• "1 BIM FO.IZTV,--:SI Xt It ;YEAR. :Ifici. . :13:7 -;. COAL 11.11.A.DE ADV_ERTISEMETS• 09it 1A[4111610..1 ;Pier :4). 4. Port itiehroirrd., ' 1 • • ' , WELD, N ; AGLE AS; !C O.; Nliners nii(l - Shippers of, the geld QntOillen " , • __ but UST MOU NTAIN AN TIF.A.TII COALS'• ' .', • I lor ,M4nufn,cturlng and Do#Testic - use, nail Solo Agenti LI all 241arL:ets • ' I. • z FOft 1:117.-CLT.I:DRATMD ! 7.; E• IC .9 7. w;it " A;t;it. ARID. JAt'X4ON"I 4 I )II.IiEiItY s : 051,4 AVnliint 4L , P:~lhuhSphla, •-; mires.: • Ito ,Ittowjwity,.-PielivAork, , . ,• , • • • .7 4 _ ."i ; i1FICI!"/ W. NAGLD. -ED. SITEIMIX • JD. .' 1; '7"i • 5 " . _ . • 1.14,7iti. 1 5, - r,;A • iti,in;,uni. ; .; • HAAS' BRENIZ.EIV Min,ars and Shippers of • I :ritE suriproll rti I{. E Y Rrj N COAL, • ! Art) got.r A‘mt) - Tr4_ ,rolci • Crafit fi Co.'"i]Cetelnittrit. PLANK. RID4I.E,CO_AL 21g VifitliviiSt..l 01 1.:1 'Trinity Yf nlidin Q, Gen York, "•1 11-lltoanc POliton. • - C&STNER, ISTICKNEY 4- WELLINGTON. Miners and Skip . r)rs of , Coal. i 1:11,1N:: , 1I‘1.1, l'i:imi lin;l , r7turiglide Cul. 41 iiliamokin. I I:\‘' Is Vi , :iN ,, ft.•il .10,1 i.) , . , : • • • 1 . , i t rsT , Nli iI'I , ;TAIN (Wliit.l A . .. 41i.) , :,:i :Trinity Minding. New,Tork. . • ''' 03 INVainut tire'[,! rhilaalelphin.. . '2ll Ilklaue Street , nostott. : Nti. li, Poli:IC 111011MONI/, PHILA. " 1— MEM ..1./Zr Lti I. :V. . AI\EVIETT NEILL CO * _ . ~Bippt+rscifAfUtracitc& Bituminous: ,C) , • for flit , caln of !lir' eit.lebrated SII ENAX , f (VIA N f.otqnst Slias,o , Jl.: ; [Coal ' • - • • . N and 3101.T - N7I'AIN 11(?Ct A-. 11. 6(3:11.1 Or' • t , rilll. ;I Flt6Ni 110130id,.N, al-l( nts of Lehigh 4nd Boylan's CELE -1 LY • I • .!i• thc• En,atern market for tho .::•:.00l“..orgt. a creek CO.'s celeiornted r . Malady:' in. 241 'Walnut Street, . : Sew leirk Roani 6,lTriultylinittling,.. ''' ' I . rovirlene il4 Weybine.et Street. - : • • ,I 110%ill11. ...:5 Doane Ntrett. !,••,natyi - ..2, 'l , .)_ , _ : 8-1 s 4--=.. - I Pier ,o. . Port lirl lllbd. . 011 N - -R. VECO.E., & SON, . i'' Shippets .of i Coa - N0..316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. Den:AA for Stora;c• and Sal. of:Cnid : N.,. 31 t Wra Thlrtectith gttert, ‘,....a0•.! Third Avenel.. New' York. ' w..,..- , NVllari, NO. 09, India. Street, Providence. i ..ttio'- Wharf'. ML \Vashingion .Yvenne near .•.1..rAl str.,t, 15.,..;,,,e; i : him 1, ',76-1 -i- . Per ;So. if t , ''' ' . 1 :.A NCR Of 3, -LEW I gI. - CO., )1 I N rAti iNp SIT I I . I.FIRS OF SIZE i• 111) SS L ANI) •COAI4-1 . • , 11,11tANOY SIII'STAIN; • - • 'f I'll %Vale t yiL, ComiuerriatiMitcL, Philo .1 11 1 Broadway, Trinity Building, Room ; ' • CO, N.A".-I.SA,AC SELTZER, Agt. • .1 R Dowie St., Bunt Oat. Immary _l, '7O 'c0..61, - OF j.~SEIV t 3 VALLEY. 1 rl7 A 1,E.1L.; * ARM cAI7TioNEn thnt there 'are • I,ar t' . ollieries wltkh mine Ilibt 'Coal, all of I, :,re un, le.r,t lie niatialz.otai-nrof the undendgn -1 , a . the yil - ar - INTC-:1?:: , :lCh.sON & 4,1)., ()Milli'. . 1,, will be the 0u1,,A:z.151i4 Alt' UPI f4llO lu - New ..,.f, !. N(. l , ',irk, NeW JersOy, limttst.oath of Cape • ti,:r .kg - WWI v..11,1..a , .til iao lit her l'l,al what . ~! I, parties Wishl v.: Ow pure U'‘!51111110 article • ~- ure It of t hentl. The otti vet or this caution ....:... to coal le I ii"te I:: lt",ted to buy 'UMW .', 4,10 6: 11:1,1 1110 lISAAiaIItS foi - the 'ubove : ,..v,:t,, w , sNNIc,i(IN' K..t. , (N)., Genet - al , -. 1 .`1...!. I .V al aat sin , A, l'hiladelphhi; th,tr New ' I. a , 3:.• , utilty. ll' hilly Ittclbtlllg,+, J4),S. Ci. A,O nt ; as‘i4tr.l by OA:411A 11,10:4F.1.Er; ,2'..: , 11111o..0 , I nii i t, R .1 iktoh. tn.-r:, sh.culd he ..1.,', IL iltr .4 I 1. , -: . o irve.ndoied parties and to no . 1. ;' 'WM': It. Art AV f.:11 , (:eneral Manager !,, ~.,, i t itnilictWit , .. , it,. CO., the Short .!%lt.. Coal .o, lit,. ,1„;,-4,.II,, vAI ...y 00:41 Co. LJait. I. '7 ( -1. •,_ i - • : ' l'i,-r No. Itt.)•ort Itieinnon9l. • . ; - INNICK ON t az,' CO., - ,-,.....,,,, ro, the :-Lite aua Shlpnient of the' 'Franklin Coal of -Lyken,s • Valley , " • .. Gr.-'bout, New York, Neiv Jeracy and South, of Cap.' llirOr:t:. =EMI i Is. (13.1 Wain ti , 1 , 1 Stieet, Phiblulelphlft. }: •.,, • ; --, 1:8 ,Trinit Ito;lill'og. 'New York:. - ( 32.iStuuttO,r Street, Inottott. -1 :--; JO; 1:111i O. i3fOODIF;;Agent, I'. 0.; 10 l'a.ti, Neu' York'. ; l'ier itt ..North Port lifylituutO. OHN C. -SCOW . ' & 'SONS , 1 . Miners and.,4 ippers of Coal WM r ...,I.i: .‘,: . 1:Nr....3 iyott . 'Tan :4A I.FIDF ''..;., . :, ' *. • i . . 1 •!. 1 I'1,1': 1 /.1. L. E, Ltlet 1 - 1" 311)ItNT.11'..:'..WILItio Ash. ; -111.:.%; l'itANK' IN" Ittlip Rt. 4 Ash. , ..r. i • .. „ .. i,,• . n10 vellt.:tzl 1 ~, I mllftr In Itli,rrs.pectit. to '1 il.• I.V.I;:l..:: , :,:i VALTI.EY Coal. L I :: I N 4-; ( v.. 4)%vN I: it A.311()Ii is . lte+i A.Att. ' , i + r il 11-v1)1:L11 . 1i t A, —No. 2211 17E41.litill. „St: ~. • .1t O,STo4lC—.7tit4 , . 19 I). 4 atii 4 , tit. ' ~ "s LW I . llllli ' 11l lln,:talwlty; Cli.atulrer- I. I : t t t) Vh, Attellti t I-1 - 7 t , • • 11er 1,1.5.5ui,,1i. .- - G I RD&KELLE.R & NUTTING, Alwars and- Stiippers oft Coal' 9 ••!n , :I.t..GREEN:, W 001), . . •.Izl. A 511A1.7,1 . ; , , ..• i., \ 1-,b.1.1.E, 1 ...t • .. _ t . r. , i , ,ILT I. I iIWEIMI'. I' N , )1: ill FICASKI.I:i RED - AS/1, . . ' ltl.ACls:llll.;.vrti, . lip.: iLuN LOC UST MT., - - I:AttinEr :c sii. G - n..w tbvILLE. Kilby St:, u....t... ...; ttt 61 Trltiity littildlug. N, T. - 7 lVotlutit silreet.,Plilladellifills. . . Ii;; 7 17. • • - 1:1)111).1. liE,Lll..ltll 4;NUTTI'ING. • ::Tll ritANNLiN WirrrE' A.SIT. 17- . - IT „ 1-UlDill ELL Si CO -3, - -.,l l l:in — er''s" t - Sl Siippirs . of Coal . • .:_s' I .. ~...;!..... WaliinOt...Plkilarlelphla. • I ITflromolway. (Trinity 11u1141k..1) N. T. 7.; )•,:tsi•• Streelt,..llnatim. -• • 4 14: the sale lof the I'ullriwhas celebrated . . , Crals: i •ft ‘1:1.1:1Q11 lA.:titan (Y)AI '., • - •::y 4 - , ,, .0.1 . 0..*1iii:K0icy .I.ND DltAl'Ell COATI:, ..,,,,,•„_ ~..,...„,,,,(%).,„ („.•,,5.,,,..,... 0u1....; COAL ' 1 ticr N. 1 4 , . Illebinand. •I N,. '," I t .%.evy.l-3 :. - kpk r N,i.l3}.:2li jetlipl,N..T.. ....':, . . 1 1- \ _. 2...._-. - • , -, ..—..:__ . ' Plrr No. 15,l'rort 11,1rhuond. ,y, ' H . il ROMMEL,J . R. &BROTHER A(((ll .l, - i .,,,. , : I • ~... S 4 , 1:1; F...NTA ieOn ; ;,/- :4, mit.'ani n01.11.n0 HILL 11AHUIS , White Jbar. • ei.,.rlor It Di It I'Li. . bully 'Frel..l,uridai, Pleb Ask. ii. : ~,:rrat,, d DA.lilli . IVE I I.STIER.X44I9I.ed.Ast i r+lll l'ol' sEmi-nrrtNixork. • h ' i f• h ' ••. t i . , . :EIN - s .vji:.,„To I.F4H.101:1 ; r a. , Eliztbetlitx)rt. *. • 1 40:0; Walseue St.. llillmla..l 1 • ' .• ... : - 21 lionnt; Sliri-ft, Itoston- ! : .. I= . ! 1T.....n. 53. Trinity 11011.1ing, :Ney4 York. , .. r, %1.. Aii ENT—} 4 .% Si 1 7 EL 1 .. . iti. , 44 . q,ll.*4littela bi . .4 . Z L } NV N And FL K J F'Plilq.i. 2.llirrit h. TlV—io 'v'ANDUSEN ROTHERA. CO;• - 1 .Xiiiris Hid Shippers or , , , .. , • • C• 0 -4.'1, 5 . .... . .. • t" , n;,lnc%f Lrbirit. t oliatais. 'll,Oettct Gap, r i ilk..baiTr,:Lohlgb, iiiel ntbeti 'HITE 'AND RED 'ASH ',COALS,. -tot itieb!mon,t; , • . . -,•, • wi,Anv=4: Enzabethport. 1 itersey Pity. L I . LA Wnintit street, Ptilindelptll2. . ' ' I ' I!,%ruevirray; icew York. i • ~, ..,. ' 1 :. (tonne St 4 nantOn. . . Joni, .A..-1., , • . . 'J . .EY & KtNpErICK, ' - . r. 3. )4..N}:.11"..: .l WN,. um:cc:quer. ! . •". . Mirrors and uppersS of ;Coal. • ~ 4, - I - - D OVEr,'IdVDRXeIi ki tat . t /. I. DON F.T. .! . . • • . WM. IC printiclß. A i 3 : , : •`. and ih ' ippr,i or tile geirtir4l . '- ainb r ood and Keyston e 'o - Coa l s, , I ° - Whirr :U.-2 Port Itlerhmosa.' . i - `7. • rl'hibsdelphi - 22811nek Ittreo l. t.„ • ' •''. I. '. i . ..ttrrille r .ectrome Street. 1 . ,' . • Ni.w Viark—litinity Ipalldliti. 'Ramo. '64 - 4, :, ' Areitterne - - --- tiresto.. 4 ._ u ' 1114.. ton—Y, JIM* AL,Pold., i . I -I , cent. I Wilsklng Ltqrs, / 1 1ea• 401 11 ', 4114r Y 3) . 'Olk: 1' ' ; 041' -.••- ' il , . ~, • , • i, ' * '.• ' • ' Ig• i':- ' f .„. .. ,}I I - ../ '. In: ' •• • n •. , :7-, •- • ?„ , -, 4 • • • • • • • I* I .• .. • , !....• • * .• I •.; • . ••••••!..•• 'Th . .• ' e ' I ,• • *r ... . .. • • . • • • , I .' * ' - •'' ' •• .. , , '••• : 7.., i • '''' ;•, . ' I • ` • ' I , i 2 _ 1 ',.•- „. ~ ,•• i .... , , , ~ . ,•r • TS' , r l - • __ ..- ,t . :-, -,, :Zji•-. * : n ';',. - ''-i•T • 7' -1- .'n• •'*-' - ... :-... ' , '' 'f f if' 7: -'-' - ' ' ' -.9 ; - ' 1 \ - ;... jt 4;.:* _ -41 Z iki 1. ,, .;:., Ffs . T / Il_ivi; - - z - 4 Hr i . - , . _ • • „, -. ~ -;,- ...- .f , -1- -- ; - -.,. )7 T c-A . 'l_ \ . . , • , . . • . . . . ' '-' f - . ! i'• ' f ' i • 'sr . , 4 !9!%. A.e ,0•04r."-'' 0k,..,... 1 ...- - ~.- N,—..„, ,.... - , A.l . , T t. - A i! , A -J.". - •,I t . , ,- i „ .. ~ ; A ... , A - I . ; ~, _ ~.. ~ . . ~.. , * .,.... :•-. \ ..,,,, i • - ! ; / :...:" ..,.... k-' .) 4kat d i. -v... I • i, I, :- . ' ' . - 7111. t, -. b..,..... z..... .....4 ~.... . , i s- - , , " -":';-• - . 01r . ... . , , ...............mm. .24__- , ..- '''a , af - A t , _ s , ........_ ". - rte 'a, • - '0 V "CA •• '''' . . i ' .. .., ,' ' 3 , . tiL 7 Sr . ; ..,: il' .iI - • ~'").-•-ilk ‘' l * s s 5 + .. '' .. E. , 1 .. * 1... * --; ' , . • i I a :1 ia ...z.„.,,..A ~...;,,,,,.......__ -- '444Lf t -,. 5 Tv....7„... I: - ..., ' ,•.' ,; ~ • . •i. ' ~ , ' t . i ........L. , ...—_:12.311 it W" 7 ....................- -- ira' ? .... 1 t . 4ll ll l ;;r: ortit H 11.",,.m4'1.t.t., .....:_,,..!::: 1 ; - 1.- ~ 1 ., ;ti . _ ... , , fl • •L, ~ \. n• , . '••• • • .. , .. ... - •• '•• .. * —AL. : . A 1 , _ ~.. ; .. . --—. . . . . 1 A • •,-,- , , ;• .. . ~ .... , . i ; , . , k f i !-. _ ,11....... -..-4- \,.--- , _ =.9 .,.= -- - --•••• -* * f ...... , . 1 " . .. ... :1 , ''''' • _ • .' I . • . ~___ _ s ' , . , -1111 . 1 1Bat-rf r •r 4.-- - . .....L.:,„, ...."' . +•••WZMV , 4 :. • f , .'" . - ••• - I .0inft..... h ..,, a , ~... ‘- ' , :f ... ' -5 ....::. ....,..,. ..... • V, 'fl• - --•.. .• , . . , , . , , ~. * -•--. A , A" , - , .. • • . -• ." ' ' ' - •• ' - , " 1 ,-:---------- -=---- -. z--- , ,e..- - i-=-,-- --- _-;•_.---: ~...• 4 -1----- * . .7-7 • \s-'— '73--- 7- '''''•4 •• •• IL- 1. 4.1. 1..-- -/ • -;. ; 1.-- .......7 -7 ... - ' " .:". .I" - -:- - "'""" 1-••• • ..;'. -•-- '; -• A ....' ' ' ... -. .; t . '. .:; ' ~:' .1 1 • 1, , - l • . ~';—: : :-' • - --. , • ! . , A, •'' ' . mitered arcens fe r te tia et ree e mm, le th• year ire, by ammo ii k ,„,„,„ i „ the, Collanot limp dd* at.intootaa tr.d.a......_. _ • Jan ZIP. Mort lialmank Pler,o. VI, Port.ll44p,Oall, AUDENRIM ?NORTON 11. Miners anNshippers of • FIRST CLASS COAL, LOCUST MOUNTAIN. From our two large anti 'oclebrnied Coßliertos "Ulu% C. R. NORTON & CO: "OO37INLITAL.^......OOOORIDGE & AIIDENTRED. - LORIIF.RRY. , Free Burning Red Ash, 'and Rfdendid Prepprdtton COLkETT : 0 1 , L1R8.Y,..„.. , ...24—.Ciir0n. Long Co. 'MIDDLE CREEK corEitY.%,..c. Colkedt, nest. • - •1 1 / I +IIIOIEIN. MITERPRISE COLLIERY, ?: Baamiardner, Prest. Loeuat i Ntoontaln and Lotbarry, also ale gebu,r4lll (.11„ua4 - 10 an points acceaalble by boats, -: ..1111/1 - 'Walnut gust; - 07 , 1141 t. 111 Broadway. 'New 7 . • Art. posse Sliest. • • _ 'J. I 7; AMC" - MR.. CH .11tl„ NORTON. Jan. 1. - M. . Pier No. 1 11.1%. Mama SNYDER & SHO I_ Shippers and D.ea CO AL SOLE AGEXTE TOE 0. W. 1321:TDEE1 PINE FOREST C ZIS WAzartrr AT., • PUILADA. 12t/D4 RNYDrn. Ja W LTER,,DONALDSO xmril t s.i7cD ktrippota WHITE - run • • COAL . SOLE AGENTS for the Ce "'THOMAS 'LEHIGH • (205 Walnut Street; ' I Offices: J 10 Trinity Building, . . 101)oanat direst. • • Wll5. I,P--.Pitor 11 Port Motto' Feb :20, .. Vo i t..lll, Port. Etc •• •. . , ' • LOVE; BOYER• , • , . SHIPPERS OF Anthracite ', and . Bitumin SOLE.AOENTS FOE elli 3 / 4 1.13R.LAN1/VEIN BITUM 1 ein,...,;'. 3 .ft 11,'"...fsZt-. '1 ST Custom Homo St., karch ;.J , , Iciu Nork. DAVIDSON, YO ' . . . WTIOLIMILLE bEALEB3 - I LOCUST .IfOtTNTAIN HILAMOK , CUSIBE4LAND, SCII,ANTO,N a Ai] COAL 1100M':Co. lA-TRINITY `III3ILIDIN WM. M. DAVIDSON, formerly of. 5A.31'1,11. YOUNG,tormerly of Cald • 11011ERT KAMNKMAN. Jan 15. 70 WHITE, FOWLER & ....,(Btioacitibors to Alin White ILUIPMILS Or , - LOCUST MT., r • • WILICESBARRE. SCRAPPY( I COA Office—iick. 73 Trinity Bid Ming. I t t April . . • pT. JOIL EIONA 110BOXIIIN7 COAL. VAN .17710KLE.. MINERS 41:ID SIIIPPERS Celebrated "ttilton" & "Stout" -1 ' From the land the Stout Hazleton, Va. , Delivered direct bo.tril • Vowels tit Yr. JouNsolg, uo !btu:vett:lCC N. J. { 1 ' • • ' sad 411 Trlalt,*•Thaktla .. °Mee*: 111 Ileoadwayi New Yo ‘• • (Temporary at 119 Bratmlvr •• May la, 'et'i ;., . .. _ . VER PLANCK & A irifOLMvi.r. DRALE7O LETticir WILKENBAR SCE C- 0 A_ office No. 77. Trial!). Building . .. 'New Tart.' P. W. N'ErtPl..B*l2', Jan CALDWELL, CONANT WESTON, • NO; 111 BROADWAY. NE* YOB* (Roomy 33 ' and 36 Trlclty 1:111LAIng.) • - •NruptEsALL DEALERS lit LEHIGH, WILICr.,I4BARIIE,_ • • I • - PITTSTON, 111..,D AMI, • • . • - :. MAIIANOT, N, • . . , lA.ICUSTSCRANTO MOUNTAIN, • (.171,IBERLAND, BROAD TOP, LTC., • ._ C 0 A._ S . . COLE AGENTS fOr New York and the Vorth of tbe celebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FREIVIURN INC: 'LEHIGH COAL _WE PRISIROR THE I'OWELTON Seml-biturnincina add other Oret-rote 'Collieilea. JA4E.S . W. CALDWELL, C. IL' CONANT.- )WALTER WEIITON. • April I, 'G9 Opr/C11; OF TEM NIAGARAELSVAT -I No co, 8 COMMERCIAL Dwelt. BUFFALO. N COAL „ COALS COAL . THE NIAGARA •ELEVATING CO., having lame surplus of Lot Dockage,. will be prepared at tire opening of navigation to receive from the Erie Railway. !triad, or Lake, any quantity of COAL for storage or transhipment to any place East by Canal Or west tot thelakkm, upri'n na favorable terms as any parties In Buffalo. Their lot Is well located for a general city busitimrt.- CLARKE, Ylee-rrosident. March 21,'1 4 1.3.--tt Tonntq. .1 A.MI S J. CONN ED, Bluer taut Shipper of the Celebrated - Lpcus - r: MOUNTAIN COAL. . POTTSVILLE, SCIIUYLKILL CO., PA. Jan L •iiki.M7lFM'z']. Best and Purest Coal in the Markt*. WE here made extoristre .improvements dada( the picot imeton, which trig latgely Increase The pro duetionhehxdter. Every effort inn be usedto • KEEP UP THE STANDARD OFPREPARATION. erleottort will be girento sizes for inanu• torturer.' purposes.. - . •- ' N. -! I,lwayi sldipped by Itself Wad not mizai or alniterstai... SOLE AGENTS, , (To whom alt orders should. braddreesed) JOHN ROMMEL I ' ii., &JIRO. soN wawa in.. Mtloft. Orrzci s . 11 f a __Orthe - la Trinity wilumNr, Sgt. Yairfk. =I ORTON, • : LL. 1- OE ers..in - WELL lE.NdlirE 12i curag C. B. s Brriumira, Yogis. OpIAKER. 1-17, & OP AAR 'orated COAL. • phLs. . eror York.' I nd. at( CO., !, us Coals. NOUS COAL ' • Providenee. ID-1y G&CO. N LEHIGH. ILICINILPatRE ,'NEW YORK. ler & Co. •11,0ordon &Co SNOW, cch.)' and.• ' MBEIAND riadiray.X.Y. 'l6-1, STOUT, I= Coals; Merles, near r I1111)01 on azul Frw WOOD, IgTON, and SHAMOKIN 11 Ilroadway, AT V6136D, 2-tf =1 MA MI IrMl 1112 &r. BCII.I3YLIIILL NAVIGATION. 'l' Eldpitar Mama Or mmatutnt COAL at GraisuleiN &thrum LEWIS ALTIM:REED & CO., i I. waitarefilts, TUE ZALZ PIP THE .' . ! 7•8 Creek DioneuM Owl Cenelsuee Masud Bed wad r Blade Medi Wilts aas Cads. OFFICIM:IIr9 .IVain ta, Stree t, i Z i e l it ielPilia7 ' '. • • te Ellby Street, Donlon. I .. . . , —. . • . DATtA PZAHSOH,THILA. =ANVIL BAST, Asuimirri. . ' DAVIS; .PEARSON & Co., HINZ= ANTI SHIPPERS OT VIZ CEIXIBLITIMI LOMB' 110113111 Y WRITE MW AND 1 . - • .. . , • .111 1 0111 911/D1 RED -ASH. COAL'. ... ~.. NO. LIS Walitut Street, Philadelphia. oFFIca : No. 111 BroadweY. Bona! Na 9, Trinity __ Building, New Y _ork N : o. Al Doane Street. Radon. { GREENWICH, DELAWARE AVENUE WITARF - Jan. I, • E 9•-1 - 1 • • •• , THOMAS CAIN. MORALS HACKER. . 3IONE Z.:COOZI CAIN .HACEIER, & COOK!: smPrpri or • LOCUST OAP, aoUtIBT MOUNTAIN, BLACK , " • HEATH. AUG, ormut. mum (meth= or . White and: Red Ash- COEIIS,I. No. 214 Walnut Street:, Philadelphia, and Woad ' land •riarree, Schuylkill JOHN B. STRYKER., ; 11111) , P112. AND AGY-NT.2- • SclinylktAHaven, I'a. Jan. 1,'70.-1 , - '„iTHOMA PARRISH, .- *wpm AND ICALI:II ' 6 Lehigh, ! Sclluslklll and . ,Bituminous .. e _LC) A. . , Consignments on Ccitasalsalon-gollelted tail taken OU favorable Tana'. ' r - • . Ofilee-341; Ilfa/not ralladelplila. ][ay 1,1111. i 13.-4 brberni Creek. ~ . LAST -FRANKLIN LORBERRY * VEIN COAL wit -TRAWL' ri1a..144L1151 LORBERRY COAL Pal la aow sold exclusively - by Slinews. REPPLIER; CORDON & . CO., who are my . sole Agents. Parties oniming from them may alwayal depend upon gett Ling a pUre amtele. , . .1 . . . - .- .. :rd) Waling St., Philadelphia. OFFICES:I NI) Iqm 111 Brow:Piny. ROOlll A, New York! . No, 29 Doane sfreet„! Room 3 ' , Boston. I Jan 1,10-1- -: . (HENRY HEM. I ining Muhl=lt al. nVER 20 YEARS ! EXPERIENCE THE 131TEKNE1.38. • xX.NDRIC,WS g.. .„...„.2......, , ~.... A.MEILICAN CHAIN CABLE WOll.lOl . isittetott, saw molar. The undersigned ; who in a practical Chain lltempi fiteturer, informs Coal OrierMons land others that fig is prepared to .make Flat ur Crane Chains °revery, sirc.at short notice. Particular attention given Irk Flat Chain for siopot. For further Information send for circular. 1 Feb. ± SQUARE ROD ARE WIRE EICREE/iB. 1 I J. EAUBENSTEIN.. -, I , . - MA,IICYACTUttra or SQUARE ROD. AND WIRE SCREENS. PAT!.II 4 I'TKD 'PEHRUAIY MINERSV SCIRTYLK CO., PA. THE SQUARE ROD tiOREENS, ON ACCOONt, of their superior strength and dumbllltY, ore preferred to all others wherever Vted. Herren Wits, all sizes, alwayson hand. Orders promptly tilled at Moderate prices: . Mny aIiIIPACTIIILEBB OP COAL scazscisra. L.LAvEßNirrint, E. Movaa. • L. LAUBENSTE '& CO ., avidbesith. to John IL blehm, Manufaitnier of Coa l l• Screens, • • Ot the (Attest,: mod Most ipprOved Styles. The undersigned who are practical Screen Manu facturers, informs Codi Opendore and others, that they areananufaciuring a new CHAL SCREEN, pat tented JUMP 21, 1866, and another patented August s N lige; they gnatnntee that the sr rsit will always retain its orltinal size until entirely worn out. • ' . Second-hand Screens and Segments always on. hand. _ „ We respectfully solicit a continuance of the patron age heretofore so liberally bestowed. • ' • ', L. LAUBENSTEIN a co., Railroad St., rear of Esterly's Hardware Store, . Jan 1,74-1- • I Pottsville, Pa: T 7106. L ADI)1130:C. WAHRILIf. 'T`O COAL DEALERf3, GAR COMPANIES, 1 Ac. • - The undersigned having succeeded Focht & Ten to the sole ansutiteture of Focht'lt celebrated Patent SELF-DUMPING, ; ; . • k SOX) . PIDUCKETS, 1 1 AST: , *4 Ol 4RON HOISTING MACES, for unloading Coal, Ore, Sand, &c., 1 4 <ll Also, in the, eiennfacture of IRON OATS, IRON BOX WHEELBARROWS, Are pre to MI ail orders with promptness and chaps% . NOTlM—lleing the sole owneit' of the Patent F.:Right for the Self -Dumping, Hoisting, Scoop Bucket and Doek,Block, we caution all persons against man: ufacturing or purchasing the same from any except ourselves or our agents, as we will prosecute to the utmost limit any infringement on the Letters Patent. Rcapecttullv, I i ADDItioN & WARREN, Reading, Pa. February 6, • 6—ly 'IIEDERICK.'S COAL HOISTING MA. +.O CHINE., . • , P.X..DEDERICS & CO., Albany Agricultural &Alert:Line Works. Albiip; • Jan 1, '6 l- 4 1 1- 31 1 1 : 1 -/Y ' . • New York 7'o . COAL ' OPZHATOBI3, LL LNER.Er AND I PUKNAGES, • ' • ..,- . I 1.6 J GRIcE t„ LONG . „' Loccothotiveluadders, ; • „IS4O BEACH sragri, PlllLArill;rllUt. Rik-, • Would call your attention to th'nir Collier!" mid Fsrnace /,'Ocoosatives designed fit Guide or outside work:and forany required gunge of irdultuid Sharp ellt curve* with capacity 10 draw frOm 30 tpavitilai gross load. .• • ,• • .1 • Having developed In both the Anthracite and Ill luminous r:ftions of Pennsylvania, iheimost success /of Tunnel Locomotivein the conntry,: ;they Mier Witt , confidence their Various styles ofiLocornotlve "Engines with every guarantee of their workman ship and performance, and refer to the:Tufty no* in operation bailie several miming distriuts, furnaces and forges:ln,the State and bounfry,i ' Theirs:mai; nrst east, great power, developed, to. tether with their durability great economy and light daily expenses over ;withal power or ordinary locomotive use. (as proven by they egperience of :several years) Mite a vast saving Ir . , espefues /Went to pay fbeirjtrst rut fa is vcry short . ,t.Fcbruary 12.•g71i• ; ,7-4 m • CAVE YOUR' /LONEY ' tur SAUTE°. YOUi. LIBATECZE. • BUY. •-, BUT. n BUY' . ~ , BUY • • i317 t 1: • • C. S. FOSTER'S •C. C. S. FOSTER'S "1 C. 's. .FOOTER'S"' I Water Proof Graeae and.Leither preservative' Inferior qualltfei bf Leather huale4mpervloas tb water. Old Leather made sort and pit le; with color. renewed •• more lasting than any other of ha kind In market, and arrigtotbleto all kinds of lihd-her. ifiners. will find It the- best article they ever tined to protect their Boots qi 5h4:431 from Sulphur water. For sale, _wholesale or retail. by MEE PIT L. FOS. TER. Athlatod, scale and In Pottsville hy Bright I Co. Fot • tiro. Jesse Yoder. Thomas Foster, and F. Vaster: • -. • • • • 3Lag p. 110-4g14.1,!, rItANVPACTITRALUS AND 1:75EBB or dteam- Latent's. Ike-, .In' Elobayikal °n TAKE NOTICE, - that • I have mold Ow ALLISON it llANDlANaffttrtOttton,ati Interest In my PATE= STEAK PIINTON. tufa hare given 'them the entire control of It in onid County. with tocor collect OD moneys damn to Deems ,dwt Wenn' tho mono-, tiretnr• and nos of the wane.DAN a) MARL RaziotOn„Po., Jan. I. . ' . ' , AMIE* ROPE: - . -I• 1 I • . •II BULEVEPACTEEZD ET; I . - _. TUCKER CARTER CO, 2._ime_ -To*. AU edam Real l y; Wlrneentres. dr10.2. or handed. The Rope mann *red by Ws arm Are ennindered hy eat partiesusing them, the beat wed "handso,mest le made Is khe world. made Insarhibly from wire . drawn from the best Norway Iron. The lamest. r ac c la UN*V. A. NAM? am 0 .• 1 with Will Ropes by this arm. fliusplee be Etopi ma hayloft with. Mad Orders taken, _and all I no even, sad orders ProokSILZUW . 1 , 11 • rote' andelmo! Ans. anibb°4 " ifinent ' ' Naliort Ibu E I ND Ir. =rile. ; last 24 .4. ' •, I . I•' - I • Salin - 1 ~ N MAX SIOILTIID ar PEOPLX er pompom wish otb deaeketeleo Cle the OM dwald retbetober tbst they Gan be ant with tbe JORWR Bitt: l 2%e limil atreZPottotille. Ing B Pataellh 31 " 16 1*. • ; I • ; E. - C l l . . t ' POTTVILLR- SATURDAY -- lviOlt_NlNG MARCH '45" co, •,. Prg Sobs, Aliitlit*&'&i .I •V Yinebu Ilitn,7-7'ci-% . .- „„ A --- c 1 : L al ,Y ! vuPoe 00,11119 AI /UM gifintt orh • ••,• • , =lan asp. umt =masa :az ' EIGHT of the STY:LE. iAITLEWAI DE UP • UP.EIiBLY flplipH4l. READY TO PVT RUM OE. the °Wort of the Chardoust date.;Cotrl.g Itstab• lahment la to tarnish Athol of dealrfroadePlolldrot eagerke to earthing dud hoe bereeatorebeat hand • to the the. Only the doer WAIN Are sod. arel =.• the beet trhas4p, aad these aritaikhy the most littaldd sad uttetio cattail, aixt 14iioro b iwiiffai• - • And tatted styles. A toil etorlrOf melt clothing!" Aom lo atora, indbelos sold at mode its tat* •. WV4eeiitAkcit Ciantactad irlth theastibt, adbrda . advantage. 1 1 • Pfe*a fatis. ftnu Stem tighest in m t akin g 417 . . No inn work Is dons la any.ltoichaot Todorkti lioano to tko lurk, No bettor otrloii.no claw. voodi, so more ioninrood cotters, no moirk parted Sty ©ILO . . anywhere be 'obtained, • • k , • . Tomm marts AND ws. • Beautiful and Serttiesurbfe' Gatnents. nr masse • . la LIAM 4tertszsz4 if - I :GtlrriB 171211181(11IG. GOODS., AT Tag FR 411 - 11.1 , oVENT 11 2 • L Rit7 ). riS A 818 & 820 CHLITM BTBUT, psurnimpiati HAiy,e'v, t Ac. 4)l: augur. Koptg.—By oar systoliot bidfisoooureomit, . ientlatosa at a distance CAD er with caitalatj of haying a good At. Yale, for a kaosnuoineat sad samples sect by mall wimp October 16, 'l.O • • . A ga B6LAZirD. NO, 11 MAlLlitt STR' IteatiOctftilly announces to the Ladles . 6 f Pottsville and vicinity, that ishe has opened a l i NEW CLOAKS TRIMMING STORE . „ at the above pla s m. -The following article, frith a variety of Notions, d:e., will be kept for rate, and are Offered at ottrAwr ICEDI.TeiSD .. 111064. .. .. BEAVER CLOTII, vraxitz BF.A I ViER, FROSTED Beatier,Chinchilim(lold-tnizednadlthtek Water. proof, opera Cloth, lorthges, all shades, Rib- • . bon Vet% pt, Ditto Cllmpa*. TILE ABOVE WILL ALL 744 3 / 30 / 1 ) AT CC'S!. • Ladies rind Itiszes Cloaks made tcrorder. • ~ I.3ew PMternalust receivtxt. .Jttnel9,;o3—Z—:l3tlf. F ALL OPENING OF• • , I ••:• 1 DRESS 'GOODS, . , . 1 - .. . , . i SHAWLS,: TIIIIISII[INGS, , Sec: • , ..,... Superior quality of IMAM SlLltri.* 1 • _•; ' ' tiOLORED SILKS In the new shaded. SILK' AND WOOL POPLINS. I . 1 ; i . r. BUFFALO ALPACAS_Rn all 'Lambe ) PAISLEY SHAWLS. (Scarlet and Blade.) - . f FRENCIT CHINT ZES. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. 1 • • i A lip D lendld line or '! I'RENCII STRIPED SHAWLS AN ARM A.. , , . i• NewlDealgui of -___ _,I - KIIIITIAJPEREIKI.LANNELS.- - ' 1 WALKING SUITS made to order.. .: " •:, S ix. `,` Intinrizi.il kn.arEit. , • ' . • ,_ . - • 217 r C e ntr St., I'ottrr;lllle.. Sept. I. 'CO I t, 1 l—ttild:tr • MAGGIE BOLAND„ 122 e CENTRE RT... BPLTAW AXIIIICAN Roust, POTISVILLIS, Has now opened a new Stock of Fall and Winte r s Goods sultahlefor ths.present season, such BE - AVERCIOTICVELVETEENR;tVATERPROOF, FRINOLN: TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, 4k.e. Ras on hand a new lot of FALL AND WINTER EDATit -Ls'Ales Cloaks made to order. N6w I'atter , ns t just revel vtitl. Oct4n. II UETAINB Amp.:I3I{ADES. E'W STYLES .17 •r 14 tt.' 24: 11.'' EEO CU,RTA I INS,. ; - • JUST O} ED . . Ernkm'tiered Plano and Table &overt , . 1 "litdow earnima, In fallt., Walnut, and linsewood and., ~, ,Tillt. Wlndnal Drat:writ"' front; latea : . French designs. I , Ina Shadek etc. ... • Agents for Bray's I ttent Spring Bslunee Shade 'Fixture, which requires no cord. . CARRINGTON, DsZOtiCTIENt C 0... S. E. Cur. Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, PuiL&DELrnts., April 3, 'll3 C*IE:RCS. AND BRAN(LBERI-BAGR7-The den of the County Pnson has a Wgeassortment of superior Cheek and Seamless Ilap oil 'hand. 'Alen BOOTS AND BROM, which he carers h* sale; at the Prison, at" low. Tutees, for cash. cash Prieespahl for Carpet Rags. I ' June 3), :111)-25 ISAAC WARD. W It DRY DODDS. - , FOX &.. BROTHER, rso.ct•r. rut sueErr i Po•rrxiiim. • t . .. Desire to call attention to their extensive assort mentor :e. . FALL arl) wrcirati DRY 000DSI, .:f Ooitststlag of the Latest Styles of the • Foreign Domestic Mtirkets INCLZTOPI, Arn*ll 411/1-.. BLACK AND COLORED LACES AND EXDROIDED.I 1.2N=8, , • wqarum OCX)DB qui "DOItERTICEI. 1 , --- Howparr. ; r GLOyESoir 1311 AWLS OP ALL: KIS158:1 Wit aao call altentko to our 151.0Prot ; G/ 10 CFRIM (111E/S3Wa W lr ‘; ._ • Whisk is yew lawst selected the almost elan** this market:: soda sot.. sessidsig ft 'imilesi;, sarrtdsesnummiti what. si* Iftafte,bett irftsithinir is •lisag-abilii Dirfloods awl Cleuessiptatis;csa bs sad at 1`P c, APBSII7. ' . ' "'r -*-U. =i2 _ rorrsviLLAl.,'PrzeivA.; I 1 ' 8-ly. - CM 111 ',._ )CLOiiiS.' 4. .. e, to BM MU ,r l 4 . r"l,-"r-11ER'S' • ". - Wn• cohtinoe- this, Week forl - tho infortna 'tlon of our: reads 'the pubileation - of the •Treauuwill pnrii:h ''Bill atio e :t r a - co lill"ted luinti W i t n k .4 "and W i e t will itir . or sir week's: _Those Id terestediwciald do well to prese a the 'papers containing it` 'for reference: ,!- • PARlAStn(tia ' S SALI9 OrlauiL ESTATE. .1..-ligreatolr, to the provisions of the Act of As-. settiblyi` entitled- as .'.Act to' reduce the A tate debt, Mimed the 51th day 'of Xpril; - 1211.thoTreasurcr of Behrtylktll County hereby gives notice to all per sona ooncerned therein, that utiles the;Couoty and Road Tat, ire 4 due on the following IReig Estate; the County oUtichuylkill, are paid before- the day o fsale, the whole or such parts of gaehlus will pay the charges and coats chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court Ifoutte, in the Borongtr at Pottsville on ,the RECIOND MONDA Fix JUNE NEXT, - • and hero:Mooed by"tutlournment froth day to day, for arrearagee - of Lamm fuc isafd County, and theeasts accrued on each aspectively • - 1 MA:HANOT CITY, Ci;lllitited; 1 lot 1 b 66, John 2 lots 9 etih IN .1. P. .......... .... . I tilt 4a T,l Don Ptitcharl. .; • 5 i ota 2, jr. 4_4 . 4, hat, William Reagan • Mit, 19 b Nirm. 1 lot 10 h 9.2., Wm. 1 lot fib 23, I lot 15112% ..11 70 6 04 11 7D MI 15 641 7 89 8 73 lot 15 b , Simpson .. , ..... .... 7 tin I lot 12 b John Befar .. 492 2 lots 7it b 41, Deo. ?oohs; - 810 1 lot 2011 so, John &why . s 1 lot 1 b 91, Mkt 04Conner...-.- • 2 20 • Kear Fattenion,, la tel . Folke. Mot' 01 acres land and Imp'arenhi Tr"xell..., 170 t 2 of 24 sierra WM and implitents It 'Wheeler, 5705 34 of 21 acres land sad Impinents J. Taggart 751.6 ear, Pattemon,sheafer, and Other*, • • ac land to'. unsold an.l coal and Mineral rc.. • Nerve under lot sci s ld E. • Ifighl.:-Taxpirt• Audenriecl • • • ......... " • P. 2 1 lot II h . 12 John - Breslim.' ' ..... , 3'd I lot li 60 /dab Philip Manila .. .. ; . .." 351 1 lot 3 and 4ti It Centre, Poliril;el It 1,, Jones:- . 20 0 1 lot Centre,' Mrszlielly New .. 3 90 2 lots 9 and 10 1127 Wm Clare • ... 3 60 1 ,4 lot and horate Spruce; Wirillotlt r' ........ " 17104 31eh, Writ Saverbray .5 Sl -1 lot and shop Cala, Anaustns Weaver.....'.. • 113 1 lot 21 h Riehard Parker 32 1 lot 7 b George ..... ...... . 010 . • ...* ctilqu.)x- i lot .. ..... Gil. • ,92 acres, Deeeisfa, 7C. ancafer, agent:- 21ots .... . • 1 10t.... .: .. ....... Illite,res," Abel eiteaLu. , •, ••• .WEW•C-4811 r - roir:yartir. • ~ • 61 nerF , ,,Cnreki'llarrit Dean] 25040 19 acres, coal ... : . ...... 4831 .• • Noß.Trivi3r.4l - Ca r ey Darr:: . _ 61 ac of coat rt ht , coal reserve 1311 . 78 W.• SO -13 acres and 34 perches _.„ 122 40 1-lot No 8 Market at Adar lateJno Dorro ."..1 80 Iliacres,land ja.e,,btloodaker ° 2 acres, Win Iltiffman . • - 192 10 acres and 50 perches, land - llowaralliaard",. 1,11813 1 lot No 9 Market at, Leonard Dolph 4 4 ?..4 0(43 ac told litipts.-7dattson ... of 64 ac and Blps hind, Shp Mt Richards & Ilowar - d 2418 5 sordid, P 550 Julius Bloater. , 1 1 4, acres, land and .... . 3'59 2 acres land: - Clutrlca Swartz- 3.96 1 acre land and house, Goo 250 13i acres land, John lodrika ..... 110 R.L 3 T.2yoRWE.G.I.AY: • Agrldultoral tack Association. 8 . , acres land, late L Forman > 16 80 1 lot, Dolton ,t Aurand - -- • • .2 10 40 acres ,noal Tesc 'Carey ..Clial — n - ficrlain 19 41 _ :9. I.house, Patrick 430 1 stable ,t do - ..... 84 25 acresla ad, Elijah .... 56 70 9 acres. land rtharp•Mt, Joseph , XI 1 house, thir,en O'Neil • , 210 ' I house. Thos Pearson,jr . • , 540 1 acre land , . -• I rz, !of 170 acres land, Park, l'otterson it. Reed • C 991. 1 ,, of 2 lots do • do 235 1 hotisciDanlel Schwenek :. : ......... . 5:30 'ftitudziftrizei Rantwoll. 2 lot's, Jacob Iluntrlnger lot and imptc Max Thalheimer , : ... . I'INF.GROT-E.• • n. ..... .---... lot and honse;Mrni Spangles_ • • • _PINEGROve.rirr; S. acres laud, 7.aeltarias Batdolf ..'' 17 00 G 0 acne timber land de' 40 40 1 kit and hoese,'Wnt Dewees • *-- 4FO S lots ; Greet; weld ' 'B on 2 acres land, do „... Henry. , . 120 2 acres land and bonse, Clemens....—., ~1 00 11' acres land. Ginnie & C0....:..._.._,..-,:a ............ - 1 10 12 acres land, Hoses 4.llpple-,- ..... .i. 4. - • 1 $.13 18 acres hod, Chas Jamb ;' 3 ' , 170 2 aereit 1414, Lewla fiehwoler ' ' - • 23 • ' • PORTER TIPP, Jas Watson, Web d anOthers d Famuel A Ma9.44on, J. Ktichler An tets. 441 , ae,reis Mlrdiael lirelnlnger • 'scLi 47 413 acres unkt la, perches, J. 615 04 414 acres and : .t perches, Mart MI 16 446 acres and 64 perches, W Wltman 437 12 440 Items and 61 perches, J %eager .. .. . 405 76 1 coal breaker 7 150 00 14chulk111 and Dauphin It. R. and impt. Co, XV acres land, Jacob MO acres land, Wm Wlttnan 416 acres land, Mary Witman Atro .130.R0t1;11. pior : 6/ arland.l4iranelli Newbold . . of 11 lots Pbrk,;'l'atterson& Reed 1 10t, Arthur ......, 1 lot, Patilek Ratlgart.- 1 lot, Mule! Toban ...... 1 lot, nna , E I 10t, , J0hnJr..... :.: 1 lot, Henry 1 lot, Thomas Roberts-1 .POT - TSIVILLE linltOiTG Flot and 'hause, l centre,'.llannall Benedict 1 lot, Mt Hope , Mrs• lialent Me Burtch 1 lot,John .............. ........ 1 lot; No 61 Laurel st, J Clark.- . - .... I lot, Mt Hope, Andrew Hager - •;iolt: No it s pe° l l. 4'1 1 311: 1 ' 000 I lot and ho., Millersville at, Elizabeth Nichter, • '7410 11 acrealand, Wm Lawton 5O 1 4 lot and house; Norwegian at, Elia Miller • 14 00 tints:s houses and lai), Watkin l'ritehard- 4.1 00 3 !dim, Illeh l streat 1 2 00 -1 Lot, Mt Hcipe Ramer Meisel • ' • 350 6 acres and 20 pa land; M. E_ Townson 10 to IL lot, Guinea, .11111:14,'In ; 225 V,' acrealand, Agricultural Association , 400 • 1 10t. 4 No 27,1? IlLtrket at, Daltiel Maurer .. .. 350 llot,NAitl Areh id, • . do • (16 ; 3.50 1 lot, No 2U,0 Nieholaa Moyer - ' 150 1 lot, Thoe Rathbun 300 Pllot; Wm ,R.eed .......... -•••• • ot and house, 11arket st, Jas Townson... ...•.. 3000 H acres 134 its land : Jacob untzinster ...... 100 yl lot, Fishhaeh, Edward O'Connor...; 100 Hot, Eliza Ilan Hayen.... .. • ' 1000. 1 IW , Laurel at, Laic Stranci;;,- . 4 50. .S•X acres hind, Morgan Josepit lie - a " rdeld•-••• 863 1 lot, Gel Gardner_ 1 house, Lyon at Meßirron • • 1 lot and honae, Norwegian at, F T Rnhter_. 2 lots, :15,and :;"41 Peacock at, Thomas Mahan_ I tot,tleo W lot and hiate,"Tohn - H Bracken ' 7 'wren laud; G 11111; l'atterson Bard estate-- a lots and himse• Farah tOtem 2 iota, 125 and lEkrAdam 8ecker.....:.. 1 lot and house, Jho Edwards, late Shaefer,.:- 1 lot:Patterson at; Israel Ilenly .. 1 lot and house, (Shaefer), David J0ne5: . .. : ...... brewery;Chrisflan F Kuentaldr . • _lots,' ••• do • „ do 1 vacant lot; Sirs . . 1 lot,jate tiltneferi Mia Ty ... : .... - 1 4 lot. Centre ill, 11 B Rell • ..... .. _ . !.; lot, 'High st, do • • 1 - 3) ft lot, C.!ent teat Sam - 11riTher • 3 lota, Market st, Charles Heffner and G Belt. Ito E Market al.„; Asher B-Stevens... ...... ....11 ' 4 lota. 5. 6, land Si Laurel:P.l;oloa Kline , and' Langton), Patrick Langton estate. ..... . • :, • PORT CARBON.' • ' 2 lota George Knekley ..* . • f - mhop on,rouu.i tent Henry 1- lot and 2 houses, Wm 2 lots, Thomas_limirn 1 lot and tiottee., Hannah !Bright . 1 house and leaal,'John Brennan ' 1 shop t • Havid Baner,ar,.. 1 lot, * rederiek . 1•• Z of 21 ilcrtri land. Eliza Hall Haven - "" 2 lots,. late E Hellen:in, Miners* Wei - nen- . ranee & Trust, 00-- 6. do 'do do ' ' . •Llot. Cunningham Iforri Non--- 1 1 lot No ' tiamuel Newbold lot No 2 do do • -- I lot No 49 •• do, ' .do 1 lorNo= do, do ' 21ota N 047 4:48 do; ' do 1 lot So 40 - • 'do •do .' •-• • -0 acrea land, Daniel-,O'Reagtin -. 1 lot, John O'Cotmell estate .• • • -- 1 lot,iWidoW Panama- • - Slots; Frank Potr.l , 14 of 1 lot and landAng p ark, Paige-Mon & Reed of 3 loti Nei 9, ik do ; : l i ,• 1 of I lot ;in= • do • /. of Slots • do' do . 11ot, flarahlturn a firert .. ... ' -Slots Randolph uppariegtg . • .... ••••••• 7 Jola - BenJamin Zettlentayer 1.7 house on ground rent Peter Cummings.....-... 4 lots 'Margaret .. • 1 lot and hotise, Joseph - Nutzlinter Acre land. Mich,,Rgan-i— -:••••• 2 lots-Frederick. • • , ;" rolisegu.p.. ". • • Little BelittyLlaill•Co. • 141 limes intaintain ...... •11.0) naafi land— . : Apt/. row.v&izA • 1 acreland sad house Tfiebismin Aujrnst..4-.: 6 00 !.4 do. 410 - dd Can/Mine Connera—: 10 . 1101 - and house. ••"4 50 I lot and /louse ' . • .. 450 11 - 2 acres land DuntPatterson.W J 20 03 2 lota and house. Jacob fle ke r , er • - ••••• - ••••-• - --r 12 50 2 lots Sarah' Ist • 350 lot Bastian Seams 150 acre land and house James WelanZ-' G 8 8 ! Ski acres land' lata Red Mt Qoal 'V. . 1311011 Yerks. '_ _ 37500 210111 and bonae Daniel M• ehl; • '„ • 5 IV MI acres land part bfJ Ramble traccil(ml . l - • • Semple 7500 4, ,Thc following radians for County - and ~,' State taxes for the y'este 1481, kr•• virtue of an Act Id' ,Assembly April lit_ .11, 1540.- • .• fri l rt e ble a s lot Theiraus Burnt.- ' 1:A acres land andlamee Wm ' 3 1 2 1 hOuse and lot Odward 130 1 aerelandJacoh • S 7 1 lot and house Vim I'so ' do_ . - do - Jo!tak Helier 1(0 lota . do liestor John Hoch • 3 M. 1 lot do ' 150 . 81 acres land Imptallard Patterson_.....-...... ; 1557 1 lot and house JONI 160 I • 51 ' • , TOWNS.II/P. • - • • 21/wrests/4110bn O. Boyer * • • .—.122. SO acres and tavern : house Pat mpg 2114/errs/land Wm 83 5; , • James Tampirt.- - Mimes land John 21 Is 400 do • Andresr - Keunedy—_. 4/I 00 400 •• do . Kr/sleek Schwartz-L-2_ 612 D , do Patrick _ldeCabb ..... • I 00 72 do Little s* , • tlyl Nay. it. 11.1.30.-- - • 218 ; mdices tai4 .15 - en. LID •• do • -John 'lO7ll 300 ° der i And isapts Edmond 221141—..'-.. • 11 00 121 do ;Wnt flakier- 522 I 63 •__1101:1 1 7.4 Jacob. n 160 4 ,He n 210. 21 I 1101 John . 4 Ivo ao 'do• 410 10 , • , do • - •Jbbli 240 10. , do . 210 I • acsitirun4r, ilaysar.womplitat. • 1306(140wAttnaditt-,.., • 86 1111W OZ W C= Ser ostatr .-"." '" ---4 ITO sailloome; - Colombia. J 200 11 Lats. Idstris 14 le I) , ‘ lota. lokto J on Joel Ileautp;. I ae ;*ltlic:c. or rfarririnals- THE' FIRST 4 A 1: .. -11 .- .. . ...... ...i .. , ------;;;,..: ~..:_•-, • ~..,. • ••111, 1 - rw b. ur.,, F mated 11,.,. Still sacreo tram the a fn Atitheeibanda ' P oar great tutee4tor a ' .- : i 1,1. --• ,''''- - ''. - , Ills eyeaare raised In to:unarm:444l,- ,-.,, ''',/.„,„ ' l '. He "Pettit the land ; he ' the sitlew;is - '!'.; - -1 -- ' 'l , The 'watery wasni" en . 1215 ft . ..' . A . ' • '' [ .! -kadtaptlvates his c "igngM a 1' ' •'' t' • lie 'Views alike in' tear' and Impel , 'He sees the sou sail np-the eetiesr•e' slope.-. 1.! ''And then reltdown the atrvdeivs i - .,, .~ Beholds the shades[gigantie, tall,. P A strange, laysterfoustlatitneas otieeplitanver, all,i' 7 Sound dies beneath, the sombre I; . . . , Snipe:Mona slime° sleeps t. - 0 ' ;' ' ''' '-` -,...*. ' , In tiernbling - awe, Ilie Una; unite wick's. joitywr ; ,That ever rose fro earth lieee4l4lll the W/0 lu g lijr .' • And 'Mimi kneel! E ' - • - ' "' '' • *hen.",ler.what nett. ob I tordtr- he eoeq. In sudden hope hitt iteddenlereoridlim; Fiiitwel along the /*stern pities 1 ~•: - A- • ' . grawing,glery stenha. ' ' • Oh ! slow nscent ! those Mellow rays • .0 Invite and chide his now impatient gaze ' That cannot see too soon; i' .„. But lo! Ait last! abode' the orient hores " A rising Orb his lingering gaze itn lons And Adam seexy knees, and ado • Beneath the crescent moon F , - He sees her sweep across the blue ' He seen a Myriad worlds Into bedo And follow In tier train,' .He sees her sweep ednwn the holdL The lintering stars roll on - at idle Pa. Till one by one they loiter in the race, - . ,When 10: .the anrient light. again!, ; i . . . ~• What nowt?' his trembling. troultpleil lips essay As grandly dawns the next primeval day ; I ' I .*nti Admit sees the inn ascend_ ,-, ' . , t • , , Night rolls her duskylacroll, la Innate nwaY. : • I calls la the trembllVtars, and tey obey,: i! Ihtraptured Adam g ta the now familiar ray . 1 And hails Was an early friend!" • f ' . t ' 31.•CAtint TIMR2III6A i , /1110Chbr,5. t' , . . 'MAT isTO' HAPPS Zr IX 100.'.1' .-. i, . . . , 1 , , rpEq.: new munbar of Z•di.ki..s proplict is almanac is mat e.the subject of humor;! ouacomment.ln ONT. : A 'WEE*. It says:. it oThe Emperor of the Freogli, According to! a carefully cAstnativity briadkiel, is in ncij danger Of troubling .Oharon , With - a fare for,l twelve months at. leaS.t. ' Objeetion.,coiild bel taken; to the irrey,crence of- the prophet In' - - saying Of .an . Emperor, 'tk• , year 1870 opens!' favorably for the iruperia 1. ive'rustiVe be trig trig irretrievably associ • . hit 'nig.gee .in: the British mind,' and .. la • with hat' ; particular development Of nigger ~ • Ict 'Wool. in attendance,: on. a. certain knowing. ...jori k whose memory is evergreen.. ;But when. • &, conclusion 'of the horoscope declares 111 .. "year is prosperous .to him geueraliy, much i May be forgiven. Then, . again, whorcom..l fort inu.st.he conveyed by ihe ntenee7-',ln JM° Ilie is troubled by the 1 ress.' T.t..iin : Enapiiior writhing daily under such - torturer 'as can be inflicted by Vtnemou censers willa an epigmmruatic turn of mind , the inference;'; of eleven months.'ker Sli . ght to be'soothing in the extreme: 'ln* August' troutinursi the! seer, .:`lle inerea.ses . ' his '• oriole* .and will beil full'of warlike dispositions, - and • If at war;l he will *gain some battle,' Hapl - there hasi always been, much virtue j u an 'l_ ,f though a fool waathe first to discoVer th fact, and wee take comfort. ' Altogether .his Imperial Mn-? ti jesty. has .every reason to be satisfied with" Zadkiel; - arid' if sublunary hone - 1.1;4.May -be . conferred rt with propriety.oatnan whole (MI Intimate terms witli'Jupiter and 'other lead 1;! ing planets, Napoleon should 'recognize Tao') Sze the next:time he is disturbing bits ribbon.:i "If.', the•stArs are. thus favdruhle ,to the! Frgnch Caesar, their aspect is Menacing' towsl ands the next greatest European covereign,ll King Williain•*of. Prussia. His •Majeity LSI doomed.' In May next.his planetary eondi-d bon is terribly': bad, ta.4, .IsAndicated by tile(, ;ld - Boa-ink awful splint... Una : 'Moon ..Opposisl: titdi Mars, nod. eon. 73' 10'; and M.C. square Mara; nod. con. 13 3 10% 1 : I Draadfuliii this:op:l . pears,: ?worse remains behind ;1 for Zedkiel; continues : .Aiid, as Saturn will •be .this month*etrograditig oyerliis ascendent; wo I may hardly 'hope he will long escape the:. liOarwhewhe stall hear the great stimmons.: , "Under. such ,clrcumstances the seer is probobly -justified in _lidding] the solemn : warping, Let him therefore hint It! looks almost like profahit3; to hint In refer.- epee to this serious matter -that the predic don may contain' both 'bane and antidote ,'•' especially the latter. Something might p 04... Sibly, be; ilone by ':minoring', ' iv.; if that' disreputable luminary. could* . induced for a consideratiotit6 refrain from ni4behaving f „a I With 'nod. con.'—whoever she ay lie—the f , king .* ntfght, escape"trand Coo at' Bironorekl i ought to look to..' it at: *nee. -'j Though the:: Berlin extheqiier has riots benefitted by thel. recentliigh thic,.ltlie Pr.u.iiinsi would make;'! • an effort in belnilf,er 'their grim - old God-,; fearing drill-sergeant: • It,seemig .odd to sug , i• gest -si - lcifi a slangy , tents: triali' operatiou a.sll 'squaring' in Connection with celestial hotlies,l,l .but the Ipractiee seems, to. prevail hi tlic upper circles, fOr ZailkicUplalnly states, ini iiis•preilietiOns for FebrUary; that 'on the 6thll .of this Month Saturn will square the Sun.'l' There are otherinotiarclis 'in aariousstide 'I: as well as;he of :Pruisia. - - The kings or sa.-1, ony and Italy would doled to -follow the:,. grave advice giYen by Zaaiel to King Wi1..1 liiisn, .and.‘ntalte their soul'i,' as - an IrishmaW would say,, with as little- - Oink as possible.lll They. 'are both astrologically !referred tkibil, the tenth of March aw•if now living;' and that phrase is as intelligible asit is oininthis4 The oracle has something to-soy about - the! Great Republic; - as welt as . about - .our petty 1 European sovereigns. ' A total eclipse of the' moon on ;the 12thl or:July, combined with Certain' rilljectioinible :proceedings of Satirrit and - Mars: at that period ' threatens to produce: lamentable , results. 'There, seems 'reason,','. says ZOiliticl, 'to expect °sonic sdrious quarrel) with theme people, the Americans, who.seerri' mere Susdeptible of planetary I ' flnetice'than most others. .I judge they ivii - pick's quar.;l rel with some other nation; ut I hope it Will not lie.wltlf England.'. 'VI we should be 'preparetlfor 'the worst. I It" inore likely to be with Spain.'. Our iiropl et Is here 4 'little incoherent; but there, is Consolation lir the last. sentence. . „ ~E * *.."The- - eare of Zadkiel dik.s not.fall iii,., noticing even. trivial mattersvireptitig, the, person: Thus he tells peoplo .- unlucky enough - to . tall the 21st of Jiinutiry• their birthila3*., ?that: during the'ciOming year, they will be 'liable to injuries, -end knay.break a leg or meet with other accidents' ;And those; born•on the: 15th of' liircli sire4ll3jured tol 'guard dgainst scalds, to the feat.' espechilly.'l -Nobody can gainsay the need orthia piece of advice, brit it night havelieen mode snore: general ht - its applicatiop Wittilgreat advan4 tage. 'lt>..is not exclusively people born on! tire 16th of MarCh that 'are prone to..,,p___t into hot water: Hurfianity in general has iivar. prising propedliity to' Put its foot An it,'l9l season and out Of season. t ~, ''lt is Sdtiu rt. by the way. wilco does moat a • 'hie' 1a) Ili OS 530 261 21 100 , 100 (k) ..... 71, CS Po 12 .to . - 140 .. 2 ,f) 51 00 . . 4 50 , .450 0 00 4 :1,0 ... 2 IXI ME 75 3 00 12 5 00` 3 12 7010 n 75 8750 262 2*) 7tlo 70 on a; PI 100 250 1 2. - 2 2 75 B_'o 2 44 I GI I CC 7 18 3W . . . or he mischief, great and -small; and it,. does it by making, inconvenient halts every now arid then, on his• way through space; just as if - he werea drunken old earlier, call=;_ ing at ever so many public houses on the road, and #etting unpleasantly /ipsy in each.' 1: or example, the 'Voice of the 'Stirs! for. Aprit,_Arht,p e rs, 'Saturn will Ibl3 stationary, on the and lie will then I inflict many evils on.Spid n Hungary, Dalmatia, Tuscany( are., such uproars of the people and other misfortunes.' The: obvious remedy is the apPointmMt ota planetary polleernan, with strict injunctions to compel this reprobate and degenerate. Krone's t 9 fulfil his proper "mission, and 'move, on'—say, in the words of a forgotten chant- or some *enown in ite day, to `pilidi along, keep •moVing.' Pain* are taken Zadklel to point out the parti&, ular days on which the 'lunar influences' in= dicatethatibusinms'.ought to be:.done with particular sets of people.' But It: 'does not seen' apparent , why the moon Shcadd be the guiding influence in,such matters, unless in the case , of one ,resorting. attorneyt. Then, indeed, tuna. must bb the ruling planet, and lunntic the proper' name of the client. Need if be obierved that the 'writer of Ibiti paper oonsulted - Zadkielj with amide ons care, and transmitted his Manuscript on . a day when the stars were propitious?" ' 640 610 20 150 1766 15 200 3s 2 30 3 46 4 65 H 00 50 00 Mlcntrakt Pm. LustnEn.-If the` Lowe, Peninsula; 'embracing some 26,900,000 acres' about one-lialf maY be' called ai Pitif region. Tilemost extensive and valuab e lumber re gion Is that lying upon the waters debouch lug' into Saginaw Day, and extending to the ter } upper Muskegon, and, thence est to Lake Michigan, ; covering the, wa of the Pere. Marquette and Manistee., . The header Bay region also embraces a large area of pine timber, and the An Sable Hirer of Lake Hu ron penetrates the large ceutrailpine country on the _bead waters ,of that strewn, and on the Manistee and the Cheboygan. , 4.; It is probable that .there \ afe, from six to, eight milieu acres npon whis t pluelimber. . grows. This extent of terribity, splendid' and vast as it is, doss. notcomprise all -of the timbered chimain of the State. I.„Far away to the northwest there, are also iminenss fists which must now increase in value at a Id i p e Taw:- In the Upper Peninaul , embra nr, about 10,010,0X1 acres, there reobably 8,0art,000,410 to 10,000,0(10,000• - t of pine timber,af which ;0;1%000,000 are been al-' ready cut., , The pine timber hi both tbe Lower and' tipper Peninsulasi is held, to ;a . great ,extent by lumbermen and capitalists .who ereable to bold the timberiuntil it shall .he required i for lumbering purpmetc The tunonntrof Government lands -.et realaining unsaid may lie estimated at abo . tone ndlliun acres in the Lower and about a e-third more, thin ;that amount in the Uppe Pettifttsula 4 -- Vast , ptuthases' hare been , .ti *tan the Goverment Of *to technical • '- . ed pipe' lands, and the licitpeentrieis ha' • i c nvery : large in tblaStatnerithluthe . . Atar or lira 7-• MEM - I I C.IIISITIP,P, glanre.' sr si:os, • I'., ?i REACO.O 40 . 1) SEGYsiL;g. riONCEMIING.the possibility .of seeing /--artifielallight it a great ilititaitee, .the. ,OrdinanceSarvey ftirnishim•the•most inter ' esting: and trustworthy :experience. - It -Is nectritaary; in thehi,ghly mientiflC: details of such it - survey' , that -Certain elevated. spots . should be renderettsteibleat great distanMs ~one froni,another, lbs.' thw.detertninatiOn of large triangles of - which thn..angles.'can- b(s. accurately measured, i 11e - custom has geriZ -:erally heen'tq wait fortischnir sky, and then to employ a powerful;teleseope:-to View the summit of a. distant mountain . ` - When... Co lonel Colby-WM ifteCd in -chargé - of. the-Irish OrdinaneeStkivey.in 1E24, ho at, once saw the necessity, in - so misty a ,elimato as ' that of Ireland; ritemploying sonic intense artifi elsdlightto render the . statlong visible brie from anotheri- ,-Lieutenant•Ditimmond had, shortly befo re ithat period; conceived the idei that tlie aluid4 . unffitptirciaehabletight`of incandescent lime, reflected from a parabolic • mirror, rrifght - be used -.as a night beacon ; • and,Cylby and 'lle;tfiereirPoa proceeded' to test the.' theory.; in -practice. A -.particular. station t calledlilleve Bnaught,- in-.Donegal, had long been'-loakeil for•frotti.liavis*3loun tainnear. Belfast,:- ri- distance- of sixty-six . Miles:: The Mist, day after day, Was to o . goat' to permit it to be seen*:;: and'then Colby kiitermintid to eniPloy. - Drummond's - light: The night-Selected was dark: and. cloudless,- the mountain' was,coveredrwith snow, anti a cold wind gushed iwsuss :the :Wintry scene. Colby Was on Davis 316untalii - ; Drummond' : on Sikive tinaughti . on the instant the latter_ displayed his lime - 11ght„'the 'former: saw its as a brilliant. star, shinning Oyer .the 'lnterVening Lough .N ,It. Was a complete suemns Of a beautiful experiment.- Vine light -was produced by lach a small ball -of lime, only a quarter of an is •lit iliattieter, in the focus of a 'parabolic ink ' 'and -directing upon* It ithrougha thinie•-ari I,dg• (Min :alco hol) a stream- of - oxygen gas • 'the lime b * Caine white hot; giVing - out it ight,- the- i - ,tensity_Of which alike. surtiamedleoneeptio ' and description.- ''lt is literally true that tiny bit of lime Was, visible sixty4ft; 'rail distant; for it*its not &rite . that - ails : seen, but the !etell white-hot, lime itself. The experinkCrit having once -succeeded;- it was applied-in various Ways...* - Ono Of-the fautous :triangles established by, ColOnel -Colby had for its three points Ben Lomond In Dum ibartanshire,- Calnion.uir in , :liitkeriiihright ! F..hire, and a mountain in - Antrim4n Ireland; each station was rendered', - by the lime light,: visible fmra ciieli Of the oter. two,'.'although the distances were-sixty. ven; eighty-one, apt ninety-live , nines 'reti tively... On an te .other Occas i o n he oven . ex led j'a hundred -milei, by this wonderftil-kiglit. ." .- - The 'ordinance surveyors. have ''als.o..'suc-. ceecied in rendering their Tar 'distant stations vislble . in thC - daytinte, by *a 'peculiar em ployment-Of tunlight. - Snail). Pieces of pig !shed tin; speCulum metal; silvered •ecpper, or looking-gifts-00m so -fted- in apparatus, that the sun's rays May by reflected in a line 'leadink to-the distaut station, where a' teles cope rein ers kite ray visible.• 'Little gleimis of sunshh e -have thus heen rendered-visible, at diStan es exceeding-Iv - hundred- mileS. • , 2 Sea si ' als are being - improved' almost ,as decidedly - I . M land - signals.. -A simple and handy system of dash-and-dot flash signali; for use at night when fit* gaapot be -seen,. has- been LintrodUeti.intil the navy. The electric light the lime light, and ii peculiar lamp whichburns pctrolenin , vapor incited by'a , kind , of blowmpe,f-cll have been tried ; = and all sre.avitiluble under :inverse eiretim stances, ins welLas• Argan.4 and: other lamps. The principle is to give -bang flasheir. and short_ flushes; the light being visible for a greatr or lesis number of seconda - ,atti. time. Varioasinodes of applying' opaque' screens and other 'temporary obslaiiles.-, have bee n . adopted to regulate the alternations- Of. long and short flashea;• hut,'when since adjusted, and -'properly worked, the tong • and. short -flash& are translated into . nautical words 'and phrases by' means - .,'11f. *a' dot-and-dash, eodebook. 'Two* ships are nits able to "speak with" each . other. - at -night - when- several - miles apart; mid an adraiml Commanding -a fleet may be able to signal to every ,point of the compass at once, by using what is Called an "all-round" light,- - ---Allfhe' nor .Round. .. . El 110 W FREE - TRADE . WORXS /3 RYGLAND., • SILALL THE UNITED 'STATES BE atrsan3o INTO " A SIMILAR • Pi/LICY liY PER F4M3IIESARTI,-•AtiENTE, PREBBFI3 A.ND-IGNOiiANCEES CONGEESS ".. England is fast losing. the pre eminence in mmufaeturea • she enjoyed thirty years age Then she was the grk-atworkiihop for. the conti nent, and, *to a gveut degree, My the world.' Now: rivals and formidable competitors are springing up in all directions., In Befginin .and Prance and Gertuany'skilled . workmen, :trained in practical inechanieal schools, - Sre surpassing, the English workmen, who,. haVe never enjoyed such advantages, of training; and- displacing. their wares: • 'l'.he Geri:dans understand the art of extracting metals froni the‘ores much better, and are underselling the English by cheapen ing the processes. '-- .• ' _ • There has - been great alarm In England lest The coal mines may give out; and-give a death blew to the industry,oftlie. nation. But while anxiety on this point -has' been allayed by sob entitle investigations, the fears are taling a new, direction. The copper and tin and lead mines haite been worked to as "great depth that they • can no longer•compete in chemnissa of ,produe • tion with other nations. The Cham irariAff the Liverpool Chainbcr,of Commerce remarked at a recent tneetitn;, - '4,inerica and France and Germany are excelling the-Mann facturing interest languishes, pauperisrri In= 'creases. The poor-laws No* badly. They fail to help many of the deserving; and destroy in others the spirit of self-reliance.. The number of dependents on 'charitable aid enlarges annu ally-and neither the Government provision nor •the 'lmmense spins , raised .by private - efforts meet the urgent demand. Public men and' statesmen are tiitirmed' at the condition of the poor, and.are organizing a vast system of emi gnition to relievOthe'pressure. Among- those eager to•omigrate aremartrotthe best' classes of workmen. They despair: f success at home, and hope to iinprdvetlieirfortonee abroad. h is possible that English intelligence and energy. , will contrive spine plan tit- meeting the pres ent emergency, and directing the national in diistry into new and productive channel,. •• But I the presentsoclal condition is not encouraging, and must exeite grave-apprehension; 'in -far seeing statestueifltke Gladsten%randßright. d . . . If Englandwciuld ,enact a Protrmtiye To . . riff; 'her busincs prospec,t would- itnproye from the very day it was ,paisseti. - .. Bcit-lohn Bull is as stubboin cciOic, and nothing , . but the pauperizing of one half of the popu. nation would cause to:change' simply because the laws are enacted by,theAri4tocmcy; ark& they do not yet feel the effects of Free Trade like the masses do. lithOlTnite'd'States corfL tinues to protect ifs home inthistry•like Ger many and Russia are doing, and-France will' do 'again, after having it 'little trial of Free Trade, and Ea' igland. shot:cid:l contincie' to ad here, to her Free Trade pplicy,lhelTnlted 'Kingdom wilt sink mpldb- 'as abe rose in ,wealth and:power under her fornief'BroicC tive Roney.— • , • - Tuk• late. Fitz Greene Halleek said: "A letter fell into my hands whicha Scotch ser vant girl hatrwritteri to her loVer, Its style .charmed me. It was fairly inindtable. I wondered how, in herAtroimsttutees in; life she could have acquired so elegant a style. I showed .the, letter to some of my: literary friends in. theeity or New York, and they unanimously agreed that it was - a rnodel of beauty and. elegance,._ .t then determined to solve the mystery and I went tn'the house where she was employed, and asked , her how it was that, in her humble' eiretunsisinces In lifeohe 1 !1. , acquired . astyle so beautiful that that the most cultivated minds could not but admire it.. 'Sir," said-she '' I came to this country four veers ago. Then I could -not read,: or write: :But since then have learned'to read and writa . htiti hive not yet lemned to Spell so always when I,:sit down to write &letter,- I select - those words "Which are short and idmple that -I am sure to know how to spell them.*•'," 'There was - the Whole secret. The reply of that ainiPle. Minded .13cotehgirlcondemed a world of rhetoric into a but shell. _Simplicity is. Power; • • • .7 . - STAB. PIIOTOGRAPiDLB r tniennn of an 11- 'inch objective,- the . distinguished astrono mer, Rutherford, has obtained' photographs of. several groups 'of ,stars. One of these groups, comprising 43 dais' ip the . constella tion of pleladft some of them of -the' ninth. magnitude, was obtainekafter itn• exposure of three or four minates.-'By,meansrof a very delicate micrometer, Mr, Rutherford bas been able to measure , the arc of the angle which separates: the stalls pf .this " constella tion. These results have "been. compared by . Dr. Gould with those fornierl • obtained b,y Besseli and confirntthe' le accuracy of the tatter's-work: :13s moans of photogra phy Mr.-Rutherford tail obtain; in one night, results that cost the filermati -astronomer the. tabor of ten yeats. Mr. Rutherford has also taken photographs or the stidaz. 'showing a large numberollin * Unt nuifipea by other ittvetstigatons:, There vas ltt.thit instance, slab, a remarkable tiOnfitutittillaraf the - neguinlit, of Ifirebbors ohitt of the 'Pee a ir= trgm'Oottlal obsi,)reation . El SINGLE COPIES SIX CENTS:- TT is, frequently ofsotne advantage tooirer3r 1 ‘ eowniunity to know. what is thought . . of them ab'road., We, therefore, pubttBli.tb i o ' follotfi[tlgarticle front .the Buffalo • EXPREI3, without endorsing it . and - withou4k. , comment,' for the benefit of our readers.: I"moan WISDO3I." "They Plat go dosin to the sea .sea'..;: the wendersef thetdeep;" and they that coal minas InT-ennsylyanda and. work theniaeci t wonders jlikewieo. • • • -: They see tho.wonder of finding themselves suddenly - stripped' of itheir Independence ,and-.. converted into the' servanfs of their own ent- • ployees..' They learn to come and go, do and wide, - how and scrape, simper, smile, shuttle and'ainirk,.at, • the behest of the "Mum? ttilon." • • • -They enjoy the wonder ofseeing orderly men • - 'murdered and little or no notice taken .of.tt.hy PetinsylVaida law officers sworn to execute the ' stattteSt-zirirefer perjure " to uiarity;n l; txte; i . They enjoy also tile-wonder of seeing a legis laturelayish all, its kolihitude upon the miner;:' without leel - sling to reflect that his employer has a_ soul to-save too. - - • " • They enjoii, tinall.Y . , the spei;titele if s le beta tun , delivering into the hands or . irrespe'nel- ." ble Mob; the actual control ' iiperty belong-. ing Wholly to their employe ef. • ' , Suck:no - some of the wo: des these men, see. The se cret of it all lies iii.t ~ a -fact that. the tneni- •-• bers of the Miners' Union ire:lT'D - tine:it power, ' They .have votes, ,land ti erefOre. legislatures • Must not offend theni nor tty , efileers , intlikeretfiuts -whiCh t •• a m it en I- • sealphigknifemnd Delinger. • - - But the latest wonder is a certain thing width : Itas jnst beeome a- law in Pennsylvania, It-k, that every_ mine shall be under the control el -- th - fee_peniens, .whose• prerogative it shall he to order alterations in the manner of opening or working it; -rind who , shall also close up and. atop work, upon such mine when in their .discretion it shall' !Weill proper to-do so. 'And • 'who appoinCs these' autocrats ?:,The owners of the mine f . Iho. .Their elnplelees do it. • . Nothing-need now be dt•einerl, impossible to : • a Pennsylvania Legislature. 'And who is it into whose hands the legisliture - has given this high appointing power ?-• anirresponsible society-of men.,who hold meet :lngs, pass lairs, mul enforce-Them by the nen! `to of terrorism and blood... When a,-,,inan Roca • 0 -to work in splice tabooed by the MinerS' brk, they stick ponce on his door-post suggesting , • that fie.resrgris his situation with all eonVentent - - dispatch- , --and they emphsaize thisatiggestion.by ' printing at its ton the sign of a coffin. . • That these "coffin noticeS,":as they are c:llletL. .-tire s pot inspired - by empty brivarki,-. may • be-:, gathered from the following telegram, d'ated. • Shamokin, - March 5, and signed by .an old and ' ...respectlible resident of that locality: ,"Luke.Fidler colliery was gain .to work - without ' •the Union; The 'motile mar; Yes' of the:Union men murdered the watchman. bree superintend cuts itione,eolliery in Shamokin hare . been mur- dared since ' e troubles in the coal mining alatrieta !mann, and nothing:clone about It." • • • . - ,-These are the sort of people who areio choose'„ three absolutesovereigns to preside . over each , . mine. ;These- are the people for whoseYfpro: L tection-r the Pennsylvania legislatiirejm strain.: ing itself to provide:. .lt- seems an untkOpetisary courtesy whiliii-ammunitien is so cheap.. , • _ 'A •s ftertiving inch About it, do we suggest' a remedy? A remedy for secret assaxaintaim; fin - blind and deaf and dumb offieers orjitstice; • for' meblerrorisni,; for; truckling legislatures? ; there is no remedy for these things.,. Tbrit, is; no remedy that ean bt broi!ght into instant - use. ~ Thera is one, but time is reqUired -for it. It applies itself', and is simply tfiaLreinerly which trollies to relief of all disorder, vit. the -:- teaching Of rea.son.and fair-dealing to all piirtleir' 'concerned, throng)) the convincing agencies of i. hardship, disaster -and weariness .of lighting „ eiteh other. ' llowever, - should the i'ennity , tura take the only step nawleft it to take •for • the "prote'etion" of those persectited lambs; the 2 . miners, and make them. iitisolnle,--jelfit arid . - equal owners with the present mind - ten proprip- —• , tors of the collieries, it is San to presume,thet .the milleiduziVef l yeace and orfJer in that Pan- . .demonism wou ld lie greatly hastened. "Krill( then, let us continu.ei_as.is 'usual and proper, to- - wail for the ppor.oppresded.and .down,trcxlden - - - . _ miner; whose :only solace, in thief ' cold world, is putting- up hi„l little "coffin tiotiee'w on Its .neighbor's 'door; and '.then helping to.get, hint , -ready for the • ' • , .• •. . • ',WARNING TO Y • Nd - is (he netive principle in tobacto, and in eoncentruted form is one of the most virukiit poisons known. Notwithstanding thisjacq kntirely differentopiiiions have been enter-c tained by the. Ilion respeetnLil medical au- 1 'thoriti& respecting the effect of tobacco onl • the sykem, many• ;asserting-that- US" use in: any - torte Is, baneful in the extreme, while ' Others contend - that a moderate indulgence in the narcotic weed is not only • harmless, butbeneficial to: health. The truth is' ; .- ;that the efFect it produces•on different eon .stituticins :• is -.various. some p eo pl e .inay smoke almost tionlitiuously Without exhibit, t: , * ing any ill effects, while others aresensibly.::::- affectea :by the use of two or three cigars a • day: A cigar is more likely to Injure one"_. thanpipe, because the , Aigar• discharges directly-into the thouth of the stndke every thing that is produced by the burning. And • there are those - who, frotn an oVer indtilgenco . -,hi the queStionable habit, live in u constant 'state narcotism; or narcotic druntenness,, to the serious detriment of their meirMi or- . • ganizatioo. • Perhaps no strimger . argument. against the excessive use of tobacco-could be produced- , than thatafforded by the melancholy exam- . [nation of. a man of the highest position, whose easels now exciting great' alarm in the minds of his. krierids: This ; individual, whose mime -wc suppress front motives or r delicacy, only eighteen months' itgo was in the full posSession of .vigorous tlntelleetnal poWers„ and was - the object of general regard...' 'For the last year, ho*ever, he, has, smoked So incessantly. that as a natural consequence • hi 4 faeulties appear to be rapidlyfailing hiM.*, - - and the gravest, apprehensions.are" enter- '" tained lest lie should finally fall into- ti , e041 4 •••• dition *of' absolute -Insensibility.: This sad".;; ease should be nwarning to the,. young. -,N.. -Y. Sun; • . • DISTING CISH PER§iY.NB—WHiatk: BORIC —To Cecil , county, Maryland; belUngs the honor of having been the birthplace of the folloieiug •• group -(so the Elkton Vitra . 'clams,) . : • '• - John Churchman, celebrated: , for .his mathe: , tnatical researches, and who Elled in the North` of Europe whilepursuing . thesarne,-under the patronage the.Emperorof ICUssia. Georg e Reall igial member of the first Cona from .(ftlaware, and a signer of the Declanitlint • t • of Independence. - • ' ' - John Ewing, D , . 1/, a distinguished :mathe matician-and. philosopher. ; - • James Bunisey, inventor of the - steambo4t, and Who made trial•of the satire on the Potomac-z • in • ' • 0 Robert Leslie, aningeniqua mechanic:Of his ; • day, and father of Charles R. Leslie, a. distin guished artist, and zneMbernf theßoyal Acadoi my, London. Cominodere John Rogeri, V.'S. Navy.. ° • Jeremiah S. Black (Judge 131ack)---- . -memberof President Bnchanan'a Cabinet, as U. 'S. .Atter• nov GeneraL • • 4 • Nathan C. -Brooks—President.of. Raltimorel Female College, and distinguished as a- writei.--7- - and scholar., • Emma Alice. .Brown-AsoeteSs, and whotp Prentice pronounced the nfost talented - woman in America.- - • - •' , . • , • John A. J. Creswell—C: S: Postmaster Gen.; entl. • • •- • --::= - • • Da,vid•Daris—formerly lalr--partner 'Cit_4brii- -, ham Lincoln, gild now 3utliM of y. S. Supreme ' Court. - • Dr: Benjamin Brevard—author of • "Mecklin- • burg-Deidaration of Bights" in North.rarolina, • " before the•;l)eclaration of Independence was re portedin Congress, an which-many of•the,sen- _ tences are identical _with those of 'the former. John tc'S.itt Alexanderhairtnan of Meet,. ing at which the above Declaration was adopted. •-• .COxvßiakzimta'.DEAF.—.A.Nermont tord,..tsmons for tieing deaf!, just when he; wanted to; whet'. -railed Amon his infirmity, one day, told his amused guest : stile following story : "When a, young man, he worked on , a form for a stingy old farther, in Auadjoin ink town; On leaving him a -.lr. lance of was due for wages. HavingealleA repeatedly for WS money, the old man had some excuse . "for - not paying. A sow of the old man's had a litter of pigs, consisting of four . one eftheni, which is generally the case, being - a small runt, as they,edl them. George told therog, --; man that he would take a pig for his Money the, old man said ho-might have the small . one: George jumped into the pen and s eized the largest pig: The old man shouted : ".Take'- -- the- small one!" '."Let him squeal;" said. George;, "I can ,holdhim." The Old ma excited; ."Take:thesmall one "I'll risk. . his biting," replied George. - OM ,man ' perate, and aSfoud as he can belidwi `,‘Tbke • • the small " one I."- "Let hint squeal; - am; hold," ausweredGeOrge, "Takelikm a' — yciq deaf-4:1;13s : can't make ypti *girl thing.', George carried or hie Mn.- Wm. HERBY Ituntountivrites to the..,t - World . that, "where, er this' nN3onsibillftr • nnif - rest for the Origitud puplicatip of Alm' Stknw*Wil scandalous story, it was earnestly re budiated by Mr. Fields, of whom I am told y. an eminent 'artist now in itome that he declared the tale should neverhaveaPpeared in the Atlantfe had he been in America at the time of its _publication. I =do not know that the matter is of any great consequence," • but,' as the American press in,general has done itselthonor by its muse In las affair, T tkdnk it onlyjust that the' Atlantic . also , Should have theberistlt of thin deelafinerMa - .the part of its reputedprlnelpal numagsr._ ” II •' IMIN zwis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers