The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, January 01, 1870, Image 3
FORTY-SIXTH YEAR. Alters' ?ournaLl SATURDAY, JANUARY t, 1870 RATES OF ADVERTISING: EMZ=I MEI ICul. 112ut _ -' 4, tre 0. o nch 10g4.!! 00 17,001 , 3 : 0 S ODI' 9 (9)1 OD vm t i nc ‘,) -•m , I 4 fl 14 0, ; 0 0) . IG 0: .. .... a 0.1 I I u. ai ,{1» If 01' (Al Ir. OU iIN;1. • . . A LPH A Hi:TH•A L SPE( 'I Al. Nrn - rn;, Single Inert ion 4.i twill+ a Iltaf; avY. nutirseiruent Wren erniii'a line, - LOCAL 111 7 :11NErirf NOTI(1->1.--Aeriond Paso, ri• line rind In4oliiiii• - eiirli - Antii-elauent isirertiiiii air. per line. Third Page,?) ceetr si line first 4111411.1111111,1111 , 11 t lixf.rtlnn ISA-env, per Pre. V AitRIAO.E Nil/TIC/714.—n eentsi . : 1 • [ F(N EltA NOTICE-C.- • Aflet.ltrt rani nc ' —l 7, t co, Ilnrc liektittetlls.l to Cl..111;11 01 . JC NEW. YOU:ME. t •number. we -eonunenee the putilicatiiip of the l'orty-sixth vAine of the MiNtms' Joruxm„ *and , the:F-011Y , r , .7 ? second shirk the senio oil tor tool; charge .of - • • the establishment. As the reader pereeives . it apps. r+ in a new ilre:ks, and somewhat • minished iii ize, but this Wilk-We think l • appreciated by the reader. HA the . paper -wa.: copsidereikid its late shape rather too large. Those Wholake bUththe daily.and the week . ly_will however. gArt fully 'as much reading nuttier, a.+ we intend enlarging the daily on NloPilaytieXt. We also - contemplated put- . tint' th wc. 1 4, - .ly in a quarto - form,, which. 'shape is lilted by many of our subscribers; };kif. adverlistrs object to it and we:decided to retain the old form. lii PiltOrln4M i nn our new VI ohmic we Heed last.t.ati• that .We endeavor In run , ltivtlii.• MLNitiwe J.4)c•RNAL intore:4ting, - useful and instructivailli ali its departments.. Not drily_ will tI el)al trade reetOve that attetition wlindi has intimately fi.s.silciated this jour nal with its kevelopenteut and (let:lA.l,ll,ln matlera of'publie:alni. National import ;wee will tie freely and.fiilly discussed in ft..l coltinins. ...Many persons abroad 'aro intpre:ised with' the belief that the Jotrussl. ie sitripl;,• loeal organ of the trade; finkhiervient to inerely local • personal intent.:. 'This is'diti error. NVe are hot looked upon so here, for ip f•onse quehre (lte 'independent "position o bold oil -his - :Ls 61 1 ' 411 ' 6011 4 r subjects, We alit:l reek ig - it i zed. ttA the exponent. (?f no intere-t which doe+ not' eufbraee the welfare' of all in • tritde.everwhere In the i.ohnir . v. If; lids" ; ,(:oitrse we will inflexibly adhere, aelmated.iff,' our advoeaey :Of important. measure, no • I ' teltisb norlnarrow yiews.. - 1 • , • J And in :-Itartifig . with the Jouttsa". rejuve . nated- as it were, permit: us to extend to aft i'lte-entnpliments of,the eeasOn. ' • t A - ;:ty of the Dadyand Weekly NEWS' .10:1,t.1!:, Stilt afriend 187 i), would he el ,tally'-4uo weekly remelubranee, •. F REFOR.VS ki - ONUND .Esq., the' efficient . k.:.-"freasnier . of this Cotinty, will retire on: the ad insti, front the 4 position Whii.ll he has, stl his tern) -of tam. It is estimated by those wlio.have the best means 'of knowing, that the eoiltse , of Mr . . lii:Lt7Elt in that offire, with the 4114 of the Joumt i., and also (.6 . :eottrtie .Allll9 1 - 10USe: haVohaWpil, to the- taXpayers of this County within.,che past three years over one huttilred thou-faint - (hdlars. Many delinquenz and turd.; tax Celleetors have been,:i.tompelled to pay . up; isti,4 many thousands of dollars have intAtheTieasury, which wauld not.tiot . v be in it had not hdeu for the (:ottrse Qt . :qr. SitmrEit .atol the iut.•ftX.U..— ` - Three years sinee !the expense of maintain- . tug the 81ins liouse was run up to the enor mous ligu . re of .i. 4,90,000: During the ,7,vetir closeil, the exPense -of triain tainitni that Institution was onlyli,.ooo.=• quite a difference, and a ' ,. t.iilrerence'whirli - we . way-claim the credit of having 1.4 - 3 - ti great ei tent .etfeeteil. S / This we:have Ltorot" in' dm interest or- the .taXpayers,. anti in the face of threats that..cer tain County printing patronage would be is ititdrawtt frOmll:+ if' we per..isfed in (Air tour-e; / titre:lNmade to ,e by men whit heing• iii office . shoubl the esissial custodians of ..t he, interests off' the tax payers of the County., .IN'e lost the jiatron age Lilt el. (1141 (Sir fluty: But then , sot lie of 14i:officials take 11, 1110re - Aptijite and les- parl'isiin'yiew of the subject,,iind bellev , e that s ta it doeument as'the Annual County Stateneent!ror instance, should IsOpuhlished iii the tialwrs of the County. Our staiseriptkin - ii-i numbers tiiiVe-fourilis of the ho•avy!thN i ,,,y;,r, o f the oitnity ; and for . their ififolinaljoli '4lllll ,111011111 ha • 1 . 1111 , 1kJ...11 in irl o ,J , ki • it.N.i.L 3 f1 , 1"1/t.ill 'l , l.llliY 1111.14 by : 11111 - 111 , 441 - 1 . 0... , .1 in the interest Of - taxpayer4, and th(:..l44l•ltNist will ever' be iu the front rant:. titthtinai tOr them. is,YO . 4o 'he' :lone, but . in the future put such th . en 11 . - oilier as CONE .% I , SELTZER, :01,1 the Will not require many years - (for IN consaitnination. n'lln ( * UM C. sernntoli ~.•huyikAl ..... W it . I • - Pio learn that the, 'ommittoe of Ways and. INteans "Were 141 Vet] to reeoinmend the-reline lion <it'd - lay on pig iron; froth tar to 45,. tluougle the influence: of sonic girt w.Orkers, wlu interest it is - tO buy pig iryn a littl e . el e ,ip e r, w my - to benefit their awn private itttt rt•rls- ••Soine ofOliese men are isteiffn, and they will ha . ) e\it hard read to . tract l if it becomes necessary 6) expose them. 'We- ailinit that the furnace men 411.1.\ - 4 be,li making' good' profits 5.111,. their produet, and it arise?- front the fact that the iiroiluctitei of pig metal hay not kept pace with the N. - ant of the manufacturer. 4 of iron. The rea-oi is simply this: Rolling mills and works forioanufacturing , iron from the pig 4, can be buicia't accessible prints-any where; but furnaces,-to be worked with pridlt,'musi ' be located In. the yiciiiit*tif (ire and fuel, and, such ;,points cannot" always be proi.ured without Opening ore and.- Tstial districtu througho the counts •, The profits nay made by 'the : pi - 640t furnabe owners; are the •erection, of a 'large 'timber . of Aditioilal furnace?, the prt4uct of 'which n ill he thrown into the market thi? year, tt Owl, 'will tend to lesson prices by' home' A',,mp e ilt 'With the prveieut dut.y.,or $9 per b i n en' pigs Continued a few yearOonger, ,a 'large flew Of capital will go .West anti ,south "in 'the erection of furnaces their also, where there are many-points at whidh iron can be made very cheap, when the liminess (.oceestsblishod. But if . .the present- duty Is lowered, the ilow of capital_ will be diverted frOth this I.raiich of Lusiness, and millions of dollars iflat cuulcibe invested profitably in this bital- 'seek other investments; foreign efi r iniriee Will fur i the additional supply 44 ov, and prices ill not' be as low to the 7risumer :88 they will be . in a year or so by ' • .e , *ipetition at home, which the erection of a tae number of . ad *tional furnaces would ~rate, and which woul give, ethplovenent . to our own people, who woUld consunie.our •• birtulstutill, instead of importing •a large - amount of foreign breadstuff's with the iron, which way consumed in the manufacture Ist' it in. Europe._ • : Th,e sanie arguments will apply with equal • force against:tiny riAluction in the dutthoon "serap'iron, FOREIGN FA TES. —Liverpool decide; a bicycle a Carriage. —Russia is building her own locomotives. —Another onlption of Vesuvius is immi- MB ---E4lnl.thrgh talks of a monument to Dr. ' Chalmers f- - . • . . . , • -The wasfierwomen of Paris are "still out `i on a strike. Englund Is to adopt - lief-penny neWipa per pertagt3. • —London eouvicts are put at making hoots for the nitimpolitan -A Fiend' soothsayer tells fortunes by tin of . the palm. '. • . —The POPO?: Peter's pence within the last tcti years foots up $:1.1,1XX1,000. • -Geographical Convention is to be held at Angers, in August, 1870. ;- • - —None he temporal poWent has a spe- OW' reprwentative at the (Ecumenical Conn . . • • —A ttimnplial arch of beer barrels chair '' t.e'riztal tire - cent ovation to the King of, PM-. - sin. ' • • —The Austriad•realtlentS Cont(iantinc* leave just taitabllshed an AustrO-Hungarian •bank there. water in the ph (5 aural Polito. . . . . • ".ocenta a line first Insertion: each subsetiuent insertion IS cents a line. ovPitaystn.—.Nint- years ago thA Evan indica! Alliance histied their firstcall to Chtftstlans thron . gbout the wiitlit to set :quirt the first week of the 7 4 ..ew Year an a AeliF•011 of united prayer; Thig lv-enson .I* , ob# , ervod by Ki•v'ernl lof the churches of our borough. In the W 011141.41 fliiirch there will bo a prayer unvting rvery (14y: coin- Mencing at 3 o'clock and clositigat 4 o'clock It M. -There - fr 111 be also special sorirlook overt eve,nlng at %o'cicick. These services begin *Monday..hi t h. 3d. Boat Zrabe. POTNVILLE,NrIE 'rho quantity sent by Rail ,k.. is '''-'ll,!:. 1.,; .by--.ttatial,t.itr.t; for :7 15 Lous, a...pii,tist37,ooo for the isaresp‘ottiiM;l week Idst ye.dr. There is au demand for coal, cseept ftif - l retail, ,which is - .4tipplieil by ilittt - few vellierieA(tlkit are at worli . .. , - : . - . r4ft 1 tt We leapt that the rates, : of ton, ate.l ; 4 . t Port ItiNtliiinitl Will be roltiecd . Mt vent.,tJ-tlay, with'll will leave:them . $2 OS from Port-trarbon 'amt 1 on trout Schuylkill Ilaveu per t4tip . The rate. to l'hilatlelphia . ' remain withoht *..:11 , 1.:tt, :it' . $-.: is leer ton, . • , •, • If . l ‘ 0,5,"(i. have teci•ived but few 'reports tliiiciweek, as tit:iny .ivithholtl. them until the Akt4,& - Inc the year, c.e presume. The ft IIIMV i I I g al' 0 an :we re.- cijvcd this week. . 1 I .. . - - . Itittit 11',.-/c. T., ,, ,1„. ,Il'el..i.l f . Total. I LI:: • ..909,6:4) 14,31 , 0 i ' , ' 5zt.,4;35 `..,::13 , 6 Kl,.•ttl 9..K.ti ; i 01,71.9 . 4 919 1, , F , C,971. VA: :I 1,.:1,19 I 1 10 1 7,61 N •:r.r.: [ , 03i, , 79 41 1 ! 1 ,169 . 7.39 - ; i0.,,1ii • 24,7,7d1 I ,'._75,1 ili . ; I 14111. I WyK, ToTALF !IN • D. • • .259.471.4 191,01.1 i 44,170 . . - t Iffil jt u.....;. Snort At • , 1 , IC •! • 1.4:,76(' 'AVOW . 1 4 i Mil aus, ion 14r, ;,a, r 61- 1 Wi . ; • 111 TO 010 11, 4 . 41e1 . t10rS will hen!' it'l 113 . . 144:4.N.ti al t!rey can, the. otil(itti (lualittitie of vot}lk4ent to 1 tttaiket for. tho your 1569, together wish:i. is dis- Aiiinitioil of Ole sarao4 :is far as they can't].) so. operator,' who are 11,1akillg iliWiwrove wieWpi hi the iiiffe -*nit - 11:egionR, if they IWill re port the saute to its we will notice thole in. the Joi; RN • '!'lime ivh,t hiti.o, received "queries - firm, ALS Will please answer them ai proriiptly 11,1 tile, 113 the.year 150f..0 has closet.' e Messrs lfA NOE ( Messrs. RANK,. HARRY and Irovt.Ann . WA LTF.11.,1 11d‘i; frOin the coal firm or ,Scorr,- WA urlitt liC ('o., Philadelphia, and amaoiciatOd with B. B. TliomA4, nonincr C„T.nomm:, ond ,DosiLnsos, tinder The firm of WA I:TEIt, DO:ikl;DsON CO., No. WS Market streei: Phil who..will transactbUSZ ines4 ; in Philadelphia, New York and '*ston. Thin new firth will'have the eontrol of, 011ie, of the elmice'd kindi produced in BIN eptinty in IS ti, and are worthy of the eontidene i e of the tradc: ° • . Jolt x C..Srofr Iraq a-4kriated,,witlllll!rn leis two '011!.1 NVt r.t,r M it.:SCCITKAnd .la.; tufiler firm nutue ofJotiN C. ~rlcirr .0 SoN-I,colo - will trans:tot :1 wholesale business at NValnutstreet, NiiW York, 4a , 1 abfo:at,!";:o. 19 Duane street, Itostoni - . JouN E. w;ysitoor Iran- ithdraw'o r front the firm • VEatqvc.l;.:Arwooft Si It'ior. and the volt; bus,iness will be 6mtiimed 'uittie'r [the firm of VEltig. - ANCI: S ATWoon at the 444ti . eitepti In :sten* . Y.irk. • . • TIIII',ATENI:scI N Xittliraci 3 O hoard of Trade, and' M. N. Fowler;,of tkt linieki•r -)cker Coal 16.',61npany, otroraireward of ,oi) for . the dote... Coil of the Person or person', wit, post, 6.1 up alf yeritettitt4 uoticoat Kiiii64i..44ock er colliery. 'This i-j.right. Sep adv'erti l lsenent, tirin of TrLEIZo o k 178), \V..V. Atixitn. L. 6 :L!oltEs • forint:4l . a co-partnership I to 0011- till. 1 / 1 1;:si tto.h6r the tinny nnito of A 64.1 Ist , . .Sl6i.nth: and Ana po i co. a! itostop. Lio - ts !!..isksivrt has withdrawn. fron6liti tirm of llA,ts, CL., of Philltii4i4ll a New_' lork, and 4yeiociated. II: the tirni name ofitS;66tynt:n - A! t.ttrit, 2261 Watti in street, 11.41 1 hdelphia, and trt Trln New-York!!".--, t 'Wm% Ititi, tOider the Arm unlit • of I [x.t, S Itill:76:u.i-.r.....qtinin6 tle• liitsrt'ie,as at thr6 stand...2ls street, - Thi.S , raillt.ii anoti. , n , :tle Fink . plar(lon Wed. n..4(lrty fait, and tho follo ing wa4 tkol rostut 1 . ..e , ,m pared wit li_tli...."l:t4t sal,:r , .. . ... i hp. 4 29. .i l .lChii. 21. ti,ibill inn+ lOnip. ..... .... 1 4 a , i I , i 47 1 .. , 1 115 141 ro 111,..t1111‘ 5t....,., .. • i ."..) : , .t 8..2 1 ; .. 402 hi... 4.4.1; 1,),,u1 ton. grate.. .. ~ •4 Sii . " - g.,(11: 1.34 (;121.3.i 23.0.0 tort, -V.v.. ... el in 646 .. . „ 1.7., (.97 ai 10,11 th) (01,1 (11 , 1111 it...... . I . 15 444 r.. 6 ' ~.:)f (al tit. Clair .... Port thrbon. ...-.,.:" Unrest- Auburn,.......... Port C 1 Port Tatul vayttm rant lot t. mawAuj. Total for Week.. Preirioaily this yet. All ,iZe. , 111 or a .onall advan;•ii"pr stove. over a dollar a tuii and] Ow coal 'WIN 111:i 1).'l pally inlrehr_ned I,y •.-dpainliold irAtieri and von...moors of Total , . 7'.) 'tame 41Ine Ix,t y T 'terra:4o I werr..v.e S4'III'iLIILL • , A I:FFEER fr , ou'a vo;i1 ininooowlier in tiotit,,n, of 1)(0. 2Vl+, : 4 ==l ' " CO:11 11.• r.• i% eery 111111 of tdti`..l*l) Illi:U ' i)ra,i,, , gi,- log forward, unit no .10:11k•rilaringE to pUrCila44'. The . :l4f ipt eil by the Scranton Companieitllit, ciiia plil,ly diquor'allzi.:l the t ludo, The' prosifs.( ahead h very hard., four hack wav fixed so highithnt. It -I'. r v iiluoti., nut unki , s vii..ri-otod will ruln all.the.oper ...tors, f irliwc cannot got the Nitient of !the lower prices for hihor under tt, and would reordrC by to throu away our coat w Mehl; our capital. 1- ; '.. - "It Isnot possible for 'oil (v . -work on the stone naafi, - I fear. ' • • 1. ..• th'it Pliiiadlllphia erii 7 respondent- Weiti4 as follows : "There IA very lilt IC inquiry Marcos), and the ship -ping deli - Mud Is at u . -stand 0111, and cousllering the long •',pcil or wain), weather, the last SciantOn title,.. with the exception of Stove. size, reallz4d as Well theca-. the trade rut leipartd. ' ( ' ' i " On. and after Ist pnyx., the charge Tor freight and • tolls on .iiith ruche coalconsigned In ro f) itichniond for Ensiein shipment %%111'1)e-reduced [11'61(4111s per toll." . .'. - :CoAt. I . i'rrilsit MAr aim eity.—We . cove .fre ti tient letters inquiring whether -tiny geed • coal cutting machine is in use in this County. . We have heard of soveral inventions—but tio . fitr we knew of none in use: .If there aro any 4'o ! ,, , ho9lii_ like to have some information front tie 'inven tory; In England a number of patents have been-taken out—and several are at work. . They are 1.114 ed in mines where the coal lies ihordton 7. tal, and their himminons coal is soft e:(Mintli'od i to . e.itr hard ;anthracite. The last Imtidirn. MIN-, 1 iNo Jouit's 4 Lrontains the descriptionlot• a new 1 .machine, anti. we append a. full notice Of it, hoping that the dest"ription ntav lead Pt the in vention'of ss.m.i machine for cutting edit) Which will proverif - )re effective and poweafud than the pick •in tliii- I ; lianijs of the miner : , i ! I I '• -etir: It ; Ilia rd ;Hurd & eo., the tnli)nirrnt 'lliorks, Rochdale;; he-s just patented a new inachii'te;- which gives promise or being in every way sicoMsful. It is at present at work In a - Z.l-I . ach Seam,Tinaking a thin and rapid ..updcreut of 6 feet 6 filches iti.four Inilitlifiti. The average depth from • the freti of tiro, coal is about 3 feet, the width of the clear iroove cut heltigintly about one luch.and a'quaitor. j'he only power riaiuire d. to make that rapid underCnt tea f inal cylinder, with 6-inch 'stroke, and geahhig three to onc,ilie whole being worked by cm:ll4a. - 1 air,. , The •f4id-weight of the. machine Is lit Over 4!4. cote, and it runs on three swing eentres, , ~t hiu; eniii Ming the person working It to push, the nissehlue iv :. any direction with ea-eo. Already some Of the itatii. chines are being sent into Yorkshire, audit? we Our piss() sect ag them at work we skull be enabled shortlY to givestuore extended account of their.opees Lions. with an account of certain uhtUl3Catlstna. which practice boa suggested sinee4ltey have Welt at ,Work, The invent!ou itkielf coushq.s/At outtl.4prizontal, douliltudlual, radial, and diagonal • greostee in the coal orotlirr Mtwara( to be exctivatish by Morris - of &porta. Oillink stocks containing the cutters, which ' are joined ttigetlter in . such a manner that mi ciente \ or connecting pine are required. • The eerie* of . cut- 1 tars parsecs Mimed is pulley uatitinted Ulla 'P' lll . 42 tl arm, and anniud a toothed wheel taxed (4) fa eliall.,' whientite Ina teleecope frame, telnereaselOeredtios7 its ! l ength ;- tMenulial arm is provided with grooves which support. the back of the cutters tficks,' and prevent theta' from tieing drawn out of the groove in the tadtal arm. This toothed wheel I. riven to gly - e motion to the cutters by improved-btlye in- gins power , or in any other convenient !mariner. l'hisposlifon of the radial arm is chang i sio• as to e ll give the required eta by a worm fixed to4ie enter shell tif the telescope .shaft, and a cam fl . tcf the driving wheel; this cent by slaver and-catch turns: the worm - at intervals, and thus advances 'the oat: tent to the extend reqelred. The engine ' 00 4 1 : 61181 • of an oscillating cylinder, to which the comp ease. I air or other elastic fluid Is admitted, and frets( which it. is eihaueted thrOugh:twe or reorelkmt4 imehrik tic;ii-of the cylinder causing the poi -tale OpiMed - and closed at the --- 41oper times without hila e 'd t eccentrics or. valves for giving the requie ir e to and • tee teettun te.the piston, which is . eonneeled tithe reek pin in the fly-wheel,. . : The-engine can be tin' d b , , e tape placed In the passages leading to and from. brinorta, whit* taps were eofinected and worked is • Wtance ously by leeere or searing. The cutting axipanrini, ' and-the engine byphich it Le driven, 'are tierinected to a bracket, whiuft tits on a screwed pillarii aittifit is raised or lowered; by gearing connected tae the en.: glne„.and which/gearing ',weenies the city - tient of motlottup or down 'by changing thapoiti , !tit the wheela• - Therbracket alio supports two , with two- tamentrips fur. aitins oti ingfr4v. Ykk'tl3 secure- the )racket In the insitioli-• Iting the other to simian the radial arm. - Millelti,l R K IS I 1 4140...33 11:111 Vidley Kull Mt. Cart4.3u . . Iffillllls Qd^ditity. %rut rudiu4 !at Saturday. Sl'yorain.T 11Aziooli U. .1,..1111411 11. :4111111,W • liot 111aurii 01/ Home Lx.: last year 1 n Dern. • The fi.llosehe.; 14 t, I 'anal wild Itatlroml xrek• Stu • ! I:bill:II lAA =I COA t. a Pt d. QS IX 00 Baotou yna ClimbedSePor NevbarTP: oll ' Portsatootb i • 121 Ito ! • rontsad ' 3 PO Bangor • . Provident* .! Bristol Pawtactit , . Taunton- r• Arttved at Pc. Matt_ ID port 9 vessidessid iME 14 Port Richm0nd...,..... To PbUadelplato.... *. Tlao rages Oiromlloony ood boas Tomaquo ed air Is lasect s forproductrog the moth lichariacia receiver or - a ret,; tot pi' compressed by a stationary XVII SUI trE11;0 form Te d e kkott Ding PAM -11. OVVICIGS, 7:11 nd so cow unired tor connecting the air-pi*tping engine with the e7[em.:vont:4 machine. as to 915ir customary. Thetilkand as for compressing the air consists of a aerie*. or pump . barreis, the pistons of whickare, worked bin Monona' disc, or other "equivaleatOlie disc titian driven by steam or other power, and the ptimpbirrels are all united to the airrecelver., the pietism** increases In. the receiver the phdon rods are discentinucal in F ucceaddia frau:saw driving until the anal comprreslon Is obtafued bythe last piorni barrel. The pumping apps lapitriS lit a water-conrse, to keep the banab'cdol. • ees!te. Ent-roue mtt glad to ace by ,Ute, Publication. of the netiee - in- dots, etornitere Jorn.N.O., that the operatore 'o.i! the Selmylk Itegion have taken the inithrtery steps to make cheap inthraiete coal fur nett yietr. •-Thlzi : is . . the only salvation of the prodtteing interests .of .; an thracite ' coal. The great consuming interests ;demand awl . 'tall have cheap fuel. They prefer wsti anthracite, even if it costs from $.l 50 to $2 00 per ten more than' bituminous, but When the difference . ia.s3 - .00 or ti 00 per ton, as we have iieen It this past season, they are conipelleA used' the bituminous. ; this stato.Of -affairs should' continue for another eeasott, we Should contlutteefor another atmson, we should have a still larger Increase in the eonsumiition of tiitu rninoes coal and a corresipotulfingdierea s y tit the moistitteition of anthracite tem.!. r The result Of the gime: difference betwoien' the prices the sea son jtiet.past bees follows, i 2: Deeneeiu in anthearite - - .1e0,4) Iticre*Se: , in bituminous ; - - - 71a,000 And I think it is , safe to assert' tleat•had:pricee rule Slower the market • would have taken Lou, 000 or -750,000 tons More, because ive know that greater (+enemy IS alwaye practiciid when the priced get to burdensoniCi. 'leads of house- . holdsioek mire earefully" after the :Sll - of factories watch their tlicitien More and steanilSiat es , lllll:alieS nut their I) Mb" 'l , ll slower time. The. suin of the 'whole fitatte is'that fuel; being an article of daily 't - ie and entering largely into the east of almost eve rything, must be chealve lie effectiv, luui eel's.- eiallyke, now, as all the other necessaries life, are dii'preciating in value to the col resifni,iiii g decline in gold: I hope that the "A• lioa:rd of Trade", will follow up their-pre - sten ac tion, 'by making a vikirouS attack epon :the' iiricos'of trtinspeitation to and. along . the sea hoard. If they can oiler coal next seaseit at $4 54 to $1 75 delivered New York„ Anthracite will regaiti its •lost prestige, and; we will have at least ten 'eoliths of steady work; and aut increased .consumption rtntlinieite cs ad, atlleluntillis to 1,000,000 pr I,si t 1,000 totter. re-Witte, Dec 30th, leee. • It.' , . . PititAMDLE AND RkNOLITTItiNS Ad°litia - by the Anthracite Board of Trude,of the Sehtf9k ill , • Region, Pee...:N,'lSei.J. .. . - - : WIIER*A4, The 10.1wrienee of the Liu: . nix months, , has proi•ett condusivols • that : the. present basis of $3 per ton at Port ratflunt,. is entirely th4 f ,pgh to permit coal from die i4elin.yl - rtigionjp eompete with the largo .4,lpp:tines of the !Lt4ernex region ; and, Fat Etti, The course of those coMpanie,i for the patst shows a determination on their part to monopoliae the trade on the seaboard ; and; WnEREAS, The presefft otorimmseosi of pro duction Operates as a cheek upon the develop ment of the manuffieturing interests, and as u grave border on the domestic commniers throughout the country •, theretOre, 14 it Reseterd, That hereafter • the basis shall As , fixed at V 2 per ton at. Port Carbon, and waguc whilst col bringsthat rate shall bc,. • Outside Libor .- - $7 50 p.ei Week: Inside do 850 dO Miners' - - 10 ' 41 , ) .rtot work to be minced Crew', the basis, forty per cent. mee' in wages las the pric,c, e,yal.a.l - be as folbovs: When the average s from Lump to Clit-itnuL (both in -eit,hes 30. dye per cent: 00 ten $3 'Li, fifteen per cent. ; $3 50, meNtet ....ot $3 75, twgitty-one liar cent. 00,.twunty-rive per eent., and fttrther advan ces in , the'sante proportion, and in all caseti costs must h psid by the parties using the same. Thecae prices to, her obtained from the t,•erotte of actual sales, as shown by the books of live operators. . ROHL it. BrArtt, *toy. • Co.a.--The last Boston ritttret.titt f.I4T says that there k no rhange to'notivo in English Cannel: ?Heed •range from 81.9(L0321"1.. 1 ton for large , and.' small lots. In Sydney and Pietou . nothing has been done and priees are trmi nallYs74ii rso ton by the eargo. eitinber landhas been selling at $4(03 rAI Pion. Ihrarito eOntiattes in AtesAiy4etail dent'and - at $ll vi ton for sizlA most in 'demand, and Slq •I 50 deellne on st . n i all sizes. The eolistimpt ion . e?ntitthea tsnuparatively small and -4orwther. mild :for the ialifion. •Cargo prlee are''mind nally $R 0649 TS) ton, and on aerottlit of the genera) belief in kower prices at ati oarlY day. dealer 4 are selling ttp'stot`ks as close a: pt)saible. 'rho rei•eipet, 01%C.0:41 the past week, ,13,1r2„-totiS against ri,ti..7,4 tons for thej l ehrre; pooditig week Of 1:348. COAL. T@ADI RT 11111.11,04 Di AM) cANAL, INA 9. Tb.• ritiftnt it y a.•nt by 12 inroad aml Csaal for troe'rvo•L: ..n.l ' • 5.0111 IN; 1.N;4 to • 6.441 1: • . IC - 12 9.telt 11' duLt I:4sAn li 11 , 4 e .1 1.416 Ov- 04 741,,C0 VI 1 .4,17 It 101.11.0 04 IeOCNTS UtILBOUS F 011.140 quAntlty I ran ipnrtod Leg ' It . 11.6,14 19 , 1.7411' Gil COIL TRADE-IN:O. • VALI. by / , `th , gb -V , dlivy ICllln•ml for the vrook , tl,l Snid tor tip. val.; t 10,124 14,1 , 1/ I 41,1,4 7.4C1 l 44), I:,1 3,817 • 41i • rz"; EOM 413.6151 349 ap,na iti,YZJ AM) he • iluannty of coni t tronsported by the ,C and Nay. Co, for the alloy oyoultof I. . TOT/iT., By.. . .. By BM Imad The (.7onl way Scrivt4as follooM: . T.ITA 1. From Wyoming Iteglon -- Boltvor NI ow . . 3lnhanoy. L. e. &I% turtr; .17.1 W; 1,575,2 t 4 i.cmis del. to is V. IL t. w 9. ?Cote!, Md. . 14.910 • 1 l'OlL TRADE. . . . . . ,:., i i L I . - - 1 qui:witty or ma! trOnsport4 °eVet the Cumberland .tutel PrunAylvaniti, Railroad up to Saturday last 7. .. . I/clit by CAN: Al.. B.& U. IL R T“TAL. Forwrek • 1 , • 4,41.1.1 bi,104 F u r l l oMlYe,k. ! 4... 43444 C 1371 I ,0 ..1 t 16, ,1 U7 Fr .... .i .. i ...21,4Ui 1 1 7 --• i ---- • ,%--- loClzi 1!!19, .....14.SAM . . 354,:0CC . 5,01.311 . . THE C9A.L M-ARKETS. —.-- . .., PRICES OF COAL HT THE CARGO. [(Ante orrri:.6 -wee r.v Fob' tits itiNian* JornWei..l . ..L.—., . •:: - PLIILADPIfIA, Jim. 1,.1.1:a. t,t M. Rid Ash Pupated le 4 ,chestuut .E. ocht , do cb..tmit 1 1 Loma Mt Lump . 5 we, 530 h Lutop ' 5 00'0 . tio Me:omq. 5 In/ 530 - 5 61/ 4 1, do .13Vo)ceu 5 by 330 6 0.4 -,' -do - 3:,4v- 5 .344, 6w 6 WI ~, 4, do ~. stove 5 504, - 6 Ou 6 '4 ) 5 0 . I'.de .. Cheetnetl - 504 4 ,75 LI 172,911 • . '°2 „.,V 11.107 : 4 0,4-.11 Jtui 1, 1 I NTT Jill f William I 31111 as met; M; MEI NEW YORK, Jan. 1, IkTI. • - t :. , 13, :buY1 1 .. Bed 4.b, IF . 04 7 Sol _ . Retool do Chneitout 4 :441 . 15 4);Tistvigh Lamp • 14W AM" Lump 5 5P4 I Btmlml • '' ' . , 550 .' 1 Bruton 73r7,1c n att r :S 0) .. 'iNgg - • • Egg -I . • ' OSU • - 1:11.umil . • Mumll ' 760 Chrtmut • tainmout & - sa) SMI . . . i I . . - • . , I BALTIMORE; 1. 1570. .. . , . To the trade by cargo or car load: . Wiikeebarre and Pitts .on W .a.,.h . r 500 000 Lykens Valley Bed 444 • • • 7 airy 7t5 duazuoklo W4lte or ItOd Ash . ' Sr4O . 7 Ou n k=amt or wharf , amts toil 00 additional. • • . 5 i ZO, 9 io a • gar creek and t. .. holland Coal, f. o. b. at • Lucuit.Putta t fur . wing - 000 , - ALEX/L3IDM,, A,ND GEQROiTOWN. lan. i, 'TTY' l k & Cambrelsa4. g. h .1 75 • PRICO or comr.ccrm. - • L. •:Sr.t Or. E. eto. Chit LacksiaTtlat_WWl64ll 63 30 p •0 00 66 00 fi 73 1 3 7 3 , /14,54Aimi 30 4, 74 II el 6co 75 575 beruatos. glisabetlepurt Ispp. sewburgt Xi IS bit - 640 6 . 40 Tl 3 410 . tab . Jatist•sa ' 7a 6 "X, 06 430 7 $4O Z . Eli port irrlohnion to Xew york traitg Itrand• out*/ 06054; , 0 csats.-, paic:Es Or 0241110342, At "r*"i 8h1vott i P 1 0 1 0 111,1)470 7 3, i ' 7o — " 1"1- ' hiad at ti.lY, Ctirteipri. Mock - noon • Ouwrt• ' ' ;• ' • Unkat* - : :I R .r=rgh - Orrel . • - :LI Sydney : ' ' 2 LA, Wok reittellikt 151 k 2OO Palau • I '• ' 2 LTV L Patt...orazatut. LlstlaOrioe lay 1150 • Poieltott Goa ems iNladoola , : 170 I ' For gawk from to 50 Bloc* 711 eetits to 12 FREIGHTS' Ellas-11: . ' Pt. Elixir Oettpt 1 , . Ri'Lol, b 114.1.. litan il tuelret 1 IS leW liikdkad 131 ew London . . i urutieb 4 toir • 'am AT= 1 Si 171 H 1 .__ Z • ibLiddlntons 1 4 1 #gow 114 Is=rmilb 114 rat Id roses and 21 boats— ►ttoa ra TIDL burs italtacm.s. Irag: FL ch. —WSOMISMWOOMpaII „ MI sics 2 - IS ta 2IS L amp art* cods pre too eue, Pui r lau Pew- GSM% have this day andat' the AM at Item Ritmo the Urethan of ml- =3 ESEEN MED MEI CAPITAL - rk Atop .. • . 'DEE ITEDEBBIdIIIiID - have tam;t! ' entered A. • into a coparTherablp. llopthe pa eafrYlag on a wbolosakfccat - ► aamrof Walter. IMnalitsou & Co.; ' 0 4,10/tes at - MOdel . ‘ pain. New York iaa Boston: B. B. TM/MAE, - - rki*PlK .l • WAL,TER.' ROBT..C. 3L.4.P. BAML. -DON - ALMO N )10WAR.1) 4) 4 .Phllmla... Jan. I. '75 • • ' ' . . • • • ••• • , LLADELPIOA. IJOTICE.—The cot ulnerahip. of Trier & J.ll Ph ttedettill La an 35'w York. and Hatell •A , Hartford', Conn...-Itetts 'day . dissoLved. , er jatety tqatgalu INAddataea. • • WH. Y. dARD" - • WM. it .D A AYtHelOif • titi)..x:HATimer • t - 114 uttiferklncillmiCe tfiia day fanned aropart ner alga. and "eat rainttnne the coat busluear as *airmen*. on' of Tyler & under the name -and itch .4 - Aga-rd. No 4 0.11 ed. Cu, In rhltadelphht. And Aigard, 'Hush & In 110".t..u. ' • . - - WM. Y. AKIARD , . , .. WM. J. 1113013.14, Philada. Jan 2, '70 7 -'l4a.i .. ,JA8..P..111.11411. •,.• ... D . issoLuTio.- , -The eopextnerslit,beretoffori. ex k .Nt lug between L. 11. Ilium W , in. l i rriltzer Ohl bad, so vtkr, .owler th.• tirni ilante of Woks; BMW'. Zer .I" tiny - der, k this t 1 iiipaolved, A),V InottuLl -: too g• li t. . The u....). lunt of the lute Ilrut - Iwlll tor seftloxf Ily li;m4. es.-. Switzer w lid will continue the 6,11 Impiners 2 1- , lioivi , d7aeL ul. tiler 'dill stand, No. 213 Walnut ie , et : D. . _. IL 111 4 ,A14' cti. • . . . . • ' ' -WM IIRF:1 4 117E1f, PlIllada: Jan I. '7O-1-tfy _ - 10 1 / I FI I4NYDEIL THE COPARTNERSHIP thezetofiire extmitleig A. bet Wetql the under:doled, under the tirni of Scott, Walter eg. In Pit lladelphla and Bcia.on; and, Wal ter Broe..t C0...111 'Sete York, is tills day dbtiolvett by atittaal.eousent. slimed ' - SC ITT. ` M. I. SCOTT wm. iL SC r£T, • FRANK WALTER. WALTED frOWARI.) WALTER:, • J9lfis C. • 11 , 4111.11.1c1ph i.=u • . • FAISSOLVIICIN.—The cp.:till:ten:tilt, ;heretofore exiAine, between P. W. Ver Planet:, John W. .At- wood and John F.. Wyitkoop nniter the Arm name of Ver Planet:, Atwood S CO., doing bugitie, l / 4 4 am whole= Nak.dealen In New York' N, Y., and Mils v dt•eiolved by mutual consent,' .I.4in E. Wynkoop retiring from the firm. The businees will be carrled ott ua heretofore. by rein:draw: partners, I'. W. Ver ylanek and John W. _Atwood, umler the firm ;name of Vet Planck wool, and all account.* tine to or against IVer Planck Atwood Lt eo,, s m 111• i, settled•he them at their olllce In New I ork. Room 77, No. 111 ittritottray.:.. - _ P. W. VER. PIANCK, • • . . . . . . JoHN W. ATWOOD. . . JOHN E. WYNKOOP, Pc . c.;vilio, ha.; Jun I, 7) 11.3 t Rein Unerfistmnits. WANTED.—The alrofagood While Ash, a AWA oh In and Lorhorfy Coal Large capital. Neter athl l'hiLadelphia'othees. Address Jnn 1, '7O--.1- , ;13 "4. D. E." Miner* Journal/. TAISS9LUTION QF CORAETNEDSEiIi ) .- 1../:The copartnership heretofore exist! nt; under The (Inn narne of Itueehley Short, has been :hereby dis solves! by mul nal consent - . Any husthelii relating to the late firm will be wowed by either of - the parties. wild I Alf DUECIFLEY,' • • '5l. :-.3110lIT; L- - Jan '7ll—elt• St.Rhelt, XECUTOR'd NOTlCE.—Leytent t(•'stantent4Tt• L. upon the t,tate..t ltrujattitipliri tuol,; having !Awn granted tec the . ailik.ieriber4,!wliti rshloi lu Pottmville, 1 hoso Indebted to Ito, Kahl rstitto pro repte.,tett to thake paynient, and alt rer,tolut having pr aguinst the itidtdeetth•nt, aru rrt q W . St ~l l . , u take k n o trit Iho hlll LW without delay t . .) GRlPleltn, •111..TC1:5,11o0N1•:, . • k .1•11/ l e . 76-1-44,1 Exetillt ore., DM_INISTRATOR'S N TI-CE.j-Ltitt.iir ef A , lmial-tratt.)Ti lite ,e , tates of Wllltatu Short, bite fir the lio-ougli of At, have: 111; tx4.4itgritttlefit to .tto , umlen , igni.4l. All tretlyOmr indebtell to .suld e•stAte are hereby not 1110t1 to make Itituttqlet.- pay'invnt, and I tense hay Ing elaints against. the mane t.t pte,ettt thew for het t lelikeitt to , • PPS, %taint riteor • Jan I, • ta---l-et*l' tr,, Scbuylktll t:o., , kJ iii s . pure ha ,w• o ff ered to the tracle tin.l.4.nsuiners tot . to suit the demand: • 1t twhltthi, remmiat Its strict purity and deli ,eac?.- of !lacer, tong manufactures! fntin.tlitimiduct f selCeted eaapes until horoughly relined. The trade `and the tallith. are Invitedito lust.wt it. • • six Dollars per . 14. 1111ANN.1N 411 - 0. 010 . 1. Y. All ENDA, lid )A1) ST.lll4lr, Nti/',y nail . Jan 1, 'TO • . . -I - JLAND WARRANTS IWANTED till.' WAIL OF ISt?. Ash bIEXIt'AN, WAR. • FOILEIGN WILD, iIOVEIIN-' ; MENT and ether BONDS Bool3lll' and SfiLlf." ' t'OI.I..EQT.I6Ns protaptlvlninde on :ill-points.. tit:- po i...ill's. Atii.:Etv ED. ; N. pains will be spared no acne, the- Interests:of -those who favor us with.their bushieas. " • • 3( lIIN y, 1117311T0N Cf)., : Bankers oil Itroker4„:` , ..l fi.s'l/South:ld St.; Philada. Jan I, • I =-- fIISTRICT COURT I ' Vntted Stateti, Eaatitrn -Divtrier Veil 11%y TCIIIII7I. • John John,on, ..r Tantattun, Penna.; dtt Indivlatir ae and a' a inntla-r'. - .1 !ht. Unit] Of It. ttatottrs of It .1 rt Itatehtrand Ji Johnshn, and itlso a 1111 . 111111`r Iff Ihi•'tlrw o6ltateliff Johnsons, nosed- of Itob llff ert Ibite,Johir,John4on and GeOrge John on. having, petitiontl for hlstacluirge, log of credltors.will be bell Wednesday : the t.%)th .lay.of January. Pt7o,•at 10 i'cloc-k A, M., before Deg tst .•r John P. Ilobart, at 1114 office in Pot Lewitt°, I'eun sylvanin, t hat 111.-examination of the Bankrupt' may lw MIT-In - 41, and any bu4ln:wis of neeet tugs requited. seerions Ir; or of the Ack of Congress transacted. Theltegister wilt oeitify 'whether the Bankrupt hus oat ptvaest to duty...! A hearing will also-be-lout en Wednesday, February 6, 14'10, before the Court' at. d'hiladelph la, at 10 o'elork, A. M., when parties triter 4..ted ui.ty t-itow faisen.jr, hpt the discharge. Wltut-4.4 ' ' • • - .;f the.t.'our' Attest-L4ce lug 13etttinnoil for thetr , l lee ge, a Dui! rig (3 ere-. (Wet, will 103 held befnre It egbder lolin P. Hobart, tit hi+33llll.3..viin. 1 4, 31, Centre street, Pnttied -Pentml vaittn. nn 4110 2'411 day (1( Jnittntry. A. 1). 1471_,) al. lit ,i,d ink A. M., u - 6333n Ihe 4)ol).lmi:tun vi the Bank rupt will be thibnintl. yeailfai whether the sabi kntiit irtneil to tlielr , y. A hearing i u ill aft. II be had her 3rettke Cntirt, at l'hilielniphla, nit We3litt•Aay, lb., pith dny of Febru ary, A.. D. 1.170. at: II o'i-biek. In Ilt pn-rrlncni, when :tadalcan apik•ar Ana sl tiV 4 , 1111.44• ,11,olinpgn, • :11autirable Jobu'lMilwallfofer, :fudge of :odd 4 . onrt, Plitlndelphiix, thb32.3th day Ot bar, A.D. IRO. G. R. FOX. Clerk. . At te , t—J33tt !3; P. llnli.tßT, Ue g later . Jan 1, - 10'.1.1117F.A.CTURERS OF COAL EiCZ!EENg L. I,At - firssTrm " E. MorEv...:. L. LAUBENSTEIN, & CO., Stieces, , Ors to..tolm R. Dloimi. . • Manufacturer •of Coal SCreens, • ort,tie Latest 'and Most Approved .Styles. Tul , inapr.igned wIM are &maim) Screen " Mann-, fay!' " , •rs, Inform's Una/ ()pruners and - others, that !re man it fact uring a new 112 10.11. SCREEN, pat t.ll si June 21, Nat, and another patented August s, ..; duty guarantee that the ME:4II WW - always retain 1 ts.ori gi nal Mize until en t I rely worn out. • - y ~.c. Seemid-lianit :Screens and Mewl:tents always.. On 4 1ifin.l. Wc respeet full y solicit a coat inttaneeof the Patron-, lige here, °fore soliberally bestowed,: . •' ',., . • ' L,I.A.I.7BENSTE:IN ..t. tn.: Railroad 5 . 1., rcar.of Estalrly's Illi c lware Store, Jan I, 7Q-1- ~• Pot tsellle,yri. A NTHRAOITE BOARD OF TRADE. -; kt. seituvt.azird. Ityketon, VOr.ravlid,r:, Dee. 30, 1317.1., Witvnr.A4, The foU(iwing threatening notice has is, ii posted lip at the Colliery of the Kniakerboeker i ' , ell 4 'o., threatening the life of one Of it einployeeit, • . aniammiimam . , ... Te ~ l: hop 4e' Mr. Kerner, that yoti have en leave those precut lttfivu Days notim or the restili Will be ihe Iwo of life. Leavediefore I . los * boll with you, na long - tus you are a man of family we will give thore tiN e days notlsei aial if you lout you will be a Dee.d lailth.” ~, • ••• - 1. Therefore, tide Mara oft•ran, reward of twa MAI. dred 4131 , i, fifty ilollana for such information .an will • lead to the arrest and convict ion of the perpetrators of t his outrage. . .• . RollT. U.-BEATII; Seev. The - K n irked...let:et' Coal Company offer an addl.. Donal reward to the alaive of two-hundred and Arty , tli illitril., , . • i — M. P. FOWLER; sllll- ! Jan I, 'l%-r• • • 1-1. ?. 27,1940 12:5,417 i 1 -- -- -- -- ivi ict:x ~ - ' 1 L ET COMMON SENSE. DECIDE.—What `'l the rational nosh:" of procedure In eases of genr. rat debility and nervous prostration? hoes itet„ree: ven tell 11s that 'Judicious stiniulationts require.. To ,rlt resort to violent purgation ttl such a ease is us 1110171. le. ' it wntibt to bleed a; starving man. -Yet It !ado e every day,. Yes, this' stupid and tuipidlosuplikstl practice is continued In the tooth of the great that - physical weakness, with aU the nervous tilsfirth-r,,, antes that 8006111tuitly it, it More , certatuly and, rap idly relieved by Ho.stel ter's Stomach Dittere than hy, any ot it er. mettle! ne at present known. It Is true that general debility is often attended with .torpktityror rregularity of the bowels, and that TM'{ symptom must not Ike overlooked. But while the discharge of thewaste Matter of the syslem Js expedited or re. piloted. its vigor must be recruited,. The Bitten% do both. They combine aperient and intisbilons prOV-. ertles; with ex t meralbary trlt e power. Evan while' removing obstrtietioMir,fron the boehl, they tone and I tivigtiratti ernatai, Through the stomach,' upon w Melt t he great vmetable epecide act* directly.: it.glves n healthy and permanent Impetus _th every:: 'enfeebled function. .Digestion is.facilltated; the :fel. tering circulation regulated, She Weald reinforced with Whew accreviliett of thealimentary'prinele, the nerves braced, and all the dormant powers of then ys tem Touted Into healthy action • not spasmodically, as would be the case If a mete Stimulant were admin. istered, but. fora continuance. •Itle t this Way that such' extraordinary choice are WrOught in the titut dition•of the firehla,vnkr. *let% 1(10 nurcads 1l fldi by the use of this wonder ul dernxtive, alterative iu li tonle,i Let co ittloOn sense dee ide betW Minh a pre paration and a prostritlng eightieth) supplemet4tett by a poisonous astringent into strychnine ue:quiplee, tan; 1. '7O SA* . . E DDPOBIT COMPANY. • ' , ; SECURITY AGAINST L*4. Itt:llOl..lTtY,..FlItE, ACCIDEIST,L THE SAFE DEPOSIT : COMPANY, - a r - IN lIILELS • NEW FIRE BEROLARLPROOF,BEILDISO 'Sok 39 AND va-citzrzwrr siazirr, • r . .„/ The Insurance' Trust, • . L.ILVD • ; 9.AFE DEPOSIT costrAINT _Suoo.oo* • ~ ;,. DIDECTOBS. X. B. BrOwne, -,,. , Edward W: Clark, aarence 11.'; Clark, • i Alexander lienry, , V. jobn Welsh, ; I Eltepluma. Caldweilf 1 Charles Macidaster, • George Tyler, -,, • • " Preildent- •,$.- ,• B. BIUS Henry W giboon. - - .., • ,i: .Vt.. Vice President -CLARENCE' IL CLARE. , i ' Secretaryand Treasurer-'ROBT. I!4'frERNOIr, ' M allard tkctetary-- JAMES W. Jr Ar. Vntattrr• • , The Domani have ilrorided in their new Bu r iltilkg and Vadite ainilute•aecutily afpilsait lees by Ftriv Burglary, or Accident,ltad .- . ;' • • • *... . DECEIVE BECURITIEB AND , ` V&I.I7ABLIII (11:,,1 . DEPOsIT.TSPER fattARATE.r. -- - 7. : " rPon . tborollowitti retie, foe Ono yearns less tetrliay , GovernMent and all other eimport lie+ ''' • ' .' " : curiae", or those transferable by de-- L r' „, : • livery.! . ...-,-.:.-_-• -- ii.olo par AO Government and all :other ..elecurit'lea • I - reginerad and negotiable only by en- - i r • Gold Goth or liullion ' ~. -..,...:....:. ...... Lriper JAM Silver t;Mn or Bullion--. , . spa pet ' /Mgt ' Silver or Quid Plate, tinder . nal no ' ;1, - owneri estimate or value, and rata, ' ' !l' subject to adj Ma:amt. for balk-........ 4 I.M . per 100' Jewe.lry, , Diamonds, , •• . , .. Deeds; Mortgaged. end valnatder papers , geramdly.'„ when of no liked value, 31 it year each, aneurtling la balk:. _ • 1 , ; • TheeelaUer,rrhen depralted'in tin_bogert, are charged acondlna Pi built, upon a bane at 14 feet C4b/CII i ' fl. 1 petit:y.lW • sitar. ' - • • - ' • Coupons and Interest yin be eolleated,ithes deslredi and remitted to the owners, for one per cent. .1 ..; Thaeompanioier for RENT, lb* lireeestxteßtilvrke ' 1 . , the bey, , .1... .. ',. &trim iNsIDE Tilt lICROLiIt-Ilt(Xli VAVT.44; ' At rates ;,,„i r ii g trot:RIM to VS each per anntink noa wetting to attar te. tsoinutn I rrreeetrsdbet tedelifiteitiiifwllliel tred;.X . per t:'OW Depoatta,ptieble Nr, " - ciseck at t,' -4- wil l tent an TIMM .1f 114 , { Deptaite, will dere'. naltkos.,. • i ~ it. - -, ' , . . • 1 - 4......... , ..,,\'‘ ;A • Travellers' Utters of Otedlt Ratiblitted.*lnobßl, iti: ,r . f &Liveried! SaroPla , - -'t'ln *. i _ i .---.. £ , : • Tide &enmity lit also authorised to a c ct as" Exetri tors, AdutirdstratOrs4 inid Ounftbsus. recei and execute Truett of army dkniWort noft p tbznits, corporations, or badirktolls, - , I N: C. SCOTT, 1‘ JL 11110` a. scrrrr te , I OBZlliyATallfeita iherstior 1 • ft - i., .'.' - :-..: Ntiti Abucritstniinti-. '..-'3,- HAkAlEts BBENIZER ._.• .1q31318, ANT) SUIFTUS 011` The SulkriorTurkeY Wu/ So.r,t,Aaimrs Fox f;tE, l 46'll!fr CELEBRATED PLANK -RIDGE COAL r. - OFFICE--Zts Walnutits:AtirtanitC,' EMDEIR 8i SHOEMAKER, Miners and' Ahipleiti 'COAL • SOLE AGE;93 . FOR G. •W. sYnawat; . os wata earitit -- PINE FOREST 'COAL • WAl.ael t; f.S TRINITY BLTLISM., ; PUILA DA.; " ; NEW 'LOUIS KNICDF.R. . C. It..ol}lqMlA KER. • Jatt CALL AT N0..153 CENTI3I3 BT. B . EiLIIgn,OfT BLOW COOT. . • Was GLIAGA.N' - orishes 1.0•" aunounee her go friends mid the publie in ner-10,f hat she is stilling off her entire stock of li,i LI.L7 NE:ItY and DRY GOON} below met, eonslstitm, of all kinds of Dress tiorids, , such as Black Silks, Ik and Wool Poplins, Merinos,: and Black - Almtems, at all priests. All kinds of,it.n. et: Gtxatii, 'Lace. t.`ollars and Ilandkemblefs; Kld Gloves, (Joultla- and Ernpreseualso,' Ladles press auil*Cloak Trimmings, Guipure Lacorrringes, satin Tr - I:maims, Cloak - Loops, Black _and Colortld ~'elver Ribbons; glove- fi tting Corsets. A large assortment of Ladles slid. Children'a Ready-Made trider . Gar anent% eottsttly on hand at very low prices. Velveteens, all kinds and ri pests:. Partienlar &item hco pall to Bross and tAtiak Making.- ReaclT-Idado iiiwitTa on Mad and made to order as the shortest notice. Great bargains - In nil kinds of, Goods. • Jan /. iv ' • 1-2 w Ittw Abutrtistintnts. AVOID QUACICS.-4 :victim of eaiiy deuce, eiosstitx IllrVOlli ti - rentaturo ray, &i.l, has discovered a simple ilotniti of cute, which he will mind free to his fellow sutairers. Atlitreis • J: IL ILEEVEd . i;.78 &trent, New Thrk. 6etober ZS, 'its - . • TURT OUT CHERRY PEt"fORAC,TItOCIfF.9I, For Colds, Coaih.s, Soto Throat.. ind hrttirkitlis None so Odxl, Now: , soPlektant, Nona Cure as Quick. 11.17,41T0N & . CO., 16 Astor flOuso,New York.: . 2 .- toe no more of thosCl ItarrilAe tasted usimat:lng "BROWN CURED T IN US." ,• Nov. '4.0-4.0i41,2 EITBNITIIII74:CdTERINGS CURT&INB of everytiessription ,at redu.sq prices, via Ali Wool Green Rep and :ferry .per . yarti, mien as an' selling at ripe‘l ftepart , V74; TFItRY, and upward to tile rienest importod. and Sk.01.71.:5011131 ' `l.Af 4 t:' Nr!, Purehasisi at reeetit flan gru ot sales, for stiltrat 111.. rift titan . GOLD emit. - • PAket, n compl.ti• ,t,kok WINDOW sit.trw.s t fixture , ttivi a fall ,aotartinolt ar PSCPOT Hang'!igt. 4,.J. 8. KEI,TY Co., IMPOrrititm, J tilt ERS'AND 447 Broadway, tear Howard Street, iVew York.. rn ito Stara ut till B road way, New York. Novenkber 17, '419 •' , • 18 itrn Watt4,9,l Ittuelri),, &C. r . ,tovisl.ADomut.c_767,, i Dli MON II DE kI,FIRS A; JEWELERS. • w war* akwicaT aMY ER waif . , ViTORT;4II.IIId4FAVELRY REPAIEEA / 802 Chil:lnaut2t.Ph6i. HAy" always on hand a large and well selected. ii.efrortmentrof. , WATCRES, DIAMONDS,: 1 . • • _ JEWELRY & SILVER WARE, II KARAT PLAIN RINGS of all weights and sties, sulmble for Engngetnent and Wedding Mims. BRIDAL: OIFTS, TN-GREAT VARIETY., Watches repaired and w.irratited. Alygoods sold at, extremely low prices. Country trademfdlell.' . LADO3II.7S & CO, • Dee. V '0,3-7845,t—tf Chestnut Street. SPXCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT... - . , , r i r j I tiALDWEI,L&CO.--' JEWELERS,. 4-16, i . 90,1 Cliestrtin Street: !1' . , .. HAVE REBUILT, ENLARGED AND RE:4oD ..led their estabiti.itirwat, destro.yeil by fire itt Jalau 4ry Just, RIM havti opened the same for busiursi, with an ENTIREN EW . STOCK or . • Manufactured and Iniported tioQd. sIVERIOR TO ANY TREY HAVE lIERETOEO E OFEL , DEL. /0 illy. I'cI.SLIC.. .., - - They m - !stt eortliall:y:laylte all to v6ll and Insppet their Mors. - . • - • .• . E. CALDWELL & CO.j • • ' no?. ca..4emic - March • to-.I .• . . . . CLANS JEWELLERS-*ND SILVER S MITHS , f. 4 (ine;rl fiAlpcc 12tik .11124 ATREET, PRICATIFLIPHILI • 'lnce ittin- I npe•ne,l e cii Atack of NEW GOODS Mr Fnll Trude gnellinliciay lienernn:compriellpg:. . --- • . AMERICAN & SWISS WATCHES, --• JEWELRY, siTERLIN44 - SILVER WARE, PINT. ••`ELEcTIto-PLATED WARE, TATILFr • - • CUILERY.•Jec. ..-I.lso, a tine assortment of . . . . ' .. • • • French ;Kan On:Clocks, lironzea t . - .. . • . , Engll3l), French and A letnna I,,callier and Fancy Good]; . •- - - .... Of our own set mt lon the part Rummer In Europe: ali of which we araoffcrlng at very kunderate prices. ..' HERRING'S PATENT tRAMPION FIRE & . BURGLAR PROOF SAFES,' (WITII PRY VILIANGS.). -• • Awarded the Prize MyrIAN pt. World'ii Fair. London, Worid'r. Fair; New• York, Expostt ton .• •' - • Unli - er4elle, Paris. , . FARREL, HERRING & . CO., • • 1 • -. - etv ciizirsur BT.P.HET. - f .„ • . • L. -, ILARVRY 014,L.CNc, 1 " C. •r". _ HA1...11.117,11EW1, PHEL.A.DELpHIA. GIM. W. MYER-4.. . : • ITEIIIHNO, FARREL a SHERMAN, New Tait. • , • 'HERaINti a CI- Calrasce. • , .. . HEHHISH, EaRIIEL Jk CO.,'New het: '--- - Winn than .'""(100 TIERItI.):O'9 HA FF.Alotve ben; 1 and are TIOAV iTI nee: and over itx Atre;pawn 'hovel panted thrimah accidental Area; pteaerylng t heir con tenta In come inatanet,* Where rnaity (there Oiled. . I.lacoND nAwn nArtosof our otrA and other makers having been revolved In part pat for the' linpeptrect Herting'a Patent Champion, fru - sale et low =IOW- . : June N. 'ffil . i - . ,111-ly.. , illachittenj. November 13, 'O9 R OOT'S SECTIONAL WROUGHT MON ~~ Mil , SAFETy 130ILERS. • Roors, IMPROVED - TRTNIS ENGINES. . Poitslde sad Subs. Double Piston Square Rotating Engine*. Hoist lag lisebiziery fur Coal Shiite, Sloping, Grist Mills, Stores, &0., dsc. One of times Holsters can be seen running dear at HILL & HARRIS' Colliery, fiallanery City, Pa. PAHTICELAR ATTENTION IS INVITED TO the Roister, which has no equal.' No dead points —havind o. ptstons n. -one cylinder. either eW of which Is talti fel l steam when ths other .is tilliadAt Matte. It motive no friction straps, clutches or b oivotany kind. !. Started, reversed or stopped, Instendip, and at any point of revoltition , by the simple movement of atingle lever. Having no keys, gibs, set screws, or 'other adjustable parts. which in other holsters require the itnowiefter and constant care of an 41:valanced engineer, can be put in the hands of the moot inexperienced persona All lie working parts are mewed in the ease or eylinder, 'and are thus protected from breakage, Ma effects: of dad, dirt, slot rust or weather. Its extreme nese, oompactness and'rapid speed, highly emu:wild for this use. Orders received forrhe mannfauarer by the undersigned. Nirho will also tarnishre' catalogues, price lists, drawing', estimates, Old i er itdn. — 7l - lITTIANTEL. oAttarr, SI &WIMPY sty, • A. 11. HUIICH, Danville, Pe, liar. 2S, ,41a—aq ,• - -,••, • • • cOttint t COUGH I • - linty do you cough, when fOr only a few elude put can be, relieved bi_aeing my_ Wan waren Cocoa CANDY?' Try it. LOMWEIA Confectioner . . Dec„ 4111-4%-3tu 1 , No. allainetatille St. Octal -WA ACRIER HOLAND;III2 MUFFRICI et... • Lei , Baur" Azioditnn flornif, PortV:ll.l4. Ras now opened new smelt of Fad and Winter Good* meltable for the present/season, each u. BEAVER CLOTIL%ELVF:TMIMWATIMPROC. ,FazquEs, TRLll.lWifird, NW•DANS, Ass nap on blind a new lot of - •' FALL AND WINTER commt Ladies Cloaks uncle .t 4 order. Netr Patterns st received. • 9et, 30. s. aTissir,r. s.ostoa lir- area Q. W. X 113.12. CORA P1:11 - 21 OTTO• Amnia= • I • • FILBERT , oi. To & milPu4-r. - a , .11Gintapietturkes orris:4 • ; EALErts 1 44 Lpm sEtt., Aviw , 9iiircToilum, 'fun Air consi. /isi*rd ' Omsi ai 1101. - .1116 , 21, 911-11-1* T Jlat Fnuim A)(NUAL • OR IPAILGT 'slam as • , at tae Office of C.ll. Vattama • . be pt =MOT atteadaa toy 424 i" omvi'w° 11 .CLEARINI p fforgE Of 41-3 m ;"REAfiY,MA„p1 7 .: PLOtHING, ' - •• , -i• _ iMPORTIID FAR E TX ' Metom . Work,) and -I • Oentr; Fnrnisb e ing Goods. CfMMNFT STREET t'UMIINO • MARKET STREET ;PRICKS! • ar • 1, 819 and 820 Chestnut- Street, Philadelphia .„• • • o be sold off, litiprerarat !oh for.the next season's • _ trade, at Lower Prices than have ever befOre been niarked on 4, strai strvEntoß ciAnsvccres.' Bringitig their prices down to the level of alit lowest pricatot the MOM 0rd11167 Ready-Inadeelothing. The - kladUf Waimea witch we do—dealing only in the timid and =at Fashionable styles and mate- vtal*:-AseopoiLataatiteclearing °Nur ionnters , at the those of eta' season, tbr we are • dotannined neVer to.offer to the patronsof onr.hottaeanyotlier . • than - the'. Newest 'anil • • , . • Freshest Goods of ! each new lama. • Tk le leW announce the • . El FIRST 6LEAnnto wAr., CO=IFBIDAY. D 10. ' • WE 97/1 • • _ 639 OVIII3ICOAT9, of tie ttlgheat grade.- t el%tpt Colima% slat- LaPooned: "si t ta 4 sC 6l .- . and all that, ! at prim ramOng froni ioD 8614 for Diem, lioaleass ithi 'at rdet :Wait, of - - all materials sod stifles, from 'CI to .1100"gdATS—Cltetteraelds.' Sacks . , if wallow•taila. • • • Walking Coate. Mo.; et* - - MP PAIR PAYfd. cut. in awry Mlle, made wltti created tars. of Ow *sett rode, from - 116 to $l5. • • • • 700 VicEftiV—volvel. Cloak; and. Pia* from 81 to $l6. ' • Toimbit ; vUhtha - 1 • • Beat AmOrtAtalit of • Yatralattlnig Cloodi ' •• • . To op Nand the BOW . 404' Childtitenl Clothing • • ' • ,Of the . Sart bfattifitefere- Oar Snick u natasoltatinalylsagei.of mars°, et the mow ill. dot mar/ =lief* at it Is Intimated •,• • , ffibt . l,‘ebst be sold bier logift • ' r4riturr or rail mew . Snarl amaitir wal b. 'Wax esAmalmi ac ctplen • in tiliSbe% oar Roods. rand to failiiittati •ebetnsetnei tita.t nom. be Metr e • nag Of*PartrifiTT • - • . _t TO illgOtrr.E 13420AM8 IN FIRS jOHN N Ali A X. E R; )[iisaA .ri f *we: Clothing. -,: , 'NLERCHANT TAIL9R. - • AND sou= zx • • oicsur Itimponso coops. • AND sareFir nun swimaisiiik g : Quirier AO • 4 am- MI:LAU)ELPitI.t MO' eY aLte'JtwEr • . . v . . Ibuictsurtiett.t.; ..111:- . 1"ho - • demand for money at tha cloto of the tr at tigetuSe satiric., and rates ware a T ip l tlelahrlier. oans on the. stresoyere as lash ea er cent. and" r til.lolllllL at 10111= - Gold opened al-Uliti and ckoediat In • " • AZikavdrontent bon ~..,wero quota* as fbllcawa: -MS divrktAalift 5-3 Yet .10.',..112)i511ai1: MS der, 114 1 • Ws; 1111a109%. ,• • - - - . e= were •moderatelfactlyti and 1010eo l'lrular 1G_41121. cash: rennsylesnta ltsll road, 5t ; . .42% bid itir lintle• Schuylkill. and. Pit t for . ktillaillgaillk me* unix miwir riLutsit. _ . PittratitLTnta; Dec: 91.--Tb• azioief vosni, wag vati l eactrost trier cent. Foretan Exonaavp dull at 108 od a ": Goki 0pE . 514 strllayt and atkranila to. '• • -- : . - , . , • lannatary Bontwalfreiusad to entertain say 'bids' fortinder biteriequentlyouiri#,Oniat:theoluo IlUmn tagoad waren& . , , .. . . _ Govienuttent 'be • waro. - nrai and-ad/snood a - Mosta* infoliot vsstibitar, ,. and prtaiert sitrinkabit Mout .4 per conc. ~, , L .„-:. .. ..... - .. -- :. ' 11111LADELmu. • Vialtstteintigius =Ana, at laian to ixotaist ones*. _ 1 /gialler4P4 l ,lllVoriletek-"" . . • THE MINERS' JOURNAL,-" = Lt.:,E, SCIW4LI IL,L ' COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Phitabelphia libticttisngtniC 114 LI 714. Bosnia CCi • (Successor lo «. b . Illiatzero -130ortlivOi.moriArruiroui3 irvßpagn Ewr Churek. Sudety. Theatrical itiootla, ' nannera. Badges.. - • T . , . . Na. 131 , 140r1fs Third glreet, PhiLudelphia, I Wtlabgt.i.lo9.• _ ts--fr ExvitA. 17LNE airrzr.a., hive Obtained the Ajenev for one of the noel ajeet *milkier Stiip i gerer nutuate 14107: 0 06,, Y:diad are pre red to titian °Piers tly with FINE litriTEUol at the very, Imo ' mar ket rare* Farness o • use au depend upon having good twlocirons-made for them. • A: F.' CHINEDIZOrdIt e . • Pork Pickors emir Whohamilellbelere in N0i . .11,4ei-46-Bnt Butter; Choate Flek'de„, ONE . DOLLAR BTORN OUTDON 1 A large sulaortment of tine Farm" Geode fer'Sl eachombracing Mats, Work. Olove.'llarelkarchief and alreadat Boxes,- lacat' vane[}; Mak. Fan% Leather Bs Pocket 800 Paean. Lava, Behead tat and china Vales and rtuantuta; LinbreLtels, Jewelry; <tr., for One Donar and; lees. Catena ex• enelne foryosinselres. H. DIXON,' No. 21 South Elsglitli Street, between Market and Chestnut, east MO, Deeespber 4,, tID. . • • 44.-an's • GIDQUOZ w.CEO AND.= - • atArrrwrritsa or riAni FANCY CON4FE&IONS. &'W. mr:FIFTH & B . IIICCE 811IEE3S. PBILIDELPHIA: 12LDIES. FANCY FURS. • ', ' , • .- • - - . - .' 7 . I ' -- 1 .70IIN lATCEIRA, • 718 ARCH STREET, • . ' • 'Middle athe Bitx.k.. between 7th and ' . Sib St., South Side, . - .- . • . *- - .._ ; 1 MILLAR-4., .., . Iftiportetj.' 3lanufaeturer and '/ Wafer ' ••••.-- - . in all kintLs and qualitlea of r , .. ~ FANCY FIRS - ' ;FOR LADISF' AND CILILDRENS WEAR. Raving eplanted, remodeled rind Improved my: old and favoraftly known FUR EMPORIUM, and having Imported a large and very splendid assortment of ail the • different kinds of Flrrli from flrst hands in Europe, and have had them 'made rip by the most skillful workmen, I would reapecthilly invite my friends o( Schuylkill and adjacent Count ies to call and examine •my large and :very beautiful Assort ment of Fancy Furs fur Ladles and Children. L ntn determined to sell low prjem swarm other re spectable house in this city.. All Furs Warranted. 1%0 tu t :lare 3o..,,_ presentations teo I w to , etd eet i a s m A s i l. F jm nEIRA 4.3 c, 11* Arch st.,s. 138 GOODS, . rittym 4100114. . THE (OCT TißrAs 00011.4 CLOAK INOI4., CO 4, K Fry, , VIA3A K I NICK Frs. QrIETLti, cnza ETJ.I QUJETILY, 441711,31.1'. - . . , .1. • . 'We ist 'welkin( niir mitlrl At(ek, Including ft dne dlspiny of Wthitlens, C, locks, RtioAris, de.. t 4 the very Megan rectueol., of the day. . ... z-. 1 • ..17 . 00 P'E It tV • All,. S. 8111.1trk. PHILADELPHIA Oct. 2, 'd6l.-Iylf CUUTAINS AND SHADES NEWSTYLES NOTZI,NoWAM EEO 9WISS I L.A:CtE CIFTRI' AINS, JUdf! .OPENER I En?brojdered Ptano•nnd Table Covers; Windois Condo In Gilt, Walnut and Rosewood arid MR. Window praperleafrptn.latest Frenclidealgna. Fine Shades, etc. - Ageuta 'lbr Bray-a Patent' Spring Sal' an Fixture,which requires tio Cord. ' ' CARRINGTC/N,'DEkOI7CIIE &iE S. E.Sot. TrirRrEEN - r u AND C.tuesrxr7 April 3, . A : 3; 1261 CREST . Nct . nun, PPuaDail'au. TLAS OPWIED 20111' - , . FALL.7AND47WINTiItGOODA Such as all the ne,w styles or EILBROIDERIE9, - ' To'wEL•RACES, 1 ' FOOT-RESTS. tie a full Itn.l of RAYDAOME PAPE:R PATTERNS, WORSTED, MILL CRENILE Atip-lIEADIt; 4 1 '. • , 1 ' DRAWING 0!..t CANVAS, CCU AS - MONOtkRAMS. ETC.; . • • . pONZ TO ORDEP . - Zgovernher 6, '64 lIE TIM" 33Z11-11117131" f+F.T.TLAR 4;• ;I'. W 1: 3 :11 0 T.. 0 It- 8:: (D. 0. , N0, , ,0en rifEFITNITT. EtTRETT. • • • • • • 1 ? ; PRIX j. ITELPlitit. . - - ~,,. -.- - -^# , : • NEW 4100D111 CO, &CA: 4 '4'l7[lN -RECEMWO, FAIR, IN PL.AIN-FIGReII, DrrIA.TICk 4iliitab.eol)in - ,Abut.ti,sciiiciit.. AMERICAN , • LIFE INSE'II.,‘NO;: CCY.Nr Y. OF PI LLAD PIiXA. ALEX. WIIILLRIN, ViViatlle : a°. ' • - Nviteolkr. • GROTITH ofrtit ikeitlCAS. • . . . OF POslet> i • • ANt'T 2N141. - it4.1 1 1, Dfv.. :t1 .. .... . • 1,090,45 A -.• '- - t,r2o - _ • -•... I.LIV.;„0110.01• 1t4;7; " ..... ....... ... ..... . .11?,312.474 ". " ... *. 24,770,901 CA+ , The Amer Sea- 1.,.,11 'ta . Isoln•le.i on-al I 4,,,,,Abi0 pain, at. low ta1.t. , .. ana Toz ',wearily runt prouyia.neas In meeting l.):: any C•onipany It: tba I.' tilted Satne.-- . . ~ . . • ' . , - .—.2o,:un tarsykts. • • ' a 110 .POLLOCIE. • - . .iiootor stint. •"" J. trlto.lri. T.IIOMPSON: l'irtrig - ylvoonts -R. i t t...3*uth.Tnira Strt4‘l. NtitiEt t, en .rPitdertf. 4 o, Uer, mnntnwn.. ALltF4l,T . ,:.ll,uilE , Rty:TreNtt . tortt- Fourth Natlnpal .... • •• . , H 30:: ' . • - • PHILIP L..•MINOLE., Si4o, Mett - cluatt„le't Market Se. HON. ALYIX: i i. CA 114.:1:1.,•1*,:-1.:5or r stro,.- Itlort-b atm.., , • • ' :117..iuctit.• Wrifor lAA AC .11 . .-iZIiATt i. - ft:7iT,' At tonti‘y.4t- ha t; . Sid wal-j . . • 4 N. i nut ore inn at iutdl22 E3outh Front I!=,MMMM!!! rzEm GEoRG . E 11 LL: - Pm1(1•Hlt h Natt6nal •• • '• • • , CL l'r,4, , t.den Gnmm ~rMal ?7a • " ' tteent JOHN NVANNM,AKEII, -. 0:11t. ljnit cletklng flail. P. . ; • eer,ftlicth at el Market . ' • • ; AG 103 Clirt.rtut. • , • C. , LITTLE,_Agent. - Febroar7 , • tV-13 - . =EI HOMER;, coLLApit.y.;,tt CO . , • - Ell 14t2 and 1413 Chetstritif Street, PH 11. IF 11.1`11" TA`,. • - 1:) irt }: :• . :.4 Cs :ii . ) 0D S Taking . My/6i ;41..14 gi Pat Co . ....bitWivade 1 . • Irninelli•to Parc,liarto,s Of Dress inarkct for cash atuA • • . _ ' • ENORMOUS EtE4TION tho er,:it•of thy areixoNV cmonlpg, aiut willnfroi- - very, taghttitfyvieo:- Theydetitro to direr t'sipoetal atyintioitflodltis ock, together wrltti ttleir-owil large importation, which have't ~ Cen reduced to i4orreftpondlitgly low ri+tti, eintl will be - foluld . ttid .• - . • LARGEST AND CNEAP EST STOCK.• • - • • EVER 0111. - Faigry, - • , • • • - • . ", ' • ,- . 2 „. , •I . - - J • Includfr; 16. etv•es :blue ;it'd Grson Atripes, Citene Poplins anclt leihalra, hi gient variety of styles for stalts,'nt • '! , ie,,ivt - Ortil 73e to ° VERY REAVy ORSTEp St - Rti ES, Sri the fw-hton able dark shad6,for•siditi.:soc. - • F1.... 4, ;E ALL sircibricrMTlVEA,S C I.OTiLQ, In all color : 4, • Including the 4 ... ery deskruble :vhadei to I,ncy Blue; tor 65c. , • ..` • • SPLENDID QC.ILITI STLIC 3r.IIGEr, to, MI coloro, TS cerits.l arch BROCTS Sak and Wool, very tiatoi.etue goodi, 7" - e. : --r rft tNglI ROLL POP L ail : . 111: find Wek-.1, TPA HEAVY WCitM, POl'll, ,`,4 CORD, for widying•Press'N. • CtitritA 4 ,ln, 'Ca 4.1-4 m Mis - siltantouo. , JO* A., ItoEl3l..ti,Cy'S SOYA' , ; . .. , ' ' - • - ' , For Inclined Plaines...Minlng..Stanfitrig lihip Itioatni. . - anapenaton-Bridges; Forrieg, st opt any! Guy's - • on Dorrtekk Crancn and abeam, ... " .; 7 . EleTators, T il lers, .te.! ~ .4. A LARGE RTOCICOr WIRE itilk CORRTANTEY • i.ON'..HAN , . • „ •OTUDIII4 FILLED. U t int DTI4PATCII. • • • . • Jar nir - strength: , Rize sin,tl ern. gee etrenlaira, %TWOS will be Rent nn applltai Ion; • Ang.. 1T.9.-41.1y , f.i NE • . ANNFEI 330L.A.WD 0 • . • . - • ' i:rI•.SV:ARRET FtTitErn', • • . . _ . • - J'ENNA..: . • . Retriwthdirminonnee; to the t.lllllO .of rat•irelll.l and vicinity, that she ha.; opened , * •• • :SEW nt, the above: idles. Thet,enthising . articles. velth variety' of Notrona."6sl.,.'wiff ts: kept foraale, and are 'offered at 431.11EATLY lt/fDri.ED rtfler4.., . BEAVER CLOTII,NELVET BEAvv:n, VIIOITED . Beaver. eltinell bt, Black. Wa ter pi”oc, operail4,otti, Fringes., 011 shades. Title . • bon Velvet, Ditto tlintrp4, Se. TITS ABOVE W. 11,1., ALL, BE. FiOLTY AT rekaT • Ladles &pd:411,55e% (leaks made jo brder. • • Niirt Patterns .19st rivelvo.• WINITIVOP)e G 4..9D87 . PDX 4'. BROTHER, . • "311 ClE.Vrar Asrsti • , pozvAILLE, • • Deafrn tq call itttputtoil to elf eXtrnetve assort- Moot of . _ • •- PALL AND WINTER DRY.GOODS, Coookingor the Lat6t Stil4% of tho Foreign'l . Pomstio'NfiErkets,, • • IXCLI7DING AYONQ THE cp.ll4c - rzoxm 1 BL4telt AlcD COI:oRtD :STEER, LACES AND EIiSROIbEEIES, LLVENS. , WIEILTE GOODS anil D9XFATICS. • 'IECLSIERY, _ (novEs • or ALL sarDs, eLoAx.s. 44.4 ;SH•A , `\VLS.- OF ALL :HINDS. 11 We also ciaattentlen ti• Our Wei& ME .OROCPCMS. QUE47SWARF., be.. . • . . . . . , . ~ „ _ . ,_ 'Which Is sexy Inge and select ••Itlth t h e utmost noire for this stiarkit:. We-do not consider it rtecest• , mill' to entunerate, sth.s.t werb&r.e, but erarythimg in .6 firsi'dasa. DT 3' GoodslindfiFtle y Store, can he had , 'it . , exit establislunctil: . • ' A i pril 17, 'So- •,-, .; . • ' i 22-4 In !), - . '.. : llYc4eritclph. - irlsnr.vG fox. , _ L - . .:L4;;;;141•t. : •' Cafte - y—s.?..cFsitf. , ry.toxitsselrii Vcs'--rat INDabrAIS et—_2lat: • • -IVAsits....rottrc, vee. ekamirtmle , u. of 'lie tht.) - Hou. Pokaitl !ii , itte.'4 into the •chwrce-4 “ra.nst Stiliertiger'Ar•••• Aitte‘.l. -• ' tar ti9.Telopel,l, '.ll4tlivoriaLlo .- • V. I":tPitelil' aftliipKton, I 4 tiprvisi.,l . r ~11.0 pa r; E4lt , J 7.4-,r7,- rvk!•.:. .•. - ••: , •-•••tzi-r t r• e i. pt • 1 . 1 1:, A 1. 3 • •!, 1, rNln, 1114. rd against tne 11•"..;;;.,1,:' • ' , old, 410 K tilt, , NitAtc . seiztire 01 a tobacco• natit,n. . • pracoattil.-Lay,aft toportecl, At en. pro-. plittal at tilt , I' Tatiinent at' Stato,,dPelltring the ttautralityticAtt.,ittraeut. In Pito Wiuttopev 11,ttrri , OZ.! !t kneWIS. the auy .iv ivu - At 2111 tirLt.stit of tilt , ' (fill. the (.. , )1)111114 , 41ottor r.f .1.11 . - tt.l - nra 1t.0. - -ntio .1-...41. 1 1 P44)111t) t) /I( ) PU:','thrsit stibji : t of cip,lit hour ~ . .ivotetu of zuftbli ini,t; he ilom',lzuciti-.1.-.1. \V. Dou,trimisi(, FiNt 1).01.5it a.nd -.1.1 iron, Third Deputy, Vo .ro TO. 0i11011111:t!i the pßrties: - - . ... . . Th.? PX podition soill (tut 1••; :hi, :Cary- 'Dapelrt-. i - nent to tivak(s t .trvi , :- :ter a ship .catial ,gtvroai.,4 lit -4 .I • =tianus'of Diiric , p :leave' tail !Zak of utqz al.alth.' • ' , • • ' .., . • Cnlf.x..t.ntCzt4w-,,, n New Orloaslg.,' ha litve,, t•, arus•wor ;Iiile1.1: ..:, .z,v(: . .i . ,..tri1. , , c... - .',... 01 I.)nyferr e ,t „ ura i nit ililn - .l' .11 , ..i.,......1iit.y , to the Iter tibibmin, oarty. 'll, , I . tree•- ..- ot V - .J.:11,t, , r-Cti-,ay. - ; l'eti,lt - -nt (;,...Int • • Se , rt , .tary li v ,•,‘ nnu-yeA by ritri;APilitiV.. ions to ~:,tip J lin y tor .fa rosver to . . .Imre..astt kwalort. , n •. . 1/,•-•lil • • „. . • . or,i, rti 1111iii.j111, to 110 • rh01n.c01,...: , !.• • , • , tl! j ••r., v , .1. 11119 Y., 1118MIM =ffiTIIME QOM MI MJE . . . .7 • • 1 ._ -° 1_ ": • - . •'. - n,•;;,,k•1:,1.1,01,it,1 Iry IMII rirry xt.„ , ,' .1 :f 70.1 (iarrcit ..1;1.1`. , •11 . 11 , 1111 . :1 . I' , I'l I1.1114 ! :.A% not. • , 1":.h . N•.i70-:6.....Trr0 rtlt• 110- 1.:110-, . . C‘T , KII,I., 11t;`. M. 11 . -301111( Jutlg,• of (:rt 4.,t• •, ••• %I. sit t./D .2 1) of tho 1111%1. • t•I hank of {htvrit}, dial yoars. IvE r i . E YI). . , ~ .1, !kftiraer.. , r Conliilli% .Sitiridervo4t,r, Finances— _ •. • Sm/eltle—The Ciprvitil i'oitage 4 ;: , ifittip.,ble, - 4 - ' j1.1.11,TFt111.1 , . 1 kllll., Nte(lttirt., xvijo.tho.imull - tor of hi* - - Wife 18 , 4 .kilgtl.t, 1111i1 oho: has ..*lno , lk:en eon. - tinfq in jail,,t , onoll:tti-1 • . lto.roN, 31. Clly 01111161 !Mt night ' roftisr4l to . hri , z‘1..111,000 t:ir the eXtPti ;lnd the. pt , :po*ion to , vote half l milli•ervi.t ion of a new . luna .o• lirope %vas atsc.i The totil Ch. , ht of I)oorinppr Is an invroaso °Nor ~f tc,,041.1, Th. , post o . r ,, M.rrc•sh tial Cr.rnmitme, of Achich 4-on‘.rai chairman, arrived..• lwre fr,inl Now eYorl,-.. IniSsion is 9 partly in ennneeti , .in wilh.the: . new post' office' in. this city and virtly , t view. to report upon. the desiyability extotylintr.t he Scheme of Snb sidlrinq .lint:rioan ocean stearners for mall pur poses to. in trun•lianee. of this latter Slott; the.p vi-it thi• Tww steamertv.F.rie and. • ontarto. They will 'be" lit•re -- nutil''Wednesda3i next.• . .. , . S.Vr.r.". , r, Mace, 31. -:-Mi,Al . lrk- - - „T, Whittitsy, zigt!.l .+zliteeil vu:12 . ,„1 , 1a , l )11A 0.1 riantrhier it' 1):11.• lin‘.4 .- Pitt:v, ilrowno.l .i:,.i , 21 , 1 i it- 1 a 1 ..0 . 11j41, I,i, :t t p ve n. ing. No guts' , is ;:-:-:i:_:-n...y.Jk. t hr. ;to, .. TH E irEsr. Eihi grnt Gtstirtir9- s nimr • heard from —it allu sio , ,i4yaensoik •liNiateto I~ailivail I,:@k! L~tr Vott - s.r*.n.A. De tiro- r:al-; g can! ,V.c0nt..1.1.1-1....• I • ti in i{LCV : t . eniiigrants !Ass:: 'pint; an' kl :4 pfork• 410.1 V) HP" , ‘1 , ,;11,7 - , 3.(i,4*-turf.- .13.54.1 in -1. , tinii - Z,tll. in (11/In: , r i 7 In' , . 1 .1•1: - . A.;.N...ntiio)iy, uaisoo, I , , Nya; .Nobni.lka otui. • • . . • •• - , „,. . . . C iIIOA 0 0 , D - ‘ '. .1 I. --1 4 Ir. S•errpor,, relpperiett Li, ' haroi been. fit tirdero :q l .hy. r. 'ittion.thektlr, rte• .. 1 Chertf'. (11- , :ve, tor me.ltteittg 4's Ottghte , F; liai . • ; bcw,rtltioard. froitt z; - ,- - - 1' Tl4l vote ti'. favor:: of 1..411111z 1 , -....tt1i reiliC/il Ai Ln ;4- . 10 t.. 1 0 0 . to .t/i. 0nr,:41. N. , rtri atid :Tvittlt... H . - arftit rit Railr , nt , llha , , l'tt-on (-317, , -iitu tArnalo I),yn .• I 1505 itite•it7.- . - I '. I • i' • '• I -Tha rect4pts of tile 1: n i •;i 4 - -'..1.-..i fie: Itztiitilit ti fi nor • NoTombor 1ver6 . 714,5 , ,5, and th 13 ec poritt ititr I,- -WS, .. • . . MIDNIGHT DfSPATOFIES. , rorrvf: 41 . .117 - 311 5 prin jp24.1 tx] tnisj , rn: ii: i!: 4 ,, 1e4..,- krllich ,y tilt! I:iiitzo Siatol-is Like • ritata that i ”(.-t patsl , 4 teiloo . .) • (if all,,tiati,,n,, =MEI i• I - MOM ME - ~ 1.. l ~~ _J~u EMI —• s • '1 '1 ill . . . . With trite t di ']....• '`fel , .• A D . jnii,4l.l, hribl.: _ I :1: ;•-•; 1 1•... 'Pristf.tir,•r !", 010, , titv.•' is tri thn 6,1 . ,;thm1t romiliottio‘l 4-1+ eriiiTi•iiiio.lto in 'crerti;i4 w,lll ”Itt "frt.— i.l Suit. has been . ihf. amountt:• ,, ,v.liialfag..nt of tho Paritir Hai 1;0;0. - - . T . A. speeia! leion 31),V. oC Detroit, I're:orient d.E tho centriii", Chleage, iturliin4tou ait,L ifannibui .aud SL Josepli • a INV . han written a letter to In. t r , 111 , 4 „ t' Iturlinyttotr, denying tlie a•zaiii+t senator lend and 111 - vr , finectio'n with the Clierokev land "- __; ~_~_. .. 7 __,. _ ~. 1 ' Sharp Ensign/ilk' t hetweeti the Iritper4hl "lieohits • oho itt4ttrgents• 1,! 1 _ •, . • ' • , ,a :harp engag,etuent tonic vexterilay - tho luiperial 'troops . and the Itt•lurt;Olts at Yla..rua, Veurd you sm di s trict. 7o of thk , latter wore killed, 'and tir, captured. Not out) (..^4.%api , d4vA hirvs quantity provis,lints anti.i.u.unitionslbtwar , as wolf as some important correspoudenee :WllB captured. • • The Insurgents continuo, to pee; thdttiaollrilh.• to tho.Spanth authorities of the Is4nd_to pardon..• . •". • EUIc.OPE ' - GREAT Brurtitior. • : ' ~.13YDON',- D ee'• 31.-- , llNtorku.s, tho wbll knbnli ci rreopondont. of the T/Lkilli rant alto:her arewiu to fluit,fibuttat to-day, o,salling tlut . de:lpotcn of Secretary Eisit on rlw AlAbAttutTintstione. • ... • Ash only Ilii fOrWanIC-4 to thn3LonNt No Posy : the eorre4pobiimcf , I, , poia_if.n. bintself and . . 1 3irii.: , Lie per Atiuntio - VoUio on tlio mitilect of ON . 4)oosu 11,gtatt .rice tr•La - tion _tits Cantliria and ' Lietinett - s1 JAAUL.,W4S , Oa lip) , ton of - duty nort. ' front linikalti 1i„o4k1 to oantly tfook. Hu AtNican- - 1 .611 ponies to 4 4., , ,Cr0,i10i1L1011 , •,1-Witil a /01101,0itOr041A LW says tt ili,CepL4 the iornist :And U b na lib krill io . randy on' _ fAunp; Neil: Y. oili: Lo r,u.gior tau sup iron by ii Ykt. , :nc Atunr..:_i u - t.t. ;.LO r.:;43. of Au; gnst, 1533.. Ltatlatick. Dec'. 31'. —A .foi r fol 1, , 110- tr,oz. tl4 . • :‘.:OrtaWoot oet:u.r.r, - 4. 2 , :' e L ..-‘1.2 4. f,' 7 l44pori "%el k : uprotiusi(, connagf ;rd . ;rdLiay.yik ‘ 1,0,4; 14 , a t izt ri soya° tuAiji,i3 s , i1;,..1 : a., la, , :it rated. 'Ten pin-Se.)t.4 -, ato•Agn , :rwit t., 4...7 , -3 1...' . 0.11. , ..i - Iwo!, and na.a.o? -,'• , , ociaws wore i tl, u rod. _ . -' • .. - •, i Utrsuowelio... Jl.-,`Xut. Coi*,l.7nifed Sato.), Vivo Coitlut at tins ri..nt, has boon sorttonocid to soma your nupri,,,unititit s,t tiaxst 'labor'. kr . forgory.. .... • vicorcr: . . . PAats, . Doir., ' sl.--Prinel chirli l 4 41( c'ritials itiall wue ere /atilt:co:Ey, an Lure !stopping At thu Grand 11(.4,0. Yeiterfltr: tna Etuptur . e:alle.l - ny . ....0 tbeu,t Were, Wkie new 11...itAtry ha 4 jilt hoen l'enruut an;i - - them atom() ;Air tilar 'del e ' , Talent Y•ln the fit itte-. uott of its forruttteu.. It is - '.t rodthat '41., 9,ILi-. - vier Awl's' be unatototo forte ono.'- . - ' , .GEtit.ll.olr. Itsitirtfail e Den. 31.—Tha imithe,r sot*l 4- -• _ anti the Labs Is wit.* tee.' . • about this point" - _ C-r4x7, • at, manatt)„ Deq.-4:—a • tiore *WO eg" ) ed ih u k / irkidavinpltbesiti - . oxalis b9, , A ! • -:. • • ••• ,_• • - un no- • OEM MS •‘• •,‘ ME MEM EOM . 434'2.5fi .. .i,- . ; . ;-:;,!' a 4, T.TAITUARY, / 1870.