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I - ~,- 1' I • - akmendeaeraksolAisetamstgekloiiiienstiffs.kielisieirrailliCiillikilrelotesPerg,Ctillarridgeilatallifillifbl9ooll .- - eitAkalivnamo ,_ ;- - ' • ~ - r• '' - • _ - I - - ' "' • - ; ' 1 • -;----- ------- FORTY--SIXTH VEAg. No. '7. H. COAL TRADE ADVE port Nit, MIN.. 4, Imo. , 1 WE ' LP, _Nil LE &':C';O., Miners And Mavis= the Best QaaUt tei . LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND =ARK EMATEL 1 . •0 0 ES, 1 I .. , _ • . 1 For Manufacturing and Dottiestlc use, and gage - • Agents to aU markets sua TJTII CILZBILI:TED -KIIOT WHITE ASH, *NIB "JACKSON.LORBERBY coats. I 205 Wal nut St.; Philadelplda; : 110 Broadway, Now York. • 11 Doane litre° Boston. G. M. WILD. HIM= W. lidoLw. ED. arfezwri. A. li-tca, JR. . .7au. 1,1 . 0 . • ; X , . . S it CiSTREA, - `' . TIC NE‘g A WriLiNGTON:: Miners and Shippers of Cold - - BURNSIDEdrom their Barnacle Col. at Shtunokln. LEWIS VEIN(Red AA) j! - LOCUST MOUNTAIN (White aah.) ' I . I i 30,Trialty Italian& New Tom. , Opens: 203 Walnut Street, PhThedelpacta, 1 - • 110 Doane Street, Boston. WISA F No. 6, PORT RICHMOND, PFILA. Jan. 1, '7O. . . 11-1 1 , • pier 7, Port , Mohammad. EttannaTT riErm &• CO., Shipper 4 dfAnthracit &13;tuntl i ius C 0 -A- CM AGENTS for the sale of the Celebrated SUENAN LOATI CITY, WIOI3A/S & TEO EBEL'S Locust liconn• min and Burnside Shamokin White Aith Coal. AIso.I3POIIS mid PEACE' MOUNTAIN, Red Asti Coal.. ; I FROM 116BOSIEN, " The test varieties of Lei Lib and Boylan", • M. BRAYED FAMILY COAL; • ' : .4 • FIiTIIMINOUB and CUMBERLAND COAL S weld'estaLblished reputation. < . ; •,r • ~,..,, 1 ' . • Pidietei n tdo, 247 Walnut Street. anent 1: TraultY - line bilicee— Ninir Providence, 74 We7hatiet. Street. Boston. 25 Doaneeet. . • . . . February 22, 'CO , 1, Str Pier No. 9, Poet Riolunood. i,, 1 VI ' . ' JOHN .H. 11.1.12.: •& A, ON. .. , . . . Shippers. of Coal, • No. 316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. - Depot* tar Storage aid lkle of Coil: N0.'616 West Thleteegtt ir Street,. New, York. No. 902 Third Avenue. ew York. - . L L- 'tee' Wharf, No. 99, la Street, Providelkoe. • . ik, ' Colbra Wharf, Mt. W 'neon Aventie,l neat Federal Street, Boatea.:. ' - Jan. 1,1.79f-1 Pter- 0.9. ~ . , 1 • i •;. .I 1 :BANCROFT, EW.IS..& - CO; . .. , . - MINERS AND ItigIPPARS 07 TAE '.: 1; -CELEBRATED. ASHLAND COAL, • FELON MARANOT IDMPTAIN. 'l , 1 • I t • lit Walnut St., Eornmeretal Balld.l , Phlla, ~0 91 . -ittltroadway,lTrinlty-Balidlym p itocoW I . 69, N. Y.-hISAAC SELTZ AgE. • - .• - 6 Doane St., iposton. - :• I . .1 Jantlair 4 i- 10 - 1 • I • • ' , '. 1 ... 1 i i — - FRANKLIN COAL OP LEKENO VALLEY. DEALER/3 ARE CAUTIONED that there are, but four Collieries which mine this 0114 • iall of Perre under the maneiremant of the ufulersign ed. the year MMYSINNICKSOII& CO.; of piffle delphia, will be the Only' Agents for Its sale to New England, New York; New Jersey, and South'uf Cep* /fArnry. Our Agin:it/twill deal in no other Cindiwhat, ever, and parties wishing; the pure genuine ankle must procure it of them. jectokthis caution , Is simply to nimbi , Interested to boy muter !iliJamV3r. • Agen and their assistants- for ,-the !above 'Feints, areas follows: MINNICKSON .14. U, General Agents, 132 Walnut streeti .Philadelphia; their New York Office is at Room 113, „Ninny Buildings, JOS. 0. MOODY, Agent ; assisted by ELISHA MOSELEY; Agent, T 2 Summer street, Iloston. - Orders should be =given to either of the above named parties and to no sue else. -WM.. FOWLS, General. Manager ofthe Summit Branch RIR Cu., the Short Mt. Coal 00., and the Lykens Valley Coal Co. [Jan.;l, qO-1 • Pier No. 10 Port Blehronnd. • EIIAINIOKSON & • Cp• Bole Agents for the Bile and Shipment ' of the I : l Franklln ' Coal of .Lykeis in New England, New Yorh Nutt Jersey nnd Borth 161 - of, Cape rienry. 1 1 11: 157111 t u i t 611 71 t rig i N i e 64el w 92 Yammer Street, Boston.;, - , JOSEM 0. MOODIE4' Agent, Jan. 1, '704- J. 0. Box OXI9, NewiYork.. Pier 13 Nprt.b..Toirt JOHN O. Sp,: - .;, sz SONS, . Miners an Shippers of Pig. sat.i aoi...V's Fon Tttn SALE • r MAPLE DALE, LCIC'Edi MDETN:"TALII6Idi6 AA , "BEN. FDAMELLEir Deep Red From the same veins and'stmilar Ln all; respects to the VALLEY Coat ', • i`RANTC 4 OOWEN SHAMOICIN Iled.A*l2. PIITLADELPIEIA—No. 26 Avtttnut .St, 001cooky l IIOSTON—No. 19 Doane St. ; ' NEW YORK— Jan'', 'do , - Puct Richmond. GEORGE . S. REPPLIER, Miners and Shippirs of . Coal, REPPLIER 3100DrEitptrli LOCUST 211(4.r.tiN, GEO. S. ItIATLIER'S mt.m)icrrsa VEI N .I COAL COTI LEWIS VEIN, (R D Acu.( EONERT s CO's - LORBEERY. IJ . L 329 Walnut Street, Phlladelph. 111 Droadtray,,New York. 27 Doane Street, Boston. • I • I-1y Pier No. 14 North Po Rlchmon4. C. J. & JUp H. -EASTWICK & CO.; 13111,PPR13 OF 1 •. - WHITE AND ICED ASH Cf,AL. , met , : 1N0..11118 Doak St., Philantelphlo ? ' • ( No. 19 Dpanaitrset o Boston. 1 .. meats Rol SO, Skanokta WU , lA, 1 • • thooststin Ulla* Ash COLL. January 1. ';0 1- Pier 1 BORDV • lELL R .81. NUT • Miners and . Shippers- of rrts? LEHIGH GREENWOOV,. TAILAQLA SHAFT, 1 • BEEVESDALE, _ • • _ ECKERT LOBBERRY,_ _ ' NORTH FRANKLIN RED A BLACK HEATH,_ BIG RUN LOCUST NIT I _____GARRETSON, QLRA E IXILLE. • Ens=ado*. °11".: } Ruo 6t 3SI alma • 17. 1101 MA, SEDER MRIII FRANKLIN WHITE ASH:. Aped 94;10. ' /7 Pier No. 10, Pt. Ilieluvred. . , . , QUINTARD 'WARD & CO' , , ~ • J 0 Pine Street , New York. I Offices : 220 Walnut Street Philadelphia. 24 Kilby iiiirest, Hostas. , I COAL OF ALL KINDS BY TEE OLEG°. Jan. 4 '7l). , I 1 1— D AY, HUDD E LL & CO., Miners & Shippers 'of ORlees t 11" 7 Doane Stmt. Wati rnEr 6 11261114444411* NN1UMA1ND1". Y. Sole Agents fOr the sale of the s folloning.celebratad Coals: ' Emma - nos t._I3InGH COAL. ECKIcORT COAL CO .'S _ HICKORY AND' DRAPES. cvALS Imaltts EXCELSIOR. COAL octwansmornir w w ,„- xs: !Pier No.lB Pt. Richmond. /111. t Pier N 0.3 Elisabethget, N. J. Eno 1! • A- Pim Yw tio phrt lkluasa/. JOHN ROMMEL, JR., & BROTHER 1110L3 AGERVII 1011. TM Panrttt sal mil Issas HILL a nun', pity**. . try soperitite klk 1X CLO, Wks erwberabse Flak 4 4 y. Ta• co;•brataa roonid. micsnrs Deep MMLaja, szoAr• 'Top szinarrprillous.: p.eVillwa Maim•LIDEUGEt. at Zlisabethocet. 20614 Wahad St., IMMada. • - °Masa :} II Doane Street, Boat6a. , loam &a, TrialtaMsfaMag, Nev York. Adix2ra4AMCCEL F. Et_ ,OG - aallated T. BROWN and E. P. March 11, 11P-10 VANDUSEWBROTHER & CO., tems 'sod shiprsO4 or ,C 0 A v • °id 54 - i rtak - Upio ll" nr a‘* •ther i,acaM ! . " l : Wien AN.W. WE :ASH' .COALS, sitipmewitios.al . -1 • . 4 2, Join 1, woo mod. is illy I= TING ; oat, MEI Peat Sioptumb.A Per 14. 17.110 rt SkfpnosfLii AUDENRIED.. NORTON Miners and: Shippers o FIRST CLASS CC:$ L; LOCUST From our two large and celebrated erica • "HAZEL C. Ir. NO N Jt CO. “CONTki•IitNTAL," G(X161111DOE • • LORBERRY, •i` Free Surtilug Red Ash. and Splendid Pre COLNEt.COLLIERY,..--.....0WEN. LAM ]ADDLE cassuicou.nrier. c. co: Stid.llolM2, -, 1 I • Eatorprlso CoUtery,...T. M IatiIIGAJID..- ~ Locust otintkin and Lorberry.2l2o2.l T.' Canal, to all points ticeeir2bLe by boot*. ; • . '•{325 - Walnut Strom% Ofiloes:: 111 . limed o(evit York. • • 27 Doane ytiwt. Bestow. • J. T. Artormarro. . - '1 C. im Nowa. . CHAS.. D. , 7tpItTON,, ! .11. 4301111 EL Jan. 410. . D°v*Y 3 FIT:1BL. ° K. • - . • Miners and Shippern ] of 0 DOPEY, KENDRICK it • .• 7. 3. DOVICT. ,172(. • A r r. DOM'. Ml* Aleuts Wr W Caleinted Rainbow and . Plank Ridge ?C , . , , :- Maar! . No. U rat Mr AtialtMl. •., PhUidelphis-2112 Deeklitreet. . , PuttirilUe-Centr• Strost.. - . New .Vork- , Trinity Bulkiling,'LUP OlUces: Abobternaebt .11011ver, Awaits., Hosto..--Ne. 11,-• 81., Jai. ' ' I Wadollilastoil.D.C.-Herairitodial 4D, •410 I Eli New Nark. DAVIDSON, YOUNG .„ WHOLESALE' DNALENN IN - LOCUST MOUNTAIN RITAMORIN LL CUMBERLAND. tICRAS7ON .1. WILkEP.A. • i C OFA-Is. BOOM No. 16, TRINITY BUILDING, NEWI YORK. WM. M. DAYIDEIa, for*erly of Tyler ( F o C. BAM'LR,YOUNG, formedy of Caldwell, re ROBERT K. BUCKMAN. Jan 16.'70 - , FOWUER ifs .S (Soar:own So JO i la White C anzriigns or LEHIGH, , LOCUST MT.; ,- - • . .'. . Vi I LICESBA. R RE, • . • L scRANION- 1 . . , 17 . Y . - CUM. .: C 0 'A: la .: Oftlee—So. :3 Trinity Building, 11 B April 11, '&t. . JO & HOBOKEN. P ' • COAL. VAN` WiOOKLE.& S . . _ ) • , MI9tER.9. AND iimprzits or niu Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) , _ I From the Eberirale and the 'Stout Colliert (Hazleton, Pa. Delivered direct from ml' board Velumls at Pr. JOHNSON, iIDBONEN, ' '' BRIINbWICN. N. J. • 44 a 46 Trinity nollolau, •‘... Offices:lll Broadway, New York. '(Temporary at 119 Broadway.), May 16,'63 VER PLANCK" & ATWOOD, •, LA. wnotitsALs DEALERS Vir LETlthil,' • r • SCkitzr;,Kjl.L„: • %*I,KESBARRE. ' l l-• ".. • lin4l 101EIN' • C 0 'A. 5 • • f No. 71 Trinity Buildinglll way, C " Mc P • i Newt York." P. 'W. VERPLANIr, ' - JOAN Nir.„A t "00D, San .8, .15 . f CALDWELL & CONANT , , No;IaiBEOAXOWILY, NEW YORE. . (Rooms 35 and 30 Teitiltyilialkilag.) , s l If ;WHOLESALE DEALERS AND SHIPPERS 0 ' LEHIGH . , LOCtST 3ioU:sf"fAlN.,• : . WILEESBAiRE, PITTSTON, ' '• CITIIISEELAND AND.* 4 TOP ' 7. -'*'• -. 0 0,A: . 1.4 S, •',. - , COLE AO N TS E. for • Near York arid th e N 'Wel .7 the celebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FREE BURN ING LEHIGH COAL, mined by Sharpe, .Wgles•& 'Co. Also Agents forthe PRIMROSE and other and class Collieries, and for the celebrated POWELTON Semi-blthudnous COALS. ', April s,' I • 4 CUMBERLAND CGAL.—T argot are to deliver a prime GEORGE CRAMSERI A AND COAL,on board vesitelsat Georgetown, D. at thelowest igaing rates. Ry.inagiccits;—) Mgt NatiOnal ftn_k, Washington, D.C. John It. Elm's,. dn.; Gems & Beauty, Philadelphia; Graham, EMien & do.; R. D.• Cooke, (Jay Cooke I C 0.,) Washington D. C.; pidip & Solomon, do.; David Landreth & Son, Pbltaclelpphla McCallarmi Crease & Sloan, d. JPitt Cooke, (Jay cooke & Now York City April 19,1889.; IS—tt ;1 - GLEASON &:el • 'N. OFFICE OF THE , NIAGARA laLz LNG CO„ 8 L\nutzkr,cbtL BLocic, Burrat.o . , •- • . ... . ~ • COAL. COAL. - COAII. T NIAGA4tA ELEVATING CO., - hav ng - a Large surplus of. Lot and Dockage, will be prepared at the opening of navigation to receive from the Erie Railway, Canal, or Lake;apy quantity of COAL for storage or transhipment ; to any.p - Wee Ease. by Canal or west by the Lakee,upen as thvorableterms Many parties- In Ritffalo. ' •Thoir lot is Ire/1 located. for a general city business. ---___ i . CYRUS CLARKE, Vice-Prrild -ant- Mara' V,-'ll : - • IS—tf , OTlCE.—:Manufactureis and users of Stearn is Pumps, are hereby cautioned !whist the man• facture, sale, .or use of any Primvii that are an In. reagents:it on Allison's Patent, dated Eleptembert 21. 1887, tbay, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. . 1 I have already commenced lull against seveZpar• ties, and will prosecute all otheri m sfriniP Port Oarbon, April 8, '1(168. ROBT. ALL N. Parties in want, of Pumps can be supplied at reSaon hie prices by, the .Undendeed. - A AMON A. BANNAN, Fmddin Iren Works, Port Carbon, Jan. I, 10 BRICK. ' . 'TitAnz MARY —" MOUNT SAVAGE." r • I United, States Government Standard, SlarialSe tured excluelvely by the CONSOLIDATE,D COAL COBPA: 4 .:Y, of ' Maryland, for Blastiv. ro mid Glass Furlisoes rpir and all mar pusposp ~ the BSI (;U . bl li tVf a m B d%r f 1 3 14 P e e d s . Also. °BOWIE'S CABER CUMBERLAND COAL. I • By the Rano, from the Company's Ocean Mina. C. R. DALTON . President, ' . • , • 4 Pemberton Sous* . • JAS. B. .11.ACKIE, Vies Preeident, _I 77 Broadway, New Fork. JAS. A. MILFIOLLAND, 2d Vice Psa_ -_'t 'Mount SlONtiallt Md 1 . ' OILMOR MEREBITIL • 25 South Gay Street, SaltiMore. Dee.' /1, 50-etti Plots, SON, tic., N 00.. , , .1 j Joimo 4 NIVIMCTIMPLV er 1. 1 andGalltaa II Deakaa In Lbw, Boats, fames ---- . .. ~ ~ e; aaa ~...e , r . , • .1 . 1 L, _ , 1 1 ' .. 1 . . 1 • No. I= Maricsittittreet, October • 1. 1 " o I'A r r.' ''-'• - f ~, . • . . . --?' '' • ; ntE ISEW YOWL', •- ' ° . . . BOOT 4: SHOE EMPQRII* . . . .. - 1 . , Is DOW In Ailljywation. and the ' , attention Ot ai 4l ladies ot.Po tt syme is espestally Molted to the stock pow in store andertiytandsMy wea r ad the est class of goods, suitable lbr ladies' .wear, and adapted to ttds - Mr: ettAso, has. asp* a ot this branch of -, and i g e rit =rum st teatlea taloa:Mir . •••• • , ' Wear or brottght to thisday: 'L • • - • .wnl— to - ckecolterli It spedsl itorWitleiti nitt."4"l httdMim --b. a to 1113:- - -- - . _ - ' : •' 2 ''':: ': :' '''':''' ' ..- : ; - CMINE'dk . . _ . • o c ta wir im. l is , .., , :-., :., ._ ~_ .:, ~ -, 1.-'. • TAZZ IP ,arig a - a-lb - ATVS BANN • psetakAaUdimmett~P totaul Mr l ,_Sr" nmemulai ar mer. , and use ottl . -- 4?6lnD eakeli Staragiggedi w rigavon,mwr•mil‘iiss. - , TXSE siENTS. Phiwkbikk;&L WHOM= IIiNALIZION. blilljuir daman coma CO., • ;.I.EINTIEI MIXEBIN • D filk, CO., • 1 , - A01:11111 ICU MI W.II or 1112 . * • Wdt ea INiosod Colla NW ] ! - • Not IMO l I=OW 1114 I= Walnut scram. Philadelphia. °Mom: tlr fircodinky. Sew York. • . : If Ellbr Work Easton. . • - ... • 1 . . What, Mo. REPMER & Rio.. I N.E.I air. Walnut Fourth stu n MIL OFFICES: X nut Street, New York. Xarebants' Bank Sulldt, Trorldepos. ICAO. 0 at CO. . Prost °AMA; minnow, rim& DAVIS PEARSON & CO" • , DINKA, AND SNZIPVIDIS ON TON eviction) Cotter serregor wanz LID . ASII. COAL. . No; 123 Walnut Street, Pblladelphla. F/4u No. ill Broggimay, Room Na 9, Winn, - • Building, York_ No. U Dome Boston. OREENAITU2L, 'DELAWARE AVENUE .WHIAIRP. JriD., I, E 3 HAAB & 'BRENIZER, • KirrilO AD 11809111111 Or Su or Tnrkey Enu Cod, esti *mere sox Liz. OILINT & CO.. CELEBRATED, PLANK .RIDGE•COAL. - oPrice—ms Wilnut street, Pal Jas 1,10 - SNYDER BzSEIOgIitTAPCER; , Shippers and paalara In. COAL, 1►• i sotsiAolurrs von 0.W.. 1571'21=2's wst r a. Knows 1' PINE FOREST..COAL - ••. 225 iiiILLION £4+.. - I . GS Timm Boti.nrno, . Nair Tom LOUIS BNYDICR. - 'C: 11. 8110EMAKEIt. Jan I„ 70 _ 1-ty =DI crm 61, • Brisd. Agent. TNOIIAJI CAIN. : JWISIL K. COOK. CAM, BACKER & 000 - -4 • uvula or LOCUST OAP, , st TH. MOUNTAIN, BLACK ' • RA ALSO, DEALS= tar murk nom QUALITIES Op White apd Red Ash Coals, No. 21!4, Walnut Street. Philadelp hia . _ . sad Wood , bead Wharves„ schuss= Biter. JOHN S. STRYKLE' . i r IMITIPER AND AOWST, ' /OA. 1, '70,-1 i i.,,., , Schuylkill Haven, Ps. CO. ARRt THCIMAS • , EIADIWIMER FR Lehigh, Schuylkill and Ilitaniinuus ; •C 0 A Lt• Coiasignment4 on Couunisslos!HoltoLted and taken on firronablo To pa. Woinot St., Philidolplds. •Diar 1, 319; ' • i - • • 14-4), on& Cd LAND schnqUtill fonatg, *, N.Y • J'A.NIES .J. CONNER, Miner and Shipper of the Celebrated LOoUST 1 MOUNTAIN COAL , - porrsviu.A.scHtra.sui co.. PA. - Jab '7O. - - MI Coals, • , Mar leS On d Naw HILL & HARRIS. Best and Purest Coal In the Market • W __li .. - E have rcu:tte eitew4ve Improvements daring i -,.e ilia season; irtilch. wilt hugely increase the pro, doettein hereafter. Every effort will be tiled to : --. KEEP UP THE STANDARD OFPREPARATiON. Especial attention will ba given to sizes for aettwers' purpowit. - . • TEES COAL bk Always shipped by l ,If.IIT d itot, =lied nr adulterete4 SOLE AGENTS, . • i - s (To Ishom all orders should be sdclpeped) , i~ JOHN ROMMEL, -- Jr., 6 BRO. W 614 Wilma St., Irtnada.. posse St., Bootee. lip 22,70, , EAiT ,FRANKLIN LORBERRY VElN sram- COAL. Aya la now w EAMPk I, ruAxatreir Lostint a tt ax exetnetvely try Mem& CAL GORDON & 0104 who are my male Agents. - Puttee &darling bunt than May, &Ways depend opoh get ting pure r olit Wont fitt.,'Phtletedphla, - OFFIC103: 35 Ane New York. Pfa. „Tap inomar BELL. MAU BIGIMID PROPLIV apek Nor pawns with other deneteenker of she oyes, ahouldremetabercen be lotted with the Ouse tly mew Dt7lollfit, titian, N 60. centre Street, IK of the Big •• • • -C. A ' : a.--udazis ..,wailar_aulpEß ler 107 BOUM A' FUMY_ • a So*, xilam anaatal ma; ob il ve wad rallatiat IkatiDase. - Tar by e a DELUAgents4ollßattroodatreet *Mead i 10 dielerill &DM IllikauliftnellWll_ollL . _ _. DAR / 1 4 .10 " 4117 • U.. DONALDSON. ;* • •+' AND KJIIAIUMIS /3Al3ll.—Tbs den of the Opting, Mos hss largeassortpunt of surortor CheekAad Itsassliss Bw on tun& Also ammur Boors AND 111510113. - vs7eh hs Gans itot sals,At-ths Ptiama, stZ=o, Mr sash. Highest Gash*glean . tor J• • 31).• tilt= 0408=8, FIXTUath AND oommoms IN noes.. .+BRIIMIT do Ca, AGENTA. .1• • l'"e a' S I q s .16 ~LMo al Sas • as *ad Was i'assa sad Jekikti.oanet bol/az sad -Jaw. sad ex HIV Mry salt goal& E l skatakilit• • A _ _ Markst aad tatimuusrp, sin side... • possmstas 4. • 111-8";7' R= 11C 4 LAMI3IT • lERLDAIILLISTSIIIL LARei r E . 4 VS 11 "" 4 1" A l / 6 !Mei "MIL OCC 46:40 WA • - f6TrSVILLE, SATU k DAY G, FEBRUARY 1870. Ell lorberrn MI Illbnitatteous: Xining Pathisitnj,k Screen ME*l . facPD'r)".: 1 . 104 - Ed Co.' -!. REAR ii)P. KtiERETIXE HOME, !COAL IT., Amen lilnnualetarnm are bow Prelmand d e all kinds re •leins tor Closi Operators, nudes prim anneletklet all won ; and Ond Operator* will eonondc their Intereatn by; rare as a au end tirirlml on . • AI"; bon maws( At an, descriptions, fawn: 07 tared by um on dinning norm" terat. . • Auriga% NIP. • ; • Elr4t riVI I . I . IOMAABB lIMPNBINNCII IN TNN rwr IMIDRICIVEU MIK - .c..A0411111 ' 7 • , • t , • • AMBHICAN CHAIN, CABLE. WORIM . • • stiorrort, wag mom The undersigned, who 1s ' a reeled Chain Mann bearer, itiformwOoal Operators and Where that he is prepared to make Flat or Crane Chains Grovel, sit* al short sales. Particular attention- given to Flat Chain for slopes. For further infortrudlon send for circular. - Feb. lb, .118-7-4 SQUAB* BOD vlriaz BCIUCZNB. J. LAUBENSTF.I.N. • . 1;14 itAxtirrAcrross or UARE ROD, ANDf WIRE SCREENS. pfinotriiir• mittrAltY, 4, Ilva TAE SW:WM MOD SCREENS, ON ACCOUNT of their sOperlor strength and ditrablllty, are preferred to all others wherever tried, , Car Salts manufactured to order. Screen Bolts, all Claes, always on hand. ' Orders promptly Ailed it moderate plem. May 20, Ow M£BUFACTUU OP COAL eiCREENS. 4,l4iiazierraar. • . L. LAITI3ENSTEIN & CO., But,epwors to Jahn R:Dlehm; Manitfacturei. of; Coal. ,Screens; Of th. Latest end, Most Approved Styles. The undersigned who are' praetleal Screen Manua ftetunus, informs Coal .O perators and othe that they are manufacturing s new COAL ; pat- United June 21, 1864 and another patented August 8; . 1885; they guarantee that the stain will arrays retain Its origtrud sire until entirely' worn out. . 1 Second-hand Screens and Segments alway 4 on _ : • . . We nsopeatullysoSelt aecintintianen tnt the patron age heretofore en liberally bestowed. • . •. _ L. LauBENHTEng.a co., ' s 'Railroad St., rear of Eaterly'a Hardware Store, • • Jan I, 7U-l- • : ~ 1 • i • IPotteville; Pe.. TAOS. L. A °DIMON. ! ' , rum= IvAiatini - TTO COAL DEALERS, GAB COMPANIES,. dtc. The undersigned having Succeeded Foefit & 'War ren to the sole tutimuMetire,of Focht's celebrated Patent SELF-DUMPING; HOISTING, coop BUCKETS, ; IFibN HoISTINO BLOOL4ti Att : for urklbadinir Coal, Ore, Sand, .- - ` 47 •*--44 ate. 4 Also, in , the monteracteie a ~. , I r RON CARE, . - - % 844 ......1 ' . - . i _). - . . - irtozr BOX 'WHEELBARROWS, ' .. . Are prepared to All all orders with. prdraidness and dhipatch. ~ , . NOTICR—Being . , the sole owners of the Patent Right for the Self Dumping, Rotating, Scoop Bucket and Dock Block, we caution all persons against man:- ufacturlng or purchasing the same front any except ourselviL4 - or our agents, as we will. prosecute to the en utausit limit ß any infringenieut on the Letters A February 6, Patt. f eeptrull,y, A ' DDISON A U WARREN, rftmling, l'a. Vii 0-4 Y ---- - D' HOIST,IN . G M 4. 111)1111IOX'S CIPAL CHIME. • • ,Patented A .111 lint ....vow' 6 COn tllalllZiil/21114-ces"" parcres using them also containing price list of our Wood, and lux:v:oam Iron 'Tuba - and Stimuli, Dock, and Hook pocks, also taluing much informs, Ron naeSll to Cosi ta P.M. DEDERICK: & CO., AlbanyAgelcultural & Machine Work'', Albany, Jan 1, 'Oll-16-21tza-ly I • Kew Rork. . Roan IMPROVE TRUNK 'ENGINES, .., . .:!. fitatingary, glite nail Subic L. Double Piston Squat's, anteater Rughtell. Hoist-' hag Itschinergi for Coal Shaft& ilkolenE. • - ! Grist =Us, Eitioree dia an • One of - these Roisters ' Ibe seen running daily ',. se RILL a HARRIS' Co erg, Mahan°, City. Pa. , • PARTICDTAR AD - 14 Di INVITED TO Tri.r. the RoLsterovtileh has ri equal. No dead gedzift --tiairink• two , pistons toking cylinder, either end of which br taking fall nom when the other is =lcentre. It regal:sewo friction straps, clutches es of any kind, 'Started, reversed or stoppedlnstantly, end at. any went of revolution, by the alinpleinovengentof a single lever. Raving no iteys, etii, set * i rr:74Lher, Adjustable parts, which. In other holsters orris thsi knowledge and constant can of en engineer , can be put in the hands of th e ingsperienold persons.: All Its working pests ere enclosed in the case dr p cylinder, and ars thus icketed 11. - a bream/my, the meets of dust, dirt, auditing or, ber. Its extremengbt• nen, compactizeis and raged spied, highly m id it roc th in Orden received for the znanunicharer by the who Will elso furnish deseriptiss eatieognie, PflotV Ilratnnia. estlli luld.Othet inibeiguiskir. - • NATIUNIRLIGA I RRET, Malianoy Clti,Pa, A. 8, CHURCH, Danielle, pa. Mar. SS, .11-13. . -1 .1 •' H . ' Z. A. C. BCPLAsnr. , I P.m. B. Rsinrss, DII Pistrini & OW/Mk . BRASS FOUNDERS AND SMELTERL ' Antl-FrktlondrblAtt, and ,Stereotype !don- Zo7l. ces =n euv a rt, Li ti gn ai da tt . la Perte i r er it;d 4r n i nd ) . Yellen and Captlogs, mated and Wing MU, Journais and Railroad; Car • Boxes 710 BOOTH BROAD PUIA.A.DRLPRIk. 41c 0 C irch lid or Bold on 'Fortnninnlnn.*: $lO,OOO atiAtiWrigia. BUCK tr-to iice34 all caner Lead! . • • /at. ' Per tes.rosstveled!Whlteto ' tim 9d. PR its Unseitaled Dorsbillty; Ibl. - line Its triesonteased Coveting Property'. Lastly for its • It anti las to=rtilt pock : . Lead Manse* other vill7hlteland Want; The same weight covers Mire luteines;lansceSLlttrible, and mikes Whiter . 11rotlit. , - • irtipe with, ctiespest and iiest:. , $lOOOOO 917ARAliTEE. : -BUCK ZINC 21acs. 'lei: rat itresows4l.llvenaduty; 2d. tor itsllniettddidWldtemass. M. lar ISOlLierieseetantiVing Progort*. lassit• Ike ide QM* SkddioArar. - bodaglioCbdioutalii. dad iiddid Dir.244r, indwiripitskibraranik, r B l * - 02EtelVIIVOR Lttli ANl) BST --- 7 ; i ngt- te . ;:egit triliX&732o Watiejioo4, detraideedligtW - Z3iii ' E. mbyl34 MO Mil 18t2. POituq. .c.ir,= 11 Saabs; (loll** &r. of -,,,, I l iiiest , C _o, Mg „i Mit N , ~.. :?.?e■ . I....\‘'''it, . ,', :). Lady Radelotil!itg ttnsto_ .m . 1 lor, tis i lian 1174134112111 =Cm , , nil I lit FIGHT Of the ,*TYLE. ; mAIEUP • { 110311311 uPERBLy ijupitrp Y To PVT =MIT ON. • Thi *net of tite!Cbintant Street Clothing - Lash- Vihanti la tliforoleb anises of Rork; odds minperfast inythini 41 hen heningine Ewa drank the OnlY the finer fabrics an wed, and hilt trtatailmnS4:and the* aro cut by the wit and artistki tatters, and made up * tinhorn* sae tennigia 4. full tint* of am* ciothing* store, and being sold at Moderate pr ie s, Catintietal wtiL the ettabig:utent, aterds rnn r. • . :Adma n's' . . ( 1 1 14=4 fults.l I • l lttf ilt No daer o rork la any Merchant Toilbrfor Mouse fn • land, ,No better styles, no Molter ion* DO morn renowned nettme, no more perfect 1116 eaa anywhere be obtained, *1 , . 1 • • IP! :1 • I 1 ; • • .1%.. - p f/ roa s 'sl:24 ITODITO inns am LODE. I Beautiful and Serviceable Gonne:Ai. • ur Laaaser vAarrry. , 1. A Fiagsat anzizezt a h . , 0114713 F MINISHING GOODS, 1 - ' lIIIII6t, `,BEN, , , , ` f - ~.,, IgSl ik ' _4144 ~...__ ' : --,... --_ , 81& 4 tmoiciernm mart , 1 • pamtaraimu. , • 30}i f tw strw i c i a ' Neers.-4y oureyeUrns of fieltateenwensint, 4 giutlenien at a distance ein order wi t thuarteltiti of bating,~a good. et. !Rules for Eelfenesihratnet4 and . imp* lot by Watt when requested. , October lb, 'fie INT E DRY qooDs ; FOX & BROTHER, . M •EtiTiLE STREET, POTTSVIMI.i; 2711 Deelie to meat of KIRI attention to their extenalye astiort, 1-;. • - - . 1 7 ANP WINTER 1 G- 0. 'R '. 'O . D S ? ..-'. .z., D g Or the Latest Stylesorthe Conslst , l • Il & Dome:Tido MaOvate, 'Forei . • - • . _• INCT.rDINr3 -11ONG THE .COLLI6MONO . • • 7 BLACK AND COLORED Flux% - • r LACES AND FLNIRT{OrDERIES, LINENS, ; WHITE GOODS and pomEg.4prg, ticsrEßY, SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS' I We also call attention to our Stoat of 1 IRON I • • GROPERIE4, QVEE:N4WARE,it . • Which Is vary *Re istnd • ieleeted with the utmost , • ooze for ttds 'market!, We dO not conslger it mole s w to enumerate *hat we have, but birerythhut a ittst..elasis Dry Gooda and Groovy Store,eatii be had at our establishment. Aptitl7,:49 111. A Narril BOL.Adffll. ' I NO, 11 M4ItKET,STREET. • • ' • •• Porrertmik, PEN . NA., Resiskftdb." annouricee to the Ladles of POttaTinci and vicinity, that ebb-has opened a NEW CLGAE TRIMMING STORE _ at the above plias. The following articles, With a variety of, Notions, ie., win be kept for aale,,,snd are offered at sazartor Isbuczo mum es, • . , nEAVEIt CLOTN,'"ELVET NEATER, 'FRE:SUED Beaver,Chtse h i " `l. Opera an shades ! Rib= . I. boa Velifet, Dit G ke. , -THE ABOVE WILL ALL, BE BOLD AT Off. Ladies and Mimes Cloaks made to order. New Patterns just twelve& Jtmelt, .00-451-Iylf CALL I.l' NO i lin ONNTRIII ST. ,i H • 1 • . •Ii; • • • • sy:u.nib OFF BLOW COST.. . .1; announc e , Ithis A: oßoakN wishes to to -er Mends and the public In_general, that she' is 'selling off her entire stock of MI LLINERY and DRY: 0001 as below. cost, consisting of all kinds °Vilma Goods, lamb as Black IllEks,Rilk and Wool Poplins. Merinos, and Black La ce , AlptiaaLa s a dces, All dpi t . a me nd Goods; Collu Randkaschl . Kid Cloves, I/co:Idyll' and Ernpress) ,_• also,' .Lafiles and Cloak Trlmtnings, Guipure Lacs, Printer, Satin' and ',alp's, :ar....; and Colorful Velvet . Ribbons, Olove-lltting Corsets. A lame amortMent of Ladies. and Children's Reads , 3lade Under Gat- Mettle. constantly ola band alvery lo i s:f a :eat _.. Cloaking Cloths and Velveteens, kinds' and nlets. - Particalarattontlon paid to sad. Cloak Making. 1 Resdy-aliatki Casks always-on bandand :. ma*: to order at the shortest notica. Great bafiisial _ In all lands of iltithrierrthx/da. . . 'I L. . ,a; . ' Jan I, ; • ''• ; - "- - ms ' • mizsa GOON MAMA , TREMILNPS , , at 'F', liiuponinn ittudla i nt' ELAM MI ER. _ ,i l HILKB to he iat;dei. mix 4 LIT , D . MIAS AL A - ma ll! , a n 214-mbers4 ._ _ ___,_ pe ...=,= sruiwyg, Okonleit and Mrek,l_ if • • TREN mi CH TIRIZIIIO. '' m ma i: "AND IiANCANS- - - i 1 • VMS 1 • A gam= Anent mil, . --._,..' . 111CMCIr EITIUM SHAWLS .A... ~ 497.d, 2 184, , 8 Deli n ofe ts. ~,.:, . ' . .:._____MBILOIIIISMEDMA , 1 , , J ir-ALwu 11/113 made to n : 1 - 7 'irlati v riiro 10110 pct ' r its, - NH criseauguasi =Cans _~, ~s; '' ~ , has :lheibed Ta 14 74 1, t • t 0, • JOU stilionius SO • = ,` 1111 Iffi ,a-: lIMI GLOVES OF. 'ALL.I4NpfI , , C100. 4 .K. 6 1;. Vic., &e., "itd 1111 EIE3 NMI - . . 6v".0,7-4.-4-ag; NOT FOR Jratmen: . . . . TAE seen a bit gayetythr reghent nsfEbart es I en d ear , 0?1.14h with ray dn. tad / harir paid monk It fat Iroulaseet,to take me tll, they Mad It Is no 4;131% 4 re almost evetythlng—yen can't get °vetJoe. Cubs "4--011, dear ,no not tor.-Jos, It he knows It— • not toe Joseph, ' • - , • 01, tio, not not tor Joe—not for Joseph, oh, dear, no The other, day I met a trie,til.wis passed Abe dine or And cttattedgailrdowathesheet, hit ten I went kindly •• -' • ;L I kindly salted Ible learned swell to.tato alftling Oh. Yee! intd.he,:l think I will, then let tt DO Rroxim.=-"lio, you. don't., disz yogi dart pa champagne oat at Jeeeph".— . _ Se . time two a friend of mine, he naked me out to • dine; - AM there he introdueed =steam decalieddletnef aald,she!ti make a Charming, wile, and had such lota of tie, . . • Awtdow, only forty-two, my boy, go lii'and win avolum-?-"Matrtmony and lota of money, and a widow only forty-two,. yell the motley Is very scot, but then the. wttiowq-- And now, perhipx,;'ve sung my song, you might be In the cue; . To snow your kind acknowledgment, won't do, tl but As. that with T ib e rin I've done Oest.'n d , that yo u ought to know, ' a , So if you want a aompigain,don'Ory it on With Joe. - • . • Oh, dear t not for Joe, etc. MINE VENTILATION. J. Lout's SUCTION F. 10.4 VE7ITINLA . . . . We have received daring the past two weeks several lengthy 'Commurdeatione on mina roan.- - lation, and the - ineritS and demerit's of : Mt.. Be adle's patent. We cannot publish, them all in present'the rowded condition : of our columns, and patticrilarly as they are generally more .10 : less personal, and contain by,t few fieta of pub lic inter es t. While we dislike to publish ar tichts calculated to dis Courage the invention of useful improveritenta in any branch of business, bydisCredit in pi those who have invented and also applied anccessfully these inventions to bran ehes of business where nothing but failures had heretofore taken place; and at the same time rele do not • like - to dis Courage free discussion on proper subjects, we. publish the following commhnications on this subject. Batten did not invent the roller. for.breaking coal, but he wits the first to apply it successfully to break ing veal, when every opbrator in the Coal re gions refused to encounter. any expense what ever in making the application himself. Fi nally Mr.'Batten erected the.:warks at his oivn expense at t*ideen Bases Volkery, at . wolf' Creek,and it spereoded.• The mlitake Mr. Bat ton made was, in asking too high a pincentage . for its use, which letfto nearly aillhe litigation. We are readers of the Englieh MtatltroJourtmsts and we ,know that no Fan had bean successfully applied to the ventilation of minas in England up to within tam or three years, liter our book . on COAL, IRON and OIL, had bieen' circulated in England, in'whieh a-full account of the sue ' cess of Mr. Beadle's Fan for ventilation is given. Since .then the Fan have beep applied. in England successfully, stud the mining .engi neers are recomrnendiniFans ofit similar , char acter, witiCh are in many placeti superseding the use of thelurnace iri . deetpcoiliaritrs, where it was supposed it could . not be rated, and at a Onsederable less expense.'. The old Fans which faiied in England have been remodelled in Sonia instances, and we haYe noticed that , at lease two have been recommended for.'use and patented. . • When we received D. E's communication we enclosed,it to Mr. Daddow, and asked hien if his statementswere correct, and we received a re ply; which we pUblish in'eonnection with D. E'g commonitxttion. It appears to be it calm, truthful and unprejtidiced statement eS the facts in relation to its application and use in this cotintrf. - : All the operators using Mr. , Beadle's Fan, who have fully investigated the subjects were satisfied and paid Mr. Beadle the Moder . ate-aum be asked' for its use: (CO?[YL'\ICA3ED.) .117,0370.11 TO WHOM HONOR IS R E. Ent - ronelitisits"Jorasar.:—ln your issue of the . 15 inst., Oil:otter- 1 d a communication from S. M. Dad •dow, in reply. to a series of questions on mine vent!. latiori,*by- H.. p. Smith, Hazelton. ROW well Mr. Daddow may; have succeeded in ventarging the' sub. ',lea to the sattifaction of Mr. Smith, is more than I . ant aware of. \nut mould riresum‘that it will not be long ere that' gentleman will let ueknow through the colqmns of the lizSEtts' Tocanal.. . I have nothing to say, pro or con, In regard to 'Mr. Daddow's : reply In general; bet there r ill ono point upon which he insists in doing w n •*b giving credit where 'deft iatiot due. I have re nee to the invention ef the suction fan, and it s a r idication ' (n saineventilatton. I say that he is p e t; be cause It ls Impbsible km me to believe t the prin cipal author oe, 'Tool; Iron and Oil," (whom .1 con ' stder to be one 'pf the best authorities on' these sub pets,) could be so ignorant In regard to the history tif the Suction lap, and its application for the ventt. lation v ot mines. As concerns the 'claims of Mr. :Beadle to the invention of the suction fan, 'or its ap ibileatiorOo mine ventilltilon, it may .be said that bis,house is on tire; and this persistency of Mr. Dad dow only serves to fan the flame. But to the facts', which arc very stubborn; and, though -they may bear to be ventilated, they cannot be/mined away by persistency.,' . ' • • A suction fan was erected over thtt calling of the Erigliehtfoitse of Commons In the year 1 . 738, for the purpose of - drawing omit the vitiated air. It was sta.. ted that this fan served to "sock . out the foul air, or 'throw in fresh, or both it ,Onee.'‘ This Apparatus was tied in ventilating the house for a period of 81 Years: i. e., from: * 1736 until 1917. The above fact ,proves enneiu4ively that the suction fan was inven ted before Mr. Beadle was born, and the following from TomlinsOn's Cyclopedia, published ln theyears 1851, 1852, 1853 and 1854, will show that Mr. Burton has thehest claims to orlebality la Ile aPpileattozi of the section fan for the purpose of ventilating mines,, "Mr. Burton proixisee to ventilate COfi t telleig by modlibatiort of the tan, for which purpose lmmedl. ately.over the Upcast shaft la' constructed' a hollow Arta with rails' compartments, through Which the air Is discharged with'i.degree pt force, due Lb the velocity with which the drum revolves:. The_firtim' is t feet in ilarneter, with 'radial. congealment', each 6 feet long,,and revolving Is° Umea per minute. Taking 16 feet a* the mean dianicter of the ascapixt merits, Ultscentrifugal force at ISO revolutions . mill' be 8,4.3, welch, if multiplied by.the weight oil, cubic feet of air, foot hundred and forty-four thousands of a pound will giVe a preasure of thirty-nine wads "on the squid's. foot, as' the amount of rarelactiOn :produced, Which is much beyond what hi obtained by the furnace. If driven to. 210 revolutions per minute, it would produce a rarefaction of upwards of fifty pounds on the square foot ; or, Unconnected with any lengthened air-comae (i. e. were displace ' meat,} it would discharge more than 800,000 feet In a minute. In ,a trial made' with this appuatus • (Jelly goer Colliery, the rarefaction Inaintained the upcest shaft was equal to 234 incites of water, or thirteen , ponied! on the . squire foot this, of =Use, produced a stro n g current through the workings of the colliery, one of the air-wall of which 20 yards tag,hi . as a mean area of only Mi superficial teen; yet such was the power of the machine that 18,000 'cubic feet per mintrbrwere propelled through this plumage et the velocity of ST feet pereccouti, ad afterwards, in its :sr 1* the untitirB ll 4 %Mout& 1112 0 1= 1 4 of only 4 superlichd feat area, It a velocity of 70 tset per sccoisd. By *topping thu . si . in the downcast Oiatt; • and setting the fan in motion, the niadia of u s = 'Wry was subjected to a rarefactionequal to& .rall of - the barnmeterof about two-tenths of an inch =l= gixtdrxr extent, so as to draw off the damp from tbs. .gliers and fissures, during the abeenee tithe work men and tll , . lights." ,- • -,: , i • ' 'Again, I n a year -Sro Mr. *ltissmyll.. ' ll 0 :W*1 11 144 mechanical engineer. erected& thsl B l the Abibrerl , don Colli ' . A full ,--dasertestee or wkieb. may be found In stipplemids el Uses pletlisaarpotArtio and' 1-18de angsve OM sailigidloa whim Ors* put In ' " - Bat In siker yaw, sad when. • the - . Worlda=lWeesse , atecteeettegailve, it. as spoi l ," to be ' of sippdping the eeklarp, with esetkcle BB sir; and to tbrivertrviiitate the ; Wile° w &tidiest, andereetokiad the - itur 'raw iblii-. iitt l earima Aorta& Shoe. kindles: we* built ' 'with 'a atenl; 'demise IS fart irldi 3 Ond 18 feet ldgitiend-tte: - wrers ole . ' -wigs intuit 1011411peolOe lbet :pir iiil 'oil** liaison thairSaiteulde MIL :- ---- :- • - , '1 -•;•ll,e4theii- le litr.Bodie .iiitura.Sis sag credit - 110 to Ids beteg ithetteiltsi'.igkilf 04 -lan lit oehtllatlag, 'tittles kliikki.eiekitizKit Bestir:loli= werlowietkostA I ed end *ed.tfik.eifisir , •uut-eisr;us• lanothiaxi -- 1 ini*e. Yltglida;.tieigkilbrokitglidited MAWS 644: 1 „ l i . pd tolirl(*iiilialliitillifiiiiiithlud- bpi kt . ilirefilllit ._ _ 11116."106,1 4 ein liitritifitt4 --. . ~ 57.1,p.,, , ..;.7. 1 .4- . . . , -ColiormtriNdr• . , . . • .„..., .. _, .... „. . . . 4 111 11 0 00. 191 , rr=l o .' , .;:ltilittilii ''.t=.-' 'lll*''4'.e''''-':2 .t . ' ? / 1 -.:`' L = 177`;=1., -•'.-: ' ' - - '' - ,'"- •---' ' ''' : ';'''::: ';':•,iiie'i:o*ol6ll':iaitiit.t*o 'vitt . :iijx_in*: • '- * l r a q i, "Watt* :, 1 1_ 41, %00 0 n!** 1 ,#.1)Mmilr '04:00,4q ;,.. . ,Vtil_=i l= gis 4 ."l. .ilift,Or,l,o l : Bo s l 7:. Jorcco; *int. ' . . fa edthittak 44 : 4 0 filOi t iThiikt :04 0 1 4: '- - - ilielii*V. WO *arks oliaistier ifttlitildi liiiitiliiiiiii 41610 1 1 ,tierkeidiylisitad the rubella' litireries to Phil.- delpliks, New York, sad Ilwited. - ' • - -- , - , • ~ - . . lIM Oh, no, no! not, eti Oh, dear t no, etc., TOR. ICI •—......—,. _-- Dating,thie 41restigittitsaj was: rettnestedi by J. Louiletalleadle to exahilue Into. Om merits of bin invention and patent for the 'suction fan reit He expressed erophitieilly bli inte n tion = to _ .his claims on their, justlere than their • Ttsk most orniphitemodel bad beewdeposited hi , Peteei„ U t: Wpm:, while, the eleiwel'Asti .IYeelgioatt were amens t) . bir the Sid* potent agents In The 'claim nisei' for ilauk. Whittle' need to bk. or reek ecindesala Or ratilT4,; :„ , • '•• •' - • ' It is not necessary, there*" -;:ldisenss the bin In these relations beamwe we know. It npa •..b.en used both th suck and to blow during the Mat hundred' Years,'' and bow - sorieh- Music It Is not Impatient br. Um reeonareMded the wear the fan sea rent - 1141 4, 1 wedigel es eaviri, rac and alarm that It as much mote elltetive than the femme, twits hs In the latest tendon editions of OM boot hanere he expressly •eolichinar the prise** of suction o rvelleatlon, Msti einphatleally ;I:commends pump as mo re +onentleXt and 'effective than fans ! , , It Ism 4een stated that the EneUih 110IISCOf egret • mans 1114 ventilated brit tan both tO blots andsuek, front trltto Ittl 7. Yet In 1 Dr. I.IA makes this statement • . 7 - _ toolifori again, lira iniperread. before the Royal acielety, • * -8 to investigate the prtnNyl of ventilation by fin, Dad ihneeliestpite by a unifier:ma ,of eperinienta. the gilar, iinferemirine to it is to effect, icottotny4tid 110/1 - 1 111 ,a0iiiniley-iiranglit ventilatlon. Yet' at th very 11 ' he litter meet' objeCtionable plan Was in ionstruclibn ripen a colinssat aisle; Abe' the I u of Conunorui.",,lluihe invariably speaks of a flowing or eonaetWilif tan. '. • . • Again:Narurrythhs open fan, erected at the Aber garyddoriVoll tern: is often quoted as against Beadle* claims, yet it is generally kizawn that this am abandoned As ineffective, and allirrialie substituted for the ventilation of the colliery:: Welud alsCiaeversil•saluaretu to the suction fan as • thine venttlatorle the rtrittith Yarilatnentary Reporta.at an early Osito, bat lit allay cue they *e te condemned .by. - rho Royal .Commisakonenb ;The; casually mentioned their use as fidltirea. Tito sue- - ilon fan did not obtain: the sanctionlor appstrrsd of - Engliah minting engineers, until se r. .veial years atter Beadle's sucaeisful . introduntionofthe fan at:Lobos,: -dale In 18.57-a& • .... :, 1 • re Alex. Bei', open•bin was 0 'at Fituartsvale long after the Loeusidale Am pi in' regular opert tkin as a mine ventilator, -.This t eras conalustra- . .ly settled in replies to A , :coantunnteation from Mr. Rea to the LoOtevenot years 040, both from Braille Minoan. Etna •from Geo. If..rntfo. Eon., the owner of the colliery.. - . The first fan used at Li'aurst Bale was a Pair (4) fiet fan,' which was afterwards rerihmedhy one built tesr the Messrs. Garners, itahland, Mr. Beadle and one 4 . 3 f the Messrs: garners -went teStnaZiville to traml ine Mr. Rea?' fdiras model ; and n oubt.this gave rise to the report that Beadlecopled front Rea. Bu that tite;h i ete are OS here s t at es -there is &handful . • As before stated, Beadle• dots not claim Mte fits`" simply, either" to blow'or ' Ills claim is Sub stantially for the application &tut oonnection of the section fan tee the veatilittiOn <a mines, and all the records shoW as far as we haV2e et aminedtherm that •he was not only; the, first in apply the principle in this eountry;'but the-tfirst to establish the practical . superiority of this niodeover alt for mine ven tilation. . It is wall: known that. Watts was not the first; make us4 2 'cif steam ; , that Stephenson did not bu the first fecomottire, or Fran* theflrst steambnat:. :for is it 'Waimea that Beadle Was. the drat to try the• experiment • Of : eviction ventilitticin. Bdt like other successful hrieutors lie wee the find to make • . It of practical vaine. • All.the other experiments of which .weinavir any information, were failures ieeulting from defeetive, i Beadle's patent coVere the open fin, Pantile neve erected one on this pr,lnelpie, and never recommen ed them, beesuie 'Auld, Opinion,. and also in opinion of ,myself,,',i I - give it fer what it Is wo thts medebi'ierieiu4 .defectiVe.. and must beat dotted et deep and extensive' collieries. The ope k Eau bus but'little suctien.powet. It simply creates a \ current and lsenlyservicable in Mines of °demote. depths, particularly-when . the - upeast Is in. se for, mining operations. But the secret of Beadle' rst• 'success was in the closed (ant where the entire cen trifugal feresis ' exerted-to rarefy or suck the air, ,g9es, tte„ from' thernings, tending to create a vacu um which Must bei tilled from the downcast air-way. ,Lennelie'S and Outbids", ponderous and, costly Eel glum apparatus; works on the - fan or (!fentrifUgal principle, bit though'used extensiielyinßelgium in preference totho farnice, tho English miners tuuloiii• gmeerapou* pot be ItidUced to adopt therni.4bough several etperimentl,were {tied, but we do not know 'of a sizzle casnwhere they aspplanted• she furna,c with good result's. - ' .' , . . Gulbaldtriachineor amodification of it, Is raferr to In Tornlinson'apyelopedla,`as the one tried at Itt , Golly bluer tiollierf.' 'This vencllator howeVer, has • been - reeentlyAmproved by fluibal, who has adopted and patented In Eingiand and Belgian, the principles parented In this country by Beadle.'Bas ,Van Plea trend's Eclectic Magazine, vOinme I. 1i0 , ..,2.. ' I think Uhl' statement covers the whole case, and meets all or laud, of the arguitients made use of against Beadleirelalins. .We have no doubt but that' , the suction. tenpin, been used hail's for e variety of purposes, but wehave no,.reCord of; its eters= aft`, genets.' ' use as a rang, ventilator until long arty , , beadle's sueeesstut applitation. Vasa wahaVe ub . , evidence of er e o. a tonal nee of the suctlOn lan, oi cept as fatturee. prior to Beadlet; Intiodiction of the principle at LocustdalO: • , •- • .. - • ~ The mere fa4e of diltrUlt, indifference and unbeL lief on the part of our . anthracite . , Operators, when Beadle's fan was Brat - . Mentioned as -A success, is proof that the .prindiple wan new; novel and Uni• known. The first-fans erected in the anthracite re. lions, after Beadle had anceeratally .dimionstndeti. the Ittinciplei were . modeled niter the Locustdale fan, and were ohly adopfedattev visits of inspectiona to Locustdalit;and the conclusive; evidence there ginoti. The fact that Beadle intnidiaced the auction vend littor In tile anihricite regionals not questioned by those who have made tlAnnselves Bungler with - the subject. Tile only mooted point Is that of noveltY,N. which, however; lime clearly established as, is ton's clairds to the steamboat, or thechtiguirof many invention; to theemccemfal sipplleat ion of theoretiCal . • priticiPloW • • • . , .We do not propose to beg' thil Lineation, but Bitty properly . remark that Louden Beadle deserver from this oirnmnolty credit and kronor; satire? Bum censure and odluni.,..fla is niodeei and .rel.lring.—` . Has never Paraded his clatm'abefore the public. U. -Vika thr nothing that he 'does not *olio NJustly and legally his drib ;,hts fees are reasonable, atM are not °Nested. to oe the mond of Ocean. . • ' He has not beerArenzuneratedfor his t liye and ex.- pense,inni only - iwke *fair compensation for min:: • ees Which hate secured mines_ rid miners' greater immunity fioyn nier, and ronfeirwi- I this community ; a public benefit: ' . ion nearlt fans'Atowin use. the patent * tab been pakii-and weldo not doubt tsit that those who hate not yet paid, will di) se-when they knew the bets; pirtientarli tithe fee is smelt an . _ We do ourselves 'and the :community , Injustice -- when we oppose modest 71rOltliand true, merit. It' seems but a . captions aplrit that can ilnd fault and pick flaws rather than `y ield 'oilmsfal tribute tO a wottby cease. • ..' . The inventive/spiv:lt, °relit:spirit otimproveieSnitl nnt sti_aperatexteowi sad exhuberant In the coat regions, that. Its pinto.* need clipping; or Its groirth stunted by: . cold.treatment and . staxvition. . CLais.; lan. 21, IfflU , , - S. H. DaDDOW. ~EDlrdirs TABLE. , , - BlALcirwcioD•ei ALtoaante.„—The lit unify' 1111111 Par y i n of this Engillah Ste/runic as been reptddls.hed ty the Lombard, Scott , Po " tibiae. Cologiany, - Now York: Thhoontenntare, three: of : Earl's Denej The Parmingand Tessin ' of the Continent; pea Outs of John; ;LOrdldaYo ilia the Uelhalleireitber. Lord tytionis Conusly;- The Opening fifths newt Canal; Mr. Proodettind Qnsen . Mary ;.• Ltect Siren end his Oaluinititots..; . -,, ... : - • .., rat oA A tne.-mfic ennionlooftbe Pahniazy Mt*" het ire, st.OonthatinWs? of ,Shalin,lgeede s a etetY of Put yourself in filis;Place:. Ett_httelt aPient4ll; Pr prossione ; prighatti trtetninPolly Mariner, ?Ohn e"; T en ?e a t s . lA - Rothe ;-Thelßedoedn's Rebate; 'The CnintioeetWagehee , Batehttrlti? Yentliation and wiNl:l3ins; Alhaednel.Ttont Ago ;Zellers hem 11. 4- ette; An.EfilteePeTtde'ir.;l3no Osistigf Illieettitir- Drift-irood ; Literatoretind Ail; Itehnlie. Vablistfr. ed by Sheldon d . CoA NeW irogis. Thigrest stinit of ttioSaii itailasivill, be ionande4 irk ' . the Golsxr the grade Peet iiChrtt _1 . • J : - : ,' • • MS Ifolegingard.. l -tkehavg recrart eat of thlabeanittal Pasidnilfigailitejo rs , y, Which is , now: regelartithiportestart theist and idth 'of loattr, inorddeby ELT, Taylor,"ltnporter of Ladies Fashiciiii, No. SlllpiknOtheit, Nelerskile, - illr. 1.414 lima! iiiPartilfit thrieot the iiheaP,st;beetoisid maii4 ro;- Itabietritibici# pearl:am hi the - woridfl and ilia/ lithe'', so small, is to asinelitt etrerP'Athi. 4 ttdiete*thir. and high* colored steel etigrevf4 - addeff la the .- 'OnUnte nude 4110/15red lit the yntenlartat calklitir Peenekthesinostsuunpitne expectations of the otbet:l 13 % ="hea "nadir. - elouralittbarnd tci ere Dee 411Conzli•- igignoVLl aid talk PiLtitcs. ELigmortit t eat of ithichnre at - *ohm ptiteAll,ll ikrolr'• •or - sarreettga si,ineke_Ciesiolliesost,nmaith.,. • '..-v, i :: tkpicoriecoritikisszaite, ':.-„. Mottotniziambia-qTa one :Whew attgattor4osnot• .!./10•441113. en -- laxlir,to the< stohiett•••Alsta bs to: j ean l 4 ll2 .hnotat (OW ; at " 1 " luritt relieuat ek Eallitak •• < • arhouratthisay of • <• • ',Jaw •• 1640 / I *PVICA%i, s Orthe aamitten • &Ili < • twat aspramParktesiartha - thia JebacattlaWsil. 4,4-199 110 1*. Nits; !Ant ra i .att • aJtigat,: s aatik: Vtettlrls 1111 1 Q-• 0 01 ! ••• ' 1113111903 W, cAt-pievii ••• • xitivo4,— ammi , wistior- , 3 lave them that love utei tad- those that seek m. early stall end me:* SING ..E. COPIES SIX CENTS' xnutp-atirczarsz. . : 4 , NTXTRO43II4XCRIUNrisit coinblOtion 1 4. 1 1' of glycerine (thesweet piing" pie °rani-, .• - znarfat) and hitricandiulphuricacidoi The --- Ergeees.. Of 'manufacture he, very - . simple. ••. - Take, for In'stance, one Pmtd Oilman* -,- .7 , and ten pounds of the Jidda. and ioe newt -.. ' itta propersesseL ' The anbilittric.acid ' - :aria on the rest of the maw 'extrude ..all aqueous matter, whil& the:nitre Sinks Witte bottom of the versa; and joirui with theTgly cerine whose destiny carries- it.there at - one. S.-: The result Is awelesqtift :101Na ' :ince not unlike castor oil hi color, but rather mitre thick, Which; on being. snildted. end that mighty eleaneed - ftom such pertieles of rad- ' . phurie meld as may 141re:remained, Is nitro-• trlYeerine- - hlitrotlyoerine, strikes la all di-.. . : . rectionk when tt - explodes; but the • - force Is' always tented - toward - lehrt-: • 0 'tering thetreatest resisteete, -Vbllis t lITOU .: .iotild explode a mass of the; "oil!' (which • it: "short" for nitro-glYcerineyin the center' of. an eye* room, the great Toree M. the eha' 1 plosion would be downward, bathe dhreei. 1 tien of the floor. A; cartridge art ' and having, for its base a rock, would ' moat forcibly on the reek, although itirould ' also displace the water. - • In rearming the Obstructions at Hell Gate,. It was intended to use nitro-palyeerine, bribe* - form of what lalknown as silicious-powder, ; • ' but as ft was lowered :in a frozen cendition, the experiment was a • failure. At -some fu- ture day there is no doubt that'-this exido sive, which is thirtem times more powerful Utah gunpowder, and is, moreover, capable' of.being exploded at the bottom of the sea,- • -If need be; will be usedin this great work. .. . Although nitro-glyeceine hes been le us e for so short a time, it has already been used withtreat success in ware In 1801, "during the war 'of the • Austrians and Prussian' agaleat the Defies, a= detachment of three , hundred Daniiih troops` retreatedto Alisen, a town near whicha great-battle had just been ;- fought, and were.besieged by 26,000 of the "allied trooper: But the Danish engineers had - • undernilned all of the approaches to thetznen with nitro-glycerine, the town and the -- mines being Ponneeted by eleetrip wir znand - the immense force was kept`it bey for three - days. In the Russian war, - the nitrytlyeer-. '.- Ine torpedoes kept the Fneneh and English -' ships out of the harbpr of Crolustadt. These j • torpedoes were so constructed- as to - explode either •by concussion or, electricity, and it wodid have been a bold sailor who would ' , dare - to approach a harbor so . guarded: Ex-. pertMents have frequently treerttriade to see _ , if nitro-glycerine could'net be made avalla- ble as the explosive power for shells, but lit-- le success has been attained. It has= ound that - .the heat and coneuisien he sensitive oil to explode White the shell . and left the mouth of the cannon. .: h l ; xc: t i h n ole tti eo w n=n t i ri n e g d vl;it Pso " ft su h b i s o tt i :nee ' lltirteen the nitro-glycerine and .the iroo--but,thic,i, also failed. Notwithstanding. tho- discouragements - which have beset the intr oduction fif•the new . explesive, it has persistently worked hew'''. into favor with practical men, and ,there is - now scarcely a large public, work in thhi - country - where it. is not used. As time pro;_ gresses, invents, minds will devise even .- more ingenious methods of useing it - lhan those:now in vogue, and it . le safe to predict that within a short period , thnpowder. will , ' be forced to give, way to , this more po t ent. rival.—Excharigi... -- .. "'• : - - ' MAR ILLS ./rE.MOB , • , OM examples of the= marvels of Meal.. _ orit' would seem. en incble had they not been given to ti us reluy pon th em e .higheat authority. Cyrus knew the • name of each soldier ip hie army: . It is also related of " Themistoelee that he could call by _mixtta every citizen of Athens, although the num. • bet amounted to twenty .thousand: dates, king of Pontua; knewall his eighty thousand soldiers by their - right names; .-d•cl pio knew all the inhabitants cif Rome. iiisine .ca-complained of old 'age because he could, net, as formerli, repeat two thousand' manes • in the order in which they were read to him and he stated that on one occasion, when at his itudieii, two hundind unconnected venni having been recited- bythe difibrent pupils of his preceptor, he repeated them in . a re- • versed order; proceeding from the last to' the first. ' . Lord Granville could repeit,.frianbWn hing to end; the New Testament in the odgi nal Greek. Cooke, the tragedian, ts• said to have committed to memory all_ the contents • of a large daily newspaper. Racine colds reeiteall the tragedies of Euripides. Itti said that George ILL neVer - fonifot face he bad one seen, nor a name- he exer heard., bfirandola would edernitit: memory the contents of a book,by - INdint three Um* and could, fremutsay repaskthe .words backward as:well , as forward.l.The Cramer committed to memory,' in three months, an entire Aranslation • of the. Bible. . Euler, the mathematician, could repeat the 2Eiield; and - :Leibnits; when an old. man, could recite the whole of Virgil, Word ibt word: . It is said - that Bossuet could repeat, not only the whole Bible, butaß - Homer, Virgil," aud, Haracry besides, mauy _Other. worke.- Moiart had a wonderful memory or musi cal ii.ounthr When only:fatal-Oen "years of age he went to Rome to assist In thesotanui. Mai of Holy Week. Irmizediately after his arriVid, he went to the kfistineenaPertc hear ' the famous Misecere of Allegri. Being 'mare • -.that it , was forbidden to take or gives copy • of this renowned piece of music, Mozart placed 'himself - 1n acorner, and grain 'the ,striatert attention to the mul =e, an leay.; lug the church; noted down the e n re re piece. A few dais after Wards he heard it a second time, and following-be music withhis own • copy in his hand, satisfied' himtelf of the fidelity of his memory.,- The Vest day he sang the Miserere at a concert, moompanyhig himself on thd , harpedehord ; and the -Per formanee produced such a remotion in Home that Pope clement the, XIV. requested that this musical progidy shout 'he presented to hitu at once.—purer Optic's Magazine, , . . . Caws MAtiNa litAcinNiatir.—The American Cigar. Machine Company-recently • gave a practical exhibition of themachines •patelitW by" theta for. the• inanunicture or, c - fgars._ These machines bid fair to W.Ork reVoliitlon in cigar-milting, not only imaeltqls albs reduced cost of production, but ono on account of the fact cigars so wide eau be - eold for ten dollaps a tbouliand lesi - than • cigars . made by hOnd, :Tile.yompany:has thirtj , machines In operation, driven by a amen calorie, engine:. The machines are simple, and can be worker, •by children. The wrappers are first : cut ou 'from the Me leaf by a machine. A hundred leaftware phieed on a pile, held in s 4, bra clamp, when four 'unites in - the of an descend and cut out': the _wrap l ael, ciger-making MaChtfletrint 're volving rollers, covered by * ere" having been mnupped , , the rough. byhand, ate placedwitain the Machine, and i n few seconds the cigar eutletently tolled and:fashioned a - one mut to reCeive the wnip per; w hict, is fed Into the =whine, theoper ator prevlowdy • gnounedrthe and.. - me.cigar is then'-taken out,. ti peditiously Made. All, that retts . to be done is to trim one end. A girican'prothice :- two tit - onset:id cigarsa day by thesentschittes;" • and can milli earn from ten to-fifteentlol lars per week. They promise. to. Into general use as they pewees themeA ad-'• anion, to thr aheveolitatetV Of: 4lll PettirA • doing away. lth "strikeiP , Tirbiebare • to betretpasni ocentriatee in clip's, matutfac- .••- Tama is nothing . that clings so *dined easily to an indkvidual so habits *spired early youth. - The • beY,wha , lounges Away his evenings on the corner, in. the Werhecr saloon, or iteidie and unprofitable convener. Von isbc‘f . ing aar. eacore ;Oen' Ithichwill plague him ,for the reat.ofhis life, and the youth whosst eighteen makes' - the humiliating confession itiathe-is sdniajyto completely tholeve of tobacco or ardeutspir - ita, that he lamina them up, is to to garded with-pity.i ,;• Gond habit* seta In irOtistiVl MAIM WAN' ailktke 4 Tha '70,1-nirealfl.who egtendanatoArtgilkithes-- fine_ant and groiltabiai et fti4a '_itaintaab.Y-13t,thoseltors w7egegtgatkomphe uali that tioo4l2l4eiglielb- Estist love der* Aleut iiiattuitoklf • 1116,n0t. becOWelCitookraliatrftir :Sadi t s 3 7righlaPanalee ahOug., yea mart oi± p' 1456.4, _ amw•AW th" 4 7 .1411;lirlit: • ' . . ESiZE werdzior been disoovere& He is a„43lersomii;gigkruo the work two years ago, iirChidsgoelbrlor- War-five dollars. That Will dca ; • R 3 El -^ ENE MEI FEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers