The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, June 11, 1836, Image 2

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: tii - the . abode
ll; , , shOUld one c
to visit our w •
bird and foclt.
i ,
.., second, have
lingth of, each w
and, bed room
hick di splays
, tad cilculaew
/ I, ries,haie halls ,
, room on hot
led, juci ddition
the des, fr
zooms all ,
!Is lead T
g to
irs thr ughout
- nt; very
~..: ,
13 1
the faf aged t
ell lighted and ,
• upper rooms
: view of the
Those on the
overlook the "0"
ommand a very ex
ty and pUblie build-
smith d western
I dson, th lower and
• the Je ey shore,
teresting7iew of the
es, and the spreading
vessels arriving and
may truly be termed
I)rium of the western
e Islan
1 and ii
. dreds ,
In what
ial emp
tindi f
T e rooms throu y i out this building are
•m , leted - arid furni :bed, not in a gaudy,
t triple Red beau iful style. With the
c • tion ofitwo or t ree rooms, the sofas,
us, tables, bed teads, chairs, &c. are
.. : ofq•lack wa ut, which has a rich
. a • bstnntial ap .- i ranee, and receives a
.1 . h like Outhoga • . T he furniture, we
~ d -rstand, is fro •, the wee rooms of
. r Meeks; part 0 the chitin which are
f. , ahogaity,, wet : made by chairs,
.. - and' Baldw' . The beds and bed
i . have the appe. ranee of ease and cont.
•r and the Ole ly appearance of the
• h .le canriot but . i ord comfort to the tm
- .r, hs well as t , ,those who may make
i -hotel their ob ., ing place. The hotel
ightedWith _ • , and there are water;
1.. tsext nding t . rouhout the buildings,
t.. hod t each s it o rooms.
Ihe kithen • upies a _room on one of
. . wings lookjn 1 into the yard, the floor
n : whit N is on . level with the dining
• •m, and , is of e:: • 'access to it—a very
. portantl Beside • tum, as , the dishes can
;, cone ed fro ,• thence in a smoking .
iite, thus the .lovers of good things
ve the nice and warm,= and in all their
..,....e direcey from the hands of the`
•- .. e ar angeinents for Toasting,
1 .. g, i wing,Bing, Bic: "re all upon
1; e m mode mid approfed methods,
e spit , du, ing turned, and all the
' ooking goirig o by steam, whilst the be,
•.g is one in he celebrated Rumford o.'
en; a icontri ce which adds 20 per
-nt. to ithepast ry over that of any other.
pi / u3
Chide theki hens isiepacious washing
4 ,..,
~....,ro,' d ridjoihincr, a room for ironing,
ith t and t
r oughs for hot and cold we
er. T l lftironing room contains wooden
frames ititi rollers, to receive clothes for
drying,l which jpass to end fro, receiving
beat frOtixt steam conveyed through pipes
which,pais thrhugh these rooms.
In another Story, on the Barclay street
wing,are seventeen bathing rooms and
two shower baths for the inmates and the
public' The I water for their supply is
con '_ cd in several reservoirs adjoining.
This Ater comes from cisterns or reser
voirs • n the attic of the building, conveyed
by leaden pipes to these reservoirs below.
' It is also conveyed through all the rooms
of the building from the attic downwards,
with fassets in each 100 M.
In a room! on the ground floor is fixed a.
boiler, attached to which is a rotary engine.,
' Here wateris heated for the house at
lirge, and r the supply of the baths.—;
By a force pump water is distrihnted
through all he rooms.' .
It} they d there is a well of most ex
cellent wat r. • By the aid of hydraulic
machinery, this, is raised-from the well;
and 'carried 'to.' the top of the building, and
i3 l
in case of drought, and the reservoirs Ai
the upperof the buildidg should fail,
the 'house nbe amply supplied with rain
watei fro 'four cisterns in the yard.
¢t each end of theluilding their° are
iti art
spacious Ie houses, which tut well stored
with that most desirable article, partich
larly whe the thermometer _ reaches be
tween 80_ d 90 and upwards.
the above, there is a spacious
m by itself, furnished with one
d'acelebrated ovens '
and adjoin
s large room, fitted with ovens
t approved plan, and a firs irate
ployed to do the baking, RI the
other conveniences to the per.
er ea well as traveller;
Hair Dressing and Shaving Rclorn, easy access from the Pat
pastry MI
of Bumf°,
ing this,
en the tim
Baktr - en
,whole lie
Thelas roomewehavenoti . etode- , c ,
althong . .. not ornamented with much mar
ble-or •, . hogany, yet possess to rnanyper
sone, q dies much interest as any tither
part of he Hotel. *We alluded to the.',.spa
- clout - • retied and paved Wine Viiults,
'which : under the centre of the-building
ea ..11 '. . way. These vaults, . elt*ugh
- -Anita • - ious, are fitted up With shelves
• : and • , rtments for wirres,—are •-•
•'Wthia with the clioicestkittalitir
, - 41- ' .tions.r The Ape,k. on In
:t . ' prim" ~ ly selected and collect
; 00a
• la* It-months by P. W. En)
• Imo as well as spr'other 4
win , which ' to: choose for
sad flavor. Adjoinin)
Vitiate are Collate 'for .Por ~ , Ike:. - Illy
are fire mo o t •
There - three hand;
-`-. lise . :el• 't -
winch will (be Occupied b,Pthe board . , e
whole number of minis iimtkint to 380 , - ' .
The Yardlermea :,tigoirtund is flagged th '..
out. The Water from the - Kitchen Is cried -off
by a seWer„linto the Notthiier. I
This splendid Hotel, sli w *lcalcukted:i pertiet. ,
.unte the naMe of JinutJa 01 Aimaa, its wne is
rented to Messrs. Hoyden:4.Bons, formerly o the
Tremont Moose,' lloston,;lied tun e ' i.
wee in, t ile line of bright and well far 'em
it is so, &rife* ink:petted* men could bly
conduct an,cstablishment like this, whit ~ hen
it is filled with boarde r s he m coiltakt' llo Itlttll
souls as
t algood sized
i try warn, Who afte to
be daily pplied with 'a a es of every deliekcy,
and whose wants require be incessant attebhon
of a greet number of ruins. The masterl'Opir
it or head"of such an establishment requrreCma
ny neceseery requisitienslonly tube deem=
long expettence, which fiw are found to .
It is a heevy undertakin arid we hope 14' lee.
sees amply coinpoimated. I 1
TheCtOks are all Fretich, and from theiapeci.
mens of their art which,jive had an opportunity
to observe, they no dou stand at the (Out of,
their profession. ii 1
We haie thuethroviwtegether the, mini es we
took in a.hasty -look ilfrojigh the buildingt.e.ster.
day, being politely accOnlpouiied by its lesiiime, and
must apologize, if we' itkie cot donejuce, in
the shott. time we had o devote to th 6 ' ketch.
A table amply apread, wit h choicest artielpe, was
tiprepared for those invi d, but we had bnly a
momentdo-take a glassed good wine, aiftV wish
mccees to its - cnterptisittg conductors. !
e Norfolk Beacell 1
June sth, 1838.- r
I.f so imjiortant a
• so high,ltiile con
!.. en country.
77h stories, like the
halls runtliag the
,• g, with parlors on
opposite. The sth
im the exterior the
ndims,like the o
unning throughout,
sides. This story
o the circular win.
m the sky light in
f ample diMpnsions,
em are-4vicle, and
I the: build'itg are of
portant nsidera.
yeller. hey are
• By the arrival this m•rning of the SMain Pack-,
et South. Carolina, Captain Rollins * in 48 hours
from Charjeston. we 'red from the eoitors of
the Com M
ier and ersa , their papers rttolo Fri
day last, together with.s. variety of New Orleans,
Mobile, Augusita, Savannah and other Southern
We extract the following interestink intell
gence from the New Orleans Bee of tht 23d ult.
There 'can be no I.mgie any doubt of al, sweeP - -
ing victory of the Talaris, and the succesfol es
tablishment of their, inftependena. "1
TEXAS.—In the atbooner Flora, qrived at
New Orleans on Saturday 22d ult. camessenger
General SAMUEL MOUSTON,, cum ander in
li fe
ciriefitf the Texas •Aifroy, for the pose of ob
taining medical ads*, being badly !wounded.
By him we have thel: l otricial confirmation of the
battle of the 21st ulbl and the capture of Santa
Anat Former necoints are substarifielly cor
rect. , i •
, I
. Santa Anna wati•tat Waco vndet a strong
guard.—The army was left under *mend of
Rusk, Secretary otWer, who hadn elected
by the army Brigidier General. e Temp
fordhad accumulated since the bat e 'to 11300;
and bad advanced tobind were eras; g the Bra,
=silos/led with vic(ory.
The Mexican arty ender Seisms: and others,
had lall eoncentratick and amounted to 2500 men,
the remnant of 7000 s who entered T e tras. They
were crossing thelrolorado by rafts' and swim
ming; and where in,the utmost conceit on. Those
whOhad escaped tile battle of the 21 t, reported
that it had been torten by 5000 Texii s. Colonel'
Buileston was dotal to the enemy wi 200 caval
ry, and they were ! treating before 250 :ltlex
iclia arrendereler burying api •of cannon,
to officers and) . Talmo isoldlis All was
panic and conforrieie in the Me.tican rmy.
Santa Anna bail o ff ered an oat t ics which
had been refused, fie had made fa er offers to
ealtnowledge the iii dependence of Tens. making
tbejtio Grande the boundary line;!; remaining a
hatage until thniovernment of tbefOnited States
should consent to'guarantee treatyirnd it should
be approved by the Mexican senate -,—Texas was
eimaidcred safe end the war endedi nd the Mai
an army would. probably be to ly destroyed.
General Houston' , had a cane presnnted him by
Santa Anna; and *leo his saddle. ;ii
qulce rif t
THE 5017 . 1'11. f,
Horrible -- That spirit of the fir born appears
to be rife in sorditsections of our cerntry,and both
homaiiity and the law are set at *fiance. The
,following account of an "honorabl affair," from
an eye witness Odds another to e. ii,ti lack cata
logue-of crimes ivhich have lately ! disgraced the
land. r
i . ,
"A Spaniard Ond a Frerichmaiii who have long
been accustomed to trapping of the mountains,
on arriving at this place went 04- to settle an af
fair of honor..;,i'ilie spot selectel for the purpose!
was an open square in the suburbs of the city.
When all parties were ready en stripped for the
occasion, with two large Bowie Ives , (an Metre.
ment about twOve inches in len h, and an inch
and a - half wid# at the hilt, with two edges taper.
hag tan shal i, ipoint), and the. brd "ready" was
!given both c hed to the cont 2! After parry
ing these des ly weapons ; hg and plunging
a l
some half mirMte, the French an made a. strike
at the Spaniata, and succeeded + m cutting- open
the abdomen,',ko as to let entail the bowels ! At
the same timt the Spaniard pl ' 'Fed his knife a.
bout ten inehilts in the. breast : his antagonist,
who immediately yielded up t ghost with a deep
groan. ThOSpaniard survived some hears.
With me thdsicene created t most wretched
feelings of b4ro rt but within yof the spectators
t h
it served orilY for a subject
i f discossion l as to
whidh showed the most cools and parried the
thrusts of hid antagonist with' 1 the most skill; in
short, whidit showed the mdst slight in killing
his fellow tMin."— = Greens CoNinty (Ohio) Gas.
I ' '
li yorn the Louisvill..l Journal.
The edittir of the W. Y. Jelfersonian asks wile•
ther the VP Aga mean to lib3i him. Certainly,
Sir.—Hern e ls.a four pence— "re nettle change.
' l Mr. Niles; like Isaac Oil Meade jill hie 'Teeth.
es in the Efenate."—Chilicot I r Gas'
Ho ong s y to read them.
i f ets else will.
'The II 'H. Isaac Rill, wi all his 'Hedged un
potoularit ' Was never Latta
.I)efori , the people:—
/V': H. Poi*.
Thai is itiot tree. (len. Ilidiain beat him sound-
ly.; before 4alf a bandied , , , p . e.
'ln 'eloribenEe Mr. i Webs .r may be compared
to Mr. Yen Buren.'—Loa. dv.
1 .Ceriabiry he may-i-and i. e thunders of Atita ,
may be anapared to the g ~Fling of a goo", if
tiny body 3s fool enough to. ; eke the comparison.
Mann g Pact-We, , 1
i, it .
knocked re fellow do4vn at
dap s l '
n d ,
for calling hinli
4o gen nan. you nif--:41
ho!rxt 4 inPlo!toligraril
•Flon.rA erry Broil h
._ 1 4
*tee 1 for by
P( I ,nMirLILLE:
.114TURDAY. SIMICIA , rtr4E 11,1
4:7* Pamplitets;Chgks, 44.8e1au AY, ti
flmirliwZls of ever! cretertptuntow#ypriiktedsof 7
ice. at tkelamestcaskimas. .
We would Infiniti our readers that our new
publication will positively !be co mmenced in
July ensuing, and in the :meantime, wr4 res.
pectiully invite those who are disposed to patron-
Ise it, to leave their namesviith us, at early a
period as may be convenien to them: We bare
already incurred a very considerable eipense—
amounting to some hundreds of dollars—in ma
king the necessary preparations. Our new tin
dertaking, therefore, will be commenced a all a
vents. We think that the hahtbitanta of our re
gion, inerally, will be disposed to iniaitinfan
dition medium of intelligence. The latest
ews in and out of our region, wilLtliea be com
municated without delay. We do not eipect to
receive an immediate remuneration,. for our ex
pense and trouble. We think, however, that the
interests of our region will be greatly promoted
by our new undertaking.
Those persons it Philadelphia, whO feel dis
posed to patronize the semi-weekly Journal, will
please leave their names with Mr. Coffee, at the
The Blind Irish Happer.— . Mr. ,
is at present in our borough, 'and gave a
musical entertainment last night at the
Pennsylvania Ball, and will perform to
night again at the hotel of Mr. O'Connor.
We hope that he may draw a full :house—
he is a deserving young man, highly re
commended, and entitlet to the sympathy
and patronage Of the community.—For
particulars we refer our readers to the
Bills. -
Igr We invite attention to the adver.
tisement of the James River and Kanaw
ha Catal - Company, which will be
found in anether column.
We refer our readers to an article on
the first page relative to the pnispects of
Martin Van Buren. Nothing can be
clearer than that the magidian's cause is
absolutely hopeless—notwithstanding his
recent- claming and unexpected 'movement
in the Senate in voting for the Post Office
Incendiary Bill—thereby thinking to cur
ry favor with the South. The artful tricks
of this gentleman, however, are well un
derstood by this time and tag deceive no
one—not even the humblest of his follow.
era We also refer our readers to an elo.
quent address delivered by Gen. Harrison
to Gen. La Fayette—delivered on the
spur of the moment and without the slight
est preparation. And yet there are lying
varlets who assert that Gem Harrison is
destitute of talents.
. We regret to learn that 'several persons
were drowned on the line of the canal du
ring the last week.. Among ;the number,
we understand, is Miles Barron, of this
place. Ie was intemperate. A person
whose name we have not learned, was also
drowned at Mourit Carbon, on Thursday
last. He fell off a bridge in a state of in
Blackenpod'g Edinburgh . Magazine—
Published by Theodore Foster, N. York--
We have received the March number of
this celebrated periodical, which contains
the usual variety of well written and amu
sing articles. - Swan's Select Pieces of the
Lakes of Scotland abounds with graphic
and elegant descriptions of romantic sce
nery. Paris Morning s on tie le ft banks of
the Seine, is of a differeni character, Arm
ing the nature of the ractrities and charac
ter of the Lecturers of Sorbonne—the once
fatuous Doctors of Sdrbonee—in a spright
ly and interesting manner—interspersed
with amusing aneldotet. Wm. Pitt, No.
IX, is rernarkable for its' bitterness against
Fox, but powerful and full of information.
extracts from the Journal of an Alpine
Traveller, No. II; A Word for Winter,
by the Sketcher; Hints to Authors; Job
Pippin's; Ballads from the German of Lud
wig Uhland; Alcibiades,' the Boy; Fanny
Fairfield, part It; Translations from the
Greek . Anthology., by Wm. Hay, and the
Cott& Manufacture comprise the residue
of the contents.
The -
W h
tidetstrad a. loeo loco
ee Five rotate a favr
togeattesuan."' "/'ut
_irtid the
it -
'Amu &ascii United
ilitureor Connecticut.
e gober.
icute of land,
iho , bande o.
e to the United
TRW' 1111,15- 7 JOVUNILtio ,
• - .
Miner's Journal, I
lestrririeel--4e„ soautOnTh
tide, - Mu .kedto tite - rnshicet ranee, and we
-would again kespectfullyf insvte 1 the stibititiori -of
props y, holders to-it. Whits all are hefly , in so
eninulatinf prnierty, few tare the neemea4if pre
e preserve it. Aritong -these; mean-
Oohs, insurance sgainst . firei is ondot*liy the
Most import4nt, and der acids thscearlieet
lion.. We are surprised that any @horrid neglect
a measure se necessary, so- prudent, so indispen
septa. "An ounce of previntion ea mid to be
worth a pound of'oure,"--b4t when ors property
is destroyed, it is evidently i past cure. And as
industry may accumulate 4w property, so may
accident again annihilate IL! Whenassierity may
be purchased at a trifling expense, is J 4 not rash
ness to reject it? By Missing to users your
property, a few delta* may be sank but dais
seeds iikeeisr, may be thei* lost. This iii evi
dently therelbre a "penny wise and pound foolish"
principle, as old Dr. Franklin used to say. Ev.
ery store-keeper Therefore, Should insure his stock,
every housekeeper his fuieiture, evert , landlord
his houses. Riches are raid to take wings—s.
thing .proves the maxim more Strikingly than con
Qt We have nothing from Harrisburg
of any importance. •
The Treasurer of they United' States ac
knowledges that the surplus revenue of the
country now amounts to upwards of thirty
eight atitlions of donars--and this im
mense sum is all under the control of the
.traitor Whitney. Well may the patriot
eclann 7 —alas! for my country! when
rOch men are permitted to enter the couh :
cils of the Nation!
lennsylvanien says that Messrs,
Penrose, Dickey, dm. have shan
k() support of Martin Van Buren.
glad to heir it: No Pennsylva.
an, woo has one spark of state pride can
supporl him, after reading his celebrated
letter to Cincinnati, in which he approves
"from 'he eery bottom of his heart, of the
attack made by Olkio on the Pennsylvania
banks, etc. 'II same reasons that
caused ! the above gentlemen to abandon
Van Buren, siill induce at least 20,000 of
• i •
the free voters of this state to abandon him
also at the same time.; .
dotied t
We a
Harrison and Von Btteenl---the late
War.: 7 -In 1812, Van Bureb Offered, the
following resolution against the late War:
"Aldred, That the warns impolitic and
disastrous; and to employ the militia in an
offensive WAII, is ortcarrarrrtrraorrra.."
In 1812, Gen. Harrison 'war Governor
okt, hri North West Territory .. As soon as
ihirkar question was agitated;be imme
diate issued bis , proclamation calling up
on th fr people of the Territory to rally a•
round the standard of their Cduntry and
protect it from insult from abroad.
Fellow-Citizens, to 4/12ioni will you giie
your; suffrages--thel man, Who was deter
mined to'proteci our righte and .privileges
at all hazards--or the man, who would
have suffered those rights and privileges
to be wrested from us with Impunity and
trampled under foot by a foreign foci
1b,525 passengers arrived at New York,
during the month of May, from European
ports, principally emigrants.
The United States Gazette of Monda3
The facilities- fot crossing. the Atlantic are so
great, that we sOreely nus a friend tram our
walks, before we are called pen to congtatulate
him upon his save voyage 'to mid from Europe;
and these facilities are to be use' ton considera
ble extent this summer, by' the Philadelphians.— j
Arnow othericvehoiniprove :the season of compa-1
retire leisure, our rispeetet: teSenarnan. Aware
Rarnism., Esq. will this morning leave the city to.
enter upon a short trip to England, France, 4-c.
Wo most heartily wish hits a delightful voyage.
As soon - as the contemplated lines of
steam packets are established,.a trip across
the Atlantic will become as fashionable;
and will not be considered a more i arduouii
undertaking, than a trip to the different
watering places ht present.
Mr. Brooks, the author of a series o
letters from abroad, arrived' at New York
on Monday lash
Trial of R. P. Rol4nson for the .]Kurd
of Ellew Jewett.
No case in this coontri has occurred Or
a long period ivitich; has excited ettonor
-----74 4 1 0 f - Bing ' *iidil -Y
**pi t 61) the -
n i g ui...4411 , that ' ;:ii ca nnot be n; 'atltilt, Oa
tia the!tri iorte The , prisoner, -it ap-
Pearklvek*E"- - • ' 'II) n ie r. , ' E ll en) .;
w i
aerwee see,
.0 by wo o il t e otbe *male
.. , .
IR - Jew- .f
inmates of* be • • me going into ... en W.
ett's room; who • ere leaking elafes theik
respectiv ' i isito . Anothergentleman;
however, -- he me nom deguerri,,Frank
Rivers, vv in a habit of visiting the
house, bill the messes say that the puts
ones was the tn. , : who came , there that
evening !To : -nd cartied up a bottle of
Chem : : • at. bout lio'clock, and then
saw the :, :tie - lying in bed ' leaning on
his el ,: 1 irea; -; g a book or; paper, and.
remark -,; that he hair 'was Very thin on,
the tackle:lid as ~, , r part Cif tbehead where,
it was Parted, which 'circunistance . she
had-neveriobse ed shine. At a 'quarter
past 12 .cenloc , she retired tot bed—lienni
some one knee irig_ to get oin whom she .
directed to go °Mils weman n cor that pur
pose, and aft rwards bee somebody
knocking Ito _.; in whom aboilet in. Bias
ing a light in he parlor she • went in and
found t edam , burning, and discovered the .
backdoor o; .:, which was' fastened by a
bar— dad ;r some time: in her ;ewe
room, return —called twice—no answer
—buried the ; oor—went ui, stairs—tried
to ope Maria z teven's door---went to Ellen
Jewett's ; doe . opened it, when thg smoke
rushed Cut • ; torrents. The house was
then lilarmed by her and the watchman
called in. $ eof them naineci.Eldridge,
subsettuently discovered & dirk cloth cloak
in this 'rear yard adjoining" Townsend's
yardSl a ratchet in the latter yard.
Eldrid an others tell ustin their testi
teeny t tt: By remarked rest or blood on
it-Lt he hat : - t has been identified as be
longiii t ot e employer of Robinson, Mr.
Rorie. T: hatchet and eloiliivere pre
duced nth • trial, and some discrepancies
in tile esti ;; ony occurred , in: relation to
strings! on the same. Mrs. Townsend
sayithat iss Stevens and herself tried to
get • intro t: e rtlom through the smoke—
Miaii Steve ; first reached the bed, which
was he fire. They extinguished -the fire
with! %rater—they found the body of Elkin
Jevret partly burnt, with* large gash in
the( • ht side of her trea d . Dr. Rogers,
wh ;'
4 4
examined the body, gives a more par.
tic adescriptionof its State, according
tow En there were threi wounds on the
bead, a large. wound on the right side, et
tendwith a fracture 4 the scull and
Seine ,
blood; the two small wounds were
flesh minds. The statements of Rosins ,
Th l ad are corroborated' by those al
the her witnesses for! the prosecution.;
Tim 'lion of the baldness; on the head'
off ob
T ue
inson, however, is a matter which
rosy operate greatly s in his , favor—since ,
utifo e nded in fart; according to what we 1
lea . When Robinson was questioned 1
by rink, the policeman, about the dark
eel red cloak, he denied that he bad any
hth r than a camblet one • hanging' up i
his room; yet a fellow !boarder swears h
ited with Robinson Ito Beekman street
pn the evening preceding the muriler ,
el n ,he- wore such a cloak, but be saw n
hatchet .in it, though it wasopen. Robin c
&or was afterwards taxed with the murder,
bu he neither confessed nor denied it.
When Mary Gallagher asked him-how hb
could be so cruel as re commit such. an act,
he, talked of his brilliant prospects, and
asked her whether she thought be, would
deiitroy them by so ridiculous 'an act? e
buis from the moment of his arrest exhi
it 4d the most perfect composure. A c -
ndence by letters-was proved beiw n
t deceased and Robinson. The testi o•
n of Robert Furlong, a Grocer (the fi
mess called for- Rubinson) isiiiighly a.
' v mble to him, who swears that the p is
o er was at his store at the corner of N
u and Liberty streets, on, the isienin i 1
estion, smoking Segrus, until &bee i
um ter past ten o'clOck. They both t 1
ut their watches at tea o'clock, and hi
risoner did - not depart . till seine min to
s cc i as
d erward a quart s. er. Th C e o : ly d e islaim r, a watc7criamn, is
°wrise prese nd n a t i o s n sa th id e l° mo be rning a m e i : e el:m it e i :
ontradicts Mrs. Townsend by Boole o ht
:eclarationithen—auch as her saying by c an did ci nfeim iii i _vi,
she did not see Robinson', face, and eon kis invitperiy.—Ths Waltiein
not swear positively that it was b h 4 -Bunn paper, publi
she would not know bias by day ligh etc. o rgy . 6th lay.: :, Hkurfaar. ,
but in .many particulars he corroborates ~,, 07,4" „ m a nce ,
her testimony. James Tellr s the tiler thiceeetionaleandli
Frank Rivers, and the bed fellow ofR bit we. G"P-garik
son; says that , he has seen him w th a whacin anitat - *lit
cloth cloak, which had been in his mbar akadhlaao
eat northwest.
doe about tire menthe, and which bad c -- - -7 -
Win. D., , Gray. 'to wear fo ma ; . mr eVt• .oriebil
got fro m f • eaafor a maraca 3
Day the latter bed' borrowed. (The cloak' The Vui Buren min
fiend was identified aiathe cloak of °bin• of inder.-.Semebew
son by several witnesses., though fo some in the _is_ ,
,iiitict win
reason or other apt shown to this Mess, patt y _.,gUCCIU° I2 _ .
one of them by this sowing in of tassel ty . , ..4 1 L Whit
which had been torn eel' 1 4 1'ew awoke on l el l iT n an „Mrt i t t
the lElatufd,y night in quotation, as as it i m b r t a t,h, trg c .
'he could judge by his &dings, tweew left:other &Msg. at
I:i iiir
one and two ecliaiir r and fhand dm • . hated lifiluko_
er abed. Theptisoner, it appear., sued . The N .- Y= E'
off 'his heir while in the'rielleve t e i popm.. l- 4 4 . 11 ih L i ,Pae
,Nu. 1 10 !thound swears Out oho unintkuied c atem
Z - 1.
-the 11113010 e to, the District Attorney he. police womb 60egidal
&MAWS hftened• . The lettere of Rob- humus "Public's/Id
keen were not ilermittedto be - read to the g 0 so d' , 0 47- ----
, ANY. ".Our re-tilers> bovieenr, r wlit not be Ail inix4arltai be=
able to ibr m,ili 'P°_,trlct., iudgmentt . on the i l l V l r t g i t' l i b T otims .Witir f
subject of : the trial, without -iftoing the - Methodiit Bail Coned
whole of the teithury; tibia will 10tIbt. NIIW Yolk:
lees shoitly - its . f Thiiiiiii, in the - ca
-'-- ftri ta i l Ansoihubsea : aciPiit ;Ifterir iii ths CktY,4 ol kr
asitherldiOnifitVtlitAp` nib P2 .l w4ir'-olltira
e ;
i t yinolobi.
Verdi . ut lass . 'vie itilhatiWita hareem ;T - - - - - •;-0 ,
! ' ' !a , o" l. riliffit 1010Inty niouilothenp in r
.:, 1 .4: 4....;,! 7 --q ~- -tj; ; -
; :m fr : 4- +
~_.,.;,.?,,-, 7 *' !- '.l' 1 -
. 1 .-.1 -- - J- . :.1 . 4- ---
',. ! t• i I :
emrplitamat to Mr. f i li t iiiiiii — wr. Mco
In him Speech on 1"0 0 " -
r. McCown said that.
Mr. Czar's land hill;
se has been mpeeially I
call it Mr.exay's lent
r to do with the subject
citizen of the U. State
co a party quottioil of V
led to settle the.principl
..lion. by. the strength
JACKSON ' and thaw
re to • vitiate life—Mr.
office. and . the Preside
azure of his . country's
eof Ilzroir Czar mi,
to vote against The zneuw
n r supported Mr: Clay '
w torn Virginian. he was
a o ne of her Most talents.
if pot agree with him in
measures, yet he always ad
i g crib e bold, and gesseroas 1
h may be overwhelmed by
y t. when these partyAimes
t e merits ef I thierisium biz e ,
rity, Will eirolliajiiinial:
. ,
General Harrisonhitii in a'toter t: a I er ofl
inquiry froth the lion. S. Will am: of He: oak'',
expressed himablf is favor or e ilistribil ion of
n t
the surplua revenue among 1 e States- - ' favor
of Mr. Clay's Laridßitl--oppced to the slot
and ordinary exercise of the v etopewee', `posed
to the "expunging" proems—and,. cgit: ing to
favor of the Bank of the Unite Slat '-- aill oPPD ,
Red to its re:hart:T.-willing t ma id- &ft: to
get along without it-laith gh, ;"Ili ',public
°- voice should demand a Bank. and ' It it . tild be
A found necessary, he would n t vetkiiiiii to that
t ., effect. It made President. S ch Aibriifly the
views of Harrison on t ese Imbjectiti.. •
03' The -New, :Tetley Whi
bled at Trenton on Monday st * _,
, the nomination of candida
11 ` Vice President. WUXI ,
ie Ohio, and FRANCIS G '
nu York * received a unanim
two hundred delegates..from
, e State * Col. Joseph LWaiTea i Of
Preoidept. The'- ikaforitttites.
30 counties,. goof*litpromiae_gfla Ro
kr, tory. The efeetwaant eoaj re
er tione i wese deferied
. to the *al:dn.—
To A
~Alect„.„ •
\ r ecmixt,th c tatxdhimaoi
thy hats*, aid-egi
it.l2 womeit,iboncureeefthe
'I, and thy Own the giat
teed hoar of i ' nn
Lek shall be blanched; and
ninb, • I
shall be PalalCdie.ncrimien
: 0112 7°F ' e r r.. P°** l l n *l
fior.the wolfOr the rite so ,
thy muzzy tOtbe Almelo
of the whitee ever quielv
in Am, thee mender in
to tby lair, *litre the red el
annOahall be appkeitia to
in your grate4.ot bid moll
of the wiae, and the;bial
toll, butthjr stern shall
all shun then *rani aiidnr
.in cab nee from Ihy. mane
boy arz thy lowly ulei!nd p
11l curse thee, thou thirster
shall be sackezed with 0"
bitoiae shall lilu that
- •
190111 of the true; and the Zvi
brave! : . 0" --
▪ • of those rare 'Arita. ,
▪ isis, and soar above part)
d 4
rnbition, and east oil on f ayes f
is distracted country. Pack lines. might in
rawn around his dame,yet ; &crime respires
ion awaits bum. fie will live imperishable is
.o affection of 'every votary f civil' liberty
rongbout the world; while there whoa
ephemeral existence wi ll go do with the lib.
bing tide of polities to tho andel oblWoff: : ,
Prospectuses ftir an °Extra" G ..ISO ire - ite tee
circulation in Pennsylvania. ey declare . at
on Pennsylvani a depends the kerne or the Ututt
Presidential touted. A very eiisdid con
tritely. Come out Mr. Globe aid tell' the .
too whole truth at erica; and furl the pus lof
enabling you to do thi.S, SreWooki suggest col
kering addition Witte preirpcdesi 441 1 titiOiiT
is ALREADY SWURED 'to .the ritibik and
' Statesman of North Ecitd by a 'similarity fan
LEAST 20,000 or sae verso 01/ oil Fans= "'''.
The following sentiment, drink at s ce hrs.
Lion at this place about three yoarit since, se
officeholder under Gov. Wolf, is peculiarly sp.
plicable in the.preaent fastener _
"An 'EXTRA' Globe—NO T! W.A'NTEtt se& 1
til the ranee? Wiz is DESTR YED."-,--Rest.
I lidr
t.. child?
l og 441
ar elk
sod the
b to a', 1
I !
end' 1b:0.4.
r i E.
nt• •
tok to
t 'lt'd
'of New
'ow vie.
Bova I
Star. a
- 4. r
taq,' tal
lit 411
# thattOrkti , aro
itesiiiig ißireiyierrest
'Oat leiejappcianted
Abe* ee-baitding or t*
id lately toratJ4lAwitp.
—14re: , 1 5 .: 1 1
'Mal* their
the 4iiorictres