FORTY-SIXTH_ YEAR. plitters' [attritai. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY _50670. . . . : TtiE report of the County - Conimholone:r; and'Sheriff's *ales have Crowded oat aLnuih her of articles Ithis week. We Italie nii. rooW . .; for eolith:milts ' this Week.. - • . i ... - ; s . s . , • • • ' I Ix. May lasfthe.position of Mine Inspector : was establishi under the Act for the pp:deo 11On of the lives of miners in t3chuylkill • County. FrOM that time up •to the; ist bf January, Mr. Eltringham, the llnspectdr, ';and his clerk, Tir. P. P. McAndrew, Visited • HI ,collieries;! 213 visits made; 7,832' miles traveled, 3,0 by rail ; 689 miles *55 tkaV •-'•?.,led in and about fuiues.• ! ' This,showit !a very large sintount of Work doile, and , that the complaint generally Made that officials do• not earn .their salaries, .do,o not apply in tills ease. In fact, ..Mr.:Eltring . ha and his Clerk have exhausted, we un derstand, the largest portion of their !mi.:tries in t raveling elpenses. . These gentlemen do their duties admira bly in fact, We have been astonished atthe amount of good work they have *Me. As t lry: have to bear their own • traveling- el )ve think their salaries, • parreularly that of the clerk, who aeoompanied .the • li t is too - low. • . ! • ;... . SENATE 'CrRRENCI" .BILL. 1- rfillE Currency ltill that pa:ised t *nate, provides fiir an additional issue o )0,4)u Nationnt Bank Currency, . to he dls 7 trilutted among . the States , and Territorles not having their supply; according to .pOpu latit".ll. It aliso Iprovidcs- for the withdrawal of 1,0000)9 for States that an excess to he itistrihuted also, Banking. Institutio i ns now- in existence may remove their brinks from the. Stales. having an exeess,,to other States tliatare deficient'under the bilk The bill also requires the - gradual withdrawal iof j the 3 per. cent,feertificates . as rapidly as rthe iitsue cuircbcy takes place. Thiswot4ld' .eive a vohinie - of paper currency equal•jo about. $700,400 . 100, a' follows: • • • Legal Tenders—independenfon per,et,cerams,ooo,ike NAttonal Hank iSSUe • ' 343,uu0,p0u saamu,mo With population of. 840,000,000 it would give rl7 in paper per capita.'_' .Taking the value of the property of the country at $24,00ti,000,000, l and issuing ; sl in currency forls3s of the value of property, - would givenhout the same result, $70",0Q0,- . *o:_kd. The -above plan is: not judicious or ' statesmanlike: It fixes an arbitrarY limit to cum* ney; and ho increase can take place without further disturbing leglidation, whieh so,prejudicial to:business. ny basing the • issue of currency on; the value of property, in the proportion of $1 in currency to $3 , 3 of -the assessed Value of real and personal pr-Op t-rty-, the same volutne of :currency fa:ob tained, and there would-be fto arbitrary lint- . it, but it would expand as business and Wealth . expands•without anY.further disttirbingleg 7 illation ; and; the country would not then' be, convalseth; with the . 'periodiCal expansions • and contractions which have heretofore' chitracterized; the business kV.' the coubtrY. : —* When there is•no expansion there:Can berm. (,ntra'etion. -We hope the House of IlePre- . -entatives Will see proper to make this change in the issue.' In other respects the 'bill as passed! the Senate is not Objectionable. Ti provides' also for the establishment of gold. note . Ouks' tO meet the • wants of the _Pacific States., and which will also tend to a - .'resumptiou of specie payments.• . ! • ' Spacial Catirt of Quarter Sessions.- 7 of Petit Jurors,.i drawn to attend a Special': Ad-) jnurne'l Court of Oyer and .Tlrminer,".#erieral Jail Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, tube held at- Pottsvilke, in and for the County or Schuylkill, on Monclay,,l , ehru ary 14th, 1.670, at 10 o'clock' ? A. M.. 1 - • I.evi Limbenstine, screenmalte;r 7 ; POttsville. Jesse Drninlieller, yeoman., Pottaiille. Charles Klicelit, carpenter, Pottsville. .j corifectionenTamattna. Samuel Dcwald, yeoman, ta_st'Nonvegtata. Jeremiah Savidge, yeoman' ; Elet:Tins. Jeremiah Seitnuger, Yeoman, Pottsville. I Israel Applegate, butcher, Union. ' J. siah Beritheisel, clerk, - Auburn, A rims Stone, farmer, Pinegrove 'Twp. " Allison Wolff, carpenter,' Pottsville. William m ohe, yeoman, Begins. ' • . John Beek,; miller ; North Manheint. • Benjamin Walborn, Curpetiteti s Maltanoy. City. Peter Burkluird, mason, Minersvige. '.l Thomas Conner, Sen., yeoman ; Butler. • Rufus A. Wilder, engineer, Cressona. • Samuel Knbrr, miller, Upper ltabantono.. .Joseph Marshall, merchant lifahanoy, Tivp. ry, William Bachert, fanner; West Penn. ; Joshua'Yotit, lumberman, Union. ; • Samuel Ritter, clerk, Pottsville. - Lewis Buehler ; miller, Tamaqua: .Nelson Brandon, yeoman, Union. 7 ' William R.Sehu'liz, merchant,. Aubiuvr. ' J. P. Stewart, farmer, Rush: • . James R: Cleayer, coal merchant, Ashland. Philip Carr, Tarpenter, Pottsville, Charles Schuler, stonecutter, - Yorkville. Peter 0. Bressler, clerk, Frailevf Dann K. Aloyer, farmer,' Landingvillc. Henry S. Stang, brms, Prailev.• ReT.ran, engineer, 'Sew I' William F e ; Wagner, yeoman, Auburn. 1 - Jacob merchant, Upper_ Mahantongo. Charles Hornbert,Ter, innkeeper, Barry. • ! • • Itiehard Stevins, farmer, West Brunswiek. Stalile, - carpenter, St. Clair. 5 l rich (Jane, shneunik er, - Port Carbon. i Wni.-.T. Kii!hards, clerk, St, Clair, • .! Michigel Fritz, fanner, Wayne. • Charles Wiltront, 'tailor, Schuylkill John P., innkeeper, Pottsville. • Jacob D. Einclemnuth, tanner, North I:iiion. Simon Woorner,.yeoman, Blythe. 'Joseph 80 - Wen, reoMan. tor Nathan Longenberger, yeontan, Union. • Joseph Foeller, mason. Ashland. Joseph Aekerman,' merchant, Pottsville. , liiclYar.l 80 .- (1; boss, Rahn. •,• I ! John Seitiiiiger, Esq., St. Clair, • . John E. Lehman. slioeinaker,'Premont. - j.ereiniall•Boek, shoemaker, Landingville ! 1 Henry Itoeltrig, carpenter, .t. Clair. Daniel Freiler, mason ' Nilnersyille. l acid timer, farmer,. West Penn. r. ' John Engje. farmer, Butler, ' •• Nathan 1,4 - tle. carpenter, Iklabanoy Twp.l • Alexander Helms, innkeeper, PottMlie.! Jeremiah V. Prlise, merchant; Butler. , TF. cE3TRAL RAILRoAD OF lOWA:4We haye refertied before to the especial advanta ges. Which th is Central 1 hie of kailroad thrdugh lowa will Possess for, both tl4ou o rrh and* local trade, poito.2crkressed unqualified confld'ence in the sechritg, provided; for its First Mort gage Bombs. Phis favorable opinion.seeins to ka shared ;by the int cwtin public:, for we learn that the sale6 . 6f these oudi, have been :If) large that the Conipany,liashadaeonStant stipply of funds for all its requirements,! and that the, daily subscription average issteadily increasing, A leading manUfacturerofiNew England, Wlito came to New York a feWdays agp to exchange $50,000 GovernmeritslOrtfie best railroad security he could find, spent sev eral days th , examination, and took Central lowa to the full' amount. Holders of igoV einn;lent lends arelookir.g abut loseeWliat iney fan best exchange rot, ritidlhey fir:l;4llnd the 7 per cent gold thirty-year First Mortgage Bonds of the Central Railroad of Towatian be 'obtained at 95 and accrued interestin ctirren •cv that they_ pay one percent. gold morelhan the highern Grovernntents: That they are un usually see,urect against any defaulrof princi pal or interest; and that the Company iSiNani 7 posed of strong and energet lc parties, who are rapidly pushing the Work of construction ,to suceessful'etaupletion'... • ' i ilciritittOe4o: - 1 HARRIS-lit - Rd HARRISIttIiQ, Feb. 3,11570. • • An act • authorizing the Commissioner of Sohirylkill'Countv to receive a certain rethni of unseated taxes in the township of Ryan, passed 13 . 4. Housej finally. • Also an act to extend the provisions-Alf an act relinivelo 'committing Mitgistrates of Lebanon, Dauphin, 'Adams and, 'Franklin counties, rap proved the 26th day 4 - rf March, A. D., 1889, kr the counties of Sotherset and Schtiylkill.; Said act requires the Justices to make returns to the - District, Attorney within five days triter:lrear 7 i tbill the liorongh of dhetuan:loall to iwiti E i i_ t_titx not to exceed 10 urills—present tax' 6 mil has passed the Senate. The -Mouse will alio pass it. .1 The bill the Girard Mutual Coal Co mparry to hold and convey certain real estate. in Philadelphia to the Philadelphia Coall Corn-• Imny, passed the Senate, finally. We ticks this Swrause itipertains to certain citizens of-&huyl kill County. , A bill td'ille:Fute the ii(tieriarnititih ;Water And . Gas tiom y has - - been --prtirrented' and plated an the eof the Senate as No.-I*- During the.week the Workin:gments Corn:nit tee, courraitiugeflotin Shaer', T. M. Williams, Carl NiehMan, John T. gIAWN John Foley, Michael Gamy and Richard INlllhumi hive beerrinisy, po.fling their bill for the:better k , tr Meet:Lott of the hadth and lives of miners, anti ifiklialifigithemay. for -.its' Anal passage.. miners very liatteririg. reception which they met with .upon their fipppearance in - Legislative circles they had ho that their billwould pass - through !both oases' as easily as ,la drift car down an incline, but In this they Mate been disappointed. tp to date they have not offered 'the bill prepared by them, which - A.TOrner's bill ifiodifiedramended-and enlarged, tit seem At be holding. off. for cause. - - A .- • •• ro4ttee of Operatbrs turve'sJeo.blitO , look- - hag after the interests, While the .Ho W. W. Wftkesbarre, and Mr. rirmick, Of Honesdale, are on the ground - dilSt the irate is of the Lnzerrie • • • latter gentlemen, we and • • • • have PreVareo, • - rittil differing materially -• thectskePared inasmuchby Turnerinasmuchat favors • the . Interests ofthe•lansicrwners, Jaime, "endCeperatoill over those'of theworlch_ • ' The Committee seem di5....,.,16084,:"NfJP400r equitithlr * partlesWililieboafdared 'ld** the it pinsible: 7-.Tlitinitrr ,ask in their forwarde4-:-wW, in •the probabilities are %bag*" !io ns r tyttl ani! ps, certain Oz.tboae par is entertained by 'Outnty bill of last would meet, all the and exertionsWlll bold it intact, leaf bills suited to - thel The following .1( . Be it respired. ate.,:? eddied our Rey:unseat Melt united and atm reduction of the prom on 1 eon of any other . • The p assa g e ae of excites Comment 1 as it was,lo ittelm Commissioners, it , opposition.. As Bible or, not, depends If, thereby,, the elti peace, , sonuity t f act justifiable; bt.. remain as - theyare, to be deplored. • Wf eccentric Senator' publican in either b The stand he has leyease will lose K•hich rightly bel , district. As the Hart ils "Old Gentletnan" His actions speak The ,Senate4l, gate the manner I has for the last I funds, and whethi ___,r _ j uses of the same, have bee l holding . - aetbigs ,this week, and tatting testimony... :3r-State Treasurer 4Cemble, K. Grath, Moore 04rwin j, .ji.. are on the ground, as are also- Mr..* -4y, the present Treasurer, and Chief. Clerks Taggart and Nicholtion. On Wednesday ev n , Mr: Mackey was exiunined; and came out ' he or deal with flying colors. - ,The testimbny o some 4 of the other gentlemen looked for wi ,inter- - est, not that any one nks that the nth will be evolved, but becaus it affords a subject for b f e comment and wise suggestions. EV ry ono knows thaton Imulary of $l7OO the Ste e' d • Trea surer cannot gro' rich, and yet the. 0 - error states in his message that no man has u elec.= ted State Treasurer who has not become , aalthy. After reading Mr. Mackey's testimon ,we are -at a loss to know how the money is nt.sdo.--cer tainly not from manipulating the State funds. .. -.. Scsicurpi4lLL. - i: (5 tnerat Notices. 1 Mcenls a line first Insertion: each Stibseqn IS centx line; -How Horgan-I. do manluge cheap as they do, we don't know. We col ourselves if we were to try. And so we and all our readers coral. thrimg to Rockhill & Willson's, whenever , way ; and hardly maybody considers a trip fully accomplished., unless a suit from Brown Hall is a part of the purchases.: . Cfnclnnatl it has Just been decided that a wean. an has a perfect right to wan' men'aclothet, es ranch as she pleases. There to no need • for any ineh legal decision as that, anywhere about here,for itockuiLL dc•WrLsort make masculine garments, so delightful. ly adapted to the men , that the ladies, itisaad of wanting to wear them themselves encotlrage the men-folks to buy them, And all the best men here and hereabo °s teepled by womankind in propor tion atetheyi buy or dOn't buy their things of If & Wx , ~ oe. ,' Poivsciu,4 FEsepsur 4,140. .. r M • , Zhe co at Thetpunitity sent by Raiding , Raitiad this :14 week is 42,.'38(tagainSt ,594 tons for t eYforres-. .pOnding Week last y 4;ear. - -'. • The Lehigh Valley sent 47,7 , 31/ agah V . ..L.: 4 :15-1, mid the Lehigh Npvigation co:, Z,'" gainst 18,653 forthe corresponding week last Or. ^ The trade - is dull, and prices rifle 10 , i.utt we have no change t! - -.1 notice in prices N! board vessels'at Philadelphia, brit there wil :lave to. be a decline to meet the prices of the Dtdaware and Hudson-Company at New York. jl4 -" The Dela Ware and Hud4on .CoMpanOtas is -it sued a circular giving the following pVci:s on board vessel at Weehawken, which is vilrylow: Furnace Lump. 'i4 Gil Eg g ' 4;....•.i300, 'teamer Lump 4 ;01 4; + .a 5 411 • Late" 4SO Chestnut a 4 tO 413 , retail; tirate and Egg, tO; Stove, ti 3)g •Ctetn .nttr, S. 75. - .- • . d No „ftirther , ,COnference has .taken te tai tween the Operatoys and miners with Bard to • the basis for 1570.2 t . • WO understand_ that Jolts TUCKER, ~ hits resigned his position as Vice ;?reside 4 of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. ft: have not learned the cause of the resignatiot4 The trade sums np this weetas follihrs:. " 1122 TvirAt.. 1 wBBl/..c, ioi4i . ---.--, Pd. RR R : 28,594. 3:41,1K71 42...,1.) • . 403, L Val IS R ....,. 43,2:i4' MS3,G7V, 47, 780: -44 L "Nev. R R..!.1 wa,:ti " :'MI 7; =sar . art! tierantnn Stli. 21,:Wri 1 , 110,581.. 3X,37'71 ' 121, do ..Ntl. 9,1791 7.1,81:01 .11,7 W. ti, .... Penn R R..,.. - 14,Z5 . • 64,...V.3' /88aga:31 2, pd•IIRR.:., ~,.,1 IVEIk ' . z.) : ". , _.. ...:... 131013 Shamokin 9,113 g, , Pl 2 2,6121 703 Short Mt ..... ..! - - IAI4 2,74191 . Lyketp.' •"- • . .12V, 76.1 td, Wilhamston . 6.1%1 2,80: 10 Uroad T01f...: I ,I 24,143 , • - • 1-- ; lavms 2usoi 1 . ,26 186,242! - , • .:201 l iti orr The in iners are on trike Id the ßegion ,in con , eque . a reductlo the: prier of mini; , :tat of 15 cents which reduredit'friint :,0 to 5.5 rents po few have compromised at En Cents. Con.iequentl. we have no reports Broad Top Region. The Short Moun M any have not-shipped anysoal lids v: tile ROIT.IIT 11. S ' AYRE, E4jl., Engineer a intendent of the Lel 141 i Valley has been appointed- Pit!sident hf the vania and New Ytirk Cgiud and Rail pang. This is a capital appointment. is among onr ablest Enginer;i4 411 . 4 ?tic tent Soperintendents.- COAL TRADe.BY RAILEOUE ASP CO* ; ~ ..-4.....:. . . Th'? quantity Ifni by Railroad and Canal for t lug Tblinday . luil : • . t RAILROAD. — St. Clair ... .... •.. -. ... ; - t 'AM.) Iff , , Puri Carbon.. 4 Mt. Ul ... =Pottsville ' j . ;ZS "1 Haven ...... .. 'Auburn Port Clinton. • ' Total paying -freight Coal fur torripany's.nee..,..:... Total for Week.... . ... Previous') thil year 42.7180 (4! D.T7.04S 04.1 Total . i 09.661 14.• To same Woe last year c .309,9t43 441 1- 94 9113; Increase • d SeprILKILL COUSTT. E&ILROiIiS The. follazi/4 - Lithe qq.,1341.1ty trit,pported tot F ; .• We ek . Mine Tall &S. Iti. R. R - -- - &AM tr.: huylklll.yalley • 1,731 0.1 Mill Creek . • 2,925 O w l Mt. Carbon__ .. : . ..... .... .......... _ ...... .....• IRS 16 Gocid sprtng LEFIIOI c 0.14, TIORE - .711 7 1 11 .; ',,' . . .. .. =---- . - . LLIaGEI VALLEY RAILROAD. . 7 ' 4 • Quantity sent sent by Lehhth Valley Itatir. . Ebt eudny, on Saturday last and Inr the yeah"l Witit i . • : . WyontOM -•• :: ' ! • - 71 . 8 . littzleom - ~. ••• ••, •-- ..... ........ .• ': ....... -•-• i 2.4 . 444 / E. LeLiglt • S - ,` B. Ilemlo. • .. Mahan0v........ ......... -............ ................. •...1 4,6 p Mauch Chunk 1 I fi , Tnial (. 1 . - - 1 iiiiilin Some Mire DI A.!, var ..,,,, . • ...._ • ai..* i Inereast% . • , • 4, 1. 1 ig Decrenese • .....•••,•,- ..... ~i, .. Irl LC)110H COAL AND NAVIOAIIION CO! The fo l lowing is the ndantity of coal trans? * Canal and lialtroad of the Lehigh Coal anti week ending on ,t,turday evening Ina: By &nal ' By liallmad. -The Cosa w4a..l.lerivia From Wyoming Thrzl74 ' Z? nt%'"!' • %gar p. t -liar. nos. Les. L. V. IL &at S. Notch ..... .1 • Totai. . CLIBEILLASD COAL TRW ..' , - • ...: ..- . .• . • • 'Quantity amid trituapOrted over the C Peuttsytruths Bslltdad up to Saturday last : Sant by,Carisr. B. d 0.1 For week..... Furwork-- --For 1801 Z Inc- In lip THE `COAL MAR Pints OR COAL WrICICIT TOJ -rim Km. lied Preiisrvi vi ma do Maginot- W. Aka Lump...—. 4 . 4 '5 Ineanier.---....-L. 4 ' 4 75 Stove....-:..-- ..... ... 4., COO &hurl. RN! 51:9 do fareotnut.."...... 5 Tr 50 W Ash Lump_.... 5 ..... . 5 aid, b 2:, BALTIMOIt • To ibt gild , by eats° or ea; 3004 = Wilkesbane and Vitistai •=l3is Vidley e. Ask. kW %lab or Red . .. Prom nerd or wharf, 50 By retail to George* . Creek abd Costaberia , Ukase Polar, tqf 111051113 - . _ :,Gtortes' Creek t Camtivriand, PRICE OF Lackawanna, Woh - ten-Str! Iliptbirre 4 Lir ru lt 4t ritabethport port and Pt. *tart cents ; Menu:o, PkiL, PsovnrezAt; •. Distr. e ct itit=pasitl. ... Osiodosits - - - 1 - stack 75 pins' iolf 7 a( all liasertloki tii,hell ut dlt't daft t ii4lly da e fflelv, b ! Greut . -1;- tgo. ,s 9,ifTet 110,145 s.btr9 417,4 1 99 9,04 8,857 531146 d .7,981 d CleL4 d 2,31 D d 2,1111 7,1.14 d 24,t19 i.; •ail Top ade in ;er ton, ton. A ter ton. om the n far, Linter. Aupts ,.ailrond, I I. tinsyl- Com- r. Sayre compe- am= EMT 1,02614 f 43 10 3,992 u 3, Z.1.41e4 01` 349 LS.' Mil is:o. .eek : Total. 3 14,617 19 7 16,4t.9 17 %,246 09 J. D,903 16. 3 the Week ECM! 911 317 :16,991 57 81,1112 49,571 .4.42 • by'•the Co., fur ;he TOTAL. *2 , t1,902i *.I TOT ki. 1e. 1. --....- I 1 e t ri'orZA x 1 t •4, tql,9u3 • ?land and Tor 36.!54 1 ,6 144 17 504.511 IEI . . l(3411. 14AT.. 3 . . 0 1 1 ; , •.1 1 t _ , , , 06:41. . .1 4 ! R. 4 4.1 4 75 55 , 4 475 SOD : 4A4 ieb. 4.1570. KtftdDKLAILL Chestnut._ Locust Mt I dti ae do do do • • lit do CI ;.um. itsuio NEW lox Lehlab fer 32,.•.. - • Chestai.- !EEO P ` a 111 Mil _ 6 ..492 71, SO 1 7 --'4. s r. • 'r 60 IA 1 1. - • , OtiPlt" MI OV TRANSOOIII%ThI T tilt. '!” sr as,►aura nassaoaa. • • L. fit. - 11. 1628. • IL' Ch. - "d ' 22.22:22M0 -01 2 2-21 10 1 . 11 To 11.211~81i. - Sit-ti 218 2.18 212 -212 The 210•1118122 1 1:81190:1211 , 8 888 wet mats par 11 andleciaiiiimiqua scrim pot kw . g lirm =Rut& Vetlst ie. J. CFICSSAL amimuns. L V. To ßt. V. it Elikobethrolt. 7 801,199194 41110 R__ 31. J. Oeotrel--• IStatiting & • • • &.Irharting-- •ss .1 - • To Port.Ttiti Own the e.• t ' Ftoto Penn .11oven to x - • •• ••ft & PL Jobason,.—.lr. 49 peta..Abutrtisanb. the -A kkeepers,.ll aestisaint. D ed With inc ne of th ßoo e Coal baslneas, desires n situation. ; Address Ai. U. P. Box Las Ashland. Pa Fab &, 79. : ' - tsAz • REOEII7IIIII ON STORAGE and De l., 'livered to any part of the city of Philade_bpltia,, at reasonable charges, by CHARLZSFE4NBERG. lath btreet and Pe !yank' Avenue. B. A Rockaway Otrriage, in good condition, built, by W. 11. Boger', to carry Per persona, will be sold for Vl5O. elrood coal taken In_payment. • Ad dress as abote. - • Feb, 54.71:1-4-It. 8 , 20(X) ' A ' AR AND EXPENSES TO Agents to sell the celebrated WILSON -SEWING' MACHINES. The best machine •In the World. Ankh ah.te on 060 /Ides. One Machine with out money . . I For thrtherpartienlamaddress • - Feb 5„ nu -3m] N. 9th St.. . MOTIOE—CONLEADEI3 OP GOWEN. POET. XI No. 0. A. R.—You will meet at Post Room. grinds'? morning, at Vta KU ARP, to proceed to Or srlipburg.(by special train), to attend the funeral of comrade FIDLER. Dreas—idark clotheit and white gloves. E t ztiantion Tickets, , • • •••_, CH*R. E. BECK, CoMman • . CI B. LHAS E—AGBICULTUBAL P . F AND HOTEL.—The undendoned Placers .of the ScintYlkill County Park Association will receive proposalslor,a Five YearsrLease of the Hotel and Park. Beni* payable quarterly In advance. Posses- eon even ei# theist clay of . April l 1271. 1. .0.111..J.5D011F, Prest. B..K.unnolun, Feb 4,'70 -; . 4 6-tf NOT/CEL—Notleads hereby-- e ven that I bait purchaSed from James 'I. - Helms, one gray home, one double carriage, twe top buggies, four, sleighs, two sets of single and one set of double har ness, robes, bells and stable tistureNand have loan ed the saine to John D. Martz during my good will' an Feb 6-3tsd pleasure. _ DANIEL AVARNEIt. TAW LE PROPERTY FOR ' BALE ZN V MABANOY CITY.—Two lots on Centre at., —one a eortter lot;—w111 be sold separately or to-. gether. For , partiehlars, apply toloHls T. O'NEAL, Lorberry. Joliet P. 0.. lichayltlll County or JAS. LARKIN. 143 Market at., Pottsville, Pa. Feb. 4, lit,—Z-At'• THE COPARTSMBSECIP heretofore existing' under the firm name of L. C. THOMPSON & CO,. is this day.~ dissolved by mutual consent, H. S. THOMPSON retiring fronithe firm.; The business will be continued at the old stand by L, C, .THOMP SON, where debts will be settled be either of the firm. L. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON. Pottsville, Feb. let, ISM% 21-2t--6-It N - TITE:ORMAREP COVET OF RCHIIYI, / KILL COUNTY.—The undersigned Anditotap, pounted by the Court to distribute the balance In'the hands of Ueorge R. lihoener, Administrator of John Krause, deceased, will meet the parties interested fdr.that purpose. , at.his office in Pottsville. 'on the 24th day c.f February: 1 , 70. at TO o'clock A. M. • • JOHN P. HOBART, Auditor. Feb 5, ' P. 8-3 t DISSOtOTION OF COPARTNEFISHIP.— The copartnerShip-heretofore eisting between Th T. Llewellyn and Levi grifilths, under the flan name of - GriMthif et . Llewellyn,. Bt. Clair, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late - firm Will now be canied on by D. T. Llewellyn, who will Settle all accounts now remaining onset- tied, ; • • • LEVI GRIFFIM.' p. T. LLENVELLI N AL dale, 'Feb 5, ,7,}H.6.8t.i PORT CARBON LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILD BEItRLFA", Proprietor, Whole ale and 'Reiiiii*Dealer in:all kinds of Whit' Hemlock,' Oak and Whit' Pine Lumber, and always has on hand a large f Doom, &Labe..., lllindlg, .. : Moldings, " dow Framet &c. .. . Scrowl Pawing and Surfacing done at abort notice Also, contractor and builder. -1 . •. ' OBPI:LA-NS' COURT 't SALE.—Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of the County of Seituyiktil,qn the CommOnwealth of Panitsvivanta, the sulAerfpe,r, Trustee to make male ofthe Real Es tate of t..leorge H. Brant ner, late of the Borough of Pottsville,An 'the Vardar of Schuylkill,. deceased. I will expose to sale by public vendue. on Saturday the 'Mb day of February next, at le o'clock in the forenoon, at the Exchange Hotel In the Borough of rottscille..itt the. County of Schuylkill aforesaid.--• All that certain lot of ground situate , in the norther- Iy corner of• Third and Cc' dlowhill streets, in the Bo rough of Putte yJfle r p foreaaid, containing in front on, Third atree,t, twenty-ninp (t.V) feet, and exteddlng, along Callowhill street thirty-nine OP)) feel, with the oPPlutoliallees, con.lstlrig of 4 double two story frame dweillug •nouse, occupied as two Seperate dwellings; late the. 'estate of taid deceased: Terms% and conditions the known at the time and place. of sale Is • GiIFARANG. Trustee. By Or r ;of the: rphans' Court, , . CHAS;ofir. - E, Clerk. Potterille, Jon. 17; - OT/CE.-43CHUVIX ILL COUNT Si3.—At ap Orptians' Court held at Pottsville in and for Oft^ [SHAT.] County aforesaid, on 'Monday, the twen tieth day of Deeeinher, 4. D. PO, before the•lion orable, the Judges of the said Court. In the platter of the citation to Louisa Loeser,_ad tnirdstratix of Christopher Loeser, late of the • Bor ough of ,Pottsville; deceased. • On motion of John W. Ityan. Esq., the Court direct as allas!citation Wake to -Louisa Loeser, adtptnls tratrlx erfChristopher Loeser, deceased, to appear at an Orphans' Court, to' he held at . Pottsville, In and for the,Oounty Mare otnnylklll, on 'Monday thelth day of ayrii,A. D. I at to o'clock in the forenoon, to showed re whY at) trtlunett :446104 not be Issued against tor, And t e Court farther direct that the. same be served ; hy publh•ation for three consecutive weeks before the return day thereof, in the "Democratic Standard" and "Miners' Journal," weekly papers, publi s hed at Pottsville, in the County' of Schuylkill. By the Cowl,' • CHAS. McGE.F Clerk. Pub' billed in obedience to an order of Court. P • • GEORGE C. WNIN ROOF, Hikerltr. !illeriirs balm. Pottsville. • . Fet). , oth, WO. 6-It., • , A T STATED . IdrEB.IISIG of golden Rule A held out Monday evening, January al,' Me,' theefolloWing resolutions were unanimously adopted,: ' • ' WItEREAS, It- has pleased Almighty God to re move from our midst our beloved Brother W I ta.lAnit Fay: Past , Chancellor of Golden Rule Lodge, No. 43, K. , p„ who was killed by an aceident on the rail raotl, etitenday rooroirg, the 21th In 3t. • and WHEN. 41, We deem it our duty to - place upon ne cord'odr alfelctionate reuterabrauce of his earneit zeal in!behalf of the Lodge; therefore, Resulted; That while we deplore . the sudden and unexptrted death of our depaed Brother, we recog. nlze Millis the Divine Hand, and how submissive Ty to the will of an All-wise Providence. 'Reserved,. That in this dispensation of Divine Wis dom, the Lodge has lost a worthy member, loid the community - u rmileeted and highly esteemed citizen. Re.ioked,. That we extend to the bereaved widow and friends our sympathies, and exhort them to take cemfort in the hope that he is enjoying the full portioo of a glorious Immortal - Resotred„l hat *copy . of - These reSolu t ions be for warded hothe wide* Of thaAeeeasetkarid!that they be pulafshed th the..".lllzierr4Ourrial" and " Potts ville tinstslard • Feb 5, '7O-G-lt• ,• ACPI& ITTEE appointed at ®ular meeting orTremont Lodge. No. 21., I. 0. (AG. F., held in Tremont, Pa. January :Nth We, to preppy and cause to be published in the Iremont Neseal'" tent' : Journal." and •:Ppttevil e Statidard," resoitt% tions`ex_pypsive 14 condolence and - respect on the IoP death lir: Otrett A. DIXON, resPectfUliy present the following: • Wiltsltals t It ttris-Olettged Almight God in His inti te wisumn, to remove by an early and sudden death front our midst., brother JOSEPH 4. Dusos-; I harerore., Reortrd., That in the death of our much beloved brother„ltie coma; on( ty brialtist a fily - esteemed citlzett,and :toe Tx•dge basebeen dep lleed of one.of int mostseartfty tpiemberA . alft_ealoirpeeted !felt' - his tnanly'rlitte, .Infegry 15 11 t'hinAtr; affeCtlOnate, disposition sintWevot piety,. Reitat.N, 'Mat we Oply syrripathiset with: the afflicted Widow andlelativee of our beloved and la mented brother, and that our:sorrow Is mitigated only hy the conSclottsnesa of the fact that he has gone to that abode of Universal Brotherhood, which is the,Heaven of the good and thejust. Resolved, That a copy of the above be presented to the a - Watt of the deceased and one to the retains, . . • H. , . : • - .Feb.0,1041.1t • • ".. Committee: • Plot No. -It - Piort.*Sektinnd. AUDENRIED, NORTON & Miners and Shippers of 1. FIRST CLASS COAL*- , LOCUST -MOUNTAIN. coal• ' 'Proirour two !ler,c, . fi n 4 celetnste4 6111ertes • ur,utsr i „ . o4.'l, CoL,MAk.TI Yltblettut & Co. cori 09 - cidipSot • . Lonimatitt bOki.: • • •. • Free ttre4t,g Aab ' B3 4 B Plellid Preiarati6.. Comni OolUntr. °Wing, LONG a Co: ' MIDDLE-cat= COLLIEIIT, Cons CoLicar, Prem. • ! • PIIA.IIOKII4 COAL, • . . riOni ENTiRPRIZE COLLTERT, MOS. BADSIGARData, •_ . „ Pres. Loc.= tiotmtaln and Lertietiy, /1111 Q VA lam-Wu ettr4. w r 7 l r tl o! fi c4,4 1 1 . Y _ _ .17 • ft& "Adapt .ineest,' raunevata. • Otiees: oniammer, Nate aL Ilonad,lltnntok,Bestinn. .L . P;ArDENIISIO t 4 CNA& P. rrORTON, souroN; ROST. 6,0 Imo` Tac DITITTITCT COTTBT - o a a tted titstearbr tilt , gaftwa-Dffeelletrefre an list tbr, lUD*. of "SiDeiibel Horan, pt, PotMellte. January 11Sth, A. D. ISM try virtue rot *ODOM)? elven me by the order of the Court of JIM' nail, athi 4i. D. UM I will on . • • - 94TrRarly, .MIRCAR} - 2101."41. - -D. B 170: at. tivcbiek 'in ' tbe 'afternoon, lit the - Repoli's Hattie," in the ' Borough of Auhaud, Schuylkill ootroT_P_lirs , NMlll Whale sale, the follownisplif -ju. , _ ....c.:111.- - . ,, KO. 1. #II these fit :Ma is . plea* sg 0,21 A ~ ,%,,,:aito t drinsutitiadazz .. :oath.4 5 i it i t i, i a 4,strret west fi er y SeventhM i rti tarut eltft by/040f pars. l at i d ots Costalalus lu aunt, onA ta i t atra el l . thiththe . 50 fiet...o4 xtoodlog. of wi indialoll6 Chestnut w t ti, rtaimaaosa. tonstatins 'of a .. vrAth sizao bils,‘,9 l (l ll 1 1 1 ...4.44,1;." - • . ' . . • • - _-_-......_ CTutt 14 GO 1 re FE MEI WM. BUECIILEY 11-6 m. CM Feb. 5. 10-6..3t mow -•• 4 ' '•• • •• •"; ' •, '••• a 123 S I M I rr 184, .111%-vs;C", '-ersiveri: . fliteefetestett •-• . . ~ tee Inn litiggrefientienatift, , ' Oinney. - 1001,' . -10 Me , diVrtells. 11 . 31 . 1 15, 1112. be 413:04 "1 15 .4" 1t P ° N i g , Mar ia tba - • NLi i • •• • t- :. ra ,'- 4 , wireiZr. lll k -45,4 * tr.u.,, , reed to win :" •• - I •, , , gwri p rt `aliHS._ Clitiftukit Or IdingtOn the , ' , t osteihe northwagy: side Ot Centre ' front on mind. entire Street 111 ' and eit *hewn of that Width In length or depth at right sal:. etsa theretwith Wien, libelist their*. enarkteilMetz la in bltoy at - et ott Hi ks: e wfUttrAaew or plan Otelibi lionosigh .. i .. set r b P.: . lr. Sheitemmiesse cone of a two stow Crania hoes= flu as the stroperty of IPA= DNA AISCS-All that Ontain lot or plow of ground, eit.. - Joseeon the atathwardlytelde tof Outgo' street ile_fliet mom& Of Minenrsille,Schaylkill Gounte culw 6 stewing at a stake in the line of and Carbon street.; 75feet eanstardly from Third street, th ence *oath. , wardie and parallel with Third etreetnfeet.-r a lot now or late 'of Aeries Satage, thence eal along the line of said lot of Jetties Savage and lot of -t--.-- Sutton. parallel with Cilbongreet 'at feet: tbencznuttinostle , Sod parallel wlth'ehird street, along the line of 101 now or late of Thoreau Coach to Carbon street. till:um , wetreardlywlOnit afrbea street. 20 feet to the . Wile -of begianingi In front on Bald Carbon street 70 feet, and is or depth 75 feet, with the impute .„,„"Az?stort ile illulle dwelling_ houseVrittone base- m.e.„ _ ~t....1' as pnoperty - efWILLIAM.T. IfEtosell. ,• - ofelo-All that certain lot or pleee.of group sit-. line in. the „Borough of Moult °What. Bell_ hill, County, bounded northwardly v h7 'snafu w z Carter, eastwardli by lot of' Edward' Hamilton: . southward' yby Matn,nreet and weetwardee by lot of Edward. ton, , egaitaltslaie in width 3EI Wet, more or Rea and. its depth 250 ilt, more or leas, with • the y :surtenances emanating of a 3 - Story stone dwe house sada frame stable; *as,the property • of MI SHAW. • • ' ' ALSO-Iltillhat certain lot or piece of ground. sit nate in the lehrough of Idahanoy City, Schuy l k ill County, on, the southeast career( eentre and B streets, and being- lot No, _I. RI block 92 on the map: or pi on of said Borough , bounded northwardlY Centre street .eanwtodly •by lot No, '2; in m or e southwardlyhrter street., and westwardly by mann I : street, n width 25 feet, antl !adept!' 125 dameith the appurtenances, consisting of a 2-atory ' taveraand dwellitihouse and ailmestable ; as the property of WILLI AM MULHALL, withnos nee to THOMAS MULHALI: and WILLIAM MW . HALL, Jr., terre tenants. , • ' ••, 1 i: ' ALSO-Allihat certain lot or piece of greed, aft-. nate hi the town of Donaldson, Fishes; ToWnship,. Schuylkill County, boa ntledsorthwardle by: Centro street eastwardly by lot of John Graver,aouthwar& ly by list of Ihrt'ld C. Smith, and westwardly by lot of David Krone, containing In width .1), feet, and in ' , depth 71 feet, more or less, with the ; appurtenances,' cousisti ug ot n double 2-story frame dwelling home; with atone basement ; as the property of SAMUEL K. RICISLNOP.R. , . i , , , A 1.130:-All that certitin lot or Piece of ground, slt 'ate In the Borough uf Cressona, ftehUyiki.o CoontY:i• bounded northward's' by Railroad street, eastward- ly by lot of, Jacob Shoemaker, sonthwerdly by lot of Levi Artz ; and westwardly by land of Use Mine HMI and schuylkill Halve Railroad Company, Centalmt ing In width, SO feet, .and - In depth O feet,. more or less, with the appurtenances censisting of a 2-story, frame Tavern-and dwelling housed with a one-story' , frame kitchen attached; es the property, of JOSEPEI BOTH WELL - ALSO-All thee certain lot or piece of ground; alt= sate in the Borough 'of Mount Carbon, Schuylkill County, bounded northwardly by Main street east:- waxdly by lot of-John Gillespie, acathwartilf by landet Waßer Lawton, and westwardly : by ot, of Pan' Gillespie, containing 01 width 33 feet, more or less, and in Aleph% 2 . 50 We l, nrere or leits, with the appurtenances eonsinlng di a 114-Vory frame dAreP; ling hose with stone basement; es the property of EDWARD eiILEEN. ' • .. • ALSO-All.that certain lot or piece of ground, sit uate In - Meclutnieseille in the ;Borough of Port Cur; bon, egehnylkill County, bounded uorth - wardly by Port Carbon - Read, eastwardly by land of &fors!, Olteagen, Southasinly and westwardly by land of George Lauer; containing in width 10 feet, more,er , less, and in-depth lei feet, more on less, with the tip purtenances consisting of a2-story frame dwelling' houee; as the property- of JACOB CARTWRIGHT, ALSO-All that certain lot or piece' of ground, sit ante in the Borough of Mahanoy City, Schuylkill County, bounded northwardly by Simms' Street; • eastwardly westwardly . it, smith wormy by._ Maple street, and by lot No. 0, ermtaining ie . width.2s feet, and in depth 15 feet, and being lot - No, '. 7, in block 'al on the map or plan of said 13orongh, • with the appartenanet a consisting of a 1 1 ,4-storY frame dwelling halm; as the property cif ERNEST • USE LENUART AND ISAAC LLNHART. A.ll4o—All the right, title and interest of Henry; D. I.Tren, of, in and .to all that certain lot or piece of; ground, situate In llnbleyville, Blythe Township,; Schuylkill County, bounded northwanify by a lat feet wide alley, eastwardly by lot of John Bretz,: soutlswardly by a public road, awl westWardly by lot of David Davis, containing in width Pat feet, and In depth feet, more or less, with the appurtenan ces consisting of a 2K-story brick Tavern and dwel ling house with stone basement, a (mine stable and • frame shed; as the property of EN RV UItEN. ALSO—AII that certain lot or piece of ground. sit-. uate on the north aide of Market street; in the BO rough of Pottsville, Schuylkill -(.`ottnty, ,bounded, northwardly by ,Lvem street, east wardly by Eighth street:: southwardly by Market street ; anti west-, wardly try Lot* belcinging to the estate of Lewis Reeser, deceased, containing In width- ,feel, and, in depth, ISO feet 'more ap leas, with the appurtenances consisting of a 11 story, brick , dwelling house with a 1,-story frame kitchen at:i tlehed; and a 1%-story frame building foTmerlt used; as a mineral water manufactory, a frame stable and. a frame shed; as the property , of FERDINAND RAUTER. • A1..50----4 1 ‘0. I.—All that •rertalnl'lnt or piece of ground, situate In the town of Foulkt on, Butler town-, ship, Schuylkill COunty, bounded northwardly by Parker street, eaStwardly by lot of Willitint 'Mans, southwardly by a 20 feet wide alley, and- west wardly by swim:ll_lot, containing In width St) feet and In depth 1,59 feet; and being part of tot No. 9 in block 19, In P. W. Sheafer's map , or plan of sale town , with-PIO /4PPUrtgnances couslitlmr a 25t0.16 frame !dote and dwelling house, with al srdryframe kitchen attached. ' . No. 2.—A1l that certain lot or piece of grouraf ate on the.eorner of 7th and Main streets, In the town of Relfenatein, Eldred township, Seheylk , County, marked on the map of said town with the- No. I in block 75, containing In front - on Main street 30 feet, and extending of that width In length or depth 15'1 feet So an.eley ; as the prop,aly of JOIIN DOOLEY.' that, main lot or piece of ground; sit uate In the Borough of Ashland:Schuylkill' Connty,, bounded tiorthwarilly by Middle street, castwardlyi by iot. afwillistui Crosser, bouthwardly • by - , Waltod, street and weidlriartlly by tut .:l !Lonna Oroark., containing in width Z 3 •feet, and iu depth 100 feet, more or less, wlth ' the appurtenances, . consisting of. a double 2Story frame dwelling how:e., with stone, baSement, and a. frame stable; as, the propertyloi FRANK NOCTIN. ' -.- , ALSO-.. , N0. I.—All those 2 certain lots or pieces Of ground, Marked and numbered with thc - Zica, 11 di 12, on the. ping of lauding lots 'in the Borough pf Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill County ; beginning at the southeast corner of lot No. 10, thence ulong•the • west side of Dock 'street , south 44.:: degrees east 40 feet, theneesouth 2d degrees 25 minuteseast 150 feet, thence south 65 degrees 35 minutes west 64 feet, thence north 21 i _ degrees' w i att; tri - reef to lite south l ine Of lot No. 14,. thence -along said south line south 40,..,', degrees west 74 fedi t.% 'a In Bet wide alley, thence alohg said alley parallel to Dock street north 4 . 1% degrtlel west 40 - feet to - int . No. - la, - Ilience. along line hetwesh lots Nos. Wand 11 north 46: 1 4 , ' tle-i grees east 11l feet to the . place Or_begiiirn_,- ffith the appurtenn ucp; Cooslstini or 41: tdti;,/ aril grist, millorlth stellhhasteferit, and brick, engine house.. attached, 3 pairs of burr stones, 1 pair of elloptalta, a -40 horse powerateam engine with 3 boilers, and all. other machinery, fixtures, &e., connected ; With said No. 2.-411 the right, title h and int ?.ieSt of William IL Seyfert of, In and to all those i certain lots of ground, situate in the borough of Keliuyiklll Havon Schuylkill County, hounded ertynortbwer . l4 - 14. - ptfiti . of Wm. IL flesferi, and Isgaelstir f."l - I;eastWar • ; iv by _Too& street abuthwardly by other property of Wm. FL Serfe,iLaint westwardly by :an alley', •con taluing lu width ;n0 feet; more or less and in. depth 140 feet Morn hrless, With the appurtenances, con. slating of a free m stable and a 1 story frame oftjes..."• I No. 3..-..411 the right, title and Int2rigitgni'Valltlons i H. Seyfert or, in ar tq allthat Ic , 6ltain lot Of plceo of ground, situate n the bortough Of Schtt'slkill Ha ven, Sehdylkilt-C ttutf,-hOututed 'northward's by lot of James •Hirkpatrlclq . eastwardly by' Dock street, southwartii,r hy Other preperly of Win. IL rleyfert, and westwardly by.' an. alley; mmialning 11l width 25 feet t inore Or less enrrirrtleutli - 1W refit • More Or I r . Illih the gritillardhhtiCes, Raistirlau o f a 3 story mule welling' house, with a 2 story frame - back hut ding a led and a train! stable, , No. 4.—A1l tlie rig t, title, awl Interest of William H. Seyfert of, in an to alk.that certain' lot or piece ;of ground, situate In the BOrough of Schuylkill lia sen, Schuylkill County, boundedsoathwardly by ' lot belonging tO the estate of Henry .Slioenudcer; deeenged, northtrardly by lot of Satiny' and Sttadt ding eastwardly b al6 feet Wide alley . tr west- , wardi .• Dock, street, contaluing la il.ldt en f ee t , e or lesq, Casd its eaptif Z.V - teet a lroire of leki, irini o n eppertemmeew conflating' 'of' a 3-story brick dtelling, house, with. a .2.-story frame kitchen at- • tached, and airtime stable. • ... • .. Na a.—All the right, title and interest rif William FL Seyfert, of, In and to all theft:3 Certain %hi Or pieces of ground, actuate in the"BOloalgh•OT FichuY II killliasea Sehuylit Illibutrty;bohndedmarthwa r aty by lot of Nicholas tea, eastwardly by a 10 feetAride alley; strathtVartily by lot belonging to -the estate ut, Henry 0, Robinson,illeceseted and westwardly by pool[ Street eothailiing • tro width LT feet niore or, lees, and in depth-Yee feet,. more or less; as the' prop , erty of WILUAMILdIEYFEHT:: ,-- . •-• --A LI3O-:-Allthateertain lot -.... -, , ..4 ',J i b : o Int 'situ ate In the Borough of A thl,mil, .firit , I Minty. boun "4 :daJttviwitr..o2,.34„mult t; eastwardly by 11 nth treitouittwardty lryChestntttatreet.and -w byibteselohging fOthe,Wvlsli Evangel cej c/Turch - otAlMltakiLlartMil . ~. M Width.% ) M . rt andin*deptkloo feet 1 ,,,, x ", to ortunences, con e 8,84, 4 4, . 2-stor h ek ' we . house ; I us the -lA' .Y. R ,g 4 INl4'il -•- , ~ .4(:). 1 that certain lot ar piece of grotinu, sit da-tein the Ugh of Ashland. Schuylkill Colinty, bounded northwardly by Chestnut Street,' eases - raft by lot of Georte t ßeittl soutliwardly by gentle street: and westward by lot oft Joseph:Ackermati;, con taining In widt ti, feet' and In depth "EIS feet. vtth The appurtenances consisting of II 3 •5 1 0-7 fratteUT' ern and dwelling hfo_s,, , wlrlt ehme-Ist N ement, an d frame stallle, ; as flier, — i y 0f..101 11.-SCHEII- *fittl. -' Tr .' . --' •'. " :* :' . .'• ' • '.. ' • ' ' O 'iALSO—AII that certain lot or piece, Ofgronr Pi sati ate in tale rs e Borough Of Mlneville.tichnyn ty, Rs., commencing at thenorth‘r2M crow tout and liken streets ,14 the 90115130,152414 - Plentle north. wardly along FroLlysWel;lcOleet to Carbon street, thot t es ikkatrAMly :dung Carbon street 100 tee 4 thence southwartily In a line parallel • with Front street, 150 feet to Railroad street, thence east-. wardly along said street 130 feet to the place of be ginning, being the same prennige which Daniel R. • Bennett and others- conveyed to Wrens G. Renner by deed dated Nov. Nah, Isla,: subject to tios, coal; mineral and other ressrvOn contained tel wild -- deed, aptith•ake i jnijortillialeettspeoitsirting ciao, two ;l•GrY U lll / 0 . 111 . M Muse: with itttone basement, arid a I•story_ _drams office- as theanwitty of MAR GI; 0. HEILNK.II,__AndIIARBARA A. TAY It; a YndjCS4EPU F4TA LOR, turfrtetieftt . • ' " 1 44.4-4411 that r ln litgt Pli piree el Mud sittuite in the ttylvtibetig A 0 1%7; Mie county of titch yi bed as follows, to n it • ieng' V t a sVniecornerof the John Kli rt w t . of land hereinafter . and the land of the .Forest Improvement , Lbmpeny, thence 43 orth 88 degree! east perebeste a stone, thence north 43 degrees east WO - pert-hes to a stone, thence nerth - 45 degrees west 19S.and twOdenths 018 mirth to trestles; thence South 70 OT NO a ROM* lb glo p es. and a V ti, =Cie '5044444,60 .degn*, west ,92 g ; • enne nath ST degrees' West 81 to a ye plittetees,fhirneesouth 77degrees . west 19 perches ton stone corner, theme .south 8134 .decreeteweet z Ved td a stns, thence sown is degrees, east ((si des to a stone, thence Atoutf t 84%degreas west, I=lllx-tenths perchetioa Mons; thence touthpreas easl4 7 Peretitf, ;9, tiq c ,VOß; north 111)4 d east 0 1 W l = trazi thence south )lys ee .to g tin oak` thence harth ud gnat lie a mitemaniersount *lit :Orehes to 11.stAticd; sitretelL.w 451 1 Perehes l tc....., I qua seat aereee.esst perches to a stone, ee north degrees east.%) perches to e stone, thence south ft, le i east 21 perches to i stone, thencefort h 71 , east finSperches 'to sated:Le, and piece of beg n ; containing 0 79; acres and Me lierchettbe the same moreor lass._ , e said tract or niece .er land *WM OeSeri t 2 ve ~ composed of 6 tracts lace citett i nWr a* John Kll7r o nt r.. 11- kan-Milyy MI etrelora. Onthri - st; Michael J. MOO ant WOnah tracts- -, r - , • -sled alfts—All that certain tract or piece of land situate In th townshipnt Foster. In the , county' of Schuylkill, d, Wended entritescribed ssA 1011:1111141nintrig at+ r gdgessear ths Nii: , isrthenear - I 0-- - ... o Se J ._,.--- - - -- - i l fit :0444- 4 • - *" • „sentripmetme- - EImsyLVAINT . - : - OE ' . ' ' winliSltdrd -I ° 3 4 l idet st:',;=. II IX. - Ho lhettet . Neesket lyeltliMetik -Abe ll. XII at Rehm - %Pee Wei Mut . add - 4... Padua ' br deed: . • dekt• the - - 0 , 4 4 -de r , .4 , lnee. - A. ;ki. *Mk' -to eier.;_. _ , sera_ - ted and emsto the efted-Berth W. 6 his bean sed.all=kr IlUid/%: m!, mid ttl that oddtakdedle the deed _=lott. . .re.' WriAt the add and zeifeao Lis t in g hl Oeth W. (ken ldth , ' llPTlltheeptteeetle-, •didue twee =Me hod thlrms: . 1 Xtdee, razewm. 'with el=eh .. ...."% sine U 'lra; tV=ferillkolt% lea•Pl ' - 2**lte et frialeallner' , 47lA thttroperty' , Th r hetetd snit t i lialeie eseis!etliNaL_eisd , ;int ');‘ • pio - iia . by-, . . . .1k GEORGE U. , WlralcolleiXhttift , ditkir,,rottetUk..ifeh kilt . .11141,. . ~~ AriMMZPOItT c gMHIPprA:NeSti 'Cio37eAli RELIZER ilfreounl neck i- , Aan. Ba.birtee lia„tuindit corFT:oititstimet; per Auditors 4 •-- 131 03 „Marlin klusetnr.,: coal, &year% • • - CO 00 Fob. 'T George Beruilriirei; West.' • • • .? Jilmt Bry K. PS " 11' C. T l Tr i ttrici t s stray bnll, • .t"' • .--_— " 21' John - Leib. - West ,llrons- • meta. Bounty money ' ref.-, IX - Evert, brhlitelnol.- . • ber. -. • • .• :;5 OD .21).' Morgan Reed, .4 44.1 . • 2! Jamb - Chrbstroao,. it - Ards - • .. i • feos refunded' '! .• %ft ; nkt23. . I . 4l ...Leinin,plotal&hohnor I. AO &St W. G. Morris, pistol, hot- •;-.; _.• atalhandeuffao '•• ' 13: _ 18,000 00, Aug. 3T. E. Benstnnor.'llB.l l deoffr 300 . " 14, Henry Hoese. , ,ixdiea star, 250 V.o. , John Hatton, 918t01 rut& holster.: • 1 0 5 ' • .Z .X.C, Kreiger, plgol ' oral • • h6lSter, • 10 F."), • 'Pep - 2 ( : ‘4"nt. Sullivan; old stOre. - .II o.k • Oci 10 E Fred Fitaer. stray' cattle, 'lO au '• 17 ; Pet. Jt.a.wnga, old storeA; l 19 .1.14 r 8 , I9aae Wrird,hlte Treas.; 1,81- ~ • nnoe In Aril, 11856,: .213 Oa `.1.,.`.• Dec. "O . 'yule ttnin, old mtoces; ;,p • ••• • tt ceo. C. Wynkoop. Sheriff, - . tines and 31 •; Bernard Gltutz, old store, .10 04 . -: •• ' I'. Little, South. Ward. . .. -.. Pottsville, Milt:dr refund. EA: , Cu • (1. C. Wynkoon, to,•heriti; • , • • 0341, ; • 00 • • 31 Coursid•Fieltpr, Treasurer, coal, •21., llu 3: commis.doners deeds 3, Sundry pemonsi, cdmi4. rn nn .Redeptioni, .1.- Sundry porsous,Trensureei • Redemptions, • 3.. Sundry persuth.'. taicesz.'6n - Rented 'crud uneated laiid for 16tel, - , ; , • 1,411 2 ••• I:aac Ward, Warden, manuiltet or ed goods sold,Tilsbil lees, d,..e„ • I neceired of eatledors:6f (barely nsres Nent: M. 'WllsOn Bin itt. fall for .Iss q; 'Jas. O'Hara, Blythe, In Inn 1,54, 2st Jacob Oerher t Mahanoy, -do: do . 117 4S. 3 Dan. Blxler, Franey . do , - 'llO Jnbn getter, Ca' 4, do . • -f.N Benj. belong, N..3lanbeira d i 'l.§A Lev Pinkerton, Itellly, - . Thomas liollaud, IteIlly; do 1064, R 2 70 William , pevltt; ANhland, do do :,(2 95 C. R.: 51CorinIey; Ashland, account 1585, , „„ • - 143%, Anthohi .Aland. In full '5-_95 Geo. NV. Ebrite, Auburn,) do 92 21' William Hochi. Barry, , ,do 415 Michael Whalen, Blythe; • do 347 to ~ Thotna4 Flattery, hnisteb, 'do 101, MiehaellSweeney - , Butlers -1,4 1 e 32 - John' O'Brian, liass, •1 , • do ,2,916 48 - J. B. tforrntan, Cressona; do 219 79 lienjainin Sk^hlohig, Eldred ;' do 319 lit Daniel -Farrell, Franey, do - - 1,349 , John Bliappel, North Marine lm ilo 474 14 Daniel.ifelm;'hotith, do! do 844 4.0 'John 43)ehlin,•Maharins-`, '.• do 1,475 62 Franelii Roth,. Muhanoy Clty = y do 519 83 Pleree'Cummlng, Mt. Carbon, do 0.1 78 J. IL .11atirer, Mainttongo, : do 601 lcd° MinerAvllle do • 115 12 Richard llollihau, Middleporit, do ,6 40 Fratieti Melioon, Nl* Castle, do .. 27440 John Ilanngy, Norwegian, do 1,71,1 30 .John F...Selidefer, Orivia , burg, . 180 15 ECockinen,°llnegrove bor.,do .” 417 11 Win, Dieffenliach, Vinegr•iwl, do 1181 8.1 Edwanj 1 , ". - Wiest, Porter, ", do 929 '23 Robinhold, Port Clinton, do 110 74 41 pato•Alto„ do 2,1504 1011 n ChreY, rOrt Carbon, 3 do 123 15 Win. Ehlers, pottsville, ‘l,-. N. . ' Ido. 1,910 29' Daniel Farrell. do " 67 , 08 .1). D. Maisersnith,„ 1tM.14, • ! 410 1,31,4 64 Peter MeCtee, 1 lin, . 'do .1,216 95' Edward van, 1 du 1" 79 Tierpty, Shenandoah ty , mstas Slatterty huyuall, 'do 1,376 38 John Betz, Mt. Clair, . 'do • 967 81 Franel9 Farrell,' Tremont 114)„, do 360 00 James Bret:slim Tremont bor., do ' 615 45 John O'Brhui, Tamaqua, ,'• - do 61 Jaeob.Eisenhaner,, Union, do 1,144 78 Silas IT. Hufnagle, East litdolo • oiei 79 Henry Xi - ll:win North Union, o, - -434290 ~ Daniel Wavnr, • o 2.'N. 57 'Cleorgelilaitiedok„ Wasblngtim; do • ' 3tti Thos Zlinmernum, West remi t ., Kt! 92 Ferdinand Kret.:‘,4 Yorkville, do 6,,,1,g7 I ..t, - , 1 , 44 • '. , . , ntlwar Lally, A shland, lu rut!,' 6,2 4 .3 96 111 - ,nry. iFail, Aubb,rin. account, 471 50 JosephHoemer, Barry, . do • 1,,:r22 00 • ' . • NI iehael Whalen, 'Blythe, ..r - . do 1;133 430 I Thomati Flattery, Branch,' do - 1,683 00 • • Michael Sweeney, Buller, •in hill, 7,938 68 J: D. Ftldirici, East lininswlir, acct 1,131 00' . , 'Duch: Moser, West Drunswin, do 3,030 (10 John ().'Brian, etts;), , outw10 1 1:1 : ,,^1,. 2.107 54 J. B. libtiluaq 0r....a^ - sour,', in run: , 2,016 4'.0 ' ' D. If. Flaw; Lfdred, - • -pit aeecnittli 1.225 di . • •' Dante! Farrell, Fralley,- ' . do . 2,17472 John Kerby, Foster. • - ~ (14 1 ,4,41 01). - N: D. Yoder; iltuVris I do 1 1 ,700. Co . Joel B:oltrierilide4r. k1014,"i (I'4 . ._ 810 00 . ' . Ileinbehropi h Notth-lanhelmdo 2,7(3 00 .. Levl en nlip ~, SoittliManhel tit do - 1,6.1 37 • . ' John Cochlln, Mahanoy, In full, 13,190 , 92 ' Francis Roth, Mahanor City/mace t (387 50 ' --•-; pierce Cummingw,•Mt; Cartxm, , do . 230 - 00 - Aaron , lll Knorr, Mahantor4o, do 500 04 Michael O'Neil, Minersvllle,i tsdl,l 4,10 di) • ' : Seb.Restenbach,Mlddloport, in full 402 59 .' M; Whale)4,...'l.T.l%lTade/pllla,bn slcci 130 00 ! : • Frithela Mmeon, New Ca.stle lnicill 2,737 99_ .._ '. James 'Marra, Norweiidan; on aee'V2,*24 05 Thos. 3fooney,'Ealt Norwegian, d0..i,819 71 ' . i • • Henry Krebs, °Twinsburg', to In% 1, .)il M ; ,• Wm. Fefer, Pineigrovo lion, I do Ina 91 (1. W. NI enerieh' rifiegred•elp. nee' et,737 07 'r Ed F. I:niesi;Porter:. • do . - Sri 00 ; Iltram Ttolithhold; P.Cllntoll tn. full 580 80. • •• John linrrts,lttilo A. 8.), nn account, '1,704 (1,1 'Samuel Snydef, Port Onrbon, d i ':'fill o 5 ..' . Peter Famott ‘Rottstillry, . , • 15= tr Thotrialltet- a • Wily, • CI 3,0017.1 .. - Josenti7.lrrer rig i, . , o' : 2,1X0 0) • us I I Petet• celee,• n, : .do.: 1,508 0) • . ..: • EdwardMe*, R, au, - " ' • do. - , 50 0* • ' A. Devitt, shenato k ah City. do /. 51 `.! -; - 13. McGee!, ,v Sehu qkill - Havezi, do 3;200 47 Stephen Ringer, uy.11111; in fa 11,4214 3O - 'John Stholly, St4Clair, on account, l iti7 Op I. P. Beelitel, Tremont, hnr• di. . 1 : 100 0 0 . '• • Franell Farrell ,Z' 0 . 41 46 , to fuU 1,11 0/ j• tohn yri l a c k a Ttnlo.4lla, on Recount 4,000 00 sral Pp atE c Unlon. ~ do 650 uu ohn 1) 0141, . se Union, • In full, 1,147 17 .• . 2 Men, 'Wilson, Notth Union, 0n aft' t 600 01 I John latch, Wayne, • do 2,Faiou . . 1 - Dan Ken ixterlldg.Washirzl antic - 1,150 00 - D. A. Gerber. 1 , 7 40 0 4 vs:el4. i'*oti, • do. a - jillinUtivibellint, IcoroA , llll3, in inll 556 its _ • • : .—..-. -121,1 A 81 I ? 7. boTTNP-ii4i'Vratly wiPAux)ttn?" i Si al • Jacob tilinl . ar, In full 311 5 Jolt!! Mananny, • • On acc't 4 Ott ' . . Jacob Garber, llabstioy, hi full .272 . 'Daniel Staler, trail', t do 00 James O'Hara, Blythe, .44n r4eel n 414 Joha:Kelly, Cilq•4, • • to 4:= 41 • - , . , .. 1.211 ~ __ ,X 1211.144 Pnx,Taio....ito, ' - On dee r .. ;• -:- !-- - 1•418•• . . .• Anthony Lally, Ashland;, r• .iri .401 131 ...4 Geo. W. F.brite,- Auburn, • I .da • .lbCt -' • Wra.•ffoch, Barry, . . ' ;• 35 u • •31Iehael 'V% hal , xt, illytte .1... /10 . .0 k Thomas•Flattar,- rancli, ~ do Michael Sweeney,•Butler, ! I. . to 71 . • 'Him.•itliirt K. irger,Bruns 'g du John O'Brian, C•ass - . •• 'do 27 Si) ; Jacob B. iloittnen, it, do - 34 ii . . • Benl:Setilotag, Eldred" . - /40 74 •13. • ' • !Daniel Farrel, I•rally, ,• - -. 1(1 ' ~ At Hiram Moyer, Foster; . • /101 .4,,,, ' 3 pa. ,', :. • John Shappel, 4.- hiliubc•oo. , 9(4) 1. 1 , , , sr, fry ~ .. Franclelle44,-MabAIWN b -_ er.. , do ' _. -- 4 2 •' 4 7 - - dal= Cbehlin, Mitn.V tn., cki ' - • 9074:1 = ••, • pierce4-.4lrigs, 3 t•carWt,‘W • • . - 1 44 , John ID Maurer, 31 ra. 010 , . ..:• •tri I'd • • A Mich. , (Fri,. Min Q,- ~61 68 •.; ' Richard oltran, MI. epl, do . ' 10 Si ' • , iralleloNew Castle. do 13) W.l • : .. fps err E. Norweg'n, do - . 714 John Banns', !Norwegian, ,• do 12 80 John Ft Schaefer, Orwigslairg,do.,• ,33 33 - .. I,..Hatkinan, - Pinegrove 110., do • 44 sl• • W.'Diefferthabk,._Plnegr've;tp do Si 98 ..' • Edw. F , ,, 7Wiest, Porter, •!, 010 •-' 17.2 C •• . , A..8. - Ilobinhold, Pt. Clinten, do .; • 1.94 c • ~.. -... C.T.•lidony; Pale../434 ,- ....„, - ; ,;! / , 37. at -. •. : John Carer rkt , (.a o ' .' • 0 •". 4/29 ." • • ,Ipeler . qdll., puttsville, - ; ` fir. „ ,,,,,r.„.7z, . . Wm; ler,; Pottsville, • ,', • ' de • ••.- • 14,6 ..v .. • .. •• Daniel "arrel,;Relllv. . ! 4% . 4„ •; D.,14. biewsorsimith; hush ,'; ' (VI , •..), fi • Peter McGee - /Kok' •:• .. 4 4 ' 24 4.3 E A .llg ri ,N,Vl,rx 1,,5,m, . , :•• • ,u 0 , • 1::S1 , . 4 m . ex , , enand•ti city do it toU EZ Kilroy, .hay 1. Maven, 'do 85 58 '- • J. J. Slattery, Schuylkill, 1, - . 42 Si ' John Betz, St: Clair; .: k • !tip 57 73, Francis' FarreLTrement tp., :do . :-. 14 65, •. • Jas. Bre4slin, Trembnt lle.c„ - do '- , +4 51- : '-, • JOhn O'Brien, Dimarine, l ,do " =33 ' , .... ___.• ..... (Talx.e names. to which 11* mark - in attached are Jac, Eisenhauer, Union tp:, do •.- id 4y3 • .. mitres 11.•11ufnagle, E.',ll:tr.lQA.6, de - 'V.! il' • , hereafter tob,e• left o.lli of the lists' for ..the reasons Henry**. ,lic•--,, N. Bi• itecoV, , rb-d4y. • 3/1g,74 given in the. tollowlrtg latter . The arachnids given Denleiltdedit •o ; Wayne, ' ~. ; larr . 110 35 ~ • are nits .Ineluded in the summing up :. • ~ .w. itperieoole;Weithington',434o ' . ta7 75 -• •• • • i' 11),FFicd. of rat. Co ..gB4lT,Oontasstentlik, . •:T.Thinnerrnat West Penn, • i(1/6, • . T i (Sel ' • , . , ~ - . . Pottsville, Jau..o, 1.370. Fend. Krebs', Tortv 111 0:1 4 N '' / (i(3, • . - 1111 ' •To kr.-Eiltrard Bradley,. Cbueep_Prersurer : • •••• •,• - •• " ''- • -•- . 4 , 0;1 61-* DEAR Nnt.:-.410 accounts of.Thomtis Allison, 'vat, • : . iteg . l. s --. entine i iiavidge; James Blew, Aaron _lsixtokno and ;en %11 3 tfr,e 3 lilia. i n I tIlr iii .i c ! i ci . f d ri o ll, ' 1y:11. ,.. , ~- : : k al i . . c ,,,,,,, , ,,, i t x ! t c l a c t p . s .. ee i tri nneollefirWt mo been llicedLio Will yeg r er, Pinegrove, .. -do; 48 79 „.,_, ' - '` our•f4tnei 1 2 : tterney, .11.440.=, and has been mt- Anthony Lay; Ashland, ..: do . ID"'9O - ; - - , ' tied by !dm - antis therefore uneollectable as to Stephen Rtnor, Schuylkill tp, do .44 Ma..Pi- . , pi n i ii m o dr•••••••L•-•- , ••• . .. _ • John Mewl, East lJnion, ,'' do so mr,,2>_:.! - As to Ernst igleinert, onr former' Attorney Mr. - Henry, Krebs, ,G_lntlitabllnti • • V t . : • t lirlr• - ~ • John_laannan..ll . 4 settledwithtlni, anffhas satisfied. J. B. Hoffman. - Cressonn. • : • i' , ,: et;,'-- ''' and illshatgea atm judgment against tam; and Wv• Set,. Nestenta,,za, Miffileport,l do' s _' 8. 5t. , '; ,. .. ' . , can -uo longer collect any from Mr. Eleinert dr. his )11:41461Poieetsey - , Butler tp.' ~ do 73 C•f . .,,, , .. . eatige: . •• ; ... ' Jrilitilleheibeibut Yorkville, ..; do - 947 •;' 1 "- . As to 31Ichdel Fox, the late - Sheriff M. /toren has Fmncls McKeen, New Castle, -do .41 61 , - " • collected on an execution 1 1 159 1 1 11111. IbX tis.eighteen • Francts. Farrell, Tremonti :- do 711, ,- ' ", dollar/rand tat tdiyclueie - st oeitiA, •tehich. with pay . , . . . , -. . _ • ~ „, •.:,,, -----'' - 691 'r -q /11 . 9 T 4 41/kee made 09. 49 4:1 104310 pay hls. account • . • in it 11, rind we have as Vann against Mr. Fox.. . . . - cbc.r:o - , 0n ;o9u( 0 84(.4 1 04. - . "." - ; -'' deem - these ettennlidences the Commissileners i • - .4' T. Ac k iland,Sei ll y • , VI cog k.,v r . - •ix 70 deem „It impropetrimd a nnul any to carry the se ,. i - • 19 0 5.. /. - - .. -; -.„ , counts of tnese Colkdtoreoa. the, balance sheet any Togia *Maud, Mt. Carbedi . • '.- ~( ' 211 t 23 - • longer, and they authortterutotredlt these several swEp o les,, caps; -on 14'6ebnar. %sabre ,: - ~;,- Collectors' with the amounts still due orithet.4. _se- Ater ;Tititootrt. 1. , in tall; , 327 03, - ' • -; • IsPeetlve gaecount , 91041 to trod 411099 - 1 W 0641 ? MIT ;1111,1judi Z ,Id taug,l ~. , do . 684, 74 ,- :- ;":, balanced and paid.. ...- - ..:PATIttc.o,lOOa.94ER„ tyweu agatireort ' ' '• • .59 fie '., ,:• , = *W.I. - EVERT, • - T. Peg:arts, its, City, on , cent 1,344 et ~...., ;1 , - • „_. . •.- .. _ , , -• . 7,.., , -. r •,: ' - . eclml3/ -.... 9191 . 911 . Yl.* * • Ni e l Devitt,: Mahanoy, tp. :, do -1,67 90 -; • ;.. •1' !-• .-- ./-_,..,..- - ~,.., b :0 - 44b c o ra . c. is ounts , iv i i , ~ ~ • ;. " ; . . I- . , __.._._..., gl ar y; l . . . -418(yrnerr -..•0y/ N . . . ' . -_. AL . .._.,- . . =. . i Michaeley.-Cani,-1805 : ......-..:(,•:.. - ......:-.•:.;'../•.- 021 al Joellianiel. , sfshs o 4 o9 4 : o" o,9 wa fa ; ' .... , ThotnasTegrty; Mahanoy f1ty'.1.3 1 15.:---::....: 1 / 779 - 05 . As. Nell er, Id irit/dir ! • ".10.r • A -•, - , , - 9,uebaelldroodyillbenandoall.Cglillic.";.,..•- 'Tit 3L/GiOndv 1 10A•w , ° 94 leel -/ 47:49 .••1'• ; ' i. Patrick Convilie,New.Caatie„, •a • •••••...:..«"«,. 'US ( Volt" - eil i l ir rni' ~1 . " f t ln.l. 90 • "'. ;• • '; Patrick SlcKiniut„.ftrt (394144ki tET,',7.",...";.,:,,..1,710140 .0 1 1.111 laraya•ApPletua e, nlon,, .. ' , do . .- to 3b -- • ~,,, q.. ~ .. , . , ....: . ... ......,........ O. A. Thirke;"Port Carboni - do, ....1000A - ''.•,,,' - 4 1.." •, , . . 1 , - -, „ ~, ' ''', ':- -.,:...--,•\ ' , 45,541 is John O'Brien, Cu,m - • do .-' 01ftr_. - "„._:' i ~ .• - -.. ! - • .---,.' -..7- : . "- - - - "..- -; , • '&• , • . . i 1. portlier, East,Ncitglan;:. :, .d0'3,7701 . 4 .. - . „-, • I • cirri/Gavel/iv:. -ti .Adriv- - botaldd by Cbtletforit Patrick Conry, St. Clair, ~ - ,-.• dff. "VIII '• .I • - ' " . -... 0 . • 0 •.•: • - : ~ .. ~ •,. , /Mao Netierl ig aff732o i .Adan-liornung, Ashland' - - :;- -. ei .2, 1 ,0 . ~ .... _ . 1 1- I cl --- - - - ::-. i ii ii ,A,7--,,,, , i , i;i i, ... ...-- ,_ ... 1.! Edward F.: Witak , - M i. " - -- .W" '"""*. ' • ,1 ' ' ' ~' -. Aaron H. Knorr „ - lO Sr pa 8,, Mi . " - -,,- : - . 1,374 70; ' :-..':," 1'..• Danii9l BenunitrOrataa, . Mtn -ITentont. - ..d0.: - ._-.111111N1(- --v- •••• ;4 , IMOD meth. Bann • ,-• .. ‘,-! do /AS Sr - ,- - I - . 1,10-; ' ' . ....... ._ , ~.. , . ' • •-/ : 3011IIliClaftaff=? L l . . '. •-:. do : ..-;. , ~ I, , i MAO ~;.- ;,• '..., ....i.."44,,,' ~,,,,,,-;,... Nui 08. kit=eir e . — .: . -- -xd.iift. - -iripliv.. - ,:i i::-.-i 1-,: 4 I°axl. ' e* . '`... C. V. ',""" - -:: -. "7.7: . „tal l) I IL -,,..-: Amok taaideral- .. 4- - .: 1 .. 1:: :: :; _ i nk : L : .,..,,,i 1 - : 1...„ ri . ,,,,T - ...; ..: .. . .0. , ..„,..., ~ . ....4 „ .41111000,-•/ : . . i... 40,;. 0,, t ~..- • .11,Z2Viarisskpast._ ,;-....,...,.. 4....1...7,..,-,_.,- - • Irrusiiiistisamori•Eir , J4113U .7' .2 ' , : i: i juith Dwritt.lntratitalOal - Ctql - . °l2 (toard - ' ' ' W311414211111344 y 0u5 361/ .. ass li s .li, - . - ;_t •Jallelsh,..' ak.llarra„,.:. .. „: . ,:; . „ z. :, - 1 : . ...- '. -' - ..- •: - - James 1-41 18 1 1 6 atltialt,«-....-:11.1.-::4 , . .. . 60 00 .., '• An is - ••• .''''' i' : Levi Phil p 5 , 1501114 $ 01111 nits • •• • -;., • - 53 IS" _ i.. , bar::: '- '4lO- - . ': 1 .T50 2 4 , -'--''!• I''' - I , - Johrl o , llll - 1 030 . T 8 ,00.11114.- • .?-.,-, , .:.' •-- -•. •• .. . -7..; '1.,: ..:..,-..- : , -, .......•••,9,9 , :.;11,11194; kT r r - 1 , . --. 0 .: ~,m , . :i.,,. . ._ ~, ,-.;.-, -, . . !. :. - ,. .L.1 , ' , ' - - 2 . , -7 . •,,- -- - .: ~.-r- ; ; !,1 , L pe/054/siip eliffeet • Onlitilie t7ce l, ibeli • Bititteater" O a " ol l 2 l g aZi . .. Tit fall do %II - ..;.!,......., os AU tisee'Seaketrp id, m00:,,..,.1i ,?. • ---- :41 . •-• - - r.., , •;,' N. II - Yoder. iliatins,, - ~ . I , .... ',' igt e ma . , Itlif - .Tnalifttr_i a. • - - '.• • • .•. JohnEnt'''Ok r 00. 41 ' ''• '' r:` , •.: , • .1 ''"-";'''• ',. 1.,, 4 0 ~,,, ‘. l . .., i15.,14.,_ .. 1.1;,' AS: Lf ',-'.!, ~.-., Itiordita ~,.-,- ~ 1-, ...i1'.,.'..j.,.1,' '.,',..• „:„..4. ~ ', ' ' ~ 1,-,..: ' .........: • • '7' ,'' '' . .f t ff,.. r ..!...t.,,-..,:,, . Bernard McfZieray,Zind iervl tt it teki-., -.:'.. 7 ' .., - ,de- 1 -, ••• 34 - . 7%; . • I, .. • -"- ••• ', --•• -Mc• ; - • -, ( , -F.'"Thontait •• . .- 3b o- -', ~, • ' -_, Alb - '"- ': '.• -:' I Pierces • - •• ' -, atftrbon...., ..' ..: ..........: do .• .. •.. rr: ' .71' - .do: '• 00 - •- 13 '". ..; , • 7%.13..11 --- •••!. 1 " •• - -:- - -•-• ' '••••••• ' . z do . : .. I. ' . fi; •S: •• • 'r , ' 4 o 4107- • -•8•7 . .", , ,,. ••• i at '•0- . - 0101dd - , Allif,T4 , o - . -T . -" , f.)l. t ; - 111elErwo,Jfew_estat1e4.40:-- , !';216% 4 -,,1L.- •,- , .. - ' 41 1: • . • 4 •11 47 '" - . _ ';'. x 7. - dci , : -• - Carter E,:.sorwolgtaiti.. -, do ''.,- TV.7.'''..! i • ' • ..:3/-..;"„do - i. -11r i laistailt;', " • •• • . lock{ --(1.9c.• '11‘. 4 / 1 0' i • . . , . , 4,. , _ lsk•der i, , 44173 a.• ',....,. .- " • - -d:4A/ '.. • • " . 0- • ••• ititirl • ! - -4113-10 • 1•-•' , "-• /••I'.. •C ' T '' " 1 - 1-.04Z,. -. . -. zt• 14 - - 'IVOLT4'.'•-.'.lq: •• , -‘-•--.lbr Ufa.. .i 4 4.-,4,0 • ...' ' • ••,; '`......!'". .`. - 4, . 141 , *1 '.•'.••1! : ":".---•-•.,::: for 169, .. • . ' ;': '4, „ do. , tz , 1 -.., , f.., igMag • '• • • 1--- ` - 3 • '-' , :'1•", , 1 '. . . . l kWi1.,..,, - - .. ~ • -deo. ka, :, i , aitilic . ''''u liiktr l titt t , - , - 4.- . I.: . - ~ .., 4 4 %. - ..1• .Mktr "4140 M= VIII MEI Ea bi 9 Cvnectiw:t of ..*teite, Tax ME I= = • lotan 'Bei. St. /Aft 7,61:1' Dardel Farrell, maw" ear 46441 • Sea W-NalWtrearcatV VOLE _ Otßriark,umiq, , do, AIS/ U do 1,214 3 i 2; do,. IMO f r do 1 , 4D0 94 na n4tAbtatdlo _ Vest Pm, •do 3,r,i as ?-Persons urcatk " ,y_Aaidad,aadarakearedissulaior - • :UM; • . 1 , Arraaaier ' of7adllt* dues:- • - w r' 4o Prdrialeourit, - - - 4 311 21PegiKelkteXtritiO4.1tic telt .t ktroUt_lsA L• . 1 501:40r....... • __.;:. - - - -... • : 9 1390. - -Witness . 0.! -- ..: - - .I - • --- - NW al ' Road asator9l4o44 - 44;Z:, -:_-- get jr, • Jurors' tee5..... , -*.-..........—.„.:4....z. 19,2:5 110 . Jnaltoes' fees.. • . - . .. 399 19 istimarumrsillfWfLia - R.1:1 - .;::-361 99 - o Oxistable-..„.....-.,4..4 '3411 41 13a9;..4..,.....:. - ".:.'' - ' " ' ........:` '. uteri: . tiatiAT,Attcrare.sr_tee' a .' Alasa...- -• -.' .....4.--.::..:..., . 14,171'90 . • =Mr 1".. .,: , ....; , .......-.:-'-' - : 2 4 3 / 1 - 12 : • Viler... - .. - . . • ..,, 40a ao . .... .. 1,514 M - '.• Taweanstundad•-. .. ; .. ..... ... ; . ...:..-.4 ..... atedempttons......:.... . .......- -. -. , 1414 , 71.-. .9`4111 .:-.-..-._ ....... ~. ..... ....... 309 il9y - - -' : , ..Rraelliio" . :SZa .-' ' . • - -.- 3,140 14. - - Si:writes' fee5.....1:,' .',... ............ :- .:',..-....i 9011,31 ' ratePrivOter's fees, . : . ........._. . lt,'3 00 • • -. 7 . corrasetires and Colittnludeliaron". -1. ''`' - - ebit .. eettons.-_,......-.,:........'...., _..... - 1,,,:m 13, - 'Dng Townships: ....... :"-: ... :. . 950 - . ' Pox Scalps ' - -, • • - ''. ' illt CC ime te Inrremmuntssioners! rk ... . . '......:.- '3U 3} ' Andit lag amounts - • .:...-...: . ...:- 015 IM • KeerAntSeq ,, lon. t--...:...1. . • . so ou • - Incidental. expenees.2..- - ' '- - - • 44090 Reward on Thomas Forarty.- - --:-: . 3 00 00 - Cost.ror sult lu Reran - 4.:cutti - .215 19. - ' Co 1. Irk cdunty 1initib.............-1.......' : IC '77. , Improvements and renalra.....-,... • 803 12 - - flock whater.:i •• .- --- • • . 0940 11rhlae:repainh..,.. .......... .. .. -f.,..:.--.._ - 144 .T.. • 4•l,qk of r...5 - .1 , 11hr.; ..: ~ ......- . «.....,47 - .. 1;421 Ou. .t,,sistant e1ittiL1arr . .........--...:, _ an 75 _ _. Rotorilansame • - ' ' -, - rl O 00 ' . 'onlionotary took:- .-.., :.....‘......:-.:.,..7r - 183 1 17 .State Ludatle. Kaspltal . ,- 1 I 1,,F.3 84 • A hns - .House , (new' hulldinit'ap4.l • - 7' - otrthcniser " - - --- - - 7 ' 'I 8 . 545 ti . ' Reeordeni, fees, - • 1 . T. 25 . . State State;Tax, 1309.- Treasurer, Cormii•A'Quota 1 ! . - . • . - L. 11 1 .3:0 =4; . . _Walehtiiiir......."-:--,..., .-,......... 4„ , .900.00 . IVAsport, J esn-extunination ...... ._,...1- , ...TO 4 7 Peter N.Wer, Commissioner, ' 4 •19S 17.. - 0. 3, Arwood. Clerk ..... ..- .. - .. ...:.-...... ,1;000 00 - • F.istern.4'..miisallarY , - , .- - :Dl2 84 . -fttrick pariner, ConndaMoper....._ 1;160 115 4 .- Libratiau.l.. 30 Ou Loan acedunt... '...".. .. .-- • : .. , . . ....-.-.911,9X 37 ; •Renjamln Evert . , Comm his:loner., . 1,133 . 0. . . -Rerclua notices owners resiestate • '. 21 00 . Serutylklllo6. Teather Institute... Dm ai .11itrbitery .of voters 72,164 54 ' - tleorte Wilson, Commissioner:.. - . ids 00 • .. _ Li 471 03 :1,400 2Z. 9,151 12 '7 • POLIC.P. Joseph Heisler, l'eterSmigh, . °Meer, eh:ales...M. Kant er, d 0:... Jrcentrikmte, • =• d 0.... Parrow; d 0.... Fru ft ft Bensi d 0.., ., John litaton, d 0.... Jamey -Levan, , d 0.... IlenTrltets.e, . . Milton E. Chtußer,, deg.,,. Prier d 0.... sdmuel Samuel A. Le5, , ,11,` • d 0.... Wm. IL Moyer,': - ". • d 0:... Wm. R. Morris. -" do. - Geo. li. 'Reed, do f(I 0(1 1,-.N 45 tl Wt .30 -0 3 I 1 467 1.,2 Geo. Dthdr.or, • do._ Mts. J. Filvdmrdops, d 0... Them F. Mum, ' • d 0... LewLi S. - .do. Yo7lcrineld'entala - • • Edw. Kettrns,lyail' for' 4'61171_ Dormer, • mane:r• refunded - • • 573 - 37 Martin . Dormer, ball for JOhn toOr,lnoiler ' ............. . ..0139 97 Minemellle F. A., ball for Jobtt t) river, money 73 • ROAD" T.SXRS.. ErtlAt firth Ashland ' l'aulOxide, L.:Yoder. Mahanoy Eli Koch, Manheint- Curr l'alo Alto: .... . -..-..- ..... . k. I.l,eur Joh, Phlogroire Iltiiwn; Port Carbon..... _.. solo/non ....... Geor;;;e Wiggau, • ' • - SC11)01: TAItS.•- Wni. 7.: , 117 39 Fred' Beck, 'North Aloulteini ..... 110 :54" nnuel Kauffman, NI Inersville_... 29 36 .Martin Dormer, Float Norwegian.. •47 31 John COOIIIIII. Palo Alto 30 41 Joseph Zlinmennon, ...... 1,431 10 John Pollock, Mt. Clair ......... 1:10 72 I.lattlum Slutstin, Washington , T 2 Gi plomon nets', Wayne TT 41 George' Winton, Tamaqua 31 Set/41ki11 ,Couutrrrigun seht l y{k Ili Cotintr Alutshome„..., Conrail - tialtzer, Traaanter, earn. tuts:signs car receiving 9188,2ti1 91, .IPor eent.:- ;1, ... ,M 2 1...)1' receiving 8161;06 60, at 3i per ',. cent - , ' ' ~ i KM - 2i Paying out 8400,121 $9, at 1 .4 per et- ,(1y21,0 td . . ~ . • Belruee due the County to. Conrad ! ,; . 3,904 69 ,_. • S.eltzer, late v.' r....t ...... ... .....1 1 . - 1 1 1.4143 17 ' • . 1199,870 44 7t, (hp 14 0 •Qw.,44.6V , the Jwt.tes of the ittntrt of at/nylon Pleas of the (bunts/ of t.Phoyld.ill _ We, the tnalersignest, Auditors for, the Cuunty of 5e11t4110.11,. respect fully report that we-have aud Red, adjusted and settled, the accounts of the Commis-. stoners and Treasurer of said county, and submit the Idregoingstatement as the result of /our Investiga .tiou. by which tt will appear that there Is a balance due the County of Schuylkill by iXturad - Seltzer, ,Treasurer • said count aro punting . to fifteen thou sand, tdx.hundretA ree dollars, and taw-. p ' entee in illtuess wtiPreof, we . hare hereunto set our ...httrids atul seals thl4 twenty-second day of January. 111 e, , - SOLOMON H.MAK, r. tut • ' _cQCIIWIII, L. a... Auditors. _ Dr,TIRkE, t... s. j - • of--Isieri. and l'adebtettoet: of lite (misty of &To ttyniii Jarman/ Ist P 49; • • • • • , Amount rtqaftv etteetout, • • . Ai44 l iteltls duo Li thalnitted State 3, t.stlnuttest value of Trasn4erarts Deeds to tkunntle.slouers. . Bal. In Wend; (If 4i - ojrn(Aiip -- • lA.Eirs Aluotiyar—ot . llorklq. oritqa crest at 0 per ek..nt. Amount - dila - tta - gdWr . 111 • 1 7 ,0141.7iXi...5, - - • amount due ttie . peverld - We dobereby cectlh.tha a true statement 04 the In efalacY , office. Witness Vat' EAWS,ift • r A • -. MILL : 41/^xl: O, if, AgEtKgip, 4.. PoUiwo I>w -r tni Collertcws .(Utte,c4or3 Distitcts ••Thot Alltson, Noriregiart - 1950! 81,184 42! 965 61`•4006 *Val, Savage; L. Slahan'io do • ' - I ..... ...I 200 ' 9 .lames Blew, Rash..; do 1_ • Z.l 65 sc. L. Pinkerton, Tremont 1852' • • ' ,' -..„.:,-, 30;.3 'Aaron llocller,Blls/3_ :: .Mt .... ' ......,- ...., .l: IIV "SE. Kleinert , :3_. 51anheim 1935 , • — 5.4' '3OO -il‘ ' 4Solin Brown, rarter.--`19:4 I 8 827 235 Gabriel Wagner, ertrwroite Prof • . 4.0 35 : 2 9 Lei wilnam •Dpokay, Foster .d I o , ..„.. I :32 M..:...: J6ll' Priw, 5111hattoy_Tp oo . 2790' 33 goI. ..._. Thdb.Tinr,ll.Z4#l. naven 'dr. 33 "4 . 191 27; • J 1 4 11: °trial*, Blythe ' - . Ids9 ; ' -294,17 ' ' 3 l l ek , Fox. Vg.t4 4 41,1 q . 1191. • 852' ;lle-nrZor,._l.l., Reilly '... do f ' 739 61- 1.410 :a C_;l4 7 91.42111110 Ashland 1 - 385 449 10 , 331 71' - nenry.F4lll,_AA h land -• . 1801! 117 no2 . Joseph linmeriß rry r do 1 , 21697 - 62, 751' - :Michael Whalen, Blythe do 1 2,311 25 29 59 ' • Thomas Flattery, Branch' • do' I . 610 42, 25 34! ,Johns'FrldiriCt, E. Bruna'g do I 1,410 stl• 161 91 Michael Moser, W. Bruns gdo I 467 2 l! 119 . 122• - Joirn - O'Brien; Caw • '-: -- tier! - 2,301 P 2 ,37 27' Daniel 11: Ilaa.sElirod ao r ' : 31511 3 l:' - • 90'40' ' Daniel Farrvill , rai y . , o , 797 13 ' 24'45!• ... . • 0413 lie.rtY,• qata ' do! 89204. 11 3 4! N'' athart Yoder, Lleglns ' do 't - 1,236 99: 101 01; ...• JcleiXopenhoelfer, 'Robley do ! 519 39! 43 19 . 7 .11:1irliXoPP4V:411/4110111i do 1 914.45 , '93 271 Levi Phl_lllA44_,:sBanhelm do' i 181 291 61.7:; ' Fruhelaßoth;.9lalian'r-C.. do I 1,153 ...41, 40 C 6 ... ~ : PSumntlugs. Mt, Carbon do ! 142 72 15 33 ~ Aaron Knorr,-Mahantongo do. I heel 97, 63 71.4 311Fh'l O'Neil,. Allrieraville• do . ; -.486 z 75 62. ,.. •M. Whalen, ..New Phila.'s. dor; ft; 05! 750 ... James Marra, Norwegian ' dal : 488 GT"U 15' T. MoOney, E. liorwegisui do I 390 81': , 99; G. w. Wecirich,Ptrteg et n_.' dq ; 1,177 191 ' 93 SO , .... Edward •F, Wiest; Pewter - d 6 ; 1,675 11' - 19 -I: 4 - John Barn*, PAID. AltA do l• • - 663 82! 4:5 81! ..... Batri.frjeter, Pt. Carhop do I 731 88, 4 84 fili Peter Fasat, Pottsvllle - do !! 4;733 1 30 • Thotdethavern Reilly do , F . F • , 92! - . SOfterttOrelfert,'Ell4ll ' On t ' n 4 l'• • 4 ug" ' Peter lelJee, Ratak • . Eto ! 0 54 2:5 1 zi 37; 41wax4.1131lie lAvim . '. ' r,o i WS 31, 19 51, Deglit;Frfittiltroah city Lot 1,869 15i 'l4 731 .L.,. . '2.teGeoy. *amyl. Haven;'do 1 784 61 89 96' . oho Seholly, - 13t..Clatr d 01,7 9 .9 8 4 ! ,e 2 OO • f . ..P. IWhtel,:treinonl bor •do I 60.',1i 40 :41. John O'lirlen,Tamaqua do i 3 ,801'21: 235 COI Israel'AOlegniti; Union •• do • 1 1,915121 4 l 41! Henry Wi150n,.91.-Union do.; 101 $2 ad ow . John leleh;*.W.4yne do i 0..... 60; 1:Z Zii P. Kemerllng, 4 ll4 trshinzion tto ass tor _ 8242- • Bonlel G arber , Wto ;do 2,,134'630 113 xt ... I ,—. • - ' '548;840 53'4004 $;11 CEI • DP OPIES: WANIILIEW=-Bound. Vire: Etopett,' splice-4z repair. Other iron 'i.e.steel—srarranied toss and les:irk old ths7sonW strength - as s i ng , other pot of thercgoe—,by nprsOldalitud experienced engineer. Terms reasonable. and all .:rden_t_promptkr attended to, 'Address - .:: R. surro.N, • t Co., _ _ = PS - Go ikt 8.038 81 4888/0 48 416,R1 27 1.10 Z. 15 00 ?:Vi 00 "52 00 OD ` l. s - Z 5 00 , arm • 54 16 - : RS =EMI 28 30 44 89 87 1) 30 31' 07 137 C I 137 3.1 440 1111 --- 4,00► M 17,40 , 1 01 37,315 21 951,541 92 30,900 90 5,1:0) 00 15 t 6 ili 17 t • .tier, Zdegkea b•sting $ 24 , 502 'Fa Ownanspg,for . - -• ' • 445`Z1 4.001 tilstrlets, - 413 17 the foregoing writing-is_ 4, l seis 01 giro of. itetv rtl In' this de. January 3, IERTRt , Cnnassionert. [;11. • CbunN. Slate EMI Abvatiinmts. 41 6 ; BZWARD.--Alitufflosi'W,o4esdol. 64 e . i hut vti err btarketreir Centre Weer. - • • • The tinder wiltbet 'paidthe'ribovir rewatil bs- re: turning thew/me titt Rik race: Vetk f.,41, niSSOl i arrlON PARWMICESICEE. - -No - - - hereby given. that the partnership hereto fore existing:between Joseph. - Warrimer and B. Fisher, under the dm -name of Fisher di; Wont mer. transacting mereauttn&bustnesa • itt - Porter,Twp - Schuylkill Comity, was this (lap dissolved. by mutual consent., by the,* ithdrwriat of R. .K. Fisher; from the flriu. The busi nes% hereafter be- - fon. tinned by dowph Wonpuer,.arat .the firm debts `will be settled by him. , dI 'potties Indebted to said firm rare metes:ter; torn -Ike settlement with him. -•-• • ': • - •'•-• jOSILI'I-tWONEMER, . • .FISHER: . • .. Porter Townsh 1p„ Fel, 5, • ".'ll 041* . . 'COS' 8 • undecaigned. nave hand and offer for sale,clreapolte following articles, till In good condition :..-• . • • 44 Drift Cars. , 3 l 6-tons capacity', fort ft. track. • 3 m*l - flit Wagons:for 4 ft. - track. - - S Rand Fans, 30 inches An diameter: . • . • .- - .• do .do • 13' , ' ' • • • 2 inicctors, No. 4. • • I Patent Tornta l? le.... . -12 sots Mine • ". .• ' • • : 1 Airimeel.l ft..dianwter, ".:±j tittre„ `teeth. 1 lot of 14tartee.S.Tools - 1 lot of site's-04,3, - ' 1 4-ton Hay Scale; - ''• - 1 tiro-horse wagon and • 11. 1 4Nc1l(diT; INAVII.4 GLENt•ncs*?. DAi"; l 4-4" No. 48 SOUTHiTttRU ST = OLEN DIN - SING; bA . V.-63 No. 1t WALL STREET NEW:YORK ' I~3rliTl~'El23+l NI • • 4sIIOOICIECI2S. Weidlow on frinpani or, standing-SO -v.oMb*, and exocun.‘ fader": prom Ay far th o lianrchax and Nl* dJ D D uv . Elm ca . . ' delphin lious,..e co -New York.— 1.14 m. • 4 C5k . L . 614 • • • • JEWELLERS;. • . • •••-, •-• •••- •• ta, • -• IMPORTERS $ 902. - Cliestuitt Street; • F t l% • T • . AN IMMENAE;VAIIIETY UP •GOLD WATCII.EB, 1)1..1)115NDS, SILVER pniTEO • . CLOCKS;: . BRON'ZES, . • , . INGS • • persoris de:4ring article:, reliable in quality and moderate lir Ate. certain to 4e pleased by our exceedingly large varied collec tion, Our stock is kept ,idwak; frail by 'additions ('rota, first. soitrees. • • - Our store is, pronounerti 'our. 'oti he -tnimt elegant in 'the world:, and any - pitrtieN A"i''lting the en): ate .gordlally Invited, to cal:tuna Iti , fpga jr atLlo leisure, ,Feb it ; 7 • '• ' TO LEASE - OR To' LET The Karthaui peal and Lumbe , Co Will Lease'C'onti4c.t.op:advanta- gebus terms. ti)ei'r BITUMINOUS, COACMINES, Located at ft:ENO:43, CLINTON i'clettrY. P.., on the line of thel'hiladelphia .- sin‘f •z;rlc, Rallroad, tri the le* Oria ;Region, on The:West iirattelt of z he Swine.ltannn Blypr, 'nest. avhdlable and 'MIPSt Laluaeitn u ne,:u; Coat t) trictin Pennsylvania; tai qfc.ll;:ll . ef - !4 and nninufn..- turen , of th - East. •• • ..•', TITE SIINT.S 'AN t!" 1 MI'IZOV with 'mining Itxturir. - z, worithietf's 11011:11.S, in 11 tcutd , tliw.getiertir nrirririk facilities tire in perfect titelcoritpiete Neoett int; niikr, I . ol' prefieht Proti,2ttott ilf • - THREE li7.3:fiii,.E.p.T6Nl,?.COF. and n.lll . require hut Intin .i tare to the ataunntsi. tp rald or even 1,4)0 tnnii per - • day; , ' • The eq. 4.1. 1s obMtnid by ilrirtsybixive water level. At present theie ttre,foui ttrfftsjn operation; on two 'beil4 of ;. cOal, 1.4 tlittre.artzi j'dur or live . workable bedaon whii..llFLny umber - or cid ft may be op . ngtl. F _ . or additionaldi inforpatina, ternii, an deond lt I on N, apply to . . . - .. . . • • .. I'I3.IISIDENT OF .TILE eONIP.O4, And Air fiats in regarl io the ..presi.nt 6°lol t ton . , the mines: or an examination of the some, iipplyr to the Sepetintendeni; . - .. • r. . Ot:OltGE tl te. ,iCiIIN'A; Karthnui Coal . anil . Lun . - 11?et Co., N..F. O,T. 1111 Walput , Iti•Cets,:l 3 ll:lmlelphia. • - z Feb "'7) _ - itoticts. EALED:;PROPOSALS for the erection of a S. Schoo, kliouso, on. MineraVlno idreet, Pottsville, will be received on the port or the School Board, tip_ to= Febnlary , ., 1670, inelaSivo.. Platte and wcinca- Lions , seen- e,t the- store of Nal. E. Boyer, 1i Centre street,' The. Board reserves the richt to reject • *my Or alt of said propoials.. By: ortfgr of Directors, " • A.-SMlTff,•rrest. ~ ,-kttestrCultisraerkic Lirtin t . Sec`y. - . Jan M, '7O - ;, , 5-3 t. -0 1 57E'R.c.TF,fitlecgOARG. Ewa°vE • l'utrAnErruti.,,Jan. 25th. Isto. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of The Coal Ridge Improvement end MIA Company, be held; at their Orrice, No. 4434' Walnut street, ob. Thursilay, rehruary•lOth, M,at.l2 O'clock M., ',shoo an election will be held for eight - Directors to terVe fur the ensuing Year, ..The books rbr :the transfer of Stock Kill, be closed. for ten days. previous -to -said meeting. The polls witi be frpennnol I o'clock-P.:M. }VILI4AM Seer...tart.. THE intERESIGIIED.har . e fimtiett a 6par-- nership, underthelhu name of Graelt,Jtother mel 4 Co., for the purpbse. of carrying on the Whole sale Coal busineaa, to date front January 1,1 S I). JOHNCALAEFF,":3 • SA'3l'L 11, RtSTiIf:RNIEL; LEVI.MILLER; 'DANIEL V. lILLER. 318. Walnut street;Phlladelphla_.; "ArTrintty pulld ing,-NeSy Yorj,l4 la Doane ctreet, , 73osion. . 22, 1 71). , , , 4;11 OFFICE.'p S CRITYLICILL QATION: COMPANY i , No[ll7 Walnut !Meet. rfi t..i.nrLoatA. Jan. 1 ; MO. ' NO,TiCE HF.RrEY OWEN, that:the annual meeting of the • Stbeliboldem.. and Loanholdem of tills Company, and eluetion . of rolthiersjor the ensuing yetu•,. will he held- t thb niflee on Tiles day. the Bth,4llw of I.'cruary, 1.!r711,at.1.1 u'elnelt A M. an 13, '7,04- it M". TILGHMAN, Secretary. T 0•210 E.-A ineeting of the'.Stockholdera of-the ve Maple Dale Coal 6impaily 11- - be 11 , 1 d. at •t he office'of the• Company, Wahine idriYat. M city of PhtladelPhia, on Tuesday, Vcbrhary 804187 d, at 11 o'clock. A, the, purpose, al - corkeiderthg andactit* upon a taroposit Sou tolnerrnse the npit•cl stocg oft lie said Company to the sum RePalre, (CIS 58)', incidentals, SI.. I fti 31+. • , Total ordlnitry expenses,...._. ...... Tern pornry - loan repaid, • info 011 Account of building debt ..... • •WO " Interest,account• .. Lot ptirchaaed, anrvey; det;l 4 , .re cording. fie Salappn honse, plan, ,to z '.. -.‘ Schaal furniture, &u:. • 55) 'ea • firil , 4ll Balance In Trealur3,•,`llll 1C1,014.€ . 4 StISi~I:LANEOtS Whole No. of .enett•rft;itelkii,l, , Oneltitling oOKI,N• 25 ?+ • teachers, (4 tinkle; Widnalo) exeitm.. 7U.• slve L of I Dial. • .. . .. , ..... . ... School terra , frbilt Ist Sept . td 'fat e'ale . nv • , dar month+. ' ,—' 4 • • ' • 10'. ..k.v...•ralary. of male tenehervOlec 11',Nelualv a of Dtsf...S tipt „ w hp rocelved for;ertn s , Av. salary of female teachrrs, per (bar. nfontb;• - Whole No. of pupils, (1•25 f ma1e: , 1,,1198 fermiled)l ,- :•21 1 52 Ay. dully - httendanee, 81 , per_et.7 , ls.nmlev,t)to; ..... .... ..... . - Delltbalauce ....................... loaf; • " • 'l , lo -Libra*" fund.towlngt by School i " I Tax-rata for .eurrtmt • yearrlBl3lo , 7oo tlgtaenrikt on , L tiollar,,lo for school. parnoses, awl 5 for. Mill ntir. • . D. , A SSfIT/T, Erect; _ 1.17 LE, •• A • •„ • • . , Jan. 22 ; 'TO •. : ••.•. . . •. TEE qpIVIskt:4I,4IIiI.IAPAP. ;TS 'PER CENTS GOLD • • ' }TWIT iMpfiT(44GF,. RoNTYS, . . - Fre e offierrratulat T4;1104514 Iterifeit Jateretit.- Merry4tessous , are theli 4ereruntent:Ronfle Prefnliunrie still: largit,'(*thkTtpitaNY - has pmnaiii.ett'itt;. 1 , 4 ; •latklifFY.o - rcinyeat in the FirAMPrtiittgellort4,(l4P4t.LVP'' trot Railroad 0T... town, which pay laboutaue4tWl more interest: The it me to Make such ieinvest4tenf is"viliite the, Tree mry ln . haying,. and Governme4ta arttata pri-rniutu. - tji • •-. • • .• • The Road doestmi run through a wilderueati; wlite , itwould have to wait years for population"' 1 butincsNbuttitionglr'the most thickly aettled , dad "Walnut tve agricult dial counties ln the Stateoglaich gig r- each Section a large- treat°. as toot* as -taint r:c. runt thicOnalt tit e gr@at Coal Vet ds , Offtotstitei a lowa te the Worth where coal. la 'inditperiaritibmked. Joust be carricti.• , • • It runs from- the great' Lumber' Ile4rOtit:_Ori,Ve - North, threat& a district -of - country, ty itch tt.tl7lti lute of this prime necessity . The mortgage silt mode' to the-Farmers . ..Loan ano Trust Co., ut.N. Y., and florid.treen be idsued :tuly et therate n(1. 4 15,000. per mile, or Only half thetairthuta - .upon some other roads:. fipeclal security : la pnprid'ed for the Brincipatand fort ho.payment of I uterest.t . The New York Tribune_ says t 'this it 0. spletatil enterprise, and - eeservet - the inesti beret akt.' o • % Tire-New Yort:lndepentleurisays,.."wo.knowtkie Centrip,;l-„ltaalrotail of lowa gimlet the great, apo -good ItPerks at the age.: Its Dtreet, ore !delude Mall) of our leading' bank weal dente4thil other gentlemen - of high ettaraaer, who have Ineani,euorigh two:or three each roads out of their own pooltet.seso , that allitsaffalpi wld be, ably a 4 Well as lioncetely• . managed, The Central of frartvtrill be to that Mir what the New York , Cent rat is to this, except that is . • tuns through a. tar richer' country. thereft .recoratueral the Central" - Totra :Bonds, with, eta , 'confidence in their value. Th,4trntli 14, thats t MOrtgage of slo,hlo per tulle awn. a road• - through such a country : rttilliot he otherw • 91 safe. ' . . First Mortgage Hotels for , m,sina II an,;amotla 1 1140/A a road _thawing through Bach a rieli pet already well- part of lowa, can well he. rehommeritiedaa A ftrfeelVy safe as well as very profithblo investment,. Parnplifets, with map,, may be miltsprtedr i w-usb,_ hetlptlnns wiLl be reeelvefl,4; the (1...15 - Orlye t ,. No. at l'ine seeet. New • YOrlt,. end at t DANK of • NORTH A:Unit CA, Wall titrivt, and-in - • • ro:rysvmr.r.;.rile. . . . .--• L. - FAWHITNEY; Esq_ nyl mail on apiAlentiOn: ' W.ll. sliATTuar.,,Tramtitir. Sio,poo ClUktAbrfilak ;•.: -;... • C.'L'i - 4 ~ , f itUCIC Lk.% D excels at oilier Lend! ": 1 ' - Ist. For U. rttrivalett Whiteness, • .ri: For Its V4c. , tiuskil' IhtyliiiiptF::' ' o ' 7 - 10 - . .10t, Forltstnaurpossea Cot - igcbaj , 4 , - Lastly for Its tconoitiy. ' '-, , ; _ 4 . It costs less to . IsAta_zitb..l,l-Aclr:&oacablitthsaits other 'White L'esa.l Wan!, The same wetght coverts s lere Surface. f,I Is-taaroWthk4tti tlelltee Whitec- LEAD Is the ClteaasteatTllest 1 i . - - 0.0,000, GL'A.RADZI , `. .. _, i • sui - _ , Kanic E - xceas &trowel - 41. :: ,11 , Lit. For it.,stasssia#sktatahl,WrlT :aysilfi. 211.4tts -tie vntrialedWbitiziete. -,1,- , 3d. - For 1120Itaitzessett - etriyetteisperty.• - 15 - lAst:Sta . lte 4 ) tteelletaT, -.... - ' 4. '" v* . heLug the - Cll-,llFatuksoplorkisiAtist Durable ,tVhite Pat4iwttle i t-*&".-- , - Bilk- ONIAP-: li k raWitsll) BUCIi 3 ,,,, j14 .. ~...,•:..-.,;:` , 0,, ,c --..: ,:. - 1-1' Tii , T,,-Tr.i . .,ir-kla I .4 fi C q * W . 1.. Sato‘l4osiOlCridisAteid, 'liiith.e.l.letistractuiera • - RUCK COTTAGE COLORS,: • • • - rr• or ist • • Prepared exPress y at , • - I :Cottages. Otat-Uul Idiregi eorp7deteriPeeer SC marty-llvt li t g a r .oo.i - IPtysktall,Pi r t •Vationa. arid Hataple cards _ L try jath mileam,„„f ,• riaelealardetawlW 00-proaapildrax. ereltl :46 a - • • • • ,N. sior'..Tit' itai - asid•Wrigatatimw .•IFLUESSI3I:III 1511.-WPRXIIir . )46ror • • Air:darer Limaxt ar - Wila g a-cfiiiii •0. s. ,^1.:..7.5.1 . .z..4.1 7•4iC,-"-7,l6,,Rilkth•Otßi / • • •••• , .. 1 • " 44 I- rriald4 -141 4. 1 . 1 g t;o•,,i;;;;Ph*;l4An. fl , t;t • Ittittla,Ot Mau red Ltialitietly . 1.4.• , , 1;• on tietaificie:f oa:: tut itogOnt i rY i i tb.,,,,upp.4o.lyrelfytatitsbcf! taws rt, .lA)trg a savirtg ar freight' per 1 1 0( _feet Orders newilPromPttr. - , • El 72 !MEI ME