The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, May 14, 1836, Image 3

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RNING, 111AY 14
• xas.--rTreth i. so rare a commodity
in the intelligence from this quarter; and
so m , ny falsehoods have been published
with ;a view to intly:nee public feeling, or
fro that perversit. 'of temper which de
ligh i• in fabrication that the hest liuthen
tica d accounts will soori cease, to be be
lies .-- Stinta Anna-, ho - wever, has the
mas cre of the Al• mo to answer for, be
yon, all doubt, but the butchery of Cot.
Fan ••ing and his rn , c, is according to the
Nat °nal Intelligen er, a sheer 'fahrica-•
*ion' - This statem , nt is made on inferen
oces rawn from eft Min Mexican official
iloc meats recently . üblished, and we hope
it • y turn out,to I cbrrect. The . re
,pott- respecting , th Indians on the Tex
ian .ntier, are al pronounced to be en
tire false, as wel as those concerning
the desertion of s• me of Gen: Gaines '
me . The pros. of a war with Mexi
co therefore so f r without foundation,
w.:, ever future ev nts may , bring forth.
the Mobile Mere ntile Advertiser, April 26.
e are indebt to the New Orleans
nletin, for a. slip mom that office, dated i
:u '. 1 y morning, pril 24th, and contain
rig the following cheering news, not un
. i ~ however wi h sorrow and deep re
. , that another read rid massacre has
.e- -made of (Vlore of oar brave and noble
o I trvmen, ley ih Mexican blood-hound.
y Major Hort n, who came passenger
n e Texian Go ernment. schr. Invinci-
II , we learn that 1 00 Mexicans had ems
:• . the Colorado, 00 men at San Felipe,
a, 400 at Fort end: t h at Gen: nous
o' s effective for was 2300. The Colo-
Ta. o had Overflow its hanks ' end the 1200
M. xicans cannot -retreat. flew/ton had
'de patched Maj. Sakai., with 400 men li
ga fist 490 Mexicans, and was advancing
h . - - If with his whole force upon the
M.xican division whose retreat to the
m in army was i . possible.
i l
he total; destr ction of 1200 Mexicans
is , - rtain, all was j oy and confidence at the
se:t of Govern at. The elements are
ft ! hting for Texa , and the universal opin
io is, that the 'Mexican army between the
lorado and Braizos, s already defeated.
Houston must have fought the battle
We also learri that 73 unarmed emi
ntv that left this city in the William 4-
F : ncis, for CadFMa?ancl were landed at
t , t port, trusting-Ithemselves unarmed in
1.. - power of the! Mexican% were in two
it. . riAtitehered by the soldiery, in sight
o lhe vessel; the Schooner escaped. to Mat-
, rda. •
The Pennsvlvimiu is ekpecteti un
•• to
t with furthc*informstinn. The Rru
't was to sail the day after , the invincible ;
hVrimen and Rhildren-.
We also 'Porn Rn•rrisim. enn
• Gen. garrison. of N.nrth Bond, (Thin,
g, while traveqine• with American
• ntlenteri. trikeni hv the kioxirino, rag, rn
t , his hn•lv 'ent dnwn• and hic tnth
o t and lee in ihat citiintiAn life wng
e tinet! The wife of gr. garrison came
sseimer in the nvineihle.
The Tesinn retied schr.
plain Brown, fell in with tSe . Mexican
B.llr. Montezuma oil Anchor MT the Brawls
atiago, An action immediately took
pace, with a r inning fiatit of several
tp - rs , . which terminated in the sinking of
•h ; Montezuma, before she reachei the
s • ore; •to which she was returning, When
st seen, her pit cis we re under wnter. She
- pieritAting, to convey Calyeston Bay,
a Jut 20i1fren; the expedition is now tie
s ,rniftd.. - ,Arhe I vincible wits some cut in
r sails'itati rig big, but had not a man
•'ounded. The ate ot the Montezuma's
• w is notikno • n.
The Natiottal A !masonic Convention met in,
• iladelphil:on Wednesday last, in pursuance bf
. iscomtnendatioh of the National Convention.
hi , , nominated ' illias• 'Wirt for the Presielen.
dit closed it labors on Thursday. There
a rail delegati n present from the States of
1 iktreW York; et" Jersey, Rhode Island, Ver.
• • *c. . _
' "The Official p , . dings el theconvention will
liablished As .. as received- We will bare.
:,.Mate now, that t was deemed inexpedient in
acne!, of th nomination •by state ebneen
• , 'to put any ea didate in nomination on z ee
7 , nal grourids: i hip course was advisable
: .. . best means to .reyent 'lineation of feeling
ween brethren . the same political faith.
-,. Minns adopt') , were of the true kind. and
lace'autimasonty on its original ground.
Thar& was also resolution adopted W.-inquire
f the two gamin .nt candidates in nomination.
Nether they woo , . if elected; appoint adhering
~asons to office ere was al.m a resolution
&pied no hold an. her National Convention in
be year 1837÷P bn. Telegraph.
;Hay was sole at Utica last week at $3O
r• -r ton. -
1 1111 % BRiDA 411.1% just received avid' tivr
sale by
..; - BBNPIAN.
May 14 WV- •
Um Is Sr. parasols.
EN'SfIAW, G de nap, and Fancy Usable!.
fire de nap, Gro de Paris. Fan
ny and Figured P raiailik opened Oda day, and for
sale by N. NATHANS & Co.
May 14 26
2 PIECES Wail Pans Lawns:jai:oast*
• )1 ":t. "1111. l
Er e ittltlVl ß C le o. t
May -- - 26
rriRANsPARE 'll:_lkairto r alr,Wafers, just te.
A . ozei o !I'd and • " iikrby B. mr.
r 4 14
Date -44 hipped • 71,18
IDelawaile Coq ps boat 1 1876
C Wdlitims;&Co42s do ! ! 1250
C Lewin') 121 do!: ; 946
4 Bull eir, co il 115 do , 698
C Ellet i 113 doi 650
Oeo H Potts • ' 4 110 'do; ! 45u
It CO 8 do
B Brooke ' 1 7 dol . 850
Dodgson & West 1 F 7 doi 815
Blight IllTardi.Co 7 do t• , 823
8 J Pottle &CO ,6 dv 289
N Amer Coal Co 16 do 285
O Shoeinakeri I 6 dm. 282
tieliglt 'dr, Mut.phy 1 I 5 do 234
C Dciughertyi dO 188
& Bait ~ I 4 .d 0 l7O
A Bolton 8 do • 14
R Rickert 1 I! 2 do . 101
J Baird 2 d 4 * 9 ;
A Lawton !I 1 2 do 98
Wm Bosbyshell i; 2 do 9
J 'Freacy .; 2 do 9
J Murray" H 1 1
Charles Potta j ! do 4:
Fitch and Rickert 1 dO •
6 Ha
y Creek. ;rapt
7 J Shelly , ij :1' Lytle) 5'
SCcueiney,jv 6 II Rpiwe it co
"1 D 4 •
Mechanic i Capt • 4
C Lowther i'l 'iS ti Reeve 4. co . 45
6 Campbell ' Palmer & Garrigites 50
9 Ala-ender il A to 114teeve & co 50 11
Bryan borOngli i l Do : 150
10 Catharine I Do , • , -50
Mt Vernon' 'lt -Do ' ' 50
Gcn Waitangi' Do 1 45
9C Storer DO
tik tla
' . 45
Velocity ' .1 pt
.' • ' 24 ;
12 H & Helen i; • $ Reeve &-co 45
Specula tor Di '" 45 ,
- M Wilson • •
011 i 45
Mary-Ann ;I Capt • 35
Bell Mont`B Belt r. 5O
*3 T I.) Beatty 1: 1 8 B Ititeve:& olio 45
J 8 Braley 1 ion : . 45
4 Rio . ! I E S anyles.&loo. 51
Trader 1 ; J T Taylor , - 48
Mohawk;f Steinliergeti ! 44
R Painter ''. Do 52- 1
9S H Vo:iintcet i 'Hill . 50.
ChriAtiana , i . J Horning. 46i
Aneei •Steinberger . -50,
11 M Lora :1 •Steintierger 511
Ad% Genie ,: . - Do 401
12 Patrick y! ' 'Capt ' 46
- Sarah & Racluir4 Eyre 4311
0 i
2:10 boati„ carpsng . . 7"-- 10.9 1
132 toots, poi last telooti, : - 30,7 i
869 -I 1 : . 41,70
76 do Little Sebuylkol . 3,6681
245 • ii I 45,375,
_ - ._ . •
Ivvrr int* 8 R4iotllith
The ournher dim** .
ra'nSported on th)11 read fo
the week ending l Thuds:y eVenini . i
last . 1 , i .2,909 ton
. Per last repel X. 616 , 4
•• . Total .! l ' .1.,525
tt. C. liiHIX, Ccilleeter.
Mill Cr* Rail nand. •
The following ia Mei amount' of Coal iranspnrl
on t hi* road I - or thioiweek ending on IfVerlaroda
evening lest I: ~ ' ! 1,6147 ton
Per 164 rep T l.. : 3,812
. Total ~ ' ' - ,499
CIF,CIIIO iJADF:STV, Cilllerlcir.
Alf UV !.KI!.L li A I ROAD,.
l'ite •ing nsnonntof Cbal '4anotx , re
on mail up hr Ith .;
3,197 ion
H. H. POTTS w collector.
Lehigh Coal Trade:
Despatched train Mooch Chtittk, for the emelt
ending the 201. Ott;
53 Boats norrsiinr ; 1 2,638 toga
54 do per Wit report
-Tat rep ort
107 ;) ! ' • &.SSO
Coal Er4g-his...May 12.
Palatine to Philife phis, •
fichoylktll Haven 41Philadelphif,
t Pittivilte, May 13, 1836
WREAT PlAttilOry Ore load um. Ivorta on 'r
ay 50 t,.,
EAT l' 25 pishel,ip demand '
RYE FLOUR ,25 Lel coq.iu demand.
BUCKWHEAT OUR 200 percart .in dente .d,
RYE 4 by thetba497 eenritty 181 bishel--1* ' )
sale. .1, ! - , ,
112 B CHOP 00 ciiipisperbislibiisrintnand.
OATS 50 ertrittotiosadyste .
i i
POTATOES 33 '' !its pnr unhelin &nand.
CORN-68 cent . r buten iin dnenand
TIMOTHY 8 • 42 no ot tx b mi h t ,i.
4 ..
FLASSEk:D-9 , 40 perthefin deitand.
WHISKEY-31 ate per anon-.
BUTTER-16r. , perpon RieNleiroklOten s
EGGS-8 'tem p r dolmen. • ?
bARO---12 corn r pdund. '
TALLOW--8 ciente per potin d ' '
HAM 16 cancel er pound.
CORN COOP 711 tient' perie u olefin, demand.
BACON-131,c per potutd.,
BEESWAX-1 nts ronr pound .
PEATHE onto perpouirB • ,^
CONISIOI W 0 ce tspetpound
MACKEREL. he bbl.. 0.14850-11•41, CA/
SALT-:- 621 , rldbl.; : perbushil.
Cl zt
"mom .. h96 5, 1 porton.
1,11;AY , 4 . 03 Per , • - '.l. 0
' iw 6 ~ rt i
• 1 -. __, , , --,
T. A. k 00 IN!' & ' ON - 1
ImF.ser.crET , ,in .theilvitim* or r•
mrnille mitt pu • t gene .t & *nylon* , ed
i new Store in Ce t . 'wet. fe 'doom Mime •r
-weipan. in %boom , t ... • !I t y 4n eon
i led tpy i Mrs. L •a
wheie they' tulle 4 , t reii:m' tell an , areinow open:. .
an wow mit Out ~ . • rt eetiof
eiadLecin• i i ti Og 'l. . 1 Li
1 : --. ' G . .
Liqimin 21: • . a
natimem. * .&e., . 4 1 -1 i
wtiteh Baia Pala, , —at sake;
40 will litildßi , • 'heap : ro t pm , .orgr ,-.1%'.
emitimj:'prod ii don dila,kia
Pamodtlei 010
~ _ „ ~. '4k, •i i_ , .
111/06 1. 111e i Bt - ~ ff.' sist: Tbd 10 4 --Pit
Int i a
shim* • -, 1 :-,, - 4 .., :, I iii
.1 i I. 1.u.. ...e.;f ; it , 7 '; - 1 1 4
;;.' -_-' ' ;
mistnnstiitoiruNAL, • •
' TO TEAMMgt .i.
t 'va
ITTEN Proposalitho instrtkiion in the
plain *angina. of en g lish education in
t several COMM* Scowl Districts of
an Township, vir. at Part Carbon. New Castle
Minersville, will beceised until the 16th
June, by, Lebbens W hitney. at Pon Car.
tion„ ; George Reifsnider. & } i. at New Castle, and
Runty J. Wilde, at Mineraille. •
1 , LEBBEUS WHITNEY, President.
1 Haar J. Waists, Secretary,
May 14 •
WINE. just received and for pale by
May 14 26 ! B. BANNAN
. . -
TO Let,
A eotPrenieolperelling House, plea
santly aituatetiiin Makantango street.
May 14
LANK BOOKS. from 61. cents up to IRO.
wholesale and retail; just received and for
faie by . ' B. BANNAN.
t May 'l4
t -
Beata for Sale.
' Two Schuylkill Boats loi sale—apply to
May 14 26 SAM'L HARTZ &
r- 1 Testament. and Scott's Commentary on the
p . hir, just rederred and for sale by
May 14 21- B. BANNAN.
For Sale,
ATEAM Mahogany Saw Mill,, a first rate
' steam engine, from 1.2 to 15 . horse power,
with a number of circular saws4firom 9 It. diame
ter down to 1 foot 2 Perpendicular Saws, with the,
necessary gearing, two Turning Lathes, one of
them suitable for turniogiron shafts, or any other
heavy work. To be sold separately or together,
as shall suit the purchaser
The lot un which the above mill is erected, Mitst
.be given up, consequently they will he sold 50 per
cent, lees than pion value if removed Immediate
, ly
This mill inirild answer, admirably the purpose.
of a sugar mill; or for sawing cedar or any other
Also, a tinantity of second hand roof, doors,
window framer, sashes and shutters.
.Enquit No. 25 Pine Street.
Philadelphia May 14
ILILEGAiIT kamilyMee. from $2 2. to $7
" per copy, just received add for sale by •
May 14 21 B. DANNAN.
2000 lbs. Bacon & Slim
Jon received and for sale by
May 14 26 BAWL HARTZ & Co.
ripERRY'S 6elebraied Writing Ink for Stet
••• Pens, in quart and half pint Lobules, togethe
with an auortment of other kinds of Ink, just re .
ceived and for We b 7 - B. BANNAN.
May 14 , " • • 26-
10 LlNfk&c..—Theautacriber 'has just received V
ar4 offeris for sale, 'heap, Violias.Octare Flutes
Fifes. and an assortment of Toys.
May 44 .26 ; JOHN S.C. MARTIN.
( k aT EEL PENS at $1 per GM.; all excellent
article just received and for sale by
May 14 21, B. BANNAN.
grILOTTISiI ClArinSIP-60 pied. broad Clothe
embracing a peat variety of colors and qualities,
juts received and for sale cheap at the new stare of
may 14 26 ' I. H. MOODIE & Co.
Inr Dont mistake the alore, in Centre street, a fcw
doors above Norwegian.
VV"ESLEY'S WOEICF-, in ten octavo Vols.
(this is revery scarce work at present—a
large edition having been burnt up in the Mettle.
that Book Store in New. York,) just received and
:for sale by B. BANN AN.
hi ay 14
Fresh Fruit & Confectionary.
JI;ST ret eived and ter site by "the subscnber, pi
Iruit &Confectionary store, in Centre rimer,
nett door above Slab:int:tug? outlet, Pottsville, a fresiri
and go: eral assortment of t rons,eonfecuonary. de
among whiiii are ,
Orange:l ' English %Valour*
Lemons Filberts
Prunes Paper shell Almonds
Ft. - bort° do do
Dates Hard do do,
Katsina . Blanched do"
T:unannds ' Cream Nuts
Together eqtdi a good summon of Coody's 4 —Also:
Cimmerian . Ginger
Airotind do Ammegs
oven . Mace
4quoriee &Lwow'
~. _ •-
Alio. Preserved fkuit, such as Pears, Peaches. Ap
ples. Crab Apples, Ginger. Citron, &c.
Tooth Brushes, Hair (gushes. and Pertlimary also
for sale. JOHN S. C. MA MIN.
May 14 26
Rooks and Stationary,
BBANNAN has•just opened a large and el.
• egalit assortment of Blank Books, Stationa
ry and 'Miscellaneous Books, at his Printing Of.
fice and Book Store in Centre streets opposite the
Episcopal Church, torwhich he invites the albeit.
.tion of the public, issuring
.them that be will
supply • all articles in his line, as cheap, if not
cheaper, than they eau be purchased in Philatiell
B. B. would particularly Melts the attention of
gentlemen forming Libraries to his Library Otli,
Info, kf Standard works.
• 11Zr AU kinds of Books Obtained to order end
&reign works - imported at the shortesknotlee.l
. SIPA/4r AS PaistraW.Esiv
A 8 the intemperance and luxury of the age .i ere
hastening the mirages of scorbutic complaints.
and rendering the blood more impure; asui as thou
sands hive destroyed their constitatinneby eqglecjing
to apply the proper remedies—to suck Swaan's Tan
acea must be, and has been:more than doubly ulna
hie as a certain and effectual means of restoring them
to perfect himlth and Vigor. Feer, families are wholl
II mem* Nan motittithlaffecdonk,"thich exhibit ve
nous s4juiptoms, as Mentions, uMitons. debi debility.
loss of appetite and delection , all a lcer
til4from Onion
ec i to.
blood. and if not properly attended to. Kodocel the
greatest Minty to cimmitutution. and toy be iin-
Parted loam' sibPnag._ - Swaim's MINIM to in:
mended at this veshonbf the year, as a within/Ile • '
mitre ofthe system. there* intigorstitisithe to
tion, and enabling it to bear the thebilitatier•Je.. *cif
the somMer'sesson. lit is conveyed * die . •
deg flab. tail epee ir their tendency to all '
•diseasea which originate in vitiated Mood,
liver, deprived appe ti te, or piediiipOsition to '' n
of the lungeate. No warr, however, Is advised t wee
it whbWatterwineiwg %banishes of the tnnti: of hat
is bani stated: - - 4
This, medicine is nes! used whitest:Cent in $3l
ofthemovid, and lamming put - reputation ro i l ,
• -
turd. _
. A fresh supply of trso Medicine jaw received- and
formals by - , - 1 H. HANNAN:
• . , .... . -ficolskilgest foilinhaylkilkorterayi*,
Moose supply tied shove medicine wholeanii,ato
wdatwoell mpiniintrilo
.• May Mi, , . • -•,, _ • .
. • rirkstr,lc cutrußls.r..
I And IFaimees - MainiitL
bushed wffiß444l4 tie Executive Consinittee Of
t 4 Lae Hartford County Wtk 'Sistiety,:jd 50 crags
per annum VoLl 2.' •
i LTlllkobjetet of thin pnhileatinn is
bates tholVugh knowledge lit the Silk business.—
The caltisatiockof the Mulberry Tree in All its
Sarieties--Reanng SilliWisrms—fhe production
of Cocouns.—iveling and minufanturing Silk, and
Dying the same. The plohlication will contain
a complete manual of the Silk Culture firm sow.
nig the seed to preparing fur market.-Sewing
silk and Twist keep the Cultosist ad
iyisee with regard to the !progress of the enter.
prise—the formation of SoVictimend Companies,
Enactments of Lqgislatuniii for the promotion of
the object, end facts and etiperiments of itulisidn.
ale. It will also contain Choice artifice on new
and interesting subjects connected with avian!.
The Cntattritsr was commenced in April last
—and there are now published 5.000 -copies
monthly, with a rapidly increasing circulation.—
Arrangements have been made le furnish the
First volume to those whnmake early application
for the Second. Each Volume will contain 96
quarto pages. One dollar forwarded to P 4 G.
COMSTOCK, Secretary, Hartford, Connecticut, five
of ezpense. will pay ter both volumes or 50 cents
for the latter. e second volume commenced 1
the first of Apr' No subscription received an. 1
less paid in adv nee.
Knowing the difficulty of obtaining genuine
seed at. a distance, the Secretary of the Society
will forwird Warm ITALiAII MULAMILIT Soli filt
1000 - Talica, to those wbq are subscribers to the
'First Volume and order the Second such
as subscribe for both Volumes before the first of
1 July pest.
Newspapers copying the allow% will be entitled
o the second volume.
Hartford, Conn. April:, 183 G.
11:3 - Subscnptions will. V pas: paid, be received
and forwarded for execution by B. Bannon.—
Price per single volume .68i cents, to cover -by
the exedss the postage to and from Hartford on
letters and remittances—.l dollar 25 cents for the
two volumep, or 45' dollar. If 9 copies of either vol
rime be ordered at a time
Pottsville, May 14, 1836
HOLLAND'S Life of Van Borrnb jo•1, reedy
" ed and for sale by 13. BANNAN.
States. with. 48 plates, We6ter's, Hak's
and Grimshaw's Do. Ant received and for sale
May 1.1
London and Parisian Drillings, 4-c. otr.
MILLER. dr. HAGGERTY have just reoeiv.
received London and Parisian Drillingsam
perial Cotton Ituekskins, Wes: End Drillings,
Bine, Black, Brown and Mixed Worsted-Summer
Cloths, Bath Cords, extra Steel Mixed and Drab
Merino Catsimerea, Silk and Marseilles Vestings,
4-c. to which the attention or the Gentleman are
Pottiville May 1 454
VIGS.--35 Drums Firs just received and rot',
sale by the subscriber, Centre, next door to
the Coiner of Mahantatieu street.
Also ■ fresh intonly of Oranges snit Lemons,
which will be sold low or cash.
lkhy 7 25-3
To Iron
j .
DROPOSALS will be received by the Potte.
vine %Valet Cotspeny up to the 25th
May, !inst. for furnishieg 3.500 ft. of Iron Pipet.
6 inclWa caliber; and 701) ft. of 4 inch caliber, bat
of sufficient streneth In beat the pressure of II
heed or water of 102 ft,iin heie hitt; equal ten pres.
sure of 44 Ars. to the miunre inch, 1,2113 0 of the
large pipe deliver4cl an or before the 25th
June. 11 0: of do. en et before the 25th Scaly,
and t he halauec,nfthQ Large pipe, and all of the
4 inch! pipe, to be delistred on* before the 25th
A 1/Ellft. Op - 11111N V6lll he received forall or env
part or said plpe,.in a l case' to be delivered in
Pottsville. 75 per cent of the amount wit) be paid
in casts on the delivertc of each 1200 ft., the bal.
lance retained until 90 days after the
wholeininnont is deliv4red—pipes In Sr wairant.
cd, antil persons oCcrink prormsnis must mate the
price per foot lineal nteasurr lbr path kia—Sat
isfactotry,enetantees will tie rrquired.for the per
formance of the contracts. Proposals to be peal.
ed, endorsed . n ropn.all and directed to
oftjte PottsvilleWater Company,
PotOville, May 7 b 5-3
herb arid Schuylkill Journal, Reatlinz
Milton; and U. S. Gazette; Philadelphia, will
advertise to•tho 25th inst. and charge this office.
No. 11, &tta4 Eigti St. a fnallobra Mow Marke
St. East side;
A•mi&URNS thank* to his former cosionters
and friends, and particularly those. in Potts
ville for past favors, and respectfully infbrms them
that he continues to keep on tend a, large assort
ment of superfine , Cloths and Cessimeres both
plain and. ribbed, Clasidnetta, Summer Cloths,
Vesting. at every description, all of which will
be made to order at pit tea which Cannot Ail to
give !Mishit:tenet.
Superfine and tomrpon Frock and Drees Crib,
Pants, Vests, Stocks. &c. always kept on hand,
which can be flirnished ebeapet 'hail they Can be
purchasel elsewhere.
May 1.1836
lb. flitch, !Shoulder* and Mains for ask
42 1 : i ll y ( Te subscriber , J. SILLY MAN, Jr.
May 7
JiiTPS.—Just tecebred a Gesh simply o
Riding end Gig Whip.. among Which a •
severe! new patterns; and for oale cheap by •
Mice 7 25 B. BARRAN.
ADIBM MINER COMM tngethet with?
414 an aianriment - cat Gentlinuena Guard Chaim;
just received and fbe side by , BANNAN.
May 7
- • Last:Notice. • 4
LL persons indebted to the sobseriber, eithi
er bk Note, , BWida. or Book accounts, a
Web, netified to cab, and 'milky the stew on int
before the first day Of Jona next * at - tll accoun
tenntining ansektkJ on that dad, will be p
lts . the hand, ofia*per etnee4 Ibr l collection
*Omit OFttlnr.don clrpersona..
ilownoe.sfty time. 2.54
, • . '
Wham •
itckiNa BtAir to attendiltorW One beli.
.Pm• tween the ages elliiindeati and tiaenti . anni
iikojeis Ihaditcane WO= to thelteleiltiletrditi
I and eaniepeelt„die pavan , *trif le.. and can
I caw well recoliunendiCerillniet "with-good en.
Leoutegettient a t yin' immediately to the situ
_ ;
1N 101 1 1111 1471 1 1 11111 • "• - /1"
- • - --
-•- •
New Style
Miaefo' ; nk of Pa noille in Cinstrof
• resident and kale thior day
• red a Dividend of *Ten r cent. alias
Copiini ock paid to, payable tatli ma atockholdets
or the* legal teprenentatives on od a ft er this
13th 456 JOS. BOMA%
Mali 3d, 1836 25.3 Cash*.
LEO 'OF LETTERS . remainair( is the Post
CATS - • at Powarille. - 311a, L IEI -'
1 ' Joseph Mitchel 9 - 1
Charl4 Achimbach Jacob Maim
'I Il John M e e gt er _
Eel Bowen IlLicba .. wrpity
Jam &Try
Jou, Willey ' Zoo M'Areney
Jon. Diddle " James sl.' ra j u
C Nick WDarel •
Ann It 1 41: Cowright , C NI •. .
Chart's y , M a r es chac N i 4 Nugen h t' •
CharDish* ulver - CO: - •
Deals ton . Joseph Deseinasi
Ja er -" / 1 ;
John I . Daniel Place
Permel Cirridai Hesetia ' Packenhas . i
' Mary S is
Abrjutto Dewah " Salami edge
Eng bland ' Samuel Ilan
John Davis Win. Pie
Mar Dinh' kr,
Lori Ebert
Conrad, Copp
Christian Rout
j° F eel
2 •CasperKeed
thrl.RwiseS 9
• Jon Roberta
-ri ill.
Ryon' ' ...
lsra lClret fri n , _ ilea
Wit? G tiles= Fertimaret Stant
Rettise Jones ' Geo Sloth
Will J neon - Jno &eel :
111 Jacob Sblped
Cbil • Kannaday Jorepb Steel
John ng ,Patrick Jcandland
Jaciih och • _ Rebeecri SeigMed
r L Wm. Sthfrell A
Fred. Lord; W
Jolla Lewis Jefo—sc Lord_
Jerimisti Lord " Michiel William
Ruh Lyons : ' Y
1... M ' • '
, Heinrich yew !'elme,
einlreG a.SI &vett I e.
• 1
SHIP LErrtßp.,
Bird Brennan ' WIA 1110004.4
' J oin Hudson . ,Wm Clitittiow
John .
Spepeeley Monsieur Juan Hs;zn
Joseph Corley i Mt. Pillnr..n
Daviii•Davis , Mr Rea
Mk Rodgers . .Perree Perte
R s J Rees i
. a'ersons calling for Letters on the above List
will please say they are advertised.
7 1 — ' Virginia That* dike. ,
4000 Lbs. Virginia Hatni, Rhos - Mara and
2000 lbs. Dried Beef and ;one case Bolivia
!dosages, received and for sale liy
my 7 25- MILLER ifs MAG6GERRY.
ternalimprovemQ I
enta of tSe. United t liltates;
tiotpriaing genbral notices of 41 the most impor
nt Canals and Rail Reeds. throughout the we
ail Suites Sled Territorial of the Moak: I+ther
imlith a brief notice oferiiika of Inyornal Improve
"cut in Canute and Nana Scot,.. Just received
and for sale by SAMNAN•
May? - • i 25.
141 NeVF Stele.
UPERFINE Flour by the Barrel. just reedy.
and for sale by the subscriber, together with
rid Perches, Apples, CherrMs - Haring Stool
.. Is and Bacon: eNVEN & TEAS.
, Mtly 7 • 2.5--
itPi ILLER & HAGGERTY have received and are
. now opening a very extensive variety of Spring
d Stimtner goods, of the talon style and patterns.
tyluch added to their Fortner stock, makes their assort
them mere completethah they lhave heretofore offer
s:4d to the public, agd having came to the determina
tion to•sell for ready money onlytheir friends and the
public generally who favor theta; with a call may ex
pect bargains • i Sprit 38 Si
... .
Car dr. 'teas
A I VE just ape ed in the striti formerly occupied
by James Appleton, three: doors north of the
)4 guano I Hotel, Centre sumer.. eandspfesdidis
ilortmertmer t of Spring and Summer Goods, Groceries,
Wan and Queensware: &c. colonising of
Blue; black, olive, drab, saut mixed cloths
Blue, black, gray and mixed cursitieres
do mixeA, grey and buten saWneiu
Drab and coloured heaverfeess
Cantoons, drillings and fogy , swings •
Bleached and unbleached dnllinp
do do Minds ,
- Irish linens. lawns if; London printmAnietican do
Silk velvets and Morselling, testing"
Stocks, suspender*. Hose •
Ei inghams, check and tidings •
Painted Muslin., chintz', and bonibakinis
• Swift, mall and jgeanet ttti line
do do figured
Laces, thread andbobMnetiedgiegs
Fancy kdkiki silk and crape! do
•Hosman diaper, damask J do
/Yaks. Skirts and fringes !I
Ladies &gentlemen's boaltintb beaver gloves
• - Umbrella's, door-mats;
: Travelling baskets, working do
Black inxl drab silk hats. pshnlesf do
Oil cloth, Boot cloth
, hio, Laguna: St Domini= eoffee 1I
St. Croix. New Orleans, d iMm asusi ours . ,
: Loaf and Lamp ,
New Orleans IL sing= boo* manna ,
Gunpowder., vitals binoli, "cbo l 4l Is
apneas dm. • .., „
, Brown and 71116 v! =MP ' I . . • . ' , '
' ti= caws. PePPeritimerFe . ,
1 krg fairy ,
Its itivies
Hinny. Naiad inLingen ~
1 Lemons. Almond,. Pstnes .
Mould and dipt candles i .
Rim, wmpl i inner mackere
• r Cknese. =inhere! IS boning. ~ , •
Shot I - • Wen* andgirmad autism
.I Spanish:half Spanish and.Amerienn eggam
I Smoking and ebewbor to ,
~or which sae ara &poloist rosin Ion; air sash.
or linniehange fin coning ptddnee ofidliinsk
mil 30. 1836 f, : • - '''. c'l4-
pring , ...:14101111
nutreriber-haitjest received ilirge ledge*. '
era .asso r tment of Spring and Ilnetimer Geode.
* ' It be asturen the publieandl be vohl-es cheep as
an in the Borough. aid partindartyhtritee hntnende
1t i ,.....te public in geolgal. in rail and exam* ter
rea.l ! JonN CLATTON.I
77301836 , ' 1i • .-. • 241-ti I
. : New 6104 Goods. .
V info vent la!ge emonnont of Yaws Care...... ,
retesaiJareekmitaEleitl4 4 lllcestripuillini
it milirsie
Ind FariCletk, foiiissl,Bengtext4 tow m i d i
Article for' geathilea. rsaria. ll ollo l4 l l
the animindstil BI eeneville. ',. • '
- ---' ---"- ' intlaSliNac• . ,
~ '„,,..' f ' ,-, ' - r - ''' ' } -• 41 Cf: . . L 1: -7 " . Z -. 1: :, .=,' -4-4 .d - '
AEVLI , ..." ; ,:`51., , , - -.=;;-,..;;;;; l•CfSi i- --, Fp.: ~,,,, ; -,..ii;:- .1 . ; . ,-4 - _,; _
.IVIEW QOM. :. '
• relietred'airrasireididtdo .' r 1 , 1 ,5 1 4
1 assortment et- ilinTi .,. t-ikairi 1 • ,
vl= : 1 --•---,, -"'-', • '''l 'i •
So kir Su bine aid bleolit* -. , li 1 •
'Medi and haw kolced ,di ". -;;: ~. '.
. " I
l a.
blei greed, dm. but* iliiii.. ll4l ` .'
Adal "Viiaat'iiind brown - de i 1 •
Steel mixed and drab - " do , • 1 • •
Bine. black and drab Cansimigni_ •• ~
Cabe Cord; Striped and Lalonde!
Satti us, all coloni and pekoe ... -; ; .
Sane f or and common fostianillind .
Bloc brown and drab serindor•aloth --;,. k .
Las ngs, drilling-lad jeans . --,
Ge and Pinabing card and licit= :
BrO ri and blUclind sheeting and Ain*" i i
• , English and domestic prhits '&1•Ii
Pain Linn., painted unidias and
Silk, Valencia, and Marseilles Tuthil l "'
Hea and comnrois check and ticking
Lit) and cotton diapers : - •' •
*c and Irish linens ' ~ ; 1
T hues and country Some!. ---
red Carribricks, corded irkhis, * - '
Um cellar and parker& • •
ißel . t ra made colts pan_taloass and veb _ 1 .
Leg and paint Leif hats - ,
! • •
1 •
,ili general amortinani at ' • .1, 1
, . •
Queens and Glans war% r •
Cedar-ware, icL
For to cheap by BAWL EtARTZ-4 •• •
P • I 1 •, , .1 •
IPINHE Sisters orCharity. whose • , in
A- Iso ,well established throoghOut , 1 r ich. .
utile/rho conseqmintlY need, - :
mendation uto thou competency and - '
- ha4 smdertaken to establish in Panetta* ni A
cademy for your ladies. where's& dui ba*dess
of al polite and solid education will be tau
Orthography, Reading. • Writing, A i
Grammar, English Compisition. Elicit . , 1
cred and Profane History. Ancient and •
Chronology, Geography, With the us; the .-
Globes, Natural Philosophy. Astronomy, 4h. -
trY together with plain and fancy Needle IS
81 neje. nodal and instrumental. Drawing., ,
in and embroidery. wilt be ittughtie , raga .
but will form separate charges. Parente orlhv
seed their children to this sebool,•may rel with.;
conAdenee ea the faithful and- -•4iii.
;I: • rge of the duties which the Sisters ~ like
to form, No interference With- ilia' • ; igitUn
t i er
ions of the "pupils; will seer be- per .. . - . rif
a mpted: The school Will open on the • • day
ofune. The terms tray be . lisown . hy a • 3 1 .
to the Rev. A. Wainwright. , • •,, ;
pail 30 1836
, . • SW
.1 8 day spiting and Mrer ref miles' die 111Vli
the Sabeetther. one hundred pieeeejell* : _
J. most fuhinimble light ebedelt led FT." rho
Fancyaid G*kgtam
pril It ;'
sommeari-aatis.. l *i
UST • Atthe Steeeof
Mlle. • very ineertiseit.e
Men and Olive sr Clo th . is 4 stew ea*
/6.4 1
prd 16 - letar
I• DO 11:WEIC NESLIDS. ,!,' " • ,
00 PIECES, lot Destimail art , Valiiiihel
Meellow SW sale at doe &we otd*adoi
rit4r. 3. SELLIMAPI. Jr{
April IS as-e.
. .
ununtr Mod ,Spriseg i
USTopesist and form% Wilts '
ditty , FaSey Wipe sad Vallesiira far
w t a t r y 16 -3. Mai Nal':
. . ~
SOW&' 4
*SPLENDID assomatmteflllsekraiiiiind:A
wed SiSui for ladies dtrameiter with a.
did assovtmesk of the limit faabim siSilil Nimbi.
n t w " ing t airea6raie
AprlHet L , tll"nkn..l4l
Oa. BBLS of excellent Rya Liquor, Ow, sable
MAPthe asbecriber 'this Sarre, Camel*. POW.
Title. .t. BI.LLYSLOIN. Jr.,
ApralS 1
U18814.4.-ofsirpetier Floarjoet.te riliall
for sale at 'the &pi* 'fifths sobetiraiar.liii.
Rather with Rye Chop. Ceti atorPotstotiel. P' I-
Pottsville. April 2$ ' . .• • - 23-0
tirkESPECTFULLY iskirms-his friends aid
The public generally that he has ml 4p on' band
nd affers for tale a larp.nnd extrd aasirt,
ent of 1
PrY Good*? Groceries,. ZAluor . 4 rime. '
I Teas, aims, Glass,Queestawareotr,.. ,
Consisting of the following.antaeg other it:tad/sr
Cloths, satinets.Casimeres. flantirii s. ilimai li :,
Linens. laces, lawns. cambric'. - P
Hosiery, Cpntcn flannels, checks, _
'licking", drillings, prints , earl* bees
F. *Ussmi
Silks, aatins, shawls, handkerchiefs. ertivedr4.
ißlankets. bacbinff***Yriar.litil
Coatings. pilot cloths. larmisys, wad di
t ' Circasslans. vesting% thread'. cottons. Mitriiss. t.
1 Gloves, pins, fringes. scarfs shirts. weetwast,
1 Umbrellas. comforts.earpst eltabhisles mil%
. Counterpanes, mask diaper, Is. kik , i -, -'•:'
4 It* Lapin!, fit.Dimiego 1- . t`-
Ht. Croix. New Otimum•Hamim ' '
Leaf and lamp - _ - ' ; diu ;
New Orlisseand Saw Moss
Caika z
Gun Poirdar, Young 114ssa flosei ..' .
1 Poothertg and Babes Tim. • l- r
1- . 7
Chocolate, and spices. km - . •
Brown and yellow map .$
Much Maeconitategs ind molt i , ---
Box andi keg . Miami - • ,
, ~ „ . 1
Curtunti and rich , , 1
Cheese, cod fi sh , asaelumd and uric '
I Monktandldipt .. _,
Sack andbbl •
ash • , , ;• 1 '
• Pipits and smoking . , . •
"flpabish, halfspanudt emit* " i
Gillian and censuses brandy 1 -
, Holland' and - • • gin_ .... , 1, _ .
CI Irish whiskey olaiskiss :, ,
Ns "Bnilaid ruin • whiskey. '..
• .Imideire • ' 'ad ' . •
' : ntitlr 9 10 18 ghlalM, I , i , • -
C kery.Chirmaar •ware: [t -1-• '• .
11 4 tme
• Glum kif die box. -' . • .1 r ',.,-:,
Clkikt i r !h . !. Mi' .
%gib withltbigm4Ml 'hal e '' •
melt ‘lb cliiver for - - 'few:: ;7. .._
country) produce ad 2, = 1 - .H 4'. .--
,Jin:111:, 1 ; '',;, -...• , Z ..-.' : : :..',: - : 1 .:" . :•;,•,'
____''' shb '
ma - L -oictiiisr , Ipimila Z1 7 . 4 r.
'wok Nth ik. Okatea's lawapcsb.
diatilmiilieloy; ;MUER # ,t,z , , ,
- s Fide& En* .
'" kiiiiiiiii
Salt NCB - -: -:
A - illiWlNlllbli I lia a l t*tt
arli4 sik,
, „... Via I, it.•'..„-..,,--,..3...,4wr
.- ----,
i :1-';:-,