FORTY-SIXTH YEAR: . hutitorist. POPPING CORN. A *TD there they surppinietorzo-' . Stiles and S ;au Cutter ; John Stiles was Wont any ox, And Susan tat as butter_ And thetelbeyilat and bh . `• elled the corU, And raked and mitred the Dre, . • And talked of different kind of earn, And bitched their chains up nigher. Then BUM frobe the itOpper shook, • Then John he shook the popper, • - • Till both their Dices grew as red', - As saucepans made of copper, • • • - + P J And then they shelled" and popped and ate, V., .All kinds or ton *evoking ; ' And be haw-hapsd at her remarks, ••- - • - And she hisighed at. hts•jOklng. : -MA still they popped, and Still they iste, • , • • , (John's month was like aho per,/ • And stirred the the and sprinkled salt i .• - And shook and shook the popper. thi clock struck nine, the cloft etroCk ten, Midstlll the corn kept popping: • • It struck eleven andlhen struck twelve, - And Mitt no algae of stopping. And John he ate; and Sue she thought— . Tho corn did pop,and patter, . • Till John cried out, "The coen'a a-Ore . Wll}', Susan,-chat's the matter!" el/shish,. • . .John Stiles; one o'clock: Yonll die of inAlgest low; I'm elek of all this - popping corn— . Why don't you pop the question f". AN EYGLIS 7 H211AN 0 S 41PPRECiA TIOY OF 14.N . - KEi SWG. The perveriiity with which stone people adhere to the • .q,ueen's 'English;' "-utterly refusing to - comprehend the modyn style of rhetoric, as. found in the terse alguitleartt phrases and ienteuces of every day businetla o conversation, very often prop es sorely trying to tint : patience of shuse., adepts, in: 'Yankee slang and pointed abbreviations. , - A ;good story is related by alvellknown Lake' Cap lain who has been .running Buffalo pro -lie/ler •for several yeftra past. Some • time • sinee he had among his passengers from this city a wtelthy, honest-. tearted, but rather iraseihle,Son of "Hold liengland " - --who had but receptiv arrived over from Gkitt,; La in, ..and wa.l.76hig to Toledo to visit a married • daughict. f l day after his artiVal` in that I cityy,ty 1e lug a walk - about „the town 1 , with Capt. he olkserved a lot. of finel o sate exhibition; and tieshing to ' present his daughter, and son-in-law with • .'N:!mettiing in that line ; he stepped up and • prieeil'-`c.qte - or twtibf the an imal s. The owner • _immediately stitched up and .tra_yr , ' him the - figures, , "'Ow "Ow ranch • Ids this'n 4 ."' pointing 'to a. 'Mare. "Will she • Make a good buggy , horse?" 14 .Y0u bet! ":(7Aine in an emphatic tone from 4 the jOekev.:,:z . - - "Bet i ! -:• , Wltat do you mean ?-; Hijdon't. want to - bet ;• hi want to buy the forse if hi like it:" - j To this the dealer in Lhorse flesh inade,no , answer, and after a moment or two of criti cal e'xamination our wealthy friend remark edisll4l don't think she will han.swer for a .. family 'arse." - • "I've got stamps says .he ain't got no • gaper'r as a family 'orse in this city, re pile.' the irritated owner. "t tamps! - ,Who is Stamps? • Hi don't earewhat Stsinipssays,'• hiknow agood' 'orse when hi see it as well as Stamps Mar any other person," rliatply rctponded theiEng lishman. "Oh,. well, now," said the jockey, assnm. ing-a.ciniciliatory tone, "take- anOther 1 k at this animal. \Ally, she was just made for you." • - "Made for me,, you puppy !" blustered . he: excitable Johnny I3utl, " 'Ow eould t tat .hanintal 'ave been made !Or me? Why, hi. • . 'aren't been in this blasted country - .three weeks vet."--13tIflato E.tpresß. : . . • • A YANKI*: TRICK.—One of our. peculh r, stialkiidcd.'re t'Y likeeslately imioigrat and settled drAvn in the West. He was th picture of a meim Itiftll, bu tas he put him self to work in xood earnest. to get hh3 house to riglit.l, the treielibors lent. him a, hand; After he hail_gat everythirw liked, to lion, 1141(41On struck hiM that he had no .•:,chiekeza, as d be was powerfully fond of stkoking ruin-egg. He was. too ihonest. to 7 1 : steal them and_ tdii meaty to buy them. At . last a thstruck i.ught hin could borrow-. -„ He went 'ton neighl,or and thuti accosted. him: -.• • .• "Wal, I reCkon you bain't got no old hen ,nor noihin' you'd .liftid me fora few weeks, tare you, neighbor 4:" • • • "I wilt lend you ; one with pleainue,"' re plied the gentleman ( picking out. 'the very _ finest in 'the coop. • The Yankee took the ben home, and then • went to another neighbor find borrowed a dozen eggs. He, then set the hen, and in due, • ' course of time she• hatched out - 11 dozen ,chickens. •. . • ! • • The Yankee was again puzzled.; ..he could return the Olen, Wow :-Wtis he to return • the eggs? Anuthe idea r -and who ever raw a live Yankee without one!—he would keep the heti until she had,laid a dozen'eggs. Thig he did,' and. then rettirnedAte hen --.--, and to their respective Owners, remark ; • Ing as he did so: . • - "Waal, I -reekon . l've got as tinela,d(hzen of 'chickens as you ever laid your eyes on, and they.didn't cost me a pent Auther,'": • IT 1E following,stoty is typical of the happy . :Hibernian art - of shooting vaunt •tt ebrner. Made a pointcif-strictly cross . questioning his dom est ic.4 as otheirreliggious and political faith before he, engaged them. •' , While residing on. hie Irish estates, a groom presented. himself to be hired, but resolved :beforehand not to cmanprNmse. himself-by any inconsiderate replies. "What are your . .was the peer's first demand. • . "Indeed, thfin.yOur lordsh in's honor I have just none,,at all .at alt." "Not any! Non-. J . sense! You must have some, and I inittat upon knowing them." - "Why; thvk your. honor's Arty, they are for all the:world.just the 'lime as your ltrdship'it."..",nen - ,you ean.have no objection tostate t hem, and eon-. fess frankly what -is your way of thinking." "Oeh! and. is it. my way of thinking yoU . mani by may opinion? Why, then, lam exactly of tie same way of. thinking as Pat Sullivan,your honor's gamekeeper ; for. says '• he to me, ,as I was coming doWn -stairs, 'Murphy,' says he, 'l'm thinking- you'll never be paying me that two-and-twenty 4111114 , 1 , 4 I. lent you last Christituts was a twelve-month.' Faith,' says I, !Pat span volt, Pin quite of your way- of thinking."' • .1' ,stoves, Ranges, id. SOLpid.ON 'LLOOVER,. • . 310. gttli Centro Street.PottavUle; • • Heal ast added to lal; already large asoorttneal of Stows,Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces. A number.of new pattern.COOKING and PARLOR • STOVE, which snin be had at moderate prices. He alsollas a eptend id assortment of Tin,SraVrit an i a, . J 1 40811,1 ed. OM-vs. Wool and WtßoT ' Wpm, Dow and Hstuillyteare. Alto, Enna" *;011 C LOW, Table CleAbs.Door 'Hats, Clothes Trse„.Cerving 5 i% 24. auSatetter Knives, Ooal OH -4 4 . and I: =dun kinds of Olatusrares - -- , . Torts, ag-Psne, Childrens• Sleighs and . 1 - - de, Tea and Butter Boons, Mice and Rat Traps, Pa ent Nutmeg ()niters, ftvittoons, Lemon Squeezers rid • Graters. Bird Cage,:, fable Meta, Table Saws; Cleavers, Ealt Whips, HolLing- Pins, _rotate ' Mlllehars. Bre ad . Boards, U ash Boards, Artxxien Boxes, Flat and Tailor Irons, Sausage Cutters and Staffers, Clothes-Lines Bed Cords, Clothes Pins, Corn Pop pe Cake, Cutters, Ountlesticke„lltredge Boxes. Bevifte , Match Baxes 4 Sclsool Cern pan ions, Slates and Pencils. Toilet Sets, Bath Tabs , . Hatchet., Hammers, Axes, Deed and Bond Bodes, Flour Sieves, Meet, Saw, Coln* MIN, . Concentrated Lye, Glass Drainers, Fen cy Toys, Lard . Cans, Wash Tuns. Wash Bawds, Sheet Zinc, Markel. and Fancy Baskets,, Castors, Knife Boxes, Shovels, . Pokers, Tones, Coal-Buckets . ,_ Tea Kettles, Store and . Shoe Blacking .' Also, Dila, Faints, 'Centimes*, Win. . dow Glass, Putty, Lanterns, end lent doe too numerous to mention. Also, Rooting - , and kinds or Jobbing done to order, of at Bovesest notice. Persons wishing any of the ri man Honed articles would dowell by galling and examin ing before purchasing elsewhere. • ! • St)WMON Roovirt. .1 . 