".>. • 9 ;.~ ,d i ~~ -.~.: =~:; . 2if A ' „..., 4 ,, Alien sclil itovn:.4l , Artainti , w iiiiiorp - Itiiiiliilf ifily,*Alkit t,:ficte: IWithlt,- -, 4 f 3 *4•. *I iicePtn E rzii I= [‘MMtoe EU F - 4.• MSS a•4410a4; oftegbOal )ialgoiar. *virago:* ositiet °f ere; thelneee*St 1' sett:Jilt; tab; wad; seem-to tha kteratianier iti itiseralAtoi, 4.!;9(.5 deed . Well .Per** ll ;.;-*Ore -0 4 41 1 1 & 61 9" , Jog gendoman, , litie • lawriri'* "'holier° Bond *.t; *hal*. revpoetabla vharsetarb rile:aslant in - habits Of mg* !it l4 /4 3 ; he, name ef,,WAir.4-7A )C.F.: o ,4o4enible , Penkm4 ilehnieetelzr*WkePte , aeen"'fber - . SOOl , eise7f~%bili,~oft tanks , It appears that Zhu Feast enter: regards were ; and Ineother, trAesperation. Ivited her to take; dm which she this. 4 totepFhre has towarder evening shoWn into a *veil; Wien- 1 king a 41!regt-, fiLOrl sire * 1 , Wounded, 'and terrified be - kft the roost IN shot!'. rFilled remorse-arid geed. neoili a taw *short I ipso welteringia I `late, %manned Atr 'aid' farther '1 tolt, matt 4014; 1 sheen request 4 of -the deemed to , be inelanehoty44: msiele; Thal the very I clod tit waxer' notit4 it la $4 The. Y.**, a ~person of hithertoex-- „latiihava” Teatii-1 Wade washand. I L heehaw:a -' that - taa=" 40 41 . bee tielrieseat , ak-ebedried,-"1 heratait*:te 110' ad, ire thr> was said, 6e tooti~. /NWT • , , --and the te:4 e 1 three , yards . eantentioTthe corset-tmee.--- Iskilkad itteii niatt;-,•who di e . tile's ..rearlerrr egg, terra. • jory, said Rictourd Wit; by shooting dep.iing ander, wring faits jed. Tc-'T'^ 1 ~~~ ~~ litstiosoa„ iiidViet itietertertiVa 'Thai LEtteirmasa patiereeti; Au beeit op le ;be liver tie 3lieitee Sapreeer ae theeomietfateirmenst -*kb everraeasespitiltatent _ _ Avow and .re#izeme {Cdr *be er of peet:Se . I Bytios ripe nsii-6111, sobeed by a Ada. aarverruMW . Aular-vramegilialria s iliktr Wile &kits - h*V.latal - hitt' i'VPII4ICIIOOIOI -0116:iiklasaty tiokliiiatiglefili an iedi - rund wialtes aser.. , - '*io•i*WEsvt il"ar Pe°Pule's., ~ 110fiavAtiavat 1e 44. =:r4 2114 - 'IV— • ;Mlkkeirneeti-IMMIL'IMOS' iseriaNjitakebelilieuit 6 1 Wizlgtoar ' ximpodentatic:ftioderebtliistitziliewiltri EMEIMI (mnimpl3iorNtiOlt' ,sarr. imsmassat kir kklit • -----1 limmosizes tairemL. _ i —dak r e Wiilb 4l / 1 " _ figlicOgisift-41 1 0101 sag, 'ittlicAtisilllW: • 7 , '.4- ~..,>., ix~J._ . \ra t opuir ain if *ls- .. Airall 444: - . - volt.w:,. . . ." 61014 :1 4 1 thi j C =r0 1 # 7 ~ t i a r Z and harfilkslidu*thikinbia;ka::" d: hate of ihes_riter, Oa !chi huvimusis.itii*. higiiost... latel l l ini t *besk .decaelleirol‘ IW. OE mem .secitAttiniest.stilndeationtemounter - theirselMe sex.,bas bastokei kelt meerded' m•ritelon• eats sad limos:epee than in warn ' l - ill sayikend be , "carried') in old heidletween bibe efehottidene'` - irlieFeterte or-tbisliganarli BedosWitoerer shell pry eibiddmi into the soi -emits of•lbis betik will violate *Men 'commend-, thentar'..-m eistation pf,the. which the 1 .4:swept§ oftholsok erefikellizi ,ins- him in: ' neeeet'a Oa the Giat.Paded be !ta - . 11 Ma:gating' 1 ftcemßyriit's Araisfreek 4When OW s;.eyesilsell be aimed 'Mdeitthi ii , eheittes of thhiill.aakill InT• 1 toothettektnicy lifls!hich nochrbittan mother i would ,helenecod by tie begeseutel 4 Beat hoe 2 or .steamt, • i 4 - '1 .--,.. ‘.- 1 ~ "''. -- 't : ,- -_ , 'A- 7,- Mantel Abe cOptente ef theta& idel extinitich 1 enonoqpiettemsdwdeteteetinelhis4k oecesiont: 1 1 ally en by peinkling-offteno: line .. ienuteene,rw. :Atte- latter-lama *1 1 desiriptinn-Of the :..desirable- qualitietp Sir 4-Imifr,:, 1 1 eisd-ilienamMieeofe dream of Mel - itkie - 1 nalldlisoft'O. , PV& . .,...,.gtte FfiAgeslijok**ler able jgdsment:Aminpnessef:Athileot,itia. min ' ther: end ingesmineneseof cub - p *MP* But;) there a* passage in the booli'whic4 Marmot on.', ly ntendshed bot 'iniiieteiv - shot - bed mane allirs tt tr. mese sincetnendi ' - (lands. and betrays a re-'1 vengeftdeess and d lion Offeilingeoariely erodible in 'peg so and apparently amiable m disposition: r It - tittle§ to "deer dee." By 1 this -statement* Wta. es' that his Letie&" a Alks his baud and 060 it Ives; as was axed by aria 1 tettegreementseetemn his lather and employe! Mr: Mende. Atter remarking op4n the into. cieneyxd'thetrom &tithe support obis expensive cmurimer life, he bestowed upon hill employer 43/ the 14dger appellatione Within their: of eon- winelivms epithet,, , and emplialical *lis t. 'mar *as& be he twiee.and ell biz Gunny, And all thin; because; tiY,the consent - ethis' &tier'. his Islay wee limeffittient to maintain ltis . ealravw , et and sicitent halite; ' ' ill A Horrid in= by the name of Bali, who has been' ihsent frcira his family during thb , last two:Years,latelY returned AU this city, and iticonsequence of his abu.4 to bie wife and Children, was waned in dailefroanwhence he was fibs. rated& feardays pinto, otr thelwomise that he would Immediately inavt Providence. This yntim*, Weever, lie tneglected to fulfil,nrid.on Monday Ist, ink state of in toxicarion,iheagida visited liarfamily, and latter ripilusg ern her -aluhunen i 'so that her b.owebt iminediatety gushed out. in ~this cood4ibo,Sporting her bowels upon ' her hands, she fan througli the street for maw. , t 1: The tiohl hooded- fiend - Went awayito the haw Of a'relative - , 4 w4fie. be bon*. rry á' latahr..** after aUarpeaire it, utak a. izia,idkianitunsueeessfeint to . rut 1 his'own threat inflietittg a 'lll , e Which is by no ineaniitiangenuni. t - - .The unfortunate -wow* is still living, batprobat4will not iong`inrvive.. • &lel lithe iiiotber of nine children, and surstaiins exciilent au:toter in the neighborhood where she lima. • • Tim ia buena, roiroster has since b , lodged 'in jaHto await his' trial and; „malty due his crime.. - He says be only regrets that lie had not killed his wifirland also a son andliangitter, against whotn he ~itttiolgesibt- - snout enveranned hate. y iWe' denaand he is between 50 :tad $0 L. 4 "t°4"4. Ostdie-Csicuitt..l -Thelitotircallions , i • ing finitiat Qt a /ems* date sal . -s, rOis Yeiteley etterflboo, about five o'clock, a meeting took place, inlika" tear o t th e ItlemstaM, bittlyeetTe. C. S. de Blisary,l Est. AdiftstiMoo orthe Eepresentatires • thg , lieetleier -helem4Y fie the eeeetY of Eieliehwand Mri, l er Devernay, proprietor of the Mille '''' n ew ipaprr.- 1 -- The Reeler waseeeete ' ''' ittJoho Me 'Roselalsorits, the lattitr by E. p i ...Rtt.„ l*, - MVP. ir, gOke *lt:4mq o f mi l Ase t. lastivediatidy after the par= liet L eeanhed,f the ,• , , . . place, al e* die tanee4l,2 Soft, %vs ~ - red, Um speedi prernsana ste l7 ii : :, . •,: , I Alter t - tarettt - It Fmk . `-- , - • del the Mr inemy hid imaged his oppotteors chalice the t =: ) , s hied amoad his -peck AtaadhatrAtier ta it tow the ' groped. aaeond,tbitd sad 4lioi *ere ta - i - Eit -': ' asiit_or des: , -weut: * : " • - 01)- 4 behY Pug . Mr , •". , -, '• ` lithate the and kis a.- - = hi* - The - iiiii to* --. ~ 31•4471toteor0* .iptitaxii.*.,Cloiiiiig ibeloocesiatono {F oot r...ciletotWAgiai streembeidr end Cbandiefitteeht, iiattail . his tiet, 11 1 WCie - Oekl Atit;:**h l . l 4 . httrtt, fete getaZttMetthe-e9eNttei ....*etell •-:... nte*k fi3r - thopele*who opened* titertAte • '- : .le . theletelk - thet:4 . 4 . thae . tY ' , - I ' . • '. " . *.tiit • ~ iii_.• c - ' —, -- 7- : o * - thitheWe' l4 his 6 11 )44 4411 1 to 14Se4.1***; ,11441004 4-o**-1111:: iiiiiiimetialiiich :, la . -fria"4l,l ll 4 41 6111 .1 .„,"": Itfrolq, - . 4 4,00 0:---T'- = Ai 4;416;i • • • - ' 0,114=: - ':# iii. o r :sik:iii: . :, .' * 2ol.iiiitioOltm*- ; fat . ..'", •-• • , . _* - . 1 10 1 :104 11 *N.'Oodsii 44 .: • . : .:.", , tqwboilaiiiiiiiisciiioit 1 yes# 7 7- -._, .__._-_,_:„..,,..-..:,•!,::-.-..:„ -..., , , -.. B . Diiiilag . : _ •7 • ` . .7 • . ' - := 7, , . 74 i tit . :j. 4 atiarr-Atirit , '•'4ooaneuiiis!l,oo) ,:liftmen::: rikaiitirea;itiiiiiiiiin, it the Aiti: - Y.l4*-AitliWi.l4'llailOiciih-, :rag P<Sint.eitkidak:iipii:rnWiati , White- a ii i iniber. of aikelltiliei;lirerepniiiiioiiiTiiiiis;, '' teg*pititeet timber up the: i*" of,e_ieik: sektht . ,..:.eteg!ltt etreliteh . thfy *OW' end &DIY itife way, Od - POOPitiktO ti: -. 4 -.- *lgile, :of them, eight in , lion?R * o. talbg*lnd;it diunikii*Pt.F9rotArrOtiVith the ruinrof 0!ci' 101 t0 oidii'lliet*:' :4 l: ' ..Pne ' or the * 6 0 6 Otetiilitil'ocToeppoott. was hittid..testaxit• ti:,140 : .....tati, - Tand.AlL,the, 'whet! m ere O.; jited; niciat',Eo4li se " . Y i " -.1 Put, .;:: z . ‘,l._ 'r•,i "i:f • ::4i .•- ' : ' '; • , '•• '._:2lfi7ktai of remtti iflitempera nce.— The .111r.' ,, peon, of Ohio, whose' suicide • we noticed daz.or two since, was it ap-; i-Vietiiu to intemperance. ' White been rimpectiblownd highly esteemeg, but his hithite.Olatiged seta iiad for, tune, and 'educed him to.misery noCindi. gence. A gleam --.31 pride, however, still seems toliave lingered in his bosom, at the moment be . was. about perpetrating , the deed which Was to separate hint-from his forever.. The following is given as the note found in the chamber where the act was committed. . Its "illusions may ea. sily be interpreted— ulfra.Rarriet I.Warton. , --1 dte that you may lie happy. 1 Flistia Norton. I9th Mara, 1936." His wife went to - a sisters some miles distant, .but the day previiais.--Ncto York Star. - • 4Ssitt-Hobokew.---111iss• Catharine flyer, a tiitive of England, aged 21 years, drowned herself htit week at floboken.—: Before leaping into the river she Brew her shawl and bonnet An the walk,, , and on the Cinder was found a note, directed to No. I.7solroadway,. which contained the following: - ••Oh liarodalitmarthe eternateeraes oft fe. tore world rest upon thj perjured and." B a najakii, the indiOdoal natebt:4, in le i yoimit rehab aids, of Instantiated ehatacter a dial we. ker at NI- 1 75 'art.s!PlltY• -fie is reweetWed to have beep wwsenie by the heteibleneo Of the egoineely.ead ofgtiss Ater, which is, sad wflh If cat ..deubt trely,.-nttrihated by al funny and friends to• parkin! abeentioti etWitid. that be; bat since Iwo parailly deranged. fie attended the Funeral Orthe infortecrate girl en Fatoplay, Pe tree h' otseasioo tve 'evinced the moat eneeele if, Lh hw,:azd plater bar aondoelyzfatin —Mien • lgteagigg4is CAW tioshiemotril - -040. thlie th e see of 'old Wareing " of Pu_p -01 abomtemortautd adapted SOS la the family of eased mao of the wok of Shoe. in the neigh bothooa of Giookoroork. ILtati ow" ty, was haniktficipialTded by the DeckskTh s'`meen Cords Vain' npobt babe sheaf ea dismay:ma ifflaip_ tit* ides do i a fO~L.i".edr, ol * I and cuthPriees his family. ' bad Rare to 0 1 4 bthiatot soma netighboriag black ' s. beat half a mile distant. leasing the child skim Os their mums alma 4 extract'. _he was found. as Aire described, dad. but sot yet colt 11411 s. fy of impost mat empanelled belime _ rarr, wrier retired to bad a verdict of and that be came to his data by, re ic i m osectf, or some Pemba rof persons nithranam Shoe avid family, are ems Phnirtchihk. very poor. *tithe is hirstactfaciesemlial ecceatric. sear , ion aiimrd afoot intlength. oke; Be says._ the child nu Mites the , death of Wainwright *be Hied 'skit stool to him in the elay. when bet those piers ea . There mai no apperem name far 'overlies of sraiXtd . e much bus for riumbei.— Wive liknahl. We have copied the foregoing from Poulson. j If "there was no apparent rea rOn for a verdict of suicide, touch 'etc!! morder,r- then ,we respectfully wsk west Sort of a verdict should have beenrender ed? We sesrpeeti however, that the ceder. means thatthere was no reason known Why suicide or anyder should have been com mitted. . - , initi's opinion of the married state-see toed net le be very motif earthed: On one of:anion he - bad been called Dion t. =arty a coup* and after getting them property-arranged, comaseneedas follow= Man, that is born of a worn* hub bet a short time to the, and is full of reitiery. dm,' "My dear sir,' laterzeprect the bridegroom "! yon are reading-the burial SerSice,ineteari of the matrierotite' Ne ver r iod, whispered the Dean, "yea .ihni be4er be buried thaa aserried.7 reetpar!---it fenced to to tratiepormtiOe for lifeoniitod up en nee of the imenetne4 laigapentes iok 'main& which ifood an file aide of the deek orb iniameer's tar, and which etogaitied .at 'kilt a goext:or Wet lapin; and, with darneeiae:raios, hurled it =nos tbetaatt it the bend et the Judge, IthrtiligOs its atitltcred payees, with Its oantetatnrthe Cantwei, iniatOs;andoirgeoserthe One. ttair a reugeoulli - 1 . fiestartar . ... , .__„,...._. I, a.. 1 kr attoi.lais lem e ._:.. ' * lll7 /_ r maremerm"u um ZsitaktiOe_ ,2 2 11-114' , 1 Ea I#oaiV'rr'.....-ac..2"^idiisbil l e.rw - 7 leamma l -- - . - 11‘.....-z „ • 1 ... - Ewa iiPikae11ibk . ,.........„-: ..i. aili. ga d - thicatatvise---w-- .ft ' tatrie-the ' wiraesilla kenelccaij , imteeprot kr E - . - -11146**14 •Everid elli-- la=mill, sod a. anima air- -- - - -intAili—isaiimi.t-.-- _.„ ...mi., iikeit bis:,_..--,4;44erFt -4riflowe- SeAlliVk..l*-11.,..,_re- 'la thii,lll,--17' 17 '',•Aftwj6•11*.iiiiii# ' ir,0414,711A.=tr.- - ' ; ItAhitba ' " 1 04 1 0 0 ,-,;',•v -- --- : - '7 7, - Tr )-- ;',- , ..: - - --. 7":":1` - '• --- -., , - : - :P: '', . - - ..t. i -, ~ ::: ..Z . ': ' --' ''', ',' . ' • - ,+ - ct;:. l _ 4# . lrVl „ .AOl - Ori , J , PrePOT I ' tr1if.7:41,1611 - 13Le•014 - air *berth* Tfrmilie-We hid wilkiizAakilloni ,411,.,Norbweit thunday , _ . ecomianiedmith - Trao.4l. *whet him since Weil ' rate 4: !•1 littbe Lute **slunk( ths,Spadelphint ma rt Annual Coairince*thi !Ili.' ' .P.pi# , copal Church, the Rev, . J ' Ilt; Autire, ' wasappointed to the . 4,, , , - Metbah: ,ditsCongregatinducthis :, . ~ 1 , . We publish innnother coin Attie pOii4 colors of a "Horrible T) .7 which - Wailitelyesltibited in thoci: 4.lliiii deliiiiainarnelY,:thelatUnapt •-, , .11411111010 k tion of Mrs. Wade, and , ~ lot Brown 4 to .faltiolt we - respectfully reor; our Plod _um We alsn'publisli some thitther paiti rioters 6 relation to kho "El ' rritge New York Worst." ,Our-, ' . Wilt iabo find an account. of _die Prof nee Train& dy, and - the duel in (thinada The ' latteti however, a very paltry aid -, --.- laturmaii. ison with the others.! We alai partaken fat at of a "Melancholy , I Soieide.," at Boston, together with a &tat accident, near Baltimore, also eeiinicide -*- dr i n'iting , and another by banginfOi, l . I ;b) o 44'l' triassborongbh ' We. have. - massacra* I TeXIS or Florida:hi rico Allis week.=4- Nevertheless- our readers i may if- they, nesse 4 "tap fillitof horrors"' ' " , _ Every friend of htttnanil must deplore the-repent mental iamb!r or tragic . oc currences thraighciut Mir icountry. , It 111 the opinion:of philosopbnitnages that oft cides and srutraers be eitalt tither—that fel is, that their eini c 4ll . p " imitation instead of est . o bservation is doubtless jug. T. 80, ha 'vex; proceed is most sees from modal •derinigement.— None but dovnnight madreeni would de stray themselvesynad _f . rho commit murder tire genet - it'll - It*: _ of leindatunt ged, !bough tiotialaraynfo r sitetianeztent or degree as to remstre4rwit legal reqnstribility.-1 The canes of this inad peas trehotli mentidat io Z n ysical. The renalciatteservkihe- . . date paa- - ivir of the.rpindi. When antlered to grow wild. and ungovernable, or4enderol-so • intemperate habit's: tie Wl*is unwilling or unable towttil or ierepas kit' sindie; five or other tricit6 patinae is shiny* in danger of having his reason to a greater . or fe degree subverted. 'i to this state he is ripe for any tpeeies of Wicked • - `. When he, recovers. tintliing is left but ton mourn -Over his mot -fay poi rashness, t .• 4 mine his owtilleatrifsell:Onntiol kw whit. ' he is held responsible. both by: the lift s`" • God and man. ! The phYnettl ca i ranen &wane of the ' •enrlgneik- . theetkce*,;... 1 . sender their victims trul -objects passion. The cereal Bream igen.' ' of madness test:thingfrulla jeakmiali, as supposed. iiliiicciriars of this • sloe, the ••• •• "•. la- ve, we, are, as e I =Wasted - • r illintreted pmserfidiv in =•• .- -, is usgedy of the *. In the L-• : . 1 areal life alinte referred to, BrOwn mi •be emsiderel adni sort of anDthello, and re. Wade a l'a* demons, allowing for t ' difference in relative Batton* aftbe , "pertiest. .' 4 . .. 15m. - t asp' Are to the ja4ourk ' ' ' ' seise As Kato of hall irriO g . b . - i Mrs. Wade in reprftietited to lea voisisg - mel lady of. beauttiuxl isinOinplish bout 23 years of ar— . -with two e :--keeping 0 I;oeresef ew rioisse in P si reet-•--and who he. for souse ' past separrnett flout her husband. i • , hive no douhtlithat thelady in . • ----, ' • •. i known to manli of ourilinhabitants. : .: ;1 rule entertained . of her teraiteryi dimwit this islet con erect doubtful. The ease of,Robinann is or *hie h • ~- produced ' t glee- ideal of eseitement in 1 4 1, l'or=, 'yea% pin be really gall be i s fdkely i terminate his one . fence • • an i • nianner4ord i t :lista:re •'• • stronAr resainble 'some of the event r, the tragedy Of George Barnwell. II grifir... be is etutainlira young rani ter or imeijuk ty! . His ewe lwarld shin . 01ustrate ketsergsevil - . * *a mid • silly or the i t letjee Of" anseciating '''' 130311FWOMIl i , We are told in bay seeming to this a bject, th at the man °aka bird bastoh, to the mate, . ~ kvisieittitot Oat it isfor .'ki3fife.:' iftedeeer indeleultf _.' 7 '.' tole 11001111 u-beau nnavoiname . :•:'i . , - .t --- , , The Sonfeitareilliese-iipieitik .4,enoce.laear : ' - - 41 , thfi ', -- -- - . e o e oo / 4 ie. • 1 - "iieletith**.."2 3 -ii;it 18 '' ' , -, 41 4 of letelilit- .le , ii iii-ji -supti 7int annf =.' ea . iisehorret • . -.: -; - 4 l : '• •. - .- ":- '-. - '' , l *U'r . hiiiegi*elo ' ''' lf`i4 4 4 if , , •-•' 1 ::" - :01 63.. . - : : : 2 ,; —: .thw_oscoo**.i ) ..i finieh: -: -,---,---,.--,.: - -.. --1: 4. '! :1 .'' ' . 4 '-'''' ''-' '... ' ....';'' ' • ' ' '''''''• i - i•: • .• I] •' % . ' ..* - iiiiieua ~.. ~, „..,. L 4 4 10 . 1-, 4.*** r: :-.4 1 .01i 611 040- 1 0. ~,:.! -.1 *if 7,_ . ''• - ' . -' • ikar.lol : 7 ' ' 4. ' ', .01eteeilif -. 1 '- : • :'. : '_.' i 'Tip •,_. -.. .' -":' off' thit.:z ‘. . •.= • - 1 4-,-4:lifixt, - iiiiit*Atiptiksiiiiii: 1f..... -. '''' . -,- li'. _ - ,' , ,i'. - -:,. ... _,. - - -k-,.-. - -'•, . EN ~w 4 0 1 t , ii _-,.. _ ..4 11 istetilaied tint the - Mlles WA "iiiiiiiimiral in ' 'oriii -- ;•tir - Wiaiilii a recent apee4 .. kill_ Itt: — -orpcmit [aitiod iaditeitty trir iariiinent , • , Tail pane Mineyttras lashed • Its thinks hate it. add Uhl 40 0 iliterven4 - 4th**tz .97 , nald.ton . , debit millions if lire per mum [thielfigtilds nib, en of inter led to*. M. Whilite . iii one coal cite titatilloibid. to emir; add gay wo I iog *tiiiderey to r et:oat sod eirposiiit4O air., feeding ila - dent itionn such tie4eximi ap tam e d Ilbolgentaev,elthe seggitry . and Z. I Wit; eggy4reee kietied the metirity et Hoene. •Altheetklmektivie' a Martity et ',-.ll4nee i iit eppiimed . it hieOisis, yet Om pail , ~tketies 4. 0 44 bat alto* of . adoption. • k wet it pia*: kid - tinged upini the The tales l ie. tall Pt conmeleil option. and be wised rather jos it step sperm ti_ stands, aedosifer sio sadiber ' kt. ibis limisetatiptioa and die hykoriiMpoig.,. He peat OD to Grail the seecessity cof "iimplirivc aoaquito the fiends coaumulied - uptlrtlip . pitolic traraie: He *Wed to knowif int ei,,r eig: sot (ha Gteitie . et!mutt, .seeretly appbM: tiadlakeifilm iip. :Tim ottalofooo/ to it te n titattlitkePite- ' ula ' itpor. it. and ; made 20. Woe 4140:00i . fie no pledge.hat - be believed what bitfidd be *anted an inquiry inug theft:nab Orsiti*. ha ad FEES 7 . ' wmainaiia*, aka ith. Hat 711115 Mier of* Cear's. aid iteitsirtr: j - OW restrameirlik. Mee, alike opettingsd the hatoe,, eddrased it wad thre hoar tier die hiders I .. iii o,,olay.ertived, widenticestplatint bitt..- b.. ' will probably plumed twutortote woritt remarks stare oft the' sohjectathilew' di enquiry istatbeastatettine Wallis bete Mr. l 1040111 L Mbar% and•ths Tit:Wary Owlet,: to' t, i nut Übe pet hooks .. He assumed diefireatt ad *bat there was a m -of cormfron. to stuistageoteat of the - foot*, width ther jerky three& boor pertatting a hilleirtittee of /lowa to esquire into. He inflated to the Acuities which had -least tbitnni lo po rp ' slier teteinto; la the case aftbe olEra. ad tailed to the attention fifth. House. doss atearanece which bad been linen cis these' accataen. that ell area pore and itatietneig boo , ea . and uptight. ..Bet :dr& , me geottesties pre sentee to dant* .the tact. Petite breesure, t-the netwey of theieople, *at at fttat fox toe eal ti l i st r r l g t e d!". • • 4 .°' krt . . — l l She ~ r:Wese n tet . .3rithitetriWt. ec 4 molt sill'-' • &tin; theibe ireifiallible.rif to hie iid: '''Torrildi'rbreitdarfte ,' - rim betebeed mid re-et-heed the tedifitire - -- 17 • , • ter burl minutes. This I soppitithe we a t . bireittg-eltited lltr.-lIW -.hew au iljeetrereTpleeed, is the Ole. , yr the thwart, Dearly belied htti. Wise. - , o day sad ill* the la* tare de* the lint* it bed snider sootrithewitanktbe bill ttl prttaidThe' ' the-erril'and thilomitie a:peeler of the Gar: , fsitiveleme 1 1 331k 7 Tbilletes ;tor ebb: r ' - lute drawn *ids' aw ;saboawit dint* al Tetterdly f the feet 't t= that 4- - corer of ewe orthape Wad e • time; ratlike was sleds for the yerpustet of Ape •Ife. ear Estraerdenevy sad Nisrittels Pialmiesdits 'lir appoinseddoring leattimuner to the: territe' - rijtonditatitew 4 ._ . .- ' - _._ tiel r. loos of waren: tainted sus iiiht of rbeeidead we snake midi ipptintstata, • reaseeyerpreettd above dolt the badmen, li, bassi boob, proivites audilial ii.m.l.m, saw tionesaldt Win predderdialwaise, bw , Mr. bid rasa wrier mere *the- titan t R ever hams him no WA* ea Itoe i door. I. ined tbseerlaritbarboes 1 .tbtaseitrae4.l said be. line lexa toadied with aospewitigthe Flirtaidru 'sins .tr a t= . to '-ashen ti the ci t y r imiorwhit i il the ettniolitrattew.-a the awn is ethielb the public iletetei IF eePeeded. sad aHI set. be deterred 6oei the enereire of IL-, ' = alma Varifieleilhairmitt. - says paseessee. Otte yeti! forepperatioir , eaeb-= l. 4ratiot to . heitiipat.! -tderty-it Tbest - isna law inahned , , .arch anwohetwasta We ).10to 'tioatramtad eamitati. oft* President, tuthit:thbefflinetb With bin earmiettar the !smear the*: rabayaatimpaa usyialait of& % lento titr,mbe payment* the'of Mahlon '''' jiratesprdimerte." Ise , laid it *se awl he a - I WC Way. bet the- phettlitt Agin mit tibia lie' ippoWesetiL , lithe ityprepria6ota- bed been imbed to a ease of enterreasy. it wadi but Pre-' ,added a Mims* Oler - h•oni -dirbitt it 1 itiii. erg* daterseletflati nutter of rigli. • - i lila &II *sot mike ardent and Alpert thee Meade bet net more bed or Entice'. i As tallow titer t zty. of Coinarticht.he Was Owitelibbed : demoletheksad it is destsfat lebeeter he can het raw* was to be heard *ono aria '.4'.“ k>' _ 1 1 71e, hell ` was &SAM SS daY unealeettr *lf er - 1 Sleek. when the Coiontittoc roe. It was then wade thicorder ofeho day ire earaerviter (Friday) end nest aay: , • This aa private iewsnese *Hi be takes vide week. Mrs's — Elittisas---Tbe aidtibilid mospeest we. sore misty Mint fitw.WS.a f ro m ths Facasgers—ilit *irsidtairatesdai secaksw ban beers lay a 11111it.C'As * ss 'beard tam.. dm Whitish , la sags theAhmpas - -_ _, _ Was* 1 gas dam Asa wbst,iitL ee ralisp i a. et , wage is ( sweasse. dw Whigs bias id ' fits is Ow pSpabir rya* imam: arasty 17apt AIM. gl i lie awes dos tishasmaiel has tie* ns. =.:4 .AliallotGlmenheiliin tranoges. ~„ at Greg= il . sy.i . stsdag that a+ air itiF illi rreirt asteb : g ir risk s so ttradatlig s lookkg the ir ' sad dosLtiere ir'lSssels 1 1. isprestwai this dasirStealidisas asy lis, la= deed is esowit l lissaTawa spina air adds. mesa . 11. siaidarifessset di *masa _ _lust: lbs Oafs ddiags - wasar tho haw „ iredenl'Uk, imerimwat the wily ' ' seelmilln - , ' k - -,--'-• "-- F-- . - I .- -, 7 - Its di +l4Ss 0 10aW)eassiar s ia initial." I dos lowswisaisor ut (iisassatiZeinftsa is 1 .-„; +Mali:Wan belkwassail *hie , of [ irlieb‘lngskiiiiiemarkielsow,a4.ll4, 1_..„ _..„ .....,_ 11 4 .111/1 " i ll ial !!!" 1011 ' INT 11 ! ram"... " l- ',..- .•, , ~ .'"'"' ' '''',-,-.:', V - ~'•4;.}, = 4 , 1 •ITfie•iiii, airistrillithit is i ills o ve . -4 1*ilbtoilliHniakfirr4 ,- •`." - vili-list r St r fki li viofr iAl icrolvdoki*simik, 1 0 4) imiarris,;•-- l ib , larm;SN**ii 7. 1111 -.M. 1 0. 1 = 1 1. 1 ......, . :- 1 .. 4 - Z'l ' 4 '';: -' :'' 4 LN l' '' .744 ' 2 A ii =oalogiameilLirirtit , • s 4 ilit - 4 *-11rillik f: .l litl m inotr _ , - Atelt al lielik . om ):-, ':' 11b:. , L? 1 --, 4' ti . ', ' • ‘, .. `- _.' : ~~ ` A~ l .✓.~,~N~_~'::~u,;:'~ , t % ~ i ~i_`''to:~ - ;i~: f" t om ~`~'y',-{~~-;+~cli Rte; =li ,";..~= .~, _ -:=-~=„;~.a:: _ f -``:~ `d ;R i' fiasiore - he left Vs ohtrai. - " , TOO :,'", beginning to suffer Enna Winn' tl: ,l ' t. 4, Gen.-11facmaib had, leffPiaioli . 7iii '''' ' '- ,pa Bay.—.llT , V. Thisaiipt.l. --1'.,--;. - • ,-, ~- " ' - 3 ~,,:ir---.'7.•:-..-- ---.'7.•:-..-- -- Th. *et! OrleaucTive,-,Asiiiirrais,ii, the 4th ingot: says,—,..for tbalisi tli -", days A there has been a. -varietref ', .',.,._ ...' , 4faa. -- , , '" - " Texas, but in none eitillich ":' ! 341 1 1 tic i l . 4. ,0in .-I :Pe Placed- ~, '-I ,-,..-, . ,74,41;-:.,,, ' s , :. - It is prUbilia=that--oeVi - J ' liiitiWa j a fiekt with theiMeiicannoilh .iit*li-:Weli ale. ad, -it is said thatirr:tbt ~ 141 , f) t he enemy - were killed.. it liii , I *I, last night, that 4 4enAntbnkt,bail :- , ;re, , but idle; diligent enquiry *e l .; ..," roar ob. • *sin iur3Putforginitionierte , , , tbithit re port, upon which we:coati* silljely; Santa Airil'aofficialicion , .ofjtion tak ing of than knenriedges, Mid, and bc ilia% ce(4'af silent as I. Awn We are ees from ' *allied , of a Mexican armed vessel schocarr: ican same fierielo of 1 dons of war,. ' &trust Oreti 'the entire thaibtless the ir-''. Tbe,Neyt, greasniay that eth.loura striper tefireted tortoise.= At St.lfe. mates .Thsifieid vireo nitaoee, er Na.peritHie l i 5 Onssiles.' Na' %. jived. , l j : 11 E 1 1 MAX oir, ,No es fa iestristietie4Par: fie , . s *Wiwi. - ' • insitS ji!striNkt- . --' :. L. Dert.asaT.o7t7Deren4t,l I 0 1 . 11 ' rillilrn *ale. • tun.-Yes bikr . : s-. , . . /.... t_<.N I , ---,, - Plarsca.-Take math* thei tit-thilbilieetha share cause. thiedaterdaat illiki, llo • Ind gm in nwitolnoß Ander Mop *kw aim i scrit pleaded. that befeee, *ad "'sad adletr (bawd time of said aftsphied indfing, tie M. e( Plaintiff nnii thOnall4.onre 1 3 ( an' tioar ; *elfin* find iiiitiTyi*slieb ' r Arid this dafeadant. bt iPse. hers claplse anitperpOsi . Ilsot had moil - -* TM tar. art keit& epos and - 'is ;ate : 44, and before. the stail One .Ike "' di* aa q m . 6l "...fr t tariedea lad - - said P iiiiili t -111 I' teet and now ikon -gr paged by onTrig the Noe. Math , enquire ye 1 One &feed - 4st. ail iierendast : : ' losolii finelbero eataplied wide. • th e' eared 62. ace reganfing. ete. bat eichedly nod lard' . , ly eagstriennifand — _ . tetalo_, lle . . a !.kal =, l4 " 4'l7 4 lfillPfll 4 l. I. • said Dom far. _ . ' -- this deetteient. , ishet• - r biy and quietly , laid beads ARS Of ettd . . pfaiatift.' atteimake4oo. l .o*.vah 22 4 1 9°- hie tentleaness.f ^ ',_. _ it-1, , - -I''• : r.:''' ltsfueavint.-Y4144: 1 ,, ~:.:. _ , littrankaas.-tain *1:: [•tiftra.tuunifirtitaishr: --, .'l--J-- . r - Cletstiiiii` Ciaitr . l i s ai t 'lavailieli aides. 1 ' VaaaKT ay mat aaaf.-7161 *lie itrither lima Dor tail ottlie, --..- wadi:am_ 1' *A tbette4h ‘ raLier - ; l ie; ' lobe 44 0 liettempriabed all at ski.;'' _:•i wa i ant wiskersaa - 0. bek . mtnititielf• ; , - [riiiit is As seitald . • -• -4, ii• ii, '. See orazgoarddia# ia • ilia** 14 . .: 12 inn 'pia iiit the pitganis;as, the '-: I:Jute& Bats& of! Rriiiiim- Nil, , ip rie Th os . en* taro= 'A XS:liaisalhisibles' )liibilmien riate• died_ fish iiurrigetie the maim it -4Mtikilkin., Sit: rtfarftevirorryLNsalprq print/410* [lamer , raid aftealiaaf to its: lkseitits': i tsm4ll Isar - ram: Arai - briartei -. .. ; 1 - arairis al iii'llikellisii 1415040 WA* . ' - ,inua Wed ea the amity it, ' Wig : Iwit. intim being salted ~ ' lll lll , if .- lid - bring bar mit in ' f ... ....., ~.,. , tpe }xf o ,2 ].zerr , *thaill -- ~ ii ;l i r om r , V I amid aeseerlay , bn'irostad. ' , '' .l - " x 215222 * god "Usk 17 ort -.- :'i- -, A irviiiiit4 ~ "' :-T7Ther. bar iistOr,Pirillt,' - thiitit l4 * *ea irbilimf -*/*: - a-ve. imilt., - aF,tiordri#. -- :-AttP:Trog : 4 0‘ i it i ci ciiir l lii*Ailrifleeii..** ' - bad the _lilit,_WAltt7, - 4/111170*Tioft:-bitir-ipai 1,471 e, ,44114mktnikgekiiiiiiiii 'via a -4' 4'. 14.80.4-2.102aa feellaram Tbelinejartg be of sari thaw lbw ataboortif seraProdueiht.takihearOir fifty gallons - mai :l4o e4tir etalarbine kfa 'eliagft . .eg Ike s 3: meatm 4.(. ...i 041 4 i • ... If . • :re l . ! ' .'ll'; 4 111 2 A. f m t
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