The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, January 01, 1870, Image 2

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cep.rtPPECTA L . X11C1131.0 toluene&
toss abedematty swim It!.
bad. Le 48 eetaie pee *We beperder ; sul lb be w every
..esbeeeeplestbelbob 0
HANNAN R._ RAU EX.—lloolowlier' and Kattonins, Prin
errs and I.llndert. 160 f.Yntre Street, Ptkturville. Ys
7 ----- 7 I- • i , - •
, • A.
?nit lt IN Hitt '.7otatlrAr., le helve? ern? Sototdir
tututno, and rutolatted to sottaertben at4e. 73 per amourn, in
a/Vance, or 62 If not paid In adrisan*.
CLUB SUBSeRIPTiO7Is--nr4swiLy nt *smote*
a c0k44.3 to ohoutayess. tz oo ovet to tote iddr:o,1 310 a
- "
__." (I)
To Neiwa Deale; ilairper !OD COOL -
To 3flaixtera ask! /Wboal ?ma'am we wilt turatati the
Jut• xn♦ 4, by .mall. St 111 50 Per attnuta, la ativanew; other
wise salUll rat-ye.
nutridwr.maturdlirli excepted.
TERMS—Teti roots per week. payable to ,be rimier or
&rent by whom It b served. .
bY ICAII,--4,Pikrable advitare,. OU., year. 00; rs
mouths, g 75; 3bnee months, 03 SIX '• • . •
ILYD IIIINED.W401:11N A IF7 r.O per,
11411411111, to a411%-ance: IN SO for !Is I . lo o*
BANNAN.&,AAMISEY, Petah/tint.
,H I AVE put it on to-day; and, we
VI I are p i reud ,of it. The feeling akin to
dorinitg roi'w sufts la not a new one to you,
our reruictl ; neither is it hard to recall the
pleasure aqii - sathrfaetion you have had, when
. well fitted fn handsome, comfortable broad
...o6th.. Hew well braced, how conscious,
• how gond you. feel. Our new suit niakea. us
feel so to-day; and our pleasure and -sat
isfaction rest not in selfish, gratification,
but is the rather itteresised as we think of the
hearty welme our broad columns and clear
facedtype will recelve - frOmour readers. We
think we 4e the oft required glasiesput back
:into theireases, and lald.arride, and sight as
often find:help nri longer needful. .
• WithiOrt4 broad-faced, readable type, some
and ideas have been incorpirra
tot into thei MINERS' Jorartit., and a mark
hoprovernent;- generally, •we feel, • has
.been niade:,• Mueli - as has been done, there
1 . 4 'yet n> i u to do, and we are busy
.doing uritif t rillshallbe cOmplete. Our paper
needs rohtpology for Ito - -appearance to -day;
atul yet welare sorry, We have not been able
to put It t prevT4 upon our new printing rna-
airenil3:, ordered, and, to be completed
and - put•upnti apoedlly as can be. We are
wafting f r thb, and, for a second
. one,
I)ur Steam Folder , and 'Counter
will tit w urirto perfeetlon.
the excellent tylie-founders of tht
Johnson Typo Foundry; ' Philadelphia;
Ilia;tiellar, Smith* 3. Jordan, we re
:turn our thanks for their prprriptnias and
euretlil afte c ntkon to 'our wishes. They have
. fully met ior expectations In ail things.'
Their typii i ' - which you are reading, needs no
pralbeirotli •-•
RIM book publiaherii and Printers of this
country, 010SEK business has been and is yet
_seriously afYeetedjiy the indirect discrimina
/ Hon against it in tkvor of English printers
- awl pu istierS have a petition in circulation
pni).lll COrtg • to lay a specific duty of not
• :•• • en -five centi a pound on all
inipo either bound, unbound, of
in sheet .• . 4 . necessity . "for protection in
,faCor of ::`4" - . ! rich of American industry is
;absolutely nee ry, in„ consequence of the
cheapness of labor abroad, and Congress musl,
.eithe.r take action on' [Vas asked, or the book
publishing. ibusliteSS. will-be ruined, and our
native, honie:g,rown, 'American literature be
, ; _
, T H E BASIS F0.8.18r0.
rpHE Bodrd of Trade', which represents thi.
1. Ciperattlrs, met on Wednesday last, itrn:
adopted a basis at $2 a ton at Port 'Carbon,
for 1870, and tutnied the wages, ob thin basis
_et $lO for miners, $8 '50.. for inside, and
$7 50 for ou lido - dab - iron per week ; ;tie pro
ceedings 4 another column. This is one•
dollar a ton lc-3311mi The haslet" fixed by the
Workinginein's Benevolent 4set.telation • for
1t4i19. . Our rt4elers must bear in mind that
' this basis door not flx the price of coal—it Is
only a polit fixed below which tho price
_ cannot fall 'vithout a. suspension of work.
• 'fin*. will n damn as inueh above this price as
the smarfiet ix ill - pernilt.. Mining coal is :tiff
-ferent from tlitmiit every other branch of intti- ..
Iness,J.ectiti e It Is mush better for all parties •
to suspend the works entirely than work 'on
.short. trine, i it is called; and both-the.oper
, attire and in .11, - ;r4 prefer it: This basis May .
lti4 too low, because It Is well known that coal
cannot be wined and Sold .at an averakc'
' . of $2. a ton 14 Port. Carbon without a ppmitive'
..loss at Li large -number of the collieries, - evt n
at the,w.iiges proposed to be paid, which are'
extrefilely low ;,hut ft shows -that so -far as
-.. the . oktittiOLare eoncerneti,' the public. will
•..;_ have tat esti • , ti.s t.s,inplaiu . of_ the -prices of
coal,' which !are jthi , 'ed at a ruinous point to
. .-- all,Conecrtied-b".:tore they will suspend oper
ations. Ty kpow that a. fierce eompeti
;; ' tion will be t a rwlted against all We Individual
operatOrs by' r the ineorporated eornpaitits4 'in
• the Latkawlinna region, which have already
begun' by . their .r:duelng largely the 'prices of
coal by retail . They determined to .
.. driVe the others out t... 2 the :`...Tew Turk market.,
by re nil e ri iiprieeSso uncertain that those w Ito
deal in ,tiro coal cannot, with safety; lay in
stocks to 7 , 111 ply their 'eustoniers duritig tii
whiter sea-ti i; hence 'the necessity of •1i xing
a low. ii - ssis Mr this year to "enable the other
. regions to cope with these companies In thi.
markets tibroall. The carrying "tompattles
will ale!, he I compelled to. put the . rates 'of.
'transts•rtati.M at a very_ low figure to. meet
• this coin] wt ltiott. The-Worklugnten's Ben
evolent :10 , ...4,iii'tion, 111.4 i, year' !lied thehasis
. • anti the w4ges: This' year .the Board of
Trade littN : e iuktqt the initiative; which of
(Aram will lead to u conference, and the fig
ures will he luljumteti to' satisfy both parties.
• ivia tit, interest of tiot4 to obtain as high
• priees fn. and labor siithey can ;`but taking
everything int/ eonsideration, the clamors
raised last 'yistr by consumerS agairtait whit
they termed a. eouthination, together with
the tieree era l i npetition that will be waged, hot
only by there eompaniee, 'but
,the Bituml-
nous Interests also,who have kept down their
rates in ord tr .to introduce their coal into
all the nut kets, rende'rs it al - so absolutely
' neeessar,y that the basis should be put at li'loti:
tig4e, that !would demand a stoppage'. of
the trade. The basis for 1809 was $3 a ton at
.1)“rt carbon : l4lth miner wages. at $l4, in
,side laborer:4,sli ; and outside, $lO. Fiaink,
it at izi); for 1970, they also 8i" the , wages at
.1 s
s $lO 50 for matters, *B, 50 for Inside, and $7 50
for outeidti la !b orers, reduclng , contract prices
also in the moue proportion. These rates of
wages, in alliconscience ought to satisfy any
pelson abrOall that growls about high wages
' in the coil regions. The . reduction on the
.basis is one-third;' while the , reduction In was
ges is about one-fourth. As it is iinpertant
that there sh i mid be no disagreement between
the employera and the employees on this
subject, comprehending abusingssamuntlng
to about tweive millions orstillars, we would
- suggest that ithe parties' should agree' upon
an- utnpire,) who, after full investigation,
should dee p & thelnestlons In dispute and
whose decision should be enal In ease they
eannot agrefii- ' A . , - 1 .
;' q ' After taking Kfull view of the trade in all
g' ibis aipectai f`4•the present time,,and the sinus
''b lion of the coal. markets, we wiiuld respect
fully suggeso t , • fcithout the remotest Was of
dictation, this following mode to be adopted`
by the thadei, outside of the three ruining and
transtwtiri eo;upaniee , unless they, or a
• portion of t tem, agree to unit* In the plan,
which is tecIfollows:• Divide the year into
three diviiicns, thing the price 'of labor,
coal and tratisportation Into three divisiorus
also—say (rein March I, to July 1; and from
t July I,to Sept A ; and the balance oftheyear
i for the third,dlvision; The Us:importing com
pany can fix upon an average- - rate of tolls
for the year find divide them aofordingly; so
can the operators and• the miners for each
division Els ithe price of coat and wages for
each period, 'or at least, for the two first per,i
-eclat, then coritraets t easi be made, and every
facility giveri for kepping the trade regular.
As the basis will tki the wages, and as there
will be no danger of coal running up very
high this yed,r, it would be much better for
All parties to ittularly employed at lower
and regular wac,es, than at higher. rates for
- irregular peripds. tThe carrying companies
ought to promulgate the rates of tolls for the
•'different Peri4drforiatte.whole year, and ad
toireltO themlthroughout theibitrunderany
• eireumstaneei, poleax tome animal occur.
renee should take place disarranging the
whole trade.: , ' • • • , • •
,do le
eoil market: Will take an.lncrease of
~ no, less thartrone anda 'half minions of An
.-',, thricite coaritilB7o, provided Flees are put
at 4 low ratif-,at the 0413111 43t the
. ,
year to the eenstirucks.; and if they rule low,
the tr3dc,can be continued - without interrup-
Lion duripg the whole shipping season, with
'only thestoppages that ma,y-he rert tet"
make the uee4isary repairs, which generally
consume about tWo weeks . during tilisferr.
eon. We desire to sees regular trade lir 1870 1
• moderate rataltand after 1870 we do:not ,
betiere there will lihmuch difficulty In llnd!.!,
ing rcinarket - for all the Anthracite "iire can
produce,' unless Congress should - heed the
advice, of suct PATRIOTS as Commissioner
'Wells, and barter our home interests away
for the benefit of European Nations and
European Ni,:orkmen,
•Wc: have thrown out these idea' now for
the ennsideration of those who iris disetnisi
ing these questions.. They rkay be of some
advantage in making •arrangeni is for 1870.
TXTE give the follokingextritet . trom Com-
V titisilotier Wells! Report pugs 437 •
"The manufacture of woolens., n the I:11KM States,
therefore, from this and other 'obstructio,na created
by leptsiatlgn, so - far, froin being enconragod, is de- •
pressed; wool returns to
.tbegrower a lower price in
gold than has ainio4 ever before been experienced;
the exports of manufactured goods . declined sixty
,pereent..witittn the last risotl year, and - amounted
to thel aptregate to the paltry-sum of .only 96010),
as emApared with a Erit 14i : export of the same eom.
'modities of 41:5,060,900; white the importations of
woolens-into, the United it tatee fur the same petted
tact - sewed - from sr-,c0, , , it to tricetat,otz, the
very descriptions of goody which Congresa has prac-
tleally declared tho American workinan nLNI tlot
attempt to zunuufaeture." -
What are tl4l/3 - Clito the time of the
rebellion. we Wisre altooit entirely dependant
apon Europe for woolen gootli. 'Daring the
rebellion many of Abe. cotton
. faetoriea were
concerted into woolen fat.f.,Jri&i, and the pro-
duet largely increased tinder the:proteethin
during the . bet it )t wtth dutlea,
at a high. premium. r When gold fell, the**
new establishments were at the mercy ofthe
foreign •fuanufaetuyers, and Congreisa two
'yeark ago, increased the duty
. on ws;sken
goods, Which preserved thj.4 licaneh of best
ow; front- utter deistrue.tton.: It i true that
kotectifag this - branch of husiness, without
:giving adequate prOteetion to other branehof
of businom, neutral4eS this aid eionsiderahly
—but, whit are the 'effeete ? We give front
the .report of the pres+ident of the Woolen
Aanufacturera' Aiseelation, whois an A:mar
:min 'in feeling and interests, the following
figures :—The while vonsuntriqu of woolen
goods in the United States in iSO4-9was $240,-
000,000. Of this quantity we produe-etl in . the
United States last' year lio Icss tliausl73,ooo,- .
000, and more than fotir-tith of tlie wool
Used W5B of our cwii.Production. Many.of
our inanufaetures. he says, already rival for
eign manufactures, and If the present protee-
tion is continued for soMe w thne.lonier we will
excel' the imported `articles. This - shows
that the - home production of woolen goods
has more • thau doubled mace the . rk,±hrolllO'n,
and ifl,Fe did export only, $160,000 in value
of iioOteri god in the year, we increased
home Product riot legß than :.L!),600,000, which
we heretofore imported as the produetof lh:-
egu labor and foreign ritock: And go.grmt
was the inems4e in tlu breeding of sheep;
that notwithstanding this great hdate market
•reated for wool t prig .did of increase,
'AA declined, and the prim of w t oolen goods
Are ninth lower than they, were two yearn
ago, with wages as high now as they .were
C any time during tint Rebellion. Foreign
`;old seams iobesodaizliugundatiraetivethat
tr. ideas will tloat:' intith home tolor.;
eign tondo, and foreign trade, csteo'
:a of more Importance in his eyes than spur
',tome prOiluou if we had exported
million of siofians., Werth. under low duties;
what was that Mem drop com Pared with tho
increased home production of upwards or
4)&31,000,000i - in gig ing employment to Our feo- I
ple and ronauntlng Our, own wooL This .1s
not the find time that foreign gold hat stupi
tied the rt asoning. faiilt les of •public men.—
Coal, Iron and the Coolen manufactures of
(treat Britain an hcrletidingistapiNon which
:4he hhs built up her Immetbo maelsinery,'N'
wealth, oommercial prospority, , ,Aud power.
S'ow; mark, reader; it is these three great in
terests in "the nited States, which we are
struggling to build up,andon which Istio our
future creatnew as a tuition depends more
alaan anything el,ein building up, bat
conintheipner.Wf 7 rlk(-4 his most deidly
blows at. C'an such a porson Le inibue4 with:
pripor Aitulrican
if werq Cmigre*ii would offer a re•iolptim
ropudi4tlng Ids 4loctrine - .•.;aitlim, anti
rinueAttlio See Mary of tha Tri:i..4ur,y to di_4 l
miss from office to.
\J usr x 4, \'V Erl'EeirEn.---Siilee:4le abo.v . e
wit:4 placefi .in'tyi*, we liny;e recvived the fol
lowing ehTular .froni the pf ,the Free
Trude League in pei'v : York City:
Ntw I" , orch% I Ot , t 271 b, 165:0
DEAR :—The Free Trrule Lenytie acid jet I , Mh
the r. tort of t'ornitibetloner Wells, as it K.upplemrnt
tot he twittery FREE Tits of in a form : Which Neill
etVde It lobe deturlosi and .preserved for reference.
VreVlleW of. Mr. Wells' statements and arguments
will he Lkp pen;led, It - Melt will ilk e the vlows of the
League on the'Taritiquastion more fully than they
have yet.-twen presented..
Although the t.t...gue et:nisi-tors ionif, 14 Mr. Wells'
post:lons unsOund. and thict. not regard hint' us
representative Free-Trader, it nevertheless thinks
tits report Miiinattle. tt ror. , :e 7 ;:nu4 the labor of a
yeart . spent by tbe rust i n•!nr.t ilotni and. sagacious
statistictun in tile comfit: In isineetlng and study
laical the facts relating to intlnstry.trarle, and com
a/M..oe. The re/Julio( these htmliee,. is, that An% Wells
aliertbeß.TllK p , renOnt ArnhM.4,lon . ol 'trade and . u mog,
try tt;ttte two-fold ectis of fin Irredeemable ctarrun'.
cy.and esers.ire ta.r.t111.4. - -
"The I t ? nn etrerczy, (Pity
per Cent, as a ad,..r. - the talitr; rzU dutiable''.
ittlirOTts; is ;: r l4 / ..", "rid; littnPeoperriry. oppesed
alike fo the ter eitiiketh."n and human-.
ty, as troll a 4 f 3 M.. iirnio.vr 47n-lh , ,qlllj yre3w:li t.f rtll
doinnetit conintrive and, in rfusfry:: - . .
016 tileiFlinn is tha Wore Meant, as i3O.
begin K±t ofria?rareer sew creeemivt Pracettoriist.
• Tlic, t4mi3ito, t horefore, be let big this to be •by fur
the most 'Minable presentation of the 'details of die
Twig quwtion yet puhilnhed. Make, a persons: ay:
peat fo you; that-yon trill tee every toter its noes die
trier supplfed WWI ti ervu, itequegt orders trout the
polttieal committee' of your il:istrict, and use every .
mean to bring the report helm) to thepeople.
Tbe . League appeal.; to every journal the
cnuntry to coil-the attentloil of Ids readers to this
publtestlon (the only one Writ abridged) of Wells'
Report. .The rec . !! that t IleitepOrtlaitm lainunuoticed
fora week In' the- hainli of the Fipeair,er
-indicates a :(11.31..,..fti0n to suppress - it.; but- the
League Is, determlned\to s pisee It to a readable form
before every tax-)inner orthe States.."
. The circular rein:irks that. Mr. Wells began
his official weer air avowed protectioutst.- z
He did profei to be one " when appointed
and the general • imp4.m.ylon is that he Was
one, until he visited England, wherehe, like
a great tiuiny otherg," was manipulated and
mune hack on the opposite side. To have
openly at sated nil the principles of Free
Trade In his report would" have been too glar
ing. The circular says :
"The XtonopoHlst Members tht Way and Meaita
OOmmlttoe °t i the !Immo ot• Repfi4enfitti vat hallo .
reftwedAthivr Comrythellonee Welts, tho bait /a
!brined statlsttelatt In the eonntrv, to appegii berme°
them to eve ovldetieo upon the rendition Or trae.'':
Of Course they lapuld . not—anii if.thi-y 'per
mit him to remain, to the employ of:the (Mirr
ernment one hour lenger than they oititheip,
they Fould outrage the 'public sentiment of
thi,country. Let him go Eureibe „where
nli.eueb traitors to Americau interest: .gener.
ELI/ take refuge. . ' - -
E published ahout two. weeks ago en
artiele from the London-Bit:4'mo Jorn
nat., showing that the people of* En gland and
France, are getting tired of Free Trade be
tween these two countriee.., This is not sin
gular. Free Trade, except where the nations
are on an equality, eannot l exid without pre=
judkte to thenne deprived of suCh advanti-,
gee; The followitkg from's! Mt.
ter from Paris, publisheitirtlie-
surra,- which • limns' thi . kiad ,of agitation
that now prevails in triOe'bti, #4 subject i
' - niselamor . aaatail . irale trait : anti against the
treafr, with Englandand itsconsoqutness, lespailW
Ina high and wide throe host the , ementry.
threatens to add seriousty to the suspogaaanty met
LOIN of prestige of the ,governtrient.e latter, as
. you will t have learned, has been already cotatallei
by the popular votes to promise a revision of the
present commercial and enstoms rekftdations, and
htie besides nominated a om:tuon Or tnqulry hito
the state of the tealtaing manutentiring Intereas
and the results of the treaty of commerce, tinder the
preeldence of the afinisiers. Bat so loud en outsry . '
has been raised lamina the form Whlch this lattei
measure has summed that It. will probably hove' to
be abandoned.: The country *lll not hear of a Mere
'administrative" or "mitilst4rial” beittry ; bur 'de.
mind that the entire question left to the thane,'
ber, übiet4ediced bYanr prtrilol24l report or daemon,:
and that a nut tame/nary Commission be Appointed
to report upon it. /ill `trio leading piotectlimist k i,
such as ,31. Ponyer.Queitier,. M. Kolb' Bernard and
others, who are noatinated'by the government .on ,
Its eommlasion„have rained to tilt, or to participate
In an inglgrnillidell, theyltay,innat be mai-aided,
and Intended only tostaiimit e lartliten_b etibe4lllobt
mislead opinion and pr e Vim Lite gammas at lane.
The government Le completely non-phased, for b4bui
of the Chambers et I ,Se'. ten (tall
gire erldamo ter *kit any tart iti^ the . goveyintasto
Inquiry: while M. Tidels and many leading liana
•tutve determined 14h:in forward a motion calling
'upon the
,governsifent to "denoutini" the treaty=
(that la, glve notia!that it will not be' renewed)
fore the ith Apriliaxt, the day when the ttmoforiO •
doing eiplira. Ppinle meeting; against tree= •
_are being, held heteiln Paris, as wen, as at
Ronlsilx. Eine, snOnl over the. north, and atto - 'at •
Stuntman and .nniaiy otter plaoes ha the ask bi
answer to pa csiater-movement •Which is taklng
dace at tladealit t ela the south. Home of the pa
Ittlod inan ' oes addressed to the gowaratatitt •
'ea the-abject arl d i c4t4 alarming by the ,!aloft? ,
• and threatening style of the language in videirthay
are expressed. Olid strong pretest Ikon 14netrayitt. ,
after insisting npnii the "deplorabie rad disestesal
consequences of Ilib changes introduced fa 11014*-
and "the suFeringi by which they are everywhere •
surrounded in allibtenches of aatlt:o inaantaetOrit" "
sayithat such a Comp:await au that appointed by •
the government 4 "only a mockery and defiance of
-justice and cominiaianse ;" and asks the govern
ment "if it is not atvare" of the "genetal dispodtion
which is growing b}, against it on ocnottnt of its dis
regard of the complaints and misery or those who
have been reduced to rain by the trapradentaaaan ,
reasonable application of fatal and :deceitful -princi
plea." 4, I' .
There 14 a great id s` more of the ,ante sort from all
parts of the countfr. piecing the government in a
H u°4i t ge2a t dia : nitd"etkb"bet r enir°.
lonard d '
south. A petitioli 'of workingmen just forwarded
from Amiens declares that nothing but Ih* , lteh eet
ton twists are unti employed in the denim of that
district. - "to the situ of its laboring !nictitation."
This is the right spirit on the !pelt of the
people; and:Vre hope our Workingmen, and
particularly tlii 'Workingmen's`, Benevolent .
I Association, at 101 . their meetingt in the coal
region.),: trill ass a' resolution i demanding
'adequate pre tion to our Houielitidustry' on
the part of Cerigreet. This is *question that
concerns the'etrirkinginen more than any
class In the coon' try, ,se farewages ara con
cerned. It i. 4 all' i utter nonsenos to talkabotit
good yiszim,‘clight hours, - dcc.; Without pro
tection to our Bidustry, which 4 protection
to wages. -Yo .l AS W4l. ATTEMPT
~ ACI.N OF TUE 0UE1.`!..,1111 : TO
time to strike irhire the question it before
Congress, to be effective. If th'ere are any
such ninnies 4s Free Traders among you,
don't stiffer such
,person; to control your ac
tion, for it would be' In &real taking - the
bread out of %Mouths of your *tallies.: It
was the time hied action of the French.
workingmen tliat compelled the boverunient
to entertain theluestlen alluded to above.
CoI.CAKH prt4ri ted °fleet the hit petitions
In theHousels ilw days ago, which was sign
ed lust winter ; l and tbe other will be sent to
to the United Rtates Senate as soon . as they
re-assemble. ij oilow this 'up by a strong Res
olutlenwiemati ing Protection fir the 30,000
workingmen of the Anthracite coal regions,
and yotOrill triumph. This is of more Un
portance Now thiin tiny other action you can
take at pre:sent) i , , • , '
OLE,' A2l Fox: 1070.
D. '
4, -I ft
• to" p RI.
, 1 3 , f;
; 1 3'llr; t
.. s'
, (16: it 15,4 .0 11 Y t •t I ii. 10 1 1 1.221.7'
13 li altS•l7 lft :9 ; 114.15 1 6 i17118 195),
1 z -1 21,•:r.r.31 Y 4 25'96
5: 31 a , 3,1
1111, '11121,1 1 :q1,4'1. 2 4,
rat M•=••0 21 ' 25115 ? 11.8111,3121 3 1 .3.= 24,
t 1. Z - 3119'1 0 . „ t,V. ZIT/ 1 1 U Vi/.30....:1
•!10 ii 1R ',17 1819 21 la 17 14191021'
{ 3•
. • ,24 , .3
i; ; T,
186111 IS 2317' '''11:11.11t.11g11111;
; 4 ill 24 25:33,
6, 9 10 12' 1 1 t 7 l 2 ' tit It 11'22 t 8 111,
24 4 5,118 IV
i 5".% *.ID V.. 1413 23i
m , • '
AN effectual ) edy .for smalt-poi is =aid
to have heen r, ently found, by survoti of
the British Any in China. The mode of
treatment Is as oilesr., - : .
1 '
' - "When the preceding fever la at !ti Light, sued Just
bkirre the eruptlotiappelra,the cheat to rubbed with
Croton oil and tar lite ointment... Tilts' can.,ea the
whole of-the crap' op to appear on tluit part ot.tfie
body, to the reiter I' itho re-d. it .al4O securee a full
and complete ertnitloa, and'thui pr'erent4 tlte CtL4-
eli4o from•attaeltl I , t t he Internal organ& This' is
now the eatabltltt. , ode of trtuittnnt in the E nk.-
!tab - army In China, - and 14 re4ar . 4o4 am a perfect
f . .
CitkAoct thieve:3 rulbed a niontein La the
street of jetv'ela : things. They fainted lay
away laid acted i rldieulow4,
. •
on abareastlls dodo earit. on or betas AteMaa r v a
that tartlas Using paid `La ceta-ahall ber
two trortheralbr. mat that ths ltitlutabilmatte
comrades berpubtlestkmot this faet„- - Vbc vase So
be paposed of ressollers of the nomberMarigrtbad.
,-. . • ...
A.-able.• -to Tomtit men.A-Ttie libEutulWe.
eirsdnlYS:,---,11. bay , correspondent, with •fr .
we entirelyplains *Ms want ot,ontz,
adoration on entanyposodninen onto
present dsx, in Tegird tollptlgnstiatuot lkidr
evenlighote la Shillfair Issit.,AW• tinsanT en
'dorse that in 41rdliattry Irligt,
letokbar :Irtth intentions tcr - dx. mere
soots Vor frienettr - amid' not be
'rt:nerved ' dr sada twit or tea
nd - neferoudoss in expapo,"* . cill"
Paid hi Ptill.+Vhe following. I%oa:haus-a
suite and Cotmty talks hi Schuylkill County,
settled up this weekithelr duplicates , for Ma, in
' Anthony , *Oben
Schuylkill John Deable,:EidtLidolsa Henry
• Krebs, Orwhedittrg; Jacob Hoffman, Cressona;
Sebastian Iste.nbach, Middlaport; . -Michael
Sweeney Butler; John Scheibelhath, York
ville; A4ulLis MelEsott, Nevi rustle; Francis
Farrell, Treinont. i• •
The followhag hi &Het cif unclaimAdietters ra
h:mining in the pettatillf. Poet Olth Dec - , 31st,
Pak . ;
Bell Jennie, Kraks*Adalbert rt7or /no 8
'Black Lizale Krpwll s Maggie We L'aithult
Brady Mary .1 Long Conrad- Maeda John
Brown Mary A Luprea gather • Rottikallir
Barnett Thomas Lacey James ' Haat Madre
Eddie Jonathan Llndun .Wm D Staudt liathandy
Carlon Hugh McDade John Sherman LThilla
Drat:Ulna Ells Moloney e T Shane. tilde
Doty Jos ' Mullen John Smith Thos J
Ford D. FL Molloy Michael Truman James
Flynn Maty Hebei/note Wm Warnleit George .
Huber John. Matthew . , Marla 'Welsh Mary -
Hahne: Xlcholas
A Citizen - has ,for some time, suspected or
knew that a certain other citizen wee too inti
mate with his wife. On Wednesday night" tut
the first citizen suspected or knew that the sec
ond citizen was with his frail rib. hie forthwith
procured a policeman or two and - "went" for
the destroyer of his druneatle felicity; lie broke
In the door and cidghl4 the guilty pair in At
gamic delicto. The "destroyer" elevated a cMir.
with which to crack . the crown- of the Injured
husband, hist* pollee officer interfered, and!ar
rested the culprit who has been held by a meg
iterato to answer at Court.
4 .
Beautiful Blelgh. Ott Christ ; inas day, MajoF
James Wren, of this Borough ; presented to his
wife one of the finest uteighs ever turned out in
this sodium ' It hi a throo-seatod family sleigh,
and was numufaetun4 by Jaw', Matthews,
Union Carriage IFaetory, * this Bormigh. , The
sleigh Is painted in Canto/110 and lake, lord lined
with difforent shades. It is trimmed with mo
hair p lush, and carpeted with green Brussels,
with pearl flower. The tamps are gold lined,
and t hepole crab hi wild mounted. .-
:•Thet-sleigh is pronounced _ by all• who have
seen it, as the most handsome one ever built in'
this part of the country,
Presentation.—.B, handsome watch will be
presented to-day to Me. Jonathan - Bachman, at
Ids residence, M aharveyl Plane, by the employees
of the Mahanoy and Broad Mountain Railroad
Company, as an evidence of theft esteem, The
w.'at;h Was gotten upby Mr. H. C. Green, of this
'Borough. - It is :an American. watch of the
manufacture of • E. Howard i*.- Co. The vase,
Which has a handsome monogram on the front,
Weighs-105 pennyweights, itinkthe chain 03 pen
nvweights. The watch beariethe following In
tulription: "Preaerited to JONATILLN it t keltxMi
by . the 0 - aptogiee of .the Mahanoy Jiroad
Mountain Railroad („brriyany, January 1, 1870."
The beautiful and yalaable gift Is a merited tri
bute of esiteirltl ffpni Mt. liachman's eniployeca.
Masonic.—The thlloing are the names of the
oillcers elected to! serve the ensuing Masonic
year: In Tamaqua Lodge, No. 238, A. y. 14.,
NV. M., Bro. W. 84 Albeaeh; S. W., Bro. W. A.
'Shoemaker; - J. '.. Bro.• Preston Robinson ;
Treasurer. Bro, M. P. Fowler Secretary, Wm.
Pricer. In Tamaqua Mapter, No. 177„, ri: R. A.-
Y.• M., Comp. John Rsieten,3l. 'E. H. P.; Comp,
Preston Robliumn, E. W.; Comp. W.'X. Shoe
maker. E. H.:. Comp: M. I".*Forler,<Treasurer;
Comp,- Win. Bastes, Secretary. In Knapp
Council, No. 17, -p: S. E. of S. M. 111. Corn.,
Preston Itobinaon, T. 1.0. M.; 111, Com. G. W.
'Saylor. D. .314 ILL Cora. C. F. Shindel. P.
c, W.; 111. Coin. W. W. Bailey, V. of (1.; At.
Daniel Shepp, Cont. 31. P, Fowler,
Treasurer; 111. Com, Win. Bwiteu, Sectetafy.
• ... •
(0010Pen*C: 14 1104: _'—renn o o , ; llll2 art*T7),
WI Wee gnat reartatra and eet4 Fort Pe
were. I . eoppore he served out hie ar t
'erideb weethereyeen, I. remeraber_torreot rlt
term Pod Itt would " tare tdm pottere leld.
feernot% as tut - ts nOt wailer:A Mane. 014 a sot-.
dler, be conatrientlydtke wei team%
valets, are due to eadtmiartasersed theft atty.
egthriaq. enpreretwelondAlr:44:l.3 . -
I "Il2 ?"LtprotaYita:iwit.; '
jai. °gamut.4 canieur °mut rw.ctoreApu,
thoi nistec-orEinire Past 2S uovttr.'
aantemplalegliakylay tumor to the rettudiiikaf 41 -
, 4 010 w
Wg WhOett wear In. tAe_serviar had bfta.
1 10 0 a 0 _4 O . ‘- • ••:•;
..„.iltiddispOOMi:'.l4ll/..peoruldie- for ..Leiat -
W4ws.—A!doleS two beikkra Chrientia“ boy Of
weak mind wandered off from Swidara, ;lad as
It WM itettiodthat luPirouldtiecome on the
mountallia and possibly perish' front cold . "and
ettpeaure, it body of men started out„ on. Friday,
the 24th Wt., to search, cor hips Jn Abe crowd
was Jannis Finley, lieWii'for Claude White.=- ,
While..they were walking, Pinter complained'
of fatigue told eat down on the aide of tho road
while the ethers went' n, supposiusthat,Finlev
would return home and reach there long befoie
they found tho boy. Ths boy. late In 'the' day.
was fpund,,near'•Forrestville, In a, deplorable
- condition, his legs being frozen so badly below
the knees that he Could not use them. Ile ' was
conveyed to, his honiS,Swatara.: tihich he
reached in the evening. • It was then discovered
that'lcialeyhad not returned home, although be
should have been home tong before. The party
started out to search for bitn,'.and shortly7atler
he was found dead in the swamp near Swatara. .
On Christ/nu day •adinquest was held by
Squire Neugardt, at whiCh a pest motion exani
ination- of the body was made by Dr. IlerYrig, of
Diinefsville., The doctor dedded that death vvas
caused by congestion of the brain, produced by
nattiral causes, arid the Jury rendered a verdict
to that effect; • .• • -
Finley wail an .eatintable yoling • man; abnut
twenty ail yeais old, And feat - ea a wife and one
driid' . . • . .
dutiel a ,fet, iugar, and ,coffea in
Great Arlta;in.a to )yo readjusted and :outer
tally 100 , )oned 1)( kite: next April.;
do I&Nutley&1 &Nutley&
. seTis
. .
1 R.trt;RD.tY
2 SUNDAY....
3 MoIrDaY
3 .. 4c,
4 TiII:SLAV ,Z ; 1 5 44 1
5 NI'r.D.NE..,in_CY 4 4 43
Tt rkstr.y.,. ~;-5 4
4,5 d
1004) . .c!S CIIA.Ne; EIL
Now , M. 1 S 10 er.
Fins' Q. 14 a ev.
F,u11.31. 17 t• 49 mu.
21 .5 zao.
!Ne:w M. ;1119 44 wo.
. •
eitiltA of the TherAmeteriur the Reel: ending Do-
TuetK . ... ti I: .4i SB
Weaneway..'3Q :44 34
:30 Thia.r.444ty, ..... :41 11
The 14:, , haviit. Dale 1411 C1ub.4..:0n the' babe
ball implexue.b.ntsli4 the . .1.4t0 Jtitni.azfee Fair, by
1417rotos. - N
Mr. Samuel o.tintiert ham pal s In tha !till
amount, or-tax Gal bank auxit •ba 0.1/nylkill
County.' l' , -
To-morrow—Elreit Sunday of the roar. and
- *world sifter Clu - hitnuts; Day's length, N hours
and 19 Miu utve
A meeting ot th;e poldlers of *tinylkili.euttn
tv in re:femur° t 4 -3 bounty- grintm, Kill bt
Bold in this lioroisgh-on 7th 'lnstant. •
Maim! Calhoun; :of PinindolOisi, 'lnspector.
Ctenerwl ; of the Dt.portznent of Ponnvivanis
A. ft., 'dill leeturo-In tho hall of Gowen. Post,
No. Zit, this Itorotigh during this month.
Grand Ball.—There will be a Grand Citizens'
hall on . the 1116Si:the Union Hall; the proceeds
of which are to 'be Appropriatexl to the purchase.
of two new- OrcheAra comets for Igeasra, U.
Walbridge. and Fisher, of Jones' ;orchestra.
The instruntenta - nOw used by them araatlapted
mainly for brass music, And :with tbesernew or
chestra; instruments the excellent nitisio of the
orchestra will be greatly improved. The object
of the ball is commendable, and deaerver
eral patronage from the devotees Iffrntiale and
dancing. The, new music whielt the' orchestrii
-ii constantly producing is very fine, arictive Are
glad that they are preparing theniselviva to pro
deco it in , the highest style 'of the All.- There
will be, both German and English dancing, and
no pains will be spared to make It a happy and
pleasant affair. Tho ladies are specially invited,
and to that Jones' latest and'-beat bill will
be is sintaiilitionehgh for t.hetu.
arand Arms , &Jam Bopublic.--L.At ii - stated
meeting -(4 - (fowen-;'..T4-41,,- .-- Dept. .(4. Pa., G.
A. 8., of . this oniugh; .beld on "Mare—
day night' last, the following officers ,ware
elected for the etimuitellti : Commander,
Clia.•.. E. Beck ; Sr N'h Coinuiluider,i W. 11..
crg ie\
Matter,;. Jr., I; tee C'untin . dor, 7tYiii;',Ortrasiutg ;,-
Adlutairt, E. B. Wallace' ;• thartermaitei,Chas;•
T, Paliner; , Surgeoin,. I). l ".;• Bland ; Chaplain,.
.3: A.. M. PassmOre ;. °Meer of. LhsY,, .W.-11. •
Ilbwes; Officer of Duard, A. - Nagld; Sergi. Ma
jor, 5...1L Purdy; Qr; Mr. Sergt.., 11..;P..Whji . -
uey •'
Ord. Sergt., ja.s. lealferty; Outside Siinfl-,
HO. G. Koch; Inside Sentinel, Jas. - Lafferty. '.!.
. The new, ottioArs ;wilt be installed, oh Tlitirs•".
day ceetilitzetext... . . . ..
The following comrade* were chorea to rep
resent the Post in
.the Department Colivention
which uill.ho held !in Pittsburkh on the .1..1th of
January:O.evi Knher, 3. A.' M. Passinpre and
F. 13. ItaftaiNe.
, -
' , .
• Killed in a On the :24th tilt. 'dolt[
Reese Ivies killed n '
Ittxt &lope of the Girard Col
liery at Lost Creek,; by a fail of: octal. • Hes was
injured lio badly that lip died almost [batty.
To -be iltebuilt.+Tbe iniator inaoldnist of the
Reodinit Rallrinallhag eonderaned twelve of the
eamel-back loran ' 'Bi
engines of the row used
in tranetiorti g and they w et open
, • .
The Poneyville Lecturee.—The first of this
oF•lebrated merieii of lectures by Vin. L. ;Dennis,
Esq., will be delivered in Cnion
evening. next, the 7th inst., and then weekly
thereafter until crineluded. . Tickets for the
course of -four sf). Resetved seats
without extra charge, can he secured at' Hannan
Ranifwv'a., . . • -
The PliiladelphiiPriasslately nptieed one:of
theme blot ores as fell Owe: . . . ,
roNKY:vzttg LEeruitEA
• .
The second lecture of the course Was levee:last
evening et the Assembly Building, by Wm, L. Den
nis; Esq., to a lane an very. select audience. .The
_lecturer described th *Won trout' plain congre
gation to a plain meet -house, with 111 plalnoluiple.
mindM pastor o lo a Sash onatile church withLa maw,-
niticent edittea, a Oat tetho chdir, ay:hill:l4' sewing
circle, and tiotßev. Daley patnor, with a Vivacity
and naturalness coupled with a t apley humor thus
commanded the atteutim and "hearty 'applause or
the audience. Catenate say nothing that-could in
jure true religion, the lecturer' applied The whip
moat unsparingly to those who glOrylu appearance
-. •
unty. • . .
Tina carrier* 611 tho Ilttirrats% JOuiticac will
hate' thb honor Of nailing. upon pur _Borough
subw-riberk to-dak. With their Annual Addrees,
and we ounnenill tho b,r,STA ti) their kindness
1 ,
Mr. al-CL oreesii.o preparinpr s beautifully or
namental gold 'ti tans, intonded by the
citizens of Ash lin present to Mr. Win.
Moodle'of that rough, who shortly nr
move to .Phlladelithls. - : •
„Settled 11p. Veritylatt, Au:bony Lally,:
rellotoe, of State slid Coittity tavos ler the Bp-
Tougghbl Astdana_ sad John Doable, cullectei
for Liait )I[3niou Taveteitdp; settled Up . their du
plicates•ibr 1869, . • •
'411n:11. lortuerii a rasideat-of
Pottavilte,,, wet acoldostally, *Wed , near
liargh on the Ilitieultimc lay beaus struck, bysi
locoinotkve engine. Was about p 0 years old,
sad lesvte a !login 4 • ' •
_ . .
" ,- !h& ittive lad. 'ti ' ban et the Ittights Of
.Pirthieson ;LI 'Mill be oven
4n.di espeo r insi - ' .frosir 10A. Slamill &P.
.. •:S peoidditif itoroneh,tti4 abe ladle&
is` to visit tha room iled
look it' !what dersd the *yet tastatitnt
liall ads Older the Stale H
litst a l c , t r Calts+n. &talon** istinit wow
will before Poet 23, O. A. IL, In their
moat, llotraues 1 bitildi Centre- atritsigi
text ThiarsdsX, er The-Poet Ilitila a
cordial Invinoon their friends to be present.
liekete rear be gratis from 'either of the
voritrotisae, R. c B.Z. C. B. Beek. 41.14. Zeal
erer, ar saity . vt tho bens. , , , ,
Zadiseare . *404 • , ‘ 1
'ens 4CitdpAYS.—"ko4l3o *AI4!! , :.. 7 I,ge*TrIE.R.
,• .0.110 Eats. *AMES
aut:kati,:arasolgri.iitz cOMPLI-,
Pumanywrim, bee, SOT Mt
.i . ."Clitigiute% has paamed with its train of amuse-;
,TrienN joys,_ sunshine and . itliatki.; . l,".Tisi night:
*Are" did up ita business' so w/dl that
*ight slier" was 'appropriatsAy
Ahe 'Astonishing - upheavals - , of (many a little
,lireac,l basket,' and .ta%plous infant draughts of
brisk •ti-a& in Christ
mas , trees was oisSarialile airing Market street_
-the whole. week beßire÷prineipally*iled on
by our African brethren and sisters. Speaking
tf.w,hielt.'rewinds one of an incident. r Said an
old'-Deatioerat,' (stiff llepublittut, IsTause
lte* . M a Government "why, what little
tuade 'about 'peepte' tiding in
• mtreet: 'raosi .4)(4 'the Other day I. noticed
stalwart, 'ugly negro and chis wife renter, a car
'with a. little darkey baby, knit all the passen- .
gent seemed delightiml with the cunning little'
Is" said 061,14terl,'"tlitiW Were only
toyisig rotut All the reining_ tuan..": nut that's a
digression.. ilhiLadelPhia aeetnit 'to kn o w hoN
to. enjoy :the - -holidaYm. 'There's no 'hall way
nteteture tor. their iiiirth And' jollity', 'Every
place of public charity, and, indeed, piddle cdr
, reetion, 14 thought 'tit, and the Inmatea• are
treated tda good 'Christmas' dinner: - The Rev.,
Mr: I,on's inlesiele•ho'nfie down .Alaska
street fd rmerly. Bedford S presented an odd
sight its crewel ragamuffins'gathered
, within, on ettristunei 'day, the onteasta and Off
: scouring ot that delightful locality--2enjoying
a royal feast.' The Sunday meheribi have their -
Celebrations and. Christmas trees; upon. which
latter hang 4, for every‘seholar, big or
whlitennilerneatleis piled •box upoii box
of candy--one fur each s'rholar. • •
. tons oflturktl 'were deposited under .
litany, hundred.% of biaktons,' diminishing the
size -of the bird, adding to the size (and si,ghsi
of tha • 'lnman - , Making the forther sad and ; the
latter 034: Ali, afoirratzed4Ltraikluel to
the' greal poultry show, which to have
beinstlipiowt-eitt display; ever witnessed here!
-The W ea ttarr exettedingly: ilisa4cecable,
,raloyolintp and 100 . liiirllll 0. be tieriaiinable.
Thu ' , rink" twents'. fairly weep, whilst the
parks" 'preserve a ?tutted, dismal detheanor..
. Skates' are a drug in the market s although tempt
'Ugly distil:is - is!, fail to arouse suttleiet i interest
:to sere* you up to the pnrehastitirpolitt. : flew
e tor, we May 'get that " riure re snap" *oath
, or, so •persistently predieted„) et, add' builders
are preParing for it,:by eovering up Uw
ished walls to protect' them troni the frost.. The
walls of tlia Masonic Temple have 'l.)%seit than se
cured: it'is . sa.iti that thetistituateS for this bilitti=." .
lugfofthe:seas,nt, far aseiteded the actual ontlay;
leaving •a; handsome imilatwe lA..begin the nett
, • ~ „
season With. . . • ,
• The •' Whisky Ring" has had another' severe
blow In the menteticing i at .r ieorgel Atontjoy to
pay a lint) of ed,noo and itudergd an' iinpri'SOn- .
mew. of twit years. TbiH4iyes di - verge ample
time to rUntinate rip his' many pot deeds, and
is a warning to his followerMito cete•ie their evil
11.0-4;2 1 donbt"Mbinjoy felt hinetelf tenure
froM the power of the law, relying rwr his dupes
and mondy 'to keep hint out. of emliarraionent;
but the lung and heavy arm of the Jaw sought
!dui Out.,. "-Why, he was one of the best dreasol
men on Chestnitt Street, and regarded by all it's
a tlrst-eliss "
.. But, tie.orge‘. you have
come to grief, but not a whit 100 $OOll. •
To the :its editorms•proprietors attic
; here's a appy Isrew Year!" Not - to.
Is 3 fastidious in this* Souse's . Iris greeti ugh' hear
tily extended to the devil. ,• ;
. -
Daiwbatla Itnbroglio,anti, the Result .—= l ti a I
few lines we purpose putting the material for
some novelist of the Cobb siyie, to .wrork till a
first-ei‘it , netnadloan *Wry, merely , prentising
that what *reeve are veritable faeta • ,
Before theNChriirtnues holidays, thorn resided
itt m inertill. Gap, above inersvilie, a voung
Englishman,; .the poitsessor of a wife cWhether •
attractive or-, not, we don't knowsuppisio
about the aver) and si'dwelling.-- The dentin
of-ditword entered their happy dwelling, and
they quarreled. Bh9 became "huffy," packed
tap her duds and left.' ' • • ' ;
What' was to be done? Cbriiiirsias WAS all
proaching, aild,What would Oua day, w inter
mingled with his earliest-pleasant recollections
of Hold liengliutd be to our - downed het - natio:
without his plum ptidding and a smiling fa-v at
one end of the table to deal 'it out 7 Nothing.
It would be dimply oflitt o ;tide and unprotita-'
ble." Bo off he poste to Philadelphia. and a day,
or two .before Christmas he rwippeatli. at his
dwelling- in the Gap with a woman he said was
his-idle, a new feather fixed, a ooso and a tur
key. Ahorsisn't he.geing to have a scrump
tious Brit
,-claics old Cluisitnatisl Well; lie - was.
It Is an; old and pi-0% - orb that ",tlit•re's
panty se slip hotwiit 'the etip and the li p ,:' and
our giniffetrian who hid laid himself on tor-.
teneucely to enjoy Christmas, found it about
the time 'Krim Krlngle was making hi ounds,
for at midnight on Chriiitmas- EVE*, a partv.iif;
men entered his. house. tie akeidiaddlexl Ad - a
.short time, and when he . _retUrtiod (oh ;
unspeakable 4 goose- turkey, feather - bed and
woman; or: wife, were gene. ' Between two and.
three o'clock on Christmas morning, hi a train()
of mind bordering on insanity (what -, wondori
he rushed to the..reiddertee of-a lustiee of the
Pease in Minersvllle, Obtained warrants for the
- arrest of two ,of the party whom ho kne4 - and
returned home. When ho - approaehed the..
hunk he -found the feather -bed lying in the
road; about a hundred yards from librdwelling,
and when - he readied the house he saw the-goose
and turkey suspended' on the house at ftgooil
distance "from -the ground. But' his petticoat
propertY was': still nowhere to b aeon, and in
his despair he took a hatchet' and rippod;up the
bed, and made mlncetifeett of the unotiending
One tan hardly imagine a more pathetic +qua
, tion.
New Year's Cads.—?'n: 'St. Petersburg, the
practice of making New Vein's calls ikveryri
gidly followed, but thbro is a'way in widCU one_
may avoid it, and at the motive thud hold hispoi
talon in society. 'Me has only to give 'Olt :or
ten roubles to somee, recognized public Charity,
and have the donation acknowledged in the pa
pers on New Year's. morning. ; flay :then
stay it home at his ease, and his friends will
take no offence. Every New Yak's day the
St. Petersbtirg papers containctwo or three c,ol
timna of the names of persons who have thus
exempted themselves from the deniands of so
ciety. Those who hold receptions cheek off
their acquaintances on these lists, and every
body is satisfied. The ladies are saved the trou
ble of receiving calls, sind the gentlemen that of
makin whom. The. New York Sus sdvises, its
readers to adopt this custom on the coming New
Year's, and thus secure • handsome dona
tion to the city charities, avoid many' headache
.on next morning, save an expenditure of much
money for wines and other refreshment, and I
large outlay for carriage hire and new coats...
It arse agreefi to act nee/ledge on January Ist all
donations of eve dollars or upward for any roe
eget:oil eharitahle Institntion, with the names of
the donors and the InnOuncement that they are
excused from making New Year's
This would bea nice arraingernent to adopt In
Pottsville; and all whosebuitiness or inclination
4fl, prevent their . calling formally could
- e their donationa to the limaevolent hasocia
tio a moat worthy cluiritablesociety.
DtWtrous Cktnifty Oocurrenos.—On Friday
morning lasts &aster involving 'heavy lost to
the parties working it, took plate at the raillery
leased from the Loenst ML_Voal and Iron Com
b - y John W.lftraper and - Wm.W. Orpd
tand situated on their lands woe ofGeorgo
Repplier's. /I wet sublet by Murray Win
- lack, for . two year., from Much,
.1009; and the latter aimed perdu were the ones
:wino - worked it at the Um* of the. ungbrtunati
and tuilbraeen occurrence _ •
•It seethe that suddenly and without any pre.
Acme warning on iFrider !wonting. about 9.
o'elonit, the timbers( in the Slops, winch bas a
pitch of so - detime* counneneed giving away
above water leV an inoredibly Short
spear of bane the was completely Mad up
with timber and for adhttenos of yards.
There was below at ilta time ofthe occurrence,
the stable boas, the Inside Wader bosh and e
of thetahteetlk wbh. Was attending to thastesin
pump ow:. Then { were , also It mules. The
animals were left below and, perished, but the
workmen ~ aped thrtnigh` a walkway. which
the stableness hid Itetubstraytaken the foretell
don to dare, lifter ta•Y took "Pcs!rik, of the
• The oollkweratiste be workeit spin Webs
„snow slope Aould. tet trunk, which will invidvs
Wavy upendituraof tints and mousy. e
Tbe loss of Mum; MarraLWbaltan:
dell, helmsman:l494nd 090 1 ,_ { heir
loss of a mitten'. torn arid thle
year 64,00 lona of laid. e *des which
were 'driven - id' Were worth, O Th OS, and the
seestad IM;0119 tons of oral 'nut in the mine.
The Mau of the iftkin is somewhat of .a
mystery. Ten minUtes btO 'took place
there view evidence etas possibility at such
ocuturume. _ The prop linsbrrin the slops
Ware eamd meithe oWastee tlortho
wag boys am the eoftsninger else mirth - be
swieth'llw timbers ;from thawing, sod -the ellp
toy`ie 7 bad
it without laving a
the M a i a llt .fie a
Accident...4)n Elicit:
am° atDaniel ' ter
abaft oldie Williaita POW
a dfataaol• ot stizty*to .•
op pratAxi fatal; k a t ll
ortainately vs
iwhleh alticking bla ct af
Alnagheiivily. 14 ,
&milling" a alight '
dm fate, amt. ihattatr, one ' Person wo wot of waq made' un
happy on Christmas day. • A
,' '
. _
titeiter.—Leteli c et the.
At of Post Sli v eneee Bo;
Itothetasut r o repreatt
-AnAP4:_e; Toratui
,ittots g_o
a . ioigN led lit. itUtied
E1)1T611.1,1L .2% o rEvols. •
EDITORS MINRIts . dothmai.:--The Public I
School "Rinse is usually Considered a.very cor
rect measurentent of the intxdligence,and nubile .
spirit of a ,ponimnuity: .But: the: old, dingy.:
looking, twmatory:Selnelhouso standing in they,
centre. of :thIS borough, • ,within - and without
alikti, unattractive and •cheerls, is a.standing ,
PnbliereproaCh to Its intelligent and Onterpris. , "
Ing citizens.- 'Tlie writer and a friend visited :
the sclinoll In this building not long since, and
found about.-250, pupils and four teachers
co bitov
ing atmosphere - so "Vitiated
and poisonous from the impurities thrown front
the lungn'jil the - pupils and -toachen4, and the
0111114 fro* a large' soul steril, that it soon
produced In ins diizfries!c. and 'a Sense of suire
(*ion thatcomPolled us, areitstatiledtmbreuth
l'hg pureair, i,Cireltraii Into 'the open 'iiirto in- :
lisiteour tangs, The . teacher - 4; had ex.ll4l6ted
every Moans 'Within their reach ` . l.(i prOdiice it-,
circulation of pure air, , But owlinito the roortis
Lbeingllghted en only, ono title, po c !Tent could,
be pioduceil, and the .nicktifrig ant fiSphere,ry. , .;
rnalned,ln the mots eithibitink . its 44.iyi . otts er
feei'm to plainly,in the palefaCeeoftitii'nuiliors,
and: the iiinguldness and sleepiness of :Pie pufkils.
Ii .- I[o:4‘a question. with us whikli°u - as' accom;
plishing,im wOrktwo:o efrectually, the tkiaoaa:
In devtloping the niinds :of 'his pupils;, or' this
poisonous, atilUisphere in developinidisease in .
their growing !mites. ..Author than haVe'a Wind
,ljrCatlie for,six.heurs' hucli a sickening air,. we
would le3inir hitye it remain titterrY , -igtiOrant of
• bo . .ots, and Preservelbilitclo.body iii:a healthful,
...condition,. The" teacher's, theiliselyes , are ' elu t e=
',milli rig alow.miicidel.,Y talk I rig sal hears in ilic:4e •
ill-ventilated moms.' 41*.philanthyopistit, It is
our deity tiitisiiidl the moans within nur reach to
proleng the life of ever . y indirldusl in the coin
.iiiithity, limee IVO directors and nitlien,s We Sil 0 Itf ,
providei school
. bouse in.. which ,out:ehildrkiii
tin have a sound .mind'dev.Cloped •
ip a healthy ,
• botly,:arid.the hetidth Of our tetelters preseived,
,Tliti . State Legislatnre yilli 'aesnititieet . ;* lot our
directors get a. hill (passed ; as. lion as possible to
• 64'rtcw sinlidient money tel put up a neat, heal
thy 'school - bedsit, hext'aiiminer, a imilditig that
would be a. living advertisement 'if the inlellii.
'genre and enterprise of our - town: . Sint(, our:.
twenty-mills lietinty tai is,paid oti;notax,pay
'in''would object to payin •at ",leat: live n .riiills
building tait,a.nd haven beautifully:coustructel
and*Conveniently arranged achotititouse for hiki'
money. - Lei:us by ill' means hay& the sighs - a
. Put It on the bill, side of the Bill,; Or on •
the fiat, put It where ;you phase, but give Us it
decent, healthy: echool'hense. West Penn,. I:/P-:
hind tia: a little 'inPtilint , ofeducntion, is far in
advanee - Of us in school houses, tuiving build--
ititipt wellNelntilated ind'suppilecf with the most
aPprovild fa inlttire: ' NV E e have the podrealthool
liOu4 in thii Cotinty, it :not -the poorest hi . tlie
Snitfr WU can have the best. , Let us for but
-inanity:4 glkke hi.
--Vic wish all "4% HAt.ttylckwil YEAR.,"
-Cleofite D, Piehlteqs Mild to*
—Thee; will- bt u 3 Siiturtlay4 to the year
—Some niattniroth itorkers have been 'slain
this' Winter.'
.; 1 : - . •;.., : .; ' . • •
`Maggie 'lliiteitell ,1.4 itt ('ltiettgo': doing
"Little Baretliot." .' : ::!-: • .
1 -tiutfalo.has itad l a hidions laW-4uit over a
•i* - •
two cent clay pipe. .-• • •
—The Odd Fello ws"at .Thiyton, Ohio, are to
'build a SOo,OOO teniple. ', . • .
132 Lansdale, a prominent Inert-ban
of Nevklean.4, is dead, .
• —Louisville has a
brig over.hir the holidays- . .•
tioong the' prominent aett
8410v/du hotel •At - e notiee,the paint. of Joh
UDSIIRTUD, Carbon, countv, Pa.
Dian JotriNiit.: Having JOlttle spare time
1 . 0-11 er, I a ikt drop yell a few lines to keep your
readers pcsood in regard to the progress of
things in this part of the -county. You may
recollect that in my last I staled that port - tar&
WAN promised a gift of a belt and organ, The .
promise In regard to the bell• has been made,
good, and that of the organ we have every'assu
ranee will be rn*Lao shin. The bell was
presented by Lewis AUdeitried, .t.sq.i of Phila
delphia, and. II then the eeLebnited foundry of
McNeely dr Co., West Ferrx. The bell weighs
about (our hundred poitnth# and is of an excel
lent tone, and is inscribed u follows: "Pie
vented by lAntrbsi Audanried •to the M.
Church of America, Pininsyhsinia, December
og enmity it win rung: to can the
people to service, and was heard luau] near.
Mr. A.udelaried could not have selected a better
monument for 'remembrance, ma Ida name will •.I
be called to memory at least once a weak by
every one living within reach of its acomd.
On Friday evening,' Dec. . 'l7th, McCreary
I t odge, No. 116, IC. °CP., of Audenreid, rras iu
stichted by O. 8., Wat. T. Bose,. of Philadel-
Phis, waisted by, the following deputized offi
cers: Brother Priabie, 0." C.; ha' 'Who', 0. V, C.;
Amidon, 0. B. 8; ;.,Pratt„ 0.0.; ifOriveri
and, Munich, O. 8., 11l members i of Mauch
Chunk Lodge K. P. There was also a large
number of . Mountaineer Lodge,' of *emu.
The Mowing Officers were installed as wilco=
efllcCraary Lodge, No. 226, K. :}..; .34 P., 4,4.
p. 0. Taylor ; W. V. C., R.
Boottiei gep,".„Ot- yon; P. 8., B:K/opp;
' 11. AIWA/4,1.11.'0.0EL
Citervin fa n IL • • •
, 01 )•• 4:44istarts
with Sono 120 eksnar jante s, t
Wheat to Puiloviugs, itr •
extai-4:01417 wmAppirrpo t
ate ntuntier and vseittplak' 'kg
off per, iutd our visitors were .
tharsevticip. • ' -
• palatines passed ogr pleasantly has, and'
everyone seautatto ,enloy it. But there was
one feature In its odsbratkur here, that may not
have been kept hi other puma: At 10A, M. all ,
the "Slab /Wien" COCO. HOlnbrOOk COSI 00:
was fanned in line 1:13r the screen boon of, eats
breaker, and marched to the residedos or our
litmerirdendtrat, who had fitted up's very head
/me Christmas tree in the veatibtile etas reni
deuce, and after Viewing the 'zee ow...lieu° as he
left sea presented with a new 25 cent note, es a,
Chestnuts Present. You may judge with what
sheers 4 As "tied/Mee renteili•
ten the " tinnily -five coil, baited ea
1310111111' *IMP dollars 110 es WAG
1 IL Inimical ottertahuntet;
t 7 /1 " 1/111 ,0 3t 1 0 3101 $ mu, which ins
T he ' altgra4itichiCa MitAi so crente ' n
le elain tur 4 6 ' ea *** l 47 ar 'living
,eirftat the *l4 *Rid the .Its
lit& Werw rear to Yoe•aim/ rsir
valleeN, 3150rotrt4*
At the islist .
held %woven* idiums, Uwe
fruit, vidch inn inot
the paseakoblitlis
Ved to 4$4 4 trit i l*
l 4
110010011 •
4 9 1611 ac t ri t s:rai Doer,
4W51 6 ‘.
' anawsr
a anion
• ---Ti-h iitreets of Wiliiiington, N. *C., are
being. plii.itsl with teiW-,dust. •
- ".7. 14Ynei;ing Eui . veatho state of Mfs.sburi the
trdni)loof trying many murderer,:
—,lairieS 0. AncireWs, the'ohlist 11fottioilist
klishop.extant, is in' Cikarloson, S. C. '
I)l , inini-ng; a well 'know'n ;new
paper than man of Philatielithiu, is dead:
—Putriek t'..-LeatitV,liqtrientbei Of the Ne*
York pre,;!.4), died on Ir,'ltritAntali morning..
—"One.tio;uloAnd tnen aio wandering' in the
Hireent of titan PranePg•O - with'ltotiiing to do.
. Wald 114Aeelter . will Tort . receive
e4L11 , .t0-irtv . , hut will. for the Ana, tittle make
than. : • „
f -t hi rils of Briglone,Y4iutig'a wivt‘s
have got (011.6. J'hey'auta--ie in rehrfs—whfril
.6 a ief to them.
... , ,
, --All the eonduetors.on the Erie ititlfiroad
are4natrtpl wen.. They risk their Ittes . at
home as well as,alkrolid,.
. :
' --:-.A:jurio at Watertown, - .N'ew'Yorl; - )_i'Orty.
years'of age, said ht hadn't had a 4.? . ~ r
'ill' I . lfB 110,iise fqr-eiglit years. -. !`' 4 s. _ '...•
:=-Parepa-Rclsa is postponed tit Het. :Z. Wis.,
on ue(s'ainit. of sieltnees. She is
,nut sick all
over, howl,-ver, at any Otitime....- .
--The telegraph . has reached • Ontonagon;
Lake ;inperior,_wliiehanakees the transporta
tion' of copper ore !norm sooner.
• —The tliglit of 'Lopez from Varaguay iH
fully eimArmetl.' Noingug is eertainl:y known
his trherOabouts t ,fimverer. ..• •
d lct
—A Nashvilld-n. Isms, one.hutidreii years
- lef . a, I'De Lod .ne forgot to call forme."
f. 4 in no greath - rry, though.' .„
f l'exas‘,• Pisettling .so rapidly - that. anti , .
its have, to lisbut doors until huts eau
atilt for their apeerimuxiatiou. ~
A' .Boston six-foot'fonale with - - n• busted
i t sit answered an Advertisement. of a nuuni
:, for fairies. He didn't invest in her.
—.{ ring has c been formed by the parkaritt
at (2ineninati, (Thieago; and...St' Louis; to
maintain provisions' at high price next - 'knot-
~ ;
—The liatigor, Me:, Fire I)epartmetit had
not been Called out:••sitici. last 'A'pril,l,untli
Sunday laid.. But they hadn't forgot how-to
squirt. .. .
1 — . Dollar stores ha• - *nett a stieeets
i hat ilostoit •Ls to -- open a: one-cent store;
'Any one sent.them - ,ill Fel all they want for
one cent. i ; ' •
—one . . 4 , • fitiginint: 'Your 'a' i;.14- %mitt)
hand has made a confession of 400 murders,.
which he has committed for the benefit...of
'the church.
—Boston Theaters think of putting up a
notice "No flowers or other vegetables al=
lowed to be thrown." This to keep cabbages
off, the stage. , . ' i' =
- ,
—We have received the important Intelli
gence of the conversion of a yming man in
c hicago, ...The news Will be transmitted to.
'Europe bY, oible. - ,
' --Mrs. Ciao. Wellingtin, who died in Ban
gor, Me., on.Bunday morning, was One of the
oldest settrerierifL the city, having lived there
" '
Briginitinung, Jr„ has given up
hopesglle . metropolitan "tiger 'it
costaa =
dollars to give , the ani
• mai thktintleesms.i'. •
. _ ..
pellestoeb have got 'into a 'habit
'of be „round on the aidewalk- with their
throata ro und
to ear, and otherwise pil
ed au.¢. 4l scp l lnif*. I
I .Ant**tAlOhle,ithey; drivehorees that
are sqk,roof that thi drivers have to tie knots
in their taila7+thelcirseo—to keep theui from
slipplogriirengh . their collars.
—lt is said- that old shoes are melted up and
made into piranhal. Then; instead of "shoe.:
Ay," it's them other " things that. eotrimiplte
n the hair that are she Q." . .
—A. Dumas, Eir., they say in Paris, Chas
eighteen illegithnato children, tor most of
'whom he' has obtained Inerative. positions,
mostly at the metropolitan theatres... • •
—The trial of Philip Bieinmett, at ToledO,
Ohio, for the murder, of ,Aufust, Meth, in
Jima last, was coneltided on I. riday evening,
with a verdict of guilty of murder in the Bret
—ln Manievillei, R 1., one day last week;
Charles Murray, a wool-sorter, had an alter-
Catkm ~ with his `son,t and cut his throat so
badly that he died soon after. rise murderer
, escaped, • , i 1. ' ,
The Bpiritualistalof Permsylvania lately
met in convention it Pirijadalphia. There
write twenty-rieven, land ithaz r . ,iury con
'tams the sum of, Sill. i The, bush:uses is about
played out.; ,• , , . -
' —A New; IlaVen Ananflurated with a
prominent merchant itinta the with
has agreed to let the: man's wifealone. Be
Used a seven-sh9ogeri:.ll l 'his is ao old argu
-gument, but it aOar,*. . toMelk'dm. , •
—A loony ' WO to eut his
son'ss heart out,. - 'idnlifut ~ . went
Win'one better *nd the ~*, lei hls pa
ternal relatives bead °Widths , . , bullet.
Them has beetkacoldneteln the ~ ysinee.•
• • - . 4 -Wiinipsg has takeujthe plice .
of - tbeßichardson fr;lh,the papers. She
name *take Tent ~ ':os . eligimmtd from Abe
bklott Inhabitants"
„:. ‘' of playing amp
& far the' , , - .' 'qt Lk soaw named
~ .,--:ettimetesoisi.Ckwiin• t r*,-
E. Li -on Frlds7
night, a , , i, 4 or them_ Masi two
- humped , —,, ', toltio - soot below,.
•thelr &We . ' 'vs); just ska the party wen
tiambledls : limp, hestioirody Imo aerleualy
, I 4
'1 , (
goC4ll3Uslttt9s- nOtitt9, .
Scents a tine drat icaert‹,b; ceizta a tine cad; autlie- , .
''4s}bonit for 410 by CO.
"A GooD NOS LgAVETti-Alf
mat* with a DEPArDEST family IA frel. 11 - nMreppArb
if his life f: lot Inaurect. :406-stikTArb:g & Low ap..s
otlvertiseptent; iroukth note.
. •
• - '
Freragen ADDRD INEIC RILL% Pi, belutitu. arti
cle D. A. SzulDi'li. Centro Street: • ,
'Fistanca, English . and Alii;rl4,mn t74ollai, sill sCyle.,;'
and of the It:testi qualltles,:a D. A. Snil
IT TOV.. W.ortass be properly nut
witnspeetuelea,pippl i y to
itpllolan. and lllutel tissiltur,asi rent
ville.t ilet.sne
t' rt•el; l'r ts-
-rum .coNFEss/oNs op it,
.Puldtslit.4.l,for the benefit of v
other% who v o utT4r from N t`t VIM.% ql
plyingr he stieutie of self-eure. , Writ I
ettml hltaxelf; 010 . e•ent free on rmial
Ilireett , d volvel•*. AdOresa
- • •
Dec. f.11,' 'Olll-44.-oto • H,
IE4 Ott.. *nr.
en I.y nne who:
post-pa hl
M.‘ yFA rut
CiViiiiiiiiiiiiiaTrEri -- - iiiiiiiiia
ttreated with EltletYkul by J.1›....t. eti ..M. 1)...; f.
of .1)1666606 of It:ye anti Ear, (him a s ect , lty 1, itr th..i . "
Medical College of P 64 twetvny eit:ri ..1% prt4enr..: -,f0r....
tnerly of 1.:,...vd0rk; liallanil,) INifl. NV) ' .st., f.,k, its,•
Textfmyntais at his Anftee The Awe., teal faentty 6.r.
Inykted to accompany their plitbrnta. Art/Mild eyes.
Inserted'wltbairl pain, Examination tree, . - '
Jut ! , st,.o-4.1-vm . . ~
~ ~ ; . . -,,, .
;RORNIII. PECTORAL.-Sloi. than a . rn,illlon
i of Bottles of this tough liedlctio7.l6%e issui 'sal
in five years, and, theutinittis have lie i'..; sated by at.
The cough, accOmpany tug eityfrtiltil;,.cola and The
distracting C o ugh I 4 ( onsuropt on !la 'i, alike - Yielded
to IL .ILts of the greuteat. v1111;4:1 - 0 • the community
and no family should be without Ito .It is pleasant' I
to the Dude. 11l Ls:prepared by Dr 1-r VI- 013Fli-.
HOLTZEIL of Philittlelphhici, 'Ana Ca .sola by Dr,•
• ROBINatON, and Jim: $.ll - L01t,.. Drug4tan , pot:ti, - - 7 '
Ville, and by nestrly every Bruin:hat and Btortketetier
at 25 cents li. , bottle. tars .1..i4----4*.titrt. 5 ,
--- ---,--.--
_.,.. H _:....- r.., , -..
COUGTIS, AM:II .--- TCOLDS. , -- TlOrkei are mote pet
1 .... , sous, ale annually front diseascis of' Our lungs,
than from any other cause. - Everspite should retsib.
lest that a neglected cough or cola .ten .tartnitiate;.
In consumption.- 11.1.44011'.4 If.'onitioui a Scruwitt Tar
la the beet , latktt . reliable article Istio . n fug the cum
o f couglat,,..Csads, Hot - trsentian„ Astama, Chronic '
Catarrhs and Sore Throat. For the r . r \ iet:of 1 5:11 , ,, , ,qi.
tug Cough.: there is nothing equal to IL:Pritst 59
cents. 'Sold only at W. H. E.olli - Z , ;80,• '8 - Drug stiire,
Pottsville; IV NCI SfATII EWS! Drugl iibire 'Miners-
villa, and the principal Drug Stores - throlui c 'iieut. the:
country. 1 I:I*S6ELLA. 1 . ... A,: DIA, • -
Not. 27 , '60 , 448.3rit ' - ' • .Prouitiorr: VISO*.
- I'o TAR WORKING. CLASS -We are now
1. - prepared to furnish all classes wliconalant ctn.;
Ploy meat' at home, the whole of thtrue odor the
spare moments. , Buslueas tolt . lili and prsitliatile..
Persons of either sex. est.stly . Esau trop e uoc. to ti. per
evening, anti a proportional. stun, hidevotitsg their
whole, time to the business. Boys nd girl's earn
uoarlY is much tut men. Thut - all whstsii till, not lee
may send their :ad:tress; and trait-tile bitstock - 45,, we
makk this unparalleled offer:
To - eh' tie are pot
well uatistied, we will send ail to pity or the trouble
of writing., Full particulars,' u v alua b le sample,.
which will do to commence work oti, anti u copy ot
the People's Literary Coinpattlon-on'whf - the largcet
and best family- newspapers publisheits;all sent true
by mall. iteutier, If you want permaneM, profitable
work, addrists .I '
....- ~ E. N', N.LLEN, '
(Jet. 31.1, 'tb-- t t-tiu - • , , A.ugtista i Maine.
LT OLLOWAY'S • ESSENCE , OF ' .JAMAICAit 111 NtiEtt, is t i t double strength, cost thtsoilly
pure Essence of Jaitialest tilltilts In the market,
. therefore the oilEy girth* tb be relied on In eases 01
Colic, Cholera Morlais,. Dlarrhwit, Dysentery . , loth
, gestion, the effects of Change of NS' atey..Colds„Ae.
Ask for lIollom;ay's alai talcs; no other. , A halt tesi ,
tqx.outUrof It ts more than equal toe wifble spoonful
of any other.' Sold by druggists and storekeepers.
Fifty cents per bottle. Johnson, nolloway &lieu...•
don, tal2 Arch Street, l'hilittielplitit. '," , '. . . ,
• VIIII.DUF.N'tvi FM; Av'a V K . ; tx.iit;(ii:
I 4.'“NrxerioNsi,
Tho' are so delleious. The doctors mitt th - cithi3rA'Aity
they are the hi(.st mute taut effect mil ientedM,,r - thoha
pt.N.ati of WOlt 'll6 gen hi he .. - htiv.t the 4ighattirri
of the pnurpriettSis DU the , ‘vrapper of oftelt box.;
TAehty-tire cents per hut. JOtte,ou, Holloway
l'owden, tkt2 .t.reh St., Juni,
eitYlitiNq, • - • . . • .., ,
our Stoek In unusually. full and nontplete, e(mtpil,+-
Sng matty• enttouy new eund tlealeattle at., lea of tooth
inutinfaitured ..Into Mii7C2t,• Yot•Tlt'a .4.\U iltifS'
•RFAU,V-71iA1)114 13-4,ItHENTei of all kltabi, ,q y . 14,001,1'
sires. The nhe,t ptylh.h giwatit cut in the tat. ,t fast:-
mu, tui •vVell as ithl.lll.'r and more. ninth_ll.lL43 Styles,
suited% to all ta..tes s und ~ better lit Style,. Fit and ,
Workmanship titan any-other htoek ul ftetaly:Maita
Clothing t) .Pninatelphia. Alio:, a . 4414.1e4 tilliOlik)11
Or Naw F.1.4.1.•A51. WINTEIt liragel rS tile I'ltxlE,
WhttAl will las Ulnixif• Up to order, Iti the heat atatlition
manner for th••••..i II
U ,' prefer. A.II prleea ittntranteed
lota er than the 1 Mehl "..)..Wliere, ad- fttit shtf•te.O.-
that guaranteed tivery.pureituaer in all 0te.,4*;.0r the
motley refutulold - •
tiantillea of tuatAndal sent by mall Whon.tipt4rt;ol..ittr
garmentseither it•tul.t -Mad., 4 .t . Illaak, to 4 Artitin. ! ,-
//a/fWV,La . tle:•ll BF. %N ) - BF Fri' & Opl.- •
• . Fifth aini . ' Tower Ilatl. .• .. '
Stith t,t,„) ,511 Market strei't,
. ,
.1.t.1e40 Ilru. ;
tdwaX,' New York. • .. • ••• • ,
Outober 11, 'tk.) ; •- - ... • ~', 43 -4ttn, ;
....--,.-44........_.......„H-... _ ...
~.qtilres 'num:allay attenth in, ••aa•-
- OW4
Jule:met often re , tith a ••Iht all e
Inurable A.. ja
Lung 1.11,40.a.5e. 1:14.0)V1Vi4 13110:•4111- c ;"/,
AL 'TIkO4IIF-4 ci , lll meal 'invuilubll. tItiONCH lAL
gle Instant relit4. For IllioNcliirm, ,)•
4:lt7imi."4-LiTAIN6i,CON'SITI4PTIVS:zaIti, ' POC\ AC ~
TIIIUiALT - Iblsk:A.4/.1.1, they Mire's toothing‘i-h„ .1. •• :
Ht\tit;ltti and '- I'l til'}‘..;AKELll:4 ijsetlieta
ctiquat,ldpotrongthen the f • ofe... • ' • •
Owttiiito the - K1 reputatloAl 116,1 p.iimilurity
Trochee, many trorthtelts um./ eh etty ilaittltiortLsll i'Y
ii;hireh tire gnntl int ivatli ray - 11t; s
the true ...
Itrt.4)Nl'll!A Titt)i 711E54. •
, 'O.-:.-15-61
NIA.B g , S a lj i
o A n i.,; l L re li t
i p e l:!.. u . K.J 3 l . l i -- , I ), , ..,: i g i jil i u eL ,s r i t e t . . , is ti rt ,. ‘ , l s, ' 4 . k e .r . i: ,. .
Citable American, : and {l Ith lill'lll colitc Ine.'
headache, heartburn, and a train. of sniall:dkeasAs:
itarsilall's.Eliair I
.tint Icon, propared with aii.olai ro-"
..(CFQIIN3 te'lltescConstitut tonal tronideeuf so roan}' 4r,
our countrymen, and: so far the Im,Pal...att"4l: has.
proved a decide a Success. The tirottrletors feel Mai;
I in rtcontinentling it now after the trial
of years, they are hilt I'olBlllpm alturnanc duty to-.
wards the general cotintimilt f. - , Ft,rniql/?'ress: , •
.. .
fit)TTLE: t
M. MAR.sll.o.l:',f..C'ci,..
Druggisi.4;oli)prii , t
poi 'STR PIMA DrliP) If
1 441-tiold by Dr. W. if. 11.0111N1t.)7.C. rent r;!..4!..
in..Z.1,4!-- ly - -
- .A rmithiro of rare hoatilg herbs, :,......:--11 - -
lord is bottles only, 'at St.' ori J ' l o ck ~ . •
,; . i rioz. Sent t 3 any ?cl. - -
7 •,••••••'" -. .ilt
%frets Gik roceipt of mosey; .. . • .•
and,gua ed. • • li iii ‘ li c ' o:vac; ;'
i it
n ,s,__
.Dtmurit+kt I
' $Ol c lr `suEllll ll l sts PHRAYA
)5,1',....' /A Genuine Family Medi ,
4. 1, - ..-- co tine prepared f,kr theL7 ure •
_ -..
of Dyspepsia; 'Biliciiiinen,.
'Colic, reser a'Aijus - dc. Him : -
, - - "enuraues digestion, dons .Hegrt.• ,
_ *
TburN purifies the Blond; - & renUlates ,
the Livenzr fine Circular. Sol,l by Dnigzi.t.i. . "
milsll ' Di. Aaivt,".'.-2J70),?,57...D.rir?,7„Y," 1-
. Nins.., It r'efl Oates tfie:Bo#.
• - els, quiets
ettaie ;-
Intlammatior,i, and prom9fee
gm , r .. G iea rr l, healthy rest. It . ina .
, ft:ns h th
p ot
. u , n nth, r ,T el inq
• easy.,, Pri,n. 24 c t.-per 80th.•..
sconta Inreotod in n 1 7 ..rc4 IMPERIAL Oti
NIENT for Olio, Born•, F.,or, I.:rurrions.'ir. ;
will weer Le regnltelc SuILE LY Druggi3ts.
Thaulcstriclnu' Day •14 . 6 v
18, by Rey. Mr. Heard, Mr. Ilt:Nur V'thun:
go Co., (formerly Schuylkill 4%1.) to M 1.11.1N41.1.-4
WEtiti of-Stiurta. Wlsemigin.
COX-41171'11illEr--On theMernine of lie.
December, by , Rev. Joseph. MeCool., D (%4R
-IaTO- rot, 01 cheater VoUti • ty, to Mias• Maurits.
GUTHRIE., of Pottsville., •• • -,. . •
the 2.Sth, tteV.,
Dreyfogel, Mr,Cß.tataii I3.J.reiTRICII, of Reeding,
,t o miss fitnym.Sl,oo, 4 a, Port Curl.oH.• • -5 t •
I..lNVlNG—ilnvivN-911 the • 3aili by the Ray.
A. U. tierubower, TuomAs grettpi
tttiows, all of this plaee., , • •
. .
CLOYD—TtEtlt—On tlte :kali by Rev: J.lnek
erson, Mr. THOH.A.t* 1:LOYII, la •
DICK, all of Pottsville. • . *
LAN'ODON—TROCT-4in the Xth'ult, by Iles - . Mr..
Dalrymple, Itr. nets LalloboN", - 'to MumaiLerrin
THOM, all of MlneNvtlle.• *
Our benediction upon Jessie' and Lrittle, for to the
midst of their bridal happluee* they.tild not forget
the printer who toileth for the lutpplift-mr of man
'kind. Their kind and weteonlo remembrance was,
duly reee,ived and enjoyed, while the typal wiebed
them all the good IRO( imaginable. • , •
lIATTRASS-FAUST-On Dee. rah, 1809, by . Rev:.
Rtr.hard Turner, Mr. titionGat NATrns.34, or rittard
vtli•, to -Was Parcit.L.a FArsr, Of (ice:A.4m, Pa.*
• PRIM:LARD-ROGERS-On' the :13d, ult.,' at POtta
vllle, by Rev. Wm. MOrictio; .I.l..Punni-
ARD te MVO ELIZAZINTH bath Or Ashland.
ROBINBC.IN-TRatT-A t Ma, on Tureday.
December Zith, - is* by Rev.J. SChenek, 1.-
Lhast *t. M.D.,ot Pottsville, to lit Ise Met=
,L 1 .s.,Tufarr. orkt '
SHORT:-HARDY-On Dee, Z,• ISM, Mr. Cfr..karali
Bttoirr to Aflis Lizztrt itAnwr, both 'Of At. etair,,Pa.•
• AVATRON—ADA-1118025 , -on the 27th , ot 'llecfwpwr,
at the Exchange Rotel, In • rottavllle, by the Rev.
Joseph DicCool u btr. Jolis.Wxxsow and Mew Aovax
R. daughter or r.Willtatiiikdamson,o7 New Mince.*
WAGONER—HOFFMAN-1n Minerweille.pec. 21,
1820, by Rev. Chart. Flohtn ger, Mr. tikonow 'W.A
wax. of Lebanon Co. to Mae XlAtrru A.florritAw,.
of blchuylkill Co. ' • ' .
tiee a tract of, 3,000 acrai,of Wad about,
the year 101, of John Leonard, , .of the city of New.
Yes% Or Alexander Flaunipta, supposed to beat that
timeerlld lands, beingsportlM of a tract, of 12,900.
_serer, conveyed to John Leonard ond recorded. st -
Ntlkesbarre in lirst Tbe party,•,or their heirs; or
in! holding any deeds otstreh convoys_ .tree
will rewarded for any information 'of 'use. Part
of the Janda now IW 'rah* towtiships orMlymouth,
Bedlbrd and Northumberland.: • • . •
Dee. 19, '46.--M-Itn 851 (Rh Aventie;„New,york.
rociejugEgpittL—WAlk , lTED—A situation by'an •
VP experienced Bookkeeper; well aessinduted• with •
the routine of the foal bustrlas. liddreas BOOIV
WEEPER, Box 115, Ashland. Pa.% Dee Ifroo-Itat—zitt
ANTIII).—An active Toting mut t not intral4 of
wort, kremlin In so3tore. tO
wR3Le xtatatEi
qs—a-tt authanoy cur, vs;
SnMng PittlOtits;
& W 1130,11.
rfore*Solto. KO on - moni Mot
' --Mewing
. Messrs: Wheeler t
Wilson received the
Gold Media. nut! the.
only one, awarded for
Om most perfect sow
(mg Usebine and ; Blit
binned 'et Use .Paris
tion. •
6 DEfti3Y,..-
17 S flen'l Agent ter.
the Exposition.
• sDellY.lese
'ont the world where,
• Only into merit game
favor," and superior*-
* Wilson Sewing Ma
i the. Champion, , by the
.nown by the number roan
..ont the. snot at io lothe present
tinte.tlunrimrinsbittit t and sold ever mulliachines..
lidenooln, manantertge next door to
the panoplies. pottatine..po, where all ate invited
Wean and examine the machine before batielse
Agent for
Xrillefteikuul siren at the Heh rod uYikUl
chasm *Mont entre coarse. - Dal e
- 1 4. 4 1 .! tx
LA _Lift
_VA.) Baled - Lubricating asttl Wbotti
OIL oa,mol attend Wand prompt remlttap-:
•. • :
. •
J.A.NPARY, 1.870
• 1-,
oft - nub - ,Toittib:
-STiItAY.COVV.—:I-I,ark ITr1;;•(!.' C t'i f "•:" 4l pr- , -; , •
..bts about 15 or le,a
i.r, iiiil, •,‘ it h felp:,:,• ell th..( ;
oucrt , hora, I t goo 4. kr1tt , r.•.,11 , ,, t, Use pr( , ltl,' •'• '
the' tier, su o clay, 1... i.. ~. 1,0 .: , r; .,.,,,,,,,, - be Some 1 -).Y . Pa.v i a i'g , =-1 ,, 12-4 - . f?i fikil• --,
SWAY, • —.. WM. 11;,':N rEi.. . '40 , -.l l 3—ra* ' N, 0ri1 , .:41.1.1. TcAsie,l •
IN I,IIIV. MN s at Wt.' Unice of O w hlitittr , ,t,..;
0.31 ,at t heir ,411::t.
Ow t :
the , 4::111,6t1 :il tit° .1 the r:tipilrlnte4‘l4::::. :rt
zit:Atliit)Lin, or az t Ito 4-.4:lllerv.'
.1% J.
Anwial , }t
411./1.1.er0,0t" ttio Itutik Ut z \lyprG.
rl/1.•, :t., La 1.1r....1"1,,r , , to,litiret" 14r th.•
I.SCI b, 1 1+,1* lit
ihil2rm of 10.1. M. ,11..1 V. M. • " . .
"., , ..)--• - gv-•tt , • .f.....\1 . 1 , TMA!ti, gib r.
GRACTILTUBAI. ilex:tit:lg
I, toekitol4..r. of I tirtiPPark AtNi.
't trni i. 11l
_at the Pail; liou,oott ,
to:. 1 , 70, at fici , k•l: P. M.. , for ttlu pm rvone 0.1 rlrcUi.
,I. l lr.etor.. Ilk, .
. • • • L Wt./31E1.'4101Zr, rr
K }Atilt rt.% , t
kit.t. RAVEN t:A Li c't
' Prl I iA lAlt :IF, .3101,1
i hex :xllll ia! pleet I. q' Pre..l,lent I tehoM
;ter, Itold at tit, WU., Oc . (lia, I . .oriplinyc •,i
:tti;t 11. e• I,ttootittb uattur.•,l I r,
'kb 1..„A.. M. , ILLIAM 1/10 'LE;
• 1,0-42-dt '
- A MEET/N(l'4k' T.llll wrocx. LiOLDE,
ot li".•%litt. It t I Olt Um, And LA) •
.blll. of :1; V. )11 ht• ilt•111, nlj tjtl I 41.114. V.
W.. It, 1,1,her," 1'„It 111....0.11_11U •
1113. - ; 4, It, M., for
t enstilt* yen
I:. I . 11 - 11,,
jI awoml this•Cottli
vitrbi. , -1“.11.1 ttiet.• N., 144 Cowie Siret.t.
.).totairty;,llo,ll:try „ t
: N i IIN El{ IP N.A. -7 1'101\i Nti U.V 7 P0'F'.12... : •
•V/J.j.E. : • 1 •
Tlkti arttotal nit IL., - v . ,
Ituritrittyl be herd ut Batt i
the Mt, I be
It curd
1.4 - A. M. itud 3 P. M., to eteet I.l.ret.VorN, tij wer,.•
the etihullts; yew'.. V. .I ., ‘TrEit.„->oN, i. Li titer.
-d - zanfsT KATLQNAI A NK. • . •-• . .
TiTbi ei u i rno,ting +if lb.• -3.. , %:.t..ttit•u,
',L i nk: will 110 1101 tint illt• 4.014, Tnt,a.
ti•t a., n )n, „[Y 5 .
31'. M., t.i 3 , 1"• i t. , .nry.• t
erisii Ing year. .
it -
. :
MI 40
,V TiMIN/ISTRATO . RS' N o'l` le 1 , ..:.•-1,...t ittPv . ...
2. - t - -Admintbtrai lon up , qt + t.. , --- t , •:1 11•44ry V, - -
kr, lute of I , nitni ir,,,,nAt0 1 .. El., •• • • 1. 1,,,h, 4 1...,
g T ,Lit..d ,401,...,ffi,,,fiher,; p... -•;-,;• :-- , ,.. if 1., .1.11t4 a-.. ..,
!Hui - u( 11 , / , _,,./ 14/ 4/Ceed4.l)( Un- r. -,,,;...,,..1 t , ",,, k ,. it 7. ~ r
niktla.l o ilay awn t..aatl all- 1 • --, tl - 1 1 - witt-c., h.1t,..1-• I .!
irrr-alt,Nt ,al•1,1-.1at” rat' rt-q11,1..i t ,, ..r.:•,1,...- I,.utle u. t. ...i.'.,
P4:111144 Wili-1041( d. -lay: to the alt•lor'sa:l.- t.
. SAM i'EL ,4 ,i' \, r"l'. , / , '12
- .III:N lt1" 1. ~ - 7 \t 1.-a . •
. .
. -
; !
. -
I -Pi IL, 44. P. ItE , :iii'Et., t !10l A--;!• , t a.-;.: -••
Der : - 1 , ), lI4J-41-:it , -
-• . -
-' DMINT.TSTRA'reR-S! NOT It.' E. —.F.ett ! ,,r 4
1.-All wit/ i.afritl `.ti. 11 . 1 4 all I I 1.• c5 1 10 , .1 , .1 1..:11.e,
• ID, 1.1 NEbrell. I lill/1.,11... 11
{ll,lll It 11.111 tl.ll L9ll
0;.. , 10.1 ,. ... , rp,U11111,.1 . 11f!j:!, al. r(;tili,l,att,l I )//}11.,1
111..9n4i1P . 111, 1/11 , 1 utl 11•1,0111 . ,: 11,1\ 11y,.:1`..1“1 3 or .1..
111/t11.1.A . 11g/1111.4 /,,,W •
toe 5.11111.1 11 . 1111,,i,t, .I.llll l y . 1,.• ug A d,..r..1 ;4 ,...
Isl. Li
• 1:113 1:1, FS I •
. ;lam 111
tr ft . ° tkielr •
,•e: 4,, liil -,.r-sl
4 -,xxclutr oRs• 11 OTIf E 1,, 1c vr , le..tannnot
1 ttootalho J0.,0011
hli.111; 1 11.4 . 11 Kru'ittv.l 141! the e11tY,C11)4 . 1: , , •
tit tlifi to In
`o Ititr of Lilo lit'erytt . ll l. :lrif,74..tile , ili it to mat... -
.11:0‘01thlyiottt,Itipt. hit - p',i^....1101 LEL , . y
110.0140.Lit(4401i1 (lit , holl;l..,Latt. ur.r r,0.411,1t1 to Itto6
klhpoll ti !about 41olay to
• , pArrEnsozi; •
Iv M. L.
1 11.• Ext:outori.
NO'l-`lO - 13.1-I..ettert .ne
.i. 1 , .ILlntinintratt..ll tiptat I.lio est:4l.o,i t.r. , ..ttratt thel. • '
fateof the,u4ll "f•NOW 11JI
natty 1114 f h. , lt gElllll.4hl to yio hothitthilo.o:44ohtollltlrtil
- 1.1. to (Ltd •tegt.L.; ilvil . tl,lll.
itniko 12p Itti•LlL; atitl
,helix, hold
r regyeete.i,:
t 4; initko know') WO1101,1:. th.Liipit/ LILO W.
4.1. - mlgrn4.l,. ~14.1. i ng at Mt: .NuClLit 4 lluberritil
• IICULL, 1'1111..141'g.
' nfs --I S - (lt.Atintiulntrittor,
. .
Stu( fhr of-Ftninbyhtma.+.;
IN - 11A.N - littl:ni:V.
l*ql,r and J.,r,tniali S.. rts:itingor; hut.- • '
vhitietli,>, and nit I Ito Nit* ti
Vali/ !.ho i:yrtts .1. liellertv ,
klidlurt‘tnll4.ll 11. 1 .1 041".111g.-0. .• Venal) . inth...o
• I lielrlro.t ,•xathindi and if , %NM tyltig.tipoy
pial, F Ht LAM for 't tp , ,t tint not !et. , nuid.Lno ,
1tn...1 Iht,ti b . ‘ pizblieut lon, the' in!
-1 1 / 1 01'11:4 1.11.1 , ,U1 eel ti ; t he btli dity. ut
f, - 79, u. in
to all tlio (Telitorm of (I
ekld tErtn; inat Wilt 130 grUlliett t.e the Ota.1•1 E
• tw tt
tllloers, on Mo.- said 11.1 1 11 thiy ot January A. I,
1 , 7 4 )0)111.v,, ,tiny it to tho L . • 000 . •
if lie. 091'11, •
' ' es .0 r• • ' .
• Doi% Vii' . • .
- for - * ate. tutb - r.i.?:(l 'Vet.
` t OR ItENT.-- 1 , 11-cAllik.ll , 4t(Of
. . t• - • vur new-st 4e au ultvr . for
preriOtt 9cvir uscitu• the ttllcjWl,./i.,J,....,1
Aelvit.; 1.111141 .11kt • • • •
• ' • t11:1-. S. w1.:111):N a Ltl.tJ ,
~ , . ..
... ' ~ • 31,i 0.10 1 .,• ;,!.:1 , ,kv. - i, Hair tti.”,o 1 . f.,
.),. t.i.. , , - 21 4 -'),) )--.41 : )1 . • 1. - ...).),))..., . 1 , 1
„ . . .
, . .... ..
I ZOttt.LEASE-X nipAbb.! 1,11:10 ~:i 112, M.X%
I. .A101'.11,. 1'11 , 1A141...)-4 . 1/1).1 :•,.1•;....1.P . A1ii:.i1', X 1.,'.
111111,111tliti it 1,11.1. Iliii, to It,' Nt....1.11w: 3
~. .10.11.....,11
..i1.11.1..0•31„ Ni.•,...,14.: c....111..r3 .. A 1,03 c., • .2. - '
. ‘
. • . I'It..).N•L c. 1 1.11.1 - 1.1:L
. „
.. i n... ) 1 1 , ...1.11.. .?;!.Lit; 1411% /,) T).../ru... - .•; 1.' , ..11,),•1.1 , .
/1..1; 14,.'0 , -, 14t I , . :' ~ •
• • . ,
TT`, B,A.LE ,011: TO LET.-'11),4 ‘l.l..akia •31: i '
/ ,• , #/cialta/ w :••4!/inK11:111 - Hayti], forna•Tly ca 1,,... •
•,,a 1.,?.. Stitt. 11.. :•;,.*, 1i...rt... l'iJe Alla this Ihrecp,,r, ~ i '
1. ' 00 ' 4, 611 ‘'.1 , Vr ~1 ) uppori, an.l a ia.lti.r>e pay..ta.., ,• .
g.•.iii•:'-il i I ill ...10i ~ vr. 1.',..i5!t,...aai gIN. a g.t.i I ii...• 1 .
ti,i,V qr.vprit, is.f. , l .. : 6 - ,)1„ ~4 .t,:.,rj . V., J 1,. ., . ~
0 111, .`, Nt), 1.2 C ., ..411‘,; V.,4.7.6%t1110 , Pr!
. .
• ~F 1 , 1• - a a•Ty Ila, %V-. -
1 ill IVA T I• 1 . B'A IA E 1 0 to VA 1-.1.1 . A n L 1.1T1 , 1511. 1111 tt .
.1.: 1, V:. 0,- Ti, ui,.1..1 , ,,,p,,i %,ay,,,•11 at prn Ht's.,
na. toll.tudng - 0 , ... , 1 ill. d „tra..l "1 - pft 4 s,, , "I ni1 , . 1 ..,,, ,,
- BritAenTown.oll. s‘laryli: iit it.. - .0 1 1 , t,ni . ...)181.i,iw,)::
.lictliten. Wc•a. il as tr.'s Ittix I NI'N'l,lo., time Jan—,
we . ,.t of hdtsvillor, Tiw 181.,,1 0.-f 0 ~,,,
ei,„3„„..t,,„ 11 „,, ,
I,. ‘k , '.IIP:1 ant Tr , nadst . i - tailoq.,.l, • kylit.•ll. road nu..
, Atlndlati 'Alit , ' head at t h e
. O.IIIVII ~ ,o , e l .lthilitliag - 0k..,
lillitilrt4l."arici it,„r,... :. 4. n: , .. -This O. "tie .pf Ate in, I, .
- vattultde tract, idli,,,i, :i
r I ~1 i i," ,- ilny hilt (.I..ntriv..,
fir al) 1:111d., ill bray) . tin,her.a In l I ;4111:".1/11,1 htlildillg
St(1110. I "oli \ etilelli hi ,-11.1 11,TAGor pi "Oil illi"Vitt toll.,
Tit , ' Ihrid ‘i'l II I".: •;-" , ht %, Mt the. I iirtb!.l . -pr•twibur
it•dr4 r . l'oretia.,-r:t.., roll wl,lladlt 4 1 , /LIY• a- 4 the Inld•-
, t'y WM 1 , 0 tho , tiod , Vtd4to . ni 11-I,' Vt . tlit I.Srna.i.b
-• wick Townsbir,, too
Jir wig . I !iin - ' • • Ill . :Mil' II kISEIt, - •
- : :.: •- ' "r 111:N11V Z 1 NOIE:II,MAN,
. 1-
Itc,.. IS, 'W..I-4,1-tr, ..„. • .7 , .... ',.:7', , :it., 1 ' , ..d0,y111 ,. .
•-•;•!----.--:-.----- ---'--
t' on nr.llT,- ter tu utpr , ..‘ ...I t enant. -, With 11,
di ~f,,i of lilt; N"...:i . .• as 11111 10I101" 1,, 1,110 . R3 1,110, Od-1.
a:Crawled. fe , '. Crvain, ciiicf . mon,ry, null Una.
iilti,,:n/ In mehnyik . lll i , "atny,• t"r a tern, in 115... ~,..
f •oVi. ll Yt,far ,- ; - 41'1( It sija "1 stork and tow. of larnittu ,
ataltlitun.a.. Being:ail t 4 da1,14„ , :ia..1 at ' and of.l.Wet.t. ,
yt',i N; Mat hat ing all] vb.! rutin,' itnitioAltivtditotno t , r
at os.ridah-1 ran ,,, l .\.11.-I',l. Pos . ,easton Apt IS }i ~
p. - , - ,,,,„
~, , 19 .m - t}l. , nrenuseseto . " . - ~ .•,
JOHN' ' M. CIO..briLANP,
4 No, ):3'...42,... - 11:6-, st ~ l'ot 3e, t l ' i ',, .
I -3i
;ARM. AT PRIVArk 4 Ei'SAL.E. : — , :t. Parra
J atin lug i..l.;ia.tret, ttixt o
Err Paptsr Township, Cartion Counejr, -Pa:. wlu •
of •Two l+wt;iling;
Hank Ltarp: Wagon She tipring- 11,0111. e 4iol•
Roir;to:4l.l4o, a spring 0i never • , fallit4 , , ,v4tter;
teiilknt 10 1 / 1 0 11011 , w; algowy .13 of
Railroad air
gootlnark-.1, Wlllllll 1%0 Um three , 011:••
for I , littictllars iuquir4 or - diECilti/1..i i:,.;
iiretalsex, or 10 E. F. Bol)ElVl'ott.m
a 'U9—'ll-tf • . .
•• A. 0001) COAT.
. TRI: Coat. COMP.V.CY
Offer to tense a portion of their I Dale Eq
yet irntouched, in the ,V•iLland (Ste Nt:d.
Region, containing the MA3t.Nit eflf with thew
lying and overlying veins, in very tine condft
Appliration to , trade o.
President; No. Ile litrouth% 9y, York, or to • ,
• . I.IARRIS,, .
ti,Ar A gout ut Potuoviliei
•- -
- VtIE.TIAIRAeI:,•-•=111.; tin,lihrhigne4l liming lu.i
years' flx peel en 01' an rvvy I 'OF,- kla.tunituation.
'ploriiin)ti and lilatioginadit Lando ; •
iriTl and adjoining vox; Tit reaped fixity tql;
"rwryi , :ooto oortn•ra of t4td.f4, Collieries, and lira;
• Cal e.or every deacri pt I ou; Ito prepared to tdr,-io
• l'itre•haso:aud, Sale of Root Eaton),
1:x111101o...two and. I levelopment of Coat Lalr,l4.
ExfL i otfotion atild 'Report on Condit 1641 uf
! , %•0114:.(11trilbf Rent, reorntmt of TEsse...i.
s4tltvo3sof Mlnes..l.a.kith,, dte. •
FRANI: Pk nil' 11
'!if. Troll tnlHit,
drur , 4'entrnl National flank, A.
81,1,11, A. Co% JoAnift i)r, I: , 1
Philmi. , lobl4; Adolph E.,gorie,l , :sq., PL • !a. 1. •1 1,1 , ..
september le, '69 • '
• . , •
F .OR..BALE.— • •
, .
. .
. I .eavetity4eureeentlnt;',, lal Ity.luyr::,o,enienw
1 1111 y -._ " 2 thirty " • ..
I twentf..• t
.' '' r • : - 1 twelve ''
I.elg h t portable . "' I four .''
$ Hellen,. ,
30 In. x 'Z'll.; ' • .1,4 " I • •'' '
.4'• • " -301 n. x. 20 ft,
_JO strum itil, and r)t - i
•.1 " 30 in..; 31ft.
_- ,• pump., .
•-••• 2' - -4 -SO in. alO ft. .- 2) tulecur on3l/2, T 1: )nu t
I' " •24 in. xl2 rt. - - nizen. . , _
• A . " 24 in. x 0 It. 1 10 feet bohtlee ,fralr•
".. 1'- . " 12.huree, tnbulxr. . ' ,leith bolts Ana L'a' •
illy' ilelGl.n.onlurnst tripe. tint cxinmlete.
4 44 A r 1,2 . ~ . . 1 3 feet otallhotr" sl ,l
' .1 i.& of 4 In`. i'dpi . i.a. 1 40 Inch be 110:.... in
."*. ..•
'1 .1 ti lie po . leytters . visomnt/2,bc." ,44 r '.
,2 14 " ' ling toole.„. -
1 12 '" " -1 heeding butyl. -
I lAinpfe/ fa u, 31 1: 111 '""" .
11.;ys, sbuftlng, SC., ai Ps'-
!Street. '
•:- ~ JAIIEZ Sl'AltKA „
Irirge lot of wit
MAMA nerylreput on Oust
. . . , .
• IME: MAN6I,7ER COAT, COMPANY oilers tor
- Lease ita•.MtlainWperiv of li.V.a a c res Await' 10 , .
,Wil"-trolli the f Illeliniond, Va. 1 W iii be Lea ed:
Illatil:Noventbe . s OCI, with priellegelof purfleA' a
•atexptr.atlott tor 51'.4 . 1,01.0,
" This propert y ; offers, great Inducenien parties
destrous.ot Mining Coal, as In conseau to of the
-wd r k B Wing entry completed, lytloTf uy 9'o
, will lx , required:
Tone Coal is se iti I- Bitumlttons,and adnilrably salted. '
ferMaii, Steamship, Radroatl. or Iran Foundry par
: pd*&, lt rat: new be brought' to New sycori,;, fur at -A'
to ton, snit on the completion of a small portion or ~
he ow° awl chesaptake Road, It can be brought ,
.hereat it clad of *3 75 per tau. That it is tilita...lially .
I 42f,'S frothsulphur,l4 established by the, i
, (net tht it
h has been and 'IA M . ,\ beingused by the TrodeSittrro 4
Company Of .Richintmd. , - . .
The Company' owiel about 4 miles of Railroad, tear-.
[ Ina but aIW Mlles over which tow htli,t be pai,L— ,
Compare this with: the Cutuberlstai Coal C.MupanY;
- The works;, is stated above, sre‘alreompiete. tot 8 ~
capacity of fallY GOO tons ,per day', 40 that any ot/v _
hewing the property will itud everything introrkia4
order for an Immediate and conatunt Supply uteoni.
' The vets is now over le feet In thickness.
1 '
.The foncemixf is S very moderate calculation or
what Way be' one! at. ones. - tilii . tons.per day far :le?
trokking days would,be ati 3 Otd tons. at a prod& ofi l §;:
'Per tem ishith-ean i." bad in
_Ttlettinond, lids a ni v u i c ig
1 , tler altioulliunrieildUritttrargbl/crnotelM io Z.ievi .
.Ytitk ivmueh lahter, profit obtained. . . ..
. .For farther uttoiyuitiun a.:•to* • - -.- "•
. . / • • /..... 1