U 1 , i i' I IfORITPSIXTH YE:A . R. No. 15. p• 0 A_T4 - rzl.itA_D-•:.'- A.D..:E.,TI'XI.T.E.'N.rI7S =I fort Pier. Ns; 4. Poi t WE 11iLD NAGLE & 'CO' , t .., Incas and 8111ppers of the Batt Qualities . LOCUStr 1101INTAIN AlkID . BLACK MAIM • . - i r c o. ,s, m .. . _ . ." Fot Nterneturing end Domestic use, and Role Agents In all markets . , z • - , FOR THE CE.LLIiRiTED . . PINE KNOT WHITE ANIL AND "JACKSON LORDEKNY " WALK, - ( - 211534 Walnut st.. Phllaideiplas, • f ; °Mee* ;,1 lo ltroadway, New York, -•- . . l . r 1 t Duane Street, tkiston.' • , . G,•NI. WEi r .,D. iI.ENEY W. NAGthi. . EDIFERWIN . i . Ilk - Nur A. 494 1 Ju.! .. • • Jan. 1.-71;) , - - ' - ; ' i—' ' • :I Pier No. 5, rert,llichanenil. HA 4 S Bz . BRENIZER, Miners and Shippers . • THE SUPERIOR.. . • • TU Ft t KEY- .R UN • AND SOLE - AGENTS Pon _ • - Leo, Grant Co.'s Celebr ated • .PLANKRitOSIEECOALi. 2IR Walnut St.. Phillsecile4.lilß, • 81 Trinity New Vatic. • ' 1 11 Doanelritg, Bestow. •-• Fe 1219, '79 r • . uitSTNEII, STICKNEY & . WELLINGTON - Miners , and ,Shippers of Coal. I:lacl*iiil.7.. from their Burnside Cot. at Shamokin LF%VIS VEIN kited Ash.) . . . - LOCUST MOUNTAIN (White AKIO i 4-39 Trinity Itollding, Neer York. M ( ( ee*: ..',)10:1 Walnut fltrent. Philadelphia. i I' 20.Doane Street. Ilostotk. • WIIAIIF No: 6, POltT RICHMOND, EITILA. .Itn, I,'lo, _ . I - • Pier No. 9, Port Rie'manna. " JOHN R: wligtei 'Sz SON, ShipperS'of Coal, • . . No.-316 WALNUT ST., PRILADSLPHIA. • lMpols fur 4orser and Sale of Coal ' No. 51 4 West Thirteenth Street, New Torii. • N...1{02 Third Avenue, New York.. Ives' Wharf; No; 09, India Street; Providence. • Colbo l 'Wharf. Mt. Washington Avenue, near ' Street. Boston. lan„ I, '70,-1- • Pier-19, Port liiehonond. LOVE, BOYER: & CO.; 0! , Anthracite and -Bituminous Coals. . !... AGENT6tPtiIt VI , AN BITUMINOUS COAL 334 IVainnt" Rt., Philadelphial3 Doane Si:, Boston.: . , . • 27 Custom ouse, fit.„Providence., Match 5,70 • 10-13,:-. 'FBANK,LIN:CO4I. OF LYKENB VALLEY OF,ALERS ARK CAUTIONED that there 'are but four _which ;nine this Coal, 'ail - of ate tinder the man:wet - Ilea of the undersign isl. For the year lirro SIN".:I4IESON it CO., of Pitlla klphlll., trill be theionly Agents for It 7 mac in New England, New York, New Jersey, and South of Cape lenry. Our Agents will dentin no other Coal•what ever, and partit,srwishlng the pure genuine Article must procurelt4f thelll, The object of this cautiotr- Iv those intlreAed to buy . tindpr:-... "dn adutgly, The Agents and their 'assistants for thesitiove 'sillily, are as foIIOWS:.SINNICESON &CO., fiendral Igehtst, I:r4 Walnut street, Philadelphia; their New York Otlk4t is,at Itt.nn Gi, Trinity Buildings JOS. G. \[Q rDY, .-tgent ; assisted by ELISIIA MOSELEY, Agent, tner street, Boston. • Orders should be gi venlito either of the above named parties,ruld to no one eh's:. -\ VM. 11. VOWLE, General Manager of the Summit Brunei' It. lt. CO..ei -Short. Mt. Coal the L Valley C o.C ykens Coal [Jam I, "10-1. Pier Su. 10 Port lUchinimd. SINXICKSON .- & CO., - • 1 ' Sole Agenta for the Sale and Shlianent of the • • "Franklin Coal of Lykees Valley," lit:Nini• England, Nar .i ' l l i : e or yien ti r e 3 " . .Jeraey antliSoutli ' 132 Walnut. Street, PhlXadelplils. Oftees : il3 Trinity I.lnlltling., New 'fork. • .32 . Sumincr Street, Boston. JOSEPH G. MOODY. Agent, I'_O. Box Nevi York'. Tan. 1, • 'ger 13 North Port Richmond. JOHN O. SCOTT ai SONS, Miners and Shippers of Coat. R Ott A.OIENT:3 FOR TIM SALE Or ' . I - MAPLE I)ILE.I..OOUST . 3I.OUNTAXN While Ash. FRA,N.'KLLIV! Deep Red Ash. l'rom the sain^ yelos and similar in all re pests to the LYKES:4 VALLEY 631 tl(./WEN SIIA:1101iIN, Red Ash. • I!'1111...1111.:ILF111A=No. 226 Walnut lit. offiri,s; -111)9TtiN—No. 19 I/unnr:St. 7 Ll , Air V(1111 , 1-111 Broaslnuy. Chamber lain it Frt. I, '7J• • 11.1er 14. Sin 4 80.RD4 1 KELLER & NUTTING ~ f ..: Mine s arid . Shippers- of Coal, .A.F..... , ,r I...?itiful GREENWOOD, ~ '. T.N.NI.\ ttEA' - r•ILArr, - ' • • - • IaIENESHALF, . . Et7ICEHT I.i)HTIERItY ) • i . • • - SORTIE IFHANIK.I.IN - RED ASH,' ' BLACK. HEATH, • - . .' . BIG RUN •LOCEST MT., . i ' (;.111.11.ETSON,(HltAltHVII.LE. . ) 42% Kilby St.. Houton: Olive*: -qtrunit 64 Trinity Untlillnir, N. T, - ' . ) 42: Walnut Street, l'lll.s.tetphla: ' ;', ' Pier 17. BORBA. BEELER & 17(UTTISTI. NI Intl! - FRANK LIN WIIITE ASH. 4..pr1l V. V.: . - .. • 17— DAY ; 'HUDD - ELL.& - 00 .9 Milers & Shippers of Coal. ..- r . . (9.0,.-.14 Walnut S. Philadelphia. 'l,lltteet : , tit Broadway. (Trinity Building) N.Y. ,„ •-• '4,7 Doane Street, Boston. . 4 .)ii, Agvit :xi for the gale of the following celebrated ~ Cu/l8: ' ' s. i. • li.titi.Eitill 1,101..M11 MAT., ...., , , II l• *Kt rd V :t 'O.ll, 4 - XL'S lIIM ORY. AND DRAPER. =MEM ~ , c , . ExcEl..lon, COAL 0..8 sIiAtoKIN Cont.. ..ii!II9-ING Ny ILA ItV E.; i 1 l i'le il ; N N O 9 t3 tB E .14 1123 :11 bei le h ' Ii 6 : 1 t ° , 11 1 , 1 41 : J. •Jai l . I; 1.) • 1 . ,1cr No. 19 Port Maros& JOHN ROMMEL, , JR., & BROTHER, MLR' AG ENT'S , YOB V • r 1 Fai 7 orite! and *ell kitoSis HILL t HAHRLS, WIMP AA. The CLAY, balky frep-bangis The Cr.ebrikled DANIEL WEIISTE4 Deep Red Ash 1111G.10 TOP 'Bl.lll-111TEXISOUS.', • •' RAVN'S, I WING LEHIq4 at Ellzabetlaport. . 0.1 1 ,.; VVianiat St.. rilOodn. inn ee v: "...et {brine Street. Itn‘ton. St. Trinitylng. lyTew York. (;;;N'Ett.t AGENT—SAMUEL; V. Ittloolo.Bbrtrti by T. s. P.:.tit\VN and E. P.I 7 PIIA.M. Moretti. IY-10 VANDUSEN BROTHER & CO., :.. 11 , 11c , rs !mu Sit'ppm( it - _ - - - • - ! 6 i' . 0 'A.L . S . . . . . , 12 I (*grope' . twitt,r,b.! Weak Slauktila. Lama Gap, . .I! Willuabarre, Lthlg b r. sad other' , : wiiir . Tpl - AND , BED . ASH ! COALS. . • , , - .{ . 1.1; Itlettraorpt, ' , itiii.x . ..l.lW.. 1 1 Att'rEst F.llzabetttporti- 1 r 1 Sersej City. (it'll Walnut Street, tittlwlelphla. ( Irytcr..-;:: d In ltrualway, New Vint.' ! • ' II! a Donne St., Ilston. ' ! !Inni,"Ta-1-' , - J. J. 110'4:111 - -. ' km. guilmacx. • -2 - 1 . DOVEY & ICEisiDRICK . A •• 11 4 s 3! ~tLlppars et tie Crleirate4 - S ft Rainbow . and.. Keystone 00ALS.. 11".aart No. el • Port Riehtsoed. Itililtadeleble—;RS clerk Street.' (ltlloetl Pottaillleentre Stftvieti: : Marton—No. 17: Doane Jas. ` IL Reed. Agen t. Washl9,.-ton. D:C. Jaime. Aitillat; febniaryA:oll - " 6 .• W4f : ; - ..• : . • . • • • 1. , 1 1 ~, + • • , It ', • . . . • • . . • • - . . , . , . . „, , • • . . • . . . , , , • . • mai1m ............................. , . . . . ) I ..,.._ . - • ... .. __, .., . ~, _ , ,----,,, „ . •• . td . ••„_. l . ~.,c-i . .I,d. ANA • -..,, i . t ~. ._. ... . • . . .„ , • - .-... • ........._ _, - 7- F •7 '..`71. - -7, _ -7 - 1-,- -4 - :.. ... .1,1 , 7 ...1...- -.- • :\ '-- -. ~ . „ . . . . . . M 4 ,ir . , 1 ./ ~.,' ..,, ~, ;I, -) 1 k- ' ' ... • . . . . . - f • .., • , ... . . .. ... , .. .. • .. 7%, ' , 1 - . . .- , . . . , I . . .._. . , ... . . _ . , . ...... - - .•' - • , • r -74"-I. . , If , • .. _. ._.,, ... . _ ~ . . . _ ..., ,:._(..„.•.•„......' :‘ . , • , ... . ...• . . ... ..,.. .. „..... .A 4 ~ A rt. •-4 ,-N -- ' 1- - ... . . • 1 _, . - .. • .. . . ._ .... . . . .... _ , . ~..; :-, ~.. t., si. o 7s---'. - I . tam ...—..... i --..' "" r -, 'F---l i k . - " E gN ittlitt ::•• s . . . , . 7 0 7 ' 4 1,11. i. -' -.. . . , . . -' -' 4 4 7 . - • , ail 1i .. .1 . , 4 ' k A - i - 1,:: • . ... ,t =..- • '' ''' * ' • , . ..- . . ''* . ' '... _ . .. ... , , • _ .. . . . I , fi-,• ,• , : .`.....; - .‘p ♦ - ~_ ~.- .., .. _ . . .. 111 S P " i 4 11111.:_ • „ ~ • ~ . . . . , . - , . ..% ' • _ • - rt . , . . - - . • -. • ~ ... ..,- . 1, - •,i ASP' .1.1`,..,- - . - I - .. . ' '- '. ~' • - " •.- _ ' ' l,, ',.' I- 1-- -.1 7 -1.4 : . 7 ' 1 .;'; • - -- - ' , „ do s. . --.--, ....i. , AM-. -- -- ......4 .?I ---. , , - , ',.• .., ' i''' ' 4 4 . P' - I A 74 t. ~,-,..„.„. , .... , - •• , ~ - - - . , . , . .1 _ ......,.... ao , : i 4.1111 ii , -a •••-. „ . . . -,m-- _ -- -.41, -- -t- - - i• •••• . .. , • .0.--• _ - • VS.-. ~. _•• . ~....... •.-,_,. . . . . . • 7 . , O' - - I ; . , -...•-• 44 ~,i -‘,..,.........-- - ..- . ~ . ~ ' •/...4.4........--.w.,- .oawo,lllll4olr--.4:- , , ... r , _ .. :N.- ... 1 • - •P • .. 1 • . .- . ('- )44 ''• : - -. . ~.. , , . . ,• . . i •., _ . ,_ • , - . •-. . . . . . - . . . i • . ilvatly3 ii!conUalito,AetachtusimiltiAtixilwaa*‘sassow iistimeherit. o4 o o llAllaigl - 0401 - a' *if ilisomftwie aPreb lll Nril Dbirktet - - .• .. , , tie • aitoLasiii . . . 1 • „,... • ' LE fed itb Pler a..:7. AMANRIED.- .NORTON:CCO., -: Miners and Shippert of .. . putsr CLASS COAL; • . LOCUST Diotr-TADT. - Frentour two Large and celebrated Collleirles NORTON & CO. ‘TO3SISI3LtL."---000DRIDOE LOP.BERRY. Free Burning Red Ash, and Splendid Preparation. COLKETT C0LL1ERY,.......- Lonjr& co. MIDDLE CREEK .C0LL1ERF.......C. ttolkett, Free. SHAMOKIN. ' • ENTERPRISE COLLIERY, T. Ilaurnainlner, Prest. • Loma Ilonntaln and Lorberry. abovla (Ninal,-lo all points seceralble by boat". • I p SIM Wawa Street. Plailadelplila. iI Onlees I {III Mraadway. Now Torlr.. ST Damao': Street, Maatark. - • J. T. AVDENRIED, r. NOWIIMH, CHAS. D. NORTON. ,• E. GOILRELL. Jan. I, 10. Pier Xo.ll, PI. Riebmoad. SNYDER & SHOLISIABXR, Shippers and Dealers in , i - . . COAL ~ IKoLZ"AGCY FOR G. W. Hrrpii's WICLI. 'FXOWf • • P 1 , E FOREST COAL ::• ' ...-. ~ =3 WALNUT 5T..03 Tzlr x r:r ry ßus umia, ' • PRILA DA. • I RIG LOUIS SNYDER. . C. B. SHOE', AKEIL, Jan 1,'70 • - : :1-17 • - WALTER, DONALDSON ' dc`: 00:, itlmm34.lr D surPrzos or 1 WRITE AND fl ED :Asti . . - - - ' . 00A_L.. . . MOLE ADFIFTN for 4het elebrat 1. " THOMAS 'L:EHICIVH." ' 0 . 4 L.. s 3 i ti *alma Street PhnollelibLe. OMees: - 19 Telnity Building, New Volt. 19 Doane Streotillosten: . ' . WIIA t F--Pler 11 Port Richmond. • • ; • Feb 21, 70 .. • , •' 1 A•tf Pler I , io. 13 Port 'Richmond. GEORGE !S. REPPLIEE. N. P. GORDSO, 11.P. - SEEPLIER. REPPLIER, GORDON: 81: - CO • .t • • MIXER ' S AND EMITTERS OT ' • Locust Motintain, Mammoth Vein, Red Ash; • ; Lorberry, and . . . ,_. _ i • TOWER 'CITY, LYKENS VALLEY COALS, B 320 Walnut Street, 'Philadelphlaw Onicei:.• 111 roadwilY, (Room No. R) :Cow York. 27 Doane Street, (Room No. n). Melton. march' '7O 13 _ (!onntil. • . .JA.MES J. CONNER; idtnei• and iihiplier`of the Celebrated LOCUST MOUNTAIN ' COAL • JanPOrrsVIILLE, sCHITYLKILL c0., - PA: 1, "70. • ,•• • HENRY CLAY COAL. WE BEG TO INifORH THE PUBLIC /TIIAT,THE srrEruiur AND WELL 4 ' KNOWN 1 HENRY CLAY COAL? . . • ' Which. gave sae" nnhountked satisfaction the plat. year, will continue to tie shipped. ' _ . P6RE and FREE FROM MIXTURE, Andean only he had from our exelunlye Agefit* for all tide-water market*. . : . JOAN BOMMEL JR.. & • . • 205% Walnut. Street. Philadiu _ 53 Trinity Building'. Sewa'ork.", -, 21- Duane Street, Heston. • • ; ' To . , whop all orders should 'be addressed THIS COAL IS A lIANDSOMg,III.7tKY, FREE -.BURNING ARTICLE, Anil n•e pledge ourselvep to continue its • PREPARATIV SECOND TO NONE, %ha cohfklently reeommeett as the BEST FREE BURNING COAL ni,TIIE MARKET ROBERTSON; GULTERMAN & CO MUZell '7O HILL &. HARRIS Best and Purest Coal )n the Market. iVE have made extensive inTrovcrucnts during the.past season, which will largely.inc.rease the Ai no ductlotkherentler, Every effort will be used to KEEP UP THE STANDARD OF PREPARATION. MN Eaipee!al attention will be given to shies for mann factureni. purpose*. THIS COAL Is a!wrivi shipped by itself and not , 4ed, br adniterstod. =I =I SOLE AGENTS,' (To urli3m all '4 . lr,lra !thould be auldraesea) JOHN ROMMEL;Jr.,I, .20514 'Walnut XL Plittada. - Orricas,{ tt I Rt.. Boston. - 53 Trlalty 11511diatt. Net, Turk. Jan 22.70, TA.PINPACMIMIIBB AND USIDDI OP 1. Maus Engines, &a., •County— TAKE NOTICE, that. I Agee sold to . ; ALLISION UANNAN _ofPort Carbon;an interestin soy PA2TENT" STEAM PISTON, and have Alien' Mom ths entll% control ot Mu add *only, withpoorek6o toned or nsoreoyo duo or to become due theme the soma. - aware and ass at Mu soap. DAV . CLAIM • illulotou", .pia. 416-41 f • - 1 IBM • 11-31, IMMO I TB El ME - - Pliita t tittp4ia, SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION. Empsis rimarTflir .41_171[BACTrz spitOnrawiti. an ,unir9ruLael pUta :LEWIS A , • ..L0r..1 - 45 FOE nut BALE Oi TI/11 . • • .Wolf Creek Diamond Oa Compaay% Dtamand Del and • i•• Nark Ilimath Wine dab Coals. . .. (2XI Watnut Street, Plillatielphia.' ' OFtICID3:-; 110 liroodway, New y o rk; , r , -g, 14 KIT4y street, Egostpg. • • • I • , • DAVIS MANSON. PRAIA. EXANLICL nasr;alitft-asn, j : .D. 48113 PEARSON it- CO., . - : • . • - mum= Ali - DEIZIPPESSOYT2I2 Cp.EBILLTED LOCEsir ROMAIN WEITZ Asil 06 „ 11, E. ry, AI BH. - C Co A Ifi'... -- - • • • lira IL% Walnut fitrret, Pitlisalcipliila. ' - No 111'llroatlinty, _Room No, 9, Trinity OFF" I 4, ;,,, -.- .Duillii lig, NO,w 't ark; • ' t -:% No. , Donne Street, Boston.- • . GRE.F.,..."MICA • 'la4WATtr. AVENS.TE WPA11:1. Jan. 1, 'O9-1- t , TITCYAS CATX YOCUM BUICK/A. JEME. Y. COOK. CAM ' 0 R & COOK. sum or LOCUST ukp. 'LOCUST Al CiTAIN, CLACK REATI . ALB% DEALEII.I IxOl7lEllll t quaterna OW White, and !Red Coals No. 214 Walnut' Street, Philadelphia. d Woad- Wa lUcei d Trkaepett. Schuylkill .101 IN IL STRYKER. I SHIPPER, AND aattat, 764.1, '70.-1 schny 11a% et37 - Pia THOMASIC. PARRISH, IMIP,AND DELI= 0 Lehigh, Schuylkill awl... Bituminous 0 A . Cnntdannientst on Commission Solicited tuul taken on favorable I'errna. 041ce-241 Walant St, Pliasulelplttat. Zday, I. ' ao 1s -1r Rorbritm (Etta. • EAST FRANKLIN LORBERRY'VEIti- COAL. itir YEAST FEAST LORSEERY bOAL /tits ::.ow sold exclutOvely bs Sleasns. REPPLIF.n, GORDON & CO., who ears My sole 'Aren't.' i' - ' ll . l ‘ l, ordering from them may always depend„ oprm get ling pure article. I • - - No. Wrannt Flt,yilllatlelpblit. • OFFiCEff:{No.,III roadiroY: Roam 8, ;iew York. No. 53,1*ane shreet i , Room 3, Etoiston. - Janit, I - HENRY” HEIL. Ittol Ifo rk. ' WY. pzuwingarrzer...l .10IIN V. m.rossENurrrzt. WM. TIFISSENBUTTELA CO.; Shippers and "illtolesale Dealers in Schuylkill ; Lehigh and Cumbiniand C .0 A_ Id, TRINITY BUILDING, 111 BROADWAY, Room 61, -; • O. Box NEW YORE: ' SoleAra t airrior NeyrYork and Vicinity for the Sale of L ' GRANT it (;O ." 6; PLANK iKIE, mid -RA AS &BR NIZER>TURKR 2114:N COM.S. march 36; •";1A • , • • l3-1 DAVIDSON- YOUNG & CO. :3111IOLDIVL.E.DEALERS 23.. • LOCUST. MOUNTAIN, FHA ItOkIN, _LEHIGH, CpEItL4ND, tiCIVANTON WIL.KESEAKRE • i I • • ; C.O.ALS. . . ROOM No. 8, TRINITY iSPILIIING; . NENV YORK: SA 315 51 A OUNG O t N or , m [ol ly 4 o ly o l f d W e l l e O & O rCon' t' Cp ,ROKKIT K. BUCK NIA :C lanls 10 WHITEWHITE; ,FOWLER!:&!'SNOW, ; (Suocestiors 440i1n-We'hlte S Co.d • • LF.H • - • S7tll•/.11..% or • . • 1--pictsT• wr.:. • • . ." •.• * ILkiISI3ARITT:, . s • ' • • SCIZAN,7OI; anti (17111iiERLAND . -- l . -4-1y ! C- 0 - A_ , •111 - -% -- • • il s • ' OfiliTi--No. 73 Trinley nlltyng, 11 liroathyay.-N. V. April 11,'69. s-. •'' - ' ,DT..70841130N & fippOgEN. COAL. ' VAN WIC :1 & STOUT, . MINKRB AND 8)11.FPE17.4 OF TIME Celehrated "Fulton"A !`tout" (Lehigh) Collis, From nip Ebenvale-tuld the Stout ())111ztrIes, netts Hazleton, ra. Dtqlre,red: direct' trbuil lobes •on board Vessels: at Vr.. Jonxsos: tlonar.T, ali r .N.rw llntrNswiex. NI 7. (44 t 46 Trinity } • Offices: 11l Broadway. I.ifW York.- , ' May 18,„'(401 Cretnponuy at, 119 Broadway.), ' VER PLANCK i& ATIk • IV/LOLL:. kar. 1 7 . w:. I , [ 1 . • WILKV:4I3ARRE. . • I_4eICANTpx, ntul G 0 A 77 Ten.lt •12 tlldLtag 111' Dm"d" • °M " litiwt - 01 1 .1c • ' nr. P. NVJ .7!110. • 2, CAS DWELL . CONA 'T & WESTON , No. m BROADW4Y, NEW rORK. , (Rooms 35 andl3o T i riiittj , lialhilaz.) ;• ; wuot.zs Lr. ttr,-ktr.fis IN , - LEHIGH, "WILKESDARIt_E, • ' ; PITTSTON, I Ittal ASH. 1 •. 2dAdIANOT. SCRANTON. LOCUST MOUNTAIN', •CITAIDERLAND..BRO , AD TOP,, ETC.. ; . t , • . ! . • ; ' , ; . 0 11 1k i L S . , 9 SOLE AG . NTS for New York 'and t h e North of the celebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FRRE BURN= ING•LEHIGH .COAL. THE PRIMROSE, THE POWELTON Seel-bitinnlaoits and Other first-rate Collieries. i i . JAMES W. CALDWELL, ' , C. IL - CONA:NT. WALTER AVEYSTON. April 3 , 'OO if 1 f -44 OFFICE OF T c 3 NIAGARA. ELEFAT I MG CO., ti COMYERCIAL RECCE", BUFFALO N.Y. C.OAL.• - . 4 , OAL. -. COAL. THE NIAGARA ' EV.I..TING CO.', having a large surplus of bat at gi Dockage, will be prepared at the opening of navittlon; to receive front the Erie Railway, Calmat, or LAt*e, any quantity of COAL for storage or transhipment tonny place East by Canal or nod by the Lakes.; upon an favorable terms tut nny parties in lititralo, Tirr lot is well loaded fora general city business. CTlttlii. CLXIIKE,Wice-President. March =, 'O9 1 . 1 - • IS—tf . • . . • H Iliiiiing iilncliinerq,' tit. . • 0 liMa i EAUM EI4 , EBIENCE. TUE PETER IREN 3 DRICB'B . raiefirie . , 04iD - • . .. AMERICAN CRAIN (CABLE yironics,, . !TgEN'TICIi, NE* J EIISRY. . ' . The underslined, who is a Olieticol Chain Mann factorer. informs Coal Opentitors • and others thathe is prepared to make Flat or Crane Chains of every' size ant. short notice. Partt4ular attention given tet Fla Chain for slopes. - for farther Information send for - circular. : • • i • Feb. 15, 18-7—tr SiltrAltE ROD A3l - 13 virnme SCILEERS. • J. I,AUDEIsISTEIN. . statteta REY Or . SQUARE . ROD IWIRE SCREENS. - PATENTED OEBALTARY 4, UM MINERSVILLE,OICIOTYLKILL CO., PA. THE SQUARE Rote 13CTLEENS, ON ACCOUNT of their. superior Miring!" and durability - , are weft-riot] to all others isrherever tried. Screen 1.101111, all sizes, alwayson hand. Orders. promptly tilled at modern teprims. May • itir.iisrarecTtaniaB is. COAL splumars. ivi . - . 1....E....5714.i., 1 1 E. moven. z. • L. , LAITEgE#STEIN & CO., . ~ • 5t.„,...., to Jollarlt. Mehra, j : 1- . . . Manufacturer,l of C oa l Screens, , .Of the" Latest_llll: M t' Approved . Styles. The undersigned oh* i are rgetleal Screen Mann. () i t facturers,ntenzur - Cutri- niters and ethers, that they are manntieturing a.t w COAL SCRIES.N. pat tented June in. MI, and a her patented August 8, DM; they guarantee that the Klan will always mob s Its original size until entirety dorm out.. Second-hand screens and Segments 'always on haa Vl*reipeetfully sollet &continuance et the patron. age htretotore tie libentill bestclwed ; • ..- ' 1...1 LAU ill.'N., STEIN ..t.CC, . . llailroad St., rear of laterirs Uatdware Monk Jan I, 71.1-1. i Pottsville, Pa. T°. COAL OPIINATO . WINNBA AND WODNAGDS.— - ' OM= A L 02113 ILortOm tive Benders. ill°tr l llwlig i rr e PilLAW'i f A•l tu , Wood . all , youatertn their thierpsd PUrnacs Locomotives deiragitod or iaside or outside work, and for any reap fired saw of rood and sharp. est curves. with capacity to gn a w from a to / 0 ton s wow load. ; , M ous qt nsy Haling developed 'p i lot)* tiot Anthracite . and DP tOMOUS relv ia. the mat swarm fat ?mart Lawatailne in th e o untry , they , offer wile prthlittenee th eir (vario us tyles of Locomotive. Engines with every gnat= at their workman ship and pertormancej sad IMO to Meal:ins now in operation in the severid-laintrig districts, tarneem and Ames in the State and.coo . try. . 1 Their tonal d, Ant aist, item , , e l dusebuitid. to. pettier with their aarabiUty' - amit light ,dany expenses'aver ant .. power or Mary lommtatitive use. NB WCVntit by their eatieriebee of several years) make a Iran, tas •• In osmium ssif fierce; to pay their Aral marts a • kar! tisso.k - -Fatima 1* bin - I •-, • : MIR - NITS' VILLE, 'SATURDAY iIbItNIN6, 'APRIL 18 I' 9, 70. & CO., sass sir antra - -cEIGHT cd. the STYLE. • - . * OlRlalai RUM • P • ' • VT \ * TOTING SOTS AND LADS. - Zest:Ufa sad tervicarble . Gartrrents. is Lawmen 'iuitm• CM bleu, Nies-113tOrmitetwoliiilf•milsoreinstit. geolbOen 'et a &Wm . *. ctit order vial! coriainty of latrictla FAt ter. 1t2.146 torliggleuttrosent itld `. `tatoplai writ by onll Itbaoy - Oquestcd.. October RI, 'at ANNIE BOLAND. • ' .< l, NO.. '11: 2.f.klik2"T StREET, _ •, • •• INITTSVILLE "P , ZNZIA., • • • • • Respectfully announce* to the Ladies of, - and vicinity, that elinhas opened a NEW 'CLOAK & TRIMMING STORE at We aboie place. The following ,artleles, with a variety of .Nottous, &0., will be kept toisale,and are offered at OREATIA LLICUITCED • 'BEAVER CLOTII VELVET BRAYER, MASTED !paver, eh illehlita, Gold-mixed-04d Black Water- , prow, opera Cloth, Fringes, all shades,rlith hod yell et, Dllto (Maps., &a. ~. TILE ABOVE WILD:ALL BE SOLD AT COST. Lades and MdAtes Cloaks inado to ord'er. New FaitenitJust received: .Junela; MITAINd AND pfLADNI.I. O OD, Ili JOIIN 1.TA'&11:10 . 2-tf • Embroidered Plano and Table ' Covers, Window 'Corn!mg, in Gilt, Walnut, and - Rosewood and Gilt. Window .Drapeties from latest breach designs. Fine Shades, ete. • Agents fur hroy's iistent Spring Salines Sluude' Fixture, which requires no cord. ' •, •• . F*I.i.ADLP.IIIA. Apr . llll, ',ll M A.GGIE 110LiND,122 CENTRE BELOW AXIMICAN liOVllll4, POTISVILLL, Has now opened a new Stock of Fall 'and. Winter Goods suitable for the present seism, Ittu:lt as BEAVER CL(YrIf,..VEiArETiX..NH,_'WATrkaPftOOF, FRINGEES, T R IMMIN G S, NOTIONS. Re. - ITas on hand a. new lot of : . FALL AND WINTER COATS; • , . receL'lles CloakCloak made to order. ' N Oct. 110. OW Patte e tna pig ived. • ' MINSTER. CRA.LPABT & QOX, 4 Importers of Notiong, White Goods,Embroider' I!, Gents rennlshing i' 501 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Jan 1.5. . &en •MEtti. [ITEM ' ' • , • . MANTTIACTIJIMR. AND bcPOllll3l R EreC 0 R No. 1313 Cusiviittrr ST,,rIIILATIELPIIIA. • ifarch go - 71 . ; rEfECK ANDi SEAff io 444B BAOB.--The den of the County pp s large luip)mm3t of superior Check and rulers Baez on' hand. Also ISINMW BOOTS AND OHM*. which. he offbrkfor; sale, at the Prison, at low prices, for east. Ellithai cash prices paid for. Carpet Sags. • June 23, 111 S—S— ISAAC WARD. WINTER DRY:GOODS. Deane to call attention tO„their extensive assort• ment of DRY Q D Consisting of the Lotto Styles of No's` Foretign & DOmestic JMeg'rit:ets teccsaaarta £S4!o . iss cozsamOire BLACK AND COLORED EiUSE, LACES AND rainnormsnx ~ • ' W.alrfls&*enU*toOwsoeo., "4310)(11:1111th. 41 17 !MIZANUAtt4,, 0 Which Is yew Iwo lid alletted, *lnt %. Ida* eon tar tats mixt*. We do tot, oooddier, It Doo•- • to enumoisSo Vast Irt. *wok bolt ~law bl . Dry Goo& iiiittortfoOd4to • , • " • ' .411-ii " A r lia44o - • •• • • • 1 .1 1 ni;: 1 , 04 . ,*(4 . 1164; ';sc-.1--, . yhie Cl it othi4 I e Ite , adyqade otkkg 4. S lIT or Jo k awn'. TO PUT BIGHT The eadetti et *beanie Street Cket4dig . istet; . Ilabeent d fe finidelit dem ontteedyleodo Pollan mediae to viythbot that bee liereeedio byre armed • to tba labile. 'tbely tbe hew Illideteie vied, ied Um beet tiiusdage' Old ih« ar. ..0 by Ulke Emit .;• .tllithl. intik ceittersomi Made vp edabarate wed tastetal styles. • tell dock Of mai Seeblis ssow, Pio; Sad Wig IhAt at isoditatot prima. • . . Z( l' t (e t *t • • Casooetrl viiii th, atabliohaout, anOnio !Fit . • nodal 4cmia; i :•:- ,•. • , . • ,• • . , OW II; il •' 1 110 9 . \ l ir. I . . . Z • ..,. • 4 - . ; • . .• - - No moor work Igloo* la 'sii ifortoolit Tailoio,t, now' In LIU, *mi. No botu l oisloo, oo ikikei. ix - 4k • co "man maimed coutn,,to mom Petfoct elo. cap ' .armors bo occalioa. • . - - • Aszbend - aa GENtB 60D3, =I OE NT usTA. 418 & 820 ClpiniuT * prior, puzi4azna.., H,N,V'6ti%,A . c ll 'NEW S 1 LES NA)*.rl,lv.all.A. 211 En SW:IS8: - LACE:UVRT,A*S % JUST OPENED DzZOtTHE ,CO2. S. E. Cox% Thlrfssenth sad ChestautStivets, i F)X. BROTHER 1176 CENTRE \STREET. FALL AND ViNT*lt . 0 9 01 * 3 11001:81; .r' • " . • H may= ciem4. kana • ge . • SHAWLS OF ALL- HINDS { 66/51 . rizzulmiskia SALE. 3 e •at . continue this week foe the ' latiaimil• do of oes seeders, the poblicatkinof . the Trill.ntier'sl36,4 of trazeated Lands. - :„We . publish -. aI:MA a &Aunts'. a week, will It 'will'ran wile five of six weeks. The* in tereeted wolthi' do is ei.l oipreserre the pipets fer ietereneei raNASITHIGR'S 03P BAAL .1 5 / 3 TATE. lo '--Aepeaddr i the .provtaloas at the Act of As sembly, en Su - Act to reduce the Hate debt, dm," psased the 20tkday at Ape 11,1844. the Tresuturer of Schuylkill County hereby gives notice to all per sons mit bd therein, {hat cakes the County and Road Raz. due on the *Most Real Estate, In the Coutdy of Mal. see paid the day of sae, thearbole such pasts °Catch as will paylbe el and oostashargeedtlethertion,Vlll be Mkt at the Rocas. In the Borough of Pottsville on the '; eauxurD 310.7744.7 1: 1 7 JUNE-a/EXT. 1- qua/ be continued by adjOurrunent from day to7day, for arrearages of taxes due said ; County, and the; ' costs accrued on each , respectively: ; •-• ; • , TAIG4QIT4I' BOROVOI4 ,; 1 lot, Mrs. Manus Cunningham 1Ma..1. L. Harris. let o i l eremlah Kocher.. „_. -14 rolward ...... _ ... . e. I ugls ()Do_ .nnelL. 2 1; and house., Patrieizgaaton---....--- 17 tow crelop _ • TREMONT 80.4017G1E 2 iota. John 344 I lot 1718. Hared street__.' . 184 1 lot 445 Laurel street, John Cannon— A.*, 2so 1 lqt-171 Wen ..... 131 1 Int 11/Lanrel street. Mary Doyle. 1 la 2 tots Green street, Henry Eisenhat*....,.--;. 31 Z 1 lan, Pox * Bros_ ___ 184 Plot Daniel . 2'44 Georg* Ha rter,...- 1 55 / 10t7,EMItlik . 15. V. liot 1M Spruce street, Jamb ...... II 1 lot, EturrusYound...__.,_ _ 84 lotirine and Vanx Jos I lot sad hease. Snicker a , .315- , • • ,-.- fiNtO.v wiraftrP. , too Aires lend, Isaac ' - 13 NI 50 do •do ; do• do •!; .780 1 lot Lind house, John Bast • 740 • • - envier& Co., (Behisefer. ABLY • Magnet laud; P 8en50n....._. .....:» pn 10 108 'tio .72 275 do 'do Jhn do Andrewo 33 Barron .... .... -10 Ce , IX) !do do Richard ;8100 IM do ' do and saw nsILI4 David Reinl9oll,' 5614 10D do •do Dhvid •1000 1, do do Jacob litsulferl 84 I do do 0 eorgvoillnert • . .34sT mttpx - 40 acres land., Philip ..... ---.... 111 do do •H B saw tatll, • - do' i ; ..... 180 sera; land„ Hart & 43 . 'do do, Isaac • • ' NORM' U.I . TION TO*3BIIIP. 3 land, Brelsch& 43910 119 dodo Straus. & X.O do -do 'Kolb &Smith 3/11 do 'do 2 saw 88 RV do do Charles 3 do do • John A Manly ..... • 39. 1` do . do Mary Bebwenck .15f 232 mama land, • ..... 21 do, ? do Kramew& ..... 19 dof do . JFiBI fed_ • 40 do . do' John Narldertner......:, , WAIMING! TON TOW:VW/11P. 23 acres land, Schultz ..... .... NS do do Jacob.Wominer do'. ,do :Wm F PSIVAr ,TO fi'IVBIIIP. 37 acres land, David -1- lordinf.'••• Sdo do • George Miller ' 3do do , **Atilt • a i Moyer da do do i• 11,3 • -..—.. 65 do ,•• do John F 6 Spangler 1.5 'do .do do do - 37 'do do' Ramnel K Blielhanrnier 10_ 3 do , do • Win Swender , 44 'do do Gideon Whetstone.' .....:. .»..: - 28 .do •do Jacob F Lelby .. •,' • 59 do% , do-, Rebollenberq ` er . d:Willoughby 520 . ;ELDRED IV TVNA2M/A ' • 1 1047 b. 61; . .Eilavard Achenbach.- 2 iota 1, 2 b 77, Martin Barth.:.. , - 2 lote 5,4 b 75, Beller. Brown. 3loce IF, 20 b 80. Mich Canfield _...:... 1 lot b 81, Win Coleaton • 3 lote b 444,f10i 2 do' 1708 do do 2. do 5, 8 b 411,, • . do •do 2do • 6,8 b do do' ••• 17; 12t 4 - - 2 do' 11, 12b93: Ida do ---...: 172. _ do', 8, b 84, _Chtlattr Cot ta ger ,' 1 72. 1, do , 18 b 84, Mary r 86 1 do?, 11 b 48, Thomas rt " . 88 3 do' It 15 b 47, Martial:l ..... 173 2 do , . 18, 20 bBl Jerome Fender......._.... 172 do'7 .16b 84, Mich Gatihart..-• *;, ; 88 2 do' ..14. 14 b 61, llorel.l 172 '2,do!'111:2:1 b 61„ Martbf . 72. doill.blll,- Andrew , 62 1 do! ISbk 74, Rithard 86 :t do, 19.212 b 92, Darilelllirtleln-: ..... 72 dch. 1, 2 b 60. Catharine ..... • 172 2 do ; : '2, 4 b 124 2 do, -111; 20 b. 48, . ........ 1'24 4 do : .11.. 12, /MO '• 248. 4. do'i 114 12,15,16 1:159.t!' ..... 6 do; 8,11,7, 8, 13,14 b John Hays', .1.40 10 11 . 65„ . • do do D . 42- 2do! 7,8 b 2 do' 7,8 b 77, do 'do ..“ .... H 1' 10 do 11.12, 13, 11, 15,18 ; 17, 18,19,M 78 b J ayti ; 820% 1.1'4 _ 2 lota 0 and 10, b. 75. Richard Johniton 2lota 18 and 19. b 47, do do 110t6,b77. Wm Jackson..;-..:.,-. 11ot15 b 47, do .' do - ' . 2 lots 19 and 20, b g 3 Jacob Kramer._ I lot 9 b 78; Thomas Kennedy • 1 lot 4 b 75, John' Lenge1...4.... 11ot7 b 44, John '2loti 1 and 2, b 63, Wm 1 lot 5b 79, Emma 1 WO b 79, Henry 2, lota 3 and 4, b 64, Mich OVOnner_ 2 lota 9 and 10, b 52. 8.1 Thomas Reilly lot: b 75, Philip Smith. « I • 110317, b 64, Chas Eimitb.....• • ...._ _ ... . 84 4 VA*, 19, b 45, 12, 18, 14, ti 46, -- 1 -1 44; 248 4,lati Lt, 11, 17 and 18, b;59, , do '• , do 24A 2104.4 /7 and 18, b 61,- 1. • .do • do -1 24 2lotii2 and 3, b 62, . •do ' .do i"124 1 1°413 bl3l, , do "do 62 lota 1,2, 9 and 10, b - do' 'do ..... 248 3 lots 19 and 20, b 17, do do Is 4 2 lots $ and '4, b 711, ' do do 124 1 lots 1, 2 anftd, b F do' do =lB6 2 iota 9 arid b 94, ' do ' do L 24 2 lots 11 and 17, b• 79. • i• do do , ...... `, 124 25 acres land, Het tle "Reiner - • gs 7. lota 16 and 17, b 47 • Daniel . • 44, - . EDWARD BRAD L E Y; Treasurer., TreaSurer's Office,. Pottayille, March 5, 1370: - . • Elll T.R.EABITILERIr . WILLES OP HNBEATED LANDEL—Asromhly to the provlslonSof art,A ct of Assembly, entitled Aet directing the mode of/ veiling unseated lands,for taxes and forother pur poses," visaed. March, 'lSt/Vend the fidther supple ments, passed - thereto °tithe 13th of March; 1817,1 and the mth day March, 1331, the Treasurer tif the County of Schuylkill hereby glSeanotiee to all , peraons ton— cemed-therein, that, unless the County, Road,and School Taste due on the following tract:R .: 3lu naeitte4 landa, situated In Schuylkill County. are Id before the day of sale, the whole or such parts each tract as 'will par the changes and east chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, In the Dotougli of Pottsvilleilia the' SECOND MONDAY OF.II ~INE NEXT,' , • , , . andhao,ntlnued by adJournnient trout day to 'day for artearages of taxes. due said Coutity, and pie cost accrued:on, each respectively: • • • • BARRY . • ' • • 1•14 y Ludwig P. H. Hunisiager alb.': • . 54 aerealramtutee, Killian May. 83' 100 • Caper Thiel 8810' 's - • "S He.haefer227', 2 • I! -; ,Gorge , 2181 'lO 0 • • • ' " . 4 ` ' • 181 • ;Vete York d'Athayiktll Mut Cb. 153 aetes M. .5891 , • Pcnaerey. Shippen. 4' others. • • . 167 sexes, part H (Is .... 61 111 " . . 3186 215 'wive mt., John Barry.;.—.- ...... • $1 92 180 • ." .-Benjamin Klinger, late 88 58 _ John .17reek: . 272 sties, Mary , Kunkel 16 r qophia • • BRANCH. •r• • - :.tfashathet Cbot Ch. ,• . • -; - Mertes, Phil Ip - 8i11er....*:-....- ...... --.,....,.. -01134, im ' . Charlet , EVatIS -.,,-..-..-- ...... ..:...`,L. e .... **- 195 Sil • 43$ f.. C ye5ter_.......:..5. . ; ... ...:_:;..._.....,:. ....... ... ' .. ......7 4 :1 ,1 7 23 5(1 7 181 •••• ; E Ecitert. - :.:-.:.........._.-.t.-- - fd 37 1145. -... ~.0 Eckert.. -. . .._..' .... 214 " Thomas BUllinati...--_ ............ .-..._.. 5410 215 .--•.• B Pott-,..-....... ',.,..-..- 270 90 ''loo i'e. 0 Zerbee..--4., '''' ' ' 12600 80. •• .1 Ke11ar..._...,..-.'-____ ..... _.., .. .......-. 12000 40' " 11. RrOirti- , -+. - r -' ------ Ml 2 'llB • " Cum Barremdem ___..... 4284 186 ••• A Wllmsn_. : ..z 21 ;.,.. • . "70 mg •• mnyder & w unarm • •i 594 Am .....a menry4telser:...-.. ..... ._.__...-:s._: 0440 J. V. witui;;;ns. - 4g - W 001eman........-________e___ ism dee. W. Ceover. .Z 3 " I Beckley- 2l 28 jamb NenicOrr. Jr.. & 17u:emu Harr. 107 , ',••• II Allen - • - -;...___ . ..., f a 1 0 .7aeob Hanssil764 , - - ,)i _ . ~it .roiWiiiii;;; .. R. • vies.• -,Jas L D 1100.......: --.--........—........ 01 50 300 %." s David Orenswalt....-- ' ' • ' 116 00 38ro :" Zsdoo &teen-- .. _......._.......„,,_„411 oi , . • • . , ' ' -.1% - ew York Mut litheylki/1 Cbof pl.' , ~ SO sires P Iloyer.--.4-,;--:----.-.....----...- 23'80 421- ‘':••• •It Kelshner...—.---:.:-.--.-....-- 1 . 4101 14 " 43 11111er s -....---:.....--:.......—....—: • L3lO MR, 1" 0 Ke15bner......... , -..--.-...„-- 12328 aoo .. Alb bihrend-...-..--....----.----.... 100 50 MD ,", H Thiel -.:;...,......:.--!- - • —.:-.. WI:0 42 ^ ~• " 8 81.311mari-...4-1. -._:- .„-... .-....-:. ;801 i ..Ikitri_ e'er, Wetherfr & keine. • BM '" 'look 14.111—:....i..-----, 0031 smft, Bllllactllay. --. ..-.-s.--..----:-..L7341. 424 i•• 4 '.1) Wllt, dr....---s-,.----....______ law 80 ••" ...23V111---... ' t .---a,---. 20350' 14 S' " 14 A11en...,.....=:- .. .—.—5----.-- ' 400 130, : 1 " • A 8e1ir1i....-;._,;.-:-_____;___,,, $7 55 10 :` • John or PredMiik Ince.-......._______ 41 70 210 S" ' flartmel W.firootn-•:......----.---- 2113 " PrandsDeneler—.......--- 2270 am cel3litatle/pAkr. • • ..• 17 :" ' 0 Beehant.:-.4-i.-,...---..---;-.. MAI . 44 - .! „ Wl3 .. Brady or -....-..--- .-- -- .----- 9418 lib +;• . tarli of Wts. to PTll r d_ p 18ophiaBIOY...1 • :. , er. February 14 014---;-___,, 247 70 IL tarils. , 'i . ..• L so acre, John Baush..l.-',—...--......-1,..... r • 1350 47 . jo .I:lelbeet.: - .-.:--;...--.:.-•-,.- 15(6 108 '•• ‘1 N Odmheither--------:..141 10 21 ••• Abraham Knittlir-L--........--___ II 25• -12 ' " Atonal= 61140,---....;:-_._.__•___ sis ss ilp)' .. Unary Bhoetner...---- - --,. 2474 21 -••• Patterson&.licuriell_ —. 6750 - '-; • Wetherfiklieftrinber - iiige - 4 . . . • ISO :', " it 111slier_.-.....-.-:.--.....;....-.... -... • $827 200 , t• • jitarilran.-.:4..4.-..................«:.-.......... 110111 8 1. i Graaf ~._.....- L _ ..,_ .:....-...... • *5O • ,i a r - se Am* remilettintnn 41 Keint . ",.....—... libi 65 , .... . • • 31Febuders. , 403 :aired 53 periels. It theric--_,.:- ' -- 2640 100 :s•' 25 _pt of Mae 15 so 0 llciy . F.-... •41125 •• 21 - 'lll 70 • no "'"- Martinet Betthews.---..--?.........--... t. 461 • 1 10 " • mt. OM NetPetrarendtr -.• • ._•••••• • ... *i / B* - , au. N. AM:* A. & .041. (P. B. Cv cmgfett..Aest.) , 130 acres Geww•Betser triet. t .-..-;--,„—5....... (I WO '• sm - 4,- ., us Ips QM Berls4 - -;.-......-..-.:. WO • 401 , IS ” . Morass It-----1. 13035 • ;MI ••* BO " G 41.11161 m 3 , • '• - " 111romiui lisels---....--..--2-.: $lOO 'BO • 5111411.----' ;:-----:. axes 000. o .' • pa * 4 - - seungs___ ~—_.:_-_. le 51 ot 4110: - •• ..ootarnut --:...---.:-..--:- 14000 ; 11l l' 20 "- - L Bschbar.---:......--•- 8025 ' • 216 .'"• 4b • "- Jane Cbehrsi3.---. --,... —.--, 0105 la 11 • fib ." Yostll4oo-..—....---..-- 111114 :-• 32 1 4 : 'II ••• John Beltser- - ---;-..--.:-.. - -;......:- 1313 ' 21)•`*,„ '142 -" Michael fre1t5.....1.;.....5.;.--.1. 1225 •', 21 •••• it s'•• Duda 11 1 nAts—..::-.--:. - --:-.' ..,*: , 575 1.,21) .I*, IS •• Wlil l ant ifaller4--:-.... ....;..... '• 225 ;-2 . 0 " ISt ." H Ilkohltamor..::;---:-,----.4 `• 40' • ID. 4 t ' • pm% at riatersda—:- - -- L 'lOOO i :-." - ; i• ~ - „w1... a b.... ..„2.........._14.• i:-/,0, prisusag tend![ . L L .... 4:. ,-. 15 . li •;4•• - • ' ise-- - -:; •- • - i Leis =I t t 3.148 ... . 3731 15$ 1550 ...... 10 taco 47a ,L 9 - .... .. ey tr,t rirs ri,icwsdup 800 ... . 146 SI .....•'7BO =EI EBE : 248 372a2 ME MI ==l PICILIS4 -Cot Wirt:ft Oigaiumotra.---Alf nexed are extracts frOat latelingliah mica is reference to cositainirigoiarratiotui, stocks, etc-, which we hive no dotibt, will be interesting to twiny °fait; reaStai ; . _ . roars 117111CRIL . . The aspect of agars in the West ,Riding • districts, is of a very, threatening aspect,• and it is feared that aisothet' serions,disPute will be the re sult in addition toPie limit at Messrs. Elowers'Asol-. The unlosieregui to be Preparing rt i a lie.n . ' cralstrike._ A stidement which has just ' is-. .1 • • sued,, says 1 .• "Aftertwo years' herd and low paid labor,'-two years reduced and scanty wages, and two years' ' pinching and sufreilag.,Wtth our famines, the time has now come whet' weliavean opportunity of lin ' proving our wrete o rd position.' : ' . in !W M !lurch e w r employers took from oar wages. from 10 to 13 per emt. , and not content with .that, some of them In 4335 fi tter they: found that-our unions were destroyokand we were at. their mercy; ' took from us 7li per cent: more, making our wages leas by at least lid. per day or is. oid. per week., The circular goeolon ico say that trade is now 'evi dently very - good, and they mast not let this oppor tunity psss.by Without asking for an • advance of wages. If they dollhey might be months or Years without getting atiothei epPorturilty. It is believed that Thenscileb dispute wl.ll shortly. , receive a satisfactory aolutiorathromot the al:sidig .pea. of Lord Wharricliga and Mr. L .I.'W: Stanhope. -4 ' In the propteals made by.the proprietors Mecum' :few ton, Chambers & Co:. they agree to find work at 'l4nce for 450 of the, good Men: who were originally 1 el out. viz: 70at tbstankerstey pit, ' l at the Ne Biggen, 30 at tluprift, 80 at the Stand Trop, and- the Neorintir..pit. • • • The follow nglathe ceMplete text , of the corcion of the Sulu:cry . on' which the men are to ume work, and they are signed respectively by,_l,:o:rd Wbarncliffe B.'Btanhope: . v . lat. That the men wok according to the rule and by-laws adopted ltd ' • i 211. That they shall give 8 howl laboroveri day when required. ,s , , , iih oo t eXception or,short; days . rule• as was the atli .Newten, Chamber§ &.Co.'s pit = • -I , . That the men will treat indiVioliudly - with Messrs. NewtOn, Chambers& Co:, for rc4engsgemerit and will work peineably with the non unionists abstaining livm any mOleatation whatever in' any shape:. That Messrs., Newton, Chambers &•Co.:, put their men in their former places If possible. If MA MAW good ones as eircubstanees Will permit, that . When balances pr o ferenee shall be given to old workmen; that in ;meta dispute, the men are to 'go first to the ofliceand debate their grievance there. sth. -That in.the event; of theirgrlevance not being , there and then Met led, the men have power to ap -peal, mad • Ifisirs. a Co., to apply to a board ofconciliati n,tpkosed equally of masters ita and Men, faillwhiell odeof settlement's referee to appointed. I * • • - 7th. That idessis.iNevrton & Co., shall pay 'fort nightly • shill institute a system of paying • money op acconaLuotuxaccding what is eartwd , the first week; ' • • • ' .7 S 80 21i xmc DlilTllYH MII, kir.4 INSPECTIONINSPECTIONBILL. The stiglsacir quotall 115 y the Dome Secretary on the, second, reading of lthe Mines Inspection 8111. show,that ireati g lie; s rtrrement has taken place doping the last few yea in the working of mines and they alSo afford s hope that' much more may., be done, In the way of.tke misers' severity. 10 55 190 .• -518 381 . 130 . 4691 3115 .1121. ".1 40 . . . .. It appears that for 10 ,years, ending , MO, 'one life for every 0,000 tents of etarwaktuforillbed; but neat `ly double that amount, of 'coal is raised at the same cost of lifi; -and,thel, Improvement has btrtis so reg ular, that we may fairlyraseilbe it to a Ishtar system of management. It may astonish those.tmacq," Italia ed with the working 0.! collieries, to find that the greatest annual loss of life does not arise fromex , ploaioni. buttrOm "cos* accidents, of whichllttle notice id tdken. :, ! ' ! . '',' - -- , .' • It is the fenifully: sweeping' character of an ex plosion which directs pdblie attention to it, and the pliblic are thus apt to be milted ria to.lhe extent of the dangers 9f theArtinni . occupation. The Home Secretary computei that fin one life !kit in an ex plosion, two are due' tit other. causes Such as the falling ta of the roof nidnt the workmen. : " It is not at all intended therefore 1 o .irtiply that nothlagfurther 'should be done to prevent the occur rence of explosions, but the chief, provisions of the new hill - are dlieeted to protect the .miner against oftiereasnaltles. 'To roviao against' explosions, ihe El e ome Secretary cont ends that a perfect remedy , IS found in,Ventilation. . . --, :,.' • . - ' ..' .The' dangerciturstases found in neblllery become perfectly:, Innocuous -*en`..jiiiked with knuteen times the proportion ' 9f pure air; and as a tairei lets by which each colliery miner is e xonerated from :blame If the lanThunt of ventilation ire pro- , nounced to be fit to **Vera accidents ' under ordi . nary clrcumstapeeS," iful it- Appears that these words were often Used by magistrates as a means of unduly protecting coal Owned from the'duty oast upon them by the act;[ hence the-phrase ',under cvdtnary circumstances" isomitted trointhe bill, and the burden of proving that sufficient 'ventilation HAD beedprovided,4lll. be left. with an ;owner or ' an agent, or a person in eharge °famine, in case an explosion takes place." ! -w ' Very wide differdfices ipf opinion appear to exist among the membris of the beanie connected with the mining Interests with regard to the kind'of In spection which should be extended to e collieqes.— Mr. Lancaster goes SO fares to :adeocate a complete status of responsibility in the matter, - . He would have the stlste take possession ortht; mines as ivas . tiono in France and , other countries, and thus the whole enus of the responsibility would be placed upon - the government. Mfr. Lancaster 'was the only member h‘wever„ who seemed favors :We to this crme, and iti, is almost -needless to say that the Home Secretary is totally oppose d to if. Ile holds that the individual respon sibility Of owners, agents and workmen is an infinitely better safeguard than anything else could be, .and we quite agree with him that this system IS decidedly the best provided, that the responsibility which each must shire is well defined. TC .O fret - MeI:MY on exafninations, either before the coroner or magistrates, the responsibility Is shitted from one persce-to another till it is utterly imposal ahle to dbieHver whole tc blame, and the secidentris attributed to misadventure or an unavoldablecause t The gome Secretary weOld make the owner prima rift responsible for the condition. of his mines and with idtglitalteration,calculated to produces better feeling between the - owners and the miners, the sys tem of weighing coal.' Ice would seem to hope most from the general improvement loixtucation of the miners themselves. ,', ~ . :-F .' . Hereafter he would no permit . any boy under 12 to work to a coillery, and then only on producing -a eartigeate of edueation.l He l irould increase if ne- Ceitsary - 'the rttunbei of line Inspector .He would sithplipr4O 'system otarbitratien 4 now-In use, and Would exact the gunnel strong penalties from the agents or (Mier; as frons the men. , These are the chief provisiona of the ,bill„ which hirther consolidates all the acts relating to mines. Redoes not.propose to deal at all with the examina tion of 'agents and sub-agents, but looks to the gen eral progress of islucatt n for an improvement in this respect, and to that also as the chief agent in inducing a more careful manegeruent etc ollieries. &strong reeliturwas e pnissed in the House by several, hoviever, in raver ofanraelidal examination of agents and sub-agentif, and it is thereltess'probs ble that something may be done in this direction, when the bill is earried.into committee. . .... • ' ' - ' I 'A- tg. 258 1 72' 1 72 172 Z 2 172 ire OL'R ,FUTUILE.(EIYIL - 11111) COAL -4UPPLY. The tear which existed a few years ago Mit Our coal supply was riPtillf approaching exhalation, tuts - been to a great extknt dispelkd by the. proof which hasheen Aftbided by the boring and'alnk lugs at Cot t on Park neat Barton-ori-Trent, that we have still considerable skid Onteticlied stores of coal beneath the new red sandstone end Permian and 'Perinlap iorsaitions. . The expleratlons at Colon Park are at &Consider able distance to the wed, of die 'unpaired boundary of Ashley del is Zouch and -field, and have been at tended with very satisfactory' results. Several val uable coal seams having beep found, and among them one of the extraordinaryithickness.of 18 feet, which will give about 19,00(ttons of mad par*" (35 feetthick in ald. being aqua! to 33,000 tons of ead per acre. The Coton Park Cad is likely ere long to come largely into the Market( for Me - :` - Leedham is to sell the Coton Park farm' fatale at .ftartOn-on7Trent, on March 9tb, after which it may be anticipated work ings on &large scale be commenced. Theestate comprises 'Hearty 337 'scrim in a ring ferme, no doubt is entertained ;that the tilde, the Morn, the Woodfield, the Stockinet, the Ureka, and the Angle sescoal will, be found' Identical withWoe* the weifknOwn Moira Chester and Swadlingeo.. te Collie ry. The Cam& Pattlftallway,tak be e instructed by the Midland &tunnel Con:many, will pass 'through the estate. - • A PATENT Gux.—There is being finished,' at the Scott. Works, in Beading, a gun - for, the French government, which will, accord...! ing to the ideas of the' patentee, excel sill, guns ever mannhicture& The bore Is 11 feet 1/ Inches in length, and Is rifled; the ' outaldelength, luelo&ng. the cap, 15.11 feet 6 inches, and it is cakidasted'to throws WI, 6 inches indhustiter, ndlstance of twelve Miles. On one -side of this cannon are 4 chAmbers, each of which will hold 7 pounds , of powder. Two Iponsids of powder will be placed in the breechof the gun, and the bal m ed tightly n gn st e lt ; when fired, the w , po er in the ch re explodes -fumes sively, giving a impetus 'to the tea The gun will be gukshed In the course of slx weeks, when it u , lll to at *nee shipped to Its place of desti bm ati The patentee, Calls it* patentnow ritkd gun. Llteilitmir. in Senate-- Mr:Sebum in =- 9f the. In rnatimial • Exhibithin; in be - hehl Weishington, said itn was , "whet, the tiletattof from NM,a, emits ereuisicall inonsterympoeteragro." .~ -; , ; r ..FO i` THE NUTRITIY VALVE OF bl * Fll FEB:.AzrZcZE - S. 111 TR.' LET/1E131"S Lectures on Fix - id ..1..J would hive' beext of more direct and tinnalited value had the able Author more clearly &titled to his mind the class of heaters or readers tO.whold hlft eipositlons of science were , to be addreatied. What we . 'are eouipelled to question, after a perusal or. his clever and 'pregnant little volume, is his capacity for, imparting to - nainds in the rutil-: mentary stage of scientific knowledge what is clear and consistent enough to himself.= The primary qmilification for a teacher that of being able to-place himself at the in'. tellectual point of.viewof his pupils - et lis teners, to realizetheir diffieulties, and to find a common groUnd on which- to uprear.b,y Jinn end steady stages the tabne of knee-1;z edge. For want of thia recognition, of his !carnets' weaknesses pro rosier, or the most technically; precise tree-. tise c t must alike fail in their aim It is above` all th ings in a popular leetnre that this esti mate of the position of the unlearned is to be looked - for as of right. -Can it, then, be call. edjudleious in a lecturer. to ope - the wide subjeceof food With a number Of distinetiens which take ter granted a consideMble k now I -edge of the highest chemical and physiologi cal Imre, 'as well as, a criticalOneultv suffi cient to sustain the 'hearer in the Lalance between rival theories and cronilleting facts? The main And "practiCal queation of these' lectures, mootedhy Dr: Letheii, at. the sec ond pageilithat ot the-economy of food.— "We have to look at the nutritive Value of different articles'. of diet, 'together with the modes by which food can besthe,distributed and utilized." •• To this end, he 'very proper- I ly remarks, it would be a great Advantage to - have some simple atnndard• f or . eoniparis, n , But, so far from helping the pupil in thfs in-: dispensable ptelitninary,he gots on at once to declare that he has no standard for what , ever to offer, '"This Is avowedly a difficult matter,' For If:we compare foods according to the Proportions of their pritielpal- consti tuents, as the albuminous; starchy, saccha rine;and saline, we shill find that the rela tive quantities vary, to such . a - -degree as to make-the comparison . almost useless. And if we fix our attention on, one 'of these cote; at-it - Petits—the nitrogenous for elample—and • make it the,expenentofnutritive value, wb get into the difficulty of' : either. overloading thitiequivalent .with ,a large-Ameunt et ; Car bonaceous material or having it deficient therein.". We-pity theaspiring tyro Who.is thus condemned to. stumble . at the very thresh Old ot _the 'house of:knowledge. Dr. Letheby See.ras neyer ,to ,have had a clear -view of the class' of •perions .for whom his lectures are •metint. • Else he would scarcely thought - It storth;srlille to 'put together the merely elementary-matt& of Svhich nine tenths tit the lectures consist, for the behoof of studeubs•fist enough on in chemical theory as to 1188111130 e.datum point or standard "the 1,220 p l ains of .nitrogenotes .matter re quired by, a naluOn his daily diet." No 'proof or explanation is vouchsafed of a pro pesition on which the whele theory of nutri tion. lite be ',built up. - :Icons anything said of the other constituents which. go to . make up the physical organism-of num. 'Had Dr. Letheby's hearers .submitted without anis !giving to his opening lead, 'they, Might have gone.on, in the einipiC hellef that the nutri tive value of all foods was exactly Measured 14 the amount -of nitrogenous matter con tained in them—eien perhaps to the, happy • idea, for all theY:are, told te• the contrary, of •fattening.themseives upon nitrogen itsel f in the pu r e - state. • We.-hardly knew whether ,to congratulate or condole wlth A pupil after he has got by, heart the doctoritb voluminous figures, •- its bursting with the knowledge :that it' es 111000 •g,rains. parships or turnips,. 1,110,000 grains of beer or! porter, togive au - average adult his requisite I,= grains of nitrogen-or that his mother's • milk is less nitregenoils than - filet fresh from the cow as 100 is to t 1,7, than mutton as 100 to 773 i or than herring sa;100 to 914 1 when he is told for, his paints that "comparisons -of this description are of little practical value." "I hardly need-say," quoth the inexorable lee- Itirer,"that they, furnish. no indication of the digestive labor rNtiiredi to utilize • products:" ',Besides which "we are fat from -being o.4Blfiellat..the.present tithe, that the nitrogenous elements of ourloods are the most inaportint." Dials after dish is set be fore the hungry guest at the.tableof knowl edge, only to be whisked-away at a touch'of the leettirees cautionary wand, till, like poor Sancho; he-is- fain tri fill ,his stomach with such simpleepd diy morsels as the caprice or. pedantry ::of . -his adviser thcnks suitable for his• *eat digestion. •• • ; WithdraWing his first. two tables beford they ean-well have beep digested, Dr.' Leth eby has recourse to a third method of "fram ing a table of alimentaty equivalents." Regard: having to be. paid. to "all -the con stituents," he-presence ip the third table,the, percentage proportions of both nitrogenous • and carbonaceous Matters In sonic forty'of the principal articles 'of diet. Here too a preliminary difficulty has to be met. '"The actual 'Valpe of. the- Several carbonaceous com Pounds is ',Very,. different, _for although the -fattening and respiratory powers of starch, gem, sugar; and pectin are perhaps nearly the Same; yet the power of fat Is about 2.5 timesas great as that of sugar, and ,this must be considered, irrespective of ether funetiotutof fat, in- estimating' the,value of -carbonaceous • food." The . pro lons of carbontspeou,s' . matters • have-in cot ueuce to be dedui,esslTy•raalculating them 'starch, The next step' ie to compare the amounts of nitrogen and carhcin this,list of substances with the 'proportionsitild dean lD a- "standard diet," such as those determined by Dr.:Lyon Playfair inhisinquiries into the dietaries of hospitals, prisons; and workhouses, and by. Di. Edward Smith- In hie reptirts on 'the, minimum dieter Lancashire operatives dur ing the cotton famine, and the dietaries'of in-door. labiareni. • We are here. a little puz- • sled- to, find Dr.. Letheby's assertions that "8 888: grains 'or carbon and 181 grains of nitrogen daily are ordinary n otdina m vidd Is capable of existing bll Without suf- Jeri n in health," -followed up by Dr. Smith's estimate of a "famine or • barely suataining diet" at-4,loograins of -carbon andlBo grains of nitrogen.. if, Dr. Lethehy's class have a, right to be dieted;as "ordinary individuals," - the 'mit they May expect is somewhat richer than .a mere famtne diet: These indispensa ble albeit scanty aneasunSfof aliment, they will learn; are to be _obtained by an adult : man In 2 lb& tors;,, and by an adult woman in. 2 lbs., of bread.. But for what.poition of their natural'. lives they may so prolong the, somewhat monotonous diet, or to what ex tent it requires mitigation by other, kinds of food; they will meet-with= nothing in these ' lectures to tell theiti,• Experience, it may he, will teach them more . fully than the lecturer seems- inclined , to:do how far the nutritive effect of their 'rather meagre diet will be affected . by their occUpatlon or idle ness, their command of 6lothing or fuel; or any like conditiona of physical being other than the mere amount of nittogen or carbon. Anrappetitethey. may haVe- for the details -of household economy: will be indeed pro-. vlded,for bythe statistiesotTable IV. They may be delighted' to hear that they may take in their weekly quantum suff. of carbon foi 0.5 d., and of nitrogeryfor 11.1 d. in Indian. meal ; in baker's, bread for 2E7d. and 22.5 d. in potatoes for. U.N. and 30.2 d. ; in isklm- 1 cheese f0r41,2d.-andB.3X - ; though in mutton they must go Ashigh as 75,5 d. and 35.0 d.; hi beef to 153.7 d.: and 57.8 d. 1 • and can do Roth ing in beer or porter underl.o4.7d: and 1330.0 d. A more useful table, to ow- mind, is that of the Waite digestibility of various articles Of animal , : food. Here the reader •of feeble 'stomachic 'powers may ,study --the means of mitigating •the period of his sufferings; eschewing ; if he had. any previous Inclina tion thereto,. Itioiled'tendon," which take's &SO. hours to; digest, or even roast pork, which takes five • heartland - a quarter, and falling back, upony "sousedsPigai_liet" er tripe, which. may he Chirnifled •Williin the hour... Him wili,norPlague hisqutter man for morethan an :hour, nor `"raw apples•• sweet and mellow," more •than an hour anti atalf; whereas ".pots "roasted" ire. two hours ands' half; and 'libelled" ' mole hour more - exactly' thirty-three minutes being aided 'to the lame vegetable when baked..--zienden Satw‘day. _Review. • f. Urnv=Om. Siumbr..—:Eitatistiesshow that the ratio of annual ine*tse. in suicide all , over the world. is froiri 3 to sper.eent‘, while thenglo of increase ofpopulationis abbut 1 64 per cent. a year- This suggests the possi- Witty of the taticidevate ultimately exceed ing the birth retuning consequent-: lyln the selte,xtinction Of the humto rue*. Dvs a The St. Louis nrUill4Calf, gravely rekieW:: leg the-ritatisti looks mountfully,forward to the tibia ty there will be left hut one' human bel u the planet, and he, with _ a rope around issolitary weasand,ll jump from a barn . rafter,' and leave the unfortu nate plinetiwlthout an inhabitant. '.. 1 • —Count Sisiiaik has Prebentad to the Univarsliv of Virgillill costly and ;inter satin's oollestio9 nU Photographic , and en-. graved designs of: recent Government works h Pntssia, - eintaseing . modern improve; waifs as 'applied bi- hridgei,` nips* nal- 7 8 0 and Panne naildings• =' ' SINGLE COPIES. SI,. THE J.elpS IY_CA • . AN. INTFJOISTING' SKETCH' NEAR GOLD / .. . . . T - rP hi this t it h e . theJa . i itesetaveaccon4 I kJ modated themselves i thek:household' . matters, at - considerable 1 convenience,- but this Will soon beset emend ; . d Itiafew week they will be / settleU: down coMfortably aft .i i you 7=with houses of, their owl,. each• : . tamil - - Kling "under Its 'own Vine and Iv tine.. Among their number ar.e. • fottrznat-' , . penters; and these men are now.nngaged In erecting . buildings. for the tise of the party. • 'the hotisii, Ore to: be .twelve in -number, dit . mensions. thirty-sixhy•thirty, ca Oh cein thin-- Rig four rooms, and built after theftealJapari4 ' ese 'fthillicin, with low; pitched - 1. - roofs,- the eitves.extending far over the silhi, andform,' ing-a balconY or awning . around the entire . house. The (niter. Walls'. and ,partitions are all of sliding- panels, that lea n •be shut ~ .to-: leaving at the corners and, f(iltleei ! into boxes-, . leaving nothing but the reof and its supports: ••• during the hot Simmer days • affording a. • luxury that een only , be exceeded,by.`ltaking ' off - your flesh and sitting i in your, bones.'l , The partition walls are Of !paper, the outer walls of wood ,•• one. room is, to be used as a 'sleeping room, Another as ad:Haien, and the • two oth'ers.--4nTeach' Meuse--for silk raising ; where the worips will be , kept - and missed -. atid_the silk weaved and otherwise manipu- • • rated.. I had- ontitted to menticin that silk', culture will form 'an important, branch of --- --' -this enterprise, 50,900•inulheT-ry id anta'hav- - .ing.already been :set out for' a ;beginning,' - Thojapaitesevarpenters are i ugenious work-, • • men, and their, work is die with niarinlous neatness. A. curious 'felitirre of their houseek :: Is that•they 510 not' centainl a nail, all of the jojrifs and' timbers being. dovetailed together • by many ingenious devices, and - the-whole' • work, even to the rafters; . iii as smooth as If -, it had been polished Q down'avitbiSandpapeh And the Japanese are a neat people; -for they, use no paint to :hide ant' blemishes of con= -: atractiOn or ornamentation, no B).lgree tiork or plaster of parts gewgaws- butnvery stick . - 'in the building is exposed.. Eveiymoraltigi . ,as regularly as-she eook4, ,he breakfast-o-r -is Weeps the. floor,. the Japanese' houiiewifd,' Ttakes a wet cloth an 4 scours the . -;Wheile, int 4 - - 7 rior of-the dwelling, leaving no Nutt un- touched; and no stain or .dirt speit.to'mar. Its - • cleany-appearance:: ' • Then the japaiiese dd not conic in to lthe , house . wli .muddy boots,. after th style-of the Amer m an t."iiovereign ; , bat h ating covered the door - With a neat, • matting, always, remove t iii. .dirtv sandals before stepping u p on it. i stood and watched • the Japanese carpenters a their 4 work fig some minutes, and ,noticed the peculiarity `,--. • of their movenients. The Japenese workii. . • "toward him"—that is, instead 0 shoving ii, • ,plane from -him, lie- reaches ant, -sets the - ' plane up en the board lit iirtn's length,- arid -pulls.it toward him,; and h cubi.,.saws; and-•: chops in the same Way. His steins are fixed •-1 in handles,' like a butcher'S !cleaver, anitthe teeth slant_ or `,`rake" toward' the handle. The planes-are constructed likeotirs,.b.ut the . ' . wooden portion hi very thithand4ide:. - The. • adze is fastened to theend 41 a hooped stielt like the handle of of. the -crooked cane that are worn' on the arm On Montgemer* street-, and altogether their tools-are different froin ours, yet I - eannot observe that they are- awkward ,in appearance: jor awkwardlY.,.. handled. - The then are bright, ; intelligent . and polite, lifting their; hats . and: bowing -grucely.tOstrangers, and the women stay at hOme, ale- the cooking, hike Care of the • babies; keep keep the house in - order, ii,nd manage. - pretty .nituili as American houSewives -4(4 even to the wearing of tin ; lirecian bend; -•. Take thenv all in all, tinware in every re 4• sit it superior -race to the Chinese, and rei . senible theta in no manner 'except in their • physical appearance.-- . - I''.. i' . • •' ' ' BE EF PACK 1N14. - IX TFX.A44.—Cur - iositY . and desire to Pick np an item, induced-me visit the new beetpreserVing establishment to ~ tieing constructed under the supervision or )Ir. J. H. Richardson.. * - AS good: luck' would have ityr. arrOyil there just after they had killed their first beeves and were putting ,1 them through the trial process of experi- . %tent. Theatathinery was all :new, and it • was not expected' that it ,would perform hi , all,respects' , perfectly at .first starting oil; but, there was nothing.savea tleticieflev in the-,*, pump'-'te • retard - operational, and that: was speedily reinoved. The. beef after being killed, skinned,. and the entrails taken out,*• 'is taken; from „the slaughter ,house to' the 4114; . secting room ias I shall call it,) .where the flesh is taken from the .bones.' : It -is then placed in- a retort or refrigerator.; . by thv use , of ati air, pun* and seine. tither proceA, the 'i in pure . gases I are- removed I froth the meat, which is then 'strung upon wires,. similar ta: the Wepttern - plan .ot "jerking," hilef• and I placed lasi large.oVeti; and roasted.hrheated air, ' This is done by an aflatitably contrived mseltinery, it. is then let diTn to the bottom. of the oven, .ind taken out while . 'the fresh - . meat Is placed in at the.top T Lthe killing still OD% . on. When the meat is taken from . the oveait is placed In a hopper, and ground up like sausage Meat; it is hen canned and ~ placed for sbveral hours in tank.tilled with het• water; then it is hert tetically sealed;* and is ready for shipment. 1 The .whole sys tein. seeing -to be a decided..StleeetW, and is .destined 4:effect' an entire revolution. as the, tinttle truce of Texas. The meat, though - Cooked and ready for table I use, can be - kept for any length of Mlle, and,' in any climate, - and retain all•the rich jutee , iand fresh flavor - of the newly Killed meat. 1 .' . , ' ' - . There is one thing, connected with thli establishment that emnimends iittielf, and steaks highly in commendation'of the 13ro- , prietorv i There. is nothing] offensive about the premises,* the hides, horns; bones • and entniigare hauled away us .Booti•as . removed from tiM animal.. ,- :. 1 • . • I . 3—tf - eXt week they Wit' r be, prey kilt andpreserie at:routis4 - lark° .twe l ves a day, and soon they will bei able to supply the ;market with meat, than *iii-eh . there is none.better, or betteradaiitedA6the'use of i notonly private families . ; tit' hotel's, restate. - rants, and lunch rooms. - •;, •;, - • '. L . Cenneeted with this ma ufabtory is ari extensive tin and sheet iron shop, Where they make their owiv eans.i, In' a word the establishment is complete I Within itself:— Galveston Civilian. •. - I ' - - urT .- .s. AmanicA.s ' , ,tyrintimisy.', 7 .-bla Is the ti tie ,of handsomely illustrated lamed_ hy the American' News Co., 121. Nassau neer; Nerw Tdrk, ,designeil to demonstkate for the first time: that the , highest art may be rendered trihntary : to thin, stoat _practical business Interests: ". MERICAN ENTER -P 111 47 Initiates new era In ad ertising. In thee* pagevan advertlsemer4, howece dry .Or cornmoti: , placeila 14011,185 t mice made promlnentty ate tractive and offered at eo low a p Ice as to command the_inostexteneive sale,—so g In art and' uttex! eep*ghle In treatment that t e 'moat fastldieus person will desire to -obtain colon of 11, 1 aiid, poeseashig, will, regard It aewortty of prescryatlon. , The natnesmf the artists who aveAltelgned the ._ Pages, wltlrthe nettle (13lr,''W.idnton'as the : en-, graver, are vouchers , fo r the e 4 cellence which h i claimed for - “Altimican ENTER nine;" while the high standing of the, 'Arms NVii have. Supplied tio.! . .rnateriald for sufficiently . the appeciattort:f position and enterprise velCont advertising. Puscifixtr.t.o.-t-The Many -fa . a l tires tOrueelimite the English comic weeklies in is conntry have not disciouragedantither atterattl which des - emcee' a better fate than its predecessois i f "Put:whine/1o" li+_ In ; In every way an littprovernen upon its English . models. , It is larger in ei•ery'r t iditneriston,_betterT. ' printed and ornamented with 11 gdrattrlng and en- • : graving. , Itl.Wit is. American, HS - humor genial, anti its'sat ire cutting. H. 1.. Stephens is the' chief illus trator, and in the find number,fin% April- 2," he hp,5 .4„ ,. excelled himself. The caFicatui4 of Ads nambei• Itrr . - ,traduces portraits of Greeley, ileinnett. Dana, ala host of other New York jounutliltic eekbylties v I_ - monk°, Feehter, Vanderbilt, Jennie C. MOM, mill .. Mrs. Woodhull, G rant, Belmont, fum ner; and MOP Hall, each of which is , perfectly represented and.— rulapted., The artista,engravers,lprinters and funily ' , min have combined to make a annipttions and Je... j vial first number, which we true -is only thexigin rang of siongieries, and much colic to those who "' - have dared to establish "Punetillello." tliubllshed " -- -by Prnichinelle Priblishing CO.. til Nassau - st*t, f" - New York, and for stale at Ba limn akt Rarasey7s :. Bookstore. • _ . , . • • .... . . ___. • .. ... . . TUB TECHNOI,OaIsr.7-The secot . l number, o f; :'... Journal has reached us and Is ful up to the proifil-', '.. 'as held,ortt -by the Ant. It contains a 'seri line . - full page eintrafing, oft tinted r, glidratilia de- • . tallset the Ealst River Bridge Wen,. Other arts- ~ elesof great' intemit serve to redder thia. number _-• '. valuable ‘ both to the practical man *l4O the - Xeili- E4 4 ean era! reader. Amongst them Maybe menthmed, the - „ fl - Mamsfiletare of Porcelain. Beam Itaprovenieuts In . _Riatillatta)s, -Street Railykya,„ I,lnee of Tele- giapti, The ParicElystein bf. '' wige k , ughsentie of coixliPatioil orrltilitli, the MOTT or the Lueifer . Match, Yaometrleal Predettinis, The Science of Latta - ' l lh l lll/ 1 1. *Z.. mite. Those who destret . to elapsing) a , eopictfthtsjogrnal4onldsendfteentir eents to the . . Industrial Publicatlon Coninany 'l7llltroadway.New - ' - , York. -.4' - A GOOD story is told of a 'Washington eke. triauel. Who lately refused; to buy Mark Twain's book: He wag disgusted it. sidd'he to the agent, "the num wl could weep at tlie tomb of Adam must be an Ictiotin • . • A - • • 111 CENTS.', 7 FOILYId, OF. TALE COLONY' EDITOR'S TARLE: se advertisemearS ithe artists attests ft!' which Alen .or . . TICW verenaor 1 .4 1 1 . 11 . :; * 7 U MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers