:i.eze" -- ' y l." * "';•FY I M nowkborareipimiotiiig kheliciptirmnd tioTioo addiescain We esionta dekcitiiiPt wiskkitthir 'ld . *over on car libert* ;, - -thirvikeit-iyi , cire;-.. ebiesitt.... 41 1 rst- - offices in the lank toolitthal deatinimill*Wh 411 1 46110hattii.detegtujort Ilezt and - hieignity. If this 4,)? an aiseentoly which as to iltrnernbeia leras:selt epaoint.,. lit-1404 1 / 3 14,7ifirit :not tie /IVA i states are:consolidated 31;;,164e0erifetniti-aid rights be. Ittei;-thicpoitittif it:dint:4'6de ifiirrelnahlaten4ited eerrip, let of the 'day, "On the other 4 i ' nit* . oraenAvigiusow i z iairai4of ! iiid'itpgritsinctin. fi i' in( thetftruperkeasenibliea-z tit4eylyantie and-Avertriti'.o4 . tette . tft other alitee ' by the pee. 'wlll tielhe • assertion' of their fic 'iresiteetek and ; the engin .411 fTetvo;`, ' - of 'the - rebnittorte ft:A*4.: -='.." . ' - ''' - I•'''' '''''''' "—' ittriatiiii fel!**eiitzen, FRANCIS riVetli'"York-iitliosewell 'maned gentleman,e enhofai an i'statee:: . 11111412 itOi , ol3l el, if; it unnecessary stilt Pa' `TI 63-IriiP _ any hymen hymen Wm' iii 14-' co - 0,4540i' for 'iee 'President - - • -•'._`‘ la before'yeul -- ifiser ntithothed 10411 etteceed.; Fel tuniti 'tithe Aidatiteltielivhon 3 tirwholtfiatt A oPpurty despotism 'nefireeniet: kna4dr e f i tCh il i e i b3" o 4:ineetir - AI I rmo, of their itenleat:7pppit- A the State, we inlet no,Sgulabi . commit the' Capita with this ean: zeal ietireity;lo , one bellied try: . all'ecverita; to: the 1 -- etiriftii# ralinerniiiileeien._ .. - - - /eat' n " vas the lafiiqiit ever, lii:P *lsYkvinio;, .find . lviiii - aa , , we ts iiiiltit planner hy . T. - C.Biddle , , , and Idaraball43o,l4`Esiirs. * k di ireain Thik ... . .. i As!l-' , . . .. ,Idencet-ThealObeirirmulting at the lera*Ufliranta:Annerebuires the Whititinfi'llar. iscret. ,„ ,parmils- with , ' violent - opposi tion _ to because , fl'exa#dminuient%falaband. .Not Mb • , ~ l itrmalaa paperObat we know of, bat abet • - Elitlitlb • r.so °pally in Giver of Taxing wijile t ~ eerruptergawthei Globe, • beams% and him , ;;a , talked of our neutrality i s the: gees. tissioir,l . knew that - Van Barra was dead api4st , and'ae Moho ,:also; but *Rowing' . 1 , • • ::iip , len in ; tiese =mattcraciora compuliery 'Pribeikir , ‘ Rett.:: - 47 &mon. - fiersonallyi4 expressed mush - --, ' .g-iri. eirtlebalfo-hta. be ewas- eoord , do by ; • - , ~ at-labors of the gittdien Cabin.' efilk - • s ax: . ''• -tams with 'Maximo Pant - - not. sJO ' centaur ourselisilin Ayer: of '• ' - . li*al :,, ofthe r ille:xieur , ierriloyy, telf-1t 44 : 27 4.4 1 C - 1 1 4.0 411 .nat4 , ballad! NOMA' , At . '-, - -Vieitlpeiplode. bona ;Wash: t ) , hittf4;liunded ',' bithe ;bine river. 4arta line drain cue north from its d waters to Red River s aOulk-"and west by* . It a tririp,ifie V, lor -rivets nail - del ' .init tilitiChWilfeci ~ ' and ver,th b , Red Am. , '” lt , ritintilia - ' 1190 2 ,.nmws ' -with Probably i - 100 AML 110 0 1 . -l lt !,lequal tn . extent to! 211414lnigland and 'New-Yorit tited*;. and dim thrgambod,fiir4atility of soil and aatibrity or eihnaleabove-inest other parts Of *Salmi& t= :ilthen'you ii , obliged to obtain credit for your siodritoxeqf reful 0 IsVi:dtmAPPIY; as a 1 4:14toriaiMill *nmelf."M ►eacreitor may mt.. mom,. :NSW ig4;nee4it for small Aums—nor *WI sum IR• 'ahlreMnt places- . .butter owe what Loa„ nti obligeaftn,nwe at -mit place And •to sae 4, wta: l Elmm man to li.hinn you owe five danara will ads pa' as much, If. nst,toore than .thit . cook :4.1,,y4r..,we an hundmil., :. Xt ,is quits ti:4,l am thin'_tillMtlo.- ii.9.ika4949K•1 110 1 0. .. met!:, : Alert , midi". n, it at-4.43400,. collectt*llllJ f '4N,Mig . yam ktif#o.4 - 7 (114 444, : . , A° 1 6 0 F, SvPrd -ra ta la 3 , sntr nyr, radOitarete :petite . in YOnr..hatnts—just in 794: 4 4 44 • Mama il.tv.-rknr:- principles—get Insystnti to a . • • . , girt—And yottmay tieof, Tatr yir.shoerirhd :jig, prisons/apd almost the "blue 6 4 ! , = SEKKARY - OF FOREIGN INTELLI- ' r •. r 'WINCE _ 1 . . . A otirscuious stotoopcihuntan core is said to horsier:antis !reap pitected in Losicostershire, Ent ! liami..by a popoh.pricst restorioca worrtatYteP. Ropey, thaw the =died. of ono at the milieu logs Inednis o the blessed Mother of God;: which are solemnly. lined by the . Archbishop of Parisi 'Os Ho n . is.-Stoartoo in Yorlishist,;haso liwell of tt! Mail* " ' _ - - 11.1 awl 7:4lfgji a " IXI ale met tired — mon Tbe rtain hail ialritzer tly . h e r; os nest itf 39- . Brigantis in . prim index, 5 . 41, - 4 :l a th in t gai. dont/ c ared mad e. wi l t i h isort. Ot spatitliorstes frcent =s-hangincirant the; 4t. .4110 cly.they were allow-elk by ski! -Fan Ain*? eanntenitelf the folicAring .4„ support lafthat present .Frenele'lliehtfte, Carlos, _ total" Xing offlolisnd s lkkillit.:. She oflkkrOlma, the English Tories, salt lorohlseirson.• .'',- 1.-. ' ' -- - l' ,children hipo,. , trien` 41 ' 7 loA4irto4 'fig. in Anan* murder - mew irei3Ofthek /12 ' r z ' ' - - .:.:_ , ' . ‘: 1 .. - - 7, .,; :'4 - : 4 . ' - %: - .;: j* ,- t ef ".'; ~ n , , - , : :',7•`: , ,r , e ,„':1 : t':-T—;%''''" f ' s ttlri i ast - ,Ciackp . limaiistofiroy .le . e . ittlyr r iuteis 161,0404/Nostatak teaare, , /: ivartfß44ll4yikoit)publiceilocianeilter., ES - We refer our recders to the;firsti 'Page , kit,the,areeee4hir. hr.•.-Jhe -I r ' 3 u n g RS ' Couv i eatioa mend held .st Bur hurg. ' r e The Herkirol -% c - oe islevtdisOge ingAheed ihroefitut',4lBlceeetrY. The numerous Cialumme4r=tlis abusive epithets ---theloode brilleteration poll - milieu his head'; by the Van I ,.lsereeiteer are _only ea mar evldermes -- ef :the applehen apprehension and dismay with whichibis - growing porleritr is Ivgarlqd• T•he'lietegnlY. e,ed P#4l 2 Y.°f hie, character rent all ; then' ehefill hum less. Evoothe re Oach thatleisalupoor [toad," will not atal: If he ispOor,iii is not rimiiausehe lies b ' Ito isY oppertunityi Of . a l cominerieW hue ,ctiuse he likierle4o:7. , beinloo.holleokiiit;ipatriotictaSihtipon the voile oftheporpleOpifiee-holderi4siiikfar moYetlitnited#pportunities tivii r novildlliug . . 111 . afthieheeilthg 'ihi fl are 0 Jh North ,Beld iscdmpelled ,4o support Ilk FtilYby daily - ,toiL„ , ,And- , :thia dreams ' is lbrewit np - to. him, r-his mmiiies i by way RP4i - Prekeelf• 'AI illart-wke li f iii afilired) ttf! „past ditin' %lied *nice Ito his 1 country, who ' fiwilfoughl-liel bat l i es with undaunted:lime who has giiien every pledge !u ii ? ' ~ that pat t can givo l 'of to devo ' tiT,t le hif! ' :coun, ' l' , s , lls Peltre ' ` l 'hee pagOdateclese., ' spotlessplal• 'ted sn sneereitat he: luutuot ..L. bit wealth! When , yertr *lon , ...; ' • test a l'Otitill,l4#' - illlkOeet" li . ,i a fre 0 1 ‘ ople,* tbey Ai !ma _ca , tqj fie, They will beco , anddeserta trptiec . emu, the prey of swat ms of -harpies Wider the name' of office 44tiiiii: - h tf , ' - `lkrikstslaii.'ieen yeti ialtke-lifil 4 pie during the ieek., ScilWiesosti at:tha Locks at ,eniqualc, and : ltigh w et.-Philidelphi 4enderint, the plumage - f !louts to Fair cluiit almoiltriOpiakbl ; litive'heei the_ , ,ortlii ilit,fionk. t, . • .SistiviA , 1y. , --Tio of ta ' • ' ' '' ' Tiileiß . 4 orChnritir bay -'iFrivid inflkiq Bonin* t andl6loo4oVg*SOni7 t rziroxt4P , ~,, . . „ .. , . , „ ucation of you tantos, on' , Ft, A . .. • . , A. ..., urr,„legiini iftit(ikbr :uiL t il a ba : '•; ,•v-& .=T:7' ,made - to 'Pell! plielidati witil l. i'J &law 'authlTff i e : e ' s ' t fqr_thet-Pagan* . 0 re i np7e thc . l„ ~ ii ) Po Car C! styuyllolll4ll '' 't frOO, - -. • DiticoWit4l4,)•er ;:']'''' • - 1 -- ' - _,, , .. c . ~....... , pattivitie• 4° Public kundre.4 been admittedi oar BOriingh. -ii.-fellow mks lied :bee iiiiiet; irci*Or. khli i ' Oftleir.4o Yid like "rid*. tit** dol., tie'inis . intribi 1 alciOxlit,Ciltkif l fostrialost. 1 - 1 41ertible'llus-1 I* bee i'xb7bit.: , l .tutifa, 'become f fearer -:. and, -1.. ad , retraininithi .. etne lor itielea ..,.., ir ieNild 141.44.4i!ta il) ... ..: t ii i.:l H 4 - .. ~ IR, _,,m...t. 4 ,,ed It o: - ' 'ri.,:er:fir‹,4ll PL.L2 ~ ;d rffi of t ee yshildros Ir r ilre4di tcbootsref t • ' _, -- Poudaue yarn. Company The Di- rectors of th: .-Conipany itiv tontraOtea with tlesSre- pc hest & quo , , for. "lie supplyof pi )t o introducie t , water.into the boorsighre more favorableiterms than was auticipul :- 'Vile' Reisiertotr is el -. 1 ' O6-1 0. 4 k r :, ''YoKrilf# 444 H • *m4'9 oil' 4 sot ~.,41.)itel `l i tu4936e:.. ougri: - .4 firsftr - orii4ocliyat -' ~ • isi be t ed.. • The Lego Jima f tali fin • k the ratio at 9‘.., a. i 58tatrabi fb tiptiato r— t and 305 T gonsci county 19 and Nati one Banat Rior. 'i LAsiszt tniga ged in th . Louse 4, hts P 12 50 And amend O'' , t li th ile at . ral.Systern nf Blur.— . the prinei*ifeatures -et thii iet relate to taxation. !mitts' if n 5O Oats it, !Sid on , , every inalei l muible„. d onf,offices, prates, si sions_and & is le fteeto nOtexeeedifig the amount on Ilhe same for cnimty purposes. Personal fror, rty isi taxi . as under the repealed Ate km, stud all p eperty not tax. ed lqr. j. co ' ' purpo s e' , assessed ae r el e corfilig to he pros' orur . the same—, it widotiis an ' l ,, Thin& e ted. The: tax is to be 01' Ltd end I tip tioned by the School 1 1) ' tors, $2OO 00, includink the jitn — Oini k iseiti by the' 111 S. Bank, is the, 1 sum to ,:.distributid, balances ua drawn- by , istriets in be paid into the Selina-ft* after the 11 of Novemb er, 1030.: . ir-: -: ., _ i _ , ", . Potivr* apprigi _half a mil lion of-iloWue for tilt). purpose if carrying ontheiraingiiinat tpeindlans in the south. .lution not to ref.eiveAtfy!more,potitiOn liaVipifor their . objeet,th;iholition for very- -- believing: tharthe: tea alone have the OWO to contrCtlir th ; I has rents , seat. S. Semi' ;-•fortlieviiurp*pf • dutieS litibilisltue,io ' : '''.44;gdigiiitwiki ;', 7 r fi ' . '' l M. ' Ape . kw. charge, 'iind-:,t.h ,etwhole *id ..sol`i pontrof !11)6ut fciftkiFiFickol-Vitogarriti 'the re venue of 1 Aiike.o4 6 si , hike laikatik4 - 4 !hat he 1 '44 *Walk of allegiance ita-GreatZtii pul/4 iiind Lath, bi do, chit* the Jute-. Warw..= tia I Yliiii ll'ivoir , ci , .; : iikidcAttieri; I 14 1 44- P t tt - 4-44111 ,..„ 4 - : W6r it: • if- ; ...,_ 7 ~ pt,„„,._.!:,,:•.....„.:,,,,:,.„.:"...,.„.„.‘,..,,...,:„..„ :•:•,,,,•.....,•.,,::.,..,..,r,...,„ liattiail4rWaid, :.- 'Po_ . . ' bi.iiiitilitikil t * o 4 6 igitiiiiiltetico4:.,:liii:elV ! - .ths l ciAle.tEeliO4;.J4o-Viiiik***ini. ..00:facluioci okiimi'*, 4 - ,10.:4041.113000S .4 9 .Velat, --- rig, itidliiikaiht4Ailillafsafren . o .6.iiiiiil6 .- iiiiiiii:p..iiitt "tti4i:- -- Xl:TiVi#alte, form ~f member;lloCl44-bi4i ...i 'tia ._,S li ik .:4 i i: jjaiiei*;*i:lllTiikipo4i!? i.lete forwrolop,.. ;, li , -„ t ;.,Av. y - We were InfOrmef Yeiiirdiy; i f l ' geliiiii , 16 ; bii - paidauch - atentls • tithem~ohir iibad.bcen reining .Ulo' ilaistr ciailitißly.;lAir seven days:-.;:spalwerrar, of • Piiilaliielphikizkoblibir .iiot. more: ifili . '2oo.,*l - 306 :iiiiler ,iiiitiugt.::-- Win' iv oorriiondentslet'dirkibiv ViiigLihig la_ __.___...- IF* . lave, bat 441100:.0cri-*Fm:ll4othei'c'eg' lin Biniiiypio,: - - :,:i., ~, .._.--4.:',-'• -4::-= . 7. , ..- - ,: - .'::::t :- i 7ln'thiiiliqiii 'iiiirli4d.iiie.4iiiiipliiiiii . '* 7 Wen suto - itiew,;*oram , etiedi, rainy, 1 idtimii. fkiiiiiiia - I.***berwioi not . 414.0-. Iter*:or , fta".: b!ja*: , 440" ,01. : "0000' 4 iii. so much **A* IfFe..4 ll i!ast•P# 6 o4o : i gespAii..-40:qing.:144.41i0 - ::00* - tiotid0 . Iditin4o.:loMin l o7 . .Xithin - - .- oy , 00 1 3401 e. "periclit.,: . ,iW* . jut.*•. hiciamiliversiriain e l • 'very day, Aign#:.Pl4.*i4 I s o nsidi ra oi luantities, -. The goitiodi tiOlOitet4iitc4:o 7 „, Rlctety sa turated with Ayikigrp. •: .~,:~. - =9 • ' ' TE$lB: , 1 , , . 'The tidings, from ithiw.ctitint*-.draWe. from I s variety- Of. alarms, idl, ,e'oncur, la confirming the late iglorlootkintelligataiti ; with some important variations la the purr „ticulata., • The :Spirit of,,enttinsinstu-nWa kened in the West @watered no abate.' meat, but ,lias beentither-atimulated - fry recent events:, . Elni)drids E porli4i..thOur.l 1 sands * are:cithor imUchingoitreparingto' ' march for-Texasieofthitt wt4rottY,tott,c. l o .3 l 1 that i - if thainvadere aranothdreany oincwi se , dt o tregi Pr retreat, they till . 4a , WIWI - . i'Y tiftvenYuLoy.o l :ll l 44. l ; :la various, I t pael, of oar, 4t/te.,' POhli , S4 Pickgll took PtPl 4 !tt 00141- o Gthejlitafilgoace oft.ha defeat nod capture of Santa Anna*. .00- nolahboworbwineflre*,4l4it 'their old cart! rrporitsireatingplawatot Made it thll 4440012 - Pit ttPPlPkto4while the cit of -Dia! nifiro a, pindripti younilw i i 3o4 wit - twit brass - field -prep* -.l..onisvillo consuianekated,thOvent hi a itaid ilbs nli*On. - - .Greili.liP (l 4, lol M,7kust .it W 1 c 6 l iii Ckl i d; * TrAi4l o,4lllB * lB- ** l" =L he txtriits:or,Teszumlo,4l4-fikeiOtoOd•secti rill, :iiiiiSiOfft4o3ool*E t t*o:, -- kii*ins itn4 , sissPrYjsrOYer,,,OpisTM4t6gStbsr With, ba.rbaronwitailitary, elecutioos Mid - tdi'toe horror . * which must albsainently have re- - 1 8 14t0 - cli9P- 4 .- 1 14,Eit ' , Of_ fraiiii**igions ioti4eraseciaryitlroscripthin arli'lmibri-: OW dcsPoqloilirftlx, , AP Othai,P9 ' ,*erees who achieved :- t h e the victor y-nttAtioiM.P4 - I thetneetY B43 .fitkil,igreasitr tt . ii i itli n iteriahatlaliti io end-finshOO. - Otettnfu t, fa ted as. it rich - - -iolieritaccej to.- tieli:Tiiimst ' " I "`v-- . eez.,--4 14t v-‘.,,... 1 f derfirte& irkiti Fit e, ..o, ? mil " I aid to syinpaibdi , witk,.4reaf.eietits on earth; the trumelorthe Sitypowfbilidoom , , Mended by the - Madera opt. (Travis) Will be niiiielmarbY , tliiiivioOrl9-thishatio or tikti berme, Citielcete Wig telbicent this 1 unparalleled - triuMph—though the4uniah ' ment thereby inflicted on& invaders may 1 not yet atone ror; the' deaths of the, 400 I slaughtered victiins undeiFaniiidoileeping Lia4**;,,rrishiy.44-iiiiO4-pi kkitemid g ran* iittliitig,on-.lhcaxire Irth'eiremd I as It, prey' to the:l,We* otthe field iiadibel vultUres of:the idi. ' The' fiii rof PiVihe Providence will be traced hyinany hi this victory. = Gen. Sion and the Fioridians.--The General comp/oins bitterly ih zutf order re- i cently issued of the conduct of the Flori dians, alleging Vat witbin 4 few days the incursion of but Five Indians in . the-heart of Middle-Florida, and the commission•of a .murdei by Ahem had put the inhabitants to flight, and giving other instances of wild fear excitid by causes equally inadequate, both in Eastern and Middle. Florida. ilkill lain ming Sen. ;• , - "It JD evident," says the Qider, kibitz+) Gener al, even with este nave means. eau cure a disease in the public - m*4, so general 'rind so degrading, without - some - little effort ourther part of the people themselves. Thus the planiers,lirs the recent case, near Tallahasire._ who fled - trithout knowing whether they to from squiwszr warriora t maglit first to hare aim. rtained that Imaterial Tact. If they had turned upon the enemy; they would have found thecaso within the easy compete of any three or form resolute :nutatcrs, and hag as many overseers. This was the simple and man ly course. That adopted ' wai—to fly, to spread I panic and to throw - execrations upon the general who has the nirahrittute to codomand a. handful of brave troops bribe midst &inch a population." The Goner," Insists that le regular force in the Territory b adequate to i protection. The ehlieni Ufa. Aligns 'no bad.been 'my much excited Oly the tone , ofGen.. Scott's order. and** publii meeting Was Ito havo •'been held -on Thursday4liat, at 4 o'riock, P. 111., torexpress fiuriesentim ba.on the oetaiion, and probably to ',Mien the, invernment for h is recap. , , • The Arbiursßf.gericu Gainbtisit' ►, Rhit4ei of the 28th of iffay We poidieb -thisneek tke report or threat - - `committee of the mato ernes? York -!erpon . 43, ideetc:Jobbin_i transactions orJohn C. Keinble ]sta. Bishop.: twe !members of-iliat tot andor • .misconduct intilseut toeciallel legista bittory_of Or ether =kooky. rept tis been ,befinntbe-sentio for soma time, and agate taken up on Saturcay Jut... end , after: Is emanated diecussioni(mais .decidcd;*:the: • :plitepieby. !efente oft 9 ta; g. that- the - .senate possess theVaner AriexPet!eny of its !nem*, 1 eirraland,tiffiehillaisceethiet;-"andisi the • i—by a tote,' 0121 been thee loili3-bet -it reflood; 16 to the sal Bishop "suniitftbi4Ea seat in that • " slide subject ens . tleilaid - tipon the to le 4ntil-Atetley„inerniot 10, when *fietit - cd the Oilignottee of himself ; Natrheligh;cittglitteendobat immattrO4 0044144 4411catiadtteelto ' - 4,1i40 - Dioiel • • - the! wailer efirt'' _ eiNtofsemetr;slitid 4whiCh-hiw.itteefe-eadflodgestheeleetet:4tgard and *Wee is hely,andr inviolate-Endart* • I : n Ili° IL ing th of 'Noir WOE ME II _ ~F~ ~:i~_..T_ ",~~' _ ...,.....:. - - 1 , t .... 7 „...,"„ t . t .,..: ~..,-...,......,r ., ...i . ,..,,...,..,7 , r,..,. I I 1 . ''' . ilk - .- A_ . ..: ; . - ..: •i - 7 .. V . ' t 1 - -... 1: - . '-. -'1'... .1 1 . '.: .1 . : .- 1 . 1 . •- i . `-.,. .. ..._,- , _ - -- -..-..., 7. 7- 7,- ~, • . col I id •.. .. - itiufr "'''*4_ j x,.... -i - 'uk4,--f..Nadir ._ 1 ,.010:,,0* — ) Mitt aw im ' . • .... -just .—. tiptes,llitalss mem Icidj* Seir;lii ' • • I:isiPpilelitiiia 11* :alga Att‘ Ica toi `-- arbei_wbi isOliii • Iriisciiitfik to Metre . - 'at hiimitlf . ..istlllheli' I jOgiatiali . 14114-: • .1 - . i. Mr. Wshop then. la his imit4llo.- seisms - iortatu* •rSititirki4.: also raugisd • * hitter: sehrto4ol fp the *Went of it .• ~ - - - lif.ithseh' , . he pipesseatir himself as liatiecist deatnlitt acL7*** 44 .4kciugke to eAlPrt. '2 " 7 Mil° h is ba aP1,44444-11 1: - em ~. -4 a ft er Arettekt•ort ImMulltt tee. ' . t tim. he ~ a ON thotight, like at that thel o etter *2l:dialer wee-'di' 410; trod: reeigni - hetbrii - the ~. 7_, 'k.....a.--* 6 eperititiniewpip:ik4i.: . l . Both : made. andi4shopite, members - cir. Van area's - AH*O Regeney - - . —and it ~ears we re'eon*ted *Hit iltittex; the ''. - s- - ohd ri g - cashier 7cX the , Aliiip,icinit ietteial Bank, ia a aeries ofethehi,ls3esulit ti*,.. the : Ouraisir**4***44g: A n t..h u viiilkiii:ii* . :., 41;1.- 4 ,1 - : - , , „:f" , : ak.ur ' 1 /Ash i in - the - atiuti pri Ihejlehati r i4 ilipellt re,.lnadathwf lowitiksPefeileion.; - '4ie- is, thevi." - i:tr:Oi •iiol Jeititill. who *pilot(' - • ' eewhie - the conscience "seitl—:atid eupttottlreii . at , the "ex Ipease ci loot ermine 1 4 , -$' ' - .;-, v. He Woad noll'reakt; asi - gleri ri. to repel ti 4 01',any Iher'aceniation.lt r the ' lib efitehlining his: ftttnit4 #nate• 1 ' i l i at A- 444 L 4 t ifillic4Y ' 'with , n o . other regke ; _ , la j n :,:irclnit - obt u t . f thti - 's*erittee of ill , pleasift '' wiiimktforts ;OA he bed flirme4 Sr .•,.lti in lteri;:tted for, :Irlitailii thoelPilulre' :ban ;, 1 1,ieliell$ 4coti- , intiiiii of eabiem'and . - g bettor!) this 'charge fir soy other h . been 'WOW against It the Ecorse of the 3111piatirmegi the carpet was ciao., in float of the jail. byT itaaaltie Amish an open Ataxy. had an oppc9tunity °fine= buticil In thelpiablie' :naiad ita ;rear •prtiffiot'yo4. • when calla tut Idatd Placed where colami mg it. JDal dgeldjejerhe'LleMon ril 6Y:the Pecip7:e:--TkeiNew i t Net, itrAdtilibistraoion pi. th 'ltiOrotOeiylofeleetiiii the 'p i r torthe.pViii! - -jii' . o# 4l- 4iffer,: - c ; c . 11141 the ptoppeithirLitppeirgi at „ v ol. a pprob ation; of,- the. pess_ -- , hput,th,p_ ,tc,fitp!ty..-„Me-Pti!!!47 , TOT A ' -ry - -, , r, :i.: . ....-.:5:-..: _-/ecira.;ebject to bori,iseeentpliphed, by Lege - will betfao dinunnuon ixtlinifeetear• . nj of °Meets 'object tointenntiver.aNiatnt 7 4 i b monithinlentheneendk , Eveiy,oen ef, Ls in aerp,,,degT#l...penajoiiity,._ nand: de -31 ion th e pinreit llnitippailuk Mtn. If ere ate, On the 'image worth a'niett tt f SIOQ Fez annum , this awe& in av mom iban a millionjohloitais.- Monad 4ecoulitcpartat rne.asui li fot Suing 1113 4 int nf money an billy is ' Itandsnttne ea. Se - Y` he' ah'isi led a s h . 4 10 0 i 4 00 ! 21 :KO; ' 9 4 10 .9 41 °4 - r• ~: =1 !.- ' An ofP4 Itirk per, si Post eat di to thrall marl this ling i spent these Pte= these' -ems any arnoi eenti per , . . .. v. A fallowing' , Aol, telativtito AI ';Per I. it . fAitt4l/11 - otis 0 18 . 1 taifieie,0 - Alija state : 1 — :4_ -- ; ..,,_ ' - 1 •.1. lle it„.l4nacted .444tseisiiii ',nisi if Rervientitictern of ihe co. / - ?ti/4 . 'V:lifitirtitt, be Oita* gtine t, bibiY, met, a 4 itt ' -4 . hiliViaujOiti by ictrAct*Ytt!he, , ;": That from and ft the '0 18 °01 ) ' this ' Act; the 'joint . 1 of the Bmottgli cir Pottsville; in the o of Schuylkill, ate inthoritld - and i ed to make thetr duplicate for boteugh from. theaastnent •and valuation a:a) on property wi thin thattaid borough 1, itlatY rate! ILO tcYfe• i• : " q. car.-=:IVe aye beed favored by in , own cot dept . : iuktii" the two fut. ! . hmes'of 103 tretti , iihiili4iitate • ' !*---itr- ulliortiPgi 14s` th, , itininni- , O rr i , . . ibu " WI " of bi*„:, au4lwo.prondie at t ime iegay due respect to future . 1 , !ICII „ rot Tar. rums' JOUlitAl+ tibia than one-heart that-lorettikee, i In thisslark world.of care, _. ..., , . m i xt I Whnie4sntlil ,lin e I ver`O v * inec t — * ` Yield not he tit despair. - *, One rose. WI flagrant bkantorn, lik ' cims but thee thine; Olefin - M.6w tiny bosom Whoalore ii all thine otan. I , 4 One gertle startle gouts thee, • , 1 And bless thee on lbrei . ny, t That e'ert wheal storing 60We...thee, • iStill lends di gentle iv:— 'Doi e'rystat fotintaml springing,: , s , Within lrfe' detkrt: waste, Whose waters'still site bringing Refreshment lathy' taste= One tuneful voice - to - eheettbeei , When sorrow he th distrait One breast, wbenthou art weary; Whereon thy bead may rest— / :? Till that sweet Rose is Sided, - And cold that Cart , so wairn Till clouds thy star:have shaded, '- lined not the pausing storm. _ Till the kind ‘DiIXI ihatblest time d All mute in death doll) at, And the fount that oft refreshed thee, To thee tweter dry. , Thou bast one tie to bind Aker To this dark would ofnahla - Then let not sorrow blind tote—s Yield not to dark despair, j THE WIDOWED MIMPIRIpiIka so , i ~ My beautiful, my !tweet! ', I welcome thee with tee* Not ail used 141101;!1!, My' babes of other paten:, Por 1 think upon the lowed owe, _ - Who ite%r the DiviOdalloce+ And well.l know how.tredetly, • '-• He would have weleoinettbm M .. 'beautiful lmy bright! , - When fond I saw thine trysii I hailed their gentle ?ht. With agony and id et Por 1 gazed a sad au lone one, ' bpen thy cherub face. And 1 sawn° fa ther clasp thee, - WithintAit fond embrace. -•-• „ Tliey telllme thou wilt blow '': My lonely hooks of wee * , -, •,... • Ent when 'Alice eireae,L., . _ My tatenin ere . tite;lloW4, ~." , . Cold is the eympillnelbermiaiti' ' . That Would knee eliumfity joy. . And lf feel then4rt hitberTeei r 6 M Y p re 4 6 F- 1 ! 4** b 011...• - Yet wthows Mill net thou; : -. . . • To dtie Itmeheart f ebello - „, • .' Thou hwit thyleiher"a b ! ••• '_,- ‘ -' • Hit ne'er ter ea' .;, .-' •,. i ' peep, deep, V be thr rricithete ,h , i st - Thy leant et trallallier, f-'•; i•„-r. -- -.: • And - fteme pea tc Wool . •••• .Thai God w eltelOr.thee. • Then w thottlMity stet, -, :J ,' ,;-' ', -• When wintry ageAri* "jibi., , ' Whir.'.lMloekeAr ..t='-- 'tkudi fading4% i t - .' I ,:• Oh welcomes my`belWatMl - I'll mike th lik.my.cael, .'', . - , . Oh may we li ve .iii.god andltieren , - ---' ' A.O.ineet thyfeaseFtheril : t ~ .. naktWeeldf . 11$91 1 tiie 11 atosatigilikg!--pn it et leih:C.4l4lgrnqsk. Aweffit - '7•11(e 4 1 0 0 .0- 114 - 416 :9 ,4:411.1"-' , - I ' , - : - _,;:i , ./.f, -- ,,,‘ , .. -. . - ir . .*f 4 k ...-- . 1 . -. 7V,*,, • _:'. ;.. 4:7'..." ,•,- , i ,...: T.- ; =. 2,... - . -.. . 115 —Ail 2 , lanai roehleer etas. Bei s + s. Which vier eot be al tfie eheiriar ari ateei- Aese'clinerf Ili iCtillnefe. It is shoo Ithet Benjamin ..Hit) I itresa l one ofthe gig dependence, wu no dectined the honor i cock ni t th e Prei ip artniao alt *nag td eireitethir "Well now let 1 t o ea! iliouliiliaTF 1 Moverni." - Hancock b *tiro atthe fee since Pined -ta N inciii et ie Wit n Aura the fact aid ills* • . or the - sad patriot *ha pre! pleb country to , 4 ‘teftfir van 1 s li at figrie. 4 ASeritt It fortoerly.Bisholl'Lo.... i akkiiiit•probabty be chow e; eith of the - pre - Om incumbent ot .. r , 'oitificial cha i r—That : iiiit , eartliaal , lh Vera does pot diet - before the Pope; _ - , - - TEXAS. ,- - "I A* Mobile Ctirobiebrofthe 33th: wing *fanfare of, Gen: mai? the Curare" of Suitt Anni.' , `- ." RECi MO, . FROM THE 0 GLORY. i "wo or ibr* kerithanen' wbo ; hr lands thmerai_lioneten in kis recant** ;itiellt titif SaSit Aumbh4 l Ctieji•Jut,- ce, ehtita -•Pel of em. Mr. Armpit' Andrew :: Rh o' idea,* M - weather Elerlegi Id Georgic , * ' J*lll * lB l i • •. a iarions-docrimeaM from big in commend, evidence. of the teatime in ' w h- is held - on account' of his mini dePortta -.1 d ing the fight between Col. Ws a eimit •• . •,, , • the. Mexicans, as_ as in lb recent be I 1 - worn. General Honstonts arm ; idnil thief nta Aquas . ' From Oil girdle tt we - lea_ , ; - following - particulate, or the tub • w ie.!) are confirmed in every ; ' tilar,•• • ...!.. tenreaft of dui WM,. •• - - - .' , , Oir the 21st.' Of .Aptiti:fre - 1 mail, •., • poi ; onsiiin and itIOO mirefig; bid thin irea se ' t it , t tiurre_enct, wi th in. eons* two.ittiilet; e nd ,-• gut or the Mexicans ; podeulantkx-tltitia,' w • • em trielie brindled and Maid .' n , :down Ur tha-thrienf th nisiiir _ :+. • ' and Sibihe . - 1160 ton; havin tbir c •,, y ;silent I. - snugly beintigid in; tiadit little.`,`." • rawni-np for tht Pintibielif ad big it Imi -. -: . "Soldiers," Bald hit; utbeil i the 'enumyi-z, you; ant to fight In• - IfYial" alb. I s hoot .. oWell,therroluid be , kit Iluelit ' inner. and then I will you i the . ict • y obeyed the order lb cat, In .antimirtm y emitter at *boot 4 neloCk.r. ~,werema •d to the Attack. They - boar d ' ‘•ittPtik , ' Mexicans at the to p of theft ,:i r Bite until near, enough to i li vs ism, . cll. A hot engageirent wank little , • 1 I enty .minutes. - - whew the M • . :Lie' arteik and rearstindret ince *Olt ' iThe 'Alien, - aerated all bans themir.A , . • .'. b ilsaylkad 'but kelt*/ inuribar • ,, • , - and but two pleats - Of ramrod of our and --• -1 *bile th e, enemy hida six and nme . , • . yet in Wen roumfeir alter• the engagemetit ' :•••• ' inimatid, many of liar Mexicans called loodl for quartet. , After the touts of ilia.linsitansi : one. ton's men continued to follow` up and pelt • tiro On them. for abontitwo_ boars. Vpwsrds . Ms kisiirtdornal „Oft*Mexiearia•wers killed and a bout six hundred taken prisoners. There were sac or seven Tien see tilled, and Anus ; t ~ , wounded. Generale Cm and Arminrr' sw" a. mong the p r isoner* first taken . I The f 'tear pale and greatly tutted, Waits latter rr yea ' as he had done die frig ibe. fighfs Ve t , . -, ~ - i• out tab** •' i e - ev - 1 i . •.- luval Mica ife among the utt li eg' * 116 1' . treated. -Be was by two boys.rinit ' 4 , 54 I Ind the other a '' t=l7 year* of age.'•itid• 4 . 6 thicket of wood. - They kept -" that , tiiT night, and the eat Morning man ca is ou t dressed like a man liiliimi moldier Not,; suspecting him "be Sena Alta, they, k biOol a im prisoner. He red no mistime's: ,init . Said to be taken to '; niral Hou:n. He •• Mew, ducted to thatler., when he 'made arisen' known as Santa Anna, asked 4 riapetted - OS. cers of rank. andl weds theinfer: for; his liberty; which bate beed_lmblialied. I Santa, . : A a, MO Andrews says, ii rippirently -*beet 4$ y roc . agei 6f tattler eban„stature, dark 'Min lexioni. . black hair, Slack bright eyes, and al' ther • good looking Man. t - - . 1. •' ', When querthMed al to - the murder. QC*. Fannin Sad Watd, and this men under 'txmai- - th mend. !restated that in the battle the even prft. violas r* their 'intender, :boot 1060 • were killed,. while slot more than twenty” had firlien.—that the TiMiatie had e their ananoniticin and were 4 4 1r,itbMit .., tbey enireidereittspnti the terms of E woo publiebed;,bat that'll* bad : been: . violate the tettia for two rialtime:4o4 the day, after the surrender of Cat ,-*" those andel- his' etrinttriad. theluttOt' ea became se great inconsequenes., not provisions einkiiiiit Awl them; ' army; and, eeetiadlr. be bad cot z , keep them securely. Consequent • and, aimed ights eoldiere were; Fannin. , -. .; . i When questhmedrtuneetinthe Mission, between toe d M ••' ceeeilitql he afabrid, that' I ` -=` cane were killikbut that , wars. protected by - the • whithi.llo4 had et • The folliWing wand of Cola: Funk, celut4 3 usekkokltdresrev Ife4 -- Lawin ' Washioy Minim Bel* Smut mat Mordecai, all Geori ' orAlahatna, bad Isis ' I attendance upon the Tht,Alesicinsi and Owl their einem erre in aril* • •Ward was abeat-te be 'hol t • • • kneel, but " conid not ' ,be threats or proolioti: Ai could aubdum, He :.pro' and died like' Angie • In the battle between •-• na, Col. Miralman'Lamas or .` • ' tinguabed -himself:kir- hi. vi " •,, • and,pined-tbe to of all '',•--, - ,-"-.11 to laid that there We ' - p- - -- •' dabiattler tbatils ,, 'Tezian',4 • almost entintly . ofeolunteeMe. Santa Anima is mama' ~ near Galveston Island, wild . •.' ' era . who arc able to labour, to, ing brearitAtiorkeenthisAilint , . .1, NM . Appei — liaseutelVilut Samuel 4tarierset ic tto the northem — : OletiVetirthir Geolgt.gbilkikilit be Del sou** . ,tigitileteillehark) • . • 11113 th.s oY. , '*l i I I 1 , I ~k. ~~io:=