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I , ..I', c , 1,41-..-' 7, •Pjt.:ik .1. ~...„•, .• ~-.,-. :. 5 ..: ~ •,,...... 1 . 1 . .. .4 4 ,, L , ~,- , ... 7. ., ~., .. ,t, ...... .. i • _ rwF,.., ~,,, .: .• 4ii.4-4 . 4 • 01 t4..tr ' .. 4i'f!:::...9f% ;: - ....!...i.,,' : - . ..=•'' , .. , ;"-i'' ''''' ~..' =', - . ' '''...! •. .r."..." '.. "'. %"............"- ' ' ~ 1 , . A". • ..^....... L ,•., ~ '- ' : :.., .:. ''.• - :,, - . , ' ..;.' .- ..... ' ...' ' - . : .. : I . ' '. ..:.': . % • •'" I . 1...- "" ;. '?'' f ' l l'' r` 7 ' l " . '''''''''' ''';'• •;1 .- - '-'• ' ..%-' ,':, l' ''' '''.• i -:••:, '' :; - 1, , : , :1..- :;•: 7, •''l' -,4, i• '," •,' ~ . :1 ' tailieollllllll. ARM, 1 011M10 111 6.6411101 1 111111r 11011111110( 11 1 111111111$ *. • AlliklOr - OW* . - . 1101110111101111211*Ittillpnftliki•;7 - 4 . .1 CI , - ,•:- .. .-1 . : •-., '.. -4 -;,.." 4 t • -.•- ..-, i-, -•.; ~',..--_ - , t-• : • .... . -....• 4; - 44, ' '..t I-, •":. • • ,-:-, •...--. •, • . . ..,•-••-, .... 1' :. •.,,. . - - . - - •., .., .. - . : . %. I • -•-•• • -•-•- -•- - - _ • isORTY . FOR' - ;SIXTH • YEAR.,;* , • • • rall"510 ' a - RTIEWM . . • . • • . • . Port indinuntb: i Pki Ne. • t-Ekhmui. " , ''WELD, AGLEL& Miser; au " Skiippein * of, the &jet Quellth4 • LOCUST:, MOUNTAIN AICD' BLACIZ COALS • •- L, ; if For litaantacturilig and Domodlo.nse, and *lr AfteTita in all markets • 'FOR *NE CIELI4IHATLPD PINEII:NO'i WHITE ABII,•.ANp "JAFICSON i LORIIERRY" COAL& {2,o3 } CWithint St. t ihtlit4elnlaa, * Ogee' i lb Broadway, N*w lark, 14 Daum Street, Boston. • • - 0. M; WsLD . 11124.11' W. Nicds. En. Atte:Wow. HENRY A. rsea,, Jan. 1,.10 ' 'S „. . • .. „. . CASTNER, I ' TICKNEY j a' NV ELINGTON. Miners end Shippers of Coal.; BURN , - .SIVE.,; trent their Burnside Col. at Shamokin. LEWIS VEINIAsh.) . ~ . • -, WCUST MOW.UAIN (White Ash.) . ' , ' . • A i - • 39 Tribity Banding, New . Terit - . ,' Offices: 303 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. ',... • '.. 2gl Doane Street. MIMOSA - ,_ , . • Wn P Irlo. d, kola' RICHMOND, PUMA. Jan. 1.70. ' 1 .' - ' -- - . 1 " -- • Pier 7. Port Hick. HAVIIMITT, NEILL &. CO., ShippersorAnthracite & itituniftHart . AGEITYSIor the male of celebrated ,SITENAN DO&H CITY, WIGGAI , I &yrtIEDEL'S 40,44 Alquit-. fain and Buritrdde Shinn;lila . - *hite,A sh . coal. - . - - A leo, SPON and PEACE MOUNTAIN ed. , Ash .Coal. ... ~ r 1 . 1. i — 1 , - 1 FROM-110BOKEN, . • ' . ',: •- The bent varieties 04 Lehigh and Boylan's CF. LE 'BRATED FAMILY COAL.- • --- ! -Alec: liiiele Agents M n the Eastern market Ihr the Atlantic and Oeorge'e Creek Co.'s celebrated BITU MINOUS COAL ! ! ,• ' 1 • phla. 247 Wahine Street. , oinces lN Fl g l i hd brk,!, Beans 6. Trinity Ilatkllngt. Prrnriderrep. 741Preyboiset Street, N .. " Boston. 22j Duane Street. February - 7?,.tal* ! =I Pile*. No. 9, Port Richmond. JOHN R. w & SON , Shippers • of Coal, _ NO. 318 WALNUT ST.,.PHILADELPHIA. • • L Deist!, Der iiiin,nas sad hue ot tad: No. 1514 Wool Thirteenth Striet,-New Torir • No. $O2 Third Avesioe, New York. . • vow Wharf pio. India Street , Providence. godors Wharf: Mt Washington .Avenue, ' sear Felensi litree4 Boston. • ~ Jan. 1, • • - -- " , ft, , Pier No. 9 . • - -.- BA -N C lip Fir LE W I ‘4,L, .00., ~ zinars 4.licp iSIIIPPIptiI Or. TUE CE , LEBIt II ATED ASHLAND COAL,' I 111 K eArf.ANOT MOUNTA I N." ~ . . t • • 1 . 111 WalaulSt., Commercial Build.. ililla orrice : , 111 :i , B7a ,, d i zral .: - Trinity Italltnir. Room 1, . ' 8 Doane ci.., Boston. . ', Jantlary 1, '7O l -1. , ~ -.- , - 1- pitAzrir - - 4.1. OF LYKiENS VALLEY . J• COQ , I , DEALERS ARE IIgAIITIONED that. there lite but four ,Collieries Lich mind this - 0:1 1 , all tot which' re under the triagyment of the g r e ed., For the year 1870 HI C N Phila delphia, will be ithe only gents for its fusle , inew England, New york, New Jersey, and Soutkof Cape Henry. Our Agents will deal in no other Coal. what ever and parties wishing the 'pure genuine artitle mutt procure ltof them. The object of .thle caution is s reply to eneble those interested to boy under standingly. The Agents and • their assistants for the above points; are as follows : SINNICKSON A CO., General • Agents; 132 Walnut stneet, 1- 1 1111adelphia; their New York Office is at ttootaBB, Trinity Buildings, Jos. G. AtooDy Agent; • assisted by ELISHA MOSELEY, 32 Agent; Summer -street, Boston. Orders should be given to elther of the aboye sidnied parties, and.to no one else. W3l. B.IFOWLEe General Manager of the Summit Branch R. R. Co., the Short Mt. Coal • Co., and the Lykens Valley Coal Co. (Jan. 1 , '7O-1 Pier No. 10 Port Rlehinond. , . SINN - IbItSON . & sole Agents for the' Sale and Shipment of the • "Franklin goal of Lykens Valley , " in New England, New York, New Jersey and South of Cape Henry. 132j[Walnnt Street, Platadtphlo. Offices : 68 1 !Trinitt Building, New porg. az Summer Street, Boston.' JOSEPH • • .• JOSEPH G. MOODIE, Agent ,' Jan. I, '704- P. O. Box MS, New-Yorit. . Mir 13 North Port Itiehrnoutt.- ' JOHN C SCOTT' & SONS_, . • 1 . 1 _Miners and Shippers of Coal. 1 • 1. . SOLE 4Ga2cra! FOR THE SALE Of, _ I i MAPLE. DALE,iLOCUOT MOUNTAIN 317111 s iO Ash. ... "BEN FRANKLIN" Ole' plte4 Ash. , - 1 From the Piatnelielns 4i shnllar.in. 011 respects to 1 theI.YE_ENO VALLEY C.(11. . FAA-NM G l OWZNitiMPlolini.ted 'A:au , I'M:MADE IpThlk—Not 220 Walnutlit. 1 w .1010ces: BOSTON —h ßic t l 1t 19 DBmidw a DoaneSt ) ... chawber;.. lain & Frenehi Agents. Jan 1% T 9 i .- 1 . : ' . 1-ly run. Ho. 18, Port Richmond. - GEORGE S. REPPLIER , Miners and Shippers of Coal, EEPPWOODIE & CO ' S LOCUST MOW .'TAIN, GEO. *lf. IrE'S MAMMOTH VEIN. ,PUNCA COA CO'S LEWIS VEIN, (RED AM.( F.CRERT & CO' LORI3ERRY. i t 3 L 29 Walnut Street, Phlladeipbla; ' . '<Meet; ill Broadway, New York. • SI Doane Street, Bolton. , • Jan. I, I • -.. I—ly flee 19, Port Richmond. LOVE; 110YER: & • CO., . • I SHIP E ER.S O F Anthracite land : .Eliturninous - ,Coals. B6LE .A.oErrs' - Fon cuSIBERT.4.Nt• VEIN . BITUMINOUS COAL , • : 334 *alma St., Philadelphia. 7 .ofilties, .13 Doane St., Boston: .. • 21 custom House St., Providence. March 5, 0 Pier 14, South. BORDA, KL"LER & NUTTING, Miners add Shippers , of Coal, , WEST LEHIGH 'BEMEN'WOOD, ' -- , . TAlitrA SRAM ESDA LP MEM , 1.6111na.Y.,' NORTII'FRANK_LIN RED ASH, ' BLACK HEATH_, Ati l l i l a UN LOCUST ,_ , IST. i GABRETSON, OIRARDVILLE. 4234 St.. Boston. Offices : }Mom 44 ty Building, N. P. , . , 421 Web:tat Street, Philadelphia.. • . 1! • Per 17. BORDA,,IIELLER, a rittwThra. NORTH' FIVeyI . 4ICLIN WHITE ASH. Apr! : AY / HUDDELL Si C O ., . Miners Shippers" of Coal. • . (205Valnut St.. Philadelphia. Oakes: ' roadway..(TrArdty Liulldiam N. T. Doan, Street, Boston. Sole Agents for the side of the following celebrated ! Costs: • HAR1414311 LERIGH COAks .- [III:RORY COAL ,V 0.13 'HICKORY pRA.PF.R. COALS.' and the xca:Lston stualohrs cw..• •r Pier Na. IS Pt. Richmond. iIii " PPIN6 W V "' UV' " jag. 1:70 `Pier No. 3 Eltrahethpl, N. S. -' Pier o. 19 Port Minton& JOHN ROMMEL, JR., & BROTHER aqvt eovavTa FOR. _ . The Favorite sad well lawn KUL h MEM*. White fah. The Savoie? linitit4l.lT, bulky tree.bareihs Ftak LA. The Ce.ebrated DANIEL WEBSTER Deep Red Ash iiiiolD FOY SEWURITCIINOVS.: RAVZN'B ;WING LEIRIGEL at Eliz4etbport. 124114% Walnut st., Phlloda. , ; ~ Offices : lir Donne atrial, Boston. • - . Roam 53, Trinity Bnliding. Nets Talk . i GEN'taAkis_assrp4iiANWELFSlt l JOG, assisted by T. B. BROWN andiE. P. 17PALA.M. Marsh 8, 161-40 - VANDUSEN BROTHER & COl, . • 0: A_ IA . 014 ca. • Reestahi, birth* Glip, sal ether WHITE. R - ASH COALS. P i . (Pt. Richmond, 1 .. ' Ell.tabetbPort. ; jenPeY Fh t altd h • r Walnut. treat , _ ornri l k . , New 'York. • 4 • ' Boston, Doves EESDBXCK, • - - ~J. J. DOPEY. • 3 I •. • Miners and Shippers - of, coal DOTEY, EMRICH. SP*.. IMlDltret. • J. 7. DOVSY. Marrs ad OlatrorWo of Sr Celettritell' Rainbow arid.: Keistone Coals, • Mari POrt.Niciaottil. • Phtlad ebts-2211D00k Street.., - Pottsvillip—Cisatte Street. '• New Took—Trhattir But/Slag, Boots 02, Aeekternseist St Sayer Asento. Boston—No. 17 noose 1n., - 4 , 41004 , 5: Agerat.:l Wasasioirwa•D.Erei!/4 ,1 4 1114 . • . • ihtt 011141f.s IbM "Ad Sidi** TM ItravotTk.‘. - .ry, - • • r:4, • pMST:Cii4SP coAL, LOCUST 11001UNTAIX • • • Ftari Ott 6ialillo an d 4 1 #P44 * . Ck4 1 47 1211 • F. NORTON & CO. "F&MI1ICIlt&W-1..GOODRIDGE & AUDENRIER =I =1 pe t t.umtple fteclAtib, tindlendid Preparation. COLKETT COLLIERY,Owen,. Long di IiIIDDLISI CREEK VOLLIERY,....:i.C t Colkett; Prest. : 9 !: 1 4* 0 } 16 . 1 ;:,.' ' • „ ENTERPRISE COLLIERY. T. Baumgardner, Prem. lacMtYOintabt andliOrberry,abi3vbillehaytkill Maud, to alt points accersible by boots. „ . Wawa • thereat fell Theadwa 4 l4 . 4l. >l7 Dsaae ' J. tT. , AIIDENESED; ' C.' To. itORTON, '; CILAIS..D. NORTON. R. -04:1RRELL, • • • t •'t 1— • Pirr NO. a, Past liJelmwod, HAAS & BRENIZER, Miners' and Shippers et, TILE SUPERIpit • ,•• TURK EA T ; RUN COAL, A3TD MOLL Les,. Grrot itzrsors PLANK It 113 Cx'..E COAL. • •1 • till wata;at St. ipinadkapids; . mimeo: Trinity Nero Y ork, Y 1 7 et> 111, 70 8 " • WALTER,. DONAU:I3ON - & CO., . - .Mlltiial A$D SIIIIIMMS or .• • virriyrin Arm) itiail .A.SI-1. 1 • 0 OATS I . 80LE 'AGENTS for the Celebrated "THOMAS LEHIG-11 " COAL I __ __ ,' - - sos Iviantit Street. • . IPhllialleVbia. armee!: ' 19 Trinity Building, New york. I Wilt 3 9 Pler 18 N e ct i Atl,ilort Richmond. .Feb 24, 10 q• . : : , - • - ' 141 ' CZ33 Nos Nark. DAVIDSON YOUNG .8z CO. witomutALa tawaits pt • . • CUMBUM' MOUNTAIN, BRAMOKN. VA . ERLAND.. SCILiNTON & WILKEB_LEBR COALS... ROOM No. 16,TRINITY BUILDING, NEW YORK. WM. 3L DAVlErsas, formerly - of Tyler & Co. SAM' LB. YOUNG, formerly orOald well, Gordon & Co ROBERT .K. BUCKMAN. Jan /5. , - 3-ly W TE, FOWLER .& SNOW, (fincesitsors to Jobs White& V 0.,) • LEHIGH, • rfs111"1:31"7 LOCLTST MT.. ' ' • • • WILKEBBARRE, . SICILNTON ' • F.: CUMBERLAND C 0 A IA . Ofilee—NO. 73 Trinitir litalklicyr, 11 Broadwiy. N. Y. April 11,'68..' - ' 7: pT. • BOW & nosommar. • e - - _.• . . : VAN WIOKLE . & STOUT , _ .114ERS AND 8111rEIL8.07 THIC Celebrated 'Talton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Coale, Frcim the Hbervale and the Stoat Collieries; near Hazleton, Pa. Delivered direct from ,mines on board Vesisiela at Pr. Jourtarra, Tionozze, and Nor 13nuroswicsr, N. J.. . . {44 At tit trinity Ofams: 11 I. Broadway, litew.rork. • • (Temporary - at 119 Broadway.) , • . VER PLANCK & ATWO-OD, . . ,WBOLIDILA.LE DEALrita RI . • ' pdtion,, - StMuILKILL . . WILKESBARRE SCRAINuoN, and SHAMOKIN COAL, oiner P • V lNit i 7 Trini ty HuH d • 111, Broadway', e j iori" JW 8, ERiSANK, I .JOHN W. ATWOOD, '7O . • 2-4 f . CALL IVKLLI _CONAA & WESTON' NO. 311 BROADWAY. NEW TORN. , (Rocnin 35. and 36 Trinity Building.) - • . iliritotanALK DEALERS to LEHIGH, WILRESSARU,E, PITTSTON, AED ASH, MAHANOY, SCRANTON; LOCU COMBERLANto, BROAD !TOP, ETC. , MOUNTAIN,. S , 1.. '--_ O-,0 A. - Li S - 7 . . , COLE AGEIqTS for New York _and the North of ....? the - eel rated COUNCILRIDOE FREE BURN .4I2If L n'IGH COAL. _TUE PRIMROSE., THE BURN -6 Semi-bitamtnos and-other and-rate llertes. _. • -..- _ • , ..'• J.4.1dE8 W. CALDWELL C. B. CONANT, • • , WALTER WESTON.. - April 8, 'fa • • . • - • —l4 O in OF OF THE "1/AGAILA.• ELEVA G T.- CO., 8 CtaCICERMILL BLOM, EtralTALO, N. T. COAL. COAL. COAL. TILE' NIAGARA EL ATING CO having swayrplus of Lot and will be prepared ening of or to reCeiVe from the Erie camel, oe Lake, any aukatityf COAL for storage or reansnipment to any. place East by:Canal or west by the Laster, upon as favorable terms as any parties rin Buffalo. Their lot is well located. for a general city business. • - March' : V, RI • CYRITS CLARKE., Vice-President. tf - ' • 13— scljutjtkill gonntil. -JAMES J. CONNER,: Miner and Shitnier of the Celebrated LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL. Parrs vn_lx, gethrnizzu., CO., PA. Jan 1, "70. - ; BILL & HARRIS. Best and Pu r est Coal In the Market. _ WE hive made extensive improventents daring the 060 season, 'which alit largely inures'e prO' 7 duction hereafter. Every effort will b used to KtEP UP THE STANDARD OF PREPARATION. 'Dilatetat attention still be given toiases for mane= tactitrers', parpciees. • • THIS cOAI: t always shipped br Itself and not!, mixed or adulterste4L! ' MIMI SOLE AGENTS; (To W,2l4.l.orders &timid be addressed) ME JOHN ROMMEL, Jr.,l, BRO { 20514 liriailmat St... Phllid - ii_. .p 3 / 1 6124 .21 Dams St.. Has2l4l. ~ - .23 MIMI, Saildleg, New Rork: ~ . . , . Jul 2Mb, • 1 • .. ' , . • 4-421 ANTirseorrE LANDS rob, BALL.; -A met* of land rallradk. situated on tiro laMi ne depetideed 0t514011 4 1 tfieoontatoing six assaukof 1s offered for sale to enrefrpartlea as * lahrale nal for opening pastor two collieries ow the MS. Tbs ter:mere lerer,B percent. ofthe total Viol asked. for the MO, on a, moderate tamale* par yearAreeid make the ton otooal metln VMS mat ot It wimp 13% emu: _or • refyalci oral amiss. 121* lametan.. MKS would pew the feextutpte **Mara. Tikver.• dna of th e_pureham mammy lOU be Mats 1a loom in a botta ado Arolida, th*N l ,l Aqtber , • • • 9sterflOS , • MMES. 01711111114" ••. - ; WM ;`,l - ; ii. '44 MIMEO SCHUYLKILL NATIOATIOL tabo o, ybirfie k icravadoweest 3C l!Prrkih' 'II4IiVIS All:paranitifiat IXt.; _ ' Anitm sos Tax $ll.l °F T= Welt Dank masa cog shot ~ lnds. origgs ammo* 14 awe rs walnut swat; Ornceg- : 1101trondway,New It Rainy Street, Boo= . , Wine It•. • " • =MUM it ,fflio.; . {lg. E. cos. Walsigt & iPauttirts:Obila m *Friers: 'gigue Street. New Yeek.•__ • - 1! Itleretuusln" Bank Build'', rrovissiree: DAVIS 04.160 X,, TEMA. /113141111MGRA11 II 4.11.111114,111%. DAVIS _PEARSON at OP., • 4 311211111111 AND IlitlOTP eZa • - CELEM/TICIe !scum WOW VIM U ) RiEWASH_COAL. Ls Walnut stmt. PbAladelphis. No. 111 Broudesey,Moomll„ Trinity "^••, 4, • Building New Y 1 NO. Douse Street, IZon. • • GREENWICH, DELAWARE Anna/ WBARP Jan. I, ME - My No. 11, Pt. Nieloosuril. sirrmaß, & sHoinbucEß\ sh i - ppera and Dealer! In ; • COAL • •`- 11109 i, AORISTS VOll. G. W. StiTtias wiu. KNONO PINE' FOREST- COAL • . - 215 VtaListrT fri., - 63 isuurrill6ll.6lllQ, PNIULDA. , I Nsw Tom= . LOtrIS SNYDER. C. B. 81301F11./ilitEß. :so '.-c' lg. •:; 4 • . - CAM, 'BALMER, Q007,L. - murrzos or • -. 4 :' • LOCUS?. LOCUST Idcturrairf, ;ILA* • HEATH. A MO, !MALLON I MUM PONT QUALM= OP' White and Red Ash . Coals, No. 214WalauCd arn tr oeo. t, Indladie Idia, add Wood. laud Wisßhos: maw B. STUMM, -- SHIPP= AND AGIN% • belauslitill Raved. Pa. Jab. 1,10.-1 THOMAS C. PARRISIL: Sliqnll - AID *AM IN Lehigh; Schuylkill and Bituminous • • COAL . • Consignments on Commission Solicited and taken on favorable Terms. Off co-ssi mania SR. Phlladelphlis. 36Y 1.01!. . , EAST .FRANKL Y IN LORBERRY" VEIN COAL. Alf "P' EMIT ramintrztr 18011 8 / 1 11.1rit COAL . .i.V.I is now - sold eseltuilvey Mews.-CALDWELL, GORDON & CO., who are my pole Agents. PartM ordering from them may always depend upon get titig a Purarl tr le. . /12 wnt ainSt.„ Philadelphia. OFFICEll:•{ o No. r 3v Pine St., New York. N 0.144 State St., Boston. , . Jan 1 'SOLI • - HE,NRY • • (WEE 20V BARR EXPIIIIIRROM IN THE V BUSIN,ESS. i • r wax, : igNivaticarts •• , .011 C :::::,,,.....M. •,. • • • illi .. ' • ....;Mie ' ' . -•- ;AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS, , undersigned, s TREICTON, 111 W JIMMY. •. ' . The who Is a practbial Clain Manu facturer, informs Coal Operators and others that he la prepared ;t4i make Flat or. Crane every size et short notice. Particular attention van to Flat Chain *,r stlopee. For farther Information send for circular, -„ Feb. 'Ol-g-11; CIaIIAIIII ROD AND WIRE 80/120158. MANCIPACTVILIGH ' SQUARE tile!! AND WIRE SCREENS. THE SQUARE ROD SCREENS, ON ACCOUNT of their . superior strength and . durability. are preferred tO all others wherever tried. Screen Bolts, all sizes,alwayson band. Orders promptly filled at moderato prices. ; May B,'ile.-22- M ANEFACTUHEIHI OF COAL ILI & L. Latrilmrwrinat, E. Harm L. IAUBENSTEIN &CO , " 13.cee.., to John R. Diehm,- Manufacturer of Coal Screens, Of the Latest and Most Approved Styles., The undersigned who are practical Screen ',Mann: facturens; informs Cord Operators and °theta, that they are manufacturing a new COAL SCREHN, pat tented June 21, 1801: and another patented AOSTA 1 , UM; they guarantee that the MESH will always retain its original size until entirely ' worn oat. *, • Second-tatnd Screens and Segments always on hand. ** We respectfully solteltaeontinuanoe of the patron age heretofore so liberally bestowed. L. LAr.rnssirrziN & Railroad St., rear of Esterly's Hardware More. Jan 1, 70-1- Pottsville, Pa. 21109. - ."1" . 0 COAL' . :DEALERS, GAS cIomPANIEs, dc. The undersigned baying anceeeded Focht '& War ren to the sole manufacture of Focht's celebrated Patent , SELF•DUMPING; • HOISTING, IRON IV - ASV - SG . SLOCKS, for unloading Coal, the, Sand, 4 Also, In the: fnanntscture of IRON BOX WHEELBARROWS, Are prepared to all all orders with promptness and N dispatch. OTICE: 1 .—Being the , sole owners of the Patent Right for the Self Dumping, Hoisting, Scoop Bucket and Dock Block, we caution ail persons against man ufacturing or purchasing the same from any esees ourselves or oar spats, as we s will prosecute to the utmost Limit any infringement on the Letters Patent. • ADMVI III IARREEr e .Heading, Fa. February a; • 5-1 7 DEIMO.K'S COAL eateircres, . capni4 gross load. _• Having der/Waged la both tPe nntioraatte sad B. tutainous r of Fennaylvanie, the most awes*. .fid Await ..sowffee' In the! ocounti7. they ;offer with eat:indent* their .variosta styles o f Locomotive Engines witirevery guarantee to t_ Iroolkiem- • ' ship and perlkintuause, and resr __ain _non in operation in the 'several minim at=, eta', =Thom and flutes in the State and aoinctlT. Their eas, seed !power developed, In , d u r a blutri west nocausd ht ds ntpeplee over MILIOII Power Or az locomotive s ass.; (as lOW= by their exPeetelmie-of several yeareintake a rood loving to expanses 8"4/- Aetna torteril7tslrne 4coot (wa very N shore rims._ February tz,')i . en MBAR ISIO Ia UTMD 11110PLII Of JOTIOSIO_ other of the en* amend th ressemb= gal Arita thein l e e r Xte 1 ' SaE si :_ fr ; Udine, N ao. Cen re ale ISSldetattdo.' : • W:111 sot 1 i taextriracreasa: RT.' • ' =clam curna ai. Rew:Taeti .. ,__ . - An alsea Ifeit i r Why, Ceatese, height le= The Rope mut nd by this lola axe by an peettet mg them, Om best had lumetematat s o p er mage In the world. made thmatabityltaim i e drawn Rom the beet Italtea. Theiameat Se. the 17. &Rimy ara with Wire Dynasties, %• 4 1e i i i e Retie eem Bs4. amil , omtdde tarrazrrumssm : dibi st an iestr7. , , V et .m vr., LI ,: 1 ---- -..i. ' : . - 4' . '''' Mill • . : . ! , ,----.,_ . 1. • 'l. -i • : ••:* i'.“ ` l' k t , ,'''''. ..".., '''.• ,f - 'n , 7,1•1 4 - 1 i.: , :'a - , f - 1 , , L....•SIVM • 4;43 4ri 1 ..4, 4 i V•11 1 V4... ' r . -,.' L.:7':; - _' 1 - 1 , 1 ,,, !'; • • lir,' 199. • .. ~ . . i . . • - LLE„, -' k no t imy,.:_ ..•, 1NG ..„, ; , 4 , ~.: 4 r...„.." '„,,,..!.,.. ' 1.• ,, • ~ ..• : f, 'r,..r,... ~. : ,0., ' •!, . a•L - ~..- .., It! .-..'; ;4: ...f1.4 , - . ; 4 '...'t . , • ' -'. %.'' ': '''... ' r ' :. .";•• ..:'. : ''> •' '• . 11 , .;.• "„ift.thw; ^-',4' ./.%..Aarr:ii, ' • - .4%.r• .1 4 4 '4,•' , 1- := • ~,- 'l'7: ~, r , At :rt -; ~, • ` r. 1111111 pljUgatillok gorbran %reek. ining Placiiinerq, ' J. I.ATJBENSTEIN. PATENTED FEBRUARY 4, If= ' ! SCHC•YLIILL CO., PA. SOOP BUCKETS, *AD CZ2 CARS, • • Am) MSS MEI - '..' '/%:1 'i. ,, i•tt ‘4'.,.. 7 -7 . ''.*.'-' --:'''' .-' 4 0 . . ~,, ens uram.llol4l4DlC/MMIO': , . .., • ~! ligElGNlrrot I.h • e ~ ■ NMI • . rissoct`olawamiresie:scapidagbio• Ist Om 1e../Mistroba amilltag amporkeilb marialyg OMANI amme•mame lassalard 1 le thajaili. lam 4iiii.aamiat ire mirdoat ~ the hem aimmelaimool ammalmri aik bee elitimese' #O,-.41~ mai lieges again, sad im About' , madtistmlai 1141.1. flit marl! of am* ill,* Is Rya to iia,6lh moat st mosimmiak idea. & CIA' e 2 arssu.. 2oo,4o .aurimadadrauegaremio, polkas a a illstiaci eat *der with Portalati of bans/ • glob IL leak ,14441466thi5e0fa4 0 11 *.•rat b 7 !on recirted. ; • OclaberlV69 • . ANNIZ NOLAND, !-•‘; ; ;. NO. 11 MARKUP STltEki, • • I r9TVIVALI, . , Respectfully announces 1M the ladies of Pottsillle an vicinity, that aim WM clamed a -•• • • • NEW' CLOAK it' i rftillßlNG fiitOßE . at the above place. Tha 'following articie*,•with a variety of Notions, le„ will be kept for sale, and are offered at GUMMI aimllcau Patna% • • , Bray= curru i viverr BEAVER, rneorrEts' Beaver,Chinchilia, Gold-mixed and kUssek Water.. proof, Opera Ciotti, Trtag :ft,-411 shades, Rib- • bon Velvet, Ditto Gimps, Ac.. • TUE ABOVE Will. Atat LIR DOLD,AT DOST. . Ladle, and Misses Cloaki made CI) order, • ' ' • New Patterrisjust !smirk June' *, FALL OPENING.O.IP, • SHAL I A6I I Gs &c. Superior qtuillty_ BLAtric SS. • • COLORED SILKS In the hew shades. SILK AND WOOL POPLINS. ' PAISLEY SHAWLS, ALlP e t.i and i cat e t . l ) nnintperny TABLE LINENS AND riip P AN E ri. Ca . A itendid liver FRENCH. STRIPED SHAWLS AND.ARABS: EMBROIDERED ew V.d o l f NNETa ;. ' ' WALKING SUITS made t 45 order. • : • ' ' sept.l; , a) MACHWE 130LAND.1.22 =MBE Jim Biz m • Astaalcum Boum- Porrairritix Has now opened a new. Stock or Fall and Winter Geolb, Eatable ter the preeent;season , such as , ESSANIERZLOTILM_VLITIMMATICIIPIROOF. PRINOrd, 7014/14.1WiGS. o.l,lsotre. • . Sas on band new lot ot • • '• f' • PALL AND:WM= 00A1it Ladles itlkoakamade to tinier. New Patters= just reeeired. • , Oct. 30. * CURT 0. - AND IfillpF.S. --•-- W STYLES -.N ici 2.1140 2 .11 A. PelE • . t gait) SWISS eACE I CI7RT4 - 11 4 TIV,' niErr orirmw. • —• • I Embroidered Rana Mid "Tabli;. Covert Window' Corniew In Gilt, Walnut, and Rosewfxd and Window Draperies from latest- French desipm, a - ineStiadea. ere, Agents (or Bray's Patent,Swine Sabine. Blade' Fixture, which requires no cord. , • C.AIIDI2iOTON,S)=DECEIE & • S. E. Orr. Thirteenth and Chistnnt Street 4 • I,242Anireprita. April • 184/' ',a v 0 MOIBTING !Y♦ rir/Olg AND 87/110¢1138 - —The war dill ag the Dontkarthall ball* large asaatmeat o i lm6s lair Mack Eleszahma as= aa hand. t Alio mows he Tam s sale. at the ßl i ) Mt, stlow prices, r cash plices_pshl_ tbr Carpet pegs. • Jaw 11/.la—al • t• WARD. DesizoloOillattentloia ibeir lextensivo oliscrft meat of . I •• I. I ForOgir&DoniostieoMav'keits ulFitrirtwa WlNtelltiCol4 , 2o2o7a l !UtdeA2o:4;;47oolo . AloPktr,;l_,„•,. • LWES , AND iteitoximulig‘ • ; LEM% '. Wo also _ , - • _ • • eniximass..4ammutssulut --'" I. • ..'-' •• - ; Ind* Ti*.Faiti* 11 4 1 i 1 41 1 044, Oirket. Wello; " *44o** 1 1111 _4411 WAPPOKOMMI*I Vg/ 000,41040441MASIMINIMM I N I A4 ......"11111111111111.11111111114' 111:449W1Y:441.1 pctl y '11..141 AMTAi BM _= . , . , i►+c • • ? "i lir 7,i4i La-` t, Iff ; . ve...104, MINIM M=l ~~ ar a i rt TO frirt RUM OIL IT. arasetot tbisiod Awl tat•" - • =I ImiNew fak One Si* 3• . .. ~ - , •, Vigil: Itiiii . • 'I ' • ' ' Xi lir vimitl. - dili; sky *num TalkaiNg line. ABA. lied. Iltpiestsles.soriebiripoe,' a" alms remenesidl .ak-a. mom parbet !bee. • larrhirre b..buiaadi, '.3 4 - :...1:. , .,..: , : . . i 1. , • , .....-..,,,. . i., , - , - , • • -.1 ~! ' , • t i k r •i • , - - '.• , ios •'''% ' ' • -N •' 1 . ' :moan- G1* 11. 4 0 . LADO. i 1 .- : - ' -'' li 1 itird Sintripeale qiircae s. • 'al 4 3 4 1 * !Ail:yr:. 013 11'111111tialthalIOODEI, ' • OTs/ E 4? , 1100 1 7-• 1 1 ' A - • • " 4 • , 4'l • us 8 30 citism7 sans, MII2I ._... 4" A . 4. . . :# • a Riglygti s M.,:Pottsville. 7:11117 OcK.Ppil. 1 FOX di BROTI4ER, trs calms sue. Via. - FALL AND` VINTXR: DRY 'GdolDs-=: 'initiate; of the !Atm styl, of the WU= 04Xit 11010:11:ter. • '131A1123, OP -ALL , .iceege i' L "F 4 Arro t el# o., 13HAwte =IM ffMME IMEEZE=III MN •.• , . 1 ' + ivai - 05:4*eticiiPoo!ireekfor**00*.' ti0n40 , 0iiiii**, , 41 , 4014.114" 04 , r ;Tiiotiiioii:t44-;.:Ocxeiiiiesood ..t . .iiiii.e:.!;loviik .‘..v.iff . iiiti. - 10.Rlit*..*049;1(1;iind. #: .. win aviiiiiiviihvi, .4., 1 "ix ifeekit : - 11100 34- Tititz 5,1, 1 00 1 „ iclb; it **** 2l *4• "..... •i :a ir <,. 9S• : -' - ! I : 15411.itie OPitattiriTls. :to the- s pircarlshtee pt the ot As -sitentler •',4ottl, oh . Aet to *dace Us ,thlitt ; • da - t a ;i4seed the =hear vtirer_ll42l4444 .. 02tetsz at 1111114:bontrhe a ll , . seam eenesened ‘ therein; that antes the.votint2 and Road Talt,4le..doevet The tolltrettiellold . Estate.' In Abe Contrefat fiehnytklll.are piddte hire the day.' itt. • ma* the whateor Sth , ~ 3Mfl ii of eit4,l) as.will . pay the. thargoreine Witt . chine-getable thereon. trill .be sold . '.at.the ceert Hanle; lei the tloroti#l ( or Poturtille on • `OR . .O b ~'' " ~e „ Oreo,2- 1 2 40,2VD..42":.f.N4 :CIS NEX tiettlinned by : arcienmentfront day to dtly; , tor erreasasee or taxes cte odd County,and tlteecats lateasted on Seek resplietively :-•' ' II r • -:- . , • . ' . I.' r--• ' 1 '.' ' 3 l' 7' AftriLititD: •: i . ,;-...: -'r'' 4 .. 1 4. let . 2141.3 &utit..4:lllein4 J* 2l /-4Z..1..........1. anti .11ot tlearee .14he1n... ~.....: - -• , • .........,. 4079 ' 1 lot Ero.l4lllat M.. DaStilThotitira_r:: . '..'::: 1 ...SOO I lutes 4k : B B ;Walnuttitt, Jettaimvklatheihtie ? .. ,- : •1000. 2do .' lithriutt Bt. Charles. etephatui,.l4...:.-.. 44:.• • 20 00 . 1 2 lot it Walnut st, tAwrentst ,E1ed1141..... '...:44.... ,- ;1825 t lltip I do,liarkat s W K i i i11Uitea5....4.41....;....... , ..:.: ,, 2000 CO Centre St. Wok. Clerk... - :.4.,--.:. •• . N-17 95' 21nts i V Ceti st,,X 0 Vitniitobr.'..4 * . •!-as a) 2dO - ...... w . . ...—. -::i;4 -.....«., aus Irlot ' goose. John .txortner.—. - - .......... 4 .. - 9 II& 1 edtal basal` 1.. •••'..4'.: 2 1 15 110 L* itol hot*, Walnut az. 511triatifricie - _zi..!•, ~ •ri IX a - doll .Ritelat. Elizabeth Loan.. • 1.,..“.;...;, 800. 1414 !ply; textile, Adam 1t0rtzung........'-,;,- - ... • ' 1 . I'de 194410 1 1 1 t 11.eq lirown... . - 1.-..:-.--. ,‘t 1;1 00 , 1 text” Itiez etle war Hect0n.........'..ji. ...... ......., ' 400. : g 14:4434. wane Michael E10rn...44.4.4.,...... e ...:...‘ .. -41100. j ,j iF4O do. • • do- • ..-.....4...:-..-... ,•••,, 800 Ce neeezele 4 00 0 P Et1yrard52.....;...:..t.:.....«...!... -+; 175 k . .and.nouse 43 Walitntstßridgel,rwlent .i. 250 . 2 hoet_ardlcaeph Fail.. -............—....4. • - ... •', 400 :21olis kitten 5011_ ...c.- ; __,.. ' .......... _• • . ' ~...., : .E. , ' 5 4 0 Ares,land. rtolutsoo- Kennedy. tallest '' ' • ',', . 0 0b1zut0n..;..,-.... ........::......-i ' ~ .t.i' r• : • 00. t I tarsal F1ther... , ........._........:: '..........:, ...... :..•:. c , 11 40 . ...do.. . do: I ;.• ....L..- '., ',.......,' .i..... 4;...,...!... : ;111110 : ' 450 Xeres land Union teid ce....1 , ..L......-....:‘ i- . liter Otto- i - .• .—.....'...t•,--..'.., :'74 25 0 8 •' ; :de ..- . Peach - 4 1 1 .1.-...4............... ' ':. II 313 13 ". rdo':' : :do.. --do : . -..-.:.. • ,-., 2ST 50 .: il de, ,' - ' John Charles 1at44.11 . 011e71.:.-4. -.. . 4 SO' - 25 , - ,„410, - . - Edwital Faegz....,............ - ...,..,. . 100 • 100 , 'de !Moe Patt0n....—........;...—:..;,.. .11 58 800' 'do. .- 'Jerry Wetzelk.:-.....;.........:—..:..... ... 0 50 300. (1 411.0 ~ ..` ,lolittt tarry r ... ,:. .'3 30' =III ill - 77/&: • . %intend ihounorMant Clamart__ . • r Kontanrillianl‘ coal 260 Sena late Latberi Miler Co.:" & - :mu 00 121 • %der do do do 71 — ' 25 210 ; , 116 late igelleradi *" larld 200 do late firatyde. 1910 00 26 ';•tkr do, do do " ‘kr, 249 10 1 lot and bonne Michael lifelNsnask-.7.7:..—..." - 16 la 21014Jobn -:i 4i 44 • s al; • : • 246 aentointabl tract =PAP 90 do littzthe & 4500 .- do Netr- • . 40 4 90 65 -do ' 90 LIII •do Deeenta (BeltatiTer. itient)' 13)52 0041rdeTenkIna, 63 ilaTatrlek 4 :4olnn gY 555 104111mitn &.Westall ( l , . 9 ;seCAttt),..-1- 4 .W• 04 1 lotauld bonne ..... 1 '6OO . 1 tanners stand. • - ' • • 900 alanlghter bonne Jobu , 300 'al and 56 litres Samuel . 10 01 I,lol4amen • ' 225 10 iriran • hard,limprovernentr and, mineral " rig*, HA: a er .. : ... 8 mita late Ortneom:. • • • nn do Mineral righly.l ....50 .... ... 05 4 Nat ban. • '' • ' " 1200 2 lots Doan ...... .. .. ....... ... ... ' . 100. 21 aced Bowl- Pattern on %AO* 4. dcP dot • mineral right Burl Patteradn...- =94 ' do • .1 lot slut trapronetnen lOnelltr Thermals :Z. • 250 504 1-12 0f414 aerestand. TFron linbfenberg,_, •22 67 1-12 OM • .I,do • . • • 'do - - ; 481, 1-1204119 do' • ido . - •f• ' 09 II i-i;filid stimiTe bikaie Miiiiiiiet 22rDe1F,..:.:,1:,',1.:_, ', =2200 1 Int sint tibia* 1.4 , a , le PLO iitpit y - - ' .. 200 le, of 162 *0 land;, Allen Bawl iitillrbad: . ~. . :::. 'l2Ol •I‘acre , '46pa. land; Win. Kndlldr , , -"- _:. ~ 85. 't int'atid *Drip, amen Lebi1n.,....:...:_:::„; ...... .;.; • . - 660 114, ad land ,' Michael libiztle..-..... ... ........ f ., , , ~..14., ' : 40 22404,' Zarb Thordna ' ‘...., "' ' --- , kii..p., ....... 60 2 tot and 2 boividli Cathr. ri kir ' lit ime,.. ~,,,...,.'...-...: , it 65 11 nt•re.lotkat3triiirgotnery'" '- - ..- • -. ' ' 48 3 'acres Isaac W ' drd, Into l'boil bliPs:..,--• .. - ', 345 . • .. ; ' ,-, -• ' DA7nrii.L..,:„ il .:•ti • :•I .. 2-104' 33042 r en?te, Anna DI FittwaciaLi;- : —...;:,.. -- 143 tatfrgrcrib ..l'itir,.zt •:—..1:---.: - 1", lof, *brick ; itichard4 ' '....., ..; ' 7 ". • • Int '64612;b 22 qiirartivipe, Ftrinefa W BET: , Nert • 3BO .1200 SO lilt Baton ... .;. - .,....".'...14, dO - ' ;-- •,23)* A iotime, It X iiiiiiiih.:—.::: - .:—........,.. -.1. as p . t. 4,4ociaitilided4ary• Giii,. 2 4464 - 7 1 . - .-.46. , ” •-' it PI - 1 204_, .., -Aar - gber-:--_ ~...,,, do _i _cargf4 dialligTier-:--...—.,. 320 EN Ind hatorBlfughei Enslitroott..,..;.. .. '. . .-..: 1 :. ,19/129 - 4 tat It Perote; Johns eOnstrd....-....-.;:.-.: .'.......-.. ... .:. ' 80 - .1 tot/149034 Patrick tonun •-- . - 4.;.i.-., .. . ' ...:, ' 175 - , • .47:Pts$0, Brooks, Be9tert it.ltelitiuit; * . .!-... ' adlvined 3.; octriDaer44,4ante4Tritnble, ?&b . . • ' 1.... 1101, MN ..-. ... ..L....i...,..-„.„.....4 - , .......• 770 .31r 1 shanty; lienii . lea.'vee" ' - '-' . ' 283 1 lot It Pernte; ftsek' Pott estate - - ', 1 -.- 180 c I bpt 'and house roltonv.ll B / 7 ) ,- Glley;. - ..r. .. .' '' ' - 525 s 1 bops, Gtrardvslle. FAlw linvage -....L...4,.....; • • tisk F ilot.Perote, Gems4Www...... .. -....-..........-:- , 188 I lot routdaln I_4lnlttg. Jar Wit1ter5.,.;.............. 188 q lotoskland; Vfm Yoddr sdecea.eq" - -125 serekreter A tteltzlo r " - • ~.1 - ' 24 4 IoL7 Parcae, Wm BleIrle.: ...... ..-.4.-....4.-: ......... • 80., 103=en Gololian ..........- ................1 3298 LI 'y e t an house„ Junes cariey, aec't1.,.....-..- 48D Slot Lucl Engnn ' 320' "9 tenni; A- ia tieel' ' , ' ' ' 1210 118 , 40 ..- do '' • - •'- i ' ' ^ • 8910 2:ltonnes . ,"- do. - . '',..._...-. .. . . .;:_, ...... . ... „. ....1........... '2900. I lot Preston, Jilt° Green (Eagle 111 . 11.)...,..-.. - ....; , , 283 1 lot RoektOwn Chan. 11ent7 --- - 1-.........4..-- -- ... 88 2 lote"Preston, bjiitia 4 . ar.:ey .....-.....:.; ...._ ' B4O ._ 1 slimly Girard file, 511e14•01tea1 . •.......• ~.. 80 sere * Frocktmen, spluney - & Breneel ---- 1 lot Oakland, Jtilin 10der...‘...,:..-....... _ • . !.', •. • iiR VW641119 Wii:37: . , .. 14 tiered and improvement*. Joe'nollelibuali... 250 14 ikr Teter Schmidt eatat t e.......:..1 - " . ' 68 ' :.., •• ' : - ARUN - SWIG EAST. - 1 -...- L - - I 130 aqua - uproot,koehHunikitigei dc VudW.l3.' 21 el 1 1016nd home. Wm , T rek se - - •• ' ' ' $O4 Gropiiiiiiiii 0n . 2 lots, Jacob iiiiniiinger„ Sr., :1650 2 away Little Schuylkill Nay and 11 14 Co -,.. 2C 31 aatak Samuel Boyer, deo'd . , -. _. 102 20 dri. Reuben; Gonoway ' - - - . 200 15 dtir: ' raj I lot Dipilel Oaenbacb ,-'- ~ - -.- -.' ' = lO MacTep an d .powller mil 4 Jamia . 3ll4lr.:._•.-.... 688 -tr : CARS. ' • • I noun, Bichiu,l Pavia.. '.-.*- -..-..«.... . . ... :. ' 1 hones and lot. rby iloblaiiitzt ---____ I lot.likd kola° trick Chriatoplier____ 21ota• ...- • - So i, 1 lot and 'loose yid 50nei....._.2.:-.7 Llotamt house,,3 n Ife- luin - • ' 1_ IMt and house , ] tees hi n..:».. . ' •' ` ~ i , .' - 11 .0/lESSO,Zr.4:. • -' 1 lot (=atine Cbrismari!. ..... ... ' - ii4........def1ie5h........ ; .:...;:,.....-- L........--::.-..4. -- 10'00 2 soma Bayer it. linotsLoge . ri....-,..........4,.:-...6. . 1815 1 lot Attu Carr..../-- ..... ....-...-.....-,....—...., .160 otuterge 1 lot Wtn• Fisher.' ' , .4.. .. . .......„..4.-....- . 300 1 lot X P Lodwl 4 ..," ; • 800 1 lot atid booze Paine ' ' ' / 6 /6 1 /ot Oted dainty. oel isatetllS " - 3'76 tot itzld h kiln Ebert....-...-..:;.-4.. 1 60 1 lot and house atwatil quate........-.....:...,...4, 468 Slot' tletity•Elaylbr • • —......i....;„ .. 441 1 lot Thft. elouffe... • • ' PRA ILii"Y. I lot 2olin Ellstekerood. deceased ....... ..... - • as I lbe *ad house Cath K rum • ' 155 I lot No 111 Edward Jones • • ' ' 1 , 35 of 75 ao land:pt of hi Horn; Taylor a .Illmes • 11813 Jlot 12/anry Zezbe, 124 / lot And double house, Wm K"allutaugh..:. • $B5 . FOSTV2. • , , , .. , .. • . . . . . • ' h 8310 2 houses John Devany---,-,------s.—"---- -I house John lianuta......-.,,.—... •S OD Schuylkill Coal Co., late as utlitalaster & saw • 421 and si pa, land G lleastlt 1 ' .4. ................ "' mo lt 126 acres and lmpts, liteJohil Rofvert. - ..... r ..- - 1 house John Bushel.-- - ,-----.4. • • 'i se . .• :I • REGINS.TOWNSETIp. 1 acre ind froprorementi SamKocher 'Omits woodland. That Oockle. .. .. 2S do , Edward. „ 7U tote James • 4719 t I of * • 135, ldry dock and shop gat lot laud °awed.. I lot MA bousellobertflatah?...-- - 3 00 • I bad yard arid shop Abut . ... .. . .2029 Macrae Charles tielbat 89 - nacres Thorium OW 40 1 LB 'Sleekly & Ulu • 15 do • and imwta, Barron u0cat0....,::4.4;____ 405 43ji • • •' do - ' 2 du Petri • • 200 61 Samuel 83 dn l Bit Carbon *oiling Atlll - 72 da f RoDllag.mllliad , .1209110 4 old bonne' . • • -1 • barn 10 APW ' ~IOasCS - lot 1110. z.,wnuams ..... • : ArAzi-AirroxGro. 100 acrirs John 'AUfa • • *AI4I(4SY. 1 lot lamp, 1 liioulp p!kleit•—••••••—.-- 2 au house. Inch-Foley-. 5 la . -Llintu4Broot, Sererreizientanuit. 171 act .ip_and 57 pathos and;STrtinblo Iri!b'y 11, rlm " 1.1974111. 401 s on ' s Itleikailitintliiiieiti; MOW *I do. 37 do, - 4 9 b 1 r 4 e 111102 :. 269;461 ' I lot Mkt' isronnt-.:.:.' ca It lll boos@ andimartkt nP onain ., ,111 - 171 - 17 . , 10acreeJacSllneand 1114 Bboornaker....- . b So • 1 Sot *a home 'Joseph 8arhi55......1; ...I.:. ... - .1 •,:.::-..-,,. *AI (21 2 lot oo4_stone Cellos L10d5ep.00me511.......:...., . • 4 Or li kit and hews EdwittdPoeskV- , , ' ~.., .... 1 . I 0110 112 0 lablesseThoitlisler • —1...—, ;, %V 2 wens etudiresem banstiel He onser.:: - 1.. - ..t.`... ''- 150 ' 20 sorts land sad b0u5e....... - .4,.1..:4. .1 - 4001 WAD ,4,00a1..1 roper v is.,;-:.,....... .::,=;---L= 44 %'.------,-- s. 2/20' 1 lot ancl doable . ~hsgss,John 11. 11 . 1... 2 -.u....... 24 OD - 110 ft tot and louse •••=s,hs.bowe . , A5O %0221seresitau resseirs t ," Nana 1149. 1eW4.7 : '4l 48 wound boost* Thmsisi !sahib 'efotSte-;-4.....,.; ',, 1275 4tedis hit, sad basses Psalto4,,-3....,;...:.-.,... IVO ;tollhouses E P0we11i....4....,---..: - .:1...:-. .1 MOD L 1711109,9 store no& *Spencer**, . 4200 Locus Clamor* , Monti F I'A7 •+ j- 11 -1 0 Lot 4434 hobos Juba Thomas ostat*-4....,......; A a , 1. WORM baRLOS Beget ThOtaga ootale-- ' "si -Lot Old Imprerreratents Wm Wllllshui e5t44 . 71, ' .9 I. Wallet how Wm Mesa '45::::...i....:....;....;..:- . .., : 7 - 40 , 11ot John Al C i5 tL:••u.....«.....'.:.1...:...-:-.. rr 1 SOW 1 lotabd boom fleptlel4-.;.-,.. k ....—.;...... , 1; -111 D ur It Bartow- -----;--.«.-- - ..-.4. t .. IA • sad 2 boast, 'Thomas Mb. 419 544 .., .... 110 rlot 14 b0te50.::..:..„ - .......- ......;...... Firs ; jute shbliooss oirmsi - 1tatty...:;..,:-...44+4 , ` "2110 , , 1 ...1.-- • • ~--:, 'if 417:411.100Y CWT. - '7. 4, = ',. : .. 1 N : I let b4O 2041VI d tiO AMei:::. 1 .;.:.'.»..::::L: 1,. : : 2 lots 11494 VW- isSabila ;." ..-:::.::.:....,.:- ip . / lotl9l4.lo;Jsattoßtethash :`-'!7l 1 104 b10ke t ritiap.,..........„......,„„.,,,,....„,,,, 1 lot V bus 2211 .......4.,.— r , .. ,„,,..,.t... ...,:. 4 .' 5115.. flail • A 1097044109014402, «... .'r...."...::_:... , .;.4.4.44..... t"' II A Ist 11 Mb, Jbebb -- ' ^ •=:- tkr:,4...':e...4... , i:.: , :rJellf A 34401510i:Wsit abi11ed54....... .4.•-i , - ::- - 4 'r - z ~,, .13t 1 0 W MD* abb 11l - 1 Inui t 1 . ,,,,1r.' : ,;,...” .. 4. .L 1 .... :° 'TOO . 1 kitblebA nk .• - : . ' ' ..! '-'.:' -. .. .-_,--. 32 -__- 4 A il :::( ,; : •-•" , .. 4 .rt-* ,'.l 1 1 1 I I -... ~ -,. - ~.••71•••:, r 4. " '":1".e;, ,,i w 1 SO. iiiror..4WlLL...: ,-:, ~ .;..C.::...V.11.44 - 41•41, 41 sail b .14114L - .0.144.10. I L 0 69;- ..,, Gnu, ......„ ..,,... .- 1 . =" „ - , --1- - Li lig' .:4Z' ' - " . • '"'"7 . l - 1 - f 1 1 3 - 14". -f` - ' - v -,1 ? -- Ati 1.0495 1.4 •.,S I ME =MEE +I, 1 El MEM lEEE .1, 1 "; 7.*1.4Li..... , .:4.- .; '.iii Wi..l - fise.i -- ,i!"."..... , 4':. -..; k"r'`S'E' , ',..41 4 - ,:". , ,-": or:: 4 - : - ..1: . .-,r mA,. - .:A..1 " ..c.".. • ..;..., -.. -- ,,..3 • * 4'44_ ,o•4=-4.:_S^.i.:!: , _r , ;z 7 . i I ',, , ilgi , s f o r ..,t,k - 4,:z..., 4; .;., " .Refin'itr , ' 4 - - 1.. , : - 4•12,K1. -R 4 "% ' :7 i ...".kf r.,....,1 : :... , , . . •:. .. ....titiOje - 3: - 4 .. Qi"... - ....-; ,, , :,,, ...,••. , .. - ‘,..1.-. • .-, - ~..., , . • -. .i....i,.. - ..... >LC, ,;?;:...... ..'.......".;,:. • ,i..., i .FA`^lci'.:. 1i.r.q.,.:.:1,..,:4_.:-.. , f, t',"....,. 1.',...,.-1 , 4 . i.,... -,',.; -.". A?' - .11? 4 - "." , •11?.'r ‘...; .?‘.-:,'., ,?.14., , .., il,- . ..,_,,,, , , , :„.1-.. NORTH MAXI:MIX streLtite'r • • • 4•;- , ‘,. the Aix& Mogi; LIAM otbiarwoirtaklsS; boned liairikila anfol rale ettfterbilign, not, • Mr.../b ' ",‘ ; " "+; C:1'4104'11 LONG 441q6*iliepitOts ifearittinfiliedd I . /suamploft. A tusOradeb ti War Ibrevai fled,' - 1 12"4 :1 1i eZAi lv r • I Tbitert : efi iiii 4 oet / aJfIND',In 4 1 e night , ° roma Wl* pest. t Vtin t==t, • -Wrch male turitla4 It , iet Zt}.. hurt ' • • ' ThUtlttke W*1164, . • , rieTi >riiti n .:+ 11 ukast *Morse, • ' like ebtleliaredootie ' tither "wefts trwat • :11eSx1,1 111 TOMlTaittcarite• Ca* IPP,MtPrie long Point. • • 134.10401dut were mitten tor a yawls lady FOR WEIS EIMITA STACEY. talr.'lind few are fairer, , • - • MUM kyitipbevif earth vr oceian, • • They are robes theta', the wearer. • Thoseaoftlicabeof thlw, whose motion - 0-. lL'Ver Odle anti *Mita anti W.aneee - Aathe itlllayithlni theca dances. -• • Thy deep ereMidettble planet, —,43tise mamba& Into madness .. WltitantWelear ttree . The, winds that -tan it ~.; ;Ale thciwthoughta of gentle gladness Which, hkaimptsyss on the billow. • • . Witte UR/ gentle seal ~.- i If -whatever ism thempsintgat ji .; fth onsa.astissrolia pale with plasm:ital . i, ,: lithe Ishstiwg asatt-Mt Mutest . , . . :' What labours thy harp's wild measure. Wagder mot thst, when thou apeakest, _ I Ot the week my haml is weakest.; • -, . As the dew beneath • ate wind et mortnig,: { , • Al the men trblett'w.htrlsinda waken.. As the birds at tlumdees *stub*. - . • .As aught taunt bat deep sheilten, ' • As son who feels an unseen Aptrit... Is igkir knelt vbentbine Is near it. . . . . .7* ritrial • . . TIEE 13.ENEFITS M. _ _ PROZECTION TO "PRANCE. , .Titloll4,Tft a oWing, is brief: abstract. of the ' u midair speech recently delivered by M.l.Thieraht the French Legislature; in re viaii.bf the replies by the sulvocates of, free_ tradeto hisarguments In favor of protection - , &altered. on the :W-Tilt.`: .. 'What is the course then, left you to per sue? Itis to:renounce an 'the industries' I hate named, and . prodnce nothing but wine.' `litit Task you, 'Can you make wine at Rouen or at Valenciennes?' You know the situa tion and history of Portugal.. If there' is a country which reuldlimit herself to. Wine, it. is Portugal: Now,' every one knows, and it Is': great ignorance not to know , *hat hire become or Portugal. Well, If: Prunes would. , voluntarily renounce :the cotton, :woolen;: iron,:: , and all the ,agriculp ' third industries, it would, he believed that `ahe had fallen into a state Of lunacy. It is - salkand.here is the great 'argument; that all industries , hot ~,temporarily -protepte4 are • monopolies, , and we are told that to enrich monopolists taxes are thus laid on an the pro ductlonaof. France: Monopoly! You shall See how•little thew whomaintaiu thiaitheery 'nave reflected. They may hate .read or written a good deal, but it appears to Inc that' Abe); have reflected very littl e , because they have' failed to observe incontestable facts. Yott,declarethat 'every industry.permanently protected , is ' a morroply.,- Well! ' There is 'antenopoly, it is true ',. but' do you know.on 'What Adel it is not Oii th ' e aide' of France, but on that of the foreigner; Do you know thelearpeee of thissupposedraonopoly estab- ' . „fished theYeay, for the 'mentor Some French - men?oTodestroy foreign monopoly; At the that` mention of •this. truth it is not under.. stood,:by every one. I shall render it ,plain 'to all. .Yes: - the supposed French monopoly presents foreign monopoly, and I shall cite letril rem fifty years ago; others - within fewe.t years. During the wars of the Empire, for example.; when irrance and-Englandalone manufactured cotton . in Europe,-what was the price of a kilogramme (2 1-10 pounds) of cotton Yarn which tl: . tday costa , nearly Three Pram? It was, during the war of the Ent , re, err high as 27 francs. It is, true . that at , • title the price of the raw Material was very high because of the war; But peace came; and do you know what what was paid in 1815 for the Itil*. zonate of cotton yarn which now sells for Three francs ?,;The price was 14 francs! - How did it WI from 14 to .8 franca There was at that time prohibition, but despite all ' thecustoma lines, there was counnunleation between the two markets not alOne art the - seaboard, but over our en tire frontier. 'According as French produe den developed (there 'was „mechanical ,pro ,,gress, it is true, bat' there was also-:French om . Anion opposed to English), the price fell ' .m 14 francs to 12. tole,. to 6, to 5 and is .'. • y at 3, francs.. What'Thert has been the effect of the pretended mouppoly accord ed to French industry? Don't you see it? It cemlielled the foreigner to reduce his price, from 14 to S francs. It is this competitionk created against the foreigner which destroyed' his monopoly, and while you accord 5,10, or 15 soue; if you wish, teethe protection of the Tuitional 'product, . ycompel the foreign product to_ tall 5 ' 4 francs: These are facts which . extend fifty, years. I shaft, a i l cite Some which date froa nearer period. Nithen'the flax induirtry had been destroyed In France by the establishment in England of spinning machinery, the priee of.linen at ohoeattalleed to an axorbltantprice. There was only an insigelfleant duty, and the mar ket was under the control of the English. Do you knelt , how much the kilogranune of linen yarn, which sells to-day fora franca, sold for at that time? It gold for 7 francs. Scion,ovt ing to the protection of 5 per cent.,which_j/ aocoreksi, and then 2 0 per cent. glveh by. Mr. Duchatel, the French linen induStry, reap- Txtared,land gradually advanced so as to be able to meet, the demands of. France. • Thus -TheFrench product, whiCh you call the pro-a &act Of monopoly, because it was protected by a-trilling ditty, .compelled foreign monop nly to cease, and to reduce - from 7 trance! to 8 francs 30 Jimmitimes. This example brings us ' to twentyyeari ago. - Do you wish for one more reeeet? Do you know how Much the . 'metrical quintal of coal cost at Marseilles, and in the Ttsk - en ports,' twenty-five years ago,' befomthe Mines of the Quante Combo were develoPed 'as they have been,and before rail roads were in communication with the port of Marseilles? The metrical, quintal of coal; includingfreight and other charges, cost at one timehigh as - five francs, but fell to' fbur francs, fly centimes . ' Now; hat has it fallen to sa the coals of the Grande Combo ,i,oeill come toiM es? It has been reduced to Ihree:fnincs, and is sold at that price in the port of Gienoa. Becitrie, I repeat, the national product 'competed with the foreign, and in stead of creating a monopoly to the profit of France, Wremoved a monopoly which' was entirely to the advantage of the foreier. M. Thierapromeded to illustrate the iniV •ft- , t fir ther; by, Citing the case of a pitchy substance " (brat) which lately came into extensive use in France. It advanced from forty to Severity francs hi:N1111401114, whet. the French makers ft, bat 'it has fallen bo about forty Ca i l l7 4 l 23 e0 the French determined to'make it themselves.--..,‘ • : "• .. 313 1W 67110 4 It SOD ..... -..; • 800 saa 25 1 SD 1 00 Iso. IEI QTEEL:RAII.B..--The Railroad 'C,Ourtels- • Q!sioneri:of -. the -134te - of MaisachUsette have - made, a • report' the.use• of- steel rani- in..th4 l ,countrY; -forth the 'insult' Of • inquirtek adchtesed to - • officers of all the mil In the coun:' -Replies were received/conk the oftmm.Woheis from fifty- - • *avow railway aoiripanies,•twenty of which laidlhckfised steel rails, and eleven of them only expeibut infliciently T to pro nounce that .to iron rails.. 'Twenty sir Made ; bed d steel track in . amounts froti.floot to -15,000. toes, - and -their 'reports .weei. favorable to the use of such rails, espe elaily where the thick is sub* -to heav y ,. service.- Up to - February of - .Mb_ „rest,- the entire amount of - . steel track . laid.. in this befitted InZurepe and others in this andthe cati'delliteredhere;variedfroiu per cent is it•T'lltZ to 100 - per cen t. - - more, the 'cost of . rails. • •!- - - 1 W 'fbilowthsr, are - • the. conclusions; 1 lihiCh: theEksrunhiskipens deduce from the reports reeeivid' by theM -• • • - . ,!rhakettrenres•oCtengiervittui notir6. Ittricuar steel teas Oat their du- i tabUtlty , - ounedathitt of the beet iron,- 3. nat jrcii , - , - ctime do not - materially affect the:wear steel , p T - the . rails itkinhiht InsPeetedi - -with-a:vie* . to the de- , 44, 00z4 4thril ow tease mid property ; t hereby S.. Thatbojes, 'iatheTadsford etteg them down shouMe ~„. . .ireebeeelereauPruved. - 43r0;780. spade • at - Trwien! and )akitill-tbOrfOrted - , ol o :lo7 d i ereek . . )111sysestmente:shini -, the -comparative itionigthilfiteeleudircur'ualls ': v h* t li = . ra: A i r-c l. 'ort l it i t e il n J O t a srotCi o k wb et io etb uv e. thttik Or hie**. WireheedidAle * et. Ihemotheieeehdiek'theieight' Vi,.l4*Miehte : tadookOthit . *he* timiM *kwO h iv: - Izeepkoe- 'eb eit 2 4 ob i *it* Imre ekititimicelte Illjeldel"0-51f44..e;$116,fiftr per 4 1 1 44 1 00 9 0 60.9114 . 41 . . ME MIMS - I CIE . 1 - AXIII1 1 00.W1 , 00 - 414*.ing: - .E: AMERICAN etondent:l - thus I . ilatietiities •: ;.visit' fb 3 llsh Vold Par t 1 W0 12 4 , kiitnight been trYing to ilia the : **gat pit ; in England, and, a day of two aince, I T ed"that°the Wear montixedlieryi af=t place, the coast of the ',Gte*mr, Ooeiti„%--twelve miles from Newcastle-on-Toy, Was the . cine that would give me the beit;or 'wont idea of labor" in . the bewelsAt.the earth; -The - Wrirmouth--;- [ with perhaps one exception, the'lificken field, near Manchester—ls. 0.43, deepest cot Itery i n .England . It has,been worked for forty years; is nearly twdthou#and'thet be luw the ; surface , and L - 4.4' thiee,Valls of gal leries eitendini from one and* hilt to three miles in lengt theiSealla is dug pricier the sea, arid ae.fine kW as either 'ht-the. °theta: eniployez.l.l)o men,. hes two shafts, eaeh - with 'twe light tab cages, east!tub containing 8/ cwt ...of aid. The mine Is capable _of drawing , 20* tons each daY, counted as twelve hourstprobably the largest yield et, anycolliert in Europe. itl'he -resident `viever who *converged. hot take me to viewer, ,tnanother one; where the air,. ; Was • He cool andlrmh. We gotinto'neoortin , crtnriped up so that iteoulrbe covered, lit‘t leaving us. mein to .breathe, Then we were wheeled . Allp to , the side; and whirled d down' about - kat. minutes, - to the betroth' of ui Pit, . : .The descend was. ilerating, and enjoyed.it. It ileemed verydark attirst and foraminine the limps *ergot little servhx. - T,1(045.0 greiy accustomed -to the' darkness, and gmped along until I reached spetthin *to wilt for the coal • sixty in -- number, Itrlitch , were drawn up and (lowa- the gallery,-n oe. rail- Way by a rope fastened, to whee l by anj engine: The carsarrlying, I abut myself up like ajack-knife ln one, and wee bumped along for a mlleover.the rail§ in sit mitts 'Then I got alit and walked Tor- another mile in a tunnel blasted ,out of rocks, not lunch over three fekt high, stepping aside every few minutes' to let the cal ears. dragged by horses pass, mid experiencing mute :difficulty in avoiding being run over... Accidents from ears' are nearly asninnerou.s es. they are on the Eris Eailway;'F.oniebodY being killed or woanded almost every Eor, a Main troubled with' lumbago I should mend the Wearmouth -Colliery- for regular exercise. It -Ii even. for the little.. limbed and supple backed, • - " - In half' an _titan - we reached the place _where the viat was being dugout. The gal, leries are ventilated by ,means of a furnace which rarities tlie Air near the main shaft ; but!still the atmosphine is very hot and very dose. dietperspire,very freely, but the perspiration poured dowri my - ?ace; and I was wet from head. to foot. • • 'here, I stood - end 'watched -great muscu lar fellows - swinging their picks and cutting out vast, picees of coal, which are shoveled into the care andlearried cdrevery. few rain utesc; The miners wore fie clothessave shoes arida breeck Stout, and were so begrimed' with coal dust that they psembledz n egroes. How they didti3ll,they iire..ipaid by the car load—and perspire,and perspire, and toil In the black r ! I realW liitied them but tbe3i did ne seculii, 1t., - --They work for six or SON u hours, and are then relieved by fresh hands. Tbeymake very fair wa wa for this eountry.,..and their position, so far from being considered- undesirable, is deemed enviable by thousands among the laboring classes: SAII,I shoUld not like to be a miner. ',Such severeloil far away from the light and the breeze.of heaVeri is unnat ural and must, be unwholesome: That -men can standit far a long time is no argnment in its favor : Thetact only proves the vigor a their conatitution!and their ,power of.en durance. - . -.- ' _ . After watchingthe,t3Nem..d °getting opt coil for half an hour, TI went to =ether palt , of the mine ; . and, *tally, to the 'end of the gallery cut under the 9t4: It seemed singu lar that the' ocean Wad tumbling over my head, and ships sallipg, perhaps the elements raging, yet in the 'dark_ pit there was no sound but:the nunblieg.of cars, the , click of the Picks; and the serape of the shovel:4. The veins and strata of coal in' the IVeg-n mouth are from thrce,te six feetthick.".NiTheri the:Courts taken out the walls are " propped up, this being done overnight that . the- miners may 'work without ,Interruptionby day. The stone above and 'below the coal very hard,' so that the galleries are made With ex ceeding difficulty:, The collie&neveiwork;, ' em Informed, over.twelve thirteen:hi:los ate: time ; those who' have hard latair . hot more :than six or seven. They return to the .upper air as soon as their task' is over, and 'apPearto be strong and healthful. &lyswerk in the mines who.are not 'over nine or ten years otage, and as' they rarely. chang,e thelrlife, the colliery , lie Comes their World, and a cheerless; dreary World it is at hest. t•The resident viewer that adeompanied ..me; riOw over fifty,- bald me he began , as a boy of ten, and he has bee in a colliery ever 'Since. He has risen as high tis'ori an of his class eau. He is healthy . and vigorous ; yet -there is a hardness 'and sadness In_ his face and manner , that are the uninistrikable re- sults ti - f living half•of out of.the fresh 'air and sunshine.—PraM fl c Marquette Min ingV6urual, .reb, - 5: • • MI rp HE vlsitan'entet:s a - passage like the ordi , .1.. . nary. , entrance, into a . mu.seum. He comes to a large crystal palace, -along whose aides are arranged cases, in living ser pents, lizards, turtles, and other reptiles are Then to large aviaries of im mense extent, with living ' trees, among whose,branches birds dre perching bobbing , about, billing, cooing; , and =singing. He hears the sound of falling water, and looks down over a balustrade into. a rocky grotto, apparently 50 or 60 feetdeep, •-into which the water :./8. falling in 4 ' cascades. 'HE proceeds onward : and.turning to the right, enters a Itunnel in the rock, and se passes on through passages, caverns, grottoes; all 'apparently , madeln the solid inc,.k., and ever descending, downvrar4, with occasional fountains, vas; cedes, an waterfalls; Until- he - reaches the grotto which I first nientioned, where he beholds; a stream of water dashing down the rocks, and looking upward as:hestands on the shore of 'a miniature lake, he thinks It is 100 feet high. And all this long extent of the pasiage is lined„on both sides ,by large. aquariums; built of soild'rock, and enclosed in front by thick plitte glass.: • •" • . =These aquariumsare elevated three air finer feet from the floor, !so that one looking into them is, far below_ the surface. pf . the' water, and views', it fmm below, and gets a fishy view of it, and obtains a perfect notion how it &prim to the inhabitants of the waters. It a 3r, far the finest' collection ofriquariums I have eves seen Or heard of. It Was delight ful to flatten one's nose against-,those great squares of thick plate glass, and _bring one's eyes within six inches of thehead of a grand gray old carp, and 'see the-play•of his,gills, the movement. of his eyes, •the queer- a.• : that he glade, theslight play. of his tail tins; and' the almost imperceptible motion of every: part Of his body. _ - '' • . ~ - There }were; gold. ,and "silver' fish there at -least 18 inches ,in .1011gth, and great catfish weighing 25 or 30 , flottnde. • Fish that went to sleep,in great Pliestwheti- night camoon ; hopping fish that od not swim - but only hop or dirt themselves ahead • thi l ee or four inches at a time. Lobsters and.crabN and a most absurd shell fish of. that class called, I belleve, , the shield fish. A queer_little fel low,' not more than three inchesricradc with a multitude of slender, weak legs, chucked In under a great, broad, tight, shield, dr shell' eight or nine.inches across. ,The -poor fel low s / legs • *Ere net long' el:4mi* to reach outside of his• alkal i or eveirtoits extremity inside, and he was ad staid}, and' his shell so large:and so thin ,; that ivhenever he got , Into a current, , or .a Ash' raft against him,, or ?he ran a pebble, over he went on his back,." an en ;he ,had te,lwork , half an hour to back again. ludeed - ,, that seemed to bells chronic °audition; Of-being' on his back and trying. to:. &Ln hie fee ; like some politiciana X hilve" heard e = but whose names do not oocurto me just_ - l' I think these large catfish chew tobacco.— They tuive the look and movement of face land month, that some tobacco - chewent he,*e. I This rock-work is 'probablY the finest full- Betel roCie work ever constructed. :The aqua-: rritun is the- fituist thing. hi Berlin fora strangertrevisit. The galleritient artiltruot• eornme With threea „, ottin , ottis..-: .", Even Kohlhociel,fine frefiXlS do not. brhig thent,uti :to the aversge.---,ganJYcrnciscu Herald:. ' - . OCcorunc.m.rir we rout of " tonic "„of the customs of .thodays the. p ur ib in , w hi c h are intexesting. Dunstable„ 1651 dancing at Weddings was forbidden: in 1660._William iniprisioned month 'fir courting a rnaktwithoutths leave of h e r parental, in 1675, .because . 9"there: ' manifest pride appearing inotir„ . streit4l," the An:4ring of longisisfroioniwtsailnd .. ,s l uPert stltieus Imblddeulnln4m)l* were forbidden. to .. "keep chrbtmau as-it . :was a Popish custont..",;,rn„ AGM - 41. 40 . - :was sleeted near the nieetZl 4 ol2ol Ct o l confinement of Sabbath b and au* Athettoni - n - wither; Wail,4 l brtr o silillint for wetting n piece old, hat , put in his abo, whlelt - fatitwitikinsarelt., , r, MI - '-ii. : ::: , :ti....-,;:' , .q. ;at!: T. \ ...7'i' - : - rit, Cr , : ii .ti q =1. , , ,, ~.• , =MI ME ME F] A BERLIIK49UANI VIE ~. , / EMS SI N:GLE -- CO PI E`= MBE MEE Fitsziew Ceorylo3.7-.ln cell the • Frenelf otirtielct Ar'pestly'free to do what - he ideeses—lle Abwl, sitypi or limpke, -If he wiatieseto take ieterektekk a eialW3.ani, s r.. ' • mundahy,,a spa .oflgn**.. , - 4441#4 1 1. him lli...riny•Airtiatho, - Ir-etentaitogly reserved for his use. Hetsgemnally• i 51i Xll the greatest linieuer-, buiglar-Ife-Ilkesdlr 'shut out. tem the: world; ?'"ietith* of what, takes Place outaide the prlsott-willot la'atiffitftd. - to reach his ears. Without a apeelsittettithisloo, • which is never granted,. no entriS Idle/wed to see him. The governor ofthejail_;:eisktaitint occasionally, am. xi far 4 / 1 " tee I iegelWens permit lets him hive all hatititerer; Pitt the Miktpkey. sad thesoldier-who waleb hicit'are eitpressi y forbidden to tell. Winer - whorls goutg on outside, Some,of themat allyttthig ic:Rig • vista now and then forget the l*For of** • position, and talk with:their keepers. As a rule they revert_ to the' daysoftheiteVid- - hood and youth,. and then.o,thetomsof the • dread reality forcing itself 'upon them i they burst into tears. The reetieh 1 e4v.`,440 inform a doomed man of the d ay pit , legkeo he. will have to expiate his crime a heieet; ter 'short time elapses belle subjected_to a • mental' torture more easily , conceived then described. Ho grows imitable.and.4erVeue- • Every sound he hears in the morning Wakes him Start, and he eagerly gazes at the door as it opens, as though heexpectedthe_execu- Heuer would appear. At night-be', often-fkm cies that he bears the sound of hananiering— the acanthibeleg . put up--aud then feels dreadful apprefieumpns.--ifedou Jourarn,, ~, • - .I:4I.I73IKARD'S CURE:7.43MM: InOnths • ago, a gentlen=dvertised that . he•bad dia. • covered a sure fie for the cure of drun kenness.- . He would nor: divulge the secret of what compounds he used, but .furnhibett . .the medicine at so much per bottle'. Ile did uot.have so many appliourta for care . as , :he expect - M, considering, the extent of the ills- . ease:. Irk fact, the More malignant cases did not not seem arixfpus tbi ielief. They rather - appeared - to enjoy their ' A few,how= ever, placed themselves under treatment, and some were cured—whether by taking, the • medicine or by not taking any sttnrigdrinks, we are not prepared to say. One of the cured- • ones had faith in thernediclrie, carried; out the directions of the doctor, and nowhass not the least taste ilbr intoxicating drinks; whereas, one:year ago, Ite,was•an inebriatie,, - 4 and could notget along witli less thanin!pint to a quart of whisky per . day' . . • He said that be had, ?.at mme trouble, and expense, procured 'the recipe for the preps ration of tbe medicine which he hall pub- lished for the benefit.of suffering humanity. It is as follows : Sulphate of iron, five grains; peppermint-water„ eleven drachma ; aphitof nutmeg, one drachm ; twice a day. Thispre paration eels as 11. tonic and a stimulant ;-.and so partially supplies the pliice of the soctis tomed liquor, and Prevents• that abliolute physical and moral prostration that follews'a sudden: breaking air from the z use of, stimu lating drinks. It is to be taken in quantities equal to an Ordinary dram, and 'oaf often As the desire for a drarn returns. Any druggist can. prepare the, prescription. '• , ' . itxg• the latter yeare of' his life, :the famous. London banker, Nattum Rotbschilwas said to lie alw4s in fear of assassination. "You Int(st be a very, happy Rothschild," said a guest at oueof the splen banqueta for which rims:Jiffy house was fatuous. "Happy!; Me happy !"- he . exclahned.— "What, happy! when just as yoii are *going to dine you have a letter plated yew bands, saying—"lf you dot fiend. me 4C600 I will blow your brains 04; 1 11ie hapviy.r.y. • One day two strangers; Were admitted into his private room at the . bank. Thtty, were. tall foreigners, with.moustachm and, beards such as were not often seen in London thirty or forty years ow), and lloiklischildi'elw4lo timid, was frightened from the' moment of their entrance. Heput his own ,Interpretal-' tion upon the exciterimoirements with which. they fumbled about in their pockets, and be fore the expected pistols could be` ; produced, he- had thrown a great ledger in the direction of their - heads, and broughi, in frbpilt. of • elerks•by tis cries of "murder!". ThiStran- , kers Were pinioned, and then, after big questionings and explanations;' it appeared • that they were wealthy banker; teem -the Continent, who, nervous in the presence of 'a bankekso muehniore wealthy, had ,some difficulty in finding-the letters of introducL, tion which they were to present. , Till:: Bev. George Griscom; D. D. ; of ten don, recently delivered a lecture on Sunlight, in which, he - demonstrated. hoiv carbonic acid gas is deleterious to human life by ex balingint6 a bottle the air .from his' lungs, and then saucing a light therein, Which. at at once extinguished. The lits->of a living insect, dig doctor said, would have - n et tinguishedas quickly. The _oxygen. Welt hi is necessary to life is derived ftom lents through the operation of the sun's raya—the yellow rey—and thevegetables in return absorb the t pbisonous 'carbon exhaled from the human lungs. Both these..openttions take place only in W.* sun's rays, hence • the impropriety ntsleeping with plants in our rooms. IA ith man the sun's rays, play a part very - important. Under their. opera tion continual change is _taking place in the human system.; a constant:chemical process is in operation. The action of death_v(as a mere chemical operation, produced by te incapacity of the system to inhale the ngeeli sary: oxygen and exhale the poisonous carbon of ths system. .TcrpreServo this condition injife, and a healthy system, as welt as the development of the mental 'powers . alike in old and young, a due proportion of sunlight is necessary. . • ' . )so' 11IRCE OF • THE Ni Beke, writing to the London Atheneum, gives one ' mordi "wrinkle"lOf an Interesting sort of that 'Frather indistinct subject - of . the Nile origin. Referringao the account of Lladis laus Magyar, a Ifizitgarian traveller, who wrote in 1858, he eencludes that the Kassavi, land of 010 Vlhenda; near the west coast of a great river, rising in the . vast forest Ober-. , Africa, is really the origin looked for. liNingt stone, in 1884-saw, this river, and thought it: • ran westward, tiO Beke says it trends to the' north and runs through the great Nyanza lakes, taking the name of "Nile ' on Its ivayj... to the Mediterranean. Onething in favor off, this conclusion is that fheseurce of the Kas say! Ls - thefurthed any can look to, since it is in the -last mountain ridge. of Africa on that Western side, between 11 and 12 dmrees, south latitude:. The guess carries a show of probability with. it; and ifit is true, that re= . nowned old Nile will be found by far the ' longest river on 'the globe. EPITAPHS.--A gentleman of this country travelling in England found the following quaint and curious epitaph :iniicribed, on a brass plate in the stone floor of the ancient.. . parish .church in Kendall, • Westmoreland . county ' Hereunder Iyeth ye body of Mr. naiph‘Tieci4 tats -1 Vicar of Kendall, Bachelor of Divinity, who died the 4th day, of June. A. D. int. Londortbredd me, Westminiter fedd me, • Cambridge spedd me, my sister wedd me, . Study taught mit, Living sought Learning brotight me, Kendani caught me m Labor pressed me,'lttektiess distressed me, -Death poasesed me and grave possessed , . Ood first gave ine..Christ did save Die, Earth did crash, me, and Heaven would havtime.f And the following on a tomlbtdone churchyard of St. Ji?hn, in the t old city of Chester. It is commemorate pi . ' Sarah Booth,: -•-• • - ,••• LinY Jartz.Gittit was Queen of England for only ten dais. It happened in this way. ,- • Lady-Jane was the daughter of the Duke of Suffolk• and Lady Frances' Brandon., She Was born in 1537, and,.she 'possessed great beauty and talents. At 16 she wagmarried to Lord Gulltbrd Dudley. Edward VI, was - perknaded by Lady Jane's friends` to =hew deed or .settlenent, leaving the crostri- Lady jane, and setting aside Mari' and Eliz-,, abeth 'and Queen " of. Scotts:. Ott 'the, death of Ed Lady Jane was ihiched":-: , Qu e Sofiandisp this time was , 4 4Cof.: th conspiracy. The English rail. is? the . ; : support of Mary, who beetkine-it_. , after, the defeat of Lady Janeisitfends.: Mares warrant, i she and her huslaink Du 'y;Were executed. • - ; - Mixt: THE CiltrztiEw.': .s.Prz.-^4bill Um* Per is oftener theresult. • unhappy oinium. stances than of an enhappy orglZlAllar.L. It frequently, however, liana plod cause, and, a peevish child oftener needs dieting • than correcting. A child of active tetbper ;intent; sensitive feeling . and ewer inPasei - is more likely to *moot with constantjare antk, rube Otnt a, 011, pensive. child; - an - h.!, has tin Ope# name, Ms inward irlitagari shown in: burgs' of pandon,' If- you ;preen thatietnilltionsbyacoldingadpunishazient , 4" .3ton only indium the evil by changi • iner seen into sulltiness. A cheerful, , •• • , Lenz-. 'thistone of Iyour own ; a sympat • Yr 6 lPitlieme.: . this triiiiblo has &ism Arrem no ill oollillact., l son •Idepart, are the best nnticlolea. -Nw.< ;.filiir spoiling children by auditing, than ton. -itatreew is th e Mul ail P l P.,#: 'w . " 0 0 0 , tio,ns itnlir • - IMPS 1011 MEI ME lEEE A good wife a tender inother. . • - It were bar d-to find oat entlx snother,zi t - -In leive she lived, in pftee she died, i • And when God akl he wee not olindedf MEM Eill2l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers