FORri-SLY.TH MM== 77p• &suataimiliesami' r.:=l,wzdissosommiadosweemet.moorilth: • . MOT, Y 19;1870. Tar. adman: :Ormuz to timid semi SanoldKr macro , enoenanoutd lf ed to aidadbace al Id nparannam. advance. asp not paided =NNW Ranaturs-nrwmtuarvir or szrrascit 1 070 4 , 10006 SWIM, tr i.c."... cos addilie, Pa * c -" SS " • 4 r , To News Dealers . , lo pew NM IZtwies. mite. • To Indigent and adaciot Tesebegs teraidt 2W I O4 II iN-IrtgAida Pe pet assaus, v iteltamon auriay iiistaau ran. • - _ Tat DAILY 31, 47, 14 . 11-VAr. Is published even Wseeanslng, essented ilis onus pee week„ u to the eldrler psystd dr 10. whom Ms seemed. - • • T raL-Prryarge in advance; one year, 15 60: Ala swaths, NYS three nundla. II ifs. ~. • DAMTAIII) WSCIEVT =mew lik-zsu.r um - alausuri In neicaoce; is eelor six snossibli. • - • - ' -'• ' ' iimsitiiii i, RIGNIIVI. Pairnbsrs, On Sispsnes:—We evert ;to complete our Oath: to, nest week. _ They see quite coiumihou this year. 'The A.VNVAL 'REG xgra. is 4a;ted to be ready the latter end - of next . Weo. , , - 0 , , °VIZ: ADDITIONAT. L.AIF ft7VDG.E. • AT WORK again. The Derreci yers of the County:have pauvailetkini• one portion of the , .Republican 'law3T-re, ta • a.._it , ttitem in quietly AN:dying . to the unary, fOr an act giving this-COnnty-ai siitionni lawjndge. The pkaii, mamas - rim of -civil badness. 'Whose fault is-ft that • , • this b .uziness -haa aecutuulatell? • ,Threeor four yotrroilrice the neW Criminal Court 'was established, the idea of which first originated sevelarDemcoerstie membersof the trar adds' County, butthey lost courage, and we, at an expenditure of Hine and subney, had to carry it 7 Jo successful icsppletion. From the fliat the new 'Criminal 'prart was opposed bythe'ottl Court. Had it been permitted to go on, the criminal and, civil imairkeza of the County would have progress - edeatisfactorily' and would-have been Well kept up. Three suits ,were instituted' - against, 'and finally When the ltia/Ity and constitutionality of• the new CoUrt were fully established, and bad gone into' opera •,- tion, the District. Attorney, .with the sane- . • dolt of the Court, reftised, In defiance of the ••, law,. to return any criminal_ businese to it.— Had the new Court been , permitted. to go on there would have been no • posing of all accumulated -In the-face of thesefacts; it•is simply impudent " to ask (Or . the appointment of an addlti: 'ontdiawjudg t e for the County .To give an instance of the intense feeling • entertained by the old Court against the establishment of the new Court, and against all who in the slightest degree contributed • tows its establishment,, we might state that finding ouiselves unable 'to he all 'the time inUfarrisbnrg, to watch-the coutsefof events in connection with the progress of the bill prOtiding for it; we employed Capt. C, 3L Drumm, during the" whole time Of the Rebellion' a brave soldier bf the Union army, to - go to Harrisburg-and act for us. He was Studying law at Mit:tent - Hie at.the time, but rile went at our request. For that action this -man, 'who Lad braved his: breast to the -bnl let- 4' the rebels to save the_ nation; who ha( passed a creditable examination, and a , ked to be adinitteil tp the Bar of thisCoun ,+ ty. and was refw.ed admission, when he lOoLed . torward to his professional career for the support of his family, i.conple of eaves ; tinipjaing Democratic . _politicians who had been sneaking about Harrisburg, overheard au' expression or two that CaPi. Brumm had made in a political argument., and reporting - - them, the result was the itgjuist proceedlnp slated. The consequence is . that he, has nev er practiced at, the Bar of this County, and we pres . ug*cannot under the presentregime. Is there a' soldier in the Legislature who; af tek thiitreatment of it gallant comrade, 'can tote for the bill of iris enemies?- Never. It annot be, rithout his cheek crimsoning with Shame and confusion. We are reallY\ surprised that arix i portion - - of the Republican lawyers of thii tounty should lend their assistance in so clandestine a manner td a Work of this kind: But their action'is nullified to a great extent by the Well known influences brought to bear upon them. We are not wanting in respect to '' - these - gentlemen of the Ear, when' we say . that the people who have business.'in the 0 courts-hare even a greater personal interest • . in' the i ndministratistm of justiee than• the lawyetis.; and we also thatmanY Jawyers, are very apt to shape 'matters to suit them selves regar+ss,of the interests of the public at large : The people are opposed to ;the, ap-. poiajment of an'additional law juirgisand are -in favor. . of conferring upon the Criminal Court civil jurisdiction, the same as was done last year in .Dauphin and , Lebanon counties, ' at the inktance ofJudge Pearon, who expt•ct ed to be'absent from !tame: - • ' . The added expense of an additional law 1 jtidge, Is unneeessaq, and should be A strong reason for the defeat of the bill in the Legis lature, This, ,with the,well known motives for the opposition to the neW Cottrt, and the influences brought to bear to secure the ap- Pointmunt of an additional law judge, should, and we trust; Will be 'conclusive with the FE Legislature. TO H % THREE - LAW JUDGES I* ONE . OrNTY PAID OUT, OF THE STATE T EASURY, AND ONE • _ HAVING NOTHING TO DO, OWING TO THE OPPOSITION OF THOSE , WHO " NOW ASK AN'OTHER, CAN,'HAEDIX BE SANCTIONED BY A l- LEGISLATURE PLEDGED - TO ~REFORNI.:, The people of this '..COnnty desire that eivil:•juriadiptkul shall be conferred upon . the CAnihml Court, • in pine of the appointmeu Of aki additional - .. ~s judge. ' i ,- . At the request of a number of-Republicans , 7. e have struck off Petitions to the'Legisla ture to oppose the act. All those who take an interest in this matter will please Procure them and have them filled up at once in op- 1 ' • positionto this bill. Let all sign it at once . anti • th* rebuke this kind of chin. -- , • irrit bus e3,s on the psit of a few, persons, who , e to derive personal bet:kits from it.. • ' The report circulated'that' Zudge Green, had tuxonesced in the measure, we are au thorized—to state Is untrue. '. LATER ucethe above was in type we received a • telegram from 'Harrisburg stating that the pirated through. .the Senate quietly on Thursday night, no doubt 'on br= proper made to the Benaters. We immediately tei l egriphed to: the Judi arY-Ceitunittee itr the Heim to stop such kind-oi snap legtdatitei Upon the 'people , such a clandesline manner—and ala te . the Governor not toeign the Bill *ll the peo. 3 - pie have an oppOrtunity to bebeard, We • call upon the Republidans :every ..'part of 'the County opposed 'to such tlipidestine proceedings, to gtt Petitions signed and_pour thehi ihteithe .*Eousei , and if, it r abOuo;* Pushed through that body on 6j"; rep Been talons, to send their Petindhilto:tir Cl9vit" nor, and write letters six:Wing l itre how the_ dill * llB :Pasaid ti + - At`tiYe!'t i~nd ire ha*. no doubt hi wlll)usul!ii- lutunuoa to "ye: AiOnt- such tlon forted upon thorn without the p . struiess • of belliginard- ftqufr i3 P•fruPlig iktt4 ggat*e lotion wilily part of the ruzi os 5 . .... - .... •,__ ~, . .. u. (X)NORQUEKCE of the grant ..:Con- / :: - sontptionvd.inthiacite oonl On Oila' •' ' ' bgtlittlestleigoilhashe letcda * ' 1 14 4 bestowed '-',*' hikninlonfis' trade lint - country. : ,Ur *cm has' arrived -*hen' this bade , I#ll9ssa attention = on the sea hoardor the ylli, in a few years, find the prices offuel rusnlng up pretty rapidly. The - whole qUantity- of anthra - Rips. cite sent to market 1n1869, was - 13,=,860 Of which reached the seaboard in round ncunbers -•- • - r 9,000,000 Leaving consumed short of tide - 4,- 0 ..,860 The -whole quantity - .. 0f se :, L ' ' ' • bitandnousandhituminous ~. watt) market in 1869, was I-‘ - 5,404930 ,Of this quantity these were con- • • sumed short of tide at least t- • Merilni Sint to tide - 1 - 3,886,930 Total supply .to tide in roUnd Tons, numbers - - - - - 12,800,000 Total used on line in round MUM. s Teiskaentto market - - 18,293,000 • This bide has heen growthg up since 1820 ,to its presient magnitude. The inieStments in, railroads and cam* to transport-these 1.,"`"P")380 tins of outfits cite tc; rinutet, exceeds TWO ~111.^SORED lill,l4dOn OF DOLL:ARR.' It ktrue that oily ahtsn Uintrtha of the trek of these -toads and canals is etail;..but fnine-tenthi of the temainliig one-fourth 44 gran out of the co 1d deVelopment and, transportation. , For thatnumantatbm of the 4,748,900:t0ng anthracke,, the, prnduet trt eie huylkill -Coun ty alone sent .to market in 1669, the , coat of nilltaids, and eumila in use is about as fel lows: • Railroads. _- Canals Total " : 140 collieries In we cost noi less . ~.) - - -/ • - " $14,000,000 ' We ' have . J 33 9 ., tniles . .,_ of railroad under ground, .and 76 miles above 'ground at col. 27 t Series, making 415 . miles 'of sl costing not less than $2,000 per mile, or 830,000.. With these figures evil % the i vestments forSehnylkill County alone where we mined about .5,500,000 ,tons, and sen d o market 4,748,06 tons of anthracite coal in 1809, they can form some•idea of the investments re! quired to transport 18 : 310,006 tons of anthra cite and bititminents coal to Market in ISC.9. These total investments in canals and rail roads alone, we. presume, would exceed THREE HI:NDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.:'. • , ' , , * - A‘glance at the trade exhiblta the follow ing mulls • • In 1855 i .the'lleeiproeity . 1 1 4>aty• was eon% eluded with the British pot?.ions, which permitted Nova Scotia coal tole intro d uce d. • .• free of duty. Tone. In 18;15 we imported fmm:Vova.Scotia-303,:Lt: In 1065 (the treaty was tarminated in 1866,) we imported fronatiquya Scotia= the _largest quantity ever a imported • •' In single year, which was - - 465,194 =I Increase in 10 years,. The semi•bituminous and bituminous coal trine of the United States, moved toward seaboard, wits In 1860 - In 1865 ,- ,Increase In 10 years - - 11409,933 Which is equal to - . an animal inereaue of 0n1y,140073 tons. . lulBB6 the duty of 1 25 per ton gold, was put on Tsovis Scotia coal. We-now give the average prices of Nova Scotia coal, and also Cumberland, cad aVI oston from 1861 to 1880 inclusive, taken from the Itokos SmeitNo LW.' (We have not at hand the prices pre: vious to 1861,) which gives the following _re sult Nora fitatia Cbai.: -At At . Freigla Boston. ' Duty. Baltitn't.' ic, Bostku. Total. 361 - 14 67 . F . i . w 23 44 ' 22 25 ti 69 1.602 -...- . 5 CO 4'23'.1 24 2 . 6 135 1663.---- 7 tr..' `_ .. 537: •i 3 26 . 885 ____ . . . _ 1864. .1040 . , " .664 338 1815. 9 03. - " - '7 67' .3.59 1866... ...... 854 6L."X, 691 A 353 ' 125.497 268 1868.....:... 816 ' 1 25 4 71 3 21 08110 778 125 497 2 for January and February. These figures speak for thetnselsw: From 1861 to 18114 Cumberland coal was alincet en tirely driven out of the. New England 'mar kets) and in the winter of 1884-65, When there was no duty on Nova Scotia COM, they ran the prices as high as $l5 50 per ton in Boitoii by the asrgo. After the duty was put on, neither Novi Scotia or Cumberland coal ad vanced- in price in Boston ; of both coals were reduced, and the fall Cumberland was greater than that of .Nova Scotia, as the figures prove. Theargument, therefore,that the imposition of duties el:dimmed the price of Amerifan bituminous coal to , cottputners, is effectually disproved by official figures-- and it is also proved by the same figures that he impogition of.„ $1 25 per.`-ton, on Nova Scotia coal, did not increase the price of that coal, becauge it if fell in price also, but the supply was diminished, while,that of r e domestic article was , largely increased at:re duced, rateS, the producers, mid not the con sumers, paid the dutY. • In gontiection with these 'prices. we give tlie average prices of anthracite Coal on board vessels at Philadelphia, from 1834 to 1869, in clusiive; together with . ' tbt , rates of duty. These figures, which tire . official, and we challenge their 'contnidiction, are better. ar guments than mere assertion: Years. ) Prins. Films. 81.1 ff. ei 5184 184 21 per c. YS49 1538,-...—Oradually 484 1853-- • ' • 70 1636 .... __reduced to. 664 1851 Free 1837 20 per 672 1.5125 from 445 VOL..-- IW. 527 1856-- ;..Ova. 411 " •5 2 1 70114 3 87 2D ker c. ,4 91 I.M6' - • " 343 1.841 • 579 11159_: . , " $25 " 4 'l9 1860 " $ 40 . 1443.-___. 51 75 .357 b 41.. 3.% 1844 ' .. 3 '33 ISt .7 I 444 348 be. " 804 1816 " 3 99 11811-2. yB9 1647_ .. ..... 24 per c. 380 1855_ ••• 784 1848. " 350 18443....!' 51 '25 580 1319......... 1860..4 .: Now examine these figuties elo4ely: In 1834 we had a duty of $1 tper • ton on for eign coal, and the averagtiptice for thatye,ar was ~$4 84. The Compromise Bill „of 1833 . gradually reduced the duty down to' 20 per cent.; in 1839 and 1840, and the prices rose as duties decreased. In 1842 the highest duty ever imposed on foreign coal was enacted, Si 75 per ton, and prices immediately fell to $3 27' in 1843; and for the sevtivears previous to 1649, only averaged $3 ( 63 per ton.— During this period steam , power was T har°. duced for horse power, and all kinds of ma chinery for preparing coal was also introduc ednuder the protective polleY, which cheap ened production; and the trifle was never% A more prasperdus condition. The impetus given to the trade kept price* low under the reduced duty to 2el per cent ? in the Bill of 1846, which, owing to the famine in Ireland, was not felt until:lB49; and they continued low under the duty of l 4 per cent., - which amounted to aboutsixty cent* per. ton. Butt :when NO* Scotia sold was admitted free in Tilt* .nrider the Reclirocitf Treaty, prices Immediattly rose, and wouiclhave continued high if ithad not been for thegreat crash of 1857, caused by the want of adequate protea tion and an exams of importations, which completely prostrated the whole ,prducilve industry, of the country; and from that time up to the rebellion the prostration was greeter than in any other period in the Lis. tory of the'conntry, , except Om 1838 t 01842, wider a 53 per cent. doty. The high prices from 1861 to 1886 were Caused by` the rebel lion—but In 18613 a duty of $1 25 per ton was imposed on all foreign coal, MA the prices of anthracite, as well as domeatic bituinitious coatrieceded in - prices, and • the average for anthiacite on.board vessels at Philadelphia, in 1: . notwithstanding high prices which prevailed towards the dose ofthe year, only averaged. SS 88 per, ton,. lower even ihrin those which prevailed in the disastrous year . of 185 i, when Wages, brewittnik and all that entered 'tut° the ProduCtiOnOf coal,weie Penriii If not quite twice no high a s On ;at Thaw Bores prove that .prtOctive duties do not enhance the price of coal, but 'in • ewe*: instance where 014 have been Imptie(ltl tlds eountry,.they have tended to rodaciimi. Feel? otitnalalinOluni .111 ennohlg 'drama. Now; with all the Clamorsheet , the 142 t pricesof antiwacits coal; ind it wair4 . 4 fora pert orthe time Inlll6l4l7.whicti arose fromiiumes "hi-SO; *ge l they still imaged fr indy43 Sc ° ln 1868; aid*, ea in mucous slap* rand ta . circa baud vermalt at PtdiadelOds, Asia therm - stuns ;must be,dedmitiod tramp* ► to Pidladelphisi fain tami..**l - : twinging In Mk lb ritt+34 Oen: • TSE SEABOASI4; ) 4 13 M L 1/C °C*3 -4*4'! - 4;200;000 - 5,400,000 550,000,000 =,000,000 =ln $72,0( . 0),M3 -361,9/2 p 63,779 2,073,512 Ciontierhzna (bar. . - - - 382 1887... r 364 1468„: 3 34 1i69:. 4 37 sea - , 3: • • ME r•- • • =Won of ix* less than Z •-,• ;, 1 perionle the shipper for *lbw, rutinrit#4c., =hi. like costaf nlnCeizpsis. *lon V.lO i toOrhich petted to . 7 cu r "Only( for his inisentingnig(ibr ropily the et* hyss4o*_ wit the railreads 2 :**oll4l* 4 in to rani tairthe - _ ti* ' r hsve - hot - tbr the 5 per cent. slioirrince Where no (!inxwthobn netted the opensiei $2 . the avenge P4ce 'reed' coal in .. 1569 sentio 1 1 ) purpose* l'hitdelivereditu. retail at , ThiladelPhikAet* .I . :Livezatar . upon an average about'! ' - ,With this exhibit, it-iwas tfti taunter, ilia ruin was staring the! coai producer 'lit the. fusee aniiii#e''prieee : bid irofierie r iiiin - tidethe -close of .1860,ith , iltun 4*ioperate:a in Schuylkill Collin* Would have been bank rupt at the cle, 4 4_: 11 11e ro o . -,-,; 4 4, writ , fi ve lost made monerkidiriethat . • . : • 101808. In 1 § 69 * 4- 4, ' ta;:in,e 6 l4 t, ii' ~. 7' , :•; at ,rmilipli pi s il .1 1 , 1 1 - ' germ et,br a , • ~,, -'. , . . .., i , _ i re about $4 . 95 per'' :', on board ii .. .. ... i T his Would net the p. • deer on an **erne, after *fueting ,freightand conandiniona, $2 35, olsks.2 72 &Um; pit in the eats and boats at Port Carbon; htt the higher prices of labor paid on ‘the basis k systent, redne4 the proeta• materially. to the operator, and itheee'..Wiro 'had' good Iridifli - otablj - kieated 'Collieries :made some morteythut it is bellergl :that a „Majority of the'; ' operators map hit littl% , if anything over their *Raises aUd-eliVing,. while "otherililo4 - o*ejt onilie. Vth i i ri q es of )SO: - 3 • ---.. ' 1: ' ' - • We have shotwn that with free coal frem \ova Seotia,for! aPeried of teilli 3 alra, 'w* all the at. httolds „of Aka - rebellion, ; which largely inflated p.i*in the tnited States, when large_ fortunes were made on tly in ' vestments in 14'..0Va Scotia mhie.i . in a Fear,: • by running; up prices, sehlglia4; - $l5 50 ; per ton in Boston in the iiater al' i psoimfien_lt was duty' free, ilhe increased iMpetinkii4en to the trade, secured an increased importa , tion of Only'34l:972.lons'in ten yam.: i -.: -We have also shown that by-the-removal oft:the-duty on Nova Scotia coati-oar •boace ,produetipp, of pertii.biturnitious' nut 'hiturrii nobs coal: , scat , cripPled, "an Wei pro t Vuetions die mraged by Aniirican • t.:Oal, having been dri ven almost totally . out - of the Eastern marked', that dUring the same peii, od our domesti l a production only inertiased, 1,409 733 tons W I ten y.aillivhiiiii, is air *Ver.. age of only 140,b73 tons a yeaii with: all the Airoulus of hi gher. p rices also , dining the • rebellion. S' . o;fi, let us look, at the effect on cluetion", since the duty of $1 25 On gold Was imposed on NoNfic Saida coal by the abroga tin', of thelleciforoeity Treaty:: ' ' " ' • - . ^ 2 '994. In 15643 the'supply of .semi-bitOni: , „ nous and-bituminous coal Ant , • : i u the Vatted' "Stateiv And • toward the4ahoard 11111 12,595,533 In 169 it. WO - - ti 4 . 839 J 45 • • --, • .Increase in 4 years - • - 1,814,212 Willett is anls erage of 461,031 . ,t0ns annu ally, while the , for lOW' Watt 917,806 tons, whleir lttereake in a Bingle . year is 101,07' tons more than. the!, tOtal quan tity of foreigtrapal imported intO the country from all sources in the years 1868' and 1869, Which amounted in:the aggregate to only 8N,109 tons ; and the Amertetui, bituminous coal, and ~he' autt*te ahoo to ; *tli, was sold lower on the, average on ixr4rxt Vera; at the.shipping points for the last pad yews,. than ltialiksold since 1862. ,Th%e are the f a cts, anti stia 'Wimp their cOntradiction. Nova Seothi leti4 kg heed; iiinetpally for gas, .and ]for a & 3 1.'; ' , ,Po,4 B 9t,in'tig P 1 1 . 1 11 0 , 4; but fair MI/Diesel/ring and , botiailiold7pu rpo ses, outAmeripan bitumitiOas OolitiNtre far superior to I%Toyaftccitisi cpal t and is tt,ot liable to spontaneous,. combustion • While lying in 'piles. Many: of our gas *49 are also equal to. the Nova Scotia coal,: and they are now I.lrg - ely vied, lA, ‘ Npw: tir;r4e. itidl i other plaees4n theEilit,-' and-in ''xistrj• instances preferred tolhe No4Seotia gascoals: Penn sylvania sentupwardsof 400,00 Q tons of gas (t0a1.4 to Nev york and the and ISPeat 'i r "lrginia sent . to ..13altinicire , 214/58 , tons gas coals in 1869. • • EMS 10 22 - 11 10 Y 47 7 Li; 792 • 790 These ffgutes 'disprove ainioapeirery t ion made by the fora SCOtill! interests. fret traders; and yirpye also thM the country iiiustdepend upon the development of ou r home productions to fully .suprily . our mar ket's cheapftlel in. Peace ;as On 851 War:. We also assert it fearieSsly on the au thority of competent mining and topograph-; ical engineerS, familiar with the coal forma tions of these pritish.possessldns; that the', supply of coal Is Very 'limited, and While they cannot supply us with What our mar kets will resplire,they can still fiutiply! suffi cient to check and destroy our home' devel •opmehts and investments, as:the rernovaiof the duty slid in 1.851. • . , . We are not pleading for'oni:aithrac ite In-' tereibi,`and!Ni•eare glad , that' COU gres' a hall inade - anthracite free. • We fear ;to competi tion; and if we were to consult.mere sectional interets, we would say, talee th'e duty off bi tuminou.s coal, for if they do, and the expen hes of tranvortation are not lessened, we will ri'k our ticad op the asserfien Oat the price - of anthracite will be enhanced; the price of bittuninous coal on the: board in a very short time. The An raCite 'Regions tr...o rrlso arewithin a rangeot from AI to 150 miles from the seat yard, while' the; Bituminous' , . Regions lie from 275 to MO ; milea distant from which the seaboard must expect to drain its , supply. • - In, a very few years- the balk cif anthracite will be claimed for dorneAle - *es i and the manufacturers!nust rely mainly on bituminous for their.use. But we do care about the piogreas of ourhamCdcvelopments and home iudq.stry, and ' therefore we /tie willing to forego our own inunepite interest for the good of the 'whole country, and conse quently have a right to call upon others to (lathe same. _, . . . „Bat the mostleet Of the !jade, so far a consomers on ,t 4) seaboard are-con eern ed, is yet to 1.)•• pr&...entefi, . 1n`1&55, fifteen years .from this Ulna, the markets between the coal regions and the seaboard, and on theioaboard, mill require an increase of not less thwil,!.s,ol:o,ofici additienal• tons of foel. 'Qf this quantity the Anthra cite regions _cannot contribute over 8,000,000 tons to send to market,Jand thireflare f these markets will •I.lqutrenot, less than 16,090,00 Q or 17,000,00.0 odditicinal tong /4 the home semi-Winn - 4 our did'. hitlnuit:mks cads, keep pricei deWri to a tit rite on the triu.. board., 'To show that we have nOt'over-estl mated the qnantity, we Will stole that the in cram in the .supply for the list ten yeius averaged annually 1,081,168 4Ons, and oue year, the increase. was up**, of 3,300,000 tons.' It will -only take 'an antitUdlnerease of 1,600,600 for the fifteen years, to run up to' 25,00000 totlic,to that we believe an increase of 80,000,000 tomtit. the neat fifteen Seats will neater. tjje mark.' AVe 'prefer, *vac. ever; to 'be a little below 'Oa, above the Bores; to ovule tfdiadditionif *Up* within flit veiled, will.' Teo l l*.4li , -UMW melt in transportation alone; of :not leaf thin THREE HUNDRED MILLIONS-01P DOLIAAES, WrOuglitradetteids* &c.,, WqelxiLity t;.9lVt apt forty or fi ft y millions less,) Oaktpeadast of opening up collieries, ,conatruetfing lateral railroads, building houileit and kalif' Inthe' coal regions, &C., &e. 'Now ige a contradiction, ,Of 1.41 me ,isydomiliO and esti mates from auf.aPPtresr4r i Now, we ask; feeds ntmenai Loma inter est to boithecklid and etipided for the . purpose of beitsl 4 IttingtiStreirecosintry; and a few Anietieto;iliinlastast Is outicatkmalt7 •iia:be sobbed of abotit a half million l orolallaiiiiamazaily;iuid this Immense :twat interest *wit' listed; crippVr iiiititied7tiat; to Put this' money 'kW); of the se foekcilera; and Maoo.49 l :AilikaArfOrt APPIT-.crra leoaatty and la vested *d zm ed r ikney to & eel* toreignlaudii? ' Can ibitiaintber ta ken the oath to PeAselnkkif dittino, niegio* *or, and protect and derends§aAntinuteot! Ida own coanwi;ivotii au . *anis tonaistentiZnYtaa4:nikt*WititAltrit? With theiWkpliitr i _ . **tloolibia* bastaaion apiwyeekiattywoc,.. ieliwesotart d *lll4alkeve INNS ar - Nt, ac a g be 7 , 4 - ...4.17141..47 - TURD) OF SIX =Um - - agar owiwb-Ancem. 0 140011Ariesigais:11) lc-4001 11316 - Om& : - _ „,;gIVISZLI/4•007 _ antlumkte trade twit, th eretoraf'he obtained how the - heaths, and chleflilry i lut not only the inerelise, , take, be thintoWdned, the premed, nearcennot be maintained from our 0 1 4 r, * ings, which are now it theirmaximpm out-put; every year will dintirdith their capita*, and demand deeper "lifts" end Iprogre-ssiVek gene ration into.the dimmer basins. - In order to condense our remarkS in the scope of a single made or letter, they will be rotdin ed to the first;or southern anthracite ecdti field; beesime in this Held the Litolta of ont-CrOP pre , &talon has already been reached; iltfact, its production omit rapidly diminish , uttimei the • deep basins are developed. , Br ore4.itor ritotmcno:s • \ We mean , theme; produced from those basins in which the beds r appear as the surface, and are aVailsbleto dtifts, tunnels or .elopes. . .: Eielusire Of the Mine Hill haeina, ,thaj,wo first, tier - of lamina, south of ttie Mine Hill, may he - denominated "out crop twins." The find' 4; - - regular line of abates - I -hashes, represented by.l "Mindy' llarbor," "Johns' basin," ••.‘Ditutt taftee," andithallar basins along the foes, and] southern elopes of the Mirie Hill, hate" gener ally adorable out-crop; Mid 'North. and South dips. The second line of basins have anly, a o *lngle out, , erop, andthai not-always continnons thesiteauntoth. Preen the narrow Anne Hu! basins,' those north of tie Mine. ; theta* two basins the entire hard white ash productions of the-south coal field hai been obtained, with the insignificant exception of a few tonafrOm the Mountain out-crops, and the serni-mithrit eitefof tile Dauphin foilt, in the western end of , • thellebt The old and popular Mode oftniningl*: Slope, can : only be pursued in ,these out-cropping ba- Mos, and'mly to a limited extent, in the second] tiers of basins, becittse•the dip is interrupted,by rolltrand irregularities, which are in many cases La positive bar to the slope method , the long .deelivity. *fits south dip is • also an objection.— , Perhaps less than o of the coal of this 'second line 'Of basins can be obtained by slope. We - already find it taenctisted by shafts below the secured and third lifts_ of the slopes en its out-ereps fromy.agle Hill to Mount 7 trek. , ' • • TO WM' TEE IttusfilrOTll • • Cost -bed ' An the seemed line of basins, , shafts from 500 to 1000 feet in ,depth; *ill be ;requited to reach their synclinals. Nt'ehavZ reliable debt on *Lich to base the estimate of 1000 - feet; us the masiinum depth of the Second b , Aiutt. • , Of course it is not en absolute necessity that, a •• . . , • . •• . , s. • • 1. - railcar. IcoLUSIN Ynow `E TO N. -.• '' '• 1 '''' - .',•• '• ' ' - : . -.- .• . • . . , . • - • • • . . • Btu Tract', Clarkson, Sc; from 6 told feet t hic k . , ..,... . . Conglotnerate and coarse sandstonea...., . ~..',. ..„....._ ..... •. . --- r . . • • • _ ~ . .. •••-. Ilion black slates, with . thin bcda - of rich argil laceous irottores, and n - u . tri - er- ;; ' . 7.720 ops balls „. •• - . _ • , _••• .. Ferriferous or ,reddisli samit447 - nes-. .. .. ..... - ' ' • ' ' , • ti ) ` • • s zith_ ; se - riex, Cte ,i f a oot coal with three.bedi pi cartonaCe . .tins.itre, averaging two feet in 1 1 thickness; with two fret drealay 4 7 ............... '''" ''' '' '': -. 7" -- J ' ? ASIMMIIII‘ '' - ' Lirrtret..rxion • -•-•••-•-..--•••---. - • 10„1.1 . -. . , . ; : ... • lizo_CLtlrrox, JoblIn„ ac.. - - ' - -•••"^•,-..-“,:-..-.....--,--..;... ' 15 Cr - n - . . cConglonterate and Warne aandst.ol?p, base of sth berie5.... , ,,...- ..... ;.—.:..... ..... ..„ ---- -Illsst 7- . . . . , , .. • -- • (Carbonaceous iron ore in soft, black slates, i; .6. ..,. ' •'• .•” •• . .., , ; ' 25 - `.. - _ Black band ." '" - " .•• ," ,' 1' 2. '• .. : ... ..:. ...... _:....., .... . ..... :.......•.... '.' -. ," fith series. Lean silicious'iron ore. in sandstone . .z. -,,-:.....,....,...1 ... ........:....„,.., ' • ........... i i ~ Rich argillaceous ore in ooh black slate ".6-• . qatf Sr ' :. Hard coarse, conglomerate ; base of 4th series• . • .• _.„ . '!"73 .. -' ~,.•• , - . • . ..- !I" Laryz.r. Dmatoxo_:__ .... .:—...,;:-._..,....-: 2.J - ft bla ~- Three beds carboruscettAts iron, 13 in. to 2;feet thick .-._.-.. -...„,...-..,....,..... --AI ........ •111.series7' Drainisp.-. ' .... - • Course Rands - tonci.and - silicions slate,'" . , . DAIMOTr, .. —. . -...-...„. ...-..,'..- - • - ~T; a slorom o • ..., Songlotnerate laid - coarse — stadds . toneS, base of 3d alloys... . - , , — 1 ...... , 3 .. - • . -, • •_ .. , • ..:1 - ; , • w. , • •• - . • I Fine..soft, black add blue Slates, full'of ball , orowlth two . bCds cat•lxmit, -.,"_-- venue ere, irrin, thicl:'; one bed of coal 1 - ft. thick and ay rrt.._thicic, .• -•- ' Thin sandstorms, 20 fr...'..: ..... .;•••:•-•.',..... - - ••••••••••-•••••••;•':- ! , TwO beds of carbonaceous Orei'sartietlmesblackl4dit, I 51atee_2;.)........ ; . .1.100 tddii:astraistones . 1 .......... _ .._ _ :.. .. _ ." ' •, • . . . - - • 17- '. affisi,mm tx' ',.. : 2d l iel i es, ..., Rich earbooaceous•bre In . so - ftalates; 6 • '' - . ;R ....,.. - '''. '. .. - •.' -,.•rlsowimna" str 3 .: ' So ft slates and thin sandstones —',... ......... ........_......,-- .. . tl - .• - .t..-....-..._.....:.,....... -..- - . , " - , Lrrrtr, OrirmastD..-. .''X . • - '-'-.- ' • - SI. .0 - ___, 7 r . . 8. Thin sandstones and slates with bull ores . —... ...... . : ... .'..... . : ... . . .-.. ''... ..... '. , - 510 ORCHARD, 4 te.rfeet thick - • • Hard sandstones and blue rock, with one thin strata of . 5tate................_: - ., • 5.Y , • &toads° White sandstones - • - • . ' s ''.' = " „ .„, I. - 1. Hard conglomerate, base of al Aerie, • .. .. ..; • •,, —__...... ,. . . , . . ; ' . . , .'. . . - Black slate with balls of ore .... ',, * • . t• - - Hard gray rock with sitar and Water crystals - .. . j t Soft hWit slates, with two beds of ore and's. smili *ism of coal, and soft : ...........• I. carbonaceous slate 'each one foot t hick :<: , -....:._.......; i " series-- ca rbonaceous from 9to 12 feet thick ' • • '. ' '' 1 , ' -,.....-1 ,-• • I ' '' -- ki . 1 4' - - 9. . Sandstone:rand slates. .... , _.-. .... , : --• ',. • 11 . 1 .2 . ' Hard grey rock with conglomerate i and coanse sandstones, baSe!of Ltt !rim ',, .----- ".. ore series . • • ' :_..... .1 - id .... , (Three test • . .. . - . _ .: . ; ...... - ..'c.'_ ... ........... ......:......, r- 'imm.......i 3 . < HOLMES:. Two to three feet 'it& clay. with - bail ot ore. - t . ... ....:. ... -. ; .... ... .. ... . ... ~. • ____„. - .3. , ' (T tree to ties feet coal .........•.. ....... . ..... . ............ ~...., ... ~. . . ..:...•_....,_....,..'..: 4 1, - ;J:... ',-- ii - . - ,7,• . 3..., . , •.,' . . , . . . „. . . • ; ' , . . . . . . . . , .. . ...._ _• , _ • - • - , • . Liam grey rock 7,i to i.-,* feet thick • .s , , • '..,. • • ~ , • :I • • ' . . . . : . . . . . , ~•i ' • . ..- ' • . . . . . _.. , .. . i - , ' ' - 't •." '‘ • . - ' ' •,- .. ~ ',' . Two thin he& Of coal • ' . - ' ..,' . Strong' dark- slaje . - • - ..".. - . • ~ ',.• , - . . - - ',, • •••.: , , • • , • • ~.. • , • • „; . .. , Black slates'. - . • - •• , . •.., , • -- ; - . . • / r . ; ... - ' • • , . - ' ;. . . ; , ~ . . , . - - '-•, • ' - . ; • , :. _ . . • ~. . . • . . . . . • • , . • _ - ; , - ,- ._. • FOcirs feet rein, 10 to 2•v feet thick bolt alatat'wttb - massive balls and slobs of earl,onatt,...oas ireit 0re5.._..........:, E IMP to ' ..'.- . . ,- • ' ' - ' • ManalOru, 29 to :Id feet thick • s . 2.1. -- ' edlstisnees tine„tri Robe Initancea approximated:in .the ahoy* . KeetJon col n'eletsote the entire thlekne . s,l, Including byth ore st+d ooal pods `z it . win be observed by the foregoing section that there are five sernnicOr sn'itas6 in which•the "iron belt " from the: Primrose to the Tracy, a distance of 600 - feet. Each _ of these series or divisions ale based on a massive eon glamerate or .sandstone foundation, While.theyi terminate in soft slab". in whigirthe valuable ore-beds Invariably exist. • Sometimes neat the top, but. often -near! the lower portion of the slates. The setae ore-bed will vary-in tbia .re-' speet. In some.plaees it mar have a conglom erate top and in.others 20 feet of slates widrth tervene. ' - .• , • It may bowell to remark here, that ive do not know•of a single tunnel or shaft, itethe upper 300 feet of the foregoing section, except on the Mill Creek shaft: - The Wolf Creek Black Diamond Tuunel.near Minersville, is below it, while the-Mill Creek Tunnel is above it. There are from 1000 to 1300 feet of coal strata above the "iron helt",,and fully 1000. feet helow It. • - • ' The diagram on page 364, "Coal,lron and Oar 'showing the relative areas of the diflerent oat-crops, will give a good idea of the length and breadth of .the."lron belt.". • It can scarcely extend,-to Tamaqua or Tremont, and will not 'be - found in any other region, if 'We &Mate bur selves to the upper and Most- predactive EW feet.. The No. 1 and Igo. 2 ores, _which are valu able, may be found - in other reglont • . • - • FACTS •ASI'D. TTICORTS. allmay call atteutiod to the ; fact that neatly' all our ulocal sections" made to exhibit the dip of the Strata and the form add extent of onr ba stn4"mreseut even the widest - hasirc as-sharp eta narrow, and the sma ll est "saddle" as a eon tlntled then:Ulm to the beim of onfci3stmeeknires. - - This is simplya theory persisted in against all the developed facts and against every • scieptilic tale. - _ • - - The basins' are hot :Cleo by one-thiid as such •sectlons - maka theull nor are the loNti stn tklinals or saddles conthitted, but toe 'very Jim-- iced depth. gven , 11: \ ie Man anticlinsis depreci ate in elevation, Atte)! recede Troth the tsar= The main 'basins are always llatd'or *gnat ex tent, while even the Sitlail loiad basins with rare exceptions, lava gentle sYnclitua with low angles of dip. - • `, ' , Ctinvo pilitbettct. fttitaiiiitriro ! -* i • , , -•- , 141tRipt110, Feb- 18 1319. The ibilowing bills • have, up to dite, been aligned by the Governor : ... • • _ An act to provide for the appointoternS of an. additional Notary Public, whose rezicience shall be at Slietiandogdi City. 'No appointment has' yet been made. _ _ _ ~• f • - An art authorizing the comminadoners of ilichuyliclil *Rutty to unwire a certain return of unseated taint for the township of Ryan. . An' act au th orizing the Chief Rutgers and Town Conn* of Shmuhuinali City to levy a tax fo borough purposes. , ~ • The following bills have been offered in the An aeCte obtidt i reeesion of real estate by she : =stiosiat ', coroneri' and Orphans' • • An set author-Lew the removal of insane per.- , sons from the State I.tWin Asylum itt Rania burg to' the. County Asylum at fichtlyiklll. Harem ' , 1 .. , An eet relating to ineda, dF., in iikintYlkill An act, foi 134aylkill County; ailthoritieg titsrtfedlranian to' sell end.' convey t thef_ Nigeria* whale downed by their huabearla, to sue sod rreoger theism, or the raise thereof. ,•• i. 7 - - ' , .i • r..• u$ itthairtne• the Ashland flea and at l itie llilll st• pi t i o ettleagesba lihtnia.m...* DimeSontibtr , , _ pp 4!,e -- ,,; . ii : ..7 . - 7- AnibetAispommin t AiOaa •Or Auldeed, to main dead for tit odd. t TM*: •bill Wan peasekthe lieriale.-'lrelly . yerwagnj• boallbillba ireded - tri it Arida-r.= hilme UNI at e cTirig act 'solo . . 1446 a sue: of - tsaktuby - naesukoima,.by4ipe--' le-pbbFiltomstoodorniesso sent the elitalkoWingisi - tlta a= 11 3 1°1 1 77- - Melia autheristnir Ihe litiostance ot etaiiineotebnialrriari: 4 o._ 4l o - -IW, tbili t itak s i i, it i ola i i i ii i lietiolanorpenderihig it . UM Orrin OPPOi ...,..-:: f..;, ,- p. ~? ,Al. -;,C .. iO4 ll 4 ~...?Plilr.,ll; _._ tldiffs , ~ W '''Re - • • i .1: tom'.;: tat i e _.. - s,•i** 4 , :l Voilliontomespemject ,'i - • • . . 14= ._ddk ver tiniabitharot : is z nir '.- 1 1 1 . - itt,l Illoregolliaatia4: 7 . IM_ l a = sio riddrota ..4 lit boitpic .dot t 1 towidoiro.J. . ==s=2fMa== era than, to gesendly rea50,......- nib. theft. — , _ l /1 111 ft 404 =,"1 Isollirm. is tOosielift- 01 1 1110 - h.neat, to he detetudned - hr *V -tilleZ it ' than Ayer hundred titat.'wlll. Is t; moth thi' aoslalor the loottred lV iiii :l is it *en, innEhmerStrhere istensive trathf_tealst to '.._* es fOr al tka, 746E/akralaatabarr illik " Olk . " lisagitherybohl hien- been : loriladea-deeper veltrate if ma zwtkrtdetenFisedtheqlteetl* --- E " ___ = BM shafts Of aimienitO coanterbdanit a t omens add -a - Ia which thti fits'nurMb *Pelf riot ont-crop : are threejnntnber, not including the small inter mediate or imrfaee b*diree'whieli do not effect thelower : • r - r- ' The first doepbasittalatitiptilme the p‘iniaal nomenclature, are - on the thinl tier south of the' 'Stine KUL, These basins range from 1006 to 1500 feet deep to thevynclitudatif the riuniamoth as a general Tule through the horizontal striae, We lino* of buffs* intar'irbere a abaft can bejtoricionSly I on. any l of those 'basins betweep 3diddleport end' Swittara,; . below the wit-crop of K.. or the Traeys while generally , the ayeelinal Of the Tracy . basins, are from 300 to 500 feet below the antlitce; on the - Mill Creek and Delaware traets, throdgid which the third line of basins **trike;"- 11xlitoutttand fifth - line of bakers range from 1.500 to 2000 firer to depth W the synclinals of the nsturunothi or E"while the.basineof B. is from 400 to 800 feet deeper. We do nciapropose, holq ever, to discussihesep *dos atupresent Their development is more a mattefof the future; tam the third line of basine•are - now :avallobles and their development is demanded by every Indus...- 041 aniil progressive interest ;bf., the Seethes:O. aftio sporting: , orui. itiloht& ' niantiactoring - , commercial* and tnor • TEE CARBONA IRON 051.4, stidela Ontropba the daft:a basins' are of the 'first tutportane& in this connection and' detrupdot4 earnest consideration. We. kriosv the existence of valuable and :workable orekin the matlaseite measures is a mute ? o f doubt, but we is - rite'advisably 'and froin devel oped Ind deonstrated Awns, and can : state from pexsotisl hunt:ledge; 'obtained bv. s long and ttearoughP ractleal investl„mttion, hat the wad able ore-beds of the anthracite coal . . ate ea are as important and valuable as the coal beds, ha the-southern satin-sate held. • The,iroi-ores of the anthracite rneainres are confinetito a linatect portion bf the strata, hear thetentre.ot the:vertical eolnain. _ _ : They eiist,-,excluSitair in the . soft grits , s, whichSorm nearly all the somas with, in - this coaled,: • - . • Those slates-are triable and, disintrilate rapid- 1 ly when exposed:. Consequently,' since all the valuable ores exist,* those: slaws ; their ikutt .crops era covered' to a great depth . the :crumbling strata which enelosethem...- 'Most of the: ore-beds Which,* weShall,brittly. Mention, exist in. 300 feet :OrStrateft 1 ,1 4 7 situ* some Of theta exist ontidile' this Unlit, we will present a detailed section , front --tlie.:•MamtnOth'. the'Tracy; or from' E. to. K, 'divided .iu series of succ&sive 'formations, asthey - actailly ekist• giving for the first time, arfect psi complete Section., of the "imar,-belt“ Sie Of. t *anthracite measures 1 - = • -- The anticlinals x and partieularlv 'the 'I small local one arc generally sharp at the.sartace: but gradually' 'tig in o elevationlind abrnpt flees as they recede. • • Ii tiro bars of iron ere solidly fastened steads end•and thetrlbentithere inust be an irregthu r circle to the Inside bar, and unequal' dlsitances between the bars. _ • Thetroal measures Were normally or nearly so t 'in deicing.' the ..Strata, by' literal contraction„sines the difftanfe , between the, the instils could.not he increased or itt.t minished, the folding tfiek - place at the weakest . points, viz: 'on the aulielinals. . . • Thus we find the distances: from stratnin to, stratum, Or from one coil hedto the other Much; grcateriat the sharpi c V of a saddle theft vhsre thetreasures are h • fact,lt isigeome cal Impossibility to bend two, parallel. lines at an angle of 45°. and pre serve thar telative distances. The distances% the Pointwiii,be much greater than at the sides; Thus the anticlinaLs must naturally depreciate -- , as they recede, growing - less and'. less; until they finally. diSappear, while! the boins must gitiNV wider and the dip of the' strata less in an 'ate, as a positive ; eonsequenco • • - • - ;Therefore; those who sink shafts - on an antic linal in thii thinibasin," eipecting. to-,cut the 3fammtatti at s erSiaparattvoly;Shert depth,' will be seriously disappointed, while those who seek it by shaft in the basins, will be much sorpriSeti if they: talertgate till - a continued dip, as.repre serifed,by our Ipeal sections, because the - depth will fie one-Third less than the angles of dip in- , - 1 diCate, if continued they. meet it ch syning, ' . _ • • ! , tt'e hazzaid nothing in stating that the ,truoth will have e'seeedingly low angles of dip„ mut wide snd immense tiataress'available to. shaft operations lu all the debbasins. deep shift properly located in the third - should produce 1000 tons of coal per day.. for nuort than Infl,years. 'But the system of Ml ning7commonly pursued; andwlaielthas ruined out;oht shafts, cannot. be fcilloWed with success in our deep basists, oritt fset,.elsewhere. • "WheUthe most improved English modes are adopted in this region, as. the-,are in the ,Lack sweeps, we shall work our deep cads With - sue.: yens, hod compete,4troiltably, : with . our neigh bors.: • . • DADDOW. ' Jah. • - Through* the ;venlig* tent Mid unrernitfing ex ertions of Mr., Sinev end thentlter members :of .; the Miners?Norrimlttee, the bill known tat the , Miners' 'Ventilating bill; ' prochrnig for, 'the health and safetT,Of person/ elbTinTed is coal mines, has passea the Senate.' • limn it will'pem Honse alit now ieada, there Mao doubt. As the comniittee of workmen have a eimple,of short hand tuMs all wort. tho whole pro .eeedinge toge r with the speeches of the mem bers, wikd no lion bt- appear in the *columns of . the Monroa.. • • L An Act introduced to the Meuse by Mx. Ellis, realms it a inisdonesner for anyparty or parties* in this Ceratoonwadth to tellbt dispose of coal Vy or at auction, or pallid outcry, OC*, sell or. 'diapoist Of said coal to any pets= or cornpany., knowing We- memo to be sold at 'itudion;dc:, whether such aula shalt be iwthieSudi or nisei where, unless the coal shall tie, actually deny.. ered at or near tbirwhat*Te it tidewater; where the coal is to be put en sidpbterd. We need not expatiate on tile impOrtande Of' thlsbill. - It. commends Itself to the attention of all, comet:, *I with tbesoal trade in fichnYikill County, - • Through the exertion* of Xr. a resoln. eon hasUen palmed autlueltkig the pith - bodkin of 500 topples of the annual teport for 188 9..0f tho Inipeette of Mines for Schuy lkill Ctuuttyobr the of the House. • • :, • . Mr. , Thomas, well :knotrn to trimly of your citizaus, has sold hiailresidenne at the cornet of:Eitate and ruedstaseut t in ..this city, to Don" Caundott:Prald • • of the No:thorn Central Italkowl C% 2 3r. „ , .. to take uplds residence querterly Cci nv 6 ;14 Aolanty district of Good moon% am Dummy , and part of lilidtwk. Cipui;;Atler will this oity on the 9211-andliditolastok,- Jhad , -.ll43l MO il ltie " nOlkottetidadice of Fu="1 01011 . 4 4: utthrhelrasftliftegvii&wi.,4. A- A I 1714TY,-. PENNSVINA-SIA.. - 1.1 • Einutris poi vict scrirsas• • •Wirileg surm or anintraro 7 /0' tar-lOuriretitazzs. Abiicri ;alias 01!iirelqiacra. .• 1 - 4Pril:C o 4* *- 'AV .?.-. liiimuicitik oxtt, ix TUE i . -e. - M s il°P.,TT'ulli. lAtiettotn* or rao a , ''''''`.ll l 7 l s ...... • inr arreltritoca COALS it _• . .. • . fr - :=AXII* at wpm,- • . 1 im . .l.zz .r , I—Caviar ._ • . . , ;:: e ll t ilh. I 'Camp rwrinei-A Otzir rezz 1 *brief at any igeolosical map- of the • • . ividoins of . y id ' OWL cover's emiy one third third of the ea . azeartt thetiltate,irill bean widen Ito iMwrincesini one of the vast future lm •• • ,of bur binneraessa tg . 3441e1i1s and the mogul ode • ttbete, batindient tesotint a hat cagy ; when when OM , • . ,taribilithe tindrint ain t - l ir - our mat , - coal= . *44 can we appreett mine of those im mense id/malts ot +imamate e of fuels. ' 1 Se ipolinuts eptadderatiti lees than 500equarr mil - '-*lintlirlielfe Coal fornutito4and: even thisiluil • ,area has been ruittotedy eitertnehed on and rattail • ihy, warted mitt - ,firipreettleiit mining. ' Yeti ;those intie basins now plane* over 40• 0 • 01 ;* tan* of *. ' annually,'or_plflte than tWoLitrirdeofihneittire - • Wirt;Claclkai af.the StAkte. '' Il '• ' , l, I '. We may itiv se see tiaetimplwipin ;the_ coa -fields ofitt o State shalt pnaltioe *issiini tons - annually isirKetheyeirly increase may reseonably be esti • • • 'led at Z 3 • tit foams 'silk esisiot eigik to : • Isithreeite 'Maas Oar Adinentairs atel-lieldi m tarnish' the.litrgest puede*: itctini santaal increase • ;41e'twa) ,1, 4414- •44 9 0 1 hestiltrAi,uune0m.beco... -Po 6 , . ex:Pensive. Ant, rithaidde for use when Aie?2,ll,ttinuotutwill answer the same, or even A beg : . ter purpose. The erica/tit an latmlareMte is:- and will pe, 4 large item in its , economy, While the 'coat of *llling is, and roust be, gtvor, in eaves& lof the 'eolaparatire'imat in 'taxiing tiltwinlnSi . . I t, ', The relative'elatii a distanoes from , usarinitii. or .13l celli of cult ism:option:, atog sever or ttmt!intrimeirr .in 16 East. *hile in the ;North, swim*, sad Ns , est,. the dig , . .i.stices are nifty& of the ninttsdpoints a pittgettersily the idvaninife Wilt In niturei:ini More anti, more in fat9r of the.letter and atielatf itiat.f9fiiir'• .elee .F .ll / i i V ilt ed g e l4 it 4 s-- : t: -i'. , " './ vlth 16, . 0 0. )5 4. tiltrialli 401 WI , Co - fi elds. and I ees - thatt•ite of authm4tft, - weniustdiew itirgelY on. the one ;,to save the her In the" 'fature.--". Socidentailiy, we Malin latroninous coat Orele ?*" needed br scie•Ree.Prkezainenfli;:fo.r the ad 'Tenement of the industrial arts of the age. •' , l , '.. ' latsre..u. ..trait.aumrre oWarriTaitaOte tilif,' tx !.: Tat ARTS A-ND SCUMCRT. • • A, pure and rich bitumhscaia fuel imidapta*taall the Wants . of scielety for., 1 .44 t Prti.ihtetlaU_ 1 141,11 t -• - heat kid force, _lt may; ar eaktahetheldactttrAti7 - thriwito in Kimbell; if nut every case, where is , retillized, atithraeite ea of sG„ geacyao hike the place of liltumitions col4l ' ' sc. • all coals u.ndella. destragfre distillation cambial but antliticite, being nulttly-Solid car will,orily-yield Its gas; kirlgnite end barn; un dd a high' temperattisTi, Alta *antis:Moir ;cast -is. readily eqtrwertoi.listA '!phew casf4t and balms •limier a! * oorriparatiTely ,lowistemperatare,lind gas, liatroverjanKiticed, *ill yield greaterreatilta la heat than cid. be obtained from any - dude mineral fuel ; while tagas is clean and pare. Which can securely be said of out hesteo' ala in their raw state: . 14. the &Often's . tuhlotheraThlliarptoceties,,fdt 111 dirciductionof cheap gas aialiickfrom ordlriaifa tishilWis lost:and itisapplication to th,k iihutnfae; ituing artsi ice pacist - reimghisT a sclera Improve— ' Mentor:great patellas) value, adaptable La art almost uajtmltexi egtent, And Atratiole,natonlyarhitire , terts_eheat. anA a pure fuel. Is required, but also la" pea riy '*herb la scarce, and dear' and e6ohortii i, is alnisidsriabin: - : I . ',Nye find iii the statistics of the coal 'trade for the year; that the prodidtten and *Fitir9, ton of bitimilnbut dial Is increasing' in a greater ' Gillian t suithmeite. This mast et:inane in Ili, future, the bituminous eolaratti-which afew years ago vttdia 4100.1111445 i— in atuounli will *Lathe ecrattistde Pertiykauti.: It is how 0.041 ii our ictithetallis , Giad - fUges, even inthe akidstof the mithraelte this seems like "darrying.ctials to XeiliCattle,'t but it nevertheless -a-.ta ct ; while, for' the production of Illuminating gas, a 'rich bitthignotis Is the Only coal at present made t'r'ee - e' • 'nita's/Ate is a monopoly. lets Malted an inval- Gable for certain important purposes for like In the blast turnabe, for dianestle Mies - sirwirallY: and m an Oilier cases, tflulirldt irfl,•eannbv - iorae 114 compelltloa In the: marl:eta: l ib& the teiiiiihiey, of Innovation Is agiiinst thelt t l . and In tSVer of the forintr• .. 13mittotis' coat 'tide autlttacite In inanY!citaas, but - tuithr it,e, will -rareiy . ttidace bitut n litions litre rifts m ois t - crime 2•LW*6 ors ccua. Poi ictaxstA. •., From the most acei"'sibl9i and avallable l ideposita of the,Allegheity . c*.fleld, is therefore a' irripor laritunetthan tor futnuc , if not present ciiasidera-. Oat.' ' • - ' ii: ' .Fi ', . , I I . . 1 : The littiologicalitractif our bittintiaOus coal deposits in Pernirsplvireitin-hinniforly With-the geo . lOgleal,farmation.of the AUeghanies. The dip of the . .stratir . generally westzwani, : and the water-shed le' fil the Medirection, except where th e Allegheny *tint in, which bans . oar approachfroni the Dial — , hal be n out down. hi th e :waters of- the ISt:pouc h:LlM. ' " • ' I I J.'S .- 1 , •:.ti ' '. , . • 1 , i; W, call attention to the 4trigular and inaportant fac't, that there is only ortelnirfgraf quart for the bita- Minoris, coals of" the State:, Eastward, v end that- is thtl,ough the valley ,of the west branch! . • i ' • . This outlet is not . Only natural, With deicendtng grades from the coal-producing to the coal-onitniji Mg locili i ties; but on the Shortest and-ntostl availa-. ble titles fronrWest to East. . The west branchof the • ilusinebanna penetrates the rich and lnexlialistiblt I heart of the great Allegheny coal=field; ancklie Phil- . 'itidelphia and..prielialiroadi-now affords ample . • ' -op - .. , • potocitty'rOr its development. ' - - • .!- Tilt...small nnd-ttramportint depos i ts or. - bliront itons coal in:the Sullivan, !Barclay' arid Blossburg .X . tegions, can scarcely imergtaidered in this ,connec tion,rottliiiribest Markets,sire*trth apt-West, and. Moreover, .. that's - are! fess" ravorisblY located IA,III ror' PrOductton and transportation: • . ,r i The coal nc the t e Iti-osa Tp.Reglon will ;riot c,int- Pare wltlit his in rkhhes4',lnd, purity, and beSides the distance from Broad ,Topto New York .is -front - `JO tail raltesgreater than from thii region; by ex- Nirting linf-s of rail, while Vita distance mac be re tlueed more than sn. miles by 'easy routes.' 1 -'"---! The Phillipsburg or Clearfieldcoal . tames are -on the Eastern extremity. of thiSitilon, but the exed , tiuh. of the Phillipsburg rood, will eventually pene trate the lteartot the wen:A/ranch coishdeposits.:,' , rltriv this , road first climbs' up, the steep Eastern .facQ , kif the . Allegheny bfountaina, and then decendi Its , . . western ' cleclictites • IntO,:' the coal-fled. ..quently all theccialtranaportett over this lie, must 4 be 'dirrgedtip steep grades feint the west ; * l ittle the 'dlSM'nee is edge in favor' of the rla 1 ladteliht a . tind Erie route, Oveceasy trinlel;4l' noes ; : , .: . • .-,- , ',, . ; Imsovo rim a.a i• eoitcr. ' r. ,:, . ~ . •0,,0,-. on the'Phila. & Erle 'R,, 11., 63 Mlles ft'Ont uisliory,:is the'kev-point ito this new cosi regien.' ere the,aut-crOps of the upper coal-beds it i e,fottn e d Close to-the rattraSd, while to every-Other Octal de • prattson,the , naters csrlhe Su 3 quehanria,; - ,e4 c4Pt the ..Bread Top, only tile lonq bells exist: , - • ; - . 4'. '.4„t.thti place the Karthans Coal AtiidLumber Bora iatir Own large' racts fd.tentiotiut b4r,‘OScied and ImPmv:ed'aitexteltsive and-et - amble etrlifer+, tyhlela We understatid, they . p,ropose: to lease or let by con irect, In order td open and - lease nither avalable 10. ,Calities on they - litds.:: . i., - . 7-, .. . - ; . ~,,- TICE . IVELATIVE- .DtirAlger4 _ . ... 'Proin the various New York andibe eastern markets, Will -- ,he tit 'Merl the .tic eempanying table.::. , !.? ,-. 1 . .: , . I.: 1 1 - i ' i• 1 • ' 1 , '',.l- ' '''' _,, i . ..Vino, , Itenovc to New York tiallaSletoii& L. - V.ll, R.... , 1z4 - il • - • --,, .• ..'‘' . "...Cataiwiasa ‘,,L. V.ll fL.4.PI 1! ; , ,!" y : '.'. i • . - - - ' ','": Ifeig - 6sh% it re : k a_g. ile IL -- .784 i ,i , :: ':- ~: :". - 1, ' ' 1. ra u ctrYi n L i i' l ` wo - :u 4 i.n o ;i4 25 :' t i ," I:4cent:creek r0nte,.,...' . .„....._' t,,, - ......4...., Sig; iltenovo to Sew York: staiscVilittl/ iiacen and ," L .. • I, „, ,proposed. air 1ine.:..„...,, , -....... ~..-..-.,....t....... •littrabreirtnd to New Yong via ----------------.- - , 1 ~. ,•. to Phtladelpbta , via liart=a;-• r. , - Behevo • , -", -. ; i .Ca wl .....; .50' ...i. :." . I . : •• ~ ' • '' ' " ' ' Air 1inet . ....,.:.-2V Broad Top to Sie:C York via ~115,ri.tah1ar„„_,,„2,34,. ,1;• " ..„ „Philadelphia '' " " •-•-i--. , .; 216 - (7ltiartleid . " . ~ ". :. ~ t i . 'I , ' ..,; t. ......,... -- 5... zt • Neu - York -: , ''. !': -' " . - .430 It trill be noticed :that that, nearest:way. and. she . ikenesigradaklrom skis coal , marketsof -tlar East to Or bttambious coal deposni,'lles through thi oti-' thittettelleglorts by exiating lines Orissa, bat-by tile' -' l The erie b l deposits .l ' it° 67 4g bittmtittons ° A"T±t . etial. -- r an ''. the N ir t' eat; ttratteb, inn 1 , , Des's - hied at_ great aasync, or c ilisn'ti* and .conlecment coat of,traMipnkstlint,..ergii; *vet. ihepreaentArrorable Maim:: '' ~i..1-''':'• , - ..- 1 - ..,.. - * . 1 .: - ; ' i Chtetd the itred*sidifilettitles now eestiff_to tile - irap:portat!itriot -cheap tsidio Nova Vivk andlyliii, ad i elphla; tattiest - ant cirartpirtitirM. taidAlt l eet liner; ottall arom the minas td the coal Markt*. ,:-. -- f ant= by • the nett Unei prOposiact from tionbarp e i tunnel thiStbnylkiksatthitacitis regionn; !porn t i k= tunthions. mid !andmielie ecid could - lie' plieed in. -sew York, In utabnitedquinitties and 'at minty : Seduced prices. •, • " , —' •- -•-• • .1! - - .- ~ 1 Weints'ositincrithat the distances, grades, timl gen . : Old ticilitiei ' ire liitarri or Renal - o, 'iteibit fear . enter Mining locality procuring a bitundnons, or Send-bitrimiponiCeOal.tortliiithatirket limit. intact, ' A ol l i t it l - Sl'eft * ,x 23 4 l * -4 4g5/ 11 9 1 thesitTkr4atgra'' icatta, Ctlle4'tiarthltilialt:ll4ol7'llalt•c4FAgAl'.o4 .Yea d.- IW6 ''may ;den sate 'lllst tbk i rbuia 144 grie : juitoomi.o'nia vatr aesignoidiki,ioutai k ,' bevy fr eight trinapOrtatkik ',line. lint is, aXeo lintel- , , rally Atoned' and bean foe thit-ptiocite.4 : ltmiayi... .- ate:twill be the avenue of lantienteocaltniak iittkot,'' !At #fiietrates - our MOSt ..aviitlitblibltkit= t'anka emit There Is no lizati to thestrptslr4tatatna: - Ai, iiilfed• ... rt ipairruooll.l*C•ki - rikiil24 a u j i l l ge Imo- s to; whichaiicktiltrunlifions or semibltamtnotik l itan be applied.. It . emst.t.ktider the most.ficallable Cotatititin Par cheap Irradiation italitittalrtraypor- . atutcm.. The *whole teen* Cl the liVcat Etranch is' lenis opened, - - entering ,tl"..' r torart of that vast and '',Maiitlingel!lt - cfirttra 3 / 4 atr - Ott iftst 4 TOXil ' ' g - ..::-. IV= 4rdri9 I,n We * f Vtlaqa. llo7 . lll / 411 _ 4 0 1 441t 0 ,0 1 4: .":. Waga . . AO'ag LI A ll rlfr it i l f*, taksliaiiooo, :405100401..lilki*AW artier sista Oa aieara, leadiviraii*ii . . Aw l . gi I ' :,,, -- , A tulip mrauganic-i47-t-gw-. guitiomiti viLalv ± #~.._____lLits' littift. ' owts „nig* liati fowl= iiiiin river 5 4 h ti em-tpso: It nivicrothery go *amok 110 ione t _________ _ ~~~ ElMill EMIZE:I . . .Cheap iinthsseite, *could made oni_inantdrietureht ' - I.erpsodtu;e than at one•lided I.3ent pries thanit' e. t_ 3.4 ....;.........,.4;m4 vad.b.*Kimpi ~..,.....,.... ecia.ibidcattideu 44 BOY 11l ' to istionotika at_ocipic`, . **per e.heav trOriluisk ficdi . tit ..tu t tiwton jestiAls gll . . b,e bed, the . :* -" ! oats pcirta*the an .it.te r the 3' ''er ' wheie a eenneeliiin Ain_ be ',wide pria . 4 :4uh both the Philadelphia and Erie and the Pen . 1i -ti nts Pnilroado-making a distance of only .t. 54 .intlea ; of an air-Ifsse: - • • • - 4 ' - • ROI i 'The connectioUlMrthe Philadelphia and. Erie' would give the desired route to thuWest 111:et truninous coals, with a distance treat Raritan erreworliwe faint musiallr eto cheap through treiglit and coal, . We need not argue to show that thetkrosighfieight of those :two lines that would naturally seek this route wnitid pay a good diridrnd on' the netettitry Cllpt tal . to. ' ' build and equip the linc;,• while ihn-lessiuentin•••• *Sal -tonnnto that .rfoulti,and...-111: 44. rani New,TtA and.otber title* tia thl i'veu r rre, nisi it 4 911* rfaitre the inciiitm+t itlx .. ." ach !rt.i.eir r atits le. but accomplish the ,great':-nblect ufloPloirlDg rbCtip fuel, ehaep gas 4, end • . tion!. p : niii- , tire power. • .1.;,; ; ;!;:11,:.:1,:t 1 . l :.• • ~ 'We hare salethat anthracite coal inlay: dettri , ' ,e4l at Itaritotir Bay witVantple profit to the producer agd transporter of SI ;JO, per ton. 'We obsa,stite that 'etiikifit OF 44 ii.czedit tart* Rikt far fl per ton, it , I,atge I)oEtts 'to -.211 4 e0n: b. 411914TOADDow •St. C.t.m. Feb :7,_ * 1‘"7.4., • ' goCaL)*iniss Notirts. ; cent, a tine ISM insectlnnt '2J Cents f line each sntnie 41001.; tinertkei. ' St - Srmnnes ! Sax St"srEstwrit9r!. ViviAlc• COL-Juts! • Vry - 14,..w coLtakits!! . BALLitltioa ILA.z.vilosEl D.A.T.saloalc HALF Irosx!. 1 3 .5.r0t piLLAu.s! PAPER - ,STircs.%:! CgAritsi:: r • 'Fel!, 9, 70.-1;4&71 -pt D: Mrs, Pottsville., Oar Y Ileents tor a superior Oyste4 Bteii• at Potts' modie n ts e g, Gusts Restaurant. No. WI Centre street. Prices aced. to stilt zho r. time. • QUI and See-fo you • SAC, • ~OpDszliorse .tioiLls for gala by HEIGHT .& Fa c7r , Keitfish end American Cloth% sty*, and of the flatstAttalitles, et D. At gm I t centtest. . DOOO JUN LrAVEIII AS IsantriaNcE."'—'No nuta with a hrit):DENT family Is free from refatleich if his life to ifbt Insured.. See Sics.4.k - a.n &'s advertiseinta‘TaiarthPage.- r• - • • pAifOtai DE 11.1-4,4 aning 1 00- Cie-D. A. eittith's...Centre Street. , -Pl -". JVST .QU'r . L. , •- . • - • .CIECERBY, , PF.CTORAL TROCHES... Ter *as, Ornaths; - 4are Threat, Ism! Brawling. -' NiUeso.auod;None - acalaink Cure as Quiek., RUBLLibIsT, & CO., 14 Astor-I:louse. New TorL 'Use no mote. of thornily hoirible. tasted nauseating "BROWN CUBES TILINGS„". . Not. EL am I , A ; ) iitt gX OR BORE. SiRROAT-E.E .m. tfalreo to atiention;• , ,• , negieet often tenalts. In an • tnctirotileS(. oW4 / 1 -, Lattiat,ble. • ag0v..,.. - % EmoNars. L so , . At. TRObifti3 will mast 7 invariably LRON u' give Instant reU f. :.Eor ( N., • - AST eATARRX desset awls 1 0 CY\ - THROAT D.JEASE3, they have a soothing e.fttin. • . SiNGERS' and PUBLIC tPEAKE.R.3 use.thent, ta, clear and strengthen the +Wee: . . . Ciwing - tc4e good reinatatlou and popidiar:ty arches 'Troches, many trarthass and ch . eal, pnitat(ores rzse % of- Jerk iseieh way ofid g jarpathinsi.; sare to oigreiN tike • •i • • BROWNS aRiEWHIAL TROCIMS. • NOV. 6, 'O9-45-On • . DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS- ift". CATABBIL treated wittrimcCess by J. ISAACS, XL D., Pref. of Discuses of Eye and Ear, this specialty) 'ln the Metitcal Oalteke or Pa.: tcrelveyears experience- .(for merly- of Leyden, HHolland,') , Ses Arch t Testimyniala ids ollice. The medical catty. are, invited to aceornny their pato:its. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. - Examination free. ,4131301.10-21,9P2 • A Tincture of rare . boating herbs, '-. said in bottinsindy, et it. OILS .. .„ ~ porl4 Doz. Sent Serany ed.: 1 - ,dress on reeeipS of "bossy. . . sod guarsateed: —" • 1 ( 11 ‘ ..4 2/21 ' ;:',- 1 . ,i (~../ -.Ns a i- • . . t • % . 7:7lga -3' P il li‘ •. . 1 4 A Gt.. nu - one . Family . e- • - 11 440:141b c u e preips!nd for ni Core , ef - Dlssosposs, &H th anes, '• L . SIM'4 Cello. Frrei•& Ara, ae.!lt e ,„. ' , . plunges Digeste Hew Heart= • ' . • . . bansinsfities tins BI , ilk »gamier iheliner. gee Circular. l' ilf , bi Drit - 4.4 01 - . • . - • . •. iiRRRiAII 44zt r il :D tz ~,,! i i.ri g, 1 . 1 . 5. . s -,,R Va 1, ' . els, galista Hestktssaess, allays - ,• . et lellatiethation,;, sad iprontotes , pcf-,iEf Healthy rest : .It softens the ... . . Gyms, and readers Teething- . . trice tX) cts. pet lintt!,-. ~,. • , osa fareßel. i i k a 1.a.,a of IMPERIAL OIN f -25 . , 'WENT for Cbts.'Darns, Sores , Erupt/oaf, a::,, irill fret be revettell... Soldl,4raiipir , ,.. . :'..Sept.. 11, 'CO: '''.. ' TRUITA.BIaI 1111r01.14D8.—Indhfcs (M tiou net: 1 only affects the physical" health btit he urat- • tions and tempers of its victims. The d spept tomes - doer, in a measure demorallied by his stiffer,: logs. Heir' subject to.fits of irritation. sullenness, or_dathe case may be.- A preternatural sen- - _ ir.ese aitiwnesel Which. he'cimnot emattol, leadsgarnto - miscontmelthe,WOrds. end arta Of thme around hint and his intercourse es - en with thosetnearest and _ dearest to him lAnot. trafreqpetatty marked by exhP:, bitionsOf testiness forerun to his real nature.' These are the mental phenomena of the disease; for Wblchi" the'invalid cannot be justly held responsible, -but - they °misstep much household. discomfort. It is to -the interest , of the home - eirele„ It is) essential -to family harmony as well as to 4 he rescue of , the' prin clpal sufferer foam a state not far removed froin in cipient • insanity, , that these symptoms of mental disturbance be. proniptlv. cemover.L This!. can only be done by removing their physical cause, demtage meta of-the functions of, the stomach and Its-allied viscera, the liver and the bowels. cpon thee,tlaree Important organs Hostetter's „tomach' Bitters act •,1 slintiltaneon sly, producing a thorough and salutary c 1 age In their condition. The vegetable ingredi- - eats of which the .preparation - is Composed are of-a renovating, regulating and altei-afive character and thestimulant which lends activity to their remedial virtues is the purest and best that can be extracted from the Most wholesome of 41 cereals, viz : sound, rye. , _No dyspeptic can take this genie/ restorative for asitude week. without '-ezi;erieneing a notable improvement in his general health. Nut only will his bodily stgrerlugs ab4teinimn day to, day, but his mind Willrecover rapidly from its, restlessness mid irritalalltv, and-this happy manliest Itself In his demeanor to aarou ndblip,". , • Jan . ' 7O - • - • • • • OELOWAY'S ESSENCE 121 E. / GINeERps of 'double strength. and the only pure Essence of 'Jamaica Ginger ht the • market.'. then fore only article to be rolled °xi in came of, Card,- Cifolers Mottos, Diarrlicea, Dysentery,'lndt-• pinion. the effects of Change of Water, Colds, dc.. - Ask for Holloway's and takeno other. °A Ulna-. Aaoorthil of ft_ii more than equal to a whole spoonful of any other: Sold by drttggists and storekeepers., Fifty cents per°tattle. Johnson, lintlowar & Corr • don, foal Street:Philadelphia. . :• • .' • C - - . , airt I'VE HOLLOW* Y'ti, •, • - • - • ; They are so dell - Chum., The doctors and mothers say' they are the mostmfe and effectoal remedy for those pests of WORKS. The genuine/Lave the signature( .of the proprietors on the wrapper of each bcri". Tereeity-ftve cents per ,bnx. - - .Johnson, HolloWll7 - dj Cowden; eta Arch 5t..114,11a..„" June a, •69-23-Iylf C Ol7 GHS AND VOL • .;--There are more per.,mons die: annually " from diseases' of the lungs than from any other cause. Every one should reeol , feet that a neglected cough or. cold often •termleates iti consumptiori. Hasson's Compound Sy'rtfp of Tar . LS the best, mast reliable article knowp for the cure of Coughs,Colds, goaraapess, Asthnia, Chronic' Contras and Soto -Tlinoadi - For the re/1 of•Whaopt bag , Cougb Mere la nothing equal to t.'' ?dee TA cents. Sold only at W. H. ItOBECSON7 Drug Store, Pcittsville; WM. MATHEWS' Drug Si oriv.Miners slide, and the principal -Drug Stores throughout the , country: _ • ..1E11:11nELL tt LANDIS, - ! • Proprietors., Phila.., 'THE CONFESSIONS 0 AN — LETVALID. Fuldished- for-the hellcat, At YOUNT+ MEN , and otherg who.stdfer from Nervous. Debility, e_tc.„ sup-, plylrig the means of self-cure. \Fatten by one who_ cured himself; and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address. . • NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, ." • Dec. 2% 'd . )--V.4lra a Brooklyn y. y; eat ;Neuralgia. Sprains, Bruises, Chilblains, Swellings Stiffness of the Joints, etc. Pmgemidnit . qualities nisi *Liniment, it *ill= proveltself a Mend in every family In cases of Rheumatism and Neu- rel ie v e er slig h t orseriona, it always ready to relpain' ' Liniment has been_ in lise for the Win:teen years, and has .given.entlre satisfaction trherever Ititas been used. - - - = .. • Prepared find sold by Mrs. C. SAYLOR,I,So. =2R2 centre St., Potting - Agent at Minereeille.LAW; 'SCE& BROWNT, Dffiggists; Ashland. XL D.' pnoratirßCPlTOß — A46-41oretilait, ' ' ...s or Bottles of titbit...WWl - edielime hut* mew aka ist s taltd thousan•ishave , beew street by It Thde ye . r.. 16 lag Idly Mdiastr Mik hold ma - th . of cm have to Ili ,7: . at grottiest no to the :comm yt u o4l nity and no should be without it. r It hi blolCsnn to the taste. It is p - Arive. • izyr Offe../I ' NO ' : ... Phliade plahia, and Ls sold , by Dr RO :, '.. t. , ' .AM SAYLOR, DrugglstA, Potla , ••., . ly every twaV and storekeepe --;l4.airjages: • EirtITTDX:4I44RITT the 9th - Inst., by die ßed. Reif- 1) - Steck, *tit 0 aniCar t 31.1s,rELt• 211.311 - tEt liusnct. hotft of kap Alto , - 4 ; - • • BRAlMlrßY—BES:Nlt—Otareto.i3thdt the.Priaa ttlee Methodist rarsonsge. by Rev. Spbrr, Mr. Vill.l443C4ll4.auummx, M.l6k: Lid.SEJA.A. :bottrertilrartiviile‘, • ' '• • • r • • peoD at 2 o'alook • 110178ER.-!-On the 7th Inst., at I'LeYnoldn Stlitton, Wt{ Ozusty, Dental, M. Hotting,. awed At Team, months and 27 days. • .; - \ • K.Surrix—on the 6th Inst., In but ranniwteit, litaauts.l7,2tr_tna,in.the 1101 4yerr : nt ; I . l• viLt zJ A`tsebayildiativen.vii Satuniay, the M A tst., :after Ilpigerthg Wafts; *lns. M.'. tt : W*erit; I *:.- 1 1 1 1 ;1 % A 6 4 1 : 3 ! 131 • coW ilamoghtat *firm -E l / 4 sod .Mary ail., t gaLnisx . .rtoPottavtuit,iiiTahe EStli SzLizzas, ed 78 years., ' •': - ttWatestail Otte:wed atV.l.lll,2lV_rlttAttr) , V: 416 the I.lll.ltust., . ••• ' --• • • --; STR4, • trituterivllie, ibe 12th tabs' • ar- thaltmtCYClLl•via 8 99yts) ear . , ' %VOW tf at •''' -' W : Ft _-.t. "7 -`x ".'' -,.. -...,.; - ,or,:' 1 . ..'" ' . • 4 ' t4.11 . WAW.:- - , , .... mr , ~,4 14 00 0t :-, %;,_•,..: 1;0 ', ~ , : y -. or - • ''' ' ''' 'igatitl i ar v anlia,P l4l4 l;4.l4k..- , INlM a irat• so rereirthslesembr- 4 0. ANNI," leritibbillitiporafigal.,•;4•ll7,=,' l .111011 1 6- 1; ' - i f 'i i Billiktig -. '51)41011 , - . - .l?dah r . rilatra wl ha 2 1 - , ~ • • .. -tr -' ' I==;X=M osee - FEBRUARY, 1470 IMicts. - _ 101: 1 21V/10; -The te;Patriership beretoton. .e , .„. Img int bagmen - Ausdrew Robertson, Henry zsgusa..aad Thomas Gorman. In the working of wet Is Ibis day dissolved by mu; us. ; • sent,is having sold his the asiittl i = tik etallery t 0 nerd,' Quit*: sisd Tip& Gargalli. The firm of Robertson, man faisgplipllPllnp tornine and ship the • .ClaS - • ITAAPRBYEGRtirrifh-N. • • • Watt, oltit_s. Zia:156,4 • . . 13840P054L5.-BEALED PR6Pistsm.s nattered - at thiCoffire for inu. , month from . complete.. the driving of. the Tunnel t 1110,14 Squat Or Rig Lick. Mcauttain at this place, :,, Valje7 distance of bOO yards, morel,„, be,dritrall tioth ends; and of the folk - Avlrl z nienaloaat la feet wide in bottom: 12 feet, tort,,p B%feet high over rail. A water drain ur • tteboodet, and wAdr. io bepuried entire length_ . . - . Theproposals Mutate the price per yard 5. , 7' • forelityilzwee Rock or Rouble" Iltd =Sand Stone,Siste abd C. mat, Rh and mils to be furnished by Corm:l , -. - . . .11Xt. ANTRON ,LY SuPerinter,i =lee Summit Branch Railroad Company, -_1421/latia atfearn. Pa.. Fel,. 4. • Is hereby. given th4v. 4 Aprettastt r than James K. Itelins, hOrse, one donble earringe, • two top hur,4l.-, sleighs, tiro - sets of single and one set or - d0ut).,!.., flees, robes, hells and stable !tit tires, ! --.! "ed the game to John IL Marts durinjg to and glessure. • • DAN j . l. • ' • TII.SSOLGT.LON OF - COPARTNERS]Ii: - .4.o"..TheioportuCrship beretolom existing - 10 ;XT. newenvii and I,evi Griffiths, under name` of Griffiths !It Llewejlyii, - Si. St. Clair, has !It: • dissoleed•hr_matual consent. The businis Lae firm Win now be carried on by D. T. Liew4l.:i : ;rho will belt!. .akecounti now remaining tied. -.; . LEVI GRIFFITiIs,. - D. T. LLEWELLIN,‘ St. is. Feb 3, '7ll-43-42,1 - . (7 OPIIRTNERSHIP. = The undersigned this day -formed a copartnership for sale tihtputent at COAL, under the thin of Reppller, g"; don* Co 4 at No. :IS Walnut stree4 rhtladelpi t GEORGE S. REPPI.II-..r , N. P. GORDON, • • FL 10-2.4n1 R. Pi REPPDIER: • . TISSESOLVT.ION. The eopaitnership herci,l.. 5 .i.., .1-1 existing under 11 of Culdtrell. Gordon a. t at Philadella and . ea York, and of Hall, . .t Co,fat•Boatokis th • di** dknolvoti bi,' mutual (7., sent- Either Dart , : ,41 sign, la INuhlation. . ' S . . CALDWFI r 'Jr, • - , •F. A. - 11AL_ .1 . . .b 4 P. GORDON: - '. S.. B. YOU:: ...: Philadelphia, Dec:3l 'C9 . • * 2-3 m .T." UNDVLBSIGNED have formed a a ik t l" : lll4ll rat i tl e u r et 'l lt l f. i t; ' , .lil-19'4ii - ate,l:: m.refl; Boston, and 112 Walnut street 'Fblladelphht • "Phila4s.,laa S, 111:2-Sai i = E, It. BEt lis EY. lor salt ana o het: • MDR SALE....-An *lnch Bison et. Bannan.Seaut i.c- pump, dbuble acting, bat been in use but a lenapt time. Also, one 3 Welt plunger pump and yards stojpa bttaln. Apply to. D. CiEltiEß dr. (2 , _, Feb 12, , • • st:Clee:? 'COIL 19:1CL.E.3,—A:ntstary double frarne_dwelrili , , 1."- situated In Mt. pe, head of Allnersville stry. : Pottsville. For, term ~ e tc. on , the pienils ,, or to the understglksi Wrens Machine shop, fe,412,-70-;7401 , • -.3.,1..N1K1 GREENWOOD E . 013. 'Penee • Pasts, Atti:l' „Drift s4lis. Prop Timber, LAO/trigs, Hoop' antiXord Wood ; •delivered in large rind sman oust.. titio:: • Also, eteilce building .lots in Flshliaeli- Jalappa.--Appir to , JOIIN SCHIJLTZ, • Lleteellyn,•Setiuybkill Counts% • or IL k. It'EsTUN' i 9 E Nortet!gian St., 'Pottsiane. V) i 12t. ' TIESIRABLE.• RESIDENCE F.OR irte T w it well tug ri c b o e nero9 t fo h r a snadl e S c ll h i u do klbllleA -tct-estnout TheArbutids attached (1% acres) are under fine N . Ovation and well stocked with fruit trees, shrubh,-, "mac. 'For feting, and furt hor intorniation; 'apply t , , - ' -- lIEN#I7 C. RUSSELL, Ft 35ahantonen F:eb 12, '7O . 7-tf - F O H 'DE A S E—AGETCULTURAL PARK' AND HOTEL.—Tbe undersigned - oftl;!er, • ; tbe Schuylkill County' FaticAssociation proposals for a tire Years' Lease- Note! Park, Rents payable quarterly in advuuee. - siva given on tote ist day of April IM WILAIELSBORF;4 I I , :- ; • .• F. - B', K.:".tztrutr, seer, Feb „ . - rogitENT.-;41:- • ootia, third door in Seity,i,'L lln Centre lit.,Pottsville. Apbly to • Jan at, - ' 7*.5-tf A. J. MEDLAR, fete ant's I•AMIABLE COLLIERY LIKEB • V "NIL - U.I , S, WAGONS; RA 'LIMA D IRON; - &c., rOlt. SALE.—I new Steam Para and Tine; lne: . I - Pump and 1 'Hoisting pram and Gearing.; Breaker Engine, sfaepnery ; twelve Mules ; lot, of Wakottg, T • &c., lately nailitt.Silvez Creek. An.; 'WILLIAM ELEBILMAN;•i, Peg. , ' - '• • _ T OTEI, • Fox SAZE.--Th- undersigifqg 1)1; 11 fdt sale the three-story Brick Hotel, letioil - the t'Ctessolia Itonse,'i situate on the main street ; the• Borough oteres.sona. The Hotel has ampl, - - ling:with all necessary ont-buildingsattaclipLf ".Hotel is dottiga good busintm. There Is also a s rt 1":; tramp hou4gtidjoining, and a butcher *hop-dud „ . - lots of ground. One' occupied the other nut. 1 . 17211 . , easymises to, and will be inacie.known by applying c.f. it-. . _ . - • -'S.I.II2IIt.SPRI'SGF.E.. If not sold by '*ireli Ist, will be leased. . ' - J-111-1 'bt,‘77l) - I• - `Oll SA.T.A . E. T .T.fie nade.raiglic-1 have On hawi 11. offer-fur sale, clitfan„-tileTullotring .• . . 41 DrLft.Cars, d . 1.4 tons capacty . , far. , l ft. era,- -- itz. . d ftecr Dirt Wagons,' for . A.R. track, 5 Hanrail*, :3./ inch In diameter. - A • du - do 13 •du , do . .• • ; Injectors, N.) 1. 1 • . Safety Luinps.. • 1 Patent Turtitat - ' , 1 Hay Dress. • - i• • 12 sets M iLlt4 Harness. , 1 117 - heel, 7 ft..diatneter,7' . .t . i inch 1...7.-re,-F.2 t eeth; 1 lot of Starter's Tools. ;-• •-• lot - of shovels, picks, I.4rs, Sc. • -! 1 4 -ton Hay Scale. .. two-tone wsuconand: tam. • ' , . BANCROFT, LEWIS Ai CO.C.Ashland. • • E'OIII3ALE.—A two-Story stone .and lot of ground, altuated in• Market str,v!. Pottsville the lot belng.6o feet front by lett Ir. depth. - :The terms are remittable .lnir informat tot: given by applying to JNO.-F. srtitgoSs, Sun 15, l'tk-g-tirnj or DAVID LITTJA', Mahanoy Cit. tOR BALE.—Breakntul final ie. slope - Hon, en and 13..%*1ne, Boilers. Oak". Shopa.litact - ,Ar.,, lutel oceuriled the:Primrose .aad Peach Orchard 'COM co.; at St. Clair. ' Will be sold .10. w. Apply to • . HENRY C. RUSSEL, 13 Mahatnongo an B, -•. .1 . carßENT.—Twotoes itt Hu...:. , r.ensollltte .Inz, corner 'Second and. Slabantongp • PlicseltAtan' April Ist. , Apply to HENRI C: 1.1 SET4•Rear Estate. Agent, la Maltant9ngo St Slat 13 tf , • .--- . EXTR L'EASE.Iit - ..Vittuuble Lease on th e MAN - I: -MOTH. PRI3IIIOSE..-arul SKIDMORE VF.L.N ., ..: -with a Halsor one, mile In the - Mahaney Valley,s,,i. Joining St. Slehollei Colliery:, A.pply to • • ' !. FRA.:SK, CARTER. - Real Est te.irent ; ether Terrace. Pottarni , 'Del. 30...•.ta—S i ttt • _ ~ : ABM, 'AT. PRIVATE SALE.—A , I-tinit - taming acreaof good Red Shale Laud, ,) in Packer Town.ship, 'Carbon County, Pa., IN Ith = mews, conatetlag •of .Two Diveßing Barn; Wagon ,tz.thed . , Spring House and Ws-:, •House: also, a spring of never failing water, vou 'venfent'to the house; Ifahanoy Branch of 1,1;4:4, :Valley Railroad passing through;. convenient School; good marketi within two and three :for particulars laiutte of GEORGE BODY, on IL., premises, or io • E.F.:BUDEY,.Pvttacll:r. • ... . 13110,EAli; ESTATE AGENCY.-OFPICE, IN :31 V ' &' rza , r cg.--Thespdrsigteekl haring bad 1" , years' e alma iri surveying. Examination, Ex •ploration and Management of coal Lands in Schuy I- • Ikill and adJoining; COunties, respectfully°Mans his sarefees to owners of Lands, Collieries, and - Real Es . tate of every dascription. lie is preps s red to attend to t. Pnrolutaeatolsale of-Real Estate. ; Etamipation and:Development of Coal Lands. 1 ' Examination atafßeport on Condition of Collit lies I Collection of Rent, Payment of Taxes. ~ ,-- - ti • - aircept of Mines, Lands, Lo ~ _ _ FRANK. CARTER, , ;RErstervcrs—Gearge 'M.; Trontzaan,Eas Prt.ti • . = Aid Cent ral National - Rank; Philadtiphia: Thos. A . I Biddle.& Co, Philadelphia•, Joshua Lippincott; EA.. - philadelphla,• Adolph E. Bode; ES 4 ;"I. - ,llllladelphia. • Septeml)er le, "se .. ; • , _ ' 3,1-.4: ;•uoft, t3AI,E r All themaehinery of the 'A:pillory, comprising theluilowinr - One pumping engine,aixty horse power, includ ing all the maehlnery cOnneeted with ,the pump;;.; One hoisting engine, sixty, drums,. *eels; • *int the nutelinery connected r. ,:u hoisting. - Willaell together, If desired.. ..... fOx boilers used for pumping, -and hoisting gines,.thirty feet by thirty -Our inches in dian.,.; • Pipes grate. bare, ete.,iall in good tibrulition. Nv..; be iielikalltogetherif wanted. - One Xen, ten -pet diameter, 9 1 6-inelt I,addie, one fan engine, twenty-fire horse, with, tt tcri - , eighteen feet by thirty..itiebee; their operatly .1 complete— If desirable, will sell to one party. itmalter,enggbie. 'WSW horse: . three boilers. tNe(n:.- ty. feet by thirty Inehes, , wit ' sereens,, rullk ua I everything Complete. and in good order. ; .Ones darn pump, T-Incli (Al lison & Aannnn male expansion.lotuts, gas-pipe. etc. This pump guy. satisfaction. T and flat rail, Stacks, water tanks, wsgens. Inth gauge, . Parety hoops, scrap in.o "all-descriptions, timber, lumber, sills trustling, and everything on the premises.. • • Also:nine zanies, horses - , wagons; eti!: • . Also. the property, 165 East Market street., - For rurther,lnformation Inquire at the Office,l6 , East Market, or at the Colliery. - - - • Jan 7. 'at-5.12-tt - I - OEM tf,ATE-. Supt. , .p. , SELEAFEIL• AO=S• FOR. •I• . . • • •' • • FIVE COAL LEASES. • • ••• • • , Two. lea' at liellenateln 35ti Mainnotli vi Water rave/. • ' ." One Rai Ash east at Llewellyn. One RetlAsh Lenge ant the Elate Vein; f". ,,, t . A 1.A450 , 93.1 MArt3Mothil3klthrtore and Prituro., cru Mill Creek,. • . ?MIER roi"51)13. POE 9 t Lr. • 250 acrea.sPiell,dr4 White Oak : Tllntx. , r Land, ,:zlta ble for eararna, drc. • - . 1000 acre Timber Lund In ratter C"Writ .• =acres yellow pine Tor' flooring. 1000 acres sill and prop timber. 500 screa.chestnut• timber land -6MI acres good Zed Shale. Farming land; bets - rr lk Barnesville and the Tunnel, cut into lots to so it pti r - A house suul lot-on Maliantongo street, 03 fii,t vont.; • * - : - 6 Dwelling HOLISM and lot at Strencerville.,s A good dwelling and store house tor sale l ia Ctlber-: ton, near rout collieries. - • , n street I=o feet, (rant, hy:SCO fcet t deenti a IMi thrtrillmJe house - and kitchen:: _ F ruars• Vth,1609: ' . • " 9-1 I' F - C P B"" 4.4 10 i • • • • A:LARGE' t t • . • 1130-boTse shst'ke engine. 1-filty, horne.intaeab t.thlets ; twentr • ' 1 twelv* ^ " llorAr : ' l- : , ' ....... .---- ' ' Hen ', , IctooDe.en, 8 Bottom. In. x'alft.:. ._41.4 . -• ~ - ln. xdOtt,s.. / 7 1 ,4 € 4, .tn. stiOtt., s . k - - 7: tn.rum 1. . : :r. / •! . I .. 4 ' - In. g 6 It., • 1 ' ".u..nm00, - tubular. ...I 11,Indiglit tine boiler. • WY dolOtn.oobsmn pipe _ • V ttt , WI bolttl'and duo. • . t2los. 1.11 v t4,4e.d. Wye, iea Lot of4'in: plimt. 4441 h. pole pumps. • I it ; 4 ";,_ ';t ; !': Ais '''.:, ~ ... Ind about ai toils good stiltibto tbr Milling un • VlOn.Coat tiltioitt. ' ', - LI, ISK-116-ti ' • m4oord imam). sums s 4 rat 129 V. ° M ed ' Mr ' P.:mg; laocids Alk sevoyek. on& a} *4I4PIPSIT4I_ _TEaritt6s% ' • rn+4 31 413., act. USE* ilia& iv* Tat .o'4 4 1 4 1 e4 311 ) VMS& CQA:2*; Lidtal etaiike made tit gidet l :rev lialV e r Merge& • Wolk 1111 =1 NE F MACHINERY.. 10 small lift and* , ..force - pump'. , 33 tans or chain, varloni LIG taut alanallng druth, ,wi li kt i boits and lag- I• g complate. • 41feet ol?ttng dram.: atse ; lce 34 in..x-t9 ft•ot. X 30 tussle I • 30 tn.x.o6 ,Abdut 10 Mu* spi plat 10 ft. long. einx)i.l4 in xal talaupatotor pump a teLoi !mean foot lathe with ay ' the tools'aultable lOC taanttst pa. 2 r ' 30 tenser soap tail. • H AO • 'wire rbpe. abeet *Man* hand 1 4 3n. anis tana Ven., 11010',Xnraa mines. lireccnka Nina ',beet !ten; uter; at the Xiachinek.y -• -.r4tEz
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers