a - giltrA "`Mi)A- - ; 4 .... , .......,...., ._ it ..._.... A ~,......._!.....„,,r__,,----, .. - • • e - umormL.,-, - . k YOB'S CO FOSTERS BY .. . , . 4 lit, boil is generally I,ery small at first, and a fellow hardly notices' it, but; m a few days it gets tote the - bigpst of the two, and the chap that his it is of very little account in 'eomparPon with - his 'bell, which'', then "has him:" 1 Bolls appear mysteriously upim va rious portions of the , humeri body, coming , when and.where they please; and often in . very incOnvenient places. . Sometimes a Soft- ' I n*Y holl..li: the sun* total of the affliction, but ftermently there ; is a ."rubishiti' lot of 'em tti - elp the .first one. .If i‘holl comes anywhere on a per Son, that person 'always wishes it - had come somewhere eLse, although . it wouldpuzzle him to say just where. . . - If a chap has a boll, - he genemlly..gets :£ti good deal of sympathy from others. Who ever asks him what ails him, laughs at ' him for his pains to answer , while many .unfeel- ins' persons make game of him or his rills- - . fortune or boil.. It is very - wicked to make .. sport of persons with boils'; they,cannot help -At, and ofterefeel very bed:-about it. - Physi cians don-'.t give boil „paten much satisfae , pen as a general thin ,al hig h youagphy isicians who are jest n n to practice ire fond of-trying their (eta_ on them.— Bolls arc said to tie "healthy, . and judging from th e way they. take hold, and hang on, and ache and-burn, and firow,Atnd • tormen t, ore generally; there is no. doubt they are healthy, and have good constitutions. They are , generally very lively, and playful at • night, and it is very •funny to see a. chap With a good large oneprospeetingarotind his • couch for a place where his boil will fit ,in -.', ithout hurting." ' ..: 1 Boils tend to "purify the blood," strengui a -en the system, cal - 'the nerves, restrain the profanity, .I:ranq ize the spirits, improve the temper, and utify the ap ce.- . They are good things for ,marri men who - attend their evenings away from' home, ',am . ,they give theta an opportunity tp . rent :their night-keys, and get acquainted with' their . families.: It - 18 kael that bolls save the patient ."a fit , of sickness ; ',' but ifthe 'sickness ' is not, thelesit to have, it must be an oilfired - Mean thing: It iseisersaid thht a person is better after he has had them, and there is no doubt thatone feels-much better after having got . rid of them-... Many distinguished- persons .- have enjoyed these - larbingers of health.- - Job, toOk thefirt, mit= at the countylfair • for aaviag-4 e achers under -cultivation. • than any,other person. "Shakespeare had : them, and meant boils when he said, "One - woo troth tread 'von another's heel, so Mkt they felictw."- . - .. ,_ There:Ure-tt great manyremedies for boils, moat of which. are well worth trying, he - • cause, if they don't do any good, they .den't _hurt the boils. I f a chap goes down-,-street with a boil ; every man- he meets will tell hint of."a, goOd thing" for it, among which are ' Shoemaker'a , Wax, Mrs. Winslow's Syrup, Tria, Spalding's Glue, Charlotte Russo; Gum -; Drops, Water-Proof Blacking, N ight-Bloorn log Cereus, Chloroform, Kimengen, etc.- . EXCUSABLE BLUNDER.—The reP4tted di asters during the, *hag .week on: the New Orleans Shell Road were ludlcrotisly rated by the misfortunes ofa nice young man. He had' taken 'his ,Duicinca find was showing her how--to . Mike "two-forty on the shell," `when his line accidentally broke, and the youth tumbled backward over the 4E4, theiteerof his boots hanging in the ldy's crinoline, and his body draggedalong infthis may -by the, increased, and now dangerrais speed of the homes. The lady had grasped the dash - board and was holding on for dear life while suppcirting the dragging IVeight of:her beau.. • • "Hold_ fast!" ho cried. . • . . . . - .Let go:" she sereatited. , s . "I cn't !"t-h e• mumbled. i ' , . . Amid serfarn and (Ty and .bitter upbraid-• it*, the horses dashed along until at last some kindly hand elieeketi their speed, and the unfortunate I;letsure-seekers - were reliev ed from their uneomforta!ile situation. "How dare yOU do that ?" the. lady asked indignantly.- • ,,.' - ,"Do what . , . . . . - `-'llold'ou -to nfy dres.;." '{s' "Was that your dressy."' . wy esi. ” ... .. . • ."I beg, pardon, then ; I Thought it was a win fence .P' .4 , , , . A 0n.tr..4:31p; the other evening objected to playi u whist with a lady becadse he said, she had such a 'lwinning" waY abotit her. Wrationit. TREEMODItt BE]MUNAINY, :.1011.R1FITOWN, PA., for,Voully, Men and it 031.1. Cia&nical,.sllithe ruati.cal and Cornitiorelal. TwAity-iiixtb. year. Thu Spring &nil. SUM Sewhion oil /Ca' teen weeks will cat.uoneo on TCL•4DAY, MARCH. I,:iiii. For i,lreu lars aild.re, , ,s Jilli.N• W. LOCH-, Prinelpal. .• Feb 12, '71.) .. ' • . 7,3 t. AZARETII HALL. moaartAtt awknottzo r,caoot, FOR. BOYS. liirrilp ! r e c eived ot onv tirxte. For Catalogues apply to Rrx. EUGENE Prturlpol. .Nozaret h i -Norttotropton Pouita. Sept 4, 't9 di97,I3ItCHILL" SELECT FAMILY BpAttri . tsCHOOL. An English, Classical, Mathematical, Scientific , Institution, 3tOß' .MEN AND BOYS,. At -Pottstoati, Montgomery CO., PL. Tho First Term Of the Nineteenth Annual Session win commence on W EON Erqm y, the talf• day of IIEYTEMBER; next. yuplls x4elveti at any time For Circulars address • . itxy. F . -MILLER, A. M. - ,'Principal. ' • L - • : REIVERENCF-5: 1 I REV. ITilts.-Slelggs, Schaeffer, Mann, .Krauth, Relax, M'attlerdterg, rikever, nutter, Stork,. Conrad, I.l‘‘miburger,Wylie,StarretMurphv,i7rulkshanks,Ac. !HONE Judge Ludlow 1 - Asantra Myers, M., Ru@eel MaYdr; ! .— Benj. SI. Buyer, Jacob alester Cly iner, yEillinger, &c. FAQ* anich .. James L. Clagliorn, C. ;•T. C. Wood, liarvoy Bancroft, Theodore Cl. ' Jur, (.1. F. Norton, L: L. illoupt, .Urns Fry, Miller rr, IMittries Wannernadher, insults Kent Santee A Co., dtl:. • . —3l-ff 1 I PE - 103EM 1 . 4 OTTO' .iiBONS, _, L - __:._-_ - 1:_ _:-'..-- _..- -1•:;... ,•7;x: _ ... .. f - ET .4 - At:lli 4 - 1, - • , -, ' '.. I . "2 2 t y \CILLIAMSPORT, PA Jan 15,'70 COBS : PINE OTTO: LUMBER.. . FILBERT,Into & MILLER, • ' Md . nufact titers of anti -A , DtALO;S:c.•_l4l'" LAU MBER • WILLIOSTOftr, MIII on Canal; wrieof NtWynard. St. Office.nt S.llll ' S. Mt:Dft . I4ALD, Agnt - July 34 110 X :4H POLISVii ,-} t n. Dona , cArencilr zL U ,151. 13 E1i.41. D AND PLANING MILL. • UCHIV. I Pki;prietor, holektie arkkl Beata I.)«ider 1n all kinds of . , Hemlock, Onk and Wilke floc Lumber, and always . 1 ha li on,ltaiid a largo lot of Doors, `sashes, Drinds, 510/d.11.51, Fratnett,,te Kciowl t4audni and. Surtsci ug tloneut short not lee Also, contractor and udder. Fel) $, 'li ILLERSMIEG STEAM SAW- - /V 1 AND rialinvil MILLS N. C. li*ECK'ez..._CO.,' MANTTACTi'AERS NICD VE.II:LEfIa • All Kinds of Lumber.for Bridges& Breakers;&c 411.:KIncL, of Bill Timbir F,rameAminbsT, !Tennis, Plank, Strippini ~s i odngies, Plowing, Siding, finsli r Doors, • , .'ideeldlng,' • • • , • And Oil kinds of Manufax:lnti2sl Le,m*r,7o'enstantly White Flee ileratoek lind Oak Iketnla cut any tliength. OurMllla are 7,0 tulles below Wllltatnsport, •beillic a saving of .12'50 freight per leen feet. Orders filled promptly... Prim nate furnlabed da ap an cren. Jun:), •.p. N EAERCHEE. • GENE2I4 =at. . J.; ...Tt4liet., AGENT, , , • 0111oe, Pennertuoiailall,PoLtyrille, Pa., -• LIVERPOOL A. LOIIIO3 a otost.l3srsini: to. , 'Cash CtrAl nild Aocejx, . ' 1 *16,000,000 Inyest . loThe United Matra, over , '1,500,000 • , - - HOME: Ili St! RANCE. COMPANY. I , .8 w navmv, 6i:cm:cm:vv. • • • • Cash Catiitak, • .- ' - ~,„. moo,isoo Surplus .7an.-Ist,lBal. . 4189,870 98 • Insonakoe effected - in :he beSI COMpllltes on favor: able terms.: LAm. , e..-proniptly adj uhteill and paid with• ont delay.- ' • ' - [Jan I.'o-4- - • : INBITRE YOUR- TAPE .IN THE. . .. . . . • . ithcit,jirt tiSCI3EA tti torrirr., or noirroy, COLE & STROVE), General Agentasuid Attareere, Omen: 150 an H a m a South 4th tit: . .l"b 'A feature l the John cock Mutual is; t hat!,ts Policies ar e non-forfeitable after one payment, and • for *liability, it is sedend to none. It also pays die ."' Idends in mail after one payment. - k We submit fa tt er , i (10111 g Ilia whole dtity tis A - husband and without making some positive ----prevision for his family, in ease of his death.- If be is rich he is without excuse, If he be poor, the need ~.....isgreater, and still no excuse. Lot him make pro '•-viaion at tom= How can thishe dune? sure it the John Hancock, and there is nothing else -be outdo, that is more certain Mad 110 sure to bring - the___promlsed fruits. • „ We wish agents for the unippropetated p o rti ons Of Penzusylvtafia, 'New Jersey, and Nest V trews. „ • Apply to COLE & STROUD, General Agenta.oMoes,- ; 15u and LS2Bouth .1111 street, Philadelphia, Pa. Feb 12. . - • • • 7- ale • • -NE•r_• . W E FE BILL. , , . - We have p ri nted the New Fee 811 l or Justices 'and Constables, as revised and adopted , the Lentsla ttireApril at vas. Libenll dispotint the trade. HANNAN pi MAMMY. Bo* titatiotiety Wore. f • M - BOONE AWBOIWABIOEUBLD. , - AN NEW sTATUEITES. , ;-Reativrtlitorrals. ,Justreoelved at BANNAN 4 41,41914"1" . 4, roluvW4 ; 74. ISM guntbcr. ME \VM. ,8rE.C.111..01 ' 6-I.l[lo, on liatid 3nsurtince. CM UDITOBir RtPORT OP 'FCC PINA.NCIN OP 13C1M(LA4LL COLT TY. • , BRAD SELTZE.4 .Tret:cnuei. in - .4o.xnust with Sthitykitt County, DE. • rooLgh.fieeteired. . Balance hi hands of Treasurer; 814 per Auditors * Report, 101 $147,16116 Hartbutitusefar,Ho.corder, coal, 3 pain, - • OU (4) GeOriff - -Bensinger,' West Brantesig„ Ittk , money ref, 2.5 10 C. I'. Ftidiric stray bull,' 32 Leib John Le, - est - Bruns wig, Bounty. money. ref., 151 00 B. Evertool4.l4dge lum ber, t • ' • . 11 Niurgan Beed. FAO., fine, .21 Jacob C.I/ristraan,r,witneas fees refunded :4 i 0 Jolv J. Aioevari,plitol &holster 10 &I •W. 13: Morris, pistol, hot ste ,r and handcuffs, 13:65 • B. 'Het luer, Joan' - 14,000.0 • T. E. Bensinger,' handcuffs 300 Henry Reese, police star, 2 John Hutton, pistol and holster, . • 10 - :35 P.C. Kreiger, pistol and . bolster. 10 S.; Wm; Sullivan, old stove, n ai Fred Mae, 'MY cattle, 10 00 Pet. Jennings, old stoves, 10-rii Isaac Ward,late Treas., _ , _ ance In fu11,1850, : Isaac Quin, old stoves, Geo. C. Wynlroop, Sheriff; dues and fees, • 449 dl Bernard Giunz, old stove, . 10 00 C. Little, South Ward, Pottsville, Bounty, refund, 150 00 G. C Wynleoop, lineriff, - coal, , • 38 00 Conrad Seltzer, Treasurer, • coal, •.30 1889. Jan. - \ 1 Feb. 7 " 4 3lay 5 zr A L E. 1 ME Sip 28 Oct 16 Nov 9 Dec. a ..8 E EM CEI Jan.. 8 Commlislonera deeds 3 Sundry persons, • Commis. ' Redemptions, L. 5 8 Sundry persons,Treasuree,i Redemptions,. " 8 Sundry persons, taxes on , jested and unseated land for ••• ' 3 Isaac War,l, Warden . ; manufactur ., ed:goods sold. Prison fees, • neollued of Collectors of Countil Wm. H. Wilson, Butter, In Jas. O'Hara. Blythe, in trill lax, „I'M Jacob Gerber,Mahanoy, do • .do 117 4 F 5 • Dan. Biller, ralloy, do do • : IT; :0' John . Kelley, Cass; du df.i ..i3,21%; Benj. Delong, N. Iklanheina Lev Pinkerton; Reilly, do Isel, Thorniukliolland,•Reilly, do 1 , 464; fen William Devitt, AOland, do • do &i. 2 C. R. lieGiuley, Ashland, account 1865, Anthony Lally, Ashland, •in hill 572 95 tieo. W. Ebrite, Auburn, do . 02 8, William Iloch,Barry, • do $15.2.7 :Michael Whalen-Blythe, • • do '347 UI . - Thomas Flattery, Branch, do 101 90 Michael SWooney, Butler, . do r,saz - 12, John O'Brian, Cass, - ." do 2,916 43 J. B. Hoffman, Cressona, 249 711 lienjunlin Sehlobig, Eldred, • do .319 01 Daniel Farrell, Fralley, do 1,349 56 John Elhappel, North Haulrelmtlo‘.. 474 IS Daniel Heim,liontb; - do do 101 EO John Cochllni Mahtmoy, do 1,173 02 Frunchi Roth,lahanoy City, do 5:..V :15 Pierce Cumming, Mt. Carbon, do s 9 7s. 3113. Maurer, "Nialututongo, do • 601 86 Michael o',Nlel, da il, 12 Richard HOIllhan ; Middle - 14 , m1, do 711 40 Francis 2.llclCoon, New Castle, do 274 116 John Ilanney„:Norweglan, ' do' 1,745.30 John F. Schaeter Orwigsbum, do 191./ 15 Levi:Hoek men, Pine-I:rove bor., do 417 11 Win. DletTenbach, P)nerr.twp.,•do -965 Edward F. Wiest, Porter, 9.2! A. S. Robinhold, Port Clinton, do 110 74 C. T. Maloney, Palo Alto du 2,150 is John Corer, Port Carbon, do • 124 15 Wm. Eitier3, Pottsville, M. a: N. E- . .•'+- do 1,940 20 Daniel Farrell, Reilly, do. • 67 Os D. D. Messersmith, Lush,, do - 1.310 1 . 4 Peter McGee, Rnhn, • . do 1,2141 9 - , Edward Blew, Ryan, do 1117 79 Mich Tierney, Shenandoah Citydo Kit 38 .1. J. Slatierly, - do 1,376 38 'John lietz,St. - do 967 sl Francis Farrell, Trembnt twp., tin . 300 00 James Bresslin;Tremont bor., do 615 43 John O'Brian, Tamaqua, do 3,031 66 Jacob Elsenbauer, Union 'do'.-1,144 78 Silas IL Hufnagle, East-Union, do &5.:70 Henry W Mon, Norrh Cnlon, do Daniel 'll'oeder,.Wit3 - ne, do 2'157 • 1 - Georgl , Bpancook, Washington, do 091 .Thos. Zimmerman, West -Penn, do 5'.2.2 12 FerdinOnti Krells Yorkville, do 119..7 1509. 1 . Anthony Lally, AshlrOad, In hill, Henry Fahl, Auburn, account, 472;50 - Joseph; Roemer; Parry, - .do 1,:k. 1 1.06 Michael Whalen, Blythe,: do 1,135010 Thomas Flattery, Branch, , 1,61t1 116 Michael Swtteney, Butler, in full. 7,lcts 64 J. D. Fridiriet, East Brunswig, ace'l'l,l2ll 00 Mich. Moser, West Brunswig, do° 3,000 00 John O'Brian, Cass, on ucconnt, 2,707 52 J. 13. Hoffman, Cressona, in fu11,.2,616 60 D. 11. Iluas,,Eldred, on 'account, 1.225 1.00 Daniel Farrell, Franey, y- 110 2,771 72 JolniKerby,iFoster, 4 do 468 00 N N. D. Yoder, ;Begins, dos '1,200 00 1 - Joel Kbpkrnhaefer, Iltibley, do • ski 0.) lien.Schrmp,North lionlielm do .. 4 2,1x3 Levi Phlllip4, South Monlicim do 1,4423 37 John Coclaltn, Mahanoy,' in full, 13,191 92 Tranalsltoth,Malunioy Citv on aec't I.:kg 50 • Pieree,Ctimmlngs, MI. Carton, do as) 00 Aaronll. Knorr, 7%lnhantongo,.do 1100 3d Michael O'Neil, 31inersville, do 3,500 00 Set.. Kestenhaell, Nit ddleport, in full,. 4)12 3)) M. Whalen, N. Philudelphla,on.nee't 130 00 Fronds McKeon, New C.ll.ntle l it 2,7:f; 119 James Marra, Norwegian, on Oet 2,:3'24 Thos. Mooney,•F,ast Norwegian, do 1,819 71' Henry Krebs, Orwigsburg, in full,. 3,1.10 21 Wm.-Feger; Pinegrove hot., do 1,407 91 G. W. \S enerich,Pinegrove tp. acc' t 1,7:17 07 Edward F. Wiest, Porter, do -21:5 Hiram Rohinhold, Clintohin full 580 80 :1 John Burns, Palo Alto, on account, 1,7e0 Isl • ' Samuel Snyder, Port Carbon, ..do 2,14.10 00 Peter Fasolt, Potts%ille, •-' do 15,027 07 :Thomas McGovern, Redly, - do' 3,601 70 ose4ili Nlfer L, Rush, • do 2,950 Peter McGee, Rahn, ' do 1,5 01 1 IA ,Edward Blew, Ryan. . • do 5o oo DeVitt,dhentimioah City. do .1.1512 65 McGeov Schuylkill Haven, do 3-J,0,47 Stephen Ringer; Schuylkill, in full, 4,211 - ..11 John Scholiv, St, Clair, on account, 2,807 II) - I. P. Bechtel, Tremont bor. .do I,lso 00 Francis Farrell, Ti emont tp. in full 1,108 67 John Ceßrian,Tarriaqui, ou account 4,600 00 Israel Applegate, 1.:1111'n, I n, nai on John Diebel, East full, 1,147 17 lien, 'Wilson, North Enibu, on acct 600 0) JohnYetetl, Wayne; , do' 2,175 09 Dan Kemmorling,NN ashington do 1,259 00. • D.-A. Gerber. West Penn, , do 1,790 00 /oldi Sehelbelhia, Yorkville, In full 556.25 Cull‘etorm- of .SZatr Tur . . • • E. E. Thomp , oil, Emily, on ao unt, 1 Nief. . Jneoli'Llnder, Rush tI Jolin !neve, Malthoy, Jacob Garber, Malkanoy, Daniel littler, FritHy, James O'llara, Blytho, Johu.KOly, Michael Fox, Palo Alto, on ace t Anthony Lally, Asidarbi,, Geo. Ebr I te, Auburn, do Wm. liodh, Barry, . 3tlehael halen, Blythe, do' _ • Thoulax Flatten•, Branch, d Michael Sweeney, Butler, ch Sim. Idarburger,. .E. I.lruns'g d John-O'Brian; Cass, do •..41 Ott Jacob B. Hoffman, Cressona, du - 34 11 Benj. Schlobig, Etdred; ..s. do . 71 13 Dantel Farrel, Fealty, . do 21 84 Hiram Moyer, Foster, do . ti xi .John Shappel, N. Manheim, ,do '. st; 33 • Francis Roth, J,lnhanoy 13or, do - 42 47 John Coshlin blabanoy tp., do -. ;St 25 Pierce Cummings, Mt Carbon,do ' 12 K 2 John H. Maurer. Itlubant'Ero, do . 045-37 Mich. O'Neil, Millersville,. • do Id 58 Richard liolthan,Middlepl, do' in ti Francis' 31clieou, New Castle, do IX) :,2 Robert Carter, E. Norwegli, do 7 14 John nanny, Norwsglan, i' do . 13 MO John 1. Schaefer. Orwigsbtisg,thi . 63 lli L. Madman, Pinegrove 80., do '4l 81 Wi, Dleffenbacki Pinegr'te tp do . "P• 1 is Edw. F. Wiest, Porter,.• .. -do 17 Di A: S. Robinhold, Pt: Clinton, do la 21 C. Villalony, Palo Alto, - ' do . 37 ski John Canty, Port Carbon, do ~ 12,4 - . 2,i Peter Fasolt, Pottsville, •. do . ' . ls's 52 Wm. Ehler. Pottsville, .do ' 115 37 Daniel Fartel, Reilly', , .de 20 45 L. D. Measertnnith. ° Rush, do 35 78 :Peter McGee, Rahu, do . • 24 43 Edward . Biew, Ryan, • do 12 56 M. Tierney , SitenautFh Cit y,• do 11 10,) B. MCGeoy, Schuvi. Haven, do S 5 :16 .1.. J. Slattery, Schuylkill, .410 42 115 John-Betz, St. Clair, . do 57 73 Francis Farrel Tremont tp, do 14 65' Jas. Brest:lin, Tremontl3o., do - 44-51 John O'Brien, Tatnaqun, do ' =1 33 Joe. Elsouhauer Union tp., dO rki 02 silas IL Ilufna , e, E. Union; do - .72'01 floury M'llspn,.., - . '1.7 nitni, do 36 67 Daniel Roeder, Wavile.* - • do . - 110 34 0.. W. Spancook, Washintott,tio 107 75 TiZimmerman, West Penn, do 165 01 Ferri. Kolas; Ytlrkville.Bo. do . 42; lst . John Coehanoy t -An lull, 118 31 Hiram Ib . ,bluloild, Yt,Chuton,Blo - 41 31 William F'eger, Yinearove, „ 4 , '7, , Anthony Lally, Asi/Inn,/, ,do ' 7u 1,0 -Stephen Singer, rwhaylklll tp, do 41 Sohn Dlebel, East Unlon, • • do 'at 3; Henry Krebs, Orwigsburg, do,. :18 ci J. H. Hoffman; Cressona, • do 31 41 Seb. Kastenbach, .11iddleix)rt, do 557 Michael Sweeney, Bigler tp. do •' •73 4y John Schelbelhut YortvWe; -do 347 Francis MtKeon,.N'ew Castle, do 41 51 -Francis Farrell, Fremont, • • du • 7/1 ' • ' CtaZetiors - 41 Bou n ty Tar. ' T. Holland, Reilly, lst In fulrlSai John Roland, Mt. Carbon " 2.24 Mehl Foley. Outs, tm account. _,.`2,:10 to Pdter Koerper, Tremont, , roll, 2t7 tq Nathan. Zoll, Orwlgsburg, .do 481 74 Owen Eagan, Port Carbon, '9D tp T. Fog.urty,Mahanoy, City, on ae(t 1,341.nt NM Devitt, Malianoy; tp. • /,497 Joel Danlelddahantongo, In full, MO 97 -0 . JD& Kella n ger, Millersville, do . til.2 43 • hlaroody,ribetuuulcaliClty,on aoc't 167 40 Charles ,Morwlne;.Barry, in tull, 5.2:.99 • - Israel Applegate, Upton, . . 91 39 0, A. Burke, Port Carbon, -do 309 94 John O'Brien. Casa,- do IN 81 . J. Donner, East Nscrweglan, do 3.176 -74 ' Patrick Corny, St. Clair, do: Lad 71 • Adam liornang,'Addand, ' do 2.64 54 io,orlso 1167. . , • L. R. firm:rimer. S. Manhelm, in full, 24i SO 1). B. Washlngton; ° do 1,214 Td John-R. Zlebach, Tremont tp, •do au.% William Boltcb, Barry', • do 1,216 hi John Kra ft ', Yorkville, st C. ColemaM.Mineravilie, ' do - .:151 01. MAO. Bomberger, Mabalabinnlo, - do - t 93 James Golden, Reilly, do 46 83 Abraham timaler, Begins, do Paul Oillasple, Mt. Carbon,. do 114 6; Martin Ntingesser. Upton, do 1,017 77 wm„ Monroe, Mabanor City, do 1,0621r1 P. McKenna, Port Quiam, on acct, , Nighael Rimmey„St. Clair, In full, 3.:an Jno. B. Petty, Pinegrovebor. do rig 74- . Anthony Lally, Ashland, In peo.W. Finte, Auburn, do jao nilehal Whalen, Blythe, on account 3,91 n G 5 , S. Marburger, E. Brunswlg; In full 1,123 33 J o hn iymhan, cam, . do 1.0,r0 47 13 J. $; Rottman , Cremona, ` !do 18 , 24: Moyery_ M Foste ,r ' do . • -GI 61 • . .dno She 1. North auhelm. do 6= 01 , ' 40arbon, -do 635 . Michael lel, Minerssille, do 1,783 ' • Richard molinan, Mlddleport, do 168 ".7 . Fnuoris McKeon, New Castle, do MI 50 Robert Carter, E. Norwegian, do 819 27 • L. Heckman, pinegrove bor. -do 2,2:4 32_ '•••• W. Diellenbacl_ ,11 Pinegrove tp. 1,568 42 • • 4Vii. - Roblnbald, Port Clinton,do• 4tZ • C. T. Maloney, Palo Alto, • do :- -4,54 61' James:ow Port Carbon, • do 8,646 82 FN." Peter PaAbli.,gttsville t , • do IVRY 14 Wm. Elder, taTille, _ do: 11,619 15 Daniel Fanetl, • do 1692 86 B. ItieGeoy, Sebnylb4ll haven, do 1,605 28 John•Betz,Olt. (3alr do 7.641441 • • Daniel Parrtli, Frailey, -do 481 ' CI • ' Janus Etratann, Tremont, '• do, , z l,llOB-46 • '•. ,- 'Jobn•O'Brian, Tamagni; •do '14,28920 . . JaoobEisedhausr. Union, do 4274.61 miss B. Burnie% E. thlon, do 1.008 75 •Ileary Wilson, North untott. do 4,108 ' • Daniel Roeder Wa3rae, A . ND 84 G. W. S p a ncodit , Waterluilbwzolo 2 . 413 . D.Zbasuguroul, Watt Perm. -do 1177 S . • 118,271* IS • . - itcmdry persons Bounty tax on W st, and unsealadyLnds for Trauskr - Of ratlitia finer 19 ' county amount, Sundt"' wafts; tax oft eoo4,lbr Paige Ririe; EMES2RI 5 le ii OU 1113 32 !JO lIIIM MIMI 9,2.2. 12 EMI 1,22.'S 45 lOU #.l) 366-A1 615 15 ittr; ii'2 Zi, , , ,, k, ,•1 A 141 5 In full M.', 54 uu nee't 40 BM Ell 'ln full 272 k 2 do 1913 'JO ou acet' 17 19 In full tisO 1,Z43 01 EMI Mil EME3 EEO WI 02 11,634 3a ; bletall 4,0N18 OM d RIM 12,91114 - • L , ma it'": • - ,it e rn 41 ' "• ', - itileTiii.. - ...........:1 , ........1 — _.:.....:.—:: 4,01 90 • • - - IDogoner -..' ,2,01 It , • Court Crier--:,...-1.-;.:- - -...;- : . • OM 60 • ''' .. . Printing and 5t56400147-- 1 1 1515 51 - .• : Taxesrefunded.-44...--...------ ,5411 90 1 4 Redelliptsons...... ' .....—.-...- _': 124 Feel Elect'app 60 ion fee - 47- 47 _ . . • 11,140 14 filierffrir fees... - .- - - ...; ' =in II . Interpreter's feaa- —. • 125 OD ' • Counsel fees and 012 ' _ .___" collections ....,..:-.'---4 .. —.. ; I,2tc• . Divialing TownX s --".;-,.-- ..-- : , 950 ' • - Fox-Bmlps.. - - - 7. 93 46 '' Jury Commie — ' dreri...,,4..... ;VA 30 . • . Auditirtg acconnta.z.---..“...:.... :-.. 4C6 00 Keeping _Sessiona Docket- I, , 00 00 Incidental iMperules...---- .:,.N0 19 • Reward on Thomas Fogarty-. .! 1500 00 Costs for snit-1n Bonk, Illassig.,_;.. j,. Zl5 19 Costs in. county snits.- --....--... ~., 70 7t Improvements mid repalm...--• ' . 862 12 • Clock winder-- '• • • ' • • SI 00 Bridge repairs 1......----t-- , , 141 65 • Clerk of bessionsl----.----...- ,' 1,42. 00 AnsiStant clerk 1dre........"..--- i • 1611 75 • --• Road danmges..- 4 .......-- •• ---. " : WOOD , '. ' , prothonotary fees -.1. :, - 15117. , .State Lunatic Hospital.-.„-----_-; /..555 64 Alma - House ( mlw building and ~__ _ • - z • - • . outhouse) ....-..1._ ... .... ......... .• . . Nals 14 - - Janitor.. -....: .. 1 ' ' ' . ... 00 Recorders, fee.: ; . ' I 72 25_ -- - State Treasurer, iCounty's Quota :i l'. .tote Tax, ISW.i - r r . 0,37020 "•.: . Wale!; an 1 ' atil Ott Post mortem ex‘alnation. .. .......!.. , 270 67 • Peter Miller, CoMraissioner ..... ..,L. 'll 9 98 7 0..1. Aregood, Clt aa k • t .' : 000 • Eastekt. Peniten lary ' ' ... ' ',.' 767 66 . 'Patrick Dormer, ' missioner.i-: '1. 10 6 2 5 Librarian - 4-- ~ . ~ oo ou Mao account....:;. 1 .114,920 sr . Benjamin Evert,::Commlsaloner ... • ;1,155 00 serving notices oirners real estate: 2100 '• , Schuylkill Co. Teacher Lnstltutet7., j 2110 Cu • • itegis.tery of voters ..... -..' .... ....... ......• ; 2,184 51 . George W . ilbon,. commissioner.. , :.. 915 00 • • •.. : ! r---- 416,474 W . . •. % . .poLIT.D...ttrO. L Nr. Jo.epli Tleisier, trtarshall,., ' ' 3Z T 2 Peter Stnlth, - R, oftleer, Charleu hi:Kintner,' do • d0....---I----ZZ 00 • Jacob Dante, • ~:1 ' ....1 00 Ed ward 'C.. Parrolr, do , I ' 9 55 00 Frank E. Beratitnger, d0..........4...,.:i..".2.% 00 . • John Button, i f; .do ' ' .255 00 •- , James.R. Lexan4; ; do.- ................. 60 . . • . Henry Rome, 3 ' do. .......... ..:.:„?...1,157 50 • ~.. Simon E. Clauser, . do. ......... „.....,......122 00 ; Peter C. K.r• letterft do " 25& 00 ~. . , , .... - Samuel D. Beye4y, do. .. '. ..... .4..........102 al i ... -Samuel A. Loch, " ~ . do I‘; .1_294 Ot: Wm. 11. Storer , . 4 "--, .10 ;1-.3L...25590 . Win.:;: Morris, :.:. do .1` '. 4 255 00 I : . Geo. E. Reed, •-:! do.-•_.....1.,....,......%5 00 Geo, 1../eeker, • • ....f: • d0_...-.....1. ' ' ..T.6 00 Tho...T.FitzstmfbonS, do • ,' 255 00 Theo. F. Titus,. ft tick • ',.,,....Z5 00 . I,ewls S. Pore, •-••• .do ...... ....1..,. .215•110• !... Police Incldepttt : ~.,.... 64 10 : • 5013 95 Edw. Kearns, ball.for JOhn RBtrtner, .. ;: :WI money rerun •"•; • 5 - 3 IX : '• - Martin Dormerir ball. fort John fir- nn% moncy - rtnded . •1......,„ -.533 5 Stinersellle K. 1.). A., ball Rug .lohn : 1. ~_ . ..,. Dormer. money, refunded 4-1.4- 113 70 ,„„ . - sr ' -1., "1.. --;--- 1,: 061 • - • l'ilnoAr; gu.r.e.s. , , • trust ()rill, 'Abl . and ...... ........ ..... :..i.., .. 93 5S it ' Paul Deltrich, ttt:1e,y...............4 . --1;. 1p at • '•' ,' • Wm. L. Yoder.l 'Altanoy city ! .t.h 44 89 ' . .',' Ell 14..".. ..h, South ?' aplietin • ~.i.. •19 30 ;. John Carr l'alt:, Ito . '; ' ' 39-31 .• •, v. ,. cs e o. W. Vln erielf, Plne,;rove t1{,.:.; 181 07 •• -. • '01:4:.• W. Itrown,-11'ortCarbon ' ; 137 01 ' , solomon ItePd - , - Irnyne ......... -. 4 -LC ..,• 137 52 W. . ' George iggan,:tfamitritio ._...'.. I 4 40 , 1 1 - r •—• 7.15 35 • 1 _ t . , - • t.,WCHOOL TAX.F4. ' - Wm. L. Yoder, Ualtianoy City-,' • ; • 117 50 Fred It ecic,'...N o -111:tnbelm ' ' 110 55 . . santuel - Kanifini i1; - .31inersvtlle..,..! ' :A3O m . „. Martin Donner; ast. Ntirweglan.,l •47 34 John .Coonano o Atto,l'.,. ..... .. i... , • .30, !N . . Joseph Zinarnarfrast, Rellly- ..... . .1.; 1,434 10 , • John Pia110c.34131 Clair. --....-4:-;-1 1i 12 - Matthew•Sutzl.W . , , ,Washingtort . 4 OO Salomon Reed, Trayne • : , 77 43 - : George Wiggan;;Tatnaque' , .•,' Si 213 • ! ",. •;.• ---, 2,011 21 .11c1ftly1lillf (*owl) y Pr1h0n......,..', .. . • 17,86 01. sclotylkill Cotinty Almshouse!.{.. _ i 37,345 21 Conrad Seltzer,: ;Treasure r coin, . lIIIS`Ii9IO for elving 1183,121 0,1 • '•. et 1 per ecid ..: For receiving -;:. " ,450 00, al %pct. - ' cota...:k i, ' Paying 0ut . 1.11.31,`,411 :21, at. I.:i per;e4.4 1,210 4:11 ' . . ~. . , 1 . , 3,961 80 'ft:Arne.. dne the iroitnty by Conrad • ' .. ' seltzer, late Tirasurer . . ' t •l • 13,643 17 • 1 1 ! - 61.99,510 16 1 , . . TO Ur , .lionerig,litlhc Judges of OW Court of tbatman 1 11,e, of thrt:Wilitp of 1901toilkil1: , • We, the under6igned, Autlitari 'for the County of Schuylkill, respictfully report Unit we have audited. adjusted and settled. the neeountS of the Commix- . Sion vrs and Trcieturer of said county, and submit the foregoing statorgeat as the retina:of Our investiga tion, by which IQ will appear that there Is a balande due the County!, of: chuylkill :by Conrad Seltzer, Treasurer, of Suitt county, amounting to•Afteen thotv= • sand, six lin ndrlll and forty-three dollars, and ativ eillettil cents. "!!t', - ! , . , In witness Wnereof, we -.have !heneunto set our hands and scaly 1 /114 twenty-stx , and day of January, ,A, ft., 1.70. - .r! • . F•IoLtYsION S. Sink,! tr... ot.i I'. A - . Jt_ilfN - cuclit.iti4_ L. S. 't Auditors.. • ' sA.lill CEA, L.ligTuttlC, L.s. 3 :' • • 0 • , :i • • Stra , ,k,enis of .:1 x , Is and Indebtedness of the County,County, o/ , ,S,h u y , u 1.,-J ileth ry lst; ISUSI. •!1 • - i . • • tt a -. • '. ,Assms:, , Amount dne hytolectors, !• ! ! f 51,110 Allolid , •nts divl , l .!.` the United Sintes, ' 36,1 66 1,..,f flame. I VII 1 4 110 of Treininr-ere.rti Deeds to . . commissioner* .- -•-• i ?• 5,1106 no Bal. in hati4NlAtCncirad Seltzer; Treas., la,ti-IS 17 , ' - , . . . . !';', I:NDLIITEDNEig:. , J , Amounts of li4lid's outstandlig bearing Interest nt 8 liar cent., ", .i . ; i • ~ . 181;192 es - Amount duo the ' several Tcrienshipe., for Road 'faxe., '. i - ', - • . 445 22 Atoouht due tlil:everal.Schuel. Districts', 443 Y 7 W ii .. ilottrol33. , rt ify that t LW . Icriegoinc, writing in a true ,tatenuttat of the Indebtedness and Atelets of Schuylkill Conlsty tta remains-of Record in this office. WltnewOur bands, dcc.,'Janiilary 3, 1870. • I'ATItICK DORMER, I• . 1 lIENJA.MIN EVERT, Commissioners. , t'E'llEli MILLER, 1 . ,-- -' • • ..tifrkt • (...1,4N/tr.:tansy. Clerk.' ; 4 - • •:, . .13itlaiu...e Du, 11l - 611ecturs. I .• ...,, Ctdiectont ,it Districts. - ' 1 'County. , Mate,, - Mit. ... . . , rl'lros Allison, lilorwrighin 1450 31,184 42 965 61 4108 •Val, savage, Lir .511thirn:go dir • , .., ..., ..... ~.' 200 *Jane! , Blew, Rdish; dO ' • 1 ..... ..,`,.!Zr 05 •C. 1.. Pinkerton,' Tremont 1!:x2:: • i% 11053 Aaron Bucher:Rush. '1'551; -.. 100 .11 Kleinert, 24; Irlanhelm 193315 '.. 80 58, 300 ;it *John Brown, IMrter .1853- ' • 8 52' 235 W Gs ill liti lnaii. l lXlikulL Fo•d eleiragtred; Cre4Soer. na''l3 do., 'en 6,5 % "MO 02: 1 ' 212 John Blew, 3lidlanott I ' p do,' '. 21, 93 - 93 00 05, ; .Thos. I.one,seli;Oy•l. Hsven do ,'• • 53 73 ; 191 m• ' Jds: trliare, li • the 1859, ' 11 1' 2i. •—• *Mich. Fox, I'S. Alto POI,' ' ' 4 ;s 32 .. Ll o Henry '/A•rhe, 1 illy • ' .do j!' 7%61 85 590 31, ' C. it. 31etilulene Ashland 1865 , 432 10 961'{4 ' Henry Fahl, Aiiithind 'lBO - 177 2s' 11 4/3 Joseph 11:unsedBarry do 246 97; 02 T 1 :diehard Whalen, Blythe do; l 2,314 25' • 'NI 59, „ , Thomas Flatters, Branch . do:1 610 42 1,5•84. ' ' Jonas Frltllrlell2E. Brians'a do, ' 1,440 59; diet 911 !Michael sloser4W.Bruns'a do' • 467 39; 119'02 , ..: Johir O'Brien,; CASS do; l 2,8414 92 ' 37 27 Daniel ll:Haat, Eldred, do i 480 31; 14) 40 ../ Daniel Earrell,iFrally do ! ! 71/7 13, 24 45; .., John Kerby, Kester do I; "892 Of ;1 :34' Nathan Ycsler,i'llt..,,rins• • do, • ; 1,12r1 991. 104 01; Joel Kopenlitagffer, Huhley do"i ; ' 519.39,: 43 62,7 - H. nehropp, .N,lllanhelm do• 11 - 918 45' - ter 25' Levi IMlllips, Manhelin do . - il IS4 21; 6177! Francis Roth; allan'y C. - doll. 1,•,= so 4065; I'. Ceruntlngel „.1- t. Carbon doll 142 72 1/4 "15 .. . Aaron Enarr, , ahantonge d0,1,6..2 ir, 61.76, ' Mlehl 0!Nell,.! InersrUle do; • 488 201 75 62; _ •M. Whalen, New Phllada. do ,i I 498 05; 7 60;.,.: James 31arra,l,iorweglan - do 1;1' 483 63: 18 15; T. Mooney, E. Worrell/3 d 0. , ;, 990 81 1 . 790 ' G. W. WynrlebsPlueill e (p. d o. 'l:, 1 . 277 . 19 : 8310 ;.. ..-• Edw ar d F. w•ito,,, porter, (M.: , - 1 , 675 11; - 19'17 , - • John Burns, PO2O Alto - -do 663 !Mt 45 01' num. snyder, Et. Caelsm do.. 731 88, . ti 4 64; Peter Fasolt, Petit:lllb - do;, ;. 4,723.01'. 4:33 841, Thos. riilttioveip, - Rellly • ' do'i; vrr 19, Ls 92 . Joseph Nelfertilltusli .di' ; ' 912.88' • ..Z 00 1 --. Peter McGee, talln '' do • ! 1,354 25; 23 3 7! 1 Edward Blue, 4yan - do ,' • 508 31. 19 54' .I ' A. Devitt, bite undoah city' do, l' 1,860 15' 14-73 ....., B. 31e ( ieoy.liebuyl. Haven dck ; •• 784 611 891101 ..3 John liyholly. Ittp Clair • dd. ' 1 .' 1,799.841' 42w_, I. P. Ik*ehter, litemont tar do 4 , 603 71 • 40*,391 ..1 'John O'llrlen,gamages do'; 3,..U1 29, 235 07, Israel Applegate, llnion der'. l 1,945'121 69 411 Henry; N't"tlsouVN. nalota doi'' ea') 02 x o9' John Vetch, Wayne OW!" - 067 OD! 125 : 29 1 , 'I). Kernerllng,lWashington.„do• 'I Giel 51; '.tC - .0: . 1 , Dante! Garlwr l !West Penn dd . !! .2,181 OIL, 149 V! .... t•• • ~.. ;; 1 ;.1 , . • . • ',- 1116,310 53 ! 4,0649;3 3 , .Those mimes to which tide Mark is attached are hereafter to 1.4 left out of the lists for the reasons eft en in the fdliowing letteri; ,The . amounts given Ore nut ineltelo in the snininipg up: - i , OrvicilloS4o..S. CorNlTlCOsimiSSlMmits, , 1' • Pottsville. Jan. 3j/ 57W t, Mr. ;Ed. car Bradley, tlovnty Prersurer ; In• An. Ism :-,• o accounts of Thomas Allbsin. Val ih eutine M.iv nig , Jitrnes Blew, Aaron Buchner and John Brown ur g e con , idensluneollectable and last. The account tot C. L. Pinkerton has been paid to our torarr At.:tka - hor. Mr. liaglies, and has been set tled by hini,,. , and is LW:retort! uticollectahle as to Pinkerton.t... ,' - As to Emit: Kleinert, our' former Attorney,•Mr. John Ilannan4ilas settled with him, aud ham Wished and dishariie,bour judgment , against 'him, and wo can no langer;. l . collect any from Ur: Reinert or his Crate. - - g s Asto Miehrie :Ilex, the late If Sheliff M. Horan hiut collected on an executton.frota -him. for us.eighteen dollars and tikenty-severi cents, which, with pay ments since nude by tax suMbe to pay his _account in full, and w 8 have no Inere:4lalm against Mr. fox. Under thest circumstances ' the Commissioners deem it imptweT and unnetisalary to ear* the-ac counts of Weal Collectors on the balance sheet any longer, and they au illness yost to credit these aeverat- Collectors with the innotinki ;still due onthetr re ' speetive moments; and to treat the same mitt folly balanced and Fuld: ... • ' PATRICK' DOBIII3I, ; • BEN : J. EVERT, . . . Commissioners. • - ~. 1 : 1. ( „BrilratecaDec by Colleolori of Bounty 7hz; , Ifiehael Foley., Can, 1865. ',.'..'; ' - SCA 91 Thomas Fob y, Mullaney City, 11105. i. '. ;.I,rit 05 Michael y, Shenandoah City; 1806...... - .- . St 99 Patrick Con lie, New Castle, 1567.......- • - 948 95 Patrick skKtmut. Port Carbon, 1507 -..2,785 95 1 ''! i I -' . 1 1 / 1 ,690 15 The Mb:win-ft , amounts ?tact been paid by oalecfses since Jantato Bd, 1CO.: ," ."!- , ~., -•.... Colliefors end Distriel: i i i 011/1314v. gale. Daniel A. (Sles.ber, West Potitll:. • 1,245 01) , Edward F. Vest, Porter-- :...... 430 00 . ' Aaron EL Knorr, Mahantonga-; 939 43 10 57 -Daniel Kerair t erlingiWaeldnittoli 660 03 : • Henry Viso , North Uni0n :........ 71500 .- • 2' • 4. D. Frldiric , East Brunswick_.., .1,125 49 •,,,. Edward 8kra5_1tYnn4..:L 4 4.21"..4....- , ' 210 fa - , - John Teich, Wayne.d.- . 1 450 00 " Israel i e ggl if eode, Ernion.--.:1....-.- 900 00 John ;et: glair ' ' ;2...- 1,090 00 - Get). W. We nrich, Pitiegrove p.. 545 at " 78.87 John O'Briem Casic_.i...— ... ....-t OM 00 - Anthony Deeitt,t4henandoelf Fit 302 GO ' -, Joseph Boemier, Barry._. .. :.. I .. 4......• _ -8 0 ' _l James O'Hara, Blythe.- .... ...4.' ...... ',.. 1 50 00 Levi Phillip% 50UW111111111P44..... ' J ' 1 • .60 6 John O'Brta4, Tamaqua.- .... ...--. 7,000 co , • ThejulloteinyiVolleetOrs hard j l ettlfut their Duptieciate. to Jansen* 3d, igy ;,. , . , . N. L. Yoder, egine,... ~ ': •• • Mr WO. -John Burns °ARO; .; " : .: . ' ' . do. Thomas vent, Reilly, ...„,_ ~ . • • . do i Bernard M ' , Behntl9.lllMaven, '' -do . Thomas M el, Etna Sw'sreglan.... . .- .40 . Peter IdeGee;!Bann,_.. '• _. .•' ,•• • • • do Pierce CnitliMbkounii , illiflS- •' ' do - Henry 87, North Manbnitni •,, do do Henry Pahl, Auburn, ~• . • : do .JosephHe . .Raab, -•.1; • ' i• do =Shy er - Port Cattxm;.. , . .• do ltotkilithalaceit um ity ie . • 'i do antel Whalen; Weir . Iphiii, - dO. , MichaisifThititden, lahe, -I: . , ' do •'. altiomas•Longditch Iklll Haven, • ' : : for 11458; Matthaei Mows VI Brun{ mig; . . f for„../ 80 0.." Michael trNiel.MtilersvW% '' ' , - , , .• ' .0. , Datdel PorrebFra il ty. *•; ' , Ldp John Kimy, Kosher ,,: 1 - . • Febs„ 70 - -.1 • f, . . . "., • ' ' 9.3 t .Mniarilf, AXT it VOL Roden, NI • _Embrobkiries, 4ketelturnitAdag (loods 504 MAIM= em s= (7 01,t L. 4 , IV* ourdOoonikoilimO forollyikort aostegt rmeitd , Or tilos jo.y_ ItsoicAloo co 50$ ;minr+war*Aglebw '• , • ... • • . . If P .-. JOURNAL -- , -POTTSVILLE .., SeffEffialiaLL COUNTY- PENNSITNANIA. . 1.. 0111•1010 1 1144 AIM Or Altfirli - tatvni-Bi , .J 'Virtue rot snildraaarsita . elf. abet -"ease lever [ steamand renewing; 114poness. biguede k lu u tit the Canted lannitran ISOM of Sehaylkill .104 to ma dlrecalaethare Will : ! expellee/0 pa . Hale • t tar ontely, Me . • -•.• . i t __.. , 1.-___ !, . .., ~ ...,-..-- •-j-• SATURDAY, MARC3I - 50 MTV a a a • at le o'clock lathe been ata.he ' )10ase a llt Hat Brano ta, Pottale*,... _,_ ik COunty, Min =earth' neleMbild reareeraseto Wit:. .•, - • alias. I,—All tbat Stearin let Or ;piece greated, lite sate on the amnesia), *lda of st in the Borough OfPlettaville,l3chttylkillConnty,beleetia paid of the -tots . marked Nos. XS, 133, sea-=- , lISS and W a n&___ _the map or plan of the Norwegian Addis, titaloPonavineatnawhichareboundedinddeser ib= ad as follows: Beginning Ai a post on the eadwaraiy - aide of `Centre Sineet, thence along • it, nertle a a de) green, west Ma feet. 3 Inches) to a .poet, north 16 de gtiees S. minutes, west 240 feet teas post, north art bet 4 inches to a post, and north tete degrees: west 96 feet 4 inches toa - posti thence by lea marked No. TM on said map or plan, conveyed to John Meliarron, north 79% degrees, east 71 feet 5 inches to senora set 14 feet westwardly from the middle of the arestbmach of lbe Mount Carbon Itsilleoad, thence along at that: distance from ..the middle of said road and by triad John "Mcßarron's ground, north 11 d •mreeet M sulta nag west €lO feet; thence by Bridget Cullenagronnti north 13 degrees 4u minutes west 79 feet i le -es 'to a pant at the southeasterly side of the said Centre. ettreet, thence 'along it north a degrees 10 minutes east 47 feet :incases to a atone planted at the stettit east corner of Centre and, Coal iitneets, thenee along the southwestern mei Western aideanf the latter „south 40. degrees 53 minutes east 328 feet 5 inchelato a 'post, eolith ilia degrees east 311 feet 6 inches the post, south 573.adegiaes west 75 feet 3 inches to a post, south ladegnece east an feet 7 inches to a.pcet, thence by land of John Farnnnt and others south ei degrees 51 minutes .west 893 feet .1.0 Inches) to the plate of be ginping containing 9 scree and 57 percher.; snore or less, With the appurtenances consisting °fa two-etory frame dwelllpg, boutasawith 2,storyframe beak build ings attaclied,eubject nevi rthelexatoan y right which the Mount - Carbon Ballread Company mar. have to occupy any portion of laid lot of grountPwlth its Railroad, end excepting 'llta lotor piece of ground sold to the Pottsville Gee Company. li a Ire. 2.-e-All that certain:lot or piece of ground, slttia ate lathe Borough of Pottsville, Sehaylk 11l County, , s.onnded northwardly by' another lot of the Sachuvie U 1 County Lumber, Cur. and Locomotive Eugfne - untentring Companyaeastwardly by Coin Street a 'k w thwardly by lot of Edward Morrison and west * sadly by the Mount Citation Railroad. containing in width on Coal street ; 473 feet 4 inches,lmore or loss, In wlath on the ,Mount Carbon Itallread 464 feet 5 Inches, more or less, in depth along lot of Ed ward Morrison lar feet, and In depth along the other lot of The Schuylkill tapuntyranee. Car and 1.0-, comotive Engine 3Larestsictur g Company , 1& feet 6 Inches. more orleesanath the aputithancee consist ing of a 2-story brick and stone planing !dill; with; brick engine and boiler honWasetachat, a athorse-• power steam engine with 4 betters. 1 flooring planer, 2 surfactng planers, 1 mortising machine 1 tenoning • machine, 1 sticking machine, I j le saw, 3 circular saga and benches, 2 turning latina, and all other Mae , chinery, shelling, belting, & c., cennected wt;h said' nail, 3 framelumbersheds and 1 frame stable. .. No, 3.—A1l that eertairelot orpieta of gr Intel, sitta _ate in the Borough of at inereville, Schuylkill Ceuta. ty, cemtneneingat a point on the ea.stwartlly sidelaa Frentstreet. 111 feet, more or leas, northwaraly lama .! Sienbury street, thence leaatteardly 4.10n3; land bra Roland Kline, 18,5 feet ton 31 feet wide alley, them* northwardly and parallel with Front street 135 Pea more or less; to Wolf Creek, thence westw ardly unit, parallel' wit h Solibury street, 163 fecta . Fr) tut street, I thence Suuthwardly along Front street 133 fiat, more ,or less, to the place of beginning, with the ittpparte nancetreconsisting of a aatory fume d well Ina house with a ae story fraine kitchen attached, 1 1 tilshiry frame store-houae, a '.tatirne stable , a Intim), ei a - gen shed, and - 2.18.rae lumber elieds; as the pniperty of ''. THE SCHU YLKI LI. COUNTY LIIMBEIt. CAM, AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE MA NUFACT CtR la tt .COMPAN Y. . . -ALSO—AII that certain lot or piece of gicitind,' sit uate at Male Forge; in East Brum:wick Townsblpa Schuylkill County, bounded northwartily. eastward ly and westwardly by land of Jacob 0. Coleman, rilid southwardly by the pante road leading from. West Penn' to aleKeataburg. 4W:oiling to width s(j feet and In depth lie feet edit the iiiipur-amaticesLeeic slating of a 1 1 -story .erione dwelling hum , .., and ti frame stable; as the Ipi overly et. BENJAMIN KNITTLE. - • : • ALSa_l—Aa. 1:—All - that certain let or; piece of ground, situate on the southwesterly corner of Ma:, ket street and Sixth street, In the Borough. of Potts-, sine, fechuylkill County, bounded nortilWardly lie , Market street, eastwerdly by sixth street, soutla warily by it le eatakisle alley, end wediVardly by lot- now or late of Benjamin-11. tialilln, chntaluing in width 21feet. more or less, mud in depth 1W 'feet, more or less, with the appintentesees, consistina et a 2 ebita frame dwelling nouse, with a 2story (stone back . buildi tat and Matte klichen attached. •v- , • No. 2.—A1l that certain lot or piece 01 greeted, aim ate In the town of Donal.hou, Franey townellip. schuylklil County, and being 10t...N0.•A ets the nap or plan of said town, bounded and described: :es fol low:, : Beginning at the Southeastern curlier a hoc . N0..23 along th u s line ufeame 150 feet mirt h to Miners. alley, atom: the line ut q uid alley Cast 50 feet to Ilea • tin street, along said street south roj feet to the cor.; nor of Vent re street, along the line ofsaid, street 30 feet to the place 01 beginning. . *a . a - , ' . _'Co. 3.—A1l that certain tract ur pleiyeof land, situ eteln the Borotigh of Tremont.. schuyi 4111 County, formerly in Pine-grove Township! bounded and de scribed as follows, to Wit: Begizieing at aadone, the _southeastern earner of ail,' tract of Lund, late Henry. andalater Zimmerman, now of Jonathan Zerbo, ...mirth 30 degrees west e 2-) perches tb land lately sue: veyed to William Frazier, south 6tl degeees west nails i perches to a post, thence along leant orawlllell the above described tract Was tornierialtetarra Fatale 9 ' degrees, east ei perches toe pad, a corner of land of andthence along the same nottli tiO de grees east Ila perches to taus phiee of beginning, con taining 51 acres and 05.perehes, amt . allowance of • a per cent. being the quarter of a certain traiet,of land surveyed on warrant to George Barr, dated the `27th ofJantter;•. - , A. D. lb::;; as the property of WILLIAM DON ALLtiON. , . . . .. ALSO—AII that certain lotor piece °aground, sit uate on Mahan:mem street, in; the. Borough of Potts %lite, Schuylkill County, l'a., being purports Nos. two 12) and five 15) of the real estate of Jolla Pinker tbnaticeetesed.. thaeribeti , by said numbets'-2 and 5 11puti a map or plan Cl seta real estate in the enter of the Clerk ot the Orphans Court at Pottsville,. being twenty-eight wet three India* 12 . 8 feet j :Inches?' in ?width on Mallantougo street aforesaid, mid . extend .lng back at right angles to Mithautongo street of that wisitli Vero hundred end forty-three Met nine inches, (243 feet Ix inches, to Church alley, bounded on •the north by Mithantongii street aforesaid, on the east by puri .arts tyminers one and four of (Ws Real K's late , a he said Jdlin Pinkerton, deed, handy sold to the said John la Braekanaan the west t by purports petulant three and .six , if said estate lately sold to James Gowen, and Lill the south by tileirelt alley, as aforesaid; lour . the seine premises which Henry K. Nichols and i , sillie C., tits wife, by indenture d a t e d .the 4th day .ot April, it, 1). IlitiL, and reeorded In .t he office Meth)) rceos ding of Deeds, ac. in bald tor the County of Schuylkill In;lltXsi Book No. ;7,_ page. ill, grunted and conveyed p late J. Dutton nteele, and which the said J. Dutton Steele and Elizabeth a„ his wife, by indenture dated time 31st ihiy• - .of ;tier c e . A; D. lea, and recorded in the Lidice fur the ream:f lue of heeds, Sc., in an d for the County of.Sulitiy I kill in Peeil Itook No. tai is =`.), &C., wanted . 'and eon- . 'veyel 111110 Mini Bracaen, party heret o, togeth e r 'With I lIC Om e stery name &veiling hotise on ,I he Bald lot or . pier;. i.if ground, erected, Se.. and totott her • also, with all and singular, the busses, dot nannies, &e. 4c.: as the propert y of JOIIN 11. !RUCK EN .1.• MiltA BRACEEN, his wife, ; AL:4O Ail t ?}at eertain tract of cool biiia, situate now in Tremont ToWliship, formerly he the Town ship of l'inegrove. sehuyinill County, Pa., eobtai4- tii . l7s an ., ~,„t a; l anai... ;old al lowence, ,ae.,• and being the same tract 01 land patented to John starlit the 24th. day of March; A. 1), IS3u, and enrolled in Patent Book 11, \ ',.1. 27,:page 5141, and the Same third land by Deed. this due granted by the ;:e - tad titsirge Schell and William -Ii: Schutt, Flxeciatire of Joe e Schell, deceased; to thee Sllad EdWILIII Snyder, Illkd this mortgage is executed by him to secure Measly meta of this part of the purchase Money ; as I i.e property of EDWARD eari DER. r Aleite—All that certain farm or tract oillena, situ ate in Union Township; Schuylkill Cotalty, ad yen.' log lands of - David Relnbold, Wni. Swayer, Peter Trexler..Win. rid Veer and, otlters, containing SL acres and till perches, strict measure, Wlill the appurtenan ces, consisting of a 1.31 story frame dwelling Louse and a; frame barn; tis the property of. NATICAN 41.711RMAN and DANIEL LIAINIERNIAN, anti,of LEWIS FUHRMAN, diaeased, in the hands of Dan iel Reinhold, his administrator.. - .- -...•• ALSO—AII t hut certain tract of woodland, sit Rale' In time township of lievinS (late Lower.3l:lhantongo,o inthe County of Schuylkill, Pa.., bout/ pad and de-- scribed as follows, viz; 13eginnIng at aatrine, thence by lands of John li. Relater and CO., north 73 degrees' ' east 484 perches toe Chesnut oak; thence ' - by , vacant lands south tel degrees to a atone, thence by lands of Peter Bleier north 75 degrees Weld 19 - perches tp a Cbeinaut oak, thence soma 80. degrees west te.perches to a stone, t hence . south It degrees east 89 perches to a stone, theuee by land of Benjamin Snyder and". Sil. chael.Dinger south sli degree west 130 perches ton stone, thence by land of Benjamin Snyder, north a) degrees west ae perches to a black ckilt, thence south ea degrees west sm perches to post, theime be lama of. Witham Otto lumen 11 'degrees east 6 parches to • a pine, thence south ea/ado-grecs west 50 perches to a hickory, thence north ti degrees west ,e, perchesto a pine, thence Routh 88 degrees 'west In perches to a pine grub, thence by other land north 31 degrees west /10 perches to the place of beg Innlng„containing 804 acres and allowance, ese., being the Slime preroa hies wheal John Canning Allen by his halentu re do= , _tett the 3d day of October, A. 1). Val, dui); 'tektites-I edged, retarded M the office for recortling,Deeds,ee,„ In and for tLe County of Schuylklll at I . 3.ithsvllle. ill. Deed.lleek No. es, pagdf.2 l ,l,,te., grunted and convey.' ed-untettliesald Joseph T. Rowena, party hereunto, In fee_ , itt.; Millie property of J 04E1'2 I. T..ROWA.N D. A7130 -- All that certain lot or -piece oak Conn d, sit uate. In the Borough -of - .Port CarbiaM ; 64' Schuylkill County, being lot No. his In a plan of a recent subdi vision recently made by aam net heals am Metall ' day of April, A. D. Latta bounded on the uorta by tot No. 35, south by Chem - Alley, east by a new . 4 0 c ar, feet wide alley, and. .west by Pine ,Alley con taining Sin - front or -width on Phil! Alley ts; feet and 8 Inches, and extending of that width 110 feet to a au (201 legit wide alley as aforesaid, ,:with the impuramaneees etausletitig .t a 21-1 o Stery litarne dwelling house; with ' k ltche to ' attached, and a frame stable; as th property of ROBEleTal tail] A DE, deceased, in the mutts 01 ids Itutinitilst ret tor, WILLIAM J. MiallaaDa• • ,a ALSO—Alit bet certain lot yr piece of 'dtround, sit ' uate in the Boro+igh of 31alemoy City, Schuylkill Ca , bounded north w ashy ; by- 4:entre street; east weirdly ., by lot of -- --. southward)) . by Witter street, and westwardly by Fourth street, cOntaining Us ' width `2.; feet, and In depth 125 feet, w.t . .. l a tie iipper tenanees consisting 01 as 2-story I rame , 'rat e-rit and dwelling-house, with a I-story frame' lett e be e mi t . . tuched,..und a frame stable.; as the property of Julia: WAGNER: . ALSO—AII that certein lot or piece ot.ground, sit uate in the Borough of -Ashland,:_tchuylkll I COUlfty,, .bounded 111:11111W1111.11) , by Centre street ; : eastwatilik` by lot Of John Ituber, bout hwartily by Middle street and westwardly by lot of Edward Luta! coutaluing ' In width ia feet, and In depth 135 feet, with the itp purtetianoell, consisting of a :-story learned welling- Mame, with stone basement and a fragile stable; llb the property of ANDREW ICALTENBACII. ALSO,-Ail the right, title and interact of Jaillee Russell, of, In and to - all - that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Bothugh of Pottstillie, idelotyls gill tiountyabouteied nort la wardly by 3.llirketstreeti eastwardly by lot of Itlchard Lee, soutliwardly by an alley, and west werily by lot : of laivid Crolta containing in width.' feet; more Or r ,hts.s, mind la, depth 11D (let, mote or less, with the appurtenant...4', conelsialg oats :.story frame dwellimahouse, with brick anastobe basement, and a 2-story frame back balldiug attached andas frame stable: 44 -the.prop eate. of JA at a'a RiadaEL. ) - , ~ 'netted and taken Intertextatition, and will be gold by* - '• GEORGE C. Waal:00, Sheriff. Sheritra ORkw, Potlinalle, Feb 12, '7O : 7-4 t mg .CHEItIPPIIS BALE OF BEAL ESTATE.-By virtue of sundry writs of Fiert Lera r i Ptiektr - and lene/giant minas, lssued out of the Court of L.Nuution Pleas of Schuylkill :County; and. to me directed, there will be exklecd. to? public Safe, or on -1031, • SATURLAY,. FEBRUARY 26thi b7o,_ : At lOVelock in the forenoon, arthe COtirt Rothe, In i the Borough or Pottsvtlle behuylklll , County, the: folloiripg described real estate to wit: • AU that eertain lot or piece of grout:dein:ate In thel Borough of riberundmh, Selluyikill County', on the northwardly' side of Centre I street, containing in front on said centre Street 30, feet, atel extending thence otthaterkWi ia length or depth, at right an, eat therewith 130 feet, it being the lot marked No.l le in block 44, on the map or plan of Seldilorough made by P. Nt . Sheafar, with the m astenancise coo stating of a two-nosy frame d 'house ptiruy finhthedga the property of FATBACK, tiNAGHAN. ALI3O-M1 that certain icirorpiece of ground; sit , natrion the seuthwantly side of - Owbonstreet in the , Borough a muurprviue; WM/kW f launty, corn mer:terig I s& aireke tnthe line of saisiCitrbotistreet, BiIIeet.eiUMWIUXUY - frog Third street, thence south- I lewdly and pougUel With Third street 73 feet, toe kit i• now or late of: James Bantipe, thence easttriutilyi timer the Una of sebi 1M ollainea eantSe and lotofi -.Sutton; parallel with Carbon Street. 73 ketl thericetiortbwardir and parallel with Third - street ; along the line of lot now or late of Montag Comb to I . (Arbon street', thence "Weltwardbrio:...Whosk , streeti7Olset totter_ phtee of bs:gin eiziliga in trout on sag inartron *Mit •70 us 'or deari xr c Witit.the , of a = , go dwelling gtose __ut Os pro of WI or • 1 - ALlSQ.. th ill t Ztfltlit lot or =rug*. , nate in' 1-Cketabf, banged • Vaeler emit W,•711V . 1 try. hi street andiron" . by- a of =Wald tat, Matildrillts 30 in fret,f Mote at beet Ind-ladepth tierfeet,mort) wr bew.7tllll: the a caredsting of .0 guorr stoao al Wass alp frame dabbt ea ttiorpt er tyj pirittarialn lot or l u lt,t ; IX: I neroc .or. - 14ut Eli . MUM • - • Oreitabding eta thallbledi-stozy tonne dwelling Suk; with atone bawattetit; ilial top Woreo,l" of ?out 17./. K. BISBpcf—IIER. „ _ _ . A.,180e-Adititat eettain idt or piece of. ground; lit -fitein_W BOterUgb of Cressona. Scheylkill Counqt. helkad etertherardly by Italtresid litreesAitesetward tr lot of Jacob elhoe.Maker; tooth* ler lot of aid traitors/11Y by Land at the the Hill andlWl Eaten Railroad ComNny. contain ing tit -11:4 1a n ie r inees td in depth -MO feet;More Or liews, id the of it rester/ frame Tweets and dwelling house , ti awl ii - Ain 6 r a g _frame kitchen attaehed; - as the property of JOS - BOTHWELL. ' lot ALSO-: All , that certain lor piece of ground. sit uate in the Borough of Moant Carbon. Schuylkill Maly, bounded northwardlY hY•Mairt siteombitmit seardly if westwardly by of lot of John Gillespie, south by land of alter ,Liston , and - Paul IT Lasple,•corrtidning in width -20 feet...mone or lest. and In depth MO feet, more or less, with the Iwpm - tens-ricer consisting of a Pi-story frame dwel ling house with stone boaernent; as true p of EDWARD Gli,E. ALSO—AiI that certain lot or 'piece of d; sit uate in- Mcchanhaellie in the lloeough of. oet, ear. bon, Schuylkill County, bounded northwaddly by „Port Carbon Road, eastwardly by,land et Mary telleagen. sirthwardly sail westwardly by land of'' George Lane , containing -in 'width ' 46 feet, More or less, and in epth Ir 6 feet, more br 'leas, withthe ap purtenances consisting. of a 2-stiary frame dw.eiti house; as the property of jACCIII CARTWRIGHT. nig ALSO--All that certain Idt or pima of voluted, sit- . trate in the Borough, of lidahanoy, City, Se/my/kill ' County; bounded ,•porthwerdlYl hi - SPrOce street, esattettolly ; by. lot, No. 14,! - southwarcily, be Maple Street, and westwardly by, lot, No: 6, iiantalning -le width 35 feet. and in depth lin feet, and' beinclot 'No. 7, in block el on the map air. plan of-said Borough,. with the ,appurtenances tonststinig.of, a .l,.'.iertor3. , frame dwelling house; as the . pniVritf t Ett-7 4 EST INE LE-NH-VIM AND ISAAC 1... k... RAH .. . *AI:SO—AII the tight,Altle and interest,. of Henry D. tree, Of, in and to all that certain loeor,plece of grountl„ situate in liableyville, , Blythe Township, richltrihill. County. bounded northwardip 20 by * , . feet wide miles* eastwartily' b - lot of , John --- m'ett. southwardly b > y lot of David Davis, contain! g'in width eXl;eet, and; a d hi depth 90 f eet, more or 1 with the •app rtenan-I ces consisting of a idetistery brick Taverti and dwel ling house with stone baitement, - a frarne•stable and . a frame shed; as the propertyof HENRY Di 1.711EN.i • ALSO—AU that certain lot or piece of ground. sit--; nate on the north side of Market street, In the 80-'. rough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, poundal nerthwardly by . Lynn street, eastwardly by Eighth' street,l sonttrwardlei_by Market street, and • west wardly: by- lot belonging to the estate of Lewis tweser, .deceitset.l, . containing In width :io' feet, and in depth, 190 feet more or 3 leas,. With the appurtenances et - insisting of a story- brick dwelling -house with a 1-stot7 frame kitchen tit-: - Lathed and a 134-story frame building formerly used . as a mineral water Manufactory, a frame stable and • a - frame shed; ria the property of VERONA-ND V - RAH - TER. A.1.130-/-Ne. J.—All that Certain lot -or piece of ground,altuate in the town'ofFoulkton, Butler team ship. Schuylkill •COunty, bounded northwardly by Parker street, eastwordly by lot of William • Burns, southwardir by a 23 'feet wide alley, a wein -wardly by a vacant, lot, containing in widt hlo feet and in depth 150 feet, and being part of lot ,No. 9 in block 19. to ; -P. W r. Shearer - A ' map or plat" of -maid • town, with the appurtenaneesconsisting,ef a 2 story frame attire and dWelllng house, with a I story frame . . . , .. kitchen attached: - . , . . Nse 2.—A1l that mrtalti lot 'or piece of ground sitar . ate en the -corner of 7th and Main streets' in the town of Ilelferistein, Eldred township, sehurikill County. Marked on the map of anti. town ,with the' ' .No. 1 lo block 7.5. contender. lit,front on Main street, i lr. feet, and extending of that width in .leng th or depth 150 feet to an aliCy ; us the property of JOHN' DOOLEY.. . , l• . . ALSO—AII that eertain lot or piece, of groun dslt-; bate inthe Borough of Ashland. Schuylkill Comas', bounded retrthwardly by Middle street, eastward)}' , by lotof William Crosser, southwardly by Walnut Street, and westwordle by lot. of lianuah ;Groark,. eontalning,in width 2.- feet, and Iti depthLiro feet, more or less,. with the apportenaneek, consisting Of a double 2 story a - Aye dwelling house. With Stout? basement. and a. frame, stable; us 'the property et FRANK NOCTIN, • - ' A L'so--Ve. I.—All-these 2 certain lots or- pieces of ground, marked and niria tiered 'with the ;Nos. 11 &' 12, on the plan of landing - lots in the Borough Of Schuylkill Haven; schuglkill County; beginning at the southeast corner of lot No, 10, thence along the L'4.west. side cif Dock , st re4tO . south 4334 degrees east' 40 'feet, thence south :33. degrees ..4" mint east Ink feel, 'thence, south 9.5 degrees. 35 Minutes west, 60 fet, thence' north :^"'_ degrees :West, .1,90 feet 'h. the 1 south - 116e cif lot • No; 11, thence along saki south' r line south eittS degrees west - 74 feetter a2O feet wide alley, thence along said alley ieu-aßel to Dock street north 431.: degrees west 10feet to lot No. .10, thence. along line between letsycer. 10 and H north. 4634 de greys 1.-ast. 110 feet to (tie place of beginning, with 1 the aptantenaneeil, consisting of u 3 story brick griSt mill, slot Stone basement, and brick 'engine house attached, :.! pa Irs of burr stones,l „pair of choppers.' a - 4411orsit power steam engine , with 3,bollere, and• all other machinery, fixtures; 5c.,4 tonnected with said. „V% 2.'—"All the right, title and interest of . Wilitron H. Seyfert of, in and to all those 5 certain' lots of ground, situate I n 'the borough -of SchrtAktll Haven, Schuylkill CountY, bounded nortliwardly - by prop eriy•of Wtn. It. Seyfert, and Isaac Seyfert; biadward ly hr Dock street, southwirolly by other pre4perty of Win. H. tiestert,',und westwardly by an alley,. eon tainiug In-width-LW feet, more or less and, In, depth 140 feet more or Mrs,. with the appurtenandes.. con sisting of a frame stable and a I Story frameoffice. • No. .I.—All the right, title and Interest of William 11. Seyfert of, in HMI to all that' certain lot or pieee of ground; cituate in-the borough of SehltYlitill Ho -Nee, Schuylkill County, bounded 'northwardly ny lot- of James Kirkpatrick, eastwardly, by - Dock street, southwardly by other, property of -Win. IL iseyfert. mei westwardly. by an alley, containing in width 2'5 feet, more or less, and in depth 140 feet, more or 11.41 C, with the appurtenances; consisting of a 3 story frame dwelling house, with a 2 Story frame back bantling attached:oral a frame stable. . . No. 4.—A11 - the right, title, arid interest of William II: iSeyfert of, In and to all that eertain lot or piece of ground, situate in the ItOrtiugh of Schuylkill llite yen, seliuyikill County, berieded: southwartily. by lot belonging to the estate of Henry Shoemaker, deceased,riorthwriolly, by lot of !Sanity and Stmt.. ding. eastward!y iry a la feet: - wide alley, and went- . warily by. Dock at containing in width 00 feet, more or less , and hi depth =0 feet, more of leas; with the appintenances cOnsisting of a :1-story brick dwelling house, with IL 2-story” triune' kitchen at trichist, anti a Mime stable.. i .. , No. 2.—A1l the right, title anti interest Of William IL Seyfert, of, in mid to all those 3eertain hitsior Pieces of. grouteLeituate In tire. Borough of 541111%1 7 - kill Haven, Schuylkill County, bounthsinertliwarkty, bv,,lot of 'Nicholas tions,eastwarnly by a If feet wide -• alley, , southwardly by lot belonging to theestate of "Henry'.).. Robinson, deceased •tut westwardly , by 'Dock .14 t reet, Oilltaltaing . In. width 13) 'feet, more! or loss, and in depth 220 lett, more'or . Jess; as the prop erty of WILLIAM li, siElt . ['Eta. • -., ' . , . A f.so—All that (tertian-lot o r , pleceof !venni Situ, ate In the Borough of Ashland, Schuylkill (Nanny, bounded northwardly by Market street, eastwardie by Ninth street, south wardly by Chestnut street,tind westwardly by. lot belonging to the Welsh Evangel cal Church of isvidiland, containing lirwidth 50 feet, and in depth In' feet; with the appurtenance em slsting .of it 2-storv. brick dwelling .house; as the , property of , CHARLES CON.NBII. 4 ~ . Airso—All that - certain lot or piece id' gorund, sit uate in the itormigh.of Ashiatel, Sch,uylkill Connie, 1 ou ivied northwardly by Chestnut streeteastwartily by lot ohlleorge' Rehr, soot Itwordly by Centre slreet and westivardly , by lot of Joseph Ack erman; con taining in width 25 feel Loud In depth 121 feet"; with the appurtenanece consist lee of it 3-story frame tar r.ni .RIIII dwelling houSe With. stool, basenieutoind frame stable; as the property •of JOHN It. SCUM.% it EN .. ' " • " • ' . Also—All that ecrtain lot or piece of gron-nl. situ 'ate in the Borough-of Millersville, Schuylkill Coun ty, l'a., rotilmendrigat thenorthweskeornerOf Front and North streets, In the said Borough, thence north- Iwasily along Front street, 15) fret to Carbon street, thenee westwardly along Carbon street 100 feet, thenee ,Southwarcily ' In a' line parallel with • !Frontistreet, 154) feet to Railroad etreet e thence, east ,.trartilY airing mid street leo feet to the place. of ber Iginhing, being the sante. preinLses which Daniel. R. {Bennett and tatters conveyed to Marcus 0, Flellnet, by deed dated Nov. - .ith.. 1816, subject to the cpttl, ,mineral and other reservations contained .1n suit :deed, with the appurtenanees, consisting of a tiro- • story, frame-dwelling house; with stone basement,' . and a 1-etTv frame office •, as the property of MAR CU 11.4,4 - SG. 'ILNEIL and BARBARA A. TAYLOR,- ri? ? 'and JOSh'P F. TAYLOR. terse tenants, -. . ~ -4126—A1l t at gertatn tract brit:item of land situate in the townith of Barry, In the County of gcbuyi , kill, Pa., bo eland described tee folinasi, to wit:' Ihirithring a astonemmer of the John Klinger tract • of the land gereleafter described and the land of the ' Forest Improvement Company, thence north' atile t degrees • Oast 401 perchesionAtone, thence north 43 t , degrees east 270,pqrches to a stone, therteettorth'4d34' degrees west 195 and two-tenths of a perch to stones, thence south 70 degrees wesi WV perches to stones, and a large rock, thence south - BJiclegrees west 92 perches to a stone, thence north 87 degrees west Si perches to a yellow plus tree, theneesorith 77 degreer..4 west 15 p,ereht-3 to a atone . corner, thence wroth k, - N degrees west 41 p perchers MAl stone, thence south 114% , degrees east. 1'..a0i,,g perches to a stone; thence smith • Ils".44legrees west ISI andSix-te tit hs perches ton stone, th..enre south 49 degrees east 47 perches ton black - rink ; north Sl', degrees mid 80 perches to a black oak, . thence south &, ' t 'degrees east 65 perches to a white oak, thence north 80 1 4 'degrees , east. 14 perches tit a ' stone, thence south da:4ol west 17?"...perelles te a stone, thence south oh .. utrees west 4,4 .pereheis to a stone, thencesouth IS% degrees east 2 11 perches to a stone; thence north 49 , 4 degrees east 361 perches ton stone,lhettce south 4 ilegrees• Cast 21 perchea to a istone,"thence north 713.- degrees east 304 perches to a Stone; anciplace of b eginning, containing 2,758 acres and lee perches, he the name mero or lese. The said tract or piece of land above descrilied, being composed of 8 tracts or pieces et land, known as the 'John Klinger, Gelorge Dewaid, Henry eiherafer, Kit '• lion May, Casper Thiel!, Solomon Chrigt,.litichatil J; SieberV und 'Michael Wenrich tracts t , - - . • And lilio—.lll..thst certain. tract :. or pieceOf kind situate in the, township of Foster, in the county of Scheyikill, aforesaid, bounded and described as fel lowi .....liegiuning at ,e pitch' pine near the West West branch of the Schuylkill, thence crossing Pnek creek by 'lturrif the Forest Imprtiverneet compehy north' Pielegrees west 110 perches t o stones, thorn. north 1'4, 4 . degrees west 61 and nee-tenths perches- 1 m stories, thence by the. John Hartman tract. . non h. 47.1-1 de grees ea4.4t Ili - tend one-tenth perches to stones, thence . north Iliii,6 degrees east II) and [lye-tenth perches by the Thomas Reed tract, thence by the same north Vt; degrees - east 76 'perches th stones, thence by the saute south 49 degrees 51 minutes eaSt 91 perches CO stones, thence south $ degmes east 47 MI ti, 111 Lle.talthg perches to a -stone, Gummier - oth Si and three-fourths degrees vrest :Amid elght-tenths perches to stone's, thence. south 40% degrees west 'll'Ai and two-tenths perches, thence Heath Si and three-fourths degreee rust 19 perches to stones, thence' south 3 0.34" degrees. west 47 perches to 3.1 . plieh-plire, the place of begin-. ging, containing ICI acres, be the tame more or, leas,. and. being the • tract, of land•_ known as the Rohrer, tract, the said George Destaid,/lenry • Sileaffer, Killiam . .Ilay, , .casper Thiell, Solomon 1 311ehttel S. Seibert, mid Michael '4 enrich tracts, being the same tractsor pieces of land which Henry Thomas and wife by deed, dated, the —„ day. .of !June, A.'l). 1851, to be forthwith: recorded. ' granted and conveyed to the said Seth W: Geer. his ;heirs and assigns, in trust to execute anti deliver two hundred and fifty' bonds, In the, lum of' one thousand dollars each, eft Henry Thomas of the city of ifarrliburg, Payable on,the Unit' day of July, A. D. IStn, with Interest oh thesatite, respect ively, pay able semi-anntudly, en thelinst day of J Maaryand July of . each and every.year ensuing the date there , of, and to secure the payenent of the said ) bonds by a n m mortgage to the' - said Henry Thomas - O ff said: pre mises infer airs and in trust. Alsothat I odiately after executing said bonds and mortgage he shall i forthwith be good and .stifßelent deed or deeibkof conveyance, convey the same to Ellstos A. Pack r; Elenryji. DOW y, Albert H. Allay Dottier, Packer, and Edward. P. Bancroft, hi. fee, subject Ito theloY ment of the mortgage, aforesaid; an the said John Klinger and Rohrer tracts,being the same which the ' said Push.* .A.: 'Pucker '. bp. deed, . dated_ tbei.lsth day of June, A. lii: . 19tH, to,.be . forthwith recorded, granted and conveyed to the Said Seth W. Geer, his heirs and assigns; upon a similar trust to., that contained in the deed, immediately above re-: - ferred to, from the seiVieury Thomas nut wile to , tile said to, W. Geer; with theappurteruumesconl silting of a frame engine and slope house. 1 frame, coal hreaker with engines;lschutee,_ &erects., ma.: 'clattery, fixtures, due;. .1 smith short / (rime stable, 11 hlocksof two-story stone. =Merl; home:N.2 bineks. of twcestomfrarne hilt/ere'. houses ; ea the propertz. of SETH W. GEER. ' ~ Seised and taken into eXecnittuN P and Will beaold by 1 ~. ', GEORGE C. W.TIsKUO, kiberle,,... , - sheriff's Office. Pottsville; Fehr% 70 . • ..84/ WHITZINI( I. P . - kICK-ER, • • 160 Cent 414:ret. Po!tsvine. G01:13 AND SILVER; • pownot; incciteNos, - (nirrnzi. grim, A3b 'Emma - Boxiii, mosEy SECiprityCril DEIVEITitTSTEREtyr allowed *spar irpeAat agreemmt. . _ IncoCiLa aad, BONDS bought anrYsold at the Nev Tat* andlphla Boards of Brokers at Op 10 Jan 4 " • ,' • 4-lit _ SiSfaln agp 2 irg BY SAYING . ' OUB ' , . • . . : BUY -BUY- ' . I BUY ,0 0 ' BUY t BUY + BUY' ,-, ti . , .'.C. S. MIMI'S GEL rosTmis 1 - 1 - * _c. 8 roSTER ; C. B. VOSTEWS , . Vireit dlitaso, sad toilther.ilhesirOYs' ittierhe llama at Leather aude isa olui . . ta • water; 0 lwathermateaoft sad taiw, .a mewed; kwitlaalthew at In . mark*. avatiranVadit oe leather. d . reta ß ansur • Mum • tba bast 'harem' as la • *mow ral water. sate - TINA. Ar 14.11di m iniM!l_ool34 p r ost, /kSbt asa, _ • Guir........19/1 iniirVlNAtim___,lvetv 010 / I ,..ll_lllllvlii-WWWIFtet iirkoranetOtetarla. : • • =I nub nneln. I'llilAAC S. STJ0:11111Ch 4:_l_ . - WATCH - F.B . A .IrWdl.lli. • * No. NI NOILIII SECOND 111171 LA T, CONS= Or grARRT, PHILADELPHIA. i 1 : • • An Assortment of' Watches ,Jewelry falser and Plated Ware constantly iSt.. hand. ItArd of Watches and Jewelry promptb• attended ' . A ugus to* . . . : 1 C 91.145 SILVER AND • SUM= MATED Wars or every description and T.test designs, suitable for Bridal Gifts, Testlinonisla,Holblay Pres ents. Prices lower than the Impalas sterkevrates,- Finnry indacernerni jpaistuners. iL , BECHTS/2_,, ' , 014 Ehtablishen Stand, ct. 'lll-144y 714 41:eh street. rhiladel Ws. ESTARLISEttp.I2OB I ,4- - paugoir.A.L. . . . ACOB EARLIFT. 411MBLZR:, Invitee& his patrons and the ,puhde genera ll y' Jo .T.II Is new store, No. 1 ettgarruT enutier, PIIILADA„ where they a lam and well selected stock of DIAMONDS, 'CLOCK ,t WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER. and PLATEe WARE, at - Moderate Prices. ;' ; N. 11.—Watthes and Jowe carefully repaired.— Jewelry and silver Ware or lands make to order. August 21 : , • ; 84—dm ' 193. FISHER BRO,S. 1 93. Watches . Clock& Jewelry Wedding and E=lnent Rings, (IS K sic4l4o Silver and ir P Ware, tt 'Ladles Work, noses, China are, etc. __ Largest assortment of Mama & HaMlin's and Wools & Co.'s Parlor. and Church Organs, Pianos, and Musical Merchandise generally. Watch-repairing by competent workmen. Cali and examine before purchasing elsewhere. FISHER BROTHERS, - IR3 Centre street, Pottsville. j. l—lyd OPE - NINO. HAY. - Sept, 1, '69 ••• , , Raving just returned from the Ea tern markets, I willl open on the Ist of Decetnber the finest assort ment of Holiday Goods ever offered In this market, embracing both Foreign and Domestic Fancy Goods, • + • such as .•• i. • • . . , c . ~, GLOVE :AND lIANDKERLifIEF BOXES, ' WORK BONES, . ,; , , . • ~ i • JARDENELIfES, . ~ '.. - • BOQVET, VASES, • . ' ' ' ' FIGURES; BRONZES, de. • Sidid Sterling Silver Wire to gleat variety. , Fine Plated Were of beautiful derdgm Call and ,make your sielection.• • ' 9 R . C. GREEN, CENTRE ST., near Miners'llank, POTTSVILLE.. Pottmville, August 2S:111 . • J. E cAtowELL&co. ' 44 , 1 JEWELLERS, - _ ' - • • IKV2 Chestnut Strict, Philadelphia, • .- .GOODS. . . - . • . . A 7 ISEICENSE i VARIETY OF. - • 00.J...D WATCHES, DIA.MONHS, JEWELRY, .. SILVER WARE, WEDDINO SILVER, • . ...- PLATED WARE, CLOCKS; . • - 13RONZES,.-i 4 FOREIGN • :• • • ... FANCY, .!GOODS, :-. • ' ' •,.. FINE' PAINT- " • .• 'INOS,, ' &c. • ' . • .. • .11 . All persons desiring really One articles, rellahle itt -fluidity and. nioderate in price, are, certain to be pleased by our' exceedingly large and-varied collec tion. Our Atock• is kept . always fresh by additions - from first sources. -• ~ • • Our store is pronounced one of the most, elegant 'in the world; and any parties visiting the, city are . cordially Invited to cull and inspect it sit their leisure. Feb 6, '7. . , , ti-I,y. .1 :CLA.R7iL & BIDDLE;- 4 JEWELLERS . AND SILVERSMITHS,'' dborsb6low 12th St.,) . 1124N1CSPIRLADELPHIA , • • '• • • • ; - . Hare Row eivnea a Oholee muck t.SINH:NV GOODS . for Full trade and LlOlntay :season: etnpriaing: .. .; & 'E • riVISS . N - 7,41,..ict1E5, • • JEWELRY,_ STEP;LiNo, ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, TABL CUTLERY,' &C. • ~ , ..1i ... lso, a fine assortment lit; ' . , . Freud.' Mantle C ,ock's, Bronze'', Engkisb, French and Vienna , 44 , Leather and Fancy Good .Cif our own selection the paatSuniiner in Europe; ih, of Which we are offerini at very moderate prim% ;:. HERRING'S PATEIT OILIPIOS FIRE& BURGLAR PROOF'SAFES • . (WITH: DRY FILLINGS,)," • 4warded the Prize Medals at World's Fair, London 'World's Fair, Sept: York, Exposition , . . • Univenselle, Paris. VARREL, , HTuRRING h CO., , • • . - c.. CEIEST:iIT STREET. ' '. • TLB.RVIA'"GILLAM, il - •: _ • . Cllfits.t. NIATTHEAN 8 - FHLLAD . ELPHELIA. • . GEO, N ..31.1(E11-9, •i , _ . . • NIERRINU, FAIIIIEL k 'HERILI3, New Nark, -r - - HERRING a C 0..- Ctlti.o,. . , HyItRINU, FARB= L CO, New Tort. .„. More than 10.000 , HEltirt-JO'S SAFES have been.! and are now In DSC; -and ov e e4 ark HUNDRED have nassed•th rough accidental fir, preserving their con. rents in some Instances wkere i many- others failed. , • SECOND HAND ssv.s'uf our Own'and other makers having been reMveti in 0 - art pay for,the Improved Herring's Patent. Champion, (pr sale at low rates. June 2 1,,'41 - •• ; • . 24.-ly, ' - ' piitaticlphid-Abtrtistments:, V~(inn - A .YEAR AND EXPENSES TO ViJkl Agents to sell the celebrated WILSON SEWING MA C HINES. The best machine in the world. Stitch alike on both.sides. One Machine trithJ out money. For 'further [particulars, address .Feb 5, '7O-3m] . N. 9th St.,-Philad'a, Pa. M. ROBINSON & CO • uccesear to W. .. Mintzer,) , IXPORTERS, MANTIFACTIMIDIS & FISHES OP I.Cbtireb,Soelety, Theatrical Goods, Ini.; - • Bantle?* Badge o. 131. North Third Street, Philadelphia. • December 4, thee. t 2 .• 49-IY PRILADELPILLS. IDTBG • Nl3' BANDAGE 'INSTITUTE, No. 14 North Ninth St., above Market. B. C. EVERETT'S Truss positively cures Ruptures, Cheap Trusses, F.lastic Belts,Stocking*Supporter*Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Pile Bandages. Ladles attended to by Mrs. E.: May '6B-214y F. THEO. FISHER'S OLD ESTABLISHED: NvAnir.riorisE. W. center Fourth and Vino streets, Philadel lphia. A bulge assortment of Spring; Halt and flask slattmsses Beds; Blankets and. counterpane*, c handon tantit on and made 40 order. ' Also, Ticking„s Feathers. and Curled Hair, Whole sale and retail. All article& warranted as represent ed, and priee:s invartahly'as low as any- other in the trade. Jan. 24 'lO - 4-all GAI3 FIXTIMES & ICESOSENE LAMPS A GREAT vAxmrtr.OF Nrav STYLF.B lIIERIDUA.N BURNER. • gArEST AND BEST Ir ,rflt: SI tqlr.l - 7. IT ONES THE LAI:OR:ST LIGHT or itI:RNER MADE cotrirl n. 4 obvEs. Illtanufactarers and Whole*Oe. Iletat;rii , lo2 .Arch St., Phila. June 5,1f4* DA.NIZI.. M. ICABCIIE.I3. • FURNITURE :WAREROOMS ..430 and 238-Sofith Secend Street, • PHILIADr.LPSIA. The undersigned having greatly increased facilities In . the Ton of the, Jamie four story building ads joining I s former place of huffiness, afters great, In (foremen, to alt purelituters of Ihrniture to give him a call. Ile is confident : Of being, able to please all who MS laver him with ,their custom. arid. WS ex action of twenty years _hi business iaL a guarantee of his a ility to turn out the' best of, Wo rk . s o „lie per ousaly upervises hialarge workaho and any Sr. t tele no on hand Will be made to order-at the lowest terms. large stock of , kinds of FITILNTTURE conet tly on hand..:l) %F. ILIRCLIER., . • Sept_ ', 'd2l. • , 7-Iydar-. 'H'. D NO. BLS. BT., PEL114,... PRIG a: TO SUIT 'THE TIMID. RICH,.FAI CY% • , AND TOILET HOODS. • • • • A iticeniimortmetiE unsurpassed for Variety, clean . cis or style ; or Moderstkus In price. Fl ,French }lx:rscers tor Jardinlers,:rich Babe ml • , and China Toilet Sets and' sses_,Farlars Busts and tatuettes, =minted Card Receivers and Fla • erdsolders„ Bohemian!Dlass,„ China, Lava, Pa slam Marble, ItConsaand 011trents. Paris aid Vienna lan Fine Jet, Vulcanite an , F e c r ri ii„.. c4 ri Tzell iku Cigsr , ov T ic ci an bsu ct s= t e et tal Wr k Boxes, Dressing Casek._. lets,_Dsper Cutters. OLSOBAId Msd AL F A 1331BRELLAS, . •-I • OANM,..z. !do.; Wth thousand .other aruclei, embracing all that Is eye or diadrable rat bridal, birMfty or holiday p ats, superior In 4tua3l,ty and moderate iit price. 1r• I ' E i ghthON, ! • - • ! N o; 21 S. Street, • between Matiret and Chesnut, east side. I • • 4 • : [Dec 4, NI1)--49-3ra . 0,000 . attARANTREL BUCK LEAD eSediti iSieeksad Ist. For Ita trgurfrOk I • al- Pei It.Tiescittgi4 3d. For triumpeits4 CalretitigirraloolY• Lartly . itir Its goamfir, • - • It costs-leis to slnt with Back ,tead than any other Whit/1.14M =tot, The teree we covers More Surfaqs. la ;patio ratralile, and makes Whiter Work. • BUCK LEAl)ta the Cheapest and Best. 110,00) GUARANTEE. a • BUCK ZlNC'F.xeela ; ptberrl.thee. tat. For Its DneqUabil , For tte, i frnii, „ l.4 wh,ten en e.... g • 341..F°1* 0 1 :Ite C= "1°1"1 11oxi C ty, being the Cbeapes 4acbennestoulci malt Durable •Wllte Mut In to world . BUY . ONLY BUCK T. . 17) km BUCK ,• t • ckbLivat TOY TI CF.D. - 5W4415 6 '011 g ut r i i*mr 6 ifthelarafi aceurers BCC% • (*WA COLORS, rotortiliatOoiPli Oa .evni t-tisM e offseerideeerfitiou; tine* de.- - Thirty 10e5. 4 0 Duriddie gnaw Uniform Sad - bitesdesS • ",' isanniikesrlbi sentby nal it desired. °"1.11 , 111411 . 1 - 1 r 2 ). • atowtrest co IrAi.awtTinta l iftet jagr a6 l9 . 101101.!1•,---r/W II ME . 1. 4147 H'OLI'DAY GOODS M..ly D a.-w. R.- '1 . 10180N,,• • , (ginvel,borio J. G..Bpiwn & Son): 11110LIMILEAND DEALI:II DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, riulannairiy, STI,IVESIAM; • MUCwitauStreet, Pottsvi ll e. Peolui. • N. IL—Partjetniir attention ' given ; to rhysiciiins' Prescriptiona at'sll boots of the tlfly and plea. • • Febtuary '4l-• • • • ••.9—ly Ann arklabotrtisentiitts. VOID QUACKS.—A victim of early - iriprn= deuce, causing nervous debility, premataire de cay.. de:, has discovered a simple neans of curc..which be will send free tobbl fellow sufferers. !Address • - 3. H. REEVES, :a Nassau streel„ October = 13• . : . rITRNITIIRE COVERINGS & eel:OA/MY every description, at reduced priceaivia : Alt Wool Green Rep and T TF, $1 50 per $-ard, latch as are selling at $250. Stri Rep at $1 n; SILK. Striped TERRY, $2 and upua - to the richest imported. SWISS and NOTTINOH.A.3I • i , LACE etItTAI`NS, Purr nitwit at recent Bankrupt Sales, for sat ! ' at LESS than GOLD edist. Also „ a coulplete 'stock of WINDOW •SIYADES, self-alixturm and a full assOrtmens of Paper i Hang_7... ..,s - G. L. &J. B. KELTY & (To., • • IMPORTERS. JOBBERS AND RETAILIIRS, 417 Disadway, scar Ilimareitreet, New. York. 'N.B.—Furniture Store at tkil'ltrottilway,:liew York: Novexithe , r 2700 • 46--3 m•. 7- sron!orbs. SHEN-ADO:OO4H lIMN Vir:ORK., -- . 2hi, isubscriloer is non' prepared To tulid Seam. Engliat, .Putaps Coal .llreakers. and Drift Cars. All. kinds of vatlno and p irish• forgtrigs wade To order. Especial Mien- • IREM . , Lion pald.tO l the raanutacture of tile.t-'- -' ..- - ' wheels. •. , . JOHN CATIIER. a - .",', Shenandciah City;; Jan. I. '7O--l- . ' UOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOE, STEAM CAR FACTORY, &C. The subscriber would call attention to the superior facilities possessed by,,,Zr 'htm for.the Various brancheaof Stea.m p 7 Engine building, iron .Founding, and the manufacturing of all kinds or ma= . - chinery for Rolling Mills, Blast, Furnaces, howl:, Cars, Ytc.,.&c. • • ' - • • . • -He will aLso continue the bastnemg mining * and selling the celebrated. Pine Fotest White Ash Coal.. .being Vit.-sole proprietor of this colliery. • Sep I,lo—l-lyd Jan l, -GEO. W. SNYDER. ONCHARD IRON WORKR,'. - _ _ _ POTTSVILLE. PENNA.- , • . The.snbserlbers are prepared to f:rim nigh i;ITFAM E.NGINI.-•4 and all MIMS .G of MACHINERY and CASTINGS for Mines, Blast Furnaces' and Rolling rt ur" . .,;,;,,,, Mills, and have 'a full assortment of the ... most approved patterns for VERTICA t LLING MILL EN GI N sgt:EEZEWI, Si - MAUS. ri-INC/1- 'LNG MACHINES, and all other Machinery required in the manufacture of Railroad Iron and Rant. Sept. I, POW VASTIlsit p OTTBVILLE 1p21.14.1±1G .MILL ATKINS 131101trItS, Pnovurrons, Pottsville, Sehuililll ' Manufacturers of Railroad Iron (both T and street Rails) are. preparedjaris Ct . ' • !me, eelVe and execute orders at short notice,„ z „„ for nay - and all the ordinary elres'llgase. 1 7 takt,ClthE Making our own pig metal, we are'. earefal to select- suitable ores; buyers can therefore rely upon receiving In all eases first class rails. Tlig smaller slzeai of 7T Rails, ^' 25, 21, ;I:2, and AI pounds to the yard, always on hand, and nippily's! In s small tor t's wanted. THE MT. CARMEL IRON CO., MOUNT CAR.NIEL, NOUTROIBERLXND 'CO." PA. Organized under the Laic of July . 15411, 1.863. . • . . Iron and Stasi'Foundry, Ma - Chine; Screen and ••, , •••• Car, Shops: „ r =,. ts composed ofPritei• tleal Mechanics in Mt the branches, and rtitatF, will faithfully 1111401 orders forworKeri- ; - • trusted to them. We are using Jonas Lan msteid'i Patent for.makttur ,Square-,lron Woven Screens. • Dinuctonri,—Thos. ihxigers, John Foriio , ', Was. fox. Jan I,':4=-]- TO WA", IOgDRATDBI3, AND *WENS kue, PIONEER 004 :ER WORKS'. : • 'The .'snixscribera respectfully Incite the attention of the .business comma- • ' ri nitytti their Boiler Works, on Railroad , t. bilow the Passenger Depot, Potts- rrtErin vide, where they are . Kepered to man nfacture - 1 • • IiOILETtS OF EVERY - Ilorstrarno . :4; Smoke Stacks, Air Stacks, Ptak Pipes, Gasourl,oo , • Drift , Cars ,te. Rollers on hand. • ' Tieing practical ruechnnics and haying for years, devoted themselves entirely to this branch' of the business, flatter themselves that work done at their, establishment will give satiSfaetion to all wildmay, favor them with at oall. • Individuals and Compantes will find It greatly to their-advantage to examine, their work before engaging elsewhere. • : JOHN T. NOBLE, • ' MATHEW R1IO1)A. Jan 4.'70-1- - . . WAIMINGTON IRON WORK.B.„ .! • NOTICE.—The works of the late firm ° ; f Wren; di Brother, known AS the " WASIIINGTON IRON WORKS," located on Coal street, In the Borough of Potts Ville, 'will be ued by the subscriber In all its cartons„ , "._` branches viz: Steam Engine building, and all kinds of machinery for Mining ... • either coal or ore y blast furnaces of hot or cold - pi:ism all kinds of railroad castings anti railroad cartixtures, of wrought and cast Iron: all kinds of brass castings; tall Weds of sildthwork; and all sizes of the latest im proved pumps, single and double acting. Repairing • promptly attended to anitneatiy executed..i: • ' • By careful attention to business the subscriber• trusts he will receiVe a share of the public: patronage so liberally beatowed on the late-tirro. Jan 1, '7O--1- I .7A.ITIM WREN. • IRON WO/ LIES.' • The Subscribers are now fully, „pre- Pared to furnish, at the Ashland iron ' Works, Steam Engines and „Pumps • „ . 7 of any power and capacity - , for Min- iliwpdpira trig and other purpcs, - Coal - era of every size and .reittern .now In ',use ; rice gether with castings nod forging% of every descrip-. tints. Cool and Drift Cars - of all sizes, and patterns, large Truck . and Lior,e Cars, all furnished nt the shortest notice. The subscribers flatter: themielves that, inasinuch as every member of the firm, practical mechanic, they will lie able to tarnish.; ma c hinery that will compare favorably with'any the Region. All orders directed t0.J.,,,,t M. GARNER; Ashland, Schuylkill Coun Pa., will receive prompt attention. - , M,OARNER. . 'Ashland, Jan 1 ,70-1-- , . , A.GLE. IRO/ST WO.B.ECg. HENRY WALTERS, Proprietor,. tAILAQt A, SCIIVTLXIA.T. (1).*:::1r, 'PA. Raving.Olarged his foundrytuad Ma chlne • shop.at the .Eagle Iron Ilicirks, et amit, Tamaqua, and thus very materially.. lnereasd their` capacity for turningout .7 - 7 W.?-4rzaz work In his line of hnsinms, he. is now _ ...- prepared to make Stearn Engines and Pumps of any power and capacity; for mines; Nlaehinery - for Breakers, Rolling and other mills,•and far, Fur naces; all kinds of eastinga and (urgings, Sm., de. An experience of many years-in the business, with 'the facilities which these - Works now petsse!..4l, enable the proprietor to turn out the very be-st and the most satisfactory - • - All orders addressed to HENRY WALTERS, Eagle Iron' Works, Tiumigua,.Seltuyikill County, Pa.,.will receive prompt attention. • Juno THE PALO . ALTO IRON COMPANY, Are prepar ed to furnish T RAILROA.D IRON— Treighing from a) to 70 pounds per card STREET RAlLS—from, IS to ili.pounds per yard, ' to suit either for Worse cars ,or loco- '',CE r p, motives.. ,All Diesel' rails are of the • LATEST AND, MOST APPROVED PATTERNS. ,lso, general assort- •."- 6 "...., f . ''''!"7 • ment of :MERCHAN T BAR .IRON. Rouni s, Flats, Squares, Oval; Hall - Round and Hrooved P , HOO AND BAND IRON; GAR. AXLES ILAILROAD CHAIRS,' FISH :PLATES AND IkKSF'IXES; • for rails. ROLLS made. of the best' uds of cold blast .charcoal iron, - ready for ~use,, either Ibr "I' rails, street ralli or bar Iron. Also, all kinds of, CASTINGS FOR ROLLINO 'We also vite attention to our DIFFERENT PATTERNS - OF SHEARS, for cutting old rails, puddled iron; &e., BENJ. HAY'WfXiD, President, Office cor. Second and Market Sts., Pottsville, Pp. Jan' ,1,611—l- • , • BA.LDWIZir LOCOMotIVE 'WORKS. . . M. BAIRD . & COMPANY,. ' • ' Broad and 'Hamilton streets, Philadelphia, Penna., would call the attention of Railroad Managers, and' those, interested ' 'in V. i sm Railroad Property, to their system of Locomotive. Engine 4; in which they - - are adapted to the, particular bust- -. 111( :•" ness for which they; may be required; •bi -cite tom of one, two, three or four pair of drtying Wheels; and the use of the Whole, or so much of the weight as may. be desirable for adhesion; and in amom modating theta to , the grades, curves; strength of superstruction, and rail work to -be done...• these means the maximum useful effect: of. the power is secured with the least expense .for attend-. ance, cost of fuel, and repaira•to Road and, Engine. With these objects invievr, and as the result of twen-. ty-three years practical experience in the business by our senior partner, we manufacture-live different kinds of Engines, andSevcral classes of sizes of each kihd. Particular attention paid- to.the Strength of. the machine in the Plan and workmanship otall the details. Our long experiente and opportunities of obtaining informatign i enables us to offer these en gines with the assurance - thatin efficiency, econotny and durability, ttiey will compare favorably 'With those of any other kirain use. \%"o 'also furnish.to order, wheels, axles, bowling or low moor tire '(to flt centres without boring,) composition, cat:tinge for ,beart no of every doiMptton of Copper, Sheet , Iron and Boiler Works; and every artfcle appertalhingto the repair or. renewal of Locontetive kenitines • .114. BAIRD • OEO. BURRMA CRAs.7 PARRY. Jan I, '7d-1- witAriroY ittpN WORKS. • ' I DIPR The above cut is an improvement on. P. gar ner's Patent of 1r0o; naatauch, as the groovesiiire •continuous Around the screen, with - a grooved or rigniggi Holier end-Rack working in thein,to-keep the screen frOm clogging 'viten, the coal tai :Wer. It answers the ponies& Well, 'as the coal come) out dr and clean:ol slate. al so build ' .VOAL BR which we will tee to make 4 per cent lesswaste thsai&ny ot erillreaker`novr 'Also. ROVED P which," can be 4 att eu_ ety-,pitch, anrwhere ,the slope. No of drowning out--.no _cost tor' excavation. iIIIELP-PAC)=I3 BT.EAM PISTON. warrant-: 11 adtoilst610'per emit less Intel than any-other-engine • • 11lses'offilTEAX PZIGINVI;anit all , kinds of ellstinlMetp.. that are made elsewhere, are *Wide at • • our • GARNER & C HRISTIAN.. L. L. P 1 . i f1g..4 - int: • Only. 31,1*-31.1 . W. LlnitsrieN: . F E BRICK. . . ." -' • ... -- it n i nE m•larx—i* It4I.TNTSAVA.GZ..ft - - , rahtod BLatei Clove:um& t_ t _ _Standird h latinflte‘ lame earn: the tOn it - 4)MA. - COAL COMPANX. of aryland. for Bleating. Puddling. Smelting, add CI Furnaces. arid all other .m ring the 111 MT Q UALITY . ...I)lairrillei 01=a end prhiee will 103 funtlebed by the hadersigued. ostar.li CREEK aiquitstrAnioo.ll.: :, , _ I_lr Ualli , PIM.* emnianes - Oceisi Mne. . Ai i r. C U pArrax; Presideg.% _ .. -1 .._, :•,-- .. - . . . _ "14 Paanberton Square, Mum' • .114,. 14. *MILLE, Itleat PreeldenV • ~• . . , - witrosidirw. New YOr: _-.-, c: 4Allah,' . 11 17-.4M 1 .1. 4 49;247 4 1Wtr, -.ii• fazgoigAnum inr l4l !:.k7 l l, * *d• .- ' -•!...:: - • : --. .. - r '.;2' . ..P FOTP4. II . ARrelrleito ig i lihritare• ' • aL4 ilk - igICIiOLAS FOX. Pre'fit. T. C. 'ItODGER.4., Supt. ..' AMER \ • !?' *EtRU : AkFtY 1870. = t. ~ It IsOften &quest ion to the litopfi...! 4 .; 111,1 • benefit` - of stabling catitle. The furnishiughnildingilOr stables- is very elderable;as an outlaA 'to .begin with aroi . the tricteased;On9unt.of labor stables and cattle.well cleaned, is, "otherlarge itellt of expense: : The questiOo arises,[then, .w het !lei' tile ii,:- 'priyved eimditlori of the cattle will cotinterbalanefe:this aggreOte outlay. It may be titifely.-,tillirineii that e4:tll - very much better. by being ; iind•each conned by. itself, than bynn, together.in ai: - Oa,rn7ytird without shelter, „".; ja the geneml ',practice. . 'The fallowing reasons go to show t 11.2 Of the above opinion; If exposed to the, chills of win-dant! storm", must keep utitt,i, l neeessarylheat of ti lt • ~, ten -by eonininiing ainueh larger _sin iu;;t foods if - within their !reach ; if not,- hl,, dinnniltion cif the fat of thetibinnil ieneed., toturnish the needed alumni t Lionto supply-the deileieney of beat: • • cows are to be milked, the work -6;5 , done with iiiitch aloft, satisfaction a rt, „, cess in "a,- , 4 - 2iirrn; clean stable; than nr• .y•ard, while the quautit,y and qualify IL. 'Wilk will la,entitineed, quiet; cornftitt able condition of the cu-. • The quantity and quality of • the lour: are Nith increased by "btabling, and lynndet the control of the .owner. 1,1 this is of sue)). irast importance 4o ever‘ 4ner; tNant4 . .ge. should. he -taken to . p r ,,, .the large s t possible store. In order 4 thiS result, add in order to promote tin- el, •v. .s n 'table, a large supply of we,ti inuek; , rich surf: we soil, fallen leaves, s„7, dust, straw, and'inAiort, all such su l ! sta el- - as aye good absorbents, make ge rl betitli or good doodorizeis. t:ypsunt is one _of 11.. • tk*t articles 4 hat can .be• used. in ast a I ,;.. - . - . , sprinkling it in each stall, so that, it w come in vontact• with any ammonia that ma . .. 'arise froth deconiposing substances. If di question of manure is properly einisiitcr,,: • the:farm may. be Made rich in a few ye:it ' froM thiS source. The legitinnite result Of this.lreatinent cattle is, vititer an increased supply of - food Or'klie con.daut depreOatityi of comfit ion •. th(4 - catge. , • The.proper temperattir6 for 'stock. eaii is • kept,up,- in a good stable, - at almost any hid_ of winte.r;...so that with a - reasonal, au'unnit - of provender, they will be takitl 4 , -,...i, fat instead of loSing it. • • .‘• •1I cattle. run together. in the yam, young- and weak are always .compelicd , • take ip with the smallest quanty of the L,•;- der thrown oatin consequence oft.the veering disposition of a feW, of the strong; ,; and holiest of..tlie - herd. But when in stableS, the youngest and weakest may eetve better provender than the others, zuvi •a,iutlicient quantity to -keep them growl: andliikinit on fat, so that in the Spring show a greatlyininroved stead 'of ti weakata lalplesi ilfstaOling ) Catilt, the great - waste of so often witnes..=ed in barn-yards, 4'lll I.t •entirely.: avoidi.4l: The.' saying frian 'will go very. far tOlVardsTaYing the xi•, Of increased . . . Another weighty considerhtion 1, t!, - connection, is thehigh-toned freling of • faction experienced by the. owner -of "-tp,!;, • diirhig the long - nights of .cold driving -tor) . While he and his family are perfectly -(•••,1,,, fortable within their , warm dwellitns, that his favorite cows and young arso; are warn), 'and -sheltered from the *Om as it rages without. • • • Aboutthe•mode of edutioing'cattle in stable, there Is considerable - difference, bk.th . in opinion and inactive; but Of all the iiA• the. stanchion is• most to. be , deprecated. .' chain made fot the purpose,. Makes , a go , I fastening.: ' A strap, O e!• other ,\Va..l* ing. -to the taste or skill - Of • owner:4. 1;16 whatever:theht.aiiimal should h:! degree of freedom, by the use. of -whielt it may secure it 4 own conffort.. . . • Thorough .yentilation 'must lie scented 'al) hazards, and should be at the top of tbi stable;•so ii to curry off all the • amilionifi that arises from the excrements, and also t fprnishfiesh air:-.lnic - xiet.tii Stock •TitED.N.vpi FgNCE—This is a neys ! - Nvire.:-71 . destined to shpercede ll others for•genvixll.a, - poses__ It is cheap, durable and neat, n•i. pronounced to be the best fence ych itivi•ni-i • is ea.41137,,and . rapidly constructed—t*o-acu. nien ctut%put up four hundred yards 'piL and is Atotection against hots;'cattle ou, anitiialsy'besides being very difficult for meN • boys. to `ellinb, and: is easily repaired N. 'brOkCii. • The wire costs' but 3!. Cents per y:Jrd. add the posts may be' made front worm nn , rails; each'one of-which will ,make four pot. - which may bo set front to 34) feet - apart. new ftlice will not .cost more than double ti amount annually expended , in keeping a 1'41: 4 ' fence. in' repair. For. prairies or -districts r, - - quiring the enclosure tit large tracts - of for fencing railroads, it *ill • prove very a‘IN tageous. • • Ihe right to use this, feui.ein this, Stat.:: i•-• mined by Mi..l-1. 'Nash, of Swatara, Schoyl- , kill County ? th rd to who application shoo I. made. I .. . . . 110(is.3lake 'a low plank t. °II of ?nitlleient•siie•for the largest - porker. wit . it ece if, r. 111- , ert the •S ; teatii• pipe 0nt..',, ! ; the•way, Oren go - ahead; A..harrel water eau also he - kept on hand. This sti,,on eris found indispensable in any well arrati ed cs t tabllshtiletit fhr malting pork. •i.: Dry 'cut feed utast always lie t Iron -Wei and ruixed.hefoKe Butting into the , kin!: - to steam,' and Where it is possible the Ita'y ~r •stiaw should be cut-on a level with the t4l, of the - tank, and as it ptl.4 . =ses the But ter t., 1!,• • tank; haA'e a-cask nliwater, and I . tt it f.,e or-sprinkled before mkterimg the tank, nil -nig at the same tirfie meat, loran, •=II.•L other • conditnent azi..you APE 1)*:1 3 08IT . -Cdifld , ‘iANX.: • -; ;„: • SECUIt4TYI A44..l‘l,Ns+T. '- - :n• .1 • , . • Infilik....AßY; FIRE,„9.ni .' , 'll DEN THE.SAFE DEPOSIT- COMPANY, NEW FIRE ,AND REIRGLAR-PRiO BUILI 4 • .7. , .;0R.. 1 ,.. &2 . :N 9.AD 33/ CHEST:CI:I' ELT, NV: The Fidelity Insurahee Trust. A ND • • . SAFE. DEPOSIT Col4l'.‘ NY. CAPITAL . - • . _ . .. , • . . . - 14 - nECroiv4. .. • - - .. .. ~.14, i .rii..nr'owilAc • • - - Edward W., Chirk, Clarence H. (lark, 1 • ~. Alexander Irepry, John Wels4.. 1 " Stephen e. Cald,h'ell Cliarlifs .3.laktai.a.Ater, '1 George l':=Tyle.r,' ' . - 'Tenn - C. Gibson. - Piestdent—N. B. BROWNE. —. ", ". . . "vitee - Prid...nt—CLARENCE D. Secretary. and Treasurer—llia:U. PATTED : 4 .0N. Assistant Secretary—JA iLtzLF:u L-T. . -*Thd6impfi t tiy . have.prbvided In their new and Yantis bsoluto security - rigninst loss , : urglury; or Accident, and, . RECEDE2pEaTRITIF ; -'4 AND. VA.T.TAP.f.f;. , D — IT IT TDER GITAItA . TEE, • Drain the following rates, for one year or 1,-.s pt.r: ,, l' Alovernmentandall other Coupon Se or,those transferable by de ' livery DovermnentAnd all eater Securities registered 4id negotiable-only-by en dorsement.' Gold Coln cir.Dullion Silver Coln 4i Bullion Silver or GOtd Elate, under seal no owners estimate ef.value, and- rate. anbe.ct to adjustment for ' • 'per . Jewelry, Dlanamals . ,:ete.z _ • ' -2.50 pet. 1 Deeds, Mottkageq, ; pnd Naltiable papers gent-1111:7. when of no:.tl xed..yalue, 51 uyetti eat.-h, or twe0r..1,,,,,.. tO,JAtik.' • • - These ter, : wben drpusitcsiln tin boxes, are azeondlng t.O bulk, upon a.basis of Ir 4 feet cat. ~: pacity:, lila cc year; - Coupons and interest Will be colleeted; when no& renift.led to the owners, for one per L The Cainpnrly offer for RENT, the lessee exeio,, • - , ; [ the - key, §AFF...q r.'s.7SIDE TILE BURGLAR-PROOF I, - - ... At ri_kres frrrill. 815 to $75 each per unrit: u,. •t• - • •',.4..•ording to site_ • : Deposits of rtionerreeelved orkwhieh in t ere.; ;i. allowed; ,ter vent. on, mill • Deposit., ; • ' craelr'nt. sight; quid 4 per real. oliTimv Dept:A:lts, pt able on to days'nntlee, Trellora. Li.t.t.eri of Credit furni-he4. :6. - : - Illablo ,:,.. - • : i : all f‘arta of,,EurQp, . ~ • . i. . .. . This Company is also atorired to aet ar , s. Ex, ,,, tors, AdministratOrs,suid uardlans. tu recove Awl exeimte Trtistsbf every destription trot the - cwurt ,, corporations, or ilidividuals. - • N._ t BROWNE. Preql.lent.- RoilsaiPiaTEll.9o;C . , .Bkretary Auld Tna, , tli 4 , 1". * JISA I, '7O. , • . . . f--,ac THE CENTRAL #I4LROJA.D OF lOWA IT SEVEN:. E 4 CtiNT:i39l. t ,O . . , • . FIRST' itORTGAGE 11( ., Nr. Otte of Goveranstat Tax. at X sad lerrited Interest. .. TZw •Xany pfrito_ are selling t teirGovernment 1 , ,, 2 ,1,3• while the premihm is 'till large, (aatbe Tit has" promised to 6t i y six,._milliona to latiwxy X atilt reinvest in the first Mortgagel3onds of ty , Cert tral Railroad of Icitra, which pas- abdut mica ir,l 1 . 41 inere. Interest ThttLoseto make nigh relnvotrn , iswhlletheTreapnry Is busing, and Govern ulen".. ,- . - 7 are Wt a premium. ' The Road-dOes not run through ri wilderness, whir* it would have , to wait year for population -r. bushiest, buithroogh the most thickly . settled *ail. productive sitfrTeilitural counties in thew * ate , gives each sectiow huge traffic as Soon as ,`‘.!ll - - - It runs: throtigh the great Coal Fields of lowa, - to the North where coal 13 ityllsphttsubl,, most te,earried. •i Ol - It runs from the:great Lumber Region. , of mr North.' through a district of country which 1, lute of this prime necessity: Th - e mo.rtgaga is made to the-Farmers' Loan fiat. 'Trust Co., a1...Y., pod Bonds can be. issued o the rata,of $16,000 - per mile, or only half MC1;1'10.11 11 ' upon some other grads. ljpecisl security is pr. , ‘ 0 01 for - l.heprinclpat iuid for the payment (4-inter.:-f The New York Tribune says, 'this is a ,piew.l.l enterprise, and.deserves the most liberal al. . , • -The New Y Initeriendent says; "we know Central Railroad tif lowa' is' one of the great apt' good works of. the agt.t Directors include ulanY AA our leading Dank presideats.and othergeull'sn' ll • of high-character, who, have means enough to baud two or three finch mils out of their Gyro poeto - t... 5... that:all its affaintwill be ably as Well as -11011 , 4 1 1 managed The Central of lowa will be to that "qlll‘‘o what the New York Central is LI this, except.tliat: :- 1 runs througli a far richer country.. We, th.:ieture recommend 6i6 Ctmtral ..lowa/Bondl. , with , nti re ' "confidence In theltivaltie. The truth is, that a first Mortgage of $16,1$ per mile upim a..road runnit; "thrOsafe.ligh such a cotintry . cannot -be-Otherwise Ito First at Bbndsfogso.smallan amount npoß ^ rolld•runti thrOugh Such a rich and already uell - ~ 1 se et rd art • owa, can well be recom nu:nth-A. Ol • • iaita as wall ma very profitable invesrivert 1 1 9 1 etS. with lIMP. may an be obtained. b° . sCripuons will be geoelyed,at the Cumpanv's Ort!` v,-. No. 32uteAreet, New York, and fit the 11.NNI , -K NORTH: AMERICA', 41 Wall street, and - -••• • . • /...POTTAMILLE, BY 315=3 - . EMS D J Mil MEE et E =I au ti C woo ? ~~'-i G I OS} an ,e=" - AI Fier 541 1.2.1 r 1:. pvi'