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Pier N.. 4, ri.t WELD, NAGLEIr, 00., St.teere and Shlppeis of the Bert Qualittee 71.0Crf,AT MOrNTA.P.i AND BLA.VITOIDATH COALS, . . . For. Manufacturing and Domestio rise. and We Agents In all market' . FOR . TUE CICLICBJL&TED DANIEL WEBSTER, DEEP RED ABM MID "JACKSON LORBERRY" COMIC .. r.N.:151,4 Walnut St._, Ph il adelphia; ~110 Broadway. Neer York, litßre4 . 19 Doane Strbelt;llostcon. S WEL!). lIENRY Ni:GLZ. ED. sntions, Ity.NnY A. Ettvw, JR. • J. 11.1, '74 CASTNER,. STICKNEY & .WEIIINGTON ` Miners and Shippers or Coal. N' sit) from Uietr ilurnsido Col, at Shamokin. • 1.1.tv Is VEIN .14Ni Ash.) - i.+ .MOCNI'AIN A+h.) , \ 39 Trinity BuLtding. keit` York. '• fttorrst .J . 203 WaLtit2Strect, Philadelphia. \ 20 Down. street, Borrow. -- No. 21, PORT RIetiMOND, PHIL t. \ Jan. I, "VI., 1 Pier - 7. Port Itichuttind: HAMMETT, 'NEILL .& Shippers df Anthracite & Bittuninous 'CI! 0 _AA_ L . .EN fsijor the sale of the celebrated BEISNAII - Ii 'ITT, Witi(iAN' nil En EL'al Locust Mosul / Hartaidu :411mill:dark • NN lute; .Asl). U.o.sINMIN and PEACH. MOLT:4'I'MS Coal. '• _ titan, nosogig,' v.itielfri of Lehigh and HoyCius's c'ELE ATED .ipI;LY• COAL. , . - 6.15 . 0; 111 TV M en Cti CO IA wett r.tubl ihea'reputat ion. • I ' .. . Philatiriphin; 247 Walnut Street; • Novr York, Koons F, Trinity BaUdlog, 'ea— Providence, 74 - Weyhasset Street, • • I I Roston, 25 Doane Wont. •Lrtritry 22, •to t- ~.. Pier No t . o, Portitichniond. R. Whirg & SO N , Shippers of Coal, „ No. 316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. Depots for Storage and Sate of Coot`„ r t i West Thirteenth Street, New Turk. No. SO?. Third Avenue, New York. Wharf, No. 99, India Street. Providence. - - C0i1i2...i Wharf, Mt. Washington Artonas, deer .(ler al ".ilreet, Roston. . ' . Jan. 1, '7l}--1 Tier No. 0 AN f,,R,0 F T L E t y IS & CO.; I MINt,TtS AND artFP4..4 OF VHF. c:SLEBHATED ASHLAND COAL, iROM SIA.HANOY MOUNTAIN. • iYaintit St., Commercial Build., MIA I 1 Broadway, Trinity Building, Room 69, N. T.—ISAAC SELTZER; Agt. 1 8 Doane it., Boston. . aunrt 1, TO . • C a AL C tiAL OF LYKENS VALLEY. , EALEns I:ArTIONED that there are four t.'ollterk.; wl. h mine this' Coal, all of lch ore under the management of the tindersign. For the year ISTOSINNICKSON & CO., ofl'hlla ,pt,le, will be the raft . ..Agent!' for its sale In N ew iglatel, New York, New Jersey , and South of Cape ry. t air Agents wilt deal in no other Coal what ie - err and parts-wlshfkg the pure genuine article . ust promo re it of them. The object of GAS caution simply to enahltet.hose Interested to buy tinder , Attidinglk. ' . The Agents and, their alkslitiktlts for the above 'tuts, are, us follows: SINNICK.'sON &4N)., General. I:r2. Walnut street. Bhiladelphia; their New .1•1: Gale,. is aUloont6B, Trinity Buildings, Jtki. G. a , Agent , assiltta iELIMHA MOSELEY, summer street,-Bul - ton.• Orders should . be - en to either of the 0)0 - el - tamed parties - Co andlt°, else. W.M. B. FOWLB, General Mgt:lager : 1 lie Sumthit Itratteh'lL U. Co., the Short, Mt. Coil - RIM `ho Lyirens Valley Veal Gu.. [Jan.', • r - Pler No. - 10 Port Itle!mond SINNICKSON. & C0.,1 ole Agents (to - the sale and Shipment of the Franklin 'Coal of .Lykens Valley," !c:/f: New 7Enrk Heir-Jersey and South of rape . Henry , - - cances : 1 41;1 1 ' L ll urt u y t l S l tree ing.. New 374 Summer Street, Hostwo. JORE T IT MOODIE, Agent.. Jan. I, ":i?-1-1 IS. Box ntS, New York. Nye 13 North Yort Riohmo.od. • JOHN C. SCOTT. & CO ., Miners and Shippers of Coal. 4 0,)1 4 : .ifiENT4 £Oll hl} MALE of - :11 I.LE DALE, LOC:I'NT MOUVTAVIT:WIdte Ash •;BEN FRANKLIN' Deep Red 4.11: - Fr the reln4.natt la all rettrpt,to ' the Lykens Valley Coal.^ 11.1.1 N Ti (:OWEN $H.1.1140 . 61.114. Bed • . 111 L. 226 W9/69tSt Pity... 4: • ISOSTON,...No. 19 Roane St.' t.'ll" YORK-- ' Juik 1,170 - I.ly rerr No.' 13, ran lechuaond. (EOAGE S. RnPPLIER Miners and Shippers of Cciali tEPPLIEIi, MOODIE & CO'S LOCUST MOLINTAIN, SlAM.MOThl_s_Epr. tirscAN - COY;LEN% IS V 19145, (1111 D .4.311.( 'CKEET & CO's LORBEREY. (3%9:Walnut Street, .Philadelphki. Mee.; : .111 • Broadway, New York. 2; Doane Street, Boston. ' 1. l'ler No. 14, North Port Richmond. J. & J. H. EASTWICK 4 Co., • • ' • SHIPPERS OF ti' ii I'M 'AND RED AMI COAL. ' Blics f No. 299 Dirk ML. Phlledelpblie, • Ni.. 19 Deane Street, Heston. ' rirdde Red 101, ..hamokle„-,WLIte Ash, - Lovett loaatais White AA COAL. ly • JlMUary 1, .741 .Plot 14, south ORDA,'KELLER..&4IUTTING- MinciOs end Shippers of Coal , IST LEHIGH GREENWOOD, . TAMAQUA SIIArT, • R EEVESDA.LL," 1 ECKERT LORBERRY NORTH FRANKLIN RED. ASH; BLACK HEATH . • BIG RUN LOCUST.I.IT. • • GARRETSON, OIRARYWILLE. 11 lby_SL. Botton. Irtia : • ) :Ijmirn 64 Traity Butldl !C. Y.. - 131 i Walnut Street, Tier 11. L NUTTING. NoytTIV-FRANKLIN WHITE ASH. April 24, 'O9. ' • . pitr No. 16; Pt. lUchanond.' UINTARD; ,WARD- • ( 9 Pine Street. !Cm 'fork. • • rakes : 220 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. • Yd Slibp Street, Buxton. • COAL OF ALL KINDS BY THE OABGO. Jun:l, r7O. 7 . AY lEUDDELL & CO .Mineys - Shippers of 'Cosi. • ( 205 Walnut St„PhUndelphli. flierti 111 roadway. (Trinity Building) N. T. (7 Doane .Street, Boston. - • • 01, Agent 9 for the'eale of the , Following celebrate!' Coale: EARLEIGH LEBICifI COAI. • ICI :01W COAL CO.'S HICKORY AND DRAPER COAL arid Itte • ',LI:Kt:EL:MGR COAL CO.'S BELAMOfiI.. I / 4 cQAL. IPPING JJ Pl: l ;7 2 . l O l :S IS Ettla . 111 ' 1%11 1 :J: 1. Pier Se. IY Port MeMust. HN ROMMEL, JR„ &BROTHER . , SOLE AGZSES TOR . le Favorite sad wellkscrws MIL I DAMS, WM% W. se Superior HMI - CIAT. kaDiy tfte.kumbig Ptak Ask. he Ce.ebrated DANIEL WEBSTED D. rp Rod Ask BOO.th TOP BIZI.SITLIEDIOI11.: • . .VEN'S ;WIN(} LEHIGH at bet*iit }2( 2 1 1 VL e alar St" ‘11:0 .the EasteT i l a rtr i Ft e by WOO. , : per 21. 'NORTON AI CO • Miners and Shippers of COal, • • F LOCUST MOUNTAIN, PIXIE OUR pAzir.zi ract.l. a coNrussNTAL coxastimg. SHAMOKIN, , ruoxsamilantla_ ooLir22y; LOMMEEMT, ritoo 41001.2 MUM 20 . 1,LIEZIET. (39$ Walsat Sr!* "P lOll2Oll /Pahk , Oakes: 4 110 amid . Mew 'fork. 4.27 Amine otreet. . sostwo.. Jan. 1. - - - , •1--'-I VANDUSEN. BROTHER.& Moon and tildppits of • , I ' 2 dOALS Collipas i 6=Llont land WHITE AND RED MN CO/LS i ii *HIPPING WIWI.VI: E• .17 = 3 = ~ _ ' an wsurur =Ptakeitiiii. il ormrse v tin Broedway,lllane Toxic. - ....,A - • ' 8 plata° SW Boston. - Jai t, 'iv.** Pert itkOustb. AUDENRIED CO.; -Mb*, ShippllrOf 00111 ffugi l DM M lNGN 3 aCtAllirefzi=ws ertrrAilrimAltosas t . l uzvo r r LOD BERRY. " 2 . 7WORCIaM DIAMOND ' Trt G SOUNII GPM B D ISS I rD TOP. • i• Vessonssera - Ballahlgt Plahrdigaiis, • hie zz areelisrsY striek .New ai Tark. - Wei Street. rrosidenci.. Port Ittelmone r t Pot* Johnston. Jerw OM Olissi : LICIIIIII AtIMIXIIID. • GLOW; H,Pollik Wit. G. Arnaxatan. 'ADDISON Lint, raansiticw.l,. Pam Jan. 1, 70 - . ov:zy c a • • WJL aurnarcx. Minors end Shippers of Coal' DOPEY; & , : Int. MDRICiIe. , - `.k- . J... ....r. DOVET. : \ . lido yeas Oar the diandeilzy i . Rainbow and Plank R B I .a. Coals, Wikarf le. 111 Pert . . . Pottiv 7, 2 ifiltreet." -- ", 1. NerviclUir2.— tr Iltdidtag, Ems 42, 01116,4 :'• Aeolgtorlyri_ .24 I 2Lbror t Ase Ms. s • • . Boston— 70 \ ll Dosa! M., Jam. M. 14044 . ( ' -W , 4 =10 4411 , :D. C.—llleary now* *at. Feb . • S''''SD ;\ . ' 10.tf DAVIDSON, YOUNG & CO.' • • witoi.egais MULLIN LOCria MOrNTAIN an.4MogIF \L16114)1, CUMBERLAND., ISCIIANTON WILArkklEd#RE COALS.. \ • ROOM 1i0..16. TRINITY sumpl.wo. NEW YORK. g..DAlrtbantr, 1!11.43(1. a. TOVVO. gamer Y. araimai; fonwerli otTyler &Co.] filmatrly otealdwelhOordoxidt Jan 15, '7O 8---1 y WHITE; FOWLER fa' SNOW, to Juba Aline At C 0.,) r r surppaas LOCUST WILKESBIRRE, SCR A NTON and CtrALBERL4NI) . :GOAZ. • 0, A R.4._240. 79 Trinity Band4ig, Broadwai t *.lr 'Aprll 11, 'Ol3. ' C • 13 Iy DT. JOHNSON & ELOBOICHN. • SICKLE • VAN : WICICLE & STOUT AND St/TPA/CM OF TR* • k tg. • • CelebPated "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Colds, From 'the Ebervale and the Stout Collleilea:Aear Hazleton, Pa. Delivered direct from miner on board Vessels - at Pr. - Joitasoa, Hoaoaz)lL andliEW Ba.V.Nstricz. N. J. (44 411' 46 Trinity Thaildinz, 0111 cps: 1 111 Broadway, 'Sew York. May((Temporary at 119 Broadway.) Id 98 fir& V EIPLA CK &ATWOOD, WIWI - MALI! DEALI63 IN, • , . LEHIGH, scuultuz /ILL, WlLKFSBa s tf ero , , d tIff.AM9KIN,_ L e. - . : - C O . A I.J. • - mice 04 7* ?lint I No. York. ti 7 Bliudlug, 111 Itrol+l2,i, P: W. VtaPLANK, Jon 8. CALDWELL & CONANT 4 °, - t' NO. ill BROADWAY. NZW YORK. - , '(Boon:La 33 and 36 Icialti Rundlitg;) ,•• . • , .WIIOII4ALS IMAZZiIib Asrro•simPies 081, LEHIGH, LOCktsT MoITNTAIN, • ~ , WILKEARABRE PITTSTON, • - CrIIBERLAND AND BROAD TOP . - • •-, . ; , . • ~. ' , O L 0 A' C s OLE AGENTS ' for New York and• th e North •of ...J the wiehrated ;COUNCIL ftll4OE FIE BURN ING LEHIGH COAT,, mined by Itharpe,, W a Co. Also, agents for the PRIHROHE and other t erAn. elan Lbllteries, and for the celebrated PQWE ' , I Read-bituminous ( •AL S . April a, 411-fl4-- . I=2 DETMOLD & Cnlebrated Rotom Run (Lehigh) . C A.' ILECENTLT iIi . THE MUS& PACrillt, •• ~-e • 0:131 Lehigh Coal/and Nevivition Cengin But now by the Company themselres, who.deidgfi making further Improvement* in the preparation of thethis year. O M? and rd!. received the RA from FONNBRYMEN YA DE. **Mr, T j)FFICER: • 38; 40 and 42 Trinity (Temporesilret No.? Broadv,ray.) • . . Se- Addresi by bull, P. O. Doe No. 411 IN: • . • Also. Ohl Conkpani's _Lehigh ,Epr:leitMontliettl. i 4l ` .I:ll, kr o i lid George's peep. cambernuta la La Sewer's very titaperfor Wltiotberee Steam and Flintily Coals, front the Enterprise glitutn, Jan 2, 10. ,1- . 4 ' 4: ___.: ' 00A1...-The undthiWA w •r . - . to ERAJoID quaver a gems ill- on article of uwltte :, : • • MB , • • 4D.C. at the lowan :: 'M li ee. 1 , .• zataratece:-First National •li Wok& • • • 1.. C.; John R. Elven*, do.; " •-• • • A PilliadelPhia; Ora=3.lfkalik pe ter. • H. D. Cooke, flay Cooke & Ca..) Washiniton, D -alp& Bolomonk•dg.: David Laricite th & Mon phlas McCallum, Cm.. a Mow; 63 4' PR' b. • e, (Jay c_ooke & 1r0.,) New Yok. City , _______' • Aprill9, lan: 15-tt itLEASON. & • Cne :11KLIFN. (Nl n Fl ct E co . Of co T u H c w DI . A w GALR , A EIL j E r V ,N ET . :• • COAL. • COAL. 60AL. THE NIAGARA. ELEVATING CO.; isiVind a atm surplus ot Lot and Dockage. will be prepared at the opening of navigation to receive town tbe Erie Railwßailway,o p a i s: r Lake, any quantitLot :COAL Ite storage or meat to any seeeekau.by Can or west by the upon as favorable terms ma ate; parties in Du o. • lot is well Waste* tor a immoral city busineeL _ : CYRUS CLARKE. Vice-Preeident. htsreXTl, '11) • . - - . • 13—tt IMO p t—Manutactutert to ra . = st of jEltein! facture, sale, or use Jacky Pantimat pre an In- Muisraent on Allison's' Patent, thr,ted Sspember Si, UV, either will be prosemW to the lilt u t aut oi the Lir. • I have already commenced son elainstlerre*Pm- Ues, apdwin prosecute aU other Infringers. - Port thaton, AptilB,.'lBBB. ROBT. ALLTIAON% Parties to want or Pumps/mint* suppUed at ousob- Me prices by the undersigned. • ' ' ALLISON & BANNAN Pau *An Iron Works, Port Carbon. Jan: I;'70 e 1- E. SMITH, SHIPPING AGMS% R+s,l1 1 6 •••••• I I Pig, Rail, and Bar Iron, • k•' AIIB4ITHER ItEAVY FBEIGIVT•44.I • f ". F .V* Hosotiee *nisei 4 %. denosima wunqpiummum• invirtititv sollrteM Address, Eusabosport, • *,, - 4 1• FI/1311 BRICK. • ?,. i - - , Taezr. Yana-" MOUNT SAVAOK,.!: - . MA . Oates Government ''-' turd— Ivan* cossoLum ll-4004(.. COtia'XNl.. Oftor nenetttnit, awl Glass taea and Mt natatrlng the BEST 417 _ _ . Itherissas in 4 l'!iltel-will be ra 2 ""a bLthil :_7I3IIFGAGIVII CBS= cinGsZito COCA, -; By the Onto; &ain't:Ai l'ineepany's Ocean Nita; - C. .8 : *l3O Prestilaa i s i o ; s4 ¢gypt4 - • l' - .-, ' JAB. A. mix ' cfrg-vbx . .—. • , . IscisktriCfstf•sclialitiorc . • . .4. ... .4 ..12311 _ wohrirepaniaiseiatilaie ibizosates . sad' i da -M t ire . l % %tar t " ,411 1 1 a mow 11111a33 Phu Mork. JOHN W: ATWOOD ' 2-ti JArtXA O. COIL.. :SOLE AGENTR FOR 7110 S.A.LR OF THIN Under tAiii66Cirotiv the NEW Y4)11.8 Pliffstiaohht,lt...: , . SCHEME= NATIOAIION. !atoll' Morns Ike allatiaTZ Mil, at lirtmrtelh Illsimas Misiblibk. ° ULINFIS AIID: , MOMS MI TIM 611.14 OF TIM war Cm Illeassil dpi Omplafs Ililliariett .11i4 siiii Mork IMO WM* AA dab. r 'TM Walnut Street ; idladelphlit: orriem; tio Droadirsi,New.Yoric. . I 7 4f *llbratrees. Boston. ' _.' I D 1 OFFI GREI Jan. rAM2I BRENIZEB, mimes A:2TD %WM= 07 . The Superior Turkey' Run .Coal, AND SOLI ACMTTS TOR LIZ, ORAN? Q CO., • CELEBRATED PLANK RIDGE COAL. OFFICE-218 walnut street, Ilt,ti.Aimtu,c lan WV) ° ' • I—tf -13N7DE.R, & SEC • Ebb; ShippOrs and Dealets in - . - C OAL A w n* nit 0. W. Asmara waki.z. ixowN - PINE fOREST : COAL --- zwiWm4rtri AT.. 1 SS Tanart Ettriu.nxxo, PIULADA. • I >:.W YORK. Jan LOUIS SNYDER. C. R. FITIOEMAKER. L '7O THO/LAI CAW. 111011813 !lACIEN:B. 3111349 E IL. COOK. CAIN, HACKER &. COOK. 'asOrs= or . • WC17137 CIAP.` : :LOCNBT'tiOUNTAIN, ; BLACK -• HEATH. Am?, DAALIMI DI onus. rum QUALITI.EIi OF White and. Red .Ash. Coals, 11111 Wawa. Street, Philadldp_lds. and Wood \ 111 " WastrwI .NN I ZZTY U KYIi; Ann AGENT, 44Ln:16'70.-1 ; Soloarlk.lll Haven, Pa. TpomAst..PARRISH i Lehigh, &l u yltjU and Bittuninonis. C • a A. Conal`nmenta on Coiam lulo p Solicited and taken on favorable retina ' •••! I: • ' Ode.-341 Walnut gt.. \ Philadelphia. May 1, \ 18-1 y onnfq., E 0 N'N 11 , lAllrker and Shipper otthe Celebrated LoOT • MOUNTAIN COAL. %l. ;circ4Licril, co., PA: - Jan' • t -; I ' gorb4ri tr Oith. rir r iiIR VEIN' t EAS . 2 1 . ANKLIN -LiORB Y • COAL. Mt . T PRANIGIAN I.42IBERRY_QOAL 11'1 is now 'old exclusively by Mown. CALDWELL, GORDON & CO., who've Inv sole &genie. , parties ordering from them may always depend tipOn get ting • pure Oi& . . 1, " 1 No . 112 Wa lnut At., Philadelphia. ' OFFICFA: No. 35 e Ht., New York. No. 144 State St., Boston. • , . - Jan I; 10-1- , : ; . HENRY HEIL: atioceltaitous. N • • EW BOOKS :SCION AS ISSUED. • NEW STATta:TTFl4.—Roames OmovPits: J4at received at. - BAISTNANikIi..A="S.,„! ille NEAB SIGHTED PZOPLE42 orpersons with other deficiencies of the eyes, shoald rentemberthat they tan be suited with the .proper 'thumbs! fry JOSEPH DUERR, Mien, No. tacle. ZS Centre Street, Pol lolturhlavi. Sign Sig Spec of the lle • VyaMIIERB.-11X)VONti "HALL'S" SrPFIO.- 1 : Bdn, Exet.P. •l l - tap=lactnruabrgideNtn. live and reliable ertUlzir. For sale tly IILEti4T & B BILL, ;Aguas, Boileau' street. A liberal discount. to dealers fro 'mannlacturers prices. Mar 37, ' 13 WM. DONALDRON. AND BLILILLESS BAGB.—The War d of the County Prison-haw a large twasortment of attnitior Cheek and Seamleas Raga on hand., Also MINERS' BOOTS AND killoo4, which he' offers for Isle t atlha Prison, at low prices, ihr nigh. , Hlghext cash pricespald ftw Carpet Mugs. lupe*, rell—S— • :; , IRAAC WARD. EARrpl CILOBETEI, II FIXTIrIiFA ANlji COIIMODF-i IN SiWK ARIGHT CO.-, AGENTS. HOME BL . 4I3MET HEAD-QUABTEBB ME LARGE STOCK, g avian a colt a4sawmeg ab num 'from I Oct. wt. . UM) FOR CIRCULARS 0 041 0 113 A . l ? ;"-"' 1.0? 1 / 4 r- IfiEVYORK "VA _ g et . i rkf t et -_ • simADELF*4IO.- mivtic ET • LA, • BOSTON, 19 DOANE 8% oat. it, , V 4S—ern „ , HLtaafirDE.-+-Now ready ibr Pic NieS, with spa cites Dancing Platform, Rustle Arbors, &c. - Ale°, .6 1 larg e and convenient Bathing and Siblin ing Snob meat, with ladles' and Gentlemen's Inseam Rooms, comfortably furnished, and a spa clan BM for dancing, a.V_encloaed and under cover; newly ;completed. In Winter, premtses tot* used With the Dam, fora Skating Perk. Club fluissanptious for year, $10; entitling holder and family to mown and use ofgrounds, NUM no., litany Um.. Thcisedadringlo become m reqinsiteci to subboribe without delay. Sunday Schools,' le, accommodatk on reasonable terms. • CIatIEITOPHBR LITTLE,,Agt. Ax Projojetor,_ Office 16 Mahantengo St.,al-tf rottartue. Asll-1. - • - . • ' , .17/11NTItAL 'IA.ZEJIO 4.. D OP -lOWA. ITS EIMER PER CENT. GOLD • 1 , "FIRRT MORTGAGE DONDB,I treitibt . Taz, se t ant ammal barn s& , • Mani penguin» lie:Bing their Gaweennient Bonds while Gls premium te <stfil lama <as the TTessarn has possamsd to buy thirteen_ WIWI= lirDeeember.) and reinvest In the Pint UOTtipire Bonds of the 0P51... trot itigroad'ot Imps, vii4ll par about one-third same intierest. The tiara s&maks inch investmAmt is Id* the Treasury', is buying, and Governments ari axalrentium. . . . The Road &saint* run through *wilderness. where it small& have to .rwitt years for population and. berinem, but thrOugh the mast thickly settled and productive re mantles In the State, which eves each all large traffic as soon as mow pieta& It netts thereat Coal Fields .4 Southern . - kora to the oat h where mel Is Indispensable. and must hemmed. - ' It tuns free =the grout Lumber Region" of tin . , North.44annsim of Country which Is destl 7 tuts otthis The 'berm= the Farmers' Loan 'and Trust c Sendai can be Weed only at the rate of SUMO per mile, or only half the amount ti anneother roads. Swots. seenrity le ltir the punkin* end fot the manna et In - The NM 'fork Tifton* IIII" "this Is * imlendkt enterprise. end ammo the most liberal aid." The Now York umependent ma. Nwe know the Central Magma* of lowa Is one of the west and - good Venal at MINIM. • Its rotruitese Metal* many of ontleeding beak 'readouts and ether liftmen "of iggildbitracteriviso have means to bond two of three met Made out of their oww so that alli Wagers will hi ably. as well as honestly ' 'The eastral of lowa will brio that State wi lli =Ninf. York Orr Sew Central Is-t o this , mtosm that it * c 4 e, thmom u ng i c s in=tha Ougral lowa Nonda W , with Gatlin conlidinte in their coin* The Until Is. that a first Of iliAlli dau Z Salle Mime • raid running .. tbrsaaa a , memo, , bu Minimise than ad l2== a lVa r in tl 2= u orr2 sashed • am wall Et =iiiiided as a ___-_' k Mb at ea MY Ineent. . -- -r -- 7 may obtained. and sub sea . 1 - P7 . Iga ussliting at the.PoisLai Vint No. - i • _ .11e& NOW York. orki la NC : : luemeuett4 - 41 Wall Street. and In . • . :i ' : PCIXTBraLIt. IllY - • . , WHITNEY, Esq. Pamphlets itint bytiall WOW. Treasurer. i 1. , • IV. B. NartsisaititiVai I . _ - 4.—sa T - ' o". I A erla .* I • I I • .... A. • • asmanargaz # Zanest= o l readar io 111 r . .. " P' 46. . .. - 1 1: 7 4121 _,I mitmoi l 14 V= ea* . amo imil s , . 4 .14 Mr . rpollir anik sod b... OM ez t ir f . I : ihme -ite. a i'ic . ‘ii iii tsktiLlitnie.bail . • • • "shipdast flibratise•mit Chat 7 so ' • ev.imat r' . - ji! .Ppmyo.-.sATuitpsiy : & OM, ME , 1 , , . .. -,- . . _,_fli r EAß OF - I ,viLLE groom ' cOAL Alt.„ Borten Mai..-- -. tam not . to make all kinds of -..- _ .-• • for Cast ?stae pert . astatihetiati la al °5 11Ba lirill " . al I .. will emelt their in _ 171, - :. ilium.as a lnmva ~ of . all ‘desettptiaan. , ... 10an ,33.41, 1 4 111 ,7 tti • , r tat °tribe mint reasonable tartan. 1 • iNVIMA 9 11111•11-1121 •• • • • 011 : • ILI a t MIMIR MOM 114C11141 • •• 41201140_ • - • AMEMICAN CABLF. Woks% ,- • •;, mut s*. raw swims.. The underalined, wbe is a practical Chain Hann-: facturer, Informs Mal Operators and others that be is prepared to make Flat or Crane Chains ot every . size at short notice. Particular attention to Flat Chain for slopes. For ftrrther int on mend en circular. Feb. IS, . TOED' R. DEEELK, _ - r • • MANUFACTIMER COA L . -OFII7I, • or tint Larder AND sour arrituYinirrYlds. ' The undertigned_, who is • vracticai Screen Mem. ,facturer, informs Coal re and others, that be Ls znanuinctoring a new COAL SCREEN, paten t :June '24, MG, and another patented A RE OR RANTERS =AT THE . 11ESEr I M IL LL. WAYS FCrYAIN ITS ORIGINAL SIZE ENTIRELY. WORN OUT, lie respectfully solicits a continuance of the pa. tronage heretofore so Sherally, bedewed. u pon qpnw vaizaig, H. . Railroad , rear of Eder l yl Hardware Storn. - Jan I, Porrsvuas. PA: SI:MA.1111 ROD I T VITZBEI 154=131N6. J. LAITEIEITS4 I EIN. ItAIICTACTrtIi OT SQUARE ROD AND . *IRE .SCREENS. PATEN - TED FEBRiTARY-,4,1AM. • THE SQUARE ROD•SuRE*NS; ON , ACCOUNT, of their supeiior strength' and durability, are preferred to all others wherever tried. Car Rays manufactured to order. • Screen Bolts, all slush always on hand. Order promptly filled at moderato prices., May 9, 'Ca • - la- M ANCPACTUREHB OF COAL BC I. a. Lairpunumnt, ' MbintS.' Is, I.AUBEN, STEIN & CO., Succcissors to ,tolm IL Dietim; Manufacturer of Coal, Screens, Of the Latest and Mist Approved' Styles. , The underslgn i ed who are practical Screen Manu facturers, infertile Coal Operators and others, that, they are manufaCturing a new COAL SCREEN. pat tented June 2t. 184;and another patented August 8, 1885; they rentee that the MESH will always retain fla o size until entirely worn out. Second-hand Screens and Segments always, on' hand. • . , • ' We respectfully solicit a continuance of the 111'1..7'0u- age heretofore so liberally . bestowed. ' LAPBENSTEiN CO., Railroad St., year of Esterly's Hardware Store r Jan I, . Pottsville, Pc THOS. L, ADDISON, 1 . • altAtsctts Waitaits. PrO COAL DE I ALE.4B, GAB I COMPANIES, - . i The understgned.having sneeeeded Pneht & War ren to the. sole manufacture of .Focht's celebrated Patent ^ • \ SELF-DVidPIN'9, • HOTSTINO t SCOOP . BI+ETS . ; min \IRON ROIRTING BLOCKS, 4n-unloading Cdal , Ore, Rai Also' In' the inanufacture; of • IRON CitlV.,l,. MEI t. . IRO T: BOX WHEELBARROWS, Are prepared to 'Billet! orders' with prompt ness and dispatch. , . NOTICE.—Being the sole ..owner . . of: the Patent Right no thelicif Dumping, foisting; Scoop Bucket end Dock Block, ire caution all persons against man-, ufacturing or purchasing the Nemo from any except ourselves or our agents, as wo will prosecute to the utmost limit any infringement on the Letters Patent. ; • Respectfu . 1 ADDISON ,& WARREN, Reading, Pa. Fehruirr 6, .6-4 y , . DEDERIOK's_ COAL a E. • 'Thitented April 1 noir in Glig. They am simple, durable and easy of opendiori. hence the large numberaold, and.. Bee per. foci satisfaction given. fiend for Illustrated catalogue containing sizes, prices and testimonials from parties using them ; also containing price. list of our Wood and Iron ems, Iron Tribe and Barrows, Ikvek and Book Blocks, ac..; also containing much informa tion useful to Coal merchants._ . '• P. K. DP.DKRICK & CO., Albany Agricultural & -Machine 'Work's, Albany,' Jan I, •New-York Pladjintrq. November LI, 'O9 ROOT'S SECTIONAL I,I7EQUONT 111C* ; A FE T Y BOILEHS." Roors IMPROVED TRUNK ENGINES, Nalloiary, Poirtoble mad Ethriai. Double Piston Square Hoisting Habit , ing Machinery for Coal Sh*fta Grist MUIR, Stores, &c., &o. On of these Holsters can be seen runningdagb at BILL &HAKIM? Colliery, Nalumoy City, Pa. —• *PARTICULAR 'ATTENTION IS 'INVITED TO the Holster, which has no equal. No dead points - -ballad two p oar; In one cylinder, either end of which Is Will stet= when' the other is • passing centre. It rewires no Whitton straps, clutches or brakes of any kind. Eitarte reversed or et.4"pci , . instantly, and at any point revolution, by simple movement of a single lever. Having 120 afirk gibs, set s crew ., or other wilustable parts, Which In other holsters require the knoWledge and. constant care ofen experienced engineer, can be put in the hands of the most, Inexpedetwed persons. All Its working parts are enclosed In the ease or Cylinder, and are thus protected from breakage, the Womb, of drug, dirt; and rust Or weather. Iti extreme auto r ounpectrievii and repld i zsed, highly commend It for this use. Owlets mod for the nsanufeeterer by the undersigned, irhowill also famistmlescriptive catalogues, Price lists, draWingli t est4M&Wand other Information. • ' NATHANII:n_I7ARRET, MalutitoY City, Pa, A. H. cid Danville, Ps. i• - Mar. lk "—I& i • • 1 - h. • MHZ BUBLZIGH HOCH DREIM, i a fi b. Jen-. ......f j . at. .-• .+ 111a11ll 14114 E 610161: a 4 VY m .....-......... ± 41 ; . , 414 ; 44-114. ..- -,. .., *ma* allab k Spit thstibat e Ababaleiri - ae. , ' iftett week ellai be piliansea Wade 711kmaase r . bi ese.tbint the tbeenet by ate la. abet P 2 eat- Mr' e ~ bilart nr -7- r7 , II 11:. T. !tilt A i r ; ', . wok.' :vralVlor . iPW 1441 , iltilramtoo4, --.-- '-- , -..-.: '-• .':-- • -•- -c-- 1 - '-'•--,-..*:' :" .. :T.: .-.- ..,-, - OR . NINU,. : JA N T U W • 4 r -' . 2 2 , .00 7P: . .. . _ . . .. . . . . _ . 818', and WO chestnut, Street, Philadel to f • ," , TO be gala ott. In pregiarstioh next seneen:a usdei-at Lower Prioei than hive eve 'been washed ; • • • ' - ; , sups ialiPlMilleat 94.tockyra; ihinstos4hear Wein dawn-tothe level of W, 9pweit primal* the Wore ordlruu7 Ileedy-made Clothtlig t ; The Mita at bastnew which ne do-ill/alias only In the tined and wart fnahlani/bif styles/MI nude rints—neewestates the cie!iln/ratoarceenters ; at the' Sow at eachaelumn, ter ireare • determined' never to otter to the - , , . pationnot our Mai/ear othie than the timenet and • '• each new, seneon. • :Therefore we announce the - • " LA 7 ; .0 OI3TING MA. 2, ige2. Eli ~.aanrvaL CLEARING. HOUSE OP Finer READy.swiz owning°, naelleriP Fisstai' • • roe gusto= Work,) and P - UttONABMi Gents' 3~ mblmtur STR:Egt aCnIUN4 OPREEt: PRICES! EMI • FEFLTF GRAND CLEARING 8,41.4 TO COMFF,NCE • FRIDAY, DECOMER, 10. WE OFFER - • 500 011LileCONIll, of the highest' wade, Vidvit • ' Collared, Bilk Lapfielled, ,Fiatin-fseed, and all that, at Iptioes ranging :from • ill to $35. , • '; • • • *BM; tor Drees, Bustneee and Street wear, of - all materials and ilityles, train $Z to IA -Walking Costa, etc., etc. • • 100 PAIR'PANTS, cut In every style s made -with greatest — fare, of the finest goods, - from $6 toll& • • ‘. vairs r velipt, cloth, Bilk . Cassineere, and • Phuahrfrom $8 to DO. Together with the ' •• • Boit Assor tment • - . Furnishing Ooods . • . ••'; ' • `to be foundju the City: Boys' and Children's Clothing t ; Of he Beet Manefacture. .1 . 430 e imaek:ls not enonnousl large, of room. la 'precut time. trait every &dicta of It is warranted •- • ' •' ' • • ; • ' •• - •! • Anil it all must be sold by or !shout • , ' 1001COA .„ . • TIIE 'OF TIL NEW YEAR: Every facility ; 10.0' be given customers or visitors •to inspect our goods, tint to ttilly.sististy themselves that lOW IS thetV . • . BEBT-OPP9RTENTXT .1 • . ,_1• 'IO SECURE iFIARGALIT3 . - FtNE•CLOTT-tIN* WANAMAKER, Mentitsoturer*Liltriiit Clothing, •••'' • ' MERCHAsra tt •• , GENTS' FURNISHINGi2O3; folf siocuoinrr „ UISLPMA: " OototCrie, . _ j ANNIE BOLAND. '. • r . .. 1 • • .1 ' ' NO.- U.MATUCET ISTREET • ', 1 . . " • , - Porravii.i.a, Frairra, • . 1 ~ RetPileihillY announces' to the Ladles ,GI 2 Poltsvlue atui vionity, that she hiuippened a ' . NEW CLOAK a T B Milli:7G NTORE ' at the above place. The following articles, I pvlth a variety of Notion.s, &e., will he ksle, iuidare olltrod at O . IIF.A.TLT ikSIIMICKIiI PRI G . I , BEAVia C VELVET BE -Beaver, Chinehil 'Mild-mixed and Illselt r iW C 2r , proof. Opera Cloth. Fringes, aU shades, Elbi ~.., .• bon' Velvet; Ditto Gimps, dr. -.-- . 1 tHE ABOVE WILL ALL! BE SOLD AT . COST. Ladies and Misses Cloaks mule to ord - . - -1 ' New Patterivi Jost remived. Jnnel9, 119—Tlyif CALL AT NO. 163 CaUFTRIO BT.. SELLING OFF BELOW COST. EM BIM A.GBOGAN' iris i Ns -to announce to her:: frlends'anit the public in eraL that she Is 'selling , caber entire stock of MIL :VERY-arid DRY OtlOThi below cost, - consisting of a kinds of Dress Goods,L such as Black Bilks, Bilk and Wool and Black Alpacas', at all Week All kinds of Fad ' Goods, • Lace Collar" and Handkerchiefs,. Kld • (Moves, (Jonivin and Earipitas); also, Ladles Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Guipure Mar c ongtas, Balla Tribotailrip; Cloak Loops; Blacklored Velvet RibbOns. Glove-fitting Ousel& assortment of Ladles and-Children's Beady-Made Under Oar- - anent", constantly on hand It very Ica" prices. • • Cloaking. Cloths and Velveteens, all Wads and Particular attention paid to Dress and Cloak. Making. Beady-Made. Cloaks always on- band and =del* order at. tbe eh• notice. Groat tamales' in all kinds of Millinery •• , . . JIM i; '7O • - " • - " -P L OF P. . , I , -DRESS two : - ' , ' SHAWLS, Sapertorquallty of 'D SILKS in the new shades. SILK AND WOOL POPLINS. . - PAISLEY B B EFA F RA D Ai ttvitu i numben" LINERS AND NAPI S E, CIi (11112.1TZES. . TKENeK STRIPED EAL I AFi t AND ARAWL WALKINGSWIERKII4O.I"Ler.E4 1:1 • &ROVE. an Centre at., PottirriUe. i. I—trdtka , Sept. 1,..5. I IOV7iIi4DSI CABII/kiiMBl ' fattAiiteirel la Variety et JOHN , •at NORRIS al SONS ; • 1 . • NO. Y,O CENTTRE ST., Cipr. Market. Balm:vials, Ladles Coati+. - , • Velvet atid Cloth, 'alb le, CSolored and - Miners'Flaanels r tMunris,„ l varlety, , Dana Goods, 3 , Mte Goods, ndia Towels, Lace French aloodink Baird Cambeies, etet, Ii nddkero6leO rush " Glove', Far-T rod Kids, for , Gents and Ldlea, Umbrellas—Alapries If : • - Olashara, Oil Cloths, ste.,&e. , In addition to the already' toll . stoelt of Pry Goods, Notlons;Onieerlea, quatinswarn, Fold and Pawl? • :401IN 310112/8 a so^. ••I •. • Na 110 Cann "Tint Catose itistrt. AeP. l . 1 1 , 10-47-w ' • Sept. IX, 19-41-trit sommmro In!wH '7 R. ,R.,MORRIS, 166 CNNTIU; 6IZZT, , • ~: WOll4 reepeettally invite toe attention of Ida frigialn and the public In general SO his new Meek of . . • - . •- ' 4 EMI READY lILADE CLOTRINgi • / • , 7, , - o , Which Le itellinitbaculd eozooeiltkorj: The IPA*, bive been nude sip't.tur best ansAnost durable, =nun mod:lord brit atria to ut - lead them seppo. oroeurtog a. sow aliceald hot 1041 to adveldataiidL iljaatoelr. t • , bit 060 DIV `. For varletyarid cholas sigyle o esshot be esselled.—. the nenalader of hisSammer stock he is seillnig caw, To • Va Stalk. - fliodg 4 1 1- • sarks roola fat a n - - • Gaccsuuss, ' AlltiFonvAim MEE '; , 1 ,1 I piIIOVIIIMM. ; Is nagallik4. !serialises w i Wei ieestall** bitoPiptilmed. tae aoS TY•4lO#9. • 7-7 .~ ,~ r ~.a t `,y~ JI ~-~~ ~ -.. _. ~. - R-I"6= ‘tai2'''' - ' . ''' i.....--- ~ _ liw, . lthetimia 41 ' 61 k". EMI ... , t i tire the rodutire Anitthe'mountilin it steep, • And the winding, - tabard to keep i the sturdy ine; and the laurel growl. And•the merry come awl go • " Hither and 'yon; in it merry glee, • . • . • Arid their'notes are whiled from each tree. At the top Of the hilt-slope looking deal; Yon catch a Mew of the distant town. • . Old Many a time with glcoving.pride • • . And joyous step, up the mountain side rye sprang; and laughed in childish mirth- • - As I gaged below on , the teeming earth, And watched the river winding down • With graceful - curve, tin it swept the to wn • Atha very verge; therron It aped • , •.. .And rippLed-awayWer Its rocky bed. . • Then ehilllshilincloWer me crept„ My thought* were new, on the waters swept,' •• • • And I wilhed that Iwria to manhood grown, And had wboat,•l could call =yawn. • .• Then I pietured In' fancy. how linotild glide And row in my boat, from the river's side.. Thus day by day, I would plonsuitlir gall 'nu L reached the end CIL the winding And then; what then ?Abe vision had tied to friends that are scattered, hopes 'that' are dead. • :-• ;Them the mountain yonder caught my gaze. Again I,was off ln the misty , hkre Of ; day dreams: and I watelic4 the clouds move, by, .As they stooped to carauLthe mountain high. a And-oft they parted., aild I seemed to have seen' • An angers wing. through the misty semen, " Then' tturned my gate to the mountain's base, • • Where the 'lron - horse" sped hck his ticu• race • With his long dark trail of precious height; • efteiooll to those who labor end watt, .• . • . Vor Fortune's decree, but the fickle For all she bestows must be well pall.. . Years now havesped, I'm to manhood grown, I hare a boat, fean cull nirOwn. • • ' •But the pleasure, I thought 'twoUldimimlne to•enjoy, Is gone rlike el wearied child with a toy. . Has the scene so changed! In the self-lope spot I stand to-day, as I when d chlid;And hmded not nakhipse of time; the river's the lame; the moms: Has . Has not changed; all Is as before the same to view • ' Why Is It! ' why is it the gliiinour has flown ..From my eyelids! has Time. so sown' • Iffy heart with its tares, that I cannot enjoy Theolden &mons, I had:wheti ahoy-! • • ••• . o;mie coinalwleilast_yeara brigh!, me child:rid Pat for to-night: ff . - 'But the far-o yea with a mocking glee ' Went to whispet alien to me, •• We have came, we have shone on your path'id woo, In the fairy.malms of the long ago, PorrevlLL,c7an. 4th, 1870. :'I";.ITENTIONS OF pie --.- - • (ATHER natiens..haee 'outstripped the_ .NJ Chinese in the career of mitterbiLint: .proiemept, but to them belongs the. honor of having led-the way in many of the most re markable inventions, arid of: anticipating us In the poseessieu of some of thoeearts'etteh Conititiste the boast of our modern eiviltza tionL,We shall briefly notice a few of these` diactiVeriea by which they have etitablished a claim to respect and gratitude:- Tea de. serves to head the list, as a substantial con tribution, to huma,n comfort, and the leading staple of anlrnmense commerce that has re sulted iu drawing .China out other ancient. seclusion.. Discovered by the. Chinese about A. D. 315: it was introduced to the peonle of the West aletet twO centuries ago as an , lin-, certain venture. The elegant ware in whit our tea':'itt-aerved preserves in its name the; evidence of its Chinese ofigin.'°"Chlnawate" cameoriginally from China; and the name of ”poreelain,l' • given to it by the early Portuguese merchAnts, .' may be taken- as proof that nothing. of the. ,kind was at that time manufactured in:Europe. •They caked itporcelainta i , because they simposed it Is to • be a - ectiqiceldtion of egg. fish glue, and ,scales. The silks.. that gilateirin our drawing rooms anti .rustle 'on- our ..ttide- Walks, if not • impeded direetlyyfrolnt Chit* hi ,„the woven fabriieer the, raW'Material, . mind Us of an obligation' of an' olderAftte. , It was the Chin* who first leartiedte;rear: theinsect spin:ter:and to weave its shining Welt—an • art which . they ascribe . „to . their famous Empress N'ueiafer','ll.. C. L.N13.7. . Gun powder, whieh has not - only. revoletionized the art of war, but preyed a potent auxiliary 'in the arts of peace literally literally removingmoun tains from he, pathway of human progresii, 'VMS' dis•coverM by the , Chinese Many mutt'. ries. before •it was known iri . the „est: West. Roger Bacon was atemainted with.its com- • poidtipn in A.. D.. 1270; but he speaks of it as already known The eu rren t opin- ion refers it to the Arabs,;but there is reason to believe that they were not autheis of - the invention, but merely the channel through which It-was transmitted — in a word, that it found its way from the remote East along with the stream of Oriental commeree. The heaviest herein the bill of our indebt ednesii to.the Chinese Is for the discovery of America. On the. alleged voyage of a party of Buddhist priests to the. shorett of Mexicci • we lay no stress; but It, is not difficult to show that the discovery Pf the New World by Christopher COIIIIIIIIUS was directly due to the influenee of China. Chinasupplied,at „once the motive for his voyage and the' in. 'ointment by which it Was effected. It was the wealth of China Which, like a' magnet,. attracted kiln to the Westward • and it was the magnetic needle, which originated among the Chinese,. at directed his adventurous ,COUIrSe. AMto,that inyatetiouti instrument which bas unlocked to us.the treasures of the ocean, and proved:ltself the eye of commerce, its origin is not due to the Neapolitan Flavlo Gioja , who is reputed to have invent ed it in A.' D. 1302.. The French; the 'Swedes, . "and the Syrians all possessed it befote that hate; anti there is unquestionable • evidence that the Chinese had then been • acquainted with It. for more than , two thousand four hundredyears. ,The Chinese tirstemployed the nia/e's compass on land, as 'we may five the name by Which* they deSeribe It; and the present day It is still the ens tten for a mandarin to carry one In his ear- - eia,ge or sedan chair, though he may ,not be. is tibey and the gates of his native city.. •It lfeoneelvable that the Poles and' other Medieval travelers'shooldhave returned from China aerate the' desertit of Central 'Aida - Withoitt Providing themselves with such an unerring guide. - • Paper-makieg andpfinting; two arts more characteristic of our mode& civilization than even steam and electricity, there are strong .seasons for ascribing to Chinese origin. The former they invented in the first century, and the latter atieleit eight hundred years• before the time of Gutenberg and fault. - Inoculation, which; prior to the greatAls , -. eovery of Jenner, was regarded as the beit protection against the horrors of the small-' Ilex, was practiced In China - at a•very - early period, and . probably found its way to Eu. ippelty the . same secret' channels as' those' other arts whosefootateps'are . so difficuitto trace.' Western Europe obtained it from the:. Turks, 'Lady Mary Wortley Montagne' having made the:find experiment of its efil-• 'ivy by inoculating her son while residing at Constantinople. ''• • Like the IrtoderhOiieks, , the Chinese of the present !'slay, content with thelegacy of thegtst; hate ceased tcrinvent ; but without' Oat' i they 'Were once among the most Inge- . talons and original of the inhabitaitta.of the ; Thii Chinese have nittgene back, and that AO saying a great deal'irL their favor; ,but in , *meet to .rnaterial:pregress, for ages they have made no advancetherft: Fourcenturies 'ago they were In advance of Europeans in everything that . contributes, to the comfort Cr luxury of .civilized life; but where are ;they now.? Anthers *of the'compass, they ',creep fromleadlandlo heidhind in coasting voyages, never venturing cross the ocean .or to.trust themselves for Many days out of eightof the shore. Discoverers of gunpoiy der theysupply the world ! with firecrackers while their scikliers fight with bows and an , 'roweiwnedeiespeltra, *adroit& locks'. • In ' ventors of printirtg,' they hive not yet adianc •ed to the art metallic type and the power press bet continue to.engrave,each page on a 'block of wood arid _to 'print it off tiyibetuse of abruah. Sufficiently versedin astronomy to cileulate eclipses two • thousand. years be fall the Chrildian eta, they remain to•this hour-in thafetters of judicial astrology; and among the, earliest to make advances in che mical discovety, they are still under theta • away of alchemy and - ,magic.—W.. H. 'P.' :Martyn, in Harperie Magazine forlVbeember. lir , . NAMIE OF TITE Cnoss.—The mark which persons who are unable. to write are required to make instead of their 'signature, la in the form of a erese,timd * this :practice having formerly been.followed by kings and nobles is constantly referred to as an i n stance - of the deplorable ignorance of luster% times. This signature knot, however,' invaribly a roof of such ignorance.- Andently, the use of this mark was • not confined. to illiterate persons ; and, it is still , always used by Ro man Catholic bisimm as part of their signs, twee. Among tiSeasona; the mark of the teroie, es-an -attestation of the good faith of 410 person signing, was 'required to be at* tached to the signatu re .of Aims who could not write. In tbosii•thries,:f if it .man • could write Or glen rank his knowledge was con sidered lava ,prestunpilysi. that he was in holy: orders. 'The word *rims or clerk, was gnonymens with - pennum; and - the left ,y or people`who, were not -*Jerks; dkVaS . ,._Feel any urgent necessity for the me of letter* . The ancient use of the mos WM% thereffne, bribtion who could not . VI rite 3 . It IV all; 1114114; the 'robot of Mont Xs holy —osems, and. generalstht tiiark.- On this aaxamt.,lll.r..Cliariee Inhianotes t*.the - "Pictorial' linskSpeThirreD, explains the expresilou .of "God Autve-,the !mark," as* tositatoptenknion approaching to: thmaclerStip odic - This phrase oe inna-lhre' e: iiStietlemoit tmtbie plaers-,of Sh*kiipeir4 hinsititiftliadhesh left by: entasnittieltatoie in Its 'oiriglnaliol),tairr. EMI MEI EEO A . 4 - , El - MEM A ff ir l Vr 4l-V• HOE IFEDDLY • HATecenerpn :earth I* fairer than . a wi4d - " to ouse. There are no weddings like home Weddings: 'The church Is welt enougkfoi 'those who cannot do bet ter. But to 'e child, no cathedral can be like that chief and foremost church of the heart, the father's .horise ! • Thil' is The church with hi the church! There„Where the daughter wall reared; and •• taught all womanly grate, end.equipped with, tioaseWlfely habits, ought she to be married. Around her areall s the tender asseciationsefehildhead, of pyre and .'happiness ; , Her new life should .date from the nest. in which her old life was bred. When, as in Europe; marriage Is rtigarded as sacrament,, and as requiring , . at • least, in a moral point .pf view., the 'special grace of which ft -priest is held lo.be the divine - pository,lti make it sacred and safe,. we can Understand why the young, applicants for domestic life happinestiehould repair to the church. And when,' Air• eentUrlea„ genera tion a ft ergeneration.have - .been onMarried in the. village church, we can understand how a thousand associations would ftitrrourid that charmed spot, and Make it , sacred to rove ay It Is to devotion. But In America :there are •no such reasons for . resortirtg to the church. And if there act".:in - -nne's whole life thatbelongs to 'home, it is marriage. If °' one' : has no . : home, 'there. is .good reason why, ' nest to, that; she' 'should repair . to a ,-ehureh. But We never could underitand the 'feeling that lads a child, tenderly reared in en ample mansion, surrounded hy endeared object, it, to leave the roof under Which'. her life has. been - spent, and repair for' the marriage service , to that most unhomelike place, &church.. - It is true that, to a devout .nature;' the associations ,connected *ltli a:church aremany and pre cious. But they are not defirestict They are'solemn, away from common, life, almost ,the antithesis of that - :soeial read 'sumniery atmosphere in which. two hearts - ripen into marriage. -Without •• uncharitableness, • it may be feared . that - too .many persons regard to the show, the brilliant impression made upon the admiring. public. If so, the most sacred.aet of life Is bribed bv - Vanity, to serve in its mongrO serilee.: But these c.ensures are. not to apply to the houseless creatures that in Marriage seek. horne npr to those of big hearts and small houses, who have, tmope_of.trioridit without roorn to_r - ceive them ; nor, in.'Shorti, to any whose hearts do - not:bound at the name of.home. as the dearert and mostiacred place on earth, Happy aro they. who arenrarried under the roof.where they were born, and who, when I in their own house, ,can see the o smoke from their father's house ; the..herne of childhwid t the paradise • of, memory 1:•-Hertry Ward ^, I. D •THE FORCE 'OF CONTRACTION. /VHF: force 'of cont r acti o n la equal to that 1.. of expanaion;and quite as irresistible.— ~ to immensepdwer wasstriliingly illustrated some years since in Paris: ,The two 81(16 of A large bitilding; : the."tbnacivatoire des Ails et Meteiers," having Gepri.premed out by the spreading of theatchedeeilings and the im mense we ights •sappotted by the ilOors M. MalanionderteOk to remedy the evil bibor ing holes in the. wall at the:base of the vaultr ed - -cellin,gs, and opposite :to • each, other, • through whtch strong iron rode were intro duced; so as' to owe the interior Of the build • bag from one-Side to the other. On, the pro jecting ends•of the bats on outside of the' building- were placed; - strong iron plates, which. Were aeraWed, by' means a. nuts, tightly i ngainst • the walls.- The rods were then heated by Means -or rows:- of lam'ps •placed•Onder every alternate -bar, : and being -lengthened by the-expansion, -the nuts - and plates .twere pushed, out to ths t diattinee "of. an inch' r more- beytindthe :walls. , While. in this condition',. the :itutif were screwed a see- bud time • tightly against ...the tvall.• - The: lamps were then eithiguished• and the rods, contracting 'as they • cooled, drew the -walls' iogetherwith aforec-olttioat irtesistable and, to a distance as great-sa l that to which 'they had to-be- lengthened by 'expansion., :These bars being then 'left in their new , position,. the.alternate bars; which had' remained un heated, and by - the contotetion of• the others • had been also niade.tri* project . beyond - the -walls,' 'were -again- lighpy .screWed against ale ,building.. These:were - 1n turn expanded anklengthened by the application of the iiglited`hinips, il , onee - more • Berewed -pp tightlyninitust e .• The lamps were then:iv:vain ted,. - • and by the' , contraction of the. 'Sec d ;set bf bars . the Walls were, g er drawnstill fu . hertoward each other. These = were then left', in Orb, to , hdid.the building in its new postilion, and' the .first set-of bars a second time brought into reqit Laition: . And thus •the .process was 'continued-until the walls Were Ara Wit. into. the pniper vertical ,position: and the ban; -tieing. : left la their. places, they'haveltenutined Ann and _upright ever Since, in thls Manner - a foree • waa ex erted :iv lileh the. powerof, man could scarcely have applied,' by : tiny' Other means. - . The same procesS has "since been applied to' the . restoration of 'Other. -;building :which were. threatening to . lail.—Pynchon's, Chortles[ 7. 7 OVER .THE 'IE7. Ii E origin of thli slangy phresehas been traced,by the editor of, a quaint and en-. tertaining book'entltied "Oleanings from the Harvest Fields olLiteratuie," to the rabordif of the Hartford °aunty coarts, in the, then, colony of Connecticut, as . follows : . „:"At a County VourUheld at Hartford' r • • • - "Sept.' 4, 1105; "Whereas, 'James Bteeidld• commence - an, action against Revell Waters (both of Hart ford), in this mint, 3ipon. hearing and where of, the court gave judgment against W the said aters (as•in )witice.they think they ought) upon. the 'declaring_ the said Jildg meat, the said Witeradid review - the cdurt In March next thatbeing, granted and en tered, the said Waters, as he departed - from: the table; he said ,.'God Bleasjfing ore? the left ithoulder.' • - 4 "The court order tr ..reirord to be 'nide thereof forthwith,.: ' • _ "A true eople: Test. • - . . • • ‘,TAZ,EII At the neat court, ,Waters was tried for contempt, for saying the. words recited "so. ,cursing the court;" and on verdict tined .f. 5. • He asked a review•of the out* folloWing, which 'was granted, - and pending the trial , asked the _counsel. of Rev. Mr. Woodbridge and Rockingham, the ministers of the Hart ford churches, as - to the common acceptation_ of the offensive PhraSe; Their reply constt-', Lutes a part.of the record', and is as follows: • "We are of the opinion dint thre words, said on the other side te be imo,keivby Revell Waters, Ineliahl (I) Prophanies, bY using the name. of God,. that , with'suCh ill words whereto- it :was joined; (2) that they'. 'carry, great contempt itt•thein t - arbing. to the' degree-of an-imprecation or , ennie,. the words of a curse the most `contemptible' that' can ordinaTily be used. - "T.. - WoonnarnoF . , . , - ,"Mareh 7, 1705:4 0 -; . - _ •' • The former judgment was "aflinfied,On re- How axiiiT to Menn.—;, Preparin g to baceolor the Muff-taker, the dried leaves are sprinkled with water, laid in heaps, and al-. lowed to heat and ter bent 'from one to six months. Dining this s (eimentation'a chemi cal decomposition niece In the leaves, and they give• off at first, niootin and ammo nia. -- (Ammonia, is ,kind of air or gas; which gives Innen to the hartshorn liquid ammonia and to thecommon smelling salts, carbonate or s ammonia. Ittonsists' dr the two Osim; nitrogen and hydrogen, and afterward water and acetic 1w.1d.) ei ‘are " then reduced , topowder, 'moistened- salt and water find paint° close bate& ere they. again teat and ferment; This gives them an agreeable ethereal odor and-the well known.putigeney of snuff. = Happecaareum .ally preparedimm the , soft parrorthe leaves. Dried snuffti, like the ; Scotch and-Welsh are made from the ;fibres Or Mid-ribs. - The for mer are varicaudY scented to suit the taste of the custenner.;-. . - • • : Thequantit and flavor of the emir materially afected.by the yailety of tobacco used—by the - Mt of • the leaf from which the snuffle forinea=by the extent , to which , the two fennenitaldaurareeitreiek-thy the degree of heat at which the leavee art , dried or roast ed for 4lvik enOtib-‘sitd V ic ! i ength of time dertngjeitich theywre to this heat. During the list fertuen on Which the leaf uildefietee In preparing it for the zßannfac-- tore o snuff, and again daring the second fermentathin, afterit le lacaud4 Whim pro- Portion eC nicotine '-eseaPs- orAs 4ewm« posed.'-‘ The anntionlaproeuredduring these fertocntatiti partly the result Wit thiellef.' composition. - Further, the irtiffehtidying armasting td whiCh tobacoi • is expoeed in litthmit for the dry muff, 'expels a .portion of the natural'. vohatite oil, as • well as an ad ditionOpertien of the volatile alkali or tdcotin. , Manufsctured snuff, . therefore %IPintothenese, andespeehdli dried muck Nee rich. itetive gteeii =. -thimthe natural leaf., %Even the though ipmerally made from the litro=irgnitm , And_ 'gumption tobWecos, eou " .i 174 or six ,per cent. of. okotirr, re gin per cent- when hilly 11111111160. `SINGLE COPIES•SIX CENTS. LLSIEVX AND ITS- • T0R1E.,% T ISIEUX, Pin ce.-. is noted Tor itSoottiin J.... 4 and litien•rnills.. The tongues; . a tepid, . • Aittle.tiver runs through the town,and.driveiV". .the great undershot-wheels of tini• faCtoties:. . The undershot,wheel seems t - b e the favor. -, ite here; • The turbine is miely seen, Unless - Where, some adYeuturous EOgibiliman his' ' come ln - to establish & manufattory:k.Eatring . . wandered around the place and seen all the • . old monumentB, and learning that Lialeux• - was the Leiorlunt df (Nessir,..Lattempted. t&, .. lovestigate . the ;mills, :but was pally refu sed. entrance iti 'every case. At last having got ' . into conversation with a workman of one of., the linen iiictories; . I Induced . him to let mis: - .. into. the establishment - ' '.., ,!-7 ~ A linen factory Ls not the most 1 :agreea,ble ' . place, to Viiiitin too world. '.There late begin •• .• with, the . carding Loom, with • its'..doieln of .. hungry - machines that, Feize:im the flint with' Iron jaws, break it and tear it, and !send It Whirling through a whet diestive apparatus 'of wheels and] - toothless cy linders,- until -It ' runs out In long- ribbon aof . l'O t-like figbstatice • into tall sheet-Iran pots. - ', The clouds of dust - that,imue front the mii, '. • chines till the eyes and ears and" nose -of the , " spectator, anti he 'is very glad to p'ass: on' into .: • the room of the spinners: '-flete one ',finds . hiniself allot once in a temperature belling •hotouldan atmosphere filled with clouds-of •_ • almost scalding steam. The spinning, is on what is called the wet system; that Is, the i thread in going to the spindlesLywafteCti through • .vats of scalding hot vat r. ' These vats, are ranged along Ju st beta d •and wit . above '. • range of apind es,.and a e heated by s te tun - - pipes;.• Sointense JR th heat in this roota-.. f that it is impassible for-'the operatives to re 4. • Min their „clothing. f The •meir were either., quite. nn'al, -or wore - simply: a ,very ehort pair of drawers.; and the. women wore'sitn- ply a cotton skirt coming dOwti_to the 'kii and up only to the waist. ,The aspect of b3oni, tilled with clouds of steam and drippi g .. ' with water everywhere, and these poor na ked, pale, parboiled lo‘oking creature, that. _cameanil went silent as spectres, waistrange - . - enough, . • • ,- • . - - . The: thread :having once passed through. . the writer leis a very disagreeable sour smell, - ~ .- . at:gratis stronger and stronger as it goes through Itho various processes. Q t. reeling,-' '• drying, honking, and, haling, until in the' . storerooms where it is corded up - .ln waiting for the market,. the odoyis positively irrei*, .....;• powering. -" . • • • The advantages of tip wet syslem comdit: - in the, dissolving 'of certain glutinous snit- ' - • stances of the flax in the ,hot, water; which, i . •on its cooling and . dr,ying; bind together the . little , lllaments-‘ of the thread, and give litt,. • . - creased': strength.—Cor.rptoon cc • Chic a go , Republican! . t _ ..,:' -..- ~. . • 1 • I A... Omitsvorßlll7lN. - As the earth rotates to the eastara the •welitsVaril , tropical:- flow kr ly to slight ;Lagging of waters- those atitudes. But transfer theists, • waters towards the''pole, where the earth's!.....,. • " surface • moves less rapidly, and then • they may move fa Aer than the earth's surface and - so hare a inoVement to eastward: The earth's • , rotation is not suPposedlo be a deuce of »fa' • (ion' in the waters: ; hut, there being ment,- for - othet reasons from the, equator. :towards the poles, and from the higher latt= tudes towards tin equator, it gives casting to the Pow in the former direction, and westing', .to the'flOw in the latter.' . . . • On the same principle, any waters, newton; : - from, tbe 4)olar regions (where the, earth' s motien tesurfaicejs. slow) towards the !qua- • tor would be aired-of - mainly against thoslOtist • side of the ocea (as the Labrador current in' -the North Atlantic), ferthey have no power ' to keep up with the earth's motion. But the 4: waters flowing , towards the pole, that havlW, not lost much of their previous eastward, moving force, may descend to lower latitudes;',- • along the east. side of the.ocean. , : In the-North Atlantic ihodeep tiopicarenr• rent from the east is turned toivardlhe,north; 'ward along the West India islands . and it* there becomeathe*Ctulf Stream ;' it flows by- • Florida to the northOast; following - nearly i tise outline of the oceanic basin (,/ 17) It , : the Newfoundland. banb, -- and stretches over toWard'S Europe ;.„then a :Part bends south= eastward to join the tropical - Current and' _complete the elllisse; the centrepf is the Sargasso Silt, abounding in sesweeds' • and calms. Another large portion continue s:- on north-eastward over the .regionthetween Britain and Iceland to the poles. r Priori the: ' polar region It .returns along by: Eastern_ 'Greenland, Davis' Straits, and other passages; pressing against the. 'Mirth American coas4 throwing cold water hit:tithe Gulf of St. Law- ' renee, bringing' icebergs. to the Newfound', land banks, and continuing on sotitliwardf the Airest India islands and - South Amerleart. • - cook:, where It Produces slight effects in this' • temperature :of the coast-wateis. Cape Cot ~. stands:l:mese far that the influence of the' . cold current is leisi-strong felt - onthe abettor: south than north ; . and Cape Hatteras cabs. off still another portipp.—Dana's Geology.; " . • .....• - - : • . . Tilf:r9F.fi -n R. fi rlyrrarrxx.—This subsianiie' discovered ', by use 'ln-1780 is one which' has come Into for a great - many applied , Lions during during thic z past few-. years, in cone.. queue() 'of some pecliliar properties which A' has been found' . to possess. The mode di' ' preparation. need - not be indleated hero.;! Is tt - . ' Is . famillar, to most. of our. readers. - lit_ is '.a,.- . colorless syrup of- sweet taste, attracts water , ', froM tire air and other bodies? b fiioluble-iiii ~. alecihOrand ether; and may be Ignitek tiurn-:!. ing-with a blue flame.. ' -,- • J .-'. • 1. It .rioeil not dry away and has aiiweat Amts., without tieing sticky ..ilke syrup,- It ; passes_ with difficulty into a condition of ' fenneotft tion, and Consequently d. • rot readily spell.- - ' It Is used 'for the preparati of rnotd. colors for the painter and emboss' g (Ins; the PAP - - • aration of aninial..bladfle - and of weavers' starch, now knoWn by the ame . ofglYeercicle: ' . Mixed with an equat Weight Of 'Ore it &rins e material for p'rinters' rollers. wait' Its also wiedrns a toiler-article • toprevenV;etiapping . . of the bands .- and face, and likewise. for is.-A_ serviceable soap With very' hard Water; . ' 1 • • • _ Tnistatnhas been a 'recent far on the Dett446 - and Milwaukee Ransil* of an invention or de- Vice for.ringing the loom ve bellcbidindoriS ly. . The device consistalif p in gan ordinary belloveighing aboutone haulred pounds, en' the froot , of the locomotiiis Just, above the cote-.- catcher, 'A rod attached to the eccentric shalt ceases a .elaPper to Strike 'the hell turn . of .the:drivirig wheel. " The boll is suspended loodia , . iy i _and-revelves from the force - of strokes it let cetves so that-411 parts - of its surface aro equall exposed to wear. 'Owl ng to the posiitioii in whir& this bell. is 'placed, in front -of the engine lir* • about three feet from the groimd, the sound can be distinctly heard about three mileein daythae , • and by night four miles ortooro, the grorand and the: continuous rail; both exCellentveondnetora of &Mud .a.sisting i n carrying tho,/ Abritteni: • The belt may also be rang; if neconiary,- lry rind from the footboard when, ,the engine - to at., • rest: Quiteva number of those bells * have been 'placed on the engine-4 oftlM Detroit:and Milwati=', • kee Railway, - and several other eoniptualetilo." giving them a trial. ~ • A NlATartroNut , MaNomists.c.—Tt has been Said that the chief end of Women is to - get married, and there is some 'evidence'to• substantiate the truth of the remark. Many and varied - era ihe, devices eniployed; to achieve the The majority of women, bound bound and fettered as they are_by the min toms , and ...usages of - society, Wilt. until` in eligible party offers, bet occiusiothairstano females can't Wait, and: overstep the Blithe lidd down by society, and Create a sensation:: Arday or two since a rather good - !bolting; wellAlressed fernide,nbout 251eir21 years of age, with-flowing hair.of a decidedly aubuln hue,entered .the office •of a staid, well-to.det phyiflcian, and in a very, modest and holy-. like manner requested a private interview: Such: requests being a matter of every-day occurrence with physicians, the reQuest was • Lt onee'irmnted., No sooner than they ware, alone than the. lady, without any circiunion. cution, informed him that she Was bound to get Married, and as two were ',lemur-y.O - ?, Wgains of that sort, she had selected to amidst , her inaccomplishing - her .obj W: "Biz was - biz." She was ready, and Uteri. was no necessity for delay. She was lietitat hrjet married ; and at once. • • 'The worthy dikter was. tak • aback'. ay. the_proposittomiand - not - bei prepared t 4 take.such a Jarge share of 1 , trknOnbliAlt pineits oil Ruch short not ce, • atteirecl evade- direct answer; but'the• an male, male WM not to be put off in that -way, noti he only escaped the hymerdal altar by int forming her that he had niatiiiidenly KA,/ 1 , days - ago! 'MIA at once satisfitit her ante him, ;bet' she still -Wanted to.he mattleth-- Further conversation ceritiiiod: the 11 sha:shy was a monomaniac upon the Of marriage. Finding the , doctor Wes not, " eligible, ithileft the oflice,lind Called on sinP• • etabtthe :neighboring physicians,- in. Oiselt Indium* prop:ekingMatrimony :Stake; called on several"lawyem nnentetee c t but "failed to find any one 'Willing tor her'itiffer: - She is Modest' and is Alike in • her actions, and Conversatiorkand only tipos the subjeetisf-matrinsmy- her insankty —for shell, evidently hisani upon twit sup- SheisSidd to t h i e t t geettiblynotufectecl; ' and until exhibited no • signs of mental 0.•-• Aduissific Maier. - . ' _`. • 1111 WOW )fir_ t . ~~ l.r.[ • J.~_ =EN ok.u. • El =IN NEN. FA C• =EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers