• FORTY-SIXTH YEAF UM Aumoiist TIE SMOKING CAR. , . . . °' it ell . hle•the car. In rows of ftl-. - • Ili M •-,ting menithey Sit. - - • And In II midway placed spittoons • • -• llarm, lously they/wit. . ' There'ilrhite-littred age and allT,Youth. And_nanhoodjitst muse ripe; - And most are putting at cigars, - With rental there a pipe. ,- - . . - Above thesinokers' carelcea !AMA.% ' Rise rings of pallid blue. l hat chide the conductor's hat. ' As he mes coughing through. .i. 1 .1. - Smoke. t d sirt concord fillthe car; • dila nA abhor ves each man. e And bit! his e Into Wallace; ei .k. i As kin ty as he can. - - - i' , 1 , TiLey _ pl‘ not on ea c h other's hoots; , mirey rrow rliglatrAtnd mateht.. , %; ' They * itk not Much, but meditate, a Cony ming but in snatches. • .. • • In such a throng, POMP Vile cigars . And Ines are. sore 10 he; • .. . - . But nn a now turns up to Mar This ne deniocray. . • - .....,..• . 1 . Here's 'at's dudeen asserts itself ~ .' _lles) a real Havana; •.. • ' Their b eaths to heaven together go— - - . . '. ln nia ter like, nut manner. • -, . • • The trai wove's: the eltv'h reilehed; Spit ra.4 rervive each ' L 'atuti;" . :Men hen trig ashea from their calls, Andn the "huh:" • -• • -tut , rrom the adjoining, car Emerg ng, &nigh and elsoke, For In their •ahrinking titers plum avillanclie or stitke. -- • • And pout thelr,prettj lips, and .nay, - "Oh, how dlegwitlng this Is:" AtuLFet thaw very lips; no doubt, Haviewelotimed smoke-stalried kiwsi Wi._.picture of Huthclout content wist, look near and far. • • You'll titiolly find, tailless you go • lat6a smoking car. • TBE JOSH BILLINGS PA PERS._n Fk*:ALE ,Dear.girls are yu in march Ov a 'husband'? • Thla iz a iittinper t mid yu are not required to say - " Yes ' out loud,• but are expekted tea' throwyure yet down into. the earth, aitho yu waz too 10 ftir a pin, and reply tew the interrogatio i with u - kind of drawd-in Rig'', f. az tho yu war:eating an oyster, Juice :and all, _off from thtalf shell. • Not -tew rots so _tender a theine until it becomes a' Torn in the 114 . 111, we will presume itew 4trois amuitient). that 'yu are on the lookout , Amuthing in the maletline tew ftr i tioit.. yu 1 he trirhill ov life, and tew keep liis eyes oil i he britehing when i• ti begin- teW LO -down. Vther ttitle ov Die Mountain. et Me give, yu sum Small ehtinks'ov advice how tew ipOt yore (Inure husband : 1 1. The unarm who iz fellous 4 every little attens, Wieli yu fit from sum taller fellow, vu wi ti 11, after vu are married . ttt him, ltivs hitnse inure( than lie duz yu; and whit ta . vu mistot - for solissitude, yti will diskover, has changed into inditrerenee. Jellousy isn't a heart disease; it is a liver kamplaint. .., Y.:l - mustash -is not indispensible; it ix only a littio..More hair, and,. iz' a good deid like 1110A.S1il other exeressences--often thir. The best oh site that., won't raize .ennything else. Don' t 1 forgi t that those things which yu admire to a fellow before marriage, yu will probably.haV tew admire lin a Husband-after, and a mustaah will gitdevi -be, very weak diet after a long time. 3. If husbands mod be taken on.trial, az Irislueooks are, •twri-thirds ov . them would be retimed; .but there:Alon't seem _tew he enny law for this." Therefore, girls ; yu see that after yu git a man, yu have got tew keep him, even if,yu lose on him. Conse quently, if yulttiv got enny cold vittles in the house, try llint on them, once in a while, during . scouring .Se.ason, and .if he iiwallept them well, and sez be will take some more, he iz a maul who, when blue Monday emus ; will wash well. • • . • 4. Don't • Marry apheller who iz itiwuz telling how Ihiz mother dtiz things. It iz az hard tew suit theze atm az it iz tew wean a young one. . , . . . . i. If a Yung man kai beat yti playing on a planner, and leant heara fish-horn playing to 1 the Street without turning a hack sum'in hit I nettt on account om iz v the usick that say titstrip him ;he might answer tew ten mite, but if yu set him a hoeing out the garden, yti will fli n that ythhaV . got ,tew do it yurself. • A man whi - ise whole.heft lies in niusiek MO • nut very hefty at that i, ain't no 'better for a husband than. a seed lit iz powder, but Übe Ittys to listen while vu sing sum, gentle balv , lad,' vu will find him mellow, and• so Hoff, But flon't mri arry envilisinfor jist one virtea rani -quicker than yti woti,lit flue a man 'for jilt one fault.- - li. It ii, one of the most ta . Wes things:rani female tew 'be an old maid gneeessnAlly ; , A great •manav haz tried it, .and . made a had job or it. -1-`.verYissly seems tew look upon oh! Maids jist az they do upon ilri . eil herbs in the garret handy f,,es - irik ness --and, ihere „fore,. girls, it ain't 'a pistake that yu should : -- tie willing to sWiip'yurself oph, ,with some true iihellinv, for a true husband. The Swap it a e good'one . • but don't swap for eimv man ~ who iz respektals4 fist bo tu es• hiz father iz. ' You had better he au old maid for 4 thou'- - sami years, nail .then join- jhe Shakers, than tew I tuy ripen 1 a fiee at this priee. No wolnan ever made this traite who tlitritt git either a plaiiit'a mean 11,1, or a elown fOr'a husband. -7. lit diggillg : down into this StllliV4l, i thal the ilig - ging gn - iws hanter`the further glI.- It iz mut+ easier tew inform y`tr whii not ha ' t . Marry, than who tew, for the reason (here it f 1 more fly theta. I 11041. 111 . 1 - .41,T int :iAlvb.e. if 1 giv auiUtherel"re i will it-, fort holt; uptn atlyi,tr -a aleati dare leW giV, 1,110:111 tvw take. " BLit eirts, or vile ; fcu katifind ;t ittlit,-e . Le t i, healthy and well- who htok-ctipott piiverty aZ sassy ....az--‘a child hl k.• upon wealth-I,OIU had rather -it down on the curb-Atone, in trait of4he :all avenue hotel, add eat a hani santhiluli,•timitleV 2:11 in-ide an run' n debt hiz 'dinner in t.l total' net --one - who, iz armed with that kind ov pluck that.. mitt takes a defeat for a victory,- my advise iz tew takeitini btaidy and sole---snare hint at unst, tut: he it a „tray trout, of a breed - very skarse -ill our waters. . Take him, :110 bill, vitw hint—az hortiels bild tait,.'tt tree, . -. _ I Tire INQulsiTivE FuNym.r.i . t•-•A :', 4 .1W,,P A - N - D \L 'AdoliAVAtfiCC; SPECIMEN:—.A eorrea ._ pondent relates • the following: as. his own Km.nial - experience : - - . 1 left New York for .tlhny in tai. VerY pleasant mood. I.letting up loran early train is lieither pm:tout:ay por agreeable with mei. ,• the is - tree was muddy anti lire toast alsimina 7 id e ; I cot int o a mus s with -a hackman :!about my 'fare to , ,the deft, my dinger was ijimmted ill the ear ibtr,,and a fat 111311 step; 1 rd Oil My . t.,4L. , I 11111Ve4 Mmy seat. My .! see 1 know looked forbidding, though' L I 1 . 1 eear Was. full,, the • .seat beside me was vs ' east_ We had pint' patil IMO or two stittionia, ':Whell 11 . tall, • broad-shouldered, , farmer look- Mx fellow got ioto.the ear, and withoata “Ily your leave," or •• Is this ~e at VAgagear , down he sat t ry • hie, 1. gave tutu a. severe • look that oughi!to have annihilated him., bin it didn't. Thri f hboked out of.the window, - and I he•ear moved on. 'By and .1,2, - nitit • _tention Wits Mir:tetra by s gentle tOtieh.4•P .<.: "Pleasant day." . • .1 gave him to understand . , in a eurt wayi, •hat..l ditlWf ear.• if it was. 'After ti.while ho I - eaelosi his long 'leek out by tile amt. mid , . - au kingly. •- - .. . , "Looks. as of we should !Irv . souje raiti, '0011." • • - h•Cilie remark pas. Without reply, der ennui's(' lie Should not draw me out, • Almr. 4thit : mlles he again spoke : . -hoglast (light." • . what's that to me ?" I said . sharply. ...tluesm how much it weighol" . don't !other hundred' salmis." ag'n," after a }wise. ""Well, say , a hundred, pounds." The. Jiallenge to guess klt a trifle of into reot in but in a moment, ashamed of having hown any at atilt thrust my, head out of ne window; totaitMg my sturdy associate's Antler advanciss. He made .none, and after Wing some ten or fifteen minutes. I looked Mild. He W 3.4 staring out of the. windoW4 PipanentlY list in reflection. • •! '• touch -did your (gooks"' hog weigh, nvh ow ?1 - I a s ked a s surlily 2111.4 I VOURIL, • lilt face didn't elumgv o innsele; though 11 taught hht.eye looked a tilde mischievous , • ; the replied: • . ••• • Don't know we didn't weigh -FOrtunately for my pare of mind, he'-got it at Rhineelitfe' station; . • • • A FE w days azo a starehily-drmied indi . • dual called at au outreft.the-way- shop on • owanl streetc - "•*w Orleans,. over -which .ttur thesign Dr. Jeffries. the 'doctor " lie •Inquired 'pt.% dilapidated- darker tin answered: hits summons. "tie ant dal • r!" .was thetimiling rejoinder: "Tell him • . ;:hitik I have syinptoms of small-poi-, and ah to 'consult -him." The whites Of the .eyes grew intense, and his dusk a-nplexion tvautited rapidly a ereatn* ~, iss,s. what von szii - I*" "Tell the ctor I'm -irk with ale small-pox, and wish •, :„ see him:" The a.stonislieti African gave - vitd leap. and darting thrOugh an inner ir,Aannuitaz it in the visitor's face, cried •t I.,eave ver lontse; I don't want-no allrpox!" ',•itut the I. tiortor?'' •&t,olly, „„, r _ c • 1., tl n 'doctor, hat I ain't good at ! oN„ ' 1 Bolt LAnta..—Totn bought a *gallon to take luitne, and - by way of a lable, AO his name upon aeard, whieh happened the .Seqn of clubs, and tied It'to the _ldle. friend coming along and-obsery the jug i .:quietly remarked: "That's alt catTleiss way. to leave that liguorr "hyP"- said 'Tont. . "Because Aionaebody ---';clef came - along with the eight of elubs and It!" _ • , i.nlultare order!" shoutO the ca ta u t schooner his n'lriehirk, - ebok:. " you . the dionir, Vll—do it tnysett; : 4 ohne on board MLA 'etertvit43l!!' ' rine* w irgickel, ! - • Titi. octal mai*et , not le* thaa one 14td a bidUm ib/ache Old ta.1870;-.proymed srild II BE ~,,,, tobarto,.Stgat., #c.- Cam. WOLT.TEN• TUT Sale ire* la lab Mtn* thr F. W. BECK * CO.. OF BALTIMORE. , TOBACCO AWANUFACT MUMS. BY - special arrangements Mute with F. W. Beek IP Co.. as their mole agents fOr this Count abd Markt. we al* enabled to sell their eel 4 - tit and Dry, and all other kinds - of Smoking and Chewing To-. booms, at their Baltimore Factory' Priam.' -, - CRAB. WOLTJES t DRO__"' Csar , rag Sr., Porranwi,l*.s. February IS. 'SI • CRAB. WOLTJEN ¢ MBAMEII33; • lynimessAme ier vt.rran TOBACCO WABEHOIT4E; EO Ma MTRE sTREET.- , We respectfully call the atiirdlon of Ibtr public to our large and well asaiortol stock' f • • Gouda. 11as sad Ileamdiriiigus. ._ Lea. Nanking sad fbeirliffir Toberia. • ' lifieendompirs. Vest of CUT 11" . r am gipsii. it. ar4 . • . . . . . At *prices cosirrritto WV= ALIIIT HOD= IN TRW "Amass ctri STOIREKEEPE>fBwiII end it much to their advantage to give tis a call before buying elsewhere, as we len them ai actual Wholesale City Prircle--taving them the freight and the usual addle tional :changte on city bills. Give us a trial. sad satisfy - yourself whether, We come up lo our promise. Of all goods-. - in our tine of Wetness, we keep the slargest stock and ' variety ever kept in-this County. Tobaccos and Cigats sold stamped and istraekages strictly according to law—We giving to our Omni mere the guamutee of receiving tag-paid goods. Altgoods bought at :par Store, which shook' not prove perfectly satisfaCtory, may be returned; and the money, paid will be reftuided. • , WOLTJEN a 8804 Fetwi r t49-7z4f e titre St., Pottsville, Pa. Jon Airks. , **lc ' Ir P 4 or— _sr - • itignlsmicz.—liitia. Oat. 2. 'W. • - OHM E=WANCIA (uvrg-ttror.. ? • Nil Omeaw.oeutni estlesaill fixtrwA-.- "- APril enathinaL EMU ” T iminar sigwar-mticror WWI* ressia;4 larisissatiesi, FOR YOUNG; Mi ss raio BOYS; • ~,' —.AI iftiollmao *Bl2l a: v. nee Teinet the .111Wetewstli Annual Masks will eimniimmei, ea WIFIONISDAY; She tip . .dar O RMbat. Paplli .ve - rei • red at way For l4“ :_ adiree g - 1 - -;iter. °mows 0 maim; A. s., potkaiet, ! • , , 11111C_DIX—lleigp. . 4, Sherigillublew Xleerix atter Stork. Baratwise,W . ElOl4B.—J Ludlow, lire X Bowl Timm'. Seed. Borer, A li. Xesd,, .ICly= mer__ , _John 0111liger,.48. 11 ' _.., , ' 1211413--Jamee E.. tlildweit! Jams 'L. cimmorw4 B. Grave, T. t Wood. liarregiameroli„ Ilbedoint• ii Bw .C. F. lieatom.L.L. ll 9oFit&Growl F1y,.. 1111181 1.`1 & ~ r - , Charlie Weamemweberowews - Kentommtee & lb., de. r 1 pia ly i1,.'&0-111-11 , N -4 ? 4l#lll r Err tma Lam so.karkirarksrooL von sip* arPuilla readied at anYttlre" roe estris apply 16 • Wm. EUGENE LEIBEIIT. Pripet • < sarpretir.*4 l ParaPlon 4 6 septAL . -• •apoui 4110 nitifilire„,lll 4 " . . a,.y r • H 4 D W A rep; I R ST, • FAINTS GL&SS, se ., NEARLY (OPPOSITE T$E MINERS' BANX, , ;POTYRYILi.E I , , PA. S IIE • ANDOARIRO N WORKS. - • .---i ~ The subscriber is now . ' to build Steam Engines, Pumps, Coal 11 era, and Drift Cara. AU lands of . castings andll, forging' made to orderk Eapeelal atten- ~gth. , ~„ non paid to the miudifacture of Cat , • ..;--- wheels. .101.1 N C4THER . . "..± _ .-- Shenandoah City, lan. /. "'CFI- .. - . , • ELOUNDRY'AVD MACIELNESHOF. = THAY ' l' :CAR FACTORY. MC.' ; • . . The subsicribet would ealliattention t _ to the superior 'Xittlities posseased by r M -- him for the variems branchea of steamsteam . „ Engine building, Iron Founding, and , - -ur :, - the manufacturing of all Mods , of ma- _ ehinery for Rolling Mills„ Emit Furmuvs, f ii road Cars, de., de. , ~ Re will also continue the haziness of mintiag.and selling the celebrated Sine FOreSt White Ash Coal. being the sole proprietor of- tuts colliery. Rep!, 4111--1-Iyd Tan I, liihr i CEO. M . SNYDER. ORCHARD' IRON - WORICS, POT NT IPENNA. ' . . • 1 . The butsieribers are_prepared to fur- et lash STEAM ENOLNES andlall kinds ~.. of MACHINERY and CASTINGS for ~,. • 156 ;ai Mines, Blast Furnaces and Rolling - An:: --A. Mills, and have a full assortment of the mast approved patients for YERTICA ! OILING MILL I..NOINFS., SQUEEZERS, SHEARS, PrNCH , ING MACHUN}I4. and all other Machine tT required In the trianufactate of Railroad iron and Rare. 1 Sept. 1, 'tell-1-Irdw !POT & v.rorn NE. povrtivtLLE 139x.aaNG ATKIN ' S BROTHMR I Paorattross. PennUle, Schuylkill Toasty, Pa.. • Manufacturers of Railroad lion (both - T and iitreet Ilalts)are prepared, to re- 101 l (*I ve and execute. orders at shOrt notice, ` I, ; , R for any and all the ordinary streslk•use. ca..: Making our own pig metal , we are careful to select suitable ores: , buyers can t ore rely upon meeting, In all eases end clam rafts. The smaller sizes of.T Rails, 24, 32, and SO pounds to the yani, always on hand, andanpplled In small lots as wanted. • Jan. - W:) 7 ly THE MT.CARMEL IRON .1101'NT CAIiMEL, NORTHUHBEHLANII CO., P . A. • organized tinder the Law of July kith, lflat ' • 1 • ron and Bean Foundry. Machine, Screen and Car Shope.. , . . : . , • f1 =R . Tlik company le comilosde of Prat- . • . 11 tWM Mechanics ,In all the branelles, and rrr ,---.- will fslthfully fill all Orders for work em '''" trusted to them. We at Using Jonas Lau • . Stein's Patent for making rt.juare...lron Woven fiemens. e.'I).4NIEI. 11(X-'1H, Peat.'f T. e. ROIXIERfL thipt. '0 coe.r. OPEILVI37 Jan 1.'70-1- T' _415 AND ,AIMEREL - . vrioNicEs soiLwati woitiks; :c The subscribers mriptictfully invite d er the - at t ention. of the buneas Commu nity to thl!tr Boller Works, on Railroad i - " . 6 Wt- Bt., below the Pasaenger Depot, Potts-,..th, ville. where they are prepered to man- ' ~ . . . ufacture : • •BOILERiefiE EVERY - DE2447R1PT10.N, - . Smoke Stack*. Air Mart«, Mast PI Gasometers • . • Drift Pam...tr.; &e. ,Rotiern d. Being practical mechanic*: and haling for yews devothl thenifulveff entirely tO thin branch of the business. flatter t heinnelve« that. work. done at- their estsbilahment will give satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. Individuals and Companies Will find tt greatly to their advantage to examine their work !before engaging elsewhere. Jan I, JOHN T. NOBLE, MATHEW RHODA WASHINGTON .LRON WORKS. NOTIt'F. - ...--The work*. of - the late firm of Wren st Brother, knoirtt as the •! WAStilNbiTtlti IRON WORKS," .I.ted on Csial atreet„Erftho .Borough of Pottsville,_ will he. oontin- Cr ued to; the subscriber in all itsi various ' • Itra - nclies viz: steatnEughielsulittlng, 7: 132 : : . ,:d = and all kinds of machinery for mining elt her cosi! or ore; blast furnaces of hot or no d blast ; all kinds of rat 'Assad cast I nag and ral I mad ear fixtures 1 of wrought - anti east iron; ull kinds of brass csistlags; ,• all kir& of xliiithwark, and all Aires of the lateat tru ptvivesl pimps, single and double acting. Repairing Ipbaniptly attendestto and neatly executed. i By careful attention to business the sulaserlber trusts, he will receive a share of the public patronage. soltherally bestowed on the? late finn. • Jan JAMES WREN; .0 ASHLAND IRON WolllKal. "7". The estitHeriberi are now fully' pre— pared tolurnish, at the Ashland iron Works, t•iteani Engines snit F!1:11111).9 of any pewer..and c*partte. for Min- 7 132 . lag . tual •other - punswest :11rtatk- !'era bf every size and, pattern now in use, to ttetlis•r viith ';castings mad .foryzimpf of eyery descriir. OKI and' Ivrift car* of all sizes and patterns, t lar ge Truck! and Hors: Pars, all' furnished at the I! shortest notiee. The sutAcrlbers Satter themselves that. 11111 , 111401 as every member of,-"the drip is a ! practiral -mechanic, -they will able to fur . ntak machinery that a compare favorably with any In the - Region. All orders direeted t o 1.1 Osats•W., Asli lend. Schuylkill Count y;Pa.,*ill receive prompt. attention. • • J . I,L GARNER ; it • .A.sislistot, Jan 1 ,:o—l- - ' • EAGLE] IRON Iwoaxs. :•• t . HENRY IVALTERS, ProPrieter. - - rx.m.sqr t scatty tkit.t. corlfrr. pA. . llat to etdarx.o his foundry ataima chine, shop, at thy F.agle Ifon Works,. , r Telemann', and tkus very materially '— • • Increased their, l'a'ity : for tranlng out .:7-tm .. ::•••,:••• work in hii line of buzine.ss, he is 'now '. .wep.aresi to make Steurn Engines and l'utups of any power and cpacity, for 'trines;,, MaChinery for lireakers, Rolling and other mills, and fur /Fur naces; dl kinds-cam...tinge anti forgings, &c., Au experience of many years in the buslueas, ttlth the f.wititleslatiiett thew works now possess i enab le 'the proprietor to turn out the very hiNt and the most • aatishwtory work. All orders addressed to 'HENRY WALTERA,.F,agIe Iron Works,!Tamtapia, Schuylkill County, ra, receive iprompt attention. • - June 26. 'ta--*ll :e. .rod. --- - -- 1. . 'H .A.LO ALTO IRON COMPANY, . , Are 1 repared to furnish T RAILROAD fitoy— irelghik g from St to ht pounds per yurti--STREET, R.5.11,..' , train IS to aS pothAs per yard, c . to..sult 'either for h orse (airs, or loco- M aim niotive.t. All these rails areof the o es -.'''-' LATEST AND MOs'l APPROVED , 331;q:' PA.TTEIINs. ALso, a generul. assort '- - . . - went of MERCHANT MAR' mozi. Rutin /Phu; SqUarcs, Oval, Half %sand anti) Grooved, 1100 P AND BA,.ND IRON, OAR AXLCS RAILROAD CHAIRS, Iltili PLATES: AND IiOOKSPTKE*, for, mils. ROLLS 'Made .01tbe best brands of cold hia:st charcoal iron, ready for use, eithOr . for T rails. street rails or bar trout Also, all kinds of CASTINGS FOR ROLLING MILLS. We also ith , rite attention to our DIFFERENT PATTERN'S OF SHEA Its, tot cutting old rails, paddled Iron, Se.; de. BENJ. HAYWOOD, President,: Office cur. Second and Market Sts., Pottsville, Pa. Jan' I,fft -1- . 1 s ...., .7 r.) ALTiVIIIN LOCOMOT/V L, IN ORIS. - • LI- 1)..11.%11111* a comr.is - v, • - 4i.-- ailt, ,t liantilton streets, Philadelphia, Penna.. dould. 11 the attention of Railroad ~ Manage and. those , Interested! in t - t t. l / 44.„ Ransom Teri v, to -their 7s , rttens o , ' ,01 F....7, Locomottv Engines,: in which thew '- ''....„,[. 'are adapted , to the particular Mists thew' ' ..- nets itUr which they may he . regaretit y .e.A.e. of one, 'two, three or four pair of , driving whests,• apd the use of the whole, or as much Of the weight as may ' be . deslnthlo for 'Wheaton: and in soma*. nuslatlng them to the grades; curves; strength of Impel - sin:action', • and ,rail _ work ~ to be done. By these meant( the murdnimt uslt,ful effect of the. power I* secured with the least. eiPettse for 'attend ance, ed...i.of fuel; ambler:Ors-to Road and Engine, With these objects lu vitt", and as the result of twen ty-thred years practlcaLexyetience In the buslueits hs- nor settiorgtartner,*mgaufacture five different Otitis of Engines, and several classes 01' sizes Of, each kind. Particular attention paid to the` streng th the machine In the plan wOrkmanshlp of all The. details..' bur long onstrlence and upportunttisst of obtalnlng-Mfosmatlomenables us to offer these enc. glntst wtth the assurano,i'that In efficiency, economy and durability., they will compare favorably with these of, any other kind ;11l Use. , .We also runtish W. order, wheels , axles; bowling or tow moor the , -ito At centres without bottog ). corms - ration iiastis for hewing% of every tharOptton Of Popper, Shoed iret and Holler Works; and every artlclegictedning to; the repair or renewal of :Locomotive in.61,..'„ , M..11A1 D ': •‘ - .. . , -- ' :1 •GM 1111/11 1 / 4 11Aii. . Jan 1; '7O-1- - ,: . 'CIELAR.T. PARRY: . --- vi animoy . IRON 7. :17 °B. . ' ) 4.11 a. • ___ ---- -4.: : "1 . , • -4, ' 1 -'•' ~' r - • !, f ~ • i. '- .-,-- ._,--e -- -- - --7- i i ti 4i t ."'" - -- -4 s ---- - 1,1 -,ym k nm, ,r 1,4 1111 1 . • S' , .. = ' LMIPROVED PATOrn IXINI, SLATER. The Move eat is an=mai on L. P: Gar. neva Patent of ISM i law gleam we evellanocur around the screen, with a gamma" en Mb* dinged Roller and Rack working ti thenuo Rug amen from dogging when. the awl al inst. It mowers the Purpose wail. Oil the mil MB mil My and edema of state. We also bulkl • BREAIiEIt, vide* we will our to snake- II pm. tent leas sure than _isage r Reeakernow in era. Mao, IMPROVED nrEgal VVIIP, wale* eum_be s iiii Mm tm". .l oo every paten. aloywhera chi n Ins slap* Mim of drowning OtifHllo 'eon ikw eammairsiksi. Ala, a SEL lEti P.PACID fiTEAM PINTOS. wartaig. now In ewe le e. pee mat loss Med Masi any caber midst us , AO sizes of feTEAM ENGINE% and MI kinds of ism/nu de... that me made eimerbere d a v ie rnazi nsaimp mg I mo . *bops. • . oftotvEß a L. P. Gamma. Poly 114:0-31.1 W; A. Clitingesai I ' , - s. • 4‘' t , ro swiruxxenrazas Asa irm usamta or -a steers Engines, te.s Us Sett TAKE NOTICE. that I hare soliflat RAA-NAlicatTot abtaterattlitearPaffllllll STEAM PISTON and hare Oren them thmeathlf .eouttol of it in sataxitty, with power to eotket aid or to due thence Swam maw eset_et, ate of the sane. - DAVID MUM. wammott.PlL. Jan. 4 1 1 6 -4 u • SQL L•anra !s*CTZt4L iume74l.lzimcit PLC TED - WA•Riv, 224 Cilaltmli Saet: tleire , • Pa3i "4l :oll3 A- - - • • eir Wll , 3 l , ' 4,Platf . 4 4.. - kill. 46miss 121 • - Ilia IBM _ ,• , - . THE JOI.TRNA. • • • BRIGHT 430. HARD, POTTSVILF ; /au. 1, 'ye. ARE. ,E, PA : Monti*. -- chi . 18211. I I mart - mu.. FRANKLIN INSVMANCE COMPANY, OF PILILADELPHIA. t ASSISTS OP JAN - PALSY 1, 1889. ; - • $2,67 . 7,347Q . ;• . summed) 00 served gurplua, . I 1.003.330 70 Loirested Prendeass, " • 11 1,193,863 43 ' 11Femott2ed Cisbets. :1 Income UWE, ' 11123.740,14 111 6360,000. . ' 4141E4 PAID SINN , : PIS, Over 11115,600,000. ?Oda ,Libewat 1 710E8: • 1 ALFRED FITLER; THtleL riPARKB, 11 WM. 8. GRANT; • TllOB. S. ELLIS, , - UHT. M. IiENSGN. . ALFRED Q. BAKER. President. GEO. FAULK, late President. MeALLIWW.R. rieeretery.' The subscriber ta agent forythe allot* named Insti tution, and IN prepared to make Ina on ever, description or property at the lowest rat - HENRY- e, RI:WEL, A i rl„ Jan. 1, . No. pi Mahantongo 8 1.0 B. NAZIICELZB, GZNEBAL I 11, . RANCE AGENT. c. ireepit2al . , A.l - YRRI.) G B, MAW." EL URA. ONO. W. RICH IMAM' LEA, UFAJ: VALES. Oaten. Penaajdisals • Livyarooi. a Lams LOUs .0 vairgiNClti CO. Cash (iiipltal and Aloft& sie,oaamOo Invented In the tnlted Stott* over . 1400,000 HOME INSURANCE COMEDANT. Cash (U n Its' ' aat , SEW HAVZ.N. CONSECTICCT. , : ! , ssok tturplus Jan: lat, l, .' , 6159,670 OROOO, inativance effected in the liOit enmpanletion &rite- , able terms. Leases promptly adjuated and paid irllh put delay. ' ' . I Pan I,'o-1- .• tgnl O eras. LT ENE. Y •C. SHAEP LB , A TTi )R F: LAW. Office. Vently I 'ott4v Me. May 2.`, _ • • I— • . • • 2F,ir J. A. IC PAS/MORE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, j . Pottsville. Pa. Office. ..NO. Maktintrama Street, opricialte Pont Office. ! 3,ffia--14,-1 , .. GroRGE R. HAERCHER. ATTORNT.Y-A -1 T LAW, Pan/wi11... Pa. Office, N0..179 Centre sit.„ nearly oppoilla Batik, 77 : April 3. • JOHN W. BICKEL, Arp)ll1 4 : EY-AT-LIU% !.:(1. 2 Cent re Ht., Pcbttay 11le, a. ; Cyan be enngultecC German. Jan. 1,10-1-1 f ---- • DENJAMILN B. acCOOL. ATTOaNFI, LAW. 0111 1rec1fahantnogoNIrret,aboveCctflU. January 1. • ' I—ti 1:11 irIEIELISTOP.REE. 1.1 I.E. ATTOENEV-AT. lvf LAW, and Notary Public, tAutliorized by Law to administer affidavits, ete..tand to take depositions. and acknowledgements of dyes, toortgage. s,powers of Attorney, fie.) Pottsville, _ , richuyikill County. Pa. Law and rollection office, llahaniongo St. (o p. site Post (lake.). ' Jan„.l,-11)-1-r-. . . . ----.. T AMES H. CA.UPBELL.ATTOUNEV-AT-1- 1 1W1 'J . Rooms 15 and 16 Penn Minding. No. 430 Walnut street, Philadelphia. l' . Jan: I, 76-4- I,i WILLIAM R. SMITH. NiTOHN /A- AT- LA)IF, No. Ist Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. January 1. '7O • i ' • 1 1 -:' _ nArrir.x.. p, Pria.m)Lisr. ArronsEy-xr .1... LAW, Pottsville, Pa. oilier, l'ict. 9 Itahantotago‘ Street. . : January 16. '66-5-tt ALBERT KNITTLE, LkTTURN EY•AY-LA W. (Vice, No. Itt.! Centre stieet. Pottxvllle,.Pa. ..#ll eisklina promptly roliveteq. ' 1 October 16, lb-EC-4 ri - (IN AND APTT.R -AP L IST, 1869, 0. - . P. 'V BF:CHTEL. Attornev-rt •.Low, mai be seen ild his Iriew °glee, Esterley Iluibliu • corner Peutrt• and Ma hantou ,go Street. 'looms NU, 4 and Zs, immediately over the Goveruruefit Natiotial Rant March '..'7, 'ail - ----- --v-- , EOBOE CANIBEREi. 1 Liao a iI lc O luntitt - 14‘ lI burg Bar,) AIrOItNEY,AT-1.-k W. N. 12 MST- Irk Strys..t. Pottsville, Pu.,_ I' I Nov. o,*tat--4,--tbre Watches atul croetr APv"tiII:AT.F.T I I I TO ti . • Large assortment--qualitylwarranted. Also Jewelry, very low, DUERR. Cas St, Parrtsvit.Lu. Particular attention given to the repairing of fine Watchee. 'March .1 EULAC K. EITAOPFEII.I' WAIN:HEN :INT) JEWELRAr, No. 14 NORTH SECOND HoorzT. COMM* OF QT. , tosv, Yuma D6f.Y717A . .‘ . An' asatittment Watelda Jewelry, Sliver and Plated , Ware constantly ItawL Repalliag 104 Watcher sod Jewelry prom ly attended to. August,l,6l) 1.1--10tO SOLID SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED Ware of every dewerfOon - and latest devlkov, U (table for bridal Gifts, l'estintonlabi,.Hullduk bre*. eats. Prices lowrr than t t li , t_ regulai market rates. Llttraordlnary lndneemen to purv,baaers.. l GEO. H. ,ktECHTEL, ' • . , Old lEstablfslied Stand, fief: I y Arch street. Masai el tthla.. ENTantasttan i..x Hittl--RXMOYA . . '1 ACOB EARLEY, ER, Myr!, j his patrons and tne pn !le generally to Ole new more, No. 110) C NI.? STREET, PittLsoa., where they. will TS largo atal well sefeeted stock of DI MON Ds, CLocii,S, WATCHES . ,_ _• JEWELRY, SILVER and . PLAT4D JEV, WANE, at moderate Ptices„; , : _,— • - - N. R.—Nineties and Jexelrv . earifully repaired:— JelreUl*ndrilver Wan. oft.ll k tads Make to order. Anguat IS 1 L I 34-Lliat 'I 'THE ACC6IIIILODATIHO PA.'PESPP SPED:: `HE [AND EYE-ULAns„ ~ •: . • 1 , . • ~ in GOLD, SILVKIF, iv arrirtivream-m,•' .W. 10: Hee finest Crystal I.44natia, ecitreemy adju.ttett to the eye. For sale by • . E. ' JOSEPH. DEEHIt, tkian 7ist , Watch' ife '214 Centre St., :collie Ito hoer' onisk' ... • • , . ~ • . ~ HHOLIDAYODB. I' . ILCHMOHL, 0 - ItliailENTAt,, viiem. vie atusoxisiE. - Watch!., Clocks, Jewel Weld . Mg • and& Mentent kits, JLS a Id-) x.gr and Wari. 1 - I m l ,lell'i W • 114 c. ,Chhia Ware, etc.: ,-• • - _ ,- r _,. ,1 . - --• --• ...- .: -.- • • Lamed imeortmeolof Thou A tlanilla'p iind'Occr. Woobi a to.'s Parlor 'end glato*h Organs,' Dismos, - - and litxtleal Membendlie gmterally. . -• .; . . , Watete.repairlog by corupietent,worhmetn. s Alyil miyi examine beams pat ellaidng elsewkere;.; ;--. • 4 POTHER lifttrriiilk '' ' • , , - 1113G.Stnficlitteet, Alittaillte- ' • ' . . • I--lyd. C2Ell 001111ING lllq. • • • )1 914,1: 1 0%000Da.g.' Just returned trotnile Eenernatarkete. / °tarn oh tin Ist at December. the lineetassart meh eat at Haidertieadenanadered to tide nautet, embatetagboth jet. 41.41VE momg jrF, . • • . • iscoort YASEN. • t's .nopi,4*,.tuicwaßafs, kilver ' Wereingrati %inns. -- One: Iletred iglu* oftm4i4truf:dfilint;: ,„ mid mike Mc:ENTRE gr.. tieavnlae*neali, ,' P a ctssitle. 4ll3 4 l 4 l4 4lo , -.,1 , -; BAILE , , .7, Y & - .e4X; . •• ; .:, - 7 ' , >,..,. •"F r ... ..--,- . _ .. • ~...0 , t.w., ..t.:...rt s 4 ' ' 1 ) , OIL : 4D OP*il,'N'‘ ..,•-•• -, , 2 1L..., . - , r t 7 .:". '7' ,' &..'s - • - .: .. r - . I lit . ' , 7 ' . '1 - . 7111 *SIIIVICE Orr ' Wrodk SIP ' ''' '., I r . ...-j.i - .•:' e' I'44J. Tim *sot.' ' _ . BI -: ~_; , '11" 4 ~.•,--...'..: •..i.t...":. , ....-.!'-. ! - .s '..; • :• - •-k:.-4" st.i —l 4 sILIFEBWARE4-•:- Erma - .‘ ,VANCTAXVIDIIk ,-1; s - BRIDAL GEPRO at =I ~. ~~. • :-E *MIXT # CO., turot theAithitseareg W,OIIR Ind& sod JIM aliallihnistilithairid Coisetiveemi Ortlgettotteheauststiteihee, Wit' sior m 71w4". ;; I f.- 1 • • A it ••••• *7 4311 4 6111 ** e :' ,C • ..M.-"lrf 4.1 Al ."&y, :::•;',.. - s. - --:.,: . :-.- -. .. , : i , :`.‘ ifiVor'.„i+44.4x‘'..,ot.;i-.4;-..., IN EEO -P 1E! ' ra suet II doh. • air or - S' 3 " - . . - , _ • alanglenn i V e lgalgAtilEtittimi sammlares 1114 -- IMO - , 4 = ;10 nn •coitt,. i;t•tniAir. ' at" " .4 lutliartOl644'i enamor. 41{ Cl a nik eltSiiliiiandrOMOM . ;..- (.........*lll,lllMPOWrininear. Thettr262l - " oranrass. rai tz uu id lassoed! allil!1111,Mi . r411212i11e1l Mu*. urncie—Hainuirrsi Building. :Cesare St, /1 3 :140=9111 Jan. WARMS XRCITERRS. .! ,` - . .., '7 •• ! IL- -. ' - clrvlifilliNGlNßlC.Rll.- • . _ . Attend 1.4 4: 1 . ftaillait . ' Rallroad lideatkaa 1134 Sad other work)* Übe L I M r Rarrertart. ell ...-: Omcs-ruoor ROOM" Iron Rion -; Alia. r is,'..V% C A KIM ' ORRIS KAN; JUKTICE TM , PEACIT,I.REAL ICKTATiC AOKST,. A D CMCNED AUCTIOSZEK.. lio.l*Massuraciarao Az. rowan's -T. sollcfl Spatial atlentkai germs Wall byname In Masbate brandies. Having a lute tylisbot. ll lKlalelbsa and t eed . I Adleedans empeetally " riand 11 11 =e tames:Hide edeaddiaa. • afidadari ne • • I • - • I-- f SON.; 11451SITrall w mi 9, _ 1 - 4 - 1 1 ° tVO',l)ii• " ePlir ( con. mini; t tszpa POTTEIN*LE, PA. . • It. OTIV - ILIAIe baring ad- mined Into Isle business • • 1 , . las VC, John V. 0 • • . . the Arm tenon* to Annum the elthgene of Pottmllle lid,. ty with tornlsateetallllll7l4Ont the wen and best styles. IlsulerMALlS pIIMIPPY and sallsgassortly . nttented --tAs►4ll at to•i i , - iimi . • July 18; - • 'S.. IRMA. CI . I 'WHITNZY. ; • BANKER, lw vows arrow, Pottsville. Pi. or.tiotit, .ix ME GOLD. AND iSILVER. FORMIC/NI liOC k tllettlGE. • I • . tI'iTTED 11TAIIICSI A. 141) 'I:ITHEIt BONDS, 1 • •MONEY RECEIWED;ON I),pORIT—INTERFi3T allowed as per *mist agreement. STOCKS and BOND I bought and sold at the New York sad Phlladelphls Boards of Brokers at the usual Commtsslon. •• r f '• I • • . , Jan 1, lo . ' , , 1-ly for Saab to fet. (Aril= •POB .RENT.' A desirable office 'SI Story, CO?. Centre and Market Ate. Ag is 2t 'to C LEWIS . THOMPSON & CO:. ' May, -FOE BALE.-41 new and 4 .01 Slope Wagori; Dirt Doloperic3tiew Water W on; all heav ironed, to suit 111,-Irich t rack. 1. • .twit i£ %SNYDER, • - I PottsvLL Q-. Jan I. 4NII-4- FOR BEYT . —Two Wanes toAthisenstolßee BRIM -I,,conier Sewed end laiMmtengo Rtreeta. pouesslan April Ist. Apply to RENRY- C. -Rt/R -HF.L, Reel EstateAgeet, f Matetntottgn Street. 1 • Mar 13-tf VIDE BALE.—A Fire Ton otive, egitgbie I' for 4-ImA guage road.. Has -n used , for ean veylngsoal and cosi dirt at the tul tw, and twin gamut order. Apply to (IEO. W. fINYt ~ FIt, Poltava*. - Jan 1, '7O . . 1 - IWELLING HOMER IfOIt,SALE:• L." . 3.,itoty Brick, Mattantrauto Street. Mon " " • It three-shirr .brteir dwrelll ittn-street. • Apply to 11.• C. Veltttin.„' Eold Agent,' 11 Mahantonso Street. Jan. 1, 40-4-tl. OR EIA.LE.-A Five Ton Ivo, suitable F -for 4-foot gauge road. Has used for convey- Inn mod and coal dirt at the mines 41 Is In good or der. Apply to OtX)..W, fiti Y ER„ Pottavilla ' • January:l.'7o I 1 .... L. of Coil Lind I Tract, lake Townthips. offored tbr• Iwo* 'OR LEASE.—The valuable t , known as Robb & Winebreuer tOrksituated in Blythe and lichuy awl containing shout 3M acres, Is upon misonable terms. ' Apply to ' 7 . F. 8.1 AMN A. r Agent, • ! Feb 27, ;14.\,*tf Pottsville or Port Carbon rr/M.BER PO. BALE—Ttupa sind Leggings Yor s _ Mines. : ",.. . - Chestnut Ponta aiid ss i tt talls itailmad la. • . gr t l l . l . - ., the . ft_tawa . wl , ll JOHN F4CIIULDZ, Llewellyd i ' oi c i 9anty, Pa., • ' Nov. N ' . - . VOR sag.T.X—The Brick ark located at. 24111 1: Creek, near St. Clair, together "Rh 234 sore, of land, 2 rtial-biumlng atone. Whs. espabieof burning at one time bolero than 2.1.000 tote*: 2 htuses, ona,earta r lite. There are facilities to maniaraetarat millton - ethrlek t. I Shedding for .. '171,000 'rick. Ifto 260tikr Nor. PRILViLER::'. - DR BALE. -- Mama of woOd in I.ew tulles mouth , of Ptnegmve, along the Igoe t,ehatton and Pine grove Railroad.. The timber ta principally' oak. Ao. ply to MASO WEIDMAN, Pottsville, Pa., rto W. MORRIS WEIDMAN u , nion Pant P. O iuly 31, 13P-31 7 -tt pshiuson Cio., Pa,- 17EBY DESIRABLE COAL LEASES can be v procured on the lands of the apt Mal Coto- PanT. near Traninnt e on the M moth, Skid more, Black Heath, Prtmroseand other Who,. RIM fmmone and a half totwo mile*. Tie points &rent ewer acre and 110 AN and not expenaire_to open. Aply to DANIEL , En gineer. ! 04Mee—cor. BI and Mahantongo Sta., Iftittaville, Pa; oc -toner In, 'HD , ; • 4:1--tt FOE 'SALE. A Two Story Fran i te . Dweltlfas House and,Store Situate on Centre Street, Malta noy city. 'For terms apply to „. I •• - M..;KBPIER. • n . • 11ebanoy Cityy • Or . to D. DILL3LAN, - • Attorney for ownere, . 9 Mahantorntoßtreet, Pottarillel November 11, 'on - • . VOR BALE.—A Flrit-elie.aArblta Alth Colliery in I.' the Slahan.ry Coal Field. 1111.111 to run. River. liplendhl Farm, 9U aermoti thel Susquehanna lArentlt rok lot In Second'fitregti,miltable for pritate re:4l,l.llre. • , H Town-lots in Shammy City. - i. • T. I..ease-1111nnioili Ski.ln.ore end Primrose near Illalpuloy City. 'For Kont—An ptftee In Silver Terrnev, A ppV FR ANK CARTER, Real Ante Agent, Silver Ternare,lPilttaville. Sept. IS, . EVE 5A.L.F... 7 -A Farm of an tlela.l with ImproVe: • 1 • merits and stiick si tnate ran .the tine of the :Schuyl kill anti sn.quedanna ItallrOad, ii tones from Potts -10 sera of the land are,' under cultivation,,7s Acres are covered with chestnut sprouts of 16 years growth, whtch would make ez celleot _prop timber. Xiac.resarecoveml with henry' timber. rI he mprove ments consist of a stihstanthil howw anew Bwift Bain, out housesanda news's* mill se thirster pow er. Stock consists of horse's. Nam gusto, law, add farming Implements: The price asked can, hid- . feed from - the timber aloha. TertaaellW- Apply .to JOIN 36.14111RAFE114 Esterly'S Building. Pottsville, or to FERti CI..FANF I I6 , UN6.IIO,Cestre atteet ; August Tirt.4 . --.V-tr • V TALITABLIC PROTZRTY AT , teItIVATZI sALE.--.one.twentietli Intenatt in the tract 'of Coal land, In New Castle Tnwnship, FiChuylkilLen.. tknown as the pott & Banners Micro mintaining about 420 nem', A tract of =Darns of COAL [alai 111i k BE R LAN'D,, In Riley Townithip. Valuable buildina lota on 1 1ahanta i mo.treet i 4 m A splendid lot on Schuylkill A.venue, Mime frau the Avenue, and ST feet front on March One-fourth Interest in the "Coal Rill", Tract' of land In Schuylkill Township. to close' thileahabeof the fete 31mSarati Raft. . I Apply to HENRY , C. RrSS t Real Estate and Insuranee figent, No. fit tonao St., Pottsville, Pa. Jan. "AN-4-4 FARY FOR BALffi Ltite hillTartley Tip., Union County. Pa.. eViniain; Dt_i ogres. lYinA Meng the north bank :of rmnis Crean, About ion aria ere ureter miltivition t tse remainder IseovMed with line timber' of Wltlte‘gsk.' . Pine and Hickory. .The &welling Is a Z.atoty Mute, 'nearly new a Bank Barn Itor, netwi t g new t an a never apring - xinif the : with , _house; 211mestone quarries are thiVel r It is in a good nelghborhoodsmd twornikalot, eharetibi t a store, $ flouring milt. smith shop, do., and neetavern withittS milts. • is pro ' petty will its solder • very Inarigglesk t and em easy terms of payment 'to elms sWeetate.[ IPessaualon ' • given nmliM. Amity . to ihe alihscriber, _ 401144 i 1 H 1 11P.TEN t an-Etectsir.- • ' JIM* IBM • • 13-tt: • • 1311B.spape rat ti T NOVr PAW , ' ititED a to grata t.e•eseon the following of Fad et whiciphiree Wan .Penedos and proved The Mammoth Is feet 'thlek tbe seven Fees beta . . i Stet Mak. These Vedas form • basin with a inn (testae' mile. ankh* • two atelexent. and ant swerblitag Worked on the attaining property tka tits New 'Boston OW company. There-` e also tsa r isrge %'ittne remblaa W North tbe treet.ealed the Burk Nolintata sod the and la ti feet thlele awl oci. The . the other feet Wet. wh haiettleo been sheeted . Front Eitzebeth=o - Eaetott. (14tallie. • • - Frain Easton to Mask, • 'as - • Front Manch Clan* tp'Elniatrlllst, K. .3 , • . ' t • 'l4 AtAiettte per mite. fishing elt IN ton _freight. - .wear partlealeta spot, to Mar. S4lakl-vii.tt • . 311.XtratIMS.Vtiumeitie: • EVE -4 8414 a. . 1.4,4 L . rol r liowiss • MINING MACIIINtrtY: 'One high 'prelsitre Cosi& lia_n_pfax 06E04 .111%-lnelt c7llodee tretatsakit. Tam complete. and I mu' et MOPS 15 :17*.:Vame Inch the otbet .l4 -IneSPlllsrel: tseb Ott istn.Steottlti thins- ant Wilms cosopetew . Austx = foittestioNyt. • . ALSO 11111 ttseelsostopteptbesel13: tome! A1,10.-4S*4ll * 4,4 * 66 d ' Ealiilli boiler eotook4e. ALAA--Ze- POsti4Ssasiliss rite torr4 taps il f e irttb oir ot s • ' MrAthoce4lssetsWi4 ii/S4'44* iweh txxV)eneklmteitSer: • .1 2 • •- o postoivir g . as_uani, = BIM =EI THOMMS 4.--,DONOtiCrE4I - Ilttitx•Ei op E=== .P . Oirtk 4 aar Atellitleer giVall to ,limoussaii ou Cool MI . . Asuinuil Limas* October Id, 11)-743—Iyir .......::I::'..:'...:::::":'. MAI‘INIOI I II , 111 Mil AS I. 250,1000; SAFE! (0400,ococosoo) DOLLARS' WORTH 11. 1 1 =1 lIM FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING' • AT SUcli PRICES , AS SITALL INSURE'AN p . Naluurim. AGENT ".rOti , , • TWOR • -:` 2 taw eatedatioa. water leket - • , .7:10116 Iltea Ai& le* at Leallya„, - Ore Red Aeb on the eime'Tits neat thiek. oa ilharnsiotte. latkhaone sad Wee oaCii~ Lehi naltait Nreetiniten.- E 4 ••,oaa to ate m the llasaajout at /Avast Oat Old AJdil Coltry rXry":1,11440040. 4va sa k i* . '• . /.11ximw le. Mil HE MI On Wed9,estiay, Morning, Dpcemberl, 1869, Ai Half-put Seven . There will' be Comme nced at the' =1 Rhilada '• ' 8400,000.00, • , ?flu! Tioncired Thowtsuid DatliaT ICtirtli. at Ganatia.4 ev . ej7 ,16Khrl • • ' item . sa table taall classct El . . . , • . . . , COW , EittakTil, made in.tbeMost fashionable Eitylear of all ki nds of Beas - ers. Cidn *ow slurs: Cunt*. Pstas and Vests of the same material, Basiriess, Dreis,. Trav el { . • I Waits, de, -1 ' . . • , , . 4.6.• (sate . Chestertieldaa.nd Rack" Morningand L 01211014 004tl, Frock and Dress Or 3,,11100 pm. PailTAl,oo2oll., of all nuiterialaand eat On every iipkwoced style, Xarrtia: a . . - - , 'Vels .4- Iklilia t rt -d list comfortablea , Falary ' ea., y ' dniere Vests, Cloth Vests, lionble orsitigle breast. GPM . . 7 - I - ' 7 ------ ---- F . ' ' BEECIDIE f iLL ' THIS, iiVE "W•I s LI.: FOR *F4TY DAYA, :, biilCOUnt, all Ciiiii sales in , our Custom . - lii:TUrtment..- 1 ' i . 1 4 .• - ; •;, .z.. i .. '.,..:ibM., cent. from the • face. of each Bill, ' .... • ad Allot, -4; i' : 26 . . - is? cent„',4* * ': all Pairclic4es' in j tAe Ftirn . i.t . 6 ing ` • 7 - ' •: Youths' an d' ; Children's'Departm • .ThioiD.p.cunent b:n been a ir r lth os thisiesi. We hays h&j manutactured Assortateat of BOW' CUPT: ota Wart& In the city, all of ;which is now for sal rem. , . - • A BASS OPPOIRTVXM. 10 ins OUT THE C7HILDIIEI. • I• • • ..tot "Indisp.n..4lbie.• d s .4 - 3bv. " Lfn highl, ol:Cow ent. I _ • °ducting 15 ' I eprirtmelid: Er :nt.) he lantelit ,an at greatly itlaced , • . , - • • . . ' • - • : . , - .- I 1 SALE COMMENCES ' ' - •• : , 1;„ , •- ', ~. .. _ , . • . ~.. • 'FY) . • NESDAY,..- DECF,AIBE ......' „ ..__,- ... ,_ .. - 1 .-•; ' , • • . . , ' .',, 7 -- I' • 1 atoc". l4 ou;oPenen *aril' ansi eldmed bat:: Abont seventy-eve 'Sale:men wII/ be In al .etnianee. l'eptuin sualipollte attention will be Viren teraU. - So ei , ieteener will be untopptled, if any able seeonteunda. Uoa as, WO* will induce htm to buy, ; • • " I "" . . , ' • r 1_ . I I ( ' . ~ - • :6AIK-HALLS BUILDING, I ' CORNER OF 6th & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA I= - ;.H'illiqt3t',oiitb gtihalWi Da, Okiecemarto J. 0. ?imam *Say • . . sylitai q .OittIGS:ANYD'CIiI ittIPALS, ,*111:141:1111kr8Y ; - „Simi sea • lo . stractigar >proinifisoiksisi alI bows a 01diky'• !i ral fdight. Whin 01411:Lits Loonix • , • 1 _ 1 - ,',-, - "' 1 • • .. maze Tx • l i, . , v . , 0 ,, . • MtiaGni AMID iXiii:IMIC ' ' ! 1 ' If !FINIS , .. AND. L1417011t11, , .. -7! , Lomas mint *row. . ii; antintatali AtriOluil i - t.. -• L a. ' i i traitgq ?OMR. Se. W. wan , am* *Maks de .Atiellea Wimp, . : i Po._ •:1 - • , 1 . azao mum* rot 'Mini .' ' -NIAGARA :malt BITTERS, -_ • -j •• 4 411 • 1 01 1 .**Catifeiviii 1 : - - " , Ulla Hlierritag, mat ' - --„ t i • - . 1 . .• .Likfilsr l -; ilf, 'MI-114"Pafri.1.-"LiT" , . ^`• :C TININED, AND FAD* lANT* • *6l " : ". 6 =eitlndt9i)olL -1 1tegi,• -- 00&. 1L - bid, Ibr a UM sem IDldet:X, hod iiiii Dar minai•ciitii. inimvsner. . • • miessesTammrupdhirdivicig uits ; • t ak rar s. A4l4iii,,,. * " . " 4 l. adlis maw not • I mmirmilibirticior,est "Diartera. *OM • . lanent" Saw • la „; • .03m i , 11 1 sraq - ' • _ ii , . .' .- . ~..,,,. I.' , -- 6 4,.... , . e 5 .1 . , 4 , , i z , ;.7 ; •A" housCpad. kit MI Mimideir• -14- i t gilf.. 14 0 11 , ialtimmivekr,...- . • 1 -, A. me tokatami. — at Mee.: tosogair DMZ '..lik . gesati,„ , A Wm br..l.illt _-•-- e; . - ~•• • . _ *- $ . 1 `...4zi:, _pit. ' ''• f. '''' - . ' .::::."1:::: - .. - -" * .L,.- . .- '- . - Ti7 l-- - - - :'- 1 - , ;-• :. , A..5',. 0- Ketli , t . 1 . 04 7 :-Z 'i.) - . I '-`ii. , - 144 .' 3 "';= .1 .--- ' - *NL -1 ':1 0 ,.1, - .Z . -,,„., -, 1 :, '.. v. - ..,./-:7 ',:.:, ,fr? -2: .: 1 1 - e4 -, . I *,:-..':=7,i - ' - . :'-.;.'is- 7 -'-.3.- A,,, - i -/,:ir,iiitz."7,-.. I: - fi•-•,. ..` ' V ni.,r + .4-iitr,,, , t; to - 4 . 4 ..., , F .. .: . = , , ,;,,. ~L ,., ,, _,_... ~...„,.., .11,:.',4::, t t q "1 , V.*'17 , 1.,1",.. ' , . 4- 7 404 : 4 ' 4-X 1,7. r41 ,. ' - ' , " - . 1-1 . - 4.,!,'; ' ,":; 1 ~,' .., -.,.. ..- - !_i " :" .*4 " . • ''''' f i' ' 11.:7 t • ' ME Ina(llist i ez It.. II 111 J. levlnertirs • C - ,11% _ !== , . - ",;•• • + . I ''."'" POTTSVILLI4:; . ..SC 1 1 2 4.' iOa I I ( MIT..Y7 PENNSYTTN. ' - • - • ;• - -1••• -• I I • a ...FirEit C 1 8 44 CArtinges And Buggief‘l . - Lariat .Ima wow Arripvim ntitodi.. ' iPACTORY-o:4:l3tevesi 2journowi .; • sAcwor IVpsru.t. Cointiettr on- FAQ a Cc" ;eli; = 1614. "api1f61"74164 .474 awl Busgler. 4 . assention , pit4.to rep. ' _, '' • • 14 ,, 'F.' ' ' ODEY. IN - sußAwc - E.'-Aor]wiiiN ul: 9 ' • ` - '''' ' jai , -. If t , ' oo ' • „ ~ imiumarra Mt roIIaWINtrCOSIPANIEW: "• i , ' ' '.) '' SOB leek' Ulb..•__.-....._. ' . . ' —.' • ' ' -' z- —.1212.22.0 10 . ' itasellea* lai is -- 11 — iticliiinf_ -- ' -- -- • , - - ' ', - 1,241.421 21 Mitt DOM 421 IllammUlellotinr, 0104),.....---. 7 ._ hirsehil IPtit-14.1.2-(11014....:. —4. , 411221121/0- - • 212 Nt5 12221 —....».— , -;..—Li..-.....:_-__-______-......._.L.-.....,..-,--::: - . " .1-1-4 . .-. 7 -- -4 ' - '2 4 * 5ll 1 In 12 - rat riste r. , ....:.-..:—.::...-4--....--......-..............-...... :.. . . -....',: f.... ..... .... ... ...... ; ...... ..-. 4•11,61 117 Cal.t e rs.. 11d122214224......._. :...... J .... ..... .... --_... ..„-• . :.. •,. . .: assAlass Ammacath low tart ' , T"'" 7 - - --- "----", .... 7"7 -- * ...... 77 "..".... ' 7 • 45.2.1.&1114 = ititik sasntsis. 2212222. -, ' .F., - • :..t.- -•- '44o„stir ilt -....-- • ....... ' ' irit.itilei ' ll4 ! 4 " °l t, Jan. I. '*-3F, BERKSHIRE LIFE :.INSURANCE COMPANY, 11TTEIFIELD, MASS. tworiorstai A. D. law • r e ! Per r‘` ga • 11.104. atiescrautio, see:: T. F. PLTNKETT., Rest. ' JACOB L.IOF.NE A. Sec.. _ tittruataba PAM ANNO/LI I LT 4 ON TUE CONTRIETTION PLAN, IRON TO :p PER CN...VT. AnN4winnct. *meta_ tae-Prater. Net PleilifirT 171 - failure to pay Premium when gue, bat la enattnaed la mom tie aumaetweette Law at Apell„ liit. „ .';;•• ' 2. ; ; , MANTLE AT IGB it: One Animal raymest mattpue the Polley In Iwo 1 Year arid 3 days. , Twirl Faytnetsta, ; 2 years " " ' lb"! " "- r l 7 7 I The BEBIO 3 I}IIRB, Pas the PlitliT COMPANY In the Balled Mater to matte ALL OF•JTS POLICIFA EVElAr n Wreir es taaued ,, by• this Company strive Aptil.A. MILLI SOLI-FOR- 46- 0:i,1 . . . , . iAM ;Endowment and Limitad Piaignt Life; Policies ere rat It it,l ta iii ; " PA ID-r*. Nijs;;.iottritrr.sisis •;;i••• LICIr 'after One, Annual Premlum been paid, • . - • .; ' ' • '. Af3 .. r ' '' fit - ' ; -•• ', ' Willi I WANTED , EVERY TOW'( •AN DISTRICT. ' LIBERAL TERMS will be muds iliript Oixit Cativametu:who are bat' tied to address Ras office: 1 . .• ; • ; Circulars, Pamphlets and full MLitt:entail; will be chtierttilliigiteb on application to : ••' ~ , 1 • - . ''. • 'i I! ; . . - . i- 1 , .- ' ,E. N. !IARPELL,: Geheril 'Agent - - 1;I .., , . , ~ . i : ; • . - 1 L-,,, ;1 - F or . SchilS, -,- ** . q1,..1..ebii10.9/1 ,a'rid T_.4 - iilc'asteD-C_ iyi,,tilties. ',, • • i OPPICE—POTTSVILI,E,' PA. i t ' ' '• ; _ .;';'' .! -- ' - ' ; ' ; ; - ; •;', • . ; JOHN T. CARPENTER, M. 1:)., Medical Exantl er. I Pour 1 - 3.iinclred 'Thonsdnd i'.M: E D I. A:T E ..SAL Gieat Oak-Hall Buildings St xth and Market Streets, A GRAND CLOTHING SALE. TO BE lICETERY RESPECT A DUNIAC4tE OF' THE . . . . ! p . . ~. On e° , GREAT 'EXECUTOR'S\. =SALE held iliere One: .Year.to ! 1 , - ... _ ~ i At whiek.the;Peeple - wilißemernber they eecured , ;.ttie • - - 1 1 „ - - • - . lilt 1111431 II tilling lIINITIEY .1111-11111.11 Tilllt lillris.' . . . . This is. ''the State ' ..s.t of i per Case : i.• ".' ,••• : - Antievatiug at dal all Mirehiutt,. an 'itnultually brit . 20e, ie turotte4 EIGAT Kt NboRED I THOTP 'SAND WLlAtttli (mow) In the puretutte . arut Mao .94 , -01 Clothing. , „ i )I.lr tsalei have exeeetliNt Last t'ear's. but have fallen far short of our clam:Options—am Sr to the present,tinie, for Ful l Tuttle,' luabout i . • • I rinEst XAfER.4I., WO or WHICH are we wllltnit to Cann over art 010 Stuck-Into next " - ear. Hence we, are detergatiell ' I . . • • k I ;, • • At 411 Hazards, to niake a 4 1 .!. • . . ) CLEAN4 SWEEP OF ALL THIS CLOTHING [` Ciettimi back — what m ey e eiaqi to be in good condition to tenrnnence`the next. Serison's Out Incumbnince.. We w ar eai odor , • - ' OUR ENTIRE STOCK : At Prices as LoVF, as 'those prevailing at the Great Sale laSt F,alt, , briug 7 ing some 'of our Prices far below the Cost of Manufacturing', - 3 - stßtn- inaxxxvi,mutte.ll-tren _, , - ', 3 FAMILY - SEWING :MAtil N , 1. -i - — AV. 11110ADWAY i IifEW 4 COTtr '-' - 736 iIEFOr:icTIOTHERT. PIT; ELLA,,,., - - ' I Poilits4 It" esti , map ul i - r.. ' ama i g " 4 . aldielt-r of 4 liatell: , Oferfivuoti a nd aim t$ or ' Isiery• No both thredbla dl ' bum 11 "._ 1 11011. -No linintlng et. imes i e n glattlk o walllaat allielS . liindl, ante di (*Um without change of adj „fru Maim int :Want,' mut ranger Imd Besides *Ant all itimbootboyx done by 'beats Machines -, them Macklues execute Mr mat a been< askpermiurent lbecokterY and Or :. . For isle_Ar . .1 • 4 •, • - • AL F.. - 1111AWEVIMA. rntkvi. 4C t . , , w„,......-- atoxitr arnavitro 'Tetra -.-. • 1 •.' - . • - - atry. Buy, _ •• • . - zrt• ' _ I:try wit • e. tiosTEßs r'-e:&,/roomars tAtosveimmes;':::-! a f io. . 044 rielatiae__qeditles 44 Leather 6041 e ineperefeeei 14). 1 "ream cise Leteher made eert - rith a (Woe .enieved; erearetliest reeeterus a r: aeatirelogek elt te • • • - • • - • ALlaers win It th b e bee •• • • seed; .1 1 ,0lerelmeastramets • 1I j _ I.wl ke WV," ilesee "-elw..2lleare.:lllZuir, lIMEN Abutditiettunto. In. FULIITIEUL =ME RWEALER CORSETS. 1, , LATIET_WEENCE STYLE. • ~ R 1 43 -,' GREAT BARGAINS' Er, IR STEELE'S. ''•i' ' :.-Nor-W159r4 1 ,4.0 1 .1rui Pis. -- - 'l4' : - .1.i• - . - , . w-iy • •.. . . D " ' BITAGNONB",IIANDALCM 1, .L :. i : N 0.14 North Ninth/R..1;0 • igbOve . . ' 1 C. EVERETT% Trois ~ Demise . curatßaptares. Cbeap Trusses. ,in s ok : stoekingeoupportersjahoulder Bram. hogli File Bandages.. Ladies attended to b' MIL X.. • • , .3613 - 23. 16-2;,-W , . ''13•111"9"INDIGO 'BLUE is the eheapeat best article In the market for IIIiCEINCI ,cl i gyruZS, It does not contain any sekt; It will not Injutrthie lineittgabtle - 4. It Is Out st MIL - TM:BO, Eit'r MVO MIZE, No. tat NorthSECOND st:. PLEILADELPIEW mkt tor...sato - moat ,Of ;the cirtmets sad Druggists. - The genuine ha& both tlarVAr's and mutter on the label ; all other% are counterfeit. • BAR LOW'S BLUE will color more water than four times the some weight of indigo, . - , , ;', June . • 115-10nt' CSLAP TOYS AND FANCY GETK>DB.7., JOHN DOLL & MON, ' Sa 90A MARKET STREET. PIiILADF.LPRIA, I.IIILPORTERA OF TOYS' AND FANCY GOODS. -THE LARGEST SPOCR AND LOWEST .pßuiEs to the city. JULu received, a tinosasortment•of all kinds. Pipet', caned harmoniums, martdeu Riney boXtvi, china ware, Au. Plea:ureall and examine our atm*. • • 41-3mw, • •-•- plinammpaxa. - • • ..: WALL PAPERS. • - ()WELL 1:4)L - RKE,,, • INIA: 4 It 4 I'AeII'RE3CS,pII •• Paper Hangings .and.. Window •Shudei. Ratak Roomu 4,. 'Foekrib;iind Market Sts., .. : • ... .. -.,-- 1 t t HILADELPITIA. • . .. , . .. ' . F'fitctory, CW...:Tietits4hliii add Sunsom 'Sig. NEW fATYLKS EVERYTFICY;OF 0 Ira OWN .11..% K E.' Ott 2; 'B9. ,-• 1140- 2 4 a, 7 C AB , 1). E. 0. - TFIoNTPSON. . . .111 , 111CMANT-TAIDOR,- • , . . No. 904 WAIiNTT STREET, PHILADI:LPSIA. • ... - Especial attention in invited to, the COMltOlitiliTk and IIKAUTIFUL estabibilimenti the EXTENtsiVE STOCK of seasonableand desira ble goodaalways on hand, the reputation 'obtained as a leader In lamblonx iind the great facilities) twaseissed for he' fabrication and prouiptillspatch elan orders. • • Although eminent In the pmsecullon of eiery: inancliof the.trade, for the particular benefit orthe 'great number dissatisfied, .Pantabion 'Cutting as a specitaty, Ls announced, which linen art not obtained by Imitation, but thrOugh close study ‘ , ,experience and practice. • • ; - Those desiring easy and stylish pantal'bons,,ere In vited to give this method a trial.. ! tOct .69 40•3rn . E.'A. C. D1.7P1....U.1gE. • , Part. H. kurvita. , DU PLAINE REEPEI3 ! - BRASS FOUNDERS AND SMELTERS Anti-Friction, Babbitt, Type and Stereotype Stet.; Copperamitha' and ,Tinlcntitto,' Snider, White Alloya, Stiver, Brlttania„ Pewter Red and, !Yellow anus , , avy and Light.t.Ntattnge„ Plated'atul :Lacquer - Work.! ' • . - Rolling Ihtilt,lournals and Railroad Car flexes ' ' Specialties. - . • 760 SOrTH BROAD ST.; PITILADEI.PITIA. _. • . ~U- Old Metals Bought or Sold on CotatulaslonliW P.: March ti. '69--IQ-ly • • ' _ , -• . IT TME INELLAS in Silk, Gingham, and Alpaca:. Il_, IDOTTON . , 00 cents and above. • : • t • . cuNtiii - A 34, ii.oo • - .• - • . ' ~.. . - ALPAt'A, 14'2.75 '• . ". , ~ • : 1 . • SILK • 41.5 u the cheapest In tho City. , IL, DIXON, 21 Mouth -EMIITH Street. ; ' . 1 - .A*l•ElliTliON, LADIES! ' ,- • - • . .. . • • .lind. reeelreilPa large in%Mice - of t te - RA EL,N4T and. ;most ELEGANT ATTLEM of.let and other t'RENf'Ii ,JEWELRY ever offered in this market, embracing Pins, Ear-rings, Necklaces, Lockets, 4.10 m bs , flair Or •riaments, ,tc.; new style Fans, Leather flags, Prreket books, French Flowers for Jardin4era, Flower if old ers, Toilet Sets, Vases, Partin Goods, Gilt OrnAments, Se., .I.e. Prion, 'guaranteed as low as can be offered in the City.„' . 11. DIXON'. ; 24 Shath Etottru Street, Philadelphia; Nov. 6, 'lB. l' - 40-3tu. . .. -,----,- D — ANIE — Ci4I. .K.A. - ECIIE.R. -. . ..- . .- FURNITURE• WAREROOMS.i • 238 880,238 BO'nth' *woad PHILADELPHIA. • The u n den igned having greatly I nereitsed (sell it ces in the addition of the large four story building • ad- • ;Joining his former place of business, offers great ite • derementstO all purchasers of furniture to give hint a call.' He is conlident of being able In pleitse-all who may favor. him with their elision', and his ex- , perlenen of twenty years in business is a - guarantee of his ability to turn out the best of work. -He 'per; sonally supervise; his large andway tide not-on hand will be made to order at lowest , ?tenor. A large stork of ail kinds of FURNITURE, 'constantly on ltand . • D. M. I.:ARCHER: - I sept 9 'air • 7-Iydw LI DIXON N 0.21 S. EIGHTH ST., PHILA., H. . • ',PRICES TO SPIT THE TIMES. • RICH. FANCT,' . AND Till LET 0000 S. . . • ••. , . • A 'inapt litteent tutsort tneid, unsurniszted fiir variety, elegance of stvle„ or moderation In pripe. i Fine. French Flower; for 4ardiniers rich Rohe. onian, and Main* Toilet Sets and Vnties„ I'arian Busts • and Stutuettmt, gilt mounted Card - Receivers. and 'Flower-holders, Bohemian Watts; China, Lavil;;Pte• 'llan Marble, Bronze and OM Ornaments. - • ,• Rich Paris and Vienna Fans, Fine Jet, Vulcanite land French Jewelry; Cigar and Tobatvo Boxes and Holders, Writing Besks, Glove, Handiterehlerand ,Work. Boxes, Invssing Oases. Tablets, Paper Cutter s. ;SlLK, GINGHAM and ALPACA ITSIIIII•ELLAS, • t'ANES. 'With a thousand other, ankles, embracing .11 that Its new Or desirable for bridal, birthday holiday lipresenis, superior in quality and moderate In price., ; H. DIXI)N, • ;ilk Eighth . Street," between Market and Chemin, east side.- , . [Dee 1, 'On t93m 00pAYEC-11. •, • E t BA . It Ci N , • FnN CHRISTMAS PRESEI\TTS:: jLACE f . !CTRTA INS; 'PA I!tcASK CU it i SS ; DISAREI4I 7 24 AND I.ASIEREQIINs. Trtitimmt with each ToweL,. • • 1 WALNUT . OR . GOD CORNICES, t • Tlfl: 4 .CillT IND CLOTS visiE &Mt PIiNOCOVEV, : 1. . EIDER DOWN OUILTS. • , • , Will be r:lawil 7 0w at a G reat • Redurtiatt o whir _to - . Annual Stock:lnking. , WALRAV i EN, , M ASONW HALL, . I, NO. 719 arEs•rxt-r „Tr: PHILADELPIII.i. Jan 1; '7O. .1‘,1.11. E. T. TAYLOR, 1 . • .. • LACE, OF THE FIRM OF CHAS. STOKES &CO„ 624 ctemiint, str;eet, riabbasi„ • A KNOITHOES TO HIS FRIENDS • AX(D bustnexs acquaintances that be has 'this day, zuss.ociated himself with the VIEW CHESTNUT STREET ESTABLISHMENT FOR meat. Ready-Made Clothing and Fash i ionable Tailoring, rrsr oeEt:Rn AT, SIR AND SW CHIESTNIVTSTDiET, • • , WANANI-kKER. Here he Invite% all his fornier patrons, a - ith the ai m:int:we that he now horalltatillii better (actin ies than tio.'ir before forilving them entire satisfaction" being abh, to submit to chum for selection "the .farakst and' eneeit stool of grasia, much 4)4 It Importedrn•ver.of• fered in any Tailoring Ilona°,Ptil tadelph la, and a corps ot' Cutters. whoseruuneaareauthetent outran - tOeo for the clizelletice of thelr.work. , Ncrts..--M.R. F. ;T. TAYLOR 10;to wen truism tothe. clothing pgde of Philadelphia, and; the public gen erally, as a man of good taste and qulek appreciation of the wants of gentlemen. in the way of Vine Gar- Meats; that tt la only necessary for me to 'say that all Ahe resources nC Jrnr Urge and extensive establish-, inept will be Wrought to his lift In hit endeayOr* to please his friends and ciastomen. !, • • - WANAMAI*Iqt; ".% CHESTtitT ST., PHILA. Hay 8. . I 19—tt • • FAIL AND INJUITNN Pay GOODI3- , -1869. • .ERWIN• 11,ALt i& • . _.• 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILOELPNIA, invite the attention of purehatasta on visiting : Fiat -1 atelptda to their large and elegant stoek.or, . __-- . . • .:. D IVY' Gp, o.D S, .. •'• . -. • , , . ~ • - comasting in Part at . . ' . ;,• Sleek and Ootored Silks, • - . 1 French maul Irtah Poplin*, ' - • , „ i, ,-" Plain and Cotded roldinu. ' _ _ -•'; '- Medium and low prteed,Dresa tionsta; Wow Ovs:d4 of the latest styles eonstantb-reeely,log. i Blal.lc Draatt 43004,111 111 - Ciratit Varfati, , ,Lcuia and Square Broctie Stia — wis, - • . 1 , pang and Square ithinketShawls, '. ' ' " ;. ° , Arabs. atinebiliaJackets, ' • - - . „ Silk Cloak. Vielvets, . - Slit Ftstlah Veli - eteens, • , - - Silk Pluithea, Ali p 314.... .. .. .. • _.. Cloths sad %It/A.34 l *m • , . • i - , ,Tabla:Lineus and Napkjek, - . .1. • - I - 7 -- Sheetings and Shirting; = - Blanketgand Counterpanea,- • • Plano; and Table •- -__, _ - - L , • -WHITE 41000 K., r raiBROIDERIFII. - .? ' ' GLOVOC HON s Y; dc-. Av- " - " . . . ~. 3h.8. , —W0 deal la Good Goods and endeavor toSell .01tigoeb prices Una tall tire ssthesciloo. - . -- r Arnie Chfttout said Aargret dtreet can will Opp, 'rT•riso, with4n sc pour doors of - the store, • • , ~._ • ""' " EDWIN • HALL T .& CO -:. '•• 2R-kotrill SECOND STUEETI, .PHlLdipzi.paLdi • . . • . 41 •7411, • —.... _-_, - • - •, - , , , . ictnormineariosr.] - • - .., F t:WM.I93IIBU CHEAP AIM- OCIOD !I 1 `in the4are "so many Fur Stores as there is - ta the' City of Philadelphia, it is dteletalt be , the' uninitiated to .detendhse where to_: buy; -These who, are versed In the different Ipailitleent Furs,. ,however. know where to 'go, anti thole readers of this paper, , who are wr Jima:abated With The %Tenons' grades nt Fork- we, w.-advise them' to; ..ip-to tin establialuniest of the beet reputation. where 'tory eau purchase Ninth the greatest onildenee, and, be sounded tbat they are honestly dealt with, 'W e know of ao better or mons reliable stare than that of idesataAtfilEal ROSMVAIL;3I, a 0a...50.540 alien . gruel remain - ' belt:either& newloostion, wra seam eon their Man experience in their. ritrilliesimpen. pinicesseasided good Furs engine wormer their llKlllert, s'. ° • • . • Their New Atom is tot e centre of_attraetion on aeL_. mem of the. go o d light in Whirls they show' ad' au . _jpqr•S thlVlßltlialit PO ie stmatec-sii ..- , ma mass tiredonable Furs this season will be toe' Wink StilW., and thlatatheineat lewsiendgeParsed: they bane m onja v raricaggPcleialsdilimfttlet as idet: r uiawl noi tdidsiziee a lady does not w -to N=rset et Inuit eriteran, ft la raz awn there toga and Istiektitte good nt. ': In seethe dillorilitenissaand shirk:saw andelqtanes Ot ainasial ail Made Pam, will well repayn 'Mt to - mit embilsbaient, and all their Pun are warranted ,11:0 bitgairrunissioinsarnsa. : 1.. - - - , .., • , Allitalt. Sabha set. obit limn tiSto hrs. and Wane • iraltEnoo4llldk immbeinlisiatielllsber; bot bun llat to WSW= bona- .e.m,... writ wt. and those sate e i l lt last aladykkan tolittlessiiiiala - __ ' 1 - Thentlic ri ttkei "Hey Sable * , the elbeedaa. Clertuati. Fitch wad Chin. 11=1 Udine • fad ' other high mid kw Reementbeell=s mi st _ • 1160812111tathi lk Mood thews:Wier dish Strast„beVireeniabistid dilloimaltsside, la - , - , -F. ii i k sua. llo9rws Mpairell altered WO Abe pee* VII I • 111101 spa-BORMIEL—Inser . la wet treither -- levety berelmer Araireste Intlintrit, Wlllll.llllllllllWilitTetigatti.v -. . ~~`.~ ~-~». -> J..ANUARY; Cite hetiter. MA .2r . .1 GENE:CR.OF THE 31'424'! `EE • a•general thing the manure of Ism win_ ter's mtmufacture and accumulation. nll • been removed to the fields and applied tr, t Vii, craps,. 1611144 the .fartnees barn-yard,elear, • ~as a basis ion which, tO manufacture another Ma Mire heap." • The term manufacture ' • Jna . y . be legititnately a ppl fed to the collection of material and. the Management required in erecti ng'an ure heap,- Every farmer - should try to make.the - one of 'lB7O larger and richer than that of:1869. • -id- ••'• A thrifty farmer, who understands- his husiness,, is • very, careful: In collecting and *Oaring all his crops for market, whether - of the flelds;.orehanl, or garden, -all for the PtirPck 4 e."Of twitting money In his pulse; lie , should be Just as careful in collecting tnateri alit to enlarge and enrich his Immure heap. .LeaVeit from the wixwbi, weeds front the fields, muck or:mud front the swamik4 or river hot tomi,writt incotpOnite - all with the stablei , nm. nu,re.. These will ahooth.the ammonia:and 'other nutnurialsalts that Would otherw4 lost hy:etamatlon.• a• _...,--. . . 'Thii.heati ditould be kept in such a shape • (. 1 0 14 oh •Ille . top) as to. encourage the stock to Walk Oyer anit-tmuip it. "This will midst hi :liastenitut . a d: promoting fermentation, --Which is a. great. atterin rnantiCapturing ma mire. fritb • - th er :of e:yard noVoccupied I I . ..by. theAmap, should be scraped or.shoveled ;up two.or three titneS a week and spread over the surfae42.-„f34eat care should bp.- taken to 'prevent the_ heap from being washed by the water from .the eaves of the buililings, Or °titer "iliains that way be swelled by heavy rain"si. .. ,Where "manure La - kept. in cellars or under .itlied4; the - same care should be taken to invit e - stock to. lrampoVer It and to urinate on It, for .a g'reat deal - O. : moisture is ;absorbed by the. fermentation, arid if a 'sufficiency - is not sup-'' plied I . sothe way,the Manure wllitrits -and - Its.. usefulness, be thereby destroyed. Open-. :Ings should be Made through it once-in a .w•lilie.to see; and - If-there is daner of burning, more•water Should be supplied. ' " 1 P'" • . 'When the-stock:ls turned - out to . "pwiture In • the spring, the manure heapshould he forked oYer. - . - :e.ommenceat ode side or end 'and turn ;"- • Upc,very "forkful. By his Means Itl - hccomea - sat united with atnioqi He air; ands new Per.-. . ;imitation -sets • in; by % bleb It Is. Much:1111-- 4 proved;,That.underslieds or, in celk.r 4, should. be inade.to assume more the shape of a stack .aethis time by elevating-the centre. tailing it. a. reguLar grade; this can be done while fork: ing it over:. It should now have a coating of earth over the 'top to preVent evaporation by the sun. end • s remain until - carted to. the • Held:, , That under sheds or cellars Aintild be 1 ' 0011 v li .compaet shape, securing depth and pressure, from the top, so as to -* promote Cep." .mentatin,—AmeHean Stock Joulliett. . . - "Witcrrn.. . WeltsON Tim .s .k.a3l.—Win- - .ter -, k, fiat approaching, and! some faun ers are thinkingoto 'doubt, of an abundance of leisure time,' to spent' loafing about sortie eountry.'store . or tavern, talking polities, or maybe worsc, of their neigh/sus: Ilutil say no : praetical fartner.willbe found so doing. There k always.aufficient to Le (lone on every: well ntatiaged farm, and tlertal illy more on a poorly tuanaged ' One. In , tlieat - place: Kistatook shonhl eltihn 111,4'6 rst, II d greate*t attention ; arid &riot tile nothing f tys better titan .good ears of stoeli4uringthi. winter months: Every' tapper should, have swftleietit itttoW ledgerif edge tools to do his own repairing, - and this should .be done at this season of the year; -11 e. shiathi have - everything In thin, 'rough repair, -so that . when ate busy season' (alines; he Will be ready for his work, and his . imPlements willhe in proper order to perform • Since .under-draiuing, hag beeonie of much - iMPortance. to every , farmer, all thit neeei,Ntr3, arrangements should be made dim ing -thelvin*, fon - vigorously carrying on' this:iniikortant work, lit the spring, and here alicitv'me to remark that when he is not able to carry. on .-this'-iiiiportant. Work to its full ettenr, he.should at least underdrain the wet portiOps'of his.farin. to. Another important -operation, that no farmer should lot,e sight of, is that of fir:w pm:if:head work, he should have-all hie- plans perfected at this tiettz:Otr*il if lie thiuks, ; best, he 'can write them nut on aper, ready for ref erenee,a;hen needett: and lastly this is the season for reading and study.--Arperien mock fourth - rt.. • , • - . . .1 3 CilEA I L,Tio 'year or two ago[" had WV tat:ln:ion e4lred to an ice,-litu-e Linn. by:A Curtner • near uu, • whirti bin, Made 'with tough lauds, !.ixteett feet Nuare and roofed over, leaving a lam: , ni.)eit ing . at the (rind' suet_side,.ne. said his ice kept iterfeetly until the next_winter: He !Alta lay'erof sawdust, alaiut a foot thick, on the 'ground ; and then starked t e he tee enugly in the,centre, eigh teen or twenty intthesx Awn thckwaills o tjand then tilled .with sawdust, ti and'uovgr the top a foot or more tatiek.. Last winter,'llefore tny deterWtted to try-this Intithoti. I accordiri,, , ; . - ly.tra"e nut all the inside •wall, and:shoveltai out the'sawdust then tilled, by stacking it snugly hi theq.entre, fifteen to twenty liteb .es frcim the - wail., This space I 'filled with pine sawtinst, and covered •the whole 4,l'cr the top,a foot or more thick. I left out. the, 'Acin4oW anti took down my doOt anti krt it opCii,-so that the sun can shine-in there every-day.. Now for results. t lejgeseut r , titilti" I have ail abundanee of ice, and the calit.s . seethe crime out as rquare and perfeCt its Whtsa . They Went in, seemingly noi.hing' lacking ci . .ept ivhat is us.'d out: l'am'satia tiedirOw to build atilee-bot.u.e.--LCor. N.. Ir. ,Fannei's Club. . . farro viitg . 4ll:ktireutlt..-y. ititi,tll.ll.illL! till. ziniontit of lvnti in ititfere!it ticlil3 tinder i!ultivatioti, the tAbleis . ' • •Zyyni'Ll;4 wih ., by 968 yztrtl,3 long ointains 1 It.),:yaids - wide ;by 4ij yardi timtti:m+ at:rec, • . fie Fee 40 yar, w wide by 2IZ pir.b long contakiii. - 1 Pe t . - wide.ty 121 -yank. long contawi-I. SO an wide. by ikll yard-s contain 4 1 v:ltle by f9B feet .eont.tin-i 1 ok e .';'‘ . :- . 1 . 4464pei . iviile lsy - -91 feet long (.9n ttins 1 apri * ?. 110 - feet, wide. by 3G9 feet long enntaiuso 1 acre. .6tYfeet • 72(1' feet' loni.c cone iiu 31 feet • wide !AT feet lontlong eotitpilt4.l SO feet wide .by _1;11 fe.A icon enntaini 1 . -MA N', l o - iE.5f 1.775 - T OF FOWLS -IS NV 1 the season is approaching - , when all fortis need to be:eared for, a few. hints gard 4/ their numageinent maYf' be. aeecritn bre:. , 3lt fowls during the wint route Jaecomrhodatibris and the better these are, - the ;I,etter-will the fOwls repdy all labor. hut, Whatever-the accommodations', they should' clearr,' well ventilated and free from yer mitt; and also to keepit clean, the best' way is to - whitewash It thoroughly. On the. ex • tenor-or the. hoille, taste and beauty may . be. the prineil,ai' Points, put .ou the interior the • health -and Comfort of tho:fcrwisi , is all that should be regarded lii selecting fowls ft., breeding flurpow.4, only the , beat of the vari ety should te...t . wd,.. and allow - . one cock : - foui or lire hens.r- : In sfeeding, the rule w twisty Should •be oh erred , such as b(Siied . potOoefi and, nxistl, 'lndian' meal mash, anti occasionally:corn,' . oatr:t \ ad , ackwheat Foals this's mat caged Will unfound to amply repay, ' their behalf and also, allord a means of . pleasure.—eor. vj the ....tnwriectia Sttodk '4'0,11714 . • . • . , . . ,Trix.NEw' Poriiiim4:—There 'has been a . pretty general trial of the new varieties . I-4 , potatoes... The Early Rose takes the lead as . tin.early;potat - 4.), althOugh the Early Goodrich has _Overt splendidaud 6 voted .6,4 hay ing.no superior as a table potato,* :The Eatl Reeeseetus to lack hardiness for a. wont* of So late 'origin.— I grew nearly three.tneasumi: buithels:from two pounds .seed, cut to z.itigl , !. eye?", and* there was about half 'a 'bushel of_ roffert pints in the fotf. The Excebdor mor.t Hardy ..illan-the:Rose, but ezneedinglv Lstr: and not to .prolitle..!.• I, only. obtained half inishel, from one pound' seed, treated th Xll reVeCts. :like the Rose.. The liarritsm 6 votk,l king"lrtlmlnt yield , but has onefault that -seems general44lteiy tUrtr a. dark' color ato.r 'eookhigi ahliest. black in. iota& i4' - : 11. 04 1 CF• I • , • -• • •. _ , • WHATFay - rollttt. 7 —Etatittatiertl; closet! but . it shOtild* tie ent • early. ant nice and merk ,- --Tlitiothy 6 pLOi x tbi for liOrsee, but kit taitiennii sheep - I 1,.rr•11 . id4;tver v .atut would tatter have a tan of like, :green, Otte elover, 7 _ thin a tun of timothy, a!- though. in :Market One ton 61 timothy _bring -Ali.1111101: two .of f have sometinies fed smile...timothy hay to my lalgtP t but always..fintutirthat it was n o t the Irani* Hir ‘thein; they wotild grow - lank tovd. thin :410.016 a-very good ! !hrii that a fat- . ta4g.-auinial they the clover a4, , itin they would plump up.aud look full and Mee, andlyan venire.. youtzlese your ehtl.p..l o ^kfulland Prtinv, they- are not' fattening very M.3r,".-" rn 3 - . • • _ , • c rintAtlir .AND •Co assTA 1.1115..--Otie feed _ t at noon of nitre bright out, barley ':or pea straw. rpr'efer to has, as they not only relish it, but it is a change .for- theta, 'Sheep are very 'fond of Tariety, and-vrill eat daisies, weeds, thistles - or almost anything of the kitid that Is eat •,and eureil 'green. ",,"Ice green corn stalk-tit* not very bad for sheep, and , when 1 haie; plenty cof them I. 'altertys .feed the tenth then, at least once a - day, and them as gad. 'as hay. I prefer, " • feeding - them the fore part- of the winter,; as towards spilling they they wilteou •tralet,dampoiss, and tben , • the sheep do not _eat theffi so; well. . • . ' • ' _oors.-.7-31y expgrienee Is, that Whertorrei they are worth at home more than setorftWAtve cents per barrel,, and corn not 'over hum , one, dollar. to ;one dollar And twenty-liye rents per b ushel, the corn. is the I*Mo:4k and I would use only' a few roots 110. fir. - green food. I con Aider emelt and rutabagas better than , eommon .turroliez still byieeding-6 little more of the meter:than the limner, I thing the oth!en do AWtitiikwell ort thaw. . • • NM 1312 OE