The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, April 30, 1836, Image 4

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--To Cent ,
bei amid
IrecEived! until tile fir s t
the Engineer's Officio at
the materials, and gun-
Road: Bridges on
iel bonn
filth° Pldladelphia ikrid
! to Reading.
ed at the same time and
abojra portion of the
k, ptatilt, or rock-oak
'WSW; twill ibe
1.• of May next, at
ye, for furniihing
the Trusvitud
("Iles of the,)ine
g Riad / nest
to will' be rceei
or.delisrortng on
37000 *Kite
. e said silts to
ound timlxit ; ten
wing, spd flatted
nose of'nye;
1 11.
.y eight inches
sof the Brid s end bills of timber and t.
.rk exhtb' d, and any further in
ion whiph may required, given on ap•
.n at the Engin r`s.offier„ st Puttitgeove.
gineer Philadle p iaßeading Rail Hoed.
Nifelphia Marc , 1836 17-8
Po • A
ty five:
rail r.
fore .6
seven feet long, And
aches in diameter be.
• tinny on both sides to
hes; or square timber,
-ton w
luable Farm , nd Water Power,.
ii ,,,,
7 . 4 E. .
LE Subscriber offe s for sale a valuta& farm
Wnsalning 339 ire situate on the Little
rikill Rail Road, i mites from Port Clinton
.he Schuylkill , antLone.eighth of a
- , •ntre irepike., A .baut 100 acres
i now und r cultivation.
The imptiovements consist of dm!.
' house:, el large new stone barn 40
70 rect.. a new time kiln, and a
tying yonng orchard of 250 to 300
ad' Peach trees, of a superior kind.
,poylkill Rail Road from Port Clin
ton& .passing through this property,
facility fOr transporting lime stone
to the lens of manuring and iot
a mode rn e expense. y. '
The iooh well stacked with Pitt',
=lock, Clbesnut and Oak. timber:L.-
m... Little Schuylkill passing through
i lend affordstme of the most desire,.
:ewers iin the county, for Forges,
Mills; forlwhich it is otherwise well
The str4am is . a never failing one,
to 25 f t heed and:fall may be ob.
property will be sold loth, and the
shing to purchase, can obtain fur-
ion by applying to •.he subscriber, is
• 20-tf
Mims or Coat Dea?crs.
acconinnodation for the stacking of
,'(intended for City sales,clilefir,) may
had on fair terms, on one of the best - Wharves:
l ithe City, to the extent of, 6000 tons, by any 1
e concern, or that quantity by tsVo or mom ir
en up by one, the party might attend to the'
'nen ofivieiving and delivering, if desirable,
Would be accommodated witkthe use of Of.
: and Scales, and if some part tot it ahoeld be
uired to beshifped, any facility which would
t interfere With the business of the advertisers
'old be given. Apply to
• 11 Bank St.or Lombard St. Wharf.
Phila. Feb '27 1.541
-Variety 10Iothing StO
artier of (:peanut ?and Schuylkill ileac: l l l :recta,
i'kiladelphithopifrosite the city Store Houses.
RE subsCriber thankful for past favors, beg,
1 1 leave to infirm hie former customers and the
utak generally, that having made extensisc'aeb
Wank to his store and stock of goods, ifei is now
°pared to,offer them Superfine and ,thommeas
angup, & Dregs Coats; PantsiVcsts and
oundabouts, wholesale or retail, much below the
el market prices, for cash.
A 'general assortment of Cloths, plain and rib.
Calaimeres, plain and strip ed;; Casstnetts,
Clothe and Vestings,-which will be made
order at prices that cannot fail to please.
Silk, satin and super side plete Bombazine
tricks, to which the bttention of country naer
climate ie particularly invited.
; Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Suspenders,
-.tart collars & Bosoms, Handkerchiefs, Cravats,
Country people visiting the city, will find it an
'object to call and examine before purchasing.
Ortiers, will be thankfullY received and prompt
ly attended to.
Persons doing business on the Canals, Boat
men, &c. will find this establishment particular
ly 'convenient to their business, and worthy Of
their patronage, and all who favor with a cab.
may be certain of better -bargains than on be
obtained in any other part of the city.
Feb: VT. 1 : 1 11166. 211-tf
People's Works,
Prank/in and Front Sts. Kensington,
• . phis
The subscriber respectfully informs his custom
ers and the public, that he has aemoved his Iron
'Foundry business from Broad street, (as abOve)
to a new establishment,sishere he is able to exe
cute any orders punctually. Such as Castings
for Mill Gearing. Steam Engines, nail' Road
Wheels, Chairs, and Turn-outs, Sugar Mills and
p a nn,'Snap Boiler Pans, Bark Mills and Castings
of all other. descriptions. Also, having a very'
farge.aesortmeut of Paterns, consider it will be
to the advantage, of mechanics and builders tq
tall, when they will be shown by Wm. Sedgley
at , tbc Wefts. ' A. DAVI
Engines and Boiler
On thd same premises can be had high or , low
PieasurtilEngines. Boilers and Machinery in ge
neral,onthe moat reasonable terms, by applica
.tion to JAMES
N. p., Any orders left at the. Wool stein of
Bulloalt, Davis fr Co.' 32 North Third St. Phila.
delphiaNsill be immediately intended to. • -
- Philadelphia, Dec.s, 3835. I 3--ly•
Spring Moods.
APw pieces of Ne.v and Elegant Springri nt s,
rints, Fashionable Vesting*, Irish LMens,
&& jest received and for sale by
mar 26 , 19 • N. NATHANS & CoF
&SP US ROOTS . — The subscriber will;
-rm. have fur sale in the cootie of 10 or 121 days,
,several bandied Asparagus Roots, three &ears
old. B. BANNAN.
Also a variety of %Sous Room
• April 2 20—
MITCUELLNITraveIIere Garde throughout the
- ; Abated Stator- • I
. 11b. ' rocket. Maps ofohio
' • ' Do. Indiana
Do. Do. Illinois
Do. • • Do. Michigiin
JElicii-.:Pock6t - Minpe of Ponnsevania and other
*taro - • t
Sust received '
and For sale Ot thin office. *opt 28
~y . - .
. ,---_ -- . • Grit , *fad' 1.1 -
- .01TATIM19
~it s) : i
ift *a' in the ' Uhl tau b, or
p... • *milli' titilikiltlett oo tr i t"
taken t he' hihmetit: for rlyi led by
M; Brooke uckley. *here they willtai l glad to
,receive codas fer Car tithrela, or cry o • er Catt
f, whtehltbey iditloseeptepromptir od faith.
. ', ' MYERS. & • AgAmt.
March S t j 1 : •IS-tf
41.. - Tie Foundry ta how in eye 'ties,.
Veil - to eat.
*N Mine 11, ou the 'est Bra .ch Rail Road
nine and a half miles 4orn Schuylkill Raven,
and one and a half above Ildineratille4the veins
-aus well calculated for anlcatcrtaiite bOsincse the
present season—capable ¶f pieducing from 8 to
10.600 ton+, without addiitonak;expent4 for gang.
weysor alt ventilatnelf•agarge stock: of coal un
the platform, mined doting the wint o t one vein
9, and the other 12 fiat . !thick, of 1, ofsvery
good quality —prop timber on the property adjs.
cent tolhe \ mines '
• ,
For terms, particulars , audhutheri i apply ;to
• ./A ES Dll1 4 1D4.4.
Comixiercia) Rank, Fbilailelphia, or
Schoyll4ll Haven.
March 26,'0 6. , 19-74 f
John ilver
T ,
AKES . great pleas ein informin the ,pub,
. he, and his friends] and also his patrolis to
particula4that ha has opened a REFECTORY,
under the PennsYlvenia Hall. in Pottsville. i He
hopes froth his pat repUtation for kenping a re
spectable Ostablis4ment, / acqciired daring the ex
vcrience *Mires years is the same :inc bf business,
and by ddslre to k 3 lease and ppli ea n to ,busi.
Hess, to Merit a ntintiancc of yourt favor{ and
Familiss, tiv!sending io the Perinsilvania Halt
Refectory K shisll fiave .. oypters of a aopdriorilhality
served upiin !the;best - sfyk, and eve rY other deli
cacy that Hiqollsy s ille hiaiket dari ifford iA sea•
q} -
, StavvOil °kitten! Oe!
Flied: ido •
liptudied do
• Veolaon Stake
Pepper flit per howl
I'lgs ;net
! Nov 20: ; ! 48
E 2
New riOnr and Feta Store.
T. &f. BEATTY & .10 lir BATCH
HA.VEauceeeded Ali. Samuel Sell,in the Flom
andl i eed'Store in Centre str it. inform.theii
friendOan the public in general i that they in.
tend Ond etiUg . it -under the fir of Beatty &
Ituch,Jishere they. aolieit a share t patronage.—
The highest price given in cash for , Flour ani
Feed of all kinds..
Pottsville Feb 20
JAC; 0 . 13 111
- rxiiivlNG . i
Henry kn
the South 1 , ,V 1
streets id the b
known arid c
ligh, L wie
friendsruith piv
•continuingth s•
the armor i
A '
Mrchased the e tire interest Of
I Robert Neligh,rin the Stole t
1 3
4t corner of Cen re and Mark t
ti ,,
ihorot;igh of Pot . ville,. former 1
ionchicted under t o firm of- N -1
Co. respectful • inforr. the r
ablic generally hat they inte d
usiftess at the Id stied undr
1 .'
.COB BULL .5.4 Co.! . I
Ibe happy-to seiply ttieir ffihnks
tamers with m rehandire nttie 1
1 '
i) pc ning , in idditicin to th it
Ile and extensive aSsortment oil
cons `sting in part of iPry G 8, 1
uor4, Wines, Tbas, China, alarm,
. donsisting of;
Burris, sattinettai flannels, muldiris,
. , 1.
els,gl?ves, stork ngs,y,arna, Fits,
ma. .
ing4 silks, sati s , sha wls, bar.
efs, verve's.
i ircartions, veal , fates, frinlcs,
idink, blankets, coatings, Plelds,
, c dROCERI .
Mc, Laxnfral St. Doming Coffees. r j .
Si. Croix, Wept Orleans, avinim auga
Lnaf and' lurdp i do
G Newi Orleariii and Sagar.4l l orisq "molaas
xmlPowderi Ycnirigny n Sainehong •
Pi:ending add Bobea Te s. - ;
CLokolitiel alid spices, c. '
Broirn and ' ellor soap; ,
4, i
. diovcs , ma , nutmegs d eassia
(*franc po o per,mustar
Sox and fie raisins .! ,
Currants land rice 'i._ . _
(Swim, *LW mao..e a nd horning
NoildwiWtriipt candles 1' 1 '
• Sac andibb salt I
riOrir and sraokinztoba
Spanish, half spaniel] an , :ri na ntin;n mega
. t, 1 LDIDQRS & % INES.
o land lit
It i nt emt 'szom m m w on b in '
01 Irish vtlibikey and maicir spir
tfetv Eilelapd rum and, h ick yby the 61
Lisbon), iniderira, port i din aga win
AciorfinnSof Boots an Sh
enickefy, hina and
E l lieso Stil Wm' 1
iiptng gsgle-frun` pm"
. . 14.sti 1 / 4 0F, FF, FFFI
AII otrfil l i t, i will be dispo
or iK mierbio ' 'Sir county
ket kriiw. I
and for
owest ill
They ere
former Au:Kik, '
Groceries, r'el'
Cloths, Caf
line -
Carden fla
Cheeks, tic ;
Lawns, wa'
TI c"!
r dozeti " 18/
do 37 h •
du . lb. '
1.2 a
2-6 m
Cheap S
; er,liFF. do.
~ ,..sdieheapto
• • • tice at the
. t received and
I Sf
g Drafting Qa
a by '
ir ,
„. Ai„....-,.._,....„...,-.
fi ''' E' onfb
I igg.asair torWitioiland - Liqiiini. - :..
.-... ...1001MEM , Madding Vine on draught,
-... . L . j!" Star Brand,
.d 0 "do ,- ado ilii.l. do, • added;
do ••duL. P. do. .' to on dra •
u e
do do Port do Pore Grapo .luie
do" do dir do do - 'do on rug ht,
Cowmen do, , .do do
uperior Brown Merry: do do do
do • do do •do bottled
do. ' Pale •do ' '', do ' 'do
do .• do . .to !dii on draught,
do Dry,Malaga, Sweet Malaga do .
do Lisbon eqd Mar. blladorta do
a j 'll
do Sicily *deka & Mioextel do '
Cla -on draught !yid bottled,
do Old oak and Mount bottled, i
ido Ch paignevf Eagle, Comet and-Jolly
do Old 4th Proof Brandy, -
do do Dol. Gin
do Champaignßrat lot and 2d quality.
gone and Bordeaux .d 1at,24 4. 3d :
Jun. Spirits let 2d and 3d .
Hof. Gio, let & 2d quality,
N. E. Ruin, Coro. Gin and Common:Brandy,
Monongahe a.and Common Whiskey,
Sup. - Old Irish Whiskey, - ' .
do do Scotch Canabletiaii, dothe Real Moon.
twin Dew, warranted 20 years old,' , •
fdo Cordials, 4c.. /cc.
t Taimye keepers and other; consumers aro invL
id to call, where they - can be supplied with bet.
r Wines acd Liquors, on better lams, ,than
ey have been getting.
' JIM 29 - 114
I , LaA ,
Nathan@ & Co.
■ AVE this day opentd in the Store formerly
• occupied by P. 3. Parrin, Centre, two doors
nth of Market street, a general assortment of
D ry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Wines; Teas, Chi
lli, Glass, Quecnsware, ace. consisting Of
Blue, black, olive, claret. drab and mixed
Cloths. •
Blue, black, grey and mixed cassimeres.
Do mixed, grey nd brown Sattinetts.
I Drab and colour beaverteen cords, ke.
Red, scarlet, tie, and green flannels.
Red, blue; ecn, yellow and white Canton flan
Bleac e
and ont;lenclred
do nautidins
Fish linens & lawns.
Slack, gecen, brown, and potpie merinos:
Plaids, Unsays and ncgro cloths.
Buckskin mitts and gloves.
Silk and cotton umbrellas.
Ladins and gentlemans hoskin, beaver and kid
Irish knit, and Germantown hose and hose.
Satin and.Rombaxide pleated and plain stocks..
Bleached and unbleached linen and cotton Drill.
Cotton and Pittsburg cord.
Silk and hotten handkerchiefs.
Do. Mope do do. shiny's.
Vestings, Silks, laces, 'threads, tapes, ;cottons,
blankets, coatings, wadding's, camblcts, suspen
ders, ginglll/ ms,checirs, tickings, English, French,
and American prints new patterns, &.c. &c.
Rio, Java. Laguira,St. Domingo cones
St. Croix, New Orleans, Havana sugars
Loaf and Lump do
New Orleans and Sugar house Molasses
Gun Powder, Young Hyson,Souellung,
Pouchong and Bolkea. Teas
Prepared Cocoa and Clocoa Shells
, Chases a d Bakers Chocolate
Zealand & Spanish, do
Variegated, Palm, BrOwn and Yellow soap
Cloves, Mace, Alspice, Nutmegs, pper, Ces
Olives, Capers, Pickles, Andre% ies, Soy
Curry and Cyanne Pepper. Alusta d -J
Raisins, Alnioudv.,,Currants, Rice •
Cheese, Cod fish, Itlackerel
Smoked and pickled Salmon Herring
Moulded end Dipt Candles
Sack and Bbl. salt, table do
15,000 Spanish Cigars, from $5 to $25 per m.
spanish and common db
Pipes and smoking tobacco.
Champaigne, cognac, American Brandy
Holland and American gin
Jamaica spirits, Neir Ingland rum
Monongahela and common whiskey
Madeira, brown and pale sherry wines
Sicily and Marseilles Maderia do
Lisbon, port, dry 'malaga do
Malaga. muscatel claret ds
Champaign do .•
Gentlemen course and fine boots and shoe*
Boys do • do do
Ladies gaiter boots, gum elastics
do Morocco and seal walking shoes
do Prone% Denmark satin shoes and slippers
Children and, infants shoes and bootees.
Crockery, China and Okras Warei.
All which we Will sell at wholosale or retail
on the most reasonable terms for cash, ci.
change tor country produce. Store and Tavern
keepers are invited to call .
CLOVER SEED for Mlle by •
Feb 13 13. MILLER & DAGERTY.
•*APE LINES pipit received arid for sate by
Feb 10 14 S.BANNAN•
IL I ILOUR & FE Dof all kinds kept constant
- 112 ly on hand and for sale by
Feb 6 12 3. CLAYTON.
jrIRAFTS & NOTES, baind up in Seek*
ALF just recetve3 and for sale bo
Feb 6 12. B. UANNAN.
COFFEES.-401tags superioi High Scented
Rio, OW Java and Lagaira Coffee, far sale by
Jan 2 7 N NATHANS & Co.
BOOK BlNDlNG.—Persons who have Books
to be bound, can have them done at two or
three week's notice, by !calving them with the
subscriber B. HANNAN.
WINDSORCEIAIRS.--A large and pine=
v aiiaortnient of Fancy Windsor Chairs.—
For sale by JOSEPH WHITE & SON.
junel 29tf Mount Carbant
of Washingten, jnat
Pfished and lot sale by 14. BANS
aptil 9 • • • .
pi) DISTI'LLPRS.—Waned by tj
bers, 150 Rbts. Rye Whiskn
bighest Market it rallt:
Poktaville, reb)3
and Statistical thiarkof
Algae boundarieNtextent.
governreentsdebt,ravenoe ;
4 eeveral countries et thilieseet
r elute.'' Jest received antiftbrealo
by B. BANSAIkt. '
za• Europe, deseti
• . population. !were"
army. dus. of i
• 1 . -- .. t— • '
B-,• AN lii nosh :--lrinkit'
'•gigisplY, 1 Garden*edser his ' ' elect !!
: ad silks ! t care; and 'whi p WOOS • :happy
i tosapply I is nunserar c 'a mods an
Ii agcom . . tint:Alum!. , - !
As . , • 1 Bullock Bead_ Ido
Long h.. , beet ' • ' Wliiic solid celery '
titm g
Early Valae beans al '; •. do dn
Windsor t ido Felipe, grass 1 -
Do ' Green ide Sull.r.Fersnip
!Extra Early Snap do Orange carrot
Round I t innt do Early Cucumber .
China do White spine do
Extra'arly pee 1 Long pickling do
Early grim • I •
.Early eilkbagaiettuce
pwarAtiWpaial Peas head ,do
--- b r"
as y
iLliGivirn budelt pesaY w Winter) do
Royal *feminine% doW iteenkin ,
Largeniarmvfat dot e ow ! do
1 •
Eatly longsalurdn radial & fey;
do do scarlet do Roll nose lke•pp4r
Red Torhip I do Early White Civil ,
Early lintg. while Jo- Purple Egg Tient.
Flat bush squash Early Cauhdower.
Long green do Cauliflower Bidemli,
&lathe Tomatoes
White flit dutch turnip Early Kale (Greens)
Sire top do Hemp
HERBS London leek
F.arly York Cabbage Pinks
Large do do Mignonette
do drumh' ddo Summer savory
Early laver do Assorted Flower Seed
. : rd Seeds.
Canary. Mil et,and Hemp Seeds— I
Together wi th , variety ofFlower Seeds.
Several bushel Onion Sens, for sale cheap.
April 2 20—
Colliery Works,
Steam Engine and Rail Car Manufactory.,
THE subscribers respectfully inform their
friends & the public, that they are now pre-
pared at their establishment in Pottsville, to exe
cute orders for making and repairing Steam En
gines, Rail Cars, Steam Boilers, Pumps, Circu
lar Saws, Mill Gearing and Machinery of every
description. They also have constantly on hand
an assortment of Alines Tools, such as Sledges,
Wedges, Picks, Raker.• ,Drills, Crowbars, &c.
equal in quality and at as low prices as can be
obtained elsewhere.
N. U. Smith work of all kind carried on as
Feb 13 13-3 mo
do do
The Philadelphia Fire
"%MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on
IVA Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings.Stores.llotfis.
Mills, Barna, Stables. Merchandise, Furniture, and
Property of evety description, nation less or damage
The subscriber has been appointed ACE'S for the
above mentioned Institution, and is mix prepared to
make IsscaAneaa upon every description of property
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BAN N.
Pottsville. Feb. 27, 1E36. 15
100 tons Piaster
150 bbls Lirerpoolgrnund salt
20 sacks do tine do
40 bbls new mackerel, No. 1 and 2
20 ball bbls do du 1 and 2
Hi qr bbis do • do I and 2
50 bbls rxe Whiskey
50 Do superfine Fkmr
30 bags strong scented Riocoffee
5 qr casks Lisbon wine
10 do do sweet Malaga wine
10 bbls New England ruin • .
10 do common brandy
10 do do gin
Superior pld Cognrw- brandy
Do Llolland.Gin
ApOy to
next door to the National Hotel
decll 51f
TILE Subscribers bare just received a, large
and general assortment of fresh and season-
Dry Goods,
- Glass & Queens Ware
Snorting and Blasting Powder,
Bar Iron, Grind stones;
nab, Salt.,
Floor, Plaster &c. &c.,
which .in addition to their former stock render
their assortment offensive and complcle. Alio(
which are offered for sale wholesale or serail at
very reduced prices fur cash or In est:hinge for
Country Produce.
The highest price given in cash for all kinds
of country produce.
6 Mount Carbon
Dee 27
111111 F . subscribers Inform the inhabitants of Potts
Tilieand iu vicinity. that their worksat Port Clin
ton now are in oppration, where they will be glad to
receive orders for.
I l i
or any other cast to , s, whidh they promise to execute
promptly and frith lly. , PA RKE it TIERS.
November 3 118 4 . . bl—Ty
tar The Foutiry will be in blast every other Slay.
White Lend cLry a icr t Calomel
ground in OIL 5 Red Proem p
Red Lead. - WbSte do
Lithrage. Vitriol b. •
Chronic Ye110w..., Snip • ninine ' I
do Green . Emetic
do Red *.* er Sulph.
Patent Yellow . ? : co Ni tr ie
Sugar Lead do Aeltie
Copperas. Lonar - Caustia
01 Vitriol / Com. do .
1 - '
Ao. Fortis Aeit.Morphia • •
Muriatie A d Sulpb. do .
Epsom t . - Lae. Sulpha, '
Tart. ; id - . Qpi. de hereof. i
Sup arb. Sod a,, Rome. Miners I ,
C.os. Sab. Herr—
.l Etbiops do. i..
' incisor and Pielerealses,from 6am 94 31), .
Refiners ot-Gliampktr,BaltNitreißrimattaie.lllloras
die. Offer fo rsaleltbe above mentioned artiele.S.toge
ther with a genera' .asiroftmenutif Paint"; too
Dye Stufts.and eve lryotheiartieleintlitealind
Medicinal line. r i . .
Being manufactureriOtalltheartleles ennteeraled
tmderthe ahoy - ilea& they pledge.themselfeit . o sip!.
ply tbeirfriendsand thepubliconthe tnostrsiOonsitoti
letuch the
IWO Bibles. Se.
sabicti*er: is intipareil to obtal at jts!
short optimist' possible, all )(Itasca Welsh
Books, at - tlie ehost,reastinible prices.- ikM
letrit the OdisiOrtbtfOlieri, &Alma!
0 1 '001, tficioibA 800. :BA AN„, •
spril }
, .
... : .
• -
,11k.VE T Ic latilhe isliszeittat . , ••, ,k.Wtheil ,'
Superior ;13 L. P. Madeira-1111m. %. driught .
• do ' iiii... do - do.. do
i ttied
.do . Lobla suer Pale,Sherty.w* ' • '
Duff. &Co; diY • do do '
Superior of Hock Wine bottled on the Rhine ••
J. C. and J . ts inpe'r.Cbanipaigol wine in bet:
kets. i -
Muscat de ffrontignne incases of c4to dozen
.. ..
Gnipc.ini Port Wine in wood ac bottle , ,
Pico! M adera , Sicily Madeira, old L: P . Teneriffe
r 'Klett db wn Lksbon Wines j 1
So fo r le Virgin Cognac Brandy
," . 4th proofeharante grand) ,
Cognac and - Doraeia do '
Weesp unchor Hello Gin •-'
sts &beldam do IAG •
Su ordo .lamaits SPints
Db do 4th proof Irish Whiskey
Do do 2d do Monongahela Whiskey
Roue Noyes' and Pefect Love, Cordials` t ko.&o,
N. D. Spore and Tavern Keeper. supplied with
good Wines and Liquors. and as c,teap ar theY
usually pi y for those of an inferloriquidity. 1
.Tan 9 :' 1 13-.
NEW GOODS. 1 . '
RR EST'FULLY isiformae eltiuma of
1' villa and vkinity.lh the hairiest
opened, the corner of Centre nd Callowhill
streets, ext door above the N a
lona! Howl, a
large an elegant sasortment °Maple and Fancy
, Dry ' s, with a choice selection of WinesiLl
quors an Crockery ware, ill of Which' have been
porches at the very lowest cash prices in the
PhiladelPhia market, and will bii sold at 121 per
cent advance. . i
All kid of country produce taken in exchange
for roils. rcpt 14 1, 16- 43t1
Fresh Fruit, Sauces, &C.
ViTYNCH, and Bloom Raiainai
Basket and Drum Figs, j
Primes, Citrons and Lcmmona, j
French and Spanish Olives, j
Capers and Pickles,
Moahroon Catimp,
Essence of Anchovies, ,
Lamter Sauce,.
Canton Soy, Curry Powder,
John Bull's Beef Steak Satice,
Pickled Lobster', Clams and Muscles.
For sale by N. NATHANS &
Jan 30 11
Toxic: STORE.
3 OfIN T. HA ZZA iID respeetthlly
it forms his friends, the cithzcns of Pottsville,
and the public in general, tiit he has just le
ceiveda large and general as sortment of-well-se
lectedPOODS, cousising in part of ''
Illu , black , brown, olive, 'Ten. ch ab and steel
mixt othst, do do do cassimenLP, do do sattinetts, 1
red, y . How, green and white flannels, blue and
drib ushings, batigop and genoa cords,beever
teenrycanton flannel, napped fustian for miners,
silk, clAlencia,swansdown, toilinei and Marseilles
vcstitg, a large assortment ofpu in and high co
lored. rints, damask for table cloths, Russia and
bird dye diaper, gingham., colored muslin's, mil
linctgoundation muslin, black and brown fled .
land,iplain and cut silk velvet,woolen yarn,wool.
en, silk and cotton hosiery, Thi bet cashmere,ailk
and tton shawls, cotton and silk handkerchiefs,
and dracats, India, French and Italian silks for
ladies dresses, thread, bobbincit and cotton laces,
edgings, quiltingsand inaertingli, tits assortment
of ribands end galloons, Irish linens, kins lawn,
.incr cambrick, cambriek, jaconet, Swiss and
• book muslin., French and irogliali mermoes,
eiressaianet, bornbazettes, bornbazines, 94,10-4,
14-4 12-4 roseblankets and tdonoterpanes, gen
damns buckskin, beaver, and,huakin gloves, la
diea!hosk in, silk and kid eosins and mitts, ladies
genflemena and childrens shoes and boots, brown
and bleached muslins, carpeting, an assortment'
of riady made clothing, brushes, tombs, hair and
fur4ea I caps, f.
' Also a good assortment of:GROCERIES, par
glossed with particular regard to quality, consist.
Mg lin part of
Wines, cordial*, Fiench brandy; Holland and
Common giti, old Monongahela whiskey, common
brandy, rye whiskey, No. 1 and 2 mackerel in
barrels and half barrels,
Salt by the bagel or busbel,i butter, cheese and
crackers, spaniaecti and common oil, together
with a variety of articles not euninerated,:which
be will' sell wholesale and; retail, the most
reasonable terms, for cash or cumin, *then.
1,, Always on hand a constant supply of OP,
F, FF, and PFF blasting pciwder, and Dupont's
superior Eagle powder. ' -.
The Mirka( price given in cask for Country
Produce. .
cettntry merchants ivillfind it theirinti
earl as they can be combined with moy"
mil nearly, u good terms aB they
them from Philadelphia. ; OJ
Eitnt quality ar
a luiportuticr
wed and for sale by
',rid IS 22 7'.& 3. BEATTY
Young Hyson
C4per Sonchore
rowehong ary
Imperial fy
V Life often- HailitiO' an.
A Memoir of the poblin writes. 'of Gen.liftn.
491 a• Henry Harrison, of C hio s by James Hall.
with a portrait of the gallant Commander,just
received and fur sate by : • B. HANNAN.
Jan 30 . IT
11 I
Rio Collbe,.lßot t Sogaroy
, Sic. -c.i,
aft BAGS new crop . Coffe e, -
ILI". Sogarhouso, New Orleans # , ii hail.
and Trinidad Molasses •; ' c*" -
New Orleans, Musearadb # Bhds.
and St. Croix Shams, ! .s in
20 Casks Premium '
, .. •
fi 4`
Young Ilymon and lgela c eas (ii 1„64 .110'
16 half barrels hulled ley. .• . -
130 boxes (Philadelphia) Soap, blown kyablow.
2000 lbs. &Pt Candles,B l ' • 10 1 .,and - 16's.'
50 half bones Gran, 8 410 andlo 602. -.
Cognac Brandy and Gin iti piles iiiikj 'pipes !
25 Eighteeii g allon cask Lisbon. wit*.
.New Engbind Rum,}. hallow Gin,,-Coiniiton
t i .
. • • , .
BippermintilM Asniterid CU/dials, I'o Bbl .
13ah, Fish.and Plaster,
*4 dze; - -,.-- -
Formate by _ MitLEß`t nAliGgitTY,
GentitrSt. next - door, „Muriinier i n Hotel.
P4ovills.Jam.9 '' ;' ''' ; X - •' .
• . I tI 9 WWO.
to asectinsant
cheap.. ..
•:;111114 J. Vi!... mcsws,,Tß - t;
Yiertilrimited4 lB. '4o ll 4; 0 1 ):47d# 14 .-,
1 . Heritist er _ . ~',,, . • . 1
IMIL . ENOS CHICHI ; hapaeltatho
JEW tight of tending and'iaPplybg 'Eir;. .W.
Hears Truss in SuhtlYlkill aunty: "Thi s ties
intantaidad the sanction unite moalt:reitpe'Hetable
Surgeon ts% phySicianaof'Pleiladelplusiby Which
a }tidies) cure of this distalise.; en expectation that
had nearly been abandoned is hopeles.s, Is ac
comphshed With almost ab sol ute eerteitit7 , and
with I: l erketlaretY• AUPwartis Ora bundtte espies
treated within a shorttlino in. this pity timid vicin
ity, ire known lone pertnitiently enred,e4 the
ptients can new dispense "With Meuse ,raitly ,
A success like this is nneritistpled
in the annals of Surgery: I This Wilma ‘tind
the method of perfeciincer cal
affital tart of f
t o;
are now o ff ered to thosta.Tieted With a Iron:
blesome complaint. • , • ! f g
He proposes it with confidence for they treat
ment of this disease, cud as meetint or indi
cation on correct surgical•principles for i raiiis'
cal cure. The trusses atreafore employ , mere
ly palliate th e aye:micas of the dimes , they,
fie l a
rarely ever effect a, radica4curd, and h , !lust
be continually worn by the patient, p g reatly
to his annoyantie. After-theatre by th present
apparatus is effectedS all instratati erne ii
tinned. I .- ' i t 6 W
This Truss, with its awes ages, am, oru
at any age, and by both sexes, without interrain - e
Lion of busin . • ,
Gentlemen a referred to' the follow' i Meta;
bora ofthe prof '034 relative to this i • . tintent
and its claims n effecting rasticaVes
3 )
Wiuxe mos, Professor of`Surgety in, the
University of Pennsylvania.
atomy in the Jefferson
fferson Medial
i tege.
SARU JACKSON, Professor of the I dotes of
- Medicine in the-University of Pe ylvania,.
G'snanz l M'Czat.arr, Profersor , of Sagery in
the Jefferson Medical College.
Hear BOND, Secretary pf the Philadelphia .
College of Phyaiciins.
EDWIN A. Allay., M. D.
Enwus P. Arum N. D.
Letters to the above nitned gcntleinen must be
free of experse.
Copy of a letter from Samuel Jeckart Palls
sor of the Institutes of Medicine in the university
of Pennsylvania.
Docroe Hoof* '
Dear Siri--From the uniform failure of all
the trusses I have seen, and f the treatment em
ployed for hernia in proc.ur g a radical cure b_y
safe means, I bad abando all apectation of
seeing this desirable object reached. • I must con
fess, that your apparatus end method of treating
hernia, has, I believe, necomplished this desidet
slum, and the disease is rendered not only mane
ageable, but in the greater portion of cases cura
ble by the processes of art.
The principle of your treatment and alb° op
eration of your apparatus is based .tu tbe,physiot
ogy of the tissues, and is one of the soundest in
theoretical and patitical 'surgery;
There is nothing empirical in your Proceedings
er your instrowents., They are tbe application
ofa well established principle *four Science to the
production of a specific effect. Professional in
struction, akin. and tact are necessary to attain it
with certainty. The inatrurpents sione, without
appropriate management ad the adaption of thew
action Lathe individual according to the constitos
Lionel and other peculiarities of earl case, would
prove of little utility, or might even defeat the in;
tention of the treatment..
From the remarkable succeis that has attend- •
ed your treatment. and the cases of decided cures
that have come under my own observation, giv
hag the sanction of facts in support of the scienti
fic principle, I have no besitationl hi regarding
your apparatus and met , hod of treatment as *stab-.
Reba in medical science. .. With considertion
, and respect, truly yours, • ~
We have in our possession antimatter dertifi.
caws of the first respectability relative*" the cures
performed by this instrument, whia We will show
to any person desirous of satisfying himself with
regard to the efficacy of the invention.
Persons desirous of being , cured of hernia Or
rupture, will do. well to call op the subscriber,
before the extreme hot weather sets in, as the
disease can be more ratily curd in moderate
than in hot weather. • r -
Physicians desirous o , procuring the right
of using the above invention, can receive informs.
lion or. the subject or purchase, the right of thi
subscriber, who is authorized tenctsis agent of
patentee. , ,
d procure
Eaten quality and latest
. .
._ . . .
~.. ~... •" .
' pt-ripeeireit* , ftelph- tra •
rp, - it saki avill , .bio .• . -
3;e2* - - • W...
may 16
rilHI Medicine has been &tip of great efge:tey by
..R. t , , iandir in New England nd eleewhere, for
tb , reef all those disorders collect Billion4trisem
a. Ague.: Costiveness. Loss of Altiperite,..Affeetions
of the Liver, Dysentery,Commod BoweL compWnt .
&c. For those differrpplainer it .isiji.
ed as a safe and speedy aro. , ,•. . ,
• . RECO ENDATIONS. i - " i ~. u s e
We the aubscribers having made a lit e-rg
Dow's FAMILY Manicure, dovertify, %..i lt. ye t i ,
: nde and sure in its operations . , as ' cy, and •
theft possesses a pecohar
,qi , t . to
tines in thentomaelpunthon * elthad
humors. We believe it_welrnd teditti. e cern of
operations, as
above Inentiotteld di .tim, e . idadlinTrele ,it to
he en excellent medicine `-, foe * lin ildelßitated
or defining state, fOrastnneh 'as it d nkitWeaken
die patient teltirftlr teller fog I but: restores
the stomach to ,a propertine by , ' akin Alger
amnia thereby assistintihtiapiii Witt "
1 .••;
MW :' ,
'. C W
N eil °film Gosp e l.
. • " .
i JOSEF , BRUDGOAN, ' ' i'" v .
DAVID , _ APT, . !
• 4 ••, JONATHA'HIPA E. i
• , ' _
~_ ..—• i ' (Bettie , Conn.)
i eeriifj thittheaftteribtr* 0, thinbodeeertikare
of recommendation. all ;able initabitnctra
thetown ofliebron; tate 'Of sneaker. •
. ' :fed ' Oftlie coital court
The utter theWs nu: is a .useful preventtpti of
diidernic complaints, miviallj °touch atilt Trhisßda
rise theennutieranittsll masons, viz Bilious Fever,
Cholera Korbui, Muck Dysentity, dm, 4thile-coil
*lea are chiefly. atucasiened I by antrregnlarnecre
tion of the bile, andiniertdd tithti. 'templet—
These pills are also a Wife" - I ' reined ,for !.
eh* anti disarderediannitch.• e.liere of appe—
titee-costivinesirlis. k id and aching' Ipila.
stupor. finer and siginkdis — pep IdNiAll ibrer "a 441 ' .
:,rattgeuient in the flinetioneof l iter. •
...Model and sold, , bytlr', L BRENNER, Harris. *
berg.soleliroptiatorifTpuiel tepid met th e adjoin-.
ing Buttes ._
_.• ... , . :;.. - f
A =Pi* erthwahnvnial e llfidititk Imo raj
eeßed and for saltity - ~•aBA NN AN.
- *Pril 2 l- 1 444-- -,...-,....,Atiottortfieprerieter
oat c}' cheer boards,
-.1100,214007.4diT1i Oly: dol
jitiNslir . loll4roUdZ id iti;
Veb • MIMI= Co.
_,.., _
It keat i t Ab i all -, V , :' CerinCath will
- bszdareriteitii Whisi :e, ,
8 4 4 Tr. . 4 11;. - • ( 1 - ' DAN Nlt "i