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Pier N.. 4, ri.t WELD, NAGLEIr, 00., St.teere and Shlppeis of the Bert Qualittee 71.0Crf,AT MOrNTA.P.i AND BLA.VITOIDATH COALS, . . . For. Manufacturing and Domestio rise. and We Agents In all market' . FOR . TUE CICLICBJL&TED DANIEL WEBSTER, DEEP RED ABM MID "JACKSON LORBERRY" COMIC .. r.N.:151,4 Walnut St._, Ph il adelphia; ~110 Broadway. Neer York, litßre4 . 19 Doane Strbelt;llostcon. S WEL!). lIENRY Ni:GLZ. ED. sntions, Ity.NnY A. Ettvw, JR. • J. 11.1, '74 CASTNER,. STICKNEY & .WEIIINGTON ` Miners and Shippers or Coal. N' sit) from Uietr ilurnsido Col, at Shamokin. • 1.1.tv Is VEIN .14Ni Ash.) - i.+ .MOCNI'AIN A+h.) , \ 39 Trinity BuLtding. keit` York. '• fttorrst .J . 203 WaLtit2Strect, Philadelphia. \ 20 Down. street, Borrow. -- No. 21, PORT RIetiMOND, PHIL t. \ Jan. I, "VI., 1 Pier - 7. Port Itichuttind: HAMMETT, 'NEILL .& Shippers df Anthracite & Bittuninous 'CI! 0 _AA_ L . .EN fsijor the sale of the celebrated BEISNAII - Ii 'ITT, Witi(iAN' nil En EL'al Locust Mosul / Hartaidu :411mill:dark • NN lute; .Asl). U.o.sINMIN and PEACH. MOLT:4'I'MS Coal. '• _ titan, nosogig,' v.itielfri of Lehigh and HoyCius's c'ELE ATED .ipI;LY• COAL. , . - 6.15 . 0; 111 TV M en Cti CO IA wett r.tubl ihea'reputat ion. • I ' .. . Philatiriphin; 247 Walnut Street; • Novr York, Koons F, Trinity BaUdlog, 'ea— Providence, 74 - Weyhasset Street, • • I I Roston, 25 Doane Wont. •Lrtritry 22, •to t- ~.. Pier No t . o, Portitichniond. R. Whirg & SO N , Shippers of Coal, „ No. 316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. Depots for Storage and Sate of Coot`„ r t i West Thirteenth Street, New Turk. No. SO?. Third Avenue, New York. Wharf, No. 99, India Street. Providence. - - C0i1i2...i Wharf, Mt. Washington Artonas, deer .(ler al ".ilreet, Roston. . ' . Jan. 1, '7l}--1 Tier No. 0 AN f,,R,0 F T L E t y IS & CO.; I MINt,TtS AND artFP4..4 OF VHF. c:SLEBHATED ASHLAND COAL, iROM SIA.HANOY MOUNTAIN. • iYaintit St., Commercial Build., MIA I 1 Broadway, Trinity Building, Room 69, N. T.—ISAAC SELTZER; Agt. 1 8 Doane it., Boston. . aunrt 1, TO . • C a AL C tiAL OF LYKENS VALLEY. , EALEns I:ArTIONED that there are four t.'ollterk.; wl. h mine this' Coal, all of lch ore under the management of the tindersign. For the year ISTOSINNICKSON & CO., ofl'hlla ,pt,le, will be the raft . ..Agent!' for its sale In N ew iglatel, New York, New Jersey , and South of Cape ry. t air Agents wilt deal in no other Coal what ie - err and parts-wlshfkg the pure genuine article . ust promo re it of them. The object of GAS caution simply to enahltet.hose Interested to buy tinder , Attidinglk. ' . The Agents and, their alkslitiktlts for the above 'tuts, are, us follows: SINNICK.'sON &4N)., General. I:r2. Walnut street. Bhiladelphia; their New .1•1: Gale,. is aUloont6B, Trinity Buildings, Jtki. G. a , Agent , assiltta iELIMHA MOSELEY, summer street,-Bul - ton.• Orders should . be - en to either of the 0)0 - el - tamed parties - Co andlt°, else. W.M. B. FOWLB, General Mgt:lager : 1 lie Sumthit Itratteh'lL U. Co., the Short, Mt. Coil - RIM `ho Lyirens Valley Veal Gu.. [Jan.', • r - Pler No. - 10 Port Itle!mond SINNICKSON. & C0.,1 ole Agents (to - the sale and Shipment of the Franklin 'Coal of .Lykens Valley," !c:/f: New 7Enrk Heir-Jersey and South of rape . Henry , - - cances : 1 41;1 1 ' L ll urt u y t l S l tree ing.. New 374 Summer Street, Hostwo. JORE T IT MOODIE, Agent.. Jan. I, ":i?-1-1 IS. Box ntS, New York. Nye 13 North Yort Riohmo.od. • JOHN C. SCOTT. & CO ., Miners and Shippers of Coal. 4 0,)1 4 : .ifiENT4 £Oll hl} MALE of - :11 I.LE DALE, LOC:I'NT MOUVTAVIT:WIdte Ash •;BEN FRANKLIN' Deep Red 4.11: - Fr the reln4.natt la all rettrpt,to ' the Lykens Valley Coal.^ 11.1.1 N Ti (:OWEN $H.1.1140 . 61.114. Bed • . 111 L. 226 W9/69tSt Pity... 4: • ISOSTON,...No. 19 Roane St.' t.'ll" YORK-- ' Juik 1,170 - I.ly rerr No.' 13, ran lechuaond. (EOAGE S. RnPPLIER Miners and Shippers of Cciali tEPPLIEIi, MOODIE & CO'S LOCUST MOLINTAIN, SlAM.MOThl_s_Epr. tirscAN - COY;LEN% IS V 19145, (1111 D .4.311.( 'CKEET & CO's LORBEREY. (3%9:Walnut Street, .Philadelphki. Mee.; : .111 • Broadway, New York. 2; Doane Street, Boston. ' 1. l'ler No. 14, North Port Richmond. J. & J. H. EASTWICK 4 Co., • • ' • SHIPPERS OF ti' ii I'M 'AND RED AMI COAL. ' Blics f No. 299 Dirk ML. Phlledelpblie, • Ni.. 19 Deane Street, Heston. ' rirdde Red 101, ..hamokle„-,WLIte Ash, - Lovett loaatais White AA COAL. ly • JlMUary 1, .741 .Plot 14, south ORDA,'KELLER..&4IUTTING- MinciOs end Shippers of Coal , IST LEHIGH GREENWOOD, . TAMAQUA SIIArT, • R EEVESDA.LL," 1 ECKERT LORBERRY NORTH FRANKLIN RED. ASH; BLACK HEATH . • BIG RUN LOCUST.I.IT. • • GARRETSON, OIRARYWILLE. 11 lby_SL. Botton. Irtia : • ) :Ijmirn 64 Traity Butldl !C. Y.. - 131 i Walnut Street, Tier 11. L NUTTING. NoytTIV-FRANKLIN WHITE ASH. April 24, 'O9. ' • . pitr No. 16; Pt. lUchanond.' UINTARD; ,WARD- • ( 9 Pine Street. !Cm 'fork. • • rakes : 220 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. • Yd Slibp Street, Buxton. • COAL OF ALL KINDS BY THE OABGO. Jun:l, r7O. 7 . AY lEUDDELL & CO .Mineys - Shippers of 'Cosi. • ( 205 Walnut St„PhUndelphli. flierti 111 roadway. (Trinity Building) N. T. (7 Doane .Street, Boston. - • • 01, Agent 9 for the'eale of the , Following celebrate!' Coale: EARLEIGH LEBICifI COAI. • ICI :01W COAL CO.'S HICKORY AND DRAPER COAL arid Itte • ',LI:Kt:EL:MGR COAL CO.'S BELAMOfiI.. I / 4 cQAL. IPPING JJ Pl: l ;7 2 . l O l :S IS Ettla . 111 ' 1%11 1 :J: 1. Pier Se. IY Port MeMust. HN ROMMEL, JR„ &BROTHER . , SOLE AGZSES TOR . le Favorite sad wellkscrws MIL I DAMS, WM% W. se Superior HMI - CIAT. kaDiy tfte.kumbig Ptak Ask. he Ce.ebrated DANIEL WEBSTED D. rp Rod Ask BOO.th TOP BIZI.SITLIEDIOI11.: • . .VEN'S ;WIN(} LEHIGH at bet*iit }2( 2 1 1 VL e alar St" ‘11:0 .the EasteT i l a rtr i Ft e by WOO. , : per 21. 'NORTON AI CO • Miners and Shippers of COal, • • F LOCUST MOUNTAIN, PIXIE OUR pAzir.zi ract.l. a coNrussNTAL coxastimg. SHAMOKIN, , ruoxsamilantla_ ooLir22y; LOMMEEMT, ritoo 41001.2 MUM 20 . 1,LIEZIET. (39$ Walsat Sr!* "P lOll2Oll /Pahk , Oakes: 4 110 amid . Mew 'fork. 4.27 Amine otreet. . sostwo.. Jan. 1. - - - , •1--'-I VANDUSEN. BROTHER.& Moon and tildppits of • , I ' 2 dOALS Collipas i 6=Llont land WHITE AND RED MN CO/LS i ii *HIPPING WIWI.VI: E• .17 = 3 = ~ _ ' an wsurur =Ptakeitiiii. il ormrse v tin Broedway,lllane Toxic. - ....,A - • ' 8 plata° SW Boston. - Jai t, 'iv.** Pert itkOustb. AUDENRIED CO.; -Mb*, ShippllrOf 00111 ffugi l DM M lNGN 3 aCtAllirefzi=ws ertrrAilrimAltosas t . l uzvo r r LOD BERRY. " 2 . 7WORCIaM DIAMOND ' Trt G SOUNII GPM B D ISS I rD TOP. • i• Vessonssera - Ballahlgt Plahrdigaiis, • hie zz areelisrsY striek .New ai Tark. - Wei Street. rrosidenci.. Port Ittelmone r t Pot* Johnston. Jerw OM Olissi : LICIIIIII AtIMIXIIID. • GLOW; H,Pollik Wit. G. Arnaxatan. 'ADDISON Lint, raansiticw.l,. Pam Jan. 1, 70 - . ov:zy c a • • WJL aurnarcx. Minors end Shippers of Coal' DOPEY; & , : Int. MDRICiIe. , - `.k- . J... ....r. DOVET. : \ . lido yeas Oar the diandeilzy i . Rainbow and Plank R B I .a. Coals, Wikarf le. 111 Pert . . . Pottiv 7, 2 ifiltreet." -- ", 1. NerviclUir2.— tr Iltdidtag, Ems 42, 01116,4 :'• Aeolgtorlyri_ .24 I 2Lbror t Ase Ms. s • • . Boston— 70 \ ll Dosa! M., Jam. M. 14044 . ( ' -W , 4 =10 4411 , :D. C.—llleary now* *at. Feb . • S''''SD ;\ . ' 10.tf DAVIDSON, YOUNG & CO.' • • witoi.egais MULLIN LOCria MOrNTAIN an.4MogIF \L16114)1, CUMBERLAND., ISCIIANTON WILArkklEd#RE COALS.. \ • ROOM 1i0..16. TRINITY sumpl.wo. NEW YORK. g..DAlrtbantr, 1!11.43(1. a. TOVVO. gamer Y. araimai; fonwerli otTyler &Co.] filmatrly otealdwelhOordoxidt Jan 15, '7O 8---1 y WHITE; FOWLER fa' SNOW, to Juba Aline At C 0.,) r r surppaas LOCUST WILKESBIRRE, SCR A NTON and CtrALBERL4NI) . :GOAZ. • 0, A R.4._240. 79 Trinity Band4ig, Broadwai t *.lr 'Aprll 11, 'Ol3. ' C • 13 Iy DT. JOHNSON & ELOBOICHN. • SICKLE • VAN : WICICLE & STOUT AND St/TPA/CM OF TR* • k tg. • • CelebPated "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Colds, From 'the Ebervale and the Stout Collleilea:Aear Hazleton, Pa. Delivered direct from miner on board Vessels - at Pr. - Joitasoa, Hoaoaz)lL andliEW Ba.V.Nstricz. N. J. (44 411' 46 Trinity Thaildinz, 0111 cps: 1 111 Broadway, 'Sew York. May((Temporary at 119 Broadway.) Id 98 fir& V EIPLA CK &ATWOOD, WIWI - MALI! DEALI63 IN, • , . LEHIGH, scuultuz /ILL, WlLKFSBa s tf ero , , d tIff.AM9KIN,_ L e. - . : - C O . A I.J. • - mice 04 7* ?lint I No. York. ti 7 Bliudlug, 111 Itrol+l2,i, P: W. VtaPLANK, Jon 8. CALDWELL & CONANT 4 °, - t' NO. ill BROADWAY. NZW YORK. - , '(Boon:La 33 and 36 Icialti Rundlitg;) ,•• . • , .WIIOII4ALS IMAZZiIib Asrro•simPies 081, LEHIGH, LOCktsT MoITNTAIN, • ~ , WILKEARABRE PITTSTON, • - CrIIBERLAND AND BROAD TOP . - • •-, . ; , . • ~. ' , O L 0 A' C s OLE AGENTS ' for New York and• th e North •of ...J the wiehrated ;COUNCIL ftll4OE FIE BURN ING LEHIGH COAT,, mined by Itharpe,, W a Co. Also, agents for the PRIHROHE and other t erAn. elan Lbllteries, and for the celebrated PQWE ' , I Read-bituminous ( •AL S . April a, 411-fl4-- . I=2 DETMOLD & Cnlebrated Rotom Run (Lehigh) . C A.' ILECENTLT iIi . THE MUS& PACrillt, •• ~-e • 0:131 Lehigh Coal/and Nevivition Cengin But now by the Company themselres, who.deidgfi making further Improvement* in the preparation of thethis year. O M? and rd!. received the RA from FONNBRYMEN YA DE. **Mr, T j)FFICER: • 38; 40 and 42 Trinity (Temporesilret No.? Broadv,ray.) • . . Se- Addresi by bull, P. O. Doe No. 411 IN: • . • Also. Ohl Conkpani's _Lehigh ,Epr:leitMontliettl. i 4l ` .I:ll, kr o i lid George's peep. cambernuta la La Sewer's very titaperfor Wltiotberee Steam and Flintily Coals, front the Enterprise glitutn, Jan 2, 10. ,1- . 4 ' 4: ___.: ' 00A1...-The undthiWA w •r . - . to ERAJoID quaver a gems ill- on article of uwltte :, : • • MB , • • 4D.C. at the lowan :: 'M li ee. 1 , .• zataratece:-First National •li Wok& • • • 1.. C.; John R. Elven*, do.; " •-• • • A PilliadelPhia; Ora=3.lfkalik pe ter. • H. D. Cooke, flay Cooke & Ca..) Washiniton, D -alp& Bolomonk•dg.: David Laricite th & Mon phlas McCallum, Cm.. a Mow; 63 4' PR' b. • e, (Jay c_ooke & 1r0.,) New Yok. City , _______' • Aprill9, lan: 15-tt itLEASON. & • Cne :11KLIFN. (Nl n Fl ct E co . Of co T u H c w DI . A w GALR , A EIL j E r V ,N ET . :• • COAL. • COAL. 60AL. THE NIAGARA. ELEVATING CO.; isiVind a atm surplus ot Lot and Dockage. will be prepared at the opening of navigation to receive town tbe Erie Railwßailway,o p a i s: r Lake, any quantitLot :COAL Ite storage or meat to any seeeekau.by Can or west by the upon as favorable terms ma ate; parties in Du o. • lot is well Waste* tor a immoral city busineeL _ : CYRUS CLARKE. Vice-Preeident. htsreXTl, '11) • . - - . • 13—tt IMO p t—Manutactutert to ra . = st of jEltein! facture, sale, or use Jacky Pantimat pre an In- Muisraent on Allison's' Patent, thr,ted Sspember Si, UV, either will be prosemW to the lilt u t aut oi the Lir. • I have already commenced son elainstlerre*Pm- Ues, apdwin prosecute aU other Infringers. - Port thaton, AptilB,.'lBBB. ROBT. ALLTIAON% Parties to want or Pumps/mint* suppUed at ousob- Me prices by the undersigned. • ' ' ALLISON & BANNAN Pau *An Iron Works, Port Carbon. Jan: I;'70 e 1- E. SMITH, SHIPPING AGMS% R+s,l1 1 6 •••••• I I Pig, Rail, and Bar Iron, • k•' AIIB4ITHER ItEAVY FBEIGIVT•44.I • f ". F .V* Hosotiee *nisei 4 %. denosima wunqpiummum• invirtititv sollrteM Address, Eusabosport, • *,, - 4 1• FI/1311 BRICK. • ?,. i - - , Taezr. Yana-" MOUNT SAVAOK,.!: - . MA . Oates Government ''-' turd— Ivan* cossoLum ll-4004(.. COtia'XNl.. Oftor nenetttnit, awl Glass taea and Mt natatrlng the BEST 417 _ _ . Itherissas in 4 l'!iltel-will be ra 2 ""a bLthil :_7I3IIFGAGIVII CBS= cinGsZito COCA, -; By the Onto; &ain't:Ai l'ineepany's Ocean Nita; - C. .8 : *l3O Prestilaa i s i o ; s4 ¢gypt4 - • l' - .-, ' JAB. A. mix ' cfrg-vbx . .—. • , . IscisktriCfstf•sclialitiorc . • . .4. ... .4 ..12311 _ wohrirepaniaiseiatilaie ibizosates . sad' i da -M t ire . l % %tar t " ,411 1 1 a mow 11111a33 Phu Mork. JOHN W: ATWOOD ' 2-ti JArtXA O. COIL.. :SOLE AGENTR FOR 7110 S.A.LR OF THIN Under tAiii66Cirotiv the NEW Y4)11.8 Pliffstiaohht,lt...: , . SCHEME= NATIOAIION. !atoll' Morns Ike allatiaTZ Mil, at lirtmrtelh Illsimas Misiblibk. ° ULINFIS AIID: , MOMS MI TIM 611.14 OF TIM war Cm Illeassil dpi Omplafs Ililliariett .11i4 siiii Mork IMO WM* AA dab. r 'TM Walnut Street ; idladelphlit: orriem; tio Droadirsi,New.Yoric. . I 7 4f *llbratrees. Boston. ' _.' I D 1 OFFI GREI Jan. rAM2I BRENIZEB, mimes A:2TD %WM= 07 . The Superior Turkey' Run .Coal, AND SOLI ACMTTS TOR LIZ, ORAN? Q CO., • CELEBRATED PLANK RIDGE COAL. OFFICE-218 walnut street, Ilt,ti.Aimtu,c lan WV) ° ' • I—tf -13N7DE.R, & SEC • Ebb; ShippOrs and Dealets in - . - C OAL A w n* nit 0. W. Asmara waki.z. ixowN - PINE fOREST : COAL --- zwiWm4rtri AT.. 1 SS Tanart Ettriu.nxxo, PIULADA. • I >:.W YORK. Jan LOUIS SNYDER. C. R. FITIOEMAKER. L '7O THO/LAI CAW. 111011813 !lACIEN:B. 3111349 E IL. COOK. CAIN, HACKER &. COOK. 'asOrs= or . • WC17137 CIAP.` : :LOCNBT'tiOUNTAIN, ; BLACK -• HEATH. Am?, DAALIMI DI onus. rum QUALITI.EIi OF White and. Red .Ash. Coals, 11111 Wawa. Street, Philadldp_lds. and Wood \ 111 " WastrwI .NN I ZZTY U KYIi; Ann AGENT, 44Ln:16'70.-1 ; Soloarlk.lll Haven, Pa. TpomAst..PARRISH i Lehigh, &l u yltjU and Bittuninonis. C • a A. Conal`nmenta on Coiam lulo p Solicited and taken on favorable retina ' •••! I: • ' Ode.-341 Walnut gt.. \ Philadelphia. May 1, \ 18-1 y onnfq., E 0 N'N 11 , lAllrker and Shipper otthe Celebrated LoOT • MOUNTAIN COAL. %l. ;circ4Licril, co., PA: - Jan' • t -; I ' gorb4ri tr Oith. rir r iiIR VEIN' t EAS . 2 1 . ANKLIN -LiORB Y • COAL. Mt . T PRANIGIAN I.42IBERRY_QOAL 11'1 is now 'old exclusively by Mown. CALDWELL, GORDON & CO., who've Inv sole &genie. , parties ordering from them may always depend tipOn get ting • pure Oi& . . 1, " 1 No . 112 Wa lnut At., Philadelphia. ' OFFICFA: No. 35 e Ht., New York. No. 144 State St., Boston. • , . - Jan I; 10-1- , : ; . HENRY HEIL: atioceltaitous. N • • EW BOOKS :SCION AS ISSUED. • NEW STATta:TTFl4.—Roames OmovPits: J4at received at. - BAISTNANikIi..A="S.,„! ille NEAB SIGHTED PZOPLE42 orpersons with other deficiencies of the eyes, shoald rentemberthat they tan be suited with the .proper 'thumbs! fry JOSEPH DUERR, Mien, No. tacle. ZS Centre Street, Pol lolturhlavi. Sign Sig Spec of the lle • VyaMIIERB.-11X)VONti "HALL'S" SrPFIO.- 1 : Bdn, Exet.P. •l l - tap=lactnruabrgideNtn. live and reliable ertUlzir. For sale tly IILEti4T & B BILL, ;Aguas, Boileau' street. A liberal discount. to dealers fro 'mannlacturers prices. Mar 37, ' 13 WM. DONALDRON. AND BLILILLESS BAGB.—The War d of the County Prison-haw a large twasortment of attnitior Cheek and Seamleas Raga on hand., Also MINERS' BOOTS AND killoo4, which he' offers for Isle t atlha Prison, at low prices, ihr nigh. , Hlghext cash pricespald ftw Carpet Mugs. lupe*, rell—S— • :; , IRAAC WARD. EARrpl CILOBETEI, II FIXTIrIiFA ANlji COIIMODF-i IN SiWK ARIGHT CO.-, AGENTS. HOME BL . 4I3MET HEAD-QUABTEBB ME LARGE STOCK, g avian a colt a4sawmeg ab num 'from I Oct. wt. . UM) FOR CIRCULARS 0 041 0 113 A . l ? ;"-"' 1.0? 1 / 4 r- IfiEVYORK "VA _ g et . i rkf t et -_ • simADELF*4IO.- mivtic ET • LA, • BOSTON, 19 DOANE 8% oat. it, , V 4S—ern „ , HLtaafirDE.-+-Now ready ibr Pic NieS, with spa cites Dancing Platform, Rustle Arbors, &c. - Ale°, .6 1 larg e and convenient Bathing and Siblin ing Snob meat, with ladles' and Gentlemen's Inseam Rooms, comfortably furnished, and a spa clan BM for dancing, a.V_encloaed and under cover; newly ;completed. In Winter, premtses tot* used With the Dam, fora Skating Perk. Club fluissanptious for year, $10; entitling holder and family to mown and use ofgrounds, NUM no., litany Um.. Thcisedadringlo become m reqinsiteci to subboribe without delay. Sunday Schools,' le, accommodatk on reasonable terms. • CIatIEITOPHBR LITTLE,,Agt. Ax Projojetor,_ Office 16 Mahantengo St.,al-tf rottartue. Asll-1. - • - . • ' , .17/11NTItAL 'IA.ZEJIO 4.. D OP -lOWA. ITS EIMER PER CENT. GOLD • 1 , "FIRRT MORTGAGE DONDB,I treitibt . Taz, se t ant ammal barn s& , • Mani penguin» lie:Bing their Gaweennient Bonds while Gls premium te