11 1' I, • nittli=t•rAaa:,....ld4ot- C=Zl 1e arnian FOR t i lbsentier offers ning 339 =el Raft , ltoad,ll 1 AtoplEll canal • Centre TOro r sale a valoabk farm sititato on the Little les trom Port Clinton and one eighth of a pike. About 100 acres is now under cultivation. The improv i t a s, nts consist of dwel• ig house. a - I rap new atone barn. 40 VI feet. a new lime kiln, and a ritiing you orchard of 250 to 300 sete and Pesch of a superier.kind. Schuylkill Ra I goad from Port Clin. norm passln through this property, trk facility for tansporting lime stone u; to ~ the mea aof manuring and iat tt a moderate expense. . . The !mad i well stocked with Pine. ,tmlock, Ct. snot and Oak timber.— re [.stile uytkill palming thiongh island u ff or one ofthc most desire. Powers in county, for Forges, (Ain*. for w ie.% it is otherwise well Tiin street ur a never failing one. 10 to 25 feet ead and fall may be at. the property. ove property de easy. a wishing to pi mutton by apg RI ifl aboi imOdiat there ke (inter nil its wain that al( the.H of the very a share offiabl JT to merit by ipMy of Silk H t haw; asd for 26 Cambric tined. a fin d, ernse be 6-4 jaconett; Mill and Bit liandkerchi MII .1130 ' ' enrolled Mil ig the 2d &Igo nee and cont# li .gienent, co mandcd by Col. Alexander man, wholely gime.nt, en Monday the 9th May,lB3t, a Reading. ,Begiment, coin mended by Col. Samuel D. v--2d Ilial ton, on Tuesday the 10th day or nort-1 Battalion on Wednesday the 11Th of Maya t.;l • c r ao Ith.Regi ' 1, commanded by Col: Isaac Yo.' -24 Bit ` ' n,oki Tuesday the 12th day of text—lst at 1,.., il ion, on trictay the 13th day !remit.. -i Regiment, co manded by Col. Abraham fried-o.lst Bat lion,• on Saturday the 14th tf May d Battalion , on Monday the Illy of May n xt. 4b Regiment * oconynapdcd by,..C01.- John 14. - 43—lialfirihitton - , on'TnesdaY ihrfrlth day li.l ly nett -- 2d tuitions on Wednesday Bi l e . day of. May n xt. Conunanders of companies and Adjutants oc , l at i , egiments, are Ali fly enjoined to have their en. ollments ready on 'Battalion tap, agreeably to wt By oril r of • . - J REMIATI SHAPPELL, , .i ' Inspee r, 28 Brig. 6th Div. P. M.. _ Brig: °thee, i .. • 'Windsor. April ,38:16. i 21.4 ' N. B. It is p cularlv desired that every one should provide ff WA with sufficient arms. . Variety! Clothing More,' - Carnet of V beano' 1 and Schuylkill . Beach streets, •.. 'fihiladelphia, Opposite the city Store Rouse*: ' T ElEsubscrib O r thankful for past favors, begs ~. htaire to inftkin his former customers and the public generally, that having made extensive ad. ditions to his shire and stock of goods, he is new prciisfed,l4 off Or thetw'Superfitie and common .:Bangup. Frock dr. Dress Coats; Pants, Vests and Roundabouts, wholesale (arrant I, much below the Usual market. prices, for cash. A ganef's! . assortment of Cloths, plain and rib bed; Cassimered„ plain and striped; Cassinetts,; ilictiiiiiiibr Ckthal and Vestings, which will he made to order at pries that cannot fail to please. ,4 4illii satin and super side plate Bombazine', stocks, to whiaih the attention of country mei.l I chantais partieolarly invited,- Alio, Boots, (Shoes, Hata, Caps, Suspenders, Shirt collars &J Bosoms, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Hosiery, Glovek .te. Conidry people visiting the city, will find it an object to call and examine before purchmeing, • Orders will {cc thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. -6 , Parsons do ing buincsk on the Canals, Boat. men, tbet. will Sind ttjt s establishment particular. ly couventent o th eir business, and worthy of their Eiatyana.s„ and all who favor With a call, co i i . ay..bc. certal ~ of batter bargains than can be obtityld in any other part (Witte city. ..,„., 1 . • ! ' IRA AL COI*LONI. Icligiaiiaplult, Fab. 47 1806. `^ '2O-6m NTEAX ENGI.6(E do soli Elis XASCUFACTORT; . . - lis : reo, ples Work., • FrorticiAn . and Front ,Sts. Kensington, Pl!flader. L phiei ponnty. , The übscujiber re/pinta:illy-informs hiscostora. era an the. pUblic, that be has temovenhis Iron Found y hotlines's from ',Broad strect,t(airAboi4 to I if blishment,where` be is able tis cab., repo cote a y orrfekpunetnally. Such P Castings ; for 3211 Goofing. Ster EngiitoS, !Rail timid Whoa , Chairs, and Torn-ems, Sugar Mills and . Patin; ftoiler Pans . - Bark Mints ii Ceilings; 1 `aria- ether( descriptions. Also. hi *rig •a Very la ' &Menke Patents, mei it will Iv tithe advantage of mechanics and builders Ito call,- hontherwifebeNhowisby tm. Sedirley it thai works. . • . DAVI& 4 434ilint•Engintie find Boiler - . -'. st4.pluresatiottir. :I ''' „t.i Pixtr priiiiiikes eae, , bolutit Vrokeii .4 1 1/ 6 4 *Wen Mid ' Mild} noral,on t Irina . ' itrimorti'slii . (aims 0 1 m 44 1 " .: -: st, i nitirw'i At l t St S io tE, Afiliatk, vik4llsn'arliterth - Tl O ilatiihse itiha inurneditady anew' rotsile -3nao 7 =II . - 1 Water Power, E. • ill: be sold low, and the !rchaae, can obtain fur. ying to the gabserfber, in B&1111 WOODS! DE. 20-tf D. -LEIB MS the citizens of Potts. • ieinity, that holias corn o Hatting Business, 2nd Samuel Hartz's Store, ly opposite Jacob Kline 'a ids to carry on the busi. a branches—and pledges I ts manufactured by ham !at quality, and therefore p 'e patronage, which he wil act attention to business. Is, Caps, &c.. constantly le cheap for cash. 19-0" MUM , '' filFol vino and manned ti I /. USitEtl9 ) &C. - assortment of 6-4 figured rrod, ,and . plain .Cambric; !figured ad plain Bobinett, 'hop Lawn Itualiti, Linen, / fs, Irish Linen. 4.e. &e. fsir LER & HAGGERTY. . ' 24-3 E ORDERS. Lia and Volunteers. compov de,.tili Division, P. M. will on the Spring Training', at HUYLKILL I nos , POUNDRY. rar4tokut4L-utt l eiki ,;.."„ t hey •• II WRIT plc SO ' lett X 1,4311r,d7.: Tb Coal Miners \Ciro HARP accoMmod tire for the stinking of ' Coal. (intended for ty Saler; bbiettr,) tritty be had on fair tent* on ofthd treat .11Thattr.m in the City, to the : exten of 60011tona, by rtny one concern, or that quan, 3; by tirro or,triorr; if, taken up by one, the par ' might attend to; the business of receiving and ' Remit*, if desirable, and would be amionamoda d with the tree of 0 See and Scales, and, if so part al it rihmtlil be required to be shipped . a ii' facility whiah would not interfere with the ha ess of the advert:lsere would be given. Apply WEST, DGSPN At CO ; 11 :Bank St.-MilLombird St. INV harf. Phila. tch 27 II : - 15-ti Ce4ll(ein; to neut. . IN Mina litil,`on the ' st Br tich Bail Road nine and a half miles train SchtlytkAl qtvren, and one ape a half above Atinensville+tys 'veins are well calculated far al4eitennive htnnneitv the i present season—ctiptbloljof prolltscing: from 8 to 10,800 tops. without additional espensc Rot gang ways or nit sentilatosvi large Stock, of coal un the platform, mined aurkOg the ; winter; one vein 9, end the other 12 feelli thick, of coal, of vet . , good quality —prOp timkstcr on the property 'adja cent halite; mines. ti i For torts, and : forth; particulars,..eppty to 1 ' IEB DUNDAS,! COlfillaCre I Bank, Fhilidelcatia,or 11. BERT C. 111L1.4 jobnOilier .' • i " - TAKES greit plcaairre in informing the pub. he, and his frien d and also his -pat ions in particular:that;he hasikiened a REFECTORY, under the Pennsylvania} Hall. in Pottsville. Ho hopes from his past rep ' tattoo for keeping a re. apcctable, estalisharca acquired during . the es. i perience of three years t the Fame . .inerof business, and by desire In .ploani and application to. busi ness, to merit,a continuance of your fairor and pat rimers- • i . I Farriilies, by sending; to the Pennsylvania Hall Rcfcctory,aliall have oysters of a superior quality served up in the best inyle, and every other deli. caey that the Petusvilliqmarket can afford - in sea son. • • BIIL 1 41)I.' FARE. ' Stewed Oyiteritper doses 18j - Fried do .4 do 37* Roasted do j do le} Venison Stake.: rii Pepper Pot peer; bowl . 1 4 ?; Pigs Feet i ' -12* Nov 28. 1 r 4$ i 2—Gm , POR 11 ' CARBON i :Sawing Hind Society. T4E Port Carix4 Saving Fund Society, ,now open every.iday from to 3 'O'clock the Office o Discoug and Deposit, foi the p' poso-of retying de sits to any , smolt* not needing $5 o,from spy one person udon iwhi an interest of per dent will be paid op every and:upwardsAmt tri,interest will he Allowed any' frdetitdia 2 l partriiof 35. The while or a part may Be, drawn toot on giving, notice, two four weeks, et. the frtco on. Mondays.: The 1 siness of the Sonic I t will be conducted by following officers is.fld managdrsi uno the 5 Monday lei May cc*. p resic tet i t-.4QUiILA BOLTON. nagerS. , • ' Abraham ileebnerll ta , F.dwafd J. titibley. - Edward tioglies tj. E. S. Warne, .Jacob Bull Jesse Yarned Whitney, qeerctaryond tremisowir. Article .3d of thil Charter. "No ,emolume whatsocvdr slain ff received by die Presideii or Managers foir;their services, dpi shall .ay 51anager , become la`bo. rrowcr from I ,the institu tion." - p .odO 3 46tf New ) h eap Stoie. I . JACOI BUL I 4. SA4IVEL, LEWIS ITAVING put hased the entire interest of Hedry- and Vehert Ncligh, in 'the Story at the South West +orner of Centre ;Amid Market streets in the bolliough of Pottpodle,„ formerly known es and conducted under the ;firm of pie ligh, Lewis & Co. respectfully Inform their friends and the piOlic generally ti* they intind continuing the business at the bld' stand und‘r the firm of 't JAC DB BULL fr. CO. where they will be happy to supply , their frienes and former cuddle:ma With merethandise at the lowest totes. . . . They are, no; opening,. in addition to 'their Barge formerlstock, a arge and eateneive:asrarterti.Sit of i merchandise, consisting, in part' a Dry Ghods, ~Groceries, Ligrs, Wines, TenaXhana, Wass, Queensware, . consisting of •' , i: , Cloths, cassir errs, sattnietts, flannels, meatus, ‘... , linens. i . - , :1 Canton fiann o,:loret, stockings; yarns, Orints, ginglians. Cheep, tiekinga. silks, lollies, shawls, iland kerchicqy velvets. Marines, ci'casinns, vestiriga,lacris, fl !loges. ~ , thre4s ottons. ". , ad „ins it' Lawns, wadding, blanliefs, coatings, Plaids, • 1 &o. &cif ': " 1 LatiobEital.,, , • '! Rio, Laguire, St.Doiningo ppffeca. , I 1 1 , 1 St. Croix,,i ow OrleaMs.HaYOunit atlefra Loaf and ump • - f 1 !dis • -1,. ns . . New Orkin no and Sugar Olitslie molinies. Gun Powtr, Young Option Sonebon4 Pouchon and Boltea TOM f t• hocolati aud apices, dte.; ; ro 11 om it' d yellow seep t . i loves, cc. nutmegs and !waist ; i ojennel iter, mutilerd Box and ' egs,raittini J . Currantfp ; i ktnd rico . L L cheese, opd Gab, mackerel and li____g . Would and dim. canillce 1 1 ; • 1 l Sack andibbl oak i ,I, l IPipea and, smokingtobacco` k :Spanialtelfspaniab and iommon elitga a ' di WOES . WINES. i r !Cop' nd cummrixt britiniiy ; Llollanig and common gill' Old l.ri whirkey andllinnica epf lta 1 ; New E land rum ,and;wl4ltcy by e bbl Lisbon; i madeira. port (*meters , , i . l Assort nl °ramie andEbree. , ' Creche . China and glakeiwaria Giant ' the-box. , ; •1 1 .. I Dupon gle L guripmeder! FIPF, , Blastin 0? , FE, FFA 4 4 1 i i All of w b will bo dispoweitOr obt or jla whit o Tor couiltri4nce a keit price. . , 1 9 • 1- ' I high er ichw i.„l,lcry 1 f go. b.Y. *Mica. FUN 1 L ....-0„..,„ it iriNa l birl , as au. - . - f?innlngs ti? .1. vino i t .. lOinitpthatti anriscr4 +Opirinoror)` . o ,for ' fi I 4 c • Irt WO 1 „ ° 'viL. , away • ti th rolly4 : Boren 4 11.18)11*0,_ _ gar" t ' olodrywpliro) 4-h.''' ' 4,•,..• ..11, '._ - A'z';',F '- 1 ' •' - fi '4-1;41',111,--- 4•f ~~~' ~i. r 4 i 3 1 11, Cod! iDedlerf En IMES c s .. ~ THElDmlizits , tovi,N*E4l' . . . II N. NATHAN- .& CO. s '. VE on hand : and afar . Sale the fella. 6 tug kisortment or Wines and.Lhioore. , S. perioi Old E.l. Madeira Wine on draught, &in livarid, do do do ' do ..do Bodied. do du L. P r c do do on draniilst,, I i do do Po do Pore Grape Juice . . Bottled, Ido do do • do do do on dran i irilt. Comtnon do vria do Superior Brown Sherry do do do do do do de bottled do Pale, do ' do [do do de • do * Sri draught, do Dry Malaga, Sweet Malaga do " do Lisbon and Mar. Madam do . do Sicly Madeira Muscitei • Claret on drauillt and bottled, do Old Hock and Muscat bottled, do Champaign of Eagle, Comet and Jolly Brands, do Old 4th Proof Brandy, do do Hal. Gin, do Champaign Brandy Ist and 241 quality. ;Cognac and Bordeaux do. Ist, 2d 4. 3d do ;Jam. Spirits let. tld and 8d do Hal. Gin, 1 in &2d quality, N. R uin, Cant: Gin and Common Brandy, Nonongalteln and Common Whiskey, ISup. Old Irish Whiskey, ' do do Scotch Cambleton, dothe Real Moun tain Deli, warranted EM years old, do Ccodilds, = Tavern keepers and other cif:winners are invi d to call, where they can be supplied with bet r Wines acd Liquors, on better terms, than ey have been getting. Jan 29 11— 1 Greenirood • FOUNDRY. hrHE subcribers inform the inhabitants of Pottsville and it iicinity, that they have taken the establialurient formerly, occupied by 1. Brooke Buckley, where they *ill ht glad to eccire orders fbr Car Wheels, or ary other Cast. ngs, which they will cXccute promptly and faith idly. MYERS & ALLEN. March 5 16-4 f I . N. B. • The Foundry is sow in operation, NEW STORE. N. Nathan s & Co. "SAVE this day opened in the Stoic formerly occupied by P.. 1. Parvin, Centre, two doors south of Market street, a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Wines, Teas, Chi na, Glass. Queensware, ate. consisting of Blue, black, olive, claret, drab and mixed Cloths. Blue; blatk, grey and mixed ceasimeres. Do mixed, grey and brown Sattinotta. Drab and coloured beaverteen colds, &e. Red, scarlet, white, and green flannels. • Red; bine, green, yellow and white Canton Ilan nets. ' Bleached and unbleached Do de, muslin.. Nish linens & lawns. Black, green, brown, and purple merino Plaids, Unify, and ntgro cloths. Buckskin Mitts eud gloves. 'Silk and cotton umbrellas. Ladies and gentleman. hoskin, bearer and kid gloves. Irish knit, and Germantown hose and b hose, Satin and Bornbaiine-pleated end plain stocks. Bleached and unbleached linen and cotton Dril - inga. Cotton and Pittsburg cord. bSilk and cotton handkerchiefs. Do. crepe & do. Shawls. Vestings, Silks, laces, threads, tapes, cottons, blankets, coatings,;wadciings,, crimblets, suspen ed rs, ginghems,citecks, tiekings, English, French, and American prints, new patterns, &c. 1 GROCERIES. Rio, Java, Lasniro,St. Domingo coffee. St. Croix, NeW Orleans, Havant sugar. Loaf and Lump - do New,likleans and sugar house Molasses Gun Powder, Yelng Dyson, Souchong, Pou.chong and Rohea Teas repared Cocoa and Cocas Shells liases and Rakers Chocokto ..ealaud & Spa n'sh do `Variegated, Palm, Brown and Yellow soap Cltrves, Mace, Alapice, Nutmegs, Pepper, Cas sia • . lives, Capers, Pickles, Anchovies, Soy nrry and Cyanno Pepper, Mustard Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Rice Cheese, Cod fish, Mackerel Smoked and pickled Salmon Herring Moulded and Dipt Candles Sack and Bbl. salt, table do 15,000 Span, sli Cigars, from es to $23 or m. e spanish add common do Pipes and liinoking tobacco. LIQtORS 4 WINES. Champaigne, cognac, American Brandy ticilland and American gin Jamaica spirit., New England ruin Mon.mgahrla and cominon whiskey adeira, brown and pale sherry wines , Sicily and Marseilles Maderia do Lisbon, pal, Hre finings - do • Al alaga. muscatel claret do Champaigne . do BOOTS & SHOES Gentlemen' coorse and fine bouts and Anna Boys ' -di) "do . do ' Ladits Eaiter boots, gum elastics do - 11lororeri and seal walking shoes do Prunelf,'Benmark satin shoes and slippers Children and infants shoes arid bootees, & . c. &e. Cracker-it, China and illass Ware. All of winch we will well at wholosale Of retail on the most reksonable terms for cash, or in ex change for country produce. Store and Tavern keepers ere invited to call. Der. 5 " • rpOOK BlNlHlCG.—Persons who havi Books " , ••ffl to be bound, can have them done at ;two three week's notice, by leaving them with the suliseriber B. BANNAN: • GEOGRAPIIIcAL and Statistical (*art of 4-11, Europe, desctibing the boundaries,' extent. population, sorereigns,govertnent,debt,revenue, army, dt.e. of ills several countries . at thejpresent dap icc 25 cents. Just received apd ibr male Dart 12 it— by B. HANNAN. TO WESTERN ADVENTURER& MITGUELL'S Travellers Garda threnglput $ United States Ma Pocket Maps of Ohio Do. . Do. Indiana Do. :!• 1)o. - Illinois Do. ; Do.. - Midden Alssr- 7 Pock'pt Maps of PerinsylininpLaril other staid' or moth 15 ~ r MWRMIRZeI !Fresh Garden Seeds. BANNAN is nowtecilviog a fresh sup. 2 LIFIlply of Gar dwhich kse Swede, has bees select ed with great care. and which he lbe happy to supply has umefous costorkers and flif.pda on aceornmodating. terms. i • Asparagus do Lon blood beet Whtte solid celery Early Valentine be c ins Red I -do do Whither 4119 Peppie groat De - Green do Sim* parsnip tails Earlylfirrip do Omer carrot Round Lima - do EarlY Cucumber China do White spine do Extra Earle peas Long pickling do Early Frame do Early cabbagellettuce Dtiarf imperial Pen Moser head . !.do Early Green bench pcasYeliew Winter do • Royal dw`frearrowrt doWhlie onion Large miurovilit doYcllow do Eat ly long salmon radishfaridey do do scarlet do Bull nose pepper. Red Turnip do Early White Corn Early long white do Purple Egg Plant, Flat bush 'quash Early Caulsfiower, Long green do Cauliflower Broccoli, Salstfie Tornatoeit White 110 dutch turnip Ea ly Kale (Greats) - Bl.te top; do HeMp London leek SERBS Early York Cabbage ?bike Large do do Mignonette do drumhead do Summer eatery ) Early imperial do Asisertcd flower Seed. Bird. Seeds. • Canary. Millet ane Hemp Seed,— Together with a variety 4Flower Seeds. ONION SETTS. ' Several bushel Oaiva Scitte, for sale-cheap. April 2 2D Colliery Works, Steam Engine and Rail Car Manufactory. THE subscribers rtispectfully inform their friends & the poblie,that they ere now pre pared at their establishment in Pottstille, to exe cute orders for making and repairmeStearn En gines, Rail Cars, Stettin Boilers, Primps, Circu lar Salim, Mill Gearing And Machinery of every description. They siod have constantly on hand an assortment of Miners Tools, such as Sledges, Wedtes, Picks, Raktis, Drills, Crowbars, &c. equal in quality and atjes low prices as can be obtained elsewhere. N. B. Smith work dr all kind carried on as u s ual • HA''WOOD & SNYDER. Fob 13 -13-3 mo do do. . _ 1.1) . 11. SALE. • 100 tons Plaster 150 &Ms Liverpool ground salt -20 sacks 40 fine do 40 bbl. new mackerel, No. 1 and 20 half bbls do do 1 and 2, 10 qr bbis do do 1 end 50 tibia rye whiskey 50 Do superfine Fleur 30 bags stront scented Rio coffee 5 qr casks Lisbon wine • • 10 do do 'twee' Malaga wine 10 bbls New England rum 10 do common brandy 10 do do- gin • Superior old Cogniar brandy ITO I.lolland Gm Apply to . JOSEPH C , KElo7,Centre St . next door to the National Hotel dee 11 50. NEW GOODS. ripllE Subscribers have just received a large and general assortment of frcih and season able Dry Gondol, • • Gr.4cricd, Hardware, Glass.&Queens Ware Spotting and Blasting Powder, Iladion, Grind stones. Fis, Salt. , • Flolfr, Plaster &c. kn. trhich in ailddion to their former stock render their assortment extensive and complete. Allot which arc offered kr sale wholesale or retail at, very reduced prides for cash or in exchange for Country' Prochite. The highest; price given in visit for all kinds ofcauntry produce. . JOSEPH wurrE 4t. sort. 6- . Mount Carbon Dee 27 WETHERILL & BROTHERS; AT THE OLD ,STAAO) No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET EAST SIDE, TIMIS Howie moo Tat Co*llant 011/ PHIA.ADRLPHLA MA NUFAUTUR ERS OF CS White Lead dry and 1 Calomel • . 'ground i a oil, 5 lied, Prnenpt. Red Lead. , White do • Lithrage, Vitriol Mb. ChronieYello*, Snip, Quinine ~ do Green ~ Tart.tinetie if do . Patent Y Red . Ehr Ne h. &Or Lpera s ead; ' .do Acids Cop L 01. Vitriol f, uau C do e-• • ' Cten. do Aq. Fortis' - Aeit.ditirolda mariuleAbia • Pnilph. if* Room salt'l.4o..Selplust 84 1 50 Tart..seid' W. deritteet. Slap. Car .da . Konnessunanl Corns. Mort- . Obispo do. - Tstloor d Piettirellass, front II Ste 9430. Refine/so Cleunobor.SaltNitreArbinn)no.Be des, OSer f ,ratlethe these tnentionalirtieles.ti —witb "weal antortaent of Paints. Drop 1 everyothsrartioleis theCkentical 7 - 71 . • / • NIL , 'ER ,& HA,OGIORTIr HrE_ air saki the following Olden% Wind Li4hors. . : I Superior ishl L. P. Madeirew Wes; cm' ;draught do do do , do do bottled do Lobsgs 'up's' Pale Sherry with • Duff, Gordan & Co. do .. do dg i, Superior old. Hock Wine bellied on the Rhine .1. C. and JUlly's supe'r.Champaignallwine in haw kets. :,, • ' Muscat de 'Prontignac in cases oftine dozen Grape Juice Port Wine in wood audi . bottie Pico Madeira, Sicily Madeira,oki L. Perenerifre Pale and b lown Lisbon Wipes ': ' ' ~ Superior pale Vicgin.Cograr Brandy Do• do 4th ptootCtieratite Bandy Do do Cognac and Derdeatis do I a Do do Weesp anchor Holland Gin I --•••• do Scheidt= do I do Superior do JamaicaSpiritri -; !• Du ' do 4th proortrush Whiskey Do do 2d do, MOttongstqa Whiskey Rose Noyini and Plifeet Love, Cordials, &n•dtct• N.. 8. S p ore and Tavern Kceperafaupplied with • , • • Wines and Liquors, audits *op as they unoilly pay for those of an inferiof quality. itin9 . . R.- fin To Mousekeeioers. the FREER, IMPORTED ! TEAS. at • ILLER & HAGGERTY inve' a test received an bi' Massortment Dille choicest go •ty . Tesa, whit% -they will melt. wholesale-or retail, at induced prices. conaratnai of , lutpenat. GeopowderAtta - Superint Young Hyson. Carious Young Arson. Fair latot Young Dyson Teli.atfai Ceuta per lb.. Souchuts g ti eccu Souctiong. k Poucbong to and i papers. rer3ii at .error, a few Boxes or ,the celebrate 4 (Roses Bla Teaqtt. 76 cents per-lb. also Rakers No.l Chocolate, weer chocolate and prepired Cocoa, &c. &c. N , April 23. 146 - , 7lF4f NEW GOODS. JOSEPH C. KERN viEt3PECTFULLY informs the citizens of a' Pottsvillea and vicinity. that be has just opened, at the corner of Centre and Callowhill Armee, next door above the National Hotel, a large and elegant assortment otaple and Fancy Dry Goods, with a choice select on of Wines,LA quors and Croekery ware, all ofhthich have been purchased at the very lowest cash prices in the Philadelphia market, and will be sold al 124 per cent advance. All kind of country produce taken in exchange for goods. sept 14 • 16- 4311' FE'esti Fruit, Saucesi l &c. Band Bloom Raisins, Wake; and Drum Figs, • 1 1 ,runta, Citrons and Ltenrons, French and Spanish Oltvu. , (calsera and Pickles, " esti roan Catsup, Anchovies, Renee of Anchovies, . 11,.o.sier Sauce, • Canton Soy, Curiy roisder,, John Bull's Beef'Steak Sauce. IPiekled Lobsteri,Clama 'and Muscles. Fir sale by N. NAThANS & Co. Ilan 30 • II NEW GOODS: JOBN T. 1-I.AZZ4RD respectfully informs his friends, the citizens of Pottsv ille, and', the public in general. that he has just ie ceived a large and generabirsortment of well-se lected GOODS, consising in part of Blue, blank, brown, olive, green. dr ab and steel mitt cloths, do do db cassimeres,dn dokattinetts, rei4 yellow, green and white flannels, blue and! drib. thiallings, bangup and gcnoa cords, beever-t teens, canton flannel, napped fustian for miners; sills, valcncia,owansdown, toilinet and Marseilllea , vetting.. large assortnicnt of plait:land high em s lored prints, damask for table cloths, Russia ant bird eye shaper, gingliams, colored musline, mil lines, foundation muslin, black and brown lloli land, plain and tut silk velectocoolen yern,woolt ed, silk and 17nm:or hdaicry,Thibetcrughrocre.,silk I a cotton shawls; cotton end silk handkerchiefs( sit and,crav au, India, French and Italian silks for ladica ‘ dreasce, thread, bobhinet and cottun lame; edgings, quilt iogie and inicitings, an assortment. MAbend* and galloons, trish linens, long lawii, en caMbrick, cambriclu-jnennet, Swiss an3i Nook mushus. French and EngliA =mum*, carol...mane,- bornbazettes, I bombazines, 9-4,10.4, fl-I, 1i2:4 rose bhniketa aid counterpanes, gen. tlemens buckskin, beaver; anti .hoakin gloves, la. dice hosk in, Silk and kid gloves and mitts, ladics gentle:nen I. and childitna shoes and boas, brown end bleached mutns, carpeting, s arr asliortnient Of ready made elo ling, hruahes, combs, hair add fur-seal Ca ps, r \ , ; tiARDwAIeF,. cuTi.tnysuiNi, GLASS AND QLIF.NSWARE. \ • ' ' Also a good alisortmentof GU' DRIES, injr chased with partictrlar rt 4 gard toga 'ty, conkiat .: • ing in part of . i Wines, cordials, Frenth.brand,y, tiolhknd and common gin, old .Monougahela Whiskey, brandy, rye whiskey. lin. 1 and 2 make lin barrels and halfharrels. , . SUPFUFiNE FAMILY FLopuits ; , Salt by therrel or bualiel, butter, cheese and he ti, !crackers, spe aceti and common oil, together ' with a varietyarticles not enumerated, which b e w il l se ll le *sale and. retail, on the must reasonable terms, for cash or country producii. V, , _ea Alwas on havd ) a constant soppl_p_ofitr. i F,Ftand FFF Minting powder, and Vapor's 4uperiar Eaglo!powderj, .. _ •.. ' .. ,- 1 : Tke highest laden given in tisk for daistiirry. 'Product-. 1 ! '• Country metb.huts itill find it their iptcrest to *call, as they #.23 Wined; with moot articles sn nearly as ter a .16. they-poilld procure ithcra et from Equiadelph . ~' Oct lit : Oftf • in P'lt P '' MI EMI TORE STO ; E. __. SUPERIOR GREEN & BLACK TEAS. 1 Gunpowder i - Imperial ; , ' ,' - - Young Epsom! tExtraimility andieUnt Caper Sooclumg , iinottilloini. Powebeng. and, ' ! Imperial Peen° Juatreeerind an April 11l S'a d #or Nati by i T.& 34..8itA --- Rio Opiate, Molls Agutpl,efh -- - - i - Vie:._ ' l 7 - tiro, BAGS saw toP 11n: , At m Sagatse. Of ., in tn .. iu 05 Trinidad Malawrits ' • •,. c l r i , -- " 1 " 4 " New Orittank iignenngd, t in - 11141.. and Sp Cmi i 4 t Eingart : 1. • , 120 Cuba lam v,beette t • , 1 youni It • • and Mack Taan - (in iiir, i +AO ! le hairitarrais huilefa 11,111 17• . - 30 bonealrhiladeliibia) Soap, brown. sit• ' tow. 2000 lbs. Ott Candle.. WIN 10`a; and) C4P. : 150 half bat's' Glami 8 bY le Ind 10 by 1 0; . Cognac Windy and Crlw tit piperanti - • ,. 25 Eitiettit t iklionl ,sks • U!kon' 4l ,/le! . -- New land Midi s eniamoin Gin, ass * * I I P 1 : •' . i e. !martian ! , and Anniatted Ceyaditda„ is ' NIX `and P 1•000. 86 Ike. , f-,,.... x Tor soh Aky 111141410 t, $ MAGGIE!! *ow y u . ,10 111. - sult door lialkstisur a ' Jasoll'• . • ,' , .... ,_ , „It ,• •,. .: ,•,.„ • - 4 '-: mss; , . , L i ; „ it . ~..4 , ,,,1 , ~ • lino* ND COMMISSION SESCHART, • riMideliplis*► , COAL Re"-. nem I label leir;Esq. ; Rickusr Willing, Philadelphia. Jacob her. _ In' C. Dougherty. Pottsville. , /ijoil 9 J. W. HOOD'S TRIJAS: th iotooratiote Relief anti Radical Cure of Pero*or Awyrort. , I U ENOS CHICHESTER bits poeellasedtbri it , Id of vending sod spiting Dr. .J. W. id• Trots in Suligelkill county. This Thar ired tht sanetian of the most respeetabki , • . s 4 physicians of Philadelphia; by it hick di I cure Of Chip dilSplk4lll,C.ZpCcilliioll il4 id 'otsrly been abandoned Ss kopks*, is ii+ 1 imp shed with almost sla.olate eertainty s y n 4, _ itk rfeet inifety... UpSiards of a bandied es trot within a aPorc-thaeltxtbia eh" Sod ale' ' dy e/ knostt to be pertnatienil,g oatidonad Abe itse is can now dispeneir..with.dtt veal so str went. A success like this Is unezaarple , .th swish, eit Surgery. ink instrument, an • IO ethod of pertem mg • radical cure of Hernlk. ; w offered to those afflictedsea this troll. • ue complaint: ~ pinwale it with eini fi denre- fbr the...treat ; Jo Men of Uniidiveitae. acid niiretie ipaerYlliGitir, ,W eat . on cornet aureola rum "ft lot its radi evil .ure. The:woolen herettifteetnployed mere ly, . Matti life symptoms of thediocese , they 1 ,. ran y ever rffeeta radical cure. and +erre; mina I be c .ntinually ;Corn by the patient, often grvidly.; tri his annoyance. Mier the cureby the ptesent apparatus invaded, all instruments are Macon. ' tin di... ' ' his Truss. with its appendages. tan be worn ,at. ny age, and 6y both macs, without intering. doe of businemi.l Gentlemen afii referred te the following , mem. kin of he probation. relative to this instrtinient , and its ',Ams in cffectingradivial dam liftuame-Oitisoa; Priftssor cifSurgery in.' the - L Universify, et' Penruiyhrania. tiaanviux Erfail IP NTTISON, P rofessor of An -1 • surmy in the Jefferson Medical College. Oantrei. Jackson.-Piurespor of the institutes of ~,,, Medicine : • in the Untierrity of Pennsylvania. ' !Gamma Ml..l.m.t.are, Pritnior of .Surgery in the Jefferion Medical College. ilia:ma florin, Secretary of the. Philadelphia • College ni Physicians. -.— , IRtiwrar A. Itvi.Eri, M. D. • • Eowik IN ATLEE. M. D. .. Letters to the above eamedgentlemert tptistte See of raper se. ' • ! Copyof a letter from Samuel Jackson, Prbrai... liorof the Institutesof Itleditinc,hrthe University . \ • o4Z e rvyivanta. a. Hooke • i . . ' { Dear Sit:—From the unicorn% failure of all the trusses I have seen, arid efthe treatment em ployed for hen' tin in procuring a radical. cure-fiy fe means, I had abandoned all expectation of seeing this desirable object reached., I must con. , ess, that your apparatus and method of treading ernia, has. I believe. accomplished tins desider. turn, and the disease is rendered not Only man. geable, but in the greater portion of canes cats , e by, the processes of art' • The pr inciple ofyout trettrnent and of the op- erasion of your apparatus is, based to the pbyaiol. ogy of the tisanes, and is one of the Soundest is theoretical and practical surgery. There hi notb ing empirical In your pfriceettings or your inatrowents. They are the application oft well established principle deur selenee4o the production oft apecifte effect. .Profestionil ' structionoikill arid tact are neueisary thattain it with certainty. ThO instrerfients alone, without appropriate managementand thoadaptt i on of their - j action to the individual according to the eonstitu. - tional and other pceuliarities of each ease, would prove of little utility, or might even defeat the in [ tendon of the treatment. a • From the remarkable success that has attend , cd your treatment, and the cases hf decided cures have come under thy own obseriattot, gis ing the sanction of facts iii suppcirt of the acienti: fie principle, I have-no hesitation in regarding your apparatus and method of treatment as estab. Italia in medical science..' With consideration and respect, truly yours , SMUEL - .IACKSOY ? We have in 'our possession a number of prilfi cates of the first respectability relatith tonic mire performed by this instrument, winch to any person desirous of satisfying htnutelf wit regard to the efficacy of the invention ' Persons desirous of beitto cured (if , ruptore 4 will do welt to tall on the Subscriber before tha extreme hot caviller nth It th disease can be more readil cured lirf.ttioderatie than in hot weather. •-4:s Physicians desirous of procuri e the rig t of using the above inventintr, can r 'bizarre' . tion or. the subject or .purchase the,: fight; of b subscriber, who is authorized to a ils atom f patentee. ' ttiOS CHIC may 16 , DerfeiT 9 fia+,' F .11.31 1. k„ . 41. 1 E il IV . „rxt. iPHIS medicine has Iteeti'fotoid ofOilistelfscacyy hciusands.in New England and iebtewhere, or •-, tiornli thowttliionicri called B.llioniitis p• rt b a, , clistiyvicoi. LAO or Appeiite, 4 rectniti : :Dyikenterl,C4mmou Bette) wilds at. or I se different complauna it is redo d ' • ' i fliOietnte . _ _ ' • ' 'i 'LtibIIdENDATIONS. We' the int - item - having toadt4 a free lif Donee Faii.t.ll4 s zonnts.to certifi that.it i$ gentle aod aim itti Operation, as d cathartic V h 'thatit posseitenit. , ..- . , qiiitlitj to emote tioniiki the mowed' in . . . weli.aini Oa coring of 4 , .1 ` bairns. We beliete it. ell adaptto the cure die-abelte Mentioned. di ! we so believe it to ai l e lietto*cellent Medicine 'fo • eat in i debilitated ordeilloing state.foraionteh -it . 1 not weaken I , the patient Caltboftgli - likett rtiq.tit )_brit restores 1 theatbmath to a propersone by a - liking the dir tionnotitherelry, awittine the a puttil e.d-c. 1 .. PETER Gill N, . - . • , . DA.Nltif SI. RT CB S. o the pearl. Ichu JOSEPH , I 1 DOMAN.. ..,..DAVID . MAN. • JONATHANPAGE. ' i. •• 1 ' • : --' -,- 1-•-:-- - !-~t- V e b ron . C. 0.) . ) 1 Martill• titattbenbecrihorut i "aboteemptidcati - ' 44 re c ""endillgolle artsat ' able initabiti tier thotowaof liebrciii.Eitate Of n licit. ' , • 1 , • - -4, ',;:• -,,l.,,JedlVll,o**P*int, w r ,' YEGETABLE /4. VS ['ILLS/ ,' " t i ll The ode of these VIM is al , el pier till r epidemic coofplaiamoinipste . it ouch is 0 c" nLil . thealutteeriatfaU seasons. im *Mimi err , . Chillers Alarbiti, Attie, Drainer ,att.". t com• • Pthintdiotebielktitecailotted At in irregular rear don of. %habil.. and a morbid mot of the atotahnlie , ". rientijiilk are iliaanala sad 14;_,' temettif" 4 - aakerld aginidired itomach. cad satia t ion! ip 1 14* k voliarimess. dinkiest, ' *Oulu* List* agne,thspio • fewer&o Or , ilestopt hi ilmNlaillwief - Ever. i ade Astkiikolkby' - L • ENBER, , 'nit' solo-1 oft ' — la a,a *II stow 4 4 ,... imiiply eftlw 'tient valuabislikditiee, jun 0 . . litiondibr salsa, r 1 1 B. HANNAH , Japtilii WI, - • Agivitlbgtke pats-runt 4' .- - 1 the 4. sla. of dm. For tl ad a a a *are C 91-3ai' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers