==M . . . `YEAR. - - roArt- • • trit: Amorist. THE C:IITEST YANKER TRICK TET. • =I •'• cettneetieut ,brole-peddlers-4 Shrewd from Qvcramca=eady habits, we a n whoa , and there • ,:tillniet4--(lrove h the streets. of Provi dence heavily laden with eorn brocims. 'He had called at,severtd stores and offered his bo om ,- ever. saantall a portion of it; but • . 'whenhe wented.the cash, and nothing else fq psyment, they had - tmifermly given him to understand that the3' had brooms enough, and that he might, go farther.' At length he drove up to a Urge - wholesale store on the West side, and once more offered his wares. want the brooms bad. enough," said the merchant, "but _what will you take ri ; . ; . 4 This was a poser. T he peddler was aching to get - rid of his, brooms; he devisor the very :sight of his brooms; but he would soma tell a single broom for cash than the whole load for any other articlez-espedally .tkurt Which he could not dispore of aareeeWy: as he could brooms After a monzent'aliest - •tation 'however, he :screwed . mileage 'to •(•the.sticking point--ICrequired some courage • after having lost his chance of selling 'di load halta dozen times by a sin and frankly told the merchant be must have cub. - Of course, the merchant protested - that drat .was scarce, ind that he must per-. ; cbaie, if he purchased at all, with what he 'had in•his store to pay with. ,-.He really • wanted the brooms, 'and be did not hesitate • -;to say.ao; but the thmrs were hard,And he ' had notes' to pay, and had goods that must , „,beritiposed of: - ; - Fizirdly, he said tie/Wouldput the goods at the cost price, firrthe sake of trading, and f would'take the whole loadiof brooms Which, the poddler had labored so ;unsuccessfully at :.the other stores to dispose .of. - "So- .unload the brooms," said he to the man from. Connecticut; "and select any arti ketes from my store; and you shall have there edat price." • ' - _ The peddler scratched his head. . There was an:- idea there, as the sequel shows 'plainly enough. • toll you what it is," he answered at last, ( just say them terms for half.the load, and easbfor t'other half, and I'm your man. 'Mowed. ef I don't sell soul, if Connecticut sinks:withoill her- broom stuff, the next The merchant hesitated a moment, but finally concluded the chance a good one. He • would. be getting half.the brooms for some thing that would not sell as-readily; 118 for the Cost price, It was an easy- gammon in re , gard to - it. The bargain - was = struck, the brooms Were brought in, and the, cash for . • half of them was paid over. -• "Now, what will you have for the remain der of ytair bill? asked the merchant. • 4, • The peddler scratched his head again, arid . this time,more 'vigorously., He walked the floor , whMtled, and drummed. with his tin . gets Oh the head of a barrel. • By'%nd-by his reply c e slowly , deliberately and emphat ically. • ' • "Yon royidence fellers are cute ; you sell • at cost, pretty much all of you, anal make money. I don't see how done. Now, I don't knots; about your goods,' barrin' one „article, arid ef I take anything else I-may be cheated, I So seem& as twon't make any - odds • with yoni I guess VII take brooms. I know them - like a boa:, and Can swear to jest what you-Paid for 'eh]." „ And so stt)*g," the peddler commenced ,- reloading his brooms, and having deposited I half of his former load, jumped on his cart with a regulat,,CTonneeticut grin, and leav .. ing the merchant, cursing his impudence and • his own -stupidity, drove off In'search of an other customer. . . JOW BLLI t INGS Ag A PfiILOSOPHEW There seems to be four Styles of minds: let, thealWlio knows it's so. • . 241., them who know•it A'sr so. &t, them yho split the difference and gueis at. it. 1-'.. .. . • 4th, .them Who don't care which Way it, is. There is - bnt few - men who hez character enuff to read &life of idleness.. ' • I . True love isspeltjust the Same in Choctaw ~11i it is in English. • Thosel who retire -from the world on 'ac count of- ts sins and perkiness must not for ' get that they have yet to keep company with a Iperson . who wants just as much ,- watehin as anybody else. t ~ - • - Recess ty:begot invention, invention be got Orly .tuenee, convenience : begat pleasure, pleasure ibegot luxury, luxury' begot riot and disease, riot and disease, between them, be got :poverty; and - poverty ..begot necessity. again—and this is a revolution of man, and is about all be can brag on. a I 310.5 t people decline to learn only by their oWn experience. And I imeas they.are mere' than half right, for fdo not spore a-man tau get ti Perfect-idea ofmolaases by letting -an, other fel ow taste it for him. .. • AVI;EL YOE TARE A SHEEP??—tAn Old far; :fuer, about the. time That the temperance re form wag beginning to exert a beidthful influ ence in the country, said to his - hired man: _"Jonathaff, I did not think to mention to Sou, when I hired you,, thatithink of trYing to do MY Work`this year - Without rum. • ffow Much more must: I give you to induce yon to -Icki - w ithOut?" . - J "Oh, - .l..don't cara muclrabout it,"•siild Jon-, Nathan, "You niiiy give me whatiyou pletiSe." "Well," said .the fanner, • "I will give YOu• a sheep in the Fall, if you will do without. ' - "Agreed,"said Jonathan. . ° • - ' The oldest son then - said:_ , . -- "Father, will you give me a sheep too, i it I do without rural" I -- - • -"Yes Marshall, you Shall have a sheep it yuit - do without." 'Phe youngest son, a stripling, then said: "Fatlier, will yeti give me, a sheep if I will do Without," l, ',',Yes, Chandler, you grail &sheep also, ityou will do without rum." - • ' Presently Chandler spoke again: • . ; . ' "Fathdr hadn't you better takeilltlfeztp too?' --;.........______, 0 .;,... ;- - -T(lr Fti.llM AT -talning In Packet Toyan Afttienat, cot Darn, 11:at Rouse; also, a r rentent to - the Vnlley Itallroat School; goat uu Premises, or to • Dec.'ll, •It liii VOR BALE.—A. First-chus White Ash". Colliery in . the Jlattanoy ; Cual Field, lease la years to run. A .Bplandfd Farm, aio acres, on the Susquehanna River.. ~ • A twenty feet lot Second S treet , suitable:Tor private residence.: • • • ' • Town lots in Mahanoy City, • To, Leaser—lklanuntith Skidnioie and prirnroite Veink_near Mallanoy City. For. Rent—An otilee 41vetiTensee, tut' to 'FRANK CARTER, Estate Artenciiilver Terrace; Pottsville. A BARE OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN • • . ' • • . . A GOOD COAL . LEASE. ,- . ! • -.-- .. • TUE LOCUST DALE COAt COMPANY' 1 Otter Lq !Case a portion pf their bullet Dale Estate u vet unpatichect, In tjtie Antilen4Daaln2l93iii Mal -- ---- • ' --- - e Mahe . toy , figt - o - ii, containing the - MOIIOTH W ith the under, lying sod overlying veins, In. very dire condition .. • Appljontlon to be niade to OEO. H. P07T8.1-Act., Prealdent. ;io. lle Etroadway,..New Yo or to , • S. C. Jan. 1, - 44-1- their Agent at Pottatrllle, • 13ALE - . - - - -A Farm of =acres 'with improve-, 1' men ta an d Stock - , s tuate on the line of the Sawn kill and Susquehanna Railroad, 14 miles from Potts 11e. m•res of the land are under cultbratioa,Js acres are hovered ulth chestnut sprouts of 19 years tnatp,which z i ot V at: eA ceg e epAr nen t lrt:menanoistef.awubetandalhouse,siwpWza'Ban, outltouses.anda new sawmill with eater pow. er. Stoop' COnsists of horses, ,cows,, grain. )i ay, f and farming i m plement.. 'The price asked can be reed , . teed from' thet (tuber alone. Terms easy. Apply to JORNAL SHEA FER, Estkrly's Saddles. Pottsville, or to FIIRGUS O. FA R(1171.431:No. 180 Centre street, Potts's - 111e: • August ; _ _ VVALUABLE PROPERTY A2r; PRIVATE -B A.L.E. -- One-twentiettiltiterest hi' the tract of _-Coal land,ln New Castle. Township,. fiebnylkill co, (w as t n he Pott, Balm= tr*ct ,) oraitalnityt about On acres. ; ' A tract of 1121 acres or COAL and MIRE ft 1./4NA in ItiLey Township. • . I ' 'Valuable buthilng lots _oh Matuintongo sweet. A splendid lot on Schuyiklll - ,Avenne, 33 feet fronton me - AWentte, and feet - Writ on Church All Otte-Rnirtli' interest in. the - Coal B. 111" Tract of l and In SchtlAkin TOW/ 3 0/IP. to close She estate of theitue Mn. Sarah Hart. - • A t p i t to , ECO;RT ROSSEL, •Reia • to itutinsuranee Agent, No. 113111ainin tongo L.:Pottsville, Ps. • Jtui. 1, 11)--1—jg Ma 151.141. . . - • I i - TAN FOLLOWING - miNING- -.MACHINERY. - I - cite high - treasure Cornish Bull pumping engine, 2 15%-ineh,..y Uhler 7 feet stroke, boilers and all parts complete, and 2 lifts of pumps al yds awoken. 18- Inch the Other 4 - inch plunger , each seven feet stroke. • .A.l.Bo,—One Windingme tildnchcylinder afeet strap, with drum-gearing and boilers complete. - , i , ,1-m0,..-Four sets Breaker machinery. _ • A iso,—dou three-um slope wagon*, ileavnY Waled ',- • for 4 feet track. - ' . ALSO—One 16 feet Fan and Engine with tuhnlar holliek;amplete • • _ • ;one Horizontal Pumping Engine lianch cylinder-4 feet stroke, with firing and bobs, and two 1 10 feet stroke.rte of pampa l yard.: each , with 14- 1 .4-Inchplungers, , The above machinery has been In service, but is in ,good Atoriong order. s • • , GEORGE W. SNYDER, I Jatt.9,*69-2-ifw.Sept.Vila--1-Iyd petteme,:pa, • _ O.I4LING MILL POE fil.-r_The under. R.signed offer for _sale the • " MOUNT CABON ROLISSICA MILL," located at Mount Carbon,/ near. ieo Sebnylkill Oetuity; Pa. The liillfcontains 4 double puddllpg fu S heating turnacee, 1 train 12-inch mu.!or iron, I :viewdata bar Iron train, I train plate 72 mile . inches In length by 24 inches diameter, and another roachin for the manufactureat the above deicrlp• tton of i The obit* and Of male are pro. pelted by vertical engine IGI SO ; Me bar min a horizontal each/10.ot SO horse-power, and Me nder of Me machinery, *netts* Matt. . IlltVetitn, n., by Itenglnee orld and, 10 bone- mere lvely. •• , The 74 .IstiMings whiCh toter an area of over 2 4 020 6 9a0e feet, are ail oke are the foreman and ma chlnety In) of, recent conztruetion, bean in most en Mid lel manner. and arvertd'erith slate. • A 411=swItctd m the Reading Railroal Mune.. otos, serves-for tite convenie which nt Mien/erre Alf,, metal, de., and for shipment. ponUguous arid appurEenant to the Railing 137 acres of:ambit and weatiand, aloe an pew% Iron house, 21 good and contenlerd dwell houses and an excellent barn. Part Witte tenant Ilt town lots, would meet With a read i r i 4a. A capacious reservoir near • the MIL affords . tothe -.boiler* azi abundant supply of pare epring irate* ;Thereto sAso an excellent stone quarry on the,gdern •:,Vree. For the successful prosecution- of the Mann. rgetewe of ito'ri, the location is such as is rarely Mir- . 4 ieoi44- 4 a the hest quality Is mined in the im vicinity: -.The Dictate:my ortation-A *re ant te—elthr Ay the Readiair • uall and its tatmectol:l4, or by the sebnyliau CanaL Thequantity of Iron consumed flt the cosi re. fflohr Oh excellant bouts market. . said an .abutulluat =Of soraP lam. , f• Mr For to : • jenantrilticsalNN to - inigintrAz, 1"1 =b itti. . or CAL : - - MI orrxm or rux &shays. BANKERS .11141) DEALERS IN - ' EMI7IIX7XEB,,; No S NAssArr Starr; Nror yomz, The remarkable moose which attended mur assn piton of the pima ot the &oarketi. ItternelteM.- 'imext CortpArrr ma the .Wberibbit PACUIe Raise Mom) DoxrArri, and.: the asoMdarity arid reedit whielt them Lcatas hmaitaintainetl lit the Mark* both in tits country end iimorik, here shown ilea then:lt Slioilartge Bands of wkeiplombalanilhoe • orattly-messed Rellstaida are seomptly raceabdated and readily takat rat the meet mak Mg advantaguma form OfinviMirMat„ srldriblaa a mom liberal ineamel,biur am hereafter he dart* Teton Goremmerit Bonds; and **id* to= take their Pam.- - • • , , . .... Amat etthat. in th e iielectlibit;:tuid . Iselmtlition of w, m3or ' . Railmed Lonna, we nti tneetiteg a .great putdi want. an nmdering a valnableaerriee-;-beib to bidets of Capital and to - those great National -rot internal linktoreammt whom intrinsic snail and substantial Character entitle them to the map of Capital atl the oonfidetice of investors—we ticiertilfer with special confidence arid eatisfact, Ism the, , MIST MOBTGAGZ . SO2IIDB arEst"umA OEM RAILROAD. COMPANY. The Cheserpersie and Ohio Railroad, connecting the /Ltirintiecoastand the magnificent harbor, of the Chesapeabe lla'y with theiOltio River at Si. point of reliable havigaticra, thus. with the entire Rail.' Thad inisteni and sister triummortation of the great West and SonthWest, *Fins the additional East arrd i West Trunk Line, so imperatlveltdemanded for the accommodation of the inunense and rstddlilfrol!-* tag transportation between: the Atlantic seaboard and Europe on the one hand, and the great pkodu eing regions of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys on the Other., - • ' 1 :: . The imporbmee of this Road 4 a new outlet from the West to the lea magnifies it into one of ,national coderitience, and insures to It en extensive through Male fronithe driy of its completion; while, in the develornent of the ertenalveoirricultursl and min eral respurees of Virginia and est Virginia, it pos `sesserOdong its own line, th elerrienti of • a large 4. and profitable local business. , • ' Thus the great, interests, general and local which demand the tionapkt of the .CHEsAYEAXE AND Onto RAILROAD to the 0 t o. RIVET . . afford the surest guarantee of its success d value, and render it the most important and an Hal Railroad-en -1111 terprise now in progress in th country. ' Its euperlority as an East in 1 West routs!, and the promise of an immense and profitable trade aware, lug its completion, have drawn to it,' the attention and co-operation, of protriin i Capitalists and Rill ' road men of this City of arintifi 'udgment and known integrity, whose connection it together with that of eminent citizens and Mem men-of trip: . • P ginfik and West Virginia; bur an energetic, honor able, end successful managem nt. The 'Road is ' completed ' and in operation from Richmond to the celebrated-Viihite Sulphur Springs of West Virginia, .t , i mites, and there remain but 200 miles (now parkially constructeda to tie comple ted, to carry' it to the prOposed terminus on the Ohio river at, or.near, the mouth of the Big Sandy river, 150 miler above Cincinnati, land- 350 miles below Pittsburg, . Linese p ~ are now projected or ) in progyeas through Ohia:and Kentucky to thia point, which will connect the Chesapeake and Ohio wit the the entire Railroad systems of the West and Son hwest, and with the Paelfic- Railroad. ~ 1 ' ' • '''' Its valuable franChLses and superior_ advantages willylace the CumarnaltE`easu 01110 161.1X.ROAD COMPANY among the,ylchest and most powerful and trustworthy corporations of the country ; and there exists a present value, in completed road and work done, equal to the entire amount Of the mortgage. ',The details of the LoattliaVr been arranged with special reference to the wants of all classes of trvest, on, and combine -the,variOrui features of convent . . ence, safety, and Protection against loss or fraud. • • The Beads are in' denominatiens of 61000; $5OO, aiid $lOO They will be issued as prep^ ponds, payable to .Bearer, and may be held in that form; or • The Bond may be j•egistered in the name of the owner, with the coupons remaining payable to bear. or attached, the , princlpel being' then transferable only, on the books of the company, unless re-assign ed to bearer; or , The tfoupons may be detached and cancelled, the Bond made a permanent Regittete&flonct, transfers. tale- p nly on the books of the Company, and the in terest mAde payable only to the registered owner or Ids attorney. Ttie • three classes will be known ,respectively ea:" lit. "Coupon Ronde payableto Bearer." 24. "Registered Bonds with Coupons attached." lid, "Registered Bdnde with Coupons detached," .and:should be ao dMignated by Correspondents In ; specifying the clam Of . Bonds desired. They have thirty Years to run from - January IS, 1670. with tnteiest r at six Per dent.' per -annum from Novetnher 1, 1889. Principal and Interest:payable in gold in the city of New York, .me interest is payabie In May and November, that It may take the - place of that of tliB earlier is sue* of Flve-Twenth;s, and suit the convenience of ourifriends whoeirea4 hold Central and Western Pacific Bonds, with interest payable in January and July, and who may dealreAn making additional investments., to 4iii4 their interest receivable at dif &refit /Canon of the Year. - ; • ' • '.The Loan is secuiedfby amortgage upon the entire Line or Road from, ftitoLmimd to the Ohio River, with the equipment and all other 'property and ap. purienancei connected therewith. . • L A.,Stoklug Fund of $lOO,OOO per annum Is - pros - 144 for ibe red eitipttori oi the Bonds, to take effect' one year atter tpte eotapletton orthe Road. • • The mortgage Is for 1115,000,000, - of which 5 2 . 030 ,000 will be reserved and held In trust for the rettemlP Lion of outstanding y lbinds . of the 'Virginia Ceefral Railroad Ctripany, now merged In theewssawzaws OHIO. . bithe rerna Int g ,000„ a, wattle vit. AILICOI4II t will be sold to complete the road to the Ohio river, perfect and Improve the portion now In operation, and thoroughly, equlto the whole for a large and' ac , • tive traffic. • e prelate:it prlce`ls 110 arid accrued Intermit. !Loan an amply secured, so carefully gearded. andiao Certain hereafter to. commaild a pronilnent plane among thefavorliesecirities bi the markets, botlr i of this country andturope, will be at once up . - preilated and quickly abeorbed. " I • Veri Mrpeetfisily, i I e FISK & BATCH, Bankers. Pik 26, 70 I f . iStov!§, itafigcs,.4._'.. .rizz NEVI ' OALVANIVILD =ON • a ,LIT.TES can be bad at , , _ • • ao'Lomozi a - ooviawis. - BTerE, 1 . a An v ia .01 _ _ _____ -4 piteii: as idao haea r viegid meorwann otTirigt Brltam Japezked. Wood end W/ow oUgrer alClA flerthes orrno, w ... ll rnelmie, ri....... Rrooms, Oft , c ,......__Takde ltroberree, Coil,___ — "LiZo l l pr,_ I IMWM Fewstiol kXurns.--...,...,15. sum, Grlrureas. v.u... Teeowirftxteroons, Moe and, }WS M4 e Nwres - 1 Nutmeg Gnaws, egttoone, ' , alibi& Squeegee tad OF4MUJA-Mgrable Mats,Tatdelminee VIZ BoardiaZen Bexteitat metlirair Cotters sod Stollerk Clothe* Ides Plos. n. Oonarstaattees, , EtridOut Dredge i M w Matah 1 Aib Cpulnerid Peeed*Toilet auvm out Firtiebess, Deed and Bood Doges, Floor illenslideat Sew% Lleoceotrated Lve. 0 Cuwok Waib Tube,:Wash rkula, t; . 1 Tclul lftiq i and 'Nor) , IBasket; Ceara% Z e oa c etge ls. . Coed Dadrel ai Tca Thee Also, Oibt, ate, V OW Oboe, INittr. t & temexml, onookeroas to teen lioalLeg,l"3l6gthads all Aui ofgotlbterc um... 4cone to order, arid et tie est:notice. I mama /lobed artleiee woold - o*" bY ar tb. 111211"111.111- ' , broforeltooniewing - 41141141111/ 1 4a1 4 1 ": • i Se. Ili Own .11= ‘ "( r KEEN OF THE .- - --ar' • _ , 12, ;11311.1r4 ENGINE= and A.R.CHI ei .st scut Wa d illg u tre mati r zumu V vay iiie. i M d ra= of bolbfloga surreying,in its varksts branches =cadet to. • 3an.21y70,60 amtn r/LIAXM L : sad -wow Ant co.tiVaiiii pocrs —e ` 1143) ' Ado& Particular arreutlou paid ato liae rade " by ill ear at cargo. • , 301710. 111,-la-tt Gamin a. antmy . - A. a. cocinw STBAUCH 4 , crvm iNG AND ArDl Brit AND DRAUGHTSN&N,- ~ 156 amnia BDucitT, Parssrmur, tup stars.) Tatman' WM • ••: / Tj Maly cam. AND Dorm= ZN44Nalnk &mom sad Impede Collieries. sad rands* Mine- Ornes—Bannaril Dandlait, CePt Jew Eplacopatebureh. : . • ~ H AROTillart ze ., ezvzlmairmass. /mind to WWI . Eng% I.. ngiekeert . ..A .- 11•Ilring teeetion amid anuoutuman, Surveying; anti all other 'troth in the litiaTWFrolteidon - . Ornen—Over Bright's Iron Store Jen. r'79-1 GZ O IIO/11 311ARMARCIIMMT. -'' NO- It. NIAR MThErr. Moriellii,F. _ ewes, and Zarentor the seif-d breekerthatt the usual saving atcoaa great amount of timber ' bk. a breaker.; e self-domping canes are Etc slopes iutd Shartsorlth: ad without dew to ear. and with_erater apparatus attached tedlepease with Pe. neelt-dtunps ape or tire !Miens, and mac twos, three nun at ,the MD* =MC , , Tin advertiser irtil plan. superintend Or eoutinet toMarch bald winery tatprepeeteentenr ail kinds. L iFirtiranry•• . BA'IcKEXI, . 1.00 dirtre'Sfive",:rettmrine. ' imu„uk' . GOLD AND stL,v.E.R.,. ... ...?........: A z a u .:.... 1 ' ....',, Norm azczymn uslinspoqr—Fornowyr allowed as per ir.lai aroma ana Bolmsal=rittibir.vm Tait sacranadephyb. !Foos ar loi'"t he am ime"- - - - . • , Air ' NAstriFAVIVADAS AND -1151Ma n... 431 M_ Otedinkonvbei. 444,. : in Isobeektlil . pf__ got , i -balto ALLlE3o—iti Aug ofrortaittiakatalassyrATlEST MAN PiSlTCusamt bor o llivvek thele the hettee 0014tra al it Cr Couur. vtdommorto cedilla all isomimissorle bosses osio itlyeepar the .li.....mizat Us siats. • :,*- pA, ,k. - 4.11 . • EEO . PMILIO SALI4,-Tair .i . • Ira 1,1 V salt airt it e at Ow usem e i rs...l . sosa lliiiiii"Ri lo cl atatiVirlralayoWSlOrat ;'- A . '' ' ' mama .....,„...**?-:- :, :- •.. -gictic , ol4eli biL . 4 110 am Hail t` aldnia4 s mairiz pkoialli Saad mommr• 2 "'"''''' ,2 virisieklitik-Sielaah la .44 , 11 . • • 0104 ailZkr eas.ll4.oarsimilitapalt • - 1 ' • X ban 7 sipthican. 1 adlUi ariSeakc .- %, • lime maim, i l , lOl/04412M i : doligh.l nuaK !paw? ADS tope.4tiazdas baulk!' • - that. Plausta.•bastaws. t 3rwir altag hen. Ism ir e ssiaMaa 4, 14111 1 , 1 21 4 = d er = i:Ant aeak i v= astly Awl „ei , w,.= Ulla Akins of - s 4 awl other anklet toori i mers - Oa salisasaaas Tea at upwasl4, air , 'ileaalas (cantina Shea bp, 4614p:thaw Sh'bis =is with sporosad asauttp. . ~ - . . 4 ' , , f ' - . OPO. PAXSON. X. 2.-41* Thluar P wl 1 U / 10 1. 11 1 10 1n 11 1 **- Ow sagadiptis upon tbe at a. . - .. North Manliest _ , yeesoli .. 344 to , TEIO 'I. , - -A VALUABLE PO.Ai tA. 11 46,41 - 13 eta, . , monoriesiocaursiwaw lorrocum. . , . , , , , , '_ ._ COMMIS. MirhirOYAlS/h t :- z - in th e nuttier of the 4 sealigead eitate.at , Thohaa EMI, trading as Thomas DettikCo, a Bankrupt. bj the Distriet, court of Statak forth*mantra District of_Peaalyire Irv! be aoid at public male, . , • , , , - !!, : .• • , CLIC frii.CELOAr, APJZIL Mk,t At 12 o'clock noon, et Hie Philadelphia Elehaskik: AU that tract of land. situate in Haul Township,: Lmerne county6Pelvaisia, bounded and Oct.'. scribed as follows et ween viz o/kill g at a s zlittletterW COUllty Une. b cou the nties, crosses the westernline of the lotriKuil: kel tract; thence along the said county Übe south lettlegrem 45 minutia. west 14116-lOpercheitos stone; thence still along said comity line north 67 degrees minutek west of Timothy Lewis ad pAar choesß to ow th e e n noracht rnen along the same 'north 81 degree* 30 minutes, east 96 4-18 perches to 'a fallen pine; thence north 47 de. ' mos, east 189 perches to steAft'armnd a stump of a , fallen pine, a corner of the lohn Kunkel tract, and; thence along the line of said' tract, south I, delimits. east SS perches to the place of beginning; containing 51 acres and /68 More or Bole Also, all that tract of land, situate In Union Town ship, Schuylkill County, bounded and described as , follows; Beginning's*. a atone tin the. diViding Schuylkill and Lozenge counties.and Uiesoutbealti wardly corner of Union Townabip,Schnyikill Cacil. ty ; thence south eel degrees 42 =theta. wedeln &la perches to a pine; thence north I d e grees 59 mantes, west 86640 perches to a pine and stone, the' north-. west corner of said T. Lewis and A. Bowen tract thence along the northern iltie ot said tract norttral degrees 90 minutes, east 014-40 perches to said countY line; thence along the same south 67 degrees 81 min utes, mot 376.10 wrebee to the pleceoof begthning ; containing 13 saes Ile looreor • The above described prort is a part of a larger tract, of land, which has , been'suceessellly Worked for coal, and contains coal veins of grrnt value In the heart of the Leh ir Coal Region,-with rallettut (sell- Mei for on, The above tract is heavily timbered wit pine, hemlock and other mintng tim bers. For further particulars, apply to Win. W. I ,o dirlittb - Estl., No. 1113carth Third street. By order of, H. TIA3 I / 3 CIIOEII, Assignee: . It. Timm & Sows, Auctioneers. •1.70 and 14.11100 h Fourth buret- Philuda.. starch 7. Mr/0 gambei. T MPO ItTA.lir 1' TO OONTD , ACTOW3,- DFITLD• A. . EBB AND OTHRiDit. , , . . • SILAS BALL & BRO ., ''' i 3 , -, ..'; ~,,,,... ~ . • win donee? alfkindsot • ILI.- - i -Hemlock Prairie ',Lam . 'her on - car at , or near 'Pottsville, at 419. per . , „,„.". . S;{ •'. thousand feet, and - all ' - other kinds at equally q • h ' till' 'fie-, • lo* rates. . • . -.. 7 , - Ai They have on. him(' at I their yar P. d, In Coal at., near the & 11. A. De.; , . Pot, a full supply of all :ktnds of Lumber, at lowest market prices. ' i -,• , Dreamt' and other bins sawed at shortest 'not icei lan. 24, '70.111-tL '.- , • i-„ ' JOHN A. O?TO & Bogs; ' - _ - -:,. . . • v K - A 7 - LUMBER Jan 15, 70 CORK PINE OTTO WM:8.103. FILBERT, cvrro to If andfacturers of and . .. . . ~ . .. ~ DEALERS IN ,•LUMEI,ER, • -:`; • .:. WILLILAISPORT, PENNA. Mill on Canal, we 4 of:3ll4l*d St. Mee M Mill. B. McDONALD, Ap.nt,... Box 2136PottaviDe. Pa. 81.10-41-ly POET CABBONLIIMBEIII ARD AND Mt/MG NULL. WM: BEIJCHLEy, Proprietor,' Wholesale and Retail- Dealer in all kinds of • ' •• Hemlock, ( yakand White Pine Lumber, and Slwaqs this on hand a large lot of poor", Sashes,' Blinds, l'oldltags, - Window Filinlell, Ake, ' • Scrowl Sawing and Surfacing doziest shori.nottee. Also, contractor and builder.' Feb 8, ",'0 - .MILLE.BBB , I 7 / 1 .11 , • ST.LieLg SAW PLANING . . . , _ N. :C. FRECK ANDDIA.XNNS IN '4llAinde of Lumber tar Bridget& Breakors,.&o. • . Atl 7 Kinds of flit Thiitier rut to Order. Frame Lumber, Boards, Plank, 1.m.12,44111fping Flooring, Siding, Sash,. Doers, Moulding, , And kinds of lltutufactureci Lumber, constantly - on hand. - White Pine, Hemlock and Oak Beards cut any length. Our Mini are 7111 mile* below Wllltaitt++port, being &saying of $2 5D freiglit per 1O feet. Orders fined promptly. Price list4funiished on applicatio3). Jan 2i) '7O - . ,s. gm *gat Odic CF. SMITH, A7TOBSTET iT 1.0114 , ,, /Loom r tt, Eaterly's Building, Centre street,- Jan 1.5; .'7O-3-1y) PottArine, Pa. HENRYC. BIIRAYER;'. ATTORNEY•AT H LAW. • Otrlceos6 Centre St., May 22, '69 T A. AL PASMORE,'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, J . Pottsville, pa. Onlee,tio. 9 Matuantonso Street, opposite Post Office. • April 3,, 1111-11-7-I.y GZORGE E. ILIERCTIER, ATTORICEY-AT LA W., Yottsville,Pa, Oflice, :No. 179 Cetitre St., nearly opposite Miners' Bank. April 3, '49.7-14-rtf ' B LENAt'. rgi B. McCOOL. ATTORNEY-AT-i c*, Mahan tong° Street, abovp Centre.'. .January L felt ' . . ... ; I—if _._ JTAMES R. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW • • Rooms 15 and 1U Penn' Handing, No. ~4 30 Walnut. Jan .oa . 1, 1— . WAN vrT.T.TAX B. SMITH. ATVORNEY-Ay,LA W, 1.34 Centre M.; PottavlLle,. Pa. Jatmary /: • " • nANEELL D. :- /lELLICAISI, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Pottsville, P . ()Mee, 2 4 ;0. 9 Btatiantongo Street. ' January IG 10-6--tf A LBZBT .IENITTLE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW .4"L Moe, X 0.162 centre Street, Pottevllle,Ta. A deltas Promptly aillected, October l6 , 10-42=-1y O N ABM A.IFTZE APB= IST, Me, 0. P. BECHTEL, Attorney7at-Law, can be seen at his new otHoe, Eaterley Batiding,; corner Centre and Ma hantonigo Streets, Booms NO. 4 and 5, Ittun,Batelq over the tkriernment National Bank. March 27, Thl - GzOILGE CH/MORES. (Late of the 03 - Umbers. burg Bar,) ATTONNE.Y-4 . 4.T-LANV, No. 12 Mar, kot Street, Pottrottle,,l.a. Nov. tt,'Oß-46-43m LAWJAND COLLECTION OIPPICE, ' . CHRISTOPHER :LITTLE ; ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PORLtO ParTsvn.LE,Sciitryurn.r. Co., P&L' Sept 1, , 01-1.-4). • CA.II MAN..II.IBTICE OP THE PEACE, REAL REITATE AGENT, AND LI CENSED AUCTIONEER, No: 1 ItiAnexrcuroo Sr., Porrevriza, PA. . Special attention given total business in theabove branches, Having' • large' experienae,.satlanietion and promptness guaranteed., Oolleetlone especially , soUcltal and trill reneive immediate sittentioni January I, '7O • - -.I Pisintso Cads. suiluurze.porrivw,E.Pa.,late of the • Petuasylvatola State o,logl . aml SOrver, tnrphses Lands, adzes, Jas. 4 'lO.-1 ME L IR AT, WM: nutxtiLm' Mtn. lasPßll+zu, • PARNIEUSa_ • Incroute your crop' of '` . !. 4 .; CORN, OATS, FOTATOEfi, WHF.AT *co MUSS, wat.i. as t • . • ADD TO THE FERTILITY cif. :YOUR SOIL, .Ity a Jed Wow! and ;Economteal mode of MANURING. ° .Get the Value of yciur outlay the first season. Ob tain better filled cars and heavier grata. Keep your soil free front noxlotle weeds. -Blake your land Per= m anently- fertile. ' 'Over SI XPEEN years of constant use, on all crops. has proven that Bangirs RAW 80110 Phoeptuito may be depended Upon by Farmers. r Qlllphly . linproned and B*- - mdfail Warranted. For asle,tw Agricultural palm glens:rail/. iKUGH'4It SONS,. Afaxufaeturera OFFILIE— 11 N0.20 - Ddiawaiti Avenue, Phtlada. March_'V: 1,1-Sat Fna li d r atiT ii""S WeTbliM Soa r Exeter. Warbutied pareoinadalte ac tive and reliable Ikee. . For sale by GL ICill 6 BEL,Agenta,lloll street, literaldiaoount aeatera trom matt rerapriota. WM. DONALDSON: N 0 BAP= OR 'BETTER; inviarrxxerr THAN TUE FIRISTAtORTOAGE 7 PER CENT. ' r Gold Roads of thisTeatral Ealireed of Irma At fd Mr from fizz Thie 1 railroad runs EN miles north and south through the finest and Most thicklr settled fezetiee of the magnificent State Of lowa. and the only link wantinvo connect the railway centres at St. Louis and at. Paul by an unbroken 1ine,1147 milesuhorter than any existing route. This road offers Many ad vantages. The bulb:ling of the roliroad north from Ett. Paul to Duluth et the head of Lake anterior; where.fire reatteelr will soon ecntre-the constreic- Uon of the North Pstelfic railroad, already begun and the rapid development_ of. new and productive country In Mlzuresees and the Northwest., must fur rrhb a taus Eloutherntratile. :bathe llPPerlditabt sippl Is tromn over ' the Winter, Enda* nevi pima is otten uncertain the Summer, from low water, this road - must have at all tinted a amount Of tranIIPIMIUOII, and a monopoly of the bruin us at solnemisons of tae = year. ts • townie. =rwith other. Hues Interco/id by mutual mum ot reatiodmanangememt s , will etre Robson. the entire north - and south travel , between itillarmi_ mg anittheir vleinitn - ~ . Tim road will hare a great adrameire ever me' other Western line In carrying' the_ brio waxer of mat ftma where ills tsbant In southern femi to Northern lowa and Minneaue„ where none is to be band, And in retain freights of lumber, for which the denhaadll very great, • 0 The construeum of the road is n i o u t=lunt. dependent upon any uncertain .of its bonds, It is in the hinds of - «lemur of wealth and shill . ,ty bankers And risliroad omlne °l _ ;ll ;ce I rrefemu ul4l3'.. *. F T au Wiese( the line. are just completed, and eigh -MO& miles more are graded. An abundant enppis. drab, the, and other maharishi has been eon i ......mmiA tor. The Company *Urea large and dray surpass of money on hand, She melt su—hrer and the sal the made. gle e them snub _,_ ._zneans. to' posh i m bed out leeward. so that, with mounts U, la expected that the white Übe will be 1511CURITy ;TRIM every Illinnweesirr. So Orr as we can oompletet railroad_ -in the Wort/twat is only the tarereat on It* tends, bate dividend on Us and we ha. It the theirmtu,4ltura um emmey en unsay strong that ' .„ :• - - - ' Theamount brim mum Is but SWAM per mile. or 3eis than millkum faun, . . • W which Mr Om /Mat AcesPairmso ham alSid. ' As we emidtier these iseettiltiesthe cholera Lee tut market, we bare no doubt t $t mudslides will hstob- farm. solbat It saas be will for par.' tiee ogii to ....-iee at onee We believe there will he to s dont e =ore firree , thite time *nein ffivenkand buy ro rasa" lirstueu rail ad uncurl • as theam-erean Um presaat A qty After a full 'exaralunon, we 'have the the Sal e the above I r be i rr el a tr ul .. and dasher,* reetemmend them to our ene. *Omen as a tharmen4 sab, m mil es sweitemage. investment Ws have no heettatien_ irs shying that ha out °Mainz the : Ib:MA& ainumetk _ow /ow* will be one the most importimer and - miaow roads in the . est. .-' - ,:- - ' '-.. • I , ' - gat COORS a INK, Ile Wall Oterett. f , TalilliddetA i witti My, may be eiheihset ind Nub. antrum* be embed at the Om No.- St • Pine Sheet.: Newffeet • I st c= li ort i t COOKER Mi.„.ifeee Turk. - d iet Wash* ingoiu • Me Ri-Mle ,at .ROlllllll Nen s Xtekvend In :..-:,- -- ' r" • - • ~ •- ~. , - -,; • . : ,14:Orsyri.ukArt , ~-,,,:- ...._,„ . ..1- -..;:' :., : ~, ' --. 't.': F. WHITNEY . . _Bandli ilia, 'freek.,: nirtio• . unla s h meis==l kzetAt il tbema far 4•PwreT. - 1. i.,* 1., • 4 WI, ......• ... -, .- • • i3,--, i . , 11111111 =MEE - 134:VDS':M .;. tf - EI W r4111 117: ~ P , ..*-,--'+'. • ~-,-.= '-- A,`,... ,4 , ,, . , • , T.'- , .'. -- . .„? . . 7 4 - ..: - - 4,.. - t.if - 1 -- -:^`;-= _,,f , ..,• , ,;,-,... , ... ,; 1 4, ,,;.' ..;* , ,, , ..:.!,!,*P - .: f --, .. , i'q .-.. t_r - "t' ,. .:' ,, 3 z:' V, ::' '= - ,73::': •:, p- . .1±:i:313 7.,5..;2.41%*141116111.14011, 1401100011 t _ . , ethonSiryllilltari::-.: 'l, - c•t-7-4..":- `.." 7 '. - , . -,. ,-,.,- .. '-, ..,,,, , ~...,, ~ ~...:,„„,,.:., ~, 1i.., W .`,.6. , ~... ;-..,... - .....qc", , , — .4...-14,4,41, , ,,, • * . --,, ~, ~.. ..':, ' 1 - ., ' , ;,,...;,...,, i tint illS l4l:: ?: ' . --.-tALtitos asoCUOistEut, tAXIts ,-----,,,: i , l . -, --,..s ~..!.vp-:,.:kUirktirr-litosprigyoursavormilues,:4l ,„.: -- ;.Q.,: - ....,. -.? a: ~:rc , ~,.,- , a, cm-, .., ~ , ...,_ ._ .. , ...: ,,, ~ ~. , „ ,, Dross:a6 -- - - ':;.- .... SO • L.- -..- .... : .--- .0 1 6:40. --, .; ....i-,.. ~., .0...1 , --:..1, - :,-,-..-; s . A ----k1......, .1. , ,...,-?. - !.n't , ,-2 - ; • _- . -,- 1., U . , .- . ;- . . ~,, 4 ,94;:,1,-.7.- 4 7-7,17-. 1.4,,,i,77.77:1_,. ~,.. ..,144 141MAIVIIIICER thimiTtaltAiCiald':_dierolioskiv*-- , : - ..:Le:.--44,...!f'• . - t ( - ' :.,K,.._,J.. iiillika r iklif ...l ,4o i I .•.- . .' -;.. ' ' 1 e r,... ' ' r -- 4... f 153. TY N . 1)..4.1* E; ' Mll e CFt t t' La X-8 - & *a t r , ; • - ,' i 1 : A,.': ,-:- . ilI : ,'. ~ • 1 • . CHINA GLASS AND EA THEN E.' • , rt. sw .:. N0..-.707 Chestnut Stret,. Phil.a.dwl.pli,fa.:;: FINE • PARISIAN iine.llll7„, the beet stammers in the irerkei. et44l 4 4 the Of and el'er 4 0 343 d5• WRITE ntWral puniA, in ell the beet stink" and latie., DECORATED, I ) , 1414. TEA and • - --. TOILED 6E214 in pest ririftr. Giese en/raved on the premteee, anti C7titte, , .. • 1 Deeotetei either in full seta or =stelae% in the het leen , . , ~ - , „, . PmErr-4.4as axioms ONLY. ia,id Lowiwr 1 \ ' • ...1 , • ' CASH putaia. - , 1• 1/ DG us' 410 - .. L e" . 7 °I . 1 .13241°1 " . I° regard to Prices ! ike" 0 1113941. ? 1 " :411P7 111116r,c4 . . . . ... . , , .....,...,. .1, - ._T -- ' '-'• -- ._• - •,:,'w.. - ;. •_ „,..-..• ....,_. „.„ • ~,. _, „„ ~.. :.•.„-.;,..,, ~. kid. t . IL.:HSURANC - jk. :Aje r 4: , , :. N ! : , • • .'179 Climalt.Bl4ololll./N -. `, EMMERT/3 Tilg FO LLOSTVG COMPANLYEr ... , '__-_— • - - . . .• • . Erni Tait WO- '.-' l ' ' ' -• • . '...L.—..:::-...__...............,.....-.. 'frorolopm LI& *Oil . _ . -- A - oittlisia . = .- • .:, *...._....._:....,4 North Brftlish and • ourromano rim editii,i-- ... -- - ----- ---;• - - - city Fire, Enterprise, Eitiladelpidn ...- .. .........,_,....... ...... 'Albany City, Brew York. Iterniek, Conneetient+..-..-- ... :. .. 7°061 *Ilet: 1 ;•• • .. .. • Porticolar Attention , slim to Ituturatwo of Oval 'Banters GOLD i!ND SIMEL BASIS. i ---- W ALKER & PRICE, - NEW UNION IiALI A MAEIANTONGO STIW:ET, ANY CICKIDS . ' - YROSI THEIR SUPERIOR STOCK, AT PRICES' LOWER THAN. Gb - Lto BA I OM GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. PRINTS, 8 cents and up. - BLACK AND . COL'D ALPADCAS. SILKS, DRESS G00D5,,;(4 all )(Inds. NOTIONS, 'S m.,: &c ,Come end e, - 3,ed for yo'urseif. pEICES'!EHAT . CANNOT HELP BUT BE POPULAR THE NEW UNIOWORY.GoOps'STOREIs THE PLACE, FOR BARGAINS, 3farch P. '7O. Jan 4-2-18d&IV . • . Adds. fI*EPTITRYLVANIA „13:11AWD ___ A HOTEL, TREVORTON. PA. mollitts roWLDS; Jr., Printvietor. RKFRRENCR.—nOTI. Peril. Patton. Oct VO9. • • 1. 46--6 m EXCHANGE H0FE14,.. • a•.krE 18 ' Corner Centre and Oillewhllikreetj, , • ' POTTSVILLE, PENNA. . sax - rm. GARRETT. Prinutetor. Aprlllo, 'B9. - i • ls—tt Suptr ROWER'S COMPLETE MARIIME ; XADIII TROY " SI PER PHO§FITA"TE OF 4JME, AMMO • NIA ADD roTA.su. _ For Sale by all Lefullpli Dealers, A PERFECT FERTILI;ER FortAt.t. CROPS. ton t to the reduced cost of Raw Materials, I am e i ~ - ,to sell T" avoptrie Manure" at a lower price, od by/the aid of new maehiner it is improv ed i condition. also in estallty. (Warranted free from i teration.i ENRY` BOWER, Manufachtriag Chemist Gray's Pemy Road, Philadelphia. c This Lc num-contains all the elements of 'plant food in a SOWELL Posta . , containing as well, food for giving lasting fertility to the soli,. Experlenceln the use of "Cbmplete Manure" by the best farmers of Penrurylvania, New Jersey Dela ware, Maryland, and of the New England ' States, running through a,period of three Years Mal, has resulted ult in confirming It to be the bell Fert il izer now offered for tole. • pimps, sti&RnEsa & co.. • , i 0 Sot Delaware Avenue, Philada. WILLIAM RE TNOLIOS. _ .i 0..., South Street, Baltimore, Md. i3ARGR'S RAW DONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, ODE NARK = '., TBO NM First Clagil orHant tao pLititi7FACTORT-"Cos. : - - BACK 01- - t Constantly •an.hand fil=land Bantaa. . attention pp td la==111!!!!!1!!!! M=EMM= 212 - WILT, OFFER, FROM M . . FR. KARRouzia; .GENERAL . . RANCE AGENT. • • Otios, Inennsoftwalitilt. Potossme; LITERTGOL SA LONDON a aupas LIIIIIIARCE W. Cash Canttal and Assets. 411116,000.000 Invested In the United States, over • • 1.600,000 HONE INSURANCE CONEANT, tray' 'raves, norrrammerr. Burp Cash caplval, • 8500,000 Itni .latt. Ist, 1905,. ." ' • statkeity 98 Insarance,effeetof in the best Companies on favor able terms. Loissespromptir isclj tutted And paid with out delay, . . [ Jan Farrar TOUR Li EIN tax lIIIYAL aft INSLILANCM COMPANY . ; OF 11 0O3ON, COLE & STROUD, Genet.id Agent, and Attorneys, OrsiClas • N 05.1.50 and 1.52 South 4th fit., Ph !lads. A Gesture in the John liancoen Mutual is, that its Pander are non-forfeltabld after one twrzuent, and for reliability, it is fond to none. It also pays 41v- Wends In man, after one tpayment. • We submit If a man is doing his whole ditty as a husband and bather without nubble sortie positive provision w it ie fatally, la if of his death. Ulm is rich be is hout excus e, if he be Ahe need is greater, zio excuse. Let h Make pro. vision at once. How can this bedone I' U 4 call In sure in the John Mancock; and there is nothing else be roria am do, th lsed fmiat is morets. certain mid so sure to bring thit_p . • We what agents ter the unappropriatedjortions of Pennsylvania, 'New JerMi t and Agents.ir Apply to COLE &STROUD, General °mom ioo and 152 Soutlifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. ,Feb 12. 70 • nrcokivaxnED 1851. BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO, rnmsnEta), ANNUAL O TA.T III CIIOV..Td.2I. 1, 1E470.. Asaats Sept. 4, ISM; ' 095,108 3 7 Paid ..,....617,500 00 Paid Midi:land on anarantseCcap• 4441 rdr1443.., ... ....... 2,450 00 Paid members 4 th - dtv - maentL. , ...... 4 3112 14 • Paid members sth dividend: .. ... 40,153 $6 '.• Paid for canceled poltelek.--.4—. 60,2 ff • Paldguarda tee inkpltat redeenovi, 5,80000 ------- • 166;113 74 • • —. . 4440,052 43 DIZ ' 31, hhs. Premituns ren 6 awate,llsoo„ElN 35 • • • Interest and ta racelv- • ed ad d accrued.andr , fit loss an t. , NAB 03 • ' CM . ... znastrna Paid claims, 35 lives; 40 poi : icing . .. - ' —WV °°'' '' Paid otiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiica . t 553,191 55 - Paid expenses, salaries, Pa t id • axesj ,fe • hawed, en gtianinb-7.58,00 T 2 . capital-- .: 2,10000 .. Paid medical — eanuninal - - • tim m - ------:- ----------, 4,077 60 •• - - s . . ',e, , . : . , - • — W4R .„ K 06 80 4 132 a . - . Assets, annary 1, 1070!. . ; .......$1,857 005 10 '. fityziorgo w e . ricii.iiii: , -: ' Malted ,Statee registered ;.. bond', 6 p•r ct.; nal, Par value • $5O 000 op t e United , Starei . " --- 7Q '. b0tide,5.90,17 par value 66,0p0 oo ' • i tr. R. caßpoir o , per .. cent, 1574, par tie...... '15,000 00 Gap City orCetiecnet ' ds, a ' 4-- -*". Northcen (g014)..-__._ i 5,000 4 'A da m s linter, sort II per cent. Awe op - , ;:. It , county 10;i1iTi --.. per cent- 40.000 00 , Town otcheiiiie7,fieCii , /um ao .• . 464,t(10 03 Plttaßeld Ns= tloaal V stock ala O.. ,60.51000 awatutraaairlaaltaral Na-, 2 Mika* Hoak stock $1 SO- AMMO 10 !Weans Adams Natlcai- • • • al Bank at0ek,5121%,....- .1/MIX) • op s cia real estates' Ist 110,"1.0 46011a11 on eallaterstaad parsoail seesuitzr-.—: ',Skean ' : _om , 00 • _ , Orendinn . ton pOlides In1 1 :114,5X 40 - , • .- Reakeeinte.— --180,80000 ', 1 ' Cash on hand and on devallt...— 34_ MS 48 bnds al agante—. ..' .:. CAE el l=acerned an lansaiall, 924141 to t inderred prendasolopend-annual and'anarterly 47J146t , • o meatunature - -...... — ....= 840 - 0 rum wolug..- - ... - .4..—.._..........._ Mg le' ,• - ' . ' . nc:' •, - . ------ qw;eixs • a.. 4 " - . *maks& oo '2 :•••"--v. ralborted unpild suidt.i paid dtildends—,-----. .. 311'si ciai ) antee capita1....—..._....: • 21PANIOVi ' • : ; • ....:/t , ------'- 4. 111 ‘... IS Add OcererusoestirmiWiWarP;l7., 115.10 . indb m iaphi s oake,M., No.WitasilteC.74 AC=T • .H. Airtcounri Mk Picts ' Adepts 00g vanti4 ,Appky as above. 4 - -LimmoiFlYALlalr iIit4WIOAD cow. • • Tina Table altaamtatt matiteatkas or tha:l. yolt. a, co. vs% Oust a/ Mt Plala. - co. to awl tract Pattnizmairawaysio pomp bo. twin Basidlas and Lease , IA.'IL LAI. P. IL iir..:.„--H.........a........4*1 IL Le .2.45 • 7 Um • ' VA Ammo- 1ia......... ______ •a, n.• 'ILI6 Nair Totit--...4...._-. . IR ./.0.00 • v '_ - ,112277aNtit0. ' '"" 'I L ' ii. i r ~ , 4 4 i ave - z i r..... v . , ,, -. . - --: AX X ejg ati..... ."----7, •••••:' 4 - , .v- i s. lUD : • East Petoutatii.."2 ' a Li ....itse .s . Beadirqg - .."..., • '4O am Arrive s& Potticatue....-7-..,;:,......v.. 18.1 7.116 Par 'MLitt= - (31117iic *ad !lb ' " ' tootatt g"ilL &ma &Omit SAIDA. St.. NMI* rjr.„ -- ar. I:l=lsAtn,* we oL &laud ILIOP.. iir.. IN Imre Muth ' l : 2 la.l i tilitat 11411 °s at . a atattio Rh* 11154111411140 r are s , WirtOtis - sat atritakkiisva and "7' ti m o drami Elrr- , i1 11 2 1 M.4 I theta, itit:1111. It - - 77:71 4 -77 ausurri— ' 41 ° te l 'H for lr elid bilkl42=ll4l: ••• ; • ERI , *t..•,:. , ..4.,,.,,6.Y_ ,4k,t.-1.,, ,, : ,- ~...,..,,,, ~,,,.4§ . .7., „ ;,: :, - - ~. ,-..„._,._, .'"- - IiWW. MMN= re.-sieboND rzool!.. t . ' ... SO -1.151.491'67 11,1165.114 39 4,000.000 OP • 1,1'411.104 00 7114311 111 .. ... 0115,7516000 5013,0136 37 • ... • 311,67 51113,1159 13' 4 49 . 433, 193 63 449,959 51 346,171 51 EMI ,3nsuranie. 1 • E.FAPAIL-1---I.l' Y ~/,•-• , tw , -,—; , . ' ,q , ''''''', - , -I , i,f,,imier ;SEWING' MACHINES. - '''' 11111,1111)WAY.7NIEW . , 7 1! ' , !. 41:4 ‘. 113 7 (1701101 1 12 %, Ilitt . L.Ml ltea tt; " . r: :rotatitrot.putotleadmikiit - i : - ' ', insiElisticity it iteb:-.. , . ...,..-.,: or Kilettinet7- '.- ina' bOW ; -', Mut thiVanonoi-- No illasooteg 4 toiniiKiilitareod. Eg o . Amnonwitkr iatr otniage or adilutineAfellotapp sseun ..:.L totottoClts. and minium . ani f e lt iilit irug , Swift doing eill'Modoot *QM done be t.o ow Itodbines, th ose ltseldneo ozetote the . most bow ondimormanont. Embroidery rad Or. umoontil Wo rts .' Tor oile -- ---.. '. .401133;111 - E ' —Xt ttsvaie,r ME • With ail the late Ingstimittnetits, eoldint more jib etallentet than any other *kyles Meehtne.. fteag msh,t nil 40;4. . on'eaiali_re sold for doing tonor's wor, and are giving - perfect sathdhetion. And we hate, the greatest novelty of the age -t• -•-• , • KNITTING Id'AEITINE, Ibr - Wetly nseodrople, cheap and re/fable, sadly operated, and not liable to getout of order. Knits everyth ing. Every.- Mar: chine warranted. Price, pg Salesroom. No. e, Mahantongo street, next door to this Posta:Mee, Pottastiity Paroshere of are invited to tall. And examine the machine begestMelte whare i i • . TV: U. e Agent for Schuylkill GonniY. buttractiOns given at the residence of the port, chniersorithout Writ charge.. • Dec. 4, 119-4D-tI . , . - • Niatchei4ali WA IE. ISTAILIMERt • • IA / 8414C7 Tcugg ANTS JEWELRY, No.lllllßougg Sigoun Bruin; cerflat or • Au mosutasetut ot , Watehee i ' Plated Rare. .. -constantly on hand. 2tepatrtng of *Watt:hal and Jewett'', promptly_atteUdtd o. August, 33-.l(hrt • f". ri • ' 4, AND ll= _ PLATED are orr.erery description mid Meet designs, sultabie IbrarLdel Gifts, Tea rtionixdx,RA r dif Pre.' !sta. Pekes lower limn the regulsema e =tee. Extraordinary, inducernentslo_parchissiers. • . FL. BECirrEL, , Old EsuddisbM Stand, Oct.A 119-43-ly . • N 0.718 Arch itireet:Phiiadetrinia. • 193: . FUHE,REiIkos. • 193. Watehes, Clocks, ~ .Tewelry, Wedding and =Ment „111tupl, {LS li solidi) Silver and i i tt ire, Ladles ' Work : BOVIS, '. China - Ware, etc. „. - Largest assortment of Mason & Manilin'a an , bleo. Wools & Co.'s Parlor and Church Organs,. Pianos, and Musteal Merchandise generally. .Wgab.repatring by odmpetent workmern, OW and examine before purchasing ebleir here.., ' 41,911 ER, BRO2MP,Ms,, ; • ' • ' 193 Lientre I.9tt•etst,. Pottsville. • OPMNING DAY... ' .• ' . " .544,4605,0r5t sr 21 . Sept.!, •03 Raving „fruit returned from the Eastern truuteta, I will open on the let olDecember, the finest assort ment of Rollday-Gotids ever offered in thin mark'et s embracing, both Foreign and Domestic Fancy goods, such as• , . GLOVE AND RANDEERCRtEFROXIS, . • - WOI BOXES,. • • . JARDENELLES, • • • • BOQIIET VASES, • • • • '• FIGURES, BRONZI*.ite. &did Sterling Silver Ware in great variety. Fine . Plated Ware of beautiful design. Call :and- make •your selection., • R.. ct GREEN, 178 CENTRE ST., near Slineise fiaiIk,FOTTSVILLE. BittiVille• August 4 1 . 'fig AVE va on hand a large sad well- sele c ted. H . assOrtmentof - ' 'WATCIrEit DIAMO7 4 .IDH, • JEWELitY & SILVER' WARE, •t 8 KARAT PLAIN RINGS, of all weights and sizes', suitable for Engagement . , and Wedding - BRIDAL. GIFTS, IN GREAT;VAI24.7I7.; Welles repaired and warranted. All good" sold at extremelylow prices., • Country trade solicited.' • ' I.F.WI4::;IAiDOMUI3 & rim V.. 1 9 —issaz.-ntt • • StO Chestnut Street CALDWELL &Ca JEWELLERS, AZID Ab IMPORTERS, '4062 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, MXI.7 ONLY _FIRST CLASS GOODS. • As mussy VARIETY or GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WEDDING SILVER, PLATED WARE, CLOCK, BRONZES, FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, , FINE PAINT INGS;" All persons desiring really tine articles, reliable in quality and moderate in price,- are certain to A be pleaaed by our exceedingly large and varied coilec from first sources. tiop, Our stock Is kept always fresh by additions Our store is pronounced one of the moat elegant in the world; and an parties visiting the city are cordially My ited to mil and inspect it at their leisure, Fab 6, "M. CL!MF. t BIDDLE, , ' • JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS, II!! C1122'22r2 81112iT, PIIILADELPIII4. 1, • • • 4 (-47- • Hare now opened tieholee stock of NEW 009D8 for Fell trade and'Uollday Beason; cotdprielng: 4113131,10 A- at SWISS WATCEJEB, JEWELRY , erraurra ertvrn WARE,'FINE •ELECTRO-PLATED 'WARE, TABLE • . ; CUTLERY, &C. • Also, a tine assortment of ' • • • French Mamie Clocki, Bronzes ••• -" • k English, Freed]. and Vienna - , . Leather and - Fancy Goode, Of opr osWi Selection thePalitEninliser in Etirni,Ct all Of which we are nearing at very. moderate ptices. • . • EEM FIRE & BURGLAR' PROOF SAFES; (WITIT1: 0 11Y FiLLING.9;) , Awarded the Prise IlLedals at World's Fair, London, . World's FabyNew York, Exposition - Etzdversalle, Paris. • • •.' FARREE4I3EKBRINO & CO., cutErnmr orntEET.- ' RV'EY raf tf, } mAgaffEll.9, nuLatorixtuA. • • 1 II • MUM A 1111EWS,11sw Vertu 7711% 0-a I (it, /MA W /V., Sow Teri. More than 10,000 &APES have been, and are now in moot utak t and aver tzr HUNZOILED hay. %mash .Arsa. M i tt some Instancut e atal pr eserving their s where rawly others ma-- d. Ilistrowa mum Li. 1126 Or oar own and other makers having bum rerelyad to pov, pay tbr the Improved Ma Tune VS ytag* PUNA oftsimpton,Tor oda at kw rates. Wt. • • , • - 14-ly • = Q.IIXIII DMPOSIT oo . Yllu AOALKST LOSS. BITRIMLRY, PIRA OR ACCII r'T. • THE SAFE DEPosre COMPANY, stw rips AND DuppLAR-PRPOi EiVILDthO - - Naa ate ASO 131 dirilinnit !farrier, The . Fidelity Insuranolo Trust - edtepairr COMPANY. N. B. Browne_ Cianence H. use* Wir John-width. A; Castles IlLacalastk_..,.,_ UMW , . filer, - Vice Peadgenit—cLAßENCE 8. Beeretary suedTnesennar-.ROBT. _Arrant:lON. . darlitiint filemptal7.4ANLEEl W. =4lLe.urtungT . Thu CoutMiseve Prasidad teethed, weer Builng and Vanine nil aecatity against lam try Pi dim immati Aechn i k and Alkfte VAXIIIIBLES ON =POSIT TND GUARATINK Cpale Mee 53# t Wawa* utak 117, moms or ion Period: cevennalea and allatieer CsuPoti Ele` ' anima, se Mae vaugaumble trp de. SUP per MAO esosamigggs and ail Wu? namitas • p er 1. Oold Cotner Bollloor ' • Ls SO p er p I ,XP OOO SliverColie Or Dunkin-. .1.00 per 1,000 ether ar G in crl zai m iknder- sow rao • OVUM • vats% sad • • *11454. te alloaasat ts , talk-- Ado LW Per • hiro!m Dirapoodipeco....-... :. • 2.40 per 1.000 plialli to wnr uz lotiko _ . vatioo,, 4lP4 Ila aable yeaeset4 ll4lll nr -11- I .lcurozog r ' ThereUrterflebrrirriPerateribttla kaellear"biliged accordharo balk, opro a bads of th - feet rabic co- Coelho* aid tntinnitivill beco ' ton lleitakitneti ncetroni ten nttot tot/m oonier; tor coo per cent. ?be Coinleek7 44 bete I ,..„ ' Riarr. the ca!tee etanotvelY PAPER /2 4 1irri ' 117114‘ As Mot Keying . V ni t s to VS oath pet Ama to atteu. p. Oar & D om e Onnoney tecetten pwohleil biteingi vim be • allowed; Witt. on can DepostWe by • dunk 4 Pee teen. -•PePollts.F".Walcil2"4.l4' Tsivre*4:LetteVitrolitrenuallin to pont of , •. min too tunion r i s mai sainsiblata net - tee Ittecit. . Atb=tissato. oat tininttsv, on sant' ascotsole r t eck he co • 114 Jai Prodatus, 'A 54 1 : '','‘ 7:l l l ll Prart k i 1.4a1e,_- == noLanii.'r Ti,EINIS LADN) S t ML (t it r " list '` sa2d =9lSnVNrt4 ~ASI lAP SOS Chestnut it.', Phil _Ad (4 doop 04gow L2t4.8t0 MO 1 - IEftRI.NG'S thin auxinox • Ito 0: 4'oo 4 . ji • I 4 1 40 14 ; k a ti *O ti k o t tx.,l ' O , IVA ,_rite,(llllrdiandinig n , t - • F ro pcoVrier., , mpttotts' Aourt ottbe dad p ettruntr - zr • l o iwty D ..;:- NEW DRVOral KIM Aytitri" 4wiy. 041;ur. Pre=o loB ally; WaPtis dWorereg telmmigipelipnototect=r he w(li send hititliovfiereiret4o A ILL'e l • SAM NalitefasieeM,Sens Yort.• ';Oetoberli+llVl-, .f • UM hateste. Whet * Wilson received the Gold Medal, and the Marro, atraidad tal=steietwn. neandaat; eiltW.M.Mattitriene , ' matted:a the Parts Untrue al Repeal s.'cnourir, .8. GailAwnt,tor the asposiMe.' - liana lane neetsditl =to- -tit gewing M seb In es • that the 'Wheeler at- Mechlin* ea ail .. - I . ' .; ' - oxiikinicus „trier 1. or mgr. otio - 1 - itteed-prifiersi. , I. Al 1 i Wool 099914 *- : 4 : 4 2 , 111.50 Iter , y, : fasett ar aresolitotat 'qa RmI44B9MRILKARriPed TERRY' 111 ~.. OP_ 4 31.4t1V.14 991 tiLaPP 11 10. "I 91:11:1: " ". * '' . 0451144 ; 01249; Prriehitfed' i` :: .-: ,119Akiiipt i galos.49r9ale SALVE_ 144Z 176ra . * 9, --. , ' ',19.9ek .of WINDOW itr.ADEs. 190d.9 ; 191,4 9099911i9ent of raper VVrirs - -: , ; ' ' - ;. ' ; ._ ... _ .z 1 . : . t * 46.;iitti ! -Co ' t, .. 1.44Yu1t ,1011BERRAtED.RAILERf3, ~ ,• ' 442 Ti mar 15e5ii1941449.4494914. 91:D.-:Tursiilurefitrire SE on thakiiiiy;l4! eir York. . Isiovenzboril,, 119 ~.: h. ~ , .f,.. ''.'o'r••''' - . '• m i er .• skENA! noxti iliON 'NfilitAtB:: pie stitstsel -Is now pre ..to .bWild - Steitni Eng-ins:hp k inds '. post 8 flk.and Drift Cars. 1 of' castings and ilLt . p, forgings to onier.,,Espectalattetn• t , - non told to tint- trianunietwer of, , -•,:•:.,,... ~ • wheels. 7 - , .11)112.4 CATAER. • , i.u , - Atinnand.. Ctty,74.n. I; eVI-4- .... -- - .., ~, . - • F ainn iri Cs P l Ta ' UPP; STEAM R &C. - - • • • ' „The subsestber. WOO 4 call iittetiiton , t i 0t,... " ' to the superhm- facilities Cuu by . R:r him for the itorions:btane .of Steam ~,,,, -=': " Engine building, Iron Founding; laid Ea . ~ur.,; ttl the num rtw, of ail kintbs of •nna ' . eblori 'or , thug 31 1 U1.,1iht,l rfrmwtss lilt . . OM, t.q., , ~.. . , • He wilt tt ftintiolie the btottisi orrnining' and selling the CO ebotted 'Pine F orest - White AIN coal, being the sol proprietor. ofi this collier7.,-____ , •, , • , _. gent, 111-1. 11Jan .I, 'Ohs. -, UM). Nt . B.NIMER. to t al .. ..'-' POTTSVTLLE; PEMIA,.. , ... , i. .' ''', The manse h ers arai tprepariarM fur- '. nista lOWA IslaillNklt and adl kinds It' ot2MAtailli Y and CASTLNGS for .I y. — * Attnes; Mud Fatrna*m and Rolling - 7 -ic a --,±i z 2 4 MTh% and 1 ve a tult assortment of the ._,._. most appror patterns tar VERIPIOA . alf ..111(4 MILt. E !' GI 'Ed, 8443.1ER7rics, tittEAus, Put:el-I -MO MA MIN; and all antler Machin Lwi requara-d In Um ma are ot. Manlroad Iron and Bans Sept. -1,, 't*-4-Iydw :; • .. . '• MIT 4 , ItABTIVE. DOTTBI7 1 I,s.E ROLLING - AT*. -"S - 1014./TILE, rißitatignuirtomi, • Seim:TAW ileitis Pa.; • , • Railroad Iron (both tr ) are prepared, to re n•ders at snort nothm, edinary sires InN.M4 pig metal, Ire-are .41 table ores; buyers earl eref° o3- Ihg la all auleellmt, fans : The ,Rekths,W,,,Z," 2S, 32, and 40 pound* to n hand,ande a pplled In sonsdllote I . Jan. 1 ;77%-.41' I . • 11,92irriORKS. rkit of,tha late firm of Wren . 4 ,the "WAIitinINVIITOtt-IRCLN ..(.I*l street In the gg. n be will cantin in all its various 01 :1 "" • a Engine building; ' whiners for mining Mint furnaces of honor cold blast; . Leanings and railroad car flaunt% _ iron; ail_ binds of Muss email nip( ; _ SIMI all sizes of the Wein im profed — put 1:1!ia, single and double acting. _Repairing promptly attended to and zteatly executed. By care 1111 to business the sribisrlber. trusts he sr receive a share of-pie public patronage so liberally wed on, the lateltinm: • . - Jan - • • JAMES WREN. • ABHL ND-1110N 'WORKS. • • 'Ake Spit. rlber's are, now fully pre- Pared to fti , rh , at the Ashland Iron C Works, St to Engines and Pumps 7" '• of any pp er and caPacit,y, , for rain- rim act lag. and other • porposes. coal Break- ' - . . .ern of. every size and 'pattern now ,in:j use. tp gather with castings and forgings of ever/ descrip. Una., Coatand Drift Cars of all.alzes and-patterns.: large Truck and noise Cars, all fUrnished at the sborteid notice.. The Subscribers flatter theruselvei . that; Inasnrch as every. member, of the llrrn is a practical n echanle, they will be able to •fornish ortachhaerythat ceeure *volubly with.aby In the Region All orders dted to J. .M.[„ GARNER. Ashland,llhuyiklll VOunty. Pa, will receive prompt. attention. .11 • BI.I.,GA,ItNEIt. Ashland,,Jan ,10—/, • " . . 'p'4 I .LGLE, Inollll WORIri.B... J-, L • ,u__ TIT..IIY WALTERS. Proprietor. ; . • .. . ' ? TAMAQrA, fiCTITYLKILL Cg!..14 - 11 - v PA. Raving enlarged his foundryand ma- chine shop, at the Eagle Iron Works, Tamaqua, nd thus very materially 4 ,..,. Tamaqua, "wwi increased their capacity for turnirrgout Tr uk,. ti t ,work in•hiS tine of business, be is now . prepared t 6 make Steam Engines and Bumpsof any power and capacity, l, for mines ; Machinery for t f ir Breakers,. Iling and other mills., ands for Fur naces: all: Inds of castings and forgislits.'4 - c.; Sc. An expe ence of many years in the business, with the facing which th ese works now possess, enable the proprie to turn.eut the very best and themost satlsfacto work. , AD orders addressed to HENRY kl , 'Al..ll7illS, Eagle 'rod Worka, Tatnautia4 Schuylkill County, Fti.. will receive prompt attention. " , June iß)l39—*-tf T _0 ALTO IRON COMPANY:, ,_ „ ' 1 _. ~ e prepareu, to fttritsb T RAILROAD IRON— weighing From 'X to 70 pounds per yard—STREET 1 RAILS—fro -18 to , 68'pounds per yard, to salt elth for horse cars or loco- retil i motives. A :thee° .rails are of the LArEST I ,- ti MOST. APPROVED : ., Ea , PA7TERNS. "Also; aireneral assort met t of MERCHANT BAR IRON, Ronum.,, Fists. Squares,'..Oval, Half 'Rolinci: and Groo_ _ ,ved .HOOP ANLBAND IRON, SAft AXLES RAILROAD en 1.45, iFLSH • P LATES AND fkIISPIICES; Um Is. ROLLS made of tbe best ' tis of ixlld. blast char!...•oal lion, ready for use , either , foe' V' mai, street rails or bar irtm; Also, all ;kinds of, CA WINGS FOR ROLLING MILL We also in.' viteattentiOn to our DIFFERDsT PATTERNS OF SHPARS c ror cutting old ralls,luddlect iron, ac:; tte : - i :B EN J7I I.O.YWOO_D,Presidtmt, ,- . (Mee co Second and Marketing., Pottsville, Pa. 'Jan' 1,60tr1. , : ~,.. . fR 1 , B .___ , AlalrirrizuL o oo.4o'rth.Pl-. WORK. • ,I - 3g . ktutp g costrAmr,- t '' Broad and Hamilton streeta,t Philadelphia, Penna., would the.attention of Railroad 3( and those_ Interested in Tag anageria Railroad perty; to their system o - ftrs Locomotive, Engines, In which they • - in , are adapted to the particular' bust e a* :f o f e o , r t h,ift they e or four lll 3 pairuldriVii strhheekii 4 , and the of the whole. or ,so much - of the weigh. as desirable for adbeSion; and. In abcom in g them to tile grades, carves;' strength of perstruction, and rail work to be lone. By these m as the, maximum, useful , efibct of be periVier is ed with Liao least expense for.age - An , cost f fuel, and repairs to Road and Engine. estiz Wit th objects In view, and as the result of twen ty- ree y practicaJ exyerienee in the business by r sea or partner. Bmanufacture, live different kln of sines, and, several cleans of sixes of each - IMO- Particular attention paid to the strength of the Machine in' the plan and workmanahip of d al the eta. Our long eXperiellee and opportunities of obtaining information, enables us to offbr these en glues with the assurance that In efficiency. economy and durability they will compare favorably with those of no' other rand In use, We also leriliell to. order, wheels, axles, bowUng or low moor tire,(torn centres withoot boring,), composition testing,' for hearings or every description of Copper, swot. - iron. sad Rot ler(Works; squi_every article pertaining to - -"vmsir Or -- -"motive es. kfrt.S2 - OZO. B =AR -11 Y , T. PARR save.ow , .- • standara fi ma ss ike. 'CON. .0901 4 1 DA D Al& ( Prime liiLT3taiAM 471 , 8- 13"11 M= 1"11111"uddl r= 11214 it Prime - twill be terrnshed by We uttrkeidipiwa, . , 011,,E. 1 3 eitiEliiikTifill' AL- i the (fano, from the 19.;ompany's frohimittike, C. H. Dt..lllbH. Preiddent . • ' - , Al jrz Pemberton Banatw Boiste " . - 1 JAS. B..ifiAm vice prikaiik ---- ' • 71 Broad Neer ailic.' • ZAPI. A. HlLHlCrdthie 'PM% , onaitoft itEri f ibriir. "71 14 P'" d*: . 23 S9attt Ow SiSk 4 ilia tInV-ri nk 11. R7° BXICTioNAThiti . ST S4tkirnr., nOitigniCr:, ', ~ . ;!„ 4 IMPROVED -TRUNK , ktfOpf.- i' llatio N i k r, iiist+'4 4 l*.ii.4: latoi,_ Begsriskitnenu ir i4; kn a‘,.. _wavier, forowasbalti, Bloptcw . • --. :Gristlitalgl.llo.„Akel Ohet Trolitereenik be seed inrinl dally.gt . " " . . I P Ll g l td"X` o l l ieTryitranolot ', -, Pe. • • , ' 4 • -PAIITICIVEAR - ATITAMOIt 1711 ' A$ ' ' TO . the Roister. Width tomr.'no wi al : 1 1 r. ' • • mints 4-bsetnd two' ha, one elfind • Wilber end t whisk lit full; Adam when' ! . .eileg; la- beettni i itre. - ltteoireeno Men ' " crotches: A zar% or bake. any' .. alerted. hearostly. wird et any galas: ot • . 'bugle - anent of seingle lever. Idle. Ilmt.isk Or OMIT, &Olga eleettk En. caber legnlse the knowledge abet eogaterg %rotetted 'am ot expertegeol engineer, eert:be, ped.n the band". most Inexnerieneed gallon.' - .All Its aro mewled in the - seat" or et =ritAlit than breas". 0/ dolt, dirk ie hll , rdet.Or i ghet- It. e hkentellthlz . . goo. am ....: • . ,• . e t re ig , highlysosateend_ ... - "Mt* thle 77 . . ; , trdees ea thrthentan. Aber the •.. . . ... ed.wholtlllabotattogb dagnipt h , ' •'" • .1. ' ' 11 ,! 41 44$1141111114.1 -;.'il 4 . 1 , , - 4 : :7 114. ' ''' ME Doubl fat ,11,!!ts fIPI,IOO. P r ig Li 4.. PI 4 , ; 10 Ae -.ntrtonotatil4, 1. - 3Tii*-llierkio'.,:...'t' : ',-' : l:,f-' , BONA • D 4103 V 'ERA:MORS AND ifttil:tus: --, , • ; L.; . . , inOte - 1411x111CBS comma- , Wiirket on Railroad 'nger Depot, - Potts- - -[II prepared to man- , . EVERY DESCRIPTION; • Stacks, Blast Plpea,..Hanorneters, ce.'4dre... Boilers on MAO, • techantra, and tuning , feir years 'entirely-to' thla branch, of the smseires that wort' done at their give satisfaction to all who may call IndiViduals and companies v 'tp their advantage to' examine niniging - eiseatere. JOHN T. IfOBLV, , DIATHEW RHODA: -,• 'HIS EINGT3IIII le especially adapted for - . 1 7 141 / I . o3'perp:seee, pleli4: compact Table and cheap . Ea made the 'jvery. • manner, haepnt all ecrnneettop pinrinede teL The listen and C'renk with their connee4 bilatieee4Seh other, sayks the 'usual !raia,andJergfordinat, Vcal engines, de3clipti6D, Id references, send nuinufsetiwers,' . Jr BALD lii Tat., brew . • 5,-s.sat {~ l i ARCH., 1870 =WM :trotte' . .47ll . olo p 4 I -- RIM .r.itimNtia-tVAIEUON't§ PA:TEIq, CAST Saab tiow - aa, is one of the • most corn- PI .eteiljurei . .l4l4ollof #m;s It : can be used brriand hnrc t power. •XVith the hand, raaakine= sone M at the usua l _ walking g a it. estiJiliosefroribloar eight h ires per lipur.— n,thrOWlt Wheat about forty feetwide tus ter; little-trattk• - Price-$lO irand saywer; and $5O for the - horse power inaehine•; , i arbiab-Will so* about fifteen acres per hour, iitid.wil isciwit more even than by the usual anode or' sowing. - . • • -- HANNAN *.firAMSEY have-been appointed jitipits fotthe gaiepf the machine. • _. • • ROIr POTA,TOE. Withoht..excßptian the earliest and ..most;productivepo,tatee „now in except Fobably . „,tme, other, whie,4 is held at wiery. krioe;,_ 3Vitherdlitlity culture, the Bue: as , - 111. field Por4toes, . pounds t hinttsl lasi ~,-YesChu Greenwood, yielded had etit thew to single eyes; we,traYe 'm3% doubt they would Imiy e yielded : bushels. Thih. pohdoe is ab ou t ten- dais .: earlier • thari.the, 'Flatly 'Goodrich and the yield-Ist:ouch ;greater, and. ; is con. %Mere& kritniny as ,s:better 'table potatoc i If phuitedtinite early, twocrops can be taken, • off thessuregroand in one season; • ' ' We ..travert.feti• bushels of. genuine Eric ~Rose ildtatoes: fOr sale: at GreenWood_ at cu cents per half peek ,• $lOO per mil and $ . l 'per hall:buslrel: Those •-who'degre to pr o , :atcure genuine seed 'had hetter apply Ratty t Greenwood NurSery. As these •are vin - - .pophlarpotritheS, a great many kindi resent, • tiling tht - 4e will be sold a:4' Early Eck. pola roes,. .This Is done to such au extes#now7a days, ° that # lea most impossible I to procure genuine.se:ied • except.. from. those; whb it is known,:will not deceive,. • 0 .• WO have.aliso. ii\few: bushels genuine Early oodrieti . ,potatoeS :and the -Harrison, a late product iye. pothtoe for planting, Sale at Greenwood. . These .three kiinW for early and fate potatoes; are. tioa; causldered the . . bestrhe market: '"• •• ' • MEI . .'.THE .PROCEEDS:fIiOU. Awn tEIEZ IX ONE S4A-Stri. -- -selected s good,•healthy, Strong . stand of •Italiati bee* last: . spring. 13th, took.a,new hive and filled it with , eittpty Combs-prdserved from laSt yegt. I intraluceti brood emtib . :,,Uritheggs'Und young .becS•in the _centre of the new bi,: moved 'the old - b a ite about two . = rods to new stand,' d .anßavi the .new hive the old 'stand, *hen the largest nuMber or.beettstere in the field. - ;-.ArtiSl2lst:—The. Ohl hive full pft bees, and' One bop: of honey weighing .Sixteen and a halfistunds;. the new hive well tilled with honey, and working in the boxes. I Took tkte second sitar& from the old hive, - treating them .the sante'ns the first, - except that I gate the second.eapped queetfeell from 'the - first:in the:plat:4'of brood. juite . Bth.-- 7 8warmed tbenld.hive and the tirtt-now hive,' treating it in, like 'Winner; at, the same time took a box of _honey _from ."eaelLottlie•lwohltes weighing thirty-ttio. ,andn half pounds. • • .tune.:4l.—Took two hwitrins; one trent -the old hive, and one from . the sees:did new hite; and -.four boxes of honey weighing sixty-font ricsinds4 • : , too . swarms and. three boxes cif honey, weighing forty-setefi pounds.' " f hive sent nut very large. swarnidhai Went off: • '. _Oct. 3d.—Took: two buses Of honey - weigh - Ingthytk po,u - nda. ;,Honey. obMined,.l9.o poUnda';•soid4or $57; .saved : eight new 'swarths ; *old four cif-them `for $lOO. Rematning on • hand—four • new , blvea;.,wortif 8106; total profits $257; —leaving 'old hive rich, and !kaki- good condition as it was last fall. In this locality, - we have had continued 'honey-harvest from May,, to Octobef.-Correrponc@t- of Practieat . . •-" . . ~ __ , .4 _ ---- CORS.q..?, , - 0* , iicoßStS- ..t. EET.-4 , "leorreipo& N. s dent,, writing from•Bacine, Wis.,.says: 1 Um 4- a blacksinith i dOing•\ a. genera;-business in the horse-Shaeltig • and Jobbing line, and - • being considered a, fair. hand, with bad feet, I.havO naturally a great many bad feet tO • contend with,,. and one „in particular is de serving of mention. - :. The case %to' which I . refer is that ,of a Morgan •nriw, eighteen' - - years • old, owned by,S. •JorieS,• •a• wealthy . . fa - rixter - ,6f•thia county,* This mare- hall had . ; L. corns ••on...her feet for the lag- twelve year-+. • She kept .getting •worse - : Until ashe was 00lizn , : • sidere4l almck .useleSs. 11Iv attention ;was,/ - called id. befabout the. middle of February; ' ' 1868. On examining 'the feet , ' found them .*. • • to; be very drv,and hard; resembling those of a foundered. itorae, witll.4`deepeisted corn - • , hteach heelof the fore feet.' I did not, adopt • • the' old Van of digging them" with a pen- - i knife; then pimring,in aqua fortis or; a trits • •••olsaltay for Ii think that would be 'a ding ' 'fuel .to,,the fire; and in my opiniotiA , 'cleat .r -thing That Ann . be done with a hor 's ,foot. • - tes t .1 . : eons fenced with. a* vigorOus . ilig-, in ' '.., • fact. 1 po.rellthein- all that' I cct. with... ,:oitt: cuttin through to the quick! I then . • fitted the shims rdtegether, upotl the concave Style •and n such a manner that they did ‘. . not, bear i onOr crowd the affeeto part of the :;foot, and -in six or seven shoeinga.the' last ' • .. vestige •of corks .had entirely dhiappecired; \. • - •anclihe is now . able tai. trot her mile In four_ minutes.,' . , •. * - • ' !'. .- '.,-• - .; "It'd man' has a Bored with sigui.i.xwn In I t ' • : ,his•foot, I* tied it an excellent plan to thin. -‘ . -.. the; heel of the-shoe down on .the ;inside; 3 , ;almost. as 'thin as a knife blade;. then • weld . a steel cork:cross ways.of theshoe, say --two ' inchia- • front ,the - heel. By this ine.in- YOU • ; throW' the bearing completely= Oft the corn; ,• , - an,d the can grows outwith the foot,i ; ' 010 '? • keep•the .shoes- from bearing - on lhe Corns,. :S . 'and shoe regularly at. •not too long. intervals, and - theennfmust get well." , Pliitabelpliia Attnertisemtnts., • . ---, ti 200 ____________________ :AL YEAR 'AND EXPENSES 1 AMINESn the Celebrated ,Wil , So-, • .t3t.w LN