Delaware Coal co. T C IYdhania & co." G If Potts • S B Reeve & co. J • Bull 5. co. N A Coal co. Hodgson & West D & P Rail Road co. Charles Lawton Duct Steinberger Neligh & Murphy Ellet Meitner & But • Blight; Wallace & ABohon 8 Brooke CV Shoemaker L C Dougherty C M 11111 1 A Lawton Fitch Rickert Rickard & J Beatty Win Newell Potts & Batman C Potts iIl jr. 'Sillytnan Ti Baird - Palmer t Garrigu a Captains 275 boob, 2282 Boats, ry%nC c last report, Mil =ME 246 do Li 2803 YLKILL COAL TRADE. LiTTLE sea Jima 23 Coned, Samuel B ii ' Nanti ' lit 24 Musk* g Joseph Charle 28...• • duaky ''.,-; clic -.: . ‘, ,ago ''‘'t to ' -..— i :- 'hen 'William 21' Mobile M M Ei 28 Tamaqu a Shamoki _ Catawia . 39 Kiska* Victory i:` Octarati Tonnes Sidney 30 Indian Quake Louis Nesco • Nesqu Ohio *7 hNigel r orate oil OE clAno ck oning 'ew dot leans 30 b 216 246 LL VALLEY RAIL ROAD SCEIUYLK is the amount pr cool transported for the week ending June 2,00 tons. 15,145 The followin on this roa' 25. • , Per 1. 211211 BRANCH RAIL ROAD: of tons transported on this road for cding on Thursday evening 4,023 tons 24,880 The menthe the week tut per at report Creek Rail Road. ng is the amount - ME:lva transported d for the week ending on Wednesday I est 1,769 tons Let report 13,827 • The follow on this evening Per f. 5,596" GEORGE HADESTY, Collector ARE HUDSON (VAL TRAD DELA Rondont, Jinni 18. ; riot ttii *ea ending this date, 2,o r is with Cosy, ' lass nooks report . , 11385 4- ArriveJd• 119 • 'foinf 4 . 615 D• W. HARDENBEMG , Collector. • high Coal Trade. S ed from Mauch Chunk, for the weal ii . 2.3d inst. .ats carrying • • per lest report Freights--July to Philadelphia, Raven to -Philadelphia. lit e Steam Engin e ARLY explained and illustrated, with an - sketch 'of itsinvention and progressive sot; its applktation to Navigation and Stuff loom by the Rev. Da. Lantusga. with ad • notes by Ames Renwick, L. L D. just ro for mashy B. BADMAN. 33- 5 1 U 4dved July Neir Booki.E RES& BRECRIBRIDGE'S Discuasion, is Roman Catholic or Presbyterian Religion in '. civil or relous liberty, DUNG WIFE'S Book. A manual of Mona. p and Mimetic duties. MFWICAN LADY,by Charles Butler, Esq. AIRRICAid GEN TLEMAN, by do OODS & FIELDS, just - received and for BANAIA.N. Ll= tion. Pebne arei Wawa Caotiorted sot to lake for 135, of 4115 b 7 the toValentitte RiOrf,arbe bide:manned riot some, El STRAY CO . Aißgrni the stable of the subsetibsi% iig near ILI the Schuylkill Bridge, about thee wee k'.. ago. DA RIC COLORED COW. With • speckled Cac C about Bor 9 years old. The owner is requested b 'come forward. prose property, pay charges and to her w. way, otherwise she will be sold according to' W. ANNA MARIA LES ,133.43, 47 boats 2352 30 1500 21 1008 18 895 15 690 13 670 12' 585 12 . 564 12 564 3 • . . 462 9 450 7 340 7 322 7 322 298 6 300 6 294 5 270 VD HANNAN has just received a fresh 4rapply of 11-Ela Paper hangings, suitable for rooms• and en-' tries. Alan, double printed. paper suitable for window curtains.whicb be will sell cheap for cash.. l July 2 BAK EW ELLi an Engilish Mi v ner, who was working:4 Or 5 w eke back for a person by the name of Sohni, on , the West Norwegian, is informed that his Father ` Mother and family whom ho sent for, have arrived pt New York—his father has come to F'tittstrilinleaving his family there, expecting to' find hit ' Om, belt can hear nothing of him; any pardon! knowing said William Bakewell, is cleaved to lON*, know that his relatives aro in grcaC trouble conse quence of not finding him , July 2 E 11,250 108,156 121,406 11,840 133,946 48 56 . 46 48 56 48 413 48 43 B 6 48 ' ' 52 56 - 38 48 48 48 48 48 48 56 30 48 46 56 48 48 48 38 1,440 10,400 1100 17,193 H. IT. POTTS, Collector 2P,903 R. C. HILL. Collector 2.490.5 tons 31,369 34,174 $1 50 1 40 WM. BRITON 33-3* CO3 raper Hangings. Five Dollars Dewaira. LOST. ; BETWEEN Mount Carbon and -rhuytkill Haven, a pocket wallet, containua Ono Five dollar bill of the Miners' Bank; J.Wil teM Son's chock on M mere Bank, for IS-2-24, (Pairnent of which is stopped) and sundry other pktibrs of no We to any one but the subscriber, vel4will pay the above reward to whoever will rettOrrtthe wal let, 4c. to him at the York Store. I s • J. T. AralORP. I $3-3 July INSOLVENT DEBTOR.--TH inbscriber ' a ' hes applied to the Judges of the Cotirt of com mon Pleae of - Schuylkill county, for the:benefit of the severel Acta of Assembly passed rot the relief of Insnlyent Debtors, & that the saidiJ4dges have appointed Monday the 15th day of aY next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the rt House, in Orcigsburg, for the hettr#ng Or and my creditors, when and where they Ttl 3:# attend if they think proper. , . GEORq g R AHN. 33-4 July 2 PROCLANIATION:— Whereas Oat Honorable Ckcvvit Biarritz, Eiquire, Presidentpfthe sever al Courtiol.Common Pleas of the ctii4les of Dau phin. Lebanon, and Schuylkill, in Pennfylvania, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer: laid Terminer and G antral Jail Delivery, in the said fiounties, and George Ransil and Daniel Yost, Etiqinies, judges of the court of Oyer and Terminer and Geiferal Jail De livery, for the tried of all capital and Other offenders, )1 7 in theta id comity ofSehuylkill— by t e4firecepts by me directed. tested at Orgy igaWeg, the day of Mar. 1536. have ordered the Court of Dye and Tenni her and General Jail Delivery, to be to il - en at Orw igs burg. on the last Monday of July petit. (being the '29th of said month,) to continue one sfctik. Notice if therefore hereby given, tti dr coroner, the justices ofthe peace, and constables Of tope said county of Schuylkill, that they are by the faidlyirecepts com manded to be then and there at ten oclock in the fore noon of said day, with their rolls, records. inquisitions, examinations, and all otherremenbrNnvs, to do those • things. which to their offices appertAn•to be done. and all those that are bound by recognzances, to pros ecute against the prisoners that are.cit, then shall be in the jail of said county of Schuyll4l4are to be then and there to prosecute them as shall Ife just. HENRY B.A.VSIt, Sheriff. Sheriffs Omen, Orwige- , . 0:7 , 071 4 . burg, July 2 , 11336.rif W''' grz 4 -- t'. l-4 God save the C ,3 . F , • N. II The witnetwee and' urors iftdrirresumm I', - -;,4 to attend said Court. are &quested togserve panel a !.., ty. In case of non- attend in such cases made and provided : veil) be enforced, this notice is published by particular order of Unit Omni, those con cerned will therefore govern thenielves accordingly. ICIDItOCLAIIIA'ffOIiii-t-Notie -. is hereby given JP- that a Court of Common Pliina. for the tria).ef 11.2113.11. at issue, Iri •nd fkrr the eautty or etchayraUl, will be held at Orwigsburg in the itott nty aforesaid, on Monday the 18th thiy of July ne4q at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. . 1 e Therefore all persons having stiil pending.and all persons whose duty it shall be to a ' ear at said Court, willtake notice and govern thems accordingly. IIENRY AUSH, Sheriff Sheriffs Office, Ortatiga. burg, July 2. 1836. 5 ' % 33-3 Qtr Punctual attendance is demaridcul of the Jurors and Witnesses summoned to attend4this Court. • Li 1' OF LF:TTERS remaining it the Post Office at Pottsville, July 1,1636. A Peter Fl Alb & William Adcock • it William A riles Andre! Lehtrofrf B !Chrisian Luckenbill Daniel Black .jameri bailey John [labor Luke i Lanesgban Joseph Brown t M James }lord . Even Morzgns John Baird John -Mnfret C Jameli Murray Francis Chambers Jolid lfilinnig Joaewh Christ • . MicEdiel Mullin I) William Mean' Andrew Ditz fame:4lWlF addint Jonathan Debt,' lo John, Darla Mr . It il!, o fil m 'A ui r l e ir r * i lia . John Drain . ' Paint M'Donnel Isaac Daum ' ' '0 Rosanna Dougherty samitoi DU S. Davese 'l l'f' William Daniel . Aniiii , fi Prentis E Geoo , e Patterson Abrshaln Evert • Jam Packinghain George Edward' ! • R John Etman Ceog e Bitch...lllle John Ebert Go gh e Randolph r . Jacob Rider .Aarroti Fulmar Sar4nel Reed Benjamin File,. Thirhu Robins Frederick Ftstnaebt i ; S . John Ferry A le'aander Sirn ' John Frey Antos Smith John For G 0 !Baur* Mr. Feoulds - '-`' It*c St/b l r 6l. • - G ' fardo Sakti Benjamin Griffiths Jaciob Schauer Daniel B. Gnat Jarhes Shannon Elizabeth Goods Jailob Shmink Entine Gallaher John M *ringlet Mrs. Genie Peter Seilber II Piiftic r Stapleton Jacob Herbert William Biters ' John!Hastieten I T r John B Hewes David Thomar ! Robert Hutchiann John Tiggart . William Huns JaMea Fria William Hodgson , Jaques Tesdale .. E.• Virolhain Turner ' • Bernert Kelly -. 1 ' W Geo King . . Chirles Wirman , Isaac Kritzo Hebert Watur f Nicholas Rohl i i SHIP LETTERS . . i. ; Francis Beal)) , rater - Lamb William Bell Sho Spencely William ermitlier Mary Sham - man. • Thomas Dean. PerllOna calling for tette" on the above list, twill pleiraeH say they are Mlvert#ed. j ' • • • • SILKIIATS. VIVIIITE and Ititelri - ilk Hats otitis !lest v • fashion, just reeedred and fbr sale a the store of • . 14A . VEN & TEAtil June IS 31r 7 • Penny 1 ai l d i or I er with VO ciftti orate valuable war cei* . endaud for ale b June 15- Ti iIY stria A- 0 Leta ri ruts, issued Schuylkilil nod Berke counties,and to toe climax)* wail b 0 faxooPed to Public. Sale On h t turday the 9th day of July next, at t Luse di - Christian Ley, innkeeper. in . the borough Of Pmegrove. in the county - of Schuylkill, at o'clocki Pt M.--The undivided OM part of a certain itra y t of land. situate in Pinegrove town "- - ishc, county aforesaid; bounded by lands .I ••• mete of lenry ZlMMettnan. Michael Huber, -: decd. and others; containing 234 acres more or less, with the appurtenances, consisting • f 6 dwelling houses aid Switzer barn— Late dief estate of Benjamin Banestatz. dit i4e sametime and place, the undivideil doe thirsi a of a certain tract of land. Innate to Low r 'Mahantango township, county afsrosaid ; bounded ends surveyed to John Huber. William Hoch and Benjamin 13onewitz; containing in the whole 302 acres tied 140 peaches; with the appurtenances.— Also, a ceitain tract of land, situate in Lima Mahan tango tdwilship, county aforestiiik, bounded by lands surveyed to William Graeff. Francis Spam:ter, Philip Tammetusan and °theta; containing 66 acres and 103 perches, viith the appertenances—Late the estate of Benjanfin'tlionewits. .11: the same time and place, the undivided one third of a certain tract Of !Audi situate in Pindgrbve township, county aforesaid; bounded by lands of Joseph Lengel,lYillram.Tobias and others; contains 4 101 eves 54 perches and allowance. No. Also undsvide 1 one third of a certain tract Orland; situate in Lower Mahantango township. county aforesaid4 r bounded by lands of Benj. Baschore, Jacoh;Christ. jr. Francis Spaetzer and others; contain ing ..1g acres 147 perches and allowance. Pio. 3. Also the undivided one third of a certain tract of land; situate in Lower Mahantango township. coun ty atitaresaid; bounded by lands of Adam Raudenbush, John Adam Zerbe and Henry Umbehewer, containing 141 acres 66 perthes and allowance. No. 4- also the uzullioded one third of a certain tract of land; situate in Lows6r Mahantango township, coun ty aforesaid; bounded by ladds of Leonard Batdorlf. John Miller, Henry IV.Conrad and others, containing 300 acres 142 perches and allowance. N. 5. Also the undivided onethird of a certain tract of landl situate in the township and county aforesaid; bounded ly lands surveyed to Benjamin Bonewitz. lands surveyed to Samuel Hain, and Schujlkill and Dauphin county lines; containing 135 acres 112 per- the ,and allowance. N 0.6. Also the undivided one third ofa certain tract of land; situate in the township and county aforesaid; bounded by lands of Paul Barr. Samuel Kimmel, lands surveyed to John Huber and others; containing .251 • acres and 145 perches and allowance. No.?. Also the undivided one third of a certain tract of lead situate in the township and county aforesaid; bounded bypands bf John Huber and Paul strand; con taining 241 acres 10 perches and allowance. No. 8. Alto the undivided one third of a certain tract oflatift sithate„,ht the township and county aforesaid; bounded by, lands of Joseph Kieffer, Jacob Christseq. John Admit Zerbe and others; containing 150 acres and allowabee. N 0.9. Also the undivided one third of a certain tract ofland; Situate in the township and county aforesaid; bounded by lands of Henry Shugar, Philip Rohrer, Peter Stuttman, Philip Reed and others; containing I 400 acres and allowance. No. 10. ;Also the undivided one third of a certain lot • .! of ground, situate in the borough of Pine grove, Schuylkill county, bounded on the ; • ; west by Tulpehocken street. on the north I , by Mrs of Kean lj Drenkle, on the south - - -by Union street, on the east by Centre al. ley; containing in front 100 feet. and in depth 180 feet, more or fess, with the appurtenances, consist? of a two story frame dwelling house, a two Ito game storA house and stable—Late the estate of Wham o Alonday the I ith day of July It at the house of J amen Tagg art , innkeeper , . in the k. niniugh of Taman Sc y boroughelot NAL—A certain lot of ground , sit uate • of Tamaqua. county aforesaid. bounded m _- front on AlauchChunk and Lehigh streets, I ; ; in the rear by a ton feet alley, and on one is side by lot belonging to Little Schuylkill - -Rail Road and Coal Company; contending la front ad feet and In depth lOU feet, and marked m • the general plan of the borough with the No. 7. square 13. with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story flume dwelling house. a kitchen and a frame stable— Late the estate of William George. ' On' Friday the 15th day.of July eeat, at the house of William Mortimer, innkeep r, in the borough of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, at 'pc-o'clock, P. M. The undivided • • half of a certain lot of ground, situate en, the town of New Castle, Norwegi , s• • a , . an township, county aforesaid, boon. I I ded by Centre street, Broad street, lot ;No. 8, and Walnut street, and marked in the plan of said town, No. 7, with the appurtenances, con. elating of a two, story dwolling house, and a frame stable. Also, a certain piece or parcel of ground, situate in the town of New Castle, in the township and county aforesaid, bounded by lands of Potf& Bannan, Eldridge and others, contain. ing one acre, more or less, with the appurtenan. cos, consisting. of a small log house—Late the ca. talc offebn N. Kantner. 01t the same time and place, a • • certain undivided moiety, or half of a • ccrtaM lot or piece of ground, situate L I N: V.-, in the town of Port Caibon, in the is I - • county aforesaid, bounded as follows : beginning at a stake in a line of land belonging to J. W. Seitzinger and others; and a corner to a 30 feet street, thenCe along the eastwardly side of said street, south 21 degrees, oast 45 feet two inches to a stake, corner to lot No. 6, thence by the said lot, north 63 degrees, east 82 feet, 9 in ches to 11 slake in a line of a lot to Samuel Chris tian, thence by the same, . north 27 degrees, west' 45' fed 2 inches to it slake-,in the line of J. W. Seitzinger and others, thence by the same south 63 degrees, west 80 feet 9 inches to the place of beginning, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story frame house and kitchen—Late the estate of William Leighton. At the same time and place, a certain tract of land, situate in Barry township, county aforesaid, bounded by lands of Richard Stephens, Benjamin Miller, late Evan Hughes, vacant lands and others, containing 435 acres and 128 perches, neat measure, with the appulte! nances--Sato the estate of Weliam Bright. At the same time and ;place, E. grC#ESTER, P AI • gaZine. rennyMatipane r T , Periareyelopvidm ever •pliblisber4pi • B. BA Niqi A , PHE milrEtasyr.lottructL. RIFF'S SALES. of several writs of Vend. Expomis, 'anion, and nattiest Vend. Expo. ul'of the court of Cowman Pfeas of all that certain lot or piece of ground, t • situnCo on the north westwardly side 1 1; ; . , of Market street, in Ile borough of - Pottsville, marked in Pott & Patter. son's' additional plan of said borough. No. 13, containing in front on said Market street, 20 feet, and in depth 190 feet; bounded - nnith.easterly by . lot No. 11, northwesterly by a4O feet wide street, southwesterly by lot N 0.15, and southeaster it by said Market street, being the same premises, which Bard Patterson and wife, and Abraham Putt and, wife, granted to the said William *Wel- Cott, inferred by deed, datbd the 1 1 5111 day of Feb. teary, A. 1). 1830, together with the heredita ment, and appolionanees, consisting of a two sto. ry brick dwelling house, with a basement Rory -Late the estate of William Wolcott. The undivided moiety or half ; • l• part of all that lot or .pieed aground, - 7.... • aide in the borough of Pottsville, in the 11: * : county bounded northward is s by a public alley. and 'westward by lot • - No. 3t;southinard by the Centre turnpike• ;rued, and eastward by a public alley, containing in Ifront 60 &et. and in depth 230 feetorod.marked In the eneral plan of the borough of Pottsville, with Nb. with•the appurertances, cousistingcf two two eta ry dwelling booms, aid a ette fisineetable. Also.theendnidethnotety or hall of all that certain lot *piece of itroubd.situate in the borough of .Notutlffe. moray afonowid„ tenteaed • northward by apublic alley, youthwanl bJ - the centre tornpikeroad, eastwath by rot lir I 33,, and wiestwird by lot No: 34040*- _ at tuning in front 60 fbet.lbli in d'epth 939 feet. and marked in the general plan of the borough ofPutunille. with No. 34, with the-appur tenances. demisting of ' a one two very budding and one two moll building with two separate dwellings. they being the same lou which Philip Paint and wife, by deed dated December 0.1823. recorded at Orwigs burg in devld hook Ne. 4, page 439, conveyed to George Russell add John Cony, in fee—Late the estate of John Cony. Jit the same time -and place, a. certain lot or ground, situate _lie town of klinerssille, county a forWid. bound :is: ed Mr Sunbury street in front. of the west IP I. • by Third street. on the south by South street. and on the east by lot No. 30; con. tabling in' front on said Sunbury street. 50 feet. and in depth 200 feet, marked in the original Plan of said to*n. Nb. 32, with the appuwenances, consisting of trrosmall dwelling houses— Lat the estate Of Andress ,S7uld7muse. • • On ,Saturday: the ifith, duty of July ft:A, at the house of John Kepner, Innkeep. cr. in the borough of Orwigsburg, county of Schuylkill, at one o'clock, P. M. A certain lot of ground, situate in the borough of Orwigeburg, county aforesaid, bounded in front on Market street, and Wayne street, in as • the rear by a 20 feet alley, anilmark -511 I ed in the general plan afield borough No. 14, containing in front on Market street, 66 feet, and it depth 180 feet, with the, apportenan. cee, consisting of a large-two story dwelling hence and kitchen, (occupied as a tavern.) and a frame stable—Late the estate of John Kerte. At the same time and place, all that 'certain mcssuage, tenement, and lot. of ground, situate in the town of Friedenabeeg, in Cie county aforesaid, numbered in the general plan cif said town, No. B. bounded on the south by Market street, on the west by lot No. 7, on the north by Peach alleyr and on the cast by lot No. 2, containing 37 57-100 perches, and being the same lot of greeted which George2..mbe and Mag- dalen his wife, by deed dated the 18th • day of September, A. D. 1830, granted and conveyed to the said Isaac Christ, with the appUrtenances, consisting of a two story dwelling house and sta. blo—Leta the estate of harm Christ. Jit the same time and place, a , certain lot of ground, simile in the s •ia borough otOrwigsburg. county atom ass said, bounded on the mirth by Mifflin ' 9 "f street,ren the east by an alley, on the one side by a lot awned by Henry Egge, and in front on Liberty street, containing in front and in depth being the third part of lots No. 65 and 68, marked in the general plan of said borotigh,- With the appurtenances, consis ting of a one and a half skirl_ frame dwelling house and kitchen, slaughter house and stable.— Also, at the same time and place, a certain tract of land, situate pertly in.the borough bf Orwigs. burg, and partly in the township of Brunswick, county aforesaid, bounded by lands , of . John Schall,Jahn Deanne, John F. Sheaffer and Da vid Wiftrout, containing about five acres, more or lets, with the appurtenances, consisting ofa young apple orchard—Late the estate of George Reed. .4t the same time and place, all that certain lot of ground. situate in the . borough oflaritigsborg.cOrinty afdrediid, FBI - marked in the general plan of said town. wtth No. 33, bounded on the soutlt'by - -= Market street, on the east by Liberty street. on the north by a 20 feet allef, and on the west by lot No. 34,contaihing in front on Market street four perches. and in length on Liberty Street, eleven perches, and is a paraltellegram. it being the earn promises which the said Daniel Klapp and F.tizabeth his wife, by indenture bearing even date with the said mortgage. grinted and conveyed to the said Witham Taylor. with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story frame:tavern house. a frame kitchen and a frame., stable and sheds—Late the ...tate of 411.1licso Thykor. At the same time and place, all •. that certain messunge, p lace, and %r r'4 . tract of land. mutate in the township of I II IF jj Pinegrove, county aforesaid, bounded by lands now or late of Benjarnin Baronet*. -- Abraham Kieffer. Tobias Bickel, Abr*. ham Lineler, John Barr and Jonathan Geidel.cona mg one hundred and eight serve and eighty-four ches and allowance, it being the . samt , pr which George Weis, by his indenture bearing date 'theil 20th July. A. D. 1818, conveyed-W.441e said Jacob Weis. itith the appurtenances. consisting ofa log dwelling house and a log barn—late the estate. rth Weis. a All seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold. by HENRY BAUM, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Orwigs burg, June 18,1836. ( Y. Nothans & Co. Ili AVE ji.r.t received, • -"I-2 Pipes Superior Palo Brandy; • 2 do Harris' PortWine,prireGrapeJniee 25 Baskets' Champaign; of the most cele bra led brand, 5 Do Superior French tentdiali, 5 Do Frtah Salad Oil, All iust kaporiect and will be sold at a arnaß advance. Store and Tavern keepers supplied on the most reasonable terunt. June 18 To School Teachers. NO'T'ICE is hereby given, that fr om and after the first of June, no teachers will be snowed pay from the cOurity Commissioners for teaching pcbr ehilkfien, in the following districts of Schuyl kill county.' Borough of CYrwigsbnrg, borinigh of iiottsville, and the townships of Norwegian, Pinegrove and Union; the said districts lowing by their Dele gates assembled on the tld day of May last, se eepted the provisions of the Common School Law. By order of the Minty Commissioners. ELIJAF HAMhTER, OrwirbOrg,Jone 11 314 Clerk. FOR SALE. - THE subscriber offers for Sale in , _ the town of Port Carbon. a HOUSE m; ; and LOT. handsomely situated in one --.. of the Main 'streets, suitable for a dwelling or for business. The Holum loot Stone. two story. 25 !'bet front by d 5 deep, with/a lot of ground 25 feet by "N 1 deep. - Al.. a variant Lot adjoining. d e l feet 'front by 713 feet deep. The above property will be sold low and - the terms made easy. Persons wishing to purchase ere obtain fur. ther . laformation. by applying lo the trubleriber in Port carbon. • - E. S. WARNE. May 28 28-ifdr STRAY HORSE* k STRAYED; away from this. sobsesiber,i en the Jonc,ii BAY HORSE. with a log Mil, low in order. and anis °faint% body had t mark of the collar di his neck. and the right ktme war a lade, stielled.mith a stsall star on thelwehead. Whoever will eidurn the said, home to thoimboori- bar. or give him information When ho can get him again, shall be reasonably rewarded. 1 Nt' ATKINS PRICHARDS. S2-3* • June Zro 11 ' -. 4 , 1 i. rifaattfactoPy titin•c ,fti4idelelfietPutat,edtfilititey and itois md parsidiat their satablishdert ittrottsfille, tocto catir Oycient Sir making and Urpiiiiiiigsicaen B. n . ginesq - iiiiii t airr, Steams peitr..M. Pumps. lax *MN Mill Gearing and Machinery of every deseription. 'They ebro hhra conssittly on hand ariissoitiecnt of M ineri To4h, such as Skdges, %V edges, Picks, Rakes, '• Dtilie, (lowborn, &v. mist Ls quality and at as low prices as can be obtained eisawbere. N.: IL Smith workbi'llt; kind carried on as =kat • HAN VWOfaD '& SNIDER: I • olube 4 „ fa-tf , MULE_ Creditors in JaOrib ricker,latii oflfarry T Township, Schuylkill County, demised, and all others Mterestcd Angie estateursaid dimmed, Gie hereby notified that .Lattets Ag . Administra- Mn bare been granted 'by the Itegister of the comity of &boy !kill, to icholasg. Scitsinger L ot the borough of Pottsville, ' said county. MI; persons indebted to said estate, are request- - 0 to come forward end Make payment immedi ately, and those having*ms are tam requested to mike them known use*. subscriber. NICIIOL4I3 SEITZINGER, 3nne 4 litS4 • ! Adininistratori TICE To , cONTRAC7 OR3. James Itiver_an WL d . Kanawha CaiA ' 'PROPOSALS' Will be received at the Offibe I the James River iin4 Kanawha Coinpany. in , the City of Richmond: frilm the 15th' to the Ord day!of August, for_the anistruction 61-all the Ex; cavation, Embankment- inul Walling not now en der contracts together'with nearly all theColterts and the greater portion of the Locks between Lynchburg and Maidenie Adventure. The work now advertised embraces the twen• ty miles between Colorable and the heed of Mai. dens' Adventure Pond ,the eight milesbetwcen Se. yen Island Falls, and Scottsville, and about (won. ty 'isolated sections, reserved at the former letting, between Scottsville And Lynchburg. • The quantity of masonry offered is very heat: —consisting of shoat two hundred Culverts of fiorn three to thirty feet - spurn 'nine Aqueducts, ' thirty-five Locks,,a nutubat of Waste's with seve ral Wm and road Bridges. general plans In eations of the work, and special plans , of t wat important Calvet' and Aqueducts. Will be; %and at the bthl!ed of the- several Principal Assistant Engineers on Matadi of the Canal. , _ _ The work will be Prepared for examination by . the 45th July; bat methardes, well reeonnnetided: desirous of immediate ' , employment, can Obtain contracts lot emistrtiedem of a combat tif tabula at private let ting. Persons offering to Contract: who are tinktiolatt to the subscriber, at any of the Assistant Ewe neerv, will be etpectexi to accompany theirpropb sell by the usual certificates of character and iaz bi lity -1 CHARLES ELL-ET; Jr. Chief Engineer of the Jansen Rite! and Kanawha Company. Note.—The hums, Guard Locks, most di the 1 Bridges, and a, number of Locks and Culvert , : are reserved for a fdtum lotting.. Persons' visit ing the line for the purpose of tibtitihitig work, would do well !to call at the office of the Company in the city of Richmond, where any information which they dchire will be cheerfully commanicati ed. The valley Oriartres Wier, betweenLynchbitrit and Riehmond. is healthy. G. E. Jr. Jane 4 ft—l 2 • Jetties Sillyrrlerr: . 7 j /- vs. I William Darling, John He hat; George D t William Selmer', I Nancy O'Dricni George Clay, John Clay; Jaedb F. B. Ilubley, John P. Wetheril Samuel P 'Oath. CO=MME Williana Wetheri Rebecca Gtimbes, Robert B. Pavitie l lI SE*StYI t 4 I T, h it ma' claim, the we 4 by good & • awfu I Hughes, (.. orge 3 3 Nancy Cr rim Hubley, F S. 11 ucl P. % ctheu Wetherill ittsbl vidson, le or f be and tip eat 'at our co rt of the Mond y pri next, to oir the stud cfMa hold two ()Mil Norwegi n the ed and c acri White 0 k tilt thence b the • • fl ac , I Countg, as. , Commonwealth of Penn. eylrania. the Sheriff of Schuylkill coon. I , citing. lf James Sillyroan, jr. a you secure of prosecuting his ,inmand you that you summon surrimoners,Wm. Darling,,John D, U. teim; Wilham N'Veiiner, George Clay, John Clay, Jacob uhlev, John P. Wetherill, Sam. ill; William Wetherill, Charles cca Gumbos, and Robert B. Da. our county, yeoman. so that they 'blare our judges at Orwigsburg„ Common Pleas, be held ceding the last Monday of July cause, wlicreiorc, whercas they ants togeffitr and undivided, do uous Tracts of Land, situate in oship, Schuylkill county, bound. -Jed as follows: beginning at a corner of Gettle and Wagner; Imo Noith twenly.three degrees, ERE EMI lied and forty foirr iserebte to a loth 65} degreesovest 405 rich pith twenty degrets;west 3 9 per ,:a &mei of Thcopfulus liughes, lame south GO degrees. West 274 e in the line of Dorothy hoes, me sbuth3o degrees , east2O per- Cherry, south GO degrecii, west ; a white oak Sapling, thence NO Company. ifoutk 30 degrees, cast • is wbitaoak, thence by the same dr lath George Minim! and Phila. Company; Milli GO &vet* east a stake, formerly a "white oak, Santo and land of John Pot l t.' north 220 pe ,rches M the place of be. rtiling BWacres, be the same mote e ipportenandes. The said Jekii hemir bctiveen them to-W.OHW* tc lews and ceetinue Ot:this tle . m. male- wed, twe stone, tb es to a trl ebes to d thence b perches thence bj ches to 108 pen Cho Nei 120 per , and land delphial 53. 4 Per thence I 67 do ginni r or less dants p accordi Enid. 1.1.11%/1: tECIEtI Mona same lo be dune. db niit•perept tpd against-the MUM*welted cos j+U thier garnsa very 11 1212 loam Ake surinhoinis and 416 Nonwable Calais *he.. Esq; ibur said eourt,, at Oniripburg; the 4oril, A. D. 18311.• f LEWIS • rteatiiittilisi&-T, tbo na Pic d fintd i 3 3a 1 — • S-* ANA Ass jintisetiiirdiElhat . : lo 4l.: Rodger tifirrirlSeeell* tre ackolowle.dtc4 1011 „ the kilt& ever othied theolNVlNGettiCi• lipmeltit‘ butiery cheap tufttleitioa6ll *tiger Is Siveridr Pen.knirei, 324- B4 ' ing •r B. :ors, any :ors. ruppl J u • of fa the Coart . of Co& Ton 1 .. ra the t..0,..., , ,.-. Pleas of' Sc/suylkill . county. Summons in Partition. July Term s 1836." Nu:c4. • tll, 1- de and Q iaJided do :4 there !girl =5 Ell - • Nth ,r. • . • -..- . - - • .:,..,,,, .-,..t.-•„.. ...- •.' 4 , - I' - ', CUMl 4. itietired'ioi -.-- Stilhiie, - ,- ., .4.= W . foli..,nrAik. otiant.fttor,;mi , rocicts tk i ntir ; 1 terms.* DUJOUVE.WMAUFApt' .*Agyr. .: 1111, boluiv thlitiOiajaAritriatkek-._ • ~ Firio thlargo-at 4iii tlic • ri ver. eiiiSmoi4Aii pr.4 o oiiiippurig.pittei Omit: 1)910 can infeiii ° . -5[. .1144 Wyse!. can take in cars iikihe tat e linio.".e— Enquire: at-the dwelling 5:l3:l4FApr 10410'411%4r - ' 10ni45 •' . - *- . ' - at—Tilio • Inackeinithe-wtani Fr eis='; -1 111W.agoi4,..rsteady bands wirfuliVi*steiit Ft:Worms& at t be collieriVtlr- 1 _ ?.L , '..,.• • ••'' lIIATUtiOti 6 s YV4g.AL roittoitent.4l • • • Notice ' lll firtElAT the relieving toitaCd •dh • 4 L - the date sane - Ott to their x eitpceWe' 6k the aceett' Maur their ithuittitdratimilillk.:}?,. fatest4 9 1 614 penra`delkased„ whose tint:llo un'derineetioned, an the elate Of : for Sahnyikilliouhty; anti that the tsdhellil Fe' 'presented to the Olphattht Cohn ty, fot confirmation and allowance, ett, ltlintday I tbe pith day. of July - vest, at 40 the forenoon. at the Court lidos ititeliiigSherg. • • irt. Eather- Erdh, Esemitrix and ac k ttiitah Gerber, Exectitor of the .Estates tip Abrallant Eta,' latis of West Penn township,. deceatifticil 230 Febraitp, 1896- fiefilYlM Adatlnibtnitel. 'DOM Efate ' of William Citaitlp, hie of rOrt tilt bt lit Minh. ialk 3(1.- Fiedatiilt Schwalm; tioelittst el John Schwiltp,l tite of 'Latta 1116liatijang,ti township; dctstatted—filed -21st March .- 4tht John Sum:than Seloaton,o3lcitia titbre of the &tato Of John Stoat, lath .6f Leak. Mahadtangetownship,deccatted—ftibiglitirftch -1836. • . sth. the second amount ofiattob Lln emutri. &neuter-6MP lodate of John KPlauPtt ktb Manheint township, deecaieit-114d thtilt. of hlay.lBl6. r 6tM Jetett 39bte, Adtninittfilat of tWEiititqb tit Jonathan debert, late of Pine Qrtn/tt towliihip. decessed-;-Med 26th May, 1836,/ . 7th. Jonathan Kistler, Eaketltbr of the :Estato of Jacob Lelhy, late of %V Tenn Taoluthip,,,de eeased—filed 30th Mit 636. Btb. lane 'NO*, dt•tilnlittrator of the;eitatit Of. Isaac Piodor,late Of 11[anhei tt~ttii6ip~ lip teased-8*(101i Blst lt3e f 9th. DanW.ll, Ketahht,t; A4mtniiiiiittor,of the Estate ofBamncl Rat:late of Eaii,,liinnetsiok Atnettaills deemed-6rd cottionte.ll336.• , N.EPIi MUROAIti . • - June ii 90=5 Weightq. INimiella Clititikk anti Ircittwirelii . • . TRi-WEEriAr 'E; OP: 1 . .1 . """.....? <-••••,:-..,.! • ... •'. . ' • - P A•in • . 'll .le ...IN .a . 1 1 . • .• • to Se Ma il Catlike. anti : • ,trizt earti For the better at tcdhoilat e ion S ,rtifolyl !VIBEE ProtirietOri will rommeri -' riandlig ds ly tin the Ist of Jane. an ,d w eon ativiAti ing the Boomer and Fall sew , -..- leave Nandi Chunk daily at r 7 .'ci . ' ; • k r, proCeeding by rail way tq Saltine WillalitilAli e Coach and proceed via Tampa. tit AlrEmb where-they proceed by.tlie &hay tk, Rail 1 way via Patterson. Itlldfderest . ; el:af„ ‘Ol%, i end then in Coaebei lb Potter ",.;- Departing—Leave roOpille, iiorning at 8o elonk, A. M. Passengen't ; l'ia,f*Entf, tea tolhimmit Billet lialrpast il'ettietta 4, net. *hero riairerwill bet,iintle - nes is geniterek to Visit the great CoalAriarrii Ayer the Li Of the Lehigh Coal and Navigat ion C•pintiiinv, and so potted by Bell Way Cars .; Iflificighanki tame evening. arriving thi s at kelt ' act Comniodale pesiengeri not _ irk, ti`i lii F. ,t; This Foote is a Oen _rieetiriii tok tofileek tfili trait Coat region °rigors/amp n. and, Beltuyik kill mantles, and affords a view. Cei*e ot on irat 1 interesting section' of country 1 Om Union. ' This tine totineets With Wu& iiitittiri.. vizi at Manch Chunk with the Berwie 'to Elmira, wit* the N orthumberland and Willi sliiiirre, widen % trek:, Oswego, Az. aro. The ton and lethlr l hem line from Easton' to Benior)t end Phpadol phis via. Allentown, at eotirailio with -- killing. - tntre,.Dorivillo, Nortlainfbeilland:, d m gat, Barri.; berg; OrwigabOrg, Reading to ruladekkta. ' Pere froth iiiiineh Cattalo Pcpteite,lll2 O. Every,arrangement for comfort-anit eenvenili elms bakbeeu made by the preprietorm Aid they rely up on a share of pulpo patronetre fox their eiertions. - ' IHVEIi HOILLILND, & elf. • Preprietert. Fur seats apply at Mortinier's Hotel, Pottrvinef Wm. Whittiaghant, Tuscarora; Ruben Heateri's Tiiiiaqua; the Summit Hill Heteload the Vete); 'in 'Mauch Chunk. j June 4 friLAils DurcAlloir#OßANciE COMPAPIT. A :7 CAPITAL Atrn 45tusto 8T,1.A.vf,-VONCioo; CilliitTEg: ptillirrtr. A.L,. *Alt betslitriiteil and Eerpentallnsurencei rui Mick, Stone or name Buiklingy Suareejlotele. • Wis. Barns, Siablee, ilifierehindine.,Furnlnan. and PropMEI erty' of every dcsthiption, egainnt Inn , . Or dittiMo by .The shbeitiber has been appointed 'Mei? for the 'bind mentioned Institution . and is niii*intspired tto• stakelrmuLtsmutopdit eieefxdfieemptiondrylegPirts I..alitlie rawest rator Icitureitte„ Felt. '27. 1836. * • z • ILEXR F .talitzun," mpacka or, TAILOR, • ico .oigti 'Si. a fry ifirria•beterai.4tarkfit - . SE East silk . t. PUILADEr4O4:6I4. - ibtrtquis thatilpilO" tOstiativi sad friendi, and partiaularly that ill Tett", r4for part:Atom reapktfully War air thiitta 11 c. 0 00titms :to JlPolo *Oland X Y#lo eat: Crofis 11164 - jibbed.' 6 # 4 1 11 :- . in *i*, Tadao of oteiy diactijitittiroa bo won %coley it **lot Stkelto. -111 1kii***.tkOrn4: oativatilbitOptifird7lll2co4:: =t4tittie, .ailed Off cha=e42ki. - r May 'I, 054.1 y MI El I 1 19-ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers