FORTY-SIXTH, YEAR:. I - - • • A for Yen •ISPECLit. 7GOTICES to WiAsted AltAmbaT A 4O, tht; EN. .s 0 emtkper ma atAgie lasers At. ; 2 .TIPt. Hu r..e7 Pt:ANNAN d RANSllY.*Booksellert gig Statiori7; Mpg. ten and kinder%Klemm Sweet. PoWlrdlle.:Pa: • ,? inert' AT naL. - - - 'SATURDAY, MARCH, 26, 187 CL TILE, MINERA, JOURS&L is Issued everY 8 4 30 rdar 'waning, and fnentshed to inl,scriliers at 12 75 per annum, In advance, or $3 U not paid I n p.dva'n m. slcusdßuirlolts-OrvoistenLy Apv.octe; 3 Corea, to one addresa, $7 U6l 15 OW cti to one address, 5 3 D 00 6 " ". is nol 45 00 , -• • To News Dealers W pet lOU Caplets, each. Tee-Nintateressed etetrool Tes . when are will find* the Joeitnat,,hy mall, at 7i3 per' m In advance': other' wise at full rates.. • • . THE •DA4Vir txpts. -soURNA D 343blearen every arse talc toorrang, niturdaya eteeptea. 1 F-R3o3—Ten cents pet week, payable to the Circler or agent by whom n ls screed. •DY tt.—Payable In adeanee,' otte year, 53 t. 0 .; Ida nacdha v V-75; th.ut zuoalas. at C.Ab. . - • r DAILY ANDWiF.KLY MINERS' 103:11.3r.d1. Orr annum, in advaikee: $l . 00 ter. ell . 131 1( • • BARRAN &RA SEY. Paltßihaes. rpli V-FUNVINGBILL.-T-The lof • Wayi uhid Meart4 have not Yett de& ded what to' do with the-Fuhdingihit. 4). passed the Senate. - A correspondent of the • Tatinrimitays;thatEdnie of the members dr •the eomniittee favor ohe loati4nstead of divi ding it into three, which was done at the in- stance of the Secretary of. the Treasury.--• . •Witli all due deference to the desires of the Secretary, We have been of the opitiiiin for. the last year that a single loan wowld be: preferable to three...,litre have now labout' §650,000,000 5-20 bonds due---tipwluis •of ~.$915,000,060 will be dine July 1, 1872, 'and the balance, s.42,oiXt,ooo,oo(Ywill be due July 1, •1873, waking altogether, about $1,604;000,000 •The - .&(0s, Idall about 195,000,000,, :wjll Le due it - 1874, the• other - bondit,YAnclu-• ding the 5 per ethit, and the 6's of 4881, wiU -be due in about eleven years from (Mite. Ifn single loan-''was..authorized 'of Fil,Vicl,ooo4 000 or ii•,.4011,1100,000, run :say corty 4. - ttr lifty_ywis' if neeeszqtry, With. the : ititerest it • s,per cent. for 10 years, 4i • her centsfor 101 years, an , d• after the 20 years 4 per 'cent:, all the 5-204 . now due, and , as fast as they fall due, would he' exchanged' for this loin free • ,of' taxation, without any expense to the - tievernment except' issuing the new lbonds, and the'expen,,es:of making the change. It will require no was* jobber; to negotiate I.llii loan at - the. ex t 'perise of the Treasury. , :The coupons can be attailied designating • t - • the rates of intere4t ; and the Government; • with any surplus It basin the Treasury at •any time, can eater tIK• market and - hay up the bonds for -the Sinking Fund, just as idie is now doing. After the s•2os,are re7tiitdc,l, which would •be done hi two'or three years, the 'other lias -, Whiles 7 +Ould, give, the. Goverminatt no, trouble whatever; and Airovision eduld be made for the-redemption of theqU4N, which que in 1174, and also the 5 per cent„-bonds • and the d's of 1831, , which will falidue in ' 1881, eleven years hence. f,,f_longresis ;should not decide to adopt a loan on the plan proposed, e .hope they Will pass the Senate Funding Bill, as it iyhe nekt best plan that,,has. yet been pre seated to f2migress., • , ' I• THE -CR Ili IS A T, C 01.77 PT S-IL.C.PLE-:: .. : MENT-- AXI4-1,H1) ITI ftV A Lli, A 11; • • . s'it u - ba E ItILL: - ;" - : . 1 k - -nother.-. -last ; the Bill for.' adding () Judgeanother to the present Court was ` • -`'• - 11'1 F,ss • DAN 1 its f called up in the House. Previous o Lc - -.. ing called up, Mr. Bartholomew proposed :to remove all objection's to the. Supplement to the Criminal. Court. Bill coming 'upron . - that day, - on condition that Nye wont's) cease further opposition to their -Bill, and leave : it take its course. As it wa g,4,lting late in the session, and the SUpplenient Could be . _ /Objected oft the Cilen,Lfr_ for ait, week, we 'agreed' do • tile proposition "-pre:At:ied it would lie - earried sunlit :go-,d faith, uni the , ,-• - Supplement should be passed without - -any i , , (witty, and we would thenjettvetne bills take • 1 _,.- their ehanc,;. 'Phi's wit , : 'the -arrangement '• ..entif red into - , by the Deniocratic Inenibers of - the Dar with the Republieattmembers. when • - , they, tirst"called the. Bar 11111 , 0111 g in 'otts-. • ~..] Mlle. 4 Tiff.: Democrats Who .1 assisted after ,: Wards. latticed_ down and the •IteiMblieati. , 1 miunbers of. the liar supposed the mutter was ' - at an end., Inducements Of ; personal--henetit . ' .her,c,•however, afterwards held out,-and three• 'or four Republican members. of the Bair; not..- . , 'withstanding tbe • baekslown,pf thjDeniocz• : , . • rEttiy; united in the application for tl.iirtirfill , tional Law Judge, and the namefs:,:of the ' members of the Bar, whohaftigned ke - call . for the BarMeßing, were afterward dragged 1 . . .to flarriebtirgand presented to th‘e Legisla- 1 ,-.. A „ Ore in fayor . of the afiditi.fital L'IW Judge,- Unknown- m a I hirge• num tier of these mein oes," i ~ , . „. , , - if fliers ni,l . tne.pi l r, taus entrappittg • them into , idalsition - I o. w hielf, I hey wcre - -.oppdseil, and , - . :for reasons Welt known in Schuylkill Coml . . 4 - y, • they - could' ' not extricate :thetuselves .without sulferinginjury. ' Mr.,BlfrOmlomeW then Went to:work aniong the - I youeratle tnetnqfrs from Sehuylkill Coanty, and he . , . jiffs, ,died usiltat the , arrangement shad he'n - , ' e.. We complied . N . yititont proniise,.but p i d r .: .' in less than one hour afterwards the S'opple . ' vent to . th , : Cr'intigol Court Bill, ilf VljianeC of flax torder'sfand,ing, trox oideor , (l off Mr . i 'Calr,»Chr by .1Ir: Sn:lpler. We , met Mr. Barr E, ~tifolinnew shart ly afterward:4, and he in form -• : ed Us in thepresence of Seitator.Randall and ..,., .others, that - the Demoeratsbadagain backed - down, upon hini, and he 'would ni+t say an- - other Word hi favor, of the Additional Law .. , • Judge Bill. 1.:11 the afternoon of the saute .. • , day the bill.caints up and Mr. Barthokitnew wits nor.preSent. S'everal of the Republicans,: . .. Who ea.vored ,the bill, did- not scent to relish , 1,, . • - this - consinct' on the part :of toe fi •jemovra ,' ey, and the treachery towards thoseßeptibli- . ~ • 'cans, who hail almost sacrificed - themselves in aiding this Dem reratic l measure, -became . indignant and vitted for the poStponetnent of . • the bill until next Tuesday: Winn it may, or ' , may not come up . ag,aitrf, The solid•voto of the Demoerata in the , 'Ouse ittfa!vor of the - Additional - Law, Judge Bill, and also the 'f. • solid vote of 'the Petnocrats 4.7ainst tne . Sup- . ,: '• 'dement to : flie Criminal Court when , first ~ • reported, (wilier is fortlikpurpose of giving the Court a 'sfatets in the criminal business, .and'glvvemployment to a Judge Who is paid. - ' out, of the State Treasnry; - ) of itself must sat ' isfy eyery' . Republican laW - Yer in Schuylkill _ • County that the Democrats are ! not only using them td accomplish their own OAS, ' and would then !sacrifice 'them in the most •i .-Shainefol mirtmer whenever they conceive It , 1 . ' i -to-be,'t heir' interest:to do so. _Under theiie Mr ' cumstauces, any Republica% lawyer, who de s " I. ~ ~ sires tottraintain a position in the Republican party off this', County and -State, cannot, any • , ' . longeriaise his 'toice in, ztvorof the passage •-• of the Additional'-Lawtjbdge MA and he --_ . ought also to undo as far 'as pdssibic what he . . has heretofore done in favor of it,, And af ter the reinaiks Of Major IlEtNoEffiand Col.. DAvis in, showing the - political bearing of thisquestidn, - Etnd the determined. . - - and bitter hostility of the Democracy to this. ..• i ',.: (iourt, by trumping hp all kindsof law is)iits,' _ - merely hecause Judge Green was ifi Bcpubli ' *can; we cannot understand how any :consist . i ent the Legislaturcould give -, 1 his - sup Port to the Measure htireaf er. It was I • shown that Judge Green, who ho d;hiSco' ru f ! mission for ten years, and is not permitted to 1_ ~. perform his duties, as kiudge, foil, which he i, - has already been paid out of the State Treasury .} , for nearly three years, for &ins- scarcely :. nothing, simply because those w to are ap- - ..I *., plying for an additional Law. udge will 1 not permit him to - perform his . 1 duty ; aud i ,: i _ .then with the braien fia:suranee'dtOld Niek 1 .- himself, apPly :for -an . additional , Law - -1 ; Judge, hecause. the business is :greatly de- I • layed. No Governor who has sworn -' i•O pro-, -: • toot the interests: ofihe State cotild;'in eon ,: , sistency With his'oath, sign suaila hill' even if it did pass, mid - . we cannot conceive 114 W • —•• any legislator of 'any party could _sanction f- . 1 . such a bill, until the Criminal Court is :first if . ..• , . put In operation bythe passage' ilif the stip , , . plement now before them, and ri- trial first ,t ' given to aseertain.'whether the two COurt; : . wliere in full operation, will not 'prove suflf;; ,- I ' 1 : ' Addition . of a third Law 'Judger. ' NVIth such . - a . - preiciAlent established,, the ~tegitilature i would be flooded withal)plicatiOns.-for addl... 1 - Cons! Law Judges, until the prc4entludicial 1 - 'officers Would be doubled and trebled,. 1 i -,-- sad the tan-payers and_ the State. Treasury ' • 1 • : would. be - burthened with several, hundred thousand . 'dollars• 'annually,. Ito Odition tea' 1 - the present apiaries, to pa - _ th6se, /additional. 4 ,y, Law Judges.. A. cilatingulshec4aa•yer at i . ' Harrisburg - ren s :lark* a , in our: 4earing a le' 1 ~ . days ago, [that if the . ' Liegialtiture continues • . •1 : .to create additional Judgships, to pension -off a lot o fourth and ith rate_Lawyers who are scarcely cempe to Practice atihe k heir, . ' we wAsoonuiiolla iv j for towiphip In T Sttite;',4 t , _ 74:1 1 :YEGLIWS .PECIFON Ealt ef'dA4rlF. L . xv .EI 11_t\,If read klititti pie:wire able VV-iipeeeb,niade 6)1;1 - grew a fevr days ago • • on the !tariff, question, by Gen. Kegley, showing that , he - has studied this question pretty' thoroughly, in its bearings on laticir, the deVel . . opment of our industry, .and the progress of the country in Wealth and power, As this lel Sabienton ‘ithii; l l volinneacart ha Irv/fin wi t ty. oute.ihaustinfM . In a speech gmifed to an hour it ran hardly be expected that . 'one speaker upon all the points atissue 4 b en I • I such as the General. has touched, ho" r nta them in a vey'stiong We cerian Et2nb them_ in • lishlhe whole speech - , butwililtdvert. r a few points as an , illitstratian - of the maniterin which he handles the subject. 'lie sets out 'kith the' • ~ foliOwing truisms: ' ;• • , . "*hen it is ctittotiffeelltbat 'rights and free trade ruld the internal relatiOnaut oar entire wail-. neat, and that protective leghtlationla notaseetkat al boon hut a riaticauddenaltad, chaining a good and high tariff to, free Our etiuntry trim. subserviency to, foreign supremacy, and to raise It from its present restricted condition to the staisdartaed highest .per ' feetion when r..arrite conclusively' shown that, such a tariff Is not merely a benefit - to class nide*: tries, giving vital impulse and thrift to varied enter prises in new and unexplored sections, buteerrying with It the ;weighty opinlostet dr prominent drain , eters that proper protection is the Only assurance that' wilt-enhance Our future prosperity, maintain our present credit, elevate our national honor, and infirm, the inability. and progress of our industry: when our uwn history testifies tethe rapid and sub stantial development of our 'industrial and natural restourcesinvertatry following protective legislation, whilst with the same'itapehet certain. crises and ells hsters attended every,ad rem. legislative measure; and finally when the solemn; chronicles of our laie fearful strugglle dernonstrnto to ns, that to the Ulnae riority of Northern industry; over the de/tete:icy-or Southern sL'III end labor, wsiadue the tinsel' results achieved, audwlthout this, even Northern bravery' and perseverance could scarcely have overcome LSoutnern courage and fanaticism; why, "then and always, ha long as the industrial genius otmy eoun try, or any of its branches, IA inferior to that of any other nation, 60 long dant I exert every possible 'effort for Us advancement and protection .against the e,otnblueti competlon of futelgri capitol and un derpaid labor." • ' • lie 'then giver, a comparison of the great tent of our country as'etdistnottslivith Euro pean countries , the population per . stnntre mile, dr.c., as follows: "I commend to your careful atention a statistical table, containing are:lN:end populations of the Uni ted suites, tired, uritu.ln, France; Itursiu and per many': ' . • . Area 141 ' unthcr square ; of,; per I- 7,lilet„, .4,4habitafits. square mite = ♦ '2019, , 11 , • *-7 1,,02,:;711 .ytcc Gr tiE.'cnnuty, (X Total. XClUsite of G. ..... , . =aM= . - • Our territorj.,,Occluxive of Alaska, embraces:2.BM til I square. miles, Mel bestial euthriated population of. forty millions., - ' The United Kingdiun, In the narrow circuit of i'll,-. 147.9 utlhs h a s nearly thirty minim s. , tierninny. (north and south combined; has'an,s74 square miles 'with• over thirty-eight millions. *France- 274450 •square miles With !also -thirty-ight millions, and Russia nearly 2,000,000 of square' miles. with aiaty. eight mullions Of inhabitants. - . . A comparison of Untie figures, shows that the area • of the Unitas' States surpulses the territorial extent of these four eountries oombined by inure than two hundred thousa,nd aquarejuiles; or by a stretch of land larger thati,tiermany, or large as the Kingdom of Grerd Britain: The population of these four.countries, however, Is four times us large as ours, and some of them even thinly Settled."' . . . To show the wonderftil eapacitfbf. -our coun try, if the population Was dual-to only 200 per sons tier squire Mile, lass than one-half .of that of Great, Britain, . it, would reach 29'2,000,000, i 014,000,000 there than the combinua population of all the above named cotintries. The devel-. .... opulent of our in•lustries under adequate pro tection, would soon hissorb all the surplus pop ulatiou of Europe: . • Speaking of the manta:it:taro of tailroad o iron, . -. he says: !-. . ! . . . • - t • -One hundred thousand tons of railroad Iron -re quire the labor of 13,300 uteri ter one ,Vear, who we may suppose to be heads of families of five each, or 61,500 in all. Assn:him:, from Sate.calculations r that -the manutaeturing nations of Europe,tektiper aikido of populati n, seventeen and one-half cents . worth per annum f our agricultural produce, the prodn (l. eels of 100, tons of foreign Iron would then consume on an average, $11,6Lr2 50 Worth of Axueriesiti products, the balance of food being of foreign origip. In the production of one ton of railroad iron in the United Statea, Abets; is consumed• a value of SIS4IS of . ar,ricultural produce. and .810 tai of Amery- . can manufactures: Apply these figures to 101,000 • tons of Aminican railroad iron, and we find It gives our agricultural and manufaCturing interests a market tor - Marv - 400u; or, in other words, we find that. a huhdred thousand tons of-American railroad .iron pay into the national treasury* full thirty thou sand dollars more, and to our farmers and manufac turers two millions more than the same quantity of I. foreign Oon. Strongly us thlscalculatlon Illustrates our to-a, It falls below the actual fact. • ' .. ~. ' But let us east a glancent England. Great Britain thought by free trade and cheap laborsbe would un dersell the world. She did not forget, however, to protect het beer-makers by a duty of IM cents per bushel on malt, and of five dollars a barrel on beer. 1... d us see how the free trade system works there: We readdn the'Xianehester GUAttnts.s.; In Ate very scat and centre of those views: - - • -There is unquestiondbly a reaction against. free trade. Yes, a remarkable and instructive reaction is going on in England : ,the farce of hunger is pow erful and the working classes.are forming associa tions iwoisit free trade, known as:revirer.l of Brilish inc/Wry: . A letter In the Sheffield Tut... - gonien, says: • ,'lt is no wonder people are complaining of bad times ° when we stand lu the position in which We stand nOw. In 15i4 the !Mai ex,,,,•ssfif imports (Wel- British exports i.A2114,:r27, In I66nthts exceas had ren.eli ed L9t,539,616, and, in ISiS it had amounted to the -ruinous sum of it 1a,012.... , 22, more than the whole of o -r textile manufnetureseiported to the ; giv 'Mg a balance against its In _our foreign trade of .L 116,600,000 sterling, in one sUtgho year." "At the present moment about one in every eighteen persons in England and Wales is In receipt of toms-Mal robe. Tlit•re was paid for pauperism in Kis the sum To of il,.y - 00 s t e etin g .,•t • • • • • "Since upward of three mill ionsof our people have emigrated and principally. to extreme proteetire coo otries. where Xlteir labor has found a better- re 'ward, but at'the same time has been the means of fg)repit prodartiretr-s.l. - We have tried free trade so lung that It is almost time to' protect our selves." • Such is the history of every n&it that does. , • nof protect and_encou - rage its own hozue indus try. In proportion as protection is abandoned do her etports . rtn( her imports-in crease and pau'perisin inereke's - in the same tatio,-as the increaso"of importations: The ,following; is true to the letter: - to calling ('Mr . nianufacturers monopolists, It is simply/ prets.isteruns,-witen it is k nown that their tOurnatit IS to exhume and Jitilfze the If unt Wei mineral deposits and btlier resources in it _parts of this eontinent2; -to - toting-unite new enterprises north and South ; to start new factories 4110 forges in every dircet ion ; to eonstrhet railroads and water ceintitunleations front every minceofinat lure to every. mart "Of commerce; in truta, 'to strengthep ail& develop our Industrial resources wherever possible. • • • , The greater the number and variety of our manu factures, the less danger or possibility of monopoly and the more benefit to the consumers. It is by the depressing and inevitable result of frets trade, or any approach t s it, that a few rich and. powerlul companies only absorb the.weatth and control of the trade, whilst meil,of entqrprise alone; or of mod erate means, go down. And It is for this reason that I AM a prottionist. I believe the words:and - -sagaelly Of the great statesman, 3 .Tillers, when he says : to de r, top the lobox.ll my country: (Art-tc, I wish to- create it Where it is not, and to r Min it Aehere it _lle also.- gives the following table of the weekly wages paid in the to:lowing countries reduced to gold-values,: TABLE. . , . Showing' the are rage tre'rkly in - uje.v of Itkitfrd and un skilled labor (ercludinq fari2nen, overseers: and eirrks).in righteon branches tit.indeutry in Pruista, S neon q, Circa/ Britain amide' Vnited States, in gold &War. : k. . ~ . _.. . • . . Branch of Atodusnir. Pe u caalsa.r o nv .. l, . - at i trolled • 1 ferit'o , Mates. ' --,--, Cotton Mills,— ......• '' 62 MI VI •63 1.7 $5 .Z W0r)1etr...511114 ............ 2 52. ,3 . 520; - 6 a) Worsted 31111 s ...... ..„ 2 40, 3 2.1, ' 5 14 - 713 Sngnr,lle6nerle. ....... ...... ' ...... .....1; . 561 , AXi Iron Rolling 311114....1 ' 4 at; 3 37: . 7 tel 870' Steel Wvrks ,- , 3 fX) 2 40t 8 811 11 17 31achtne:44hopse -290' 3 24' 5 '45 984 Hardware 3 00: 240; " 942 EDlge Tools 11anu.....: 3 65 2.88' 700 11 10 sg . ri. Imp. Muria 5 21i 6 75: 'l3 74 Fire Arms ltiapu...- ' 4 38. 4 -S 17 12 MI Saw 'slanu 1 3 601 2 glIl 00 Gas Works j ,138:4: ':1053 Isuthtr ' 3 35: 321 650 983 Glass 'Works • 1 ' 2 711 3.12 7 62 10 33 Silk Hai Manu ' • ...... . s OD: 11 40 Paper 2 501 262. 4 341 903 ,Wood Ship Builii.-.l' . .... i 6 10: .11 70 Iron Ship Hulk:ling: .. i •6 70. 10 03 "But these figuren full short'of representing the true difference betwedn the condition of the:labor er. skilled or unskilled, here and abroad, "When the fact Is considered that, 'with the, ex ception of a few cases otextraordinary skill and en= dunce, the Eu ropeturjou rney ma n mechanic can- not earn more thart his own 'sanity support . ; that he cannot marrynpport his wife without the assistance of her o labor; that the combined in dustry of husband ;d wife cannot maintain a fam ily utitwithstanding the so-callect,cheap prices of living; wllenit bt known that, In the majority of these families lhe- lowest comforts of life are un linotiT and food, like meat, tea, coffee , endanger, are -extraordinary relishes; when It is --an knowlL 1,.0 that In entire sectioniand reglonsinits sistente mdans - nothing but bad food, scantyluel, and 'scarcely , a roof over- the bead for weeks, ly month and ven- years; then , the difference he .- I seen (Mr country and Europe may be , appreciated by our laboring mechanics and thoselbere, and the :p claim forrorection Of Industry against. free trade will be thoroughiy understood. - Itin i ust also 'be, recollected that food, which conifflutes three-fourths of the 'expenses of a faMily in Europe, Al dear there ,as -in the United States; In another part of the JounSsi . we give the rates' ors wages paid in-different partsofGermsny, taken fruni•-the official re . • re ports of the Government.- , The following extract is true to the letter: "Europe, with Its crowded populatibn, cheery la 7bor and great capital, all giving superior advanta ges for manufacturing, does not present , in face of all ingenious profess ions for free tragic, a single country (ndt even . (treat thitain, excepted) which does not guard some branches of Its industry by a "Lam tmided In this assertion by au-examination Into the custom letterset' fourteen leading nations, and I acknowledge that their custom:, Imposts are mestly;lower than'oum; yet there are several In stancefof &Mal and 'even sonic of• higher rates.— France, ,enl lehtenud Prance, exhibits uuttea num ber of articles entirely prohibited. &Mons which I hope our free tradenemay nut overlook steel. "The fates of tartir are - or should be regulated. not by theories or aged rules, but by the rates of interest, wages. state of trade; debt. natural ?aware eit, etc.. of each nation; and what might be slow tariff I if One country; may be a high one In another, and vice versa." • '. We regret . that we have no room to make more extracts.' There is only one point in the wh'ol ' Speech to which we, take exception, which is follows: p. . - "In view of the facts nod reasons. and.*ith doe respect-to the ability and benevolent Intentions of the Committee that prept i tO:he tariff bill now be fore the House, t cannot with allot tha wend.- sloop , : and wit* thee:cent on that I wish, to see a/1 ad rate rem duties changed Into adequate specific dit ties. I am In - favor of the old tariff es it now stands." Ile is right In- isivcicati-ng spacifie duties on everythlng_thatireinlies protectleri, but we are not in favor of tho old tariff/is It . stands, even iwilh tats amendteent. There aro a . few mil cics On which the duty, may be, too high, but those are not scrap Or pig Iron; but there ars number of articles On which the duty ivtoolow, - . . and laid& are remedied in the bill reported by the-Committee of Ways and Means. It is not sou much a of duty esti- we ;want ' . the u- the' Present tariff, A 6 ,4 the di , t *frosts Will hartnonin and 4: . .rlc . 'W map have good parti of h I —, . not,properly adjuited so' as to tirk together, thirare gold for nothing. So , with tW Prerfittarlfft tt has beehpotterod at yintroillucingaPkial prate-Goo to such *1 extent; that the machinery Is out of gear, .4nd requires re-adjtudment by Congreui to slake it work in harmont in all its'parts. 'f- The speech however is able and practical, and shwas that the gallant General can haticliells pen in defence of the domestic laterests, 011ie .-.. .4. • • TirChcaullirbt logbdtiott, ' as - wan& wield his sword on the battle field in defence of our glorious Uniou r and the eleyatioopf the but man race. -f . .( - ... GM' VF TN CONNECTION 'with -the: subject - Of I..adeiplate Protection t d Ainerleauludus: try, It' is important to km* the rates of wages paid laborers • in turope, :so that all may see what Out Iworluaeu would have to contend . with should the heresy of. Free Trade be permitted to prOvail in the United States. - • • 'Prom the - last l .M.onthly Report of - the Deputy Special Cominissioner of the Rew nue, in charge of the Buirma of Statistics of the Treasury Department, we maltv,,t;te fol lowing extractfrom page 178, in reference to the wagm 'paid in Germany, and we will continue_to makeextmcts from, ime to time, in reference to this matter. fOr the It:donna- Lion of otit readers. . . Theip 'facts cannot be too faniiiial: to 01 interted in the industrial progress and welfare of our txiiintry. So that they can ad vocate that policy which will preserive our workmen from tti.duced to the gen erally. impoverished and oppressed ;Condi tion of the workmen' of the old countries of E u rope ; WAG FS Atiligi'li.SlMVCCE OF FAXILIiO 3 OF LA'BOT:e O S Iti ROPE—GIE.IIIIANY , - - tl, s ower Sllesla, translated mid cortipiled front No. 10.12 of the publications of the Royal Prussian Sta tistical Bureau: Berlin, 11:66.T • • The regular - wages - of workingmen average, in Slimmer and winter, from 16.9 rentsto 24 centadrobli per day; of fetnalei, from 111.4 in 1.11.4 - cents per day mole nearly approaching the higher rate. - .During the %non- winter days workmen-receive for eight hours labor,frorn 10 to 11.4cents;'t he females, 7.2 cent.% while In summer, for twelve to thirteen hours la bor the relative wow% are from .19.2 to 24.8 cents, and from 14.4 to 19.2 cents respectively. The wages of those working in the royal forests -are so regulated.. as to average 24 cents per day for. males, and 14.4 cents per day for females; in some mountain cotin tria the latter receive but 13 cents, • In larger cities wages rise above these rates, espe cially-for skilled labor, ,lien working on railroads receive in summer from to 36 cents per day ; and women from 19.4 101.11.4 cents. Arn the larger cities onlinary fetrude help in lintnikeeping pald from 21 to 26.1 cents • Work done hr-the piece, or by contract, Is paid about one-third more than the customary. wages.— A common laborer, expects, contract work, from 36 to 48 cents; at,ratiroad work, even inure. ' When work Isfsenrce the wages-often fail to about 16.8 cents per tAay, for males and 9.6 bent* for fe- Males. . Labor 'often paid . . ' the hour, at from 01.4 to 3 cents for Males, and 0.4 to 2 cents for females; 2.4 cents per hour are the wages' of unable field la borer in the moilutains, burlng the summer especially, optiortnniiieslfor work are °demi .to children, who receive front 8.11 7.2. cents per day, and in winter .atsuut 4.1.1 cents. Wherever the work rises above mere manual labor In a trade Or factory, the dully wtiges of men •are from 30 to 48 cents, and often rise to 60 cents.: Miners at tunneling, are - frequently paid 72 cents (Mater) in the district of (Writs, a hrick.maker aided by his wife - averages Si cents per day , In the district of Feuer from $3 76 to $7 91 per week. Skilled work men of large experience receive from $31,0 to S 1:72 per annum. The wages of the moulders and enroll , eters la iron foundries, of the lock4nithe and Joiners in machine works, In piano - factories, amount to from 72 cents to 31 tel per day; the seine in tortes ofglass, silverware: watches and hat fatito ries. The - highest wages paid to a--very skillfull:Au er In a piano-forte factory were 612 24 per week: Wages for female laborare more uniform through out; lR cents per day can be earned by a skillful hand; 21 cents per day very rarely. - Juvenclie laborers In factories begin with-wages of '4.4 . eents per week, fur 19 hours work daily, and rise to 72- , cents' per week. The law 'prohinits the employment of children under - 12 years of age; (rein 12 to 11 years it permits 6 houri, audit to 10 years 10 hours daily labor. The average of daily wages is as:: follows ; dialca, - ,fur 12 hours. work per day, in the'eolutry, 19.2 centS; in elite:62l cents; harder labor, 3) cents; In cities, 86,eents; skit led labor, 60 cents.. Tile wages/if master-workmen, overseen:, .te., are not included In the an:ye averag i e but are at teasel $172 per annum. In regard to the time of work, Laborers in factories: * :are employed 11 to 12' hours per day, leteciustle of time for meals); where. work is contiltllell day:mail night, the boors for the :lays are from to 12 A di.; and 1 to 7 P. M. ; for the' night from 7, P. M.. to - p*A. M. with V, hour revesm•, in a few Mlstriets 10 hours constitute a day's work. In many cloth factories and wool spinneries, males mei females work 12 t 0,13 homy', and Lome, even lfi hours per dsy. As an ex ample, a cloth factory employs Ilre,men and machi nists 16 hours. spinners and dyers 11 hours. all others 12 hours exelbsive of time for nieals. -In glassworks the nature of the Work require% from •113 - to 19 hours for melters, 13 to 15 hours for blowers ;- but then one party rests while the other works. : ' - 4 ),C1 - 1%0001 1 24.27.';. :34,411,6111 .311147, WI , 6.4,196,1 r-ti r 14.16 239.30 1ti5.4 t 138.G9 34.2/ IMO ~.ur:~er~r: ~+u::cu.bie.ix+,~ -_ak-ewe>.~ , r~., ~ .. . ' . . rtlY THE MINERS JOURNAL,----POWIE --.. „ 4 ,380trY,..f....K1LL .,, ;COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ' ' ';'- '''' ' . l".*: +e-'`'''' -' " • '"'-'''''' '':--:-.4...''''7.•4 = TUE eightp•third annual seasion of: : the Philadelphia M Elleo" nfOrenee, "held in thla I3orough, adjourned - finally on Monday night last. The appolataients° for this : County -were: . .., • Hamburg and Port Clinton- J. W. Sayerii. - Tremont—U. B. Hughes. Cressona—W. L. McDowell. 7 • • I litinersvilleW. M. 'Dalrymplb: Pottsville—J. Dickerson. • • • I • Port Carbon—Noble Frame. 1- St. Clair and Wadesville—Reubeu Owen.l New Philadelphia--Joseph - tir"ekbaiik. Tamaqua—Samuel,lrwin. I. Mahanoy hornbill: • . . • Gilberton and Mahanoy Plane—T. Harrison. filienandtmli City.,JobryT.'Swilidelfs. • .• •' Preston Mission—Andrew Cattier. 1.. . . The visiting ministry were 'much pleased with _their visit, aud l with their entertaiji went by our citizens. • The, next Conference will beheld in Reach' PENNSYLVANIA. FEMALE COLLECIE.—.In 'article lately - appeared in the Philadelphia INQUIRER, making the statement that; 1: ,"r -slims College is to occupy' the buildings of 'the late Pennsylvania Female College at Perkiomen Bridge." This is, entirely false, as the building's cannot be occupied for' any other purpose than that for. which they are now used, viz., a College for yOung ladies. The College is in a flourishing condition, its patronage, increasing; and pr4sp.Tts now better than at any form6r time. •• 7 .' • THE supposition is gaining strength that the missing steainship ,city .of B l oston was . ; destroyed by fire, eaused by_ . — their , it:tien of her machinery run rapidly to get ip siieo, ! 73 - THE DUUMMER Boy:, lately • played here *Rill so mulch success, is rutiviog to crowded houses hi.BridgepOrt, Ct. gorrespenbenct. Thu Editors are abt responsible for any isettilments. ex 'pressed by euirespongentx, nettater do they eildorni: there art. calms, letters and correspondence iddrerned to this °Rice, and intentlejor publication, moot have the real name or t he writer adßitlied--isiot that we shall publish It, but stir our Information,)—and be written on ono - side of She = on JOtt iatly. Ot al. herwise. they will go Into the wastebasket. . - • . -HABRISPCItO:I HAttaisne no, March 25th, 1870.. • -4 The Governor has affixed his approval ;to the following bills: A bill; supplementary to an act entitled an act regulating banks, approved the Ititlt day of April, 1850, relating to the ; Farmers Bank of Schuylkill - County. The bill pro vides that upon petition verified by . oath of ono or more - Of the stockholders or cred itors pf abo Fariners' Bank,' setting, forth the insolvency of, said bank, the Court of Common Pleas shall appoint one or mare as signees to settle and wind 'up the alfairs, of the bank as per act of April 16, 1856." • , A supplement to an act relative to hawking, , peddling, and selling by sample in the, County' of Schuylkill, approved the 16th day or March, A. D., 1867. This extends the aforesaid act "so to include all sale* vinous and Spirituous . in liquori by any nt or his 'traveling agefit not residing in the aqty." ' The following bills have passed the Hthuid: An act to repeal an' act regulating the fees of surgennsatcoroner's inquests in the Counties of Schuylkill and Mercer so far'as relateti to the-. former County. The original act providei that the pay of surgeons for making a post-Mortem examination at a coroner's inquest shallbe ten doll ars,unless the Commissioners beof the-opin ion that a larger compensation ehc d be al lowed, when it may be increased by !theta, to such' an amount ss they think just. An Act,supplementary to tip; Act approvid the 18th day of February 1810, entitled an Act in relation to the collection of taxes in New. Castle township. This' extends the time of Patrick Conville,„for the settlement of his tax duplicate one ylBO, i; • • Senate bill 878—t supplement to an Aceen titled an Act to incorpenttothe Pottsville Iron, Steel and Coal Company. This extends the time one year, for the payment of enrollme nt tax, and provides that in lieu of the bonus re- ; quired to he paid by • the sixth section of the act, the company shall pay a bonus of one. quarter ofone per cent4ayable in installments' as provided for in the act. . An Act relating, to Barks 'and 13cliitylkill , Counties, requirinA that a earn not extieeding: $5O be paid out of the funds of the townships in mid counties for the repairing or i el, unsound! bridges in eteliof the townships. ; . The following hills ,are on this day's' House Calendar : The Milers: Hospital and:Asylum Act ; in eorporating the Ildechani Life Insurance' and; Trust Company bltichuyßrditCounty ; relative' to premiums on iFox scalps; and for the relief ofJohn Dorineri• A bill has been read in place restoring that Act of 1850 ridatiVe to appeals on. itseetwituenta.! This provides for an appeal from the Cemnds- , 'stoners to the Court on valuation of property. I Notwithighindlng the exertions :of the :diners' Conunltter, which has been here Tart.' of the, desire to th e several bills which they, to plats through, I.tie;Act Which ProPo- ; to limit the charges for freight on, coal and mar= &audios was. through the, budrunientrillty_ of the oorr ee nons, ' killed Committee: Had MU theenacted into a law It i would-not haing stood . " • test of the Courts:'. EMiM?3MiE= DOI = The tight aeir thepairttteelia' l 4l , I la vistuafl -. y et an eaaae bias tarardalarktreek. ttoa ereithird Jai/4N ait4 ,thetlieetiostit all that theeppleatenraliAetcoeitztnithiqbdlrk Gmen-.o.dasipe trisainfal 10 7 1 a teratlt ung the retes , td-dietti X with win be peel* The citring'pessettballeastal dattluStinit the Geotaiseloaefl reeetire the ntutit or the -*boa tax, colleoted for Attit year; l of East tftdon township w!tithkatt days atter tbe pawpaw of tberaet.: • - TbaStilowiag realign oa etdetidai: • ; The aet extending tbe provisions Of - -tbe TAW chanty serest:veto oosteofjuetteee sat eenetehhet to Sob aklak 13E1 countsll. &admiring the eardadatdoners to reoetve.the retnriatof the boroagb 4ifSbansudoeb ,Clty• - er akin sixty days -anal` the page (ditto set.- and testutfetrang the insane of thevaanty4rinn : the ilartisbarg - est- . The stet creating the North Ward of die llor ongh of Fottsvills which passed the Holm. was Obje4te4 off i3ol* 'Satiate. It Will b OP &h _coming week... The If3undarisatiof the prePos• . ed new ward are at follows: "beginning at a point on the corner of Centre street and an alley at priWrty - af,Yotirrltelfff *MCC alonfranct al ley to Adams street.t. 'berme, along bald Ad ams streette Norway-alley ; thence along said Norway alley and in aline with the'same to the barough lino; thence along said line to a point on dr in a lino with Third street, Jalappa,. in said Borough isS laid down in the map by Jas. D. Scott, thence along. and in a line with mild Third Wear; to North street z thence along said North street to . •First attest, along said First street to Fourth street, along' Foiirth , street to Water street, Along Water street to. Front t fleet, along Front street to Coal.sireet, along . 'oal street' to Nichels street, along Nieliola street to . Centre street, along Centre htt k street u'..) the place of begirming The bill pro vides .that the elections shall beheld at t °use. of Mrs .; Bridget Kehler; that elections for lace councilmen, three school directors, dge and inSpectors, en the 'first Mendifir - of M. rch nest, fix. This is substantially the'same bill as . proposed last winter: , [We had this bill stopped for a week so as to giVe our citizens an opportunity to know what it Ras. 1 If there aro no objections now made to the, bill; it will : pas.4 on Tuesday next.--Sionon El:11,TM; JOURNAL.] "- , .. The net which proposca - to- sever Pinegrove, township from the count and annex. it to non county, has been pineed on file. A few in : Wrested parties are urging its passage, and the lionoriible member from said latter con i city flatters himself with the belief that he'am bring alout the project. A petition averse to the men-. Are, signed by over two hnndred'eitizens of the township; has 'been 'presented. It is also )13rOposed to annex Pinegrove borough to Lelia non county, together with a slice of clerks. Samuel Hartz and Christopher Little, Esqs., have been appointed , by the Governor notaries int bile. , • A joint resolution lias-lized upon the ith day OrApril as the day for .final adjournment. SCHUYLKILL. LATEST, • • The following bills passel. the House this Meriting: •The Act to incorporate the Miners' Hospital and Asylum of Schuylkill County. :- An Act giving a bounty on fox sealpsr-OX, tending the Act of ,March 117, 1869, which relates to' Dauphin county. . .„ ,Extending.the time of John Dormer for the. settlement of his t:ik (In plicate One year. The Act to change part of the boundary line between Schuylkill and L . ebanon was objected • Off. The following is a copy of the Act: , i3xermzs I. Be courted, Sc_, That the part of the boundary line, between the Counties of schu}lkill and Lebanon, beginning-tot -the corner of the Tres Mont township line, on the line of Schuylkill and Lebanon Counties: , thence south forty-six and a half degrees east to the corner of the counties, of Berks, Schuylkill and Lebanon,* and the same is hereby changed sties to make and establish the fol l Owing the dividing line between the said Counties of sebuylklll and Lebanon, to wit: Beginning at the corner of the counties a 'Berks. Schuylkill and I.4ehanon,ithence south eiglity-Mx•degreesoltst three lin net red hltll,l Stxly perches to a post; thence north seventy-tire degrees, eastflve hundred and seventy peaches to a postt. thence north twenty-note de greeso west seventeen hundred and seventy perches to the Tremont township line; thence by said line South seventy degrees.' west. seven hundred and twenty perches to a post;, thence by the sante south fifty-eight degrees, west eight hundred and Kt-yen perches to a post on the Ischnylkill and Lebanon County line on the lands of Doctor Eckert, and that the part 'of scheyll;ill eounty hereby annexed to Lebanon' comity, shall 1w deemed and ermsblered In all ,respeets and - to all intents and purposes as part I ebanon County. Legislative snakes are commencing to crawl around Di all ditections. - StlictfLKlLL. PCIDTSVI LLE, Marph 24th:157 0 . -Eperous Must:us' clounNAt.;—ltatUrrded me great anonsetnent 'to road the very poor attempt c i sf Parker and: Williams, published uf your issue of March 19th,.te Justify their sentry and treat herous conduct in the late thilletilty between themselves ,and Seim vl kill Typ 'graph leal: No. Mi.' shOUltl have replied to their longNWinded mi.sererebefiye this, had not eircintistanees prevented m . o. ; 'First, then, let Me Mtn= those defemlers 'of Unions, that Mr. Slater was not o hnoNiouSto the .Typographieal Union at the tithe of his being employed by Mr. Smith, aS'any com positor-can be employed In aeljnion 1,11i , e dur ing the interval which ocettni from one monthly Meeting-to the other,' provided he express . e4 a wink: ' n re:is to become a member, Or is not pod- Lively known to be -a rat.- When Mr. Slater's application was tendered, Ina Chances for mem bership were as good as those of anyeandidate; was only after the investigation * by the eom- Mittee appointed for that purpose, that opposi tion to his adthission arose. and he was declared unworthy ; hence, the notice 'to Messrs. Troth- Croe and iloppart quit, unlesaSlater *as dis-. charged. Their appeal to you, Messrs. Editors, in refer ence to the "poor uneducated miners," is se' ridiculous that itineeds no comment, for what man in Schuylkill County dee4 not know with *hat exaetin2,` threats our, cord operators have been -forced to suspend operation 'time and aktain • as to 'whether such threats were sime timid by the W.. 8. A': or not; admits of con o'sideration: I 'positively deny that the action of the Typo graphii•al Union,. So. 1:15, was any presneap: tiotv'on• their part, or that there existed•the least intention to hike advantage of the mana 4rers or the :ktoNtTott as mecrn.„Messis.Troth er‘w and lioppart gave thein the assurance that , ;the paper would he out at the usual time, even if they did not sueeeed an t dnaining a eumpOsi torin Sheer's plate. The Union knew nothing about the inside affairs of the office, or hew fat tle• week's issne.,was adva.nced. Wh!qr• the cditams of that paper were informed of the decision uf the Union; it was done in a gentlemanly manner, under the impression that it was adilressed do gcnifenten who were in ',favor of Tra.les Union ; but here it serious error ' apparently comniitted, for orktte first .mation they had they hirifed to Mr. , Protheroe 1.;) give no had tO the orders!of the Union, hut. work on. (How is this,. Messrs. Parkile„ and stauneh adVocates• of the working ' inan's rights? You probably, remember the answer Mr. 4'rotheroe gave 'you, if not I will , aisist your mem...Kies - "Do you suppose. gen, tlemen, when the 'best offices' in. the United States are Union (Abets, I would forego my of obtaining. work in such. offices fur the stake of :it loite-horse estahlishthent like yours?" That suggestion you had hetter,kept to Vourselvesl) 'They say that after Messrs. Protheroe and Hoppart left fir Pottsville; they concluded to, accede to the, demands of the t t nion ; this was a Mere hlind, , as - we afterwards learned. It was their intention to discharge Slater tenipi7;rarily, and get Protherve and • lloppart to work on, „meanwhile procuring,other bands, and•at the - ,end of the- week re-Instate Slater together • with the new hands,' and discharge the ( Unioni! compositors. In this they they were foiled by , the demand of, Peetheroo for an assurance of permanent employment for himself, 114 P art, and the compositor hv=itim employed. Thereto WilliamS refeseir tO vomply, tanking the' lame excuse that he did not know 'Whether the mall was competent: . Ho -should be aware that incompetency would:annul any-promise so von. . No„ they: d'eterniined 'to till their o with' II:Or/m . 1M would ikork for a feW 'dollars le s s Week. havepurposely dwelled orikhis paingraph.iti they seem to,make it the chief point of their argument, 'arid endeavor to misrepresent , the true difficulty to suit their • Interests. .‘ The insinuation with regard to gentlernanly einditet I pass 'over, 'as their abilities to dis criminabi.hetweeri gentlemen, seems to admit of serious doubts. • • s 'The editors cif the Mcgirron..need ho tinder no apprehension ; TYpoginphical 13:nitin, No. 135 neve"! intended - to take the °Mee out of:their hands = althouglt the change might:l,ol(4lo'min' to the ;establishment—they are at liberty ,to "run, The machine" to their heart's coMelit, which to judge by - the -appearance of work lately done there, they tiepin to do with a yen geanee. In conclusibn, I would inform Messti. Parker and-Williams,that no "whining appeal" was ever made to the W. B. A., but that the commu nigtion, which seems to have roused their ire, was only intended to show up the mean And contemptible action of men, whom thfxW. B. A. has vested with some •authority, arta who apparently Rthluf. elt from selpidi and impure motives. , • TN Po. I ' oncEiisrrr.E. ~ , MINFRSVILLE, March 24, 1870. • • EDITORS MINi& JOITRYAIL':-7-the calamity at the Wolf Creek Diamond Coal Company's Colliery is still a theme for conversation,' and various are the diseuisions in regard' o it. The verdict of the Coroner's inquest is, I sup pose, in your hinds ere this. :As reported 'here, the engineer. was declared incompetents' Not, being present at the investigation, it is impos .ible for me to give a report of the evidence. Michael Garvin ' one of the men injured: at t.e explosion, died at an early hour on .Wed n : .. y morning, making the fourth who lost lives by the accident. .. ,* ho fuuerals of Richard t 4lennessey, William Cook, and John - Kelley, three boys killed ,on Tuesday morning, were largely attended to.' lia. Improvements are, likely to be ' nurnerous during the-ooming summer In Minersville.— Carpenters are'now busy altering the building. lately purchased by the First National Bank from Mr. John Quinn. The location is a good one for the 'Bank, being directly in the centre of town. - It is designed to have the that floor two doors from the cornet of Third street 'fully fitted ut e for banking purposes. • - Our Own Hall is still in state quo, and *Fen it will pushed on towards completion is - a .question for the future: Some persons have remarked—perhaps ill-riaturedly— that the " construction corps" have only been hybema ting for the past winter and that the warm sad. , shine of spring - will firing them outin full force. The Borough Councilis now compelled to hold its meetings in the Meeting room of the Good. Will Hose House. .That being i Borough erty, the Council can go _ t without inter ruption. St. Patrick's .Day was celebrated on Thurs- 1 day,l7th, with the usual patade by the Bons of Erin. Delegations:from sihroundilig districts came out in full forcev:reaking our town al lively as only Irishmen esti make it with such disagreeable weatheroocurringabont this time; - The beg kind of order was preserved duri i 2 the Iday, there being.' very few - who indul .in whiskey or' other Combustible natter ' While enjoying the dinner hour, Hugh Mohan; a young man not yet Ilairly ontof his Mena, de-, lieerdifiter address to these partleipasiftles the _festivities of the day. This address wan daliv. • end in 'a style which was marked with eirusid; erableShility. and • foreshadolied '1 Mersin! the young man • wbjcb may well 'be crested ky older and more prattlad bands.. . -•- • -- : , Mince. IMM!M= ..•-•,,,,,,,...-..,. -i, - f • - i• Akar . 41 0 . at as • ''. 40 • - c . • . . 6 „7-i ..' *;;MT sp icis .B6l.— ) . sia ."" ..71 1 can.,‘ SA.TVEIDAT- 1 5 St la Su .5 52' 29 TV=.18.11 4 ..(- SI - 811 Wkoll , TIICBADA.T— - 5X36 1 rietuX.T. 5441 • Prof. Helm will play at the,Zoo enter . ta(ameat this evening . 4 Ile in a 11 - , To-mOrrow.-:-Ttaiteeiith Sunetiv 'tit the filar, and tlkd In I s er)t.' lefigth;.l2lhcitirs apd -27 uthuito.i.. . • . E 3 . f , • amiitiftEtii Ms*, ott Abtilwr i ty 'been aPpeint nlinry,publfe,' mint w Cnee enter upon the nuifoi of the office. Last Friday night, the store 6(4: J:Priteliaitl, .7bilneniville, tens ,Oroken into anti 'roi?bed• of atiout. (light anlilo4, 4 4fil tea dollars 'worth of. Courtl►aalociii session i al/ - this week for the trial-of clvH causes "at latge autsunt of bu5ine....4.3;-• disposed' Of. Fiffir lasts were appointed ail 'id whit:l47 oicept the usual proportion continued from Carious causes, ; were eithor'trica, non-Suited; stOtisti„, or jukbptiouts-tinnirel :by itgroessOnt:•:*. , , • . i• 7- . . , - • The-"l'reabytery", I.uzerne I me: on - Alibi:3th in the Second Pre,...byeerttut Chnreh in thiii place, Dr. Newlin; .Moiteratt,r, On application tkr. ' G. I).1).. of I'biit,li;lphii+, imp titter •ert , ntriiiiation reccivell in the •I'reshytery.T At the, pi.ttne thne a unaniinmo call, ti, the PastOratd of .the Seiiand Church of Pottsville, nt , . a tinlit:C 'pe.r 'aulittio„: cram, put' into libk hands through the .I.'re'ahy tory and ..waiii,acce`pted by him. , Ai the reiiipstof 'the einigri: , ginfoir the, lo.stpene(l. , for-tlle prtiti eht...„Dr. Smiley :will ezininiettee. - ticrvictis as PlLstor,of the &Cunt': Pre,bytcrian Uhurclt of Putts' il2e tr)-111ilrri)*. iiervieesi tt 105 A. rd. :did 7 , 5 P. The puhlieareenrelially . invited. Seat t`ree:to , • • rteferrlng- our reader's to . the . ativerV,' - aeirtent of the leJtureoa Ilrente," : _by Laura Holloway ? at ilid), day eviottng, wo incite attunl.i”ii to, the roll;••' ing natives lottldislied prior to fhe dellyl,erint: the lecture Id C,H,Per ittatitste;'New Ydrk city: ltot.todr.ty gave a ;1 - q.iV*e.rdiear.pad.of her .Seet are on. -C “. harloi .I:liurbd, , y afternoon ut C"opt . -r,lastttute. 'rhe hilly pctseßs'e.f. line coke and hi aNk 11l to I -etoeutiontsr, LterJeel:ttre 11 Well irrit!...a, herpitNeet beingdreat,-.1 with great )".,Comin , ',on! dt. •.o,4ter.r. • i"TaE et, rrr. 1115l,tcris. , -,-MrFc: ; 11011,. inn* has Mach, a le.t;ing-C....tutly of tit., •liar.scoa - and writings of her tortyltet, and bear: u St roal; 'avec., to the wonder:tit turtle neyedilt o tt e ts• ') °wog teal .prptty e ,and I; a ettliaredooetnio.iii.t. W. Y. Tribunee . • The' lan of the hall is any: ruad'y, and t_ l l4.e.ts -for Reserved ean had vrithont -ztra charge, at Oa. lax*atore 'llannan tt.ttn Call early and s(4!are yutir suida. . - r ::Proeeedlnge oiacbc)ol Wiii-rd—VCednedal .Eirentng,;23d.- , -The members, were 'ski pyttstqlt, except Mr. Ilantzingetr.. , f• ' Sir. lloytl'. chilirutrth,uf t/ie illuittling• l'oht:" Ittittoo, relwrtefl that owing to the ileatti- of Mr. Sebum the Contrth:Cfor.buittlingth'eNe`w Salvor lionsti had not S . Cheott oxottneti.i c Samuel AuMmi, one of the t.:2 , ittcaeteiis, : i,eint; pre•ient, renewed. I:bur:bid . inntle by 801unt S Ault lan, lylihl A% ,as , aixept 'e,(ll .4 and thy cent rae awarthcd to hint.. ' l'AiTtain tutdratinn„ wOrtiniado itt,the'v(intravt mid - ,C tte omtnittee'in-tti-tfeted to have tlt& stn ex eel kd imtuettiatiAy. 1 'fill I,4l,witig bills weru. t...ttli,i.ittited , :ifid . Inissud :• • . • . . , P. W. Hileafer. .. ' ....:::....._. ....... ;31 t • Willimn F....% i ' 7 ' ' lo at ' Frger, Furl] is A. , liewitt . " Potts ‘ ine (:(1.q.C0....,......, ;.... .. . : ... ...... • ~':l3 Ro John ' itiev,ll4.y.4, .. „'.,.. ....• :.••- 'lu W. P,tight ..„ 1 :u. ~, :tlid., . .t t..) aliproysir,,i. Fi milieu .4 .. 'o,:alitittt....) '. - . ;. . :. ' i ', . ..5 :::i The, T butithng eotentitteu NV;TO. ilUthiyil("l. to 'and pro'vere' the .m....rviet..7 oft 11,1egsr.;. Zininerrina Wort Wo..t and Buck, three rarpootert Poto,ville, to ! , :clutzdtio Ulu; Sharp. Mi.onttilrt 8111,001 1131eics, and report - T iltArrlthtg to T i•lillki it joa—whet!ler safe or unsktfii,. ; Auiotioii \Va.; inittle.tts,expresAVp'nfihe sense this Board th extend the provf l i o n4 u r a • bin, kitva- lit•fore the Legislature, relating t4eonli.ul.- Story, edtteation - County. After soint.‘ tlise,u,..sien the Idatter a eunanAit.tee of three, bf 1 / 4 0fieh Shenfer Nvas i nmile ,t'h:firmttn, to°.repart at-the next meeting., th , ...PhiLiklelutvist,,till.lpr it's' 'rutin ti4ltut;ek. • The (Mier members ertlie elitiuttittee were tweilltkrthal• - Mark' stiljNtintal. `• . The "CharlOtte Bronte". Lecture,LContio- uiiig the publimtion of notices : this admirable lecture hareceivell (ruin the preie Whereever it has teen delivered; we append 'that Oyeit, hY, klie l lirooklym.D.o Lir o of Feb. WAIL Ilrlit.owAt's-I.Ecrtnait.—Mra.:Laxitit C. 1101- • loWay delivered 110- lecture on• "Challotte Bronte— (Jane Eyre) at the Atheneum la-st evening. In spite of the.inelenicney of the weather; and the many .ri- • vat attraetlons of halls and pbpArlar exhitUtions, to say nothing :,fthe':li.lnk, the lady had a aline Juuni ence, and 'sea ..recelvod with , evtilenees of pleasure sinU deep ?ass. IlolloWay though new to public as a -14-1-t urer ' • possesses nbilitles• w will ,Insure he, emintel!,..ilece.s. To an attract ac attractive face she add , the Aharnts of a graceful person mid cuitt ,vsted 'stunners; she is evidently I.e 1131 UN a refined. !),,ceplw sympatitiMng, posstidy_ from her per alma! it.crjence,,; with. the• hard struggles' and trialvt hat ll,VoLve,t her heroine, she enters Into Mi. the deeplad:profourid revetme of Charlotte idronte's mind with the k444.,nest -analysis,..and follOwit her early deyelorxd'genius rolts final trtuumbs, with a .tieeer, eutyi tut pertAnacity,.whieli MIN-eloped:4 n the part- of the -lecturer, tO.le genius; great': power of.. lanenage,find an 10tutiveknowlesIge of httman na ture. . • 'lt Sei •Z•ery - esfident that -Mt< thilhuravi feels:that the.WCOti. as now governed. is thoroughly open' to her ,:c.x , fpr - tlle dirplay of every gntet-Or latent. Mite a' , ..scried that the :Moral of Charlotte Ttronte'ii, life woe, that a youngrtvoilian boat th the ottagurt Vlll . - r,lll tidings, of eotln try 1 Efe, 110privel by tAverty. of .ahnoSt every facility of acquiring mccomplhdintents that ihmnrriand , sneer-Pc:Oen likthe.death..of.her too- . _ . . t her whet' almost a with a 1art., , 0, (Malty' of dependent children upon her care;'callid g ot fn s-alltt from what ithe , superficial oto , -.erver would mein to consider the most unfortunate. . 1 0 ilrcum starers which fortune 'ever bla,Sted her u.nder tiktugs—yet In spite °fall this she twittered itsplen- ROCCWWI -Land; did IL Without vlollkting her womanly nature, :without sacrificing arty of. the, graces of a daughter (kin sister, and Iktiliont ne glecting tite,detalls of tire dornestle'flreside and pa-_ rental home. Surely this is the best,iidble-st and true.t rtelw or Wom:tten ILL.:his.= • • .The ettart of tlie . httll is now ieat anti seats can, he seenreo_ at the book Store oaf r ltannati Itatlso without extra charge.- Zieltfets • • • . .. • • • Stattlngs:—Tlie M. E.: Onrl,' , reiy.q. 'ail-- otiriletto:!. Montlily,evpiling, attar ii . few days . , • sessiop. ' , _ • • The Steam (-oilier "AchilleA," ~vonstructed for • the Reading Ituilioad.ContpanY, , has been win pietist: . . . .. hundreds were turnisi.itway from the Metho dist :Church, on last .Sunday Morning, 'Upon which oemsiriii ItishopS11111”0/11 . primiebed one, Of .11iM most impresslve Aermon.4. • -,, Many of employed An the shops 'of the' ,Readittit Railroad Company; at Reading', hare been sto.pended oti acmittit of slack work. .4. team belonging, to', M r.i Lair reiThe, 'f) f NE:term:Hie, ran Away In this' to rotigy last sat . urday. , ' • . • . . thi NV'tidne4diry of last U•ed'k, John O'Neill, trainer, Nam killed in at Ilear• Hun. • The-Pt.ilc.Fainilk-gfive an entertainment at Union flaw en '.friesday evening. , • Strange unittister4 oceutiled, the - pulpits of nearly all cur eliiir'elres on,lMt Sabtkoh. • • Union flail at Ashland .ls - ottered for sale: Tlie Plieenix lidse Company wiltgive it,grAnd Ur on Mil on tinievening -!ril 18th:. But little sit - um - remains in our street, to-day; - The next animal session of the RbiLadelphist Methodist eonferenee will bo he,ld at . 'Reading.. The Good Intent Fire Company' give. a grarlit,:llia.(itio'ride on the Bthof Apo!: Altstateis tearing down his •building in Centre street, preparato,rrto erection of a handsome now • „ ft..;cluetion of,the,prien of labor 14 gdiii,g on all' . over the,coinitrv.' ;3. The Phoenix i•ire (company. lionsa Hook and Ladder'Truck this afternoon. IL I.).'Pekeis and Hiram Parker, or this -Bor on},-., have been conanned to be Pirif Assistant Engibeers In the 'Navy. ~ • Seicritl miners 'were arrested and. in $2/10; lastl..'aturtlay,•for isinpiracv. to atop; Work at_ the'llollierly of -,Chrieitian,Prantz, in •NeV; Castle towreiliip. • ; ; One hundred doll'ais.wa's ,raised. iunong .the • ladies ind,presenteil through Ceinference to the, "*Edow Qt." "Moi?re on last Monday.. ui~ttit. . , • / • - is . picking tip ,and • sPring trade promises to ,brisk. Good Friday "ocelir..4 on the . .15th ,and Easter, Sundliyfon theirth• of ': Capt. Gerhait take` . possetision of The. Northwestern, Iteitelien the first of •April. • ' Mr. Jae6l) 'will hike. p,essesaion cif •Perinsylvanieellall on 'the that Of April; The conitnission of Jerome Ilariutra") Deputy Collector' f Internal has been reTvokea.. Mr. J. R. Dichni ha's'purehased the 041 yard in Coal, strait, : fornierly ,oned • by Russel & Evans.' 31r..C. Witman, for a long time-conducteir on • the P. ct It: It., died et 'Reading lie:tvaatiurried ottglittraday with NllS.o,lllie 104:- Ora. .• 7 • .. ; " . The new Military . Company,at Donaldson has been equipped.' •. • • • - Some of our, strectsttre dusty and:the signs Of Spring are visible., • „. •,i K - . C•;'Llttle,. Esq.; has • had .his coMdissiam as Notary Public - extended for four years % dating from the 4th inst. ' f • • • trot Mr. Charles S. Ring, of Delaware Will assume control of the Repplier House,Ashland, on, the first of April. ' 1 • • '.The.Lehigb Canal was opened for 'navigation yesterday. •' The the Division Caeal will not beppen until the first of April. a• • On- - .Mondevening a son ofSananel Klinger, 'at Tower city, had an arm and leg, broken by being run over by g cgr.. • The dwelling house of Rebecca Inuslaii, : Mill Creek was destroyeaby fire on Thursday. ' Michael Given,"one of filament injured by the late bailer e*plosion,lnes since died of his in juries. TWO =ore of,theinjtirod .itien are still In I critical condition. • ! ' The Zoe troupe ;close :their engagement at - Union 13alI thin evening. • ; 'Yesterday was a lovely day, and our streets were thronged ,witit promenaaers. .1 • -' The Chief .13tr.rgels and h Constable of Shenandoab - Cityipt Wee. and. Wee:llW sone with their weapons last ' Our weekly atibscribers should subseribe tar' the , D r ur.T Jetritata;L: 'it is the livellust daily in thOnterieraf the-Stale:. .Many. intprornisenta L. hare ittreedY , conk usented isa r 91 4 1. 4,11 6.:. Th80;4441/ esesell be it lively oneinbuliding. E s• • • IVOritlig WC:W*0 ' 08111g id the - gnsiter-muntier the mitiefliirongitpet the County,-. . - ' • _ - 1~ i ~i 11131 =EI ti 1B A uc u. 6 New mt 2 3, 44 Ana. 840 IF_lkltt. 1,8- IX PI.U. ' pi t Full M. 12 10' #l4. Last .1311.44 -Jet. 6 2312.tcy'.11„ 21 , If : 2 691 I - 111111 VER.itiTtrx BOILER EXPLOSION -41. T .1 COLLIERY.' 4140-4,4l..qtantlY Ve ... Von fa rt 001, Ir,jured•:•‘, The, Entifie, BO' inati Deitiolished. and the Boiler Stones Thrown to ' • Distanc ; f ' • -f` "s. On 'Tuesday morning a terrihrefer'W- • .itirrattat the Colliery of the Wolf Creek Dia-. , Aziotiy •Ir.ofil- Company, ;near i.inerS - vill6, tic wh~Chthrce. boys were hurried 'bin) ; eternit. - /1, • • endclevetrofher penionii, men and: boys , work, • ip,igreil, the ni r ijority of theta dangnrOusly. -T4u4olifiisingalro uicholyoccti' rrenee risffurnisbed toI \us by our -Atimpts/(illft:e9nrespondent,,•"Matiol. • - • • liniTtie‘l**- - norning at a quarterto , berep o'clock onCiif t io•bsiler.s at the beWifer of the: Wolf Creek Diamond 'Coal Company. on Wolf -Creek u .-adioui:-.o ntiki,,..ab...s4l. plotted with terrible foree, ! The whole building; in :which the boilers e6mpleica.. d0..1 inolished, the mason work andal-mind y torn'. down and scattered in eyerY direction,' while , two of the boilers :wits,/ Vitits tiTnyti and the thirfl,•.the oneone causing' the dislite 14. r' • srt..l carried a distance of fully •one hunflreill 3 rAs an d . lancled.on tha railrosaineartAlti siw/tth leading to what is generally ivierwit as s Sevisf"s reakes. Largo stones comptasini shit toaatimwork of the • boiler timose'wqretiurpsi_nrgtilld, nil. all 'One 'stone, weighing., probably one httlitirednd fifty 'Shunt's, was. forms on the railroad, • a t/out. fifty yards below - Whorl' th e lattirs2/Tlio heavy wood work'comprontil, theft7tlre• - of the hulloing. was Scattered are - Mid, tom and 'spli -term' into Mere shrt*. 1 Three buys were instantly Jill bvheing either smldett or crushed Isy the seta/psi - Or tint. _ ber, while " five men and ,six 'buys beside, were. ttaire or. lesfs injured, • and ;others esinped slight seratelies, some ofescaping . 'so liar , . .• rowly that if•appeSrs-cdraost intiaculou4; • ' lht t-atise of the er.ple.Siott is.not.,yet known, but Will probably be iliirOvered in the ,c iurse of Alai Coroner's iftvcsilOtion.• . It is truly surprising that si feti.,Wert. when the met is taken intit:eunisitickanou that it oc.eurrtid u few nsintt.4/ ho op the reg./di/I. 4 hour for - cntineneing work. told when the men o and: boys! had eel:et-tea- around the :holler tunpie as is gust:US/arc Lefeic•starting. to Work. The bat oft tutilywountJA act& aii .s.l4arri,ed,is t'2.3k)k, ! John • . • • ;•• Woilhactl-- : Ja s cTith Molloyinan, badly bruised; man; leg broken. and otturivi.te badly injured t• John '.siteatt'cr. Man, -brubt.:l, ' this breast ; John tilleatfer,.. , son,- liana.; sq.:tided and sevepe seal p wound,. betthics i• otber, bruP:es; John Cor'itnbs, tuatt;•:-digittly i"sealdol anl bruised; .ht cub ! very' busily : scalded and' otherwise • tfOlsed: i'lir - Atiari;•ll'earer,.lssy, hand yrs/sited tutif-1i5441 cm En d a d resit plaefts; itierfaiider , laid;' bruised antitield told faee•ettl; ('itinpboll.., boy, teadiy:in- I *.inred si:veralv iAvalib,al; John Ka,rirle,.3s,,yi lit Ij. bruisol. acrd Nvero -re iniived and riLtende.4 by L ilelwig and .; .b.iliers were' dins , . Hu ?O'er:mitt AAA beeu earefutiSi.. cxain bled On SIVIIIIty, tcitrri ,they were O%A/6nm...ea inlirst:rati. order. The out- '. sitl9 wlticts ,xploti t sl; as vi if uti :ts tt:inlit4,ll it . re‘aattlY, ri.Tairoil, and the iron;iit the el:4l . liViwti tears t' lie of the brat •kintl, thOugh the end t tyres. t.-rn off almost as evenly as if . etedtf. • : ',Ono boy sittlni.; ,nutsidO the boiler house was thrown nottl.• 1110 latid , xl. oni the dirt- at bunk, thrown alissut twenty teeL e. ;nut fe!l. iu th.• snow, hoLii Iclituitathly thr , Te ttighlenial than hurt. NM A moat wi-ezein d to ctoss, in' fiad wvattiir; 1, th 4 spa:.e itailread and Itannai i ravemont. We do not know a spots., intieh travc-ic4l:' in town that nt:ds dc:ectit badly,. On --Wt. , nestiay, siic•iniitit's • tilt thud: - Water, and I . l;l,...;iiieitt.-i oY u . ipAttil elf's, in at teniptinu to ert,,,i i.,.i.k.r,efieral suffice; of Cf.)11111Ell it tlr the citizens- -siding, in the'ea.ite;rn-end of tho Will--tho to Councils that the nui-,ance 11l abated? . . • • Thd forlqwing . is a list of unclainied letters ietnaining'in the rott.,vilie Voat.Olifeha Mardi' 25; , 1870 • • Armbruster SI Greniang'Sacob '‘.*.Nianter Atnlus Su.rul. •CP.hbons th,V4CII VEINY+ Anthony lialdy H • Itartincal A E Vrel,ohdanz'J H Livid Iteyer AR• , ntirelthant Jacobllartly johu shillvan Ilan mown Mary A - 1:ark...A.4,r U 14ehaefer - Ora - swell Jame:. .Kecte Throala.4 Shay . • Dentzer • stepli4ns • Ininean Milton FLinier Sehwartz. Joseph Doty Lizzie .• . Lee Kate : '" Shaeffer J Edelman Win Lee Idtralida • Turner It Iran liehert.eurullne :31c1C.nizie 4li wikkur. Perri ! Fannin Putriek \t-Finn Patrick 'Wood:Thom:6 .Graber Ulturore et zka Henry 'Wells J , - nEr•onT OF licuLpIAG: coaiirrrrEP ON ciloo..aixa A i , i,.ir Fox,t - .YE. TO Vie Scle•of 11, , Lr4.7 . IM . Dorough of Pot:.n.' 'llk. , 4' :'Chi' -undersigned, Cirminittee to whom wita referred the plans 4 , lllnuittedijorii sehook 'noise,' to be orented on Mincirs , . - 1116‘ , street - , .rest peetfully report that in Tursuarioa of their in strur liens on the port'of ;tor 13..aird, they have earethily itntliotirartiallv. e,xamine4.l.tiahl4ilans,f Minutely-an:l,in &tenni, !With reference: Ist to tile location Se!ectedfur the proja)sed li. ):::4:i 2:14.1 the II tratlxiritral (daSs ef-Seholara,itiSlittert tled to accommodate ; and ilril the true Tolle:F -or the Itefirkbin the ereetiort, of drool hou(se.4, . for both imMcdhit6 tisk: 'and future durability, as the wisest •CconOut2. - .of the public funds..- After hilly eiinsidering the whole :falijeet, and 'under a - r!,,mwientions.i., , inse of their• rspozna. iiiilliy, your efitr.mitteC' prefer and recommend ',Per atiopthM by the Boa \ . , .the plan ,;:liy`Joliri P il„l razer, Esif,r t to following, tunong r4. \ .c. other- rea4 r ai., n•for their elloi . . 'l'ire shape of the hori,ie int the whole is - bettCr,, in our judgment, for ester rail .apramrance, hut More iiiirtierilarly for its . •adaptal,ility to interior tl4visioir and- arramccrirent.: to suit the. mutual Convenience, ,corntdrt and advantage of both teaelier, and pupil. •The toile and size of the .severlif rooms:J.l inst:iiiiee, woubl iseeess:arily •Seat the children no l'I': di ro-tly ;at all time; nu -der the; eye of the I'avion - , in the Frazer plan, than in' that of Mi. Mar.lz,; , - ;:intl-Ilie ready acees t 4-. and c.oirrounieatic,n; Ir,rn late part of the building to ;Maher in the foraier, is far prefera: ble, in kair Old ti hut ; to the:l-AV:irate arrangement Provided for in the latter. :".,,, :11, v, wit h the-lee:l r Lion of the elosl,ts, aird , tke gtmei'al,eethroniy.of .finive 'Mille arrazureniont of st..tirwaP-', .tic,-; to our yiew,-they cannot ,Well be improved 111/011 i 1.4 .Sr: but-in the Frazer'-plan."Y.oitr- committee have furtheraliought it! to rufswer the 'triaintobiJetion tilreail., -, ', intimated, to the build hp , of a house at-Cording to th , Nan, naniCly, ' "its rtpelisiveriess. 'it is true your committee . I) that sindi a house will .•sort more than 'rictie .: ere , led upon Mi . .' .Niariz , k plan, bu t Nis e also lelieve that it will:be worth more .than the differemle to the public; that it will be more durable, 'that it will ,Welir better and give Inure satisfaction In- its use. A sch k sft building is ,;,... : aibjecled to'a severity of strain upOnits every Jolut and thither, wholly unknown in a private :resilience, and that hilt- few imblie • buildings .have. applied .to : thein: :Me frequent, and ,ofttitles!yiolent motion-6,ra number id' persona trrgetyer,- require,. heavy walls rind strung rind well. tied dourer.;; to, wit listand . .the constant Vibration, ,A- Ifouse, : therefore,- althrmah - cost: , dug More numey4O build, may prove the cheap est:in the end, if it ,deist, and longest, and at least expense for-rCpairs,suirserl, - es the purpoSe fur which- it . \ \'''44...-re et:ed. 'rho objection. that. , . the• walls proposed would be unneee..,sarily thick; ia we think, , ori, the contrary, an add:: tional advantage of thls plan. , '1 (ley eau lie .untie liojlow. if ner , Osary, . and white thus answering ton great - degree tlie stri:ligth'con teinplated, ;hey will further lie tirade inrper-, \ions to. the, .cold, -and gspeciall2.• the dampness from without. ' - . i- ' .i.,. •' Those. tionrcilulift, Wits. tiro aetion 'of the :w.caillef,,the licitys, - he:dila; fittuatts lii Match:we are liable- in this;etiinate, will kalcite,. hew 'Stone of the,medd - costly,i rind ethericnie 'best-build ings In ihisloctlity - , , ,arc seriously ihanaged from :this cause; Mid tlitil il, -- natlis - :r-boarding, pain t, and - ever cement'. have been- resorted to ritgiimit additional cost, to remedy a defect that : might . so readily- haee been impiiiie ' d in the- original construction. 3loreayiii, a gtint I house- *III , trio ways'bO worth - the money it iseitarto„build . V., Where there has been reasonable .oeinpetittort 'atrMo• 6 Contractors fair the. if ib. -It is needed -that the two buildings erected ' by .. this Beard; within it few yeara'palt, are fully worth all they cost, expensive al they undoubtedly were ; ,- but that inch buildings could not have been put up. for less'nloney r and there Is no reason to fear - any different result with proper management in the present in.stauce, Our school town' capac ity is net- poi a' with the rapid: increase 01 par 13 f ir4zh population:-'floc School hoard must build-school -houses, rind the'simple lilies- Len on thatpoint is, whether if is better. more truly,. Wisei and economical; in the public- in terest,.to pit up 1401 KI, SW) i f aIl Li al :Old ces that will endure and ita turn, aux.ofurnodhte. several generatimis; even if-such houses do' 'cost large NUMB of money, and impose heavy taxt4; or to , buildt , heap homvs, that May last our time, bet which, ln all probability our' children will - liaNa . to renew pi altiagether:relinild.. We hive pal pable illtistration,a ties folly of erecting cheap houses,' in the Fislibien, Sharp Mountain,. and East Norwegian. siren buildings, • buildings Wh icliannually ,reci Wire: largo,, 8(111114 Of money,- proportionate . to: their original cost; to - keep theta in ordinary repair.; and_ ell of which must , in the course of avfeW years he abandoned as ,' unfit for use, and positively: dangerous. In conchtsienove MIN.° this one other considers . Lion to Suggest: The architect of - the preferred _plan, Mr. k'mzer, hay made - school buildings -something of - a specialty in the line of hhi :pro fession i, and his reputation in that resPeet has been Well attested. . We 'have twice relied upon his skill and judgment, 'when hi h , :ith instances, there was. much- diversity-of opinion,' and' like competition as to the sire and plan of buildingS Kest salted to year wants. The result is before us,- The two buildings erected, - according to -his plans; are Standing nionuntents or his ,Trofes-' Ishmael Skill; ormunents do the Borough, ..and so far have tbltilled in .every feartieular nur re-. qtlireminats for school iiiirposeS, and one _indeed wasie.ven adepted as tiatenlel -11,y the State De partm'ent.t, Sorely our knowlesige of,- and ex— perience with such -an architect, - 'Who has so hilly prated his crinipeteney„ ought AO_ r eo_unt mathea. a guarantee for any work - , 'laced in his hands. ' We therefore - reetnumenal the Sol. lowing:resoluthm for Adoption by the Board: --; - lierotird, That 'this 13..iitn1 at Liireeirus beret), an., 'vat' and ado the Fralwr Plan at building there*ith submitted) fo ra sehoul house to be erected on Mt.— nemville street; ast,tthatt. the -Building Ociannwea; are Instnaited and empowenst to proceed fortlavrith . t.6 , procur , p ro p er woraing plans and : speettlestionis for such:horase r sind to istriertise &f awn as .praotlas bid for bids-todu the wink, all of wiltels is respeqt. fully submitted. . - W.N. F.. Ihrts.:2, cluarttuus. - __L li nt . DKU H. POrrISTILLE, NO . V. 21th,1 Itvitl. - .: ' . .1 • Mr. Brazos dia not- platy: the -- "Ceutro street .• . _ school house. ' It waXp , laningi fit met of the Mara ila- egruaectiMiC frith Mr. rltiii;aiiii,' sa t t:a h isi iit ow n tspoit t i po . t.: r t: i ts.,cal n tv ta tiviiii n eda d tz e inri n "lit t lo : ;: a ., : ii, d_ iftyroale hr i.o r l i it_t: F i Lmetc hii r , n i7 e e,s yi, fei..aew r - . . , atteratio:rta '.'shih.tidilial ta.the expetio at, gra ,building; lita to' theiiimitl is due' the. eiatitiog: phi:ail/3g. The btifldiaki , mirich;th terteinkY-1- al seedone,andtcluek; lbrzetbingie'remtirotte heal:rent . .omit Oarly tit ;imp 4 , 40 : iv/kat*. WO. • 1ner 0 ,7 16 1 . erkt l6l )- 4113.****• tlie . bierills* . triaoer ecitrect. .. -;, - • •• • • - "-• • . local Posintss Polices. sable' !A; eehts a 1 recels • tre • gIE 1• ,ritic I the L .. 20 ce of • an . 1 • ced!,lo. s W' I Cloth • F ,f the II tieit, qualities. tst D. A. Smlth'e. ..X•titze St: Fa sca PADDED LINEN Vitus, a beautiful arti• e Suitt (Xntre'Street. • • DAPNESB,* 33LINDNES 'it 'CATARRH ill mated with success by J. ISAACS. 31. D.. Prop of D stases of Eye end. EDT. (his specialty). Iti the Medi b. C o ll of Ps.. twelve ycars. experiencct (rem, rfarnr rStr.7o ls-sr4lVenir TestUnTnrWarills ofll ..- The medical 'faecity are ti vi ed to accompapy their patients. ' Arti ly eyes In.. rted without polo. E.F.amluatlon free. ,- . , • ,-,_ Jul} 31, 'al-21-91u ' . , . - • f. t HENEY 8/LT LOWS ;RED OIL LINIMENT. - I ji be ,great external rem 1,0 11. f Inin%edy or ematisnx.l lthu :Stilfrims of the Joints, Sr. Mees-..singnnsnrpassed illiwns a'fielatent.. It Nei prove Itself it tread Rtilbry tff ta-vef ofUt enfmktharkittiltrtien raligla, either e Ight or wades, t is. always ready to , relleVe pain' This Liniment has Wen in use-for the last Ofteen years, agaoaai s,atisfaalOa , Whlever it has beirtit6Mba. . , Pr pared and sold by Dirs. C. 1i.4471A - 11Co. Cent e St., Pottsville. :wn; at ;%llttersvi LAW; - ItENt'E IiEtOWN; Druggists: ..41shIsm H. 14. MA tr D agg i mo _ aN/Z .r.2A)goILS.ILi--110tu14 311 a zaittioa Por rka a ti this Cough Medicinena% e been sold , in eye yeirs,lo(4l44=4, ll oAr , 3" ipeen in 3 iTA b Y The-rough steeomparOnit onlinary an t cold nl strveAuttcougt4of Ctsesttinptio4 lutvo*UtrO y aided- Nta 144 It IA IA iftt. 4 4W vtit4a..l4, coMptpulty* and ho family should be without is pleastilit to tbe taste. It Is prepAraa Ire.' Lawr cAsEit- HourtE;lt, or Phlludelkhltia; and I. sold hv 'Jr. 1tu1f1N.94.4?-1, and Mrs. Drugglsts. Potts atal by nearly every Druggist aiul-tslaresitcwpdy at Aolouts A bottle.'Pee 4, ' 1 . CAP Ir .."1 ,PI:I4.:TOI.Lit•L Ty.aputz ,_, : For enlp, Congtw, :gore Throit, t end liqnr)&iiii..,- ~'.. Non l e,s4d _091X,.,..1i0ite so Ijleustu+None Cure,niQulct.:: - f IitSITTOX.4 .. C:!O.. 1.0 . As tor llou,4e,'N'ine . York. te no iliOro orl-hose'beirtipe - Utstod nnauseating• ”111 i UNI:N. egrita3 - TJlllitiB.:' . ;:i i Ov.B,*.Q,-.50---1411• ~ , ,i T rabliGii,,ZOLD, Oft . SCI.E.V. Till.oAT - fik:. .... ov:tires' . tranlvtllnre 114f:titian,. tis:i„ ~,, '. neglect. oneii resting' In iin Ineuntiile . : &.%)" , ifj, • Luit • Dlsrd.4. .itttom'N'S flttoNettl.. t ," O I. . - ON GHi c iL pd,. - TII.OVIILS will mo•A iniaruil4ll QR gve i Instant: relief.'. 10 . r IMON , urns. ; ..• iq u O .c Anirms,CatAnclt,CoNsrm rrivr,roul• -.. .[.: Tun . o.yr Insr.Asy:s. they have 'ii. soot lain: tumt... I . Itlll, ana PUBLIC SPE.A.K.F.II3use thetn; to cle:tv ifi4A,p.'•gtw,thetf ti l c3 . . ruico, - : ,,...; .:. - t i -., .:- 7. • CYO( Lit;:flittVe n.irst rept:l:MT:n - 1.0 popiiticriry , e)t T.i, , Trolitt-t,ittany'vo:tiarar am t r itrap isni Untipn, are 'op. fercil which arc jooJ fur Wig/ i/i f/. Be *pre - to orrrArzi., the rue - I.3ItOWii:S•III3.6NCIII.II , T nocii aft gum) EvrairwirEity. N )v. • , - - • • .. • . SEASON AND' rrs. TtANOSTI.g . ,::-The 1 jhutanna trodyisclaielly eomptk, d: td linklac3 1111.4 i, illtrel % assensildvoio every cluing , In I,lto vutulition• of t at/notionale 1.. A the weed tleideatv vh.ti.t . trolneter, - . or_t ot'quieltslleer In . )) Itarothet er ubt . ... • •- • ' •• -A" T estoivaeh..theaiaa.theuervc., t Ititatts,itna t extzutory organs t thl'e : 14-be, focted bythe-, vaciatitowt:llnitlelihe tiosit o.4etlctY against their dislott rout) tendeneyis to 4:cepdlle Itlael:Snery, feeds tuitl tiourlslies..ttni• wtOle system, In -44vott stork , • •If.the Moto:Leh 1.. weal: •)r disordered iiclther (he bl. t id nor he Idle can Ito in a:healthy stlite, and Upon, ht. fit near of these tWO;;llst{l.4l:l)itlittiat 4 for otliz•! ees assigned to tlitilu by stature; the".&•gulariir of dtivir ilow, health lit a •greti,t measure depen)l4.`• • %kitten thotUr u; heavilysates wlttieli/111Lto cuporti; Its It often Is at th is, season of the year, the digestion • Nhtitl I'd bean ottlett of ix:v.1111:1r care.. •I f It is weal: and languid, the. Whole' physical structure 3)111 be en•trvated. If it 14 vigurotis; the entim Orgamizatdon: kill be strong to reechothe untrawunl xiwt tle'prez.aing litlltte nee of at clamp and vlt Sated tit A pure and powerful Vanieds there:Oro t-gpeplally. ne•tded as a sateguttrd a:011)st Cite dist:iv:es loos) e'• on t 'IMO)) the ittorhtg,Al.n.l llosietterlii-honittellSitter's heljng. the inc• - wholestorttu•nod-partent nottliellict of clatv.. a resent .known,luenttrsu‘tt ititrideu; larlv itul‘hut de at 'tits is , rlotiof.theyear. -D,Lat sti".4l - and streibildielittrAbe liver and bowels regulated. the nervous system braee.‘i and totture put) oaStrite of active defence againfit the lat4fatiitvirbielistipeirthiluers Interntittdrat unit - re:nit - tent fevers,rlitutuatistosi;nevatts hylnehondrta an 4; ti other nrriplainti; which :tr.): aP.I, to hssa the . tantotte l / 4 1 arid unfortifteit origanizattolm. Thu brich-,-I):.)!trengtlienetd ' Nei thtint - . turd t lug Alit.: brat)), infil - onsetinently unpleasantryvaetlort, rot.' lo*R - It. , rrtivrrliag faTaTena'ratra.k . cipeirotitttf:'." • Sun 1, 'TOI-12." • • • • • ,- , A Tinetura'af iars healing herbs, ,5gt4..13 battles a Si. ae,si 1:10,s;• -An _ l O IYIY:0d1 iireas an recerp otsrsonlyv • and guaranteed. ott" o i„ 40- A Gentke Fimlly Medi erns prepared:rot thip Ctik of Dyspepsia, aßioutaissai Calk. Feerra Ague, &e: Iten• •/ coLra3es Digestion, -team , Hearti•' 'burn, pbrifics the Cloodo& - eegul:ates tho LAI" .Sev , CireQtr.. "Fold Omr.ctos shißSßEt i g otr.raav:g.°l.i're".r.D.t'4l,74 - ...' S Nina, Jt reculltes Mo . Stip, • . . JO . - els, quiets llostleumni,sll.sys ; .„. - ._ .: 1,..,„, , , , , 2tiort..,, 0 %. c 0 n .. „ .„ ..:„ . ,,,, RELIE4 Gums, awl riders . Teethili 4 • esslo. i'rk, :',.0,c tf4..f_T4!: t.rl. i ' , 4 W iYt'ln : " setllPriits ttuptto4 lc, nvul otteata4 zuts. OILLOWAY'S ESSENCE C. 71." GINGER, is or double strength,-anit the' enlc p re Estwiice of' Jimmies atti g er rn the.arke •-• t eretore t ; he only article to he rt•lied•on In eases o Colic, Cholera Moq-bus, Dlatchosa;‘Dysetitery, Inill 7 giistion, the efrects - mt Change of Water, _7‘.'dds; 5C,..• TorignatAra n-m 's . taill tiViithOr. halt tett.' spoonful Of. It 4svo re tham[4'oh whrite-stitt. of any. other. Soli by druggis•ta.and storekeepers: Fifty cent* per bottic. Johnson, Hollnwity_ de . -Cowz dOn, ar„,tArcliStrei r st -- • • . , Civic You "VFX.ILLFI - 43*: Coiii , :e.criozei, • • • They:are fic, delicious.' The doctors and Insitteri.say they-are the,inost safe runt ettcct u:d remedy for those. pasts of WO ItNIS. The gc nutne.harc the signatures of. the proprietors On. stile- wrablwr: of box . ; TWenty-tive eciutsi per box. Johnson, I,lollowarS, .Cowden; Ate It 1 4 :L1'1111n. —bine 4.. Nta-:'ls-13,1t HE coNrEsszoNs OF 'AN INVALID F / Published for ' the 13,eui , fit of VutrlrG !dim, and ;others who 1. - ntrer .frrnn 14 - rrvotts Vein Ifty, .ere.,nttp plying tht, or'belf-ciire. • Wrltte4 by 1..n0,wh0 (lard - himself; and r.ent free °upeel g .Nddrcw4 . • , NAT-LIANIEL 1%1.1 I Der. : 2,t, , 1.41H32-oin lsr«kiln 4;. • .` ('It . ..AU'SiIAW—KEINE-on the Ifltrilnxt . .,at. thu M. E. l'acsonaifc, St. (lair, by 1:4.1i. I:. us; Pa, 'Mc: )CN EL B. Nlary,C. hi LL; ail Y. St. Clair, Schuylkill Co.. Pa.' . • ' l .: c tb the Rev. lt. SietiC, LLEWELLYN Wit Phi latielplila. ILIOIII claugbte .of I4lr:Sogebli. ituicharir, of Pottsville.- • . : • -I--- J ~_~ ~ 1 DABSY—Onthe lith Inst„ In trktonal. Toirn- -. fillip, KA 1-:.NIA la it,‘,, daughter _of Daniel aria Ain, tI/1.41. Flaw y, aged I year. . . . . 'L. At (14 - AlF. . he i mak:, At pottsv.ille„Ar ti.l.t.ilf cl...AlnottE, an ei (t and esteemed citizen. hgell:6l y.enr. , . Ills renott rlttrw ere eollveyed, IQ -i'arlisktirg - cheater l'o., for Itsternjent., ..- . . I ROSENGART.V.. - -01 . 1 the I§tkill-St...' in . I , ol.l.sql:ar.i A Lt.g.:: LoVISA; yOhogest daagli t ex. of lUeurge. gLid. Mary Itoseugart eq., aged IS moat ha. :.• • - -:-- .. . . tillAEFFElt.—Dri the '2llth of Jantun*, In Hurt: Irttin,wlg,, Major 101 SHAY:EVIL, aged 93 eari..: : 1 Si 'IIA,N77,—On the:s(li inst., hi gehuylki!,llfavri,',- .I9ll.!.&.M.SellANTZ,•droe.maker,n native of 4 .ierptallki'l 1414147 year:. and !.i days... • ' ' '".. N I: 81 7.1-1 - Ifi:KDD,•On the ntli InZ4".:lft Iln!grovil, V4)l !wit er.i(tt:.a, ; need 35 yeais and 7 days. - ~.. r.- . ___ 1 V.77: - .__. - 1 - t --- . L.__ •L_ ______,___,....__....— ....=.: ritrANT'ED' Tf) lIENT.---t' dwelling', house lu 11. this portutii,ghttaith, fora slim.. !I faitillS - ., Ail arcs Box 412, l'uttsville, stating Incultt.Oari4.lahnuat vitt. • . •• March 1l '7l)--.12-tf--4 - i- . ...ttl . . ,T, AND:WAD:IIAZ: TS WANTED • . uF WAII try ibil! Asir ArEXic.Al; WAR. , r , FOREIGN CONS. sToc..l;s, fioLp, '44. ;KTRN 3DiNT futd,other 154 LOS . lil_ , Utilfe andAU Ll*. LLEGTIONS Kumla ly."Jaado uu all paints, DE 11XiITS RECZIV.t.:I)... • . . No pains will lie sPartni. to _servo the Interests, ol littse Who favor us with their bust neks. .21.111 N S. It USIWON dlk CO., - Itaiiker an 1:rol.:(: , t.s, Nu. 5u soutN al St.:, i'lrilliAlfr . . . , , Jou. I. 70 1 ;IY • !' - - V't4ntlo_iic — cs: MOTICE—IN THE COHHT . OF COMMON, PLEAS. OE • acH UYLKILL COUNTY. , ... W kllialp l'rice, . 152 ' Muich Term; itqs.). :.. - -• } Jane Plici•._'. ...A.ThaisSubix)ena, fora iiiitorce.- - To 'the rOspootlerit hbove named;.—You atte, tetchy require...l ta.uppear , rit a Court of CaniliTon 'leas, to 1, . 'held At P.vatiivttle, Air •thti Cohn - 1y of fichul•lklll. - oh the. Ermt I.Tonilay oflutni nest, to an iswer the complaint or the lib:Alan( in the aho'e .'toted case. liEolttili C. NW liNli.ool%, .ticrltr • tillerltrx - ORlce. Pottsville. I March 19, 1 , 70. . ,,j' NOTICE—IN THE CO PLEAS OF CHUY-.T. Mary Outwin, byS - lettd,lnizabeth Timrplln; . 41 MO. re. r Atlas Subpoena fur It • Hen ry-Outal n. •. ,-plruree. •'. 2.17 Deeetnber T., . To the respondent alioVe itained:-ILou are hereby tequlred to appear at a Court df Cotiituon I'hutx,lo beheld at l'ottaville, for the. County of Sehtlytkill; bn the that '..kionitayof June- next, to answer the cuatplalnt of the Sheri:int in the above atatedVease: CrEi)It.GEV. W;I:NKOIJP, Sherif 1: Sheriff's Ofllee, I'ottsville, March 19, 1.170. ESTATE OF JAMES .SILLIZE.A.N. PE CEASED.— Let Wt..; or Admltilstration'upolythe levitate of, Jana.% latF'7Of I?oia l lgti of ( VI tr i g n Lic g , e rttigra ntec nas oitc,cl {emandat against the e,{tate of the said decinient, are requeited., to make k now u the same to them without, delap, and those indeb" to the make; ppaacaneut, t No. 1315 N;linittui . street."Philana. EP . • . • : . Mahan:iv City, ,- A7MA.N1),.1 SILLIM'AIsi. , : • Mar 12,';111-6t, Iti, 117 Centre st4et, rottttil AUDITOR'S 11 - CITICE,-1 n' the- Orphan's'. Court of Schuylkill County.. In the matter blthe third Ifteipunt or .Michael aided, surviving ,Extent*r or i the extols of Richard Bear, deceased, • ' . The, undersigned Auditor a u pp t ulith? [En tino-r: C ourt(i te "v'tr•etterhillinriliroperitiyydnd. maids istri I hands or '3lleintel Bright, Trustee und'surylving Ex- , '.OC-41or of the last Riehunt Dear, tgerea.44.l, as r Ipe his keel/id aerouut tiled .'nft Trustee, and per Mk I thditt fterount flied ak Ex:xattor of said 'decedent ? to . and among tlok.e entitled to the sarttivaill meet the Partie4interestiTd forthe purpose of.his aimointment„ at h lit office, - NO. Itt Mob oniony, Kroet, l'othor Me. on &nutty, the Stith dart); 31arett, Pr:Oat o'clock A. Tlitatati IL SYALIKILIL -Auditor. ,Pottsville, March I 7.11!if THE. DISTII.I.OI* coo irk of the tidied Mattes for the Eastern Instriet of PennsylVauia, !;•'' William Speucer;of Ilinersville.fachuyinitlt.kuus-• v attd--sa-• a ruepaber re' tb_ lirtn of Freck d, Spencer,. contesise eralimaidli end" tuaePh IXroc . Fmk, and dot 11g:business in the inuneof eorge gee' neer and doing busttiess -in the avne of John r sue - nee having, rsititioned for bia discharge 'en i-r o lrourned meeting of Frwtitars vf,l ll l. * ball ail the da3r of April, A, U Inkut et-lack-4: M. Wince Register John P. ll , Asrt, I9p st hisnelei Centre street; Potavilte, Pennsylvania, that the e.g., „Valuation of the Il ankrupt may Itnished,,and any business of the second and third Meetings -re , Wird by sections and 2l of the Act of %mama' tcansacted. • • :The Register wilt also certify whether the • Bank.. • pi bagertned 1.4 his4lll4.Vraritsterilrise be hadihl - ...ittattlan the Std.' ot A orriz-A.. before the Court at Phlladelp at. to o'clock A. IL, when and where partion intannrtixl,inay &bole against Alto diseharge. • _, . . ru.. ;MenkeWltnesa the lion.John•thahltillader4telge Ofiald to District cottrtvand.thansal thereat* phi 4.. fajoipm a , tha Nth oar ot..MaraN%lrtsbn- • ' - • • . R. FOX. igi4,`-:, Ajtest—innin P. i fonAnTtßoll llllo, ‘. e • • Match 19, rni • oak and Albeitcon i3l:~' ~_ ow al Pottk ivittre 'street. tanal see rev' 3.-to MI ormura Ts NiVjA 111anteb ISE RT Or. -COMMON RILL COUNTY.. • . IBM :=== MARCH, .1870. - . ,O r riChe pe n giel property of Ltteharo, p„ •,tole r Cress° night at She arts - tra:e ,T-, he 12th annary t . 0, Is now the property 0: th, ndersi , -,_. •l' :„7,..;,, . JOSEIII IiARTOI.I,:f. March 6 -'7O • . .- 4 , - 12-:it, . . APE ' /13.04 PS NOTICE.—The ;110.1 . 3upe .4 • r Uilln p hereiyy gl •., ice that, -WIC public outcry to lid , I • m ••aml repatritueof all thp , -tiny ptibllc rocur in paid Towns 4 tp avti i s. nit,yelar. - su, Illibi,et.fJuim, Cotiiel 1 , it; ciivumnip, gu Saturday. tl”^-,1 day <1 "A.prd. 1870, of 3 &clock P. :tt, 'HE:I4Y- '1.115 J 1 F:ItNI )::•• Idurett 19.,'1"0-12-t3o] , - ASAII OY.T OWITSIIIeIt 0 .11155.-Tll. ; I.VI Ite are hereby itotitleth that the u:1 , 1, 1.., Supervlaur .I.lahanny• Tchilts:t Ip, u a , . f, vendui 'Salmi - lan, the B..conti n[- Aio sit - dire eeloek. 1 wthe nfterno)n, at Glow. It:style; at LanattAtt'e, Patch: In 'utd Town: 4 ,lLT.: iniattlagjMerreßMllt roads hanoy Township, for the ett.tli - sAltuEl, EvEfiETT, .. • warchJg„.'W.—r4-21.*, super\ ILTITN13,13:81111 . . he. underZrm this daY formed copartnership for shipment, • f CO AL,isittiler the ' • '• • tit' ItEI . PI-11-.1 . : • • .' t 7;•/'•* , _„-; , '- '„. • •,• 1 • 'N. P. (.“31tDON, • ' 'e Jim. 11:11. E 1t.47: • • n•.: • •' Ctilwartnerhfi ;,,, • existing under tirah. of t .r,!, • at aud TOrk. and of &,,c0„ at ktun Wut is thi.v day , ;... Sent. • Either party will sign Lk. C.A.I.I4WEL.C; ,Jr.p?; A. tl AL; ..• Ya C10 , 1,t110:_.; • !"‘• IL , • - , PALliii.lel,oo4.-110.3.1.,;(4. • . N: .4 - iiiLititlE.l3l3 , lol3ED have ror i fo,i nershlp under - the style of lint', , • turd ivlll•vuntluuoltio Imshwis at ,*. streut,ll4.stonolud ; ' • Philatin.,Jault P. xcE" urer4 and 41F .I.\l Pumps. are livreby es at h-f.; fat.turee;sale,.uz' use. of.uziv Puato4.t4,•‘: ;,rt . „•filfigenienri -13171, as they will be pcosevuted, to the. •I have ulretul2. - coui.aced \ ..kaLPIMILsCINte - . Part earl POI a prll , • Partle,s in Avaiituf I`,atitiziess suppitc,l4- '7ble • . . • , • , It, id, sc?:: II A s s.? ' ' Fraultlin Pfau Work's - , ' Jan: I, '74 . 'lrir -- sitte: nob T.O .'ft: 'T- FOlt SALE. . . . .. cy.s• 1 , ... (4 the NICE fa. 'f' 'PAIR ~ f 31 V LES • 1.,, • : i in Schuylkill Vounly, for snit , t.t - - ' ''' -;`• . „o: 141MAIMI - :f SE., POT r..4' , .. - : i : ..... • mareb .19, .79 , ..,..,... - 1'..:- :... . .. 'OBF, /3-E,NT. --, A ittomu,.t h•S al thwr to t•ali'z 1' , : , :t1, • lug. Ceut it...54,-rott?..vEle. .11:14Y - to - . . J:111 , 4 , , 70.4-tf A. • ..1.:14 EPLA It. N!,..reilont',. II .. , ,-.-- , tfil ii • "' - f' • • • FOR SALE.--‘_ t_!... otht• I °I, o-• _•, Pt t at- •• 1.:ti10. 141,i1t by l'aitio ..c.. l'ritcharll, New T , ,, n • hire in 1.(4c. on tv .1 - 1 ;lir 4:14)11t hs, anti is IR perlet't ~..-". . For bale ocrreboniallt , Willis. A pip N.- to or lithii: .1' • L."Fitl-:( 95•:5:111cr,.1.1 . r , , 11-41 Sitach .12, '7O - - . T Z OII. SALE C.1.1E4,e.-11.tniz.bil tta n Engine, I.l,qllors&rower,Threti : Jl Allalnet(-r,• fect k•troke. tt I; It : . pr cc, OUJAC.KSON tIk:VANI:1 4 hanzwrivilre, s!outw.T kotttity,u: to lt WI; A :at, str,:t t. York • , March 124 - LBT.—Tlic Celtar, Cratilculd's • No, VA! Centre et reef. ac0c.... , ,•aa.1 gutteiVir zaorahle purposes. • , - • W. 11 )1 NI:DELL ( • thr. . super or col,ervilt 4prtu 'l% tly,r.ou; 01i•i.11,43.' fAppl}7 as above." Mur.l"l, '7 ,T.IRDEVFOR; SALE.-LA largo s.toek or Fluelwv.„- Linnets awl all kiatls.,,l sit ,lartls7•all tsitp.,rtetiq't 0, lit- Lan , r.•. ern ; (JE.O.' ,, WI.IIDEItIIOI.I), 31: '..+larliet • ', tk.: F 0 :S:A. new .v.Jud 1i old 'Dcrt Dttnif)ers, 3 tune Water Wagon,, all I kul t -10-ittelt track. ' CiElll'alE -W. ,SNY ttNv 'llEll., l'o11.• Jun 1,!(*-4- ---------- --,.... ..,—. , r i 'alt 6ALE.—A • Five Ton LoconliAle. suit, . , for 4-toot guage r. tad. Has [wen' u.... 1 f,,r. . yvying coal itzaf:cosal dirt zt the valuex; and is in c. urst(lr . . Apply- to - OE.U. W. w...xul y.Ert, .I. , ,, tibvii:. Jut I, .70 .., - stone tlwelltn:4 ti , mud lot of ground, situated - 111 , i'mtnr.villo, the *lot, tieing ti) feet twit depth. The terium nrt , reamonthle. .Iny infi , r ni:: gtveltby upplYlng to JNo. SI2+I2tION., Juts "itt-:V-;tini Or I)AV Ltrt•Le, • . '' . l:7oli; SALE .-11reaker..stntl . F:tiglitty, :-.1...1,- H , .. i L . LLII , I 1:11101.44 II"lleti, OtticeiShop44,Stv.,:c..3. -' :Y.: lutrly oceupiell - by the l'ri mart " , 64,- AID 1 i'et:i - I 1 ~ (743 , a1 C'o., :LI St. (21111 r. .11.%11 be' said lIINV., ,', i.j.: , . IigNII.Y . c:III.":"SEI., Itt'l'vlutiati!..:,,,' . •-• ', , . .. H •.,Iz,Ln 1,4 - 711 ' . '' ' ' '. -. .. . 1: 4 - 0R ILVNT:—Tw6 tultees, in r•USSI'Vrt t - 114.1, - i-ornvr and Nal,an:":44., ..• 'Povsk•tsNion April ist Apply !,. ' E.,tate.Ageut, Mar 13-Z1 • • - ....,. . .• . _ • . . TyvvtiLizia l uousr,s '. SALI 1.,.. , 3stury .Briel.:, lialistaft&'' oo,ll iirs-ti.. ofy - .:iftAil t -iv:stUry .1 . a1,•': ,ti4l . llti g ,, ':1.1 :-'. r,• -. . Apply t 4., 11.'1:- 11.1..:stik.:L, lt4 al ,:: k, , ..•.- r .. ~ 31.almut ! )uggi St revt.t. • '• - • . .1,.;. 14.1, . 1,,, , , .', - VOIC SALE.—:i Ft:ye Trrn J..' for 4-foot g,mt.c.4.! road. Tia, trig ...L9ltilrt at t!t , . ant 'rt..% tin.t Aler. n W. Pot .thottutry 1, '7O . . , r 'T:OR L:EA.BEl.—Tikt:r lutti,ic to et t c", listowh .11.*Itetl,l) a: NV itti.hrt.her Tact, It. • f.e•tr,,stt SehuY11:111 "I" , eA :k1 ! conglinlng apout :tc:rt,„ ulr,rt upon al , it,oirtible . .terhts. Apply to . • N.:ZAN, t,r rort F Ch . 0 1 ,t ." L. 011 „land, la- Lebanon t'ountv, six 1: - 01...s Ithfcgrove, along the line of OW Le , : fllla , n-and Yi grove Ittalrieti.l. Tire timber is pritieipally oar.: • 31.15 i )N . or to \V. 1:1.1.011 Farg.• s u. J uly SI, 't,..'3l-41 . - !1 LEASE.—A -Vilttuable . ihllll4` on t 1,.. M MOTH. VALI:it Itosh: alitt 5.1;.. - I D3lt.rl t 1; V i ~ idellar iinn /4 oue :nat. in the llnhzttio2.• Vl,lif ... Joining tit, tiiclulas Colliery. A. prAy to. ... .. . : FIi.AN E CA P.TI-.11 . . • • heal Estate Agent: S 1 I ve ‘ r, Tert,,,,.. - I . 0: L., 1..,.. .0et..30, ' ".(4-- 1 1-ltf • • " - - . . rigSIVABLE FO'n. • A - •IJ.The bithserther ”hers-ftr:' , ah• (lOU ilt• brick dwelling, corner of 'Ali ul,d tirl}u ylk itl l'01:1; . ' The growitts attached (Pi aterlp• rat e -under ti ' tation and well 5 tex•kt,l With ts ikc. Fur term. and ' lik;:shili", C. ItI:SSEL, • 'l7, olt 1.. - E A S E—A.ORIQULTU.RA.L K AND HOTEL.—The •undor,,,g,:ed . i•olitlyikilleonnlx Pork A.,-nch,t ,r 1 • plod glyth. on the lst. ). • IC..r.r.acttLit; • Feb 5; ; COLEIERy V muLES.I, t4ALE.-1 l'nuf 11 oli,l •Eng,nre; 1 Pump 1111,1 1 116i.ti0,: —• Dtuto anti ; I 111,cak,v - • . .31taqAtiory ; 'twel vv. 31u : L.i i.t 1 . - :4z. Tools, Sub., Sc., lately used at sllv,:Crr-..k.: : • , 14 - Ettlns.‘"ss, M-1 Feq. 9, `;u,-'..M7-tf n . 4L BTAT-E AGENXrf - ,-4)111t1-..1:. -, ii , • VEII T es.—The uwiersianed'haylug had ' yeafie experience inrvev ing, Ex:twin:it to , t, 1..1 ploratlon and Management - of coal kill and 'adJoining,,Count resi.eatull , 4 ~ :1 ~ •. .iercices tot ownen4 pf Lands, Cniliel la-- arid tatont every' desei ptton. lto is prepared to 411 , 1 Silde . 'Examination and' lieveloinnent.of Coal Land,. • . und Report.on•Condit ion of cofh , n • : ColioNlon of Rent,.Paynivut of Tuxe.;.4: - surveys of Mines, hunts, Lots, - • •• . • FLUNK. i~r CA REVER.ENcx.4--.George M. l'rontman, • dent Central NatiOnal Bank, Biddle Co.,Piniadelrida; Joshua Lipldnt - ott_J•••" ; . 0 Philadelphia; Adoipli .E. Lurie, . • i September 16, 'lO- SALE.-LThe 11IltiPrsIgn.,1 ~tiers at ,2 . . 1:, sale, a - very. valuable 'property. Intel I ;w„. - . ':- . i . ,• 7- Of Walklnl'riteliard, butt of l'o:t.:-.111;., ki, ~.. : ; -:;:::.,), The , priipertl.• eon;lats of two tilljoit tug los, '.: •:,•, , : : ,•• : ..:,•,:ti' _rt !Attire( street, in the Borough tie? Potfs,: , • , , ~:.-,..? tattling together In front on Laurel r•treel,ll:: , ! F..' ~ .- . 4t • and extendingliaek. atoll,: the line of a I Knit !'• • ~ ...0 ,"w ide alley , 3.. ts feet to High street . Tle•re is ,a. ~_ : -5 .' , ., the property - a large quantity of blinding sto. • • / , r. , .? bricks:: The iiiiiireveliwil is . 4 ...• . 1.,t-of 41'411.2 ::. :.. •• • • .-;.: Iter of Frame:and Shine Dwelling 110n5u , ,.. . - ~ . ,'_li 1 . The property frontsilipon th ree street., ti , ' • • ....,-,.'. the heart of this liorotrgh„ It would he a g0,..1 i.• , •,-: - : ,i,.,„'". -:erty forpartlesdeslring to erect a Brewery ia i •,• - = tory, and it Irlkilst be a very valiaafile,prOpertY:s.; ',• . rut uppitO lots vi.hlelt would!, brlng -high prler• .-,,,, .., account of their being tat near and .neeessilde 1., , • -.......-r : . business part of the town. It is Ideated hn . a pa• ~, ::. the town, that is being very much no prove. ;• : • , 2 , , ., tUrther Information applylls. f D.V.VlD _1..141 I:Z. • Attorney at Law, h W aw, Exeeui ,t'atlttli 1':i„-r:.1':i„-r:...•;:r._, , • cleet"nsed. 0121qe 179, Cu ri tri.:,..ttreet,rut tsville. . ..,!-:. -'ldtireli 12, ^o.'.. - - .-...— - MACHINERY FOR SALE: ' :',..•,'. . . . The following still on liand at [het/tine:in . • One puinping engine, sixty' imrse, tn.," Ing alt the mai:hitter). cohnected With the clusivy. One' holsting'en,%ine, sixty horse, with t chlttyry,"eouttoettxl wittt hoisting:. boilers used f. kr•ptuntpl fig and hoistim.:, tl, • ' (net h l yi It I tty-fou.r inches in diameter; with cortneetio s. • One fat ,' ten. feet, ditunefer, ch . ' ' gether w engine, I . .WYttty-live horstc.alol • ers, eenfeet by 'thirty Inches Witt:tete:, their co aectlinot all 'complete. , Otte st am putri 7-Itich (Allison - 4111annan to —a gat - tory.article. . • ;The above machinery is lu good es - 4111111.M. :.. will be sold seasonality, . Also, cold water pump and. pipes.: Wm:0114. o' and 36-incit gagv: Truftsling; Slieds,"antl the buildings whlchMutchlttery was in. Also; horses, twales, ll wagons; etc. .For.fUrt.her informatidn, inquire at - the ortl.:e. i';;!:;11 , 7, East Market at- or at. the Duncan Colliery. 7 .1116 7,1 '69-552-t f ;• • JOON 11.1, I Su ------. - ,__„ .10 W. ,13.13:EAFER; AGENT -- FOR OW Pl'..:'.. r.„-. 1 . . ..,% , • OFIVIMS t'' • ~: • - .1:4.. '. FIVE GOAL I.E.A.SF.q, . - • r... . . . „TWo_lauied at . llelfenateln, - Oa Maatraoth ~ ",,.l i - water 1e_761.• ,- ~ . -_ I One R4ys tst cif Llewellyn. • .-, One Hot' Lease,on' the Gate - Vein 7 feet t! ' •;• : - , . A ileum' ,-, Ma mmoth , likklmore_atpl Prtrar,,— , n „. .31111•Oreek. . . • Inr./31a - t. I.ANDs FOICSALE:t . ?SO acrtitaplentthl IVhite Oakllinber Land, I*- , * Lie for car:stuff. &e. 1000 acres T_lniher.Land In Potter' County. 1(9 acres yellow pine for itoorlug.f 1000 acres sill and prop timber. • 500-sores chestnut timber hold; • 500 acres good Red Shale. Farming- Into!. Is.ty. raznesellie and the 'runnel, cut into lots ,t , J.;a1:1.c. , ' A notian..and - lot tia . liahantongo struct. f^" hoot. • 5 Dwelling lint:met and,lot'at Spence A goal dwelliag and store I.l,olltott fur sale. on, near four collieries: A lot totiSanderson street, lailect frnot by :4 rt4t deep, with 2story 'frame house and. kite:len. .1 l'utlstrille, Ftbruarp ; ' . - _ t- . A' LARGE . LOT 0 ; Kklintie sh at' ire e ttg I ne„ , 1 Inn) , - horn) engine, . 1 tw thiry ty en . 7 I . twpirv^ " ' - I= ZEE _ El ~~: `~~,.., _.~~; yoga EV= -1 IME iii......_, z 1 1 . : rilU)'Y ll tl . F:At4C/lINE IO., • --,..• 10 srylitll : WI hnd ' lord P. ..z, 1111 p.. , . ! Xi tops 0 dna n, v.triqt:, 1 . ,- -t."17P3.... ' - .• !:-111 . 70 . 4,1 - h01! . . , t Ing ,d rra-