FOIiTY-SIXTH YEAit t • II iitei - e':)ittritat. . 1 , ._...._ :,:_i._..-..2:. , ..-.:., : - 4tURPAY, plißClrli, 1870. , RATES or.ArivEß-nsirte: NIPA' . E. 1r tt. im. Via. I 40a. rm. • rzit: I Square (34n01:004 lowa oo Go OO 03 Li oil SqUILIVS, e Inch,) . . 00 4 COI - 0 00 0.001 111 e. 43 •Sr 00 Squares.. ;%1 00 ofa 0 001 12 03 751.40 Kt 4 Squares, ..... oo 800 12 014, U 8 03 irt!ry 43 00 ALPHABtTICALSPECIALNaTICEO4:-Stnele tescrtlan 40 cents • line; each subsequent Insert Jun *.N cents al Itue.. . LACA L BTISTSEISS Page, vents a line It Insertion; each subsequent insertion mac. per !tee. QENERAL ISOTICEs.—Tbliel Page;3l cents in flit lusertfon; each subsequeut Intertlon 15 kents per line. 2.LAitntAGE Ncrriens.—M cents - each.. NonclF—Accompanyin . g Deaths . — Fur v.vri I:sCe= end& additional line lucent*: . C7aiceaip is luxuriating on green peas, eata9 floirers, e4abs, yaafl and 41meti t all the way from Ctill'fornia. , . E cap. ATTENTION to thejulvertirsement of '-the Berkshire Life 'ltisurinee Company, appearing in - another column of this paper. It is an olfleompany and, well established, se:that tl+re need he'll° fear of its nut fulfill ing all ihf,obligatious. • " . 7 • NORTH I WARD.—We • ledrll that there is an apPliatlini before, the Legislature to create a new ward On this Borough to be called Nrth Ward. We hardly think a new Ward is required at :pre4ent. It only multiplies unnecessary officers, and general ly Inerea.qes . expenses. We . are hots-ever, acquitinted. with the merits of the ay. plication, Viand therefore call the attention of the peopleti the subject.. Zlie coca`-.1/ratie., ! . OTDiVI . LLE, MARCH. 1.:!.;1‘37.3 The (pia tfity. sent by.ltailrottilthisi;ed; 5,493 tons .trainsi 59,318 for the correvoittllng week last year. • - . " - • The Lehigh - saucy 'Railroad; Isetit - 31,3:4 tons against 37,101, and the LehighT - Navign tion mad 11,780 Eons' against 13,279 . tons, for the corres,_ pending week last year. - ' It will be seen that the suspension b:;confing almost collusively to Schnykill 6unty, ' the other regions ars sending to inarkell LUt little less than last year. -, • , The threl coal mining companies in the Laekawauf4region are Inerealdng their' ship ; ments, while we are standing idle; end while they are selling coal at low rates, it is Stated that theyare'keeping up the rates of wages, pfirposelyto.elieck the business oP the other . .iiidividual.operators, who o*n ‘ 'no outlets to market', andrannot compete 'with them , L'it the IoW rates; 4 na the miners inSchuylkill County, who profe4 1.6 be hostile to these companies, are absolutely playing. into their: hailds, and • thus helping to destroy the -individual opera tors also, On 'whom they depend for employ ment. finelra State oiaffairS cannot ]first long without destruction . to all interests- here, and ought to bO sanctioned by nobody.' The Railf.'otat Company have reduced their tolls . pretty liberally for shipments to the Emit; ,the operatOrs aro willing to put -the coal MS low 4 - aSisossible t , te..e(impete Witlf the. low rates nt which cdalts now selling. And although / it-Is . notorious that wages, from to $1 50 tower - per ite4k . this year, with the reduced price of breadstuff4, clothing, '&e., is better than the higher ratO•paid last year, and reductions are being effeq'ted elsewhere, the miners here show no diapOsition to redneezione centso far. If they . Were to fix the basis at 2 50:15 a sioppingv,iitt wave at $9 50 outside, fill) lusidg, cud r... 12 50 for Miners by the Week ; .(there is but little work clonerby - the week by miners, and it is not encouragedj with the .contrast priceS reduced from 25 t0i.30 per cent. there would be no .11111 7 . culty in the trade starting here t and as soon as I it is fully under way, the companies' will soon reduce fhp' Wages, to about the same 'rates as aro paid eiSewhere, and the men employed by these corltanies; who refused to join in tb(l/..sus pensionoill not 'deriVit muelL'itdvantage • , their continuing to work. 'Cite .inint4s -now' work front 6 to 7, and a fesi - 8 Wars/per .day one hours' work would maker ,nearly the &teema cc* the reductioul - Of contract work,: and this is not asking a great / deal front men, who do ndt work longer than', 7 and 8 hours a 'daY, when the trade is dull airs now .standing still, and scarcely any wages' rat Ted. ' • • • W. IN. B. A., say, to at the old basisj, Tire opOatOrs, cannot ;;;Ao'work at the old basis, and sell their.. coal at the reduced rates requirsd t„o meet the low prices at Which coal is sold by the companies. There may perhaps be thabcouldd? an, but that is all; and whenjall ether interests are willing to con cede a little to remedy the evil, and the Asso.ei atiou will!epueecle nothing, they show a selfish `4piritthatteannot command the support or cOnn - tenaaace or any honest map 'outside of their 'or-, gardration, - and must inevitably artayillelassea against them, not 'only in the coal region, em bracing, the workingmen enga; - .aid in other hranehes•Of business, tuft evetTwhere else. • Tt ii' . evident froni!the experienee of 'the last • two or three months, that C , itincilis; and officers • hate been. directing their atiyntion to one or two objects, and haVe failed lb take any , notice whatevOticif the surroundingawhich shape the _trade. T 4.17 have made several very great blimc tiers, whiOt•if reheated, s will tend greatly to destroy their organization, or bring it into such bad repute as not to be countenanced by any body. This can be avoided if as more lijitral and enlightened'poliey is pursued for this year, when the trade ia.s,tirroiinded with cuiliarra,s . matt, and instead of injuring. it .would strengthen their organizatiim, and -make it an - mimillary ! of good to themselves and the whole ..4rade. What the leaders semi to, lack is land next ekp4rience, without Which no indiyikitlals firm, or association cairsticceed long however, . favorably; they may have commenced. Glgriti ration of an organization at Meetings by the leaden', with vie trade standing still; no Wages - coming in, and many suffering for the 11645811- . `Ties of life, rather tends to check "enthusiiisni, not pay long, oranalie the pot boil. In this • age lof progress everything must bend a littlito !surrounding circumstance -4, or be de ., stroyed ; and we would advise all those who think - theY can stem the current', • to ° ponder a t : little en their position brfore_they determine to incur the shock. ; -ruder ri wise and more literal adnfinistra * tion oite affairs, the Workingmens Benevolent& Association . eettblaccornpiish a great deal of good, not onl to themselves the but whole trade;• The opposite policy wilt, if pursued l ' engeT, must eventually break' them up in spite of theiretTortis to the contrary_ tinder these. cirlmnstances, we would advisie as to hold a cohfetence with the Operator as speed ily as litiosible, compromise' on it• fl air basis, and starf the trade, so that our coal operators can g'iS into the market and make sales .- 13.f0re., the other regions secure their customers. • After the above article was, placed.:in type we received the following froth the Anthracite Board of Trade, with a reiinest'to publish it • •• .I",orrsvirt.a, March Ilth, IS7O. ' Entrons:—The Executive Conimittees of, . the Anthracite Board of Trade and the Working, mens' Benevolent Association met this morning to •cianstilt upon the rates of svage,.._&c:; for the year Iz7o. . • , „ . , The Feirkingmens' Committee expressed th go to work at once; regardless of the. present ilices of coal"; but when asked upon what terms their expected to work, they said they were instructed to adhere to the basis •of ISO., They ex- PActed the Operators, evide . ntly, to go to work t sell coal at S 2 2.s'er S 2 50; and 'pay them the $3 wages.— The Operators, after expressin'g their surprise atthe offer, made the following offer at which they believe Schuylkill county can go to work and Worksteadtty • throughont the season: Put coal at S 2 GO at'Port Car bon, outsille wages eitoo,,lnside wages . SIO 00„.miners, 412 lti) per week, and a reduction of 20 per cent. upon the present rates of -contract work, all advances to be made as before, al per cent. On each With this schedule of. wages. *é believe that fachnylkipeounly . can enter the eac,tern until:eta and secure her fall share of the trade.- "If the Pres ent bailie is to he:maintained this season, we belle:cc mbinl than half of the collieries in Norttnirn xrland and . Columbia, counties, must re ttiain idle during the greater part Of' the season. Signed„by the • •' • , E. -.Eon. < wTZ BOaltD or TrAt: r. h c o loc lfi k a )meeting A gt t n. h T rae ue tte M ih rd e is o t r h T it ira is d t, e at w i i .l ll O A. U. 1 The W. B. A. of Schuyikill• County, ought also to c 1t a meeting, o confer: If they cannot . Agree, let in 'Umpire be selerte 4 lkto fix the : basis for thetni. " • • • Tar fiillbiring is the call: ' t , PIIILADELPHI A, larch 8, 1570. ;CEO:FRICK, £4, President A thraeite Board . Pae—the undersigned engaged. In mixing and shipping ,of coal request that you c. - illxmll 4 meeting of all the Operators to be held at an early date to take into consideration the presort state of the trade, and to transactisach bitstacss as inay properly come before them,' ',• ,• . Cain, Mititer & Cook, Docey & Hendrick,' Vanpusen Bro. & Graeff & Botheriael, bed ; itepplier, Ciorgott & Co., 0. 4 4 1 e 7 1 7 1p4, e N43i:i0ti.i Co., Joint C. Scott Q Sqns,' itir,erd 3107mille Ift Co., ..- : iliodeitat ShOemaker, $. M. Reston & C 0.,.. 8. Balltley & Co;. rowell*.Wlgton, ' M Wrn. - liontelitn Jno. Douttldson;Presi. G. Thomas Cowl C O - , B. a I „It. C. C., tickuey •-•-- __ , Thomas, Prest... Vault Illi & Wel• Hammett, tiell - r4t PO., 1 lin torsi Ta,plor, - Bad & Lianas). A. Reitwiek, Prest., .W.R. I . -- .. aaamson, Prost., 41 .. 1 Pat0 0 0tt a Co., Jno. Rommel, Jr., -& Bro., ).ettr, BrOs. et Co., Welter, Dona ldson rt CO. I in namictettee %rail the above, I berth,* - ettrneitlY' .0, 1. , ineltealfio , ,ore and miners and shippers of Mg to Meet It i 'l:Mard of .. Trade Rooms, et Pottsville. On )pis 4 at the Irti. insL at 11 o' - cikielt, . -- A. lrit - I X. irMrtmtel t Pete:Road 'of Trade. ', TEE Lekisi.Coal, Operators'. A.usociaslon met Philadelphia inito`knil flied the kdlowing prices' of cual. - at Mandl, Chimk for line trade: - Lump (famine) 43 00 1 Egg.:— . Lump - - -3 25 Stove - Steamer - - 25 1 Chestnut Broken 3'25 . . Otjt Philcdelptifs correspondent - su - rites as , . • • t The saspieslon coint!kaq#4lddenly on' the trade, no new orders wareisought CA; and up to this w price* are quite unsettled. It Is presintned by next Weetc..tliat a price -will be Axed on 'coal for shfpntent qsi that - the trade can 'go oil and - take ;or, ders tiaderstandingly. Ttie line is In Want of coal, and yoiceshare advanced slightly.. Vessels are scarce and freights have advanced 154. lleents per ton. - 4 • • The trade sums up this Week as „follows: • 11341). -1921 k. I .TOTAL.. j IrellSit'• TOTAL. .I /X 4L. ', 1 1 3 .7) tr.„4SI =cern. .-...12.8gr 'd •ED Tint 23,321. SSldpFl i d / o .= ,554 nmu ag 2.165 11 'Ur .=4.1r78f 116.616. lAirsfol atom; ro-eut tvosi uri.2 . 14+ Ita4m 48,..14.514 4.0,413 , 5 f. 31,44 a .:5` :721 d 4 .r.* .4.199. S a 11,= 171.01 C 1,803,M 140 5 10 2,101,4"2 1400141 ' • .-1,A4i,;44 , "sw ! sr.,xl ACE 1'anni....... 839 . ., lI2V •L VtII R R gib 37 ,1111 ' M - 1. 7 i 1 L..\' ft IC Nth I • I ' L NAY R R.-.. 1 LIAII. , -• - , 14.7 'Scranton Sttl.... - :3.1011 ' Ml4lBl r 'do - .l , itis.j 9,9 Th go..libil 'Penn-rt R......., i - Saadi, i.32,sza l D & DDI it—. : • I :41,X•1 1 Trevertnn .....,. 1 '..oan, 3559 1 Short Its. __ • 9Z ' 4,714' Lykrns V ik.i... ; 1,15a.‘•470 V. tlllanastun- i. • Lard • • 4 2 Pad ToP•••• • •• i - I,=.' .V 4064,1 Tat: following are the rates Of 101 l and trans, pollution to all points between Pottarille and Philadelphia on the Reading Railroitd, until further notice : ' STATIONS p . . To Hid/1110nd, for ShlP . ment.,. ".R lch mond R l etail ards.... " Philadelphia " Belmont ~ N verown Germantown "- Falls of Schuylkill " :Manaynnk. - . Egliert's • " Conshohocken' Fovelle " Norristown or hidgeport_ " Pint Kennedy '. Valley Forge ..... .. Pinetilxvilie ": Itoyvr's ........... •• . Lino-Gel; "t • Pint stotin Vim ..1, Mown:icy - • . " " Exeter.: ..:..._...' • • " Titekert on • . " Leesport - •i• 4 1101. rn nit ersivll le ".` Hamburg " Port Clinton. ..... Auburn " Landingvtlle .The rates of freight and, tolls.on Lump and` Steamer coal will be telt per cent. less than the above flutes to alt pointS excepritichinond for On Cliesttint and Pea 2.7 cents per tOn higher unless , the shipper will sign a relea4e. that he will not hnld the company responsible, for any tusk. in transportation. - • Ttls editor of the .Shamokin -1 - 12•31,ALD, has •collected the list of casualties in NOrthnnibor 7 land cnuaty , which is as follows : , atc - nuir. Killed: , Injured. FAlt , i of coal 2 ' ....... 5• Falls of rock „ Falls down slo,pes Caught in inaWitneir and rolls F Explosion of gas • • ...L..: -Explosion of powder Ftills.trorn breaker T . • , Crushed and ran over by cars- 3. 'Total ' • l2 Leav 1 / 4 1, 7 widows and about 16 orphans, From filo above figures it Will be . perceived 'that there was' one -killed -for every' 81,107 - tons, produced and one injured for everV. 64,572 tone of Coal mined. , -The above does not give the number of • coin,- .pries, and may possibly Y be, correct,lt).4e we - : re ceiVed returns•from 12 collieries, and they io7 porled, 5 killed, 11 injured, and I thdlinjured died.. F rum 11" collieries, embracing some- of the inju,red, we received uo return. t!, . STEAM CoLtuas.—A fried has 'handed us the following article. We do notiknovr.what paper it appeared'in or we rfnuld give the nec essary credit: Within_ a year or two patties have determined. to demonstrate the practicability of Steam col liers on the coast,.and procured estimiftes from some Glasgow builders, but after [careful con sideration determined to build {them* from American specifications. .The oontraet'fo.r two steam colliers—the Rattlesnake and• Centipede. —each of a cafmcity.of six hundred tons of coal as cargo and one hundred td,ns: tor fuel, Was :made with the Pennsylvania - Iron Works, Messrs, Reaney, Son d: `Archbold; at Chester, .and they are now In successful operation. These vessels .have proven go 'well adapted to the trade thitt a large,fleet has beenordered and' is in process - of construction. ' Certain . EngliSh builders laughed at the idea of ti 4 Amerie4wi building steam colliers, and prophesied that they would be failures. But they lae proven sucASsfal, and although the general features of the American vessel's are similar to:the English the former have advantages. Which ittOnce place them 'first in value and capacitv. {.: { ' - • There Is no better , way of shOwing these facts than. by tabulating the dimensions of an Eng lish steam collier as laid dowh bvi'Nlr. J. Scott Russell and those built by the Prtinsylvania" It on : Works t- - , . • .-.- . - Engf;th. {, i Ameri'..aa. . . Lenirtb. 119 feet ' /60 feet Breadth; . ' ' V fret' . V feet MY. in Depth . r 15 feet 3in 12 feet 6)11. Area....a .',• Zl9 n. feet 271 sq. !Ceti - :. 'DisplaCknent,, light. 475 tons. 31.5.f0ns \). Displacement, laden.... 897• t ons,. 91.5 tons ' Draft ...... . ....... , ... .............. 12 fi...t. 11 feet • , Engines . ' - '' 2 1 11:' - .. ' Diameter ' - , 27 inches ' 31inches 161.r . nke ' ' 21 inches !V. inches Bailers '- ri i .1 to nar ~ • tubular 9T ! Arca of grate ' 4........... 4914 q. feet i 49% sq. feet No. of tubes In botler.....%Lcutr.Stby2!;;ln 11r.rd In by 7 ft Heat'g surface fritubes 10301-10.1 sq. ft 'pit 1-1 t) au ft Diameter of screw $ feet -.. . ,' 9 feet Pitch ' - 12 feet . 11 feet ? Iterolutlons • •90 per inlii: BO per min Presure of steam. ..... ...: , 12 pound a 3 Poun4* KnotiCper hour. ... ~. .... 8 mots , 19 Imola Wright of iron in im11._155 tons . _153 n tons - ' Surfiwo in hull' sq. feet feet Average weight per 5q.... foot of hull - 1493.; potatuls sttt< pounds Wt. of machinery, eat-- pen'r7orkandcitiiftts 322 toes -161.'tens 'ln the:AnerieuncoPler one engine, does the work of' - f ro , English engines,• and goes one knot mar speed speed per hour, besides being less expensiv , of less weight, easier to keep in re pair, and- far less liable? to derangement, as most of the di enlties of keeping the journals of the crank-shaft in perfect line are obviated. This`isihe result of our first experiments in steam colliers built expressly for 'this trade. After trying with extraordinary :•success the steamers t:entipede and Rattlesnake, the owners gave orders to have three larger ones built, and they are going on with others. Over twenty are soon to be in service. The threebnilding now are the:l - females, Achilles—each of a - carrying capacity of 1000 torts—and the Panther, of 800 tons, exclusive of bunker room for 100 tons used in the, furnaces. - - ' " The dimensions of these three vessels are as followS: ' • . , .14ercutst and A rchates; Panther. Dimc - nsion.s. , MOO Tons. ESS) nns. Length on load line... 195 feet 18.5 feet Breadth of beam. 487 feet A p feet Depth from base line.- 15 feet eet Displacement, light, 575 tons , • *tons Displacement, laden:lss3 tons . DM tons Draft laden from base line• , - 1034 feet • 10 feet, Engines • I_. 1 Dlaineterof cylinder.. 40 inches 40 Inches Stroke - • - El() Inches • 80 Inches BotierA - 1. ••,, . ..,._ 1 Area of grate ' 7ey.". square n. 713)inultre ft .Diameter of screw .10 leet . /0 get • Pitch • .... . ._ 17feet _ . . Revolutions per ndn. Pressure of %gown 35 pounds 35 pounds Knots per hour ... . 10 10. Weight of Inm ln hull an' tans -214 tons Eintfuee of skin of I=lllllol sqtptre ft 9916 square feet These vessels are schooner-rigged, are undee,iianves, and present a very line appear .atxte when leaded. The machinery and boiler arelocated amidships. Theveaselsareprovided with an interior skin whieh is fitted for a water - ballast tank, adding greatly to their strength._ There are eleven keelsons and.four iron bulk beads connecting to the 'floor and ontaide plating fora length of 93 feet in the centralpert of the. vessel.. The butts of all the outside plating, stringer-plates and tie plates on beams are all double riveted, and the riveting throughout is first-Cleve, f These vessels are a credit' to our coasting trade. • The steamers already built are owned by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, and ply between Port Richmond and Eastern ports. At Roston special dock arrangements are made for them, where they are unloaded in ten hours, working three hatches at once. They fare loaded in about eight hours. Allowing one steam ersiller equal to ten- sailing Colliers of the present day, it will require . 210 to. do the work of the liehmond depot alone. • • iron baseline. t&hip section,' j With sur face condense? and adjustable cut-ott Equal tO 4 percent. la excess. • . COIL TRIM: BY EU Tbo cittrivity mut by Ilan ing tractal last Rt. C1air..'... . :..._.... ...... Pottnllle- Port Miaow "total paying . Clfor Company", use That fbr Week._ PreclotrsLY Ui Sear: .?. • Total To mane ttme last year.„.. Increase , .. • stair o►n.soA'sot ilet i The folltraing Is the quantity trarepseted, t ,e;i : • _, .• Wedt. ' , Teta. .411ne.T1111 tt R. i1...41. 11.-.......—;.-... :1„77t 01" ' 1011,3* 17 Igiclin ci t h lWalley•—......L..-.-- 1,027 10 111.215 06 spill ..-....--......-::--.-..--..nem , - 29„7661 06 XL n... ..--,....--..—:.. ... ~,....., ISt 14 6,2 16 Oood 5pring........ ..... .... ......--.:-. LUZ 61 :. - 3.'0 4:11 LIMON COAL -4 4tinurent seta trs• !ending an Ratardrr sat sans *bit year SOb ..... 33 : m MSLa' Mauch Chunk.- tame Ma* ism - CM 1 LIMIGB COAL its iincup* oxicury. chnsliTh*.l344"--aurowl'ill_v t%ir----taid-nra"°"""r..foitigrzatall; wpeiLeunin g osi mammal' /PV : ' /k• • • • Wigs., r . 111• M - $3 23 3 75 - 300 :OeaiwdeeAadYblb+ae: t; Oroin Wytrerking =ten lAbi*ll 84 - 1 " 1 " 2. 48 . ' 4ll -_.v. liti:tretehL-4---1 .41418 or otai . • .. Quin 'arena' . 7 tetamponed weir the °44 . 68.4 . 1114 last: pmcsltt3VA, RO. IS. It TcrtAl. Parweet do 4 FOC ; .... " ' J. ~, ------ PHILILDELIILIaIy 1 / 1 04.11. MO. PrManed 0. -fa• 31 Chimatat_..-:- - - 3 3Ti -- Obestatuu. Lomat Mt Lamp.. a 4co I 1 3'. AM Lump__ 3 400 do • Stamm" 3 .4 IP mamtoca-_____;__-3 7 4441( d0 •~... Waken. 3 4OD Andum-______ a 7 OO do* '-- Aar —. I 400 -tt%.:..,...___,.,.;... 3 . 4el -do• , • stank- 4 473 4 m do .; s tammuuda ies, Bed 0 8 VI Ash,Lamp....;... suiatnor.=.--- , --- • - $ ... . ... =1 - , . 1 ; . BA.LTIXO/LE, Mar4l4: Orn... VO the trade by drop or car load: . -• . . 3 tirllktsharri and Pittston W Aah-........• - ...• _„ II IS' Likens Valley Rod Ash— . . ______ • it it Sfitmotin Whitt, or Red Aa::::......1 . 2.--__....... 4 . • i Zerbey,Valley,'Red Ash— . _ • ~.... __. 6 t From yard or wharf. DO trrtineitta itidltionaL • ' , TIT retail to . _ consumers.— —.,...... .. ~....,. . .. . _.'. 7 Zia) 1. - OD Cirproeft* Creek and Ctunber/and Cloal: L ... b. ... • • ( LOCUM potat, for aldpoing--.. - -.„. ' • —. 6OD MEM C."; 2122U120u109192 2 22 2 17',2 102 09'2 tr 2 221,2 1712 10 2 99 2 02 2 12 '2 07;20 199 1 92 2 12'2 07;2 00 1 99'1 4.0 2 12,2 07'200 199 1 112 2 12 2 07;2 00 1 991 92 " 12:2 07:2 001 99 1 92 971 92,1 'l'l 841 1 93'1 4441 81!1 801 73 ill I so :1 791 74".1 71 1 90.1 o.ljl 714,1. 771, 70 1 K4l x3ll 70'1 711 04 1 82,-1 ;1711 7011 091 02 1 111 , 1 7011 041 071 00 175'! 70;1 15'1,1,1C21 1 - 4 1 474 1 01:1 57'1 50,1 4.9 04.1 113 1 1411 11'1 1$ 001'0:1 11:1 1:,.1 48 14',.1 11:1 40,1 1111 414 12,1.471 40'1 :10:132 41 I43`.lrzaa3l 24 • 461 4111 4:1'1 :14,1 111 421 37 1 1 291 31 ; 1'29:1 22 , 1 _)111 . X 1 2 , 10,1 16 1 15;1 OA 21 , 1 MI 12 1 11,1 01 211 101 99 I. 94 1 01 .191 111.07 1..1.161 99 0(1, 1 1 91 'WI, 8,1 911 :7O 74; 71 I f 2 011 '5l 01 501 50 ALFAXIi7IMIA ANDONOIta.VTOWN Diu. 4. Oi•aiiii.43' creek & Cumberhad, cargo, L g. •L. att. ' Or. RM. Sto. Chat Lackawanna - , eliketl.44 41 70 44 tt) uo - 46 40 44 40 ' 3 4'llksbarro. Hoboken-._. 475 475 475 475 5 Z 450 N bicrwnton,_Elizabethport . Pittston,' ewhu rgh.... -... • Lehigh. Pt. Johnson_..... - SGO h 0) 500 500 SZ. 450 Lehigh, Elizabothport 5 :15 5 un- 500 S CI). 5 50- 450 rtimthethpon auld Pt. Johnson to Now York 60 Cent.% Hound oat tt - .i cents: Newburgh, 00 cents. , '„••,1 - . - OF GAS . COAL. 4 • . . . PsovrgclAl , RIF. tl - ' - Ammtmalf.;: , ?; At ghipping pototg. Clold.ittrPred al N. Y. Carney, 'Bait* H010w.._.. .....I1 n INFriiitroorrlood...—:—.. ....10 75 1r:owl* 175 , Dompard ....4.--........ a5O Mogan • - ^ _ 175 j Newburgh Orrt./.....-- II SO stAntl.....__,.. ..... _...._.—. 2 I.llj West Fairmount 111.1 r.-- a CO Fo•tou. 4 PintAmmrimi: • Lit Ile Grave my-_.____ 1511 i Poweltort Gas.-- ...., 7SO Ca I.4lotila .... ..____ _ 150 } For ntack tram ato So onus Shirk 75 eetTa to at I. levet. yrais lAA to New York $2 s—to Boston r Z4Vro• • Bruid. b Pl. ralza-1 • ..5..1 m' ' IIITA " lttpti Aoft d .2sl.bp't 1104.011 - r. 50 r. 00 NATlttlekrt .. --. . ~ 203 New Bedford_ 203 - 140 Ltutt ..... ...... 2rn 2 %%New London__ -. ' 125 intamridgeport: 3 05 2 00 , Norirteh a tow. 185 „1 40 Newhuryport ... - - 200 New Haven...-. 175 . lel Portsmouth ' 2 55 ' Bra*Porl.—...- . 100 225 Norwalk.-....- • 100 Portland 'I aollartford..: .-. •, - 200 Bangor__ _. -l AtideUetown . .-.. Prosraenee.. ..... 2 00 ' 1A 11001 _1.... -:.-.• * ' Bristol..:2 0) i New yorit . . -1 1 )5 %. 50 - P,Awtutket & to. • - iJeraey Clity—_. . • SO NeEttort._. ... ..... 2co . , RAltlmbre.-....... - ' • Fall River_..._.. 2.01 1 40, WashLnleon...- 200 Ta5qmt9n... r ....7. - .7,._ • 2 03.111ehmond. : , • Anitol O. Pr. Biclur..3nd for Week 30 vessels and 20 boats lop T 6 ..4614 , 404 31 boa Li. ! • • • • , • L. B. E. EL Ch. TO Porto) le Id Ir. GO II 00 00 CO To ... . 2102 14 210 210 2 10; 210 TI,P rates trion 'Raven are 5 Cents par ton les,' and from Tamaqua 7. arisl-Flnegrore iteents per ton hither. A drawback or OO aimless ton is allowed on all coal shipp ed SoUth lit Cape Hennoand East of New Branswielc.. On coal shipped to other points drawback of 40 cents per ton will be naadeuntll further notice. • • LI;1110E VALLEY K. J. CI2IAAL WAILEOADE- : To Ellsabethport. • 4 To.llobliken:, L v:in. R. 81 L. V. It. N. IS Morrisl IS Shipping tt whoTring L tihlpplug @ whorvl4. .11S • MEE To 12 12 1 2 1 2 To Port Johnson the same. , Front Penn Haven to Ellzabethport a Pt. Johhsony,....r . 119 scati•txtti IsArtostlON ceOLPs2llf. • The hollowing are the rates of toll and Might on , the - Schuylkill Canal for the present.' r . TO IVrtt* TOTS. Fronl Pt. Casiacm. ')11. Carbon: Bob. Haven; • Pt. &Harem 11 ; -- y v 1 .sr fl 07 • ; HOU Frel7,lll a7l ' ,1 70 ; - ' . TO rars.artzLiiFLA. . , From Pc...C.418Km. Mt. Carbon. St - 4010'78n. Pt. Clinton Toll: - $1 10 , 81 m•.. SI 07 41;00 Frelsht 00 50 . , b 5 'BO - WANTED.--Actlee agents 1n Schuylkill County VTfor.Coutine - utal Life Insurance N. 7C. AR ply, soon In person, or by letter; to. A. S. DOTTER, Agent, ISS Centre st., next door to Merchant's Rotel, l'ottitv tile, Pat, March 7, 10.-46-Iw-11-It* 'L - OR SALN.-A Ten Flom Power Portable En gine, built by Paine A. Pritchard, New York ; has been in use only four months, and is in perfect order. For side on relionable testis. Apply to or address J. L. FREcK, bililersbunr, l's. March 12, 10 NOTICE.-The, partnership heretofore existing between Jona CzNottritaLt.,Jato. J. Dortrif and Wst. Kmsnarex, tradtng in. the name of JOHN C. NOHTHALL Ac CO., has been 'dissolved. The under signed will attend to the settlement of all claims against the late firm. _ JNO. J. DOVHY Co. Pottsville. Haeff 10 4 'lo 11-1 t FOB SALE CHEAP.Horlzontal High Pressure -- Engine, UK) Heise Powe t ,Three Boilers, Cylinder Al Inches diameter, 0 feet stroke, with heavy, Bed Plate, Ely Wheel and Shaft. Fur price, itc., inquire of.,TACKSON .BEVAN. Shannonville, Montgomery county, of to R. H. RICK A RD. 10 Nassan street, New Vork city. • Match 12,.' : 0-ii-1t • C BALED PROPOSALS will be tneeired bY the Mount of School Directors for the building of a School House at :11echanlesville, in the Borough of Port. Carbon, until March 25th. Plan anti specifics t loni to be seep after the Cith inst., at John L.:Shiset ler's*Drug Store. GEO, BECK , Sec'y. March 12, 70 . • 11-2 t O LET.—The Stone Cellar, Crosland'. Bulldln g, , So. 130 Centre street. Easy of access, and well suited for storage purposes. • ; W. 1-I.•HANDELL, GrOcer i tu • .4Qr A superior covered Truck W•gon, (new), or sale on easy terms. Apply asabov -- e. Mar 12, , To r u . VlpaliflTl7: ,SALE.—Honaehold ,itrinkture-i-Tables, Chairs, Be d steads , Lounges; d - c., Stove, Heater de. All lb eared! Use leas than one year, will be sold at discount of 16 to 35 percent. from coat, on account of renaoral. Call ,o day at the brick dwelling north of Court House, ti Second:Street. • 'March 12, "nO.-12-It. L"` ST A TEI OF JAMES 131.LL.IYANi C.EASED..--Letters of Administration:l2On the °mate of James Willman, late of the Borough l o f Pottsville, deceased, having been granted to the Un dersigned, all persOns having claims or demands against the gstate of the said decedent, are requested to make known the same to them without delay, and those indehted to the estate to make payment. ALEXANDF.,II MILLMAN, : No. 1316 N. Broad street, Philada: • EDWARD S. SILLIMAN, Mahanoy City. AMANDA SILLIMAN I far 12, '7O-1143t • No. 177 Centre street, Port:trifle: F Thi'LL E & HALL'S CEDAR VAT and TANK .MANUFACTORY, Nos. 1145 and North Front A Street, below Girard venue, Philadelpitla, Penna. We would respectftdly inform the public that Fe are knanufacturitig- WOODEN TANKS, RENER VOIRs, &e., of every description and capacity, suit able for Brewers,- Distillers, Collieries, Railroads, Hotels, Private Dwellings, &h.., second hand Tanks all size on hand. Our work is made of White Cedar and other woods, according to order, and We will guarantee It togive entire satisfaction, and furs It on the most reasonable terms. Tabs made oft i y desired shape, whether Round Oval or Siouan% ' HE,NTRY W. FISHER, SMOS H. HALL. • , TN PAPERS OR BULK. AMI and general assortment Just received tbr sale at the Seed Store of ' . • • 4Z Truck Gardeners and .merchants desiring l to sell again, supplied wholesale ilgrolrers' prices. Orden by Mall promptly attended to. A HDITOR'II NOTICX..--In the °reburial' Court ad Schuylkill County: In the. matter (Mike third account of MickautlirAdti, surviving Executor of t•ila e estate of Ilichara Hear &ciliated. , L The undersigned Auditor, appointed by, the Or phans' Court of Schuylkill County, - to mate '11145- button of the peCuritlea, prODeriT and Bands 412 the bands of Michael Bright., Trustee and surviving Ex ecutor of the last win of Richard Kerr, d as per his wend - Account flied as Trustee, and is third account tiled as Executor of said ent,! to and inn,ong those entitledto the same, will meet the parties interested for the_ptirposeathisappointmesit, at his office, No. E Mahantougo street„Pritteville, on Monday, - the,2Sth day of Marsh, 167 ai 10 ciao& A. . THOMAS H. W Auditor. • Pattrville, March 12, 10 • 11-M 1 • At,. ICO. AD LND Cpf the week end. and Canal r t n Juliano+. f lIIERI2I 1;14 U+eiwl 4611 , . 2545491 8:24.W 606'14; 5,1165 00' 12,07 5,410 07 , snags os e11e3016 ' l= 4lo /:A 6 -r -44671. name week INVIIF-1 tos..a. 1 rii — ' taxa 14,151$ - * wan r 1.012 -114.503 1 1 117 : >y es ..IW - 1/ .$ 471 7 4 1 I 17301 ess. r•- -- 4 -:"°. ' ; ' . . . _ N' tT~','~tieNer.t N ~:---~ ~. r !THE COAL. MARKETS tam or IXIAL sir me mom itttcav :Ayr or ii** san4www. WEZKIX 1011. 11L3AIMIntlii /9113Za mew yoga.. usir. Lt4dgh • steganar—.. 5 • Cbestaut---- PRICE OF OOMPANIEW COAL. COAL. FREIGHTS. _; RATES OrTp!OVETWATATION TO TIDE. RI l&I.ADDIO RAILROAD a 3 85 V 2 8I #77 Dra'r:back: on coal for Nen' York and :kinky o canto - $1 99 , 33 . Erg° VC° Nem Abutrtifiettunti. arrirrh 12, 70-114mol FRESH - GARDE'S SEEDS. 121 ' ANNA.INT RA MSCE:',i POTTSTELL7d, PA A' 8.4,141.—The • io•isl 6 . A' sole, a very Valitahle. _peril. late the estate, orWatkirlPtltebaNJate 0 Pottsville, deeeliseL— The Pr o OettY•oonsistanl ttr r aolnirm lout, eittate dn Lattrel street, Sti the De of pottwrille,oon.- Mining together In . front On leureratritet, Amt., and eirt.= feet to - eutu_ng bark. ong M[lo the linor eet. of twenty- are wide alley al . st There le Upon the c ioperty it large Quantity orbuildina to atane sad bri , The Improvements consist of iv born, bar Frame - end Stone Dwelling e of yronbs upon three streets, mut in thetnirt of this Mr=„e It wouldbe aged* arty tot parties desdring to erect - a - Emmy tart', and it would beavers tamable • • b e cut up into lOU which would bans on account of their being so near and •.. b athe Onsinees part of the town.. It is . - • nth • ot the town, that Is being very" Mitch. • • . p er farther infarfostloa,ApPlY.uo "Ibh • • Mtorner at Lair; - •efttor opt endltindeceased. - °Mee in, male Ora, 'Rot ' Marthl2,'7o. • I - • , • Al • ' no*irtr ii-icurrialcar; ' • 11 -,; , . 11 . 1 L - • Miners and. Shippers of _ -, - 6, 73: -,,• ; .• • • , • : - DOTE!, JEMILICICAiCO:,- S. S. SNOVItS. , • _ • S. W. DM?. ' inaeri . Siaiiiiiifts eta Cekintel Rainboo'and •• Imitt*itutertsdhmrx 1111111 • ! 't " ; 311 : t , 471 ' 1'41: - - • , {.;„ `SPAN .1 . 1.1 11=1 . Ust -411= 41.64. - f"- :. ~,i • - -AVDITCHIPS "" 5 r.:7711 7" 7 "rr '4112 ' -`414•61= Grum: Citter:ftp owed„ - .4mmeril • the pisr... - paws Okla •• • Atalielok 110,J110. lamb of • ast• • •thip ag=tAil.a464lll"4l,?Artia, H.A.IIDWA.Iig.; e • - 4 MYER & r SCI-HUM. sfruzzit, im i slAcas 124 GEI4ERAL HARDWARE, CIETTTX.JEKY, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HOOK SPIkES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, :SADDLERY, ROL r. ' ' LOWWARE, WILD- ING MATEkiAI, MINING -suPpLIEs o 1 ALL ICINM F. P. MIiER, March 12.10 GFtEENI7I7OC7D i :NURSERY; SPRING PLANTINO. We have for sale a very flue tot of all kinds of FRUIT TREE 4, including Apple, Pear, Plum, Cher ry, Peach, Apricot,' Crab Apple, Quince , large and and_Standanis and Dwarne, all selected, sults ble for Our soil and climate.' AboUt .50u large aired Cherry Trees-will be sold cheap, as they must be re- - moved. Also, extra Dwarf Apple*, reaus arid Plums la bearing. • . • .GRATEVtars.—A large quaint*, of Concord, Di ana; lona, Delaware', Hart ford Foal Inc, Clinton, Rog ers, Hybrids, Martha, white Grape,better than Con cord and ripens as soon. Einenfen, the prize Grape Just I ntroduced together with many other kinds. A' portion of out ,vines are in bearing, and are penufae, an Important feature to purchasers. • - ORNAMENTAL STIADE TRAIN. such as 110Mie Chest 'nut, Sliver Maple, !Norway , ,Maple, Mountain Ash, English Larth, dr.c. • - • GARDEN and YARD SET nrintiny of an : kinds; also, Evergreens, such as Norway Spruce; Junipers, Ame . dean Arbor Vitae, in quantity ti _ STRAWBERRIrI. 'LAMPE EREIFA. OIMLSIZNEERIEM," BLACKBERRIVA, CURRANTS, de., choice kinds by the. dozen, hundred or thousand; also, Rhubarb and As paragns Roots. • (RAGE ORANQE 'HEDGE. PLA::crS, at ri per 1000, for 1 year old, good plants. Eighty different kinds of Roses ; 2a.000 Gr ouse and Bedding out Planta. . • • Our stock is in excellenteoudition. Send our. orders for Fruit Tree*, small Fruits. . me first served, at. GREENWOOD NCRsER • POTTS VILLE. 1 " BENJ. BA, NA.N. March 12, "ii) ' 11 AT A STATED MEETING of finzatie Tribe, No. le; Improved 0. of R. 31.; the following res. 'Ant ions were adopted Wurazts, . it has jileased ,Almlahly OWltOremove from our midst our beloved brother, TILEOinitLtIS J. LEWIS, Chief of hectirds of Rankle Tribes' lin. 107, Improved O. of R. 14L, who departed this lire Febru ary_2l, IMO. : WIIEREAS. We deem It our duty to place upon Re, cord our affectionate remembranre of his earnest zeal In behalf of the Tribe: therefore, ' •• . Resolved, That whi e deplore the death of our departed brother, we " nize in this the Divine V .g hen end bow subdi ' 'Well - to the wilt of, an Ali- Wile Providence. t'- Resolved, That in this dispensation of DiVine wis dom, the Tribe has last a worthy member ; and the community A- respected and highly esteemed citizen. Res4ved, That we extend to the bereaved widow and Mends our syknpathies, and exhort them to take comfort in the hope that hats erijoying the lull portion of a gloricausUm.mariality. 1 ' . ~.. . Resolved, That a copy of th ezersolutlotui •be for warded to the widowof the deceased, and that they be published In the • Misturs'.. JocareAr. ,and .the Morefron.' - '• •_ , • " ; THOMAS nonmE, - • - 1 1- HtIV; THOMAS THOMAS, .? 1 ' .10}11.51). 130WEIT,' March 12, 10-11-Itf• i • 7 'fiesta:flee. aCOMMITTEE' appointed _ nta tip;echil meet ing of Silddleport Lodge, !Co. 474, I. 0: of 0. F., d In their . hall In; Middleport, Feb. 28tli; 18114. to prepare resolutions!of condolence and' respect, on. the death of Mr. James Steithens,- respectfully pre sented the following, which were unanimously adopted ' WIIEREAS,, n ha's pleased Almi4hty God in His infinite wis dom, to remove from our midst by death, our brother, Past Grand Jalues Stephens.: therefore; Resolved, That in the death of our, beloved brother,, the community has lost a highly esteemed citizen, and this lodge has been deprivdd prone of its most worthy members, tike respected for his mably virz the and integrity ofebaracier.. ' - Resolved, That we deeply sympathlie with - the afflicted relatives and friends of our beloved and la merited brother, and that our sorrow is mitigated only by the consciousness of the fact that he has gone to that abode of Unflrersal Brotherhood which Is the Heaven of the goodand thejust. Resolved, Tbat our: Charter and Loave rod m be in mourning for the space of six months. Resolved, That a copy of , these resolutions be prt , seated to the friends - of the deceased, and that they be published in the :llitztuits' Jot - utast. ; and Potts. ?tile STA.VDARD. ' . Maich i 2 ;ZLti-tt NEW SPRING GOODS FOR ITO COOPER 'CON,k11:11 $1 00 SILK POPLINS. 11 50 81 LK POyLINs. 55c. vorLiEkt. 50c. TIA:11) POPLINS. • -BLACK, DRESS, GOODS. 'WIDE DELAINES.i TAMISE. - i BATTISTE. - ENGLISH BOMBAZINE, BEST 31011Ailts. MOHAIR Ta.31.15E.1 SIEKITERSTAN 1., - BLACK BILKS , CEAPDS, I &e, "G4tX;IDS; , ,LIIsisa4; 500 Neon Net %late Goods_ _ 030 pieces Elegant Table Eiarazaks. 300 dozen Napkin* , $1 to ST 50 per doton. 350. dozen Towls, $l2O to $l2 per dozen... , lo) places Starting anitrroriting Linens. 150 piece* Diapers, all *be Widths., WOOLEN GOOES. • Union Melton - I,4Sr, worth 10 e- Caszialeree, Gk., real v*8,10.7512. Caealuteres, at.. real value $110: Double and Twin, SI, worth SI 21: Black, Cloths and Domklnli t Sl to SS. 'Blob and Brown Coalinga, ta. , i • coopEtt.. cON'A.RD, , es S 8. E; Cannorra Gan S i mmers,, Oct 2:69 _. / . . tir FA /LA , DELPHIA ASSIGN/I:VS PIIIIIIMPTO/Ilt ,ilibrs.. AL THOMAS la . sohw myctiompt,w. . ' = VALUABLE COAL; LANDS, 6 ACRES,. Mare or Imo, 43CITt_rx L'ItILL And LD:ZKIINF. '''' , ,' cotrzmE, PENNSYL'V'ANIA. • - , .1 In the matter . of the assigned estate ,of Thomas Hull, trading as Thomas Hull .a Co. lately adjudged a Bankrupt, ' by the, District 'Court of the Ord sett Ke States, for the aton Districf.Of Pennsylvania, will be sold at public sale, I - .ip . •• • ON ruzsDA T, APRIL sth, *A ' • At, 12 o — clock noon,:at the Dhlladelphia, Exchinge, All that tract of land. situate in Hazel Township, Lucerne county, Penusvlvanie, bounded. and de scribed as follows, vis : Iletr i rngtat a point where the coritity line, between' uyikill, and Lucerne counties, crosses the western line of the' Joint Kun kel tract; thence alixig the said count - y.l line; south 65 degrees 45 hunt'west 145640 perches to a stone; thence still along d eonnty line north 67 degrees' I d - .I) minutes, west 3'7 16 perches tithe northern line of Timothy Lewis Aaron Bowen' tract; thence along the same north. 61 degrees 30 minutes ,_east 26 4-10 perches to a fallen pine; thence north 4 7 de- CMeast IEO perches to stones around a stump of a pine, a corner of the John Kunkel tract, and thence along the line"of said _tract south 6 degrees, east 65 perches to the pia .“ of beginning voontaining 51 acres and LSO - perches, more or less. , 1 • , Abo,,allthatlcaat of land, situate in•rnion Town chllN 881 LuTUni Countr. bounded and described's, follows: Beginning at a stone= the line dividing Schuylkill and Ltnteme counties, and the southeast-' wardly corner of UnionTewnshipAchnylkillCoun ty ; thence south 64 degrees 43 minutes, west 76 640 perches to a %net thence north $ degree* .10 minutes, west 885-10 perches,to a pine and stones, ika north.. west corner of sai d T...uweu and A. Bowen Una.; thence along the northern line of said tract north 81 degrees 30 minutes, east 244-10perche-s tosald county line; thence along the same south 67 degrees 31 mitt rites, east 37 6-10 perches to - the 'plane of beginning; containing 13 acres 3)6 perches, more or teas • - The above described property is apart of a tract of lank whirl:thus bee_ n sucetastally lig= (heartcoal and contains oiWveins of gmatraine in the of the Lehigh. Goal ReZon. itith railroad facil ities for transe ortatton . , The abavite tract is heavily timbered pima hemlock andAher mining tim bent. _For rther partici:4oc agrply to Wm. W. Ledyard, Esq.. No: IP Sorittahird street, - • St. TIZOSCAS ••• , By order & & of My AlletilO&O&S, • H. HAMBUESCSIS,NASs r isaignea., ' ;:.. _ • 139 and Ili South rtki street. philada, Starch 7# !e7O ) - . :. , • . , ' ' U-tt • ' BOWEEII, - 00111 - PLNTE /IWIII/I . , t E -• ' MAD'S a rson• SUPER PHOSPHATE um, AMMo i POTAfI. :For : Sale 11 all pending . a. O . A PERFECT FERTXLTZER kon a L CROPS. On secouni of the insinetd toss of Ras; am enabled to stir "(Wok& Minty rr at; lower pile', and by the aid of new machinery. tie lateral.. ed in condition. also In qeality. (Ir 404 A ve ir r / ad ult!flY ItOlirEßl 3141 0 wfinchtri ft: Cheas ' isi , This via:Ante 4"o::llT.lrtzt. 4 2.ltallagfi= toed in a SoLtraut Yam, containing as enell;tbod for giving lasting fertility to the 6011. , • / • , Experiem4 in the not of " Cbutpiett br hie Deft *runny of Pexiii#lvants, New Dow Wareland i rd n er cd it is h e4rilnW St ales , ietc - 7 - la' At* bathe best.iroZ i e r = ig t hred forafte.4o SOuth B e irifUl A ware nflia t b ea l l ••• WILLIAM RE irbrO u tilis,- . 105 Stmith: Street, !:itatitaore, 8A..1301011t1.*-110/1111 .!• ' - BV PER TiOI3P.BAYE Q -*LIM UAW • :. • • 4 - W1U230, A.4t , ),t E S! Zettieuie lion? crop , OM. 0 -08. P OT*TOZ:I4 WitirmOATED GE ABIN ADE TO-THE" 144,11*Vii-aOlt, Sr a - vrood Ce: if -, Kam. , .•,'l_.f..E. : !:' '' . " , .11111% fr, , t ;F:,*,- ~,,,•_ 4 _'»:4:-f: . : . ;.. ;,,' _ ...I -.....G . ,......:-., -• ~ „, ,- - , , e- i _„: N - ~, :. . • 1. . i . ~ ~ -....-.7- . LASSI. 7 - • lk. '' - '''' 4 ' CRlft.k - I 'AND EARTHENWARE „.. • - ,- • 'r - '*''- '- -+- ' , z -- • ' •, . r4,'..!,, ,- . • t ..,t': 7 . ' ~• •.' Z- . : - ' -.', -/* ' • -i i i. • - ,: ""Vo 707 - Cla i l estnut' Street- - •Pfrilaide p la. -.------.;„. :-- 1 ' -I' l - ' ''! : - ••'.. - i *"„; ' , .:-. _ . . piaanAlei 06:MX ibablit itailllattßaltigrininief.imitt sit ibti Weft Of 4 ardinarY 10c4,. tT4 *OM naglital 4 ,lMeii , «ln*llthe blii.4llo4.,M, Oril fr itai r_,! l ia --, ;-;,, - . _ Might graiaTeliiiti, Olaieficial b! ro a b l i ii . iiedtkOuli , , , ',.-,.: - ''--, 4 ' ~; '. ''' 1 ilaartited n , eitise? in tall Sea riialidditill. tit*b oll tlgg/allbib" ---, -.., _ • :1;" '; ' '-' • ' :t- -,:,‘ mrti . usa , 46:ll:l6 , oltylkancuranwr -', . , . - ' --,, ,:i , „,''.. -:. ..:- l' -i - ' '' - ' •*,- ' 64araldia ' '-. ' ' ' ',,,, ' • , r..:- ,, -: i;i• ' 4— ' 4 I: , i ii - •' 113 ;,i,,.1i t i b i t i ad icjienikike. • otio•ANiroosptly sairwerof,- ... '. lininif4 ;I1 , , ~_ .„.....„7.4.—..., ,• . ,L , ....W AVANTED.-.Tveit , thoesiskoni. tro , lmbaukippo Ll _di V RAMS lagiAtethl bit Iddress, - 11. A. CRAWBlll4l .lll VMestmkrim i a ... March U,!10-4010.11-41... - • AVALNTE.D.—A.-. numher Ot active; - elniV • • Agents, both ll ai lind. traveling. Sur up I andadfolning cleanti 'for the Me legume Company. o New 'cork. .socidyptir immikr for clergymen issid -Aktmistpaie .01 address Aim A. M: •• Pine - No. 9, hislanntorlan Pottsville,Ta., honorer .& cut for N. E. Penn- Ti[Ma - INVZSTMIMINT i elf 14 , 7t}ll-Zt BETT 2dgItTGAGE i PEN CENT. gala &sac of the: Calitral Mathssd of Imre Ali 3 ere from Shr. - ?_Thfs railroad. pa ; 23$ miles no'n'e 'Stith theetteh thaestand most thiekhy *Wed. portion of the Magnificent State of Imetc stid the, only link wanting themmeet - the railway s eenttes at St. Louis and at. Paul by , an, unbroken line, IIT miles shorter than any existg route. This road ogees ' r oan vantages. Tic ee butldinc of the relined north St. Paul to DralutN - or the head cff. Lake Superior, - where five railroads will soon eentre—the !eonstrue. Una of the North - Paelne railroad, already begun— and the rapid development of a new and productive country in-Illnnettute.and the Northwest - must tar nish a large Southern traffic. - As the. Upper Mineht is often-urn r dttring the Wint Hum bl er , s geddon I ertain daring the f r om low water, this road must hare at all Moen *mount of transportation, and 'a monopoly af t = business at some seasons of the year. its connec tions with other hoes Interested by mutual owner* ship or running arratigenaenta, .0411 give It calmest the entire north and south ravel between Its termi , nal points and their • This road will have. g great .advantage , over any Other Western lino in carn, - ing the best quality of coal from where it is abundant In Southern lowa to Northern lowa and Minnesota, where none Is to be - found, and In securi n g. rettirnlreights of lumber,. for which the de - Maud is Very great.. . The imesetrwtion or the road Is not an expert Meta, dependent upon any lotoertain negotiation of its bonds, It is in the. bands or genthinutn of wealth and ability compridrig many liading bankers ;and railroad builders of esprrienee; Fottroillt Mile' , of • the line are jiiitt cutopleted, and eighty-eight. rilllee more are graded. Au alnoolant supply of Iron, Ilea, and other imperials lan. been. contracted for. The Company harp a !lowland daily Increasing surplus of money bn band. and the stock sinbacriptiona, and tbe gales of the hond.,l gi v e them ample means-to push the work roman!, so that; with , favorable weather, it Is expected that the whole line will he completed this seaeon. F. W. SCIitM 11.1 y . SECURITY O p , THE INVESTMENT'. . So tar its we can learn; every completed rallinad in the Northwest its nut-only earning the interest on Its hoods, but a dividend on its stuck, and we-be lieve the et..sra 4/. or low .s, must occupy an eunaily strong financial position. The amount of itoniq: to be Issued is but $16,000 per mile, or less than tour millions, in all,: . . cy which erase finei.thitioe hers ofready.been Soot As we consider the se securities among the choicest in'the market, we have no doubt, that Um:remainder will be rapidly taken, so that It may be well for par ties desiring to purchase to do ao,st once; We believe there Will be no more favorable time to sell governments, mid buy really first-class road securities--finch as these—than the present.; After a full examination, we have aceeptcst an Agency for thei .tirde 3.4 the above - Firsti Mortgsite Bonds, and desire tO recommend them ;to our ens tomem as a thoroughly safe, as well as;prolittible, investment. We have no hesitation in saying that, in ottropinion, the; CIMTRAL RAILROAD OF lOWA Spill be 'one of the !most important and valuable roads lu the West, 1 ' JAY COOKE /4 CO,, 20 Wall Street. Paniphlpte,.Wlth titan, Tatty be. Obtained.; and lab aeriptioiug will he reeeival at the Cunapany's °Meet', No. :r2 Pine ii,treet, New York; office* of JAY COOKE et Cu., New , YOrk. Philadelphia and Wash ington; .the 11.1. NE: Noitri! AIIERI.CA, New York„,tunt In - i , . p0,TT5V1!...1.t., BY. 1 - . ' I % ! L. F. WHITNEY,! .. Bonds sent -rrei., Pattie, silbeintlhing tkrottith 'local agents will look to theta boy. tnetesate delivery. Pamphlets sent by nistl on application_ . 14'. B. HITATTV,CK; Trasurer. - .Tannaryitir7o :- r - . .-, - ' 5-4nt - HENRY CLAY. COAL , • ' B $340. TO LOonzia THE P 11131410 . • Which gave 'rich esaOsisettum t4o pat* year. wilt continue to Lr snipped • , PURE and FREE FROM . MIXTURE, !Anil can only be Lad rreura our exclusive Agentk . tor bile-inter rnarkeic, . ' - J. 'A. JON. HS , W.ll, HEITAMANN ' " . . (i651.,' *lda itt 4tritet,. .• 0020eit,1, , "43 - Tetchy lirkildinz, New, fork • (2t ' treet, Boston. • • , • . THIS COAL IS A: HAN,DSOII-E, And Fe pledge dzaicelvea contibue itc , And Confidently recommend if as pn3T FREE BMNEsiO COAL pr TRY MARKET, March 12, GENERAL a. G. HARPICR. • ' G SA.LESMAR with JACOB RIEGIG. a CO., Wholesale Dry Goods,. N 0.433 Market, St. PO GA, • N. B.—All orders for Goods, to.. intended for Please address C. Harper, care of Jaeobli;ml Co.. No. 333 Market St..„ Pidlada. Jan 22. N-4.16.13' SALLEII & BTEVENBON.. - ," BANKERS; AND BROKERS, 10.4 a sot-ri srgini maim, Lsroms and Tkes bought and sold strictik on oteruntaidon. • Das LEAS TN GOLD, SUN= ADD FODZIGIN COM. • Being member* :of the Plalladetphia - Stuck -Bs ehater, sit orders entrusted .to our care Shalt re ceive prompt attention. - - . • • • &lamb 8, Mt —47-Ta em-11-6m • I GIMNDINNIND, IrAVitit Tinnirst.,kinuump . mit. iiitumNlNG,DActs 4 ANkitTylki.l7 Wail . tit,..deTtirk BANktlid 4ND sit 4 Ike *Doer Interest oil temporary' or - ittatiethai de posits, asuiexecute orders_promptil_lbittie po ass and saleottaMlLS, DON WANDDOLD..tx swam -Dtreet telsgraphte examtunieation tettet t ; • - idelphia house to Nine York: - [Jan $L • fIIISOEGE YdBT SOT: 1 • NO. Yl 4 l. `POTT6VILA: Inventor or the, seif-damp e r, and of coal 'breakers half the usual Nei gh - saving thereby. a M . _antotint of timber- ha - a'hreaker. • The =piny rages ere tbr slopes. end aborts, with t r iiiitlctut 'door to, car and with water apparatus "stacked to dispense with putopy.. - .21, aftlr-dampit;ond or two. stories, and hoists one s ,two Or 11112,11 0101111 at flee seam time. • I • -! • The adrerUser y11411'31. - superintend Orriontraet - to build oolllery tenproreptrats of aßktada. , • Graria E4!pAcff , ma.F.Ycnri STEAM Bitwik4 ithi....YDRICruwwOO4.IIPEENSTOWN, • - LONDONDERRY; GLASGON,', • AND HAMBURG. - '" LTTYsrooz 1.1111 . ir. 111132NMP - • COLWIT, ILUIr SWIM Wlt • . . Arcs s& Lbw- :• • • , • 4912derrYff':..' eat 110 .:"Itr."l 110 - • litionrita tam,' . -. Frazazuvaramprairtionsfartilaad,Ctad. „ oo 00 aslt-pg: , 113 r r i: S _P!'.4 /41 F - Yc liir! "Put s Wir l er p &a4oll6pl9lialrertirear and ttlubn: _ ritithr • i •Ireall. 4.44e1511:*41 rcir • • • dther - Otiiik above 11Ise. 7P7 11 07i11t „ _ Kitigryttl*. • „ • IA L 4 :0 ( 7 • ; EWE : . • ,THAT ITUE St lti mn. IrELL2.4rOWN - • HENRY: CLAY COAL, JOHN ROMMEL, JR. & B. To 'whom. 411, .orclera . shot:H .. l;e addressed_`: , FREE ,III,TRSTNG A R'PICI.I;; - :PREPARATION SECONR TO NONE, ROBERTSON, GUITEI*AN & CO El Pushiest fords. s.: alma ' AtADVIU) MII4'IMAIPACEETiIo.' REDUCED RATES OF PAIRIACii• • ,• 't • •' • IstsuarLaci.• Prom , - ,iverpOol* tineeitstosrp;;..`.. Ef OD . To " • , 95 00 4coir ll l4Thr.toort:•.,7`• , Fron!Liyeipool and .laute,enstown r t:-_, To ' • II • . . . , , • ,Liv • . ler-444tit— 'llWilteetploVl Lsanc. • k• Vot-1.44,.44- c_ *'L- - 111111 IWI. DICIrMXII4 . A.ONSIT, 401:1T,5694 TEAT AND CAP fIOP f E, •Camerstrr ateacer. CONDIOSA: ' . . _ , , Boots, Alms, Rats and Cam e h a : i t& "variety 4 akt• nuintly on hand: Pam:law paid to Mean Wont. REPAIRDIG done, candy on short 4 1,44, 016 Fah. 11..i0-icai-ii . - . 41311215r80N it 00.; * r 7 - J. ' sAaivr.tertrit, cr '- Beets, Shoes ma bate* Des/We ' la iollith" • ' .er game , No LIZt Midiet OctObetloo/10. 444 ft . 111LPORTANT. I , • • - . „ ' , . Tire :NEW TORE • • BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM. 1 full aatlon, and the attention of the - .I, l d i °i ‘ les*/ Pottsville is especially invited to the large stock now In store audariiving daily oral the finest • class atom* suitable for ladlet Wear, and adapted to this market. lifr. Grine has made especially of this branch - a bnalttem, and gives his particular at-, tention to securing the bftt line of IM.ler wear ey • brought to the clty. , r Every attention will be pall to enstouters, ana cordial invitation is extended tont!. • - • CIiME it. LEVIN. Octobqr _ TROIKAS POTTER.; BON laiD CO.; ram:intact, turers of Oil Cloths_ and Window Shades, Flee! 11111 Cloths , Enamelled MUSIIIIS._ Drills and DUeks, Table oil ••Cloths; 31abogany,• Ri:Hewoody Oak and Marble Qll Cloths; Stair Ott Cloths and Carriage ruin Shades and-Shading, Plain Mid Tnnek Gilt Shades and.Corris, Tassels an.* lelstares of all kinds. 11S.A.rela Street,below Fiftitlitret4•Philadelphia.'" krareh MI- • ••' • 10-310 F. TREO. FISHER'S , OLD ESTABLISHED. N. W. corner Fourth and Vine aticets, Philittiel p_hia. A large assortment a nd g, and _Busk Mattresses. Beds, Blanket* counterpanes. con - Manny on hand and made to order. • Also, Ticking, Feathers and Curled Hair, whole sale and retail. All articles warranted as 'represent ed, and priees invariably as low as any othe in the trade. Jan. V. In • 4h, 932 MAW.. T d aami t i e .,z , gx. 4 . 4 D/k. buyCnolt. eo and agars by the box. - i Monitor wavy, and Jones & Sons' Tobacco always , on band at low rates -_ ' Meerschaum Pipes,'Briar, French , and other styles can be had here to suit MA01110)111 either wholesale or retail. JOHN LEES, Wholesale and Retail Jobbing Rouse and Manu facturer of Cigars; 992 MARKET St., Ph iladelp hia.. Feb 19, 'le • • WMWWII& - JO cowpTANtra Ross NAVE RXXCIPED THEM LOOKINGfiLANS AND PICTURE-FRAME STORE, I'e Ni. IS North Sixth Pig . Where they offer at reduced prices a general &Wort toeut of Loing-Glasset, Picture Frames, ' French Plate Mirrors, Plata and Drusztteja e , Picture Fro %Tit; l u Ml z r t ir i tr sz i s. Feb l 0 104 m) No. lit North Stith PhllaLla 1011ILZ8 Olt HEXORRECO/DA.L TUMORS In ternal and External, Blind, Bleeding and Itching, positively, perfectly and permanently cured, with out pain, danger, Itustrusidents or caustics, by IVIL A,. Nice. AN DLEN, Jd 110.,; 4 14). NM Spring Garden St.: FlL,who ca n refer you to over Eleven Hundred or the best citizens of Philadelphia, who have been cured. 'Apractice of eleven years as a specialty In this ch.sease without a failure, warrants a anredu all emits. - ady • 8./LRLOW'S INDIGO BLVD fa the , cheapest and beet article In the market' for 13LCEDIG CLOTHES. It does not contain any,act d • It wIU not, Injure the finest fabric; it I. put up ' at W ILTBEUG ER'S DRUG STOR.W.No. 213 North SECOND St., PHILADELPHIA, and- or sale. by ,moat of the Grocers and Druggists; _ The genuine bait both' Barlow's' and WUtberger's names on the label; all others are counterfeit. BAR LOW'S BLUE will - color more water than four times the same weight of indiscs June 19,'09 . .• . • , 25.10 m GAs rucrtnlas a Kr,acrEnasp. SATYST AND IIYST TH THE NAHKET. IT GIVILIi THY LAMM' Ltorrr.or Asir rtrasr,ilsAlDE.- COVI.TES., : JONXS & CO.: ittusarerii :aid WiPlesal• Dealer,,. 702 Aral June 6 . , MD aufna..x. KAuctan.B. . - FURNITURE - WAREROOMS, =a sad Wit files' ;db . ekworld Street, .. - PtiItA.DELVIIIA. ' . • - 4 • Theundersigned bar - 14 greatly inoteaslitt Wattles In the addition of the large four story building~ ad- Mains his former place of Main offers "Oest in di:cements to all porchaters Of to give him a call. Re is gout; of be able to please all who may favor him th their - Mad his ex pertencectf twenty in bushiest is it' guarantee of his abluty Utturn - ou the best of wade. zte per sonally supervises his large workshops, laid any-ar ticle not on hamg will-be made to order at the low t terms.' A huge stock Of ull kinds of constantly on hand: • D.• 146 it 0 - • . Sept..9;!fig. . 7-I,ydw .. - IinTAIN'S Amp SHADES X.. =I ME EEO • Embroidered. 'Pilaw and Table CaTait, , Window : Cornices, Walnut, and Rosewood 'and . G i lt. Window Draipertee t French daily:l3v Fine Shades; etc. • • Agents far Wars nitwit Sgiriag . pdanee Shade Fixture, which requires no cord. -- • • CARRENGToit, IMEOEIiKE 4' 'CO .B. E. Cor. Thirteenth turd Chestant greets, April 3, 'CD WLIip)OW DMCOILLTIONB% LACE CURTAINq, M4Vir :AND LACE iII4j,EEIES, . , SatliZsitiask, Silk; snit silic and Wool Fabrics, of 111 stisdes of colors; filliafea P L S.H A , .FOR FAILROA.D.RI WALRAVEIt; ?COATI? cusurntrr sr Sept /1;411.1 - $ A l U ° ll_ ° Liat,D 41 4 1 *" ° , 46."1111i li ll' otter Leos 1, Ist. ENcs. itstrrolveled Immune, kV For, its Unequaled •Durabillty. • - - • St_ P.* ite..34 l oSlteleed cOTOrDegift• lastly tor Ile Econceny.• - 1 • .13" -•- Olds lets VI paint , tritti Beek Leedithin =kV other. What* toad erant..sb4 UM. *WO eosins, MoreiterfacoN L JOlteultt.DtunblessdinaPo• Mater Work. _ . _ •• • no' ' LEAD le the 'Cluiptist SPX BUCK Best. $lO,OOO GUARANTEE. Bt~CZ 211 W * (15 ! Is Hi l l 7 " 16 Za !! c i' , rairiblltsesiviiied • Par its Irmitililaalrldtenew. at ararustawriastsapatr. : temetr, fair StaltreatAcivatay. Itibdoisnest,lizid . iSitit*Tablo tithosaid. , , BLS DNL'etticrlC LEAD ANDAiIICIE ,r4 a) 40 SO 1131 00 30 , • , IiSENC - - TaT 412 CD ISX - CoNvitscßlX-z7 z SatiecuYion Guaranteedby the Afanufc_tett , - Ares -O:SIWAE, , COLORS, , 71114 r a fcc; 41 Inttet eardsliest br nail If asemea. Oraten licturtintur *wired to. tart EMS Istits, Ar... fbilabtiptfia Abutrtisentents... A OIZZAT VAXISTY OF astir s s. BURNER, N.gNY'SMTLES KI NOTTINGHAM AND Sl . ii . :l--, a 'L l tt: E . CERTAIN S:, JUST OPENED .I.4MBRE.stuni9 • ',' OP W -I-N D w EatgiE4 Nzirar TINTS. MASONIC SALL,. NEM MIDI~IQc•:DSPA. HAzkiros math -11. 1 .;An , Seeidentloy which a miner named EdWard S. Bweny was instantly killed , oecurred at Audenried this morning. appears the Unfortunate Wan in'atteMpting tojoinp a ear coming nut of the mine, missed his footing and- failing between the car and ventilation gate was ‘erushcdin a horilble manner. , - lilltaitatiOrbareditens: rresidingt::einmaz...zhe ' AVASI " .ttsa:ro . Tx,. Ntirc.. . h tl.—' :- Teriance - : Cas: silly 'who . ' yesterdaythrestened ._ tlent Grant with assasahlation,- and used at:Attire language, witiTe-waiking on -Petit' ylranis rd Arenue.withhiS sun, wasloAlay pro ounced insanebythe ,pidice tiurgeolus, and "Sent to.. the Gorertfment Tfisane Asylum.' - Ihemian had . , Veen; rePeatedly reNsed : admlftanee to Lae --ExecUtire .Alansion,ott•-int a his singular contiuq. _ , .- ~t The committee on tareigp - reations held a geoid Meeting to-day to consider. the San Domingo treaty: Gt.& Italicock-,ex-Ptidned its provisions and the eireumstaiwea under whleh It was :,;ttegotiatetl,:tutd - other facts , were communicated to the Omralttee but no dispotdtion - watievinced to cane to an early conclusion:. • • ,They, will, taho . time. to consider this linwtantsubject. • _ , 'The? Selheauo of: . . ' LozipoN -Idurch P.-•:.l4.—This eve ning's eilitlen,of -the Tit s ois - gives the follow ing frotra.the Roman 'frontier: Ou Monday the scheme of iniklibility -.WaS.distribtited to the inembers of. the Counted. It aSserts that the Cherch ,poSseeoes:ilipFenie and complete potter, 'mid that the: principality over the universal' Church. was received with pleat lude of . power front the Lo r d himself by St. „peter, of tvlioni: the . l'entitrles isttweiniore,- All questions oC faitli'must. be detennined under. that *.pater or-else the Words of - the Lord to Peter-would bedismiarded.' • r.°his le proytsi by the _results in the Apes -toile see s and the- inninteulatO-" doetrine hue -always been, fully :maintained 'and. conse quently Ave, incti 'cute- it with the 'concurrence °terminal and -define ti. 4 ik>gina, of faith that thanks to.divitten;o4tHliett the Roman- you of .dhotis said Pi the Person of Peter by- t,:lirisi s ",1 - Ittive, , , prayed fOr. ull," ,catusot err, Aviille...heting: as the • supreme teacher of . The seheme defines what the church must hold. in Akith ant) morlds; and that the pre 10,glatlVes in rapak extendi over the same matters to.. Which. the infallibility of the Ichureh is applicable.- FORTY-FIRST. TERM-SECOND SESSION.g . . :Mr. ReVetWforivarded to the Clerk tutd,had,' 'read a ootruuttnicatitin trout ,the.colored Senit-i. *tors of the - Georgia Legislattfre, which he had received, bv " - telegrePit, prOteitirig :against Vie - adoption by :Ftite' Senate rof Mr.: - .11inghate%s ' staved tnent to the Geogia bill. , •. -..' . On 'motion of Mr. Trunibnll-, the flitirgitrbill - Wag mask the speclal.Order or as . soon a ''..,.. funding bills shall be disposed of. • In accordance with life nen' erder of business, the - calendar:orbills 'Was taken up. The joint resolution fortlfie-iipp.oiuttnent. of a joint corn- • mittee . to eenilider. *all matters relating to" the Indian-tribes`; Was discussed bv Messrs. Harlan, Ste Wart andThutitian. 'A motion byhfr. Thur man to postpone.indetittilidy. The whole sub ject resulted in a tie.:vote . and was determined negatively by the otsti rig vote of the Vices Presi dent, . At 1 ceelciek- the bill wts - liztd over to • make way forthe.fundiug hill. ;,• •• ,-- .... - Mr.' l'itiLson , hubmittetl gird , ; advocated an amendment to allowAlielssuo•of ten-forty, per cent. bonds exchangeable for the tlve-tyrentle:i -, at the . discretion of the 'Secretary. - An amend mein by Mr. Sherman to . the seeond section to extend the tittie'in which the: 4.Ybonds shall bo . paid from thirty tojitrty• years was- agreed. to. Mr. Wilson's aniendmentWaSitten rejected. ? Mr. Morton 'Offered art amendment to the re- . tiring of -legal-tender4 by funding them into a • '•bond withoht issuing an equal . ..amontat o' na- f . tional =bank., notes, - and thus pilividi . • .r a` contraction.of, the ' currency: He argu : I that ' the interests Pot. tile country, were op ..A . to cOntradion ; at this. time. -. its-anienarnoS ... 'posed. to Ilinitthe timr - per % (* . Ob as i . th 1,6 . shall hot be exeliangedfor greenbacks b • illy for.interest bearingobliontions.''. Mr. Morton's anienament:was,reje.cietT by Yeas /8.. /44.Y3 32. EE3 ROUSR: , nEitalpf.iNta TT mi. • The, ifoUse then' at , half-past one o.cloek went into ooramitteeof the whole( Mr. : Wheeler in the chair, on the tariff bill; and, was addressed in support of bill by Mr. AfeCarthy, who ' de, elated that:Wl:llW hi favor of a tariff for revenue, he also desired to keep, in view the judicious protection of the labor and - industries .of the country. At the conclusion of. Mr. lkfcCarthy's speech; the tariff bill was - laid aside and the committee proceeded .to the consideration Of the deficiency bill. The - WU:appropriates an ag gregate amount of $.1,417,711-for deficiencies in the service of the present.liscal year. ; • 23-17 p,EmnyLyAltht• LEGISLATURE Mr. Mumma, (ReP.):'moved the reoonsidem ilea of the resolution .reported by the Finance Committee yesterday and panted by the Senate requiring General Irwin to appear before the be; of the Senate. Mutruria exPlained that, aft ter dice - consideration he had come to the con... elusion that the Senate - 1114, no right to`arrest - Mr. Irwin: It WAS - adopted. , • Whe Rouse bill Or the relief of the, tiniterara from Border raids was rsprted• favorably. It has, een Worded so d evoteas - to all the moneys which SAW may hereafter, receive from the . cbtanties -of Adams, Cnnilvrlatici, Franklin, Bedford, Ftiltok Perry, and York, to -the pay-, bunt of , claimir of hearty two 'million Oilers. iY AND WARRANTS *WANTED - A L Or WAR qv 1812 AND MEXICAN WAR: pORRIGN 'COINS, StOCit.s. tiOLO4O 10:Nrand other BOyDS 110yORT.sad SOLD. lOLLECTlONS'pieinptly, made analfpolnts. DES .• . . . !YOStali, ECEIVED. - • . No pains wilt be spared to ,serve the',lnterests of /1011 , 6 who favor ds with theftboiLlhelte.v, - - • -.I.CYLLN RUSHTON "ek ' • . kerearai Brokers No. 50 Smith Sit OT/C.E.--Thi-O-parinerstdp heretofore exist /.1 ing tetweetf Andrew Roberisoridlenry Gutter.. man, and ThonmaGormattin the working-of Green back Colliery, Is-this daY'dltsolved by mtltttal e con• sent, &ndrear, Robertson having sold Ms interest In the mid Greenback Colliery to Henry Gulterman and 'Phos. Gorman. The firm of liobtalsom, Gaiter man & Co..stllleoutlnnetnt olneandsblp tbetterny Slay Col - . _ ROBERTSON, +HENRY GIIITER,MAN, ° MOS:. GORHAM , ShamOkin, Dec. Blat, JBdo. -. , . .7-4 t rrsl RISSOLUTION. COPAIITNIBBBEIP.— The copartnefship heretoftito:existing between Llewellyn and Levi tltifllthic, under. the. firm - name of Gridlths et. Lletvellyn, Bt. tuut.been dissolved by mutual:consent., The Minimise of the late firm will itow - be eatiledbn by IX T. Llewellyn;• who wiltlettle all e:mounts now •retnalswaknset ti.ed.• . .• • • • - • LEVlarle • Feb 5. C9s R The .unde * rslsmed hare. th nay farmed a enpartnetshsaleAnd shipment if COAL, under the Am o don4.l*,,at Th;r : . Walauj REPPLIER., itraq& el HHe phts.; . , ik;70.2,3m). EL P. R TNISSOLUT/N.The . eoMO•tamship baretoftre exiatiMt under firma of lOaldwall.LOordOb di Co, at. Pbßadelpttla azalNew York. and of Rail, wal l Co,; at Bottom to this dardtatolved temutvial can seat., Either mrty •0212 a)gft id ilgnl4apom. - & C411...DL, . P. - A. RALL, N.. P. GORDON . D, YOUNG. Philadelphia, Deo. 31,'69 -24 m ?TEM •24D.11188IGNE.D: have "formed a Copan, X - nendnlrnnder the style of Bad, 'Stanley tr. Co.. and - writ continue thesftal business at No. 144 State street, Boston, andll2 Walnut itreet it Phllsdelphla, Pluldda.aan 8, "Al' li.3inj E. It. EU EY." ~:~7 m OTlCE.....„llaonfaettners and naers of. Steam. 111 Pumasotre hereby:motioned salmi the man: Menu* aale. or f twe o any Pampa, that are an in -1881 m th ey will h n e prosecuted - to the ar se of bartiCrisdialiiiidaujeistailaidaillitagallpar.- and wadaromeme all other Intriagege. • • Port varnon7Aprll %fa' • 'RM. - ALLIEKIN. Yartles-IWwant ofPumperan be snyplledaar td• pflOiffirrthil LISCO 11 - A z tzAs, • - ' Irat3 Wm*. tort Otrbon,•pi. • 10_04(4044M1•"&to ; . C "1f1: 44 6 . i 3 411 9104 ----Fi:lFratitCK *lnt" 4 0,414ifflndOl*: TOAALE .itrargtuasrtshirrizarto Ad* ir..lV- Beek €o„ attaidr oak , Awints We froell=2 and, Midget; 0. to 10404 - their cat and DM, and *Wow" kinds , nreilaWaLcha 'roe tnocosi-at Sr ~ a ta, SEtT ptl reinit — a4 •." - • . _ . t. rItAEL WOLTA,ItarBBC,, - • • - • - , . . - • ---- E . : .. ; -- -- zirailmiefat*lD Reits4r,..•:-. : .. .„ iietit.) .- WArtanousE,. ,--. 1 z . J-,....T0 A - -'-'. - •• -.-. ,-,- •1 -- ~,,,.: „, , , ...., , ,i',,_• ,-,-,, -- k ----- , - . -- ;:::- L,-':. i• • •-•':f:::,z1:..i.:4:..7. %.*:$:1F s rkurf:.,Cp. •:':•••••• , 4 :;• ; ': ;:z::, : :::-!: 4, .t:Tc.•':; - ,' 'PC!! .. M i l rA, T2':. , : 'zi!. 5, ~ - . 1 - - 4 , ::,;, 1 ~"'' the' iitiintiiia.-iikt*pobliii.ti... ,4"''''.."4lretliliSetibatn- iltOdEtsr"'',., • , ,'"' , ..400"ge 5ikk,,..,„ .- ,• • .th i liiii,'r"; -i ', ~-:', ~ -i' '-" 1 11 :- 1 4 111 0‘,:010404404 1 4 - __. l-.1:.... L .,. r: , ,:„.. ,; L„r , i c , ~.,k-, l ,o49o4o4rulkehogb4=4i;i o ,l -, l:i 4,9 , -.1.- ii i ie ~&, :•' ataellk, : •Oa. Torts...a are am. 1 11)110017)- 316 st i temaiii , Liminian t . l's476l49lSkebittrt—oiritirt4",lllsl:—** Abeinkt Alike-Attr , . . - .. -..- ,„„taterviani_ '..'„ , ,", • - 1 , , , -- 77 - fr is i - 5 *4--- tW'maliir7 . l lPat. ; ~-.-: • ,- .7", ! thlt . ..41 ' : , '• 3041swtorimik . • "T. • 4arogir mai . tai H 1 f - '' ' ' • . '. " . - . a ' .." - . • '-• • :11.13==i-ia odf; a . . • , ..: ..".... - staiimt, , .. 11 .. 2 ." . list and . 5 r7 .1,i re:7,-,,a., ...°,:•r-trtr",....._:.:,... ' . " 'l'll ' 4 '; J''''''Ail"" ~ :,!-- ~ - • - t e , ,, :; - .... ,, - , 13.',7;.: . - 1 -- ;-: - . , :-..; . -.7. ' . •••• . '.. --. •,. : • `-'; "L: '' - -.. • ' ' TSE~$Td ; ~`~. rato,ti4Aw* , :s;•• w4kwitG2o.zc 1 1 1;11?,E70-*. :C'4 3"CIS Est W;isitiNGTONT 2431.11. 11, 1970 , : • kEGISLATITE% 49,. March 11,1870 SENATE. Qldlttta. itotkm. I II te tap- . Tlmrserad r shut Bill 40161 / 11111 " 1 7bar - Inge la OU • ; • • numno. hiareh•ll.4,The Conimlttre of vv. and Means of /he ifouleittittneet lug UN's.* evening, decided to lePeitti# 'Border Ftald bill' favorably: - • - • The claims covered by the hill exeeedAnir -thousand flambee, and amount In the mg lregatellll2l distributed.iunciactite comities as /*MOWS : . s dOstoFitt ammilsgs,4trowi.d. reiTy . 4 808 _ - . $2,640 11.441(4ft.00UntYs ' • -7,126 Fulton-, eountYi -4,1,080 combera*co, wasixt : ' -2 10,724 • . Adams county', 807.707 Am* county, • • 127.669: • /24,72 e . tmultina eounty, 1 838,168, -sr • • 769 1 784 . I To MU - Mould be :Addeg du der Ow get or LW,. which amounts to 61,.- . 1.%.564, $118,600.-Alre ;under the act of 1863, awe/ling the_ grand total- to 4067,615,' 01 4 PITY; re 4 hteresh.l l . - W.e:-.Were terri 'fled etlth the,•orr. of - AM .. ;. Which -:brialte out. - among Borne narrow Mtge • • nari:at Ruud hall' 20,008-barrel U/n laigelsmit had over..lo.oooherreleht. and this burning ears Were; sonwor. -thee -Witldu thirty, ((sat of, the ; li. became . hOt that gas' bisited - from the tOp, making ghillie sheet-of Same.. Thew Were the IR% tro 'er threeitieded. - • • • • .., • "':; 84 MPUOJAUOW dii6M4l,iaiegAifilOn tankamorepr lees ta ll , The iirliplernocand leadlegpiPewYero lorni•p!ifer s , *M. hY the greatest exertions oa the parto-• of ;the pphlie • and the firemen one et the,ineet ieriougtotel-- fiekrationswas prevented. s : ;The Inagersue totally destn4edyllut further. than this damage is slight. 8y 12 o'eloeli noon the. danger was passed, and at one P. M. the** WIFM The rtindliii Din-1110 X ari A 8". . WAsinnaron, o lkirirch —The lL Seereutry' of.the Tressury..was at the Capitol title ;nam ing in consultation- with senators on that section of the funding 1:1111 which compels na- , tional banks to exchangiitheir.bonds for se durities paying a lower rate of interest: . • • A large tumber of representatives of tile national banks were also in consultation "Tit tl Senators and members. A strong effortsirs being Made to, have the section abouttho national banks mcszlified 'or stricken out, 'but, the indications are that the 'Senate will re,' fine to alter It. Senators say - the vote will be taken on the passage of the bill to-day before adjournment, and its friends seem confident of its success. - •'' - • Tie House is in Committee of . tho Whole on the tariff bill: and Mr. Methirtha of New York, is supporting the bilt iu- an elaborat e speeeh.. - 1 - • , • " ' Safety ol'th. atikErwihiP Sys—Prptst NO' Wilk', March 11.—Thb stelunship , 'Fiinith, from Bremen' January 26, 'which had. been given up as last, is now (11.30) comlug up the bay. - Jerry4urphy and Dennis. Ttropey, both - well-known prize-fighters of New { Jersey, fought yesterday afternoon hi roam in Hudson street for $5lO a aide and the cham pionship ofithek4fate. It was a brutal.rongh nnd-tumblel 'fight, and lasted' 3.5 miruates. Twopey whs fearfully punished, both his eyes and nose being. smashed heyond rec ognition, and his body severely iniqrgd, Murphy received very little damage,. This is the third fight that has taken place 'be tween these roughs. A large eroWd witnessed the brutal exhibition. ,INEW ENGLAND. The IN ' ew Hampshire Hiection—Firei at Providence: CNCO - RD; March 11.— Jection returns re- - rely d from 'towns Governor Stearns 34;8 4; Bedal, 2.3,123; Filnt„ 7204, and Sim- 1 , mons, -1157. Governor - Stearns' majority over all is 1270: Five towns whlelt last year polled 70 votis-15 Republican and 55:Derno cratte—remain to be heard froiß The Sena tors elect are 0-Republicans and 1 - Democrat. In five districp there is no' choice:' . .In /n -the 'House the Republicans will have atiout fifty . _rn.titerit'k, - ' rnovinExca, • 'March - 11.—Tbct. house Oa' Public street owned by Mr.. Stbilet 03- 4 : ° o ' . cupied by Mandley _ Horton, grocer,, was bunted'at midnight. Lciss,3ooo; covered by insurance. ' -- ' '.• - -- • NEW YOBS MONET AND STOCK MARKET. Riv Your., Starch IL—Stocks stead_ r, Money easy at bern per cent. -Gold, If2si. &We, ISA coupon,. Ill; dn., do, U9;-do. , MA 110:-do: do. nem, 109; do., Mr, IW3I ,• do., 1802., 109 7 . ; 10.4&e, 17;.Cturtbe land preferred ,%; Conaoltddted New mit. Cent I ,and Hudson • River, 97X; Erte; 25; tuidfng, -Adams Express, el. '` • PIIILAEELPIII,I PRODUCE MAIIKET. . ;' 'Mardi 11.—Flonr atemart dull. Rale* crf sapatiape at Vi i' 50_: extras. S 4 373(4114 01141. Caper brands at-20 60(427 Wheat— es of Penn. red at Si mu as. Corn--galea of nayzellow at 119061 a cents. Rates of oats at 5 tras.s eta. . males of Clover seed at Mr/MS 00. :Whisky.,liales at 21401 /2 for crcx)d'and - iron-bound. packages- 1.. - VoitEkeit - BitiuszTs. Loitnoli March 11.-. America - emir/n(10 fialaiand • steudy. - ptoeks_ quiet and steady._ LIVSI3POOL Muth 11. 1.30 P.M. fiottarr quiet ; _ atoch afloat 4 ,080 bale*: or Which 011,000 are &uteri eau.. " California Wheat, 08- §d4o l Cuu.: tad Weltern. 1 4 .talsa. 4 4d. ; arinter,lBe. Rerelpts of wawa the pant threw days 5000 quarters. an of which were • American. Corn.2ll. sd. Flom,: Peak rs• ed; Pork firmer; !Lard firmer ; Spirita la. Bd. po7rirsvizz.r.mAiticeTs ! .• 'at us amen' Journal ay GUNK a WA. • , , Wijeat: =dlr. 11 bbi••:•;• 4f ta • .4 1 i flV "ar . Buckwhbat, Floor What,'prime white RYbi,;;;.- Oats. ' • bosh, Corn .......... bosh:.. bilddllngb .......... .... . bush— Bran - H 1 toes ... N luu ipt4 I . .... ' Beet hind * qt7ur . *a f° POT I / 3 VILLIS FAMILY MditikllTll. • • . . ' .We give the foltowlng quiaatloristor,:: ...- Iltiter4- i tlard I/115 1 • - , '012s meat zees 1ath.......... - ... -10 , e9t.ens V 15-.......:, , -,411 Ctirrled Beef s 1b......... 961 , 20Ducka'S tb.„..........::. --GC:- Rump Steak)av e tb. ... -{l.2sTurkeyst 0:.-....,...;..... -"."42.; Slrloln Steaks 1b,.. -Ca rinaddock p 1t0..:........ --6410 SaUstlie It lb • • ®2 took 'ft iti.__....—.... 'l% &turner- • - !Halibut la Th. .., . ~........ .5 Forequarters PL..... -41.14'Whlte Perch 5pkr..,..; i 15 Illtidquarter lit tir...:... - , 41,15 Black lit t 5...............-., l3. -. Chops it 1b........ --ialrituttflah Vlb.------, le PI2IIX- I taAs It strtng.:. 1...-.- HI 4rui Roast ekSteakro 1b... -4 , 2" (souroatqt....... 15-20 Curried p Ib,.- 20025 ter p 0-......L.4.,- 9 0 . I=Yhole)* lb__ rid 27 IP-doz- -4..,... '25 11cedmg1b....... ---430iCa bilge* 11 . ead.i....... , 10 'Short era, ...t..... 141sPotatossagt3tpack; , 10 'Dried Beef •41 1b:.......-...-4110'Potatoos Is bush:.:. - 73 W w t vt,tr,- .uot,POtaloes* it:i Forequarter pI) --014;Otilonalli ..,..., 28 Hlndquarterli tb-..,.., •'-< 131ted Beata Peo9 -90 'Cutlets IS k.. .- .. . ' Turalm l lo ~,... Print° Oysteiiii /ll' % PI " A Pit e rP , " Bologna Sausae - 0 tipples .....: &nuked Sausage Vlb _ ,Applet ....i,:.$11000 _ , M. Casa. zttlezior;ier. _ their Weight In - Gad: , e tr ntehti.' BLOOD PritientiLoirreots lin-, • es - of the blots:lo%l'Mb in - the tem of - Meson the Ince and bod ,B 1 es, IDleurs„ Hbils, Stye., Palling of the Hair, - Dbachanges &OM thef Ear, Eye and. Nate, and ail Humors... - . it Mame- .claSy recommended for the Smondarratill 'l I. azy norms of Sygbilitic•Disease, and lifermilatin , Ma .llltio-filmontatism.- Every person - should .01 lase thiblood'at least. once a 'year With this ,relMelY.— Prieto, - One Dollar. :" -Chntetser.s Etiezna.—Dnyartiverigy weakened and enfeebled by, the error" - , of youth, or the excesses of riper years. which -Temkin De bi Week. " ints and Debility. Young, Middle-40d, old men, lind to this remedy asovereign Meant Of ittich they restored lo tit and blitly=tter all el; have Price', One Rat.ree.4-OM;SIi I an rs filiinichra,Toothache, Stomarbaelie,“, e• lihatnegm,lßlmornatirm, and all pains Le- basil undreamt, . Palms One Dollar. • 4 '; • Citiaagyr. 140:4,ulsca certain eure i 4 i t DI -.eases o the , Kidneys, Solon Liver, - PsKlAN___kaliirat - Xunlater 'the seared ' organs to hootnymtki drawer falls tools* gravelAand ; slit slid kfutim•purteent.. nature. ele. -sOltaitt4 Exvircronsirre-Por Di ed _the Throat end Lunar , as Calurrile-u -s tle, - "AtidkohlOilore 'Throat. ElPtW on , Omar, ' Eohisoand timearlystages_ol • on is a - do kw ibsF u rrhage or the Lai ht 'on by - a dry, hacklug fih. Prieewthie ; Sildruarti..PEnefor,Lovlorr.—The liMer w e= ilia a Matron for ifficiple-kle moil a Tan, evenues, and all D Oa of ,the Skin . rumedf• used In thisliloodParider,sulidersthe Skin =k "NI aagbeais,rrtthoarascar. Peloa , Onf d.' • 'Oltut`asik``F sitrilli Mina; • . ,• _ ~r~ of the BW ' . 4 :',VIT of MB mIEM=I . • ,: '..i ::,.. > , WASHMO.76N. NEW YO.RIC4 Whole ' stilt. D"jut. MEM BMW: 1 :2 696 315 8.00 675 a s I 10 gas 1.10 ~~ a ao i5O - I 40 30 00 1 60 ' 22 00 4 17 , 40 1.5 Ifta =II