' - POT axT UROAY 9:3"traffriliterrt, kmdtals of every Ace. at aelawest ETW• Are no , bills up to the fir to receive a visit se 4 s I bted the first`'No.:. will not be is "iBth inst. Great Intros by the • We.refer of our paper recent expe l the steamboa umphant silo over every o navigation, strated. Sit ele referred the:liew Yo two of the pt den, Esq. at ©gtiro sucees , ing of this ei Enquirer sal e of Anthracite Cool: ur readers to the first page bran article in relation to the' iment of Dr, Nott, in Novelty, by which the tri tntages 'of Anthracite Coal ter species 'of fuel for steam ye been 'completely cIeMQI3- 4 the publication of the arti - - •, a "Card:' has appeared in !k papers, signed by twenty ssengcrs, with David B. Og their head, confirming the sof the experiment. Speak- Lrd, the New York Cpurier & , s—' We invite public Eaten. announcing to the world an c o the _people of the U. States, a prove only second in Inver ' grand discovery of Fulton steam boat wood has advanced per cent. in New York from :es, and the demand is so great v years the supply must have ther—in adverting to which tame paper says "it may there v said that Fulton first applied loam to Beats--Nott has per • - Lion tp it as tent which, r is de:l-tined tailed . to thi _ himself." et least 300 original pri .• • that in a fe failed altog subject the fore be tru the dee of petuated it • t ruEvery ter igeble river, influence of every Tan • te i d by it in tined to ha price' or etei folliSwed the, the: Wood o Through th - greet desid between t coiniurnptio ly Blow an wood or B' -13 f difficult, - • to Lirerpx ally and fel further re' but feel a from Main and its w • benefactor on or the Union that boasts or a nay. nit sooner or later, feel the direct lia great discovery,while indirectly the nation cannot fail to be benefit onsequence of the influence it is des e in preventing,.the advautc in the m transpOrtation which must have rapidly increasing consumption of ur conntry. But this is not all.— invention we at once arrive at the alum pi a direct Steam Navigation . Unid . States and Europe. The ofAnchracite Coal is socom pa retire : its bulk so nitch less than that of ominous coal, tftat tha great and. on in the way of a line of steam Packets I may' now be considered as effectu ever removed. We have not room for arks on this important event to.dar; ep conviction that it will be hailed; Ito Louisiana as a National' blessing. thor considered one of the greatest of his country. MILL—STEAM ENGINES, .`TON MA Kt FACTORIES. Learn flour Lmill of Messrs. Clem rvin has been in operation about of weeks, and the performance of finery, we are happy to learn, ful the expectations of the proprie he engine is of 1.5 horse power, Fs handsomely. The whole ma -- the establishment is of home. llfe.r, We except of course, some tennis. . The engine was manu in our own boroughcm the work ose enterprising and skillful me:' Messrs. Haywood & Sey der—and t whether any thing 'superior to imens of their workmanship can ced in any part of our state. We t their success in business may be itsurate with their acknowledged We believe the sphere of their will be greatly enlkrged when come known and appreciated be s immediate neighborhood. There r pair of ,stones convected with 1, two pair Df witich.only were run on we last visited it. These stones s, of French Manufacture, are of est and best quality,•add produce f.a corresponding kind. The mill ble of grindingeone hundred bushels at every 12 hEnrs. We ' - hail this ablishment . tie taking the lead, in factories among us—and also be the whole is the result of domestic and industry. ' We look forward, or, to many similar triumphs of the our borough. Nature has decreed is shall ba a manufacturing place. t must be obeyed. The means a and sooner of. later they must be into Relict. The estiblisbment in ion has broke:tithe ground, prepared yid other manufacturing enter- s will undoubtedly soon follow. What 1 d hinder the immediate erection of manufactories among us? Where steam--the.graat and powerful agent; applied with More facility and sue. I than, in this re1,..t 7 ion?, With an inex- 1 title supply of the best fuel, at a price w as to be almost beneath computation ith an alreadyj dense and rapidly in *ng • populatioe, comprising a large rtion of women and children of the ring classes, with a good steam engine ufactory, with diechanicsand laborers alt kinds, women and children without .aber,—what, we again ask, should bin ,. .the erection of a cotton manufactory a . .ng ust The iconsumption of cotton g. .. in this region alone is already ire _•nee, and is 1 i manse di 4 strict t back country would al . . ire supplies ofvotten goods. The me population bordering on the North • est bran 'cis of the Susqehantiah, •en'• be rend tributary for'our cotton si• tores--t orransportation of which • a be facility ed by par rail 'toad and - 1 I STEAM • CO', The.' sea & a couple the inac.l' ty equal.] tots. !'