• tattoo. ofterelcir Bali a blab**, Aim tecitaitiiitg 339 nom, situate on tho - Iltle %Malt UsiiviitrynrPort Clintal - The e t ilitiilli:ll4inal, and one4ghth of a, tinithre Centr e. uropike. /bolt 100 acres ,t - rOitittl i irBw Utidur cultivalibr. ' lie inittrovementireuist of dont ing hogSni4.l4rguneg, e barn.44l by 711 faet. a new lime kiln. and 0. thriving youpgorehard of 250 to 300 'le, Year and Peach :trees of a ',Ulterior kind. - Little Schuylkill Rail 11.11 d frafro Port Char to Tamaqua passing through thia.prooerty, Ma every facility for transporting lima stone his farm, to the mean. of manuring and int- On expense.- ' i is well stangied with Pine, '3heannt and Oak thnbur, SelnryWill paining . thrcittgla. fords coannfilio moat &aka: in the County, for . Forge r which ilia otherwise well son is a niver failing. one, bead and fall way be ob. tt-e viag it at a moderi : 4 The lam Hemlock', The Pitil P_'_ l - _ this land Water Powers rnaces.or ciliated. The sir 4 from 20 to . 25 ft ed on the proper will be eeld!low, and the be above propert MB made easy. . • ' ,Persona iiiiobing to purchase, tan obtain fur. r Mfiiroratiou by ilpplying to the'sulfseriber,iu tlayille.i 110 BERT WOODSIDE. • mil S • ` l o—tf . _ &c. o assortineitior6-4 figured arrod,. and pam Cambric; ; figured and plain BoSinett, whop Lawn Muslin, Linen lei's, Irish Linen, 4c. f te. fur Lf..ER &.EIAGGERTY.: „ Cambri UST opened, al' r etrlped, croe 4 amt. 64 ja,conet ies, :Null and 011#16 likudkerc le V( M april 30, *l, Grain, &c. chn-erseed Cloter S 30 Moshelo prim' Soa, •-' .do 100 do V.'h 75. do 14e .300 do Co 10 do Tim.. Feb. 27 15t1 thy seal—For sale cbeap. Ly KAM!, HARTZ Ai. C.,. - tor Sale. - "Boa FIE subscritecr ' kill BOATS o or particulars a >anvil:, or to the offers for sale Two Salmi* very accoinmodatiog terms. Iv to J. C. BOYD, Owner' thiscriber Pottsville. J. CLAYTON, .Agent. mar %I 1 9 41' LE.-25 aupetioi draught - fur•satc uy thl whale, li.jf or 'ork More. JOHN T. U AZZ..% 6D. It A U't; AT • Ale, nn hand arte: cask, at the aim! 23. 23 E ORDERS. . ilitia and liettinteers, curves. ade, 6th Division, F. M. will nue the Spring Trainisigs,-aa !IL enrolled enrolled AI ing the 2J B rl3 worm and co . allows: naandcd by Col. Alexander LidKintent, 00 Monday the SW at Reading. • mnaandid by Col. Samuel D. on Tuesday the 10th day of • bijou on Wednesday the 11,111 53d Regiment, c 11. Witman, whole . ay of May, 1b36,. i 41th Regiment, acolis2d Batah s,y next-Ist B . ay of May nost. 77th Regiment, der-2il Battalion May next-Ist Br of May krxt. Jet Regiment,mmanded by Col. Abraham Ptilgfried—lst 11 ttalion, on Satuiday the 14th delver May next 2d Battalion, on Monday the 16th day of May ext. . .1 t 3Dth Regimen commanded by Col. Um M. Bickel-Ist Bat' bun, on Tuesday the 17th day of May next-2 d Battalion , on Wednesday the 18th day of May ext: Commanders of companies and Adjutants of. regiments, arest jetty enjoined to have their en: ' rolluientii ready a Battalion flays, agreeably to' liw. By or cr of ...... , ignilllAll StIAPPELL, ' Ins j etor, 2d Brig. 6th Div. Y. M. Belk Inspector's Office, t , iNin - dsor, April 9, 1836. i 21,4 - N. B.llt is particularly desired that every, ono .' bould provide' t lmsell with aufticiont arms. ----- ---- -- ---- auYLKILL Varlet Clothing Store,. Corner of Chestier and Schuylkill Bes 4 streets, l'hitadelplaia,lapposite the city StoreJlouses. Ili subseritfer thankful for past favors, heirs rileave to Ir.rm his former custoinets and the p flic generall y , that having made. extensive ad ditions to his store and "rods of gouda:he is now prepared to oflter tl.ein Superfine rtlcl Common Bangup, Frock. & Pre•ts Coals; Mita, Vcst" and Roundabouti,Bbolorale or retail, with below the MAIM! market pr ices; for cash. _..„i'. 'A general asilment of Cloths,ibilain and rib: lied; Cassimeni plain and sir ipad; Casemate, it Summer Malt and Vesting', which willbe made 10 order al prt.ii that cannot fail to please. t Silk, satin d super side Filet° Bombazine & A w l s , to whi 4 the attention ofcountry met. chants is part' lady Invited. Also, Roots,: Shoes, Oats, Caps, Suspenders, Shirt collars &Bealume, Mandkerchicfs, Cravats, hosiery. Glove Ore. - Comi t y 'lu visiting the city, will find it an .Object to 4 d examine before purchasing. • "Orders 411 thankfully received and prompt , ly 'l4h:sided l Persona d ' arit i e i "'eq. 44- w il l , ly convenient • limit pationai may be cartel i ; ,obtained r" commanded by Col. Isaat Ye on Tuesday the 12th day of dalion, on l' 4. riday the 13th day business on the Canals, Boat. Lod .thit establishment partipular. their lowliness, and worthy of and all who favor with a call, I. of.bettcr bargains than : can be other part: of tno city. --IRA M. COLLOAL 1, Feb. 27 1836. • 20 7 6 in 1 N riAlNnar. Ptit~del nou.ut, aL%xvlucrosr STE XX ENG ;oplelikViTorlis, • - Trani so. Kensington, Phi/add . _phid,Constg. - - The sulseLiwr tespeafully informs hiacustorn ors and theThlic. that he has temoved his !ton Foundry ha Irma front { Broad street, (as above) to a new es b itihuient, *hero ho is ebte td' txe cute ady dr tirs'plustiAilly. Stih- tar , Castings &sett • ktiginos Vail Road ' ' Franklin BE Emma 3 ilia MI i Vlll:Dillaceonf , i ( Ciir:.< Ineniled r ~ liti'tiad onVfli Urn* - i' %Ps -City. 1p r the,, ' • .. Rile crAnr-or that qi: taken up g I:ine f ilier i, buslnesnuf receiving c 413 d woul4.bellkduocii J: ? &an **Mb 4inti t required {o shill* • not itita*e ' i Oti l , would beisi r t: • n. : •Ar) : • T'f - • ‘ I NV l• I ItUnk. ,; Plillit. Feb 27 . . . ty 'at - 7 .1 iffy' ' ‘.lTei g iTi l n ',1 1 . 1 .A 3 0 - rit4 !linen of- 4, ,RODGSO, .pr Loin4r Ii scr: • 4ssioN 111E4 _ Murry COAL-NI) CO. Phn • Reference,. John Bohlen, Eeqt Richard. Willing, Jagob Alter, LewiirC. Doogher 141adelpbia.1 PIZZ2 rese toinent t e West Bninah 14all Res l from Solitiyl9l Haver]; ve lifinersvillo-4he veins ,an extensive buiiness; the iof proiltteing From 8. to ditionatexpensefir gang ; a large stock deoal on tiring the winterione vein tle e . t thick; of , coal.. of very mbar on the .property edits - Coal ik IN Mine Lill,. on 13 - 12 - nine and a . and one and a s z are well ealtaltited t, present. scaneni—capa 10,900 tons, *thous I ways or air Isontila ' the platform ,- mined 9, and the other . 1 2 i good quality —prep f ! cent tattle rnitieth For tormlinnil la; her .part3cutars, apply to :.DAMES PUNDAS , , rcial Bank, Philaitelphia,o ItOBERT Schtty 'WE L "lawn 'l9—tf = March 2r, 1821. , ARM. MAK F.S . gt hc, and particular, that under tho, ref hopin3 from 'hh apectable coo' poriencc of ihrl and by d•ire fleas, to uteri! pa tronazo, FanCex, h Rofectory,'Edu sof ved utciu racy th.a the Veniso; Pepper Pigs Nov 28 Salt rirtlE Port -111- now opel the Utfie:o of pose of recoil needing tan an intereal and upexard any frietioi part may -be four weeka, sinew 13i th following of Jltonday in President Abraham I Edward II Jesse•Turubr ELicretaryand Treasurer. .e Charter. ' No emolu be received 'by the Presi their services, nur shall borrower from the in oet 3 4' Jacob Bull , , L. VlNitc4 Article 3d, or whotsesiver stall or Managers "1: Manager ,Leee --... . .Neul Cheap Store.. . :. . 1! • JACOB BU Th - S_4.ItUEL. LETIS Ix AVING p rcha.i..d the entire interes u! - Henry and Roislrt Ncligh, in the s•t* at the South W corner of Centro and ?dirket streets in the rough of Pottsville, forijictly known airand c nducted under the firm 04,Ne ligh, Lewis ..t..i' Co. respectfully . inform itbeir friends and theublie generally that they ilitend 1 ;continding:the usinees at the old stand ' der the firm in . SA QD BULL Si CO: I where they wild happy to supply their f lene.s and former cus mere with Merchandise t the lowest rates. 1 They are n opening, 3n' addition to !Their former stock, al rge and exttinsive assortmlint of merchandise, e Lunging -in hart of Dry f'oda, Groceries, Liqkora, Winesetreas,Cluna, lass, Qultensware, . 4 , . consisting of Cloths, cas ed eres, sattinetts, flexure's, nundirs, , ,I linens. 1 ~ Canton ilium' ls,glovcs, sto4inge,y'arns, piints, g ine, ' s. / I: • I. Checks, tieki ge, silks, patine, shawls, band. kerchiefs, velvets. l' • ' 1 i Jltlarinos,' ehicesinne, vet tinge„!laces, tape threads, cottons. 1 1 Lawns, wadqing, blankets, coktings, laid fs.e. &c. i f CaltOtr.l3,l. atl l s. ' Ttio,Lagu ra; Si.Dontin Coffees. St. Crotz, l 'ew Oriel:nal, larna aug rs. Loaf and ump New Or us and Sug; Xotise Cools es Gun Pout er # Young II son !lonCiton Pouchnn tuol,Bohea tt. • I Owed and apices; . i i f I Brown a' ' ,yellowassi: • d isIMP, hl ecolutatega• ad cassia apostle pper i stiusta el z•and eg , rattling , 1 i grrikti!' d* a I n ii i i petai,, 'l4 titir.ke el herrini quidt ' .Slipt caddies • . r itla ind _bl aitit , ipeit! .ambiting. hit patash,, alfspankat at - UMW& ill n - -- KnTri, cmae- 1 3 1 ' ' ' Jid' entilioo . in, . . r '4l/1 t " )iiiiii. Ali 'IA : ,144 :',,,,,i 1 ; I 1,. oikit rub* *III 7.;,-- alaig*" ' , iiC itilArit -:- ' ! 1- " - - ''inkcilf 00,4 :#1 0- *• . -- - 4 1 ' 7 7 -7 '-''';' . .14 "4. MO- r ....:_ , .... :44:: •,oliktku,.. ..:1 . :-..- , , , ;- tot; r -_' ~F iatitlO • 90 telW lOW ' uPegit r 1-1 , . - RE MI ~~ II ili' - i, , :1;•• - $ - *Tiik-&-NO , ISP:O -06 - --,-. '"-- =.' e ''.ll.yelilrigif:itid ' ' foiSalts.l6o;itakr r ir ol t, 5 joit Or NY o l * r tL ig? ::1 14 31 /P snal2l/ 4"" r - sa . 1 .64. luau: . 4 1d, . ,--;10:../,-4 „_4.', , ,---.-41 . 6 - - .4-, 4 3 1 .0 0 0; -Ida - - 4 - "r, , ,E , _ , ' il R a-4r41 - 1-- .% E'" do do Port . ii,iti:e; l l/151 j tt ° l l l:4 ''' ; . 4 '. ' -.lf° ' clo -- 0 _Alo-ba.drau.,o4e. ' '°- ' ' - ' do '.1•1o, • .. guticrloi; - - picnra'_•Sb .1: 1 11?.: ..,49, 2 4:,. do d •' do - do do - on , "-- ,'—' ... .- do , Pole C:~ _ ":.-- 'lb - -- 6 1' .. do do -do - -401 dtaut.lli • • '. mi d do Dry Molar S 'Tr . t..., gigs do - ,1 - , ... L. L ~ • . i. ..1 -x. 4; :14 ; ift ! an , if : - ria to ,the , if 41 % 1 /. 7 i . - lad ' ' p c i o . rusci woul ni d V ;6:i czar ii —Ls ,/ r 4 Lisben • enrillir :1e11•141 1 , -- . ". . 4' l '-1". __. iii - YALidei,rir ..01.,. Claret on dra trind,-,lrctilal, .., : . • o Old Hoek-and: traces bottled, ` to Cheimpagrrepf Ink', Curukt and Sly . ' . do . Old 401.Prcof randy, • . I d 0... do Ho). 'Gin. -. do Chatistragne ndy titan.d . gd ipsality. Cognac and Bordeaux I do. Ist,2d .t 3d do Jam. Spirits Ist, 24 and 3d .' .do Hol. Gin. let &2tl quality. N. E. Rinn,Com. Gin 'nd Cemmon Brandy. 141uncmgahela and Common Whiskey, Sup. Old Irish ‘itesisk , . . . _ de do Scotch Cairibleten, derlia.ll.cal Main tain Dew wart:led 20 years old; ,- ,/ do Ccu - diali; 4,..e. &c. ' Tavern keeper's and other consomme ate Ina.; led to call, where they can Ix supplied with het.' ter Wines bed Liquors' on better - terms, than) - • I they have bass getting. : • 1 Jae 29 . -, . 11— 41-3ai r •Sillir - ', I ' ',forming the puti r is° his patrons to REFWTORY, in Pottriwille. H us, for keeping a r :cd during the e arue tine Ofbusin . Iplipation to bus rf your :furor an Pennsylvania HO' a inprvior qui I every , Other d 4 can afford in tRE. Win. IRE. H ' Ibt 11 12i MI SOCictlis ; rend • Seciety,. 19; to 3 , o'cleeklbl Irpte4it, for the p r ily. amount not terdOn, upon wh be ,pmitl on every. • wiit he ulloied The whGle or !): ivh.g notke, w fL liandeys. . The u e boadoeted by gets, until • ; ON, and B. Ilublcy Warud i t • =unman stn "ra;rks- ,404--; umtutr. 7 ... ,:,...unitecstoc.,,,y 7,..,,nd..„.,Tocwitmipacifialo ... ~,.:.. ~._ ,„...,..114..., lt,glikdiails 41.1 - , - -14tr bv g8T u „. 44.2 .041: 0110t5_e . 7 I t : ... ... ! -': - ' i 4 , :. -4:- - 10 7-,L ~, Ltuseig•*.h:- . T ' ~ , A 1t0;,,,--.,: j.. , 4004:'•111-liiattgl , ?4 .- .. !, 1 ',. ,01P‘TqA•0 1 * Marj r zOigrale ~,• ic . ~ • repAiiii dik fo T x•iskit thiOlaiii. • ' r• '. , ',..+•';' - ',! -- -,,;•.1;.;1: - A..--,td,; - .- '- . ' - - ~-,. ' ' , s' ,- -51,1: - .-&:ZW,:‘;Veia- 11, = , - -. ' - ' , .:' - i.l• ' :"--' •*, r -,.": MEM BEM ltattrail MMA =iEi - - Greeemodu . . _ FOIEFt.i - DRY. r o t* suberibess inferm - tho inhabitants of . - 0 -: !ottsville and its lvienuty, that they have' takiit the establishment ,formerly occupied by M.Brolike Duckify. whbre they will be glad t 4 teeciie ordertt"fur Car Wheels, or ary other Cast. lugs, which they will execute promptly ar,d faitla. fully. . !MYEILS & ALLEN. ' March 5 - . l G-tr 'H. 13. The Foundry, is now in operation. NEW STORE. , N. Nath*ns it Co. 1311TAVE this day opened in the Stoic formerll "-a occupied . by F. J. l'ut yin, Centre, two doors south 'of Market sir vett trgeneral assortment of Pry Goods,Grocefes,L,iquars, l iViner;Peas,C lll- on. Glerk... e. con'iiisting of Blue, black, o f ve, claret. drab- rind ,rnixod Cloths. • -- i Blue, black, grey mid mixed cria..imeres. Do mried, grey land brown Sattinetta. Drub and coloured beavertecn cords, &c. Red, scarlet, white, and green flannels. lied, blue, green, yellow and white Canton flan ncle. ' Bleached and unbleached Do do Wuslins Irish linens & lawns, Black, calm, brown, and purple merinos Plaids, !Utley, and lit.gro cloths. Duckskin tnitte and gloves. Silk and Milton umbrellas. Ladies and gentlemous hoblr.in, beaver and kid gloves. . Irish knit, and Gerrnantown hose and i t hose. . Satin and.Dombazine pleated and pluin'stocks. Bleached and unbleached linen and l:tft toll Dril. . lugs. . , Cotton and rittsberg cord. , Silk and cotton handkarchiefsi • Do. crape & do. shawls. Vesting+, Silks, laces, threads, tapes, cottons., e blankets, coatings; weddings. eamblets, suspen. 1. dere, gingliams, checks, ticking -0, English, French, end American prints, new patteros i & c. &.c. • GitOCERIE:I I Ja . r44.aguira,SL Di2iumgo codi-ca St. Croix, 'Now Oduttua, ilbAuua bUg3 Loaf and Lump J., New Orleansa;nl Sugar house Mel -sties • Gun Powder, Young Dyson, Pouchottg and Bointa teas Prepared Cocoa and Cocoa Shills Chases and Bakers Checchi° Zealand & Spanish do .Vatiegateel,Talm, Mown and Yellow soap Cloves, Mace, Alapice, Nutme,gte, Pepper, , Cus• sia Olive., Capers, Pickles, Anchovies, Soy Curry and Cyeuno Pepper, Muteard Raisins, Almonds; Currants, Rice Cheese, Cod fish, Mackerel Smoked and pickled Salmon ['erring Moulded and Dipt Candles Sack and Bhl. salt, table do -15,000 Spanish Cigurojkom 85 to $25 per, in. spanidh and common do " • Pipes and smoking tobacco. LIQUORS 4 wINEs. Champalgue, cognac, American Brandy Holland and Amencansin Jamaica spirits, New Eklond nun Monongahela and common whiskey Madeira, brown and polo sherry-wines Sicily and Marsitillca Maderia do Lisbon, pw:t. (41 oralaga ' do Itialaga.muscatel Claret de .Chanmaigue do . SCOTS & SHOES Gentlemen' course Mid hue bouts and ahem '. Boys do I. do do. Ludic, gaiter boots, gumelastics do Morticed acid seal walking shoes do Prunell, Denmark satin shoes and slippers ~. Children and infants shoes 'and became, &c.,Scc. Crockery, Mina and Gloss Ware. s' All of'wbn.h we will sell at iiholoSeleori retail on the iflrit reasonable terms for cash, or 4n es . _change for coiintry produce. - Store and 'Fulcra . kdepers arc invited Meal!. Dee S I - b-tf --- _ ------ - - PWCAPE LINES kw - vectored and for seta 4 . ii. Fel 10 14 ' .IL IlASID14:4; BOOK "Ersone who herellietiLs to he boded.. au hare them dope . tA or three werk i e notice; by leaving t them " with . the autogcribot B: - BAIC'NI4I4. ; IVO/ 14 . / 11 AJR#.—A Inr . go cytelli i !nicrit aiwttracni, ; Fapcy AVindsot: Chtirs:— For saki by 'JOSE_ Alit WRITE &SO ;wt. gAtf r *ohititeir AL, GOOGRAPIIICAL and *tittital iiWil : 431 . Eirojilsokiitibliselfrilistinilarici, sxtent. 1 ropibitioti;ioiefislkai,go*itilie fillettelt r i: :Ito: . army. ike.uf its..eviiralioirritif ttlibit- - iefcri_ dair:--., r iktOti,:' /tikr iiiCia isle • ' N e t it:44;417:4:‘ , .. 4"e ./ >i s iy Alit . =EI , . + EN L ::t , , j~-.....v.: ~~~~. • •-• .-a.lrd i ii i Jr. , ,'Vfi i iri ' l ' ililititiiii) , 11 'a -6 111ANNAITIW. 41 9. 1 , II itiiif!,Cirdep*cds; Vsli;,. lisiirisel,set:, evilly great eard,.ltiid . ior la 'SS! . ill.liii:iiiiripi **apply his nuinensas onion' rigfliS44 0 4 iaisuesodating teats. -'- '' I. l _ - __. ~' •. • :,,, , i-! -,"- ii '- apityagria*. IP d' ,1 dt‘ f t, Long ,blesal.boel I / - ffitelW4 selrtry; T. , '" i o tirly,VnirAina beans If ! :. - 1:4 -;# l ,` : -r - Virictopr. , .. , ido, P per g . ... .Do: Green Au ,'S gar pa_ nip' . ~,, 'Extra Early Sn a p do .. s anvi l Rot ' , ! Iliad Ma do • Dly Cu oitier ‘ , ' lO S' ' .-'iLit do hitc.,oP 00' - 4 0 ' • ; gritra'Eailv pc • , . g-pc l ing dO, Early Fratno - 46• : • • ,ty a begelektues birarf , Irne Pas . . utter . )iii d; r de' &rly. Groan lifirichiwas eller+ • iiicer:llS. i tfiliyardws •cnarrovirt..4orbite* imit •'. !Largo mairwstlit .do ellow; o ' • i pirly long elision radialiParatee :' ' ' do do scarlet di 'Eull'oo rimer Bet Turnip. do - Early l',hiteCurn Early long White Aio -Purple Egg Haiti, 'Plat' bah squash Early cauliflower. Long green do : • Cauliflower Not:soli, .. Salinfiu . .arty , 'White Bat dut.r c h turnip ...arty K o ala . (Greent) Bias to do 'Gulp o.' l l, Entidon leek . 1 HERBS •:: Early York Cabbage Pinks • Large do do ' • Mignonetts-: •• do ' drumhead do Summer *Seri; Earlylinpartal do lAasorted FlowcelSced ifird ; Seeds: Canary, Millet and qemp Seeds— Together with a variety! of Flower Seeds. ONION' SETTS. Several buthcl Onion *lis, for solo cheap. April 2 20— Steam Engine a ad /aii Car Manufactory. ripl - 1 F. subscribers riespectfully inform their friends & tho pubic, that they ale now pre pared at their eitablishincnt in Pottsville, to exe cute orders for makingdand repairing; Steam En. glues, Rail Cars, Stein, Boilers. Pumps, Circu lar Saws, Mill Gearing. and Machinery of every description. They als4 have conEauntly i nn hand an assortment of Miners Tools, such as Sledge s, Wedges, Picks, Rakes, Dcilis, Crowbars, &c. equal in quality and atlas lc.v prices as can be obtained elsewhere. 1 N. V. Smith work rtf all kind carried on as usual. LLk V. WOO D X, gNYDER. Feb 11 13-30,0 INLAND NAVIG O3 ATION INSURANCE C PAN Y. • CAPITAL AUTHORISED BY LAW,5500,0 4 50. A R'r ERIPERPETU A L, ?~yg Al barb m ts Ba s ld* o al r u o 1111 ' 1 11ote .lan lTJißnclr. Suit, or , :11[11',111IS, Barns . Sham Merchandise, Ip' Furcate, and Property of every 4escription, against hiss of dactago b% FIRE The subscriber has been appointed AnanT for the above ineutioned Itslution, and is now prtapared sits INSURANCE:Hip eve?) desenption of pruFarty at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BAN h :aN Pottsville, Feb. 27, 1 ; . 15 do do. ...1 1L 1- NIP once Pia g P pqf Cat' • (*al ly kite g • J3O uuei elloi BE Mil 1 , Colliery! Works, itOT lanr lON. The Philt*elphia Fire FO . biA LE \ i 100 tone Plaster 1 . 150 :Min Liverpool grould milt 20 saels ,do ' tine '• a. 4014,12 new mackerel, No. 1 and 2 . 20 hallrbbla do du 1 and 2 ' le qr.bials do du 1 and 2 00 tilii4r re whiskey • 50 DO auperrineylour 3n tugs strums scented ruocoffee ' 5 qr casks I.4slniu %villa 10 du • do swot. Aialnga wine 10 bids New Lut,hiliti rum 10 do Mantuan brandy Pa do do - Fin , Superior old Colnar brandy Do lie rrand Gin • r Aipsdy to . J0...4:1'11 C. KEIZN.ContreS , t. Left: door to theNaiiimalliotol dee 11 JO' • ICI GOO IN. rrillE Subscribers have ;int received .a large - and gct.cral asSurttutut of Crush and reason -1.4y Goadi, ruceris, Mids./Wu; ME Glass &J Queens Ware Sportint and 11larding Powder, Bar Iro Grind stones, • . Fish, Salt, Flour, Plaster &c. &e. which in additionito their former stank render their assortment ostensive and complete. Allot which are offered for bale wholes:de or retail at very reduced priced for cash or in exchange for Country Produce. The pricie given in cash fur all kill& of country prodocc: JOSEPII WIIITE & SON. I 6- , Mount Carbon Doc 27 PO ELT CLIt TON IPOU DRY:: nallE,stabseritrena inform the inhabitants cd Potts •tilt and its rleittiry, that their worlit at Pert Chu ton are nowin uperinki, TA ITCI c they will ha glad to receivo orders for 1 : . . , . CAP. NirIigELS I .AXI f ESI drC. or any other castiriga. which they pEomibe to execute promptly autlimithrulty. VAR.E.E. & TIERS. November 11. 184 -61-1 y . ittr The Ftrunirwilitte-in blast etery othei MI. wETTLErum., of. UROTHERS, • .A T 'IIHP: 'OLD STAND No. 65 NOI/Ll.. FRONT STREET I' S7' SIDE. Tints Doors r ,oat Tug Ccouttz or Assn S PIII(bAJIMPILIA, - M A N LI FA CT UJI.LitSF itel p White Lead dry4nd t' Cab:me groundjn 011,1 $ Red P e pt. Red Lead. ;-, WIC do ' Lidtrage, Vitriol Al . . ChrenicYellow • Snip. Q ' 'op . do 'Greet, Tart. ginetic . : do ' Red ilthetßulet. ' _ Patent Yellow' ' do 'Patna Sugar Lead Eopperao. • . 1 , Lunn r Curia 4 _ , 01. ritriea . eau,. - ita _ • • Ail. Fortin - t Acit.illorilii bftirtatic.Acid ; psom-S 1 Solph. do 1 d E alt -Lac. SulPhorl - 4 - . 'Fart..Acid • Opi. deharcot. 1! Sop.C.Sad • ,Rormeshinutral. -- .. A Carroo.Sisly.M c. - Ethippit- „d - . ~ I WindsorandActareGlast.fiath 6•140, 4 44.16; , - Reditert - ltotiSalkNimo3oinapppittorit ; &c. Ofctroilatit hooltovomentWedortidesAotx,e: thcr with a gOiliiii iisotuaiiioiffiluti,Dn.p. tofu agnttstiao.l.'" 9 614 4ilicChcPil.F.i 14 0 itdkci ,_ lin o: r.; , . . : ''. r :, - .t1.f . ..; '4..i - '4...; 7 ." -41 tiOtlir4d ilt•eilfo,lltardelesin.o o );rPit4 tithe Cabo iillfirage'lll6*64T6(6.4ll4 Illypicliffrjotr,. ; ailtob l'Opitliti l jnoitratioc#:a ..11 Av. _ hiA m atimia:hr.colit*ln Msibleri ll. loo 4 :g Nt r ilA} YealiAriabl 6 e.M*ll. pi* ,Wt 5 .,744,04k;-ilohtlig 41:t. ,\•, x • '''Tr gretairutiftri , OtiOitnotl.. ::p4uhAl _4ittOrd 'ME . i'• ---==-------- Ellitinal .. .. . 4 ;- • '., •,1"..:::f• -41 . '..:;.. R. , .., I ':.; • •. 4;:424::: .-----, - •-i- , i.54 , ,t.V.:.-r , i,-, # ePtrifiirfi 4::•li:)tiiiitrOli -• 44tridii i41; 1 : - V •-''"'dot,' . .i;''''. :, ' l do 1 'd9: '1 ,''''s ; ..1.b4410 11 . ' 1 :.. 4: '.i7 7.,.;.&,: ; ;U. - . 4 illiffiTlialsitiii;i4y: - iiir', 4 ..g'-'r - ''-, - 1 - r 1:44:6.' .. ' '-'4l3.l36:::lW.::•''"dii L , do''•'' , . -6 . , -,,., SuPerisfri'e, dlloOlt - Wreir ."4. , :!.trilie C . ll - 411.! i' i `••J: C : • ollfir'irrkt.elfinf , . rie*iii''' Ili baO . - 4 -.;....., -,-..- ----,-- -- 'Muscat de Pro.: • . 'an incase' . .f Ono. dozen , 'Gripe•Juine Part ine law ' tdied* • I t( Pittrli I ' ire, krusily Me - OVA 1, :T o ; r:Teriterlffe .Paaand rowirtlabo Wine* ' . . " 5.....'-; • ' F' Superior lo Vir6O - Coguar; 3i - '; i• ! ; , Do , 0 4th - ProufCliara t Dnindir .• ' :•,- • Do do Co siro*,ao god airk 4 . drr ' Do , iir4 ,unclior . leirriGiti • ' : ---, do Solieidarri , -.' '. 'do ' - ili)' - Superior !do' 3aTica spirlta -- • %. •. -. Do '0 4111 proof Irish . hiskeV?•l 1 -Do • "do 24i do NOD h all hif.:ll4 . ' ' Rinke ftloylau and tefect•Loye,, ordiale; Sri: kg. N. Store end Taroin:K 'ro suppled with good .Winea and I.4iiprore. and ' eireap- lair thOy ' 'reunify piy for thoac of an in o iornsirdity. , Jan 9 I ' ; • ! S- . JOS NEW GOOtyltl_-;. RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Pottsville anJ vicinity,lthat he...i . t'm jast• opened, at the, corner of Ceder° and Callowhill -streets, next door above the Nationallltitei, a large and elegant qssort,rnent OtiStaple and Fancy Dry Goods, witlt a choice soleion of Winen,Li 1 floors and Crockery ware, alio which have - been purcha.'ed at the , very lowest . ash' prices in the Philadelphia /market, and will lt.c sold at 121 per cent advance. . - All kind of country produce I for geode. wept 14 ---- ---. Fivish Frrad, 01.utrces, ;& c. got. UNOII. and Bloom RairfrOs, ja"" Make. and ,Drum ; itiones, Citrons and Lnirtnons,' French and Spanish Olivtis, - Capers and Pickle--% . I ustiroun Cabiupt Anchovies, ! Eoscnce of Ancrioiics, • Lti.inar Saner. 4 Cardun Soy, Crirry Ponidpr. ' J.dm DA - Steak rickird Lubstcyr, Clant4 a nd 3firsales. Fyi sale by NATLIANS Jr. Co. Jail 30 ll . yonzr. wffliortz. IN ld. 4V GOODS' 3 Qns T. HA ZZltrzeß 11) respectliply in:brine his friends, thet ns ofrottsv die, and the pulidic in ger.cral at ho has just le, ceivad a largo and general Osortinent of well se, tented GOOIJS, consisingVart of Blue, black, brown; cen. di ab and Steel mixt-cloths, do do do cassiineres, du desattinetts, red, yellow, green and white flannels, blue and drat, fiushings, Intrigup and genou cords, beceer teens, canton flannel, napped fustian for mimes, 'silk; vaiencicyrweinedtur u, tell ,net and Marseilles Isusalog a large ttPsOrtillent ilf plain and high co t lorceixrints, damask for table cloths, Russia and bird ore diaper, ginghatnie, colorediunslins, tail ' liuct, foundation muslin, black and broom lini land, plain and cut silk velvst,Weol r e .‘ n ya ru,wool en, silk and cotton hosiery., liibM. sl• mere:silk and cotton shawls, cottonarid silk handkerchiefs, and cravats , India, Pretiebl atitlitalian silks . for ladies o.resses, thread, bubbinet and cotton laces, edgings, quiltings and insertings;an assortment Of eibimcis and galloons, Lash linens, long)awn, l :inun ccurthrick, eiciubtick, jneciiii.A. Swiss and' hook- muslins, Proneli and English nicrineee, eireassiens, botubaxetlev,:fionit.atints; 9 , 4,10.4, LI-4,'12-4 rose blankets and txmciteiraticit, gen tlenieas buckal in, beavcrt and boSkin Flores, la dies !Makin, silk and kid gloves and mitts, ladies ;genii/limns and eh Wiens Shoes and boots, brown and bleached :unsling, ea - tin:dug, au assortment of ready made clothing, la toqics, ectubs; hair and fnr-serilraps, - LIAR I)NV A RE, CIITL.EIIY, CII INA', GLASS AN I) CrIIEENSAV AR E. Also a good assoctmentitif GROCERIES, per chased with particular retrd to viality, consist ing in part of \Vines. cordials,. Prcnch- brandy, Ilolland and coalition gin, old ilonongahcla whiskey; common brandy, rye whiskey, No4l and 2 madkcinl in I barrels and half barrels, .1 - • • SuIPEUFINE PAOLI:Y . mor.Ra' 1 . scat by the barrel or bushel, butter, cheese. , and 1 , erficiti-rs, spermaceti aud leonininti oil, together witha variety of a aides, Oct ciahtritralcd, which lui ill sell wholesale sind retail; ost,the Most' rely: nablu terms, for cash or country produce. 1%0 1 Always on hand-a, Constant supply of - OP, F, Fl, and PEE blaitingowder, and:Duneint's ce p siißesior Eagle powder.' MC kigkeel price xi in cash far Con . ntry Produce. !Country Merchants: l t find it their intireat to call; as they c4be fu ' had with meat articles on nearly as d terms' as. they could procure tlicui from 'Phi dialPhia t '.oet 12 , 48tf . • -I,i. • OUPEKIOB. GRBE,I3 & BLACK TEAS.. Gunpowder - Imperial 4 Yonpug Uygur* . . tra quality and latest Ca Per Sonchene - ' importations. • Povichong and . - - .1 Imperial Peace .- ' Lust reeetvid at April 18 22 7 1740 €O4lbC5 1i.41 . • tte4l l iio BAGS rtew CrO Spgarhons4Biel and Trinlidid• Malmo flew Orleeini; Muicai n d St. Croix Sugl.re.' : t, Ctieks - Prerninriv •r" • one Ellison imitlael r half barrels hulled', hpier4Philadel,pl4l 7 1 1 1 i lbs. diptCsoilles. n . half beiies GE - m*4 i • riab'Britide tad , ' ' - Ele_lWii.gallori-ca. I'i4 Ebe d band -s: Raiip; ~, Bran 3 1 . , ..: , - .ii.. - pperrain3 stall' Ardis - lateWlibil"klieitir; - I Fordsabo;by:lll,ll.l ):.4:letia kis, : St.:elexCdi ." teittirrille. lin. lill . '':ItANNAS. ~ :liivks. Whi • '. gil - •'l : ,Tr i ; 2: -''l.---, tAgIA N't • -Aafricericauo 31. , , 4 4-7 , 1 I : I . ERN kenin exchange 16- ' •43tf fort' ale Sy : 1 .:. . 4,, i T:&..3..REAT' - - - '-asocei..r ,&C.. - ' , c .p 1 or ..A. , •... lac! 'l' t : , I" t i . : 1 1 i 7 14 , 1 ; ~i 1 , 4 , .... in - . • tots /, '. '.- - C.. - `4.' .I , .. t. . 1 _ iaskipb Su e lmirs .. • 46 tin iiCids.l _ TeasStn4 erns./ krky. ' - ' SINN browniCyl Our. 'tr.l4:l l l;iiiidl6.!sq• , r;10441101ij12:;,11 • f Utar.- and_filpi• is Nicontou - , 4-, Siosti 4 t Arlett ‘ 4. refilt ;s., • • 4. , • - •-i3... 1, I'. reieite . d., frittinto , Sleighing, tojit k hi iii lit-`iiel4 l eit: i tOpIWirBED. 44 .04 iiana.*o .: yeb.641114 ri -, .. • ,-•', f' ill lioda in ,„ ept_ Otis=_by `_ :; ~: ,` •; asp_ ~J ' C~:i~1YTOlY:_ •400) 4,1 4-foil l "aftt RAtisttztra s Krt -itaki ay B: Sept Lt. 43 - --110414 R: --110414 R: .4` • - ~_ ~~~-. SEE MI 4.14c , =4.14.\ - W.IIIOOIIVp:iTRUNSi - -..Foi.;thi , iitistoitis'itthirefficßsdicel Cure of - - -- ii••.l"f • ' '-': iferitisitiie 14E614: :. • : • 010 3140 0 11 2CHWX044Mreintsed the . .. ~.righitof vending ,Kerr DG .W. Hood's Trues . in Sulini'llOikotnitY., This Truss.. has received the eatia l 9l):iirtliOnget TS,' tilde Surgeons-4 pliyaiefart4gliihtfielp4ia, 61/Which • tiradical cure of this ilieMuiectin expectatinn that . . had nearly been abandoned a. hepeless,.! is ac. cemplished,witb•ulinoilt ithoarite certainty and - - with per Piet safely._ UpwsirliOrkinindted eases' treated'iscrthinn, short thee* this Mryand stria. sty, are known tube perManatally eured4riti the. • patients can now • clivisitise wtth•the use 9C...tiny r : idstiennetit. A sucetehlike this is um -zest - 11a, in the annals of Surgery 7 hiiiinstrument, and the method of perfecting a mdjuit ttircial4fmnia, are now offered lu those afflicted With, thia 11011. blesonte complaint. , H . !•• • - • • i wide . e Pr°P" i ca t confidence roi 4 1111 treat. - invent of this disease, andas locating every itidi. ' cation on corttet surgical printiplat far its ri.di- cal cure. The;trumes heretofotieroployed Mere- ly palliate ' the symptems ,of the disease, they •• • rarely ever effect a radiartheure,xed -tenee must be continually Worn by the patient, often !greatly ' La his annoyance. Mier the ctire by the , presu.t apparatus is effected, all instruments' and diseuts. This Truss, with its appendage', can lbestom_. • .4 at any age, and by both sexes, without inter' up. 4 tion of business. " - • ! • • Gentlemen are referred tolthe --followi4 mem bers .of the profesaiod, relative to this' itn.truthent - • and its claims in effeetangradiarl ,curea,: . I WU-IJAN GISSON, Professor of Slargerl in - the .University of Pennsylvania. I a . GRA:MLLE Shear PATTIPORPOI:ease r I.l!An nanny in the Je ff erson illt:dicalciillegr.l ~ • SAMVICt. JACKSON, Professor of therlratifuet4 of . . Medicine lathe University of Pelylvatint.• iii . Greece "Ct.m.r.sx. Professor' aso hairy in the Jefferson Medical CA' Alcgc-.. • DERRY Beim. Secretary of the . Philadelphia -College a rhpicinnp. • • . : • Enwn A. ATLER, M. D. - : • - .1 . Bowe.; P. Arica. 11.- D. I • Letters to the above named gentlemen must he . free et expersc. . • - I .-*: Copy cilia letter from Samuel Iffiksoni, Profes.._ sor of the Institutes of Medicine irithe liniversity of Pennsylvania. . I DOCTOR •DOOD: . ' • , : • . • Dear Sir.—From the - Uniform &flare of all ' the trirses I have seen, and, of the 'fres twit cm -pie) ed f hernia in: procuring - a radica cult; by safe means, I bad' abapifoned •all'ex tation of seeing this dtsirablu object etched . l ust con. p i i 1 fess, that your apparatus and method ii treating hernia, has, 1 believe, accomplished th e , desidet- • atum, alai the disease is rendered.-not Only mom . ageable, but in the greaterporticri of exits cure- . , bit by the processes lifart., ! The principle ofylain . treatment an [ of the op- 1 'cratipn of year apparatus is lowed tee , pbyakii-. ogy of the tissues, arid is one of the ,r. attest in • theoretical end practic.alittrgcrir- There isnotbing empirical in your p oceedings ! or your instrus.eries., -They are • the • ppltration uf a well established prize le (four behmecto the production of a specific effect. Profeimionel in- ~. ktrui.tion, skill arid ttet.are necessary, to attain it with certainty. The instrunienti slope, without •.. appropriate minagereentand the adapt:ton : of their ticti , 3l to the individual acme ding to the . constitm timid and other peculiarities of escireeee, would prove of little utilityy orMiight even defeat the in,. • kention of the treatment. • I From the remarkable seccass that haMettend ei your treatment, and-the insert of depide'd cures ' that have come under my own obsetfirauon, gic, big Or sanction offsets irrsorport-Of the ecienti- 1 fie principle, I have!po hesitation in regarding your apparatus and method of treatui tas mts4" , -,,,ii fished in medical science. ) With nsideratkin. 1 and respect, trulyyblies, , • • ' ‘: - BAIITUEL 7 CUSOF. , ' We hate in our tiossevdnir allumlio of ceitiS: i . eater of the first respectabilitrielativa to the cures performed by this instrument:l9inch we willshow to any person &adieus Of satisfying himself with regard to the efficacy of the invention. • • - Persons , desirous of. being cored itif hernia or rupture - , will do well to - ma Cm the eubsoriber before the extreme hot weather, Behr in, as the viscase can be more ;cid - ay-cared in moderate then in hot weatar. - • • ' . Physicians dethrone, orprocirring tlie• right of using the above invention, eatereceive informs: Lion m. the subject-or purchase the Iright oflthe subscriber, who brauthorized tweet! as ,agen t-of F:- patentee. • ' !NOS ',CHICK =I may 16 - •• • :00W, IS 1, '. • ,"*.i,- - _,' F A eil LL Y .jil-X•DTC liir E... ,„.,- -.3 ris NM'S medicine hie heenlound orgrent elitUacy by ic , i thousands in New Engininf:and , -elserittlere. for' the cure of all thane thuidern called.Ddlicalti . Dinpcp sta. Ague; Costiveuenn, Lou of Apt* t .7'Affections of die Liver. Uysen s terit;tommon - Do c omplaint. th &c. For these fferent complaints h r., ,reommend ed as a safe and spoinkr cuTP'• -.. ' ...:. ' 4= .`' • DECOMMENDATIb - .i. e . 1, .g-t- : 1 ...4..i. 1.., -, We the subscribers batitiil 041OF - Libei;Alilet: or Dow's FS.mtLiblitractriu. do cn#lfy . ;;,:, ;_ . 'a itlit-,Tery' gentle and mire In its ope r vitilonnler ,-,. -_ ~ t._ned Rauh possesses a pcabliat ipiality ; to. liii - -Astino• . lions in tht* stonachlilidliowett.lia •" - L. • : ritt el bad humors. - I'Ver believe' , Windt Atkin - ., '11#., it - `46fre of the abovenientitintiediwe. t . 'belie" in it to • be an excellent:. "''''s .. .lr-_ . i.for ',ern -. in de bilitated •or decliningetsto,fohoumMit vie it •(, - L *skew thopatiOitMiltsou&-Pk*.frequi4.o. ):' " - Soo" thentoniuhtiOt ppoperitiniti" by iainatutg :11u/dikes. ' I Ilea and - thereby naaiscinfi the'apPeliteAC. ' o t ..._.4 ..;,,PETEn,ca Ni ?'' i ... ' •. ' . ~.- ,- ~ D ANIFX B UGH% ' , 1 ., :1' T;i" tiihlinint ' - "(tribe Gespek;' '. -, .. -.- • -::-.-.. - lir& r - i , : - :-.=-'loSEPA.Btatkcifm..z.,!dbt. - - -- - -; , ; , ,'-4!DAVID CHAPMAN, ~7 ~,-.,•.: ...,,, , 440.tirATH.ANAPAIGE- 50... .... • . ..... ~ - : ~ ~-.4416,4i,-; Cone.) ~,.,„ ..;.... ... I..ezert4 thitibitritlitieitiberti id the irecartihuta •. iitieeittimindatierii - vivb all res_Pecis 1 61 0taitiults ;if * i4irvil!tbriLliekoo 6 o ofvolf ' - ' -,.- -. -1-ST WEST =BERT, . • _ =! - - 't• tre;;:lreilAgeoftliettitirity Cann • t,t.t . ,:ti t t• E. , t' (-. 1 •,. , • IiTra&TARLS; &MIMS, VIM. _ - ' - Thiene - of their - Eor ' - itti - need p'revention of epitleinlietimplailati,eepOollyturraelills trieivil da. , • rig the autanierjuithilalSieliniilis:vitc Bilious Fever.. 4e. CholiniNovies; Aguet'DYnentery, as these Cum. iikia 34 ..ne thick , oqeltat.icAdiAlt jwCiitubu. so3 " - . cliOn:of theltPC;andittriernk slide r The litcunach.-- ..Tkiirt'llare are else. iiiinfe'aita ' " visa*, fat a :,iiind dsonleieHintainiach,*nedi he,litsa of 'pre titee'ooloTeMtgir abl****aliaid , l l2 karkUtg ilinb e - istqpo; ferex and. aPe - AisPellit:bili„.._ira 1 1 .:*4 0 1 1. 41 e" minnow in the flinctiMilt 01 tnelimmil. • - ..; , • VINES4Iif -,-.' Wide end sold' by - .1!":' N tint ; 11 1 . 7J 1 ' inn: t. tole,Poprittp:t;Otiviiiiiiy - " 'hid ihe a djoin-•' Inn Staten , :... ,, t. • - x-i•-•‘ - Ar ; --4 - . ''-- ')- i I • ' 1 7iArapplY fifth.. abiiiji'iii#Vilifealeiiict:li4u re calved and for - sakiti...':: -7,'.. "i-,ta:- Lk P. 44 1 01 • 1 L P'.14 5 ::: , 1 ig.5!... - IY-.,-.:'-'o 7 7...i,';`,Atitagicor Om 'proprietor • 1 - . ::-..A11 Inn. • -- -; i • "li c -L.laa ' 1 ' ' - Wei tialillild hal rc inc h:ro,i.,.do mut do-, hiltni . ma t " - . ~,,,, : A-- Id- - - t i m i le i and co.=.*p, - . I_ , • ..--,-, r4,4 r ~..,....;-: , ° e d tintiTer .wile'bY-11;illiTILS/4. 0 w.,,.- .. - .:4!..kri'-' ,. ..1, - ;..,•.- ..- •- - - ' z4f..)", ...,...••‘-'-- • -- --, r - • - 'I r S-6 7 7,ig'- , :_t.? - - 7 ?, , z , ! . , i:z. , -,': :-.-2:1-,;..,f',.;-1: . M. D. 2G-if 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers