The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, May 07, 1836, Image 2

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~'mg festive tvretithn end - rosy winerft. 4 : 4 ,
': ring Bowers to:gem gro minstrel lyres. 4
iltioo's"Piedge to-fretidorn's shrine
:. iirrnikiniiitit Wirier or filei - •
. musiii-hints.rik 'admits tell - :
it,the aria wind oliV earth and sea;
ening that isveri g ivln swells. - ,
to "a&Ritiflilitti LIBERTY:" •
L. I i • -1,
;• ike, ettlite, Ale ratal harp °flame! .
;Awslii its triumph tories . ,profonnd—.
ti; VilfolitifOthezo i sr - cleatbresirtiaunt.
Shall in - the , ieniagie chorticsound;
;..'d while her ham . Boats tittfuri`d,
1 AmericiOthe pr.: d - end free,
: . a ll greet thileVo through the . World,
For "IiARF: SO afitiLIBERTY!"
o i..r
" hen freedom fro -her-starry sky, •
LoOk'd duwnl up the battle's gloom.
: '; eliale tho'clUirm !Of comte4 fly,' ~
And smile ahove,th' Invader's
pt untep-7 T va" t nw e rdlieT P aie !hon edthbneto•vietry-
ow with a eonntry's proudest names.
ay! let the ifoiting signal fly , • . •
• For freedom standard guards the brae:
suit is trophy are streaming highr—
Tis Wanted
: * the spoilers" graire:
t crouching:seagulls, pursed in fear,
'To tyrantshend the subject knee--
ye - give a welhome and a cheer,
I ':gfßioJerirnai. . ' •':--
. .
hat 'infatuated beings we are! With
- perfectly /nodded government on eartl
di tostitutioni„ the be.auty and purity of wh
et the admiration 'of the World—with int
learning and wealth—and with al ,
liery thinjtnecessary to . ..make us a quiet, peat ! ,
is: and happy IfeoPe--still we are uneasy in
3oritented—Alliiig •the land with oxeitern m
tifiriolence, and causing our splendid superat in
in - to tremble and totter to its centre. ' Is na
pable of sielagovernment? Have you
.no d et
it, readert Our fathers 'have left us a rib
• eel, 114 d twist il. be lapandored in foalis. 03
mentsilhey struggled, toiled and eel
d their bl did osfahlish our, unequalled avt
m; and porfraps, therefore, set a gl , o,ltir alt
..n it than we. The men wholly hard a d I
, • firms indusyy accumulate a valuable. pro IA
dom spend , it or hazard it in doubtful • Fir jack
, r sneculaties*—litit in nine cases out of ten ,theii
••bildreri alter them will squander the who'd of it
n visionary speculations and c x ro• rime-Ms. The
easnn is they have never earned ii, and Mel:fore
ppreciatirnot its 'Sallie. Perh.ips it is jog so in
elation to our republican inst•tutions. They
• ' e not been plarqlit6 , ed with our brood or With
•ur straggles—we •haVe inherited them; and in
• hat estimation ai, we hotel then'? Look at the.
irulence.and violence Ain which a 4arge pro-.
, . ion of the pdthe inn:nets in the state. ate con.
tending for the i libcitition of "vested rig hts"
those fundathental principles which have bden es
.lished Tor ages in every government- 'where
•re bra spark of Freedom—and exciting mind
••,tirging . it the people to acts of lawless vuldence•
'We noticed not long since the .Proceedingd of no
• less than two public in one nomiter of
d ~a
polls—rthey would accomplish it by re-. , lag o
Itrutelorce.—"Peaceably if , we can, fercibl, if we
Mat." ii their language. Why are not e. tracts
entered into by the Legislature to be hold, as sa
cred and inviolable, as those entered into between
individuals? If a contract entered into 'by the
Legislature of ' this year, can be annuli4and
"expemgcd" 'by a subsequent Legislator ~.then,
indeed, Our titles to our-farms us no
Other /Oak than those of _tenants at tin4rance.
I We had hitherto ' supposed that when vie don.
tnmted with the Legislature or state for our lands
and farms; and paid our money, we obtained
Vita to those farms which are "vested rights"
—a title secure in ourselves, oar heirs, or Sw.igns
, foreter., Ito sepia thing, say these men—the Le. ,
t gislature has the power ,to 'annul your right
-, scatter yciur title papers to the foar winds, and
I driveyou off from your. farms. It is tree they
apply these principles only to cbrparations, bitt
' lust vidablish the power and every . thing is afloat
—"what is Nines, for the goose, tirsancel for the
gander." Party -organization as going iin with
the avowed object..of prostrating. the bahk pea.
ceably at the polls next fall, "if they can." or by
lawless vinlenee "if they most." As hor* pub:
lie jounialiSts we are bound to dissuade these men
from suit a course, by calm reason and erre
mem; we call upon those who value law and order
to exert an influence in its favor, whether they
are of the bank or anti-baiik parties—and to
whom would we naturally look for- the most eth
.cient aid in calming the violence of party strife
'as the religious community. Possessing a re
ligion which inculcates that charity stitch "vaun
tethnotitselt,"—"is not easily puffed up" into an
unnatural -excitement in. worldly ':natters—bat
qualifies 'men for calm deliberate and perstiasive
argument. they exert a happy influence in allay.
ing the angry passions of men, so lung as their
precticesi corrbtmond with their pretensions. We
11k haXlitmt—ritind bekold where are they. many
of these! ,Suddenly Towed up into a religious
and ,politicat phrenzy-,a4d the Ministers of the
Gavel—whole we rinmee-..and whirs's! honesty
. we cannot doubt v —whohai* hitherto. been "deter
mined to know nothing tem :Jesus Christ and
lum ossified"—have rushed ; into the arena of
polities--.lowered themselves - down by the aide of
the-politician in a struggle to elect men to office
who will. "wipe from lour national escutcheon the
Orrtlf-slitiery:". They-lave discovered that- oor
scpublican institutions ire not-perfect— end what
is 'there under heaven tbit is perfect?` There
some a blot on our system that blights and blasts some
*fits beauties.—They rush en to wipe off that
• blot at Um; imminent hazard ,that in the attempt
they will bury all
our liberties in one 'amnion_
grave, : "Oh vixtitel thou art 403 to bretialt beasts
end melt bre last.their,riittspri."—Sdi. Register.
~ sThere-isArtlen In.ithet way
ofeourthrs. pinch is ms," got over Jo ph
cases—thatts; bresiiineheice es it
This is more partMiltriy incident to thole" who
rio.,suot go.-to,swkipeenradent (aim . There isa
goad itmetice; regstAffirlhiiMettet. among4he
Savoyard pessantry. ritritg - frianl,#ist.
admitted to spend the espnirik atthe u tioesespi
rnetd,te 'diem he Orisheis',V
. piy his et.ddfi t eti . Oti,
evateheis the erringe:mintfirthe - 414kee3 where
oesersa bilicts of. wised live hhiiihg. If the fair,
PR* lilt upApe'nf,thertkillail
against the side of iho firgialioe. ii is i sit►ti.%sire
does not approierpf her Imhof: 4fAieleases* the
taleg ?Moil nqisturtieri; theyAT' insri;:tpay
ber Othey;43,iient.**- -. '•- - • •
Thii 0C4142, eae :s rii C 41"16(1 . i ii_lo iiiiirioti
Fzinarlut. Ike 004.49 tmli itia nipififirikur tiril
taw coacur , At - 145,Zretoiatit isrgiVtititigt i ilbiiin.i.
'highly, se43,tattu .isinsilmonstgailiterripo9ls4,+'
444teukti : ~•:- 7.e. . 41StAWitagegIntiiii iilad
i t
-.. A.r . , 7w.- 164 fin iorivvp *AI
~, , fl. „„j‘VtiTtVti*Outemoitutitio-0464-
trfaciik. part,4=4,..cer.v
- lietoh" . ~.Pll'A ,_______ - 0 111 f44ted0,,it h c
• acinavilovrAss- -- 54Lrig:.....16-74wIrt
i stm o z . ...,.*,.. •.,- ,-,..,,,,
'.. -''.--.::; -i zi'
.' f . ''..'_ r
~- 4* . . . ..i Ifilrlli, . ' ,4h4-... , ...--: ' •=•.' -, i *
l i,
ailtpli .141.4_ Pr.; tit '' lhtethiejo*!,ri a. *
atrial; avid ;obit '„lll#l.p4o.lp*. - pilaw
ifig . e.Ntritetet' littl#: . Aft.
.... • !,en . • CIO;
Man nnw,it etcher ' .! -•-• :, - .. ,
fThetdepar 'trot th Ion;. Jo n ; ,g. • iUrupo", ; „
and:hie rang troott47fii -Tezato:-so , J..: • .- :the
neve if a .Oz .
. .barite s butche . - .• : nted a
-scene'f eV ordinal ,. interest .' ' 'illti l gallant j
judgeloir.l d netirlir 11„tha dis 'n bi led Ina.l
done the Bt. .clinAt4iceri„ant loiti . •• r. pas-I
.4 11
sed - thrbeghio Many-141am - f . nisi, e d . boon
rito/e - htedita ly. '' He tis pfaina4d ' a urningi
in hia r lreapne to, kindtiind - ernirt be, hi gh n
• apParently arm in r .feel49iNir an ' i - who!
Mil i c e i linarke with ti inn*, ' Octal ; and el
yeti of pcif so; tbsoticannot be Ox I I:I be
I d
beide niogh truly sat, thee no • i rna •: ger title
tinned the h nesty or; integrity ' . •of . e. Qui
Map's Petal condultior•The,putity • i priira
character. ' e has Chancellor Iti Slat
, and hi that!' rations ' d responsible ' - on, hi
t an
". opinions ' ' Mande ' e high est ' of tb
Bar.: fie 6if been Goyerno prcitemi, ' 'lling
a r Nullifier; d huiMoliticod• opinio snt on a
ott rif3s
cordence, w th,the - niejority yeti , his: - , tit an
ability caw ended le respect iota tties. i
'Oa nrtwßpiniker of t Senate of th , Blate, a
white dischiwging trelve tither otßdeof of tru
i t z
and honor, he der° a great portion of his ti
in drilling the Nat t Ferittbles, oil which co •
puny he iaCripitain. IHe possesses city city enjo .
i i :i
ment that an inter :rtg family. in ipcent for.
tune, andAirroted r tids.ean 'dope o va well or.
_.ganized mind. W nit is the 'deter (nation o
such a Men; to thro , 'hislifc and fortune into Et
1 minim of the weak laid defenceless, jib Itnaist t
leJ strong aeon of po: i tand oppression, and cents
for the • rights g -
, o g u a ra nteed to them Ais writi,
:, Constitution. it t necessarily j ,awaken
ii• most liiely sym 'thy. The. co ' house a
' Bl ..court green were prowded with the; heanty, 1
" 1 " fashion, and talent! of the . city and the surro 1
ad ding country . They had assembled to tab.',
its their Oliant and ' cilia rPuit Hi
le - citizens, ' about to bark in the ea se of heal
an liberty, atm most my period. 'I h e Fenei .• .. viz :
ehin uniforro, the vp itstiormg :iro , and the la- Burgess—John P.Shinckle.
eh dirisarrd 4. Artlerne or. their way to i scene, n- -
' 1 • dicr4cd the approilt of tho hour,' Judge Q it.,
:ly , mail wa y kiddr e by Mr. Ross; ti :' mood). i' of 11 Ctru i4h ne C il ° — "8 :VIl e b7 : in j° 1 1. 1 1n . Mann, ; John rosier.
" 3 .* the Bar, atria - of th Fencibles, in a 'hest clout nt Benjamin F. Poinray, Jacob Reeii.
r and inittiette sa es ,anti the 'Judge Oa* a m
Auditors—Williani Haggerty, Ja`mes M. Beni •
ty a epreet hite re f y. Tbere waitan:pestling ill- rya Peter F. hinder- -
•Y. ly ntieetieg in th Whole scene, and Svery eye . •as • '
18 moistened - with a his co °unfelt tear. 'llw Judge .nd
4 ' inpanions, 'i tnong Wham are;nrany el l
Town Clerk—F.tiwarcbilwerk Perry.
' .most reoreetuble um in this cominhnoty, on. y l
ad down i In the ' rat artennitianii by a cifri,
ml.,a C;rhizens,l l whitethe ladies -'stood onl ti
bait) affil ternantiti bluli, which etimiMando a ten
of the river and loarhoui:, wavingi t sir Ilan. , -e
chiefs, and •ponlig, forib their i p flyers fo tl
seta return of the devotees of libior . 'the er
naine.orthe imai (Swiss Boy.) whic h bore . lei
majeidically fret on erideareri is , to su • )
Inc oppressed, , v - ur..lciilated toa d to the its
est of the scene , nd to awaken th . it t most II NI
choly and poctielreminiscencer.„ --irhe !inn Vi
Item C Archer int! Dr,Cooke - Ofifirlrgin • M
Ross, MIN Blac lh iford, and riorcrat other . r
gentlemen alsoh rout Virginia,. I . 'entucky ai
Tennessee, accrifripanktlVo • n i• , .
Feika rom.i,m kr -,.sno. t 10 • ; mni , •
' now struggli ! for l ie, . 1
and law, and aeptlier independ •ro !natzuro •is
place. among tin) suvereiguties orthe ear
Run. John A. Quitman is dcitlnail to be tI
'fayOte of ihstai. : . •
~, sr
i ii
Y 0131513 ITIWSON.—Vi p are inf.
by a New Y rk gentles: it, whose ' L 't
Oursknowing that . passed 11 fu t r ie the rrt
OurY . ie-thairreviigation f {ho mu I t
Ellen Jewet were very, 'Doti, that Ihe
was ample OVidence of a ti eile corr:•[
deuce bet welin her (Ind Robikson fo, so,
time previobs down to lief. timo f t
death, from!tvitich it appe re that s, • v
very roach uached to h in; and List '
.•itr ponsequeitee , 5f having np nr tw oti
'affairs of thf kind upon h d, had 4 co.
``tired of her and taken %Vey his , in
I•ture. That she had thretttaned hit wi
an exposurtg of his dissipate() tour • 4 of I
I to his emptilyers who werentirely ins
Picinui of 1V telling him : atilt he kit v '
[ could love: d that ho miirlit le• n
I could hate, and that hen his reply wtti
was his lasq etter,ackn wtedged h • wit'
her powetil but told hpr to bew e.
seems thatlho WI bee q gui)ty ofs. act
not long he ore. The hatehet wa ides
hod as het t ging to the st re of s t
ployers, a the cloak also py two , th
. youno• b mn who left his rdin_ ho
with him,iiind his owujpeton by vi
inmates ofLihe house. 'lt ould s m I
I Robinson '' only chance of esca 4 la
. want . of -sqfficient proof of kis awn , ant
and yet hi, has'littte to 'hope for ert
several itthmtes saw him at the h -e
night andl)in the room t}f the • , cea
Tbese artiltaid to be the principal r cts
wilt comqput on 'the trial. This as(
Robinson chows how naturally a alt
necessari y indulgettee, op one 'e li
to indulg nee intmother lilt at last
miserabldr[victittr becom e s who!l • corr
and is. obi)ged to expiate his oil • t
the gall s.. There is a fearfu cop
tion betty en vice and ell ;the cri , j es I
the petti st pirforiirg to robbery . nd I
'der. Midst theltegiaqinpn 0. alp'
. , .
Gefine4 ,
C. •• el Davy Croekelie , • - -T1 *in.l ., "rani
e l oxe
story of tliolailko the MA 0, rely • by
Traviet uWant.w o,tivilo lb : °lily En e
ing!.olbeFortier: . life* laved l• re
" - iiit. *,
- llisit .. I • or- t
ibm. YLCoL e , C.
ism , uf re
, ?i iii *est .f the
1 :Seed ' o fell
/ ' el - filter deieri
der figbl, •an •
, arieeter4i.oloolf
- ' C i r. ,•,' ett
: - ---iptrvirs -
41 VW4 1 c, ,310
02"% 41 4PAlehl:Checkracetrthr.filito?fhpdinz ,
- • recerS:le •tpriateii#ArtY.
.attbi nmeocastkintat. 1... ; - •
• Etzterpri* of Oiir* 1110 - ? . . 1:0 1 4 :-,A*Sti*1
l ii i it Mill in now in progress of erection it%
his borough, by ldeisra. - Ci*aaris & riklF4
. is, which' we unilerslaid; will: lie corn=
lefed in the courseofilfree or fotir4ieeks. ,
' ' *
he engine which ,is 15 horse power, is
. • ing tuadeby Mies+. Haywood 4 -Snyder.
These geritlemer lately turned out - an en,
gine of 20 horse Power, for the North .
Atirietican-Cotnpany's Collieries, which in
point of workmanship, and neatness of fink
'is)), will bear a companion with any opginell
'Of similar coastru6tion; manufactured it)
any part of they Vn4eti'States. I:
! 1
!. :
The Rev. Itirs
Aobra A. Brximit
' . sox, will preach i s t. Luke ' s Church, is
1 this borough, tomorrow anorak at _ the
i usual hoar. , .
By divine permission the Rev. Dr. Mc-
Cartee will preacilt his introductory eau
antfin at Port Carbon, on Sabbath afternoon
the Bth inst. at ai o'clock.
--Coal Frcights.:=The price of freights
from this place, to Philadelphia is 1,1 25
per ton toll weight.
• The freight froin Philadelphia to Boston
% 2 a $2 124---40 Providence $1 75 •
$1 87k—to NewiY:ork $1 6F+l. to $1 75.'
The Borough El*lion, held on Monday last,
, o resulted in the choice of the Requiring persons,
le * Publie Sclioole.4-A nieettug of the •Delegalcs
from the different Siclinol Districts, in conjunction
h e with the COMlltisOunt . ris of ttie County, wits hold
!AV at Opsigsburg,.. to Monday the inst. The
"- delegates from tbe I tioroughs of Pottsville, Cry:ign
;„ burg and Pinegrdve, and Norwegian and Union
:in Townships, voted )ibravro ifaccepting the School ,
inr Btil—tfie other dir4ricts rejected it. The an:o'4
er '' of tat voted in 1,4080 distriets.s.Ceopting the
,rtild is
f r ill as follows • •
Pujuville ,s
fig Orwigsbore
"" i • Pinegrove '
own "`•- Union ownenvp
a *Spring.— Spriqg at length has dressed heirself
he in her best rubcv4 ihe at/pears like a'yoimg god.
' a desstuchicnly--de4cnded upon earth. The 'fi,lets
arc clothed in t i he richest verdure; the flowers
lea spring up 'beneath her leer, Wherever she tiieads.
in 9 arrayed+ in Erse linen or purple, hot ar-
Ind tired like the lillies of Thu valley! The fruit:trees
'of are expanding heir blossoms to reodvelher--
ere they welcome h r arrival with incenien. ptilles.
off' out; fragrance! The groves arc vocal with; ludo
me dy —the feathered chuiristers hymn het praise.—
her ,
The golden sorithine sparkles on the clear tox.
' was
tare of the crystal brook to reflect her presonew.--
de' the crystal brook dashes over its pebbly hed or
her • winds beneath the rocky precipice, & jinni in the ,
' 11 .: 4e universal chtnaii of melody. The blue ,halt' a
n:uh- bore smiles to receive her. and presents her for a
. I ' ; ( ,‘ garment with iqi radium colds of snowy whltences:
"' e Behold her in the perfection of her bea6t)!--a
mis- beauty which hnitationrtifi spite of the
Lsuhe • triumphs of the painter's skill. and the moucrous
monuments or itoetic gettithi. .
Itch t .. , ; ,
si lt Immense N lespaper Patronage.--'
York Courier and Enquiter of Tuesday last mai
tion Mined 1,200 new advertisements. Sosrekt lathe
adverusing pationsge of that paper, that the pro
em. prietor*is com4lied to print a double sherit, once
tree a week, whicbicontains as moth matter as seven
tune volumes of Ilaiper's Fatuity Library.
era Geu.Gaines ' has made a requis lion on
`" a the Governor of Louisiana fora britade, to
sby consist of twin or three battalions robin
teems, part Mounted, m protect our Circa.
e '
that tiers against: , warlike iucursiOns of ntrms,
and alto preent the Indians residi g with
t' in thg bord rs of the United Statles- fr om
teikitid,a pa t in the war of externiirration
e o
now' raging! in Texas. This ,measune is
mostad: rendered necessary in consequences of San.
t Anna h 'ving commissioned a hlOXican
„,. Spaniatd, iding ill Spanish To +, t
"T` ii;,iana, for c. e purpose of enticin : • in
jP°n'duns in th Western Piairies in the
met'• tiad Starr --.-. lost the ans.
rmni this ble
rhir •
The . : lien. ,
ita h e d I will meet - mit. _ h o . l9th .
r Col. ing• It Wit be - the hermit ConventiT t. iv.'
!long-- iforobled. hi t eVreep--of Pennsylvania. 1 7 4 ii eity_ .
' tiP°lls .ofTbiladelp ia'slone hasagpeinted SO 11 . i: 'atm.
to the'
chit.. If ceit..Ha r - , irt shpirld eotitinoe' to g- ' e t i, ad , as
tenni: 'rapidly as liehas tinSo.,forieotne Om- i fiS t. we
Ws' alMuld net , • stil to hc#r ofthe 't rawaf.
I withL ~. ~. . ~ • Bo re il
i v's ,- . 4 al-martin , n , s :' - 1
*e° ,l d The ;oak 'iv 'de tAinis iii .Pt hater
•7 I • . I
* h a *: ,f! oa k bol d__er !tf-the , Gita,tVla ik lir .H .- 14
'lhenew ":4 - liktt-iiii*e !en 11 , 1 F 4 . ;
rOC ' tory -, I susses- , - r,
kitt• 6 - titi I ribe lock (Olt( i
1 19 1 .9 14 - ' .. iiiititonsln Aetjirtiiii-7iite (thirster; ':Fci`l,
,' i - ..-''. ', ;‘,, . •-„,,_--- --,-: s -5.:, 11L ' , h .. . ;;; • '
dinstr _ , 4 ,. .:,,Vtr ' , a
.:. - ,.F.,ECItqI!I! 7.":,
..)!!!%- ,
ton; Conipitit. l'iOgib4: , t ,;!l
1 i:to
1).0611 = 1- . 4fir l isti r ' ltiteiti-&fgAl ili',/iiiii t _ i;i
iriin-e .- i - - - - f:..h- "' B een ~ -t . - tII tip . iig4
Ve`l` iet 4 1 90k! , -a v -, -. v.Ak .l ' ec t , , — .the : ~,. ,
'•4aiiiii•\•orishat,. ai 9 : 4 ,Tiiii. f lwie. g i_ , j
:ix , iiikii , ' - ! iis - rigetp,.tipioo,o;,,o4-,:iiii, - ,Bu- , 1
. ri ktv*l4lhii*diiiii vole f,.,v1V . 4 ,
. 4 4*. - , :g.10 , ii, - 1 ,44 / c-i i , :'jiii,,i* ittiir#ST; 0
:. iiiiiiiiiteis a thl*-008:+ipoio
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• ',We+
IrIAP, j - 6115 ft,
pel_i4i f ;unit),
its , eth 1 'lnt`th
'epiti)tit 1 70 Wit
*011ie:. :1 . 4)0 . 7 ,:i
itl4a ktt. e y',,po •
Lii-cooM I tole+ i
,At a #<l t
.A.* ,, : 4. *3
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.4..: 0r0,#.11:40;t4. ..#,..:...., -AV*T i t
4 1 1 . 44.501 1 *Aii..!•#0 46 : c fe.T 1 *.i i :I' -!,,,
ihoiiiittAfinittesti4Oilia'SE* . 71 . P.*:i
of its thiscotintyou - Satu
.. Ylitet - ;
*Of wiii lot , foundehliefaini
~$: - -714iih..
iVrippar* that Jac obPatitaio ~ E4,', b -.
i(Seunelected by a majority of 1 o.l4oleig:_
414 his-competitor tiiettry-Nr.''„Cartiad,=.
l, th e - !ate 'Representatitm: -Ctiniler, ;how.
*O4 requires us toLidinit, that -ibis ro f
l'4iiit . is not a party i uinph- , —but 4ev.Orthe-
Use* it is , what ivil he Coneide ' bY inti
-1 '
riyi ias somet h ing tteraritt '''
the tioloilk of rib i0 4 404e .r " i• :. Ac
. rig ,i . 1
iniefOgence, over * ' ' .. 4 1 or'
Re resentative; el t, founded' :is,: . Ohlints
to• üblic support; o his eistiVi lemished
Int grit, and that abhorrence 'f dishon
arableconduct - w ich Charm, tiaelt .ev
ery. virtuous cities and . he
nppointed in hie j t: expected 'tis. The
tresu shows, that that innat sense of
'right and wrong, 'hich the btt blest 'citi
zen is as keenly alive to - as( e highest, j
cannot be altogethier perverte l orampled
upon, or extinguthed by corrupt party
tactics. For say the poet, 1 -
"Vice is a monstbr of so tool lilt:dee, •" .'!
That to be bawl, needs but to the soca." 1
We hive no disrlosition to eXult over a
fallen• foe, one whb is now in fact political
ly dead, never again to be resuscitatd—
,lMt we Must, nevertheless!, rejoice -in our
present victory, because of its important
L i)
public consequen es. We see imit a full
and unequivocal . port 'of the latenitea
sures of the B. .pietthulatives, in
relation to Hen W. '. nrad. We see
in it an unquali ed co fi e matins of the
sentence of eondemmit • , which that bo
dy passed on the afdresaid individual, by
the body of t fie i.eople of Schuylkill coun
ty. The judgnittt of the House was ap
pealed from—the proceedings were-terra
red to the_triburtal of the people, the case
was re-argued, and the sentence has been
nftirtned-1 . Thq defeated candidate expli
citly deelared, It -hat hiS resignation was
made for the expresspurpose of submit
ting his condnett to i the impartial scrutiny
and judgment e:if • his constituents. His
a 'sties have 11; accomplished, and the
rend' s hows, th ''he was weig hed by them
in the balance,
individuals. wh.;
raigned sad en,
be accused of I
and Fame • or
- .
ate,) by iMplie ition of penury, have been
se% orally triel t the bar of the publie,and
, out: r igirorgt - Itriwit"te
sense of the pe .i ple in relation to his charge !
against Mir . P ttersors, than whom no man i
is more hightl, resrcied. , The defeated i
candidate . received 45 Votes, while his
competitor n.l •eived 310 votes. At the '
last election h . received 70, which shows '
that more than one third of his handfid bf
friends deserted him, either by not voting
,at all, or votig against. im. We hope,
that the lessoli which he has now receily.
ed, will prove{ as salutary in its effects 4
his future, oviduct, as it is honorable to the
character.of qur
: population. In relatiOn
o Mr.llantirier,%ve have only a word ; p,
1 two to id& IWe beliete that in his p' .
he carder, he will be guided (notwithstan:
ding, h it, ptili t es are friendly to the gendy.
al Administration:) by sound, prfrialic
principles, peffeetly free froth the influ ,
ewe of party subserviency, where sult.
influence is hostile - to the true meet ,
welfare or happiness of his constituen .-1
This is all that can be asked or ezpec di e t s
of him. and eve are very sure that hati!li,
not disappoint the reasonable expectati so
of hie fellow citizens.' a i i
om i t l i
' - . . Hammer. C . cf.
, • 310 • 4
Thi &CV
Schuylkill 13
Port Cerbiml
tower Mahj
Upper MO]
Wesi. Pen*
I t
ea Land -gill has paseed , i e
- vote of:gs to 21, Whatl
in the Pmeilie,'Ar R!Pk a se . .
I Uneertiiin;* l t.look Mixt y
rejected., Weliii ilt ,- a, thec e
tof the,present Adroisti e stra p
are of the`piiNia , petwe, wh P 1
T lisiipstf:4ii#, contents at "t - ,
34 -- Pleasepe - 711fiving- alld
7 .., l i lh i e i [ i trie l t „ : i t h i l t:o c f r fient
C idol
V 0 8 1 1 1; Ch ftl i ri e fiti e i r litZtteir I t : l U t .
1 :i.tifeiz .
,'. ( 14. 7: 6• PrY loath . t° part . ... h
anylaxl4tr . efthiri,, their 'hew and
~t .
tahrjr l l*-' - Th4filioieirj* tiomi , y
Idiitiod - 04,1 ihiit whin' 'ciaattetnpt ii - - be
Inade_lo`icOleet iv tn t *eel . ocit' a te
Is 4,
itoiind . 4 'Antic-been /ilea - sway! -, •
,w to4fr , heongt 1- Wilt trertainly,l e
titicPlifilinyipetre4,. with! the f "
0 6 14 . ' ,litiStre . 46e;, ,- , Thii - ,41,a a -
I "tilii,'• weve.riWhicli *ritaYs 1 '
1 - ...L -. I " " ' : 1 i
'..,14,46 CI,
ItleHate by :
11 . 1W:will ,=
yes,i is ye
k will be
Kri*ltebi , .!
sa.4o take 1
men to:,' . ;
ealiwill. :
I The
; mend
as hits
t ° tAi
0 _ Pair
2 t '
indfound toeurine The
private integritylho ar
s eavored to bkiet,—whore
le foul offence of bribery,
m Ocenibers of the Sep•
- • -
945 IA7:
- ,
„:_.4...-‘ -,- i . 4 ..,-,.:,
* '' .1.. ' ... -
` v~'. ,
—" -- - , , -
-s ilt ifiii# *': -qtaiii_tre b, e , '4l l ffilf,f4
1 1 *yr tY;:ti i e PiPiitiliii :i o 4 4 k,.. l izga - 1
tent at; .thlir=koiniay 11 , 1 0 ,1 1 0 .!. 41'.r0) 1, *
way littnio2 herd' of "-ve ,
surely no - -ene hiiiiight i icomplain4ror
ifthelutioority hive 0 rig filo complain,
ifivillteiMinly be `of livid! ito - a 4i's.o;
It igiot, hoivever the .- of the money
itself; whiph will conitituto the 'greatest
mischief in this nefarioushusimem
_,, , t isf
the general corruption or public : m rat s
which must inevitably ensue. -` Every
` thing of a public nature will in tithe ,be.
come venal. Every o ffi ce will he coeytt
into a private corn Ay' kir the use
benefit of the holde The highest,
offices will be struck off to the, best bidderis
and the lowest only wit t he filled hipebr•
a—who will 'continue to be poo only,
long as they continue t be honesty Arid
this !will be "calleti ,the 'attic.% agel—in our
republic.---RAne only wanted a purchaser •
aceording to ugurthe, and some; ages
subsequently t e empire was sold at pall.
lie sale to the highest bidder! History is
said to be "philosophy teaching - by exam-
OA." We hold it, however, to be u very
stntnge and romantic generosity which
permits our own money Ito be squar.dered
away by others, when w have need
4 i ,
of it
ourselves. The bill' in uestioo- protxwes
I to distribute the proceed arising front the
I wile of the public lands, among the differ.
eat states of the Union, i i the ratio of their
population, with some exceptions in favor
of the western states, which do not mate.
rially, affect the general principles of the
bill, Red which a liberal !po li cy, enjoins.
t f
The National AntirMasonie Convention
a.vs embled. in Philadelphia, on Wednesday
last. Delegates from several states we're
in attendance,. 'f
I -
Annulling ad ! Expringing.--Jodge Whip has
Infrodueed a aeries of resolotiontrin the Senate /sr',
the United States, having fir their object 'the re.
winding, revoking and an d
vqing of M r. Clay'r
rerolutlon eeneuringg Jackman. instead nf
Mr. 13enton's plan of e
, nging, cancelling or
a4lite, ding& it, which he dvelarea to be tined
"The rumor that
try tn-want cool
' lilj:
J Coh Johnson .elyi ~
tr stoaj rleirutli dineintt,
011 n to :tha:eaken:
the lih-
Oty of appending atfew 'Cowlicks. nth
oast is in. italie. - i - • ,
• ..:iferafieftfiftA r &sontry, eitcepelfiri" o ce
hinder the genereFrwer Omni] /Thinly cif speech
Viet ris. unlimited aba a of those who dare a
think different from the power, that he], free
io frae Tessa:—[if you da e to oppose any measu e
tor dlie , administration, Aion shall he •put dove ]
I ,:rightrit of feascienere-4 o ,offier.holder dares x
-1 press an opinion in oplion to any measure of
the adininistrotion—sp s—Arnos 'Kendall la e
ty e r reoved a Post Mate r, fur sneaking ells R.
peeully of Gen. Jae i's iniministrutionj a
strieteonstr i setioft4 ail Cionsti . totion,Mtsre ii
noconstaveti, so put ripen. the ennutituficerAt: p
sent. it is elpost a
.deadt: letter with the:pato it
power), unipersolsaiffrage-:-(thati*.iO permit al
foreigners to vote ashen as they arrive in hi
country.—the new constitution of ltiliphigan, lei
exanipleyrevonsibilitylto the e.;—(l take fa
responaihillty . says Andreiv Jaeltson] no imp is
anmeatior 'debt—ttlitiOi doubt, will he a la at
ire 'no rim' with a lares number of the pr en
office holders] and, a. general diffstszon_of bless!
.edge among the peopla---[-no say we, and tilten
there will be ad cad o Cot. Johnson's humbug._
gerP :' . !..
Flom Fiorida.-4At lengitiwe have heard from
Maur Geo. hcott'a doormand in Florida. 1 f
wa N j at the date of'despatoliea Sr hieli have heen
received firmi Tampa Bay, with th whole fame
under his cornmande a / that all the
detaturreats are unite eto betpeen lima and six
thou mi ipso., Their . had been nor regular Loft
tie,. willeithe Indian i T he General met with
them on the Wichlacoirche. and hae.akirnsiSlree
with them (supposed l i d be the mime body eit awl
tacked Gen. Gaines) fiir several dolt , Without be
ing able tOto battle., hey
bring the - Were fol.
lowed and charged u . n repeatedly naithe-liturr.
ks: but the mint or il. l, llleetutd.hostrelk(be•
n f a
mantag, ell .. deep miralceicept. the- - hatarmicke,.. or
clumps and thickets of tree*. and yindOrgt#' l 4
tbat it was imposaddtto prevent-their escapee. Show - Indiana, fiowesar, were killed, and a &war
the troops were killed and wounded. The Oen.
'eral was again abet' to take the field From' ani,
pa,y; end -to iie.n I detachmentit to Charlotte
if Ida bar, and oth4pl where thaindiana Migh t
ii be expee ed to beline ' with. : ' .„,
li We base seen e or from - in officer it Tam.
1 1 pal Bay,erho - atates. at the Iraridalia (tdobp, of
it war) w then ( !Airtil Sib) still in Tempel Bay,
e t
1, wre e had several weeks; tlilmdif.-
to me tof blarin '
.from her 110;aattd , iiith
;I 1. Lin)hafir eMn . and. entiaistinir it ill Ala.
I. 4 maltuntee an Florida millAmirto
c cora' i intit - he' tOilirJiaitier eraltdir nalida.•
1 miwith Judi 'lnc, le whialiliiii;'nfifie -Y „ rdepit
were ki .. A - , - it fAciCtliailitiee; tiii n their
i r , filet ea, anion;lad ' rilinaid.lackth,lo - tee ; ales
ifc ' -*Oil th - ebileitiii.o(-theiteniin - • ',,alas
' b 169; irdians e , . hind efitalberAittitite than
L to bo 'aihi the i ! wera , :lieriiti„'ir.ilo? lolly
,IS o 29 ki ' ; re. being, Otte .. k illi4 a done
4 iii-thelforl ! Iflotiormilittliiteite
Tl 4
I A *itirithiet ilhilltheeling Gluten , ern
fiom 'amen lc ty on4efilitn . ef April l . ilk
rollow 4 ,.--,,,,,,..„,...--,,.:.,,,
~,.._"ami i i).. Pinh_l4 . a i , Man hi .;ea
'strainboiler which ClT,Carki),Dl.: He. *til.
Ppm udonte,oug merunient.‘thei ;be in
t i t i l i s th k hie coymry ahoililyeallie the , , • tieSt
lain tine. tied ilemarithit. ► eareetn*d* gee
10 or+ilo suffer his eapeti •nt
's. foe t opeeeair ten:yeeing unite 'milt
it' 1' 160166 /.1 i , t!is' demand** pecan ry
ra,;ll.Airegitnni is ,utfqueitieatalkly .en ~:6r.1
abit;meehinienof the , itge;this Intern enei.
Is doubt, will hilThitidit trOiliii 'l O ,
nmaterit finiple.nr4neenterpritte,ia in L in imat
ted with *With Onyx; ttedio l * . h*v irii#
- , sositich front tbidiatztni incident tei .bu
u li t ttie t in& atilt; sit. v ie,eiliriet. the nisi of,
bins 11 Mind 4m c ) ol4 i 4 kerid*'`liair,o ,, . 'V°
vilie . ' - • shC; •11' ' .',.... .-- ' --- --.
T I ,' A ,
1,7; : 03 ,_,i--" u4 co ' in * a!"l7iiiteiTitilehilV'4.liitaiod:th hi.
vibe: as elan 'n InittAtteuktint.:; Po ' `Ali
f n.
bey,' hi ~ snit'bia di ,arethe _cause of , ' rb
the tiatiiklial teiiintumillect,-;Phi ' , l'
i •
' ' 14. . , 11 ..
~...;Z:•. :4- :;.: ; i.:k. ? =.:.;,... ;- , :.
.-i.'4/ ,. :::-.'ttri-,:';' ,. :'' , '''.
.. .
living 4 a p.
Uawin '
c Boudiget s ot
mg': ine;ti led
ItersAill" of May.
.°44:;4**l"letiontAo.filf-Piiiii • liat,At.d
iedti d.
• It sfatedin reins of 06 -fitting recei
odeuii That aiiton the Americefls Yip kilt.
ed irt)he Texian •WiT. Iturkso, dim of
Gett:Wat.ll. Harriao;o4dßide... •
, Tlui Twain Benefit A thereibeinni
ytelded 608 . dollars: ' Thi Isnot 'l4/
With ladies. i; ' • '::-. 1 (
• - ' -••.'..-•,•• •• ,i . ,
t uns
' • ' `:' ". . 4 '' ..
• ,
Texas.—The followingwie siouie•Of a panics.
tars of the horrid minder of Cpl . r . , p and
hislroops after capitulation., - ' - .:
"Fanning and his men.rimaitieddit • orlOolind
er'pr 8 days. Qn the .9ilt .ihrlY ' were I roled' re
maich aeroplane to Wise vessel for New O rleans.
••After proceeding about 6vs. miles.. i th "Argo
number of Mexicans on; either sae. th latter were
'Ordered to fire upon the- Teiftnis. The 'order
at e
• a obeied, Wax kill d with dm
e pin of the four •above alluded toi,who,tn the,
te Ile scene succeeded in getting into the grass
and making their escape, J••', ! • '
(den. Houston, at the - last dates. was encamped
in the &abseil bottom. V 1 miles from San Felipe.
or' at Gonzalez.. Be has WOO men with hie'. and
Waite receiving reinforcements. The Mexicana
were at thR lk aeons. on the Colorado.
In addition to the above heart rending Vicril, tt,
*also stated that. ak wait to be -feared. hn- In.
dians on the American side;rif the Salihie have
gone over, ii thoosonii.stroog
~io tisiiist the; •Mexi.
can,. General Gaines. however, has gone after
them with , seven hundred • anen,Vo prevent their
joining tha Mexicans, or taking part hi Pie oar.
The foregoing'news bacerofied to by the follow.
ink persona at Namigrdoches. viz.! E. Thorn. H.
Rugged. J. Roberts. C. H. Simms. D.l4,4loffinan,
and -N. A. Hotchkiss. - . , ..
The Raleigh Star bar the fbilowing pa ragraPh,'
which is in acme deem corroborative of a eirni
tar report first promufgatcd in,the Louisville tau!•
"A letter has lost been received by a gentle:
man In this city from n member of Congress,
(high in favor with.thn Administration)iiiiintain.
log the salkininrd reMarlia bre inteiligedre: •
"Report rape.' that SAIPTA :Alice has petit a'rnen.
page in ficroetal Jaeganit, thai if the 'Government
'doe+ not interfere and vuOpreatt the wet! in Tez.
ow and ptrin einigiation to that :" entry the
United Stale". he will create a ereite,Yalar in the
South forthwith."
. .
Moral - Pitness s fir 'Of :editor
i ' of the Elyria . (Ohio) Advertiser seinieffixter
.... 1
since, announcer} his determination lb' sul..
vacate the electiori of no maa, of - wliosei ,
moral fitness he was not entirely tatisfieti.
In nn editorial of last :week,,hetb*apealsa
after referring to her, subjecle.
.. , (iit• this point, the fitness II General 4
Ha raison for the Presidency, we have hith
erto purposely abstained from remarks.
The same *reasons which have lanced
-silence cal this subject, have hitherto deci
.•- - -. wgilinoi,—,,r . g:..g bhi, claims, on any
. ground.. The principles which we- have
, honestly avowed, and we esign still more
i and more to urgeiin .. others, forbid' us to
I advocate. any man's claims or pretentious,
to tf4t? or any other o ffi ce, 'while in doubt
• in reguird to certain essential qualificatiantr
!• In regard to these, we have been inreorres
: pondence with -sources of infor,roation in
A which we have felt-it safe to place reliant!.
, -We .had doubts, resolting from. impres.
a Sins, made by statements we had heard, in
it :regard to his early history. 7lesedoubts
1 : - ere resumer,. - Ni . re ire
- gratified by their
~, removal, on grounds altogether disconneet
, ed with the Presidential Election. At.tiler
same time, their removal hasptcpared the
way for arlistinct expressianlar i ourconvic.
tion, that William B. - Harrison . possesses
the qualifications which we consider in
diSpensable in
,a candidate,- and without
which no one can teceive . our support."
Voice of the tVest.—A great Whig
- Convention assemble/3 in the chapel-ear
Morrison ,College; Kentucky, on the 9th
instant, when. measures, were act/Linea to
concentrate ihe enorgies of ' , the W ig
party Upon the candid a tes ie irtqc of
Governor, Lieut.... Governor, andlrir he
Presiclepcx. The agegates that thronged
in from all partscotthwstrito gave the I In
formation that the.people wereefiry,Whero
coming out and' proclaiming d. forth.
'Fernier of - North Bead—t Hero ".of
;Tippecanoe? "'his riowas
sun at noon'-`day, , rhat Gem.'
carry all •before
to the Rocky - MrSuntliiii iJ -71 Zratriot.
of neat siC,4otiifilii - T • eciMiCynientialit winch
girls sitirlannelfitiMin - . in this Mitt oribie'soan-
ArYk#lr- 1 1 0 . 1 " - -tOkair* - r*Ieni it tiatitiOtr Mk
, mdi taliWien - is good; familiiheFp,tir hiiiefemlfes
'et allilsiihnoVirtiinepitees Comparatively ROh:
- T he 0 1 qt - rilliL 4 Yea in the Celtiii•intrwoolezi fat
tw i
its n this tosniiihringit lteyt V. work loom*-
, ny- hoursi - iiiiirell Patiffor.ltherrjtbor. An . 5,1*, -•
1 eeeict one . of the Newton ictnite's infnimeti;Wst!
short time ijinCele;thik,lYr.O*.lliriccaltilibt*l
tees in bisliniiinalit'nlinct ,Oilrifollars per sink
heckle their lsinittf..-ind and; teeny 1 %there • averaged'
three cricl:(Miriiiolliirs;',. Ths..nrsigntscture Oil&
'in' this icsiin:.ilt NC. piiniiPitily performed by Es
' cies.--DerPniss•fntrfor.?..l '
.1 - H i - "
`. rrhit "iinPiprnertt'orAitiihwis one of the
i a ii: 'secrets of the - rorestk•irf,;Nesr Vngland—.-anir the
as, girbrateititieh*'Ainitforit.l .... •
' - AresVatii - Itilitiiitol;;lt pviing woman WY'
19 Yeiri,o4iiii murdered 4 *tort "t at
`B i:itiotiineeitajttily,lahattit 2 0 1 044f6)!Ti ilne'
bee; vifikriiwn ttufb - BiTie ,i's
_,.titia:viTY be/ " )1 . 1 "
'rig add* Java- maitiqd'lttk Mie,:; lll V4o about 1'
'months.:‘ fre hialiftt tri tho. I gitOd &atm and a
rearat,4l ii alfateVor hia , ll4l beiman. I
t o intioeheat,7ll4.?.Wp ai, et j icaterelay that a
the• 'trial 11946 grart" - jito4- # INK coati !it Albany.
T The wik , was twaegle' , 44htt • Smith, 'wb*
Ail with him fakity, waie, ? alir eOp steam LAe
ely s wiiite, whew ihehleiritii, atteifetWitrest landing''
' er•• id May Us. .:4 1 1iiiii aim . linhittitteltildrea died
erlhesiejtitiewicieuia;ii .4 fili - Ore was s dr ioas=
j -!Y . * eid de 4 Arltitii,lllivi • ri±iig L thlitirY 0, v,__er" ,
'Pr- ed it 'aeateil;Ateit"diet Rai Ittlffipti_itilrh dLlFP,.____ag'
is. EIGHTT,OOIISAIND I 'MAXA , --"V• 7 ' "1.1.
snSiiitt ....,-- 1 '', >CI. • -+ k• •, I ' '
-eii 11:iff i [ lris4ieti*iiiiiklitiYair k' : km ' le
ife ie ett-Iffilli-lkieed- *v. : Aber: : diy. 4Kelpie , ity ,,,
is. 'edemnit4 , hei - ile , a , ;e o *.that-,l44hea'e i P
:11-I. .ta lli .. ll ,*:lii led ht '. 9 :(l lll :iimer .A .tl :t: l 4 l 7 ' , l - P ' . l;; 4l ' :: *.
, IC"w
_ , , - •
~,*!...< .24,' , .-,c• ~,-..- ..' ',l' .. ,F i
/ r
I It Theittre
I crOcted