5 a, 2se. Centre Street I T2.--tel Dee.ll. 'O9-50-ifw Tasting lietiiter, &I. -ram SUBSCRIBER WOULD OstLL THD 1 attention of Coal operators and others envtgrw in Blasting, to an extra quality of Chiapical- 1 Y rre - Pareo - --- , E , SALTPTRE PO,WpER, :- . ~. _.. Warrahted'lOT TO SMOKE, nor leave,euyintnrions *Muria atter a blast, although used in &Oleos where there la :so rxicru-Artox. It is also from 26 to 22 per t - % cent. more power llal than any Saltpetre rowder now . being wed for mining purposes, and_can be used with- write safety.. , . D. BEvERIDOE.. . bole Manullacturer and .Ordets sent to his Mi ll s at Barnessille,ti=niy; sell reocifewompt attention: Feb. 20. 42-4.1 y ~ ("ItRISSONA POWDER WM/KM Notice is poi - -.-tiereby given that JAMES MUIR has been sp- , . nted agent for the of creosol:is Powder, soUtla of Broad,blountalti and east of •BroadillOunialli.l_ a line due - north of Mahaucry Ali oedeii rur Polider, irithat locality shouldbe 'annteorod to btm tat Pottsville.'.The quality of this Powder will in all • instances equal that made at our iYork• and is warrented to give entire anti sf LAPLEN & RAND POWDER CO, Nov. 'P. le. 170 Broader aytt New York. 4 To COAL OPtRATO*I Ann CorrnAcoDno:—l „take Otis opportunity dr-returning thanks for tube age bestowed for the last.three years itt this pug, and Mud in my new co:lamina to hare trustin ned and liberally extended. Parties ening me - with their orders may rest assured no grlbri on MY part will bear a rd to give entire satisfartion. lfcre. ' JAMB MUIR. . . - rotors . COUGHS 1 4 ., Why do you coug y_ustpgh, when for only _a few cents you mu be Yellered-h tWichastn_Coucus CAZDY, • Try% ~1, M Y.1.0 V A txkluerum er Dee. 4.'411-411-11ns - ' 2- No. 31 Mfuesseltle Ht. - 1 • frtnt. •SLANIETS FOR Ealtar.B.—They N... 7 proem the. harness sn ' wet weather. Every Mshould have one. For male siti'BRIGHT & tiftudware Store, Fottirrille, • 4D- 1 , • . . . .. -.- tobacco; Brian lc. CHAS. WOLT.TEN 4 hole Moilkla Oh wanton tor F. W. BECK a CO.. OF .131g1X11104F., TOBACCO - -A;.'IIX.F.A.CTUREIRS. BY iilyeita arrangements ,Made with f. W. Bock . * OC, as their sole ag to for tbleCount .and Mark; ire are enabled to , elr eel Cat and Dry, and all other • of Smoking and Chewing To baCetlii, at their 1 ' Inote Fee tery Priaeh. CHAS: IiFQVTJEW h MO, Cturrtur. PcITSVILLV, PA: 7—tf •t • • •1 111 Febettaxv 1.8, CS "; WOraTaillair • ROTHEX4 • • • • • . WHOLARA LE AND RETAIL " • •• - TOBACCO VAREUCCU.SE,O PG. 212 61 = 641LE • • ' . • " PA. • We.reniaectfully call the attention/4 , the piblic to our large and well an:sorted stock of Searle. Hama mid penteatle ftegfisa. • • bsakii sad Ombra 'Marra: Ida, Weed aid Clay Pipes. Peary lilsodt,'Ati. de.; At prices COIEPIETING • 41711 airy mover., IN THE iraramecrriza. RTGREILEEPERA will find it much to their advantage! to give us a call before buying elsewhere; as we sell them at actuad Wholesale City :Prices—saving them. the height and the usual addl.' tional charges on city bills.: ,Give us a that, and satisfy' yourself whether we come up to our promise. Of all goods , in otir line everbunesa, we -keep the largest stacirand variety kept. in this t 'aunty. • Tobaccios andClgtua sold stamped awl in packag.m strictly arco a =to law—we giving' IgN ow MELO". Met* IM get of receiving tar -paid gioat d - All goods bought at our lit-ore:Which ou not prove perfectly satisfactory. may, b e rattarned,and the money paid wilLbe refunded., , - ClWl. V44LT4EN Feb. - 12, 'Cli-7—tf .1 ; - 22 Centre At t . Pottsville, Pn. MEI f -------- h .'--- B 8. SZEMANDO.y. in _lir: vir tr. . Tim tml'scriber , Is, mow prepared t band Steam . i Engines, Pumps . Coal Breakers. a 1 . .... Drift• tars. AR kinds of casting* ald fr am; fOrgings made to order .. Especial at n lion Put ' ' lion pa id to the mamilkaure of Ur :,•''''.....,..rt.• ....-- "wheels. , JOHN CATHE I. “ LI 4O -4 " '":-.` --, ' ghenandeidi 'at - Y.3:m. I, ^tl--i- vouirmnr A.ND_ALACEriSE 811CP, TEAS* •L' CAB 7PACTOB.Y. &C. t• • The , subseriisSr wont., - cant At , cot lc ot lo the superior facilities iscg , •c:E-...11-I , Y Sari him for the various. brunches fd Steam Engine building. Iron Founding, Mid the manufacturing of all kinds of II '4.1 ehltiery tor Rolling Mill*. Bing Furuner-cliallrorsi • (Yin., Ike.. • , ite alsciouitintift the,l.ual woks of wining. and 'setting theeelehroted Pine Forest While Cold, •being 111i:1401e proprietor or eoltleey. • • • 1;114-1-1xtlinst I. TSlw. ). . I Wit. • WORKS; POTTSVILLE, ry.IiNA. -- - Tnbscrlbers. me piaare4l i;), fur- rr ulf.hSTEAlf ull lOndfiC of JIA NE:ItY CHI and CASTINOS fur Idiots, Blast Turn:toss andr.ll.olllngt.—; C Mills, and bare a.foll ~.sort forint a ~ most approved patirros IPtl:l.l.St MILL E..I.iItINESI,S4III-.I:ZEItS,SII !.TT‘i all her•Nbehloory relolo,v 'ln the MiAlltliikettlVe of R.lflroml iron and Itark ; . . S.'pt.l.llo-I=l}dx• ; PUTT pOTTSViIeLE IiOLLING ATKIXS it'll 'IN. Pottsville, Schuylkill CoautY. Manufacturers Of Rallmad Iron (both T.and Street Rails) are prepared to rir-fri5r,,,,11.4. .cielve and execute sat short itotlw°, r „ for any and all the ordinary sizes in:tr-v. AU . ,.;" -- Making mir own pig metal, wp , ...- ftreftil to select sultithle ores: buys i.,eao 1 erefore - rely upon rreelvin In all rapes 111;1 10..,p . The tanaller *lv% of T :'9,, :1 !I.! 10 pounds to the yard,"always on WIWI, and suppi;ed idnalllats as wanted; , s, • THE MT. CABVEL IRON CO., • • MOPNT NORTfIrSIP.ERL.AND CO.. Pet. ! • organized 'natter the tpc!:(vitr t9ih, IF+7l. • Iron and Brisa foundry, Machine, Screen and . • Car Shops. •• • i • • • r•.;:!!!! 'Tbla Company la er•lnpattleLtelts,Storkings,qupporters,Shoulder Braces, elaspensorte4 rile I . k:twines. Ladles attended to by tdra. E. ' May 'a -414 y , BABLONVIS triIDIGO - BLUE - the'rebeapest and beat article in the market for BLUEING CLOTHES. It does not contain MIT acid 'l_ 'Mil/ riot injure the finest fabric; it but up at WILTEiERG EICS DRUG BTORE, 1"4"o. .North ,SECOND st.; PIIII4I. I kILPHIA, and for le by most of: the Grocers find Druggists. The - genulne bawbotb BarkraA and Wlbbiterli nameson the label ; others are Counterfeit. AFT.; , LOW'S BLUE will color more are four ttnielk the slime weight of , • • . • June 19, '6O • lern . EXTRA PANE BUTTER. '• ••„ . • • Re havienljtatnedthe Agener for one of the Hea viest and Best Shippers of BUITER. In Orange CO.. and are_ prepared to tIll•all onlers promptly with FINE B=. ER, and at the very lowest 'mar ket rates. Parties ordering can depend upon havin good selertiotut made,For them. • ;. ; • . 'A.;. 'CILESEEROUGIV t . CO.; • • Pork Packers and Wholesale Dealers In - IsTov:l3,'Bo-4164ni - Butter, . • GAB First3llEB 84 'AI:EROS tfir , • . . -, I_,_.. , •I . A , GRE.AT vAit.rirri oi - & - rw - 4arrtr:s I - . MERIDIAS OEM SAFEST AM) son. fl THE MARE??.: IT - csiv-Erus . 'Anoint MGM OF A3Y ErrrraAbE: . . COULTER, jONE4 8 CO:, 3tAti r utactnrers Whoie4ale Dealers; 702 Arch St.. June 5, HO E. A. C. DCPLALICE : , t PAUL S. 11,E5VE5. DU PLAINE & REEVES. BRASS FOUNDERS AND SMELTERS. • • . Antl-rrletfon, Babbitt,. Type arid Siereztype -Met als, Coppersmiths' 'and Tinsmiths' Solder Vailie Alloys, German Silver,. Rritianik Pewter. Red aint Yellow Brass, Heavy'and Light , Cast I nrc l'lnted and Laixiner Work.. • • • Rolling Mill' Journals and Railroad' Car Bo x es v • ;' Specialties. " • , 7xi srnrrit BJi oAD aF. , ii-Old Metals 'fought or Sold on Conitnrifon. - firi . - Atarch6,l3ll}--10.1y , , • • . UM_BELELLAS Silk, Gingham, and Alpaca.: - COTTON, 60 cents and above. • . • GINGHAM, $1.09 - . . • ALPACA, !'2.7 " " - ' SILK,tcapest in the City. H. DIX gi rmoth EIGHTII Street . , • ATTENTI 1 1 ..4.1i0LE5! .• • • Just recolved a Lime invoice. of the RARE 4 3T.and most ELEGANT STYLES ofJet andother FRENCH JEWEtItY ever offered In this market, embracing Pins, Ear-ring... Necklaces, Lockets, Combs, lialror, numents, ; new style Fang, Leather Bags, PoCket books, French Flowers for Jarchniers, Flower Hold ers, Toilet Sets,Vases; Portant ti‘s - xis,Glit.Ornanients, &e. Prices guaranteed gs..low as. can be offered In the City. . • H. • DIXON, 24 South Einifin Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 6 , - . DANIEL M. KA.UCHEE. . ' ..• FURNITURE. WARERQOMS, 236 and 238 South Settind Street; ' PIIILADELPRIA. . . • Theimderslgned haying greatly inereaseti faellities in the addition of the large four shin - bolltling Adt Joining of badness; utte r great' hi ducements to all purchasers of furniture to giyeliim a-call. He is confident of being able. to who may favor him with their custom, - and his ex perience of twenty years in business 14 a guarantee of his ability to turn out the-best of work. He per sonally supervises his large wOrkshops, nod any ar ticle not on hand will be. made to Order at the lowest jerms. A large stock-of-ail kinds of FURNITURE, constantly on hand.. D. H. KA RCHER.• f3ept. 9, 'ell • • 7.—lytlie. . • • • - • H . DIXO N , • ' , NO. q.i. S.- HIGHTII sp., Pli iLA.-. ,__l-. ' - r . - • , pfticF.s TO. SUIT TUE. TIMES. • RICH; FAN(.' . AND TOILET GOODS: -.,,, .- , ,-. A magnificent assortment, unshrpas.sed foiitariety; elegance of style, or moderation in price.. • . • - • Fine. French' for Jardiniers. rich' -Rohe , mian, and China Toilet Sets and VwsesPariun Busts I and Statuettes, gilt mounted Card Receiver..., and I - Flower-holders, Bohemian 131;1.5;,, China, "Lava; Pa , rian Marble, Bronze and Gift Ornaments. ' • • • .. - • Rich Paris and - Vienna leans, Fine Jet; Vuicahlte and French Jewelry,- Cigar and Tobileeo Boxes' cold • Holders, Writing Desks, Glor* liancilLg,i, 'Chief end- Work Boxes, Dressing Cases Tablets, Ptipfr Cutters. SILK, 9•INGHA3I and ALPACA, 1:7388REL1...A5, . - CANDA, dc., ' : • ~.. ' With a thousand other articles, embracing all tbat is new or desirable for bridal, birthday for •hoilday presents, superior in Quality and moderatel in . price. - t .HI - DixoN-,1. . . , • Nri..2l S. Eighth street . • between Market and Chesnut, east side_' , , ' - [De 4, *blit9...:uri, - .. , . . , . . . . A. J r 'ANDRE. JR.,. ... . , • -, , .. . , . • ISO caßsilitT STREET. PPIII 1 !Rik.: - Hl4 OPENED NENE; , ANI) WINTER. Cloops, Sueh a 4 all the newmty • '' • . • ' A:0 a full ljne• of 11ANDSCPMF. PAPP.V. ' ' • Wk.: 4ll :'irr-D. l- . 11, K , eHENTLF:'AND-11F:ADR, '• Dit.VNVINOox t*.i.NN:Ff., . . MONOGRAMS, .ETC., = November r,,,'69 WALL AND WINTER DRY (10.0DS -4889 • EDAVIN,HAtL4O.,* . 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET , PHILADELPHIA; • Invite the attention of parcitasers on vislting tielphia to their large and elegant ?Cock of • . . . DRY GOOD-S•''' . , . Consisting iti,Part of . . ' Black and Colored Bilks, '.. • - . . : . _ French and Dish Poplins, ‘, ...v . . ~. Plain and Corded "Poplins, . ' „.' • Medium and low priced Dres.rt Go, 44J , Dress Goods of the latest styles contiturt ly,.rei•elvjiig. Mack Dress Gooils In breat Variety*.,_ • _. . 1 awl Square Brdelie Shawls, •.' :• . •-, . - '. 11 " -g Long Square Blanket Sliriwk; . 1" . 1 - ' • . , Arabs, Chinchilla Jackets, • - - - . ••• • , • Silk Cloak Velvets, ' •.:• ~ .. • , - ' Silk Finish Velvetreiisi,, , • ' e • • 'Silk Plusher, all ei..l-4.1-, . -. Clothe mitt Ca.s•ltuer, - • - ' Table 'inns and Napkins, , • ...• Sheetlngs and ghlrting",, .. .., . , ... . Blankets and Counterpanes , ' • , -. . '- Plano and Table Covers, • : . -; . . - - WHITE GOOIN, LACEq, v.sir.rtoi TlEnt ES,' • . GLOVES, HOSIERY, tc., .le.. - ' . •-: .. S. B.—We deal in Good Goods and endea'wor 1 sell at such prices that 1011 Rive satisfaction; • itir The Chestnut and Market Street cars will eon., "vey you within a few doors of the store. • EDWIN HALL c 0.,: SOUTH SECOND STREET, iI.HLADELPHIA • Oct. 9, '99. . • • 41-3 m HOMER, COLL&DAY & CO, 1412 and 1414 Chestnut Stieet, P - HILADELPHIA. GREAT BARGAINS DRESS GOODS Taking advantage of the great tfeOresalbtt to bust:. slam, C. have made , - ••• '• • Immense Purchases Of Dieu Goodiin tliis market for'eash at an ENORMOUS REDUCTION Below the cost of imixirtatlon; whichithey , arn now Opening, said will MI - ex at a very slight. hail/awe. ' . They desire to direct special attentionto this stock, together with their own large irrii9rtatleiri which here been reduced to correspondingly Imii• istmend will be found the • . , LARGEST AND . CHEAPE S T DIM( Elm - ft 30FFERED, - - Including 10 caeca Blue and GreeKrbeirk" Poplin:land Mohair% in visit v,arlealiftdetTlemfor milts, at 3Y;-,c, Worth 75c toil 00 • , VERY RRAVY IVORSTEDSU Ria ES, kllthe fs-!t hic ' ti " ' Able ditric shade? for suite, We. l. * • • • • Tapir,A.LL WOOL ENERF.SS CLOT"., - Itietildupk the very acslroble shaaN Irl XavY:l3l'ae; for nal, • ' ' • , sPrzsiam.grAltrr Rem. sEitapl, colons; 73 cent's. , RICH BROCRS 1 - roVmszcs, arid :;Wool,; very handsome good*, rue. • ." , „ n=rc..r Ala, • • . • • . • .. HEANT tgrOOt. rbPLIN -: "CO'111):3" . _.tor? Viralking Dresses, 11 Zh , - , • :•• , • cietaber ls !se ' ' EMI7IMEMIM JANUARY', 1870, =MI ~.'...:,, i :E1w. tfarloer&i Trll TS ABOUT 1101: • . . _ Wu' assume that tilt regular 1 : 0„ the .field are, -attApened .by- cold w , if otherwhe e and we octiaaionally teeB when, eeen refinsylva n ph) wi t • be . done in etery month of the year., ji ; ; ; th fro - tit! . Will be needed to remind tiutit there art some kinds' of properly L.:111..: lipring*ork, which May be,-Jgri.,,tl the relief of the men and team. 'ALI. I, and April. Now. and then, }loci - ever ; opeur whets the ground is are low., and these - Otter an opporteili y. to be lost sight_of, ti. pick up :Agile-, aIA 1J heam,or haul them oir ,:„. the fields to *here titermay The hark-shop.—The -winter a fibril- ; to. work a gtod deal at repairitiii making and- uten4litig artielem, - aof if ,„.,: a room which May be warmed an I 14 , , and xiiith - a-g,ood work -hen cb ; (urn I s. conmion :carpeutent.! tools - ,. a wider i a little . tit or satiler'• tools; some -1‘ , .:4:1,- ; ,rivets, etc.; it will be found a very .;, , place for the bOysi; and not only wr,4l;d be:a-good. deal of good Work done, .babita -binned; Und- skill gained;.,-v,-,,r,• ! ., great tunny di:4lam More than tut ex; • i fitted - up Ntork-shop would cost. ' . ~ . -. '. roidcindSnote.—Never - delay pit 11-11,. :•'.. ' ;.' and'inail-breaking, after eery tall ~i - . , , ~ .The work iS-inuen lighter, and i# j..! i ...,., •done: • Never trust to mild nights, ittld....: , the wafer staudiogillPlimPi (-` .. ? P11)..---••• • • ~-i. den changes of Weather, with conti:.::. 'din!age, occur without warni . g.' • ,- . - : Mt:74in may often - be done by' con •) ; Oi*r cheaper. 'than in warm - •iN 'especial)y if the contracts be mad.- ,!,,.• Autumn; but huilderS will give figtii`c..s..fOr good work, if one cati presuut 'made-plans anil specifications new ). - ear,'and give them dine to ,do i. n . ishing after the house is enclosed, ;;11.1 roof on, whet their other., work d 0.,, prests,-upon,thein.. • and bold-- to the sau llti'selecting trees, take. sin•li as have -stopped . :growing, hut are Mill sodynt , healthy.. Such, wood is titiite a. good as, ttiL l Which is growing fast, , and 'stiffer. .011,2 timberiselastic, old is Stitt'; that wt ti stopped growing,,,and_has nrinV is brash, thfugtf:good-ftir rue). • not haft , .iee-.11011 7 C. iin , a l - ,t not neglect to fill thenr-Whenevk•r thickness. or, ice forms to :Make it 1„o.-11 , 1.'-• • hindle it , ecentOnticalV. At. the IoN t. 1 ,;.. -t ude!Witere iCe 7 litaises are. found, ice is usually gathered; it often -happczoi t!., ; good . .ic.e can be oiattined only for a very ,lay. ice One.itaii thick may be very l t -tally handled, _being 'dragged out , , 'Clean platform. I-tinning: into the water, ; from this shoveled - rota carts. It slim packed by.-pounding. into as Redid po ible- in thl eee-hOuse. • An interi Sp'niv of a. moderate - ,miantlty of pore, "Irc ; .11-;a snow is an advantage if It IR , 10'.11t) Wifini thick-lee can -bc.:oluaint.(l, the-.porous sap -ice, • am! pack uu IV 11,. .clearest, filling the ereviees with tine':.., ESI c;:litiopeil froth the top of ,e4ett.l . :tyer. eakeA 10 1 , . . ~:Mirso't; ought -t4i 11r,ve good eleahile.; .., i - I regular exercise. ..If there is ttotliilw. I,' ,!".. give theiit a-run of an- hour or two in .1 \`' ... I fenced - lot, one. at 'a thne--Lif•theri: 1-. :i:-. , danger of their . hieking each other- ,-+. ,: fair day:. • Donq h4erinii; in liedding; y..i, v. ii lcise:uothing, hut gain, in Ole 10 , , , kane..:c •• 'fotx.l a- hoNe will need if kept wariii..". (•..,- :Aahles must. he well ventilated. • 1ni404.C.,..!. blueksinith td put the best and 0)1101,4 intO the caulks, so welded on 11ia1.7111 , ,‘ not tear:out.. The caulksrshotild'-be -01 it that they - may he sharpened when neve,: several times without the•neeisity 14 :• • ing the shoes. • Mart4'and o)ll.l.—Brocht Mare* / to injury' front slipping on the ice; awl II; .." oitglit-to be kept sharp-:hod if used, and otifrom le,y paths when eitereised water. 'Similar care Must be -had - fqr c, giving them exercise. Thtiwinter is af able , • seavi to. break and train younis In all exireise for:the. purpose of tTai i 4 horse, remember he is an animal erable , powers of - reason, Of ere;,' • to caution, of excellent memory, alol uncontrollable - curiosity, mid -,; theselaculties., The_ horse is ncv,r - • with: his .knoWle4e Of a new • thing Unle4..s-he and- rid., it e - .This do 11.1tuitarilv. . Yonhi./lifr.—Give young, ratty. ~II - cornstalks and hay theY want to • ,W,ith pod shelter they will thrive. waiih' them witlt a mialerately ref' carbolic si up, following the .• , contpiinying . . s .„ • , roes uouto wive quarter-, ' they Wi.11 , 46t be c"x4,ited .eurrencei ahout.' them, and should he 11 - .. r Mel spring triArket With :all I 11: will. eat of corn and oil meal to ix•• with Mots and hay, to 44iire variety, t , !l other fattening fCeit. Quick.fattelaii: • .most profitable, and. peed ‘ - .•1 - ;. exerciliie, if any, i;ci long .as they . appetites. • :Sikrrp which. are fed for ~ h inglaer hesorted; f‘o that-the stronger one: Shalt get More g.raiii than is -their shafe, or tl, • good for them. Sheep are easily thr,‘‘, l , their -,feed" -by over-feeding. ~,. and oil-cake -with corn, and hemlock boughs, I f,t hose.can all sheep- are fond of thein, - -zio , f 444 , healthy variation of • their diet:: :j sheep for ticks, lice ; and. seab, -- .'ail , l, if . apply carbolic snap in th;• tt: 'strong b , uos, . thrown into the partt.,l. „'• tlu a. quill in the cork of a frill keep the vermin in check:. . - '7l„ • • high price of pork Will i. farmers - to 11;;;t their store pigs, in e , ,nd d -for.slaughter.- This not worth ::• 144 . ypu have abundant, provision made large stock of- young 4mes. Sows s ill good Hover hay and I:.orn-.talks, acrd mac be kept in good order or cowl ,t: Little feet( besides. • - s• • BEM Poutory.—Eggs ni high. The •-•• poultry brings a fair price except %i 3s:•:. • 'glutted tuarket'is folloWeil by a thaw :1 . 1 season.' • To secure eggs hi 'w inter, fow! , have light quarte.where -they - irtinv nut only the night but sever e fort - t. protected front •eold and 'mina, • - barn-.cellars or. ettel/i:ied "lapvel4," ntire4s t liro*n froni the ,- ; tar,le:, - 1-: , altnosiseyery farmer can arra!, • . Feed well; Wtitchfor rtaip,or any •11‘.1: •: • wise; remove wheezing fowls or Lit" •‘,..11 .eolds, and give them:tonic anti. stimi%la diet,. Give fowls sift feed-roaShel. .• with. meal or *heat screenings, sweiit-1 Oferaeked corn, lye' I - soaketl, during tit,: mingling it with cayenne, pepp,er n , .% then, and feeding (Tim, barlen or - other hard feed at evening.. Water not to freeze in. the h6it-house. exeept - ,oic - sex:ereSt nights, and the • house, root, nest . boxes should he kept ..%s clean :v. , sfring.or summer.,. Dry earth deodorizer.—ii!neriOnvigrimttorri. DENII6III, I I7ANIA. GRANT) TIINVC.IItTON, -THOMAS FOWLDS, Jr., Proprietor RIEFEREICCE.—Eton. Ecni. Patton. 'W. • • • 40--Cto EXCHO'GE HOTEL, Corner:Centre and Callas - MB Streets, 7 . .POItTSVILLE, s.t.vta:L'oAßitirrr, Prcipilas?, AprilAO, la Stwittg GIIOVER & BMLEit'S, nitsr parwzrx ELA§TIC•ffiIT. FAMILY SEWING - MAC.HIRS, .4 is BROADWAY, NEW'Y'ORK, :7:46 C'RESTNET 'STREET,' PHII4DELP i • Pointsof.Excellence: . . • • Beauty • and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection pi, Simcity. of'Machinery. - Using both Alirehei ,i rectiy !l d! Ligon' the spools.. No fastening of seams 'ha , and no wasteofthread. Wide range of sPi :t cation without change of adjustment.- , The s( :oi retains its beauty and, tlrmness after washing, to, Ironing. 'Besides doing aS kinds of-work done b other tietclnfr Machines, these . .Machinesexecute. it, niostbenutthtl and permanent Embroidery and 4 . nainentel Work. For sale by _ ... . - M. E. CHAMBERS, Pottsville. HEELER & WILSON NM Sial,y_ 31, 'G • . SEWING_ I!sfACHINS, . 707ith all the late tinprovenienta,s . aold - 011 InOr. eriil tertaa than any other F•sen , tug Madill., J. C. DERBY. H. Genq Agent the Elf - potation. Daily use It the world, 'al.— 1y true merit au:-. Avor,, and - tope , , .IWilatta-Aetrizr. , nl , y the number. start ng tp the pre- ,,, time,theyhikvitigbullt and,sehl OVer fAOOO Ja:te 14 t., Salesroom,lio.B , Matantongo'atreet,- nest elor4 t the PottoMee, Pottsvtlle, Pa., where, all are 11.1 , ;II , '• to cell and examine' the maehlne_hetore buying' ' W. B. ST 80N1,,. II . . . ..... .. ' ..- • • ,:: : ,r.Agent for Schuylkill CouL,•,.. - • -.llll , lnstructiona given at tbeTesldeneerof tlip i•k chasers, without extra charge: - Dec. 4, '6.4---1,1 L P.. WIIITNWG., . • ; . BANKER; 160 teutre Street,'Pottatille. nu' DIAL= • , GOLD ATID . SILVEII, . . , . • • ZOBEION tXCELIINGro UNr1"41?: Anti:Erma Bostrl. ~. uorer illtElVE6.4keit tirl 3 oolT-15T ‘ 4 12 .E ,4 allowed as per speclaLsgreemeut: • • ' • STOCKS and BONDS, bought and said at the Necr , York and Philadelphia Boards or Brokers Jo. the usual Comialsalon. Jan"; '7O , • , . • /47 43.4 m, [bolds; _ 4l - (LATE "T:N.l9_N',") MEM 31 . €41it s. reeeir.t Gail Medal, ai:•t lnly one, aman ben:mat perfiset tg3iaclilnaand tn-doleMachln Wiled- -at . the 'lt !venial' Exp."- MU