The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, May 28, 1836, Image 2

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theg i o . Lai
r I 0
'ere Journal
..polatioe, mid reviving pros•
seem to require an ad.
nformation, and an earlier '
genre throughout our neigh-
obtained through a "weekly
pile the physical resources
dly developing themselves—
of trade aad indastry daily '
ding--the want, of our pop.
t point of view, mast like,
extending proportionably,
Mimie keep pace with the
of 'daly evinced. we have '
120proposabi. And we can
`the growlag importance of
y sanction and sustain the
SE itioreOug:
pent) afoot
toval ruediOm of
cattail &km.
lu uutgitut fuu nbiant
„,, •
lion g in
. .
be emus eted
Albite with
't jof bp pinto,
, •ight to -I
.„,„,tbeltle that,
irion ,, iu ,
Me. , 1
TER "The . Miners' Journal" will be
Blat x,
• listed on oda% day and Saturday mornings,
, the lit of J • next, on a royal sheet, at $3
.• annum, papal, semi.aantrally in advance.
:To subselliptions 'wilt be received for a shorter
. 'cod thansit m • tbs.
The Mincer Is. at will continue to be pub.
shed as: Wear' • turdays,os an imperial sheet,
ts 2 per nut, f r the accamodatton of theait
ho' may prefer it ,
Pottsville; May • :,1836_
Our readers , 'ill observe by the "above
• rorts that ive have increased the size
f the sheet Ororn a medium to a royal size,
. 4 also We'ed th e price from $2 50 to
004 , This hange will benefit our reit
y , ere toe much realer extent than we will
. benefitted o . rselves. The quantitrof
reading imatie , will be increased at least
, -
Irr 'Those rsons wishing to subscribe
for ThelEtatz C Tvanrr, published month-.
ly, at Bartfo , Connecticut, at 50 cents
per annum--t = OILTI*ATORi published'
Monthly at Al . ny, at 50cetits per annum,
'the FA AND GARDENER, pbb-
Bslits'! at Baltimore, at $5 per an
imals—Atilt-it -am leave their names at this
Oa" We
ills /tame of
Link! . &he
..'He . .
engine, the
One albs
hisliatry, ca
to learn that a man by
▪ ohn Vogue, was killed ent.tite
Rail Road on Si - tardy
1,.P, standing on - the tender and
Nu ling gave way—he fell on
,tl3--and 18 ears passed over
:ing immediate death. ' -
News corn , - to us in, an enlarged form ' so
l o t
flint it Is now i teeny_ a curiosity for size, be-
lag the lar newer in the world—
wetly loin on good paper, and full of
"whets and: lOtifirestiug matter.. Terms,
s3,er annum. t " •
VZIETZEDIr—Thie iS it net publication
httely commented in the city of Philadel.
ibis' ; the first number of which Anus been .
received by ue;and presents a veryrcredit
abla appearance, both far size and contents.
It ilt under the editorial control of Oeurn.
-Matthias, Esti. late of the Saturday Even
,ing Posit. The terms are moderate, being
$2 50 per annum, (payable within six
months,) and the paper we are sure will be
eouttucted with ability, and we hope suc
cess. - •.
, The common Schools, five in number,.
opened in this borotigh on Tuesday list,
a d upwards of 200 chlblrem have already
applied for admissien; which nurdter will
ai.. l,
btless he increased to about 400 in a
siort tittle. So far the system works well
". .d is growing in favor with the citi
-ZISk ' ~
tyumThe Righteous Man't Memorial-t Arr
dress pronounced on the oecaSion of the
lateral: 1A Mr. E lisha Cuit, an Elder .of
street (formerly Cedar st.Kiireb,
ew York, on Sabbath, June 21st, 1835.
a. Mecartee, D. D. ;(rablishe d et the
request of the session.) - ltsVe4reeeri
ed a neat pamphlet beari4 the above title,
and have had time only to &anon over the
leenbme, but we, have nevertheless reade
iimmqh to 'convince us that it is ko ordinary
*cum of pplpif eloquence, but a most
Ispirited and beatitilul eulogiumlon avirtik•
limund pious charaderi replete,with prite
ribs] inatructiorr and excellent admonition,
alike creditable . to the head and heart of
the author. t i -
A writer in the Philadelphia papers says
that if the Counoils guarantee , e interest , '
on *300,000 for the coup! lion 'of the y '
. Dowille and-Pottsville rail they 'mill,
be calledupon to make .anothe appropria4 ,
tion for a rail road between th place and
Pert Clinton. Well=taippose they eh,: sild
%killed upon forthat purposai i Is not the
.Coal Trade of anyitoport o Phillidela .
phial! Don't they want the ' dfthisr,e'r•
gfotii If not-r -there araotheii venuei thei
. can *opened which will- (1 4 , sr the trade
into Sinitther channel. Rave he Philadet,
- pliko ever heard of the prof -6 1 ka ll .#
e l
roadleoin this plaee to New ork. ! rue
• distance
is only 120 mil a we under . ..
stand. it can be made Withou it single itt
-- ~., - , •
.., .. 14. 1 r e ', . ,
~ .
. . . ..
77 are t7io - memo - rein:
• ' Ili
lii4 • Dar* Webite ilatieet
toad Okthrofilit'llettipeed • il 'h - oil '
.Yptreliaipdsooolinxts iliatitia,in
.- tirsltiOd, mk s. • 4
- ..
/ 1
- --
'' Extract or ' ,; .. EdituA .
4 .., ... .. Mk'
• /re • to norm I .', . th at th e :4 ~
for the pto ,4: • ~! Me Etat , ' . etillil
Wore th• . , ils, thbuflittle , . , ,-, Ofcee! 1
"lig it ,ro , I ' oppoiltiob , th .. le mom ,
tioisterou . I urge , entative, is po ok aid.
must . ttda, as! *ll 'as all o • ~ Proved,
menu, , ibe •indiaidual interest 01
,ilDi con;
earned. j . out of things' is ,he regret
ted; mad Omit it to imagine, k t Course
it is best , im m lsue. 1 e history of, t, ur pub
tic woe ~ b kith pity hue bee Vgiled,
is the is .e a the •; 'Us ilk P ge l , and in
deed.the a* of /hid eg in the man e 4 lois twee_
verified, y Qat peopfpitti anthertly„ "i c itvery en.
tesprise lb s bee ,
resented to i tniblie.—
,The Sc ~, yl ill Nevi ; n, from wis o r city
has de veil its im tence—from / w c your
coil 'ea.,: tomb bee, brought into • . rice, has i
been ob gefi to cra 1 into operation under thy
same . d patron ' the same de Vs" minivi
Inge an calatiMas, distinguish e &tangoes'
of the ppOents, 'the Dentine ' , Pettsville
Rail R d. , .—Mr, Wijerntendir that hv rk wilt
ai_ r
be f orme hm 'because be be • so, and
thud ' opposes it. Wou the stren Of is owl:
notion Ipthout f argumen
. c: lenience
that it ' 'se. IMr. die less positiv M j h a decla{
ration bet hs ar ents are not uch, s a dis 4
ante dfr end ' oldie imps • Tuts would
gfo i
&dean .IIS be ll es that the le
,Ottthe loan
of the tin, by au n. is an ev i, eb 0 _ithat the
work i not " fludelwith the pu b le.`l That the
city i mot a *Mug)! guarded in efitOdvertibil
ity o the - Dal 1 Ind. that if thfs ri4d; is finisb.
ed as eras ottsei)lo, another sp Illation will
be w ted complete it to Port lin bd. These
are th g ist of the" eguments op , edto the work,
and ese are fromithen high in p bit fiver, with
weali anti importan ce Whelan at' kind to CO. 1
feebl ,if noti pros a work thlt prentises mote
tAge i k ar e
;ratchet afivin 'lto the city, than I #4, other la
existence'. ! , ' l i 1'
i 1
With dile spit* of iegisiatien, aor neighbors
have become famffitr, and while we are discos
sing some local pehd—some !Mal, they
are running awal . with th e golden Apple. At
New York, • a r at road , has been prosorted and
commenced, at a Intimate of six million of dol
lars, to secure thifvery trade, that the'appsopria
•tion of s3oo,ooo{woold direct to out city. The
work too is without the prospect 4t a local busi.
neaps, while that *the line of the P duille Road
will be sufficient to pay the expe ire of its con
eduction. At liset,-so says the mmittees f
preview, councilso'nd so says. ev ' Mtellige
main ethci know* any thing org be collar
through which itip asses. - 7 i
But, impale* against thist;phoft-Sighted poli
cy, or rather sal fah motives, mushMOt be offered,
when the ears aid eyes of the entistituenis are I
closed. fancylocks is the 'pre ailing mania, I
and the mdse ridiculous, the mo likely to eb-
tale favor. We all remember it "visionary I
specula 'n
in, peal lands"—the " that wee
to idlow Upon the beets of those who visited the
regierN and we , lkinnot s fiorgeti. th4t lie carry out
their IlitfirMallf:,preetages, hew Opt the perm
strings !sem diritan against alltee who were
kiown tefhaveaoy concern in co ilands. Nor
is it to be forgotten that the IMO tacks, which
were het by 0 'ese loudest uP delis: ciations, and
at that day, ha Adtained such high repute, have
yet to rear*e a !Wend upon theia medal, and the
holders Have b pleasure of wittiessing; at this
time, the hig e stimation with Which they are
regarded by e; public,'
And how ,' / Yon will as k ,
1 i _
ate those things
brou htlabout Why is it, that with so mace
fifties, vie; suffer ourselves to be thus diver
tedoet coif 't dearest intereshOi Is there no
check, no me by which the *ale can be in
formed of the ign of theii , repOsentatMes '7—
ThS answer I e, so lioiCas !combined aria- I
fumy 1 the mind, and the
of the
toethithay c • lowark wi th . , he feet is, our
busufen ra p
... all our thdaghte—all our eau.
i i.
Lions, te keep in the propet train , and leaves us
bat little dm aeon the sigtofients that may be
offered 'again" public improvements. Out dem- I
ocredepotiod L i tz*, induce ow to the belief, that 1
it is better telt dare evils, while they are tolera
ble, thin to tiwise oar voices agiitst the interests
of demi, on whom we may bedependent for an
"accoMmodlitum." In this way 'we move along,
believing, that the priests of our . political faith;
are, thigh Prpsts, when their;lnd is worded to
mats* us in t the trials and toils of our business.
Iltu a truth with causes an effects. 'ls it the
inter* etffi people, the el.; or the Mountry,
that the Pal isle Road should be finished 7—is it
true that ig mpleted, sus nietelts.ndize will be
enabled to f ch our customers ' , in the west, in a
shorter pert ,at less expense, than by any other
rootet—hq Oars a local business to be expected
—or is there any trade in ti t :Susquehanna. that
is , worth piecing in our g" 'Mies, or worth the
appropriatiOn that is asked frOM our councils I
Pieue atheiser these questions minutely, and let
it be so pads, and so circumstantially stated, as
to be unde4teod by at least b of the opponents
1 : 1 i
I.of the srMlt. ,
republish the fOregoing corium:nice
lion wit(' ut any disposition to adopt or ap
prove of It the sentiments of the writer,
but with k view to furnish to our readets
all, the !information withi n our reach re
ripeetin lithe important easure therein'
disc rt. We are wilii gto believe that
some o Pis opponents 1 this measure are
honest lind disinterest e in their opposi
tioc, while others, witho ut doubt, are go!. ,
exitedelis by patetiO I views of public
pod, an by sel fi sh nietives of private in.
terestyl t The latteriar# connected with a
neigh , . g projecied communication with
the Sueitaehanna. !; Tire) , seem to think
that completion a the' Danville and
e rail road will be .the means of
estard i i tig, if not of definiting their new en.
terpriaa. In thisippation, however, they
re , ~, . bly mistaked,tu the trade of the
~ a nna rivet; together with the min
* • , ...... ts suiconiber fimiiihed by the
', .ilistrt....s zoontrYwill, in all
, ft i
'hell F. .. 3 . - fiunish at disitait period era
gl,ov nt eriongliffetiboth railheads. Yet
1 ,,,,e
bat poweOtil evidence h can we he.
qui" 'Of 410 real nine and &lacks of.
lltour ',' , raitroadiba*tbisiie Opposition?
d A w Pt. of notitafaity rsa ht not to be
land, &not be thiect o santitiolent
'' . • , . It is ndinttod'on l ban& that!
`the ' 'must` must be hY
, sits route or other, a I
co ,
~„ 'nig:10101i liy I read with the Bw -i
gut? , na,- and thin t iwithin {the- shortest
fra cable , perlod. The - inbabitakts of
our , etropolis Call t and'lnet remain
i n: of inaetioni", r tind ' fin ely . . seethe
V :Ali. eftensive fertile re
.l;l4eviiverted liana nate channel, hy
therienterpriiieo fit ghboring state. , quch:
and ' °OM°. . htained.for I,Xle - 1100.
v beasuie -f ta tri eirity-princi
-pll ' r wand p olicy. Stiehl a supposition .
- _ - - -
enlikinfol 's , udro on that the inlitik
ants of ouri thetropeliii;sra
hu l a
find or insensible tnth ir most vital idle
sektheir, ' growing - presitctitreind'welt.
' fished reputation..lNowthirrifilerilkt
- Danville rail -road isitatniile • have
' en kicated by as experienced and tales-,
ed Engineer, on a route presenting fewer
ifficidties-and combining matt' wirantaga
than any other hitherte discovered. We
are aware that a greationtcry, has been in
sidiously raised about the number and
magnitude of the inclined planes on this
rail road. But what fisendation all this
clamor has is shown bfr the fact that these
planes were in operation during aconsid
erable portion of last season and have . ixten
duringthe whole of thepresentseason,in the
transportation efimaldilurnber from the Gi-
mrdlands. The planqiiire isund fully tom
ewer the object oftheir construction, and no
greater number of ac , are found to
'happen—perhaps because of the additional
care--on rail roads 4.ith initined planes,
than oa rail roadie without them. The bu
siness of transportation giais on just as
Well as if the whole road were constructed
to overcome the saMe elevation by a regu
lar gradation with a proportionable in
' crease of distance, and in the opinion of
competent judges, algreat detil better. it
is idle therefore to dasert that the inclined
planes -will prove a s erious obstacle in the
transportation business, when facts — not ,
theory—have demenstrated the falsity of
the proposition. -e art requested by'
our correspondent o enter into- a minute
statement of the a ount of the rarities pro. '
ducts of the soil, t mine, and the forest,
which will find a channel to the market of
the metropOlis by this rail road, together
with its advantages as a channel for the
transportation of Merchandise. The most
ample details have already been given on
these subjecti, a n d it is-in 'vain if they are
not already unqrstood, to recapitulate
them. Whcr-ever raised a doubt as to the
amount of produce of one kind or another
that must take this channel to market, in
the event of its completion. We answer
mihesitatingly—no orie—at all acquainted
with the character of the country through
which the road passes,
and with which it
will be connected.. Our New York neigh
bors perfectly understand this matter.—
They are now preparing to drain the sour
ces of the - products of the latter, and Wilt
shortly carry their views even to this re.
gion ! I if a liberal policy shall not be pur
sued towards thi/i region i)y the metropolis.
We are .told by our correspondent that the
opposition urge that the , Councils, if 'they
grant any assistance new, will be called
upon hereafter to assist in making the Port
Clinton and Pottsville fink. This; is an
ad captanduni-,-but fallacioue- r -ai gement.
Be assured that the stock of this part of
the road will berm dreg -in the. market.
We shall see himdreds ready to subscribe.
Upon the whole, tlexigtthis great i work . retardtid at-pre nt by the...apposi
tion, party in the councils, it must eventu
ally go on to eompletiOn, but perhaps not
until it shall 4 too lute f.,r the metropolis
to pre& -
by it-ra result which we' would
I most heartily deprecate. .
isgisiatitt.--IThe Legislature is busily env'.
ged in revising the "emit CoJe" of the state, and
apportioning tho representatives, according to the
late assessment. A strong disposition appears to
prevail not to touch any. slew. bills—and a resole'_
tion to 'adjourre rim the 7th of June nest, has :Area.
dy passed a second reading.
. On Saturday last, Mr. Rom, of Philadelphia,
offered the tolloWing resolotirorin the legislature
of this state. We arc pleased to find, that the
subject, Which we have so frequently adverted to,
is attracting attention in the proper quarter.
Resolved, That the Cimal Commissionets be
and they are hereby authorised to contract for any
number of locomotive engines, not exceeding 30,
in which etohe croal,should alone be used, to be
placed upon the railways of this Commonwealth.
The Convention °tithe Young Men Of Pennsyl
vania. friendly to the election of Harrison and
Granger, met at Harrisburg on the 19th inst, the
proceedings Of which will appear shortly, when
w• shall have the pleasure of laying them before
our readers.: The Convention was attended by
about 300 de l legmes. Mr. Geo. W. Smith, of But
ler County, *sided. The resolutions fore re
ported by die neediness direction bf the Com
mittee by .1). G. Biddle, Esq. and the Address by
Mr. Harshward, of Philadelphia. Every line of
r the resolutions and Address are said to be excel
lent, and the sentiments embodied will barespon.
tied to by - feirery hearty opponent of Van Buren
tbroughoutthe state. They were adopted Imam.
monsly b 1 the Collocation. The speakers were
numerous end eloquent. We are told that great
animation and confidence prevailed in the Con.
Tendon, and that it was the firm and general o.
pinion of the Cooventten that the siate world p
for Gen:Harrison by_ 20,000 majority. A. num.
bee of the:Members of the Convention Mem firm
supporteri of the present general Admio‘treson,
but equally so of the claims ol!Ge*. Iliititon, in
preforanno to thaw of Martin Van.:. ~' - - '
Tho t pk4 abases bir.Ps#
state, be attended.:
by Nichol iddle. Are all I ,
cies. oflife to §e abaodoaed twat
eed thettreitPrfloilired galosh
lie pica kive Reuben - PC Wb" •
Mr. Craig, the editor of
(h - zeitte• who has lieretorcife l beei
to Gen.illanison, new declares)]
- ininitiOn to give'him his itt po`
1041101ta m i iPtchose he4weeW
sod= Tan Beres, ea' slier . the
letter to'Citteinnati,le mak
gilter forams.'
in D~tchen cousily;New Torii
411 0 kilt* -
The General Assembly4Preshyte.
Tian church of the United is now in
seaside in Pittsburg. TM' ew School
party, it is said, has the autenehincy in the
assembly, andibe mouth of the Rev. Mr.
Barnes, Which . was #akil at the
last year, will be officially intierikd itt this
Convention. , 13bould the.isubjeCt of Shia
ry be into:dated, and there is &disposition
on the :part of some to intrluce it, the
Southern members have derudned to
withdraw from the. Convention -
The Drug Store . Of Manuel Lennig de
Ca. in Front Street, Philadelphia, togeth
er with all its contents,wens consumed by
fire on Sunday morning test. Two firemen
Were killed by the 'falling Of timbers, and
several considerably injured. ; A thief was
rescued (roil) the ruins, who had his pock
ets crammed with minus kinds of drugs.
A state Convention was held in Balti
more last week, and an electoral ticket
formed in favor •of Van Bareia and John
A great litter of banks is• now before
the legislature of New York, amounting
to $27,000,000, of which 25 arnotentin*
to 87,500,000, have already passed—an
all the rest, it is supposed, will follow.
The legislature • : of Maine, which has
just closed, incorporated 25 new banks,
although the state was fully . provided for
before..' This is introducing the "gold
surreal! with a :'vengeance. W hen will
the eyes of the peOpte be opened? - ,
. .
The greatest con+rnation peevailaamookehe
'nhabitents bordering on thei territory of the
reek Nation, inconsequence of the sudden
-. king out of hostilities, on the part f:',f the In.
• Una, which have ceimmeneed with the ; usual cif.
=stances of maseacre and • desolation. The
oat shocking °utilizes have already been petpe.
ited, (arwill be seen in another column,) men,
omen and children were flying in every three
-en, and pouring into Columbusllii sakes towns.
bandoning. their .comfortable ening'. their,
t f\ite...e
cep and cattle, t 44 the ravages o f nemy. , —,
a warwboop of the savage has • soddenly /
.iereod their ears in the midst of fancied . securi
y, end at * time_wheer fan frontier is' totally , un.;
e.repared with the, means !of defence. The in
3 !. lel resistance of the Sisttinolcs to the Wort i
f• Gen. Scott, hen doubts • encouraged .
-reeks to seise upon the present moment to -, ..
.ence beautifies. The disnniesicrn of the " ~ ..
.rn volunteers, by GM St.c t. when we first hes
. fit, was considered by us at act of great a
npardonable imprndentie. except in 'those ea ! k
here necessity reqtured, etch dismission'. T
des that the Indians would gointoserfitmerqu
My tile out own troope4 remsfin quiet. until '.
-. . pairtabould be again regularly opened.
• . owbat eovelAn the anted* of Indian wade-
: • t, upon whet ether eqpiciaiti'on. could the
wards Liken hireself ofPto the Vilginia Spri
to speed the aflame/. Cee.Clinch, it is • ail
Las resigned hiScomnlission•in disgust, as we
to relieve bimtelf frtini the responsibility tin
on hitri by the Withdretwal cif Gen: Scott.- The t
ridian says, : t i abAng feeling, here, is much et.
wipes ated agaiiist Gtn. Scott. No language n
expires the innteippt end indignation ltb
which his whole conduct in the late cam* .is
viewed in,thisidistriet. He was paraded y ter.
day, through the streets, in elfiry, mountedtit l e
rail." His ndightincis, titer receiving the on
ore of a tit:Kew: procession.' secompanieit. by
the patriotic napan, bend cf music, snally e apt,!
rated is Wssflingten. Square in smoke, 1* • big
late brilliant tiampeign." We copy the lure °nig ,
merely to shop the state of public feeling i Tith
6 t
lahassee, the inhairitants of which place arelhour•
ly in txpectaiion of an attack from the Indians.
An tiesucceselul attach has already been made
on St- Markt, a town but a short distatice" from
Tallahassee.' The best, and only good piece of
intelligence from Fkirida, is or account of an en
gagement between a regiment of the 'thinitiatied
Volunteers, land about 400 ladians, which ter ?
minated in ti'e total defeat of the latil6, with a
bout 200 killed and wounded, as-nearly as jean
be aseertaintd. Tips volunteers were from Tus
caloosa, enuimanded by Col. T. B. Childeiii.--
Two companies of regular, took part in: Will ac.
lion, whitest' happened on the 27th of - Aprii, at
Ckmotbsassa cteelc. , The losses the part of the 1
volunteers is repreisented It, have been 3 idled
and Swolentletdr 'We copy the Nimbly 4tiche
from Noah's Evedttg Star, which presente tame
very striking view", an the subject of the Florida
Iris not more than six months shwa the Globe, 1
and other ' administration promo, were busily en.
gaged in preparing France for that chutisiment
whieti, they were teld. should lit, without finite.,
Lion, railed,. it theekima r ooder the indemnity
treaty; were olio proniptly paid ;sat volunteers to
march ea Parts, were Organized, sad all kinds of
rosolothass Adopted byltlus pa!ty, to onstain Pe.
ahleo .kelranti in hkl belly mg course Inwards
nor modes Mend an 4, ;Rep We hops that the
Fronsh patio will not considortbe wretnited irs.
one 4 , 10 *mind* wary aan ilhaatretion 4
what:, they might bare upetted; nor Infer the
the, great tooqy'of the nation can sanction, or a
noornalie Mimi* amnageinest o'o4
isi wtil half a dorm team* as ''''biegintalir
met; , * an- Nile Pomp/ Vida and dr
ea ~ 1. taniipaigo bare been Mat defame
t om
by a . of half Starred Indians-4mi 101itt
soon w ho mintinue to hold • 'gibe
coon , burn andAllidscry the - . i and in.
the ' d will butcher th e inbabitonte. se 0
US r ht litiatir4ir I who ehoold be rayon' .
1 sible,l or th is wee , to the people I Jack
' eon. ' it hii Wand Vizier and. . coalition I otottk
I • Xt. lan . 111tren. liad they- derrolettlejo
time,, . Pitic) 3l ; kelee.lionacrilli: h ad : th q %IV
p . , the interests Of the country ; keit they
of this
Y *yen
' '
GP retat•
I al-6
• oi'
, •-•fate to
oa Moo-
filatiota*liiiitaii , iiiiiiinii.
iftightif ellui pOlat# 4 oo o 7 li .
*Tanall - ataiii, iiiiiipta.
, the Sena 5 „and tnterierilig
lever* Sta Florida :would •
-*liana peaceably iiincrved, td
iroplieg m oney sand; but 01
could mit reritiure .ao far 0
4 -was necessary to aid the Itv
Owen. therefore, 'be gave. of- I `I
Wltsbilltoo, snnoked. Ills :pipe, ; it
s,expetiense fptilacte campaigns PI
Ipf tkoiip/ople, to re use in it
. _ 1 a
iscipmnees of I the Florida eam
mailing on the ftontieni OfGeor
!shoring states. The Creeks, a
sly; arc now in arms, Ind in six
rcs will be kiiidled, and the tom
itr the the errors south-western
(mein easiar, much easier, to
tdresir a grievance. It is more
le it
administration ...Stith ifte
, tt. and diimister than tar effri
n difficulties: but tve submit
Liter any administration more
ition'and[reproof on this sub-
I one t ti they regarded
.ad tied
of intriguing for the nest
their eye been fixed on their
s never walla] have happened.
the tomahawk was *limed in
iment wet apprised of the on-
tie Semuroles, yet nothing was
io first Step of prudent rulers
the ordinary resort of prudent
medal, and when our troops were
I the pkntationt destroyed, when
detailed on dutY, and Ain army
d, as Site be directed-against civ-
A capable, energetic, and deal
s, 'the merriest the Seminoles
mid have 'directed that .tessels,
rot s
of provisions, Wile, gram
war r alunild proccedfinni New
Jr. Aignstine, and to the month of the
Augustine, and to the mouth of tit St. Johns
to Tampa Bay, to secure every kind of sue.
..(at these depots, all of which could have been
Min thirty days. 'Thee sided all ;the United
Ades trooprithat could bestowed frhm the differ
teommanotoind a the inshinteers few:is weigh
ting.states, to repair to Flcirida,under the cum
' and of Brigadier Genetal aineh i , who cam-
Wed in that district, and knew tasw to fight
e Indians in their•own way. and featly to cal
, .the ai.l of 1000 friendly Indians, the enema
1 1 .
t e t i h r e serv Sem icim jnoles, an
"1 closing
b inr yl the lheril rew eigapsi a g rdai tmga
s pray
d successfully. Nothing of *this was done.
no general, without orders, goes down with h'
bops, is half starved and half beaten and re.
rents; another general, little better prepared, di
vides his army Into left wings, sight amigo and
centre, marches in operreolismn, deploys, forms
[ hollow squares, plays flail Columbia with , •
' Band, while the 600 Seininolcs run between b
. legs and e`ricape... The Indians continue m •
of the country—tbreatcri St. Augustine,and w
doubtless destroy Tallahassee. This bis Inas
chol; prospect for the great Proweriess nation Sr ; o
can threaten foreign powers, yet cannot con •
the savages in their murderous esevridans.. e
Creek affair is a very bad one, and must be ent
E; down by the decisive action..iff the neighbori • g
[ States, - without waiting the tardy operations of
' the General Government. 'Georgia,. Ala . .111
• and South Carolina can no doubt stay a, , .1
I force to. keep the Cracks in check. Cong -
1 i abroad forthwith authoiric an increase of the ar
i my to 20.000 men. and open rendemvous on ,
sea board and through all the western; states. 11.
* able and patriotic mein opposed to rho re 'n
• wretched administraticin most come to the r - u
e of the country: The energies of General 3* al
son have become impaired by age and sick . a
1 1 --„his dispositions are ;good. Van Boren,. '• i
P-r Kendal. Whitney. Banton. 4w: 'lke- who
1, 411°
-.' control of the uovernment, are occupied i
r- trignes for the nest Presidency, and usingt
, peoples money fgir political purposes . From ht,
's nothing is to be-expected—capacity, fieriest en
is patriotism : re not in their calendar. It is ea
s We and Wiriest men in Congress who are lied
ii , upon at this crisis to take the management o pub.
tic affairs mom the han d s i of pretende pretenders, w are
°' plunging us hourly n ruin—to save not o 5 , the
t• lives and property (Taut citizens on the south
, westent frontier, but:actually to preserve Op bon
, or and character of the country. • 1
By the Steamer Wm. Gibbons, Cat
Spinney, we bava received' our Sou, hr
files tor May .Ith.6---/V. Y. Star.
TELLIGirseer—FI'FTX 5:131ILI • •
latraDettED II! 1
Nom the Chaiiirston Patriot of Soturda of ,
' • ritipon, May 14. "
Col. White, delegate in Concrre - . fn
Florida, arrived here. last eight fro A
gusto., having seen . and traversed w th I
passengers Who 'arrived ,at a late b.ur i
night before fropt Columbus. The :is
longer a doubt oT a general Creek :r,
Fifty families have been murde
2000 people tied to Columbus for • rol
tion ! ! I
The state of lhat country is m di
Emus. There are not 000 effect ve t
between the Creek andi Seminal lii
di all Florida Wils be devestated, if e 1
rumors of South Carolitta and igio
not send mounted men to the Flo
and to Taflahasmea The Semi les
advaneing on Tallabassif ie The Cr
will be forced itepor - r
"summer quaitery
Col. White) has
Ekkott, and mite
yore of South aro)
mounted inept to T
, rida Hue, lb are 7
bevy and Imuuder i
and Seminole' war ,
nor will l act l ivid
and enerky.
1 4TEIL no*
, •
The ladisioi hoA
balms Geis& wad
gat, asiltwo Ohara
The Sate4wissi pia*
Hydras, poaee idl
**km% sosaii4 lap
WON 1.0 Oat.
was now agwww4-114
liosoi le. The
BOilliik4 was. takes, anitiVia's.
sou Ss boardisewo
44411rnit: 4414 that:u
100 e.: on 4 fass , tils ',at the
sorts*. ,
I . ~ f.
camko,toe.,) miqidatifiwnft. lbw IS• -
, - , k7 R, , nit WAR: 1NCW,..,„P 1 7 5 ,
.• s '
, ttnitriell nation, iteilile ;nearest; the Scenes
orida are being acted 'We have heard i
. me cases which Maketherhlood chill iwyour
s. A house, in which Geed ,a 'man, his wife
six chrldyen was soddenly .surroiradell by a
• go band, who 'cirtereibtlie„pcseefid... domicil,.
woonlr massacre& away. trodli' Securing the ,
.: Ips of all, end severing each child's head front
bode The WSW ifn.filiCtolton was attacker/
himself bottheterf,,,withonl.a moment's wara t
,or the !cart oppertrilltyTor resistance. Ws
'eve, in all, (roe 'forty tivallf anurilais lasi
!II n committed, bladder namben of trefrom on,
rq' Wiens. rues have heat in ever)!
2 .etio n—fitrm houses,. corn wail.. ant all rf
iine 'swept a way from the honest and inefostrioua
now, who was laudably Itriving to locate htm
. f inqnsfintably for life, and pride %r his eIW•
_., .. _, _ 1 I
RIPORT of VICTORY, COUPITIOCI-.-liell agieta. 1
kNNA • PRISONER or WAR, and achnowledgin nt •
-IED by Mexico.
l The New Orkwas Bulletin of the-9th instant
[contains the following eonfirmaihm of the MOM
of Santa Anna's capture:
. Col. A. Houston, of the Tcxian army has art.
red in the steamboat Caspian, and confirnit;ther
sews of the glorious victory by Gee. Houston 'tut
has favored es with•the following tie( of klexi*w.- -
officers killed, wooridcd;and .prisoners. . ,
Killed—Gen. Caatrillogi,Col. Baines, Col. Mora,
Trevino, Col. Don Jose Marla Rome. 1, fist.
Col. Manuel Aqitire# Lieut. CoLCastillb:
Genera[ Caw and many ethers someedite bet . _
killed, but not yet Found.'''
Col. Ahnonti, aid de 41=0 Col.'s Caliendo The
Guerrero battallitin,..Bringas,a4 to Santa na.
Pernik de la !Pedregntre aul to Santa a.
Honer, Valienti, Lieut. Colii, c • Filipe R ene
(wounded) ilallenti,.Don Pedro del Gard% Fer:,
nando Errors, wounded, aid to' Fent' • nna.',•
Aeos, Encise, Militia 'Don Bannon Coro, irate..
secretary to Sante Anna, also 5 Captains •10
• i
Gen. Santo Antia made the following pr posit
torn; that his army should ley down their neap
Texas Independence weluseneleilvid r idatt:e nee
of.the war to be paid by Mexico , SUnt* i A n t 4
tbmain- ai it hostage . Gee. Itioniph had !silted
orders that a further advance of the Mirxi an
o rn
my should be thesignatfor the slaughter Santa •
Anna, and ail the. Kisoners. The -repo 'of the
terms of peace where not official, but suPportmi by
a great ntimbei, of letters from Ws i-orr 'of the
army. , •
. --
Houston was *minded in the ancle 'by a roes
-4 -
a ket ball in the early peeve of the engegtotentgait
, remained Ms his-kunst mail it tenninatod.i 1411
„ is a Bat ofthe name, of the Slexiean prisone44
, which shall be tratisMitted . feu by exprear, they
, am-mot to nearly 600, am ong Whom ire ;elef:dies
it min.—Anastasio Ade. . ' ! - 11
,_ smsita ANNA.
I : r wring the night of the 20th .q. iifte, the
l '..' sk inish beteeenthe,Mexican and 'do Iridirt
- G ! FlOo•100, I l lOidi-si - inovement. ' Aloo•Meiti
,t a nalibis 411,1149`;fifirid at day ', 1 met the
''- exican force IMO or 1200 strong, in Moro
n ment, and- gained a negation! within dietence •
ofthe enem) , , before they were awite Of his Va.
settee. Twirdischargee ofsmall ardor , ' and can.-
non loaded with musket balls, settled the affair;
the Mexican soldiers then threw down their Mins,
most of them without firing, and begged for
quarter, 600 or . VIII lolled; The_ effieers broke
,and endeavored to escape;:the mollieted riflemen.
however soon; overlook all but one,who distanced
• the rest—him, they ran fillcert miles, when his
horse bogged disco a prairie, near the Brews tun
IL bet—he then- made , for the timber on foot: His r ur- ~
rp suers in the eagerness Of the cliasa, dashed ink...
• the same bog hole, leAtbeir hOrsea end •-e.otitibed
the pnrsnit ob. foot, following the tog of the fogi-
N' tive, (which was very pl h votiling Acrilhe nicest
. rains) until they seethed q tiinber f velere Owes
lost. The persevere then spread themselves,- and
- fr . searched the Woods for ix long time in - vain,l, when
it occurred to an old bunter, that the ebasetnight.
_ like a hard pressed bear, have "taken ii tree. The
)1 u tree tops where then examined, whenllO! the gems
dr= was discoveied smugly ensconced Isrikefarke4 a
he toga live oak.' • -••
Wire •
.be • The captoss did not know miti, arrprinoner
Was,- until they reached the camp s When the Mt:4-
n° icans seldiers exclaimed , "RI Genanel' 1 **or
Santa Amid t" ,
General lettinotte, the late , ,• ... r • * untie
ippi,,was to take up. the lineof , ,:oh'fiiii 'reins,
on the 16th Mat., with elute co ..:Pany. :rho pa
pens on tini armaiaslippi concur 'mratating that
en scarcely a day paled* withont wibiesaiag the pas'
e s , sage of - nOmbera of chivalrous volMtteent, rye!'
c „. armed and equipPed, for the Beak arrow.
do • - ,
More • • 'of the creek* tithe Tyrant... Venal
brie Aerie, slietio • bloody .career we would itqw Ain
Ve bops is forever etid - O. From the Arkansidi 'pile
Ir.a , RV4PiallkigiligiAl r 1
e.are sorry to arn the thl?..ww.s.firm " ._
tilt deathrorPharies E. Rice, our former i
and *theme' 'Dennis, who le ft this *wear
v i a
Tens. With company of it Men &ped
taken a trap ' ber of mules and horses, which
they were drl " g in,- but unadvisedly ltopp!, at
San,'PaCrisio ow nistit to ftulie--0 03 Mexiesl'i
came on; etiesnotad ifter they had given up their
army, murdered them in cold blood. ' Will not
1 our youtg men Stiongethitir death?
Afesiscr. - e learn by a geotTeman di
rect (rein the City of Ateiicoittudtbedeatb
of Geri:ltar -gen, President proters., had
occasioned : reat confusion at the Capitol:
AW was: , by and-loproar. Riots ad '
rti ,14
murders we - Commehin - ittreets• Tb!
Swedish co . . 's • hones robbed. am
bitneelf me
~ red; a priest headed themeb
that: Perpei the; deed Santa Ain*
bad nbt leit he army OA tb 15th of April,
but it[walt 'ought be wo d hasten tO the
capitol on og of AC statepf lair°
there,.: -Th ,Liberal mini were secretly
engaged in exciting &revolutionary Move:
meat; 'and were expected daily- te , b l> '
into lit - Wiliam": The leis wary did not
Millie operas , lo efecoencei Santa 4n1 31
and his grrwe
eCincintsari Post, of
Ihresi zi.-:-..,:ig4,-:,-,,,-
await of
het i , it a. d.