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'. . •• ' '...P.,,_ Pa'2 ' -' 7 -.."T : 1-32 3 . .. . , . l• , - ; ' I -' • t -'• ae •'. __,.., ......_ ...., ..,,, ~,, - . , . , . . „ . - , .... • .. . `.• - .... . , •- . , '• , '..-•:-' •-- . 1 ...• . • !: , 1-. - . '.- ...'• -• .'••• - ,';'• •'' ,• • '. .-. . --'::- • ..' •`'.'-." ' - , .. •• --•- I •- - '''' •i • : ' - 11 `- ' - 4 •';' • - • helitapailealgeletameatiilbet:yearllCl.b7l4iusliot lAssairMiaitOpies eilibiliriatilinaclidoesiiiii i iiiiiiii r '-'. l ' • •• " '. - - ' - .- - - . ' -- - ' , . .. -- • --, .-",• _ . .. • • . . .. . , " . . FORTY SIXTH YEAR. Ni;iti-g.-.3. rt Ric!pod. !fa, 4, Veit ham!, • ' NAGLE* CO.; WELD, • , Pie I Miners and . 1 . klippen; of the Bestguallties Locrir m00...-rmx . AND BLACtit - DEATH, , ,C 0 A. 1 1.25i . ~ F or IfanutaOtto ing and Domestic an.e, and Aide • Afants in all markets i. CELEDEATtD , 1 1.1A.N1EL' WES.LiTEIt, DEEP RED ASH, AND J“ ACE.46N. WJEBEHRY " COA L. OmcUs (20834 '% l 4.lnrit Phikadal /.110 BrOadway ' , New York, Plats4 )9 °eine Street, Boston. S. Id. WELD. 1.1.16Frr .W, igENRy A2 - IRICE JR. Jan.-1, /1 LASTNER,' S ICKNEY & WELLINGTON Miners and Shippers of .Coal. BURNSIDE (rota their Burnside Col, Shamo kin LEWlS VEIN (Red' ,Sh.) LOCUST MOUNTAIN (White Ih.) 9n T laity B g,S uildin,'en York. Oakes.: {203 W nut Street, PlatatLelphts, 20 I e Street. Seldom. • WHARF' (I,.PORT RICHMOND, PHILA. Jan. 1„10. 7, 'Port Richmond , NE111.1 ' :& 'CO., thracite & Bituminous Shlpper 0 A_ 13 AGENTS jar the sale of the celebrated SHENAN DOAH CIT T. ICGAN d: TRI EBEL'S Locust Motin lain and Burnside Shamokin „ • ..- • -White Ash Coal. Aiso,spuu.K and PEACH atotiNT.AIS - _ • fled Ash Coal. FROM HOBOKEN; ' • The beat varieties of Lehigh and Boylan's CELE BRATED FAMILY COAL. . • - • Also BITUMINOUS and CUMBERLAND COALS of`cell established reputation. • • rriAbil' Benton , Febcvary '6B I phis, 547 Walnut Street, k, Boom F, Trinity Building, nee, 74 Weyturiset Street, .2S .003.111, Street. • • ) 11 gle .- 41:4 fp mm,l G=E JOHN R. WHITE . 4 6z SON, _ Shippers of Coal, • No. 316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. • • -- Depots for Storage and Sale of. Coll : j No: 314 Weit Thirteenth Street, New Torte. No. 1302 Third Avenue, New Tdrk. '- • . ' hest Wharf, No. 99, India Street,olProvidenre. Why's Wharf; Mt. 'Washington AicUne,near Federal Street, Boston. • Jen. 1;1-1 Vier No. 9. B A N C.R 0 F.T, LEWIS& CO., . MINERS - AND SHIPPERS OP THE ' CELEBRATED ASHLAND COAL; • . TROY MAHAR*? MOUNTAIN. I'lll Wsinot St., Commercial Build., Philo °sees J.lll Broadway, Trinity Building., Room tB9; N. T.—ISAAC fIELTZER, Agt. .8 Doane St., Boston. * January 1, '7O 1— Pier No. IQ Port Richmond. IZINNICKSON -& 'CO., . . Sldirpern d Wboleaale bearers of the, • CELEBRA.TED PRANICLE".7 COAL. 5 OF LYKENS VALLEY.- . •;. Salel Shippers apd.Dealers of the well-lr,no‘n )44- oiiginal" , HENRY CLAY To L. 011e ".' 18 w i r re Phandel P :hlg. {Hi"PrinWltatltt;, New Y ork. sosEPH et. MOODIE, Gehellal Agent . Jan. 1, ID • 1- • Dior 13 North Port Richmond. JOHN C. SCOTT & CO Miners 'end Shippers of ;Coal. • SOLE AGENTS . for " MAPLE DALE,. White Ash,: • !MEN FRANKLIN" Deep Red Ash. PRCLADELPRIA—No. 226Wefnut M. BOSTON—No. 'l9 Doane Si. NEW YORK— "Ign 1, ,f 0 . r , jl4y Pier No. 13, Port Richmond.. - - • GEORGE S. •REPPLIER, Miners and Shippers of :Coal, PLIE 'R,_MOODIE & 0014 LOCtiiTSIOLTNTAIN. DID. EP RI MAMMOTH VEIN, t) NcsN COM, CO'S LEWIS VEIN, (RED Amt.( ECKERT LORBERP.Y. _ • 3ED Walnut Street, Philadelphia. °foes: 11l Broadway, New York/ • 9.1 Doane Street, Boston. ; Jan.l,l . ; 1-1 y - ' Pier No. 14, Borth Port Ittchmonl. C. J. & L.H. EASTWICK: . & CO . ~ • SHIPPEILS OF . ~1 -- WHITE AND RED ASH COAL. , omcea . : I No. 228 Dock St., Philadelphia, INo. 19 Doane Street, Boston.. 'i ' amide - tied Abb.. , 4 1 • 1 Shamokin . White Ash, : .ILosast Ilountala White Ash COAL 'January 1, .'79 ! • 1— 'Pier 14, South. I • BORDA, KELLER & NUTTING, Miners and Shippers of. Coal, LEHIGII GREENWOOD, ' TAMAQUA SHAFT; 1. ~ REEVESDALE; ' • . ECKKRT LORBERHY, • 11 ' NORTH FRANKLIN P.EH ASH. BLACK BEATA, • . ' • BIG RUN ' LtoCU - ST :WT.,' ' GARREFSON, OIRAIIHVILLE, 1 42%) St.. Boston. Oakes : Room 64 Trinity Building, N. Y. • 327 Walnut Street, ridlndelphin.• ' Pier IL • ~ &GILDA. KELLER & NUTTING.' - • NORTH FRANKLIN WHITE ASH.. AOrtl2i,.'ep. -: • • • .: ' ii:::--- .. . ' .Pler 1tit..16 . Pt. Richmond. • QUINTARDI WARD & CO ~ { Offices: . 2•2 9 01t1 Stir :4. PltradellPhlilit...: .: 24 Kflby Stmt, Itostott. , -- COAL os' ALL RINDS BY THE CARGO..jan. A.'7o. .. - _ . . - - •1— DAY,. HUDDELL & C 0.,. ~ Miners & Shippera of Coal. - , . , , {9.354w _slant latt.,Philailiplphia.: . Offices: 111 Broadway. i i =dly . BuildisigiN. V . • • 7 Doan* Salo% . ' e 1 • , Sole Agents forlhe gale of ttfe following q•lebreted • Cools:. iIARLEIbIi umnon COm.,. - HICKORY COAL CO.'S HICKORY ANI) DRAPER ALS d thew . • EXCELSIOR CO CO AL, Cd.' SBal4llo/C:12; { COAL. • la rtiotmond 441116.0ffiurNs: fiZlttit:ltibs//40344:3 . Jan. 1. IT • ,:. - /- Ptri Na le Pert 101!N ROMMEL, JR.; & BROTHER, /141111 M COAL or LIKEYS YALLET,Ikwg JILL& a lAILIJA, Mate AA. • • .4.. lITYST OAT me DANK" MATES. . . Slap TOP SLIIMPTRAILINKS., : itAVIDPII ;WING. L3Ii I OR st. Elitabetitport: {IOWA Walnut N. 'Room rata. 01Sees ' 611 tr Tebl New Toter. 113. Doane Street, Boston. J. O. MOODY, Ottn't Agent. II; ' • ; le— . Pier 111. • , AUDENRIED. 'NORTON CCQ., Miners and : Shippers of Cal, • tocueT mournm, • ' vsow ova 11114y1MLwiL• ocrsuirsig.u. cou.nauss. - • ' risH.A.IIO3CIN. . - 6 --- . !Mt Lynam= .COLLtntr. • LoRWERRY, : ' • Ma* Soma mu= commal. . • - - SU Wohno Stmt. Ildludielpl4, • easso: 1111 *road . NA , * York.- , • , - ••• SI *p ot . 110•0••. , , jai. I.' . ~ „ •,, ' , . 1,- L .Dorir 4 mania . cat, . • 1 . Miners and Skippers V, , . .. , - . . DOM, KENDRICK k Co4° . . .. , .. , ~ ~ 7,,;.. m 0 1 la rso ezez: , , . . _ 4 1 '. . _ Ma! APIS' 'fir Ow Celdialit4 , • f ' . .: , Fisiniv , and Plank Ridge Cage; -.' - ---:'; Itiiirl!•;,' 1 !:101. 1 . 11 aseac- -* !‘ - 7m •.. - ' .', Dick rif 4 o.i. Oilless: ~ . - - Osstos—No. IT -bis, ilt l :7 1 :11411seil, -,:.„-: est.. • . 71 --p - ' ~. W - addastors.D.C..4lresil Miii,44lllpat. 7VVITak, WI . ( . • ' '. ' - g-tt ~ .... , . 14 OMEN B ROTHER : & GO., ~ 4,...akft.:;.41 ..' , ~ C 0 - A ii-S ..- i' -:/- si k s..., _Leigir.smasvha,,,rk - ". -. 60M.5. ,wontiAtip RED2LA€OI.:: , czo., .: . , i ....„. 4f ~..,- - - ~ :. saumbe img, He4 -- - . _ w , - ~....t i • _1 - QincratiMiiainkr, rw ask., * ..s, . 