The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, March 05, 1870, Image 2

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1 , 4 skirt SIMCIAL steno= .itt M taa.‘" 410 ,0441 .X. 7 • &Title
' kaki, at, 43 ssmla per Up, sopa tom; 711 k Tars
IlAiNEY.—BOolizetlera and Stational, Pea.
t-tla 1414 Ilitndetao/0 Centre ts!_tert. Pottaville, Pa. -
i mere immix'.
. i
TFIE 221 EIM 2OUBSA2, Is tuned even' tOg r uidiq .
rattrdnr, !Aid famished in subscribers at #2 74 , per eallere,
inislynCe,Lr6ltautpai4ttratrta 2e.
MITE wawa . ' rEmom-nrrAsassur IN AzgrANcrit
3 - copies te car adVise, FAO 15 CAltles la one addren,if
co . 4S CO
t— ToNeirs Dealers It 02 per I ro Corded, cash. -
To Itintaters and Sebnol Tanners we edit furntsb the
ILITAL, by mad; at ft ,iii per - annum, in *mace : other ,
Irian 441.02 . rates. - r •
MAX-YOURNAL is published Or" i
- ha-Wedlides excepted. , „
TEdmrsi-Ten • cents per week, payable to the ea:faro?
• igen thy Ahura It hi served.
IetAIL-Payabis to aitrauite,. one* year, $5 id: . rue,
racanns,v 74; three iiimabooll LO, j
issaurai. km saran ;. lit CO for six *roams.
' ' i SAMPAN i RAMSEIL Pettish
Airmits JOVE:NAL
h..-jrzre ntrwrive Joern;;;;LCoAt. RTATTATWAL RICInq
'errs run IMO," 'wilt be honied early' next weell
itt eents Mngle copies; 112-43) per dozen: , ss ay
cnpfee and VS OD per lOR The' following is
- 1 . sr . :corns 'or comxirs.
; . .fie Coileitattetice for the year ltiektogether t with
: an article on the Causes of the high prices of An";
orp lte amain ;fat and Ism. A tabular statement
-tot the Cosi - Trade from Its commencement. Also,
tabular statement of all the' collieries of Schitylkill
.I;krunty., the land owners -and leseees, the Bine
,Worked, depth, capacity, number of men employed,
And the veins worked as fax as designated. Ilivest•
„ notnte reqUired. to secure a supply' of coal on the
~;giaahortid. Theprogross of Bch tiyaill Chanty, and its
investments.; Improvements progressing at collier
. •
The developnient of the Aouthern portion of the
coat field: Best mode of
opening up the Bituminous coal. Colds" of Petinsil
, vents. A,plan working :Um liammxith Vein ad-.
vsnineously. Do $h in the coal mines. ..icperi
„,.tnents with salty - limps. Arbitration in England.
,the v ßannbr COunty of the Republic.
. lea of the-lron - ,:titule,wiiii remarke on
the si*te, together wittra number of other articles,
wall of which will be town) -Interesting to the general
reader. ‘, 2 . ' ' . •
. .
iTHE-is;hie of 'the -Register - has been delay=ed for
~aifew`r -d ays to embrace the. New Ventilation Sill and
a large Tabular Statement.,
- • rpliE initiation of this business Wits emi-•
.Li tined. to n few Denioeiatie law;Ters of
this County, and we In yetto meet the
tirst•person • outside of .the Bar who, knOw
anythit* about R. It was - set up in ti regret
manner; to l'e passed tliroUgh the
ligi Into e. By misrekesentation it Was
hurried through the Senate, and .when the
fact afterwarcb, were commideated. to
, some of them stated that if they
•iltid known them before they would have
vOted against the passage of the biller • •
After the passage of the'bill through 'the
en'tite,.and,it had been tho House .
Judiciary ,Committee., we appeared before
• the i Cominittee to give it inforruationiirithe
c'snimeet. We wore treated with eourte,4y::
•.' E: Ellis . of this Cou(ity and! a member
.of the' Com ntittee, andtWe'said ! nothing be-.
fore,t he Coton - iittee wlifelt we (110 not believe
ic+ be striett- tr le, and requested Afr.
correct if we. (ii(L „But we' nitnif say
that We were much surpritied
, a,t some of the
, atiternents made before the Committee. ;Foi .
ini-ttince, - a Repubilean lawyer Said in refer—
: ems , ' to . the Criminal 140 i ness of ihi,c'ouitty,
Which all li . nott : eonsinnes
SOthetitnes nearly two-thirds of Ithe htk:iititSts
, transarAql lb,:fore the regular terms of the
- ,Oirts Of.the Ccaity; that evO i r-if JOilge . ,
Green's '('curt Was put pnt4 operation,
it tralltl nut aid in ,iefieving the civil busi
not:4 or.the Connty--saying in effect that if
fifteecn Weeks O,f, criminAl liusine,ts Wert;
from the present court, that the !civil:
.boAneks . of the CountTy cOuld not be re
tiered to Ow extent, which half is if not More,
than half the time the Court sitr, durittir, the
year. ffoty sup!' a ritlienions statOnent;
-,..ieould be addressed jrentlemen .
• can hardly conceive. •
(We were tlMrged. with {wing a conunitte
-. of tine.on the sul.jeet, represe9ting nn one ;
and that we went to Judge Breen, froni per;
. sonal motives, and interfered Siitli iJiearD
for the 'appOilllnont 4f au
atld anal Jaw judge, iii
iliafge it tipwortli i. i
laeriollFl Imrit;p, weSrep4.seii ted the
of ifie people tbid
. .
:- County, in
.1. oipoling the' appolinnoint of
: t uatulditionaaaw judge,.while we haYe al
. Oady twO laWl3iidgeti, one 'Of whiehis . 4loln4;
not tang, and according tOii decision of tin!
:.- Supreuw . Court,.ife can occupy the olllce for
the ten ye.tna,' whether he perform, :Any• dn
ties or not. The I , eeotiti 'ehlarge is entirely
tu4rue. We knew nethins titiy moposed
'l.:tirratigentent Until tl.n 'had been 'sent to
~. :•kAarrlabufg, and it 1519 repriented there that,
Judge Green wa4 a Party to it. ;
Wo • received . froiii_ljarrkburg, and
tll)Ubtllig . 14t -3tatement, dye made . Inquiry
_undlinnul tintt , the original 'understanding,
adopted at a•nteelingof the nteniber6 c l. .ui the
— Bar, of botit,Political parties, participated in
Ly Mez. - ...4r..3..4 - W. Hughes and :1:1 . . H
-Walker, and 1:y several Republican lawyers,-
' • (some of whniii, afterward. had their;narnts
; used at lerrh4airg against their iri-ifies. fox .
this f.ttliti(inal laW judge buslttesso .was
the putvo,t. -of- taking steps to put', Ju!lge
Qieen's rt into operation. 'When lles,,rs.
.2 . 0. - Iturlies and Waker afterwards• hacked out;
-of this aresitgenient.., then Judge Green .ot
!‘ , -course ceased to act with *them on, the 5ub
•••,...-.' ' '.je2.t and - sonic. of the• Republican lawyers,
,`r. — i
- holrad acted with thq m, -at the meeting,
-,-. ceased to:AP - prove of further action, and did
not expec'to have their natives uSeditt.Bar
. =rislytire for a third law - judge, after-the Dent
. oerats bricked out from having a supplenient
~P usSed to . put the Criminal Court; in Opera
- ,
. i..... Lion. . 1
.. It wa's' alsii-ussernsi at 'Harrisburg ;that we
' ' badonatle•this:a patty question.. This is not
:true. ; - Thret.• years agoi when we took- the
,-- reii6i., Bill and Criminal:Cotirt Bill to Flar-'.•
' • .rlsburg, we were supported . by men .of all
••• ;parties:but we soon • found that these bills
. Fero. opPosed by the Democratic: Metubers , oU
0... t.
... this County, anti all' th • Deniocratie caeca
~.,: ttis in the I, re, while they knew
tlnit if Passeti•they Could elect the Jtitige •in
the k't;11.... We also ft%utrtißing in 'the Sen- - .
<.:. , 1 -rite, cOmposed :of Democrats,alid Republi
,.-I.::•,,ettus, who controlieW btu tutijority ; - so that
ono bill ofinY"kind 6641d,be passed ;through,
- that Legislature while this Ringexisted. It ''false that 'we .were, the ftrSt to
• --, • . :Make it- tr.SParty, question: - The Democrats
:-; ': made it a party question, and • wealien Se
t ... c:pted- tia issue, 'and asked the counties •ot.
~..: .'lllutphin.aild Lebanon. to:unite: with,. us. in .
:Sunning a district, lw• , eause Schuylkill County.
~.... • was the best markvt their, qtrmershati, and
tlieyaisoliad been *driven oat , of, this Mar.:.
.- " 'ket: by thetuurdercrs an ruftlank_that In-,'
. ):-tei , .cted our County . , and were altuckst l as much
intkre;ted 311,\• maintaining law anal ordee
Bs,the'eiti4eii of Satuylkill Ware.
hen pushed. the..tnatter stt strougliT.PaatitlieT
Ftiit iv .. ..l.rehir..etitovote for it, or be exposed,
x :it 1t :nit eufsing
° Tlie.:.e are the faeti ease.
„Kis .`rather involliating :to .see „TOpuldiL
'eft#.4 dins' iteti r infing eats-paws fur the
racy mA*l., and Republican
• isligure ..feenflug4 airiposeii to tip used to.
. 2 legislate :against Ithe -11epu bikni» of this
:•'.'', - *Uoptity', , parieularly after Democrats .te-'
.':fa.4eo"tokis.Ssi in. niakinita lase passed 03 put
the - Crimilial cowl in orratlon, ' , But We
every' reason. to believe: that' Goy
-4' ernor . ktinwitdetertninat to
'net the interest - of law' and, or
der, retiefieh Went aini'rgfOrm-- he will not
..lainetion,the projt.v( for a titjakla:*. judgein
4 County', even if the hilt should
Loth liriiiieheg r • ; mu agfigh*
• nathiii,while those who,lkdvoe sixdditiOnal
f . Di* Judges the Parties who mist- itf
rut ing the eoiart;togo into operation..
of the aiziments-used in 'flarrisbuig,
befaiethe 3 uifithitty,,Conunittee,• 9 in favor of.
itte r ,apix'•datnient or an additional :law Judge,
as that ,rniu been rained* . 'the 404
• 5 10.. the &Al business of
.the - Courts. If this
_. •
.f.xtoregtthat snail have been. *hied from,
this•eauae t it is Certainly outrageous. Three'
yeint agb the: new Crjeainal court vias estab:
I .lished;the:Otninhl - ,biratleil and
- ••
• :tistraket ind _thus yetteve , the: o Cotirt,'
It to rateh.'uii the ditayeil Civil
the new. is -opposed by the
11414;i: Verulittea - fori,
tinri,liush*abcdelaYed and met atiayn ed:
:tom, we . think that judkree at vilhose re
• •, ,- sueli offence; are,iald, should . eel
• in-the interest of public justice,
behove that Kthe aiiisoiiitniorit of a
*l'd _ additiiinai lase jtidge fey.this Coigl - I
. ,
ilitould rumicessarily be made& p -tnis 'f,
;there will be apPlications from manyoth t
!sections of the State foar simibir appointrien
' .. f
which will atitilto the- expenses Of the Ste
in 414 payment -otaalarics, some $160,0*.'
We think it probable that thee are some f-r
distr!icts in the State where the judges
overworked, but they are' riot asking for -
ditional law judges. - ,• '
An impression prevails that the
Cure is a little demoraUXed about , the' State
1 Treasurer, and now is time for cornliina- -
tions to pitch in for the creation of additien, -
al offices and thus provide fora lot of Putgic
i paupers being pensioned on the State Trets
nry for the tax-payers to foot the bills: t
' The men who have manipulated this, ad
ditional law ju..4le Mildness in the.interest 9f
the Democracy; who fought against 1
tier' procured to priatect life and property
this County ;-whOwish to foist men with t
any practice whatever as judges on the be ' '
here; who tided as eaves-droppers inigartiii
burg, to spy upon Republican latiyers' as
they did in the case of Captain BrUmni,4o
hear what they had 'M
say, and who as sist
in maintaining a species of tyranny oVer,
the merribeli- he Bar here - not
- seen f 4 -
Wherein the Sfate—boast that if the Governor
, amid vetri ' this bill in ease it passes . ' he
Legislator), that they will secure itainal
sage oveilas veto. These men - presume u
on their influence with the Legislature.
they prdnime too muelcwe take it. Ay
not believe that with the facts before it,
this Republican Legislature will dam,
anything of the kind.. If they shtii the
publicans of the minority epunOes n ill t
them that they hare some rights also. '
We shall refer,tothis subject again. =1
Milt; following conitriunication Wilk we
find in the Harrisburg TE4E.GRAPI we
heartily endorse, and webelievethat lt nieets
the approval of Republicans of the minOrity
counties who have in vain sought from , Re
publican Legislatures legislation for :their
advantage; while those Legitiatures .:1
accorded to the Detnoenits of In* cotil
whit-they titik 7 Of what thie, to work
a :
..tir for Republican aseendeneY
are to )e thus systematically treatec
elm .. in this action 'eye would not p
to jeopardize any
,N;itid principle Of the'
publican party. which might be at titakti
situply to - administer asignal rebuke t
Republican. legislatt•rs who i negleet and
snub the Republican's of the minority
. i : 14.44 when they ask for needed legislati
' The . eomMunietitlon referred to f4ay3:
);hail to see that you have 'espoused th use of
the minority counties; whieh• (to not r ceive
the tratment •they' 'deserve frui the Re übli
can members (fibs+ Legislature. ;We - ow
!that:4i large portion are disposed I to deal out
'justice to "us ; but a 'certain .portion alwaYs act
with the' DemOcratie party On impertant politi
cal qudstiOns, which, are right - nd just in them
selves ulthout affecting the rights erchliers.
In sotrie.df the Noun es . the injustice has been
carried to such an lex ent that some twtears
`ago a callt:Rad' been ffeparea mid signe ' by a
number of .prominent Republieili ~,i t the
'minority counties for a eonvention 'to b held
:at Reading. This injustice continues to Con
siderable . extent, end there appears to be no
redress. The great': battle for the preserration
of the principles of the Republiean party, has
to be fought in the ininority :counties, ad it is
notorious that w
es the Minority countts that
saved the State last . fall, At that time tt prin
ciples involveA in:this great strugglei'Or the
preset - vatic% of-the t'nion were paramount to
akt - thing else, and at the instance of several
Reptiblhlans it was postponed. We now see
Republiemis unite with the Democrats in the
LegislatureStrilang down even the laws here
, tofore passed for their protection—and they can
ricareely procure the piumige. of any till for
their advantage, while the Democraey II a Re
publieen Legislature Can obtain all they. want
in the eoinities. Under such c moan
stances of what inducement is it to the rk for.
Republican wendencyl Better strike ! hands
with . the Demeeraey. at imee, :and vie h eve no
doubt. they would see ord its ,ufore than the Re
.puldlean memi kers now give us., • . .- t
Under these Circumstances, and now that thy
great -uiwaauresgrooving Out -tit" the rtdiellion
Will be generally disposed of at this seasion of
Congress, a number of pr-miuent ltemblieatts
have deterniined, in ease there is not 4change
in this respect, to call a eonventiOu att.atling,
Re May next, and fora} an organtion d their
own; and pat the candidates in t - field or emi
gressional and State officers, wilt run 1 em in
dependent • id the candidates 'in the 'tnalority
counties. This we are determined to do; and
we therefore . give !Donee in time, so Titat none
can Complain aftefwards that thtiy wertf not in
forined of the turntenicut.
. , . A REI , MILIi r •AN -
k - •
I.xcal ; filatteri4...i. - ' .
_ .
L 1; Saturday....
2, Sunday .
Mon d s,ty
1 Tuegduy
2 W(!duesday
:t .Thurgduy
• •
II" N i ' . -k. t' ..
:Si Aitrii. h. ' ". : l) ' SC ' ' NoOlg 14 'RANGE&
.RISE-3 , 131.1T8
. .
5 SATCFLUA.I"...' 6ao : 5 .
ArI.ZDAY. . G ; 5 57. New M . . , 344 mu
MDAt ! 621 -5 .18 Flrmt. Q. 1 /5 frfo
8 TVESDAY.....'. f; 21 5,.4 Full 34. 1 856 tan,
0 WEDIsTEADAY. ; li Ii Last Q. 111 , 42 ev
10 t.s
Tfru1n,4,1'..., 7 21; 8 1 . -New M:3 U,2 ev
_FKIDAY.• 1:11 10 6 2 * ,
I To-morrow.---Tenth Sundiv (tithe
first in 'Ltuit: hay's length, it holt
The gem. G. W. Gniliey, D. D., w 11 preach
1 - in. the *Tend Presbyterian . i; Market
I, Square, to-nforrowi inortili!g.. and e - enhig, at
103 nd 73. If elm*. All are invited. I.Seats tree.
, .
. . . .
y" 1 -
Aurdiway.—A horse attached to a agon took!
fright yetcnisiv on the St.. Clair road from they
breaking of theliniebolt which ite . arated filet
body of the wagon front the runnin! gear, and 4
the horse' ran into the borough wiU i the front;
wheels of the vehicle. .. . . .
Miss Olivit Logan•trtade'sneh a fa
pressitufAylille here on Thursday in
"Girl's;'on - that she has been invite•
here about the 17th of April and deli
turf nn •Parls, in. which city she
several rears. understand that
has aeeepted the' nivitatien. • .
' _ k
Arming the names of the .oftleer st iost on - the
rotted Statbs steamship Oneida near Yoko:.
/lama on' the MI ult., Ace nbsekve the name of
W.' Uhler, of Lebtmon . coUnty,
ho graduated' in the class of lt•lOtlattAnnapolis.
Mi. Uhler wt - oi appointed from the. pistrict "on
recommendation of Hon. Myer Sir 'use. - •
. , . . .
t i
•liearly Sit - ifocaled.—On Tlturstitee.niglit two.
men :were sent to Mr.'desepb_ Wo Ts - , colliery,
oh Sharp to o untai tl; - for the. purPo. " of Watt ttr'
lug-tile 'place. Boltz-the men laid ()wain thp
entdne house rind went -to sleep. Th;• . y were
fonnil,yesterdav ' morning- in •an In neible.eoul
ilition- Irian inlialtng.lhe sulphur- + icing' from
the enal stove." .. , -, . . e
, gore Chaiice.----14* reference to .or lidvertis.,:
"log columns it will be observed ib tti-Tatoable'
,tract of A,Tithraeite Coal =l..lnit,...sit ..on two- ,
independent.eoal-earrying railroad . ~coorsdning
six line 'tennis of coat, is. clffered, fo ta1..?:19, such
parties as willsittruish capital for. pelting . ode
'or two CaIIiGTIV.4. Thiq it.a.rare o . nee for any
0rieidi414,,,A,...,ht - 12*.r' ix . Abto the husi ens.' . . t '...
~,i, ..
' '. * ..
•., . .
Stilt for paliaroa.,-.- , . e .liargorr, ;3i.holley,
oh ,,
411' SL , ClaW; widow •of _.l u . Srhol3 L ey, the .Itran
who'n - wi killetlinst week ear Mulinnoy 'Plane r .
33 y hoinwprecipitated tiOu- -an. ein ninktnent - al
a narrow. plooe' in, .the .ro 8,, hint, liroxiglit.suit
againstr , lialiii3l6y! t03,3 - niiii p, fox ' damages; of
4/0..064). 'She 4thitriis finit,ithhi rood wins it
reiniir. iti,i4 'this Nri ‘ is' the ( . .. ziO,A3 ot lir? -Iktiornt's r
„1,.; ~.- - • ' '.• •' ' .
Mining ir • • .
Aeotdan.,.."lll: anettlef't opeiikred at•
Lueas •• et.- Denning' s • ooltie.ty oti Islntridav,
wtitelt two men fituretio . l l anti Doianer
%tern 4rioutty. trijaredi t ';. sv - exepengageA in
tittnOingi haie. a. !mi . insidi4 thOtinnel*,lieti
an explosion' oeourreai Itoltine.trivzoliably
lose an .L. , told Burchtil one ban It btjhttitgltt,
E thel Y hatrzior tit elio j Waes botriojott.iittare when
they i•ounneneol to tMltp !told. •
The bitiefit_ tit Life Insurancels_agMn ilhaf,
t ratett-in the ease of Joseph..t.:' :pleksonrivhci
llitot rad Ida life with E. 'F.. Bode ifiTnt of The
:5 w York Life Insurange Company in beeem
. - r ‘ ,..1,4%, fogii,,taio; paid his si4...ohti inland pre.
1. 4
I .iab u i a lar y o y f , t-14 1 411 .aft in e ll r
a deem a
mi her ,oBll ,' o ll o
eer atid Ny d;:et,
b t :
ehevim to pay' the/4:4w (Whieti;'. th .. 'dividends,
an rated. to. p,olB 4..+4,ii 'Were : - rtafed .b* • thei.
AfiderM of the New York Life vest May - , .alid Nrui:
he handed ver IS the with) . * : o tbe imilseti
.. . _...,
, The tieitisSente.—This" is. o ,,tioir'*Tre and
Whet tericip , tiOthied to soperOode all titberS
for.general.:,porposes. It is eli67.dtitellkand
newand is pronounced toil* th WWfiineo ret
invented 4 is *Asp, Arid • nitddi 1,.-onnltttnetea=- ,
two setiventen-can - - - red - Judi—dotits pt- (us, estilk
or.othex =boils, t - dlittenit
for. mein, or bOyt to trepsired
' , when broken.- Tt
teals per
!yard, and the plebe - Won*
.10 TR* ridltiJearii one. VP* ,
picets; and the posts
~ ..to_34
teat apart. ~ T hen eW , _TAM,
SAM fioObig Weasels led hr
districcopin ts g a
roku railir in Vetter t
of land . or for ten( Z il e ' .
The . right to tiSe
owned by IffrAi•
County, to *hour
. .
I I 2.4
1, '24 j 42
'2l; • '42
•23 :t
1.1 I
Id I -
THE. 'MIN -, - -44 -
, ..
-'. curs tar Hydrimbabia• . ' .
i . Tb. theft. days. ot
mad doge. end *mug* pf tea tam e ihn . .piloer.
In& recently-pi:Mould IP the
Trizeonette, new nette, prove :of untold vane to
some of Oft num? resdete.,—; -'
~_......" ' ...:L.. - .-.:._,_' ' '
whea l i bas bessanuemine a awl sosoions!
is etreeteel ea onatonta or baltiWro t ei
11. It shoat& be - applied • at. twee to Irm
wound.' I is* thoworalihnot better thowthatrast
:sent. or squawk &Oars. who moMw to baso•allea-
Tentive.. .a. rabid doe map)itlia bait peet
and not one of teem maybe affbetedwtib
us; axle, on theotber Bannoe dorotext.
bite a stnelepereoattne pollute e,yot, .
• Coraputtng Intsrest-,,t`new methOd bf oinn
putingintereston a»y nutober of dollars a 04*
per cent . whielt appftirs-01 - 1: 71toit1ply Iy
given number of dollsta by the number ofdayis
of interest deslredv - separate The ".right hand
figure, and divide by ex ; the results the tree
interest of such stun for such number - of ,chkra
at six per cent. This rule is so Simple and so
trussuroollng fo all busi;►esa ussipke. that every
banker. broker, merchant or cleric:should post
it np for reference: There being no Bich a
thing sass-frsetion,litere is set:rely; any
liability to 'error or, mistake. Hy no other
arithmetical process resit Ttite desired 'informs
tion be obtained by so_fellv dip:trot
Jottinga.—OnThuradayevenlag abaft:Week
a fire occurred atLiewellyn,bYwhitheltarne--.
house belonging to Mr. Colewas.destrOyed,
The Pottsville Ssengerbend gare a grand ball
at TJnion Hill on Monday evening.
Wal. Washington, a colored man of. Ude bo
rough, was killed at Silver Creek by a wagon.
upsetting upowidui, last. Sunday. • - • •
.Mrs. Whalen, an aged lady," - .Wh,ile laboring
under ternporary liberation of mind, wandered
away from her home in this borough last Week.
' B.' F. Dtartode'llvefed a lecture at Unicin Hall
on Tuesday evening, which was haply at
Ar. J. Hehr, of Millersville, fell on the ice on
tisturday and fractured his kneep ' •
- A- child of Mr. Zellers, in Minersville street,
was freightfully scalded on Monday. '
The last rail on •tbe Pinegrove.and Lebanon
Railroad was laid on Wednesday of last week.
The Schuylkill District Con'ventinn of Good
Templar% was held at Reading last week.
Robert Langton, of Fishback; was taken to
the Insane Hoipital at the Alms House,. on
Tuesday. - •
~,The mad dogezeiteintnt is raging at Land
0 - , do
Arrested on a -Charge of Marder.—Thos..
Cardon .a miner; was arrested by Constable T.
J. Fitzsimmons, at Raven Rnn, about twelve
o'clock on Tuesday night, on the charge of has - -
ingitilled Robert 'Clark. The facts of the case,
as elicited at the bearing before Esquire; Reed
yesterday afternoon, are substantially esfo.l
lows: On Sunday afternoon, Februnry on,
Clark and Robert Oliver were walking up the
railroad track. running ithmg a steep ernbank
inent about fifty feet highOtetween Oiratdville
and Colorado Colliers. when cardoiv. eaineolp
and deliberately knocked Clark down the de
clivity, from which he sustained Ittjuzies,
-which. it is asSerteti, resulted in iihi death. -lie
was taken to A house nearby where be lingered
in agony until Thursday, the 24th of February,
on which day death relieved hiSsufferinga. lie
remained eonseions.up to Wednesday morning
'preceding his death, at which. time his mind be
came delirious. Ho leaves a wife and live small
children to mourn his untimely end. Cardin,
the accused, is a man sit medium`stature.. about
twenty-eight years of age, intelligent looking,
and`an Irishman by birth, en 4 from his general
appearance wo would never suspect hint, of be
ing a min eapalde of perforniing so desperate
au act as the one of which he stands, charged.
After a somewhat lerigthY liewriug of the ease,
he was committed ;to prison to await , trial at
court. Liu Bartholomew', Esq., conducted the
examination for the Corn - The pHs- ,
oner had no counsel.
if we
v) but
. .
IN art. rootra, letters and correspondence 'addreseed tt
this (dike, and Intended frir publicatin. must have the rem
halfh , or the wilier *au" .thed.—i not that we shall pribli%lt It
but for our in forinattoli.)-4 and la vt rillen On fitie alde of tin.
paper only. Otherwise, tk , ie”vlll go liar the'riaste-basket
—Etas. Jul! /41:41,
ii4l4Al4BClig •
The Govertuir ltal4 approved the following
hills since our last :
Authorizing the County Commissioners to
r4eive a , stipfdeindinal return front :Slartin
Fo4ley, who eollevted the taxes
. for :Michael
Fooley, deceased, formerly of C:iss township.
An act RxtendititOilie revision of an act
relative to committing magistrates ilif.the coun
ties of Lebanon, Dauphin, Adams andi Frank
lin, approved the '?„14.11 day of Idnrelt, A, D.
iseel, t o the counti6 of Somerset and „Schuyl
kill. • :
. This act requirk qll romtnitting -Magistrates
to return all ,coniplaints in eri : cases with;
name of dpfendanti, hail. and witnes4is, to the
District ; A torney •Within fir day'n after the
binding o 'or or cOmmittal, under penalty of
t • • - 1- '
r 6orporat-itig 1116 Miners' a 'n4 Labor
shing Company of Pennsylvania.
'Parker, J 114;
10 • Gardner. Atialetson,.
. Foley, Inn. N. Eyan , ,..7o.s.ii:ealey,
t Morri k Allows company to how
estate a.-4 may be necessary in the
of theibtisiness; to main nevq,
An act it
cry publ
Ineorpora ,
And Rohe
nuelf real,
ful by-laud
to exceed
titre. Thil
of seven
a and have a seal. Capital stook , HO!
21 - 000, lit $.l aliateA. Object; the . Mi
. of its in seioneeptirl literm
inanag - eMent is to be in the liand4
ireotors; Ono of Whom shiill be Pre :4i+
dent, ancl•
Ist orlsfit : ‘
other Treasurer of the kqiiiiii4rty.
etlonti tako.plitee-,on of before th
1810, titt.'.er notice given through th
Nfoxt - vitt orramaquft. t • •
neorpriratlng the Slienan,dOilh. Writer
inpany:! Corporators, Her..
Reagan, .1 is. 13 IteDoitaltf,
litny, Dan. lirosius; Auttniny Droit,
Water to he taken from
An alt
and Gam
ing, 0,
Mart in 13
and Thn.
nd frortil ,the
'ty of suluiry
_pt! or. 'conipanieS
ng the n olintatti on the north mirie.Of
: Capital stock, Pi,(Y.ifii dividEti
Mares oflo each. .
•roir.hling . for the health and': safety of
ziployeditiz oral mines. This .act is
known - as ."TUrnersii,;"'. or the
'Ventilation bill." This bilk, through
(ins of Nr,rt Steele, backed loy his', eot -
the licitise, was brought ^up yoster
r suspenision of the itules, aftei a
'it endeavor to ainerni, was' jiassed by
tons vote.'. Fifteen minntes had
Iv's Run
the grope
situate al
into 5000 ,
L i
An net
the exert
day um
-very gig
a unani
i i- 1 ~
i, i
the han
npsed after the copy had: p*led from
of the Clerk before the ftotiwitor land
affixed- hill signature and it had beeonie 4 law
of the State. , .. , . - ; ,
The wOrkifignitittand miners cannot cot nulaln
of the prievisions of this act, as theY,were. ori;„< ::
nally drawn up with , a careful regard to their
welfare, andafterWards altered and:amended to .
suit the wishes ofitheir comudttee,'"Which, from
the begi-ming, has -been . on lututtto - engineer
and acetlerate. 'lts ',passage- ' • ' • ' •
• As we before stated, its final passage, was' a
foregon conclusion, and nothing. Short 44,Prov
idence e uldlurce stopped it.. With- the .grin
ning, a astly visages of the Vieth* ofthe .Avn•n
dale di aster staring; them :lit the eyes, and
ahakit their 'fieShless fingers iri ' their .faces ;
I )
with Lb solemn wail of anguish from the pale
lips of reavod widows and orpliansrinaingin
their . , and- the jealous eyes Of ti watchful
constit eney upen- them, the members 'of the
Leg ure dared riot bnt accede hi the espies- -
ed desh es of those most interested; mid I t the,
general'. wish' - of , ' the community at ' 1 rge.
•Whettur this ticeirt all its isirts will, utee the
exigen le a of thqmstc - And redound to the !best
inter of the miners? time only will deter-
mine. -, ut lf.throno its provision:4 a - single I
valuable life is staved to a eotnimunity.or ahem°
presertled to happiness, then will'it have served'
its object, and . more than • compensated Tor. all.
the • ti,.. and ntoney necessary to . its. attain
andeoutinuance. Let those who execute •
Its regtilations be guided by wisdom. • -, •
The friti.ctnient of the Miners' Flespital• and
Asyludt- bill intO a law , is a certainty, being
onfv tilnatter ofitinie. There is, nod expressed
eppesition to-U.l. ". - ' • • ; : ! - .
', • To -day the Senate bill providing for the ap-
• potntnientefaupther litiv Judge tor Sehuylkill.,-1
County 'will :be reported •to, the, House . from .1
Comfaltlee.'- • The, wires will
..eotninulticate he
result. : , `• :,"•.,. ; . -.- , - , , '
,T to ght,-..ot•rthia bill has - heen'-intensb, and
• con ' erablefeeling has been exhibited. l'oli
" th!Shas'enteted into. - the mettsnre, aid the final
'result !eau milt, be giissed ' at. -'', The - Senior
Editoripf the Ji2rutial. has been ilicire working
'in behalf Of the opponents of the:: bin,' 'while el
'very stroweentininee-frum•tl4"PlittsVille Aar
has - been here icfaid Wad tissist the Cenntk mom-
bets: 4 11, it-4. s '..Pkt'ketwe. - As thigillegial-Ature is •
mighty , riugetEain an its workings,Ave wilrhaz-
art' rul•npinihn,[ "Jud ni
ging fiethe irt
great qu-
'bee offtitionsitunteretedy m
signed .by .em-
-hers b es aver in the passage of the
" bill, hich hay been presented we are led to • 1
believ, that '. thc. art Is. not
_desired by "th '
'Mr. Keene littS priebnitil lii the 'HUM* a pre
:amble alid"reAtoftitien setting : fi trth that as ger
.tain,ictilraaa eqrparstions. existiog under the
laws If this Commonwealth sre , charoing exef-,
halm rates for freiglatand - tratieportation, wn
trsty trjaw, tin - t 1 the interetts of the citlrens;of
Ala 0310414M5 - Ith; . and 'tts,„it, great injustice
Atka - With defiel eteby, to Indifhluals and "-oor=
- Porathin, by t;l>hrming More tritietPortation than '
the etonmoditY'/will. sell - far in :market. AT.,
-therefore, that:a cornnifttee be appointed, by the
,Speii*ers',of tile - Senate bud House of RePresen
. tati Yes to I prestlgato the matter.; Itud have•pq we r
tb setdfor Perf/11 and Papers, ity, t . -*
, i i .
„.: ,
~. ;: ..- 1 ,• : - . - • •.• ---., - Sil-tvt.KII 1.. '
Even, and
1'; mid 30
,orable in
ter lecture
to}ret urn
esilled for
• •raw, Aftss
. I'.p`n . msyrtax„, March Atli, 1 R7O.
- The 'mutt 9%4M-of:the week-was the_ cleldng
of the Mission La St4.Patrick's Catholic .Church
a this Owe.- . It.was eortducted. by the Jesuit
FAthenix 2 dethlAre, Shinestrect aka lloone, for
-the opilittuil be'nellt. , tbe :above ;named. ;con
iiirFirstion• thelfiasion sermons were
preselied-:inditting . and-evening,' by Fathers MeOLdreund 'lti!rie.itieet. ...In the afternoon' by.
Fatter Boone, The. °veiling *embus were
forlhe Most pelt doctrinal and argumentative ;
Welt lealcuLsted to waken thought,• and carry
t;onVfiation.: - ' The .die(wymoit..were. elo
uedfaral beMitifuLL beautiful fur truth, .and
is no Usably wither& truth,: The swam,
'of thin Illesloif will be betteiahcitrn' s by Mating ,
, few. tact*. _About eigin , tbet*Tial)en 6 bng aP - ;
Plutee4 the. trijfkba Penattee,l six minuend
at h 'Patrick' 'alone; partook, oft the-bread of
. life.
t n i e lt retnalittler commianleated . in' the'
neigehun - Twenty-Are, oonlrenik
(12 man an "IllWottien,)lmonnced their errors ,
'And Were rencivedinto the Clitivel nrk 'Sunday.
evening' in: thepreeenee :ef ,tram, twenti-tive
'MOW to tOreila 'thpossod p t . ps ;
.Bas lcles
there Aireothitiv typei,i4lsidtructionif. if the.
pastoral rtNidarice•prepering,for tho_fLatMsMent
•ofhtisptisan....-Those rects,ste - the best erldeno
- of th e auceess Lif the Staten amtability of the
- .Fethers, trhe kontlnefedlt..', The - - /ditssiuttaries
'were ; assiated by the Beni tle4o.•of the (parch,
.. D - - . e ploine_r. tile, , r4ty . . t . iitltifTfait- 1
- erl ire d*.tteittV, - ktitteezi: 'Vitiate Le 11,04
ir - ept, eputpoeti elutt6qtl leirime , -this bete'
. _, , _..„ i 5 t ...,;-0 ~. ...:..-,ti • -,::.,• ~ 1 - ' ".!--t, • '''''
• ttiaaiiXti boat
female. Op_ should ihrtgintli
hemalter w n they wish toathhesekßritt
they muit proninmee the:. mime, Bri-
The tuar*lf ithinette reatittlis It. •
_ e:*
OaWad* '-.....•,.--,. , +,•
- :. - Zatrita.ooll
. CPloiseer " .;..........---.llAshland--...; -",-
oiPrest44ll No. 2...---,....... 4 GlLnirdviLleL.-....---.' t - ...
• ikr0 1 . 14,1 7 :750utita1n..:.,..Z.-.: Raven Ilide,::::-. - ..-.-.
liriataliciaii Oottiery:-....:-I ..—..-4-
12 , 1Auttorl ..,...._4 auwarcity....;-:.-- - ..-
tvelano . _..--:..,. Madmanoy East._ ..----
----144iarkma .• - T--- ...:.....1
: - ial3l)e - Clti cigUe=ll Cit 7----
16;Tuamaa:Cosii Cb; , ".- f. . edo - ..: • N0rth.....:.. 17. Plank Bridge, .... . .-
I -dp .. • . FAM-......;;-
. al 4 : Preston No.ll o -' " Givardville 5i0uth.........;,..
wins*Fornsee 't i iorville
Heath ,--' ---;
2.l:Glenatirei_, • - -!` ,• 1 (314, Cisrboi:......,
P.; 16111896.111: .,-
Z ; Eagle HUI
, 2, Windy Harbor
2i' • - 2.
" • "
NI Maple DO^
31-Pbaer F‘orresk.i.—
' - •••,
••• ........
aiAwatara No.
3fit , do do t
Sdo do ....
.Newkiwn ......
, .11.aarreneeCoalarT--4--
' , 44044 , nu"Ook do
43. Honey' B Hr rook d . ...
44; do do do •
• -
-45; do • do. do -Iv..
Sii Heckscher Rippe
47 , 311., Pleasant
4 9 43411 .. ..
o :Tunnel No. 1 -
0- .......
fili Mammoth Shaft - 2 • ----.-.1.-1
.. , -;Righ Mines Coillery..... ] •
53 , ,Ilearer Run -0, • .4..
(4 St. Nichols', '. O
• 51 , 1:11/1 &
36 Primrose
's7 l Middle Creek
5 , 1 dry SO !
5 ,, • do
41 Donaldson Slope 1
. 61 - do do ..
do - do __Li
- GTTremont Colliery
&US watars do
)'Brookside do .............
so rciwor City do '
67Kanseh Creek
01' do do do ,
do , do , do
'To Mammoth : .do
71 DlarPcind do
Kear'Bl 810 .....
311ue 11111 !lop
71.51 t. Latree '
' Pine Kn0t..... ._...;-...
7.. Virest. do
7.,31an hat ten riliart t
78 Koar's ....... :.. .
:.' 6 Pr. , ston . ,-110' I
Lriger eln '
• 61 Sitter Cresik
Beech Wood
• 8 Elevenue,eo.rery
14/ Dexter 7
.do ......
1 8 . /..l,liinean
' Christ Frantz
8. do
-ti do ..
8' Saylor dope '
Broad Mountain C. C 0.,....
97. fk.,sron Run..,....,.
91.1)ranr Colliery
6_ J, <leaver
Bowen. ' do;
Pl - 411.1r0nc . , • do:
Kat;ka William -do .
18. John Johnson do
117 Kentucky. _do
•.9 '.wilt Creek. do'
yY d., do swamp do
to Kni , kerix . ,cker do
Wl ilarr. do
Al • do.
'rD (hi •
- I ti lbrcl.xr dJ` •
1 eh ig,,ist 7.11:illatIOY do .
107. c TelY
htt Creitton • • do
11.1 Grant do
'lll rllif , ll do
ILlA:Alberto", - do
113 Keytdone •
CaAtio (i
in Spruce Foiest, 'dti .
11S hale, . • do
117'1.'01111'n f• relal dd
{IN 4..ilr.rril Manor - do
lii Chuyier ', di
121, Wm. I'enit ti
1..1 runnel Bldg.:, chi ~••
it.: Wl.p.tatt - Ad
IV. Loriswry do
121 New Ina Bate do
1L:. Turlicov I:un eo ' .
IK,COaI ((Wee - - dO
IL' , ore4tvllle do
its Diamond 0 dO
tts fluekville - 1.14
13 • .Reeves bate - ' dcs
-131•:iew Kirk' • (la
1:t: Reeves Dale tiO,
MI Pardon, new do
Ili'New llnston do
111 fidwaqua • do
I:t.. Koldu.sw Shaft
/37 New:••thatt Colliery . '
13:. Big 31tne Ittitt do ... .... ...
Et, sthart., Mt do .... -. .. ..
14:.i.Feeder Data:Colliery
-143 Norwegian Cual Coy;.
I+l Foster TunneL
14; Colliery', L._
lit. Primrose dci ........ 1....
• 117 Si. Clair do.. .
.. I Mount! Pleasant Slope
14'1;Gieenbury Valley- Cot
DU 1)1111(in...I do •
A - 1V ACT To illrorpor4M. the Miners' Ilutpitat and
A Aldatn Sehrtylkill thenty.
Wdigit.nas, The risks and dangers attending the
mining, preparing and tmnsportlng of coal are so
great, that accidents and; casualties are of constant
necurrenee, rind many peridms so engaged are :in
jured and maimed in ; body and limb, who, from
want of means or 'other- causes are not properly
cared for mid suppiled with the necessary medical
and s'argleal aboistance, ;
j AND la"ltydighs, humanity and public duty.' de
mand that proper provision be made for the care,
cure, and relief of tlictselrho are ,thus injured and
mnlined, and of those who become permanenljrand
entirely disabled by reason oration injuries.. There
fore. , • •:
' it enacted by the Senate and Muse of
Reprm , ntativc-Itsrthi. Oilimptitreezilh of Penlisigrania
in General ~ I sseintAtt met; and it ii.lierthp enczetetA Ly
the authority (1-the same. That the trustees to be
elected no is hereinaftm 4 provided together with: the
successors. in ()Moe, shalt be, .and they are hereby
made and conetittited a body politic, and 'corporate
inflaw ; and faet.under the name, style, mid tltle.of
Um Miners' Iluspital und Asylum of Schuylkill
County.. • *
! 1 See.' d.That the, said corporation by 'the . same•
name. stile and title, shall have perpetual suives
, fikuLamilx..abletO soo.lani be sued to plead. and be'
hotleaded in pll courts Of Aim. and elsewhere to
ha veand makes' corporate.seal, and shell be able and
capable in law and equity to teke, , 7ourchase, hold,
'nod receive to, them and, theirsucceseors; any !Ando,
tenements, goods and Chattels, or other property,
Which shah or may, at any time hereafter, bereme
the property of the said corporation or body politic ;
by purchase, O n , grant., bargain. sale, conveyence,
devise, bequest er.otherwise; from any person or
yersons,j'W howsoever, capable qf making the same,
and the ,same: to grant, bargain' sell, improve, or
dispose of. for - the useandhenent of the said cotpor
talon. Prot-id 1, That the net yearly, income front.
! the real estate b ? the said corporation - shall not ex
-I,,,ceed ten thousen,d.dbliers.i - .
_. !,
I sec. 3. That rid misnomer of, said corpomtain or
their . successorii shall detests or annul any gift, grant,
- devise or bequest to the said corporation. 'Piroelded,
That tpe intention of the party.or parties, shall so t_
fielently appear ,u - pon ,the face of) the gift) grant,
will, or other Writing; whereby any estate of inter- •
est was intended to -pass to the said torpor/aloe' :
Sac.. 4. That - the object of said corporation *hall be •
' to erect, establish, anti Maintain in the County of
Schuylkill, ate place to bong::thy the said 'corpor- •
anon withltequice and easy access tom all parts of
the mining regions of.midebent.Yett - 40spital and
:Asylum for the care, treatment., cure acid relief, free
of charge of all.those who by maim of accident. and
casualties, in sod about- the m i nes , nt liraiht and
canals of said.Ceiltity, or about railroad/rand 'canals
elseerbere; but am, 'residents bt said ..Ontinty,' - aud,
employed in the !transportation of coal from .the are or may at any t hue. hereafter be injured in
body or limb, or are or may be permanently and en
tirely disabled bY ireasmetaf_aid 'pieties, and who
• may apply for and require mama oreamical treat.,
ment and attention. : Proridtd, That the grounds
- CciraiTetTed - With - Abe said :Hospital •and Atijiinti,
Shall not at any tinteexceed, tiny agree, •'• ,
Ste. 5. The trustees of the-said corporatinti;•shall -
eonst it ute the board of msnegere, anti shal i be fifteen
in marnbee; to be elected' as followet three be the
Borough Couneil of the Bortingh of P.ottseillet and
one each by the respective borottgh councils of the
bormighs of fit.,Clair, Ashland,' Port Carbon, Malls- •
oy. •City,,Tainaqua;..Tremont,,Sehtlylkill Rave n , Shentlosh City; Minerseille t t i Girardyille,-,. New
iphlUdelphia and- Plnegresee, , :all ftfteell:to be a regular meeting of e .std. councils af-
Ter fefr dupe - not - tee to themembotesoe the lon n e on
br before thefirst day,!of ;clay oat, sad :who. ARIL
serve far a period of•three years, except - those elected
at the firit- elation, who shall be devided into three
'elasses of fire -ltach :, sad which classes shall :serve
respectively for the pethai of Anse, two and three
years from the date of their election, and until their
i•"nceeiseirs shall have been duly elected to be 'deter-
mined by , lot ad thentst reviler meeting Of the said
hoard of Managers Which shalt be held upon the
. I
clxt,terd h daymf Ma,' , in the Borough of Potteville, -
any vacant:7 occurring in the said board,'hy death,-i
resignatton, removal from' the County. or meabltitir
bean be filled by election for the unexpired term, be '
the borough cOancti of the borough entitled -to 1111 1
the said ite first regular meeting afternotien
reeeived of itakracancy from the said. boatel of.'
managers, upan the expiration of the term Of tier-
*fee of arty of the said trtueees the respective ho-
rough councils, shall at the first regular 'meeting.
Itherelofore, or thereafter, elect assulxgate tO' ! sieve
fifer &period of three yetsaaral the-former trustees '
',shall be eligible to re-elation, it is hereby enjoinedthat said corporation Nail be competent and be-
Inerolent persops who will petform`the Settee of the
Ofnee from, pure and charitable motive. githeutany, .
Rotary and Who are hereby prohibited front furnish.;
ling for pay oremoinment anything either, directly,:
'or ledirectlyi : in the 'erection, of the "neeinsaarre
for said hospital or Tor the enneetrs and .
Imithatenance of the same thereafter, . .. , !
See. 6. The telardbf Managers shall - bays; 'resitr,
dip make bydawaandreirola i tm: the govetraclent.
saf thetorporation and the tuegenaent of the holt-i
If i ltal and other propee-4... t keepi n g . o e. t ne .
. tads and securities and other property, and itself'.
appropriation and use for the
_proper . purposes et
itlie.corpqration. requiring good ; and! suttelent se,
equity from the treasurer. fee whatever Moneys. se '
icurities, or other
to properiy, may cane Into Ids end.,,.
tmly. - shall h&c. power •testa estractelfor tint
erection, furnishing and maintain thii neeetwy_ ,
'bending*, sodgenere l lel to 4o - an neat/V.lM
the par - -i-Ing out of ,the ,p;tisit of this ac
.; Mee
members shall constitute aquartun all (*dinar?
busincstyineluding temperate= of. meet t=te ,
v i r
ate; but-for sulking by- mkt gin
rieg selling: Madge/One Orli_a ! ll_JOlV real estate oe ,
:own capital stock.olthecoOn or tetadrisete ••
moony debt?beyerui tiro hundred dothea,' except'
!for current 'expenses, eight membere shall be:
__,- rw—
! reared to forma 400112111 Meetings. MOB be held
1 ramithlY at each time and platelet WWI be ;teed by
the hydaeee, the beard a numaill Were such'
physictansisnd eargeotre lia• they win - *BOWEL sugpk!
cleat, wheaten form the medial boenl„/04..the .
entire terodical care-of the patients shall-clgeolve oa the said medical baard;the admissiotrandMwharge,
1 of patients, -then .be subject to 7 such ,byeleent and'.
regulation' "I"l3°l"4.°"nalorAr"
thee; t . Th e ofeeersof.themed= ' he
a Presidentoi.VicePreeldent,aTrewsurer, w thaw
beeleeted i 4he boardot tummies hem Weir emelt
• ttfxtv.: sad tes3otirlt. tio. extepetiaatiott -mt. theft,
Aerrieesita ' *ad a heeretam who Ahab be
piat auc h wan , as the board. may dealt% '
, =4, *he, ' but to be ort, of the '
aura -mad-, _
, bee,..X.Faartherep the meats ./
~• 7: •, -
111 4 Ws Pirel:2r=faida4or mite , i ,
- - -11114 *W
.:- •••,, • .„ • • teethe; ar ' l O - oatreinti ,
. ...:: bi - iligeselt . ir lywk - , 4. steu rir:_____ ` 141 1. -
sr* ams - or , ~i maw
Ab i lot sl = l" Ulidiret Trtalf
other tiltalrea
"are la m. .
• to eolltet thitakt tat ov -- "=1
'^~T.~~% 2 ~.
:' -- - : i..4- - ,'*:w. - i::'o4•l7,**o,o::**: - s:.*,
cci.5a:_..:.:.... -.
Ipn Carbowlcorth.....
Stier . *1460: West
Ace!di Pirk
-do do ...-.--...,-
t. ... ; ... ; ..
d oF
d o
o o
- • do -
do —l.
P. R. R. R. Planes Wert.
Girariville- •
P., It a. 11,;, it — Planes
New Pottsville
Ido do
do - • ad' .. .
I'Heekseherville ......
•.• do do
do do ...... .. .-
_do north ...:..
atattanay `Sort
;St. Nicholas_
o .....
Tremont Co d al Co
I ldiddle Creek '
do •
do do- •
Wm. Valley.
do •. do ......
IR. C. West' South
do East .........
do West
Wolf Creek • -
du do
3i. IL 0
• do West.
. • .
t " do do .
I ,llleeksehervllle
,134ine nut grip Nortk..:
4T .3trarciville
,Stbrer Creek
dcr _`do: East...„..
"„,lit. Lidice ~ :.. . . ....
do trout .... .
do' ”
do- North
,do West ...... ...t,
;P. 411. R. R. new PPl ate.t te.
Titilaielphia City Crier..
II!. R. R. Plane East.
tAtiltlakid north
„ du do
. Nliddlepott West
Tainativa south
,Taitearora We,4 •
da . Sort h ... ..
do •
~ Wast.thouge Ilutt
do to East....
dodo West_
do CIO :do
.tdianoy N,l
do d.
• do
do dn.
dck .•
do do
Big 3tib .....
Locust Ilale!4qutij
Yevi tlkstle.
(1-o - •
pit.. Clair
:Sliver ()reek `
Raven Run
do- .do .. -. i
;Phtladelplxist C ty , Tract
, Mahanoy West ......
!St, Nicholas
• Lorberrs Creek ;
, New
. 31tddleport F.:a\ t
• ForesdviVe
Reeves '
tNew Kirk.: .. .
IReeves llnle soutli
do do „ do ,
New Boston •
!Tamaqua North!....
tdo. East.,..
111g.Mine limn West
Pottsville S4ttth
!- do '
'Ttiynaqua Laud Co
, :llartigutnn3rav%
•• 4`*-"'•
..--,-,:j.'4:'`..',:----j - ... _ . 5 .,, , , : : 1 -
,--.1;;, "'-':f,
I' - '-',liiAlite) owicEn; • --,
:'-''./ . ii _
hct. care 4 ,........... - -4: : .. Morthall & C0.,.,..,.. 7 ..._
Wethtwell - ‘ll, . in.-14-7,, *--'-'
* BliblW . -•-•,. olin & Co.-.-' ,.
P. Brook Ma o.. ' ' - Pattatare & Co-....-- 2.
Girard 114tani-, "-----
pldladelphia Coal Co-r.....- 8
- do 'ao 4 - ;:, . ' do -• do': AO .
de 4 - ato- --,...- • ~.....,..4.,t0014.."1
J. P. Brook & B1; - :"•.. ' ' Itazieroft, Lewhi&Co.-- A
Girard Heir5..—.3....,..... --4 Moodey A c 0.................-:. -,
~ ..4..-ij....- 4 11. D. iirtiltleser.:-, .;.- . .-- 1 4 -
i tio-... 1 :-.. 1 -...4'.4:4Wlietittitie& Weal ..r,..-4. ...ii
PattersowHeirs.... - ...,.....4., ,Wzn, Patteriori....,...-11
Delano Lend C0...... r ..........,..74G0rnian it- (b.. . -,....4:-.401 11,.
do ..
Ido ............j-113cdan*Con & C 0.....- - ,f 1.71.,
J. P. Whited; 430-....-....-4. - 0 Roads & C 0....— 8..1--
Philadelphia City -..,4-.....1. Wesley a Ca....:.1...,...,-. 2; 11:
. _ do
. .__ l _ . do --4.-.. t.. Lae, Orant 4 c 0.:.....,...- _IA
Preaton'Eteirc - ....-- ~- FL A.M00dey—...;...- 1:01
York & Schuylkill .C. Co-. J. Maginnis_ ...—.-: .4' 11,-, ,
J. Gilberti3n,,._-_....:i.—. Atkins* tha5_....... - _ l l It al
. .
' Richards,. Webster a Co-ILI/cis, Denning &Co-. 1 1,5 - 4. •
, . ;
. do .- do a&. .:.1 -4q- , do - -do _ ..-.-: 34 ~: •
do ! do . do , ~...„ de, , •do . do • ____ 4....."
!Mattoon - I &
Fry. ...... _......- ..... ..,.,..- Philadelphia Coal Co :-... 41 2
. .
1iaher...::.,...,.13. 0.C1iveL..J.....-._. - - - .121 1 -
co_ ,4::.
T-id Oliver_ ;''
*'' willja--- .-••-11;41
• Packer & Co.
. !do do _._.: ... I_2-, eh;••••••- ----' 23.,-
• condos & Co. -t---•-• 13°11 / 1 4"9 t -
ll,' V' S' 5:117
Maj. Wetherill_.-.L4.. ......- . W.lisiZder•=-- .-, 1 4 . -,
. Forest Improvernoni - Co:.. CAW a C ook. ''. ' .. t .
. do I do . --.'. do ...;.. .do . ... do do' :
•do , do_ , 7 '' 41 -..:... - law
_..--' AG - -dh ..... -.401 1,--
SnMaraCasl C0 , ....;..,.. -. ..,...., anaisdiNglilte Agent ' 45 1 ..4i....
r i
do . ... do . -......, -,I do do'Y - do !10. -:1-
' -- - ..) do ,4112; 410 'loi I I . -
111114 V43;:a ... ....431. KOll & Kelriaii 1 2' - , -1
Girard Heirc.....:-.....4.......‘iThe0. Garretson- ! 8. 1 (4 ,--;
do do ~. . ._ - ..., 1 11.:A.: Moody:. . • ao, 21:
linilbidelphia - Clij fact._ J. Lawrence, Merkle&L'o.:ti!.......„
,Silver Brook Coal c0_...._..' Kowa & Longstreet...... 1 -. 1 '9!;.-1 :
i antler Srook Coal c9,.......t.i0tm B McCrary e. Co.L ;121.- -
;do !do de 1 - do ilo ! do •do .....-301-•
tdo`! do -do - )Mo do do do i •P••• -
I' •
Manhattan Coal C0.4._..._!50hn Wedlinger.._ ' l4 -,
do , 111. T , Schollenberger.---- 1 - •
!Lehigh Co ....... ~.....,,__. ?E. 80rde.....----, 4 a
' • --1 do - ..... 4.,__ • ' P•••
..... .4. ..... _ .
4,. t
................ ... : . ........1 -410 . 8 . • 21
do ! ~
, Sohn TO : -
.fohnJohnson....l.'...._ if,?., -
.113owmain aCo ~..;,.___l_ls,4l 1 !
.LF... L. Denison &Hr 0.....--1 e:-.1
.. , 11111 & Harris ....,10', - 2:
.iNecille & Brod:. .....'..............! 6. 3,
_•Tr,eitiont rout Co t - 12 . 1 '
~. do ,do •. ..... .._.....'46 ,, ....i .
..; 'do ' - 'do
...: do, : '., do. ,
, .....:. • 16 I '.
do ~ clo - , • ' 10--
... do do ' „ •4 .
_A. Ellen '.... ' - :...• 6/ ,
'...Nuttlitg;Leuris ,az Co. , '. ' 1. .`•
...S.avage &:Ksiu ffinan......... 1 •-•:.
L ..!Stivage & althouslc • ' 1 ....; .
_II. lien ' ~.. •- ' ' 12,-I".
.. : Miller, Graff& C 0.,.....- ...... ,11;'''-'-
.-. do . do 15.4-i , ,
;, 1 0titerman,....„ ..... _.....,:..„. ' 4 - 4-•
~"Wulf ek. Diamond Coal C0,26,-.1-
„ - Kcar & Confer ... .... -...-•.......'411•""1-
~ A barelone(l.-Collierk ..... --'2l ...,..
.:, A new lift sunk •- •15,4•1-•
;gni. ual4wtli, , AgElt :20' ,
do do • ,do ' i
....... -.3d...-1-
..'J. Wielllnger, ...... ... .... .... ...:13 , r..- .'•
iTlion.....rivm. -Kear . : ... ...........4)';-':.
'NI o,)lcy a 11uck1et.„......... 10.,..2,..
~ E. C. Wlllttelsy ' ,„._l2 - 1..:...
Murray Wihlack i• • C0...-.111;-;••
..J...K. tilllfiled a Co ...... ...,.....11 -.L.
_ , Poniroy & Rickert. • - 3.1!... , ;
_Evans, Flu.siel& 0;
..,Ahand‘med.. ....... _.. ...... ~...„..I g r' . l. ,'-.
~'Christ Fruntz...„.„ ; .. „ ... ... ...:-'6'... , i
.. .40, 'do '. t 4 , ... '.
'143,104 4, Cu
..'llost. deist. c c._ ,
'l2 - '••••
. F:viit. & Aithon4e '
. Wm. Draper- . . ..... ....... ........ , -', .
.:.1. Clearer I t- Co 3 -
J. AV:Ho - wen
surol IC Coal C0..............'. - .'. . ' al s'.
' I'. 1/. I.4ther , & 0.11 • ..
/21 I .
-... John Johnson
•Ikmalieedriitchall- ...... .2:....*1:.- 1 -.„ . 1 I . 5 2;' .:,;
' . . - .Vaii Winkle a co.. 'i ... 1 „. 1 , :fie: (
, ItOwboltom a C0......'".., ..... • .., Ci„.. 4 -. 1;.3;10; 1;
:'Knlcktlrlawker Coal C 0.:.- 5'...... - - -. '
.' , lleNlCostl (.43 ........... ........3,....1.... P .. 4i4- 'i ;
do d06' . ....
' .t ,;- (2.6 V,
'.it' ..: l' 1 ,
. ; la 4 I.
E:S.Sillein • I a C . /,......- ...,... ....!
Doyley 4.-...-r....,.....- : h. ",...', C. woo.
..Wiii. It. Williams . p•R 31. ...'- ; ......
• Lentz', Bowman & Co._.- .:, . is; 31_ '.. 1
. :„11..._Eshelmau....- .. : ..... ........ 4i... 1 . 1
T 1.
-111erce C. C . •
~ i,.: ~... I' =I 1”
:111. Eel e1inati,...„.,.... ... 2.,. : . '; l'i 1 I --'- -•-•
' 1- ':. 11( i'•' -,-,-,„.•„ ..... t ' . 0, 3t . 7 .. 1' i l il 2 '
' I W; , -li.' Hall. (.!..c • ' 'S,.- . .1.'„ i ...` 2;„ A- , , 1,.
...J 111 , • •
Ara.' -endrie.k . ' . 4..(11 3 .... 1 . -- IWI 1 4
... 1 .•1 -• , Idle 1 ,
Putt s@ Baunan ... (t. tt. I applk , r - , _ lit-I-J. 3 Fei 1;
' - I - .• '.. f .:,
itich ar d sau &e„ ...... „, ..t.,,i,-2,,, nvi - intilip.s.; TX -4-'. 1: .=: 1 1 ,
1 110 - '.-40 , .... ...... G. W. John s. - . 144, • Co._,
• . 4 ...;..... 2 WI? 21
„.;Valley Furnace frae . i, ...... ( .1. 11 a 1 9 a 13 o„ •••• ••-• .27i - •I 2 3- sldUi
',Girard Heirs - ,'• Jahn. tamtdocetl..".., 11 : 1 ,1...:-.i.--...H
.:T. 'do - do - • , .... .-..• tient° a lirri_:-• -
..v.:l, E. GIiSCCI3I ' , ..
s.-E. ( *worn & :to : 17 51, i;,.. •250 1
:,.. Philadelphia City Tract... 'G. W. 'olc ' • d .1,.... 1 . 4 , 0! 1
do do do. ... WI n .t.. Trellwis ....... ... :..:- 7....'„:-, it 60(4 I
..."I.orlterry C. C.._ . : . .....: ..... ...'I-. 1/.4' C- . , .... ~ .;.'ti. ' ~. 3 2b00... „
~..' valley Purnace, 1 - ..(lay. Al Kings - - - ,I 8 ••z 1-••• I v).- i
. i
~..'Philndelphiu Clik Tract... Jolirit i on 3 , Horcy_. - ...... .. • ... .'• 1.1 .. ...'--;..„.,.1 1
I , • - It. Gaitternuiu......_.-- ...... .:..i 11:•-!_,., 1, •300 1
..,,Hauluittatie. C_______„ J. ll'adlinger-_ - j13'... ...; 1! 33i1 1
..i do do '.(14 - xltuitii,Dolbln tip ...1.... 1. 4(1 ; 1
:,..Taninqua C . ..... -.... 41. Honlit----. -.. ~, • Ite 11.... • I.'. MO' /
.....I .do do , - .....L..-e_. - , Thon.[Alay &C u... 341 ....1..? I'. 420' l!'
do , do -'. , . Tautnoret Cd.....,.......•.---,-. , ',' 14-, .1; .T.lo.:fi'ardee (It C 0... 2..... . • .I.,•(ilqtmi ...... ......... : . .....:..:.:.-12! I'.`i• ... 1
,„'.., - Pardee, Roberts & - de.,_.........1Pardee &.Co.,
„..i Delano Tract.. : .... :.. ...... ......,, C. (No ' • -, 3...... 1 . 36Xli•
.::.I . 4llll6qUik Co ~.1. ...... _......1t0b Crushaw..._
~; , I Philadelphia City 4(ll4er:a Co.- 2 1 / , '..: i
Ett .,..
.„4.. P. Whites : Co ' ' Kola rick et C 0..-,. ,i... 1 1 ...1
~..iJoho Anapacli,Jr.......: ..... :.(.11 n Bast ..,......_ ...... ...,.., ;'3i...' ry
~.'Howell &Mallards ... . ... -.1: Wood a Cc' L:-...:4 4 . ",. 4`...+.... 4.
... , fork Co., Hart &Iwo J. 4101 tft'..l.. 1 .
... J. Wood. Philadelphia...... (1. Lialthahicr„,:....„ , -, ... ~. : ... :. ~ 4.,. .i.t..
'Feeder Mini Cent:ran)” '' - ,
~.'Norwegitin C0n t 1 : t..0.,, ',• ~ . • -
, ,
`Delano, Liu3d tk Coal' Co_
tar & Patterson. ... ..
mont Coal ,
o Co" - •
(L.) do. ......
- do ' do
H do'
.• .do .
, • do do
do, do •'
,4watara C. C. Ctlen, N. V.
.lionsott ; _'do
G. R. DeKelin ' ‘•
do do ••
P, Broak
; do .
Harker & Co • - .....
Patterson& CO.
MUflh ttcn C.
. ,
.Dr. Piw_is!un's
Phlladelphlu Ledger Co
,Nfuletndlle Shaft CO .......
. 1 do. du . du....
do do do
;do. , do.
ido dJ
~PhliadeiphiCit T
' do ' 3 ,j„ P et
J. P. Brook k -Bm
do do
Dandus &co_ .... 7 -7
. I .4jYtner, Van BOsen. ....
,•113 . 111git Co . •
. Kentucky •
,G. }taut &: •
. do do .....
. • .......
Cotd C'o '""
do do
• do do :
do': do
.." banjos &-•
do .
',Pclano Tract
.;•BtephenKon &C. ......
do do
.;' do. do
J. P. Brook & lir
.:;j4hn ..
1 1 ,13r00k *.
I? el
rim &
over the weigh-scales of the said r , dr . :pads In con
nection with ; and the saute manner as the tolls
Upon said roads are collected and paid with power .
toenforeethe payment thereo4 tothe same extent
aS is now exercised to enforce thel payment of toll
ebarged ;4 he said collectors; shall pay over.nionthly
re the Treasurer of the land board - Of ManaVre - tile.
tat so collected, they may receive such mrsterate
:ebomensation for their services as maybe dementia- -
eil and agreed upon, and shall be I able ,to criminal
prosecution for any fraudulent u or appropriattou
of said tax, or for any neglect or sal to pay over.
the same to the Said Treasurer. , i-oeided, however,
That this skid - beard of managents all have author-
Hy If they shall see proper to I. se 'their warrant
for the collection of the said .tax after the end of -
'eachand every month for , the coal mined and trans
thetng the preceding irMitt nr months, and
same to place In the handsliCri colleting ot col
lectors to be appointed-by the sailboard, and with
like authority to' the said collect° - or collectors, to
'enforcethe payment of said tax a, ' is given, to en-'
hiree the payment of State anti Ce linty . taxes. And;
provided, further, 'That the owim .. of the coal upon :
. which:the said tax la collected, hereby anther-,
iced to , charge' the same.upon the aid hereby
to wit;
a l e
one per cent= .per ton to the. p rehtteers thereof,
In addition to thexontract Price r which' the sarite
may have been sold, the Said tax . hall be levied and'
collected until to ibeopinion of. Ittie said board of
uunutgers, sufficient has been ccil ected to purchase
the necesSart.'grOunds, erect thenildfrigs, and Mr
fish the same pay, the current e 'pees • And from
the surplus remaining over and,alsrve the said et-
rnses, atutoriginal outlay to create a
ind, which shall lw invested in the seettritiettot the
nited States of the State of Pennayissinim twin first,. inertgagell on:lmproved real estate, the interest of
'Which permanent fund will be st
m Melent to provide
for the yearly expenses of the sal Hospital and Asy
lcu and the nevelt:hazy IMpatve ent and enlarge-
Ment Of the same front tinetollttittte. '..Piorided, how.
tete, That the total amount of tairso collected, Shall
not exceed the sum di live hand thousand doltrinss
SEC.:9: An annual report she I be - Made to-the
Legislature by the beers) of managers igi ring A : de
lulled ktecouut of the operations dr the hospital dut‹-
big the preceding year, Its eondit ion s the numbar _of
pattents,improveetilis, naadetlif - areetdptsittel ex
penditures; and on 'what Itenotint th', amount of
funds en, hand; ho'w InveSted, . And - other mutters'
pertaining to the said hospital; and the Treasurer
shall tanks reports to the said laird rutin theptind I
lion an amount of funds : an aectirities In his
heads, whenever, and as often may be.required
14 - the same, , (
. ---- .
, .
iical Ausittess 1 otitti. . ...
ccALS A line first Insertion:* Z)
. q
tut Insertnin.
CHICK Strstr_spsitst jittoi; 151,7.
ti IvIAM CotiAns; EVIAN " •
BALsittt Mime Hors! BAIR
.NsOrnitst: Srocuisll.citiv I
. ref; P. "A4--26A7r — At D. A.
Orii,V-20 cents tor &superior
Ladits and Gents "Restaurant, .
Prices reduced to Salt: the
..yorracitea.- i
rarxen, English sad Amesi
end Of the finest qualltl9*,at
EltM , lcn PADDED. LIN - 1M DA
ele D. A. Smith's, Centre Stree
Norter.. l :-There 'ltt' a giori. -, s' recital, of tiritglou
going on in the A. M. E. eh rch,' Laurel street.—
.boula are being born tolZiod._liartte and, participate
with us in the enieyment-qt Misteeraing Thiec. We
?lote to be able to continue ne , t week.: . .
- .1: RiTOPeS; raster.
14)K Colds, Coasts, or. Tit 11, sad ilsoadittls.
R so Oro& Non° a 0 t•.l 4 o l ootinv Its gillet•
, „ . •
; USHTON it: 1:0., 10 At Rouse, New
• Use'no mar* of „those hare le tasted ,hatuleating
mBROVIII CUBED THINt.IO.)- 010-50-431 n
J UST pin!!
AGOUGE:COLD. OE , 8 * : - . =MOAT FLE,
i. quiretil liranediato at • • lion, .-''' 'Ai t
neglect often " restate reste In an I. ! .le . ,-, ` 1
442teg IHsettge. iIIiCiNVS, /illplICIER : ‘O . ,
AL , TROCUES- will. motit : llo,:iirialdy , .?RN , "
~ .
give instant. relief, For, Ba*ii
crriii, - ~-, ).
lornew..t,..CJETAggis t erlitetwitesantl . L', r ‘ ; 1 7 .
TirmiAt .D.tsr l tsia t they hag eciotliing aria:
-- ALNICIERS and : 11113LIC EARERS use tlituu Atli
clear and etterigthee the vo , l ' j ~.,:" .:• - : --
, Owing tatildi good mutat; sixiiittioptilltiltit of tlio
i l ,
Troches, map) , smraitess cool cheap freitatiolitare 'of-.
Art, jelyelcare goal - for nalst ' U.' Bemire to. ovum'
- 2- , • BROWN'S . BROXCH
.' • . ",' - ' itor..ti-s ,
' °l*(qtr. ii, 138-•-•454111
OLLOWAT'S , 280 Ani e tiICA
-.1. a • GINGER:IIW double strength, anti only ,
eore Essence Of - .lstnalea eJteter-la the: searket,
therefore the oar article to ..• tenet an th tweet
Cone; Cholera iferhwt, D • hate„_Ay a teCadz:
spettett; the effects of 4...Ulftre of' W m '7s:
Ask for libllowars and taik**o er. , A tee
momful_orit banes than -• . to stwhole. spoonful
or say - other— now by .. • Arid storekeepers.
:1 7 11ty osutilper li
'altaowhr Pcqlrl
4D,Ar Wrest- • •• • • -, •
:.I.47ltll,nniticatz yiLk14011741,11,,C ,
-1 •
- They are so, dr,114ew., --7 7.,,. 4 , • . tat,•theis NO
they *re the twin . .• • . . al remedy sinew
peNrof WRVS: The • Atere
tK'titt; inewriescint- on , : . ; I= tit iog; mg& .tior.r
. tyfilv.its orats_ I,l*- • •• , •
, '10:140W131,.* Jell* 11-_-1047tt
I etiV 3B6l° Z 4
: CPtital;rtul ealg c r Ir rettt W r
th 43 nteluMor self-e
• 104 Myr
4 2 awe
is a Hoe eaoki: sub!se
L!..asts - -
lI'S. Pottsville
)yster Stew at rate
'0.191 eelltre . stteet.
e. 'call and see fat
• -- . &tr. ,
CFythe, an styles;
arrpthl, Centre St:
a, beautiful art!;
iAN- 4 421VAINM
tit icr-licior jaw'
ki;neiguir. eta, ut
writtemi Lis -Am ir t au
1 : 11 ENN I
t.- -- cO4J4Q(Ami
~_ i
- fir 3
..` 1 1 0011
I_.l 1
1i 45f. 1
1601 a
I am 2 .
' I 1i 122
1 420 1.
' , 14431
1 1..1:0 5
1 SRI $
.• 1 9tlti 2
2 gt 2
7111 i 4.
4,12,4 3 4
spou ,
300 , 1 2
430 21 4
1 7150.21
, I tur
1 - 1 Bail 5
' 1 30 , t I
1/ IVpil
1 mo,'l
2 i r t)l 2
1 :MI 2
/ 112.1
, treated . witlilauccasa by J,:fsAA.t.:S, 11. U., Prot.
of raNeages of and Ear, i tpecialty) :in the
Medical College f tWelve yearsexperleneet (for-,
nserly of LeYdon Holland,) tio. WI Arch St 4 Phila.
TatiLtrapidali al, - t i l t s oince: The: medical -- faculty era
liivitecl to arroyo ny their patlenta. Artincial eyes
inserted without pain.; Exanatruitlon. free.
July- 31. 'ES-2l ha - • • r
tents vested isolo xofLM • ERIAL OINI
N for Cuts, bans. Soft, ExuPtions,lte.,
trill et tp 'regretted. : &111 d -by Persigigr;
COUGHS ' • k D DOLDiEL—There are more pip:
%.... goat 'did i. nuttily from diseases of the lungs
than from anl other , cause.• gyory one should wow
lect that a nee . cough or c old o ft en termlnaVo4
in consumptl . Hasson's Canipound Syrup of Tar
is the best, rd. t reliable art Iclaltnown :for the cure
of Coughs, i Colds , Hoarseness Asthma, Chroulo
Catarrhs and Sore Throat, For the relief of Whoop
ing Cough there is, nothing equal to 'it. Price 50
gents. •So/d o lyatc W. H. ROBINSON'S Drugstore,
Pottsidlie;•W , liIA.THEWS! Drug. Store, Silners-
Ville, and the inciral Drug Stores throughout the
001111 0 M t 7. , - • ' RUELL LANDIS
Nov. 27, ' 99' m 1
. Phil
m :Proprietors, Phila.
ign l,
The t...,e1 - ternal - , remedy , for Rheumatism.
Nynalght, 13 113)1,1 Bruises, Chilblains,' Siirellltnen,
Stirness of t e Jolgts, &c. Polsessing unsurpassed
qua,litlesas a LIM ent, It wilt proye Itself a friend
In every-tarn ly in ;caste of,ltheumatism and New
either_ Itght.or serious, His always fetuly to
re l at ti 4ie pain' This Liniment laits in use, for the_
last-fifteen ars, and has 'Wren entire satisfaction
Wherever i ' as, been used. , .• . .:.
s to
,Prepared 'd sold , by :Mrs. c..i4ATT..OIt; No. MS
Centre mt.,: p Lavine; Agent at . Minersv Ille,•LAWi
HENCE dr ROWI 4 f, Druggists; Ashland,' H. I'D.
MAIZE, Dru st,; , , , . . —l—tid
1 BENSINOEII---IpPltabancry..gti, on
theist Inst./It!,The Reie,* X!. Et meCortnell, Pastor of
.the um-h.:TU*OOO* BALLI*E.
BiaetitsoE •danghtes o f Charles Bensinger. 1 - 9. •
• ' ?• - DE —On theist-init. at
, th* - - 4eutent• Rev . : • J.
lb Un
inter , •
t ;See:
-- . -" 7"- 7--
_.•Aliszs*:l-t-nialky,.rellchary Ph,' IrLAktits
r"vAi 3a ft
and • Of Ch lla
arles fug
_WIIo EiSqcbtey,
. 1 4 9 0. 1- Tear loai ,t : ,
i.P.Nri*Le- g - . 1.• ttie 24t4 Nik - ,. Fibruar*J ill'AAMAnd•
Taraot ai i.,l., Lair's . ," a vativr -at'AValee, , sad
etrt.lll . iteXrCit Sclau.vikill 1 Comfy. aged
"IP" 44 ;F. ) 041 1- .- z ~T .- : : "' " - i - .', , ! '
VOMIT -00. 2 0141 d Sta.tft 1 4 11
or i
Ikur a liamtrti bar
- tataizMnak r -liiepllnivj th o e f
i‘ght , oar
te j i m...k • be
bz .
1 1 S0. 4 fa
T glee Coart-at;
: • ' •
~ , ,
G«' ' ...0;0th ' 13kidicteke, Diiil4-t- • ?., 4*
3 1 , 1 31 '
up oarcun th a it V ":
loot, Es. • • • '
'13,0 4E'llmrtuge an ,Holm o .ar act F. . . .
0 02.3091isnamot, I , •
, .
/5006.11stoinoth art 7 tout E.:.4.' , - 4
u - /-•
4:voif • . ' ' - __!_," -''-
E and i). • f r
17A... -Mainz VVVand tittic!tr,....
z arn
8, 1
.. - ..
.: Mown "t, M.• I' ' •.:' ' :•• k
B,athack Morin and
. 1) .. . and t., * .
ajzonßnelt Morin n, D. • •
i, l asii.„, Mam = l,4 i foot. i llidi d ore D. and . .litisk Matrnia id E.
•111, Manunalh
.4' Mammoth 7 E,• and Skidihore D. 1• •
: : • - Ileath•••4plit of klainfauth E.
', • fox - ; •'ertfrciat'Veltt, - E. = • • • ' . .',: . .
• • - .
.: :1 , ••• ven fOot dtwo gpitta tit Mantaloth E. ,•-; •• • ' •+.
i,t t'l °splint 'Mammoth E...;'. -...-• ' ' . ' ..•
• - •
41, •,,, : • ref iP4,16 rMalatinoth E. . ,'" 1, .•.,.,'• ' :. . -..-
1 ~ • •
-• . .splits ed! MatrawtithE.annSklikmiire D. ' . . .
aar • ' inotlE
sinianotti•E,',and S. dipP.,,', nadir ..- -.-,... " .. •
1,4 Matarnoth E i and 7 fOOt E andSkidraiWo Ti. J • ".
.", . • rtiroseGiOrehied M:-. 7 - . A.: ,1 . p -
1,,,,- t Disunond J - . , ..."- -.- ', - ' ,t- • . - .` 1 " • i ' -
I,2"sl,•Primrose O. " • •- • :.4 . ~., , ' ....
141 n, E, 7:foot E. and SkidinoreD. • • ,' ",,:. • • . , ". '•
7„ - 'l4llMaMptoth Ir. and? foot K - •.. i '•• '1 - • - '‘• . •
9341 ta_
//, • t: . • .
15 , ,' }NULL% Ore rd 11; 7 foot E, s p lit Mn,aqE & • Peach Or chard' ii:
in.. Mt-Vitae' Iti oth E. ,-. '• . • •. • •
l a nal
.-j• .-+- •-• • r -, , ..'
5. '''' plit of, ' mothE,lFlkiArnore D and Bock Mt. 8.. "• . ' ...
1(4 ,4 - vril foOt.t.iiManatnOth L 7 and SkiliWarre D. •-• • •
7 3 ,pp
.• • L! • • L • ' . . .
4,00 Mammoth z and 7 foot E. -1 . • - • ."
: -• • • . •
% up Mammoth' E and Pi ittiroar 4 4- . : . '4' ' . ' . 1 ' •-'' • - • • * .* .
13.26 Mammoth' . • . —,
.. ', , .., - • " :'•
'BM" *''" 1 * ''• ' * L •*'' ': ,
cl,4ir frree splitoi of-lfaintnotEE and it:in:frost. O. , .• . .
1:4,`.. TWQ splits of Martuntilb E , and Prynroae O.
.12, •fp split* Of llaintooth L. , . . . . .
10,500 do • do • 7 1 . -• , . ' '''
6.300; Ithnpre i:1, Mammoth E, I/oboes L.'. - -
.. .., ~ • ' . . .
jolpi4 .kidllllollft p,,v7.0 xpists..maraniosh. 1,,.
3.ooolMarnillOth k., Primrose G.
do do
14,10,, t Seven foot,' yi,lnarritiroth E . ,..
_•and"Skldinore D. • . .
.141,:fouMamtnoth L, Pritaroam D. Diamond 1. • . •
li,Cdpseven foot F and Primrose 0. ; . • • • .
8,5i.,Tir0 split i f rnoth E. - - i '
up • -do :'' ." dir do ' ' -"I - • .•• '. ' '
18,31 r
do ' , ' •do do i ~ . . .
6, 4 even fee B; Primrose U, mimes 11:
1t,141 do do ,do• du :d0
. • •
.• ;
21,18i0 do '• "- de .do ,do • dO, .• ' . e .: ' -
a,rilej•wo split. Mammoth K .. • . 2 ' • . .'. • ' ' •'.
411 . "' do - ' do do • . -l i : •• .
4,1;;13neic.3d0 ntalo 13: ' . • . 14.
do I.
, .
47,5"bt4N , even fee
„E, and two splits 3tatornOth E. .-
- • ,
t• _
13,1456 ; . do -' do do do' . dd , ' 1, •
2;44•3 . do . ' do do do - (14 ~• ' ~
4,411 . 11 *o split of Mammoth E. - i i ., .
.50,151'il do • ' do. '. ' du. I
5./091PritnroseKi. , t ; _ . . :
• Ikts - ven feet B, Mammoth E, find spiels do. ~ ~ , .•
.12,?AS. Ittunmotit E, and seven feet do. .-{ , • . 1
•- • , . . .
.s,Tileven foot E, an,d split's of -3fammO3b. K: ' • '
_.- I
.6,34.ii,Seven t t, B, and splits 3.lammothrE,'lllmroselfi, Dolioes 1,1
- ati,aklitSeven f E,dpllts - orMarimaoth,K •.- • L . -• ' • :::- ' 1
:28,-;.44. 4 eyeti 1 :10, atillU! of DiLaillibtoth 'N. , ••• .. '.
1 ; .7;3)o,lPritti o,4ltldmore D.., .•• 1. . . •,/: • 1
17 saitiereti fc" tE, litummoth E,,.' . ..... • ; 1
. ,
1 6:6/0 1 13ue1,.- Ito utititill, Skidmore D, sevHiteet E, and Mammoth E.:
10,tiari 'rim tl; seven feet"Eand 31,ammotli E.
i - 1,8,7 Yrimros ~O, Orchard IL '. +. ..- . : - ~•
.., ..: :. ':
1 . 1145: lamon •J,•Tracy 'X, and T-Ittre Tracy. L. .. ' . . ' •- -
! 0,250. wis Red Ash. i . . .
; , • I,BBWPrimrose t'l, and.O.rellardli. i _ ' . - ,-- - ,
.5,• , ~ 2,,sno r i.ewis Ro Ash. -
- 1 ; '2,u.s.c t Pill:ipso O. 7 7 : , .
Sr in l Pri ( '
1 t
,i zrose 0,, llfammoth E, and Skidmore 1). . , . ' - •
2 61, 46 ti avail E, and Sklatnnie D. '. .;
. .
',I .4'916,, ' eu filet E and. Ma trituotki E. 1
4 . .i • ii,asid di) i . do - 'do do f
- . 1 ,5, 0 4 do dd. .....• do ' dol t ' .
.. I :I% . 'tdoilPrim'rr. e (I, and Orchard li. :. 1 . ' ' ' s • - .-
. •
g . smosikidm° re I), Orehard•Fl.
'• . 2.66k1 .do I - do. splitsplit Miuuruoih E. I
,', 28,1351 '"do .1 •dti - • - ••• - do - . -- no ! ." '• " '••
-• ' liPlit of.:llaultnoth E. . • .:7 I. . • > ~..1 . .
,••• ; 20 1 Pe.aclt Orchard, M. --. . • - i - • ''; -
' 1.2. , 201,1nnuaia1l B, skidmorci D. ' --' ' • .
i - 7•olklPrilitrOSC . ti.
' '' ' 14r•h!Primroto St, and Kiddy:tore D • ''
2 I. 3 . 0 . 8-44ntrna C, Skidnioril D. •.,
6' •; ... ~:I:4 k l4, l lllfire 13, at_id Gahurua _ .C.. ' ', . •• ': -• • '
a ' . • 'r,"..;,,,,7,1Manim0t1i V., seven feet, 313,Ga112ma and 13uck 311. D.
4 . ro:,, t s , (laintasa.t' Duck Mountain B. .
4 1 ,
.• ; o uu ,kitytitil C . , Duck Monntaitt . B. . :', .
2 I •',,, Nam oth E, Skidmore- 0, - ", .
2 - .•. • ••.•ttllstek lountain E. - • - ''f
2 , . ~•„..,,,, , ilinelc 3 ountainl3;( but Mani:„.7 ft., clatatua, Skid. on Dili tntet• . )
_ . , •
l' -I;;:miiAluturlaPth E, iSkidinore D. . . . .
~,-,, ' - GO-- du :_ + . • .", ;
2. ,',•••••4 o t,,iikidtaOre. DdclamartiC - i ---
'T' ' 1 - ‘ ' • '
4 ": - ••• l lMtuonioth Ell and atarth dip - ' •- i •
- .., .~
•- ' •
5 " ,T r i -idrtior. D. ' • 1 :• '
. ' . ....• •
• . _:, ,
1 ' , JIM ''
• 2 ,„,,,,,- Ilarnnroth 1- 7 feet E, Skidiiiore D. -•• ,
at - i 'l;' , ,Nortli and :Sotith'Drlinrose,4.i. : • ' - ,
'O, , i ln.„Ml4kld we D, Mammoth
. E, Oithinia C, and Birch 3fountain'l3:
3 , .: 3 7,,,,, I r tin I do do .• . ..41m •'. do -
- 1 ".,,,', - 1,.',"•D1ift91.: „I` . ,D,i MataniOth.E:tl/_i_dl7 feet veins. -
1 1 i , I;rj.lSlCtralli IiCE, Ciallallia C . Back ainuntain D. :•- ... . • '
m 4
9 ,',„,..,'''',. 1 dt`r6 .do , Skidmore D. - 1 .
4 1 , -. .,,' ,, '"";'lMinuninth B. ' _ " '
.'._ '. -- 1"-;:adte Weitz or Peach Orchard, M. I . - ' '• -
in r " E.
4 , I ''r.r'it, .tlilte or 'Pea dr Orch .- rd AI •• - • •• i . - '
1• i 1 --_, 6 .,a ,•IDianiontl .I. e '" •• ...• "..-., 4 .. 1
'" --k. -
'2 I '', ,--- n ,' , ., , 'do tiro. . ' -'
- --- •
.i • --. ' ' -''
I. 5 1 - ; .lE. itnd.F veins. '
I: 3 . .-ft":•k_ do. .do . .
2 ,
... . 14,1- 114 . •
2 I - " Piu 9Altunnel through Eto R veins. •••• . •' ,
2 -- r rarol 1 veins. -; . . ''-. i • , :
''' s . 4 ,.et„,l,'Skldlttore•D, - • . ' - . ')• ,
;3 1 ; ~ _I;7E and. k' • •.'
4 ' 4 . , . 5A.,..e. tect, P and Mammoth , F 1 • •
1' - ISIIIIICK , : `"'.. t 1 ,1. , . t i o •
. do 'ilx>"
~" * . i„* . i" i iii i k ,4l.3ittinmotliEiStrldnioreD, Buck kitnintain B.
11 • ; .,• 00 ,:Situntirotliami other veln,s;_pinTspalliadiu-.
1, 2 I I,4(sißii;in„:l,liiidubre 4 Ish, '
~' • -
1 - i.
1 -
, hickutioi.
..„„ . . 1 .
I:. • ; ' A I .•
:‘ . . , ' •• "
j -i, • : li i" - . 1.
• i : 1 • ' 1
I , 6
)11 _ , . ....
It ,. t,
~ ,1 ;
' i 1 i 4, i . ' -
4 4.
o f
S t
Y` 21.
2 2,
4 II
2 2.
21 2,
if V.
61 21 t 46 1
4 SI 32'
4 21 14
1 ,5
21 if
2i 4
Z 2i
11 it
41 Bi
4 I
.24 1
- 1
) ,
.1 ,
N ,
. I
It. ill
t i: o
stfre rpre,lo; Dren*iy,
DiSrritakVbfiCt arld - OrTP4ia
Nina. It - rogulateatka Baia‘
laatamatiat. 1 114 pre,Ofse:
I Neilhb* rat. It softens tb4 •
Goals, ab 4 mutters Teething • '1
prim 80 eta-per So(tio. A
• hut Of iMPr
Vitt*VlOL!, LEStEES,I4, &C.I
_ 44.
~~ i ;-, .
r ~-~_
OTlCg.—The eo-finitnership heretoforeexist-
I lig between Andrew Robertiion,Henry
man anciThomas Gorilla!), in theworking of Green.-
back (killiery,-is this 'clay iliskolved by mutual con•
sent, AniireW itobertsOn having sold his interest in
the saki Greenback Cblliery to Hoary Gulterniati
nod nisi.. Gorman. The firm of Robertianl, Gutter-'
num a: Co., !still eon tin hie to Int rieanil xhip the Henry
Citiy Coal. - A. 11011EliTsON - •.• '
••• ••• • • . GORMAJi.
- •• ••••
Shitinokin, bee: :list Igaci.• • .
reeelved at this office for one month from dale to
complete the driving, of .the- Tunnel thiough the
South or Big Llik Mountain at this place, to Rear
Valley—say a distance of SOO yards, more or less.. To
be driven Iristrboilrends, and of the following, di
inensions: 15 feet rildt.An bottotn,.l:! feet la top, and
8 feet high oyer.rsil; A water drain or glitter le
inches deep and 2.)i fettWidei to be marled alengthe"
entire length,
• Theproposals to state the price per yard separately
for clay, Loose Mick Or Boulders, ite4 Shale, Con
glomerate sand Stone., Slate stria Coal: All materlaia
except raihg And gnat° be furnished by Contractors..
101 l ANTRORT, Superintendent—
()Mee-Summit Branch Railroad t'ompauYl.''' •
Feb. Vki7o: • 7-1 m
The eopartnershin heretofore existing between
T.i Llewellyn and Levi Griffiths, under. Gip - dm
-name of Grlifl4llo-&...l.lewellyn, St, Clair, bait , been
dbusolved by mutual , 'Consent , Tbe business 'of the
late Linn will now be parried on by D. T. Lleive
who, will settle all' aLvounts now remaining uuset
tletti ' • I LEVI GRIFFITHS,. •
St. Oath
Fe4s, -;0,-6”4101
r`OPA.B.TNEitinitP. —The - undersigned' have
IL.. this' day fonnedk:a copartn - enthip for- sale and
shipment 'al COAL tinder the tlnu of Repplier,•Gin ,
don & On., at No. tialValnut.stree_,t Philadelphia.
•v. Y. GORDON, •
„Tan 8. '7O-2-Im . l H. P:REPPLIPE.
DlSSClZTlMlON.i—The:e( v oitzeislit tr etororti
'existingituder !Inns of Laldwell,i - Go on &
at Philadelphia and New York, and otHall, Caldwell
d. CQ n at iioatoxo lands day dilaiolred,by mutual ton-
Befit Eftlf 'C7 arty ill blgn • .t•ii,CALDIW J, , '
GORDON_ ~ • ,13. 'YOUNG.
Philadelphia, Der. $l, I;',-.1.m • •
'17:312 U.N.H.E l Riatartri . 4Plvefoirn/ed aCopari-;
nership under the stylp of Hall, Bit & Co.,
and will continue Me Coal buelnesartrt'llb.,l44 State'
street, Boston, and 11Li Walnut strectr_A_Philadelphia,-
Mikado., Jan 8, 111;,24ntt) E. B . H,
)311L.KLEY: •
MOTICE:-.llanufacturers and - users of Stein'
.1 It' Primps; are hereby cautioned against the inan.
facture, sale, or use ; of any Pumps that are an In
frimgement, on Allison's Patent, dated Septentber24,
istrr, as they will be ' , ,proseented to the. full .eztent'of
the law. •
I have already commenced en lt.agalnstsev , erat par
ties, and wjli proseehte all ether infringers., • . • • °
• Port.,Carbon, - April . .ROBT4l,Lrsotc:. -
PnetteS wantOtrumpseish besupplied at reason
hie prices by the underaigned.
- Franklin Iron, Works, Port,Caihon;Ptiz.:
Jan. I. '7O • - •
. •
1 60-hOriesh at' ke erigine. ' Jll3 small Hit and form
fifty horse engine, • .• Pumps- • -• ' • •• •
2 thirty •• . ..• 20 tottacg chain, varituta
1 twenty .'• " sites; - '••••
1 twelve " • •' - 110 feet hoisting' amp:
1 four ", ." with bolts .and tag!
1 ten • " portable en. complete. '-
8 Di:inert,. 90 in. n. 1 6 feetholfting any,
4. - • 80 in. x.i•in ft. 1 3'4'•• . .
1 " 30 in. z9O ft. 2 stacks SI in. 1.40 0 , 44. •
.2, - " .90 in. .x,lB ft. ' 30 in.x4o ;" •
• 2 " 24 in. 3t321t.' Ti-". ' "
2 - " • •Zi tul 611. About IQ tone //pit plates:
.1, " 12-horse, t bular. 10 ft long, 4inxX4t 4 Inzy k
1 upright flue bo ler. . large lotof w,Mo stubs
33)y`ds 141 n. column pipe 1 small foot' Lathe "with AIL
with bolts and tinge. the - thole suitable. for
210 12 in. 021. ' making and repairlug
490 6 4 , safty; tamps. • - :
1 Lot p 74 tri nes.. 90.toyie of Scrap
4 ?41n pt/1e -•-• - 4 wire
1 " • • " " " sbeet, •
2 0
'1 8 " " •"" Aka, always on hand 18
•" "?. 7 in. and 90in. fens for ven
- 1 """ ' Mating at mine/0 • • •
And alight ki ton t good second tend - shags iron,:
suitable for rtalling achutea, at' the Mach inery
Depot on Coal Street: .
Nov. 13, •03-116-tf ' 'JAB= st,ktuat.
ng M.
l__. .. . . -
i tsiv r:LLElEDll.—'Eow ready sor 'lle. 24ties, with spa*.
Y on. Partoft Platthrtn, Hustle Arbor% ite• •
• .. '
IVASinIe.4M- Cativiarient:Batiabot and Sidra.
Mg Establishment, with Ladies' and Hentlemen'a
Dressing Rooms, comfortably furnish a ndcious Hall for dartelnir, all enclosed' under der
nearl y 'completed. An VIM*. 1 1 , Ulla , [ Ma!
,with the Elatmlotta wawa Park.- ' ° ...4,.
Club Subscriptions for year, 11 11 a ' 11 , ,,ny„ holder
and Willy to access and use of ds, Witting%
-atarrraimet-iTheasdardslaiii atembets
Wrsoratted tottubscribe arlthoutdelw .
Harakr_ii,lebn,% fr.., awinractilated
1.1 7 ,4 41t;'*0r-'l,V tvi or
:44:. 1 ,! .0 C, - : -": "tee- .1 - I t k;,„ ~.....,,--"41°...-..,,"-:!..•., e:il
. auf e•
4- - -
4.1.. E it
040011.401:310., t 4 ~ : M .1!•: : :- --: - - : -: ' (" HAL :W. DZINGI.4.IIIMENSEs.--.
_ i --' '74IIV4II*4MULPEEPRIAi• '• 1 ‘-''B fr * Mill i t t ie;tn , grest vFietY4 Z..
. 1"1111111n1"134 " 1161001. M 7111 ,4 . ; -sti%%
ormic4it : s on_hail 2 Part er iaaar v ettr ocinm paug hhort 4 n o g.ost : ( l e, ,
P1411344W-/ "' ' ' 7 ‘ : ir 11 7Aroel AXIN °11:
7 1AV II Metia r tikinl a gr - 61' , "116 PZ iwie ". , b " W,OrreWlrOeibbrated BlaCking;, l ,!,,•. Tull
ttirUelft. , 'and - Chadies 6 kinc" - 6u st s
' • fit . • . 4111` lia=32olldeent Menagria.t.'
...... - •
M.A.13C14,. 1870
1 In .olge, wsieir; pp Cosl4.ißroc AND OIL, we mrds.
I" Nolitistelattare of iota veins In order Cult the Seim
1 veins MighrbrAleSighated In ?different localities in
I the'. alai regtonsi in the United States. The char
frer thee.e`vellis" and ?also the gualliles of the
'• in the Anthraielte regions, .gerierally partake to
I smite extent of thesaineeharactertsties and tepidity
1 tt theSeml-Illtuininous and liltuntinons regions:
-i 111 - fteetutylkiil County the same veins &recalled by,
' Efferent mules in dlfferet:seetions of the reidon.
Por taitance;-the Mstra moth 'veld. has an aceiwn-.
1 . eying velnetriteti the Tfoor.Yelt , . Ohl v•,hr 101ssr
ea iroroetimes a considerable distant* and at dither
!plates it Bee in close paastridt - Iti•the Mammoth . -
I,Weet of„ Mine,lllll Gap the Mammoth is splithis tiro
sleiduirstetlinelt three velatewiththe froetthera t artil
lobeasionally fottr vet u . s. ' These spl Its twe distignated
p i,
'i t hy,tlifferent TIfILFO4.. On s o is tal/04 aki ' "..Blee.k., - }Xelps:'
oilier the, "Crosby," the "Church." ' , Daniels"
Lehme,, , - tee.-..." - , Atlernaqua, the -Mammoth vein '
• separates and there they are. lettered. As far
' we can ascertrith the letters , I) , 'A - cross
lept, p;4l, and "q
4 npree r nt the . Mammoth 7 foot and
Attention ed the Mammoth: At this great Lehigh
1 ,34
liarry,all the whlre nett ; veins are thrown together,
Ing.ottijitepatited by the slates betweentheiet4
In tlie Mowing . !salaam. Of strata taken Ron.
il, 'lime . AND- Om, we give the names of the
elms exalted la the 'different, regions, together
ith a nomenclature. which we have adopted, end
Wei If adopted everywhere,'would be much mone
intetititent them by eatl44 the same veins by dith-ri
at names in ditnaent reitkttuu , Alpha and Gainne.
hot meat:tamed before- - -. Alpha is-.the hottent
or the coarreglens: _ It is a very hard red !,t,,
, quite ashaintlf. sot harder than the Mainmot h
hide twin • It to opened at Nanticoke in the W y..:
!Ting bastn,.at Sreekville,. and we believe *event
. tber Places in' Schuylkill County, (trillium, we
elitists .worked at the tipper end of the liabane4
uih Mount/xi 11
t tie Tracy
airy and letter lot tsimsquit
latitotik 13kaddow. and, letter
at Ttnuagna . . . •
Inirtmtexno . l.otit , r - F, au4
Prinargme and
141. called
Black Itirfte
W f 11 Danlels_,
!' Cirtiretc. - Lehler,
: 1 ,
and Tamaqua, Region
-and letters - D, E. P,
~ ..russeut.P,Q,. T. (2, Q.
,pits and ngtire ()car C) at Tn
. .
- Atioi - e I -sinil below M iliereare several:lllW vela,
m ,
evening which we have ' not de:lig:lilted. In
t. ,
te places, ,
sott they tire worth working, In.other ptc‘ces
[ftheY will iiot pay.. , Also' above yeach_ breltrurd. sp./
Iltliejthielr.,illne . , Tunnel, k' . .a wit; ftttileitt:, Levls;Oate,
Ll:awl 4
ton.;- Sc., tatiny of winch are the alfinuStrainv
called Ily different nanie.4. Them) are only. &Una in
pocilhn of the 'Southern, settuylkiti Atislu; and . do ,
floc Lieset..-na to any great depth as they. all In. aboi , e:
he: each Miinnialn Ired te..11 ve:n, which is th;asa t nropi
, as. the 'Gate vein hereionire worked* Pottavllii...:- .
statement - 414,-es tiro following resnir
ati'd boys empinyed
:N0...0f steam englurs at vollieries
Ldliggreiuste .....
iNo. of !mitres -
Length of hidiers eaul.ti. miles.
T.ettgthof wire tope usrd
---4 I
are'geuerally 2.11bs to t Het S-arg, uuil
rerie!weil everj• lohr yeah+. . 7 .
..itatir2liffs . in Irif s.
C*' AR AIEXIO4O7-147.46/t.'
. :311.11iTond other BONDS 11017611 T andliOLD.
eOLLEOtIONS promptly made on all &Mts.
:• • , , POSITS REcEIVED: •
• No pains will be spared to serve the Interests ot
• hose who fair us with their brisineis.
JOIIN S. RllslitoN ,t co:, •
- Bankers and Brokers, No. 54 South V St r , Ph Hada.
- Jan, 1, '7'o
Pr ,Sak nub to - get.
two-story' frantb dwelling house, in tie!' uy
Iftiven, contain-11314 , 81i rooms; with_ kitchen attaelle,L.
franie *Untie on prelpime - s.. Lot 10 feet front.- ..l.ppl2f.
tn • • • • 111:1.1.J.,11-kti:
Fen:Ant) ' - • - -
. -
.1\ ,{ ACtillsiEßY VORHBILLP4.--One horsit.
JUL .snaft and gearing; Mae
engine, fdrnui,-• pump;. shaft and gearlum „one
'horse ima Ina!, 2 boilers, 1U feet fan and statk ; one 1.
'in. pole pump, and lOU yards -In. ,:poirinna
Mp,nt:lxdfers, , feet by. 3.1 Inches; lot,,df splice plat,,,
- Apply to S.,..MORCIAN Ne*Phlladelphix.
, Feb. 211, 70-D-Za. • or by letter to Port Carbou...
UOlt.SALE.—» Inch Allison & Bannan Stearn
-2.• punip, acting, Lars been In . use but a short
Abu. one 8; inch plunger pump -rind •t*APJ
pints slope eloilu: Apply to D. U. CiElr co.
Tenrr2, 1 St. Clair.
- •
• OlEt: BALE.—A'2IS-story doublit fratne. d wel 11 nu.
sftuated.ln Mt. lope, head of Millersville strevt,
Pottovllli.: For terms, etc:, apply on the preinti., , ,,
.or to the.unkiersigned at \S s Maebtue..l/lop. ,
-Feb 12, '7U-77-11tor, GREEXWOuti.-.
• ,
AND 110TET“—The undersigned the Schuylkill County. Park Amociution Wi lreeety,
propo..4rils-fOr a Five Years'. Lea. of the :11,oteilamki
Park. 'Rents payable quarterly,in advance. L'us.. se,t
sten given on. the Ist day. of, April, 'Mi.
' • • ' • -'
B. ICA - EiterrEa; - Bee'y. .
Via - • - • • - • tr-t f
OR RENT,—A_Rootn,fhirti Hoor In Seitt r ' Build
ing, Cen tre Pottsville. -Apply to 1 .
Jan A,J. MEDLAR, ,lerchtint,,,ao,ot.l
DILi LES . WAGONS,. 14,11L40A.D. IRON, &c.,
FOR•SALE.-1 new. Steam Pa nap andf Pipes; i 14111
Engine: l 1 Rump anti - Plpesti l liulattng Engine,
Drum and G,earing ; Breaker Engine, Bolters and
31achi,n ery twelvo Mules; loe of Wagons, T. 1t:.II-.
Toole; de. lately used at Silver Creek; Apply to
--•- . WILLIAM HEliltatAblZl
Fen. 9, ..79,;0347-tt •
R .
Iran TiautAcEz.-'-The nude Juicing Juicing had b
years'. experience iii Snrveylinf. amination, Ex
p/Oration and Management oft: ont Lands Itt Schuyl
kill -and adjoining Counties, respectfaßy is his
services ter'ownersof Lands, oak
!Ate of every description. Re is pre toiyatteplio,
...Purchase and Sale of Real Estate.
Examitiation'and Development of C Ol 4 Lunt.
• Examination and Iteporkka Condition - of Goltu rlis
Collection of Rent, 'Payment of Taxes..
. •
.§tkTvey - s of Milne , Lana; Beta
• Exi•ErtrircL4 l -oeOrge M. Troutman, Eso„-Yree,i
dent Cezitral-Nat lona:Bank, MM,.
Biddle 4c. Co.,Philadelphis; Jothua Lippincott, Es q ., Philadelphia,• Adolph E. Bork, E5q.:4%1440 .
September le, 'O9 • . ' -
• - • FIVE COAL' LEASM.• •
; Two leases • at Ilegenstein on Moab
Water !owl.' >•'• —•- -•
One Red Ash cast of Llewe yfi. • • -
OneWA Ash Lease On the. ate Ve n 7: ti, k:
- A Lease on Mammoth, Sltt ore and
Miltereek. •
.• •
acres splendid White Timber Litud, aniza
ble for c ar stuff, - .ftc. • •- • • . • • •
1600 - Acres Timber Land in.Potter•Courity.' '• • ,
.100 acres yellow pine for Sooting. • • •
UM acres sill and prnpflmber. . . •
• • 500 Acres chestnut timber land: •• ; •
4570 acresgood Red - Shale Panning` land: betik.' , l l
Barnesville and the Tunnel, cutinto lots 4o soil pur
. •-
A house:.end 'lot on Maliantniigu street, 60 fort
• ' '
front. • _
.5 Dwelling - lion/les and lot 'at Spencerville.. '
A good dWelling and store houss4crilt..4.
ton, nor four collieries. • ' • •
A. lOVen Sanderson street, 190 front 1+ 30) fret
Oeep,With 2 story- frame house dad kitchen,— •
I.TottavUle; February Ftti. 7410..
- -F°e. SAL.X.-All the rtmeliiierr`of the Duncan
IllorY, comprising the Sallgaring:•
One- pumping ye engine, sixty bowie power, Inaud ,
ins all the inery connected *lib the po,upt lig.
• One. heisting - engine, sixty horae;•draMat "t i
wheels, with -all the machinery connected With
hoisting. Win sell together, If desired— - • •
Six boiler" used for pumping, and. hoisting e m
)dash, dirty feet by thirty four inches in dhuneter.
Pe re
grate bars, eta, a ll In peal condition. WW
he sold all together If wanted...
„One. fan. ten. .feet diameter, - 36-inch paddle. and
one fan engine, twenty-eve horse,- withtwo ilea
eighteen feet by thirty inches; theiL operat d d n eI
voitiplete. Ittlesirable, whisell to gra party. -
-tlrealter engine, thirty horse • three boilers, two:•
ty:feet thirty' Went* . ArW.O.C. ,end
:everything eompiete, and 'ln good order. . •
One steam pump.?-inch (Allison a 'Hannah moire)
e! 1 _12 93141011 : . Pinten 0 8 7 19 , 1 V. °etc. _Xhis.pninis pvt
T and tint rail , ate , staeks, r ta nps,Z gagonw
inch gunge safety -lamps, scrap Volt •%-
all descriptiong. timberiumber, sills trustlipg.
everything on the prepusell. • •
Also, niacin:rules, borsea t :wagons, ete.:
ilso r lhe property, 168 ldarkepstreet.
_ For farther information ; inquire at the lace,lad
East 3iiirketior at the Millen'. • • , -
Jan T, 'ea4t2-tt JOLLY LfArLci, StriPt•
uton and Little Daddow
tle Orehard, letter H at T,l
- 113. • -
LaYd and let tet Tama
illeb an
. .
anti utter - ittund it
t Tamaqua. - -
multi. and letters Band S
t 7 .' utiinfu stud let ter A
alb tbe