, LUME I Two D in advan• Azov= be insert cents for proporti tareests not three times very subseque I letter, dec. 0. °lanceted with r they wtll not Ig' A toptioess post paid AG EN MILO , Reeding FOIrTFIEj Jonatgan Coff of wholesale:deafens &retailers of foreign Mediae within'ihe county or Schuylkill. to t!. ate different el 1.001 ender which they have iry the Pi-.4..cirdelJudger and Communion moonty. Thotia ked with a 0 bays paid ass. SEVENTII Pottrrille de do do do do do de do do • - do de. !, Markham township GUTH CLASS. Pottsville do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do • • gether w bwn pie ere of mu their Joseph hodgeos ' WWI roam Jr. & Co. —4 pt. Co. word catty ore & CO. Bu - n et' Jaws Si Miller & John T T.& J. Ifinyder rayne -r Harris West & Co Hughes Hon & Seligtaaa aas & .• Rittatr. • Whitney & Co (Saylor eterges • Huntzingee Streeper Bowen . Krebs '4l.lornieg Chinn. a . Offenian - JOSEPH OTTINGER. Treasurer of the coo L. ty of Schuylkill AT a joint meetin g lof the Commissioners siftl the county-of Schutlkill, and delegates (roll the several sehool digs e ta in said county, hill i at the court house, in,4l borough ofOrivigsburgi I i on Alonday the 2d di r ty of May, A. D, 1106. id! pursuance of an act la establish a general sysi l tem of education, byen.inoti Selmok it wee Resolved, That .% eilitesday the 181 1 a day ot May, met. be ' appoinpdi the time, for the toce4 Mg of the people in Bach school district in said county, is hose ,delegiiqs voted in favor teen tip!. propriatioa fin. sclidool purposes, at their usual ' ,- 1 0 Order ' s. of holding the lit township and borough e's “.. lialud p o - Orders. - nid inhat itants of the County lections, at 2 O'clockir. M. of said day. under Utz enixi Of provision of the ith flOctlon of the lan. establish. OYlltilif*O., toPeanglho 30th 30 1POle°, tP. Mg a generat aystent lot education, and , its sufl. I take !Wine that' they arc requited to Po- Filament*. O lia nail& as fo wini ' • ualion*ill.par de at McKeansburg, on i Extract fr4l2 th 4 . I 4I I3. u". POTTS, Chairman. •-, the I t TO day a .Itlay next. I testAt . • , a ll ... ...! pa ado at.PoUsville on Wed.. .- Jaceb Td , Sccietary., day of ay next. , i Hay 2 1836 I.; • ins tively'will to formed. at ......4.—.1. , ..-- St , I .ryOffice, Orli! April 23, j 24-3 'ersosslpirthe;abose List ate requested to call e first tlip of May, and take out tbeir licenses. El M. w rade Atop SeinlY Light Infentr By order o 'ABB IVO Atilt( 16 GU I tPI he ~Y ". s~! I riLl. TRACE TOR TO PLICILM - Tilt SOW 'L t tca• 10 . payable aewi•aanually To Contractors. + VII.ROPOSALS will be', Oceived the 16th Al ' May inclusive next, foil Grading all Lying a Rail Road from that Mill :Peek Rail Road. to the Coal Mines, opening onlWolfCreelt, distance from one third to one halfiaile. The timber Will be fciund planding,on.thepud; the Contractor: to pay all expenses of cuttingi;awing, hauling, 'Lc. For information tend par culars apply to • - RORER B. NELIGH, PottsSille, and to *hem 16 proposals are to be directed. t April 30 24-3 !-. ing twelve lines. will • ne dollar—twenty-five 'on; larger ones in used to the Editor, on establisbmeni, must be attended to. • - - - I , NEWS JOUIIINAL erchants Coffee Heine eel Ritter, P. M. Orwtburg . do do dg Wayne . do Pinegrova - do do • do do East Brutuiaiek do West Brunswick do Upper Mahantange do do Lower Nlebantangis do • Schuylkill do do • do do West Penn do Barry West Norwegiast do do do do do do East Norwegian do ' do do Manhena do do do do do do do do do T . ill County Cavalry and will Parade with the 2d the Coked. - • NE -FARQUHAR. • t 30th Regitnenti , • 224 TIMM eby cautioned hew tree. the • ibecriber, Nor- Ser m "found Immv.oL. io Ilrl Lave same Of • 'Pe' genera bas tra e tml ' and i oonsiant. Book MI " ' - m• • 4 ' ' 'J - i ; . '''' "- i• : •-,N44 ,4 r.. 9 • ~ _ -.... 441 4, . 4:-. - - 4 ; 414'f. 4 4 . '" . "- t e '4i -- .4' . .,'0 ... .24.14 - ,. * 4 1,/ . ...' 4,4,7 '7. 1.4: -'` 4 . .4 4 :4 , 71 • - 74 . 4 - _ - , or = - 7 4 ,11.77 r - . ~...: 1 '' t...T. , 1 1 1,44:4c:, I ------- _:_________ . . . it i 11 ' , 1•- , 2 .. • -- -----, -.,..-= --- - , r 1 .•• . - •,. --..,}-, : - 4 •,i• • 1 6 1 . I 1 i 1 ' = a ~. , .. .. ~„..., . .._ ~ • , „., ..., ~ v., .. • i Itl • . , . . ~ ~._ ..,., ,• , _ . . • L ,BY • .' , To Boatmen it ad others. i o rilkir. Alcrria Canal at ' Banking Company, in. ' A- tending iltertly to o 4 the Canal for Nevi • gallon, offer for sale to Omen and others, .the whole of the Boats own b y the Company, in number about ISO, of capacity of about 2S tons each, now lying at ark ,and other placep in the Canal. ; I The boattr,to be ernplo . te# ea constantly as may be required in the Tranepqtation of Coal for the Company, from Maack elritak to Neil:parker from and to any intermediateip:ace, at the rate corona and a quarter of a cent oerlion per stile, being e qual to one dollar and tupenty cent' per ton for the whole distance. About one-half the to were new in 1834, and tbt. other half were *lir in 1835. They will be disposediok' to approved applicants at.low valuations atrized:to!each Boat respective! ~ A small part only of thelpitrchase mertey Will c required to bepaid down in cash, and The Wan in instalments uut of [hi claming, per trip of the Boat. • • i I Application will be recc!ved by the Collector of ; i Tolls at Newark . it. Eastor4 for Boats lying at those places, or.to ' THOMAS WRIGHT,, , April 30 24-3 : i Superiztenuent, English & ch Priv lau subscribers hSv just received English and French Prints, super or Cashmere and •Ptu• niture prints, 4-1,7-8 on 9-8 Frennli clitniaT. d Cambrictn Ginghas,.whi will be sold Ch por cash by WU . R A. „BAGGER april 30 „ "i 244 Propossds fo'r ratatration. PROPOSALS will WI received by the Potts-I' vale WaterrCeniOny until the 18th nipt. for i excavating, pedaling ancl flagging a Baain,.filly...' five feet square at the top, and • Polptive feet at!" the bottom, and Ism feet deem • plan or specificii• tiou may be seen by applying to the subscriber. RUSSEII, President Pnt.).•yilio Water Company. i May 7 I 2 5 42 ; Pottsville Water Company. 4 iN porsuince of a repairman of the hoard of . l lLLtii colors of the FlOttineilic Water Company, the books of said cotrapeni,he opened at the pub • lie house of Mr. Mortimer, on Ilinnday next, the 2cl'of - May, ! thee purpose of receiving „ additional subseription4 4, the stock rifsair:COrnpri. ny. The hooky will cantiaue open from day to ij day, until the fituaber la shares required to in. p troduce, xho..frater into the borough arroubscribul,l tor. April 30 fl 4-3 tit Natitinal Light infantry. PARADE) on Wednesday the 18th day of 4iay, 4 15136, at past 9 o'clock, A.-M. at thel Armory (or inspection, ac cording to latr. Be Command. WM. SIIENFEL:TEII. 1 . First Sergeant COmpantill Drill on Monday Ow 9th and I G IMay, at'l3 o'clock,.l'. M. at the Arind/, i . , Net • Geeds , '‘ i 1 i X.:.lll e ises ft • Coal a i l r'!.l. open lill y a !splendid asaoilm'ent f v V faisluoUble g and , Hemmer Goods. - aiming of ! i ;I . ' I Lando* primal Crape last:age ~ Canton cords I 'Fancy wind* Marseilles reap Mited,lstripede • Cloths nod egad Bleached and ii Also—Fresh ql stuffs , printed siosimeries • net chodshiriAogo do ohoetiags,e &e. & Cheese ood:Friut 4 rackeF• a, and c WOO, do etc. etc, etc. , 1. !oda, *ater a , wawa& 'Curran*. r 1.7 ApOtti 1 - 144683 RAGA M* paidter chap Sep!' 12 43 01P TUX LZre amp sat* sr Wag. Anne. where is she? Each scene mains, j Where o ft at blushing morn she roved. I The warbling birds in tuneful strains, Still carol from the wend she loved; . Simbearns their glowing radiance fling ' O'er each fair flower and waving tree, All bloom beneath the .00ex:of/Spring, All breathe oflife—but where is she? I The softening shades of eve desce nd, , Around the-hearth her kindred meet, llow oft they mourn that gentle friend Who once enjoyed the converse sweet: Pow, at the hallowed hour Of prayer, (IsThey lift the hand and - bend the knee, ihsre was one who loced to share Those orisons —.but where is she? Say, need, we iskt—in'yon blot aky k Remoted from pain, from care and wo; :he tastes a bliss more pure and high i Than all her deareat joys below: $h walks with spirits pore and bright, From sin, from bondage, she is free; 41nd while we view those realms of light, Say, should we murmur—where is she? Lu faith and trust on Earth she dwelt, ,* In calm seclusion's path she trod, Peeply her Saviour's love she ,felt, Who died that she might bee with tiW; the Christian's bnpe out sadness cheers, L The Christians's rock our stay must be, 11 . :sen let us cease our selfish tears, Nor ask in sorrow—where is she? !trim Letters, Conversations, and Recollections of Coleridge. W RAT LOVE I And what is love. I praie the teU7 It is that fountain and that well Where pleasure and repentance dwell; It is, perhaps, that passing bell Which tolls ail tato heaven or helle And this is love as 1 hearts tell. There is a beautiful moral im the lohowing , ;ion tramthe ever sweet muse of Mrs, &pur- r -Y " THE LADY.BEG. AND TILE ANT. The Ludy:Bug-eat in the rose's heart, And sonlcd•witli pridoand scorn, 'Ae qhc saw the plain drresetl Ant -go by, EMI With a heavy grain of corn.— So she draw the curtain* of damask round, And adjusted her silken vest, . linking leer glare of a drop of dew That lay iu the rose's kreast. Then she laughed noliaud that the Ant looked up And seeing her haughty leen Took no inure notice, 1 tract lied on At the same industrio r pact:— But a sudden blunt of Antolini came, And rudely swept the ground, And down the ruse with the Lady,Bug bent, • And Scattered its le-arcs around. ' Then the houaeltse Lay was much amaz'd, For she ;:riew nut al sell way to go, An,' hoarse November' early Vaal Bad brought with it ra - nd snow; lier wings were chill'd nd her Owl were cold, And she with'd for Ant's warm cell. And whet she did in th wintry storm, F sure re I cannot tell - But the careful Ant wa .in her nest • . ' With tier little ones b her side. til,..a She taught them all;likt herself to toll; • I Nor mind the sm4r o ptidet— - And 1 thought; as I rust the doss; of day, . I Eatinkusy tied end milk. It was wiser, t rk and improve m' my time. ' Than hike i arid dream in:silk. lEEE rivg cetas its Itatriby • f B Q!I =EI SAZIORS. Oishei—b tied ' n Rota la jIL_ IZE! ERW. SAlern; 21- - UT YEW TUB SAVIERNIIIDIP TIE 11011=11111114 =MIA e WiLL altt SATURDAY MOIPtiSPLIRAY 14. Yet *hat is late, I praic thee spiel It is a work—a holiday: It is December mr.tched with May; Wlien lusty Blames in Ikea!, artiste licare ten months after of thrt plait, , Anil tills is love, as I hears rale '•• • . • it is a game whcrc ions &nit gains, The lasse 'tithe no, and would ful! talus; And this is love•, as 1 imam sayne. Yet ghat is lave, I pray thee sty? it is • yea, it is a nay, A mitie kind of sporting fray; It is a twine will soon away, Then take advantage while you may And this is love, as 1 hems say. Yet What is lose, I pray the shoal A thing that ercrpo, it cannot goe, A prize that passeth to and fin; A thing for one, a dung fur two, And they that prove must 6 , 0 ii 8 , 1 And this is love (in) fri,nd) I tru. TbTYOUNG t 1 N Never was there a time since our existence as an independent nation, when oar efountry had stronger claims- upon her Young Men, thin atli present. Never were they more imperatively call. l et upon to losit "tient them—to examine, to learn, to understand thelitui position they occupy in the temple of their coentry's freedom, thin• at present moment. Op 1 them depends her Cul destiny. TO them !tits Genius of lo " ; 1 4 seems to turn In the tiUitude of imploring co 1 dence, for refoge -scalp:decd.:RN .TO th em i 1 appears to' 'Moteise itle, quettion, shall-1 yoi rel. 11111 4 n-to ,t, 11064 , _yPtij IP. prosper yeo, iliisteikd over i yon my . pardoos .ame, or meal IOM - Mid - ale, part, bittega.ii loss+ a dwistllig _plates - among . . i ; yowl - - Fee sixty Years vie have nowenjoyed thablessa.... 4 WO, the insaleablelaiivilegei of i flee Mag iiide4 pendent proillec,_ We have bees Meths prosper cd Omni lltsl9lbcf at** atlas einia. Vehavii Aileen the !meld askemem plarcif a' - pee* gametal themiehmi4the. , people UM mislai Awls ow • ' 1 laaha. they hive . bait. their .ows co ilistegtg a Mari their rstfeM in .tate have. • hut • _setimitehlia ro. • Under - our ulna:. • =beeil Ofjuiima hahilstll. IS farastroal ilmfliW t 4111-:(06 ,hialltitieea..eustalee4.ly.til - vielMaiiisr 1,103114614 of OM:pie*. ire have i lamed' ,Omit Militaismed' eacaltat Ma • . .thit hal 'askiired lb* 1 1 14-FalVecit elgle. ' some iaslasiees the aft a thiailblis OsmsmaheM of Um gush: . - i ± l' , MOW it be remembered •at NibErty is; • -- ed ttqleatt only upon con • lion of eternal, vie. farmer ilritherto the prop! of the United States have been vigilant. .They have watched lbcir litterties—they have . • -• them with a jealous sym-ighery have net yet fiatiratter. the oppresalon , 1 1 of a foreign task master., • y have not yet ceas ed to member the bonds under which they once i • ned, but f ro m Whi their own coergiVs haveiOelive.red them. Thn file.' as our 'Young Blen,Mve onsieftrward to* are in the privileges of freemen—to enjoy the protection and assist in the deeming of the countrre laws, they have been Welted. With the mimicl and favored with the ad. vice.iifthOse venerable moniteho realise the bleis ings,of a free government, because they assist in the acquisition of those hie:Wings. They were at the laying of the corner storm of Freedom's tem. ple-etheir own blood completed the cement of the 1 glorious edifice, and thus they were the more an. %lions to preserve the migkii fabric in all it. oriel. nal beauty, while they fondly hoped that ,it should pin new strength vitro evtry succeedin g age of us existence. • But the p ro file are beginning to re. lax their wonted vigilance; as these faithful mon itors- ere, one by one, dropping from aiming oe They no longer stand as !sentinels upon the watch tower lo warn ageing approaching danger—they Ino lOnger remain to round the alarm note of pre. pa rations against the advance of the enemies of freedom, or to raise an arm in its defence. Their sward falls powerless, and their trumpet lies silent by their side. -., ' ;__ • We can scarcely take rip a newspaper without finding, in the record of death'. doings, • brief notice of the departure of some venerable patriot, closed with the expressive sentence; "lie sees a ervehrliestary pensioner." i These notices, it is true, as the number left ot these master sphite de. creases, are breotrieg Ices Aquila—but they are toll of melancholy inuenst to every American citizen. One cannot read them without feeling, as every successive exit is announced, that one more pillar is gone from the fabric of freedom— ' one more . prop from the stately edifice; one more slime from its very foundation; and that unless their places are supplied With fit materials, the giant frame Must soon totter to its fall! . But how are their places fl bed , up? Instead of these patriotic men, who loved their country fur its own sake,& considered het institutions worth fighting fur, to preserve and protect, a new set have arisen—men who indeed consider these things worth contending fur, bat only fin the sake of dividing and sharing profius'among themselves. luatend of thinking it thelyluty to serve their coputr,v, they seem to view Will out intended to perte them; as 4. rich prize indeed and ho who gets the largest share is the best fe low. In the hands of such men, we ask, whet is our boasted . . i form of government 1 With'. the Young Men it ', now reunitea to say whdthet' this state of things shall continue, or whether their country, her fiber. Oillatitlcherisbed institzitione are Worth an effort to our Our Ifbettitio are iiiiianginand on.) Tour Young Mmseopie up to the rescue, they ate gone; and eventl is generation may yet live 1 toII:MUM ovi.r Nye •Ii of the noblest system of rn govement the wort las ever known. It is the duty of the Young Men of our coon. I , try, thrrecoro, 'to examine well the ground on i which thryistand in relation to this subject. They !Ito uld look far themselves; bAd regardless :of the hoe and cry erased against wawa the moat Cher : Hazed. illatitutions of Out lend, under which the nation has gniwn up, and which has been, in fact, 1 the very tire 'blood,pf tee business community, , judge of them from I'lir own obsertation, and, are whether there . any cause for the war so ficrceli waged again then,. They ought also b kh t studythe constitution of the UnitedAt,atev and of the several States; to 'examine thE - Mondation on which tbererrernment rests; to decide at once whether •their free institutions are really worth , preserving; mind if they are, then act with refer. . enc., to their resevation. It is only on the uni versal diffusi n of knowledge, in the general in telligence ofhe YOong Men and the rising gen. 1 elation, that our country must depend for her fu ture welfare. While on this erubjeUt, we cannot forbear ur ging upon those who have. the cage of common 6 chook the importane4 of making the system of government under which we live, a regular de• pa/Latent of education. i ' Lathe Constitution and laws of the land be stl died by our youth. - Let; . them he analyzed and zplained; let their impor. twee and the necessit , of a strict 'observance of Ahem, be enforced, so that the rising generation luny understand the tree nature of their country's , institutions; the bearingsthey have uppn individ ' .ual and general welfaw; and that wit children may have correct view k orate only conditinc np. •on which their future happiness. and indeed their li very existence wino; independent people, de. pends. In • despotiel government, where the • people have nothing tel do but to obey the laws which their , rulers matte rot them, this Wight not be necessary; indeedlto inch a government It I would be dangerous. i But under a oeyetem like 11 ours, yawn, the peopleinzake the laws, as well as enforce them, it is our - -- ty sategnaph, We hi' no fears; as long as ttu Wand their rights and ~ ordet to this, it is 111 shOuld grow up with t ice:. Then, as out Yom stage f action, to „ thois'wbethcr as pelt% one departments of pa responsibilities to thezt country, to *withal, duties, they will' smite thus filled, they wilt be , 'There are other await attention Cl our. -Young ducalbein to dente thei. to reading, and the. at "ration. especially izi - political interests, to \i jude,..a.4boyltern Can E The Viittet.--Haat mat evon.tidel, and, erlltibout thee, ortlit it censer Haat then 4r hfildtattleieath iiif -that which gave its Olots Thus; my child, shciay the place of his good !natty, aboold'ha eat himself. When tholk4 the naked clothed, the - . widow. comforted-14er , Sourer wham all-this rull•eftemi thattbe Choi strained; kir.* .10 - • lllsw}iileseold ealigittesi Tu. Egg. Whitesbeme to Hootiltoo CoUsgo,,v , JUL Itio. Jim ' 4 =I to oust WIDSA3D f en s - 1 pew a readmit muk talentslend his theologi ."that ho w Ante of radii j Chriseit` to ay (wive duet I proved and , ever equld 1 g r a ctus teet f be measure a man Mind, t lid as lo ma be behaved Ilia faith at Ho-foritook o f es, and neg A hoirible glot. and thr eh dow,nt his furor e peel unutttfrabl darktit rrprnthn before commbnio with Holy. Sp it t. lie gnereys tha he W more than I midni volvett Isin;ell, n inatiob of he d rashotitta, s id a re has leirn that, fleet:woke t tho b only dnpa ialbtal : ! • 7 wporalruilmjcpoOusx , 4lwo esidaslit = ! oe site,n 4 . •'. - ' t • man of en iegnisitire sae ; lair Proems Ighrn respect to ho at the corn nceent of 11 , • ics, adopted the resolution, . carol to get his SoMd into II ' , MUM in to theitrutb of the , d that he sisitld amsei"re. true, anima it ;witir sb clearly . rated, that noobj6etion what. 7 •ht against te'l This datt.- t carried into skeet.. 'there!. I 1. .. those who are m awe good , with tho nature .of tho ho. 3 became more and more doubt- I 74. 1 d • ; so icty. I Ittl en - Ind' :ins as taint, t he I in. I h " . .d hope ha th red religious truth; till in the sad *ng. but "in and happiness were wrecked. e of grace. restrained pray e duties of the Christian gathered around his mil, eternal death settled upon all . And it cost that dear youth ' and distresr, and years of he was restored to faith, and rod, and the Comforts of the now _views it tea a' miracle of not loft to perish in that hi darkness in which he in r by a fair and impartial exams. l '. 'nes of religion, hut by pride, unciation of dilrinn truth. Re hatever may be the Wait of o of (Awl and Ilia word ii the [- of mind. • -'• ' eastsierxes. 1 besetting sio :dour &nth na with kird ;Adulterates the lore excludes from our bosoms the self-lore, solay from being an : pie, is am essential part ail* • rreentient etistence, and in -•• ma Meant: is assumed as ed, a s as jul been'eaid, the c l h o tit e rg . he reasoning of 'beast f illy Mr:Mi. when he eth a cr bath fulfilled' the On l ish t not *Munk adultery, 11, Th shalt ,not steal, Thou with ss, Thiu ' shalt not am, any other cbmmandment, it ended - in tide paying, namely; y neighbor aii thyself. Love tie neighbor; thdretore, love iv laarYln iii fieart . searchin; r i 'shin nd sintplicily, its reads ' • ft, its lei of united appeil to I and to the heart, its compte as to Ihe objecti it embraces, na and conduck it inculcate. tp. recent - sallvinel4larrhy of tha eking kite.to I and kive to thee', well migliiiiiir divine Alai . , them twit etimmandstienta • nd r t y l i ;prophels.l" ' • . NWT. began, we know not. There there lwas a place of angelick the o r Lion of man and orthe r his idence; and even among al7Cel, there had been a 111 w long these spirits had many jet ! her oi&rs of being, be. .7 us'lO conjecture; for corder.: • noibi 'g surer than itself. But' • re, ce 'n: Olaf; how ter back • the mrneimemeni of clu b be, of only .beyond thq ac • efinite range it can be said to 12 ion inatioa, but even beyond •nt of a that' figures, in any - old made to express; still enmity unimaginable and incomputable de notlthe minutest deduction; ty of eterniti,, that it can nisi d byte addition,por shortened • n, of the longest possible pert: 'fore the commencement: of chili bekire rthe tint' of Omnipotence g tot r I fi rst dependent existence ginni of thie---•in infiiiite and e solitude; yak,, in thi boundless his blessed :nature, feeling no rineke 7 Jehorih had, Omar eter c' ' I , „ • bat' write oritirxassi ra acencettef musician' play. • or eight several parts. ill con- up onehiumcmy, will immediate- tlitue is some other cameo that - ,those several particular ell. ck the several instruments; for • would be but* cause of his own hued; but the Unity of the whole hich all tliel several parts coo- Is proceed frog} the and mu-. io one , mind. isle exemplary and iif that vocal harmony, which Jf it—riso, though made himself,-that tie- firot author or led in the Ina of its uwn; yet tem conspiring lust, of neneaity archetypal and lug the' plet•of me entire thing within himself. Sel4shitym Is tare. it Interfe of onri neilyhbor; i love of Gt ; But illeglnma constiiini n the sektonif great I seek ndristite standard 1.. 7 lie the Oust Pul says, 410 tha lob law. Foi thi44ll Thou *hint not k shalt not!bear fill els and there I is briktlyl compre Than ehjilt love t workiithkio in to , the Welling of spiritual ty, its p nest for imPfdicalii the onchirstandiej henekveness, boll and the ifisposith vravilithim this our net hborte ter 1.4 y t hen ; 1 • the Ix* t When erratic' were when erratic] and habitiation.befon world destined h these pore /pint rebellion. and a existed and bon sides. i is vain Lure . Id lead I ofonc *ng we] voever e suppi lion rietli let teal ra' ge (if a have) . the hilin the g • test 'me way mbined there as an e from ' ieh this', derati• has m for it i the prop Cher . lengthen by the üburactil ods of hoc. Di lion, • refiire-, < which ave and,d .'the 1)41 into rehensib vents '• ciency want it nit dri nile• istmltile staat he that h lesson of to make , elude Lthal ny rrt. that giro , ne of the ich he F .y. into must Fled ‘kill epics - Nal • lEEE roll WEDDED L0V.14. .. '''' `- air au's. W.Lten• - , ... , We are somewhere seer the dcitriat 11. that to a in the state of courtship letkirl true , . titude of this life; stafto he ; autirH ed, be and tiny other_fornitelettotteventot a tho • .d years! ,TheWritetor theft 64 pini . could not hive been mantled, ior ; at least, a, t experienced a wedlock even Born. i manly ortunate, otherwise; his Ore 'hap. piness Iwould have taught him a digredo and juster theory. ""-' - ,, - i.. lathe conjugal union, love may 11o"! some of its vivacity; it_ naY be less UN, - meat or rapturous: and the inagimitlO, ~ which; during courtship, commonly _, as it were, on nectar,sand Arobrosts, ~,.., 2 sports On a bed of roses,—rims - hew 't comparatively inert and sterile; t :Asiit pleasutes of pure, intense outlined, i boundless, mutual confidence, ameihe " citements of virtuous and tender hophoitts infinitely multiplied.. , Lord Verulefn hair truly said thak testi. riage halves griefs and doublesjo . It combines, in hetouid transfuses stet* for each party; it blends tied i Edi fi er .?,.,„,_ so as to • render common to there their sovend susceptibilitirsofgratificadoe and refthement; new objects of ealear. meat and reliance; numberless •redected and reciprocated favors of regard and 1.. specie Bat what gives it a superior ch ' • of inherent dignity antfirnaintam is the religious essence peculiar to it; Vein of duty which pervade; it; the . sciouness of those who are suitably al in it, that they have adopted* tie ball ed by divine sanction, and are flat* • bap. ed the noblest ends of existence: ~' ~. , 1 The scat:teat of courtship are dashed by fears, jealousies, misappreliestioes, which are unknown to wedded partnere - 4 sound minds and affectionate -hen' It• With men, all is trust suid iiecurityt . t. 4" faith is beyond the - sphere of tem 4 p 4 accident; their adversity, if , misf ' come, has consolittions-derived from ' most exalted sources; from the -itiVilible and holy world, - as Well ran the present chequered scene of heinert ;teflon.,. • The qualified worship of an extielliet kilow.being, natural and delightful as lb is, involves something.more rational and4i. rated, when the object is et with or band, than when it refers tea mere We* tress or lover. In the first ease, it also. ciatesqtaelf with duty, and implies anleih teem the more proper and grateful as; ccimpan' led by intimate knowledge. In proportion, however, u marna' g , it of a, sacred and permanent nature, p , - 1 cing weighty obligations; and liable to " vial dr. severe cares or calamities, it saiglit to be cautiously, and deliberately, and piously contracted. It is not to be viewed or anticipated as a tettely halcyon Canter', rich as it often is intmitingprospects eed auspicious events, and settee as it mat be rendered in all ,ihat the humaritcreater•- can control. k childish penchant, *laden. • latioeofconvenience,,a momentary =pike ; form no warrant for it; though they be so frequently the only incentives: Such• a bond require& matured and4is criminatinglittachmeht; comprewswi or its gond and evil; resignation to all the chances. But he or she who has the intelligence, feeling, and opportunity, and yet avoids it, yielding to-'selfish Or delight cowardice, sins against the deal& of'Pro. . videnee, and loses the final rewerdi of counigeods andsuccessful trial,-, -.-- It was a fitverite rime* of Lord Lyts ileton, they ounger,lbat nianiage le . 41rili ' tery,, , and that, of Course, itlaas p r :rep**, rous to rejoice at a weddingots it Imbibe to exult in purchasing a,ticket OW One Statwheel. `. cording to film...-- . dins. ~ . ! ACOrding to the same quelifilio,Pl _OW! thOrity, all epithalamtunis are,' th erefore: at least 'pi:mature in their winit atiaim the adventurer in the connubial, sett; should ascertain that he haidittin ars - -,,-. before he indulges himself in:seltgmbile= ticm, or welcomes the' greetings •of• his friends. The analogy is not, howeve r, ex: - act—because it is in the:poWer of the bri, dal parties to determinetheii own fate, ia a material degree.. !Ilk • itself might be equally styled a lottery, looking toiliii . 4. rillisi 'emit} , of its chances and .the 'rilti# of its iimidents; but it is, - Oeire fieleis, 'is poflis blessing with . 'welt ._ . nitiftitea moth and healthfulsframei." .130 net 80 i* marriage, whielviliaill- be• ' ' s a, as life is acceptedr , •witkat t`'' jpeiet • tOon or - arca! dam' lio. - 1-11 . 1;." . r tikin) ions and cheerfit ,reiskiifoesi., labia, With a: spirit of philosophies', tie cliAstkiiii r e i i t e. stibmission to whatever ' Tiovidiecii r ime o in to its course; , Tfii.Graeka i l ~.. - imen descend from ; " Apollo;. 'Hope. , This origin. from ,t1Or: o harmon7 and liilit'anil thiplAtOko4oo4, -- i. the muse , AllisVitfa iirF ~ , - -11#11 .- 411 4 *MAO - of_iii. . r _ , • Arnoi hick the- ristidea gedvOiiiiiiii. yhigunl6-ind Oiditlit - '' 14,104 , .....-__:.;:i r .l,'". it has beiiiiiiiiidalbt it s is ' - - kit= isw tasey,-distibs' 4 arkeer Uffist44llVs • -..i bar 1010110kil 1/ 1141% - -,,' -,1 1 '.. 1 -,' ' • - , F - -• -,';:-= .1: . ''', -.;:•:-1;:ri;- :11, 74...,;.,41...-..,, naives 'may think irtant end mrhidh the' ele.‘ ter, in thelpenti. Aundirodit tear: tionp knee and devotion iisonitinkandthit Ca6sotlhewarka istancesi:haireht. Jaws; and bate tea. otc of ear oww,. boa it azad.4 marry. who bad t ter ant SC Taal, what.thiy 1 I fii' it 'is Wit w e I ° olll i4 f!gisrd _At ors psi,- pist• tb14 4 0 —*Kong 4deed l 10. 41 i irsi 74"Ptc"ImoritylZmis <a.. .~. } .:. I .---n r :--..'•.i,.i , , ,, ~ ... . ;:: :. • . 1 .1- :; i I. ; : t6: -. 1,, • ' 7. '' ' ,,,, .... , " ... . f . ... '. I. , kit AMR. aiii::..W., . I 1 MEM MI "1:17. ME II 11 II IN 11 El -411 . - .
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