The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, April 23, 1836, Image 1

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• LIALI.per
la odes
b• '
every subleTatuit
Cents I'ol.l
e 2
'..aoaatLan Coffee,'
To Contra
I , Leer and
• • 4.5 . ,will be ,
of May nenott I
ve, fin fn. hi •
these end
' . e the line
Rail an% neat
ty 6ve
rail .-
fore h
•a thi
. Will be reeei
r delivering on
37,ti0 white
sa d to
, und t mber, ten
ing,and flatted
esr or Seven
and Limp.
ma—old, Brinity4Yelloor;
wyra„ Porto r and Cuba;
• rews, and sanded;
Igo and St. Domingo.
CHCE 6 /=A-Ti
y i ertat
• _ & Rhoades Nos: 1 iodA
aadOonunkin ditto.
,TEAS. -
and tm
.• •• Efrroik. H and nylon Skin;
and Souconr:
_ ~,-: MOLASSES - ,
Homo— phis and New York,
1 Orleans and S rim;
..! •• •• and e ther 'int Lora;
1 ",•?' -
: • • r—Eordeana
• da Se!di
• do Bs
do. Rye add
..-- - - —1
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TT Tun taiitiacia;W
: w fiat **aka* pir,kuuri,
. -
1g 4174 • 4rq I T7i LT , • ,:wrw, WiagQ46j-
... .
• SALE OP GOOD ROUSEEOLD . i '. . , -"-- 'BE LET; - ' ~,
. .- Fillidttidre- , evils Large Sitme-imeas atroft Carbon: W kl y
ILITILL be sold Public Sate, 0/1 Saturday 1 al. the residence rd . Lerrie • Abler. E.q. Per
Iry the 23d inst. at the retaideree of. the late . teeter apply to 'I GEO- wa' ,l !AQui!AN-
Leliis Meyer. at 1.-rt Carbon,Piantr.-Chantber. ' ' fetterilleo, A islil 9 1 93 g• - • 214
and Kitchen Furniture, colorising a great va- 1 , . i
racy of article", such as Solis. Maim, Team. i - - ' t. - dism i sint .s...
Bureaus, a Sideboard, and a large quantity of Sin. ! lIINHE undereigneo hare lbw day . . ...7
gle and double beddinrand-bedateads, all in g ood --aa mutual emend the Cern, h altar a. tal
order.-Terusr at Sale; to commence at 2 o'clock , t to. in the 'hinineee of mining end eniterAlettal
r..n. • :Coal, under the firm of Lawton 4. Weaver—au
Aprtl 9- •- .- ' 214 . • persons baring demands against said firm arc
. requested to present the same to CharkeLawton,
_._ 4_6 ' and those indebted to pay the same to hini.
8Y visitor& several writs of Lesari Periers, 1 , CHARLES LAWTON. • ,
issued out of th e emrt of Common Pleas I . , MARTIN WEAVIta.
of Schuylkill county. and to me directed, will be 1 Pe t le eill e. March 29th 1836
exposed to Public S.
On Tuesday the 26th of alpril Peach Orchard fa ted Gale Vela' Coal, '
nett, at the house of Joseph Weaver, i pl umper . 11111 HE subscriber amitintes the besieges of Min- I I
in the borough of Orreigaborg. in the county of " et ' let end tresteleining of , se hcrelefe.° B •, 1
Schuylkill, at one o'clock. P. 14.—A1l that war. and takes leav!
Coalto requ est ttherie un who may
.. wish
tain tract of land, situate in Big Schuylkill Val. t i t ? t ,e c fr op or Law . i. clicid. Peach either from
, - ley. at the head watery of the Big Vein or m if ix eca rAii ,
,-,„ app l y di rect a t
ass '&134111" at the etultateeleuaeut of Pottsville or to Mr. Charles W. Bacon on the
E _. the Schuylkill Valley Rail Road, in soba ,„ tkut p hitadelohns, who . hi , hi s Agent. an d 1
Schuylkill towaehip. county afore- who s
receiv and ships his Coal only. , ' 1
sale; beginning at a spruce tree isn land of the CHARLES LAWTON
New York and Tuseenara Coal Cumpany, thence 1 , , A „,,, a 2 204 Pottsle , . 1
by th e same south 65 degrees, west, 83 perches to ; pr i 1
a Stone; thence by the same land elciag the road ', Cornish. Viers. - '
'adi' ng from Tuscarora to Tamaqua. west 48 1 f r i o rry or . I:lFrit c „,,,„„ th Miners will b a
perches td • *time in•tim Paid road, thence by hunt ir - - wanuo oo and alter t h e L it Gig of May neat.
of George Re
true Muth 814 degrees, west 29 to work at the Tunnel on the Harrisburg and
perches to a stone earner, north EA perches to a Lancaster Rail Roo. The highest wage, will
11°°e• north 2 gees' areal 69 84°14 M et " t° be given for good hands. Tbe Tunnel is aitalllG
a stone corner; thence bj land surveyed can war. . ed at t h e -du g s of Elizabethtown. 'Lancaster
rant granted to Alice Brown, and Bimini Weth- county, Fa. oa the i ten .w hatg end u nea s ier
erill, both dated the 19th day of November, 1793, , To . nrse. and is en exceedingly pleasant and
earth 65 delMeg. 62 ' 111°1 ' 6 ' es .
____.__ to a ate" ever.: healthy neighborhood. Apply to the subscriber
Der, uuttb 24 der west 21 s''''' to a stone on the our s, or to B Bannan. Pottsville.
corner, and thence 7.w degrees, east fil per. , 11. W. _SNYDER, •
lekies to emcee ea,. arid thews by the said . Apr il 2 ' 2f1. , 4 • Oentractar.
land of the said New York and Tuscarora coal 1 '
fompany, south IS rtes. east 191 perches to ; '
the place of ng. nintaisierg 90 acres and
Oil -, with horeditar -Its and s 'rte
t s .itATiori. .
payable aeui-ammlly
• g,nrehe lines. viii
one dollat—tweetrave
ueertlea; tauter Oriel iSI
- • to the Editor on
establishment, must be
attended to.
ietehanpqiNce Rome
cd Bitter, Y. M.
ors for
lend until the first
. Engineer% Office at
the tnaterisJs, and coo
, oad Bridges on twcn
the Philadelphia and
o Reading.
• at the trinte time and
above portion elite
, post oak : or roek oak
Irmo feet king, and
iQ diametct bet
as-Hy on both iftt to
• or square timber.
tad Analyser;
West intitat.
gold Fists br an d:
- mut Qtr;
do eia.`,lllllk. eis.%te
Madeira; -
I and Pak,
ether brand*:
4 ail Pi
MMUS, •••• po is and
lir rgu i -• Port Carbon Savbig Fund lik . ocie . „'• will be
tr'n'lL' li gl • t " SugY {off. y_ ng • held on Monday the sta day 01 xay tAast-- at the
Moms, sod a "Inc k"ch" ‘ • one •thr Y fear " house of Pont linrand ' '3 o'clock - In the, sr.
dwelling bowie and kitchen , and a. Mc story log : tee
an decants for
whenezein. to
dwelling bonne and a log stable.
conduct the busines s of said Society for the nano
.At the .same time and place, all tweho wi ll take plans. Th. p e w
that certain plantation and two contiguous and , will be opened at 3 o'clock P. 31, and clone all.
adjoining tracts of landoritnatc, lying end being . By order of the Board
in Schuylkill townshi?, county aeortt--! L. WHITNEY.
r said, bounded and described es fol. A p r il 9 21- 3 Secretary.
Eptilove.: beginning at a slope corner, •
„thence by laud of Ede and B. Hutifer, I CAUTION.' .
I hav'nt. None of 'miners, wanted tit borrow Pejo** 6 ther -`
Esq. north 66 degrees. cast 611 practice to a• , ALL persons are hereby cautioned fioni tres-+, mil bine of me.Princes ' Pete Pet ace lemtr_hest tT .
stone, north 24 agrees . welt *3 perches to a passin g op the pr o p e rty of th e su n ner ih er . •in politick:erne dieser toy sentimeedan-i news 'Ohs grmtlied hi*
atom, thence by the male and land o(Oaijammn : situated on the Mount Carbon Rail Head. in Nor. no two medium:a in that Havel I born taxying the shrtifgemeig tuff
R.- Morgan. Esq. north 66 degrees, east 52 per-*gran township, know: by the name of the tees my country there 6 er Yew*. hike a Pthitr4 Rein Yet it win ptae.l
elves to a pine corner, north 61-degrees, east 31 3 ; erdy-6re Acre Tract. A reward of Fifty Dollars to meet-nes 1 1 44 bermunll TY
_,..421k..0.61 art. 1 • 14 ..__ the far.fained mitisl
perches to a steno. , north k 9 ..ftrecs, seat 333 : will be paid on detection and cowrie:ion dairy Remelt es bhts St , bisersi _ , _ll"d - t i =d,. IT hi the Mirk aillse./
perches to a stone, north 61 degrees. out 993 person or persons Reuel cooing Timber. orodair- srhsboes. , Vrtikhed sari mow .'
A "M it t 1, 1 WED bEDDEII dose l
perches to • "gone, north 30 degrees. west 563 wise trespassing on said property . know how matey Idea eyes and broken Dose% tut with die reeidrie
perches to a :tome;thence by land part °fibre . , Rog. %wow...IDE. for the good of t h e'commodershdatiend the perm. i
L 7 t.:. Alb ODE ;Pitt fie fir- I
gee tract, now Doctor Haester. south 62 i - A gen t e f N. E. Tn enirei . lardy of our illegal rights , and all for what? Why
D his
_.. the Mbar hie chapel.--
Wed Ite perches to a stone , north 30 domes i Pottsville. sprit 9
21 3 for Oh:. If any good leas cane oat of it, the A the fire mart firsil asismume
west IA perches to a storm. north 62 degrees,
east tee perches to a post. thence by land nu- I Clll4O/6 hill. , swindled me oat of my earnings- I cant get DO the ihil L IL. an d swill - lic r l if im ilicesm e_
__Ataiti. dues.. k.
*eyed for Lewis Audenried 4, Co. north 30 de- . The antnarther. ref informs office Republics is ungrateful I didn't want tha n is e. ... A,„
air. :safes A
non ""l e 7 g ....,... iid
grees, west ..T2 perches to a stone. theme by land ses: .- hrs friends and the public, that he has 'm men” 66 mY lerviem-_, . 1 L- em l Y `rallied ts - he pe i nin d rr se d i n m a, ors g •- 1 1
of Peter Dr cher & Co. oeutb .56 derma. wed 251 g rill . moved . to the L ime hne h hit a hng. molt care cif. and hese noming to did- Be i ng took ,
ip . iiii A .
perches to a stone. thence by lamd of Dannffolti _' ' : tar the Court 11 0 „,„, to D ene itt e, are of was the main thing. Repablies as no -1
north 24 degrees, west 33 perches to a atone, t ate* , ~,,p i e d by Joeeph E ntnie , te h ere he to . grateful. Pm swaggered if they ain't:" 'Come I
w iloll.l. or =MIL
snit 664 e:reek nest 1421 perches t o a stone; . mods to hot p ri fing rate Ilan! opt i c! &mirth ., with me."' said IC3uricy, helping him al mg. "-PH i HOD paiothillt NOS get ithallillt width *is
thence tic land st . George Reber. Egg- sou th 24 Roder. Hu table will be well sempheil with - the take_ i ___ etre...tit-rm. But
_____.what made l', oll a Peliti- ! hare made. it in tba wares:4 et th e
degrees, east 117 Perches . to a *Prime tree asset. 1 best of marketing, and his bar with tht clement ',___ rE• mm ' t Yt m , • Hmm,, n _ tradel 1 7 1 de! : inward man! . tm e• P;l6 l____,. _•• in seer
" I "S rest.
loath 65 degrees. west 01 3 Perches to a Pod. test lepton% and every attention paid to the comfort or •"'t what ' s
"'atm* when a ("Cr.. got 11 1 . '-• are was -emir " lc er e ee l e4 7 lea" to
46 Perches to a post . smith 10 degree. east 40 his customers. A met:nuance of the liberal pat- *bole sou r T " 144 I kire d °Y . crm°47' and I ; "416'214 or mte l 6 Y c him e"' In 'Z ia P I MP
Wales to a, post, smith 80 degrees. west 31 pet I h i therto eareoded to him, is relioethitir wanted as offiee-I didn't ore slut. iflit was fat : rem around us,: ntil atreident awakens , se fie a)
d ine to a nag in t h e old cettawiene road, t h rum 1 sohoitni, and ertrars and strangers are reriong ie and easy. I wanted , to take care rimy country. i moment to the work riEtinte t
by land of late. James Blew, now Daniel 3. I to give the ••rinuo Hair a share of their Codithal.- lina I wanted my "Km", to t a ke einthr mac.-: scents like the ' • ' of as enchanteeiseil RC
Rhoads, meth 24 degree, east 144 cad a bah Horses oat be laithfultr attended to. Headwork is the trade Pm made for,--. talk-' stop and wee for a moment, until we
perches to the place of begitiningi containing i - w 31. milt u p Mg. that', my line.line.Tilling in oyster ••, fie
cellars.- I isirani, and fi that them 'hie thought,
593 acres and IS perches, strict ussmirre, with I. itianvirm. Apt il 9
-4- 7. 213 2 i in floe bar mom ' s
--end where. I ran talk all and enemas ' . ant .wale the were. Whet.
the hereditament* and appu rt enances, consisting •
clay. only stopping tor meals, and to wet my whin. life was is the dearly yeans=and the
of a two slaty lag dwelling boom, and i log bans, i• s Henry Leletr, Jr. ' ti t_t. I_l.ut parts
cad i " all ' Me ' " re ` been all sides I In" had netillaied first gmliellar 2.1111.--
a 3 stc•Y taller : hear". ba•i's by th e " me at I • COAL AND COIIMM.ION - RlEgen,twri `-'4,r--ea -em . I know -- none Cid-than ' gals me I perished us wil;kaiseelad =Wks".
the Tuscarora Hotel, 3 one story frame dwelling : tail thing, and Pve • mind to knock off and call i ---* gootwess swum
Philailelpitia: -
bottom, and 3 tire story frame dwelling homer. ' it half a day ] tint
a saw null. , The above proprosses are diner: • Pertrencre. r I - 'bounty dead be likeited
Iv coal lane. of eiauperior quality. having sever. • John Daisies. Esq. 1 Jessie OrDwitoiletar.- On tey uniting Paisley. eut3 the leak .of alleuthly goedl? ice d
al coal seas now opened with rail roads. The ' (Richard W alba:. ! rtiladelltbk.. . I beard that bit. Smith. Me composer ofr.lorsie.'": u .r" anate the . Harm ' which - sponge up,
Alma wO• bears Items I
. was muting there. and I proceeded to his resi.l ""a l . __ . ,eartb,_::
New' York and Tuscarora coal now:pony, had Jacob Alter. I,bild to •mgdstia it sad
commenced washing them elt so at-ele.. Learjet . ... Dougherty. Puttsdlle. ' dome; and. noteritheraSing its low siteation, its end veils a .
of bnly Bibt which ser.:l
but suspended all their operation t , tiort. in Aril 9 sli_a m time court entrance. and leer eight Of stone; PM*" i .
coeseqoerice of the Estheat Law pa...a be tee I
State- of Patsy liana. - Coal' Veins to ancoonter the shaderd'orme local or " Diat awl Wolt grustede tbe
% L I Dials .1 itimotimes bawd doers
All seized and makes to execution and :o be set! A T the %east of the East NieloagooPlail Road r it t r it ir m* lt i*
afre l lic " ck sairad. ed at oce tbe ur amr . tkil ntimw a l'll: - , ba U ri nl. - 1 obi' are bat is war le mere
b HENRY RA 1.; - •sit Storiff: i 40114 h and itionortately ;ajar:nun/ it, fie nerd-- ' tie flier ths giteiseat
April 1h36. Bight,
Elmira Other Orwtgaburg. ( S a
Alan a Small. mug misuwaruidicalbi situated. being in' I 6" .
the act ssimilator' , the dischings of tb• 'compose, las kin*"
1 At Sabostkill Fl LAArDL asess-AodAND DOCK. 2.1 M
; of-Jessie I sobregeretly saw Hr. 'Smith, a '
' a , '
(stout. good homeneed lookint gentran. bat
A Landing at Port pitituat. i, , ivid not an opportunity ofsimshing to as. How.
Irde terms and caber Wilco/ere apply as teser. I learned that be had prevailed *moo Sto. l
GB:MGR W. FARQUHAR. : ver,s, a musich seller. to Glasgow, to accept Ibe 1
Pottsville, April 9 21-lain ' song of "Jessie," in lieu of 90a. wbicb to owed'
pa do Staciasiders in the *`sews:!y for erwtioir a „di the mamma= b e him sod bond u impel-en tto pay
pee;.accruedlfar i was;
cart. al.
Itragr seer the N. E. firwriek 4 the Riser 4 ( 1, IA „ r a w st pa r by it to amble 1
seafeekeeltai Reartla "" 4 CEI " . "" t hint to retire from business with an iedependa*-1
NOTICE , cv. TannahilLibe anther of the poetry. was
Cb mi ereby Rise:. that the Asocial Media' I g °fare la! worse aff• ha v ing &e h' the a mt.
Company win be held it the bomb of C. &DM. ft" that any doe abeam " fir Imimr
A. Baths*, i n th e fowl o f dpuzyrippp , cmi m on d" ' him as to sat his words to wait* etas uestfy
the 2d day of May tied, at I o'clock P. M. kg . , be did 00 t Kahl ems Casthiat by A. Poverty, el"
the parse ailed* Officers to conduct the af. err , a" dais n""1"" wets the Pox* Orr"
Sin of the Compaag u r the fists; year. . Tincalaill. • Illirstaa a weever by um:ll4mA with
'S. LiAniusr. • extreme ridscelty saner* life. them tee' eft,'
Caltawiers. April 2, 90-.5 secretary. this native seep (Paisley) add tried hh for ail
' Balton. near Asncheeter, bet was apooDy ansge. I
IF INCH Draft* • ' cesofoL Al that time `leads" wathe tithe
, ragel
19 far sale by
abloaffba" he abe kind". eled aty" Niel
*maple of aB Mats tomormise tie mr:iihir
I ihestipoirawd *ere. mime be bad hos
Sll°l4lll I ditsconeolata. rbegioed. rialmeerWataff "
pima lOf fin Pew Tatreabill pH a primate, Haas MITI Niel
Feseiweeble 'my bydarweise Istemilf lit a eafratemer POI - sys
issfeed el Troia/MI aissalgwe various retasser far liii tahleelt.
13. &got fait lid The essistaly teleised *FM
lien se, Hitt dumpy (feted kWageseibeed ir.otlient
Vide [alarm Get it rine is amingartee ea* hats* ag.
1 iis to dish a*aig is hisaidefactie ANL ur to
3N gel
vim ; Saba senar had derpiewsildnArniir idriwis.=,
l y llirailSl loolll "lifitia th, 411 1"i"" ag b#1
Nr' nitiglThlof beeitiMl WA, Mir; ihkaisekil
-' - aseciii for Jamb; 4110c1 *voila Nit awl
' guar. rilikainsaiiiste Ur-
. 411pre.1.1. ofarb.
• oilsidgnees Sgle.
WILL bertold at Public Sok at the Muse of i
Nftn. Slortienor- in the borough of
wale, on Saturday Ole 'ad day of April items-, a
Lot of ground im 'the borough of Slinerardie.
Sthoylkin moat; hieh is erected a Bhetc
imaithshop.Wbecrrtght shop and Snasioantirr..
This property was formerly azeespied by J. C.
Iluunaa. mad is at rceserot to the oceopaney of
the sonatina is ewe allot. best is
1 11=e betiding and repairing 'Rail litaida
Cars, or ftrr caber hoechasucal busiDebs.,
Terms sal be risen ea theq
24.41 day of Auras% nest. bat the purchaser aril
be entitled to Terr....r* the rent faun the .2:14 of .
May most Title indbuistable-
Aneigsees Timettot.
, •
April 9
'GAT OF LETTERS reassiniter is the Peet
asa Ogee at Tatnatioadirrit I. 11336. obithront
b e slim la the Demo:meet as dead Imo* if not
to tot hews the Eng day of oat
Gone Anne Margate
Lepton NinesWA" Thee feretor
ASS Tewal Sarah Pierce
Taos lbassing' Elrp Sleet
Carr77ai Ttaireall
Aisiat &Am Wait= resairy •
4•ILa Gigabit, - rimer
Awkri 61e1601 Jarmo .
Odor ihiaer,3 -4 WaelekiNg.
Aheilli -
MIMI*, 1 'Ulmer igmegila wirwir
Ilinsly roar ith I
Wilki..lllrOPPer , -
IMilimitV4llo -- •
.1111,0101 -
Dell*P . Wale' i‘
1! -•
• • • I - •
err TICE.
T UE annual wi l isti ! k g of they
. I ! ponatina in "The
fting raper. jus and
t rarrined
-- Ar‘P car de by
itprit 9 ; 21—
. Spring Goods.
L.rei owe Kee sad Derafelifeteg
Priesjeehiseetile Testis" Wei Lime*
Ike. jest mem' deed la ale br
our 10 12 NATRAIM
W.l ..-
WANTED 'TEN cad Boat %Nem et 006.1
flooseCopeorni--to EMS cionsia,i
: w7 , cs
Arielat -1.-144 t
11011314; , 161VSTnamilliti
t, ' Asifork .
i D
Do.o. :Del. • -
Doh •
- • Illpfeirerghlikia .
.14IL aiscersHadisseloaitillisHillia.**
, i
sir szrz.emint maw*. • ,I :
- ,
Eras of the same bloe witchery as ti*
Of Psyche, which caught Lore in his . wiktr,
Lips of the breath and linefof the red
' That more but with kind'. words, and Zweeted
smile*. -
A power of motion and or look, oboes '
Throws idlentiy, around• the wildest
(The net it would not break; a form w vine
1 With that the Grecian imaged in his •
1 And gazed wpm in dreams, and sighed find
His breathing marble could not realize- 1
1 Rime yethis picture? Theta is one
Can call its pencilled lineaneete 'her a. .
She whom, it morning, when the air
Wanders, tl elighted. o'er her face of flessiers,
And linps'es lii the ringlets of her liair. •'
,We deeenthet fiche t Jove's banquet Uwe:
She who, at Orating, when her, finger. them •
1-Tbe harp, and wake its harmonies deice.
; Scans sweetest voiced and loveliest of the N :
Tbe minerelcd the bowera_of happiness.
She whom the Grates nurttined--at her birth
The sea-bets (Weems, and the Wintry* maid
Came Crum their Myrtle boa*, and -lonia
Blending immortal joy with mortalmelle
And Dian said, "Fair sister" be she mina
In her heart's-purity, in beauty thine,"
The smiling infant listened and obeyed.
A Copia itiOtaire.—The following pieture'bfl
a political loafer', aorta as we see daily. !is copied
from the Quin:feel Fanner. It is the leery We.;
the bean-ideal the very men who copped oor pre-;
sent ruler; and expect at 7 cot from the Thirty
five milkina of the vinople!!!flon!r
Peter Sim* lira; in . . *dilapidated etinedio.
eat at elhoirs. oat at knees. out of poeketionarthf
spirits. android in the street, an soot 'a=
in every upped. Re eat upon the
leaning his bead upon hi. hand, his ethos , Ming
planed upon • stepping arm. Mr. 'Brush "NA
for some time ‘: been silent, abiewbed in deep
thought. which he relieved at inter•sb. l be spit,
ding through his teeth, forlornly into the gutter.
At !Lanni', hearing a deep sigh, hairpolde..ll4re
used to tell me pat out your trust in pirates—and
a eirairmi• odor aft" 11 5
Inn robs* seer)be *wow li t
liikl I
yne mo pions 'wellions;
bait i - sesuileil4ish
qsweil Who bilaW ar 1 1 1 P
any not On oil jut,
tie egiosiat fa nee 41 .
raid semi ilirlia:,424 dna. Oa isle
4 "/ 11111 aftill7 111 1 1 " -•164161.•
us n:r.
Ina, a
oe ,
or despe4
so bog .
math our
w Mob -
Th - iiek
loos has
w bleb.
Um far L
tiro. mad
moral -'
a fainthar
should '
our boat
be '
foi man
saw. lid
boa tie
1101 01= 1,
AletiLlis" "4l*."4lll l4l"'
v:r-‘,•• •
!ors pEßislWvtlot,►!`A3`,Zito
• 'imessitilieg •my idea etl
the Welty *stale mum
t•L &PAW; *MAO and
goad Sam* bit 4 the
t Isatio midterm
4tst Itos *pi lad lets
;Me seseeiety , lerimred
"Deft Iraasabil I" 1
Ohms m liereetimati*
allenruda leitteeZ I
her as initubi ts
Cher; the comelthele
Got •so bsebes+.-
. t
thane manisids
* Brat, keens
then opinion&
of ma trnii
ad Ws hate
is. hollow •
r at hand la
his *ebbs Usk
airs dull.
is Mb:yobs heart
' afasrawat reach
ark, bi
the bittionserof its
that tbeilairs of its
;that viesis blooms
_ u known Or whicia tie
iiromoreo add alf digetwe
mod earefidly treasured
oar sorrow .a hare be-
mitt: aid brie saki it
sod *ilmptravakria .the
of cailviroa. -
Imlay is tb• pots
iip7 am airkind ar
caimbot tali 1.7
a'bear. or as ele
te. saturant
aid Oa - Rig point
whom, that aU
ooftittostrie ttt
_,, and is Ad rids
is so ileforadtv Let in
Athenian there is*
eybe . a . Mier
law sad w cbeetkilit
soap. not to." Alt it weeks
aaatt airl-tasst Ire hoe. It
spokewiaa Ilairi7l
a as* ahriptina. 1
ant between ;
thant Ss ba;
(beide' beer!
ie liresebee or,
hie 661 !
his sae tsf
The whole
4 114 ; 4 1dY ft )
airsgtias. ON re.
is set imilltsis:
tholes it
Timis at 10:,-
• i
A r W th .
pari Wl&
liaaii =pilaf
' IS" 'itCtibik
Our_ He *hi
ire -4 , 1111111 " 11 11 0.,
ime; nissiiik malt
416 i siudikaisglis tete
by. list*ralijmis
. ‘t 1161(0 , 4•111011 10116-00
v~eß { '~:'cl
kle - S* 11 !-:1
.1• - ,: - •;,EX::. , ;; -. 1,:'',7:'''=; , f! , ' , 1:':.P> :-. 13._ T' - f.,: - :
,;:".. ; '::=i;.':1110;; ; 1114 , ,,,,t - T,:':.,,
f - . ,-. , ~- -- -" , -; r :;:p,--tr'' ,•• ''
.-::' -. ..-,:-. - . , f; . .-."..- ,- -11,N1. -- .'1' , ,L.:,:,: .-,,,tr, , ,,. ~
j %Tag' COTTON 'i , 34-, . ~.,,-,
.lairt, emaia a athalwri issoh. - wwitaii* ,
th 6 Sebret l iq if the Teseitty.: elan* *lllo'
eiseeld El ittfariedias imepintiethe . istiasiditwi
emeeefewieny . sad beige bide* faiiii i tibiellt
atttiew Is stecertm- the wales 44 ledisabeiti
he sWiii itmweeeeettbe aid sow - '
- 'etwitteit bithle tetsital hitt eiewii64 :
mad •likely;teeheneletibilifitriteridai _
'Ps firt _aqui , . Nor Ilreihni tegar6 6l6 ‘itert -
4 1 604 1 1r_s M eiri et therhirelehill.
tern mad Teireeries.,- The eftbilind helm
near Sas prtjaied, Vele refitintEte 11 it
kite the aretterit itiang reirte r. nod 'list,
ing ilictii ribettli- dolled SOW* - -
neohttbmi 4110 How it Retiteiiiiitstinte,44
hareleittweit peiliklmed liitimrepeArthe hive
italt4erteeireadag e aielit ries IN :i• 1
1 grgorth, tnitis sea isetedirttere
Diels ree-4,er i •
t 1 or iebtiat its eat Sable& ie eaLeteki it
r i per tersiestetire. Mx- noirod•' " 4 6 ' =
Lle wennital ireentst and,vatee.= •
Ito which it Mate* hetes et the , .
' Unwise 7"
F usee to is& et the Wee great ie.
6 " al islatidg7 PO P‘ ll6 ! - - '
inTi l :wot taa t V:tlce t t lii ."4
sti ' lle
d periods show* tom see.
' dyd ft helll6llllo has be is the UiltediStieet the
pnitirsof the eidnete. liSes in'l79l.theethele
quantity Masa is ail pub ef the werld Weed'
stullkwe of poundir,"irhemit*we wiiiihre weie le
the United &au* le 1834.1b* er4ht,litwilent
I rwin 9 00 sakes. whertet - 480 minion.. .ermiene
thin NIX were In lbw UnitedStatei tees 1801
the quantity rebid * dee:wised iti a 664
all the net ofiketh Abilities; k high ithor
reiteptkin of ledie;jejtfrtat. with the eximptiwe
of Epps; Odin the West India, the trait...
ed States the lough" meet .in MIDI amounted
to dilt =Mona of poenithe in Mt to !atm*
k w!elt
in Edil le liio tailbonsi and in - liiiii - 3f5`111111
' k'*Si - " I chimp I tet
is a tab /mew Oil*
to riled at d. .• • *foie aet-telcii af
asd'Sough-waftzi bate& Cif il t . S
ni - ' - ameistibied ai Toilette Se_ Sin
tei in 1191; are; ends iteN too we id *
and the ether 'mina stiitti. in
171 .11 ,1fiteinie reified gee niiigies, ISA Cendrii
' *air, &loth Wilk tiiiity. Gonda 1 . .4004
- toe. la Isn.regaiiit 7, 41: ii 4114
ie. ten. "Jaime end hfisesseeppk aid 18116 irlio.
' ladAricenees. yo i 963 ilmi Writ .6160ew
A Sige WeiGlo%Bl4 thi Ciliiiiii nillea by
being . Sit Barka or pomaNt'' Sil l eiii,iiras
booth Gutted', liking 'l3 initileinitkl i ii#l
ItienwriA '7l, es`drxecr an Siiiiitetk
63 salliook Dot in the emir year; #66.1
It ila
;3 sta tiorSir r aid I? * 75
- ' lia4
to Irallo,. M.. troll:
, ilditnistipOi abassisi sg, as *A, : , ' ,
A aidAtigtki.ii ii liar, Which 'ef -
net be feephagy relied es. ee it tirt :alma& sr
... 4 bit
capital iirmied in the tinited Stew Se=
&Kum of Cease. ,
.It it eitiaimS4
eight tentaiiitsulbeliket - deliare, ' ' -- Ake,
Lind, .aiiinc date& antletiek,
Dribs 430 indricer&weeds piettet4iet SO
toiletry. one hundred,
,inilßani riret ewriednOwelf I
here, and Se cert. /storied. The litanetnteneis,
rapidly increasing. Three Teen ago the tee
ty llllMltaleillrea wee Meow &Mem k theei ex
present; aid IS 1911 a kaft whit ie isitecit.-- -
le - 64 st istitisit the *hole tortidayaismtfietam.
ea is 2210 milieus sir runds—Bekkittis Aiteit,'" •, ;
The Batty Pate le-The Uttered we thrl'aiso
be Delimits m the three Psit.lhisks,be Se* Irseir.
mood, s. tie &imam denim aiv a Abut. °
MOM p et s ouraes. The latest esti tb, 'WV'
taitheasiiiatribetal think the peaeddrieent:
try ei sit saw . coat. sepoends 'ta . three , .l
dairy. Hew away , ven cea Al -
this :.. -.4 - -
par wi th thie'llasieuit WOO' ilia., ,
ay ifinirtersistailtholthins, diefiiskiare:' *,
asa be Wiest by &Wien" itaireeehtglat idl ,
ry Fyne Is it safe Sawn peeold Ur** my' •
goostaatost with the paler . Saw* heft Irk ,
sureiheastless, /sake? Id Oafs tor
.dts 044 •
oftbisearagilto place Utile Made orvi6lti,
eeetins' . Wake due *indium iithleswe die& ha'
derimi llow}dl the ether. strireeitiffeinswer
the r „,....rdniaaviithe: hat 01ios pit.
rasa the NIX= Leads pattaasge. tbkArsoy
sad Ty gatromagei the ippolitieset Of Jades' 4, ;
east geibbe eftleenr at tame end aimed--tile ae- 1 .
tael gift of Three Illagems, to be distrthated a-
arms those imea whe will Best areasiethowdy
perfume the bidding if the Geeel Caa
the kbertiesofaay pawls stead siseb a deadidii
id pone Cu way regketies woe halk epee -
the tf!iiiiihniteneessa Mw wielded $7.11014
ell "Vs hrirrvidEL a1..#4, "01_ tristali all dor*
pet it the edzerasaf lbw -, 11iitos .
.. , ,
Society is Meas. Aignii4= 4. an 1i vi is
bow of the Wilt day of Wamiinghte. ilr Simi&
antectearra of the city; ziordal ow aid fispretri.
nit, stammer the ymiyhi; • Balms thmiamibrior
l ix hoodroi woo onamobied, all lido anmilern.
1 . ey of Itinialwitating a chain to the In* vairoc, "
table. mond, appracd to habit ainfelerinter„ oat
tom[ or media. naviaahlon anima Sieta -
litandocimd ammanddy,wtHstapothing ool . ildhonioto
inefacdy anscratir- 4 Harayon
_mirk imelthe
'merchant% lady, whom French BA *mart
one Inandold and My &Wm, anon 'in thitmoot
set with tin rains. Irbe mods it op ;;rfaist,dmi
' smadmantehangei binds sithrthaelfa mine.
I iff dtlySlWalld OS Wee* SOASWSAIIIIIII.Or
i Saba to bersiratherit sclissitiler,lmmilF *disi
I oat is • sass oandomeript uniform affil nien l sm.
lamp Yet . all vas perfectly nen tradoiledi gad
miusilly bappy; ear is it Gasitthat aity . ol;._es -
queens cir sad* fmuTiCir*isiatimaisirif
'pule steasliss nom asekie his iii imir mitt
*gm erPorais""iiiiriiifiiiii l. 1 -
.A I I I I IIIIIIII :r 4nifi l ld . *
ssaviimmi iro.line ssit saisa lk,jegitihima ri Z e.. :
whys MS Imo' s 'etiiaii , ,l , 7 ) . i . •
Jett!"/ sea Ibe vim= sit, . mac
irsisimisOftai) _70:10.' e theit
i _________ lmi the iloi lr i I :W inet
Z i g, Mid* Irbia ea Vall, ."4 11116 . 7:'
Miletei 1111 ,0 1 . 1 . 111 : 1 1 111 : illak 111. ' r .. 1 1- ?':
r kA
t*-4 4.0- 111"4 .`":;
3031Gi - ', -
- , - . ‘ it -
11% A p t _
vwdicat Olio& aii•es
alipitiPshiligml*Polo/4" '
ElPeat;sellifelllvirnitli4llllV*llo/44 1
Capi Clod sad Mantel TilmfuL.