II II • rirrsifecta , scriccsraa r hirra *arrow , row 4ol - .6 "L 40 1 1 1 1 NOW is 9M. righ. lasortfts ; arts •Ow lir •••••, magno••• Loneups. • -.7 ' • ° 11.11511qi dt. 14131iSgt.-ILesseilerwalad stAt lor;its,lhry•-- tees =A 111121deni, lA ClestrrigreKi *ii 3 Orti'':',.i!jii*, SATIIRDAY, APRIL 23,-1570. - . TUN lig g1i. , 1, .1012111;pit -it hoGied every ingardar u...rumg• and fund dbed tiro:knee:lnm* sdlit 73 per annum, in ~,ic a rldr....oriil if ii... 4. paid in 4641% it x... . • ciza scumacmoss-ztvvisturtimi II! ADvasca: z 1......ne. to o at isope ti GII3 Ili Copims to ohe adore*. F" in 4 , 031.:1 . •,. *- ' 1141 . 1 To .Nows . , St vo P.m /Rao co : get. cum. • .. rO , . n mint.dep ' sta. ftitoor Teach:en. *e will fisiniuli Cie Jaw &wiz.: bi*.nult, ai iirid per /mum, is advance; diber wise at full ratec. ~,_. - , = .. • . . • , THE . DAILY DINSIC3e. JOUTt.\&L is published worry , weerAy'ubauhdLleasweisy'seximpueS: YHDANr-Tru. mos - per ute.dit my-lAA to . ern kr 6 : r went bywhop. ft to served.' 'JAY WAIL,PApible in advance; cue yuur, Ss' 75: three mouths, 54- DAILY AND WEET.T.Y !SINEW JOURNALS: *Spa . Panful... Ds edrauke; pi au for ids usuutts. • HANNAN'S. 11 4 , 101Stlf. • THE RR /MLV4 „co uRr. _..........._ ~ ~, . . . R' 171 (I,IIIIINP 6E/C4 l' hag - VPrOved ", of k i7 A 'lite i•juppleittent to the Critninal Cowl, / , 8i11'...' .4 1id jk . lf 110 W ft.lart 7.' : it fs . a.a foIlow's: A',PP( I:2IIPNT to an eket enntked. '"An Ad to ..:s \ • Nik .. ! .14. Criminal Courts for Dauphin, j,etpuumr. d.Weiluilittllf e ) utit lea,'' aced ifikeigpteci7ih, . 4 4117y1 of .. .April. -Anne loontind„ -one thothattal eight ; h t ithired studs ry-seven„ • . • . _ .._. Wititsmsa; fly .or deelsilm of the Supreme 1 - :o. , o r 115ga1.10....1011 gig: lance arisen as lo the Pulsate stem coorernsi.upon the Crituinal Court ..of.sehttyl ' kin °Aunty. by tbe net llrthel.cl6•lKlattare. passed the eighteenth day 'of April, ki.ono uonttut, one pion wind eight hundred and sixty-seven. . . , . ' Azst. WititugAs, It is important, that etteh,dontrial .; Elleuld be. removed and set at rest; therefore; ~ - - St , - to.tt 1. 'lk ft "'feted by Ike Sekitte, and I/Ouse i. cl',lceilnytenkstiret op the ("amnion wealth of J•eithxyl rania; in Gerterut .4sietubly met, oat/ V Clio-n-4f en uelettpij the gutivaily of the same. That the'Aourt &rented by the act to which nits Is a suppletnent, shrill have concurrent Jurisdiction with the courts ".. 'oif quarter sessions of_the peace. and oyer Midler- miner, and•general J:M'elelivery of the connty. of Settuklitill, Of all eases within the said county;' Which by the u• t of the sixteenth of Jung. .bona;' tkurthil, one tin. usaad ell4i.at huh:lost:old t ... I rt yokix, entitled; "Am At 1 rnr.tive to the poivers anti Virtu. I' diction e•T erstrts," :mil exclusively vested in the' "courts of Auarter sessions of tint phis..., and over and; ° terutiner,l, and eneral Jah delit'ery of the several! counties •4.0" this 'ontruonwesillti, and the intiges of the courts of prose •r sessiumeof (la, peiwe anti oyer4 - and terminer, an ge neral Jail delivery , for Iturel eounty 4.f: Selwyn: el; illutli conthatte to hold courts; of- the :Bathe. wit on lict than: mama year, auelonlyll when thek shall ttee itetiksuar3 - mat proper Aiegitt-:: '.• ning.,:in tbe first ..,..lottday elf June in twit -year, mall . to cont in for the-space aleel'terin orone wee-kit:Mil i. no leitmerl WWI( at any time reenantxxiteesaml com'e: • plaints are returned by j motors of be peace or othelf Magistrates of rise paid county of Schuylkill, to the, ~. mita courts of quarter masions of the peace and oyett --",;.—„and reel • finer, und,stenerol Jail delivery; the Judaka, •oe the paid marts !Mail have power as often as they:: . ' allail dee Si hx.riallentt, and proper. to certify the same' to the 'criminal esrart created ley the art to wltielq till... Asa supple.ment, In be. 4prooe.sleel upon therein 111 the sante rnaliner as If they: laid . been orlghattly•• rellprut kilo the said eourt. ..; I Sic. '2., I ;rile 31.1 t horit v,al von by law to the teurtioi t • e:\ snorter sesteloqs of lite . 4 •ounly of Slehuylklll, bu r 1 afatit•litultskee &fir thesal splritnnup , vinous, malt " • of brewed liquots, shall, fr on and „alter the nott days: : of July next. he transfer 41 ' to, MOD veal ed in ih Criminal;Court of Schuylkill. County. and the Sold: . 7'.. • Crizalual t`ourt shall the/earlier have as 'll.Ol autizor••' -,....i. ; ity to bearolet ermine nod grant, or refuse applica-4 tt • t tons for lieesca, as aforsauid, according to the Ina. tt of the Com inuuweal t le - tool . u Oder Knelt rules •and reAtelatioes, kkeit. Memo:l4.la therewith, us' May ha etituldinhed;ll.l. the said : maul e•f quarter sessions; - '' i beret e gore bad and es etl,eised , Sten. 3. iThat In the event'of the clerk , oraidu of quarter :sesstous of the peace ••• , of over an al terminer, and general J•kil . • •ry. ref,u,alug to act 0.. six clerk •of said (r ~. .. 'ourt,, such &Nutt rhull be a inisile •, . ... ` ,a and Said clerk chill , liable to, ~. 1„,, ..•.• . nod conviction for such rk fusel, atm ;1..-- • -power to; appolot a.cl4•rk in - eatse of the refusal oz. , L ' • . ilnablllty,:of said clerk to act, stunt li e, and hereby la '''. ' ; .Vested In, the Judge of said Criminal Court , and 'the' clerk se appointed shall huge the same powers ancl , ; Privil rata, and be CIO It itli 101110./41111P fees, if/Whit ip the said inerk of quarter, sessloos of the peace, nye! and ternklaer nod getterol Jail delivery would by ru t:tiled. I' • , D. 11. ,STIt ANC. .-, , es. the House or Reprotrittstuyer. ' . - 1 1- - 11. : - ; Speaker of the Senate. ;.,-; . Approved the twenty',first day of, April, Anuo ' . Dom. nI, 'one ilt•iusuildelght hundred and Ne.ventv. s • ; I - k J N ti: W. til.:Alti". • , Ori•lct: OF TL4T.SIECRL - TkitY 6F7Ti6-COMMoNWEAi.T , . '• , ll'Aittraftutzvel, ARAI:LW, A. -D., 140. -Pea:wt.:lonia; u. . : ' .1 do lier_rby certify that the foregoing and annexell in's rati;,kei.o, and correct.eopy of 1 he original • Act cif • , 'the tleueral Assettnhly, entitled "A Supplement to 'an Aet , ltinit tiled ',Au Actto eat alit isli t ;ri int nal Courts :for lianphin and Sk^htrylkill Counties ' passed tic . • ; ..ikloreoth day of April, Ann° lioinita, one thous-. 'mad eight litindrea mut sixty-seven," as the saute - . • rein:Ain't - On the in tisk M11e.% : - • i , In testlittemy whereof, I have hereunto set my hanizT, :- ; and (tanned the seal of the Secretary's ofnee k , ! it.. a.) I tribe affixed (lie day and year above writ - • l ten. , • :' ' J. 2el. WEAK:LER, 1 .. , ' ,;• i . Deputy Secretary of the Cezetutonwealth. ~, ' -••-' AS ViII be. lolpeed, ! iVenil:4 law lbie,i ills!. l _,. .... ii • vitilials.tif limit Cotirt withjiut any further de . eisionsiof the Sultrentell'sonrt. Ii transfehs A all tlicrintinal Itusitt of the o COunty.t ••,. , • . !the Criminal Court, exjeelit a term of odic — to/f4:, - iireaelt . year, _which the Judge of tlie Court of Common ' PleaS: t..-att hold Or not, jtt, t --, ' I 1 ~ • - aSlte eliooseS. • , . , Atiot r lte'rc:icelient feature of 1.110.13 W set bast it will 'CC:M(IVA- 1, after this year' the power o . • •• 'grant -licenses\ foijite Isale of nil kinds }of liquor; ta the .!riluinal Court., - Then Stitli ' re , lc. • li - reeti will be 'espons:ble. i Then we liellt l e • . ,- • , that the peOp • will have :i - cluttice of pro . • testing suet ..tt fully•against the granting ol". . licenses Atlslll Irot ter houses; llmt- they N%ii/l . . ip+)• •, , liavc . , lan - --- OptunitS' , of it'aeltilia the g;;,:ist . .. e-a" s , hOlgli• , nu n that licenses will t c.e to lbe . , . - littel - rslered bitt for papkan purposes, willt. 7.3 .. , out reirtird to the character of.,the sou- , L:1(..-r F , -,, • • ' . tmplieatit, a custom whielt during lite...l'4lst i ~ =aura -' •• ,: ie lv .- Would have ‘ beeil " liture . 1101 Hirett : - in tii-e. 't... t) , r.ftell than, the observance." - -i , i •t • • - . • .Thestpposition to the' g,Anglinto • operatl,on . . ' • ''-.of the Crinsiattl Court, on Pit,' part of thitre . 1 ,- • . *lto were a.an:ite,lby self...int !rest alont•, ¶lO5 1 •-' ' ' locos faCtioUs :Ind 'tt warran 1 ett. :The ettnt - 'plaint has been heard tit tt till. legal Itti.4in*.ss . •..: of tity c.)nois I; ebehlo4ll6o . t lletring the .- last three years we - diavi.• haft the•Crintiital .'' • dottri. leg. - illy organir'sf vet, its going, ;tit!, - -. ip me tecal etfe. - t., has !well opposed, atilt its I i • `,,tip 'b vi 4. iiiipetel v 4 t ' aking up molted - • pOincl to the .Supretne Cue{ anal by ;lie , ' • ~..:- l'roeut i ttg,Oill(•er•of the old Court- i tistrnet.- _ . :1 ing Vie Jlistices not, t - i tit:lke any return's - to the Oritniniti C..r.trf! And this too, in, !tile •, l'tee , itf - the fact that' the 80prerne.Court 3,:0 " deel ell that th , •("otirt was eonst itu tional, hull I, .:., that 1 the Judge •-electeir for-terayears couldd . , rceeiYe the salary even if Ite,di,l not 110 1111 V ~. , . won-.IV e./t.ytr , l it sta'..e.l at: itirrisligrg that 1110111Mtl'110011 ruitted by delay in the linsi - .• •-• 110A.4 In the l'.earts In this County. Yet here • waerti.';Courl, atitl-.a Jtulge),williug to gb on •-; iiiitl_transact their itecess.ii i y s, and r . ,f , t ! • : . -tot perOdtell to. dim so 11. V,. tile . Itte Vitt or the . . ~, . • ,existutt; Court. •-- • , • 7 .. 7 :40w, we Vi.k,?: tlit. lil•iiinii RiplArely, , p.li,at . - any 'further attempl, to delay the workitn. • Of • • thii4:: Cti‘4rt,.. should: be followed - by thel Wt . ' '.• , - ite.icltutent of the officials who shalt lend _;tlietnselvets•to sttelt a proeeedittg. , It is' It igh .- till 1? that a stop WAS put' to this bus; ness - of iuterferitig wi , lll public justice and the o;.pe , diting of business in the Courts, to sulskr - ve pen44o nal anti sellish interests' and ptirtioses. - • t When the . legislation est:ildishing 1 'the . , , (.!nliilitml C,iurt Wa.t . proeured, it was lipttes _ ttary ;Pr the ,protectimi of life anti itroPerty , .. .. in tik County, Wild, its institution .;had. •. • , - - dict a. effect, for it , assisted to disFhtate ~ . . the •Jtupression ' that. -criminals could. be , . 1 . . - 14. ere3lei franlpinilhlient by tile employ , - meant of e4t tiatat lawyers in conjunction ;with - other . intlaelic es. We have "every ton litlence 4 that with the Criminal Court fairly audfully • , in o peration, there will be a market' de - , .creasein - crinte in - the: County. i 'PIG A:VD SCRAP 11t0..V. • . • dE ut utider the existing tarifr lin ) s9tot ;1 !ported pig Iroo hi pe r s -: on . • • scrap iron By Mr. Hu leis antendipent,,. , • - recently adoptc.llby the H use, the dutrwas ,reduced the dtlty on serap;!tron waS reduced to $.l per ton for east and r for I. WyOught.• During the Ilehate'on the ara graPli of the bill on scrap iron our Itep?esen %aye; 's,lr. Cake, made a motion to Offend. the paragraph by. making It reild . east ierap•iron of every deseripthni one-gitarter • 1 "cent per pound; on wrotight scrap hint of e 'every deserifdion one-half cent par whieli would be at the rate or, .S.rifa lie,r ton. a >0(41240 pound for e:ezt scrap iron, sul 4.11 s fur:wrought serap : . Mr. Cake's itinendtuent `,; was rejeeted.. • - . It is difficult to 'conceive- how the louse,_ • • ean'expeet the luott inti•rests•;)( this ecwuntry utuick so- radical. a: reductiOn that proi)osetl...Evett at the 'present "duty , Willi ohl•at .11`.•!,-13, the liiiportatious pits 'mil scrap iron are on the. iherease. ,4 lndt this iron at loiver rates of duties, at:tl. our . .. 'frit! works to go op 'anti cotopete wit!'i the l'OK•ign proaticersWith thiiir - low priers for - to relovei labor, would have lie wageA•of their 1.,_ . 'wokmen front forty to lii:ty ,1). - ;r een( Not . . . only tlii4:.:lt. would ;Cheek the, erection of ' f ttroact-.c. and otticritkin works, and - ehrie ' h -,• lalrge number of„tliOf.e now, in existence In 2.66 eon otry. - ' ' frlio.ie factA could tiothave tie . . 3 it ri•i . e(inately, I .. appreciated lii the members of thergouse , trim) .Ikottotylva . tiiii who 'wpm l nts.4ntii wh en tide vote on pig ; Iron was taken,. and Iwhich ._. eOithl tiOt have heel' 'effected. if it Ihd. not be'ett for the shitineful neglect 'of those:whose , , . dtity tollte Interests of,tlieireonstituents and - -. thie cobntrir'ahould have compelled their at - telitLanmiS" . during; theLentire time tit the , s ... Tairifir Bill was pend_44,. • . ,t4', • . . . • -Bradford county bra now.ttio countl.' • seats, • Ti?noy hating been treated half-shire t/wn for thip trial.. of ratan; ill Ci diAtriehr around that plows. 'The Oraccourt ounnenced ott*onday of week. - 7- - • 7 7 ,: -,.... - , r - d • - —. _ . . . .. „ , „ . . E TAREFF:, AND T.EIII .ttRCRE. , s .1 .- x lir iir o r vi.TO - B O.ND S-H , i; , 'ANT P.KIVNI. IYLVANIA COS. 4, .• • ' :I. : •-. _58,500,000. .' ..:::•,,-- '; *. , „.i • I; •., GIIBEISMEN; ..- -;" l• • :„- ---•- - , .-.•--e '....- - ....„_ ,- . --. 1 „ • •••---- ,••,,,-..--" , .-z~- - -- :,,--„- •• ,-. e - 'sms. now --- ~ ; se:' woe', - i• 4, . '.•,.; '.! -• ' , ' 7 . ' ' • - *.. a - ..QINCEOSTheof the:Pgunsylvanis ~ ..- ~, ..,- ”Pe•. • „,. , RaUnsati OainPiP3 l ";. :Owe - '' is able tii - 14 of Prifgress. •pirived recreant tsti. it., ;Them to __.„.... ,v „ .. , aid -- alp . '.arty, in beingstbsetstwhen the voteoff:l tiff pas.: .•-• - .:,-..-. - . ...,' _ acv tiow. the..eid :..-, of . finestion of duty imported . .o . x pig' intd.,,, 't wa t 4 41 fIdei7-! •- . 4 v ; 0•- - - ' '..-; `'1 14 ,4 and -0 1 *, .. 4 . 04 '' . • ~.. , 'taken in this . House;: the are glad to tafalhfit' - Man :• '' , Itifit i, ' ... :-. • _ '* and =Ma hr. ; • ;the press - 0(46e ditditills.whiCh-thekske4ePre. 'ffeQPlcsire - tiotii' °- .. 1410:will . be , 04,404' 4'sentatlves misrepreient,kave taken the Mat- these bands, an' the praipleilithiWoto;pirt - : Ilei up warmly; in the- Interest' of the work- i i i,hl4'ntniatHmt in is dititional,*eit. -''''fiSre t ' , _ ingmen of the land, and in condemnation of' lore,. ,call • upon the: .people to take tlatiri l-rthe course of the recreant tkingreastneo.l-. - measures to. make them faife. • The'Gteyertiot . Asa speeimen of this just strictures Onl ) the • saved thent by 'Vetoing the bill. , 1.40 held' i'Fnuu- who have tveh . _so4l:ol6..ht.ilititOtitY , - ._ -., 1,1 1 4 1 ..*I.Ah C -iiiii4.l.ti t tfoarc....thttid. IWO 4ve the 'fo ll oWint Ircein the • Alleatesiu jourlintent . Of the - Lee - 44am so' as • not tO• . .. ," - .. , pAiLy Crinmetretn: -.-. • . ~ -,,,, A ~ . give' him time. to pretztie a veto, but ~. : Ferluts arm Tun Tanter.—While our ItceP i _ 4 he knew` what :MO ..W.cre , :ilOhig„ • awl_ ;*.emetics, the Hou. John D. Stiles; jeornplacently listening . to the : war "ttsartt•te- 1 1 ii e ePthtsemiler'alul:Ti.ad the veto nearly ;nue: .af tfocirgecnuactall!ritar-aud. , I*.fr-4 1 1*--:•1,•• _-_- ' - - ,ll Kbeit - he - ' receiv 4 4 4* • •14 1 :1, , , , d • *iik , Stilesliacketimplsdned of •the tardiness "of, the ri in sho rtly after, like a thandet;- ;lAtisericast Government in prcitecting Alia • fighf#, , t, --.. ,-- Acf Aanerivin citizens abroad; , the - . Most ittptsrL bait 14 .!'he midst 4 the : • 11111 0 211 ,.. i tam. i They itont and vital question to the laboring Matti the Werecaught in their tram:it:tip, and .they: had ' , .tiertiier . ,••the mechanic; the busifii./ii-tilill4l 00 `i:ca time to rtilli thetr_iiirees. ;Otte . ,Of the !the-ireaithy too, was voted upouiy the Hosier ' • • - , 'iof Representative , ' at Washington; in • Coo:Unit- vrineipat parties ~-doclarld: - that if . they only 'tee 'of the Whole. _Mr,- Stip*. coniplained.of 'hail A half flay 'long*: they eould lama the 'adhere' while; xi that moment, - ho ate, fslato4O • - 141Sixeseiths end false to the tights of thosei-Whof bi ll over the Govet ,nor's -head . and retfre:the ieleczed him to offiee. -t• ~- - :': • -, .1 - -•-• ',plunder In defiance of him. . ' '. • ::- Laboring men! Joht - D. Wilco Aledged_ . the ,, _ '! voth oh the question of ilnly - 011 --i mpnrteu: ox ~ t: The hoinOetpresEi oftlfe , eState iaight to keep. ! iihn. That dutv; it was seted,.'slmonlel - bis _re- ',this- mutter- _before the p eople—let' the taX iltmeed from NYRE to,..FIVE DOTALAIif3 a ton ,saiyin4 of ti4 - partits.eompel every candidate -'nearly cim-tare— weri-d the )--Pkill-t- , t t i 'laid CO pledge imi„).'self to vote ' , revalued whenever It :camit to direct , vatic 4' .' thit ° I P" - 4 • _ 7 . Tariff', John l). fillies would aliow.lanisel net a • tennitting, tht.4.bondstO go into the bane's -A • 'Thrift' mon. • -There'ain be net question i nch'die • aspeeulators and sWitcdoh—and also eizeta ' 'lodged the . vote. Why views he here , DA- Al i ' feli that he wild vote in' favor of a . Con= 1 lentown! Waft - it , neetScsary . - -Poi- hinc do' be Ane . . 1 ' brought fr . Weed to:introduce al. rant- vention to tunend the ,. l(tonatittitimio -as to jug humbug, or try a Five Dollar' mae 411 i t . gnat el aganst fiat preSedt corrupt systein I'T Courts?. • / I -, /The question will Tomo up before the iltirt..e • I.A:gialation. again, and if John• D. titilas,ranreot lioddin ex* .case to be absent when the tined VOW iatat.lll, wokopo - bY influent-. 4 or the preAs, hv:ked lAy •the whole ptrpte of the District, to roam: lotAi to vote for our rights.- The decline in•golti.dtas reduced the ditt. - owirou'until ouititrinfeesmre • borely I. c:dileAO conipete with. British. ltoir, and ear iaboring.tnen are viin:heit to kustninj Wein- Selves by the _wages they receive. if the Vote of:thelaninnittee of the whole is Sustsicted by Cougresic,ll, the duty be rodupott to live elollars a ton, every fui-nocxt In the , VallCy *ill be Coin- Pelted to blaw out, and 'ruin and trish - 04 will follow. •Ni;o• are ready to back this seitcnient by the nu.st .ex perieneed, practical iron eismithe- , turero n the Mato. Latxtring men. what d"4 ., ..You think" of your represenuttivef The mac, joritv in savor of reduction was Two. The Vote stood /A to GA. A tiandred members dodgestthe insmie,Aesit. of all the hundred there aro ty l t: who iiicv,p such a lame excuse to otieults, - man with is !raid t • - .). look after the intt.re . -of the fib:Lena of this District in Vengress,iand dodged'. his defy, to introduce ti-edrire Erapeis. .Tranc:•, - . . - , ~ - I ; • - - .. This is the position that every Over lit the distrietiovhich the .recreant roeutiliz ; are from, sitiould take.- The impremsion is that' ,- -, the Ifenioeratic,mcinbers, like, Stile.,. dodged.' the 'vote.. We heartltipTCSi t t, Getz, of Reading_ wouttir -- - -vliteTfor Protectrini tint ..-- - arrieln. the past, and notV his ..itedgiog , this voile, does not look anach as if he was - a very . Werin friend of Protection. A 4 '•foft the. Republican members • &sera: Penns - ivania; . . Messrs. Covodef I.awrefie6Dhl Van Atiken,'• I •taken , who were .absept. W. - e'en the vote was I - - we have not heard any excuse offered for conduct, which to speak pialmtly,-#l4al must . . , inexcusable.' • - i The fact is, tlyit itn.li .tie:sod conversant With public matters in connection wrtitCon-. :grcssional leF,islatlon; must be pain fullyebn 'pressied by . the fact that .a PartiOn of the: - members '•of • I congress 'seek selfinterest, - .' rather than time interests of tlict pablic, ainT , that they "treat with .eompletelmmiliffeience, measures of the. most Vital nionthlt to Abe country. - The time and talents Of Many, men anxious for theindustrial preg,res.s and: welfare of the_ltepablie have been fileely given, andliuntireAS'af. tliensanda r of dollars _- 1 , have been spent, during, the past three yeais I especially,' in dis , smfinatimig. inforsaatiomf . . .among the people on time subjetet o f the . grent. • -- - 1 - necessity of protection•toA meticamf 'mid-'try, and yet Huse re,!r,tattt representatives defeat' in a moment the labor of years. -..4ucli faith less members of Congress inerlt'the italigna ion which the people heap upon them . for `heir perfidy ,unel criminal intlittercuce to \Mr vital interest. • - ' t `... =I 11F.in'S IC ' I !In OE Tilt: A `43'llllAllir. COIA I::rlliArn:. I inn. Iletek li. Wright, of Wilkegbarrs i vitas *tilt. n., n long letter to the Tittuc.NE:.• "Yindienling . InMin,. • us to the c a:ln:mem:teat 411 the hinkruelle" cool mule," Ile sa'ys that the statistical tablei: hr.-ac t , re prailished, representing the coati t rmle;:m. be , .glnit Mg In I`;'2"l„Aili t h a shipment that nit r. 01120 tot* to Plillu-lelphlu, are not - true. nini In proof of.his tot. .potion ne 1pit105...% 1111 Recount curt*.tn. Or (hire. 'Wnterhurg 6: ro.„ of .N`ew N'Or.:, tlated- , Fch 1;1:41. with Mes,rs. Ablialt Smith & Co.;iof Ply m..uili, I.nzerne eautaty, f ovmther with reeefl.ts of 1 tro - ent--1 gOe1;11(( . 11:11, tic Kate at..l.thenntner.otm p,tik pnretw.,et4. II The smith... he ayn, c une to [hid 'country' from ('uaucett, ronticethmt in 18't , . 'lto unmoral In their (heed of purchase : was enlle.l ..p.'.h.: Of . coal.' 1 If ant state ment h., eorrevt, It hi an important plre of I:Vtofy. We find. the abo vs. :it the Sera iton It MT u- Lic.AN. .As 2 regards the 'cliseol,i-ry and the . contmenc i t. : tr.ent of sending small . finantities lor anthracite coal. to I»:....tket, it.l dates inuelt earlier than the tinkCglvcii by C,ol-. Weight. Coal war, dist ovtftil in thtilyt..'-ining region as early as rr t - ,,.taitl was used IoY two black= smiths in the valley . ill' g 766-69. During the Itevolutionary War antitracitc coal was u-cut froin . ,..the Wyoming . region. 0 twit the tSus . quOmmia mut ustM,at the Carl sle Itar.racks by the Doveriiment. .Sinalli quantities were Rent down the Stii4quelnurna, and in 1819 it 'ijold,at - 'Marietta on the Sus(ifeliantia at.si AIMS!) pi•rjon. -Jesse Fell, of Will:Csharre,. was :ht.. first person who st:cet::lled in bum ing anthracite coal in an '0,..a..it grate in . a. tire-pliU.,e, Fehrttary 11, I:i•xs. i .-'- : .. . Coal ..., wa.4 first di.scovcred In the Lehigh region as early as 17111, by 4'1'114; Ginter; and in 180 six arks or coal ware dis - patelied liilWit the LellighandDelawa6 fines, laden' with anthracite -coal 'by the r Lehigh Coal i . Mining Company ,(tidy' two o which reach ed. Philatlelidtiaewith' k'i- than2l.P tops of coal. ' ;,•-• •-- . . i . - i dal ,was first • diseoered . ii - Schuylkill 1 tta my in MO by Nicla)las,l lien, and 1 4 ev ra wagon loads Ur coal %%we, utulea to Pbil dt phis by thclate: COL tleo ge Shoemaker is arly :is 142, Which hefidt to sell;,and t a rit Was absolutely, taken Eli a to have hits trr !sti.d . ass an iniptister for, trying to palm IT Mack steuies,a's.al4etiele a. 4 fail -,- .- i . ' ..tis statement ?dit i t..ivs4liat, iauthroite coal w. - used and 'sent td,iivrket lung before the Pe, loci. named by - Col.- H.. ]l. Wriklit l but ii, ' , - ~.. ....... .1,5. Nyrignt, . re is no authqktic record Of theiluantities oal sent to market inanyione given yebr in illteit i wheit tile Lehigh N r iefFation of the. I% 'r was so, far completedaSito pe,rtitit :;rkS :o e'seend , in safety, Anil in our coal Statistkes w have tlatd . the t..t>itimett:ceprut of--the ;in hraeite eonl trade from that perhxl... - I' . . very interesting hfstorylat.t)e first dis co -cry of anthracite Coat, in4l tye numerous at •tupts mode to burn andOntroduec,it,in to. market will be found liar' the Ne4ional \% rk on our Mines and !diner:ll - Itesciurees, ea led "o:rat,. Iron; and .011i',' cunnieneing at mtge . 107, which will he read with Interest 1)3 those who desire to he Posted up 'ln the e4ly history of the antlrracilc coal trade. IF 2 ENERAL W ASI.- NGTGN AND! ,t.( II til*EitAt TH O S.-At . . S.—At . a . meeting if the pi!iilli Leage In ..'ew'York City, on 1 Cl ursday evening of last !week,' William lien Ilryant pr e sented res'olatloini respect- u . the death of Major - General George. H. , I' I otnas, and delivered a most beautiful' tri- ; Ate to his memory. In . the course of..his. 1 ~r,... 7e narks on that occasion, he said : ' • - .Vhen I eenteMplate,his clutratter,'and / cotnz i) eit with that ofthegenerity ofpuldie men, 1 • , boost s ems as if .I were transported to some It ter age of the world, in which greater and Ix ter men '!were prodnecti than are brought N. th by the mothers of the -present day. Gen.' Fl omas was one of that elaSs of whom Goethe .• II• . asomewhee as' ' antittli-minded men— .tern casein that n ble'mon i which those w to are fond of dwelling ,npfM - modern del.,••en . • plum among7the years , that .are never n re to return. (km. Tleinuis was by birth a V rginian,.a native of that Skate to which: we o • e the man who occupies the highest place In A nerlean history—h'a of 'whom I one*. heard \ alter Savage Lati er y! that he was the r At m • atest matt that d-. n [rabid elements of vharaeter of whielf I have s ken, I, cannot Initikeeagnize a decided rela ti .nship between the.eltaraet.Cr of Gen. Th as u d that .of.Wa.hington. I.ltee in them a kin d ed dieuity, grandeur, and worthiness; the me hu7,to and lofty *hug, the Klima superiority t all:petty self-seeking, the km, le. min) forecast c er , ised for the general advantage; although O top! theie great men wrought in a higher P .11iire than the other, itinl was eb.trged with • 'tee.responsibilities. . I TARIFF . ..4-841m Congress sratightereli t e rig Iron busines s of the country on. uesdny last, they do 'not sceni to have been, disposed to take tuithe Tariff -agai n. Such reckless legislation is a 41iigi%ice.tx;Conit s— and we have seen no excuse yet for "the absence Of the thrc.e'll,....plidic: . :ll4, when the vote was taken lit' the' Iluuse: which wouhl have produced a ditfeient result. We , hope the people of, these.diatriets will ',.t:tke Core and prolong their absence aftur their present terms are up. The names art 1111 The-pcoi)ie . wOuld be beitefitteci by titelr seiieo frimithe State. , • COVOAE. VAN . AUREN; LAWRENCE. Nor Tutui.—The'report that it was agreed that the additional -Ls4rJudge bill and the sni pi eine tit iothe ,11r1 a tip al Court bill slitiald pass,- anti - hitilr be signed by-tire clovernor; is not true. c i 'We: had °barge of, the supple ment to / the :Critnin , 4: Court . Bill, , and we.maite no Such agrel?leint:u7ith any body, and noixaryei a had any itutliority . t9 make ally art \VO did, on the: advii* of RepresentatiVes and i"titatera, who stated tri its that..it wit, very -ttibtful it"' - wey:Ottld 'get the sutiplestientpas,itd,,,if we PrVetitetl . • the passage of their blilifrusd as we cifednitore for the passageOf the sispplernent thin We did Gir the •Laiv Judge b:11, we did act,pn. their tideiee, and: consented to Withdraw tippo4l Gott totli.k.s4stumte,y.. their bill. But we.kneW ••• better than to, make any' arrangement. that .: ; involved the , action of• lie" (.lovernOr et‘ the : 'subject, and when it IVLIi broached lit Its to go to-the - 44overner for suph a ptirpese, pceti--,.. tively : :refttstil to do sol I Therefore: the atatc ineuttlia such au at o . iiiicluen't was minid!is nut true, simply because one "glile cannot. • make ,auy t.rniagetneht. whatever without the eunsent of the otheli. We heard the (4;y: eitior declare to inembers of the Legiidatnit land others,. that he= iiiivcr Would cOnsentito - give three Law JudgeatoSchuylkill Cathay, and partici/tarty while 'uncut the Judges 'IOW . eumniisSioneil, is din nothing; did, there wpultf,he 'application's for additional Jitilges 'front every district - in the State. iii was right, and we do nut believe that'll° will sign the additional Law Judge bill Ito . gratify the ants, }ljighes, Walker 4.C . 9., and 1 ension another; Judge on the State Treasury, if they vendfifty continitteeseVer Lu ace the Cloven : Mr. adtlisiorial Judge • 'is idiotic . asnecessary• - aS a fifth wheel to carriage, with the Criminal Court in opera tion. We . assert fearlessly, that nitie•-tenths of the 'people of Schuylkill County.; 'l not. desire an additional 1.4 w Judge in Schnylkili County. Let•the . Judges and the Iler;do their duty.aini work as other people do, :Ont . then there will he in/ complaint ahOut 111 busine;.o4. TILE CENSUS- 4 -11EPRESENT. TION CONG' • .; The Pliil.e l li!!priitt ; contnitt'l - tite'followog article 'lli the %..etifittlB aural the Representation in Coirgresi" The house of It ..peeseo intives. has at last•tit tt decisive_ actimmtpoti the questicm of the . art:- - portiottum.nt of lb:presentation, tunler the cea ses Of IS7O, by passing' it bill ti.x.ing the number of ltepresentitives henbetertli at 21'5, exclusive of tliose from Shttes hereafter to he' :ululated. l'his is a compromise between the two factions, one of which advocated the reduction td . CIP , number tif trttanbers, at present '243, while the other tlemandod that the number should be increa,:ett to. gee, in order that the g,rowing titateA of the West might Se t-ute their 'proper timita - without &hiss b t .log sustained by any of States which frit! h. maintain a correspciolitte• ittere:tse in potaillt , lion. Thil ItiFllmN show the , : d(sh4 o 2 the liouse - of ItepresentatiVeA 1w 'lay - after tit of eaeli 'tee:mist tliftl.t.-41Cali,41.11ivIkt , of the pre,eist form of gove'rtir Year. nf' 17. e - • • - 1 6 . - c 149 ' 'l7 1:09. .. I .., ........ . ....... ....f Fr. I 11 Imn . • „At eptisapi 1549 Wts4. - Vittruna)las lieen'ereateil a,separate Statayatid , 7.4::(3v:;:ta Nebraska adinitte.l 'hi the iwit'h line. nioinlier only :tllotted!to (A..:11, there tieing: tlins an increase cif Ilia two in the . Inetill'ior,hir . l ~r-the the I louse, although the nutnher of . ":;:ales bas iitereaAeii l,r three.. • I The bill *Mehl pa-wed the flott.e ye4eri!ay . by a vote of sO Gr S:1, and Which will meet with the oniet}rrenee 1,4 -the `senate itnit the approval el the Pt(-i(lent, tixe-r.the - nuMber of Itelirese-titatiVeN at l'7li; after .?!.lan-h.,:t, ih;;7l, with, the proviso thafif any Ilf•SI - St.4l,trs are' ',ad liiitte•ti after that (late, their Itepre , enbitive+ s hall h e ndditiunnl to the alin - e and . further "that if the number of Itepresentatives of Ally State Shall be related hV snetiaproirti•yr - ment, suet' redaetion t.ltall not take ett.•(-ti in the Forty-se("onil t'origtess, Nit suet( State; s tall haye the same nittriber ttf litpreseiitative. in the Ytirty-seeolid Congress to which it is etiti 7 tied in the Forty-first, abd_tlint-if the.repre4en tation from any State shall be inerezesed by south apportionment, the additional Itepreseniatives 'or the Forty-first Congveiot shall Ile - eliostu 11y_ the State at large." The, basis of repre , :entat hat I:i to ho axeortai lied by the Secretary of 1.114 Iln terier fruin 1160- preliniinary causes report, which will denial:esti he ready in time fir 1 the fall .e:cetions, although not .in time for the re districtitig of the States, a dinletilty. wltiril, ipt will be seen, is rcimxlitil by poinponingthe de crease in the rei.prosetitation of the Eastern Star. Until- 1875, - .and the election of the ailditional members in the otheeStatee on A general tieket by the State at large; :• . - -- : ' Some time mince • we - published tt earchtilyi prepared estimate of the -popitiatiOn ~r: thetlif- 1 . forent states at the present, --: nine, wine!' is doubtless acettrate et(ough to show the I)ll4)4l)lli .Ntanding of each State in the lionxe•of ItereBen tAtivi% under the' dmpOFed new oppottionnienk Aeoordloit to this entimate the entire population of tire Union' is 40,800,600, that of the'rerritories and District of. Columbia being urAi,ooo, and of :the 'States entitle+) to representation in Core. I greet 40,200,00 U. This will triVti, in round unlit- I bent, one Ibipretientative to 14.1,taat inhabitants; and the apportionment will stand am folli.wa i as Conipart.d with the prevent representation i t. ~ . ` New Aipor- 010 A ppor-• i • . : Ilonistunt.. tic, 1111 l ant. Cato. Loss. - Alabama ' .. -'...-- '7 . -!' 0 a: 1 i Arrannum-.-.- ....... .....i ........... 4- .. 4 . I :3 . t r Callfornli - ..:. :. 3'' I ! . „,. Vcrnnectleut....„ 4 '- 4 ,- • ! .1, DeinWare ' ' ' 1 ' I • - 'j . ). 'lndiana .-.-.............,..:_.12 11 1 , .-,,,. . : lowa.-- . ..-. ...... _ ........ ...,.....;-. 8•. 41 2 ,Ir:. :.-.-.. .14:airses ' - - 2 . *, I l' ',.., i, ....; Kentucky ,•.--.,.......... 11 . II ..., •,,... - L0ube100n.....,.x.._...... 4 .......... a ' 6 .1 --' Malne_:..... _.-.--_...4_._._. 3 , 1 A - • r Maryland J.. Miseuveduletts • J! Id. j le -.— ;,. Michigan .....:_.....--!..- ...... 9 9 • i• J'.• Minnesota-- ..... ......i.._.. , -.- 3 , 2 • • 1 H-- i :. 311c4lust s ppl ..... -........,.......:. 6 ' 5 ' I Missouri... . i.... . ......11 . to -. ~ 2 Nebraska J I • I : Nevada i ' 1 . 1 - New 11a/upshire.. .... '......._.. 2 - . 3 New Y0rk...,!--_ ................-...32. . 31 .. . North Carolina ', ' 4 : 7 . I_ - Ohio ” .-' • - ' .....:...21 - " 19 ' 1 Oregon 1. ....... ....-...,.,__. 1 Petsmilyanln-.... ....... L'' . ...::.5' 21 - 3. 'I . Ithesiej island -..; .. -.-... 1• " 2 , 1 south "Carolina..:.. .' . _ ....... 3 4 J .-.".. 1 j, J.. Ten nesste..... - -r. .. ... . ... .1 . -..... 8 - x ~ 4 _ .. _, ~.„ TCLIM, I Vermont AL. - ' -.- 2 •• -. •: -- - . • Vln ... glnni.....- .. --.:-.....j..-- 9 x . , 'I •1 , ' . WeAt V1rgi010.:.,....... - -.- - ...- 3 . 3 • •••• 'l. .. WlscOnsln ..,.... - ~....... ... 1 -.- S . 1; . 2 ! . If this estirnate ;should .prove to lie 'tairreet, it will be seen that but-three- of the States, New Hampshire, ltinaleNistand, arts' Vermont, will lose ono Itepresetitative each, elriveiltates will retain their present:_nutriber, and the now Merit-. . bers, thirty-two innutaber, with'the three tat:: ea away from the New England Statea atiital of thirty-five-will be distributefl ainong the reniainingi.wenty-throe States. . 1 , DA:O:MA 11A21.EINTS, AM) BARRA RAlLlttlAtLr—The third annual rkoirt of this Octipanyliasfust tieeu publislasktinti the exhibit. which it makes .is at Once satis factory ranekholtiers and gratifying to all who feel 'nit :interest In the Oldie its= I,rovettients emir State. •i When this 'laid' is compleit-1, as it most proladilvitill be within, the next four mouths, it will constitlite - an hitportant link In a continuous route to: N'ow England` from -qur great coal fields., Si far ali•practitsl rebuke. are concerned, the paritiof road already completed has stirpriusl and surpassed the most sanguine expeetaticin4.-- It may be - interesting to eapitallits who are not awareof 'the fact that the -few bomisi!of ,this company. remaining,tinsold are omered at rit and accrued interest, payable In April and-October.' As .they are a. first mortipam security, boring seven ~ p er cent. lutenist, and untaxable, these figtifor cannot Nit strike everyone sit extremely low. especially as the -future of the road is probably as absolunr . exittags, ty as any other In the State. • We are 'indebted to 14esars., ; .•Sterling• & man, Bankers,t"NaL 110:14outh Third Street, Philadelphia, for a'copyiif the annual repqrt, and would'refer our reatleM to these gentle-. men ter full particulars, financial 'and-nther vise, of the road In que4lnu.--,Phita..ftess. WEEKLY ~, t ri!.t.!l,..tri I . 73 i440111a3ii.:.' 5 , 10 ' t'.l7: , - ' .11.1C14. - ,. '.. i 24 lx3rxr34o4—. 6 X XXI' z_ : - . e... 1. 41; N tle%:ir t 7 6 tr raw - 11 --. 24 'D :1 _ Ai pthig . _, , w. .Y.: Wit al. AT .6 4 . :GM ~= It irSOAL 04 1110 A 21.141 f ...I . .5 2 !' 6 53 New 3/4; X 3 141 :.ev. I .:. LIDAT ' I 5 2 I 063 ' , - _ ._ .1.--- - - Segis - Tulesday s ill be iibseirvc4t by the Odd Fellows ad a day of • , . ,The: Guinea Bill, Rag Town and Italy War ill at itir reliant, told bids fair to 'be' pro4nettre of oinelegoo&F" . .. To-marmot,. —Seventeenth sunifay.or the year .and first after Easter. Day's lerigth;''l3 hours • !awl 40 minutes. • . Tbn improvetrienti ip Pottomille this ,seesaw will be firr)zrefilo iktig ,forrof.r season fur ears sL -1. John O. was "firei eoiorod roglineregi In ,tbiliillorough tinclar:tim provisions of tiie FirutestlOanondniont. •' : . .• • •• • - • - • - Celebrstlon t "—Ottr edlnfed eeje: brain the titl4trAge of the Flfteentla Xottentboent Tuesdar inch, in itt)ptOristip Lt . boeenting _.• ntvle.• ' • ' • Varaen r. W illia t Will -fit va cating •,the •IPCnnsylvanin;llnll, - '-thrs' Bow ono, and Willtahe'np till,residenett In Phila delphia. . 1 • ••i , • . Ono of ttocnoga ..that• got tirn 'TR' on hrandv eherrins, in! Union - atinit . , two weeks !ligq. died friln its erects • a - ,lciv days Vince. 'A solemn warning • . —. , • . Moveinents l oc4tlng . tWoraril ills . ernstinn of . elitierie troninnonnutrs on foot in nunierons entinLieli in ihiltfit,ati. . What say the holdiors of till's f'oniiii tow:itA.stecti a iriovernent 1! • • • i 'l'DtcOistion De.y:•;r - witli Its tnitehing tributo' to Vie:dead herlies atliefteptitate. is Eva - hp pr O w i t im7..l tuvr 44117.t0mi ge,nekll,y•.(-hould on upv-ato wi.:ll the lit 11. I lr.. ktki.kceplnt, up :t-t4 beulairul tuOint rustuti: - . 4 .; - • - , 4 5." " [ , , •Itiarrt,fr, or Via' oscl . : llliareJonel‘ -ill' P:tto.nity, l' it i a r ito.,4l ‘ 0 tt , oftfirea•nottluiliftr Williat I,ynell ycikrthiy, lu•tioretwoll lisViir tr.i.v • . I 'rre , tett, taken teforjo I'..... , quire 1...011604, and ft At liatr -ink wa:: (Nolmotttt ter juiE:hi tleflitill - bf $lOO Lail., I . . . • • • t r - The ( omruiss cm r o Internil Iterertle has (Melded that farm 'ati gardeners, whh well the prtslto•t•,z of their own farmit from their waguns'along'llm strerts, , moving'fiont ranee to blare, :ICe not liable t) the sissiial tsz as pro alt i • colored woman, who ins sts upon her re spectability, objects to lhana„Truliley ()campy 'lug a portaou'ur a certain bowie in which she dices in .3.lMersville street. ita4a it Williatn., owner Of;he houSe, has give:i her. permission to do so, atilt this fart ham male it incumbent .upon re lteeti t:..:.settle th e matter. ' • ' • curious 11aped Eg^gs.—Mr. • George 1 7 : litirtz, of l'inegroVe, shoWed um tire lien's egri ye.Atertlav Imornitig,L which for architectural .. , ,nstruviit)ll Jr( a little different_ from' anything .. r the serti tve ever They are of a - Lairtiu 7 , ek)pia shape, well deceit - yell mill sound, anti are ritfd to isaVN been lniil l,y a deformed hen. They ore a eurhatity rarJ.ty met . . The Notional Camp Meath:l4o'ot the Nletlio ,lOtt Chun-It this year wilrbe held at oN,ve, Ifortoni eountv, iittryiatl,kol the litie of the Philndelphi:t, Wil tingt.n and Matins x,re it wilt bright till the I:2ll,.luli*,'aiolleolitinuri for tell days. A Ouniber of lle;ttling*lettifhtiatis will be . htztttendaace. • 1 ' , . . _, , r . . Brutal Atiaattlt on ir,Mati near i port Carbon. —We li,tarti th:tt a tem mimed Jante4Gevan wins'' brutally tela3llitC,Nl (.1 . Thlllifilliy MOM, while on! his way from l'oit. i *ten tit' St.'Clair, Three lawn (inning along Ma ruwl in the eppottite di •rectien, hat I hint, and arter.a.tkitig him ROW?. (illeStittlrid il4.3tultANl him in a brutal mannitr, and it was; with titer !tunnel tlitileulty that,he 44:44:111ed t.llOll. . ~. ! ] I . - • . . The Commissioner of internal Revenue lint decided that hotel blllx inehrred by persons raveling i i .r .thr• prose‘sition busities.s or by i.ersons telop,rarily 'residing in lintels While irospeuti tr.; Ist•lito.ss away from, their mid leLid (Itiriteg the year for which the return is iftuie, may be regarded :ix an expense of bti , iin , ss, and ai sneh may be cleduetcsi in the ineonie recurn. , . " - Ear:y Potat3es. —Theme potatoom ore nail th it who havo . trici theta to tro - re-: ally_e•ar:ick and anperior to the E•Lrly Rose, and tri ore Sargul We have intrialuee4l the 1-,arty (;ooklrie.ll uutt.r rly Rote fit'tho , neigh ! H Iforh , INV . chave procrerNl a few of the Ktrly , 'M.:hawks' also, and - evrenl.l,altrfse ilfoso who want to len ',roe . .. eleuer I.otato rrnp . , to procure a few to try; and ...I !IL! MEINE C,ancil'Sappar.-- I ni last Thiirklay evening li , fough Connell, to' Cher' With tt tinintNir of invited % i. acv, parh.oot: of a supper at the' ?der .:`.llessrpc. Fegerand Medlar tiwirreentatioill as caterers in get t.zig ttiate..tive a!! wit') • iiitrtook of it 4 pr ttttt it tinixwb. After -the Antler! man had been satiafted, Abe initial t..xtAtaig towed, and it wa far on toward the reisirs or niaming, befOre the happy party 'tie Jaunted.' • • The See,end Presbyterian Church, Market Itev: wtor, Nrn4,:l'astor, will priA,h 101. A. NI., antl 7-4 - P. I. •At tins evening se:Pelves A series t.l, di:scour:4m bte eonitueneed upon •-rhe Deluge.' I MIS great-event W will he i•ansered. I kath in the tbeutogleat and scientific aspects: !flie be Presented ut 7i Weloek Lt r,rtin?, Sunday evening, npon the Iw tuul turivtrsatity ef.ttie deluge. • l36ts free.' earl: . • • -c , i .2 1 ,I 1 OIMMI 9 =I • Presentation.-:-..V barber wears trio largest ring worn in tinitc4l Stator, but Pottsville Is ahirad world on watch sO:lls. ItAnnt.' 1.1..551er,".11.(i., one Or the barlwrs n 'him mwougli, h. 3.4 been preticoted by his Luiyi qichits with a *l'mA-447,1;w:1% which for - I.leanty . and KU° )1.04 lit) ltCill:11 i!I 0114 C..luiltry. It is:orOl0 gold," Set Ulm .••olousi of rarP hea(lty, and glistens liked hil , ptiresti dia inond in the 'sunligot; ti15.,41 present worthy , tho fair Own:satin toe gadaniroulpionl. • . B. F. DO.no, wive two "OEI4 m'ut't inletv:Alba- mod uri,using evcuiug liler tainnieut.i 11411 us Taleiday and Wed' nesday' ening% 4il ll.e iray.eut weld. - . The house was %yen ikUeti o.usi. eveoin,; with, the, hest ul t,th• 1.41 expressed tlionseiv(.tj deliglittsl with the evenlirps,' .. , otertaiinnessi. ono 01 thu ides evidein.s of Dualle'suldlit se r s ii4r.tst; Lis autliehee •Is last nigt.L..ie had largyst audience. He will return IN)LtriVillo_ ill tilt, - Valli, and doulit, ion, • gt..laist With full housetr. '1 • 1111 . I The FitWtflefenderis.---ThWittetittierot of Nth. find ettayanies ribetiOnd tor ltltC-Fel dent.'m rail v.doitteentAtt Xefil';'etiebrateti tee ninth anoiverm try of their arrival in Ww4hing-, ton., en'l6.-1 Mcantav'4'he - Ifni! Wu elaborately de xtrati.d,,andltili.e 4 aprealt - With .the good thlti,r-I,ofl dna ivorld t ,' . by tiarrett y of the Exel.ang,,llote!. John W. Forney, m1 . 6(16114 weeeoatoong the'distingttish eYl guest* itw,sept upowthe*vasion. The eve ning, wand song la a genalno taut of reit..wit and flow of wail; - 104 the 'Firat Itelblittlent •will not sotto lot:get - the plezotoreitb:.that evening.. . , . _ Telegrapla Calce.--,Thir - Plaitadelphia,.. Read ing arid Pottsville 'reletiraph Company, owes it 34') this lieremila to establish an ollice in the cen tral portion id' the town; The only telegraph saccommedation we Lace In dais , llerealgha. Orley at thii depot, runt.in mat ;instances peo -ple who !Viola to avail themselves* of telegraph facilities.tere compelled to walk over two miles in prdeeto do -soo.-_•: Reading, -whir. Dirty thou sand inhabitants, has nhieotticeswiiiie our own town with fifteen thouwand, has hut one. -The 1 business! it this' p - nt la. quadruple, we. learn, in propOtion.te po nalatieta,•of dint at Reading. Will theiceinpany ho thief mattex their favem ble consideration, autt - c..asbilsia U. braneh (!flee in the central part of the..itetranuth 't , •. , . ." Guinea Hill in "Coitrii.—Yesterility meriting the, deutri mon, t.; or .tlnilla42 tun were well rep resentiat Er:quire:Reed's tinier, upon the or , tw...lc , n or the bearing" in ifieewe Alerielteed": arriwod ol" Alin* for. keriling!it Anne Niedeira, Venni- Tine t3l.url . tr:trah Flhu,k, Illary-Waters and Catherine Delaney; 'five lir itionit flev hardent eheekett ferntiles the tter maw. trete on the witneag! inland; enii nil hyrOre Ur the - rhanite alainst I,Marlia.ll.lw fir their Vith g.sos •wo have no ',T ight to jai*. butJr:nu the wanner In which . they *were It hardly hue pie steant nhe'l life Upon their arreartmr, if they haprraatta ba littiaprctlutiPatl. Uariai Wa‘ hel4th appear a esuart. ' . - ; . , a Taiitmt..—tiro lawyer,' have deriiiii r the mama oilier; in("ltre Arent. One of them very: Irritalsi dispohition .and the of Isn't. On theraditst third mambo* . *the tioft+Ndon. entered tlittWilee and naits4 Plan* tokhd became razed a.d ramped like a Mad dente, LaWyer No. 201 j• t yod tho situation .400. - •orilered\No: 3 nut, Whitt order.wea:n=yed. Word* comma.' went :. ll 0 a Christman and commanded Mitt rinetizq Co-rati went to thiioillre Aiwa . :lid 3 *Owl inga soecable Oust. ,wheroi! i it i pun informed7m 4 . I that IM hod no right to ne4-110. 3 union No,. '3 was a creed. No. , 1'•w*41 1 9.; •cmgabl, started in leave mind ihnlarf We'know of lire lawyertio win shaking; bia lid at the Constablip and threatening rengriuMe. And thiir,s - . . know altmt it. ' • MEI froze* . .., . .., .. ' - 'Au, Aliik _Aso* *TO , . perieulaLAbid out, uW.l7l3s' • 4eitt; 1 111 7 6-410 •40* - It*Mnite4 i' *Jiro men Itiery 6#o.. : .:•'Thipti Use ir ntagetntcharoessuranceirrom.rbilidelphia, Thssbergsnd i psy other finttotik or th e State -that Intl' del ans - wittlie - pronent en this .00rssion. Ids r 'penend. Meade his signified his intentien l ir present. 1 Sorrel , bonds of, iritrlitrif Snood , ,' for All& bepiodon. • A Ids sa, • been etenpheol• With the 0 cerii of the Philadelphia i ind: Erie and PeaseYlvania ~. Irsw4e, for e*tersicM tickets. Tor all Who . * to be : presenti Vl* meeting will lie held i ,ti n e Opt** flatten: when an wi dress will b ed I l ven4 by col , Nasu;i l 4 Mann: of.Phihadel . ' •• 'I•• - • • , I • • ''• ,i • • :• i l , 'Unclaimed lg i eni remaining in taiiePattuyille Point Office; A t =,, 1109:' 1- , • . Duck Clement - .Tereeirtndil 1 4 , ltionmend 3R. Black Cloak; . 'Kline Ore 11 Haropupirs Lot?* Bah Irranelt Koch Ellsablk tituyser Rev: lien} 1/00011 John . Lbeb Elias - t . Huard Edward liarnoy Peter c Loos Paneusst - Seheaner E. Doebtner MichlAlneh Thos i , inoudFJohn IMgrelder Lewp urrsyl* , i those Semi aCo Burnie Jeeen : MAT Ad= i Buinerosth ?bur Beethnum Ketej . MI erldios '• = ifcht=lohn _.- • DEE Caroline MethilyeJolth ,Eseb jesepli Cad wsillader .1 litosmtdersimiamoti irreirk , Doran Stiehl' .. litorrurh in .1 ' Eauhmacher 0 Etter Stunt ." - Morn Wm' licluxentoo Mary nalrOr u irl 'Miller Sophia Shoemaker Mn* ' 'Geo A .* ._ Mord Union** 'lllny Goi worthy Jos , ', 3ilicUovent inidgrriroy ili g ffo'. Neal', °facia:old need Neal, Dennis ,riltylor Win Oahsigan Eliza rn; Lett - ': Wood Mrs Ciro* Augusta : lock C 0 • Wiosliand Linde Haldermao pal nine Illovid . ' 'Wilson Juditn_ : . lisiderfir Cluurai kart tilt Woneloni Ain Lo Jenktnionethln neid 11 U '', , IN'eatte /One. : ss Jackson J shi • 1.. . ,i , . ; * — I i , ' : 1 - } I: i tailittei UM fill Ciitirt.eirsiin.4-No iii3ofi,er had . Esquire Itecsl ~irotiotinced Lisa , judgment on Mariii Reed yes,irdayperiling 'A than that' lady tt.4. .-, 0.1 for the ; a-rest of Catharine nn; Titus. uPOn the eha d;ilf ke‘pbura bawdy douse, and Catharine itihri . 311 fry Waters and Catharine Reliatey its anntoti ~pniiititutets:, i Warrattus wore issued, .and this , '''besittlfue l party, Was brought up for -ufluiting'yosterdity nfternonn. The. priera.rliturrikwo • disgultlng ilia the ex-, treme. 'Calits;rah AO Titus *as bold: In imp f . , ,1 , bait, and the ' ler three ila $O.lO eai,h , to appear a:, Court. Ito') ris, dint samirrePressibie On filet Lai erh,eo the bill , and thir'elass of peo 7 pie have takl i a fighting anaengthernsellies. We, hope, fa 't reptitetkut :of our town,tfer eoutnieweet 'it Sake-and fer, the ,vindlisttion of outraged la lititUan mad ,tlivine--that 'the' esintliet-Will'lre time until ,that iiitilz-lutl'of, ,iniquity fa pldr. 'slid purified. "It is: lieiter that the leound - risnit contain th e n fill aum that the &wadi Ity be disgraced by.tlieir being aliciwetrloivii large , • - - - •• , .;', Local Jot` • : - 'll`rst„ thunder shower of the heasint visgitetl this **ion lagriitinday !nicht: 'rho wish/el/14 Patric* lturno, was ,hot uL Tuscarora laA week. last her first husbund in the ' I - , The First Detentleri:of Die National 'Capital held a granit bauquet-at the Town- lialion Mon tlajtt• • . ' The 1 totrith, ;Driving Park : Association an nohnee a Slirrrtg , eieettitig, to etiminent.til outhe of Ntilytito.Aas(three days. • • • ,I.A nrai nit! liu,rip 'expiosion oeenrieu .at L the li4 use (4 . _ NV ht, on .M.inersv ilia"arm, -la.st, Saturday evclning., causing au alakin ti , l* The rain or, the, furU rut of tins. ; Week; rUiseil tae water in ititlhe thountain stretterts - t , rthe.top &their banks runt {considerable' duet ...e -was lone, tf Mint:re:lp The Paititini Rase' Irall club of Millersville hp s been reorgiiniZeil !,und in now ream tr to re etrive•ehallenges... _• • 1 ! • Our friends'in tho country lihatilil '.lpok Out for horse-thieves. They are about. - 3 .. Messrs. Atkins ' ltolling•.M111;: - at Ffirliiraeli, leasdrowned out, onrlif onday night.'' • '• E. o,Parry,l4.t.',l%lJ Ilill, C. llther, 11.,Itannam QAY. sAYder..! 512<,Oright. J. el. CarPcinter, W. I..•Wliihrey arid 11. V. Russel, wereseks,tect.vert trvineri uf Trinity elmreh, on .NlOrldily.' .. * Easter SUllilay +1...1 , 011iV irt ! erved •by the .seiteral ehurelies on.P.rttsville. '. ': • • A party ef_ s hoys Verfk, tO Tumbling ',tun on lust Saturday and s 4 ilrotolhe:woods ' Imining, l i ), a number on firsirs”o"li Alio lielghtswhors.L . The miners •rvill laic!. a .griuid"- turnout'ut St. Clair on the second f' May., Mrs. Hannah 60 gh; all iilil re:iblent;of this Itorough, dic4 rim' only on lust' Monday; arid wasburial of Wet 1 t day. .: -. An unruideassful attenipt • , ivait niad4s\ on last Satrirday night tr ,4te4l MIS. •t;harles, - Ifirker's !horse froth Ins stab u, e oner fil•xtli t and Mahan tungi streuts.l • ••- • • . -•,. • r 1 . A man was shit through the :thigh at Thies ; rora, on last . undaY 'aftersiocin; •• • • .Many ealli ries were Itroded With water dur ing the fore lure of the week.; -'!' • •The oonut4 coadu.are bran alfirost. impassa ble oontlition lint some parts of the . e,ornity.• .4 . The reniainsl rrt• Will. Rogers; of .Nl.rillanoy , - City. were br ittr;llt.l , Rl'uttsvillo'fir interment on . Mo n day, •• I'.' t i j ' 8 - Mr. 'furry Foster s Who ivas injured by the uxplosiomof ~visioline,r is recoverdisg. ; • ; • F . • John Will s'i•of !Miliaria:l: . City, 'was held in.j. - SuU brill. ft. r iiii atferupted outrage on a (laugh- ' ter of John I (Main', on thelSth inst.• • • s ,' .The Ortl-Ftellowsairill •obServe next Tuesday as a day of Thanksgiving. . ~ -. , • Mary,' 01)Minel came ttt town on•TM•rmilavi gOt•drtink, and was Put in the li)elf - -up till sh , .! WA Sober.. . . Ifullian isn't was pu the raniz,ago ,last Monday s night. Two.O: flirite -eitirens -were brutally as saulted,4 I , •i , ~ ! •• , •'• • . . .40liu lturlt- wassent tojail last Triesdfy night • fir brutally lisfciulting Cirirles E. For. • the.tioe•Lintent,FfrO o:Muir:Any haye kindly losnetilliAl-llittery to the eoloied people fur their velelm. :ion. . , ! l• . . • - A horse wasStsdilr fr.Ml a farm Rear Selirryl kill IlaVen, it few nights Riney., . ' . • Mrs. :Mer.'overn, 'residing - in • Mbrris7 Arldi tirrn, lief or : Monday, :KRd ninety years. Mr: Mich: el Murilry, for lib•lut. forty years a kesident of this Itormigh, tiio•d on WedriCsday. ,Bib Stewartfnade inittr that tleort.e. Itieluira son was a dangeronSfellow, and had liii&phieed ntnier $.'W bondstto Iteep,tini peace. • ' : . Jaines . Dol . tiltoe, eh-irged , with , attempting an outrage- en hMary ‘ , 7•..ilker, was rxutimit W to, nrison on Thiirsday-. .:. • • ‘-- ' .., Qt.orrtsponbekt. - • . , ~ -Tits &lila . are not retipenstble •for any sentiments ex sir...viol ny corre-sßati.lesda; iielthet do they mature., theta all.' i-- .. lx ALL CA,Sll64.lettPtll and correixiondetias addressed in ltds otliet, on 4 intended rig paildtaittun, must have the real name of tlio:vrtater attethed,—lnot that stivsh all pabllsh It, Ina for our intiirmatiouJ, , and he written onmic side of the vaperahly. '.f therelse, they will au luta go. liryite43ool k et. —l- - .11P4..1017R1.q.L. - ' - CONIVENT/O.V.' .TO L-• [ A vorre'spontkent follows: • . ' Csienos DALE, Aprii 1870: ILSATINIKIL.S . !Jou to( A 1.. :-1 node& you,r.. article in last week' s JOUUNAL, on Ana; yid went, of Ottistitution of Pennsylvienia. Why not urg-e change in holdirik. Courts, '4sittiiitig our Judge:K.4i hold 'Courts say manly ; once a year in the dtstriet where they, aro elected ; talaneo of time In other districts? JR such autos three fourths or Moro of gni sessiona Of Courts would be held, by Jude in, districts whero they -would not ho'depedatila upon suffrage of tho . ,people fur re-lectioM, -Yours; truly 2 ' MO : 110 'llo' a szAritiliols - -CiTY. • • trrir, April 18.,'; IS7O . EDITOIIe ort TIM DAILY . 100 Itlf AL :.-"Che fre tArient oectirrenee of news in your journal o f weft. glittinit:'sinit in tiehltylkill t,ount3 , soma fatally, etherato roc:ever • sotic - getatabbeikunti •uthers hillioir nearly to death, is calling loudly for indroiwntectioni it'd for wont seven* Loin - isliment*lsem the , parties -aro' ,found Out, and- convicted '.'On the iutlier hand every induce- - menu Is held .out to a man, to purchase these 'deadly weapons. Every . hardware attire wip .dow.hasant,a display of .them; so that the Man -that taiitsidera that he has remit vial an insult-ow an Injury hag notlittc: to do if has the chimps, ,but to•Knto„tho iiirdwaro storci, buy a revel% er, then lia-th walt, - 14 . his vietitn,:. , shoot and then. take t0..tl ' luttihes:-, Therit,laun old saying that , te '".u, min'. , of , prevention: is bettor than a pound of mire." ..Ti the govOrmitent would prohibit. salethe tilistS,lititi)pitoi:eiotirely, Or. cisc•emita ,pel e , 4 , er3 , num.tlitit', purehat.es . one in ohtain a. -license fr to a makiStrate. to sa,y that lielenta trod tute•for p . teeth*, and let !bar Ileenie he'sighed by at k t two 'respectable' houst*Oldt sud each ,pu el 'molls llama: abe .tvgiete in a bunk f or tat purpose, then every ruffian . that Wonted Mut could 'tiotobtaln it. If the govern twat. dots; not Interfere nioro than 'lt, does, tielniyllt . County will becolne as bad as Texas or Alexi And who are May that earryite-, volversTVAre they 'the •respeotalde-atid quiet portionf the OnununityTN ,rf,:they aro teuer=" ally th tiftl e sans thatrarry thetu, on purpmin to t i do deeds of , violeneet Theft' let the odlecrs of -theta*. Wherever they Mid one, 'Ole it sad so 'Roo ss Muth ast they tan of thit.tnurderous Work' 1 , • , . 1 • • ... • ',?... ;...- . ii saunilY6. l • . ', SwaTaua e April 18, 1870. - Roiro u ttsrDAlLy Misses'. JouuSai.:--Aliciw inc thro oh your columns to-say i few w.n.da by war Of sulrgestion,to “A Respeetlible Miner," whose Itier yin insetted in the ocial trade mi nion cif turday' is JOutuvai..; Ind through' him, to the in mbers generally of the Wat..A. in this County, promising, bowover, that I inn not an operito nor dealer in isaal, and that _my syni; ! , II:1tles re, and hate been front thefirst, strong-. h ir organisation, and itis "vowed Our eic Nees. If `'A Itespec.tabie Mince+ and hit friends of the W. It. A. will recall events of one year ago ; they will reinetaber that as One inducement to the soceptance of the tennis of their .t 'Dais is't by the operators, they wisumed that axial should at no time fall lielow $3 per ton at the shippii.g. points*. ihrid that'whciiever it' Woo ik•cessary to de w', tal lu.iiiitaiti Reit raiii;`a -mineral inispeti sionscionld take place under the atlilpiossof die' r organised , oi; and farther. Rads brimnisatio al lwaa M. embithe whole of_ the anthracite regiuti.--. These .1 •rtnii were -ii&epted ,by the operators, iti ;Ws lily, and as ',A:Respectable Miner • truly retnarks were arVilsced in generally as- Evlr and equitidde, but: Vie wholti„erraliftsmoin was kw ted by theilfreal , col P tlardes who com prise th mass, and influence of : the operators miteoi:them region, and after a long conflict during bleb •W itespedabitt Miser ',' .inidl his liompee sent thousands of dollars of , their **ruin , up to austainthe mad- there in their: Wroth!' i . moire the basis ,system (which after all is tit • vital point at lasue) these. men whom they et •re kettiptlng 4 mikes& theeleeivea le tie bought .fl , by the uompardechy a Mtn* tem poriu7 . tame In . eto abandoned the'. a atrUmi , for bitaili-tium 'htaftsying their eefte , poen. : , the souther riegketi and ettehtleg the ' north • . Monopolists ,to ~go - in: 'the 'great COO mark- , •• -and charge upon thelveratiin of this t t liatuaty a conspiracy wydidis men to force cook ill e• tO e ortdtant me . 1 - UM • it that nothing tar batter known ___" Ig ;in w aver}whara-rWitnaiter what their. re• haring the "rode May tie .!.halt tinit,the policy of : ritunpusiel(le the itheerption. gradually, bet ti ly, of tOttir4oltitind*rfind to th Is ted ; 1; ..:1,...i,, ~•.,.,. s OE , . .they do no* and Will heresfter :mita* implans lily, sty 4 !-kaiiii" or other eettlenieut that will Sae' nag prediction f.oot . the tegkin ofgamb ling sPiculation, and by 'giving it it steadiness i w‘wftieb I cortaino will Mthlit 'Mail profits "nr.ssalit :.i fur ,Inveetiet tispifal, ,'. ea • *tea sikassf.-7, large . prelite ire.: flaw, ' will -011iikkt. .;. the •Werkman stamp& ..to-ixentriand lds-'r sha rd df Abe proceeds pet his labor. niti....., led thorn last i f to': resist' the . urinals," because if ewe. adopted Ada infrer toWork equitably and sraoothiy, as notesti.Wew doubts but it wouitkit would be next tobrisible afterward to break the Solid =* men and individual 003Mb:imitates ord. said their policy of, abeimpUon and 'aggraadillement.would hive received' a check, .from w hich it would rearcelY roeciyir. ' "The reault. *howl' the windont„ while it ex poses the.rspacity of their policy - , for Matelot or the steedineis expected by the operators in this "Mainly wit rult'of the "basis" system, they; find their n men acting in -- concert with the esuunotten my. for the WB. A,-of Schuylkill . . County *hen they north :I;ced; in th e . compro-, ,Mise of i the 1 men in Luxisrne by which the • 'basis" eyikeitt was defeated there, gave their employer*. Mier, bound band and .foot, to the • temderwierenw of the commonenenty of both, It will notuire a_ very brining , intellect tO kr coMprebend that nine. out or. every tenet the operatrirS to Schuylkill would Meek 'in "sit montlts,er leas,_lithey paid the wages on, three dollars per too formal, and sold ii front two to two and': a-bilt4or . that a suspension of three' 'months In this regrottalone would I notgive an average .of 1!-. three Ateliers , per ton - for the' next . three •I,fienttbs, • and : pot Censequemee within.; a ithort • time _.., fifty out. ,og , every hundred of 1, the operators.„ mast . go out of the business, be worked, by glint !Poetic:fa co_rporatiocut pa Mug the hire:id( trapsportatiim, while the Se* individuals who , remain must became more feeders to these corporations as they. now are in-l.userne. Where then will be the 1V.i11..A.? Broken and, scattered like chiili before !the wind: 1 ea snot believeithat "A Ito apectable Miner" andhie frienda„. thin-Cat least, Who have ordittarfrellective f.icultles, can «in- Ltemplitte such a copsentmatioa with much de light., 'l, - et hn adlier,ame to their present course makes itsure. ,Tbereis but one tours() to take • that ciiicriossibly avoid the entantropbc±, and that ism pursue the linO marked: outat firat,--make their organization a unat through the whole Art tlitacite 'legion., and forma coal to .rate, not less ,thatf.the, basis at any, time, at the proper ,ship ;ping tioluts—, 0, dnipel theadeption br the Nelda i ever,ywhere;nnd when inivtt osion;hl ateetinctry, leanipal stta(sttisinti everywhere. 'There aro two larays.ln - ahleh thii maybe done,-ehlier or w h to! 1• 1 woom tie eirootivo, and either of .iahh....13 would relieve the:dead itez f k• , andsgiv'e hope Of salvation to the trade. -, The 'first I mention, impel:ma to tile the must - sdneible, Issnuse the men in the ; tipper Ilegion.refustai t ,sieqx'n lin Ida-eh, and .thow hroke faiths second' , tame.. II:, is this„' let the W. B. A. for this Ib4;i4M, notify Limorne, that id at flied tine they must definitely and in good. faith' (dethind C the ' basis . system and stand. till they get it, and ifttnei refuse; then appoint:a betninitteerinit•ievite the A. 11. of T to appkaint, another, whigh two ointiliitte shall - niecciel-conferenee encl . :wrung° a iceate of priees —rise,aini fall—and then go to wort: and send semi vital, if possible, before Whiter, down to i re.or,*.: per ton and . bold it there until the inenlnls the Upper Itegions will act In good 'faith; ICA is too late in the season . fir this; ac cept:snub modification - 9 1 1 the optrators' terms filleted as you can get, ffilii work .the season outo with the understaittling.that the ittrovii conrse Will he Pursued. neat Spring if Ltizerne will lint then-jeitilyou.• I.ct me urge norm "A ititspett able:bliner,"'enti his coulpeers, these consider ation's. llie men in the' Upper; Regions who sold t themselves no thei monopolists are the ene .tnit-n you have to light, and clot viiur employers. You have the power, If you malt diserecuy, t 3 Oompascs your obJeo. an d .redeent labor 'in 'it/4 121:1Eregiusis and (lay your - example)..eltsewhere. YOU have also the power, by per:axing pair preiient course, of ruining. our enipleyerm; but, if you do, you wilt. surely 130 buried undertheir , ruins. , . l'eintit a friend, a working Man for twetity . years, to invite.you to the exercise of adittli k itf, that. very uncommon faculty, , .`' • .. i neonates Sesse.".. firiiß# AND REltVatieutz. TUGS* ITI7O .2CititD DIIEM. . .• i i , . ~ - .M [:skins- EniTuttl:—Allonc: Hie 'through' the coltunns of your worthy papor 0 may ii. Word to niyieo-Laboters, with regard to the vdneatielial eldUnin of this paper and the :4'6o:tramp. ~ ' For the last six !lentil/al-have nxamined every issue. of this paper . wish hitense interest; indict-- paling a good trefit by reading the educational" etilhimi ; •butso Many 'tithes halts:- I ; been, distap - f peihted, [fiat I've come do the itdltelusieli that as none ethers will ciontrihute, I, will try what I eau do,' hirtlir What..l write -will hot prove pala table to any more ; , professional brethren, it will eeet.ainly be soething for thinn .to criticize, which must ueeessarilY'aivalteit- their latent in telleet,; which otherwise .'wouldliave remained deer:butt. Now, I thinl it, is a disgrace to the t,ailurs of Schuylkill ChuntY;hot to contribute ;something It, the vole - mint of these papers, when It the proprit•thrs or,the sante Upon them ; (as i am i'ilitorined,) gratis.. This is something every ' tilieher owes to his palling, and should at least write something Mice a year, anyhow.' The niedimil mad stitiscribes l,r, and ,contributes to a Medical journal ; . the lawyer; dyes the name;'. ~the faidehauldlial his -istientuie journal; and so it its: with .all other ealliiigs. ..;Why then, it is na.tairal that Weinexperientssl 'teachers should l i kiksoritivetlutrational i•oluiiiiilroni those whh t•ita•etin the calling, and pfeli t by Limit-sugges tio 3."•iow I have been in titteaulanee at the la r ttl tive County Institutes, the objeet of which was to . - de>fness.'schbol Matters, and profit' by each ether'suggestions. The chief subject, wlii.•ll'seeiiied 0 agitate- all tit flip lit,t'ies.., wits tiraiiiinar;i: • ': „ Don7t-mistinderStand inc, reader, I haVe refer: , enee th thee gentlenien Who gay:, their expert= epee in teaching the subject,. not It's •anatysts. Al my co-laborers are.iware deft Ile•.reare three gratle3 or certificates: these wli‘i excel , nil the calling, tioltling pormafienv . , - and the-other 'ex.- 1 retile, bolding petivisienal. ••).Now all teachers; it: is supposee:tscsseAs avast inimont of knowl edgc., Joel those le fitting permanent certilieatei, beside*pinisestsing. this vast uhimint-of k floild edge, almi have the ticl•to impart it: Talent is something, but tact is evOeything ;talent is pewer, tadt is skill; taleid is • weight, - tact'is inoltientitto ; talent '-knows what. , to 'ile•, , tact kiiiisi - sliow to do it. ilert..:e, the necessity of a' county Institute' fir the :behetit Of t1i0..•,•e hold irif peovisielial evrtiarldes ,Iti:lt teem being - lt chiiimunion far four or fire iley:4 with tlesicnlio 1 iossess thiStied, till - may a•spiire li, bee this is far from being the ease: • . . As I' ye :tire:llly sdidl.llzaillnlat• Wais one of the prim.' nal topics dwelt on at the la4t . County an statute. 1.-must say it was •really unitising to hear isich man give his own •'-fret inetliod,''• and Cell flow well lie•stieeeeded with it (he thought, So, bht the I.l'th:ire!' Mena he. taught will not *nen they - wino to the use- :or reason, f and I Muse 5..3; there wen. about us -whiny "pet.nietli- ASIN'', 'AS speakers, a n d there ul4O aro' , • a debate Area ;hot for a whi le,) in wki di th • began to denounce each other's Methods': •Fit • , when they fait° ti, know. themselves, they Coileurred in their arguments by sayijig, "welt; I Illealilt that - ,-- 1 -'`l would do that too"',- : --''lwould, not eitlier"-"l.,tlare• say the gentleman mit he other ittle of the rotrin misunderstood me,'Mid so it ended. ~ The president- called them' to Order told tlieni the lime was up for that topic, aukn that it wohld betaken up again the following day, but never was. Now all tile del liters eon eurred in their arguments I•ut,-iikevertaine to Oily definite - ..canclusion. .: Noir wu number a's }intim about as much when they are done as - iiefeie. • • ''.'ilthengh. I haven't . : had any experience in teal lting Graniiiitir, I ant satlatied i fain give &I. ` .,moil a method as any orthese,''pets,r and bad st . great • donee 'to any something .at .1%1 shisnoy, , : hut' (lift not, simply fur -two reasons: -.First, rThere were a hall dozen men Who lesci a -ten-j dewy to mm191) . 0112.6 the Ilisir, and paid little ; 'Orlin attention %outliers whatteVer ; and, i‘erenit ,;reen isttliat my experienceln• teaching coin- 'pared with those already named there is as big ! A contrast as between mother and child, and bit ing taught in Inv youth "'That children should bo ;Seen, but not invird,': 1 niilitiot appall:. Intring my school days, I studied Ctranimar fir-two years arid a halt; and was taught .by u itutelier - who bud hiS•pet-niethod.',' tine class prepared eardo. 1e40401i to.xittlieti its, illart4•l4' re-', :cited well, could decline , Conjointly, sa i d answer !ittlinitims very retslify, and Could, parse, .very ;well' when alleweil • to guess telittle at . the -ease., land verb, and as kr pilling whether : a Verb ~ was transitiVe or intransitive, that._ wits all eon : ,tititiil.to guess work,: and yet our teacher natter . - •,:isi himself that-lie Was very t4itionlli willl his alratitimir cheer. We were ;pretty, bright in parislit. from our t:ranunars,..with ;non for a It..ieiter, antisifider the, roof of the, mahout; but •ifwe iirl•re taken out of the Jathool,' and required • • i W parse from one third rtraders, and under a .i:traiige teacher, we,would -ibelest.• • Now this shows than we anemerii.eil all, but 'undeiktood 1! nothing. , [Leis true that weleinildparse, answer i 'detiliitienti, otc..`butlivii mei-halide:it way;, and i 1 knOw that whim Flea mehhial, if I were put to '. a teat and:yulleil on tO'ilatille, tlit! li ne parts of speech, Leitinbt whether I! eaulii„ .i perhaps I t Omild if I were . in the achnil hoit4t; but, not elsewhere. ,So much fee - ”pet meth. ds." • . - • Now I think tlie•letUher Who dindi•rtakes to instracta claim irt4ir.unuiar 'Should .Ifa ' so fa , hillier with • the subject that itall.text books were excluded he could write one himself; and • furthermore in starting a claw in tit smear, all that the'primary•book nonfat-in can and mhowid• i bet taught Without books, bY,w_ritinginichiesseu ;asnigned oh the board and reqn:re iA pupils to I take a oopy of thriname on paper, and. prows it. • Thiti process, continued for sometime, It : will lint bn long until the-children will have the - Whole primary book in pattiphiet form. When. • this 'primary book *finished they ; will, look nYtte it with triumph; and feel that they'vedone 1 Some work ; now, and not till now, thOy,are itt ;to shifty from a book. - • ..1 ' . , . lime is One difficulty to lid overcome in 'start-. lug a elms'. In Gamittiar. It Is thlit lffilidren hear theirparents and other's tell !tow they used to!prepare their. Glantinar 'wheti ; they went ki school, lutd titiWtliti-thaelier used to Whip thorn . i • etc... ' - NOW thisle.soiis and diut4tetra form tin 'deli that the study of filitunmar is something awrui : difficult.' Ilenee;.. In starting out,. do not let them know you are talking aboutttrammar ; no sureais you do you'll be unsuccessful.' . . • - In.'reading over a liundier 'cif the -- („•ranithwil and( hints-ries of later date,; I 'find_ that most all' el,theni were written in a series of-letters !rein ! father to Nell„ l'hls'.weeld, I tlifnic,• .4is An .6*- relleOt way 0 teach the subject at the present :tithe, foothe very night or•one 'of our ticidein text bioks frightens a 'child; for '1 yeinenther when if.,Was a selionlblr, watt Itittg faces'4 l ! made on being pr West to the C•ramiliar Oats; • : ,New,nly lesson is ;dune; :aid in concluldino would say toi . all those .11:11 i -Perhse - this, that should any ungrammatical ciiiiiioitions -isothe •tutder. your oisiervation, that you Will overlook Wein andattrthute ail Of:at7 •tb"pet . nle i t . h t f i. itts. ia 7 . _ .., Beer following lan a ren' bYn stafri:9r- Beer aanett. Thom : ii `lanzuage on the tot di vet of the Preddeney t when approached with reference - to a 'nomination' : No, gen tlemen ;I Ilfelre that you do nothing In that direction, ftirl. should :notaccept a; .nomina 'Lion for the Presidettey'lf offenal Mc. and I. 'wish my friend 4 to unileratand it, and not.to .think of nto conitectbizt - With 'Abet Once. lily mind la fully Inade.u - p : on. that point. 1 bare learned the tradeof issoldier,tutd what-, Ilikeeede lini*lutd his come front my , ticking to my WO, and I am. no* too old to learn another. - Beside% I have - tort much ;reOrti for my country ton be ! 4 : lll 4italoYtil mu that, dale!, • 1 - -• • 7 - --Too' liug jigeh kernelir ore polkOn ' .. , wain.= sox sits — mama' awsuest, . t . . SZIERIDAN i S LAST urren. -7 •q, • i-- z,...... , • teeneralinictriliaiikin Troy Valle th e: rnalos'orliaj. Gen. Tirana* Jay Ins ukf**louoiorir : to harts!, dtd not May to take .oarti In the funeral. carsincarles, tea lett that city- fni grist baste that ii . might Win l'Alkidalphia - ut an 6rtiy hour to WO ) Pitt Ina diasari.] . •" , :•' • ' *., rro PICIIAP, the sates st break of day -'• Bassett a message from Philielelpht-s. - • asylng: - ann. Ittl yourself, 1.1111.: • torn - coati_ -" From mourning Troy t , Leave - rap Thomas," dead, For the Cavalry foist, and the Coo !louse spretet,, By way'of his stomach, into his rtuind The - message flew on a fragrant wind ;' • : , And *Wilt as he rode from Winchester tortn, When Early, early.,done Wright right,hrown: .itfter:yawninglind mann - Ling his aching head, He sprang in",.ot haste Avid his .Troy-Uousti bed. f...._ Oat by the depot, the Iron-horse Stood i - -- Snorting. and taking in wager and wood:. .'TIII the "Game Coe". " wikh his sears, , autl i And orderlies, mounted Bid waiting clim; , When, ...ir like a mad butt, going it tkii- 'll, ' It sped.tduug with la; tender t.willuth t . -1 • , litits . roaeand tell, Hite stoess and gold- 7 • ' 7' When Erie 1.401'd it and Fisk - coat roikii -: And tt steamed Ils strength thronghlts hod .34cryCil As It hew 111,:e Ughtnling sruuud the curve., -hnpatleut to bear the selfish and vain • Lime Phd. to Where tiststtug wauson'Ognlzt,. • • Across the kingdom of-Camden -Amboy, . • Thh'sty, and hungry,. the broth of a boy," node b y ex pro's. ezpresigy to cunt , In the quaker City., Sat'llay„ at Mae • ... • lie sat,---three hutired utitcs unuy Pecan the spot wlteretho tiatiOSISS fi4l'llllV% In the arms or iteath;- - -itke a royal beast, - Fitting himself atlaregal•least,.., • • Then he,res.toSintridtres gtettrie ride!' May himself and pleasures bertifiltiditiott[ . . And may ills rudortbd, 'Revd, • c. Who glorified hins i ntni painful has steed, i " - Run his fingers o'er the strings of his - tyro . Anti sing North weirliss.:l trembly 'With lie,' ilatv bls dohty hew With pregnant grcvd . • Len our Thonans' body in nervous sper.it . ' 'hr join his friends in a friendly teed. ••• And let-him paint, for the Woriil to admire, • A pleturV.—ltr tihttance - , form of lire Writstling with- Peet :t.• A blue wit:l planar, ' A Cross in amatinOsphere of gloom_ • Naepnlehre. Around it tear, • • •, - A nattom—bi lig off:l4w li r eroinirs An engine via l indiforcant.— foreground, A fast—with lrottles,atui pun - lets around. . - fecal pitOnt . s6 llotiOi. : • 2.Seentn st-line first Iluirrtiosi: 211 cersts . 1141 , ,. 4ac_s, 44444 quent lusertioh. - Itrrn. • ttl'l:NlNte•. - ••. 1 / 5 1( 0 . N KW - , '.ra PI VI Nei • tint tki.-z-31exs rm..' W A Fi it •.t at the New Union' Ilan Pr' tilAtts tltur . . n Ilaltanluiskto,beoir the • Vi* i lave ri•etiveitfr4lll New 1't,r.14 and rtiijkl- delphie their new • Spring' v.tileit of gilud., 714111 sliadipt of rklltc Povettnt,, 'Faey and IMter,l l ,o" l -'t Silks, new shades utall, wureiSprine, Poplins, isprinl, , • M:lnden of Al Art6r4„ Prench ro!ci: - .tdailti_Nt e eitra moires .•if lilsola Alpacas Ls-citins,- . Latigi du hi , its; I Prints, tfdtihons, thostierl, tilirvos; Eine i a -ehrend and llntidkeretnets, new Spring shades of , Kitt Glove*, I ''.ad llntr 1'116104 :isrltelletr, 'lloopSkirtt,,ltens and „Boys' t`xtstitteres, .Vottott..., I aien - Le.. Are.' They nee: %bete , ailtnose.4tork - of ' rorel.gn attnl box:neatly 'galas; eutnphewltt sal olepArt,- , menls,.at the lowest ogees of , the day. Sp. tent lon e ated to thelt , ..slocii, .ttier live. I'EttrFer IGt/tID, • • ' - . • careful Inspection auntrompari.inu desired, psi te,,s not null .eannot be undelsekl. Aprl: r, '71 . 1-7S- It —l7-1t •• • • • ••• • ' • Szir.e.tv. pay/111.411s restinted ' • ."I,ny Goons or nhte-.w.ar.ottrem at : 4 1.1tel Al. KA I.r: of .I)fi.ss /odds ot'llatltultre.: J. tiAz.LAND a t».,.'61 Centre st . ' Pit! Nvs. Nip V. yang, fur mie 4olliir„ut • Gall:Ana's, :61 Cent re stmt, silver hl rh:toge... A 1.111 10. a/. NNW' PATIT.JINS Jura. receives at the t:4yn.l.:..mhtl •Tri 'en tn - , street. be lOW American •11.0u,4% L'INNV I le. 11-ti• 31:1601E PA 'LA Sll. 07..rt.:v. tmots tor s impertor Oyster ; WO' 4.1; POt.tb.' Utility nod t.i.ttotk Paltuturunt., No. lilt l'entrii ittnv,t: Print.* rmluona. to mutt. Uto time. • Clitil,tuitl• ;t.ty vourtinlvlnt.. nod "Lino leall 1:loqoyall ”I" the 11114-ot iiilitlitiefit,i)..l.Siiiitil'ict.7etitt;e . !.+ 4.. ' • . •VitENC3I. rAupgl).l.i , s EN Pit 1.1..5; In.tauttftil arti cle D. A. tisalf.li's, Cettir&titrort. • .• . JO. . . , -•, , • Tlig-l'itrt.OS.tritr or litt.fitlir-VCl::g 1. - AT r.l)- E*l.l4E3.—Will people never learn II) hunk I41:1L dis eased:4ll:er and stomach necessarily disci - flit+ the en- . tine gystem! The plaineitt Prinetples qtesultiteun,.. sesiseleach this, awl yet there arc tintWeilS ridicule the it.lf.;ntid continue in'thel,itfintst. t/Ititost ittiivitably brings them prentatureiN . ; td the: - grave. Living maJOrity t,..f the people (6"4 tit complete variant*. with tile laws of nature._ ft rodit he apparent to alt that, sootier or later, initureWiLl revenge herself: Hence we thrl that. persota.l indulge tai excess I.n the use of very rich' or ihtlif. •gt.till hitt food or Intogiditing drinks, Invariably paite whiney penalty in .the end.. The stomach: disordered auil refuses, to act; the liver .fe.ils to per,- • for* its fumettortsolyspepsia. and itsattendant evil!' anti Still the suffering Individuals pershit lii dinging to 'the tkoronghlv\expl.xled ideas otqlrit. psis. tlr, liell.E.NClVti medicines are nsguntaentleit to all such:' They., bring ''sure. ‘ -and eertaln. wherever they are mint as titre...l4lr; !...nd all Vint Cs necessary to establish their reputation with. every ailing 'Man or woman In the laud is a fair antlint- liartial trial of them: LM those wimatre on this . . fsuint,,and who have permitttal interests 0 persons to preithliee' them agatiat those now et l& bratest remedies' fur Consumption,. prejudices, anti' lie governed lei' the principles tit:, reason and MlllllllOll [:ease. If the systentis ttisaar tiered depend ups' it, in nine -ewe's out of ten. the k seat of the disonler will be found. ha the shall:ten , Land liver. To cleanse • titut.it a r Igor:tie Ilie,stomach 7'atttil to tat I otttlitte the Ilviktto m't 1 0 11, 1 -hie ,•• k K'S Ni AN it RA fie daily user.., :tin- . th'ese....fdlls' L. the is,' .eviitsuce of theft value- Thottsatt.ls upon thonsztothe of boxes' use soil dally. Wiry I. I•ittatlity bucause they. oft promptly and etlIC w - ho' may au at Y fwd WllVelliellt to cell - on • lin pi,r son arc informed tliat fail and t oittplete direct to•lie• for•tt accut iy-.eai:r' p at•::a reel the ff. I'vf.mtts lc .sti aut. ANL; SEA , Wki.l arriPCbmstinip-, lion unless the 1n112% etre go fat gone I Intl the 1:441 ht. is k.ntirely beyond the feted, of metlieal ' It may lie asked by those wlm are.ftrehtid f.tittinar with the virtdes of th-sc great reMedies; lrl low al., lir. St '11.F...NCK%-4 met:iciut , s theft. their Wonderful en rot of -cont.utniatioti, ' 'ls • tne. They wino trietr The answer I a• still pie of work of restdration tddiri.ting the stomach; liver' and bowels into an tarp Vefhealthy - lOU. ,dt is food that,yures this formi tMle•alise:n4t. M.S.SDICAICk: net on the lit antaiti ' stoma, mounding heult ay.,_Kwrrt mai removing the . bile adni Mlitell rez,ultcd Man:lee or torpid coedit ion of then organs and an' the tyr fedi generally. T.lds shiggisli state Iltidy, 1111,1 t :4e consequent accumulation of Cu. unlu-ulthY sub ,stattic as tanned prevent tile prop t rditto of I. oil, . 'and aa a Mil r,II creates disease. wh len iesufts in most rat lon' till 4-1 II natty in asctitcses Prl.7.loNle :41 irt - I.II!iiIS%AWLF aT e ii. when taken regularly. With the Mod, aid the nigeative orguas, uttke -gasad alit bhssl, and- as a hat oral etni.l:lll:4.llee;give Celt :tad sr*. rength to the p.m tent. Let the flealty say what it may, this is the only - true 'eine for eon"u I...xperience protect It 1..03 n o d the shadow of a don at,-and thous ands ar' to-ti.ty a'd VP mid well whoa; few vearsad nee were rattarded ILA 11411 , 14,.. but who weir dtlfcsl to try Pr. Ist;lll , .Ni2K:t4 rented ica, and wera,... redored to te3ratinaMt tise. 11)11,.• of th - e.lirst :steps the' phySleitin should take with a consu in pt ive,patient is - to 'lnvigorate the :syiatent.• Now liow - 1. tilts Ili I>r c knelt cer,tainly no.t. hr 'giving medicines hat exhaast and enervate- , :1 medicines r instead of improve , the Mite tints he cstave Jl•snor s, aa %e 1..; he stomach and leaWels of all.; 1 imbstctices a latch rtit , t - r4colated to Irrit'ziti or Weak - ell thelll. They Create an tippetit , —promaite healthful ilige-tiori—make oast ttlasid - , - and; 11 the) ii ilgoraale iiiial , a4rengtliandloant Ire systnnt, and mom estweiall,e Inanepdrts' at'.lilt:h are diseta-cal, If thik 4,114114;V, be. thaw, theta the ease lutist-be re garded as a Impeieits one. If the physician finds ittipa..asiltle.; to inflict , a pa-, ' dealt feel hungry, if theAlisatased petSoh cannot par take of gissi-tiourbili ink if anti mai properly Aigest It, It nitnpos.iiiie that he Can guilt lit ileshand strength; mid it Is equally imp..)akitatto bring tipatleitt to (his V 411141114011 to 1441$:.11:4 Ihellver is !andel:rata:l t Ans e/Wed hi le, and the stomach laden with unlit naliY slime. • • , —. • Altriost the firiat rentrest made to the pliyalci :n by. (Nahanni,' Ive patient that has Will pri,eribe Med; leineS that will remove. or allay the cough;.night sweats midi ands, which are the stu e Olt tendallta till .constmiption. lint this t4110t1141 '1,4,1 he done,. as the cough Is only timelTort of 'nature to, reftete Itself, - and the nrglit sweats anti elillis are, caused diy the : diseased Ir ngs. The remedies ordinarily pri...seribeal . dor mitre harm than goakl. 'They. IMpair tune !bias of the Stottrtch, tin ItealthY'digest tiggravute,rgithin than cure the allsease.! 5 . • Tht.e.• Ig; alter -all, nothing likm farts With - Which to Sulistrint late a .posii loft, and It hi Upon 'facts that. In. SCHENCK relies. Nearly all Who iiitvettaken fits 1111ellkillen In IWCOnillllee W:4 ti1n:`C114 , 11,4.. have not'utay been eared of consumption, hut ; front' .‘the Met th at these medicines net with twoutierfni power 111)011 the 'aliite-tlve Ork:14I1*. Val letltS tints cure I Speedily gain flesh. Cleansing the sy ideinof all impurities, they lay the , ftintal4lion (far a 'Mild, snhaitant hal stnteture. Restoring' oigatis; to local t'' tlieycraatteni appetite. The food Is properly . ttssl lated; the..quatdity of blood is ibri only. In-' eras I;'but IS made riot' and strong and In the face of anal a condition 'of the system lute.niu . itt be banish. ar Fur 'lnca - lons necomPany Patch of the hiedicipe.s,- so that It Is not alksolutelv necessary that patients should see in. SCIILENCI: personally, .uoless,they. -desire th'have tAir lungs examincl. 'Far this pose he 'sat hitWincipal (Mice, Nil. ra Nan La sixth ht.. corner of (.I.tnt inerce,'Philadelphla; , evc tie; day, thank' A.M.. until 1 V. . . Adv tee is given at ehair4e. bit for a lb woligit eztUnl maim' with thti Item)! • .I.er the a Itarge.6 S. - . . • Price of the styntp and Siscateed-Ttatile each, $I 50 pct bottleur $7 5.1 a half dozen. Mitn tirrtkc Pills ea cents a hex.- Pi-W.loe hyull•Alruggiits.. AprillQ 11l . 16-1 y: (IMITPATIONAL ..t..ILMEN'T.4. kresh.tti; Ire N... 1 air Is`a vitalising elixir., Wins-sec itedebarred -by elreutn • farnses front itarcidricied acceras . .4o tads' layl s it r ic, but Isawertitt Stimulant. needs tvAnerli- cinal InvigOrmat of 1140111 . 1 C hind; 'll.e great: idtfcct. should be to idar - 111,44 'coal lostetstl dirt at the taints, watts In good Or -der. .Apply to , UEO..TV.B"; 11./Kll. Potreo:111Y. . 'January 1; .1— , . - j, d 8 LEAHEr - Tttie aiilualtic trait - of Coal; i.atal / k - as Hob!). ct. taabroner -Tenet. la 3111 - ford, situatrti in Itlytbetutd iiebuyik-111 Towtuiltlp9, mat cotthiiniag; about :3 - :10 acrie:‘,.is ffiTedlo it poll Teasopable tertus: ,- -.Apply to ISANICA'S, Agent Feb 17; - 139: 9-tt l'ottaville or Port Oarboti. O.ft • SA,LE.—Tlnther leave of W) acre* ot,woo F land, In Lieluuton Cuantke six. males sent'. t•t Unegrove, along,' the line of The Lebantin and grove Railroad: The tiniberisTrincipally talk., A ,'• ;MASON- EIDNI.2I N, Votter Ile, Pa_ or, id W.3ltittlildWElD3lAN, Union rolge - • '121,• :7 :31-tf - • :red . Lebanon Ctti, Pa. r i OR . LEASE.—A Valuutile.ltentte on\ lite 14201- 1 NICYIII, and SKID MORE Viq.N.S. , 4 , tri tit *it. Run orune mile in the Mahantsy Valitty, tut pant ng SE. Apply Lu; - feItANV Ott itrtit, • 'Real Dilate Agent, fillider Teriuee,rrottsvtile. Oct., %it, ',03-1:1111 DESIRABLE RESIDENCY: FOR SALE. , .- ,The laultai:tiber offers foeinsie his double ry brichslw el I it tic. corner of tith and Schuylkill Acenur. The grunitan attached (I!4'.actels) wre, under I liakt ion awl :Well !stocked with fruit trees, nhrubl erls, • rot: terunt, and fur.thoelittattnation, apply Iu IS Mahan tuts) st . • Feb -12,, '7to - - ,-t t ..• O R E A 13 E-7- - AORICULTURAL PARK 1 HOTEL;—The undersigned olllcers ~r the kkltavl [I Could , / Par* Aitanclat ton will recelri• 'proposal; tar.a k lte Neara*,Learte of the Hotel I\ll4i hog:- tints payable yuitriorlyin tulvaace: l'oases- Ohn glven t.m. the Ist day of-Audi, IS•Th. • • • ' •I. WOMLLSDOLLI , ;, Pees% it. ZAT:11C11211, -- Stre•y. - • • Feb ' 6.1 f A TALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE: V_, , F.l4:ven 111 feet low . fronting on num near I.li4traetttrret,are'otWreil limn $ll3 and upwartlx. .P L avenersta in SW monthly, instalinients. Apply to -HAL, Coat lama., near _lt. R. Depot. ~ • • Pottsville, April 14, '7O-7*.16-11 , • MA CELTNERY FOR - SALEI,-One borne - I:II o*, tuutp shalt and. gearing; one 50 engine; drum,.pump shaft and creating; one:Xi lion .11 engine. 1 Loiters. le feet fan, and steak ; one la Inge n 1 Pole pump, and Wayarda ;Column pipe t eiglw f • Lei lera,-3d feet Lc 31Inetteat lotof splice platen. A pplyr to 1 1 , 10 - ROAN & CO., New Th liuuelpleia,.t April : 2,, a -14-t(} or,by letter to Port (Althea. EAL ESTATE .6.0 CY..,401.1.1.CE, - 1N SUL- TiAticArtt.-11:beinkletwiiiited having Lad tr. ye.. ;Ars experience in Sursaying, Estunination, Ex - plonitton and Marntgemenj of teal Linda lit ttehtlyt . kill and 'adjoining Conn ets, respectfully otters St.rileestirournert. ofl.ausla; Collieries, and Real I Woof every description. Re la prepared to attend to I'urclistae and Sale ofiteld Estate. • • ".Exannitiation and Developtlient of Coal la u de! Examination and Riverton Condition of Oniiir rtes :Col [evident of Rent, Paynieut of Taxes. StirreykaLot&&e. • . . • YU-ANI CARTEtt. Rximitastean—Geole IIU Trouttaan, Eint. dent Central Walkout Baa l Phi l adelphia; Tin* A. Riddle& C....)..Philadelphist nainut Lippincott, Rag, Adolph'-:: layaric,,Eiq., Philadelphia. :.Septenificelt.`l2l . - . . • 1 -7°"t-L'A First-elitui White ANJA Colliery _in the abanay. Owl I.lold. Lesvos 13 yenta to ru A. Splendid Farm, :W acres, ou , llle Suaqueliauom Itlver„ , ,•. • . A twenty feet . lot:. in Second Street:, suitable fur privtltt reaklence. • 7 • Town lons IMMaltanibreity„ • - 'To -..Leate—Mtuotnotli Skidmore and: Priinrome Venak, near.,3lahamyy (Att.' • - - For ()Mee in Silver Terrace, - , Itufy 7 .to • • FRANK CARTES., \ Estate Agent ; Silver -Terrace, Pottavllle: Sept,-K ICIALUARLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE V SALltr,-4)ne-twentleth Interefit In the tract of Coal land; In New Oatle Township, Hetinlololl IN)" .(known as-the Putt Rintristri Undo ountaining shout t./ ) &Mrs. .`, . • • • it,tract of 220 sores of °DAL and TIMM LAN k. hi alley Township. • , Valuable building lots On. Malnustonsv street. 4plentlid - lot on Schuylkltl Avenue, Mt het (mut oil the A'renuo, and 67 feet front on Church Alley." Oar'-fourt h Interest An , the "Cosi Rill" Tract of land in liehdylkill Township,. to . dose the estate the'lato'Nft. Sarah }tart, APpIY I.OIIENP.T itmrritr, lie e& Estate' and 4nsuratnie, Agent.; No. 18 Malin rottinrUl*. Ps. c. - Jan. 1, '7O-It-ly MACIEUNE 41 RY . 08 BALL. ' , • - Theloilitittag 'llll on luindlit the Duncan 'oter.ponsping engine.. els ty . ' Lome power, inw all-the machinery coebected with the Lob, - ' ' - ;- '• One hoisting engine. slaty horse , with all the kk 1- chlnerrt on:tooted with hoisting... _ •• - ' Siz reed fur pimping and hoisting. 1.160 ‘' feet b 9 thirtrgettr Lucile. In dlametel. w i c k all T cortneetloaa.. . - _ • °noshes= pimp 7-Ineb (Allison Sc nanium it:3,1. , .:•-araitltory article. .. • . - • The.abOVe antaldnery gee!! C 011,111.1, will besold reasonably. I = • Also, cold water pump And tpea. '1 1 7:114 , Ms • and :14-inch gauge ;24111a;-Trowlias, sheqlx, tiv 24 Wr e' Wagon, and 41 the htalltibiga_in K ,hie i, nqt, . - tnery, were In.. • . For further information; Inquire•at the . ranee,: Fast ;Market at:, or at. the Ihnlean cnillerg;' . 4P•Li .0 ,5&•2...t( , ti A Y Ks. St:l4 . VAtittAliLE MON' &URN AcE PAC:Pt:h TY AT PELINATE BALE. • ot - i. - ..fst ne moat dettrable and e4litahle FURS' , PROI'EI Er§ I va-the ttl3 11110)1 Oi V.lgl 7. t boucle olTered at 'private sale. 'know n nx r Purnaets. and le situated in t.ohetiantioll ' tiselve miles south-east of .Woddstoek. Ellin the line of the M. misses t;au f.Tbera are - 1 six thowand aerce hiod 1- , lug ORE of se .rior quality , and'great oditit4o , • Part of the Fern latildiuss were destrily , tire da - fing the late but the Etna. :•,., Hogirttfase seretetii Ref.! . Thete PrePellti , alarge double Deo - 4nel%; eighteen others for workmen.: This is ti a nt.• ••• tuoltq fgar Persolleterelting pretends. . • Fos further particulars address Whet OE O . O. LORDETZ or DAyl Et P. Zika. 1 1 / 4 118Tcal..:FAxaba re, ahva4ul , all GEO. O. .DAVALI P. lit' 4 , 11. ldtrC. DU:4ll's 1,, in. Apiti 2, '7O-1 t-4t) •lIAPA. • W. DAN111..22, *GENT. SPOT, SHOE, l' S'cl )1;1 . _ • b.Cucnrev.i. StAczv CIMISSON -- ' • Boots.Hn •litnl 61r +, in great vatio y, onautly . on tuiud. Phreireaur ogirmition iNtid •., Work.' REPAI RING doue - nuntly,ll4l. mama imt - CUP • •R 4 A.lli+L l It COAL ulwayk ub o.(dges bait& IL* es of C. M..IIILL , Ix) c. rovioint be pr:otapt y utteud"l titi 1101' SOW • luta CM