.; and wor chinery manufac of the factored; shop of ; chanics wo dou some be p hive ti comm ' merits.: busin these and tl re fa . the mi ning or bu o the fl flour 4 is cap of whl new swan Canac skill howc arts i that Her boon mile! que - the prim shoi cott can —b Ce of nu dr I SVILL . WINING, JULY 2, t 036. Cirftts,Atilistflantirmad riptionAradyprOttedaUhaf* 'tux,. busily engaged in making out of July—and would be pleased rom 'all those Who know them •this establishment. o the absence of the editor, the semi-weekly Jeurnal cd until Wednesday the meat in Steam Navigation canal c;celimunicaticsitiwiew .gri)ss or -completed. And therie miter re,equal ly appliable to woolen Mani The truth is, that We only lent lOme inst . '- gent and enterprising eapiteßitt, to turn his attention to the extreordi*y advanta ges held obit in this region, to lindute'hirn at once teiembark in the undettaking- E very day brings forth some new develop meat of the advantages of *application of steam to the rnanufiicturingt arts. But our neighborhood alwofurrust es an abun dance of water power, if thatiegent should be preferred. We have numerous large streams furnishing the necq.eary fill( for mill seats. We have !the Seliuylkill and its two branches, the -*est anfl West West Branch, all Within a reasonable distance of each other, and of tliie pleile. We have Mill Creek emptying into the Schuylkill at Tort Carbon, which furnikhes a number of first.rate mill seats, together with Tum bling Run, also a stream of; Some magni tude, whose waters at, prese n t are collect ed into reservoirs by the Navigation Com pany—with several other ktrearns that might be enumerated: Aenitedly the day is not very distant . when ouy great resour ces, natural and artificial, will be called in• to requisition, when entergrise and indus try—the acknowledged parents of prospe rity—will achieve wonderii. among' us. -The time will coma when e.lfhe wilderness will blossom like the rose'l by the influ ence ofigricultural arts, & *lien our manu factories will not only be asphrifty, but as numerous as those.. of Pftliburg, or even some of the large manufactirring places of England. FOURTH OF JULY • The ensuing Anniversary of American; Independence will he celebrated without{ much ostentation 'in our' borough. We shall have neither proofiasions nor ore.; tions. The Light Infant* , having taken its departure yesterday fwf, Milton--some of us will feel quite , deserfed. The Troop, however, remains to cettsole us. We shall have a couple of public dinners, how, ever--one at the pennsyl*inia Hall, Imo. ther at the National Hotel'} Pope, speak ing of his friend at table, days: "There St. John rrijngles,iix the friendly bowl, -The feast of reason and titelilow of soul." May our friends 4 like*rise—"soberly," as "4 Lady Grace - says-owe add temper ately and wisely. Fourth of July at ' ltarrisburg.—% a learn from the Pennsylia Telegraph that on the ensuing anniVilrsary of Ameri can Independence, the prpsence of Gen. William Henry Harrison the Hero of the Thames, together'with the Hon. Francis Granger, and several di' ;anguished mem bers o Congress, are cv cc ted at Earl is t burg. ' i The Surplus Rerenu4,4--- Upon the sup position that $20;000,00:Ciwill be distribu ted among the states, Pdphsylvania,accop ding to this Billi will h 4 entitled to the sum of two millions fOrity-one thousand nine hundred dollars. Frederick Vatt RauM4r, the celebrated German Historian, is preparing an edition of the Life of WashingtO, to be published in German, at Leipsic.i The steamboat Rob y, on her passe _e from New Orleans to ' one the flues collapied about; four miles.f -Columbia,.and 17 persun's were either • led and missing, it,nd it large number wounded. "We ask if the rectiiaition, by law, of the principle, of ilistribUting money torthe States raised by the Fecteral Government, be not a great ihnovtOn on our political institutions?"—Globe,! • "Deposite Banks.: . 4 The Washington Globe say We canbider it a fortunate circumstance for the; administration, and especially the Treasursi Department, that the recent!' bilk regnl4ing the Deposit e Banks, hasieconae a la* . !!' " , The foregoing furn 4es an admirable specimen olconsistencs What reliance can hereafter be placetlon any thing ema nating front that soiree. To distribute the surplini revenue .4n+ng, the statesis "a great innoiation on mfr political institu nous," while ,the re 44 a respect of bilk:ling on to the cash, but 4h/. moment the bill passes, then the AdmCnistration and the 1 Treasury ' Departmen ! are warmly con gratulated,. But the c nsistency or incon sistency, honesty orl 43 honesty, of the or• gan of the administ mit e fra, on is of very little i t d importance, since presentatives have done theit duty, and 1 spite of all the arts of corrutitictn, wreic the public: purse out of the iron grasp f_ the bloodshckers of the Treasury. . i ! Frotn the Mobile ietironicle of June I. Gent Samuel Houstbni commander-inichief of thinTexian army, left pup Orleans to resume his command in the armyituiTuesday last. Ile took his postings on the Cesplan for Nachitoches; but her-cylinder bead blee, tit on the following morn. jag, without injury to thp passengers, willich will probably det*in her several gays. of his wo ds. tie Tin t ii i General had ammo entirely reet4preti wilt invited by the aigeeesrat New Orlea nsto par. take of a public dinner, *Who declined fib by pre. aention any festive tleension, *ha* thelli bas a single enemy 01 his Pdapted country within lid ,Inst, limits. ' be Maxie* kovernment. not, discour. aged Int s glisuccoZ (if their remits* chem. 410 pion in um p ' 4ng foravothenv . orpus etiinpalgtt. Id that! vbnt, .Santa An4a, ill bo shot, and the " Whole ; ktican army plt the sword, and in Pll p , bility the whole sitn ire WI come in a obi% of ' lege to Texas: Thousand, of iroluntCere Will ti , Settle to the Minitiepas in Texas, if they do ni*Pitpcat at the gites or the great city of Mteiceri it*lll t Fr , • I' ' IMIM Bill': ulatin the rubile De. 'tea and proOding the distri f the Staritlekßev emit, passed the Ho Representatives- on ref:Bday night, by a vote' of 155 to 38. The a mendments made to it .n concur red in' by the Senate on Wednesday, with only oni,cw two dissenting voices. Oeunsy,lvania, New York, Virginia, Ohio, tiCentucky, .Massacl3asetts, l'ennessee, North Carolina !Indiana, Connecticut, New Jersey, Alabama, Maine, , Maryland, Vermont, :;South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, llmois issouri, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania.—The following comprehensive !and just notice of the condition, resources, and prospects' of the "Key-stone-State" is extracted from. an address recently delivered by Jt‘sit It. BURDEN, Esq. one of our enlightened senators: Her civil architecture stands pre-eminent—her moral , architecture is a model for the world.—tier civil code stands second to none—Her system of criminal laws is unrivalled—Her medical integri ty is without a blot—Her sons have on the wave and in the battle field sustained the glory of the American gag—and among the bravest of the brave have exhibited Pennsylvania, without fear and without reproach. The physical advantages of otir territory are unsurpassed by any salon which the sun Rhinos. There is more wealth in the bowels of her earth, than would bur any state in the, Union—the min eral coal--the iron—the salt, are alone resources for industry, which will place us on a level with the mos(._prosperous nations. Our canals and rail roads are testimonies of the wisdom, courage and enterprise of our citizens--and our commer. cial prosperity, great as it is is yet in.ita eaalicst Among the thirty.eight names recorded as hay mg voted against the Deposite Bill in the Housu of Ropresentatives,—that Bill whitrh Ga s s. Jed? sox has approved, but which MAATITI Vex &seri wished to kill,—we observe Two from Pennsylva- nia, namely Mr. ASH and Mr. BEAUMONT.— Both of these men, we hesitate to say, have be. trayed the interests and misrepresentee the wishes of their constituents, verily they will have their reward. There is no State in the Union that has a deeper interest in the completion of her various internal improvements, or that is burden ed with so heavy debts as Pennsylvania, sad con. sequenty no-state had stronger reasons for desk ring the passage of this bill, and yet two out of twenty-five of her representatives voted against 01114)111—or in other words, against giviag the peosle their-own money Herald. extract of a letter to the . editor isc the united States Gazette, dated Washington, Juno 28, 1836. It is said that the president has stricken frota The roll of the Navy, the name of ShOrb - omo, the midshipman - who- killed yoOng Key. The President will have done right if he has done so; and he.would do !better still, if he was to strike from the rolls all those who, by excitin g Sherburne to Oght, under the penalty of eing scout ed-And branded as a coward, were the thief cause of producing the calamitous issue of thift duel. From the Harrisburg Chronicle: pi-oar.s Wmriva—The history of file favour. no of the New York faction, this secret agent of the Ler gue of Government Banks, is likely to be. I cone public. One of t.he Washington papers gibes a fac-simile of a. Bank note, ornamented with a ;figure of KING GEORGE, and signed by 'Whitney, as President of the Kingston Bank. It alko gives the followin_g history of that individual. The letter of this New. York gentleman states that Whitney was domiciled in Canada during-the 14te war that he took the oath of allegiance to Great Britain, and acted during the war, or part of. the war, as Commissary for the British army• Such was the satisfaction given tq the Canadians by the conduct of Whitney during the war, that a short time after its conclusion a bank was esta blished at Kingston, and, as if to reward him for _his zeal in the British cause, ho was made prcsi. dent. The sequel however shows, that he who is a traitor to his country will be faithless in all the relations of life. The letter states that Whitney, our Presi. dent ofthe bank, necessarily bad great control over the funds of the institution. Makin; took the notes of the bank and made large pusclaaaes of ' Sheep, land 4-0. and held them for a time, and sold them; and getting; paid in other money, abscond pd and fled to the United States. The people in - Kingston, fired with :indignation at the vitla.ny of (he man, erected a golloweind hung him in effi. ay!" This is the man who controls the Dcposite Banks. Such power, in such hands, is truly formidable to the liberties ofthe people. It is a monster more (build than apy which the people invoked to destroy. THISNMINERSI JOIFAVA.L. MINI C YEAS. N•n 43 - 2 17 17 13 7 13 2 13 0 12 0 10 1- 10 1+ 7 0 6 0 5 0 5 0 4 4 4 2 4 3 1 3 3 0 3 0 2 0 1 1 , 1 0 1 0 0 - 5 • 163 The President has tligned the Bill have been Canals in the /failed Slates.—The Buffalo Journal, from imperfect data. estimates the num ber of miles finished canals in the United States at 3,000, which are i:Letributed among the several statists as follows: . In Maine Massachusetts Massachusetts and IL Island 45 Connecticut 58 New York 678 New York and Pennsylvania -36 New Jersey , 101 Petinsylnnta • Delaware and Maryland 14 } Maryland 10 Maryland and Pennsylvania 341 Ohio 511 Virginia • 30 • Virginia and N. Carolina • 22 Georgia '66 • Louisiana , 100 IC swears from s . letter pOished in The Globe or yesterday, written. by Elias Boadinot, one of W the i ding nape of the 'Cherokee Natio n that there iii no foundation for the reports of hostilities on the part of those Isdisni,,and That the friends Of the trot on - their - tetorit to their homes; have 'been kindly Ageefred by ibe people. "COFFEE AND LSFOR wwo," os otnnox alns Hilitowr" sarlynx Ea* on Monday morning lash our town' art la thrown in an unusual commotion by a report that the offiae.. of the Reporter was beset by a mob„ who tud en pg in mortal combat with clubs, dirks, p . istols, tlitnq repairing 'to the scene of action. It Mu: found to ben.aquabble , between the owners of the es.. tablishmcnt. (MT. Wharton of Reading, and editbt Pattersonj for possession. which, resulted. by the force, of superior numbers a c rid the promise of a compromise in favor.of Patterson. On inquiry into the facts of the matter, we hid. them to be u follows Me Wharton was the, ow* of the'State Jounial establishment, conducted koi Cmbb & Barrett. which at the lam Union and Hume. ny Convention, was united with the. Reporter. ill,. Wharton becoming an equal joint stock 'partner of the same. The contract was made for three Tears. but Patterson, desirous of being the sole editor and pro prietor of the concern. in the Reporter of last wttek. took the liberty to publish a dissolutron of the co-parte 124 1 m11 4" n d "nonneed hitnstelf as thesole editor and' proprietor, without • the knowledge and liberty of Wharton. The paper containing this.not ice reached' Binding on Saturday evening. On Sunday evening Wharton, with two other gentlemen, arrived herMand on Monday morning, after taking counsel, they enter ed the Reporter othee--proclaimed Wham-till tight and ownership to the establiahment,tp the workmen, and ordered :Patter -stark to retire and give peaceable possession, which the latter refusing to do, ho was {so li!ely helped out at the back door, .receiving his flight the app li cation of the understandings of the com pany to his obtuse angle, in a half bent posture. The doors were then faiftened, and Wharton requested the workmen who chose to remain, to continue :their work under the new director. in the mean Ulna Pat terson. in a state of purturberation scarcely to fie de scribed—with hat off and hail:streamiug, which for brilliancy almost eftlipsed the rays of the sun, ian a round and raised, by means of promises of reward, and otherwise, a posse of some fifteen or twenty uten to retake possession of the establishment. The new possessor bad bardlygot his aftangements made, when Patterson and his party appeared in front of Ruled:Bee armed for the occasion, and entered by breaking in the door. They ordered Wharton and his melt to surrender possession, which they resisted for a while, but being overpowered by numbers, they agreed to do so, Patterson agreeing to enter into an arrangement that would be satisfactory to Wharton. Thus en ded the affray. Pistols were drawn levelled hy both parties, but although' there were some tft-Milis and black eyes, no lives were lost nor blood shed. - .We understand that Wharton's half of the establishment was purchased the same day for Patterson. Some further particulars with which we are acquainted, on this subject, we defer until our next. Takirig Me teil at Georgetown, D. C.--On Sa turdy week, three young females underwent the impressive ceremony:of taking the veil, before re nouncing their connexion with the world, and en tering a life of absolute devotion and prayer.—lt took plare in the chapel of the Convent of which was crowded with spectators, and a great number of Protestants attracted by the nov elty of the secene. The ceremony was said to be highly affecting, and made a deep impression on all. The Metropolitan gives the 'following des cription of a part of the ceremonies:— "Atter the irrevocable vow had been pronounc ed, the Archbishop put the cross and chain, the sacred symbol bf their profession, on the neck of each, and afterwards the solemn veil, the im memorial type of their holy life. The mins were I pronounced 'dead to the world,' and hi solemn typification of their spiritual decease the Stewly admitted Sisters severally lay down at their full length, with their faces to the earth, and as if ac. twiny dead, were covered completely with a pall, while all the sisterhood, with lighted tapers in their hands chaunted their requiem, and the ser vice of the dead was performed by the priests and congregation. This over, they were (41114 OM by the Archbishop, 2resscd in , his full canonicals,. arid the mitre oo his head, to 'awake in the Lore —when the pall was removed, and while the whole editfice resounded with hosanna* of gratu lation, the buried forms arose, and in the hill dress of their profession, crowned with virekths of flowers, and bearing lighted tapers in Il t iptd, blessingcall of the Archbishop swell* r of the nuns into whose socicty , they had. en thus solemnly inargunded. "The! following arc the names and' %Tea of the prOfreients, and the conventual by which they ere to be hereafter distinguished. Mary IlleGerry, now sister Mary Theodosia, aged 26, Smith Jen kins, now sister Clara Agnes, aged 16, Olivia Stonestreet, now sister Mary Fitiomeno, aged 17." Mr. Brooks, in one of his late letters from Europe, thus speaks: "Newspapers are precious and scree. •. The postage is immense. A stray Galignaol Oin Eng lish newspaper printed in Paris,) may now and then be seen, and the sight of one is a precious treasure; but almost all 1 learn from the United States is in the little journals of Italy, which are aSout as large as the eighth-part of the National Intelligencer of Washington. They tell me the union is breaking up; that riots and rdwa are des. olating the whole land; that the allsvce ire rebel ling, and that a servile war is threatened. Ana they rejoice loudly, as they hold up this admoni• tion as the folly of men attempting to govern themselves. Nothing so much delights them as this last demonstration, as they call it, of thy im posibtlity of a republic, even a hen founded under the best circumstances. The Lynch laws partic ularly delight them. Tho Mississippi 'gamblers, Lynched as they were, are nevertheless compen sated with an immortality in every despot's ;our nal in Europe. The slave missionaries are wearing a crown of glory here, as martyrs of a mad de mocracy. How true all these thing. are, I have no meansof telling; for all I see is in the little I- Lathan joarrials, which ars particulady occupied with such of our affairs as tend to discredit all republican institutions. And, perhak one °fate greatest ;pleasures of travelling is try read such news Drone's own country in a foreign land, par -nit titularly ;when ill is pi obalde that at least founded on fact. The emperor of An ia, it is said, has' seized this oecasibn to inspire is Ital ian subjects with a horror of all republican insti tutions, by making it optional with some state prisoners in Italy—whether they'will choose the punishment of death at home, or banishment to the United States!" A downed Minn.—A Mr. Swift' was killed by lightning at Hatfield, Mass. a few days since, while driving his wagon with a ,pair -of horses. His two horses were killed by the same bolt. It is singular that - the same vehicle had twice been previously struck with lightning both i times with fatal cohscquences to tl.o Mince. About two years since it was struck, in Hatfield at. and, three horses killed, at another time it was struck and two horses kille&—making in all{ sveir-horses that have been killed in Olio "atrial wigon. It .is hardly to be wondered attlist "people are almost afraid to fuse it," as the Hampshire (hzette says is the cake. • .50 miles 47 Hubbard, the person who set fire to the Itintetr . States Tresury Department at Washington, was arrctited in this city yesterday. ffe was traced to this place( by an officer named Keily_whorpspect cd that he would probably call at the pest office for letters directed to certain indiiidstabc commit. nictted the tame to the Pastmasiet, who caused himlto be arrestod,the moment b ttesented biro self. He ecmfOrees his guilt a !proodies to 1 1 make known Ms aceemplices ~, N . . Hee, Jabs 10' Fanny Wright Darisann! ,aitd het him" band, have been in ibis city for a w e ek pas;!L—Pket. Hcralit MEM NM tea • aurreetli.;enraatis,. • ' ' • Mr: B4NNA!-4-As,..oue oLthe lifters' at the examin tion of the pupils of Miss I Clark's' Fermi Seminary', on last Tues day,l take plikasure in being able to -ex press throughl' your valuable paper, my great delight tit the manner in which the exercises were conducted throughout, and in so doing, I ittin confident that I do but speak the united feeling gra highly res pectable audience. • Besides thiiclasses iri mental And corn , I mon Arithmetie, Geography, Geometry, Grammar, ghemistry, Astronomy and Botany, i wee gratified particularly, with those on Geelogy, Natural Philosophy, [ and English and American Instory. The ending was tine. • • i, ' - i --The lesso n Calisthenics is calculated rn air !mine degree to instruct while iti delighttu.a -g ceiul address is as impor tant as aliiitist any ether branch of a polite education, fofs,without this, neither *the natural enci4wthents orthe person, nor the acquirements efAlae mind can be set forth to advteitage. "- The whol4 examinati'atv,was particular ly close and dike creditable'\to the young ladies, and 14 the ability and faithfulness of their respected Teacher. \ Jackson and Randolph remaineknise days at St. Petersburg. His embassy cost s24,ooo—Mr. Buchanan re mained bine tnonths—"his -excursion cost 830,0004-14 r. Wilkins staid three months at the same 4ost—s3o,ooo—Total for one year and nilne da -9, sB4,ooo—This, re marks the 4lban Daily Advertiser, was all done by an ; dininistration that came itito power oder the flag of "Retrench. ment and ' efor A young; girl a ed with stulli my: induce a' ..st ma body. It .. di T ag terminate „by th pencil an# .Ind' general pi: rate ,s . Substaitia/F pliment wits pai the vocalist, a Vicksburg, Mi Soldier's Vaufth ' 15 burg Vorunteer quest of at coi Whl i eel- , the L ' er K' t . n t i not ricd all utk. eo dow eatt..kd the d 1 , 4 'c. or High C°lnts.bie. Have e ntly struck inossi York, assavils.--Go. /maul or ito_ ay this to raise wages. Ir in' give you wages, don't work la quiet. Make no riots here. n t ings. COme,„ march home Div s and ehildren w-ant t you.- se ages. —N. Y.Poper. ti Eloqui , nee.—S to rho, ter* sah I awl 1 with Th your en l iployers ; • —keep 'borne an; I don't:aaara w jai Yon—your No way this to We under' Mayor'' Court Theatre as a joice at it, for mong us yet w ral courage. in our eityl, If a true. The wo been presented Nets States. admission. of Arkansas, pas having presio now signed by Seven thous l ton every wee 1 The re-41 a New York is millions of do There . aro L I state of New I about 30,000 . A New Y. city about th ~. not earn $3O 1 is presumed, • . and yet it is I. as it is to be The Bank 4 agency in P.! ' lie exc./mar The sditi • dozen saucy • calling iis ", pinion of us us.—Ptenti ".Ignerve Courter, thi • the vote of a •71 Pretty e bo?" Doll agin. Yon John• ' of the Un have ,Joh a British baton. Gen. Ja addreased Mercury, privy Elau MEM w York recently di • s symptoms as to i examination of the 1 red that her life was bit of chewing slate I I ; biller, a practice of ong school children. A very pretty corn- Irs. Edward Knight, recent benefit, at pi. She played is the ►nd sang the iolicks loer Song," at the re ho were present, and 'he , with Al Mrs. wand two htival rx ma th° ma- ...a rah I.—Noah. hat the grand jury of the 'n resented the Walnut street la, nee. If thia be trite, we te. 11 w a that we have come men a- , not entirely destitute of ma :, place is scarcely to,tic found . emulate which wh'hear be P, that it. has not long since bated.—N ila d. [ter. a Monday last, the bills fur the • erritors of Michigan and . a bowie of representatives, vi..ssed the senate; acd, being .resident; harq become laws : . • .n 413 arpexported. from Bos- Ersonal estate in the state of ted at five hundred and thirty it daily newspipera in the Their circulation is equal to I . Barg that there are in that ndred your lawyers who do abnum,, Pe* mechanics, it leas tharOdonble that amount, fashionable tribe a mechanic ET. States hakitifabliabeti. an nee for, the purchase. of 4emes. the Eastern Democrat pots a ions to us, and concludes with barrel.•' If he has that onder he is so fond ofiruniping !: tiss.--M r; .J. Bliss, of the Pa. t "Gen. Ihirrison will not get :. o State in the bnion. - - "What dat you pic up dere Sam. _pey." , Welly ut leff 'em down 'em &ire to try yon." . . Iph once said in the Senate , , :tataii, that he would rather t. rshalrs • good opinion than • .ge of a French Marshal's amtlton of South Carolina, has r to the editor of ths_, Charleston story that he was plotting . to de , f the eptrunanci of the rutin ar- Texia# Flag. is a plain le whits star of five posati t the letters TM% me,; Esq. II Comm>. Airy. ;Thektueliour thaTinvinrjb)e, '*y and- a - taeraiate!,,ot, la the bit. ;Ithe• And; • - , - - - - - Aras.—The United States Telegraph 14:Friday says: "Wesaw Col. -din km,Se cretary or State of Texas,,upoktfie Boor of "tlie bouitillii4 morning. .11 - e'4o„ :.-ii*t ed with great cordiality by hieletmeroui friends. Col. Reed, the deliverer of the garrison of the Witillaeoochie Block house, has challen4ed Gen. Scott. . The offencer,was a charge of cowardice; advanced ,hy the latter against the farmer.. A 4,unl is ex , pected. From a recent census, it appearsethat the population of Louisville, Ky. is 24,000; being an increase of 4000 since last 'year. WHO SHALL. BE MARRI,EDT The Taunton (3fasig.) Reporter tells the' follow. mg story of judicial and (we doubt ncit) judicious interfcrente to prevent a marriage. The idea, of incompetency to Support themselves; is one of the finest strokes of political economy that we have. seen.—What wpuld be done in this; part of the, ; country, should an inquest of that nature be bold' ' upon all "proposals?" We copy the ertieleg—U. S. Gas. ' "To.men or not to marry, that', tg‘s question.'" "Two of the worshipful magistrates of thia twenty have been engaged. a 'meek of days in this town.in trying the. question whether a Mtn , and woman should be permitted to enter inte the honorable and responsible estate of matrimony:— Evidence was adduced as to the competency et * the parties to support themselves, entitle° s 16 the intellectual capacity of each. The Justices • and the counsel seemed utterly to Ogren:it:Taber the fact that they could live upon love—as ug pro. red in many novels,plays and poems. They ac.a . . cordingly decided that the parties shonld not be 1 . allowed to marry—though they could not prevent •them from living—and thus two fond and atrec. tionate hearts are forever to be kept asunder by the stern decree of the law." - A forty old bachelor who come! almoit every day to read the marriages in our exchange pa pers, has Leen looking and laughing at the other inquiry of the learned magistrates of Tatmten. virThe intellectual capacity of the parties, which he says is satisfactorily disprovedby the very act , upon which they were entering. Yet that same bachelor always nibbles a goodly portion of the wedding cake which he finds on ourAttble. • .. MARRIED. , At Port Carbon, on Su i the 26th June, by Wm. B. Iluil "'Mr. James Peton, to Miss. Ma - sel, both of Norwegian towns . !kill county. REVIEW OF TILE AVkIIII,Nr• Nagaiha, WHEAT FLOUR.by the to ay V 00 • WHEAT 1 40 per RYE FLOUR 2, BUZEWHE RYE, b tale, 111 M OP 78 ten tspe rbushelindentand. , °Airs 45 cents—ready sate • POTATOES 30 cents perbushelln demand . CORN-6.5 cents per bushe ) n demand TIMOTHY SEED-62 00 per bushe4. FLAXSEED—SIS 3 perburhelizetieroand • WHISKEY--35 cents per gallon. BUTTER-1 3 centrpezp000d—ingogslOcenta EGGS-14 cents per dozen. LARD-12 centapc r pound. TALLOW-9 cents per penal). , HAMS 13 cents per potted. • CORN CHOP 65 centuesbustslin, del:can 4. BACON-12 cents per poiod. RF.E.SWAX-18centsperpound. • FEATHERS-40 centdper pound. 'COMMON WOOVO4O Cenutptipaiivid... • MACKEREL:by the bbl.No .1 .618 50—No .2,37 00 SALT-2 69 per 01. •80pe r bushel . 'PLASTER. as worth s6sopetton. HAY $l6 per ton. unman• o of fine ngrato. on vile Fresh . .7 ruffs. Pc. TUST received and for sale. wholesale and retail. Ur • Tery low, by the tinbscriber,4 fresh assortment of Oranges ann Lemon. 'Smyrna Figs Prunes—frincy and plain boxes Bunch, Bloom. Sultana and keg raisins Citron. Cleves, Mace and Cinnamon" Ground Cinnamon and Ginger • Sugar. But,er and Water Crackers An assortment of Confectionaries Ifard. Soft and Paper shell Almonds Blanched do • Tamarinds and Oates Perfumery, Teeth and Hair Brushes ' • Fish-hooks and seagrass line Violins. Flutes and Fifes An assortment of Toys, &c. July 2 33 - JOHN S, C. MARTIN. NSOLVENT DEBTORS.—THE subscribers I has applied to the Judges ofthe Court ofrommon Pleas of Schuylkill county, forthe benefit of the seve ral Acts of Assembly passed for the relieforinsol rent Debtois, & that the said Judges haveappointed Mon day the 25th day of JULY next, st 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, at the Court House, in Orwigsburg, for the hearing of us and our ereditors,when and where they may attend if they think prcirter. ROBERT RATLIFV JAMES 'ROBSON.. ROBERT EIoLSBOY, 334 July it Athlete Wanted.- IiANTED immediately 50 Miners, who are ae• cawooted to atikirig mat &Ming In reek , to ct r , in 50a day will be. paid. Also Wanted SO gat* . jrl6lll - CA I to whom $1 12i to 81'25 a day will be paid st she Tunnel and Rock Cutting. on neetion 54 arum Phtl adeipbta and Reading; Raib Road—good it** can base eonstant work Cof one year, and wager paid esssc ry month by JAMES APPLETON. Contractor: 't 33 1 41 Jane 25, 1836 Housekeeper 1 11404 ted: 5 7 W ANTED a suitable woman ,its housetieeper. who is capable of *NA. tirtgitotk r in ci a fatuity. To one who c moping - mcinameaded. good wages will bo.gitrett.—:Apey at Ali office . : • icily 2 . . ... 32-3 Stray : illorari -.1• -' inAME to th e stable ofthe subScOtstr,.!hetin na Morris' Addition to Pod").Ule. ozcsoirt inst. a BLACK MARE. supposed to Mout Or years old, with* small star to lie, Forehead. Th owner is-re:mated so cogne-ronno, 14m Do tie' pay charges aria take her nwp . 7 , fithinstse she' will sold accosting to law. !, ; • ,-:-: 6 -•,',- , _ , i': rAT/OCK! (*Va. • EEO RON , R° P . "r 1R ON rep, R Sae. a 9grrtatellisZeitif :14t*CYOW Wen rigald 184- MAN. 3t. Roamer ILLY _ I* 2. • WESTERWRAVON, !30 0 . 6411 4 4- *ziedden7sa? ,91:1-341S171)pi:a! lin . in Pri ".; ,: ‘ , :. ,• 101iMaa CHAMBERS, 1 2 - • /9 1 41 1 0 ?s!! &net Phila. Y 38-4 II emaid •• trt4e demand. • R 2 00perewtan dewing eentaby the Imbi:A—ready ME 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers