The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, January 08, 1870, Image 2

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i l -.
••k1..d...."-t'itrittut. hi1t1a4‘..1111 , 41 jrareeri A th.Nl).<.., ,, ritV , .!ds scarce v supply the; &Mond fir pig itoo. Maga.
httk " ''" c ' z ' rt . l' .-- - I '''‘' " t ' "I"' ..P '"'" • " •4 el °•l sliptgli ti TOW.gfr,, Plicittiiiaiiiiet—ii tint
rais-owit?•erett.r, :;!.k •
' ' (o244ettlat *in - titlt4 itrebetne ll6W iglipl i ! b* : .
I.sret station eis,rrin- *toiimr, n e a i k dr , ..i an d Bigiorp.,..: l 7bas markeilkse
• p•tr...-ville. r.. .
J . . . _
_...f . . J.,.. coutinitikin ft Srlity , unloaded Stat4:4o4
47. • .sol . , , 47 rolllnenallLitiwegietli at tuAn'Otlrme titili ,
• •.•,"; -..- 0 ------ - • : tii , ' 1..1. of tron traria foga thera t l ,Nitinuftctigso . ,
Intro - 4 . k, out
'-ii,"='.-- _4 3 4.
-i' ntate for a - Padded pigiods iworisiectiOnlltth nett
, ... , * 4 ' `ta '
1, ...,.. deityerlmite matiotfar n*B IgalitUd—,,gs
.?tom 2 .- t • ' Iftetnipeur . o..uWgrdeist lia•irtmetf:pluced dn-
' ring the past 1t weeks. .The productlon of steel is ..
tnerensing rapidly in Priissla; patty works that hate
-: heretofore Pcodneed iron rails only, are now prpar:
Mg ts make, cast steel Yana, which are at present
more In demand than iron nnef. • • -.- -'
DANFLOT_A ItlsEY.—ltco`
ices aim zsms j iel„gss f,X9.stry titr
, •
- . .
TILE .11INEILS.. 101175..N.5. "ii iro:ed every satarday
;Derain:T..4lnd furnished to issimetity , r, ns sS 77, pet 41111.1.111, LI
advance:or ts it ort paid in advance.
CLUE SUBSCRIPTIONS- .M'Alk/ABLY nr - myr.uscz:
aVoVer to one euldretef *7 tel I r.s (,:ot . de.. to one and re,Jsu, nu
3 - . "*.:!-.""- -"." 4 T:i on t 7.77 -. - tIIIW. ' - 7. . 13'01
To News Dealers 1.1 in p.r lid cAref ,, ,
• - .
To 'Minister< rink ficlionl TeACTIPM wr• will fornich tits
' . lonic:gay t$ twill , it ft Zio pot annum,. iii nut Arict..; 4.0.WX. - .
i zt i lt -at qijftes.,, , , ~ ~... -. ' ~ . i i._
~' .' .. .....,. !. ,
TIIE DA)T.Y IT Iltit.z.' tr.,1:11.1<" AL l< Pnbll•E . WA! eyery
• - weskAtiv morning. ssiiinta)*< este,u<sir . • •
- ,TERliiiii:4•Ten er& per i r it•ii.
s, Asysitiit_i.l) . ttaCctitili,ror
-„,,, agentbirwlnanultisAuvis l, • . . .. •
. . ~.
BY ..24.11L Payable. In nAlrabee, our:, rya . P. ;- six
irking* fli'n; airen lODUI by. 1i I 44' ' , : ( .3 , . - .
IN -
, . . .. . .
- . • 13A.T.LY AIVD'IrEF., - .LA' 11.11.311:54',40rn.NA tr litOr
~ intorni, In advanim; IR iri tor niz.larsotlit, - -- ' -; .- . - -
-•- . , •
L. '-.'- ' - - . . • I3ANNAN & IfIAMgEV.. P ubli sher!.'
CoNcatizss W.UI tlsq;mble.a . g . iin:vcie , :(fiii
next, the 194-inst. - P4le then,
,eipeet,,theta to ga tti ness in
• „The iaboner - they net on the • Tariff Bill ths
bette! -for the priductive !tits:Nl-As of the
country. If the inolibers (lo not Onlieritanti
- ;the question by this time, they are not 111;1,4Y
• to understand it .any better hereafter. ' The,
• •
people are anNlow.lyavraiting . .their action.
.Ty7.l Pig Iron Nlatiufaettiter.4 In
al to Congrj..;.s givlll:4 tia e.4.•.4 . Lt nut ti:tat°iit
.ring pig iron, •c'ery i,ulii.e s Intimate that
.oorunis.sioner fibs in ins -report.
1 1.4 • nothing 'singular for 'Jr.- NV.-katal the'
rpiestioli is freel;„ askeil'w hat
he gotifor trying to betray the prOnneti - ge
t.ereatifof..our eiiuntry into the hands' of for
',eignAtinnufgeturers.'l. • • •
s • •
,F,sTF l A'st CiAl.i.tEit , ..--Titeme, which run front'
1. • :Philadelphia to I;:a•tet . n lictint4;'are 116i13i4
• .
• good businesi;. Tue,4i.lity the
sailed for li&tton. wit it tons.of coal; and
1 the Rattlesnake RH Weiluellay' for , Allen's
, Ppint,.with WO 'lona. AVe - , - .,3.ei! it katcd that
nets = collier the Ikelulle3, of 1,(M3 tons
parity, will belattitelteil eariyiti February,
and that-three others are nOw hunt. •
:\C, - ~' ;NEW RA/LilOA D PROJECT. -- ist :,114.41)),M1 a.
gentlemen from Pt4iw:ylvanitt, , NEW Jc.r, , t , y
,nnd,New l'orlfi.n et in Philadelphia, "nil pin
. vog..z?' to build ,aitotherrailreatl l'eaditig from
, • Philadelphia. to New York, by the. iv ay of 1
Attleboro' aril Yardleyyille.:itr.ittp , k*; coon- 1
ty, and through- lfereer , cot : tidy, &e.., to tier- I,
-- sey,City. The ob;ect i:, to buil d ii tirt-fla. , -,..:
road to. run through in two hoUrti. , _ It 1 ,- .' t , .3iii I ...._,-. _ rfr , _ . ~_ . _ .
that large eapitalistg have 10:f-it hold of ; s t;"!'4-iuorrow. - -c..Toit-1 Si i itday ado year, and
and Will pu:dt it . thrOugh.'. It is in oppo9itiou i fir.t aner*.upipitany. - Day'4,l.?tigtl4,.9 hours and
to the Cam , len an& A ittl,oy . i : ilailroad, o 1 i .'27 , utiuute. . ,
~ .
• . -7----..!: •
eoune, although •the prolvetor:i mtate tiiat it I ..
,:',, 1
. , "... 1 . fir rciwar.".•ll. at -Trirnitv church, its- the
• ;
id not, but 1.4 -riquired to meet.the inereAsPii - ~;;.. '.° , . . .. „ •.. • . • -., .
'.:l . r yiqii-,, 1 lIS eN uliin : ;„ N% iLet4,l/IproA souse choir,
travel and,Rive tpfiek trautvirtatitiii. -e1e.... p ,0is fro;ii "thy' “.t.'reatiou t " mendetssohu,
. . . .
t , tiorie; ,ti..
. .__
.. .
THE titrltie itmo tg the tel:.‘ ; - 4ratill
will lio (161ila lea 1 to Filo ef.thlei:tion. of tlit
. • , Telegralili t4y:4lein with the Postal ?Y stem of
the Government. enmitinatipnq; kith •
.....• ;. seeret bound •patlis tit oh...ylipt
fdre.e terms, will et - elan:111i: tend to throw
kind* of business into monopi.i;,.....•thq kill
egintnite to'g-elher trithot laborand
to the. same 1'0114190n 01;it, in talik`r
• Cninlikie;•". Elnlllo3tei•S.inu:-..i 't...;overn4;l
*ibilitra; tly..y will ite:lnne the. 61 2
''strinnent. that Willie:el 'te . r
sion. laoinew.iot no retattry - .. stand
still at any time at the lidding oa 00)1-Ism nd
associations. In ling - enue It is itaritto tell .
- which i:4 in the At - Erie to req . -ant , the strike- 7 ,
bti t i the oath•stand , teeitilint rue 611,)erat0r,...
TILE S'PATI: Ti!l:.% ,, ll' : ittl::. Wtt 01 merit)
with sitttitsfitetion . thiit ti bill. 11.41AI:a intro :
titiCea into (110 c 4 tate :4;!./i:lti.., fixilw the isilary:
'.. of the Mute TrefiAlhw• at. ' 1 :-.,." - •,ofiti; wiliiiiit);.t
shfeiholiii4,- pit ni-bitr,; eintw?.?lc•iiietit, :Aid
1 iThikintr. it simi-;i1/.iokailur", - pinil:-.11.11;16 1 ;;; fins
....- anti inipri:orliotoit, tii . :l, all Ow rootii.'y of the
Comirtotiwealtli tithe priv.ite 1,01(.11( it il,
TreAtitirer. ' Al-ir,,1441 - 'pr.lpri:stiltif tit! , nuiiii4l
:surpriii K. the-. jAyiiii ut or th c i sail, :di lA.'
. , Thi4 (it' ~.iiici .ot lwr .I,iti of -.tin/it:AT vii.sracter
should ho pa-lileil. ha ilt,b , r lir:it - lfe tii.: , 'zriw;.-- -
fiti sceiTes whwil:zitiiiiinlly ticirk. tlw polite:A
foio , 4irer, ittay ho . t...v*1,61;41w! corrop
1 -
,tion ittliiiir, therein:hi Cl.l (`, - Ond Ilia. ptil,lit
. debt -be yet iriore iniyelY rititui;e(l,.GY iviiiily,
. , hag
,to it the ail/omit \viiieh'shotilci lq. rell
,. • ized liy , inye•tiWeitt, at rocohltileiplod by
titivtillotklieary. I , . .
r111L,14 4 1M1 - 91i f I t.
/oWing it 4
or:lt:rest, trooic. Clio t!ir num
bet' of plq . ,on.:api.,e)no , )l.opit with
in th,:-. .t:tzttiot6 ho,it,;•-, :oil tit'e Euitiviti,--• of i - . .. .._ ............ _.--...
l -with the 1.10
both primoort:- , , :tll...liott!: - .i.n;olpialil..l ripiti 'OW i —"
l' A ' ' ' ", : i f"F in'i'ioli V:7lll"''''t w ' '''
I ;., r,.:a1:14.: tir. , 1.40 , 0r itotioo.- After the det-ision
tillice of the (1164 or Pail.:s: .... -- . . ‘ , l' th.:". Caul: ate. ilia! Mr, Cd-e,idY had won the •
t , <6) " Prio 1.; -, .1...,...... . •,,tll, .jAi.! illililuilatkly ,101,61 forwlyrj tiod, ,
White Males ' l ,:tti , . 1... , 7t t 1.0. , . i111'!'. - MV. Lop!: ias'i (hi+ opponent's) hatid,
White Feinates.. . . ...... ..... .... .., .. - ,.16i., • ' - ' jr, - ..thet ' „ it ,i i i i , 1 - 0 ,.. ,„.„ 1 . , t,,, , i i t i t h i ,it he . , m r : I ..tir ki n „ .
cdo o gt Nlale.,' ~. . ...... . 1".".'-'-:, ~..,:,: i -
' i
hit ,1,,-.:errcti" , zi0 ,, ,-.::' , .- and hopeilfhe would :le
.Ir .
.-...-......., . . .
.. ..L-........ 1 (... - Vtliii . Ordieh 3•11 tfik(ll of rev4lt.t and friend-
Total., • - 4,,,nt. -' , t't,..4:::" 1 ship. We hear that it i' the. Committees inten
nie 4,lloWilti ii.r. flic nativiti.--, of to i.::.;073 s and i Our. lo.trot.ilr. i'10..-iilv another n'ateb.
lodger++:.- • . ' i . -
. . .
Pd.,. 1a. , 1,;ei , . I • - r: , -
I • - • i • Ti , a C••-•r, - ,,, lis•.luniirei ha - , ~., the. followitili:
• -
2' • j i tyiviiitill., fa; - aiilig), - ..;:lf: .
'..* -- ,z;) , ..!•11, of •Prit.Oli, 1-,w,t.; I,Vard ; Niutron of
° • ' '2 i r 0. 4 ?.., •lt r • liar::::_itet .Waid; Physician of
r 4 , 1 i-n .11, lit:. ;-4 . .". I.teritieh. - ; flolh•hors ui - Coninti-4-
::U.. .
F.1.41.P( 4 ,.1 . 4..r. 1..45. gi.'illt . E.trt I ilo.:11: rirCiiiiptll%.
. '..... i 1-ioq.•ri, i.. J. A rrowid. ; Janitor of ( * .dirt •Ilot;so,
"•• i "Pcter :ionnito.v ; t: tit.trariatt; Wnli J. Joints , on;
-•4 •I'vlemnttil.. - .... ..ipprakrr;
. Witt. :liegi , r,
.of Pine
. ,
1 gru% (... • • . . ... .
• - I,..tagsT.
rvl4lll l l. .li,(Mt. • 1-1 , 71 . 1 W.
11ier46112/vZ'2. 1 71. Mult
A-3,41111,4-4 1,; , ;; l'ti ,
t - ;1„;.;.... •
. • 1.
1 4 Chtland ".t1 17., Vi ; •.
Rpatri.,. t;• . 1
Swekleal 9 I
• .
PITT ALMS I.4ll':fF.—NVe thel Veld 4ierdity inortitt kg Cornelius
,;;,..;;;;601,.. iu De...! , ,h3t,0 r ;1111.040 1 -. !c a l auswur
I).‘ \- ti, I Lioy . .):••• .0( 1/ . lt•tl ' Al r ; k 4 -e. ' ,..ii% ,! ,1 1 !tal
• efmtipi4e6 to ittve•-tigite the rr"" for ht• waS,
to 1c
in ALIO Altus a.,
p9intesii the oatrt:. tine of •lii iI iUC, t t o r, .1 lark t.i give , 116 i to par
callcd upoti'to a 4 ,1 wad:: h., the Itg' , wist4tce and detwunt
. We tol,l itta th e Hat i.,. 1131" Y
prow l '
OUP •Olarget , Wilt. a 641 titaul that if a
`th.ortruth enutil. he
"vault! fur4l4rull tht• inforniatton lu i, r 1)0..
Ressipn as to the dittpe
, tooi.. we proßirne; euuhi n t ! into n ttitl in
- vestigatiou without the
to 44'011110e tr ItLI sM 5 upon st•j , atlttt - L t nL.l
&Pat, L,tud kieljevo
- hatttakert far, if ! air court- it;. wit •
take ;he matter In thii,lt the iwoPle
ellgitt Le;;li•iiit rt: ?toil in I
s ioDg full pia' 111 tan Ile alt
; 113e ciutrres _an- of ;wli n ch..iateteii
that eiTtulartjttitiet . ' awl buinatiity ; call for
a full ini - estizat - km Fs to fhoirtruth.
Tltr 440\423...Wi1 1 6
that ull out 0#4411 , ra may bti_sr :inopportunity
.11 reading file pf (;uvvr_ .
nor (kurii ini44; 11, in full in to
day's J(Jult.:At. without,l - at-I.nm 41.,iitg it, how-,
ever, .to enyvateli too Dwelt on our
ceihntraw neti - a.- tic invite wittleular
.14441101 tist ! - 1 13/0,,,e IZIlt kap; !nf to(.-:w.aage
"whtell taueliea'on eundition
affair., and also to
, tlin ) . yobitol allusion to the that )in.i-e i)eytt
milke in the etaile r t fur thei-. l .tiniiTrNaaury:.
''rria,!liiioirnor aliowa 'tit at if hi'sr.?t' 44 / 1-
....Moll4loTnibtpltlaant farriett nut - venra °
i . stso; lie i•t`itte Pould,bgv: - .! ~lcil.f4Yini 4: t,
to sloo,notih' year, and tt t i, iir•Ote aulotti\i' of
41.yeeonte4. If the I:eg-,
islatAro does tint *his a law' itrrbvidtcnr n ref
-- Ileitnesalatl,,- for Cho . Viezellrer',;nPd -, .tN'urint
to tine Treaanr) - : tlit'i:4l4ltiti*. it will
, t 41104. that man:int tile - member ictitivillatAto
It% plitittler. Any rnetilber fi ha -voter
*ow 'Of tvtstilLuiwr the prt nt 6izfeln. ought
.never to go back. •
The tiovemor-is sounri fatt :the - - .1.11 - r,itf
.444 ,, 7.-
ton, ,Ot t : we regmt;atir ita votli not permit
• na to makitnare eumnienta.
Orrtirnor (fiats did mot grabf a single
don to ' Sebui.l).; ill Conn ; and only
tifewer • graiittd during Fear out t•)f• up
wards ..f1:300 ap irstiops. ,
. ~
T.pPN 14- 1 / 4 2tirFACI s c r i0.!. - -) great are 1
:. • 4, thehnpotiatitihscif rails atidAnz.thut'etureil 1
• :..I.pan frtnn Pjtigland hitt/ the ,truitelt*ses anti. •
.' Buis** the wo best tharkets 4Rn...sent, that
• .flii, ;nice Of:pigs Jir'%.-e - atlyneeti in - :England ,
- eisus/stml;lk,•ahtl • thebuslitess Lsirnitehetive,
--. - while Ist th# United States the price of iiiis
have fitilext ttiott Ow business is (lull. , As githt- '
it:teeth...4lln pliteiourroitOutie'S ease to be
.iprotective. : : Thehnly atitertistit• ;li e to ~,&,iiii:. 1
, 0 60 ihe.retute .the. dutieS a* whi .4irght-i.
... ) attsi • * Cabe ;- 4rilitee • wti , 44-OhnA4t:rialAjr •
• 1,40,,t.v.r. 4.4•Fe'. f).ur ,tyctticit enitiparitively -
.:.- Ttii; u irjtir - fftiftiet, t ,rlint the lasttrati
y e -- `,42,,.tniii ititk-lpristsi. , ii,':,xsp - ;: Lind .the\
part i no
:Wilt ;!..hiteti;ite.l;ff tito'.l*;.. _ ,T - ';'', ' . •
: It. iit; n bush;siitiipi4g to be 6; : iiVnAgiS'.o;et . ,
-... 19 galle4os and In the . prinettial iron' n....stunt,9t the,
leasitaus!, 441.fres from frtemia state that the tolatit
Calloeso altbovAt minim; Lathes' hill cnilicit.T.con
~ ,
ttr.s.sraxt.t.StErn 3 , lAssito 1x F,E.I_IICI - ...—The total
pnakttufataititioeraieek- - ralp - __ L
,_:-_,, - _
first . is months of this year antounteirtol9,* tonis,
againFt IDZA: tons' in;the rorMlioliding Datiod of
riivil; irk:probable th'llt the 'French production of
Ibiette4ription of radii wilkitow a still further ad
vitbee to the second delta IWO, as large orders have
hem td% ennui during.liteitud: two or stink month.-
b.f. , the'great'PreiteltrallWayetsrojtarileit, Ainang the
inure rrfeent 'ordetr. - iii` Meet knit we relay iriention
one for tOClOlonaoritTri iTtliekbrleanatiallwityCoto -
pattOO tlie s ert;rot irrifics at iir. 7R. 14: per toe, and
inotheif for *i forati . given_ hi the Webtoirn of
France, llAilwayeoint*toyta t tlie Terrenoire ;Irot gm;
i At it lk - „ I,l:,per tonl:,- . Eaglatrer - iag. ' ' '
1 , llr.avr prirchalfet.for a rise In the priceof Ae4:4dl
pig iron are being ulatle in . England. Mixed nun:t
hen., f, „o. it., have advanOetlieci 37a. d.. and it ta
thought'lttaiercti fr.t, Per tout:pap berestelted - before
tin. clos - ,e of the prescfot year. , - Ihdtilef-hrougli filipt
are running out of More at lhe rate of 7,010 to 8,000
tuns per week, Yricks...ut ,- C-rewhere.' are advancing;
oteli Lo - naltrice getting soil*: fildpaueut 4
fr art the vutiaulf:Socifth Porta have exceeded laid
- , ; t 4,
_coal: tati- : . Ifeavy constituent are in the
iniuli et, and everything iodic:ores a still further ad
,,, Sfillcl- ni le Pf
~. t Ilantifaenned ircci has advancicl
• " lig.ntini during. the pallt , nuittlin. ,
IT is avti nutted that b.l - the , ;end otthc-year4oli,
' beix ' wlll „ . be hi t•rin the Vaittir Allie:in TOOTI d num
bers,-.110,Ut 3 utoks of steel _ ran*, *qua 10.1300 inille3 of
stectroadz, anoint thir, amottra itbriut 24;000 tom WOO.
‘ to 347 i lulltii wilt 1,43:1aid during the present. sett...on„
i These roils are in-13*e au more than fifty roads, cia.l
I partly of Aloud, so, To-truly:tally of 'Enetish, and to a
small Went of f:yuwaitta munufaeture.—iron 21 dile
;sc 1 ; 1% ; ; .1 ,-moo:trs
f •
8 7 21- li. 11.0.
9„.firvvvr.....:.i 721 -4 61• . •
724,4 4.52 -•.:Slow M. 1 8 10 Cr.
11 .7 - 24 - 4 Firft it 4
12 WEPNL:,I).).Y 721 -4 51 'Full NI. /7 , 9 -19 /uo.
13 Tleritcll.ll . ..: 'Last 4 55 ;L 0.21 L =
11 454- iNe.i62 - 1....81 111 Li incr.
. .
. . .
Tilt' , 8.60, ,BtiAlett , Hart gill pi•caelt for the
• s,..,aka Pr(6l. , ytt•riatt.t'hurell, Alarket Squat°,
i to-invErow 111, , Iping ssr.llo.o.klock. All are , in
_5t..4,..., l'it.i.. , : • " . , .
.''Pattie" Stnwarni C43mbination "%CM coin
luirth-pmvokin;, etnettainni6tn4
j - 11...// 1.111 in; 0% 68 i ng. ,„. drawr iarge-
i r.hir'r" , the year rlBBO there „Ara. 4 snld at'-the
i .I' , .*;t t..iin , ,e in this Itoreugh,.l,'..'te pn , ,tage ,
stamp:: ntel 71.;::4;t1 stionpeil • envelopes. In the
pn,htt r‘e.*tey ~1411..1.1,ti:,ine5!t,......,:.- A r2 ot.kni Weli .
14,4,3.1, :ilili '175 true paid, 4utoutititit in the ng-'
Thnrsilay osTning
`onor twi,l* an ill(tlyit OM tits 1.)00y of
Ot this •Itin•inntli, li,nnti drovi' nett
' t in : Cr. 4k. Voritit , t; "accidental
:droi's ro , iito.l Marlutt strcii‘t,
I “waiell 'Ort ntght, last 1,,y
. which waz ,
t;w4iiklT /SS th Idt.t.' " '
maf-ynte,-'1.1..) ItillAnviptr are the names ni
the eto:te.l etemiag .7%taT
3v:ix ' .1;
.V, M., r; S.. W.,' r
.1. , .1.:
11 t Ir ; F r trk; iu!..
•Chiu“-- . 0.bc:.---Tho
.1 lociaiioti QII lii . tit 24..mtiby evening, in
411,,,u55: tin; ,pwstion,
:;.:It t'hiiie.-I:.htliew illq the
J 41 Ali eounir,y ?"
the .vtaheo (4'11114 que.iti / on and the general
tA. felt 'by ,itt ita %Dhition will (nu , the
hotve '
1.Vm..L.• Dennis, E.<4., deliveye4 Lt. t
iii Ullioil 1 tu!.l the.lit-it of hi , 4 retch:lucid policy
.lfAva_lilltli Hit
tool 1,1111“. 4 , i0)(1 . 7(1111 CA . 01)d,111111'd
, NtiCislV-,A. , 41., '6,1111, t;ll,* list quaek nt:Y.l!-
i A int,. 'Chi. -Audience \vB' tint its!largo i it
It )11'11 but ;to t:ce a mnefi
ilio'syivild leettirti
on Friday ,coning next. •
-11,c Cot
.!11.44.10 .
Loral Mailers.
11 , ,Lttlay..--
5 AVM ttelgilay
4 " ) i
cf.' I
.... . . 17 ,
. . : A
I: I 4
t the testa:lr ri itarteriv: litm g tin or: the
5..h. , ..r5,11.-111Coonty :11 , diei‘l 1.: 1 04 . .iet-c. hold at the
t•.troieti t.•l , .iitibet; in the Borotigh s of Pottsville,
Jaiivary 5111. m?i. tt,g tyllo'vdialr named -ollieers .
were.leeteil to seive, ter: tbo: ii.;,',;piilg year :
E'resith..ot,.ilauiel.lS, Carpenter, :11. 1 1 .. lot ri..,;s
villi'.. : 'Vier Pre, , i , lent,. Ja.:ob F. Treiebler, * M.
1)... Of .:11*- - .Keatisiaaii.r; Secretary. Charles T.
Pa:/i;.t.r, M. It., of Pottsville; Corresponitiiiir;
5e, 1 ' ,, v , ! 1 ",1 - ", rieth';'l4.:.Kreeker, M. D., of CreA
..:WCts , ter BIWA, M-.-D., a
. it.
I.,,ttsvnie: ..
C,,,11.1kk iikkr I,irt unt.l3itacxlhttera
ill it ii.;141. in the i'..ttr-% iil.. Pc& Oirter, .lanti in
1 - 1 , •
Vr, 10rr.74 'kith:l.lll Ilickettc
P.row•akk..ii f n ori« 4nna Ktttii ratricl:
liartimiomem• 3 -Klein ti 1* • I,llMaas
I;innii John Kr hrecy'W • IlaberldQi - 3;
Ilrlincr - Slroli • I.miio.7.l.lary •'0 ltanhact 4.12.71 c
ColW+al Miller Chas W l•••4•lnnicktn - Ent lit
•••nti,:la Freti*k. Sa•hliizerChristM
/.4gle-J.4 Niurrun Jameg.• Smith Michael
,l,ovory.jonn* John , Stewart Thomns
IMiley -John 4Ar T^= Schatz William
.It3\ic John oyer - rr . Raw- .
•1 ,•i‘s Vt . it !littler innli) -•
Sit i; morinr TWO , - Wynn IttketiOr
•,; Nie:kllkinank,v Thcis'w Wm
F.,l‘inr•i: Wm • lleilk Pam letter -
1 , 1 • Prr WM'
The ehalibin oPlha
I.l:rht Cavalrv4 iii;tl•47,Yi t ti I;en. Kul;
patriek - s'Slatf, will tleliver lON thrift* ihT44l/1"
Chit "SeeretSeryiee at the. Front," rat Tttes
flax- ei-enitt,- , nest; Jan. 11, 1574). at .the Union,
YlOl, far the benefit of merkna }lase !Co.,
• • . • • .
• This lecture .1% oge f}tialysorbing interest as it
unfoldwilunfold the Seertn: P;tos& - I . oe _War of the
Itebellfon, Trod will be of g,
tioGt•ia 'who served iu_the arn . iy,ret noviiig doubt*
that ita+e . rive in regard certain. tuOvetnents.
Lind. exidahn at.; dioed• rAidden .retreats - and ad:
yam.4.-.4ol.i.Fwere 'n;tadel.7 grpiv at °nex
t-4(10 1 - n - onient.4. • ' • •
• • -
At tempt, to Sill.—L:. Nab:leaf - City on 14.9A
-44v., ovoduiCliiiit.;abut ban pa.ltt stz. o'clOc:k,
1 14 .1 1weiJ4tin 4RO - bPttr,._ Been ieXt and
tAyelytt'yt.y.ts; son of Jona': 4og t an-," sheen:taker,
Irft9, dellbetater shot- in the -Whitten bi a lean
named Wi Mato 3.lititiii.atap :I , nte Snowing took.
place on - Ventre.. tel.**, ivatteat Wow
the NrattMon lionye, and it is supposet wottki
prove - Dual. _Niuldoroter was .arrastati,byMigli
Constable_ Wel...l.lVgitine r getkattOr a bearing
3.1.,f0rt Estinire . F. 11.Dreberrearatalited. The.
prisoner 014 C 33d . tied& .guara:arralght at
the NiansiOn _4 4 7d: Yeecterdact .- -,tu„__orliing
f`Onvert , d tejail. by eon airiq.l Wm. " airne
and W.Prive. , -
insphuedefptda donterene e of the
Mfityyslia. k.444c0p0l ire under
static'. holt) its next session in Pol.norillit Thls
thdtiriettme.,the tonfeteneeerer swim
bled in onr &wrinkly. The Cimifefiejtos ts bound
_oft on the east , by, the Delay/tire *fter,'ort , 'the
1?y the 1 2 ,. - nnsylvtills line, on themest by
the Susquehanna river,knd on-the north by the"
northern linos of I)supWn, belinyikg Qtrbon
and Monroe •Counnesi e.* ~AsAund 'gad
Beitypy Itlesylow -Mnny of ours eaters.
mil 014 ,N4 - 1141n 7 tV.4slingsreeekre their **dors
froinlinsi Wy.: , Theovrerogg:nuinben, , a4m;
hundmil 11/e4l)Nr g r_ . ll% 10 0 3 %
eat - tors; IteeretAriet4 of 1.. k pvig -.DevevoTept- sof
tiglies apd other otdenn_ A ifOrir t tr-gllntgli6#
boar of perhspe•two end;Mr 1114 , 05411.
We mist . that this large. ' bodY - Cf.
lier.ok.krolly•received sad antl}t etttertatp
by out . eltiset,S, Wit 'a! good Alnprendon of the
hidpitalitr. 7 4 - mntisi•pie„,viu eirried. sway by
every Aew; of ibef4. : • 1 . 4444. _olio
ron ?entertain DAY et"
Ininurn in ow will wpi lO.
min ies :pastor * of the ht . ;Vb . •-
i - J: l l . 4ciirsbriergEvtree‘
airwqyg tt r yierration is, we under ' straid,
yin ti log, -pet to to attend .
twitter hendlin /f. - • , • •
the great and pi_
itbras been the ant,.
when making thOtr
General Assembls, .1...
Act dependence Im, and dependenola
ratrerse.. In imitatioff
terreffortsto 'llteeteatt - ttore 1..., leetaltdion
now before us, In manner izi ifs meetillaappro
hationdis well as - of oar common I caturtitaents.,
In trazonnlttl tO,y-ft-t* - aervenie-illfgrooloi 1
Moseenee mac e the or.'' ,t,Miloanf thepr Ptate ;
Government, italltme the highest gratification ~
,to congninelete yen nd oar felloweltittens general-
krOn their entersipe, toms unmenthialtenee. Ihe hleap,„
:Marl of hesilth ancl Unstinted, prosperity': and-that
oar principles ndtrtitutite pride and boast
°revery ttue n ea t Vatrlot--altbough , tried again
In the crucible of *heated political conteNt, the hear - •
tort of popular pafaton, and the collision of parties,
from which wit - iliatMlust emerged, remain M lll / 1 -
paired and vital *every part. ; t
railer ,auett apicifts chatuaistallget .Yotr nave
itaettibleatfor 01 _4 purpose or diaeliltrlt rigthrillorr`
tantdatlest, attd rotraff the' epeeist respond in.
ties which deroly upon you. ethetnely. dills
cult, even with t greatest eittullan iti year dellbere
tioint, to chart I t. hat will fully meet thettirfae~
tions and apps than of all the .people; but mart ;
of this diftlenityMay he overcome by actg.:Me Iseelle ,
baton for person* and aptvisd luterestkiiiiiiifot
'trig antaindful oil the magnitude of the interests or
the Mate, and of Pits rapidly ads - toeing •pOpfidatioll.
wealth and luau de t o destinies te.yond I..he :reach '
of hamercristan. A milder heritage wee' Isere; id s•-• .'..
en,.o.manAboin t t which we pieodisr,neographie
alfratittpolittea trot the arise itst Importance: Sul
illtdi of MON kOIII4OIIX illbillnind ittiOar@ ta4iit4;
diversified with mrei atoms, valleys, plains, riveleet
'monntstinucater St ftli inalettic thgestreof reload*
timber of tdmostierety.verleli piano dolled, with
comfortablelicanesteads, and pic-...ent it wen rani- .
ated harassed halittlent della nahh , .. by the ath
yadeement of aerpalturo-the te:.r. nt,laspixtrier and.;
stimulator of cep" - opes,it.* oflndustry,. exchange
and commerce; 1 hills taut valleys with teeming
mines of all the rartettee of chat, iron', oil, salt and
other minerals; *ll4fernictra, neatui.udurera, MC
flail IC% wOol arguers, coal laid itch nalutas, oil pro- ~
ducats, and meashants fail of activity awl' toun-q
dente; with tit sands of. mites of ,ratiroads and
canals to tranpfe4 the Yost ;products to market, and.
accommodate the reset of :Mr. i
a millions of happy
and_prosperous t peo de. -Nor should we he forgetful,
of educallon tn t.., I its laranthcs, ;of tt-r. Millie chart -
ties, prlsong, refornutterles, the efelmtien of pi ore.4-._
1) - imposed tuxe.d. the spuedr reth.ctioti of the St ate 1
debt, OK prd.ery ition of order, and tlietsont ettrtain
pmteetion of life 141,11(SL+ mid property,. All -th.°
Interests, end 13--rhens ethers of o..ptel Importan:•e, '
demand teetotal an of the most enlightenta,thheral
and euniprelieustru diameter. •
In, conformity to the ret t uirenrnt., of die Const i t a
non, I proceed to invite your attention - to Au( li meas
ures as ore rtwialfti neeeesary for your cousiderats.m,
i J
and to tnattve yen and relyiitns-10 allre, ith.
you the antictite n..ibilitier: of lewhda.
non calculated rivitnee the progauttlY of the pro:
pie and the hest tcresta of theCanino t Conaonvreanti. . 1
I 1..,i,,C _.•tz-,.. ;
- ' 1 • i
From the repr eof the Auditor G," neral and ,tote
Treasurer, the 1 Pining gatement tu , been craefel-,
ly preparyd, and athihtts Um receipts, end„titsbur,s- •
Meats for the tisvat year ending Nor..ta, Ina.
- 1 i Rtzeipts. , -
,!. _ •
Balance in Trtninry,Nor. G), 15i..4 ' 4 e1n492; 17
Onlitiary reecip s , during the fiscal ye,,,r. .„_, • ;
eliding Nov- 4,, !NAL.- ................. .. ..; , „ 5,ii,:l I 28
- , . t
Total Id Todsary daring' year ending 1
NOV, m, 1.44'.1....,/...,-....... .... ~.-, . ..... -• ..i..1- . ;-•,...131,..`k f,....
+, . iDitburzethenta. ~ 1
Onlinary expel:ties paid during , 1 ; ,
the year eudig ;Nev. 3 .1,cr...,2,,,,-,„iii 27
Loans, Sc., red,. wail at Trea- ' . '
' sury..... ... ...., ' 'ICO,t, II ti 9
Lotunt redeemed lox Wel:41111'15 . ' •
-of the •-linkit; hmitl...,. .... ... ! 34_,'7,22 (6
Interei t paid anTreawry . . .... . , 17d.W.i 71
Intere.t paid 14 Conintivdon- -
ers of mstal..ine Fund- :.... ..... 14 , - ... - al; f 7. -
t • 4. ,
"Itatrancis in Ti orry, Nov . N. , ISti 42. 0,toe,b
It e ill be (AK. vet[ from tht above, Pot part 'of the
lucre- and part of the Interest an. paid at .11te Twit
stti ‘ and put t .9,f faith by thcValllitt:4l. , llerli of the
of the sink nig t. , und. This produce-, a t moidieation
of account.; u hich, in order to 1:v.411,11nd to olntpil-
T, - thethlitlielliladatement, I reeolllllll , llti that autho
rity be given Ify law to charge. the iMotuanioners
with the wholil. amount of the hinny debt, .unl al.°
with nil themorce ttpplieuhle to the Par nesit t here
of, taut that the • rt?lotte he credited With all p tyhtent,
on both princippi end interest of t he state t'..di v.
t 1 t' ~
. . t
The f, allow itr.:l; a mandarin showing il,o natal e
of the indeldedpest, of the Nov
34, hoe:
Funded aril rut: , •
G per cent. Inah-.....
.5 jet cent. loalks
-43-4 per cent. lonk,
G A.ll. 3:00X. 2 G P.m
rtifemted 4 • 471.1 i, Viz! . • '; • -
o4tes it' kireulgtion
.;t4i1.1 . 7 (k)
iiitere,t. ecru - It: ails
standing..: 1"1:9Sa `•
ltlteres'l • . et 71•111). RIM; • •• • 7 : • ;
• ..... ..... • :
D' , 7mostic et - calf:pro' terl M. •
cltte4 ' • • 4 1 f. 7 , .
. .7:
414,1, N. - ov., 5 - 12,411,114 Yi
truldie, 110)4 NOvoMber ,4141,2.16,917 13
le.hioet s rkeromii,4 'redeemed IA the Tron,•. :• • •
.Tury,4lnring yeAr ending Nov..lV , •
I.ul,viz: • •
5 ixs • r vent,
tkOWS (7. uello.l ii I>Q
. •
t. •
• Pralllc debt N. { . ;1;1(0, a< nh:e. - p ....;;:. c.12,A1,i,;,0; 95
iI ! " •,; • , .
. .
I , . AL tilt , C•olit141.11111.01I ,er LW` Ili i'lli/L adiait.:r4z,n-
Itiati iir .1.111111. '47. iiv tkaal 0w...N - 17044g ini , l'i , '1 ,,,,-,ss.r,f
, ,,,-,ss.r,f ult. q ty ,:-. vii , /Ur t z:. v't rn tutio 4 lt, ~ .- V rot. /IV i: -
L .
,r., , ,- - ,1(,3,?"1.1.1..! I rarvrAii ad,..;-h: ha:rlll,tia 4.rtaBi/ ,dl,, r
m. 1
.3 reer,if ei-rt r'A 141.)11.1. 5111...1 . 11,c ,i, 4. , •....u.t up to .N , N.
). 1.4% Li s ,: :.ii ti iof j,Lr 7,41:,..ri, ( ii/P . Y.. , :t 1 /( 6 '•
• , 'f -
I 4
e , f/ire. ,;- ' , lri:' t Pr , i,rirart; li3kt litclei.wEj r;o , lc.f - ,4 i ! 1 . ,-, ~.,,,,,
rhllarr wal eftit.!•tico rt r,fl trlive Ire'Ln paltl,itrpt at
•.--,i • - • -
The hs.•Qtahi .ilie Sinking Fund; arc aa -- fold6w -1 ,
viz.:l3ond:: o - the l'ennsy leinsia' tßailiroad Com
patty., six nolioti:three hundredthou:_ind doll •i..,. ~
Agreeably to hit act dated ; 1-larell I * , , VW, the :•••itlit -
log Fund Couttraissioners delivered- - aid .1110 mialtgif- '
tiota: of tim thlubary and Brie itithroad -Company:
being third lain igage boods, to thd Alleglinhe N'o -- -','
ley liailrigui CT:tap:tit 5 - ;tititt rass•Acist t_lirrefor ()ail ty - -
. ti•:. 0 iiteOpditiaortarhge toads of tini.haintireit Lb:m
-*4llld iloilar,i eia., l ll, opihipla Ilk 411 - ihree haillion, il 1, e
hulaireirthou hrel'Aollar- , , l•Nt1;111.6..1 L; Ul 4 tiiii Ai
-.legheny Valhi • Ilidirodil Col: any :mai iiiinnititai t sl
by tile l'ennsy vamin ittillrorat Conipany,,the North
el ii Central , liallroad 4'd:lll:any, and the i•liiheiel
.phla and Elk I iroad Company, pn3 - alile to tii•
commonwealth !as Iola:Ina, viz.:. I
'the prim:it:4l Of;one of-said tionil. : iiitia.o4o.. thud
Iwo:guide eiahilattil every. year. begaiming .4 lain!' ry
i. 1.'5/.., and t'4 , l- . optinufna aniamily therr.afret until'
the aida mi- su ot,tnind M11,40»;' ttlt . : lanalred thou
sand Within , ' hail he paid,-11; , itti iiiiiitual ibti . e.m
from JimustrYll,,lS72. ;- 7 , . .. .
The b.i, tizeni id ketiosTivatila 'lawe altrarg borne
tax:di:ail nnt .thly patiently bat elioerfully, all 1 they
are Mill us wliing avever . . to eolltrabatit 'to the Pt-IS" -
laent 01 all ti et, bligations real itig . mans tlui :gate;
hut th: , y expoct ;lien- public servants who hre en
trusted with I lie' matingetroitt of ttalif allialyt, to stet'
' .upoh the hhoisl Pitidrift.Mal econotialehlainaltl. In a -
word, they ale paMd•p - Rforta-in-liat a'i.allariellilPflt. of
the fibaneini . Milts 0 rttw g::::.1.7, v.r.,i, tts tar; s pOit
sit)te, the fet nett:neat of nil uutiWei- nary elactahti
- tuns- ' ' ; ,' - . •
OnVie, :jib f.:lltnipary bd., repliirip . - top r.:•.solu
tlon tit' the S; olio, I Haht;,. • - 1 ; - . ! ,
1 have - . the laator •to• acknowledge fife u.ceipt,
thra4gh tad; h , ii.;;Air your In:Muni* body; iopy-of
the 4410 a -tali 01.oluiloil, aoilfsal 04 1.1lP; 1 :4 41- !/ 1 `q 1,11 t, -
to a - 11: ' • ! tl' • .
Rerefertf, 'lliht the ;Car:vernier lie'aisputaa...4' to sub
mit a.ante.. pi ii to• the. Senatii hi a•ictde the abate
from lose ho imamoulat ion of hitge - aduacrit , ; ei
surplits finots iithe • Trisisprv - .. . i , •,-". .
In 'reply, I s- 1 ieqtie to lit fiet 't - ',iilr.tviteutiniL- to
nry - thesaatv hi . annitrrai, /Nil, in tellitil.i IVIr. " tile
hatalttle.lloW In the .i . f...1ai..1rY irdidiChe reliii4 4lll PS" -
difell i • n ve I.;„" Ufa*, illi - estCsl' in t lie•tu - inds of The st. t .aha7,l'
Lefty ~.itiltVigit ' t.iic.t, L' livert :` - tlliit to the-si.,--ar„,,c
-' -of January ;a, INV, ~ a - h ere :1 rea.Pllll., 41 . whenever -
then hilly 1:::• Mirplu,:lutids 14 114 ..11e.lisury, -. 11.6 r 1
_elan - 'tit safety and henelit to the s.tate;l..:.--- chi
rtlioilet in thi-'pnrMaise Of Itxam tattaiiii lita loorada, and
maying• the Interest ctu theta wharia would accu
mulate prior to It their mat urit 1,•,.:' i t i ;
-- St rice mak lag I la-se sth;•;;1.1-116n4; dthl ntritu•c ly do--
Ill,:i'eattps , llptiti the sulleet, I hao•e teen no 1*U:401111.1
change tnj" ntiti:l l th rgimipin thereto; runt now sul.,•-•
Intl l'Usaulie.phM, more apecifituaya‘ei toll h. bar , e , l
upon the foilowit id
~, Mement`of he! Itaitly of file
titannamweehli; vitt.: -. ' i. - : ' '.- ''
. -,
Amount of over due • I.ihret, intluding , '. .
_ hank chtithrr lavarsi• dud relief note:: j. : -
tinreileendsh:.......".,..-: ........... ; ... „,.......... V. -1-S2 .- .2.7:
Atifliant pias - 461e 4m1870. int eraa:t i per cr.. ,1. ,sll ti;
- t 1111, - (I -" - 2.207:01 la)
"• - . " L -.:
l'Ill; . ". • -1,.4C7,1 3 111.10
.o ; 1 3572, o .5; l• . tarz,, , ,(10 00
• " . ' ' l I /a 7;, '• " •.0!. i• - „59,1300 ed
_ , i .1677 ••• " • '5 •I• . :1,101,-taif ee,,
,t,;, , ,
.... 35 . 74, , .: 5 1 H -
.... • - mi t oot ea I
. • ~ " . f --I . ' •• i' l 79. .“ -ti- i' . 40,1XP, 01
. I_ ,, i ~=. ,,,, -7
~ . G ls 1, .. - • 1 ;111 - .i s ,tapJ ") .oll l-9
- -,
' ',. , • '" i i• - i 't vl • .•.:•- .•
i 4 ' t: • 51 ; 1;".. ! ° (le'
A mount of 10wa5—..z......--; ..... .....1..; .urra)
~ ~ - • ~--'
'c ' l7 •
'Y 6,
tti .14.,
the Coratritiltivealtii.
nt, nt cf!tl:.
11v0. per cent.,
tll+ Itltlll.{tSt~n)
wealth on :inv
Tit!" rt`iltletiii
in0t..1..q, ! (1., /ca./ .
1 9 l'" r,.. 3:1 Ow. lv. , , 4 'lhirtft-tirt , ntivn„,,.
aq4, ~,:ule-ei, (fr.:44BU/Sai, /n.• hlinfirl a
A a /al OiRlll4/...171", ,',, ,A1'..:1, ' ; ' - •
diltinp the - tar ewl:lir; N0V,1111.,i
173 , to fUUr lail'aa4 14 , 4 4riret t.f. ,: :' a.,
U' la/ t 4 ' Una •ii: (4:•ii•P' ) qiid ~ ...lidai, ,;
TO theltuutilatiorfol then loans the surplus fun;D.
in the Treasary timid,%ith streat44oPeletT be ae
oiled. : Thls.ilathtluedo*. Is held; hi-bonds bearin
l a
intzke*** en ' it will reM at rl7 be perceived that this
Weed - VIM /4a tared in the • tsittte , m/Pon "whet , -
, ever =tonal. fithe44,hoesaii. Map be redeemed, and,
the State he Fed finsu all 'lugs or Iwi la the nem
mnlation of r. amounts of strplus fuhde 02 t4s,
Treasury. - ; 1 ..' ' - •,•', , •1, !••• ; .._..,...„,
tsi s
A feta lilt rat.kailiwlllithew the htinetiiitd Wire.'
Mrs of this I . m. ..:At- the termination of, the fiscal
S pen -"g doWlig e:l ‘. l7 l t t at IM, r l .F h T r il i. i ...... tgl i ri
. r. ,P r i n . l-1.-
ate smarted , herentlare. made had ........a - e— - -ed.
oat, by_the vestmentotoue ratilion.of aellars, at
that time, ld the fls"( lAir e.,nt... bonds that VIII fall
' dueluty I, I 4 ;Ma rc h hich I ant erediblr. itiformed
could then rebren purchased Sit. tionsethtng less
:than their aloe, the Interest turtle, same, front
November, 1604,30 ,Itily I. MP, would be 'seventy
=Morse dr•one hundred and id xty-Se9en dollars
sat V- mit pq• which fhasi been hIM to the
1 4
..4.,...Aunt . i the Wet ut .N.ovemper, MP there
Was hi the T mom** an tutespended hahturew 'of Si,.
4a.tar2 49. - If one. million, four hundred thousand.
dcAlartforthl slntrlnui _teen Invested in tist.. same
kind of et year. on the _fir?,t . day of rtecernber,"
lsil9, the Lute eat for the. seven retturinlng - months,
=July PIM, would bet.4o,lo3'4l.llsit lehich, la
mance l honrooltformlty to,thla pbe selll be
Wet to , the ‘ ' pty.f . alth. ,I. cannot sultanate too
stronglt my •
ti l i =atllt el tVet,
, tchl
t i =lsitt 'Itl: t rinity 'of,. jbe'VernMisalanerittl the"
Whiting YAM tolnsel4-011surphis handa•ati rapidly
AS that' , 0 in , ge XIVISLiry, the pMthase of
the uthionsveatb nett UMW. due.
-1 he - iTitie ' ' - iiii-iriirifict. tiglsiaCtire that
the salary of the State starphs im:keast be
Nail to i bah of the Governor., fte , only seventeen.
Impidyeddoltalca'slusn'ent . trelylicient to sae.
, t."l
ding thei5e11614....-- _ - --------
that • Vtionaugh examisitanic ti . npotare - de-
AntAtj 71 r- • ' 4 - daZi 1 TA cif (•)1;
The peculiar totem t which flatways irstinifontei
brthe People le .the 'Nadel:of edneatiam-k.can tn).
4thierneetltitrkWltt-Teatiltaorc-st tengttrltunt-.•
would Gibe like duriWire_principal statistics of
thas - I " s r . r e wr fo th e *uPeriPq'
teargi l uto *bob 4: . - , _ , I
There - Mei thin the State'l,sl:l ttehool districts;
13,1136 echoed Ng: graded" settleolw:=3l.l) School tit,.
rectors,• ',lC's wrintendents: 17If/ teachers, steink . -
.. - 7Ait Pupis) -, .11.1Kerike east Of tuition for each pupil
Is ritnety-riven eente per month. The w bole cost of,,
Aultion.tee tbe. yeas' * Ws/login X. Total cost .
, eglatttbuotek pforit, 'kinds during
. the• year,
stk, • ' :•:.-Witw,atottl value .pf trisoca psoperty:
.0 , ._ tmtnsig - tha [Wei dant:our aehnel ;law was
t ,
rnswirld nd tai the y, it it, Ii remarkable that
there :iiimein tive,titrtrfets. ir k the Stale whith,
Jmya not yet conformed tinted . ). , Nowa are cntet
nitw at:our of Mew will aeon 'pompl tintoondi
dots of,thelaWk and the trundling one, known as
Itte.llais t aang - 7)14;r10; wider. the &Intro& of the
'''• • .I.onsito).„ !khatritty agouti school of its trel:a, will'
pr.sly...watadogt. the public school sy'ntem se low
mgie tirittp; oreamiloreon of, ;hit , .'s•clelY . eXists. it -
s,lttenofq.o,4 astb.l^l49fittY tif butirty tsaggfttuta
• don that i oup4sputfystrip) itas been 30 Wal*et , all) -
4 4444 ,4 7 lA!' It 4 4o4 l o , 4lftetibeTi, 4011/ePetal *7CM
-c-sc-enye or the pviep.m. , .1 - ,2 • -.•— •
tI,AJo important: rturittattint t o olai coinricailichools,
Normal seboolaare entitled to assume the front
'rune: - Tlicir .fitifirliddnetinfdition may he: under
stood from the folloydlitg Alintistiekt:='fhe whole Iliad
her of studentithatlauct attended the blur-Normal
schools ts lit,:.=, of vrlOsai ttli keen gualueted. Dur
ing the pam.xyar there were to tti&:e _institutions la
itesettegipurd trirst.ttlderstisi %nee my last - anatatil
&nominate/Wlt, a Mate Norrokli school Ilti-4 Teen
fully. est Irbil:shod Mid Mortsfulued -at litotansbiarg,
Llubluti-kilt 4.X , tuallr: Ite Optimums arc of the roost tin-
Irdted and sul•ttasntid:olointeter, end tt, etastuenees
r 'ita OMIT mutter theentimt stuspirtous clreutwtanytx._
AnoinettittlertAtt ft!stute of arrant:lton at Oalifor
-1 ritn,-Ipihtklitrattarttotinty, and trill probably loc. num
' ph-ted duringStzeturreot ycsr..• '" • .• f ' ,
=your attention la. again incitol to the fatt that
. Shine into :abeist freqentyr five thou:salad children In
the State that tie hot al tvtal t.clieollt of any klesijrip.
don, auttlehooso pOrrulttact [avow up in ignorant,...)
and withodt vuiployturtitstnt.l, In many nurtanck,
from lank et in )bull out educational training be-,,
-tSfatuelikoltdilltv,„ kfigkkklissfscf sky, but a prolific MOU rll:i'.
lball 41119.1 t the Whinges of our prisons and peutten;
Ilmle-st are otppllekt..l ~_ 1 . ; . !
.1110nunsherof.childrcu througholit *the Mate at
,e,•••-insated nt,elghty-11::e
Thcfsu s ltroAfatelPf t ' ita educational condition 'of the
• ch ildru , t Cr the I.‘mtrtion weal th may by t hi: i st al k:1:
Mirl*lleg Akellmtblid tailefol;„,<:•.._;_ =ft., , 515,733
Itteniltuzlfilvale i,i12.)01s •!rills
Not 14,titusilltis f.c.hpoltsot pry k1314..,,. ...... ~•.. a:',,tut.,
Whole tairabc:r‘Of :children .. trs '5
.• J-:••• ..... .0--, , 0
Theril),lec . t nf • nottLurf
_redone.: be Irn
law, a por- -
, tion . rtf ' c Ohl rem•ts' ally - at ;:peti 11 nu St kiekttl,r
'commended t &Ton; cuunttlertithm. I ts tine econ
omy on the )'art of the :state,if.posAble, to .nr e these
dab, ryn toms isttorunnevramautcy and crime. 'To
neele , t:s meta would be ineketrtable.,'lf not crininial.
DouhtleftS ili Ifurri :unmated ArlAtfota
. tku mill he
imbitto dochs.•• , son,t,e - efful mcde by eltieli this
'I, Vi I CiRll be reutetttekt - • 1 ' • •
• itatiroUtito revinunentlations i`ontnineAl. in the
report of Utc SolAtriateattleut Jul, of the utmost Itn-
Dortenee, Wu) einialettfifile,erving of aerlou4 at fen.
Dem andirtdtilativettiettfitt. • The facia above yet Oath
ILlalfrate Jniect% fm.ejtily. the practlml twine of Our •
ittQ , t e•ottinon system,.and btar
to,tliaLniy ttat-carfnot bekis ‘ untier,ta,t,, (it ~
the wt
doin wtt it hes IMu con•:eivail
s ,
and so ueia:ssfully,eiirri
7,1.'710.1 ai
Ire NW-
, , o nit.* sc nca)f.s. •
Attention itt tai - tied to the report of the -Fhip4n-cn
tendctit.ettr. gipliartN' eteittraia, tor the
year tiY ;11, I§`A, Itru Lirh.k exhitilq.".l their
eotidition,!ireiiimaariees aial expenditure',
The whole nnual4.l, orelaildren admitted into
4,,, ,, haa t from theirbrigin to:the :11,.ft day of Jl,ic, 1V t 1
is four Onnuslind f c linndrEd rind nir4v; of whom.
-three h rind rea ,ev 1[: e been diseliargoilon
cirdig% tree hundred taut ei4itteen oil age, and iltry
trirre hue riled; raid:big total d of eight hundred
and sex enty-elght, ..1:11 three thott,and,'!".l:s
itnntlred unit tlitrbttirine 110 lie cehonlat the end of
the year., Up to day '31 , , he duiniher of .his-,
elutrge,t from the , ehtxbbelirece exceeded former ciddr
matte by one hundred tupt Se v ent y - nye . The ritt-nf- •
her Ard applications, for adirnissioa on file - alai ficd
meted Oft, Oital)dred alur; s(11114, fi , otn
every ...minty In tile Stutte, exg; pt
Tiac saiatary condition ef the elithiren in three
schools has lio‘n remarkably goal. - And front •ittiP
ioregolugrtatririent it Appears that: tlurti4 the• hour
y,•.-ads jti, oi.ettitton:lhe ‘'
tell4lo death•tT.l;l,c-ci; imu one-16141
Of min per N) t:'per . 1-
Tllo.l..iitirperx , :t inaintcniartcap edurathili.
lug andlrenurnltgil,enaies, Mr the •.yeur vothng
b:49, d.itent but little (non the .e , dintafe
of th.Superliiterident, anti
Ai,atints to
'To p,ty r(% utte-c
. Vial:thei, oL
A pprot te.l . Ay,r:il 11, .....
:Aprect 3f:llXh
r,,iai1cc . 1.11;),;.-i-. 1a.f'.1.f,r,.
. . .
, • ... „ • .
. I , r)r - witi.:ii ,tan ilicro ilionill bra -, pis , ',... ,, i) 1:c
al li. e dela:, to ratsil :Use- pi ur r" , ,it want: , ~,,./.
•the I,:,•hr, of Elk: tli iierch: :43.1•11 u thous, I.‘. h 4/ iiai:e . .
L u beewahvail,t•.( - 41itt.eli'ed tll !tr.:fit It- 'I.+IST,•O3I,T Ne .
I Inure ll.,ll ,i Volt lawn lis.• •- • • 7, ~ • •,--,
111 111.: lastitnnual rC , i,i.rt. nit . Say. ; intenileht
.. ., ,, ,1 -,
' mut( a '.l tie );:11:'1i , ) '.., toe Iti,; l ciln , 11 vYtrtrtetunatit 11 - 1
Nl , tv 11,1 ,- .70. iii.i. , . - 43.7a 0 .. 11,e• ,ina :11,.py.,••tittlea Ptl -
that .t,..i.‘, - hy io 1 .If Ap.i•ii 1.;, 1ta:1.....) , . i/ ',Kis... i Ai
: II:e Sul, ~ 1 11.01, drib re-porta. 11. a. f..ii , its, r.tvin imn
materially rar*.-trioit his t , •,tiir)ale, th0...•,-.41111•110 r
lore he ft iilliali .1114,1fr . ,70J1.11 the vnireut 7..!..-.1.; - . [w 1 .1
i iWovidod tie dilriti , ; the pre-c r:: ~...--I, y ,i.'' 2 •. i -
1 1
L For the ih , tintenanee ot tlic-.t , .sehrsa , ,liti ili , ..T. 5 i'i. - , '
f yout , (fittina M.; 71:1, 11:1 t. Ills. ti•stll.)/ . nest fillat , ti,;t..!; ,, ) .
L, win be r,unir , -,1. 1 Witli it ••-tfuh. 1 ra , rinnufen.l tO •.‘.
1 itopropriat. , f, with the po..ifiv:) tiipliq , ti.'iljin.: t1....0.
9',„,„• ex i ,iiiiiritrili-ituit liiit i.A.,-,c..i tii-it ilk,. in iit . ; ~1
• We ar, ii.lllo nil +lied liyl lie_rapi a i:.tpan,:hh, I ri: Ili,
,:-.lelll. iititi At , t:ll, , ,,c.itstnnfl. litemci , ll,4„ , i • , 11'e t.)'
.•tan .016,U...con:in:a th,., ',1441.)015. til:it ?.,,t
~,, ih.i.„ , .-•
Idle iiii}it bi10i...14,1ii. Ihilii)rhAticsl 1.11 ,,, u •h.l - 1;ri? -I t 1 , .
Itherefore rec,,int)..tiil,-a that ;he riitie,l(:tif '.l.iilliat
• of l'elin, , l',•tinla r,04. , :r.-, ult.) • vr.., urd in l'elitt-:;•1 ..-:,
• - lifia re - Or:;ents t anti ..xtair, die,.l Li.,•let• fa Jaht,,tv IL;
1 h. ,,, ii, tr, - 2 hr,‘,:1ai,..14,1,-.(1,074.:3 or ili ,, ,'....e.', , ottfiietea in
the ~..r% leo 01 .61.4 Chl , ,,t :4cat,s «g. In - _c the la. - !cur,
) , 11itil ti.• 1. , r, .u....,:', a -, liiiitn.l, aiolltonc .it hurt:: !
.1. - with tin , paring tedieni!e_wvit cou.<l.lereci 10U,:a , -
4...44,.., mti,L.,,,: k 0,,,,.tp......., of 11,tpu......cmattyrdeti.i . e.t. , fint a
i been'. ralteati - ii, , c.n.l the ...e.,.1,1,..1 - ,'e het:n.64% in..... 1
I to a idea , . p . . , rfe...tiali i elll , leut.systiAn than that 1), -
‘i•hic•li (Key wt re ;:tt.tir. , rulu.ra..tetize.i. awl eliivatel
. a eouiiit hat 11..1 Faieonti. 19 Guy idthilar instil vii loft.
in the triontry:i Thlt; Culcialtf , alid .phil.ifithvpi,
• t•li - ive,l :het hg 11e'rfortai , t1) , ..inielitg , ott .411 , :rit ittlil
i ;izithful tca,11 , .•••• , :w111,1: v. :lc be n:oru ftlllY .!:• ,• .1 4 1: - se :;'
, !halt Nh(tts ~..oli;tiltihicafett for the jolt it h„ailoti• iif
i :he Loll,lature i . • .
The r^-radh..hialid 4 I iIiCW in , tillitiont;. wllo.t 114",utt . orphan I. hillier. of th , si.hni ri,i. who 10. ,
t helv I) , ,,fsltt 11).). NappretsiOn ctf th.! li ti, r 4 •. who
,nn" ft , l;ri oi heti Inut ~ t innte.l at-the iva• lie ',xr„•, , ,,,, , c
, e.01113no•-• C.) e-iiiiniialit t tic , cordial ialti on. tippiarai
1 :Chit ).:11,0arak. o _qajtnt "Zd.onr titi.t.,•li-; tad tk•titt...• to el
-1 ~ , sti.., ; exaii;. wit.;•he; t tit , : reptttat lull tor l'eainsriv.attia,
i i the a. ti:iiti: tit estatzlish talch.) , . , ll9o . ..t'iollicho2ll: -
1 . evt, actilri.le. Cdr nolait4c.Z.7p.itYp.lii::llspi4llll/4:l:ilintiv
m; t
:Most 1ac.,11 tilt' Intvci , the r.. - np)t , • chili - mu - 11 tie. , pay(
action of .tlictr rq.iresitit at lves.ln 1 tiallatt .1 oi he., '
I school.;; rind thOre eilt4s hot u -thizlealtitibt but; that
thl , ,y "...Ili haw,' i. , didLdly approve nil neee,so,ry up
.! peOltriutioin lekt the cr.itql I ttUatne la' ttirainpport. ed- ,
nention toul'fittabliasiship of th, , e adupted , •1111arert
rtfithe- CoututlittSvot.ttlt. To tic: Lotor, State pride'
• and lttitiimulty - or Me Legt,l3tare it Confided the
gaftrdltur and ratitntititatutt of the'des•li ' "A- 1111 .1 . ebt . i.
Itlld - 111 the faithful Ills , eltarge•pf thi, fraaht duty,' yre.l
.t. halt rc.cePi - e-frona tato'a specitti ?that
.7ta4Qa4 ef)
tenei:. • r ' •
. - .A.FLICCUrt. - 11AL ciii.LEGt. .. ; : •
- iftwe=taLlliltricut of tltiP,collegewt, tandroul,tedly I
tat untied 2,1 tittrud rez, I r etirr4V 1:14,w t surderr.der tLe
im pre= . iimt that-it tezeild.C , ,htrlttult 14tieli to t 4.1
4. a•-, , , - 14(4 0E id. a 0.411 1 / I .llt .1. k hurl edga- e.r Eqtr i_
culture, beltap2c! ' and literature, aud t, promote clic is
pract leaf ,hlttelttieu of the.' inkiNtritti cl.'e4se.: ir k the
~e t- c ral rill'fieffili . C.l life. :Mil:W-4:4m I ...tercel by the •
in......t h .erai legiAtition, Awl. I. i•nu,11.1%,1 with, the
- sum o f '-' ,. ',.!,:.0.). intetittl 111 Unit, d ant e.'and Veliti
,-.--1 1,0ud. , ,1.vfe1.14.44- tut .unt:ceg•de lutes;-1 this
; year 0f., - t• 1,4, - whir). Im , Levu pat Itn the trit,teet:
hi the In inhibit).- 'rites far tLe Indpt alllsiaCtOty .
re;Aults.a , .. , l4. (Ed; t,. or I; in r , •of the college ha.: t , ra,t, •
been rtecil7e.L hut l• - •" , ..ilate int.l..,r d,.. direction (.1 4
residelthattavix:. leartted pectfeuierc It receive; for
ii .papit44 •oni - V mans over the age If lifteen:'ear, , ,•,•
lillalltfol Tar 11111111...10/1 by` a gyist "ddnmou-schbol"
[ edaestiyil. There art in li ut pre... , enllurt;;,-tive.34,-
' dents. A. Oh a f:ir pfo,pect• Of a con.dienible lnereabe E .
In number.)
. T itidn, ticiard and the- erdlnary wee.-
• FatlW,Ol lh ,
t.. , u ~ th , rc furnhffied at I. lets tate th an '
is generally ile.sonalui for hoarding alone,. thus af-
Iluthigrin extrapolinary opportunWdotlac youth
Ad the:country tO acquire au accoutpliheti educut len'
With calTll,ArflOyek'y"Small -, eXPtI WM
eh.: 1:11i.b....e
111 4 1-4, - . eirelno.dinces Inc coll.* &Settee , the indut
gent syttlpatb3j and hupport of the - pciple, - !..-
Thrce es potuat ntal fardis aro dank' e,l 'With tine,
cOltrqft, Tint:chatted tit an asgregate cod of trldits'l 54.1.!,'
One Is 1.104.-4:4 414144 44.44/4 %j I.{-1 1 / 1 1 hiLlti (111111ty),
and ono ite•Chtr.ter cranny , loperatitto , 'ilave' Le'si
continenticd upiat theta under , the Inscribed pi*
'grurarde.r.f n aeries of esphrtinents Nati promises of
sows*. % - the reAtilo. of witich orb to 11 reported an,tho• 4egislature by are Proletcor ~p aAri.
culture. - It is eoundeutly expected' tint the-recto - 'I
of the , c experiinen t r moths -AVM irate highly In
terest:TT, cud t ;la c benencial to tie- e.onnurnity..
Tice I:W4 Dory :department Is one cl great Iniport
once ilt.the hoaorabledit,tory• of the anatnonWeulthi
an.l U. that of her. elttwou IndlehlutlW.. ,It le the •
~ eustutliun (dad the milititr)freeordi t he Siate, era,
brining that of erety- °Meer and pit if - soldier, and •
the hinory:of et - ery pAllituty ititu lola perfornied
by the State for the KippresSloti of tat rehellhin. It
tuts also Iti lir.; tirdotiv all the reghnoited, State and
'Nutloual awe" lekiXlif OW laktgr.:Us; Triwz y:
plains of war wOu by their valor on tie sem • LAM Itt
which t.liould •be asAcamsalc,Ally .. ,4l .e . ,aeofu . ll4,- phi._
served and perpetaated:" -" • • . ' 5I I i -
During the lu.t three years all the ttaffolffects ren4
detect neeessary'by the war, and tilllfrerent iollieelo
establiallgalfqr thaginprieneu tet t e soldiers, bare
"been ffiathattlittle4—un - the dull pherfortuoti , by
theta, as well at. t hit official Woks OA paperiAtave
been transferred to the Adjutant .onerar s depart- „
meat, Ile Is, therefore, the wily miltary °Meer re-.' '
emeteittit, to 'whom 'by ecruitaitly luullor ate- .
tistka and inforinalon, not - eddy bydte soadleps, and
their relatives and attorneys, ut ly other titan.
Alll l litho War Department at NVishingtod. - All
tliego Monet Miens, . connected 'it'll' rho - present
flourishing condition of ilia vuhruterittthi la the
State, Induce' Oar ter requetit th e cunt uuueeZe, Nal,
latter. favor for the Adjutant Oeuer , e department;
and that, ft - may he generously snuffled with such.
appropriations as have been requesial by the; Atkin
taut General for that °Mee. . ; ..•
Art autisual Martial activity pre Is throughout,
tbo,Str4e: tit; more partiarly •, Philadelphia.
i t
Vie ch -*) 4?isOnt , ivla tell :has be afforded to the
utlithrtned 11 Ma iliii.4ll - ft.r, Wlipqr k tn i ctli alacri
ty, and is eatighlted at fetlock: Iv Oahe were
eight vpludteerio . mpaniesi . in * DC - Air y 7 eight 1 In
billdtte - f 4 eren.l l in Ix'l9 ; Otte htair anti_eigh
ty- our. No lets tie hundred and seven corn
panics were hired daring the ear ending .No
:,i•rittkber _nl,.hati„ whichlatErig re in . ellilialti•
iinfa nlM9ake.*ool 4 4' , 110 i lte Statk.l . •::
•Th ' LS' A fPI/21111 but eine tan well equipped'
• Voce; which; irt'=use of riot, rebelli ,or other. pub ,
Ile danger, trUuld' be - ready at once • Imperil itself
tOrttleattieurnekarnt *Otte, 'awe; , - the protection•-
of the lives andAiroperty of theciti ‘• . it is;.there
tort:. dt.Sirable that :the LAilelatare .. • id give.the
volunteers ankh tiactleal a f d - deal • ,Cl' itiOorne ,tled_
itree; rota p...nrwtertileth toritter Um .• ~. tmeftey .es
penned to Idahoan thilr organbta lifichith. Die -
Peorde gip i11a..*944 144;11144 * ' - VPli vollititeeta
lhelllaelliee. . • •
Tire repott • t.Pthe Adjututliemee IWilt tie ! tottn4 . 1
te very.tuterestlni document; co • hag rak:l
iSkleflofernwttioit and -sushi knpu • . t suggestions; , i
A 'caNful, pernmd Of" Mt 4i:intents, . d loath 'action
. thereon. as ;fielfoi4 tohe demanded V their Iraport ,,
*nee, is recommended: ' General DI Wereary..haa 1
It=l4ett7ithership in one • 'tour honorable;,
id'iiiij lasi rrt h lased 1216,o:weer •
AltildSlKlXt.' e e Liu
ss2l.e jf ituatlc
ftoto -a posit ha h as 40 A ' IW nitili st i r = 4 :
AW O years , the 'kind tha he department ,
will ignln: an intelligent devot . friend and an
AltlllintalWlltickfol-atiMkte to tint k . ~. IsUon.'
.71"ittlreleirt. - oi skiing. .1 . ,t• ,
Vour Careful ntonitnin. in S mei it,
•ottomott.oilhetipeninoos . his do.-
tuatetezieentent to the menu r
tn . 4 1°0 siqiitoireliso-
.... realireiiii:pue..
et it 15 due tient., impe,
le erildtt oehlaset the State, that,:
ebe bele tilltelatteiallielee ee --- e
.: eeee,,eetiee e e . e . e .-4 2 .. 4 ]
„. - etehit , 1'011 C 4,1i410114.35i1iTin1.,,. ; , :-4- ;4; ; L ' : ' l'
e Is, pmbably.hifehatelnibeAmetiethirnhine
ilea eondributedenere,ltberall,y toward the sere : il
i. of charitable and beneeelent inetittittens thane
elteef Venn., emits: - litiesmoriationseus . ate
.tilde for the benefit of lite , soldiers' orphanesehleilee
asylums for the des, sue dumb. blind. and fteenee
and mean strutter-worthy, eittehtlehmeada
i t i r e ali , ,
the pope, tielpiftesind Oteleterisattrtend ede
'and pmytirelfMereileet greatenedit uitt la tise. Ise,
Intureswito herve'dobated the mettles le m&stu fee
their support._But them, he eme,other institution e
-heeded, and: te claims for:while:tare umereettrouglye
. urged by every e principle of humanity and patriot-1
lan. than any tu b er Pet In e 'elitteagre e selech pas net;
-yet reeelvil t tlleattentlon lteesati hisprotance inte
perstleely mantle.. Tilts la a home for the soldiers,*
who have. lemur tile , ' Mettle" in the del et tile
honor, Integrity end perpeeuity of - theAzeeritan
,No men tieing have ,ns powerf ul elating
upon the getteemety and nurturing cafe of the entre e
nionsresith of Bennaylventa as those , a - he' upon the
battle-geld, fought to pneteet it against threatened;,
devastation, and destnictieueand who in this patree.
cite selleete endangered •thelr lives, snerifited their
bealth, lost their Bulbs; end became. - enfeebled and
disabled for life. And yet we daily seds.ttiteue•tileili
(and who doer not Myth test* themeelawlicen - a e
owe the preseevatietied our Otteettenene, tale haMillacti
we enjoy; and almost every . thing we ,pnesiess, hobe
Ming about our streets :epon crutches; wteltutbeitig
limbs, and - otherwise so'. enfeebled as to be entirely
unfitted for any remunerative ensploymentebegging
their - bread front door to . doee e tteeittbeeneen the .
eiornersof+he streets • turning ad driettr . tor the few
peenies t eltaritable imellee
tetetenY fee 4 dtseeee )
to bestow.' - Every one:of these helpless mete whet
patriotic devottoetelitstountry has brought him to
ttiliedeplorablo -ecuuliegn, la a turning - reproach to
, the State for whose welfare he has met the . most
serious and leattezetAblefeif rel 'Metre* tepee. All et
them aepeal, by their wounds and deid ittitruo, to tin
people of the Connuonivreartli for, that airy which. iii
each ceatingenelee, waseproinesed the soldier of the
Vition: hnt*.widovr, and •Lls. Orphan children. - et is
time that 411 'such preinises should be redeemee.
• The wouudeti . and helpless sweeten . ..bay* a chino )
•uPlin the State which should not, and cannot - be nr,-
.nored. • And I do eAmeeUe recommend in - their '
name, anti' In thee' belittle-that eemsater, tie taken
by your honorable bYdy, to establish - for 'them eof
home where theynball it amply provided with' thp
ne ,,,,,,,ary comforts of Ilfe *and,, tat retwac._Ate no/O
pened to hewn-dotter% ntn. the seemly - Mardi - of
the world. Thls ISt AI debt ro State, abidately;ou es,
and no 1.11112 sliould
, lueitis.t in, ter leouorable letukhle
I f i_H ''''''. • _ e • - . • e
• 171011.4..fr0tE VFPATtsx's,...s7s. '.•• - ' ;
. • - ; C•
In two - former coMmunteetiens your atatentleve
VMS relied to the impoetance of- cetablishilig• in the •
mute an insurance department similar to: tose eel
"iAing in other Statee.e ilea the leglsitt art eta thue
far failed to give ttic; subject thateconsideraeoe •
which interests of suet* magnitude to the people
• seem to demand. Inserenee departuieues - m setae
of the reales pre reeartled of tut rat amitieimperemee
'as they elfeetually truant the Mterests off he thstirt:sf, ;
anti thruugh their healthy influence frandseirel wit
-1 rietei companies, sti tseinnen• In resitisyl saint', are
rendered an:met intweetiblee The - greatql,,helicntF
would certainly emetic Neil to the ecoupard&s. :MCC
pulley holders; as hasalrerlt - -1.4.-eir dente nstratcsi ire
the b'l af es cif:Sew Yore, amt - eleeetehusetteeee here
the subjeet fir ins arance has received the ,:test ',sue-
Cul study arid attention', nue been to a sc I
. ene.. which cormitalids - the apProbathot and ..ernill
~denee of - all vreereech ite enetectiTee .3ete •leleel le
•for steel a department, ,wirri full p. Avers Oaf prgatilAe I
and examine all ittanStiliAli courrantes: ies,Anettontet
by the wlFilom of eitp4rtemeO. - .MII as I tutu a. her
litrosti - remarked, the :result Of t h e protection thin;
atonic's', Is. Mot whilst - forehm csautpunles der Ini
men,e busincts hind:, State; so little; etilifiatehO la,
had tit those oryennaerearila that their :bust neas Is
almteit entirely confine,' ;within the -State Illairl;
arid'evett here foreign !cmpanies Maintain eli at
cereleney. To title eune, defect is attributed • tle
operations of the inmilair of worthliA.s compltril s
Alta' lutee suddenly nil:Ling into existence without
aufftsolit taste, andus Tuddenly• expired to the irt
,Jur3- of et • .*.. whose d'lnfldence they obtained, curl fC. i
` the tilstion rof the.Ciotomonwealth. - 1••-
[ In-view f these facts I eartlierdly` repeat, the r!,-- ,
r 7
'colonic-la atropin:ale la the Legleet ti b
ture at iteat
sessitm, that. Lrt
etietteuttenee *deparrutent , be -Vet it).
lel Lel, 'anti a sir eutendent appointed by Id ,we•w, , •
shell have suk, %leen, and control - over Jill inch , '
'mime volniiityd.: stewed totrabseetbusinesee wither
the Stele. - The Cimmunity is. deeply Interested in,
this iriattyrianti demands leclrdatlee profecticti.* 1 .
' • yet' lawasin re i lat lon I oMe , Insurance cor l ipanWs
• ar h defective arid nerd; revision and correctio n .}--
Without the prrectiou referred:6 -these dews -bear -•
unequally up s A our own and foreign,companitr.
, Tlltiatter, being protected hydegislatlye'emletment,
refelenabled to rot incur an Immense amountor 1414-
lies Wltllln flat limit" of this Common unalth, whilst •
,onipatites, having art such pretkilon,", eau do
- but:little' In otbieriitates. Thereonseinfrece. Pt. that
foreign eompanies.cun readily Word to y e a Meets
ef Ave hu.eireded,etari to eonduet their eicteirsiet ,
opertitloris In feling) , I yenta; whil:.l our cutup,oi it',
would lure:T(4)l oppreseee by - the impooltlini of tlie .
. striae Ileensehic In,;:irateif where their operations,
rue exceeding, ' „limited, Affil Ter-tlOsi; oflterlif.ala.. ,
11AVe•fetaliatcalitlpuil cir ileetise lase,hy adont II tg ids,.
pfroilialetia'allitklft.l4ll4 lite front etireefraptiMe the
e. me amoutittileens • tie ',lieu etatethet eve -,le
irletid 'of their mnpanieeep ours. 'Phis-Is lioh'ellly
olalark;OVa• hlratif(4s[ll itlNteeteal eOIIif9I.DICS; het :it
(tuba -to tutikiAlia Jetit Wad a:gettable , revepue, freee
the ".Nutotrs rorri oat t les I hit the a Ittout.e- to laisitlet-s
tr'pritact ed. T i lt!. tax should be made to brasegilnile
Upon all elm pdnies , ivial her bona; or foreign, matt. ' be adjusted prtiportionately tal the eZfeitE.• et there
solveratopenttions. - Thls'arrang.em en( woo firlg-t)rti t
• bet all4-citipsiovetre to nene - . -Tim 41,4116101K-di; I itei 1.. ,
fare, of thellOnseilaisi ;and ` the - su bst It utter' in, Its
• place et a ten c ‘olo4hic ' el , t 'cet 0 ltettle i ne e , e °rad' rp.iet 4
tlio y w
prhhitipmYriiii cUlitpunte., lit lay ;;r Pr moat ,
end' sect Justice, hetlairlklotuglaig to thisete :IV -
°the .tt 'theft-4mo Ciao It stc.ll-1u .ittiaitt;!•lo '
op,,,s wr t u f t u t ue' ietlai 11-eusork..- . For Su:Am:lee, Alif t';. t
ate it iresiL,z•ell lift • iiviirrance t•Fattp.alit- • tv:tri. otlll.l'
states t wins. -t; •-lucts!Ill Veintsy lc totiii.,ii,h l ; t eat.
pay a ilicette• e. ' , live hundred dollittry tookinr," the
•.;'•cuirtif reghte.'.- ' , Motion.' and nye, hur,,ir c )l 4,',11, q ...,.
Nut Yrie 'Attu! .; te.ant :antes .wonitt eb3r - 10'y...tying
ifil intlal t-qa-V 41. z.a.h - eau hallo: ...nel,./e,.%•iit_ uiv , rii the
iciaecint of the' • htiArarts. Thli. (Uric.: 17,,. - er:-41iti• ad
tats 04! e-see it evir t iiatilety's /LOS.: ilia fr i ni - e udf,- . .
ikgp, of dollarti 'rye irnieli • a 1311 t . of 4.11,:a5-hailt jut Mee
• per cent. woill ..'t • '-'.elity-fit. ee Metes:rid. tiollarei,• 111. •
~ eriafal tag the rt. 'enue•or tire . t-itarei• front MU: aardara!Q
'pore t him ,it thou-and dultars; acid tit the—ante
. tune ta l un lists) g• the tat In auteirdanke. whistle buil-
Iled.a dame twat ;Pains r!..4.1.1 wed , , Ail eflletetir lati 9 ,-e•-• l.
Whilst] ihe an_• listimnee th•pariment. such "sts';os 1 ,4 A
, teerentendeleW ou Id Nicer tble and tel. Inattet'a et 41
Sleeted witlf , , the tt.t.tiettt . lel insaratne.., in'lni its . •
. ..
itranehts. . - • , :. •
••!'-„. . ; -• '
• t.:ii•E Avcrene egetee erre. - • ; • -
• ' Tltc roc:
iI di- .
to the .ivin ala Ie
coal ruins, 'e
Leer,e ti seer e y,lebl - VI frea ll,.lber2lllt-••tr:rlte•
pia." -. 11 1114 -td . .4 01 111 ea'horror to enviete
rotelityut ite
ctiortiry; mil even in Lime* It hat,
heel, proattrztl•va: of tie toost...poltiful ilitOl ton, amid
't1e..1n;,t.5...11 - L,O; for t lie '4it Wirers, • Wohteri and I-hill
'rot olio fold been uerustotesalty regard the &tee: tee
*nod or tl; e„ at ines ttS , one-of ordinary eh/flocs t. r t -retw •
la wk - tipian it as Id a/116 , 1{t wire derager, and -taint with
I.',ltttiyk..; ori.t. f:h. , :l'il.i. f l w hot about to put sue 4.lteir,l
,ivelloaa , ot.cupal Liam, with feltilla (~irebolli:ag.. And 1
"st'm't Le 'utility loftier lalluseg ficadiale , :II - Ilk tiZtl.! j
'gt•l'Ou, euthiog. alt4.l.leuttlts grea:th• 1 ,4 ~t'evfloit Ilgiti' '
oc, ftitlo,2 to beet! udrafrkleti, . e' 4 .•• . •• ei
. The Illstory ot,-Wisis .ler(l4l , t CaLt:::iiy ~ ,- . ;..t.t.: to e:
as billows: 1: - .4rEV pit, tbeelitaii ibe et" theGth. of Ne'
teutber lastArtailmudred. and sister toett entered t ic
.I.itnitialt; 114144, Wprotrotaite Mete a i t;Siatlon ', ''.".t one,
of Mein ouiletputdd daitrrr• as . t nue .a.10.,ice1i..101 the,
I'itral'adiall; .nut calie'aallpiXoFt.4.lllrat he sets tilterlhlt a . I
la nab 111 adalell he was doomed to 1...., buri. , ,..1,t1.1 \ ,•..
lint the destroying angel lowered over thaddr, alrar ,
ttic, s.hrill; ticinstrueted - prinelitaby of eorataistible
atilt erialr, lit.log;beeihne•lignited,frerti sortie eduse,:
vet uilcLerruinetl, ttttt soon it! , peet of Statue, Ml,-1,
burning teutemeeente tgleteitie Goat ald.ase. eholt
log up Sttft lire and .I.4o,trZt ilidettly avl.'zilleelllasz:ai;/e. •
's.teusible of teteir :peril, the unforturfate men sought ,
it plateof safety, telt . iterne nut tp be-bound, ' 3111. y
elded fur soccer, Out no 'etirthle, Min could give thdor •'
betel - holaireas they Middles' ;eget her. told chtsped:-
In each 011ierl' ATM*, pie' 44111V111 In Vlie of its eteee
;frightful and uguniziug forme • 0 i •, . •. , . e. , .
e'Lliet this' irtielifur geed° Was transpiring beictw.f,
theinituense;wtxttlen Idlrutoth re alitsey thdahan. tout; --,
ilre,'und burniug with fearful 'tepidity, evat e soen, tee
ti uceil to a ennobling Musa. • ThorionatA *renew leo,
'uteneurti children^ soon attire niled.the place:fatal
being . unable to. affoStr the el hied relief to their
bug . Irteruis below, tilled e air with lanientae
eueSeapeellieg eyen W e t 4 n test lierritia. Neetet"
r j
beruie war a• scene lel) I f 4.7:rending livituessiid
within Me ihnltti . of t u ts t inicrosealth, and ti.: h..
trusted that thereigli yeetr prompeand caldera 4-4 V. - ::,
helve ac licit' 'tuaotherWnee will itetet'.,l* perm' pill.'
'—-••• • ' '
sti iii i Ti
I I,t 0
Y lir '
....... : 1 i
,t.;...; :ki-
to wear,
Thtl lignee in ipany 'eases are contiuot;:tl and
managed to the Most tarnish antristritaltutiotts man;
mir, the owners t•xectine thelaree4thintniut of Pft?:
Ili from them, Wan tip , . Icust possilde antler •,'eoter.r- ,
quesstly somw.of thero, ante that. oft• Aroutlate, are
malting but , underarpund -man titips, wlthcmt soy
(Atm, outlets them vrot.3hlnni les. ZIA the , eteo)b•
smutty Usittleto become • it'll; N'01! . :1111 ,, t ,, , ttittotlgtl
tv la tell t":l(upt , lspit pos4 . ~- ht La I . :s of ;••t› it A•tut a
cl.t.stf of Mee as Olt r lather: ~Iftn.ltl not, t.aehmaist opt
'be perm i t t.....ti iolk: ttiUs': , ,tertticilt • arum tlvOltlturtiff
human , ;cupidity. vot a. repraealtthie " tti
gl% dthera that ;rotet, by I.yr with% ast ir voile . -
üble . .servlees, at best•rbius and tialigetoll , , tall,
qtli.itttititlbW d9,C.l'Vett, Ifiterti our kilning sz.-xt.114
• worse Milo sleet of at.. ocher eutt airy, utast uhr
, mining : interests. are 'nueou.illiSl by„,,,tho,e 61 , any
;other part of litit woad. , ~-4- '
.t. ,
' The most appAling tieeldonts.on: l.:Webe en
Mew to uusaftt metsts ,of Vnat ' 4 011, t 1,11141 merit
e/ii,locially to the ein yiesliat • ..e. at orirear
the bottom. of the sha -4 . hehiruace Is 1:1•Vit, .
and the smoke is carried Pr : wait' Scoaden chim
ney; it seems almost thnlaitt , r or !aka% lit
the inevitabie - attrattlation iisistt 0r, a 7 4 1: 1 :14,4,1 .
the Trame work ;it tneit-len Allow the Milne ,
'sparks of 'Mart the heat of thelettuste,- iscontla r -
Emil= ensue.: /1:1 detard' astiest this. %atm' ti Kt ke
w4 O 4040,ary; Lithe venttlethheatite be still
allotted, to. buli s the eilluuties, the. Of ijkl!'S haft
and the build! iiithee o : l l. l l'. it , SZ %Mal+ In
Combustible' Ma erlalk. In evenareaution Is
not a sure safeetnied.'attritte,* t Itt nalY nb)-
mint, to • communicate with 'vie ," oe-drirup," or
gaseous[ gaceou vapors;that,isillspite of all 'known ,
trlttatlll of 'prevention, it'll] iterate In the best rev- .
I t..• 4 minus, 4 The propriety of • 4ispraqhs.i , ,ehltr i i,),...
I ti " iieWre-, Seillt thitltaftat - 4 Has reetat„,tite r sei loos
1. coasideratioa, of itarritlfla Inhutinand mettle t, and
.1 he tau, In many „instance.i. 'hatt been 'imbed to te‘ l ,_
ilia ich being worked bymachinery ar•the entrrreo,
produces a More constant current of aii,ditipense4 It
more freely through the fraagicapis antir,chstrther=l,
Auld,- Juan respeets, aocomplithes. _ 'the object 4 , 1„
with hettereffeet; and whenthe shafts and surfa
'anticlines ant tiro-proof, without the possibility kit'
tlautter. • This systein- of ventilation,: with wive*
4 f:gr ' 4 "ll 4i -a e ua"" flunia'f 4 4 13 1 1°1v".
en y pt . ttle Vary. tie o •ts n twelve:,
'rations subjects them ,LCI other dangers. - 191 e wdlli.
roofing Of, the mitsetijmm the effects of Llaidtng
and other causes; freeprentlngtmeny arat - till op' -4
the gampraysao render them inipassuble, as its
• te more reoeht oelatnirr et Stocittoh, which reedit
In thedeath of len perSollso lt
Hence LS abFoOttltab% ,
necessary and should be imparetivelf dematatied,
that' every mine Shordd Lave more ibatt a single
avenueof Ingress and egrets. . Whether as reganls
fire, or any , other Aintree. of dmiger to Which' tub
miner Is expo.ed, this is his su rest premise of cafety`.
Whatevertbe systemof ventilation may be approved,
orsafety lalnpa i Ved. theme of eaters tit the
zatii... : ‘, eaten vie
v alrs, drptell , risit" Mat o t.
trolly SapOrt "the p fer the exit of the
The best method elf iienStructle . g, •t•c " h 7 filating and'
working the mine*, Altould'be unhesitiellielY ad t' •
ed; • arid - the System adopted rigidly enforced. The
Inquiry, thetethre, into.the cause* which produced
this shock eistastnaphe,the various theories that
have bet*, pr om ulgated Orincerning It, the remedies
for-Itte prevention of, aludier occurrences he tier,
tits construct Wm end as t rion 4; collierlett, atat e
Males ar coddliettrai operatic/rig - sti Abut tb,iiitree may perovgi then' Libor witho u t Inef
their fie*, Cr. popper subjects for legis at re '
Cilitsneratiott. .
*Sikh laws aa,you ugly einutt can mos . !' certeinly ti .
. enraged by gentpetelit Inspectere Ittnre ridding tit -
Itrlete, who should be chosen With -tartet- retard e l
— Character. Isdegrity, capability atal scientific...l:morel ,
ledge; 211111k"adliettlattes Mountie so specifleallfder
listed thin they ; ceintl i bt uin talatandopatooA2' =IT]
• I, therefore - -most fatly and e - stli rt.- .
' commended IV thla .te , sobJect receive tate aty'
teuttelo Its let nOee Wend thattslaw,W
terstioi wi t
l irettil tulle dimmer mid tio euingerd
fr ts prov Mt i V i lhe porF of_ iltis..cotiutto:-
oath. er be it lied hra'ealanalty,
Within Itcr in 'Sneed 'Willa
_of / Avondale. , :,;;,T i..
- ' paskiaxictiniAitecUartrriii -' - h:
• itt ateardance With'tta t tier list Leittetattririi
Ward or PutAirVilAittee • ' beett et tpoirtte, coer. -
tasting of , twaelareinit UZI s vii:-,vener4
ortrotnes E. Kane,-Ibe fire • x 4 .1,,i.'.. F. ' :,Petmiznatt, -
ES., fortryearsi 911., 1E: 1 s , • Colette* tare*:
yearet, Gecz , , 14 • •- ihte, two
Ittl air ed .
el . ,ratedifitketir
1 4061Atiiile."
• on, ItiW Whifilli•
stOleceshicit emowitt -Agent • F• 1 lhe
mesteetfite end ortrelan veri ktam tile
hist eturseetertutil ;often* or the' time*
who lave to eastrthetheltu truant
and Ire=tlti mi z i ezp have testate tu hope Ille,
*lst be , '-, This exempt filth.
meat of ouretteritableallairtiadeeteedofthe
twr ni g ti vaz i me tz we gvezelet ,
1 4 11 M,
.4 . 4rptorotagh reik* of all the - - - skaVor***lts
fammpthitiono shed the ' 'thie ..
ee au_asetuazige Si= ' 2iUtt:'
letdah. they have
`lt trill 100 , Wit "... . :
-"elearleaidarCeil -4
Abietpart o t %ixott.
-4 , npol:3 MM l,w;wo. l.lla
' aliii . ,
a.i Op ,
itt= me hei imi luninal reporto of the
VI Viikbelersr,R4l: -
‘'. ciket;aol64, B fitilea'Wert= - E•4• 1 --r
-, , ,
teat It: Mena have ppialiehted..that
I,ll• l lSPrikirte•X,lo eashlideitei pis.
' 1 ''
I a ,s,we i 4
- to—a;
- -
. CO
troltlirft oft*Stakir=lt ,
,t l 4L,tAtlielait „
~: _.
. , ~;-
. .
duty ~ . . , ~. .
We owe it asA be air :eorietttnenta t o , itiattnet
Olt 11Ohlittire and rettintWOur jrirrentativali;An,
- . , Congreliqi to oppose all tmeti attom - . For the ant•ao'
ttvasona aeiahotatiopposoiknyr , Intettr.tretitledlrY
- .which thti.peOplo of Canada Can. -gain tl.dVantafte•r
Wer our lutabonnen, ft AO4 hiller An:mincers,
Irithin eati“,tilints '' " ' •:•.,.• ' • .• - ....-
ti - T eNtiltala aiti-knotttksjiini• th e ..ittittel COut:llialthotat
i'latitaority u(-13Wtitilletal teneesanneta to ditipoan ot
atllquestaanz rehatito tonatianal affairs; and whllo•
"inlllit-nlatmerlo.l.t/,ug' to Interfere with: th e eiatalaft .
tt i LW& authortheil cannot ' rain froln alluding - Jo
e filet - trutr - for'llioro than •?ri year a brave piasple:.
:iti Cuba:have been struggling for Intirindependchice:
fga' l .llllr.lil - elldiiill'f',4%. h eert.e' - ‘:,:;:o' f ..P.ri',uttr.'ipr."'.l l 4l
ta.,„rs- of Spain. Ve,shoulil Indeed 'be uninlndfa I
of humanity anal of the greatness 1.4 our natinallty,
if we emitted to mat.* trite pa tit, itle effort: by the
Cubans: to throw lig the Slum ish_yoke, • mid lilts, on r
own'itricestr•ra. "to se:slime among the:powers .4.1144 . /
earth the separate and equal stet on to schlch nrif ore
- ,: - anitut.retre's - (Ind - entitle them." The new organiza
. Lion tine abolished Slavery i , an,lnttested Its right not.
only . to our r•yniptitliy tan 'to reerignltion, try - the
-vigor anti determination of !la rests - lance to tliecip 7 -',
presnlints of the wittier countrt - AIM/Ist, horn tile
beginning of our N'ationdi 'Goren/Merit; Congretet
hal furnished ralluterous precedeitts for the:U.ll.m;
here tudhlatexl, even when the pstcrple strugtrink, for
. 1
-liberty were not upon t he-A iiterlimil eclat Spent. Tiles: i
regogutaild Greece In her efforts th establish her na-.
tloballfy against Turkish.- opprt.Sslon. Tins sante ,
spirit p_revatied not • only' twat - 414i -.Poland, -its-. 1
iy acrd untigary, but to Ireland lir nit her Inns - cinetits 1
to regain bet long lost ltationallty.' I l'itc-hi countries'
hail the innuistalcable ay nipsithyhf:this piiople Of. the
rutted States, - and Our public men in every branch
of government; liever-itesitrilvsl to spdalc in their
defence. -Intlweatie of the French ,tevolittluti,:the .
• atateaulette America gave every encouragentoritto
the pesiple of that Country to establlsit n. republican !
I rni of iniernMenti - Upon tliis i enntinent there are
nulneromi Ihistance4 Of active -- sltriplithieti- . with the
struialei isf the peOple for liberty llt variotartiatlcins,:
In the cut of Texas, tinrl44 her conflict teith , ;Slext,'
to, - she not only had our undisguised friendship. tint
ohlained•our recognition of her.ltaiepVrident rialto's-.
linty, andasorai utterwmais sho wan ainiesced to oar
great sistikthrs6.l of States. • ... . - - .• ', ,
ill •Is lii 'singular contrast , With iliese: lifstr,i•-,
do . precedents.; . that' the people. ot eutsa ha,
4 4144 - yet - 14eleireil ritt. tuitional eneostrtigerilent
. of
recognition, while they are holtutin ilie eiiimile. of
our hitheni, olit,. as colonists, struck slosch rite hand'
which oppressed them, anti eatabilshea for (hem ,
. aelves, a free and independent goveriallt•III: There Is
no question but that the. patriots. of-CO.O IlltlVO .I. hi:
'warm oik-emphatic syinpathy orn
,great, majority.-
of the putitde of :hit and other States, mai I. but glYe
utterance to what tsart abiding setit Intent anteing the -
.111/vices; when t !lecture a hearty sympathy Wltli the -
people or, that !shoal now endeavoring to sast ntr the •
- . i lic.:ktiielloefrac'till.)gre.-..clurtn-lifor:litifi'.4"ll-11ted-sti6ein'tfluit"lT'th'sltAbentikilllt4ialufl
• ' VPATIIirIYS.: •
. . . ,
right ti„.iim it t, th repaid - lean rule, and ia, to all
intents -
A:> inconvenience ha.: long Ixen felt. In eery 4 anti 14urpottesi' /livered by the .%1441troe doctrine,,, so
51eptutiiieliit 01 theexeciative nod legisTativisbcande.s. i , t h nt ~,.1,5 1, ,,,e , n. ,,,,,,iii,,,,, -0,4 government l,,,,gia,.
of tliti 351se(rlimelifi Per the wliut of Pcoi ,, t ly l'"'‘,'llt - _ 1 e - steini •to the republican of enti.v It' would only
'lea Alititsthhil information, rhiatitia• tei Pie deve l op = .• rimoalit to the. inactical eitforcement of a bst • our •
merit ; Brat git , 4ll). of ,We rest.9i I. ces nf:. 1 he•Clotenvek - 1 , nation li /1 co long advaticed In theory. ' Ctrtai tat an" .
wealth. It is ltaptx-ilde for ?thy snap cancer to i7e- • America Island: U. - -...tgraphicallvithelunga. to the .
• port th::. a• - tuial or, eve:it:the apprOilinute 311101fIlt of united S tites. - Its - `p.equisnlon 'lrv , ' been a leading
'any of our great natural rci.7c - utreelt, and it eatirlOt 14/4 ~ urtneipl Arlth litany of our ablest- stati.uniii from
. ascertained from year to' year the amount ,If .cord
I w.) , 'KelitAfulviulll vroitie!...4l, 14Inhei .e.. , ,t .
,oe.'ir...sti i Adams,. Clay, Van ' Boris, Buchanan, aria manx
1 ilii crarlS" leri.'al lu our history. jcil'er,on,: - .3ladaton,
...tar 4.-tineti,- Witlawit special ...i.vtsAT'inal tutilier* 1 othersa voc•.ited the indorkwtrafion of Ceiba into the
' ten, Imre' ellitr;, , e :•rcir the indmailes irroavitor - cut - of I eviiiii. - it rs "aired the tithe will coon come, if it has
Close istsginehi. .It. vv".l. - little.eost and labor, .e. huts- I not wire; etc arrived. When-by Vas ennuelatlon or a .
ilea rtiallrig • to all thefa- olijc•eta could be giither'd risesaa . prii'd d i addeit radios - a b m
rave people at
.- herbs
,aptt Yhitutigily oeinimierst in .it report:Lobe made to, , c . ‘ „
, ~m,,,,,, a .; 5 ta 5,4,,,,ht e i.. 1 5...aud.h,
t• cause of reytiblica •
4 1 .
'illid,inbrishedlly the Le hislature.; The ra,lue of valet, - 1 intl.:lid • • rostra 'sew eiwouraaeiiiezit. -
. _
4 441
th- 411 °n Iroultt beAltteatclasitile talkorlarsoc ill 1 - The ot nur , enienl of :air Ina issiral thilin,ses is one of
.11tteaktal wllsysT 4 'NvX.' ll as tn. the general taisiness t.4f I the runs: del - I..•ite. and iniseirtatit quesitiotis.-non un- .
Lite 'mantss... It trona Strtaftlate etOttinerition, e:r• i tier e0cc#114.4r.. 1 .1. - .4%.14 - : the .47/Meri4tairp,:aide . faid While
tinily the , inexhaustible muted:ids %akin. our
' liiirJen, and- give ourlpeasple mat - Other:, a more per- I lt LA Ilut,ilay toteittlt..a. t 6 otl!.-7 any 'aim !; - ).6et•tle a
. feet . ..btu: or oar-wealth and re,.i.yorecr.4.. The reel:ads i' o hi f u olac t'''''f ilis h i 'h ti.;;ls ' s: ' c l i z e ' ne o est -l i s i . i ‘ f.a .. t . i ' e n te iu rs e c i a ' i t t m 'e -. 0 4 ' 6 .su i 7,, ,,t i;el l tfc . T.ti l s. ' i
i en bunk 441-Ys'ar; lot , 4 -11 !tc-fra 41,0 5Mhelit il:f. may - - oust he out 0 - ': pr ate. , -
-4: 11l 1.1 1 .11 4 - thdeottent on - apt -plamrvatkrin of!statis- 1 It will .be seiaelub4.. di that by tbe ct...6blislittent
tie: . re calve to %exp:its and hriportv., a r i illture ,of our Natl:iutil banks,- the be and saftst paper eut -
rnariutll.Ctil Tett. 0i101,,, trPll, (IP, I t.trnbe r, ere., anti for the , testes - that ever egisted hi tilts 'natter has. been
, sitn.irlled. Great cuutiou Shoultl ilmrtifore be lithely
ecillsdlOn'of Inlnetaltglealaull geolottleal Spl.C.lfli.:'n...,
and oilier things that liiily 1.41.1 , 1k,C111V'a 1111PrOlaitae 1.9 , not to iintr.a system that has been sit genetatielt a , l „.::
Fuels, a departhaeut, 19- tee-pee wu
liesi. 'with. 1 etlebil. - When. the ;towers:ins:at established- tlid l';:i
-1 h o-siregestiiiirt that the Untie-id' a attached to tits • hbated faults, Our State lantLa ws;te taxed out ofex
othisi , ,,,i, the tat - am - WM and his • Asssistant, with a ..• bite/tee nod 51v:tr.:Vol ct•• stwh, but in maiii,- k il i ut ii,,..,,
reasoriahlelnerviv 4 e of COriftanaatiiiii. anti un :UT' ,•*-. I they wet e teuewea. by tlie , solemn ehaetn milt of Con ,
priatiou for theta:tn.:. ,' - . ' • . gr.,,, under whore sapervi,loa they were promised .
.. 4r 4 t „' 4 4 4- 44 - ';-4 , ~ , a. jUsi, {kited anal fosterlag clue. It -t..i:eul. unju,t,
..,:-. f 'I, ,', .Pitl.: , A)i. it kte - art 1 . ,.. .
~ , •
. , theiefute, that the e . ,ovelumetit should - propose to
--' In . ri•SColdaht... 'With a law :ionised .. - 1,411 11. 15i.17. it I thdraw a part of their circulation front' and give,
.' :Slaqm, 1 , 1.. 131.:1:ittrult. Li.q., ofol , llltailcdp ori, was ap- ; it to new sates to be ontatitzed where none how exist.
PO/1.1 't:st. !foiNl - 41;.' for . ,-Plilltiltihrohl ,- puriz04.4 , ... the 4 if im•tv limner; Qinulei lui.ercatist itherever .the.%••111445' •
peteutis • end nthi•liuli , t•-s in 11w trarlous entaist-, ia 1* ta;qui rail , they should. receive , their eirculatieti
the- ei,mult.rtwc;itt ti.'; lll' a eeond report; whleh is I foilii air 1/li:tea:re of the amount' 110 - :tut 11.-a ized by,
hers:With 1-reSettiteil,shilsrares if vast: aiiiennt i sit. use:, law. The circulation tube the Sallie/I-4 th bankse pose
01.4 itfon fiat lon, and -- v. 11l be folind bights.' interrot in g j have. arid, on . ti(e. same kind or Nevailti,..,: ili, il,y, •
, wipe prnirt hy of mature cone hi( alit bg :WWI I (0 11105 i. l 144 L 14.-. ot 4.../pilieddii of the curb:lt:T.4h mild
•-tillirts/tria-sorras cifiwzr t!talitl4l... pi - Moot Illee _been ).444,:a410pit.4.1. Glatt - a odid give ease • :tint soiicf mt.' toahe,
, 'coast met ed and rue i.tra nit C011,11.1.:I".1 'W.II.II' St.ii,/ 're4;. IV . Weapl4.4,'//tat that 4.v11.1 cheer up.and ra-te , ittreUtie talsl
- aunt to the propos'. chisel' oeets vi .I.4uulsittui•al, of trta,' ;ire.' 1 110.. t. ritendtu.h eVm ih
dut.thhcels of.eaineree, arafacS
utterlylinnt ha' :any. such poi prisasii, root tare' r, 4.11 , ,- • tat., atitt 14,14.4rin, fall operation...ll 4r:1:1 pr.:yenta.
rice tol d reptriat)h tp a civilized age and a (.14.risthoi i deelitt, irt the reVemies sleds d'il trout the hiriil: mat .
. people. ,T t
h.., Colliinstouer in :czars! ta: 4sotta..' of : tat-roil btation : and Wilt save. 1 hotpnincls t..f rill
, thetie.,ll.E444aritg-s I,llekr Pils 1,014 tilistifi% 4a Isere pris- , zeivastunt I lie of II*11111:S.effet:(3 of CaatrAcit'al. A-::4 .
I, Wert • cuuld not. : !hto-lull nule.... km(to.l ;“•,.ith.. e.luan , , - . part' If the sante polies - , there tlicaiti be no Le , itation.
'wham . the sea.e..* a ere . uet sepaiistoci„ wlx , le I abut the abauvionnient ot the Moo 4.1.1-,....,1ue1r,g4 ate
`was no tit s - set:plink oroury ‘`lfoct Ilittil, iostard.s the 1 . eurheiley. - .lv t lie istiormitin of any .plan to rurta.4- the'
teuiniLor rellgtotia hul a ove.ititia of Eli, I intaat es ; 411te alootnit t en d e r s noir In ell'elita.l.l.a I. ' -.•
-,. 144/14/; IPIC. parpales'of alt!i"..ll. r 1 :The etaltdatit ntkil hat rani approaelhie -1 , ,f . a: yay-,.
- and itsdiere. the. -talk oleo , : 1 is.* - alle m11.44:41,41 d {l'sh`t',
....Meat , Is the tidy -ore inside, in ms optidit,, to: lie,'
0114. 4 1.51 , 0,1itUa11Y erildaalg....l i ,-,..irL5,% - i„,,, a ii i -,. ~,- - f i,, v; ~.; 04111,11. th that. desirable end. Auy Is 4/ 41puliovi - idly;
lessati....;./." 'ln taint- of the p obit; lltddirllsaro eepre- I Iliht tatty 1,44 own t.....dr:111111 all probability 14(.1. 4 r.f•fal 1-'4
44.1.4nteil la: coot rae1.441 41ting4s$,g,, thy" )., nb-lihr..7 a ray .. 1 are. Ido imtlieslia,t . s, to say thatthe avadirt has 4 . 4
(.4 stitiaattud pro tliatt.of p&tiliittr eau ezit,,r. ;aid in.
.1 t.iti currenef,, - ...ttriLlsz tine would be poet rti re •of
V a human , being c 4.1411.1.• hol :11/./...511/iy lire • 1 peat ildury both to inclivi,lnals and -to the general
through..a..louglilly t;...rist of: is:a/tenet And In' still - Ilitore;sis "Oise Nation. let there be
Mll litie,rai - eileour
„e*: in thoseiineolest of tne want c pmfserc.t. f' , -11l- 'aloft 1f.W1.1% 'Of rat Irnacts, Ina nufeetures anti - tfvety• uru..:,,, all e1ii , ,,, , , , :If crinituat ~..,, r :u,: . .th‘,.• Iru:4 - ...1: , ,,t - thtil n - 11l :Ilford employment.end ':israniien.sati-In ,
tin laid:lied and rs.ed to the...Yoh:oli of 'tinder s 610 - scare 4 I.c;%Alr Wiltlig laill.lollC. .11:nt.'Oarafge a %131/Toils et.. 1 14
peril/111,st to ealiategafd i . .ailst lintnisie in eapl. play;.. ; Action 'of the reviziilles - on luxuries. .N.ptintuiti'.a •
_nig. profanity,. told Illinovt oi - cry
. q.seele.: of Immo- ; stiong Treat ury, with gold suffiefutiso.kter 'a cla'ek'
•I'alli..,lra ;Ind ernia . 'Cutler ---airliretreit Ifeaances, refor- ;upon thos... '.y to rais;in be disposed-to distiarb - Oisi
tatillott, witilis .14' the erwt.qt oldest; of - cll - ,, toe, sort : natural tepdt , irev 144,1rt.1 4 ' apeele payment y. orLfur
should 1,4.: of air inthan ziait -, .c-an,i intnishinerts 1., , ti4,porpoteaa 4 44.l44::nlittion. l'hiire-dloohl 14.4a:t..10,1V
I'llithffall illa/tfs, i WC', Sl:hllia. 'indef .- ails Le - 55,11.3 01 lee.; lrat•ditoddrlite fed/lc:Ion pr the Natioutit tictit, a, land
cap-bandit ,pul'lstarnial, to :te i,r; - ,c titled v - hiot future I insf Of the pre/is:lit sistpid - (-cwt. fres -tweti-I-i•,s - bonds in'
rfppart unity otituls. Tiii , ,„r - sl
isi -a - run-7r, 1-11.11 r 4 telitetly :-et hers', at a leiNter lute of intrre , t, Wit by'zoniparliaia.
tar the evil • rhoillitrao - nit ripntla be., aprate I
a. l'No but liy_ ii, It dealing, rod the establesitine•ad a • int: ,
entaniunity - has it Moral ortegal riOitt to linnet port- Ire" thud af - stunt a rale as will Irby off the. chtlit in
tshment.n.t. a were reth,3lntory'lntire. or in.ancit a- I alalnt thlri - ,- year;. - then.unt (mar It rd the -i
inannee.. us to 'eoclatiger thq health tand / Ille amiss I hi/ in , ' d,..c.0. the :sour; trs 1 f<Vl% Ira!, at 4 - :at Lit -lio-".4
erlininal, to des. , lro hini to hil the tater t.zonF.Jhint_n 3 I WO} - reaily' hi s' Land thrdir iiPeitd.loris • ss 511, . t he
hf,tu, Jut ate, i•ihni .t,,, asiedssiicly‘last,iLft - atain tear flip I 'greate 4 41....‘a1ca,z.,i1i qt . t. .• • . ' • . - - -
''' ,, Y-- -I -- -i , ill of traria , . .."- •-.-,: ' ,-... i .- • ..., .Tl4- roc., ..adsuo lid I he ords 5.10...5 , .-zlae L oiiitort... - 441 r. iih
'rhe ciontills.siOner% rippolifii.s.r4t=l:;4 . ' . 4iici a ri.: 41.41,-. I State alld N -, stiatir.r 'a ''.1i1 . `..... ',lad, 1.. latVll,4l‘,',2llll'f-I• ~,CI
the .Vatiut.-,, , ',..1 - ,111111 .' 1)( ,4,-,a P..Nzt I.:, •1,-;. 4 .4411 /tr. '4,,-. 4 - sufrici vial i uipoitto it.* to offer for 'rod I Con ' l,. ...callott , ''
• ~, i , * .... ,
III . III!' , IL"-1 , 14 %/WWI. htatt.t SIII,I ..*(lwitipt.i, -*,, cmr,. 1 at the pi.hir Int i nIL-.; tont I es in eiu . ,,.V., bs - ut.Nl4 rt. 4.sio.;:t lie.
, par4Nl r: ill 4' '4"liat Y 1, ' itut:-. - e - ii. .reti. i ati• Fe10r , • , ..1- i hope - Vett your 4 e 5.14.11, trill be imalcedtiy
he 1144,,,4•;.,,,-
Yiitillt 7s - stern, • .si'lli falrAii,ll 'You: their, rttp,irt id.' air • aitiong vt.i.r,:-.-I.res and tile '11.e1it144.,./;.; ,4f l 't,...„--, / ,1„t•
1 i iy deist front avidel, voi , st , lll.b.orn that t Ca.,:,; ap ;rd., n State 1.4i1. , 44 to iits. 411441 Your liellbei ..ft tr.., rt.: 4 6lt. ; in
t 3 of cor s . *tiltent Lurie : i-,lti,- 'pr4,4:setit eest4peit4it tor.. ; lasting 1/44-1...111 t; 11'.44.1 . V..41111/011‘k,..:1:.,. • ' I,_ ', ' •
the sal!. keelplog altd.litoper,pduhihu/ent .2,5 aft .- 1-`.,A ; \ V C/irSI liy.
_... - - ,
. fender:hi Idat hiilier 4:r:saes aul I lint'sr.fric•hciu.,...
.01.51.11 1 7 , a2.41 , 101. tortectudlhraltec.le,ii - fd, 4. lIC-C ; , .4 ii.ise.
trinte7 are fsf a-hp ire,',. t rr,•,13 -. 0i4,41,,t,,,i-Tg , o . r:11 4 / 4 4.4
rtzf44ri . t i :alit.n. AEA 1-4:14144.t. 4'. t4;014 - 1 , 4 , 447 4 /.4%
~..., ac...:4t41.
.01'rhett li:4' 'a t huh....urv, u.y . 1.Z.4m, :IL qteilyirtir. ~.m.h a ,
Fi.ta IN: - ... ;.. -
•• • , .. - - .iiii. ii - Tirt`l VRT. • 4 ` " 7 -5' ' • '
Cahill/ha ic‘al ialiS•411•-ii,l'at'ValiC4'''
l'a • l'l ,, laC t.l,.r . st: - .t...,.re . pt - 414.4.":tiiii.1..1 tliatribe. prvsout -siU
• iikial [ al./eh] it. .44letioate Inr. finotitt poses (1./sighed:
'•:44411-4.4 the irtunher ot jildspa - was - treed; tlic....bihduess
•of th., - , C•adr,ts. los: ill icily increased, s - , ith - OUr rriiiiiity.
ext.:in:hug. h,.itvolfil Vol oust the ..b.iiiiiiiflli-,itiot,' of
twala.l..•.(ffial.ila*..l.l.Jlo.illif‘l.;•*.fifkafielfilf.l •ff Oaf ..I4I00lli,'•
Crall'IlICII;VOZO , I-1. 1 fin.: laIhIXIK , h ,. ....rt , i.1. :v ..t •ftr;)rd,.. , ,i
1 , -itelt rr•irtiol . i,r. ioireful't.a. - 1/41,44,4 4 it10i, ~ .- : .
- .111 out \llitrios of.cliu Sala - elite .1,!....-t - a - t,:s;,:ilse:C•en.
i.,ehos.:»Vir,•tkc ~ ....., , i, l h,VI, 1x 4 ,-Ii ~ A..- • okoe;..1 'e
tl ill irt bile
year, - fil,my .ut 'these: .lry,ive. vi...ry. 1,05,h; anauunts,
and litiportatit legal ..prhielpies - , and their prole.
s.ton:shier:tit:an - hopos•es , upon :110 jtidge - s .. great lah.•ir
A l ,,k rti..p.A.r,it,itit.y. lii s- User thitile.ts. 91 :I ii 1- - . • aO,t
the argument I to s ore •,.1 , ..1..„- . .oniriu-,.t:..r.6• - i 41.. , ,1 I itat
it r, iiiij.). , sibly-lo tiiip://1 .4 vt' flied/U. 4 ;111e ..//.4XIIII .r.l - .41 .
.rlan pin esi.ais:l bitch:as-hp • ils?ricar,',lol, bl. Li ft -pub..'
Ili. Illti rf!',li.; andvs.pc... l :il;y, 11 Jai , ' of - S.l l v. kri , lit'cl;-
,as 1it.. 4 .: 1 , :4111141 1 4; b y -, -re- , ,11e4.1 1./ . thll4 iii the
-eotirr of sane ,ii.... , at l'i .11*.laiPata. 'I ther-efore ck
nestly ri :.'01...11114.11 , 1a11 .Itlilllk-111‘1;1114::his:tills es earl . ,
belle fug It ,i
~,, t it.ile- r os-es-iiiy, in ,phyticet . ,..A 1.1.15.,•1:1,15.15, -
: stilton's, art.l ls , the j0.1.5 , ..S alit! I'.t.v-p Obis eis, vorl: Ilia:i
'should be tete:gad of. ihe ~twesent nribtri,,Of .1.11,01.
let Iticut he . +..;:ur 53 1.411,5T1U1.1541ad efli in el*Slt; • '
•, . ... 'i ..
-I ,
• not's:ratty trot.; " •
'tgittal end nitnernieetrarearysysitthc Slide then'
• resent macre. -- - i •
' le no 4„.veloort i mi.6.4lol—
that scopld t frrn Fvoh o.lirttrltOr 7.9‘ 1 4e4;
• eTI)I9, end the .nedetei red Ut l 4 o tqpi r 4:
rawly times mere than
tne k s Tree, .
• • to t . the exrcneee',att .11t; hulu
• fang of fe_poifa. moPes,efo4 1 f cited. tap. 1124
gon of Inc reople. .
• • tne,Logtslature ctileent In the stirlds, and;.
, S, law Ituthertzinfl, IMO'surv96 , lt
• eenttre epprev„4l.. • •
- = PziptcrioN or o.ta: • •
, •
). At the last seSSIMI a law waalkassed ereAting the
,Office of Ingp:ctor of gait - atat gas Melre.l for the
COnnty of Allegheny; rnd lmturordarice therewith,
Shave appointed an in elot p. , ,,ies..strtg, the times
, !art - Alentidc gnailfir. t unn.• . r • •
The,neciessity lor.sucli a law, has beettlowt aiatex
tensicely felt, .and - lt has I , esit eartlegtli - demanded
• . hrtnther - v4.lllgiy
a , reapeetadderittreno;
tr MP op nions are minently, moot WOf considera
tion. 1 therefore reApectfully recommend that the
.41,41ndjetable provl-tions of the Allegheny
ti ex - 101141.Ni to caber counilrs to which
ygda la • diaisumcd.
ra:vraciN ThE CIVIL onxiL.
--- The" law orr :- thle - 'mart de,,„ not
full .report fro tho omit/I/slimier* to reirle the'
general itatutes of the State,. before the passion of
IsiL dt triay, however, be iro 'third'. to *tete that
this work bus so far pri as to make It almost
pertain that it completed and . ; ready for the
-press so won a*tel Xhe'pliaie of-the pretteut skwslon as
will :thou' time to trlng Within' the ' (Lode sitch of.
your enactriterita,a nuke with. propriety be ineorpo
rettl. l• , '!,l .? • ' ~,• : . .
ni • ~ !.' ,• .
The CotniselOr:etswllo4port foryuitonsidem
tioir; tho%tortsed Pehool Tatra, aa.tbe present Mahal
it exhanided; Milli It would he inexpedient to, re
•PrtritAbeM. Irtlelli their might - be aupetseiled by oth
ers intherconraeot the current year.- ;• - .. " •
A. general road Mir, and cite for , the..gupport and
• tilaintenance „ . of the poor. have heretaforehoen re
, parted 'bur. nor Aleflnltely aered . upon; li,a , .ti le-Ire
quent dintihnil.krtaattelor slieliettactments to vorrect
! many eitlithaiibttes:tindialpply ass?ininoti palate
want,. render 'lt dednitito that these enactments
should twelve 'your early attentions. :1
The State census--WI/1 -be takeil during the year,
and the law for Ihitc,uilatibri having In it eklltke pe4-
vi•-• lofts aid 'nom - ,tequlttlitoireiris , 44 la II u ill be, pm.
eenteil by the Criimulasirdit•is for legishitiro aetion,
friNieti - of r tire changes Which tilt: rei,1 , ...d ec4le i.•.:
cipeeted to prmlneo,. It' i• - ; dehlrible thi.t 'ft.. a ore
lioxs of 0 general characti he entieteit I halt ai •• 111-
: dilien.ishly Luxe:pall:oLS , the)" Iraleali Ir JIACIII . - lie
eti•SitV fir a reil‘lon of 1 hat hav already rest: rid
.appreliii , de attention,' en .eansa 4rlay I a r t,..-: eqll.-
pletbm iif the *twit; ... • , - ~ . •
r • 1,1 nettip,:. , ictcnilinerkrid
, 51."f+1
r.f . tlarristaitg 4114 Its:ll4nd
klArt,looll.lllu, both cl 3-11
• lonerq an ILo part 01. Pennsylvanto, toAct "In olu
171unvtit,rt qonucti.ssi.z,rto;son ifte,;part-ortlit:
litatc,of . -
• The (ie;vot zwriol s • that: ;State. lii-33..prisitiptty',ittr
inshed %;ivi ;:.twy of 'tilt: ile;j (Wt.&;rtut..l t tit!
*ll.l4.rlittmeitt-tf t.'tnitritimstotitnt , tuldt,r ttt luttibt , ( 4 )-
I.ratttgt 1; , /t;:aolitr -as 1 AM. Atlviv;.4 ito
it4tldtt tat attY tzitttl. has "betnt Aaktnt by pelanAkit, int
the su'bit., told t pit t.nku &tali-the work .untttnal.l4-
fed tly tile act rtbuve rvlttrrTtl. tct tirt.s . n.qt" been per
. . . .
Your ‘p.zcial tli teptillat Li ,t a vittiti to 1141 1 rport. of
orr.l.:9.rottaN.ilotivrs, whic•li ti lAti-Fwit.tx Cf‘lllll/I.lutca
. .
1. ,-.'. • - IS_ '.- It i n g . TES*CittlANl.'l '
4 0 • • '': -I. •• , 1
It ,t. , ;. rinlilentlY 14oper tlifit.;tio,:al. h nlic,e. , Il lould - I
be tai, CU' ref l.lo! , ie..lifv,t , of stich'..per , cti , luflf:z.t Ok:-
' .. .:.U141A..!.. e.r,•liiitivtif tositlon,. , la ? <ail,l Iztalei,Al clis. 1
'. Pinguished. si:r.teck' to 4.: C,Al.siiit afais az : m.l4z 1
ia ,- -e - Nv , Hon , Jo , ,epli .lit her :aid 1104 : I.,kria tt..,,1
I 4. , rter. L )th: of witola illt4f during . I he. itresetiVart-'
10 1 1 0,i, mu m .' . billing • ..v*nrt tfu I fives • fliss - '1
'Flea roll target.' in-pbilia+ctmlidelieo arid turd, alai
1C . 1 . 01:11111v.p..t Aa : lronar,•tro- , 1 Land restionsfhlitt:q.
1 . 13 . 0 b 4 44.4 k1a1t..4 arit - ct*lrt, wilirslistlugurelost thief- i
I cant t 14trlottra.l...,alley were conspieutihsty ids.'
iti'wfilt all the - t.averk4l Iniportaut rAiesltinis of i
,tetpollteyMad. attitiljlis [ratio r4-througi. 'the event: i
IA wiled :isit - whlr.h they Ilv*k Alai :cotttributt4.l.-1
Ihrgefir toli 111 abittliftengibeti ,trigt tirtinda-
Aiwa?, Of .oW 'tiiiitygnrerh, - upon If eh" utbkaty:
-tthvo • -llera en I.o.l.ltilltiild'.stiturely. - er baiee:
pait3elitts7.2y, ripe. lyi. , l4tr arid tun- 0 btitthrti; and It
, is. reNlioctfithy.oobi rued Achether „It be but profl .
Cut tltt!'Leg-Isat ore to. tatolKoitiEte aipprciprhtte hot 'ee
of the ttitnetited death .tat tbeiat; t•• •L O
, 411.1thvitsheil
.ptthlte Servuuta. ;"' -,, : ' + - - -
- IN'tt_inoz.' , •:: -::;;: :1::,
.' • • . •::,.1
. .
_' It Iti;i7r ~airn into a restittp tcirerird an riliplUzat ion. i
for Ek,o
,t Ivo' coleniqnev"us, an .indl.siwnsalt cs. port of i
ittemaeliinery of.ert mina* /itli lee.- Bet-arise the V,x
e;:ti t 1.-e i4lirivesteil whit the . ..power to pardou, lt tAby
many sappased that he has not only the:. right, but '
'that it. Is ins duty to examtneinto ,every allegation
of la frdr, acid give a facoratde response.- to I eyery ,ttp,
pilc,ati ,n ; and hence, .petitions ftir Darden are be,
coming so atitri, 6roti4 that, tt.o mere examination-6i i '
them fs exhnu ht tveref abfritelunewt a t of , : tastable time; , •
At least an hoar in e ach , etw, exclusive of the time ';< .
oecupled in eorresixmdenee with the judgeli,'-diAriet -.
atunneys and other parties, Criminals arene sooner
conaleted, than their, frlends, nod :other Interested
' parties, who seem to think that- lt:ia the Governor's
constautkand - ditty to nullify the laws instead. of
seeing thati tick are faithfally e.teoutekpreParaarald
upou htm, andenlpicy-in thelr Impartuillift- for par-
den ev,ery device Mach entail Ingtentlty Can gagaest:
awl LI lint •a' ilthto of the repreSentatioas set forth
wire • be.lieved, one Would be led to Suppose that our
mare+ tri4tially guiltrof the=g t t Manglers, and
that justice is far-more,Mlad tta site ba s s ecrtr bet n
painted by the most .akinful Anita. , - •
- During. the year ending -December ...31. ,150112; there
have been bonen Lptaired and tiny appllealhlns for
pardon, of Which sixty-two, ur,four per :Leteht,•,. th ere
coded, . eleven bundrecL• and eight ttivackl,-and '
nxtfitmalretterul eighty art:still under adviseinekt, I
'or. golue reason, tit_ easily :understood.. It seethe
that is ...entlinent has heecnie perFerted,on this
lna • subject of pardons. ' The frarelere• of- our
goy e t, as '1 understand it, never contemplated
or inteu . an indiscriminate , use of the !pardoning
power. it was OttlY'deltignect for•the escrectioo of
manifest . errors or oppresslorm Palpable mistakes,
casespf•aner‘liscorennievidenot and:others of ex.
ceptionai character, Both the theAwy - ornur govern
ment and public - policy reentrethall lititpardonling
t -should be kept. W 101411 tbese-rwasouable WS
twl rind not be nnute au iustru siatta 441e4.. , tue,Qc• , ‘' .
eculian - Of the 14% 151 40 this otstrcticd ct 1 , ....-"lic- 7
d i e
lustier; • Al ,auljwia.. viir . .e...4,:.t re-tolt,, are 'woolly:
cut4ife of,' Atft Iff" , contlict . wit ,' the :principle -on
which. Exeocitive'clemency should be haseti -., and,
none such should be pretentedfor consideration., It
is earnestly hoped Ihe 'nubile .3till undertitand and
sot la aceordanocrwith ,this - view
~of ttie subject,
. due aliketodhe Executive and
,* peoper regard An. ,
,theftectil lon of *helves. - .-.- • - ' • . •
...-.. f ' ' Yoitiolve.b. <yra;ths - '.' '
' iVtting WI - r yo 4 gclieral - Suriey or the a-
Wm alarm Wan or the 'state, which relate to the
eetnittou'we it alarrisme also tbehlabeet. gran'
dattiott . to add _ bat
_tqc. austral* intercourse. and
pleastutt relation wttictt basb. so leug existed be
• tween the gor_erntaent of Pennsylvania and the sor
er/talents of SUM° other Siete:fend el the relon,
• eohtinue totimpatratl;Lnad' siQtsbntiy, our resole
, ,tion; - to preserve; protect sae ..theso funds
- ' mental , principle* , of humaaltyl equal rights. end
equal Justice to allAmlvenial frcedula and. it matted'
country, Is citly Oren giliod_„, • i '._ -
.• ' - •L-
Vise antis Minions-Unto ninth:in); utarornindn,
as Wirth Mc recent annUakraeasageiat the-Pre
sident, continue to be " ',home and without '
.tatertgllng'alltimeteateuedt. , thCretiontractinteot ~
the States lately lard:onion is heintaldly sccom-'
milsited—the mentos sip AsUltba cosected - Abe
Vietletlld debttabelegitqableted; at rata of abbot i
One hundred Tellico dMiara *lmam, and repodi--
' Mimi fins - been eniphat y rVadittit A *Met
tx 4sre
-and - tdreimprecalsi rearalmthia
• 112=
./iria4ent and IWO . adtainistratioW
restated the: atio - ar to thc, fullest coati-
dente In t bomb:lda:net Y. *roar Couzitrlasen but
14. - fote ris Temiand has ellayelall. spirit mlaiscoutent
Moved ht have been datigerows,re the 'stability of
, our i tritiethb.. ......
_. - ,.. ,.. .... - .1 t . :_,.. , ~
~. -- - i . . .
' -These istnitotherituttPoct Übenif-Natiotsitt.lmport.
shoe claiming oar , tatentletwbiesose it directly if;
fecta the industrialoperetkomigt . which Perrnsylvaz
sma Is so Isitgelyleterecte& !foes= character-'.
izedwith thecrentea energy, 55 now being made.
by them* interim - ted initreo trada3b ladtice Congrees
to take such scales de Will pft . •"the s tesie Introdne-
Octant steel,- iron and ism materials for sh in Wild--
law and mantntliet Mott of Me ns iflaws.
.• • Iliettell *KM be im 1 Um; mast ßemnant tothitgrpe ' cad &la
.. _ • of tsar State, diminishing the,,prWftgion of ..
~...' • 144 :0412.0V.111114111Metsietkrtitdas; - alteconse.
, - .f . ‘ thecantumgatausal Coekididbedesitihsctive
.0.., sable nnonnasoupta; i•zitinrotan • ankovit
....- : r sii .44=1 . 1 / 4 :ii - . .ourtspitianni win
wintt 4issoninnr ,
- • • t ••• • tit crtlffiltintii,-,fiad
• • •-•• t ..;" • We tutor= ' with_
tont .
ritnnor • • - rib** ...Sp:: Ilite."• ! • 4 tbik pment •
litystom .••" • • the taitainiketurealahor .
and . prod ' .' , Pennisthada, It it obligatory pis
w tome le means to` est say - redo*:
UM Of /WWI . I SW/to. - Oar had
manclbsertdegg _ bc tintnni - nsti la t ti rapinp..
" =p ort a l V3t tillie_pliny4ndi diens* 'of duties on foreign:
_.alirlyip , ~. . voinu a drh r ,
tintslostratlaal ,_ ~
, . -=...-. .11,.. ... boar'
sad business , nen A' +... • l'cf• •ow tiletnantnald
- rfils of NO/osikkatat.' ' " ' 11111 'beRIMPOUIP
''.../' • - -.. I . -7 4 - -•; 4 , ; • . • •
• -
- - ,
. t
\111.70" ,r6l3,the:
;. „ - pulaoll,. \ anki 44., - ; tt,wa':il.2r.lll.2 4 i t.,
I Vrilr.k. n t ctiffifi i 4;the year_
1 only sintalet tuithber'hati.
Leo, vrahtt 7 (l by„dris- i:i6verhor•
from the yeat lit,l;Wftli 'tart "91te'.expk.R.- .
!:114 that Of Cioy,q'tinr -.l'olloek,th (I. Ileihtifv_i
I Gf the t•St.'ite, ha.; 1,.:‘ , .1; dhit-4A so
toueli(10 .
cas (•,',.:o„kiii;pt i‘i;_), OA'
ilt:; PO old,: ct r ifit
/Men(' phicetki, , 4 •e;li;trLfc,.... , is Ii t
the tir,foo .. ..ittcy . e
ti of the .
Annudl to - U1 - ,' ! . - ith-tlic4 - 1. - iittii4
thc!„ - parduti , s were atm, I . ..t.tve
nevp'ildtl d 14.14 rt for Cowin - Tr
ttitin John,W. Getu,T • • •
1 • 71,icr . p-11. - ir.;th:z • the HA y% Isi'Jono
tva)itol 6y..tht , difftrclit . 4 .
. . ,
.-_ .._ r=..__ i
Pi 7 suotAVU
1.. •
.-- ..` - - 1•_:.,- - ... i , - -
i - , tl-4.?...ti , ti -s. A ••• - . 4-1,-4 II; .m.,,,15 t rr.)..i,,,,
" •
, .
- svatt...vii - ,lna
..,... -_--...,,..,=
'‘• ;2;77151Z -•
Err' r- t IF
•• -tn!
r. 1- " • "
• :4, 7:7.: S. •
1 1; , 7 LonOen orr•Wedney 3fte..),lbt
ky, th'e litneticAn44/t:iterB r.,t,bed of
arty Iv a 1 -t 1. 5000 by hnrthrq
ra,)Kr 4 . r ,"icho en-
stered cirhile the' intn4s ;41ept,.'
. -
lotion .of nearly if ..hqt quite two_
e . %y: York .Ita4 of about. ,one.
Paris has 13' - .the.atres, .including
the - oliera hote, -- z o alltl so - has New
thyltr4. ineindial her opera house: , ',Paris .
spsuds ..'",i6,000 a week for its "allnseruenta f
AO New Vtirl: ..70,0!.X1,a week witb,lhalf the
poimlatidn. With ,this the N,-
gOst : thittics that ZSTeli , e)Tork*ls "getthig
GOVETV.k.Or. IleffM.AN A. P.IR.A.TE.—It f+ - 041C 2 7
. . .
what amused us yesterday when we fea.
fallowingrin the NVashingtonsiirres.
'of the:Pisitss :
•Strtte.k by sotnetbirkg familiar in the'finan::
of.Governof Ho [fin an's: rneiSlige,
printed in Yesterday's New York "wpm, a
gentleman In-this city to-day discovered that
11.14119'very sltuilar to Senator Morton's spit
eie-Rayment speech; delivered in the SenatA
in ~ .Cember, 1,86 . 'CluAe; ' esaminatiOn
show that Governor liofrman.ha-: pirated
this portion of hiS in e almo s t bodily
l'hirti-tbe'Cozsmar-ssio.X.LGtotiE.' The Sen
ator is a good deal amused at seeilldhiS ,
cial doctrines
. adopted in so high - a;
crude quarter., . •
:cift. :Vincennes Ind:, a fernalecapvezler f - or .
Mark-Tvratil i SlZok , has been., pointing a-pis
tol At theeditor of the o.4.zETrEof tliatiahiee.
Thecditorturneda back somereaultlindiand
ed the baek-yard. SietKiries -were - isiolien
:ankle there wete some lying on the gronial
Irheie he itruck.- They tried to finethe won't
but couldn't fine her.
.Notireo.' „
"See to n , tine fast iniertieni ^S ennee - a line eneli
, , .
- Tan' ladles please. remember tha Tborafts BuW
lain °Sian at Na =I 'Centralia" on 'Monday, the
inat4 a choice lot of Dress Goods, Notions ard Trim
yrfiea rrilber with a well - selected' idoek. op_ltaple
GlVe`hins a Itnll,lnr. you I ,F I / 1 wall 1
. CAsacct wo4rAuted.. as to color' and" qusilltr,
ottly 40 colts paryant, at No. Centro "Wet. 2-1;
_ Tits sbespot mttE.ittis4n town at tbe Deafly* Dry
1200,11, More. No, Zdeentre infect. . 2-It
Pak'‘.l , oo/4 *cry tow, at TUomasl3:4l.l:i,;4s3,Celltre::
Itr et. . - 2-it
SS=Platt,fith and atasktproLititto,4ie ?sotto st 25,1;
Centri stmt.- , • • _ • .
Ciyikar,Horse fqr. sato tur dk {.70
'`..A.Gtoon Meet. Lzeelrill, Ar; Isenutsraatit.''—,
Man" with a intrssossrr family is free &ern reproach
it hls life Is not-Insured. Sertfiliparedi Lott - sir:vs
-advertisement, Fourth Palm— • •-• „. •
• Fits:scia PADDLED LIZ‘VrDRILLS K a 'Pei!
de P. r e.. StaltireeCeritre Street.
F*j*u,nsttleitia Atrierteau. eldithCial styles,
sad dilbpllitest 4116111140.0010; EltplUMIIMAre St;
:Ogg ctan aund Wakovil.trii4,2lMentrevuen; natal ,
TUy). • 9,4ober Virit".44
i'_~T: ii,i~
• • •,,,e:7-•
xiA.I4:UARY, itvio
• flaPa_UstiOd frn the beinedt of Tor:'
- ottiortwno. ruttier from -I , l'sr.•pus Dt-bt.111% . ;
plytw =smut. of taLf-cure. Writteu -, ,
carld b.rmseLf: nuct. sent free on retssrt - .
dittoleeektere..llSpN Addre.s' • •
• - zATIf. •
3tA : • - 4,
DOts. '0.64"-C.ln ' I..ltot , :zty e• 5 t
DBAYMESS, - 81.1—
tV 1);%.:' IYy a 1 1 ,
—.Kt:anted with linceeka
of.Vbieases- of , Eye mad tar, , ,
.medirm. Cottege Prt.; twel ve:i•cens
inerly orLeyaou, ;AK,
.•TesttuAyhittis At his olne.-. The hieol% - al •
tilVit(Xi to set:tau patty t heir
bast-rt.:4 witliciut palm. Examination fr.,
- 31 / 1 Y :it, , • •
Dll OENIX PECTORAL.—_I ore thnil
i ttfYottlQ of b '
1-4 COtigit ~•letlii'Ve have •
rlfb yaar4,, , anditiousands Lava *Wen
'bit cough accosii pan ving any ordinary ent4i ;. ••
dititressing cough nt 0011sta - I'l4lon hti% e aii •
turf. it is or the greatest value to Fite r• -
land no , randlrabraild ii.itiinut it.. ;t ; 1,: • -
to .I.Rste, it As preptar44o - by (Jr. 0!.,
11.0):177:E.II, PlitindrAphixia, ;ma -nlot
jtolllNtiS, anti . ?IA YLOT . t, Drua(riCb , ,
villa, and by nearly every Drug,- ist and ritoz....u. ,
at Z.l.;.intts a bottle,.
,`j ,lien
AND Ca.L.M.-There atcr, tr.:.;• •
\„;.• ,o'itta tIW *mouthy front dticantx, ct U. ,-•
tban..ttorit ttriC other ciuse. ,Ey eryone shrib - • ~. •
leer that a neilecttl.l couch • ;or. c.,, , 1it otters " V. , i; .' .
Iti, etinburaptlon. .11a. , ....0u:.:‘: Coln - pound ;..iyrr,
is the hest, mutt rellithlc article mown V •::-.' -..
ilr , eut:6l4s, - Cphb.. Iloar.soness, ..,Asthno t , •
'eatarriti antitt.ore'lltroar.. F0r.the.n..10' , ,t,;•.: .
lug' olusll- there is ritAttltm Cheat to It. -1", -
cettimf •`:,:44,161.11y a, W. 11: ROBS 15 '4lll:''zi th ::... •
•Pott.syttic . ;• W 51.. 3 ATIIII - 1144' Lang Ito:;.
.y - 111c, and theloinZtpal
h et Storot tht0,,,,,1,•
country.; '.j ' .111.-;!•SIXL•S...Ia:. i'•
. . - 1 - `Ot,THE WORKING CLASS .-\.'t ."4 ,
I prepared tOturulti:l all cl.a.jat withettr•-••...,.• •
• ploynieut iit home, the, 'o lieh! or tfe tine: oe •-•. . •
'spate montebt?i. lets - Atte.,, , 'two - , light
yervms - of either :• • •.4,:t. co->ily tarn I'l'olll 'Y14.... t , . ~.
4,llterit/ . ,4, unkhlprrportioim; •••unt by ilet.o:l4_ :
whole: thin: l'o; lite tpuAtter.. Boys :aria „,,, .1:
nearly Ito nthCh 4.: tie z - :.• That all or no 5t. , .., Lb.-. :
may' te.nd th#'.o othltt,,,i,„ lunl test the 1.u..n.,- - -
top...eke this ottliilirFlielt&tl t•111:1'7, To, ••••,,
'ytell sat6llo. wc..v.:111 - ,sced :1 to I,ay tot it: , ... ~
'et' wilting .
,i . Full 1 ; e - trio:Ion', a valuable- •--,...- _
whieWitt t t. to eoilltaeltoi wort: 01,1, et al 3 C,..i,
the re-opte's 1.1...raiy - . l.4.thnfrattioli - -fialte of 1'..t , • . ,
and belt tanift. tewspapers puttAkno.d.---1,1: !...
by'rentl. ..Presoler, it you wahr. pert..uattezz , ,p.
'work, ethitez:i-
. . .
Oct. '.-t..4 '1.3,41-pto •, • - . Atni,ll,l; , .
II OLLOWAN. 15 I,StiENCO 0:k" JArI.l..
IL ' I:IN 4.111:1;; 1 3 , ::1 titttliA•t r , ...1mu. 1 11 1 .1k. t .; t ;,:
•Pillial 1:: - I'i4.71/te 01 J...betle:t 13 inier in toe 1,1 ....
therefor.• the only art 1. 1 ,.. (Cl be rilusit Oil }., ...
'o3llc, Clioleto•:.%l,:rbus, ,Dl:e-,11, - ..v., I..”l:4.clitt•ry, 1
,itostiott;llo.• ettl,,:t.., ut chruc.:c ot `..Vnter, Ci,. , . , .::•• J.
5..1: to. :ii. , ..i10v.;.,:. - s. atut 1...i - 4, no othstl. •..'s ..,.:
- 4ioorrlal Of it Ltn , re th:lit' . ;,idat ton ytn.,ic ' -.,..'
of Attiy other. 1.-...:1,1'by tirttrOsts..and. '' , :n.o - •:/1.... , ,
Piny 'ccots pert,oilist Johit.:on,
• • - 7 •
lethr.ce. •‘
,dun O' l7 -lath , tr..: . t • lclI•t1':Ilila , •
- .• .. ..
1 .' CELI#nr.:S City rust llott.OWAY's lint.7..t;: - •
.• CONit:CTION,...; - - ''. 1
Th. s- aye ,c, ti.llcioua.- 'llre aocaotti•ruiti 1 , 5 )
tirt, ' art" the itto,t 4,ote•e.ntl etrr :7! ual teOtr: - .1 -. ..
I W 'Mc. uetfitihe have tior - : '
i l t4"-the litopricw:s on rite. v..r.,pi,er ut • • I
4'.wetity4ril.o. , .gattu ;:.,.... It: lc: Jutak,oll, 45,
. t.".: , rAten. Lee - 4 rd-. st.. Phita. ' Jn0,.:1,:;., ',.; ,•-. - ..
tIV STYL,ES 0 1.;! PALL _
. - O'er S3toek z.zhi
.Ing iii : styje , 011 . ;
tea ti tliCtu z :Lit oul It's•
Qt . nU;
malt .tyiiili g J,cutuMl- t :
lou. a well a, ificincr and more laoth-.late •
to hts , •-.3,. better in *tv!-.,
Itiart at;. other. stock oflhra • .
Also, chOic••
of .
Latta, , o,stiez, Su hr.!, 1;e-t
;pc those who All prices
loic'er 1.1 - oi.ii. the 1: - , , ..e , t ‘1.......,4 - Lpie,:.;ll.l i:;:,
Riontri.u.,r,,otot".l,,,cry i.,..r.:.,"0,-.llrr .'n.ll ‘,..—..
-ni,iu, -, : r,:furitted. " . . .
1 . - Sairil.):,.; of zat...t.:1 , 1..1 - .. 3, - . nr " , ; - . 1 1 4-: - ...111 wl.t.;:1•, -.
:gaffirualti,u, - r,-ii. , ly-.11.0,:1t.. or IL J, io ‘...:• :
1-1111w..K, - 1)&. - 3, - . ...,.',if 1 .I.;E:.` , ti Ell' ~..: ,
. ,
• - - liitrl :L)241 ;.." " p . Pov. - e.r 11:0.1
.-.. Sl:>:tlii-.;! , .„i • • r.,l3 , ..7siarkSit , -.L,.. ,
•. , .
.'" .. . ' , Phil .-1:
, • And 0,0‘) troAtkway, ;:c...4-ty011.:. •, :
ut,or 1 . 1; .OJ.
4-4 the ail:W:11'11,0de r.f p.!ocedurn'th
6,4.411*. Tler tat ion r
' ,St/net.Jl t6 - 41tat ul - Qtt.4 tin L. lutton Is ;"
mialt to yialeur pfai.latioh 1a . ..-.uch it
lm to bleed a still, lug !nail.
and taiphh:: , •ebutitiaed in the teeth, of the ci
Butt y il tho
anfieti That' aecohiv..,ify it: t.ta-ie certi4til \_..,::
dty Veliev'ea
• - gkitterill*(lolally o;1,1/ at;tii.lcd uitL Cu:
I.rregoho ity fir the 1.0 1 / 2 1',1,, anti that talk . • •
.10101 hot.. he oTellootaal....l3iAt •
of the vviv;,l ermitt Cr of t eNhie
its fv,t g.. ,
I r i h.; They onihihe aperh‘nt anti antl•LJ:
.reilfr.A log h - 71.1 the 1,93ce1,
tho l'iirouth
upon u - hG"h the ;peat v.eL4 . ret ! ibi,zspeeilie •
e.i bi , :ll Ey 1+:1,11).:1•LI:altill: tiii p
is I',
. .
. , .
q it !,. 4C 12 tfo: k ..
a.;1 , ..,.1 I oil Ui. i II': 44irtiollar:: prin,...,
Ila;rN:tfii laniard, and ail :114'10 - at:ant, putv.. , r,',4 , •
;teal rcAts - Zd• Iti w yi.--.11.1.!,y act 4.31 ; u,..t -..p..1,11. , ,
a:;:v.'mfil 1.1 t IL! ca :e ti a 11 . k..11%hl1ruulaut v.-1.,
I , t,rckl tail i',,r . a zot - itit,uanc,t,- It 1 , 3 111 ttli•-:• u:
,floti ex tt :1,4 , 11 t;:yry c1,..,,n•4:',.i0v-v.'rc...titht to 1:
,ljtioa ,t•*l.l -, f.:040 , zr.u.:tatett art4.l'twv. , : it • t
,1).7. - 11...u-'e at ILI , . -t :ftAtlert , aler , Nrot:tl.;.•••.; stit..t.'t ,
t.):11 , ..'• L,:ipta;t4:;_;tt tr..cuso Llccitiu I.:Qt;‘;‘,ll ~ .7,, ..
F r/n.411)11 aria 0 pro:0 11.1.11.,* c , .t.n4rt le
f.171 , .4.1; a bzi;
\N - 2r.•• •
AL • in.:
gfir 7ifi„
tho. ' .
T. , - f,
f.:••••: ,:-• •
fruc, _
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.B:ROW:\t'S i -
• • ' • ROTZ
Av..L Are lA..
ci ta'!,le,...l.l.tfevi can, r,:] .soittii . thoto
11 , xtrturn.. , .anti a train of
t' LAI 1. n prei , ra
le fOnct to the , a coic, t tonal tr,a1,1 , 2',,,, -_,- •
'our countrtm.ii, the r,
~ pre
a ,:ucc Inc rOpiletot
in ne,w r.ftcr the trie4
i-f ycttr.., fu;fi i ling. a, itzunr,:`,...
' • " DoL.LAn PER itcrn - L.
%.' :I' •
Ly Dr. W. 11 .110 LI N
. 4 30:1‘.", •
Jaw . 23, itt).-1-15* - • •
' ' A Tintivro df rre healing herbs
• said in bottles only, at $l. 'cr 1,0 ' t.
per 34 Dos.. • Sent to any ad- ••.
q deessed reeeiptief manes,
• :lad -ttuarantelid. • '
41> ; 1 111 1
• t", r •1 4
i 0* IC
I *Vb
- •
'iVeent.ino Feelliyll: , ..!
drca pre:v.1,1.31...r tee 1..,.:
;',' et Ofiper;i3,,Liiiitn,tl .
, Colic, Feker'&Agaeolt
cdurages Digestion. core:
4ury. purif..-et - c-8100d.4 cc; '
lila Liver. • s',ll circtihr. Snii 1y litynr.:-. , -• - '
Kfit 1
I . MR3.llEgis .-„ 1r , ; _,.... h t:0- . ,,,,,,,,, i r c ,,,r, L D . ,.,„ : ,: :.
P.ins. .1. reg....i..s t ,
Alit . el.:, Quiets Rezilessn,t..:
E ~,,t . .; , ,,,z ,,.,0,,,,, .„. v5 „.. ; .....,,,,,
, di l . gtvins„' l nna r . r..41. - , , n'.i - .; .;..y
-'t e•m - . Pri,... ne.v.r . r ..,...-.
cents in k Mt -, lt , Af
afor. . Erni • .
"wili:nertz tioregrttie,l. &,tll iy
l arriiger:
- ,,I3YLEY4IIUNDILL- ,, CM the 411.11n61- I
'Cifaktg:i.a.. - BYLti r
111:XXEL, Leith .
• 11,ERF.iiFORT..1-101 , 7E5---At. St: Clair, o
,T..iekr•em)er H 0 ,7 ,, by the, RCN', Samuel
- ,Jo - a - ..s.Btr.rer.D to Xles . .q.armast.E - r J%,
!ST.. Clair. ' . ' • '
COX—EtITIITIE.;OI2 the mottark-z.
be-2ember,My theite.v.
.C.AILLI'4II COX Of. ClielitCX Co4.llXty: .
Optxtur a of Pottsville. • .
art 1, WO, by Rev. Chair.
GraFrtrus to .7411. s ELiz...ortra
eserille,Sehuxiktil Co., re:
At the parsonage, by AL° Rev. E
sittm T. 11.T.3715/tIXSO - ...F to NkiSS -Nt.t.rtta
Ist Pluegro7e TeNcustitp. . • •
Exchange Hotel le Pc,tti,vliie, - 1: - the itc, - v;
McCoul,; to M.b.1:1
daughter of,itr-11.1' IAVIR GE ID
'..te r iir.Nß A .c.ll--on the '.2:3(1 of IX-mini - A , c,
itisti.,n To - Iv - m.lllp, ELizsErrit. wife 01
EX-13AC11, in the MI year of her age, '• •
• P.OLTZ—fg,n.thela instant. rn,
agelk2 years, 5 montius carra
FAKE-,-On the of Dee.. la tht4
D iris ; Toivagest daughter of hnsp , -;
Cal4,,tamo a years, 1 month and 6
Doarest (laughter thoa lath left
ft e thy loss we deeply. feel,
13ut t ip God that hash bereft as, •
•Hcan all odr sorrows heal. •
DELONG— 4 Dn the' Illth. tilt„,lltt '`:' ,- rl , ''•"-
.LAtint,a• - D.M.,0;z0, azeJ '2.t! y - ears, t,1.,,-. ....,..
days. • - ,
r•• . .
, .
''' • F RtE.M.A.N —On. the 31 insry in' IrPin- , - ,
• FUE9..iA'S a"C•.I I reaiy4 Mo.altl:-.. Z::. 1 .., ,
' . 71EMMEL-0, rt thd 2FAIi 7,1-.,lni 5...1. - ..... , ~i ...
1 GtORGE Eftli3i£L, aged . i rel--, - # - .-'
- • '
STILLER—iii the . • .
STlLLER—iiithe Isrt of- Jar. - .zil f 7. n‘ a'
• Maven,-Jorrs .1-icon MIL/Er , a;--,1 - ._ , ..?..c-..; In'
tit 4.2 - dace. -•..- .
:SIORTGCAN--(In the Lst NI, Dr. - ...t•Nti. - .:::M ,
yotingest sun. of Brevet Lieu te tiaal.(' a '-". I
e: Morgan, U.S.I- A., and Gitssie, 10,...; - , ..--.1,:, ,
- year,.two months and twenty-four p".."••-•' . •
-'BPAIIRS—Lit thls Beg-mutt, on rti.L._, - 1:. .
January. :t.b., - 1$70; Mist SeAstm,.. -
The friends of theArntly are respectful;
to attend the funeral from her late resldenfir; •
etreet:lon Monday afternoon - at 2 o'clock:.
SAYLOR—In Pottsville. Sari. A. Itsyriy ,-..•
altd. 70 Fears. Funeral cin 81tudav,•Jan. 9 at:-cL
':.froVe restaenee of Dianl,4 ILIII, I.aueit ut„:
_ .. ,
- 'SI ARER--on. the 3trt, Instent, In this ';',
MArGARET B. a - ife Of PetCr Sh4arer, In the 7, ,
l of nee.,a,ge. - ' - ' ' .
tatedonecting WeC:',
S. Of *A.., held "Wedneadav-eventng, , Dee.....
folldwing priauoble ami nrsolutlo,na wet,
mously adopted :
WIIIS.EI , OI, In obedience to the. will of
God, the stem Angel of Death brus.en.tvrr.d •
and'removed from out midst, In the I,lGou,
out beloved brother William N: Keeney,
WECRE.A..I.4, The, deceased during It- a. , . ,
with US has won the esteem and 04 0 love et - t t
ertigod, therefore be it, ' „ _
. • .Ftesoltecl IChat. in the death of tiroultr l:•" , ,
order has lost a prernisluk: mentber and wi- .:..
. Irrimpathize with the bereaved pareuts A.L. , ..i :
In: t,tr affliction. .
' /reserved, That. as a testimonial of o::': ,
the mete my of our departed brother. NIT dr.i ;
.Cale c p. and wear the lapel badge for :1, t• :1
thirty days. • •
fferofrcd, That a copy tit these rcsointicryt i
tWarded to the parents of tats deceased. . -est , '
ilabed th. the - Gaxe Matra and .strsroas , Jet; u...
, •, - - . 'A. J. Itst...NNin 1 l FR„ )
• '- -_ •• • • J. A. SEf GARD, } Cone:.;
I • ' E.4.1ELA.2.K. -
tir r.m-
' •
1 , Atteat.i.;-oaLTialtattaza. Bece.rdillg St"el"."..'
F o r.Tifai. Ti INEI BUTTEX•
woluvoll atsdukta Ava,cv „
tcl___Akr gait,cl f ftti=
'vlestand Best Shippers or BUTTER tnttran . t..
\..17. and ate_p_rersed to 1411 nil urder* , '
rrItttFINE_BUTTER, and at the very lowest :
fret rate*. Pottle* ordetlogcall depend novo W.'
tor...cleated:l9ns made for mem "
• .4,4 F. 074.ESEBEQU'ar
• - •
Pork Ptiekeri - suit Whoiesolo rcoale: -
./ParFa3+7o.64lo4tra , But*, Chedilcit FisL
i 'attll3l. - P;: I