MEE Green MS etxbcriSere infor , end its vi be establishment ka,Buckley, wher r4rsibr Car W t. t 1 thei will ex • ; LIE taken. M. B . receive ingit, Mit. • Mar N. The Foundry i New Ch B B 4- NG purchased '•nry and Hobert th,' : R'.gst corner in the frongh wrantilessidnete - wis iFt. Co. '• AIifUEL. LEWIS the : entire interest? of eligh, in the Store at of Centre and Market of .POtteville, fra•lnerlY under the firm of NO ! peetfully inforn their 'netting that they intend ll..the old stand under JAC HA street kn. ligh, friend conti and the - public ing the business of • JACOB they 101 be happ riser customers rates. who and f' low. Th form : I mere. Grog" a , ng. in addition to ,thcir y are now open r, !tack, a large a. I. gjadisa, Cmielatin Pie% Lignors, W aware, &c. canal .a, caaaiincrea, . 1 4ncnii. 1.7t0n flannels,ilov I gf9gh 6nl9 * I ecka, taCkings, ail in part of Dry Qoods, I Gee, Tette, alma; Glass, ting of I ttinetts, flennels, muslins, , stockings, yarns, prints 8, satins, almiols; hand ,kercbie fs, velvgl rinck; :circssion tb ready, cottons was, wldding, b &c. &,e. MEI , ansets, .coatings, Plaids 1 •GROCERIEZi— [-: io, Lagui ra,St.tporningro Coffees. St. Croix, New Orleans, - Havanna emirs Loaf and lump 9.13 New Orleans and' Sugar tlonsc molasses: Gutfitwder, Young Hemet Souelrong Pouchopg and Bdhea teas. Chocolara and Spices, &c. • Brown and yellow soap Cloras,Wace, nutmegs and cassia; Cayenne pepper, Mustard Iknt and keg raisins Cdrranta and ride Cheese, codfish, Mackerel and MAI' ing Moultraind'dipt candles • - Sack and bbl sale- . Pipes and smoking tobacco, • ! Spanish, halfapanish and common segara • La-f4U 01E0 & WINES. Pognitic and common brandy Holland and common gin Old lrish whiskey and Jamaica spirit'. "New:England rum and whiakey by the bbl Lisbon, tnadeira; port and malaga wines Assortment of lloota and Shoes. Crockciy, china and glass ware. . Cla* . by the box. Pnilblit Eagle gun powder - JTF, db. Blasting GP., FF, PPP. tio r irof:wiaieh 011 he disposed Of cheap for cash o oxchangolor country produce at the mar price. : ' Dee 19 s—tf • • Coal V • ins to Rent. • Eli IN Mine Hill, on be West Branch Rail Road nine and a half'. lies from Schuylkill 41aven, [ • one and a half hove Mihersville—the veins 1 , wail calculated ran extensive business the t season—ca. , We orproducing from 8 to ,000 tens, withou addivionaliexpense for gang is of air vanilla rs; a large stock of coal on :'platform; mined during the winter; one vein and the.ether 1 feet. thick, of ,co al, of wiry quality ..-prop 'tuber on the property adjs rit. to Ida-mines. •.,! 'ot tomtit, and f er Rartteularsi, apply to JAiMES DIINDAS, •Cornruercial Bank, Philadelphia, or ROBt:11.T C. LULL.. • Schuylkill Haven. I - if cr.h 26, 1836.` CARD: uk Silver easure in informing tho pnb. ends, and also hie patrons in has opened a REr PLITORY, vania flail, in Pottsville. He reputation for keeping a re• . ent, acquired during the ex• Ir . ain the same :ins of business, case and application to busi : .tinuance of, your. favor and Altr•S great p he, and his f titular, that he der the. Penney' 'epos from his pas peetable establish! rientoof three y ' nd by desire to elm, to merit a •tropage. Families. by se. ding to the Piinnsylvanip Hail I ye oysters of a superior quality I style, and every other deli. tUe market can afford in sea. efeetory; shall h orved ftp in the acy th tlpe rot LOF FAREL, • teas per dozen . 184' do . 37.1 .0 • do - IBi ke 37i per hocr 12a 12b 49 2-6 re Ei Stt!wvli 0 E . Fried lictasted Yeomen .‘ Pepper Po Pigs Feet Nov 28 . FOUNDRY. 1 IRO I - • WITIAM ENCILICK. & BOILER, X.I63;UFACTOIIT • 'Poo le 6 s Works, FrattlEt i. and P 1 SM. Kensington, Phi lads/- . • phia Cormtir. 'The "Subscribe resPectfhlly informs his custom ers and the pnbli , that he has removed his Iron Foundry bovine: : from from Broad street, (as above) to a new establis ;tient, whim he is able to exe cute any .orders ctually. Ranh ar Castings for Mill Geari Steam Engines, Rail Road Wheels.-Chairs, .nd Tornkents, Sugar Mills and Pans, Snap ?toil,. Pans, Bark Mills and Castings of all. other des riptions. r Also, having a very large assortmen of Paterne, ponsider it will be to the( adsantag- of mechaniba and builders to call, when they ill be ahoWn by. Wm. Sedgley at the work.; DAVIS, ' steam Engines are poi/er M NUPACTORY. Orkthe same • remises can be had high or low Presture Engin , Boilenwrid 'Machinery in ,ge. neral, on the m. t• reasonable terns, by applies- LIM to • JAME Snun. . en IHt at IM Wool sieve of C. :32 Non Third St: N. 8.1 Bullock. Davis raine4Bately att ended to. -' Deo.s, 1835. - 3-tr will be e TirD Zibil.--Mhuited by the Nobl: er: Aitorit ISOlitiht. lye Wiiiekey f for which the highest biarketlpfiee Neill be aid.' 411.1• Kg Ve; hl3 Pottsvilte.T ' HICA,t. ticiatCho 4-01 cdpitialts!kraritta, Aqtf.P l 4o.l4 ll .atthirt, tenta.. - Jure a d end. Ads b 7,11. 13/0114 _ (.11300 4d 1F04 .- bli kee =1 C&TILOLIC . dATMITISM — 36eritc - witred Cr)iiiile`by, l , i4j151 IfANNAIf. !*ko, z If RY. SODA Cniek6nir,ltr Jan 2 7 .N. NAT,FIAVIti Co. the inhabitants or nit , that the bare formerly ',emitted by I ey will be find to eels • or !try' other_Ciat ate promptly and faith- YERS' & ALLEN, CLOVER SEED toil. sale bk • "1 '' ._Feb 13 13- I‘III.LER SiIIIAGERTY PARMEZAN MEE:SE—for sale by ' Feb 27 . N. NATUANS i f co. LINES justiteetved staffer sale by Feb 10 14 8.11*.1414AN• now in operatipn =A ALT.-50 Packs Liverpool fine Salt, for sale by. 1 "-- 7 Jan 2 7 NATHAN & Co. wANTED at thcrennaylvania Hall, a chant 'barmaid., Nurse, and waiter. ION DON CORDIAL GIN; received and for sale by Feb 13 13: MUER & LiAGGERTY. WINTER Strained Sperm Oil, of superior quality, at $t 25 per gallon. For sale by Jan 9 8 MILLER & fIAGGERTY. LL & CO. to supply their frienZs th merchandise at the F 1,0171/ & FEED of all kinds kept conitant ly on band and for sale by Feb 6 12 J. CLAYTON. extenisive assortnnent of %estings, laces, fringes iIiZE mar 26 lIRENOLCIGICAL BUSTS. just medic-ad P and for sale by ' B. BANNAN. Feb 6 DRIED COD FISH and Mackrel, reeeivdd and for sa/e by J. CLAYTON. Feb 6 - 12— n RAFTS & NOTES, [mond up in Books jolt received and far sale hi' Feb 6 12- H. BANNAN. COFFEES. -40 Bags superior High Scented Rio, Old Java and Leguira Coffee, for sale by Jan 2 7 • N. NATH ANS R. Co. The Literary and Scientific (LAS BOOK, l ust received and tor pale • Feb 27 14 ' by B. 'BANN AN. IC ENV YORK SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES, IC a eopertor article, just received and for sale dee. 5 . 3 by T. Si J. BEA TTY. CiIAMPAIGNE WINE of .the Sillery and Eagle Brand, a genuine article ler sale by Jan 2 7- N. NATHANg & Co. Old Java Coiree. J BAGS Prime old ieee Coffee, a superior artie;e, for family use; for cola by Des 19 S N. NATIIANS. & Co; , gt . CiOK —OK who base Bonk, " to be botind, can have them done at two nr three week's notice, by leaving them with the subscriber B. BANNAN. WINDSOR CDA I RS.—A large•und genera assortment of Fency Window Chairs.— For sale by JOSEPLI,W BITE & SON, june 7 29 tf Mount Carbon. Cheese. QUPERIOR Dairy Cheese * - -J' fine Apple do For sale by Dpe 14 -7 -N. NATBANS AL Co. - - - , Whips S Whjips VCP . 13ANNAN has just mewed a fresh sop: A-JP° ply of Whips for Sleighing, together with an assortinent of Thongs, which will he sold cheap. ; ./an23 10— PORT ' CARBON Sliming Fund Society. rll1 - IF. Port Carbon Saving Fund Society, Is every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at the Office of Discount and Deposit, for,the per. pose of receiving deposits to eny amount not ex. melting $590; from any one person, upon which an interest ofd per cent will be paid on every $5 and upwards,but no interest will be allowed on any fractiOnal parts of $5. The wltr.le or any part may be drawn out on givir.g notice, two to four weeks, at the office on Mondays. The ho. sines! of the Society will be conducted by the following officers and managers, until the first Monday in May neat- President—AQUlLA DOLTON. Ma magera. Abraham :leelmer Edward B. llnbley E S. Warne Jesse Turner Edward Hughes Jacob Bull L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 3d of the. Charter. "No emolument whatsoever shall he received by the Prescient or Managers for their services, nor shall any Manager become a borrower from the institu tion." , act 3 46tf Splendid 'Prints. IF UST received from New York and FAiladel e7 phut, a large aescirtrnewl. of New Goods, a. mong which are, New and fashionable Prints, do do Merinoes, Cloths,Cassimeres and Sattinetls, Cotton and woollen Flannels, 'fr. Oct 24 49 T. &J. BEATTY. New Flour *and Feed Store. T. &-J. BEATTY & JOhiN RUM 11 "E' _ L aucceeded Mr. the Flour and Peed ,Store in Centre wtreet, inform their fliendsana the public in general, that they in. tend condricting it under the firm of Beatty •& Ruch, where they solicit a share of patronage.— The highest price given in cash for Flour and Fccd of all kinds. Pottsville Feb' SCHUYLKILL . Variety. Clothing Store,. Corner of Chesnut and,Schity(ksU Beach meets, Philadelphia, opposite tee city Store Houses. • THE subscriber thankful for past favcirs, begs leave to infirm his former customers and the public generally; that having made extensive ad ditions to his Wore' and stock of goods, he is now prepared to offer Ahem .Superfine and Ccimmou - BawKLM, Frock & Dress Cider, Pants, Vedi and Roundabouts, wholesale or retail, much below the usual markeLpriacs, ,formish. A general arsortment of Cloths,. plain and rib bed; Capsimeres, plain and sniped; Cassinetts, 'Seamus . Cictha and Yeatinvi. which will bewiade taordeV at: prima that cannot fail to please. Silk, satin. End super side.. Oda Bombazine stocks, to which the -attention cif Country wet chants is particularly invites!. . * 1- Also,. Boob', Shoes, Hats.dips, Sql , POrkdetilv.' Shirteellare 6c Iliwomitaidngerobiefs, Crate% Hosiery, ' . - Collier", people vintdsig the city. will at! objentici call ind examine. beforl.purchasing. ' - °t l "'/ 6 " llll4 44oo ll 9 ,lll Pc !wi O nd f i rP o '• iy thrilled , - l'erscoiti deurg ; lnisines, crti4l%4lo3oiit":, wa, `tiniejtenlir.• ty convenient to 'their htisitegei,,ki, ,worthy - 0f their patringr.. - ;iind,all.. who ) (a ss t psi/. hollerteiklintl4l . , humans ,tha ,enii be Ibuilwell** istiOhttVityartiiei city.. 4 : • IRA i 11.001.14111. 11336- . • SEW, ===ME N. NciititiltAlette; . spregi - Veediti - --ak ritivE on hand end cdrerliir:Sitie the falkiif: -Et ' - BAHNAN is , tiaw reeFiying . 21 4 1 .141 g asmittriCrit of Wince end Liquors. :-... -*Ply of Gardenbeeds,Whicirbas Superior Gild E . I . Madeira Wine on. draught, ed arittriteafcare, and which be .01 ... Star Brand, to satmAy Ids iitinerotre customersen 'tic; .do do .ao do Bottled, acisonarooditing terms. do do L. P. do do on draught. , ' ' - Bullock Mail do do do Port do Pure Grape Juice ' Long blood beet AV Ole solid ielery 'Bottled, Early Valentine beans . Red do do' ' do .do -do do do do on draught, Windier .do Pepper grate ' Common, do do do ' Do Grcetr do Sugar parsnip Superior Brown Sherry do do do Extra Early Snap do Orange carreti ' do dr do do - bottled Round 'Lime dd . Early Cum:Ober do ' Pale do do do Chink i do : White spine 'do • do " do do do on draught, Extra Early peas Long pick Itgiclo do Dry Malaga, Sweet Malaga do Early Frame do , Early cabb gre lettuce do Lisbon and Ma Modena ' do Dwarf imperial. Peas Bolter head do do Silly Madeira & Muscatel .do Early Green bunch peas Yellow Winter do , Claret on draught and bottled,. Rowal.dvirl rriasroarrt doW bite onion do Old Hock and Muscat bottled, . Large marrrvfat doYellowN do' i . do Champaigne of Eagle, Comet and,Jolly Ea, ly Irrng salmon radisliParsley ' Blends, do do scarlet do Bull nove`cepiter • -.- Red Turnip do Early WWe Corn Early long white do Purple Egg! Plant, Flat i bush squash Early Cauliflower, Long green do Caulitinskerlßloccoli, Salstfie Tomatoes j White flat dutch turnip Early Eale (Greens) Bice top do hemp London leek nflizW F.arly York Cabbage . Pinks , Large do do Mignonette ': , do drumhead do Summer s } /vory 'Early linpertal -do Assorted lower Seed turd Seeds. , Canary, Millet ant Ilenip Seeds,— Togetlier with a variety of Flower Seeds. 'ONION SETTS. : ': BEI do 'Old 4th Proof Brandy, do do Hol. Gin, do- Champaigne Brandy Ist and 2d quality. Cognac , and Bordeaux do. Ist, 2d k3d do Jam. Spirits Ist, 2d and 3d do Hot. Gin, Ist & 2d quality, N. E. Rum,Com- Gin and CoMmon Brandy, Monongahela and Common Whiskey:l- Sup. Old Irish Whiskey, • do do Scotch CanobletOn, dothe Real Moon. tain Dew, warranted 20 years old, do Cordials, ke. &c. Tarerr: keepers end other consumers sin ted to call, where they can be empplied With bet ter Wines acd Liquo4, on better terms, than they have been getting. _ Jan 2911 Gam Elastic Goods. G ENTLE4IEN'S Gum Elastic Frock- Coats, • 1)o . do do Pantaloons, Do do do Capes : . Do do do Figured 4 - Plain Show., Dr do do Moleskin Over Shoes, • Do do do Suspendcrs, Ladies, NI 'macs and Children' Aprons. Do Fured and For Lined Shoes, Do and Children's plain do Water Bottles, &e. &c. Just received and for sale by N. N ATFIANS & re. N. B . Gum Elastic Covers for Cerriligea, Gigs and Wagons,Cortains, hoots, &e. will be ramie,' ed to order. Feb 6 11=1 HAVE this day opened in the Stoic formerly occupied by P. J. Parvin, Centre. ttgo doors moth of Market street, a general assortment of Dry Goode. Groceries, Liquors. Wines, Teas, Chi na, Glass. Quecrisware, &c. consisting of Blue, black. olive, claret. drab and mixed Cloths. Blue, black, grey and mixed cassimeres. Do mixed, grey and brown Sattinetts. Drab and coloured henverteen cords, &c. Red. scarlet, white, and green flannels. Red, blue, green, yellow and-white Canton flan nets. Bleached - and unbleached Do -do tousling, -Irich linens & lawns. Black, green, brown, and purple merinos: Maids. linseys and negrocloths. Bnekakin mitts and gloves. Silk and cotton unpwellan. Ladies and gentle/liana hoskin, beaver and kid gloves. Irish knit, and Germantown hose -and"; hose. Satin and Bombazine pleated and plain stocks. Bleached and unbleached linen and cotton Dril ' Cotton and Pittsburg cord. Silk and cotton handkerchiefs. Do. crape & dn. shawls. Vesting,. Silks, laces, threads, tapes. cotton.", blanket", roatinv, Waddinga, camblets, suspen ders, ginghams,ehecks, ticking*, English. French, and American prints, new .ptitterns, Hip. Java, Laguira, St. Domingo corces St- Croix, New Oilcans, Havana augars Loaf and Lump . do Newt Orleans and Sugar house Molasses Gun Powder, Young Ilysrm,Souchong, Pciuchong and Bohea Teas Prrpa red Cocoa and Cocoa Shells Chases and Bakers Chocolate Zealand & Spanish do Variegated, Palm, Brown and Y,rllow soap Clovis, Mace, &topic°, Nutmegs, Pepper, Cgs sia Olives, Capers, Picklca, Anchor irs, Soy Curry and Cyanne Pepper, Mustard Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Rico Cheese, Cod fish, Mackerel Smoked and pickled Salmon Herring Moulded and IJipt Candles • Sack and Bhl. salt, table do 15.000 Spanish Cigars, from $5 to 11e?..5 per m Spanish end common do Pipes and smoking tobacco. LIQUORS 4. NINES. Champaigne, cogoae, American Brandy Holland and American gm Jamaica apiritS, New England ram Monongahela and common whiskey Madeira. brown and pale sherry wines Sicily and Marseilles Madcria do , Lisbon, port, dry malaga do Malagaemnscatel claret do Champaignii do BOOTS & SHOES. Gentlameni course and fine - boots and shoes Boys do do do Ladiba gaiter boots, gnm elastirs - do Morocco and seal walking Shoes do Pruhell, Denmark sgtin shoes and slippers Children and Maros shoes and bootees,•&c. &c. ~~ Crock/7y. China and Glass Ware. All of which we will tell at wholoaale or retail on the most reasonable terms for cash. or in Cit change for country produce. Store and Timm keepers are invited to call. Dec 5 Rio Coffee, Molasses, Sugars ) &c. Ace. 00- BAGS new Crop ibo.Coiree„ Soirarbouse, Now Orleans t in Hbds. and Trinida 0 ~61oloosSn New Orleans, Muscavado. in . m ob. , and St. Croix-Sower , ' 20 Casks- Premium Cheese, • • Younellysolf and Mack Teas (in 1 & I chests.,) 16 half fiarreiebrined - Birrloy. l'lriP.(P.liitadelpliii):l3*tp, brnafn 1~ yellow. 2000 lh i. diptCaridle;:B l 4'll`,l4 sell „- 50401 f buts Glapk.B.4withOwd-3 6, 4 Cegrwa-Brandwand Sirius pipes:sod +pipes. 2&l6*hisentsiklloWiwelnolttisbon NeW l .-InifirlaWiF iraditnon Grantsmen, Aka ndy. , Peppermiltand AntqwW4-00•00 1 1,1!? so.pb,iii(P.rkie. , Ceniie IR. nese.. Ist0:001&''; Paunille t Jan. 9 - _ - . NEW STORE. N. Nathaus ac Co. G ROC ER I ES Several bushel Oniuo Seus, for sole cheap. April 2 Colliery liVorks, Steam Engine and Rail Car Manufactory. ripliE subscribers respectfully inform their A ' . friend!' & the pnblie, that the are now pre pared at their establishment in Pin vale, to exe cute orders for making and repairing Steam En gines, Rail Cars, Steam Boilers, Pumps, Circa ler Saws. Mill They and 111achinry of every description. They also have constantly an band an assortment of Miners Tools. 'weir as Sledges, Wedges, Picks, Rakes, Drills, Crowbars, &e. equal in quality and at as low prices aa can be obtained elsewhere. N. B. Smith work of all kind carried on as mins! ltiAk . WOOD & SN VAR. Erb 13 'l3-3,n0 PIWT.ECTIOI4I. • The Philadelphia Fire AND INLAND NAVIGATION INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL At rnorasr.o BY LAW. $1500,000. CEI A RTER PERPET U A 1., nKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on /VA Brick. Stone or Frame Buildutgs.Stores.tiotels. Mdls, Barns, Stables. Merchandize. Furniture. and Property of every descraption.egeinit Ns, orAamage by FIRE The subscriber has been appointeli Aavv•r for the above mentioned Institution, end is now prepared to make INnORANCTS Upon every description of property at the lowest mica. BENJAMIN BANNAN • Pottsville. Feb. e, ism • 15 do do F©R SALE. 100 tons Plaster • 150 bbls Liverpool ground sett 20 sacks • do fine do 40 bbl. new mackerel, IVO. 1 and 2 20 ball Wits . do do, 1, and 2 10 qrbbis do do land 2 . , 50 Nile rve whisk ay . . 50 .Do superfine Hour i t 30 bags minim iice,nieti Rio crithi 5 qr casks Liabon wine , 10 do do swot.' Malaga wine 41 10 DWI' New England rum • l 10 do common brandy 10 do . do ' gin Superior old Cegnme brandy i A Do Holland Gm _ t..: - :- - s' Apply let ! • ? JOSEPH C KEltN,.C7.entrettt... • nest door tot be Nationa [Hotel NE W GOODS. tiec 11 :dr THE Subacribeis }give juin received a largo and general asteirtment of freed) and aeaaon• able Dr'y - Greeerice.' Hardware, Gips & Querna Ware Sporting and Blasting Povrder, Bar Iron, Grind stones, • Fish, Salt, Flour, Plaster &c. &c. which in addition to their former stock render their assortment extensive and complete. Allot which are ed for War wholesale or retail at vary redneed prices for cash or iu, exchange for Cunutry.Produce. The highest price given in each fnr•all kinds of country produce. JOS Ern wII MT & SON. 6 Mount Carbon Dcc 27 'PORT CILINTON FOUNDRY. r ( A. NEJE Subscribers inform the inhabitants of Potts vile end ita vicinity. t ha t thelr works et Port Chn ton are now in operation, where they will be glad to receive orders for CAR WHEELS, AXLES, &C. err rally Other castings. which they promise to execute promptly a ndfanktfully PARKE ea TIERS. November 3, 1834 • 51—ly ' 11l The Foundry will be in blast every other day. WETURRI LL & BROTHERS", AT TILE OLD STAAD Nog CS NORTH FRONT STREET EAST SIDE, Taiirsi Dorms Taos ?az ;Ccitirsit or A nen S PHIILADE.LPHIA., - IMANUFACTCAW.RS OF Mid& Led drj and / Calomel ground in Oil 'Precept . Red Lead. White do Litlirage. Vitriol Alb. Chronic Yello w, Sop: Quinine do , ' Green Tart„ Parietic do i Red - Ether Ralph. Patent Yellow do Nitric Sugar Lead, do Acitie • . Copperas Lunar Caustle 01. Vitriol • Cow. do Aq. Fortiai • Acit.Morphin Muriatic Acid Solph. do Epsom Salt : Lac.i Sulphur Tart. Acid , Op t deNorcor. Curb. Soda Reines Miners l Carros.Seb More.. ops_ do. Fll Mint AhlOpe _ W indM Y lll id - &to Feril notary! mi,6 9t0,94 31). Relineridirbinfapber &e. Offer forealetheabone mentioned artielen.toge ritervaltb s generel liimune:a .of Zama, firm arm Dye Statfa.ond eiergetherirtialOila*Cbmicalunl Medicinal , - 4 Being rnannfactoreni o f eminorited anilerthe above heso.ilotY.Pledge tboninelvea,to any, tbe)iArelsel bairitypn.oithethootreboonabk . _ - bits - - 41Ftetilk. BE stirte , - . pity - sutite• 104. br oita - 'te *obtain -IL "ablit*-ifottetiai tgpiftiibte;iil kinds' of Welelt Depict, it ' th e' Omit - ressoriab *lces.. rOtdere lett-0 , 41 . ofileioftbstiliNte '46ttrualritiltbe. FronfdtaltoadO bk - ',. •4E li7 . WINAN. .° aril v•• 1011.111 aill'A - ovERTV FierAyxsok sak, the • adkier,ing 'Choice With* $0.41. 14 1 0 ' 0 "- ' - ~,' ,' - ...-_,,,.; • Su .., for old.L. P:Madcira Wir•eti, il i : urnegut . do. do do 4 •11 p '• Wed , ' . • Lobo'a,eup'r Pale Sherry wine • ' D . . Gordan' dr. Co. do .. do do • Su D . . ior.old Hoek Wino bailed on the Rhine 3. and Jolly's surs`r:Cbaropsigost wise loins: bas kets. , . - ' • :f M seat de Frontignaa in cases of one.dorrin ~ G pe Juice Pon Wine in wood andlkottle Pi M edeira, Sicily Madeira, old:L. P. Teneriffe Pqie and brown'Linbou Wines • ' e Stfperior pale Virgin cafTe". BrOdy do 4th proof Charente' Brandy rho, do entrain, and Bordeaux . der J o do -Weeso anchor Holland Gin —t,-- do Seheidam do . dei ' 1 Saperior do Jamaica Soints . •' .• ;Do do 4tli proof Irish Whiskey Do do' 4 2d do Monongahela Whiskey Rhse Noyau and Pefeet Love, Cordials„ &c.&c. N. B. Store and Tavern Keepers seriplied with g4od Wines and Liquors. and as cheap as they *litany psy for those of an inferior quality: tlan 9 I NEW WINTER GOODS. jjMIN CLAYTON would relipee.thilly inform his friends and the . public • ingeneral that he is now opening in his store, slot) assort. tnt of Fall and Winter goods, cc-3320.10g' of , r's Dry Goods, . .. _ Groceriesi t Teas, Fruit, • • i Wines, Liquors,' • --. . t +Glass, temeenswarc, 4c. 4ich he a;suree the public will be sold cheap at abv in the BolTough, ...-- _, • sop:.l I been select r l the happy • itiendlo err. ttEtii . of Pottsville and vicinity, that Cc hal net Itnee; at the corner of centre and Calkiwhill s reets, next door above the National Hotel,'t ge nd elegant assortment ocStaple and fliney antis, with a choice selection of Wines.Li ' ors nd Crockery ware, all of Which have been thrch Fed at the very lowest cash , privet. , in the nu elphia market, and will be'sold a t 112.4 per nt dvanee. . . ; g All kind of country produce taken in \ 7Cliiinge f s. 'Rept ,14 16- 431 f 'll3Fresh Fruit, Saucts, act: VtiCH. and Bloom Raisins, .. 'Basket ane. Drum Figs, . I' . ;Prunes, (limos and Lemmons, . ' French and Spanish Olfres, . . 11 Capers end Pickles, - . , i *Mushroom Catsup, ~ , I A nchovies, - . . Essence of Anchovies, . ri Lo:Ater Sauce, Canton Soy, Curry Powder, -,, John Bull's Reef Steak Sante,. .4 ' . . Pickled Lobsters; Clams and 5%110(14' For sale by • N. NATHAN& ir , Cd Jan .10 • .' .Il , • NEW G 00. D S. J OHN T. HAZZATI,D respectfully informs hit Mends, the citizens ofrottsville, and the public in general, that be has just le /mired a large and general• assortment of well Se lected GOODS, consising in part of Blue, black, brown, olive, green. chub and steel 'mist cloths, do iito do eaesimeres, do do sattinatts, red, yellow, green and white f•arnblit, blue and drab dushings, bangup and geniia cerds,beever teens, canton - flannel, napped fustian for miners, silk valeneia, swansdown, toilinet and Marseilles vesting, a large assortment of plain andligh co. ' hared prints, damask for table cloths, Russia and bird eye diaper, gingham., coharedwinslins,inil linet, foundation muslin, block and %Man Hor land, plain and cut silk velvet, woolen yarn,wool. en, silk and cnUon hosiery, Thibet casbmere,ailk and cotton akumby eatfon and.stlk handkerchiefs, and cravats, India, Frei , eh and Italian silks for ladies dresses, thread, bobbinet obd cotton laces, edgings, quiltings and inserting., an assortment of ribands and galloons, Irish linens, long lawn, :inen cambrick, cambrlck, jaconCl. Swiss and book mushim, French and English merumea r amazonian., bornbasettcs, bombazines, 9.4,19.4 11-4, 1.9-4 rose blankets and counterpanes, gen. tlemens buckskin, beaver, and hoskin gloves., la. dies hoskin, silk and kid gloves and mitts, ladies gentlemens and children'. shoes and boots, brown and bleached muslin., carpeting, an assortment of - ready made clothing, brushes, combs, hair end fur-sea l .eaps, • HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CHINA, GLASS . AND QUEEN/MARE • Mao a good assortmentof GROCERIEI3,,par • chased with particular regard to quality, Consist. 'ing in part of Wines, tordials, French brandy, Holland and common gin, old Monongahela whiskey{ common brandy, rye whiskey, No. 1 and 2 macherelin barrels and half barrels,: ' : • SUPERFINE FAMILY FLOUR * Bahl by the barrel or bushel, butter, cheese and era leers, aperniaeeti and common oil, togctbStr wit a variety of articles not cm:unmated, which he ill sell wholesale and retail, on.thi most rea able terms, for cash or country prodice. a s Always on hand a of OP, F, F, and FFF blasting powder,. and Dopont's en rior Eagle powder. e highest price given ra . cask for Contlry Pr duce. entry merchants will find it th ittte reit to , as they can tte furnisned With- dthattlitieties 'nearly as good terms es theY"emilif procure i m from Philadelphia. 00_19 48tf Clover Seed, Graf* die.., 30 Baobab prime Cloverseeti • i i do oats 100 do • Wheat -I 70 do Rye 100 • do Cr 1 I _. . , 10 41b Ilinottirsetaf—nr sae efittsp y b. 2 7• 15t1' - 00111 . 1..HARTZ &Co.' 4 SUPERIOR 6 npowder . Imperial . - " - I. * ' - . Young Hymn - " • Rniiii qualittindla Caper &octant - '• '' 2 iinportationao 1 qwebong and .; • - , -.,-; ' 1 „., .. 4 lipperial. Peceo' , . ! 1 • •...: . i : -„ . ;., , .1w: Linetreeerved ind , fgaaalerbr • ' ! 4Aprifill- 22 • --. ' . :'-i ...- -, IVAt4.IIEA:Tenri - - - ... - Life oratime 11. 34. liiemor,o,thelnitimv4, oo _,,,,„ ... -T.Senti 1 1 40411011. 04,011*.:141i,iift -44, k r i q tra# cr . -the .eiliti k tltOmitipaniiii: j 'eland aniifin *de by ~ ,, i ,1, — ;:..010'0 . 1 , 44136. ..- -._, ..,. kuumsqs, Li* of Wasbbvincjust , lithetead for sillk by . RANtAlf r r opiril I , I • -. TORE STORM SEEM& BLACK TEAS. t DR. ~.f: ~ :'H ~7`Rtl~S. . . „ ~ for L i#a fewnediate 'tfellirlitiOritFitar. etre af Bern" ar,rl l o l .o* • D w.gNOSCIIICIIEST4hita Retel l :eta the right of yonding and,, 11 4 .3 , W. Bond,'_ Tres! in SuhuvihillOattnty,,, TA*T2,IIII4 Juts r*ived,tlie.winttiort tithe peat. ' retieels. ; _bie Sergeant' it Phyaicianaillyhilidelphia, 4,Whicli s a radical care of this if ' le, an expectittorithat bad nearly been ,aban Jell as hopeful* .is le -1 complimbed with alma/. ihrolete ' te r:lol4 ; and wit h terfect barely. tf wards 'of I hnntiO eases treated within a P hnrt t me in ilia City Wed viiin.. Ar e are known to be inianently_ eatud s and,the patients can now dispOwe ulth ik?enk. of any instrument.' A sneers* like this : ja.untiaripletl in the annals of Surgery.. 'lbis instrument; incd' the method 01 perteciieg a radicalenrent fientia v are,nois offered to thinkyffiteted..aiith'fbis (toe, bierome complaint. He proppsca , it confidence for the_treaf... , merit of thug disease, And as meeting Beery indi cation on correct surgical principles for its radii- cal cure. The trucses heretotbre empleye i d alert ly palliate the syraptoina of-4e diatom, 414 y rarely ever effect a radical cure, and hence MISPi be continually worn by the patient, often _greatly to his apnnytince. Alter the cure by the prEitent. apparatus is effected, all inatiumentsdiaeon tinned, t This Truss, with iU aPPclulaßei4 16 A ,". be t cint at any ate. and by both seats. aillionetntericip-' . . . tion of business. ' • 1 ~ Gentlemen are referred to the following mem bers of the profession, relative. to this inetrunient and it. claims,ln effecting radical cures. Wit.t.ism Giason,;Professor of Surgety in. the': • Uoiversity 'of Pennsylvania. . ' L . GaariviLte &wit ,TavVisori, 'PrilleMor , or An atomy in the Jefferson Itleirlicaleollege. Saarezt. Jicesomi Professorhfthe Institutes of , Medicine in the university •or:Peimsylinnia. Gaoler ht'Cteradisr. Professor or t Surgety in ' the Jefferson. Medical College. • - . • Ilesae BOND. Seiretary of the Philtrithia College of PhySiciarts. r-- ' • ' , Enwnt A. Avr.rie, M.P. •. • • EDWIN P. .Avuoe, AL P. . Letters to the.ahovir named gentlemen Mitatlie free of ezperse., ' Copy of a letter From Samuel Jackson, Avers. sor of the Institut& of Medicine in the Unidifersity 4q of Penneylvaniiii : . ,?, Dot-suitßoon: I i . Dear Sir:.—From the 'uniform failure orall the-trusses I haveiseen, and - dile treatment ein ployed for-hernia • in procuring et radical cure by safe means, I had abandoned all exper:Ationof seeing this desirable objeet reached. ,I mnst con. I . fesa, that your apparatus and Method of:treating hernia, hag. I believe, accediplisted thtil ilealdr.: ' stunt, and the disease , rendered not eta/ rtian. : - ageable, bet:in the gteater portien or-cases cunt ble by the processes of art. -•; h . .., - The principle of your treatment and of the op \trstion or your apparatus is based to thttillYtiol, ogy, of the tissues. and is one of the so ur dot iii ihdoretical and prtital surgery. - '' `i , . There is nothin mpiricallo peep ' edirita, . 4 or'your instru,,,,ents. Thera& Alies . s4 heatinw, oftwell established printiple. Ofttnr 0. en tO the prieinetion'ofs specificidAint:- lin 7` I in- ' otrue6on. skill and tact are reiei4aattairt it with certainty. The instruments- atom 6 within:lL appropriate management and the iidaption of their action to the individual accords f; to thO.constitn. . tional end other peculiarities of teach &if, would prove of little utilitycorMiglit • evert *feta the In. . .-,,...., tension of the treatment. . . From the remarkable success that . hie atteett, , ed your treatment, and the &ars eillnecided cur se that have come under my own observation, giv ing the sanction of facts in support afire snientr,- fie principle, I have no heeitation'in regarding your apparatus and method Of treatment as &tat ' liehed in medical science. .With consideration and respect, truly yours, ' ' ' SAMUEL JACESOI. 7 . We have in our possession a mirribert of certie. eates of the tint respectability . relatieeteithelen* performed by this instrument, whfeli we willihow to any person desirous of satilifyipg fdinself with -re g ard to the efficacy' of the invention. . • Persons desirous of being cured of hernia ar rupture, will do well to call on the 'enbectibst before the extreme hot weather tect.s In, as the disease can be more readily cured in moderate thanin hot weather. •-, . Physicians desirous of procurinx. the . right of u-sing the above invention, can reeciVe inarma. tion or. the subject or pnrchese the right . of the subscriber, who is authorized to act as agent of patentee. may I 6 Fst.4l IL Y ME I),Y el ilr .47: MINIS medicine has-bees found ofgreit efficohy by . ji. thousands in New, Englend and ,lewheive, Tor the core of all those diiiordera called Bi one. Dieriep. sia. Ague. Costiveness. Lose of APpent ... Affection! • of the Liver, Dvsentery.Ctimmeri Bowel cotriploint: &e.. For these differentcomplaints iris recommend ed sea safe and speedy curef.l - ~. ' RECOMMENDATIONS. 3 .. C We the subscribers hoeing ,made; a free , sinSexic v „ r • Dow's FAIR .LY M sinclN4 do curd), 4 that it **eitr gentle and sure in Lis operetion* as a chthonic. an them possesses a pecohar qualify to relieve elitsteent tions in the stomach and,bpwel s ',. and in ettrinikflted humors. We behete it well'adapted, to thir.)L'Vd of the-above mentioned . diseases -: wet 'lMtiaitleire:it to 40 1 . bean excellent medicine for •Fessetted . '`a-dadoilitited or declining state, forasmuch Bork.. - knot weeken the patient (although taken Ifisit**) , bali.fiesteres . the-stomach to a proper sons. by'iMilti limk: CP* Lion and thereby aesistinn ther. •,. -, • . PETER RIPON * ""'."- , ... . _ _ . DANIEL SURROtiGHI4-' - . • - iiiiiterOfthe - Ohipel... • - • ----- ', - WILIC '1100141: - "'--- '. .JOSEP FORMAN. •' . .. . ` 'DAVID CHAPMAN. • • ' : - JONATHAN' IfACE. " - ' .. • • '. . , „ (He roe, poon.) I orratifiiiiittlw ,reyhacritiditt - tine: " .. ~certu r lifiA of recolinitainthAnilrees - " liiftribl . ,:oiof ' thelowirrOTHelirolOritiief nit ' - -_- " ' ,-.• -',. • • 1 - - "lii'VE.V Eli GILBERT. • • . •Ludi ofttieCounty court 'VEGETABLE A • • - ' 1 NTI lkleN) ,The use of them-Pills II air( us* itrevertion of epidemic. coreplajnts,aur e a,otevi iltipeVail da rts, thesentmerent thll.. - tri viti;!llilirsts FiVer... Cleilemlefirrtmeiiilitii*Dyseritery,iltwaortheie dam plaints are.chidlly- occasioned by an Weider eetre• V dais of the bile, audit driorbid:state of e ittoirtacit,- Viese pills are alse'resafiarirtapeed - ;reeives*Tor a telt and disordered,atemacti, hea d " love Afappe• tits, costiveteme.dtediess.ltingelale)titt i g ;hobs r; fever and rigneolippeptielAtirif;and de ment in thilintittionaoftfid - li---i •_. 4 • I- edtrand sold by J. , WIERREJCPER:• ; IIIarris- 1 beip,. sole proprietor efronoityliitralpirtlte*iiii.lip ' ingot - tett • t ' —l -4 1; VI ; , , , - - ,p1 , -11 . - 4 ; :,--, I ' -11sopply QOM above idloaldii-Medietne.'inst ro eei';ed ind fcitsAle,...b7 - - - ,- . - ` , 114! - "1 11 --BANSilf•Nt- - - 1. ].l‘lirilWr • ,-0,71` . 3L,' -- ,, -., ' -.. Aielitltirtholl PlOtict9r G ME 111 1 / 1 011irifil, • : 21100 fiir.ini s aad baliji:i~sli = five Is ~,..3.soo,4 t i t ilatri inch 040 . 1ar 4 - ii4 1 13/14/11.14.111% ' - Vilertititc; - Lftwftioasgtaisulo. midi" Rate '4& - ENOS CHICIIESTat,r. D. DOW'S wpa, XLUNINAN-