The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, January 29, 1870, Image 3

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    FART''-SIX:: :YEAR.
t.O '...1i
Co..i.t 4 i.Kskrisrics.—We Were unable to Cana
;pleteour Coal Statistics this - week, although
we furnish our readers with a large quantity
.that will prove. interesting. •We will en
deavor to finis h weak. These
Who are making improvements, and' who
have not yetieported them, wilt please - fur
nisi; us Niith: the same early next ; .
.We return thanks to those of .our ; cor
respondents. who have been prompt in, fur
nishing us with, the necessary returns.
THE annual meeting of the StatC Council,
Union Lag - 4e of Alnerim, will bi helolkat
VEKTILATION.—We have, received' anoth
ex' letter from Mr. B. P. Sith, dated Ash-.
burtou, Lehigh Region.
_ . Mr.Smith thesnot
appear to be satisfied with.Mr.Daddow's an
swers to his queries -recently , published in
theJOUIVIAL, and consequently there is no
use of publishing his letter in reply. We
hope that some other correspondent may lie
more successful in satisfying Mr: Sinn. ,
Darr ON PAPER.—The.Republican edifors
Who, In: the recent Editorial Convention held'
at,Harrisburg, advocated' the., repeal of duty
on paper, ought to be discountenanced by all
friends of k'rtitection ever} where. Such ed
itors, do .not: represent the...principles of Re
publicanism. That Democratic editors, who
Uphold European In preference toAmerican
inturest, should Introduce and support sueb
a measure, . we are not surprised at, 'But
shame on the Itepub I idlin,editor„ who, to save
biinself a few .pctinies, which, by the way, he
would not do if the duty Wa removed, would
thus stultify himself, ilestrbkhis. lufluebee,
and betray hotO Indus y.
Eris speech of the lion.. Mr. Dawes, Chair
man of the Committee'- of Appropriations,
who knows 'alt about:: the "Jobbing Ritsi
,ness,"has caused'More rumpus at Washing
ton, than any speech delivered ,before that
body foli years ; 'and some of those who ex
pected t I ) get some '7.10b5," are terribly afraid
tluit it Will injure the Administration. It
may amMig !`Jobbers," but not among the
people. The Administration is pledged to
Retrenchment and Reforand • the people
itfe determined to have it cried Out.. Those
who . oppo,e these • measures are the enemies
of the AdministratiOX awl' not, those who
advocate such refortits. The Navy Ill'ard-at,
kthiladelphiA will not be damaged if it should
remain for a year or two where it' is now,
until the. industry of the•eountry i s relieved
from some of its • burthens; but those who
expected to het Jobs by handling the' pithlie
funds, may be daniaged x little.. Mr. Dawes
an lioneSt man, and an- .honest- repre-
sentative, and all : the Jobbers know. it and
that .is the reason why he IS abused. : The
-time was, that honesty in legislative; bodies
.coninauded respect, but the ,plunders would
attack our Savkairlf he stood in their way.
As Chairman of the Appropriation Commit
tee, lie.knows the schemes of
,plunder thgt
has been concocted, .and he sounded the
alarms in time. The people will hold their
/ representatives to these pledges, or they may
lust ELS U ,, * C 11; prepare to retire aftertheir .pres
,ent term is out.
. • GRESS 7
rpo THE, humiliation of the American
_L people a:transaction 'took place at Wash
ington; -which ought to mantle the cheei, of
every American citizen with shame: The
Committee of Ways and. Means a short tithe
age - heard the Zargurnents c the American
pvltiol , rs, of Bituminous oal, and , they
voted to maintain the presetit protect
and develop this home trade... During this
week this same Committee insulted the
American people by permitting a Foreign
Agent—au emissary froth Nova Scotia to
giVe testimony before Said Committee aim/n.4
Qmetienti producerS,—and after hearing this
Foreign Agent, reversed theie former de
eision 'and resolvedao favor Foreign interests
. against American interests;i:: and take about
half a million collars out Alf. the National
TreaSury anti put it into the pocket,/ of Nova
• Scotia Cant 'speculators. prestime the
nexi step will be to send to-England and im
port ForeEign . manufacturers to give testiniii
ny also against other American interests.'.:—
If this decision is poi reversed, 'every tnem- ,
!her of - that Committee who done the bidding,
4 this'foreign emissary, ought to be brand
before the country a, having betrayed the
interests c our own country to betieilt for
eign interests: •. We speak warmly on this
' 'question, because,•we feel that the American
people have beeft grossly insulted through
the iteti4t.Of the Committee. •
par Slincie the above was in type, we learn
'that the committee of Ways and Meats have,
revemd.their decision. Glad to record it.
Gen. Jackson said in , his letter to Mr.
Coleman '"It: it tithe that the country be-.
comes -a little more -Americanised, and not
deperld on foreigrFcountrieS for the ploduets
which we- can 9.141 - kii.tit . home."
11C.—Tfas Convention met hi Pittsburgh
qi.Wetinesdaoon, January-2(ith, at. 3
Y. M., The .oelega s marelied from the
1193tong•altela° Hattie to' Lafayette Hall;
where the Convention •in"et, ,headed by the
City Band.
After the organizatitiif,:Grand CommandCr
O. C. Bo:AT...hell read his, annual , : report, a
very interesting document, and. enabodying
some important suggestions) Col. Beath
read hiS aunual report, which entbraeed•,a
complete review ,of the condition Of the
Order in _ the 84ate. 'The membership has
been , somewhat interfered with in con 4.-
quenee of the change made ditring the year
in the work, 47nt the prospect for the future
i exceedingly encouraging.
After the, various reports. had been- reads,,
• Major A. I. Calhoun was elected Grand.
Commander"by acclamation amidst. great en`'•
thnsiasm ; 'George S. Wood was elected Sr.'
Vice .Grand Commander; Gen: Charles
bright was :cleated Jr, Nice. Grand 034 x:
mander: . ' • • ; .7
In the evening a reunion' was held at.
Lafayette Hall, which Was largely: attended
by comrades and 'by citizens of
Speeches were delivered by Gen. At L. Pear
'lilajor Calhoun, General: Wagner,
aqd other distinguished soldiers. This was
f^wed by a banquet given by
_the Posts of
Allegheny county to the delegates; This
was a splendid affair, and the aoldierspresent
enjoyed themselves very much. .
' - OL Thursday the Convention Was.engaged
in difßosiug of business of impOittitice to the
Grder, and adjourned finally in the evening.
The oftleer*elect will, we. have 'no doubt,
push on the 'work vigoronsly, during th,e'
present yearopf fully organlzlng the qrand
Army of the Republic in Pennsylv = ania,' and
adding largely tctits membership. It is an
~.Order having for its objects solely the en
couragement of fraternal feeling among sol
-.):llers, and works of benevolence towards dis
'abled soldiers an d the widows and orphani
of laden comrades. sEvery„ - .honorably • dis
charged soldier who feels pride in his services
In the. late war should join this Orderi ; Which
is as honorable as any that ever linked men
together who tolled and suffered for the cause
of freedom.
It is probable that Col. R. R. Bea th will
he reappointed, Assistant Adjutant General.
He has proved himself an efficient A: A. G.;
and it will be greatly the interest of the..
Order - that he should be retained in the post
In concluding this Necessarily brief notice
of the lateo. A. R. Convention in Pittaburgh,
wewould say, that SchuyikillsConnty, with
itseighteen representatives e iproveit - that no
ere in the State- Is the Order iti• a more
flourishing condition than in thii . :_Poutity;
Limit the proceedings of the Convention were
hernionious end interesting, and-that there
ceptimi and 'entertainment 6f the delegates
by the Posts of Allegheny county, were kind
and hospitable, makingthe happiest itSPres
sit% on the minds of the vititing Mossibm
-=' , "V",- , •
- 4 . f :•?Ik e , ti' --/P "'":[ "
-.e . iiiiiiii
• . -; -
405 *- 1 -I«nei4.Tl4*urfoci
515 .l _ ,
518,limy AL 1 $ 9
5 lft First
_Q. 9 I 6 el%
319 - Full it. 17 f , 49 too.
50 Last 41, - 21 1•1:
5 21' 117,ew 21. M :no.
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7 10
7 9
99 AirC/91 3 4 . 1;«,
. JANUARY: I CA. x. 1 1 4)0 . 21 1 0 fiat.
I I •
33 0 . 88 0
• 32 at LL
95 24 notiday. • 25 32 130
T04eday.7.2 . ..7
-- as
:- ...... I at •
21 20 - 48
Zr Tharadakt 2.1 - 43
28 Prids 32 35' 22
• Tainorroctr Sunday orthe year and
fourth 'after Ephiphany. Dare length, 10 1 .. ars
and 3 MiLlUtea.
. .
ReV• Oecirlie A Latimer, of.WilittlngtatiMcia
ware. will preach hi St. James' Chtireh. nYI
- Haven, to6worrow morning, 30th net.; at
101$:o'clock. .
The "Tableaux of Erin." lately so 'pular
here, Jvlll open In lllnersville on felranday even
ing. We cordially recommend it to theipa.tron
age of the pudic. • i 1 -
The Rev. C. R. Lane will preach in thergecond
Presbyterian. Cbureh, Market Square, to-mor
row morning and evening, at 101 A. M. and 71
o'clock P. M. All are invited. Seats foe. : •
Drummer Boy of• thiloh.—There will be a
rehearsal of the Military Allegory of the Drum
mer Boy at Union( Hall this evening: All per
sons who have consented to take character" In.
the exhibitioittare requested to be•prese
R. C„. Russet, Treasurer of the Ile..'eirolent
Association acknowledges the receipt Of the
following donations since last report: if: Ship
a; C. Baker, $ 1 0; Managers of the,AsSern
bites, balance on hand, $28.00;•L. P. Gartigues.
$5; Cash, $5.
Death of an Old Resident.—Mr. Artio- Wal
bridge, a citizen of this borough for thiTlY years
past,, died at his residence on Thursday. evening
of diabetes, In the sixtv-Ilrat year of 4/ age.
Mr. Walbridge Wag fora long time engaged in
the coal and lumber business; lie was an en
terprising, public-spirited man, and,was imi
versally.rospected by a large circle of.,acquaint
ances in the borough and surroundizig country.
P. O. S. of A2—By authority given him', by R.
K. LiiVan, Esq., District President of Upper
Schuylkill, 1). J. S'ehollenberger,P. P. of W. C.'
No. 14, P. (-). S. of A:, installed 'the Officers of
Camp 65, orPort. Carbon, ou Thursday evening,
Jan. 13th, li7o to wit: •
P., J. G. Medlar; P T. R. Bednall- 1 V. P.,
Lewis wintier ; M. of }. of C., J. A. laedlar;
Rec.' Secy., il l , W. Brown Asst. 5e4.74 . J., A.
Stellwagon 'Treas., Charles Gipson; Fin.] Secy.,
• Tanies;
The Talisman of Business Buccees.—We are
in receipt of a handsome little manualunder
the - above caption, published by 1. H. Liter,
of the'Easton EXPIWAS, which is a suregidde to
,wealth", prosperity and-happiness„ If its tesch
iriErs are follower! out by business menf Tzlie
writcr shows conclusively that no man.part site.;
ceedin buSiness without the aid orprinter's
ink, and abut demonstrateS the fact that the best
and only profitable way to advertise is through
the columns of the local newspaper. The
manual is well gotten tip, and its pages are re
plete with-instructive matter of great , value to men-of the country. .1
'During the present week tile pastor or Trinity
Church, on Market street above Third, has beet'
holdinit a series of religious services preparato
ry to the service in connection with the Holy
Communion. , '
Special preparatory services will be hold this
evening, at 74 o'cloCk. Holy Communion_to
morrow morning, service beginning,-ht :ten
o'clock. Services alho in the evening at seven
o'clock. At all of these services thel Rev. S.
Philips, of Baltimore bid., will preachlthe "ser-
limn. e will'also address the Sundas. School
in the afternoon.
Oh Monday evening at 76 o'clock„'?:it . Sitme
place, Rev. Philips will tjeliver a lectu Sub
ject : "Babel Builders and Buildings."
Liiiath Of •a Soldier. William Fry ; a .bruke-
Man on the Mill Creek rail road ccas arcd en tall
killed on Monday morning, the 23d., inst. • The
'deceased enlisted in the three month's sery,iCe on
the 24th day of April, 1861, and was discharged
from the service on the 6th day.of Augui t
ingg by reason of the'expiration of his term; re
enlisted us Sergt., in Captain J. C;-- :iihearer's
company (B) Fitty-tifth,-Regiment of rennsvl-_
yank._ on:the eighteenth day of September,
1661, to serge three years; was discharged from
the service - the 314, day of Deeemberi ISII3, by
reason of re-enlistment ass Veteran liolunteer
- , -re-enlisted a a private of Captain Franklin - C.
Depper's coMpariy (13)41th Regiment of, Pepn
sylvania Veteran Volunteers, the first I . (tily ()I'
.lanuary,,lBd4, seve three years o* . durina.
the war;' was discharged from the se ry tho:fOth,
day of A uglist, 1t445, at Petersburg, rVirginiu, by
• reaSon of the close of the war, and his services
being no longer,needed. • ; I
. •, ._
church Dedication.—The new Methodist
Eisi...*:opitl Church at St. Clair wiU be dedicated
tU the worship of Almighty God, Sabbath, Feb
ruary E 3, 1570. Her. Dr. A. J. Kytiett, D. D.,
Corresponding Secretary (lithe Chiirch,-lExtett•
sion Society of theM. E. Church will ,reach at
10 A. M., assisted by. Rev. R. H. Pattimen,
Presidia;• Elder of:the District, HPV;S: H. E..
Gilroy, Benjamin Haywood, 52. C. Mceabe anti;
others. •
In the afternoon at 2.i P, M., therelWill be a
grand' family gathering of the inenibers and
mends of the eiturch`aud the Sabbath School.
Robt. ii. Pattison, D. D., will occupy thb - chair.
Addresses wi l ;be delivered by Benj. , Raywood,
J. D. Dickerson, Frame
and others, and . the exercises intersper , with
singing' by .51cCabe and the I Sabbath
In the evening ,there be prone
P. M., by Rev. U. C, McCabe; altern.'
- -
e understand the editice is beauti
modious, with'aill the modern itupro
and expect the friends hi St. Clair ;w.
good time on the 13th of February.
Rev. R. Owen, the pastor, devotes
his time in carrying fOrwaril the work
-ed with the enterprise.
We expect to turnish our readere
full particulars in due time.
The' Burns Cliab.—The celebration of the One
Hundred and Tenth anniversary of the ,birth of
Robert Burns, by the Burns club, of Pottsville,.
took place at the Exchange Hotel, this bhrough,
on the evening of . the Lath inst. Theiassem
W -
age of belies c ud gentlemen was quit -large;
and the Pleasures of the tivcasion varied.. Maj.
Jamey Wren was chosen President and l'aptaiu
F. Glover Vice President of the meeting. At
10 o'clock P. M., the party gathered itround; a
sumptuously .spread table, to which j. slice was
d e t te , after which came the " feast of reason and
flocs* of soul.": The fjellowing is",the regular.list
of toWitai and songs: -
Ist. By the President, "The Immor
ory of Burns. _
• Song, by A. Galaspie, "There was a
in Kyle." •
"The Day and all Who Honor
sponded to by tieorge Brown, ably an
river-. .
Song, by the PreSident,
3d.', "Our Adopted Country." •••
Responded to by Tbonms Wren In a
eloquent speech, maKng all feel ppm,
adopted country.
Song, by Capt. C. F Glover,
Cameron Men,"
4th. "The Ladi(s4.'? ' " • I . 1 -
Responded to by Hem. C. W. Pitrintrh in his
usual able and eloquent style, impressing on all
present the nobleness of women.
Sung,' by.ileorge W. Johnson, "6 rev n.G ro irs
the Rushes b." • : , 1
sth. "The ' hp'
6th. lie President of the rnited States.
Responded to by John Twitch4on in It patri
otic and in4ructive speech. •
Song, by the company;"The Star Spangled
•Recitadon, by A- Larnuer, on "The t ittliday
Of Burns," in a good ould Sciitch style. I
6tß. "Arniy and..NavS• of the. rpited States,
long may their 'power atid honoted „'Position
give.peace and protection to mankind.':
Song * Mr.,Wm. Chrigtian and lady,
Drummer Bow of Waterloo." •
7th. John ")....-Wren: Toast read by President,
".Ifav-Scotias' Sons ever keep hriglitAthe honest ,
:worth .of their native 4.•oiantrv,-SiVil, l "
Song by John McDonald, - your auld
'cloak about ye.'.' . ,
. .
Bth. " Our Sister !Societies." Song by: An
drew Britton, "Burns farewell - to St Johns'
Lodge of Tarbolton." •
The company then adjourned to the parlor for
a short period, afterwards retiring to the ball:
room, where hornpipes, jigs, • 'and reels
put life and metal into their heols. !Dancing
and singing Was kept up until:, A. M., when a
vote of thanks were given to Mr. and Mrs. liar
rett, the host and hostess, for the satisfactory
manner #tt. which they entertained the com
pany. Thin party then assembling, sane,Auld
Lang Sync,' when "each took off.their several
way, to meet again another:day."
The Case'of Samuel R. Nankervis. ‘—bn Jf on-
day morning last the previous motion land rule
by the. prisoner's Counsel, for a new trial having
been argued. some ten days before, the Court
dellsereci their opinion discharging the rule,
rand plumed sentence of death upon the prisoner..
The reasons fora new trial as set forth by.the
prisoner's counsel, and ill ..0 - MeceMber 3 0th,
supported by certain ez p 4 iirte affidavits and
depositions were severally and separately con
siclered • and answered by tike Court, arid net
being concurred in, the yule for a newlrial and
arrest o kt f l Audgment, was overruled. ; I ,
. The soner, who was all the while, prizietit
in the ock, was then called, and asked whether
he had anything to say before the Court.should
pass sentence upon hirn, to which he replied
through his counsel that he had not. Where
,uponthe court addressed to hkm the following
Samuel R. Nankervis,, your case *as exam
ined for several days by an intelligent and im
partial jury_ with earnest attention s and great
patience. You were defended byl able and
learned counsel, .whose zeal andi industry
marked their devoted attention to yotinApter
ests,:and who warmly contested every . pilot,
and lett no effort undone in your behalf which
patience, industry and learning could suggest.
Notwithstanding this, you, have been convict
ed of the highest crime known ' laws, and
seeing no reason to disturb the vs" ct, it - be-_
comet our solemn duty to enter. ereon the
solemn judgment of the lady .
We vrould•be Macl if, in diechargi this most
-solemn duty, yrs - conk! utter no wo ds of Con
demnation but expressions of hope , d encour
*moment. •
Raut" it is
no hop
to :may to yak; that -you
should indulge no hope in the thture to mislead
you. Let us admonish -you that ttleyew days
remaining to you of tbiti iifeirAottld ibs &Maid
toimn244 - o .. 43l : ... _ myraneferisna :"'" • .4: : - , 1 ..: - --- -r — -
nom. ;Seek E55 17 7:475el of devout mew. Apr :
tic throniraf the Great Judge; implore =Osmosis lu the earnest:lass of a
.heart issd sincere repentsitee; and in Ilso=f
a Savior whose 'snores is all-sufficient, even .to
,he washing away of blood. .... , • •
The three Judges then role and stood_ While
the. Fret:bind pronounced The sentence of death, -
. We now dechne•fbe jidgrnent of the
which, la, that vou, Samuel It.• Ninkendeithe
Feisoner at the tier, be taken * from hence to the
II of tbu. County:of Schuylkill. &Om lith e *"
came, end fore the** to therplace of ezeett
•tion, and that he' be thereed• by the neck
natal tae, deakand juts , His Infinite
goodneeelieve mercy on soul. • .
:That prisoner • Iris immediately taken in
charge by the Sherlff, and re.conyeyed to the
were a large number of persons present
in the court room, evidently Much Interested In
the prOoeedino, and deeply affected by the
lolemnity of the passion. •
Jottings.—On Friday afternoon of last week,
a little boy named Willie Rebilm,yder, living at
Mt. Rope with ids widowed mogul; lid
her temporary absent* from the bowie, obtain
ed a tniantity of powder, prat it in a vial and
placed ? it on the Wove,. where it exploded, burn
ing the 'boralface and hand severely.' Dr. C. T.
Palmerattended him. - - , .. • ;
Nathan Ci.'oW); of SelinylkiltHaven. was iti=
rested! at .Reading on Friday of last week; for
forging', an order for clothing. He was pout.'
mitted•Wthe,Berks County Prison in default of
$5OO NA .
- The bass of Murray, Winleek & Randall, above
Ashland, by the destruction of their breaker,
was•t2s4)oo. It was frilly insured. .
Theßurns club of this Borough, celebrated
the 110th anniversary :,of the birth of the poet'
Burns, 'on the evening of the 25tifinst.; at. the
Exchange HoteLl• -
Wendell Phillips will lecture in Pottsville in'
Februarv. Olive Logan March 3d, on Girls.
Mr. De 'Cordova, March 9th. Subject :- "Spratts
at Saratoga."
' RON% 'Franklin Moore, D. D., late pastor of
the M. E. Church of this city, dieditt Sacraluen!
to City,,California, on the :aci inst.
On Monday morning. William Fry, con
ductor of the engine Norman, was killed at St.
Clair by being caught between two cars.
John'eal, murderer of Richard Harlan was
convieted in the Berko Comity Court on Satur
day of iniurder in the first degree. The jury
was out about six hours.
A new postoffice has been established at Glep
Carboni in this County, with Mr.' Joseph H.
Denning as postzhaster.
A theatre troupe held, forth at Union Hall on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
• There will be a hhooting match at the Agri
cultural- Park to-day for. BJOO a' side„between
James Dando, of Minersville, and David White
howse; of New Philadelphia--fifteen birds each.
William L. Whitney . , Esq., was on Tuesday
elected cashier of the - Millen'', National Bank,
%ice Mr. Fred.Fatterson resigned: . , •
The , GranVLodge K nights of Pythias had
their annual reunion at Philadelphia during the
il l .
present wetik.
Gowen Post, No. 23, G. A. R., of this Borough,
will present th Military . Allegory of the Drum
mer Wm o. ttle Field of Shiloh, 'at Union
Hall eii Mo,hday , next, to bo continued every
,evening'duting next week._
A religie4 revival lain progress in the Cal
lowlitil F.Vangelical Church this borough, 2 .. ,
• On Thursday last Martin - Cumming was 'i n-
jured by a fall acoarat the Colliery of Messrs.
Lee, grant it Co.; Shenandoah. • •
The Anthracite Board of Trade will meet in
this Borough to-day.
The :large , picture painted by Mr. Biindy,
was diaern on Wednesday by the "nephely of
my unele." As a "drawist .
.Samuel is. a suc
cess. r e•
John Myers, aged nineteen yesre w as. taken
to the ftisatie Asylum at Harrisburg on Wed=
T .
nesdaY. l , •
The , Cook fight originated and inaugurated t
East Mahanoy Plane on Monday, terminated at
Newkirk on Tuesday. A large amount of
money Is said to have changed hands on the re
sult. !. • -!'
OnriMethodist:friends are making extensive
preparntions for their Conference to be held in
Potbrolle next month.
A lad eight years of ago was run over by a
team huNorwegian'atreet on Thursday and se,
verelyi -injured. t•, . • .
TheOnnan Catholics are erecting a handsome
new eloiorell at Centralia.
A young mau named Martin was drowned at
Port Clinton on Thursday morning.
John Dresham ;attempted to kill his• wife and
son at', Ashland hist•week. He was arrested and
afterwards attempted to kill Bsquire Bower.
For all of which he -was committed to prison.
Served him right.
. • . ,
jt IlAitrustit - no, Jail. 2.3, - 1939.
•SO Otr, • the following imainess relative to
Schuylkill County has beetitransacted:, .
A bilhauthoriiing the appointment of a No
tary Butilie whose residence shall be in Shenan.-
doah City, has , passed both Houses, and re
ceive ' signature of. the liovertior.
The!following'bills have passed the Senate :
• An aot to ineorporate the Safe Deposit Bank
of Potts Ville.
An .tet. authorizing the borough of Shanan borrow Winne':.
An art Ruihorizing tho School Directors of
Cressopit to b!n•rOw
An act relating to the; fees of the Clerk:of
Quart . Or - Sessions, allowing him - to charge a fee
of .s3.diren each and every application for tav
ern anireating house license Wed.. After hay
ing both Houses, the bill was vetoed by
the GOvernot. •
Delegations of workingmen, representing the
whole , State, several from your County,
Of the NovocArE, 1113 spokesman, have
been here during the veek -testifying before.
connOttee, :personally urging the passage
of a,Mliiing:ll4ll,ll (-ally of which we have for
wardedfor publication in Saturday's dorms - AL,
.I.lmmeil'entirelv to their dictation.' Those•vi - ho
are Interested *ill ;- 'make a note of the
matter,iand take such action in the premi
ses they see tit. Strenuous endeavors
will lie', rim+) to push the bill through both
Houses next week, and present appearances iti
dieate'with sitemss. Turner, of Luzerne, engi
neers act in the Senate, and will
vehentently, he being desirous to reinstate
hittiseif in the favor of those of his constituents
whose good will' he forfeited through his eppo
sition to the Bannan-Pleasant bill for the better
protection of the lives of miners,. urged by
Randall and Nice through the last Legislature—
so far !tis making it a general act. The mainly
apparent objectionable features of the the
enactment of 'itch .3411 injure the operator
without benetitting the employee, should, be
remoVed prior to the final passage of the act
which': is inevitable, and measures to that end
should be instantly employed. It is scarcely
supposable, nor can it reasonably be expected,
that the members will pliee themselves, with
out adequate support, in a position Which;
though( right in itself, yet savors of antagonism
to the : interests of the workingmen, their consti
tuentS and _which will be used :hereafter by
-politieel demagogues -to their personal 'disad
vantage". Vir sap sat. •
Your; trieuibers in. the House have already
establisheds a reputation for ability and fair
dealitig which ; will redound greatly to the
benefit of themselves and their„ constituents.
Mr. Ellis has alteady taken ranki and his mune
figure4")m the following comMittees : Judiciary,
(qeneralo JudiCiary, ( Local,) Federal Relations,
Rajiv:lads, Estates and Escheats, and 'Aecounts.
.11r.!5teele works in the Committees on :Cot.:
poratiOn and Blinks, while Mr. :Snyder appears'
upon ,the Pension, Iro Coal, and Bank Corn
the Senate.' , Xtri -11aidall occupies his old
place*ain the.. Railroad Committees, ti arts.
the Etatiki,s,'ltnd-delves on , the Mine•and - Mining
-Committee. •
hing at 7
v. 4, H. .E.
ul, com
11 base a
ith the
tal I.c.nt-
Lid born
1 1 t.."° /le
phibiilelphii4 as usual, has managed to me
nopolim in the House the Chairmanship of the
desirableComuiltteev thus we find Davis Chair
man al% aye inid Means ; Stokes, of Municipal
Corpeintions; I.luntgi Iron and Coal ; Adaare,
Railread.s4 Hong, -. Corporations ; and Cloud,
Passenger Railways.
The 14111 relative to the publication of the Lua- - . -
IsLATIvE RECOan pass , .'d the Senate, but being
brought tip in the House, was yeste;day, after a
wearisome roar of words and a world of stußing,
defealed by. a vote of 16 to 76: . So the public will
not have to ondure a publication, which, owing
to the'. time or making its appearance, was 'of
littleo9 to them. The meuMers and people
will now have to rely solely4l n the published
journalstof ettChi Aay's proeeWinga,. and upon
the reporta of the neWspaiWs.
So ihir, the tilde of both Houses has been frit
tered useless L 11800404 and very little
"of Legislative wisdom bas - been displayed by
th'e majority•of members.. There is a want of
unanimity of action between the Executive and
the co=ordinate brancheli of: the government,
and entirely too much political feeling evinced
to allot - one to hazard the opinion that the corn
munitY at Urge will be any More benetitted by
the ketton of this than that of previous Legisla
tures. ;:Thole is a great hue and cry about re
trenchment and reform, - and there is some dait
ger, atpresent, that those desirable objects will
be pursued to'the verge of niggardness. , • Lately
several of ourleading "Ring' politicians who
have been for years past latching pap through
the mune quill, have their pleaaantrelatiops
destrofred, and the result is that the
bat laughing public have been treated te I d Mry
of dirty, filthy linen with which they have for
years past been clothing' their political rotten
ness Trout the world. Greve' illenatentere mixed
up.W this tnittr with venetable liewlipaper ect
itors, and the long kiddies trutb-le slowly find
i ngitg:wv into the light of the stus..
• ; t. tileatrristm..
blief and
Ilif their
"lfurc l lt of tho.
tiefterat gotta".
i z ter i lts' ilig n e. e Ina. insertion: each satrequent lomat) on
•=Vitls a young tu IPbtladelObta, not 'yet
o year s old . a tuan rid doing a bout a million dos-
Worth or 1 10 11 MOR ewers year In viands*, who
haa Tuedeon MILO* niatly onehmadnod thousand
4 MI Inanance mils iccottinuaily adding to
I t.iehow &maxi who Immo how to astute
Itte Insurance. Ills largest polity.
with the Atnetkan Ltle Insurahee
neatlaphlstcosi of
Ttrincents TO lemeinwe.—Nobody need reel Ott
dent Omit PM* tilt*Oalt naL ita groat la:sodomy
are Mies to edt, snorthose who dative only .1 0 t oo u,
are welonne eanatly wtth those who are ready — to
bar, ;in wheterro nett pain Sixth and Market
etree e t itattmet throtegh the greatakahing Itcsum of
How' Romcntx.x.- d Wrixeort manage to sell as
cheep its they do. we don't know.. We couldn't do it
aurae/yes if - we were to try. - • ~ .
• And; so we•and all our readers continually do
throng to Backbit" is Willman's, whenever, wer s thet
way i end anybodyettneiderse to to city
folly ; unless a suit from tbe not
BroultUall a of Ute,rtrebbses. . ;
Aiken; all theidtrahtlotWand indneenients to bat
offered by other 'and newer clothing houses in Plats
.yre notice that not
of Fr.e•thill g Willson only hold' Us own, but
I=Min.with haprovittoetits; **-
the bind in most of thaws. Their "Great
Brown /31 - 7 1 is Stocked from lissentent to roof. with
ererYtithig that cm be caged for, in nsen's =A boy's
weer, ‘Pinchemovr i insterlide, as they 410,1 n tin
dienliquannues, laving the irogre_prodnet of
tellis.ogeertain glasses of gads, their ntdU
ties for 'furnishing theltr_patrocis with enperiorls
briot ere uneurpseagg. There is txtboose In Phila.
s exy other city, which has sneh eOlisPlete"
War imskinespitsgoods. end trimming
than the =o,inta MU" "oat in the
rosele', nut ''Otwt4 »...e.
ere egg UM W th at weer gillto
fere.s!ma Mob"
•ruE' zaistcce.
--461 11 4 ,
-.48. • mermen SO MON*
i tr oxi
11 7
adopLtd IoP , • -- s" 1111 =r i tit
trierll IQs iiii`ajWl
ta , tajpereatillea OthilirullErfk
tisyliestilAftio Of •• Mal
14/00.0,011 baffle
fo r ds
Idasetiotar WWI ,
gi Ala_ 2
an" . ftw "ran swama Vier
- "all la arli ll es ' t fatalist 'l , : il y ' t-L : '',_,-. •,--
i z .
„mitt. otummotd......ww
thoutcr il iad Ton teastw'S tether Ow this
4=1140f all the Utile howw clothes. Whisa r lea
4 clothes tor the UMW lallOws.,sa sa
hasatlhil; and as chin o * geIMOriRLI. a. WM
Make MOM, it IS a MO, , nomet.that mach tail OW
Our rewletlywnl dowel taitetbstrjor
them when they so to Whorl/air
etothm. (as we air- hwilttos ot then
de.) at
-Wh4 .oeit:WiCibli
Ponsval2, ;min ak
The quantity sent. by Railroad, this week la
42,978 against 30,248 taint for the corresponding
"reek last you+. b . •
3y the Lehigh Valley Railroad 47,923 againit
37,631. totni, and by the Lehigh and Stutquehan - -,
na Road 21,5i3 wished 21,239 tonsArr . th, eor•
responding week last year. .
The trade is Outland prima are ruling tow.
The quotations Min been reduced at all the ship
ping porta, SO little Sehvlkill *int is e t /Tiring at
New York that bid few quotations can be giro ,
wholesale,' wept that tarnished in our oor
respondent's letter.
The trade stuns np this week as loilocra:
• -: t Vri4a.l TOTAL- 7 WZl.lier -1011. AZ. liedvp.
, •
p& a a rt._.,. 1 + Wu. vv. turi: .367,674 97 4U
L Via P. R....,.
E,16/1 VL4.l m 47,9M ' U 9161
L liarlt 11..! 21.77 56,a 21611 M,CS d . L I W
Scranton Stn. 21,66 , , 91,611 td
*Cr NJ* d • 9,19
do .14t11. 9d41 43,1X1' 11,1114; ' 17,60 .; 9456
Penn It R.--. 4. , 16,ar.. 49,0171' 1.1,669' . 64,061 11d4
D& 14 811 -.,. ; , , • WO WWI ' WAS
Sharnotin ...:2-.1„ TAM, . 19,169 441.1; . '16,67714. Acle
Trercrton .....!.. ' ICU; ' . 'LW, • lai, . Lr.s d 'NI
MIMI Mt '. • 1,0:4 • 2,396; . ' , - . -id ' SAW
Lrken4 V Cal 1067 . 2,361 f 479. ; 6Cid 1,914
Vtilianuron - 10;1'. Mil 4 3 119 1 •• 7 ." 6 1 " 449/2 '
,Ithnal T0p.._..., ; ; ,10,169 ; „ , 9,1614 11,91 d
;V l ' . 177,131' 944.170 5.11,700; 1,1097= I •
• L I : • 177.131; - . 604170
..., ; , I ''' • SCOW ' UhrogS
The shipments are on the in
Week trona all' the regions,' except
County, compared with last year.
REDUCtION , OF TOLL.-- , Thc tolls
Lehigh Valley region to Elizabethpb
Johnston,have been reduced V: eel
"'equal to the induction made by dui
Road to Port Richmond some time
rates are. by Reading -Road to POrt
O from 'Port ~Carbon; an& fro)
Chunk to*lltabethport," 48" per to,
elusive of, shipping expenses.
SavigatiOn CoMpany have ,aireadY il l
Mine Locomotives, which. were intri
Thomas Phillipsl. • Esq . • These ' wer
. •
- Mine LoComotives introuueed into
in the world, • and they. are 'a
making avast saving. iii expenae.
manufactured by Messrs. Long
Philadelphia.' One of these .4:ocorn•
also been introduced in a colliery in
iming Regien,,and we learn one was
lured for a colliery near Ashland, in
ty; BANNAN` it RagsEy are the
County Agent* for the manufacture
give, particulars with regard to 'tile'•,*
tires. •
OCR Philadelphia correspondent n s sending
us the qUotations of coal, comments follows,:
"Since the first of the month, but a ', WW I qaaail'
ly of oval has arrived at Richmond, ttiecity_and line
trade absorbing the quantity mined . ; there There are
few inquiries fur co:l i and until the toltS are IMO for
Spring rates, ceders not expected to Cotta in::
Orin 'New York corespondent under I
of Jan. 26, 1870, sends its the •
MFalus. SANSISN & RAMSEY :—The Scranton Aue;
tlon Sale to-day Was well attended, and the bidding
. . •
was Spirited, I'OU/tins tui,futrihys; i . .
' ' .., Decline fro - fit
Artyage .pi . ;:.#:" last - az le.'
7000 tons hint') $4 It. ;. , - IN) IS
laluO - Simmer - . 4 31.7 i . , 15. -
12000 " grate ' " 4 3.5. S 4 73
10000 " egg 4 25.3,
24000 " stove • • 4 91.4 'l
141 '
10000 " chestnut ....... 90.77
• Average decline, 89 cent 4 per ton.
Trade for the last week has been very Collet, owing
partly to the extraordinary mild heather, partly to
the fact that every one wastrnpressed•Withthe idea
that there would be a considerable decline at the
sale to-day. Stocks Inlthe yards are light, yet the•
best pricesthat could be realized for Philadelphia
coal.last week,.Of -which there - was-on,e or .two arri-*
vats by schooner, were from 43 00 to 80 00-4wo'pr .
three cargoes which were shipped before the close of
canal navigation, and which have been held here by
p;lrties hoping fore rise, fared nobeteer.
The Lackawanna and Pittston yards are setilng 8t
:os for Bioken and Egg; 07 00 for Stove, and WOO
for Chestnut. •
. The quantity sent by Railroad 'RAC/mai for lhe %reel: end
Rig Monday boa:
- -
St. CIAlr
Purt barbuti
Yutbret .1 ... ...... ......
I. •
Total paying rreiglit
eau' fur Cuzuvany'rf tnk.
Total ha. Week I
Previously add .yenr
To snake awe .......
L ! . 97:49!
2 •
.The rnlltowng la the quantity t 'sported lan.week : ..
74,,,, . • I'l •
........... .... -, - Wert'. I Total.
Mine TIM &I.i. A. Tt. IC S • . 5,3:115. - 1 L 4,1.41 13
ticilla.rikl4 Valley .....i....4- I U,770 0. - .
Atm txeex...:— , 1 I. 2,11, j 17: 7.11.3,...1T,
Mt. Carbon. '"• f." 1 ' - t.-.:71 11 - : . LA..15 U)
i . c•
(lood Sprithe
...;... . . .
i :`• LEHIGHCOAL;TRADE-11.40.1 .1. .
. .
! . Lemon v.4l..Lir lu.xutomii. 1! - ' 1
'(itutiitity sent sent by Lehigh Valley Railroad fur the week
eliding ou Saturday last and lOr• the year; 1 • . .
.1 wpm.'
°yarning ! ! 1:,133 sk,fp
Rszleton • ' ' ''' j «Aim , liN.=
13' 1 : . 4 4 110 1 :;,. .'-- " ''• '"" ------ — l "`
* - 1 9,1110 :17.,805
Mattanoy ' Ur ' 'MIX
Mauch Chnak ' . • 1 3 1 13 '256
; Total.., I
*nue Wu* List year.................................:._
I ncres.u..— -
Demme .
',The fblloaing ki the quattlty of owl Dried y the
ennaand,ktalleutid , of the Lehigh Coal and Nev. Cu., for the
Week euctitin en theturday evening Ink : 1
Writ. _ TO T AL
lir*K . . 1 z9:tA.Lf
IlY" Canal ' . — .
By Itallrusd , •
The Coal was de e rKenise IbUows :
cal% o
From Wy negiOn..-_....:...
.. TntWr
4 . .. Beaver 5c.........-.-...
_ .
" MAhatioy ...... ..
L+ 0,4, Nay. CO.'S =lwo'
Leg del. fo L. V. IL ll2nt 8.
, .
, .. • train:AL/AD coAFTiraDLI . .
Ctagitit...._...l ofe& towi od over"Lbe Cininbeiland and
TentasylVauur Lip to Saturday last , .
. . seut by caztan. 8...0.n. r . •To
h •
' , :4117
For week
Fin 1.965
Inc. to tam
ITICCS Or COl.1 4 ,81 !HS UM
(cousix-rzu WEEKLY itrxxim imams IroFzir,4,7
PirliAligt.Pllll. l Joa. Z), WO.
Red Ash Prepared Olio • 4 4.50
o do Chestnut.; - Locust-Mt- Loin.. 4 4.15
Ash 4s a , Steamer 4 415
ref; dq Ere 7do Broken. 4 ro.
4 7504 . 0t0ve.... 4_,' SCO
:::::: 4na 1 001 00' (2 1 00 5 100. 460
Schdyß.td Ole 7 Edi
do Chestnut , 5 Gir
W AA% Lump...-. 5
Chestnut.. ...5 6 15
• a urric aaJian ss
0 . 1 . .
thiaradir by cargo or car 140::1-
Wllkistrute agell Plcutton W '
.... •.. . . 50(4.0 I to
ir 1 Volley Red Ash ... .. . -. ».,.. 7 Rkip 766 .
okih ..da MEM • 7Rst, ;
or wharf, cella troll CO MOM 6 ,
- nal. '
m t
i ta:o .• . . WO 9 W
Creek snd Cu berland - Ctial. ........ 7t. ,
Locust Point for 01
George,• Creek a Cumberland, cargo, L F b.:.
num op coipA.sillw 0•A, . , .
_ :- - 156r.' Or. E 65.. Sta. Cturt
Lackswalinf._WeiVien...li3o 65 , 76 03 03 11 u 0 136 50 16 W .
WU H0b61._... 6-10 5.5 636 .003 65/ 13 00
IV 6n pt. _ .,....... 670 6XIII 46 .4,40 ," 21$ C oIO
Lehlair, J0bu506........' .6 O. 6Of 000 i 600 5 . '4 650
Lehigh, • ...• , ,['
E/Istbe=3..Torrnson to' ene Tort 041rentr: 13631136..
out 05 canto ; liewtrarg6,6s amts. I. .i ''
. •; .
.. -.
. ' . iriainzi OF ammo-4 -, [ • ..
53tM327:51. -- :'bay. 171, 25 li Ainclicorr. = .' '
Al ShippWointa.. Gobs.'Deuve44 st N. y:
Block U ______2l 75
Wenn0035144.: Cn .r3".
G00r1e....- 173. Doopord.--- ' - $ ID
7"Vm L .--Irs s oria=so
~....,.....—:-.4........ 2 131 X Wart t tillt-'-.... $ 07
. ~
141E54131f00t 5ay......4...... IGO ?welt= (1051.----.,' ... 7SO
la . . - 1 511 Forgot* from to SO
=17750 - Oraii,Wio' lam :, 211 !I"
Pi. Zliail • '
WW2. _ .
___o2 co 07(asootrat..-.-
!Are: 2s
aubbridgeport. -,• ' Nall&ii &tow
1if t.2., . - • -;' Havini-4 7 . ', .
hohro--=. . ' arma11r.,...J.:.
Pntius:J.6.- --. 2li •, .1 is - ' • ...: 4.....' . ,
Prirrielegmt_. 2 22 1 40
110201.-......... . • - - 2 4011 21 e:Voilc i.. '.4 222
partodnit & to. , .'. ' . - 1 .
li g n 2r. •.. '
• .i...-..
AITIVeti 14 PL. ; -iiiiiiPOWOMlStariearalvothiasakicio2o-
Itn gort 21 Irmeliarailbasas.: . - -• . • - ' .....t , ,
Balt= • I
-' Akins or intommumekirii fez— :: • -
at sti.marctitastiinAs.
j , .. •
i s
1tam..... • . :
......,. , ,t. St. to t JIL. 0.
Part - 111: 11 1 11 1 11 i :
11,1111.00111/01MIPer tearger, cal t ta + P a t laa tarr'.
for the
from, the
it and Port
lots a toil,
aas Tho
, NMI ex-
Coal and
use four
Thiced by
e the first,
et success,
1 They are.
1 Brice or
'olives has'
the Wyo
'a CO-un
, who can
. , Locomo-
, • mALLROwI). CANAL._
1.1)7 816
• 4.71 6)6
7,*: 4 Ili
f; :at lel
..—:—. •
2,6 Lt. .
'4 . ..0.t173 as
eI,M 4 1 • W,U.i
...., • ; 8.13,),?1
1 121 i
'3l[ • '15.01
- 65,01
2j v j j
NEW Y1:13.22., LTan. 29;191/
Este .
92,earner- ...... .
.. ....... •
Isa. Si, if a, I
.r bvitn
, IS
j I
F47-14M4.4 thted
11 . 4 M a c idts 1-4111P
'4 ilotet.
t /MHZia' sad
INNOVirtif • •'• 4 -••
:Tr. • to.•, •. . 7140
; fg.±_4 v•- • ' •• ; • Tnes tletriSignedlsUres
~. , - .r.rl*- .-.. , . VINO. andir• . '''. ,
11F.: at tae t~oesass
,n1.1*;,•-•,_. , ' , "7 - F . : , ,•, 7 Alft , s• -. 10
... : '• •
.-:101.114t - Tr•?1!.titk f irs, - ,1-4„.?.,ps-y - :,:', - -;: ' 'l_ -,' ',, creire .• i .
. 1 1 ,
-'. 4],--iri:o?44 ,. *
.... ~ • v
-11791:4a6dcogieigatiriritiitZEI ; .-'4'
--. fFßNAlLtsAtiatioiCOCllitiiiit 44
airAner*t Oviiipritt*tadt*:,•:! ,-1 1
-•-- len Sik 10. ,_-', _,,, -., ,-. f ... -. ._- ~.,:.',.lLi
ICOS fIAIII.-i-A. Vl= -LEHI= Oae.l.-
I„ aliaspout
;EMT difeethr welt and adloannt , ',
.o=Brook awl Spring Haxit;'
!the , sad endertrher
wattirstered titebefed;hdatY-dfsattea '
1 1 1A 2 Program la Inn worth tame atlieetiorvat
Ism And cosenfoandatar* Per farther . ,
ma4m i repay, ofer vi eracialre et • '
• Jill ":0--&I ~ .:
jilTSCOUttaire;d: ' .
. '
etyma= Or Tin coaxauncismice
*ENT end t,N:IOAL - COMPANY. • •
'Pksl.Anef pBlw , Jan. lll7k
Thu • meeting of the Htockholdeat The
Ridge Coa l I Lropro ennead Coal Corn will
be held as tbeirolle. 'No. SIM We lnnt strost i k et tn i
'Thursday. February um :Cu odoek.
an election will be held. eight Directors. to serve
for Ike envilink MX. books tor the Mailer of
Stock will be closed *kr days previous to• said
meeting. The polls Will,be o until 1 Iel*". y
Jan.,29, '7O • • - 5-
u oTra. FOS ' BALE The underettpflers
for sale the ;three-story Ericklbstalen
the "Cressona House." situate on the main street in
the Borough of Cressona, The Hotel tuts ample stab
ling, with all n ont-tmildittp attached, The
Hotel is,doing a good tallness: There is also a *mall
frame hse adjoining, and *Mather shopatid two
10iii of around, one meupled the Miter mit._ Terms
may, and t w i ll made known -by applying on' the
prett ... ol
e , t
If not *arch Istotell be leased.
Jan 28, '7O 5-6 V
.1. C. DURBIN ettershls stock of *etch:maw. to.:
gether with the .good wilt of his stand. for sale.
his Store Roma for rent . i The location-is excellent—
Ia th e centre of the town of "Lykens, Dadphin comi
ty, a flourishing 'coal region --and commands a goal
cash trade. Hooka ge by feet, with attractive front.
The proprietor desires to sell on account of other, en
gagements, which do hot;admit of his paying proper
attention to the business; Stock Will be reduced; and
tlale given for 148 payment of purchase mono on
sullicient sectitifr. . , .1. C. DURBIN.
giLryketut. Jan. 10.! - . —.l-3t
George 4. Brook • •
John P. Brock, Richard S. Brock,
,the said John P. Brock; and life
said Richard S. Rrock, trustees of
William P. Brock, William P.
Brock., 3fargaret .I.llrock, Cathe
rine k.. Brock. a !minor above the
'age of fourteen pears, Paul Brotk,
a minor above the age of fourteen
.Yeara, Richard.* Rrock',a Minor
Under the age of, fourteen years,
Mary Brock a Minor nnder the
ago of - fourteen years, John H.
TiArne and Sarah Vansyehle,trus
'tee. 1 -
azs, September Term, 1809,
The undersigned having been appointed an andi
tor tri the abovestated ease, to determine the several
proper proportionate parts of and In the sum of oue
hutidrect thousand dollars, to be paid, - or secured to
be paid by: the said JohnlH. Towne, and the respec
tive rights of all the said otbCr parties therein 'end
thereto, and report to the Court such order in‘regord
tO the same as equity and justice may require, ,Wilt
attend to the ditties of his said appointments at. hts
office, No, 3 9, - Mabantougo street, in the borough of .
Pottsville, on Monday, the 11th day of February, - A..
B. 1117 f, at 10 o'clock, A: M. of said dap whore all
persons interested are requested to attend. - i
.• . . •,tuditOr.
.pottayift.lne. 27, 7a . • .si3t 1 .
John if. Towne; ' 1
- George E Brock, John P. Brock:,
Iticlutrd ft Brock, the said John
P. Brock and the sahl 41cbsted S. ,
Brock, trustees' of WM.: P. Brock;'
Wut..P. Brock, Margaret A.Brock,
Catherine E. Brock, it minor above
the age of fourteen years, Paul
F, Brock, a minor above the. age. of
foarteen years, Richard 'fi Brock,
a minor under the' ge of fourteen
• years, Mary Brock, a minor under.
the ago of fourteen years, and
Gideon/ Bast. i • •
ice,,September Terra, IND. =
The undersigned having Immo appointed an andl
. tor in the above stated case, 10 determine the several.
proportionate parts of, And in the auto of one hun
dred thousand dollars 'ter be Dahl, or secared to be
paid bylthe said ? John 11.•Tovrtie;,.sitid the re:Spec-Me ;
rights 01 all the said other parties therein and there
to, and report to the, Court such .order In regard to
the , same toe equity andjustice may require, will at
tend to the duties of.his said appointment at hp Of
fice, No. B , .ilklahantongo street, in the Borou h of
Pottsville, on Mdnday, the lith day of February, A.' D.
1570, at It/ o'clock, A. M., Of said day, rcliere per.'
Sons Interested,are requesti to attend. 4 ,
D.: E. NlCE,Anditor.
70 .
. ,
FllniT NATIONAL BANK, of Blinerscillej Yu.,:
ai close of business, fiaturday, January . 2.'2, 1570:3
• ; • . ~.' RESOItRC&4'. ' . - 1 •
. • .
Loans an•i.dlseOunts.,..: 579,451 .. - ..i
u. S. Bonds depdslted to secure circulation, 100,00 a 00
I.T. „iB. Bonds on
' „, Zil 00
Other stocks au2 33 , 0n2i.5..., ............... ..........., 51,000 00
Due front redeelolng agent ' 24,m 89
Due front other ;National Banks - 10,154 94
Furniture and .Fixtures ' , - 1,042 87
' '
Current. Foxpenses 7131 23
Tries paid - ' ' ' ' , 0165 58
.. Cas.ll Itenv, IticiAdhlg revenue stamps • 300'00
i Bills °ruttier National Banns- . • 2,500 00
i Bills of State Banks . . ,1 2 5 10
Fractional eurnr - fiey, dticluding tilekels)..... I 24 01
pecie t-100 00
Legal Tender N:d-42
o es - ,905 00
!Ct4iital stock raid in
Surplus Fund..l
Interest -- "
'Nat Bank elmtlatlon outstanding
Individual deptialts - '
Due to National think*
Due to other banks.. , •
Dividend tarlplo,l,l
„,, -., . • - 8184977 03
State of.PentiSylvaniti, County of Schuylkill', 'as.:
, L'S. Kautftnan, Cashier of the First National:Dusk
of htinersville, l'a., do solemnly swear that the *hove
statement Islrtte, to the }spit of nay knowledge and
belief. , I ', !.s. KAI.;Ek• MAN Cashier. ” .
' • Subscribed ad sworn to before me, th is.2Rl day
of January, 1811. . I C. W. TAVLOR, : J .P.
COrreet—Att .t: ,f, 'LUTHER g. ICAUFF 'N,
.4 • • JOILNI WADLI'SG 1t.14.,
- ,; , JACOHNIEST, ~ 1 1
, , Jan 29,.'70-6-1t , , - D • . .
MINERS' .NATioNAL liek..NK'of Pottsvile, at
`the close of business, January'7id, 1670: ' I
' •.' • 1 RKSOURCEB: • . ' ;
Loans and dlicentnts " 9 L - • • $0 2, 43 03
Overdrafts • ~,‘ • 3,oid 44
U.S. Bonds to secure eireulation...... ..... -.. .40000 00
Other stocks, bonds and mortgages • - 402 S
Due from redeeming and reserve agents_ . I ,1112 R 5 from' other National •Tkittits -1. - ' , . '.E 1
.liatating /louse= - 1 , 77
:Other real e5tate ...._.....,,, *o
pa expenses ,
Taxes id -
Bills or other National Hanka ' 120 00
Fractional currency, ducluding ittekelsi..., ,Car 40
Fipecie viz coin - ' 770 71
Legal Tender .N0te5...,.: ' ' • ,014 00
3 per cent. centticate. • 7 ,000 09
Discrepancy la cash • • - :65 06
1 ,
. $1;00.755 89
Capital stock paid In • c00,c60 Ob
Surplus / fund !, , . '- • • 1.140(k/ OD
;Interest .:. . . —..:....,.., ........ ,:,.. . ..;,- 28,015 12
Prcint aud lo.s . e ‘... - 1,101 a 5
'Nationalßank circulation outstanding.— %UAW 00
State Bank circulation outstanding ' 16,077 00
Individual depoilts 1 ' • , • 4Z,517 21
Due to' Natiorial I3anks ' • 11r08.41
Due to other Banks and hankers,,/1.13 50
' •
.„1,5074s 89
Rate of Pen nsylvn n la, Count of Sehu,yliiiitA;s.:
I; Frederick. Patterson, Cashier of the Minces' Na
tional Bank of Pottsville, do., solemnly sweat' that
the above stateinent is true, to the best nf-nl7 know
ledge and belief . , . PNITERSON, cashier.
Subscribed and to before ine, this twenty-sev
enth thsy of ..birittary, /970; • •
! • •EDWARII YARDLY, Notary Palle,
Currect—Attesr, ‘.=% • JAMMI Flit t
• OLIVER DOillbtoN,
, •
istik4:7G...4- I
REituusffm - r.- rim LEONARD sem vim
- .
improsattli to aU desirolis of being well. in e foripea on
thir great .rabjercs of thi .; .
• I. 'ink; E61.21 ' BUB ' GTE Ittrirw'. • •
, .
;Thia la ilvkaldeit of the aeries. In its Main 'lea
tures it follow; in the path marked :ant by
Brougham, Jeffhry, Sydney Smith, and' Lord not.
land, its original thunders! and nrat eontribtitOrg, '•
. . I i • •
. ,
- ' 2. THE Lontsrs . ,Qt•Airrrat.2 ItartirW v ;-, ,-•-• , •
which commence* Its 136th volume with :the Ilittiu.;
arynumber. Wits set on foot sat rival to the itirrti
prank. It resolutely Maintains its opposition In
politics; and shows eqiurVvlgor In it* literary de-
Ipartment.' 1 l, ; -, . • . ~ ~ , ;
• '
3. Tire WaliTientstan REVIEW ' '
this RAVI is feat
hair Jus t cloied:lts Of vhinine. Inpolnt of lite r ar yy
ability' rising to a level with Its
competitors. It the advocate of political and reli
gious liberation. • - ; - • - , •
; . 4.. Tt4e. N . Ilitrinti Itirvinw, • '.
note In its 4lst mplutrie,Pecuplesa.veri Mgt pOsition
In periodical litstratarc. Passim beyond tlie narrow
formalism ot schools and partle . s, it appeals td lied- ,
der range of syrnpethies and a - higher integrity of
conviction. . 1 • 1 1 , -- r - -, - ' - - r r :
5: Br-stiewoon's EntrinimOli..3faciatilli: • .
wat commenced 32 Feats ago. Equaling tbs . :Mar-.
ter loon Its literary and .sclentliic departments, it
'hair win a wide -reputation for ther narratives and
sketches which enliven Its pages. • • . - .1 • '
' ,
1 ; 3 , TER3iB - Fon JB7O.
For any OLIP';Of the - Reviews' --St 00 pei aumina.
For any twd of the 7 00 '
For any three'of the Bevlewa_.. .... _lO CO • • 4 ,`
For a ll ameof the Reviews IA 00 "
For 131ackwood'a 400 '• ' •
For Blackwood arid out/ 7 00
For Blackwood and any two of the
Bet - taws... 00
:Yoe BlackwOod . ruttt - Btreeof — tne Be.' • - •
.. Cr 7 • . ••
Forlikte.kwoodandefuefouiltevlewaLs ' ' •
4 o f Blackwood,
a Itsview s llt. /Bogle Numbers
of Blackwood; St coatta.; • -
The Retilewe are pabUshed quarterly: .illiteitimuxra
Magaziae ia , an'anthly. Tames commence in January:
A dlolccmint 'litigants. Per tret. will be elk wed to
Dube of tour or more persons, when the periodicals
are sent to one, address.;
: . arra* ' • s -
• The Postage on ettrientirubsalptiota % to tiny poi
jot the blnited States, a nos .Cesue UV a*
ttit t rid at ibe office et delivery. For baeg numbers
is 'double. ; - ; • 1 •
rasstripte lo"laret SIMICIOIIm, c.:
New Subscribers to any two the above ;tartan-,
tail for IRO will be entitled to Madre one, of
he Aar Became ass 1101. s Sew Subscribers to till -the
llva may receive BLeekawal orktoo ot thrldreasesfar
• - seat sttntares. • ,
Ba r pe r t‘ er e rear; by &pitying early: obtain beak
sae ge Reviews from ;
_JanCary, 11106,. to Deem , .
bec. and kdlilikekwooYs ][amine trap .lanots.
rfileeto to. her, Fak,:at halt tbe. current antkr,
I= l eordtdai tinthabehiheikhaedieitotdd;
to n g . n o r reduced pram fort takeis stinkbaos.; auk
be Wowed, unless tipa C •‘• uma usoutty le reatlttedb e-givalla .4ireetClu
Vie Pogrtiakere;, can bs
the amat iskU beirtalakfroks eta_ .type
aeil ermist~ga hers beak ma* oribioile It a 1 / 4 /011,
say ettears rigs* tied strer-stietteleim.
. T HE 14:0NALItIt8OYTT OtalLidliatti coo
• nrpros Pirl'Oac;
Tax Ltadish SO:di Ptsladente -CedrAihr - rdar
tali& THICSAMLEgir GUM tciAdaktitle eatt-
Agriadkurte. Br
end the and
Selegtitie tate bkrtale QS** eau,
2 etas. phipailtal Xta.
.$ 14 , 414 Ma.o4 ' Sr 31111144 ' '
Lido l trti rr lT '
- - - ,1P
rtni I4tnintsaimthi•
SIZALZD inappoaara ibr the exertion ora
riehool Beaseosa Itinetterllis street. Pottsville,
win be received on . part - of the School Board. up
etrebruary.lBlo,Melestre. Plans and speditea-
M•be Alen at the stare oe Wm. X. Boyer. 21k1
street. The Board reserves the riaht to reject
rirk or all amid - proposals. By ogsr_A_e Dtreetors,
_•• D. A. - astri. PYeRt
At •
Jana. '7O
IVP 4 ' l " u q m - i Sq.: l3 . " 4 aliD7 }sia c6tna.s.
XASVFAMIMILS tumazazsits c. •
*Au KhAis ottudisi for Piddles& preskirs;dic.
f ~~~~ - .
prai - se Bearks. Mak; L.4lol 4 eib. 5t 14 144 11 1
IIUMBS4III . Tnaininit. gliltar e. 'Doom
munsioi Miziollettivd Lumber, casztantly
flOtalo He cs 310 Omit Bemis eat Lay .
10e412Wzmuie Maar* 70 mtlea bekiir Wlllianzeport,
. 0 1 1 01.1tet01 0) feetekt par MO feel. Orders .
Mira miiiiwzowe oda ftrauatiaraticattatt.
- • WWI -
To' Tali •0:11t.,.; orriastas Atm 14 BOVE
, mins et CileTrangle of At 1,
_No. U.
Year rnlttee pantse todratt preanthle and,
iesolathms enocetniag the deettrOtour late brothtr.
Citemplet Yetuntv.respeclhaliy submit -.the tolltre
gsmess, it has pleased the Great anlee . of all to
remove from our midst wr. late esteemed - brother..
Ch erefor harles Forum a coToriter In sat bottle eatute:.i
Resolved, That by hiseroot sad shls Ate
and the strict attention to the dnUes, or the Who he
held Magogtut, end the true beemegr stall his trans.
*elms with his fellow-men his disizitar"
eilted conduct towards all, sad his Gdell4 to our
cause, have endeared him to all whotnevr him.
Resolved, That-,we,as TerapPurq strive to emn
late and honor his name, In the hope of meeting him
In the Temple orr high, made without heads. eternal
'in the Heavens. •
Resolved That our Charter be draped lit-mourning
for thirty /s l z a •
solred,- we extend Our heartie s It syMpathies
to the parents the deosealid,lrl that a
above oirtendered_tban, and autos copy be Luer , led
In the Tetnplars' MatpWne..W..l. Pastel, /AXIS MADraorr,
Rettsvfile„lan. 17, '7IH-.18- J. lacarrinnaizo.
TIE carzukii.gext.azoszi OF-lOWA.
Bra al Gererineld Tax, at Si sad Atxraol Lima.
Many persons are selling their Goventtneat BondS
while the pruniltim is still large, (as the Treasury
has proMbsed lo•:briy . "IX millions January.)
and reinvest in tha First Mortgage Bonds of the Cen
tral Railroad Ot litnra,. which pay about ourtthini
znora Interist. The time to make such reinvestment
Ls while the Treasury is buying, and Governments ,
are at a premium. 7 '
'Thaßoad does not Gin througha wilderness, whore
it would have! to wilt years for population and
„business, but through the most thickly settled and
rproductiveagricultural counties In the State, which
eves each Section a large - traMo as soon as com
It runs through the west Coal Flelda or, SoU thei n
lowa to the North where coal Is Indispensable, and
must be carried. -
1.869, No. =S.
Breve departio
ne faelande. •
It . runs from the great Lana/ter Regions of the
North, through it diarriet of country which Is desti-'
tote of this prime necessity. • •
The mortga4e is made to the Faimers' Loan and
TrUst Co., or N. Y„ andsds Can be Issued only at.
the tote of pip per or only half the amount
upon some other roads. Special security Is provided
theprincipal and for the pay ment
. of interest.-
The New York Tribune says, 'this is a splendid
enterprise, and deserves the most liberal aid:" •
- The New TOrk :Independent says, "we know the
Central Railroad- of lowa is one of the great and .
..good works,of the age. Its Directors Include many
of our leading bank presidents and other gentlemen
of high character, who have meansen'ouo to' build
.two or-three suttroads out of their own pockets, so
that all Its arralrawill tie ably as Well a* honestly'
mat/trd."Th‘Central of lowa will be to that State
whit the l'..ltttv' * ark Central is to this, except that it
rusts through st Itar. richer 'country. We, therefore
• recommend the. central lowa Bonds, with entire
confidence In their value. The truth is, that a First
mortgage, of gap° per mile - upon a road running
through such cannot be otherwise Man
safe'!" • -.
Fit* Mortgage 'Bonds for so Small an amount upon
a road running. UM/ugh/such it rich maul already well
setiled'part of. lowa, can, ell be recommended as. a
pe y_ safe esi well as very profitable investment.
Pamphlet, with map, may be obtained, and sub
scriptions Will he received at the Company's Office,
No: /0 kine 'fork, end at
gad in.
FORT 4 - 3IXD,WA., 44 W,ali Street, and in. • .
December Term,
ISB9, 'No. -3.#9.
ne &delude:. •
.'; L. F. WHITNEY, Esq.
ftimphlets sent by ., 4na l l i l .
liAnt e n 3n Treasurer.
;anuary,29 • Ep-n
WAlllTalli 4 d s .l,"enetgirterl4lll... , Ii 3
oncrbk;it taw
whe,ean come well recommended neeciapply.
, A p.
pry at GREENWOOD. - ,
ANTED.-13y, ati old established Anthracite
Cot! Mining Company, a competent man as
gEngineer and NuPerintendent. To the right
patty a liberal today will be paid. Address with
references, Box =I P. 0., New Yprk City. • •
10 • -• • 4-2 t , •
AIXTANTED-0.000 AGENTB.—A: watch given
gratis to ever,. person—undo or fem al e, and
tatms sent tree to.elear from 115 'to 1 per elity sure.
Business entirely new. Can be done at home or In
traveling.. No gift. enterprise or umbng. Address
-W. 11. CUIDESTER, 20713r0a way, New York..
Jan 15, 7U . • 3-4 t
COLLECTlONSprotn_ptly triads on all points... pp.
No pains will be 'awed to serve the interests o
• hose who favor us v/Ith. their business.
- • JOHN S. RUSHTON & CO., •
Hankers and .Erdken . s, No. 50 South 3d St., Philada.
lan 1 P7O . • I - t.i •
.314,017 tri
...- 1 .000 00
35,7.1 1.13
84,199 00 &AM GS.
810114 U 9
• 1,74103
1870. j IL C. HAMM& 1870.
Co., Wholesale Dry Good,s, No. ED Market St., Phila.
N. B.—All orders for Goodd, Lc., intended ib me,
'please address IL C. Harper, care of Jacob Riegel •.Ik.
Lb :No- MD Market ISt., PhilsAs Jan 22,704&10-ly
... • .
1876. -. n
We have opened the new year WI h qgreat fiia
of these and other knot's, at West that will l'
and astollish, F . •
- • -
WAhisuTTA, •
•. NEW YORK MILLS-. ate.
-- •
. • lIIJotrEN. Criy •
F. AND IN, etc.
REAb Rumairr mum: DA.IIIASIIOI.
,f 2DO Dos., Napkins ST 26 doz. to IS 00. •
• Soi) Dos: Towels,. I 61:1 flOs. - to 19 04. .
Itlanksta t Quilts. Table covers. Oro.
B,LA.Fir. KID CM c
ek - • -
40W yarlS BLACK sILKS, W eta. toill3 • • •
COOPER dc, 9014RA.D,
S. E. Column iQiNTII A. 20 Mums! , STairn,
Oct:2, Tra—lyit
$101,900 GUAILtIrr:
• BUCI LEAD exrelp.:all oil
a 19t. For its Unrivaled . s:7 l ltemem
For Its I,2*qualed 'Durability,
SL. For lts Unsurpassed Covering Property:
Lastly for Its Economy.
, _ Casts less to paint 41th Briek Lead than any'
other. Whits Ltad extant, ,Thalami weight rovers.
More Surface,. la more Durable, and makes Whiter
itteß. 2.ticc" lUceLs'ail t;ther Zinc*.
in. For fis Bnequaled Durability. ,
2d. .Fbi tts llttrivaledlVliitettass.
.3d. Fol. its trhsurpaseed covertng,Property. ,
Lastly„hir,lts Great Economy,
beinsrthe Cheapest, llaridsoroest, and most Durable
White Paint Its the world. • •
:431.71' 01ILY - BUCK LEAD `AND BUCK
4 " ZiNel. -. •
*Uffactiwi duranieed by the Manyfacturera
Pupated expressly for Painting
Cott*, but-Buildings of ever* descliption, fences;
rty-five different oolong. Durable; Cheap,
tTril,fqfut, and Beautiful shades. „ •
Sample cardspilmt bail if desired.
Others' Ordefs.will be promptly executed by the
ii ! gu rg act g re r .. municif,. RIDEIARDSa
N. Cor. Tenth mutDlarkiet Streets, 'Philad hi
Oat 10 44/ •
£ NUAL STATEMENT of Rime ts and Eipendi
tures; for School yearendins. first Monday. in June,
Tax-rato for OINK fifteen mills On dollar-48 for
selsootpurraes, and 6 for building.
'Stance from preview' Pear.lBB7-8...
Temporary loan
State appropriation for ISIT-8
'Tuition of non-residents, pupils, flues, rte..
Gm* amt. tax dup. 18M4.... fr 2
. _ ,774
Less errors, returns, exoWs... - 8,18 38
collector's cow. 31 Ct...., 864 7d
.: 1813 it
.27 , 26 /
m 91
Suriertntutdent and XI teachers„... 13,537 U
secretor ,janlt As37 onsodte,(ls3o 50) •1.730 50
Beata, 951 Itiel so)— • • MI 45
llepalnt,lslll 0); Itkoldultabt,
1,346 aP
. Total =Misty expenses—L.. 17_,474
aoo co
Intatertscomitz.L.:--_, _ 47418 _
Lot' Bunre7.4m l . re- -
ken n
Wanes to Tuna?Ml6 42,008 IU
W 21214 N .. o.'otmerstoochool&toelndlos cad. . • 25
. meanly mote, a 414041014144111-
H. slue at So
&boot tortuman Sept. tolst.toly;coterk- •
• Av. - oslaty of pogo tioebon, pg. eal. 0t001a... IID
EtelastireotiMst.Supt...wbotoo4ProdOartonn,.l2l4 OR
Av. Wary ot mum tfteilmllll,,plir ea. month,
_WWI* 14o.Att poptio s tlUizooloo, •
,A4r. dolly I=MMipoo, Fps, et (US r ile
baStuttoul 40
.:LI str lititoot Ittot 60
tut' yew, 111040.
dousr, istr. : tor ocitoot pattStmut. sada
. D. A. S
rsturontss Lttrat. serf:
W 4-111nrilinerra - ' . •
liN rialeett Merida ,. Chest
3toSwot gift . the anas is =mtcomlbetstri
WiiMms , « , lloNostb tetairArch.
"ne at . 15 ="
injt al — TWlNClka 4111* • "
ArgAindl ► 401 Timber cut to Order.
er Lend!
DUCK LEAD is the Cheapeet and Beet
w4s,gm - Grox.
nings t assetworof intern - 0 reveMie in fourth
georgta.District, :reports to Commissioner
Delano the discovery anddititruction of about
*dozen stills in- that District, by mounted
expedition oftevenue , offileinh, op e rati ons
being in Heard and Carroll counties. During
the expedition special .detective. C. COwian
while making a Search for hidden stills, was
.fired upon by some_party who - was concealed
and nattowly escaped _toeing :killed, a ball
painting through his hat. • ' ••, .
'rho party who fired vpint him' escaped.—
During the, expedition:there were on one or
two occasions indications of refdstance to the
Government oftleials;and Abe .Assessor is of
the opinion that, laws can only be enforced
in Carrot county-by a'strong force sufficient
to overcome any resistance, •
5-3 t. -
Death or a. Cieraalist-ai tu e , operation—
raseireir wavy isura 7 woriunia.
• • . •
NEw YORK,- Jan. 2&--..-, %ev. James M. ,
Mathews of the Reformed Presbyterian
Church died to-day, ued 84 years. •
*Burglaxs madeartalibutsuccessful attempt
last night to,rob• 'the prentlaes, of Solomon'
M*et, 'diamond merchant, at No. .Z East
15thliE.;of ,$lOO 000 worth ,of diamonds. A
hole was drilled in the safe and tilled with
powder, the explosion of which: brought the
pollee to the amt., The escaped:
1,800 to &_ooatnear wilrbe .11splutrips1 from
the Navy Yard tortnortnw. • •
Store ship Guard of . Darien . expedition
sailed to-da~y.
In' the Superior 'Conn tolay an - applies.
tion was :made on behalf of-the City tor ab
solute iNtinction, restraining . the Beach
Pneumatic Transit - Company , from Author
tunneling Broadway, and compel them to
repalr mischief already done, on the ground
that such a tunnel as; the Company proposes
to construct,. will interfere -materially with
laying sewers, gas 'and water 'pipes.
The application is op Posed on the ground
that thespace 'occupied by the Company is
so small as not to.injure in any way the free
and unobstructed use. of-Broadway by the
city, and that-! sufficient .space is left to lay
ten times 'the number ot pipes and sewers
already there, in case such number were re
quired. Decision reserved.
The klabama'Clalins.:-Mr./PaillpodriEstate—fltrlte
of Calton Spauters—ThfCE•tuatealtal Coati- .
• ' OE4 la Egypt.
:max i Taxi. pALL . A..fAx.LGAINTTR'
states that nogatlagons on the Alabama quesrt
E'en have beep stimpeiSO4. ,
• The. land belonging , to the esAato of Oeoge
Peabody, which was recently imized by the of
lieers4, the:Crown, lies,been released tiy order
of the Government. , • •
The cotton spinners in the factories at A Argan,
Lancanshire are on a? . strike. Three thousand
hanci,s are Idle.
Sii John Mike• Coleridge a member : ' of Par
liament from • Exeter, ' addressed a meeting of
his constituents last, evening in 'an Important
speech defining atl.defending the policy of the
ROME, Jan. 28.*At. meeting'of the (Ecu
menical Council to-day, notide . was given of the
nomination •of Cardinal Bartiabo- to be Presi-
dent of a Commission on Eastern rules° and
Apostolic Missions. . • I.
The death of,the Arehbl 'ort• of LiVitra Cruz
was announced to the Cotine "- 1 •
Six father§ addressed the-Coulmeil; but no new
sub*.ts of diseitssion were introduced.
Cairo, E. • M.—The 'Khedive of
Egypt has taken into his - service Maj.-General
Mott and numerous. other-American. oilleers.—
Seenti distinguished Qroeks, in elpae relation
with Russian' iriteresta, are in Cairo; • and likely
to enter the Egyptian service.. .
- / •
WASHINGTON', Jan. • 28.—Iminediatelg .after
the reading ,of the journal M Willey an flounced
the presence 'of John' W.,..-Johnson.. Senator,
elect from •Virginia,. whose credentials were
read yesterday,, and said that the political disa
bilities to which thatgentlernanhad been sub
jected had been removed. lici therefore moved
that Mr 4 Johnsen be qualified. -
"No objectieti • being' made, - Mr: Jelin:Non was
then duly installed into hisposition us Senator
from Virginia. . •
On motion of Virginia...
Ediniinds), the hill to amend
the actadinitting Virginia to - repiesentation iu •
Congress, alloying an adirmation to he made
;by those conscientiously .scrupulous. against
taking an oath, was ounsiderciloud passed.
- The Chair laid before the Senate a
, contuinni
cation front the Commissioner of Internal Itev
enne in response to a resolution. of the .Senate,
containing information in fegard to the cast •of
American pig iron- Tabled and ordered to be
printed . : • • * • - -
Mr. Edmunds offered . a reHaUtion, which was
agreed to, instructing the Committee. on Judi
ciary to inquire and report whether further leg:
islation is necessary-Qn the subject of the organ-
Within of a provisional legislature4n. Georgia.
Mr. Churchill from the. Committee on. Elee
tion made a report in the Casio 'of the claimants
to seats from• the State of. Georgia, under the
election of Ap 1 20th, °lB6B, declaring them en
titled to their . - The clainuults wereadmit-..
ted to their • last .Congresa arid elaiMed to
lie entitled u er the same,,election to seats in
the present Co After some little discus
sion and expla lion Dai resolution Iva!' adopt
twit' •
.On motion of r. the bill for the
-temporary relief of the poor and'.estitute in
the District of . Columbia, appropriating $3O 000,
was taken up and - by Messrs. Thar-
Man, Davis. ,Pomeroy, Hamlin, Wilson, and
•Casterly. Mr. Pomeroy stibmitted an amend
ment which headvoeated, to. provide . that the
money In part shall be appropriated to provide
labor and the materials for labor. to those of the
poor who . are able to work.. Mr. Wilson moved
bather to amend so as to - provide certain ac
commodations for indigent women., Bill passed
'and Senate adjourned., . .
Mr. James
,IL Gib , son, member elect from the
Eighth Congressional District of Virginia, ap
peared and was sworn in.e.
. Mr. Cake presented a bill from the Committee
on Printing, for the abolition 'of the , ofticeiof
Congressional Printer, and the election by
current resolution or bv . joint'ballot ef a Super
intendent of Public Printing- to perform the
name duties at a salary of #l,OOO. A ft er , a brief
•discussion the bill "., was 'passed, ivithont a di
vition. • • • , • - .
• Mr. frill.preee . rited p e titions feom 'forty-set•en
towns in New - Jersey for the: abolition of the
franking privilege.. -
Similar petitions were presented tir3feast9.
Ketchsm,Starkweather, Kellogg, ana Kelsey;
of New York. • ' • : •
. . - . 4. • 4
A ,
PETLARTITRia. ;Tan.. 2R.—Trade is doll Ani,d.the
Mos a v er yo ft t;trg i r e iv t Aa s lAht, Call loans are made at
old was strong and clo;wd at illy. Government
bonds advanced a shadewith gold. 4. •
The stock Market- was active
.trot 'aloes were a lit-
'Us torz, Estading sold at STK; Penn., 55 1 4 z Mine
111110S1 • Lehigh ' 'Valley, £034, arid Ph ilade4Ohla and
Kris, . . .
. .
Nair Youg.-J4m 2t.—The money market Is easy
at 6a6 per cent. field,' 121%. • Stocks unaettled.
Hudson Con, 96,• 216: Rock Island, 112%;
Union Teieltraph,,Z6vAilazus' Expreaa, trSX. •
Lorrnori, J. 23-11;90 A. 24.;-r,onsols 92% for Wilt
money 'and account' U. 14.:Five-ttrentlee of isqz,
,or 1865,, old,aft of ISO, ;
liallways Ex quiet. • 144; /111uols Owtral, 10334;
Atlantic and Oteat (stere o 25.1 • •
Lyrrtszoo'L, Jan. 2S-11:30 A. M.—Cotton steady
rmands, liXd.; Orleans, Llgal24l;. Th ora
e te to-day
will reach 22,900 balm. Sales for the week, 4,700 bales.
•Esoorts, L 3,0 bales. • Stock, 300,00* bales, including
114;00S bales of American, Receipts. for the weak,
nOM bales: Including 8,000 from America. Corn, 275.
Best . and Purest Cost In the Market.
....e .
$l, OOl 3 00630 75
CA 14
53 46
NE have:Ptade eiiteustve tUttittiivetlienis during
the pastiseisiin, syhtetk7,4lfitsgely Inerfase . ,the pro
duetion hennitter.. Every: effort will be; used to
• Especial sttenttait. tirlabt; g(vo3l6?l,zes torulann
," 4 .' ,
. .. . -
TrIIB elltie . bilibirsiyt.iititirpe4 by: IbtelfAnd..uot
mood or odultersio&•...,
{To vrbowit
, 11 erten oho* be mbleseeed),
4 , l2etts movut st•
',Zia , Zkv. , ..
of Men I . Stins- 7 0, Fired rya n.
23u : 43,1Velogrlph:
The Go r ld4ritnle thriotiention-L,The Free' List—A c.
eident to the V. S. Steamer, Alaskte—Expeetal.
tars of the:: Navy Pirpaitinent.--Tho 424
grate yibtitXr
W.AAnusoToN;.Jan.....The exannination
of Mr. Corlgn, was coixtindecl. by the Cern. t
mittee on Banking and:Cunency to•daY; •
An order waa neretofore pa ed bythe.coni-'
mittee,preventing the4netubeniknmAvl4ll-.
Ing.thelestimony. • •
Subpoena huve'been sett for "otti!r pa s'
In New .
The committee .bail
been at work on • the treo•list.thia
and it was' detertnineit reliort *the *Toff
bill on Monday, next.:&head ! : had et
pectedlo repor:it . • . • •
While.the newtruifed Stattisiteamer Alas--
ha was on her trial trip ilea*: days slues, -
froth Boaton to New York, ; fate was slightly _
damaged:by fire • •
The expenditures' of the' Nai•Y-Departineht
for the fiscal year ending June'llo, 1889,.ez
eeeded the amount appr.ePr4ted• W 7,358,350
18) . 464,40? 79:.._ •="' •
...Commissioner Delano has ordered the liq
uor nieter of 31i. Ilargiave, of 13oston to be
attached to a distillery, with a, view to test it .
practically. It is - the-most complete one yet
seen. - •
AntillProi s eatonLAs in Councll.:-Siatlaii Ski*. BlStii.
• ed—A. Hatt!. with .the
.Lorts, Jan. .27.-=AttAnti-Brotectiott
'meeting was held here-to-11101 0 at wßleli -
foolishiipeecheS *ere Made. - • • •
- Diquorr, Jun. •27...._—.The Detroit, skAtlng
rink, owned .:tiy. .H. Davis
.& Co. , tyruL
burned' tk-tiight ; ; .inatirance
• HELEN'At, 2-4—An
arrived at Fort" Benton today: and reports
that earl} - .on the morning - of January 33.
Colonelßaker captured Bear:-.Chief's imp
of Awer.-Ilkirty lodgea,.und wom
en aria'ehlhirett. No quarter Was giveutind
only. *six or eight men escaped. . ••• •
Plitney E. Kingsmore, late
.Treasurei of
thi, South Congregationaliehurch, has. •
arrested,' ehargett, with. being a defaulter t
the olunch lu ula solo otr S2COOO.
aYE fr :.,ENGL AND.
Hours Demo Hilted by *FrellijilcaxLi Di iscbarts • - •
Navy Yard Etandi. '
- . .
BeFrom", Jan. 28:-. 7 .A hetusa In
Chelsea was partially deitkilifihed' r yesterday
afternoon by, a freight car .of the .Eastern
Road, which - zun of the
.traok and, went
smashing. into. tite . houe. • •
nitrrsmorrtt,'. N.. li.; - Jan: ".B;—Orders
have.heen. 'received at the Navy Yard' for the,
discharge of hundred workmen, prlnet- -
-pally In' the construction and 'steam 0107
neering - departinents, _ 2 . •
nnisnunn, Jan.. 23--The Finance. ConV", - -
mittee.reported with 'u negative rneouneadaz: .
Lion. thetHouse, bill providing 'postage stateits.J:
for public doetitnents aril letters.„ ,
Aft.ltillingfelt introduced an act for the inoro'.
speedy retlertipti.o of the debt of the Common
wealtii. ' . -
• -
Mr, White, the joint resolution, aPproprlating
$190.010 defray the:oxpetises of the imiuguratioa
of Governor -•-
Mr. Walittee presented the' resolutions'or .the'
Editorial Associatibli of.yeaterilav recomniend
ing an amendment to the law of libel.
MreForney's 'new couittt o ,.bill, mit of .parts
FortiSt, Warrei i Venango• larawford, to. be
called Petrolia, passed to third 'reading. t -
Mr.- Iluckalew reltd, in place an act' regulat , .
ing the election of County CeminissiOners and
Auditors. tT
fir. Whito'catled up an act to prevent the'Llt
sue of unauthorized' policies of inletranee.
Passed. '
" . • . • ' TIOLTSE.- , • . ••• :
• A `coninitrrileiktion num the 'rennsyl vunia
thrial 'A ssoeiat ion was reeeived, recommending
an amendnient of the libel law requiring Suit*
:against newiipapers tol) brought in the county
where published, admitting truth in evidence,
find allowiiiirproof of good motives end .juiltitl 2 .
able-ends to operate: for acquittal:
A large numbei'iif petitions fin a law allow
ing eitizeivi of the district to vote on liquor li
censes were presented. • The resolution .requir
ing tite.•State Printer to:lay.a printed.Journal,on
tlie.desits ofmembera each morning was :laid'
• j
8y,) , 14`. Dill, of Union, giving each "paper In
I tarrisburf 1,43000 for . tbo publication of thee
proecetliii ; .akt over. •
By Mr. 'oder, cif NeviYor.k;:eicsreerninitteo
to examine into the etpedienojr
stenographers to take tho.debate• on the ptiblic
bills for publication in- counties interested.
• : .
Mr. Davis called•up a bill P . ros7idiug fora de
tieir in the soldiers orphans! - departhiettt.—;
—A traveller in a steitin-boat nottliartkularty
celebrated for its Celerity* kaquired of a gentle
man wild stood nest lulu' what the boat: was
called ;..upon which the latter pplted, "I think,
sir, it is called tht; fiegulator, for rpercalve al/
the other steam 7 boats golqiit V' • -
Coieeeteit Dilly file the BtheW iouthAl by GLENN. ar, BELL.
. .
' •
Wheat ;nom', esitra' family, lltt bl i
I. .' , • 111 cwt....,
.• .., • " " ' , extra 1pbb1... - ...
Rye F:lour
it Cwt.....
Bueir.wilear F10ur...'..- .. r.....; ... cwt.:-
Whist, prime iv hite• ibtuih...
._ • Ted +p bush...
Rye • iiimult.„
, .
Corti....j ' 4 ,, . .... • ' plusair,.:
Oata ' - ' ' -- P btuib:.:
Rye Chop - "p
Corn Meal, ••. • . glimili . ..;
blidcUlturs......., • ' - it WAIL.:
Shorta...-..... t . , .,- ~...v . bush-
Bram A
Potatoes - ' ' li bush...
lit bush...
, ' , . ~
H lFl:rale • -14 ewt.....
Straw -, - ,
- ' r . . • doz.
.1W 14
Butter - IS lb ...
Beef, hind goalie r' • It lb-,_,:...
." fore " ..
-. '. • POTTSVILLE .04,..511LV _MARKETS. , : -
'l , e give the fulintring ouotat loam for to-dart „-.
',- !EATS- . . ' !Lard "C lb - •
• st beef's lb - -425;ChIckens it 1b............ p.41p19
Co ~ Beef I.llb • *lil.l42oiDucks "ii tb . ... . .........-... 22
Au: p Steaks 11 lb.- -fa '.1 , , nil - kepi Ilk Th.-....t.... 2.r
Sirloin Steaks b ib,.. -421,11atidock ta.1b........-... lii
liauike 1r 1b.........-... --(g.t.., , 1t0ck la lbet.. .. ...........-... 17
bloc-" <.. H a l i but II 1b......„:„... , 4,,
Forequarter..., lb s •• -- 4' l4 ;WtilletPeiteh Ili lb ' /4
Hindquarter pre, --( , tlsl3l(Lcir V. lb-,..-... ..... , li
Chops " lb
.. -.',g.ii Cal Ilan # 1h.....-..- ... -4910
' Potpie -;
, ;fErillt 1 0 atrium.... „ „
... -earl
Roast ecilteaks - # 1b... -01, Beanst/OtlPrii 'it.-- IfP-20
Corned '# 1b...-. ...-. .. ..:Sit4,24 , l3utter illb ' . -14# al
H (wholei# 1b . ..... 21427 1 ,F4gs '#' doz. - -4147
Rams tsliced,7. - 0 tb.:,.....--4:o3,'Cabbage 10- head......., &am
filiouldenrplb.. ... ...-„, 17(41W,Potatoesit.% pec k ... - m
Dried Beef #lb ...... ... - -L,:,.lo:POtatoes• # bush— . 7 7.:
V.tette- ~. •• . • ' , BWlPOiatCytlllo.4pag.- 35
FOregUarterp,V 1tt,..... -.--41 , 1 Onions VI !t ze N. — 2;
Hindquarter* lb-- - , slKfted Bet!tala c . -420
Cutlets tb - -•‘,43‘,l , Turrilw.lll% peek.... 15 MI
Prime Oyaterallloo.--14SUPDMAPMes 1P Piece. - 17
Bologna SausageVlb -4gApplesii S 4 Oak '- 1:
SmokedSausaxe Vlb --4 AppLepf.l2ll•••••••Plaa 00
. JAS. t. -Thcirletrr rilariet eXhibtht bochange, end
prices have ltoi caul:tea except fantiVl brands are a
shade tower.' Extra family la qu.oteWat: 1.5 Zees; tor fair lota. • - • 1 LS
Wheat, 1206152f0n Red: corn yellow, 1/80021 oats..
53 nit l e r eu ye eed ic tl e :4 1, 111ng_ ge. it:',130S la for prlir4; Mine
tbz but Ilttle.dolng ;. Flaxseed, 2 . • • . .
• hisky. -97401 per, sallon.
`I'ti ,RE RO QE
ills . r . •
--' , •
-TRENTON, N. ,i, .
For inclined Plan 'Mini ng , Standing Ship Wiling,
suspension.Bri es, Ferries,Starkand OPY
on Derrtc , Cranes and Shaun, • ' • ,
• ' Elevators, Mere • au. - '•• - '
ON HAND. ... ._ . ,
•' OrDILR9 I'ILI.Erb- Wrill DI4PATCII::: ' ...
SarpoiStretigNi, slzerstuleest, see airtilirs which
y' sent on applleition.
..- . Aug.% 416-411•113
MI • " -
y , ' AstrrAcrritED - bit ' r
AU sizes Jlemp or Wiie Centres, bright or painted.
The Rope man ufac tured by this firm are considered
all pargies using them, the best and haadsnanek.
Rope Made in the world, made invariably from wire
drawn from the beat librway Iron. The largest ships
In the U. H. Navy'are rigged With . Wits' Ro y made
by-Miser/h. Samples of these Rope can begeeu with,
and orders taken, and all information:liven, and
orders promptly filled at reagonable rates and elm
tars furnished by _ tREN_ DEMO&
Jan op '7O-4posite M iners' xational"baus, Pottavlite.
15, 3414 .
i ssir
A ,TRUST COMPANY Pottsville, .Jest. MM.
Capital stock' paid In .... ....,.................... $lOO 00
Contingent Fund— . ' -..... . " t 001,
histeentlCAnnimilit'aVen of 114 iiine - ...-zar..
Insurance and. Trind Company': as l'eqUirtXt hf,.the..
12th section of the Act incorporating said Company,
the items of the account being compiled and arrang
ed airmailing to the provisions of said Act:
Interest received fro investmenha and • .
loans . . " edam, a
Expenses, taxes c., p aid .:;, ,- : ' Iti lea 75
Contingent, fun 1............... a,... - 7 00
Losses by limn nce ...... .....".r• • - • :„..,.,.,7, - e.
No. olicinto tstariding....l.„:,„ ... . . .."."...-......' .."..
"Real estate,. • *„........'VW Lil
Balance re raining with Com ' • -:,..„._,-
Intestedlir loans and discoMits, 470 I 6 '," - '
/ • MitAs• Iss
• - - 37,651riftilikrizojal, P l e a .
.. .P. xmtseqszi, Cashier.. . ... - •
sivinswrics. --- -craumswrit,
der.• ;••••..-:
11:0egai1 5 ,_ • '
' t :
Gelds Gkloodf4- .
vto. '3I, , U,CEt EriALtt ParIAPELITUAL
Jan'i.6,76 . lwAl4.
li n ta.W__BOWCAL.itgi BOOM_ lietnepa.
-- „BANNANA 9.
C' E3E 4ATE.
11 , 6 OGI se 25
326 350
6 25).. 650 -
5 75, 00
• 3 25; 3 "
561- 6110 50 '
1 41/, •
- 160
1 20 1 30
- 110 .1:20
96: 100
W I 66
1 40 1 50
1'36! 1 40"
70; . • 8U
30' 85
• 30 1 •
• 701 $6 ,
27 001.. be 00
1 40• •1 65 .
.111 00! Zt 00
• 23' •• -n
35l 40
'l2; • 15 '
. 10' -, 15