FOTY-SIXTH , .- . , A keg 4•••!PAILCIALTOTICTS wit! be tasetot Aly•••••inat , 0 . 5 " 06 i bud, lit •• mate par-line, rlo4oe I•seette• ;ID trim • !Ws Ur 1•••7 - scoseque•t, bucrdos. r , . s. _ ILAIMEt. —Bcaliselless and Btalioness, 131nders.U6 ()entre •.:. Rostra:o, Pa. EZE .sliitet*,',:,),_,O . tal.. . • . *TURDAYi FEBRUARY 26, IQ7Q. : ~. • .. ~r_t 4.1 ' ' igr..„..,,,, _ .........- , wowed ..„,_, I Nasziss t . .rornsit, evens s =maw, and dammed to anbactibena at $7. 75 pe r annum. MI barmce, barmen. or $3 U . not paid to idvanon. .' CLUB frUniklarrno7lB-73avazzasti WAnvescris• 1 Cnieli.le, la &Wrist ca 1 u ova. re onsaadfris. Pi go .• go i = • - *op , To Sews Dealers VI eo per 100 Copier, cash. To Silalsters sad aebool Teachers we will. tarnish tile 30VILVAL by nosal„ at al se per same. fa advance; other %lse sr. tall rates. TEE'DAILY SELNVIW JOURNAL le published ereeT . seig= °ruing, hem~e emPted• - Tea eenteLper ireek, payable to the !Seder O l e • a SVGIV- 11 P ft =fg . 'littee; One .YeeiZ. 16 (1); snollths, p r three zoohthe.o , t . DAILY AND WEENLY YLNER9 . • JOURNAL 51 E per snuilio„.tu'adveztee; $ 'a) he ILK menthe. • BABNAN & tElf. , THE ININEFO . JO LORAL -- • COAL STATISTICAL' REGISTER FOR 1870 4 ', "tam morrats , 30011.11 AL COAL BrAnaTicAL IMO* triltA*7osi lin," Win be issued early ;nest week. Pries; 25 tents -mingle' copies; 22 50 per dozen; is fa torso copies and 113 00_per 100. The. following Is 'a . sizmPaist of rn criarxs: _t 1 TbeartillStailstiat for the year 1389, toge th er with . an eon the canses , of the high Oleo of An. thricitecoal Waal and 1809. A tabular statement erthe Coil' Trade from its, commencement. Also; a • tabular statement of all the collieries at Schuylkill COunly, the—land owners and leased!, the - time sinned, deptkospecttnttranber of men employed, andtio veins worked as far as designated: Intrilitlti menta-reguired to secure a eupply of coil mite seelAsnli. The progress of Schuylkill count:nand:4l:l intrattnieuts.' Imprrements prollresaing at coiner - tea . The de-yelopment of theliorithern portion'of the fiebuyikill coal Reid. But. mode of developing and opening uplhe Bituminous noel flekis of Penury! cants. . _t Plan fur working the Marranoth Veinal-, entageemly. 'Death in the coal "mines; Ea . peil• Media witVlattetylansps. Arbitrattirn in England. i:cltuylkiU the Banner. County of the Itepubile. Also, !utilities of the Iron _trade, with . remarks: on tbe some, together with a numbei of , other articles, ull of-w, bleb will be found Interesting to the general THE SrAT us AT HAIZAISB LTG ON THE.. ADDITIONAL LA W. JUDGE _HA TTL.R.. WE returned from Harrisburg yesterd!iy. ,V V The bill for the alipoinftneht of, ao additional law judge for this County, whleii Vas 1 . reeent iy . hurried - through, _the Senate mainly by false - represoutatlonsAllat there . wris i no opposition ' to the measure In dila Comity, while the Machlueri, sva.i put lin - motion for its equally rapid passage Lthroogh the House; Is new in the hands oftheJudiela ry ommittee, where-it, will remain 1 for some • day , :Lathe Legislatures adjourned from yes " terday until Monday. - Even If the Mills just, which his not, the ineani taken •hy its profeetors to hi rry it through was to say the - , least, ill-advised. - 'N'l 7 easiert that there is no, necessity for . : three law judges In this ,COunty: If ,the ~.,preeedent. should be established in tida l in. • - .stance, there would probably be appllcation6 Irwin nearly all the districts in the State for *similar appointments, and the State would soon be burdened with an added expense for additional : judgea of at. least one limidred' . . - and fifty thousand dollen ~ *i., believe that in some cases juilgea are oc-erWorketl, bin. the 'mass are not, ! and, I - tile complaints do not generally come from tlitse - judges who do the most work. We tuirlit'elte as an instance of this the car of jadge Pearson, of bauphin and Lebenott c_l o l untiv r eit . The judicial business of the : • of 41141sburg Is equal to 'that of many ii ea nii in the State. Yet' he performs Ju di ial duties for the city„two couuties'and a1...c, for the . State, and never, has ' asked for ai ase4ciate law judge, and is always ready to discharge his duties. The Legislature, however, , yery properly, althougli.he bas not asked it, 4111 add to bias4ary for ;his State jtidiciaVservieei. Last year, Judge'Pearson, e ; pecting to bailasentl4_ Europe for a brief priod, asked the Legislature to enact a sec- Lori \ to enable hini to invite Judge Greer, to hold court for olvil cases during his absence. . Ii was granted, and the same could be 'done I here. It is asserted that this is not legal, yet the section covering this was drawn up by . Judge Pearson, whoa Is one of the ilmt j'{trists iii .he State, and there' % is no question of legalify. ~. • , . • .. - 1 The bilrenacting the new Criminal Court r . as defective in taking the entire criminal .Pirisdictiou from the old court, which, was A 1 nconstitutiOnal, in Philedflphia when the rimival Court was establi: , hed, three days - ere - ieserved to . the Courtof Common Pleas . . I .r tinF:tritil of crinilnal cases. When the tvlll esiabkahlpg the Criminal Court • here as. sufmiiitted to Attorney-General of he State, Mr. Brewster, that pointwas over looked. But, In, the bill - now presented to the Legislature „that point is covered. It g•i•val the, new-court the right to try all.crim !Mal cases during the year, except for't sin- Igle term of one week, while the portion con- Iferilng civil jurisdiction gives the pi•ciAding 'judge the right to try civil eases wheu in- Vited by the oldiPreAdent Judge to do so. We are 'aware that some of our lawyers, Republicans in politics, arid our friends and neighbors whom- we' respect, entered into this matter of the lippopatment of au addi 1. bona! law judgeoluder the impression that with the opposition of the pemocratic Mem bers of the Legislature from this County, no other legislation on this subject could be ob.: mined here from a Repabllcana Legislattire. But-=we believe it is an erroneous .Im, pression. The Legislature'g now; feels, that the' appointment of a third 1 1 orna- -r : mental" la* I judge in this . • ilistriet : 1 Mould be a bad precedent to estabili.h . , and? the Legislaturewould be deluged with appll cations from other districts also. ilf we have three, Philadelphia would weint 4, ,at least !lite more. We know that If these members of the bar would use a fraction of their in -1 filleikeawrittla having full judicial. 'powerS ! tvnfei7ed upon Judge Green's Court, instead of-putting the Republicans under the heel of the Itetnocracy bere,lby aiding them in having - an additional IlaW,judge apF6iiited, the requieite legislation to put the new iourt inai operation, could be obtaitipd eithout difficulty. , " . , • - . for their action in thli matter, these gen. tleraen, may ,exeu4 themselves, by saying that to them it is a - matter Of "dollirs and cents." But we'say ln , Opposition to this, that to th's people Of this county, exposed,t4 - thou;.ands' are in the outer districts, it is a Auestionc`f LIFE araVDEA - TH, arid sfe Put this in.opposition to dollari'and cents. The -- assassins and rohbers still 'exist this' .aunty, although checked to, i great extent by the Moral effect of the new. Court, albeit it hay-been luntded in its operations by partiian Opposition. This is where we stand on this . auljett, and we propose to: fight it out on -this line, and we call upon the people of all parties, the friends of law and order, to help us. There will be found •a; tAtition in opposition to the bill` applinting an - additlonal Iris; • Judge,. sand in favor of constituting .Itido Green's Court, as - it exists in Dauphin Lebinon counklee, published In , torlay'a Jop t 7.l.t. Cut ICout and get it filled up as as possible by Tuesday. neat, MIL polir them intothe Houscof Representativies against an additional judge, and theibM can be tleihstai. It 1 1 . WAS carried , tbmgh the &nate in $ 'clandestine nianner bp i misrep ! resentatleii; Send the petitlelo, Slleii upls. us by naoa at Tatada, tbeni toadr. Johnson, Chaim= ;14444 Comtnittee of. the House 46f . Representative* at, lihrffehtirg soon Its possible. ;Now the Pun for decisive action. scHurzaru.r. coursTr.l THE BANNER COEITTY OF THE REPHBLIG: A .11a — tereOni voluine' could, be written. - .40p111. - on the • load widCh this . Count* *ma in MM. important industriakiinb-, to Also, 00ta LuitiStive in mat* of r - gate and tiNaSOnal-s .itehoe. W44/pr pose InAdlile toy fer"brießY f9lit or sad.which-'*_ * p er •.- SchuyMein the formost ranks of counties in the tuned States, and entitle it to be consider id the haniiireoanty of the Republic : " _ THE IRST ANTNELLCITE tEtCPI r 4. 1 -Ast the Pioneer Famine -in -tlds 4300140 1 . Kat the time 'worked bYlitr. WPM" Lyman, the first quantity of iron Wu made, 'anthra cite coaEbelrig used exclusively as a fuel:— This was in 1839, Bomb time before;,Burd Patterson, Nicholas Biddle, Fop ) and others interested inhe tastier, had *Maud a prenituni '406006)1w paid to tbiersi pee sou ' who shculd keep a furnace in Minn for I three mentbis. 1 Others in Schlylkill Ckainty, had succeeded before In makinic , luisqviszt titles ot anthracite Cod 1 412 4 114 but Mr. Lyman wits the first pepo* who succeeded hi making large quantir This waslnteresting event celebrated t , the -hfi. Cubit' liouse,•by a dinner given to the opal and lion lutei , :Ads of the County,' at' Which some ekittir,persOns were present, *wing thein Nicholas Biddle, Burl Patterson, J.M. Sanderson,Andrew Russel, and other well known citiens,. Lt that banquet Nicholai Biddle gave the following well known toast: 'OLn M-.l•4‘llf.vatitic: bee SODS like Lei soil—a vier :tough outalde, but solid stub' within ; plea Of Coal to swarm bee friends—plenty- of Iron to coo l , ems- The furnace at whiCh -Mr. Lyman ,ccOil ed in, ilia A.taluacite experiment,. is. now 'la the possessiomof the Messrs. Atkins, and was , ' in - almost Its orlginhl . ahape up to within a year or two when it was remodeled. •f' . , . To show -what grand results have ' sprung kart tAialtrat successhil anthracite . Iron ex periment in Schuylkill - County, we !might state that out of . 1,411,636 tons •of pig iron made in the' lintted Stites in _11168; i 798,638 tonat_or more than one half, , were mAde by ttie usb of ailtluvierlto coat:. • ' - '' - •Tilt . tutsr uove=s - r - To IiMatX.OLAY. Tlie first monument to the mernory, of Henry Clay was erected in, this County. It is loeited in this Borough On ground donated for the purpose by the late John Batman, Esq. The column, which Is loon;wait cast In. this County' in eight sections, and; is stn- ' o . maid by a statue of the immortal Mateo .- ~' ,„ taken from the favorite attitude he . sumed while speaking, while the faise is life lika-and-natural. °This statue -was :eimit 4* , Mr. Robt. Weed, of Philadelphia, and: writhe ;firstiron statue of similar size over catit In this : country. It. is 16 feet hi height and weighs • between : seven and eight tons.' The total height of file monumentis 66 'feet, iand the weight of, the iron castings 46} to The monument' was formally Inaugurated July 4, 185,5, with iiiposingeeremenies. - ,Tethelate Samuel Silliman, Esq., more, than, to- any other single citizen: we "can •111/112n, 4 the credit due for the comparatively early com pletion Of this beautiful testimonial ,to the, immortal memory •of the "Father of Ole American System of Protection.” • His time and means were given liberally, to perfect At, i • atid, ,this coniniunity .:has _always taken pleasure in recognizing the fact. • FE,. - Fs - rx.v.v.cia - sionitta., ecinoM.s. t After ,the establishment of , ; com m on if school system in Pennsylvania, 'e! neceted ,ty of baying regularly educated *hers be came apparent. After the matter had been diseassed for some ten'years, in the Lighda ' eine of our, State, looking to the establishing of a large State-Normal School at Harris burg, towards which however,3, nothing= practiCal was done, the senior - editor - of this paper suggested to• Gore Pollock ar4 1 It.. Theltoli, Superintendent, tI4 . present plan of 'establishing Normal- Schools byl districting -the State, in place of having' one= large Normal School at Harrisbuirg, which. might become tiffected by improper influen ces. The Goren:rot and Mr. ElickOk approv ing highly of the pliit, strongly reeommerid ed it, and'a bill covering it passed the Leg islature at that session!, through , die efforts of otte'of the members of the Legislature from this. County, Lin Bartholomew; Esq., who was at the time unacquainted with the ori gin of the plan proposed. ' Shortly' after, the first Normal School was establisht d in Lan caster County, with Mr. Wic kersham 118 teacher.' There-are now in. Pennsylvania five flourishing State Normal Schools, loca ted ,at Millersville, Edinboro!, iMansfield, Kutztown and Bloolnsbnrg. To ;Schuylkill - County is due the credit of imiggPvting this excellent plan of Normal Schools, which- is now preferred to a : single State Nortnal • School xtri We can establish the fact bytes of the litsras' .Tot;EttiaL, that after the commer cial revulsion and lizumelalcraid of 1857, the senior editgr of the JOrRNAL- as . the fleet person In t4e country . to suggest au' • ..- ,trend for aloption the . •• . • ational sys• tern of cltrreney, the air featuri% of which were afterwards, duri i g the trialsand rawest& ties . ,of the Rebellion;' adopted by the Gov ernment, with one important exception, that of basing the4ltstribution of Uff, currency in proportion to the assessed wealtltpf .the coon= try, $l to; $3O or $35. We submitted the plan to an eminent financier, *ho warmly approVed of it, butwho said that it would be, bitterlyjopplosed by the. State I:nks and the worded intonate and could net in comae.' rj uence be'passed ' . And we axe fiatafied our selves that 4 ?could not have'snisceetied,. if it had not been for the necessities which !harp out of the War for the Union. Ve mention the fact of ;he suggestion of thi plan in no Aptrit of egotism, but simply to. place it on' record among the otherreeults of ideas wlalch have originated in this County,! to the belie fit of the material welfare and iftdustrial pro gress' of the country. • THE FIRST TROQFS- TO DEFEND 'FELE parrAL. In the' - Winter of 1881, -when the rebels were risking prePamtion to Open ,oritort Sumter, and a call for trdups •viras made, the nrst volunteer company, the 'National Light Infantry, to Otter• its services and be accept ed, belonged to tills County. And when the war broke out, within three data after Abra ham Lineoln isSueif his first proclamation for troops, this. Company with the !Wishing ion Artillery, also of this Connky, were with 'three other companies, the arstitrocllks to• Pass through a howling , rebel mob iitT Balthitare, and reaclaWashington for its defence. And those men; ivith the Sixth l'ilassachusetts Regiment, 3ithich had a bloody fight the day after in Baltimore, were the only troopecx cept a small detachment of regulars, to which' the Government could look with confidence, for nearly two weeks when the National Capital was cut of from ,the forth. It has 'been Suggested that the Government might with 'propriety reowdze this prompt'and patriotic service, by _ the presentation to each • than who parti cipated in it,'of an appropri ate medal. It Is certainly merited ;*the cost would be small, and it would tie an incentive -to similar promptnesshut the xin try, should ocdsibharisee future:,l TUE ItosT ktPEN - slyt VOLttE PITBLISTIED MEMO THE REBIZ I .FON. The senior editor of this paper, publisheti at Pottsville the most expensive single vol urne—',Coal, Iron and Oilti,,P r ismed in the 'United iitate-t during the progress of the. Ite• bellion, which the Loudon/44'nm JormotaL has styled the most valuable [singlet volume of the kind that ever came wider its notice. A comparatWaly small edition was published at a cost or k itatrly $13,000. Tut Fnatiarrratptart sizet, Rana. ff The firstateiirsilatnanufactmxiof anthra cite pig metal, with the use of 'anthracite coal as a fuel, were made in`this County, a fel" wec,ki . ago4are now belngmaile %Ulm Tuna TM Rolling ISM, and a good,articleia total turnedour.tEighty per Mai of No. 2 fonts% dry IMP hlstt . t la'? !he Puddlidg funitteff. converter, =a twenty per mat. of 4,ousuar , hill Wray - rawittie ore from York IManty,- which Wholes Of the OM hkill WllOl the celebrated Woots ste* made in• Wis... patenti, font& usiiiromarfilis °Molted' bat year, and it the rim time atuit:ircia steel milshave been made with these or anthracitilma;andsol4o4**4lo4; In the puddling thrust*. Allay inOcatant ifeaoiro of they:roils ' that *ILO iforlial and swotted half a dozen -tted refi's #491 tyftteh cannot befiloao with. the". PIP made by tke 'AP** *leef•; T.hi1t910 1 , 1 1,9 1 1 1 1Peitallknite- s43slvrt who El iv' THE_XT.I4ERS: .f •=r4 "' use them, and will be karga, use while these anthracite steel rails are as goad, they are in consequence of their cagiselOtto • be . a innatier of timeal at least # rails ' , made by the Rem-, liner pow* It hi known here as the tials , pstessipag been:disecarered lam . hUe wig 04:the TaniaquaßollikgMill. Or are ,o w' tlltakilitt these -steelprills ..m 93 30 Re *the Ard, MOM tIP ton at t e Tamaqua Boiling Mill, and:sill‘ait autee them. _A specimen can be seen 041* Anthracite Board of Trade Roams; Ale* steel rail is said to be equal in mOllllOl4 to 35 lb iron nil: The nuchinery atihe rug mill is not of suMcient s Powerto turn oat Choi SD lbs to the yard. T T 112017011 ?BOX Insw' TO= TO Mir FRAtlc cisco IN stiff trotniA. And now to sum up our brief noting of what El' chuylkill County has done to entitle it to thename of the "Banner County,!' we mightstatet that • R... 41. Wilder, Dal, has reale Indication for a pitinitlor anew rail road end nutchinery; by which - the trip; can be made from,New York to Sanßatnelico In sixty hours. There will be lour "ails bid down instead of two ton single track, and will be laid in Such X mier , that the road can be ~used in various ways. The passenger and freight cars cans;be !built 17 feet wide, and will run at the rate. - ef: CO milks .an hoUr with twice the safety: of miming the present style of cars at 40 toffee an heir. 'A donble engine of 60 tone *lll take /OM 0100eOgin in a single train, with less wow and tear to tlufroadway thin is nor'- maid by a 33-ton engine.' The:gars• can be" fitted up with state rooms, and - with all the advantages of a hotel: The-coat of the road will be`about $7OOO a mile more• than build- L ing one of the present single track l'oa4, 4 and its capacity for transportation 4111,pe nearly ; treble that of our present single track loads. , 'The present came= also run on the read. For smaller cars it can ti used as a double track. With 3000 miles from New 'York to san Fnmcisco, there would be jin extra expeinse of 0nt,Y.52.4,000,000. Therelyill be 'bin little oscillating movement of thi cars, end ,their size will render them very pleasant' for, tkaV. ding. With - the completion of this project, and oaf.that of a ndlroad froin .New York to themostremotepollitin Newfoundland, porn which steamers can cross the ocean three day e, a person can leave Liverpooland reach San Francisoo in about nine days, a distance of upwards of 6,000 If any other county in the United States can show more magnificent results,of inven tive akin end undaunted perseverance:in in dustrial progress, wa should be pleaSed to bear from It. k • k CILOSELY allied with the coal ;Is the Iron trade. N'ations that pOS , SC.B3 abun dance of coal and iron ore, generally be clome the leading nations in manufactures and oornmerce throughopt the world; if their uses arc encouraged by wholesome laws that tendlo the development of these wvalth pro ducing treasures of the earth. The -English Government discovered-upwards of otie hun dred and fifty years ago the value of their, treasures in coaland irbn; and by wholesome laws in protecting the home development of their rich deposits scattered so profusely over her small extent of seagirt territory, that under,Proper - protection leading to the development orthis industry, she could soon become mistress of the seas in het extensive commercial marine required to distribute her products throughout the trading world, and she also aspired to become, and did become to a great extent, the workshop of the world under this system. The l United' Kingdom of. Great Britaltnostiesset a coal area: of only 6,195 square miles, • while the coal fields of our okler.Statee exceed '2oo,ooo.sqnare and from recent developments made in the regioriaof the Rooky. Mountains, it;is esti mated that we possess in addition to these, a coal arreof upirards of 500,000 square making the grand aggregate of 700,000 square miles of Coal area now embraced within the limite.of the United' States, and so' distribu- ted that it can be brought into use in every section of , the country, as It prtogresses, by our grand syStern of now projected and running in. almost every direction," and the. immense river navigation we possess. It is true that we have ' . not the kdvantages of Great Britain in her compaCt desert tart- . toryovith all her manufacturing , establish, ments located on; and ranging in distances of only from 10 to 100 miles from her various shipping ports; nor do we have,•her ' cheap. labor and cheaper capital, but in Point of re sources in all that contribute to build up a nation in population, wealth and power, if properly encouraged by the Ckweriment; we excel Great Britain at least ten fold; and while her redundant popUlation is alreadY e source of uneasiness to her stem:net, under a tree trade policy, and pauperism , is largely' on the increase, we have abundant territory to accommodate the . - whole population of 'Europe on our soil, and can raise. la uhtelent food to feed that number. The :only rally important disadvantage we poseed4 is the, high price of labor, • in _comparison with Great Britain and other European manufac turing nations, which prevails in , this coun try, and which is necessary to enahle the working classes to feed, educate and prepare all people, including the poor man as wiRl as the capitalist, to perform his duties as 1 to od citizen wider oui *publican form atibv ernment, whjoh gives all kyolcaiti .making laws for our own Oovernment, and ?confers 'the privilege of booming law-Makers rdso, when they show the necessary capacity to gain- the confidence of the peoPle.. To'se cure these inestimable rights to. labor,: we must protect the labor and industry of this country, trona the crushing abets of the low 'labor, immense machinery, cheap: capital,_ and greater -facilities of ocean transports= Lion, which is the cheapest transportation known ? . othersilse the prices of labor must be secluded to the European standard in 1 manufacturing, to enablens to compete ;with their standard of prices, orwe wrist abandon all the rich treasures which we poluiess, and Leave thim buried In the' earth, and depend . upon European nations to supply our want* in the various mannfactures we use; and be come entirely h an agricUltural natter', with scarcely 4 Ithitket 'to ,take tour duets at - the preeetit firms. What would be our 'condition; . 1f our present manufactures .were abendOned, and .11 erigsgad therein were to tam their attention to agricilturn also? We, however, hope be tter things. We do not lielievoi that -Britisilt geld, pur chased— agents, ignorant and: stelld members of Congress; and :influential :preens t ing.he country, will be ablate abrogate:the princi ple of protedtion to o ur labor and industry, and check our col** In' lie OnWa4l career of glory and .Power,. against the, common sense of-the" masses educated in-our public schools r and the . intelligent producers of otir con4tYri who create ' the sieelth Out elleteUt the Oovernment; and on whom the future development, prOsperity and -progress of Our country mainly depends. • ' • , - I - • Withoht coal and. ti the , population of the United . i with all' her advan tetras,- would not in half as great as it now is, and her wealth and power would UMW hwie aseinnednile - half the proportions :they. have attained' without these advantages. The United States pommies all this nitimvarealth in ten-ibld quiditittee, and why shdUld not our Goveitunent; lists, Wilted 1, 3 i the; PiKTiei f or the people, for theft Protection andaearriry,' and to &dye:mall its Material interests, use its power to recurs all theme adruitagefot t her oWti people, and dot tO those of Beertilgir : nations? ' Otirtl.overnment` was not institu ted to oppress-her own people, but to'protect their haMeliiterests and toadiun i 4 pios peritaiiilo4 and power . of the' We ran norer,'tfurititipedi boast of stir list'. tea l s `tuttaiiiarl :: the blush of ithatneMiult li ng vurelisekse can now hold oiti carom owl. was i - ' 110:41h ths: opielissid of all Obit' .., nia***-4 11 ._*4 42Ydato,,' *bets the .110 odd ' 111 and !lupins - poiagoion of Etittpp 0044 :Om* • math *mid , 'IN% abundance - of ~ f ood, ' and by iddinif.- - ; in . pri Cting thebielostry of their sdoptsd Isltd , liftl‘ix. voted berei it tral is4tOlill_al *IP lions of and'halfenOwedlaber: "tha„ , .:1tgri,,, 448 hoar* after tiati . loPtdialott"btali **WI" - W1 tpintti f 0; . welkt4itliif_ ,t 0 0 11 4**4 ly#4 l l49 l tatfl, ~ A. ~ e ttinOrbiolitheesiststir lima givels*nuixami *a. educated is .of;ittske *** 4l6ll o/ I tar*blith *OM ill Ivitur .... FINALLY mop STATISTrpii =I EMI Pawed : ( Calaaliti."-***o 11 .";!. 7 -0 - 0 411 01iiiitibe • In the XrjiltOtfkit"tioiqpt'' .Wait"rlisges*WiltVwl, tilAlW*Ptek Atititto.*id. L f4eignllirid • •MO become ice; --*** any *4l#; t4itilfigkiinto2o.l4 • ,atteinptis - to "• artloulati :#idiftgovi *4O OtOitoe***ffini ..10040 - in - popalaihni t wealth iind!pin„ and ; hopelisii**-; si'l'ty ln ofpletity, andshroud in dark-! 441 a, lipeleasneeitaidutterdegradation r the poorly fed and -.poorly paid millions: at other parts of the world. . Atathione*hit* - PRODLT T 01 3 10 in--.:*I4IOt.AND 114: . 13 VICITED*ATAL' . , ' The following is the 'product of Ing •Irot:6 inEngland and thernited States in the fol; lowingynars, which -are All.. qtati ice. hape{ been able to obtain 'We world be. pleaned. ,those" f !who: 1 1110 lave Wilda agates • - r. ,• 'tfifill'uff . the. blanks; trould furnish them: . . • r ,-. INgthrird. - Vt Sutter: : . - um tiraated-...--...—,;-;- . .---- r - f• 'IBIL-...-....--:-....'.-..........-.--... MOAN) 1%10 - Oa- -.•:...i..:. t. .4-'.-........—.. maw , • 4.4.4' ....."-....,...—,. ..-..,.......1.....• .690:,51•0 , . ..... 0 ,... 0 . 6 ~ ...,:.......4..--:. 11331:_...._ • -... . .- ..... ......».,..... . •...--... • . • :19/. 00 3 ISM.: ...:—.......--- - ' riii3;l6 6 ' ----- - ' 4 ISra..- -- • - - • ' . . ---1 . il a . .. - ; -. ; , - " iri gi t 1.459 _. "'-'• I- •• - - 1510 . ..2.: .. ......- ... ........... ... . 7. ..........- • I . ' ...-.....•., • TIMM 1846 ' — ' -- •""" • ..... •••t•-• Vui‘irAt - odoicia ISO. ..... : ... ...-.•..., -IMO. ! 81 7.--."-----• -... ' • • • * . • 1409100. Ist,. —I3P6MN 1ti65......~ ..... f(71,03 • 7011.137 '•"•"Pp.,-••••••-..3:4511,004 MON .3=1: 1 4 SAW . 3 / 1 147&I 1113,774 . ' 731,501 767,662 • 41 . ,510,010 • 711,004 14.14 ..... 190u..1.7181 : ... • . - . ...... - ... ........ 1;357444 13 ..... 1,461,626 .; .. 45° ' 235 1 19 18Z CAUna We hi.d. protection to hot* , industry. frOni' 'sal to 1837; We were without 'proteeticin from 1837 t 0.18.43.. We had prot`ection!froUt 1543 to 1848.. After 1848 we bad no protea tion until 1863 and during the rebellion, and moderate, prottf tIOn • only; since, which de clined as the premium on gold declined, - As the duties are payable in gold, the premium on gold afforded additional protection to the scale of duties in the present tariffbilt. We have no iecord of our production Of iron before the yeaa 1810, when it was esti mated that•we produced, . 1 :50,000 tons. , The nest record lalti,lB2B, when we had protet tioni Which !Rabid' until 1837.. In 1832 the prodhot had increased to 150,000 tons, in 1858 to 5:30,000. have no record of the pm duct froth. 183 up to 1840 ; when it had'iti creased to 347,000 tons, more than half the product of England in 1830. To what ..figure the product was run up to in 1837, we hays data to give, bat we have tiodoubtit exceed ed the product of 1840, which is given , at 347,000 The table shows that the trade was then declining tinder the influence Of free trade which • prevailed until 1813, the tariff of 1840 not ,haVing taken effect until 1843. In 1840 the produetdeelined to 213,000 tons, in 1842 and in 1845 It had increased to .156,000, and In 1847 to 13130,000 tons. Thi.4 is an unexampled Incresie, equalling almost the increase in England. In 1850 it-declined to 564,000 tons, and the trade struggled on froiy that pert cxl , showing a small Inc rte and decrease until the year 1862, when the pro duct was only 787,662 toys less than the pro.' duct in the year 1847. With these figures staring us in the,face, that profound philoso pher and dieinterested patriot, Comm6sioner Wells, gravely tells -Congress and the people that - protective legislature has exercised but little or no intinence.oi the producth - e In dustry, of the country. And we have a large number of members of Congress, engaged in making laws for the Government orthis country, who du not know that Commissioner Wells has falsified the records of the indus try•of this country, in order to, gratifylis own vicious propensities, and to benefit trick who have engaged him, Ar,nold-like, to'he ay, our industries, Into the hands. oOti, • nemies and - thus crush out our Prosperll3, • • use the people daredto question his pro found knowleclye of political ecOiromy. The 'Prosperity of the iron trade" in fury country is the irtdetorthegineral prdsperity of all kinds Cif productive industries.' When thatianguishes all Other iiclustrieslanOsh also. If that-ix:We is fostered, other incida tries, with afar . chance, will' become , pros perous also. , The proposition% therefore to. reduce theduty - on Pig Iron is,.unwise at this time,, because the tendency .of it will . not be so, much to check its increase near the seaboard, -fu the vicinity of Coal and iron ore; with ample facilities for trans portation and markets at hand but. it 'will greatly cheek the building of firliaces in the West and South, where ther e are Many splendid localities for the•erectltm , Of .furna ces, and olhere Pik metal can be Made cheap % But in all new districts, and in the interior, there arc a great many obstacles-1B en,cOun- . ter, adding additional expenses to' theierec tiorf of furnaces and the dispOsal of their pro- Auct which more than cOublerbidances these advantages; and capltalists.who underitand ,the businesses will; not invest thelf•eapital in 'Stich locations, unless sufficient indticemeits are held out, which Will insure them a speedy return for their investments in such districts. They , 5,0u1d - prefer ,lpeating in more. d!sad-1 vantageoualocations where all the facilities necessary to eariy pb the business to advan tage surrounds them.; In new' localltica there is a 'scarcity of ski*, wOrkrnetr, mar-, kets must be created, transportation facilities must be secured, and a large Dutiaber'of, oth: .er difficulties -must be overcome, which 'are know to the pioneers in locating any kliad of new business in a new country The people Of the West and South, theret o , Who desire to secure investments of capital in the Iron Trade to supply theirj borne markets; are much more inter ested preventing that's dtiction of the duty on Pig . Metal, and also' on Scrap Iran, than the people bcirdering on tide water. If the duty's reduced, the tug lish will pour Pig metal into the country cheap with their 350 ferrutoep now; standinf -idle, to• check the erection 'of furnaces at home,-,-and prices may ireoede for- athort time—but when the erection of hiniices, is checked at home; prices will go np Witt to the consumers of Pig - metal, and we will im port more largely thattever. If the present duty is retained, the erection of furnaceit will' progreiri rapidly at hotae;-,--we will be ena bled to supply the 'iletriand, and we will im. port only a small portion of such kinds that we tio not produce at hem, and boute,,cem -petition will reduce the prices to a fairlivink profit much Sooner thin a redectiOn oil the foreig9irtiele. could de. By .miklataining the duties this rednetien would be-maile per. manettt, While .by radioing the duty , a ea. &Labia 'would take „place fora allprt time, 'but sicifilCalterderdis advance. again to 'a higher rate than the -dOmestip - *tele wood ; be Am:dolled:andel. St•!listlnt Of InOteet49ll to, the Koine trade. If there are any thancifao-. turas of Pig metal who desire a reduction On this article C for their Own • special interests, and we learn there are number such, all we here to say is; that they are just as lniza teal to the industry :9f the . countries the Frei Traders, and teat _times Mime , despica• ble "in demanding. protection for their owe , -irtterasts,aid then denying to othenk • , „.-. , 1. - . : Wrlttirp: ''''' 16157.............._.......,:-.-:-:- WAD 1858..:.:_:.-........:•-,..:4-,. ADAM. T U re 2 C . : 7 '; - 7- - .. -• . + ...7 . S. r .:7:::::rt'Aie 864.17... i .-.:...--i:---L' . 2:030 MIS -....- • ' - ,• - • - - TEEL In - THD.ONITED STATES 'I" ThePROCTIONIOr; eiealtingat they net making In-glasdknlacqure Of Steel . itt I h. . trnltectStateiN sap : -'• • '•A '_ • "Wilda the hett Ida rears It heibeeme : ted that the eteelleaduatar imalltles do inset in Aeaerkaa fr a. sad many at et& but *e4ool saasstdaettets _ and' tasehtalete ieettfr' - that steel; bath east wad eaned, liadaft 3 Pittobertgrosti Amer'' lean I; btolhr,Equal teitha *4 Earth& laakak - "The ststa-prooo4 etputtrig uie venal fa sad mend Pluatiargalo at Imeeatf-flei -UM per dal Xtils - ' ll 4 l lllD7:surp Vbasadark be ' deemed asmoculd hid isettlad. Wet e. Its kilo taw an it hal Idraidzegaentbe I lit p !rm,* 11)4.; 1 " 21:11 tig ' e ? o *NIP!, Pirt, , . 1 1- ti 4 - 0./03 2 04:Wagallt PPYakowdei. Isai. 4o3 l: l w 6 oßtitreirtOcenufst* a tllloH , ; $001.. - , squsuoi 'aviiiici than 'S oi zmin Sa , Ta1141 11 0 3 4 4 # 4 .0a7:4 8 00*A alayskikto ll # 3 .o a.l4V4 9 4l4krawthrmvd= 1 m s h oi,Ai.l;olotrAl,Micro - t090014* latust A latataratlaDl • °Or, sge-TPEr ' Mi.,. 1 tailiOtthe f e rrisiallive ;, 11 . 1 1**AR I L I .:-!;_-:-... ,--:,:•::-.- , :4::-.-;',. NNW *. -WAREAT-ONITAIL • 6 - 0111 *thei imbrtikonfiralue of tagt ~41„IlibletrIII‘ in A'be ratted . 5.. 111 104m et Chest ileitigaw'enge4frvin the' itofidca L ltusus raomocno 41 1 ,P, 1. Wu. = 1.1.10,711 t L , . 'ftp. ll W 4 .°, ll •P' AP 2 r io 71#X) I,k Clamnue 317,7 ya ke t z nsintnillynnt fiiora s 4 - ( 4 i ar t a r s f4 ) ' Itotsl Talu}nAht •Cticulatedat the cost of milting. be ore any charges far movement are tidcled. 3OrrAut OirrAnnts Irsorir rnu Oin'es Mcrussttilitt: '; , __Votnr. Co • . .... E CC NiS et'. . .'' 41E7; ? ; 6 ; 1 411 75 0 35 .1 - 3 X 3 Other (estlil2:l rr- 4 .5.000 1 . 0144inikii;et4414ticieti5 7 t..J. 111 . 5 . 1 4.1 6 . 418 total viluo of' the Metals , and .Coal, with other tram& (not inelndiug slates, bolding stones, or connnon clays), produced , , Value of the rnetalliprodnae4 Pin the WWI . of the United Kinsdnip- ..... - 15,119,.1/G Value of Goat - _ . 24,7e0,2t0 Otheradnena,naTiedia,iiii, 2.003,b19 During the year 1888 the folloWittg have „ been our m ote 1 03 P;ortiint oNPOrti° Nal ana , of metals obtain:ed. from Britisivores, us coin- Tarok wit i.E rinirloor e lir ititits,Po#l - 44:1;%ar: .1017;um:..10,a15.2.0 ..tol,ar pig- 1.915.28 e-. - Tin. nwirrought.„- *ZOO., - Copper. ditt0... . . ._ . lints Lk‘d. pig- ....... 13,971 . - Zinc- - - IMV 5600 M .3,x8,151 ;51;17$ ------fZitt: 4 4 L:4O i FOREIGN 'AND-NIEFALLURGY - The production of the Prtisaialf mines and iron wors in" 1.567 hay :now beeli .01 4 .1ienn4Y returned as follows : 1= , • T om: . - -.....5ee value d ""15,11,5' 812,0.t.31 3,0,17.! ' Cool.. • Lfgnites . Minerals ensionsi'••• Iron --- . - .--....... . : .... 4... '. -- 1.3.'63,0' iii,hid --..e.,..,,...........4..........., ell{pll ,3,V97.:110 ~ ,..i.....4.::.;,.5ee va1ue113,46 4 • ----...:t. - :tice valued ~.- ' : lib .... ---• 4 43.155 , "A7,Cti 77- 2I . 30 4 7 137 .:----- : :. : • - - .37 .Lis ' '• . M - . ----1— ... _ . 111 - .- 3,i• 6 ......... ,_ t.)O ~.:, .......-SeitVialle - 1.3-I .4.... - Ste 'rattle -' - ''. !', 2, ll . . _. _ Steel Zinc:, Lead and'llll;e - rage... Co Nic el - • - Mercury . • , Cadmium : .. ... ...... Su pliste of copper StilEhur The total value of tho ccuil , lignities, pig Iron, and iniii.ellaneous nietals":!‘‘te., produc; ed in Prussia In 1867.,wi9 thus 18,274,17: t. number of workiiimi employed in 18G7 in ?maga coal and lignite 'inflicts - vas 217,= 710; In other .Inlnes, 50,700 ; and iron works, - salt winks,. ac„ 69,0 W ;:niatinl:: the very cottdderablo aloft:twit . ° t ot . * 8,103: The , Industrial rlcoior of Pnksfiat wop d it_4.lll to be evenott the, ho tiro teeth her halite InduStry by Tariff dillies, al though labor is lower ; frupgim Allan II) Englatid,;. but under , her: system? .protec . .., tion the price ot laborti. gradually-rising. • EXPORTS OF. BRITISH "RAILS The foll Owing tible gives " the exports (If Railroad Iron froth the Until& Kingdom in. the following years, 'and valge_ of 'the same El liiiii Elia 1/55.9 M 0..... 4 , x1,47r 1461.- 1662., 1863 L. 1801.. =IN The average value of, the English Iron At. the milla in 1867 was $.41`1 per ton and in 186 , 'about &I!) 50 per ton. the kind of Competition ,with:wlilch nbtr Atneilcan NilLs hive to contend With. difference in ecr_itin,the two coitutrieiia alliabor. • . O.f the above quantity the United Stages took 'tithe yeaie designated the follinring quantities : „AS Tons - g, • . ENE :-And itris ,beJiFlved that, in 1869 we. im- Ported tibOut, .0)0P0 tons, more .than une halt the4l:ltislispOrts. . - •"• "MANUFACTURE. OFcPIA IRON Yhii .. , _ production •of pig iron x Great'*trite' • , to' I. ,;1868 was 4 - ,970,206. tdm:wagaOst • 4,1g,i A tone 48&4' .The. entire numberizif_ furnao4s IN blest iillg#37 - wlis — frai3 and . hi 18.5' 661 : 1: The -follaseing fiellp• minim* , of- . pro ' 4uction: 1 .. ' - -- - -IZ , ' : ; . - /Ehgland,. ,- - rbr.intii. ISt.' 1,965'. ..-. I - ' =Deli.. - • ,-' Tdiii. • Z. 44., 11>ii4. . Tbm.. Vortlaunberland-.__ si,far 17,496` . - Li,e...0 Durha.m.: ..: .. ... 'c 7,83:0, 44AVS 21,•754 .' Yotliskitre 14.4iiiiing:1130,892 1399,4 , '11 58,1-1•":. ---- do. W. Biding ;10402 liAl e ~.. ' . 4 Wrby5h1re......1.2.....t. -111uphl 151 ii, - --- Lalfeaaldre.,.. . _ ...... .:. 11,18,1411 - '45E6 Cumberland- , 4.:;,,... 109339 I 7,;= - Shropidare._,... :.•. ._ ` '4624' 144, 51 p,5•1.) '-•• N'tb Staffordshire—. ,SQ - 49,91,7. • - ,Atil -• \,c, Wth Eltaffordatate...A• ,VrIS '4.r..,23•1 • Ift" • NorttampUnabire'... IC4 •3x,5A1 ' 10,400 Lincolnshire' . ' 1... 4,670 • 3 W 6, . 8,4.3). GlOUCeStffShire,.•••-) - Wiltshir—. e _.,-• . N-, 73.1% 'WIT 4,6431 ' , Somersetahtre........ - .) ,.., • , North. Watts. Dentityllstano._. So tetk - Wates. , . . =,.. Antbtaclta Yur,....... . Asna.. 11 - 4,141 • .. th elaonflanstlre;;; -- 403 _. (60 • 399 0 101. ' ^ :i Breclakockabire... ..... , 240,443 , 2.1,01 X/ ' ' 'MOntpatlthatare_ ... '. - 418,:35 4.L.'7 er2l: -9,558 Eic0t1fixt4,...,...t ... _. 1,031,000 1,064 1 000 '' ;7,90 ~ Total producm..... 4,761,fg3 440;208 •-• 4 701 CYM • - • •, - 100,183 - *S43 Inrieeae.s • Bnrrisit Extm t i- AN I.:STF..EL.-.- - - . The London Co GtAntis. gives the tonnae and value of the eliports and Steel fgoni,Great • 'ln 'theft oaring l yeara : • • / - - 44: , grgin and Steel. T by s. - year. Tont. - Ton.. 1853 1,261,272 4 • 610 ,80, 518,000 , ./854 1,198,05 . 3 . 11,874,875 . 506,50 R 1855! ...... . . 9,05,812 • 8420;1' -„ 412,m08,10ic M 5,699 1857 ..... 4 /30Xt,&17 8W.,0c8.1 -1853 1,819,958' 11,197,0'2 . . :: 12,314417 • it-1,583 18 ..... 12.'154,997 ' '47,870 1881-, • -1,84,1994 • • ' 10,0018 940 0 18 1962../ 1,9.11,461. • • ' 11,2115.,191 54236 1883 .....1,940,949 • - 13,150,0&P, 141,100 1564 1,502,961 • • . 13,314034 ' 117,817 148&........i,627. - -._:- 13,471,34 159,615 1 9 66 —..1,6161,81X11.41.,E42,417 3.10,0017 168 7 • 1,855,a94 " 15,126,912 • 381,858 1888 f 1,5H5`,248 -15021,991 " • - Product. Iran ir t aillniteciS,ifttes in • •Of the total piodncilorl gig, an d hammered Iron in the Untied States In 1848, the followitigc,itre the tivatititio arkl , vain 'shown, 'with ,r_eferfr . icf) tO the kitili' of. p duet • • • 5 . • , - . • -it vereage Value. Rouilis lAriT Pig - 000 . 42Striff Ba 6008,714 • 33,3444148 Boller, arid Plata, u1,41a 15,017,3:0 „Walla aad , Bpikaa,....i... - 111,070 ' . 1.5.5a0,000 Bar, Rod,. Band; • ar..Areleadkridetner' rolled iron .. 237104 15,049,850 HammeredAN). • • 3 4t0740. • • _ imr,ooo' 7 I .t127Z5„9e8 PRODUCTION or mos FRANCE The followig lithe - TiVitity 'of iron pro duce& inTranoe for the followl . ng,y,enrel: 220,000 • .1,000.000 860:1 • 0.10.! ' r; • e %Or r..••••••, - • +jag ". 1,01 1 ,833 010 lAOK - • . The folleUriiig etatetaeut ezhibite- the an :nisi production of antbrocitd pig lion in the United Statio, frota . lB49 to; 1868, inclusive: • : . . . . CUBS 1967 atu.Roipißorf. The first Ail 04'1:tided - SW Nu in tie littie enter 1848, . or the imihi ilingopeoonweetberolirtplig.twative. : 11 0, ret4lllzOf the at43taai litrOuq tr 1 4 14 1843 :to 184 .The, - • A' - • r 1181111•610331 ri — me, ~• . . 11.111W"Y‘-. 2ico : toaitESPONDENT writes as foPows othel3ostottoololEllCl4l.BcLLETlN.: - I'M!, ]Grow that Great -Britain .now 'oOnsinides,. I 'aridtharketa five million torixof,ironstat n ipr i wrtareass Solite last. 30 years site man " oter re Walter* mi li tan tons, nine (if w 'mad, iron, and that up to thatihtte. Ad 4 tioit pro dnor4 16~00 torts. , i... ', • ! 1 `The:Ceet of Iron In aoso4 , on th ese fitelatiit*'- qUirag.,3Bto 46 eel- of 3fto Ao got; of tsol, , Iltitto lia mt. of Ifux,With 13 tOnis - Of str blown Ini "Wig' t all the labor to produce the sante, to e one ton of iron. Mr. Truman, C. It, au thor Of "British Tron 'Mantilla:tures." (says of . raid -ton; "The property of the greate4 irttport- Ince Is tenacity, an is a qualt.ty of the, itrsf, if -not of paramount import:ls:ex. • TranSverse strength runt, ankis directly deoenthint .bn the tenacity - of the metal, also prstrferi to redid im paet, 'do. fatigue, do., crushing ' forces. hardness and texture."... - l ..146o.leeette k diivelopment fr&rn decade, to de ft-,0,41ri0r to the introdnetioli Of the st ea k: en gibe, and from that to the intro d uction of rail roads, and from, that to this date, and yoe wilt 1 see that slice theCintroduction of 'railroads we have Inereatted`two-foldio pepsin/ion, and four foldett produetibusin per• -cent over . fernier de-'- cad And our 4,4mintry is not one-half devel oped east of the MI 41gsippf - river, by railroads, compared with the moarprOaperous Statei;. Our railroads in 1850 owned 8,539 mil 4, and • .- _ wit 6 2 1 , rill* we then posetted on; • • ... .`ro e, vii: the New York' Cen tral, a• , that had to pay desal tolls forth priv ilege pf ' • - - ,4 • g!frOght, whirl[ amoud for many years - a It' probiblttoily•and 10-4.45' we have,! say, twelve. through linos. And ` if the roads carry esruitarter of the tonnage that 'the Zreir Vora and - N. ew England roads do per mile, which is 8.50 tons,. they awry 0,6:45,000, whk•ll, at 0.50 per:ton, is W,600 ; lutd.if the' Should , carry, equal to the Boston and Maine Railroad, 'it would amount to over six hutidied hilliort of dollars, and in lOttO A. I),:trillinoupt. ton three fold that antoinit •• ': • -' • . - I These roads have been created, chiefly IF% men Who wera.notpractical, and were, thereibre, bnilt St a great cost, -as building and eqfilping railroads was a how lattsino. The rail- Were made chiefly from inferior iron,. lulown I p.; the American:brand Whith ryas sacrificed twitch life and , property and iii , thinly eases, the 'roads thetnaelves: - 'State tareetvere' levied hT New Jersey, 3faryland, Pennsylvania, and, other State 4, on passengers and tonnage. In the lace of these ohstaelea we have attained oor .present wouderfal development ' ' 1 Sfahoractured,in 186 s. Tons. lVilloo, Fentolsr 1r0n .......:_. , ...__....,_ :. ri.; o om z.t.;1.. , ,,e0 thimtnertat do— ,-........ .. . • j t.y. l oo P:,..41.1000 Bol!er Pluto ' 111,3W.' ti. 4.47,370 Itaaresu. trial ..... .. • . 50,4714 fli,;••4 148 Bar , Itottl 1104; iiie" aid •I- .' ' other rolled Iron__ 3 7 4",' , .. ' 35,01` , .'Vh. , . 13esTe l ti d iet :•,tee 4 1 . .:.. ca,t, anti Kudsliod BE m , -4- ' 821 all 1,. I . 5u,7% Qdnittifii., • Yerbre, 413'1,870. - . • 44,095,3U9 .1,M•%, ~l i' 119111ild L1N,14:1 • 4,11:1,2'8 443445 • - 4fir.,174t _ ... .... 149 ,1 13, 77 SrA IS,TitV ;.: - -45 , 40 S ,183,19 S 4;41,L. 016,174 iff** , • , tt0.44..1. .580 v 7/1" : .:.' M 1,119— YIN= ••• , , .3,902 7111 IN = =1 *ll-Lito4l) P.12044R.E55. • ; 1.W.101)1 tt,Aav,3ll , l ti,sou K.O 21,,51 . 0 . ;Y 51,N' ' ...... 1:415`1,000 Nall wand Spikes 11i,001 Imported is . 5t0.1.1 logoto, $l/eq, , Wire . • • 24.74,3m -31'a nti fomrt4 n I.lron' Rll,l Steel- .` Italirt,a4 1 rou .k 24 .. t • 4 - .11%,. . • . , ..... • Total .. •-„ •...014,77 .7,3t3,5k ixkinesat: 31rinu fact .... '1,5 , 74.004 • 1/11,t4-,,:',11! • Tot#l. . ...... Donvestia Yiup.u.Lect . E.V.til4.; ellier Cast 3i44.1 /11(131 4, 1 I i • - 3;14,441 1 I . 5,1:",",i 1 _ 1 1. 1 ' Thum 1 tan le rei l'ti ni Is' " • , and )4PlueA . , 14,39:.1,01) 'r . ..... . Lf itiin hits Aorie so mu c h for us as: a- nation, d an must,. oUntinue • to'do for us. et the rate'taf t4;00,00P . ,000, in-. 1960 A. D., have we done our 'duty to.,itY. Certainly poi. for \ye are' making our,imn:mbeh inferior that niwie -hetere this 'great development, and 'make it front the best. in the,world.' We are. groir in g- poo r. yea r evirolf tbeg . nality our rethain the Lsame,-'asiete'exitet greaterlituelen's frotti 'it than .it-can bear; caused by the- deielopinent. of the country. over a. larger area,) nlitcl9 .sfealiandS higher rate 4, of- -- apeed and hetiYier and tonge.r trains of all our railroads... ' j. j -.. WO now know that we havc laid fn . theif/2,5(Ki "milgs of railroads -1,72.1,000- tone, which !every ten - leara musi. IT-rolled', r lArled •on !English 'railroads (but when based',or seine .0! the best railroads In the United States, evert- ibtiryears, 'basssi fide years' experience), which lons, Miitai ly, at $75 per ton - f5 tt,i),)olo.)0„ thltabis ten per cent is worn 'and - • By otculliatlon ' Antl'a turuihr cost In car wheels .. .. AM,trip loaf tore-roll 83,Itte t'.1)11.0 'ArinWll,lr,i.74 tothe WI - run:1:1 ; • hr, - .122,12.3 Thia loss in, ciao. 'Wheels‘li tittiid . Dtt titeir hist , . ing-tive yeirs, instead '2,31, as:they do :on New I -Verk roads, viz., passenger, freight, 3-04,' • awl:they carry . ...a weight per'st-heel-- - -pa;scW;er', 31, teias hell:Air. 1.47. - tons, arid • all 9 ;s: 'one-[calf, IDi Obi which. In 1900 A...P. the -annual •loss !:3 three-frild-L510.,5432,1V5-r-based,oin lattArvand will douldethat baSed prhcitittrar of other articie4 of iron, tnakfruz a tour! 'loss • I went of iron to thenation Of between tt.teu,rv,e,ocky. inni.' 4 Z2Do,oGo, l ...oe annually. .And rides dot,is', rit.t4ie when are-On , r the rrre in the world, ectued; by several . rea.son,v ehierly pur chasers dentanding a cheap lion,'ltor hosting the Value of iron, excepting is ,hased u price, and the ',eorttnetition'. of, tire Ana facturers" against , eitch : oilier. '• , • • : -;-. Of 17 'cannons whithweronpFlefor tife I7nited :.states front hOt blast'ehazeoal:.tron, to startcl. the test. ''Cast iron ineroases-i n'-'at reit gth front 403 pounds citothr; first meitintr,-to 725 pounds on the twelfth ;31aelting ;_ bars; ante. inch by four feet, and nCcold biait ehercoul•pik.i.ron Zdallet Says of forgiii}of 24 to . 3 l 3tnches in , _diameter, "that- they are ofiejor more :rentsand have been foniad'lS indict; loug,•i wide lwthe eintrei.,caused hy:e:cintra:7lionotifter leaving - the hanutter. - - .24talny'the .1 Iti strength front thil-long ,elf.posuke: to the • in •tewie hog, nec'essar ,?ttittgntt;tite plik.-Ability of • - testoring the fibre by InDernering. At barn-- , Auer hard'ening, especially cold- inunithl i a dtured'hy.lnekink fttlislied work Dr te. , give. the. 'firm dctitsniried to saga: ceSt 4f : turning phr-" • ning r will-proiluoa atystalitation and intri4ir.rlie' iron. • • - • r „.. oStr. sr lit . •s r r 4 , 6iindthe DePsity, leae ty. ipeZ,3l.i n. .Cast iron, least eoot ; 6xentmr I, . WYCtgt WU,icaSt: greafe,t, 71.•:.44 SSteel,_least " ~ • , 7-fr_Vs-k o 'tsitoe • - locratest •P 54,31 • iist4.l) •'. :1141. 4 g4 ",Iltanr, chrOme steel,. 4.6rOdfct • chrome, steel' in sunt oniNioni•-tliiid • IStronger than any' other' -TWO, but lye • p o , duced at small,cost, from tho feet that W. h c ,out,'•tt.s in a' ateel headed rail; It ltas tt Anarket -.Valde, can adoever a*aitt',l.valieh is not:rite ease with Ifee k .setier 'or any,Other steel: - it will also Weld' without borti,!t or Jinx, and when. .burnt cam ,he.redoemed nil the next heat, r I uitist iron far ' many ,purposes,. - by converppg it ;into' gaur' ateel,. to '.enabl'e 113 develop.' - the readurees of atm etinfitry a •' low coat,• i fpr the efienpei; we can: do 11, the more tve) - tan tlevelbp anti through -railioadu we' must into 4,-50 miles rands' coif 5350,1100,000. Il f `they Were all steel alle.they4444l. cost' ;00i3; 'this great expense ofs: - ...,5 - 0,000,01/0 the roads would • not hear, even if, it were Pritetieable; Which it is not, on axxitunt.of oar, extreMem - Itittli; t here - forit, - uiti, wants a rail with thet‘toligitafss of iron mad:7ole - haidness of atepl,which. , eau' 1)e. pro- dneed,.lu watftel•Peadedy ~ xail,: - - I • ' • • . • • ••,- • The. presda - cest , of re:relline the 'lO iii!r ',lent. of. •futtirt annually re-rolled, yt Y the loFs from wear and oxidation, _ • y 3 12,1"5 Coat to make then, rail* ateet-headetied, carrying.l-5 pant. steer, 472,50titons,.inatt • ' SZ'estra, • I Sths3T,s4o, Which- wonitt wear . 83 long as six.lrs9 rta!se • ' • This' estimate a- value does .116 t 'iseimie-• the' ,ettra.experuie of sett itiK the rails in . ect her 'case, wll4 givetpatill,ggeater fuVer of the ateel-hediled jrrittft fie,se( coin bin - ed" "dicta we tliiuk the -e . onstimptioil 'c t f increase: - '• z 'We Shall make 10 'ter cent, of 11 . .11:the ' road mils ainl .... $1053. ^ .,1 • 25 Rectlice the importation. of rails I. 2 ,30 0 ,7 87 Redisce 1102 , lirmOrtatlou or ~ teel " . !N - 41,(49. Reduce tha , importatton ,attieltss - wade of steal and Iron .!,4 ......... ~. * • Also,uskeilst all,Jaege Castings and ftiqing, as tote -Incrt-e,sed develop-• „ • men t of our country increases the draw,- , log burden, and that tncreasqi t.) .Yrwet4i , of he rolline stock . of railroads, en- -; eines, steaniers, Ate.. and - said weigiu ~• eats bereduced one-third artd.itliara• • etet of heartugataae-half, which will F 'duce the frictiutii-and we caii therefore depend upon tine-tenth of our eaFting-t and forgingforging !Doing of steel, ' , alit. steam ship -companies , will . endorse 'this & . • ' mul hues lose One or more shafts an nually , • 1.. 7,0141= 3 1:N41A1 10t!, 1 0).000 . •,...t 0,154,000 xidlb 41. D. 190 q must bE abdU/a. of, ,ask /a /868.......: . , ..,;!. : l.iiii IRON . INTEREST From Me • Statlstles of . the. ItiT-Tra#e og . the troltikl Ststes, .Collected by SitAi,- ;LtarElt, Jr.,Esq., the: Seeretety,..q. the. ; t74l- 'ted States Iron •:tiMli Steel;AisOiatioti, s e gleam the following. Statistics of this rest ih-' .tereit whieli cOntr . ibuteembre than any er Interest . ticeept coal,„ ko the Om, poCvei and IF,ealth of nations;; if prop erly, fostere4 andpMtiieWl : - ' ,__ _lurid,- tired itett - prients a stiii wire imPoitag array of filmes, nri challenges the attention of, even _,t los .___ clsu&l ?aim'.:, Thus, the vidue!of pig. e4_une. Minufectured in Me' 'United( Butes dor*: / 4 11 1809 , will approximate.r4 l / 4 000" . _' Add,rto tins the p roduct Of the rolling mills; and forges, aid tve ve a total ot*lat; o op ,000 , While if the value allapttdea comprised under the head.of!manufacutres of lion' la Mcbided :ire hevireorand total of 1itga,9 . 09,43K- eft Ake ,v i liPter of "iron trade for the :vein: . 4, , "The estittutted_q_uantlty or pig i two le' ISO is eyes Ite . ),9ao t ooe tons Id' If ) * • with aq eddittotiesixtptive ti *maces: ,in the hfehmilit!„- - TanzFaktlie‘o4 vidfitire of near %) lv slailgMon:of'dollare in ' O .49, intriumg4 the capunty.of_tinit aixility 91, !cons; . The advance in the Weea L iflates Is M.lArFolerrespond thhtrec:Le';rriil(ruCh ort -tWam tioir. Orel ,a; ft.,.iik full bl ast, _and Swag pew Wolin pterOgies'oron a. ItilsliodriliaeAticreased OVOt AC Wirt' Prod ac tia'llad' o4l . o4' 'Mg oise lgirik4i._ NVlscon" • Itt-Witthr ie = t4 ,1, -A , ~ . I'la rant ' is umag A d th io-rg i rrtiM ibeithe(voft , t7s , - , - that!get prOdttefirr pai ' ; 4 * tons, :,..,4: orlert# . ' tnerfase idileh ' I addle MM'in . eininal as tompant4 I 0' the-0001W *addittogeothmt‘Mus' of the . Wzr4sixteett,_ _-Yeerat Af mllleltirkjetinist. , 0 a that jKosategibassc laid dollar IMO letVo ll44 4=Var " -.' '' 'M* PUF. r n : 16,1106 14*-Swto:pitis,7w—siiirrht"pr: • •probay e e, and if, our suppl the great The 65 fem . : folloynD , • russylvioni......... I,:ew lVitxtnta. Inaano 411r-higsk In addition t the above no less than -48, - , are. in •c•ontera lation, principally .in the West, and are • ly awaiting the fate of the duty on Pig ire ia'Congies.s. If retained at 3, ire have o doubt at least 100 near ones, will be in. P r . .ss of ereethmilitfore - , the, dose Of-IS7O. If reduced, we do not belleo rone-dozen new ones will be erected in ~157i7_ . , I . • Rocca liusiness -11offics. . . In cents a line. CI itwrttun: c!St.its si;t4s . fluent tosertiob. . - SILK Susrtspirt.4 titarr.tismitatt Vlrtati COLI.AIiV-! • •, • • BALBILIGAN Ht LF 31•01Eill.ALIktIO.417: HALF HOSE! PAr COLLAR-it' PAPER C•01‘LAI.:41!! • NEC ...641 Etit tl , ea..1,1/Arg!! Pct43Cille. .oktitlpertor.,oy4ter Stew - isitattraut, - No. eglatro stet. , ruts .tile Alma :011TALUtt.see for . • • 3-to .• as for snits lty latf.Ql.lT 014,T Meerira - Ladlks anti Gents Pric reducOd.,t you elves: OLqus Horse If FarNTH. .. and American' Clot, atyles, ad n %if Die finest . unlitleai, at D. A. S h-A ta Centre St. "s 1 GOOD MAN 1., EAA7.Tie AN INTIE RITeWCE."—No luau with a Darr iik2rrfazullv is tree from reprbach it tils life is net I sured. - Bft guEAirza dt. Lawase* advertisement, F.urtli Page. FRENCH PARR , de D. A. Smith's JUST Ot7'l_ ' .For Colds. Co , Nnne sn (food,:Ndi nO more oil 1111 OWN CVO, 11COUGH. C * LD, 08. BORE TSBOAT RE-, - quires inartpliato attention, as C.S) W 4 / ', Lung neglect often ri Wl' in ort" . -,lnonTutile " 5. ,. j- ll:lsease. .17. OWN"SIiIterNCI.I.I-' 11. / 3. ^akir.HiAl AL TOOI.ES I'll; mast invariably UHL: li . c !• give lamiint roll .I% . Fiii 131t4iIiiitS, - A, c? •.4 'ro l '\'` ASTAICA, CATALI 11, CAtiNSI? ILPTITE an.. , 4 ~ A Tintoxr VISE-tsi 4, theklutVerti sodthing elle t: 1 SINGERii an d rreuc.SYLAXERS use them to clear and stung itin , rhe 'Mien: ; ",, •.. —. .. ; ; 'Ow ing't 6tbe g t reputation antl popalariry or the Trochee, many I/ g for t 4 thiris lino!' cheap itairatlons ar•er pf- uli -frrrd tctar4; olltin.j.. De pare to oie.r.i:txf F 4 tin. trite , ; • • ' rauAryl .Nov, nEAPNESS, LL treated of Dtsen.ts of 3 - 1011e:11 Pollee( inerly of Leydutt. Te,ttinx flints at . Itedareoni iusertc,l.Wit 11011 J July 31. 1'7.4 ' 0,, m ----- T itRITABL INVALIDS:- 4 lndlgestion ' .not J. oqiyaffects tte physitail health hut the disposi-. , :, lion and tempers of its , tiCtims. The dyspeptic be- Cpillet mo, in a measure demoralized- by his suffer ings. 'lie is subject to fits of trritatioa, sullennoi, or despair, as the case may be. A preternatural sea- ' sitiveuess which he cannot control, lends hini to' mlscontrue the words and acteof thosearound hint,; inal his intercourse even with those nearest arid dearett,to him , s notunfrequt•ntlsl marked by extil , tattoos of testiness foreign to his real-nature. These are the mental phenomena of the disease, for which the intalid caqq not be Justly held responsible, but, they occasionetch household discomfort. It is to ir.7.1. the Interest of the home circle, It le essential ttt family Immo 'an - well as to the revue of .the pile cilia' sufferer ft oin a state not.far .removed Vermin - . elpi4nt insaniy, that these symptoms of mental disturbatfee; I) promptly removed. - This can only be doe by rem Ying their physical Cause, niderange- I . racnt if. Ole to oleos of the stomach and attained tisect,a, the liv .r and the bowels. Upon these three linpolitant. org Vl3 llostetter's Stomach Bitters act., si in olismc.itsl -; producing a thoroughand salutary change in the condition. The vegetable ingretli- - ents.of whICIt t e preparation - is composed are of a - rem - A - sting, ref Mating a d reterative charaetpc.and tile Btu:lntent litchi activity totheir reMediar virtues Ii the rest n btst that an be extracted' fromthe mot•A vile] mac of all (sweats,' viz :'sound, rye. No dys'pe;tic an take this genial restera.tive, for a single w - k without exPerielacing's. notable improvement •If bjs general health: N,QC ,klaiy will his bodily sun'. rings abate - falai d'43 - . twtsy, blot his. nittod.Sevlit rte - Cr rapidly fromits" and Irrital,ll.o.Vert d this harpy •elointe wilt'„nianitrest. li.solf`,lll hi, de 'wawa tp . ull axon n 4 . -11 int. • : ., . 't liiii•li'7o „" , '• ' --' - I:lt - '":!7-•?z; Tr - I , IoLLOW .t. E,seue6 lllerervre-tiwo 'I:4411z; t...holora g4.4...t1n11, [lie PA }toll , ' spoonful 01. It of any gnter. tiny er_l3l-; dun t.l,..r2.Aucia. They are they are then,. p+:!..,ts , 'of WORM t of the propiir ITwenty -dye' c _Cowden, 14r2 A .f tNIIICI37,44YLOITSIRED OIL LINIMENT,.. Itti-tren, external remedy , for Etteurnatiern. • Neuralgia, sprains, lirutses, chilblains, Swellings, '.titllThess of th, Jotnt , ,„&e.. Posaesslng unsurpassed: tokilittes as a pan:Lent; It Non . prove Itself a frkapd. in every . faralls In cases of-Rtiennaatlstp, and Neu- , tulglafeltiler allghtorsertons, lt• Is alsaapseeridy to , relieve pain! • rThIS Lielipleutpikskezten In-use for the' - last fifteen s•o4tlrs; find ban .given SattisflictßlA •Nrtiofeverir h i r been used. • , • • prepared d sold by .Mrs.: SATLEgh t Z 7 O. Centre St. Agent at Sliriersvl LAWr RENCE BROWN, Inagglits; A%hland . I XAIzE, Dr.tig Ist. - • . 4,W,g,4' M 3 R_ i - 112 2 e r e at' totalit ail 'tom "An! 58,000 )444 ° ITUIDUnk& 'k tha; of t.O setae gtutple preteetfou is given• to fusers, the United States Rill" of it." • eeti_erecting are distribute I Ohio —.4 4 !Moot -5 5 htet tab r . ,.. ...;;; Kent 6 A L. 4. I D DiirLts, a beautiful art- Ceu k tja Street. -: _ . PE/ELA,L le l / 2 So* Tkreat, .aadoltroaFkltts. - . e so Pleaiant, Nano Core as Quick. co., 10 X.4t Qr llon,e, Nei* York, • . tlibse hOrrible tasted flausctSting THLVOB.!' NOV'. 6, '66,-44".u1 RCSIITON TROCHES., ; 1.1) ETERYWNERIi: • , litiNDNIIBI3 & I .subeems by .I', ISAACS. JI. D.;Prof., ye. `auct Ear... ( hta mpectalty) -tit. the • (Pa.: twelveyLarm.expertetce; (for.' t.; 11011:m41J 1%.6. tia.l Arch Rt. Phila. its office. • The reetiteal fticulik'ara pany theirvattents. Artitic,lat (Tem ;pain. Examination free. • • la circular. Soltlay ritutecista, ho Liver. r . READs trig. \ A me muse - tor Dysentery,/ Diarrhceo.o)lka. and Otijina .• Pains. It regulates' theirsow• etr, qu Restless*" allays' Inflanims*st; altd- Promotes Healthy rest: It softaiirtlui Gums, and reswismo Ttathing easv. • Prtni 30 eta. per itottis. ••• Wrested in 1.43:.c0r li4 ERIAL Ui tor Cuts, Burns, Sores, gruptions, ac. ; ba regretted.' Sold by Druggists. [ 5 - cents MEN Rill • t.ll, Y%S,FSS.F.ISICE OF JAMAICA Ls, dr doable strength. raid the oxY Jtunaka Ginger tu thtt niarker„ 1) - article to be relied on ID MM .. S. , 4 . :%lortws,: Diarrlatea, I.))l=en•tery.,•lncli •tas of Change of Water, Colds, Se oAvt y'.4 and talc! , no other. A hafften• . wore than equal ,to a whole gwxWful told by Alruggisls anit. storek.ePperk , bottle. ..Johmon, Ifolloway. Crow; •treet, PlairtLielpLia. • ;BY FOR HOLLOW Y's Vta..4lFrOk C~ruiDnes • CONFECTIONS,. , • teloas. The +lectors suet indthers Way Ott etri•etual reined!: for those S. Th'e gcnuule hays the algttature Acne on. the 'wrapper, 9f each box.'-1 ?ntc per box. Johhsoni ell Sr.. Phll4. Inne 130-2,14„ytf;4,. CPUGHS kV n COLDEL—There are more pes •+ . ;ous die 1. - nu Ily frOm diseates of the:lungs . than from. any oth r cAnwe. Every one ahould recol lect that a neo eat eieegit.or cohl often terminates in Consumption. smote- s -CompOund B.yrup of Tar' 1 is the be=st, molt reliable article known' for. the cute of. Coughs, CO-Ids, .I.l.crarseum, Astlarin,. CAircualo Catarri4andlore Throat. For the relief of•Wh M oop g Cough' th re .if :nothing eynal to 'it. Trice :754 cents. bold ot ly at W. H. R08F , ..... SON'S ,Drug Store, POtts7isliet Wit. mATHEWs' Drug' Store, Mines 1..i11e, and the rineiral Druktfitores throughout the couutry. i ...- ~ RUSSELL & • 111. S, Noy. V. ' ' 7-arn"{-77 *:." Proptlet Thtia. THE CONFESSIONS' Or AN INVALID. Publisheito: the benefitof itoNa, MEN • and. others who sn r frOm Nervous -Debility, ete., sup-, plying the in • of self- cure :. Written by otie,who en roJ.I - hintelf and sent tree on t eceiving a post-paid ditected Address • , `s, NFF.L MAYFAIR' BrooklYn ti.• ~ , , Tie lk 'ITCTICiII.kLI-7.140re than a:mIllion of Bottles o this Cough Idedlcine 'have beeti_ In fire years, tttl thoetlands have been .tared It, The cough ace rrtpanvixtg any ordinary cold a a4a:the distre Vith .; I c gh of colmutllpt iOl3 have alike yielded to it. It Is of he greatest value to tlte ocartrauldt/, and fenilly should be 'Without It. ' is _pleasant 10-the .ta , te., It is prepared by Eir. , LE V/ OBER,- , • LIOLTZEI/, o Philudelplthta',- and is wild by • Dr: - RolliNsOzi.• and Mrs.YLOR, 'Druggrata t - vine, and by .early every Druyeat - aill .__Tatdrelre‘irrer" at ?..1 cent* a I ttle. ec 41,1'w—{g-um.• - • . , alatriageo. LA:MII--,WERSTEE—On the-20th lust; bs tieMev: . J. Inckertun, bf Mf. , Carmel. at the hou,se : the. bride's brothilr..TuolLs4 LOD, ]teal 'W . XV., TES., Or St. C Ir., • • .;.. • •• • _ . ERNER.--Un tho VA• t9ab, by ftev. A. It Sem 'er, Jetts M. Nit t k LEtt . tO .3tAtir E. WERICER, tzt lf , ,t4tivine. • - • M—Orctlte 20that the honae 9f Mr. bouts Selfzer;Fouliteln•Spring, bY_the, Rev. Ri -Duenger. tO4,ICDIA. A, QC - TX,- ' a ll 9f Sew C tle. • , ' . ' 13A.SSETT r• , •Pftlo Alto i+it • Thilreckw 'FOrnary 2lth, WILL'IA BASSETT,: Sr., aged. 47 yea rs. "...- .. . . ar,LT„Z." oni the '2lst alt., Us' Weserenit, AfAttci.t.= .RET, scrdOW of the late tieorge'lleltt, aged 90 years, 3 raoht.t9! ilia 18 days. - - . :. .". • IFI‘DE.-;.:Orkt.Moutliy Feb. 21 1970, .‘f vs, 31A,ET .S. relict of the kite Douglasst W. Hyde aged .o?.y.ears'and .4 Mon th s. I • ' ' . . . .• ' . , . . .. . BOWERt4-On the :tub fist. ; very , snddefilY, , in Ashland, ftitours,X. , Howr.n. aged about 40 years. .. • StOSSlt—in Mahan Ctty, on the. 10th Inst., .34414. -LavINA :dolma, witu'OT John .)10 8 er. / 11 the alit year of laer NIL - • • . . CfERTJTERIOn the lath_ Platint, In Sfinersville, ,FBEDE CK A 3104, SCR . Olldeurf and. Sarah trertheri ..,ageti 9 months anti.% days. + • •. - .., . , -.BOX Bt-:-Iti Shenandoah, Pi.; on Illoriday even. ' ng, Feb. 14th,.0f rnstia•material fever, Maas' hiTEns m o rse, eideit daughter. of John C.4std Mary lloxty, ,aged" 10 ,years, 9 months anti 4 days.. ~ : - , Igazy was a -member ef•Xl. E. Sabbath 13ehool, arid .a good girt, beloved by ell her companions for her, geritloness of spirit and amiableness. of dleposition. mar parents had desired token her, byt Jean. ettlied her and site is gone : Let her test. "4:111 dneth all ' things well." - , 44. sweet flower is plucked whlre yet. In lt.a.b O d, • Traeustaeureciha a soil congenial and, good; Yea,.tof thatlair land so gloclOokattd bright, • Where is enjoyment and endless eellitlat, '1 Littlti.llamleis gone, Its glories to share, • With tattle "dear children that aregatiOring Then parents, !bad reuetits; tot tout inns cease to That she la now happ37,ye surely do know:: • " Then.sey tmtn God: "Thon haat taken thine ovna.,`, , Thy alma nn egotis t s* in Heaven bodonoi-.< _ `And submit to Him will, acknowledge liStar • Bay, even ao lip 0544 . k g ;lay en, • - . - SA C 90411.... w4Loincinr,-onreb. x.11§ :0 , . t . . tra=it X, Wasicavax. • • Funeral trout the-tesidelice of HI:W - ...entand4 ou sattuttlaY tdenlinlic VolOtik...! : . ~~ :~ • -~~at►~: -.. LeaTD OF Wel l, W l attptlr W.B,I6PPED- 7 : - • •1112 warn IlExitot 4 o74kt,t; 17 4146 t -4374141 Sq l $TOCKIX--GOLIN 2 1, 4gtsT and °lnez /39.NT10 /WM= slid 80LD."...0" . Cfr+Z.V.Cllo2•4ll:tli awe Itll,p3lskls, Ng WIWI 4%1;i -pared stin'ee heee - who -s nun thei o, r busin erfei:thw In ss •••• • tn • - - - 4CM - 8. RITB-11T0INT Bankers etid pipkM,"ll.ct, Wp0ut434144--811144n. - F • . StjP_ZrajOß - tateiZare'nrin"Weig at it Mtn alma bizaosapur- -' _ tr," • • •-• //HUI FFl3ll)4A!il:t7 . ; 1870 A , E O TU.REs G. POTTSVILLE. OLtVILLOOA.N, on*,.iGir•l4.7, . ..... 3, v.:7, , nisCORPON A,ore'spratirp; . WEINI)ELL PILEILLIPB,. on " Daniel ;0 Conuoi • ..... ...... ... . Resort for:WI:C.I Lecitut .... . „ Adult ... . ........ ...... For elgeat 11001,:f4tOre, No. 1,,i intro rottgvtlio..4. . • - - Feb goErcii ri: • __.__:. ~ nissOLUTZbN Ql O PAATNERSITIP.-N6.. JI," Lice ts tierebytlven that, he partnership hero,. faro:existing between Joseph Wommer and B; K. Fisher, under the tint& nament4her & 'Wommer, trammeting-tmnesntner business Porter souylkni County, - Pa., was tills day dissolved y mutual ebusent, - by the ,withdrawal et B. K. Fisher, from thelirm. The business will hereafter be eon. ttutted.:by Juseph . Wommer„.and all the Ana 'debts . tti,ettlett httu. AIL part les Indebted lb sairt tirxwaierequested to• make settlemetiVarith B. K. 'Fiber; . • JOssEPH . WOSI.IIEIt, - ~,4,,,t 4 ,,r_vrinrhip, Feb 5 - , '7O • cio-partherahlh heretofore ex Ist leg LK:Wren Audrew•ltuliertson. Henry Gulutr- - 'matt; Orl7lloThas:G drotan, lu. t working of fir& ft. bark Collte.pyi iy th. Lit Aey dlatelved by mutual eun: beur„Atuirto , itobertsonitaining eotd,3le interest iu the raid tireenhaelt Colliery to Henry Unitermah. ,and Qorrtteu. Wbe firmer Robertrion, Goiter-. Infou d Co„still cunt lime to nti t yrd ship the Ilehia Cloy: . • - HER ON • . ••- • 'Rl' twill:kit A 'lllO4. i3uxilla r. 'Filidnio,kltr, Dec. 3lst, ism.- . . 7-tit ROPOSALS.,-SEALED PROPOSALS- v;•111 P recclved at thls'oftioe formic moirhi from dote tv complete the driving of the 'runtiut through the tioutti or itig Licit 31ountala at this Phut., to nt vallep+slky Istance of Ste gardsonurs or less. • T., be Marra 1 y littk both ends, and of -the fulloveltig lueustons:. luh.Net vide tu bottom, 1:1 feet In top, w a d ski b.:et high over tall. water drain or,gutt6 -1, Mains:deep and 23.6 feet vide, to be ear:Med ulowi entire length. • .„, he itruposAls to state hie pried per sitttilseparat,..: Rh' clay, Loose hock or kloalders,..Liad tikude; c oli glomerate eland atone, Slate and..t.leal.tAll matert.d . , except rafts. attd:sillo to. befurnisited bY'OOLittactw t •• '• - 'SOS. ANTE 14.10,04 hukrintendetit. -- 001ce,ftumralt Oritttelk hathroad Cuml 3 B l l.l'.l, Williamstown, 4.'1871k DISSOLUTION . OE' COPaSTI4EHSHIP.- Thetvpart - nersliln - Le'reteare inL ; llsti g bebketlii T.1.1e - wellytt and Leer-4;10110Ni, under the flu„ name of .( Llewcil3oo,*it:Clatt, beet, - dlasolved mutual , consols:. Thei-baktiness- 01 thr Watt= will bow carried Ent by U. T. Pewelly *he wla eettle all accounts bow - remaining euset - • . :• • , LEVI OltileFil 116, , • L. T. LL'SWELL , :it. Clair. P, , t) •7L,1 OPAILTIYERS The tuiderelgned tide day fortned a eopattnetehip fur sale uzii shipateat oG e0.1.L. Ilrle'r the firm of ReppllercUte - Sop ,t Co., at, ',Val ut. stree_,t Pluladelpllta • - -- • GEORGES. RE,PPLIEI. GQRDON 4 • Phila.. Jan F. "70-2-7:111; 11. HEYPLILIt. . . . riMSOLUTION.—Thq cppartnkratdp 'Skylab:lP, .L.," 'olcktlng (safer ffrials of t,aldwell (Jordon & Co.:- at Phi ladelpa fa add New York, and olgreell, Caldwell 4. Co„ at itostaii, k till day d katthred by mutual colt- Neat. .E.ltbkr party wSt stKu la liquidation. ' 1.3..-CALDW ULL, .1 r., , - 1 , ..A..11A.LL,, :1-;-?....tiORDON, . • . . S. B. YOUNCI. -.. PlatadelPhlft, Dec "I• 't92813a • THP 1511DEB8IGNED - .lave fod a Ocpap - - tershlp tho . style or Ball, Rkley & Co.. sit .Iclleontinte.the Cost bashaeas I. 0.144 4tau, Street. lioNtoa, litid 112 Wulntrt street' Philadelphia. f"1111a.14:, lan E. E. pu . i l td. ,Ey. TO(siilt:4otil to :Tit 1• U 3 .5A1,11.—.A., sitinitedi utt rt , tit ',tree t, Pottsynle; 64 feet front by LIMA qeep. Eurititre at, Ib4 - 1::, .41iiket 4.t.reet.. • --.--. , . . . .. • T.ZOR SALE.—AnB iii};b ailliauti de nankin Steam, i t ti !? . tuut is d o ottl i t Vlin u ggitat l e i n e t i u usa but a tut. yarkls'sl,;v.-efion. ; - Apply to Dn'.l. gEunar and C tli t; ) . • FiAJ,I2, 79-_---7-lufil . -• "- ' , St. Clair. - FOR'SILLE.-A.2t;r 7 stor double fr.arriaAvrellitig. 'gltuated In Mt. head ol,Mlnersville street rottiryi, Ile. 164 r terns+, etc ap on the pretnises pt.' to the nfisti-rslgnett ,Wren'4 -pIS 31selltne Stop. re.h, '70,-7-Litti AXE onE.u.svioup.- Is t sAL - g.--Chestout Fence 'Pests and Rails, litUt Mai, Prop Titeber, Laggings,atoop And Cord.Wcwd: delivered la large and mall guar,- ' Also, choice building lota In• Flshbakt. anu Judappa. • -.Apply : to J OHN ISCIEUILTZ, • • •• Llewellyn, Schuylkill County. rt., or /3 VINTON. U , Norwegian Si Pottavillp, —No*: '01$;-4.4-12t. • ryESLIFIABIIE 8.121131DE1N02' FOR EitALE.- - 4- , The offers for Male hid doubbi 2,-story brick tiwrillng, C., , ,rn of 01.11 atul Schuylkill 11.1/ 4.1, The aromas u,,ttitchetl 41K aereti)orn uu4er t lvattonaind well stocked Nrlth fruit tree*; Shru b b cry dcr For'ternitt r utuf furth - or hitormation,.opply to . • '.ll.E.llt Y C.l>' dii.EL, is NUbarii•rga St. • Fch 12. !7l F ° . . , BE—ACDUCULTriIAL PARK A.N,D - .lloPEL.—rhe udders nett ottleers the Selinylk4,l County Park AsnOelli ion trill reetlye prormal4l7.Nr.:a Five Years' Lynne of the Hotel tend Park. 'Reptt4 intyalple quarterly 1111.1chlirlt.. YusseA• Stint given un theist day. of April, 16Z0. ' , L. WO.N.ILLnIiORio, Prem., • . . Fels, 70 r:Oil I: trim, Cent r e Putts Put:ilit% Apply to Jan . 4 '7l)-54.‘ A; gercigtat's Ehatt/ OTEL 'POR • SALE.—The untferslgned OtrCPl L: for sale the three-story lirlek Hotel - ktiowu' the "Cressona flotibe," situate on the main street' la the Borough of Crestona. The Hotel has =pin stat, ling, with oil necessary- out-buildings attacheq. Thu Hotel i 3 'Liulizig a good bust ne.s: There also'a annul trsme•house.udJotutn ands butcher 4hop and two lots of grtiuncl, one , ucuttpied the_ other -nut. 'Terms easy,.auti Will be wade known by applying cna *mat, preintses to - - ' SARAH SPRI:s.7OER; Cr , toisaana Ir ran sold by March .Nt, will ba lease t. ' t 1 '4 112 1,M ) I : • ' ~ D EAL ESTATE' AGEE CY..---OFFICE, llv, BIL: vrat 1.1.“9,AC.V.'.-I`Le undersigned having had-l 4 years , . experience In Eurveying,- Examination, Ex-. pliatatiott ancrslanagement of Coal Landsin Benny k Kali and '.14.1301n1m; Conntles,.respeethilly offers bla senlivi . ...s to ow wrs of Lands, Collieries, and - Real FA- . tate o. evriy dem•rtptlon. lie Is prep red td attend to l'utiqmse and"tiale of-Real Estate. • . , - Exonunation and Development of. Coal Lands., ' - Examination and Report on Condition of Conic-de - 3 t, Pavaent of .Taxes. • ..sta - Veys of .M Ines, Lands, Lott,-Ote... - - „ , • • SRAITK eIt.HTXR. Troutman, Esq.., era.d tietit'Ceuttar Eatipnal Ilatd4 Philadelphia; Titos.A. Biddle Co:, kailsleiPhitt; Joetant Lippincott, PlilladelpLia;.Adolph E. Borie, Yon., PhUatiera. Septembet 7 .69 ' • • tr IN.YR 8./t.Lr:—The undersigned have.= hand caul .J.' oiler for we, cheep, the folliriaing articles, all-ln, good coriditlcai: ... 44 Erin Can, :Ai tons eattaelte", for 4 ft. track. ..3„ new Dirt, Wason6, rbr4 ft. traok.'. . - • ^ ' • 5 timid Vans, :s0 tpclies•La dlAtmeter. ",. 1 - - .do ~,do ' ti 4v —,. do • _• ' , • • • 2 Injectors,'lsTo.A. - -.- : - •.,, . . • • • 75 Safety I..aiatis., . ' - ' • 1 Patent. limitable. • . . I lia,y Press: ' '' . . , . hi' sets Stine: rattiness. ' • - • ' _.- ' ' .1 - • L. WIKe4.4 ft ; 41ameter, 7 . 4 inch ' bore, 82 teeth. • . -1 lot or tatter ' s Tools. . ' • ' ' • ' , '. 1. lot Of sliovi.:lB, picks, bare r *.e. .4 4.ton hay Seale. , ' • , • . 'l•two-4or. ) wagon and b0,r,.. ' . _ ' . ' , - I.IANCItt)FT,.LEWLS k. CO., Ashland. . leb. 3, rlii .--.ill.itti-tfl ' . „_ .. . . _. • - .. :., D SALEL-4.11 the machinery of the Duncan e tery,•coMpriaing the following: 'en Otte pumping engine,'staty horsetpower, Includ ing -All the machinery connected withi the pumping.; • One hoisting; = engine; misty horse, drums, on 'Wheels, with all the machinery connected with hoisting. together, If desired, • -• • . • 61z..hollers• used for. pumping; and holstin nines, thirty met by thirty-four thanes in - tileanser. Pipes, grate harS,. etc., all In good ecmdittua., he sold all together if .wanted. One tam'. tertsfeet diameter,ge-liteti - paeldle,L a nd one, tan engine, •twenty-dye horse, Narh two Willem - eighteen feet :by thirty Inches; ibligroperation alt complete.lf clealrable, will gill =Le party. Breaker engine, thirty tiosset t hullers:twen ty...feet by thirty Inches With. screens, Mits. - end .eiterything complete, and 'also order. - - One steam.T•idnp, 7-Inch (A.Ulsorot /human make) on: pituts; gas plpk, etc. This pump gEt's Satisfacti • • , Za".tall, stacks, Witter': tanks, wagons,. ta• - 'inch "gauge .: g • safay I lamps, , scrap. • iron of all,deficripUlas,' timber, lumber, sills trnstling, and eyergthing premisea. - • . diSo, nine til_es. horsey posts , 440. the property, its F.ast Market street: .• F.Or nuilier•leforrnation, inquire , it the Office, 16 1 4 EirtNarket, or at-the-Colliers ' • ••, 'Jffrt 7, !CO-6.D2-t,f JOHN' Sept. ,4111ILLIP — 41.,C1 i r . 'FOR OWNERS, FIVE . . ..OOAL LEASin. • -Tiro Massa _at ITelfenalein on Mammot h stater.lerei." -‘ • ' • - • • • .'.one.kled:Amh . deat - • • One Reil'Aeh Lease 071 the Otte Veln7 feet Mak...,pr, t bjaittmotill Skidmore and Prirtmem on. ' All , • . . • . . r , • _.TIBISER 1.;.1.1 , 71:5i FOR. SALE. Does splendid White Cilia Timber tead, isulta ble iforear awl; SC. ' - ' AGisi acsee,Timber - Land in Potter. Conhly. • 101 acrea yellow,plae for flooring., • ' ( , • Modacres sill and 'prirks timber. . • 5110 Stereo ebeeinut limber land. . • I • :500 acres krued Iced. glttale . Farming land, igifire4 Pante:wide arid Li/0 . ...1'14401, cut Ltita kits to Mt pur •irttract-71.4 119W;e- ?lid lot du 3fahantangla street, 03' feq» , 5 DU - oiling Ream* and lot at SialuicerirlllC ' A good I:welling and st ore bowie for wile at Silber -ben near. etir collieries. - • A f lot mailandereon etreet..l2o2ettitiont by 3OD feet 2 story frame house and lidtelteh. Potteiyill .- - Febrtiary 27t21.18011. • o—tf OR. To Lim: T44..Kir,thius ,Coalansl Lumbei„ Co. ,Will Leaii or tat by Contriot on' mivaatit- BITUMINOUS COALlinitS) (.411.TITON eeiwn,:p.A., on the Una OrtherPhiladelphia - awl Erie Rallreaa,Ain the'dovr e L jkiatosti Region, on the Wl* leriziett of the Susquehanna Rivet, width le' titeceiettiest, most . available' and. most viduableSituniinociaCcialike triet i n Permsylvatits, to the market, aid - tagers.of the 2 1:' T 11:1tiltd Als1) IMPROViaft,M with Ininiegjiztilies;-VOote,_,caiit Mad iceekmen'e houses, in h wad, tiaeCgeseisi'aiietugaughtei ay. hiletiedt Mut eisrnpletd ititeighg order; toil presort 'predtictlon o 1 (7X)- 11IREE HUI - DEED TONS, or COAL tEli DAF . •• • end W ill retitarebut if ttlet4ittiortal exietMture to Inereitse the erizeiniti "tq' too.p.t:e.ven ox:k tangy pee . The 01,11; is obtalnid drifts sixty's water levet ,- • PreSentlhere are foncdriftsini operatiOn, on two , beds of coal, 'but there . are'lbur or live workable beds on traileb..anze fle4rablo number of dsitts mss be 0 7ffeedr -- - - : -- • • . - rot' ndditionil infortnation,3o . E3,,andConaitior. - ::tPai' • .. the..ptesent condition of mine4,,riku eza ; 4 7 / C 4 o7.lo 4 r l llll*ViPill tP, 'ittc Onperintendedt, „ - • otonor, Aftmsnlowy,,aidie-Reiidioillne‘t, Pa. ' • JOHN. .•s.'l4Sidiell:Preet Rarthait4 Cad ond Lumber - ; 6 2 ,11. E cor. nth and ~:t7irettoPriniis, 011H14114Litri; Feb,s, 'V • , , , • !, • BEE rrifil "RAP I D I TY - OF oglirmityarioNdir truaoll:l3= Int Mi l k., of Negvort. Va;;;lnsitro axteneiv i / 1, For n Ostii In thisMite - 11*th= Couziy. IsAPL i, b 11,170 Polices. IMO Ipous tenni: ital. ill 41 Si 0