~ ~/~. l : L I_/ I , I 1 1 . 1 I , l , •1 lIMI FORTY--SIXTH YEAR. :No. 11: thirtitirtmono. '' s , _ .17r.r lio. 4, Port Blekwead. ;. WELD, N,AGLE & 00., 1 1 Kiilens at Shipped's of the 134...5t Qi4.03.1t las , - LOCUST 119t1/4TitIN AM) BLACKHEATH .- • . baLkES '. '-. .. I l' , . 9 Forillannfacturing and Dcitnestle use,. and Fi'ole - •, ;Agents In all markets i 1 - !FOE TILE CELEBRATED ... I ~ • PINE KNOT WHITE ASH, AND • - ' "'JACKSON LORBEHRY ". COAL. .I . • - 120514 Walnut St ., . PhiLadelphsa,, , (Mora : 110 Broadway, New York, •I . ." -11 Boerne Street, Boston. : - G. 11, WELL'. I .IIiICRY-W. NAGLE. Etil. SitErtvc. HENRY A. Hicr.:,-..Ja. Jan. 1, '7O 3. I •.• l - --i.-----,-- • • ~, , i 7. - 1 CCP . CASTNER; bfICKNEY .. ' & .W au fiGTODi. i . ..... . . ._ Miners , . and Shippers cif- Voal.:. , lit.RseiDE from their Burnside rid. tit:iiiittitik . in. LEWIS VEIN kTted Ash.) • , LOCUST•MOU'V' t .,IIN (White Ash.) f 39 ty Itunding. New l'Ork. . ' , Offices: 4 203 L _ 'alnut Stre Illm et,Philatielphia. : W11A420 Wane Street, teiti. , , F NO. 6; PORT Elkli,3li - IND, PIII LA, ',Jan 1 '7O c , - a --. 1 ,'• •i,-- Ifler 7, l'Ort Riehniaffd. - • :,: . - R • itiatta i rTs ShlpperOitrAiltlqiwite . 0 . 4 GE. f { or~hPßale~' them taln an Burnside Shanl?k lu AiFhOc.)a.l., •Also, SPO iN antl,l'EACll.jl\lo*.tiiAlN • .14;ed. Coat 1 FROM HOBOKEN, • • ; ihe bec t v.arietieint Lelifgh and i.P.39lini'd IiAI.T CEUE -11 BRATED F' L COAL. L. '., A ents in' 0 -- Alto, Bole Aients the Fai-tern inark.et fj,i the Atlantic and Creurge . .s Cvect Co.. celebrated tal:- atilliOUS: 'MAG. • . , • - • - 1 . . , . . - . PhilalAelphla, 247 Walnut Siri!.et, ~. ... ,-- 'New Vbrk, Rooni 0, Trinity Building, thlih ''' — Providence, :4 Weybo.4et Street, . Boston, 25 Doane Street. ; • February 2, 1f,.1. • r,--ily JOHNPier No. 9, Port Richmond. JOHN . W1:111'E & SON; ShippOrs of Coal,' • No. 316 WALNUT- ST., PHILADELPHIA. .:DepotAi for Storage and Sale of Coal:. No. 514 Weal - Thirteenth Street, 'New Voek.' No. 802 Third Avenue, New York., ices' Wharf, No. 99, India• Street, Providence.. Colby's Wharf. It. Washington Avenue, near Federal Street,tßoston. Jan. 1, '11)-1 . .- ''s- 1 1 Pier No. 11. I BANCROFT, LEW.IS-& CO,I $ . InNittS AND SZIpPEE.4 OF TII,E . . CELEBRATED ASHLAND COAL, II , ,Flt4t MAIIAVOY MOUNVAIN. : • , !'. * 1 ,111 Walnut St., Commercial ltallil.. rblia offt , : - 111_ roadway, Trititty Itof Ming, ROOM CD, N. Y.-IS'A.te' SELTZER, ,Agt: . . • S Bonne St., Boston. :hu:tarp I, '7O . . . Al eI mvprziwwmimm. , : •: FRANKLIN' DEALERS A i HE CAUTIONED 'that 'there ' are but four Collie les whieh mine this Coal, all of which 'are uncles the management 'of th undersign ed. For.the year 15770 SINNICKSON S Cof MEM delphla,Will be the only Agents for its . In New England, New York, New Jersey, and South f Cape' Henry. Our Agents will deal In o other Coa what. ; ever, and part I* wishing, the , pure 'genuine tole must'procure it Ofithem. The object of this ea Bon Is slmply , to en4bte those Interested to buy under, ktandlngly. • 1 • The Agents Id' , their assistants for the abortY points, are as fo ows: tjN NICK:4ON S CO„ Gems:Al Agents, ut street, Philadelphia; their NiAv York Office is atiltoom ti•i, Trinity Buildings, Jos. 0. MOODY, Agent;; assisted by ELisliA. NioSE'LEY, Agent, =Summer street, Boston. Orders slitfuld be given to either Of the above named part les, gdni to no one else. . B. FOW LE, Genera) Manager of the Summit Branch 11,11. Co. ' t ShErt Mt. 4:ual 00., and the LyketislValley Coal Co. {,Din. 1, *I-o -‘l Pler,NO. 10 roil RU111109[1; S;NNICKSONi& 0.0., Sgleagenta for the Sate atrtl ShtprOent of thi "Franklin oal of/Lylens Valley , " in New Er4lantf,New 4rl:, New Jersey and SOutt $ of (We Henry. 11321Wafruat Strt, Philadelpitta. Offices : 61.317,4nity Building. New ythic. 32 . (mauler Street, Boston. . • 1 . JOSEPH O. .1100D1E, Agrnt;* Ja43.1, '7O-1 P. O. Box GCS, New Yolk 'ter 13 Noah Fort Richmond. Ci SCOTT '&.SONS, Aliners Shippers : At' Cpal. SOLE 4GENTS FOR TIIE'SAT.EOF /ItAPLF. ~iLOCIT,ST -310UNTAIN . ' "BEN F ANELIN"--Decp, Red. Ash. ~• : , Frozdthesame lie, na and skallar In tilt rezpects In the L.YKENS VALLEY Coal. - , FRANK Gi)WEN SHAM9KIN Bed A.J.:: ' }PHICLADELI 4 IIIA—No. 2'.10 Walnut ,St. °films: BOSTON—No. 19 Doane. St. 1 ' : ' 1 EIV 'YORK-111 Broadway.' Chantbuir lain a'Frinch, •Ageni.i. . l„ Jan I,lo' j . • . ' . " • Bier N0.'13, Port 'Bellwood. "! GEORGE S. REPPLIER, - Miners and Shippers of COal,] REPP . LIER, 'MOODIE . 4i• CO'S LOCUST M0UNT.4.1.1 4 .:, GEO. S. REPPI4ER'S . 1.1:1'31.510111 VEIN. • DUNCAN "COA "CO'S LEWIS VEIN; (RFD Astr.( ECKERT & CO. .LORBF.RRY. - 329 Walnut Street, Plilladelnhla. ! . Otilces: j ( 111 Broadway, 'New York. . ; • 27 Doane, Street, Boston. I Jan. 1, 'TO. . • 1-11:.• • 19; Port itiriamond LOVE,I BOYE.R & CO,. " suirrEitt34 OF Anthracite_ and , Bituminous Cools . sor.r. AGENTs FOR _ CITILBERLANto VEIN BITUMINOUS ('(AL (334 Walnut St.. Ilitladelphla. Dintess 13 Doane St.„ltoxton. 37 Cotatom Dottie St.. Proyiden,4. Main 5, TO' i 1.971- • ' Fier 14, South.. , ' . BOR.DA KILLER. & NUTTIR P , r. Mine and Shippers-tr.: Coalo . WEST "LEFFRUCOREENWCOIN . ; .! • TAMAQUA SHAFT, REEVE:3I3 I 4LE, • ECKERT, LORBERRY NORTH. FRANKLIN RED ASH, BLACKHEATH, • - . • IBIG LOCPST - GARRETSON, GIRARD% ILLS. - . 4.21,4MR1by pt., Boston. ; • i °Mies :Room 64MeinIty BaikUng,. 'N. T. )-327 Walnut Street, Plabsdelpltio. • . . Tier U. BORDA r lir r r LEA & NUTTING.' . : AprU 24, 'B9. • , 17— DAY, E(UDDELL & .00..,. 4 • Miners; &Shippers of Coale • 20534 Walnut St..doldladelpida. Once*: 11l Broadway. (Trinity Building) N., T. 7 Doane Street, Boston.. Sole Agents for the sale. Of the following &let:rated • Coals: r • .11ARLEMIT. LEHIGH , COAL: RICKORY COAL CO.'S HICKORY AND DRAPZR LS_, and the • EXCELSIOR COAL CO.'S suamozrs Sin PPM) Pier No. IS Pt. Richmond. . Pier No. 3 Elizabethp' t, N. J. Jan; L '7O . i .• • Pkt No. 19 Port Rttlusond. - JOHN ROMI. MEL; JR., & BROTHER, . . ROLE AGE - RTS FOR • The Fsworik seiljell known 11111. A IIkUSIS, BIB* AA loillowler ELIOT CUT, balky free r bsrolor ?ink * A il l . The Ceebretel PANFEL WEBSTER •Deep'Red Ash , BMA TOP OiximiTrloots.: , . IizAVICN . I3 'NM° 7 MITTIM at Elizabithport. 1205;41 Wilms St, Thiyada. Beers : 91 , Bonne Street, Boston. • . ' } Boom 53, Trinity Building, Sieit t c i r k, GliintiAL AGIST:-SiditiFl , F. ItrGG. niglsted by T. B. BROWN &Ad E. P. UTPHA.II. klatch 6. VD-10 . VANDU EN BROTHER & CO . „ :,,. '.llSarra sail 'Shlppers of . •. ' , . • ; C 0 .A:-,- . 1., S .i, .. . 4. - . WiMai, Dyad Ilaratalne .Lailat Gap; . -.mum Lehigh, ant i- . : ..• WHITED RED ASH-COALS. . - - ',,..,. l' . {Pt. Illebracmd, '., I .; elupenro Witaltirma: Elizabethpoo., : .• ! - - ' ' jerse Zl 9 lle;hlal - . -: . - .r 4 l tat str.ce_ .p ~ _ . OMCIM: 11 way, NeW mom. - , • - St.. Boston. 'Jan 1. '7O-1, -Dom & .a= DBICK. 4:77"Ev-Z, And ' I DOT, KENDRICK Miners wx. IKEICItILIC7C J. Y. DOS Y. Felethreb for the C4ebrigeil I 1 Rainbow iond Plank Ridge 'Coals, m f rs.). n Port Itkluseed. Philklielplelt-22S Dock Sheet; 1 linreir—Cark—AVtystreat Buill 411*. ' ito=a4olllver.itgenkr. 17 pgaile St., Joh 11F. - g l . l 4 ll3 ltolVD:Cr 4 barll l6ll *.kera t • *lt Oftlose.: • . . • ,1- • . - • • • V**. 4 1 • ^ll •••• „ . _ _ , • • , • _ . • • • ”- • . 1. . • , . . . " . • . • . , . . . . • . . _ _ . •-• . • , ..„ • • . _ • • •,• • . , 4. 11, ' . . • . , . • • 1 , • -- = -•• 1 , 0 06z .. .„-, • • • • Ya I•yer - "•• •• • - • • . • • , • -• ...• • . ' / • • , Jr, „-- ' , • . . , _ . - , , . - . • . , _ • • - • - O. - *“. 416% 1 ikr" --b ‘ . . ” t. A.-. -.4lr e• tits 1- . • . ----..- • • _ • •• • • a.. k . •• _ _ ‘.l • • - _ • _ . • • LS . • .! - • -. - • . . • . . , - - • - ' • - -• • • • •••• _ _ • • .• t l flenteeld simediaeleActeralibillMta Shriefier M. PO' Siltapaf.' owe wif *4' Perustsi • _ . , • & CO., ttinous >HEN VS- rippers: of Col AND , hart Eicgittonb: . Pier No. 17, Pattlelnnod. , • I AUDENRIED. NORTON & CO., . • Miners and Shippers t r.• FIRST CLASS OAL,- .- wets's. morsTmair. - From our two large and Celebrated Collie*, "11/Z4 DELL," E. P. NORTON-4 - CO. "L'ONTINKSTAL," GOODRIDOE A AI7DENRIED. . LORDERRY. Fiee Burning' Red -Ash, and Splendlr Prepaiairtitti COLKETT COLLIERY, ;..01ren, long MIDDLE CREEK COLLIERY; , - - : C. Colkett; Preet z. • . , SHAMOKIN. ENTERPRISE COLLIERY. T. RiPmgardner ? Preat Locust Mountain and LorberrY, al eq v (*Nett ny 1,1011 Canal, I.U. all pointaaccrealble by boas. {.i,211. Walnut Street, PLlljsdrlptdr - Otilees: 11l Broadway', New York. , • 27 Doane Street, Hasten. / - • J. T. ACDENRIED. C. F. N RTON, 'II AS. U. NORTON. -11...044/1 ELL, ' 71 1 N. / 1., ., Pier No. b, Port Rlam° I HAAS. &: BEE MinerA and Shipper l l , THE SVPERIOR TURKEY , Lee, f. 1 1 4 ,,LA_NK RID • •2tB Walnut Oftti•er! 1- 81 Trinity 1 ) 11 Doane 81 - Fel; 19, . ':0 . WALTER, DONALDS - MiNERS .IN - D SHIPP WHITE AND COAL. • SOLE AGENTS for the Celebrated ' THOMAS LEHIGH " COAL. ' (205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Others: 1 19 Trinity Building. New York. _ 10 lane Street, Boston. RRA r 13 North, Port Richmond. Feb 26, - I'o . - . 9-tt Niew• Mork. IMILI DAVIDSON, YOUNG z• CO. , -- - ' • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN • • LLCUST • MOUNTAIN t _BriAMOICIN_,__LEHIGH •• , CUMBERLAND. tiCRANTON•dr. WILKISI3BARRE . . . .•.' ROW! No. lu, TRINITY BUILD ..0, NEU YORK. ' U - 51. M. DAVIDSON, formerly.oir Tiler et Co. SA M' L 13. YOUNG, fornierly. of Caldwell, Gordon &Co ROBERT R.:BUCKMAN Jan 15.'70 WHITE, F OWLER. & SNOW, • (Sncee rs to John White & C 0.,) SHIPPERS OH, ~ t 1 7 13 C CST 1%1T., ' - ,-• • WILK r itARRp., - - . SCRANTON and 1 - 'CITAIBERLAND ':'• C 6 A.-• 11 - j } . ' • , Office-:tio.. 73 Trinity Itnilding, 11 Broadway, li. Y, April li, ',Cel. of- - 1 715 7 1 y pm. JOE( Ll* I TGII, sopr a HOBOKEN. COAL. 't • • VAN WIC= Sr, STOUT, MINERS AND. SIIIFFEE29 I OF THE • Celebrated "Fidtdn"'di "Stoidi (LehigO'co - als, 'From the Epervale and the Stunt CollleAeti, near Hazleton, Pa.' Delivered 'direct from mines op bond Vebsela at PT. JOHNSON, lionoirEN, and Nzw 131q - Nswicz. N: J. I • /44 40 Trinity • w r Offices: • 4 , 111 Broadway. New To k. NTemporary - at 119 Braldway.) - May id, 'US VER PLANCK . 'Bl.' ATWO'OD I " . WHOLESALE DEALt IN LEHIGH,. sent r YLKILL, - . . . WILKF-SBAHRE; , .. ' . . SCRA NTON, and SHAMOKIN C A Offi ,_ 1 . No. 77 Trinity. Building, 11l Iliondway, k New 'York. P. W. VEaPLANK, ' 30111 W. ATWOOD, Jan 8,570 2.-tf. . • • CALDWELL,. CONANT it .WISTON, No..in BROADWAY, NEW YORE. • (Rooms 35 - and 36 Trinity Building.) WTIOLEpdE iIIEA-TXIIS LEHIGH,- WILIMSBAR_BE. • - ..__PITTSTON, RED ASH, •MAHANOY, SCRANTON,' , • LOCUST MOUNTAIN . CUMBERLAND, BROAD TOP, ETC., 0 -A. S , Sq!'c'E'.l6oE.) fel; jiza i jark GE i .l l ßl A Ell d ittzl LNG' LEHIGH COAL, -TUX PRIMROSE, ~•THE POWELTON•Setni-bituininons and other flrin-nste Collieries.. JAMES W. CALDWELL. C. B. CONANT, WALTER WiSTON. .:69 April 3, , • OFFICE OF THE NIAGARA ELE VAT ING e0.,8 CO3tYERCIAL BLOCK, BeFFATA N. Y. COAL. 'COAL.. COAL. THE NIAGARA ELEVATING CO., hiving a large surplits of Lot and Dockage, will be prepared nt the opening Of , naylgation to reoelve from the Erie Railway, Canal, or Lake, any quantity of COAL for storage or transhipment to any place East by Otnal or vrest by the Lakes upon as favorable tarttUraa any partiee .In Buffalo. 'Thar. lot is well located for a general city business. CYRUS CLAN,RE, Vice-President. Match 27, 7 69 13- tf Sclusulkitt fount!). JA NN.E Miner and Shipper of the Celebrated,. LocusT. MOUNTAIN COAL _TOITSVILT.E, CO., P. .latfi, : 1- -------- , HILL: &' HARRIS' j• i Bist and Piirett Onal in the. Market. WE here made extenalve Improvements during the pant season, which will largely increase the pro duction hereafter. Every effort will be used KEEP UP THE STANDARD OF PREPARATION. Espeolal attention will foieTen to sizesfur =IMP torturers' purposes. . . TUIS COAL is alWags shinned by' Itself Ind not mixed or swiltiltemtei/ SOLE AGENTS; (To wboin aU orders should be addreseeo JOHN ROMMEL, Jr.,.& BRO. Orynca • • ri cls ,lo=t 144111111416 Jan - . .•. • • • 4164 ANTExiscrrat LANDS It II , Asisaitt. or and. Misted on tiro , .$ O . O vA". rYlott railroads. containing six Og asIW Orballe' la offered tirr sale toancitpertlaa as tall fillfol6ll4 o . nal for opening one or two COII on VW bald. -The torrasare loar,ageroent.oftb• total IPllel/14. Ice the land, on a. moderate Intainge•Ter lvir i i. mac the ti3lll Of coil c oak tzt name sag aat ___ ~ Mows •or a royably aria abuts On win , sow. Wartih ni FroW e " 111•44 I LS Is. tn atodt. In a bon& tom - wags ' . .1 1 . 1r. far9.0 1 04 14 4 11 / 141 0 4 •. _ _ _ Itretrat i ' .. '•-•"-: °sat Aturicserildiatiz- 4. / ~ZER., ,PINE FOREST "COAL ILA . I.NUI' Sr., I 63 BUILDING, ILADA. Voile., LOUIS SNYDER, C. B. 13110EMAKEIc Jail I, 1-ly OA L. TIIONAS CAIN. NORRIS RAC I / 6 11. JESSE lII.,CODIC OAL, phis, ew York. N & CO., OF !I) ..41SH Mil !Ifl I kr. - . .B(IitrYLKILL NATIOA.IION: aretikmi rtelWati4osid4iy. AIII) 4 ..• ; I s :41t 004: . ! .. 1 _402311111170Z T2lio.lrikl, I. aklield Sidi .1 wag . .Dliasawa s =l4= ooabh, . ~ ci rs ' - __.• '' las•walnut, street; Philideliatli:, - OFFICES; 110 Broadway. New "fork.. "! '= 11E.Oby,SIppet., Boetan. •-,. -; - --. --. Wharf No: 2: -', i'' -.. . 1 '• : • • - , ..REPPLIEB, & .111i0.,, •'. ..::::. ! . {N. E. cor. W.alhat & Forrthata4 Phlla; OFFICES: 35 Pine Streef,,New York. -. . , - . ' Merchants' Bank ItuthVg. Prorklehoe. ,D4Vllff PtAILSON, PUThA. lOC . 4114f1:11:L "AA" ASULAIiiii, / • ' DAVIS 'PEARSON & CO., 3111111E151 . A;MIIIIMIFIC112 011 , SAE CELRIMMED *RUM? IllOVETAIM• WHITE ADD AID sPOII3I VI VI ° .itE I) .A S 1-E - C 0A E. .., No. 1.% Walnut Street, PhiladelPtila. OFFICE 4 I: No ; A i l l i r dn r i c ia dwaY. Rxnn•No• kTr llll 3' Building. New Y6rk; ..:- • ' : • No. 11 Doane Street, Hostoge" ' • CIitEENWICH; DELAWARE AVENUE; WHARF. Jan.], 'O-1- • Pier \o. 11, Pt. Rldimumet SN ER & SHOMIAKER, Shlppers . and Dealers In Q BOLE Ataxwrs roi' Q. W. SmrDsa's wELL:rxeirre CAIN, HACKER it, 000 K. • srurpras Or LOCI/AT, GAP, LOCCAT_NOTJNTAIN, BLACK HEATH. • - ALSO4 DEALERS LS MIER EMT QUALTEIRI . OI? White. and Red Ash Coals ; No. 214 'Walnut Stied. Philadelphia, and Wood ' land Whartrea, SchnyMaUl Rher. .TOMN M. STRTICI7.I4, SIIIPPIER AND AGWE,'" Schuylkill Ratan, Pa.: = ~Tan. 1; 770.-1 THOMAS C.-PARRISH,.. murput LED DEALER Di Lehigh, Schuylkill. and Bituminous - .* 7 "QC •CO .A L . Conelimments on Commlsslon,Sollelted and taken on favorable Terms. ' r Ofilee-314.Talnut St., Phlladelphla. ' • ]lay I.W. • • ' gorbem . freek. • , , EAST r RANKLIN LORBEitRY VEIN C oCAL' AA' Y EAST PEAMIDIErntr LORIIEBEY COAL, Is now sold exelusivelyby Messrs..CALDWELL, GORDON , * CO:, who are my ' sole Agents. Parties ri ordeng from them may alwAys depend - npon ite t :. ting a, pure aritele. . - - .. b.o. 112141=d St.; Plifladelpkia.* - oPpieat: No. .135 Flne - lit.,liew York: No. 144.8tate Si., Boston. Jan 'l, 19-1. • _ . HENRY mRiL Willing Itlathine.r4;.&c: CAVEIt 20 TEARS E BUktINESs. I t s (246 , AMERIOAN CHAIN CABLE NtrOBECB,t TRECTOR, ItEW JERSEY, { The undershptted; who is a practical Chain Manu facturer; Informs . Coal Operators and - others that he k prepared to make Flat or Crafie Chains of every. size at short notice.. Particular attention-strew - to Flat Chain for slopes. For further information send for circular. Feb. Db, '634l—tt SQI}2t.RE ROD AND WIRE SCREENS.J. - EAt.TBENTSTEIN. • • • • MAYL`I.O&I7I3ER OP SQUARE ROD'AND WIRE StREENS. • PATENTED FEBRUARY 4, - • • , r 1 :NtIII•: \ RSVILLE:: sCHLTYLKILI. CO„ PA. THE. SQUARE ROD SCItEeNS, ON ACCOUNT of their superior ..strength and durability are preferred to all others wherever tried. Screen liolta, all Mu" alwayson hand. . Orders promptly filled at medenite prices. l • MaY.A'at-2Z- ANUFACTUFIEBEI OF C 044. El • 1 L. Idtpis.:csrEut, 1 ; E. MOTAR. L.•LAITBENSMN & CO., Succestors to .181 m R. Dielimo Manufacturer of Coal ScOMMIS, Of the Latesi and Most Approved Styles; The undersigned who are praelleal' Screen Manu facturers, informs. Coell Operators and others, that they are manufacturing a new COAL SCREEN, pat tented June 21, 064, and another patented August 8, 188.51 they guaranUe thit the sit= will always retain its original size until entirely worn out. Second-hand Screens and Segments always on band.. • • - We respectfully solicit acontinuance of the patron age heretofore so liberally bestowed. L. LAURE.NSTEIN & CO., • . • Railroad St., rear of Esterly's Hardware Store, Jan 1; Pottsville; Pa. 17106. !LA ADDISON TO COAL DEALERS, GAS 04:1XPAWIES, &c. The undersigned having sneet4ded iFocht 44 War ren to the sole manufacture of Focht's celebrated Patent (:-/ • . ;•.!. SCOOP BUCKETS, •fr:74l-' SELFDUIIPING, HOISTING, • is az IRO:4 tiOISTPSO BLOCKS; 1.1 `.:---- , 19;' ot • for unlOadlng Coal, Ore,. Sand, xy 6,` : • ic.f, 4tc. • • I= Also, to the manufacture or , otor. 1:•••.11• IRON CARE, IMO : IRON BOX WHEELBARROWS,' • Are prepared to 111 l all orders with promptness anti ,dispatch,_ " NOTICE.—BeI -the sale owners• of the Patent Right for the Self Duff ping, Hoisting, Scoop Bucket and Dock Block, we caution allpsrams against mon o factining cr purchasing the same from any except onftelves or our- agents, as we will prosecute to the utmost limit any Infringeniebt: on the Litters. Patent..RArapectitill, ADDISON A WA/MT, Reading,-Pa. ' i r ebnierf 'OD ; - • 1 5-43 e rIXIDI cI M B OIVEI COAL Patented April conta&Ung — tem n a til osv abico lion eoVgas its a rl i celb& ler oc i, *ad gaajacks,.l.Giso ccintainlng trabema4 &act tiserat to plasLmerchantx; • • - P. IL DEDERICK sCO.. &maw_ Atrienhatal & Iftes&ine'Wooluk Albany Jan 1., 11.-14-81=-1, ' - Mrs :Pak T°-- , '° *ll7wi'mn Unittl. leeereetiveltefiles, • InlDStella arizer. PinaeriateinA, Pe4. 7 1,10 11 Tour otteatkin to_Ameereartsry end dialgalid gar *odds •or "wade work; eadVl k l geopeoll rood oad gawp. est Weak with espoini7 to drew e 'feral toga grossieed. Ke developed In Lot rins h ** Ambld** ma 111.' ttualsou_ftinnerbrertiniant astideitaiese• fia raroseinonre In Inn nrannte latt7lrdrer with asaitassam their Volans styles Loceesetive Zoirlaes with levity gaiapatee of Shelf freshman ship sod perhoatearthand nett* thnlitital=: operation iII the firrettal tamitlt ditrit!tni. said hetes fa tbe State sad ealsatm " • • • Their agland eir iglit 4 4 =Srds a tr i ar4Z UL 'inlpendeli overee i rrev or roooatettve nee. ( ett Provnit Aseur - several years) mate a rut laving la '4expeoses aff , mew* poirliekfirst zest tyl4) vow eissC , iltleWlaw UM • _ t : : M 11141.111 SIGETIBD PIMP 11 - Am aromas irttla te = tor at tlatio. aboal4 L. on twiai_ vorit i.alact, rr xi giaea stra t awns Mardisal.W4l.4l", W 23311 ' - _ ~.- I ,:iiruppiu 'waft vilk; . ..- . 'Me' 44 1 V jua le ner=" e n *— ii2 4114 : 1 4 2 ,= e 1i brairoue•ummitsons„ iiii - - - '• „ Beeehohid In the iiN " wish Arehil hem the beet _ . ,ta .he U. grAEISI 1 .'• Va. _ 'l tlline lir • :""'" 11 . i" 'V -I . l l lllllPh .. _ - - - . • : - ' TTSV/LL E- Y . 111111 -,. .._:. ......-. -,„,- U..-.;. - • : - . 4 „... 11' '-: 1 .--..- r •A •- , ,? 4 1 .-• • - 1. re# Otning . . , • , , • ...,..--' . IP •- . 9 . L ' / ti ; r i. • ' ..-, , , • , • . iii . ~ . eady rude ., ~ , 1,..,..kg .. . . - . . - > - -.-. . .. -.- I'l '. 4 • ."..,'.., • • .' trirtt, , •'''. , ,,-' - '-'77 '..: ERTIRNOE IN T/ M. lEMI ANNIE BC:11iA!0gD; Respectfully annotincea to the Ladles of Pottayille and vlclnity, that she lias-4apened a • . . : . at the above place. The following artletes, with a variety of Notions, &c.; will be kept fur sale, and are oltered at GREATLY IttpIICED PRICES, - - BEAVER CLOTH. , VELVET BEAVER, FROSTED Beaver, Chinetill la, G old-ml xed and LIMO: Water- proof, Opera Cloth, Fringes, all shade*, Rib. r Wit Vet% et, Ditto Gimps, de. • , - T/IE ABOVE )I.7XX ALL BE SOLD AT COST.; - ud . I Les and Mime; Cloaks made to order. • New Patterns Put received. ..itinel9,'69—'2s--rlyif FALL OPENING OF - ' SiIANVIATIMSAIIMIGS„ • Superior quality o BLACKSU:KS. . COLORED SILKS in the now sluiclets SILK •AND WOOL POPLINM. BUFFALO ALPACAS (In all numbe'rs PAISLEY SHAWLS, (Scarlet and Black.) - • FRENCH CHINTZES . TABLE LINE".IRAND NAPED.iB. • Asplendld•llne of -• FRENCH STRIPED SHAWLS AND ARABS:'. • • • New Designs of • EMBROIDERED , FLANNELS.' " f WALKINO SUITS made to order. ritaxcrs WAXENX BLAZTECETIP COVILILLIDS! CASSLICEBESI Jest Janeiro! la Variety at r JOHN S. NORRIS '.t SONS, Baia=la, Ladles Coatino, • Ittlzet and Cloth, White, Colored and • , Miners' Flannels, Shawls, in variety, ' f • Dress Goods, %%lie Goods, India io3Vels, - . French Muslin., Barred Cambric., &c., Lace Cu Notion'', • . Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buck ' Gloves, FuriTopped Lined Klds, for ' ; . Gents and Ts Ices, Umbrellas—May.oc. dr. : , Ginghiun, Oil Cloth., &c., de. • In addition to the already full stock' a' Dry Goods; ' Notions, Groceries; queenzwere, f Feed and FrOvi.: elms.: . ;JOHN S. 'MOIUUS ft 301c5, ••-. -, No. CO Cinema Smarr, Corner Masdrer. • Sept. n, qn-r-w i Sept. 26.,110-11;•-tfd Tur Wein BOLAND. 122 CENTRE M. • jd w ==O ol nia how ai I t Bali and Goode suitable !or , the present memo, soth as REAVIiRCLOtiiirSLVETERM.,4 IVAIERP.itoOP, FRINGES, Nov.o.ltfig, dux Has an band a new let of. • rem AND wpm*, cokm ' Ladles Cloeksroade to order , . New Pattiti l received. • Oche. OIEVIIING WA• ISIZI • mnairrxm, gErAzar.n. s OCCC. I ' - nsiootters 'of Haelem _Nati - ‘, m" - : Embroiderles,; *Ms F.lindshing 0 0 44 4 a, • • WINTIEB PET GOPT)13•::. 1110 CMITBX grnuarr, pinTsvu* • Desire tociill attiOulide tio Italy Foreign'&.3)cirpizaiic Afaz.i&ketii zr,sesc AND COLORND SLUM, ' t ' LACZNAND NIiDRO]iDDRDOL` : L = enure Goats anti DO)M11 , - :at . 419 k LOW ti.. 'O -,r s r, CIN,ALt CLOAktto` ;*a WM ,s - ri:. - w,Lal .oii ALL . I r4 l 90 1 i : , ~ 2. -•• _1 ,t - • , - '.' -:. ;,• :'• •-•:.• LI -!' J ] '' .: • , --; •,t:I , ._ ' --- : 1 ,- -., -..•.. .3 .-.11 't - We &WWI etelellteete en Wee* ri• Zr-, ,11! 1 1 . ~• . _••.,.- I,- : --!' , ;_::,...; '-•; -•-' -1 ~. . .- , •••',' f.....: : .'• '•-r 1 - ; - - •'•1 ' .;' 4 ' OROXiltit' l 4 l7l 4 ll3 PriftßlAW4 1 1 ~.. I-. _ ba. =. -- •• ' - '' ';''' ' '-. ' l'' ~'!. -- .:1 - ' '''', ipnockisiNgr, .._,. ...,_:,,. , ..:.„.i,i i ;,;„____-, Ma o gameibialig galktli 9 6z . --""!= Ligifiiillut Wit lIIPN . =, a 1 samosivelit itlildr l OMT - - --- • .p-: - L ', ss'OzVibillMlwpst.t,-zsi ,-',:;' , ;`4 l -- - K ' , Z• ' '.r. ,4 4 1 :1,1 , ...1 ; . 4. 1 1 illplaircillrghr,Z.4 . .t.r.r . ..ZAI f0:,. - fr ta.:4 ~ , , •,.r.rit , MEN IMO up: two uhinacin =ma , • me ' *EIGHT or the, ASTY-1.:, I,EGANTLY rd: ,suPl l ai..y Flit-AHED, READY- TO, rOT 11.1041 1 Wt.'. • • . ..... . . . . ..._ I. . %1 ontiet of the laraot Clo th ing 'stab Daiwa nto furnish is - ' tilasidynians aikido; ,; , Amoeba to that bonstaibra boon a/old • , lin k, to th e gadia. -Clot, the 'Wong ors isso and __ Eh. ask triofor.„-Aind it „sr: eat ; Wow-wit thilnl and arthtle thirtoss, talkie npin elaborate not tasteful styles. A foll of suth cl:Dthlog is -aim hi 'taro and baling sold at soodsrits iqiCO . S.,' : - ..~ ~,~. ~ ~ ..~ . ixial ! :o,ia with 14 antehatusiat, Ithpitti(Mth,, , , • - .0 fighnit /ri in' italti,ng,tir. , Ito Law work h don* In nay llarebant Tallorkot Room In Um land. No bolter atllts.noticket 10' 0 4 no mare Hammed c6ttan , 111 k OXii• partoct dig an aarrbeni obiabed., . ! G‘n - - 011411' - - - : y*o PrigTh LAM : Ilsondifal,Genet ita IN 'femurs/or vat, ' Lim Asinfand d GElll . l3l7lllllBHlia 000143, . LT 111 I - It - c: l4 /4101E ti „ , .818 i k an'arristErr rrazo, ' : :4°.H.):WAivkAii_f.i:ti.: .. .- . . . , . !tricot at : nytteto of Sett meararernent • gentlemen at a • order with certainty of paring a good, fib Itii es for fielfinesimionieeneand , 4 ,z,u, samples sent by inf!!l when retibpiited. . ..;,,-..•. :. • October 10,'611 I' . : , • • - , ND. ii,*AtticEr ATlteic POIT3YILLE, PEA., NEW CLOAK' 4 TRIM*INO BTORII DRESS qcKips, *ITIME:LD 90, Centre St. , Potbwille. , 1-I.ldAw Sept. I, 'CO NO, 270 CENTRE St, Ooi. Market Na dDi xamEET PISIKEL Jan IA, - • Fbi,./11',..BROTHER; Luz AND vlarrint DRY. GO,GD cfits*iiiiifor elatestBt7laotthe tercurzr!a 74Kmeo IXlLiitenOltS i I • . =I WES . _ • - ' . ' :..4.5.41 r.sr, ' .11341 - 1110i1 raTt., T11.4.1 - 1E .- / - .14111A-Vit.4YY.TV - I, 'OP. raili3o:Vt 16'11Pt.i) . T.fito IN CetertAlfiNba- fr ' ', 2,.... 1!*trr10.4 1; Ire ineteseket by tie gestate enid lioilsi - ol 1144.44 f flit atamoongienigk t e , lir nisoivassiar tie Wise' 1 1 -7 71 , 1alfalgrywartonst if* hereby enacted . l 1 earitharalr or , tie oft h 4 . skroai : That the owner orogen% of ' •eeeerrantkracite Oral mine, or tedllery' 'she/I:make,: graso to be made accurst* map or, plan Of- th e' of Suet! mine or Colliery,. on a wale or - e rialad to : 'the 'inch. - and when therein: than e mm otertal•vrtuited •ln.stald =al oor " I . ' em op or planithisli 'exhibit - the - eaki -*knot of real and dual state the . .,t lir =n l libation Orthestrent with any. material' -t- , .ta. Icilt;therrin In saki workings, and the blithe", say goes °Ube hinds orsaideealininusor-tNtlllety, al true - eopy of which mapOr plan Ilse. :said owner of agent shall deposit withthe lawmen ofseol mines andeCilliettes it the district ln which, the trial.nline Qesilttliterrls atuated, Within tour mantis.* from the , paseatte of this Act. and. one • Copy shall he ices .at • 'thee!** of each cuillerY,and the said iswner or agent stall tarnish to the Insfectoraruresaid on the brie day.ofisonary andle s - , - lit every year h 4 ereafitlf a statement or 'map. o phut of the pregress of the Workings of such ceal mine or colliery "Intring the , -Oat past np todite, to enable thelinspector remark': , the wame upondbasinpor pittn . of the coo) :mine •ori colliers , tarnished and deposited with valan - SpEIC4Pri . as herelnbefore. provided for; and wheh May coat, mine or Oa] Ise ry is worked %fit preparatory to helm; - , abandoriece .When - any les-,-1 - or lift there°. f !sheltie: • thiLthed ' With nis - ,hew and Mr the`purpos...- of belnit altaldatlev4, o r.-Whell OnY of' the pillars therein are:to : be *moved, thews :nor or, agent of such coal mine or emit:err !that{ lfure I 11( . 0 Il .1.;) , Ir plan thereof forulsla-'• ed;as heretubetore prov al .sl, dr such portions there.' or es the ease.: inay - notn ire,- carefully. veritiLd, ''' • - ...leeshall be given to fileinspector of alai cninitL . ,' =4 =Merles fur the destriet . in writing , of the per: poor to: akandon or rtinovt. the, Oharaas the case ' .• 'nay be. _4 - . . - . . .. . 'Sae. 2. TWA whenorcrlito ott*neriar agent ;of,atiy. 'coalmine otleolti--ry- 5111..11 111.`: ,, ~ein or reluseror fr o m any came fail, for thel...erns! Of , two utontlor, to Mr- • rtisteto the inspector t he'nrip or plan, or the =di tionthereto, prmided ('f• lii the first booth= of this, Act, or ifidie itt , pet•tor , :ind,, or lots reason to be- - ileve thallitny . plan or map of Tany.coal -mine er..e.d.- • .'Miry, friknisfosi hint tinter the provisions of-this • Act, it materially inacurate, to imperfect, -dm ' la . hereby nothorized to can-e en neurate map or plan of the act ual work i ties off soot' coal todue or eolliary, to be nutde at the Psis:rise of the owner thereo4 the , onet of wltteltshal I be reeoverable .by law, as other' debts are from said owner.. • .. . _ Ser.. 8. That four months front ark&after -the pas saga Ofthis act itstalll not be lawful for the owner or agent of any ildstlit..eite.'cotil mins or colliery ' 1 worked by or through a shaft or alppetoemPler aer person in working within such coal mint ergo liery or 10 permit , any 'pemett 'tO be Art , each coal:' intim or et ti ilegy, - for , the purpose, ..of Working ::• therein, • minset . thee . are in . etln runiMmtion - with canes seem or .stratum of beiON/We t lted into:tet coal till tte or colliery, realm t work,nt to t ted I iVtt si tells or slopes, or onglr, separated by nate :it suttee ur not less lit= cam en; dredandliftyfttet in breadth, by which shafts; depot, - °rootlets, instinct meansof Instressantl egress arc al wayttactifible to the pc•rtstais employed In 'the coal • mine or colliery:, but it shall 'nut.. be necessary for the two alte,ne, slopes, tit! out le t -g",',l4:lleleng 10 the same coal mine or colliery, if. the pertains, therein employed have featly and nv.tila dile means of (ogress ' and egress_byinit le,s titan twositaftS,slois,N,oretit- . lets, one pr more of w high.> mak 'belong to another ..vanthrins or colliery, Pi i,,r i 4.2, l e That a second °pea-. ingsan he itadjhrough Oval, but, tltat lf g -tunnel or ' shalt will be required,- work mix,-the saute shall commence immediately otter the passage of this -Act.'and continue until its lined completion, with : not lessthan three shrifts in each twenty-four hours, . and as ma ny inails to pe cutpldyed as can be gt , to work tOntivautagthe4tispvctor to 4414;14 1 e e'lla ' to the least number sf hands eloseAstelersn it.. t his section _shall net apply to opening a e'er oath eatoe or colliery, inir' to Any working ror the ltWo of. . making. a conottuntottlim netlit. ' tw o of -Inure ',:itliafts, alopei%-tir Outlets, so loug as not -mord then . Livensy , persons are employed at any one time in the said ttew sulee - ora - et:king, it ad the tertiV"teterver" need 'in - this act' shall 'lnektt the 1 Durnedlate pro-: pricier, lessee, or occupier of a coat Mine or t)01. li ' ery. Or ofrniy. port titer'Oa, sinktite term "agent's shall mean any . person haviug- op, behalf ot - the owner the Career direetleit Ora coal mine or colliery, •or otany pArt thereof: • I , ' ' ..sec. 4.- lthdowiter or agent of any coat sane or .eolliery•to which there dss only one Shaft, slope; or outlet, nutty petition theVourt ort:onntion Pleas-in laud for the county' in•wittatSach coal mine or eel- . 'Hew is situated `which SoW e.alrl Is IleßbY *meow-. ereu to eat lu the preati:es, 'sett Mg - farth .llmt in ,consequence of 'intervening lands between'-the; wor)tings tat Ks coal units: ore d II cry, nut the - - most ~ practice le point, or tug only- practicable point,' As '1 (be ease. now be, at which to make on- - bring to the surface" (tool the .-woiliirigs of his mine, 'he is. J . unable_ .to .Yrra'aht .1 , ..Pe . ,,- -er cutlet' s . in ne -cortianerewitli the regal fententa of fills Act, where -upon the court may make an order of reference rind appoint tbre,ollsintere-dist p.::: - :.ns, rtistdents of the counts . , e tc le ep, mo or Hilly of whose shall heprzict dual mining e;mineer:,: nil, or,whoin after .being - &WOrn to a fait ball diseirarge of their dustiest, Abell ei&Worid exaigine the prentleM and. ,determine - is -t: , whether . 11w owner ought Or ought lsot under the circa b nassacei hi tiny,, the isiit liege of making an additional °Wirt through or Upon any intervening 'Lands in necordanee with- this act, as the wise may regeire, and report in *rill og to th e 'next terra of m the et, rt, which report hell Lao:netts/ end died of record, Ii the Baling of the. viewers, or -ally two Of them; s in fakor or the :tither of such coal mine or . colliery,le may make an ad.litOtial shaft' slope ; or' 'outlet, Iderohntuivi or epos:: intervening lands' in.play x ^ determined. Upon mid provided tOr ley the it i awardll the finding of trio viewers' is neatest the. '• Owner, or If no award Ito. lima . by reason of any :derma I t or neglect . on 11,r refpar tire owner, he shalt lir: hound to curatly will, the pr4vhdons of this lAet, In thr same manner n, ir , thlg Ai - won't - Im/ not teem, enacted; In casetlitt•said owner or agent desires to and Claims , that lie - ~ tight • to.nialte an additional'. opening , nieler,, the- 'ugh or tqvni tiny- adjoining: or intervening Lin . 1., to :. In Vi.n: the 4%1 iiirignelniti . Of',lolS , 'act :for' the' ingress and egre..s.. of ' the niln.: empl6l tal in lii4' or their coal niine 'or , colliery, . he - or: they • shall make a' 'statement of. the . facts du the' potition,' with a survey. setting rail the pate of commeneement ' and the.potht a term Mat ion of tile proliosed-outlet, • willeh he or they, their eitgl hver-,- agents and art hits, may enter upon said Intel-en i lig land mid survey and in.ir,it. tut he or they Shall Bid It proper te , adopt for. sdelt µLull t lanai tattled, iloieit no damage to the pro pe rtyevplored ; and' tile.% letters shall statezfn their report what damage w 11l he , tvii aimed by the owner, . or anenors of theinterYetting lands by the opening, constructing and maim of the outlet; and lithe re- , „pestle not eppealel from, it shall be Ilahle to be eon, ..Ornird or , rejected'hy multi court' his .to • right . nail Justice shall apperrallt ;- n nil any further and all pro. ceediptarin relation thereto shall be In cob einnity with:- like - proceedings, as- in the terse of tidateral ~ S. - Mimed iteross or meter Intervening lands ; under the act In relation to lateral railroads, approved the 'firth Slay of May,. IS::2, Ana the tilipplerrients thereto, • so fat as the previsions of the same - are applicable hereto; and. the netleett' to the ow nes of I nterve si big. land' a thedmentlon to apply for the privilege of: making en outlet and of the meeting of viewer* shall be given, and the Casts of the (!llse . shall bcaid as' provided In the.sald net pf the fifth of May - , lif p l2; and the suppiements thereto. 1 : • See a.. Any of the con W. of law or equity of this. Commonwealth having jurisdiction where the.coal : mine or colliery proceeded against is situated, upon. application or the Inspector Or coal' In Ines anti mule-. rtes Of the proper district; acting In ,behalf of the, • •Conimonweal th, shall prohibit by Injunction or otherwise the worklng.of . any mine - I n , which any' person Is employed to working, or 'ls permitted to' ' he for the purpose of -working in contravention: of. the provlsions.of thi SaCt,Mad May award such wets In the matter ef. the injunction or et her proceedings • as the court may think-just ; but this section shall' be' without prejudice to any other remedy permitted by, Itior for enforcing the provisions of this - act.. . ! • See; 6. The -owner, lessee, operator or agent; of' e v ery coal mine or colliery, shall erectorprovide At, or near the m outh or, entrance to such mine, and, maintain the sameat all times when men are. em- pinyed in such, mine., a suitable bonding or build-!' ings ',supplied eith soft water Mid property lighted and warnfe,,l, for the use of the men - ernpgowd in, euchre's= to wash and change 'their elcdttes When entering the mine and when returning therefrom, : ' Sari, s.. The. Owners ..or r airen Lief every coaliolne or' col fiery-shall provide:and establish for every su e.h cent mine or colliery an:asks:lento amount of-venti lation, of not Ic-el thanAltly-lire cubic feet per-se cond 'of. pure air; or. thirty-three. hundred abet ' Minute fir every fifty men atat work In, such mi ne ,and - ad much more as eircurastaeces may; require, which shall be circulated through tothe face °react' and every working -place., throughout, the entire m hid, to dilute and render hrmless, and expel there front:ole noxious, polsonousgases, tosnehan extant ' that the entire mine shall be in a fit ^mete . for men to, At-Mk therein, and/be'lree• 'from danger. - to the health and lives of the men by reason Of_ geld noxi- • =Sand - poisonous gases; and all. worksishall be kept clear of standing psi- . The , enttlanOn maybe, pnedneed •by Mi r ing liMtvlart,englnes, air pumps, forcing -or section fans, of eu'mclent capacity and power; of Other suitable appilanees- is to. "reduce and Wore constantly - an abnedmit suppl y of fresh: . air throughout the entire mine ~e•but in nct cese sha ll a furrusee - be used In the mine whet* the cOal beaker, and Chute Ingle= art bu ilt directly over and our. *ring the toper the shall, or the. p u rpose Of produce lag *hatter-east of air; and there shall- be an in. takeolr-way Of ,not• ;Milian- testy sitter° feet. isreiN.aud the return Cel- • e*** shalt Mat Ws : less Malt. .twenty-live square feet. • ' .._-. •• 'Sec, ti„ The better • toesectire. the , ventilation Of every coal mine and colliery, and provide for the beats:hand safety of thorn= ettiplOyed.thteeln,otle erwlie and in every regret - the owner or-agent, an. use woo maybe, in charge of every CteSi mine or col* 'eery °halt employ 0 competent and:preetleel inside over teen, to =Called mining bees, elm-awl keel* 1• =rein' watch over the Ventilating I.llPgit otter . the air-ways, - the. traveling wars,: tue puns= end. armtie. the timbering, to see. as the miners advance, •. in their lons that ell loose coal vhslboreielt 'av Li =tensity secured avian= falling,: over the tirranvunertte for oily:tailing_ from the boß.om to the tep, and from the top ta the betty= of, theeludt or abspe,. - .over the metal:tube from tbekterp to the hoe. tom (Atha shaffor shape, Oar the purpoltete . talking • . throlighand ell thitsgs,ned. ed• - •• With al= ' Mining= the satiety of the Men at work then= Re' cir biWeasist,ante • shall, examine' carotene' .the workings Of all minds generating ,explosive gases =err morblngbeforetheinlners enter =Seca mine or colliery, and shell ascertain that the mine is free frowedatirer, and the wrotelnbm =alibi= water the mine =tit anehexansitlettlan has beers tan agate. : Parted. and thiasuse of danger, If any - cad, be. re =; and Ite his as sistant shall also every_sere.- whet th e n lea= tbaraine oreedlifty; -newer the Mine end sea that. the doo es of the lete, Jeaill' 4 oP.Tillre IlaprOtarlY dale'. . sat that atil O f :err - e$ Sr. fret an ithobittractidito the Patisage Of sir through thous stati. lk *an 'bathe sissy 'Of the ,mine bag to Mellillretbeandllatliesl . at, last Once. 'Per-Week= the =Wend Outlet—also at or near the dace ofalland On Mesaturenitente to be ported to Oneeper month. : •- - . •: ' gat fit% .4 4 , t1. r0 t every:of thesalety lamps used 40 - ocod or oetrterhbabidi be the Eroportr of the . 4.aced Oka be under. the, charge of -.4* S tmt nelson under direttlon of the mining bees, . who =aft keep:than clean and in: good otter; and' the Mining boils shall proelde.thataft dews wee-its • assbatimer= a west aMteings_essUlattens qt .Ml - nsitte=all" beset bmei end =lnd= Sit thattney will olost,of tbear Own seed rd and earthattt a ltei d -tile Alan air dears ea the . - trst be , dobbb;eoadM entilledoorishilibe rlitirseittelit Of 10 00eidast to =stir ttps atheal. - Anorthe slabs 'oral. =poi =eh , &kw saw' be =MI built with stones and nsortar.itt ittbssla in Which the In andibaU so Gedeiro ouriumaftedball p ded wlthenattereg., posatebt illayi s eklen .toWind ra, enkpretrentibirathehet , . 1 . 1 i a # 414. 144011Wn 14 , *it M . 4 4 r il a r . ,:: Mar. Alt ' • ' .niteeir i t er . at 0 abaltalr latr. -t o b eltMil-gritate -. etet„. . Vflte• lois„ a Vas=sttr. Aid 4 ~,moisiv i wasst ....___, DM IME =II IMIIIIII .pawairktc;(wiiotik sr~wee~3. ME BIE ill , - tefactOrliS to Abe InseectorAind Midi' eeletinisstallbse ettaebel to the mairillnkfttantbeenplecea of the =ate: and, no - iingle .link theirs be used fisr. Mem raising person, tato' oe oat..Of . flitg ef.J. lend 'Mines; 'and no Day under twelve Yeeso ot- ag shall work' or enter airy- nelne,and•pireoe must. 1 given tit his remby metideate Or Mberwieetiefore We shall be employed, surd the hither or arse Othereer-e eon who snail ormaraltonrearepremet ftteefteetehr boy shall be guilty of a Waders:manor and elms theetef shall be Punkhed - 44 ano noti 'less...than ten dollars nor mote nuns one horsdrect.. and no owner not assent stall employ anYbrerienales ing than he teapot sinalirmestretWelleleeraof age. The neglect or refuse& of any persons or party to perform the slistierpewindedl brined regalred _tole perfumed by mrstionsedra t emeseshiht.niter and ten; of this ect b th e softeners ere!'" Weed to perforM them, shin lakes and he • nitedemolner. • by theta et fr or any of th en:sand upon convice It yon thereof ' , or any dr either of them, shall be punlaited by ~ pelsonnesit and fine, or either, ise the deemin' Of , the court tryingdhe Mine. •Eige. U. „Niemeyer or agent or. itir MAW el* Mine' or colliery operated by shaft or elope, shall place in change of ally; elliene sheerer, the meow* lowered into oi lemma out ot the mlneinlY but eklerieneeds competent, sober engineers; and every engineer ea placed - in therce of an engine shall eneesmitie at. tend tO the engine of which he has charge, and shalt •1 3 , 3 t anme any person, exeept. much in : may , be, de ep . ted, by; the operator. or • assent, to Meth sent, or Metbile Wittar any .priil of its machinery He shaft work the e ngi ne sloWly,wlth grad eer e when anY perem br s,sce ding or "deecending the shaft ol• dope, anti When any person Is about to descend or.aacend the shaft or slope, the men at the bo.ltoOliOr top, as the case they be, must inform the east fleet.* the metal tube l i e signal. or otherwite thereof, and lict one ll 'sha I teetere with or In at y WAY hatirnidate' the engi r in the dlifelMelle his dupes, nor ride Eitipoii a loaded Tagna, orcage in any *shad or slope, and intro case snail more tnnn ten men rideon any „ wagon br owe at one time In any of the said mines;' i and upon any Person violating the provisions of this 1 section he sten. be held-and deemed gnilty of Si Ade -1 Ma/bunter, and npon conviction thereof be shall be I polished by fine and iinprisonment at the discretion or the court trying the atone. - _ • • ~ tixe. 1.1 '. Whenever lanky: life or sorting personal Injury to any pereme hall occur, by rents= of sae explosion or other. 'evident whatever in or about. any coal mine Or colliery, it shall be the duty et . th e party having charge of such coal mine or colliery to „give notice thereof forthwith, by men or otherwise; tothe luspeotor of oxiittlinee and collieries for the tilltriot.etal 14 the coroner of the county if any per son is lolled thereby, line duenotlee ahairbegiven by the ooretter or any , Inquest to be held as the'result of any such. explosion or. accident, and ft shall be'the duty of the said inspector.-or his deputy, to imme diately repair to the *eerie of the accident and, make` such suggestions as may appear necessary to swam the safety of the men, and if the retains of the ex plosion do not require on paireetigatfoq, bythe coro ner, he etell investigate into and Mmttaln the mese of the explosion or accident and makers record 5 t rear, office ; shall preserve with she other re ro I, of hie and to enable- Milano make the estigatica, be shall have power upon snob wea 1, US to compel th e ettesplanee of pelepne to testify neat releeilister naths or starmatione thereto, the oust of which In vostemrien shall be paid by' the county in Which the accident occurred, In the same manner as rests of Inqueste held by the coroner orjuse tires of them...memo now pidd• l e/nil lie failure of the Person le charge Of , the 004 1 Mille or Colliery to give 14 ot 0) to tilt Inspector ono carotier SS provided far In i sis sect n, snail subject tam to a fine ofonot less than tweniy-nve nor aeore th an mos limMired do e tars, to be recovenel es other tines are, to the county tree/IMT, ' ' '- • Sxcazi, All hallo.. tin d- tor generating steam in and about coalmines and collieries shall be kept In good order] and,. the owner pr agent thereofWiall have them examined and Inspected hy a eompeterse bailer maker or other well qualified person as often as once in six months, -and. oftener If needed, rind s the result of every such exambiatlon, !An der oath, ahait he e pot 3d y _cd In writhig.to taa inspector. for the-. district, st; all npuittinery in and about-the mines, and es in the coal breakers where boys work, • Glatt be properly - fenced off, .and the top of each shaft 'shall be securely fenced by vertical or flat gates covering the area of said shaft; end the entrance of every,abandonet slope and air or other . gen^ ithail be securely? tericel ofe, • . SIEO, le Upset the passage of this act, : the Gover nor of the cbeamonwealth of Pennsylvania, shall, ,u pon the recontmendallon of a board of examiners selected for that purpose, coma-sled of three repute ble coakutiners in practice, and two reztable rain. lag engineer's, to he appointed lay the edges of the dourt of gammen ewe of Israel My, all of whom stall be s ern, el 4 Mitt I discharge of their detlea,, appo et throe . proper „sprain:led per il sons to fill the /3 COS" Of In/mentors °rot:sal mince ' and Collieries torteh am:tones -of Luzerne, and Car . bon, Whom commissions shall be for the term of five veers, or during - good behavior , but they shall a 3 all times be subject to renreval" from office for neglect of duty or malfeasance In' the discharge of duty, as hereinafter peovided for, and the perinea so involuted shall beyetained the Age Of thirty . .yeans eac ts te oltiserte of nesseivresla, and have a kuoWl ef - the (II ererit sesteras Of WOHtlng 'coal-snit/es, an have been intlinately• connected With the anthoicite Mal ntthea OP Pennsylvania for a period of eve mut, anti have had experience in the_ Caking and yenUlation *Peel Mines where fire- • p and noxious, gases are evolved. Before eetering upon-their duties they shall take an oath or affirmation beton:van officer qualified to °Anti ills. ter tie same„-that they' nerenrel the duties of the office Vf Kg trapfirti I ty anti fidelity , which oath Or sillrulai eel shall be ed la the office of the pro thonotary of the county and they shall provide themselves with the most approved Inn dern Inane meats and chemleal tests for carrying olit the Inters= ' time of this act. The examiners provided for In this act shall be appointed by the judUcil of the court of common pleas for the eqiiety et tales firsrterm of the eeert in eseeli year, to hold their places dnrieg the year, and vacancies shall be filled by the court as' they occur, and the' Said examinersahall meet-when ever candidate, for the office of inspector are to bo appointed, of whichliteetinglllslie i n shell be given le 111 lestflow Preserilli riehed the county, at least two weeks before the, meeting. The exam iners shall agree le their recommendation of condi- - datee to the 'Governor, and theY shall tosotrinten oely nisei as thoY tied (planned fqr the office; the Raid examiners estop receive three dollars per day for every day they Presciently engaged in the 'die charge of the dirties of e.tarrilnere under this act. to he paid to them by the county Ono inspector shall be appoirital for th I e district n the Wyoming coal ftelki,l,ttaerno comity, laying ,east of, and inclu ding Jenkins township, and ones district shall be cc/reposed of that pelt of the 'Wyoming coal field,, lying west of Jenkins township and west of the Sus quehanna river, and one otherdistriet shall be com posed of that part of Lucerne county lasing mein of the Wyoining coal held together With /Carbon .resuitY,. • - Ste, la, Vie term of office of the Inspector of cold mines; appointed nuder an run for the betterregulaz , :=lion and ventilation of tames, and for the protec tion of Vies lives of the miners In the comity of Schuylkill, approVed April twelfth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, shall expire on • the first day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eight . hundred and seventy. and in ids room three inspec tors of retires for i he °mutt los of nctitiyik in, Denehirks Northumberland and Colurntaa,shaltee appanteo 'by examiners to be appointed by the, court of vow. ' mon pleas of Schuylkill county. in the - manner and form provides } by the fourteenth section otehla act, And the said examiners and Inspectors when set apse pointed, shall he subject.to like regnlittloes and du= ties, awl entitled to like prirliegem, franchises d salaries as are in the said section provided for th e examiners and respectors for. the counties. of - acme and Carbon, and the inspectors fur - the said menties of etheyikill, 'Dauphin, Northumberland" - andeolumbia- shall be assigned toduty in seprirate districts in said counties, which said districts shall be laid out and fixed by the examiners, so as afore• said, to be appointed by the court of con undo pleas of the county of Seirtlylklll. , Sao. 18. Italian be the ditty af the °end of corn. mon pleas of the proper county, whenever a peti tion signed by not less' than fifteen reputable coal. operators or coal miners, or both setting forth that any Inspector of coal mines 'IMO collierier, grotoly ;'neglects.tire duties. or at he is incompetent,' or that he legality of Malfeasance in office to- Detre a Citation in the name -of the Commonwealth to the said inspector to appear at not leasthan fifteen da,ys' notice. Alt 5 011/7 need before' said judges, when the Mid bourt s e lißroCieed to inquire into, and invent gate the all One - of the petitioners,- and if the court find that ft said Inspector Is grossly neglect. 'Ail of his distles, or that he Is by reason of causes that existed before the appoinmelit, or that - haver arisen since bla appointment, incompetent to per. , :. form the duties of sold Mir" or that Ise is gents" of . malfeasance. in office, the meet shall certify the garee to the Governor of the Commonwealth, wins shall declare the otthedistrietern ern ; cant, and proceed in or with the wort, sdono of thU act, to ap te lyqualtlied pe r -. ofticek saz eon • to all the office, and e of the sold Inves tigation baron the °Mut be borne bfr the re. movetlnspeetor; bat if the allegations Ut the pen- - loners are not sustained by the anal'judgMent of the court, the oats shall be paid by the petitioners. tsgo,l7„ Thesalary of the saki inspectors_ appoint ed for Lamm° and When connttes, Mall be three thousand , dollars. emit.' The Map* and plans, of mines, and the records thereat._ together with ail papers relatlng th ereto, shall be kept by the thew ter properly arranged and preservedin a sionveni. •e i lit ua lilace in the district, for whick.each inspeotor have E a ch of .• • , . SEC. 18. Each ot the said Inspectors of coal Miner and collieries shall give his whole nate and eaten titans the duties of Ws office, awl itaball be his driM , to examinee! normal mitts* and etallerlas In hft district as often as his duties will permit hinis•le do ao, to see that every rsessattati jpreasatkon M UMW, to insure the safoty of the moirianen tenet that the b etrovisions this act artrobservedand si =si s andit shall siso ear% Inspertiors duty to ever,' inquest held by the winner or coroners la db. Wirtz= bodiesa u asroms killed in er about the teat- ' Slie. IL • That any miner, workman or_ ther per.' ion who shall knowingly Injure any sagstplaints. eraterviage, berometer. Idroiralle. Watt&oror c bb ; *tenet or throw open air-ways, or 0117 Wiled 11pes or matches into Mama - that aril winked hi,y iefety.lamps, or handle or disturb/ay partilf the machinery of the hoisting engine, Or open a door , 'and not have the same .okosd. wirentirttlaiiiger is emelt in the min/ ear enter any place of %heroine against tention. or disobey any order . = in Car-- trim out the peovirdons of this act, ar Many. on &loaded ear earriag• hi for. tiollfror lilarle. or - an aby plane In o r arnand any of saki minis. oir dO introtaet wborebytnettoisee the MOM of Per ions, or the seemity Or tbreatiser ortthe machinery Is endangered, Or latir lather antillagnharge of a' lororking place in any coal mine or colliery, Who , shall negUset or retruotokimplkorrestit th ersof s = perly pr'W sad Unaltered to=a , or ooa L idet• or • rosk. *MOW t ill et' a miatierneanor. and Upon Mintether ba pea. fsbed by imprisomileadendatio M the disestion_of 1 _, enc.'s. itiniall betiawfoliersovinniniattz jar. and eitansinikitaymaliminerer e of his •ds and AO Worita.andeasablany bli• IWitn at alt, nOsollable times Mr: del Of n____ll Min not MlMPalsorobstran th e malt- hrg Orals eau as en into and touchlagtbe lasts aid , ed men OW mine or o=wrilorim andmactdoemensithe vas r W of at mid mien Oreffinerf. *Mae = OOW* or letirtain- thnsanrs= Pato alliMahosend eameilillith.air dog tes the anertiessredhs the • ' and .terrf_*___ . easprodekessert Aritaireaseogasso wron — Wia3.••'i tattoo to siont oral mine or ao=6llll‘,.ti b lit i C i er agent offal& Mal mine ar. • lis eps. , gulled to the MOM UlOllll far i dry i ,mpiltiMatiOn and I.r=sig the MOM 'Make SIIIIT terOsuesiord -' J*14101508, the tuns and- •-• Jitniaar•-• titaness Mahe rk • • - OM age 21. No , - who shall set or preethill. Os a brad ntor as_O hiliMiher,-rtinitir or WSW IVY toalsolue Memory mat a mining mimeo, elf IQ. Sintereisted in • • • any coal mine or milleily, !shall asit. or , • • Or OW Wino ruttLedlieries gam gg. llama • the ~ 11 :iiir _mainipatar:fa. ,Inake asi mut • reportnt • 'lmeceliellOP •to the. ,i3Boernorof the * • • • . • rt. Milts &swot evmr S a t dai swtdaisho . Sony oasumudettlA the met. 1 hs and . ellemagalloararmi-ooMenai isid ME =llll ME astch'tiflliitatlore..eibielitd, riga of bitiott *ball ruet 40 the irtdow -akd hoist heirs of the.persoo ore "{Oahe.'" be tat or Itkonteevorvonbtrobges the iniurf; theyolah have . euttafd.: . • • filivAic au lore of:the ckniamonireelth that are Aneorodstent = wlttl O" Provisions-or this act. lite . 5 . - -" • "- ", B.=h.` Filiatto." • ;. , .: 1 3Perairer 5.4. the Roam of.ihniroientiktiTOL., pproved sae thl *v EtriNISON:' • • err Of the Senate. ' A -ed.tdiy iod tlant. 44 joie thout hoodred;audltqehliT."-. • ' „strrx,ftiontrr• 41441411.thi1ir :44 -THERE - "are. a:great- Many). people, who • ..suppose.that everythinglibixtrted is-bet ter than: American -Predoet•lons o . Without taking the tronlife . -te inqhfre 'nth the:facts; but it:'Was,„.ibily• . deriteustrated'at the Paris ExPosition that's ' , large. proportion of our tootheitie-Hatiefitethies are!superior to • • thoSe Imported'trout Europevatul Amerlein 14frinu . facturersi sproportiOn.to the nuinber . of exhibitors took :the , largest.. percentage of theinrams...•-The:following taken from the Landon tft4ll3. eallsthe attention ofEnglish minufactirera to-thia - Subject ' • • depre - pi , writcASf.SrPF.RtORITY.. - . , "The present : isloui of trade , - has .broright withjt.this.onegtdvantage,. that-the best Informed-and most experienced *Wier-- itit. , a on:the subject have :directed. their in •quiries Impartially - and ably to - the diseovery of Its origin and character. : , AtEirminghara the Chamber - of Cenftneree has juist4erosoned . out very sensibly, the cause. of.the depresSion • IA the metal - trades i lind the. report - hi ta .the truth at once bysheakiirgef,the prosperity" which p receded he late part leas. ‘•,artirlehd.." Fiveyeata agesprotirsioaot. capital was in- Vested in "new furnaces, newtrurtworksand new manufactories," and it: has„, been the fashion to iteppose that • all three promising establishments were:ruined simply - . by the collapse oteornnterchd•cohfidetrce: But the . fact-is-that production could • not - • have • been maintained-at the; new rate. '...There•-wrot• no sufficient . demand. for the •products which. these new cencernSwemprepared terfgrnish.. &Jong as there was capital . which - wa% Lug to let itself heithsorired in them at a loss theymight have ciifyiteil , to 'Hite,- but ho longer ;. and the'same may be - riald of other • industrial companitestablished by the score elsewhere, They 'never'. really .:,representcsi prosperity of tratie„but only immederatespec . ulation. No manufacturing busines s can be supported - except hy'atnarket,and the market,. • cartlonly tie preserved bYthepepularity of the goods produced.` .At this moment Birming -ham is lasing its old markets. *.few .s'ears age I,t. used to: supply • the :United States largely: with edged tools, farm implements, and. Various smaller wares:. It does so: no longer; tine is the,cause to'be sought merely in the American - tariff. • It , lit'found -that the manufacturers Of Amerita actually supersede its; not" only. .I,n their .own, but -foreign marketti*nd - iu our ewn colonies, arid the Birmingham Chamber has the sa gaotty to diScover,arid tlie-courage to declare that this is owing to-thesuperionty of Amer.,- •Ica*goods.. Something, of course; -is due to the action of trade-uniens and • the artltleial 'enhancepriertf .. of *ages.. the -wages 'of our artisans are to'be..very 1 , much I .thore and their hours of }fiber very, inu,ch It sat than those of the, workmen in other countries with which we have to'corripete," be pos,sible, - says the report,, "for*hi main h itk anything like a monopoly •of - trade." Is \ is elear,and yet it Is frankly acknowledged that the price of labor is not.the -*rating ment of thequestion-, ' Highmitare the wageit ' of an English artiKiin. those of an American artikan. are higher still;Aud yet the *Ahura& thrers of the United States : can iniport ten and steeL from'this country al'a heavy duty work up. the, metal. by highly-paid' labor, and and beat us out of the market after-,all *, with the itinnullicturedartiele: - .* : HoW-is that to lie . - explained? - •.; ' • • - The Americans 'tweeted in supplanting us by "novelty. of construction and "excellence of make," They do not attempt to undersell . its lathe mere matter Of priee.• Our goods *ay still.be" the cheitpet,Tbut. - they are , no longer the • best,"and in countries where an. axe 4 fur inatatteei.iikan indispensable ',runic 'moot:the best article cheapest; what -ever: it may-- cost. Settleni-- and 'emigrants soon find this out, and: they have found it. out to -the prejudice ef i lltriningham trade: Here, again, the "panic'. has'nothlng What= • evetto do with the result, Neither- - "eonfl-' dence".ncir capital. could restore ,a :.market lost by inferioritror preductri.• .If -the :rninghani manufacturers 'Mesh* to regain Their. trade. thexhustArritirov,e; the quality of their grioth . W- • question is•not, es the • re port confesseS, essenially , or - principally a question of It. Isuot theprice .of la tter which - is operating to our disadvantags, The true cause Of our tlefeit - must be attribu ted "to the greater aptitude of briny of the' - fbrelgn workmen,, and.' their intelligenee, - which induces thern•to seize - eVery Opporto-- nity of improving their manufactures.': • - A MONUALEI+ r 1:117 ANCIENT - • MoAI3. \ T" "Children of the_ Desert," as "the desCendants Of•ishmael are , called, iii) war to be veritable,children in.-their love of destruotiveness for thesbeerloVe of, destroy ing, Laya,rd fouudthem so atNineveh, and thought himself very fortunate in getting his treasures safe away. Macgregor - had' pot- , 'shots' taken* him.us.he paddled on the Bea of Galilee.; and now we hear that a most p • re cious incinutnent of antiquity has- been Imo keri to - pieces - on the site of the ancient Diboll, almost at the moment when itecharacter and, importance to the elucidation of Biblical his-' tory were' recogniteil. - A fanatical Semitic jealousy of theapirit ofprognsannd inquiry, which is identiffed in the Oriental mind with., that of profanity and irrellgion,seems to .be :connected with this destructive Iprcipensity:: • 4ateibistlear -it ante to • the _knowledge of Viiitain Warteni of the lerusalernExplota• - tiont Fund that a very ancient akin.); about, three feetlix inehenin hided, and 'one ,foot' :nine inches wide, covered, Wittik,Vrrl dx,- - isted,ata place on tlweast.sld4l:of the Bea. :But no sooner :was it knolipzi fo th e . "Arabi that the Pranks tookan lutenist . in this', *lid . than theythrOke.itakartd ;curried the; - fragments:: away to hide . - - their growler. ..Happily? . for the interests f' length' - ,1126.; Plooes have been recove red a nd *m are spelliog out the'lln‘f i ons:- "At PrelV they are at work lepers o n broken `.,', - but soon.we _ expect - to-have have e- con -' *MOO. . on, pf the whole text. 'As fir R. `as the laborirof Mr. - Dents& open a 'Ow. UM ciftheirikrlption - enable us to jWO, we, are lilreirto learn front West*. InW4 ,-- oilers , „.._ _ history: of • tr i ir El, ~ ritlah',.ehil l lr i er ie l l . 4 1 7.riet: I - ant, -I, in - Moab, " ' -the tiradleef the' reel:: It Walk . freneetei of the lfeabitish satiettherforthat. Lat Mow. vorepermlited :Ur view Abe? - of Prendpe-_, , Ogie, King- of Moab, ,Italal4l, ' .the - intriguing : eueml another, 'Won, proud Oppremor of the dinar:4ooU ;:an it, was from Moab that: Itirth • Caere; one of meat attreettivitharaetinr in Old. Testament' -hiaca. , The *nee Wei dbwver* *t eari ' to record the achievement, of a king ofeatt named -Maim-. Now,, the Old _ Testametne Mentickiethiee — Megeur,liretzone of that:44W being Cl :ingetMeshie the daya - of Ahab and: . Wiens ori4airand -. .teliwani, hinge of afp. , ; raek This king lathe hemota most turgicald Watery; - Pancylwiltet the- timehed toile. after the death cof Ahab. forthrperingoff the veritalige to his' Veighbove r kteldra withhMd n t ,-,the tribute btrbacibflen =at Loaded t ci; - b : ~ ./iftirtir tinirr a n . .1 • . ' wee 'led:. _ ,W*Cietier an . ~! lanes , aOlnat r. titlNAft, ~ . alanrsiamel his , ~ dliare,:yrst --• • . •.: •.. ,-. • . - %•:i . He - was driven -to ; leg itril —; • ' *heft tit' A .whilo.boleindedhtiviiis t ,',WI . the 1 of despair, st- 00 0 'thX -4 0- AterePtikitiviihMe . 1 men to Miriam!" tbruVlthemereacl , heat: We ate told thatt batten: he i'.aseended the - wallet hitoligl Met ,t,vk in Laight of 'MI allied- ennieeinfstana4.lWith - and Edomi lie t alfhted - „n0 hii.eirketeen, the belt tioa to 411514 = 1 ":11C i nr " P ee rliZA, l-- Of 7 i ellen nlidad ' ' '1"11 2 1 44 . t would be aetrikingdhaneary. _t Mahe erikreecounkrthr deeds oetatestate , [ were bhmtilledlrith the gimlet the JeWleit. - bnindela4r._ ' and alit ntlannlikeigthat. ter twill eirrA , --Ntel Deutiebtelleam that the names OM "taidOhertinti__ pewpriend Maio& litre liltri al laT itetlifr "lithi:j.ee*rn t italit 'th P.* `'N - . . Ow. -mutat ~uoiti - $040 06 44..s- , ' .1. Isiti*-4 0 17,4 6 -- - '- . . - itelit' 4* .11 11k4reltkel0. 111 .1 - -,•:• - :.,::: :' ',.‘ - JX-thel .- Iliki; ' tine -, , ~ r,w,,and..! . ~.titedi,ininieril .ettiberalpord4l,__, 1#:; • -N I PA' .. -111 t!t i ,vf i g gi cv" • - ?;?,-i- 1. :..-'+--i- 4 .i . ;#,- i,, , 0 , 4' ~ , v . .5 !„...1..... 4, , .: ,- ~:-,,, ;Jo ? , jr - ;--..F -, ,, ,-.r.,-,—.--,:-1::--,-„ ; ,. 4 -,,,,.. , Fa! ....04raTI.W•c•ititrk'A L .,t „.,„„,' Vases forlrl*lsirle-V '. l :.' RR; edritid ' -'" -` ' '..* 1 44 10 ' •"' •& - '• . ' o • - iSr&* - ilt.kitair, i•Oteso_, , t! f it : 4 0. :: „ ,•*, 2 :,_. ;., ,_.., ?,„ • • .1, •.; ~:,.-., q- 40 : 4 0: , -r t. ' • -:"."*Ar • '-- . ' ,:', , • - - _,' : - 1 1 `:. c .'• 4 : ~ .! ... ••• flr ' : '',•'-, '.. ‘-.• " .. , , ;.,i/Vii= .•.-• ~' ,- g o .geoll-4.41411104,- . . ~. • '. *.• - 4114ifsetk.t. 4,"••••4, -, 'Wepr . ?",1'111•Zti: 4 4 -' 4 '„_, ; ' , ' ~,••-: .. ,-- z - l -,:„.44,r,..•1 f.:4--,7, ,, % ... -. ..",44-0v.,-. - ,:t. , 4*,_r_t,-..05. n .i , =.c., i - 1,;1.-Af , „; . .-.7/. ...••,,....7,r.v ...E.: . i.loitriy:;'=:„artir.-7.,-;15.6. , ' 4 , -, - :-1,7 4' ME SIN , CokES_ = SIX CE • ',I T sifoulaihtme-numtitmeci' that - it -era:. IL cow theprevallinglanguage hi Rollati; hit fact, hisnlly artrOther 4 lillagnage(llK beard or - spoken:. 24 pmprietor:Of thaltotelde : Bus-, ,si l libtdra 1 , ~liticer,Voishierte,l- -- iiimPed, p only:Polish and Russian; the hill of • are was ittßidishintreetmw -I saw - but one tntdeerign inllermun,kand that was:_ in French,. also over . Ir • zaliliner's ahoy.- hotel in all the large cites ar Austria itt v crituesta has 'its conrinhationiati; :who speaks the languages and offeraf for hire to act as gtilde l interpreter and 'agent farness gets, and to protect them from. beinallllllb. died by any one but himielf.• - At: w ,- one must-needs take a commissionaire if he • wishes to visit the salt mines,, where - the agents and Workmen do not speak 'Engasb, , French or .German ; ; but be need .not buy a new overcoat' (cost, sl4t through or of his, commissionaire to ride in a Close carriage to the Mine, six miles distant; nor a' isslrof overall boots, at $B, in which to widh.tbrop_th the pas::-lages of the mines which are as; dry as a drawlng.niom ; nor s carfs, shawlfr; caps , or abytbing of the kind. At Wom Oman*, officers of the hotel spoke French, but were -- determined to :farce a commlaslonalreAnto my service. I arrived In the evening and • had no guide book. 'Would they lend , nte apap of the town to look over p. • few min- . tueseln the evening . ? No; they _lurd'.only one which:hung own, the office, and which‘ they were constantly W using. hat' did' 1 want ' a book for? The - eommissfonaire. would take me to allithe interesting places: Would they tell me t e price current of gold Napoleons? No, they didn't know, but the Onunissionaire`could tell pie. Could they tell me where , there. Was a broker'troffice . ' where I could sell then? No, but the con ,- mis.4ionairevould sell:them . ..Mr me. What was the price of the fare to Berlin? Eigh- , teen roubles ;thc'eenuniisdenaire would take my Napoleons; Sell them, and buy thy ticket 1% for me. Did any of the hack n speak, e French, German or English, N but that was of. no consequence •, • the com a salon spoke French- - I.=,determined rind. I not - employ a 4nnissionaire nor taker:ay, meals hi the , hotel. In the morning I stroll ed p ut; got my breakfast; waljt,d - do,wit - the street until I clime I. a hookbtote ; !bought a. rude Polish or Miamian. plan of Warsaw,; , went back .to the front..of the hotel, - .anklu- the presence of the cominissionaire„ drew out . ' a pocket-compass, fixed the cardinal points on the marytakingthe hotel as the point of departure, walked down a row of haeks.that seemed aboukten miles long, commenced .at the beginning with , the first man, arid - so on with all the others in succession :- "Sp reehan sie English? ' : Frailzosich 2" They all de clined, unanimously, Until I finally came -to 'the 999, the than wfropawed on-the German - nuesticar; and. entered into copart, neuritis,. ar with e. - We went to' the railway station, and found that the fare to Berlin was:only .. .lß roubles instead of 18, showing that they In tended at the hotel to perpetrate a swindle.ef $3 80 on the fare alone, drove to - a Inekerti who purchased my Napoleons at the guide tions printed in the GszETTE of the day be- " fore; and with the aid of a bare list of the aerharkable places contain in Bradshaw's • RAILWAY GITIDE saw theta all. It is ..true [ that my—that is, the-hackman—made some blunders, and mistook one church for an other,. but the inscriptions over portals of the Catholic churches were all. in .1 - • a t and - that, was easiireorreeted: 'Me. did ght ' 'into a deep metaphysical difilenity on` the subject of the Holy Trinity. It was not any - for one, who was never suspected of being -a}• German to. translate ," the Church the Ilrily -. k Trinity'? 'into High Dutch: But after sound lig my polyglotical driver - on his religions .. belief, arid as 16 the: mysterious three-, fold - petsonality, illuitrated by ' the _Aid of three, of his' fingers; I found that ,he, was orthodox: he comprehended. me .per, fectly, and 'drove-me to "-die Rirche der hell igen Dreienigkeit•--the-Church of the HOW Three-one-nesa" • When. I left the • hotelil had the Satisfaction of leaving there only . - roubliks enough to pay '. for lodging, candle, and boot-blacking. 1' his incident isilhistra- _ . five of a disposition to Cheat; - Which Weald . to`preyall' in all public ,places in Ruse's. :',,lf - you lay claw a ..%kopeck.plece, on a restaur.-- ant counter at a railway stati on, ta pay, 10 kopeckslor a cup of tea,' the proprietor;Will • `throw It'lnto fire drawer, and thenteß You to:' your .''face ; ' that it was . only: a 44 - kopeck4ilece,' If you stop-at ahotel i and.go "intozits restaurant for breakfast or din;r i re f s and have the meal charged to your accon t, , you will find-in-the bill omelettes and t. chickens-which you have.naver had; it you . pay forothe meal on the spot, and do noktaJto .... a, receipt, it will. turn up in the aecoupt, -. which yoralre called on to settle whinlour , • • trunks are all packed, and you must 'submit at 'once to catch the train. If you g 6 to an other restaurant, as you, may do, you will find m - eals:charged to,you all the same, The " `only - way is to dine at the restauranti'ldtve . , the bill made out on the spot and - dated,pay it and take a receipt. - . . - - ~ . -., • D i ISCOYERY OF ANTIQUITIES,- Three yiell knOwn" arcbteologliter Mr. , l'Ullan, - and: m 'Wood anr., pennis,; - • have I been recently excavating. in, Asia Minor; . • The antiquities disinterred, by these gentle= men fill upwards of two htitidrW cases, and 'are now on their way to England - to be added to the posse&lons of the British Museutrui. . The greater part of these antiquities la the result of .six months' excavations among the ruins of die Temple- of Minerva Pollas , at Priene, In Asia - Minor - by Mr. R: ... Pullen, who; as architect. of .l Mr. Newtioftle expedition to -Haliearnassus, retideml,eiree . tual cervices to' archeology, and hes _since distinguished hithself by his expleiratforal of the Tenipleaf Bacchui at Tem!, and blApollo 'Smintlieus at tbe Troad, under the maples of the Dilettanti Society. ;The cases rkow on their way to England contain .fraginenta.,4 Ihe.iiculptdral and architectural atiornntents :'of the. Temple,' including portions of., the eel- • *tibrated statue of Minerva mentioned by Beu -eardas; a colossal female head pis fine period ; . Lparts of, several draped statues, Jimmie of the aeedo time, 'and fragments _of the 'frieze, wliich in- style • closely resem bles , the *Belson the Mausoleura r and isbelieved; - fact, to be by the same hand. Thereart4l36- a few inscriptions of much interest..• Besides, theynarbles discovered by Mr. ft.d tan, there are thirty-three epees; theirtille Of the labors of - Mr: Wood - at gentleman, as; Is well known, has hem em red Air some years vast .by dui, Belt : ;swum in seekingAr the sworld4enti „Temple Of Diana: • Two awes sent tioni-Asia Minor by-Consal Dennis, athaseonmennities mimig •. the, tombs of the Lydian?: at Sarnis.were abruptly brought to;i.a e Want Of fends, areal° airumt - tnsnt of. ancient nimbler ablipiebitthe ' con; LT - . „: • 2 , '' - 'l"za` . :l, l "trtran' n r ' CALtroi i.vi., .-cgor , respaideittof the Sin Francisco ... MOWN° ,CA.14,,y: Dorado county, .CAL„,,Whine,pi ag , rieult fi tists are prepatingto - " lvo-, , ly irf tea - tenure, gives the ilifin;-... .mationigidanedhannotiv.,MationJy r , L , _err SchilaU... the namAget and P o nl i qWT: PA W 4 „wegi ni nicaitaitartn: ,- .; • ,-• .'. the experlinerds thus far mi d ~ - - [ Schnell in convinced that iimbileaseli tea ." ' 1 Chitin* ht California la solved * and : . -is , ao longer doubt halve can taise,sa _s• ',_. teas. r herons are produced in:china and; .. - f , - • . Mr. Schnell hiferms thetbat only , : , • 4 " ' ' - tyer kind of tea is knottn, Midis thco • . nate& by Dr: - Yon,•Siebohi,AS : ther, UFA , I wider Ail of the varietiee deketthe4TA7ot 7 anists der thenames kb* , wirdik nem, striate, ,AI, trironlywhitioraillr thkeinen sis Zintilt *oduftd oile r of mitt -station- and~ahical distribution.- t :. E - . .The tea? shrub in:...lemn is i in - elm:peen. - 'itnntv.Astn t ,talfrit.%et hiiiii‘.. with straight: ,stem, .and .nametotue Inv:ghat branches -- . -The - star inistabright . colOr;thebtanch- - es the61304 - and them:Apt - and. having a peculiar oftr_. Oh. the -young branches are ;theelterkeettemen, Antall hIOVW *deb are: arranged . in. intervalsi And of an ,e1.11~: • - 114gie with afthe holden; ImmiWnte ekilely the lisferi of the wild rose: ;441Weett- • _ thelenvessgrout blithomia,. which. . , 0f, , .:, elms colo4. ; ,hat:in the mime of , -, , I,JeeeV: . , eLoutellearmune lighter .shades,; at, ~„ ~ ' witivial l!hitfl -6 4ttivPPe of the . flo/ ( 4'at ' ' - :` .',1.. ,•: : - .7 s Allitolveiir tbetrees or alindespetsionisitA : a. 'Apf.,4 bc9t,004-,:*w } - Ark „..,,:. _ .04-4 - 4 , 119.41- - att itetegi r llV.:Pit,.o o * l ' • -fat 111MA:doll yew ..Ithr - " --- necessihytthatc,theipiante ..'. • • • • * .t... -;...,.'. the -1 / 36 4 11 PgietWe ',.., ' ' ' ', - c O 4 . - ft :hin te r:the 1.:-.4. - 44 : , 4. '• • d. the ell S me** . Af r si4 , - . ... ' . d sa of • !'''- ;:•,-, , -, , . --, a.ei _ ' llk' ai m " lc EPP,* ~,, : ‘*l .,;.; _ ~ ,!.! ~ 4 ? l,t'; ;:i , ~.- 7filibl . inane , ', , ' ~`' ,' ' 1 1 . 10 :dir -gbigivits -,- - to t : , 1 f , :-.11,:' ''''';'.l -. •'` , tl;;.i t. "• ' -"-;:' - .. , -ik,:44 , -. -,. .'• . ~, : -..:k :.. , 1- _ •-- • ---.0. ~,,,- . . . . -*-:. ,' -- Akisfiliil l itiai;Veitri*Melie-' *IA*IOO4 ;hiblTlfe w*" Ltd° '. - . e'44. {~~ y ` ~ "~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~O w -~ t :4~1 fi!'l~rt]~ul~ - i ~'fce T l~ Yf ter; fi~r . ~ ,ll - • - ,:i 7_,(.,,"".', 1, 1 - , 41- " ''. i.e , '' '''„ . , ''' Aipi r.- ::, 1 ... .-." ,--..-44')-eoill il m.. 4 . Allril ';-,--5- tiapitillifiltek'n: 1ir..ii.:2.: -,- 411,4,2 m ,..-. : .`•,.....0.• .4.+,1,.;',-11i.A4--..., ...04i,, .:,---,--, 1id1........- , ;!'4.P.''''' I. 4.;,.., V .,, gi..5.4, 3 ; . "Getralll. , - 1 '-ii1.4W34.4,.....„.„....,.74.„---"'"47V-.4.-Ve :t. - - 7-4 '-ar.--.', .. ,,, r - .. 4',' T ,': 4 ,--,,--,..,, ;#, -: '';'?'' .. . 4 ,0 ,Z. ''''- . -14, ......,,,, :11'1.. , .:::: , _ r ... - „.. Mia = TIF4 ox: *t..4it. in . - 4 , M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers