The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, May 14, 1836, Image 2

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12.4 .. L 116 :
«g:,: -. -44- -.—:4..--.4 - 4.1 ----,....... -!....:-.:-.., .i... f ..14...zi...1p,........<•-itL--t.....1-.....4 tz..,... \...{. -..; - ...,-,t--t--r . .-_ , -- •.,..—i - ?`?:1 1 -.0,-,...%ar,, ..t... 1
_ , •
MAY. (4, lls iii e e , tlNeitish ea ' tilt is to:or" )
, r
2L P. VirlLLt& ttilir ;Stan*ltank.+lvilizo
. bgitre., k i tliline,Prliciill'`
ay has pleasaut hours)
th by glide, 1 1 '
FR Ats 4 AlNt"'
I. li ke the makes. ' ' '... 'F RE
tid e. . CHIP'
II oretinuier. bads.
Is are fel: of bled;
floe td ransiek
ritb pleasant iiords.
`the 'mea — iiins•llae'
) the bills.
A Y. , (4,
. . .' ST P. WILL/11.
As the merry Ma has pleasant hours.
And dreamily th y glide, ,
Bif they liontat ike the lanes. '
Upon a silver tid .
iiireetere full feria:Won finds,
And the wood s re for of birds,
Abe mates go to ransiek
Like' , a fun iti pleasant fiords. .
, 0 verdured' ' meadow:lend
Ls -lir:spin! t o e hills. • i
A ' • Wireel. bluer ai'd violets
,Anadoonfing therine;
e Macklin a I dof bane
For every grind that stirs,
And the !trek ma a green end beautiful
. Amid thei firs. . .
: *here'perfume pon (Wag wind—
Musick II e tree-- 4., \
Deis far t6c ure.loving Elovera- ,
71 I s weets fir the suckling bee;
sick . nom f for the healing breeze.
. young are tiering flowers;
And life ilia talelof Ow-y„
That is told by golden bourn.
If iiis not true philosophy, ,
.., That the spirt( when ee free
!kill lingers abont ita olden home.
In the flower Mud the tree,
It is eery Waage that oor poties thrill 9
• At the Wats* • voiceless thing.
And oat hearts yearn so with tenderness
In the teutotifell time of sprung.
41111 r. Bell.. of Tennessee. •i 6 the course of a re
tint speech ! in the House of Representativesoid
vetted with moth effect. to a siotation of that par
duller s pledge givling by General Jackson not to
bring the nitrotisore of the Government into con
flict 'with the freeform of elections!.
Onr readers bare not horgeaten the fact. that
Idea Ma. d.daine was in power. Mr. Van -Buren
and his disgr a ced yoko.fellow Beaten, drew up a
report deliwviting ail the direful crib which would
be attendant, upon the par4e2mtua of unlimited
power and patrOnage. by the Presideut. These
am evils, these, very se lf o h an d
unprincipled--bats since striven elm wnacot,
aid feateicesfutli, to fasteivupon the country:
• M. Yaw (Wien has carefully trod in tbe . very
track. which by:his own showing would be the
one for a bast and designing, Vitsident to follow,
whohirued at sapretne dominion. upheld by ror-1 . Eatg li s h e ttuti s kra it p ar k a. _i t ii , ata ..
motion, and perpetuated by wealth and power. I
'Tttia me ohm's him to be, what he-has long red that thei "fitioters7tllith the g4-ern
had the credit or bang—n very cussing mat; as went of Pei , gaming bouts iecei a
he his iniegritii, the hem we say about that the gross yearlyitocome frond items of theto
better- V r e r ead la th e " teat "' of the read- Imitated gat4blers, of L1M7,360, of Which
er the kinOwi
' they pay abolut half to the werertunieu for!. The extra semien of the leg.isiattire of
I a - IMAF r - 'lot la- gal ' s costs ' the inionop4. No leer . tlill foor.ffillis of , this state will em3llllenee On Monday next.
The pate:imp of tie
be instese. or k .. - -
berth redueed.,l has of hue, bete ii;mrielimito„, in a '!
- tls g mss si t ni is said 14? roe out the 1 • Terit-fhfts-thejeurneymett Tailors,
most entwordissary and alareiing degree leo pockets of Idle English players. p lin this borough, turned oat on !donde)! last
'mayalways. The mole obvious and alarm- --- ,
Ln :O.+. a . -g,..6.14. p a t ronage , p erm ., en d The tota l mount of the 0' I I tri. I —agreed upon a tariff of ptices—piesent.
Wismar which has taken place, bas proceeded ,bate collect at the chapels in Li rick led the 'Attie 1 1 the Bete,, which . was_ w
hom United policy of the Administration in of s ee d il y : as £273 16 s . ?3,d_, be g ni l , cepted 7 -and they turned in again no Tues.
Pain 'the t raitedS ' elea alai " Wh a m
__, eer crease over! et rear 0f.f.:63 19s. i (I. A f •daY• . • ,
. . 1
breast b : .r 0,,, ,r emt i h ai paiejfPure and
' l itzsdt note f a .600. haink of Cool& ' i l tnts i PUBLIC EDUCATION..
.I)ra IL
been clout! tope! the Timmy, die gooney itransinitiel PurPurnag; to Cram an i ay reference to a notice in another co
power Mc-country. at the alisialete disposal of effluent Rattan Catholic .At i l o am, it will bc seen that a meeting of the
the EreltWvel " here 6 bow 7 0 9 1 Maser, , and first glance! it was deer a reat prize, l' '..." ; -
by whatigualib is it watched and secured r it-
:and •1 ~.„, 1 !people w il l bo he ' d is this bo ai on
,tie enesidret shiriaid Mirth to comeit the
cad measi r _ , g reat , eta __, lt tL i°l 2;' 7 t r e- , i Wednesday next, in relation to this side
entire tor the Government to any objects i ttlreA *tett rel - eer, eu ,ue MALT' hic k 1 -1 , , i tt t h e U sua l time acid o we; Th e
wits or' ti own, wbedier pause or priests, is has been t subject taii• IttliCh aseritment. t ob ' of this i neeiiitr. n ... hit to b e di st i nct .
. .
them excel ur coaxal eiralist to any delost- The higheso sum recrised t Ilion) y of ind t 1. i t , tatatt A i t us to --- I term * : „.b et b i
111 "" r CFI* °4-tht Caseiln l eli k °I. a " la. ' V kbial inCilits.—The be : ' .
ex te r the ceostruct o, ion whiaihtewalieetit ac.
(yeomen *Ad us , ire . toot were
__, ,i.
____, ibe raised by the people ot this district to
meta* the . - of 1 13,444, • t this y ea . 11 t likely ! a 11-1413- addition to ilui min ia...... - -wd and authorised
public. Irvievlv.i.lThari .and the terms ize I'2o, ;---Litucrick t...:Jirort.
lie"r t
Ito be levied 1:or the late delegate. Met-title,
a the Moor:4Mo with the Tortsory otodifwd at
the me r e will an d lea urn -- t h e & rem o ve y cihie m ti l E x kibiti o 4.4, g ' onus-Pat omi:ll:burg. This SUM is 5.. 4 1-525 25,
Can he hot wider the palate yto be ft-tamed area wasp i ure d ~,N,, ,4 0 4 2 y - 1 3 _ . King ias stated in ohr last. Tle Pease SChool s !
ie the hand* f the e , orl reeemt7s- paid , sr r ee t , RN kh urn , h r . i 4,e c i ii '.4 . a h i . .. will probably go into opera! ion in the courle
Doer ac. Jis i be shell • Lb:
u t s,
-ier to direct '' - ._,...„..
I- n '' d bra wear ph,„' ~ a Asir of a coupleakf weeks. W e cc - Ash them sue-1
it inky be that: we se. no ion ground t/era-r r •9!"" or., I s
to apprehend any iniiillppb:r.i 04 - the 'public of ra.ti's orris tied ' Ur her Lead, of ; eess
binds by Owl Prwudeli , . tend 1. for our. ecrtotnir 1 which - ' med to he More than' ordtua- • T he Earl i•f Selkirk, a British Noble-.
" 1224b iout fc • 1 " ) tel " ;;er u htlet iffil e i :h e ed riwi ra 46‘ fae', l n/Y ' P re" '.
Stir a"eatl P h i ci even o cuter ; mon. at - met:llin our borough on Thursda% 1
~,,„,. stool,' tau is so s ," po O s ,.„O r, ilk. , chure . with therm,
to was ° cr ' ar. . l ast, mid took lodgings • : the Penasy Name
patdre n..eys st .kis afrarerassa .; prerenieo c!.. enqui r y rig made as to . a i a , on a vital to
our reg i on.
• tag such a 41.-able Of tton. t•hoeist . the cm u _4ll-tf ,a 3 d iNzr agellil a w e i r, i i i an. , - I
• a 43 Y. ' Ow- "r. '‘ Ps'lVarAbtae p r o v ed lb h eer ,, nta n leap a ,h,_.,,,,.,W, wi f e , ' We team that a resolution has in-1
' LIZ " N " -?" "-r eg v a * l e "4 , h e r f t -m4,
, 4
yrs, to esepreozeider it. admion.tra , r hd hoeing deieaoped will s amyl) ) . : traduced dated trod Philadelphia City I
, . o
=, , -
affairs, within/ readiag 4 mAgni ii , er wormer some two
. „I . eace since,ibut who eds. propixong . to guarantee the isitert on
I mint- D eals° ro t es to lid in?' :had a loam of $300,000, to be applied to the
thing, tl i• real eri 4 this -.ion, , completion of
the Danville . and Potts , . illej
arid thisiistraordinary method, o Fxpres. • rail road- r hdadelphia is n deeply in- i
sing het; feelings, 1I . Itereaed in the completion of this work,
i 1 i that we are jives ...arrprped at this prolimi- i
The ' - nt---A ninnyondent *X the 'Selo . fi rm being view made in the council,, bat
Y0rt..1.7 ' eierreist ArreeiL-•cr. thus de ''‘ .cribt " ti.; ', on the, tout - fairy we are only turprisrslthat i
tad r e with which Fil+i add tit oezmp4- • a b taa jd b i ne been so kerig delayed--
ces were dada sheet time ate in Paris_ it
. •Coue4re nisi seatErtobi wane &teen or twenty There can ia fact be little hazard in 'arch
feet sq , and sir sr eight in eteraties. Be- : a guaranteet i but supposing :here were a ,
teem leeture weld eine side of it stem& a game 1 ermat d ea l ,. - wou ld h e w r ib - •
o , incurring ;
much hkehttat of an wills* dam on watt so .e' with the .i .
such ita d icase
ad _ ,
Wale- 'Se two upright pints of thee frame are 1 P g r - Tre a `- a"!
tae h e ad e , hi,' thesez i s e e l l tam to the commercial and inatratfac' !in-!
the ere.. l it is caret ' is n an ins- I toe nuesesti of that city, wheels the emu
=ewe .'rot '
_, L
_' 4 ,
_, li_ ~ I. taltipletical of the aforesaid work hid& out, to
c s rirr
Kakb 'ggrg le 12 ' 11°Inalla- Pi isetn ' i `# my makingiell the augmentation! in the val. 1
\ ~.
-..... we of the Girard Lands. The time is ra-1
piny uplunnehirg when there jwill be,in
minterna*d fine. of Tsui toad 41:cni:usza-
title betimes Wis . region and tbat eU v..-. ;
[ThePoutzw4e. hod Port ChM' no tad -
road i
is a unek,t Conau!lisalicettiimit Of which, in!
ithe d t er ccitirse of events, camas! long i
Ibe It is the gnat quid sniper
(tent link en the fine of aoramenitatioo,
iwititit as* impart the ;highest degree of
wiefdoem and Sable to wh6le a artid with- I
out which Itlie of; elite , end
would beofinSsio . r ' To iata
look will
. _ .
-gine that this =great coineeting
Items* safatirded,weeld be Like suppeilit‘e
'dada ben* wetted car the:nwormo&-
'tea of the public.. mold be eixopleted 111
l[ - 04 bin •left unfialob . ei is tie laid' -
AU. ' is MO tiee.bowevenriblit
lures - [ be adapeelbe et neze ObeopeeH
idy, - ' [- [
.;[ • .4. ‘Teak.Theiit
I lag and N: . -", , , .. 10 . rime j i s wig! ilt‘
Igresbitmaiid the : - • - n aid Pala Ow ,
eau wad nod WO •.'[ - - , - AO lei
i - -- [ '
2 . i11ire9,"447": .
... '.
r . : Mari
peadimeenv, ' ise t -: . mser
initted :Arts tripeits ' - " . tlkeit as is',
IVO thee that tritantinee be
to ftirwaultber• -•- `rand ' .1:514,1
tee asa4 tale no fairs eiVak ; ,
so Ear es retard a the eil
la matey by
: bit'', Yee the ,
Eseconwe petaloage is v. 6 -I
eseuseat if the derseieenati
IliafiErl apt air Execather.i. t
ert ,7 4eak is tae , Urctsa. imam
is mat .- It as out cab - the de. :
Stich ate liable to became the IA- '
iarill end peeposas, is the selectioa
, ia the researat esettgealostad
eashol *deb be eareethes 0- •
with the point tostablinaaa 1
mhos of every caw beak ita i
be dean . Wet proper to at- 1
ow &obi • the ALI' tr y of %hal
thenagb asasoratial wadi - -
am the whose delaseaserhas
se Wag eastdealigratnaotiita
wad adteir . s grant bei4...aekted.
iscar eke itarkississe *fait
• bee husk dieeeree4 by
able es rocoastre the hoail t
1 sadatake to say it ail,
out bop to salaitiot
, L
Asieomera at th e latMeresiiraelie
o(he raised Staters: ilhei_ I . _•
apes the lomat, SE" say Slea,
the usseassoftliedie isi freeSpe.
,he us imam:lab hi -e
test mai bask is 01 olarte
- alleareierst be lid prperti of
ahroaslitd . slat
im eat er* ia i r
artist Thmereery
atateetseast the
eastireg oats de c e im = emses `' '
&imam old
aeNda ' ___ .. a
;pjal:lt ea 'pot" • v oft
.v let rind 110TH
a NEY WTI H , t „VIE
i.: ;TO D "R.Y TH
E EL > •
• -
' a 4
trs Is 7" '
. that t
• *gm 1 is
U l .• p
I. i neha
-• •
It is a
(JO eat. ,
Dnii 'Statei6 Bank.
14ritylk 4 91 1 4 Wink
111:11 Al" PP'
ERE At of•
cfils .
.. - .
gociety'of Arta., - 1 e were mu+li , ..... 13
an theilmment for m;' era, forwir&d ...a Mr.G i
lon. oraiewerfi elti,t a object atintiebi is to
bleddcris lii - drise a • ft orievel if I dijia as in
as horiamm- lel line, ' Uncut the franat aid off
dial... It consists . a small mirror, fi ' in aii
an iv' and attached a. pi
of wood. **it 1 ! nehes in length 5 inel
wide'; haring 5 adj. ' - g screw* way 1
whielrit if proposal to use this is ' follown-
Uuori a lerel beill ;driarr .. iko n any
MO" Ibiotiming are to be otwerad lit map
it's o r 6 yards reid, the pig of bard is t
secured or wedged fin the awl or roes, thet‘
miner may it anylinore distant point, as the
Protieedscastertan* holding thelight by whiel
works in such a ' lion as willirefieet the li lit
in th e mirror . .tither the Jewel be fairly dri n.
Gide:use. eare'enlit be absented in th e er
ror; end the andliit should be at t portite to
elevation from thilsottoin or soil of* level, nd
also at s eorresporiing distance frail the si or
eattierofthe mintur. Mr. G. elated 'in hts ID.
immiestionahat ta had fiend this l'aitc to
amcater in preen* while one pat !edam ' is
tuatara, that ofitimplieity-16 eat at the me
time not esceeding Is. 6d. to ..%. IA en ,of
lighting- mines , appeared a ns
r ing
more nor lasi thdo a _ Babdipiegran WI inp
el i ll enostructiac, and imperfectly 'espial in
the piper aceomiranying it, was also se ted
to the committed—Maio, Joientat, 1:
Ole handreld wad twenty six Ire /eat. 11
A dreadful eithudrophe occiirred;at LahaMan's
theatrical bootlqin St. PetereisirAilt,oo
enre in So y.
the 14th of Febrligy. A beats Wt fire f Ir. a
lamp, duttng thi4 a performance, trh4n the too mg
Wan 1031 XI &Men{ TSe creat e part
of the andienee'ro the boles dfrectO their pe
without injory4sit those in the pilt crowinto
il i
the marina paiwrage, which is* sFoc op,
When the roof , 01., and co:Med them w . fire
brands; of ahead foul hundred perteins, whit were
in the booth, onii humbled and twenty one ilnair+
apd flee ternalelt pet lobed, aid ahnut ten !:rnore
were severely Num!. ThnEmperor hicaeptles.
shifted at the tkisitre. '
-...:........\ _
\ ifr PaiiipAtets „CtetSC*244 Bilis ofiad u c
8114flaw-frieser irstaasprintedia
ht!asoestrissk pm $4.
- 'Filet subscribertproposes issuing the
Miners' JtiumarseMi-sieekly, alter the 14
of July. next, on a 4nedium sheet,lat 59
-per annum, on Wedne sda y and Saturday
morning's, should stlfficient encouragement
be; received: The weekly Journal will be
continued as usual{ for the accoternodatitm
of subscribers abroad who receipd their pa
pens by mail, anOhose who, may prefer
the weekly Jeunull, at ta -per antann.
The increasing 'population, and reviving,
prt*• 1
y of oneregion, seem to require
an additional Medium of information, and
an earlier -tritristnission of intelligence
throughout our'l44,hborhood than can be
obtaiaed through si - treeltly- publication ;a
-1 lone. •While the ' hysical resources of pur
region are rapid* developing _themselves
—the various brioches of trade alai indus
try daily increasing and spreadingthe.
wants of . our population in an intellec •
point of view, niust likewise be considered
as extending profiortionably, and therefore
with a view to keep pace with the spirit of
improvement daily evinced, we have
thought proper to issue the foregoing pro
posals. Aod we cannot but believe that
the growing importance of our region*ill.
fully sanction and sustain the same.
Those. subscribers who feel disposed to
encourage the semi-;weekly Journal, will
pima leave their names at this office,.
Mechanics, min- and laborers, in fact,
operators of all imrt_ are in demand here.
and will find plenty employment. This
6: a state of things hich every one must
take pride and pleasure in,- because a sure
evidence of groping importance and ,pros
Schuylkill cigalion !dock is selling at
z 1,170 per share. Par value $5O.
0 1 01 . 1 1 2 ! WWI
rue rosiljest Soiay
:f is ~~
,N#01.6, *AY 14, I
1 t
1 - •t.
_ -
NW4A 7 4 I
t--.. ,
VistlßC B - - - -4 Dill. tr'4,00,b940 0 1.4 'mat. soon
o:44l.47:•Vfieariii the
1 telligefifil and ire :map ti icily:We
,ati,titeitiee4rshinfiidt gonlnetropoUs as
ma - iii'eathei approaches, in search of
pore air, ronitalielns I ' , and in-
S ,
te - works of tre and* . '
- t
ly, whe by to set* e the v, • .r of un
paired , fli t grat
_yr , euri.( l, ly, aura
ken the i nation,, i r cultivise the un
demand' Wefas,.. real) suCh that our
region; has I,none , f. its fernier aurae
b 21,0
oos. ,On th eoti ry; we ' rt that
objects of cu rl 'y;. ' into i, twthe en
quiring mind ha i tly mu kited... We
have advatMed a
,•a still ' - ' in
till that smooths thie gged fa 'of nature
and renders her hint and benutifid, and
all that enlarges Om ads cif, those arts
which minister with ppinesi and pros
perity of a comMunity: \ We, adduce in
support of our first positioo, our many re
cent horticultural priprovenients—me mean
our numenurs atul in ,many instances; beau
tiful and fkairishing iirderts,, In and about.,
our town--abounding with fruit and ve-
getables,-and in' support of the second
our new - and extensive mantifacteries, e
erecting and to be erecter
new mercantile e abliisbmegts—outs. new i
steam engines, collieries, rail i roads,' \etc; '
which we do nor mean at pr anent portico- 1
larly to emarkerale.—Our hotels are large,'
commodious ain(elegant, and well stocked '
with all' that contributes trs comfort and
luxury, and cooler, purer, healthier water
is not to be Grad on the fa,of the wide
world than out; , springs jord•-•-mithout I
saying any thinief the fine Meditimil qua-1
lilies of some oflliem4tending to strength- I
ca_the appetite and give -tone to thediges ,
live organ, being justly entitled ta the ap-
I pellition of mineral waters, It is high
time, indeed,. that these enders were ans
and their precise conitituents ascer
tained. ' The seenery of our neighborhood
has been the cimistant theme tiLt z4 he adini- 1
' ration of travellers, and viola almost, ,
we may say, have been Written about it. I
L lodic monntairis,deeP eallierkiehmt streams ,
high precipices, sparkling waterfalls, and
broad basins go to make it the beautiful
and picturesque of oar seepery. The road,
leading to aiu :l n Va from the 'metropolis , '
presents ble and 'diveinifsed views,'l
and all wewant to render; die trip alloge- 1 ,1
they' a line of'' g -ft TUDilitio; ,
throwgh in dui day. time. i This is a desP
deraiiini whicwe trust may not te
postponed. I ndeed it iaalmost inderpeni
sable, and we {expect that Ithe enterprising
proprietors of ['the presentiline. , or sozno-of
them will tats the matter Sneedily in hand,
We could add tome on Otis, tarter subject.
but hope that the bare wirggestion which
we have throWn tint will be sufficient. Wg
have no deli ' to exagoehase the advanta
ges of a trip o oar regkin-,---to irdidge in
high sound; puffery which might hring
nidisappoint to stiangSue amino benefit
to outselees.4-hot we trahesitaiingly saY,
that no past or the state hasisuperior claini:s
on the linenon of thee' who seek beans,
infoneation r pleasure Om; a country ex
The fi)Eoo-i r is tbe sc4c. to the Unites! Steins
Se we, an tho Susi pasant 014.C1sy's Lao
1411. ti nip obearsett that 1 •
the Sesabitre
ft eon Preeret , driertiti cored fro the
Viaa—';esstrs. Wank. Br assn. Clay. (*-
too.; es ttom-ttert, Dar*: Errirtg. 01'06104 GhriArho :
moth. HeortriOs, Enna. Kaiight:Leigl„ 114=..
ll.snroas. Nortain, Norlsolas. Porter.
PuNtor. 11.e4cno, Smalowni, Sor:PTocciiitapa.
Nerve--liedkßelatein,CaPakera. Cee
tore Isisraierakady. IE4. HcSbard. in of
ata Krar. iGa- Liam. Morrie. Nile*.
:reek, Itnbleasio, RorgSaciSbepicy; Tatimalge•
Tbe Reading Press a:yr 'Trout all isaelera
of the State epecring orlon Orme. oldie zason)Log
acts BILMO *DO Johno=..."' WIWI. •
thompne. . .
The editing of thc&fferent paperii i, in
Ideatgontery county have had a mee t
and resolved cat to insert any notice .. in
their miciectiee repeci, without charging
for the same_
A propedtiaa is bethre the Couned,
Phibadelphii, fir corearuOting a balsa Ink:
der the Sdarsikdi. -
Ile Councils bare also reached to j
pty to tile 'l*adatera for perms to
Coast, rov a canal , ott lite western side
the Seltarylkal, thro;the
iaeconkutee wit* the plan 16=—Isiby
John Hate' Powell, A plan °tibia
.eanal niny' be seen ;be Peansybiania
Informalion has ieh iecitiseilat !wk.'
inn:m . llEO F Goveirimeial iaa
paid the imiciadaithts os the lodemtyj
.siosey—filMAlO hiseatieody attired
New - TsAi r .
Camectieise _
Me. et Ilairtiord. eras • •
the pert ear gepolar; • -
Letial t i" " "IPP I Y
I air alma etillie Viva- • eibeeC
r etie aisle ire Now
cram. "rilt i mbe!
InielliST. fps T-. 11 ,
'Wean:dee . .
Wane !Stir'
Aver ellecti*
• -
• ___ $ _
.7 - 1 -
..... I ...
, nummarie,lawitw•
----i - ,_-
•iuma...—".--..-. ,
The litirge
al" l er 1%,"",.... mar 'ftimi6itidlie se
vat urle• i tit , ', ianyibds,„o44l‘;
"„re s tr i -
4 4.
s .i.ea , ' iiiill thaterlikv illiti
~,, Irl/La siiiiiitigui St
lifif ''''6,7" —. largs.,,., .
...1.1,01 - • ~. .
f ,
- .
4t o
itillis ,tia Ili , -IC O . 7 ThlP'?-: PIK* Ilk'
tiOW uso -I.
.b.,ki tik . . tar
41.11 0 ..* , bet , i thc, -. . Teft, 741 i of I
„thou_ ~.....iikot::it__o_Lisk.,
it0ic0.0.... bets .a; •Rit mi. as t he doff=s weTc
tinkiekeikr bohaidaviir. wtiiiiiiiireeto titeit*
nentes,ta out • into hear - r:Psy.• Mi.: 'Air:
Adams .mmedilitrah= all . ndesiortmainters,
to tike op the jo - t tesohn - • : from the Smote,
firtitg the . • ref • -meths 23d of
Mak. nevoid that for two !Mitt thi BOOM had
been struiretior for a goal and that ; the Stir
infeerneeryas. that there tea no &whims ir them
to . fralmiltS. 'He tbmight, t Lri,tbat tliek had
betOrtkindie bane wit Gistit dies etioki. The
speaker decided the motion be out citerder. •
, . . .
The brig inalf,Janksonatern-of lt3d4 will. if they
ere' bonatt, support Gee.! orison from the fol
low% g moths.=
One Presidential term. 1.
rio apprnittinesits of members of Coogrese" to
/B r.
- To via:mutate the monmer party:
- 71/ merest the patrons; a atlas Gomm-meet
Twin' twirls 'brought hits) Toiliet With the fries,
dom of deletions.
'To ecnnainiimi in iheexpaaans.of the 'A/uilds.
Timm were the Ojeda tai which their then cow
tended. end if they are ;must again con-
WWI km. '1
Mewarehiis boil a
er---Wishintse VON. f
Ofeourse we live under
Wee - sitaiiesion.
dati±birak Cawsigencir— When the United
*test llank,withont the !addition of one &Hai
of capital; was chartered by the State, all the AS
ti-bankiter were striaien with 'blame, and even
yet the party cubs • are growling about bribery.
occruption and other meoinestaa nutters. When
an addition of s3,lllooloo , was made to the capi
tal of Oic Girard Bank, it shoot of seelsrisptioi, '
followed, and at a late metingot the swathed+
ers to sccept the law, nd less a pertiousge than
, George M. Dallas—the *arms Apollo oldie Vain
Sorenites, wended. This to a nuo4 pace by
bleb the people can thearzire the sincerity Of
thane uproarious anti baikers. : — Yet* Repub.
Filly. the Sit- X.
U. S.Sesidir ea
Aeftiss Ommisieet
pima unieLianit le
'was pol: 0 :711
' Wm. Mb.
- Thjl
Irtil IS I
F_ , l.
Morida—,Tbe Wash glen Globe' of ?rids, „
nays, ibe hiht,ol6cial dtispoteh from Gen. Sedit
gives it as his Op'ion Plat thcre never have ht+ti
more than 600 In bodied at any time 4c
ring the war, mod Is now generally belov
ed that they are, seat 'shout in small panics
of from SO to 200 each, With great faeffities of cdn
°Mazatlan. Their warden and ellildien are nip
ossd to be all collected about Pam < Creek,i to
which paint the - last immanent of the army is o.i
Nis Werr.—Tbe Nesdnal Intell r of
today.. in the way of a :Ipostscript. t .
'Aver our paper ***ready for press, last
cting ; we were happy to learn that a letter had
jinn been nu:Overt in this city from an (Meer of
the arum of the high+ rank, at New Orleans,
wating that there was not the least danger of.
any bowthlies` on tb Teams frontier. either
ritual Indians air (rani the Rene= troops, Owl
tiiat'she Governor of toaisiani tionetirred in)iy
in the opinion,fonsui4on the newt recent iO.cwr
elation ftnai the fr We infer from !Sits
that General Gaines tats been misinformed tend
. entiirely niustakez as le the fears expressed td his
loner to the Secnctary Of Was, Which we pot:dish
1 • The
National - IptiOligeneer saysl-- 4 1F4 are
happy to infer, Amos' On-mainly. from the Veal
caso6cial papers pildsshed to' day. that the 'thole
Starr of the masa:ere:Of Coilonel Fannin's coin.
mare is„ from beginning to end. a fahsitaistaa,
and that Col. Fannin Sad his earn ate immirf
onus of awl to the Ihrtitem catenary.
From the Charlelson Patriot of .11 , 1ay 3.
Tenstitestisa cfile iodise Csaapriro,
Lien Vall2 Dor o
Fittley..hid to Gcneo.: atat
;imams from rico - Aril
parka fe. :..z.taor.h
ban eantersed with! is •eci
bate polaely 'wart*" tc, Vet
they posedeeet.4. • .
Lama Vide Bares that. crai in . to I.
scesicenient of the at in= "maitre the es petrol
tool been teniett in a riors_ TI stioJar :seers
nod pooe Liao son.rPer itsaisrao at St. A . • -, . _
There sere so.-noised to be al iosi 200 as sick
Liss to Tanga Boy.S.if EP at ValaniS.
I . I
Ttio Mi4rie Itereiairttie Ac l torenorr at
sacs:—The reaper Ot lie 46eorstion of the
and . er the to nionis l in Gen. E. P. Gaines,
rood. recce floolit-e, art l Ot ottlitir Isiisini
Cie•T so a hoes to illeass. is esiatranietodl
Sea Ork-aOis pmperstirele.ind yesteillay.
The sasii.e fares iiaii..:- ., -We as
esalGaiseii he. itoisateled, Cave.
Santa Anna to.aseeetain whether he.
the Indians fine this fide the Imentai
teem the United . and Tetrad. t
io the iss ea F ic ie is ' sidi the
goer of the Sag at thini,
to protect him. that ant he
Santa Anna's daqa Isill be otuarbetext,
sands bait *gr. . )
A jape lend
.cieitheee repnesf---The
et grapy fium the Onithwore Othaude,
thee ike Mac
1 . 1 7 anitied
„a kik aside
Sous is UP
Of Lillis
biiit, ,
•ai desik_lliemesal
Maildl4lo,-Wm bilk
4 0NaL;--Tirge
0 1 0';er
The merhonicaof Phihaklphia are atm at
44g - tog ings t i :v ec ise in P
kilil lh cluillge. ledelPfda, driven
biking, shift, had - a sound Idol* extrac-
I . , which he tiolot-fee--_ , Wwasrake
t tistri-korwtont steam: tai, --,
1 IPlour is - selling at Chi at -O at 11112 per
I Sar,
. 14 7 - near -80 0 0.* . Ktels.-W been. ship
pea for that place atDetroit, the week
ending April 28th. - . :f - - _
.Texas V teen, ,Thirty yam ,men,
t Buffalo, .lia • rolunteired ‘o. , rch a
sst the ty - t Santa Anna' ,
Thelfrid - .in Abdiutilk hatfe,asi most
Faber parts - the south; been citified a,
Itsay by t extraor .
istsier) l
-4be W:
that the notarial"' It
,tea tptirig to preach in i
Very Neteret.,--Mr.
riot do Miss htstEsset \
by the Rev. Thomis I
marks, '"ik Thew gymerally
Oult bundled and :
takes Groin disorderly
the city of New Otlesull.
taw weeks ago.: •• -
A Ist, &labor in Ne*
is being detrinientaf.
Fen al Jore.—Tho
tisemenhappears iaria
Lemon *has
scriber. her peaceable h.
with her, she keeps the in..
side, tot she was aye jaw Jim ,
further caution - die public not toexcilit r any
thing on my accounU 'pay no 01
her contracting. having dissolved the partnership.
&coed, William Lamm., Ready, catnfy Armagh
/an. 18, 1836." • •
The preceding IS. an Irish arinettniment.—.
Here is a Yankee noticeas an TIN
Whereas my pink my pretty try.
Ily iirite my la. b abel
Has left her home mad bur eniPloy.
And where she has gene 1. earriot tell. '
This is to *clad all persona aid to Weir not
"Tn bur the Werth of a straw,km; it re aunt
For. 1 am determined not to pay
A.Ccrit of her emanating in any way
Unless compelkd by law AIOGLW BAUCHI
She it old and ugly. ill named and thin
For farther particulars enquire at a Miens huh
Enfield, Conn.. March
'Tsenarer's Sale air visaged!, Una. ,
Ilinktreasurer of this osuntY kiwi sesartired
the Sithroinig tracts of land for We.; olden *
tax are idint on or before the alound Newby*
JlC k l* next. s, mill ecartinne to, itibliah:fMat
tor Ikst from weep lb week until compined. for
the bOo , At of tboseof oar readers who are inter
two d both at Lowe aartabroad. wide do not take
the German paper is whial they asr.sobernrtb
Acres • 7 re m
Wayne Towits!rip: : :;:..
4 Baader Sulam - v . .itt
10 Noecker Min ,
12 Kellerman by Lebettgtith 41
16 Moses'Mictisa
4 Miller Valentine ' 6 1
11 'Scharff John
50 Wiliam 'Charles • '
50 Zerbe Pest 1 t -. • -
7 Mrs Joint , ' I
115 . 'Ariz & Brown • _ -- - 1 pl)
20 Mierly Barbara . , ,6 0
' 30 Vt t"-aser`w,aolv ‘ 1 V;
20 Baswier .1. - -I,n . - 156
„ In
4 R.-E,44•-r Adam . •
100 Z'.-dot 1...it0 4: Dan+l . " :53
64 SI-h--i;diet John - 2; 6?
200,. Nreowentler acid Miller • 110
29 Huounr4 John 141
20 Seitert Jacob - ii si
6 Mick Peter ' ' .e.
1 I
ea , ffl
West Pews
L 99 Limiter David
OO Weime Jacob •
100 311fiser Philip
59 Ebert Jacob •
60 Kleckoer and
.10 Brotel Jacob
10 Brotte. Philip
100. Lcrig Zacharias
*ll Frei& Thirezas -
290 Price Jame**.
Grimm" • •
100 Yarnell Francis
500 KetisPNA 14Y.'
1 troops
leo the
Bell Wilfiantoi '
443 WarsawAdis
438 )tail
440 WilsanWmpr..,
440 Tetiger34B4b,.
4500 1315c4a0is •
21a Elea_ Luesivan' t '
100 itsitjawirs.
•SILIZE." re'
a -*llia= -
at cm... sea*
2E3 fissbarOassykE..-
383 4:1•111•8fte Mary
IW. Mimi
endrJkois': - • _ -
W, Beatty G.
164 Sod Doesid
MO Goal' VW Sr, lr •
1011 &bootleg David I
Capp.ll6•ll‘ IP • '
48844 014,5412i4144"._
Zurttimm i c ti thir . "
49 toiritiallnarri - je-r'
21. f liatusa*Par — i ;
81111rimieramilPS, r :
59 'Spil ltohie"
t 44a10441iii_
49 ethist
411 SelterkilrubN4,-
155 ;
n. - -
- 41.
; 33 : 741 aVivair..iff
• lir
it1ir:144,,4V;1 ' 4
1 C 1
1.11 . I
- iii ,
7tk 98
&Fcickit t ' 36
• 11 , 06
• • 3 50
' a
134 ht
I .t ,
I /
, r
Ir. -
7 a
3 is