The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, April 23, 1870, Image 3

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    ' ,i, .
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1•- . „
F 9RTY - SIXTI - 1 .. YEAS
~ . _
1it, 44 - Iti iii iiid .
-- i er: Ist.c.,:tf.- , •- .. 4 .
• - • . _ 1 SATUTWAY APRiL.23- two- c , -
4 ,
. .
ifraxx. lilt.i lt. Ins. fin. Ira. ask .ms..
t arehe V . ,'tlacto) or ant .L* Z= • sou 'ass sos use
..m.iiitres.tene Inch.) .'. it s / titi lOD 'S OD SCO 14 . 03 3$ CO
'3 liTttpet, —. , 03 IV= OCO tl CO-34 40 3S CO
4 !allre. ' • •is co Aat CtO ISM = = 411 S
______, _
' ' A Mit IA nErteA I.IIPECIA I. N'Orlt3o4.--tOatote lanertkai
40 Ustfll4 a line: eachatlmenurat =Perth= = cents a line.
1..(34 f. nusibt.**;• NOTlCLX—PlecenO - Pape. S rents
lino tlc34 Pm att
:Hi; each substakneut tataktztea Sic4ter line.
UM:OMA t., tOOrrieFSI.:--Tatrat Pate, 13 cents II ilhe Ana
) . tips; each suamequeat hvertke I. cents per tine. -...-- .
I,IA, 4111A01; NOTRats.,-,LSe..ata tac t) , • '
tafxbatA T. 3 tortms-Accarattitnyina Deaths—Far: tiro .
. • {the. = 1:011b11: ..1 , 121 addltlorati Ihketticenta, ' -
. - •, M I F V "Mi t 1 out -tNAL - - VOA' TIM CtoNnitt .T.-
si.o,nt LIA BiLu r tv.A.s application has been
thatli: for a copy of the ItlrsEns. l- 4uttNAL
~ for tie CongreMotial Librury 'at Washing
ton,AtVe are desirous of procuriog a copy b f
the .lo It! It NAT, from. 1936 to 1858, In volumes
q .
thitamtnt, at a mo.lerate rate. 'Thaw we had
on hitail previous to 8501, were burned up by
the fire that occurred - - lit our -office in that
. year.l Those havi ug.llles during that peribd ,
'whiqi they desire to dlispose of, will pl‘se:
notifie'uts, anti state the
.yeah' they can tun,
r •
. nis i and the price per volume, ' • . •
.•• :', , .
. . •
(;4; ilt:1 - 1.1.:It p act gone home to attend to
I- •
pri v,i'.',:: business null Asitongmas to delay
Li:portant bills until his return. .We hope
the' pc:tple of liiii . district' Will relieve him
` 1.1- ' 4 '/Ilialik'int,grtasioniti duties after his pres
'e•ft'bjrni. • A man that knows so little abayi
1.11 , ! bilSilleS.4 of the .enuntry, .shotilil not(yo
sel...:l•.l'its . a ItepresNitative to make laws
fur tb 4. y pe , - - iple. - - •
.. -.
' =:. . .
, . 1-•. . .. .
.. • '
• '
...A Tita.::A:T. 7 ---Alielnipc the representatict
fur P.ninsylvania will lint attempt to curry .
' • o . it tlrthreat Anade to % t ote ilown tin. Tariff
-. 41 : ni11.11.1 f they'd(); they will he eiptally guilty
..• with ),lie ab:s:sities., -Let these absent mem
. ben-4'llow the the defeat, and.
.1 • •
, . wait lintil the entintrY, sees the de_struetion
e.iti-aii by that vide.; -Such a policy will not
repair the injury One, but it will tend to
' areay. c rtlw, whole txttintry against Petans3•lvaL
. nia, :Oil do its triore damage than, they have
' -
' . airy (lone. 1 . , •
, .
• 1 -
. .
. . . .
•di I , 4emdi LE. -P BOBS?' IN BA LT I.;
1 ' ,• • ' 1110.11,E. " . . . .
• i r
.. A V/, - .. - 1.49 Chts.the Throats 'of het Mother 'and
- . . . Four C.hitdrew. . ~
. . ,
. .
Tliwitlre city of Baltimore was greatly ex
, cinsl I , ii Thursday night: by the report that five
. horritt.e murders had 'bowl perpetrated by a
iiii.:llo2-, , Irho had eta Lilo throats of font' of tier
childtl•ii ;mil of her DWI, her. The • report
- pro% c l il truc, the tiaqm being as lid tows: Ali. qtt.
!Mir, o'elock in ,the :Morin/on,: Mrs. onharine
. !JAI-4, who with her Pair children lived with
. hire 'parents, 214 i. and MrsrliWyer. at. No. 90
eailui 'strew, committed the terrible butcheries;
. first klilit; her ehildren, anti 'then assaulting len inOtherZ Mrs. Dwyer. ' • .
Tie. Mother of Mr,2." 0 Marsh, in her ante-mor 7
ties wcanlilla! ion Stated that about 4P. M. her
- .1...3rafi1l daughter Catharine Marsh; and three ,
. i.!liteireii of (!e,tharine, being the only persons.
in the jentse al, the tiine, Catherine asked it she
had tr i o cents, anti on her ansWering "No,"
.: c eh:nine sliitl she haddeli cents, and putoftrher
bolincti and left the house. %he went a few
• ,h e irs :pal harrowed a butcher knife; and then •
pr•s•oe'ded to District School, No. itt, and call
ed - on her son James, aged eight years, put
- I iTig• 124+ • IltrOat- Ifolll ear to . . ear, nearly' f•ey
erinti i:the head from the body. Tlienee
-she; site returned to' her home, a n d went .into
the hack Yard, -where another son, William, '
aged savcn years, wit.s.switiging.his little sister'
*NI tr:',. lute, aged four years, being at play near
hy. Sha seized'Williani, cut his throatottts
in •,•,in-italit death. - and their the daudliter, nearly
, ~.. ea-HU-ilia her head. Then she went, iet.hti
It in igh.guld eat the thrynt of her youngest elhld,
4 i.' , : 1 ;: , 4.- MCI aleolt. tyre/ years and five.morrths,
• her 1ie4.1 being. almost severed from the body.
Sit , ittxt assaulted linr inlther, aged• about
fifty-four years, a,very feeble women, cutting.
El- • 'Lli epat su
.severely that - she cannot survive.
- M r.'-4.iiNtat sit, the murderess, is aired alio at II
• y, - as born in County.'Keriv, Ireland, - and
0 - ,... issin in the United Spates ten years.
Th • roOut:ltioil :mil character of Mrs. Marsh is
, said tokliar,.i irnet. very gold, ant she Was nit
-41..1-0i1...111y temporarily insant• when committho.
I lie iaterdeng. The raI . C . S of the murdered child!
r••u5,...a.4 they lay side by side to-night, are 'its
p1a..i.1 Llnd . . valni as If they .were composed in
se.t...s.t tileep. They are ilre;ci•ted neatly in. the
tai:' •Il)thes they wire when killed.. At 9, P.
M., the - iii.alter, wii., is confined in the pastern
Dl:triq station,polieewas conscious of her
i •Fribltt thio. i ;0
. .
' . 1: . 4 • . . ,
r. . .
Tif al Kt ft:1cl: "hut:: A ht-t."—Ciineeri ng
. I.lli , ring': vi.")`, , ,•age of this vessel, the most favor
a' de: reiiortis are given. The Livih•pp:,l.Jitt - tt : .
. l': - .‘ ttifl t!:orrnti,:ft, of the24tl ult., says: ''\Vi
Itiv.i: tit an fiourree the arrival of the splendid .
ii .21; :1,10114:N1n haripte troll - Age, Captain
tr'.'a'it.:••‘,•, fairs (laivi..Aton, on Saturday last.
"Vitts i,l:tlie first iron v'essel built in America,
fi.i. I' • trade, and sht reflect:ll;mA tire:lit
,on lier.i builders, !I:des:4h. :Harlin, Hollings.:
worth i: Co., K.Wilutington, Del..* *•*., She
is ilassed Al for. twenty years-, nod from her
Ge.Autifht tine:china m0.b.:1 she will hold -her
. Ottit seals any Vessel:amt... Her passa,,,etelront
flalvesbin war aeoontpli;lted' in forty-one
days, Whielt considering the strong kuiterly
. Witids iveliave 11311 for the last niontli, Is •aft
excelfept One; :tn.' roll cols';; remit credit,on her
" able' erniturtfil...r, Captain: Crabtree. 1 The
Iron Aft! is lying bi Plift•fil's "D ock, and 13
tf.:ll wiirtlft , visitl"
r :1 --- •
gold discoveries have trade. in
Siskiyotvand El IlluraloCounties, California.
ftilfe 'fits w twenty-live operao, not
Iv) void t;) :have protect a
fail ra }v'i'le several have met' with remarka z
hie su t 81•44. •
i , eylril ,1 - .? 1 , r11) ; "daatl boar AR
i.xteen.lian.:l4 high. and aliqut half that
mans , in :lie+ thrott;li, at the widest .part, which
)s-his nEndli." • •
• .
• I
--A SO Lake Irk, stmothrtt at a eat the other
day, sea) q h'itiet iii /1.7110Y17, ; a man's wive's in a
house'n*ar by, using up fwv or three. But he
killed tile eat.
.. ,
—A I .tttim n'itt- mut met bis fate, the other;
nitrht,l):• run iiis ihrbaf, agaiaa a clothes
-lint, t-: li t was prsmenatlingthe - back yard. 4
5 : .7., iy c, t-:.Apatolk line. .
Prizer, widow i of lienry
Pr; z •r. InAt thlishod the find hop.rdinzsehool
hi. T41,11‘);• , ,, Nfnotg , unery (vent:y;(llml oil the
I , 77 years.
• -'- v.looipecle- has been invented by
er 11:0,,a- of hit It will add the linirorm
~f %,j4013.1 explo,:ions to thoseOfhelting becks',
kt:kr,alae‘f*:tolcll.4-Itrtil broimes._
. . ,
~:- The ij-v-llueett of Spain lately bad the pleas ;
tiro ~f mi tow.: "pv.ite the.' purehaser of her
,I El.lll /114 Ile: . li 111: . 0, in a Paris theatre. It 4444g
g,-4ti,l sii:irklinu reflections. • ' ''"'
--A ,i..., inn (ti: 4(. 4 r , rator)r, enlogiziti..; . Washing;
I' m , 1.x,1,01:14: **llk 4.ninfl lild n_pitwerfutg'raNqj
For thi , ni4lrl` ; ' Jr. evc.r a 111'11/ W:1•1 //0// rompon meat'
/...4\ll;i4,4llht!"jton 11;11i that II laii."".
• ..
—A In' u iii AllentAwrx ~
recent] ' mAdo ; a - b " et
tiro le• 4.lmM drink n,tir quarts of hondellWare
-:11 /114 e; li , 4ky at nap sitting. :iiu Lwon the 'bet.
easily. 11.4 4-)rpso limked quite natural.
-- . .l.'Nqw 1 - .7rk.prilleeinan walked around a
1,1..c14 rat :we ci:ln g , i under lteynol4l lt 's prallows,
1r,,1n salt .rstithln. - neyllollls4..Woll Id have bee n .
illit U . d )74.), fn nit anhtliff reeling,
—The 'cl" . .irden of the New JersevStatt: Prisnji
lid: aid laltv vivit:irs . take down tlit!ir back hair
in hig trite .v t :d-r... on, in order to prevent them
in their ehignowt.
ran,v 14 lapiJ.y.. niir.7ndynneed
i Volinl‘elc.ricsli.ive been s.plurging
among. the i;oriii-la ;roil - Oiling resort., oil a few
h mid re I !pi nisfind embezzletl fntm s.
—Two kming Indies nt Pcioria lately threw n
into the gutter, pni.knilet him and
milled h early- hair, and .. .then )valked
:may witlimtiAling him what it *as for.
• •.
—Col. 'Alfred I. Tyier has resigned the Gen
eral Stil4.rinietiefiey of the. Plillicielphia' and
Erie Railroad. 'lie intends to go South and
take charge of a railroad in Sauth Carolina.
—An asjdrant for sensational Wile la Cincin
nati; the!! other night, blught two pounds of
i.wdor, Out it itra • cigarAe..x, "laidisis head on
the li;,x and totie:usl it off. lle waaonly Singed:
' --A NI:1111C 1113t1 aided 1114 Willl:tileollSO Cit.ol• .
thisink Week by Withering. op some 'odds and
earls an&lpattitigtheat in the Stove.: Among'
then) ulli a eau of powder, nal the house was
leaned. ‘,
..--The 4 tcannah Rm ., •:itiv.sis, a 'bitter . Nebel
organ; c• on • .nit,ill favor, of Chief Justice
CILLAe al the twat 1 /env wratic .(•andidatrt for
Presiden and for 4:ov. JenkinF, ofGeorgia, for
Vice President.
—At :ville, S. ('..l+ the grave a Mrs.
Fl , ,reary,i it /11W/11, or Plaindelphlu; Ps: I She
R. L 4 ,n tiOlt!ler uf 4 Felinral reginwnt; 1041:v . 4mile
\S ‘ l4 dre.040.. 34 3 soldier herliex was not Ms
.' , vere I tyil fi . !iter. her death:
- •
I ”..•:•;!a•rire iv 94, •in
,!:e.,lmit.+ sixty- I five
'.V ,rk !II b lei were)si
-- "
1. - 0,1n•-e.h1;10•. the ntel intn the
whlle nuin!ltv:tr•ttti'tly 6 3 ,z.
I. ,th iI .tiset att , l sent tit the. Ul , yernor, ww
Litely give • a i , tning. Engibth
w tin s r a it:.e tier severe eider-Wilco. Ilernuotlrer
It•ti wik.) kept a pot ixia-!
t. ,tr.trieti tr. ate! the young laly . Innzilleionsly
: ;Os ly)X. beeline the recipient of nearly
ir vt,toinen - , a chtivirt in 9fe tainsvitor
t• 7i11e..11 a short finial since. He
t.taicil t., 4 fellow piisoner that he committed
;it coittinit„ cluriiig his /ife, - live
tlrrs HMI nottic:rpus robberies, ; , ant,l that he was
;oily iwPri'iy-titite years of age, and had been in
i iii iltiryfiteren [hues. j :"
Otnerat Poticts..!'
?),` , .;1•4 r 4 inm•rtion; sz;b4ENcioritt IniierflOn
- -
1t 4 ( WA NT:4 A BOTTLES OF WM. SIG let tilm
r - . 1r tt a w l taw.. ts home )Ike a time, and not sneak
.1, :to • wit h ;a 14 "Illtt••rs" and
i.r.1,. } 1.1 1 1.4 tn&lleine. If he wants a tante that
It I ter then a temporary stimulant, he
k4 ,, u1.1 g..: n nottte or Peruvian rilyrisp... ( in
T. ' , 11e.) that Wi ll vitalize the blood;auil vedurable
.btreuelli tci the itYlitAlto. *
riirnmulk.Anut, sv,tsro:,
The quantity saut;by
,Italroad this, - * lc la :-
14,0i4 to' by Ottniti„ "1,07:4,; for the' week; 16,03 k
0:: 0 COrfldink
,Imr. r a#
yoit. ..4. 11 4" * 0
- ; '
Part of these 10 0138 tons wore .ire : mind this ,
week, but taken teem the itehutettoliogenel is
thesuspeusion. Nei' is this demand for edit
very brisk. Apinehaser • Waged ;this weelei:o
pay over en a teit, fuee;* aitil.` Move; to'send to
Iti)litatond for sliijikping. This (hies nit look
like MAIM D.; for some Ltin. e'i Yet ;--, the
men tan ten&!tpt - ttin taxis r, firtiiii - offeited by
the operators and grrto - work, we doubt very
touch iftile4asia price of te Se pee ion' could
be utalutaiiied over two or three wetly.„ If the
rade were -piiiaied.--rinder-Theieiiiilupp.tan
oas Lfe.operatotu alma ruidwran u 1 .'
not resume unless tho men comply with the
lash! offered ;and Oven the 4 it is , doubtfulif
they could secure their portion of the trade, as
many Of. their eastomerk wpn 4 , tnatany con
tracted with them in the Spring of the year,
have been driven off to otlierpoints to soeure a
portion'at least, of their supplie s . -
A large number of collieries have been .
droWned out by the recent 'heavy rains, and
coultittot work under any ritientnstancet.
`lt is reported that the men threatened to sus
pend in the Lehigh and t ack4wahna Ileglinis.if
the•operatorit persisted In loading Reading it.
P.‘ ears to supply the line of the Schu.:lkill, be
, twee% Reading and Philadeiphia: We , think
the mica is likely to be irneitesthe Aril/it:A
ctn.: lloxivon threw ont a qug.nsition 'to that
effect , last week. Theo Movement+ sound
strange to business men _noir-a-days, and we
pseeume they will be continued until more en
lightened counsels rule the tour,
i a, . ' .
' Tit E: trade sums up this week as follows :
Witile TOTAL. i WICEIC l T9TAL. !Pt A 1).
CA B. it R...... 1 - 94.=1) .1, 1 X0,2111 /4 : 9 3 : 4 4 . dr= .1 , 11 , 2.413
• Reis Cosal-- :5
.. .773 : : 114,517 ' 140 1%7341 d 111,763
1.. Vat R Ititth 53,214 ' 771,512, 57 916437 , • 145,1:;
1.. V It it Nth I •
i • 7.910 . 19..9:11 A.S.CI
~,,L. Canal- . N.77;11. C 3.101. 13.111/ . 114676.1 -41;137
Z. Nair R R...L 16.1116 231.916 r 13,9:11 , ' '2;17,016}• za,orsi
&Tauten s th- 20,47: 4423$ 3;a441; • , 462.60 - 1 ..714
do • NO=
,11,014 ' 110.631 13,61 r. .178,4171: 2.4,,.60
P.0n_1111..•i..... WW2' . Th 1,511 . ...1.76c, • ..2.;1.001 I 3 , ),4x7
Priu. (.n...... nrl - 116 ' 11.60$ 8:61110 • 6 ,4'24
I) all .C.,—. 47.710 '62.946 KAKI , 41:i.41'.•,) 17.401
I) &It /1. li r ,- 5,053 , 78,411 -. 8,31/0•. ' 1.11,47,1
.. bp): ' Sitol :41)
1ttun0kin........ 6.171 , 96,6461 1,9E01 --.. -1id,53,. , 11 16,1.2
Treverton ....... -• 5 - A1 &NS
,Z;4l . • 11,43./;41 7.472
Mort /311.....; • 2,111.1 . , Sip(l3 ! . .1, ' •. 4.1 15. 379
Lykens V Oo_ Lz.l 7 Mivi , • • • Ai3i =cl il 379
Wllliamstoo- 1. 4.651 - rt.sis . IC,,ti - , apl7, • -^•..icr)
Bevel, I Top. 4..1 6,393 - 63, 1 1 , 7,265 •'. r 4,019 d ai., - 2 . 4
-.......______ _-._._-
.- !
.316 4 .114 3,414,01 6 ! 2oLit,
, .
, .
4 4, eorresilidndre , nt i;iiratierhtion to an er
.rnr in our 0011 i report. Itb is 7 . 4;14; the person
who attends to making up Um, roixirts WZI.4
sent' at tkw time; and errors neeurreil. I Tliey
are edrree.ted this Week. Thg...jiletleietie, this.
week is. 75,54't0n5, and the. Isifrease over hest
year has been reduced to - tilAtitc.ins.r• , ,The
crease Wont Sell ttyl k ill ellUtity,L iiiphred!wit
the eorrespoOding week last year, is 10,1,D35
tons.. '
, •
The • dead-lock continues with no".apparent
diSposltimi outtiopart of the Wien even to sub- .,
mit Id a aonsprombu3. Theoperatot'S dare ant
.start even if- they desired to d424,4i, beeause they
cainnot•pay the wagess - eleManded
~and sell coal
at the market prices that would nde If they did,
start, and they ,are detertninget. te:itta - ud' met
until the men aecopt thewe fernis or shoWa,Slis
pOsition to conform to the estate Of the trade.
This is their only alternate, and the. Co . finty
must continue Cci loose'aliens( two qiiindred
thousaild dollars weekly; which wetdif Come+ to
its share if the businesa was .in operatian. A
fearful' responsibility Will retie : on_ the heads br
thomi Who prolong this strum;le; and it does
not, require much thought to single :41ut
will) are most to Maine in doing ao. if lay
wilt not, show some disposition Wetinform,
circumstifieee, , they cannot escape • the re-,
Sponsibility of destroying imainess and itn-,
• paverishing the County. -
We rearm that the ears of thq Leffigh Valley,
Railroad, and also the cars Of- the I:Ail:011ie
Railroad Companies-'are now used to supply the
line( l f the Schuylkill, since the'ineii would not
permit Reading Railroad cai's it 9.130 loaded in .
these:regions . .. The men ought to be-b.atisti(,od
by this time that the position they have Liken
is uniting nearly all other intere4ts against
ay wo predicted would'be the'ea-;e:.
, . •
- .
. .
• Oun New York eorrespc . mderit writes a.. 1 fol
lcbwx :• . .
, • ,
. ,
t•Ttie market here presents ImneW feature,‘ worthy
ot mite, exeept a gradual diminut lon in the demand
for e‘lll., owing principally to tilt, Nana weather .
now prevailing, partly-to . the belitif on the part of
dealer; that price* next month will be lower than
at present,--the latter of course Nvitionik pe wo well
founded In ease the troubles In thr Selloylalll Itt -, \
bins are healed on or before the t.d/ KUM MO. N.
- ,
"The following- are the prices for-yin-stem e la! dc=
livered al Newburgh,. during the Hamill of May-, as
per efrquiar of Penn4ylvanta Coat . !utit pally, 1. x ue.,l
Steamimat •
14 Gr z
. IY) Sicive
Urn :Phil4delphia voncspnntirtit tcritvs av
The arrii.-als of coal at Ilic'.uninni are low , so
small thht siiiprnenbi are , about Inselotll. 111 , .
Eastern ket seems 10 it sitpply of coal
tleletpt for present purposes. What is riNuire,f Awl
easilY be supplied by--1-43.1:10 and ',Luzern,- county
emit for ,011pnient at :,.. , ;(4Nv 1 ork insfrkets. The
ttersofSehuylklli Coal,- by their frequent slispen
ldons have footed partiai imp New )ork
pany's - coals, ut consequenee of their m ainlitp
to rely on a regular supply Of skehut o lkill eon'. This
.e ust nt o once' bat Is not easily re vereit: Coal Is
weaker in. price Mao a week ago. • • t
.711 Et T S
• • •
`The Mutt s' ,
.10riuNsL of Ss turday last says that
the cost operators In the Schuyikill.region are rally
United and determined not to 'retitune wort, until
tho miners aye willing to accept the bitsis , -42' :4 per
Pm—which bins been offered them. ('The susPension
in Schuylkill is very nearly a complete one, and the
effect upon tlie general business interests of that re
-Won Is of co rse very untivonibleintni depressing.
The Jointstat. Slates' that the tarn ;who are Idle to
Schuylkill and Nortlitimberland Counties are re
ceiving rio pecuniary tuudstance front the nom who
-are at work in the other regions, and • it calls upon
these Inert to suspend, In .order that work, the
Sehuylkill regimirmay be resumed ed
upon ivatitte
' geous terms. - It reminds the Men i the Lacka
wana, Wyoming and Lehigh realOn's that. Miles.,
theyrsuspenil to assist the Schuylkill-workmen, the
Schuylkill men will cut loose fronts them and will
net join Iri future suspensions Which rim me
y be infla
urated elsewhere. This advice is!. - Very welt for
SSchuyy tkill , but there Pt little prospect that it will
he followed elmewben.. 'lNliirshouliCit be. There-is
'no reagon In Elie world why the whole anthracite
coal ritgion of Pennitylvanlit should depend upon
the wishes and purposes of either the Schuylaill
operators or miners.
We have no desire to have a sUspension
in any co n lltation in the State, fur we have au in
terest In the general Success and prosperity of all.
sections of oar Commonwealth. lint tile tinspen
shin which has occurred In Schuylkill is purely and
simply a local natter, brought abouthy local causes;
and It Is fitting that it should be MI !treated :mit re
garded. The operators say they Will pay a certain
price for mining coal, and the miller% say they will I
not work for that snot. ()Nun rse t operators !lase
the right to Ray what they will Illy inr work, and
the miners have the right to my what wages slit be
satisfactory to them; but the fact that these o
parties eillinot agree upon _terms fir mining coal
•furnisheit no shadow (4' a Milian sal); operators and
miners %Oman. working at mutually satishietory
rates should suspend operations. The Setiuylkill
People have gone Into this suspension of their own
neeord, and we we no other way for (nein to do than
to Nettle their local troubles among 411e16,i4.1ce5. If
the .operators and initterfrthere nod it more •Totita-
Melo do not Ilia; than to keep ut whrk. It Is ' their
privilege to stdy idle.: lint the miner( in this vicin.
sty, who are making good wages, that that their in
terests are hest' furtlfered•hv keeping at work. nail
they will receive the inorol sit pport, , nnt only of all
who are 'concerned in the bosi Hess . I nt (trent s and de
veloptitent of this Valle'y s bill also of Intsituw4 loan
in all sections of the, country, for their action in re
fusing to "turn cult". bee.ause the Schuylkill opera
torlosni miners cannot, agree upon -a bawls for the
summer's wages. Thilit the Schuylkill eullieries - ic
silent to-day is through no faint ch i t he 'miners lit
Otrlsm counties. and thelletn.vid for - a gen
eral suspension to bed .ter tip the tnuli..of rt,litlyik 11l
14 sore to lie maimed by the tol Tiers lowest - touts a% nit
utiwarranteA nod Imperfltient atteitipt to izilet s fe.e,
with their personal- rights.
We i;cii;,,y the above front the Sor4nton ItErun-:
LicAN.'" , The editor either 'suppresses of over-
looks one phase of the question. ;The W. IL A.
isgoveAted by a General contrilsed of,
representatives front all the Anthracite (*.omi
tl6c. This Council in its action rgntrols the or- •
caniratidn, and those reprwtenting the comities. •
,now working vote in favor of In4intaitifitg. the
basis in Schuylkill County, whieli canitot be
sustained hero in the preSent stay of the trade,
so that in rcakityllie I,2ltigh Luz,ira.2
gibns are.responsible for the: clittlealties that
now exist in Sohn... kill C,atitty. qt is trite that
the trainers and 1:113.,r0ra are rot*" ivini; hotter
wages in the Luzerno ana L2high regions, brit .
it wall ka,wn that tho.4e ara kept up
entirely by the mining and transporting' rppl,-
panics in the Luzern(' region, who are
ass high wages tiow,.while selling coal on board
'vessels at $5 a. ton, as tlyy paifl when they
were selling 'coal at $7a7(50 per 'lasi on board
vessels. It i 3 also known ti. it! these Wagas
are expressly paid.- to breaVup Ow. ° working
men's organization by spilttinh I th•om up - in the
ditrvent e..3unties ; awl pio • ut!..rztri oporatirsin
those regions are far...el to pay tlati same wages .
ur sitspend also. 'While the Schuylkill ri7gion'
is almost totally, and the Shamokin , prirtiall2.-
Stisponded, tho price of enal enables the other
regions to work sad ply these ‘l4,res, an , l the
suspended regions niast a insegtiquily lila: ail
the disalvantages of the stoppazi*s until there
la a tie:nand •' - for all the coal : tirit lean b 2 pro
ducat . •
Tho IteecatiteAs cputte iti correctly
When Hwy statet(iat we advcsod'il.,: , ‘ Schuylkill
County me,FR. to "cut lode front these conpties
and not join in future stispensicais which ins!,
; b3 inaugurated elsewhere." We gated directly.
the reverse; tire the Lehigh and Lacka
waenst Regions, while they mintitu at work,de•
Glared that, they would share. thsiir work. with
those who were susPended. As they were ex
tending no aid to those who had suspended, we
advised the ,'Oten of &cheylkill and Shamokin
to ask the teen in other regionti tol'suspend also
until the prices could po brought': ep. to - MD.O
basis, as decidedly the best 'Mole ofi - eitaring
their bilxir with them: ,If they refused, the Lien-
ere!. Council ought to permit • the Schuylkill
County teen to swept the lower bill' 011'crcA in
Schuylkill Pounty and go to works and ifit*s
- were reduced to correspond In thq regions now
working, - the
,zospimeibiyty wonid rwt with,
!hope whe4;eintlid 13
. suiPenel ;'. l Ind next ylgsi .
they would finclitlto ,he thu,inmt*t-pfitiL-the
reiri n ns to Unite hi - snafu i• tini oiianbit4
bon s cif the W - : IL is mei hwght to do;
1 3 ,1 0 ,ftntlirrni : (le i. t rlli't4 4° 1f..,447, 41 ti 1h °
r --nclit ' o7 :4l4;l",o;ting, catparati*,wh a_ th 4
Innrhet t hi (kik 4114 thus assist , - Ow Mitliteirtiliti •
in prokipg tiplh r Or • ••••testion.! When them
ila a On:l4nd torall hotline, thltesit biptutit .- - ) .
thi 'Men' trait ',eon 1 Om miiiinti'itut fien!"- . ' 1
'Poiting emninn'i i bet lOW n kitlli'".
, i'lld,rtike in tr i
te panes' of thaw nog i5:4117004414;
-If .00 nienakers'.or the 'I r.' .13,, .'A;. - :14 -*tine - i
".4ill.',AJ Maly „ham limy .hrsins, whitisitri!:ihnir 1
must inalize,theseffhqs:-'-tiritilf, end6r .eilstiing 1
,ieiM,.inistsincei, thstitreVeLertithmtkto erigPle
"iitallet:;iiny, the tredo in the f‘:l,Myllifil- and
SbeinflatiVintalusi altii4sl4 iiiiii4Yi tindlit tree
thentslivms,.to keep the men in.•,c - Mstant work
ansftst r good Yit',Agy4 eisekhe* hpn• they '49
•iiincitt,t , tinelesis , iiiika .076;400 a' weld: in tv.n,-ets:;
stionYin Schuylkill , otatitY..they mnst nir . emn-
Plain it suchaordie7reenilslieavily ts,Dowthent,
and those wha:nd vise it' are assutnhig
,u featful
resp ersibility.. They must ree,sllo Xhat lt is
00:W."B. :V: adobe that refuieS to'mance. one
,iptal fnim the rates Paid fas t ' year : : M•ecenferni to . ,
the rettueedrates of!prices that now 'prevail in
spt-ruitny bmnelunt ti;f business. 'nie plea , that
the mining corporstionl, the hitt - ....i' l ene:uies'of
the i ' l,F*)ciation, yu;untarilv, pay, theArtragol,
tiudtr s t itch circumstaueosis nothing hit a ails.
°nide . "nbmrfuge; 1 •
Sttchils the state of the trade noW,.and. with
tito Untiertsinty of the future, with the duty on
pig metal reamed _}rout $.9
. to $34 teit',,: that if
our operators weieto start anti p'43,-
,wageson' a
b4sh: of $3 per ton, DS detnanded,,bY the minerA,
the prier of c, - ).11 would, is I , sts than• ten day 4,
fall to $2 and t. 2. tr.; a ton; atittlheti s. another stt4-
'ensiont would have to tike' phtee, bei:111.111C . no
oper4ter ritithl seudoo . al'at 60,0 rates . , and,par
wages lunfcti on $3 it um.' •Tl,ls of tsuir:e cvery 7
man with even a.. ipodtvtite ettpaeity'.., ought to
tttniertitSUld, :and literileko Ale Inen. Who are
werkinirat high Waits, with provisions and
c:othing uiuelt lower, ailil of prevail nu
Cid r frleints in'therothm. aunties to hold i out its
long as possible, even If some of them anti their
familietilse half fattikhetl.. Such alas ! 'izt ii:mr
lirtitari nature.
Et 32
AVe arc theadv:Jeates ofgood xvu',7e44, and 84 . in
every 'tiielligent bumine , .'s 'nun, but per.
lion must. kuen — tbut tvittOuik priee4m:prodixe 4 -
tiunalligh, a - ages (.:-auii , )J, be pabl—ttiat
- is tlio'
reason 'we have teamed 140 ;fir.-
_ , .
. . . .
iug protectlon front the low labor s :o , r ;I:nrope to
.ottr ihinte;:tie proquetion4 trorihl.otuthio
eiir.producersto;pay goad Witg,eN to xltovo they
ecr~ toy,''We'aLsei belie ye that a ItastO•systent.of
rdgtilativg N;.1.1 5 6, ,fairly carried, Ont,.;Wenhi lip
far. preferahle to-both operatorii and' woi king-.
ht:* - Iltan the. old system of strikes wltii It l'n4
tepted.cOntraets from Loing mule safety;
'veil n'.Week ahead it could ixi earl ant
without ittlieltrtropblriQ, werenot...fer theln
coCauritted Nlitilng and 'rratisportlitiOn.Copip.a.',
nips, t hO have so tar resiO s ed the. latis • systetit
and reQuretl their men Into co-C4 , erating with,
them hy . paYing - theiti higher wages than usual,'
with tr'vlew, of using theilf to lArtak *up the
13. - •
A.. •
3.4'7E1;7 1
3.415:116' •
Gt.:to l • •
This'is .the reason why.u - e •lia,vp 'favored the
ityattn'' the.e:bal regions-. :Btit even
tlti sr:4,pr* is 410%V: - 0r;,.-atti;ed,. v;',iti tont .`an
umpire to decide: A t viPen . both, parties! (HA:agree,
'and itt governed )t Count.dl 'cunt rolling all the
eotitilles, - perinitorit. 10 ItrogrtNe'...iia tt
portiosi or e CC;tl TI itt`ty ' CV VI if they ohtaltibasitt
wages,atdleave the others to st rmigle ttirc.ug4,
thn Lest Way. they, can, Canl7ot. be tie:tint:tined
lorig,' i bitt . is doomed to tlekrulion i.ttuner or.
later,. Unless our miners and hili-Jrere. can live
without work, and the . pperatoi.sscan leave.their
• ,
Inaehinery stanald Id while s the'other,t . Are renp.
'nix, all the advantages, • ; .
. .
Under 'ex istipl4.tei tenoritnikees tlic:ieritil opera 7
tots eannotst:tit;lnd_ . nni, , t reniain 411 re aintil,
wages come down or, ,im.)al ~ ; (;es up,Wlli.e.ii it i!.4
not li•ii*i•lS• to';1.1( for. ripine time. yet.'. -- 1 ' I
andl,yl_ , ns ViLik;ylCo:4
, ;
Vonkpanies butql s tinfprlnn.ity-•. 9 r rneverai l
naltll4.ol,A. one wtil 41114.4 'with
(alter 11 , 1 the breaker linrned (.14.,wn„
phin. ItrutsTrrt
I "The Lykeiis :illey coal Conn.:my liitxt , lensed
1, the property of. the short Mountant Costipairy, :OW
.01te two null ler:es wiThereafteribe Ivort.i.litiolntly
the emitfnini both °petal Jinni; for the pre‘eht, pai.n r [
int; throtip,h the old I,yken . s Vitlier - brir. 11.-m-!
p wary'roitil L;belit4olien.,l Tull laltifr nu the
•uf. the forilierghort breaker; tWearty tins' to effect •, w filch it. •i": 4:4 10:ec.t 1:41'
he 6ittipiete,,t, nn that shlpinent little e 7 o4ltle.llee thin
latter 114irt of next week, Another nteliti) pittinp isi
lie Pitt in, prevent future litterhiplionsanil
fionkhglollux of water., %Oliell
must delay mi•1PX1,..115.4` to thei:iit ipatiii'm the past,
,It is the intention, We lelfr'n, rut • no , ill-tint!
iinv, to, eonstrttet n Eirge. braid:Pr, aitinyai:nb,!te
polo?, tor die te , e'of both collt oft it . • ••: .• •
w. - pk, In mit' para
re:erring t.i hit( T.l2l;;;e6lfk,!..o-
• teratlinei which hove beetilOst i tty; uti at h Isipttlery for,!
\ the Leit 1,1(1
ii 111);,; were ,n 1 ttt emnplinoo;ml,l It
ipieuillg t
e o h ip euati; fttrilitrinpre. ,
pror Weil with Aente....fikir' - by ti terkteet,
fail not suldeer tOtrotili!e Lh. , ittree. •
So lnnCi, for th 0. Big Lick dot—thd 1.1 rAt this yi - a - r—f,il Vltursikty.•• ;• 1
•. •
sa(i)f.i; 14:44p );,:. -- 1 , .11!!.071 ‘ :)10 1111. En A 11,
t.„,s : A•m
"Tlit, sit iwnsit\ eontlittlei tn ouf regton with Its
. ... :.. I
4 4)
It tUr 1/rt"1:4•1 t lkf ‘r , ,, i',lf 111 - 'llO7l :IN I,oll`ll , {114) eltlipage
WOVII 41 1,t2r:ittyr, nod
to 'tier; k-oto, , what s:tullat to tar NI , II ta 4nul South
in it:l:44.te•ho-Ilion—lt n • nestiorl.•.f
Thit'ul)orntorn - appear .t.o loore.;:nit, , ,l t 3 :Lo.v
ev,e, , open i•reparin:: ;17,r
c.unoltign, • Kr,ine have gpin; ..),ewhrre
greet itti:lo,••nare. wvrkirnr on the town , htp r0u.14.
while otin,l'A art' fixing up their 'wow.' IH
1 ,, 1tY .I ,o k •
n.Nin vAlley and , locollierii.,`
were worice•a l hs mart not 4. rnne,-tett %dill div ruion,
hare'.soorptil. • ,
"Thi:only collivrle. lil onr eonnty now rnnntng :Urn
CAnwro.:l, Fraiik of ;•iwou. 3.taka pitlter. 3a - n
FrAnkll2l; e',lol riPylnisra;tentt
"new' wo
lift. work . ; .1
.4•Itollo no: t 111,W.
"Ipe t ri nci pal par: f:otil mined. Is rein West.'
- COIL 111 - 4.:itt;iolo ANI) CANAL, IS:O.
, .
• The qtinntlty !tent by 1th.:104,4,an,1 Canal 114114 r: '.1(1.: t• 11.1
lug l'Aurxdayla t at : , ' •
St. Cla!r
Port ('Arlion _
.. , .
11; Il neon.
A rn
Port CI [III or
coal fir tAgnp.m) 44 u..•••-•H • • "'9 •
Total for 1.1r.1
.Provieucly,tilts year
To tutu?'
. ..
, .
Ttit , (l:lll.4ving islhe vitiltity :Tx:sport esl Iw4. work : '
We , •l:. T.:141.
. ,
M:ru: 41111 &S.M. IL ! '...... ! , . ' 1a,:" . , 44., :11,11m na
solinylklll !s s alley - 1.11...: 14 ' :";.:AS.. II
Mill 11rrek.,....._... ........ ... ...!... -•- ,- • yi.: 01 - ' !OL:l4,ts
ML I:orty.o Zr.' 0; ! 'I 10.91 s Is
( 4 40.1i5priv . .,....z.. .... ..... ........... -....., 13.911 II .! • 14.1..): II
:CranntitY 1 4 - Teht-1; Itn:::kuntrs:r wos.l:
etnlin;, , on 3.3.tnni...y In et and
II 11r•Atluw. •
s. 4 4,mr.tinat, but 'yelir
D •nk.qt.
, .
14 tier gllrtraijy of.poul trop.portntl I,s• the'Nrt.l Patilro . s.l or the I..totil'l'.,:ll.lun•l NAY. C 1... :or tl.e
evvyk tin ei...1.44,1..y
e411 . d.
The Colt ts - I . .CtleriVed lid IfluW.3
From WyoiMpg• It•elou .....
6. heart r grad6m •
L C. ft /Zrintl4
at S.!
- :
Coal Trait: , for thv yea: :kr It
is . fb!-
ItowV T. 'euntpirel wab last year
w L W ' TOT.% T.
19.74,3 Mr.:.. 0 4.: ' :N1..211‘
P .2. _ 4 I.
tor7ll4lF C . .arr, itzsur 4:41/ YEAST (1 NEW ilrit'ssw:rx
• •
roirtiairrtivirEzKLy ros-ruk uncaue tartrAiLl
. .
" . ' : - PITILADELF4IIA:ApriIitA .trat ,-
lied Ai,h Pirpar•4d I 4 4 ZS' 4 - I .eAnut- ---"- 2 754 2 375
AIL). ISltrtlntil- i 14 , 4•41t44 Mt Login,- 4 03.%4 411
W. .A. 41 Lurtie_...- 101'0 4 _ I • co )41,4tai4 T 4 ...3„x;05 421
.Striuni7—_-_-- 4 409 1 '2"." 'de - . Atoten. 4 - (11 -
Brukeh—...-,.4--- 4 (Al 4 r.I . do .Egg 4 =Aro • -
Ear_-.1—,---.:..:.....- 4 tnty. 4LW ' do $4 p.... 4, 254
i5i0ife.,,_........;__.:_,._ 4 . ..1.; v 4 :1.4, do C:ivltout.3 Z4NI -
" I : I CRWYOBR. Ai:4l'LT. UM..
ILA Aith,...” 7. , :15 1. ; • •
OA: (16011114...... 5 Ortil'Leh b Lusaip.-.,-; 7i/(5.
wAwh Liao__ . I
B .... ivmer. ............. r I S M' _ 1
5 24e
5 75
sum. , elatmtrint..-...... 7. - 4, Le
To lilt' tr.dii . by mkt%
Wilker..l.••rrp A• h C 6.66 a 7
Lskra . . ..
un r * 6 at
Nmunok... 11,1 A 1. • S
Ac It • ' i',— • ~ 64.irs. G Z
Fr.. 21 rani ui wta•c. -11* wittitanita. "
Ay ivied! ; ratrtnn..9.-
kit. 11111•0" *l3l I, R. u. 14 4
t.. Tilt tor • 310
• A L'EXAN:rrti A•A Gt: nriErovrx LsTa.
Georgk t TS
o! — -al• ir - ---iii
' Ititic,OF l'O. .4. ..., • , AT. ' r , ••
• . .
• '- ' . -' ' • 1.4- ter. 6r. F-T.z. Pte. Chet
Lecktirreeti. e't - tre-14 Le 14 4. 7 .- - 44 a' rt II :Pt _ 33 It!' r
Wilkyherte. 11"...tetre.... 474 4` - 74. 4- 46 •0 • 6 V 2 , --- ,
Act..t0„„,iai5.,b,.,..., .. 4 "A- 4St 401 74, 460
rum*. Neleburglt._....... 4 eg. tat .4 n) 4 411 4-1 U -4 40
Lehigh, Pc.' Joe epee—. 660 4Z. 4Z; . 1 a . 6.74 4.74
lAtket. 10144thettipert IS) 52i Eli -3 . Z. 373 • i':3
EtkullothperVetto Pt. Selnergeto Bfeer.ltort overage Ronad
gel at mete; .. , 11rebuezli. le emir, ; --,;•- • - :• •- • '
. . !mem anr.traa ax'l,au' • • •
licartittetai.- ! lA*" ' ,A-yr;rie42( •
At *VIM PRIM% is'
it It. Y . Ntlerter a
l . VAS
1 73 IN.qttpurzlt • aa,
2 trj,Wrot au-mom fittrtilt
' WV. PuttailritLPWA.,
1.1:t. Orem • iromptunk IS
u i bo ni i s tad • Farikeit "AA
Mart 7•ll4Pletil to SI , tit • Um_ -
F' New Tart Fr -pi , . mama 1g 0 =03.4162 •
•,.,•,, r *i
.--r---• -- •
. I ,::,* 11 , .
• , 711 07
h.M 11 u,: f rn 10
:::-. o; • ;. •
2 4„.... us!
hIrt:01 6(11 .19,:03
I:14.051:112i 115 /16 L .
_ •
).n,n , 3,;m1
. 1 :I_ i7s)
cCIOEHLAND cast ra:►nv_
' z
uswaia. zsa
'is •
I Zift:L" ' olsS! .
2 0
Tl5lOOOOlOO 1,
I it
To Pert Web .
To Philattc4phAL,....l.l I
The r.ahnt tram
end from Tamiume.7.
A drnarhAekhr tn
fcli smith or 0 , 4.4 Mu
ehal *hipped to eth..r
Rtu be made imtli fa E
- • t I
, • Tr
42iteli Can 1
. f nil
LIIICAT4I44T • 131
. W.tigibethpo
L. V
N. J. :fr ., . a
stapptzig ,st wLarvfik
To Part
To South A Inbar, '
From Pee n Rimini •
, IT urattun Naval
Pane Haven to' Panty*
Manch, Chunk, to Paint
Hawn ennotk td Hobo 1,
Shiltldnd and, wnariagt.
Tbe follow - Mx aro
Schualkill for •
Prom Pt_ eirbon. .
. 1144 4440 t 1
Fr^mht li' • t I
6281 '
Draw'oack op: e.):11 11;
por toh.
71 1
TV'el A tit ;1
I '
From It.tuvlil".lunk tu g
roniai Verk-i.
Through to 3,
To New
.To 1,1"1",!)•
.. • ,
, .
SpllllTtiktasM, - ~
', • -; '
!.. • , - . , ,
.: . .
• ifiVrEti. , ,F,NirrtT C ITOITt 3 jI. will" give 'n
KEANCE f.„ , r IltivstelllNtazil,fe•atttit)n. ICI " the! Parlor
lit the Ittlrert,m}:ll Iptrzik.4'thls Saturday Evening,
ti .1..........:,..1 - , -,.. '.„ ' • toil i-,rnto.
Poring r...etiw...e....: .1.
m,lll hn:d eiretek t i n Y ' a' wn 113111
-4.11 . 6,-.4,,.2.1 . 0, NELL. bf".ll,•tile.,Cirtrwrortintitttsinesp;-
.I.lnftrlng nn , l - Test :iteg!,'l:ll.:. tun he , eonsulte4 at the'
Noll inter 11, , 14.44) fur tAti.e.l.l, - 6t:k only: - - .'
• r. t- •
tikeptles ci.)0114411,,ri Ni,to.!. -To,lapt,r4odenife,.,,-
April 2.T.1.'111.1 . - .., :. "' . i , • ••-• IT-It- -.•
-.____2_' _____l_l_ •
A#RY; "-•
• N 14s Con II:0 , a lit. doors Ile.ow LPS•c01.111
!_ AgrrilZ.l.:7o• 7 l7-Iy . •
hitt Pt the rktolittolderO,orthts
'Company, the etc ,1; 1, 141 of DiroLlOrs, 13
81 1.7. held
0:1 Nt D.k Y. 3ltly between the hOuto 3 anti
4 ii,•lock, 1t 31.
gr. t. Li! 'l i r 0111 , :e. No.;h3i Ventre'stre4.t,
l'ot . • - 1.); yft 8,0071%
LNiorr Ii RILL' A
stoekhol , len4 . ol
'Directors, be holl
ntreet, PottrAvlne, of
tweet' the hall t . or 3
April 2-'l:4)
IIdatTSVILLE" I , • 1 '
J.,.; der,igh, i.l li 'Tully 43
of April, A. It. NV). we
One s•lrrel brim., one lq
iiiirtiel,, and h. we'lplui
our plehsurd • a d all
. r
terfere with ihd Ntnte
April 23, 1 1. il- 1•••41t.s 1 l I
about to
known Tavern
Town of `rum%
road leadinf
w large Mali 6 al
the kitchen dot,
to • -
Me , hanl
Pottsvl lie and Ii
Ilditir,aft. Ir 11
ftESOßVlNE:li.A.Nli,aittiate .
fn the-tippet 'road between:
.in. fife proPerty of Airy, I).
, ild, the larVkwill be divided:
I lit; feet,.anct , anlil at'S' per •
tly instal - oOn vii
y 1.0 - .1
- , lEL 0121 4 .:AGAN: !
A pril 21, 70-174 i,
...i!ey. Norwegian 45:11.4ryilruntlinit;
T . ," ABLY .lir HA ..
7A..Nft - EA.ltLin ROBE:
/ POTATOES. ---A 12.. w utLliesetairly tnal extra
ordinary ',roil uklre ...otatas, genuine. , renin i n for„
male :it Olt EE:s; WIMJI) NUINEIII - , or kit.-11.1N.N.AN •
A. it.‘MSE:rsSied St r .. :Now le the time. tn! psu-.*
cure Sinai: nihnitilles nd efenin genuine Seed. ~• t'
Also. EA FELYl.lottligit.3l - and the genuine IlAlt
ftisoN I'orAD9FI , 3 7 , ' 11 Apr1 1 .348.10:11.1t
. ,
ntoOh - ling lo'
ot,. pay:iNe
urtiec part Wu:
. ,
Ineitittitte Cht.t . y, Pee :,rium, Atple„ cEe.,:lartte and
- r .
salaU i gt.:111 rollatn for male at (Ift EN W9O I.) NIT R
sERA , - AIN% 6 !foe Supply 9f ettolee . ci ivA PE
1'1:.5:E"..;:.' lON iiibt tod 14te to plOnt these trees, and
yie, 8 for %blue Una. j - t N. . .
Alho, not Eilaitm fl iwalim -.-
April 21, '7l, f7-7St,-1.,-it •• . ,. . , .
'IIIE OAK IlA.'is:bff 'efitILIERY at 'Windy Harbor,
I ,
St•ltuyl kill .y.winty, wIl Inn rented on fitvnrable.tertns .
Tito („Ldilery' elabrap . [the Mai:km.loth, Rithtnnore
and flack iteath Vet tk. A' jpxxl •slope• ha 4 been
gout,: Upon ; t he Sl:hint re 1-el-t1 anda - t u n tth I driven
to the Niattint9t h. To tenant with svillielent menu,:
to purchase the tnaelit O ry and erica new breaker,
a nto...t liberal, leitse.wi II ire elven. Apply to -
, • • Ett.ANKLIN AVEN.
lt.l7;!Snutilit'nurth Stree ll.
t, (R
1 Milling 'Enaltiel, rott3 S, y tile: '
3:17-It I .
' ' , -...- 1 •
C O2; 7,‘l:).,Lpzr
.T. .I' 1i
A '
.11 , 111 23, '7l/ ', • .k.. 1
178 TATE OFlBLLittl.'
ii.... l.etturs tottatiteuta
Ball, late of, Ptlttsville, I
edit) t lie subsdrlhers,.ll :
deblell to the sOlt estot
loerit, and thOse havll I
will present (hoz Ito k
. \ • IIAVI'D - A....11
..I)Mee,,-6:71111 ill
.1 p:l I . -'- - 70"
... 1 '
vT•r - 4
t, Tensions. All
to JullS KIEN
Agent, at Middli
eau have their ti
date of their (Ike,
" lie irtvo..--- • -
lie Ki~~~ti. - xpi•cfni
twpeclally matte]
AtWill atlnfirably:
Th,lnlas 1111111
'be exp,,,,..1 ni rtil
l'n, on \V EllNElf
A-. AL, our 110 W Ntg
OM% with militri
stack, 'holler froti
beim; n tlnit
complete.. Also
diameter. Sale
April 12, '7O-,
Trot 13..
1tT0N;,1320..8.1k & CO.,
.• • - SuccemiOrii to IL rt.-(llOfigETT,
-• • 31.13ri'Actuittlit4 o,r 'ALL'3I-F.ArsB OF: -.
N. - 1' I. I.E. BRIC K,
For Fllri 13. ties, A1111111;4 Fonrea,, Steel War ,
Limo 'y pole' Furnace& EILOCKR. ant
TIIAN for filast-Furnams, Otis Warta, Ifni.:
I . lea4te• ni - Wqrli . :4,;liarcet'a -; tirevn
'flouges,o. Entoi"c licater and Range
,Liu lug . 1 -cytladent, •&a.. of every '
. • ' ilketiffytion to order. •
Firc'ClarVaOle, Fire Sand. Fire in ,
, ItirreL Faikiolura: • ' •
mbuft: of Woodbrldgerreek,
•.N. I'. 0. Atlt,lf*c. 5, Perttrjt tnbay; J'
ktil e N. April 2!„ '74-1:713-4
Q 01131313311
:I:: • :t:E.IPP
. • !'T I-
, -
T ODGE 11064„ K. OF,P., CitESSONA,ArIiIL
.1._., iit ii, 1 , 470.-••--" At it stnted meeting' of VoLteY; bodice.
'N ,, .. lest. X. of P., the .followi n g resolutions: ,were
adored: P - 4• i ". . . ..,
I:esolre,r, That. he Ithantde of this Lodge' be 101 i
- to Sehttylkl I Mill Henry Clayidadges I. 0f1..,
of Poi tAsiiIIP , for he t‘leirittesta ittlitherourheay shown
tat at the (intend f our laic brother, Prrtit DorTY,
on the sth inst.. hi furntsitina us with Inotirning
badttea. and use'allthelr hall; de. •
I A: xa, to the - MeGreity and . Mountaineer Loolges,
1:: of , P. of .I.,uxerne county; far the ; fraternal spirit
, shown by thent.ta brotber DOUTY, in ?their attend , .
.111 lee to Ma wants daring b la illness, and kindly fur
nishitt an e.oort with his body to l'ortsvilitr: .
. Resofred. That oCcoiiy of the above onesolntlons be
forohdied to each 44g; and printed In the Muctsaa'
awl' RICA 1..,. ' . 1 . . JOHN REICK, W. C.
t<T.,DAYs•k. R. R.. ' 'APril 2 t.' 70 -17-11 • '
plasma:sr. dpA.Tipr, risusri VATAZY:
'BEAT,EIIB'4AR4 CAUTIONED that there', are
but, four C.ollieri which mine- tblE,Coal, •of
which axe tinder the trusnagernent or the undersign
ed. For the yuat Silas ICKBON h CO; of Phila.
delphla, will WOO only ,gents tor Its sale in New
England,, New Tort. Trew Jersey . , end - South.of Cape
Henry, and PTA L 7) BROS., C,O„ of Baltimore for all
other polo ts ,us, OkAgents will deal In no other coal.
wfutieverAnd partieVotabing the nure genuine artl.:.
c'e must prOeure Her them. The objectufithia caution .
Is simply to. en those Interested TO ; buy under-,
standingly. 3 i. ,
The Agents sill. their assistants' tor: the above
points, are as folloas: NNICKSON &CO.,.Oetaltal
,d.gents, Welnost street, PhltadelphirsTihtdr New'
Toth Odle° Is at ,Rponfht„ Trinity Buildhugs,4o4.
MOODY, Agent:sedated by ELIMIA MOSELEY;
Agent.Uttutue tract , Boston.
HALL man' & GetterslAgenti4s POst .
Otitt* avenue, Baltilusore„ resented rut, Blar , ;
rtsburg. Pe.. by,'Jtish.PJ3 O..ST Orders,
should be trt wen* to 'el thee of the state naineti4sitiiesi•
and to enamels,. WM. ft. FOWLE,Oenerel maser
or the Summit Branch R. R. Co., the dhoti hit. Coal;
Co., and the Lyksuis Valley Odd Co. (dart. I. '7O-1.
FIST' °SWAGE. 110,41S 1 •• 1
~... • - - • > - ,- 1 1 ••, , , • ;.. -'I '
0? TUE DA . NVI it:IiAZI:ETON. a :Wri*Ea•
OA2tIU trATFO I \O II . I ) - etoligra.2.oc.-: '1 , • 'I
\ lt
CLF O "Aai. TAXES. -‘ , -
INTFrton , pa.t,46LE, AFit:it. 4151) Ocinaza:
, • -1! ' -- , ~- -..: . .• .
perwais wbshin g 1,14 c itorestrienti, ate ittvittid
to exatatti9 thorn flor,ttida, . ~
INuni.lisitrippl ea 'a . i4iiltonluit si;itt by
' - Att, i+
. i # 4:t yi.Tipwit,z4 .4
0t0:4e0i..0.71 4 .
. 1 ,;... .1.
04sirtv17 ,
7 Z.,' CS 830
hieseimanwerfor • .
• • Apill 21. •
age -..3traokkveri
zr, •• • i.1:1
.2atior• *lolllls
1 Ili •
. 9 , 10
1. •
l 5 1 33 .7.17 '
y or i t * " . = . 4:
J .
31 ;
-Vie Mi . •
• 1 • IMPnalt.
• ,
1 11" I t:
0- 210 UN. 114 10 2.
kill llama az* 2:iletiis per Iqe lott«'
nottertoritnott sta lollB ilstsi.rd n k: n r o loo. Metier.
Fiat of
MA • 4r.lwbocir•ot iio"ott perdon,
1 W 0 . 41 . A'! * *
• 10
I'cicsTiut - 5iii.1(62441 **. kitties,
j -41t" 141 L. V. R. •
To Booosen.'
I 4 I.2.llLortis it Notes t 1
I I" 3 1 1 1 8;d i 4- 1 ,92
•o• IS.
IzobtOpiort it Pt. J01un0r...:....W49 ,
fort cootui,:ltre a ict noaa .;
4 . _ AS T:
~n ,
fimrir - 11.4
3cJort47x4x. colgra..l!r.
l e rites .. ef 101 l and freight om the
• -41 en' • VD -
! I gl -1'77 as •
Y ° r t -111,41 'ficLaity n as
rtion :fichAtaven. - PL. Cltiati:kn
cra'' uf • , 4,1 W , .
t: a)
Anton . • .46
war ;live, and
2 :1111
• ' • L..L.
CANAL,. • ' . • `.
A-The otittoul ntecting Al the
'mielationlfor:t tie ePetlon of
t their ciffice,'No. Is4-Centre
'l7 EsDAY, May :Id; 1870. be
d 4 o'clock. P. M. .
. St I LTpx 11Q9NE; Sic' y .
• .
lan; 1 3Ti.l unr
6 notice's .. t
on 1.11612 t h'd ay
purchased- :of 'Frank Spohn,
V ring wagon, and the ton of
d the same to. Wit. during•
raonware Warned
NECK, • •
'ill up'
age hill
ra, 14(}1 4 i
,tnelie 4
Ir. Ter
' tidentigned beingi,
Cher bus I neint, otters hitt (yell;
I - iIk:NT:At Ito tiltuttte in the
enufity t oa the 1111111-3
vine to Tairtatittit. There is
milt. welt of good %voter near
sxi II be it-statobahle. Apply
17-lut* ,• -. ••
/11 23, t';l
01 1.
%l i ort 04:
nt, aoo
,ix, 25
SAL iltrLT.s.
E R• C
1.1) Street atiA s tori'iacev)
y upon the estate- of Klan
leeeasetl,.hav lug heed grant
executors,'all persotts-411:
are requeste,l to matte pay
g claims altattW the'estate.
A NI CIEL - 11A_LL, Cent street,.
tr. , 471, Attorney tit taw,
.ntre street,Tottsiiille, l'a.
r iEtoLDI,E.ELS.'—AII soldiers
fly net Wounded or contracted
dull the late war, are 'entitled'
Such widiers should at'once write
KPATI :r c K, Government . Maim
lebournc, Guernsey, Co., Ohio,: He
Min's allowed and pall , trotil the.
'tante, If application be made soon.
'ft-Outten to old.a.nd difficult cases,
'IR poisions, and has
April 23, '7O- , -17.dt /4.
THCiSIXEI .111TLL, Trticii!ig; ai
lit. CJ: In Bankruptcy....nacre will
)11c &U. o at Yorktown, 4,44lrbun co„
BA V, ,t,4 Y 4th, Ir7o. at 10 o'clock
gtt !toil I. pion!: (40 ) lairs° power ca
n.4oo, ptialp-iluttl:dhuu•wheel,
' 0 (:0 114011 , _ r 4, pne wrought iron
)0+ /kir' four bolt ex", the the whole
ail 440 hoisting engine and ge,4trl nit
of2rwro lea column:l4e, /6 inches
teinpiorm. ' r , ... • . . ,
SI AN.4IA.Itp ilt(llEit, It'imi*uce.
I • • f 17.;1tt -.-
.._ . .
. .
I '.1)114, %•:•-
- •; .L.,0.1110.111P8011.
,T ltb .
it.OpT I TEOIrr ti TRIM t .'!' • ._
, •
N th
ow Is r :ream for tport.` van aid toldre your
aolertAdon at TACta..E trona 'dor taltwisoruneal, Pot
Rada 'Willi, 4ek ±l27 1"
pa,ilrcitiVitlACMl24_ rctrilgatexAtig
alurauso. aux Warr - ISl'ite .
P= niter trod Ltro , arielt, stiktic- ;relsOlookg,
aad oven - Matt deoefaaary. - calla
vow implection . , at„ - C. THOMPSOIVN
V/Eit LIGHT 33178 2 / 2 .11.
• The Very ht4tt 131.711NEtt dathieil Give;
. ,
attintanselpare wit !felled tv eon y burn er that
produces a dame frvie from smelt and itiooke. Ming
a roand !Lupo Ak4sk4tot brfult ;he ettfinney, and
hating& doable drapsht it fornisperfeet combustion'.
It tags a =lefty WOK, Insu rink %acidity from mixed
alb. The chimney's are, imported and warranted'
Fire f; hastng a hinge for tinting, they do not
regaire. to be, unscrewed. For Nile wholesale and
re.talt bY • • .. L.-C. TiIO3IPBO7.C.
.PLATx G.,4lsvAxlzEp
13451LE1. TUBES exit to spo.el fled - len7. ll M
rtraiti Anil iron Vallt anyietir.;;Sittitigs fur, ( "in kstauppSWnter ltou
Plunge Pipe lor 'Steam and Wnter,
Cast Iron Kull Pipe mind Fittlenrc.f4mt
Dim te. .tc.
Listing Tuties 8.11 length* coustaiitirs..on
,'ST EL .-Ht NG•.•
BUILDINGS O'F EVERYDEselpWateif after the I IPTION Itotkted
by Stem= att.t approved
.P4Ftluxls. ' Aprtkltt,. , . - N-14-ty .
• .......___:_-..-- ...._....„-
0 'order of lit t F C tl tr rp l itls iL i ß ri — o P f ll ttit' i t l t t o t i l . i ' y 'a e l el
'lrtniyikill, inithe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
t v t ubscilbsivcexeentorst of, the late wilt and testa
meat nrliettlaatin F,'' !Girl frith, late of the ittorough
of Pottsville, In the County of St..huyikill,Atses'asesl,
Wilt t'•xlsose to sale bynakdie.vemine. on ' • - .
' /IA 7 1. 7 kLr-itY, T.1.11:71.Y D-41: fi Y. ISM),
'At 10 Welock lerthe' forenoon, at the p riori es In the .
Borough of Pottsville:, ill t its county - Orlschuylkill
afortsald.ltil that ste , rtalit or piece of ground situ
ate on the itoutherly, Soh e ri • Market tinnier, In the
• ugh of Pottsville, Cotintv of Settirtylkiti, State
-of Pennsylvania, being the 'let marl:lst with. OM
intruber seven:at in liillYman and Hughe4 square of .
ground as laid out by thetnisboontied .porthicanily
. and In •front by Market. sttreeri eastwarvily. 'ISy. lot
number six ttletti said square of grourici;Sonliticsuilly
• try Silly tnarkstreet. and west's:aptly trylot number
' eight„s,s) In Sjtitl square, tiontaining In front on Mar
ket Atreet .twenty al feet, and extending of flint
witith.lnoieptli ime huhdreil and ten Oita feet, with
theapputtetutures consisting oT a ttentstory .frame
and,briek 'dwelling house, with "n. tarntstory. frame
: kit ellen
houie an a ti t t fer ch re ab l sh u eidl
'a•ft w th o er t e o a ry r !nMdi nte t s i a w i e d l k
ra n t g
late tile estate or shit' decenised.' Teruel - anti .i.tontli- •
J tionsioade known at the limo and Ogee of 'CHIC by
' ' ; I , IA•RBARA ~ , , C . G. CILIFFITII, . '
. .
. ._' IIILT01 4 :13001:g . .. /-:4 - ccutors.
y order of the Orphans' Lou t t,, • '• '. ' ,
.- '- • - CHAltt.i3 sltlit:c. (.?Tert-..
- Porrsi - ibrg,!April Pith, ]tits, . • • ..; 11 , -;:t
ESTATE: = PUtSIAIIII: CO an Act Of AsSenibl.Y.-
~approved ltlifrelt 11th, 1870, authorizing the nutter"
-. signed Commlntioners -to s.ell certain pab I 1,. prop-.
Oily In tie-Mrs:mutt ofOrwigslinrst.'sielitlyikili .L'Ott a-.
4 3'. Pa...will be sold ut , nubile etjo on the prem iss -s, • In On? Borougitof Oterigitlturg, a ntre.saitl, on
- TrESP4 I': 77/E 211 it I) AI" (ti , M',i)*; IsTor, '
At 1 eirlock; Pi M., the following- proiseity. viz :-=
All that certain lot otground. Situ:do:hi - Rad Bor.,
ough..of •Orstlgslittrg ; bounded south )br front hy
Market street, west hy. Warren ' sitter; north by w
20 feet wide alley, and cast %.y lot No. lo,' htiingstxty
' six feet 'wide, and one htlinlred and sixty. six feet
.' - tieep.and merited In .the general plau ea , said town
Of Orwigsburg,lwith nuinber nine, with the appur
tenanistes, consiSting of a fweeittory briek 'building,
ifortaerly used 'and ocennled DS ACourt 111 niS"., being
tett} , feet wide lif , front and seventy fet't 'deep the .
stories 16 feet high. AIM) 'attached tlivrt.o„ig. atwo-.
story br i ck building, thirty- feet wide, and forty-six'
lltet deiep, fOrmhrly, used fit County:olllFes, ' the sits;
rtes 11 feet itighi ' - . ' '.•
'i t .Also. All certain tither lot of gr 31111 , 1 situate'
In said 13,Orougis, bounded sow, It by- 311111111 street,.
west by lot N 0.121. north `! by an alley, ittel east by,
let N 0.127, beirig sixty-six feet witk., anti rine hun
dred and eighty-one feet 'deep, and marked In the
genernl plan of said town of Orwigsbunti with II uni
her ore.!. hundred and twenty-Six.' with the appurte-'
naneea teonsdAting of re two-story brlek• building;
dhirtrfeet willeand'thirty-siS feet deep,
Saiddeseri bed lit/tidings with little eXpense can
be conVerttd-Illtlr&lrseturY. .
tr -Ternls of hale will be made kno wn on sail day by
, - , '
,SAM'.. It, Nilitil.Alt •
, • ' ' ' - ' CilltlSTlAN'ilblitoElt,
8.1 MI-, 11. MAI . ?•DEN,
, ..... •
• . Commissioners.,
For further particulars apply to tatlrot'of the Com
• moners. t .
• ' Orwlgsburg', April 10, 1879..
,113 80
s 9
hPHANISs 5 ' COTTAT BALE.l'uilmant t:
_., order •Of the Grpilan's (Aiurt•of Ilie ceiienty•
of liciu2(llclll , , In the , Commonwealth of: Pennsylva
nia, the subscritier, Tiustee± to malo., sale . 2 d'i he real
tatst, e ordolintiwinner, late of tile Horwitz - LI, of l'ort
Carbon. in the illnortrof stehnVikiti N elee,, will
exposei to sale 1)3: putdie vitmlue''.4,l4
.; ; -, ' •
.: J. • Stl7,l`l4'D.-1.3; 7711:.'711i DAY :OF'lltii:Y , 7l) 1
At 2 e'elock In the aft animal, at the pninic : house of
the Widow Lediuy; in the Borough .iif.: PO:l...Car
hots, 14 the County ofschttylkilt, aforesaid: 'all that,
certain lot.or piece of groom! situate I it'Alitjl'orough
of Port:Carbon, dtchuylicill County, l'entssylyan h;
marked on the I ? •::tinti'plan of saidß.:ton : gill, with
the number 9i, undedan.l. described as follows:
on the'north by :Jackson street;, i the eitst,!-BY•lot
No. 99, sold to lifigh IC inaley.-on f south bvl , :petice
Alley, on the west bbj• lot No. _ sold : to NVitliani
enet", Containing In breadth law and west siSIY
feet, and in length front said. jaele.etot Evtreet north'
anti south two itundied antrtWenty abet withtho
empurtenancea eel ti of ti two-story brink lmuse
and, two, frame stables and a - stone. - Ice Mar-e.
'Arse all that certain lot or piece of ground situate,'
lying and being In tint village or town of Warder;'
East Norwegian Township, cotmty . and St:Benton:-
said; Marked and numbered in the ''Plleral 1/1311 of
icaldektwn, as laid out by NV illiant " ilettry Bacem.
block Y bi•ginnlint at . sepol tit, Awing the northeast
eerier of loicon anti tleorge streets, rutiaitig . tiothee
westwardly along. the north side M . said Ilm•on-droa".•
fifty feet to IkfrOili t, thence north wertily by taint of..
said M'ln. R. flac o n, one hundred and *slaty:Xi:et, to
ground of the Moinit t'arbon anti Pidt t'arli4i: ..itail
• Road Company, r a westwattliy the" line,
• of the ground of Ole said itailreved Co., hay - feet- toll..
. point, thence,sont Ii ward ly. „along other liend of:I ti?''
said Wm. 11. lincon r one hundred feet nithe Place of ,
liegintilim,'with the appurtenances (amidst Ing or a•
!,t wo-anit-Italf-story frame limn.. nal frame stable.
Also all that et.rtalti tact or iii::.;‘, of etri,,u nil situate.,
p.artly In tile liototarli of fortCarism and
..partly in
East Norwegiati township, t'eunty and SMut 'afore.'
said. llegitmlng at a post on the southwanily side
of Fifth street: thi.nee along lath! of the said John
0 winner, south thirty-eight and,:i half iiegpees east ,
fonr hundred and,eighty_l feet to the rtrdtlxwani
lyrline •of Fourth 'Street : henee along the some
south any-one'arid a half il ..grees west one hundreel
and 'ntriety feet Act a pont, titmice. north 3b I rty-eight
and a half degrees hest four hundred and eights'-
-One feetlo FitthStreet, - thenct:::aldng ;hes:vine north
fifty-one and a Half degrees ,eastone hundred aril
ninety' f...ett to the place of beginning, c•iintalnittg
'two al and fourteen pitches. , .i' ' e - -- *
And also all that certain lot or piece of liziirsit;
unto partly in the'llorough of Port (... ion-and part.;
ly in East Norureglan to ri lit.--- - Co unty and State
aforesaid begin ming at a
,o 1 Fifth street, Wei:ice-a ring 10t NO. Viesontli thrrty
eight and a ....nalf:degrees east lour' itiondred -and
elghty-One-fiatt, to Fourth street, two littralrevl and
twerety - - . tive feet lc:in post; thence north thirty-eight •
-ruid a half degreettwest four hundred and eighty
one feet toßite southwardly side of Fifth street;
thence itiona'the same South fifty one and rthalf de
' green west two hundred-and twenty-five , fret to the
plinv of lieginning, containing, two acres and see.-:
enty-once.and a half perches. late the estate of .sidd
deceased.. Terms conditions madd 'known iit•
the time and place of sale by ' • .
• . '_ JACOB GWINNER. Tratter. •
• lly order of the Orphans' Eourt,
... , • .
. i 'CliAntd.s; .Mtdlittf, fleck.
POTI`AW LI: r .r, April 11.'1.1",). ' i A 641, •
17-it '
• _ _
,A.LL KINDS or Garden Tools eau be bad at re
ducedprlees st)L0310:4: iloOrEn'S Tin,
.nove and House purrilsidug Depot. N. 2 4 1 censre,
street, Pnttsville,Pa..
. April '7O
I c •
clial lititidred kohrta•ltir riff the t•lmlce.
1:1 als fell will ripeft'cor/v In;thle t - eioo, for.sik:
at ttleF , Kl s :Wool.)„,,MßA'EftVettettp. Pere.tkis w InflL -
lug to tlet out. VIDCti, can .be rum , !tly,.the Poi.
cheap, of the eltulee kha.l4 of V:ines. aufthble for
.vineyay.i.s. • 'Milt 'l'V,t--7.:-2141.a•-•4i..--tc.tzt
.. . . .
. .
,yl.ll.lLkEngcl.i. - '
.. ,
sTocx , :,. ilo:c Ds I r.nd. (1 eV EIINT.3I ENT s'EC(.7 111-.
TIES Imught ataltmlcl ,I•tra•tly oa commission : • • • '
14:11„Ke..5 1,4 G(T.I), Set.y.Cll AN'a roak:11-;:.; 001;03.
lielng tatonbers •01 ,. .the MAN:lelpltla Stock 'Ex
chane'e, all orders 'entra(sletl to our tare shall •re,
eclve prompt attention., • ,• ' .
March ri, '7).—n--Tiverh 6m:-11-41m ' ,
. ,
• •
• • '1 sußvEyons, bcoNVEYA.NeFuEs. • •
i Exasslnrri tii.l4. awl Interreping Claims 141,1-nimbi
"Istria 171 , paro s ,s4.1nn of Lil•ge enllectlnn - of maps
orlsunts in tc - clift, - , , ll:lll,ntuttnljolnilescounitinc as well
tu4 snpinus %miss rosvlertlng•tlin titim.-Inttn - 14-frmrs
tax Orel-,44,10 in give v,..lstabli. faint-hut-
Lion t4cnislie'rs.c.liiir aint..4, awl tli 64 . o firs.irotr*ut nil r.
chasing; ' . I, •
~, . , ~
. .
, A xduaa= LINE . 'or 'TRANSATLANTIC, --
„i.. STEADIC.SHIPk. '. - ' • . •.; ~..,-1 .7 ) `L.;'
.11,etween Newyork.GkurgoW.Lonrlondei - i-y,\IV
Liverpeol, Queenstown and Hamburg. .
lis:Ductir itArt.l4 OF PASRAGE.—For ptu•satite . or
tlrattitlik thin eonitierrllons,e ornfortrible.and popular.
litie , Foryteutwitilps lAitArreen the - Unlteil titans 'and'
Europe, or AU . , t ullintorm "Won lu.regurtt to. rotes of
paitit2o,, etc., Apply 1p person or by nuill to their
-Agent , s - i • Capt. C. F. GL4.ll, , Fit •,_ •
•.. , 'No; =Centre street, Pottsville.
koritV7o-1•1--ant r ,- . ,
17REENWOlati‘ NURSERY. , . • . ,-.
N. 7 . - , , -
• •
30,00) Plants: An e*.eelletit conaltfonl-2,f.,0 Yen:
'berms, choicest klndw; So varlet les of floses, together
-with ail klncla.of choice plants beddlneost, and
ornamenting grounds, for male at GRUENW(N)D
NURSERY.. Collectkani of eti. flo , $l5. and $) lots
ca 4 bemado up of chOlee varieties. See catalogue.
Japass Llikel, • twelve; dtflaneat Ittralt, Itieludlng
the'Auratam, pot* Aten, Tuberoses; Uladlolds.'
sod imported - Prank*, etc,:' rte., for sal ,t.• :wholesale'
and retsdl,at - RIULEN WOOD' NURSERY:
Aprlll3, .70-72-3tatrrks-16-41 .
Neer Patent - Senpalar Shoolaer limes and, c'hest
'No Shims tinder - the &mug.. 'Perfect eondort and
mead t gguUarateed. -60_North Seventh below' Arc h ,
Philadelphia. ' TrusestN Suppoa U tert. =es tie stock
" Crutches . Ir.. i.3s alien dall
• inn. 9ln; 1, . • , • • 20 7 -iy
t --- • '
• .
• ,
• I;&A,,NUFArTCIII , 3) in
. ' 4701-111iN A. 110.EBLING'S • •
; . • Tit}rt. Tos. 4. J..„ • • .
For IncllneciPlanea, Mining; Standinz Ship Rigging.
Sospenlies Bri t Ferries, Stnys and icily&
i t. / 1 on Cranes and Sheara, (
ziel Ilk Tillers, &c.
• •
L t Rios BTOCit 01e*ITtE,110 P.PI . 6(iNc4TAriTLY
0.11 1111 ND.
• - ' MOM= Vitaki) Vint •
lir!roe itiength. Floe 'UM coat: see tizrtilamiehlell
will ha melt on applies/11m. , Atm T. 11):-.31-1.•
IN PAMIRS on- iota. - nal And vuerai
sex al Pug nervy(' einslf9l 23 at the heed
/200 4 11 4 41A,* & riA.RIB .
' i
# 5 -r_ Truek , 43ll neril, "a Wrf'llanb! desiring to
1 1 41, 1 * -111 1gplialWlikiesite xi graven.' plit4;l.
I ' , Olasfibr *Nati wigglie r attendett tn. ••• .. li
f' g ~
§ ,
.. .
1 ,
,444.4.2F1Pkg , -
ftetherackittiest article In the market,
411 - forhpcistanu__ogl atilt
- • • _ N'ek.
as: ;;;-:
' Pub.lie .'S,itits-.,
PitatitlP* Uvertiststath.
Ism - assrsa. • - .usTo.
0 4 - wholeakte Dry Good". No.= Markel.
• N. 8.-21611 order* Sox
Oa *a. Intended far' mit
plimaraddreen arC.Sita:w.• team of Jacob_RJ 4k
ighaalo.2Siillhattli St:: Mad*, - Jan 22, NAIDII.I7
C. 4). ft .grara cg lsiers 47Clll &
C MUG Ilraprepared for,
tableaus, and toir um. orgterreaslyld
bit Flan will recrpptly attendesi tat. • —. ,
Ire A CO
t•iBi platadapidai
J - 1 At TaiecomPuurilt PRIM. and warrant
ed t r the Compourty- sent with 'every waterc._
Price hit and daidtiptive Cetalogne sent-tolige•
&ape/Mmes. Order* Shed by gamma C. O. li.. with
privilege or eZilittliilliflLl beibre_Pirtlig, the money. !Address, •
_. ,' ' ALifiXANDER R. HARPER,
April la, '7O-164t - NS ettesdnut ht., Philadelphia.
$.25 1 .
: FI vei trlai e gttlyete .. tl ne T t le
cheapest First Clam Igachluelnzthe Agestta
trmitett, in every num. Liberal 'comantsalon Whom&
Vat terms and elrentar„ addratei.; A, tIaiIthEILTAJX,
Gelt. Agent, 15T.6:709 Chtstimut,l3l.„ „Philastyar. •
Apriklit,'7o • •
ECM EiIiREET CARPET Mirialialol:lBE.
:t - L , tt Arch street. below Ninth greet.. Philadel
:Theoki estanlilibcd stand. Receiving forth°
lvving 'Trude a la.rge - sto:iek of New/gig/ea of.
purchased at tite'.4espest GOLD RATEBrand
nArl aler great switsetionjireat last season's vetoes. •
ENGLISH BittriiSKLKaill 50.aattallotner goals.
n Oro portiOn: ' JOSEPH BLACKWOOD,
April - falArch tit.;
GLE/RLIFNI.Ne. DAY= co, , • : •-, •
41r 8. TUZIW St., PIELLAD47.I./11.4.
F.LB:IIIISNING. DAVIS/310#,74..17 tft.„ltew Teat,
• nriNgmits 4WD It ROIERS . : • E
=We tatow intereet on '.tempo .or standl ati•-•
patio, rind execute orders promptly 1r the p
and saleof ST!OCKB,,BONDBA2=I.I) QtLD I=num1 =num
CITY.:_ - " - .f 1 I
Dlret. telegraph le cotranunication from, the
delPtlkt 4011109 to New •Yorlt.. [Jan 31. 1 :70-418114m
Wlff .1 Cagaßlie . : a
Water-of . litariettri Blasting
. •
4pr2l 0, '7O . ' •
Gas slavripits a icsnoinansa Lucre
onsA.2. rAtsisEry or Niqv Erriiram..
• .
.701.M0 k CO, . Alannhactarers,',sitd
tiVhqleltalo thiallers. 702 Arch t?...; rhlla. ,
7111:10 : 5, 1869
_ ___
• . .
• •In °Tering th above brand to the attention. of
ro esume I 8 ..., rtSi;nt sensurr; we beg leave to Make,
that we ha e -made very great improvements lb
gat!. curing t wing the past Winter; and have no
hesitancy lurying, they' ore Me beat /lams e_rfaat.,
v o
They are sett all loon strictly corn fed Hbgs, trim,'
liked very tile ly so as , to make as little waste in cut
' t Inglis possible; and I he Ingredients used in curing,
are the very flnest to be had.. The ,Hams are all as
sorted before pickling and-each site cured by itself
so as to cna bre us to keep In-pickle Just long enough •
to cure and not be too salt. a_great fault. dilfith most
Hauer. We alio cure In ice Houses all summer and"
.carilurnish.the Hams at till mes cut from Hogs
,- that were alive within 6 weeks of the t line the 1101118
are delivered which .18 a gfeat adVantage anti •one
.Imi:sussed by ver.tilew dealers. We feel sat hilled a
• trial will insure satisfaction. •None genuine ;unless
brand i ed.'., Sold on iv by • - . .
' - - ..A.. P. en . FsEsltorrox & co., - -
• - Pork Packers, N0.',10.N. Delaware Avenue
• April 9,.70—14-6:n PIIII , ADELPHIA, PA.
..C . _:_EO: Z. 131:TZECART 86
,CO., . -.
-...-1. . ~ .
. • •- . •
VAT 'anti.' T.A.NR FACTQRY,-
.- . - PHILADELPHIA.. .• -
. ---, . • .. -
We are prepared' to make at the shortest ,noticis
WPODEN TANKS, varying In capacity froth
' 150. to 150,000 GALLO:NI, suitable
' 1
'• • • for Brewer*, platillters, Dyers, ' e.
• .: Natiufadarers; &v.
. .
• •
Refer to D., Ci, . incENQUIFO, Pottsville; E. BAIT,
Ashlaitd. '• -, ' .';, Feb 03,10--9-4 m .''
1870: -- i3.r.ripxo AND SUMMER. jB7O
111-It, -
- • •
1 DAV I .7c. 'l4 L & C
'sot -sit I LA •
'lnvite the•uttentiofl of purchasers on visiting Phila.
-ddpii la, their farge and elegant stock of
- • Y . ' cYI)
..00)0 1 14TING IN PA lir OF • ••••
• • "Slack and Coiored
and Stripe Silks, ,
Japanese Silks, ,
Figures, Stripdv and Plaidsilo t .r
'lain Silk poplins. select- gluisies.•
• . corded
• • . Silk.Sergesand Wool Poplins.
licit Slakes of Alpacas? and. Mohairs,
Mohal d AI
Grenadines and, Organdies. rs an
Pe m rca ln
lesand sca,
iobintzes.%; Calicoes and Low,Priced Dregs
- • . •Gcleds. Diegs Goods o: the latest styles '
'comitatitlY weelvitig.
• 1-11.:ACW p - RESS:GaIiDS IN okkAT
. .
I 'troche and. Paisley Shawls, - Thibet and' Blanket
Sliawlit; spring and Suiruner Shawls, Lace Polntes.
Lace Sac,pi eg,-, Clot lis and Cassimeres, Tableland II
hind Napkins, Sheen ngs and i SAr ia ting Singling, Co t li
ii•rparieg-BlanketS, Spreads, dc. Plano and labia
Coverw. 4 White floods, Lacs ,Li broiderles , Gloves,
I,i,lery, doe.. ' •
S. I}.—Wwileal iti good Goods and endeavor to sell
t ,nth prices that will give satisfaction.- ~
:11 1 a - The:Clit-mtnat and Stocket Street cars' w ill enti.,-
; ;,,ey yen to - within a few - ilodra of the store.
21 - • " EDWIN TiALL. .00..
- , .
. • 2, South Second Street, Philadelphia-.
April If., - ' .
•- _ - -
AND ! ' I;:tCHANGEn .
ON HOSTJtE.-11S.0)(Al ERMS....
ounia recelred 'And interest allowcil on daily
balances subject to check, at afg4t,
1 , 1 . )1e:c all t'aC' Nov.:lnez of
Tockrnis:n Wrrn • • •
° ° •
`t i ' • •
41.Co. , coneltle that it Is only
quOte a few of their offerings An in Ind
ces at which this SUPER/18TO= wil
of, I to Instire an early
114LtspnI s e Double-wldthChenp
Vnniard: kohalni, .115Ceni
toonhle-fold_NOtalch Popllns, •in
- i'Sfiades, 56 Cents.
Hoyle's Yard-wide English rents; 7a Cents.
Pr nted Satin Cloth, a new article for the h or
Walking Costume, ita elute:. •
One cage oftheFlnest Organdies ImPorted, 40 ta.•
li. - !Scotch °lngham.% fa I
all colors, Z Cents.
Wocasesat French Foulard Mohales, which 'sold
hy_tte m piece
. for ffr Ccuts , are, now offered -at
os Cent.
. .
Mick Lyons Oros , 0 m lins and(Drap de Lyon. of !the
- 'best makes, front 111.50,t0 $8 per yard. • • ;
, •
Cherie RI Iltis of the , La test tlextkna of the Darts riii&•:
k et, and extra- q nality. ise4l laqt , S,Rrlttg at.s3,,rfr,
• ,
Striped Stiles frceii $2.:14..
Black canvas liateges, extrit superb
mink can,* it4re g es, 73 Came.
IllcekVanvas 84r1405. nU vthiths and 'qualltles4 up
• to PS.
viralkitis snits, Laces, stkawis, taco Points, &c.
April - • ' lit •
I,4liA,vzs. ,
f I -PiII:VOW Plinsber' sad Gas Fitter,
Minarrronelo A 7 7 .. ftnrenrmt.n.
114 +R been' baelnesiover 111yeeis tn-Phfi
*detente ores. bins unsiest feeilltiesribir deriTtnif
Llasappltee front Met eissertni4ki.':.-IWirartle*ter
attention *ld
...eoniStr7,ll . rott. — *web 211 V; .7043'
Itt:AIettIOTIVIIMC 190PtilliErbea,.. • '
or parsons wi th other. mmoefo.
-at omega:l3d remora:thee that eau 'besotted
:with the iptq DUNOEtlik OP
tietin; No. az theit kimm ittrer Putteritie. 81 4 =e
Bit Spectoete. - . 'Moth th.
-~:. _ a
32Lert:111:ft or
_ •
• inn to:Entlorgive qtet illteentti Airkentlnitw.
• -:Wastillts4.9ll, April -24—i•Wie Senate Ju.:
.dfclary Coiiiiaittee this niornino -- • was, en _
tnlin the = tireparationmf s a.bill to enforce
if,icentb • Amendulent, and made such
*ogress that it is expeeted a compiehensive
Measuke of. that, nature will he'rentlytlir:re-;
poikedrly ttextv: .
za:t; N.EW:D01,272C70,7i'A,, --Father Itochotl and .
Scott 'were examined beforta a-police Ourgts 7
trate'yesterday on the charge of being sore
softies to the murder of Thomas Scott at Fort
Garry. A' large number of Witnesses • were
examined, but the e videnceib far is. insufa-
Mint to procure the :conviction okthe -pris=
emus. The case L riastponixt u til to-mbr
_row, and the prisoner released o - 4. .
111 1 4 Ve44ll;l4eti Plebi getie- , --Mon peniclee*
t • • auwees fOr the Thrtsbe,
. •
rati miustt -
ally active. - Seiturese-of ar ms : acid other war
materiel vireie made , hy'the authorities
day at; Mancheder and tiptv Caritle.
. ".' - ' • 2
'Prattos:Afait.2.l:.--,The raembers of the party
of thf3 Left, - who
.ieTfuiedlo sign the .ananife t tao
yesterday, will neyettbelea.4• veto againat the .
p/Riscite. , , '• • '
ay ' wag ardionneeil t0...10v
certain that the Ffreneh' armies w hie 11(VVe i
voted.will p z irlicipate-on'the:Stli x f.
MADRID, - April .:L':-- X.
thi:ni: 81at
the .Dtike": of Atot#oensier's ehanees
,fur the
throne of Spain have been. Intttruyed he Ids(lila
-with Pripee Henry:de Bourbon.; - • -
. MAnturk , ,-Apri,l - :22.-ith the eti'rtes- yesterday
afternoon Senor Oehad; ('itrliKt request
ed sn'exarniutaion into the inattge Of the Mont -
portsiOr Bourbon &tel. General. Print refus'eti,
saying that the had been ended in. tho
pourts or latir. ,-; Tho tieneral was,stipp:)rted in
this bYthe ktortOtk, ;. ,• . • -
FORTYqI its 'PERM--SECOfili I gSS i
.. . ,
'..' , 1, -...- W.4541.1.NUT0N, .iin - il :12, ISt),
iThe:Seriati3 took •up , Mr. Chain! er's resointimi
directingtherlresident of the tsisiled States to
appoint cetinn i
issioners to open (jog as
tor the annexation of the.Witinipe..4 - district as
a - Territory or State. '
• - - : ' •' ' • ~ . ,
/id USE ttle REPOES.ENT.,I2.I, .EN. '
1 Mr. Q'Neil present&lacemmuniCation signed
by many citizens ef - • the :SoCond-.Congrtissional
district of, I'emisylvainis, urging -Congress not
to re-enact the income tax; •••• '
• - Mr.: Ingersoll. - inquired/. dr' -OM r to
the position of the Washington end Xew.York.
Air Line Railroad bill'Ain the Speaker's table.
s The Speaker said it- w:J.s of. the 'last Class of
business that would be rthiched on going to the
1 - '§peaker,'S table. < . . ', '. •;'' ,
• 3,1 r: Ingersoll. hirther inquircit as to the time
when „it would probably be reached. . • ' , •
The Speaker replied-that. the .gentleman froni
Illinois could nialte • ri guess on - that subject ak
• well as the Chili. . -• '. .' •i ~ • -
. - ,
• The - House then wont into. Cominittee of the
Whole. on the 'Tariff bib,. Mr. Wheeler in the
. chair, restimingthe-billat the following pans- -
graph - amended ':, - --I.V.' Cast, and 'semi) iron I iiii . tuY '''''
of every description,' tive7dollars per' ton:. on I 1 '
Wrought scrap tremor every destriptiOn, six dol
lars per ton: - Proefdeit,..Tlitir nothing shall be
deemed iron - olcept, - wastelor refuse.. iron that
' has been in'aettiaL is use and lit only to be ii ism
ufactured ."-_,
I. Mr, ;Etutlet. (Mass.) . withdrew 'his' pending'
arriendirtent;:w.hichUlls to "filthStitlltO the Word.
"er", Tor the-word - "an il,'' and 'dill:red nu ither
.sinteridirient to insert the Wod "or",:t before- tbe
words "that, has been In actual ust!."-- Ile ex
•plaineit find tidirtx_teti the • ametidnaent which
was.otTeretthy-Mr.:Schenek.. , ':- . • •. •
-Mr. Breoks •of New , - York ; ' sustained, • the
amendment' liffered - b`r Mr. Butler, - as of, tile
greatest importance
.to the rail rets,autt to the
iron workers all over country- V 'llse's:split
try needed more road iron than Pennsylva
nia and the otherrolling miffs could kiipply.—
.Mr: Judd otleredis general substitute fixing du
; tiess=ois sugar, salt; _void', mid pig and scrap inn's,
' atone third . lelis Ahab existing duties, and on
, eoffee, tea, naidall manufactaires of iron, except
ratilroadiroii, at one-tifth 'less.' l'rovideci ' that
no Manufacturer of iron shill pay less - than
!th irty-five per vent: ad - ialeirein- on all woolen
'sir cotton manufaetures or.raqoiii.l iron, at Ono
-The ,tliutirnian d i eepl'eil %that the . substitute.
.might be•offered stow,, lint- esittiti n ot he 'conisiiiL
ered Or voted on Until; all The; se - ions on these, .subjects had. beeh passed 0n... .The question
was' then e--.
taken - on ML 's an mainiendi
and it ; as rejecteriss 52, nays aS. f .
Mr. Caketnovtiii to add to the, duty on Scrap
Iron' ten per'etint, ad' Valorem; and ailiMeated - ,
the aMondinent. ; Rejected : ' , .. - ' • .>.
Thts-paragraph...was•Jiiisseil "over withotit.any Theee.partaerslifp ilierfl.OfOre.eXitltl tiff tietsitcen
:further atnendinent being offered,. .
.• the mete r,igltea., doing, litodursoi as 'filo "41ambrihn
The next paragraph . Wass- - fii,e , folioWLne,•: 7 79lr vont rotos.ihy.'!..nent.ilishirtn(l,,Scheyllilli County,
all - iron:in slabs ; .blodnpf; loops or 'otherlOrins, ia., ‘ ls.tsiis clay alswolve:4l by.mottial .ront•eut. • 411
p . 4.,:rsolikleivhie claims against, the Trhintuy wi ll, clippings .ad plinclihipi of new: Axre,ont them tor set Lierneut to John F.l.ewis.
iron; less finiShed than liars; exotosei•e tuiVaneed , Joins:F. T,Kwisi, joßm.-11 rAnity.,. • '
peon c rig from,. ateept .Castings . ; one cent per. 7 1)A-vlb T.,ltslas, WILIAANI THOMAS:
. ....-r .
, Atirit 1 '7O • I : `7; 13.30-
Mri Brooks,-• of, -1 erk, .tnovcsl to strike ---' • -
out the wards. • l tieludi . gentle, clippings :mil
punch .. in!'.... .new- iron.. - After. further dis,
.cussion - bV. - ..Measis Randall , Coburn.'Beck :hid
..M - 5 - 3.'itard,l l, lr. - Brookieamendinend was adopted
-by• a vote of lid to 59.... . --
• Mi.,'Allison moveti to amend the- paragiaph
furtherty.striking ont'llio Words•* . oticl4..iit . per
pound,-; arid , hisertiog 'the - words "eighteen
- dollars- , per - ton." ' . • ...
.Mr . ,...l%te,Ccirthielt moyeil to reduce the duty fo
twelve • dollars and hate centa per ton. - After
further discussion by Messrs. Sehenck, Ilentiett.
- and ,,, lungeinc . 11r. 'sleCormiek's ameininniiit
traerefeeted. . Mr. Beck moved to reduce the
duty,.te"th ree-quarters . of a cent per , printitl...—.
Rejected.- -. • •' . ' ' •••• ,• • -
. - -- . .
Mr.=Botter ntoved to fix- it at sixteen dollars
- per...ton. - .On is count' by , tollers a 41,144uns did
riot *ate- r . . _•••• '
Tlipprill of - menibers Was.therefera ealled..,'A
quorum of MeMbers answered .tol.heir names,.
- and• Mr. Randall. inquired Wheth( r a quorum
, Of members having. been secured there was any
'rule- to keep them, ile• Mr. Ilrookii, Of - New -
York wanted to kma , W il w'whether itwas in order
to hay& the:names Qr. the abSentees printed in
the GlimE;aisd WaS.abld•that it `was not while
in committee. , The . .. Count by 'tellers Was :gain
taken,' and Mr - Pott - er's iunetidnient Was refec•t
ed, ' yeas 112, jaays 89... Mr.. Griswold - moved to
reduce the duty to seventeen per ton ; '
rejected, vetsis G 4, nays 71. Mr. Allison's amend
ment was -- then agreed tovyeas 79, nays 59.
Mr. Randall,ineved to amend by adding to•
The Paragraph the - words, "on ends, clippings
and. pionsbings . •of new . ' iron, half cent, per'
Tound. ll---- Itejected..: .•• ~ ' -1 • • -
Mr 11 - olman -ineved to rednee the -duty to
ft m dollars per toff; and to add the words:
"on ends; clip_pings and .. trieehings.of new Iran,.
ten `dollars per ton." ':.' • .- ' ,
- ~ Mr. - hlortill, - . , of.Pomisy/iania, upposed,the
- atriendmend, - whichivrei.rejeeted, yeas 40, liars .
43. ' All further ilejaate- on•the paragraph was
linsitodle hairaniin sae.•C - ' , Y., 1 • ,
111 ayna#St_nalved to . st like-out the paragraph;
,Itejectod. , - 7 , ------ , —• . - •- '' ' ''
' , ll - ..Mr. Butlerof Massiaehussetts riloVed to add a
provisio . that in all/endS,- Clippings, ptinehings,
turnings,Boritigs'of iron, tit mily, to be 'Mann
faetured into bars, - a . duty shall ;be_ paid of ten
dollars per ton:: Rejected; yedis.tif, nays°63. -
. ,Mr. 'Butler modified -Isis asisenduient to" eleven
dollars per top. . Agreed to,.yeas 7U, nays 71; .
• Mr. Conger Tiered an , additioisallproviso for
.feitaig.ali such ends,. clippings Or punellings.
cut, stamped or partially prepared; for any ar
tielealof marinfaet - Pring ;Tending a count, by
tellers,' the eolismittee :it hal f.paie, limit - Sidi: a
reces,stillhalf . Ven. - c• -
r ~
gait !apt)
iiniall Redittid Wlilreyozing . lNJWi
horde; white' face Ik. rlliN•ral
rowaril will be given tor any Into,:nottion that {Hai.•
lead it, ht•,e 'recovery. Address . • •
April l5,70.•15•21! JOS.'W.A.LKEIt, Pot lt:v the,
04 Mill- -BEWAILD.—A OneibanT:
Ci5..,‘,./tI3J-Eind Dollars will belied(' for information.
leading to the arrest and conviction of the party or
partieswhOset fire to the Breaker'of.E.S..Silliman's
Colliery,- near Mahanoy City, Pa., on the night of
the 9th inst..- -
Pottayille, April 13, • . 1 .
--loiter an additional ttne Thowaind Ifolars for the
above information. • ' • •E. S.. 811.L1.11AN.
Mahanoy City„ AprlT 13,
100- ill tas
_ll QUE neAr Tree r taVhu ta ylnt i e l
Pa: Wager. $1 75 pa r day. • , •
4-0 ; OP WAR OrlBl2 Amtf,MEXICAN• WAR.
'KENT and other BONDS BOUGH add SOLD.
COLLECTIDNELpromptIy truttie on al Infs. .IW.-
.... , ,
• NO parka irtll be awed- to serve the Interests of
hose who Trivoriti with their business.
-. .. ..• JOHN B.HUSUTO.. & CO„ •
Jan • -
"Ilarfil, 70 ers and Brokanklia. 50 Sotitti &ISt., Philoaln.
•" • •
2frint ohs.
TEE c'ITY, N. J. , rOrt Ms, •No.S North sev
enth st., west able. Pitman a; manufacturer
Flange Primping, Heating and Steami Pipes, stop_
Valves for Water or ; Gas, all elze4. I Fire (Plugsj Hy
drants.,-Lsmp, Pasts _Gus Holde r s, Telescopic or Slo
es. Castings Lid Wrot :rytht Iron Work, of Ml:klnds;
for ass Works. Alt Pipes . prove ! by Hydrostatic
Pressure.,'April 16,4 - 16-13 ,
_ _
.• a Ps:* atn .. • - ,
4 lt ;' • ,
4.."Ttiartia, mat: Tuna Fantorn,Agt., Tatting
• ow a
ManutheturenotSprtna,teel4ltrav; and •
nd Cultivator titftl. S teel ta buWhmt • •
topattertt_ ; Flat, Bar, itatuni and
Sqln I
nd-Steel, Crow Bitty.? Wedges, •
eeth, ,pion Octagon Bars, In: and Steel; eras
tally adaptodibr JUSERS'BRILLB, - •• •
- • .• • - 44; 11 1 .; •-
3/01111=EIVATI - WORMS • . ... . -;"
A %-. . • JOSEPH Xi ; PaorittlifOL
- . 4 sillnadiachidiAtia Ciaga4p. - Pii..-,-- •
Hat i l s wi tth eniainged blitarfilicfp, it haw prePareil to
bond I diforOarsforminingparpocog., Being 6
practical nwebardo and baiting ' • for ; 11 . ,
hintielf entirely Scr is L ,,
C u l wlrshVb and bui , ' 00 =1.w44
00AL KNREL" the.n.gen. 7Ca..j..:i
of two , ebrated Relf-Doiriping. bush .
- which inn be seen w ante Works, or awn.
lAcaua-06., and mans
Coil!Al , and a& libscir IL A. Moodie A Co.,
Preston etlek' 43l rarAvtlie..o.sal Breaker& boil&
at the shorted noti"ek , 9141)ri t NOII4II O I, , •
.. '. , - J(MEPII DELANEY:
Yarder Oase.
. .
• - = i THE STATE.
. Coal .
ApriL.V.T . TiMiett - : l A 4, :euttb4r,-':,-
tetsvf mil oil in thet
#et n erx,i'd Weiseu,
berger itt this ettyNirere.htt . rned
and the iTilding- wll2..ea,d4tdiy
lull -4timated 4 • -
45. ,1 i,/ , 2VGT,03 1 ; ' • ". •
The Eiind tug Up—our 4pankli
€RI-- -
- WAsitixo-rox. April .
ikteatis Committee baila loni•aAkmlay bn -
the Finn-114g bill. The di nut wasxelitive
to the general -featikrek lett, 'anti nki4ell
- 'action - eras taken. ; - .Secretary. of • tile •
Treasttry is.klohkg'all he etuk:to secure eirkv aittl
favorablo:action. i
The uitimatft for appropriations. ter - i4ritf l ,-. 1 -
dons tkubmittid by Ilte:Seetettry-of War haii ,
-been cut down oneshalf hy 'tile committee on
ApprUpriatierta: F,.
ale, Navy Illepartment haw. mstautekl f n _
vestigation. lute -the bogus' tlempitteh - sent- from
here yeaterday. relative, ton war with . Spain,_
and purportinglo beaignedliy Admiral Porter.- -
The Aiinkiralty (ermined .14.17erre_tont . and,
punish the Perpetrators cif MS- thrttoty . .l .1:11.44'.. • -
is a very, unscritpulotureet-br Lgo Id'ramblers
here l rWhO are Ontliki. , 4 alkskorts o Vifla. Eithnir i ,
with , w to
~, Escape. From Jail.. - - r• , t • .
o i
•-rtos-rox„Vpril ttt.t.—j•Aitxtrt k , dtislyn, who l'OaS
sentenced last .octolief to inipriaobnuint fat ll ro:
.eor committing an indesivtit assault on , ati kild':
.lady in. Loxingtoii; and . sillisclquentluvileelarisl
insane and itioved to tho usYllintot W.orcester.:-.
made his eseapc front tioat place seV.eral weeha .
Sims.. ' Yesterday he *as - d igeOVet:ed, 111 Nnrici •
Wtrillirlt. :Ile tired It pimtol at the ofneer,sent
tl i
i arrest him, when ho was shot bY`one•of 1 hem,
aid died in a;few minute. • -.-. - . .
. . • -
;)•rutipugt: •xA.RWET.: .
Plow. jaarkil la
/ithuly With a nnalenLte lcmatfd for the tr .ill - f..ratie.
Rae. aurertims at - At ris t extr •
fancy blanks at $.l: ,10. • .•.' • '. -7 -
The dennant Tor wheat la. at .
ti. / /at, aro searee aad - arnily iltdd..l,4aLes
'of West ern.- Ilea n'a, and IN , la‘van v alt,al4•otOli...'- •
unsettled and tic/What - at sl.o7 * far 11•%//ilr ,
i/rn I rf,ll '
• •
. . .
NEW Y 0414, HONEY AND .ISTclellf. NUI‘E.KET.i ',
NE3F Yon - K, April , 22., - --itnekli firm. , likltinc . ...
easy - at 'ti Ikr .cetit. 4inlct, 111. 4 .,i.. Ilvii4wentle.,
.1.".4;* -4 cOupon, 11:4'.;',:\lo.1 , 411, dn....110%i; clo p , tsui,...thi.;•-
ni.g d„,ii-,,. 1,, , w.,..: li n ,y ; ; do.lfgri, top•- : do:11 0 ;s„ DO:: '
)0..40'5, tr)(1-; .V . ll*lllll‘ +.7e4, tifnc, 1:43 ; Mlamlnri ok,!P-9,;;
Canton C0.,c.03,..1; Cumberittrlu preferrsal:Nl Cote-
so - al:U.od. ' ' New li - ork - Cet4l . lll l- .oYitt Llttasvt
Inver, 1t.2 3 .: ETiv, 20,5; litading, Xle:.7l'.A.lalle, i.a.
press,' 1313.1„. -
- POTTSVILLE mArucps..
Cnrreeten mit tor tne si.tsPrle Journal by GIAMFA tiON.
. .
. .
IViiiea . t Flonr i extra fathily,V tdrl ••' -•
" - `' "" • .: " ' Itl
- (Ave
• ' , l • .ettra- libill—
` ' ' • 14 tad_
!tack wheat t itair....., ........ . ....'v, cwt..-
Ww i
, prime wiii to _%4 blish,..
7 " ned • • ' -le lamb...
.Rye .--..%-, • •pi lasli...
Corn ' • I
-14 bush...
Oats '
e-Cli ,{l bush...
Rye . -.....,...... ..... : -. .. ... -::.--$. hush._
Co rn Meal
...1 ,, listi,!•
Middlings ' • •ftlinstlo:l
.Shorts . . , -- ,0 bush,.
Bran.— ...... .:..... .. ....... :.. t ii,... . ..i: „Ist
Hay , - .
. la tan....:
bale ' "ii• etc
...fia nat..-
Uggg.,.. ...... , , la ot..
flutter , • •
Beef, illial quarter...:.t.....,....4 tb,..._.,..1
" r . torn " 1 ~..-........- ..m tb:.:.......1
, ..
. • .
• vorrsVrti:c• FAMILY 211ARRItTS.
gl tlajj'ulltltg•qut;tattlins far.tu,day.:
- • " •• tratrti:it M-1 4 .
Roast hte f ? It; ........... Ltti.c..r.t Chickens it; "
Corned Fleet ?•Itt • aca:'..l -0 1 - rritkx ...
Ruinp, Stealtgit• lb; --(.(2.ltutikeys ;
S I rlul n!S teaks - et lb,. '
SallSaLii` • • - 7 . 01:25 Hoc Tett. 4-4 .tt
• 311'4'r ts . - • flat nyat .. .... '
:Forequarter ? Perch ?
11.1ndquarter --trtlSillack ........ -401.5
Chops IA LI) t It le -401
• I 't) UK- • • "Ells st
110.1Nt 4 . .. Steaks? 1b... ---4;lo.l.lentaN(soupljitit._...-...
Corned . ? .. _.. :.74.L.2.5,1tutter itt 1 4:m.10 -I
Flatus t la de; it ftr.... ttlort-••• .. ... •• • •••
- /•lains (sliced I 101)_... --tti.:lo Cabbage is .It c .'satt.l 4 .i •
Shoulders 'it - ;,c• IS Potatoes t--kilt
Dried 'leer? ...... •-tL:lo.Patatoes
• VKAr.- Kart Potatousii%ptc.4litattr . •
Forequarter? M --t;id-l'On tons ;4 peek •
I lindquarter Ilitets IIA peek: - , ,slV ;*.
Cutlets ?.. , 111. • • - - I;c 3 olTurtiltrs '1 4 34 peek...:_: 15921;
•Pr t 0:;. - sters ust . slil'lne Apples ?it leer,Sr t 7,
Ref Sansatee Tr% , - t•tt.l'
mukelt Saristlge? r 114 petiC :i...; ' .1%
1: 4
•` • '
N •
OTICE.- A ela,•tiost of 3 Preslslent and (
Islroitors of the Marshal tali Company lys II i
held tit 'the ofllro .?"The K.ltid Company, at Wrks4l
side, Selkaylk ill Comely,ial Monday, Ate aiwassl dap
Os May. i 5.211• t •
.I.l:_r II la, EDWIN F. ILVKI(TE;IP,nWty.'
- - .
. .
OTICE.,-Manti Ault urers • and users of ,Steam
Puttit,R, are Ife'rehy eau tinned - nizatinit the' titan
'facture, R 11?, te, of tiny Putrittg flint are an En
-trinketrlent.-on ..l111: - .:on's - Ptitent, Inted Septeinher
'ISO:, they ‘vl!.l pr , o, the •full er.tent lof
' tht , law. • •
rittve al reatly e:otnntoni.e.tsult against Revere intr
this, anti Nr_lll_pro,eett Wall other Infrlngnrlt. • . •
Port l'arb , 4l,7,l,pril S, 'l‘tr;„ 119141 L A td.lsoN ;
• TartllN In want of Ptnitpsertnhesbnplletlat ren.;:on
bhk..,prlees by the untlershr,ttett.
. .
ALLISON 3• IIA,NNAN, - 1 , ,
.. -.
Franklin Irvit Works, Port Cattatn, ['a
„Vim. I, '79 , . -, . • - : fir 1..
EW DRUG EiTditt, tit -. T . •
(origost - rr: towistsarAra..)
. .
. , ,
. .
RI T RI%.. DRUGS,. FINE - CIIEMICAT..4, 111;:-
I.TA II I, E Ariftii( 'I NES„ always ott'lintul.l. .:
- 'I would remyh•rd fully eAll attention (only preparta-
(lons of Iron, Ca I asaya Itarlt,...te:, ac., In wlllelkl-
Inive .en.. 4.3% Ort'll 'to or'reonio the bitternem ntill
..illetallit taste conuflou to.thog&raluilible toi4leni arid-
biend I ii to,..idea,:in t corillabo L
. .
Try lily Celosfne, , VeilUdia ond Violet Watonti Al
so. toy-Tooth l'ewder t 'which la cotradered . a.. very ' .
tine article.
: . GEOltdE W. K'F;NNl..!i)Y,l.pi)titeenry. , - 1.
I ,' (1 raduate of the College-pc Pliarpney, PlAllsyl'a., ''
l• Rein,. 11. '619-4--w tiept:ai7th3.--.ll—tfd - • .
and ezpeLq, - by supplying the bleed
...„Natran'S Ows VlTAtrzney /lap 4 i-111,0N.
Caution.—Bo suro you get Petn , tinlilyrttr e
Pamphlets - free. J. P. DENiSMORP.; Prellitte
• No. as Dey St. New. York. •
Sold hy'Druggests generally: ' •
.• -
fa. -
24t-bs-14vsjaide ttesned,y is tie : eNlie
therainen't Philadelphia r lysielarLand PrO(essio, •
JOSEPH P.l-11',r,git,'.M. D., wi _has devoted- 3i' years ..
to Itheimuifisni and Nenrajght is by •
themedical Profession 'publ r fe.l3'•.mponnced as the •
blghest autbdrity in Ithenirmtle efitri_ plaints. ' bled
testimony.) t• is plYasant a o in agretathie Loth() taste •
and wa• - raliteil free' from inlncrals and Injurious .•
drugs. It is a selerkt I ILe preOiratlon, a medical mon
opoly, and warranted underl solemn uath.a perms- •
nem, harmless, lye cure for InfinnuitorylthelT
mat Ism; ebroille.Rheuinutigm, Uheumatiam, Rhea-'
mat ism of KhinerstNeuralea in the Eread,'Nenint-, -
Fla in the Bfixlyiliervous - .Headache,: and Nervous •
dltieases: Sold by•Drnggista at. St 50' per. bottle ;.ti
bottles, $7 D. -Mtdlcal L4vLeei wit)iout charge, scut . •
by letter, -AU orders sent by'.Express 'collectud-•in
delivery; NO. 30 South' FOURTII ' street,
_• . • •• 10, 10,10-. •
'EIIVPIELD fi..1.139YE33, •
• I ..:
.. - ,
n addi,tion to thnir iftnallassortinent of RESS
(it,i r Nl
. EFIROIDER ES. Nt)TIONK, 7 d 1 f04 1 4 1 %- -
ItYfi eiDS,,l:i.t.,havejuat opeaclh. fa I 1 amiort fa en tof
ehOloa..kapanese silk Robes. • • 1 ' - • -
' ...I.ltimburg Eitglncl and Insertloper, •• , -
Jouvin and Jug Rid Gjovoc,,
' . •• - JleaVy, Mack 1411 ks, • ••., - . , .
' - • '^ . .4-41:nitikh,iittirtings, - • ... „. • k
IlarauinA inlinen HandkOrphisfs
- .
• •and White 6004 . 8 .generta4.. .';
Alti.o offici in addition to the *all known ; .: • , ' •
, ~ • . -• Hork„ , .k.Ltl .4 I . k., , CrAi4 '. ; .
. .
4 full line f'' n the celebnated -: .- - , ..
.... . ~•
;.. BEAN -7.A nitiitt,' -..
Kira,: FD:IFicrEI). ni.iciii r - ' 4 ,4 '
7 ,
:10m ins'- suitg, In latest laylef,..mada tAtioniii:' , , *.! ' .
Member I, nio , - --- - ..- - r•-- . -,-.• • I.—u-fit. •
_ . .
• f'deii 1/.12. Dwarf Apple Trkse.
sly whleß must be remipoeS; td ltY
*ski: efieapi g
GRVXN WOOD :NURSERY. 1t,et,11104.-fo2lianusp
: , leyge Sized Clterryviny chee
t. P,
411 - fitititr. Now tw thelltrie to pletit Cell at
yirOOD NURSERY.. . ctrNv
. •
rEL' ht,,X4l4.afrim,
- 23dapdtzursounkieccirulfitivil,
• 14.
Theundersigned luiying greatly increased facilities
in the addition of the largo four entry holittingnd
tdritng his tornter vacs . of intAirnws. offers great in-,
ocemerita loan ' of to rnittilre to give hint • •
a van. Ho lo eontident.of 'bring able-ttiplease alt •
who may f wor, hint with their.eustom, and. his
,perienceof twenty pearx In btodoesi.% IS a gnomon*,
Of his ability to tans out the be.,44 of ;work, 'lie per- • .
sone v supervisetihis large workshigis.and any ar
ticle' n on hand will be made to order at the iowest
tette& large 'dock of all . kinds •of FURNlTtlitfl • 'T
constantly hat* , KAltuLtElt.
Sept, ti, W 7.'-4)11W
01,, f r ,
E0°;! 6
3121: '
• n 0
6 7.5, • O 0.1,
i. 3 . :13 0
3 50
- 31 7 •3
40 •
,• I 20, 134
• 4, Mt In
tqL . 5u
: 1 24 .1 . 60 •
.. 1 • I 1 1 , 3
27 WINF..
• 1
18W -
- • :',51• - 40'
- 15'
,10 - 1 12 •
• -
• L