0 Dow liti 1/ flan at "T's . ' • ' I / i LEWIS AITDENRIED & C0.,- Mineral( Shlpperi of Co:ial, LEHIGH SPRING arr.".: 'LIaCURT DALE, MERRIAM zAriD MUMPS - LOCUST MT._. r ' BUCK RIDGE SUAMOKIN & TREMONT LOB, BERRY. WOLF CREEK DIAMOND AND OLKYTWORTM MT. B CARMANDRMENANItAM ' 14. • ARM 'S GEORGE CREEK AND SRO TOP. ceou~eeHa 110 BroadsZ lah lsrAnek. osces 14 isilby !knee% lasstoss; 31 Month Skeet. Saltbassra. 33 Westminster hart, • SHIPPING WHARVI:I7 RI -. Johnston, Jecsey ....... 2ty, LEVIS ACDENRIED, 01:011,02 WX. Q. ArDEICIIIIIA ADDISON lquomsucist.. Form Jan. I, . • EH. SH ERWIN ;WHITE, FOWLER & S LEHIGH, .40CUST , • • WILKE:MIA-IMS, - 13C141.10 , 01/Fil • CO 1 o!Nee—No:7s Trinity Sundltakil Aprllll 6 'B3.. • ' lyr. JOHNSON kuososiric • VAN WICKL,E & STOUT, YINERS AXD 1141211.191319 Ole TEIF Celebrated "Fulton!' & "Stoat" (lAA* Coals, • • • Frog the Eberrale and the Stout Col 4 xazl As. Delivered direct from board Veigela at PS. JoiralmX;Hohollr.wr BACNSIVICK. N. .1. - , (44 & 46 Trthity Alice': 4, 111 Etroadway, New 'Stay l e, • c ((Temporary at 1111Brcladway.) '69 VERPLARK & ATVi ME WHOLIMALZ.DZALKILII IK. I ' - LEHIGH, • • I SCHUYLKILL, - •• WILKENBARRP • / • lICILAgniN 'Faral *Tr: molar; •- C 0 { I"' 77 Trlidt7 Thanailig; 111 New York. . • W. VE:RPLANK, _ • Jan R, '7O * PALDWEI-11.1.&:. - CONANT BROLIAVAX. MM . t • (Booms E l 5 and 31 Thrall. 15u71,44 ' ',WHOLESALE DEALtrq AND SEITIPI!I3 Or ' LEHIGH, LO9DBTMOrNTAIN, WILKESBARRE, PTITSTONJ CUMBERLAND Alitti BROAD TOP C O . A. 1.4 S •- • COLE AGENTS for Nei , York and th the celebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FR ING LEHIGH COAL, mined by Mbar Co Also,Aplitct for thei PRIMROSE an. elasaCnlllertes; and for the celebrated • eleml-blttnulndtla COALS. April C. E..DICTXOLD:',_ , DETMOLD & COI; FOR THE nittat OF raal - - Celebrated :Room Run (Lehigh) COAL ELM - fa, sr= BT .4'l[S Piqua, LeLigh Coal and_ Navigation 6iiipany, - 1.1 But now by the *Company th em/sive% &SIP makinig further Improvements In the preparation of the Coel thla year. Orders received from FOI7I4IDRYNEI I / 4 1, dhpaklttt FACTUREftsvand the TRADE. I OFFICE 3: 38, 40 and 42 Trinity Building, NEW yonk. - • ' el"emarldy at, 71 13roadsrayi) sir Address by mall, P. O. Box • Also, obiCoinpany'±i Lehigh Spring Mattnialn.Lol• high, and George's Creek Cumberland Agentst4M. for Bwoyer's very ,Superior W esbarre Steam and Family Cqhls, from the Ea Nines. Jan 2,'70. • • 1- CUMBERLAND COA.L.—The undersigned are prepared to deliver.* prime article of GEORGE CREEK . CI7MISERLAND COAL,on bawd tessels at Goorgetown, D.C., at thelowest rate& • REFERENCES:—First National Back, Washington, D. C. John R. Elver's.; do 4 George • . Os=uwz Itentry, Philadelphia; Graham, Rotten & do.; R. D. Cooke, (Jay Cooke &c 0.,) Watthingtot t g. i C;; Philp & Sblortions, do 4 David landroth Philadelphia; McCallum, Cram & glassy tick; lit Cooke, (Jay Cooke & Co n ) New York City. April 19, PM 15—tf GLEASON arGiENN. FNI= ON' TIM mama O IND C0.,13 cost.sfaueraL Bram, BffsTata,N. Y. • COAL. ! TUENIAGARA EtpVA; ING (X)..; baying a large surplus of Lot and Doi tags. will bcptepared .at the opening of novigation torecetfe &Out the Erie Rahway. Canal, or lake, any quantltaf COALIbr storage or transhipment to any place Taft by Canal or west by the Lakes, upon u favorable terms asan7 parties in Bufflo. Their lot is located ler a general city.business. CYRUS CLARKE, • March 21, • Ls—yl OTICE.--Manuthettuerri Ind useni of Steam II Pampa, are hereby abottonett again* the ma fitment. We, or Old of arty Puma 1b lie ah frlngement Althpon[Mit dated 10epetable 11. UV.. es Mei' win be proseeuteo to the rap :anent or the Law. • I have already ortaineneedeuit agalriat iieeebal pes tles, and Irtli prosecute ail other • Port Carbon; April 8, 'll/84 , ROW. Parties to waritorPtulbe 'aroma ble prices by the no _MN 11.1.24151111/. Prinklln Iran Watts, Pat Carbo a, Pe; Jan.l,lt V. slurs, BEEPPLOIG AOllam Pig, tOl, and it Iron, AND OTHF.I! iItAVY 1611EDAllr AT, ... . ... Ratliciad Dcrk. Jam " •ow • • .................. '" " ...... sol i rlteddrees, 11.sabetbsoOrt, Jam F tU BEso .- • 1114101 I Mfi li Oa d o w nitka th at i re amel irot itagasitl ßlVS____,ll l MM U graing_ S i arra ill "i the will as summon' T ar th. 214 . 40 *Ped• ozintazil cam onatzkimm By the Corio.*om thercmlPari Chita Moo. C. 11-DALTON. try -fr 1 ~_ ROW% sallian. - Pem taat Z : JAIL- El: MA tack. JAIL A. 31/2.40 le WM% k arixoa 31=0 --;- - 1-43t6iior-e. OrzyzailPD•., •• - _ ..zsr,trziatalitAk' .IPmum; hive booms - Powder ausatrowtoredtrytbe wubimiarnorib *II - COMMINAdik, 311M01'' Pert ilittiain4. cW ort. teigeks SULITLES or C 0 A. . •„ W • ME SOLE AGENTS ia l • MEI ! ' : ,! ,L Adel Lenseii from the I s t ' ha ..iketer ht. Er ifieitrYLKlLL NAVIGATION. fW rims Ihr AMU= MIL rl &would*. .; ldatra alter, PllnaMplila. , .I.IE IrlB AUDWOUELD & CO., _ .! . : _ . Armin !WWl= SALA or Tin I ' Wolf; !C ask Illannall tisl °W Illanes3 Red Asa • • z Rim% Ilse& WINS Advealle. _,- tan Walit e st7 , , Ph il adelphia. OFFICES: 110 Broad ay. New York. li Kllby Roston. - -. ! Wharf NO. IL • - • • !! 1 . REPPLIRR & BRO { .. N. E. cor. Wallin d. Fottrili sta., Phihi. OFFICES: 35 Pine Street, Ni w York. ! • • , Iterchaats• Batik BMW& Providence. DAitli ?EAMON, PIMA; ZNArer L. NAST, ASTILAND. 1 1 I . DAVIS PEARSON &CO., i, i MINN= AND Krum= OF THE I - CELERRITICD lAKVIT 310t71113 WHITE ASH AND srou •31:13 RE} - ASH COAL.. No. 1.91 Walnut 'Roost, Phlladelphia. oin Ntr. 111 Broadway, Room No. V, Trinity CES• • Building. New Yorin., • ', i ••. ;', !". No, 11 Doane Street, Boston. 'GREENWICH, DELAWARE AIM... I 'MR WHARF. d, Port MI ow, ~) . • HAAS, & .BRENIZER, I; ,‘ MINIM A 3 SKIETICS!! OT , "Ali _Superior -Twice tun Coal, • Alrb Rots Aomerni roslxr., GaAs? a Co., CELEBRATED, PLANK RIDGE COAL. • °TWICE2Ia Walnut istr,t, PSULADIDLPIVA. A.lO • /- 11 • SNIDER ar,-13130ELIAXER, Miners and Shippers in _ _ C OAL, imx•imam Fos 0. W,"ssrsze's wsLi f7OWN if 1. PINE, FORES T COAL-. 2idw.4..v75T.; - 43 Tarirry Brum two: rPUILAIM. szw yens, aim% 1.01118 '70 BNTOFII. C. B. AIIOEM9 R. rroxis cang, sox= ityzni. :my it. COOP. as, noir •nµnel on snd NILW OMIT HACKPaIt, ' & 000 K. alllrmasi or LOOVAT OAP.. , LOCUST, MOUNTALN'• BLACK , _, • HEATH. ALIO, EXAIXIS Ia Mira MST QUALITIES OP . White and. Red' Ash Coals. NS: ;IA Walsall Street,: Pldlavisks_ sad Woad !' load Wharves. Striarhis Riser: • JOHN IL STRYKER, mum= AND *OW; - Schuylkill Haven. Pa. ' 20- , F OOD, Jii6. 1. 70.-4 THOMAS C..PARRISIi j i . salmi Ass masa n - • Sehilyl kill and Bituminous , . CO ESL an Cer2l l e e p r t on C.:mugs:don Solicited and taken • I • , Oil c-341 Walnut St..; Philadelphia. ' MAT Ma. 18-15 ZIA krw 2-tf oor, chagtkill onntg. ,T ,A M E J. CaNNER, North of EE BURN- Weh>.-* other Met e NrELTON ret-14— Miner and Shipper of the Celebrated , ' ILit)CUST • MOUNTAIN: 4::;:0AL. i porrsynix, SCIII7IM/Clll CO., ' 40;70. , . • I • IMS S. COA El i fFEAIOtilN LORBERIIY WIN .Ccw. -. m YEAST PHJEJIMME ._ snow ~,. _ _ 1197:01/13.11Y Goi l a ioa r a._ wbo :4 1 7 81 7 m age tesZALDWELL, ordering from may always'depen ti d ts "uix) Part n spir ited 111 PUTO,Srads. - 0/47CES: Fall Kfa n Et t .Nre l 'h Yt i r d k e f Plllll. ji4 1;40.4. NC, i‘i State St., Boston; .HENRY HEiL. OtiicrUaiwous.- Tray__ B 0 0 &ILAILSO N AS ISWORD.• sEw Glsotrems. 1, JtMt reteived at RARITAN & RAMSEY'S. • Pottsville I\TAIAZ SIGHTZD PZO • LZE , pAisk J.N t i; persons with o th er deficiencies of elms, should with. the ~....esson siZ AWElVDe r lar Milan, N0. 1 2=..... 8 , Pottsville. Side .we Ilig Pipet:Wale. - - March 20, 'lll-12-rtf •I: efts :/41% "! .8 • - • -•- TEOFLlNEonanneecturedby eno :Son o ! aster. Warranted pare. unadul an- Atte reliable fertillser. For sale by GLEN to Aseitta,Weitallroadetreet. A Ilberaldlaroun Mar 27. 101-11+24"althietigunDR.siONALDSON. C (Th o tat a m fp * ALT k . I = s. l= a r r i of intßiedee Cheek and .9^....Tiws nage on hand.. Ale" PlOptloo4' BOOTS AI 4 :D IKEIOES, which he ofltre for MeV it th e Petlloo , et leW swim, 1 cash. Highest earth prices paid for Carpet Rag.. Jane 3 ). • ISAAC WARD. E#.11,74 01.05ETS, ~ , - 7,XT011E6 :A141) 00 . 4 - worms ni.sTo(*. • • • • • , • r . 1 BKfliT & CO., AO ENTB. T 10E811 ' BiANICEIT HEAD-QUARTERS •••••,•-• AGE S-TOCK; waR a ara 111MIDWASE AND IIOJ STONE. OW. W. 'W. " 43-431 •• :. , root astau um* : - 0:31 %* . 15 t - , ical . 0 . . r i f t Stu - la mARKET 5 1 eorr - .. s DOANE oP4 Sl' •11,19.' - '. . - , 1 4—ern , kkg.Now tir Pic Sim vita spa ... - • ins Platform Elastic Arbors, tr. • •an convenient ElattiMr and Swim . • with Ladies and Ofttlemen's el. • Afte emnSilli ftll g r . ul (Ler c i tV a eompieteeTn . prernisiVto be lei eritg Thica r far a fikating • Club laibecelptions sear, Oa: entitling bolder i i ii te lrn es. saintee e V D = nattega . slegto Sandy hobnob. ioettaixacidstO PRIM EMT= Agt.fOr : - Ogles MiXabantoagoilt., ProprietOr Ant. Tea • - • . W-tf ' r 1 reit ciusinumz44,zoin 'ow* fl .r4vm PEE etor;facn4l • ; IPMST . 1101tT9+19E BONI" . *by rump ere esilinstbetz Government Bonds trlttielbCprendlus i kottlLlarre. tee the Treseerr ',hut 011 1 .111 1 .110 tor thtkeen millions la Deeembec) seetteltrraie tbe PlestMertnene Boob Ce Abe al. It*/otre. - .whints pay about one-third mere Mut Itsakto mate en& Inneetiorst eidle h►TtiMorr le heent. and CicrerrOnurete . ereeniimnabtet.:7: =lig t l a t i pildeeithetran through, wildernese,where 1 It Imre • tis malt man AM . pgptgat4ll and ninsilbqx the moot Omani settled end amines to tehne which rireseh is tem truths ill soon se tom . . - - - it nuwilaceetlWOold new orsOnturn Torattlialenth east le: ladirvensetde, end rl i ai t, t irtlllA rcit identsir Rua, of the ty et!osuiitnr w Is deal tateW The Ineartarre and Tung th ilialiS tan lae +W a r rata a, l e pup ts illmartlyAWß i n Ise at ..., TettosseVlSsiitendld, *Weld itellserg I . . 0 ,7 b saa and 1 el Ther — lFii Was + 4 ..mi miew . the videzz.r many of MU titsesidtne. esetts alli enea... sad enoeM ial ituml tel itst tirtszritlisen yea so =falriThlitrra ware Us al l r g iiiit4 Mete °IT ir k isa loo l3l,Vtea swan roa=iwiser tars ays,..„,,, ftn muiresi =tire. is Mot' WedS110111106.41=n• 41 _ linalft ,lllolllllelrll- , , 11 than inhatalthies*abse M. , . -- c litiebehdatmdy "-••= -- —-- e. - • winter 44/14 3 71Miss . • 1 POTTSVILLE,- SATUR,DAY RN , G - .IANUA Y. . . „ • , • isc. gorbmil TO COAL OPIRIATCO.II2.- . • Screen • • • . • OE4 tit PO. - REAR OF IVITTHVILLE `SO COAL • In 4 Sereen Manntaeturent, are noir: lireptrea• InAlk* all: lands of Berms for Coal Opreakon, and will ranted perfect. sattalketion lm all work and -petess. Coal a lnu consult their Interests by:;;lrlan us a and *man ea. • Also', Iron Batt ;of all dereriptletruk . inalnsl2e- fared try as on thtntoat reanonable terms. • A 146147. MIL `• " • . '•• •• • • • 1 ; 0 ' (NITEIC 20 BUNN— AXPERLIINgE . . 411:410 • - it -.' Ail ERIOAN CITAL."iyA 41If LE 011101,.. " - • • ituarrott, sate ay-laity; • The andlendatied.lrlto Is a. practical Chalttpu Chewer; informs I.firperatort and others thaX-h la prepared to taake Flat or Otani, qtmlaa cd ere Mee at short notice. Particular. attentiarrigteett Mat Chain for slopes. -ksor fttrtner Information • • for circular. . , Feb../4115-4.4r• 10HIIIIL J DIIII3I , MANUFALTrIER OF COAL __Z, _- • OF TIM LATEST Am sosr Ai1T.0•131271 , The; ludefshrbecb Who is a tweaked Mien Mazur faeturer, Informs coal Operators fid others, that he is makitectrultag a trewCOAL , Puteht i g June ' VIGI, wad another petalled Auintet 11. HE GO RAICTEK4 THAT THE MESH -WILLAL WAYS RETAI ITS ORIGINAL A/ZE ILISTy/f. ENTIRELY W ORN OCT. - i He respectfully sollchs a eontlnnanbe of 11,11 SF tronagheretofore so IlberaTly bestowed rip ir , JOILY R. ItalLroad at., rear of Esterly's Hardware Mote , - Jan 4 '7O-1- , POTIVIVILLE, P SQIIA3IE . ROD AND Vi7l4.ll'Bo*B MlTh... Jr LAIT-EfENSTRcIN. mAxvrAerritra, 'or [ • SQUARE ROD virp, WIRE SCREENS. PATtkrib FEIIIttrARY- ISfit . 1 • Tligi'6l4;),LTAnr...ROil flatt.KM .A, ON : of their auperlor• I straugth and dttrablllty, ant preferred to ail others whenever tried. Ctr sons manufactured toorder. Fiereenltolte,illlattracilltfl4l's on hand.' Orders promptly filled at utoderataprkaa., May 29 . 1 9. i : 21-1 M ANIMACTIJEERI3 OB COAL BCELDN A. L. LA.tirempir, • E. 45148.,:! L. I.4III3ENSTEINi CO • • . Succestmis to John It. plehm. " • - • Manufadturer off - Coal Screens Of the Latest. and Most, Appioved Styles., The tindeik gbedWho are era:cried -screen:Moen- Lecturers, informs Coo! Operators rand °then, that they are manufacinli t ng a- new COAL SCR.ESdkkpat tented June . In , and another patented Angnat 1685; they guarantee hat thexEstt Walalwaya reTfita its original size antiTentirely worn.ont.• . second-hand Screens and Segmeists -always on hand.: • -1_ , We respectfully - solicit a contintanCe of the pation age heretofore liberally bestowed. , • L. •LATIBENSTEIN & CO.. Railroad St.; reag of Estorb"s:lTardware Store, .Tan To—l-. I _ - MIMI ' . L. ADDLSoN. iniNetn W4lllnlne . .0 COAL DEALERS. GAS , CONLFANIES; &C., • 4 ° • The anderslgne4bavin queeiletted Focht dc'tifir ren to the .vole mininfaeture Patent. SELF'-nr3IPI&G, . SCOOP..,IIi,,iCKETS, Ea= IRON 121Q1STE;a:G 3COCI B, , . for unlendlog tot's!, Ore, sand, Also, : iri s ;the AtianFtfacture : ::! , .. Alcp I ~, • : 7 1111 ' .- - .!• t i IRON BOX WREELBARROWBi ` . . Are prepared to all till miens with . piomptnesa and dispatch. • NOTICE.—Itic tbs sole ownrr.E of • the Patent Right for the Damping, Rotating, Scoop Bucket - and:Dick Block, wo caution all persons amkinat man ufacturing or ptirchasing the same from any , r e . k et e t el ourselves , or our agents, as we, will prosecute the utmost limit any infringement onthe Patent: ' Reapectfullv, - , i ..' •- • - ADDISOX & WA.RRRlklißeadiniPs. - February e, 'w i . : , utikx DElti_EntaveleclAL HOISTING MA.. OHLI•ra... 1: - :A • • • now inure. They are slastile,* durable C a ; 74"ri, operation, hence the large umber arkld. and inisper-: feet sallstsetlort given. audio: illostnaed •ocustalnlng slosjorldesand aaittara e4 =, nslng-theus; alsomontalnlng prlett igir _Went and iron Cara Iron Tube and Doha and, Hook Blacks, &oil also oontalnlar • lapsing.: tioanseful to. Coal Merchants. •_ & 0 _ - . P. K. DEDERICK 0; Albany Agrlcaltund & Machine W,ork&_A_;iri Jan I, 'OD-10-arn-ly • - Weer York. • T" Is nciiue, imam* et miry st t tsis 9upettor iR. - MOM Seells; ton th6 jJ Psellloaallne4, Us Boston, liartioni sad Mama 'Rllllnoisand }Pollen Illanal n its and In rantt o WlF plum ti adapted VT ROCK wOrua, suelan goss_Csf, Stich work can Os pertbtried by this Masisins. ono.thlnt th 6 ttole requite; brlunttunt st's rya navies in cat...9pyto ZOniet. Silarr ad e -Oct 36,4: -1.T.-rr" "C"Citslan Th*ciuni. poops 111110TIONAL 11110130 . 8? 'noir wort nipirtirnotill:ConE4 perms 864 swim - pooktyi_tepA4e.***.tisseizitolit; MEE , - CLEMONO HOUSE OF kfF 111ADE:MW*NO, rAsaloiraimo iGieitte Foal 3:10 g Goods. clizarzicr Irnim C l iCirrunCG . • • and SS' Chflatinit Street, Phllettelphlk.. LTo WOW wiry In liteloh for the next season's trade, as tweet Arline than hare ever boron, •berm readmits* - -•-• SUPERIOR GARMENTS, • Brangt4lbetr Prides dawn to the level of the lowest .0 11 . 10011 "wliztar7 iteelY-fatede Clothing. mehtmottolbeetweee width we do—awing °Fir In tbe sal* am afoot Fitehlostable enrlesaadmato• tette the charismata:is col:intern at -dose of an* season, for we siro never to offer to ,thr ' :lelstronatsfourhowsiany other • tams the I Newest and Pretheit, Ooodis of A - 014 h new aseatm. • - There** annottnee the ° • . nvesrr GRAND' CLEARING SALE,: . TO O;9IYENCE • DER 10.. '. go.bypitaiATit. et !the mown vide. lk•elvet , 77 .:1:0111sied. ISM( LlPPeihmi, listin'toPwL, ' • and .10,!thet, et price. • cantina . item pt tdls6. JAS airilts be Mtge, finetnnuf and Week wear, of *l l ati etateriere and stiles, from SW in Ks. .400 COATllSwetertlelds; Barks, Swallair-talls, : Waiktug Octets, ere., eta. ' • eao.rAnP.PArlis. eut;ln rver7 1 04; *nada with - - " grestesCeare, of the finest goods, from to to ltd. . ' IfilTi-Nelyet; Cloth, Sift, eassimert, and . , Plush, trout sa to sm.. l'oenther id* the , • isiOrtment Of • - . ; OurrashlncOoods ' To be foisudjn the fltf., BOra , and Childrrla!a clothing - Of the Best Martellsotore. • • Our Mar to lot eiorrnotuily large, of c ourse, at the ;mem* elute . bi t every: ertleht of It Is warranted • • Audit. 411 mast biiiold:by or ibout Every - Marilty will ;tie given customers or ifluttcris to Inspect our Boolls;ancI to naii , " sat.ll4 themidiree - that uowls their BEST OPPORTUNITY' - • . ' • • To iiE U ITRE 'BARGAINS • j. • - • IN FINE CLOTHING. --- • • - JOHN WANAMAKER, Apito #saLza nt • • vorm's•triplisrarra GOODS, • SLS LIP SO CUM, 117111T,.11111411ELPNIA. October-A. ' ; • ' CP- A NN= 1301444F1N 5, u atenEET,STREZT. Poitsratz, Pirica.., -'... liasiosetilir dianotigtosi - to the Ladles of, l i othrridi and stelattp, that she tots opened a WSW CLOA K di TUUMNO STORE ,- -•- , . st the stay, i . co f i =." ' The ibtkrettartieles.'with i =QC die.owlll to Ire f or asta,arat are Ott O.IIOLITLY !uuttrep MU .., , ~[ I . iniiMes taga zET BrAviz es napinsit i ileasse mlxedead Water.' • Vroot. rinSellzel shaes. Pb• • , . .• bee'. vetwatotiampeope. , , .I;REAROVKWILL 41. LL BE BOLTS AT OOST. Luna sad XlimiClaiiis =dot° ado. ! . . Nine Pattenuoistraitivid. Janolik iir-46—iyir VIA frfir, AFT 7 I” cle4 1 I i , , 1 -. : IMIXOTO OM MAWcios*T. . ..Illes. - A:oB4okt Ali s hea to anneal to her 9 =sztba su mblia m l L l tiaMit itut avi belay eon: easetifitnn sA altkinda - 7 inakoslikadinfikk WI; cad wool FoltiAn2 Ile= at an prieek_ - Aii =as ar Fan, e • Collara and _tiandkesehleik Kid and ild •Em prole I also, Ladies Dress -S utu!P..l. ll ee. Frinerik_Satin Atimpiailialoakls ur" and Colored velsat' t .st- wad Is yt VU= RaadMi nilmAlVitiewar °llllll3l4l at Terricrw psios. - and ;WiveLeans, aU kinds and mo tts...„ . 'tion paid to Drees and Cloak • -41 Lad• Cloaks -always on bawl and ,nlii= ardor tba shorG oods test notice: Great !Amain* in ail sums at . . . Jaal.w —, - ; ! • - I.2in, F!Lzi#P l 4Ol9F Dit111001)14 SHAIVta. nUXISINGS, &c. team • iinatloND es..inthite7thades. - • s ALPACAS • Soutet jj LISI3II:AiniN 11. 1 . ; 1 - CM uti ,P fTZFA • tartica vacnifiat= tO &.la. - ' • - WIEMMISP & Botts. asist.'4ll - ' ca'"Fill,4Prw- `BLAZEIimp 09viaigtosi c4 . isBnaperst talstr e_ ; - JOHN a.:-1108318 * SONS, No. MO CII24TRI iyr„ _ow. *Adult. Gm& __ 4llllverl aitomaa. *=l • - ramb aurama wawa% aa, 11,11=111=Misivildcof . ek raaira i talisca a theibm4o/1 *L. a& • leingOl: A Wtbrafillildr *LI at,* *OMNI; Ot!geS, 1 4 11 :04 01 real Sild • MEN a. Xo*lali'lk lONS. srovc -Ifa 0 CalSraa Manz , ° /Law= Sept 41111-1 SOMITIONG . MAE 2* P-- aliiititarinlttiotbpstiantiatatblablieda,- -ladithotpublielsrmilvaltsbls paw : doe& ..; i ; • . • READY RADE CI OTSI~O _ ititimilfillnaebOmedetekaftosa.,Tballioads AirreassalkOlip aliftbidtf i sod - uoit &Mao •Pina4.40 4 4.111;1,4 11 1M aff,r f ificsiMpot fitnlosiveld",hcall.' Ins stadOlic, - . - • 2111113KPODS;" , . finillslllloloWlß --AT.COSt . • 7 1 — -s1 ti.-:-~ , yibils is . . .: 116.1.1441101111tiblyllii ./ 14111- • - - - -, - _, : ~ fr.:- ,: l --; -. • -.• ' . ,: . " 1 , 3 , ' ~.1". • :-.• ..,-,, ~.'-" /. 3,, -,1.- ~ - - ; ; ....1.. :: -,, 3 :4-: . - '' ". ",- • ".., ' ,l -• Lz, .: --• :',':' ,- "'• wiiipkiktillit, c , 1 , -;za i ~ .;. : 0r55,..,?- A :k,axisrz. , , ..,,,7; ~....,,,,,;..',',--7:..,. ':.-J.-. #'. frz; ' -v < 7-=- ' ) ' .- 4 - i , ,0;,'f.. , ,,f,Fr,5r;.:.-li - .f...-ti t.1;.-.—:';'-..?*:','''.'kl 1 ` ' . , :•;.,;-,- - ~~.~,a> :, ALL _ .: , y,T= i~'f: iiinsOmu) . vim4tras ON, Custom. Wcwiro and e l ` Y..~~ ' ' AT' MARKET STREET Piti(ES! I ~~i "PP [2, ST." THE WEST OP THE NEW YEAR) 3tanufacturer* Finest CI MERCHANT TAILOR, c. MO IEI,. 4 -:- Mil • • • t - • Ise ancrags miwiturr. ME - 0 , -, ?1--,!- , ::. - -:.:?-!:i N ' 1870 • • • I _BATTLE OF LYONNBS&E. iiunt immosorra mrt_VOLLIIR.' BE the Paean of Arthut " the last et the . 1. ottr pew idyls of Tenn,veort,thniellowing inaiptitleent . psniage ahnostanunedlitely• pre irides the introdattion,ofthetVora d'airthur .- whlchis given exactirite it*, familiar to tot • i - in his niseellaneoup poems- : The reader will se• e that „the new pnd thb verse is or the sanie golden warpandAroof: • Mentos* the kingand mewed his host by ntght, =ever titish'd tilr If odred law league by legatee, _ to the - amulet boned of onmeese-- • A tenant tdd apbeaveil from abyas . • MT Me, tn. link Into the abyss ; vw tiara fragments offrengotten.peoples dwelt, And th e Zang mountain ended in a coast °fever-shifting sated, and far away • The phantom circle of a moaning sea. • 'There th e pursuer could Pursue no more, • And be Quit Bed no further fly libelling; - And there that day when the light of heaven Bernd at his keereatln the rolling year. , °nibs waste sand by the - waste sea theyelosed, • Nor ever yet had Arthur fought aright Like this last, dim, weird Witte of the West.- • ' A death-white mist slept over sand and sea Whereof the chill, extant who breathed It, drew Sown with his blood,-tilt ail hie heart was void • With formless fear, and even on Arthur fell ,Vorinisinti, slum he HAW not whom he fought, • - forfriend and foe were shadows In the mist, anddriendelew friend not knowing whom he Blear And some shekels oat of golden youth, And some beheld the faces of oldzineta 'Look in upon. the battle; and in the mist - Was many a noble deed, many a bassi, • ,_ -Anil chance and craft-and•strap In single fights • And ever - and anon with beet to oat hnockii, and the splintering spear, the hard mail hewn. , - tildelenhreakings, and the clash of brands, the crash 'Of battle-axes on sbatter'd helms, and aluirks -Attar the Christ, of those who Wilt* down - Lotted up for heaven, and only saw the Mist And ebouts of hea then Wm and the traitor knights, Oaths, insti ll , and monstrous blasphemies, • . Sweat, writha , anguish laboring Of the lungs. In that cl o se mist, and crying, for - the tight, Moans of (birdying and voices of the dead. • ' t ash isame tine death - bed Wall • Of suffertn , silence fo ll ows , or tiro' death Or death-I e'swoon, thus over all that shorn, Nave for-some Whisper of the seething seas, A dead hush fell; but when the dolorous day' ' Grew drearier toward twilight failing, cline A bitter wind, clear from the-North, and blew The mist aside, and with that wind the.tlde • Rose, had the pale king Manned across the field Of battle ; but no man weeny: tug there; • Nor any 0(7 Of Christian heard thereon, • _ .Nor yet of heathtn ; only the wan wave . Brake In among dead ices, to and fro . Swaying the helpless hands-and up and down Tumbling the hollow helmets of the fallen. And shivered brands, that once bad fought with Rome, And rolling far along the gloomy thorn • ' - The , yoke of days of old and days to be. , Then oak* King Airthur to Sir &divers, • - And Whiter than the mist that all ,day long _ • . : Had:. held the - field Of bettLe Was the King • Mortal, - thoiPtide great voice that etuakee the world,. And Wastes the narrow realm whereon we Move, And bests upon the faces of the dead, My dead, ens tho' they not died for nte T . • • • 0 Sediveni„ tor on ray begirt berth . , • Confusion, /, knew got What Nor whence em, nor whetner I 4111 1 2 ,. - • Behold, I seem but king among the " Thenapake the boldittr Sedivere t "MT king. King everywhere I end so the dead have king", There also will I worship thee as king. Yet still thy fife Is whole, and still I llve , Who love thee; bot-who hates thee, he that brought Tha heathen back among - tut, yonder stands, • Modred, onharm•ds the traitor of thine house.? . , , WHAT IT IS, AND WHERE IT COMES FROM. 7 • WHAT Is a spot* made of.?' said George; gasping, snullins and wink-_ ing under. his.Crstton bath. Ise one near could teli him; and tile maid suggested that he "needn't be askin' such foolish questions, but just keep iNtpi and bewashed,"andso the matter ended: Now, listen, George, and I will tell , y o u what a ilrange is. ; z , • , The very sponge which washes your face was brought up 'from the bottom of the ocean, and was part of a living aninial. c (.. For,e long time sponges were supposed to 4 be plants, but later observations have deci ded them to he animals, and they are placed in the dame riotozosythe elms most reeemb ling animale.- . . , - . When first found in the water their ap- Valance. Is "very different from this which you now see. - - This is the skeleton only, the part 'corres ponding to' our bones. When this was a coon lets living thing deep down under water, it was covered all over the outside, add fi lled in every one of these little holes with a soft aubetance:,something like the white of an egg, and this was like our flesh; It was fastened tightly to a rock, and its col or was a bluish black on the upper side, and a dirty white below. - It was formerly sup pdeedito bee plant, ,because It was alwayti fain in one place; but for other reasons it is decidedly an animal. . All through thiamine la a regular Circulation,' like our blood and and food. It has been seen , to absorb nutri tious matter—that is, to eat, or, rather drink.\ You tee all over its surface Orifices or holes; thes e communicate with each other through-, out. lnto the largest of these, called poree, the, sea water is constantly entering; and distOtthe small ones, called vents, it is regu lady epouted out ; and it doubtless finds in' the sea water minute animals which serve it • fOrfood, and increases itsbulk. , '. , Audible strange animal produces others like itself; I will tell you how. . , ~•prom the soft ' part ' s little globule is seen' tofkrit oft, and after moving- about a while very briskly hero and there, as if lookinugg for ildace; fastens itself to some rock. Next, gradually begins to be seen, the more solid L Skeleton. (what we have here) '' • the soft part ' increases, and so it grows • not very slowly, - eitifer f for the divers find it at the end of three years large enough to bring away. ' 'To get these sponges from the bottom of :the ocean ftitnishes. occupation -for a ' t ntittiber of peopk - . ---- One thousand me a re - t nu iyl the Grecian - Archipelago alon and rei a thousands besides, with many hund Loats, are engaged in the• Gulf' of Machri, on the `Barbary coast,- and elsewhere; so that in many villagerthere, from May to Septembei —the beet diving time—on/Iy old men,' *O men, and children areto be found.' ' 'The finest .kitid is belbught fro* the IF..gean c : sea. 'At dayligght there, in the summertime, .when the Bather is plessant--for it requires ' Smooth wil - , beats, each with six or eight Men and `pair of oars, will leave the able' and- prcaX;ed to where the' water. is eight or ten or even thirty fathoms deep •' for thole found' in shallow water are very-infe• • Here4.lteiettop, and the thyme prepare to &Attend.' wiii.h one puts a hoop around his nom; ind fd this fattens a, bag, in which the mews are put as they arepthered. Invert dspeOeuter the diver uses a rope with& atone- Wit. ' - He sink.s thee stone to the spot he in tendeltixeach, and thh holds therope steady, which he Wan toessist himself in coming up again WU* surface.--. , - • Alter being busy thus till noon, they retain. tit sensed those.pleessuat little nooks width *Wind on the - shores of the Archijselago, to literate what they him gathered fit fin ,- sale„ , -.._Tbe drat thing is to. press out, tbs soli' part of,the animal, and then to bkaeh out the re. wander in the sun; so they beat timn, and. stettilillient; and tnirnpla peta l till there is no Merirlifirieft.-- - - - -- _ _•-• - • . . ' _The_ skeleton' , part is then washed, ' and, spread ixtthe sun until it is quite clean, and hi be :b r ali d d i- Set.l= actor ; to e r a ss i d t is . ilo ell. ' 'd Age, Europe and Mull - . 4 .llfrofivicca'Attntak - - . r e) -5 _ MI ME 11 LinoiCierTioneinini.ncy Of burs ending toburst Is well *MO* thirili_ tp r ilirVlScor bent). r h, wi. izthriirrit e i, the a "_th ey • - &ma with , ' car . , namely,le'otovnthe met pOIMIni zoselltost *Ms ea soon la the wnilleit "mill soft of quite. to the orne;, pities them inert OenbetWd , to !wins sur. to WON ondaulthr them to remain, guarded from'. oxydation. by 1 010x-Or_oir or - WO, until th e gradual low-, 'Sting of the lerspesstuse tugs brought them. in the.retpilidte cool condition. The thane (mired- he . anneal in thle manner a 10. ,theit.. solid shot is ' at from 10 to :15 'dep..: The method bramtkr of -testing by Inentdbetarers - who-nay-We - oeession to, tarn cat chillectpudirws °Lang "aineidayable 6il44arriscitiiiiii._ —A. Ida DOHA !ft' tbr o•ri.•,ft Idle*" 41i ezpoildinutbil tare Thir taw • • • • • Accomplitheirthia lc dew • ,lIMINIPWJ • •`"Als the•Presmul4ls • • 11 1 .4. 1- - it ill made , b, ' • aluzummiguomeattiggetrolholk maw thilw"eXterissit preannylitilltiou"te f,Dc the Any the preware; upon &teethe hub; dith Ownp till the, limb • WWI* ft(' buift,next • • • ttl •• • ,tikitsflov i t -- . 104theritxte Art / 1 4# 0 i • " POMO/ft 04VI t - MB SPON - GE. ExpAimi,ulNr& iTI/IRChiasilleallan_qt engagement& accord-- lag_ to .theli duration `gives, us several ;utensils*, typos. So lite swq;iiipstiersta area asiliOrt but rapturous kind-;, others are of a protracted arid-Platonic character. , Scene ire contracted fora died term, of years, as the. =nt nil** ton:wiry When he at majority, or of a'widow to-wed after two years t ieniorusolebllity." 0 there are termi; ' after it Indefinite period, where a fel low of a oellege.eagag. es to-marry, as. soon as he gets a living-oer Where Es-young iad,ypro , mimes to make her lover happy when he can shove that he is able to "maintain her in the style towhicii she has always beenteettatom, top and, refinetnents*hich-thehaSa tight 'froth:her position in society tsieappet.'r ;Other meuts may ' be considered as termi= pietism* suth a/abase:projected between °RI ewe of arnalitneens and the' notorious 'flirts of 'a garrison town; which, it is 'pretty well understood, are only designed to bait until: .the regiment is Moved to_fiesh quarters, of till Providence provides the fair coquette with a. more handsomeio more substantial lover. Theee,withManyOthert which it fa unneeeto-;; nary to enumerate; are various valet' of en gagements difrerentiated according The ins-- tore of their duration. • But, the -division-of engagementsoCiety is most familiar, and the One whiCkwilLoccur to:all parental minds •.thsit mast important; Is the ' simple : division theirs Into long and short, : • . The- genuine- old fashioned long engagement of that : life-long type! with which; our ''grandinothens end. great. 'aunts :were - femilhir,':-haiHappilynPily await ceased to exist.:. Any • woman belonging •to the profasileniiinmks of the::middle cbss, 'who is more &salt-fly-Amos pid , able to recall several instances of men,. generally- Fellows' of Collegee,,who, when young, eon ' traded engagements thielitksey were una ble to fulfill until they hael reacted thattlme -of life atwhich'it Is not, very''sieuali or' very . seemly, either to tnarry :or ti ;De given • in marriage. Such instances •of lifelong 'en gagements were by - no means rare fifty years a,gco., The College 'Fellow *of twenty-five having .engaged toton young girl of twenty, tad having swore ..expeef. Mai of patfttpiite outside .9t" his college, could not theni• as new, : out himself adrift from his academical ties, and start forth to Make his fortune independently: by Eultion, journal ism, or the puldieservice. - Such extra-acad emicai means of making use of an -scadetial cal education-werelhen coraParatively un knowysormnpromlslnz Thitvennee where -by Cgeutlentikll - of liberal education mild. enter the, salaried. sphere' .existence, *ere then coniparatirly ; few,. ,and still shook confined to the . th professions." The malty ich ree; oOlmastsOrships 'Were 'then very few; there was no Hilleyhtiry, no Hadley, no Bradfield there:watt no, profes sorships at Ring's College, Lotidon„ and to _inspectorship; of schools. The young felloW who hadtaken orderis hid not lo lOok to but a (tiler 'UV rig, so he' waited" on, -Per haps fer.terr ; perhaps -.. for °twenty, or even thirty years , until his yOtithful ardor had cooled downintotuptiet, bookish sort•of at, tachment,:mtd - his betrothed had - come to look forward to fer:Marriage 'rather, with pride than witkplasion, as the event which would one day give her. the privilege of hum bly helping that lesinied-man in, his labors, 'or- at least secure .her-the monopoly, of Mum ',Ong hisdeelining years. . -; - • linch long engagements this are. now ex tremely rare; one Bawdy - eVer hears of a' couple beOng engaged.twcnty years, and the friends of you ng.aftruzn (Ka are gene rally rath er disgusted if gthe, remains unmarried so ma ny months. . Any. empgenient whicil lasts over two years 'ls now called a long engage ' ment; and one. Which extends' to floe ears is *reckoned a melancholy And very middle- Chula.Long enitagetnelitur An fact, even . in the .modern seneeof the term, are confined almostentirely to ttei middle ranks 'of the commimity. : They are nearly as Much" a middle class institution as early dining or Dissent; ' ' • =I AMERICANISM. rrHE voyager froin Europa Who lands up _.L on our shores Perceive" a difibrance lathe sky,above his head ; the height seems loftier., the:zenith . more remote; the, horlzon-wall more steep' Abe moon appears to hang in middleair, beneath donui that , arched tar beyontit. The 's ense or natural. symbolism is so•strogg inus, thatetheznind unconscious-. ly woks a spirituel siAnillcance in the glory of the atmosphere. The traveler isnot satis fied to find the eiwidone enlarged, and not' the mind—coeluin non cminwm. . One wishes to be: couvlucel ; that here the intellectual - ELlSlfinhales steeper breath, and walks with bolder tread ; that philampher and artist are here more buoyant, more iresh, more Mina that the human race has here .esimped at one bound from the tlesv . aulerieY of ages, as from their Wrongs, • • • And' the e. and heathy. AnterlesSim/ Is to be found, let "us bellavaln this attitude of hope ; an attitude not necessarily cconnect- • ed with culture nor 'With the absence of cul ture, but with the tangelo/mass of "new im pulse given to all htunan prostate.' Thenuet ignorant Mau may feertbe Asil strength and hearth/ea. of , theA.merkianAlaa . iii!id so may the matt acconipiished scholar. - It is a mat ter of regret It thus - fir we have 'mainly had to look for our American and our acholarship digerentiviartemazal if it has been a rare dellett to thud :the two 'in ens.- It seems unspeakably important that all persona among us, and especially the student and. the .writer, should- be pervaded with . Americanism. , Americanism Includes the faith that eatlonal self-government is not a" chimera, but that, *ith whatever ituxinidst °miles and drawbacks; we are steadily estati lishing.it, here... It inch/tee the faith that to this good thing alit/thee gond, things must be ded, • When a man is hearWlinliuodicitli h a' national' sentiment as nib, it is as. marrow In - his beitits and blood - in his veins". Re.psay still need culture but he bas the be- Asa all culture:, He entit/ed, to mini-' perturbable patience andhoPugulnatia born of living faith. " Allthat is squat in our Intel, lectual -attaliunfthh.ot inane - artistic Ilk may then ',endured: if s. man sees his house 'steadily- rising on sure .foendardons, he can - I - Wait_ or let bfichirdren wait for the cornice Ind theft him' But , if . one happens - to be torn or bred "in‘Anaeriea without - thinwholeeonte no happiness . for'hins vb., hip his alternau between being tushsvpyr at and Umbels% „ abroad; Will eetrobse nurirtyrdoms ibr ante; tectality otelarrTreken for • HegAly, giaie taiiiai 4 pairaar ealtiva ted men in whom . of Ameriesn_. lift is wildly wanting.' les them - the path , semis Atinneein eso,_ and return tune Itard I'l Yekeurnattonak vhili'arter.fietTakla slowlY Ore seaulthinghetter" thin' Our Mhz' -- saul we pay fOrit* Iribratitamotraovesased.L; The la strong - imintip[ vigiesona :whites 44, 1 1anifswith,, , hirne . insupportahis. The American omenii a tentschtPower *tough which he - wearer lionsethilaghven =lluutbsi i insetAimaErimakth• - .31•ILoof. nitkaansetninir ttleturts.'; Yet the' raultaireikeptiedbuwworeoutrivtiarze* ed by greater'asteiihres titsyeophoner enet meannesn: ilersensbalayt tuttherEngliab-1 man of all men ;Mande :smolt firmly' 011.• Ids' Ad: , But it le; whole of man ' ssmil-; bo fizotßa : s to Oveneit.;the' yeast thipsrtant post. - -Letlihn takis:one stepfor leiad be e t eusd •in -Unit edternehU rinaco4 igitra - Yea. in 'A Anietieastim4.T.; :. trs Agf.XlitkAforahitibrA,PkocW,? - -4. - -.! ,-; „ . voimiemomes. :.; • tbeselopttheat tbraillowtokkaired is the IVedith-:. 4 . 3llllstiallofirtedidl*l lorplizAt, 41010-waslqvist, ja ' 4 the that ' r2 to or SW* tae l ft iris isot th•fifteketti**.! --' int* ' Viestret!ol to; vair .SINGLE: CpPfE§.,:-SIX',:-:icENT&' frME mobt, trim:lutist complaint' Wee tilt- - -L one was • cussln' that being the dame _lewd of the whole tiegro race toikiiscirftellsp ncenf the tongue. • - "phiyer '.4.M., er .- „„ eek tiftS e , we would , beitifOrm - suiclintilntree- • ligation would find the:ofte:uteri's* beta . • wling names or soroUhlnitaf Wilt*" l. Oa ‘ proter, to be sure, but stlll - aperealreaewer- -: ing-to the charge Wade- by Ibla, ' Sinseltad par- •• - . ty.---es„,for instance. When , otteithty•allttle ab-. • onyllgure, half asleep,. raised Its medal of it - - hand, and drawled out: • , . •,.. '• • - "Boy ketoliin ; celledAstafoo*lodit'. . . Once, without any .memonnory atrial le attract atteutkni, a boy etislahneltla.wiik; . eyed horror-- t.` ' •- • • 1.:.. 1 "CUsArt'-! casaht' lii des yet. COrnei; . kel -- "Oh! teacher, 1 nebber Cu a bit; nay •'"., nourany don't 'low me -to cuss; boy J ed ' a-cumin'liese'f;" ludignaritlkreepondedthe. aCeused. . , l , A: , . • ' . . The, almost, invariable *ismer of the all _. dtell• when e hawed 'with . 'soy - inladeineanat ' '. is, "'deed I ' neber. Ily mammy don't 'low • • • me 'ter do IL" - • • - - • The boy. persisted: "fiat - Yer &Di Ma . knows yer did; "deed, teecher,-she enei a . • " ell;whit did shatittY?" leaked '••,.. ,- - .. "Say I done took herhoak, its' ssynisurnny ' buyed dig yer book sheown eel at the *or • yee'day;" •then -in _II stage whisper. to the. • girl .."t e al, l'se gwine mash ye, mouterbeet. . /.. I iiis yer outside de do," • Threatened with such an assault the pi took up the consoles:it" ' _ ~ • , : "Teacher, call't-yer make die yer Ir y , •ima . himilef?; hevussin' me here ; -he motif.", Sayto : meals shay • ,„•' , - , -4 • " ' "So 1 is gwine mash ye m : yerolehletig , nigger". , - • • ,- - •:::..;-J - -••• , : It was di ffi cult tolellwhieh wasibableistr-. , , • er of the two; -but it is curious hoW_USOVIW4 sally children and grown people use thleite It 1 term of - reproach In , -quarrels ; "yrattbouta . ..- .. ier," or "you black slitter," are words with,thetn, and "rse gWine la tea* yer maid" is the grand climax of tlyrireete- - ..,. hba is capital, but the following la eipielli i faithful andqulte as misusing. - '..,t -'', • - . ~. Changing of names is one 'of the nast , du- . dons fanciers of ;thecolored •people, old tri well as young: It will'undelubtecUy doff • • . as they grow • accustomel:l to their tramitkan, *. ,but.it seemed as if tlierwere desirous:of. a*- - *miming theirinew priiilegee in Ith4o alb In ' ` , everything else, and would take a ve naive . . whenever it .suited Them, givingeomettmea moat original reasons for -doing so. 'A boy belonging to our school, eam il is t o_ne dayand In - forwed ins teacher • • Afy rpnrie ain't will J ksortafly mete." • ' , "W*ll,` what to it ow?" . - -'•. , - •.' .. 1. "It's Lewis Taylo :" _ ' ''• . "Whitt have:you changed for." .- .. . . • "My sister done.got married last night, so ' : •• now my name's gwine ter be Lewis Taylor..":,. . ~ Il have known a whole &unlit change their maneelon the occasion of. onis mensber being • ousmied: Some would belie two-or three l i , names , whlcis they f use incliscrixonsat= We, frequerffly went - to loci*. for -whein we could- not fluidal all by the twiner - they Wei . given us.. Some - Of them had one nante.for school, soother ansong their play- - =Ova, and a third for tome us' .s.,ipt a boy who entered under the nettle of Joseph Mar- • shell ;;.'the. boys •Calledhius Marshall Black; • T i arid - the name bestowed - him by hie pa- - - - ii rents ;and by,which hicw!t celled at home, 1 -• ! • witJbsePh Black Thomas.. - -_- • •i' I Tfeiwrote a great many - letters for th e col- ~ 1 °red peoplei and often they would dietate•at • • thil t close : . ' / - • • ' - w "Tell her to rite to so-and-so,"' ' ... •. , "Why!" we would ask, "don't you Want S. . ; her to writato you?" 1 - , , ,-- , "Yee; Miss, dat'one." - - , -• 1 . "But that's not ybur -name." . .• • '-Dat'e my name pow ;• done change'de oh'. . ~.- "What do you do that for?. • " t • " "Dunno zachly ;, t'ought -I, Leattry die yer I .an''seeef rlikes it better.—.Putnaln. , _ , .., . • ~ ~ . , • THE STORY of LOCHY °STEM—Theft is another page to ehioniclein t heilfe lietory of "LochY :Ostrom'," the Poughkeet‘ivonsan . - miser,k e who, It will 'be rentem died about four lot ago worth 6311;000, leaving - no next Of ri. - NOW that she is deskiponp. of her earlyhistory have come to light.- ithe was horn in 1792, andat - her 'd.'. waa 77 years of age.i • .-, , .She met her Ilas- and -'only an 'only lote,',. if letters found in hertrunklmay be taken asevidow in the Xity of Pcughkeepsie -, when she woo ~,, scarcely 15 years of age. A few years attar y her lover asked her b.and, in marriage, was accepted by Lciphy, hut,:lurned away Whir parents, hejeft for Cintinnati, Ohio:" -yeanrafter, in 4618 he wioteher a laden ttom that place, couched in..beautitui languid% . Informing her that afterlie left Punghliessole " he "married 'a phre . and virtuous aroma who supported every,. relation in life with dignity and4ropriety," and addint, "but it pleased ProVidenee to take her ins , lad' ' t she is now happy in the eternal mansions , of . . nat." 'ln Pebrusuor, 1819, lie wrote her an; ! other letter, espresaing great anxiety-la refer.' ' t ence - te the feeble 'smith of .Lochy's mother, ' , and, after telling is relined language whit. - ' ' in his °Onion, a wife, should be, clot* as 1 follows : 1 .1 hope you will 'yet leant that 'a r genuine afreetiou is In marriage the dret sad - 4 the last ingredient fotippfneas; it la the. 1 I berd beet portion, be best of A; and .... 1 the beet marriage outfit.a nd the Oneet orgy ' - .1 page that a married, tr ever betad limn, end without iteverA.h - is povert7 indeed." ‘, " After- the receipt of this, letter her temper became soured, . she grew. aybnieken.: and grasping—a unsex in every sense of the dn = Twenty-six years' a ft er th e last letter ' of was . - written - to "tochY," her , .01 lover- - •` - visited Poughkeepsie in Dearth of her. They , met, and another offerof.marrisemwasinede‘ - : but it was rejected.'. That - .was, the lad ever heard - of the -lover. - The Inventory otter Mikis showed the amount-left behind to be $21,563 64. add .to that 612,000- which she ' is _reported to hate lift. in - rea l ' estate,' the grand total reitehes - 433,553 54. In an old. &ablated hair Strunk in her bedroom Weri isand a number of bills, receipts,. tn, two - weltet•hooks; one with a silver hair ,doilar in it, $3,000. in , bonds and nicstgaipsy In - United States 'Ave-twenty. coupon bonde; ~ $B6O in'greenbricke.3loo In gold, ion la Iwo : 11 - eliVer cup with thetnonogram, B. Ck• bait is deaenidlver tetiopoons, three silver diming .. . .spoon.;.one d oz en silver . ' table-ePootW - . two silver aalt-epoons. In a (dean wens 25 or so dresses; five oroix rif which 'ter - era of heavy,' cosil3r. elik of a pattern' at-leriet'at , years old.' Canned fruit, preserves, te.;, Vero ', alma found in large, quaniAtiee. 411; bock, abilf was found a dried up frniteakei frosted, and ornamented with* Woe . ' 4. is the centre. All the, furniture wad '. .:.,:- Admit possible description, and bar.tinidire' -;,,-." clothing, in the old -brateriatamted buremsk,- si n NM made' up almost : entirely of Bbtids and mortgages to the anneuit . , _ _ !MOOG were found - carefully leld tow , bank:4)Ook: was found46lV--11r ' backs her amount- Web sbovarmittl e • over $3OO in the Sivings m ,..__7, iiMlkt- -., , iiIM the genersj topic:of-con '-veseesse'o_ , 7' imerdek' it* titbit;. .', 411 *.i up at the proterwear."':- 41,,k7.- f. .Q-1 1, 74 , 440i - 4,.. -, _,-• - .... ~.% 4: ,4- .;. , e'4.1.,- - > WALtina•—/f5 - 11.11if i % <with your chin e - to, .740,a i r 1 your ornuifreely bumf. . , find wanuacuiei-qB47l:ll*.ecitentipi.-•:-TeVr inneeleeleenpo work, liiiihricotaftWortelle liirsilkilehineel44._,.....,,_iii*Pit ihavettaxigh t y ass, .. Itioaltlibli win y ean bn wir(n, , ___ -Ikvowtak ite nlng to , eu*kritin-7 -11 Viso Ism Aida etiam Anilnini tind,Wl K ,for.. _,.ct il kim tti enfte . A.lth, is froot.Wft to tit hntrfor. invalids : V . o= ten Z'ei,lo. - - - ton lf h ave witkedinotinedieit Lewis sodiftwie . , : inotizy [ Oman= moor thah,st. , with the - 13 21Ppleet reeninl-npon INV*. soirite: By the way,' le knot it etitiow. r dist park * 4mxPlAelitc ti()•thir i [.kets park* whieh` what , be - bested Lilian away - I ;thie - iNt .besulthil- . - . .. Jim et their very:doomAy:4d zWreir • . 1 bid Maar Ihiring thole SairlisArf - • •• • • , welts we •trite COWL that Well* , • '., Xsetaelogle person outiors . • "iilltitit the exception of, the o,hihizenottoil b yin ACKISS WiliiiX talc kire bWrelt 0 :WOO* 1 0444 - I .Yr• rti4fult•;.l ffil=l ME neit • o'carxiiiteitr.- ME II t~ gam MIEN , - WO, PRI ME El MEE El BM ~~_ `='<4~~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers