I.f --V „ . • a . • • • ' • . • rt. • . . • .`""- . • • ,•, . , 1 1§V" - gr • , • •• . • ' • • _ . , .-• 'l • • - • • • • • • - • '•• • , - 2 - -„,." 1. 1 - z . - • • -• -1 1 • ". • • ' • - .10 • ' • . e • • 1. 4 ••••,. - s**-< - :*"" • • • ••••• •-m ; .. . • 7 t r" • t , • # uur q lip -44- • _ 1- • , . . t q•-• • t`. 2 . 4 • , • V - •••• 1' 1 • .., ..,evYYP'" - !I ' "'s •g 4 1,. . , • . I - , - Ufi"• k -"•-• o ys' „.t,iv4 k.l 4 A _ • . - " • ' • • • • . . A. . • • •:1` . 7 - • .„ ~ • ...1 • . . • r- • -- " " 5. 416119' . • • • • . . . • .. . ••• • • • - • • • ; -t . • , . • . . r ' • . . _'gawped aecoMair m Ad* Courares, ht thirtese 1100.1 i Simian El FORtV--SIXTH YEAR. No. .2. COAL .TRADE A_DVERTISEMENTS. Port •• Pier So. 4. Pod Rieltmond. WELD, :NAGLE it CO-. Itrinerm and Shipper. of th.• Rest qualifies LOClrtir MOUNTAI:.; AND BLACK.,HEATIi • CO S, . 'L For Mailufaclurin;.z and Domes:He use, aud. sA . -„A.geriv I:l4.flicts • FOR CI:LEM:ATM . DANIEL WEBSTER, iiglir RED. ASH, AND "JACEsON:LoRBERRY" • o:osa'nut 11111..ilelplAa, iCtf, 1 It/ .N Brpathray; 19 1103ne sti S. Nl. ttlr.nßY W. :s.Ar;LE. IIMEM181!1= Tan 1. CASTNER, STIEKNEY. & WELLINGTON Miners and Shiripars of tool. ttl,•tr Jrurn-thle i r ;4l. LEWIS.VEII' 7 I2 , • i A.ll-,. L0ci . 77 , 4 M, I J' : W 1.11 . -: :;t1 New "iiOrk. Officeti: • :4(13 11%011W str-et. phim A lier o phia. 1 •2( ih•mie St *. 11104.t0n. PORT RiT'IINIOND.TUIT.A. . r 7, Port Rielltiikond. .NEELL & -. Shipilers.of AWI anirite & Bitinithions C 0 A. . - • - . . • • . AGENTS' far the :., a 1 e or the celebrator SHENAN DOAH crry,wl.o , ;,lN .t. Tli I ElIFL's Locust :Noun , %Is and But ritli , ie :ftlittlaftkin • White ..:lisli Coal • AM. i...POSIS an 4 PFA(II MOT:NTAIN , '• Red A • . • EROM lIOLOKEN . . The t.r:lst. varii - ,t. 1,14 of Lula WAV14171 . ; CELE • BRATk:D FANILY COAL. I • • _..._,, . L . Al>o, I3ITCMI\fti = and (:itNIP.EIII...I.ND ("0.11-9 of well est at,11 , 11...1 r.rpaia,;,:a; Plilaielplsla, 217 Strt:6l .rsov York. lioorn V, Tripity K~tildiii G,, — "*"" 4 ' .- Pri.i.lenre. 11 - eirlovo.et Strryt l/oltne atreri Felirittay =lM===! JOHN B. WHITE • & ' SON,: Shippers o f COI, : , _ . N0..-3lb WALNUT Si 2. ~ in-14LADELPHIA. • S W . I • M+ for S torairi. Anti Sale of, Coatt;: : . `No. 411 We.t. Thirteenth Street, Neva fork. ' No: Sti`.';Thir..l Av'etatte. Nem. 'York. . , 1 'veal Wharf; No. 99, Indial•4treel, Pro'vklence. Colby.s Wharf: Vt. Wet-Itingtan Avenue, sitar' tocki.rgif Su e..,t, Ithston. , . Jan.,l., '7O-1-- .Pier No. P. • - B A.N T,'„L E 4 7 1 S '&.. Ca. , , 311...`.<1:11 , .I.'::.I. , .SIII.I•PEFJ±. OF Tilt • . , l'El.EilitATl:ll ASHLANDI:OAL, }Unit ~7 ., t .t1111.N0l m.irrsTA l .y. 1 11.1.11 . 41mit H., C tiumertial Itullti., i'lilli „,,,,,.,.,„ 1 . i• 111 ILtro2.4vitiy, X rinity . I.lnildlnz, Room s- \ ,' fit:.," N. N'..--titek_lAC SELTZER. A. ' . i . it Dotio.,_. it., Ro,f 00. . .Talinr.v 1, "711 '.... , T 1.. • . SINNIGZ.SON -& •t Shlpper,%.t. Dealers of the CELEBRATED FRANKLIN OF LYKCNS VALLEY, • Sole E.4lilo.yers fuel Dealers of the well-I:tutu - It! " Ofiejniti " • 111..211Y CLAY 'COAL. `' ' ! El*: Watnnt ..zt! vet,. Pliiisacipititt- .1.14 Trinity itethiing, New fork. .10 , EN/ . 6. MOOD/ General Agottt. VDT 13 North Port Riehntond. ' JOHili SCOTT'& 09., . :Miners and Shippers of Coal. t..„ I ' iDALF.,",WhIte Coal. ) • ••ph:-NF.ItANKL.:IN” Deep Red Alb: 1 I tEI,II4E.I.—No. 2'lB Wttinut utheek,, ttte.TON - --Ntx• 19 I).nt.e St. al NEW 1 . 4111 K--f" ; Jail I, '7” ` T. 4 1-iy ! - Pier No. 13,1Port'llit•hianntr. GEOItGE S; REPPLIER; ' Miners anti -- Shippers of Coal ; MOODlE . ,tfiris.torTrsr morz;;T.im . s, Y. EPPLI.EIPri* MI all VEIN. DUNCAN COAL. CO's LEW - I:4 VELC, RED ASO.; & CO's LORLIFERV. „. *?;1149 Walnut St reel, Philadelphia. • . Office , : 111 ftroatiway, Neiv • 27 Doane, Street, llo*ton. • ' Jail. 1..70. PEt r \o. 14, Sorlll • ' C', ‘ & - J. FL EAST - WICK CO;, SILIPPEII OF . • ... WHITE ANDIED H COAL.. • °aid* , (No. ?1 , 3 th.o: St., Indelphiu, No. 19 Onane street, llostaw. urnade EA Ash, . • , I Shan:Ain White •,b: • .1,1, 49AL. 4m:ft::: 1, .1+ • . • leier,l4, ,oath. . . BORDA I RELLE: i f e l 4. NU Miners TTlNO and€)ll' p 'ot's. of Coat • • wEsT LEllleill G.P.E.i. , .N WO,I.:. 1 1), : ' - • .; .••• ; -- .. ' • • . :.: • • TAMAQUA. s;H.11:1, • • i. itt:Ex ES D.l.Li'.. • •!-• •• • - ' i • .E.CK4:RT,LOII6ERP...I'i :- . ;••• i . Niye.',ll.l - F.R.t.NKLIN RED ASH;:. • ; 4 ' - BLACKI.I • EATII., • - c-, .f.,, . S e . . , "2- .......... " .5.,L 1 1 1 07 ,- .ST • NIT„ . -.-:' ~ • ' • : - L •..Q.tlittif;TSDN, GIRARIiSTI.4;E. . • . - I.4,2.'f.iiilhy St., lioston. Officgi : 7..16,‘,... 64 Trhkiii Daildlikgr. - -N, li: - . .3 327 NVilitllll 'Nt,rvet, Philadelphia..: : ". . , , . •• .. - P1e; ( 1.7,;. f , ' ' •-• 4 - ;..- ' • . , . 11011.1 M • I:..EOCF.It.".;t 7 :4'TTiNG. : ' 4 . NoiCilt Fil'.l.:.`,ii.LlN. WIUTEJSki. --. - APrll2l, - 6 , )2 - • .. -. ' ' 17 Pier U . iii, Pt. 4) . 11 IN T D , VW ARD 5• . . ( •"9 Sit.(4l. 'Se* Turf:., •' , Offices '2.20 \Vain tit,htEt•lit, . I. 21 li.ilbyNtrerf, 11.19stoii. • COAL Ol' ALDRINIIS BY THE CARGO. • ',lan. 1, '7O. , . . • IjAY IiLUDDELL ar, CO ** .40• f • • C • • Miner s '& 'Shippers of. Coal. • (2053.6 Walnut St:,Thiladtlphla. OfEict.s Rrokulway, . (7 Dortne,Stret, Boston. , sole .I.gente: for the sale of the 'following ..Elebratptl. e:u'ils••• . . ' • ••• •lIAIILEIGU LF.lllGif. 'COAL.: nt.:RORY COAL CO.'S liIC)CORV AND DRAPER • • . COALS, and the . • • EX&LSIOR COAL CO.'S SHAMOKIN COAL'. I f Pier N0..18 Pt. Richmond. • Ainif.e.pso Arti's pi •- . No SEllzabeth,pl,N.l. A., '7O - 1- P rSo.toPortElbagond JOHN ROMMEL, JR., & BROTHER, ' . OF . , . . ravagri COAL OF trsus VALLEY. Deti Bed Ash. BILL t 111111114, White Ash. HCCltir Cl,ll . and ,pisjEL WEBSTER.' ; BBOAD TB?. 6E.111:BITt111NOrn. ' , ./2AVEN'9 LEHIGH' 'at Elizabettixat. 2031,4 Walnut St., Room No. I , Phila. • Offices 1 68 Trinity Building, New Voisk. 21 Doane Stryet. Boston. J. 0. "MOODY, Oen'l Agent.. 10— March 6, :Ca AUDENRIED. NORTON .8k CO., Miners and Shippers of Coal,t . . ' - I..OOUST 11017.NTAIN, 1"2.511'0CH. HAZEL DELL & CONTINENTAL coLuzauEs. s3.iiAmoicus„ , . • TIMM ENTERPRIZE COLLIYRY; . LORBERRY, ' - ' THOM MIDDLE CREEK COLLIERY. ' . - {328 Wakant Street, I Phllade4 }ll,l - . • CHSort: 119 Broadway, New York.. • 27 Doane Street, Bastes. . • Jell,l, '.O: 1— 7 - NOVEY 8 KENDRICE. • 1), . I. J. DOVEY. ' ' W.K. KENDRICK. Miners and Shippers of Coal AND 1)0Va; HENDRIcK & CO., AVM. KEN - DEICE J. F. DOVET. Sole, Agents ter Ceiebrsted • Rainbow and Plank Ridge Coals,. Nyarf • So. 21 Port 111clnts4. riandelphla --228 Dock Street. . Pottsville—Centre Street. New York--Trinf Itollsling,, 1100 m et, 217tenv . Aechternarbt & Silveri Agents. • Boston—No. 17 Doane Jas. 31. Reed, Aent. was g hisatsu,--D.C.—Nen47 Roues, Agent. - . '69 i- I Febrit VANDUSEN BROTHER Co., Inners sod Stdppers of Co. .- _s " coliDap="irt Y .aAdOttses l,icast Gap. WHITE AND' RED. ASH COALS • Pt. Rfobtrontd. EirtmnroWsuirrts: EittaberbPart. • ; ?a ide , J • I s = Wslaut Phi& vFI/119 ill Broadway. New York. • ' - j. 5 Dossolit., /j(oston. s Jan 1, 75-1- - MIMIEII ED. 31TEP.WIN:, MI ME rter ,11 MOM Port Richmotib. LEWIS AUDENAIED ft CO4 - Miners & Shippers of COO, " . . LEITIGII . SPRING MT. & WlLXR‘iti.\4l/E, 1 ' LOCEKT DALE, 11 ERRIAM''' AND A NE1E.111410.1 LOCUST MT. 'BOCK 'RIDGE SIIA.MOL"IN & TREIIOIPiT LOR BERRY. 1 - . • , • ......._ ~ WOLF CREEK DI-AMOND AN D GLEN"pvottni , RFa) A, - • vr. cArtm ' I L AND SITF:NANtOAII IVIIIITE AS11: "GEORGE'S I:REEK AND itElp.u) Tor. = t ______ • • • Commercial Etalkitnx. .141110414 r Fill1a: 110 nriatiway, New York. t 01Fices : • 1/ Kilby Street, Boston: j.i . - . . 31 South Street, Baltimore. 1 I ' ' • 33 Westminster Street, Pres - kieneiS ... • P. SHIPPING • WHAV :—Port itlclttru?nd, Port '. • Ji)tin ltua, Jrntey City . , Balt imonti I N . LEWIS AT:DENLIED. Cii-0110E ii.rEAMIS, 5 411,41UDENDIED,•, -ADDISON 11-6.11LD.' - Fax.rlFAtic - R. A.Porrs. t.; Jan. •ti I — • litn/ goth. WHITE, FOWLER & SNOW, tsucerssors to John White & EiIIIPYFORS OF .t 1 1 / 11 - 11G11, • . - : LOCUST MT., • il ' W“.KESDARRE, - ;• 1 fiCRANTON iniii z - • cumg.t.:RLAND • • a- 0 A_ IA • Otlict4o. 73 Trinity BuilifinF, 11 Be,V. Apry. II; pT. JOHNSON & HOBOKEN. 1 • , . 4. 1 .'t .. •. C 0 Ali.. . I I V AN WICKLP; & sgour - ~1. ... iii,....., A' I) fiurPPEILS OF Tifll 1 , Celebrated "Fulto" & "Stout" (Lehlah) Coats, 74 Fnittr ' the Enervate and the Stout Colliorlenear Hazleton, pa. Depvered direct from kitinev on ilfmni Vessel at rt. .IniiNsOlC,lloaottratfandANEW' BituSAWiC:E.N. 3, . . ..• (44 &48 :trinity Building, 1; , : • °Merit -' 11l tiro way . New 'York: . •- • . Otettirwrrirrat HP liraatiway.) ...' • • May 16,.'1n . -: :: ' 1 '/--. . . VER PLAN - CI & ATVfOOD . , . f Witol;gSAl:‘E DEALEILi IN, rj 'XIIIOII . O . . i ' ' scalryLKlLL,._ . , t i • . • , • wILKESBARRE il SCRAN 4 I - 1H:, and ' . StiA MOKIN • C . , C 0 A_ 14 . 11 . . . ofi f ee , 5 No. 17 Trinity Building , 14 roadway, •i. bets York. • t . P. W. VeitPLA 1 N I k, -. .• . JOHN 'll - . 1 ! t TWOOD; 'Jan 4, 'Th • 1 2-41( ....• i yr" . GAUD W. LL & CON NT, • • NO. 111 BROADWAY, NEW \pRK. f,Tionins 35 and 36 Trinity WifOLESALE,DRALERS A. 1 .40 5H1P1.92... OF . LEILIQII, LOCUST N - 101 - NTAIN, ' PIM"TOICI L . CI:IIBERLA NI) AND BiIOAD TO ' COALS, . . A GENTR Co - New York and t tie Barth-of Sthe celebrated COUNCIL. RIME' FREE BURN LNG 1:Eff1041 COAL, mined by Stint - lie, Weiss & Co: .11SO Agents tbrt e PRIMROSE nnd other first eta's collieries, and for the celebrated ppwEvroN Senti-IdtuntlnOus COALS. AdnIIIII,,NIV-14 C. E. IiETMOLD. 1 . . '.11,5tE1 9. COX . . . • • DETIYT . OLD & COpr..., . . . . - SOLE A. r.--iflN•Tzt. . . .. • • . ' FOR THE ' IA LE ut• THE .1 . - C.'• .. . . • . -t . • • • Celebrated Room Run (Ltiehigh) .. • ~,,, • • . ' '.C 0 . _A_ L ; • . • . . . ...- 13ECENTLY MINED BE THE-4E;Pilti. i'Atlifil, - - it _ • , • • - . . l'utle,7 Leesei , frozn the r- - • • g , . . .. , • , . i'; i - • Lehigh Coal and Navigation, I.'OIIIO.IPS, . . . . . . . .. . . . . . -, . 1.. • _ But ni.,u - by the, roznpuul. - tberumi,lvel,twliti design milking . tin ther Intim,' eineriiJ in ilie ptiparatten of vtite Coal flit. year.,. Orth•ts received' f rota FOiTNI)HYMIFN, :if. A ,''•• • t- F ACI'l 'ft Elt,i, and the Tht•Api•:. OFFICES: •' ; - F ' •j- .. . . ' • 38, '4O and , 42 Trinity Building„ _ - f •' • ' - , • NEW TORE. -., F ' . ...• ..:•_ _. .. ,Ternporarily.a't ''.N l -. ,7 1 • litqaitay.) , • . 141` Aiiiiess by inell;.Pi-0, Box No. : 4011i. . : ' A Is.), (1/.1. Coillp.4n.r's T.etlielt fitiring NtoUnthilii,Le:•* 'hfgD.,atul - Gebrge's E'irc..•ll : Cumberland go:119, ~.....;ent.• b• riwoyftr .-3 vi•ry - - tlnperlor ~ 'NT. Ilk - esDurre • Stearn mut Fatally Coals, ti - cun the Eutetyrtig. Mine*. r 11KBERLAND COAL.—The unclergiktit4 tire' litektired to deliver a - pOrne.trrt iele4of GM, RCA CUMBERLAND COAL, On board vessels et Gt•orgetotine, 1). C., the 10we.31 going term REF) , .titscr:s:First National Rank . , Washington, .1): C.; John R. Pivots, dO.; George RJCarpenter it enr.:l,:, Philadetphin; Ornhem, F.mleif Ptoismore, lio.; H. D. Cooke, i.Jay Cortke.it C 0.,) WOltington: D. :C.; Philp & Soloinons, do.; David Latelreth it Son, Philadelphia; , MeCalinm, Crpti§e ddl•-yitt Cpbke, c.Jny'Cookeit C 0.,) New York City... Apr. 111. 9 .1569. l&—tf • • fIi.I,E.A.SON. ca.ENN: CIF - FLOE OF THE NIAOARAb EIsEVAT • CQ.,!?42o39tEucia.t:BLocii, E0f41.0,N. Y: :COAL. . - COAL ".'COAL: ,*".. ELEVATE , ;O hating a Large surop of Lot and Doeltage,_yr c ill . • prepare 4 at th e opening of navigation to receive plaid Erie Euilwayi•Canal, or Lake, any •quantrity of 'OAL:for Stotuge or trinabinuient. to, any place T o ' a...; by Canal or west by the . Lakgl , _upon a.; faVotabltterins as any. pal-ties Buffalo.. Their: lot , la !located for a seperal city busine.... •,' •••• • . Ylea:Prenidett: scaroh . 27; • • • J . • „ OTlCE.—Menufacturers and twits of .Stea m N.lll Pumpsi are hereby'eautioned against the man-* facture,-sale,-or use. of any ,Pu mps that are an- in fringernenVeri IsonNi - Patera , dated September 24, 1527, as they, prosecute d ta.ihelull extent of the law. _. - . E I haleel ready er.) er(e . ed snit again# sevenilpag. ties, and prosecute all other infringers. _ • -PortsCarbon, April 2, '1222. • ROBT.IALLISCq,:, Parties in want_of Pumps can lie supplled arreason., hie praosby the underslgne4l. • • . ALLISO N & 1344N1 , 74.14„'. - Franklin Iron Works; r part carbon. Isti. 1. '7O • - . . 0 . - 814.1T11. SH.WPING 11.agIFT, Etsclves • Pig Rail, ami Bar IrOsi. AND'OTItt . Tt FTLEORT AT EtaLkarrii_porrr Toad.pirka. JIERSET .. . ....... , MOnl3 & F.Ork " &ir'CO-_,PO.IIdCOrO end Conilgriments , tespeettally solicit* P. U. Addresa, FlLlzb . ethpor I.!: J. Jan. 79, , • Ek—iy FIRE -.BRICK Tit Ant :TSARS--MOUNT SAy l / 4 0,X: . 'elated StAtte Ow ' te ertunn Ima annikie ' S diitt. B 1 . tared exclusively_ by the CONSOLIDATED COAL COMPANY,, _of- liaryland, ior Meath*, Paddling, Smelting, and Olitsts Furnme 4 iirul All other purposes reigstring the EMIT O'""enapes and Price; win I+' --ned. Also; OEOEOEI3I By the Cargo, C. H 1232 l e uttitzre. I.AI3.A.IKuBk _Jot- . r littaaßt es d. OILMOR MEREDITH; 1 • :% 2 26 South Oar SUV.. Plasting`powatr, 017761 P a, POWDICH. .* • I v i a t i m. . ..• Mesas. COICtIC OEtAX. a , . lifi=e„ Penna.. bars beecnao 47E414 Ws POIT ' anact.bred by the LVweiuM Powata Ob.. 'W , Pa. Dee. 16, '4W- .. • • 1 Ils• Tire susscauzza • 'WOULD aim Tnan A attention of Coil Operators end Others in Blasting, to an extra quality of pared - ' - ' I, SLTPETRE PO.ER, 1 4 71) : ___ ' Warranted NOT TO filianre, nor leoirsiiny injunotis effluvia attar i blast, although used We Plaor Whirs thereto no vtamaszolt. it li also In to 28 per eent. inorenowerful than any ' powder now being ui for ruining writ used with perteet use.y. E. Bole Manufacturer an Proprietor. Oilers semi to his BIM at BarneivMo, this Comity; Will receiva &Mint attention. . feh. 20. 48-15-ly fnIZIMION.II. POW2MIER 'WO . lintlett ts ‘,. e ,. hereby gm= that /AMPS lif bits been so-. pointed agent for the sale of cressentaroarar. so uth of Broad Mountain( east of B road Matatala. In a line dug north • Mahanoy Plane. 4all Orders for Powder - In that I 17_ should be adareaset_ i to him at Pottsville. The analityW this Poarder *lll In all instances equal that =ale at our N York Mllls, and is warrented ta Mva on. •• a E41 4 4 - D PEA CM : , Nov. r.. le. 170 tutadarat. Now Ttlar.. To Cori orrwassaro IMA l'''k ttssios . ; takil, sen tbis 't ° =2 thelhe rf at , bun ii i , mlM 7- - austrinK. and trust In new' on tollorre It contlit nitend wi their cadets-1W Tog sowed Zn i4ll m pint On be Alidto s 1» entire : Ilay. X. ._ • . • J _ . - , - " so theSillt im O l ynk at 0211411 usi=p- "b MIMI* ealook4,ll ! ! SCIIVIZEILV N ATIGATION. shwa Emma tor ArtaltAaTi COAL at grunaliask Damn Riven LEXIIIB ALI:Mir/MTh It Ca:. -. ~.-:1 AGILI . R . ; FOR TINE BALE OF THE . : Welt tree% Wassail . dal Coaipan'i. Blaraat, Bill maul . , dark llea* India i bah. . ';' s s l . (MS Walnut Street.' Philadelplda. , . OFtICES: 4 110 Broadway. New yogic. -. • ( 11.1Ellby Wren, Beaton, , . REPPLIER At- BRO., IN. E. cor . Walnut* Fourth ata., Pittla. OFFICES: 35 Pine Street, New York. , _ , Merchants' Bank Mandl, Providence. im.vo esausoir, PHILA, icitakinct. Ban, Ism _ DAVIS PERSON & CO4 X/NlNts AND SHIPPIV 07 TED 6 1 CLI.VBRATED LOCO? ROCNTAIS. WITTE Atia=AKD Sir°llll VAS . • E D AS.H•COAt.• • ' No. UN Walnut Rtfeet, Phlisdelphls. OFPICES: No.B _lll Ihroadway.'ltoom No. I 1 ,Triolty utldthg, New York: 'No. 11 Doane . Street, Boston. . 11, DELAWARE :VENUE IV -HARP. OREENSATIC ;an, 1,,V9 HAAS & BRENIg - *MEM ASTO . The , . Superior Turkey' Run COal, Soti Autos iron Lra,GitAtrr ,tiCe., • CEL,EBRATE6 PLANK RIDGEiCOAi., OFFICE-218 Witlngt street, Pmr,,,spEurrtr.s. • Jan'], : "/I) , y. N. T. 15-1 y - srritaa & SHOEMAKER, ! , . ..killers and gbigo . peraill -, - I .: • H . • COAL ~ [ 9• r , 1 . . sots. i . tb.orra FOR G. R. ,SNYDSR'S VISA. KNOWN _ . ; ; PINE - FOREST COAL' ; i , ni W J A L NTT Sr., •I. 63 T4 i 4mr y ß o On.bit.s. - o, rill LAD& • LOUIS SNYbE.R. : C. 13,,SHOE3fF$F.ii. n. Ja 1; '7O - . . .1-1 y .. THOHAii CAIN. MORRIS RAMER. COHN. CAIN, HACKER& 000 K. i SHIPPERS OF . ; ,11 LOCTIFIT GAP, LOI7LYST ItIOVISTTI4I,,i' BLACK HEATH. r • Ai9o; DEALER-9 IN OTIIEFFFIRST lIIIALIFTICS OF White 4nd Red Ash Ooals;- zi'o. did Walnut Street, Philadel la. IWO Wood . land Wharves, Bch Riven. JOy.N . SHI .A 1913 ACIi2IT,. Jan, 1, Hagen, Pa. 'THOMAS C. PARRISH. .1 , '• dIIPPEB i• AND PEALEII 1. 1 1 • Lehigh, Selmylkill and Bituminous •. -' • . COAL.. ditiiiiguinents on Commierion Solicited end taken on favorable Terms. Office-341 Walnut St.; phUadeiphta, . Mar I, '69. 14j71y 3 . CONKER; • Miner Fpi BlAlpper of tbe,Celebrapxl . LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL POiTMVILLE, SC.HITYLkILL ("0 4 PA '1 Juri.l, '7 EAST FRANKLIN LPRBERRY VEIN COAL. VS IC EAST FRANKLIN LORBERRY COAL ILL Is now sold exclutilvely by Messrs. CALDWELL. GORDON & CO., who are my, Fate AgeOt.s. Parties ordering from them may alwaya depentt ' upon get . , Una a pure aniele. : i • • - ' i No. 112 Walnut St., Phlladelphla, OFPICES: No., 35 Pine At., New York. . No. 141. Rtate St ' Boston. 2 . , Jntii. ,"ea- . -I; . HENRY HEIL. . , • NrPW TMSV°71 a isaii OWA .... G k . -pa J u t yet-eh - et' at BAN - SAN • - Pottsville. . TEAR BIGHTED PEOPLE or persdits with other deticiencles = oo ' 7 of the , eyes, should rememlter that they cian be stilted with ;the' proper glasses try JOSEPII PUERR. Op tician, No. 2 Centre Street, Pottsville. t Sign of the Blg Spectacle. March 2,1, tERTILIZERs.—Ioo ToN9 " HALL'Si" SUPER PIiGt4PH AT E OF LIME, manufactured by Heron &90 1, Exeter. Warrautcd pure. unadulterated, ac tive and reliable fertiliser .. For Pale by GLENN & BELL, Agents; Nif) Ra Ilrond stree. 1. &liberal dl von n t to dealers froth menu (aqui:en : prices. Mar 21, .00-43 WM. IXYNALLOGIC. rlitt= AND BEAN - LESS BAGIEL—The.Wars. 1, -, den of the County Prison has a large pasortment of superior Check and Seamless Bags on hand, AlsO MINERS' BOOTS AND SHOES; which he offers tor sate. at the Prison, at low prlces,Jfor cash...lllgbest cash prices paid for Carpet. Hugs. Jaz° • • ISA AC- WARD.t._, FIaITIEL CLOSEPB, • FIXTTIRES ANN coAnfours IN STOr-K 131p3E 'BLANKET '4IEAD-AITA.FITER# H . „ -siNp FOR e Ctß 6 th-AFt 3 ',_cr.s • • tr i e \y,AP•Ati / - i stP . 1112 ::-.• V z."?" 1-" t. ~.. if - ( ,„ • 0 0 7.÷.= ‘ ,9' - , 1 , 4 61 Y0RK ''' .. 64. .- , sw 0010100:' tatlO , • ,63 MARkETVC . , AO 3"-. BOSi' 01 4 ,:: • , '-' w ,,••• 19 . 09 . 4 1 . NE ' " • .bet.."23t'Sk "I •. • • -.•- - '-' 41-.4im ' ' ' ttAp,D5f1117.713 , . N • 711.. Y. P . • . laic Amitscrri. eo.tt xtroxims:.; • • Thls Map Is thejoiest published of the Anthracite Coal; RegionS of ,Pennsylvanht. It differs la many res Pents from other Map' patiltshed, because Waives the loan too sad alio a rePresentation of the offal Dation. her with Dislocation of aitthe collieries fat Ancoa-8agi 0f ,.&,...&c. • ce on , • 50 In ease , for .Vocket . • ' '•-r. i 50 • " " Do. on Muslin. . .;' 1 - 75 • Do. on Muslin dissected - 03 50 . Those in pocket form will bq sent free by Flail on receipt btu* above prices. For rale at BANNAN & BA3f3El.9Bllookstore, tlsiall:DEL—Now, ready for Pie Nice, with spa-• Mona Dancing Platform, Rustic Arbors,Age.. • Also, a tarp and convenient Bathing_ and Swim. ing Establishment, with Ladies; and Gentiensen's, Draping Rooms, toinfortably furnished, and a spa-' Moue Hall Mr dancing, all enclosed andunder cover used • Completed., in WIZ/Ws _Pril, l } ll4B t ol ). 111 / 01 IriVhe Dam for iii3kating^m. • andsh Elo • .V.l.ons Inventitlimgh_blder 'family to amiss and tile 'of irda, =Whisk at., Manylima. Those desiring to apeomentembeno ark requested to subscribe wittsont.delay_ ms, Sunday flehoola, etr,,e l o o P lll M4all . on reasonable terMa. • _ • ClifitletTop=ft, M a t,Agt„ DM.se letuintongolin.; Ang. 7, 'ID ge.tf . • =I Tißtlpirratia. _ , M POTTSVILLE; SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY - - VlOtabelpljia, 4c: Wharf No. t'Onntg. forberny (r,ftrk. j Miscellaneous. ;,I BRIGHT Si CO.; AGENTS LARGE S T OdK • BRIODT t Ctr,S . PARDWOU AND IRON STORE. ITe SEVENTER : CENT: r FIBAT 14014T04.0E430*1101% iloranasest Tn. at Una geared . . s l .l ll *Peroona are og li ng their Gorrinsent.boido trtlo the pritalnm Is VW 'lige, Triankry_ hasrculased to bay *Wien - millions In Declinberj• 'end ;tinny-ea In the Flretltortpie Sot* a the MO:. unrl4ll:twi a lons, Whicdi .rin7 abt otrthlrd, 13201, Interest.' The Um* to.initkar enolritiveitinent 'Otte the Treason ,Is buylng, end itigversunfote _The !trod docent* run Wraith a wilaerrare . ' Ortiz* 1:1=love to welt veep Jar ppoulatiow cad mos thrtglet , the Most, thlcklr settled and seadrietprei=antieottatlaria the Steak whieh IVO 44 / 1 /A ' a UAW ',traits, . la. eora se. tioza-• . . . ntrubi through the groat ClogW ei . l 4 Lioathera kali r e the North elvers .reau le- it, eta meet• WruseAtosa the- Lumber ltarOpa at the Worth teor , thr thisooa 1171011110e....... 0. .01.e00htrr is wasea. &ow wme The =tag/ I. ..t othe raraiertZbah sad . T is :tt s. % aim Sonaceen be hated only_ _ lat Oa ago o f per calls, , Or :Nattly - halt the emu upon other raids. - apeetel wearttr tr a =eo gh.. taswaaftia. sadioslair.loamost at --r. ....m.matlfaeaarlasaark -- Mk ilk Lttorlit* ea mad thiserves t meet liberal . - The. ow York nahrPerldoot We.. "ire Jammer the =llll. Married el .Urire !Wane .o f thr rpm ikad. 11 wi r az t ~,„,, „„, e ,..... a. ....... 0 , 1 ti o i. maw • a Oaf Se suitable ipiathases at high- .le ... her e maaaeferaara to bond tem orthree Tread* out 'of their tremb , ~.......a4t!! that - ll its, will ably aa well as - • . The of lowa telikbeio that -' We a lr girt It iL bTew I' Centri c ; le to this , exoe%.thet It re lle ts =h' a 'tar ..ziabar .-coaatt7. .Wr i maimra the , Ceatral Ai rota -flosahr. Wtilt*ttlro . cosadenee In their - mac. : ! The. trtiUllil. that a Flat . otaliklaG: per Mk upon' a rota cool ai•-assamot to atharistio=: ~ -- Ilaaasaiaiiiatatia • • • • IV& . :a• • • ••- • ' • saroasa~maidli -- • - • ; 41111 ds • •-: • • —altraval bit .- • • '• ea it : Aim ! ' , -. r`..ti:, ~ WM be . ailke t • -• • •,:. - • 1 , : - . -2 : . .i -' 17 7 r,14.. gad U L . 1 1 :11: - .... ,--;': • - ..1 ., „ : I° #- I ,Palita l taii : : -:: ' , 14 , 001411 . ' eke ''''' -..-- * ' ' '. - • -- - " ' '. ' 7 " ,, P, - :' *-- . - .-: - '4'," - - ; -:-.... • r.."7.-4;.„ , -/.. , , , , c,•: - . . , . -.. :],:i."....7.,:.,..4-,,V.:...', IV, , c,' :::. : . .i4 ,- ,:, , i.--•,' FES MEE Pt ltiniaAlaillintrq, &a. TO COAL °MaiI:TORS, • ; • • : -- • 1 _ . • • . •• Screen :IZnnctos '" d: CO/ ; -•;'‘ REAR OF POTTgllfil4l, - E -I , lOrTtlF, COAL &roan Manufacture* are now preparod . to Matta all binds of He For Coal Operatorilcandwin w r" rantea:perfoct a/Ablution ill work and abk: Coal °potation' will consult then. interests Wiping us& ail) and trYlow • _•• Abo, Iran Balling of all' 6eseoptions, imuumnb , lured by noon the malt reawariable term, Anna .. ld OVER 20 YEAB% EXPIZRZENQZ . IN BUSDZEKS. HE!.-111UCK'S ~ ~-.~ ~. • AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORE* • • : TEESTFIN, ICIMF JEW= The underslittetl, who Is a i)ruetictal Chain Mann , fact liver Informs (4:41 Operators and others ttutt he fit prepared to make Fiat - or Cretin Chains of scent Mae at Ishoe, notice.: Parttratar attention ghten to Flat Chain for slope, . . - Forfurther infonriation - settid for circular. 7 Feb.ls. vs-4--tr TWIN -77 J MANUFACTURER OF omit SCREENS,. 01 , THE LATEST ASiD itO9T APPLICIiEP . STYLES, The underaigned, Who Li a pnwilml• Serean Mann faeturer, informs Coal Operatorl and others, that he. is manufacturing a new COAL SCREEN, patented June 21, teal and anotherttented August $, Mk. ERVI HE GUARANTVIAT HE MESE WILL AL WAYS RETAIN ITN ORA INAL SIZE UNTIL ENTIRELY WORN OUT. He .afully aollotts a continnnee Of, the pi, tronage h retofore act liberally beatowed upon Min. • - • • • - JOHN. It. DRUB:I,: Railroad at., rear of IsSerly's Hardware Store, ; Jan '7O-1- • . -POTTSVILLE, PA:: ER, SWARD itOD AND WIND, SCREENS. J. LAPIjENSTEIN, s • I • mhagrraZvrazit or • SQUARE ROD:AND WIRE SCREENS. 13:0D scitErsa,.ON ACCOGN,T of - thilr bupertor .strength and durability, preferfed to all others wherever tried. Car Bolts manntaetu red to order. Sezeen Bolt 11, all size+, always, on hand. Orders pnimptly lined at moderate prices. May 29,'01/. 2YI M ANII7ACTUAEB.B OR COAL 13CII , LEEML L. LAUSENSITEiN, ' • •E. Mora. L. LAUBENSTEIN & • ' buocessois to John R., Hiehm, - 1 . Manufacturer - of Coal Screens,. . Of the Latest , Most Approved Wee; The undersigned Who are preetiiml Screen 31aniti• th• Coal Operators and others, that y _ u are nia ni nufact ring a new COAL SCREEN, pet teneted June 21, hiB l .l, :and another patented Angust ltles; they guarantee that the smut will always; retain its originalsiss until entiely worn out. Second-haul Screens and Segments always on stand. We asspeetfully t a eontlnuaugeOf the,pation.. age heretofore so liberally beAtowed. • LAURENSVEIN ar. 00., Railroad St., rear of E.,terly:e Hardware Store, ' Jan I, Pottwillei 11108. L 4 ADDISON. ~ FRANCIS WAlts.r...s . TO COAL DEALERS, GAS COM_PARTES, ' /cc. • ' The undersigned laving succeeded 'Focht! at War ren to the sole tnimutactore of rocia's celebrated. Patent SELF-DV/WINO, MI HOISTPSO, SCOOP BirCKET AND', IRON HOISTING IiI.OOK for unloading Coal. sa 4tc., Ac. I _ Alto, in the inanufacture • A z) • . IRON CARS, " 4.. 1.. IRON DO* *Will EELBARROWS, Are prepared to fill ell orders with promptness and dl,spatch.• • : t , NOTICE.—BeIng the , sole own( r;• of the Patent Right for the Self Dumping, liolstim.“ 4.,faop Bucket and Dock Block, we ,cauflon all persoll4 against man , 'ufacturtng or purchasing the same from any except ourselves or our agents, ay we will prosecute ) , to the utmost limit any Infiingement ou the Letters Patent. , Ftespectfullv, • I - , ADDISON A . WARREN, Recidl a Pa.: . ti ' February 9, .i.At - , - . sl—vy .... I T HIS BURLEIOH•BOVK DAIL/. ;• I : 1 ;7 , - : : • Is IN St (\ voiu City, _Jena* _ _ Masa., at Lake Superior In Nova , - Scot, on , the Ladon Pacific Railroad, tne Rodon,l ia artford and Erie Rail -4.lhe II knots and 311c..h I gan Canal t ilr Des Bird flea' fdt, sad 1n menu other ptace~ .. ~ft Is a~apiel'•to all VY, R9K %roux. suchz.4 , ." . 'Towle* Mufti, Open Cat Wort, ,14tiambig, . • Stich work 'en • I.}c performed 'by this -Slachlnil, to onetthird the arequired by hand and at a large turfing in coot: pply to JOIN SHABA__ • 30FP, he St., N. T. Post Office, Box 1.a,„ • Oct 314 : • , . • ,•4404.1m DMMOKT :p*finted CO L April DE I,LaCti,L. now in use, • Thepare.alstsple, dumbie suaki 'easy of operation, tie - nee the•large number sold, and the per, foct istaltaction 'yen. d ilittedcatalogne containing alsei, prices andteatini from pampa using them; also containing prime t of. • Wodd and /rdn Cars,,lron Tube and Barrows, Dock- and ligolomacisa, _ ,&c.. also , •Azositaii4nit WW 2 ' rn.fOrreat7 tion useful tt?Coatnierehanta. • , • •- ' • _ DEDtAteg & .Albany Atrieoltti . ral & " Worick_Albany, . Jan 1, 10-44-ly . ' .• :New York, '±t y `l~ MU a Marggs, PATENTED FElliittA.Rir 4, IV. OIBTING Ij[&. BEM *Padltuttil- :;:. -- = -- r:::/.,n..-' ,. t. NM 1 .- .: - . . PO. lancer: itstliing, 4; ~;: A,LL AV NO. Us . . lens A. GROGAN. 'wishes to - antionnee Dec snd the ptddle_ _ht_,~l4„ that -abe Is se ll ing =entlteatoek onsu xLi rand DRY selling. coat, eonsiatins Of all kinds oil Deems Goods, Inch as Blackend Wool PolW o rbot. end Black Alpiteaaa at all prices. An triogzate, tam Odlare and thnutltesehletite n tionlvin and Reapenedl Ladle!' and Cloak Trtinntings, wpm* Late, la Tenni:llLnp, Cloak Loops, Sleek and - 00mA Velvet lubbotts, ( dove-dttlen Corsets. A lam assortment ed Ladles and Chlldrea's Ready-Xedfn raise! pap.' oni=i ng gxbAstantit on bands*. vezy _ Cloths end Velveteens, all tual Mr., Partlesder ettentkin paid to Dram and kande Cloak loads to order at the elteetent stalks. Great tannins to - ialllidrida 'Rlidt o(3l:l 3l.de lllnery eicW :G!Xda lliwa7ll ‘.74,1.1.19 mum P ALL •OPIIIIITSIG Or • • DRESS 'GOO -1 • • SAAWLA, ' TRIMMINGB, &C. . „ . superior nudity_ of BLACK ambit 1 4 ,! LDLOBED BILKS to the new dudes. SILK AND WOOL POPLIM: BUFFALO ALPACAR (in all stunners.) ,PAISLEY, BHAWLs. (Scarlet anti Vlach.) eungrzge. TABLE LINENS' AND NAPKINS. - - . • • A. splendid line at • I FHENC:II ATRIPKOSIRAWLI I I AND A . New• Designs or EMBROIDERED FLANNLI.3. WALKING SLIM made to order. , • Sept. I, 'OD &LIMITS! 00 VMBLI:DS! . 041.13111MESZIN B Jail Seethed la Total at ~. JOHN .S. MORRIS & . NO. :NI Cor. Market. Salm:meth, 'butes !beatings:, , Velvet and Cloth, White, Colored and • r Minera'Flannela, shawls, In variety, , . • Dress .42kaoda, White Goode, India Towels, French Mualhaa, Spend Casubstea; &e., Lace Curtalms,Nottonk , Hosiery, Handketelilets; Buck • -• Gloves, Fut-Topped Lined Elds,-tot, Gents and Ladles, Umbtelhw-Llapium & r _ , Gingham, 011 (loth", £a , .fic.i In iddltton to the almody furl awe& of - DO Goods, !lotions, Groceries, giaeeiureare, Peed 'said , Provt alotiL • JOHN FL NORRUI & SONS, • No. 270 'CIINTSUI Neszsr, Comer ltaszsr. • Sept At,"011-47—w: Sept. It, .4*-41 7 -ttd SOMETHING 791 188 CENTRE STREET , parron4E. . . Would respitottully invite the attention of his friends and the,ptibile in general to his new stork of READY MADE CLOTHING; Which ha a selling tourond companion. The goods lutisPsen Anode up lir the ,best and nova durable manner, and need but a trtal to recommend them- Selves. Persons &anon& of procuring a new wilt. &honk! not fall to gne.hlin a call. His stock of 1 Fur varlet)* and ei1.04 Ce of aiyie, cannot be eacelled.— The remainder of his Sammer stock he fawning To make 'mom fora new Fall Stock. H2ristOcii:ol . , GROCERIE4, complete; needs but a trla4 wber4 all will . be convinced. ME . ..,1 4 July IT, *a) N 6 w =I WALKER & WI DRY GOODS STORE. We•luiv opened; aneare in receipt 614 of tlis newest swine of goods in the market. The follow. log will a found In extensive assortm l ents •- t • DRI.',S•4 GOODS; ! . MESS 000 DIS. DR"pS I;KIKIDS; i DRESS HOODS, DRIBS OOODS; DRESS GOODS, SILS,WLS„ SHAWLS, ' ! ; . • SHAWLS,• SHAWLS, . 4 • SHAWLS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, HOSIER?, HOSIERY, noorr..nr, HOSIERY, • N;YrioNs, NOTIONS, 'Orions, NorioNs. ! • 'saucers, NOTIONS, • WAIVE CMDS, • ; WRITE 00003, ,WHITE tioore, WHITE 0001" GOODs, , WHITS 0001 M CIATHEI: MOTHS,' CLOTHS, monlizoi: • . CLOTHS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, FLANZaIa, F4LNNELS, MAMMA HOP WHAM Hoar ncop axons, i • mop stains. HOOP arra% • HOOP fIOiNE4FS, DOWEBTICts, POHEISTICS, etc.; - • • With inirx other 1 , 34x05, tat aii.to NEL araintt..%; stock; is; treshizza .elitgaat! . itries; With "pitees ttu%r m cartithOtd tbetatetitios !;;; AP:4I7 - ' 77 - 1 Wnntft; DRY 400, OODB. • • • FOX pc BROTHER, • • sleamsig irrassx,Rornini " •I Distre tl can stieztl62l £0 Lima iialansive / o , o k/A ••• • • , • ' \ : ER Y 00 0I) S; • MEM 1130041 . 41ttui - 'Lima 10016, of tie Foreiku • ec . Domestic Market", • ,•,• • z- • ' T,, Mid% .AND , EOM • j -• , -- stiAlvtis ;An ALL • . MEE sguora Orr:BELOW COST. linfinFlELD a IROYEIIe Centrip Bt., Potinille. 1-491.1 kw ME 4 . , R. R. MORRIS, I DRY GOODS. .AT Cost, QETEEki*ARE,, ; •DoN7 rosorr 1111X,FLACS, EMI 196 CENTRE STREET wEs-rna dool?s.1 UNION 1L LL [ IMM -zrAtL . Jumavnmnsa Irsrtsa. 1112 wures'eoons airs Doti II lir Fit 1 , 4311 =. 1 5; • (movies orU map", • • tAxtla 1 , *4* lor' ~mini‘ilt M.:STANTON. 17; 0 .i1QN - LEACICE MEMORIAL: SIELITtiii. . 11 T ion League of Sew :York held a ••!Memorial meeting iu Se*•York fast week in ciiinmetmoration of the great lien-ices reit tiered the Country by Edmund If:Stanton,. the great War .MiniSter:during the Rebellion The purist 'distingaslted men _in SO' York Partici:wed in it ; embracing such' men as "%Ulla"' Cullen Bryant, &e. • Among, the' addrea4es on:. the Occasion, we hare nelecied the foll Owing delivered by the Rey. Dr. Bel- Pre4dent of thetTniteil•Staiesißanitaii Cononisslen, whose intercourse was unfortu nately interrupted diiring, a great portion of the great itruggle, Hkt testimony as to the chaMeter of the lamented dead; will. there. &Telma , rid with More interest, coming as it do* (rani one whose Intercourse with him . . . . had beintinfOrtunately cut off: ... N. .. . , . RRY,ARREI OF BEV. DR. BELLOWS. . i . , . MR. PRFSIDENT A:ND ORNTI.EMEN : Noth ing but my s_tespect for the urgent wishes; of the Union League Club communicated-to . me by the . ;esemnsitteewhowaited on late with the-request. wotiltl induce me to appear , as One of those who, to-night, are, to give voice to the reverence .and gratitude of this patri otic body- fur the gra . lt and glorious services the 'pure and exalted patriotism,the tempted' and tried, 4et spotless character JA . Vdivin M. Stanton ! Not onlyhave Lno claim, tunnt long personal intimacy . . or special acquaint= GAM to 'speak of him, but I might be pro nounced by Mr. Stanton hithscif were his .shatiejperraitted tt to iraive' forbid dance, dia qualified 'for the friendly office. •For, al -though favored - With his affectionate, and confidential acquaintance.for a short period • afterhCetime Into ~Oftice, ' I bad. the mem - - 1 ene t fall into a serious mismiclerstanding with Is mlat a very early period of•ins official career, which embarrassed and complicated . mysitifieS a the head of the U. S. Sanitary ,Committsion,_ and closed my personal rela tionsi With the Secretary-for- the residue of the war, And,. indeed, of his life. My favor able testimony, therefore,•• is at least that of an Milnipeachahlewitn&ss, and as I`turrnot a volunteer -on this platform, I trust that thOae.wha enjoyed' his confidence and friend ship will think It Some compensation for the• eulogies Of love, , •that they hear the cooler praises of justlee—the expression :of that compulsory . gratitude 'which • even personal;. grievances could ',neither extinguish' nor dim. • r .• • .. .. And. Yet, perhaps •it may be an - offset to. .the only aortof unfavorable criticism which Mr. kitantotOrmemory is likely to encounter in respectable quarters,•namely, that of .hav lng had, brusque and violent manners, and strong and it prejudices—to say that no man ever had greater excuses for, them,-: or, on the Whole, turned them - to a better ac , count. At the time he took the War f)ffiee the chief peril of the country by .lit the gentle and complying. temper of great Offici als; the;, comptlng - influences brought to bear upon their personal sensibilities',• the concessions' made to private claims and im puises•at a moment when the opportunities 1 of office and the optional reading of its roles by official's involved the making and losing of vast :fortunes for Others: 'when, banks, railroad companies, 'corporations of all kinds and factories and industrial interests' of all ~- I i sorts were by these agents, besieging every : department of the Government, and using every kind of personal wheedling, and strain ing every, partisan and political-nerve Jo save themselves from ruin, or to avail thein selves-oft some connection with the vast ex penditures Of [the Government to make their fortunes. At such a time, -we wanted not courtiers• and dilletanti in . modes and manners, in the • chief seats of power and patronage; but rather prompt, severe, stern, and decided , men—who forgot friendship, set aside pereemil feelings, acknowledged no pri vate claims—ignored their own perioonal yearnings, and administered, their over whelming duties and cares in the crlip, curt style-with which a trip-hammer settles the momentary conditions of the hot iron sub mined to its blows. The sparks will fly, and the skin will bilker, and the: hands will bleed ; but these are the conditions. of, the forge. Was ever a public man in this coun try placid ire a position' of such 'oppressive responsibility, surrounded with °equal, per sonal temptations and trials, in need of -a stouter Vizor,' or justi fi ed in wearing El more porcupine skin; than the Secretary. of 'War during the 'night of the Ifebellion ? He was beset alike by the smothering assiduities' of thephilanthropic unnerving counselsOf the ' timid, the hypocritical proffers of the greedy and selfish, the insidious !claims of personal partiality, the banded conspiracies of indeso trial corporations or dim-interests, the push ing of practiced partisan cliques, the over riding :of Congressional Committees, ..,the abuse pf portions of the public press, the fin perfect ;ItYmpatliy of colleagues, the antece- i dents. of the : War Office, with its bureaus headecity veteran red-tapists, tottering with decoroiis formality- through duties -which re- - _qtdred the expansive enthusiasm of hopeful' youth' end -teachable manhood—the wide eyed visloh - of men born of the - great hour, and with the whirlwind in their blood and the lightning in their eyes—n 6 t the timid gale of blear and expiring experience; an ex perienee of trifles, Which with Spectacles on the nose, looks at the situation through a• imot,lioile, and seeks to guide it with a few yatds of tape-string? . • .. . Were we to anticipate the manners-of Sir. Merles Grandiscm, in the 'man Who was to -rill a station like this at - an hour like that I Not,Cerebus himself at the gate of Hades or the mouth of Acheron needed the deepgrowl, the snarling- teeth .or the many heads that kept the Imprisoned shades in hell more than the Secretary needed them all to keep impos-, 'tern; thieves, cowards, and bad advisers out of the :War Department, which lead by a stiortLitimme to the Treasury, and by both' paths"to th&breaking heart of-the nation. At the time Mr. Stanton came to the War Office there were just two thins disastrously, ost fatally, lacking in the conduct of the weir. let, a governmental sympathy with that half-blind, half-seeing, but instinctive sense of its desperate magnitude and fatality, which was struggling to get expression in the great loyal American people—a feeling so ' much earlier and more completely realited in the South4-hout which was long prevented by the finegone habits and usages of our public men and is ; tally our high officials,: from getting installed in the heart and po licy of the Gov ernment. It was not a thg for reason, or logic, or calculation to deal with I It could he felt and acted, upon only bv genius; by the fcirce of a- temperament,, fed at the Ne i:tonal tire and inspired from.the popular in stinct. Mr. Stanton was a civilian who had had so short an rknee of public office that his nomination took ' the*hole nation 'vite, and filled all, but the knowing few with regret and despair 1 I recollect, a dap or two afterward, ,going in *e company of judge Pierrepontto Washiugt , W, and hear ? . ii him pronounce, to his anxious and disap trod fillow - travellers , who asked, "Who E. M. Stanton?" this prhecy :• "A Man who in six months time be the chief power in this Government."' , So little at that thus had Mr. Stanton been known or felt in the eountry at large, so unhackneyed was he fn, tics, sounlidnessed in governmental drill; so fr eehand direct from the peoide, nand so cloddy .in-syrinpathy with their Profound but c t inarticulate feelings that lie alone into the Gelivernmerit, the passionate sanketneas of their sense of peril, and their' sense of power, the fury of their wroth at the imitate who were resolved on+ our national inin,ind the abandon, whichpledged them sever, their children, their , and their, Loner, to any _measure or polic y by whic h the national life could be saved and the honor of the flag kept untarnished. But no habits of the' • civilian alone could - have =I. Mr: Stinton_for the • allimportant t WI Plylwasliori was ; in . his nature and > . = . •. . •les ins not of strain of coonsokes " s . : „. : Tber A , WO * ton okrpshas bi il brook. 1 , • - S ae , snirr Ira! %** . correst tams 14.11. Of , -Pshultatif he hid_ moth •• of hi! hot in hiseeinie to mi d that Aber quarrel With ..that , i3outh , woo "to the death,'indettOnernfhar fierce and selilla vete& '• spirit, to meet: her atones* - Witli a =Mord: m sharp nor aroma* as her ' 0wn...1 Re loved his muster with the ardor 0t,,-4.• Wemeditated her eneideiwith t . oft toobeand Or Oi l = ' I, atvaiviti*o& tit* toidd lad_ dlandvaltioiret: - or A col*. ~ aise ! .• :. eat in tisioMetwoent o r ..cooko :huts bkeitrnadU throUICIL 'oPPOSI - •• . 2 ,1 ,'' - - lelumerni,;cousume the:doubts' '.' • - ": 1 ( time inn& melt 1146 a:' , -:' • • , "of '.' • ; , v - the Tarty-ple bite •• ' the“4/ 000 1/ 10 -. ; We fi4e . .-Oteret_e:..,trt , 'tor -,l2!nttero Sri Prowl: refetied . rthe'iogke - of •i(Telits--Tiiere trw. • • • •• • . •frklike,hillnite. E imion i .• Ste the fOlteAlVlbC Itunicane aShilhi, •. • - . I__ l o l t.t 41 4 1111 .0 - •;•AA il ir lo . 4 • l oj 10 4 ' ',..,..4-....- & -,• • ' '. • • reWitor • :, .•. • , -, od - Mirada - Al .1 . ~-04- theauv .4,1 Ilte..ino- - -1 "- ." -tocattiocColat. ve , :::-..v - ri: ,-, :s - ,. i.:: - ..i...., • ..%.....--.,.,- ,4,4.:;4,,..- , i; - =. ,- ; ,: ,-, -- a „... ,-4- r , -.4fikFlZ'l: fi t al 1 1i c t,„,,--,, , ,•;:y i ,„ , „,...... ~.-,:t i u,..-, ~ ,.';''',ll- . ..,.•. ,: : _ -'-- -•••• „, -,--A-- -- ,-. . _.-it,„,..,.'.:7_,,,,, HOSIERY, • HOSIERY, HOSIERY: EU ENE MI !SI BM totasa4 fit sminainC. -t r. l-I ~ .. . shoubliirs of that _Secretary,. and not. pert ice, the White heat of a devouring paSsion forffils country anti - :her cause was givitig Veßt• to, the. national volcano through hls,Tifarne,soial, and that the crushing . fury of th national devotion and self-abandon, menwas:finding its first full - outlet and ex press en 'in- - his eluttaetei' :Arid his policy? And oh.! hownire is thAt divine anger, that impentonal fury Aliat becomes the greateat eatts&s,"and leads: o the.resultsof such lives rt,i' . l.attlier's awl etbrowell , s. : - '., • • • . •-. , What : is it: 'the Amerlean. svelte lack :.o intieh asr,titsons fora faith:in the: deep, .self= forgetting. earmistne•lS and :eonseeratioti of ; their: public. Men I.' -- Make- them - , absolutely sure that theititatestnenand rulers love their. country, their- .Orid c their duty better than themselves, And they wilt fiukAalze all—party, selfTinterest; pride; policy—yes; forsake all, - and. • follow thorn! -'Batt, do :we •reme*ber, what- this earnestness and passion implied' in Mr. I,3tantonl It Was marked with two - qual- itiek which in .11'1y-own brief intimacy with him; stood out-in: nick _vivid anti attbeting . relief,- and.thevWere, perhaps, the last traits you would expect hi,: lind In such a mati,.al though theneV - 0 . 04 .are 'nearly universal in the higliest,'nattrres---tenderness .and sad ness. Beneath Mr.• :Stanton's robust and anti stern botiord dwelt, a softness and gentle lie.s".s ' of: heart ' .whieli -Made him the idol of his borne And the - object passionate de votion (runt his -Personal. friends.` - I shalt ' never.forget the:way he took me In his em brace,--almost the,tirsttinie we met, as if, in his own home, and before an 'unworldly pro fession; hisntileint ; r,eserves• .Were. all gladly' and Irresistably dropped;- and he in dulge the ittitrry of love ! 111.4exteipal man ners were 'the rough. rind of his tender heart.. Rather' , than againitt - others, • he protected hinwlf:againtit , himself—;the Jelentings of his gentle, spirit, the perilous softetrings of his soul"—by the iron'lnali of a brionneand cold Carriage: The'-ltetmyer he s.nfettred was in his own heart,l.d that Made his eye and his brow Cliachargel etrAmenlty,lo hide ailfront the world the •pl, wherehe alone. was vulnerable: -Mi. Lincoln:l let hisname never be publicly named wlthoirt honor and. rover ineeKitad -not ttkentler heart than Mr. Stun *on, and it - was theireonithon tenderness that ',lentil these -together • arid . made. them one through the : war. I should not have been Sur prised-At any time to have found-them, locked in - eiteh other's, arms, and kissing like. girls. after a day's:struggle to' be stern - and Celli' in their great and never-ceasing. confilet,with the enfeebling seductions of abetraying pub lic,. Ilut Mr::tituitten - had a higher mark to greatness; because-of a diviner type—sadness ,--the sadness trif.souls that feel all the loneli 'ness of their - unshaved responsibility; . the greatness of their-Ideal' shaming their, beet' aceomplishments ; ' their yearning for eym-. pathy, backed by their unnecessary ; uncon-i querable Superiority. and-elevation of their, views, so that ;they are trwarfed bye the ditt-:. Mn ee 4n whiehthey leave others behind them=; ' and, Made solitary and lonely. by the - ii i ghts I, they Attain. 'There was an almost tragic sad-' tress on - Mr.f.Stanton!s - fitee. - .- - . - - 1 • • • "With grave . A.:4,eet beyotie and -in neent'd -'• A ppillar of State ; deep on Inn front engrayen Dellberatton ant and. public eare." it was not; like the sadnesa on Mr. Lincoln's countenance, which resembled' that face that was "more marred that, any millet! The President was plowed and turrowed with sorrowi, tilihis face looked like the sea after a storm when the winds are htished„but the Waves still roll, '"and the . .gray cher& make them leaden and sad. • But Mr. Stanton's: sadness was that of the midnight - embers, which shows ." fire slumbering, beneath the ashes-L-eshes which . disappointments; griefs, misunderstandings, * abuse, delay's,have heaped hut which, gray and silent hide unconquerable fames In their bosom I I must -leave others 'td speak of ' the other. point, of.which we lacked most and were supplied by hrm-7-administrative skill - and enerey, the largeness and - promptness and many-sided activity of the great War Seere tarY's adthinistnition.. I will. not say,' he brought the bativa.Amerierin genius for ad ministration into the War Office,' betause, great as Amerioans show themselves in the • management of their . private . concern, they are yet to prove their superior talent for pub lie 'administration=-executive genius being yet rare. - But "Mr.. Stanton . had it, and he showed one public scale Just the qualities which our greatest merchants and movers of corporations-exhibited in-theii private busi ness.- He was a 9 clear, and prompt, and all knowing,• and.omnipotent in the Depart meat as in his patience of details.- His untiring energy and ceaseless labors would have been of little avail without the personal character he brought tothe -work: Of great solidity and compactness of frame, thought, care,. and• sorrow had refined his face ; and softened his flowing beard, andpurified his - complexion, till he looked Jlie4rnage of a scholar pale from serious. and sacred . studies. ,Temperate in the extreme . he seemed to live from meat „and drink, unlike that of other men; and to *keep "his .body . ,under with almost saintly rigor:. When I first knew "him he was al- f ready an liwalid, and an object of solicitude to his famill e and 'his..physician--although he repelledyrnpathy, and even seemed an noyed at inquiries about his health—e Pretty sure sign era consciousness tb at an la not right. ' He worked when he could not eat, anti his invalid 'hours leetned equal to other men's best ; for he loved from his soul and not from his body.. It was the "aliquia immensum in finitumquel in , him, which supplied all that physical 'strength or exhausted nerves, :or a weary brain denied. Just . :so -long as the' country and the cause required him, he was equal to anything and everything and post poned.sickness, weariness, and almost self consideration of any kindlo the hour when lie would'not be missed.. To his pure bands, up to the turri 7 pits in the national wealth, -there did not Stick a traitorous one piece of silver. Nobody not too black to 'receive a new stain has dared to hint or suspicion of his integrity., Oh, how.great; how fortunate the lot whiclithat - noble patriot has enjoy•ed and supported! While mere' 'military glory may decline , or suffer deductions from. the sober estimates of history; whOdoes not know and feel that 'Mr. fitanton's ;Tame his only , begun to glow, and that rayt beautiful and warm aathey are; whick.within one week, have been shining in-concentrated splendor ,about his Wetted Inirdly-clo4ed grave, will gather in historvinto a main that, will fill disf tent ages and - climes with :the perfume and the - glory. of his deeds 'and :his name. If, like% another. lijah; he' had' ascended in e channel of i n-, it would have 'fitly synt bolized his caree for he • , bled the burning iwheels of - the na.. n g wiath, organized its lam inspired its course, witnessed its victory, declined its rewanis, and ahnost shrunk from its honors ;• and because -we could' not ;pay him for all this ()alto& him to his olPink, keeping, and -maybe trusted to requite our., hopeless debt..- Of Mr. Lipm n andlriagre . at , counselor and: clese 'comps on in the war t i t that made - thenation great In' itself, end' in their pure and _precious characters, may we not say as Sir Walter - Scott iadd of Fox and Pitt: .• - - , • • '.' • , ._l Speak not far those a separite doofd. Whom fete made brothers in the tome, But, seen% the lend of lion melt. Where xllt thon find there like egetn." '.OLD ,LADIES. • --, - - lIeE world is notoriously u njust n to its yet rans, and above all It ,le unjust to its ancient females: Everywhere, and from all time, an old woman' has- been taken to ex press the hest stage of uselesiness and (adieus- , Lion; and while ktneeting of bearded dotards ir e f all t le tio ntr li n s c,of a ccni areres .Cy'aivi=kia,l ngregation - of old - txr matrons le notii , t a ng but a congregation of old women; *hose thoughts and opinions on., any eutdect what. soever, have. no more-gelds than tial ehatter ing of so many magpies: In bet the' poor old ladles have a hard dm* of it; and if we look at it=t fight, perhaps nothing P.mvel mo thgcogialthe gloms tlavor 07 tneworld'e respecting women_than this diadalnwhichthyet*theyme old. - : And yet what Moliatdim one hale known at times-women.,n ty fe as charm ing in *ell own *mat.as their graufklmighteriatn4seventeen_ ~ , all the I ttei more, so because they have given the at tempt to plow :Itor the :reaction o and;;„itrine Alive consented : to me trld, tho Ugh theyhave =vat _ _ Inpareconabketese or neglect. Whi le • the intellectitar vivacity and acti sYm r • - of maturity; they have added the Edtneta r thimeihkwnellep the temPering got only - trone:experience and advancing age ; '.'thetare *Mien who have seen and known end feed_ !Igreet deal, an who :have Soared -much bot whose sorrowellaveseither her dened nor. :loartd:-_therridlier, hive made thenkevenmored with the sorrews of others, and:pitMil fOridt:the young. They have lived through and lived do ili their pown trials, tuid have aim (ainte peace on the 1 other side; but they remember_ -tberrial of ' the "and thet feel fortbose Who ha*Ptrittill• Mbar the:'iemilliarmk of , the pelt they have overcome. Them are baleen:We zincking! . With* sodei7; WI ode 'or Idl -kind iarldch - incetly,staiir at acisig;laullets the world :co Ole to theDij, - Ti&biZ done mlikkAhe burttr NA tq of ' ' Omit -11* i , • • .'spire - #e -, ,their - Oar hairs ' eteasdr , :,„,, Mohr th = hold onthe - - • timieef , • - 7 ,:_litudt _t_!!•11': take an jutuest in Mir b r itiV er ms — lußimos 'thlefprogliseet4 - the = - -,-;- -:, deli. hitt:: - Alet ttieguirand, (Went ixr: ~-, Dow . 64 , fisitr i . 00,iiirmasiii4 theractorecove, -, Zatit-- rstthafigr , - 1 •- .. 50t,*(04,:%9014#4.,rt : . : 71.7 40_ 1 . 0 . ; , „ „. , , -1144-#-.,e , ' -,.,- - 1 4 j.,,.-. , .',.. :!"y.gt; , ,, , ,;:' , , , -' • . ,-, ,-;;:;,. -•, • - ::•,: - 7,,)::" `..4'.. ' , :'-''''';' :.:: 1 7 :: AV4,11 7 All'i : : 4 '; 41, *f , .; , ;.: ;,•.1.:. :7;:- ' iti:."'..iT"- 1., t .= , :i..:;.. - , ,, i: , '- , .;.-,°- - :..: . r.s.':.-: -- - : ,%4,: . ' . ..',;',4 1 h.-':: :, -•-. -'.. i f ;:. , . - -s • .:*:,.', - W., - :i?....-:-"':_t'--.:P4•.'5-i%,11----::-.41.N.:;,k,,,,A-)‘--p4.-.4„,,-,?.-4";,.44e. . „..?.,,, ~ ,, , .,1 ~ ~ , ,k_,, 4 l ,z ~_„, SINGLE CpPIES SIX ,S,F.NTS; 0 old lady - -who haunts the- theatres andf 'drawing robins ( bewlgged, befrizxled, ed; ghastly In her vain •atteinpti tonppear • young, hideous in her frenzied( clute.h at the-y pleasures - melting from .he grattp,deeperate I. -in her wild hold on _a 111 - e- -that is. passing - : away item her so:: rapidly • knows nothing 1 Of -the; quiet dignity. and' happlitens 43f her • atecient eider been . ; wise • enough to renounee before'. she Ind. In 1 • her own house, *here gather a mall 'knot. r .; of men ofinitul and women °fete reeler, Where ; - the 'Yining bring their perplexities-and.nia- ' turotheir deepc r tioughts the 4earold ladyof • :ripe. experience and- loving* sympathies , and..'.- cultivated intellect hot& a bettereoint thattlit known tottny- of these .miserahle creatistiws who prowl :about the gay :places:of thewerld, and wrestle. With the yoting for. ttelr 'crowns and : garlantis T thiste wretehesi sitnnlagra* of Womanhood who will not grovi old and - who cannot.beetnne wise. She lathe beet kind of old hid3r extant, answering to the nation of i • elande times--to the Mother he Israel before- ; Whotn the tribes.made tibeiSitjAV illaekelY4 - • Teiliket the woman, whose book of life has been well studied and elc.relirtrtill, andlkept, • ' clean - iii all3te pages. She -has been noprude, however, and' no Morel real idealist— She must have heel% wife, - nleilter, and widow; • that is, she must have known many things , • of ,jq and grief and havehad the - - fountains • . of tile unseale. however „iv/se-and-geed she may be, as a spinster she - has tint only .• half. a life;' and it is the heStinilf Willett has •• Been, deitiell her. Row can -Ire tell other's, when they, come toLher in their troublets,how time and a healthy 'Will have wrought with • her, if she ha& never passed thrtnig4 the same • eiretunstatteei? • Theoretie .eoinfert is all very well, but' one,word of experience ;goes beyond volumes. of counsel bused - 'on, • general principles and a lively imagination. The • very - dress Of.: old..ladies•iit.in itself a Study and a-Vevelation of Thite are the beautiful old women who take Omni, : ;* delves like old pictures by a profusion of soft . . lace and tender grays;- And the statel' old . ladies who affect rich - meting"' silks and -sombre velvet; and 'there are: the original • and Individual ladles, mho. :selves after their own kind, Ifke • Mrs: Basal, Mimbegu and Miss Jane' Porter, : and hieve4 ' Cachet of their Onit 'with which fashion hay nothing to do: And there are the.old women who wear rusty black - EktiAtrAtittiOglY hOhnet like caps ; and those' . who aired' unlfemity and going with' the'istreem, *lien the ftWeft' haateeome national.; and these , have , peer; much:exercised of late With/ the,ehlgnutia and the. new hotheets. Frei/Went:* It liberitl; , and.mUlluers are fertile In resources. • 1: In feet; infilis as in-all otherseetionfa 'inanity, there ate those who arebeautiful and wise and those - who are foolish land uta lovely; those who make the best," or things as they are, and them who-maketh e Worst, by treating them'am something therare not ;-• those who extract honey, and those who find - nLy poison; For in old age,. as, In -youth, • la's to be found beauty, nsegrace,•and value,. • • butln different aspeeta.and on another-plat- . forts altogether ; and 'the folly Is when this • Afferent* is not allowed for, or when the possibility ,ef these graces is denied - and their: • utility - ignored..; - • ~ '• * ' nig N.UF . denrslo OF '1!&S, . , ~ TIIHE Pin- has lting served as - an instance - ' lof the, wonderful advantages. which , ac- • crue from a judicious division of labor, and every school-boy ha.s road the account of the making of , pins according to the old fashion i in which fourteen different operation)/ were: performed, add fourteen different operatives employed. In these good old days, the heads of the pins were formed of a separate piece of ' Wire, which - was tightly wound in two coils; -Th round the blunt "end of the pin. Thaseheads, • . thualoosely attached, were constantly ctuno ... -trig off, and headless pins were in those days _ a greater nuisance than pointless 'and eyeless. needles are now.. Bet 'about the year -1824, - an , Anierican engineer named Wright in vented a - machine which took in thswire in long lengths, and turned it out in the form of , • perfectly formed pins, the heads of which , were formed by riveting or upseting the and 1 .of. the pin itself: We thus have the Console 7 , Lion of knowing, that, If pin-making has been • . - somAvhat robbed of its romance, and - Orators; end popular write : have been . cheated out' - of 'a - "beautiful - • tfon," our pins have- - . , been iniproved t•II exteut•morc _than sum cient-to make up f • it. • ‘ , In Wright's mac • e as recently improv- ' • ed, the principal haft 1 motion In its . rotation to several slides, levers, and.wheels, which work the. principalparts of the ma- • chi Ne. A slider pushes forward pincers, , . , which Aires' *ire fr om a reel at every; rota- 1 tion of the sha ft ; and advance such a.lenith of wire as will produce one pin. A die tub, . ' . • off this length of wire by the descent of its . upper "chap," and • the latter then open's a carrier which takes on the wire to the point- Ing apparatus. Here .it is received fl'3? a holder„ which turns round.; while* bevel- edgl/dfile-Wheel,• rapidly revolving, - giyes to the pin its rough' point. It proceedairamedl ately 13y a second carrier to a seeondruadliner file- wheel, by which the pointing Is finished. A third carrier transfers the pin to the first , headingklie, and by-the aflvance of a steel punch one end of the pin wire is forced into • a recess, whereby the head is partially pro= dueed. A; fourtiOcarrier removes - the pin to &second die, where the heading Is -comple- - - ted. :When the heading barretira, a forked lever draws the pin from th die and drops it lute a receptacle below. tLa their ready . to he "Ivhltl" and "attic 1 ." The whiten- ing is performed in a coppe vessel placed on i tri a lire, In whi 'the pins 'boiled in - water along with : -,• - "of me c tin and a little : • lA - tartrate • eI• h, When e bottling has ' • continued or a•• ut one hour, thelin.s arid, . • tin graLus are removed, thoroughly leashed, dried, and polished in 'bran:. Various kinds • of apparatus are einployed for • sticking the pins Into sheets of fluted ,papor, and 'also lu folding the paper for, the wrappers. - • , Prior to 18•24, the pins in common use were all made with looseheads,mdthere is a good : - story told of a gentlem u who went to see a, goo of curioslt mongst which *ELS.. a heap of pins whichP rted to havelyn fiet i po extracted from the bodies of the witches . u ring the' famous Co/ton blather exeitem nt. On examining the pins .which were dirty- ~ loath* things covered with verdigris, he found ma of them with,solid heads, and re:marked the keeper that witches' . these must have n wonderfull creatures, Witco they actuall used _pins ofa kind which were ili zie not inven •untli - after they had been in theirffnivesitir many veant. It is needless to ad ' t at e pins disappeared from: the collectio , d the keeper, thus clearly de- tected, was never afterward heard to 'expad ateon pins.takeri from the - bodies of witehes. - .) , TUE HOLY OnAii.—Many, deaden - I, like ourselves, have been not &little •perpliptedsaa to the meaning . of these . stningoly Sounding , - words, the theme of the New Poem wit which the Laureate of. England. fa ,now de, . lighting_ hbi countrymen, as he soon will I ours..._. We find in one of ourErwlisheFlutn- / gee this solution : - t _. - • .- ' -The Holy Grail was a cup made of natngte -' recious stone, frimi which the 8111,10E1.0f Mankind was said to have drunk atiha put. ' - 13uppei, which was afterwards filled with blood flowing from -11, wounds on the croak and which was said have been brought into this country by Joseph of Arimalur. According to the old legend, : this; mystical_ vessel , V 11 4,r i r "Welled one . dikir from the Hi keeper f and thence. .' forth it waslinthighestamblUon ofeihrerthy . • knights to go.in search of Itourd:ifirirmeibla, to rer. fa rOtovery....."ThbVinillefiltieffnly Oran" forma an ,Importaist , anlii t ertkesati- , ful porta the old Mites or ur," compiled hiltll44lfignef Hotly ,- its, . Timmiej lt=a werietronti.whleb jf.r. Terumon Sol eakimal of the soraeriale— .of hin - Altigirlan poma. ' The adventure was Atlength abbleved by Sir CiaalUid,:thevirgin knight bract and thought, of whom Mr. len noon,. nue evil:wrote a, charming - ballad NOM iniheknager and moreambilleuspro. dOetIOWDOW given to tho'world,_tbe itdven-• tures of soma; ofArthur% knight, in , their • -search_ affe* the wondrous 44 are related•by ' Sir •Pe , rdvala, now becomes hermit, to hie' fellow-recluse, - Arnim**. - . The nerrativej • -110 weverile preceded by a shorter poem' cal led " The Coming of Arthurp in wbl dt- the miraculous origin of the peatteurter-kto&bi deveribed. . . .1 • The poem on "The liolitiraio b pitched . throughout 111 k a hiOer key. The imaginetion i ; Is more fervid, the bniusge more rich and gen- r [ sitive, the music of the versification sweeter, rf; profound*, and more sonorous.-- hlr.Zenny7 , son seems hereto have been thoro , :t.c gene* 'tte t trahis ambled. lie Writes . ' uniA asthoug he himself thinly Win , :In it, or . as -Ittihad actually empegedinits quest-, • =g tlitodgik dim .end , perllop. wa r- , • a l h marvels;and' shadOWsored O man- smal scenes, azseelfg oft* thenhine of the . far glory over dark korizons•azabortentous , .0 T_ he rftious faith of. tho i old -Legend;. anditabmunfuiroluncti,areeorragY*uelt" .., forth,by the idtense poetic •IyM,yM- rot we wielf-Wefollowthn and' - - ovisicraa - into the: ' Wet world and are contettortbe 'Nett to dream ;With the oldsoo •• tad 1 19* - Stant to .the fancies of an deri - l'iiViLl • - iim 'amems,....ismomosommiewit,l., x - El •. err MI Eli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers