Wommer.________ 376 121" Wm F Mate.. .. . ._'-'. 3021 " old maw mill Win — i 240 4 .•••: of 13:8tant 4.• 00 " l.late Schanbe& Barman; Gan * Hro . irn 411 lin " Gar] Gilbert • , • ' 411 46 " late-Joim Merty,__Eder Keck-- 222 ; • "/301pBrobst._ • SI 100 1 4 '_ I nalnet. late BroUtti--.4. • 780 •32 • 'latiOht; " • .. = 260 4 " " 50 - Hsu. 4 - 310 100 " Seelltr " I.; " - 780 34 a( 135 7,ernts " • .16 68 17 "I Geo .1144 - H " Geo Malt • _ 4118- ' ft: . • - .280 Began Geor* er. • 27 17 lee • htka Biepasis=" 1770 15 " Imae.ll. Sehaeffet-_ -..-'...«--:. •'5 21 MO * LlttleSftuylkill +s6o 111 PllOO Hoek ' • "-.- =AHD SB.IDLEX.-Tretut: . 13111111199801 tte, ; • - „Mai!, Wk. : .• BE 4s Rutz AS Tux rre, T..4naztrr v.al;tl.37ir - • I ;:riumArf,', Pas pittrdjlo§. GEDICRT roz! DI. O. R. N. ' , =Wieder In dui Wild' f3chitten Tret' len; der mleh elnat audio:ma. Daich nydr anf4ruenen Mitten; • .11:tangling noun, elnieldesi. Von dem tilumigen Geelde Strebt' es In des Frimmels Baum, Und,..vom Inft.lgen oebilde 3letstcr irarel.n bolder 'Mum., Ant der itotinungletehtem Grande Stieg der mew Ban empor Wuenmehe reffneten sur Stunde Der Erfuething weitmise Thor. Ftends Bann and Frohatnn oaten Eta In das beglusekte Haas; ' Hunt* Wandervonvel flown. Abnangen, &In eln and ans. lierrDeh war es anrasehanen„ Do eh nosh fuehlt! Ich mtch *Wein. trod die Ilebllehete der Franen Fuehrt' nie Herrin 'eh , . . testa ales ihr an Flamm, Schante frapend in die lIcele: Dock es sprach mit holdern Ornessen Sant erwledernd mein. Fee : , . " Wirt rolett iu den Strom des Lebetta, Nur durch SehatTen wird-vollbracht, , - Und erringe muth'gen Strebens, • • Was Dirjetzt ala Traum nosh Meta; /42 , • . (Ronne weld:Welles Befragen Licht dem Herren, graniumbuellt; Handle, der tern' lentaagen, _ • .- ' ketn Traum Melt aelbat erfuellt." Gad ich ging mit 'einem, Schmerzen. Aber ho end, melnen Gain. Zuvencicht Im vollen Herren, Zugendlichfr Sehnsucht Drew& jeieo, nee% alrimancher !Runde, 3lanchee Bchickaale irrem Lauf, Such ich, Kaempfer trader Wunde; Jene Staette wieder auf: Will mlr tilehts da! Schloss verlinetiden? Fuehrt inich keine Spar,—keln Laut AA) l ich kanu's nicht wiedertlnden; . Untl ich hates doch selbsTgebaut. . • , -V. ,THE AIR, CASTLE TIiANALATED TROY TIIICOESILIIII . OI' D. 0. U. KAINIS OittiOLlgtroa I tread the forest shades, W re long ago, In fairy land, I bu it myself on meadows greet', A ca - tle high, a palace grand. St - rose on lilthifrom blooming To stretch!into the golden gleam, . And master of the airy frame Was an enchautlngkwitehing dream, From ouVof Hope's light ground It loom'd I Fur Into depths of azure sky; • And wishes opened wide the door • To lead fultlament to comply. . Theis Joy and mirth In lively train, Were gather'd to that blissful home, Like brilliantbirds, new In and out, . Rare fancies that so gully roam. • How splendid was the sight ! the gaze! And yet—l felt I was alone; lint soon I sought a lovely sprlght, 'To place her on my peerless throne. , Laid all my treasures at her feet, And tooled at her with asktngieyes, - Then she began'with smiles to greet, ' And sweetly, softly to advise: "(o east thyself on Llfe's broad strewn, Through effort only we achieve, .And boldly striving, seek to win, Thy dreams, that else can but deceive "Bid yield hot to enfeebling doubt, r Act Although thy heart be crushed with tor thy lot is to resign, For there'sno dream itself fulfills." ' Exhorted thus, rstarted forth, • . Reliant, though unknown my way; With secret pain, vet full of hope, trusted to thefuturo day.. So many = days:1111.1;e dawn'd and Both bright and dargra: varied lot, .110 now I seek, a ehanaidon wounded, • The dearand long remembered spot. . • "A . 'heriart thou? hist! oh, castle fair I al win no aound echo to my call?" • ..I.laa, 'tis gone, I Ilnd it not, . , And yet !twos 1 who built It all. • 14. 13. • ~ . r . l BOILER EXPLOSIONS:s; TO * OBTAIN „situatibri as - engineer. •on board of any vessel Which is propelled • by steam, the applicant must first pass a sat isfactory.examination, and lif he is f9und: competent to discharge the duties of the post-' tion he is licensed to act in the grade of , engineer, .to whichthe Ward assigns .him, (Chier Engineer, let, 2d, or 3d Assistant), sc.:, cording to his merits. , Now, if there is any reason Why theseex amitiatlons relative to - competency should be - confined exclusively tcoL engineers afloat,: I confess that I have thni far failed to discover it; whkit is net just- as essential'. for those - having 'charge of stationeryjmd locornotiVe -engines and boilers to understand their busi ness, 1 cannot see. EZI I trust the.day is not far distant when our representatives will awaken from the lethar:. gy and apathy which they have thus far exhibited relative to the wholesale sacrifice of human life, and that they will give us 'such legislation on the 'subject as will con stitute the employment' of .any person as an engineer, who cannot present legal evidence of his fitness for the positlon,:a crime amen able to law... • - • " Can everyone who can start and. stop a watch be considered a watchniaker? Of Course not, yet' there is a vett prevalent and equally ;erroneous opinion that any one who can start and stop an engfii . ei is quali f ied to Perform the duties bran engineer, and hence the appalling statement which I. now pro fpose to lay before you, and , which I copy rom,an official report of the number of boiler explosions, which have occurred in only a /portion of ihe United Slates during the past six years, which shows an of 694, attended with a loss of 948011Ves, and serious injury to 1.139 others. ' I do not wish ; it to be understood, that I _pleb:a that all boiler explosions Occur through the incompetency of those having charge of them, butt do - assert that 90 per cent. of _them are the result of either ignorance, dr, carters- ' nesi'on their part, while- °there are occa sioned by causes, , which are' yet to • a great extent shrouded in 'mystery. That there will be 'casualties of this kind occasionally , occur ! . ring as 'Ong as steam is 'used as. a motive, power, there is no, doubt, but as soon as the! proprietors of factories and other places using' it; awaken to a full realization of the fearful responsibility, they assume by employing per sons as engineers, who know, no more about 'the 'management of steam Wens than a hog does of etiquette, they will decniase in number, and the undertakers And reporters of the press will to a certain-extent be like 9 0thello, without occupation." - Whyi is it, (you may ask) that so many of • thisciass of persons are employed as engi-, ricers? 1 The answer to which :is, -that an , I erroneous idea of economy, on •Ahe part of the - employer's induces them teaccept the services of these who will .undertake toper- I form the duties for the least money; now as far as wages are , concerned, there isundoubt.; ' edly a saving efikted, but to aehleve.thla there will be subsequent expenditures fleece; sary in ,the way of ,repairs to boilers and machinery, which.will amount to mdre than. double his savings In the matter of wages, besides the probability of having the struc ture in which his boilers are located blown to atone), and the lives of all In the vicinity . sacrificed to his cupidity, , ' A competent engineer cannot be 43, to give his services for the amount •otr i i m m ordinary laborer gets for his; therefore be is not engaged, and *norance is employed, :where skill is requi rW. I hid just laid down my pen to look over an evening paper cl attrac t e dand almost the first arti es which my attention were the - accounts:of two boiler explosions, .one of which happened in Baltimore, Md., at the Chesapeake Steam Sugar Refinery, and by which seven human' beings are knwn to have lost 4 theirlives and several others were badly injured. Cause of explosion, insufficiency -of water; the -mull of either ignorance,' or what la worse, criminal carelessness , on the part of the - person calling . hlinself - neer, who personally-was not physically-In 'Jared by 'the accident, (if Birch it. can - be called),.consequezitly, he still lives, perhaps to at , some future day burry the. souls of a score or moistumen beings unprepared be-- fore their God. - There is no other class of men: to whose caxelhe lives of so many peo ple are entrusted as -there are to engineers, therefore the necessity for tbespeedy enact '-inept such laws as oar legislators is their wisdoin may give , us, for the better security of human life, from casualties Arising from the .mismanagement of that. very useful` though equally dangerous agent, steam, and , the only way (in my humble opinion) :by which this much to be desired result can be accomplished is by compelling all those who. now haye, or may hereafter' have chkege of bollers,to creditably pass a rigid exatnination as to their qtyffificatioris- for the position of engineer. ' EIERI 4 1$ Sr/ 1.1 3RO 43 rA)7I )2 00 68 CO 136 t* 71 21 25 48 By taking ,this courser, thele featfollY re= sponsible positions i ll before long be fi ll ed by a better claw oi , who will not no* follow mechanical. - • eating on accountor the beggarly tem now Pad 0411 1 " veers. - R. M. Honesolt, Mechanical Engineer. WhARINOTON, April 12, 11170. , .• _ • LIQUOR Ma" PROPERTY in ratmotna.n.--- A Michigan Woman has recovered by law ell the money that her husband spent in a liquor Naomi for din years. Vise prohibitory liquor law otthwetide doge not regard liquor .fts property, and the yrran recovered the money on the. it; tuid been Odd MU* 'liquor venderwithouto A' JOSITIg(Ii* ..LSlnl.' ...: BY 3URIC THE' FlRS'figerrECEllitil tiike4 "of 1 me when / "iettlea down," recently, was by a , gentleman whO sapd he was ati intisessor, and sconneeted `with ,: the - United StStes Revenue Department. said I had never heard of his branch - of inislnesis before, but I was very glad Wsee - liim„ all the same would Ico *it down? lie sat down; r di d; not know anything particular tO say, and yet I felt' that people who have arved .at the dignity of keeping house. must be eonversa titinal, be easy and sociable in mpfmy. So in default Of anything gise to say, asked him if he wasopening his shop hi our neigh borbeSxl. , •He Said he - was... [l' did not ar ighorant t but I had hoped he wic what he had for sale.l - • I ventured•to ask him "haat 'and he sald -r4 Bo-so."' :; ',then - ImM' wetwhiild drop I liked - MS house- as well. as al would give 'him our eustptiOp,.. --He said he thought-we would] lishment'well enough to'eonflr IM never saw anybody off*ari4 hunt lipanothermah tradihg with him once. • I . That sounded pretty cOmplapent, but = bar ring ;that natural expressioh of villainy which we all have, the Man' looked honest • enough. r• ,° -• * -. - I did_not knowhoiv it came about, exactly, but gradually we appeared to meltdown and run, together, conversationallyspeaking, and then everything anent along aarcitnfortably as clock work:. . • ; • - • We-talked, and talked, and tiilied•riat least .1 did. And we laughed, add'. laughed, and laughed—at least he did. But all the time I had my presence of:mind-about me—l had native shmwdneas turned on "full head," as the engineers say. I was determined to find otit all about his , business, in spite of his obiciire answers---and I was,. determined I would have it mit'of him without his- sus pecting what I was at. - I mealit to trap him with a deep,ideeri• rude. I;rwould tell ' him ail about my own bitsinesS, and he would naturally ko warmto' rne•duritig this seduc tive burst of contldenee, that he- would for get himself and tell me all about his affairs before ,he suspeeted*Ythat I was about. , I thought to myself, mY'son",'yriu little.know what an ofd fox yQII are' dealing With. I ' ' . . . , "''owyonnever wouldfluesi; *hat I-made lecturing this winter-and last spring?" ' '• "No-don ' t' believe ; • I ' - eoldol :to save rite. Let ine see-4et me See. - Abou two thousand dollar!! maybe? •.'Btit,no, 7 -no si , I .koow- you t_ . couldn't have made se Much. qay seventeen hundred,- maybe?" '.. . .-- "-1 -' - '',l "Ha, ha! I knew:you 'couldn't:- '.y lee luring receipts for. hist spring land this.Witi ter were fourteen . thousand seven hundred awl fifty dollars.• What .de you? think of that?" ' ' ' : ---- - 1 . . ' • - "Why, it is amazingtperfectly aniazing.. - I will make a note of it. And you:say eten this Wasn't all?", - .- -. ' ... . "All! Why bless }you, 'thee was .thy it come. from the : - Buffalo Exr ESS for four - months--'about-shout—.well,-what °w mill. ! You say tto about $8 000 for ins nce?" ~- "Say! 'Why I "Should say I-would like to • see Myself rolling .in;jus.t such another ocean 'of affluence'. Why ,mati 1 and • 01. tort•ef all this ini- Ito understand '- that yo - had more itemne?'l' , ,. . . . ~ , ..i "Ila„ ha - ,:hal • - -WhY you.are only in' the suburbs Of it, so to speak:. There's my book, `.The- linnpeents"Abroad'—price $3.50 to .1-5, according 'to .the 'binding. Listen to me, Look.thel in the eye. ' During . the last four months and- a half, say hothing..of- sales be. fore that, -but - just slinply, during -the four 'months and a half ending March 15, '7O, we • sold ninety-five thausand copies of that book ! .Ninety-11ye-th'ousiutd! Think of'it. • Aver a four:. dollars'a:-e6pyrsay. It is'nearly - 000,1 my soh, • - rget half!". ' " he suffering' Noses l - -: ril.set that dow . srl; Fourteen-seven-fifty--eight—twohundro -:--- rty ci Total, saywell,, upen my word, the g nd 1 total is about two -hundred - atl thirteen- or fourteen-thousand dollars: is t at poisible!" "Possible?' If therehi any.. Mistake it's the Other way.. Two hundred and fourteen thod-'• sand - dollani cash is my intone. for this year, if I know how to Cipher." • ' i • ' 'Then the gentleman got tup-to go, ft' came over 'ine 4 most uncomfortably ;that' maybe . I had , inade- My reyelationsgnotliing, be sides being flatteredAnto tchiag them .ccinaiderably, by, the; stritugells astonished exeltinititions.- But no; ,at thg last moment the gentleman - ha lide& me a large enVelope, - axidsaid it contained Mg advertisement: And I would find-out all about his businesS in it; 'and that he would be-happy to have my ens toni-4wcaild, in fact, •be -proud 'to have the custom Of .a man ofsuch prodigions.incomei. and that;lie used tci think there were several . wealth?' men in Buffalo, but when :they came to trade'sylth:'• him he'd setwered that ther - hait barely eneuglith liv on ; - and that in truth it - had .been : such a weary, weary, age since he-had:se - Cu a rich n face to face, and talked With'hitt and - ltotie ed . him with his hands, that he . .eckuld.h . ardlY,refrain from embracing, mein fact• .would- esteem it El i great !pleasure •jf I would -let' him ; enlbrace ' ;neL . 1- 1 ,-, - - . . Th4l so pleasedine that I di , not try to re sist, but:allowed this simple hehrted stranger to thf.oW hie arms about , me and - weep. a few .traiiiluilizing- - tears down th''back -of my neck. Then ho went- his Way ,'' ' • IL• As soon, as he was gone I opened his ad mertisenient. ..r studied it attentively for a minu I then called up the cook and said :. "Ilold'me- while I . Taint... Let -Maria, turn 'the battereakes.". . . .' • - ..' , • BY and by, when I cane to, I sent down to the rum-mill on the corner, and hired an artist by the week to sit. up at nights arid :curse that stranger, and me-a lift oeca -isionally in the day time when I mire to a hard p4ce. •b- Ab, what a miscreant hews! His"adVer lisemerd" was nothing •in the world but a wicked tax return-4.a -string of Impertinent questions abont myprivitte affairs, occupying the beet part of four foolican pages of line print--questlons, I may remark, gotten up with such`maiverons ingenuity that the old-, est min 'ln • the . world- couldn't understand what the most of them were driving at— questions, too, that were Calculated to make a man report fotirtimea his-actual income to keep , frinn 9w - cluing to' a lie:- I looked for a loop hole but there did net aripear to be our; Inquiry No. 1 Covered my, case as generously and aiemplY asanurobrella could cover an old ant-hi 11. ., • •f ' " - - - "What were your profits for 1869 Am any 'trade; business or vocation, whernvelicarried - And that inquiry was backed up by thir teen others of an, equallyy, searching nature, . the most modest Cif which - required inforoni. tion as to whether I had committed any bur glary, or highway robbery, or any arson or other secret source of emOlu r neht, had ac qcdred property which .whis, not enumerated in my ,statement of IneCtu ris 'set opposite inquiry No. I. • :- -.- . - It ;was plain that that stranger had, nabled me to melte an ass of myself.' • It' was very, very plain, and -I , wentout and hired another artist. By working on ixtY Vanity thestranger ~had seduced mehitcr declaring an iticomo of s2loloo. By. law $l,OOO was , exempt froth: income tax—the only relief I could see, and it Waironlyit drop in the ocean. - At the le gal• five: per cent. I must pay over to -the government the appalling sum of ten thou sand 'six hundred and fifty "liars, income 11. may reinark, in;, pla',.-that I did 11.0 t dait.] , ' l, : . , 1 • i 'I am acquainted with a very ulent man, Whose house is a - palace, whose ble *regal, whose outlayit are enormous, y a man who has no income , art I have oft ' noticed by the tevenue returns. ; and to hi I weed for I advice in my distress; .He too my dresdful exhibition of receipts; he put n his glasses; he took his,pen, and presto, I 9 apauper! -It was the neatest thing that Or was. He did it simply brdeftly mani pulati ng the bill of "deductiotus." He' set ,do li my 'State, national, and municipal taxers at so much,; my ' losses by shipwreck , ' , etc.';' at so lunch; my 'losses on ialesof , eitatet--on. 'live. stock sold'--on payment for 'font of ,homestouP—on 'repairs, ithprovements,ht leregtB7—on 4 previeusly taxedd rsalary air-an officer of the . United States Imlay, navy, rev enue service,' y, and' other' .things: Ile got , astonishthg '.-deductiordT• Out iof each one of them. And when he •was done he ; handed. rue the- paper. and I saw 'at a 'glance that during the year 1869 my income In the way Of proftts,'had been one thousand two hun dred and (IftYdollars and forty cents. "Now, l 'said he, "the ' thousand . dollars Is - exempt by law. • Whatpu want Is to goand swear this .document In and, pay tax on two hundred and ilftydollars." I - - •t tlinille 'ha wailmaking this epeech his boy l ' ii 7lll l 4 4 lllit - t two •an( lit i azzo w n i b t te l i c t, 0ut d .5.1 wouldrietyil' , ring that Ifmy,stringer were to call' 'On 'that 'boy bz. - trurrrowi he would make arlabui return of Me ineOrmi - - 7 . • "Do YoU," said I . "Do you akervis Wtrrk up. the `dedr siri gions' after this fairldon in your 1 3411 • 8 4Vell,lhorilrisay' so. ' I Itiverenittor those, eleven saving chimes der the luWi. Of TeatretkUur,' I uld. be ... ...,, , . every Isar tOralloPart this bete:Wan '. Wicked, thrs mato/tidied. arid tyrannical . . - .r'ntaent." ".I.This gentler= *ads A , e exixong the ery , - -of the ionsktheti . et - e , . SINGLE COPIES Men t or moral weight, of s eMlUitereial integ rity,tf unlinpeaehable social epotlesanese--. and sol - howed to his example. -I we to the revenue office,. and under the accusing eye ofmy old %latter Ditto& np :anitswore _ "to lie after lie,. fraud, after hawk villainy after, villainy; till mVimmortal mull was coated Inches and inches thicrwitlipirjusy„ and my self -rest ; was' gone - forever aud But what of it? It; was , nOthitig more than thousands' f the highest r .and richest, and proudes" f, and most respect e d, honored and courtanieu In Arniticadci,eveiry. ear. And so I don't care. I•ani not shall simply; for the present,. talk little-an . d wear lire-prOof, lei - A -I - fail into certain habits irrevocably. - ish appear • hi 'pendon A TALK SY WEIMELL PHILLIPS. wns trade," n, ) inuf we ny, rte • :NEWSPAPERS . AND. THEATRES. I • • • E man say s'4 l -1 will coin increase out of •, • Vigood;'-' another Says, "I Will coin it outof vice." You annot help it, yon -need not.' preach to it, 3 might as well :go and 'talk .to :Niagara. • Two hundred Million4_,of dot- - . Marsin the city or 'New York standirig-nd--- ten thousantlopen drinking saloons, bibthels, • . and g-anibling hells, and you say, "_Weiwill publish tracts; we will preach in pulpit* we, will pig half a million - of dollars into- the- handsadlipatient.men and women ; and they . shall golt. - 4ound;,meaiawhile I,' with Alx.ty • millions, will build a 'railroad toßan Fran- . elgeo andl.doitble it; and I Will build another * to the South Pole, and double Mine again;. Y • and. I will g_iVe you $lOO - to establish a prayer 4 tneeting at Five Points:" Yciu etintt tight the • - evil with - prayer-meetings, because - all Yuman nature •is not covered by rayer- ; meeting IG is good. Don't go .awf and - say'r said anything against prayer; on't ; gai it's a-good All fir : tht parcheut N not broad enough tO cover the necessity.. Men say, "There is - the theatre : some . . ot, ;,, its employees - are immoral and its lobbleti are filled_ with -temptation and - vice • intemper- . ance.stands oh one side' andi degradation. on .tbe other ; .shut. up _your doors ,and preach b; against theatreri/ Never I• 'Give tau I: lion . of dollars - and I will build you .a theatre.: that shall be pure from eorner-stone hi cap- . stone; there'Shall be nothing in it but host-% :orable-and healthful and indilpensable=con tribution to, the love of hurpaa nature for, int- Ration:, for tragedy, for acting, and.--conie.dy. If the geniUs,,of Booth makessloo,ooo by act ing on a pglluted stage, I will - give him- $200,000 to.conie and act on- mine.; 'like his estab e ourseNes to who wouhi go- Hue after There Ise newSpaper r It is the New York panders ..to everyflavvice.—; You Will exclaim against it, but .yOu Waist ••, - yofir.wOrds. The inerehnnt Says; 'The best news On stocks . I can get is hero ;•ithe keenest insight I cans get • into ;polities - here;- the ; • most Instinctive •Sagainty and ~jiidgment. of :American life is here So he swallows the • 4nimoratity and buys the intelligence: Gi!ve. ; me-ten millions of dollars, and let- me counj .terebeeksthe HERAtD by eoluintis which no • business man wadare to. enter Wall, street • without reading; And ;give me the -Chris- . tian men of Wall street.. One. man .know:i railroad:l; another knows cop) er; a. third- • -kno*FpNevatia ; a fourth knowil Cotton, and a fifth some other l specialtyf i each 'One India pensable in his own . departnient.- Does -he - make zi-'1(10,000.by hoarding. 118 sagacity, •1 . will pay him $200,000 for putting it into. columns. I don't wish to abuse theß EnA.LD ; I.dori't Wish to nfsdish immoraLpapers by statute; I will ptisvide you one scirinfinitely, - better if•von•Will give me this.Mo;ooo,oo of reserved Christendom; - The Devilpun' out $200,000;000 and gets it ; you don't: d 'high • enough ; it's a pity you- don't: • , • - • . THE WILL OP REV. D. McCubriocx.-L. • .The will of Rev: Dr.7Johtt McClintock was - • admitted to probate by the Sumgateof Mar- - .ris County, N. J., l o t week. • Commencing life in straitened circumstaneesand engaged • always in -"Preaching , and teaching ; he found time to` e_ompile works upon educe tional and -Theological. subjects, the sale Of., • .Whitth brought him aicansiderableleconie. •- ..The will, which-is 'dated May al, *.1881;: - eommences as. folikWs: "I, - John MeClin tock,, minister of the -Gospel and President- . of Drew Theological Seminary, .being pf • sound mind but of, imeertain health, do here- • by niake my lastc.Will and testament, name of.the Almighty - God, in whose mercy , I humbly trust through. the redemption - of Jesus Christ, Hls • The will-leaves the effects to ibis family re- latives in annuities. An explanatory pare- - gtapli is. added - to that -containing the-he,. 'quests showing that Mrs. McClintock and her children by a former husband, Bishop Emory, had. separate incomes of their own„ and.that other members of the family had . already received legacies - from -the testator amounting to a considerable - Burn. . . • Attached to the will is' a schedille,of the property leftliy . the testator. FirStupon the 'list is .the literary. - property. Copynghtf : four Latin end Greek text-books (Wmtiliir to 4 1 . all students) are estimated to be worth $1;000 per annum. • The copyright of . the three • published volumes of the CYcLopArtfAisset ,•• , down . at a - valuation of $25,000 or $30,900 per - annum. The. manuscripts for' ther volumes not yet' published' are worth, by thesti-: • mate of :the author, t 16,000. . His 'scripts and collections-for -a. biography Of Bishop Asbury are held to lie worth4:6oo. Among the effects of the deeeased{'are-many • other valuable manuscripts, which are leftto, be published under the Supervision' of - J.• • Emory McClintock and Rev. - Drs. Feiner ] and Nadal, of the Drew Theological ,frierni4-: • - • na TT .; • left' • le ; ot er - property.by the testator .consists of real. estate and mortgages upon.. Property in Bergen, Nr.j. - , stocke and }fondsof iron, insuraneedtes, railroad; gold millingg and oil companies; United States-bendson notes,made by Persons to whoill nioneY had' been _loaned. -- The doctor's: library, is an extremely val uable one, worth, according to ills estimate. $8 . ,000. file beijueaths to his wife pne hun dred volumes, to be selected by her, and to hl9 children, brothers and sisters,'each fifty volumes. He then directs that it be sold to the - DreW Theological Seminary for $5,000. • . • • • • EDITOR'S TABLE. . • ' Tice Lsos's Fiencao sou 31.sT.—' 2 1:ho May numhei of this Magazine is a beautiful one, and breathing of the Spring. Its large, double' Fashion Plate la as fresh and richly colored es a tulip bed—and we otr serve that this - magazine Is often one and even two • . months ahead of its oceiteruporarla in the !lightens'. : ' Then there is.a beautiful Cottage scene,"Theßetui'ii • of the Swallows," and another appropriate engin, .ving called "Gathering, Snowdrops." The literary • matter of this Maiming is always of superior character: . The storks this ittenth are both varied and absorbing. And. ther'e.. Is an article by •.3fris. Fanny. R. nudge, a Southern lady, giving- her .ez• . perlenece Alam; of Chek;Stut: who intuit be the . model Chinese servant;tbat MI housekeepers will find, In view of the coming Chinaman, particularly ' interesting; The ladles .Wlll be_ also pleased with the patterns for Spring costumes, and the vartetlen. - forthe work t able . • And the editorial, being writ- • ten. by a lady for; ladles, are 'particularly attractive, , ! Published by Deacon dr. Peterson,. 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. : • • Drz Monxissrm.r:—We have received this Illustra ted magazine of fashions and fancy work for•3ll4Y. • -As a fashion work it is unguistlonably Um first in thin country. It, seems almost- incredible that magazine. seint-monthly, containing in the course 4,the year 1800 illustrations, 2011 patterns, 400 din-. grams, and 12 large highly colored steel engravings can be furnished for the small sum of a year. Ls a fact. TwO specimen. copies mailed for $0 cents. Address, 8. T. Taylor, Implrter of Ladles' Fashions, 091 (knai street, New York. .Tita Ensart-0.u.-PAirsitn, published monthly-In • , Philadelphia by, Paschall Morris, at $1 aCiayeart ecntatOi olla..fit the .best_Agricaltural , periodicals • published In.the State. A great.!reany 'persona are • . tinder the Impression that the mutt aft tt!No,w York, fol. a good Agricultural JoSrnal--lart It lane,: longer the case. The PRACInAt_VARMis 18 con- ' ducted with ability, and among ill contributors are some of the most practical farmers of thls ternary. BesbleS, It Is' peculiarly adapted -ki-Perultai , ,o44 • firming; and therefore It is pecullailysidapted .to • Instruct pereasylvanie farmers, and.ongtit lobe 4n.. couragelibY - them . To peillp;18 who Malt tO Stlb• . scribe to the MINICILS'JCMILOL 111 1d':PRACIICAL • rim/1m we will furnfati both PaperiAt Ql2ll year, for 113 .73 irysdvance. AT a recent meeting of thc,Parls - Acidemy of Sciences, Feil exhibited_ Specimens of - Sint glass of great denalty (Failay'er glass) obtained by it new process; etnibling-masses • of this material to tm. manufactured, -weigh ing from 25 to 35 kilos, perfeetlyPurethomo* cu t s, and free-from fitrke, &allot a dens/. , :equal to,' and even greater' than' :that- of Be Also. showed iselmena' of imitatiqt ofpreckata stoney s as ewer. alds,sanitdros, and while wide*zubles, as well as alipecimen of a deep vi o l et blue;. rich ricli in tone, and ,of 513 4 11 4 1 a.ng that of the guest amethyst: , Tney - areittateu to be nearly equal in_baninessalso , ' The au thi*lti his communleatlon, states that . be uses Ibr the , flint glass aluthinates of lime, of . . ihne and barylaj' Of lead, and of bismuth, lie., and for ermnrgiaoc alamMeteo ofmew nee* silicates of magnesia. aullerAttoina; .~" - s - ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers